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M: Who has a pet in the house?

R: No one in the house, but the neighbours, everyone has it.

M: No, no, that's fine. Bangalore actually, people are so lucky you have
bigger homes, I guess. Right? So you can have the luxury of keeping pets.

R: In Bombay we can't. I mean, some people do, but it's a little difficult here.

M: So, Nikita, the light is open on her face. A little? Ah, yeah, we tried a bit,
but she's near the sunlight. So I think its okay. It's fine. So let's start. I'm
Sangeeta. And as you say, she is Nisha. And we are from a market research
agency in Bombay, and we are speaking to young girls like you, y'all in
Bangalore. And it's a very, very, very, what do you say, are trying to
understand basically, what you're like what you like to do? What are your
thoughts you're going to share? You know, there was a sample of products
given to you had been sent to you by courier. Is it somewhere close to you?
You've taken it?

R: Yeah.

M: Okay. So, instead of in 10 minutes or so, we'll open the pack.

R: Okay.

M: And we have some fragrance options, which you need to check. Just
understand one thing that we haven't developed any of those, okay. So you
have to tell us, whatever you think about it, it's not like, how should I say
whether I should say or not. Okay, if something like that. We are just trying
to see. We'll also talk along as we go ahead. And I heard that y'all are friends.
So y'all know each other?

R: Well. Yeah.

M: So y'all been friend like from what? College School? What?

R: College

M: Okay and so tell us a little bit. What do you say some secrets of each
other? Which possibly?
R: He would not want to talk otherwise?

M: Yeah. Nikita, tell me, because, uh, tell me about Yashika. Something
about Yashika.

R: Nothing much. I mean, I met her during a college fairs, and he did like a
course together like somewhere else at college. And we used to hang out with
me. And that's how I talk. I'm keeping an eye on like, from the same class.

M: Okay. So that's how we all became Okay. So I'm just trying to understand,
you know, like, sometimes we don't want outsiders to know, but as friends,
we know, they're a little secret. So is there anything that you would want to
share? Something on? Something naughty about them? No.

R: I will tell about Nikita.

M: Okay, please do please do tell me.

R: Nikita has a boyfriend. She's kind of shy to admit it. But we want to say

M: Okay,

R: The cutest couple to be.

M: Okay. And what about Yashika?

R: You want me to talk about someone?

M: Yeah, yeah.

R: I can talk about anyone new that is more water actually understanding fun. I
can see my own similarity in both because the fun and naughtiness which we
usually have no, we all have the same one. So we can plan somewhere going
out not everyone will have same opinion. Like if I tell suppose this restaurant
or non-veg place, or is if it is a veg place, everyone will agree. Sunday outing,
Wednesday outing any time. Like it's like, we have a proper coordination and
we have good standing together.

M: So not too many clashes of thoughts or opinions.

R: Okay, sometimes when you flop plans that’s all especially Kirtana.

M: What does she do?

R: Nikita doesn’t do but Kirtana does.

M: And who's the one who normally is good at giving advice, you know, that
we must go to her kind of thing out of the three of Yeah, yeah.

R: Kirtana

M: Oh, So Kirtana is the all in all

R: Something notes they give you an old story.

M: Okay, interesting

R: When it comes to cooking or baking or anything Nikita is the best for all
those and for advices and all, wise, like how to start the process and then

M: Very nice. So each one of you has some other strengths or Let's not say
weakness, but strengths. Okay, so let's have a formal introduction quickly.
What do you do? Where do you work? Where do you study? What are you
doing? Well, who's in the family? Yeah. Tell me yashika you can start?

R: Yeah, hi, I'm yashica as you know, and I've completed my B Comm. And
Jyotinath college. And currently I am working in a centre has admin associate.
So we are a four in a family, Mom, dad and an elder brother. And in free time I
usually watch Amazon series, or maybe your Netflix or short movies. That's all
and I hang out with these people. That's all nothing's. Okay.

M: Nikita.

R: Yes, so I work in green. They help right now as a client support. I love to
bake. I love to cook. And there are protocols in my family. My dad, sister dog
and me.

M: Yeah. Okay. And what does your dad do as a profession? What is his
R: He is into Real Estate

M: Keertana,

R: So Hi. So currently, I'm working in bite and junior, as I say, I'm into sales. So
in my family there are four of us. So my mom, dad, and I have a younger sister.

M: Okay. Okay. Very good. So let's start talking about whatever we need to
discuss today, okay, at your work, even otherwise, when you're going out,
I'm sure you meet a lot of young girls or women whom you think are very
well groomed or very well maintained, as they call it in the local language,
you know, they're very well maintained, or very well groomed, to also take
care of themselves. So who are these? How do you identify what are the
clues to identify and say that Oh, she's so well groomed?

