Yegeafve - Pigmented Deep.: Piotetion-Fiom Coiinnent

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SKin bbdy S lagest Organ

.imequmetum -Coveving
indCators of gepen fealth
PIotetion-fiom environ mental
effet s(ab1oson, fuid los, ov, MicYo.Ovg, Chemica
Hest yagulation-< in
to -

Consticti on of Supeftct al blood vessels

in hot
Vaso aflaton of
Sensartion- (on tains Sensort end Organs
GSynthesis Stonge of tamin D
Stiuctuse ofthe Skin epteims- Supefkial epi thelial layer
deeb Conmecti ve
OEPI TERIS: Ke Ktinized stratified
squanous epithelium.
hor ny Supersicial laye founed of kevetinrzed dead tels.
Provi des a
protective octer Suface.
layer yegeafve.Pigmented deep.
Single layer of Cdammay
ho blood vessels lymphaties. Cells
Tts 0ocnlshed by dormis
Jt decp Sufare to form cutaneous plexus ef
anastomo sinq
few nerve penetie he epldermis.
Skin Hore,tOuah nes
Dense layey ofSk
Colagen easic A bers
Animals RMiS produro le athey
is dense Connective tissue proper rich
T-Dermisit the
in Colagenous asome elastic fibres.It Contains

blood vessels, lymphalics anerves f the skin.

The dermis Consists of 2 layers
A) Superlicial papillary layer farmed ofComicalpapillae
Connective tissue
of loosc

(6)Reticular layer: itis the dense deeper part of the dermis

it consists of Collagenous bundles arangedl in parallel
the So Called Cleavage lines of lhe skin).
Colour of the skin
determined by the interaction of the following 3 pigments:
w Cardtene: the yellow or orarnge pigment found in the epidermal cells &the subcutanesus fat.
(melanin : dark brown pigment found in the melanocyles present at the demo-epidenmaljantin
(Haemoglabin: red pigment presenb in the R-8Cs of the superficial cutaneous boodvessels

*The blood vessels

Blood Supply of the skin
supplying the skin distributed as fellows

)superficial plexus: in the superficial partof the dermis.- anasbomes

arteriovenous anastomosis in the middle part of the dermis.
3 dep plexus : at the Junction betuween the dernis A5-lascia-

Nerve Supply of the skin aiery

The skin is richly supplied by sensory &autonomic fibres that form plexuses avurnd the
hair folicles &in bhe papilary layer of the dermis- Fine nerve crdings also perelale
lie dep layers of Lthe epidermis
SKn Creases
*Delinition: hey are small qrooves or furraws due to folds of the dermis that are 5
allached to deper structures
partiçularly deep lascia orsubculaneous bones.
lypes of skin creases:
wTension lines : they are ine creases in the form of netuork of linear furrows which
intersect each other at various angles
dividing bhe surface of the skin
polygonal or lozenge shaped areas
ridges (linger prints):
-bhey are ekvations the palmar surlaces of harnds &lcet, produced byelevations

of the underlying dermal


they are Constant rides that renain undhanged thoughout life &ase specific to the
individual (used in medicolegal identification ce ELs oonii)
they ae divided into 4potterns: (a) whorls (b)loops )arches (d)ompesle
(Flexure lines:
are deep skin grooves lying oppasite the Joints &movable parts of the body.
they marked on the panaragectof hand &Fingèrs &on the Front of the urist

they are produced by Firm attachmentof the skin to the

underlying deep hascia.
Relaued tension lines Iof Langer): see paje 4.
SLTiae :if the skin is subyected o excessive tension; the elastic Fibres
rupture producing radiating red lines e-q striae qvavidarum in the anterior
abdominal wall of preqnant women-Later they ill keal,

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