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2. Atomic and Ionic radii
The alkali metal atoms have the largest sizes in their
Introduction respective periods of the periodic table.
 The elements in which the last electron enters the  With increase in atomic number, the atom becomes
outermost s-orbital are called s-block elements larger. The monovalent ions (M+)are smaller than
 As the s-orbital can accommodate only two electrons, the parent atom.
so s-block contains two groups (IA & IIA)  The atomic and ionic radii of alkali metals increases
 Group IA of the periodic table consists of the on moving down the group. Li<Na<K<Rb<Cs
elements Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium,
Caesium and Francium 3. Ionization Enthalpy:
 They are collectively known as the alkali metals  The ionization energies of the alkali metals
because they form hydroxides on reaction with decreases down the group from Li to Cs.
water which are strongly alkaline in nature The order of IP: Li > Na > K > Rb > Cs
 Among the alkali metals sodium and Potassium are  The second ionization energies are very high, they
most abundant while Lithium, Rubidium and cannot form divalent ions. Thus, alkali metals are
Caesium have much lower abundances. univalent only and form ionic compounds.
 Francium is highly radioactive, it is short-lived 4. Hydration Enthalpy:
Isotope 223Fr. Halflife of this Isotope is only 21  The hydration enthalpies of alkali metal ions
minutes decrease with increase in ionic sizes.
Physical Characteristics  The size of alkali metal ions in aqueous solution is
1.Electronic Configuration and in the following order.
Occurence Li+ >Na+ > K+ > Rb+ > Cs+
 The outer electronic configuration of alkali metals  Li+ has maximum degree of hydration. So, Lithium
is ns1 with one valence electron in outermost shell. salts are mostly hydrated, eg: LiCl.2H2O
 Ionic mobility and conductance in aqueous solution
Element Symbol is in the order Cs+ > Rb+ > K+ > Na+ > Li+
 Alkali metals are silvery white, soft and light metals.
Lithium Li(3) [He]2s 1
 These elements have low density which increases down
the group from Li to Cs due to their large size.
Sodium Na(11) [Ne]3s1
 Potassium (K) is lighter than Sodium (Na) because
Potassium K(19) [Ar]4s1 the increase in atomic size of Potassium is more
Rubidium Rb(37) [Kr]5s1 compared to it’s mass as it contains vacant ‘d’ shell
Caesium Cs(55) [Xe]6s1 6. Melting and Boiling Points
Francium Fr(87) [Rn]7s1  The melting and boiling points of the alkali metals
 The loosely held s-electron in the outermost valence are low indicating weak metallic bonding due to
shell of these elements makes them most the presence of a single valence electron and large
electropositive metals. size. Decreasing order of melting and boiling points.
 They readily lose electron to give monovalent M+ Li > Na > K > Rb > Cs
ions. They are not found in free state in nature. 7. Flame Colours
 The alkali metals are so reactive they cannot be  The alkali metals and their salts impart characteristic
displaced by another element, so they are isolated colour to an oxidizing flame.
by electrolysis of their molten salts.
 Heat from the flame excites the outermost electron  Other Alkalimetals reacts explosively with water and
to a higher energy level and excited electron comes they also react with proton donors like alcohol,
back to the ground state by the emission of radiation carboxylic acid, ammonia and 1- alkynes
in the visible region. Alkali metals can be detected (iii) Reaction With Hydrogen
from flame tests and determine by flame photometry  Reactivity of alkali metals towards hydrogen
Li-Crimson red, Na-yellow, K- violet, Rb- red increases down the group
violet, Cs - blue Li < Na < K < Rb < Cs
 These elements when irradiated with light, the light  Li reacts with hydrogen at 1073K to form covalent
energy absorbed may be sufficient to make an atom hydride ,remaining alkali metals form ionic hydrides
lose electron. This porperty makes caesium and at 673K
potassium useful as electrodes in photoelectric cells. 2M  H 2  2MH
Chemical Characteristics (M=Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs)
(i) Reaction With Air  Alkali metal hydrides are ionic solids with high
 Reactivity order is Li  Na  K  Rb  Cs melting points.
 The alkali metals tarnish in dry air due to formation  The order of ionic nature of alkali metal hydrides
of their oxides LiH  NaH  KH  RbH  CsH
4 Li  O2  2 Li2O (IV) Reaction With Halogens
 Reactivity of alkali metal towards a particular
4 Na  O2  lim ited   2 Na2O halogen increases in the order
Li < Na < K < Rb < Cs
2Na  O2  Excess   Na2 O2
 Reactivity of halogens towards particular alkali
The superoxide ion ( O ) is stable only in the
metal decreases in the order
presence of large cations such as K, Rb and Cs F2  Cl2  Br2  I 2
M  O2  Excess   MO2  M  K , Rb, Cs   The alkali metal reacts with halogens to forms ionic
 In all oxides, alkali metals show +1 oxidation state halides  M  X  
 Lithium burns in air form oxide and nitride ,Li3N.  Lithium halides are covalent due to the high
 Due to high reactivity with air and water, alkali
polarisation ability of lithium ion. Li  ion has high
metals are (except lithium) kept in kerosene
 The solubility and basic strength of oxides increase tendency to distort electron cloud of halide ion due
in the order: to it’s small size (covalent nature is  polarising
Li2O  Na2O  K 2O  Rb2O  Cs2O  Polarisability of anions increase with increase of size
 The stability of peroxides and superoxides increases  Among the halides, Lithium iodide is most covalent
in the order: in nature.
Na2O2  K 2O2  Rb2O2  Cs2O2 and Reducing Nature
 Alkali metals are strong reducing agents.
KO2  RbO2  CsO2
 Li is strong reducing agent and sodium is weak
(ii) Reaction With Water reducing agent.
 The reactivity increases down the group  Small size lithium has highest hydration enthalpy
Li < Na < K < Rb < Cs and it has high negtive SRP value so it has high
 The alkali metals react with water to form reducing power.
hydroxides and dihydrogen
M  s   M  g  sublimation enthalpy
2M  2 H 2 O  2MOH  H 2 
(M=Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs) M  g   M  g   e  ionization enthalpy
 Lithium has lowest SRP value but it is less reactive
with water than that of sodium because of its small M  g   H 2O  M  aq  hydration enthalpy
size and very high hydration energy
 Sodium peroxide (oxone) is used as oxidising agent
Solutions in Liquid Ammonia
in purifying air because it release oxygen when
 Alkali metals dissolve in liquid ammonia
reacts with carbondioxide.
 Alkali metal atom readily lose the valence electron
in ammonia to form solution. 2 Na2O2  2CO2  2 Na2CO3  O2
 The ammoniated electrons absorbs energy in visible  The oxides are easily hydrolysed by water to form
region and imparts blue colour to solution. the hydroxides
M   x  y  NH 3   M  NH 3  x 

+  e  NH 3  y 
 M 2 O  H 2O  2MOH
M 2 O2  2 H 2O  2MOH  H 2 O2
 The blue colour solution of alkali metals in ammonia 2MO2  2 H 2O  2MOH  H 2O2  O2
is paramagnetic and on standing slowly liberate  The alkali metal hydroxides are strongest of all bases
hydrogen resulting in the formation of amide. and dissolve in water with evolution of heat due to
2M  2 NH 3  2 MNH 2  H 2 high enthalpy of hydration.
Metala min e Halides:
 In concentrated solution, (above 3M) the blue  The alkali metals combine directly with halogens
colour changes to bronze colour on warming and under appropriate conditions forming halides of
becomes diamagnetic general formula MX
Uses :  These halides can also be prepared by the action
(i) White metal - Li+ Pb of aqueous halogen acids (HX) on metals oxides,
(ii) It is used in thermonuclear reactions hydroxides or carbonate.
(iii) Li is used in electrochemical cells. M 2 O  2 HX  2MX  H 2O
(iv) Sodium is used to make tetra ethyl lead MOH  HX  MX  H 2O
Pb(Et)4 and tetra methyl lead Pb(Me)4
(v) Liquid sodium metal is used as coolant in fast M 2 CO3  2 HX  2 MX  CO2  H 2O
breeder nuclear reacters. (M=Li, Na, K, Rb or Cs) (X=F, Cl, Br or I)
(vi) Potassium has vital role in Biological system  For given halide:
(vii) KCl is used as fertilizer LiX  NaX  KX  RbX  CsX
(viii) Caesium is used in photo electric cells (Increasing ionic character)
Ge ne ra l Cha ra cter is tic s of the  For given alkali metal:
Compounds of the Alkali Metals MF  MCl  MBr  MI
(i) Oxides and Hydroxides (Increasing covalent character)
 All the alkali metal on exposure to air or oxygen  The alkali metal halides are high melting, colourless
burn vigorously, forming oxides on the surface of crystalline solids.
the metals.  All of these halides have high negative enthalpies
 Lithium forms mainly monoxide (Li2O) and some of formation:
peroxide (Li2O2).  The  f H  values of fluorides become less
 Sodium forms the peroxide  Na2O2  and some negative as we go down the group.
superoxide.  The  f H  for chlorides, bromides and iodides
 Other elements form superoxides become more negative as we go down the group
 The order of melting and boiling points of MX
 M O2 : M  K , R b,Cs  .
MF > MCl > MBr > MI (M=Alkalimetal)
 The stability of above oxides is based on the fact  All the halides are soluble in polar solvents like
that a small cation can stabilize a small anion and a water.
large cation can stabilize a large anion.  LiF is less soluble in water due to it’s high lattice
 The oxides and the peroxides are colourless when energy and CsI has low solubility due to smaller
pure, but the superoxides are yellow or organe in hydration enthalpy of it’s two ions.
colour and paramagnetic due to presence of
unpaired electron in superoxide ion.
 Lithium halides are soluble in ethanol, acetone,  LiF and Li2O are comparatively much less soluble
ethylacetate & pyridine. in water than the corresponding compounds of
Salts of Oxo-Acids other alkali metals.
Alkali metals form strong basic hydroxides and  Alkali metal carbonates do not decompose on
oxides. So they form salts with all oxoacids and heating except Lithium.
hydroacids. Diagonal Relationship Between
 They are generally soluble in water. The oxides Lithium and Magnesium
solubility increases from top to bottom.
 Similarity between lithium and magnesium arises
 They are thermally stable. Thermal stability
because of their
increases from top to bottom.
(a) Similar sizes (b) Similar electro negativity
 Li2CO3 decomposes readily.
(c) Similar polarising power. The similarities are

Li2CO3   Li2 O  CO2  Both lithium and magnesium are harder and lighter
 Li2CO3 decomposes readily because Li+ has than other elements in the respective groups.
greater polarising power or polarising ability.  Lithium and magnesium react slowly with water.
 Lithium does not form solid bicar bonates. It exist  Their oxides and hydroxides are much less soluble
in liqued state. and their hydroxides decompose on heating. Both
 Aqueous solutions of carbonates and bicarbonates form a nitrides, Li3 N and Mg 3N2 , by direct
are basic in nature due to anionic hydrolysis combination with nitrogen.
 Both Li and Mg give only monoxides Li2O, MgO
CO32  2H2O  H2CO3  2OH  and they do not combine with excess oxygen to
HCO3  H2O  H2CO3  OH  give any superoxide.
 The carbonates of lithium and magnesium
 The solubility of carbonates, nitrates and
decompose easily on heating to form the oxides
bicarbonates increase in the order:
and CO2. Solid hydrogencarbonates are not formed
Li2CO3  Na2CO3  K 2CO3  Rb2CO3  Cs2CO3 , by lithium and magnesium
LiNO3  NaNO3  KNO3  RbNO3  CsNO3 and  Both LiCl and MgCl2 are soluble in ethanol
LiHCO3  NaHCO3  KHCO3  RbHCO3  CsHCO3  Both LiCl and MgCl2 are deliquescent and
Anomalous Properties of Li : crystallise from aqueous solution as hydrates.
 Lithium is much harder. Its m.p. and b.p. are higher LiCl.2H2O and MgCl2.8H2O
than the other alkali metals. Sodium Carbonate
 Lithium is least reactive but the strongest reducing Na2CO3 : Soda ash
agent among all the alkali metals. Na2CO3. 10H2O : Salt soda or washing soda
 On combustion in air it forms mainly monoxide, Preparation
Li2O and the nitride, Li3N unlike other alkali metals.  Sodium carbonate is prepared commonly by
 LiCl is deliquescent and crystallises as a hydrate, ammonia-soda process (or) Solvay process.
LiCl.2H2O whereas other alkali metal chlorides do  Raw materials: Brine solution, lime stone and
not form such a hydrates. ammonia.
 Lithium hydrogencabonate is not obtained in the  Principle: Low solubility of sodium
solid form while all other elements form solid hydrogencarbonate
hydrogencarbonates.  The raw materials reacts in the following manner
 Lithium does not form ethynides. 2 NH 3  H 2O  CO2   NH 4  2 CO3
 Lithium nitrate when heated gives lithium oxide,
Li 2 O, whereas other alkali metal nitrates  NH 4 2 CO3  H 2O  CO2  2 NH 4 HCO3
decompose to give the corresponding nitrite. NH 4 HCO3  NaCl  NH 4Cl  NaHCO3
4 LiNO3  2 Li2O  4 NO2  O2  Sodium hydrogencarbonate crystal separates.
These are heated to given sodium carbonate
2 NaNO3  2 NaNO2  O2
2NaHCO3  Na2CO3  CO2  H 2O
 Ammonia is recovered as Physical properties :
 Sodium hydroxide is freely soluble in water
2 NH 4Cl  Ca  OH  2  2 NH 3  CaCl2  H 2O furnishing hydroxyl ions.
 Remaining carbonates can not be prepared by this  It is deliquescent
method because their bicarbonates are highly  It absorbs CO2 from atmosphere. It melts at 591K
soluble. Uses :
Properties :  It is used in the mercirisation of cotton.
375K 373K
 Na2CO310H2O 
Na2CO3.H2O Na2CO3  It is used in the manufacture of soap,in petrolium
 Na2CO3+2H2O  H2CO3+2Na++ 2OH– refinery, in paper and pulp industry
 Carbonates on reacts with dilute acids liberate Sodium Hydrogencarbonate (NaHCO3)
carbondioxide  It on heating libarates carbondioxide as bubbles
Na2CO3+H2SO4  Na2SO4+H2O+ CO2 so it is used in making cakes and pastries
Na2CO3 + 2CH 3COOH  2CH 3COONa + H 2 O + CO2  It is mild antiseptic for skin infections.
Uses : Biological Importance of Sodium and
 Sodium carbonate is used for softening hard water. Potassium
Sodium Chloride (NaCl)  Na+ ions participate in the transmission of nerve
 NaCl is deliquescent due to Calcium chloride signals, in regulating the flow of water across cell
(CaCl 2 ) and magnesium chloride (MgCl 2 ) membranes and in the transport of sugars and amino
impurities. acids into cells.
 The saturated solution of sodium chloride is treated Sodium and potassium, differ quantitatively in their

with hydrogen chloride gas to form pure sodium ability to penetrate cell membranes, in their
chloride. transport mechanisms and in their efficiency to
 Crystals of pure sodium chloride separate out. activate enzymes.
Calcium and magnesium chlorides being more Potassium ions activate many enzymes.

soluble than sodium chloride, remain in solution. Potassium participates in the oxidation of glucose

 The solubility of sodium chloride does not vary with
to produce ATP.
increase of temparature. There is a variation in the concentration of sodium

Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda), and potassium ions found on the opposite sides of
NaOH: cell membranes.
Castner-Kellner cell : Level-I (C.W)
 In the outer compartments, Physical Properties
2NaCl  2Na+ + 2Cl– ( Ionisation) 1. Alkali metals are strong reducing agents
At anode (oxidation) : because
2Cl–  Cl2 + 2e– 1) These are metals 2) These are monovalent
At cathode (reduction) : 3) Their ionic radii is large 4) Of low IP value
Hg + 2Na+ + 2e–  Na2.Hg 2. Sodium for ms Na+ and not Na2+ because
Middle Compartment: 1) Sodium contains only one electron in outer most
 At anode (oxidation) : shell
1 2) First ionisation potential is small and the difference
Cl   Cl2  e  in first and second ionisation potentials is very large
 At cathode (reduction) : 3) Radius of Na2+ is much larger than Na+
4) None of these
Na   e   Hg  NaHg
3. Most reactive metal among the following is
 The amalgam is treated with water to get NaOH 1) K 2) Li 3) Na 4) Cs
2Na Hg + 2H 2 O  2NaOH + 2Hg + H 2
4. Sodium reacts with water less vigorously than 1) Golden yellow colour 2) Crimson red colour
potassium because 3) Brick red colour 4) Violet colour
1) It has higher atomic weight 17. Which electronic configuration represents the
2) It is less electropositive configuration of the most electropositive element?
3) It is more electronegative 4) It is a metal 1)  He 2s1 2)  Xe 6s1 3)  He 2s2 4)  Xe 6s 2
5. Akali metals are characterised by Chemical Properties
1) Good conductors of heat and electricity 18. The most basic oxide among the following is
2) High melting points
3) Low oxidation potentials 1) Na2O 2) BaO 3) As2O3 4) Al2 O3
4) High ionisation potentials 19. Which is more basic in character?
6. A colourless salt gives violet colour to Bunsen 1) RbOH 2) KOH 3) LiOH 4) NaOH
flame and also turns moist litmus paper blue. It is 20. Sodium burns in dry air to give
1) Na2 CO3 2) KNO3 3) K2CO3 4) Cu(OH)2 1) Na2O 2) Na2O2 3) NaO2 4) Na3 N
7. How many elements are included in IA group? 21. Which of the following compounds on reaction
1) 4 2) 5 3) 6 4) 7
8. Alkali metals are soft and have relatively low with Na2O2 gives yellow colour? and low density. This is because 1) Zn (OH)2 2) Cr(OH)3 3) Al(OH)3 4) None
1) Interatomic bonds are weak 22. Potassium when heated strongly in oxygen it forms
2) Interatomic bond are strong 1) K 2O 2) KO2 3) K 2O2 4) KO
3) Of their ionisation potential
Sodium Hydroxide
4) Of their position in the periodic table
23. NaOH is manufactured by the electrolysis of
9. An atom of an element has electronic structure
brine solution. The products of reaction are
2, 8, 1 which statement is correct for it?
1) It has a valency of 7. 1) Na& Cl2 2) Cl2 & O2 3) Cl2 & H 2 4) Na & O2
2) It exists as diatomic molecule 24. When a crystal of caustic soda is exposed
3) The element is of a non metallic nature. to air a liquid layer is deposited because the
4) It forms a basic oxide crystal
10. Which property increase in magnitude as the 1) Melts 2) Loses water
atomic number of alkali increases? 3) Absorbs moisture and CO2 4) Sublimes
1) Electronegativity 2) First ionisation energy
25. The products obtained on heating iodine with
3) Ionic radius 4) Melting point
concentrated caustic soda solution are
11. Sodium has ....... as compared to potassium
1) NaOI + NaI 2) NaIO3 + NaI
1) Less electronegativity
3) NaIO + NaIO3 + NaI 4) NaIO4 + NaI
2) More ionisation potential
26. Solid sodium chloride cannot be electrolysed
3) Large atomic radius 4) Lower melting point
because it
12. Which substance gives a different flame
1) Is a covalent compound
colouration from the other?
2) Is not a conductor of electricity
1) Nitre 2) Caustic potash
3) Is an exothermic compound 4) Is not volatile
3) Potassium chloride 4) Table salt
27. Soda lime is a mixture of
13. Sodium has as compared potassium
1) Na2SO4+CaO 2) NaOH+NaHCO3
1) Less electropositive character
2) Less density 3) Less ionisation potential 3) NaOH + CaO 4) NaH  Na2CO3
4) Lower melting point Na2CO3 and NaHCO3
14. Alkali metals are good reducing agents because 28. Sodium bicarbonate is commercially known as
1) Gain electrons 2) Lose electrons 1) Washing soda 2) Caustic soda
3) Complete their octet 4) React with water 3) Baking potash 4) Baking soda
15. Which alkali metal is most metallic in character? 29. Which is efflorescent of the following?
1) Li 2) Na 3) K 4) Cs 1) Washing soda 2) Soda ash
16. When sodium is heated in flame it gives 3) Caustic soda 4) Caustic potash
30. Sodium carbonate in aqueous solution is 7. Which one not known in more than one
1) Acidic 2) Amphoteric 3) Neutral 4) Basic oxidation states?
31. Sodium carbonate is prepared by 1) Noble gases 2) Halogens
1) Kolbe’s process 2) Solvay’s process 3) Alkali metals 4) Transition metals
3) Nessler’s process 4) Contact process 8. The density is low for
32. In Solvay’s process, the products that are 1) Na 2) K 3) Rb 4) Cs
9. Alkali metals contain
recycled are
1) 7 valence electrons 2) 1 valence electron
1) CO2 , NH 4Cl 2) NaCl , CaO 3) 4 valence electrons 4) 2 valence electrons
3) CO2 , NH 3 4) CaCl2 , CaO 10. Which pair of elements have the same
33. The chemical formula of soda ash is chemical properties?
1) NaOH 2) Na2CO3 .5 H 2O 1) 13, 12 2) 3, 11 3) 4, 24 4) 2, 4
11. Among the alkali metals, the metal with
3) Na2 CO3 4) Na2CO3 .10 H 2O highest ionisation potential is
34. The basic raw materials used in the 1) Li 2) Na 3) K 4) Rb
manufacture of sodium carbonate by Solvay’s 12. The element with highest atomic radius in a
process are period is
1) Lime stone and ammonia 1) Alkaline earth metal 2) Alkali metal
2) Sodium chloride and ammonia 3) Chalcogen 4) Halogen
3) Ammonia, carbondioxide and sodium chloride 13. Which of the following is not the characteristic
4) Common salt and lime stone of alkali metals?
Key Level-I (C.W) 1) Low m.p 2) High ionisation energy
3) Low electronegativity
01) 4 02) 2 03) 4 04) 2 05) 1 06) 3
4) Their ion are isoelectronic with noble gases
07) 4 08) 1 09) 4 10) 3 11) 2 12) 4 14. Select the largest atom from the following
13) 1 14) 2 15) 4 16) 1 17) 2 18) 1
19) 1 20) 2 21) 2 22) 2 23) 3 24) 3 1) 1s 2 2s 2 2p1 2) 1s 2 2s 1
25) 2 26) 2 27) 3 28) 4 29) 1 30) 4 3) 1s 2 2s 2 4) 1s 2 2s 2 2p 2
31) 2 32) 3 33) 3 34) 3 15. Alkali metals do not exist in free state in nature
because they are
Level-I (H.W) 1) Very reactive 2) Very volatile
Physical Properties 3) Very inactive 4) All the above
1. The lightest metal among the following is 16. The ionisation potential value of alkali metals
1) Na 2) Ca 3) Li 4) Mg which shows abrupt increase is
2. Sodium and potassium occur 1) 1St IP 2) 2nd IP 3) 3rd IP 4) None
1) In native state 2) In combines state 17. The electronic configuration of elements X, Y,
3) In gaseous state 4) All Z, J are given below. Which element has the
3. Which group of elements lose electrons more highest metallic character?
readily? 1) X = 2, 8, 4 2) Y = 2, 8, 8
1) Li, Na, K 2) F2 , Cl2 , Br2 3) Z = 2, 8, 8, 1 4) J = 2, 8, 8, 7
18. Melting point of alkali metals decreases with
3) N, P, As 4) O, S, Se
1) Decrease in size 2) Decrease in density
4. The only element which is radioactive among
alkali metals is 3) Decrease in atomic mass 4) Increase in size
1) Cs 2) Fr 3) Rb 4) Li 19. In alkali metal family caesium should be
5. The outermost electron is loosely held in 1) Lightest of all 2) Least ionisable
1) Li 2) Na 3) K 4) Cs 3) Having low melting and boiling points
6. Li and Na among alkali metals show 4) More electropositive than francium
properties of Chemical Properties
1) Noble gases 2) Transition metals 20. The ion having maximum value of hydration
3) Inner transition metals energy is
4)Representative elements 1) Li+ 2) Na  3) K  4) Cs 
21. Which of the following is not known ? 36. Common table salt is hygroscopic due to
1) K2O 2) K2O2 3) KO4 4) KO2 the presence of
22. KO2 is 1) MgCl2 & CaCl2 2) MgO
1) Normal oxide 2) Super oxide 3) MgSO4 4) MgCO3
3) Sub oxide 4) Peroxide Uses of Alkali Metals
23. Which does not form peroxide on heating in air? 37. The metal used in solar cells is
1) Na 2) Ba 3) Ca 4) Li 1) Na 2) Li 3) Cs 4) Mg
NaOH, Na2CO3, NaHCO3 and NaCl 38. The alkali metal needed for the growth of the
24. Anode in the middle compartment of castner plants is
kellner cell is made with 1) Li 2) K 3) Fe 4) Cs
1) Mercury 2) Graphite 3) Iron 4) Steel 39. Which ions are responsible for the electrical
25. The products of the electrolysis of concentrated potential across the cells membrane ?
aqueous solution of common salt are 1) Na+ & Zn2+ 2) K+ & Ba2+
1) Na+Cl2 2) H2+O2 +
3) Na & K + 4) Na+ & Ca2+
40. K ions are essential for
3) NaOH  H 2  Cl2 4) NaOH  Cl2  O2
26. Caustic soda is 1) Metabolism of glucose inside the cell
1) Efflourescent 2) Deliquescent 2) The synthesis of proteins
3) Hygroscopic 4) Oxidant 3) Activation of certain enzymes 4) all
27. Brine is 41. The ion that is pumped out from the cells is
1) Conc. solution of Na2CO3 1) Na+ 2) K+ 3) Both 4) none
2) Conc. solution of Na2SO4 42. In cell fluid, the most abundant cation is :
3) Conc. solution of NaCl 1) Na+ 2) K+ 3) Mg+2 4) Ca+2
4) Conc. solution of alum Key Level-I (H.W)
28. NaOH is prepared by the electrolysis of
01) 3 02) 2 03) 1 04) 2 05) 4 06) 4
1) Aqueous solution of sodium chloride with
graphite anode and mercury cathode. 07) 3 08) 2 09) 2 10) 2 11) 1 12) 2
2) Molten sodium chloride with graphite 13) 2 14) 2 15) 1 16) 2 17) 3 18) 4
anode and iron cathode 19) 3 20) 1 21) 3 22) 2 23) 4 24) 1
3) Sodium carbonate with platinum electrodes 25) 3 26) 2 27) 3 28) 1 29) 2 30) 4
4) Sodium carbonate with nickel electrodes 31) 4 32) 4 33) 3 34) 3 35) 2 36) 1
29. In the manufacture of sodium hydroxide by- 37) 3 38) 2 39) 3 40) 4 41) 1 42) 2
product obtained is
1) O2 2) Cl2 3) Na2CO3 4) NaCl
30. Sodium bicarbonate is manufactured by
1) Cyanide process 2) Thermite process
3) Contact proces 4) Solvay process
31. Baking soda is
1) Washing soda 2) Caustic soda
3) Soda ash 4) Sodium bicarbonate
32. Washing soda is
1) Na2 CO3 2) Na2CO3 .H 2O
3) Na2CO3 .7 H 2O 4) Na2CO3 .10 H 2O
33. The water of crystallisation in 1 mole of
washing soda crystal is
1) 5 2) 7 3) 10 4) 2
34. Sodium carbonate is not used ?
1) in soap making 2) In paper making
3) In tyre making 4) In baking of bread
35. The percentage of NaCl in sea water is
1) 1.0 - 1.9% 2) 2.0 - 2.9%
3) 3.6 - 4.9% 4) 5 - 10.9%
Level-II (C.W)
11. Which of the following fluorides are sparingly
Physical Properties soluble in water?
1. The element with atomic number 85 belongs to
1) LiF 2) NaF 3) CsF 4) KF
1) s-block 2) p-block 3) d-block 4) f-block
12. LiF is less soluble in water than KF because
2. Alkali metals are not characterised by
1) LiF is more covalent than KF
1) Good conductors of heat and electricity
2) LiF has higher lattice energy than KF
2) High oxidation potentials
3) LiF has higher enthalpy of hydration than KF
3) High melting points 4) Solubility in ammonia
3. From the trends observed in the alkali metals group 4) Li+ ions are not extensively hydrated as K+
the element francium should be Chemical Properties
1) More electropositive than caesium 13. Caesium oxide will be
2) The lightest of these elements 1) Very strongly basic 2) Acidic
3) The biggest in size 4) The least ionisable 3) Weakly basic 4) Amphoteric
4. Which of the following best decribes the alkali 14. Which of the following statements regarding
metals? alkali metals is not correct?
1) They are diatomic and form ions of the general 1) Alkali metals are reactive.
formula X + 2) They belong to s-block of periodic table
2) They are monoatomic and form ions of the 3) Their hydroxides are alkaline in nature.
general formula X – 4) They form carbonates which decompose on
3) They are diatomic and form ions of the general heating.
formula X 2+ 15. Which of the following is the weakest base?
4) They are monoatomic and form ions of the 1) LiOH 2) NaOH 3) KOH 4) RbOH
general formula X + 16. In the formation of superoxide
5. Ionisation potential of ‘Li’ will be...... than that M  O2  MO2 , the metal M is
of sodium 1) Li 2) Na 3) K 4) Ba
1) Lower 2) Equal 3) Greater 4) None 17. The metal that does not give superoxide is
6. Which of the following is more hard than the rest? 1) K 2) Rb 3) Cs 4) Na
1) Na 2) Cs 3) K 4) Li
7. Which is wrong regarding the density of NaOH, Na2CO3 and NaHCO3
alkali metals? 18. The main reason for using a mercury electrolytic
1) Li < Na 2) Na < K 3) K < Rb 4) Rb < Cs cell in NaOH manufacture is that
8. Regarding alkali metal ions which is incorrect? 1) Hg is toxic 2) Na  is discharged at cathode
1) Coloured 2) Diamagnetic 3) Hg has vapour presure
3) Smaller in size than parent atom 4) Hg is a good conductor of electricity
4) isoelectronic with the nearest inert gases 19. When chlorine is passed through concentrated
9. Lithium and magnesium exhibit diagonal NaOH solution, the compound formed is
relationship because 1) NaClO 2) NaClO2 3) NaClO3 4) NaClO4
1) Both possess nearly the same size
2) Both possess similar electronic configuration 20. In the solvay’s process the reaction
3) Both occur together in nature 2NH 4 Cl  Ca  OH 2  CaCl2  2NH 3  2H 2 O
4) Both have same number of valence electrons takes place
10. Which one of the following decomposes on 1) Ammonia recovery tower 2) Carbonation tower
heating to M2O? 3) Saturation tank 4) Filtration unit
1) LiOH 2) NaOH 3) KOH 4) Ms(OH)2
21. On heating baking soda the compounds 5. Considering greater polarisation in LiCl
formed are compared to that in NaCl which of the
following statement is wrong?
1) Na 2 CO3 2) CO2 1) The m.p. of LiCl is lower than that of NaCl,
3) Na 2 CO 3 , CO 4) Na 2 CO3 , CO 2 , H 2 O 2) LiCl dissolves more in organic solvents
22. Sodium carbonate is treated with acids to than NaCl
form.... gas 3) LiCl will ionise in water more than NaCl.
1) Carbon dioxide 2) Carbon monoxide 4) Fused LiCl would be less conductig than
3) Hydrogen 4) Oxygen fused NaCl
23. NaHCO3 is used to remove ....of the stomach 6. Which is not correct in the case of lithium ?
1) Acidity 2) Basicity 3) Water 4) Chlorine 1) It combines directly with N2 to form lithium nitride
2) Lithium has great tendency to form hydrates.
Key Level-II (C.W) 3) Lithium metal is not affected by air
01) 1 02) 3 03) 3 04) 4 05) 3 06) 4 4) Lithium burns in air form superoxide
7. Which among the following statements is
07) 2 08) 1 09) 1 10) 1 11) 1 12) 2
not correct?
13) 1 14) 4 15) 1 16) 3 17) 4 18) 2 1) Lithium is softest among all the alkali metals.
19) 3 20) 1 21) 4 22) 1 23)1 2) Lithium possesses high m.p. and b.p.
Level-II (H.W) 3) It is least reactive among alkali metals.
4) It forms chloride which is soluble in alcohol.
Physical & Chemical Properties 8. Which of the following statements regarding
1. NaF has higher melting point than those lithium is false?
of NaCl, NaBr and Nal because it has a 1) Anomalous properties of lithium is due to its small
1) Minimum ionic character size and its ions
2) Maximum ionic character 2) Polarisation power of Li+ is the smallest of the alkali
3) Higher oxidising power 4) Lowest polarity metal ions.
2. Which one of the following has a polarising 3) Polarisation power of lithium ion leads to a great
power close to that of magnesium? tendency towards solvation and covalent bond
1) Na 2) Li 3) K 4) Rb formation.
3. Lithium is the only alkali metal which is not 4) Lithium is least reactive among all the alkali metals
placed in kerosene but is wrapped in paraffin 9. The paramagnetic substance is
wax because 1) K 2O 2) K 2O2 3) KO2 4) Na2O2
1) It reacts with kerosene 10. Which of the following is highly soluble?
2) It floats to the surface of kerosene because of
low density 1) Na2O 2) K 2O 3) Rb2O 4) Cs2O
3) It does not react with air and H2O 11. The oxidation number of oxygen in potassium
4) None super oxide
1) -2 2) +1/2 3) -1/2 4) -1
4. The chloride that can be extracted with ether NaOH, Na2CO3 and NaHCO3
1) NaCl 2) LiCl 3) BaCl2 4) CaCl2 12. NaOH is not used in manufactured of
1) Soap 2) Paper
3) Rayon 4) Synthetic petrol
13. During the electrolysis of NaCl solution
1) O2 is obtained at the cathode
2) H2 is obtained at the cathode
3) Cl2 is obtained at the cathode
4) Both H2 and Cl2 are obtained at the cathode
14. Caustic soda under different conditions reacts
with chlorine to give
1) NaCl 2) NaClO3 3) NaClO 4) All 2.
Which of the following statements are correct
15. White phosphorous is heated with sodium for group I metals?
hydroxide the products formed are i) They all have one electron in the outer shell
1) H2 gas 2) PH2 gas preceded by a closed shell containing eight
3) Na2 PO2 4) PH3 and PH 3 NaH2 PO2 electrons.
16. In the castner - Kellner cell for the ii) The compounds of group I metals are
manufacture of NaOH the side compartments generally ionic and exists as high melting point
contain.....while the middle compartment solids in which as many ions of opposite charge
contains...... surround each other as possible.
1) Sodium chloride, NaOH 2) NaOH, NaCl iii) Their compounds are generally water
soluble and white, unless anions coloured.
3) NaOH, Na2 CO3 4) NaCl, Na2 CO3 iv) The reactivity increases from Lithium to
17. Mixture of NaOH and CaO is called caesium.
1) Sodamide 2) Caustic soda The correct statements are
3) Soda lime 4) Caustic potash 1) i, ii, iv 2) iii, iv 3) ii, iii, iv 4) All are correct
18. The number of hydroxide ions produced by 3. Correct statement about the alkali metals
one molecule of Na 2 CO3 on hydrolysis include that
1) 4 2) 2 3) 3 4) 0 i) The first ionization energy decreases with
19. Na2CO3.10H2O when exposed to air looses increasing atomic number.
water of crystallisation and crumbles to power. ii) An unpaired electron is present in an
This property is called s-orbital
1) Efflorescence 2) Deliquescence iii) Chemical reactivity increas with increasing
3) Hygroscopic 4) None atomic number
20. Which of the following reactions is not iv) Their ions have the electronic configuration
involved in Solvay process? of Noble gases.
The correct statements are
1) CaCO3  CaO  CO 2 1) ii, iii 2) All are correct 3) ii, iv 4) i, ii
2) NaCl  NH  CO  H O 4.
Which of the following has maximum thermal
3 2 2
 NH 4 Cl  NaHCO3 1) Li2CO 2) Na2CO3 3) K2CO3 4) Rb2CO3
3) CaO  2NH 4Cl  2NH 3  CaCl2  2H 2O 5. The compound with high lattice energy is
1) NaCl 2) LiF 3) CsI 4) KF
4) Na 2 CO3  CO 2  H 2 O  2NaHCO3 6. The radius of which hydrated ion is largest
Key Level-II (H.W) 1) Rb+ 2) K+ 3) Na+ 4) Li+
7. The orange coloured substance among the
01) 2 02) 2 03) 2 04) 2 05) 3 06) 4 following is
07) 1 08) 2 09) 3 10) 4 11) 3 12) 4 1) BaO2 2)PbO2 3) KO2 4) SnO2
13) 2 14) 4 15) 4 16) 1 17) 3 8. Which of the following do not convert into
18) 2 19) 1 20) 4 oxide on heating?
1) Li2CO3 2) K2CO3 3) CaCO3 4) MgCO3
Level-III 9. Smaller the size of ion
1. For the alkali metals, which of the following 1) Greater is the electron affinity
increases with increasing atomic number? 2) Greater the degree of hydration
i) Atomic weight ii) Electronegativity 3) Lesser the degree of hydration
iii) Hydration energy of univalent ion 4) Lesser the polarising power
iv) Atomic radius 10. The compound which is coloured and
1) Both (i) & (ii) are correct paramagnetic due to the presence of unpaired
2) Only (iii) is correct electron is?
3) Both (i) & (iv) are correct 1) K2O 2) K2O2 3) KO2 4) Na2O2
4) All are correct 11. The bicarbonate that cannot be prepared in
solid state is
1) Na HCO3 2) Ca(HCO3)2 3) KHCO3 4) RbHCO3
12. With increase in the size of the alkali metal ion, the 20. To mercirise cotton the reagent used is
stability of super oxides increases due to 1) Na2CO3 2) NaHCO3 3) NaOH 4) Ca(OH)2
1) Decrease in hydration energy 21. The gaseou s p rod u ct s i n Castn er -
2) Increase in hydration energy Kellner process are
3) Decrease in lattice energy 1) Cl2&H2 2) O2&H2 3)Cl2only 4) Cl2,O2&H2
4) Increase in lattice energy 22. When CO 2 is passed into brine solution
13. The species formed in concentrated aqueous saturated with ammonia we get
solution of Na2O2 is 1) NH4 HCO3 2) (NH4)2 CO3
1) H2O2 2) O2 3) NaOH 4) Both 2 & 3 3) Na HCO3 4) Na2 CO3
14. lithium has highest ionisation energy but is strongest 23. Which of the following is not correct?
reducing agent in solution because of its 1) Caustic soda is deliquescent.
1) Greater sublimation energy 2) Washing soda is hygroscopic
2) Greater heat of atomisation 3) Brine is concentrated solution of NaCl.
3) Covalent nature 4) Aqueous solutions of Na2 CO3 and Na HCO3
4) Greater heat of hydration 24. False statement about Na2 CO3.10H2O is
1) It contains dative, covalent and ionic bonds
15. In the extraction of sodium metal by the
2) It removes only permanent hardness of water
electrolysis of fused NaCl, it is mixed with CaCl2
3) It does not give pink colour with phenolphthalein
or a mixture of KCl and KF to decrease the 4) All are false
melting point of NaCl. Decrease in the melting 25. Identify the false statement
point of NaCl is advantageous because of the
following except 1) both Na 2 CO3 and K 2 CO3 are obtained by
1) The cost of fuel can be decreased solvay process
2) Burning of sodium can be prevented due to low 2) meltallic sodium is used for drying diethyl ether
vapour presure at low temperature. but not ethyl alcohol.
3) Solubility of sodium in fused electrolyte can be 3) The softness of Group IA metals increases
decreased down the group.
4) Formation of sodium is fast at low temperature. 4) LiCl is more covalent than LiF
26. The radius of which of the following hydrate
16. The difference in the oxidation numbers of the
ion is smallest?
products formed when chlorine reacts with hot  
concentrated sodium hydroxide is 1)  Li  H 2 O  n  2)  Na  H 2 O n 
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 6  
17. Which of the following cannot be prepared by 3)  K  H 2 O n  4)  Cs  H 2 O  n 
the reaction between iodine and sodium 27. The atomic radii of alkali metals (M) lie in the
hydroxide? order Li<Na<K<Rb, but the radii of M+ ions in
1) NaI 2) NaOI 3) NaIO3 4) NaIO4 aqueous solution lie in the reverse order
18. Heat is liberated when sodium hydroxide
Li   Na   K   Rb  . What is the reason for
dissolve in water. This is due to this reverse order (on going from Li to Rb)
1) Hydrolysis 2) Hydration 1) Gradual increase in ionisation energy.
3) Ionisation 4) Dissociation 2) Increasing weakness of metallic bond.
19. Industrially KOH is used instead of NaOH to 3) Increasing electropositive character.
absorb acidic oxides because 4) Decreasing degree of hydration
1) Potassium salts are more soluble than 28. A solution of sodium in liquid ammonia serves
sodium salts as a good reducing agent due to the reaction.
2) Potassium salts are more stable than 1) 2Na + 2NH 3  2NaNH 2 + H 2
sodium salts
3) Potassium salts are less soluble than 2) NaNH 2 + NO2  NaN 3 + H 2 O
sodium salts 3) 2Na + 2H 2 O  2NaOH + H 2
4) Potassium salts are easily formed than 4) Solvated electron
sodium salts 29. What are the products formed when Li2CO3
undergoes decomposition?
1) Li2O2+CO 2) Li2O+CO Key Level-III
3) Li2O+CO2 4) LiO2+CO 01) 3 02) 4 03) 2 04) 4 05) 2 06) 4
30. Amongest the alkali metal hydrides, the most
stable one is 07) 3 08) 2 09) 2 10) 3 11) 2 12) 4
1) LiH 2) NaH 3) KH 4) RbH 13) 4 14) 4 15) 4 16) 4 17) 4 18) 2
31. Which of the following hydrogen compounds 19) 1 20) 3 21) 1 22) 3 23) 2 24) 4
is most ionic? 25) 1 26) 4 27) 4 28) 4 29) 3 30) 1
1) LiH 2) CsH 3) HF 4) HI 31) 2 32) 1 33) 2 34) 1 35) 1 36) 2
32. Which one of the following halides crystallizes from 37) 3 38) 1 39) 1 40) 1
its aqueous solution as hydrate?
1) LiCl 2) KCl 3) NaCl 4) RbCl Level-IV
33. LiAlH4 is obtained by reacting an excess of (x) Assertion - Reasion
with an ethereal solution of AlCl3.  x  is 1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the
1) LiCl 2) LiH 3) Li 4) LiOH correct explanation of (A)
34. A piece of red litmus paper turns white when 2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not
it dipped into a freshly prepared aqueous the correct explanation of (A).
solution of. 3) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong.
1) Na2CO3 2) Na2O 3) Na2CO3 4) Na2CO4 4) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct
35. Which of the following correctly represents the
1. Aseration (A) : Sodium is more reactive than
increasing order of densities IA group
elements? potassium.
1) Li  K  Na  Rb 2) Li  Na  K  Rb Reason (R) : IP1 of potassium is lesser than
3) Li  Na  K  Rb 4) Li  Na  K  Rb sodium because of less effective nuclear charge
36. Aqueous solution of sodium carbonate is 2. A: K2CO3 cannot be prepared by solvay process.
alkaline due to
1) Hydrolysis of Na+ R: KHCO3 is highly soluble in water.
2) Hydrolysis of CO32– 3. A: Lithium halides are covalent in nature.
3) Hydrolysis of both Na+ and CO32– R: Li+ has more polarising power towards anion.
4) Hydration of Na+
37. Alkali metal hydrides react with water to give 4. A: The softness of IA group elements increases
1) Acidic solution 2) Neutral solution down the group with increasing atomic number.
3) Alkaline solution 4) Hydride ion R: The metallic bonding increases with increase in
38. Among the following choose the correct order atomic size
of boiling points.
5. A: Superoxides of alkali metals are coloured and
1) Li > Na > K > Rb > Cs
2) Li > Na > K > Rb < Cs paramagnetic.
3) Li > Na = K > Rb > Cs R: Superoxide contains a three electron bond
4) Li > Na < K < Rb < Cs which makes it paramagnetic and coloured.
39. Among the following choose the correct order 6. A: M.P and B.P of alkali metals increases from Li
of melting points. to Cs.
1) Li > Na > K > Rb > Cs
2) Li < Na < K < Rb < Cs R: The energy binding the atoms in crystal lattice
3) Li < Na < K > Rb > Cs decreases from Li to Cs.
4) Li < Na > K > Rb < Cs 7. A: Alkali metals lose metallic lusture on exposure
40. The order of decreasing hydration energy of to air.
alkali metal ions is
1) Li+ > Na+ > K+ > Cs+ R: Alkali metals are easily reduced to form a film
2) Li+< Na+< K+< Cs+ of their oxide.
3) Li+ < Na+ >K+ > Cs+ 8. A: Alkali metals are kept in kerosene or paraffin.
4) Li+ > Na+ < K+ > Cs+ R: In alkali metals, metallic bond strength
decreases from top to bottom.
9. A: Alkali metals are soft metals and can be cut
easily with the help of a knife.
R: The metallic bond in alkali metals is very strong.
10. A: Among hydroxides of alkali metals, LiOH is the
weakest base.
R: Among alkali metals, lithium has the highest
ionisation energy.
11. A: T he conduct ivit y order of ions is
Cs+ > Rb+ > K+ >Na+ >Ba+ >Li+ in aqueous
R: Lithium being small is heavily hydrated and
hence move slowly and Cs+ the least hydrated
moves faster.
12. A: The alkali metals are chemically very reactive
R: They have a strong tendency to lose their single
valence electron and become cations with a single
positive charge.
13. A: IA Group elements are highly electropositive.
R: Valence electron present in s-orbital is
loosely held.
14. A : Superoxides of alkali metals are paramagnetic.
R: Superoxide contain the ion O–2 which has one
unpaired electron.
15. A: Alkali metals impart colour to the flame.
R: Their ionisation energies are low.
16. A: Among alkali metals, Lithium is the strongest
reducing agent.
R: Li+ ions are heavily hydrated in water and large
amount of hydration energy helps in the release of
electrons from Li atoms.
17. A: Li+(aq) has larger ionic radius than that of Na+(aq).
R: Li+(aq) is relatively more extensively hydrated
as compared with Na+(aq).
18. A: The alkali metals can form ionic hydrides which
contain the hydride ion H–.
R: The alkali metals have low electronegativity, their
hydrides conduct electricity when fused and
liberated hydrogen at the anode.
Key Level-IV
01) 4 02) 1 03) 1 04) 3 05) 1 06) 4
07) 3 08) 2 09) 3 10) 2 11) 1 12) 1
13) 1 14) 3 15) 1 16) 1 17) 1 18) 1
SYNOPSIS  Radium is a radioactive element. All the isotopes
of radium are radioactive. Its longest lived isotope
General Characteristics 226
 Beryllium (Be), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), is 88 Ra , t1/2=1600 yr..
Strontium (Sr), Barium (Ba) and Radium (Ra)  They are reactive but less reactive than alkali
are IIA elements metals.
 Their metal oxides are basic and much abundant in  They form bivalent cations easily due to-
earth’s crust hence they are called alkaline earth a) presence of two s-electrons in the outermost orbit.
metals. b) High heat of hydration
 The order of abundance (% by weight) c) Low values of IE2.
Ca>Mg>Ba>Sr> Be  Important Minerals of Group 2 Metals
 Ca and Mg are 5th and 6th most abundant elements Element Mineral Formula
in earth crust. Beryllium Beryl Be3Al2(SiO3)6
 Electronic configurations : Chrysoberyl BeO.Al2O3
Be :  He 2s 2 Phenacite 2BeO.SiO2(or)
12 Mg :  Ne 3s 2 Magnesium Magnesite MgCO3
Dolomite MgCO3. CaCO3
20 Ca :  Ar  4s 2 Carnallite KCl. MgCl2. 6H2O
Kieserite MgSO4. H2O
38 Sr :  Kr  5s 2 Calcium Limestone,
56 Ba :  Xe 6s 2 marble, calcite, CaCO3
88 Ra :  Rn 7s 2 Gypsum CaSO4 . 2H2O
Fluorspar CaF2
 As atomic number increases, the physical Fluorapatite CaF2. 3Ca3(PO4)2
properties show a gradation down the group. Anhydrite CaSO4
 In IIA Group, from Be to Ba Dolomite CaCO3. MgCO3
a) Atomic size - increases. Strontium Strontianite SrCO3
b) Reactivity - increases. Celestite SrSO4
c) Reducing nature - increases. Barium Barytes BaSO4
d) Electropositive nature - increases. Witherite BaCO3
e) Polarising ability of cations - decreases Radium Pitchblende U3O8
f) Hydration energy of cations - decreases Carnotite K2O,U2O3.(VO4)2.3H2O
g) Ionisation potential - decreases Atomic and Ionic Radii
 General electronic configuration is ns2  The atomic radii increases from Be to Ra due to
 Alkaline earth metals have 8 electrons in (n-1) shell the addition of differentiating electron in new shell.
where as Be has 2 electrons  The atomic and ionic radii of IIA elements are
 Due to similar outer electronic configuration, they smaller than IA elements. This is due to higher
show similar chemical properties nuclear charge.
decrease slightly from Be to Ca after which it
Ionisation Enthalpies
 Since the alkaline earth metals possess smaller size
 The decrease in density from Be to Ca due to less
and greater nuclear charge than the alkali metals
close packing of atoms in solid lattice of Mg and
possess higher IE1 values.
Ca. availability of vacant 3d - orbitals in Ca there
 The IE2 of the IIA group elements is less than the
is a sudden increase in size which leads to low
IE2 of the IA group elements. density.
 Alkaline earth metals do not form M+ ions due to Flame Test:
hydration energy of M2+ ions dominates the IE2
 Be and Mg do not show flame test because the
Hydration Enthalpies flame energy is not sufficient to cause excitation of
 The hydration enthalpies of alkaline earth metal ions valence electrons.
decrease with increase in ionic size down the group. Be, Mg – No flame colours
Be 2   Mg 2   Ca 2  Sr 2  Ba 2 
Ca – Brick red
 The hydration enthalpies of alkaline earth metal ions Sr – Crimson red
are larger than those of alkali metal ions. So, Ba – Apple green
compounds of alkaline earth metals are more Colour and Magnetic Property of Salts:
extensively hydrated than those of alkali metals,
 The bivalent ion (M2+)has no unpaired electron
eg: MgCl2 and CaCl2 exist as MgCl2.6H2O and
hence their compounds are diamagnetic and
CaCl2.6H2O while NaCl and KCl do not form
such hydrates.
 Be – salts rarely have more than four water of Electrical and Thermal Conductivity
crystallization while Mg-salts generally have six  These are good conductors of heat and electricity,
water molecules. It is due to the non availability due to the presence of two loosely held valence
of d-orbitals electrons per atom.
 BeCl2 can be easily hydrated, due to its high nuclear Electropositivity
charge.  These are highly electropositive, due to their large
 BeCl 2 on hydration forms BeCl 2 .4H 2 O or size and comparatively low ionisation energies,
2  The electropositivity is lesser than the alkali metals.
 Be  H 2O  4  . It acts as Lewis acid as well as  These elements do not emit electrons on exposure
Bronsted acid. to light.
Physical Properties  On moving down the group, the electropositive
 In general they are silvery white, lustrous and character increases.
relatively soft but harder than the alkali metals. Metallic Character
 The melting and boiling points of these metals are  On moving down the group, the metallic character
higher than the corresponding alkali metals due to increases.
smaller size.  They are less soft, less malleable and more harder
Crystal Structures than corresponding alkali metal, due to larger
Metal Be Mg Ca Sr Ba number of valence electrons and HCP or CCP type
Crystal structure hcp hcp ccp ccp bcc of metallic packing, .
 Among IIA group of elements Be has high melting  The close packing leads to high melting points than
point the corresponding alkali metals.
M .P : Be  Ca  Sr  Ba  Mg (different crystal  The another reason for high melting point is due to
structure) the involment two valence electrons in metallic bond.
B.P : Be  Ba  Ca  Sr  Mg Chemical Properties
 BeO and MgO have a high melting point, because  These are much less reactive than the corresponding
the lattice energy of BeO and MgO is appreciably alkali metals.
higher due to their small size.  Their reactivity increases from Be to Ba, due to
Density: their ionisation enthalpies decrease with increase
 All are light metals, Densities of alkaline earth metals in atomic size,
Action of Air:  Among IIA elements, Be is very good reducing
 IIA elements when burnt in air they form ionic oxides agent because hydration energy of Be+2 dominates
and nitrides of the type MO and M3N2. its IE2 value.
2M + O2  2MO  Alkaline earth metals are weaker reducing agent
than alkali metals. It is due to high sublimation
3M  N 2  M 3 N 2
energy and high ionisation energy.
(when M = Be, Mg or Ca)  Alkaline earth metals possess lower oxidation
 The tendency of the metals to form higher oxides potential than alkali metals and thus they are less
like peroxide increases on moving down the group. electropositive.
M + O2  MO2 Solution in Liquid Ammonia
Metal peroxide  Like alkali metals, alkaline earth metals dissolve in
(when M = Sr, Ba or Ra) liquid ammonia giving coloured solutions due to the
Action of Halogens presence of ammoniated electrons.
 All these elements combine with halogens at  When the metal ammonia solutions are evaporated,
elevated temperature forming halides, MX2. hexammoniates [M(NH3)6]2+ are formed.
 Beryllium halides are covalent while the rest are  The ammoniates are good conductors of electricity
ionic.They dissolve in water and conduct electricity and decompose at high temperature.
in aqueous solution and in molten state. 2  

M   x  y  NH   M NH 
  
 2 e NH 
3  3 x 3 y 
M  X 2  MX 2  X  F , Cl , Br , I  Ammoniated

 The solubility of halides (except fluorides) decreases metal cations electrons
on moving down the group. fluorides are almost  When metals dissolve in NH3, the volume increases
insoluble in water. remarkbly.
 The fluorides are the most stable followed by Uses of Beryllium
chlorides, bromides and iodides.  It is used in the manufacture of alloys.
 Thermal decomposition of (NH4)BeF4 is the best  Copper-Beryllium alloys are used in the
route for the preparation of BeF2. preparation of high strength springs.
 BeCl2 is conveniently prepared from its oxide  Metallic Beryllium is used for making windows of
600 800K
BeO  C  Cl2  BeCl2  CO X-ray tubes.
 Be is used in making electrodes of neon sign lamps.
Action of Hydrogen
 All elements except beryllium, combine with Uses of Magnesium
hydrogen to form hydrides, MH2. Beryllium and  It is used in the extraction of boron and silicon.
Magnesium hydrides are covalent while other  Magnesium ribbon along with barium peroxide
hydrides are ionic. is used as ignition mixuture in aluminothermite
2 BeCl2  LiAlH 4  2 BeH 2  LiCl  AlCl3  Mg powder mixed with potassium chlorate is used
 BeH2 is covalent and polymeric. in flash bulbs for photography.
 MgH2 is ionic and polymeric.  Mg is used incendiary bombs and signals.
 Hydrides of Ca, Sr and Ba are ionic. They are  It is used for making Grignard reagent.
called saline hydrides and are thermally very stable.  It is used as a deoxidiser in metallurgy.
Action with dil. Acids  It is used in the preparation of alloys
 On reacting with dil. acids, they liberate H2 gas a) Magnalium : 95% Al + 5% Mg
M + H2SO4  MSO4 + H2 (Used in the preparation of balances)
M + 2HCl  MCl2 + H2 b) Elektron : 95% Mg + 4.5% Zn + 0.5%Cu
Reducing Nature (Used in the construction of aircrafts).
 Alkaline earth metals are good reducing agents. c) Duralumin : 95% Al + 0.5% Mg + 0.5% Mn +4% Cu
This character increases down the group. It is due (Used for making air-ships).
to the increase of tendency of losing electrons.  A suspension of Mg(OH)2 in water is used as
M  M2+ + 2e– antacid in medicine. It is called milk of magnesia.
 MgCO3 is an ingredient of toothpaste. moving down the group.
Uses of Ca, Sr, Ba and Ra  Mg3N2 when reacts with water gives NH3.
 It is used as a deoxidiser for copper, cast iron and MgCl2 does not undergo because it is a salt of
steel. strong base and strong acid.
 It removes sulphur during petroleum refining.  Ba2+ ion is poisonous, yet BaSO4 is given to
 The metal is used in preference to sodium for the patient prior to taking stomach X-ray. Since BaSO4 is
removal of last traces of water from alcohol as it extremely insoluble and does not pass from digestive
does not react with alcohol. system into circulatory system and it is X-ray opaque
 Ca is used in the preparation of Be, Cr and Th etc. also.
 They form amalgam with mercury and alloys with Compounds of Alkaline Earth Metals
other metals. Oxides and Hydroxides
 Ca and Ba metals reacts with oxygen and nitrogen  The alkaline earth metal oxides, MO are prepared
readily hence these metals can remove air from either by heating the metals in oxygen or by
vacuum tubes calcination (heating at high temperature) of
 Ra salts used in radiotherapy in the treatment of carbonates.
cancer. 2Ca + O2  heat
 2CaO
Complex Formation CaCO3   CaO + CO2

