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Towards Better Scientific Communication in Urban Climate

Article  in  Theoretical and Applied Climatology · February 2006

DOI: 10.1007/s00704-005-0153-0


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1 author:

T. R. Oke
University of British Columbia - Vancouver


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Theor. Appl. Climatol. 84, 179–190 (2006)
DOI 10.1007/s00704-005-0153-0

Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Towards better scientific communication in urban climate

T. R. Oke

With 2 Figures

Received August 26, 2004; revised February 14, 2005; accepted March 3, 2005
Published online June 27, 2005 # Springer-Verlag 2005

Summary 1. The urban climate field

Better communication both within the field of urban cli- The study of urban climates is relatively young
mate and between urban climate and cognate fields is (for a short history see Kratzer, 1937; Yoshino,
necessary to both bind the subject internally and to more
1975; Landsberg, 1981; Arnfield, 2003). The first
effectively move it into interdisciplinary interaction. A
brief statement of the wide diversity of the field and its study was undertaken less than two hundred
several modes of study and application leads to the view years ago and it has been a recognized subfield
that it would be beneficial to consider adopting aids to for probably less than eighty years. The field is
increase dialogue. This includes standardization of sym- concerned with interactions between the atmo-
bols, terminology and indices, classification of phenomena, sphere and human settlements. It includes the
a protocol to generalize site description, adoption of
principles of experimental design and the use of dimen-
impact of the atmosphere upon the people, infra-
sional analysis and normalization to aid the transferability structure and actvities in villages, towns and
of results. cities as well as the effects of those places upon
The focus of this paper is how to facilitate scientific inter- the atmosphere. Here, for convenience, the term
action between participants within the field of urban climate, urban climate is used as an omnibus term to
including both those who study its mechanisms and effects
include the study of meteorological processes,
and those who apply such knowledge to the improvement of
human settlements. As a by-product it may also assist com- atmospheric phenomena and the longer term
munication between urban climatologists and workers in amalgam expression of these as climates in areas
cognate fields as well as those we wish to entrain in the that have undergone urban development. It is
fields of policy development and environmental manage- simply a convenient contraction of the phrase
ment. Section 1 explains the nature of the urban climate field urban meteorology and climatology.
and its practitioners, especially the diversity of scholarly
disciplines, the range of topics studied and the motivations
The range of disciplines that different urban
for doing so. Section 2 describes the sequence of investi- climatologists call their ‘home’ is remarkably
gative modes associated with achieving coherent understand- large. It includes meteorology, climatology, phys-
ing and intelligent application of urban climate. Section 3 ics, geophysics, geography, biology, ecology,
attempts to outline some essential elements which might environmental science, hydrology, engineering
promote discourse between these modes such as the use of
(civil, mechanical and chemical), building and
a common set of symbols and terminology and ways of
expressing results so as to standardize variables and thereby landscape architecture, building science, town
assist comparison and transferability of results. planning, social science and medicine. Hence
180 T. R. Oke

