Qigong: The Science Behind The Myths

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The Science behind the myths

Who am I
Vincent J. Lasorso, Jr.
Master Teacher of Tai Chi and Qigong
Owner of the White Willow School of Tai Chi
Creator of Acoustopathic Sound and healing systems
• 40 years ago I began my
studies of Qigong.

• I read all the myths and

teachings of the classic
and contemporary

• When I questioned my
teachers about the
“important teachings”
they would always
discount the value of the
teachings: “Don’t worry
about those things.”
• When you are fortunate
enough to study with
I studied with Masters Masters who have
extraordinary control of
who would in today’s their minds, body and
material matter, you are
myths would be called: certain they know what they
“Jedi” are talking about!

• You do what they say:

• Practice obsessively
• Change your lifestyle
And eventually
• You acquire amazing
powers and become
internationally known
• Then you give it all up to be
in service to others.
• My first Masters focused
There are many their practice of qigong for
power to control their mind,
different systems, body, physical matter and
traditions, practices
• My second Masters focused
and techniques of their practice of qigong to
transcend the limits of their
Qigong. body, mind, space, time and
Many contradict
• I focus my practice,
each other! research, and teaching of
qigong to heal and
transform the body and the
mind, within the here and
now of our present reality.
• As an Industrial Designer
and Human Factors
“Our level of specialist I was trained to be
an expert in ergonomics and
mastery is directly body mechanics.
related to the • I was granted 4 U.S. Patents
limitations of our that are directly related to
my knowledge of how the
body, mind, body works.
life experiences, • I have been actively
education and researching, publishing and
teaching about the working
imagination” principles of qigong related
to health since 1985.
30 year guiding objectives
• Define the “universal principles” of the body’s
degradation and regeneration systems

• Identify and quantify the core common healing and

regeneration processes of alternative medicines

• Develop simple healing processes that:

• Produce positive change with little skill and effort
• Produce repeatable and easily predictable results
• Produces physical, measurable transformation of
anatomy and physiological processes

• People can’t heal if it be can’t done!

What is Qigong?
• Qigong directly translated means:
“Energy Work”
• Qigong is also a term used to describe ancient
Chinese systems and principles of healing and
preventing disease by creating or introducing “Qi”
energy through:
• Movement
• Breath-work
• Meditation
• Hands-on communication and manipulation
• Qi is a very ambiguous term used contextually like the
English word: “Energy”

• There is:
• Good energy
• Bad energy
• Spiritual energy
• Kinetic energy
• Passive energy
• Universal energy
• Life force energy
• Etcetera, etcetera.
Qi is more than
just Energy!
Qi is an “ocean” of consciousness, intelligence and
intention which exists as a field of infinite variables of
densities and contributors.
Qi can only be experienced
• The ancients were clear:

“You can only experience the results of Qi.”

• You can:
• Feel it
• See it
• Control it
• Direct it
• Know it
• But it can not be measured in any human way!

• It is impossible to measure the thoughts of the universal mind of

all creation.
But man can’t live
without definitions!
• In the early 1980’s western and Chinese scientist combined to
find out what Qi is.

• They used S.Q.U.I.D. equipment to measure the Qi projected

from the hands of Qigong healers.

• They published their research in 1985 which demonstrated that

Qi wasn’t just “energy” it was “infrasonic sound”

• The research provided a new context to my training. In

February 1987, T'AI CHI Magazine published my article: “ ‘S'
Principles of Power,” in which, among other “S” principles, I
discussed how to train qigong sounds into infrasonic wave
patterns to be used both inside the body and projected beyond
the body to heal others and influence matter.
The scientist did not get what they
They expected this: But they got this:

• They saw a field of infinite over

and undertones of harmonic
• To see a very defined sound
frequency wave of energy
• And then they described it as
they expected to see it, not as it
truly was! They described it as
frequencies and waves!
Infrasound is communication
• Infrasound is the sound of cells, within the harmonic
drone and piezoelectric charges of tissue movement.
Infrasound is comprised of thousands of frequencies
which are formed from the thousands of acoustic
pressure waves that are the “voices” and
“messages” of the cells.
Recording Cells
• Dr. Ingber published and defined the
mechanotransduction system of cell
Cell communication communication as early as 1992.

• Cell movement creates messages by

producing acoustic sounds (cell words)
and piezoelectric Morse code
messages through the connective
tissue network of the body.

• Mechanotransduction is the primary

method of all cell communication
making chemical molecular models of
medicine obsolete.

