Unti 6

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I think that when animals and humans are in contact with each other long enough, they can


My sister is very fond of dogs, often plays with them. I think some people have feelings of closeness to
their animals because some animals are so approachable, they're cute, and most importantly, I think
some people consider them friends.



- gentle / good-natured

-low-maintenance easy to care for and inexpensive to keep

-Ioyal / devoted : attentive to its owner; reliable

- protective : good at protecting its owner from danger

- high-strung / excitable: nervous; easily frightened

- costly:expensive to buy and to take care of

- destructive:harmful to furniture and other things

- filthy : unclean; makes a mess

- high-maintenance : time-consuming to take care of

-aggressive: hard to control; possibly dangerous

-nhiều người

-vui tươi

- hiền lành / tốt bụng

- bảo trì thấp dễ chăm sóc và bảo quản không tốn kém

-Trung thành / tận tâm: chu đáo với chủ nhân của nó; đáng tin cậy

- bảo vệ: tốt trong việc bảo vệ chủ nhân của nó khỏi nguy hiểm

- high-strung / kích thích: hồi hộp; dễ dàng sợ hãi

- tốn kém: tốn kém để mua và chăm sóc

- phá hoại: có hại cho đồ đạc và những thứ khác

- filthy: ô uế; làm cho một mớ hỗn độn

- bảo trì cao: tốn nhiều thời gian để chăm sóc

-sao phạm: khó kiểm soát; có thể nguy hiểm

a pride of lions
a swarm of bees
a colony of ants

1. mention the movement of animals from one region to another?

2. mention the movement of people from one region to another?

3. give an example of how slowly the population of a species may grow?

4. describe people's reaction to the small remaining population of a species?

5. explain how one species in an environment can affect others?

6. state how many species are in danger of disappearing right now?

7. describe how the buffalo were seen by European sellers?

When all the animals go extinct, it will be humans' turn.

Some species will go extinct, but some new ones will appear

. That's what will happen in the future if people don't take immediate action to protect animals, there
will only be humans left alone in this world.

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