the community spans most of the natural, social

and applied sciences.
Individual scientists come to urban climate
with their own curiosities about the fundamental
physics, chemistry or biology of urban atmo-
spheres or the wish to apply existing knowledge
to questions of building better houses, neigh-
bourhoods and cities that are efficient, safe,
healthy and frugal with resources such as water
and energy. Some are professional practitioners
charged with forecasting severe weather, floods,
heat waves or air quality, or the management and
engineering issues arising from potentially harm-
ful winds or stormwater or the design of appro-
priate buildings and other structures for urban
living. Yet others are teachers who seek to relate
the nature of urban environments to their stu-
dents for many purposes. Fig. 1. Time and space scales involved in urban climate
The field also deals with a wide range of phenomena. Examples of some motion phenomena: 1 –
temporal and spatial scales. Time scales extend mechanical eddies shed by obstacles; 2 – cross-canyon
from parts of a second as in small scale turbulent vortex; 3 – individual building wake; 4 – chimney stack
fluctuations, to centuries, as in the long-term plume; 5 – urban park breeze circulation; 6 – urban-rural
breeze system; 7 – uplift in city ‘plume’. Similar sets of
climatic changes over a city’s life history. Space envelopes can be constructed to describe thermal, humid-
scales range from millimetres in fine turbu- ity and other atmospheric phenomena. Long-term urban
lent eddies, to thousands of kilometres in the climate effects identifiable in historical records extend
extent of the pollutant plume from a megalopo- into macro time scales. It is not clear whether these
litan region. Some example urban climate phe- ‘phenomena’ have lifetimes in the same sense as those
nomena are sketched on a standard Time:Space included here
grid in Fig. 1. The main focus of work is on
micro-, local and meso scales encompassing Another way to view the scope of the subject
interactions between weather and climate and is to view it in terms of the modes of investiga-
buildings up to whole city regions, but larger tion or practice employed by those involved in
influences such as the synoptic and macroscale urban climate:
are also involved. Further, every city is unique
* Conceptualization
with respect to its geographical location and
* Theorization
setting, cultural history and architectural expres-
* Field observation
sion. This diversity, that makes travel so interest-
* Modelling (statistical, scale and numerical)
ing, makes urban climate comparison especially
* Validation of models
* Application in urban design and planning
As if these dimensions are not enough diver-
* Impact assessment (post-implementation)
sity, the field is also intimately connected with
* Policy development and modification
the application of urban climate knowledge in
building and urban design, construction and plan- Ones initial take on this list suggests it is orga-
ning, the development of policy and urban envi- nized in a linear fashion, like a chain, even a
ronmental management geared to the goal of chronology of the field. In general, the first four
creating more sustainable settlements. These modes are well represented in modern urban cli-
aspects require a meaningful interface between mate work (see Grimmond, 2006; Masson, 2006;
the natural and engineering sciences and the Kanda, 2006 in this volume). Validation of mod-
social sciences, humanities and fine arts and pro- els although of prime importance, is less well
fessions such as law, medicine, forestry . . . the developed (see Masson, 2006). Without it models
list goes on. are of dubious merit and can not be used with
Towards better scientific communication in urban climate 181

confidence to simulate the outcome of develop- research groups and their students can find a
ment scenarios. Many lament the relatively slight critical mass of like devotees who ‘validate’ their
use of urban climate knowledge and tools (like worth largely within that small community.
models) by the design and planning professions, Examples might be measurement specialists
i.e. application. But, just as more validation of who use an expensive instrument-based techni-
models is needed, there is need to assess care- que that makes it rare, or numerical modellers
fully the outcome of applied urban climate mea- who use very complex codes requiring unusually
sures in design and planning (Mills, 2006) and large computer capacity or speed, or theoreti-
forecasting (Best, 2006). It is difficult to find cians for whom the only meaningful language
examples to illustrate the positive or negative is highly mathematical. Each may be making sig-
impact (in climatic, economic or other terms) nificant advances in their self-defined realm but
of designs inspired or informed by urban climate the potential of realizing new insight or catalytic
input. Ideally such assessments should form enhancement of the work of cognate colleagues
the basis of policy directives and management and the larger subject field is lost.
plans to move towards more sustainable practices Twenty years ago I wrote about the problem
in the ongoing development and operation of of lack of communication (Oke, 1984) especially
settlements. in relation to the lack of applied urban climate.
I argued the need for the science part of urban
climate to focus on achieving predictive power.
2. Communication in urban climate
That in turn required greater methodological
A fully healthy field should, however, not act as a rigour, attention to seeking general relations
chain but foster interaction between as many rather than case studies and greater emphasis
parts of the field as possible. There has to be, on process studies and numerical modelling.
crosstalk between the eight investigative modes For the applied part of the subject, in the absence
for the field to function well. For example, mod- of predictive power at that time, I suggested the
elling and observing groups need to work need to draw up common procedures to process
together to facilitate validation, this is a two- data, assess sites, and make reasoned, uncompli-
way street: not only are measurements gathered cated solutions to the design and planning needs
and shared but also the experimental design of of communities in different climate zones. In
the field operations are geared to the information particular I noted the ill preparedness of the field
needed by the models – the two are not always to respond to the fast-growing needs of cities in
compatible. By the same token the modelling and the tropical world. An assessment at the start of
application groups need to ensure that models the twenty-first century, would attest that the
deal with useful scales and variables, that input science-oriented part has made significant pro-
requirements are not too onerous and that models gress in advancing predictive power, general
can be implemented by non-specialist users. All relations are emerging, our knowledge of pro-
three groups must interact effectively if impact cesses is much better and modelling has grown
assessment is to be successful and they in turn remarkably (e.g. Arnfield, 2003). Progress in the
have to work with socio-economic teams to con- area of applications and advancing the tropical
struct cost-benefit analyses and make policy imperative is less impressive, but still good
recommendations of relevance to decision- (Klysik et al., 2004; Jauregui, 2000). What is
makers. needed now, while the science continues, is
If this multi-player system is to be effective increased attention to the last four modes of
there must be good communication across investigation listed above (validation, applica-
disciplinary boundaries. Indeed even within tion, assessment and policy).
apparently relatively close fields there are imped- Given the diversity of urban climate itself, its
iments to exchange, ‘solitudes’ tend to develop – community and its connections to urban environ-
groups who share a philosophy, background ments and their management it seems a good
training, technique, literature or jargon and idea to maintain as common a language as
don’t talk much with those nearby. With the possible. This should aid the ease, and improve
increasing tendency to specialize this means the accuracy, of discourse. In broad terms what
182 T. R. Oke

