Symantec Brand Playbook: Version 1 March, 2007

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Version 1 March, 2007

You are connected to more than 17,000 people who

are enabling confidence in a connected world. You
are Symantec. Everything you say, every decision
you make, every action you take, builds our brand.
You are a Brand Champion. Symantec Brand Playbook

Confidence in a connected world.

“A great brand taps into emotions.
Emotions drive most, if not all, of our
decisions. A brand reaches out with a
powerful connecting experience. It’s
an emotional connecting point that
transcends the product.” — Scott Bedbury, Nike
Symantec Brand Playbook Contents

The Brand Playbook begins with a section we call Brand ONE: Brand Strategy Overview THREE: Brand Identity Guidelines
Strategy Overview. This section describes in detail our Brand Strategy 1 Overview 14
brand strategy, vision, and plan for the company. It out-
Brand Touch Points 2 Logo Usage 15
lines the key touch points for our brand and the architec-
ture that the company is using to drive brand decisions. Brand Plan 3 Tagline Usage 21

Brand Map 4 Typography 24

Then we have a section we call Creative Philosophy. This
Brand Personality 5 Color Palette 26
is less about rules and absolutes, and more about how
Brand Architecture 6
the brand feels – in essence the soul of Symantec. This
section focuses on helping to explain how Symantec FOUR: Brand Applications
should be expressed, including tone of voice, photography, TWO: Creative Philosophy Overview 27
illustration, and humor.
Overview 7 Advertising Campaign 28

The next section is called Brand Identity Guidelines, Tone of Voice 8 Advertising Elements 30
which outlines the exacting requirements of the use of Photography 9 Presentation Template 33
the logo, typography, and color.
Illustration 12 Company Boilerplate 34

Finally, we have a section we call Brand Applications, Humor 13 Naming Strategy 35

which gives direction about applying the brand to Co-Branding 36

specific applications such as PowerPoint presentations, Promotional Items 38
sponsorships, naming, email signatures, and
Email Signatures 39
corporate references.
Reference Guidelines 40
In each section, you’ll see notations to where you can Copyright Compliance 41
go online to obtain specific guideline or reference
documents. This information is also compiled on the
resources page at the back. Contacts and Resources 43

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook

Symantec Brand Playbook Overview

This document is about the Symantec Brand. It’s about who we are, what we believe, and what we stand for. It
describes our spirit, personality, values, and how we present ourselves to the world. It fulfills one of our objectives,
which is to give you the tools and confidence you need to champion our company brand.

Every day, every decision you make, strategic or tactical, local or global, is an opportunity to a make a difference
in our brand, to move it forward. You’re creating the majority of all Symantec customer touch points – what you
do affects their perception and behavior. The more we behave consistently in how we present the brand, the more
synergistic and effective our efforts will be. This playbook is a big step towards helping us to achieve our branding
objectives, please review it carefully, refer to it often, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

It’s vital that everyone in our company understands the brand strategy so that each employee becomes a Symantec
brand champion in their own right.

For inquiries please contact us at

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook

Section One:
Brand Strategy Overview

Brand Strategy

Brand Touch Points

Brand Plan

Brand Map

Brand Personality

“A great brand raises the bar – it adds

a greater sense of purpose to the
experience, whether it’s the challenge to
do your best in sports and fitness, or the
affirmation that the cup of coffee you’re
drinking really matters.”– Howard Shultz, Starbucks
Brand Strategy Overview Brand Strategy

Confidence in a connected world.

This is about the Symantec Brand Strategy. It’s about who we are, what we believe, and what we stand for. It describes
our vision, personality, differentiators, and values. It’s about how we present ourselves to the world and to each other.

Our goal is to become a global brand that is recognized as a strategic partner for business and consumers alike. Our brand
is built on every interaction an individual has with our company. It’s not only our advertising, it’s also our collateral, our
presentations, our products. It’s every touch point with our customers.

Industry leaders all have one thing in common, a strong brand. A strong brand creates more opportunities for the
company, and more value for shareholders. We must create one cohesive brand strategy that will guide the entire
company. One that allows us to define and position Symantec as a unique player in the marketplace. Today, we are
a leading infrastructure software company providing products and services that enable customers to work and
play freely in a connected world. As more interactions happen online, it’s critical that people feel confident that their
connections and interactions are safe, accessible, and trustworthy. Confidence in a connected world is the foundation
of our brand promise. We are uniquely positioned to deliver on this promise. It’s simple, when you think of Symantec,
you should think confidence. Symantec = Confidence.

Ultimately, our brand is in the hands of every employee of the company. The brand is you.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 

Brand Strategy Overview Brand Touch Points

Think about all the ways that the Symantec brand touches our customers. Each interaction is an opportunity
for Symantec to say something. The question is are we taking advantage of all of the opportunities we have
to deliver on our brand promise of confidence. Confidence is what we stand for. Everything you do either
reinforces that promise of confidence or creates a gap in the customers’ experience.

Environment Infrastructure
(lobbies, campuses, customer briefing centers) (fulfilment customer information)

Web Processes
(corporate website, blogs, advertising) (contracts, invoicing)

Advertising Employees
(TV, radio, print, online, outdoor) (phone, email, meetings,
presentations, conversations)

Partners Public Relations

(channel, alliances, third parties) (press releases, articles,
meetings, interviews)

Customer Service Internal Communications

(phone, service, online interaction) (employee communications,
websites, events, meetings)

Products /Services Human Resources

(ease-of-use, functionality, robustness) (training, hiring, recruitment, development)

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 

Brand Strategy Overview Brand Plan

Confidence in a connected world is the foundation of our brand promise. To deliver on this promise, we must
understand how we’re perceived by the market. Feedback from our customers, partners, and employees tells us
that while we are generally seen as trustworthy and delivering good products and services, we are not consistently
representing the full power of the Symantec portfolio to the world. Our external stakeholders are optimistic about our
company and see the possibility of Symantec providing a larger, more integrated value proposition to them.

Together, we must work to build a stronger, integrated brand that encompasses all of the powerful attributes that we
have across the company. A stronger brand allows us to: enter new markets faster; position Symantec as a strategic
partner; communicate our value in a more relevant way; and stand out in the competitive landscape.
Today > 18 Months > 3 years >
Symantec viewed as “piece-parts,” Symantec viewed as an integrated Symantec viewed as global brand that is strategic
overshadowed by competitive brands, portfolio, relevant, top-of-mind and vital to business and consumers. Always
not getting due consideration. consideration company. on the short list. Thought leaders, assumed
capable of more than we do.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 3

Brand Strategy Overview Brand Map

The Power of Symantec

With the rapid pace of change and
growth during the past several years, Vision People should be to able work and play freely in a connected world.
our leadership team recently worked
together to affirm the Symantec vision, Mission We enable customers to have confidence in their connected experiences — infrastructure,
mission, and values. These are the information, and interactions.
principles that guide everything we do.