 Comlex formation is favoured by small size, highly  These are extermely stable, white crystalline solids.
charged ion and suitable empty orbitals.  Alkaline earth metal oxides are thermally stable
 Alkaline earth metal ions, not having these because of close packing structure and high lattice
characteristics, do not have a significant tendency energy.
to form complexes.  BeO is unstable because of its covalent character.
eg: [BeF3]–, [BeF4]2–, [Be(H2O)4]2+, etc. Other oxides are ionic and more stable.
 The property of complex formation is more than in  BeO and MgO are insoluble in water.
the alkali metals because of having their double  The oxides of Ca, Sr and Ba are highly ionic and
charge are soluble in water thus are strong bases.
 The coordination number of ‘Be’ is maximum 4 MO + H2O  M(OH)2 + Heat
and hence ‘Be’ salt cannot have more than four  The solubility of hydroxides of alkaline earth metals
molecules of water of crystallisation due to absence in water increases on moving down the group.
of vacant d-orbital.  The solubility product Ksp increases from top to
 While Mg, Ca can have a coordination number of bottom
six by using 3d orbitals as well as 3s and 3p orbitals.
 BeO and Be(OH)2 are amphoteric. They react with
Hence the salts of Mg and Ca are hexa hydrated.
both acid and alkali
Action of Water Be(OH)2 + 2HCl +2H2O  [Be(OH)4Cl2
 The reaction with water becomes increasingly Be(OH)2 + 2OH–  [Be(OH)42–
vigorous on moving down the group. Beryllate ion
 Be does not react with water.  The oxides and hydroxides of the other metals are
 Mg reacts only with hot water while other metals
basic in character, and their basicity increases on
react with cold water. The reactivity less when
moving down the group.
compared to alkali metals.
Be(OH)2 < Mg(OH)2 < Ca(OH)2 < Sr(OH)2 < Ba(OH)2
 These metals react slowly with water liberating
 Heavier metals of the group (Sr and Ba) are
hydrogen and forms metal hydroxides.
capable of forming peroxides.
Ca + 2H2O  Ca(OH)2 + H2
2BaO + O2  2BaO2
Action With Nitrogen
 All these elements burn in nitrogen forming nitrides,
M3N2, which react with water to liberate ammonia.  The alkaline earth metal halides are obtained, by
3Ca + N2  Ca3N2 heating the metal with halogens at high temperature
Ca3N2 + 6H2O  3Ca(OH)2 + 2NH3 or by treating metal oxide, hydroxide or carbonates
 The ease of formation of nitrides decreases on with dilute halogens acids.
M + 2HX  MX2 + H2 Nitrates
M(OH)2 + 2HX  MX2 + H2O  Genaral formula-M(NO3)2
MCO3 + 2HX  MX2 + CO2 + H2O  The nitrates are formed by dissolution of the
 Except BeCl2 others are ionic. carbontes in dilute nitric acid.
 BeCl2 is covalent and is soluble in organic solvents  Magnesium nitrate crystallises with six molecules
such as ether. of water, whereas barium nitrate crystallises as the
 It does not conduct electricity in the fused state. anhydrous salt. This is due to-
 It is electron-deficient and behaves as Lewis acid. a) Decreasing tendency to form hydrates
 Beryllium chloride exhibits different structure in the b) Increasing size
vapour and in the solid states. c) Decreasing hydration enthalpy.
 All of them decompose on heating to give respective
Cl oxide.
Cl Be Be Cl 2M  NO3 2  2MO  4 NO2  O2
Dimeric-vapour phase.
Cl  M  Be, Mg , Ca, Sr , Ba 
 At high temparature it dissociates to liner monomers Anomalous Behaviour of Be
(Cl – Be – Cl )  The Be shows anomalous behaviour due to
 The polymeric structure of BeCl2 in solid phase is exceptionally small size, non availability of d-orbitals.
Cl Cl Cl Cl
 Be2+ is extremely small and has a high polarizing
Cl Cl
Be Be power.
Cl Cl
 The compounds of beryllium are more covalent and
 The tendency to form halide hydrates gradually readily hydrolyse in water.
decreases down the group.  Oxides and hydroxides of Be are amphoteric in
 Hydrated halides of Be and Mg do not undergo nature.
hydrolysis  BeSO4 is soluble in water while sulphates of all others
 The fluorides are relatively less soluble than the are insoluble in water.
clorides, due to high lattice energies.  Due to small size and high charge density, Be forms
Salts of Oxoacids & Carbonates: many complexes while others do not have such a
 The carbonates are insoluble. tendency.
 The solubility of carbonates decreases down the  Be shows a maximum covalency of 4.
group Diagonal Relationship of Be with Al
 On decomposing they give oxide and CO2 .  The polarising power of Be2+ and Al3+are similar
 BeCO3 is unstable and can be kept only in the hence Be shows diagonal relationship with Al.
atmosphere of CO2  Both Be and Al are not readily atacked by acids,
 The thermal stability increases down the group. due to the presence of oxides film on the surface of
 The carbonates dissolve in water in the presence metal.
of carbon dioxide to give bicarbonates.  Both hydroxides dissolves in excess of alkali to give
beryllate ion and aluminate ion
CaCO3  H 2O  CO2  Ca  HCO3  2
eg. [Be(OH)4]2– , [Al(OH)4]–
Calcium Calcium  Be forms complex anions (beryllates) like aluminium
carbonate bicarbonate forms aluminates.
Sulphates eg. BeF4 2  , AlF6 3
 Genaral formula - MSO4  The chlorides of both beryllium and aluminium have
 These are white solids and stable to heat. Cl– bridged chloride structure in vapour phase.
 The solubility decreases down the group.  Both the chlorides are soluble in organic solvents
 The high hydration enthalpies of Be2+ and Mg2+ and are strong lewis acids. They are used as friedel
over come lattice enthalpy. So sulphates are soluble craft catlysts.
in water.
Some Important Compounds of parts of sand and water. Sand present in mortar
Calcium (CaO, Ca(OH) 2 , CaCO 3 , makes it porous and also harder.
Gypsum, Plaster of Paris, Cement)  Water evaporates during hardening of mortar. The
hardening is due to formation of calcium silicate.
Calcium Oxide Ca(OH)2 + SiO2  CaSiO3 + H2O
 CaO is known as quick lime.  Cement mortar is mortar mixed with cement. This
 Lime stone on calcination CaO is formed. is stronger than mortar.
1070k 
  Hydraulic mortar is formed when lime stone and
CaCO3   CaO + CO2 
clay(10% Aluminium Silicate) are heated together.
The above reaction proceeds in forward direction  It is used for bleaching purpose and as an antiseptic.
in a open vessel. This principle is used in lime kiln  It is used in white wash due to its disinfectant nature.
industry for the preparation of quick lime.  It is used in glass making. In tanning industry, for
 Since lime stone contains clay as impurity it reacts the preparation of bleaching powder and for
at high temperature with CaO to form a fusible slag purification of sugar.
(CaSiO3). Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3)
CaO  SiO2  CaSiO3  Calcium carbonate is available in nature in different
6CaO  P4 O10  2Ca3  PO4  2 forms like chalk, marble, pumice stone etc.
Uses  CaCO3 can be prepared by passing carbon dioxide
(a) It is used in the manufacture of sodium carbonate gas through slaked lime or calcium chloride reacts
from caustic soda. with sodium carbonate
(b) It is employed in the purification of sugar and in Ca(OH ) 2  CO2  CaCO3  H 2O
the manufacture of dye stuffs.
CaCl2  Na2 CO3  CaCO3  2 NaCl
(c) CaO is used in the manufacture of
(i) Mortar (ii) Glass (iii) CaCl2  CaCO3 reacts with dilute acids to produces carbon
Calcium Hydroxide (Slaked lime) dioxide
 Ca(OH)2 is known as slaked lime CaCO3  2HCl  CaCl2  H 2 O  CO2
 Calcium hydroxide is prepared by adding water to
CaCO3  H 2 SO4 
 CaSO4  H 2O  CO2
quick lime, CaO.
CaO  H 2 O  Ca(OH )2
 Lime stone is used as a flux.
 The aqueous solution is known as lime water and a  It is used as a mild abrasive in tooth paste, an antacid
suspension of slaked lime in water is known as milk and a constituent of chewing gum.
of lime.  It is the main constituent of egg-shell
CO2 is passed through lime water and forms calcium Calcium Sulphate
carbonate (White ppt.)  Calcium sulphate is formed when lime stone
Ca  OH 2  CO2  CaCO3   H2O (CaCO3) is treated with dilute H2SO4
 The above milky ppt. dissolves in excess of carbon CaCO3 + H2SO4  CaSO4 + H2O + CO2 
dioxide to form calcium bicarbonate.  On concentrating and crystallising calcium sulphate
CaCO3  CO2  H 2 O  Ca  HCO3  2 dihydrate (CaSO4.2H2O) separates out.
 Milk of lime reacts with chlorine to form bleaching  CaSO4.2H2O is called as gypsum.
 In nature CaSO4 occurs as
powder CaCl2  Ca(OCl )2 (i) Gypsum CaSO4.2H2O.
2Ca OH 2  2Cl CaCl  Ca(OCl)  2H O (ii) Anhydrite CaSO4
2 2 2 2 (iii) Alabaster CaSO4.2H2O.
Uses  Alabaster is finely divided naturally available
 It is used in preparation of mortar, a building calcium sulphate.
material.  Anhydrous CaSO4 is used as drying agent.
 Lime mortar is a mixture of 1 part of slaked lime, 3
Plaster of Paris  Enzymes involving ATP requires Mg2+.
 Plaster of paris is CaSO4. H2O (or) 2CaSO4.H2O  Mg2+ is a constituent of chlorophyll, the green
 Plaster of paris is hemihydrate (or) semihydrate of pigment in plants.
calcium sulphate. Ca2+ in Biology
 It is prepared by heating gypsum at 120 - 1300C
 The daily requirement of calcium in human body is
 Plaster of paris setting process involves the change
of orthorhombic to monoclinic form. about 200 - 300 mg.
 Bones and teeth contain Ca 2+ as apat ite
 Anhydrous CaSO4 is called dead burnt plaster,
used for setting fractured bones.  Enamel on t eeth contains fluorapatite,
Cement [3Ca3(PO4)2.CaF2].
 Cement is calcium aluminates and silicates.  Ca2+ ions are necessary for blood clotting.
 The composition of the portland cement :  Ca2+ ions are necessary to maintain heart beating.
CaO 50 – 60%
SiO2 20 – 25%  Ca2+ ions are necessary for muscles contraction.
Al2O3 5 – 10%  Concentration of the calcium in plasma is about
MgO 2 – 3%
Fe2O3 1 – 2% 100mgL1 .
SO3 1 – 2%
 Clay and lime are strongly heated together they fuse Level-I (C.W)
and react to form cement clinker and is mixed General Characteristics
01. The electronic configuration of an element is
with 2-3% by weight of gypsum  CaSO4 .2 H 2 O  to
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2. The oxidation number of the
from cement. element in its compounds can be
 The esential constituents are lime, silica and 1) +2 2) +8 3) +1 4) Zero
alumina.these are generally kept in the following 02. The IIA group metal ion having 6s2 6p6 as outer
ratio: electron configuration is
1) Ca2+ 2) Sr2+ 3) Ba2+ 4) Ra2+
% SiO2
 2.5  4.0 03. Electronic configuration in the valence shell
% Al2O3 of Barium is
 Portland cement contains the imortant ingredients as 1) 5s2 2) 6s2 3) 5s1 4) 6s1
Dicalcium silicate  Ca2 SiO4   26% 04. The number of ultimate electrons in
magnesium atom are
Tricalcium silicate  Ca3 SiO4   51% 1) 12 2) 1 3) 8 4) 7
05. The non-radio active metal of IIA group having
Tricalcium aluminate  Ca2 Al2 O6   11% least first ionisation potential is
Setting of Cement 1) Radium 2) Beryllium 3) Calcium 4) Barium
 Gypsum is added to cement for slow down setting. 06. Lime water contains
 Cement sets at the slowest rate is due to the 1) Calcium hydroxide 2) Calcium oxalate
formation of the component Dicalcium silicate. 3) Calcium hydride 4) Calcium sulphate
07. The elements that reacts with cold water
Biological Importance of Mg 2+ and 1) Mg 2) Ca 3) Be 4) Mg & Ca
Ca 2+ 08. ‘Magnalium’ is an alloy of
 An adult body contains about 25 g Mg and 1200g 1) Mg+Zn 2) Mg+Al 3) Cu+Zn 4) Mg+Cu
of Ca compared with only 50g iron and 0.06g 09. The fluorspar is
copper. 1) CaSO4 2) BaSO4 3) CaF2 4) CaCO3
10. The colour of sulphates of IIA group metals are
Mg2+ in Biology 1) Yellow 2) Black 3) White 4) Blue
 Mg2+ ions get concentrated in animal cells.
11. The most abundant element among the 27. Which element of group 2 is used in treatment of
following is cancer?
1) Mg 2) Ca 3) Sr 4) Ra 1) Magnesium 2) Radium
12. Which of the following is thermally more stable 3) Strontium 4) Beryllium
1) CaO2 2) SrO2 28. Electronic configuration of alkaline earth
3) BaO2 4) All are equally stable metals is
13. Which of the following is Radioactive element 1) (n-1) s2 (n-1) p6 (n-1) d5 ns2
1) Ra 2) Ba 3) Ca 4) Sr 2) (n-1) s2 (n-1) p6 (n-1) d10 ns2
14. The alkaline earth metal that forms mainly 3) (n-1) s2 (n-1) p6 (n-1) d2 ns2
covalent compounds is 4) (n-1) s2 (n-1) p6 ns2
1) Mg 2) Be 3) Ca 4) Ba 29. Radium is placed at the bottom of alkaline
15. From Be to Ba electropositive or metallic earth metals. The element should
character 1) Have the highest atomic volume
1) Increases 2) Decreases 2) Possess the minimum density
3) Remains same 4) Cannot be predicted 3) Be less easily ionizable 4) Be least electropositive
16. Which has a strong reducing character among 30. The atomic numbers corresponding to alkaline
the following earth metal?
1) Be 2) Mg 3) Ca 4) Ba 1) 10 2) 20 3) 30 4) 40
17. Among the following amphoteric oxide is 31. The metal which gives brick red colour in flame
1) BeO 2) Al2O3 3) ZnO 4) All the above test is
18. The correct order of .polarising ability of 1) Barium 2) Calcium
cations of Alkaline earth metals is 3) Strontium 4) Radium
2+ 2+
1) Be > Ca > Mg > Ba 2+ 2+
32. The salt which gives crimson red colour in
2) Be2+ < Mg2+ > Ca2+ = Ba2+ flame test is
2+ 2+
3) Be < Mg > Ca < Ba 2+ 2+ 1) BaCl2 2) CaCl2 3) BeCl2 4) SrCl2
4) Ba2+ < Ca2+ < Mg2+ < Be2+ 33. Which of the following metals cannot give
19. Which of the following is a true peroxide flame test?
1) NO2 2) MnO2 3) RbO2 4) BaO2 1) Be 2) Na 3) K 4) Ca
20. Which oxide is more basic among the following Anomalous Behaviour of Be &
1) BeO 2) MgO 3) CaO 4) BaO its Diagonal Relationship With Al
21. The covalent halide among the following is 34. The covalent metal oxide among the following is
1) BeF2 2) SrCl2 3) CaCl2 4) BaCl2 1) MgO 2) BaO 3) CaO 4) BeO
22. Ionic nature of groupIIA hydrides is 35. Magnesium is related diagonally to
1) BeH2 > MgH2 > CaH2 > SrH2 > BaH2 1) Be 2) Ca 3) Li 4) Si
2) BeH2 < MgH2 < CaH2 < SrH2 < BaH2 (CaO, Ca(OH) 2, CaCO 3 , Gypsum,
3) BeH2 > MgH2 < CaH2 < SrH2 < BaH2
4) None Plaster of Paris, Cement)
23. The halide that is highly soluble in H2O among 36. The formula of anhydrite is
the following is 1) CaSO4.2H2O 2) 2CaSO4.H2O
1) BeF2 2) CaF2 3) MgF2 4) BaF2 3) CaSO4 4) Mg(ClO4)2
24. MgCl2,XH2O, CaCl2,YH2O and BaCl2, ZH2O. 37. Mixture of lime stone and clay when heated forms
The values of X,Y and Z are respectively. 1) Hydraulic mortar 2) Mortar
1) 2,6,8 2) 8,6,2 3) 2,4,8 4) 4,6,8 3) Cement mortar 4) All
25. Which of the following is more soluble in ether? 38. A mixture of slaked lime, sand and water is
1) BeCl2 2) CaCl2 3) SrCl2 4) BaCl2 known as
26. To a clear solution of compound (X), a solution of 1) Port land cement 2) Lime mortar
BaCl2 is added and a heavy white precipitate is 3) Milk of lime 4) Alabaster
formed which does not dissolve in dil. HCl. The 39. (CaSO )
4 2
.H 2
O is
compound (X) is 1) Gypsum 2) Anhydrite
1) A nitrate 2) A bromide 3) Alabaster 4) Plaster of Paris
3) A sulphate 4) A carbonate
40. The molecular formula of gypsum is 2) It can remove O2 and N2
1) CaSO4.H2O 2) CaSO4.2H2O 3) It is good reducing agent
3) 2CaSO4.H2O 4) CaSO4.3H2O 4) It is highly electropositive
41. Dead burnt plaster is: 7. Beryllium chloride can be prepared by passing
1) CaSO4 . 2H2O 2) MgSO4 . 7H2O chlorine vapours over heated mixture of
3) CaSO4 .1/2 H2O 4) CaSO4 1) BeO and CO2 2) BeCO3 and C
Biological Importance of Calcium and 3) BeO and C 4) Be(OH)2 and C
8. Which is main constituent of egg-shell?
Magnesium Ions 1) CaCO3 2) CaSiO3
42. The most abundant metal present in the human 3) CaSO41/2H2O 4) CaSO4.2H2O
body is: 9. Calcium is obtained by
1) Ca 2) K 3) Fe 4) Na 1) Electrolysis of molten CaCl2
43. Ca2+ can stop
2) ELectrolysis of a solution of CaCl2 in water
1) Bleeding 2) Infection
3) Reduction of CaCl2 with carbon
3) Bone growth 4) All
4) Roasting of lime stone
44. Chlorophyll, the green component of plants contains 10. CaC2 react with H2O to form which gas
1) Ca2+ 2) Be2+ 3) Mg2+ 4) Ba2+ 1) CH4 2) C2H4 3) C2H2 4) All
45. The ion helpful for controlling heart beating 11. Be and Al Carbides are
and muscle contraction is
1) Acetylides 2) Allyides
1) Mg2+ 2) Na+ 3) K+ 4) Ca2+
3) Both 1&2 4) Methanides
Key Level-I (C.W) 12. Covalent polymeric hydride among the
01) 1 02) 4 03) 2 04) 3 05) 4 06) 1 following is
07) 2 08) 2 09) 3 10) 3 11) 2 12) 3 1) CaH2 2) SrH2 3) BeH2 4) BaH2
13) 1 14) 2 15) 1 16) 4 17) 4 18) 4 13. Which of the following is used in the
19) 4 20) 4 21) 1 22) 2 23) 1 24) 2 manufacture of toothpaste.
25) 1 26) 3 27) 2 28) 4 29) 1 30) 2 1) MgCO3 2) Ca(OH)2 3) CaO 4) CaSO4
31) 2 32) 4 33) 1 34) 4 35) 3 36) 3 14. Pick, out the wrong statement
1) Be, like Al does not dissolve in alkalies
37) 1 38) 2 39) 4 40) 2 41) 4 42) 1
2) Oxides of both Be and Al are amphoteric
43) 1 44) 3 45) 4
3) Beryllium chloride like Aluminium chloride is
Level-I (H.W) covalent
4) Carbides of both Be and Al react with water
General Characteristics evolving methane
1. The element with atomic number 12 belongs 15. Hydrolith formula is
to and ....period 1) CaH2 2) MgH2 3) NaH 4) BeH2
1) IA, third 2) IIIA, third 16. Among the following the standard oxidation
3) IIA, third 4) IIIA, second potential is highest for
2. Alkaline earth metals cannot exist free or 1) Be 2) Mg 3) Ca 4) Ba
native because the metals are 17. Alkaline earth metals exhibit +2 oxidation
1) More reactive 2) Soft state in aqueous solution due to
3) Soluble in ammonia 1) Small size of metal atoms
4) Good conductors of electricity 2) Their hydration energies being higher than second
3. The metal used to remove ‘S’ from petroleum ionisation potential
1) Mg 2) Ba 3) Ca 4) Be 3) Their hydration energy being less than second
4. Metal used in flash photography is ionisation potential
1) Mg 2) Al 3) Both 1 & 2 4) None 4) Their low second ionisation potential
5. Which of the following elements has highest 18. Antacid formula is
melting point? 1) Ca(OH)2 2) Mg(OH)2 3)Zn(OH)2 4) Be(OH)2
1) Ba 2) Sr 3) Ca 4) Be 19. Oxidation state of boron in Magnesium boride
6. Magnesium metal is used to produce high 1) -3 2) +3 3) +1 4) -1
vacuum because 20. BeCl2  BeH2, Here ‘X’ is
' X '
1) It can remove water 1) NaOH 2) H2 3) LiAlH4 4) All
21. Epsom salt is 33. The alkaline earth metal which shows some
1) MgSO4.7H2O 2) CaSO4.H2O properties similar to aluminium is
3) MgSO4.2H2O 4) BaSO4.2H2O 1) Ca 2) Be 3) Sr 4) Ba
22. Which physical property is lower for alkaline 34. The consequences of diagonal relationship
earth metals as compared to alkali metals of
the same period? between Be and Al are
1) Hardness 2) Melting point 1) Be and Al are not attacked by acids readily
3) Electropositivity 4) Ionisation potential due to the presence of an oxide film
23. Which is soluble in water 2) Beryllium and Aluminium ions have strong
1) BeSO4 2) CaSO4 3) SrSO4 4) BaSO4 tendency to form complexes
24. Two metals (A) and (B) belong to the same 3) Be and Al halides are strong lewis acids
group of periodic table. Metal (A) forms an and they are used as Friedal craft catalysts
insoluble oxide but soluble sulphate. Metal (B) 4) All the above
forms soluble oxide and insoluble sulphate. (CaO, Ca(OH) 2, CaCO 3 , Gypsum,
Then A and B are respectively Plaster of Paris, Cement)
1) Ba & Be 2) Ca & Ba 3) Be & Ca 4)Be& Na
35. Hydrated calcium sulphate when heated at
25. Chemical A is used for water softening to remove
temporary hardness. A reacts with sodium 120-1300C loses.
carbonate to generate caustic soda. When 1) 1/2 H2O 2) H2O 3) 3/2 H2O 4) 2H2O
carbondioxide is bubbled through A, it turns 36. Plaster of Paris in contact with water sets to a
cloudy. What is the chemical formula of A? hard mass whose composition is
1) CaCO3 2) CaO 3) Ca(OH)2 4) Ca(HCO3)2 1) CaSO4 2) CaSO4.H2O
26. Magnesium is not present in 3) CaSO4. 2H2O 4) CaSO4.Ca(OH)2
1) Chlorophyll 2) Blood of animals 37. The final product of setting of plaster of paris is
3) Sea Water 4) Haemoglobin 1) Gypsum 2) Anhydrite 3) Cement 4) Mortar
27. The carbonate having high decomposition 38. Filter papers are impregnated with
temperature among the following is 1) Gypsum 2) Plaster of paris
1) MgCO3 2) BeCO3 3) CaCO3 4) BaCO3 3) Carbon 4) Silica
28. The most soluble hydroxide among the 39. In Cement Al2O3 composition is
following is 1) 50 % 2) 20 % 3) 2 % 4) 10 %
1) Be(OH)2 2) Ca(OH)2 3) Mg(OH)2 4) Ba(OH)2 40. The raw materials used for cement are:
29. Sulphates and Carbonates of Alkaline
1) CaCO3 and SiO2 2) CaCO3 and clay
earthmetals are insoluble in water due to
1) Hydration energy > lattice energy 3) CaCO3 and siO2 4) CaCO3 , SiO2 and clay
2) Hydration energy < lattice energy 41. Calcium sulphate is available naturally as
3) Hydration energy = lattice energy 1) Gypsum 2) Anhydrite
4) All are correct 3) Alabaster 4) All the above
30. Alkaline earth metals is dissolved in Ammonia, 42. The correct statement among the following
deep blue black colour is due to 1) Gypsum contains a lower percentage of calcium
1) Ammoniated electrons 2) Ammonia than plaster of Paris
3) Water 4) Forms complex 2) Gypsum is obtained by heating plaster of Paris
31. Sodium sulphate is soluble in water but barium 3) Plaster of Paris can be obtained by hydration of
sulphate is sparingly soluble because gypsum
1) The hydration energy of Na2SO4 is more than 4) Plaster of Paris is obtained by partial oxidation
its lattice energy. of gypsum
2) The lattice energy of BaSO4 is less than its 43. The role of gypsum in cement is
hydration energy. 1) To increase setting time
3) The lattice energy has no role to play in solubility. 2) To increase porous nature
4) The lattice energy of Na2SO4 is more than its
3) To decrease setting time
hydration energy.
4) To decrease porous nature
Anomalous Behaviour of Be & its
Diagonal Relationship with Al Biological Importance of Calcium
32. Highest melting point Alkaline earth metal is and Magnesium Ions
1) Be 2) Ca 3) Sr 4) Ba 44. The ATP forms a complex with
1) Mg2+ 2) Ca2+ 3) Be2+ 4) Ba2+
45. Which of the following enzymes contain Mg2+
1) Phosphohydrylase 2) Zymase
3) Phosphotransferase 4) 1&3
Key Level-I (H.W)
1) 3 2) 1 3) 3 4) 3 5) 4 6) 2
7) 3 8) 1 9) 1 10) 3 11) 4 12) 3
13) 1 14) 1 15) 1 16) 4 17) 2 18) 2
19) 1 20) 3 21) 1 22) 3 23) 1 24) 2
25) 3 26) 4 27) 4 28) 3 29) 2 30) 1
31) 1 32) 1 33) 2 34) 4 35) 3 36) 3
37) 1 38) 1 39) 4 40) 2 41) 4 42) 1
43) 1 44) 1 45) 4
14. Which one of the following is wrong
Level-II (C.W) Statement
General Characteristics 1) Milk of magnesia is used as antacid in medicine
1. The alkaline earth metal that does not lose its 2) Magnesium carbonate is an ingredient of tooth
metallic lusture when exposed to air is paste
1) Ba 2) Mg 3) Be 4) Ca 3) Calcium at high temp used to remove air from
2. A piece of magnesium ribbon was heated to vacuum tubes
redness in nitrogen gas and then dropped into 4) Mg-Cu alloys are used in the preparation of high
water. The gas evolved is strength springs
1) NH3 2) H2 3) O2 4) N2 15. A chloride dissolves appreciably in water.
3. Which of the following has no reaction with water? When placed on a Pt wire in Bunsen flame, no
1) Ba 2) Sr 3) Be 4) Mg distinctive colour is noticed. Which cation could
4. The least ionic chloride is given by be present ?
1) Ca 2) Mg 3) Be 4) Ba 1) Be2+ 2) Ba2+ 3) Na+ 4) Ca+2
5. The highly water soluble alkaline earth metal 16. A fire work gave brick red coloured flashes. It
fluoride is contains
1) CaF2 2) BaF2 3) MgF2 4) BeF2 1) NaCl 2) BaCl2 3) CaCl2 4) SrCl2
6. Which does not form peroxides? 17. When magnesium burns in steam, the formula
1) Ba 2) Be 3) Ca 4) Sr of the products are
7. Oxides of alkaline earth metals are stable due to 1) Mg(OH)2, H2 2) MgO,N2
1) High lattice energy 3) MgO,H2 4) Mg(OH)2,O2
2) Low IP values of alkaline earth metals Compounds of Alkaline Earth Metals
3) Low electronegativities alkaline earth metals 18. The sesqui carbide of the following is
4) All the above 1) CaC2 2) Mg2C3 3) Al4C3 4) Be2C
8. Magnesium burns in air giving two products. 19. Which of the following is more basic?
Their formulae are 1) Be(OH)2 2) Ca(OH)2
1) MgO, MgN 2) MgO2, Mg3N2 3) Ba(OH)2 4) Mg(OH)2
3) MgO, Mg3N2 4) Mg2O, Mg3N2 20. Which of the following is highly water soluble?
9. BeH2 & MgH2 are prepared using the reagent 1) Mg(OH)2 2) Ca(OH)2
1) LiH 2) AlH3 3) LiAlH4 4) All 3) Ba(OH)2 4) Be(OH)2
10. Which of the following metal is used in the 21. Salt like carbide is
preparation of Grignard’s reagent ? 1) CaC2 2) Mg2C3 3) Al4C3 4) All
1) Ca 2) Mg 3) Cd 4)Both 2 & 3 22. Which one of the following statement is true
11. Elektron is an alloy of zinc and..... about Ca(OH)2 ?
1) Barium 2) Aluminium 1) It is not used in the preparation of bleaching
3) Magnesium 4) Copper powder 2) It is a light blue solid
12. The no.of  bonds and  bonds in C22– ion 3) It is used in chromatography
1) 1,2 2) 2,1 3) 1,1 4) 2,2 4) Its solution in water is called lime water
23. Thermal stability of alkaline earth metal
13. Which of the following hydrides are covalent carbonates decreases in the order
polymeric? 1) BaCO3  SrCO3  CaCO3  MgCO3
1) Ca 2) Ba 3) Be 4) Mg
2) BaCO3  SrCO3  MgCO3  CaCO3
3) CaCO3  SrCO3  MgCO3  BaCO3
4) MgCO3  CaCO3  SrCO3  BaCO3
24. Which of the following can dissolve limestone?
1) CO2+H2O 2) NaOH+H2O
3) NH3+H2O 4) None of these
25. The compound formed when an alkyl halide 1) Electronegativity of beryllium is very high
reacts with magnesium in ether is 2) Polarising power of Be2+ is very high
1) Grignard reagent 2) Antiseptic 3) Beryllium atom is very large
3) Anaesthetic 4) Antipyretic 4) Beryllium is a metal
26. The pair of amphoteric hydroxides is: 41. Which of the following will have highest
1) Be(OH)2,(OH)2 2) Al(OH)3, LiOH hydration energy?
3) B(OH)3,(OH)2 4) Be(OH)2,Mg(OH)2 1) Li+ 2) Na+ 3) Be2+ 4) Mg2+
27. Which of the following atom is diamagnetic? 42. Which of the following fumes in moisture in air?
1) Be2+ 2) Mg 3) Mg2+ 4) Ca2+ 1) BeCl2 2) CaCl2 3) SrCl2 4) BaCl2
28. BeO is least soluble in 43. Which of the following is highly exothermic in
1) Pure water 2) BeCl2( aq ) water.
1) Mg2+ 2) Ba2+ 3) Be2+ 4) Ca2+
3) dil HCl 4) dil NaOH  aq 44. Which of the following is a covalent solid?
29. Acetylene can be prepared by adding water to i) AlF3 ii) AlCl3 iii) MgCl2 iv) BeCl2
1) Lime stone 2) Quick lime 1) i, ii 2) ii, iii 3) iii, iv 4) ii, iv
3) Calcium carbide 4) Hydrolith 45. Passivity is exhibited by
30. Several blocks of magnesium are fixed to the i) Be ii) Mg iii) Al iv) B
bottom of a ship to ? 1) i, ii 2) ii, iii 3) i, iii 4) ii, iv
1) Make the ship lighter 2) Keep away the sharks 46. The alkaline earth metal ion that has least
3) Prevent under sea rocks electrical conductivity in aqueous solutions is
4) Prevent the corrosion. 1) Ba2+ 2) Ca2+ 3) Be2+ 4) Cs+
31. Which of the following contains two alkaline earth 47. Both Be & Al reacts with sodium hydroxide
metals ? and liberates
1) Lime stone 2) Fluorospar 1) O2 2) N2 3) H2 4) H 2O
3) Hydrolith 4) Dolamite (CaO, Ca(OH)2, CaCO3, Gypsum,
32. A mixture of Be(OH)2 and Fe(OH)3 can be
separated easily by treating it with Plaster of Paris, Cement)
1) HCl 2) NH4OH 3) HNO3 4) NaOH 48. The Calcium salt used for agriculture is
33. Oxygen evolves on heating 1) CaCO3 2) MgCO3 3) CaC2 4) CaSO4
1) BaO2 2) CaO2 3) SrO2 4) All 49. Portland cement does not contain:
34. Solution of MgCl2 in water has PH 1) CaSiO4 2) Ca2SiO5
1) 7 2) >7 3) <7 4) 14.2 3) Ca2Al2O6 4) Ca3(PO4)2
35. In a reaction, sodium is heated with BeCl2, in 50. What is X in the equation ?
this reaction, sodium acts as: CaO + 3C  3273K
 X + CO
1) Oxidising Agent 2) Reducing Agent 1) CaCO3 2) CaC2 3) CO2 4) CaO
3) Hydrolysing Agent 4) Precipitating Agent 51. In the cement the ratio of Silica and Alumina is
36. Which of the following is a good dehydrating agent. 1) 4 2) 6 3) 8 4) 10
1) Con HCl 2) Anhydrous CaCl2 52. Hardening of plaster of paris is because of
3) NaNO2 4) K2CO3 1) The formation of CaCO3
37. Maximum heat of formation is shown by 2) The formation of CaSiO3
1) Be(OH)2 2) Mg(OH)2 3) The transition of orthorhombic gypsum to
3) Ca(OH)2 4) Ba(OH)2 monoclinic gypsum
Anomalous Behaviour of Be & its 4) Dehydration.
Diagonal Relationship With Al 53. Cement is a
38. Which of the following is a covalent compound? 1) Magnesium Aluminium silicate
1) BeCl2 2) CaCl2 3) SrCl2 4) BaCl2 2) Beryllium silicate 3) Barium silicate
39. The number of water molecules in hydrated 4) Calcium Aluminium silicate
beryllium salt never exceeds 54. Slaked lime is obtained when water is added to
1) 6 2) 3 3) 2 4) 4 1
1) CaSO4 . H 2O 2) CaCl2
40. Beryllium compounds are largely covalent 2
because 3) CaO 4) CaCO3
55. B  200 0 C
 CaSO4 .2H 2 O  1200 C
Heat IV) Mg and Ca are most abundant elements
Strongly heated
B   C here A, B and C respectivly among the alkaline earth metals
1) Plaster of Paris, dead burnt plaster, calcium 1) III, IV 2) I, II, IV 3) II, IV 4) I, IV
sulphide 3. Yellow phosphorus on reaction with Ca(OH)2
2) Dead burnt plaster, plaster of Paris, lime gives :
3) Plaster of Paris, dead burnt plaster, lime 1) Ca(H2PO4)2 2) Ca(H2PO2)2
4) Anhydrous calcium sulphate, plater of paris, 3) PH3 4) Both 2 & 3
calcium sulphite 4. Which of the following carbides give allylene
56. In cement, lime is provided by heating: on hydrolysis ?
1) Ca(OH)2 2) CaCO3 3) CaSO4 4) Clay 1) CaC2 2) Be2 C 3) MgC2 4) Mg 2C3
57. In curing cement plasters, water is sprinkled 5. Alkaline earth metal oxide not having rock salt
from time to time. This helps in structure is
1) Converting sand into silicic acid 1) BeO 2) MgO 3) CaO 4) SrO
2) Keeping it cool 6. Sulphate of an alkaline earth metal which
3) Developing interlocking needle like crystals of crystalizes without water of hydration is
hydrated silicates 1) Be 2 2) Mg 2  3) Ca 2  4) Sr 2 
4) Hydrating sand and gravel mixed with cement
58. Which component of cement sets at the 7. The most commonly used laboratory desicant
slowest rate 1) CaSO4 2) CaOCl2 3) CaCl2 4) All
8. Which of the following statements is/are not true
1) Dicalcium silicate 2) Tricalcium silicate
about the diagonal relationship of Be and Al ?
3) Tricalcium aluminate
A) Both react with NaOH to liberate hydrogen
4) Tetra calcium alumino ferrite
B) Their oxides are basic
Key Level-II (C.W) C) They become passive by concentrated
01) 3 02) 1 03) 3 04) 3 05) 4 06) 2 HNO3
07) 1 08) 3 09) 3 10) 2 11) 3 12) 1 D) Their carbides give acetylene on treatment
13) 3 14) 4 15) 1 16) 3 17) 3 18) 2 with water
19) 3 20) 3 21) 4 22) 4 23) 1 24) 1 1) Only A 2) B & C 3) A & D 4) B & D
25) 1 26) 1 27) 2 28) 1 29) 3 30) 4 9. HighTemp
X + C + Cl 2   Y + CO
31) 4 32) 4 33) 4 34) 3 35) 2 36) 2
Y + 2H 2 O  Z + 2HCl
37) 4 38) 1 39) 4 40) 2 41) 3 42) 1
43) 3 44) 4 45) 3 46) 3 47) 3 48) 4 Compound Y is found in polyremic structure
49) 4 50) 2 51) 1 52) 3 53) 4 54) 3 and is an electron deficient molecule. The
compound Y is
55) 3 56) 2 57) 3 58) 1 1) BeO 2) BeCl2
Level-II (H.W) 3) Be(OH)2 4) BeO.Be(OH)2
10. Nature of CaCO3 in aqueous solution
1. The basic character of oxides 1) Acidic 2) Basic
MgO, SrO, K 2O, NiO, Cs2O increase in the 3)Amphoteric 4) Neutral
order 11. A substance which gives a brick red flame and
breaks down on heating giving oxygen and a
1) MgO  SrO  K 2O  NiO  Cs2O brown gas is :
2) Cs2O  K 2O  MgO  SrO  NiO 1) Calcium carbonate 2) Magnesium carbonate
3) Magnesium nitrate 4) Calcium nitrate
3) NiO  MgO  SrO  K 2O  Cs2O 12. Platinated MgSO4 is used as a catalyst in the
4) K 2 O  NiO  MgO  SrO  Cs2O following process
2. Which of the following statement is correct? 1) Habers process 2) Contact process
I) Atomic radius of Na is greater than that of Mg 3) Ostwald process 4) Deacons process
II) Metallic bond in Mg is stronger than the 13. Which one of the following is used as a
metallic bond in Na purgative in medicines ?
III) Melting and boiling points of Mg are lower 1) CaCO3 2) MgCO3
than that of Ca. 3) BeCO3 4) BaCO3
1) CaSO4 NH4Cl H2O
air H O
14. Mg   X + Y  2  Z 2) CaCl2 (NH4)2 SO4 H2O
heat Colourless gas 3) CaSO4 (NH4)2 SO4 H2O
 (A)Blue coloured solution 4) CaCl2 NH4Cl 2H2O
CuSO4 (sol) 24. The least soluble carbonate among the
Substances X,Y,Z and A are respectively: following is
1) Mg3N2, MgO, NH3, CuSO4.5H2O 1) Na2 CO3 2) K2CO3 3) CaCO3 4) Rb2 CO3
2) Mg(NO3)2, MgO, H2, CuSO4.5H2O 25. Calcium Oxide can be used for drying of
3) Mg3N2, MgO, NH3, [Cu(NH3]4.SO4 1) Cl2 2) O2 3) NH3 4) CO2
4) Mg(NO3)2, MgO2, H2O2, CuSO4.5H2O 26. Stability of nitrides of IIA group elements is
15. The name and the formula of a compound of in order:
Ca, C and N used as a fertilizer is:
1) Ca3 N 2  Mg3 N 2  Be3 N 2
1) Calcium cyanide, Ca(CN)2
2) Calcium carbonate, CaCO3 2) Be3 N 2  Ca3 N 2  Mg3 N 2
3) Calcium cyanide having carbon particles,
(Ca(CN)2+C) 3) Mg3 N 2  Be3 N 2  Ca3 N 2
4) Calcium cyanamide and carbon (nitrolim), 4) Be3 N 2  Mg3 N 2  Ca3 N 2
27. Correct order of increasing activity is:
16. Which of the following is not correct statement:
1) Ca3(PO4)2 is present in bones 1) Mg , Na, Cu 2) Na, Mg , Cu
2) 3Ca3(PO4)2, CaF2 is part of enamel on teeth 3) Cu, Mg , Na 4) Cu, Na, Mg
3) Ca2+ ions are important in blood clotting 28. Alkaline earth metals are denser than alkali
4) Chlorophyll is a compound of calcium metals, because metallic bonding in alkaline
17. Water is added to calcium carbide and the earth’s metal is
evolved gas is passed through dilute H2SO4. 1) Weaker 2) Stronger
The organic compound formed is: 3) Volatile 4) Not Present
1) HCHO 2) CH3CHO 29. A metal M readily forms its sulphate MSO4
3) CH3COOH 4) HCOOH which is water soluble. It forms its oxide MO
18. Which of the following reacts with oxygen to which becomes inert on heating. It forms its
form an amphoteric oxide insoluble hydroxide M(OH)2 which is soluble
1) Be 2) Mg 3) Ca 4) Ba in NaOH solution. Then M is
19. Which one of the following compound is not 1) Be 2) Ba 3) Ca 4) Mg
formed when BeCl2 is treated with LiAlH4
30. Mg burns in CO to produce
1) BeH2 2) LiCl 3) BeO 4) AlCl3
20. Which of the following acid Mg forms same 1) MgO+CO 2) MgO2
product in dilute and conc. medium 3) MgO+C 4) MgOC3
1) HNO3 2) H2SO4 3) HCl 4) All 31. The maximum covalency of Be and Mg
21. In polymeric (BeCl2)n, there are: respectively.
1) Three centre two-electron bonds 1) 4,6 2) 2,4 3) 4,8 4) 2,6
2) Three centre three-electron bonds 32. Thermally most stable oxide is
3) Two centre three-electron bonds 1) Na2O 2) MgO 3) Rb2O 4) SrO
4) Two centre two-electron bonds 33. One of the important uses of quicklime is?
22. With increase in atomic number from Mg(OH)2 1) As a purgative 2) Drying gases and alcohols
to Ba(OH)2 which property among increases. 3) Bleaching silk 4) Dyeing cotton
A) Sobulity B) Thermal Stability 34. In Diwali crackers the fireworks are used to
C) Basic Character give coloured flames. The salt of which one of
1) A & C only 2) A & B only the following metals is used to obtain green
3) A, B & C 4) ‘C’ only flame for this purpose?
23. The compound formed when gypsum is 1) Na 2) Ba 3) K 4) Ca
dissolved in aqueous ammonium sulphate 35. The following monoxide is a high melting solid
solution is 1) Na2O 2) K2O 3) MgO 4) K2O2
36. Beryllium hydroxide dissolves in excess of Level-III
alkali to give
1) [Be(OH)2]– 2) [Be(OH)2]2– 1. Both Be and Al becomes passive on reaction
3) [Be(OH)4] 2– 4) [Be(OH)4] 3– with conc. nitric acid due to
37. A burning strip of magnesium is introduced into 1) The non-reactive nature of the metal
a jar containing a gas. After sometime the walls 2) The non-reactive nature of the acid
of the container is coated with carbon. The gas 3) The formation of an inert layer of oxide on the
in the container is surface of the metals
1) O2 2) N2 3) CO2 4) H2O 4) Formation of active layer of oxide on the surface
38. Which one of the following is the correct order of metals.
for the decomposition temperatures of 2. Be(g)  Be+(g); H = x kj/mol. In the reaction
CaCO3(X), MgCO3(Y) and BaCO3(Z)? of Be(g)  Be+2(g),H is approximately in
1) Z > X > Y 2) X > Y > Z kj/mol
1) 2x 2) 3x 3) 4x 4) 8x
3) Y > Z > X 4) X > Z > Y
3. The decreasing order of second ionisation
(CaO, Ca(OH)2, CaCO3, Gypsum, potential of K, Ca, Ba is
Plaster of Paris, Cement) 1) K > Ca > Ba 2) Ca > Ba > K
39. Metal used in flash photography is 3) Ba > K > Ca 4) K > Ba > Ca
1) Mg 2) Al 4. The following are some statements related to
3) Both Mg & Al 4) Neither Mg nor Al IIA group metals
40. Gypsum is not chemically similar to I) The reaction with water increases from Be
to Ba
1) Drierite 2) Alabaster
II) The ionic nature of hydrides decreases from
3) An hydrite 4) Fluorospar
Be to Ba
41. Bleaching powder is obtained by treating Cl2 with:
III) The thermal stability of the peroxides
1) Anhydrous Ca(OH)2 2) CaO increases with increase in cationic size
3) CaCO3 4) CaCl2 IV) The solubility of halides increases from Mg
42. Th e so lu b i li t y o f gy p s u m i n wa t e r to Ba
increases in the presence of Ammonium The correct statements are of
sulphate due to formation of 1) I & III 2) II & IV 3) I,II & III 4) I, III & IV
1) Complex salt 2) Mixed salt 5. Amongst the following hydroxides, the one
3) Double salt 4) Basic salt which has the lowest value of Ksp is:
43. Weight percentage of silica in portland 1) Mg(OH)2 2) Ca(OH)2
cement is 3) Ba(OH)2 4) Sr(OH)2
1) 12 2) 22 3) 32 4) 42 6. Beryllium shows diagonal relationship with
44. During the conversion of one mole of gypsum aluminium. Which of the following similarity is
to one mole of plaster of paris the percentage incorrect?
loss in weight is 1) Be2C like Al4C3 yields methane on hydrolysis
1) 15.7 2) 27 3) 20 4) 7.85 2) Be like Al is rendered passive by HNO3
3) Be (OH)2 like Al(OH)3 is basic
Key Level-II (H.W) 4) Be forms beryllates and Al forms aluminates
01) 3 02) 2 03) 4 04) 4 05) 1 06) 4 7. In Bleaching powder, the oxidation states of
07) 3 08) 4 09) 4 10) 2 11) 4 12) 2 chlorine are
13) 2 14) 3 15) 4 16) 4 17) 2 18) 1 1) –1, +1 2) –1, 0 3) +1,0 4) +1,+1
19) 3 20) 3 21) 1 22) 3 23) 3 24) 3 8. One mole of magnesium nitride on the reaction
25) 3 26) 1 27) 3 28) 2 29) 1 30) 3 with excess water gives
31) 1 32) 2 33) 2 34) 2 35) 3 36) 3 1) Two mole of nitric acid
2) One mole of nitric acid
37) 3 38) 1 39) 3 40) 4 41) 1 42) 3
3) Two mole of ammonia
43) 2 44) 1 4) One mole of ammonia
9. CaCl2 is preferred to NaCl for clearing ice on 3) Calcium phosphide 4) Calcium fluoride
roads particularly in very cold countries. This 21. The product obtained on fusion of BaSO4 and
is because Na2CO3
1) CaCl2 is less solube but NaCl is not 1) BaCO3 2) BaO 3)Ba(OH)2 4) BaHSO4
2) CaCl2 is hygroscopic but NaCl is not 22. Consider the following abbreviations for
3) Eutectic mixture of CaCl2/H2O freezes at -550C hydrated alkaline earth metal ions
2+ 2+
while that NaCl/H2O freezes at-180C X =  Be(H 2 O)n  , Y =  Mg(H 2 O)n  ,
4) NaCl makes the road slippery but CaCl2 does not 2+
10. The use of BaSO4 in having X-ray pictures of Z =  Ca(H 2 O)n 
the digestive extract is based on What is the correct order of size of these
1) It is insolubility in water hydrated alkaline metal ions?
2) Great scattering of X-rays of B2+ions 1) X > Y > Z 2) Z > Y > X
3) Both of these 4) Its non-poisonous character 3) X = Y = Z 4) Z > X > Y
11. BaC2  N 2  
( A) ; CaC2  N 2 
( B) 23. Which one of the following doesnot having rock
A and B are salt like structure
1) BaCN2, CaCN2 2) Ba(CN)2.Ca(CN)2 1) BeO 2) MgO 3) CaO 4) SrO
3) Ba(CN)2, CaCN2 4) None is correct 24. The chemical used in chewing gums
12. An alkaline earth metal (M) gives an insoluble 1) CaCO3 2) MgCO3 3) BeCO3 4) SrCO3
sulphate. The mixture of the sulphate and a 25. The waste product from the iron industry
sulphide of 3d-block metal forms a white 1) CaSiO3 2) MgSiO3 3) BeSiO3 4) SiO3
pigment which is known as lithophone. Metal 26. In [Be(H2O)4]2+, Be hybridisation is
(M) is: 1) sp3 2) sp2 3) dsp2 4) sp
27. 2+
In [Mg(H2O)6] , Mg hybridisation is
1) Ca 2) Mg 3) Sr 4) Ba
13. Which one of the following is not an ore of 1) d2sp3 2) sp3d2 3) dsp2 4) sp3
magnesium? 28. In anhydrous state BeCl2 is
1) Carnalite 2) Dolomite 1) Covalent 2) Ionic
3) Calamine 4) Sea water 3) Both 1 & 2 4) None
14. Equimolar solutions of the following were 29. In hydrated state BeCl2. 4H2O is
prepared in water separately. Which solution 1) Covalent 2) Ionic
will record the highest pH? 3) Both 1 & 2 4) None
1) MgCl2 2) CaCl2 3) SrCl2 4) BaCl2 30. Large-scale source of fluorine is
15. Lithophone is a mixture of: 1) CaF2 2) MgF2 3) BaF2 4) BeF2
1) Barium sulphate and zinc sulphide Key Level-III
2) Barium sulphide and zinc sulphide 01) 3 02) 2 03) 1 04) 3 05) 4 06) 3
3) Calcium sulphate and zinc sulphide 07) 1 08) 3 09) 3 10) 3 11) 3 12) 4
4) Calcium sulphide and zinc sulphide 13) 3 14) 4 15) 1 16) 3 17) 2 18) 1
16. The formula of Norweign saltpetre is: 19) 4 20) 3 21) 1 22) 1 23) 1 24) 1
1) NaNO3 2) KNO3 25) 1 26) 1 27) 1 28) 1 29) 2 30) 1
3) Ca(NO3)2.CaO 4) Ba(NO3)2
17. Electric cookers have a coating of ....that
protects them against fire. Assertion & Reasoning & Matchings
1) Heavy lead 2) Magnesium oxide 1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
3) Zinc oxide 4) Sodium sulphate explanation of A
18. H2SO4 is added to 20% cold aqueous solution 2) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct
of BaO2. The product formed is explanation of A
1) H2O2 2) BaO 3) Ba(OH)2 4) H2SO5 3) A is true but R is false
19. Ripening of fruits can be carried out in the 4) Both A and R are false
presence of 1. Assertion(A) : Beryllium and magnesium do not
1) Na2SO4 2) NaCl 3) CaCl2 4) CaC2 impart characterstic colour in flame
20. The substance used in smoke screen is Reasoning(R) : Both beryllium and magnesium
1) Sodium chloride 2) Zinc phosphate have high I.E.
2. A: Beryllium Compounds are covalent in nature 16. A: Some gypsum is always mixed with cement.
R: The size of Be2+ ion is larger in comparision to R: The setting of cement which involves hydrolysis
the radii of the other divalent ions of alkaline earth and hydration is made fast by gypsum.
metals 17. A: Be F2 is soluble in water even though lattice
3. A: The solution of alkaline earth metal halides are energy is high.
almost insoluble in water R: Aqueous solutions of beryllium salts are acidic
R: The lattice energies of the fluoride ion of alkaline in nature.
earth metals are very high. 18. Match the elements given in Column I with
4. A: The sum of 1st and 2nd ionization energy values the properties mentioned in Column II.
of an alkaline earth metal is very high. but that metal List -I List -II
exists in M+2 cationic state only in its compounds. 1) Li A) Insoluble sulphate
R: The hydration energy of an alakline earth metal 2) Na B) Strongest monoacidic base
cation is more than its second ionization energy. 3) Ca C) Most negative S.R.P.
4) Ba D) Insoluble oxalate
5. A: The first elemetns of I and II groups, lithium and The correct match is
beryllium differ in some of the chemical properties
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
with other elemttns of their respective groups.
1) C B D A 2) D A B C
R: The first element of every group is very small in 3) D A C B 4) C B A D
size, possesses high electronegative value and has 19. The properties of alkali metals are mentioned
only ‘S’ and ‘P’ orbitals in its valence orbital. in List-I. Match their order of change as
6. A: Be(OH) dissolves in excess of NaOH present in List-II.
R: Be(OH) is an amphoteric compound. Column-I Column-II
7. A: Li resembles Magnesium A) Be 1) Heavy spar
R: Li has similar size as Mg2+ B) Mg 2) Celestite
8. A: Na2SO4 is soluble in water but BaSO4 is insoluble C) Ca 3) Aragonite
R: Lattice energy of BaSO4 excess its hydration D) Ba 4) Beryl
energy. The correct match is
9. A:Barium dissolves in liquid ammonia to form a blue
1) 4 3 2 1 2) 4 3 1 2
black solution.
3) 3 4 1 2 4) 3 4 2 1
R: Ba ionises easily in NH3(l) and ammonia solution 20. Match the elements given in Column I with
has ammoniated electrons. the properties mentioned in Column II.
10. A:Li and Be do not form stable superoxides and List -I
R: Li+ and Be2+ have the highest hydration energies 3
in their groups. B) Ca  OH  2
11. A: Hydrated beryllium chloride does not form C) CaO
anhydrous salt on heating.
R: Be2+ readily undergoes hydrolysis. D) CaSO4
12. A: Lime water turns milky when CO2 is passed List -II
into it. With excess CO2, the milkiness disappears. 1) Dentistry ornamental work
2) Manufacture of sodium carbonate from
R: Group 2 metal carbonates are insoluble but 3) Manufacture of high quality paper
bicarbonates are soluble. 4) Used in white washing
13. A: BeCl2 and AlCl3 are useful as catalysts in
Friedel-Crafts reaction. The correct match is
R: BeCl2 and AlCl3 provide Cl+ easily. A B C D A B C D
1) 3 4 2 1 2) 3 2 4 1
14. A: Molten BeCl2 is poor conductor of electricity
3) 3 4 1 2 4) 2 1 3 4
but BaCl2 liquid is a good conductor.
R: Small cations are more hydrated than large
Key Level-IV
cations. 01) 1 02) 3 03) 2 04) 1 05) 1 06) 2
15. A: BeSO4 and MgSO4 decompose on heating. 07) 1 08) 1 09) 1 10) 1 11) 1 12) 1
R: Lattice structures are not stable when anions 13) 1 14) 2 15) 1 16) 3 17) 2 18) 1
and cations are not of comparable size. 19) 1 20) 1
Synopsis Some Minerals of IIIA Group Elements

General Characterstics Sno Name of the mineral Formula

Ø Boron, Aluminium, Gallium, Indium and 1 Borax Na2B407.10H2O
Thallium belong to IIIA group of the Periodic Kernite or Razorite Na2B4O7.4H20
Boric acid H3BO3
Colemanite Ca2B6O11.5H2O
Ø The general outer electronic configuration of
IIIA group elements is ns2np1 2 Corundum Al2O3
Diaspore Al2O3.H2O
Electronic Configurations Bauxite Al2O3.2H2O
Gibbsite Al2O3.3H2O
Cryolite Na3AlF6 (or)
Element E.C.
Boron B 5 [He]2s2 2p1
2 1 Feldspar KAlSi3O8
Aluminium Al 13 [Ne] 3s 3p
Gallium Ga 31 [Ar]3d10 4s2 4p1 3 Ga, In and Tl are less abundant elements
in nature.
Indium In 49 [Kr]4d10 5s2 5p1 Variation of Properties
Ø Boron is a non metal.
Ø Al , Ga, In, and Tl are metals.
Ø B and Al show similar properties due to similar Atomic radius
outer electronic configuration . Ø Order of Atomic Radius is B < Ga < Al < In < Tl
Ø They show differences in some of the properties Ø Atomic radius increases suddenly from B to Al .
due to the difference in the number of electrons due to the greater screening effect of
present in their penultimate shells. electrons present in the penultimate shell.
Ø The atomic radii of Ga is lessthan Al.
Occurence Due to the poor shielding effect of
Ø Boron is rare element. d-electrons.
Ionisation enthalpies
Ø Boron occurs in the form of salts of boric acid. Ø The order of ionization enthalpy is
Ø Al is most abundant metal and third most B > Tl > Ga > Al > In
abundant element (First O2 , second Si) by Ø These elements are less electropositive than S-
weight. Al forms nearly 7.28% of the earth's block elements, due to smaller size and high
ionisation energies
IP2=B > Al < Ga > In < Tl
Ø Al occurs in combined state as oxide, fluoride IP3=B > Al < Ga > In < Tl
and silicates. In this group, the sum of the ionization enthalpies
Ø Ga, In, and Tl occur in trace quantities along I1+I2+I3 is very high for boron. Hence boron is
with sulphides of Zinc and Lead not able to exist as B3+ ion in its compounds.
Ø The compounds of Al and Ga (eg: AlCl3 and
Ø Abundance order Al > Ga > B > In > Tl GaCl3) are covalent in the anhydrous state and
ionic in aqueous solution because their hydration
energies compensate the ionization energies.
Density, Melting and Boiling Point 4Al+3O2 → 2Al2O3
Ø Density increases from Boron to Thallium 2B+N2 → 2BN
Ø The m.p.'s and b.p's of III A group elements do 2Al+N2 → 2AlN
not show any regular trend.This is due to the Ø Nature of Oxides
difference in their crystal structures. B2O3(Acidic)
Ø Order of melting points Al2O3, Ga2O3 are amphoteric
In2O3, Tl2O are basic
B With Acids and Alkalies
Melting point

Ø Since Al is amphoteric it react with both acids

Tl and bases
2 Al( s ) + 6 HCl( aq ) → 2 Al(3aq+ ) + 6Cl(−aq ) + 3 H 2( g )
Ga Al(s)+Con. HNO3 → Passive due to (Al2O3 layer)
2 Al( s ) + 2 NaOH(aq ) + 6H 2O(l ) → 2 Na+ [ Al (OH )4 ](−aq ) + 3H 2( g )
Ø Melting points order B > Al > Tl > In > Ga Sodiumtetrahydroxoalu min ate( III )

Ø Boiling points order B > Al > In > Ga > Tl Reactivity Towards Halogens
Ø Boron has high m.p beacuse it exists as a giant 2 E( s ) + 3 X 2( g ) → 2 EX 3( s ) ( X = F , Cl , Br , I )
covalent polymer in both liquid and solid state. E = B, Al, Ga, In, Tl
Ø Melting point of Gallium is very low because it Ø TlI3 not formed directly (due to inert pair effect)
contains Ga2 molecules. Halides of Boron
Ø Gallium exists as a liquid between 29.80C to Boron combines with halogens and forms BX3
20000C. Due to its high liquid range it is used in type halides. ( X = F , Cl , Br , I ).
high temperature thermometry. Properties of Halides
Eectronegativity Ø These are covalent in nature due to small size
Ø Down the group, electro negativity first and high charge density on B3+ ion.
decreases from Boron to Aluminium and then Ø The boiling points of halides are very low. The
increases marginally. This is because of boiling points increases with increasing atomic
differences in atomic size of these elements. sige of halogen.
Ø The order of E.N. is B > Tl > In > Ga > Al Ø The tri halides are electron deficient compound
and they act as lewis acids.
Ø The relative lewis acid character of boron
trihalides is found to the follwing order.
B BI3> BBr3>BCl3>BF3
E.N Tl
In But the expected order on the basis of electro
Ga negativity of halogens should be
BF3 > BCl3> BBr3>BI3
This anomaly is explained on the basis of back
At.No bonding.
Ø BF3 has delocalised dative ‘π’ bond from fluorine
Ø The most electropositive element in III A group
to boron which is called ‘Back Bonding’.
is Al . Ø Back bonding ability is more with fluorine atoms
Chemical Reactivity as B – F bond involves the overlap of almost
Ø Boron forms an oxide and a nitride when burnt equal orbitals (2p – 2p)
in air. But Al does not undergo any change and Oxidation State
remains unreact because it forms an oxide layer Ø The common oxidation state of these elements
Ø At high temperature Al gives its nitride. is +3
1)Reaction with Air Ø Boron shows –3 and +3 oxidation states.
4B+3O2 → 2B2O3 Ø Ga, In and Tl exhibits +3 and +1 oxidation states
Ø Due to inert pair effect, +1 oxidation state of Tl Borax
is more stable than its +3 oxidation state. Ø Crude form of borax is called tincal
Anomalous Properties of Boron Ø The most common meta borate is borax.
Ø Boron is non metal. Na2B4O7 .10H2O or Na2 [ B4O5 (OH )4 ] .8H2O
Ø It always forms covalent compounds.
Ø Boron show diagonal relationship with Si. Ø Borax is available in nature as tincal or kernite
Ø Boron does not displace hydrogen from its acids or Razorite ( Na2B 4O7 .4 H 2O ) .
Ø Oxide of boron B2O3 is acidic oxide Structure of Metaborate Ion(H4B4O92-)
Ø Hydroxide of boron is acidic (B(OH)3 or H3BO3) Ø Mataborate ion contains two tetra nuclear
Ø Maximum covalency of boron is 4.
Ø Boron form stable covalent hydrides which are
known as boranes. OH
Ø Boron never exist as a cation (B+3). B
Ø All boron trihalides except BF3, are readily
hydrolysed to boric acid O O
BCl3 + 3H 2O → H 3 BO3 + 3HCl
Ø Tetrahedral [M(OH)4]– , octahedral [M(OH)6]3–
species are exhibited by all elements in aqueous O O
Ø Boron can exhibit only Tetrahedral [M(OH)4]– B
species. OH
± Properties
Ø In tetrahedral  M ( X )4  species, element M
Ø Borax is sparingly soluble in cold water. Its
undergoes sp3hybridisation. aqueous solution is alkaline in nature due to
Ø Boron can not form BF6−3 due to the absence of anionic hydrolysis
vacant d-orbitals. Na2 B 4O7 + 2 H 2O  → .2 NaOH + H 2 B4O7
Ø Standard electrode potential values E 0 for Ø Borax exists in three crystalline forms
Al3+/Al is −1.66V and that of Tl3+/Tl is +1.26V .
a) Prismatic borax ( Na2 B4O7 .10 H 2O )
Ø Standard electrode potential values for two half
cell reactions suggest that aluminium has high b) Octahedral borax ( Na2 B4O7 .5H 2O )
tendency to make Al3+ ions, where as Tl3+ is c) anhydrous sodium tetraborate ( Na2B 4O7 )
unstable in solution.
Ø Standard electrode potential value also suggest Borax Bead Test
that Tl+3 is a powerful oxidising agent. Tl+ ion is Ø This test is useful for the identification of basic
more stable in solution than Tl3+. radicals in qualitative analysis.
Uses of Boron Ø On heating borax, swells into a white, opaque
Ø Boron fibres are used in making bullet proof vest mass of anhydrous sodium tetra borate. When it
and light composite material for aircraft. is fused, borax glass is obtained.
Ø B10 isotope has high ability to absorb neutrons, Ø B2 O3 combined with metal oxides give coloured
so metal borides are used in nuclear industry as beads with platinum wire.
protective shields and control rods.
Na2 B 4O7 .10 H 2O 
→ Na2B 4O7 

Ø Boron and Boron carbide are used in the
shielding of atomic piles and in the control rods 2NaBO2 + B2 O3
used for controlling of chain reactions.
→ Co ( BO2 )2
B2O3 + CoO 
Ø High purity Boron is used as a semi conductor
Cobalt metaborate (blue bead )
in the place of Ge and Si
Ø Boron is essential minor element for the healthy
growth of plants
The colours exhibited by different metal ions are-
Sno Basic
1 Cu2+ Cu(BO2)2 Green

3 Cr3+ Cr(BO2)2 Green

4 Mn2+ Mn(BO2)2 Violet
5 Ni+2 Ni(BO2)2 Violet
Uses of Borax:
Ø Borax is used in identification of basic radicals
in Borax bead test.
Ø Borax is used as a flux in soldering, in welding
and in certain metallurgies
Ø In leather industry for cleaning hides and skin
Ø The main industrial application of borax and
boric acid is in the manufacture of heat resistant
Ø In H3BO3 hybridisation of boron is sp2 and
glasses (i.e., pyrex), glass wool and fibre glass.
oxygen is sp3
Ø Borax is also used as a flux for soldering metals,
Ø Boric acid is a weak monobasic acid. It acts
for heat, scratch and stain resistant glazed
as a lewis acid by accepting electrons from
coating to earthenwares.
hydroxyl ion
Ø Borax is a constituent of medicinal soaps.

Boric Acid B ( OH )3 + 2 HOH →  B ( OH )4  + H 3O +
Ø Ortho boric acid is H3 BO3 or B(OH )3 or Uses:
B2O3 .3H 2 O Ø B2O3 is used an antiseptic, in enamel and glass
Ø B2 O3 on reacting with water gives boricacid. Ø A solution of boric acid is called boric lotion. It
Preparation of Boric Acid: is used as antiseptic, eye wash
Ø Hot solution of borax when mixed with acids Boron Hydrides
like HCl or H 2 SO4 gives boric acid Ø The hydrides of boron are called boranes.
Ø These are electron deficient molecules.
Na2B 4O7 + 2 HCl + 5H 2O → 2 NaCl + 4 B(OH )3 Ø They can be classified in two types
Ø Ortho boric acid is also prepared from i) BnHn+4 type
Colemanite ( Ca2 B6O11 ) . eg: B2H6 Diborane - 6
ii) BnHn+6 type
Properties: eg: B4H10 Tetra borane -10
Ø It is a mono basic acid Preparation of B2H6
Ø On heating H 3 BO3 , loses water and forms B2O3 Ø Industrial Method : BF3 on reduction with
metallic hydrides like NaH gives Diborane.
H3 BO3  → HBO2 + H 2O
at 100 C

2 BF3 + 6 NaH 

450 k
→ B2 H 6 + 2 NaF
4 H3 BO3 
→ H 2 B4O7 + 5H 2O
1600 C
Ø BCl3 on reduction with LiAlH4 gives B2H6
hightemp dry ether
2 H 3 BO3  → B2O3 + 3H 2 O 4 BCl3 + 3LiAlH 4  → 2 B2 H 6 + 3LiCl + 3 AlCl3

Structure of Orthoboric Acid Ø The oxidation of sodium borohydride with iodine

gives diborane
Ø It has a layer structure in which planar BO3 units
are joined through hydrogen bonds. 2 NaBH 4 + I 2 → B2 H 6 + 2 NaI + H 2
Properties of B2H6 Ø LiBH4 and NaBH4 used as reducing agents
Ø Diborane is a colourless, highly toxic gas with a Structure of B2H6:
b.p of 180K Ø The hybridisation of Boron in Diborane is sp3.
Ø Diborane catches fire spontaneously upon Ø In B2H6, two Boron atoms and four hydrogen
exposure to air. Most of the higher boranes are atoms are in one plane.
also spontaneously flammable in air Ø The four hydrogen atoms which lie in one plane
Ø It reacts with water forming boric acid and H2 are called terminal hydrogen atoms.
B2 H 6 + 6 H 2 O → 2 H 3 BO3 + 6 H 2 ↑ Ø The terminal H atoms involve in covalent bonds.
Ø It reacts with alkalies with evolution of H . Ø The remaining two hydrogen atoms lies
perpendicularly above and below the plane
B2 H 6 + 2 KOH + 2 H 2O → 2 KBO2 + 6H 2 ↑ making two bridge bonds (B–H–B) and are

Ø It burns in O2 gas to give B2O3 called bridge hydrogen atoms.

Ø This is further confirmed by methylation reaction.
B2 H 6 + 3O2 → B2O3 + 3H 2O ∆H = −1976kj / mol
Diborane to give only Me4B2H2 (only 4H atoms
Ø It reacts with CO at 1000C and 20 atm pressure are replaceble)
to give borane carbonyls. Ø Bridge H atoms are involved in three centred
B2 H 6 + 2CO → 2 BH 3CO two electron bond. This is called Banana bond
Ø It reacts with ammonia at 120 0 C to form or Hydrogen bridge bond or Tau bond.
diammoniate of diborane which is on strong Ø Diborane molecule has 4 covalent bonds,
heating gives borazole and hydrogen 2de-localised bonds.
1200 C Hb
B2 H 6 + 2 NH 3 
∆ → B2 H 6 .2 NH 3
Ht 0
B2 H 6 .2 NH 3 →
200 C

B3 N 3 H 6
Borazole ( or ) Borazine 121.50 (B)97
(B) 0

Ø Reaction of ammonia with diborane gives initially 1.19A

B 2 H 6 .2NH 3 which is formulated as
Ht Ht
 BH 2 ( NH 3 ) 2  [ BH 4 ] ; further heating gives
− Hb

borazine, B3N3H6 known as inorganic benzene. Aluminium Chloride

Ø Borazole is polar and more reactive than benzene Ø The high stability of AlCl3 is due to the existance
At high temperature of dimeric structure as Al2Cl6
2 B2 H 6 + 6 NH 3 → 3  BH 2 ( NH3 ) 2  [ BH 4 ]
−1 Cl
Cl Cl 221pm
heat → 2 B N H + 12 H 101
 Al Al 1180
3 3 6 2
∆ / at 200 C
n B3 N 3H 6  → 3 ( BN ) n + 3nH 2 Cl

Cl Cl
Ø Dibornae underoges cleavage reactions with
lewis bases (L) to give borane adducts, BH 3 .L Uses of Aluminium
Ø The electrical conductivity of Al is twice that of
B2 H 6 + 2 NMe3 → 2 BH 3 .NMe3 copper.
Ø Tetrahydrido borates of several metals are Ø The use of aluminium and its compounds for
known. lithium and sodium tetrahydridoborates, domestic purposes is now reduced considerably
also known as borohydrides, are prepared by the because of their toxic nature
reaction of metal hydrides with B 2 H 6 in Ø Painting Iron surface to prevent its rusting.
diethylether. Ø It is used in thermite welding.
2MH + B2 H 6 → 2M [ BH 4 ]  M = Li ( or ) Na 

+ Ø Al foils are used for wrapping cigarettes,
chocolates etc.
16. Which of the following does not exhibit inert
pair effect
Genearal Introduction and Variation 1) Bi 2) Pb 3) B 4) Tl
of Properties 17. The element that exhibits negative oxidation
1. The element whose atomic volume is least for state in IIIA group elements is
1) Boron 2) Aluminum 1) B 2) Al 3) Ga 4) Tl
3) Gallium 4) Thallium 18. Thallous chloride is more stable than Thallic
2. The most abundant metal is chloride because of
1) Al 2) Ca 3) Fe 4) K 1) More ionic character
3. Which is not a mineral of aluminium 2) Larger size of Tl+ ion
1) Anhydrite 2) Bauxite 3) High hydration energy of Tl+ ion
3) Corundum 4) Diaspore 4) Inert pair effect.
4. Bauxite is an oxide mineral of 19. Which of the following is the most stable
1) Barium 2) Boron oxidation state of aluminium (AFMC 99)
3) Bismuth 4) Aluminium 1) -1 2) +1 3) +2 4) + 3
5. The non metallic element present in the Uses of Boran
mineral cryolite is 20. Which of the following is used as control rods
1) F 2) Cl 3) Br 4) I in nuclear reactors ?
6. The chemical formula of Feldspar is 1) Al 2) Ga 3) Tl 4) B
1) KAlSi3O8 2) Na3 AlF6 21. Kernite is a mineral containing
1) Aluminium 2) Gallium
3) NaAlO2 4) K2 SO4 Al2 ( SO4 )3 .4 Al ( OH )3 3) Boron 4) Silicon
7. Among IIIA group elements, the elements 22. The important source of boron is
with highest and lowest E.N values are 1) Calamine 2) Carnalite
1) B, Tl 2) B, In 3) B, Al 4) B, Ga 3) Colemanite 4) Cryolite
8. The most electro positive element among the 23. The substance as hard as diamond is
following is 1) B3N3H6 2) B2H2 3) (BN)n 4) Na2B4O7
1) C 2) B 3) Al 4) Si 24. The hardest copound of Boron
9. The ionization energies from Ga to Tl do not 1) Boron carbide 2) Boron sulphide
3) Boron fluoride 4) Boron nitride
decrease due to
25. Sources of Boron are
1) Shielding effect 2) Improper shielding effect
1) Kernite 2) Borax 3) Both 1&2 4) B2O3
3) Increase in the atomic size
26. Inorganic graphite is
4) Decrease in the nuclear charge
1) (BN)n 2) BF4 3) B2H6 4) B2N2H6
10. Which one of the following is summer liquid
27. Boron is an essential___for healthy growth
1) Al 2) Ga 3) Tl 4) C
of plants
11. Element with a giant molecular structure
1) Minor nutrient 2) Major nutrient
1) B 2) Al 3) Ga 4) Tl
3) Both 1 & 2 4) Major metal
12. Which pair of element has almost identical
28. Moissan boron is
electronegativity values
1) 95 - 98% pure amorphous boron
1) In,Tl 2) B, Al 3) B, Ga 4) Al, Tl
2) 75 - 78% pure amorphous boron
13. Boron halides are 3) 95 - 98% pure crystalline boron
1) Electron deficient compounds 4) 75 - 78% pure crystalline boron
2) Ionic compounds 3) Lewis bases
Boron Compunds
4) Used as refractory compounds
29. The metal that does not give the borax bead
14. The compounds of boron are
1) Mostly ionic 2) Mostly covalent
1) Chromium 2) Nickel
3) Both 1 & 4 4)Crystalline
3) Lead 4) Manganese
15. The most stable oxidation state of Thallium is
1) +1 2) +3 3) +4 4) +6
30. Which of the following is the correct formulae 43. Total number of valency (or bonding)
of borax ? electrons required to form a molecule
1) Na2[B4O5(OH)4]. 2H2O (n=no.of atoms in a molecule)
2) Na2[B4O5(OH)4]. 4H2O 1) 2n–2 2) n –2 3) n +2 4) 2n
3) Na2[B4O5(OH)4].6H2O 44. Number of terminal hydrogen atoms present
4) Na2[B4O5(OH)4].8H2O in diborane
31. The platinum wire which is used in borax 1) 2 2) 4 3) 6 4) 8
bead test is dipped in 45. Inorganic benzene is
1) Powdered borax 2) Metaboric acid 1) B3N3H12 2) B3N3H6
3) Orthoboric acid 4) All 3) (BN)6 4) C6H6Cl6
32. Borax glass is a mixture of 46. Three centre two electron bond is present in
1) NH3 2) B2H6 3) BCl3 4) AlCl3
1) NaBO2 + B2O3 2) Na2B4O7+B2O3 47. In diborane, banana bond is formed by
3) H2B4O7 + B2O3 4) Na2B4O7.10H2O+B2O3 1) 2 electrons, 3 atoms 2) 2 electrons, 1 atom
33. Glassybead is obtained by heating 3) 2 electrons, 2 atoms 4) 1 electron, 2 atoms
1) Na2B4O7 . 10H2O 2) H3BO3 48. Diborane does not react with
3) B2H6 4) Ca2B6O11 1) Cl2 2) Br2 3) I2 4) All
34. Borax is the sodium salt of 49. A bond that doesnot exist in diborane is
1) Ortho boric acid 2) Meta boric acid 1) B–H 2) B–B 3) B–H–B 4)H–B–H
3) Tetra boric acid 4) Pyro boric acid 50. Which of the following is coplanar
35. Na2B4O7. 10 H2O is 1) –BH2 groups 2) Bridge hydrogens
1) Borax 2) Kernite 3) Both 1 & 2 4) All hydrogens
3) Glauber salt 4) Colemanite 51. The number of hydrogen atoms bridging the
36. Borax is a boron atoms in a diborane molecule is
1) Tetra hydrate 2) Hepta hydrate 1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 6
3) Deca hydrate 4) Penta hydrate 52. In diborane, boron atoms undergo .....type
37. Boric acid is prepared from borax by the of hybridisation.
action of 1) sp 2) sp2 3) sp3 4) sp3d
1) HCl 2) NaOH 3) CO2 4) Na2CO3 Uses of Aluminium
38. Borax is known as 53. Al2O3 formation involves evolution of a large
1) Sodium borate 2) Sodium tetra borate quantity of heat, so we use “Al”
3) Disodium tetra borate4) All 1) As deoxidiser 2) In indoor photography
39. Anhydrous borax is 3) In confectionary 4) In thermite welding
1) Na2B4O7 2) Na2B4O7 . 5H2O 54. The maxium covalency of aluminium is
3) Na2B4O7 10H2O 4) Na2B4O7 8H2O 1) 4 2) 6 3) 8 4) 3
40. Borax is 55. Self protective metal among the following is
1) Miscible in water 2) Immiscible in oil 1) Na 2) Al 3) Fe 4) K
3) Partially soluble in cold water & fairly soluble 56. Lithium aluminium hydride LiAlH4, acts as
in hot water 4) Insoluble in water 1) Oxidising agent 2) Complex formating agent
41. H3BO3 is 3) Reducing agent 4) Both oxidant and reductant
1) Monobasic and weak lewis acid 57. Most covalent halide of aluminium is
2) Monobasic and weak bronsted acid 1) Aluminium bromide 2) Aluminium fluoride
3) Monobasic and strong lewis acid 3) Aluminium iodide 4) Aluminium chloride
4) Tribasic and weak bronsted acid 58. Aluminium is extracted from
42. Borazole is an isoster of 1) Magnetite 2) Bauxite
1) Benzene 2) Propane 3) Aluminium 4) Haematite
3) Naphthaline 4) Phenol 59. The chief ore of aluminium is
1) Alunite 2) Bauxite 3) Cryolite 4) Felspar
60. Which is not a compound of aluminium
Level–I (C.W)
1) Corundum 2) Ruby
3) Diaspore 4) Dolomite Genearal Introduction and Variation
61. In the aluminothermi process, aluminium of Properties
acts as 1. Al and Ga have the same covalent radius
1) An oxidising agent 2) A flux because of
3) A reducing agent 4) A solder 1) Greater shielding of s-electrons of Ga atoms
62. Which metal powder suspended in oil is used 2) Poor shielding of s-electrons of Ga atoms
as a paint for mirrors. 3) Poor shielding of d-electrons of Ga atoms
1) Fe 2) Sn 3) Ag 4) Al 4) Greater shielding of d-electrons of Ga atoms
63. Magnalium is an alloy of 2. Aluminum forms [AlF6]3- but boron doesnot
1) Al + Mg 2) Al + Cu + Mg + Mn form [BF6]3- because
3) Al + Zn + Mg + Ni 4) Al + Cu 1) the atomic size of B is small
64. Duralumin is an alloy of 2) Of absence of d-orbital in B atom
3) Of high I.P of B-atom 4) B is non-metal
1) Al + Mg 2) Al + Cu + Mg + Mn
3. An element R belongs to III A group which is
3) Al + Zn + Mg + Ni 4) Al + Cu true with respect to R
65. Which of the following metal forms a 1) It is a gas at room temperature
protective oxide layer to prevent corrosion? 2) It is an oxidation state of +4
(Eamcet-1994) 3) It forms an oxide of the type R2O3
1) Cu 2) Mg 3) Al 4) Mn 4) It forms a halide of the type RX2
66. The chemical formula of diaspore an ore of 4. Which of the following element can present
aluminium is both in cation and anion of its salts.
1) Al2O3.3H2O 2) Al2O3.2H2O 1) B 2) Al 3) Ga 4) Tl
3) Al2O3.H2O 4) Al2O3 Uses of Boron
67. Which of the following minerals does not 5. B-10 isotopes
contain Al (IIT-92) 1) Absorbs neutron 2) Release neutron
1) Mica 2) Cryolite 3) Absorbs electron 4) Release electron
3) Felspar 4) Fluorspar 6. Boron resembles Silicon in properties. This
68. The impurity in white bauxite is resemblance is mainly due to equal values of
1) FeO 2) Fe2O3 3) SiO2 4) AlCl3 1) Electro negativities of Boron and Silicon
69. The common impurities present in red 2) Atomic volumes of Boron and silicon
bauxite are 3) Densities of Boron and Silicon
1) Fe2O3 2) Al2O3. H2O 4) Polarising powers of B3+ and Si4+
3) AlCl3.Al2O3 4) MgCl2 . CaCl2 Boron Compounds
Key Conceptual 7. Aqueous solution of borax is __ in nature
01) 1 02) 1 03) 1 04) 4 05) 1 06) 1 1) Neutral 2) Acidic 3) Alkaline 4) None
07) 3 08) 3 09) 2 10) 2 11) 1 12) 1
8. Na2 B4 O7 + 2H 2 O → 2NaOH + A .
13) 1 14) 2 15) 1 16) 3 17) 1 18) 4
The compound A is
19) 4 20) 4 21) 3 22) 3 23) 3 24) 1
1) Orthoboric acid 2) Metaboric Acid
25) 3 26) 1 27) 1 28) 1 29) 3 30) 4
3) Tetra Boric Acid 4) Pyroboric acid
31) 1 32) 1 33) 1 34) 3 35) 1 36) 3 9. Borax bead test is responded by
37) 1 38) 4 39) 1 40) 3 41) 1 42) 1 1) Divalent metals 2) Heavy metals
43) 1 44) 2 45) 2 46) 2 47) 1 48) 3 3) Light metal
49) 2 50) 1 51) 2 52) 3 53) 4 54) 2 4) Metals which form coloured metaborates
55) 2 56) 3 57) 3 58) 2 59) 2 60) 4 10. Borax is used as
61) 3 62) 4 63) 1 64) 2 65) 3 66) 3 1) Preservative 2) Pyrex 3) Flux 4) All
67) 4 68) 3 69) 1
11. Ca 2B6O 11+2Na 2 CO 3 → X+2CaCO 3 +2NaBO 2 22. Aqueous ammonia is used as precipitating
The compound X in the above reaction is reagent for Al3+ ions as Al(OH)3 rather than
1) Na2B4O7 2) HBO2 aqueous NaOH because
3) H3BO3 4) H2B4O7 1) NH4+ is a weak base
12. Borax is treated with hot conc. HCl to get 2) NaOH is a strong base
NaCl and compound A. The oxidation state 3) NaOH forms [Al(OH)4]– ions
of B in compound A is 4) NaOH forms [Al(OH)2]+ ions
1) +1 2) +2 3) +3 4) -3 23. Consider the following reactions
13. H 3 BO3 
375 K
→ A 
Re d Heat
→ B2O3 i) Al + NaOH → Na 3 AlO3 + H 2
H 3 BO3 435 K
→ B 
Re d Heat
→ B2 O3 ii) 2 Al + 2OH - + 6H 2O → 2  Al ( OH )4  + 3H 2
The compounds A & B are iii) Al + Con.HNO3 → Al ( NO3 )3 + NH 4 NO3 + H2 O
1) Orthoboric acid, metaboric acid
1) i and ii are true 2) i and iii are true
2) Metaboric acid, Tetra boric acid
3) Only i is true 4) All are true
3) Tetra boric acid, Metaboric acid
24. Which of the following reacts with nitrogen
4) Tetra boric acid, orthoboric acid
when heated in air
14. Borazole contains the following bonds
1) Al 2) C 3) Na 4) K
1) 9 σ , 6 π 2) 6 σ , 9 π
3)12 σ, 3 π 4) 15 σ , 0 π Key Level - I (C.W)
15. The maximum number of hydrogen atoms 01) 3 02) 2 03) 3 04) 2 05) 1 06) 4
present in the same plane in diborane 07) 3 08) 3 09) 4 10) 4 11) 1 12) 3
molecule is 13) 2 14) 3 15) 2 16) 2 17) 2 18) 2
1) 2 2) 4 3) 6 4) 3 19) 4 20) 4 21) 3 22) 3 23) 1 24) 1
16. The valencies of nitrogen and boron in
borazole are Level-I (H.W)
1) 3,3 2) 4,4 3) 3,4 4) 4,3
17. Which of the following compound is not a Genearal Introduction and Variation
borane. of Properties
1) B5 H9 2) B5H10 3) B5H11 4) B6H10 1. Which of the following is not an ionic tri
18. The mixture of BCl3 vapour and hydrogen halide
gas is subjected to electric discharge. The 1) AlF3 2) BF3 3) InF3 4) GaF3
chief products are 2. Which of the following represents the
1) B, HCl 2) B2H6, HCl variation of electronegativity with atomic
3) B2H5Cl, HCl 4) B2H4Cl2, HCl number Z of group 13th elements?(E-2014)
Uses of Alumnium
19. Which of the following is a covalent B
compound GA

