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M: Okay another 2 min we will start okay?

R: Sure

M: We can start and, I will share at the time you are giving the instructions.
When everything is opened we can start Sangeetha. Okay so finally language
preference, Hindi or English?

R: Hindi would be better

M: And if you want to express something in your own language also you can
do that in Marathi as well, so if there are some words which you find difficult
to express in this language you can always say that in Marathi, okay? Yea
okay so we will tell you about ourselves first, could you three sit together so
that the camera don’t need to move and all, all three of your camera is
supposed to be on the whole time. Stay in one place so it will be steady,
okay. And we are a marketing research team which you already might be
knowing now, and we are not testing that who knows well and all so we just
would like some genuine opinions and suggestions and we would also like to
know more about your age group like what all things you find it good and
what all things you doesn’t and all, so Nisha is also here who will be asking
some questions and myself my name is Sangeetha, and I have heard that you
all are friends and all, since how long do you know each other?

R: Since 7th

M: Schooling you did together and what about college?

R: College was different but since the area was the same we all were in
contacts all those while as well.
M: Okay where do you all reside?

R: Coaching was also same like for the 11th and 12th and since we all stay here
in Bhandup itself.

M: Okay all three together, so is it like friends from childhood knows a lot of
things about each other that the other people doesn’t know about right?

R: Yes

M: So tell me Omkar about Shivam and Chintan? Something naughty that you
know about him that no one knows, like a secret or something.

R: We are together since 7th standard and it’s like we three are together in
everything we had so much fun in that and every day he used to be late to the
class and he will get some or the other punishment and all class would laugh,
this was Shivam’s thing and when the test result come and always he used to
be calm during that time and always he will get less marks.

M: Okay

R: And after that when the sir used to shout at those who have less marks and
all if I don’t get scolded they both might and if Chinmay gets scolded then we
will have to see and Shivam is always very good at controlling and all from that

M: So Shivam looks so serious but he is the one who pulls out all the pranks
and all right?

R: Yes he is the one who do all that

M: Okay

R: When Chinmay says something and all we all will laugh he is the one who
have got lot of scoldings from the teacher and all.

M: And this fun that you used to have or the pranks you all used to pull out is
that still going on or have it reduced or stopped completely something?

R: It still goes on

M: Oh it still does that’s great

R: Yes

M: So now could you all just give us a brief introduction about you all like
what you all do and what are your interests and all, Chinmay could you start
with yourself?

R: Hello, I am doing my job in Big-basket as a junior executive

M: And graduation is done?

R: Yes

M: And omkar you?

R: I am store executive in the power international where manufacture electric
box and all and even my graduation is done, my job location is Bhiwandi.

M: And Shivam you?

R: I am a telecaller at Reliance digital

M: Oh okay that’s great, Omkar do you have some problem with your camera
or something? You all have to keep your camera on

R: So as I was saying I am a telecaller.

M: Oh okay, so as a telecaller you will be having shifts right?

R: Actually there are only two options which are part time and full time, and
part time is for those who are in college and all who will be coming late and all
and for those who are preferring full time will have to work from morning till
night 9 pm.

M: Oh okay, so I have a question to all three of you, what is that one thing
that you all like about your job?

R: I like traveling to other locations for meetings and all and mostly I will have
to go to Gujarat and come back very often

M: Oh that’s great.

R: So that is something which I love that is traveling.

M: So still it is there during the lockdown also?

R: It near right so yea sometimes.

M: Oh okay and what about you both?

R: I like to manage like there are 35 people under me like managing and tell
them what all have to done and all I like that, like managing people.

M: So you have to stay in the centre?

R: Yes I will have to be there and manage all of them

M: And you have any other interests other than this job and all?

R: Yes swimming and bike riding and all.

M: Okay that’s great what about you Shivam?

R: We go for swimming together only.

M: Oh okay, you do everything together only?

R: Yea like there is a swimming pool near Chinmay’s society so we go there and
swim together and bike riding are also together because we three have the
same bike as well like we both in like 6 months gap each but it’s the same.
M: Okay about this bike riding, what would be the first thing that will come
to your mind when we talk about this bike riding?

R: Adventure

M: And?

R: Memories

M: Memories, Speed, Passion and what else? Omkar? I won’t call your name
gain and again you have to tell it out yourself. What is bike riding for you?

R: Exploring, like exploring new places where we haven’t been before and all,
and we go for off-road driving as well. Like the roads where we haven’t been
before, we love exploring and going to new places and all.

M: Okay that’s great, now I will tell you one more word that is “Romance”,
what is the first thing that will come to your mind when you hear it?

R: Girlfriend

M: Okay what else other than girlfriend? Like what kind of places or like what
kind of mood, what comes to your mind?

R: Places which are calm those are the things that comes to the mind in the
sense of places and all.
M: Okay calm places, what else? What is the voice?

R: Happy mood

M: And shivam, chinmay?

R: If it rains and all It will be a good mood.

M: Okay if it rains it will be a good mood and calm places and girlfriend these
are the things that comes to your mind in the sense of romance that’s very
interesting, what is rain? When you think of that what comes to your mind?