Our vision and mission remain Delivering to Guidance Manage IT Risk Reduce Complexity/Simplicity
Customers We provide businesses the We help businesses assess, We offer businesses products and
unwavering. When people think of
insight, tools, and direction manage, and mitigate risks inherent in services that simplify the management
Symantec, we want them to associate IT environments: security, availability,
to proactively solve key IT of complex environments to increase
us with one clear promise: Symantec = challenges. compliance, and performance. service levels and reduce costs.
Confidence. To build on our promise, we
have to explain to customers how we We educate, alert, and advise We provide consumers essential We provide consumers integrated
deliver across our entire portfolio. We consumers about how to protection from Internet threats solutions that take the hassle out
also need to help people understand interact safely online. and data loss. of using the Internet.
what the Symantec portfolio is
comprised of and how it differs from
Unique Portfolio We offer solutions based on unique combinations of security, availability, performance, and compliance
the competitors. The values we put into
products and services to enable increased customer confidence in the connected world.
action ultimately determine our success
as professionals and as a company.
Differentiators Independence Insight
This map has been developed as a
We create innovative, high-quality solutions that We are better at applying our unparalleled
embrace all platforms without agenda or compromise. knowledge and insight about the Internet and
reference guide to help our people
infrastructure than anyone else in the world.
consistently position the company. The
words you see here have been chosen Breadth Passion
purposefully by the senior leadership We provide the best solutions possible by leveraging the Our people are driven to be the best in
team. When you are developing a diversity of our people, our capabilities, and our experiences the industry.
presentation or messaging about to serve customers and partners daily around the world.
the company, these are the specific
themes that we need everyone to use
Values Innovation Customer-driven
across the company. We will be offering
We value creativity and collaboration - they We strive to build Symantec around our
training to help the sales and marketing fuel innovation. customers first.
professionals understand how to
Action Trust
use the new company messaging We are direct, honest, and act with integrity.
We value achieving our goals, meeting
effectively. Keep in mind that this map commitments, and delivering above expectations. We treat everyone with mutual respect at
is for use internally only and is NOT for all times. We are accountable.
use with external vendors or customers.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 4

Brand Strategy Overview Brand Personality

Consider brand personality as the “voice” behind a brand’s values. Personality communicates and projects the
values through human traits. Our personality includes distinguishing and identifiable characteristics which offer
consistent, enduring, and predictable messages and perceptions to the world.

Our personality is:

Confident (Trust)
We have the assurance and poise of a leader. We are not arrogant or boastful.

Knowing (Customer-driven)
We have wisdom borne from deep experience and a strategic focus on our customer’s needs.
We are not esoteric or pedantic.

Vigilant (Action)
We are watchful and alert, constantly monitoring all that is happening in the connected world.
We are not intrusive or pushy.

Dynamic (Innovation)
We have been a market leader for 25 years and counting, constantly innovating and growing, both organically and
through acquisition. We do not overpromise and we are not reckless.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 5

Brand Strategy Overview Brand Architecture

The Symantec brand architecture describes the way we think about the relationship between the company name,
our sub-brands, and our product line names. Symantec is our Masterbrand. It represents our leadership, the breadth
of our company, and our unique identifier in the marketplace. Because of the broad markets we serve, sometimes
it’s necessary to create sub-brands that are meaningful to specific segments like the consumer market. Underneath
the Masterbrand, our products and services are given simple, straightforward descriptors so that they simultaneously
carry the promise and attributes of the Symantec brand, while making it easy for customers to understand what
they are buying.

Masterbrand: A brand name that dominates all products or services Symantec < Masterbrand

in a range or across a business. Our Masterbrand is Symantec.

Sub-brands: Separate, complementary brands that are developed

when the Masterbrand is too broad to differentiate unique benefits
< Segments
or attributes. Symantec uses sub-brand names specifically for
Business Consumer
product or service areas.

Acquired Brands: Our goal with all new acquisitions is to transfer the
brand equity of the acquired brand to the Symantec or Norton name < Sub-brands
in order to maximize momentum and presence in the marketplace.
Symantec Norton
At present, Veritas is our only acquired product brand that is
classified as a stand-alone. All other acquired product brands must
be preceded by either the Symantec or the Norton name.
< Acquired
Product Brands

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 6

Section Two:
Creative Philosophy


Tone of Voice




“A brand is a living entity – and

it is enriched or undermined
cumulatively over time, the
product of a thousand small
gestures.” Michael Eisner, CEO Disney

Creative Philosophy Section sub-head

When we create a piece of communication under the umbrella of the brand, some decisions are easy. For example,
where to place the logo, and how big it should be, what PMS colors to use, or which typeface. We know that our design
is classically modern, simple, and organized. We use a color palette that contains strong, confident, deeply saturated
colors. For all these situations we have pretty well-defined rules, but there are other choices to be made that can’t be
so clearly articulated.

What is the tone and feel of Symantec? How does it sound when we write about it? What is its visual language? When
does a photograph that wants to be confident, cross the line and become arrogant?

This section will help you navigate better through some of these tougher brand intangibles including
Tone of Voice, Photography, and Illustration style.

It is important to remember that we are the fourth largest independent software company in the world. That fact
should be reflected in everything we do and say. Customers and partners entrust us with their most important – and
fragile – asset: their information. We should always look and act like a company that is worthy of that responsibility.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 

Creative Philosophy Section
Tone of Voice

Our tone of voice is the outward expression of the Symantec brand personality and values. It’s how we engage
our customers, partners, and the world-at-large on a daily basis.

Our tone of voice affects how our audiences respond to our brand. If they like what they hear, chances are they
will perceive Symantec as a knowledgeable and confident brand and partner. If they don’t like the voice, it can
quickly turn them away from the brand. The Symantec tone of voice is one of our best communication vehicles for
establishing and maintaining a relationship based on trust.

The Symantec tone of voice should be one of quiet, understated confidence. Confidence that stems from our
unyielding focus and commitment. Confidence built on integrity. The confidence of a leader. We must always
tailor our tone and messages for a global audience. Conventions that are acceptable in the United States may be
nonexistent or inappropriate in other parts of the world.