1) AlCl3 2) Al2(SO4)3 3) AlF3 4) Al2O3 1) B

In 2) Al

20. The inactiveness of aluminium in the presence A.NO A.NO

of conc. HNO3 is due to the formation of a

layer of E.N
In 4) All are correct
1) AlN 2) Al2 S3 3) Al4C3 4) Al2O3 Tl

21. In aluminate ion , coordination number of
aluminium is Uses of Boron & Boron Compounds
1) 2 2) 4 3) 6 4) 1 3. Boron is used as
1) Deoxydiser 2) Manufacture of Boron steel
3) Boron carbides 4) All
4. 2B+ 3H 2 SO4 → 2H 3 BO3 + A.
The hybridisation of central atom in
compound A is
1) sp 2) sp2 3) sp3 4) sp3d
5. The aqueous solution of borax turns red
litmus to
1) Blue 2) No Change 3) Red 4) White
6. Borax bead test is used to identify the
1) Anion in coloured salt
2) Cation in coloured salt
3) Anion in white salt 4) Cation in white salt
7. Borax is used in
1) Qualitative analysis 2) Welding
3) Pyrex glass 4) All
8. Orthoboric acid contains
1) Triangular BO33− units
2) Linear BO33− units
3) T-shaped BO33− units
4) Pyramidal BO33− units
9. BCl3 on hydrolysis gives
1) B2O3 and HCl 2) B2H6, HCl and O2
3) H3BO3 and HCl 4) B2O3, H2 and Cl2
10. Reactivity of borazole is more than that of
benzene because
1) Borazole is a polar compound
2) Borazole is a non polar compound
3) Borazole is an electron deficient compound
4) Of the delocalised electrons in Borazole
11. Total number of electrons shared between
two B-H-B atoms in B2H6
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 6
Uses of Aluminium
12. Conc. HNO3 can be stored in a container
made of
1) Cu 2) Al 3) Zn 4) Sn
13. Which of the following has more number of
water of crystallisation
1) Corundum 2) Gibsite
3) Bauxite 4) Diaspore
14. Al reacts with conc. H 2 SO4 and forms
1) SO3 2) SO2 3) H 2 4) S(vap)
Key Level - I (H.W)
01) 2 02) 2 03) 1 04) 2 05) 1 06) 2
07) 4 08) 1 09) 3 10) 1 11) 3 12) 2
13) 2 14) 2
13 ELEMENTS 14. Boric acid (H3BO3) has
Level-II (C.W) 1) Trigonal structure 2) Tetrahedral structure
3) Layer structure, in which BO3–3 units are
Genearal Introduction and Variation linked by oxygen
of Properties 4) Layer structure, in which planar BO3–3 units
1. The reducing character of Al, Ga, In, Tl are linked by hydrogen bonding.
increases in which of the following order. 15. Aluminium vessels should not be washed with
1) TI < Al < Ga > In 2) Ga < Al < TI < In materials containing washing soda since
3) TI < In < Ga < Al 4) Al < Ga < In < TI 1) Washing soda is expensive
2) Washing soda is easily decomposed
2. The element which cannot form a cation is 3) Washing soda reacts with aluminium to form
1) Al 2) B 3) Cs 3) Bi soluble aluminate
3. Which amongst the following is also called 4) Washing soda reacts with aluminium to form
as a sesqui oxide insoluble aluminium oxide
1) B2O3 2) Al2O3 3) Tl2O3 4) All 16. Which of the following reactions does not
4. Which of the following does not liberate liberate gaesous product? [2006]
hydrogen on reacting with acids 1) AlCl3 + NaOH →
1) Al 2) In 3) Tl 4) B
5. Which species does not exist 2) NaOH + P4 ( white ) + H 2O →
1) [BF6]3– 2) [AlF6]3– 3) Al + NaOH ∆ →
3– 3–
3) [GaF6] 4) [InF6] 4) Zn + NaOH   ∆

6. The more acidic compound in water is
Key Level - II (C.W)
1) AlCl3 2) BeCl2 3) FeCl3 4) None of these
01) 3 02) 2 03) 4 04) 4 05) 1 06) 3
7. AlCl3 is
07) 1 08) 4 09) 2 10) 1 11) 2 12) 4
1) Anhydrous and covalent
2) Anhydrous and ionic 13) 2 14) 4 15) 3 16) 1
3) Covalent and basic 4) Coordinate and acidic Level-II (H.W)
8. Dative bonds are not present in
1) Al2Cl6 2) BF3 3) Borazole 4) B2H6 Genearal Introduction and Variation of
9. AlCl3 on hydrolysis gives (PMT 97) Properties & Boran Compounds
1) AlCl3 .H2O 2) Al(OH)3 1. Which of the following forms M2O type of
3) Al2O3 4) AlCl3 .6H2O
1) Al 2) B 3) Tl 4) Ca
10. The non planar molecule among the
2. Which one of the following is not an electron
following is
deficient compound
1) B2 H 6 2) C2 H 4 3) C6 H 6 4) BCl3 1) BCl3 2) AlCl3 3) Al2Cl6 4) B2H6
11. The geometry of BH4– unit is 3. Which of the following oxides dissolves in
1) Square planar 2) Tetrahedral both hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide
3) Octahedral 4)Trigonal pyramidal
1) Na 2) MgO 3) BaO 4) Al2O3
Boric Acid & Aluminium 4. Inorganic graphite is
12. Solid oxy acids of boron are
1) B3 N 3 H 6 2) BN 3) SiC 4) P4S3
1) H3BO3 2) HBO2 3) H2B4O7 4) All
5. Select correct statement about H3BO3
13. Boric acid is polymer due to
1) It has triangular BO3–3 units
1) Its acidic nature 2) In solid states, molecules are hydrogen bonded
2) The presence of hydrogen bonds 3) Both the above statements 1 and 2 are correct
3) Its monobasic nature 4) Its geometry 4) None of the statement is correct
6. Ortho boric acid can be represented as 4. The hybridisation of boron and oxygen atoms
B(OH)3. It is in boric acid are respectively.
1) A strong Arrhenius acid 1) sp3 and sp2 2) sp2 and sp3
2 2
2) Lewis acid and ionizes as monobasic acid 3) sp and sp 4) sp3 and sp3
3) An alkali capable of releasing OH-- ions in water 5. BCl3 does not exists as dimer but BH3 exists
4) A weak acid existing as B(OH)6–3 in water as dimer because
7. All the products formed in the oxidation of 1) Cl is more electropositive than H
NaBH4 by I2 are 2) There is pπ − pπ back bonding in BCl3 but
BH3 does not contain such multiple bonding
1) B2H6 and NaI 2) B2H6 , H2 and NaI
3) Large sized chlorine atoms do not fit in
3) BI3 and NaH 4) NaBI4 and HI between small sized boron atoms where as small
8. A gas other than HCl is obtained in : sized hydrogen atoms get fitted in between boron
1) BCl3 + H 2  →
Disch arg e
4) None of these
2) LiAlH 4 + BF3 → 3) Both 1 & 2 4) H2O 6. With a given anion the correct stability order
9. Which is used to separate Al2O3 and Fe2O3 of tetra haloborates is
1) NaOH 2) dil.HCl 3) H 2 SO4 4) Any acid 1) BCl4− > BBr4− > BI 4− 2) BI 4− > BBr4− > BCI 4−
10. Aluminium is less easily corroded than iron 3) BCl4− = BBr4− > BI 4− 4) BCl4− = BBr4− = BI 4−
because 7. Some statements about the structure of
1) Aluminium is a noble metal diborane are given below.
2) Oxygen forms a protective oxide layer A) NMR and RAMAN spectral studies have
3) Iron undergoes reaction easily with water confirmed that four hydogens of diborane are
4) Iron forms mono and divalent ions one type and remaining two are of another
Key Level - II (H.W) type.
B) Electron diffraction studies have shown
1) 3 2) 3 3) 4 4) 2 5) 3 6) 2 that diborane contains two coplanar BH2
7) 2 8) 3 9) 1 10) 2 groups
C) Diborane is a planar molecule
Level–III D) Boron of diborane undergoes sp 2
1. Consider the reaction, LiH+AlH3 → ...... The The correct statements are
incorrect statement about this reaction is 1) Only A and B 2) Only A, B, C
1) The product is a good reducing agent 3) Only B, C, D 4) All are correct
2) AlH3 acts as a Lewis acid
8. BCl3 + LiA1H 4 → A + LiCl + AlCl3
3) Decrease of oxidation number of aluminium
occurs A + H 2O → B + H 2
4) LiH donates H– to AlH3. Red heat
2. An alkalimetal hydride NaH reacts with B  → C . In this reaction sequence A,
B, and C compounds respectively are
diborane in Y to give a tetrahedral compound
‘Z’ which is extensivley used as reducing 1) B2 H 6 , B2O3 , B 2) B2 H 6 , H 3 BO3 , B2O3
agent in organic synthesis. The ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ 3) B2 H 6 , H 3BO3 , B 4) HBF4 , H 3 BO3 , B2O3
in the above reaction are 9.
Mark the incorrect statement describing the
1) C2 H 6 , C2 H 5 NH 2 2) C2 H 5OC2 H 5 , NaBH 4 structural features of Borax
1) It has two tetrahedral and two triangular units
3) NH 3 , B3 N3 H 6 4) C3 H 8 , B3 N3 H 6 2) All the boron atoms are not in same hybrid
3. Orthoboric acid behaves as weak monobasic state
acid giving H3O+ and ....... 3) Each Boron atom of a pair is tetra valent
4) One Boron atom has a lone pair of electrons
1) H 2 BO2+ 2) H 2 BO2− 10. Which is true for an element R present in
− III A group of the periodic table
3)  B ( OH ) 4 
4)  B ( OH ) 4  1) It forms halide of type RX3
2) It has oxidation state of +3
3) It forms oxide of type R2O3 19. Correct match is
4) All the above. 1) Ordinary form of borax: Na2B4O7.5H2O
11. Which is not correct in case of Be and Al? 2) Colemanite : Ca2B6O11.5H2O
1) Both are rendered passive by conc. HNO3
3) Boronatrocalcite : 2Mg3B8O15.MgCl2
2) Carbides of both give methane on hydrolysis
3) Both give hydroxides which are basic 4) Octahedral form of borax: Na2B4O7.10H2O
4) Both give covalent chlorides 20. Which of the following statements regarding
12. A metal ‘X’ produces an oxide and nitride on borax is correct
burning in air, but do not liberate hydrogen 1) It is used in the manufacture of optical glass
with alkali. Another metal ‘Y’ produces an 2) It is widely used as a flux.
oxide and nitride on buring in air, but liberate 3) It is used in leather industry 4) All are correct.
hydrogen with alkalies. Then ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are 21. Which of the following is correct?
1) The Members of BnHn+6 are less stable than
1) Na, Mg 2) Mg , Al 3) Al , Na 4) Na, Ca BnHn+4 series.
13. Which of the following statement is not 2) Diborane is coloured and unstable at room
correct. temparature
1) B(OH)3 is acidic. 3) The reaction of diborane with oxygen is
2) Potash alum is used to stop bleeding. endothermic
3) The decreasing order of activity of BBr3 , 4) All of the above.
BCl3 and BF3 is BB r3 > BCl3 > BF3 22. In which of the following, a salt of the type
4) B2H6 contains B-B covalent bonds. KMO2 is obtained?
14. Which of the statement about aluminium is 1) B2 H 6 + KOH (aq.) → 2) Al + KOH (aq.) →
not correct 3) Both 1 & 2 4) None
1) It liberates hydrogen from acids as well as 23 Borax is used as a cleansing agent because
alkalies on dissolving in water it gives
2) It liberates hydrogen from acids but not from 1) Alkaline Solution 2) Acidic solution
alkalies 3) Bleaching solution 4) Neutral solution
24. Boric acid is used in carrom boards for
3) It liberates hydrogen from hot alkali solution
smooth gliding of pawns because:
4) It liberates hydrogen from boiling water. 1) Boric acid molecules are loosely chemically
15. When concentrated caustic soda is heated in bonded and hence soft
aluminium vessel 2) Its low density makes it fluffy
1) NaOH do not separate 3) It is chemically inert with ply wood
4) H- bonding in boric acid gives it a layered
2) Na displaced by aluminium
3) O2 is liberated 4) H2 is displaced 25. Consider the following reactions
16. Aluminate ion in aqueous solution actually i) Cr2 O 3 + 2Al → Al 2 O 3 + 2Cr + heat
exists as
3− −
ii) Al 2 O 3 + 2Cr → Cr2 O 3 + 2Al + heat
1)  Al ( OH )6  2)  Al ( OH ) 4 ( H 2 O ) 2  iii) 2Al + 6NaOH → 2Na3 AlO3 + 3H 2
3)  Al ( OH )3 ( H 2 O )3  4)  Al ( OH )5 H 2 O  In this possible reactions are
1) i & iii 2) ii & iii 3) i & ii 4) i, ii & iii
17. AlO2− ion in aqueous solution exists as 26. Boron canot form which one of the following
− − anions [EAM-2011]
1)  Al ( OH )4  2)  Al ( OH ) 4 ( H 2 O ) 
1) B ( OH ) 4 2) BO −

− − 2
3) BF 3− 4) BH −
6 4
3)  Al ( OH ) 4 ( H 2 O ) 2  4)  Al ( OH )6  Key Level - III
18. Which of the following is a correct increasing 01) 3 02) 2 03) 3 04) 2 05) 2 06) 1
order of the acidic strengths of BBr3 , BF3 , 07) 1 08) 2 09) 4 10) 4 11) 3 12) 2
& BCl3?
13) 4 14) 2 15) 4 16) 1 17) 3 18) 2
1) BF3 > BCl3 > BBr3 2) BBr3 > BCl3 > BF3 19) 2 20) 4 21) 1 22) 3 23) 1 24) 1
3) BCl3 > BBr3 > BF3 4) BBr3 > BF3 > BCl3 25) 1 26) 3
Level - IV 12. List -I List -2
A) Boron Nitride 1)Inorganic Benzene
Assertion and Reason Type Questions B) Borazole 2) Inorganic graphite
1) Both A and R are true and R is correct
explanation of A C) Ruby 3) Graphite
2) Both A and R are true and R is not correct D) Black lead 4) Aluminium oxide
explanation of A The correct match is
3) A is true but R is false A B C D A B C D
4) A is false but R is true. 1) 4 3 2 1 2) 1 4 3 2
1. Assertion (A):'Al' shows passivity with conc. 3. 2 3 4 1 4) 2 1 4 3
Reason (R): 'Al' forms a protective layer of 13. Match the following :
Al2O3 with conc. HNO3 Type -I Type -II
2. A: 'Al' liberates H2 gas with both NaOH and HCl. A) Borax 1) Al2O3 .2 H 2O
R: 'Al' is amphoteric metal
3. A: Alums are acidic in nature B) Razorite 2) Ca2B6O11.5H 2O
R: due to cationic Hydrolysis
4. A: Among IIIA group elements boron has C) Bauxite 3) Na2 B4O7 .4H 2O
highest melting point
R: Boron exists as a giant covalent polymer D) Colemanite 4) Na2 B4O7 .10H 2O
5. A: Thallium compounds are stable in +1 The correct match is
oxidation state A B C D A B C D
R: The 6s2 electrons in Tl show reluctanace in 1) 3 4 2 1 2) 2 3 4 1
participating in bond formation
6. A: Boron forms covalent compounds 3) 4 3 1 2 4) 1 2 3 4
R: Boron is an non metal 14. Type -I Type -II
7. A: Diborane has two types of hydrogens. A) Magnalium 1) Mg, Mn, Cu & Al
R: By methylation only four hydrogen atoms of B) Aluminium bronze 2) Al & Cu
diborane are substituted forming Me4B2H2 C) Duraluminium 3) Mg, Ni, Cu & Al
8. A: Borazole is inorganic benzene
R: Benzene and Borazole are isoelectronic and D) Y-alloy 4) Mg & Al
show structural similarity. The correct match is
9. A: When diborane is heated with NH3 at 2000C, A B C D A B C D
borazole is obtained 1) 4 3 2 1 2) 1 2 4 3
R: Borazole is known as inorganic benzene 3) 3 4 2 1 4) 4 2 1 3
Matrix matching Type Questions 15. A )B2H6 P) Lewis acid
10. List -I List -2 B) BF3 Q) Tetrahedral
A) Boron 1) Low M.P. C) AlCl 3
R) sp3 hybridisation
B) Aluminium 2) High M.P. D) BH4– S) Co-Planar molecule
C) Gallium 3) Inertpair effect 1) A → R,S B → P,S C → P,S D → Q,R
D) Thallium 4) Low density 2) A → P,S B → P,S C → Q,R D → P,S
The correct match is 3) A → Q,R B → P,S C → R,S D → P,S
A B C D A B C D 4) A → P,S B → P,S C → Q,R D → R,S
1) 2 1 3 4 2) 4 3 1 2 Comprehension Type Questions
3) 2 3 1 4 4) 2 4 1 3 Comprehension-I
11. List -I List -2 A compound X on reaction with LiH gives
A) Al2O3 1) Dimer ahydride Y containing 21.72% of Hydrogen.
B) AlCl3 2) Non-metal The compound Y, on combustion liberates a
C) B 3) Acidic large amount of energy giving Boron oxide,
D) B2O3 4) Amphoteric Z. Using this passage answer the following.
The correct match is Answer the followings
A B C D A B C D 16. The empirical formula of the compound Y is
1) 4 3 2 1 2) 1 4 3 2
1) B2 H 3 2) BH 3 3) BH 7 4) B2 H 5
3) 2 3 4 1 4) 4 1 2 3
17. X and Y compounds respectively are
1) B2 H 6 , B2 O3 2) H3 BO3 , BCl3
3) BF3 , B2 H 6 4) B2 H14 , BCl3
18. In the reaction between X and LiH, the
by product formed is
1) Lil 2) BCl3 3) LiF 4) HI
19. The mole ratio in which the Y and O2 react
with each other is
1) 2 : 3 2) 1 : 3 3) 2 : 5 4) 3 : 2
“A” is a white crystalline solid. Its aqueous
solution is alkaline in nature. It is used in
water softening. On heating it swells up to
form a puffy mass, B. Strong heating of B
gives C. Heating of C with nickel oxide gives
a brown bead, D.
Answer the followings
20. The number of moles of water of
crystallization present per a mole of the
compound. A is
1) 10 2) 5 3) 7 4) 8
21. The aqueous solution of A is alkaline due to
1) The presence of Ca +2ions
2) the presence of H 3 BO3
3) Hydrolysis of B4O7−2 4) hydrolysis of CO3−2
22. When the solution of A is added to hard water
Ca 2+ are eliminated as
1) CaCO3 2) Ca ( BO6 ) 2
3) CaB4O7 4) Ca2B6O11
23. Composition of the substance, B is
1) Na2B 4O7 2) B2 O3 3) H 3 BO3 4) HBO2
24. The components of glassy bead. C and brown
bead D respectivly are
1) NaBO2 and NiO
2) B2O3 and Ni ( BO2 )2
3) NaBO2 and NiB4 O7
4) B2 O3 and NaBO2
Key Level - IV
01) 1 02) 1 03) 1 04) 1 05) 1 06) 1
07) 1 08) 1 09) 2 10) 4 11) 4 12) 4
13) 3 14) 4 15) 1 16) 2 17) 3 18) 3
19) 2 20) 1 21) 3 22) 3 23) 1 24) 2
Covalent Radius :
Synoipsis  Covalent radius increases considerably from C to
General Introduction, Electronic Si there after small increase is observed up to Pb
Configuration and Occurrence : due to completely filled d and f orbitals
 The IV A group elements are carbon, silicon, Metallic Character :
germanium, tin and lead .  From C to Pb metallic nature increases
 Carbon is widely distributed in nature as essential  Carbon and silicon are non-metals.
constituent of all living matter, as proteins, as  Germanium is a metalloid,Tin and Lead are metals.
carbohydrates and fats.  Melting Points Order :
 The general outer electronic configuration of C  Si  Ge  Pb  Sn
IV A group elements is ns2 np2.  Boiling Points Order:
 Electronic configuration of IV A group elements is
Element Symbol Z. E.C. C  Ge  Sn  Si  Pb
 Density decreases from C to Si and then increases
Carbon C 6  He 2s 2 2 p 2 to Pb.
Silicon Si 14  Ne 3s 2 3 p 2  Density Order : Pb  Sn  Ge  C  Si
 Bond Energy : C  Si  Ge  Sn  Pb
Germanium Ge 32  Ar  3d 10 4s 2 4 p 2  Ionization Potential Order :
Tin Sn 50  Kr  4d 10 5s 2 5 p2 C  Si  Ge  Pb  Sn
 The slight increase in the I.P from Sn to Pb is due
Lead Pb 82  Xe  4 f 14 5d 10 6s 2 6 p 2 to lanthanoid contraction.
 The number of electrons present in the penultimate  Large decrease in I.P from carbon to silicon is due
shell of carbon, silicon, other elements contain 2, to sudden increase in size of silicon atom.
8, 18 respectively.
First ionisation energy

 Extent of occurrence of these elements in earth crust

(KJ mol )

Si  C  Sn  Pb  Ge 900
 Carbon is the 17th most abundant element (27.7%) 700
and Silicon is the second (27.7%) most abundant
element by mass in the earth crust. C Si Ge Sn Pb
 Carbon in natural form contains two stable First ionisation energies of
group 14 element
isotopes 12 C and 13 C In addition, a radio active
Electron Egativity :
C is also present whose half life is 5770 years
 E.N of C is 2.5, E.N of Si, Ge, Sn are equal to
which is used for radio carbon dating. 1.8.and Pb is 1.9
Minerals of Some IV A group Elements
 Cassiterite (or) Tinstone is SnO2
 Galena is PbS .
 Sindhur is Pb3O4 En

 Cerussite is PbCO3 Pb

 Anglesite is PbSO4 Si Ge Sn
 Ultrapure form of Ge and Si are used to make Z
transistors and semi conductors and computer
Oxidation State : IV.Reactivity Towards Halogens :
 Common oxidation state of IV A group elements  The members of the group form two types of
are +2, +4. halides. They are dihalides (MX2) and tetra halides
 +2 state becomes gradually more stable down the (MX4) except PbBr4 and PbI4.
group & +4 state stability decreases from carbon  PbI 4 doesn't exist because Pb-I bond initially
to Lead due to inert pair effect. formed during the reaction doesn't release enough
 Pb 4 is strong oxidizing agent due to easily reduced energy to unpair 6s 2 electrons.
to Pb 2 . eg : CCl4, SiF4, SiCl4, SnCl4 etc.,
 GeX4 is more stable than GeX2 where as PbX2  The thermal stability of tetrahalides decreases in
is more stable than PbX4 . the order
Trends in Chemical Reactivity CX4 > SiX4 >GeX4 >SnX4 >PbX4
 The elements in this group are relatively less  These halides are covalent compounds except SnF4
reactive, but reactivity increases down the group. and PbF4 and the central atom undergoes sp3
 Non-reactivity of Lead is partly due to the hybridisation.
formation of oxide film on surface.  CCl4 does not undergo hydrolysis due to absence
I.Reactivity Towards oxygen : of d-orbitals in carbon atom.
 The members of 14th group elements form two  SiCl4 undergoes hydrolysis due to the presence
types of oxides i.e. monoxides (MO)
and dioxides (MO2). of vacant d-orbitals in silicon atom.
Monoxides :  The tetra halides of silicon,germanium, tin and lead
act as strong lewis acids because they can extend
 CO is neutral,
their coordination number.
SiO exist only at high temperature,
 CCl4 does not act as lewis acid due to the
GeO is a distinctly acidic
absenceof vacant d-orbitals in the valency shell.
where as SnO and PbO are amphoteric.
 CCl4 is used as fire extinguisher due to it is heavy
non combustible liquid.
 CO2,SiO2 and GeO2 are acidic,
SnO2 and PbO2 are amphoteric in nature.  SiCl4 does not form  SiCl6  because.
 Order of acidic nature of dioxides : (i) Si+4 is small in size. Six Cl-1 ions cannot be
CO 2>SiO2 >GeO2 >SnO2 > PbO2 accommodated around Si+4 ion.
 Generally Dioxides are more acidic than (ii) The interaction of the lone pairs on Cl-1 ion and
monoxides. the Si+4 particle is weak.
II.Reacitivity Towards water : Anomalous Behavior of the Carbon
 C, Si, Ge are unaffected by water.
 Sn reacts with steam to give SnO2 and H2.
is Due to
 Small size
Sn+2H 2 O  
 SnO2  2 H 2  High E.N.
 Pb is not effected by water due to an oxide layer  Absence of vacant d-orbitals
on the surface.  High I.P
III.Reactivity Towards Hydrogen : Catenation :
 C forms large number of hydrides called  The self linkage of identical atoms to form
hydrocarbons. long chains or rings is called catenation.
 Si forms limited number of hydrides called silanes.  Highest catenation power of carbon is due to its
 Hydrocarbons are more stable than silanes high bond dissociation energy.
 Order of thermal stability :  The order of catenating power in 14th group
CH4>SiH4>GeH4>SnH4>PbH4 elements is C  Si  Ge  Sn .
 Silanes are good reducing agents and readily  Lead does not show catenation.
undergo hydrolysis in alkaline medium.
Allotropy :  The sooty material formed by condensation consists
 The phenomenon of existance of an element in two of mainly C60 , small quantities of C70 and traces of
or more physical forms having similar chemical
properties but different physical properties is called fullerence consisting even number of carbon atoms
as allotropy. upto 350 or above.
 Crystalline allotropic forms of carbon :  Fullerences are the only pure form of carbon
(i) Diamond (ii) Graphite (iii)Fullerenes because they have smooth structure without having
 Except lead remaining 14th group elements can 'dangling' bonds.
exhibit allotropy.  Fullerenes are cage like molecules.
 The purest from of coal is anthracite (91% pure)  C60 molecule has a shape like soccer ball and called
Diamond : Buckminsterfullerene.
 In diamond hybridisation of carbon is sp3.  C60 contains 20 six- membered rings and 12 five
 Diamond has giant three dimensional polymer membered rings.
structure in which each carbon atom is tetrahedrally  All the carbon atoms are equal and they undergo
joined by four other carbon atoms. sp2 hybridisation.
 Diamond is the hardest known element.  Spherical fullerenes are also called bucky balls.
 The C-C bond length in diamond is 154pm.  H f 0 of fullerene,C60 is 38.1 KJ mol 1 .
 The C-C-C bond angle in diamond is 109o. 281.  A six membered ring is fused with six (or) five
 Diamonds glitter due to high refractive index of 2.45 membered ring but a five membered ring can only
 H f 0 of diamond is 1.90 KJ mol 1 . fused with six membered ring.
 1 Carat = 0.2 gm (or) 200 mg.  C60 contain 60 vertices and each one is occupied
Uses of diamond : by one carbon atom and it also contain’s both single
 As precious stones in jewellery. and double bonds with C-C bond distances 143.5
 For drawing thin wires. pm and 138.3 pm respectively.
 For cutting glass and drilling rocks.  C70 molecule consists of 25 six member rings and
 As an abrasive, for sharpening of instruments 12 five membered rings. The structure closes to
 Diamond is used in the manufacture of tungsten acquire the shape of rugby ball.
filaments for electric light bulbs and also in making  Fullerenes are covalent, hence they are soluble in
dyes. organic solvents.
Graphite :  Amorphous allotropes of carbon are carbon black,
 In graphite, carbon atom undergoes sp 2 coke, charcoal, lamp black etc..
hybridisation.  Carbon black is obtained by burnig hydro carbon
 Graphite has two dimensional hexagonal layer like in limited supply of air.
structure and distance between two successive  Charcoal and coke are obtained by heating wood
layers is 340 pm. or coal at high temperature in the absence of air
 The C-C bond length in graphite is 141.5 pm. Uses of Carbon :
 It is thermodynamically most stable allotrope of  Graphite fibers embedded in plastic material form
Carbon is - Graphite (than diamond ) high strength,lightweight composites.
 Graphite acts as a good conductor of electricity  These are used in products such as tennis
due to the presence of free electrons. rackets,fishing rods , aircrafts and canoes(boat)
 Hf 0 of graphite is taken as zero.  In the form of graphite it is used for electrodes in
 Graphite is used as a dry lubricant in machines batteries and industrial electrolysis.
running at high temperature, where oil can not be  Crucibles made from graphite are inert to dilute
used as a lubricant. acids and alkalies.
Fullerenes :  Activated char coal is used to adsorb poisonous
 Fullerenes are made by the heating of graphite in gases , also used in water filters to remove organic
an electric arc in the presence of inert gases such contaminators and in airconditioners to control
as helium or argon. odour due to high porous nature.
 Carbon black is used in black ink and as filler in Carboxy haemoglobin is 300 times more stable
automobile tyres than oxyhaemoglobin
 Coke is used as fuel and largely as reducing agent
Structure :
in metallurgy.
 Animal charcoal is used in sugar industry for  It contains 1 sigma and 2 pi bonds.
decolourisation of sugar because it adsorb coloured  Due to the presence of lone pair on carbon,acts as
material. donor and forms several metal carbonyls
Oxides of Carbon : :C  O :
I. Carbon Monoxide (CO) : Carbon Dioxide :
Preparation : Preparation :
 Direct oxidation of C in limited supply of oxygen or  Carbon dioxide is prepared by complete
air yields carbon monoxide. combustion of carbon and carbon containing fuels

in excess of air.
2C ( s )  O2 ( g )   2CO( g ) 
C s   O 2 g    CO 2g 
 On small scale pure CO is prepared by dehydration
of formic acid with concentrated H 2 SO4 at 373K. CH 4 g  2O 2 g   CO2 g   2H 2 O g
373 K
HCOOH  H 2O  CO  In the laboratory CO2 is prepared by the action
conc .H 2 SO4
of dilute HCl on CaCO3..
 On commercial scale it is prepared by passing
steam over hot coke. CaCO3  2 HCl  CaCl2  CO2  H 2O
4731273 K  Commercially CO2 is obtained by heating of lime
C( s )  H 2O( g )   CO( g )  H 2( g )
The mixture of CO and H 2 is known as water gas 
CaCO3s    CaO s   CO 2 g 
or synthesis gas. Properties :
 If air is used instead of steam,a mixture of CO and  It is a colourless and odourless gas.
N 2 is produced, which is called producer gas.  Due to its low solubility in water, it has great bio-
1273 K chemical and geo-chemical importance.
2C( s )  O2( g )  4 N2( g )   2CO( g )  4 N2( g )
 With water it forms carbonic acid H 2CO3 . It is weak
 Both water gas and producer gas are important
industrial fuels. dibasic acid.
Properties : H 2CO3( aq )  H 2O(l )  HCO  3( aq )  H 3O  ( aq )
 CO is a colourless, odourless and water insoluble
HCO  3( aq )  H 2O( l )  CO3(2aq )  H 3O  ( aq )
 CO is a powerful reducing agent and is used in the  H2CO3 / HCO3-1 buffer system helps to maintain
extraction of many metals from their oxide ores. PH of blood betwen 7.26 to 7.42.
 It almost reduce all metal oxides except those of Structure of CO2 :
IA ,IIA metals, aluminium and a few transition  In CO2 carbon atom undergoes sp hybridisation
metals. This property is used in extraction of many  It contains two sigma bonds ( sp  p) and two pi
metals. bonds ( p  p ) which results C-O bonds of equal

Fe2 O3 ( s )  3CO ( g )  
 2 Fe( s )  3CO 2 ( g ) bond length of 115pm, linear shape with zero dipole
ZnO ( s )  CO ( g )  
 Zn ( s )  CO 2 ( g ) moment.
The resonance structures are :
 CO has poison nature when inhaled, it combines
with haemoglobin and form carboxy haemoglobin,
Which stops the oxygen carry nature and leads to
death. Solid CO2 is called as dry ice or cardice or
dry kold.
CO  Hb  O2 
 CO  Hb  O2
Uses :  The Si-O-Si bonds in silica are weaker than
 CO2 which is normally present to the extent of C – C bonds in diamond. So diamond is harder
0.03% by volume in the atmosphere is removed than silica.
from it by the process known as photosynthesis.  The ratio of Si and ‘O’ is 1: 2
h Uses: Quartz is used as piezoelectric substance
6CO2  6 H 2O   C6 H12O6  6O2
chlorophyll Silica gel is used as drying agent and also in
 CO2 is a non poisonous gas but excess of CO2 in chromatographic material and catalysts. Kieselghur,
atmosphere leads to global warming(Green House an amorphous form of silica is used in filtration
effect). plants
 Solid CO2 is called dry ice and used as Silicones :
refrigerant for ice-cream and frozen food.  Silicones are organo silicon polymers containing
 In the manufacturing of urea. Si – O – Si bonds.
 Being heavy and non supporter of combustion it is  Silicones are formed by the hydrolysis of alkyl or
used as fire extinguisher. aryl substituted chloro silicates and their subsequent
 Fire extinguishers contain a bottle of H2SO4 and polymerization.
NaHCO3.  Silicones contain R2 SiO repeating unit.
Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) :  The empirical formula of silicone R2SiO is analogous
 Sand is one form of crude silica. to that of ketone (R2CO) and hence are named
Allotropes of silica: silicones.
 a) Crystalline Allotropes  Alkyl or Aryl substituted chlorosilanes are prepared
quartz, tridymite and crystobalite. by the reaction of R – Cl with silicon in the presence
b) Amorphous Allotropes of metallic copper as a catalyst
agate, jaspar and Onyx. Cu
2 RCl  Si   R2 SiCl2 - eq(1)
 Quartz is pure form of silica and it is also known as 570 k

rock crystal. Cl+H OH R OH

 Pure quartz is colourless and transparent. -1HCl
 When impurities are present, quartz is coloured. Si Si -eq(2)
 Siliceous rock composed of minute sea organisms Cl+H OH
is called Kiesulguhr.
Properties of Silica : R| R| R| R|
 H 2O
HO  Si  OH  HO  Si  OH   HO  Si  O  Si  OH
 Silica is almost non reactive because of very | | | |

high Si-O-bond enthalphy even at elevated
temperatures. - eq(3)
 Silica is insoluble in all acids except HF.  The chain length of silicones can be controlled by
adding (CH3) 3 SiCl which blocks the ends
 Silica dissolves in HF and gives SiF4 . Structure.
SiO2  4 HF  SiF4  2 H 2O  Hydrolysis of RSiCl3 gives crosslinked silicone.
 Commercial silicone polymers are usually methyl
( H 2 SiF6 may also formed). derivatives and to a lesser extent phenyl derivatives.
SiF4  2 HF  H 2 SiF6 Uses:
 Silica dissolves in hot and conc. NaOH to form  Silicones are used in paints and enamels.
sodium silicate.  Silicones are used in surgical and cosmotic plants
as they are Biocompatible.
SiO2  2 NaOH  Na2 SiO3  H 2O
Structure of Silica :  Silicates are metal derivatives of silicic acid.
 Silicon atom in silica is sp3 hybridised. eg: feldspar, zeolites, mica and asbestos.
 In silica, every silicon atom is tetrahedrally linked  The Si-O bonds in silicates are very strong.
by four oxygen atoms and forms a giant polymer.  Silicates do not dissolve in common solvents.
 The structure of silica is 3D-network.
 The Silicates are mainly divided into six types
depending on the manner in which different Uses of Zeolites
SiO 4 4  units are linked together..  As catalysts in petrochemical industries for cracking
of hydrocarbons and isomerisation
 Silicates are formed by heating metal oxide or metal
eg : ZSM-5 (A type of zeolite) used to convert
carbonates with sand.
alcohols directly into gasoline.
Na 2 CO3 fused
 with
 Si
 Na 2 SiO3  CO 2  Hydrated zeolites are used as ion exchangers of
 4
The basic structural unit of silicates is SiO 4 in hard water.
which silicon atom is bonded to 4 oxygen atoms in Conceptual
tetrahedral fashion as shown in fig.
Introduction, Electronic Configuration,
1. Which element occurs in free state?
1) C 2) Si 3) Ge 4) Sn
2. Cerussite is [EAMCET - 95 M]
 When silicate units are linked together form chain, 1) PbCO3 2) PbS 3) PbSO4 4) SnO2
ring, sheet structures. 3. Silicon is an important constituent of
 If all the four corners are shared with other tetra 1) Chlorophyll 2) Haemoglobin
hedral units, 3 dimensional network silicates are 3) Rocks 4) Amalgams
4. The least abundant element of IV A group is
 The minerals having silicate chains are collectively
1) C 2) Si 3) Ge 4) Pb
called pyroxene.
 Glass and Cement are man - made silicates. General Properties, Oxidation States,
Zeolites : Trend in Chemical Reactivity
 Aluminium silicates are called Zeolites. 5. Metalloid among the following is
1) Bi 2) C 3) Ge 4) Pb
eg. Na2 Al2 Si2O8 xH 2O (sodium aluminium
6. More pronounced inert pair effect is observed in
orthosilicate) 1) N 2) Sn 3) C 4) Pb
 If aluminium atoms replace few silicon atoms in 7. The element with highest electronegativity is
3-D net work of silica  SiO2  the overall structure 1) C 2) Si 3) Ge 4) Sn
known as alumino silicate is formed and it acquires 8. Which is the hardest element
negative charge. 1) Iron 2) Silicon
 Cations such as Na+, K+, Ca2+ etc. balance the 3) Carbon 4) Aluminium
negative charge. 9. Lead shows oxidation states of
 These have honey comb like structure and have 1) +2 only 2) +4 only
the general formula 3) +2 and +4 4) -2, +2 and +4
Mx/n (AlO2)x (SiO2)y .H2O 10. Density is highest for
1) Si 2) Ge 3) Sn 4) Pb
 M  Na 
, K  or Ca 2   11. Which of the following elements has a limited
(n = charge on metal ion) Co-ordination number of four
 These act as ion exchanger and molecular sieves 1) Sn 2) C 3) Si 4) Ge
 Artificial Zeolites can be prepared by heating 12. Which is solid at room temperature
chinaclay, silica & Na2CO3 1) CO 2) CO2 3) SiO2 4) OF2
 eg of artificial zeolit e is permutite, 13. Contents of lead pencil are [MPPMT - 95]
1) Lead 2) Lead Sulphide
( Na2 Al2 Si2O8 xH 2O ) used in the softening of hard
3) Lead and clay 4) Graphite and clay
water. 14. The oxidation states exhibited by Tin are
 The structural principle of Zeolite is same as Feld 1) +2 and + 4 2) +1 and +2
spar 3) +3 and +4 4) +4 only
15. The correct statement with respect to the 26. Which is an amphoteric oxide
property of IVA group elements is 1) CO2 2) CO 3) GeO2 4) SiO2
27. Which is not correct?
1) Their metallic nature decreases from carbon to
1) GeO2 is amphoteric
2) SiO2 is acidic oxide
2) The stability of +2 oxidation state increases from 3) SnCl4 is more stable than SnCl2
carbon to lead. 4) PbCl4 is more stable than PbCl2
3) IP value increases from carbon to lead. Catenation, Allotropic Forms
4) Atomic radius decreases from carbon to lead. 28. The number of Carbon compounds is very large
16. Which is not a characteristic property of because it
carbon? 1) Is tetravalent
1) Catenation 2) Multiple bond formation 2) Forms double and triple bond
3) Availability of d - orbitals for bonding 3) Is non metal 4) Shows Catenation
4) Allotropy 29. In C-60 all carbon atoms are
17. which of the following is more stable 1) sp2 - Hybridised with a soccer ball shape
1) Pb 4+ 2) Sn 4+ 3) Ge 4+ 4) Si4+ 2) sp3 - Hybridised with a square antiprism shpae
18. Which element does not show a valency of 2 3) sp2 - Hybridised with a diamond shape
1) Si 2) Ge 3) Sn 4) Pb 4) sp2 - Hybridised with a graphite like shape
19. Which is correct in the case of carbon 30. Bond energy is highest for
1) It forms complexes 1) Sn - Sn 2) Ge - Ge
2) It shows inert pair effect 3) C - C 4) Si - Si
3) It exhibits catenation property 31. The nature of chemical bonding in diamond is
4) Its tetra halides undergo hydrolysis 1) Metallic 2)Coordinate covalent
20. An oxide of an element is a gas and dissolves 3) Ionic 4) covalent
in water to give an acidic solution. The element 32. The Semiconductor of the following is
belongs to 1) Graphite 2) Silicon
1) II A group 2) IV A group 3) Gas Carbon 4) Lead
3) VIII group 4) Zero group 33. Hybridisation of carbon atoms in diamond is
Anomalous behaviour of first element 1) sp 2) sp2 3) sp3 4) sp3d
21. The incorrect statement about SiCl4 34. The bond angle in diamond is
2 1) 104.50 2) 1070 3) 1200 4)1090 281
1) SiCl4 does not form  SiCl6  35. Which has highest melting point?
2) SiCl4 mixed with ammonia is used in warfare 1) Silicon 2) Lead 3) Tin 4) Diamond
for the production of smoke screens 36. The Carbon -Carbon bond length in diamond is
3) SiCl4 can undergoes hydrolysis to give H4SiO4 1) 1.2 A0 2) 1.54 A0 3) 1.42 A0 4) 1.34A0
4) In SiCl4, Cl- ions are accommodated in square 37. The type of hybridisation in graphite is
planar manner around Si4+ ion 1) sp 2) sp2 3) sp3 4) sp3d
22. Silicon hydrides are called 38. Black lead is
1) Silicones 2) Silicates 1) Diamond 2) Graphite
3) Silicides 4) Silanes 3) Gas carbon 4) Petroleum coke
23. The neutral oxide is 39. Graphite has
1) CO2 2) SiO2 3) GeO2 4) CO 1) Tetrahedral strucuture
24. Which of the following is used as refrigerant 2) Hexagonal sheet like structures
[AFMC - 96] 3) Linear structure
1) SO2 2) CHCl3 3) SiC 4) CF2Cl2 4) Three dimensional structure
25. The element which forms neutral as well as 40. How many number of free electrons present
acidic oxide is on each carbon atoms in graphite (2003)
1) Sn 2) Si 3) C 4) Pb 1) zero 2) 3 3) 2 4) 1
41. The purest form of coal is 56. The value of refractive index of diamond is
1) Peat 2) Anthracite
1) 1.45 2) 2.45 3) 3.40 4) 1.54
3) Lignite 4) Bituminous
57. The carbon - carbon bond length in graphite is
42. The inert form of carbon is
1) 1.34 A0 2) 1.54 A0 3) 1.42 A0 4) 1.20A0
1) Diamond 2) Graphite
58. In graphite adjacent layers of carbon atoms
3) Coal 4) Charcoal
43. Which of the following is not an allotrope of are held together by
carbon 1) Covalent bonds 2) Vander waal forces
1) Graphite 2) Diamond 3) Hydrogen bond 4) Ionic bonds
3) Coke 4) Carborundum 59. In graphite adjacent layers are separated by
44. Which of the following is a conductor of a distance of
electricity? 1) 3.35 A0 2) 1.54 A0 3) 1.42 A0 4) 2.45 A0
1) Diamond 2) Coke 60. Which of the following is a non metallic
3) Graphite 4) Charcoal conductor
45. The no of pure atomic orbitals at each carbon 1) Cs 2) Coke 3)Diamond 4) Graphite
in graphite are 61. The catenation tendency of C, Si and Ge is in the
1) 2 2) 3 3) 1 4) 4 order Ge < S i < C. The bond energies in ( KJ.mol 1 )
46. Tendency of catenation is strongest in of C-C, Si-Si, Ge-Ge respectively are
1) 167, 180, 348 2) 180, 167, 348
1) Si 2) N 3) O 4) C 3) 348, 167, 180 4) 348, 180, 167
47. The hybridisation of carbon in diamond, 62. Which of the following is true for diamond
graphite and acetylene are respectively 1) It is a good conductor of electricity
2) It is very soft
1) sp3, sp, sp2 2) sp3, sp2, sp 3) It is a bad conductor of heat
3) sp, sp2, sp3 4) sp2, sp3, sp
4) Diamond is made up of carbon, hydrogen and
48. Forces that bind atoms in diamond are
oxygen atoms
1) Ionic 2) Dipolar
3) Vanderwaals 4) Covalent
Oxides of carbon & silicon
63. Which of the following is used in the
49. The type of sigma bond between C-C in
preparation of aerated water
graphite is
1) sp-sp 2) sp3 – sp3 1) CO 2) CO2 3) SO2 4) HCl
2 2
3) p-p 4)sp – sp 64. compound that combines with haemoglobin of
50. Which element shows catenation blood to form carboxy haemoglobin is
1) Cd 2) Si 3) Sn 4) Pb 1) N2O 2) OF2 3) CO2 4) CO
51. The order of catenation power is 65. In complete combustion of petrol or diesel oil
1) C > Si > Ge > Sn 2) Si > C > Ge > Sn in automobile engines can be best detected by
3) Sn > Ge > Si > C 4) Ge > Sn > C > Si testing the fuel gases for the presence of
52. When diamond is heated at 1800 - 2000 C in 1) CO  H 2O 2) CO 3) NO2 4) SO2
vaccum it converts into
66. In silicon dioxide
1) Graphite 2) Coke 3) CO2 4) CO+CO2
1) Each silicon atom is surrounded by four oxygen
0 atoms and each oxygen atom is bonded to two
53. H f of diamond is
silicon atoms.
1) 0 kj mol–1 2) 1.90 kj mol–1 2) Each silicon atom is surrounded by two oxygen
3) 38.1 kj mol–1 4) 20 kj mol–1 atoms and each oxygen atom is bonded to two
54. Which has two dimensional sheet like structure silicon atoms.
1) Diamond 2) Silica 3) Graphite 4) Lead 3) Silicon atom is bonded to two oxygen atoms
55. The number of carbon atoms surrounding each 4) There are double bonds between silicon and
carbon in diamond is oxygen atoms.
1) 4 2) 3 3) 2 4) zero
67. Which gas is essential constituent of almost 84. Silica dissolves in NaOH solution to form
all fuel gases 1) Quartz 2) Sodium silicate
1) CO2 2) N2 3) CO 4) SO2 3) Carborundum 4) Jaspar
68. Carbon monoxide is not used in 85. Hybridisation of silicon atom in silica is
1) Fire extinguisher 1) sp 2) sp2 3) sp3 4) sp3d
2) The manufacture of water gas 86. The number of Oxygen atoms bonded to each
3) The manufacture of methanol and synthetic petrol silicon atom in silica crystal is
4) Metal operations as a reducing agent.
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
69. The ratio of "Si" and "O" atoms in silica is
87. The structure of silica is
1) 1 : 2 2) 2 : 1 3) 1 : 4 4) 4 : 1
1) Layer lattice 2) Tetrahedral
70. Which is the crystalline form of silica
3) Trigonal 4) Linear
1) Agate 2) Jaspar
88. 1 Carrot is equal to
3) Onyx 4) Crystobalite
1) 10 mg of C 2) 20 mg of C
71. When  - quartz is heated to 5750 C it changes to
3) 200 mg of C 4) 1 mg of C
1) Onyx 2)  - quartz 89. Which one of the following is correct set of SiO2
3) Tridymite 4) Crystobalite 1) Linear, acidic 2) Linear, Basic
72. Rock crystal is 3) Tetrahedral, Acidic 4) Angular, Basic
1) NaCl 2) Sand 3) Quartz 4) Agate 90. Quartz is the purest form of
73. SiO2 is reacted with sodium carbonate. What [EAMCET, 97 - M]
is the gas liberated ? (2005) 1) CO2 2) SiO2 3) SO2 4) NO2
1) CO 2) O2 3) CO2 4) O3 91. The structure of crystalline silica is similar to
74. Which one of the following is used as an acidic that of
flux in metallurgy? (2004) 1) Diamond 2) Graphite
1) CaO 2) SiO2 3) Na2CO3 4) SO2 3) Silicates 4) Silicic acid
75. Silica is soluble in 92. Which of the following is used for making
1) HCl 2) HNO3 3) H2SO4 4) HF. optical instruments
76. Which compound is solid 1)SiO2 2) Si 3) SiH4 4) SiC
1) CO2 2) NH3 3) PH3 4) SiO2
77. Which is not true about SiO2
1) It is a net work solid 93. Organosilicon polymers containing which type
2) It is attacked by molten NaOH of linkages.
3) It is attacked by HF 1) Si-S-Si 2)Si-O-Si 3)Si-N-Si 4)Si-C-Si
4) It is the basic structural unit of silicates 94. Alkyl chloride when passed over silicon at
78. Which is the anhydride of orthosilicic acid 300C in the presence of Cu catalyst gives
1) Si 2) SiO 3) SiO2 4) SiO3 1) R  S  Cl2 2) R2 SiCl2
79. Carborundum is the commercial name of
1) Al2O3 2) H3PO4 3) SiC 4) H4SiO4 3) R3 SiCl 4) R4 Si
80. The final product formed when silica reacts with 95. In silicones silicon is strongly linked to.
hydrogen fluoride is 1) Oxygen 2)nitrogen 3) sulphur 4) carbon.
1) Si F 2) H2 Si F6 96. Hydrolysis of chlorosilanes to give.
3) H2 Si F4 4) H2 Si O3 1) monomers 2)dimers 3)polymers 4)trimers
81. Which oxide has three dimensional strucutre 97. Silicones are used as.
1) CO2 2) SO2 3) CO 4) SiO2 1) Conductors 2) Insulators
82. Which is the amorphous form of silica 3) Semiconductors 4) To prepare graphite
1) Quartz 2) Tridymite 98. Silicones are
3) Onyx 4) Crystobalite 1)Toxic 2)Non-Toxic 3) Bitter 4)Sour
83. Purest form of silica is 99. Solid silicones are stable upto
1) Quartz 2) Flint 3) Sand stone 4) Jaspar 1) 100C 2) 250C 3) 300C 4) 400C
100. Which of the following Si biocompatible
1) Silicone 2) Poly thene Level-I (C.W)
3) Teflon 4) Balcelite
101. Silicones have the general formula Introduction & Electronic Configuration
1. Commercially important ore of Lead is
1) SiO44  2) Si2O76  1) Haematite 2) Sphalerite
3)  R2 SiO  n 4)  SiO3  n 3) Siderite 4) Galena
2. The common semiconductor is
Silicates 1)Fe 2) Se 3) Ge 4) C
102. The total number of silicates possible are. 3. Carbon has valency 4 in CH4 its valency in
1)2 2)10 3)5 4)6
acetylene is
103. Ceramics and glass are also called as .
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
1) Silicones 2) Zeolites
3) Silicates 4) Insulators General properties, oxidation state
104. The Si-O bonds in silicates are. and trend in chemical reactivity
1) Very strong 2) Weak 4. Which is not correct
3) Very weak 4) Moderate 1) Ge(OH)2 is amphoteric
Zeolites 2) GeCl2 is more stable than GeCl4
105. Zeolites act as 3) GeO2 is weakly acidic
1) Atomic sieves 2) Molecular sieves, 4) GeCl4 in HCl forms [GeCl2]2- ion
3) Ionic sieves 4) Radical sieves 5. Which of the following is a reducing agent and
106. In the softening of water when zeolites are undergoes hydrolysis
exerci sed th e followin g metal ion is 1) CH4 2) C2H6 3) C3H8 4) SiH4
replaced byNa + 6. [SiF 6] 2- is known where as [SiCl 6 ]2- not.
1) Ca  2 2) Ba  2 3) Be  2 4) Zn 2 Reason is
107. The following molecules are trapped in the 1) Six large chloride ions can not be accommo
formation of molecular sieves dated around Si4+ due to limitation of its size.
1) H 2O, NH 3,CO2 2) H 2O, NH 3,CO 2) Interaction between lone pair of chloride ion and
Si4+ is not very strong.
3) H 2 S , NH 3,CO2 4) H 2 O, NH 4 OH , CO2 3) Both 1 and 2
Key-Conceptual 4) Presence of d-orbitals in chlorine
01) 1 02) 1 03) 3 04) 3 05) 3 06) 4 7. The compound of the following that can not act
07) 1 08) 3 09) 3 10) 4 11) 2 12) 3 as lewis acid is (x-is halogen)
13) 4 14) 1 15) 2 16) 3 17) 4 18) 1 1) SiX4 2) SnX4 3) CX4 4) GeX4
19) 3 20) 2 21) 4 22) 4 23) 4 24) 4 Anomalous Behaviour of Carbon,
25) 3 26) 3 27) 4 28) 4 29) 1 30) 3 Catenation & Allotropy
31) 4 32) 2 33) 3 34) 4 35) 4 36) 2 8. Which does not exist
37) 2 38) 2 39) 2 40) 4 41) 2 42) 1 1) [SnCl6]2– 2) [GeCl6]2–
43) 4 44) 3 45) 3 46) 4 47) 2 48) 4 3) [SiCl6] 4) [CCl6]2–
49) 4 50) 2 51) 1 52) 1 53) 2 54) 3 9. Which of the following has least tendency to
55) 1 56) 2 57) 3 58) 2 59) 1 60) 4 undergo catenation
61) 4 62) 3 63) 2 64) 4 65) 2 66) 1 1) C 2) Si 3) Ge 4) Sn
67) 3 68) 1 69) 1 70) 4 71) 2 72) 3 10. Diamond and Graphite are
73) 3 74) 2 75) 4 76) 4 77) 4 78) 3 1) Isomers 2) Isotopes
79) 3 80) 2 81) 4 82) 3 83) 1 84) 2 3) Allotropes 4) Polymers
85) 3 86) 4 87) 2 88) 3 89) 3 90) 2 11. Which has highest boiling point
91) 1 92) 1 93) 2 94) 2 95) 1 96) 3 1) Diamond 2) Graphite
97) 2 98) 2 99) 2 100) 1 101) 3 102) 4 3) Charcoal 4) Lamp black
103) 3 104) 1 105) 2 106) 1 107) 1
12. The use of diamond as a gem depends on its Silicones, Silicates & Zeolites
1) Hardness 2) High refractive index 25. The empirical formula of silicones is analogous to
3) Purest form of carbon 4) Chemical inertness 1) Alcohols 2) Aldehydes
13. The hardness of diamond is due to 3) Ketones 4) Ethers
1) Giant polymer structure 26. Chemically zeolites are
2) High refractive index 1) Alumino silicate
3) Hexagonal layer lattice structure 2) Calcium alumino silicate
4) High electronegativity of carbon 3) Hydrated sodium alumino silicate 4) Silicones
14. The glittering nature of diamond is due to 27. Zeolites are used as
1) Giant polymer structure a) Ion exchangers b) Molecular sieves
2) High refractive index c) Water softener
3) High IP value of carbon The correct uses are
4) High electro negativity of carbon 1) a,b only 2) b, c only 3) a,c,only 4) a,b,c
15. The hybrid orbitals with 33.33% S-character are Key Level - I (C.W)
involved in the bonding of one of the crystalline 01) 4 02) 3 03) 4 04) 2 05) 4 06) 3
allotropes of carbon. The allotrope is
07) 3 08) 4 09) 4 10) 3 11) 1 12) 2
1) Carbon black 2) Graphite
3) Diamond 4) Gas carbon 13) 1 14) 2 15) 2 16) 1 17) 1 18) 3
16. Which of the following is a correct set 19) 1 20) 2 21) 2 22) 1 23) 2 24) 1
1) Graphite, SP2 2) Diamond, SP2 25) 3 26) 3 27) 4
3) Graphite, SP 4) Diamond,SP
17. The number of ____membered rings 20 Level-I (H.W)
and _____ membered rings 12 are in buck Introduction & Electronic Configuration
minster fullerene respectively 1. The metallic character of the element of IV A
1) 6,5 2) 5,6 3) 5,4 4) 4,5 group
Oxides of Carbon & Silicon 1) Decreases from top to bottom
18. Carbon monoxide is poisonous because it 2) Has no significance
1) Dries up 3) Does not change
2) Reduces the organic matter of tissues 4) Increase from top to bottom
3) Combines with haemoglobin and causes 2. Which of the following metals is an important
deficiency of oxygen in blood ingredient of transistors
4) Combines with the O2 present in blood to 1) Osmium 2) Germanium
form CO2 3) Gold 4) Sodium
19. Carbon in CO2 is
General Properties, Oxidation State and
1) sp hybridised 2) sp2 hybridised
3) sp hybridised 4) dsp3 hybridised Trend in Chemical Reactivity
20. The anhydride of carbonic acid H2CO3 is 3. The reducing power of divalent species
1) C2O2 2) CO2 3) CO 4) Na2CO3 decreases in the order
21. In H2SiF6 oxidation number of silicon is 1) Ge>Sn>Pb 2) Sn>Ge>Pb
1) +2 2) +4 3) +6 4) +8 3) Pb>Sn>Ge 4) None of these
22. Glass is soluble in 4. The most commonly used reducing agent is
1) HF 2) H2SO4 3) HClO4 4) Aqua-regia 1) SnCl4 2) HF 3) SnCl2 4) Cl2
23. Aqueous solution of Sodium silicate is 5. The ionic chloride is
1) Acidic 2) Alkaline 1) CCl4 2) SiCl4 3) PbCl4 4) PbCl2
3) Neutral 4) Insoluble Allotropy
24. Which of the followin is used as black pigment 6. Diamond is a non conductor of electricity because
in black ink (M-2014) 1) There are no free electron
1) Carbon black 2) Germanium 2) Giant polymer structure
3) Graphite 4) Coke
3) High refractive index 4) Its IP value is high
7. Graphite is used as lubricant due to
1) The slippery nature 2) Its giant structure
3) High refractive index
4) High IP value of carbon
8. Graphite is a good conductor of electricity due to
1) Its giant tetrahedral polymer structure
2) Its high refractive index
3) Presence of free and mobile electrons
4) High IP value of carbon
9. Which property is common in diamond and
1) Electrical conductivity 2) Crystal structure
3) Atomic weight 4) Density
Oxides of C and Si
10. The hybridisation of carbon in carbon
monoxide is
1) SP3 2) SP2 3) SP 4) dSP2
11. An example of major air pollutant is
1) O2 2) CO2 3) CO 4) He
12. CO can be used as a fuel but not CO2 because
1) CO2 is not a good fuel
2) CO is a good fuel
3) CO can be oxidized but not CO2
4) CO2 can be oxidized but not CO
13. During day time plants absorb
1) CO2 2) CO 3) N2 4) O2
14. Carbondioxide dissolves under pressure in
water to give
1) An alkaline solution 2) An acidic solution
3) A neutral solution 4) A highly alkaline solution
15. Carbogen is
1) Mixture of O2+5-10%CO2
2) used by pneumonia patients for respiration
3) used by victims of CO for respiration
4) All of these
16. In H2SiF6 the covalency of silicon is
1) 2 2) 4 3) 6 4) 8
Silicones, Silicates & Zeolites
17. Silicones contain the following characteristics
1) Water repellent 2) Weak Si-C bonds
3) Si-Si bond 4) Less stable to heat
18. SiO44- is the basic structural unit in the
following silicates
1) Quartz 2) Mica 3) Asbestos 4) All
Key Level-I (H.W)
01) 4 02) 2 03) 1 04) 3 05) 4 06) 1
07) 1 08) 3 09) 3 10) 3 11) 3 12) 3
13) 1 14) 2 15) 4 16) 3 17) 1 18) 4
LEVEL-II (C.W) 12. SiF4 + H 2O  A 1000C

B N a CO
C 3

Identify B & C?
1. Which of the following elements reacts with 1) H 4 SiO4 , Na2 SiO3 2) SiO2 , Na2 S
steam (E-2014) 3) SiO2 , Na2CO3 4) SiO2 , Na2 SiO3
1) C 2) Ge 3) Si 4) Sn
13. Decreasing order of "P" orbital Character in
2. Which one of the following elements reduces
the following
NaOH to Na [E-2012]
a) SiO2 b) CO2 c) Graphite
1) Si 2) Pb 3) C 4) Sn
3. Carbon tetrachloride has zero dipole moment 1) a > b > c 2) b > a > c
because of 3) b > c > a 4) a > c > b
1) Planar structure 14. Which of the following statements are true
2) Smaller size of C and Cl atoms about quartz.
3) Regular tetrahedral structure A) it is pure crystalline form of silica
4) None of these B) it is a tetrahedral polymer of SiO2
4. The structure and hybridisation of Si(CH3)4 is C) UV light can pass through quartz
1) Bent, sp 2) Trigonal, sp 1) A and B are correct 2) B and C are correct
3) Octahedral, sp3d2 4) Tetrahedral, sp3 3) A and C are correct 4) all are correct
Allotropy, Oxides of C & Si Silicones, Silicates & Zeolites
5. The average value of C-C bond order in 15. Silicon has a strong tendency to form polymers
graphite is like silicones, the chain length of silicone
1) 4/3 2) 3/4 3) 3/2 4) 1 polymer can be controlled by adding
6. Which of the following has structure similar 1) MeSiCl3 2) MeSiCl2
to graphite 3) Me3SiCl 4) Me4Si
1) BN 2) B 3) B4C 4) B2H6 16.  Me 2 SiCl2 on hydrolysis will produce
7. Which of the following statements are correct
1) Me2 Si(OH)2 2) Me2 Si = O
I) CO forms a complex with CuCl in con.HCl 3) [Me2 Si–O]n 4) Me2SiCl(OH)
II) Ni forms a volatile carbonyl compound with CO 17. How many corners of SiO4 units are shared in
III) CO act as a lewis acid the formation of three dimensional [E-2013]
IV) CO oxidizes Cu to CuO 1) 3 2) 2 3) 4 4) 1
1) I & III 2) I & II 3) III & IV 4) I & IV
Key Level - II (C.W)
8. When oxalic acid is heated with concentrated
01) 4 02) 3 03) 3 04) 4 05) 1 06) 1
H2SO4it produces
07) 2 08) 1 09) 4 10) 3 11) 4 12) 4
1) CO, CO2 , H 2O 2) SO2 , CO2 , H2O 13) 4 14) 4 15) 3 16) 1 17) 3
3) CO, SO3 , H2O 4) SO2 , SO3 , H2O
9. The species present in solution when CO2 is Level-II (H.W)
dissolved in water Trends in Chemical Reactivity
1) H2CO3,CO3–2 2) HCO3–1,CO3–2 1. The first ionisation energies of the elements
3) CO2,H2CO3 4) CO2,H2CO3, HCO3–1,CO32 of group 14 follow the order.
10. A and B are the compounds of carbon. A on
1) C>Si>Ge>Pb>Sn 2) C>Si>Ge>Sn>Pb
passing over red hot coke, is converted to B.
3) C<Si>Ge>Sn>Pb 4) Si>C>Ge>Sn>Pb
A and B are
2. Which of the following is not hydrolysed easily
1) CO and CO2 2) CH 4 and C2 H 6 1) CCl4 2) SiCl4 3) GeCl4 4) SnCl4
3) CO2 and CO 4) CCl4 and CHCl3
3. A) CCl4 does not act as lewis acid
11. SiCl4 + 4H2O  X + 4HCl 'X' on heating upto B) Silanes are strong reducing agents
10000C 'Y' is obtained. 'Y' on treating with HF, C) Crystalline silica will have Diamond like
the final product obtained is structure
1) H 2 SiO3 2) H 4 SiO4 3) SiF4 4) H 2 SiF6 The correct answer is
1) A & B are true 2) Only 'A' is true 12. Hydrolysis of SiCl4 gives compound 'X' and
3) Only 'B' is true 4) All are true HCl on heating to 1000°C 'X' loses water and
4. A) Silanes are good reducing agents forms 'Y'. Identify 'X' and 'Y' respectively.
B) SiO2 is a giant tetrahedral polymer 1) SiO2 and Si 2) H 4 SiO4 and SiO2
C) SnCl4 act as Bronsted Base
3) SiO2 and SiC 4) H 4 SiO4 and SiC
1) A and B are true 2) B and C are true
3) Only C is true 4) All are true Silicones, Silicates & Zeolites
13. Silicones are
5. The C-X bond energy order for carbon tetra
1) Synthetic polymers containing repeated R2SiO
halides is units
1) CF4>CCl4>CBr4>CI4 2) Silicates with common SiO4unit
2) CCl4>CBr4>CI4>CF4 3) Ketones with silyl group (SiH3) similar to alkyl,
3) CI4>CBr4>CCl4>CF4 (SiH3)3CO
4) CBr4>CF4>CCl4>CI4 4) Zircon (meso Silicates)
Allotropy, Oxides of C & Si 14. The minerals having silicate chains are
6. Which element can form the most acidic oxide collectively called
1) Carbon 2) Lead 3) Silicon 4) Germanium 1) Olivine 2) Zircon
7. The correct statement with respect to CO is 3) Pyroxene 4) Natrolite
1) It combines with H2O to give carbonic acid 15.  SiO4  has tetrahedral structure, the silicate
2) It reacts with haemoglobin in RBC formed by using the three oxygen has
3) It is a powerful oxidizing agent 1) two dimensional sheet structure
4) It is used to prepare aerated drinks 2) pyrosilicate structure
8 CO2and N2are non-supporters of combustion. 3) linear polymeric structure
However for putting out fires CO2is preferred 4) three dimensional structure.
over N2because CO2 Key Level-II (H.W)
1) Does not burn 01) 1 02) 1 03) 4 04) 1 05) 1 06) 1
2) Forms non combustible products with burning
07) 2 08) 3 09) 4 10) 3 11) 4 12) 2
3) Is denser that nitrogen 13) 1 14) 3 15) 1
4) Is a more reactive gas Level-III
9. Which is correct regarding CO2.
1) Involves in photosynthesis 1. The correct order for melting point and boiling
2) Causes green house effect point of IV group hydrides respectively
3) Dry ice is used as a refrigerant for ice cream & I) CH4 < SiH4 < GeH4 < SnH4
frozen food. II) CH4 > SiH4 < GeH4 < SnH4
4) All of these III) SnH4 < GeH4 < SiH4 < CH4
10. Carbondioxide is used for extinguishing fire IV) CH4 < SiH4 > GeH4 > SnH4
because 1) II, I 2) I, II 3) III, IV 4) IV, III
1) It has a relatively high critical temperature 2. The order of the stability of dihalides of Si,
2) In solid state, it is called dry ice Ge, Sn and Pb changes in sequence
3) It is neither combustible nor a supporter of (AIEEE-2007)
combustion 1) SiX 2  SnX 2  GeX 2  PbX 2
4) It is a colourless gas
2) SiX 2  GeX 2  SnX 2  PbX 2
11. Silica reacts with magnesium compound X, X
reacts with dil HCl and forms Y and Z. If two 3) PbX 2  SnX 2  GeX 2  SiX 2
moles of HCl reacts with one mole of X then
how many mole of y will be formed 4) GeX 2  SiX 2  SnX 2  PbX 2 :
1) 4 2) 3 3) 2 4) 1
3. A metal M forms chloride in its +2 and +4 9. The tetravalent elements A and B form
oxidation states, which of the following dioxides both react with NaOH to form similar
statements about these chlorides is correct. salts OAO is 1800 , OBO is 1090 28I.Both
1) MCl2 is more soluble in anhy.ethanol than MCl4 are acidic in nature A and B are respectively
2) MCl2 is more ionic than MCl4 1) Ge and Si 2) S and Si
3) MCl2 is more easily hydrolysed than MCl4 3) C and Si 4) Si and C
4) MCl2 is more volatile than MCl4 10. SiO2 + A  X + Y . In this reaction 'Y' is one
4. Graphite is a soft solid lubricant extremely of the global warming gases. 'A' is the water
difficult to melt. The reason for this anamolous soluble alkalimetal carbonate. Whose
behaviour of graphite - molecular weight is 106. The common name
1) Carbon atoms are arranged in large plates of of 'X' is
rings of strongly bound carbon atoms with weak 1) Washing soda 2) Baking soda
interplate bonds 3) Flint glass 4) Water glass
2) Is a non-crystalline substance 11. Silica reacts with hydride of superhalogen to
3) Has molecules of variable molecular masses form 'X'. On hydrolysis of 'X' another
like polymers compound 'Y' is formed. 'Y' on heating at
4) Is an allotropic form of diamond. 10000C loses water to form 'Z'. The 'Z' can
5. L1 is the length between two adjacent carbon also be prepared in the following reaction.
atoms in a layer and L2 is the length in between
1) SiO2  4HF  SiF4  2H 2O
two layers of graphite. The approximate ratio
between L1 and L2 is 2) Si  O2  SiO2
1)1:1 2) 2:5 3) 5:2 4) 1:5 3) K 2 SiF6  4K  6KF  Si
6. Which of the following statement is wrong
4) Si  2NaOH  H 2O  Na2 SiO3  2H 2
about CO
12. Often a ground glass stopper gets the stuck
1) It acts as lewis base in the formation of metal
in the neck of a glass bottle containing NaOH
carbonyls solution this is due to
2) It is a neutral oxide 1) The presence of dirt particles in between
3) It acts as acid with NaOH under high pressure, 2) The formation of solid silicate in between by the
temperature to give sodium formate reaction of SiO2 of glass with NaOH
4) It acts as a π acceptor by accepting electrons 3) The formation of Na2CO3 in between by the
from the central metal during complex formation reaction of CO2 of air and NaOH
7. The reaction that gives CO2 as one of the 4) Glass contains a boron compound which forms
products is [M-2012] a ppt with the NaOH solution
0 0
13. Identify B in the following
250 C  400 C
1) Fe 2 O3  3C   0
H 4SiO4 10 00 C
 A 
-H 2O
 B + CO

2) 3C+4HNO3   [E-2008]
1) Corundum 2) Quartz
3) SnO 2 +2C   3) Silica 4) Carborundum
4) 6NaOH+2C   14. An alkyl halide reacts with a group 14 element,
8. Carbon dioxide is a gas but silica is a solid because 'Y' at 570K with Cu as a catalyst producing a
1) Carbondioxide is composed of discrete dialkyl chloro compound 'Z'. The compound 'Z'
on hydrolysis gives another compound which is
covalent CO2 molecules where as silica has
a strong water repellent and quite inert
continuous tetrahedral structure
chemically. The dioxide of 'Y' is acidic in nature.
2) CO2 molecules are lighter than SiO2 molecules
The alkyl halide can also be obtained from
3) CO2 is a more acidic than SiO2 methane after mono-substitution. The comp 'Y'
4) Melting point of silica is very high and 'Z' are
1) Y  Si, Z   CH 3  2 SiCl2
2) Y  Si Z  CH 3Cl Matrix Matching Type
5. List -I List -II
3) Y  C , Z  SiCl4 4) Y  Si, Z  CCl4 a) Red lead p) lead monoxide
15. Whihc of the following exists as covalent b) Litharge q) An ore of lead
crystals in the solid state (JEE-MAINS-2013) c) Galena r) An ore of tin
1) Iodine 2) Silicon d) Cassiterite s) Minium
3) Sulphur 4) Phosphorous 1) a-r; b-s; c-p; d-q 2) a-r; b-q; c-r;d-p,q
16. The soldiers of napolean army while at Alps 3) a-s; b-p; c-q; d-r 4) a-r; b-s; c-q; d-p
during freezing winter suffered a serious 6. List -I List -II
problem as regards to the tin buttons of their a) Phosgene p) Sodium silicate
uniforms. White metallic tin buttons got b) water glass q) A poisonous gas
converted to grey powder. This transformation c) CO r) Fire extinguisher
is related to d) CO2 s) metal carbonyls
1)An interaction with nitrogen of the air at very low 1) a-q; b-p; c-s; d-r 2) a-r; b-q;c-r; d -p,q
temperatures 3) a-s; b-p; c-q; d-r 4) a-r; b-s; c-q; d-p
2)An interaction with water vapour contained in 7. List -I List -2
the humid air. Arrange properly.
3) A change in the partial pressure of oxygen in the air A. Diamond 1. Metal electrode
4)A change in the crystalline structure of tin B. Graphite 2. sp hybridised
17. Among the following substituted silanes the
C. Silica 3.Acheson's process
one which will give rise to crosslinked silicone
polymer on hydrolysis is (AIEEE-2008) D. CO2 4. Agate
1) R3SiCl 2) R4Si 3) RSiCl3 4) R2SiCl2 5. Cutting of glass
Key Level–III The correct match is
01) 1 02) 2 03) 2 04) 1 05) 2 06) 1
1) 2 1 3 4 2) 5 1 2 3
07) 2 08) 1 09) 3 10) 4 11) 2 12) 2 3) 5 3 4 2 4) 1 4 2 3
13) 4 14) 1 15) 2 16) 4 17) 3
8. List -I List -2
Level-IV A. IVA group 1. Crystalline form
B. Onyx 2. Amorphous form
Statements Type of silica
1) Both S-I and S-II are true and S-II is the C. Lubricant 3. Graphite
correct explanation of S-I.
2) Both S-I and S-II are true and S-II is not D. Hardest material 4. ns2np2
the correct explanation of S-I. 5. Diamond
3) S-I is true and S-II is false The correct match is
4) S-I is false but S-II is true
1. Statement-I(S-I) : Adamantine silicon is obtained
1) 2 4 3 5 2) 2 3 5 4
by heating silica with aluminium.
3) 4 2 3 5 4) 5 3 2 4
Statement -II(S-II): Adamantine silicon is an alloy 9. List -I List -2
of aluminium and silicon.
A. SiCl4 1. SiO2
2 S-I: Tin (IV) chloride is a solid with high melting B. Tetrahedral 2. Acid-flux
C. Acheson's process 3. Lewis Acid
S-II: Tin (IV) chloride is an ionic compound. D. SiO2 4. Silicon
3. S-I : Si - Si bond is stronger than Si - O bond. 5. Graphite
S-II: Silicon form Si-Si double bond easily. The correct match is
4. S-I: PbI4 is a stable compound.
1) 1 2 4 3 2) 5 1 2 4
S-II: Iodidle has higher oxidation state. 3) 3 1 5 2 4) 3 2 4 1
10. List -I List -2
A. Reactive form of Carbon 1. HF
B. Acid employed for 2. Diamond
etching of glass
C. Synthesis gas 3. Charcoal
D. Unreactive form of Carbon 4. CO+H2
The correct match is
1) 1 2 3 4 2) 2 4 3 1
3) 2 1 3 4 4) 3 1 4 2
PASSAGE: An aqueous solution of a salt
(A) gives a white precipitate
(B) with sodium chloride solution. The filtrate
gives a black precipitate
(C) when H2S is passed into it. Compound (B)
dissolves in hot water and the solution gives a
yellow precipitate
(D) on treatment with sodium iodide. The
compound (A) does not give any gas with dilute
HCl but liberates a reddish brown gas on
heating. Identify the compounds (A) to (D).
11. Compound A is :
1)  SiO 4  2) PbCl2
3) PbS 4) PbI 2
12. Compound B is:
1) Pb  NO3  2 2) PbCl2
3) PbS 4) PbI 2
13. Compound C is:
1) Pb  NO3  2 2) PbCl2
3) PbS 4) PbI 2
14. Compound D is:
1) Pb  NO3  2 2) PbCl2
3) PbS 4) PbI 2
15. A fibrous mineral which can withstand red hot
flames without any damage is
1) Talc 2) Glass wool
3) Asbestos 4) Soap stone.
16. The material used in solar cell contains
1) Cs 2) Si 3) Sn 4) Ti
17. Which of the following halides is least stable
and has doubtful existence?
1) CI 4 2) GeI 4 3) SnI 4 4) PbI 4
Key Level - IV
01) 2 02) 1 03) 1 04) 4 05) 3 06) 1
07) 3 08) 3 09) 3 10) 4 11) 1 12) 2
13) 3 14) 4 15) 3 16) 2 17) 4
Basics at a glance Oxides of Nitrogen:
Minerals of elements  Nitrous Oxide (or)
Mineral sources of nitrogen Laughing gas (or) : N2O
Salt petre (or) Bengal salt petre : KNO3 Nitrogen monoxide (or)
Di nitrogen monoxide
Chile salt petre : NaNO3  Nitric Oxide : NO
 Minerals of Phosphorous  Nitrogen dioxide : NO2
Fluorapatite : 3Ca  PO  .CaF  ;
3 4 2 2 Di Nitrogen Tetroxide : N 2O4
Chlorapatite : 3Ca 3  PO 4 2 .CaCl 2  ;  Dinitrogen trioxide (or) Sesquioxide: N 2 O3

Hydroxyapatite : 3Ca  PO  .Ca  OH   ;

3 4 2 2
 Di Nitrogen Pentoxide : N 2 O5

Phosphorite rock : Ca  PO   .