I mean is a reasonably common set of sym- hence it is unlikely my views are universally held.
bols, terms, concepts, and ways of designing Therefore these examples are not forwarded for
‘experiments’, and standardizing the presentation adoption, but to stimulate discussion and better
of results so that comparison and transferability suggestions that can attract wide acceptance.
between members of the community and their
user groups is eased, regardless of their field or
geographical locale. 3.1 Standardization
3.1.1 Symbols, abbreviations
3. Aids to improve communication There is no agreed list of symbols in the atmo-
and transferability spheric sciences. It seems likely that this will not
Until the recent advent of the International Asso- change given the wide range of fields and vari-
ciation for Urban Climate (IAUC) the field of ables and modes of analysis. It might, however,
urban climate, with its many dimensions of diver- be considered whether it is useful for our fields to
sity, has had no central organizing body or jour- settle on a recommended set for some common
nal, and it has grown organically from many variables in urban climate.
perspectives and traditions. I argue that it is now
time to consider the merits of a degree of standard- 3.1.2 Scales, layers and surfaces
ization. The following section outlines some of Recognition of scale differences in cities is a
the ways this might be accomplished. It may well central key to the design of meaningful field,
be difficult to achieve unanimity on some of these laboratory or computer studies and also to create
topics, but if the outcome is improved commu- valid conceptualizations, models or interpretations
nication across the fields, disciplines and cultural of data. Table 1 and Fig. 1 provide a basis for dis-
breadth of urban climate it is worth considering. cussion of the scales and layers involved. It would
In itself the exercise of seeking agreement is also be helpful if there is an agreed set of defi-
likely to yield a better awareness of differences nitions of the ‘surface’ that is being referred to
that can lead to misunderstanding or lack of ap- in observational or modelling work (see Voogt
preciation. The examples are only a basis for and Oke, 1997). If an observational study makes
consideration and argument. I come from one dis- it clear from the outset that the focus is upon say,
cipline and perspective and cultural viewpoint the canopy layer, and the measurement scheme

Table 1. Layers, dimensions and scales in urban climate

Name of layer Typical dimensions Scaling parametersa Scale

Canopy or building layer 101 m zH , D, L Micro
Roughness sublayer 101 m zH , D, L Micro
Surface (inertial) 102 m z, L, u ,  Local
Outer (mixed) 103 m zi, L, W , T Meso

UCL units Built features Typical horizontal length scales Climate scale (Orlanski)

1. Building Building 10 m  10 m Micro 

2. Canyon Street, canyon 30 m  40 m Micro 
3. Block Block, factory 0.5 km  0.5 km Micro 
4. Land-use class City centre, residential, 5 km  5 km Meso  (Local)
or UTZ or UCZb or industrial zone
5. City Urban area 25 km  25 km Meso 
6. Urban region City plus its environs 100 km  100 km Meso-
Urban Terrain Zones (Ellefsen, 1990=91) or Urban Climate Zones (Oke, 2004)
L – Obukhov length; u ,  – friction velocity and friction temperature; W , T – convective velocity and temperature
scales; for definition of zH , D, z, zi – see Section 3.2
Towards better scientific communication in urban climate 183

is designed to sample microscale processes and

phenomena at time and space scales that are ap-
propriate to that objective (Table 1), the results
can be understood and utilized by others. It is
essential that measurements, models and inter-
pretations drawn from any of the scales are not
jumbled together with others, e.g. microscale ob-
servations taken in the UCL should not be used
to validate a mesoscale model designed to simu-
late UBL properties.