A leader doesn’t yell to be heard. Doesn’t alarm audiences with scare tactics to get attention. And doesn’t joke nor use
sarcasm to curry favor.

Our tone of voice should be natural, informative, and crisp. It’s not overly technical, strained with specifications and
marketing jargon. Our tone of voice is pragmatic, but never dull. Our tone of voice should, above all, reflect our
passion for our customers, our mission, and our work.

For detailed information on copywriting, refer to the Editorial Guidelines.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 

Creative Philosophy Section sub-head
Photography: What works

All photography should convey the

confidence and quality that the Symantec
brand stands for.

Photography with people should capture the

character, dynamic spirit, and vitality
of each individual to help us represent
Symantec positively to our customers. We
want people that look real and authentic,
not like models. Whether we’re representing
people through portraits, showing them
in an environment, or capturing their
expressions through photos of hands, feet,
or body movements, photos should always
appear natural and believable.

Photography Checklist:
• Positive expressions (naturally pleasant and
confident, not overly happy or excited)
• Natural (not overly stylized)
• Believable (not contrived)
• Culturally/regionally appropriate
• Environment relevant to segment

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 

Creative Philosophy Section sub-head
Photography: What to avoid

When choosing photography it’s important to avoid metaphors,

clichés and negative imagery that ultimately reflects poorly on
the Symantec brand. Our photography should always be
confident, believable, dynamic, and positive. Shown on this page
are some of the more common images you’ll want to avoid.

1) People in our photography should never be shown as angry,

frustrated, or screaming at their computers. This negative
imagery is counter to our brand image.

2) Never use metaphors such a hypodermic needle as this

associates our brand with pain.
1 2 3
3) Never use metaphors such as a bug. This type of imagery
plays on fear and is not appropriate.

4) Threatening images of computers literally melting down,

on fire, or exploding are not to be used. Using scare tactics
will reflect negatively on the brand.

5) Confidence or a problem solved should never be conveyed in

an exaggerated or boastful way. These types of images are
insincere advertising clichés, therefore off-brand.

6) People should always be portrayed as positive, vital, and

4 5 6
confident; never defeated, bedraggled, or resigned.

7) Images of skull and crossbones or other toxic symbols should

never be used. We need to always stress the positive, not the

8) Threatening metaphoric images showing locks, bars, and

safes should always be avoided. These are trite clichés that
trivialize our products.

9) Confidence or peace of mind should never be shown as

caricatures of people “kicking-back.” This rings untrue and
7 8 9 is disrespectful to our audience.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 10

Creative Philosophy Section sub-head
Photography: Stock photography

How to source photography

When you need to use a stock photo, get it from a source such as Getty Images. It’s always recommended that you
select images that are “royalty-free.” This means you may use the image multiple times for multiple projects without
incurring additional fees. You don’t have to pay any additional royalties on a use-by-use basis. It’s important to keep in
mind that all royal-free image licenses are always non-exclusive, which means the image is available for anyone to use.

Usage and copyright issues

When you buy a photograph, be sure to consider all appropriate legal rights for the photos intended usage.
When you buy a stock photo, be aware there are basically two types of licenses: rights-managed (licensed on a
use-by-use basis and usually more costly) and royalty-free (one-time fee for unlimited use). Generally, because
of cost considerations it is recommended that you use royalty-free images. However, you should be aware that
the inherent risk associated with royalty-free images is that the very image you use could also show up in a
competitor’s collateral. Or worse, in the advertising of a company or product that could compromise our brand
integrity. If you are in need of photography for a piece of collateral that is high profile, it is best to consider
a custom photo shoot or purchasing exclusivity rights for the stock image (within three specific industries;
computer hardware, computer software, and computer and IT services). Never use an image from the Internet
or any other source without proper rights and usage fees; this is illegal, and Symantec could be liable for unpaid
compensation to the photographer or license owner.

Recently, Getty Images introduced a new type of license referred to as rights-ready. Rights-ready images have
no limits on quantities or territories for the duration of the image license. Rights-ready images have a usage
duration limited to 10 years. Purchasing image rights for any of four broad commercial use categories enables
the end client to use the image for any need within that category.

Coming Soon: Symantec Image Library

The Global Brand team has kicked off the Symantec Image Library project. The library will allow the marketing
teams across Symantec to share creative assets easily around the globe. Once this library is available, it will
become easier to source brand appropriate imagery for your marketing activities. Until then, please follow the
guidelines outlined in this chapter for photography.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 11

Creative Philosophy Illustration

The key idea here is that while photography is very much a part of who we are as a brand, illustration is
not. Photographs do a much, much better job of capturing the true essence of our personality. Please use
photography and not illustration in your communications.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 12

Creative Philosophy Section sub-head

While humor can be an effective way to humanize communications, it can also cut against our fundamental
message of pure confidence in a connected world. It can undermine our image as a strategic, sophisticated
partner. Therefore, it should be used with caution and great attention to brand fundamentals.

In general, follow these guidelines:

• Do not use humor to denigrate customers, partners, competitors, or Symantec
• Do not use humor that might offend the sensibilities of other cultures
• Do not use off color images or language
• Do not use sophomoric references or humor

• Do use clever, intelligent, sophisticated references and humor

• Do get the opinion of people across a variety of demographics before employing humor

Humor connects us. It puts us at ease. But remember, what’s funny to you may be, in the eyes of another, a
loaded political statement, a reason to sue, or even a gravely offensive act. So, when using humor, follow your
instincts. If you think something has the potential to offend or work against our brand, don’t use it.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 13

Section Three
Brand Identity Guidelines

Logo Usage
Tagline Usage
Color Palette

“The brand is a living animate object. As a result you

need to constantly monitor it and make certain that
it continues to be differentiated and relevant to its
constituencies.” Clay Timon, CEO, Landor Associates

Brand Identity Guidelines Overview

The Symantec Identity Guidelines explain how to consistently and effectively apply the most visual elements of the
Symantec brand. These elements are designed to convey elegance, simplicity, and sophistication, the hallmarks of the
Symantec brand. They’re how we project an image consistent with our standing as a leading technology company. As
such, their integrity is vital, and the importance of complying with these guidelines cannot be overstated.