Oxides of Phosphorous:
3 4 2
Phosphorus trioxide : P2 O3 or P4 O 6
 Minerals of As, Sb and Bi
As: Phosphorus pentoxide : P2 O5 or P4 O10
Realgar :  As4 S4 red  orange colour Oxy acids of phosphorous
H 3 PO2
Orpiment:  As2 S3  yellowcolour
Hypophosphorous acid :

Sb: Stibinite :  Sb2 S3  and in flue dust as Sb2O3

Orthophosphorous acid : H 3 PO3
Bi: Bismuth glance :  Bi S 
2 3

or Bismuthinite Orthophosphoric acid : H 3 PO4

Bismuth ochre or Bismite:  Bi2O3  Peroxy phosphoric acid : H 3 PO5
Bismuthite :  BiO 2 CO3  Pyrophosphorus acid : H 4 P2O5
 Allotropes of Nitrogen Hypophosphoric acid : H 4 P2O6
 -Nitrogen (Solid State)
 - Nitrogen (Solid State) Pyrophosphoric acid : H 4 P2O7
 Allotropes of Phosphorous Metaphosphoric acid :  HPO3 n
White or yellow phosphorous
Super Phosphate of Lime:
Red phosphrous
 -Black phosphorous Ca  H2PO4 2 CaSO4.2H2O
 -Black phosphorous  Nitrolim : CaNCN  C (Calcium cyanamide
Violet phosphorous + graphite)
Scarlet phosphorous
 Allotropes of Arsenic  Triple Phosphate of Lime: 3Ca  H 2 PO4 2
Metallic or grey  Drying agent for ammonia is quick lime, CaO
Non-Metallic or yellow, black arsenic  Acidic oxides : N2O3 and N2O5
 Allotropes of Antimony P4O6 and P4O10
Crystalline  Amphoteric oxides : As4O6 and Sb4O6
Non-metallic or Yellow  Basic oxide : Bi2O3
 -antimony  Neutral oxides : N2O, NO
Explosive antimony
 Phosphoproteins are present in milk and eggs.
SYNOPSIS  Important sources of “P” are phosphate rocks
Introduction like
 Fluorapatite - 3Ca3(PO4)2. CaF2
 Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Arsenic, Antimony and
Chlorapatite - 3Ca3 (PO4)2. CaCl2
Bismuth belong to VA group or 15th group of
the periodic table.  Hydroxy apatite [3Ca3(PO4)2Ca(OH)2]
 Phosphorite rock [Ca3(PO4)2]
 The atomic numbers of N, P, As, Sb, and Bi are
 As, Sb and Bi are mostly available as their
7, 15, 33, 51 and 83 respectively.
sulphide minerals
 Elements of Nitrogen family are called
pnicogens and their compounds are called  In the flue dust antimony is available as Sb2O3
 In air occurance of VA group elements decreases
pnictides as these elements forms pungent
smelling compounds. from N to Bi
Electronic configuration: The general
valency shell electronic configuration of these
Atomic Configuration
Element Symbol elements is ns2 np3.
 The penultimate shell of nitrogen contains two
[He]2S 2P electrons, phosphorous contains eight electrons
2 3
Nitrogen N 7
while As, Sb and Bi contains eighteen electrons.
Phospho- 
[Ne]3S 3P These elements are extra stable due to
2 3
P 15
rous completely filled s-subshell and half filled p-
[Ar]3a 4S 4P
10 2 3
Arsenic As 33 sub shell.

Antimony Sb 51 [Kr]4a 5S 5P
10 2 3
General properties: Nitrogen is a diatomic
gas while the other elements are solids.
[Xe]4f14 5d10  P, As and Sb are tetra atomic. Bi is mono atomic.
Bismath Bi 83
6s 6p
2 3

Bonding: Nitrogen is a diatomic gaseous

molecule where as phosphorus is a tetraatomic

 Occurrence: The percentage of relative solid.
abundance of elements in the earth crust is This is because nitrogen atoms are small in size
P>N>As>Sb>Bi and can approach very close to one another so
 Except ‘P’ all other elements occur in free state. lateral overlap of p-orbitals can takes place to
 In air N2 occurs to the extent of 78% by volume form  -bonds.
or 80% by mass. N2 is an essential constituent Phosphorus atoms are larger in size hence lateral
of proteins and amino acids. overlapping is not possible. So P4 molecules are
 In the earth crust nitrogen is available as nitrates formed by single bonds between P atoms.
 Nitrogen is chemically inert at room temperature
 Phosphorus is the 11th most abundant element because N  N energy is very high (941.4 K.J. /
in the earth’s crust. mole).
 Phosphorus occurs in minerals of the apatite
 In Nitrogen molecule 1 and 2 bonds are
Ca 9  PO4 6 .CaX 2  X  F, Cl or OH 
Atomic Radius: Atomic radius of the
(e.g. fluorapatite Ca 9  PO 4 6 .CaF2 ) which are elements gradually increase from nitrogen to
the main components of phosphate rocks. bismuth
 Phosphorus is an essential constituent of animal  The increase in the radius is less predominat
and plant matter. It is present in bones as well beyond phosphorus due to shielding effect by
as in living cells. inner d - orbitals .
Metallic character: Nitrogen and  In P4 molecule, the four P atoms are present at
Phosphorus are non metals. Arsenic and the corners of a tetrahedron and bond angle is
Antimony are metalloids and Bismuth is a metal. 600.
 Atomic radius, metallic character, Density and  White phosphorus molecule has 6 P-P bonds. It
B.P. gradually increase from N to Bi. has a regular tetrahedral structure.
 Most reactive form of phosphorous is white due
Conductivity: The Nitrogen and Phosphorus to high bond angle strain.
are non conductors of heat and electricity.  It is a translucent white waxy solid. It is
Arsenic is a poor conductor Antimony and poisonous.
Bismuth are the good conductors of heat and  Insoluble in water but soluble in carbon
electricity. disulphide and glows in dark
Ionisation Potential: The IP of the elements ( chemiluminescence).
is relatively high compared  It dissolves in boiling NaOH solution in an inert
to the corresponding elements of the adjacent atmosphere giving PH 3
groups.This is due to the stable electronic P4  3NaOH  3H2O  PH3  3NaH2PO2
configuration of ns 2 np 3 in their valency shell  It readily catches fire in air to give dense white
 Ionisation potential, electronegativity, fumes of P4 O10 .
electron affinity gradually decrease from N to
Bi. Red Phosphorous: Phosphorous tetrahedron
 The order of electron affinity is polymerises to form more inactive “Red -
N  P  As  Sb  Bi phosphorous.”
 M.P. increases upto As (grey   form) and then P P P
Allotropic forms: Allotropy may observed P P P P P P
in all the 3 states of matter i.e solids, liquids,
gases P P P
 Except bismuth all the elements of this group Red phosphorus
exhibit allotropy.
 Nitrogen has two allotropes in the solid state.  It is obtained by heating white phosphorous at
They are  - Nitrogen (cubic crystalline) and 573K in an inert atmosphere for several days.
 -Nitrogen (hexagonal crystalline). When red phosphorous is heated under high
pressure, a series of layers of black phosphorous
 Phosphorus exists in a variety of forms. The
are formed which are similar to graphite.
most important forms of phosphorus are white
 Red phosphorous possesses iron grey lustre. It
or yellow, red,  - Black,  - Black, scarlet, is odourless, non poisonous and insoluble in
violet. water as well as in carbon disulphide.
 White Phosphorous:White phosphorous is  Less reactive than white phosphorous.It does not
stored under water. glow in the dark.
 White phosphorous contains discrete P 4 Black phosphorous: It has two forms  -black
phosphorous and  -black phosphorous.
P   - black is formed when red phosphorous is
heated in a sealed tube at 803K.
  -black is prepared by heating white
phosphorous at 473K under high pressure.
 Allotropes of As & Sb
As : Metallic or grey arsenic
P Non-metallic or yellow arsenic
White phosphorus Black Arsenic
 Most of the scientists believe that “yellow  Similarly, in case of phosphorus nearly all
antimony” is nothing but a solid solution of intermediate oxidation states disproportionate
antimony trichloride (SbCl3) in yellow antimony. into +5 and -3 both in alkali and acid medium.
 The allotropes of Antimony are yellow, metallic However +3 oxidation state in case of arsenic,
form and explosive forms. antimony and bismuth becomes increasingly
stable with respect to disproportionation.
Catenation: The catenation capacity depends
on bond energy Greater the bond energy value, GRADATION IN THE PHYSICAL
higher the “catenation capacity” CONSTANTS OF GROUP VA ELEMENTS
 Nitrogen has more bond energy than
Property N P As Sb Bi
 Nitrogen forms upto eight atoms chains that are
known at room temperature, but only Atomic weight 14.01 30.97 74.92 121.75 208.98
N2H4 - hydrazine
HN3- Hydrazoic acid are stable Covalent radius
0.72 1.10 1.21 1.41 1.49
 Tetrazenes (H2N - N = N - NH2) having organic
Density in solid
substituents give chains longer than 2 - state (gcc )
–1 0.88* 1.82 5.78 6.69 9.79
Melting point
 Phosphines containing more than 2 (°C) –210 44 816** 630 271
‘Phosphorous atoms in linear as well as cyclic Boiling point
forms are also identified (°C) –196 281 615 1587 1564

Ex:P4H6 tetraphosphine Ionisation

Catenation capacity decreases from N - Bi potential 1402 1012 947 834 703
(kj mol )

Oxidation states:“P” similar to nitrogen Electro

exhibits all possible oxidation states between + negativity 3.0 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.9
(Pauling scale)
III and +V in its hydrides, oxides
M-M bond
 VA group elements exhibit -3, +3 and + 5 energy 355.5 200.7 163.1 146.4 –
oxidation numbers. (kJ mol )

 Nitrogen exhibits all the oxidation states from -

Common +3, +3 +3, +5 +3, +5 +3, +5
3 to +5 and -1/3 in N 3 H oxidation states +5

Stable oxidation number of Bi is +3 due to inert

pair effect. Anomalous properties of Nitrogen
 The stability of -3 oxidation state decrease from  Nitrogen differs from the rest of the members
N to Bi due to decrease of non-metallic nature. of this group due to its.
 Nitrogen forms tri negative ion N 3 easily..  Small size • high EN • high IE
 Non-availability of vacant d-orbitals.
Phosphorus forms P 3 ions with difficulty..
 Nitrogen exhibts unique ability to form
 The stability of +5 oxidation state decreases P - P multiple bonds with itself and other
and +3 oxidation state increases down the
elements having small size and high EN like
group from N to Bi due to inertpair effect.
C, O.
 As, Sb and Bi cannot form trinegative ions.  Due to absence of vacant d-orbitals nitrogen
 In the case of nitrogen, all oxidation states from covalency is restricted to four and cannot form
+1 to +4 tend to disproportionate in acid
d  P similar to the heavier elements
solution. For example,
Eg : R3 P  0(or ) R3 P  CH2
3HNO 2  HNO3  H 2 O  2NO
W.E-1: Red phosphorous is less reactive than  Ammonia is only a mild reducing agent while
white phosphorous .why ? BiH3 is the strongest reducing agent amongst
Sol. Red phosphorous is stable due to its chain like all the hydrides.
polymeric structure, therefore red phosphorous  The tendency to form co-ordinate covalent
is less reactive .Moreover, white phosphorous bonds gradually decreases from NH3 to BiH3 .
is very reactive due to its discrete P4 structure  Except NH3 other hydrides have little or no
tendency to form coordinate covalent bonds (to
and P - P - P bond angle strain at 600
donate e pair)
W.E-2: Nitrogen exhibits a maximum covalency  From NH3 to BiH3 ionic nature increases.
 MH3 type hydrides are trigonal pyramidal in
of four .Explain
Sol. Nitrogen has no vacant ‘d’ orbital (ie.1s 2 2 s 2 2 p 3 ).
 In NH 3 molecule central atom will make use of
Excitation of 2s electron into 3s is not possible.
Therefore it can form only 4 bonds ie, three sp 3 hybrid orbitals.
single covalent bonds and one dative bond due  In MH3 type hydrides, the bond angle decreases
to the lone pair of electrons in 2s. from NH3 to BiH3 due to increase in the size of
atom M and decrease in the E.N.
Chemical Properties:  As pure ‘p’ orbitals of As and Sb are involved,
Hydrides: Hydrides of Nitrogen are NH 3 the HMH bond angle in AsH 3 and SbH3 are
(Ammonia), N2H4 (Hydrazine), N3H (Hydrazoic expected to be 90 0. But due to repulsions
Acid) between M-H bonds, the angle is likely greater
 Hydrazoic acid is a mono basic acid. than 900
Hydrides of phosphorus are PH3 (Phosphine),  PH3 is quite stable in air. But, PH3 frequently
P2H4 (Diphosphine) contains P2H4 (diphosphine) in traces as impurity
P2H4 is the least stable hydride. so when heated to 1500C P2H4 catches fire.
As, Sb and Bi forms only AsH3 (Arsine), SbH3  PH3 can also act as an electron pair donor and
(Stibine) and BiH3 (Bismuthine). forms complex. Ex: [Cl3Al  PH3 ]
 All the hydrides of the type MH3. (M = VA group Reaction of NH 3,PH3 and AsH 3 with HI is
element) are prepared by the action of water or similar
dilute acids on their metal compounds like NH 3  HI  NH 4 I  Ammonium iodide
Mg3N2, Ca3P2, Zn3As2, Mg3Sb2 and Mg3Bi2.
PH3  HI  PH 4 I  Phosphonium iodide
 BiH3 is very difficult to prepare because, it
 Hydrogen atoms of NH3 may be substituted
dissociate even at 250 C
by groups like Cl2 alkyl groups such as CH 3 .
 The ease of formation of hydrides decreases
from NH3 to BiH3. Similar substitutions are less common in PH 3 .
 Except NH 3 , the remaining hydrides are  P(CH3)3 is more basic than PH3 due to  I effect
poisonous gases. of CH3 groups
 MH3 type hydrides are colourless and volatile Note:
gases.  VA group elements cannot form MH5 type of
 From N to Bi, E.N decreases and so that polarity hydrides due to small size of hydrogen atom.
of M-H bond decreases hence their solubility  Though ‘N’ has greater EN ammonia is the
also decreases. strongest electron pair donor of all the hydrides
 The ability to donate lone pair (Lewis basic of VA group elements. This is
nature), stability and basic strength of the • Because the small size of the “nitrogen atom”
hydrides decrease from NH3 to BiH3. (because of small size e  density is more on sp3
 Reducing power of the hydrides increases from hybrid orbital compared to ‘p’ and other
NH3 to BiH3 due to decrease in bond enthalpy elements.)
• In other hydrides greater M-H bond length leads  Trioxides and pentoxides of P, As and Sb are
to weakening of the covalent bond. dimers.
• The lone pair of e– is spread over a larger atom.  From N2O3 to Bi2O3 acidic nature decreases and
As a result of this e– density on the atom and e– basic nature increases.
donating nature (basic nature) decreases.
 The most acidic trioxide is N 2 O3 and most basic
 NH3 forms hydrogen bonds with water
trioxide is Bi 2 O3 the acidic and basic nature of
Trends in some properties of hydrides an oxide depends on the size and charge on the
of VA group elements: VA group element.
• M.P P H

< AsH3 < SbH3 < NH3 Ex: N is small and having +III oxidation state
• B.P PH3 < AsH3 < NH3 < SbH3
hence N2O3 is acidic.
• B.L NH3 < PH3 < AsH3 < SbH3
• B.E NH3 > PH3 > SbH3 > AsH3  Except Bi other elements form pentoxides.
• B.A NH3 > PH3 > AsH3 > SbH3  Acidic nature decreases or basic nature increases
• Reducing power NH3<PH3<AsH3<SbH3 <BiH3 from N2O5 to Sb4O10
• Basic Nature: NH3>PH3>AsH3>SbH3>BiH3  N2O5 is the most acidic oxide in VA group
• Stability: NH3>>PH3>AsH3>SbH3>>BiH3 elements.
 Trioxides dissolve in water giving - Ous acids.
W.E-3: PH 3 has lower boiling point than
P4O6  6H 2O  4H3PO3
NH 3 .Why?
(Orthophosphorus acid )
Sol. Unlike NH 3 , PH 3 molecules are not associated
 Pentoxides dissolve in water giving - ic acids.
through hydrogen bonding in liquid state. That P4O10 + 6H 2O  4H3PO4 (Ortho phosphoric
is why the boiling point of PH 3 is lower acid)
than NH 3 . P4O10 + 2H2O  4HPO3 (Meta phosphoric acid)
 From top to bottom Oxidising nature of trioxides
W.E-4: The Lewis basic strength of PH 3 is less decreases.
 Trioxides are more stable than pentoxides
than that of NH 3 .Explain . (Because in pentoxides elements are in excited
Sol. The electron pair density on the smaller ‘N’ state)
atom is more than the larger ‘P’ atom .Electron  The stability of pentoxides decreases from N2O5
donation is more for ‘N’ of NH 3 compared to to Bi2O5.
‘P’of PH 3 . Therefore PH 3 is a weaker Lewis Halides: VA group elements form trihalides
base than NH 3 . of the type MX3 and pentahalides of the type
Oxides: These elements form two series of  Trihalides are prepared by the reaction of VA
oxides - Trioxides (M 2O3) and Pentoxides group element or its compound with halogen.
(M2O5).  NF3 does not undergo hydrolysis.
 Nitrogen forms number of oxides due to  NCl3 on hydrolysis gives NH3 and Hypochlorous
P  P multiple bonding between N and acid.
oxygen atoms. NCl3 + 3H2O  NH3 + 3HOCl
 As oxidation number of the element increases, Aqueous solution of NCl3 acts as a bleaching
acidic nature of its oxides increases. agent due to formation of HOCl.
 As the atomic number increases acidic nature  PF3 is weakly reactive with water
of oxides decreases.
 Acidic nature of pentoxides is more than that of  The extent of hydrolysis decreases from NX3 to
trioxides. BiX3.
 PCl3 on hydrolysis gives HCl and H3PO3.  Very pure nitrogen can be obtained by the
PCl3 + 3H2O  H3PO3 + 3HCl thermal decomposition of sodium or barium
PCl3 is a covalent but the aqueous solution of azide.
Ba  N3 2  Ba  3N 2
PCl3 is good conductor due to the formation of
 Trihalides except BiF3 are predominantly 2NaN 3  2Na  3N 2
covalent in nature.
Properties: Dinitrogen is a colourless,
 Trihalides use Sp3 hybridised orbitals of the
odourless, tasteless and non-toxic gas.
central atom.
 Trihalides have trigonal pyramid structure.  Nitrogen atom has two stable isotopes: 14 N and
 Penta halides use the sp3d hybridised orbitals of 15
the central atom.  Nitrogen has a very low solubility in water
 Pentahalides have trigonal bipyramidal
( 23.2cm3 per litre of water at 273K and 1 bar
 In the formation of PCl5 the central phosphorous pressure) and low freezing and boiling points
will make use of Sp3d hybrid orbitals.  Dinitrogen is rather inert at room temperature
 Nitrogen cannot form NCl5 because it has no d- because of the high bond enthalpy of N  N
orbitals in the valency shell. bond. Reactivity, however, increases rapidly
 PCl5 is obtained by passing Cl2 into liquid PCl3. with rise in temperature.
 PCl5 undergoes a two step hydrolysis.  At higher temperatures, it directly combines
PCl5 + H2O  POCl3 + 2HCl with some metals to form predominantly ionic
POCl3 + 3H2O  H3PO4 + 3HCl nitrides, and with non-metals, Covalent nitrides.
 Bi cannot form stable penta halides due to inert A few typical reactions are
pair effect. Heat
6 Li  N 2   2 Li3 N
 Pentahalides are more covalent than trihalides.
 All the trihalides of these elements except those 3Mg  N 2   Mg 3 N 2
of nitrogen are stable.( NF3 is stable).  It combines with hydrogen at about 773K in the
persence of a catalyst (Haber’s Process) to form
Dinitrogen preparation: Dinitrogen is ammonia:
produced commercially by the liquefication and
N 2  g   3H 2  g   3  g  ;
fractional distillation of air. 773

 NH
 Liquid dinitrogen (b.p. 77.2K) distils out first
 f H   46.1 Kjmol 1
leaving behind liquid oxygen (b.p.90K).
 In the laboratory, dinitrogen is prepared by  Dinitrogen combines with dioxygen only at very
treating an aqueous solution of ammonium high temperature
chloride with sodium nitrite. N 2  O2  g  

 2
 g 

NH 4 Cl  aq   NaNO 2  aq   (at about 2000 K)
N 2  g   2H 2O  l   NaCl  aq   The main use of dinitrogen is in the manufacture
of ammonia and other industrial chemicals
Small amounts of NO and HNO3 are also containing nitrogen (e.g.,calcium cyanamide).
formed in this reaction which are removed by  It also finds use where an inert atmoshpere is
passing the gas through aqueous sulphuric acid required (e.g., in iron and steel industry, inert
containing potassium dichromate. It can also diluent for reactive chemicals).
be obtained by the thermal decomposition of  Liquid dinitrogen is used as a refrigerant to
ammonium dichromate. preserve biological materials, food items and in
 NH4 2 Cr2O7 
 N2  4H2O  Cr2O3 cryosurgery.
W.E-5: What are the products obtained by the  Now a days ammonia is manufactured from coal
thermal decomposition of sodium azide. Coal on destructive distillation gives
A. The thermal decomposition of sodium azide  Coal gas
gives dinitrogen gas  Ammonical liquor and Coaltar
 Pitch
2 NaN 3  2 Na  3N 2
 The ammonical liquor is treated with “milk of
lime” and steam is blown through the solution.
W.E-6:When compared to CN  , NO  and  The mixture of steam and NH3 gas produced is
CO, N 2 is chemically inert. Explain . absorbed in H2SO4. (NH4)2SO4 is formed in the
A. Nitrogen is inert because of non-polar bond solution.(The salt is seperated by crystalisation)
nature and high bond dissociation energy on the other hand if the mixuture of steam and
NH3 is passed through water under pressure
 N  N  .The rest all are polar molecules Conc. Solution of NH3 is obtained.
which can easily dissociate to participate in  Ammonia forms ammonium salts with acids,
e.g., NH 4Cl,  NH 4 2 SO4 , etc. As a weak base,
chemical reactions.
Ammonia: In modern times ammonia is it precipitates the hydroxides (hydrated oxides
manufactured by following process. in case of some metals) of many metals from
• By Cyanamide process their salt solutions. For example,
• From coal • By Haber’s process
 Ammonium salt on heating with an alkali gives ZnSO4  aq   2NH 4 OH  aq  
ammonia gas.
NH4Cl + NaOH  NaCl + NH3 + H2O Zn  OH  2  S    NH 4  2 SO 4  aq 
2NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2  CaCl2 + 2NH3 + 2H2O  White ppt 
Haber’s process: On large scale, ammonia
FeCl3  aq   NH 4 OH  aq  
is prepared by Haber’s process.
 In Haber’s process ammonia is synthesised Fe 2 O3 .xH 2 O  s   NH 4 Cl  aq 
directly from elements.
 The nitrogen and hydrogen used in the Haber’s  brown ppt 
process must be very pure Due to Lewis basic nature it forms complex
N2 + 3H2  2NH3 : H  93.63 KJ
compounds with metals like Cu 2 , Ag 
 Conditions
 Temperature : 725 to 775 K Cu 2   aq   4NH 3  aq    Cu  NH 3  4   aq 
 Pressure : 200- 300atm
 Catalyst : Finely divided iron
 blue   deep blue 
 Promotor: Molybdenum or Oxides of  Ag   aq   Cl   aq   AgCl  s 
Potassium and Aluminium
 The nitrogen required for the process is colourless white ppt
obtained from air by liquefication, followed AgCl  s   2 NH 3  aq    Ag  NH 3  2  Cl
by liquid air, Hydrogen is produced by the
white ppt colourless
electrolysis of water,
 Ammonia is formed to extent of about 10% in Uses of Ammonia
the reaction  as a refrigerant
 Nitrogen and Hydrogen are mixed in the ratio  as a solvent
1:3  in the manufacture of Ammonium sulphate,
 Dehydrating agents like P 2O5, Con. H2SO4, Urea and other fertilizers.
anhydrous CaCl2 are not used for drying NH3,  in the manufacture of HNO 3 by Ostwald’s
because they react with ammonia. process.
Ammonia is dried over CaO (Quick lime).
Tests for ammonia : Ammonia gives brown  It is a blue liquid at low temperature.
precipitate with Nessler’s reagent K2[HgI4]. The  It is an acidic oxide.
formula of the precipitate formed in the above,  It is anhydride of Nitrous acid.
i.e. Hg2O. NH2I (Iodide of millon’s base). The following two structures are proposed.
 Nessler’s reagent is a mixture of KI, HgCl2 and
 It gives dense white fumes when exposed to a
glass rod dipped in HCl solution.
Oxides of Nitrogent
Nitrous oxide (or) Nitrogen monoxide
(N2O): It is also known as laughing gas.
 It is prepared by heating ammonium nitrate. 121 pm O
NH 4 NO3 Heat
 N 2 O  2H 2 O O 105°
 114pm N N 130°
It is a colourless neutral oxide.  186pm
 It is a linear molecule.
117° O
The structure of N 2O is
  Nitrogen dioxide (or) Dinitrogen tetroxide
:N  N O::N  N  O: (NO2 (or) N2O4) :
 

N N O (linear)  It is obtained by heating Lead Nitrate.

113pm 119pm 2Pb (NO3)2  
 2PbO + 4NO2 + O2
 Usually N2O is administered to patients to  It is a reddish brown poisonous gas soluble in
induce sleep. Hence used as local anaesthetic. water.
Nitric Oxide (NO): It is formed as an  It becomes a colourless solid on cooling due to
intermediate in the manufacture of HNO3 by the formation of dimer N2O4.
catalytic oxidation of NH3 in presence of Pt.  It dissolves in water giving HNO2 and HNO3.
So it is called mixed anhydride.
4NH3  5O2    4NO + 6H2O
 NO2 is an odd electron molecule and exhibits
 NO formed during lightening stage paramagnetic property.
 It is a colourless, neutral gas.  In dimeric state (N 2O4 ) it is colourless and
 It is paramagnetic due to the presence of diamagnetic in nature
unpaired electron .
 It gives reddish brown gas in air by oxidation.
 It readily reacts with O2 as
2NO + O2  2NO2 (Reddish brown gas)
 .
Its structure is : N  O : N  O :



Nitrogen trioxide (N2O3): It is also known

as Nitrogen sesqui oxide. Dinitrogen pentoxide (N2O5)
 It is formed by cooling an equimolar mixture of  It is obtained by dehydrating HNO3 with P2O5.
NO and NO2. 4HNO3  P4 O10  4HPO3  2N 2 O5
20º C 
NO  NO2 
 N 2O3 It is the anhydride of Nitric acid.
 It is a powerful oxidising agent. Oxyacids of Nitrogen
 It is a colourless solid. Hypo nitrous acid: HNO (or) H2N2O2
 It disolves in water to give nitric acid.  The molecular formula of Hypo nitrous acid is
N 2 O5  H 2 O  2HNO3 H 2 N 2O2 , its basicity = 2.
 It has planar structure and is represented as Nitrous acid (HNO2):
 Nitrous acid is unstable except in dilute solutions
 In the laboratory it is prepared by the addition
of ice cold dilute acid to Barium nitrite
’ Ba  NO 2 2  H 2SO 4  BaSO 4  2HNO 2
 ice cold 
 It is obtained by dissolving N2O3 in water.
 Its solution is slightly bluish in colour due to
O 151pm 119pm the presence N2O3.
O  HNO2 is a weak acid and its salts are known as
N N 134° nitrites
 112° Ex : Sodium Nitrite NaNO2
O O  It is an unstable.
PLANAR  On long standing it undergoes
disproportionation in acidic solution
Note: In solid state it exists as NO2+, NO3- ions.
(Nitrosonium Nitrate) 3HNO 2  HNO3  2NO  H 2 O
In this reaction
W.E-7: Explain why NO is colourless and NO2 In HNO2  HNO3 O.S of ‘N’ changes from +3
is coloured even if both contain odd number to +5
of electron . I n H NNO O.S of N changes from +3 to +2

Sol. In NO molecule , the odd electron is involved i.e “HNO2” as oxidant changes to ‘NO’ and as
in bonding between two bonded atoms, and reductant changes to “HNO3” so it acts as an
the excitation of it is difficult (possible only in oxidising and reducing agent.
 With oxidising agents stronger than HNO2 like
uv region) In NO2 the unpaired electron can be
excited easily by absorption of vissible light. KMnO4, K2Cr2O7, Br2  H 2 O or H2O2 solutions
HNO2 functions as reductant.
Thus NO is colourless and NO2 is coloured.
 Where as with weaker oxidants i.e reducing
agents like H2S, SO2 ‘or’ Sn+2 solutions HNO2
W.E-8:Why does NO2 dimerise? functions as oxidant
Sol. NO2 contains odd number of valence  At low temperatures HNO2 reacts with aromatic
electrons .It behaves as a typical odd molecule. primary amines and gives “diazonium
On dimerisation , it is converted to a stable compounds”
Diazonium compounds can be converted into
N 2O4 molecule, with even number of different substituted aromatic compounds
electrons. Structure of (HNO2)
 Its structure is HO - N = O
W.E-9: NO2 and N 2O4 exhibit different magnetic HNO2 exists in two tautomeric forms i.e in two
properties . Explain . structural isomers.
Sol. NO2 is paramagnetic and is reactive due to H
the presence of unpaired electron . N 2O4 is N
 N
the dimer of NO2 which has no unpaired HO O
electron . It is diamagnetic .
Thus the product formed is recycled and the
W.E-10: N 2O3 , N 2O4 and N 2O5 are anhydrides
of which oxyacids . aqueous HNO3 can be concentrated by
distillation upto  68% by mass. Further
Ans. N 2O3 is an anhydride of nitrous acid
concentration to 98% can be achieved by
N 2O3  H 2O  2 HNO2 dehydration with cencentrated H 2 SO4 .
N 2O5 is an anhydride of nitric acid Concentration of HNO3 : The crude HNO3
N 2O5  H 2O  2 HNO3 is concentrated in three stages.
Stage-1: 61% HNO3 is distilled until 68% HNO3
N 2O4 is a mixed anhydride of nitrous acid is obtained
and nitric acid Stage-2: 68% HNO3 is mixed with Conc H2SO4
N 2O4  H 2O  HNO2  HNO3 and subjected to azeotropic distillation, where
98% acid is obtained.
Preparation and uses of Nitric acid Stage-3: 98% HNO3 is cooled in a freezing
(HNO3) mixture then crystals of pure HNO3 seperates
 Nitric Acid is also called aqua fortis (strong out.
Structure of Nitric acid
 HNO3 is the most important oxy acid of 

Nitrogen HO N O  HO  N  O 
 ||
 HNO3 is prepared on large scale by O O
1) Birkland-Eyde process (Arc process)
2) Ostwald’s process (from ammonia) H pm O
 Birk land-Eyde process is used at places 102°

96 pm
where electric power is cheap. O N 130°
140.6 pm
Principle : In air N2 and O2 are converted to
Nitric oxide at an electric arc. O
Electric arc
N 2  O2   2 NO; H  180.7 kJ Uses of HNO3: In the manufacture of fertilisers
 NO is oxidised to NO2 by atmospheric oxygen. like basic calcium nitrate [CaO.Ca(NO3)2]
2 NO  O2  2 NO2  In the preparation of explosives like TNT,
 NO2 is made to react further with air and water nitroglycerine etc.
to form HNO3  as nitration mixture along with H2SO4
 In the preparation of perfumes, dyes and
4 NO2  O2  2 H 2O  4 HNO3 medicines
Ostwald’s process (from ammonia):NH3  HNO3 is a very strong oxidising agent used in
mixed with air in 1 : 7 or 1 : 8 when passed over the oxidation of cyclohexanol or Cyclohexanone
a hot platinum gauze or rhodium catalyst is to adipic acid.
oxidised (95%) to NO  p-xylene to terepthalic acid
pt gauze
 In the preparation of artificial silk i.e “cellulose
4NH3+5O2  1155 K
  4NO+6H2O+1275 K.J nitrate”
Nitric oxide thus formed combines with oxygen  In laboratory it is prepared by the action of conc
giving NO2 . H2SO4 on KNO3 or NH4NO3
KNO3 + H2SO4  KHSO4 + HNO3
2 NO  O2  g   2 NO2  g   A mixture of 1 : 1 Conc HNO3 and Conc H2SO4
 Nitrogen dioxide so formed, dissolves in water is known as nitration mixture
It is used in nitration reaction of organic
to give HNO3 .
compounds like Benzene, Toluene and phenol
3NO2  g   H 2O  l   2 HNO3  aq   NO  g  C6H6 + HNO3  H 2SO 4
 C6H5NO2 + H2O
Properties: It is a colourless liquid (f.p.231.4K between the solution and sulphuric acid layers
and b.p 355.6K). indicates the presence of nitrate ion in solution
 It is a very strong oxidising agent. It oxidises NO3  3Fe 2  4 H   NO  3Fe3  2 H 2O
non-metals to their corresponding oxides or
oxoacids  F e  H 2 O  6   NO 
 i) It oxidises iodine to iodic acid
I 2  10HNO3  2HIO3  10NO 2  4H 2 O  F e  H 2 O  5  N O    H 2O
ii) Carbon to carbon dioxide, In brown ring, Fe exhibits +1 oxidation state.
C  4HNO3  CO 2  2H 2 O  4NO 2 Phosphine
iii) Sulphur to H 2SO4  Preparation: Phosphine is prepared by the
S8  48HNO3  8H 2SO 4  48NO 2  16H 2O reaction of calcium phosphide with water or
dilute HCl.
iv) Phosphorus to phosphoric acid
Ca 3P2  6H 2 O  3Ca  OH 2  2PH 3
P4  20HNO3  4H 3PO 4  20NO 2  4H 2 O
 Concentrated nitric acid is a strong oxidising Ca 3 P2  6HCl  3CaCl2  2PH 3
agent and attacks most metals except noble  In the laboratory, it is prepared by heating white
metals such as gold and platinum. phosphorus with concentrated NaOH solution
 3Cu  8 HNO3  dilute   in an inert atmosphere of CO2

3Cu  NO3 2  2 NO  4 H 2O P4  3NaOH  3H 2 O  PH 3  3NaH 2 PO 2

 Properties: It is a colourless gas with rotten
 Cu  4 HNO3  conc.  fish smell and is highly poisonous.

Cu  NO3 2  2 NO2  2 H 2O
It explodes in contact with traces of oxidising
agents like HNO3, Cl2 and Br2vapours
 Zinc reacts with dilute nitric acid to give N 2 O  It is slightly souble in water. The solution of PH 3
and with concentrated acid to give NO 2 in water decomposes in presence of light giving
 4Zn  10HNO3  dilute   red phosphorus and H 2 .
 When absorbed in copper sulphate or mercuric
4Zn  NO 3  2  5H 2 O  N 2 O chloride solution, the corresponding
phosphides are obtained.
 Zn  4HNO3  conc. 
3CuSO 4  2PH 3  Cu 3P2  3H 2SO 4
Zn  NO3 2  2H 2O  2NO2
3HgCl2  2 PH 3  Hg3 P2  6 HC 
 Some metals (e.g., Cr,Al) do not dissolve in  Phosphine is weakly basic and like ammonia,
concentrated nitric acid because of the formation gives phosphonium compounds with acids e.g.,
of a passive film of oxide on the surface.
PH 3  HBr  PH 4 Br 
Brown ring test: The familiar brown ring  When pure it is non inflammable but becomes
test for nitrates depends on the ability of Fe 2 inflammable owing to the presence of P2 H 4 or
to reduce nitrates to nitric oxide, which reacts
with Fe 2 to form a brown coloured complex. P4 vapours.
The test is usually carried out by adding dilute  To purify it from the impurities, it is absorbed
ferrous sulphate solution to an aqueous solution in HI to form phosphonium iodide  PH 4 I 
containing nitrate ion, and then carefully adding which on treating with KOH gives phosphine.
concentrated sulphuric acid along the sides of
PH 4 I  KOH  KI  H 2 O  PH 3
the test tube. A brown ring at the interface
 Uses: The spontaneous combustion of  Finely divided metals on heating with PC 5 give
phosphine is technically used in Holme’s
corresponding chlorides.
signals. (Mixture of calcium carbide and
calcium phosphide). 2Ag  PC 5  2AgC  PC 3
It is also used in smoke screens.
Sn  2PC 5  SnC 4  2PC 3
Halides of phosphorous
 In the solid state it exists as an ionic solid.
Phosphorous Trichloride
 PC 4   PC 6  in which the cation,  PC 4 
  
 Preparation: It is obtained by passing dry
chlorine over heated white phosphrous.
P4  6C 2  4PC 3
is tetrahedral  sp  and the anion.  PC 

 It is also obtained by the action of thionyl octahedral  sp d  .

3 2

chloride with white phosphorous

P4  8SOC 2  4PC 3  4SO 2  2S2 C 2  In solid state PBr5 exists as monomeric ionic
 solid -  PBr4  Br 
Properties: It is a colourless oily liquid and 

hydrolysis in the presence of moisture.

PC 3  3H 2 O  H 3PO3  3HC
W.E-11: PCl3 is an electrical conductor in itss
 It reacts with organic compounds containing-
aqueous solution. Explain .
OH group such as CH 3COOH, C2 H 5OH .
Sol. PCl3 hydrolysis in moisture (in water) giving
3CH 3COOH  PC 3  3CH 3COC  H 3PO3
the fumes of HCl .
3C2 H 5OH  PC 3  3C2 H 5C  H 3PO3
PCl3  H 2O  H 3 PO3  3HCl
Phosphorous Pentachloride: It is
prepared by the reaction of white phosphorous In aqueous solutions , HCl ionises and it
with excess of dry chlorine. therefore act as an electrical conductor .
P4  10C 2  4PC 5
W.E-12: ‘P’ forms pentahalides and not
 It can also be prepared by the action of SO2Cl2 pentahydrides .Explain.
on phosphorous. Sol. ‘P’ can exhibit pentavalency in its excited
P4  10SO 2 C 2  4PC 5  10SO 2 state. The electro negativity of F, Cl and Br
Properties: can easily influence the excitation in ‘P’ to
 PC 5 is yellowish white powder.. form PX 5 . However ,, hydrogen is not much
 It hydrolysis to POC 3 and finally gets conveted electronegative to influence the excitation in
to phosphoric acid ‘P’ PH 5 cannot be formed .
PC 5  H 2 O  POC 3  2HC
POC 3  3H 2 O  H 3 PO 4  3HC W.E-13: All five bonds of PCl5 are not
 When heated it sublimes but decomposes on equivalent and PCl5 is less stable. Explain .
stronger heating
Ans. PCl5 has a trigonal bipyramidal structure and
PC 5 Heat
 PC 3  C 2
 It reacts with organic compounds containing - the three equatroial P - Cl bonds are
OH group converting them to chloro derivaties. equivalent, while the two axial bonds suffer
more repulsions as compared to the equatorial
C2 H 5OH  PC 5  C2 H 5C  POC 3  HC
bonds. Hence , PCl5 is less stable.
CH 3COOH  PC 5  CH 3COC  POC 3  HC
Oxides of Phosphorous
Phosphorous trioxide (P4O6 ): It is obtained
by burning phosphorous in limited supply of air.

P4  3O2 
 P4O6
 It is the anhydride of phosphorous acid.
 It dissolves in cold water to form phosphorous
 In P4O6 each phosphorous is surrounded by three
oxygen atoms.
 It is an acidic oxide.
 Number of P-O-P bonds are six
 It has four lone pairs on phosphorous and 12
covalent bonds. Oxyacids of Phosphorous: The
phosphorous series of acids contains P-Hbonds
 P-H bonds are responsible for reducing property
of ous acids
 O-H bonds are responsible for acidic properties.
Hypo Phosphorous acid (H3PO2): It is
prepared by the heating yellow or white ‘p’ with
dilute Ba(OH)2
6H 2O + 2P 4 + 3Ba(OH) 2  3Ba(H 2PO 2) 2 +
2PH3 
from Ba(H 2 PO 2 ) 2 , H 3 PO 2 is obtained by
 H3PO2 in monobasic acid and a very strong
reducing agent is basic solutions and it is
oxidised to H3PO3
Meta phosphorous acid(HPO2): It is mono
Phosphorous pentoxide (P4O10) basic acid normally exist as a cyclic compound
 It is obtained by burning phosphorous in excess due to polymerisation.
of air or oxygen. Ortho phosphorous acid (H3PO3): It is
 prepared by disolving P4O6 in cold H2O
P4  5O2 
 P4O10 P4O6 + 6H2O  4H3PO3 or P(OH)3
 It is the anhydride of phosphoric acid.  It forms two types of salts
 It dissolves in water to form H3PO4.  Primary phosphites H 2 PO 3 – (dihydrogen
phosphite) (acidic salt)
 In P4O10 each phosphorous is surrounded by four  Secondary phosphites HPO3–2 (monohydrogen
oxygen atoms. phosphites) (normal salts)
 Number of P-O-P bonds are six  Phosphorous acid and phosphites are very strong
 It is a strong dehydrating agent. reducing agents in basic solutions.
 It has 16 covalent bonds. Ex : Hg+2, Ag+, Cu+2 salts are reduced to Hg, Ag
and Cu
 As 4 O10 and Sb4O10 are produced by oxidation of H3PO3 + 2AgNO3 + H2O  H3PO4 + 2Ag +
As 4 or Sb 4 with conc HNO3
here H3PO3 is oxidised to H3PO4
Ortho Phosphoric acid (H3PO4): It is the
simplest of ‘ic’ acid series
 PO  . But tri and tetra meta phosphate are well

3 2

 It is prepared by dissolving P4O10 in water known. They form a family of ring compounds.
P4O10 + 6H2O  4H3PO4 O
 It is a weak tribasic acid and has oxidising
properties. P P
 Solid H 3 PO 4 absorbs water and forms a O
colourless syrupy liquid (syrupy phosphoric
acid) P
 Ortho phosphoric acid is prepared in the lab by O OH

the action of HNO3 on phosphorus. Cyclic trimetaphosphoric acid

 H3PO4 is manufactured by heating bone ash or  Hypo phosphoric acid (H4P2O6) is obtained
phosphorite rock with dil. H2SO4. by the oxidation of phosphorous and dissolving
 H3PO4 is a tribasic acid and forms three types in water gives H4P2O6 . It is a tetra basic acid.
of salts. Pyrophosphoric acid (H4P2O7): It is
 Primary phosphates : H 2 PO 4  (acidic salt) prepared by heating an equimolar mixture of the
ortho and meta phosphoric acids at 373 K
 Secondary phosphates : HPO 4 2  (acidic salt)
H 3 PO 4  HPO 3 
 H 4 P2 O 7
 Tertiary phosphates : PO 4 3 (Normal salt)  Pyrophosphates also give molybdate test. i.e
In H3PO4 phosphorous atom is sp3 hybridised. they give ammonium phospho molybdate
 In qualitative analysis orthophosphates are
identified by ammonium phospho molybdate
 NH 4 3 PO4 .12  MoO3 
formation (Molybdate test) Charac-
 The canary yellow ammonium Name Formula Structure number
bonds &
of P
phosphomolybdate is(NH4)3PO4.12(MoO3) their No

 Sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate (NaH2PO4) Meta

Phospho- HPO
on heating first changes to pyrophosphate on rous 2 HO – P = 0 +3 One – p – OH
One p = O
further heating it changes to meta phosphate or acid

trimeta phosphate O
Hypo One – p – OH
 H2O  240 Phospho- H3PO2 HO – P – H +1 Two p–H
2NaH 2 PO4 
 Na 2 H 2 P2 O7 
 rous acid
One p = O

 NaPO3 3 or Na P O
3 3 9
Phospho- P2O3.3H2O
HO – P – OH +3
Two p–OH
One p – H
sod.trimeta phosphate rous acid One p = O
Meta Phosphoric acid (HPO 3 ): Meta O
Ortho H3PO4
Three p–OH
phosphoric acid:It is formed by heating Phospho- (or) HO – P – OH +5 One p = O
ric acid P2O5.3H2O
pyrophosphoric acid or orthophosphoric acid to OH

870 k Meta HPO3 O One p–OH

Phospho- (or) +5 Two p = O
ric acid P2O5.H2O HO – P = O
H3PO4 
 H4 P2O7 
 H2 O
 HPO3 870k
 H2 O O O
Hypo Four p–OH
 It is a transparent glassy solid. Hence also known Phospho- H4P2O6 HO – P – P – OH +4 Two p = O
ric acid One p – p
as glacial phosphoric acid. OH OH
H4P2O7 O O
 HPO3 is a monobasic acid and its salts are called Pyro
Phospho- (or) HO – P – O – P – OH +5
Four p–OH
Two p = O
meta phosphates. There is no evidence for the ric acid P2O5.2H2O OH OH One p – O – p

existence of true monometaphosphate Peroxy

Two p–OH

 PO  Ions or of the dimeta phosphate  P O  or

Phospho- H3PO5 HO – O – P – OH +5 One p = O
 2
ric acid One p-O-OH
3 2 6 OH
Cyanamide process: Calcium carbide
reacts with N 2 gas at 1273-1378K to form
calcium cynamide and graphite mixture
12731378 K
CaC2  N 2 
 CaCN 2  C graphite 
finely powdered anhydrous CaCl2 or CaF2 it acts
C as a catalyst.
 Nitrolim is a mixture of calcium cyanamide and
graphite (CaCN 2 + C). Nitrolim is used as
 Calcium cyanamide on hydrolysis gives
ammonia gas.
CaCN2 + 3H2O  CaCO3 + 2NH3
Calcium super phosphate (or) super
phosphate of lime
 Super phosphate of lime is also known as
Important features about oxyacids of calcium super phosphate.
phosphorous: In all these oxyacids,  This is one of the few soluble phosphates
phosphorous is tetra hedrally surrounded by  Calcium super phosphate is a mixture of calcium
atoms. dihydrogen phosphate (Ca(H 2 PO 4 ) 2) and
 In all these oxyacids, at least one OH group is gypsum. ( CaSO4 . 2H2O)
linked to the phosphorous atoms. The hydrogen  Calcium super phosphate is manufactured by the
atoms in OH groups are ionisable, and are action of conc. H2SO4 (chamber acid 60% acid)
responsible for the acidic nature. on powdered bone ash or calcium phosphate.
 P-H bonds are responsible for reducing Ca3  PO4 2  2 H 2 SO4  4 H 2O 
properties of the acids phosphoric series of
Ca  H 2 PO4 2  2  CaSO4 2 H 2O   heat
acids do not have P-H bonds.
 All oxoacids contain at least one P=O and one The composition of super phosphate of lime may
P-OH bond. be variable.
 The reaction mixture is allowed to take place
W.E-14:How is the reduction ability of H 3 PO2 for 24-36 hours, In this period the temperature
and H 3 PO3 accounted on the basis of rises to about 373-383 K.
 The impurties in phosphate rock i.e carbonates
structures of molecules
liberated as CO2 and fluoride liberated as HF
Sol. H 3 PO2 have two ‘H’ atoms linked directly
to ‘P’ imparting reducing character to the  The final product is a hard mass (due to the
acid . Similarly in H 3 PO3 only one ’H’ is linked presence of gypsum)
directly to ‘P’ imparting reducing character .  It is a phosphatic fertilizer. It is soluble in water.
 The CaSO4 in super phosphate of lime is an
W.E-15: Aqua - regia can dissolve noble metals.
Explain insoluble waste product.
To avoid this waste product, the super phos
Sol. 1 : 3 mixture of conc. HNO3 and conc. HCl is phate is converted into “Triple phosphate” by
Aquaregia . The mixture produces nascent treating with "H 3 PO 4 ” which completely
chlorine, which reacts with noble metals to
dissolves in water.
dissolve them
Ca 3  PO 4 2  4H3PO 4  3Ca  H 2 PO 4 2
HNO3  3HCl  2 H 2O  2(Cl )  NOCl
 Superphosphate of lime is converted into triple
Au  3(Cl )  AuCl3 ; AuCl3  HCl  (chloroauric
acid) phosphate.
12. In the compound NCl3 , negative oxidation
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS state is exhibited by
1. The outer electronic configuration of group 1) Nitrogen 2) Chlorine
VA elements is 3) Nitrogen & Chlorine
1) ns2 np2 2) ns2 np3 3) ns2 np4 4) ns2 np5 4) Neither nitrogen nor chlorine
2. VA group elements are known as 13. The oxidation state that is not exhibited by
1) Halogens 2) Normal elements VA group elements
3) Chalcogens 4) Pnicogens 1) +1 2) +3 3) -3 4) +6
3. The most abundant element in the earth’s
crust among the following is DINITROGEN
1) P 2) As 3) Sb 4) Bi 14. The bond energy of N  N in KJ per mole is
4. Which one of the following has the lowest 1) 180 2) 941.4 3) 350 4) 120
melting point? 15. Anamolous behaviour of Nitrogen is due to
1) N 2) P 3) As 4) Sb 1) Small size and high electronegativity
5. The molecular formula of Phosphorous is 2) Non availability of d-orbitals in valency shell
1) P 2) P4 3) P2 4) P5 3) Ease of multiple bond formation
4) All are correct
6. The elements present in Flourapatite are
1) Ca, N & O only 2) Ca & P only HYDRIDES
3) Ca, N, O, F 4) Ca, P, F,O 16. The trend in the hydrides from Bi to N is
7. List - I List - II 1) Bond length increases
A) Phosphorite 1) KNO3 2) Bond length decreases
3) Acidic nature increases
B) Bengal salt petre 2) Ba  NO3 2 4) Bond energy decreases
C) Fluoroapatite 3) NaNO3 17. Which of the following hydrides has the
lowest melting point
D) Chile salt petre 4) 3Ca3  PO4 2 .CaF2 1) NH3 2) PH3 3) AsH3 4) SbH3
5) Ca3  PO4 2
18. The largest bond angle is in
1) AsH3 2) NH3 3) H2O 4) PH3
The correct match is 19. Among the following which one is more
A B C D A B C D stable?
1) 1 2 3 5 2) 2 4 3 1 1) PH3 2) NH3 3) AsH3 4) SbH3
3) 4 3 5 2 4) 5 1 4 3 20. The formula of the Hydride of nitrogen that
ALLOTROPIC FORMS is acidic in nature is
8. The most thermodynamically stable 1) NH3 2) HN3 3) N2H4 4) NH2OH
allotropic form of phosphorus is 21. The element which forms acidic hydride is
1. Red P 2. Yellow P 1) Nitrogen 2) Phosphorus
3. Black P 4. All are stable 3) Arsenic 4) Antimony
9. The element of 15 th group which cannot 22. Which of the following is correct about V
exhibit allotropy group Hydrides (from ammonia to
1) N 2) As 3) Sb 4) Bi Bismuthine)
10. Nitrogen shows allotropy in -------- state 1) Their thermal stability gradually increase
1) gaseous 2) liquid 2) Their ease of preparation gradually increase
3) solid 4) Liquid and Solid 3) The electron pair donating Nature gradually
11. The VA group element having more decrease
number of allotropes is 4) The bond energies gradually increase
1) N 2) P 3) Bi 4) Sb
23. Which of the following is a Hydride of HALIDES
Nitrogen 39. Nitrogen cannot form penta halide because
1) NH3 2) N2H4 3) HN3 4) All 1) Nitrogen atom is very small
24. The oxidation state of nitrogen is a fractional 2) Nitrogen atom has no vacant orbitals in
value in valency shell
1) Hydroxyl amine 2) Hydrazoic acid 3) Electronegativity of nitrogen is very high.
3) Nitrate ion 4) Hydrazine
4) Nitrogen molecule contains a very strong
25 Thermally more stable hydride is
triple bond
1) NH 3 2) PH 3 3) AsH 3 4) BiH 3 40. Which of the following trihalides is not
1) NF3 2) PCl3 3) AsCl3 4) SbCl3
26. Which of the follwing is both neutral and
paramagnetic 41. Which one of the following exceeds octet
1) N 2O 2) NO 3) NO2 4) N 2O4
1) NCl3 2) PCl3 3) PCl5 4) NH3
27. Oxide of nitrogen formed in the atmosphere 42. The hybrid orbitals used by Phosphorus in
during the lightening is the formation of PCl5 are
1) NO 2) N2O 3) NO2 4) None 1) sp3 2) sp2 3) dsp2 4) sp3d
28. A colourless paramagnetic gas among the
43. PCl3 on hydrolysis gives
following is
1) H3PO4 2) H3PO3 3) POCl3 4) H3PO2
1) Nitric Oxide 2) Nitrous Oxide
44. Which of the following is explosive
3) Nitrogen dioxide 4) Dinitrogen trioxide
29. A blue liquid among the following is 1) NCl3 2) NF3 3) NH3 4) N2O5
1) N2O3 2) N2O 3) N2O4 4) NO2 45. Which of the following undergoes hydrolysis
30. The oxide of Nitrogen which has three- very easily
electron bond in its structure is 1) NCl3 2) PCl3 3) AsCl3 4) BiCl3
1) N2O 2) NO 3) N2O3 4) N2O5 46. PCl3 is prepared by the action of Cl2 on
31. The laughing gas is 1) P2O3 2) P2O5 3) White P 4) H3PO3
1. Nitrous oxide 2. Nitric oxide 47. Which of the following pentahalides of Bi
3. Nitrogen oxide 4. Nitrogen pentoxide exists
32. FeSO4 forms brown ring with 1) BiCl5 2) BiBr5 3) BiI5 4) BiF5
1) NO3 2) NO 3) NO2 4) N2O3 48. Which chloride is not appreciably hydrolysed
33. Ammonium nitrate crystals on heating at by water
250-260 C gives 1) NCl3 2) PCl3 3) AsCl3 4) SbCl3
1) N2 2) NO2 3) N2O 4) NO
34. Number of oxygen atoms attached to 49. The shape and hybridisation of PCl3 molecule
phosphorus atom in P4O6 molecule are
1) Tetrahedral and sp 3 2) Pyramidal and sp 3
1) 6 2) 4 3) 3 4) 2
35. Which of the following is paramagnetic 3) Angular and sp 3 4) Planar trigonal and sp 3
1) NO 2) NO2 3) ClO2 4) All
36. Acidic para magnetic oxide of nitrogen
1) NO 2) N2O3 3) NO2 4) N2O5 50. In hyponitrous acid the number of Hydroxyl
37. Regarding N2O, the wrong statement is groups present are
1) It is called laughing gas 1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
2) It is called nitrous oxide 51. Oxidation state of phosphorus is + 3 in
3) It is a linear molecule 1) Orthophosphorus acid
4) It is a more reactive oxide 2) Orthophosphoric acid
38. Which of the following exist as dimer 3) Pyrophosphoric acid
1) NO 2) NO2 3) P2O3 4)All 4) Metaphosphoric acid
52. A tribasic acid with peroxy bond is 66. NH3 on burning in oxygen gives
1) H3PO2 2) H3PO3 3) H3PO4 4) H3PO5 1) NO and H2O 2) NO2and H2O
53. The salts of phosphorous acid are called 3) N2and H2O 4) N2O and H2
1) Phosphates 2) Phosphites 67. An aqueous solution of ammonia contains
3) Hypophosphites 4) Phosphides 1) Ammonium ions 2) Hydroxy ions
54. Which contains O-O linkage? 3) both of them 4) H+ ions
1) H3PO3 2) H4P2O7 3) H4P2O6 4) H 3 PO5 68. Nitrolim is
55. The formula of meta phosphoric acid is 1) CaC2 + N2 2) CaCN2 + Graphite
1) H2PO3 2) H3PO3 3) HPO3 4) H4P2O7 3) Ca NCN 4) Ca(CN)2 + C
56. Oxidation state of +1 for phosphorous is
69. In the preparation of HNO3 by Ostwald
found in
process ammonia is
1) H 3 PO3 2) H 3 PO4 3) H 3 PO2 4) H 4 P2O7
1) reduced 2) oxidised
57. Number of hydroxy groups present in
3) reduced and oxidised 4) hydrolysed
Phosphoric acid
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4 70. NH 4Cl on heating with NaOH liberates
58. Which of the following is an acid 1) NaCl 2) NH 3 3) HCl 4) NaOCl
1) Ca(OH)2 2) P(OH)3 3) NH4OH 4) NaOH
59. The oxyacid of phosphorous which has more 71. Ammonia gas is dried over
non-ionisable hydrogens 1) Quick lime 2) Conc. H 2 SO4
1) H3PO2 2) H3PO3 3) H4P2O7 4) H4P2O6
3) P2O5 4) CaCl2
PREPARATION AND USES OF NITRIC ACID 72. Which of the following compound is not used
60. Mixture of conc. HNO3 and conc. H2SO4 is as fertilizer
known as 1) Ammonium sulphate 2) Urea
1) Sulphonating mixture 2) Nitration mixture 3) Calcium super phosphate 4) Ca3  PO4 2
3) Explosion mixture 4) Fusion mixture
73. Which of the following can serve as a
61. Iron is rendered passive in
solvent for both ionic and covalent
1) aquaregia 2) conc. H2SO4
3) conc. HNO3 4) conc. HCl
62. The industrial preparation of nitric acid by 1) Liquid ammonia 2) H 2O
ostwald’s process involves 3) Benzene 4) CCl4
1) reduction of NH3 2) oxidation of NH3
3) hydrogenation of NH3 4) hydrolysis of NH3 ADDITIONAL SYNOPSIS BITS
63. Catalyst in the Ostwald’s process is SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME
1) Pt 2) Fe 3) V2O5 4) Ni 74. Teeth and bones are made of mainly
1) Calcium silicate
AMMONIA 2) Calcium phosphate
64. In Haber’s process for the manufacture of 3) Calcium silicon phosphate
ammonia, the catalyst used is 4) Calcium hydrogen phosphate
1) finely divided Nickel 75. Superphosphate of lime is a good fertilizer
2) finely divided molybdenum because it is
3) finely divided iron
1) Calcium containing substance
4) finely divided Platinum
2) Soluble in water
65. The catalytic promoter used in Haber’s
process is 3) Containing gypsum
1) Mo 2) Ni 3) Pt 4) V2O5 4) None of these
C.U.Q - KEY 30. NO ( nitric oxide) has three electron bond.
1) 2 2) 4 3) 1 4) 1 5) 2 6) 4 7) 4 32. FeSO4 forms brown ring with NO

8) 3 9) 4 10) 3 11)2 12) 1 13) 4 14) 2 33. NH 4 NO3  N 2O  2 H 2O
15) 4 16) 2 17) 2 18) 2 19) 2 20) 2 21) 1 34. In P4O6 molecule number of oxygen atoms
22) 3 23) 4 24) 2 25)1 26) 2 27) 1 28) 1 attached to phosphorous is ‘3’.
29) 1 30) 2 31) 1 32) 2 33) 3 34) 3 35) 4 35. NO = 5+6 = 11, ClO2  7  2  6  19 ,
36) 3 37) 4 38) 4 39) 2 40) 1 41) 3 42) 4
NO2  5  2  6  17 all are paramagnetic
43) 2 44) 1 45) 1 46) 3 47) 4 48) 4 49)2
50) 2 51) 1 52) 4 53) 2 54) 4 55) 3 56) 3 36. NO2 is acidic paramagnetic oxide
57) 3 58) 2 59) 1 60) 2 61) 3 62) 2 63)1 37. N 2O is relatively unreactive
64) 3 65) 1 66) 1 67) 3 68) 2 69)2 70)2
38. NO, NO2 , P2O3 all exists as dimers.
71)1 72)4 73)1 74) 2 75) 2
39. Nitrogen cannot form pentahalides due to
C.U.Q - HINTS absence of d orbitals.
6. 3s 3 p 3d
2 3 0 40. Because NF3 is a stable halide.
9. ‘Bi’ is metal 41. In the valency shell of PC 5 10 electrons
10. Nitrogen exhibits allotropy in solid state are present
12. Nitrogen has greater effective nuclear charge
42. In PC5 P undergoes SP3d hydridisation due to
than chlorine
15. Due to 1) Small size absence of d-orbitals
2) Absence of ‘d’ orbitals 45. NC 3 undergoes hydrolysis easily
3) Ease of multiple bond formation
46. P4  6C  2  4 PC  3
16. From Bi to N bond length decreases
17. PH 3 having lowest melting point 48. SbC 3 is not easily hydrolysed.
18. As electronegativity decreases down the group 55. HPO3
the electron density on central atom of hydride 61. Fe, Cr , A forms a protective passive layer..
decreases and thus repulsion between bond pair
64. Powderd Iron
and lone pair of electrons decreases which
ultimately decreases H  M  H bond angle. 65. Mo (or) K 2O  A 2O3
67. A mixture of Ca.cyanamide and graphite
Therefore NH 3 having highest bond angle.
19. due to inter molecular H-bond CaC 2  N 2  CaCN  C3
144442 24444
Nitro lim
21. Nitrogen forms acidic hydride
22. From NH 3 to BiH 3 the electron pair donating 68. 4 NH 3  5O2  4 NO  6 H 2O
nature gradually decreases 72. Ca3  PO4 2
23. Hydrides of nitrogen NH 3 , N 2 H 4 , HN 3 etc more soluble fertilizer.
24. Hydrazoic acid NH 3 3x  1  0
3x  1 ; x
electric 1. A metalloid of nitrogen family is
27. N 2  O2  2 NO 1) N 2) As 3) P 4) Bi

28. NO  5  6  11 paramagnetic, colourless oxide 2. The element having the higher boiling point
29. N 2O3 is a blue coloured liquid 1) P 2) As 3) Sb 4) Bi
3. Phosphide ion has electronic structure similar HYDRIDES
to that of 12. Non combustible hydride is
1) Nitride ion 2) Chloride ion 1) PH3 2) SbH3 3) NH3 4) AsH3
3) Fluoride ion 4) Sodium ion 13. The substance that is neutral to litmus
1) N2O3 2) NH3 3) P4O10 4) PH3
14. Which of the following is least stable
4. The most reactive form of phosphorus is
1) NH4+ 2) SbH4+ 3) PH4+ 4) AsH4+
1) White P 2) Red P
15. Which statement is false
3) Black P 4) Scarlet P 1) NH3 is a Lewis base
5. Which is oxidised in air 2) NH3 molecule is triangular planar
1) White P 2) CH 4 3) H 2O 4) SO2 3) NH3 does not act as reducing agent
6. Which of the following exist in mono-atomic 4) NH3 (liquid) is used as a solvent
state 16. Which is used to produce smoke screens?
1) Phosphorus 2) Nitrogen 1) Zinc sulphide 2) Calcium phosphide
3) Antimony 4) Bismuth 3) Zinc phosphate 4) Sodium carbonate
7. Which property of white phosphorus is 17. Which one of the following statements is
common to red P correct with respect to basic character ?
1. It burns when heated in air 1) PH 3  P  CH 3 3 2) PH 3  NH 3
2. It reacts with hot caustic soda solution to give
phosphine 3) PH 3  NH 3 4) P(CH 3 )3  PH 3
3. It shows chemiluminescence 18. Which is in the decreasing order of boiling
4. it is soluble in carbon disulphide points of hydrides ?
OXIDATION STATES 1) NH 3  PH 3  AsH 3  SbH 3
8. Oxidation state of +3 for phosphorous is 2) SbH 3  AsH 3  PH 3  NH 3
found in
1) H3PO3 2) H3PO4 3) H3PO2 4) H4P2O7 3) PH 3  NH 3  AsH 3  SbH 3
9. List - I List - II 4) SbH 3  NH 3  AsH 3  PH 3
A) HNO3 1) -3, +5 oxidation state
B) NH4NO3 2) -1/3 oxidation state OXIDES
C) N3 H 3) +5 oxidation state 19. Amphoteric oxide among the following is
D) H3PO3 4) +3 oxidation state 1) N2O5 2) As2O3 3) Bi2O3 4) N2O
5) + 1/3 oxidation state 20. Which of the following exists as monomer
The correct match is molecules only
A B C D A B C D 1) Nitrogen (III) Oxide 2) Phosphorus (V) Oxide
1) 3 1 2 4 2) 5 2 3 4 3) Arsenic (III) Oxide 4) Antimony(V) Oxide
3) 1 2 3 4 4) 4 3 2 5 21. Nitrogen (I) oxide is produced by
10. The stable oxidation state of Bismuth is 1) Thermal decomposition of Ammonium
1) +1 2) +5 3) -3 4) +3 Nitrate
2) Decomposition of NO2
DINITROGEN 3) By the decomposition NaNO2
11. Fixation of nitrogen means 4) By the interaction of Hydroxyl amine and
1. reaction of nitrogen with oxygen Nitrous acid
2. conversion of free atmospheric nitrogen into 22. In P O the number of the oxygen atoms
4 10
nitrogen compounds bonded to each phosphorous atom is
3. the action of denitrifying bacteria on nitrogen 1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5
compounds 23. Which of the following oxide is brown
4. decomposition of nitrogenous compounds to coloured gas
yield free nitrogen. 1. NO2 2. NO 3. N 2O 4. N 2O5
24. The gas not having oxidizing as well as 36. Among the following an acidic salt is
bleaching properties is 1) NaH 2 PO2 2) NaH 2 PO3
1) Chlorine 2) Ozone 3) SO2 4) N2O
3) Na2 HPO3 4) Na3 PO4
25. P4O10 is the anhydride of the following
1) H 3 PO2 2) H 3 PO3 3) H 3 PO4 4) H 3 PO5
37. Ammonia and air are the starting materials
HALIDES for the manufacture of Nitric acid in
26. Which of the following trihalides give unique 1) Birkland - Eyde process 2) Ostwald’s process
products on hydrolysis. 3) Haber’s process 4) Hasen Clever method
38. Moles of oxygen that can oxidise one mole
1) NCl3 2) PCl3 3) ASCl3 4) SbCl3
of NH 3 to NO
27. The element which gives explosive halides is
1) Phosphorus 2) Nitrogen 1) 1 2) 1.25 3) 2.5 4) 5
3) Arsenic 4) Bismuth 39. Percentage of nitric acid obtained in
28. Which of the following is most stable Ostwald’s process is
1) NI3 2) NF3 3) NBr3 4) NCl3 1) 61% 2) 68% 3) 74% 4) 82%
29. Among NCl 3 , PF 5 and NF 5 why NF 5 is AMMONIA
impossible? 40. Which does not give ammonia with water
1) N has high electronegativity 1) Mg3N2 2) AlN 3) CaCN2 4) Ca(CN)2
2) N has high ionisation energy 41. When a mixture of NH3 and air is passed over
3) N has lowest atomic size heated platinum gauze at 8000 C, it produces
4) N has no vacant d-orbital 1) NO 2) NO2 3) POCl3 4) HOCl
30. Which of the following is not correct ? 42. Aqueous NaOH reacts with white
1) Hydrolysis of NCl3 gives NH 3 and HOCl Phosphorous to form Phosphine and
2) NH 3 is less stable than PH 3 1) NaH 2 PO2 2) P2O5 3) Na3 PO3 4) P2O3