3.1.3 Site description (metadata

of setting and properties)
It is important when appraising the results of a
field study in urban climate to be able to fully
appreciate the setting and site character. Maps
and photographs are very helpful but simple
classification templates honed to the interests
and needs of urban climate can be improved to
convey the nature and constraints of a site. If a
common classification is used, workers with no
experience of the site can gain an appreciation of
its properties and, most importantly, they have an
objective basis on which to include or exclude Fig. 2. An orographic classification of urban sites (Wanner
and Filliger, 1989)
results or data from that site in their work.
The spectrum of site characteristics is of
work. It has the merits of transparency and
course huge, but if a set of classes and descrip-
ease of application.
tors could be agreed upon it is possible to
– at the local and microscales Ellefsen 1990=91
create a good representation of any site. Aspects
provides a good approach to the built com-
of the wonderful diversity of place and urban
ponents with his Urban Terrain Zone types.
form of different towns and cities that character-
He initially differentiates according to build-
ize different towns and cities, and of interest in
ing contiguity (attached (row), detached but
urban climate, can be distilled as a function of
close-set, detached and open-set) and subdi-
vides into seventeen sub-types by function,
– at the largest scale one needs to know the fun- location in the city, and the height, construc-
damental geographic coordinates of the city tion type and age of buildings. Application of
(latitude, longitude), its location relative to the scheme needs only aerial photography,
land and sea and major physiographic divi- which is generally available, and he has
sions (mountains, plateau, basin, delta, etc.) applied it in several cities around the world.
and its climatic region. Ellefsen’s scheme is a distinct improvement
– at intermediate scales one needs to know the over others that tend to emphasize urban
orographic setting of the city itself and the function, such as land-use classes that only
specific site as well as its relative location indirectly relate to properties of significance
within the urban area (urban fringe, urban to climate modification. Ellefsen’s scheme
core). Wanner and Filliger (1989) provide a focuses on the description of urban structure
nice start to such a classification (Fig. 2). With which is relevant for roughness, airflow, radia-
the addition of a few other categories, such as tion access and screening. It is less useful,
level plain and coast, and no doubt others that however, when built features are scarce and
the international community will identify as there are large areas of vegetation, bare
relevant to their cases, such a system could ground and water.
184 T. R. Oke

In a recent WMO Guide I argue (Oke, 2004) In the same Guide I suggest adoption of a
that four such controls on urban climate are format to report the local and microscale charac-
significant: ter of urban sites, similar to that suggested by
Aguilar et al. (2003) for rural sites. The format
* urban structure (dimensions of the buildings
of these site metadata is another topic for discus-
and the spaces between them, street widths
sion by the urban climate community, including
and street spacing),
adoption of standard descriptors of the four con-
* urban cover (fractions of built-up, paved,
trols mentioned above.
vegetated, bare soil, water),
If we could agree on terms in general some of
* urban fabric (construction and natural materi-
the inter-cultural difficulties of communication
als), and
might be lessened. My experience is that some
* urban metabolism (heat, water and pollutants
international colleagues have difficulty transpos-
due to human activity).
ing some North American ways of describing
It is not sensible to incorporate individual mea- city features into their own context. For example,
sures of these controls into a scheme to de- some colleagues do not have an equivalent for
scribe urban climate sites, however, we are the word ‘suburb’. Quite simply their cities do
helped by their tendency to cluster to form char- not exhibit that kind of urban structural division,
acteristic urban classes. For example, the central others recognize ‘quarters’ as appropriate urban
areas of many cities have relatively tall buildings districts. For others the concept of a city ‘block’
that are densely packed together so the ground is (Table 1) (the grouping of buildings defined by
largely covered with buildings or paved surfaces the street network) is of little use. The nature of
made of durable materials such as stone, con- the surroundings of some cities means the notion
crete, brick and asphalt and where heat releases of ‘rural’ or ‘countryside’ is either of little rele-
from furnaces, air conditioners, chimneys and vance (the environs may be just less developed
vehicles are large. Near the other end of the spec- not wholly natural landscape or agricultural), or
trum there are districts with low density housing meaningless (the surroundings may be water or
of one- or two-storey buildings of relatively light desert). Some of these difficulties may be alle-
construction and considerable garden or vege- viated by a standard set of descriptors, others are
tated areas with low heat releases but perhaps appropriately left in their cultural context. A
irrigation inputs. workshop or committee report on these simple
The simple scheme of Urban Climate Zones issues of site and city description could help.
(UCZ) in Table 2 (Oke, 2004) recognizes this
clustering. It incorporates groups of Ellefsen’s
zones, plus a simple measure of the structure, 3.1.4 Reference stations (siting, height
zH=W, (aspect ratio – average height of the rough- of measurement)
ness elements (buildings, trees) divided by the Whilst it seems unlikely there is such a thing as a
average street width) that has been shown to be true reference station for urban climate studies,
closely related to flow, solar shading and the noc- there might be a ways to identify sites and sta-
turnal heat island. Also included is a measure of tions that are representative of a particular urban
the surface cover (% Built) that is related to the district. The UCZ in Table 2 are not claimed to
degree of surface permeability (it could have describe sites with great precision, but they
been the inverse measure, % Open and Vege- might classify parts of an urban area that have
tated, it is just that the numerical value increases a roughly similar propensity to modify the local
with urban development in the % Built version). climate. The scheme was recently applied to the
The idea is that classes are ranked approximately thermal and moisture fields in Toulouse with
in order of their ability to modify the wind, ther- some success (Pigeon et al., 2004).
mal and moisture climate. The scheme is largely Even a reference site for ‘rural’ conditions
untested and undoubtedly will require modifica- needs careful thought. Such a concept has little
tion when applied to a wide spectrum of real meaning in an absolute sense, given the diversity
towns and cities, especially in the less developed of ‘rural’ conditions (Section 3.1.3) but it may
world. be relevant as a relative basis for comparison
Table 2. Simplified classification of distinct urban forms arranged in approximate decreasing order of their ability to impact local wind, temperature and humidity climate
(Oke, 2004)

