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7A a Match the sentence halves. You need to be ready (8! 1 know you're tired, but try 2 In my job it's important 3 Idon't know where 4 We were late, so Simon offered ‘5. When you give a presentation isnormal A to give us a lift to the station, B-to-show yourD atthe gate. C to feel nervous. D to dress smartly. E to park. F to stay awake for the party. Complete the sentences with a positive or negative infinitive. notbe do notdrive have learn not make meet pay look for \'m planning to have a party next week, 1A Hi, I'm Donna, B I'm Renée. Nice you. 2 What do you want __ tonight? Stay in or go out? 3 Let's meet outside the cinema. | promise late. 4 Ty ‘a noise. Your father's asleep. 5 td realy like ‘a new language. 6 Be careful too fast —the roads are icy. 7 My brother has decided a new job. 8 The museum is free, You don’t need to 99 in. 7B 2 Complete the sentences with a verb from the list in the -ing form. do notknow message practise remember | Ike listaning_to the radio in the momings. 1 Pilates is good for yourhealth. (4) 2 Weoffered ___for the meal. (pay) {really enjoy doing exercise. Itmakes me feel great! 1. One thing that always makes me happy in the sea, 3 We ere the car. I's so 2 Youcart eam to pay a masa insur wel wou expensive (out) reas a Fecal rections. a Nee rae ES) See nantes 5 You can borrow the car if you remember 4 teenagers is very hard work. Sees panel eat 5 My sister spends hours er friends. a: Rasttmopped ret fatel 6 thate the answer when somebody asks me a question. P idehni Ter tcl tie 7 ___by train usually cheaper than by plane. grrr earea eortt 8 My brother wants togo.on French for as long as he ica Tieden demers ‘can. Held like to speak it really fluently! Sarre Orse 7 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to. | don't have to. go to school on Saturdays, 1 denice study very hard ~ she has exams soon, 2 You buy a ticket before you get on the bus. It costs £4 and the machine is over there. 3 your sister {ge to London for her job interview? 4 Mike____weara really ugly uniform at his, new school. He hates it. 5 We_____get up early tomorrow. Our fight leaves! 6 Harry 7 Can youwait a moment? | 8 we work today — he has a day off. make a phone call {goto bed? It's only ten o'clock! b_ Gircletthe correct form, Tick (V) if both are possible. WeGon't have t8)/ mustn't go to school next we eres 1 You don't have to / mustn‘t cross the road when the traffic lights are red. ‘What do Ihave to/ must ido when |fnsh this exerise? The concerti ree. You don’t have to/ mustn't pay. We're late for the meeting. We have to/ must go now. ‘You don't have to / mustn't leave the door open - the dog will get out. have to / must pay Jane back the money she lent me. In Britain you have to / must drive on the left. 8 You don'thave to/ mustn'tbe tall tobe good at football. Opse 140 GRAMMAR BANK 8A should / shouldn't 1 You should leave your boyfriend 22 She's very stressed. She shouldn't work so hard You shouldn't drink coffee inthe evening, I'l keep you awake. 2 I think you should get a new job. dont think you should speak to him. 1 We use should / shouldn't + verb (infinitive without to) to give somebody advice or say what we think is the right thing to do. should / shouldh’tis the same forall persons. 2 We often use I think you should... or I don't think you should... NOT J think you shouldn't. D ought to You can also use ought to/ ought not o instead of should should, 0.9 You ought to leave your boyfiond ‘She eught not to work so har 8B first conditional: Cr erent} ti if + present, will / won't + infinitive 1 two get tothe airport cary, the fight willbe delayed. €8.12 {you tell her the uth, she won't Believe you What wll ou do if you don’t finda job? 2 Ifyou don’t go, she won't be very pleased She won't be very pleased if you don't go. 3 Ifyou miss the last bus, get a tax Ifyou miss the last bus, you can get a tax. 11 We use if + present to talk about a possible situation and will/ won't + infinitive to talk about the consequence. 2 The if-clause can come first or second. Ifthe if-clause comes first, we usually put a comma before the next clause. 3 We can also use the imperative or can + infinitive instead of will + infinitive in the other clause. 8C possessive pronouns Whose coat ist? I's my coat. It's mine @s.z2 _Pronouns and possessive adjectives overview ose jaca? spout. esyous Sac GS = ae exe phone ist? I'shis phone. Isis, Pronouns pronouns—adectives Whose bagisit? I'sherbag. It's hers. Whose dog ist? It's ourdog. It’s ours. Whose house iit? It's theirhouse. It's theirs We Ik ab a + We use possessive pronouns to talk about possession. ean lee yours? Yoo i's mine. She ame. + We use Whose to ask about possession. k Whose book sit? Whose is that bag? wo ours, + We don't use possessive pronouns wih a noun They sae Not * We don't use the with possessive pronouns |s this yours? NOT ls-thisthe-yours? b Complete the sentences with should or shouldn't +a verb from the list. be buy book drive leave relax spend study wear We should leave now. I's getting late. 1 You ___ascarf. it's really cold today. 2 |_____this afternoon. | have an exam tomorrow. ‘You should lose a bit of weight. 3 You___aholiday. You need a break. 1 You work eally long hours every day. 4 You look really il. You ___at work. 2 You stop smoking. 5 She more. She's very stressed at the 3 You ‘eat more fruit and vegetables. moment. 4 You ‘put so much sugar in your coffee. 6 You 30 fast -this road's very dangerous. 5 You ‘start doing some exercise. 7 Parents ‘more time with their children. 6 You drink less alcohol. 8 You im an iPad —he's only seven years 7 You ink more water. old, 8 You go to bed so late, Ops 8B a Match the sentence halves. you leave now, 1G The hotel will be cheaper I you don't hear from me this afternoon, You'll learn more quickly Ifyou get that new job, ‘You won't pass your driving test 6 fend you this book, A if you don’t have enough lessons. B will you remember to give it back? C you'll catch the 8.00 train D ifyou book it early E ifyou come to every class, F will you earn more money? G call me this evening, Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. \fwe stact_ walking, the bus will come_. (start, come) 1 you me what really happened, | anybody else. (el, not tel) 2M itdown, | it (not write, not remember) 2 you me if you any news? (call, get) 4 She__you if you _her nicely. help, as) 51 you if from Alex. (phone, hear) 6 You your friends ifyou to Paris. miss, move) 7 Mfyou carefully, you ‘everything. {isten, understand) 8 Your boss pleased ifyou late for work today. (not be, be) 1 you home if you me directions. (tive, give) 10 you an umbrell not take, rain) Orse 8c a Gircle)the correct form. Whose car is that? It's her [he 1 This isn’t my / mine pen, it's Susan's. 2 I think this book is your/ yours. 3 Thisisn't your suitcase, it's ours / our 4 Where's Mary? | think these are her/ hi gloves. 5 These keys are mine / the mine. 6 They showed us all theirs / theirholiday photographs, 7 These seats are thei / their, not ours. 8 Is this yours / your bag? 9 This isnt my jacket. t's her / hers. Complete the sentences with a pronoun or a possessive adjective. This isn't my coffe, i's yours, Where's mine? 1 A Isthat Sue's car? B No, t's her boyfriend's. 2 new boyltiend, but | haven't met yet. 3 Look. Here's a photo of Alex and Kim with new baby. 4 We've finished paying for our house, s0 i's now. 5 6 7 isa white Peugeot. ‘These are your tickets. Can you give Maria and Marta 2 We're lost. Can you tell Would you like to see beautiful flowers. 8 London is famous for how to get to the station? garden? We've got some _____ beautiful parks. Onw

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