3) NH 3 isa weak reducing agent compared to ADDITIONAL SYNOPSIS BITS

PH 3
43. Superphosphate is a mixture of
4) Nitric oxide in solid state exhibits 1) Ca(H2PO4)2 H2O + CaCl2 2H2O
diamagnetic property 2) Ca(H2PO4)2 + 2(CaSO4. 2H2O)
OXYACIDS 3) Ca3(PO4)2 H2O + 2CaSO4 2H2O
31. An element X belongs I, II, III or V groups. 4) Ca3(PO4)2 H2O + CaCl2 2H2O
Its oxide reacts with water to produce highly 44. Superphosphate of lime is obtained by
acidic solution the element X belongs to treating
1) I groups 2) II group 3) III group 4) V group 1) Calcium phosphate with HCl
32. The anhydride of orthophosphoric acid is 2) Calcium phosphide with HCl
1) P4O6 2) P2O4 3) P4O10 4) H2P2O6 3) Calcium phosphate with H2SO4
33. The oxyacid of phosphorous which exists as 4) Calcium phosphate with NaOH
a dimer in vapour phase is
1) Hydrophosphorous acid
2) Pyrophosphoric acid 1) 2 2) 4 3) 2 4) 1 5) 1 6) 4 7) 1
3) Peroxy phosphoric acid 8) 1 9) 1 10) 4 11) 2 12) 3 13) 4 14) 2
4) Metaphosphoric acid 15) 2 16) 2 17) 4 18) 4 19) 2 20) 1 21) 1
34. Salt of the following is used as a water
22) 3 23) 1 24) 4 25) 3 26) 1 27) 2 28) 2
29) 4 30) 2 31) 4 32) 3 33) 4 34) 3 35) 2
1) H 4 P2O6 2) H 4 P2O7 3) HPO3 4) HPO2
36) 2 37) 2 38) 2 39) 1 40) 4 41) 1 42) 1
35. Basicity of orthophosphoric acid is
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5 43) 2 44) 3
LEVEL-I (C.W) - HINTS 5. Red phosphorous is less soluble and less
volatile than white phosphorous because its
12. NH 3 is non combustable hydride
structure is
13. PH 3 is neutral to litmus 1) polymerised chains 2) hexagonal rings
3) tetrahedral 4) Planar sheets
14. SbH 4 is least stable
15. NH 3 - pyramidal 6. In Ba(H 2PO 2) 2 the oxidation number of
19. As2 O3 is Amphoteric oxide phosphorous is
1) + 5 2) + 1 3) + 3 4) + 4
20. Nitrogen ( III ) oxide forms monomer molecules 7. The oxidation state of nitrogen in
only hydrazine is
21. NH 4 NO3  N 2O  2 H 2O 1) -1 2) -2 3) +1 4) +2
8. Substance Oxidation state of N
(nitrogen in N 2O has +1 oxidation state) A) HNO3 1) -3 , +5
23. presence of unpaired e B) NH 4 NO3 2) -1/3
24. N 2O is not having oxidising and bleaching C) N 3 H 3) +5
D) H 3 PO3 4) +3
27. Nitrogen forms NC 3 which is explosive 5) +1/3
29. excitation is not possible The correct match is
31. from left to right acidic nature increases A B C D A B C D
Pt gauze
1) 3 1 2 4 2) 5 2 3 4
38. 4 NH 3  5O2    4 NO  6 H 2O 3) 1 2 3 4 4) 4 3 2 5
39. A.C to Ostwald process DINITROGEN
40. CaNCN on hydrolysis gives NH3
9. Nitrogen forms N 2 but phosphorus forms
43. Ca.dihydrogen phosphate and Gypsum
P4 due to
44. Ca3  PO4 2  2 H 2 SO4  4 H 2O 
1. Triple bond is present between phosphorus
Ca  H 2 PO 4   2  CaSO4 .2 H 2O  atoms
2 2. P  P bonding is weak.
3. P  P bonding is strong
LEVEL-I (H.W) 4. Multiple bond is formed easily
10. Which of the following is least stable
1. Atomicity of white phosphorus is
1) NH3 2) N3H 3) H2NNH2 4) N2H2
1) 4 2) 3 3) 2 4) 8
11. The bond angle decreases from NH3 to BiH3
2. Which of the following is able to form ionic due to
compounds 1) The decrease in basic strength
1) Bi 2) As 3) Sb 4) P 2) The decrease in bond dissociation energy
3. The percentage of P-character in the orbitals 3) The decrease in electronegativity of the cental
forming P  P bonds in P4 is atom
1) 25 2) 33 3) 50 4) 75 4) All of these
12. Which one of the following can more readily
ALLOTROPIC FORMS donate the lone pair?
4. Which of the following exists in more number 1) NH3 2) PH3 3) AsH3 4) BiH3
of allotropic forms 13. The most polar compound among the
1) Nitrogen 2) Bismuth following is
3) Arsenic 4) Phosphorus 1) NH3 2) PH3 3) AsH3 4) BiH3
14. Acidic hydride of nitrogen is 26. PCl5 on hydrolysis gives
1) NH 3 2) N 2 H 4 3) N 2 H 2 4) N 3 H
1) H 3 PO3 2) H 3 PO4 3) H 3 PO2 4) H 3 PO5
15. The correct order of reducing abilities of
VA group hybrides is OXYACIDS
1) NH 3  PH 3  AsH 3  SbH 3  BiH 3 27. H3PO2 is the molecular formula of an acid of
phosphorous. It’s name and basicity
2) NH 3  PH 3  AsH 3  SbH 3  BiH 3 respectively are
3) NH 3  PH 3  AsH 3  SbH 3  BiH 3 1) Metaphosphorous acid and one
2) Hypophosphorous acid and one
4) SbH 3  BiH 3  AsH 3  NH 3  PH 3 3) Metaphosphoric acid and two
4) Hypophosphoric acid and two
28. Which of the following is a normal salt
16. Which of the following is most acidic
1) Na2HPO4 2) NaH2PO3
1) As2O3 2) P2O3 3) Sb2O3 4) Bi2O3
3) NaH2PO4 4) Na3PO4
17. Which of the following is a mixed acid
29. Which of the folowing is tetrabasic acid
1.Orthophosphoric acid
1) Nitrogen (III) Oxide 2) Nitrogen (II) Oxide
2.Orthophosphorous acid
3) Nitrogen (V) Oxide 4) Nitrogen (IV) Oxide
3. Metaphosphoric acid
18. Which of the following oxides of nitrogen is
4. Pyrophosphoric acid
anhydride of nitric acid ?
30 Covalency of phosphorous in peroxy
1) N2O3 2) N2O4 3) N2O5 4) N2O
phosphoric acid is
19. Which one of the following elements does not
1) 6 2) 5 3) 4 4) 3
form the compound, M 4O10 (M = element)? 31 The starting material used for the
1) P 2)Sb 3) As 4) Bi manufactured of HNO3 by Ostwalds process
20. Nitrous oxide is
1. Soluble in cold water
2. Soluble in hot water without decomposition 1) Ammonia and N 2O
3. Acidic in nature 4. Basic in nature 2) Ammonia
21. NO2 can not be obtained by heating 3) Air only
1) KNO3 2) Pb(NO3)2 4) Ammonia and nitrogen
22. P4O6 is the anhydride of the following 32. Which of the following is rendered passive
by con. HNO3 is
1) H 3 PO2 2) H 3 PO3 3) H 3 PO4 4) H 3 PO5 1) Al 2) Au 3) Zn 4) Sn
33. Which of the following is used in
HALIDES pyrotechniques
23. The V A group clement that doesn’t directly
1) NH 3 2) HNO3 3) PH 3 4) H 3 PO4
react with chlorine
1) N 2) As 3) Sb 4) Bi AMMONIA
24. Which of the following gives an alkaline gas 34. Which one of the following gas is most soluble
on hydrolysis in water?
1) PCl3 2) BiCl3 3) NCl3 4) PBr3 1) CO 2) N2O 3) NO 4) NH3
25. Which of the following halide does not 35. Calcium cyanamide on treatment with steam
contain a lone pair of electrons on the central under pressure gives ammonia and
atom 1) Calcium carbonate 2) Calcium hydroxide
1) PCl3 2) NCl3 3) AsCl3 4) PCl5 3) Calcium oxide 4) Calcium bicarbonate
36. Which of the following reactions yield 24. NC   3H O  NH  3HOC 
3 2 3
elementary gases like N 2 , H 2 , O2 as the 32. Al rendered passive on treatement with
byproducts ? Con HNO3
I) CuO  NH 3  34. due to H-bond
II) 2 NH 3  2 Na 
300  4000 C
 35. CaNCN  3H 2O  CaCO3  2 NH 3
III)  NH4 2 Cr2O7 

IV) 2Pb  NO3 2 

1) I and II only 2) II , III and IV only
3) I, II and III only 4) all of these


1) 1 2) 1 3) 4 4) 4 5) 1 6) 2 7) 2
8) 1 9) 2 10) 4 11) 3 12) 1 13) 1 14) 4
15) 1 16) 2 17) 4 18) 3 19) 4 20) 1 21) 1
22) 2 23) 1 24) 3 25) 4 26) 2 27) 2 28) 4
29) 4 30) 2 31) 2 32) 1 33) 2 34) 4 35) 1
36) 4


2. ‘N’ is able to form ionic compounds
3. In P4 molecule phosphorus is SP 3 hybridised
6.  2   4  1  2 p  4  2   0
2 p  2
p  1
9. N 2O4 is used an oxidant with liquid propellants.
10. N 2 H 2 is least stable
11. The bond angle decreases from NH 3 to BiH 3
due to the decrease in electronegativity of the
central atom
12. NH 3 is the strongest electron pair donor due to
its small size as the electron density of the
electron pair is concentrated over a small region

13. In VA group hydrides most polar compound is

NH 3
16. P2O3 is most acidic
17. N 2O4  H 2O  HNO2  HNO3
21. KNO3 on heating doesnot gives NO2
8. The bond energies (in KJ mole −1 ) of
7. P-BLOCK ELEMENTS P -H , As-H and N-H respectively ?
1) 247 , 318 and 389 2) 247 , 389 and 318
GROUP 15TH ELEMENTS 3) 318 , 389 and 247 4) 318 , 247 and 389
9. What is the order of basic nature of hy-
LEVEL-II (C.W) drides of VA group elements ?
1) AsH 3 > SbH 3 > PH 3 > NH 3
1. The number of covalent bonds made by 3) NH 3 > PH 3 > AsH 3 > SbH 3
phosphorus atom never exceeds
1) 3 2) 6 3) 2 4) 12. 4) PH 3 > NH 3 > SbH 3 > AsH 3
2. Ionic radius ( in A o ) of As3+ ,Sb3+ and Bi3+ 10. White phosphorous reacts with caustic soda
to give phosphine and sodium hypophosphite.
follow the order ...
In this reaction phosphorous undergoes
1) As3+ >Sb 3+ >Bi 3+ 2) Sb3+ >Bi3+ >As 3+ 1) Oxidation 2) Reduction
3) Bi3+ >As 3+ >Sb3+ 4) Bi3+ >Sb 3+ >As 3+ 3) Both 4) None of these
3. The shape and bond angle of white OXIDES
Phosphorous molecule is \ 11. The hybridization of phosphorous atom in
1) Linear and 1800 P4O6 and P4O10 is
2) Trigonal planar and 1200 1) sp 2) sp2 3) sp3 4) sp3d
12. The bonds present in P4O10 are
3) Tetrahedral and 1090 281
1) Ionic and covalent 2) Ionic and dative
4) Tetrahedral and 600 3) Covalent and dative 4) Only covalent bonds
DINITROGEN 13. Which of the following oxides of nitrogen
4. Nitrogen liberated by the thermal is the anhydride of nitrous acid ?
decomposition of only 1) NO 2) N 2O3 3) N 2O4 4) N 2O5
1. NH 4 NO2 2. NaN3 14. The number of oxygen atoms bonded to one
3. ( NH 4 )2 Cr2O7 4.all the three phosphorous atom in P4O10 is
1) 4 2) 3 3) 6 4) 5
5. The CN − ion and N 2 are isoelectronic. But 15. The arrangement of oxygen atoms around
in contrast to CN − , N 2 is chemically inert each phosphorous in P4O10
because of 1) Pyramidal 2) Octahedral
1) low bond energy 3) Tetrahedral 4) Square planar
2) absence of bond polarity 16. When NH 4 NO3 is gently heated, an oxide of
3) unsymmetrical electron distribution
Nitrogen is formed. What is the oxidation
4) presence of more number of electrons in
state of Nitrogen in this oxide ?
bonding orbitals
1) + 4 2) + 2 3) + 3 4) + 1
HYDRIDES 17. The following are some statements about
6. Which of the following has maximum oxides of VA group elements
complex forming ability with a given metal I) N 2O molecule is linear
II) NO2 molecule is angular
1) PH3 2) BiH3 3) NH3 4) SbH3
7. The oxidation number of N in N3H is III) N 2O5 molecule is angular
1) + 1/3 2) 0 3) - 1/3 4) 1 The correct combination is
1) All are correct 2) I & III are correct
3) II & III are correct 4) I & II are correct
HALIDES 28. Regarding H 3 PO5 the wrong statement is
18. The trihalide which forms oxocations on
1) It’s basicity is three
hydrolysis is 2) Oxidation state P in it is +5
1) NCl3 2) PCl3 3) SbCl3 4) AsCl3 3) It contains O - O linkage
19. Bismuth forms the only pentahalide with the 4) It can form a dimer
halogen 29. The following are some statements about
1) Bromine 2) Fluorine 3) Chlorine 4) Iodine
OXYACIDS I) Its undissociated forms are tautomers
20. Acid having peroxide linkage in its structure II) Its undissociated forms are resonance
is structures
1) HNO3 2) H3PO4 3) H4P2O7 4) HNO4 III) Its anhydride in pure state exists as
21. Two oxides of Nitrogen, NO and NO2 react pale blue solid and that melts to deep blue
together at 253 K and form a compound
The correct combination is
Nitrogen X. X reacts with water to yield
1) All are correct 2) I , III are correct
another compound of Nitrogen Y. The shape 3) II , III are correct 4) I,II are correct
of the anion of Y molecule is 30. The statements regarding oxyacids of
1) Tetrahedral 2) Triangular planar phosphorous are
3) Square planar 4) Pyramidal
22. Oxidation state of +1 for phosphorous is I) HPO3 molecule is monobasic acid
found in II) H 4 P2O6 molecule has P - P bond
1) H 3 PO3 2) H 3 PO4 3) H 3 PO2 4) H 4 P2O7 III) H 4 P2O7 molecule has P-O-P linkage
23. The number of hydroxyl groups in The correct combination is
pyrophosphoric acid is 1) All are correct 2) Only II is correct
1) 3 2) 4 3) 5 4) 7 3) II&III are correct 4) I&II are correct
24. H 3 PO2 is the formula for one of the 31. Which pair of oxyacids of phosphorous
contain ‘P-H’ bonds ?
phosphorous acids. Its name and basicity
are respectively 1) H 3 PO4 , H 3 PO3 2) H 3 PO5 , H 4 P2O7
1) Phosphorous acid and two 3) H 3 PO3 , H 3 PO2 4) H 3 PO2 , HPO3
2) Hypophosphorous acid and two
3) Hypophosphorous acid and one AMMONIA AND NITRIC ACID
4) Hypophosphoric acid and two 32. A & B are two gases. ‘A’ is identified with
25. The acid that forms primary, secondary and the glass rod dipped in NH 3 and ‘B’ is
tertiary phosphates is identified with the glass rod dipped in HCl.
Then A, B are
1) H 3 PO2 2) H 3 PO3 3) HPO3 4) H 3 PO4 1) HCl, NO2 2) HCl, NH3
26. Which of the following is not an acidic 3) NH3, HCl 4) NH3, SO2
salt? 33. Nesslers reagent is used to detect trace
1) NaH 2 PO2 2) NaH 2 PO3 amounts of ammonia. Its formula is
1) KHgI4 2) K2HgI2 3) K2HgI4 4) KHgI3
3) NaH 2 PO4 4) Na2 HPO4 34. Cyanamide process is used to prepare
27. The reducing strength of oxyacid of the 1) Cyanide 2) Isocyanide
Phosphorous depends on 3) Ammonia 4) Nitric acid
1) The number of H-atoms directly attached to P 35. Conc. HNO is treated with iron. The metal
2) The number of H-atom attached to oxygen
is passive because
1) It is a transition metal
3) The number of O-atoms attached to P-atoms
2) It forms protective oxide film
4) The number of P-atoms
3) It is reduced 4) It liberates laughing gas

36. 4Zn + 10 HNO3 → 4Zn ( NO3 )2 + NH 4 NO3 + 3H 2O . 45. Assertion (A): Anhydrous Calcium chloride
is used as catalyst in cyanamide process
In this reaction one mole of HNO3 is reduced Reason (R): Catalyst increases the rate of
by reaction.
1) 32g Zn 2) 64g Zn 3) 128g Zn 4) 256g Zn 46. Assertion (A): The basic nature of VA group
37. CaO.Ca ( NO3 )2  is the chemical composition hydrides decreases from ammonia to
of the substance, commonly used as bismuthine.
1) Fertiliser 2) Explosive Reason (R): Availability of lone pair on the
3) Perfume 4) Medicine central atom in hydrides decreases down the
38. Which of the following is not correct ? group.
1) Ammonia is used as refrigerant 47. Assertion (A): Stability of NH3 is greater than
2)A mixture of Ca (CN )2 and C is known nitrolim
Reason (R): M - H bond energy increases
3) A mixture of Ca ( 2 4 )2 and
H PO down the group in the hydrides of pnicogens.
48. Assertion (A): PH3 is more basic than NH3
CaSO4 .2 H 2O is known as superphosphate of Reason(R) : EN of N is more than that of P
lime 49. Assertion (A): NH3 is liquid while the other
4) Hydrolysis of NCl3 gives NH 3 and HOCl hydrides of V-A group elements are gases at
Note: room temp.
1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct Reason(R) : NH3 possess inter molecular H -
explanation of (A) bonds in liquid state
2) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the
correct explanation of (A) LEVEL-II (C.W) - KEY
3) (A) is true and (R) is false 1) 2 2) 4 3) 4 4) 4 5) 2 6)3 7) 3
4) (A) is false but (R) is true
8) 4 9) 3 10) 3 11) 3 12)3 13) 2 14)2
39. Assertion (A): P4 is more reactive than N2
Reason(R) : P - P bonds are relatively weaker 15)3 16) 4 17) 4 18) 3 19) 2 20) 4 21) 2
than N ≡ N 22) 3 23) 2 24) 3 25) 4 26) 1 27) 1 28) 4
40. Assertion (A): Bismuth compounds are stable 29) 2 30) 1 31) 3 32) 2 33) 3 34) 3 35) 2
in +V oxidation state than in +III oxidation 36) 4 37) 1 38) 2 39) 1 40) 4 41) 2 42) 1
state. 43) 2 44) 1 45) 1 46) 1 47) 3 48) 4 49) 4
Reason (R): Inert pair effect is observed in
Bismuth compounds.
41. Assertion (A): The hydrides of VA group LEVEL-II (C.W) - HINTS
elements are good reducing Agents. 1. ‘P’ atom never exceeds ‘5’ covalent bonds.
Reason (R): NH3 is a weak reducing Agent ‘P’ belongs to VA group
among the hydrides of VA group. 2. In down the group ionic radius gradually
42. Assertion (A): P2O3 is more basic than N2O3 increases
Reason (R): Metallic nature of the central 6. NH 3 having maximum complex forming
atom increases down the group ability
43. Assertion (A): Ortho phosphoric acid is
tribasic acid 7. N3 H = −
Reason (R): Orthophosphoric acid forms 3
three series of salts. 11. In P4O6 and P4O10 phosphrous has SP 3
44. Assertion (A): In the synthesis of Ammonia
by Habers process, mixture of potassium and
aluminum oxides can be used as promotor. 12. In P4O10 covalent and dative bonds both are
Reason (R): Promotor enhances the activity present.
of catalyst 18. S b C l 3 + H 2 O → S b o C l + 2 H C l
o x o c a tio n
7. For NH 4 Cl + NaNO3  ∆

21. NO + NO2 → N 2O3
→ ( A ) 
→ ( B ) + ( X )gas ,
N 2O3 + H 2O → 2 HNO2
which of the following is correct?
HNO2 → H + + NO2−
1) ( B ) is an amphoteric oxide
32. White densy fumes of NH 4Cl
2) ( X ) is a colourless, diamagnetic gas which
33. with NH 3 gives reddish brown ppt
combines with Al on heating
LEVEL-II (H.W) 3) (X ) can be produced by action of

( Zn + NaOH ) on NaNO2
1. How do we get pure N 2 gas 4) ( X ) is a coloured, paramagnetic gas which
1. NH 3 + NaNO2 2. NH 4Cl + NaNO2 combines with Al on heating
8. The statements regarding N 2
3. N 2O + Cu 4. Ba ( N3 )2
molecule are
2. One mole of calcium phosphide on reaction I) The Bond energy is 945.4 KJ/mole
with excess of water gives II) It has triple bond
1) 1 mole of phosphine III) It contains 2σ and 1π bond
2) two moles of phosphoric acid The correct combination is
3) two moles of phosphine 1) Only II is correct 2) I & II are correct
4) one mole of phosphourous pentoxide 3) II and III are correct 4) All are correct
3. The p - p bond energy is x’ KJ/mole. Then
the energy needed for the dissociation of HYDRIDES
124g of white phosphorous is 9. Which of the following is not correct
1) x KJ 2) 4x KJ 3) 6x KJ 4) 8x KJ 1) Hydrolysis of NCl3 gives NH3 and HOCl
4. The following are some statements 2) NH3 is less stable than PH3
about VA group elements 3) NH3 is weak reducing agent compared to PH3
I) All elements exhibits allotropy 4) Nitric Oxide in solid state exhibits
II) Boiling points decrease down the group diamagnetic property.
III) They contain five electrons in their 10. Silver chloride dissolves in excess of NH 4OH .
valency shell The cation present in solution is
The correct combination is +
1) Ag + 2)  Ag ( NH 3 )4 
1) All are correct 2) Only III is correct
+ +
3) I & II are correct 4) II & III are correct 3)  Ag ( NH 3 )2  4)  Ag ( NH 3 )6 
5. With reference to protonic acids, which of
11. The oxyacid of phosphorous which has more
the following statements is correct ?
non-ionisbale hyderogens
1) PH 3 is more basic than NH 3
1) H 3 PO2 2) H 3 PO3 3) H 3 PO4 4) H 3 PO5
2) PH 3 is less basic than NH 3 12. The following are some statements related
3) PH 3 is equally basic as NH 3 to VA group hydrides
I) Reducing property increases from
4) PH 3 is amphoteric while NH 3 is basic NH 3 to BiH 3
DINITROGEN II) Tendency to donate lone pair decreases
6. A diatomic gas will be obtained in from NH 3 to BiH 3
1) Cu + dil.HNO3 → 2) ( NH 4 )2 Cr2O7 
→ III) Ease of replacing H with Cl decreases

3) Both 1 & 2 4) NH NO  V→ from NH 3 to BiH 3

4 3
IV) Ease of formation of hydrides decreases
19. When orthophosphoric acid is strongly
from NH 3 to BiH 3 heated the product formed is
The correct statements are 1) Phosphine , PH 3
1) I , II , III , IV 2) I , III and IV
2) Phosphorous trioxide , P2O3
3) I , II and IV 4) I and IV
3) Phosphorous acid , H 3 PO3
13. The number of Oxygen atoms surroundings 4) Metaphosphoric acid, HPO3
each Nitrogen atom in N2O5 is HALIDES
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5 20. N 2 forms NCl3 whereas P can form both
14. Oxide of nitrogen used as one of the
PCl3 and PCl5 . Why?
constituents in making anesthetics is
1) Nitric Oxide 2) Nitrogen dioxide 1) P has d-orbitals which can be used for bonding
3) Nitrous Oxide 4) Dinitrogen Pentoxide but N 2 does not have
15. The number of bridge oxygen atoms present 2) N atom is larger than P in size
3) P is more reactive towards Cl than N
in both P4O6 and P4O10 are respectively
4) None of the above
1) 4 , 6 2) 4 , 4 3) 6 , 4 4) 6 , 6
16. The number of P-O bonds and lone pair of OXYACIDS
21. Thomas Slag is
electrons present in P4O6 molecule .
1. Ca3  PO4 2 + CaSiO3 2. MnSiO3
1) 12 , 16 2) 12 , 12 3) 8 , 8 4) 12 , 4
17. LIST - 1 LIST - 2 3. CrSiO3 4. FeSiO3
A) NO 1) Colourless and paramagnetic 22. The following some statements about HNO2
B) NO2 2) Greenish yellow gas i)It acts as both oxidising and reducing agent.
C) N 2O3 3) Reddish brown and ii) It is a strong acid.
iii) Its Anhydride in pure state exists as pale blue
paramagnetic liquid
D) N 2O5 4) Anhydride of Nitric acid The correct combination is
5) Anhydride of Nitrous acid 1) All are correct 2) i, iii are correct
3) ii, iii are correct 4) i, ii are correct
The correct match is
A B C D A B C D 23. In H 3 PO3 molecule
1) 2 4 5 1 2) 1 3 5 4 1) P-atom is surrounded by three - OH groups
3) 3 2 1 5 4) 1 4 4 3 2) P-atom is tetrahedrally surrounded by two
18. LIST - 1 LIST - 2 -OH groups, one oxygen atom and one
hydrogen atom
A) NCl3 + H 2O → 1) HOCl 3) P-atom is surounded by four -OH groups
B) PCl3 + H 2O → 2) H 3 PO3 4) P - atom is surrounded by two -H atoms
24. The following are some statements about
C) PCl5 + H 2O → 3) H 3 PO4 oxyacids of VA group elements
D) PF3 + H 2O → 4) H 3 PO2 I) The salt of nitric acid contains NO3− ion
5) No Hydrolysis II) The salt of phosphoric acid contains PO43− ion
The correct match is III) Salts of meta phosphoric acid contains
A B C D A B C D HPO32− ion
1) 1 2 3 5 2) 2 4 2 5 The correct combination is
3) 3 2 2 4 4) 5 3 2 1 1) All are correct 2) I , III are correct
3) II , III are correct 4) I , II are correct
25. In solid state PCl5 exists as ionic solid i.e., 35. Assertion (A): A mixture of CaCN 2 and
graphite is known as nitration mixture
[ X ] [Y ] , shapes of X + and Y − are respectively
+ −

Reason(R) : NH3 is collected by downward

1) Tetrahedral, Pyramidal displacement of air
2) Tetrahedral, Octahedral 36. Assertion (A): Nitrogen is inactive in normal
3) Octahedral , Linear chemical reactions.
4) Octahedral , Trigonal bipyramidal Reason (R): The bond dissociation energy is
AMMONIA AND NITRIC ACID directly proportional to reactivity.
26. Atomicity ot dimeric phosphorous pentoxide is 37. Assertion (A): White phosphorous is less
‘x’ and the number of shared electron pair is reactive than red phosphorous.
‘y’. Then Reason (R): white phosphorous has more
a) y-x=6, b)2x=y+8 c)10x-7y=0 bond angle strain than red phosphorous
1) only ‘a’ is correct 2) only ‘b’ is correct 38. Assertion (A): Nitric oxide is neutral oxide
3) only ‘c’ is correct Reason (R): Nitric oxide is paramagnetic, as
4) all the above are correct it possess an odd electron.
27. The number of P-P bonds in cyclotrimeta 39. Assertion (A): NO2 is paramagnetic molecule,
phosphoric acid is where as N2O4 is diamagnetic
1) 3 2) 9 3) 6 4) zero Reason (R): Molecules with unpaired
28. A mixture of potassium nitrite and electrons are Diamagnetic.
ammonium chloride on heating liberates the 40. Assertion(A):The basicity of
gas orthophosphorous acid is two
Reason (R): In orthophosphorous acids, two
1) O2 2) N 2O 3) NH 3 4) N 2 replaceable hydrogen atoms are present
29. Which of the following can acts as 41. Assertion (A): Nitrogen cannot form
both oxidant and redutant pentahalides.
1) H 2 N 2O2 2) HNO2 3) HNO3 4) HNO4 Reason (R): Nitrogen cannot expand its octet
30. Concentrated nitric acid oxidises configuration.
phosphorous and iodine, respectively to
1) H 3 PO3 , HI 2) H 3 PO3 , HIO4 1) 4 2) 3 3) 3 4) 2 5) 2 6) 3 7) 2
3) H 3 PO4 , HIO3 4) H 3 PO4 , HIO4 8) 2 9) 2 10) 3 11) 1 12) 1 13) 2 14) 3
Note: 15) 4 16) 1 17) 2 18) 1 19) 4 20) 1 21) 1
1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
22) 2 23) 2 24) 4 25) 2 26) 4 27) 4 28) 4
explanation of (A)
2) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the 29) 2 30) 3 31) 3 32) 2 33) 2 34) 2 35) 4
correct explanation of (A) 36) 3 37) 4 38) 2 39) 3 40) 1 41) 1
3) (A) is true and (R) is false
4) (A) is false but (R) is true LEVEL-II (H.W) - HINTS
31. Assertion (A): NH4NO3 on gently heating 6. 3Cu + 8HNO3
gives N2O
Reason(R) : N2O is acidic in nature → 3Cu ( NO3 )2 + 2NO + 4 H 2O
32. Assertion (A): HNO 3 stronger acid than
HNO2 ( NH 4 )2 Cr2O7 → N 2 + Cr2O3 + 4 H 2O
Reason(R) : Both are monobasic acids 7. NH 4OH.HCl + NaNO2
33. Assertion (A): HPO3 is monobasic acid
Reason(R) : The salts of HPO3 are called meta → CuO
→ N 2O Cu + N2
(B) (x)
phosphates (Colourless, dia magnetic)
( Basic Oxide )
34. Assertion (A): N3- is isostructural with I3-
Reason(R) : The E.N of N is greater than I 2 Al + N 2 → 2AlN
Zn + NaOH → ( H 2 ) . The evolved H 2 reduces 2. The correct statement is
1) High reactivity of white phosphorus is due
NaNO2 to form NH 3 gas to small bond angle (600) in P4 molecule which
9. NH 3 is more stable. due to H-bond causes large strain
2) Low reactivity of red phosphorus is due to
10. AgCl + 2 NH 4OH polymeric structure
→  Ag ( NH 3 )2  Cl + 2 H 2O 3) Black phosphorus conducts electricity due
to presence of delocalised π electrons
Diammine silver ( I ) chloride
4) All the above
13. Three oxygen atoms surrounds each nitrogen atom 3. Which of the following statement is wrong?
14. N2O is used as anesthetic. 1) The stability of hydride increases from NH 3
26. CaNCN
Nitro lim
to BiH 3 in group 15 of the periodic table

PREVIOUS EAMCET QUESTIONS 2) nitrogen cannot form d π − pπ bonds

1. The gases evolved in the decomposition of 3) single N − N bond is weaker than the single
lead nitrate are: P − P bond
1. N 2O3 , NO 2. NO2 , O2 3. N 2O3 , O2 4. N 2O3 , O2 4) N 2O4 has two resosnance structures
2. The total number of σ and π bonds in
pyrophosphoric acid are respectively:
1. 8,2 2. 10,2 3. 12,2 4. 8,4 4. Nitrogen can be purified from the impurities
3. An oxide of nitrogen (X) is formed when Z is of oxides of nitrogen and ammonia by passing
reacted with P2O5 , X is soluble in water and 1. Conc. HCl
gives Z. Which one of the following is Z? 2.Alkaline solution of pyrogallol
1. HNO3 2. H 2 N 2O2 3. HNO2 4. HN3 3. A solution of K 2 Cr2 O7 acidified with H 2SO4
4. Which one of the oxides of nitrogen dimerises 4. A solution of KOH
into colourless solids/liquid on cooling? 5. Animals die in nitrogen because
1. N 2O 2. NO 3. N 2O3 4. NO2 1. It destroys haemoglobin
5. Which one of the acids is a dibasic acid? 2. Of the want of oxygen
3. It is heavier than air 4. It is poisonous
1. H 3 PO3 2. H 3 PO2 3. HPO3 4. H 3 PO4

6. Amongst the trihalides of nitrogen, which one 6. PCl5 + Cl − → PCl6 . The wrong statement
is least basic regarding the above equation is
1. NF3 2. NCl3 3. NBr3 4. NI 3 1) Hybridisation of P changes from sp 3 d to
1) 2 2) 3 3) 1 4) 4 5) 1 6) 1 2) Oxidation number of P changes from +5 to
LEVEL-III 3) Covalency of P changes from 5 to 6
4) Here PCl5 is a Lewis acid
1. Which of the following statements is not true HYDRIDES
1) Nitrogen differs markedly from the other 7. Sodium dissolved in Ammonia has Blue
members of its family colour due to
2) Nitrogen has five valency electrons 1) Solvated Sodium 2) Amide Ion
3) Nitrogen show covalency greater than four 3) Solvated electron
4) Nitrogen shows great stability as a free 4) Lone pair of electrons on Nitrogen in NH3
element molecule
8. In Nitrogen family the H-M-H angle in the 14. The bottles of liquid ammonia are opened
hydrides MH 3 gradually becomes closer to after cooling them in ice for sometime. It is
because liquid ammonia
900 on going from N to Sb. This shows that
1. Has high vapour pressure at room temperature
2. Is corrosive liquid
1) The basic strength of the hydrides increases
3. is an explosive 4. Brings tears in eyes
2) Due to the increase in the size of central atom
M and increase in its electronegativity 15. The dipole moment of NF3 is less than NH3
3) The bond energies of M-H increase because
4) The bond pairs of electrons become closer to 1. NH3 forms associated molecules
each other. 2. F is more reactive than H
9. Gas obtained by heating a mixture of 3. The resultant of bond polarity is less
ammonium chloride and slaked lime is 4. The resultant of individual polarities is
1) NH3 2) N2 3) N2O 4) NO2 opposed by the polarity of lone pair
10. Ammonia is not a product in the 16. Ammonia will be obtained in
1) Hydrolysis of nitrolim 1) CaCN 2 + H 2O → 2) NH 4 H 2 PO4  

2) Hydrolysis of Aluminium nitride
3) Decomposition of Ammonium nitrite 3) NH 4 NO2  V→ 4) Ca (CN )2 + H 2O V →
4) Hydrolysis of urea 17. The compound ( SiH 3 )3 N is expected to be
11. Which fo the following statements is correct
1. All the hydrides of VA group elements are 1) pyramidal and more basic than (CH 3 )3 N
pyramidal in shape 2) planar and less basic than (CH ) N
3 3
2. The bond angle decreases from NH3 to BiH3
3) pyramidal and less basic than (CH 3 )3 N
down the group because of bond pair-bond pair
repulsion 4) planar and more basic than (CH 3 )3 N
3. The basic strength decreases from NH3 to OXIDES
BiH3 , because of decreases in the availability 18. The number of P-O-P bonds present in P4O6
and P4O10 are respectively
of lone pair of electrons
1) 4 and 5 2) 4 and 6 3) 6 and 6 4) 3 and 6
4. All are correct
19. One of the acids listed below is formed from
12. Some of the reasons of reaction of NH3 with P2O3 and the rest are formed from P2O5. The
hydrogen chloride are given below. Pick up acid formed from P2O3 is
the incorrect are 1) HPO3 2) H4P2O7 3) H3PO4 4) H3PO3
1. The nitrogen atom of NH3 gains electrons 20. Group 15 of the periodic table consists of the
elements N, P, As, Sb and Bi. On passing from
2. NH3 can give a pair of electrons N to Bi, the oxides of the elements of general
3. A proton in HCl can accept an electron pair formula M 2O3 becomes.
from NH3 1. Strong reducing agents 2. More ionic
3. More basic 4. More volatile
4. The Cl −ion has a stable configuration of 8
electrons. 21. The number of bonds in P4 O10 is
13. Phosphine is not obtained by the reaction 1. 6 2. 16 3. 20 4.7
1. White P is heated with NaOH 22. The nitrate which when heated gives off a gas
2. Red P is heated with NaOH (or) a mixture of gases which cannot relight
a glowing splinter is
3. Ca 3P2 is heated with water
1. Sodium nitrate 2. Ammonium nitrate
4. Phosphorus trioxide is boiled with water 3. Lead nitrate 4. Potassium nitrate
23. In nitroprusside ion, the iron and ‘NO’ exist
30. The BCl3 is a planar molecule whereas, NCl3
as Fe+2 and NO + rather than Fe+3 and NO. is pyramidal because
These forms can be differentiated by 1) N − Cl bond is more covalent than B − Cl
1. Estimating the concentration of iron bond
2. Measuring the concentration of CN − 2) B − Cl bond is more polar than N − Cl bond
3. Measuring the solid state magnetic moment 3) nitrogen atom is smaller than boron
4. Thermally decomposing the compound 4) BCl3 has no lone pair but NCl3 has a lone
24. The correct order of bond angle of pair of electron
NO2+ , NO2 and NO2− is OXYACIDS
1) NO < NO2 < NO − + −
2) NO = NO < NO2 31. The correct statement in respect of structure
2 2 2 2
of hypo phosphorous acid is
3) NO2+ > NO2 > NO2− 4) NO2+ > NO2 < NO2− 1) 2-OH groups, 2-H atoms are attached directly
25. A tetra-atomic molecule ( A) on reaction with to P
2) One OH group and 2-H atoms are directly
nitrogen ( I ) oxide, produces two substances attached to P
3) One OH group and 3 - H atoms are directly
( B ) and (C ) . ( B ) is a dehydrating agent attached to P
4) Three OH groups are attached directly to P
while substance (C ) is a diatomic gas which
32. In NO 3− ion, the number of bond pair and
shows almost inert behaviour. The substances lone pair of electrons on nitrogen atom are
( A) , ( B ) and (C ) are 1. 2,2 2. 3,1 3. 1,3 4. 4,0
33. List - I List - II
1) P4 , P4O10 , N 2 2) P4 , N 2O5 , N 2 A) N2O 1) Sp2 and planar triangle
3) P4 P2O3 , Ar 4) P4 , P2O3 , O2 B) HNO2 2) Nitrite and Nitro form
C) NO3-- 3) Sp3and Tetrahedron
HALIDES D) HNO4 4) Laughing gas
26. Bottle of PCl3 is kept stoppered because it 5) Peroxy bond
The correct match is
1) explodes 2) gets oxidized
3) is volatalised 4) reacts with moisture
1) 1 2 3 4 2) 3 2 4 1
27. What may be expected to happen when 3) 2 5 3 4 4) 4 2 1 5
phosphine gas is mixed with chlorine gas? 34. By the reduction of HNO to NO the number
3 2
1. PCl 3 and HCl are formed and the mixture of moles of electrons involved per mole of
warm up HNO3 is
1) 8 2) 6 3) 3 4) 1
2. PCl 3 and HCl are formed and the mixture 35. Sodium hexametaphosphate is known as
cools down 1. Calgon 2. Permutit 3. Natalite 4.Nitrolim
36. Poly phosphates are used as water softening
3. PH 3 , Cl 2 is formed with warming up
agents because they
4. The mixture only Cools down 1. Form soluble complexes with anionic species
28. Which of the following halides is most acidic? 2. Precipitate anionic species
1) PCl3 2) SbCl3 3) BiCl3 4) CCl4 3. Form soluble complexes with cationic species
4. Precipitate cationic species
29. In the compound of the type POX 3 , P atom 37. In the reaction
show multiple bonding of the type 4HNO3 + P4 O10 → 4HPO3 + X the product
1) pπ − pπ 2) dπ − dπ X is
3) pπ − d π 4) no multiple bonding 1. N 2 O5 2. N 2 O3 3. NO 2 4. H 2 O

38. Which of the following is a cyclic oxoacid LEVEL - III - KEY

1. H 4 P2 O7 2. H 4 P2 O6 3. H 3 P3O 9 4. H5P5O15 1) 3 2) 4 3) 1 4) 3 5) 2 6) 2 7) 3
39. When rain is accompained by a thunderstorm, 8) 4 9) 1 10) 3 11) 4 12) 1 13) 2 14) 1
the collected rain water will have a PH value,
1. Slightly higher than that when the thunder 15) 4 16) 1 17) 3 18) 3 19) 4 20) 3 21) 2
storm 22) 2 23) 3 24) 3 25) 1 26) 4 27) 1 28) 1
2. unifluenced by occurrence of thunder storm 29) 3 30) 4 31) 2 32) 4 33) 4 34) 4 35) 1
3. which depends on the amount of dust in air
4. slightly lower than that of rain water without 36) 3 37) 1 38) 3 39) 4 40) 1 41) 2 42) 2
thunderstorm 43) 2 44) 3 45) 2
40. The following are some statements about
oxyacids of VAgroup elements LEVEL-III - HINTS
i) The salt of Nitric acid contains NO3- ion 1. Nitrogen belongs to VA group
ii) The salt of phosphoric acid contains PO43- ion 2. Due to polymerized structure
iii) Salts of meta phosphoric acid contains
6. 2 KNO3 + 10 K → 6 K 2O + N 2 ;
H2PO3- & HPO32- ions
The correct combination is NH 4 NO3 → N 2O + 2H 2O
1) i and ii are correct 2) ii and iii are correct
3) all are correct 4) only ii is correct 16. CaCN 2 + 3H 2O → CaCO3 + 2 NH 3 ;
41. Which of the following metals, Fe, Zn, Pb, NH 4 H 2 PO4 → NH 3 + HPO3 + H 2O
Ag and Pt do not give metal nitrate on
treatment with concentrated HNO3 ? 17. ( SiH 3 )3 N is planar and less basic than
1) Fe and Zn 2) Fe and Pt (CH 3 )3 N because lone pair of N atom is used
3) Pb, Ag and Pt 4) Fe, Ag and Pt
42. Among the following ions, pπ − d π overlap to form d π − pπ back bonding with Si-atom

is present in 22. NH 4 NO3  → N 2 O + 2H 2 O.N 2 O is non
1) NO3− 2) PO43− 3) CO32 − 4) NO2− combustable.
43. Phosphate + conc.HNO3 + ( NH 4 )2 MoO4 23. The nitroprusside ion is  Fe (CN )6 NO +  . The
so ln . → Yellow precipitate . magnetic moment measurement reveal the
The composition of yellow precipitate is presence of 4 unpaired electrons in Fe which
1) ( NH 4 )3 PO4 .MoO3 2) ( NH 4 )3 PO4 .12MoO3 must be then in Fe ++ (3d 6 ) and not Fe +++ (3d 5 )
3) ( NH 4 )2 PO4 .12MoO3 4) NH 4 PO4 .MoO3 24. NO2+ −1800 ; NO2− −1150 ; NO2 −1320
44. Concentrated nitric acid reacts with iodine
to give 25. P4 + 10 N 2O → P4O10 + 10 N 2
1) HI 2) HOI 3) HOIO2 4) HOIO3 28. In CCl4 , carbon atom does not have d-orbitals
45. Three reactions involving H 2 PO4− are given to accommodate a lone pair of electrons and
below hence is not a Lewis acid. In PCl3 , SbCl3 and
(i) H 3 PO2 + H 2O → H 3O ( − ) + H 2 PO4(−) BiCl3 central atom has empty d-orbitals in each
(ii) H 2 PO4(−) + H 2O → H 3O(+ ) + HPO42− case but electronegativity of P is maximum,
(iii) H 2 PO4− + OH (−) → O 2− + H 3 PO4 hence PCl3 is strongest acid.
In which of the following does H 2 PO4− act as 29. Hybridisation of P is Sp d
an acid [AIEEE-2010] 42. Phosphorus has vacant d-orbitals
1) (i) only 2) (ii) only 43. Ammonium phosphomolybdute test
3) (iii) only 4) (i) and (ii) only
1. Which one of the following pairs is obtained 1. White phosphorus ( P4 ) has
on heating ammonium dichromate? 1. Six P-P single bonds
1) N 2 and H 2O 2) N 2O and H 2O 2. Four lone pairs of electrons
3. P-P-P angle of 600 4) All the above
3) NO2 and H 2O 4) NO and NO2
2. A lightning flash through air may result in
2. The hybridization of atomic orbitals of the formation of
nitrogen in NO2+ , NO3− and NH 4+ are: 1. NO 2. HNO2 3. HNO3 4. NH 3
1) sp, sp 3 and sp 2 respectively 3. Pyrophosphorous acid, H 4 P2 O5
1. It is dibasic acid
2) sp, sp 2 and sp 3 respectively
2. It is strongly reducing in nature
3) sp 2 , sp and sp 3 respectively 3. It contains one P-O-P bond
4. ‘P’ is sp3 hybridised
4) sp 2 , sp 3 and sp respectively 4. Nitrogen can combine directly at higher
3. A metal X on heating in nitrogen gas gives Y. temperature to give nitrides with
1. Mg 2. Al 3. 1 & 2 4. Fe
Y on treatment with H 2O gives a colourless
5. White phosphorus can be removed from red
gas which when passed through CuSO4 phosphorus by
solution gives a blue colour.Y is : 1. sublimation
2. heating with alkali solution
1) Mg ( NO3 )2 2) Mg3 N 2 3. distillation 4. both 1 & 2
6. The molecules having pyramidal shape are
3) NH 3 4) MgO
1. PH 3 2. NH3 3. NCl 3 4. PCl5
4. Extra pure nitrogen can be obtained by
7. Which of the following are correct statements
heating :
1. Solid PCl 5 exists as tetrahedral [PCl 4 ] and
1) NH 3 with CuO 2) NH 4 NO3
octahedral [PCl 6 ] ions

3) ( NH 4 )2 Cr2O7 4) Ba ( N3 )2
2. Solid PBr5 exists as [PBr4 ] Br −
5. The reaction of white phosphours with
aqueous NaOH gives phosphine and another
3. Solid N 2 O5 exists as NO +2 NO3−
phosphorus containing compound. The
reaction type, the oxidation states of 4. All the above
phosphorus in phosphine and other products 8. The nitrogen oxide(s) that contains N − N
are respectively: bond(s) is (are)
1) redox reaction, −3 and − 5 1) N 2O 2) N 2O3 3) N 2O4 4) All

2) redox reaction, +3 and + 5 COMPREHENSION TYPE QUESTIONS

(P-1)Vth A group hydrides
3) disproportionation reaction −3 and + 1
The hydrides of V th A group elements are
4) disproportionation reaction −3 and + 3 good reducing agents, their reducing ability
6. The molecule having smallest bond angle is: increases from NH 3 to BiH 3 and basic nature
1) AsCl3 2) SbCl3 3) PCl3 4) NCl3 decreases from NH 3 to BiH 3 , thermal
stability and bond angles decreases from
1) 1 2) 2 3) 2 4) 4 5) 3 6) 2
9. Which of the following hydrides is Thermally
1) PH 3 2) AsH 3 3) NH 3 4) BiH 3
10. Which of the following is more basic hyrides
1) NH 3 2) BiH 3 3) PH 3 4) AsH 3
11. The strong reducing agent is
1) NH 3 2) BiH 3 3) PH 3 4) AsH 3

(P-2)Regarding H 3 PO2 , its structure is as follows

HO − P − H
Its basicity is one. Its salts are known as
12. In the above structure the no. of
Pπ − d π bonds
1) 1 2) 2 3)zero 4) 3
13. In the above oxyanion the hybridisation of P
atoms is
1) Sp 2) Sp 2 3) Sp 3 4) Sp 3d
14. In the above structure the number
replaceable H- atoms
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) zero
15. The above acid is
1) Reducing agent 2) Dehydrating agent
3) Drying agent 4) Pickling agent

Matrix Matching
16. List-1 List-II
A) Anhydride of HNO2 P) N 2O3
B) Anhydride of HNO3 Q) NO
C) Neutral oxides R) N 2O5
D) Paramagnetic S) T) N 2O

1) 1,3,4 2)1,2,3 3)2,3,4, 4)1,2,3
5) 1,2,4 6) 1,2,3 7) 1,2,3,4 8) 1,2,3,4
9) 3 10) 1 11) 2 12) 1 13) 3 14) 1 15) 4
16) A-P; B-R; C-Q,T; D-Q,S
SYNOPSIS W.E-1:Oxygen is a gas, but other elements of group
16 th are solids at room temperature. Why ?
Introduction Sol. Oxygen exists as isolated diatomic molecules.
Between atoms of oxygen molecule the
 Oxygen, Sulphur, Selenium, Tellurium and attractions are strong, but inter molecular
Polonium are the elements of VIA group or 16th attractions are very weak. Hence oxygen is a
vertical column of the periodic table. gas.
 The first four elements are collectively known Other elements of group 16, have complex
as chalcogens (ore forming elements), since states. The tendency to form multiple bonds
many metals occur as oxides (or) sulphides in between identical atoms decreases with an
nature. increase in atomic weight. Bonding ability
between many atoms of same element increases.
 Polonium is a radio active element and short Molecular complexity and van der Waals forces
lived ( t1/ 2 13.8 days) increase. Hence, they are solids.
 Oxygen is the most abundant element in earth’s W.E-2:Oxygen is divalent in its compounds, but
crust. sulphur is even hexavalent. Why ?
 It constitutes 46.6 % by mass of earth’s crust Sol. Ground state configuration of oxygen has two
orbitals with unpaired electrons. It forms two
 Dry air contains 20.946% of oxygen by volume bonds. Oxygen cannot expand its valencies due
 The abundance of sulphur in earth’s crust is only to absence of d–orbitals.
0.03–0.1 % Sulphur forms 4 bonds in the first excited state
and 6 bonds in the second excited state.
 There are three naturally occurring isotopes of
oxygen i.e.,  Atomic radius increases from O to Te.
 Ionisation energy decreases from O to Po.
8 O (99.762%) 8O (0.038%) and 8 O (0.200%)
16 17 18

 Electro negativity order is O>Se>S>Te>Po .

 Sulphur exists mainly as sulphides and This implies that the metallic nature increases
sulphates. Such as gypsum CaSO4 .2 H 2O , from oxygen to Po
Epsom salt MgSO4 .7 H 2O baryte BaSO4 and  Electron gain enthalpy order is S>Se>Te>Po>O
. Because of compact size of oxygen, inter
sulphides such as Zincblende ZnS, galena PbS
electronic repulsions are high hence it has less
copper pyrites CuFeS2 . negative electron gain enthalpy than sulphur
 Traces of sulphur is present as H 2 S in eggs, W.E-3:First and second electron gain enthalpies
garlic, onion, hair, wool, proteins of oxygenare –141 and + 702 kJ mol–1. How
 Native sulphur is also available at volcanic areas. is large number of oxides accounted for ?
Sol. O (g) + e–  O– (g); H = –141 kJ mol–1
 Polonium occur in nature as decay product of
O  g   e   O 2  g  ; H  702 kJmol 1

thorium and uranium minerals.

 Oxygen is a gas while other elements of this Formation of O – is exothermic and O 2– is
group are solids at room temperature. endothermic. However, oxygen is divalent and
forms oxide with stable ns2np6 configuration.
 In oxygen molecule strong double bond is Further, the lattice energies of oxides are very
present so it exists as isolated molecules i.e as a high on account of greater electrostatic forces
gas. of attraction.
. S, Se and Te show +4 in oxides and +6 in
. Density order : O  S   Se grey   Te
fluorides. stability of +6 oxidation state
 Melting point : (K) S  Se  Po  Te decreases down the group and stability of +4
(monoclinic) oxidation state increases (Inert pair effect)
 Boiling point (K) O  S  Se  Po  Te . Bonding in +4 and +6 oxidation states is
covalent .
. The large difference between the MP and BP of
. The anamolous behaviour of oxygen is due to
oxygen and sulphur may be explained on the its small size and high electronegativity
basis of their atomicity. oxygen exist as a . The absence of d-orbitals in oxygen limits its
diatomic molecule while sulphur exist act as covalency to four and in practice rarely exceeds
poly atomic molecule  s8  .
two, while in other elements covalence exceeds
Oxidation states and chemical reactivity
 Oxygen exists as a diatomic molecule (O 2), W.E-5:What are the oxidation numbers exhibited
Sulphur, Selenium, Tellurium exist as by oxygen ?
octaatomic molecules. (S8, Se8, Te8). Sol. Six different oxidation numbers are exhibited
by oxygen : –2, –1, –1/2, 0, +1, and +2.
W.E-4:Comment on the catenation capacity of
sulphur. W.E-6:What is the maximum covalency of oxygen?
Sol. Catenation ability of sulphur is highest among Give examples.
chalcogens.Sulphur is next to carbon in the Sol. Oxygen usually forms two bonds. Its valency
tendency to catenate. Catenation ability of cannot be expanded due to lack of vacant
sulphur is observed in polysulphides and d-orbitals. However, the maximum covalency
polythionic acids. of oxygen is three, due to an additional dative
Among M-M bonds of chalcogens, S-S bond is bond formed by oxygen using one of its lone
stronger and hence higher catenation ability. pairs.
 Metallic character increases from O to Po. Hydronium ion, H3O+ has two covalent bonds
 Oxygen, Sulphur are strongly non-metallic. and one coordinate covalent bond formed by
 Selenium and Tellurium are metalloids, and oxygen atom.diethyl oxonium ion, (C2H5)2OH+
Polonium is a metal. also has three bonds formed by oxygen.
 The general outer electronic configuration of
these elements is ns2np4 Reactivity with Hydrogen
 The common oxidation state of these elements  VIA group elements can form the hydrides of
2 4
is -2, because they have s p configuration in the formula H2M (M=VIA group element).
their outer most orbit.  All these hydrides are covalent compounds.
. The stability of -2 oxidation state decreases H2O - hydrogen oxide (water)
down the group. Polonium hardly shows -2 H2S - hydrogen sulphide
oxidation state H2Se - hydrogen selenide
 Oxygen shows positive oxidation states in H 2
Te - hydrogen telluride
fluorides. Oxidation state of oxygen in O2F2 is H2Po - hydrogen polonide
+1 and in OF2 is +2.  The ease of formation and thermal stability
 The Oxidation state of oxygen in a peroxide is decrease from H 2O to H 2Po (as M-H bond
1 energy decreases)
-1 ( H 2O2 ) and in a super oxide is   KO2 
2 The thermal stability Order
 Oxygen cannot exhibit oxidation number H2O > H2S > H2Se > H2Te
beyond +2, due to absence of vacant d-orbitals. Water dissociates at about 2273K, H2 S at 673-
 The other elements exhibit +2, +4, +6 oxidation 873 K, H2Se at 433K and H2Te at ordinary room
states due to availability of vacant d orbitals in
temperatures. H 2 Po is unstable at room
its valency shell. but +4 and +6 are most
common temperature.
 At room temperature, water is a liquid and the Reactivity with oxygen
other hydrides are colourless, foul smelling,  VIA group elements can form two types of
toxic gases. oxides.
 M-H bond length in the hydrides increases from (a) Dioxides eg: SO2, SeO2 , TeO2
(b) Trioxides eg: SO3, SeO3 , TeO3
H 2O to H2Po.
 The reducing property increases from H2O to  O3 may be treated as oxygen dioxide  OO2 
H2Po.  SO2 is a gas, SeO2 is a volatile solid and TeO2 is
 The aqueous solutions of these hydrides behave a white non-volatile solid
as weak acids. The acidic strength increases  TeO2 and PoO2 are crystalline ionic solids.
from H2O to H2Te.  Order of acidic strength:SO2>SeO2>TeO2 and
SO3>SeO3>TeO3 .
Order:H2O < H2S < H2Se < H2Te  Trioxides are more acidic than dioxides.PoO2
 Ka (dissociation constant) of aqueous solutions is basic.
of these hydrides increases from H 2O to H2Te.  Reducing property of dioxides decreases from
SO2 to TeO2
Ka H2O H2S H2Se H2Te
. SO2 is reducing while TeO2 is an oxidising
0 -14 -7 -4 -3
at 25 C 1.0x10 1.0x10 1.7x10 2.3x10 agent

 In the formation of H2O, Oxygen atom is sp3

W.E-8:Tellurium forms oxides of the formula TeO,
hybridised. TeO2 and TeO3. What is the nature of these
oxides ?
 In H2S and other hydrides pure p-orbitals are
Sol. TeO (oxidation number of Te is +2) is basic.
involved in bonding.
TeO 2 (oxidation number of Te is +4)is
 The molecules have bent structures (VSEPR amphoteric.
theory). TeO3 (oxidation number of Te is +6) is acidic.
 The bond angle decreases from H2O to H2Po. As the oxidation number of the element forming
oxide increases, the acidic nature also increases.
( H 2O  1040 28'; H 2 S  92030 ';
H 2 Se  910 ; H 2Te  900 ; H 2 Po  900 ) Reactivity towards Halogen
 VIA group elements can form mono halides of
 When compared to other hydrides, water has
the type M2X2; dihalides (MX2); tetrahalides
abnormal high boiling point. This is due to
(MX4) and hexa halides (MX6).
intermolecular hydrogen bonding in water.
 Since the electronegativity of fluorine is greater
 Boiling point order: H2S < H2Se < H2Te < H2O than oxygen, the compounds of fluorine and
 Order of volatile nature is H2S>H2Se >H2Te > oxygen are called fluorides of oxygen.
H2O W.E-9:Oxygen forms only fluorides, but other
chalcogens form different halides. Why ?
W.E-7: AmongH2O,H2O2,H2SandH2S2,which is Sol. The binary compound of oxygen and fluorine is
least Stable ? Why ? called fluoride, but not oxide.
Sol. 2H2O2  2H2O + O2 and OF2 and O2F2 are the fluorides of oxygen, with
8H2S2  8H2S + S8 oxidation state of ‘O’, respectively +2 and +1.
These chemical equations suggest that H2S is The binary compounds of oxygen with other
more stable than H2S2 and H2O is more stable halogens are known. eg. Cl2O6, Cl2O7, BrO3,
than H2O2. I2O5, I4O9, etc. But they are called oxides of
As the S–H bond is weaker than O–H bond, H2O halogens.
is more stable than H2S . Hence, H2S2 is least . The stability of the halides decreases in the
stable. order F   Cl   Br   I 
 Amongst hexahalides, hexafluorides are the only  SCl2 molecule has angular shape.
stable halides  Sulphur can form monohalides, S2F2 and S2Cl2.
 All the hexa fluorides are gaseous in nature (dimers)
 SF6 is exceptionally stable for steric reasons  The best known dihalide is SCl2. It is a foul
 Among tetrafluorides SF4 is a gas, SeF4 a liquid smelling red liquid.
 Sulphur on heating with chlorine gives S2Cl2.
and TeF4 is solid This on saturation with chlorine gives SCl2.
 Sulphur reacts with fluorine (diluted with 2S + Cl2  S2Cl2
nitrogen) to form SF4 and SF6.
S2Cl2 + Cl2  2SCl2
S+F2(dilute with N2)  SF4 & SF6
 SF4 is also prepared by reaction between Cobalt  Sulphur monochloride reacts with ethylene to
trifluoride with Sulphur. form di (2-chloro ethyl) sulphide, commonly
S+4CoF3  SF4(g)+4CoF2 known as mustard gas.
 SF 4 is thermally more stable than lower S2Cl2 +2CH 2 = CH 2  (ClCH 2 - CH 2 )2S +S
fluorides. musturd gas
 SF4 is highly reactive gas and a good fluorinating
. The few monohalides are dimeric in nature.
 Tetra halides undergo hydrolysis to give the Examples are S2 F2 , S2Cl2 , Se2Cl2 , Se2 Br2
corresponding ‘ous’ acids.(except SF4) . These dimeric monohalides undergo
Eg : SCl4 + 4H2O  S(OH)4 + 4HCl
disproportionation as 2Se2Cl2  SeCl4  3Se

 The structure of S2Cl2 is similar to H2O2 with
H2SO3 + H2O
the bond angle 1040. Hybridization of S is Sp3
 SF4 and SCl4 are Lewis acids since they can
accept lone pairs of electrons readily to form in S2Cl2 & dihedral bond angle is 108018! .
hexahalides using halide ions.
 SF4 and SCl4 can act as Lewis bases by donating W.E-10:A and B are elements with atomic numbers
lone pairs of electrons. 16 and 17. Write different combinations of
 In SF4 and SCl4, sulphur atom undergoes sp3d binary compounds known from them.
hybridisation , Sol. Atomic number of A = 16. It is sulphur.
 Tetra halide( SF4 , SCl4 ) molecules have trigonal Atomic number of B = 17. It is chlorine.
bipyramidal structure with one corner of Excess sulphur reacts with chlorine to give
equatorial position occupied by a lone pair of dimeric monochloride. Sulphur reacts with
excess chlorine to give tetrachloride. Molten
electrons(see-saw structure) SP 3 d hybridisation
dimeric monochloride on saturation with
Structure of SF4 chlorine gives dichloride.The compounds
S formed are. S2Cl2 , SCl2 , SCl4
Oxygen preparation
. All elements except selenium form dichloride Laboratory preparations
and dibromides  By heating oxygen containing salts such as
. The dihalides are formed by SP 3 hybridisation chlorates, nitrates & permanganates
and thus have tetra hedral geometry

 In SCl2 the sulphur atom is in sp3 hybridisation, 2 KClO3 
 2 KCl  3O2
with two positions occupied by lone pairs. 
2 NaNO3   2 NaNO2  O2
 In SCl2 , the lone pairs distort the tetrahedral 
2 KMnO4   K 2 MnO4  MnO2  O2
angle from 1090281 to 1030 .
 Thermal decomposition of oxides of metals
Uses: In welding and cutting  oxy-hydrogen
or oxy-acetylene torch is used.
which are in lower part of electrochemical series  In the manufacture of many metals, particularly
2 Ag 2O s   4 Ag s   O2 g  steel
 Oxygen cylinder are widely used in hospitals,
2 HgO( S )  2 Hg  l   O2 ( g ) high altitude flying and in mountaineering
 As a fuel in rockets (Hydrazine in liquid oxygen
2 Pb3O4 ( S )  6 PbO( S )  O2 ( g )
produces tremendous thrust in rockets)
2 PbO2 ( S )  2 PbO( S )  O2 ( g )
Oxides: A binary compound of oxygen with
 By decomposition by H 2O2 in presence of another element is called oxide.
 Oxides are two types:
catalyst like metals and metal oxides like MnO2
1. Simple Oxide ( Na2O , Al2O3 etc..)
2 H 2O2 (aq )  2 H 2O (l )  O2 ( g ) 2. Mixed Oxides
 On large scale it can be prepared from water or Mixed oxides:- Formed by the combination
air. electrolysis of water leads to the release of
of two simple oxides eg: Red lead, Pb3O4
oxygen at anode.
. Industrially dioxygen is obtained from purified ( PbO2 .2 PbO), Fe3O4 ( FeO  Fe2O3 )
air by fractional distillation  Simple oxides classified as
Physical properties: It is a colourless and (i) Acidic oxides (Non-metal Oxides)oxides
odourless gas. of non metals which give acids when dissolved
in water are called acidic oxides.
Its solubility in water is to the extent of 3.08cm3
eg. CO2 , NO2 , P2O5 , SO2 , SO3 , Cl2O7 etc..
in 100 cm3 water at 293K
CO2  H 2O  H 2CO3 (carbonic acid)
 It liquefies at 90K and freezes at 55K
 Oxygen atom has three stable isotopes CO2  H 2O  H 2CO3 (carbonic acid)
O16 , O17 , O18 SO2  H 2O  H 2 SO3 (Sulphurous acid)
 Molecular oxygen is paramagnetic even though . Some metals in high oxidation state also have
it contains even number of electrons.
acidic character  eg Mn2O7 , CrO3 ,V2O5 
Chemical properties:Oxygen directly reacts
ii) Basic oxides:-The oxides which give a
with nearly all metals and non-metals except
base with water are known as basic oxides
some metals like Au, Pt and noble gases.
With metals :- 2Ca  O  2CaO  eg Na2O, CaO, BaO 
(iii) Amphoteric oxides:- The oxides which
4 Al  3O2  2 Al2O3
can react with both acids and alkalies are known
With non metals:- P4  5O2  P4O10 as amphoteric oxides
C  O2  CO2 eg ZnO, PbO, Al2O3 , SnO2 , BeO, Sb2O3
With other compounds Al2O3( S )  6NaOHaq  3H2Ol 
ZnS  3O2  2ZnO  2SO2
2Na3  Al OH 6 
CH 4  2O2  CO2  2 H 2O aq

Some compounds are catalytically oxidised. Al2O3s  6HClaq  9H2Ol  

v2 o5
2 SO2  O2 
 2 SO3 3
2  Al  H2O6  
aq  6Cl aq
4 HCl  O2 
 2Cl2  2 H 2O
ZnO  2 NaOH  Na2 ZnO2  H 2O Chemical properties: Oxidising reactions
ZnO  2 HCl  ZnCl2  H 2O
( iv ) Neutral oxides - such oxides do not
combine with an acid or a base eg:
NO, N 2O, CO, H 2O etc
Ozone: Ozone is present in upper atmosphere
and absorbs the harmful U.V. rays of sun.
 Ozone is prepared by subjecting silent electric
discharge of cold and dry oxygen gas
 Formation of ozone is an endothermic,
reversible reaction.
electric 
3O2   2O3 ; H  284.5kJ
 Ozone is prepared in the laboratory by using
Siemen’s and Brodie’s ozonisers.In this process
around 10% conversion of O2 to O3 is possible.
 The obtained gas is a mixture of O2+O3 it is
called Ozonised oxygen
 Ozonised oxygen is cooled, when O 3 first
liquifies and so can be separated from gaseous
 Electrolysis of acidulated water with platinum
electrodes gives O3 at anode. The gases liberated
W.E-11:How Ozone layer is depleted?
at the anode contain about 95% O3 and 5% O2 .
Sol. Ozone reacts with Nitric oxide(NO) which is
 Ozone can also be prepared by heating oxygen
to 2773K and cooling it.(thermal method). released from Jet planes and converts in to NO2 .
Physical Properties: O3 is a pale blue,pungent In this reaction Ozone converts in to O2 , in this
smelling poisonous gas,dark blue in liquid state, way ozone layer depletion can takes place
violet black in solid state. slowly. NO  O3  NO2  O2
 O3 harmless in small concentration, however if
 Oxidising power of O3 is weaker than F2 but
concentration exceeds 100ppm, breathing stronger than H2O2 or KMnO4.
becomes uncomfortable resulting in headache  Ozone decomposes to give nascent oxygen.
and nausea.
 Ozone is thermodynamically unstable. O3  O2   O  .
Decomposition is associated with increase in Thus in all oxidation reactions if one mole of
volume. ozone is consumed, one mole of oxygen is
 In the decomposition heat liberates( H is formed. (in presence of HCl)
negative) and the entropy increases(  S is W.E-12: How many moles of O is required for
positive) for the decomposition of ozone into
oxidation of one mole of PbS.
oxygen  G value is negative.
 It is highly soluble in turpentine oil, glacial acetic PbS  4O3  PbSO4  4O2
acid, or carbon tetrachloride. Sol. In the above reactions, (h & i) , the three oxygen
 It decolourises organic colouring matter by atoms of ozone are utilised. Hence these are
oxidation. considered as special oxidation reactions.
 O3 bleaches by oxidation. K 2 C r 2 O 7
 Ozone reduces : a) BaO2 to BaO  It is used in the manufacture of artificial silk
b) H 2O2 to H 2O c) Ag2O to Ag and synthetic camphor.
 It is used to locate mulitiple bonds in carbon
W.E-13:A hot silver foil is tarnished when exposed compounds.
to ozone. Why ?  It acts as an oxidising agent in the manufacture
Sol. Silver metal is oxidised by ozone to silver oxide. of potassium permanganate
This oxide is reduced back to finely divided  A mixture of O3 and C2 N 2 is known as
silver metal, which is black.
cyanogen and is used as Rocket fuel.
2Ag + O3  Ag2O + O2 (oxidation)
Ag2O + O3  2Ag + 2O2 (reduction) Sulphur - Allotropic forms :
These are called mutual reduction reactions.  All VI A group elements exhibit allotropism
except Te
. When O3 reacts with an excess eg : KI solution  Oxygen occurs in two non metallic forms
b u f f e r e d w i = 9.2), Iodine
t h a b
(a) Oxygen (O2) (b)Ozone (O3)
o r a t e b u f f e r ( P

is liberated which can be titrated against a  Oxygen is paramagnetic as it contains two

standard solution of sodium thiosulphate. This unpaired electrons in anti bonding M.O(as per
is thequantitative method for estimating O3 gas. Molecular Orbital Theory).
 Ozone is a triatomic diamagnetic allotropic form
2 KI  H 2O  O3  I 2  2 KOH  O2 of oxygen. It is unstable and decomposes to O2.
2 Na2 S 2O3  I 2  Na2 S 4O6  2 NaI 2O3  3O2
 When ozone is bubbled through the solution  Sulphur has more number of allotropic forms
of an alkene or alkyne in an inert sovlent like all these are non-metallic.
 Allotropes of Sulphur are :
CH 2Cl2 , CCl4 etc at 195 K, ozonides are formed
a)  - Sulphur or Rhombic sulphur..
b)  -Sulphur or monoclinic sulphur or prismatic
CH 2 CH 2 sulphur.
c)  - Monoclinic sulphur..
CH 2 = CH 2 + O 3 d)  - Sulphur or plastic sulphur..
O O  At 369K both Rhombic and monoclinic forms
can co-exist in equilibrium. This temperature is
called transition temperature of sulphur.
 The stable form at room temperature is rhombic
a) Yellow (or)  - sulphur
. above 369K Rhombic sulphur transforms to
 Ozone is an angular molecule and monoclinic sulphur
diamagnetic . Rhombic sulphur is yellow in colour, M.P 385.8
 The two oxygen - oxygen bond lengths in the K and specific gravity 2.06.
ozone molecule are identical (128 pm) . Rhombic sulphur crystals are formed by
Uses of Ozone: It is used as germicide and evoparating the solution of roll sulphur in
disinfectant. CS2 .It is insoluble in water but dissolves to
 It is used for sterilizing water.
some extent in benzene , alcohol and ether .It
 it is used in improving the quality of atmosphere
at crowded places (tube railways, mines, cinema readly soluble in CS2
halls etc.,). .   Sulphur melts at 392 K and its specific
 It is used for bleaching oils, oil paintings, ivory gravity is 1.98
articles , flour,starch etc.
. It is soluble in CS2
.  form of sulphur is prepared by melting W.E-14:Viscosity of sulphur increases when molten
Rhombic sulphur in a dish and cooling, till sulphur is heated from 120°C to 160°C. Why ?
crust is formed . Two holes are made in the Sol. At 119°C, sulphur forms a clear mobile liquid.
crust and the remaining liquid poured out on When this liquid is further heated, the cleavage
removing the crust, colourless needle shaped of octa atomic ring structure occurs. Zig-zag
crystals of   sulphur are formed . open chains are formed, which get interwound
and tangled together. Hence sulphur becomes
 ,  and  forms of sulphur are crystalline in
more viscous.
nature and possess puckered ring structures ( S8 )
(crown structure)
Sulphur Dioxide: When sulphur is burnt in
 Sulphur persists with the S8 units, just above air or oxygen SO2 is formed along with 6-8%
sulphur trioxide
the boiling point of sulphur ( 1600 C ). Further
. In the laboratory SO2 is prepared by treating a
increase in temperature leads to the dissociation
sulphite with dilute sulphuric acid
of S8 units successively into S6 (Engel's sulphur ),
SO32aq   2 H aq   SO2 g   H 2O l 
S4 and S2 units.
. Industrially it is produced as a by - product of
 In cyclo -S6 the ring adopts the chair form. At
the roasting of sulphide ores
elevated temperatures (1000K)S 2 is the
dominant species and is paramagnetic like O2. 4 FeS2 s   11O2 g   2 Fe2O3 s   8SO2 g 
. S 2 molecule has two unpaired electron in the . Liquified SO is stored in steel cylinders
antibonding  * orbitals like O2 .  SO2 is a colourless gas with pungent smell.
 SO2 can easily be condensed to a liquid ( at room
. Structure of S8 ring ( crown)
temparature by using pressure of 2 atm) which
Structure of S 6 ring ( chair) is used as a non-aqueous solvent.
 Dioxides dissolved in water and produce
corrosponding -ous acids.
S 206 pm S S  Liquid SO2 is highly soluble in water and forms
Sulphurous acid.( SO2  H 2O  H 2 SO3 )
S S  Its reacts readily with NaOH solution forming
S Na2 SO3 .Which then reacts with more SO2 to
1070 give sodium hydrogen sulphite
S S 2NaOH  SO2  Na2 SO3  H 2O