R: Usually you'll find by doing parties. Sometimes it's like, in between because
casual people and people who have parties both will be there in restaurants or
maybe not well groomed in parties.

M: Yeah. So what is where you find them? I'm saying wherever you find
them. It could be it depends on what kind of work you do. Normally, people
find them at work also, at restaurants also at parties. Also, I'm just saying
that what do you see in that lady or a girl whom you think? And who helps
you decide that she's well groomed?

R: Confidence that I've seen her and the way she talks to us or the others how
she treats other people, and sometimes they will even iron cloth or something.
Some girls, you know, just love floats as well. Yeah, yeah, I used to think that
even makeup if they were you know, they look good and all that. But then I
understood the real thing is in the skincare and how they actually know take
care of themselves. So I when I see the confidence in them, right? So when I
understand that the values that they take care of themselves

M: Any specific products that they use?

R: Very groom in the sense from the top to bottom, maybe curries and
clothing, which they actually make matching, and the smell of whether the
costume needs makeup Or maybe the skincare, the tool, something like that,
which, which actually defines when your hairstyle actually defines you.

M: Okay, Nikita do you want to add something to what they've already said.

R: Yeah, like, well groomed early doesn't mean about how they, I mean, I feel
it's like the way they dress up and they carry themselves and the way they
walk. That's what shows when a girl is much groomed.

M: Okay, so Yashika just said she should smell good. Also, right, Jessica? You
said something like?

R: Yeah.

M: Okay, so is that also very important using a product which makes you
smell good? Maybe cream?

R: Maybe it can be anything. The cream fragrance, which you get some cream
was actually passed by you. Someone should ask you like what cream you're.

M: It could be any product that gives you fragrance. Okay, a small game that
we play. I'm just going to say out some words and I want the immediate
associations that come to your mind. Don't think too much. When we talk
when we talk about rain. Nikita what comes to your mind quickly?

R: Rain?

M: Yeah.

R: Song.

M: Okay.

R: The smell of rain, the smell of Rain, Mud smell

M: Smell mode. What is the mode? What is the feelings? That one goes?

R: Happy?

M: Okay, what?
R: Have a coffee,

M: Coffee or something hot coffee? Yes.

R: Yeah, right.

M: Okay. What is romance? When I say romance? What comes to your


R: Romance is only with boyfriend

M: But what are the feelings? What are the thoughts? What are the images?
What comes to your mind? Yeah.

R: Cuddly feeling boyfriend Netflix also.

M: So is it what they show on Netflix? Or is it watching Netflix together?

R: Both.

M: Okay kirtana?
R: There oh by Bollywood but if you're watching, it's like more romantic.

M: Yeah, yeah.

R: The songs are also okay.

M: And now if I say perfume, what are the first associations that come to
your mind very quickly.

R: Smell and feeling good and all.

M: Very good. Very good. What else?

R: Flower

M: What else?

R: And my friends. Ritual of putting perfume on your hands during this time?
M: Yeah, okay. Yeah, they do that right.

R: Yes

M: So any thoughts? Any feelings? How do you feel? What is the mood?
What else comes to your mind when we talk about perfumes?

R: Uplifting mood

M: Uplifting?

R: Yes and Confident

M: Okay, Nikita

R: Feel like if a person smells good, like perfume is automatically muted.

Actually, only with the smell. Some people some people don't have a
bathroom, others put perfume and they come up but sometimes they just had
a bath or just smell clean.

M: Okay, okay, so now can you please look at those boxes, the parcels that
you have got and open them? I think you'll need a pair of scissors because it's
not going to open just like that. If you haven't kept one, please get it. Just
open they and you will be able to see three samples. Take f1 and we'll then
talk about it. Meanwhile, what I'm going to do is I'm sharing a small video on
the whatsapp group that we have just formed with your video shows you
how to use the fragrance the perfume. Once you're done, you just let me
know. I'd sent it to them. Let's say Yeah. Okay. Yashika? Could you open it?
You have to unmute.

R: I have opened it I'm reading the instructions.

M: Yeah, please go through that and then you'll also see. Yea you can show I
think everyone is still unwrapping. We are a little ahead

R: We needs to get a scissors.

M: You saw yashika

R: Yes, yes

M: Okay, so you will take that f1 from, Nikita, also Nikita, you couldn't open

R: Oh, actually I have two f1

M: Anyone is fine. Anyone. And yashika you can you can test it the way you
saw it on the video, but don't talk about it till the others have been done.
Okay. Just don't spray it onto your hands.