Keep in mind, however, our brand is much more than the mechanical application of these rules. It’s no less than how
we project ourselves onto the world and how the world perceives us. It’s how we answer the phone, how we treat our
customers and how we respond to a security crisis. Confidence is not just part of a tag line. It’s a part of our culture. It’s
the feeling one gets when walking into a Symantec building. Or seeing our yellow box on the shelf. And it comes with
every solution and service we sell. The Symantec brand is an amalgam of all these things, and that’s why each of us has
a chance to make it stronger every day. Our core visual brand elements are simply meant to reinforce and extend the
power of that brand through design and communications.

Origins of our name Gary Hendrix started the company in 1982 when he was
working on a software product called Q&A that was designed to help computers
understand standard English commands. The name Symantec is a combination of
the words “syntax” and “semantics.”

Meaning behind the logo The logo is a 3-dimensional representation of two

halves coming together. It stands for balance and harmony and our commitment
to quality and wholeness, as well as our tradition of integrating diverse ideas and
solving complex problems.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 14

Brand Identity Guidelines Logo usage
Logo Usage

Symbol Name

The Symantec logo is the graphic representation of our company and brand.
It displays the Symantec symbol and name in a distinctive and proprietary
form; think of it as the official signature of Symantec on all our activities,
products, and services.
Symantec logo
When using the Symantec logo, stage it to be effective and have impact.
Maintaining proper surrounding clear space ensures that the logo isn’t The Symantec logo is the combination of two elements:
crowded by other distracting graphic elements or typography. The the Symantec symbol and the name. These two elements

minimum allowable clear space is shown in the example at right. Keep should never be separated or altered in any way.

all other text and graphic elements outside of this clear space.

Although the logo can be reproduced at a variety of sizes, 1.0 inch (25.4 mm)
or 72 pixels wide is the minimum. Anything smaller compromises legibility.

The symbol and name should never be separated. Position,

size, and color, along with the spatial and proportional
relationships of the signature elements, are predetermined ! LOGO CLEAR SPACE

The gray box surrounding the Symantec logo illustrates the

and should never be altered. required minimum clear space. As shown, clear space is based

on a unit, “x,” equal to the x-height of the letters

in the Symantec name.

1.0 in, 25.4 mm, or 72 px


The minimum size for any use of the Symantec logo

is 1.0 inch, 25.4 mm, or 72 pixels wide.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 15

Brand Identity Guidelines Section
Logo sub-head

The success of our brand efforts depends heavily on the consistent application FOUR-COLOR REPRODUCTION

This is the preferred version of the

of the Symantec logo throughout the company. Symantec logo.

Full-color reproduction of the logo is always preferred. Use it whenever possible.

For print applications, the logo should be reproduced using the four-color process
version shown in the example to the right. Always make sure you have the correct MAGENTA
digital artwork intended for four-color process printing.

Digital artwork is also available for two-color reproduction of the logo, using
Symantec Yellow and Black. Use this version on applications that will not allow BLACK

full-color printing such as stationery.

When color is unavailable, a grayscale version of the Symantec logo is an acceptable TWO-COLOR REPRODUCTION
alternative. This version is printed in black only, but retains the dimensional qualities When four-color reproduction is not

of the symbol. appropriate, the Symantec logo may be

printed using a combination of Symantec

Yellow and Black, as shown in this example.

A simplified, line-art version of the logo is also available for special uses where
the materials and/or reproduction methods will not allow a dimensional rendering
such as etching on glass. It should only be used when directed by the corporate YELLOW

branding department.

The logo is also available in optimized RGB format for screen-based uses such as
websites and videos.
15% Black fill overprints Symantec Yellow


A grayscale version of the logo may be used

when color is unavailable.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 16

Brand Identity Guidelines
Headline Logo Usage:
Section Background color

Always maintain a distinct contrast between the Symantec logo and the color of the
background on which it appears. Whenever the logo is placed
on a color background, always
Both the four- and two-color versions of the logo should appear on a white back-
ground whenever possible; however, do not place the logo in a white box on a colored
ensure the center of the symbol
is transparent and reveals the
background. When the color logo is placed on a dark background, the Symantec background color.
name is reproduced in Symantec Yellow.

The same guidelines for background colors also apply when using the grayscale
version of the logo. When the grayscale version is placed on a dark background, the Transparent

Symantec name should be white.




For two-color applications, using

Symantec the grayscale version of the logo
Background is preferred when placing the
logo on a background of 100%
Use the grayscale version when placing the
Symantec Yellow.
logo on a background of 100% Symantec Yellow.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 17

Brand Identity Guidelines Logo Usage: Background color

Using the logo on a colored background

The Symantec logo may also appear on any color backgrounds so long as
there is sufficient contrast between the logo and the background, and the
logo elements are not obscured. For both color and grayscale applications,
always ensure legibility by placing the logo in an area free of clutter or
distracting patterns.

When using the color logo, the Symantec text on a dark

background should be in Symantec Yellow and not white. !

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 18

Brand Identity Guidelines
Headline Logo Usage:
Section What to avoid

Never separate the symbol from Never re-scale logo elements Never apply effects behind the logo Never reposition logo elements
the name

Never add type elements to the logo Never re-create the name using Minion Never put the logo over a textured, Never distort or scale the logo
in violation of the clear space rules or Symantec Serif photographic, or distracting background

Always respect the logo. The examples on the following pages demonstrate some of the possible abuses of the Symantec logo;
all should be avoided.

The proper color and configuration of the logo is essential to project a consistent image across a wide variety of communica-
tions and media. Adherence to these guidelines will ensure that the logo is used consistently and legibly.

The simplest way to ensure correct reproduction of the logo is to use the approved digital artwork for all applications. Do not
alter the color, proportions, or alignments of any of the logo elements, and do not animate the logo in any way.

See more examples on the next page >

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 19

Brand Identity Guidelines
Headline Logo Usage:
Section What to avoid

Never enclose the logo in a shape Never screen-back the logo Never modify the symbol for any marketing, Never change the color of the symbol
holiday, or promotional gimmick

Bullet Points

Erat iriuredolor wisi enim

Dex duis eum dignissim
Exerci ex crisare enim

Never place the logo on a background Never show the Symantec text in white Never use the symbol as a bullet Never extrude or add perspective to the
that compromises legibility when using the 4- or 2-color logo logo as a three-dimensional object

It is important to visually demonstrate that we are One Company, One Team. To that end,
we do not allow any type of internal department or team logos. If creating a program
logo, please follow the standard design shown here.