Puckered ring S8 molecule Na2 SO3  H 2O  SO2  2 NaHSO3

. In its reaction with water and alkali, the
behaviour of SO2 is very similar to that of CO2 .
205pm . SO2 reacts with Cl2 in the presence of charcoal
S catalyst to give SO2Cl2
S SO2  g   Cl2 g    SO2Cl2 l 
1020 Sulphuryl chloride
S  It acts as mild reducing agent in acid solutions
S6 Chair molecule and a strong reducing agent in basic solutions.
. Moist SO2 reduces Fe3 ions to Fe 2 ions O O O
3 2 2 
2 Fe  SO2  2 H 2O  2 Fe  SO  4 H 4
. It decolourises acidified permanganate (VII) S O S O S O
solutions, this reaction is a convenient test for
SO2 gas n
5SO2  2MnO4  2 H 2O  5SO42  4 H   2 Mn 2
Linear form ( - or -)
 SO 2 is a bleaching agent. It bleaches the
vegetable colouring matter by reduction. In this  In solid state, SO3 exists in ,  and  forms.
process it is oxidised to H2SO4. This bleaching
process is temporary.  In  -form 3 molecules of SO3 polymerise to give
SO2 + 2H2O  H2SO4 + 2(H) cyclic structure.  form of SO3 is a cyclic trimer
Coloured matter + 2(H)  colourless matter.. No. of  bonds in it is 12
No. of  bonds in it is 6
Structure of SO2: In SO2, sulphur atom is sp2 
 form is the most stable form and is made of
hybridised. It is an angular molecule with a lone cross linked chains.
pair on ‘S’ atom S-O bond length143pm or 1.43 A0 Oxyacids of sulpher: Dioxides of VIA group
In SO2 2 and 2 bonds are present one elements dissolve in water to give ‘ous’ acids
d   p and one p  p bond of the type H2MO3. (M=S, Se, Te)
 The acidic strength of ‘ous’ oxyacids of VI A
group follows the order :
Angular S H2SO3 > H2SeO3 > H2TeO3
 The trioxides of VI A group elements dissolve
O O in water to give ‘ic’ acids of the type H2MO4.
S = O bond length 1.43A
H2SO4>H2SeO4>H2TeO4 (Acidic strength of ic acids)
OSO bond angle 119.5
 The oxyacids of sulphur are classified into four
Uses of SO2: In refining petroleum and sugar a) Sulphurous acid series b)Sulphuric acid series
 In bleaching like wool and silk c) Thionic acid series d) peroxy acid series
 As an antichlor in textile industry.  The hybridisation of ‘S’ in all oxyacids is SP3
 Disinfectant and preservative
 In the manufacture of H 2 SO4 , NaHSO3 ,
Ca( HSO3 ) 2
 Liquid SO2 is used as a solvent to dissolve a
number of organic and inorganic compounds
Structure of SO3: In gaseous SO3, the central
atom sulphur shows sp2 hybridisation.
In SO3 3 bonds and 3  bonds are present they
are  two d   p  &  one p  p   bonds.
Trigonal S O O

O Cyclic from (-)
S = O bond length 1.43A O O
OSO bond angle 120
Sulphuric Acid (H2SO4): Sulphuric acid is a
very important chemical used in industry.
 Because of its wide applications in industry, it
is called ‘King of chemicals’. It was also called
Preparation of Sulphuric acid by
Contact process : The steps involved are :
i) Burning of sulphur (or) sulphide ores (like iron
pyrites) in air to get SO2
S + O2  SO2
4FeS2 + 11O2  2Fe2O3 + 8SO2
ii) Conversion of SO2 to SO3 catalytically
2SO2 + O2  
iii) SO3 is absorbed in 98% H2SO4 to get oleum
Name Structure O.N  Oleum is diluted with water to get sulphuric acid
of desired concentration
H2S2O7 + H2O  2H2SO4
I. Dithionic acid H2S2O6 HO-S-S-OH +5  The key step in the process is catalytic oxidation
OO of SO2 with O2 to give SO3 in presence of
O O catalyst V2O5
ii. Polythionic H (S) O  The process is reversible
2 n+2 6 HO-S-(S)n-S-OH +5, (0)
acid Catalyst
O O 2SO2( g )  O2 g )  
 
3( g ) ; H  196.6kJ

 Forward reaction is : Exothermic and n  ve
IV. PEROXO ACID SERIES:  According to Lechatlier’s principle to favour
Name Structure O.N forward process the following conditions are to
be maintained.
OO I. High pressure is preferred. But actually 2 bar
I. Peroxomono
sulphuric acid H2SO5 HO-S-O-OH +6 pressure is maintained.This is because acid
or caro’s acid resistant towers that can withstand high
pressures cannot be built.
ii. Peroxo O O II. Low temperatures are preferred. At low
acid or H2S2O8 HO-S-O-O-S-OH +6 temperature the kinetic energy of reactants is
Marshall’s less and hence in industry low temperatures are
O O not advisable. So optimum temperatures are
used. A temperature of 720 K is generally used.
W.E-15: Write the structure and oxidation numbers III. A suitable catalyst is to be used to increase the
of sulphur in tetrathionic acid. rate of formation of SO3
Sol. Tetrathionic acid or its salt tetrathionate has  The type of catalysis in contact process is
persulphide link, S–S. heterogenous catalysis.
 All the gases used in this process must be
O O O O extremely pure as the catalysts are easily
HO S S S S OH O S S S S O poisoned. Ex: Pt gets poisoned by As2O3
. As2O3 impurity is removed by passing through
The oxidation states of sulphur are : +5, 0, 0 arsenic purifier containing gelatinous hydrated
and +5. The average oxidation state of S is +2.5 ferricoxide ( Fe2O3 xH 2O )
Advantages of Contact Process: Acid Uses of H2SO4: It is extensively used in
obtained is very pure (96-98%) a) Petroleum refining
 Gases can be tested and if impurities are present, b) Manufacture of paints, dye stuffs
reactants can be recycled. c) Detergent industry
 The reactants are relatively cheap. d) Storage batteries (Lead storage batteries)
e) Manufacture of nitrocellulose products
Physical Properties: Its a colourless,dense
f) Pickling agent
oily liquid (sp.gravity : 1.84 at 298K)
g) Laboratory reagent
 Melting point is 283 K
. h) In the manufacture of fertilisers
 Boiling point is 611 K
eg: ammonium sulphate , super phosphate
 During dilution,conc.acid is slowly added to
i) Metallurgical applications eg: cleansing
water as acid dissolves in H 2O liberates large metals before enameling, electro plating and
amount of heat galvanising
Chemical Properties: Its chemical reactions
are due to C.U.Q
i) Low volatility,
ii) Strong acidic character GENERAL PROPERTIES
iii) Strong affinity for water. 1. Oxygen is divalent, where as Sulphur
iv) Ability to act as oxidising agent exhibits a valency of 2,4 or 6. This is due to
It ionises in water in two steps as 1. High electronegativity of Oxygen than
H 2 SO4 aq   H 2Ol   H 3O   aq   HSO4   aq  Sulphur
2. Large size of Sulphur atom
Ka1 >10 Very high 3. High ionisation potential of Oxygen
HSO  4 aq   H 2Ol   H 3O   aq   SO4 2 aq  4. Availability of Vacant d-orbitals in the valency
shell of Sulphur
Ka2  is very less 1.2  10  Ka2 << Ka1
2 2. One of the following burns in air giving a
gaseous oxide (at room temp.)
 It reacts with metal halides and forms more
1. Hydrogen 2. Sodium 3.Sulphur 4. Helium
volatile hydrogen halides.
3. Which of the following non-metal possess
2 MX  H 2 SO4  2 HX  M 2 SO4 highest atomicity.
M = metal : X= F, Cl, NO3 1.Oxygen 2.Sulphur
CaF2  H 2 SO4  CaSO4  2 HF 3.Phosphorus 4.Nitrogen
 It is very good dehydrating agent. 4. The element with least melting point in VIA
It removes water from carbohydrates as group is
1. O 2. S 3. Se 4. Te
C12 H 22O11  12C  11H 2O 5. Metal reacts with sulphur to give
1. Sulphide 2. Sulphite
C6 H12O6  6C  6 H 2O 3. Sulphate 4.Thiosulphate
 Hot conc. H 2 SO4 is moderetly strong oxidising 6. Which of the following is a true Chalcogen
1. Nitrogen 2. Oxygen
agent. (Strength is in between H 3 PO4 and
3. Polonium 4. Chlorine
HNO3 )eg : 7. Oxygen and sulphur are identical in respect
Cu  2 H 2 SO4(CONC )  CuSO4  SO2  2 H 2O
1. Chemical properties
C  2 H 2 SO4(CONC )  CO2  2SO2  2 H 2O
2. Distribution of electrons in outer shell
3S  2 H 2 SO4 (con)  3SO2  2 H 2O 3. Atomicity 4. Electronic configuration
8. Which of the following VIA group element 22. The most stable allotropic form of sulphur
has maximum catenation capacity at room temperature is
1.S 2.O 3.Se 4.Te 1.Rhombic 2.Monoclinic
9. Valence configuration of VI group elements 3.Plastic 4.Colloidal
is 23. The element which shows large number of
1. ns2np2 2. ns2np4 3. ns2np5 4. ns2np6 allotropes among VIA group elements
10. Anomalous behaviour of oxygen is due to 1. S 2. Se 3. Po 4. Te
1.Its high electronegativity HYDRIDES
2.Its small atomic size
24. The minimum bond angle is found in which
3.Non availability of d-orbitals 4.All
of the following hydrides is
11. Elements O,S,Se and Te are commonly
known as 1. H 2O 2. H 2 Se 3. H 2 S 4. H 2Te
1.Halogens 2.Rare earth elements 25. Which of the following is more acidic in its
3.Chalcogens 4.Pnicogens aqueous solution
12. Number of atoms in one molecule of sulphur 1.H2O 2.H2S 3.H2Se 4.H2Te
1. 8 2. 4 3. 3 4. 1 26. Which of the following has lowest boiling
13. Which element occurs in native state point
1. I 2. S 3. P 4. Mg 1.H2O 2.H2S 3.H2Se 4.H2Te
14. Which of the following sets of atomic 27. Which of the following is most volatile?
numbers belongs to chalcogens 1.H2O 2.H2S 3.H2Se 4.H2Te.
1. 8, 52, 84 2. 9, 17, 35 28. H2S is a
3. 20, 37, 56 4. 14, 32, 50 1.Weak dibasic acid 2.Weak monobasic acid
15. Which of the following elements behaves as 3.Strong dibasic acid 4.Strong monobasic
a typical non metal
1. S 2. Se 3. Te 4. Po OXIDES
16. Paramagnetism is exhibited by molecules 29. In which of the following the bond angle is
1. not attracted into a magnetic field maximum
2. containing only paired electrons 1.H2O 2.H2S 3.SO2 4.SO3
3. containing unpaired electrons 30. Solution of SO2 in water is known as
4. carrying a positive charge 1.Sulphuric acid 2.Sulphurous acid
OXIDATION STATES 3.Hydrosulphuric acid 4.Thiosulphurous acid
17. Oxidation number of oxygen in OF2 is 31. Which of the following is strongest acidic
1.-1 2.-2 3.+1 4.+2 oxide?
18. Oxidation state of sulphur is minimum in 1. Sb2O3 2. P2O5 3. SO2 4. SO3
1. Sulphuryl chloride 2. Caro’s acid 32. SO2 is more powerful reducing agent in:
3. Con. Sulphuric acid 4. Thionyl choride 1)Acid medium 2)Alkaline medium
19. In which one of the following compounds 3)Neutral medium 4)None of these
does sulphur have the least oxidation number 33. Non metals combine with oxygen to form
1.SO2 2.H2SO4 3.Na2S2O3 4.Na2S4O6 usually:
20. In which of the following compounds oxygen 1)Basic oxides 2)neutral oxides
exhibits an Oxidation state of +2 3)acidic oxides 4)Amphoteric oxides
1. H 2O 2. H 2O2 3. OF2 4. H 2 SO4 34. The gas that cannot be collected over water
1.N2 2.O2 3.SO2 4.PH3
21. The temp. at which rhombic sulphur and
monoclinic sulphur exist in equilibrium is 35. Sulphurous anhydride is
1. 980C 2. 95.50C 3. 2400C 4. 1200C 1.SO3 2. SO42 3. SO32  4. SO2
36. In SO2 molecules, S atom is OZONE
52. Ozone is an
1. sp hybridized 2. sp 2 hybridized 1. Isomorphic form of oxygen
3. sp hybridized
4. sp d hybridized
3 2. Allotropic form of oxygen
37. Which one of the following is an amphoteric 3. Isomer of O2 4. Isotope of O2
oxide ? 53. A considerable part of the harmful ultraviolet
(1) Na2 O (2) SO2 (3) B2 O3 4) ZnO radiation of the Sun does not reach the
surface due to
HALIDES 1. CO2 2. H2 3. O3 4. NH3
38. When sulphur is treated with excess of 54. Which of the following brings about dry
Fluorine, the compound formed is bleaching
1.SF4 2.S2F2 3.SF6 4.S2F6 1. ozone 2. chlorine
39. The oxidation state of sulphur in its 3. sulphur dioxide 4. hydrogen peroxide
octahedral halide is 55. Ozone on reaction with one of the following
1.+4 2,+6 3.+5 4.+2 reagents uses all its 3 oxygen atoms for
40. In O2F2 the bond angle in between FOO is
1.SO2 2. SnCl2 in presence of HCl
1. 1200 2. 1090311 3. 900 4. 1800 3.CH2=CH2 4. All
41. The hybridisation of sulphur in SF4 is 56. Ozone is not
1.sp3 2.sp3d 3.dsp2 4.sp3d2 1.Paramagnetic 2.A bleaching agent
42. The number of lone pairs available on the 3.An oxidising agent 4.A reducing agent
central atom of sulphur tetra fluoride is 57. Hg sticks to the surface of glass when it comes
1.0 2.1 3.2 4.3 into contact with
43. The hybridisation of sulphur in SF6 is 1. H2O 2. HNO3 3. Grease 4. O3
1. sp3 2. d2sp3 3. sp3d2 4. sp3d 58. Which sterilises water ?
44. The structure of SF4 is 1. CO2 2. O3 3. N2 4. SO3
1)Squre planar 2)Tetrahedral SULPHURIC ACID
3)see- saw structure 4)Octahedral 59. Sulphuric acid can not be used
1) As a pickling agent
2) In lead storage batteries
45. The weakest acid among the following is 3) In white paints
1. H2SO4 2.H2SO3 3. H2SeO4 4.H2SeO3 4) In manufacuture of dyes
46. The catalyst used in the manufacture of
Sulphuricacid by contact process 60. Conc. H 2 SO4 is not
1.Al2O3 2.Cr2O3 3. V2O5 4.Mn3O4 1) Hygroscopic 2) Dehydrating agent
47. The strongest acid among the following 3) Sulphonating agent 4) efflorescent
1.H2SO4 2.H2SeO4 3.H2TeO4 4.H2PoO4
48. Oleum is
1.H2S2O8 2.H2S2O5 3.H2S2O4 4.H2S2O7 1) 4 2) 3 3) 2 4) 1 5) 1 6) 2 7) 2
49. A salt of sulphurous acid is called 8) 1 9) 2 10) 4 11) 3 12) 1 13) 2 14) 1
1.Sulphate 2.Sulphurite 15) 1 16) 3 17) 4 18) 4 19) 3 20) 3 21) 2
3.Sulphite 4.Sulphide 22) 1 23) 1 24) 4 25) 4 26) 2 27) 2 28) 1
50. Caro’s acid is 29) 4 30) 2 31) 4 32) 2 33) 3 34) 3 35) 4
1. H 2 SO5 2. H 2 S2O8 3. H 2 SO3 4. H 2 S 2O3 36) 2 37) 4 38) 3 39) 2 40) 2 41) 2 42) 2
51. The acid used in lead storage battery is 43) 3 44) 3 45) 4 46) 3 47) 1 48) 4 49) 3
1. Nitric acid 2. Sulphuric acid 50) 1 51) 2 52) 2 53) 3 54) 1 55) 4 56) 1
3. Hydrochloric acid 4. Phosphoric acid
57) 4 58) 2 59) 3 60) 4
C.U.Q - HINTS 31. 3SO2  O3  3SO3
1. d-orbitals are unavailable in Oxygen but present
in Sulphur 32. (B)The reduing power of SO2 is due to
2. SO2 is a gas at room temperature SO2  2 H 2O  H 2 SO4  2  H 
3. Sulphur is octa atomic Addition of alkali favours forward reaction
4 Melting point order O<S<Se<Te whereas addition of acid favours backward
5. 2Na + S  Na2S (Sulphide S-2 reaction.
6. O, S, Se, Te are called chalcogens 33. Generaly non-metal oxides are acidic metal
7. Both have ns 2 np 4 configuration oxides are basic
34. SO2 is dissolved in H2O to form sulphurous acid
8. Catenation power of sulphur is greater than
oxygen 35. H2SO3   H 2O
 SO

9. VIA group elements contain six electrons in the 36. SP 2 hybridization is seen in SO2
valency shell. 2 in the S orbital, 4 in the P-orbital 38. S + 3F2  SF6
10. High E.N, small A.S & non - availability of d-
39. 6 in hexaflorides.
orbitals explain anamolous behaviour of oxygen
11. O, S , Se, Te are called chalcogens 40. 109031' - bond angle

12. S8 -octa atomic 41. SF4 has SP 3 d hybridization

13. Sulphur occurs in native state near volcanoes. 42. One L.P of e is seen in SF4
14. Atomic number for chalcogens are
43. SF6  SP 3 d 2
15. Among the VIA group oxygen & sulphur is 44. The hybridization of S in SF4 is sp3 d. Hence,
typical non metal because of their small size, it is trigonal bipyramidalwith one lone pair of
high EN and high IP values electrons.
16. Paramagnetism is due to unpaired e- in orbitals 45. ‘ic’ acids are more acidic than ‘ous’ acids. In a
17. ‘F’ always exhibit -1 oxidation state OF2 group from top to bottom acidic nature decreases
x+2(-1)=0; x = +2 46. V2O5 is catalyst.
18. SOCl2 47. H 2 SO4  H 2 SeO4  H 2TeO4  H 2 PoO4
19. In Na2S2O3 terminal sulphur has -2 oxidation
state 48. oleum - H 2 S2O7
20. OF2 -oxygen show +2 O.N 49. Sulphurous acid salts are called sulphites

95.5 C
50. H 2 SO5  caro’s acid.
  Monoclinic Sulphur
21. Rhombic Sulphur  
51. Lead storage batteries used H 2 SO4
22. At room temperature it exists as S8 - Solid
23. ‘S’ has max no. of allotropic forms. 52 O2 & O3 are allotropes
24. The bond angle decreases from H 2O to H 2 Te 53. O3 filter U.V rays from sun light.
25. Acidic nature increases H2O to H2Te
54. O3 acts as dry bleach
26. H2S<H2Se<H2Te<H2O
27. Order of volatile nature H2S>H2Se>H2Te>H2O 55. SO2  SO3 , SnCl2  SnCl4 & ozonolysis uses
28. H 2 S  2 H   S 2 up all oxygen atoms of O3
SO3  120 0 ; SO2  119.50 56. O3 is diamagnetic.
H 2O  104.50 ; H 2 S  92 0 57. 2Hg  O3  Hg 2O  O2

30. SO2  H 2O  H 2 SO3 58. O3 is a good sterilizing agent

13. H 2 S cannot be dried by passing over
conc. H 2 SO4 because
GENERAL PROPERTIES 1) The acid oxidises H2S into S
1. Which of the following is a highly basic oxide 2) The acid combines with H 2 S to form a ppt
1.SO2 2.SO3 3. TeO2 4. TeO3 3) Both form complex
2. The element with highest boiling point in the 4) It dissovles in the acid
following is
1. Oxygen 2. Sulphur OXIDES
3. Tellurium 4. Polonium 14. A gas which bleaches substances by reduction
3. Oxygen exhibits its +ve oxidation states in its process is
1. Fluorides 2. Chlorides 1.Moist Cl2 2. SO2 3.O3 4. Dry Cl2
3. Nitrides 4. Sulphides 15. In which of the following central atom makes
4. Which of the following acts only as reducing use of sp3 hybrid orbitals
agent 1.SO2 2.SO3 3.H2S 4.H2O
1.KMnO4 2.CaOCl2 3. H2S 4. HNO2
16. Conversion of SO2 to SO3 is
5. Which of the following is not a normal oxide
1. Na2O 2.Al2O3 3.KO2 4. MgO 1. Exothermic reaction
2. Endothermic reaction
OXIDATION STATES 3. Photochemical reaction
6. The two sulphur atoms in Na2 S 2O3 have 4. Reduction reaction
1. -2 and +4 oxidation states 17. A solution of SO2 in water reacts with H2S
2. +4 and +6 oxidation states precipitating sulphur. Here SO2 acts as
3. +6 and -2 oxidation states 1. an oxidising agent 2. a reducing agent
4. same oxidation state 3. an acid 4. a catalyst
7. Oxygen as a super oxide is in the form of
2 
1. O 2 2 2. O 3. O2  4. O 18. Which of the following is a red liquid?
8. T h e o x i d a t i o n n u m b e r o f o x y g e n i n K

O, 1.SF4 2.SF6 3.SCl2 4.S2Cl2
K2O2 and KO2 are respecitvely 19. Hybridisation of oxygen in O2F2
1 1 1. sp 2. sp2 3. sp3 4. sp3d
1. -2,-1,- 2. - ,-1,-2
2 2
1 1 20. One of the following has O-O Bond
3. -1,-2,- 4. -2,- ,-1
2 2 1.H2S2O6 2.H2S2O7 3..H2S2O5 4..H2S2O8
ALLOTROPIC FORMS 21. The number of dative bonds in sulphric acid
9. Crystalline form of Sulphur is molecule is
1. Plastic sulphur 2. Colloidal sulphur 1) 0 2)1 3) 2 4)4
3. Monoclinic sulphur 4. All of these 22. There is no S-S bond in
10. Rhombic sulphur consists of 1. S2O42 2. S 2 O 52  3. S 2 O 3 2 4. S 2O72
1.S8 chains 2.S2 molecules
3.S4 rings 4.S8 rings 23. About sulphuric acid which is not correct?
1. Reducing agent 2. Dehydrating agent
HYDRIDES 3. Sulphonating agent 4. Highly viscous
11. Which of the following turns lead acetate
paper black? OZONE
1. SO2 2. SO3 3. H2S 4.H2SO4 24. Which of the following metals loses its
12. Strongest reducing agent of the following is meniscus after reacting with ozone?
1.H2O 2.H2S 3.H2Se 4.H2Te 1. Pb 2. Hg 3. Cu 4. Ag
25. Silver on warming in O3 the reaction is 5. In normal oxides O 2
1. Oxidation of the metal In peroxidies O 1
2. Formation of ozonide
3. Alternate oxidation of the metal and reduction In superoxidies O2 1
of oxide takes place 4. Reduction of metal 6. O.N of S in Na S O are +6 & - 2
2 2 3
26. Which is wrong about O3
7. O2 =superoxide ion
1. It is paramagnetic in nature
2. It has a linear structure 1
8. Oxide = -2; peroxide = -1 & superoxide = -
3. It decolourizes acidic KMnO4 4. All 2
27. Which is correct about O3 10. Rhombic sulphur = S8 puckered rings
1.Molecule is angular
2. Bond angle is 116.50 11. H2S gives black lead sulphide
3.It is isoatomic with SO2 4.All 12. Reducing power of hydrides
H2O < H2S < H2Se<H2Te
13. H2S exhibits reducing property and acidic
28. Hybridisation of sulphur in H 2 SO4 is property
1) sp 2) sp 2 3) sp3 4) sp 3d 2 14. SO2 bleaches by liberating nascent hydrogen
29. The final acid obtained during the 15. H 2O has SP 3 hybridization on oxygen.
manufacture of H 2 SO4 , by contact process 16. 2 SO  O  2 SO ; H  189kJ
2( g ) 2( g ) 3( g )
17. 2H2S+SO2  3S+2H2O
1) H 2 SO4 (conc.) 2) H 2 SO4 (dil)
18. SCl2 is dark red liquid with foul odour
3) HCl 4) H 2 S2O7
19. O2 F2  SP 3
30. Low volatile nature of H 2 SO4 is due to :
1)Hydrogen bonding 2)Van der waals’forces O O
3)Strong bonds 4) Highvi scosicity ll ll
HO  S  O  O  S  OH
LEVEL-I (C.W) - KEY 20.
ll ll
1)3 2)3 3)1 4)3 5)3 6)3 7)3 O O
8)1 9)3 10)4 11)3 12)4 13)2 14)2
15)4 16)1 17)1 18)3 19)3 20)4 21)3 21. Two dative bonds are seen in H 2 SO4
22)4 23)1 24)2 25)3 26)4 27)4 28)3 25. H 2 SO4  6
29)4 30)1 24. 2Hg + O  Hg O + O
3 2 2
25. 2Ag + O3  Ag2O + O2
Ag undergoes oxidation, O3 undergoes reduction
1. In a group from top to bottom basic nature of
oxides increases and the element which contains 26. O3 is diamagnetic, angular & does not
less number of oxygens is more basic in nature
decolourised acid. KMnO4
2. Boiling point order O<S<Se<Te
3. F is more E.N than oxygen 27. O3 is angular; bond angle is 116.50 & isoatomic
4. Oxidation number of Sulphur is minimum in
with SO2 (triatomic)
H2S (-2)
LEVEL-I (H.W) 8) Which of the following is incorrect about
S8 molecule
GENERAL PROPERTIES 1) No.of lone pairs : 16
1) Incorrect match 2) covalency : 2
1) Aquafortis - HNO3 3) Bond order : 1
4) Bond length : 205.7 pm
2) Chambersacid - H 2 SO4
9) In S 2 molecule the two unpaired electrons
3) King of chemical - HCl are present in
4) Oil of vitriol - H 2 SO4 1)  2)  * 3)  4)  *
2) Which chalcogon contains same no.of S and P HYDRIDES
electrons 10) Which of the following is incorrect match
1) S 2) Mg 3) O 4) Se 1) Stability H 2O  H 2 S  H 2 Se  H 2Te
3) Density order of  ,  ,  forms in Sulphur 2) Bond enthalpy : H 2O  H 2 S  H 2 Se  H 2Te
1)      2)      3) Ka H 2O  H 2 S  H 2 Se  H 2Te
3)      4) S  S  S  4) B.P : H 2 S  H 2 Se  H 2Te  H 2O
4) A : In oxygen maximum covalency limits to 11) Which hydride has maximum decomposition
four temperature
R : Absence of d - orbitals 1) H 2O 2) H 2 S 3) H 2Te 4) H 2 Se
1) Both A and R are true and R is the 12. (A) : Thermal stability of the hydrides of VIA
correct explanation of A group elements decreases from H2O to H2Po
2) Both A and R are true and R is not the (R) : The heats of dissociation of M – H bond
correct explanation of A of hydrides of VIA group decreases down the
3) A is true but R is false
1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the
4) A is false but R is true correct explanation of (A)
2) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not
the correct explanation of (A)
5. The element of VI A group which cannot
3) (A) is true but (R) is false
form hexahalides is
4) (A) is false but (R) is true
1) O 2) S 3) Se 4) Te
6. Oxygen cannot exhibit higher oxidation OXIDES
states due to 13) Mn2O7 , CrO3 , V2O5 are ____ oxides
1) small size 1) Basic 2) Acidic
2) more electronegativity 3) Neutral 4) Amphoteric
3) less density 14) Which of the following bleaches by reduction
4) lack of vacent d orbitals 1) CaOCl2 aq  2) H 2O2 aq 
7. The oxidation state of sulphur in the anions
follow the order (CBSE -2003) 3) O3 4) SO2 aq 
1) S2 O24  SO32   S2 O62  15) SO2 reduces acidified K 2Cr2O7 to
2) S2 O24  S2 O32   S2 O62 
3) S2 O24  S2 O62   SO32  1) Cr2  SO4 3 2) CrO3
2 2 2
4) S2 O 6  S2 O 4  SO3 3) Cr O 4) chromium
2 3
16) Which form is cyclic trimer of SO3 27) PbO2  O3  PbO  2O2 ; BaO2  O3  BaO  2O2 ,
1)  2)  3)  4) both  and  these reaction are called
1) Oxidation 2) Reduction
17) Reaction of SO2 with water and alkali is 3) Mutual reduction 4) Dispropornation
similar to that of
1) CO2 2) SO3 3) CO 4) NO2 28) Incorrect statement about manufacture of
HALIDES H 2 SO4 by contact process is
18) The stability order of halides of V IA group 1) Homogeneous catalysis
elements 2) Adsorption theory
1) F  Cl  Br  I 2) Cl  Br  I  F 3) 720K and 2 bar pressure
3) I  Br  Cl  F 4) Br  Cl  F  I 4) high temperature and low pressure are favoured
19) Incorrect statement about SF4 is 29) The purity of H 2 SO4 obtained by contact
process is
1) Seesaw Structure 2) Sp 3d hybridization
1) 96-98% 2) 92-96% 3) 92-94 % 4) 100%
3) One lone pair
30) Impurity along SO2 is __ and it is removed
4) Sulphur is in second excited state
20) Incorrect match is 1) As2O3 ; Fe2O3 , xH 2O 2) H 2 S , Al  OH 3
1) H 2 S2O7 a) S -O - S linkage 3) H 2 S , Fe2O3 , xH 2O 4) AS 2O3 , Al2O3 , xH 2O
2) H 2 SO5 b) O - O linkage 31. What is the number of sigma and pi bonds
present in H2SO4 molecule ?
3) H 2 S 2O3 c) S = S linkage
1) 6  and 2  2) 6  and 0 
4) H 2 S xO6 d) S-O-S linkage 3) 2  and 4  4) 2  and 2 
21. Compound 'X' is the anhydride of sulphuric
acid, the hybridisation of central atom in a
molecule of 'X' is 1)3 2)3 3)1 4)1 5)1 6)4 7)1
1) sp3 2) sp2 3) sp 4) sp3d 8)4 9)2 10)3 11)1 12)1 13)2 14)4
22. The strongest oxidizing agent is 15)1 16)1 17)1 18)1 19)4 20)4 21)2
1) HNO3 2) H2SO4 3) H2SO3 4) H2S2O3
22)2 23)1 24)1 25)1 26)1 27)3 28)4
29)1 30)1 31)1
23) If air contains > 100 ppm of O3 , it causes
1) headache and nausca 2) hyper tension LEVEL - I (H.W) - HINTS
3) Anoxia 4) Hyper thyrodisim 10) H 2O  H 2 S  H 2 Se  H 2Te
24. In the tailing of mercury ozone oxidises X to
Y. X and Y are respectively 11) Decomposition temperature of H 2O is 2273K
1) Hg, Hg(I)O 2) Hg, Hg(II)O 14) SO2  2 H 2O  H 2 SO4  2  H 
3) Hg(I)O, Hg(II)O 4) Hg(II)O, Hg(I)O
25) Oxidizing agent used in the manufacture 21) X is SO3
of KMnO4 is 24) 2Hg  O3  Hg 2O  O2
1) O3 2) O2 3) Cl2 4) Ag 2O
26) 3SO2  O3  3SO3
26) What volume of O2 is liberated when 3moles O

of SO2 reacts with sufficient volume of O3 HO S OH

1) Zero 2) 2 Vol 3) 3 vol 4) 0.5 vol O
LEVEL-II (C.W) 11. Which of the following is used as fluorinating
1. Sulphur melts to a mobile liquid at 119 C 0 12. Chemically inert halide of sulphur is
1.S2Cl2 2.SF4 3.SCl2 4.SF6
but becomes Viscous above 1600 C . It is due
13. Which of the following substances is used
to as the gaseous dielectric in high voltage
1. Molten sulphur exists as S8 at 1190 C transformers?
2. Puckered rings are cleaved above 160 C 0
1) SF4 2) SF6 3) SCl6 4) TeF6
3. Open chains tangle together forming viscous
sulphur OXOACIDS
4. All are correct 14. When SO 2 is passed through acidified
solution of H2S
OXIDATION STATES 1. H2SO3 is formed 2. H2SO4 is formed
2. The oxidation number of sulphur in Na2S4O6
3. Sulphur is precipitated 4. H2SO5 is formed
15. Commercial name of permonosulphuric acid
1. -2.5 2. +2.5 3. -10 4. +10
ALLOTROPIC FORMS 1.Marshall’s acid 2.Oleum
3. When molten sulphur is quenched, the 3.Fuming sulphuric acid 4.Caro’s acid
following is formed. 16. Pyrosulphuric acid may be synthesised by
1.Monoclinic sulphur 2.Rhombic sulphur
dissolving SO3 in
3.Crystex (plastic) 4. γ - sulphur
OXIDES 1) H 2O 2) H 2 SO3 3) H 2 SO4 4) H 2 S2O8
17. Which of the following has no S-S bond.
4. O22− is the symbol of ............. ion
1.H2S2O4 2.H2S2O5 3.H2S2O6 4.H2S2O7
1. Oxide 2. Super oxide
3. Peroxide 4. Monoxide OZONE
5. Bond angle in SO2 is nearly 18. O3 does not give ozonide with
1.119.50 2.900 3.1800 4.1090 28|
1. 2-Butene 2. Benzene
6. Which of the following contains pπ − dπ 3. 2-Pentyne 4. Neopentane
bonds 19. In which of the following ozone acts as
1. NO2 2. SO3 3. SO2 4.Both 2 and 3 reducing agent?
7. Which of the following oxides reacts with 1. BaO2 + O3 → BaO + 2O2
both HCl and NaOH ? 2. 2HCl + O3 → Cl2 + H2O + O2
1. CaO 2. ZnO 3. N 2O5 4. CO2 3. PbS + 4O3 → PbSO4 + 4O2
4. 2KI + O3 + H2O → 2KOH + I2 + O2
8. During bleaching action SO2 converts into
20. Ozone is a
1.SO3 2.H2SO3 3.H2SO4 4.H2S2O7
1. Mild oxidizing agent
9. FeCl3 solution on reaction with SO2 changes 2. Powerful oxidizing agent
to? 3. Powerful reducing agent
1) FeCl2 2) Fe2 ( SO4 )3 4. Mild reducing agent
3) Fe2 ( SO3 )3 4) FeSO4 21. Ozonisation of water is carried to remove
1. Bacterial impurities
10. The gases respectively absorbed by alkaline
2. Bad taste
pyrogallol and carbon tetrachloride are
3. Excess of chlorine present
1) O3 , CH 4 2) O2 , O3 3) SO2 , CH 4 4) N 2O4 , O3 4. Calcium and magnesium salts present in it
22. List - I List - II 10. Alkaline pyrogallol & CCl4 absorbs O2, O3
A) O3 + H2O2 → 1)Blue
B) O3 + starch KI → 2)Tailing 11. SF4 is a good flourinating agent
C) O3 + Hg → 3)HIO3 12. SF6 is inert
D) O3 + I2 + H2O → 4) O2 + H2O
5) HI 13. SF6 is inert
The correct match is 15. Per mono sulphuric acid is also known as Caro’s
A B C D A B C D acid
1) 5 2 3 2 2) 4 1 2 3 17. H 2 S2O7 has S-O-S-bond
3) 1 4 3 2 4) 3 2 1 5
18. O3 does not give ozonides with alkane
23. Which one of the gas dissolves in H 2 SO4 to 19. BaO2 + O3 → BaO + 2O2.BaO2 reduces to BaO
give oleum?
20. O3 → O2 + (O )
1) SO2 2) H 2 S 3) S 2O 4) SO3
24. Which characteristic is not correct about 21. O3 is a disinfectant.
H 2 SO4 ? 24. In H 2 SO4 , the S atom is present in its highest
1. Reducing agent 2. Oxidising agent oxidation state of +6. Hence H 2 SO4 can
3. Sulphonating agent 4. Highly viscous
act an reducing agent
25. Sulphur trioxide is dissolved in heavy water
25. SO3 + D2O → D2SO4
to form a compound X. The hybridisation
In D2SO4, S - under goes SP3 hybridization
state of sulphur in X is
1. SP 2 2. SP 3 3. SP 4. dSP 2 26. H 2 SO4 + CaF2 → CaSO4 + 2 HF

26. What happens when H 2 SO4 added to CaF2

1) Gives CaSO4 2) Gives HF
3) Gives 1 & 2 4) Gives CaHF2 GENERAL PROPERTIES
LEVEL-II (C.W) - KEY 1. Electron affinity order of chalcogens is
1) 3 2) 2 3) 3 4) 3 5) 1 6) 4 7) 2 1) S > Se > Te > O 2) O > S > Se > Te > Po
8) 3 9) 1 10) 2 11) 2 12) 4 13) 2 14) 3 3) S > O > Se > Te > Po 4) O > Po > Te > Se > S
2. The chalcogen having same number of
15) 4 16) 3 17) 4 18) 4 19) 1 20) 2 21) 1
electrons both in penultimate and
22) 2 23) 4 24) 1 25) 2 26) 3 antipenultimate shells is
1) O 2) S 3) Se 4) Te
1. Cleaving of ring causes entangling & increases OXIDATION STATES
viscosity 3. Oxygen exhibits least oxidation state in
2. Na2S4O6 ⇒ 2(Na)+4(S)+6(O) 1) OF2 2) KO2 3) H2O 4) H2O2
2(+1)+4(x)+6(-2)=0 ⇒ x = 2.5 or 5/2 4. In a compound of sulphur, the sulphur atom
3. Molten sulphur gives plastic sulphur when is in second excited state. The possible
poured into water hybridisation of sulphur is
6. SO2 has One d π − pπ & SO3 has two 1) sp2 2) sp3
3 2
d π − pπ bonds. 2) sp d 4) sp2 (or) sp3 (or) sp3d2
7. ZnO is amphoteric (see oxides). ALLOTROPIC FORMS
8. SO2 + 2 H 2O → H 2 SO4 + 2 ( H ) 5. Magnetic nature of S 2 is similar to that of
9. 2FeCl3 + SO2 + 2H2O → 2FeCl2 + H2 SO4 + 2HCl 1) S8 2) S 6 3) O2 4) O3
6. Among the following, the weakest conjugate 17. SF6 is exceptionally stable due to
base is 1) S - F Bond is strong
1) OH − 2) SH − 3) SeH − 4) TeH − 2) Steric reasons
3)Un Symmetrical geometry
OXIDES 4) Exothermic compound
7. BeO , Al2O3 , SnO2 , SiO2 , Sb2O3 , PbO are__ oxides 18. Number of planar atoms in SF is
1) Amphoteric oxides 2) Basic 1) 7 2) 6 3) 5 4) 4
3) Acidic 4) Neutral
8. Which oxides are neutral 19. Regarding ozone the wrong statement is
1) NO 2) N 2O 3) CO 4) All 1) The bond angle is 1160491
9. Number of S–O–S bridges, no.of σ and π 2) O3 acts as both oxidant and reductant
3) O-O bond lengths are equal
bonds in cyclic trimer of SO3 4) It is paramagnetic
1) 3,12σ , 6π 2) 3,18σ , 6π 20. When O 3 is passed through an aqueous
solution of KI, the pH of the resulting solution
3) 2,12σ , 4π 4) 4,12σ ,3π is
10. In SO 2 two oxygen atoms are linked to the 1) 7 2) 6.8 3) 2.8 4) 10 -14
sulphur atom through double bonds. The two π 21. Which is a mutual reduction reaction ?
bonds are A) KMnO4 + O3 B) H2O2+ O3
1) both p π − p π 2) both p π − d π C) Ag2O + O3 D) KI + H2O + O3
1) A,B 2) A,C 3) A,D 4) B,C
3) both d π − d π 4) one d π − p π and one p π − p π
22. Which one of the following reactions does not
11. The number of S - S bonds in sulphur trioxide occur ?
trimer (S3O9) is 1) BaO + O3 → BaO2 + O2
1) Three 2) Two 3) One 4) Zero 2) PbS + 4O3 → PbSO4 + 4O2
12. S+2Cl 2 → X  → Y+HCl 3) H2O2 + O3 → H2O + 2O2
4) 2Hg + O3 → Hg2O + O2
Y → Z+H 2 O . Oxidation state of S in 'Z' is
1) +1 2) + 4 3) + 6 4) + 2 OXOACIDS
13. In OF2 molecule, the total number of bond 23. Which of the following has pπ − d π bonding
pairs and lone pairs of electrons present
1) NO3− 2) SO32 − 3) BO3− 4) CO3−
respectively are
24. Single bond between sulphur atoms is
1) 2,6 2) 2,8 3) 2, 10 4) 2, 9
pressent in
DIOXYGEN 1) H2S2O7 2)H2S2O8 3)H2S2O6 4)H2S2O3
14. Industrially O2 is obtained by 25. Number of hydorxyl groups present in
pyrosulphuric acid is
1) Fractional distillation of air 1) 3 2) 4 3) 2 4) 1
∆ ∆
2) KClO3  → 3) Ag 2O  → 26. LIST - 1 LIST-2 (OS of 'S')
4) Electrolysis of water A) H2SO4 1) + 4
B) H2(S)nO6 2) + 3
15. What volume of O2 is soluble in 100cm 3 of C) H2SO3 3) + 2, –2
water at 293 K. D) H2S2O4 4) + 6
5) + 5, 0
1)3.08cc 2) 30.8cm3 3) 1.02 cm3 4) 4.2 cm3
The correct match is
16. Which metals directly do not react with O2 A B C D A B C D
1) Au 2)Pt 3) Both 1&2 4) He, Ne 1) 2 5 2 4 2) 3 2 1 4
3) 4 5 1 2 4) 2 3 1 5
27. X and Y are anhydrides of sulphurous and
sulphuric acid respectively. The hybridisation
state and the shape of X and Y are 9.
2 2
1. sp , angular sp , tetrahedral
2. sp , angular sp2, angular
3. sp , angular sp2,planar triangular
4. sp3, planar sp3, planar 11.
28. An oxyacid of sulphur contained S = S
linkage and the oxidation number of S in it
is +6 and –2. It belongs to 12. S + 2Cl2 → SCl4
1) -ous series 2) -ic series
SCl4 + 4 H 2O → S (OH )4 + 4 HCl
3) peroxo series 4) thionic acid series
29. Which of the following statements regarding S (OH )4 → H 2 SO3 + H 2O
the manufacture of H2SO4 by Contact process
is not true ?
1) Sulphur is burnt in air to form SO2
2) SO2 is catalytically oxidised to SO3 13.
3) SO 3 is dissolved in water to get 100%
sulphuric acid 16. Noble metal do not react with oxygen.
4) H2SO4 obtained by Contact process is of 20. O3 + 2 KI + H 2O → 2 KOH + I 2 + O2
higher purity than that obtained by lead chamber
21. Both the reactants looses oxygen atoms
30. A student accidently splashes few drops of 27. X = SO2 Y = SO3
conc. H2SO4 on his cotton shirt. After a while, PREVIOUS EAMCET QUESTIONS
the splashed parts blacken and the holes
1. What are the products formed when moist
appear. This has happened because sulphuric
acid chlorine gas is reacted with hypo?
1) Dehydrates the cotton with burning 1) Na2 SO4 , S , HCl 2) Na2 SO3 , S , HCl
2) Causes the cotton to react with air 3) Na2 S 4O6 , Na2 SO3 , HCl
3) Heats up the cotton
4) Removes the elements of water from cotton 4) Na2 S4O6 , NaCl , HCl
2. The oxoacid of sulphur which contains two
LEVEL-II (H.W) - KEY sluphur atoms in different oxidatiin states is
1) 1 2)4 3) 3 4) 4 5) 3 6) 4 7) 1 1) pyrosulphurous acid 2) Hyposulphurous acid
8) 4 9) 1 10) 4 11) 4 12) 2 13) 2 14) 1 3) pyrosulphuric acid 4) persulphuric acid
15) 1 16) 3 17) 2 18) 3 19) 4 20) 4 21) 4 3. Which reaction producese SO2
22) 1 23) 2 24) 3 25) 3 26) 3 27) 3 28) 2 1) 2 Na2 S5 + 3O2 ∆

29)3 30)1 ∆
2Na2 SO3 + S  →
` LEVEL-II (H.W) - HINTS excess

3. In H 2O − 2 3) Na2 S2O3 + 2 HCl ( dil )

6. Strong acid conjugate base is weak 4) Na2 S2O3 + Cl2 + H 2O →
8 Neather react with acid (or) base
4. The charring of sugar takes places when 5. The boiling points of H 2O, H 2 S , H 2 Se and
treated with con. H 2 SO4 . What is the type of H 2Te are in the following order
reaction involed in it”
1. H 2 O > H 2 S > H 2 Se > H 2Te
1) Addition reaction
2) Disproprotionation reaction 2. H 2 O > H 2Te > H 2 Se > H 2 S
3) Dehydration reaction 4) Hydrolysis reaction 3. H 2Te > H 2 Se > H 2 S > H 2 O
4. H 2 S > H 2O > H 2Te > H 2 Se
PREVIOUS QUESTION - KEY 6. In the laboratory H2S is prepared by the
1) 1 2) 1 3) 1 4) action of
1.Dil HCl on FeS 2. Dil H2SO4 on FeSO4
LEVEL-III 3.water on Al2S3 4. Water on FeS
7. The statements regarding hydrides of VIA
GENERAL PROPERTIES group elements are
i) The order of volatility
1. The sulphur molecule ( S8 ) can be
H 2O < H 2Te < H 2 Se < H 2 S
represented as a ii) The order of B.P
1. cubical structure
H 2O > H 2Te > H 2 Se > H 2 S
2. spherical structure
iii) The order of bond angles
3. tetrahedral structure
4. Crown shape ring structure H 2O > H 2 S > H 2 Se > H 2Te
2. Which of the following statement is true The correct combination is
1) All are correct 2) Only i is correct
1) Both rhombic and monoclinic sulphur are
3) ii & iii are correct 4) i & iii are correct
soluble in water
2) Both rhombic and monoclinic sulphur are 8. Why H 2 S less acidic than H 2Te
soluble in carbon disulphide 1) Less dissociation enthalpy of H 2 S
3)Both rhombic and monoclinic sulphur are
2) More dissociation enthalpy of H 2 S
insoluble in carbon disulphide
4)Rhombic sulphur can be converted in to 3) Molecular weight of H 2 S is less
monoclinic sulphur but the revers is not possible. 4) Melting point of H 2 S is less
3. Which one of the following is wrong? 9. Oxyen is more eletrongative than sulphur,
1) Oxyg en and sulphur belong to the same group
yet H 2 S is acidic while H 2O in neutral.this
of periodic table
2)Oxyzen is a gas while sulphur is solid is because:
1)water is a highly associated compound
3)Both show +2, +4 and +6 oxidation states

2)H S bond is weaker than H O bond −
4) H 2 S has no hydrozen bonding. 3) H 2 S is a gas while H 2O is a liqiud
HYDRIDES 4)the molecular weight of H 2 S is more than that
4. Which one of the following is a correct set? of H 2O .
1. H 2O, SP , angular
2. H 2O, SP , linear 10. Cyclic trimer structure of SO3 contains:
3. NH 4 , dSP 2 , square planar − −
1)6 S == O bonds and three S O S bonds
− −
2)3 S == O bonds and six S O S bonds
4. CH 4 , dSP 2 , tetrahedral − −
3)6 S == O bonds and six S O S bonds
4) None of these
11. Iron sulphide is heated in air to form A, an 20. Which of the following acids doesnot exists
oxide of sulphur. A is dissolved in water to in the free form ?
give an acid. The basicity of this acid is ? 1) H 2 SO2 2) H 2 S 2O3 3) H 2 SO3 4) H 2 SO4
(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 1 (4) Zero
12. Which of the following equations represents 21. Assertion (A): Both H 2S 2O 2 and H 2S 2O 3
the oxidising action of sulphar dioxide. contains S = S bonds
Reason (R): ‘-ic’ acids are more Acidic than
1) 2 Fe 3 + + SO 2 + 2 H 2 O → 2 Fe 2 + + SO 42 − + 4 H +
‘ous’ acids
2) 3Fe + SO2 → 2 FeO + FeS The correct answer is
3) 2MnO4− + 2H 2O + 5SO2 → 2Mn2+ + 4H + + 5SO22− 1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
explanation of A
4) Cr2 O72 − + 2 H + + 3SO2 → 2C r 3+ 3SO42 − + H 2 O 2) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct
13. Which of the following statements regarding explanation of A
sulphur dioxide is not true? 3) A is true but R is false
1) SO2 is an angular molecule 4) A is false but R is true
2) SO2 may be regarded as the resonance OXYGEN AND OZONE
hybrid of two canonical structures 22. Which compound on heating alone dose not
3) SO2 is anhydride of sulphuric acid form O2 ?
4) SO2 is anhydride of sulphurous acid 1) KClO4 2) KMnO4 3) KNO3 4) NH 4 NO2
14. One gas bleaches the colourof the flowers 23. Oxygen gas can be prepared from solid
by reduction while the other by oxodation. KMnO4 by: ?
The gases are:
(1) Treating the solid with H 2 gas.
1) CO and CO2 2) H 2 S and Br2
(2) Strongly heating the solid.
3) SO2 and Cl2 4) NH 3 and SO3 (3) Dissolving the solid in dil. H SO 2 4
15. SO2 gas can be identified by exposing it to the (4) Dissolving solid in dil HCL.
1) Glass rod dippend in conc HCl 24. Which of the following is not oxidised by O3
2) Filter paper dipped in acidified K 2Cr2O7
1)Kl 2) FeSO4 3) KMnO4 4) K 2 MnO4
3) Filter paper dipped in lead acetate solution
4) Glass rod dippend in NH4OH 25. Number of volumes of O2 formed when 3
volumes of Ozone decomposes
HALIDES 1.2 2.4.5 3.6 4.1.5
16. Mustard gas can be prepared by the reaction 26. Moist iodine reacts with ozone to form
of ethylene with
1. HI 2. HIO3 3. I 2O3 4. I 2O7
1.SF6 2.SF4 3.S2Cl2 4.SCl4
17. When cobalt trifluoride is treated with 27. O3 with KI solution produces
sulphur, the compound formed is
1. Cl2 2. I 2 3. HI 4. HIO3
1.SF6 2.SF4 3.S2F2 4.SF2
28. Which of the following statements regarding

ozone is not true?
18. The number of S S bonds in polythionic 1)Ozone is an allotrope of oxyzen
acid ( H 2 SnO6 ) 2)The ozone layer protects the earth’s surface
1) n 2) n -1 3) n - 2 4) None of these from an excessive concentration of harmful
19. Identify the correct sequence of increasing ultraviolet radiation
number of π bonds in structure of the 3)The conversation of oxyzen into ozone is an
following molecules exothermic process
i) H2S2O6 ii) H2SO3 iii) H2S2O5 4) Ozone is much more powerful oxidizing
1) i, ii, iii 2) ii, iii, i 3) ii, i, iii 4) i, iii, ii agent than molecular oxyzen.
29. Ozone belongs to which groups of the 24) Mn in KMnO is already in + 7 ( highest O.S )
periodic table ?]
25) 2O3 → 3O2
30. Which aerosols deplete ozone
1) Smoke 2) NItrogen oxides 9
3→? ⇒ = 4.5
3) Freons 4) 2 and 3 2
26) I2 + H2O + 5O3 → 2HIO3 + 5O2
28) The conversion of O2 to O3 is an endothermic
1) 4 2) 2 3) 3 4) 1 5) 2 6) 1 7) 1
8) 2 9) 2 10) 1 11) 1 12) 2 13) 3 14) 3
29) Ozone is allotropic form of Oxygen. Oxygen
15) 2 16) 3 17) 2 18) 2 19) 2 20) 1 21) 2 belongs to VI group there fore Ozone also
22) 4 23) 2 24) 3 25) 2 26) 2 27) 2 28) 3 belongs to VI group.
LEVEL-III - HINTS 1. Which of the following statements regarding
1) Puckered ring structure. sulphur is incorrect?
2) Conceptual 1) S 2 molecule is paramagnetic
3) Oxygen can’t show +4 and +6 oxidation states 2) The vapour at 2000 C consists mostly S8
due to absence of d-orbital.
4) Water shows SP 3 hybridisation & is angluar due
3) At 6000 C , the gas mainly consists of S 2
to 2 bp and 2lp
5) H 2O > H 2Te > H 2 Se > H 2 S 4) The oxidation state of sulphur is never less
6) FeS + 2HCl(dil) → H2S + FeCl2 than +4 its compounds.
2. Which of the following is most easily
10) The trimer of SO3 ( S3O9 ) is
1) SF6 2) NF3 3) CCl4 4) TeF6
3. The correct statements (s) about O3 is/are:
1) O − O bond lengths are equal
2) O3 is a diamagnetic in nature
13) SO3 is the anhydride of sulphuric acid.
14) SO2+2H2O → H2SO4 + 2(H) 3) O3 has bent structure 4) All
Cl2 + H 2O → HCl + HOCl 4. Exces of PCl5 react with conc. H 2 SO4 giving:
1) sulphuryl chloride 2) sulphurous acid
HOCl → HCl + [O ] 3) chlorosulphonic acid 4) thionyl chloride
S2Cl2 + 2C2H4 → Cl-CH2-CH2-S-CH2-CH2-Cl+S 5. The element evoloving two different gasws
17) S + 4 CoF3 → SF4 + 4CoF2 on reaction with conc. H 2 SO4 is:
18) H 2 SnO6 has the structure 1) P 2) C 3) Hg 4) S .
6. The order of increasing size of atomic radii
among the elements O,S,Se and As
1) As<S<O<Se 2) Se<S<As<O
3) O<S<As<Se 4) O<S<Se<As

22) NH 4 NO2  → N 2 + 2 H 2O PREVIOUS MAINS - KEY
23) 2KMnO4 → K 2 MnO4 + MnO2 + O2 1) 4 2) 4 3) 4 4) 1 5) 2 6) 4
1) S-I and S-II are correct and S-II is correct
1. List - I List - II explanation of S-I
A)O3 1) Turns benzidine paper to brown 2) S-I and S-II are correct and S-II is not correct
B) Hypo 2) Turns anhydrous CuSO4 to blue explanation of S-I
C) H2O 3) Voilet colour with FeCl3 3) S-I is correct and S-II is not correct
4) S-I is not correct and S-II is correct
D) H2S 4) orange yellow colour with
chromic salts 5. S-I : Conc. H2SO4 is a low volatillity and
5) Rotten egg smell viscos nature acid
The correct match is S-II : It is due to Hydrogen bonding
A B C D A B C D 6. S-I : Number of peroxide bonds in permono
1) 3 2 1 4 2) 1 3 2 5 and perdisulphuric acid are 1 and 2
3) 2 4 3 5 4) 5 2 1 4 respectively
2. List - I List - II S-II : Both are dibasic and permonosulphuric
A) SO3 1) 119.50, Angular acid does not exist in free state but its salts
B) SO2 2) 1090. 281, tetrahedron are reducing agent where as perdisulphuric
C) H2O 3) 1200, Trigonal planar acid salts are oxidant
D) O3 4) 1040. 30| angular 7. S-I : Elements of oxygen family are not
5) 116. 50 Angular capable of forming pπ − pπ bonds with
The correct match is other elements of smaller size like C, N etc
A B C D A B C D S-II : Only oxygen possess this property to
1) 2 1 4 5 2) 5 2 1 3 show multiple bonding
3) 3 1 4 5 4) 1 3 2 4 8. S-I : SF4 and SeF4 are used as fluorinating
3 List - I List - II agent
A) H2SO4 1)Antichlor S-II : The conversion of -COOH to -CF3, C=O
B) Hypo 2) Bleaches by reduction to CF2 and P = O to PF2 can be made by SF4
C) O3 + C2N2 3) Anti freeze or SeF4
D) moist SO2 4) Rocket fuel 9. S-I : O3 whenever used as oxidising agent
5) Lead batteries essentially liberates O2
The correct match is
A B C D A B C D S-II : 3SnCl2 + 6 Hcl + O3 → 3SnCl4 + 3H 2O is
1) 5 1 4 2 2) 4 1 3 2 possible reaction showing oxidising nature of
3) 1 3 2 5 4) 4 5 1 3 O3
4. List - I List - II 10. S-I : Bleaching action of SO2 is temporary
and by reduction
A) S8 + NaOH → 1) Mustard gas
S-II : The colour of material is regained due
B) C2 H 4 + S2Cl2 → 2) H2SO4 to oxidatin by air
C) S + F2 → 3) Na2S2O3 11. S-I : Cyclic trimer of SO3 possesses have six
D) SCl4 + H 2O → 4) SF6 membered heterocyclic chains made-up of S
and O-atoms
5) H 2 SO3 + HCl
S-II : Cyclic trimer of SO3 is reffered as
The correct match is
γ − SO3
1) 3 1 4 5 2) 3 2 1 4 12. S-I : H2SO4 has high viscosity and high
3) 2 4 5 3 4) 5 2 1 4 S-II : H2SO4 shows storng H-bonding
13. When sulphur is boiled with Na 2SO 3, a 17. Which of the following pairs contains
compound (A) is produced. (A) with excess amphoteric oxides ?
of AgNO3 solution gives a compound (B) 1) BeO, BaO 2) BeO, Al2O3
which is water soluble and p[roduces a black 3) Al2O3, P2O5 4) FeO, CuO
coloured sulpjide (C). Compounds (A), (B) 18. Which of the following oxides is
and (C) will be respectively : paramagnetic in nature ?
1) Na2 S2 O3 , Ag 2 S2 O3 , Ag 2 S 1) KO2 2) BaO2 3) H2O 4) CO2
2) Na2 SO4 , Ag 2 SO4 , Ag 2 S MCQ WITH MULTI ANSWER
3) Na2 S2 O7 , Ag 2 SO4 , Ag 2 S TYPE QUESTIONS
4) Na2 SO5 , Ag 2 SO5 , Ag 2 SO4 19. Select the correct statements about oxygen
COMPREHENSIVE PASSAGE-I 1) It is paramagnetic
The binary compounds of oxygen with other 2) It is bond order is two
elements are called oxides. They are classified 3) In liquid state it is blue coloured
either depending upon their acid-base 4) It has two unpaired electrons
characteristics or on the basis of oxygen 5) All the above
20. SO2 acts as ;
(a) Normal oxides : These oxides which contain
toxygenatoms as permitted by the normal 1) Bleaching agent 2) oxidising agent
oxidation number, i.e., -2. Normal oxide may 3) Redusing agent 4) disinfectant
be acidic, basic, amphoteric or neutral. 5) All the above
(b) Polyoxides : The oxides which cotain oxygen 21. Sulphuric acid can be used as
atoms different than those permitted by the 1) Hygrosco[pic agnet 2)Oxidising agent
normal oxidation number of -2. 3) Sulphonating agent 4) All
* Peroxides : Two oxygen atoms are linked to 22. Select the correct statements about
each other oxygen has -1 oxidation number. Na2S2O3.5H2O :
They contain (O-O)2- unit. 1) It is also called as hypo
* Superoxides : These oxides contai (O-O)-1 unit, 2) It is used in photography to from complex
i.e., each O-atom has oxidation number -1/2. with AgBr
* Suboxides : These contain low content of 3) It can be used as antichlor
oxygen than expected. 4) It is used to remove stains of I2
* Mixed oxides : These oxides are made of two 5) All the above
simpler oxides. 23. Which reagent does not give oxygen as one
14. Which pair of species is referred to as of the product during oxidation with ozone ?
suboxides ? 1) SO2 2) SnCl2 / HCl
1) CO, NO 2) SO2, CaO 3) H2S 4) both 1 & 2
3) N2O, CO 4) N2O, C3O2 24. Peroxo acids of sulphur are ;
15. Which of the following pairs contains neutral 1) H2SO4 2) H2SO5
oxides ? 3) H2SO8 4) Both 2 & 3
1) SO2, SO3 2) N2O3, N2O5
3) CO, NO 4) Na2, CaO LEVEL-IV - KEY
16. Which of the following pairs contains mixed 1) 2 2) 3 3) 1 4) 1 5) 1 6) 4 7) 2
oxides ? 8) 3 9) 4 10) 2 11) 1 12) 1 13) 1 14) 4
1) Pb3O4, Fe3O4 2) MnO2, BaO2 15) 3 16) 1 17) 2 18) 1 19) 5 20) 5 21) 4
3) KO2, NaO2 4) Mn3O4, N2O5
22) 5 23) 4 24) 4
 F2, Cl2, Br2& I2 are commonly called halogens.
 Halogens means salt producing elements. They Calcium fluoride CaF2
occur in combined state. Calcium phosphate Ca3(PO4)2
 Astatine is radio active element of 17th group. Sodium fluoride NaF
 The common oxidation state exhibited by Aluminium fluoride AlF3
halogens is -1. Oxygen difluoride OF2
 Highest oxidation state exhibited by halogens Hydrogen fluoride HF
is + 7[ ‘F’never shows positive oxidation states] Hydrogen Chloride HCl
 m.p.s & b.p.s of halogens Hydrogen bromide HBr
F2  Cl2  Br2  I 2 Hydrogen Iodide HI
Sodium hypochlorite NaClO
 An acid in which central atom is bonded with Sodium chlorate NaClO3
hydroxyl group containing acidic hydrogen is
Hypochlorous acid HClO
called oxoacid or oxyacid.
Chlorous acid HClO2
 Bleaching powder is also commonly called
Chloric acid HClO3
chloride of lime.
Perchloric acid HClO4
 Bleaching powder is used for sterlisation of
Potassium hydrogen KHF2
 Binary compounds formed between halogens
Potassium hydrogen KHSO4
are called interhalogen compounds.
 Halogens form interhalogen compounds with sulphate
Potassium persulphate K2S2O8
genenral formulae AX, AX3, AX5, AX7.
Sulphur hexa fluoride SF6
Carbon tetra fluoride CF4
Silver chloride AgCl
Bleaching powder CaOCl2
Calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2
Sulphuryl chloride SO2Cl2
llite Phosgene COCl2
Nitrosyl Chloride NOCl
Potassium chloride KCl
Phosphorous PCl5
 F2 is called super halogen. pentachloride
 F2 has abnormal properties among halogens.
 F2 shows -1 oxidation state only.. Name of Ion Symbol/Formula
 Cl2, Br2& I2 show oxidations states -1, +1, + 3,
+ 5, + 7 generally. Fluoride F
 I.P1 ,E.N.,Reactivities and Oxidising powers Chloride Cl 
of halogens are F2  Cl2  Br2  I2 Bromide Br 
 E.A. Values of halogens are Cl2  F2  Br2  I2 Iodide I
Hypohalite XO 
 Bond energies of halogens are
Halite XO2
Cl2  Br2  F2  I2
 Thermal stability of hydrogen halides is Halate XO3
HF  HCl  HBr  HI Perhalate
 Density: The Densities of Halogens increase
Examples from Fluorine to Iodine even though atomic
Hypochlorite ClO  volumes are increasing as their atomic masses
increase from F to I.
Chlorite ClO2
Melting and Boiling Points: The melting and
Chlorate ClO3 boiling points increase gradually from fluorine
Perchlorate ClO4 to iodine, due to increase in vander waal’s forces.
 I2 sublimes on heating without melting at
ordinary atmospheric pressure.
SYNOPSIS  The non-metallic nature decreases from fluorine
to iodine.
Introduction: The elements Fluorine,
Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine and Astatine are Ionisation Potential: The ionisation potentials
present in 17th group of periodic table . of Halogens are very high.
 In the modified table and modern periodic table  Iodine having the lowest value of Ionisation
they are in VII A group. potential has some tendency to form I+ ion.
 The VIIA group elements except Astatine are  Iodine is the only Halogen that can form both
called Halogens as their salts are found in sea positive and negative charged ions.
water.  Iodine is called reducing Halogen..
 The halogens have ns 2 np 5 electronic Electron affinity & Electro negativity
configuration in their outermost shell.  Electron affinity values of halogens are very high.
 Halogens are p-block elements as the  Halogens have the smallest size in their
differentiating electron enters p-orbital. respective periods and therefore have high
 Astatine is a synthetic radio active element. It effective nuclear cahrge, due to this they readily
is called radio active halogen. accept one electron to acquire inert gas
 All the Halogens have one electron short of electronic configuration
nearest inert gas configuation.  The electron affinity of fluorine is less than
 All the Halogens have a strong tendency to take chlorine. This is due to its small size and
up one electron to attain stable noble gas repulsions between newly added electron and
configuration. Hence they are very reactive and
the electrons already present in its small 2p
occur only in the combined state.
orbital are high.
 Halogens react among themselves forming
 Electron affinity values of Halogens are in the
interhalogen compounds, which are more
reactive than the halogen molecules. order Cl > F > Br > I
 Electro negativity values of Halogens are very
 Abundance : Being very reactive in nature they
are not found free in nature. Their presence in
earth’s crust follows the order.  Electro negativity values of Halogens decreases
from Fluorine to Iodine.
F2  Cl2  Br2  I 2  At  Element with highest electro negativity is
Occurence: Halogens are very reactive non- Fluorine (4.0)
metals. Therefore, they do not occur in the free  Element with highest electron affinity is chlorine
state. They occur in the combined state. (-349 KJ/mole)
Fluorine occurance mostly as W.E-1: Electron gain enthalpy of fluorine is less
Fluorspar  CaF2 than that of chlorine. Why?
Fluorapatite  3Ca 3  PO 4 2 .CaF2  Sol. Fluorine atom is small in size and suffers with
Cryolite  Na 3AlF6 interelectronic repulsions between seven valence
Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine occur in sea water electrons. The added electron experiences much
(as alkali and alkaline earth metal salts) repulsion on smaller fluorine. Hence is electron
e.g.,NaCl, MgBr , NaIO gain enthalpy is less.
2 3
Bond dissociation energy: Halogens are W.E-3: Among the reactions, F2( g )  2e  2 F  ( g )
di-atomic, In general, as atomic size increases and Cl2( g )  2e  2Cl  ( g ) , which is more
the extent of over lap of the atomic orbitals
decreases. This is clearly shown in feasible? Why?
 