R: Okay

M: Yeah, straight only on the tip of the strip.

R: Yes

M: Get a scissors, Nikita and Kirtana you will not be able to open it

R: Opened it.

M: Take the F1 I hope you have opened that

R: Yes

M: Don’t spray it on your hands okay?

R: F1

M: Yea purple colour. Okay, I think it's a nice not been able to open it yet.
Okay. I think meanwhile, they can cut open the other samples and keep them

R: Haha, open everything finish the thing.

M: Because you know, you will have to do that later on. Don't spray those
use them just on the site. And if all three of you have finished testing the first
F1, we can talk about it also.
R: Yeah.

M: Kirtana you’re done?

R: Yeah, I saw the first one.

M: Okay, so that we can talk about it. Yashika Kirtana. All three of you.

R: I actually

M: Don’t use two hands to touch it. Because you have to try more samples.
So just hold it like that. And yeah, yeah.

R: I don’t find any difference with this perfume

M: I didn’t understand what you're saying. Yeah, that's better. Your voice
was going far, Yeah. So it is not a very unique fragrance and it's just normal.

R: Yes

M: Okay, so any associations? Can you talk about this? Give it two three
words to describe this fragrance. Let it be not unique.

R: Yeah, there's an attar that you use the small.

M: Like an attar?

R: Yeah. Yeah. It's just similar to that. I feel the same. Like now, when I snipped
it. No, it's just like that. I get good fragrance, like some of flower or maybe fruit
or something like that.

M: Ok you're not getting that's what you're feeling?

R: No

M: Okay. Okay, Nikita?

R: I don’t like the smell of this.

M: You don't like the smell at all? Okay, fine. What did you not like about it?
R: It's very strong, and it smells like a mall or like that you enter this perfume
store in a mall like, it's like this rush of smell that comes in all of a sudden Yeah,
I don't like it.

M: Okay, and Kirtana?

R: It is also very strong as soon as I opened even before I spray it on this I could
feel the smell and also I think it is unisex perfume added treated as women's
perfume actually and I kind of found it was a fresh citrusy that kind of feeling
with a lot of citrus and all.

M: Okay and what makes you say it is unisex

R: Because it's usually women's perfume is more or floral, How sweet kind of
fragrance so but this one is not that it is kind of citrusy something that when
you actually like when I felt like I thought what Yashika was saying but it's like
after you take a shower and then you know if you like putting a do or
something like that can be citrusy but strong and it can be can be unisex. That's

M: Yeah, okay. Okay. Can we just keep it aside? Anything else you want to
add? Nikita?

R: No.

M: Nothing? Do you like it? Or you don't like it at all?

R: I don't like it at all.

M: Yashika, you?

R: I like it

M: Kirtana?

R: I don't like it

M: Yeah, yeah, and yeah. So let's do one thing. Just keep the strip aside. And
let's start talking. Okay, we have a lot of things to chat well, to show you a lot
of things also. So let's go ahead speaking about perfumes. Now. Let's assume
its a little imaginative exercise that we are doing. Let's assume that an alien
has come here and alien is in front of y'all us basically and he's asking your
some explanations about perfume because he has no clue you know that
aliens don't understand anything happening in our world. Right? So how
does one explain to him what a perfume is? Forget this fragrance. Forget this
one. And I’m generally talking about perfumes. Forget f1 one. So what is the
perfume? Like? When should I use it? How can I identify is it is a perfume
different from a deo? They will have lots of questions this alien so what are
the answers that you would give? What is the explanation?

R: Like this a liquid that comes in a spray bottle.

M: Okay, very simple.

R: Yeah, and then you use it when you go out.

M: Okay, How would you say the Yashika?

R: For me something like I would explain telling that is a form of liquid, where
you can cover your any other bad smell, which you really get and you can cover
up with that. And then the smell has different fragrance. It can be flowers
fragrance, or maybe a good fragrance something like jasmine flavour depends
on which you choose. When you are sprayed know the fragrance which the
perfume has normal so you get that smell, which lasts for four to five hours

M: Okay and Kirtana?

R: If we are we going to this I would say that different types of perfume are like
some of them are only meant to up your strong fabric, some you can use most
of them, and you can use it on your skin. And also there's a one unique thing
about perfume that when it blends to your skin right sometimes it depends on
your body or your or your skin type and all it kind of gives a little different so it
doesn't smell the same just like how you put it on your smell or when you
smell it directly. So when you put it on the body it changes so that is what I
want to tell them.

M: Okay. Okay, did y'all have any idea what she's talking about? Even it was
interesting to know that it depends on your body spread or smell or type our
R: Body odour. Everyone has a right to the perfume sometimes makes it with
your body odour.