Department logo Program logo Program logo

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 20

Brand Identity Guidelines
Headline Section Usage
Tagline sub-head

“Confidence in a connected world.” is the new corporate tagline. It was created based on extensive customer research and
is designed to clearly and succinctly communicate who Symantec is. The tagline is used in conjunction with the Symantec
logo and cannot be used on its own. Use it as much as possible on your marketing communications so that customers start
associating Symantec with Confidence. However, there may be some instances where the tagline does not fit or looks
awkward, so please use your discretion when placing the tagline. The more we use the tagline, the faster we help customers
understand the value Symantec offers them. Below are recommendations on how to use the tagline. In some instances it may
be necessary to use the tagline in different ways.
Only “C” is capitalized
Version 1
Typeface: Symantec Sans Regular, (preferred)
0 kerning
Symantec logo and tagline
Tagline text is 80% black S height of logo
sit on same baseline
Tagline size: The cap height of the “C”
in Confidence should be 80% of the “S”
height in the Symantec Logotype S height of logo
You must use a period at the Version 2
end of the tagline
The tagline should never appear on its own Symantec logo and tagline sit on same baseline
without the Symantec logo

Tagline/logo versions: S height of logo

Version 1: When possible, the ideal
placement of the tagline is to show Version 3
it to the left of the logo
Version 2: Second preference is to the right
of the logo
Version 3: Final preference is below the logo

The tagline text may be smaller or bigger in size than shown here based
on the execution. This is meant to be a guideline, not an exact rule. !
Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 21
Brand Identity Guidelines
Headline Section Usage:
Tagline sub-head
Background color

Using the logo with tagline on a color background

You may use the tagline/logo unit on a color background. In this case the tagline
should be 80% black. When logo guidelines call for the Symantec logotype to be in
Symantec Yellow, the tagline should also be in Symantec Yellow.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 22

Brand Identity Guidelines
Headline Section sub-head
Section Usage:
Approved translation

Below are the approved usages and languages for the corporate tagline in various countries.

Confidence in a connected world. Confidence in a connected world.

Confidence in a connected world.

Confidence in a connected world. Confidence in a connected world.

Confidence in a connected world. Confianza en un mundo conectado.

Confidence in a connected world. Confidence in a connected world.

Confidence in a connected world.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 23

Brand Identity Guidelines
Headline Typography
Section sub-head

Written communications are an essential tool in projecting the Symantec brand,
and consistent typography plays a significant role in achieving this goal.

With this in mind, we have developed proprietary typefaces which should be

used in all external Symantec communications.

Our primary corporate typeface is Symantec Sans, a unique and versatile sans
serif design suitable for most types of work. Our secondary corporate typeface
is Symantec Serif, a contemporary typeface specially designed to complement
Symantec Sans.



abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 Aa Regular/italic
Aa Bold/italic



abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 Aa Bold/italic

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 24

Brand Identity Guidelines Section sub-head

The various weights of Symantec Sans make it ideal for a full range of Use Symantec Sans Bold
applications such as headlines, subheads, captions, technical specifications,
for emphasized messages
charts, and tables.
Type can be reversed-out (white text on a dark background) only when being used in a

The secondary typeface, Symantec Serif, is well suited to text-heavy print headline. Avoid reversing out large amounts of text or text below 14 point.

publications, such as brochures, annual reports, and instructional manuals.

Ideally, general text, such as correspondence, should be set at 10 point on

13 point leading. Consider using other weights or italics for emphasis and
Reversed-out Type
contrast, rather than different sizes of type.
Type reversed-out correctly.

Captions and similarly small text should never be set smaller than 6 point.
Below this size, legibility becomes compromised.
Large amounts of text
Because the Symantec fonts are proprietary to Symantec and will not display below 12 point on a dark
properly when not hosted on a Symantec computer, for PowerPoint background is hard to read.
presentations, HTML emails, Web sites, or any other communication that
would sit outside the Symantec network, it is acceptable to use the Arial font. INCORRECT USAGE
Type reversed-out incorrectly.

Usage of yellow text of any

size on a white background
is illegible.

Type is illegible.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 25

Brand Identity Guidelines
Headline Color Palette
Section sub-head

Color plays a vital role in the Symantec branding strategy. Consistent use of color PRIMARY COLOR PALETTE

contributes a great deal to the successful impression of the Symantec brand on

the public mind.

Symantec Yellow has been specially formulated as a proprietary color unique

to Symantec; always use the color formulas shown here when reproducing it.
Symantec Yellow and Black are the colors used in the Symantec logo and will appear Symantec Yellow Symantec Black
across all communications as the primary colors to represent the Symantec brand.


A secondary corporate palette is also available for use in corporate presentations,
print collateral, and other materials. These colors compliment the primary
branding colors.

Symantec Yellow is a custom color with no PMS equivalent.

Please see color chart below for correct ink mixes. ! Symantec Navy
PMS 5425
Symantec Tangerine
PMS 144


Symantec Yellow (C)* 0 20 100 0 95% 012 + 5% 021 255 204 0 FFCC00

Symantec Yellow (U)** 0 12 100 0 99% 012 + 1% 021 255 204 0 FFCC00

Black 0 0 0 100 PANTONE Black 0 0 0 000000

Symantec Olive Symantec Plum
PMS 451 PMS 437
Symantec Navy 34 0 0 38 PANTONE 5425 103 139 168 678BA8

Symantec Tangerine 0 47 100 0 PANTONE 144 242 127 26 F27F1A

Symantec Gray 0 9 11 30 PANTONE Warm Gray 6 154 145 140 9A918C

Symantec Plum 38 38 43 0 PANTONE 437 127 99 119 7F6377

Symantec Olive 34 27 51 0 PANTONE 451 147 148 106 93946A

Symantec Navy Symantec Brick
PMS Warm Gray 6 PMS 1805
Symantec Brick 0 91 100 23.5 PANTONE 1805 196 18 0 C41200

* C = Coated paper ** U = Uncoated paper

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 26

Section Four
Brand Applications

Advertising Campaign Overview
Advertising Elements
Presentation Template
Company Boilerplate
Naming Strategy
Promotional Items
Email Signatures
Reference Guidelines
Copyright Compliance

“A brand for a company is like a reputation for

a person. You earn a reputation by trying to do
hard things well.” – Jeff Bezos,
Brand Applications Section sub-head

The last section in this playbook is about helping you apply different elements of the brand correctly. How we
apply the elements is equally important as the elements themselves, perhaps even more so. If done well, all the
work we do helps to deliver on the brand promise of Confidence.