• I call this communication system and

its processes: “The Wiggle Paradigm”

Donald E. Ingber, M.D., Ph.D. • It is the “wiggles” that make

Founding Director & Core Faculty Member
infrasound. The wiggles are life!
Platform Leader, Biomimetic Microsystems
Wyss Institute

Judah Folkman Professor of Vascular Biology,
Harvard Medical School
Boston Children's Hospital

Professor of Bioengineering
Harvard School of Engineering & Applied Sciences

How cells talk
• All “fixed” cells are attached to a
connective tissue frame (scaffold) that
forms the structure of the body

• Integrins attach the cells to the tissue

and is matched to a chromosome

• Acoustic messages move through the

connective tissue into the cell nucleus
to “place and order” for product i.e.
chemicals, hormones, or actions

• Cells produce both product and

acoustic messages, by self-generated
purposeful movements of their
Cells and Scaffolds

The connective tissue that forms our Extra-Cellular Matrix

(ECM) really is the core of who we physically are. The cells
are individuals living within the structural communities create
by our matrix. Without the matrix there is no unity, coherence
or existence.
• Stem cells literally lurk
everywhere within your body
Stem cells are like waiting to be called into
angels living within us. • A stem cell can become any
They always remember type of cell in the body.

the “source” of our • How a stem cell differentiates

is determined by the scaffold it
original creation. attaches too.

• All neurons, in the brain and

peripheral nervous system, are
replaced by stem cells.

• A stem cell can not grow on

dysfunctional, non-messaging
Connective tissue

Glued Shoulder blade Normal Shoulder blade

Connective tissue is very sticky. When its placed

under pressure “fuzz” fibers glue tissue surfaces
together. Over time cells and tissues form
adhesions which disrupt the health of the body.
Adhesions like this are the eventual cause of
degeneration and death.
Time + Pressure = Adhesions
Dysfunctional Ergonomics
creates organic diseases over
time, by creating adhesions in
the tissues and cells of our
organs, vessels, and brain.
“Buzz melts Fuzz”
Buzz melts adhesions
Therapeutic Buzz to dissolve
adhesions in tissues and organs
is created by rapid successive
axial rotation and extensions of
connective tissue.
Controlled and directive

Muscles spiral around bones so that their natural

movement creates buzz energy.
• Healthy cells communicate by
articulating their membranes
like a speaker diaphragm to
Healthy cells dance and produce a whole spectrum of
purposeful sound
sing communication.

• This movement produces

piezoelectric “Morse code”
messages that are globally
transmitted through the
connective tissue network.

• The movement also produces

chemical product and or work
which both produce chemical
messenger molecules that
provide local communication
But stress causes disease
1915 Herbert Benson, M.D.
Walter Cannon, M.D. Defined the Relaxation Response
Discovered Fight or Flight Demonstrates how meditation
Response prevents and mitigates disease
Defined the body’s process of

Hans Selye, M.D. 1992
Defined the chemical adaptive Daniel Ingber, M.D.
system of the Flight or Fight Defines how bracing breaks down
Response cell communication and creates
both idiopathic and genetic
Edmund Jacobson, M.D.
Defined the process of cell bracing
Discovered how thoughts create Over the course of 77 years these
disease researchers took the empirical
Created psychosomatic medicine
Created Progressive Muscular
observations of stressors upon the
Relaxation human body into a new system of
• Cells get stressed from:
• Chemicals
• Mechanical action

Stressed cells •

Fatigue (overuse)
• Micro organisms
“brace for impact” • Trauma

• Stress causes cells to stiffen, compress in

size and close down access channels. We
call this “Bracing.”

• Braced cells only relax through


• Braced cells constrict the ECM to which

they are attached diminishing healthy
functional space, disrupting
communication and nutrient exchange.

• If they don’t move then they will create

adhesions within the ECM and between
themselves causing them to dysfunction
and eventually move into disease.
Bad ergonomics + Stressors = Decay
and disease
Adhesions accumulate over
time. Disrupting cell to cell
communication and
intracellular communication.

Cells die and mutate because of

an unhealthy environment

Reproduction is limited by
space, nutrition and hormones
causing a loss of density within
structures and organs

If this doesn’t kill you, then you

decay (age)
Some facts about aging:
Decaying means Aging
• Cell growth hormones start to decline
which means dying after age 30

• Because of a lack of hormones, cell

density diminishes in all systems

• After age 40 we lose 8 ounces of muscle

per year (usually replaced by fat)

• At age 60 a person has half the amount of

growth hormone than they did at 30 and
ten pounds less muscle.

