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Feudal world, worta like dark ages earth, but a bit hotter, less water, larger.

Common squads
Reconnaissance Regiment
Siege Infantry
Line Infantry Regiment
Light Infantry Regiment
Close Assault Regiment
Rough Rider Regiment

Zealous, ragtag, cobbled together militia, wanting to rage an eternal war on all daemons. Think
of space marines as demigods, what normal citizens think of the primarchs.

Good at scavenging battlefields, using whatever is given to them to fight, and ripping waves of
demons with waves of melee troops.

Aggressive, incompetent, primitive, superstitious, ragtag, poorly provisioned, and barely trained.

Center eastern planet, cut off from humanity by warp storms until a space marine ship landed
years aflter, told the inhabitants of the emporer and their gib, gave them weapons and flak
armor, and told them to crusade. A mix of dark age soldiers and old imperial guard equipment,
with large swaths of expendable, zealous soldiers to drown the enemy in blades and holy might.
Large causaltys supplemented by large population and quick birth cycles.entire regiment lead at
the top by planetary baron Reyanalda Esteramonto.

Main units: crusaders, veterans, conscripts, infantry soldiers, ministorum priests, ogryns,
command squads, platoon commanders, commissars

Company commander and lord commissar as hq

1 or 3 basilisks

Idea- chaotic neutral strange shadarkai, weird, wears plague doctor mask, idk class, monk
ranger or cleric or warlock or sorcerer

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