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New, Similar Experiments Dramatically Achieve Rainer Plaga

Suggestion To Prove Parallel Universes
In 1997, physicist Rainer Plaga wrote a paper suggesting an experiment to prove parallel
universes exist. It was never tried. Marshall Barnes has now executed his own specific tests in
Grandview Heights, OH, that achieve the same, incredible goal.

Rachel RetroWorldality test photo of "laser spot from nowhere" (far right side)

YELLOW SPRINGS, Ohio - March 1, 2017 - PRLog -- Research and development engineer,
Marshall Barnes', laser experiments to test a different version
of so-called retrocausality, are simultaneously proving parallel universes can be contacted. The
results are consistent across two different but related experiments. Not only that, but Marshall
extends the many-worlds interpretation into direct relationship with John A. Wheeler's
participatory universe model, and shrugs off all interpretations of the behavior of particles on a
quantum level, that result in retrocausality, as being a result of these particles "knowing" what
they're doing. Instead, Marshall argues it's the universe or "omniverse" behind the results observed
Spread the Word: as part of the participatory function Wheeler had posited.

In Marshall's experiment, various laser pulses are fired toward a 2 way mirror
acting as a beam splitter, sending the reflection beam toward a side wall detection area, and the
beam that continues, called the transmission beam, encounters a fan. The fan acts as a high speed
shutter, blocking some of the pulses and allows others to continue, hitting the back wall. A laptop
video camera captures all action, making it possible to see results, frame by frame. However, there
are times when no laser is on and clearly, a laser spot is seen on the side wall as if it had been
reflected there.

This is a first time ever, historic achievement, originally reported in his paper, Retrocausality,
Wheeler, Delayed Choice, and Simulation Theory Reinterpreted (see
30445299/Retrocausality_Wheeler_... ) which upon further review, is simultaneously related with
a number of experiments that were not so long ago in the news.

According to a 2006 MSNBC article by Alan Boyle, Time-travel physics seems stranger than
science fiction, Columbia physicist Brian Greene, described exactly the time travel scenario
Marshall's experiment exhibits. "Causality can be changed, sending the universe down different
forks in the road. You could go back and shoot your father, creating a universe where you were
never born. But it wouldn't be the same universe you came from. You'd just be an alien visitor
from a different reality, living out a scenario that's called the "many-worlds interpretation."

A 1995 article for New Scientist magazine, Talking to the World Next Door, by physicist, John
Gribbin, discusses a proposed plan by German astrophysicist Rainer Plaga to detect a parallel
universe, a goal directly related to Marshall's successful experiments.

"Plaga suggests an experiment in which...if the photon is detected, a laser pulse would
automatically be fired into an ion stored in a magnetic trap. This will excite the ion into an
energetic state. So an experimenter who finds the ion to be excited even though no photon has been
detected will know that this is because the laser beam was triggered in the world next door."

Marshall (see ) explains, "In a similar fashion, a laser

pulse that isn't reflected by the 2 way mirror and just barely goes through the fan, suffers the
classic 'which way path' change, striking the detection wall area for the reflected beams. That act
signifies the universe has split, with the laser point on the wall in the new universe when there is
no source laser for it. With the whole affair on film, that settles it."

It's said Plaga's test would mean energy transfer is possible between parallel worlds because there
is no violation of the conservation of energy, which remains conserved for the whole universe and
not required for single parallel branches. Marshall's filmed experiment shows a clear indication of
energy transferring from a parallel world, like Plaga's proposal, which would pass just enough
information between the two worlds to confirm their parallel existence and nothing more.

According to a 2016 MSNBC article by Boyle, an attempt by physicist John G. Cramer to "flip a
switch that would have an effect not only on photons going through a complicated set-up of lasers
and mirrors, but also on entangled photons that had gone through the set-up about 50 microseconds
earlier." failed to prove sending messages to the past through quantum non-locality was possible.

But, according to Boyle, "conceptually, the effect would be a little like sending Marty McFly back
in time to make sure his mom married his dad in 'Back to the Future'." Marshall immediately sees

"That is so similar to the portion of my paper stating, 'In my test, the laser point appears from
nowhere, having tunneled from the past but into the future where it strikes the wall as it would had
it been part of the initial reflection beam, but the film proves that it was not. That past is clear,
however...the present that follows has a new past because that laser did show up, but we know the
original is still preserved in the original universe where the photon didn't show up out of

"In doing the research for Paradox Lost, (see

public-edition) my 2013 special report to select members of Congress, on time travel, I reconciled
the one last aspect no one else had dealt with - how time travel to the past in a parallel universe is
possible when you weren't there to begin with. Marrying Wheeler's participatory universe model to
the many-worlds theory, made it all work seamlessly and my Rachel and Emily RetroWorldality
tests prove it. This is how reality works, for real".

Proof of Parallel Universes…

Jake Shisler

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Listed Under-
Tags : Parallel Universes, Time-travel, Retrocausality
Industry : Science
Location : Yellow Springs - Ohio - United States
Subject : Reports

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Page Updated Last on: Mar 03, 2017


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