There are several new elements that you’ll need to take the time to familiarize yourself with before applying them
comes naturally. There are new advertising elements to understand, a new dynamic Symantec PowerPoint
presentation template to work with, and guidelines to assist you in naming, email signatures, and co-branding
opportunities with our partners.

It’s all about creating a consistent brand experience at every customer touch point.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 27

Brand Applications Section
Campaign Overview

Our mission is to enable customers to have confidence in their connected experiences – their infrastructure, informa-
tion, and interactions. To make this mission a reality, we need to become a global brand that has real meaning for people.
Clearly, this is much more than just a marketing and advertising objective. The “Confidence” advertising campaign is just the
first step, the first external expression of this brand promise.

The Campaign
It is an indisputable fact that technology has succeeded in connecting
virtually everyone and everything. These connections, while vital
to the global economy, are also vulnerable. Security is an ongoing
issue. As are availability, complexity, and operational efficiency.
Ultimately, the world’s shared infrastructure is based on a foundation
of confidence that each connection will remain secure and available
all the time. And that’s where the Confidence campaign comes in. Its
message? Since confidence is critical in a connected world, Symantec
is critical, too. Because we have earned the business community’s
confidence with our protection expertise, leading solutions, and over
20 years’ experience keeping information safe.

The Strategy
Sizable portions of our key audiences do not understand the scope
and scale of our offerings, and many see Symantec as a “tactical”
supplier of point products. Our goal is to position Symantec as the
strategic partner with the expertise to protect the infrastructure,
information, and interactions of our digitally connected world. The
Confidence campaign establishes the full breadth and depth of our
software and services offerings, and makes clear our critical role in
keeping the connected world safe for work and play. Additionally,
for the first time, it prominently features our Veritas products and
capabilities as an integral part of the Symantec brand portfolio.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 28

Brand Applications Section sub-head
Advertising Campaign Overview: Levels

Three distinct levels of advertising will enable us to tell our complete

story. Each audience will receive a message specifically tailored to
their needs, while supporting the overall brand promise of confidence.

The Symantec vision reaches far beyond point products and plug-
and-play solutions. This level of advertising expresses our unique
point of view on current and future technologies in data management
and security, and broadens our audience perception as to Symantec
capabilities and value propositions. Brand

Target: Strategic IT and Business Decision Makers

Provides education and guidance around specific Symantec
solutions built to address our audiences’ IT and business challenges.
This layer of communication demonstrates how Symantec solutions
are essential to navigating a rapidly evolving IT landscape. The end
result is a secure, compliant, and efficient IT organization.
Target: Strategic IT and Business Decision Makers

Acknowledges and addresses the specific, daily needs of an
IT organization from storage to backup and recovery to mail
management. This level of advertising concentrates on specific,
purchase-driving features and motivating calls-to-action.
Target: Functional IT, Strategic IT, and Channel Partners

The brand campaign is designed with a practical approach in mind.

Each level of advertising builds upon one another, creating a complete
understanding of the company value proposition and portfolio. Product

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 29

Brand Applications Section sub-head
Advertising Elements

The Elements: Photography

The photography in the Confidence campaign is intended to bring emphasis
to the multiple connections within a headline. In doing so, the photography
creates a depth, scale, and criticality to the connections that Symantec
protects and optimizes.

At first glance, the images should not have an immediate relationship. They
should seem unrelated. Photographs should be visually stunning, and the
composition should be as unique as the subject. Once the headline is read,
the relationship between the photographs is not only understood, but together
the images deliver an insight that demonstrates the Symantec brand value.

The left image represents the The image on the right

Photographic choices should not be common or clichés. Avoid using technology business or IT challenge that represents the resolution of
or overused images of IT environments or personalities. This type of imagery our audiences face. This image that challenge with the help of
should visually relate to the Symantec, a Symantec solution,
is white noise to our audiences and can reflect negatively on the Symantec first line of the copy. or a Symantec product. This
brand. We are a global, dynamic brand and our photographic choices need to image should visually relate to
the last line of the copy.
reflect this.

Please do not use the photography outside the advertising

campaign unless approved by branding. We have specific
licensing rights for these photos and there are certain !
restrictions for their use.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 30

Brand Applications Advertising Elements

The Yellow Box

This is used to provide the explanation of the relationship between two images. The
box serves to draw in the reader to tell the story that brings the disparate images of
the ad together graphically. The box is always placed in the center of the execution
where it overlays two images. The yellow box should not be used on a single image.

Yellow Box:
- Centered vertically over split in photos
- The corners should be rounded, size 0.1667”
- 100% of Box Yellow is comprised of C0/M20/Y100/K0 with a radial gradient going from 0% white in
the center to 100% Box Yellow on the outside.
- In order for the "is connected to" copy to line up to the left of the gutter each time, the box size will
change depending on the length of each headline.

“is connected to” text

The “is connected to” headline right aligns to where the
The “is connected to” copy is used to create a relationship among all the seemingly photos meet
disparate and unrelated facts, events, and issues that need to be considered to solve
the presented challenge. The first line of the “is connected to” copy starts with a The connections are
business or IT challenge of the target audience, as illustrated in the first photo. A “is 100% black
connected to” headline should never use Symantec, a Symantec solution, or Symantec
product in the first line. The last line of the “is connected to” copy resolves with how
Symantec, a Symantec solution, or a Symantec product can solve the business or IT
challenge that was established at the beginning of the headline.

The “is connected to” copy:

- At least 10 point type with leading twice the point size of type (i.e., 12 point/24 leading)
- First line at left and last connection appear 100% black, subsequent benefit or resolution appears as
80% black “is connected to” copy The customer benefit
- “is connected to”: always appears 80% black is 80% black is 80% black

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 31

Brand Applications Section sub-head
Advertising Elements

Applications Outside of Advertising

The advertising elements translate well into a multimedia piece. The
photography and yellow box can be animated like the online ad banner
executions (see advertising microsite for examples). Or, since the yellow
box serves to draw in the reader to tell the story, it can also be used to
support a headline or introduce a new section or key thought of the video.
Online Banners
Environmental Banners
The purpose of Environmental Banners is to create an eye-catching
presence which piques interest without burdening the reader with a lot of
text. Examples of where these would be appropriate are outdoor light pole
banners, airports, and large lobby banners. There are two ways to create
Environmental Banners: 1) Use the existing ad and delete the bottom body
copy. Increase the size of the Symantec logo and tagline at the bottom
or, 2) Put the tagline in the yellow box and delete all other copy. Place the
Symantec logo at the top or bottom of the banner.