Cl2 , Br2 , I 2 .But in F2 , it is different.Among Sol. F2( g )  2e  2 F ( g ) is more feasible.
Halogens the Bond dissociation energy is Formation of halide from halogen involves bond
highest for Chlorine dissociation enthalpy and electron gain enthalpy.
 Bond dissociation energies of Halogens are in Electron gain enthalpy is more for chlorine and
the order Cl2 > Br2 > F2 > I2. its bond dissociation energy is also more. Hence,
it is relatively difficult to form chloride.
W.E-2: What is the order of bond enthalpies of
halogens? Why is it not opposite to that of bond Solubility : Halogens are soluble in water
which follow the order F2  Cl2  Br2  I 2
Sol. Bond lengths of halogens are in the order :
F2  Cl2  Br2  I 2 .  Halogens being non-polar do not dissolve to a
significant extent in a polar solvent like water.
Bond energies are expected in the order:
 Fluorine reacts with water forming ozone and
F2  Cl2  Br2  I 2 .
oxygen. Other halogens are more soluble in
But the experimental bond enthalpies are : organic solvents and produce coloured solutions
Cl2  Br2  F2  I 2 . depending upon the halogen and solvent.
Bond enthalpy of F2 is very less, because lone  In CCl4, CS2 or paraffins, Cl2, Br2 and I2 gives
pair - lone pair repulsions are appreciable in F2 yellow, brown and violet colour respectively. It
as the bond length is small in F2 . It was also is believed that in non-polar solvents, halogens
thought, though not appropriate, that F-F bond exist as free molecules just as in the gas phase.
is weak as multiple bond is not possible with  In nucleophilic (electron donating) polar solvents
no d-orbitals in the valence shell of fluorine. like alcohols, ketones, or liquid SO2, halogens
 According to Mulliken, the high bond produce brown solution.
dissociation energies of Cl2 , Br2 and I 2 are due  The colour of these solutions is due to complex
formation (solvent  halogen) which are
to multiple bonds formed by d   p charge transfer compounds.
combinations or overlapping may be possible. In such compounds, an electron from a solvent
 The low bond dissociation energy of F2 is due molecule jumps into an orbital of the halogen
to absence of d   p combination as it does and absorbs energy from light causing the
compound to look coloured. Such compounds
not possess d-orbitals
have been isolated at low temperatures.
 According to Coulson, the low bond
dissociation energy of fluorine is due to more The solubility of iodine in water is enhanced in
repulsion presence of KI
between the lone pairs of electrons on the two KI  I 2  KI 3  K   I 3
smaller fluorine atoms and internuclear
Physical State: Halogens exist as diatomic
covalent molecules.
 The most widely accepted explanation about low
bond energy of F2 is of Coulson.  The only type of attractions between Halogen
 Flourine is extremely reactive due to very low molecules are vanderwaal’s forces.
bond dissociation energy. Hence, it is called  Fluorine and Chlorine are gases. Bromine is a
super halogen liquid and Iodine is solid at room temperature.
 The physical state of Halogens changes from  No hybridisation takes place in XA type halides.
gaseous to solid state due to increase in Vander
waals forces. From Fluorine (gas) to Iodine
2 5 0
(solid) the density of the element increase with ns np nd
increase of atomic number of the Halogen (i.e.  Cl, Br and I in their first excited state contain 3
as atomic mass increases) with an increase in unpaired electrons and form 3 bonds and exhibit
the density the Vander waal’s force of attraction +3 oxidation state.
between molecules also proportionately
increases consequently the physical state
changes as follows. ns
2 4
np nd

F2  gas  , Cl2  gas  , Br2  liquid  , I 2  solid   The possible hybridisation of Cl, Br and I atoms
 Iodine exhibits sublimation property because of in first excited state is sp3d.
the presence of weak vanderwaals forces.  In the first excited state halogen atom contain 3
 Iodine is the Halogen present in sea weeds. unpaired electrons and 2 lone pairs.
 The atomic and ionic radii gradually increases  The shape of XA3 type of molecules is T.
from Fluorine to Iodine. (X = Cl, Br, I)
 Atomic volumes of Halogens increase from  Cl, Br and I in their second excited state contain
Fluorine to Iodine. 5 unpaired electrons and exhibit +5 oxidation
 All halogens are coloured. By absorbing state forming 5 bonds.
different quanta of raidiation they display
different colour 2 3 2
F2 - Yellow Cl2 - Greenish yellow ns np nd
Br2 - Red I2 - Violet  The possible hybridisation of Cl, Br and I in
second excited state is sp3d2.
Oxidation States: Fluorine always exhibits  In the second excited state halogen atom contain
a fixed oxidation state of -1 in its compounds 5 unpaired electrons and 1 lone pair of electrons.
because it is the most electro negative element  The shape of XA5 type of molecules is square
 Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine show both pyramidal (X = Cl, Br, I)
negative and positive oxidation states.  Cl, Br and I in their third excited state contain 7
 Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine form 1, 3, 5 and
unpaired electrons and exhibit +7 oxidation
7 bonds due to the presence of vacant d-orbitals.
state forming 7 bonds.
 The higher oxidation states of chlorine, bromine
 The possible hybridisation in halogen atom in
and iodine are mainly observed when the
third excited state is sp3d3.
halogens are in combination with the small and
highly electronegative fluorine and oxygen
atoms, e.g. In interhalogens, oxides and 1 3 3
ns np nd
oxoacids. The oxidation states of + 4 and +6
occur in the oxides and oxoacids of chlorine and  The shape of XA7 type of compounds given by
bromine respectively. halogens is pentagonal bipyramidal.
 Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine contain only one W.E-4: Chlorine , bromine or iodine can exhibit
unpaired electron in ground state. They can -1 and +1 states, while fluorine can exhibit only
show -1 or +1 oxidation state in ground state. -1, but not +1. Why?
In ground state halogen atom contain one Sol. General valency of halogens is one. When
unpaired electron and three lone pair of chlorine (or bromine or iodine) is mono-valent
electrons. The shape of XA type molecule is with more electronegative elements, it exhibits
Linear. +1 state.
(X=less electronegative halogen, Flourine can never exhibit positive oxidation
A=more electronegative halogen) state as it is the most electronegative element.
Oxidising Power: Oxidising power of any  Halogens are highly reactive elements, hence
substance is the net result of several contributing they decompose water. The action of Halogens
energy factors like on water decreases from F2 to I2.
* Net enthalpy change in the reaction  Fluorine decomposes water to liberate a gaseous
* Standard electrode potential mixture of (O2 + O3)
 As number of covalent bonds increases covalent 2H2O + 2F2  4HF + O2
nature increases. 3H2O + 3F2  6HF + O3
 Halogens are strong oxidising agents.  Chlorine reacts with water to form HCl and
 Fluorine is the strongest oxidising agent even HOCl. (Cl2 + H2O  HCl + HOCl)
though chlorine has maximum electron affinity.  Chlorine water contains HCl and HOCl
 The magnitude of the enthalpy change in the  Chlorine acts as a bleaching agent in the
reaction, when halogen changes to a hydrated presence of water or moisture due to formation
ion can be estimated by the application of of HOCl.
BORN-HABER cycle.  The bleaching action of chlorine in the presence
 For oxidation to occur H must be negative, of water or moisture is due to oxidation or
greater the magnitude of negative H greater liberation of nascent oxygen.
is the oxidation capacity of the halogen. HOCl  HCl + (O)
 Due to low heat of dissociation of F2 molecule
and high hydration energy of F ion, fluorine W.E-6: What is the action of litmus with aqueous
acts as strong oxidising agent. chlorine?
 A Halogen with lower atomic number oxidises Sol. Aqueous chlorine turns blue litmus to red and
a Halide ion of higher atomic number. finally colourless. It also turns red litmus
 Fluorine oxidises Chlorides to Chlorine, colourless.
Bromides to Bromine and Iodides to Iodine. This is because of the fact that aqueous chlorine
F2 + 2KCl  Cl2 + 2KF is acidic and also acts as a bleaching agent.
F2 + 2KBr  Br2 + 2KF
F2 + 2KI  I2 + 2KF  Bromine is slightly soluble in water forming
 Chlorine oxidises Bromides to Bromine and a mixture of HBr and HOBr
Iodides to Iodine.  I2 neither reacts nor dissolves in water due to
Cl2 + 2KBr  Br2 + 2KCl positive free energy change ( G = +ve)
Cl2 + 2KI  I2 + 2KCl  The reaction of iodine with water is non-
 Bromine oxidises iodides to Iodine spontaneous. In fact, it can be oxidised by
Br2 + 2KI  I2 + 2KBr oxygen in acidic medium just the reverse of the
W.E-5: Heavier halide is oxidised by lighter reaction observed with flourine.
halogen. Justify. 2F2( g )  2H2O(l )  4HF( aq)  O2( g )
Sol. Heavier halide is less stable, acts as a reducing
agent and is easily oxidised. 4 I  ( aq )  4 H  ( aq )  O2( g )  2 I 2( g )  2 H 2O(l )
The reaction that is easily possible among
W.E-7: Fluoride has high hydration energy and
halides and halogens is, 2 I   F2  2 F   I 2 iodide has least value. Explain.
Chemical Properties: Halogens are highly Sol. As size of anion increases, electrostatic
reactive elements they can react with metals attractions with water molecules decreases.
as well as non-metals and other Hence the enthalpy of hydration aslo decreases.
substances.The order of reactivity of Halogens
Reactivity towards oxygen (Oxides of
is F2  Cl2  Br2  I 2 Halogens) : Halogens form many oxides with
Reaction with Water:Halogens are sparingly oxygen but most of them are unstable. Fluorine
soluble in water because they are non-polar forms two oxides OF2 and O2 F2 . Out of which
covalent molecules. The solubility of Halogens
decrease from F2 to I2. OF2 is thermally stable at 298 K.
 These oxides are essentially oxygen fluorides  B.P.of HFis greater than HI due to presence of
because of the higher electronegativity of inter molecular Hydrogen bonding.
fluorine than oxygen. Both are strong Reaction with NH3
fluorinating agents. O2 F2 oxidises plutonium to  a) When excess fluorine reacts with NH to form
PuF6 and the reaction is used in removing a stable NF 3
and HF.
plutonium as ores. 3F 2
+ NH 3  3HF + NF3
b) When limited fluorine reacts with NH3 to form
Chlorine oxides, Cl2O, ClO2 , Cl2O6 and Cl2O7
HF & N 2
ae highly reactive oxidising agents and tend to
explode. 2NH 3 +3F2  N 2 +6HF
 ClO2 is used as a bleaching agent for paper pulp  When excess chlorine reacts with ammonia to
and textiles and in water treatment. form an unstable explosive Nitrogen trichloride
and HCl.
 The bromine oxides, Br2O, BrO2 , BrO3 are the
3Cl2 + NH3  3HCl + NCl3
least stable halogen oxides.  Chlorine reacts with excess ammonia to give
I 2O4 , I 2O5 , I 2O7 are insoluble solids and NH4Cl liberating Nitrogen.
decompose on heating. 3Cl2 + 8NH3  6NH4Cl + N2
Reaction with Hydrogen (Hydrides or Reaction with Alkalies: Fluorine reacts with
Hydrogen Hallides) cold and dil. NaOH to form NaF, H2O & OF2.
 All the Halogens directly combine with 2F2 + 2NaOH  2NaF + H2O + OF2
Hydrogen to form Hydrides.  Fluorine reacts with hot and conc. NaOH
a) H2 + F2  liberating oxygen gas
 2HF It is a fast reaction and
takes place even in the dark and is highly 2F2 + 4NaOH  4NaF + 2H2O + O2
exothermic  Cl2,Br2 and I2 react with cold and dil. NaOH to
form halide and hypo halites. The oxidation
b) H 2  Cl2 
2HCl it is slow in dark number of halogen changes from 0 to -1& +1.
but fast in Sunlight Cl2 + 2NaOH  NaCl + NaOCl + H2O
c) H 2  Br2  
 2HBr Br2 + 2NaOH  NaBr + NaOBr + H2O
It does not take place at room temperature. I2 + 2NaOH  NaI + NaOI + H2O
Takes place at 593 K in Sunlight.  Cl2, Br2 and I2 react with hot and conc. NaOH
d) H 2 +I 2  2HI to form halide and halates. The oxidation state
of halogen changes from 0 to -1 and + 5.
It takes place in the presence of Pt as
3Cl2 + 6NaOH  5NaCl + NaClO3 + 3H2O
catalyst and at 713 K and is a reversible change
3Br2 +6NaOH  5NaBr + NaBrO3 + 3H2O
 The reactivity of Halogens with Hydrogen
3I2 + 6NaOH  5NaI + NaIO3 + 3H2O
decreases from F2 to I2.
 The stability of the hydrides decreases from HF W.E-8: What kind of reaction that chlorine
to HI due to decrease in their dissociation undergoes with alkali?
energies. The stability order of hydrogen halides Sol. Chlorine undergoes disproportionation with
is HF > HCl > HBr > HI alkali. Chlorine is reduced to chloride and
Acidic Strength of Hydrogen Halides simultaneously oxidised to hypochlorite or
 The order of acidic strengths of halides chlorate.
HF  HCl  HBr  HI . Reaction with Metals:Metals reacts with
 The stability of halides decrease down the group
halogens forming metal halides.
due to decrease of bond dissociation energy. The
order of bond dissociation energy 2 M  nX 2  2 MX n
HF  HCl  HBr  HI F2 reacts with even noble metals like Au,Pt,etc.
 The order of the ionic character of the halides  Chlorine reacts with dry slaked lime to form
MF  MCl  MBr  MI where M is a bleaching powder
monovalent metal. Halides in higher oxidation Ca(OH)2 + Cl2  CaOCl2 + H2O
state will be more covalent than the one in lower  Chlorine forms addition compounds with SO2,
oxidation state. CO and NO.
Chlorine Occurence SO2 + Cl2  SO2Cl2
Carnallite - KCl. MgCl2. 6H2O
CO + Cl2  COCl2
Horn Silver - AgCl
Sylvine - KCl 2NO + Cl2  2NOCl
Sea water contains 2.5% Sodium Chloride by  Reaction with metals :
weight 2 Al  3Cl2  2 AlCl3
Preparation: Chlorine was first prepared by
Scheele. 2 Na  Cl2  2 NaCl
 Chlorine can be prepared by the oxidation of  a) Copper reacts with chlorine to give copper
HCl with MnO2 (II) chloride Cu  Cl2  CuCl2
4HCl + MnO2  MnCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2
b) Iron reacts with chlorine to form ferric
 Chlorine is prepared when a mixture of common
chloride 2 Fe  3Cl2  2 FeCl3
salt and concentrated H 2 SO4 is used in place
of HCl.  It has great affinity for hydrogen. It reacts with
compounds containing hydrogen to form HCl.
4 NaCl  MnO2  4 H 2 SO4  MnCl2 
4 NaHSO4  2 H 2O  Cl2
H 2  Cl2  2 HCl

By the reaction of HCl on potassium H 2 S  Cl2  2 HCl  S

C10 H16  8Cl2  16 HCl  10C
2 KMnO4  16 HCl  2 KCl  2MnCl2
Reaction with non metals
8 H 2O  5Cl2
Deacon’s process : By oxidation of hydrogen H 2  Cl2  2 HCl
chloride gas by atmospheric oxygen in the 
P4  6Cl2   4 PCl3
presence of CuCl2 at 723 K.

CuCl P4  10Cl2   4 PCl5
4 HCl  O2  2
 2Cl2  2 H 2O 
2 S  Cl2   S 2Cl2
 In Nelson’s cell method Chlorine is
manufactured by the electrolysis of Brine or an
Reaction with hydrocarbons
aqueous solution of sodium chloride.
 In Nelson’s cell, a perforated steel vessel which a) CH 4  Cl2   CH 3Cl  HCl
act as cathode and graphite rod acts as anode.
 A perforated steel cathode is used in Nelson’s the final product is CCl4
cell to prevent the mixing up of Cl2 and NaOH at room
 In Nelson’s cell the product at anode is Cl2 and b) CH 2  CH 2  Cl2 

the products at cathode is H2, NaOH. CH 2Cl  CH 2Cl
 In Nelson’s cell for the manufacture of Cl2 the
at roomtemp
valuable byproducts are NaOH and H2. c) CH  CH  Cl2 in CCl4
CHCl  CHCl
 Cl2 is also prepared by the electrolysis of fused
NaCl in Down’s process.  atroom
 p in C C l 4
C l2
  C H C l 2  C H C l 2
 Properties: it is a greenish yellow gas with
AlCl3 / FeCl3
pungent and suffocating odour. d) C6 H 6  Cl2  
  C6 H 5Cl  HCl
W.E-9: How benzene reacts with chlorine in the  Davy showed that it is a compound of hydrogen
presence of light and in the presence of a Lewis and chlorine
acid?  HCl can be prepared by heating NaCl with Conc.
Sol. In the presence of the light, chlorine reacts with H 2 SO4
benzene to give hexachloro cyclohexane, called 420 K
BHC. The reaction is an example of NaCl  H 2 SO4   NaHSO4  HCl
high pressure 823 K
addition. C6 H 6  3Cl2  h
 C6 H 6Cl6 NaHSO4  NaCl   Na2 SO4  HCl
In the presence of a Lewis acid, FeCl3 or  HCl gas can be dried by passing through Conc.
AlCl3, chlorine reacts with benzene to give H 2 SO4
chlorobenzene. The reaction is an example of
substitution. Properties: HCl is colourless and pungent
FeCl3 smelling gas.
C6 H 6  Cl2   C6 H 5Cl  HCl
 HCl can be easily liquefied to colourless liquid
 Chlorine acts as an oxidising agent . (b.p = 189K) and can be easily freezed to white
crystalline solid {F.P = 159 K)
H 2 S  Cl2  2 HCl  S
 HCl is Highly soluble in water whose K a  107
Na2 S 2O3  Cl2  H 2O  Na2 SO4  S 2HCl
 Chlorine is used as a bleaching agent in paper HCl( g )  H 2O(l )  H 3O  ( aq )  Cl  ( aq )
and textile industry.
 Chlorine is used for the sterilization of drinking  High K a value of HCl indicates that HCl is
water. strong acid in water
 It is used in the extraction of metals like gold  HCl reacts with NH 3 and gives white fumes of
and platinum.
 Chlorine water on long standing loses its yellow NH 4Cl , NH 3  HCl  NH 4Cl
colour due to the formation of HCl and HOCl.  Aqua regia is prepared by mixing three parts of
HOCl gives nascent oxygen which is responsible Conc. HCl and one part of Conc. HNO3 which
for oxidising and bleaching properties of
chlorine. is used for dissolving noble metals like Gold
and Platinum
Cl2  H 2O  2HCl  (O)
   
Coloured substabce + O  colourless substance Au  4 H  NO3  4Cl  AuCl4  NO  2 H 2O
2FeSO4  H2SO4  Cl2  Fe2  SO4 3  2HCl Au  3HNO3  4 HCl 
Na2 SO3  Cl2  H 2O  Na2 SO4  2 HCl AuCl 4 3 NO2  H 3O  2 H 2O
SO2  2 H 2O  Cl2  H 2 SO4  2 HCl
3Pt  16 H   4 NO3  18Cl  
I 2  6 H 2O  5Cl2  2 HIO3  10 HCl
3PtCl62  4 NO  8H 2O
 COCl2 is called phosgene. It is poisonous gas.
 CCl3 . NO2 is called tear gas.  HCl decomposes salts of weaker acids
 Cl-C2H4-S-C2H4-Cl or (C2H4Cl)2 S is called e.g : Carbonates ; Hydrogen carbonates;
Mustard gas. It is used as war gas. Sulphites
 Dichloro diphenyl trichloro ethane is known Na2CO3  2 HCl  2 NaCl  H 2O  CO2
as DDT. It is a fungicide.
 It bleaches wood pulp , rayon and cotton . NaHCO3  HCl  NaCl  H 2O  CO2
Hydrochloric Acid Na2 SO3  2 HCl  2 NaCl  H 2O  SO2
Preparation:By heating common salt with  HCl is used in the preparation of chlorine,
concentrated sulphuric acid,Glauber prepared NH 4Cl and glucose from corn starch
 HCl is used for extracting glue from bones and  It is unstable, dissociates to give nascent oxygen
purifying bone black  It is a strong oxidising agent
 HCl is used in medicine and as a laboratory  Its salt is called hypochlorite
reagent e.g. Sodium hypo chlorite NaOCl
Oxoacids of Halogens: Flourine forms only Chlorous acid: Chlorine atom in ClO 2  ion
one oxoacid HOF known as fluoric (I) acid or i shybridised with two lone pairs of
s p

hypofluorous acid. electrons.

All other forms oxy acids of the type HOX,  The shape of ClO  ion is angular
HXO2 , HXO3 and HXO4 as shown below.. 
 ClO 2 ion contains 2 and one  bonds.
 The bond angle is 111o
 its salt is called chlorite
Chloric acid:Chlorine atom in ClO3  ion is
sp3 hybridised with one lone electron pair.
 The shape of ClO3  ion is pyramidal.

 ClO3 ion contains 3 and 2  bonds.
 In ClO3- ion O-Cl-O bond angle is 1060
Perchloric acid: Chlorine atom in ClO 4  ion
is sp3 hybridised with no lone pair of electrons.
 The shape of ClO 4  ion is tetrahedral.

 Oxo acids of Chlorine:  ClO 4 ion contains 4 and 3 bonds.
 The O-Cl-O bond angle is 109028` its salt is
Acid Formulae O.S called perchlorate.
 Perchloric acid is dimerized due to hydrogen
Hypochlorous acid HClO (or) HOCl +1
Chlorous acid HClO2 +3
Chloric acid HClO3 +5
Perchloric acid HClO4 +7

 Cl - O bond length decreases from OCl- to ClO4 

Structural Parameters of Oxoacids of chlorine
 Cl - O bond energy increases from OCl - to
 W.E-10: Perchloric acid is strongest acid, but
ClO4 except for ClO3

weakest oxidising agent. Why?
 The order of acidic strength is HClO< HClO2 Sol. HClO4 has pKa< - 10. Its ability to provide
< HClO3 < HClO4 proton is highest.
Hypochlorous acid: Chlorine atom in ClO  This is due to resonance stabilisation of
ion is sp3 hybridised with three lone pairs perchlorate ion. ClO4  has four cannonical
electrons. structures and six delocalised pi electrons.

 ClO  ion is stable due to strong tendency to HClO4  H   ClO4
form p  - d  bonding between filled p-orbitals
Since ClO4  is resonance stabilised, it does not
of oxygen and vacant d-orbitals of chlorine.
 Between one oxygen atom and chlorine atom furnish oxygen and hence a weak oxidising
there is  bond agent.
W.E-11: Hypochlorite is a strong oxidant and  Us  +3ClF3l   UF6 g   3ClF g 
bleaching agent. Why?
Interhalogen compounds can be prepared by
Sol. Hypochlorite, OCl  is formed in the ground direct combination or by the action of halogen
state of oxygen. on lower interhalogen compounds.
O  Cl bond is a single bond. OCl  has no 437 K
Cl2  F2   2ClF
tendency to form pi bond and also it is not
stabilised by reasonance. It is less stable and
 equal volume 
provides nascent oxygen by decomposition. 573 K
Cl2  3F2   2ClF3
OCl   Cl   (O)  excess 

Hence, OCl hypochlorite is good oxidant and
Br2  5F2  2 BrF3
powerful bleaching agent.
 excess 
W.E-12: What is the approximate bond angle in
HOCl molecule?
Sol. In HOCl , chlorine undergo sp3 hybridisation
but oxygen undergo no hybridisation. In this
molecule H - O bond is  s  p type and Cl  O
bond is  sp 3  p type. Thus in HOCl molecule,
HOCl bond angle is around 90o .

Structural Parameters of Oxoacids of chlorine  Interghalogen compounds are covalent and

Cl – O diamagnetic ClF is gas and the rest are
Cl – O OCIO in the bond energy solids or liquids at 298K
distance (Å) anion in kg mol–1
1.70 209
HCIO2 111°
Fluorine: Scheele discovered this element.
1.64 245
 Occurence : Fluorine occur as
HCIO3 1.57 106° 244
Fluorspar - CaF2
HCIO4 1.45 109.5° 364 Cryolite - Na3AlF6
Fluorapatite - 3Ca3 (PO4)2. CaF2
Interhalogen compounds: Halogens react  Fluorine was first prepared by Moissan.
with each other to produce a number of  The preparation of Fluorine was delayed because
interhalogen compounds of general formulae of its high reactivity and non conducting nature
XX 'n ( X ' =more electro negative halogen) of HF.
where n = 1 , 3, 5 or 7  Fluorine is prepared by Whytlaw Gray’s method
The stability of the interhalogen compounds  The products of electrolysis of fused KHF2 are
increases as the size of the central atom hydrogen at cathode and flourine at anode.
increases. solids or liquids at 298 K.
 Being polar interhalogen compounds are more
ClF3 and BrF3 are used for the production of
reactive than halogens except fluorine.
UF6 in the enrichment of uranium U 235  .  All interhalogen compounds undergo hydrolysis
giving halide ion.
 Abnormal behaviour of fluorine is due to
a) small size
b) highest electronegativity
c) low dissociation energy for F-F bond and
d) 2 electrons only in the penultimate shell while
other halogens have 8 electrons.
 The abnormal characteristics of flourine are
a) F2 exhibits only -1 oxidation state
b) In its hydride it forms hydrogen bonding and
forms HF2  ion but of other halogens hydrides
do not show hydrogen bonding .
c) It combines directly with carbon while others
do not, even under drastic conditions.
d) F2 has a lower E.A compared to Cl2 even
though F2 is the most electronegative element.
e) Fluorides have maximum ionic character.
 Fluorine is oxidising agent.
Very unstable : bPure solid known
at room temperature; c Dimerises  2 KHSO4  F2  K 2 S2O8
as Cl-bridged dimer (I 2 Cl 6 ) H 2 S  4 F2  2 HF  SF6
 Fluorine prepared in the electrolytic cell is Glass dissolves in HF only due to the formation
passed through U-tubes containing sodium of Hydro fluoro silicic acid (H2SiF6).
fluoride to remove HF vapours present in
Fluorine as NaHF2 SiO2 + 4HF  2H2O + SiF4
 In Whytlaw Gray’s method rectangular copper SiF4 + 2HF  H2SiF6
vessel acts as cathode and a graphite rod acts as  HF is used for etching or marking glass.
anode.  Fluoro Chloro Carbon is called Freon. It is used
 In Whytlaw Gray’s method graphite anode is
as a refrigerant. (CCl2 F2 )
surrounded by a perforated copper diaphragm
to avoid mixing up of H2 and F2.  Polymeric tetra fluoro ethylene is called Teflon.
 Fluorine is most reactive element. It combines It is used as an anti corrosive plastic.
directly with all non metals except Nitrogen and  Fluorine is used in the seperation of U235 and
Oxygen at room temperature. U238 in the form of UF6 gases based on their rates
S  3F2  SF6 ; C  2F2  CF4 of diffusion.
Fluorine forms inter halogen compounds.  NaF and Na3AlF6 are used as insecticides.
473 K
Cl2  F2   2ClF  DDFT is used as fungicide.
573 K
 F2 is used in rocket fuels.
Cl2  3F2   2ClF3
 In Whytlaw Gray method copper metal is used
 excess  as electrolytic cell
523 573 K  Because it forms CuF2 with flourine. CuF2 layer
I 2  7 F2   2 IF7
protects the metal from further attack of flourine
 Fluorine forms XeF2 , XeF4 and XeF6 with  SF6 is used as gas faced insulater in high voltage
xenon. electricity.
Bleaching Powder:Formula of Bleaching  Bleaching Powder is used for the manufacture
Powder is CaOCl2. of chloroform.
 Bleaching Powder is also called chloride of lime.  It is oxidising agent and chlorinating agent..
 The chemical name of Bleaching Powder is
W.E-13: What are stoichiometric chlorine and
calcium chloro hypo chlorite.
available chlorine of bleaching powder?
 The oxidation states of chlorine in Bleaching
Sol. Chemical formula of bleaching powder is
Powder are -1 and + 1.
 Bleaching Powder is prepared by the action of CaOCl2 .
dry chlorine and dry slaked lime. This process 71 100
Stiochiometric chlorine =  55.9%
is called Bachmann process. 127
Ca (OH ) 2  Cl2  CaOCl2  H 2O. A good quality bleaching powder release only
36-38% of chlorine, called available chlorine.
 Principle of counter currents is used in
Available chlorine is the amount of chlorine set
Bachmann process for high yield of Bleaching
free when bleaching powder is treated with
excess dilute acid.
 Bleaching Powder is unstable. On long standing
it decomposes to form CaCl2 and Ca(ClO3)2 W.E-14: 3.55g of bleaching powder when treated
6CaOCl2  5CaCl2 + Ca(ClO3)2 with acetic acid and excess of KI liberated
 The cold aqueous solution of Bleaching Powder iodine which required 60mL of 0.6 N hypo
contains Ca , Cl  and OCl  ions.
2+ solution. Calculate the percentage of available
 The hot aqueous solution of Bleaching Powder chlorine.
contains Ca2+, Cl- and ClO3- ions. Sol. Number of milli equivalents of hypo, iodine and
chlorine are same.
 Bleaching Powder decomposes in the presence
of any Cobalt salt liberating Oxygen. 60mL of 0.6 N hypo solution = 60 ml of 0.6N
CoCl2 Cl2 solution
2CaOCl2   2CaCl2  O2
Gram equivalent weight of chlorine = 35.5g
 Bleaching Powder reacts with insufficient dil.
percentage available chlorine =
acids liberates oxygen gas
60  0.6  35.5
2CaOCl 2 + H 2 SO 4  CaCl 2 + CaSO 4  100  36%
1000  3.55
 Bleaching Powder reacts with excess dil. acids
to liberate chlorine gas. The amount of chlorine LEVEL-I (C.W)
liberated is called “Available Chlorine”.
CaOCl2 + H2SO4  CaSO4 + H2O + Cl2
Similar reaction takes place when CO2 is passed 1 Halogens means
over bleaching powder paste prepared with H2O 1) ore forming elements 2) sea salt products
3) inert gases 4) rare gases
CaOCl2 + CO2  CaCO3 + Cl2  2. The electronic configuration of Halogens in
 A good sample of Bleaching Powder contains their valence shell is
35 - 38% of available chlorine. 1) ns2 2) ns2np6 3) ns2np4 4) ns2np5
 Bleaching Powder reacts with ethyl alcohol or 3. The only non-metal, which is a liquid at room
acetone to form chloroform. temperature
 Bleaching Powder is used as Bleaching agent 1) O2 2) F2 3) N2 4) Br2
in textile and paper industry. 4. The max. covalency of chlorine is
 Bleaching Powder is used for the sterilization 1) 5 2) 7 3) 3 4) 1
of drinking water. 5. Out of the elements with atomic numbers
 Percentage of Chlorine in bleaching powder is given below which one would be a halogen ?
56% 1) 25 2) 35 3) 45 4) 55
6. Iodine is more soluble in aqueous solution of BOND DISSOCIATION ENERGY
Kl because it forms soluble 17. The bond dissociation energy of F2 is very
1) KI2 2) KI3 3) KI4 4) K2I2 low due to
7. The atomic number of astatine which belongs 1) low density
to sixth period is 2) repulsions between non bonding electrons
1) 53 2) 54 3) 85 4) 86 3) its low atomic number
OXIDATION STATES 4) attractions between non bonding electrons
18. Halogen with highest bond energy
8. Which of the following shows only one
1) F2 2) Cl2 3) Br2 4) I2
oxidation state in its compounds
19. High reactivity of fluorine than other
1) F 2) Cl 3) Br 4) I halogens according to COULSON is
9. In the formation of inter halogen compounds 1) High electronegativity
bromine undergoes sp3d2 hybridisation in 2) Lesser internuclear repulsions
1) Ground state 2) 1st excited state 3) Greater repulsions between non bonding
3) 2nd excited state 4) 3rd excited state electrons 4) High I.P.
10. In the third excited state the number of CHEMICAL PROPERTIES
unpaired electrons in chlorine atom is 20. The chemical reacitivity of halogens is in the
1) 5 2) 7 3) 3 4) 1 order
11. The number of lone pair of electrons present 1) F2 > Cl2 > I2 > Br2 2) F2 > Br2 > Cl2 > I2
in the first excited state of chlorine atom is 3) F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2 4) F2 > I2 > Br2 > Cl2
1) 1 2) 3 3) 5 4) 2 21. The stability of hydrogen halides is in the
12. The only type of attraction existing between order
molecules of Halogens are 1) HF>HI>HBr>HCl 2) HI>HBr>HCl>HF
1) Hydrogen bond 2) Ion-dipole attraction 3) HF>HCl>HBr>HI 4) HCl>HBr>HI>HF.
3) Vanderwaals forces 4) Covalent bonds 22. Bond dissociation energies of HF, HCI, HBr
13. Reducing halogen is follow the order
1) F 2) Cl 3) Br 4) I 1) HCl>HBr>HF 2) HF>HBr>HCl
14. The correct sequence of arrangements of the 3) HF>HCl>HBr 4) HBr>HCl>HF
following compounds in order of decreasing 23. The reaction of which halogens with water is
oxidation number of iodine is endothermic
1) F2 2) Cl2 3) Br2 4) I2
1) ICl, HIO4, I2 , HI 2) HIO4, HI, I2 , ICl5
24. Which of the following is the weakest acid
3) HIO4, ICl5, I2 , HI 4) HIO4, ICl5, I2 , ICl 1) HF 2) HCl 3) HBr 4) HI
15. Fluorine does not show positive oxidation 25. Which one of the following pairs of reactants
state because does not form oxygen when they react with
1) It is most electronegative element each other
2) It forms only anions in ionic compounds 1) F2, NaOH solution (hot, conc)
3) It cannot form multiple bonds 2) F2, H2O
4) It shows non-bonded electron pair repulsion 3) Cl2, NaOH solution (cold, dilute)
due to small size. 4) CaOCl2, H2SO4 (dilute, small amount)
26. Bleaching action of Cl2 is due to
ELECTRON AFFINITY AND 1) oxidation 2) reduction
ELECTRO NEGATIVITY 3) hydrolysis 4) decomposition
16. The electron affinity values (in kJ mol-1 ) of OXIDISING POWER
three halogens X,Y and Z are respectively - 27. The least powerful oxidant in presence of
349, -333 and -325. Then X, Y and Z H2O is
respectively are 1) F2 2) Cl2 3) Br2 4) I2
1) F2, Cl2 and Br2 2) Cl2, F2 and Br2 28. Which is strongest oxidising agent
3) Cl2, Br2 and F2 4) Br2, Cl2 and F2 1) F2 2) Cl2 3) Br2 4) I2
29. F is a stronger oxidizing agent than Cl2 in 42. The halogen that is readily reduced
aqueous solution. This is attributed to many 1) F2 2) Cl2 3) Br2 4) I2
factors except 43. Which acid can combine with its own salt
1) Heat of dissociation 2) Electron affinity 1) HI 2) HBr 3) HCl 4) HF
3) Ionisational potential 4) Heat of hydration 44. Generally in the isolation of fluorine the
OXYACIDS OF CHLORINE electrolytic cell is made with Copper because
30. Which of the following halogens does not 1) Fluorine can’t react with copper
form Oxyacids 2) Copper fluoride formed acts as protective layer
1) F2 2) Cl2 3) Br2 4) I2 3) Copper is a good conductor of electricity
4)Copper is cheap in cost
31. Shape of ClO 2  ion is 45. Fluorine reacts with hot and conc. NaOH and
1) Linear 2) angular 3) pyramid 4) None the products formed are
32. The type of Hybrid orbitals used by Chlorine 1) NaF + H2O + O2 2) NaF + H2O + OF2

atom in ClO2 ion 3) HF + NaF + H2O 4) NaF + HF + O2
1) sp 3
2) sp 2
3) sp 4) 1 & 2 46. Which of the following is used as rocket fuel?
33. Hybridisation of chlorine atom in 1) F2 2) N 2 3) C 2 H 2 4) CH 4

ClO  , ClO 2 , ClO3 , and ClO 4 respectively 47. Which is not formed in the reaction of Xe
 

1) sp2, sp2, sp2, sp2 2) sp, sp, sp, sp with F2

3) sp3, sp3, sp3, sp3 4) sp, sp2, sp3, sp2 1) XeOF4 2) XeF2 3) XeF4 4) XeF6
34. The number of lone pairs on chlorine atom 48. What is the electrolyte used in the electrolytic
in ClO-, ClO2-, ClO3-, ClO4- ions are method of preparation of fluorine?
1) 0, 1, 2, 3 2) 1, 2, 3, 4 3) 4, 3, 2, 1 4) 3, 2, 1, 0 1) NaF 2) KHF2 3) KF 4) CaCl2
49. Glass is soluble in
35. Shape of ClO 4  ion is 1) HF 2) H2SO4 3) HClO4 4) Aqua regia
1) Octahedral 2) Tetrahedral 50. The purpose of addition of KF to HF in the
3) Pyramid 4) Square planar preparation of F2 by electrolysis is
 1) to increase the conductance of HF
36. Number of sigma and pi bonds in ClO 4 ion
2) to decrease the oxidation potential of HF
1) 4 and 4 2) 4 and 2
3) to increase the F concentration
3) 4 and 3 4) 3 and 2 4) To decrease the KF concentration
37. Oxidation state of chlorine in Chlorous acid
1) + 2 2) + 3 3) - 1 4) - 2 51. Chlorine is manufactured in Nelson’s cell by
38. The shape of chlorate ion is 1) Electrolysis of brine 2) Electrolysis of CaOCl2
1) Angular 2) Pyramidal 3) Electrolysis of HClO4 4) Electrolysis of ClO2
3) Tetrahedral 4) Trigonal planar 52. During the manufacture of Chlorine by the
electrolysis of brine, the by-products are
FLUORINE 1) H2 2) NaOH 3) NaOH + H2 4) NaCl
39. Flourine is highly reactive because 53. Chlorine reacts with NaOH under various
1) F-F bond energy is high conditions to give
2) F-F bond energy is low 1) NaCl 2) NaOCl 3) NaClO3 4) All the above
3) It is gaseous at room temperature 54. What are the products obtained when excess
4) None of these ammonia is reacted with chlorine?
40. Which of the following does not contain 1) N2 and NCl3 2) N2 and HCl
1) Fluorspar 2) Cryolite 3) N2 and NH4 Cl 4) NCl3 and HCl
3) Fluorapatite 4) All the above 55. 2 Br   X 2  Br2  2 X  . In this reaction
41. Halogen that absorbs visible radiation of least
wave length X 2 is
1) Cl2 2) F2 3) Br2 4) I 2 1) Cl2 2) Br2 3) I2 4) N2
56. Chemically bleaching powder is called 2. valancy electronic configuration of Halogen
1) Calcium oxy Chloride
is ns 2 np 5
2) Calcium chloro hypochlorite
3) Calcium mono oxygen chloride 3. Br2 is liquid non-metal
4) Calcium oxygen dichlordie
4. due to y ns 2 np5 electronic configuration
INTER HALOGEN COMPOUNDS 5. Atomic no. of Bromine is 35
57. The element which can displace three other
halogens from their compounds is 6. I 2 forms soluble KI 3 compound with ‘KI
1) Cl 2) Br 3) I 4) F 7. Atomic number of
58. Hybridisation of Chlorine atom in CIF 3 astatine= 2+8+8+18+18+[14+17]
molecule is 8. ‘F’ shows only 1 oxidation number in
1) sp 2) sp2 3) sp3 4) sp3d combined state
59. Shape of CIF3 molecule is
1) tetrahedral 2) T shape 9. Second excited state Br under goes sp 3d 2
3) Linear 4) trigonal planar hybridisation
60. The number of covalent bonds, a halogen 10. Third Excited state of chlorine
atom can form through sp3d hybridization
1) 2 2) 4 3) 5 4) 3 Cl  3s1 3 p 3 3d 3 ; no.of unpaired electrons = 7
61. In the known interhalogen compounds the 11. First excited state of Cl  3s 2 3 p 4 3d 1
maximum oxidation of halogen atom is
no. of lone pair of electrons = 3
1) 1 2) 5 3) 7 4) 8
62. Hybridisation of iodine in IF5 is 13. I loses 1 electron to form I 
1) sp3d 2) sp3d2 3) sp3d3 4) sp3 14. the oxidation numbers of Iodine are
63. Shape of IF5 molecule is 7, 5,O , 1 respectively
1) Pentagonal bipyramid 2) tetrahedral
3) square pyramid 4) square planar 17. F2 bond dissociation energy is low because
64. Hybridisation of iodine in IF7 molecule is of repulsion between non-bonding electrons
1) sp3 2) sp3d 3) sp3d2 4) sp3d3 18. Bond dissociation energy = Cl2  Br2  F2  I 2
65. Shape of IF7 molecule is
20. As per bond dissociation energy
1) Pyramid 2) Octahedral
21. Thermal stability of halogen halides;
3) Pentagonal bipyramid 4) tetrahedral
66. Chlorine atom in its third excited state with HF>HCl>HBr>HI
fluorine to form a compound X. The formula 22. HF>HCl>HBr>HI.
and shape of X are 23. G  ve , non-spontaneous
1) ClF5, Pentagonal 2) ClF4, Tetrahedral 24. HF has high bond dissociation energy.
3) ClF4, pentagonal bipyramidal 25. Cl2  2 NaOH  NaCl  NaOCl  H 2O
4) ClF7, pentagonal bipyramidal
27. The reactivity of Halogens with water decreases
LEVEL-I (C.W) - KEY from F2 to I 2
1) 2 2) 4 3) 4 4) 2 5) 2 6) 2 7) 3
28. Oxidising power = F2  Cl2  Br2  I 2
8) 1 9) 3 10) 2 11) 2 12) 3 13) 4 14) 3
The above order is Ilustrated by their reaction
15) 1 16) 2 17) 2 18) 2 19) 3 20) 3 21) 3
22) 3 23) 4 24) 1 25) 3 26) 1 27) 4 28) 1 condition with H 2O and H 2
29) 3 30) 1 31) 2 32) 1 33) 3 34) 4 35) 2 29. F2 is strong oxidising agent than Cl2 in aq.
36) 3 37) 2 38) 2 39) 2 40) 4 41) 2 42) 1 solution. Because of many factors like heat of
43) 4 44) 2 45) 1 46) 1 47) 1 48) 3 49) 1 dissociaton, electron affinity, heat of hydration
50) 1 51) 1 52) 3 53) 4 54) 3 55) 1 56) 2 30. E.N.of F is higher than oxygen.
57) 4 58) 4 59) 2 60) 4 61) 3 62) 2 63) 3 31. ClO2 has two lone pairs and two bond pairs.
64) 4 65) 3 66) 4 Hence shape is Angular
32. In all oxy acids of chlorine, ‘Cl’ under goes sp3 1
64 & 65. IF7 :- 7  7  7  7 + 0
hybridisation 2
34. ClO  has 3 lone pairs, ClO2 has 2 lone pairs, No. of bond pairs = 7, no. of lone pairs = 0
Hybridisation = sp 3d 3
ClO3 has 1 lone pair, ClO4 has zero lone pair
shape pentagonal bipyramidal
35. ClO4 has 4 bond pairs and zero lone pairs.
66. ClF7 in third excited stateCl has 7 bond pairs 0
Hence shape is tetrahedral
lone pairs shape is pentagonal bypyramidal
36. ClO4 has three double bonds and one single
bond. Hence four sigma bonds and 3 bonds LEVEL-I (H.W)
37. HClO2 (+1)+(x)+2(-2)=0
Radio active Halogen is
38. ClO3 has 3 bond pairs one lone pair. Hence 1) I 2) At 3) Po 4) Br
shape is pyramidal 2. The Halogen which is solid at room
42. Since Fluorine is strong oxidising element and temperature is
can be reduced readily 1) I 2 2) Br2 3) Cl2 4) F2
43. HF  F   HF2  3. Halogens belong to the group
45. 4 NaOH  2 F2  4 NaF  2 H 2O  O2 1) VIA 2) VIB 3) VIIA 4) VIIB
47. Xe forms XeF2 , XeF4 , XeF6 with Fluorine 4. Outer most electronic configuration of the
most electronegative element is
49. SiO2  6 HF  H 2 SiF6  2 H 2O
1) ns2np3 2) ns2np4 3) ns2np5 4) ns2np6
51. Brine solution is electrolyte in Nelson’s method
5. The number of p-electrons in bromine atom
52. By - products of Nelson method is NaOH  H 2 is
53. 2NaOH  Cl2  NaCl  NaOCl  H 2O 1) 17 2) 7 3) 15 4) 13
6. The elements which exists in the liquid state
54. 8 NH 3  3Cl2  6 NH 4Cl  N 2 at 300C.
55. More electronegative halogen displaces less 1) bromine 2) mercury 3) gallium 4) all of these
electronegative halogen 7. Which of the following halogen is sublimes
57. More electronegative halogen displaces less 1) Cl2 2) Br2 3) I2 4) F2
electronegative halogen 8. Oxidation state of iodine in I Cl 2 is
58. ClF3 :- 3   7  3 = 3 + 2 1) + 1 2) - 1 3) + 2 4) - 2
2 9. The excited state in which a heavier halogen
Hybridisation = sp 3 d no. of bond pairs = 3 has one lone pair in its square pyramidal
no. of lone pairs = 2 molecule
‘T’ shape 1) First 2) Second 3) Third 4) Fourth
10. The halogen which can form both cations and
60. sp 3 d hybridisation Ex: ClF3
anions is
No. of bond pairs = 3; No.of lone pairs = 2 1) F 2) Cl 3) Br 4) I
No. of covalent bonds = 3 11. The Vanderwaals forces in halogens increase
61. Maximum oxidation No. of halogen is + 7 in the order
Ex: IF7 , oxidation No. of ‘I’ is + 7 1) F2 < Cl2 < Br2 < I2 2) I2 > Br2 > Cl2 > F2
3) F2 < Br2 < I2 < Cl2 4) Br2 < F2 < Cl2 < I2
62 & 70. I F 5 :- 5   7  5  12. As the atomic number of halogens increases,
5+1 the halogens
1) lose the outer most electrons less readily
Hybridisation = sp 3d 2 no. of bond pairs = 5 2) become lighter in colour
no. of lone pairs = 1 3) become less denser
square pyramid shape 4) gain electrons less readily
13. The halogen with highest ionisation potential 27. The order of Cl-O bond distance of
is HClO, HClO2 , HClO3 , HClO4
1) F 2) Cl 3) Br 4) I
14. Halogen with highest electron affinity is 1) HClO  HClO  HClO  HClO
2 3 4
1) F 2) Cl 3) Br 4) I 2) HClO  HClO  HClO  HClO
15. Halogens have 2 4 3

1) High ionisation energies 3) HClO  HClO  HClO  HClO

3 2 4
2) High electronegativities 4) HClO  HClO  HClO  HClO
3) High electron affinities 4) All the above 4 3 2

16. Which one of the following order is correct 28. Number of sigma and pi bonds in ClO 2  ion
for the bond energies? 1) 2 and 2 2) 2 and 1
1) I2 >Cl2 > Br2 2) Br2 > Cl2 > I2
3) I2 > Br2 > Cl2 4) Cl2 > Br2 > I2 3) 1 and 2 4) 3 and 2
17. Which halogen requires least energy for 29. Which one of the following oxyacids of
excitation chlorine is the least oxidising in nature?
1) F 2) Cl 3) Br 4) I 1) HOCl 2) HClO2
18. Boiling point is least for 3) HClO4 4) HClO3
1) HF 2) HCl 3) HBr 4) HI 30. Which of the following oxy acids does not
19. Which of the following statments is true contain peroxy bond
1) Br2 is more reactive than Cl2 1) Pernitric acid 2) Caro’s acid
2) I2 is more reactive than Br2 3) Perchloric acid 4) Marshall’s acid
3) Cl2 is insoluble in water 31. Shape of ClO3  ion is
4) Iodine is a solid 1) Pyramidal 2) Tetrahedral
20. Affinity for hydrogen is maximum for 3) angular 4) linear
1) F2 2) Cl2 3) Br2 4) I2
21. Which halogen reacts partially with 32. Number of sigma and pi bonds in ClO3  ion
hydrogen even at high temperature and in 1) 2 and 2 2) 3 and 3
the presence of a catalyst
1) F2 2) Cl2 3) Br2 4) I2 3) 3 and 2 4) 2 and 3
22. Bleaching action of chlorine occurs in the 33. A powerful oxidant among the following is
presence of 1) Hypochlorite ion 2) Chlorite ion
1) O2 2) moisture 3) dry air 4) sunlight 3) Chlorate ion 4) Perchlorate ion
23. The correct order of reactivity is 34. What is the oxidation state of chlorine in
1) F>Cl>Br>I 2) F<Cl<Br<I hypochlorous acid?
3) F<Cl>Br>I 4) F>Cl<Br<I 1) + 1 2) + 3 3) + 5 4) + 7
24. Which of the following reactions is 35. The oxidation number of chlorine in KClO3 is
quite violent in nature? 1) + 1 2) + 3 3) + 5 4) + 7
1) Between hydrogen and fluorine 36. Fluorine shows anamolous behaviour in VIIA
2) Between hydrogen and chlorine group due to
3) Between hydrogen and bromine 1) its small size 2) high electro negativity
4) Between hydrogen and iodine 3) absence of d-orbitals 4) All
25. Perchloric acid is prepared by the action of 37. In the isolation of fluorine a number of
concentrated sulphuric acid on difficulties were encountered. Which
1) NaClO4 2) KClO3 statement is correct
3) Ca(ClO3) 4) Ba(ClO3)2 1) Electrolysis of aqueous HF gives H2 and O2
26. The set with correct order of acidity is 2) HF is highly stable and can’t be chemically
1) HClO<HClO2<HClO3<HClO4 oxidised to F2
2) HClO4<HClO3<HClO2<HClO 3) Anhydrous HF is a non conductor of
3) HClO<HClO4<HClO3<HClO2 electricity
4) HClO4<HClO2<HClO3<HClO 4) All
38. Which of the following is the strongest 52. The reaction of chlorine with CO in the
oxidising agent? presence of sun light gives
1) F 2) Br 3) Cl 4) l 1) COCl2 2)CO2Cl2 3)HOCl 4) H2Cl2O2
39. HF present as impurity in gaseous fluorine 53. The chemical formula of tear gas is
can be removed by passing over 1) COCl2 2) CO2 3) Cl2 4) CCl3NO2
1) P2O5 2) NaF 3) H2SO4 4) CaCl2
40. Fluorine reacts with water to form LEVEL-I (H.W) - KEY
1) HF and O2 2) HF and O3 1) 2 2) 1 3) 3 4) 3 5) 1 6) 4 7) 3
3) HF and OF2 4) HF, O2 and O3 8) 1 9) 2 10) 4 11) 1 12) 4 13) 1 14) 2
41. Fluorine reacts with cold and dil. NaOH and
the products are 15) 4 16) 4 17) 4 18) 2 19) 4 20) 1 21) 4
1) HF + H2O + NaF 2) NaF + H2O + OF2 22) 2 23) 1 24) 1 25) 1 26) 1 27) 1 28) 2
3) NaF + H2O + O2 4) HF + NaF + O2 29) 3 30) 3 31) 1 32) 3 33) 1 34) 1 35) 3
42. The halogen which can displace three
halogens from their compounds is 36) 4 37) 4 38) 1 39) 2 40) 4 41) 2 42) 1
1) F 2) Cl 3) Br 4) I 43) 2 44) 2 45) 4 46) 2 47) 1 48) 3 49)3
43. Glass reacts with HF forming 50) 2 51) 4 52) 1 53) 4
1) F2 2) H2SiF6 3) CaF2 4) NaF
44. Flourine does not show variable oxidation LEVEL-I (H.W) - KEY
states because 1. ‘At’ is radioacative halogen
1) it is a halogen 2)of absence of d-orbitals 2. Iodine is solid at room temperature
3) absence of s-orbital 4) absence of p-orbitals 3. Halogen belongs to VII A group
45. Which one of the following represents the 4. ‘F’ is the most electronegative element it’s
reaction between fluorine and cold dilute valence E.C is ns 2 np 5
NaOH? 5. Eletronic configuration of Br is
1) 2F2 + 4NaOH  4NaF + 2H2O
2) 3F2 + NaOH  5NaF + NaFO3 1s 2 2 s 2 2 p 6 3s 2 3 p 6 3d 10 4 s 2 4 p 5
3) F2 + 2NaOH  NaF + NaOF + H2O no. of ‘p’ electrons = 17
4) 2F2 + 2NaOH  2NaF + OF2 + H2O 6. Bromine, mercuri and gallium are liquids
46. In the preparation of fluorine, HF is not used 7. I 2 is a solid at room temp
because 

1) it is a liquid 2) it is not an electrolyte 8. ICl2 x + 2 (-1) = -1

3) it gives different products 4) it is less reactive 9. Second exited state has one lone pair and four
47. The compound used in etching of glass is bond pairs hence, shape is square pyramidal
1) HF 2) HClO4 3) HNO3 4) H2SO4 10. I  , I  can exist
48. Chlorine reacts with caustic soda (hot) giving
NaCl and 11. Vander waal’s forces increases from F2 to I 2
1) NaClO 2) NaClO2 3) NaClO34) NaClO4 12. As atomic number increases Halogen gains
49. In Nelson’s cell, Cathode is electrons less readily
1. Graphite 2) Copper tube 13. Fluorine is smallest atom
3. Porus steel vessel 4) Iron tank 16. Bond dissociation energy = Cl2  Br2  F2  I 2
50. What are the products formed when 17. Iodine being large size requires less energy for
ammonia reacts with excess chlorine? excitation
1) N2 and NCl3 2) NCl3 and HCl 18. HF<HI<HBr<HCl, HF has intermolecular
3) N2 and NH4Cl 4) N2 and HCl hydrogen bonding.
51. DDT is 20. Based on order of reactivity
1) Di phenyl trichloro ethene 22. Bleaching action of chlorine occures in the
2) Di chloro di phenyl triethane presence of moisture
3) Di chloro difluoro tri phenyl ethene
23. F  Cl  Br  I
4) Di chloro diphenyl tri chloro ethane
25. 2 NaClO4  H 2 SO4  Na2 SO4  2 HClO4 50. NH 3  3Cl2  NCl3  3HCl
26. Acidic nature of oxy acids increases with 51. D.D.T is dichloro di phenyl trichloro ethane
increase of O. No. of central atom sunlight
52. CO  Cl2  COCl2 (carbonyl chloride
27. The Cl-O distance of or phosgene gas)
HClO, HClO2 , HClO3 , HClO4 are 1.7, 1.64, 53. Trichloronitromethane is called tear gas
1.57, 1.45 Ao respectively
28. ClO2 has one single bond and one double bond.
Hence 2 and 1 bonds
29. HClO4 is having weak oxidising nature
30. Perchloric acid  HClO4  has no peroxy bond



31. ClO has 3 bond pairs one lone pair. Hence
shape is pyramidal
32. ClO3 has 2 double bonds and one single bond.
Hence 3 sigma bonds and 2  bonds
33. ClO  is unstable, dissociates to give nascent
34. Hocl (+1+(-2)+(x)=0
35. KClO3 (+1)+(x)+3(-2)=0
38. The reactivity of Halogens with water decreases
from F2 to I 2
39. HF impurity present in fluorine gas removed by
40. 2 H 2O  2 F2  4 HF  O2
3H 2O  3F2  6 HF  O3
41. 2 NaOH  2 F2  2 NaF  H 2O  OF2
42. “F” can displace Cl, Br, I
43. Silica present in a glass reacts with HF gives
 H 2 SiF6 
44. Fluorine does not show varible oxidation state
due to absence of d-orbitals
45. 2 F2  2 NaOH  2 NaF  OF2  H 2O
46. HF is not used because it is not an electrolyte
47. HF is used in etching of glass
48. 6 NaOH
hot , con
 3Cl2  5 NaCl  NaClO  3H O
3 2

49. Porous steel vessel lined in side with Asbestos

acts as cathode
7. Among the oxyacids of chlorine, the strongest
oxidising agent
17th GROUP ELEMENTS 1) HClO4 2) HClO3 3) HClO2 4) HClO
8. Find the correct statements.
a) Electron affinity of F is less than that of Cl
b) Number of lone pairs at central chlorine
1. What is the formal charge on Cl in the c) Iodine absorbs radiation of violet colour
following lewis structure and appear in yellow colour.
d) F2 oxidizes all other ionic halides to
Find the correct answer.
1) a, c, d 2) a, b,. d 3) only c 4) all are correct
9. In Moissan’s method the electrodes were
1) 0 2) +3 3) +5 4) +7 1) Graphite 2) Pt
2. All though electron gain enthalpy of fluorine 3) Ni 4) Pt-Ir alloy
is less negative as compared to chlorine, 10. In Moissan’s method Fluorine was prepared
Fluorine is stronger oxidizing agent then by the electrolysis of
Chlorine because of 1) Fused HF 2) Molten KF
i) Low Enthalpy of dissociation of F-F bond 3) HF dissolved in Molten KF 4) OF2
ii) High Hydration Enthalpy of F − 11. Iodine can be obtained from NaI solution by
iii) High Electron affinity of fluorine than the action of
chlorine 1) Chlorine & bromine 2) Fluorine
1) i,ii correct 2) i,iii correct 3) Soluble chloride 4) Soluble bromine
3) i,ii,iii correct 4) ii,iii correct 12. Aqua regia is a mixture of ?
3. Among C-X bond (where X =Cl, Br, l) the 1) 3 : 1 ratio of conc HCl and Conc. HNO3
correct decreasing bond energy order is
1) C-Cl>C-Br>C-I 2) C-I>C-Br>C-Cl 2) 3 : 1 ratio of conc HNO3 and Conc. HCl
3) C-Br>C-Cl>C-I 4) C-I<C-Br<C-Cl 3) 1 : 3 ratio of conc HCl and Conc. HNO3
4. The maximum negative electron gain
enthalpy of halogens in their respective 4) 1 : 3 ratio of concHCl and Conc. H 2 SO4
periods is because of 13. Following is incorrect statement
1) Small size in their respective period 1) Bond dissociation energy of Bromine is more
2) High effective nuclear charge than that of chlorine.
3) More electro negativity in their respective 2) The standard electrode potential of chlorine
periods is more than that of fluorine
4) All the above 3) In bleaching powder, the theoritical
5. IBr7 cannot exist but IF7 exist. This fact can percentage of chlorine is 35-38%.
4) All
be explained on the basis of
1) Electro -vitres 2) Electron affinities
3) Ratio of radii of atoms 4) Reducing abilities 14. Which of the following reactions does not
occur? (2008 E)
6. The increasing order of the acidity of the 1) F2 + 2Cl − → 2F − + Cl2
following acids : l=H 2SO 3, ll=H 3PO 3 and 2) Cl2 + 2F − → 2Cl − + F2
1) l>lll>ll 2) ll<l<lll 3) lll>ll>l 4) ll>lll>l 3) Br2 + 2I − → 2Br − + I 2
4) Cl2 + 2Br − → 2Cl − + Br2
15. Identify B in the above reaction. 6. Non-metallic nature of central atom of oxy acid
Ca (OH )2 → A
Cl2 , − H 2 O
increases acidic nature increases
7. HOCl is having strongest oxidising nature
Auto Oxidation
→ CaCl2 + B (2008 M)
13. Bond energy Cl2 > Br2
1) CaOCl2 2) Ca (ClO3 ) 2
14. Cl2 can not displaced F −
3) Ca(OH ) 2 4) Ca(ClO2 ) 2
16. Fluorine reacts with dilute NaOH and forms 15. Ca (OH )2 + H 2O H
→ CaOCl2

a gaseous product A. The bond angle in the 

→ CaCl2 + Ca (ClO3 )2
moleule of A is (2009 E)
16. 2 F2 + 2NaOH → 2 NaF + OF2 + H 2O
1) 1040 40' 2) 1030 3) 107 0 4) 1090 28'
17. Assertion(A) : The bond dissociation energy
of fluorine is less than bromine. LEVEL-II (H.W)
Reason (R) : In fluorine molecule, large lone
pair electronic repulsions and appreciable GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS
inter nuclear repulsions are present. (2009 M) 1. Which of the following is not true of the
1) Both A and B are true and R is the correct halogens
explanation of A. 1) All of them have seven electrons in their outer
2) Both A and R are true but R is not the corrrect shell
explanation of A. 2) They either gain an electron by forming an
3) A is true but R is not true ionic bond or form a covalent compound by
4) A is not true but R is true electron sharing
18. Which one of the following is formed apart 3) All exhibit variable valency
from sodium chloride when chlorine reacts 4) All form diatomic molecules
with hot concentrated sodium hydroxide? OXIDATION STATES
(2010 E) 2. Which requires highest energy for excitation
1) NaOCl 2) NaClO3 3) NaClO2 4) NaClO4 1) F 2) Cl 3) Br 4) I
19. The order of bond energies in halogen PHYSICAL STATE
molecules is (2010 M) 3. Halogen elements are those which are
1) F2 < Cl2 < Br2 < I 2 2) F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I 2 1) diatomic and form X − − ions
3) Cl2 > Br2 > F2 > I 2 4) Cl2 > F2 > Br2 > I 2 2) monoatomic and form X − ions
3) diatomic and form X − ions
20. Bond energy of Cl2 , Br2 and I 2 follow the
4) monoatomic and form X − − ions
order (2013 E)
1) Cl2 > Br2 > I 2 2) Br2 > Cl2 > I 2 BOND DISSOCIATION ENERGY
4. The decreasing order of bond dissociation
3) I 2 > Br2 > Cl2 4) I 2 > Cl2 > Br2 energy among halogens is
1) F - F > Cl - Cl > Br - Br > I - I
LEVEL-II (C.W) - KEY 2) Cl - Cl > Br - Br > F - F > I - I
1) 2 2) 1 3) 1 4) 4 5) 3 6) 2 7) 4 3) Cl - Cl > Br - Br > I - I > F - F
8) 2 9) 4 10) 3 11) 1 12) 113) 4 14) 2 4) I - I > F - F > Cl - Cl > Br - Br
15) 2 16) 2 17) 1 18) 2 19) 3 20) 1 CHEMICAL PROPERTIES
5. The most powerful oxidant in presence of
1) F2 2) Cl2 3) Br2 4) I2
1. F .C = 7 + 0 − (8 ) 6. Which of the following orders of melting
2 point of hydrides of halogens is correct ?
3. As the size of halogen increases bond energy 1) HF > HCl > HBr 2) HF < HCl < HBr
decreases 3) HF > HCl < HBr 4) HF < HCl > HBr
7. Which of the following statements regarding JEE-MAIN-SR-CHEM-VOL-II
halogens is not true ?
1) Halogens act as strong oxidizing agents FLUORINE
2) Fluorine oxidises water to oxygen and 15. Which forms maximum compounds with
ozone Xenon
3) Chlorine oxidises water to oxygen 1) F 2) Cl 3) Br 4) I
4)Bromine disproportionates in water producing 16. Uranium isotopes are usually seperated by
the reaction Br2 + H 2O → HBr + HOBr using compounds of the halogen
1) F2 2) Cl2 3) Br2 4) I2
8. Which of the following reactions regarding
17. Freon acts as
the preparation of hydrogen halide is not
1) dehydrating agent 2) explosive
correct ?
3) refregerant 4) oxidising agent
1) CaF2 + H 2 SO4 → CaSO4 + 2 HF 18. F2 oxidises KHSO4 to K2S2O8. The change
(conc.) in oxidation number of ‘S’ from reactant to
product is
2) NaCl + H SO → NaHSO + HCl
2 4 4 1) 2 units 2) 4 units 3) no change 4) one unit
(conc.) 19. Freon is
3) NaBr + H 2 SO4 → NaHSO4 + HBr 1) CF4 2) CCIF3 3) CCl2F2 4) C2F4
(conc.) 20. When H 2S reacts with F 2 the compound
formed is
4) PI 3 + 3H 2O → H 3 PO3 + 3HI 1) SF4 2) SF6 3) OF2 4) SF2
9. The correct order of reactivity of hydrogen 21. Which of the following dissolves in water but
halides with ethyl alcohol is does not give any oxy acid solution?
1) HF > HCl > HBr > HI 1) SO2 2) OF2 3) SCl4 4) SO3
2) HCl > HBr > HF > HI
22. Teflon is
3) HBr > HCl > HI > HF 1) Antiseptic 2) Antifreeze
4) HI > HBr > HCl > HF 3) Anti corrossive plastic 4) All
10. Purification of bone black is carried out by
1) CH3COOH 2) H2SO3 3) HNO3 4) HCl
23. Oxidation states of chlorine in the products
11. In which of the following molecules , sigma
when chlorine reacts with cold and dil. NaOH
bonds formed by the overlap of SP 3 d and are
P − orbitals . 1) 0, -1 2) -1, + 1 3) -1, + 3 4) -1, + 5
1) PCl3 2) ClF3 3) SbCl3 4) HClO4 24. In the extraction of gold the gas used is
1. F2 2. H2 3. Cl2 4. N2
OXIDISING POWER 25. The correct order of acidic strength is
12. In the reaction of I2 with water, change in
1) Cl2O7>SO2>P4O10 2) CO2>N2O5>SO3
free energy is
1) Negative 2) Positive 3) Na2O>MgO>Al2O3 4) K2O>CaO>MgO
3) Zero 4) Can’t be predicted 26. Which of the following pairs give Cl2 at room
13. The chemical formula of the oxy acid of 1) conc. HCl+KMnO4 2) NaCl + conc.H2SO4
chlorine in which chlorine exhibits its highest 3) NaCl + MnO2 4) NaCl + conc.HNO3
oxidation state is 27. Cl2 can’t replace
1) HOCl 2) HClO2 3) HClO3 4) HClO4 1) F from NaF 2) Br from NaBr
14. The correct order of stability of the halous 3) I from NaI 4) Br from KBr
acids in aqueous solution is 28. Consider the following reaction
1) HClO<HBrO<HIO 2) HClO>HBrO<HIO 6NaOH + 3Cl2 → 5NaCl + A + 3H2O. What
3) HClO>HBrO>HIO 4) HClO<HBrO>HIO is the oxidation number of chlorine in “A”?
1) +5 2) +4 3) +3 4) + 1
29. When cold and dil NaOH reacts with chlorine
42. The product formed by reacting HCl with Au
the product is
1) NaClO 2) NaClO2 3) NaClO3 4) NaClO4 1) AuCl 2) AuCl2− 3) AuCl3− 4) AuCl4−
30. The products present when chlorine dissolves 43. Aqua regia is used for dissolving which
in water metals
1) HCl + Cl2 2) HCl + HOCl 1) Alkali 2) Alkaline earth
3) HOCl + Cl2 4) HCl only 3) Noble 4) Transition
31. Chlorine gas can be dried by passing over 44. The noble metals which dissolves in aqua
1) quick lime 2) soda lime regia were
3) caustic potash sticks 1) Au 2) V 3) Pt 4) 1 & 3
4) concentrated sulphuric acid 45. The product formed when HCl reacts with
32. Chlorine forms number of oxides in which finely powdered iron
the chlorine shows 1) FeCl 2) FeCl2 3) FeCl3 4) FeCl4−
1) +5 2) +4 3) +3 4) +2
46. The gas liberated by reacting hydrochloric
INTER HALOGEN COMPOUNDS acid with finely powdered iron prevents the
33. The halogen which forms maximum number formation of which compound
of interhalogen compounds is 1) FeCl3 2) FeCl2 3) FeCl 4) FeCl4−
1) F2 2) Cl2 3) Br2 4) I2
34. Which of the following exist 47. The compound formed by reacting aqua
regia with Pt
a) ICl 3 b) FCl3 c) IF7 d) BrF3
1) PtCl61− 2) PtCl62 − 3) PtCl63− 4) PtCl64 −
Find the correct answer
1) a, b, c 2) b, c 3) b, d 4) a, c, d 48. Which gas releases by reacting noble
elements with aqua regia
35. Glauber prepared hydrochloric acid by 49. Hydro chloric acid decomposes salts of which
heating which salt with con. H2SO4 compounds
1) KCl 2) CaCl2 3) MgCl2 4) NaCl 1) Strong acid 2) Strong base
36. Who showed hydrochloric acid is compound 3) Weak acid 4) 2 & 3
of hydrogen and chlorine 50. Hydro chloric acid is used in manufacture of
1) Farraday 2) Davy 3) Curie 4) Rutherford A. Chlorine B. NH4Cl
37. In laboratory hydrochloric acid can be C. C6H12O6 D. Bromine E. C12H22O11
prepared by heating sodium chloride with 1) All are correct 2) A, B, D
which acid 3) A, B, E 4) A, B, C
1) Con.H2SO4 2) Dil.H2SO4 51. HCl reacts with corn starch to produce
3) Con. HNO3 4) Dil. HNO3 1) Fructose 2) Glucose 3) Maltose 4) Aldose
38. In laboratory method HCl gas can dried by 52. The extraction of glue from bones is carried
passing through out by
1) P4O10 2) SO2 1) HCl 2) H2SO3 3) HNO3 4) CH3COOH
3) Con. H2SO4 4) Con. HNO3
39. In water HCl dissolves in form of LEVEL-II (H.W) - KEY
+ -
1) H3O (aq) 2) Cl (aq) 3) Both 1 & 2 4) aq. HCl 1) 3 2) 1 3)3 4) 2 5) 1 6)3 7)3
40. P values of different hydro halic acids in
8) 3 9) 4 10) 4 11)2 12) 2 13) 4 14)3
random order is 3.2, -9.5, -10 and -7. So in 15)1 16) 1 17) 3 18)3 19)3 20) 2 21) 2
aq. solution HCl has an Ka value
1) 106 2) 107 3) 108 4) 1014 22)3 23)2 24) 3 25) 1 26)1 27)1 28) 1
41. In water HCl behaves as strong acid because 29) 1 30)2 31)1 32) 2 33) 1 34)4 35)4
of 36) 2 37) 1 38)3 39)3 40) 2 41) 1 42) 4
1) High Ka value 2) Low Ka value 43)3 44) 4 45) 2 46)1 47) 2 48) 1 49) 4
3) High Kb value 4) Proton donor
50)4 51) 2 52) 1
3Pt + 16 H + + 4 NO3 + 18Cl − →
LEVEL-II (H.W) - HINTS 45. 2−
3PtCl6 + 4 NO + 8 H 2O
1. Fluorine can not exhibit variable valancy
2. ‘F’ being small atom requires high energy for 47. Fe + 2HCl → FeCl2 + H 2 liberation of H 2
excitation prevents formation of FeCl3
3. Halogen is di-atomic and forms X − ion
7. The reaction of Cl2 with water is LEVEL-III
Cl2 + H 2O → HCl + HOCl
8. Sulphuric acid oxidises HBr or HI to Br2
1. I 2( g ) + Br2( g ) WXX
XXV 2 IBr( g ) The rate of both the
or I 2 the halides HBr and HI can be prepared forward and back ward reaction increased
by the hydrolysis of phosphorous tri halides with by irradiation of the system with white light.
cold water So correct statement
PX 3 + 3H 2O → H 3 PO3 + 3HX 1) Light is not a catalyst
X = Br or I 2) Light is catalyst for forward reaction
3) Light is catalyst for backward reaction
9. Order of stability = HF>HCl>HBr>HI
4) Light is catalyst for both forward and
11. Cl undergoes sp3d hybridisation
backward reaction.
13. HClO4 O.S. of Cl is +7 2. Compounds A & B on reaction with HCl
17. Freons can act as refregerent released gases P & Q saperately “Q” turns
18. O. No. of ‘S’ in both KHSO4 & K 2 S 2O8 is +6 di chromate solution green. Hence “B’ can
19. CCl2 F2 is a Freon
1) Na2 SO3 2) Na2 CO3 3) Na2 HCO3 4) NaCl
20. H 2 S + 4 F2 → 2 HF + SF6 3. The correct sequence of reducing power of
21. F does not form oxy acid halide ions are
23. In NaCl and NaOCl the oxidation no. of ‘Cl’ is 1) Cl − > Br − > I − 2) Br − > I − > Cl −
−1 and +1 respectively 3) I − > Br − > Cl − 4) Cl − > I − > Br −
25. Acidic nature of oxides increases as the non-
metallic nature increases OXYACIDS AND HYDROHALIC ACIDS
4. Which oxyacid of chlorine shows oxidation
26. 2 KMnO4 + 16 HCl → 2 KCl + 2MnCl2 + 8H 2O + 5Cl2
state of +5 ?
27. Cl2 cannot displace F from NaF 1) Hypochlorous acid 2) Chloric acid
28. 6 NaOH + 3Cl2 → 5 NaCl + NaClO3 +3H 2O 3) Chlorous acid 4) Perchloric acid
5. The acidic strength increasing order of H2Se,
in NaClO3 the oxidation no. of Cl is + 5 HBr and HI
29. 2NaOH + Cl2 → NaCl + NaOCl + H 2O 1) HBr < HI < H 2 Se 2) HBr < H 2 Se < HI
30. Cl2 + H 2O → HCl + HOCl 3) H 2 Se < HBr < HI 4) HI < H 2 Se < HBr
31. Chlorine gas can be dried by passing over quick 6. HCl reacts with finely powdered iron.
lime Oxidation number of “Fe” in the product is
32. Chlorine shows +1, +4, +6, +7 oxidation states 1) +1 2) 0 3) +3 4) +2
in its oxides. 7. The silent killer carbon monoxide can be
33. Fluorine has more electronegativity hence it can estimated with
form more no. of inter Halogen compounds 1) I 2O4 2) I 2O5 3) I 2O7 4) BrO3
NaCl + H 2 SO4  420 k
→ NaHSO4 + HCl 8. From spent Nuclear Fuel Plutonium waste is
35. removed with
NaHSO4 + NaCl  823 k
→ Na2 SO4 + HCl
1) O2 F2 2) F2 3) OF2 4) SF6
+ −
39. HCl  water
→ H 3O + Cl
17th GROUP ELEMENTS 20. Bleaching powder reacts with excess dil acids
BLEACHING POWDER to liberate chlorine which is called
9. When dry Cl2 gas is passed over dry slaked 1) Nascent Chlorine 2) Available Chlorine
lime the product obtained is having the 3) Active Chlorine 4) Atomic Chlorine
structure 21. Bleaching powder slowly decomposes to form
1) CaCl2 and Ca(ClO3)2 2) CaO and Cl2
3) CaCl2 and Ca(OCl)2 4) CaCO3 and Cl2
22. Bleaching powder reacts with insufficient
1) 2) dilute acids the gas liberated is
1) Cl2 2) O2 3) Br2 4) I2
3) Ca(OCl)2 4) CaCl2O2 23. In which of the following Bleaching powder
10. Oxidation state of chlorine in Bleaching is not used
Powder 1) For bleaching paper pulp
1) -2 2) - 1 3) + 1 4) -1 and + 1 2) For water sterilisation
11. Bleaching powder dissolves in hot water to 3) For making chloroform
form 4)For sugar decolourisation
1) Ca2+, Cl − , ClO − 2) Ca+2, Cl − , ClO 2 − 24. Bleaching powder slowly loses its activity
when it stands in air. This is due to
3) Ca2+, Cl − , ClO3 − 4) Ca 2+ , Cl − , ClO 4 − 1) reaction with water to evolve O2
12. On long standing Bleaching powder 2) reaction with H2O to evolve H2
decomposes into 3) Due to disproportionation
1) CaCl2 + Ca(ClO2)2 2) CaCl2 + Ca(ClO3)2 4) formation of calcium hydroxide
3) CaCl2 + Ca(ClO4)2 4) CalCl2 + O2 25. The Bleaching action of the Bleaching
13. In hot water Bleaching powder does not give powder is due to liberation of
1) nascent chlorine 2) nascent oxygen
1) Ca 2 + ions 2) ClO − ions 3) nascent hydrogen 4) atomic hydrogen
3) Cl − ions 4) ClO3 − ions 26. Bleaching powder is a salt of
1) HCl 2) HOCl
14. Available Chlorine in a good sample of
3) HCl + HOCl 4) HCl + HClO4
Bleaching powder is
27. When CO2 is passed through an aqueous
1) 75% 2) 20-25% 3) 50-75% 4) 35-38%
bleaching powder the gas evolved is
15. The action of Bleaching powder on ethyl 1) O2 2) O3 3) Cl2 4) ClO2
alcohol gives 28. Bleaching powder is used as
1) CCl4 2) CHCl3 3) COCl2 4) Ether 1) Oxidsing agent 2) bleaching agent
16. Bleaching powder is not used 3) Chlorinating agent 4) All the above
1) As a disinfectent 2) As a reducing agent 29. When bleaching powder is dissolved in water
3) For Bleaching purpose the residue left is
4) For manufacturing chloroform 1) CaCl2 2) Ca(ClO3)2
17. Bleaching powder in the presence of 3) CaO 4) Ca(OH)2
insufficient quantity of dil H 2 SO4 acts as 30. Theoretically Percentage of Cl2 in CaOCl2
1) oxidisiting agent 2) Reducing agent 1) 35% 2) 56% 3) 85% 4) 12%
3) both oxidising and reducing agent PREVIOUS EXAM MAINS QUESTIONS
4) Liberates avaliable chlorine 31. Among the following oxoacids, the correct
18. In the presence of Cobalt Chloride decreasing order of acid strength is
(CoCl2),bleaching powder decomposes to (2014 MAINS)
form 1) HClO4 > HClO3 > HClO2 > HOCl
1) CaCO3 & O 2) ClO2 & CaO 2) HClO2 > HClO4 > HClO3 > HOCl
3) Cl2O & CaO 4) CaCl2 & O2 3) HOCl > HClO2 > HClO3 > HClO4
19. In the presence of the following Bleaching
4) HClO4 > HOCl > HClO2 > HClO3
powder decomposes to liberate oxygen
1) Ni 2) FeO 3) CoCl2 4) CuO
25. The Bleaching action of Bleaching powder is
LEVEL-III - KEY due to the liberation of nescent oxygen
1) 1 2) 1 3) 3 4) 2 5) 1 6)4 7) 2 27. CaOCl2 + CO2 → CaCO3 + Cl2
8) 1 9) 2 10) 4 11) 3 12) 2 13) 2 14) 4
29. CaOCl2 + H 2O → Ca (OH )2 + Cl2
15) 2 16) 2 17) 1 18) 4 19) 3 20) 2 21) 1
22) 2 23) 4 24) 3 25) 2 26) 3 27) 3 28) 4 71
30. × 100
29) 4 30) 2 31) 1 127
31. HClO < HClO2 < HClO3 < HClO4
LEVEL-III - HINTS Increasing acid strength due to increase in
1. Since halogen absorbs a part of white l i g h t oxidation state of central atom.
they are coloured. Light is only consumed but
not reproduced, hence not a catalyst LEVEL-IV
4. O.S of Cl is +5 in HClO3
1. Match the following
Set- I Set - II
9 &10. A) Most electronegativity 1) At
B) Most electron affinity 2) F2
in OCl −1 and Cl −1 O. No. of Cl is +1 and -1
C) Liquid Halogens 3) Cl2
11 &13. Bleaching powder in hot water under go
Auto oxidation and gives chloride and chlorate D) Radioactivity Halogens 4) Br2
ions Correct the matching is
12. Bleaching powder slowly looses its activity A B C D A B C D
when it stands in air. This is due to loss of 1) 3 4 1 2 2) 2 3 4 1
avialable chlorine 3) 1 3 4 2 4) 4 1 3 2
15. CaOCl2 + 2 H 2O → 2. Match the following:
Set- I Set - II
Ca (OH )2 + 3HCl + 2 (O )
A) Teargas 1) [C2 H 4Cl ]2 S
C2 H 5OH + (O ) → CH 3CHO + H 2O
B) Musturd gas 2) COCl2
CH 3CHO + 3Cl2 → CCl3CHO + 3HCl
C) Phosgene 3) CCl3 NO2
2CCl3CHO + Ca (OH )2 →
D) Teflon 4) (C2 F4 ) n
Ca ( HCOO )2 + 2CHCl3 Correct the matching is
17. Bleaching powder liberates oxygen with in A B C D A B C D
sufficient dilute H 2 SO4 1) 3 1 2 4 2) 1 2 4 3
3) 2 3 4 1 4) 4 2 1 3
18 & 19. 2CaOCl2  CaCl2
→ 2CaCl2 + O2 3. Observe the following statements?
20. Bleaching powder reacts with excess of dilute I. Bleaching powder is used in the
acids to liberate chlorine which is called as preparation of Chloroform
available chlorine II. Bleaching powder decomposes in the
21. 6Ca (OCl ) Cl → 5CaCl2 + Ca (ClO3 )2 presence of CoCl2 to liberate O2
III. Aqueous KHF2 is used in the preparation
22. 2CaOCl2 + H 2 SO4 → of Fluorine.
CaCl2 + CaSO4 + 2 HCl + O2 1) I,II and III are correct
2) Only II is correct.
24 Bleaching powder slowly looses its activity
3) Only I and III are correct
when it stands in air. This is due to loss of
4) Only I and II are correct.
avialable chlorine
17th GROUP ELEMENTS 10. Match the following
Note:1) A & R are true, R is correct explanation of A List-I List- II
2) A & R are true, R is not correct explanation A) ClF 1) sp3d
of A B) ClF3 2) T- shape
3) A is true, but R is false
C) ClF5 3) linear
4) A is false, but R is true
4) sp3d 2
4. Assertion (A): Except Fluorine all other
Halogenes exhibits +1, +3, +5, +7 oxidation 5) no.of lone pairs one
6) pentagonal Bi-pyramidal
states in combined state The correct match is
Reason(R): Other halogens have d-robitals 1) A-3; B-1, 2; C-4, 5 2) A-3; B-1, 2;C-5, 6
and can expand there octet and show +1, +3, 3) A-3; B-1,6; C-4, 5 4) A-3; B-3, 4; C-5, 6
+5, +7 oxidation states. 11. Match the following
5. Assertion (A): Fluorine exhibites only -1 Set- I (Cl − O bond length) Set - II(A0)
oxidation number incombined state A) HClO 1) 1.64
Reason(R): Fluorine is most electro negative B) HClO2 2) 1.70
element and d-orbitals absent in it
C) HClO3 3) 1.45
6. Assertion (A): When HCl reacts with finely
powdered Iron It forms ferrous chloride but D) HClO4 4) 1.57
not ferric chloride Correct the matching is
Reason(R): Liberation of Hydrogen prevents 1) 1 2 3 4 2) 2 3 4 1
the formation of ferric chloride 3) 2 1 4 3 4) 2 1 3 4
7. Assertion (A): In BrF3 oxidastion state of “F” 12. Match the following
Set- I Set - II
is +3.
A) F2 1) pale yellow colour gas
Reason (R): Electronegativity of F is more
than that of Bromine. B) Cl2 2) violet colour solid
8. Statement 1: Among the hydrogen C) Br2 3) orange liquid
halides HF is weakest acid. D) I 2 4) greenish colour gas
statement 2: Among hydrogen halides HF Correct the matching is
bond length is least. A B C D A B C D
1) statement 1 and 2 are correct and 1) 1 3 2 4 2) 1 4 3 2
statement 2 is the correct explanation of 1 3) 2 3 4 1 4) 3 2 1 4
13. Match the following
2) statement 1 and 2 are correct but
List-I List-II
statement 2 is not correct explanation of 1
A ClO − 1) one lone pair on chlorine
3) statement 1 is true but 2 is false
4) statement 1 is false but 2 is true B) ClO2 − 2) two lone pairs on chlorine
9. Assertion (A): Fluorine occurs in nature in C) ClO3− 3) three lone pairs on chlorine
the combined state only
4) Cl is in sp3 hybridization
Reason(R): Fluorine is very reactive element. 5) most stable
1) A & R are true, R is correct explanation of A The correct match is
2) A & R are true, R is not correct explanation 1) A-3, 4 B-2, 4, 5, C-1, 4
of A 2) A-3, 4 B-2, 4, C-1, 4, 5
3) A-3, 4, 5 B-2, 4 C-1, 4
3) A is true, but R is false
4) A-3, 4 B-2, 4 C-1, 4
4) A is false, but R is true
Note:1) A & R are true, R is correct explanation of A
2) A & R are true, R is not correct explanation
of A
3) A is true, but R is false
4) A is false, but R is true
14. Assertion (A): Moist Cl2 bleaches the
vegetable colouring matter
Reason (R): Cl2 is a strong reducing agent
15. Assertion (A): ClO2 is a paramagnetic
Reason (R): Cl atom in ClO2 molecule is
sp3 hybridsed
16. Assertion (A): Bleacing powder is also known
as calcium chloro hypo chlorite
Reason(R): Bleaching powder is a mixed salt
of calcium chloride and per chlorate
17. Assertion (A): Preparation of fluorine came
across number of difficulties
Reason:(R): It attacks all materials which are
used in the preparation (glass, carbon, H 2O ,
18. Assertion (A): The reaction of Cl with cold
dilute and hot conc. NaOH is
disproportionation reaction
Reason(R): Cl forms zero oxidation state
change to -1 & +1 in cold dilute condition
and -1 & +5 in hot concentrated condition