Urban Climate Zone, UCZ1 Image Roughness class2 Aspect ratio3 % Built

1. Intensely developed urban 8 >2 >90

with detached close-set
high-rise buildings with
cladding, e.g. downtown towers
2. Intensely developed high 7 1.2–2.5 >85
density urban with 2–5 storey,
attached or very close-set
buildings often of brick or
stone, e.g. old city core
3. Highly developed, medium 7 0.5–1.5 70
density urban with row or detached
but close-set houses, stores &
apartments e.g. urban housing
4. Highly developed, low density urban 5 0.05–0.2 75–95
with large low buildings & paved
parking, e.g. shopping mall, warehouses
5. Medium development, low 6 0.2–0.5, up to >1 35–65
density suburban with 1 or 2 with tall trees
storey houses, e.g. suburban housing
6. Mixed use with large buildings in 5 0.1–0.5, depends <40
open landscape, e.g. institutions on trees
such as hospital, university, airport
Towards better scientific communication in urban climate

7. Semi-rural development with 4 >0.05, depends <10

scattered houses in natural or on trees
agricultural area, e.g. farms, estates
Key to image symbols: buildings; vegetation; impervious ground; pervious ground
A simplified set of classes that includes aspects of the scheme of Ellefsen (1990=91) plus physical measures relating to wind, thermal and moisture controls (columns at right)
Effective terrain roughness according to the Davenport classification (Davenport et al., 2000)
Aspect ratio ¼ zH=W – related to flow regime types and thermal controls (solar shading and longwave screening). Tall trees increase this measure significantly
Av. fraction of ground covered by built features (buildings, roads, paved and other impervious areas) the rest of the area is occupied by pervious cover. Permeability affects the
ability to store moisture and hence the moisture status of the ground
186 T. R. Oke