The advertising elements work best on collateral that is targeted at the Environmental Banners
awareness level. If you are to use the advertising elements, you must use
them consistent with the advertising campaign: two disparate photographs,
the yellow box and the “is connected to” copy. Please adhere to the
guidelines for the elements on the previous page.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 32
Brand Applications Section sub-head
Presentation Template

To reinvigorate our most important communications with our customers, we

have just completed designing the new official Symantec PowerPoint template.

This template should be used for all internal and external presentations. These
are the only presentation templates that should be used, and they should not
be altered in any way. It is important that our presentations have a consistent
look and feel to convey the image of one company and to reinforce the idea of
“Confidence in a connected world.”

There is one main template which contains a Title Slide, Content Slide, and Slide
Library. Optional Title Slide images are also available as well as an Icon Library.
All files can be downloaded from the Branding intranet site (see last page for

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 33

Brand Applications Section sub-head
Company Boilerplate

Many times in our marketing communications programs, we need copy to help position the breadth of
Symantec. You should use this specific paragraph as the closing text for any Symantec press release, brochure,
or any place when you need to describe the whole company. Our partners should also be using this standard
language in any of their marketing activities about the company.

This copy should be used exactly as written and no changes should be made to it unless otherwise approved by
Melissa Martin in Corporate PR.

Symantec is a global leader in infrastructure software, enabling businesses and consumers to

have confidence in a connected world. The company helps customers protect their infrastructure, information,
and interactions by delivering software and services that address risks to security, availability, compliance,
and performance. Headquartered in Cupertino, California, Symantec has operations in 40 countries. More
information is available at

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 34

Brand Applications Section Strategy
Naming sub-head

Symantec has an extensive portfolio of products and services, with over 200 different offerings under the corporate
brand. Symantec also continues to acquire companies, which have their own names and brands, at a rapid pace.
With a portfolio this extensive, it is a major challenge to package and communicate our offerings to customers
in ways that are clear and coherent. The names for products and services are critical communication tools, and
should be thought of as important brand assets.

In order to maximize the clarity, coherence, and value of product and service names, Symantec has developed
a corporate naming strategy. This strategy, which is detailed in comprehensive guidelines, governs the types of
names in use at Symantec, the principles of naming, the components of product and service naming, and the
process for either creating new names or assimilating acquired brands.

Why a Naming Strategy is important to Symantec:

- It reinforces the corporate brand, through ongoing acquisition and product development
- It simplifies Symantec’s complex list of products and services, by establishing common naming conventions
- It helps customers find and purchase the right products and services to meet their needs
- It enables sales teams to better understand and explain what they are selling
- It helps sales teams and customers correctly differentiate between multiple offerings
- It provides guidance on what products and services should, and should not, have new names
- It reduces the cost, time, and energy required to name new products and services

Naming guidelines and other tools, listed below, are meant to guide the efficient creation and approval of product
names, and can be found on the Branding intranet site
- A naming cheat sheet, highlighting principal dos and don’ts of naming products and services
- Comprehensive guidelines, describing the principles, components and processes of product and service naming
- A name evaluation brief, for submission to Branding, for more efficient evaluation and approval

When naming a product or service, please contact Aimée Ahiers.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 35

Brand Applications Section sub-head

Marketing jointly with our partners is one of the key ways that our customers experience Symantec.
To ensure that we are delivering a consistent Symantec message through our partners’ marketing
activities, it is critical to set out some guidelines to help manage those communications.

Clear Purpose
When forming a partnership with another company, it is important to establish the joint value
proposition that the combination is delivering to the customer. The marketing messaging must outline
what the relationship is between Symantec and the partner, and why it is delivering something unique
to meet the customer need. It also must be clear that the communication, whether in copy or design, is
coming from the partner and not from Symantec. We need to ensure that Symantec is protected from
inappropriate material or inadvertent promises made so that Symantec is not liable for our partners’

Equal Positioning
The way we position Symantec both in copy and in logo placement sets the tone for the partnership. Our
logos must be of the same size or smaller than the partners. The amount of copy describing both companies
should also be of equal length.

Identity Guidelines
The Symantec Identity Guidelines outlined in Section Three of this playbook must be followed when doing
any marketing activities with our partners. Please use the approved company boilerplate text on page 34
for any written communications positioning the company.

General Communications
Any co-branded communication that is not created or owned by Symantec should be designed in a way that
makes it clear to the reader that the communication is owned by the partner and not Symantec.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 36

Brand Applications Co-Branding

License Agreements
To protect Symantec, a logo license agreement must be put in place and signed with the partner before
proceeding with any co-branding plans. To initiate an agreement, or to confirm that one has been put in
place, contact the Legal department. You can also obtain a logo license agreement from the Legal team.

Website or Online Communications:

Any co-branded website hosted by a partner or online communication originating from a partner should be
designed in a way that makes it clear to visitors that the website is owned and hosted by the partner, or that
the communication is coming from the partner, and not Symantec. The content in these communications
cannot originate from Symantec servers or IP addresses. Partner websites and online communications may
not incorporate Symantec web design elements such as navigation bars, graphic designs, footers, etc., so
that visitors are clear they are NOT at a Symantec website, but a partner’s website. Each of the pages of
co-branded online communication must also include the following information:
- The partner’s terms of use for the co-branded site – not the Symantec term of use
- The partner’s online privacy policy – not the Symantec privacy policy
- The partner’s contact information

For questions, please contact Marie Noto in Americas Legal; Sandra Hergenroether in EMEA Legal;
Gerard Chan in APJ Legal.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 37

Brand Applications Section sub-head
Promotional Items

This policy has been put in place to ensure the consistent branding of Symantec with regard to promotional items. It is
intended as a guideline for all employees to follow. It is the goal of Symantec to invoke confidence in our customers. To that
end, our branding strategy focuses on sophistication, elegance, and high quality. The promotional items we choose must
fit within that strategy.

Before developing any promotional or giveaway item, it’s important as a shareholder in this company to evaluate whether
this money is well spent. These items should only be developed if they will be used for an external customer-facing event
where the giveaway will drive real business value. Spending money on internal promotional items can be a waste of
valuable company resources.

Our brand must always remain above reproach. Indiscriminately placing the Symantec logo on promotional items without
careful consideration devalues the brand. To ensure item selection and logo application is appropriate, follow the criteria
listed below:

The Criteria
- It must promote the Symantec brand within a relevant business context
- It must be a high-quality item in terms of material, craftsmanship, etc.
- It must exceed a threshold level of sophistication
- It must display the Symantec logo legibly
- It must not be a food item
- It must not be a disposable item, such as napkins, wrappers, etc.