R: Vadapav

M: Nice what else?

R: Chai, vadapav, lonavala

M: What else?

R: Trekking

M: What will be the mood in regards to this rain?

R: The mood will be really good, the chances for the mood to go bad would be
very less, and in the morning in if it is raining and if we have a hot chai there is
no good mood better than that.
M: Now I will tell you another thing, perfume, what will be coming into your
mind first as you hear this word perfume?

R: Freshness

M: Okay what else?

R: Long-lasting

M: And what?

R: Rich fragrance, Aroma and performance

M: Performance? In what sense did you mean performance?

R: Long lasting

M: Okay in the sense of that you meant performance, okay, and what would
be the mood for that?

R: Fresh one, impression

M: And anything else? Okay, now that we are talking about perfumes which
is going to be the topic which we will be talking today also, like we have
given you a few samples in a box, open that check F3, there will be three and
there will be a strip also its called a tester and we have shared a video in
Whatsapp saying how it has to be used, you actually use these spray in their
own strip. You should only spray F3 in their F3 strip only, sorry Omakr and
Shivam would be in the same place, but you should not share your strips or
something, like we have send a video in Whatsapp saying Mumbai mail triad
check that, it’s very simple. If it is done kindly turn on your video.

R: Done

M: If all three of you are done we will start.

R: We will have to smell F3 now right?

M: Yes like how it is shown in the video you will have to smell it, after taking
the strip you should only spray on your hand only to the strip. Is it done?

R: Yes ma’am

M: You all took the smell right, okay, now tell if a word could describe how
the smell is and how is the smell what are the thoughts that would come to
your mind when you think of that smell?

R: Fresh fragrance

M: And?

R: It have a mint kind of fragrance

M: Okay and?
R: This is ideal for when we go out in the morning and all because this kind of
gives a freshness to us.

M: Okay, why do you feel that way?

R: I kind of get a lemon flavour smell as well.

M: Okay and?

R: It kind of have that cooling effect too.

M: Omkar, could you change your network or something because in between

it was all fine and now it is all mixed up.

R: Okay

M: Yes tell me Shivam you said it was minty and what else?

R: It is minty and it is kind of fresh as well, and it is ideal for the morning and all
because it gives the freshness.

M: And Omkar you said it kind of have a lemon flavour, do you find it good or

R: Like it is fine this perfume is not meant for occasional use and all, because
this is ideal for daily use. Because it is not that strong and still even a small
spray might be enough for the smell to last a long time and all.
M: Okay and you said two things this isn’t for occasional but for daily use and
the second was that even it isn’t that much strong it will be enough for the
smell to last enough. Why do you feel that way? And is it because it have
minty and lemon flavour that you feel that this is ideal for morning?

R: I think it is because of the mint and lemon flavour that it is good for
mornings and like office use and all and if it is for some occasions like wedding
or something, something else would be better this is what I feel.

M: Okay and is there anything you want to add? Like what all did you like
about it and what all you did not like about that and all?

R: I like the fragrance and this is the kind of fragrance that will give a positive
freshness in the morning time and if we have skipped the bath and if we need
some freshness I think this will help.

M: Okay, now let’s do one thing, let’s keep it aside and keep it like this
shouldn’t be touching anywhere because we will come back to this after
sometime to feel the fragrance again.

R: Okay

M: Let’s say you meet a person who doesn’t know anything about perfumes
at all like aliens or something, who doesn’t know anything about this world
and if they are standing in front of us and they want to know from you three
what is a perfume and all and what all can we tell them in order to make
them understand? So the first thing they would ask us is what exactly is this

R: It is something which has an odour and we will make them understand what
are the helps that this would provide for us in this society and help in our
lifestyle and this fragrance tell about us like if we are someone who works in
the outside a lot like someone who works with the bikes or any outdoor jobs
they might need a strong fragrance and all.

M: Okay you told me 2-3 things, this tells us about our profession like if they
use hard fragrance they would be mainly on some outdoor jobs and all a
rider and those who are into office and all use light perfumes. Omkar your
voice is breaking.

R: I don’t know I think my Wi-Fi is fluctuating.

M: Try turning off your video for some minutes, could you re-join or
something? Now you both tell us Chinmay and Omkar, Could you turn on the
video? And what if they ask us the difference between this deo and perfumes
what could we tell and what else can we tell them about this perfume? You
said about lifestyle and profession.

R: Perfume aren’t actually meant for daily use like it should be mainly used for
some occasions like weddings or any kind of party but in the other hand deo
are mainly used for in the situations like if we want to feel fresh suddenly
when we go out or something which might not last long but for immediate
fragrance and all.

M: Oh okay

R: Plus this deo is cheap also compared to this perfume so it is so better.

M: Okay Chinmay what were you saying?

R: Deo can be used for daily use and Perfume are to be used during occasions
and all.

M: Why so?

R: Because the smell of this fragrance is very light that it can be used for some
specials occasions but deo can be used in the situation where we have to
control the seat or something and this perfume we need to use it on the shirt
for the aroma and all this is the difference between this deo and perfume.

M: So you are saying that deo can be used to control the sweat and all right?
And Omkar now you tell me.

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