M: No and she also said there are some which can be used on cloths and
some directly on the body. Most of them can be used on the body. That's
what she said.

R: Yeah, right.

M: Okay, what else can we tell him about him or her about the perfume? Are
they are they very different from yours? Are they used very differently?

R: They’re used differently than deo and all because they have alcohol.

M: Kirtana just a second, Yashika you say.

R: Some deos can be roll-on and some can be sprays

M: And how do they work? They work differently from the body.

R: Yeah, odour of your body smell. It depends on that and then after some
time the actual deo changes with one last the same for maybe three hours it
depends on your body odour and then it changes.

M: Nikita you were saying something

R: I think deo are something much stronger because you use it every day or
after a workout or something like that or before a workout. So that deo is like
much more strong and again it depends on a person's preference like if they
prefer using perfumes over deodorant, they might end up using perfume or
not deo.

M: No but then but then yashika says the do doesn't last for more than two
three hours the fragrance and you are saying it is strong. I didn't understand

R: So they are strong. Yeah, I agree with that but they are but they also don't
last very long again it depends on the brand of the do some last very long,
some don't really last long.

M: Okay, now can Kirtana you can tell us what else would you add?
R: I think to contain alcohol and some audio sometimes depends on a
symptom they might be harsh or you might have a reaction so they come in a
gas form so when you spray the kind of the whole room starts smelling or
some people are kind of allergic to deos as well. But most people love
perfumes because they're very you know in a liquid form obviously and they
kind of don't spread much this fragrance is much more stronger compared to
deos and they last longer than deos I feel.

M: Okay, okay. So does F1 be used by young girls like you all began use
perfume regularly? Can it be used regularly?

R: Yeah. At least weekly once or twice?

M: Yeah, Yashika and Nikita you think perfumes can be used regularly?

R: So yeah, I think so because I usually prefer using perfumes over the deos.

M: Why so, why so can you tell me?

R: It’s your elegant I feel and then as the fragrance also last long but
sometimes what I do is I like to mix the smell.

M: Can you explain?

R: Yeah, so usually when I put on my wrist I first applied coconut oil and then I
applied the perfume on my hand changes the smell completely. And it lasts
longer usually you apply Vaseline but actually doesn't have a smell. So coconut
oil has this really nice smell and talk that he put it to you. I mean the perfume
it smells much better for me.

M: Oh,

R: It lasts longer. And the smell it remains till the next day when I do that.

M: Okay, I never heard this. I've heard this for the first time.

R: So that so yeah, because I've seen people using Vaseline on their wrist
because I read it somewhere to put passion and then you apply perfume on
the Vaseline, and then let it last longer so I didn't have Vaseline so I use
coconut oil and the smell completely changed and it smells better.
M: Okay, okay. Jessica, did you really want to say something on this? How
does one use it and where does one use it? Where does one wear? What do
you call? I wear a perfume? I use a perfume I sprayed I mean what is used?

R: Wear

M: Wear? That's the correct term. Okay, well, okay, so tell me tell me when
do you wear this?

R: For me. It's like perfume. Maybe for parties. Something very special places.
No, I use perfumes. If not just like deodorants and all it's like casual meets.
Maybe if I come back from gym or something if I feel uneasy I just spray.

M: But then why only for parties and why?

R: Special parties and special dates and all it makes a unique special day. You
need smell better than usual. Like from you and your partner you're going
alone for a date and then you smell better because you get closer more. And
the smell is very important in usual everyone's life. So for me it's like smell is
must whatever it is even in your shower, if I don't shower I need like

M: Okay, Kirtana now how often you said once or twice in a week so can you
wear how and all?

R: When I am Going out with friends or any family locations or even if we're
out for a restaurant lunch or anything so when I'm going out I have to use
them I'm not a deo kind of person or deo sometimes during the summers I use
it regularly after shower all of that. But most of the times that perfumes that I
like to use when I'm going out and sometimes you know because of the
lockdown even if I was a home, you know I used to just use it smell and feel
good. So it kind of uplifts my mood.

M: So that's your, you just showed me anyone in the.

R: Yeah, that's how I do it. And I put it on my neck actually, that this is how I
M: Okay, so you never use it on the body directly, but here, not other parts of
the body. Okay. Kirtana is frozen? Yeah. Yeah, I think something to do with
the network. Okay. And how do y'all use it? How do you

R: Like usually on the neck, okay. Or sometimes it's under arms, like, Okay.
Very rare. I use underarms. It's hard. It is on top of my clothes. Because clothes
is the one which makes your fragrance stronger. Even if you're putting on a
skin, it won't last for long floats. That will last a little longer. So that's the
reason to a neck and then no, like clothes and all.

