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ON Bayern AG, Regensburg, Germany


Description: E.ON Bayern AG, Intergraph Tools Enable E.ON Bayern to Import Vectorized Network Data
headquarted in Regensburg, is one of into Geospatial System
the largest regional utility providers in
Bavaria, Germany. It was created in
2001 following the merger of several Delivering reliable power is the primary goal of any utility company. The ability to
regional utility companies. Its supply respond quickly and efficiently to an outage is crucial. Formed with the merger of
network covers an area of more than several regional utility companies, E.ON Bayern faced the challenge of manag-
54,000-square kilometers, and includes ing more than 175,000 kilometers of power lines and cables. The German utility
the Bavarian regions of Upper and
needed to import data from six legacy systems to ensure standardized access to
Lower Franconia, Upper Palatinate, and
Lower and Upper Bavaria. E.ON Bayern network data across the company. A unified database was essential for more ef-
is a subsidiary of E.ON Energie in ficient asset management. E.ON Bayern also wanted to raise the quality of network
Munich. It is the world’s largest investor- data by converting all data to a vector format. This would improve productivity for
owned energy providers. more than 1,400 users across the enterprise, providing easy access to cable sec-
Revenue: $2.3 billion (Euro) tion data, links to network resources, and more.

Employees: 3,000
Industry: Utilities
• Optimize network management with a central database
Country: Germany • Digitize raster data toward creating intelligent vector data
• Improve efficiency of asset management
Products Used
• Support technical workflows, such as new design, maintenance, and
• G/Technology product suite
SAP integration


E.ON Bayern uses geospatial infrastructure asset management solutions from
• Standardized access to data across
Intergraph® to migrate network data from the legacy systems. Three of the legacy
the company
systems had intelligent data (vector, attributes, connectivity), while the others con-
• Increased transparency and faster
analyses with vector network data sisted of scanned raster data.

• Automated process accelerates work- Intergraph’s geospatial infrastructure asset management solution provides many
flow and reduces errors sophisticated functions, such as traces, queries, reports, and a seamless workflow
to the field. E.ON Bayern started a data capture project to gather intelligent data from
all areas, including those where only raster data was available. To ensure high-quality
data, the utility requires outside data capture companies to use the Integraph solution
instead of a computer-aided design system. Intergraph provided the tools the com-
panies needed to capture the data they would send back to E.ON Bayern.
In addition, Intergraph provided quality assurance tools to check monitoring, and compiling statistics to network calculations and
the captured data against the rulebase immediately and ensure providing information all activities we must manage in-house in
all data are correct. relation to the electricity supply network,” says Obermaier.

Today, field and office workers at each of the utility’s 19 net- MOVING FORWARD
work centers use the solution to input data changes and obtain The data capture project is scheduled to last five years and will
information about the power infrastructure. With its successful give E.ON Bayern intelligent geospatial data for its entire service
history with Intergraph solutions, E.ON Bayern expanded the area, allowing the utility to run all reports and queries against the
partnership and is using Intergraph software to digitize its vast unified and centralized database.
network of power lines and cables. The utility wants to use the
Intergraph’s geospatial solutions streamlines data access,
digitally mapped data to convert its entire network to intelligent
speeds decision-support companywide, and reduces oper-
vector data by 2013.
ating costs. More importantly, it effectively manages E.ON
Intergraph’s open architecture facilitates the seamless import Bayern’s delivery network, which serves more than two million
and export of data into a central database. Hybrid data, such customers. The scalability, open architecture, and mobile ca-
as scanned analog maps and plans, are vectorized and pro- pabilities of Intergraph solutions will allow the utility to take its
cessed seamlessly into E.ON Bayern’s geospatial management use of geospatial data to a new level and continue to innovate
system. For areas that still require mapping, the Intergraph for future success.
solution supplies data to service providers, who can then map
the data in a consistent format across the utility. Users can view
the data in real-time digitally, ensure elements do not overlap,
and confirm parallel network components are displayed prop-
erly. An automatic quality control process verifies data accuracy
and enables contractors or E.ON Bayern personnel to detect
errors and conduct tests for specific areas. For example, a user
can verify a house power line connects to the correct cable in
the right street. Intergraph’s testing tools ensures the highest
level of quality during the mapping process. In addition, the
utility can import new individual data records in a few seconds,
without having to interrupt workflows. This process will allow the
scheduled five-year time frame for the digital mapping project to
remain on track without restricting productivity.

The unified structure of the data provides numerous benefits,

according to Peter Obermaier of E.ON Bayern. “Presenting data
in a intelligent vector-oriented format facilitates a whole range
of tasks, from network planning and maintenance, network

Intergraph is the leading global provider of engineering and geospatial PP&M provides enterprise engineering software for the design, construc-
software that enables customers to visualize complex data. Businesses tion, and operation of plants, ships, and offshore facilities. Intergraph SG&I
and governments in more than 60 countries rely on Intergraph’s industry- provides geospatially powered solutions to the defense and intelligence,
specific software to organize vast amounts of data into understandable public safety and security, government, transportation, photogrammetry,
visual representations and actionable intelligence. Intergraph’s software and utilities, and communications industries.
services empower customers to build and operate more efficient plants
For more information, visit
and ships, create intelligent maps, and protect critical infrastructure and
millions of people around the world.

Intergraph operates through two divisions: Process, Power & Marine

(PP&M) and Security, Government & Infrastructure (SG&I). Intergraph

Intergraph and the Intergraph logo are registered trademarks of Intergraph Corporation. Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners. ©2010 Intergraph Corporation. 03/10 UAC-US-0027A-ENG

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