for a given city. Even that requires consideration in spatial comparisons. As long as the principle
as to whether the aim of the rural site is to is applied consistently and metadata accompa-
replicate pre-urban conditions or typical modern nies the records, other workers can have confi-
day conditions. Given the changes wrought on dence in the data and adjust them for their own
the landscape by agricultural and forest activity purposes.
any notion that the pre-urban natural state can
be represented by modern observations is usu-
ally doomed and in any case the natural vari- 3.1.5 Experimental ‘control’, estimation
of urban effects
ability of the topography, soils and vegetation
around a city often renders the exercise almost Lowry’s framework to estimate urban effects on
impossible. climate variables remains virtually the only
The notion of a reference height for measure- methodological statement in urban climate
ments to standardize observations is, however, (Lowry, 1977). Every study to assess the degree
well established in World Meteorological Orga- of climatic modification produced by urban
nization (WMO) practice. For example, air tem- development should consider the degree to which
perature and humidity are usually obtained at their experimental design meets Lowry’s tests.
1.5 to 2 m above ground level and wind speed None will be perfect, but a genuine attempt has
and direction at 10 m and instruments should to be made to either conform or to assess the
be distant from anomalous obstacles (trees, errors associated with the lack of conformity. It
buildings). This practice needs adjustment for is not acceptable simply to select two climate
urban observations. For purely practical reasons, stations, one inside and one outside the urban
such as protection from vandalism or to avoid area, and take the difference between their
being struck by vehicles, it may make more records of climate variables as a measure of the
sense to mount the temperature and humidity urban effect, without considering the implica-
sensors at a slightly greater height than is con- tions of Lowry’s framework. Similarly using
sidered ‘standard’ in the urban canopy. Within time trends of data to estimate urban effects with
the canopy layer this may not create large error no evidence as to whether regional or global
because vertical gradients are often slight. trends co-exist, or at least devising means to nul-
Another, but quite different variance from lify their effects, should not be accepted as part
standard practice may be needed for wind mea- of urban climate discussion. The argument that
surements. The normal reference height is some- such work is worthy, because no other stations are
times too low because of interference to the flow available, even if that is true, should not prevail.
at that height caused by tall roughness elements Acceptance of such work serves to confuse not
(buildings or trees). In addition to the difficulty enlighten.
of the height of the elements being too close to, The field could greatly benefit from a careful
or even above, the 10 m level, WMO practice treatise on ways to establish a degree of experi-
states the mast must not be closer to them than mental control in urban climate work. As Lowry
10 obstacle heights. Even with only 5 m high noted, genuine experimentation is possible using
obstacles the required size of an open area validated models. For example, it is then possible
becomes hard to find in many city districts. In to set up an experiment that simulates urban
low density areas it may be possible to find sites effects such as when the city is present or absent.
with elements less than 6 m tall where the open Synoptic weather controls can also be altered at
country WMO rules will apply, but at denser sites will. Such control is not possible in field studies
the guideline becomes 10 m or 1.5 times the (therefore they should not be called experiments)
mean height of the roughness elements, which- but advance thought about experimental design
ever is the greater (Oke, 2004). Instead of a set lies at the heart of all successful studies. So it
reference height the recommendation is to take would be valuable to have a manual for workers
measurements at a height where they are free of in urban climate to aid them to design observa-
individual obstacle effects and later adjust them tional networks that are sensitive to appropriate
by using wind profile relations to a common temporal and spatial scales, or to design and con-
height (say 30 or 50 m) if they are to be used duct mobile traverses with a minimum of error,
Towards better scientific communication in urban climate 187

or to construct strategies to eliminate or at least in the UBL) or because of the limitations of

nullify the effects of confounding influences, or the observing system (the instrumental field-of-
to stratify or filter data so as to expose the control view for a remote sensor), or whether it is a
exercised by the variable under study, or to select fixed or a mobile sensor. One only has to look
statistical analyses that will reveal meaningful at the use of the expression ‘surface heat island’
relations. It might be the single most significant to appreciate the lack of precise definition. The
contribution to raising the standard of work in surface temperature as defined through observa-
urban climate since Lowry’s seminal paper. tion or modelling can be very different: it might
be the temperature of the surface of the ground,
or the three-dimensional air-surface interface, or
3.1.6 Classification of phenomena
at screen-level, or at zero-plane displacement
The field has yet to establish an agreed system to level, and so on. It is obvious that comparison
name some of the most common urban climate of such ‘surface’ heat islands is inappropriate. I
phenomena. For example, there is no agreed have been inconsistent in my own use of abbre-
method to define a heat island. Even after having viations and symbols for these different phenom-
considered both of Lowry’s cautions about using ena over the years. Such lack of precision
urban-rural differences as surrogates for urban should be minimized through the adoption of a
effects on climate, and of avoiding the zone in- common system of definitions, types, names and
side the ‘urban-affected’ area that is impacted by symbols.
advected urban effects (Lowry, 1977), there are Similar fuzziness exists with respect to defin-
many ways of assessing the urban-rural differ- ing and naming phenomena such as negative heat
ence. Mobile traverse data may be able to resolve (cool?) islands, urban-rural humidity effects
semi-continuous spatial transects of air tempera- (islands?), urban-rural (country?) breezes and
ture along a line or over an area. Using such data others.
some workers define the heat island as the differ-
ence between the lowest value in the countryside 3.1.7 Bioclimatic indices
and the highest in the urban area, others use the
For those not part of the specialist community
lowest and highest values sustained over more
the array of possible bioclimatic indices available
that a single point thereby avoiding potentially
to describe or quantify human comfort can
short-lived anomalies at the bottom of a valley
seem bewildering. It is also a little intimidating
or when the vehicle with the sensor is stalled in a
because there seem to be strong schools of opi-
traffic jam, others restrict their difference to that
nion regarding the ‘best’ or most appropriate
between two fixed sites (e.g. an ‘ideal’ flat open
ones to use. It might be helpful if an authoritative
rural area and the geographic centre of the city),
review and intercomparison were undertaken
others let the urban location be wherever the core
giving recommendations regarding the applic-
of the warm air is located because it can be
ability of these methods to both indoor and out-
advected around, others take the difference
door environments in cities. A positive sign is
between averages of two sets of points in the
the existence of a joint study by an Expert
two environments, and so on. A similar range
Team of WMO and a Study Group of the Inter-
of favourite schemes exists when fixed sites are
national Society for Biometeorology focused on
used, some arising from scientific design others
the development of a Universal Thermal Climate
because of necessity (‘the only stations avail-
Index (UTCI). Such international cooperation is
able’). Szymanowski (2005) points out the pit-
falls if such analysis neglects the effects of
thermal advection on urban-rural temperature
differences during the passage of fronts.
3.2 ‘Universality’ through dimensional
There is no accepted classification or nomen-
clature of the many types of heat island (e.g.
Oke, 1995). The types differ either because of At the beginning of the 1970s Ted Munn noted
where they are located (sub-surface, surface, the difficulty we face over the fact that the indi-
near-surface air in the UCL or above roof-level vidual peculiarities of cities make it inherently
188 T. R. Oke