M: Kirtana you got frozen. So there was a call or something at your end.
What happened?

R: Oh, I think she's going to restart her phone or re-join again. That's okay.
That's okay. She'll come back.

M: Can I, I was asking you about sorry.

R: Hello. Internet glitch.

M: Yeah, no, that's okay. Still. You did mention something like this. So, yeah.

R: For one or two sprays, kind of massaging my skin. And yeah, and then I kind
of rub it on my neck. So that is the only way I use perfume.

M: Ok you never use it on cloth?

R: I had fabric perfume. So only for that I use it. I used to use it on clothes or
others. I usually don't use it on clothes.

M: Okay. And where do you normally like to use? Like you said once or twice
a week. So give me some occasion. Give me some? When do you like to use
it? Yeah. Where when?

R: So occasions, basically going out like family functions or even if I'm going for
lunch, dinner, or anything as such as well, except for shopping or something
like that. In most of the occasions I am going out me very often,

M: But then you go for work. Also you said you're working right? So do you
wear it for work?
R: It's work from home. Like even if I'm like not going out after my gym
workouts in my home. So I don’t need it.

M: Okay, I think I Yashika we are losing your voice. Now it's better. Yeah.
Okay. We'll talk about it a little later. You can tell me some things which are
very interesting about perfumes. What are the products that you will use?
What are the brands that you have at home? It could be do it could be
perfume. Can you just call out? One by one? Nikita, can you call out? Yeah.

R: I have Eva and that smells really nice and all. I use athar a lot of sad, okay.
Yeah, I use that a lot. Because I feel that it's that fragrance that lasts longer and
all and its little bit more eco-friendly. It's literally just fragrant oil. And then you
can again, go back to the store and refill it with the same bottle.

M: So that way eco-friendly.

R: Okay, yeah.

M: Does that matter? Does that?

R: Yeah, that's right now it matters a lot. Because with all these forest fires
going on, and basically the world almost coming to an end, I feel like it matters
a lot.

M: Okay. Okay. So now what are the brands that you have? And yashika
what are the brands that you have?

R: I have Yardley deodorant and perfume both, I have some other brands too
using I have to keep changing. And then yeah, these are the main one I have.

R: Great. And Kirtana what are your brands?

M: She is froze again I guess Anyways there's one more one more activity
that we are doing okay. Now since we are talking about you know perfumes
and deals etc. I want to I want you to play a small game where you will have
to imagine that supposing we are sitting somewhere it could be a restaurant
it could be somewhere I don't know where your meet your friends here or
there and there are these two girls or two lady or whatever. Okay women
two women they come in one of them is a perfume user one of them is a deo
user, one is who always uses do one is always who uses perfume. So by
looking at them or if she's a perfume user who is she? Can you draw a rough
caricature kind of a thing right from age profession? What kind of
background she comes from what is what is her personality? What are her
traits? What does she like and if she is wearing a perfume? What are the
other products or brands that she would be using? And how is she dressed
and who's a deo user? So this is again very imaginative you can have
different opinions, and Kirtana have you heard the question? What
happened he's close to LeBron is contacting her meanwhile just continues on
with Nikita and Yashika.

R: Yeah. For me, it's like a deo and perfume user and both can be unisex. It can
be either boy or girl so in deodorant I can define with age around 15 to 25
Okay, something she is in a mid-teenager or maybe college going so early Job
it's like something in between

M: Yeah,

R: Either and she's very fun loving she loves to explore new things and she
don't know much about society but still goes outing for like with friends for
something some three four hours like that. She's very casual she's not taking
life seriously. The moment at present that is what we get fragrance from
deodorant entry which is for three four hours lasting for not more than that.
And it is not like it’s just fun loving just for this temporary fragrance and who is
wearing a perfume or maybe full time men or maybe men who have to like all
the time like maybe to allow to work hours also he's or here with the meetings
and she has a new job like crowd gathering for that she need to be confidence
having a present doing a well presentation so she can wear perfume which will
last for longer and whenever she is doing a presentation and she is more
confident and that's how I can differentiate both so and she has more
responsibility he or she has more responsibility and she's more experienced
yeah well knowledge about the society and all

M: How old they share what age group and

R: If I can I can tell you 23 plus

M: Nikita could you add something to this description what she was given?
R: Yeah, according to me I don't feel like you know this age reference for
perfume or do is it's on like how it depends on your preference individual

M: Yea

R: Yeah, so maybe a 30 year old preferred or do the audience maybe a 25 year

old who prefer perfumes depends on that.