All promotional items must be purchased through the Symantec preferred vendor Made To Order or CCO.
For questions, please contact Jayne McMahan in Americas Procurement; Dan Call in EMEA Procurement;
Rie Miyakoshi in APJ Procurement.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 38

Brand Applications Section
Email Signatures

These guidelines have been put in place to ensure the consistent branding of Symantec with regard to email signatures. It
is intended for all employees to follow. The goal is to keep emails as small as possible (in KB size), and have a consistent
branded signature. This will communicate to the outside world that we are One Company, One Team.
The rule of thumb is: if it doesn’t go on our corporate business cards, it doesn’t go on your email signature.

- Your first and last name should be in Arial Bold 12 point Arial Bold 12 pt. Jane Smith
- Remainder of type is Arial Regular 12 point Group Manager
- All type must be at 100% Black Executive Communications
- The only approved image to be used in the email signature is the Symantec Corporation
Symantec logo – no other graphics or images are to be used Arial Reg. 12 pt.

How to create your signature in Outlook Office: (408) 500-8000

Your Outlook application has its own signature generator built in to it. Mobile: (408) 807-9000
Simply follow these steps to create your signature:
May add additional contact info here.
- Click “Options” on the Outlook Tools menu
- Click on the Mail Format tab, look under “Signatures”
- Click the Signatures button – from there you can create a new
signature, or edit an existing one
Arial Reg. 10 pt. Confidence in a connected world.
Do not use personal messages, quotes, event
information, or any other text or graphics in the email
signature. The only allowed text is the corporate tagline
“Confidence in a connected world.” The only allowed
graphic is the Symantec logo.

Insert the Symantec logo

- Download the Symantec logo file from the Email Signature page on the Branding intranet site.
- The jpg file must be placed in the following directory by the user for the signature to work:
\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Microsoft\Signatures
Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 39
Brand Applications Section sub-head
Reference Guidelines

The Symantec brand is a valuable asset that other companies may want to exploit. We are responsible for protecting
the Symantec brand from unauthorized and inappropriate use.

Due to the high volume of requests we receive, Symantec has a fairly strict policy regarding participation in reference
activities. We do not typically participate in success stories or press releases for our vendors. If we have the approval of
our internal stakeholder (senior director-level and above), a vendor may list Symantec as a customer on their website.

Employee stakeholders can also be a peer-to-peer reference for vendors (talking to their potential customers), if
they choose. Employees who are not designated Symantec spokespeople are not permitted to speak with media or
analysts on behalf of vendors or Symantec.

In some cases, if executives have deemed the relationship as highly strategic to the company, we may engage in some
form of reference activity, but this is rare and requires executive-level support.

Contact Gina Sheibley in Corporate Communications for approval.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 40

Brand Applications Copyright Compliance

Respect for Third Party Intellectual Property

Symantec has very specific rules to protect our copyrights, trademarks and other intellectual property. We go to great
lengths to make sure that when our partners reference Symantec, or use any of our intellectual property, that they
represent us in an appropriate manner.

It is vital that we do the same for others. We must treat other company’s copyrighted material (e.g. videos, music,
photographs, computer programs, and other written materials) and trademarks (e.g. logos, product names, slogans)
with care. Here are some guidelines about when and how to use others’ copyrighted material and trademarks and how
to make sure that we keep our marketing activities above reproach.

A copyright protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as
poetry, novels, movies, songs, and computer software. Copyright protection is afforded automatically after the work
of authorship is created—a copyright registration is not necessary for protection. Accordingly, works that appear to be
free or in the public domain, such as videos, music, images, and written materials that are available on the internet,
are not necessarily available for use without permission from the owner.

Please ensure that you do not incorporate a third party’s copyrighted material in any internal or external
presentations, videos, marketing programs, and sales/marketing contests without permission from the third party.
The fair use doctrine provides only a narrow exception allowing use of limited portions of copyrighted materials for
purposes of commentary, criticism, news reporting, and scholarly reports, generally not for commercial purposes.
Whether a particular use qualifies as fair use depends on all circumstances, so please check first with Legal.

A trademark is any word, logo, phrase, slogan, or symbol that identifies the source of goods or services. Before
Symantec begins to use a new word, etc. for any product, option, feature, technology, or service, Legal must conduct
a clearance search to be sure that the new word, etc. does not infringe someone else’s trademark rights.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 41

Brand Applications Copyright Compliance

You should not use a third party’s logo without permission in any external facing marketing or advertising collateral.
Although it is permissible to use a third party’s trademark to identify that party’s product or service, you should not
(1) use more of the mark than is absolutely necessary to identify the product or service and (2) use the mark in a
manner that would suggest the sponsorship or endorsement of the third party trademark owner. Use of a third party’s
logo generally would be considered use of a trademark that is more than absolutely necessary—use of the word mark
without the design/logo element is usually sufficient—and might imply sponsorship or endorsement by the third party.

If you have any questions about how to use another company’s trademarks or copyrighted material appropriately,
please contact Scott Minden in the Legal Department.

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 42

Symantec Brand Playbook Section sub-head
Contacts and Resources

That’s it, the Symantec Brand Playbook. Thanks for looking. We hope you’ve found it interesting, illuminating
and useful. The fact that we’re calling this a playbook is no accident, we have intended this to be an important
reference tool in helping you to build the Symantec brand and success.

Several resource documents exist to help you get even more specific detail than what was covered in this playbook.

Please visit the Branding intranet site – it has useful tools to keep you on-brand and is always being updated. You
can find the site by going to SymInfo, looking in the upper right corner for the Departments tab, and clicking on the
Branding link.

- Branding:
- Naming: Aimée Ahiers
- Legal: Trademarks/Copyrights – Scott Minden
- Legal: Marketing/Co-branding
- Americas: Marie Noto
- EMEA: Sandra Hergenroether
- APJ: Gerard Chan
- Corporate Communications: References – Gina Sheibley
- Corporate PR: Boilerplate – Melissa Martin
- Procurement:
- Americas: Jayne McMahan
- EMEA: Dan Call
- APJ: Rie Miyakoshi

Our brand is a dynamic, living, evolving thing, as such, we are constantly thinking about how we can improve
not only the brand, but the tools we use like this playbook. If you have any suggestions, comments, or need help,
please contact us at

Version 1 March, 2007 Symantec Brand Playbook 43

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