difficult to generalize (Munn, 1972). At that time spread adoption in urban climate has consider-
Munn found very few examples of ‘‘universal’’ able merit.
relations in the field and he recommended we Comparison of energy balance fluxes from
could learn from analyses conducted in boundary different seasons or between cities with very
layer meteorology. It demonstrates the power of different energy climates is made possible by
dimensional analysis and the fundamental conti- the simple device of non-dimensionalizing fluxes
nuity imposed on the system by the energy by expressing them as ratios of the net ra-
balance framework. He saw this as the way to diation or of other fluxes such as in Bowen’s
escape the tyranny of trying to extract generality ratio, the Priestley-Taylor aridity index or the
from never-ending case studies, regression anal- McNaughton-Jarvis coupling factor (see Oke,
ysis in the absence of physical explanation and 1997).
unrealistic ‘‘infinite-plane thinking’’. In the suc- The Monin-Obukhov similarity framework is
ceeding thirty years we have made great strides the perfect example of the power of dimen-
along this path, but we need to continue to sional analysis in making sense of the complex-
encourage emphasis on achieving ‘universality’ ities of the atmospheric boundary layer. Its
in our work. The examples which follow show applicability over relatively uniform terrain is
it has much to offer in terms of providing a basis proven and its extension to urban atmospheres,
for comparison and improved communication. with some caveats, looks increasingly promising.
A simple example is given by Fortuniak et al. H€ogstr€om (1982) showed that in the heteroge-
(2006, their Fig. 4) which shows how normaliza- neous urban boundary layer above roof-level, tur-
tion reveals the similarity of the diurnal course bulence properties scale with local values of the
of the heat island in all seasons despite the fact friction velocity, and Rotach (1993) shows that
that the absolute magnitude of the heat island this extends down into the roughness sublayer.
and the day length is very different between the Such work opens up possibilities to parameterize
seasons. The result is almost identical to that of turbulence properties and mean profiles down to
Vancouver (Runnalls and Oke, 2000) who used about roof-level, or even below. A particularly
the normalization procedure of Oke (1998) which good example, of the value of these approaches
involves no more than non-dimensionalizing the is the survey of the turbulence characteristics of
graph axes: expressing the magnitude of the heat cities by Roth (2000). By using local scaling,
island as a fraction of the largest value, and time Monin-Obukhov similarity and height scaling
relative to the times of sunset and sunrise. The using zH and zi, Roth was able to present, compare
infinite diversity of dimensions and geometric and draw generalizations from data measured in
arrangements of surface elements present in both the UCL and UBL of different cities over
cities can be usefully made similar by expressing different surfaces in different stability regimes.
their height relative to an appropriate length scale This is surely what Munn hoped for in 1972.
(Table 1). In the UCL this might be zH (mean Research into precipitation modification by
height of the elements (buildings)) or D (mean cities faces more difficulties than for other cli-
element spacing) or the canyon aspect ratio mate elements. There are several inherent chal-
(zH=W) that has proved invaluable in making lenges related to the relatively discontinuous
generalizations about flow regimes, roughness nature of precipitation patterns in space and time,
parameters, solar access and the infrared cooling the implications these carry for the design and
potential of street canyons. Other dimensionless operation of observational networks, and the
descriptors like the plan area index (for measures inherently poor sampling of precipitation gauges.
of fractional cover) or the frontal area index (for In addition the scale of integration of urban
aerodynamic flow resistance) also render similar effects on precipitation means that large areas
otherwise apparently very different places and need to be studied. The effects of topography
hence aid comparative analysis. In the UBL the and orography cast their additional subtle influ-
appropriate lengths may be z (height above ences on top of the unique properties of the urban
ground) or zi (the depth of the urban boundary system as does the different nature of precipita-
layer) (Table 1). Such measures have been used tion physics and dynamics in continental versus
in engineering for many years and their wide- maritime, or convective versus frontal, or cold
Towards better scientific communication in urban climate 189

