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Qo Procedure De Then we assume that after the use phase, which has no environmental impact, the paper clip wil be thrown away. To model this you integrate @ waste flow on the output side of your use phase process. 71, Type in the output line ‘Steel scrap’ and choose the flow ‘Steel scrap (St)’ from the object group ‘Waste for recovery.’ 72. Enter the amount ‘0,00035kg.’ 73, Save and close the process window, aDoOmvE® sure + [eso-Untorace, ange erat > | Vee erate Sd Come a Comme Lartchange Stem 2/5/2013 639402 PM GUID (1088855: te- ac 385S1514. 74. On your life cycle plan connect the ‘Paper Clip Bending’ process with the ‘Use Phase Steel Paper Clip’ process. +B x| = - | Pez Ao) R29® You will now add an End of life scenario. You will create the End of life scenario on a separate plan. By doing this, you could put different waste treatment steps and variations 60 D> Procedure De and recycling processes on this plan and separate the steel flow fraction according to re- cycling rates. We are not quite ready for that level of modelling so, in our example, we just assume that ‘our paper clip will be sorted out of the municipal waste with a magnetic separator and will then be recycled. To keep it simple, we will only take the steel recycling process into account, 75. Go back to the GaBi DB Manager, click on ‘Plans’ and then create a new plan by right clicking in the display window. 76. Name it ‘End of Life Paper Clip.” For now you will place only one process on the plan. 77, #4 Click on the ‘Search’ button, search for ‘EAF steel.’ 78, Drag and drop it onto the plan Since each plan requires one fixed process, this process must also be fixed. 79. Double click on the process and set the scaling factor to ‘1’ and select ‘Fixed’ just like before. 80. Save and close this plan. “% End of life Paper Clip [Plans] - DB Plan lis, = 1B\2~BBx*| =|) Fez7iaeiartgo®@ | End of Life Paper Clip ‘Selection: End of Life Paper Clip © |.” Gob pce Mas |) Tee asc penaes who DereArSteelbiet/ iP Sb / oom PE System: No changes Las change: System, 2/6/2013 6:42:33 PM (GUID 6285537-3212-48 You will now add this newly created plan to the Life Cycle Stee! Paper clip Plan. 81. Drag and drop the ‘End of Life Paper Clip’ plan from the DB manager onto the already open ‘Life Cycle Steel Paper Clip’ plan. 82. Connect the ‘Use Phase Steel Paper Clip’ process with this plan. 61 9 Procedure De J+ BE x| = - |W Parola Io reeia Es" 15.01 Creating a recycling loop Since the recycling of our End of life plan produces steel and has the output flow ‘ste! billet’, you can model a circular material flow within the paper clip life cycle by connecting the output flow of our end of life plan with the steel wire production process. 83, Connect the ‘End of Life Paper Clip’ plan to the ‘Steel wire’ process now. You can see that the amount of stee! that is provided by the primary steel billet production decreases by the amount of stee! that is provided by the recycling plan. Ii. +BGx| = - | Pm@zia@e/a&9o ee. cad me Seetaent pe Dp== - 9 = aa Congratulations, you have now completed modelling the life cycle of a paper clip! 62 9 Procedure De 16 Adjusting ual appearance 16.01 Editing flows You can adjust the visual appearance of our plan. For example, clicking on a flow arrow, you can redirect it by moving the black markers on the corners. With a double click you ‘see the properties of that flow and can change the colour of the flow arrow in the plan editor. 16.02 Adding comments You can also add comments to your model. This is only a visual element and does not affect the calculations made using the model. Clicking on the Comment icon inserts a new comment into your model. You will notice the comment editor opens where you can select the background colour and font colour as well as entering the text. 84. Click on the ‘Comment’ button and choose a background colour for the box and font colour 85. Write the comment: ‘This model contains some non representative assumptions.’ 86. Click ‘OK.’ 87. You can now resize and move this box as if it were a process. Gi+OGx=-iviggziaelss 5° Ee eg, * — tel You can now play around with your model and resize, relocate and redirect your processes and flow arrows to make it look the way you prefer. Remember that your model should reflect the real life situation. 88, Save and close your plan. You have now completed modelling. 63 9 Procedure De 17 Creating a balance and vie 1g dashboards 17.01 Cres g a balance You've now learnt how to create and edit plans, processes and flows as well as the re- spective importance of each of these objects in GaBi. You also successfully modelled the life cycle of a steel paperclip. During this chapter, you will learn how to create a GaBi balance and how to read and un- derstand its results. Let's start by opening the plan that you just finished creating. If you have not completed the model, you can open the Tutorial Model plan. This plan con- tains a finished version of the model built in all chapters leading up to this. In order to analyse the environmental impacts of your modelled paper clip you have to create a balance. A GaBi balance is a file containing all the calculated results for the modelled system and includes all of the LC! results as well as the LCIA results. Create a balance of the Life Cycle Stee! Paper Clip plan now. 89. Click on the ‘Balance’ icon in the plan window. OB/I4BBx«|=- |e The GaBi dashboard will open. Ziaelaca@ Fae SD 2 Rianavi4s | isanemesn = =e Ala D> Procedure De 17.02 GaBi Dashboard The dashboard allows you to choose how you would like to view the LCI and LCIA results. You can also view the results of the Life Cycle Costing and Life Cycle Working Environment analyses here. You can save the balance separately by clicking on the save button. The balance will be ‘saved in the balances folder of your database. You find your balances in the object hierarchy of your GaBi DB Manager right above your plans. 90. Save your balance, but remember if you change anything on your plan, you have to calculate and save a new balance. At the moment you see a series of charts showing the life cycle impact asessement results for the paper clip model. You are currently viewing the global warming potential, acidifica- tion potential and other impacts. You can drill down into these results by clicking on a column to view the next level of the ‘model. In this case you can view the results for the sub plan that you created for the end of life phase. 91. Click on the ‘End of life paper ip’ column to view the results. ® This view gives us an excellent overview of the environmental impacts or the LCIA. GaBi includes a number of predefined dashboards designed to allow you to better under- stand the results of your study. Here, you can see dashboards for various impact assess- ment methodologies. The LCIA = CML tab displays all of the CML impact category impact assessment results. Likewise, the LCIA - TRACI tab displays all of the impact assessment results according to that impact assessment methodology. Using the i-report tab, you can create interactive reports — you can learn how to do that in part 2 of the paper clip tutorial. 65

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