English 10 2nd Grading Exam

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I. True or False

1. Making annotations is helpful when you are a lazy reader who do not want to
comprehend a reading selection.
2. When organizing an argument using the Rogerian Argument, you must begin with a
historical introduction of the claim.
3. When organizing an argument using the Classical Argument, you must begin with an
objective discussion of the issue.
4. In delivering an impromptu speech, you can speak whatever comes to your mind
without focusing on the logical arrangement of ideas.
5. In delivering an impromptu speech, a speaker must vary his/her choice of words
depending on the audience.
6. Being updated with the current events is helpful in successful delivery of an impromptu
7. Non-verbal communication is equally important in any form of communication.
8. Correct grammar does not include punctuation marks.
9. Mastering the important verbal features of speech helps in improving one’s delivery.

II. Multiple Choice

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Who is considered the Father of Japanese short stories?
A. Matsuo Basho
B. Ryunosuke Akutagawa
C. Sasuke Akutagawa
D. Rakuta Ming

2. Which of these elements of literary work displays a grim or depressing atmosphere?

A. chaos
B. macabre
C. vignette
D. magical realism

3. Identify the adverb that does not belong to the group.

A. always
B. hardly
C. seldom

4. Identify the adverb that does not belong to the group.

A. definitely
B. rarely
C. indeed

5. Identify the adverb that does not belong to the group.

A. indeed
B. never
C. surely

6. Affirmation
Did you see Liza last week?
A. Yes, I saw her last week.
B. Never did I see her.
C. No, I did not see her last week

7. Negation
How did you find the speaker’s talk?
A. It did not move me.
B. It was indeed inspiring.
C. It was delivered perfectly.

8. Affirmation
Should parents give children the freedom to express what they want?
A. Parents should not put their children’s safety to risk.
B. Parents should always listen to what their children say.
C. Parents should never be a hindrance to their children’s happiness.

9. Choose the adverb in the sentence: The students performed excellently in the
A. performed
B. in
C. excellently

10. Choose the adverb in the sentence: She is not willing to finish the project alone.
A. alone
B. not
C. project

11. Choose the adverb in the sentence: Ria hesitantly responded to the question.
A. Ria
B. responded
C. hesitantly

12. When is apostrophe used in literary works?

A. when addressing an inanimate or imagined person or object
B. when discussing an abstract quality or inanimate or imagined person or object
C. when comparing inanimate or imagined persons, objects or abstract qualities

13. Which results from the use of apostrophe

A. highlighted emotions
B. exaggerated statements
C. detailed comparison of objects

14. Which is true about apostrophe?

A. it creates subtlety.
B. it is often exclamatory.
C. it disillusions the readers.

15. Which of these contains an apostrophe?

A. Enlightened, I took the road closest to her.
B. O happiness, you fleeting maiden I must always chase.
C. I discovered that the secret to happiness lies in my love for her.
16. Which of these contains an apostrophe?
A. With each heavy step I fight.
B. For a dream that keeps me up at night.
C. O distance, you that I must defeat every day!

For items 17 and 18, read and analyze the poem. Then answer the questions that

Holy Sonnets: Death, be not be proud

John Donne

Death, be not be proud, some have called thee

Mighty and dreadful, thou art not so;
For those whom thou think’s dost overthrow
Die not, poor Death, not yet canst thou kill me.
From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,
Much pleasure, then from thee much more must flow
And soonest our best men with thee go,
Rest of their bones and soul’s delivery.
Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell,
And poppy or charms can make us sleep as well
And better that any stroke; why swell’st thou then?
One short sleep past we wake eternally
And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.

17. What or who is being addressed in the poem?

A. death
B. a person
C. the reader

18. Which of the following is true based on the poem?

A. Death is all-powerful.
B. Death is not something to be feared.
C. Death must not take pride on its effect on men.

19. What do you call a run- on sentence with independent clauses connected only by a
A. comma splice
B. spliced run-on
C. run-on comma
D. sentence fragment
20. Which of the following is a run- on sentence?
A. According to the news, internet is slowest in the Philippines.
B. The mayor announced the suspension of classes, the students rejoiced.
C. The representative of the victim fought viciously, thus winning her the case.
D. The gang responsible for the graffiti was hounded by the police, causing a ruckus in
the neighborhood.