versus warm clouds. Lowry (1998) noted the H€ogstr€om U, Bergstr€om H, Alexandersson H (1982) Turbu-
pressure this places upon the methods employed. lence characteristics in a near-neutrally stratified urban
atmosphere. Bound-Layer Meteor 23: 449–472
It requires closer attention to aspects of experi- Jauregui E (2000) Tropical urban climatology at the turn
mental design, sampling, stratification, replica- of the millenium. In: deDear RJ, Kalma JD, Oke TR,
tion and randomization so that a measure of Auliciems A (eds) Biometeorology and urban climatology
universality and transferability of results between at the turn of the millenium. Geneva: World Meteorol
cities is established. Experiments using validated Organiz, pp 537–540
Kanda M (2006) Progress in the scale modeling of urban
mesoscale numerical models of the urban atmo-
climate: Review. Theor Appl Climatol 84: 23–33
sphere that include pollutant emissions and cloud K*ysik K, Oke TR, Fortuniak K, Grimmond CSB, Wibig J
physics offer the possibility to test, with or with- (eds) (2004) Proceedings Fifth International Conference
out, the inclusion of orography or the urban area. on Urban Climate, Vols. 1 & 2. ) odz: Univ ) odz, Int
Such experimental control may provide good Assoc Urban Climate and World Meteorol Organiz
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Landsberg HE (1981) The urban climate. New York:
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4. Conclusion Lowry WP (1977) Empirical estimation of urban effects
The field of urban climate attracts workers from a on climate: a problem analysis. J Appl Meteor 16:
wide variety of disciplines who pursue many Lowry WP (1998) Urban effects on precipitation amount.
modes of enquiry and whose objectives are very Progress Phys Geog 22: 477–520
different. To ensure discourse in the field is Masson V (2006) Urban surface modeling and the meso-
understandable and accurate across this spectrum scale impact of cities. Theor Appl Climatol 84: 35–45
of interests, and to minimize the development of Mills G (2006) Progress toward sustainable settlements: a
role for urban climatology. Theor Appl Climatol 84:
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attention to a degree of standardization of termi- Munn RE (1972) Urban meteorology: some selected topics.
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The utility of work, especially its transferability Oke TR (1984) Towards a prescription for the greater use of
is enhanced if care is taken in experimental climatic principles in settlement planning. Energy and
design and through the use of dimensional anal- Buildings 7: 1–10
Oke TR (1995) The heat island of the urban boundary
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JE, Davenport AG, Plate EJ, Viegas DX (eds) Wind
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Wroc*aw, Poland. Theor Appl Climatol (in press) Author’s address: Tim Oke (e-mail:,
Voogt JA, Oke TR (1997) Complete urban surface tempera- Department of Geography, University of British Columbia,
tures. J Appl Meteor 36: 1117–1132 Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1Z2 Canada.

Verleger: Springer-Verlag GmbH, Sachsenplatz 4–6, 1201 Wien, Austria. – Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. H. Graßl, Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie, Bundesstrasse 55, 20146 Hamburg, Germany. –
Redaktion: Veterin€arplatz 1, 1210 Wien, Austria. – Satz und Umbruch: Thomson Press (India) Ltd., Chennai. – Druck und Bindung: Grasl Druck & Neue Medien, 2540 Bad Vöslau. –
Verlagsort: Wien. – Herstellungsort: Bad Vöslau – Printed in Austria.

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