• Connective tissue becomes more “sticky”

creating adhesions in shorter amounts of

• More adhesions and less cells equals

more pain and dysfunction

• At age 60 the immune system is half as

effective than it was at age 40
Facts are not
always true

Liao Kung broke the rules through

his technology of qigong:

• His technology included:

• A system of breathing
• A system of prayer
• A system of movement

Liao Kung
Earth Fairy Immortal
age: 230 years
Prenatal breathing
Breathing is the primal “buzz
maker.” It exercises, energizes and
heals the body, completely
independent of air moved.

Prenatal breathing is breathing

without air. It is this action of the
inhaling contractions of the core that
forms and feeds our fetal bodies

Our core contracts to pull in nutrients

and oxygen and expands to push out

This is our genitive process

Breathing is a total
“Regeneritive Movement System”
Which includes but is not limited too, air exchange. Every function
in our body depends on the proper function of the RGS

There are two primary sets

of muscles that drive the
The Diaphragm
Which sits in the lower half of the rib
The Iliacus-psoas
Which sits within the plates of the pelvis
RMS organ massage
RMS and the nervous system
Breath, consciousness and the organ
By shaping the segments of the trachea
and the larynx we gain control of the
function of all the organs including the
functions of consciousness

This “vagus brain” is formed by the many

neural nodes of the vagus nerve that acts
as an instrument which:
1. Reflects the state of the
body for diagnosis
2. Provides a control panel
for us to access and
program the organic
“machine language” of
our cells through the
operating system of the
brain stem
Control takes practice
Learning to control the vagus brain is like
learning to play the bag pipes

There are an infinite amount of melody and

harmony configurations, most of which
produce relatively positive results, but not
“real” transformation of cells and their
Liao Kung learned control through
He vocally prayed repetitive invocations,
incantations and hymns to:
1. Disciple his focus and attention within the
time and space of the “present moment”
2. Shape his larynotracheal spaces to alter
his consciousness into specific patterns
and locales while remaining in the present
3. Enter into communion with deity fields
while remaining in the “present moment”
4. Bring all of the particles of his being into
unified coherence while remaining in the
“present moment”

Almost all wonder working saints, of any

religion, who follow this process, become
“incorruptible”: their bodies do not
decompose after death and retain cell
functions for centuries afterwards.

Liao Kung obtained that incorruptibility during

his life time, within the here and now of the
“present moment.”
Beads equal brainwaves

The Guru Ram Das explained to us that in his Hindu

system, each bead represented a different experience
of, “state,” of consciousness. As he would progress
around the beads he would enter into the prescribed
state. Some of those would draw him out of the here
and now of our experience. Scientist’s define these
states through brain waves and F-mri neural maps.
States are more than brain waves

The motion of cells originating from

either the software of the mind, or the
hardware of the body, creates a state
of being for the whole system.
There is no “incorrect” Qigong or Tai
Chi. Some are more productive than
others. The more productive
Qigong exercises are like exercises follow these principles:
religion, everyone has • The exercises melt off adhesions and
release cell bracing throughout the
their own “correct” whole body

interpretations of the • They do not produce bracing, tissue

damage or needless cell death and
true way! • They produce more energy than they

• They support and enhance the RMS

• The body movements are integrated

from head to toe and not in isolation

• They have flow and are made by the

connective tissue and not muscle
There are two types of
qigong exercises
Wai dan Nei gong
• Wai dan exercises are • Nei gong exercises are
external ranging from exercises that train the
intense, strenuous nervous and connective
martial arts and tissue systems using
calisthenics to flowing, infrasonic waves.
light dance and wiggles
Wai dan Exercises
Wai dan exercise is about coordinating mind and body through
complex and often rigorous patterns of movement. The
exercises build strength and endurance. However, over the
centuries, strength and endurance has been wrongfully
associated with big muscles and western approaches of fitness
applied to these ancient practices.
The ancients imitated animals, using their body’s as completely
integrated structures with balanced oppositional forces.
Strength from union without tissue destruction or over use of
Nei Gong Exercises
• Nei gong exercises are the process of controlling the
infrasonic waves of the body, especially controlling
them from the central “vagus brain,” to move the
body with connective tissue only, without muscle
and with only intention alone.

• Body and intention become one.

• The practice of the regenerative movement system

teaches us to move from the operating system using
the upper brain software as a storage system.
Every movement is a
learning experience.
Qigong is never mastered
Demo and Questions

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