M: So and forget about the age but gloves are not good other things Yeah.
R: Okay. So I prefer I think that perfume user who would be somewhat of a
high class society probably and works in a professional environment like the
professional environment and like person who is in his class he prefers to carry
themselves promptly. Deodorant every feeling feelings the personality casual.
If you can't it doesn't really bother much about themselves is a carry a smell
but you know, it really doesn’t matter.

M: Did you hear what they said?

R: You were asking about the brands I use in deodorants right?

M: That was the last question I asked you. Can’t hear me?

R: Yea so I’m currently using engage and with previous I used Eva and now only
engage and about this i feel like most of the working women use this and the
college going students use the deodorant and this is what happens with me,
we are all fond of this deo and perfume only rare are good like Victoria secrets
but now there are a lot of brands and that’s why working women prefer this
and most of the high class people who used to have the collection of these
kind of perfumes so it depends on the preference and people would love to
use this perfume and all and some only prefer deo it’s all personal preference
and its mostly college students who likes deo and after the 20s or working
women always prefer this perfume. It is probably because once we start
earning so we can spend it accordingly maybe that’s why
M: Okay tell me

R: Perfume are like, maybe we need to spend around 4-5 deo to get the money
for one perfume like after college then working and all

M: So one reason in affordability, because it will be like i can afford this once
I started working and all it could be many but what are the other changes as
we grow older like 20-22 from 20 you change, why?

R: I think we want the fragrances to last long and when we go out a lot and all
we just want that smell to lasts longer before we used to carry a lot of deo like
pocket deo and all and especially in a place like Bangalore it doesn’t sweat
much but in places with high humidity where they sweat a lot use deos and all
so that is one thing i observed, we like to carry these deo with our makeup
when we used to be young and all so that is one thing especially when the
fragrance, and one more thing is that when we use a lot of cosmetics like
powder or lipsticks and all so we just get used with this fragrances and all that
is the reason why we get attracted towards this.

M: Oh that’s interesting because this is the reason why you might be

attracted towards many other products like make up products which have
fragrances and then from that you’ll get an idea of this, that’s great. So nikita
Yashika you have something to add to this? Prartana which brand do you

R: I use a brand called skin

M: Oh okay, so can we go back to this where we used f1 we have kept it

aside and now smell it again and let me know because it has been 15 min, let
me know what you feel.
R: Too strong, it smells the same

M: Okay any changes?

R: I feel like this is like a bundle of things that are added in a perfume and
made one that’s what I feel.

M: Oh okay that’s interesting. What about you yashika?

R: I feel like sniffing it again

M: Okay keerthana?

R: I don’t think it’s the same strong i feel like there’s some natural oil or
something that is with citrus that is present in this perfume and that’s why
they are providing a strong smell. This is what i feel, not like a perfume floral or

M: Are you liking it?

R: I don’t feel like perfumes actually

M: Sorry what did you say?

R: I am not liking it that’s what i said

M: Can you take that coffee seed and open it and take sample 2 which is f2,
open it and take the tester also and just hold it at one edge like o told you

R: This is nicer than the previous one because in this there is less gas

M: I heard nikitika what is yashika saying?

R: I like this smell because this smells natural like sometimes that might last
long enough and all it might be awesome to wear this and go out.

M: Oh okay

R: This shouldn’t be heavy, like even if others are spraying we shouldn’t feel
that heaviness.

M: Okay keertana what are you sayiny?

R: It’s very light and sweet and good it’s feminine

M: It’s good? Any other description?

R: It’s very nice, this wasn’t strong like the last time. It was sweet fragrance

M: So for nikita it reminds of the girls who wear jasmine in the temple and

R: Yes it was a very strong smell but in this it is nice

M: Oh this is the lighter version so can we keep it away from f1? And I’m
going to share my screen and go through that and let me know what you
think about it, just a sec.

R: We can see now

M: Can you see this?

R: Yes

M: So keep talking about the situation, talk about anything and if you’re in
any of this situation what would you be feeling and all?

R: Are we talking about F1 or F2 relating to this?

M: Nothing to do with both just generally

R: Parent’s get together and weekends being happy like the first one is
weekend like being comfortable with your gang.

M: So tell me if you were a part of this situation what would you be like to
wear a deo or a perfume?

R: For me if it were a party it should be perfume maybe the picture just below
the party maybe I’d prefer deodorant. Remaining I’ll be perfume

M: Okay and nikita?

R: I’ll wear perfume in all the situations

M: Okay in everything you’ll wear that okay

R: I think the one below the party most probably I won’t be wearing anything

M: So it could be a canteen or casual meeting or anything so it doesn’t matter

and why doesn’t it matter if you’re wearing a deodorant or a perfume?