21. Which is a sentence fragment?

A. Sharing is caring.
B. Discussing the issue in a public forum.
C. Dealing with foreign investors is a tricky business.
D. The trains are often delayed due to technical problems.

22. Which best describes a technical definition?

A. Technical definition always uses highly advanced words to define.
B. Technical definition is centered on how a word is used in a field.
C. Technical definition refers to the general meaning associated with a word.
D. Technical definition describes the process by which something come to be.

23. In which of the following situations is a technical definition most useful?

A.in a professional setting
B. in everyday conversation
C. in a public forum with general masses
D. in a classroom with young children

24. Which of the following subjects requires technical definition?

A. General Studies
B. Business English
C. Conversational English

25. Which of the following correctly describes parallelism?

A. Parallelism is the use of the same words, phrases, or clauses to make sentences
B. Parallelism is the use of similar structure in words, phrases, or clauses to achieve
clarity when writing sentences.
C. Parallelism is the structuring of sentences to be of the same length to improve
D. Parallelism is the use of words, phrases, or clauses, with differing structures to make
the sentence more interesting.

26. Which sentences showcase parallelism when presenting a series?

A. Better skin, a healthier liver, and frequenting the toiler are all effects of drinking tea.
B. The people who were exiled experience isolation, a state of poverty.
C. The rising number of people who are openly murdered is shocking, distressing, and
D. The trains continue having problems when it comes to maintenance, to control the
number of people, and the schedule of arrivals and departures.

27. Which type of claim is based on what is right and wrong?

A. claim of fact
B. claim of policy
C. claim of value

28. Which type of claim makes a statement that can be verified by authorities on the
A. claim of fact
B. claim of policy
C. claim of value

29. What type of claim proposes a change in the current rules or laws to solve an
existing issue?
A. claim of fact
B. claim of policy
C. claim of value

30. What happened to Reloy in school went viral throughout social media.
A. spreads slowly
B. spreads quickly
C. remains a secret

III. Identification.
A. Write RS if the sentence is a run-on sentence and CS if it is a correct sentence.

1. The government is struggling to alleviate poverty it doesn’t have enough funds.

2. The fear for authority is not the same as respect for authority.
3. Prices of most commodities are rising; one reason for this is the privatization of
many government-owned establishments.
4. Nurses who were overworked and caught sleeping-on-duty causes a discussion, a lot
of people were angry.
5. Despite the terrible incidents happening in the country, people still consider the
Philippines a great tourist destination.

B. Identify if the following is a technical definition. Choose TD if it is a technical

definition and NTD if it is not a technical definition.

1. When at a sea, to haul is to change the course of a ship.

2. In the internet language, the term attachment refers to a file that has been included
in an email.
3. A problem is something that is seen as disruptive or harmful.
4. Apostrophe as used in poetry, is a figure of speech that addresses an abstract idea or
an abstract object or person.
5. To abdicate is to relinquish a position of power, a responsibility, or a right.

C. Write PS if the sentence has a parallel structure and FPS if the sentence has a faulty
parallel structure.

1. Volunteering means serving, donating, and to give advice.

2. The food needs to be cleared, prepared, and cooked.
3. Following your dreams means being persistent, going the extra mile, and staying
true to yourself.
4. The company needs a man who can create spreadsheets, type fast, and make
5. Alicia is deciding whether to watch a movie, eat at a restaurant, walk at a park, and
feeling happy about the weekend.

D. Identify the following claims as claim of FACT, VALUE, or POLICY

1. Requirements regarding the height and architectural design of structures near or

within cultural heritage sites should be established and implemented strictly.
2. The Philippines has won four Miss Universe crown to date.
3. The selling of Libyans as slaves for $400 each is an especially ignorant and cruel
practice in this modern age.
4. Emmerson Mgangagwa has taken over the presidency in Zimbabwe after former
president Robert Mugabe resigned.
5. It is only right for women to be able to walk the streets without feeling threatened
just like their male counterparts.

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