R: Because i feel like i wear perfumes according to what i dress if I’m meeting
my friends like casual meetings or something I would not wear anything but if
it’s clubbing or parties I would dress up properly so i will definitely wear
perfume which suits.

M: Okay and kirtana what would you say?

R: I kind of wear perfume always because it was a habit like i go for some party
or something i used to wear and then when i meet my friends or something I
just don’t want to smell like sweat and all so that’s why i use perfumes and all
and that’s the reason why i use perfumes and before i use deo and sometimes
I just don’t wear at all and these days I’m just used to this.
M: Okay but in all situations you just have friends with you right? And for
nikita and yashika for them it changes like casually and partying and all it’s
interesting to know about all these but why is it important in parties?

R: It’s something like when we dance and sweat people will not want to be
near us so that’s why.
M: But deos don’t really help in that when tou sweat right? I don’t know
about that

R: I actually don’t use deo much i prefer perfumes so that’s why and i always
carry a small thing with me.

M: So nikita you were satin something?

R: As like when we go for parties and all wr sweat a lot which will lasts a lot and
we prefer these perfumes more so that we will cover this sweat and all so that
we can enjoy maximum so that’s the reason shy deos are fine.

M: Okay look at the situation

R: This is something for f2 I guess

M: Oh you like that f2?

R: Something very confident when you are with your partner and all, nikita
should answer this i guess, only in the first 2-3 months we will prefer wearing
this perfume and all then we will stoo wearing all those

M: Oh that is a good one as nikita have a boyfriend it’s important in first two
months right nikita?

R: Yes or else they will run away I think all except the last one is important.

M: Because this doesn’t look like a romantic date right?

R: Yes, the second picture doesn’t look formal like they’re comfortable with
Netflix so I don’t think it’s necessary to wear it at home.

M: But tell me if he’s your boyfriend and he’s in your home then also it’s not

R: No

M: To yashika is it?

R: To me smell is important

M: And for nishika she said initially it matters and after a while it doesn’t, in
real life?

R: Only first two months I’ll dress up and all after that i can’t do this anymore
first we need to be like that

M: Jokes apart when you’re close to someone does perfume plays an

important role?

R: You might get a compliment from them, like if they’re close and they’ll ask
like is it your body or perfume which is this much good smelling and all?

M: Okay tell me nikita and yashika what are your thoughts about this?
R: My boyfriend was using this perfume and I don’t like that at all ans after a
while he stopped using that and then i was happy.

M: Oh okay there are memories with that smell right?

R: Yes sometimes when he is not around we will just miss that smell.

M: Oh understood

R: Nikita can you shut the curtain we can’t see anything?

M: I’ll put a light

R: Okay and nikita and what role does this perfume have in your life? Like be it
anything romantically or anything what would be the role for that in your life?

M: It would make us feel closer or somethig but i only like to wear it when
we go out or something like clubbing or dates or anything but not when we
are home and chilling or watching Netflix or something

R: Okay understood so of kind of enhances the mode and uplifts the mood like
cologne or something its actually personal presentation

M: Okay and in this situation this is the last one

R: You know you can’t wear perfumes and all in works

M: Yea what happened?

R: The fragrance might draw unwanted attractions or unprofessional or

M: Why so?

R: So like last year in the beginning I was going to the office like first few

M: Yeah...yeah.

R: And what happened was some people who want this strong perfume and it
would really stink. First of all it’s enclosed area with AC .So there is no
ventilation and they wearing this strong perfume and you get a headache.
Imagine you sitting in front of the system the entire time and on top of that a
person smells so stern and they’re also enough sweating and they smoke also
on top of that.

M: Oh my god!

R: All these smell combine and its sting strong and you’ll just get a headache at
the end of the day.

M: Okay. Okay. So, even Keerthana said something or I think said it should be
light. Right?

R: Yeah, very light in fragrance. It should actually smell good. Suppose if you
have a light smell and the fragrance itself is not good maybe very weird type,
so obviously you’ll reflect back bad perception. That’s it.
M: Okay. So Keerthana, how would you put it?

R: It’s the unwanted attention because people with start talking about you.
Like you know they’ll kind of know what brand you are wearing or sometimes I
thought…My friend is an HR. So she tells me that it’s unprofessional to wear
strong perfume. So if the organization notices or if your boss notices, they’ll
literally tell you not to wear all these strong fumes and all are strictly not
allowed in some companies.

M: Acha but putting yourself in the kind of work you all are doing, if you are
in any of the scenario. Sorry Yashika! What are you saying?

R: I’m really sorry. My relatives have come. Just give me five to ten minutes. I’ll
just send them back. Is that fine?

M: Yeah. Come soon but.

R: It’s because there is nobody at home so I’ve to just send them. Just five ten
minutes not more.

M: Yeah...Keerthana and Nikitha. In which situation you would definitely

want to wear a perfume assuming you are in a situation like this…one of this.

R: I would wear a perfume for all situations but I’ll wear perfumes that smell

M: So there is something like. Perfumes have to smell like professional. I

didn’t know that meaning it’s not wrong.
R: Mild... Very mild…not that it shouldn’t be floral or citrous or anything nut
somewhere in between.

M: Okay. Okay…And what about you Keerthana?

R: See I wanted to be mild. I don’t, mind if it is floral because I, usually love

floral perfumes so.. It should be very mild. You you are walking or shouldn’t smell. It should be pleasant.

M: Okay. But you know, we are talking to so many youngsters of your age
people and they all say that you know it really helps when you are making a
presentation if you’re smelling good and you’ll feel confident. Uh…Such a
thing happens or what?

R: Yeah it does.

M: Like tell me?

R: It’s like when you dress good you feel good no? Like that when you can
smell yourself, when you smell good, you automatically feel confident.

M: Okay..okay. But the condition is it has to be a light perfume. It cannot be a

very strong, it cannot draw attention and yes it should be pleasant. But is deo
okay in this situation because deo is also mild or the smell doesn’t last so
long. Can you explain?

R: Yeah I mean...deo, you can wear it but just make sure it’s not too strong or it
doesn’t get anyone headache.
M: Um…yeah...Nisha, you have some question here...yeah? Yeah..Just one
question. Is there no official situation where a perfume might be required or
it might suit? Keerthana?

R: Probably for an interview. Like, you are going for an interview; you are
trying to make a good intention. It’s not only the way you dress but you also
need to smell good.

M: Okay...Okay. Anything else?

R: No. I don’t see myself in professional attire wearing a perfume until unless
very mild. I wouldn’t mind deos because they’re not much strong and they
don’t stay for too longer because of the freshness you lose but perfumes I do
not see myself using it now. Again the same reason because, I don’t want to be
identified. I feel like it’s so unprofessional. I don’t want to be highlighted in
office or something like that. And just like Nikitha said, if it’s a closed
environment and all of them starts stinking and all of those things also are
there. And I feel like it’s kind of unprofessional to use strong fragrance at a
workplace. So if it’s a mild perfume I don’t mind using it. Even I would use it for
a presentation or for going for interviews until and unless the other person
can’t smell. Most of the times when you wear a perfume on your hand or
something, you smell it the most. There is no harm for other person, so for
that I don’t mind. But if the fragrance is too strong and the other people can
smell, then I don’t wear those strong perfumes to work. I can say that.

M: Okay. Can we go back to or should I wait for Yashika to come back? But I
think I can continue, right? Nikitha and Keerthana, can you smell the sample
once again, please?

R: Yeah, sure.

M: And tell me what you think now.

R: It smells better now.

M: Okay.

R: It’s very mild.

M: Very mild..okay. Is it a good mild or what you all were talking about?

R: Yeah. It’s a good mild. When a person comes and hugs you no, he will feel
very nice. Andf I think you can wear this to work. It’s very mild and yeah…I
believe if you first apply coconut oil on your hand and then then wear it smells

M: I have to try it but I’m worried about the coconut oil’s smell though.

R: There’s this perfume Eva, it’s a blue colour bottle.

M: Okay…

R: With that and coconut oil, I use to mix it and that was my signature smell. So
my friend would come to me and say you finally smell like Nikki today.

M: Oh…so they identify you with that smell?

R: Yeah.
M: And that’s why you like it maybe.

R: Okay…okay...

M: So tell me it’s better, it’s very mild, is it a perfume for girls or guys or what
is your opinion?

R: Definitely feminine.

M: Feminine…okay..okay…and something that you may want to use or may

want to try.

R: Yeah,definitely.

M: U can.Okay. Can we take some coffee bean because we have one more

R: Yeah.

M: And now we have F3.

R: I like this smell.

M: Okay, one is light. Can you explain what kind of a fragrance is it? Any
words that come to your mind.

R: This is very aqua.

M: Aqua...okay.

R: My dad has the same thing. It’s very uhh…I think it smells like a deodorant.

M: Doe? Okay. Male? Okay.

R: I think it’s unisex. It’s like aqua, fresh, watery. I’m sure men will love it.

M: Okay so it can be unisex.Yeah…maybe

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