1) 2 2) 1 3) 4 4) 1 5) 1 6) 1 7) 4
8) 2 9) 1 10) 1 11) 3 12) 2 13) 2 14) 3
15) 2 16) 3 17) 1 18) 1

3. Fused KHF2 used in the preparation of
fluorinebut not aq KHF2
7. Oxidation no. of Fluorine in combined state is
always −1 . E.N - decreases down the group
11 HClO > HClO2 > HClO3 > HClO4
14. Chlorine is strong oxidizing agent
15. C l O 2 has odd electron
16. Bleaching Powder is a mixture of calcium
chloride and calcium hypo chlorite
 Except radon, all other noble gases occur in free
SYNOPSIS state in the universe.
Introduction  Noble gases are present in stars, in earth’s
atmosphere, in natural gas and in minerals
 He is found to exist in three Isotopic forms
3 4 and He6 .
He ,He
 Liquid He is regarded as most volatile of all
 He is a noble gas without p-electrons.
 He6 is  emitter with half life 0.84 sec.
 XeBr4 is unknown yet XeCl4 exists.
Occurance in atmosphere
 By volume Ar > Ne > He > Kr > Xe
 By mass Ar > Ne > Kr > Xe > He
Physical Properties of Noble Gases
 Valence shell electron configuration of a noble  Noble gases are colourless, odourless and
gases is ns 2 np 6 i.e. octet (except He, 1s 2 duplet) tasteless gases.
 Noble gas atoms (except helium) have 8  Noble gases are monoatomic due to value of
electrons in their valence shell. This type of specific heat ratio (Cp/Cv)1.66
electron arrangement is known as octet.  Atomic number, atomic weight, radius of atom,
 Radon is a radioactive element. density increases from He to Xe.
Other names of 18th Group elements  They have very low melting and boiling points,
because they have no interatomic forces except
weak dispersion forces. So, they are liquified
at very low temperatures.
 Ease of liquification of noble gases increases
from He to Xe due to increase of vander Waal’s
 Boiling points of noble gases increases from He
to Xe due to increase of VanderWaal’s forces.
 Helium has the lowest boiling point (4.2K) of
any known substance. It has an unusal property
of diffusing through most commonly used
laboratory materials such as rubber, glass or
 The noble gases were placed between halogens  If helium is cooled to 2.2K at 1 atomsphere it
(highly electronegative elements) and alkali changes to a liquid known as Helium -II. the
metals (highly electropositive elements) in the Helium - II has very low viscosity. It flows
periodic table.
upwords instead of flowing downwards.
 Noble gases are treated as the bridge between
highly electronegative halogens and highly  They are sparingly soluble in water, however
electropositive alkali metals. solubility increases down the group.
 Oxidation state of noble gases is zero.  Heat of vapourisation of noble gases increases
 Ar is cheapest noble gas. down the group.
 Noble gases have highest ionisation enthalpies  The half life period of radon is very low. So it is
in the periodic table. It is due to their stable difficult for radon to form compounds during
electronic configuration (Octet). However, it its existence as radon.
decreases down the group with increase in  Helium and neon cannot form compounds
atomic size. because they have no excited state.
 Noble gases have stable electronic  Krypton forms a limited number of compounds
configurations (Octet), they have no tendanccy Eg: KrF2, KrF4
to accept electron therefore, have large positive  Generally noble gas atoms in excited state only,
values of electron gain enthalpy. can form stable compounds.
A.R: He  Xe  Xenon forms three types of fluorides. They are
XeF2, XeF4 and XeF6
M.P & B.P: He  Rn 
673 K , 1bar
XeF2 : Pre: Xe( g )  F2( g )   XeF2( S )
Ease of liquefaction: He  Rn 
Solubility: He  Xe  Pro: Its melting point is 402 K
Adsorption: He  Xe  2 XeF2( g )  2 H 2 O(l ) 
 2 Xe( g )  4 HF( aq )  O2( g )
Polarizability: He  Xe  
  XeF    PF6 
XeF2  PF5 
Density : He  Xe 
873 K , 7 bar
Diffusion: He  Xe  XeF4: Pre: Xe( g )  2 F2( g ) 
1:5 ratio
 XeF4( S )

Thermal Conductivity at 00 c,1atm : Pro: Its melting point is 390 K

He  Xe 
XeF4  O2 F2 
 XeF6( S )  O2
I.E: He  Xe 

  XeF3   SbF6 

(having highest I.E. values in periodic table.) XeF4  SbF5 
(Note: Where  increases,  decreases)
6 XeF4  12 H 2 O 
 4 Xe  2 XeO3  24 HF  3O2
573 K , 60  70 bar
XeF6: Pre: Xe( g )  3F2 
(1:20 ratio )
  XeF6
He Ne Ar Kr Xe Rn
Pro: Its melting point is 322.6 K
48 116 96 96 77 68
 M   XeF7   M  Na, K , Rb & CS 

XeF6  MF 

Electrical conductivity: Noble gases have XeF6 undergoes hydrolysis by the following
fairly high electrical conductivity. The gases steps
produce characteristic coloured lights when an XeF6  H2O 
 XeOF4  2HF
electrical discharge is passed through them at
low pressure. For example (i) Neon  a bril- XeOF4  H2O 
 XeO2 F2  2HF
liant orange red glow. (ii) Hg vapours + Ne XeO2 F2  H 2 O 
 XeO3  2 HF
 a blue or green glow..
2 XeF6  3SiO2  2 XeO3  3SiF4
Chemical Properties of Noble Gases:
 Earlier, it was believed that noble gases do not
Xenon Oxides: Xenon forms two oxides
involve in chemical reactions. However in recent XeO3 and XeO4.
years, some compounds of noble gases have XeO3: Pre: XeF6  3H 2 O 
 XeO3  6 HF
been prepared under special conditions. Pro: XeO3 is unstable, decomposes to
 The first compound of noble gas was prepared form Xe and O2
by N. Bartlett. The compound is xenon  XeO3 is a colourless & hygroscopic substance
hexafluoro platinate (IV) Xe  PtF6  with explosive nature.
XeO4 :
Fluorides of Xe & Their Structures
 Xenon forms a number of compounds with Pre: Ba2 XeO6  2 H 2 SO4  2 BaSO4  XeO4  2 H 2 O
fluorine and with oxygen. Pro: XeO4 is a highly explosive substance.
Uses of Noble Gases: Noble gases are used  A mixture of 80 % helium and 20 % oxygen by
to provide inert atmosphere in the extraction of volume is used by deep sea divers for respiration.
metals like Mg, Ti etc., and welding works  He + O2 mixture is used to provide relief for the
which involve metals like Mg, Al etc. asthma patients in their respiratory problems.
 Noble gases are used in the electric bulb industry  N2 dissolves in blood under pressure & it
as filling gases. causes severe pain called “caisson sickness” or
 Noble gases are used as coolants for low “bends”.
temperature work.  Liquid helium is used as a cryogenic liquid, to
Helium: Helium is used as a heat transfer agent provide low temperature.
in nuclear reactors.  Helium is used in gas thermometers and in
Helium is non-inflammable and light gas. So it electrical transformers.
is used in filling of ballons for meteorological  Helium is used to fill the tyres of big aeroplanes
observations. because it is lighter than air.
Neon: Neon is used in glow lamps. The glow ADDITIONAL SYNOPSIS
of neon lamps is visible even through the fog Discovery and Occurance of noble gases
and mist. So neon glow lamps are used as signal (Exclusive JEE Main)
lights, and as beacon lights for safe air  Nobel prize was awarded to Ramsay and
navigation. Rayleigh for their contribution towards the
 Neon is used in decorative discharge tubes discovery of noble gases.
for producing different colours. The colour  J.N. Lockyer and P.J.C Janssen observed a bright
varies with the colour of the discharge tube yellow line in the spectrum of the light emitted
and gas present in it. from the chromosphere of the sun, during the
 Neon can carry high voltage currents. So it is total solar eclipse period. This line is very close
used in rectifiers, relays and safety devices. to D1 and D 2 lines of sodium. The line was
 Mixture of argon and mercury vapour is used in therefore called as D3 line. This lead to the
fluoroscent tubes. discovery of helium.
 Rayleigh suggested that the inactivity of residual
Argon: Argon is used in filling electrical bulbs,
N 2 of Cavendish experiment is due to an
Geiger counter tubes, thermoionic tubes and
other discharge tubes. inactive new element, named by him as Argon.
He found that it gave a new spectral line.
Krypton : Krypton is used in electric bulbs.  Ramsay and Travers fractionated liquid Argon
 Kr -85 is used to measure thickness of metal under reduced pressure. This lead to the
sheets and joints. discovery of krypton and xenon.
 One of the products obtained in the radioactive
 Kr -85 is used in electronic tubes for voltage
disintegration of radium is radon
 Ramsay separated Helium from Nitrogen gas
W.E-1: The s-block element present in zerogroup
isolated from air.
is__ .
 Neon was discovered by Ramsay and Travers.
Sol. Helium.  Argon was discovered by Rayleigh.
 Krypton and xenon were discovered by Ramsay.
W.E-2:The most appropriate name for zerogroup  Helium can be crystallized in hcp, bcc and fcc
elements is ______. solids.
Sol. Noble gases
W.E-3:Why Helium is totally inert? ELECTRONIC CONFIGURATION,
Sol. Because of its small size, high I.E. and zero E.A. DISCOVERY & OCCURENCE
1. Noble gases are also known as
W.E-4: Liquid Helium is called superfluid.Why? 1. Chalcogens 2. Halogens
Sol. at 4.2K Helium becomes liquid and is called 3. Aerogens 4. Transition elements
Helium-I [He (I)]. On further cooling to 2.2K 2. The valence shell configuration of noble gases
He (II) is formed becouse of its low viscosity, (except He) is
1. ns2np4 2. ns2np1 3. ns2np6 4. ns2np6nd10
W.E-5: Which inert gas obtained from monazite 3. The atomicity of noble gases is
sand? 1. Two 2. One 3. Six 4. Four
Sol. Helium. 4. The most abundant noble gas in the
atmosphere is
W.E-6: Name the Fluoride of Xenon which 1. Argon 2. Neon 3. Helium 4. Krypton
undergoes thermal decomposition? 5. The least abundant inert gas in the
atmosphere is by volume
Sol. XeF6 . 1. Ne 2. He 3. Ar 4. Xe
6. Which of the following inert gas is available 21. Which is the lightest gas?
only as a product in the radioactive 1) Helium 2) Oxygen 3) Hydrogen 4) Nitrogen
disintegrations? 22. Which of the following gas is/are called inert
1. He 2. Ar 3. Rn 4. Kr gas?
7. The most abundant source of helium is 1) He 2) Ne 3)Kr 4)All of these
1. Spring waters 2. Natural gas 23. Noble gases form compounds very easily with
3. Clevite 4. Sun 1. Sulphur 2. Nitrogen
8. The inert gas predicted from the solar 3. Oxygen 4. Fluorine
spectrum is 24. Among noble gases, only xenon can form
1. Ne 2. Kr 3. Xe 4. He more number of compounds. This is due to
9. Which of the following is the correct sequence its
of the noble gases in their group in the 1) High I.P 2) Low I.P 3) Small size
periodic table? 4) less than zero electron affinity
1) Ar, He, Kr, Ne, Rn, Xe 2) He, Ar, Ne, Kr, Xe, Rn 25. The heat of vapourisation is very high for
3) He, Ne, Kr, Ar, Xe, Rn 4) He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn 1. He 2. Ne 3. Ar 4. Xe
10. Which of the following is not a noble gas? 26. The M.P. and B.P. are very low for
1. N 2 2. He 3. Ne 4. Ar 1. Ne 2. He 3. Kr 4. Ar
11. Which one of the following configuration 27. The electronic configuration of neon is
represents Ar.?
1) 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 2) 1s 2 3) 2s 2 4) 1s 2 2s 2 2p 2
1. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 2.1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5
3. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2 FLOURIDES AND OXIDES OF
12. 1s2 2s2 2p6 is the electron configuration of XENON AND THEIR STRUCTURES
1. Nitrogen 2. Boron 3. Argon 4. Neon 28. Which of the following is a most explosive
13. Which of the following corresponds to the
configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 ? 1. XeF6 2. XeO4 3. XeF2 4. XeF4
1. He 2. Na 3. Mg 4. Ar 29. The molecule with linear structure is
30. The hybridisation of Xe in XeO3 is
1. sp2 2. sp3 d 3. sp3 4. sp3d2
14. The forces of attraction operating between
31. The shape of XeF4 molecule is
atoms of inert gases are
1. Tetrahedron 2. Square planar
1. Electrostatic forces 2. Ion dipole forces
3. Square pyramidal 4. Trigonal bipyramid
3. Magnetic forces 4.VanderWaals’ forces
32. Which of the following forms maximum
15. Which of the following noble gas is least
polarisable? number of compounds ?
1. He 2. Ne 3. Kr 4. Xe 1) Ne 2) Kr 3) Xe 4) Rn
3 2
16. Boiling point is very high for 33. The hybridisation of Xe is sp d in
1. He 2. Ne 3. Kr 4. Xe 1) XeF2 2) XeO4 3) XeF4 4) XeO3
17. Chemically least active element is 34. XeF 4
is a square planar molecule. The
1. Kr 2. Ne 3. Xe 4. Ar hybridisation of xenon atom in this molecule
18. The noble gas which can form more number is
of compounds is 1. dsp2 2. sp3d 3. sp3d2 4. d2sp3
1. Ne 2. He 3. Xe 4. Ar USES OF NOBLE GASES
19. The last member of the family of inert gases 35. The element is used in locating defect in steel
is casting is
1) Argon 2) Radon 3) Xenon 4) Neon 1. He 2. Kr 3. Xe 4. Rn
20. The element having highest ionisation 36. The gas used for inflating the tyres of
potential is aeroplanes is
1) H 2) N 3) O 4) He 1. Ar 2. He 3. H2 4. N2
37. Coloured discharge tube for advertisement 8. Which of the following noble gases does not
mainly contains have an octet of electrons in its outermost
1. Xe 2. He 3. Ne 4. Ar shell?
38. The gas filled in electric bulbs is 1) Neon 2) Radon 3) Argon 4) Helium
1. Ar 2. N2 3. He 4. O2 9. The value of ionization potential for inert
39. The gas used in gas thermometer is gases is
1) He 2) O2 3) Xe 4) Ne 1) Zero 2) Low 3) High 4) Negative
10. The noble gas which behaves abnormally in
C.U.Q - KEY liquid state is
1) Xe 2) Ne 3) He 4) Ar
1) 3 2) 3 3) 2 4) 1 5) 4 6) 3 7) 2
11. The noble gas with highest ionization energy
8) 4 9) 4 10) 1 11) 3 12) 4 13) 4 14) 4 is
15) 1 16) 4 17) 2 18) 3 19) 2 20) 4 21) 3 1) He 2) Ar 3) Xe 4) Kr
12. Which of the following has SP 3
22) 4 23) 4 24) 2 25) 4 26) 2 27) 1 28) 2
29) 4 30) 3 31) 2 32) 3 33) 3 34) 3 35) 4 1) XeO3 2) BCl3 3) XeF4 4) BBr3
36) 2 37) 3 38) 1 39) 1 FLUORIDES AND OXIDES OF
LEVEL-I (C.W) 13. What is the atomic number (Z) of the noble
gas that reacts with fluorine?
ELECTRONIC CONFIGURATION, 1. 54 2. 10 3. 18 4. 2
DISCOVERY & OCCURENCE 14. Maximum number of compounds are known
1. The lightest noble gas atom contains the in the case of
following particles in its nucleus 1. Ne 2. Xe 3. Kr 4. Ar
1. 4 protons 2. 3 neutrons 15. Among noble gases, only xenon reacts with
3. 3 protons and 1 neutron flourine to form stable xenon fluorides,
4. 2 protons and 2 neutrons because xenon
2. The order of abundance of inert gases in the 1. has highest ionisation enthalpy
atmosphere is 2. has lowest ionisation enthalpy
1. Ar < Ne < Xe 2. Ar > Ne > Xe 3. has highest heat of vapourisation
3. Ar > Xe > Ne 4. Ne > Ar > Xe 4. is the most readily available noble gas
3. Which of the following is a false statement? 16. The bond angle in XeF2 molecule is
1. radon is obtained by the decay of radium 1. 1200 2. 1090. 281 3. 1800 4. 900
2. helium is an inert gas 17. The number of lone pairs of electrons on
3. xenon is the most reacting among rare gases xenon atom in XeF4 molecule is
4. the most abundant rare gas in the atmosphere 1. 4 2. 3 3. 2 4. zero
is helium 18. The number of σ and π bonds in XeO 3
4. Which of the following is non-existing? molecule are
1. H2 2.O2 3. N2 4. He2 1. 1 σ , 2 π 2. 3 σ , 3 π
3. 3 σ , 0 π 4. 2 σ , 1 π
PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL 19. Which one of the following is a correct pair
PROPERTIES OF NOBLE GASES with respect to molecular formula of xenon
5. Electronegativity of inert gases is compound and hybridisation state of xenon
1. low 2. high 3. zero in it?
4. abnormally high
1. XeF4 ,sp3 2. XeF2 ,sp 3. XeF2 ,sp3d 4. XeF4 ,sp
6. Ionisation potential is very low for
1. Xe 2. Ne 3. He 4. Ar 20. The number of lone pairs of electrons present
7. The density is very high for on Xe in XeF2?
1. Ne 2. Ar 3. He 4. Xe 1. 3 2. 4 3. 2 4. 1
21. The structure of XeF6 is 29. Statement I :Balloons made by nylon films
are better for containing helium than the
1. distorted octahedral 2. trigonal pyramidal conventional rubber balloons.
3. tetrahedral 4. none of the above Statement II : R.M.S. velocity of helium is
22. Which of the following is planar? very high. So helium atoms can effuse out
1. XeO2 F2 2. XeO3 3. XeO4 4. XeF4 through rubber balloons.
30. Statement I : Compared to other noble gases
USES ‘Xe’ is chemically active.
23. The gas mixture used to provide relief for the Statement II :‘Xe’ has low IP value and
asthma patients in their respiratory problems vacant ‘d’ orbitals, available for the excitation
is of electrons from ‘p’ orbitals of valence shell.
1. Ne + O2 2. Xe + N2 31. Statement I:Noble gases have highest
3. Ar + O2 4. He + O2 ionization energies in their respective periods.
24. Beacon lights are obtained from Statement II : The outermost shell of noble
1. Neon lamps 2. Tungston lamps gases is completely filled.
3. Hydrogen lamps 4. Xenon lamps 32. Statement - I:Deep sea divers use He-O 2
25. In ordinary incandescent and fluorescent mixture for breathing
Statement - II:Unlike N2, He is not soluble in
lamps the gas filled along with nitrogen is
blood even under high pressure.
1. Ne 2. He 3. Xe 4. Ar 33. Statement - I:Solubility of noble gases in
26. Helium-oxygen mixture is used by deep sea water decreases with increase in atomic size.
divers in preference to nitrogen-oxygen Statement - II:Solubility is due to dipole-
mixture, because induced dipole interaction.
1. helium is much less soluble in blood than 34. Statement - I:He -II has high viscosity and
nitrogen flows downward.
2. nitrogen is much less soluble in blood than Statement - II:Liquid helium is used as
helium cryogenic liquid.
3. due to high pressure nitrogen reacts with 35. Statement - I: In sea diver gases, the nitrogen
oxygen to give poisonous nitric oxide. of normal air is replaced by helium.
4. nitrogen is highly soluble in water. Statement - II: Nitrogen becomes more
27. Which of the following noble gases is used in soluble in the body fluids at high pressures
the treatment of cancer? and causes conditions similar to alcohol
1. Xe 2. Ar 3. Rn 4. Kr intoxication.
28. Which one of the following statement 36. Statement - I:Xenon forms fluorides.
Statement - II:Because 5d orbitals are
regarding helium is incorrect?
available for valence shell expansion.
1) It is used to produce and sustain powerful 37. Match the following.
superconducting magnets List-I List-II
2) It is used as a cryogenic agent for carrying
A) XeF4 1) Distorted octahedral
out experiments at low temperatures
3) It is used to fill gas balloons instead of B) XeF6 2) Tetrahedral
hydrogen because it is lighter and non- C) XeO3 3) Square planar
4) It is used in gas-cooled nuclear reactors D) XeO4 4) Pyramidal
STATEMENT TYPE QUESTIONS 1. 1 2 3 4 2. 3 1 4 2
1) Both ‘I’ and ‘II’ are true. ‘II’ is correct 3. 1 3 2 4 4. 2 4 1 3
explanation of ‘I’. 38. Matrix Matching.
2) Both ‘I’ and ‘II’ are true. ‘II’ is not correct List-I List-II
explanation of ‘I’. A) Gas Thermometersp) He
3) ‘I’ is true but ‘II’ is false B) Beacon lamp q) Ne
4) ‘I’ is false but ‘II’ is true. C) Electric bulbs r) Xe
D) Flash bulb s) Kr
7. The first noble gas compound prepared by
LEVEL-I (C.W) - KEY Bartlett is
1) 4 2) 2 3) 4 4) 4 5) 3 6) 1 7) 4 1. XeF2 2. KrF2 3. XePtF6 4. XeO3
8) 4 9) 3 10) 3 11) 1 12) 1 13) 1 14) 2 8. Number of unpaired electrons in inert gas is
15) 2 16) 3 17) 3 18) 2 19) 3 20) 1 21) 1 1) Zero 2) 8 3) 4 4) 18
22) 4 23) 4 24) 1 25) 4 26) 1 27) 3 28) 3 9. Helium is subjected to electrical discharge.
The following species is not present in the
29) 2 30) 1 31) 1 32) 1 33) 4 34) 4 35) 4 discharge tube
36) 1 37) 2 38) A  p, B  q, C  q,s, D  r 1. He+ 2. He2+ 3. He2 4. He
LEVEL-I (C.W)-HINTS 10. The spectrum of helium is expected to be
29. Due to non-inflammable and high R.M.S. ve- similar to that of
locity, ‘He’ is filled in balloons. 1. H 2. Be 3. Li+ 4. Ne
30. ‘Xe’ has low I.P. value and vacant ‘d’ orbitals. 11. The gas that gives superfluid on cooling at
It can involve in chemical reactions. 2.2K is
31. In the noble gases, outermost shell is completely 1. Ar 2. Rn 3. Kr 4. He
filled so that their I.P. values are high. 12. Viscosity is very low for
32. Unlike N2, He is not soluble in blood at high 1. Ar 2. He(l) 3. He(II) 4. Kr
pressure so that He+O 2 mixture is used for 13. Which of the following statement is not
breathing. correct for a noble gas?
33. Solubility of noble gases is due to dipole-in- 1. Argon is used to fill the incandescent bulbs
duced dipole interaction and the solubility in 2. Krypton is obtained in nuclear fission.
water increases with atomic number. 3. Radon is present in the atmosphere
34. Liquid ‘He’ is used as cyrogenic liquid and He- 4. Xenon cannot form XeF3
II has high viscosity and flows upward. 14. Inversion temperature of helium is very low.
35. In sea diver gases at high pressure N2 is more So when helium is allowed to expand into
soluble in body fluids. vacuum it gets
36. Xenon forms fluorides because ‘5d’ orbitals are 1. Cooled 2. Heated
available for valency shell expansion. 3. Neither cooled, nor heated 4. Liquified
15. Which of the following is a product in the
LEVEL-I (H.W) explosion of hydrogen bomb?
1. Kr 2. Ne 3.He 4. Xe
1. The valency is zero for 16. The lightest gas which is non-inflammable is
1. Neon 2. Fluorine 3. Oxygen 4. Carbon 1) H2 2) He 3) N2 4) Ar
2. Oxidation state of zero group elements is 17. Which of the following compound cannot be
1. -1 2. +1 3. 0 4. -2 prepared?
3. The atomicity of neon gas is 1. XeF2 2. XeF3 3. XeF4 4. XeF6
1. Two 2. One 3. Four 4. Three 18. The shape of XeO3 molecule is
4. Which of the following gaseous molecules is 1. planar triangle 2. pyramid
monoatomic? 3. linear 4. square planar
1. Chlorine 2. Helium 3. Oxygen 4. Nitrogen. 19. XeF2 molecule is
5. The number of electrons in the penultimate 1) Trigonal planar 2) Square planar
orbit of krypton atom are 3) Linear 4) Pyramidal
1. 8 2. 2 3. 18 4. 32
20. If N2 gas is dissolved in the blood, it causes
6. Which one of the following noble gases is not
1. Blindness 2. Headache
found in atmosphere ?
3. Bends 4. All
1. Rn 2. Kr 3. Ne 4. Ar
21. Sea divers go deep in the sea water with a
mixture of which of the following gases
1) O2 and He 2) O2 and Ar
3) O2 and CO2 4) CO2 and Ar
22. The mixture of gases used for respiration by
Asthma patients is
1) O2 and H2 2) O2 and He
3) O2 and Ar 4) O2 and Ne
23. Shape of XeOF4 is
1) Octahedral 2)Square pyramidal
3) Pyramidal 4) T-Shaped
24. Hybridization and shape of XeF4 is
1) sp3d , trigonal bipyramidal
2) sp3 , tetrahedral
3) sp3d 2 , square planar 4) sp3d 2 , hexagonal
25. Which of the following is formed by xenon?
1) XeF7 2) XeF4 3) XeF5 4) XeF3
26. The structure of XeO2 F2 is
1) Square pyramidal
2) Trigonal pyramidal (see-sea)
3) Octahedral 4) Tetrahedral
1)1 2)3 3)2 4)2 5)3 6)1 7)3 8)1
9)3 10)3 11)4 12)3 13)3 14)2 15)3 16)2
17)2 18)2 19)3 20)3 21)1 22)2 23)2 24) 3
25)2 26)2


9. The correct order of enthalpy of vaporisation
LEVEL-II (C.W) of noble gases is
1) Xe > Kr > Ar > Ne > He
PROPERTIES 2) Xe > Ar > He > Ne > Kr
1. Oxidation state of Xe in Ba2 [ XeO6 ] is 3) He > Ne > Kr > Ar > Xe
4) Ne > Xe > Kr > He > Ar
1) 4 2) 6 3) 7 4) 8
10. Which of the following exhibits the weakest
2. The elements which occupy the peaks of
intermolecular forces?
ionization energy curve are
1) Na,K,Rb,Cs 2) Na,Mg,Cl,I 1) H2O 2) NH3 3) He 4) HCl
3) Cl,Br,I,F 4) He,Ne,Ar,Kr 11. Which of the following noble gas is the most
3. The lowest boiling point of helium is due to
1) Radon 2) Krypton 3) Xenon 4) Helium
1) inertness 12. Which of the following noble gas is the least
2) Gaseous nature polarized?
3) High polarisability 1) Radon 2) Krypton 3) Xenon 4) Helium
4) Weak van der Waals forces between atoms 13. The reaction of Xe with an excess of F2 at
4. Noble gases are group of elements which high pressure and 573 K yields
exhibit very: 1) XeF2 2) XeF4 3) XeF6 4) XeF3
1) High chemical activity
2) Much paramagnetic proeprties
3) Maximum electronegativity 14. The shape of XeF5 + Ion is
4) Low chemical activity 1) Pentagonal 2) Octahedral
5. XeF6 on complete hydrolysis gives. 3) Square pyramidal 4)Trigonal bipyramidal
1) Xe 2) XeO2 3) XeO3 4) XeO4 15. The number of Pπ − dπ ‘pi’ bonds present in
6. First stable compound of inert gas was XeO3 and XeO4 molecules respectively
prepared by [EAM-2009]
1) Rayleigh and Ramsay 2) Bartlett 1) 3,4 2) 4,2 3) 2,3 4) 3,2
3) Frankland and Lockyer 4) Cavendish
7. The element which has not yet been reacted
with F2 is
1) Ar 2) Xe 3) Kr 4) Rn
8. Which has the same electronic configuration
as of inert gas
1) Ag3 + 2) Cu2+ 3) Pb4 + 4) Ti4 +
16. The fluoride of Xenon with zero dipole 5. Which of the following fluorides of xenon is
moment is impossible?
1) XeF6 2) XeO3 3) XeF4 4) XeO2F2 1) XeF2 2) XeF3 3) XeF4 4) XeF6
17. XeO−4 contains 6. Which of the following fluorides of Xe has
zero dipole moment?
1) Eight bond pairs and no lone pairs at Xe
1) XeF2 2) XeF6 3) XeF4 4) Both (1) & (3)
2) Three bond pairs and three lone pairs at Xe
3) Two bond pairs and six lone pairs at Xe 7. Which of the following is formed when O2 F2
4) Four bond pairs and four lone pairs at Xe reacts with Xe?
18. How many lone pairs are associated with 1) XeF2 2) XeF4 3) XeF6 4) None of these
xenon in xenon difluoride? 8. Which of the following noble gases can be
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4 called the hidden one?
19. XeO3 has 1) Xe 2) He 3) Ar 4) Kr
9. Helium mixed with oxygen is used in the
1) Three double bonded O-atoms
treatment of
2) Trigonal pyramidal geometry 1) Beri beri 2) Burning feet
3) One lone pair and sp3 hybridisation 3) Joints burning 4) Asthma
4) All of these 10. The compound in which the number of
d π − pπ bonds are equal to those present in
1) 4 2) 4 3) 4 4) 4 5) 3 6) 2 7) 1 1) XeF4 2) XeO3 3) XeO4 4) XeF6
8) 4 9) 1 10) 3 11) 3 12) 4 13) 3 14) 3
15) 1 16) 3 17) 1 18) 3 19) 4
1) 3 2) 4 3) 3 4) 1 5) 2 6) 4 7) 1
8) 4 9) 4 10) 2
1. 1/125th part of nitorgen gas isolated from PROPERTIES
atm osphere did not combine with any other 1. When a radioactive substance is kept in a
sub stance due to vessel,the atmosphere around it is rich with
1) The chemical inert ness of N 2 gas 1) Ne 2) Ar 3) Xe 4) He
2) The presence of Argon 2. Which statement about noble gases is not
3) The presence of Argon & other noble gases
1) Xe forms XeF6 2) Ar is used in electric bulbs
4) The presence of O2 . 3) Kr is obtained during radioactive disintegration.
2. In solid state Ar atoms are held together by 4) He has the lowest among all the noble gases
1) Ionic bonds 2) Covalent bonds 3. A radioactive element X decays to give two
3) Hydrogen bonds 4) Vanderwaal forces inert gases X is
3. Liquid Helium at 2.2K and at 1atm pressure 1) 92238 U 2) 88226 Ra 3) 146 C 4) 18
8 O
flows in the upward direction. It is because 4. In order to prevent the hot metal filament
of its low from getting burnt, when the electric current
1) boiling point 2) heat of vapourisation is switched on, the bulb is filled with
3) viscosity 4) surface tension 1) CH4 2) An inert gas 3) CO2 4) Cl2
4. The noble gas which does not form any 5. The solubility of noble gases in water shows
clathrates is the order:
1) He 2) Ar 3) Kr 4) Xe. 1) He > Ar > Kr > Ne > Xe 2) He > Ne > Ar > Kr > Xe
3) Xe > Kr > Ar > Ne > He 4) None of these
6. The ease of liquefaction of noble gases
decreses in the order: LEVEL-IV
1) He > Ne > Ar > Kr > Xe 2) Xe > Kr > Ar > Ne > He COMPREHENSION
3) Kr > Xe > He > Ar > Ne 4) Ar > Kr > Xe > He > Ne Ps-I:The noble gases have closed - shell electronic
7. The increasing d-character in hybridisation configuration and are monoatomic gases
of Xe in XeF2 , XeF4 , XeF6 is under normal conditions. The low boiliing
points of the lighter noble gases are due to
1) XeF2 < XeF4 < XeF6 2) XeF4 < XeF2 < XeF6 weak dispersion forces between the atoms
3) XeF6 < XeF4 < XeF2 4) XeF2 < XeF6 < XeF4 and the absence of other interatomic
8. Which of the following is a superfluid? interactions. The direct reaction of xenon
1) Krypton 2) Argon II 3) Helium II 4) Helium I with fluorine leads to a series of compounds
9. Which of the following statements is correct? with oxidation numbers +2, +4 and + 6. XeF4
1) Helium-5 and helium-3 are radioactive reacts violently with water to give XeO3 . The
nuclides with short half-lives compounds of xenon exhibit rich
2) 24 He is obtained from the decay of 13 H stereochemistry and their grometries can be
deduced considering the total number of
3) Helium is the most abundant noble gas in the electron pairs in the valence shell. (2007)
atmosphere 1. Argon is used in arc welding because of its.
4) Helium-4 has a low molecular viscosity and 1) low reactivity with metal
a large mean free path 2) ability to lower the melting point of metal
10. Which of the following two are isostructural? 3) flammability 4) high calorific value
1) XeF2 ,IF2− 2) NH3,BF3 3) CO32 − ,SO32 − 4) PCI5 ,ICI5 2. The structure of XeO3 is
11. D3 line observed in the yellow region of the 1) linear 2) planar 3) pyramidal 4) T - shaped
sun’s spectrum is due to 3. XeF4 and XeF6 are expected to be
1) Na 2) Ne 3) Kr 4) He. 1) oxidising 2) reducing 3) unreactive 4)strongly basic
Ps-2:The chemical reactivity of noble gases
LEVEL-III - KEY involves the loss of electrons and hence it can
1) 4 2) 3 3) 2 4) 2 5) 3 6) 2 7) 1 form compounds with highly electronegative
8) 3 9) 1 10) 1 11) 4 elements like F and O. Although Xe forms
several fluorides, xenone tetrafluoride is the
LEVEL-III - HINTS most important among fluorides. The various
1. Suppose the oxidation state of Xe is X : XeOF2 compounds of xenon involve xenon in first,
second or third excited states.
x + ( −2 ) + 2 ( −1) = 0 ⇒ x − 2 − 2 = 0 ⇒ x = 4
4. The maximum possible number of unpaired
2. 2 x V.D. = M.wt = Atomic wt of inert gas since electrons in Xe atom in forming compounds is
inert gases are monoatomic in nature. 1) zero 2) 2 3) 6 4) 8
3. He is obtained during radioactive decay 5. The type of hybridisation and number of lone
4. 88 Ra
226 →
+ 2 He Both are inert gases.
4. pair (s) of electrons on Xe in XeOF2
5. Inert gases do not support combustion. respectively are
6. The solutability of noble gases increases with 1) sp 3 d & 1 2) sp 3 d & 2 3) sp 3 d 2 & 1 4) sp 3 d 2 & 2
increase in mol.wt.due to increase in vander 6. The type of hybridisation and shape of XeF
Waals forces. However, these are sparingly respectively are
1) sp 3 d and angular 2) sp 3 d and pyramidal
7. The ease of liquefaction decreases with decrease
in critical temperature. He has lowest critical 3) sp 3 d and linear 4) sp and linear
9. Half life periods of radio active elements are LEVEL-IV - KEY
only measurable. 1) 1 2) 3 3) 1 4) 3 5) 2 6) 3
SYNOPSIS NH 3  H 2 O  NH 4  OH 
Introduction:  NH3 and OH  are Bronsted - Lowry Bases.
 Chemical substances are classified by Robert Boyle  The removal of a proton from a Bronsted-Lowry
into three types namely acids, bases and salts. acid gives its conjugate base
 Vineger contains Acetic acid, lemon and orange eg. The conjugate base of HCl is Cl–
juices contain citric and ascorbic acids and tartaric The conjugate base of H2SO4 is HSO 4
acid is found in tamarind paste.
The conjugate base of H3O+ is H2O
 The word “acid” has been derived from a latin word
“acidus” meaning sour. The conjugate base of H 2 PO4 is HPO 4 2
 H+ ion is called proton ( H3O+ is hydronium ion or  The addition of proton to a Bronsted-Lowry base
hydrated proton ). gives its conjugate acid.
Arrhenius concept: eg. The conjugate acid of NH3 is NH 4
 An acid is a substance that gives hydrogen ions
when dissolved in water The conjugate acid of PO34 is HPO4-2
eg. HCl, CH3COOH, H3PO4 The conjugate acid of OH  is H2O
 A base is a substance that gives hydroxyl ions when The conjugate acid of H2O is H3O+
dissolved in water  The conjugate base of strong acid is weak
eg. NaOH, Ca(OH)2 eg. HCl is a strong acid so Cl is a weak base.
 Neutralization: An acid reacts with a base to form
 The conjugate base of a weak acid is strong base
salt & water is called Arrhenius neutralization
eg. CH3COOH is a weak acid so CH 3COO  is
HCl aq  NaOH  aq   NaCl aq  H 2Ol 
strong base.
 Arrhenius theory could not explain the acidic nature
 The conjugate acid of strong base is weak
of CO2, SO3, Cl2O, N2O5 etc and basic nature of
eg. OH- is a strong base so H2O is a weak acid
NH 3 , CaO, Na 2O, MgO etc  The conjugate acid of weak base is strong
 In aqueous solution the hydronium ion (H3O+) is eg. C2H5OH is a weak base so C2H5OH2+ is a
further hydrated to give species like H5O2+, H7O3+ strong acid.
and H9O4+. Similarly the hydroxyl ion (OH-) is  An acid which shows a greater tendency to donate
hydrated to give several ionic species like H3O2–, protons is a strong acid
H5O3– and H7O4– etc eg. HClO4, H2SO4, HNO3 etc
Bronsted - Lowry Theory of Acids &  An acid which shows a less tendency to donate
Bases: protons is a weak acid
 A substance which can donate proton is known eg. CH 3COOH , HCN etc
as an a proton donor is an acid.  A base which shows greater tendency to accept
 A substance which can accept proton is known as protons is a strong base
a base. ie. a proton acceptor is a base.
eg. CH 3COO  , CN  etc
 The transfer of proton from an acid to the base is
known as neutralization (or) protolysis in the reaction  A base which shows less tendency to accept
 Acid - base reactions are reversible in the reaction. protons is a weak base
eg. Cl  , NO3 etc
HCl  H 2 O  H 3 O   Cl 
HCl and H3O+ are Bronsted - Lowry acids. Levelling effect of water:
H2O and Cl– are Bronsted - Lowry bases.  Water levels all strong acids to the strength of H3O+
 A pair of acid-base which differ by a single proton ion and all strong bases to the strength of OH– ions.
is known as a conjugate acid-base pair.  Water is not a suitable solvent to determine the
relative strengths of acids and bases.
 H2O and NH + are Bronsted - Lowry acids.
 A solvent having low levelling effect must be used Drawbacks :
to determine the relative strengths of acids and  Proton donation (or) acceptance happens only in
bases. the presence of other substances.
 The relative strengths of different acids can be  Bronsted-Lowry theory could not explain the acidic
determined in glacial acetic acid or anhydrous HF nature of electron deficient compounds like AlCl3,
BCl3, etc.,
HClO4  HI  H 2 SO4  HBr  HCl 
 Types of solvents:

H 3O  HNO3  H 3 PO4  HF  HNO2 On the basis of proton interaction solvents are of
four types
 CH 3COOH  H 2CO3  H 2 S  NH 4 
1) Protophilic solvents : Solvents which have
C6 H 5OH  HCN  H 2O  C2 H 5OH  greater tendency to accept protons
eg. Water, alcohol, liquid Ammonia etc.
CH  CH  NH 3  C2 H 4  C2 H 6
2) Protogenic solvents: Solvents which have the
 The relative strengths of different bases can be tendency to produce protons
determined in ammonia. eg. Water, liquid hydrogen chloride; glacial acetic
 Therefore the order of strength of their conjugate acid. etc
bases is 3) Amphiprotic or Amphoteric solvents:
  
F  NO  CH 3COO  HCO  HS

 Solvents which act both as protophilic (or)
 CN   NH 3  OH   NH 2 eg. Water, Ammonia, ethyl alcohol etc
 A weak acid will have more levelling effect than 4) Aprotic solvents: Solvents which neither donate
water towards different bases. nor accept protons
 A weak base will have more levelling effect than eg. Benzene, carbon tetrachloride, carbon
water towards different acids. disulphide etc.
 Basicity (or) protocity of Bronsted acid is the number Lewis theory of Acids and Bases:
of H+ ions given by a molecule /ion  Electron pair acceptor is Lewis acid
eg : Basicity of H3 PO3  2  Electron pair donor is Lewis base
 Lewis acid contains a vacant orbital.
Basicity of H3 PO4  3
 Lewis base contains a lone pair of electrons (or
 Acidity (or) hydroxicity of Bronsted base is the non-bonded pair of electrons)
number of OH  ions given by a molecule / ion  Lewis acids are called electro philes
 Lewis bases are nucleophiles
eg : Acidity of Ca  OH 2  2
Types of Lewis acids:
Acidity of Al  OH 3  3  All simple cations
 
 Bronsted acid functions as an acid only in presence eg. H+, Ag+, Co 3 , C H 3 , CH3 C H 2 , Fe3+, Cu2+,
of proton acceptor (base) Ni2+, Fe2+, Al3+, Na+
eg : HCl functions as an acid in water but not in  Atoms which contain electron sextet (i.e. 6
benzene as it can not accept protons. electrons) in their valency shell.
 Bronsted base functions as a base only in the eg. O, S, Se, Te etc.
presence of proton donor (acid)  Electron deficient molecules
 The compound which acts as a proton donor as eg. BCl3, AlCl3, BF3, BeF2, FeCl3 etc.
well as proton acceptor is called amphoteric (or)  Molecules in which central atom can expand its
amphiprotic substance octet using vacant d-orbitals present in its valency
eg. H 2 O, NH 3 ,.... shell.
 Bronsted - Lowry theory explains the behaviour of eg. SiF4, SnCl4, SF4, TeF4, FeCl3, ........
acids and bases in both aqueous and non aqueous  Molecules having multiple bonds other than carbon-
solutions. carbon multiple bonds.
eg. CO2, SO2, SO3, NO2,Cl2O7, P4O10
Types of Lewis bases  Equilibrium constant of water (K) = 10-14 /55.55
 All Anions: = 1.8 x 10-16
eg : Cl-, F-, OH-, CN-, SCN-, NH2-  At 298 K, in pure water or in neutral aqueous
 Molecules having one or more lone pairs of electrons solutions.
on the central atom, available for the donation to [H+]= OH   = 1 x 10-7 moles/lit
form a dative bond.
WE1.The OH– ion concentration of a solution is
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
eg. H2 O, NH3 ,ROH,R2 O,R2 S,R NH2 ,ROR. 3´ 10–4M. Find out the H+ ion concentration
.. .. .. .. .. of the same solution ?
 Molecules having carbon-carbon multiple bonds or
molecules with multiple bonds Sol: K w   H   OH  
eg. C2H4,C2H2, CO, NO ……etc
 OH    3  10  4 M
 In complex compounds all ligands are Lewis bases.
Neutralization :  1  10 14
 The formation of co-ordinate covalent bond is 
 H  
 3  10 4
known as Neutralization process.
 0.3333  10 10  3.333  1011 M.
H   NH 3  [ H 3 N  H  ] pH Scale :
Acid Base
 The PH scale was introduced by S.P.L Sorenson.
 P H of a solution is defined as the negative logarithm
BF  NH  [ H N  BF ]
3 3 3 3
Acid sp2 Base sp3 sp3 sp3 to base 10 of the activity  aH   of hydrogen ion.
Drawbacks :
aH   [ H  ] / mol.Lit 1.
 Acid Base neutralization reactions occur quickly.But
according to Lewis Theory, neutralization reaction P H   log aH    log[ H  ]
occurs slowly. But it is a well known fact that the
 Lewis theory could not explain the strength of acids   H   10 P
and bases.
 For any aqueous solution, the sum of P H and
 Lewis theory could not explain the catalytic activity
of H+ ion. P OH depends on the ionic product of water..
 All Lewis Bases are Bronsted-Lowry bases and
P H + P OH = P KW at any temperature
similarly all Bronsted-Lowry bases are Lewis Bases.
 At 25o C, for any aqueous solution. PH+POH=14
 All Lewis acids are not Bronsted-Lowry acids and
 At 250C,the pH scale lies between 0 to14
similarly all Bronsted-Lowry acids are not Lewis
acids.  At 250 C for pure water or neutral solution
Ionic Product of Water (KW) PH= POH =7.
 The product of the concentration of hydrogen ion pH of some common substances
and hydroxide ion at any temperature in pure water
or in any aqueous solution is known as the ionic
product of water. It is represented by Kw.
Kw =[H+][OH–]
Kw = [H3O+][OH–]
 At 298 K, the value of Blood plasma 7.4
1) Kw is 1.0 ´ 10-14 moles2/lit2
2) Pkw   log K W  14 Egg 7.8
 The value of Kw depends only on temperature.  If the aqueous solution of an acid is diluted with
 As the temperature increases the ionization of water water its pH value increases. After dillution,
increases and hence Kw value increases.
V2  If two strong bases are mixed
pH= Initial pH + log V1 N1V1  N 2 V2
OH   =
Where V 1 = initial volume of t he V1  V2
solution.  If excess of strong acid is added to limited quantity
V2 = volume of solution after dilution. of strong base.
 If the aqueous solution of a base is diluted, with N a Va  N b Vb
water its pH value decreases. After dilution. [H + ] = Va  Vb
PH = initial PH - log V2 / V1
 If a excess of strong base is added to limited
V1 = initial volume of the solution. quantity of strong acid
V2 = volume of solution after dilution.
N b Vb  N a Va
 Whatever the volume of water added, the pH of OH   =
Va  Vb
acid is always less than 7 and base is always more
than 7 at 250 C Solution  H    0H   pH
 If a very dilute acid is added to a concentrated acid PoH
the very dilute acid is treated as water for the purpose
Acidic  107  107 7
of calculating the pH value of the mixture.
 If a very dilute base is added to a concentrated 7
base, the very dilute base is treated as water for Neutral 107 107 7
the purpose of calculating the pH value of the 7
Basic  107  107 >7 <7
 If the aqueous solution of an acid is diluted by
 Measurement of P H of a solution is very essential
1. Ten times, the pH of the solution increases by
as its value should be known when dealing with
one unit.
biological and cosmetic applications.
2. Hundred times, the pH of the solution increases
by two units.  P H of a solution can be found roughly with the
3. Thousand times, the pH of the solution increases help of P H paper that has different colour in
by three units. solutions of different P H .
If the aqueous solution of a base is diluted by WE-2. 100ml of 0.15M HCl is mixed with 100 ml
of 0.05M HCl, what is the pH of the resulting
1. Ten times, the pH of the solution decreases by
solution .?
one unit.
2. Hundred times, the pH of the solution decreases V1 N1  V2 N2
by two units. Sol: [H+] = (V1  V2 )
3. Thousand times, the pH of the solution decreases
by three units. 100  0.15  100 0.05
 10 1 N
 For any strong acid. 100  100
[H+] = normality of the solution H
P   log  H     log 101   1
 For any strong base.
WE-3 50 litres of 0.1M HCl is thoroughly mixed

OH  = normality of the solution. with 50 litres of 0.2M NaOH. What is the pOH
of the resulting solution?
 If two strong acids are mixed
V1 N1  V2 N2
N1V1  N 2 V2 Sol. [OH-] = (V1  V2 )
[H+] = V  V
1 2
50  0.2  50  0.1 C 2 2
K =
[OH-] = a C (1   )
(50  50)
1. K =C
10  5 5 a
   0.05
100 100 2.   Ka / C
 5  10 2 3.  H    C
P OH   log10 OH    H    Ka  C
4.  
  log10 5  102 H Ka 1 1
5. P  P  log C
 2  log10 5 2 2
 = degree of ionization of acid
 2  0.6990  1.3 C = molar concentration of acid
Ionisation of Acids and Bases and
K = ionisation constant of acid
Degree of ionisation: a
 For any weak base:
 Acids which donate protons are generally known
as protonic acids. These are represented as HX 1.
K b  C 2
 When acids are dissolved in water, they ionise into   Kb / C
H+ and X- 2.

+ - 3.  O H   C 
HX  H 2O
 H +X
 The compound which contains OH- ions are OH    K b  C
generally known as base and represented by BOH. 1 K 1
 When bases are dissolved in water they ionise into 5. P  P b  log C
2 2
B+ and OH  6. P H  14  P OH
BOH  H 2O
 B O H
 
 = degree of ionisation of base
C = molar concentration of base
 The extent of ionisation is more for strong acids Kb = ionisation constant of base
and strong bases ( 100% ionisation).  Relation between Ka and Kb
 The extent of ionisation is less for weak acids and
K a  K b  K w  1.0  10 14 M
weak bases.
pKa+pKb = pKw = 14 ( at 298K)
 The process of ionisation is an equilibrium process
H 2O
Factors affecting ionisation or
HX   H ++ X- ---------(1) d i ssoci at i on :
  H 2O    Nature of electrolyte: Stronger the electrolyte,
BOH   B  O H -------(2) more is the ionisation and vice versa.
 The dissociation constant of acid  Nature of Solvent: Greater the dielectric constant
of solvent, more is the ionisation
[ H  ][ X  ]  Concentration: Lesser the concentration, greater
K = (based on the equation(1))
a [ HX ] is the ionisation
 The dissociation constant of base or base ionisation  Temperature: The higher the temperature, the
constant more is the ionisation
 Solvation: Greater the solvation, more is the
 
[ B ][OH ] ionisation
Kb = (based on the equation(2)) Presence of the ions in the solution:
[ BOH ]
 Ionisation decreases in presence of common ions.
 For any weak acid: Strength of acids:
HX    H+ + X-  Acadic nature of hydrides increase with decrease
 Cα Cα in bond strength.
size increases 
M+ + H2O  H+ + MOH
eg. (1): HF 
 HCl  HBr  HI A– + H2O  OH– + HA

Acid strength increases M+ + A– + H2O  MOH + HA
eg. (2): H 2O  H 2 S  H 2 Se  H 2Te  They are clasified as
Simple Salts:
 As the electronegativity of central atom
 Formed by neutralisation of an acid and a base.
increases the strength of acid also increases They may be further classified as
electronegetivityof central atom increases

a)Normal Salts:
CH 4  NH 3  H 2O  HF Salts not containing replaceable hydrogen (or)

Acid strengthincreases hydroxyl group
eg. Na2SO4,KNO3,AlPO4, CaCl2
 In oxy acids of same element, as oxidation state
b) Acidic Salts:
increases acidic nature increases.
Salts containing replaceable hydrogen atoms
eg. HClO  HClO2  HClO3  HClO4 eg. NaHSO4,Na2HPO4,NaHCO3 etc
c)Basic Salts:
Ionisation Constant of Some Common
Salts containing replaceable hydroxyl groups
Polyprotic Acids: eg. Zn(OH)Cl,Mg(OH)Cl,Fe(OH)2Cl.
 Poly basic acids like ortho phosphoric acid ionises d)Double Salts:
in three steps and each step has its own ionisation Formed by the combination of two simple salts
constant eg1. FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O (mohr salt)
H PO k1

 H++H PO – I step eg2. K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H2O (potash alum)
3 4 2 4
e)Complex Salts:

H2PO4- 
 H++HPO42– II step Salts containing complex ion
HPO42  k3
 H++PO43– III step eg. K4[Fe(CN)6],[Cu(NH3)4]SO4
f) Mixed Salts:
 The overal dissociation constant (k) of ortho Salts containing more than one type of cation (or)
phosphoric acid is given by the relation anion
k=k1 ´ k2 ´ k3 eg. CaOCl2,NaKSO4
Relative Strengths of acids: Hydrolysis of Salts:
 For weak acid K a  C . 2  The hydrolysis reaction is a reversible reaction. The
equilibrium constant for the hydrolysis reaction is
 For two acids with dissociation constants Ka1 and known as hydrolysis constant. It is represented
Ka2 at the same concentration C by Kh.
 The hydrolysis process is a reverse reaction of
1 Ka1 Strength of acid HA1 neutralization.

2 Ka2 = Strength of acid HA2  The fraction of the total salt which is hydrolysed at
equilibrium is called degree of hydrolysis
Relative Strengths of bases:
no of moles of salt hydrolysed
 For weak base K b  C 2 . h
total no of moles of salt taken
 For two bases with dissociation constants
a)Hydrolysis of salts of strong bases and
K b1 and K b2 at the same concentration C. strong acids
eg. NaCl, KNO3, Na2SO4, Kl, CsCl, KCl
1 K b1 Strength of base BOH1
   This type of salts do not undergo hydrolysis.
2 K b2 Strength of base BOH 2  The aqueous solution of the salt is neutral i.e pH=7.
Salt Hydrolysis: Hence they have no action on litmus.
 The reaction between the cation or anion or both b) Hydrolysis of Salts of Strong acids and
of a salt with water giving either acidic solution or weak bases:
basic solution or even neutral solution is known as eg. NH4Cl, ZnSO4, Al(NO3)3, FeSO4, MgCl2,
salt hydrolysis. AgNO3, Zn (NO3)2
 The aqueous solution of the salt is basic in nature.
 The cation of the salt undergoes hydrolysis because
i.e pH>7
conjugate acid of weak base is strong
 The aqueous solution of the salt turns red litmus to
M+ + H2O  MOH + H+ blue.
MOH   H   The hydrolysis constant for the salt is given by
Kh = M   KW
Kh = K
 The aqueous solution of the salt is acidic in nature. a

i.e pH<7 d) Hydrolysis of Salts of weak acids and

 The aqueous solution of the salt turns blue litmus to weak bases
red. eg. CH3COONH4 ,(NH4)2CO3
 The hydrolysis constant for the salt is given by  Both the cation and anion of the salt undergo
KW hydrolysis, because conjugate base and conjugate
Kh = K acid of weak acid and weak base are strong.
B+ + A- + H2O  BOH + HA
c) Hydrolysis of Salts of weak acids and
strong bases Kh 
 BOH  HA 
eg. CH3COONa, KCN, NaClO, K2CO3, Na2S,  B   A  
 The aqueous solution of the salt is
 The anion of the salt undergoes hydrolysis, because
i. Neutral, if Ka of acid is equal to Kb of base.
conjugate base of weak acid is strong
ii. Acidic, if Ka of acid is greater than Kb of the
A- + H2O  HA + OH base .
iii. Basic, if Ka of acid is less than Kb of base
 HA OH    The hydrolysis constant for the salt is given by
Kh =  A 
Kh 
K a .K b

Kw 1 ka 1
Kh = 7 P  log c
Ka 2 2
Acidic Cationic Kw 1 k 1
hydrolysis Kh = 7  P b  log c
Ka 2 2
1 ka 1 k b
7 P  P
2 2
h  Kh H

May be acidic, basic or neutral Both Anionic hydrolysis, Cationic hydrolysis

Buffer Solutions:
 A solution which resists the change in its p value on long standing (or) on dilution (or) on addition of a small
quantity of acid or base is known as a Buffer solution.
A solution which reserves its acidity or alkalinity is known as a Buffer Solution.
 The resistance offered by a solution to any change in its pH value is known as its Buffer action.
Types of Buffer Solutions:
 No.of moles of acid or base 
 Buffer solutions of desired pH are of two types, added to a litre of solution 
namely i) Acid buffer ii) Basic buffer. Buffer Capacity      
Change in P H value
1) Acidic buffer solutions : A mixture of weak
acid and its salt of strong base is known as Acidic  The Buffer capacity of an acid buffer is maximum if
its pH value is equal to pKa .i.e  S    A
CH3COOH+CH3COONa  The Buffer capacity of a basic buffer is maximum if
NaH2PO4+H3PO4 its pOH value is equal to the PKb i.e  S    B 
borax + Tetraboric acid
NaHCO3 + Na2CO3 Applications:
Phthalic acid+ potassium hydrogen phthalate  Buffer solutions are used in chemical analysis,
Citric acid+ sodium citrate industrial synthetic processes and enzyme catalyzed
H2CO3 + NaHCO3 (Sodiumhydrogen carbonate) reactions.
NaH2PO4 + Na3PO4  Buffer solutions play an important role in
NaH2PO4 + Na2HPO4 Biochemical reactions.
Glycerine + HCl  Buffer solutions are used in water softening process.
The pH value of gastric juice is maintained between  The pH of the blood is maintained at 7.4 mainly by
1.6 to 1.7 due to buffer system the HCO3– / H2CO3 buffer system.
 The pH of acidic buffer can be calculated by using  In industries, buffer solutions are used in the
Henderson equation. alcoholic fermentation (pH 5 to 6.5), tanning of
leather, electroplating ,manufacture of sugar, paper
P H  P K a  log
Salt  manufacturing etc
 Acid   CH3COOH + CH3COONa is used in the removel
 The pH range in which an acid Buffer works of phosphate radical during qualitative analysis of
effectively is PKa + 1. the mixture
2)Basic buffer solutions : A mixture of weak base  NH4Cl + NH4OH is used for theprecipitation of
and its salt of strong acid is known as Basic buffer. hydroxides of third group of qualitative analysis
eg. WE4. A solution is 1 M in CH3COONa. and 0.1M
0.01M NH4OH + 0.01M NH4Cl in CH3COOH. If pKa of CH3COOH is 4.8,
0.01M NH4OH + 0.01M NH4NO3 what is the pH of the solution?
 The pOH of basic buffer can be calculated by using
Henderson equation. salt 
Sol: pH  pK a  log acid
 salt   
P  P  log
 Base  1 
 4.8  log  
 The pOH range in which a basic buffer works  0.1 
effectively is p b+ 1  4.8  1  5.8
 pH of buffer solution is not effected by dilution. WE5.What is the pH of solution obtained by
S  S  mixing 100 mL of each 0.2M NH4Cl and 0.2M
  or   NH4OH, if pKb of NH4OH is 4.2?
 ratio of  A   B  remains unchanged on
    salt 
Sol: pOH  pK b  log base
dilution  
 Buffer capacity:The number of moles of acid or =4.2 + log 1 (because [salt] =[base])
base that must be added to one litre of a buffer = 4.2
solution to change its pH value by one unit is known pH = 14-pOH=14-4.2 = 9.8
as the Buffer capacity of the buffer solution
WE6.When 0.2 mole of an acid is added to 4 lit of Sparingly Soluble Salts:
a buffer solution, the P H of the buffer  Which contain less than 1g of solute in 100ml
decreases by 0.5. What is the buffer capacity solution.
of the solution.? eg. AgCl , AgI , BaSO4 , PbSO4 etc.
Sol: Buffer capacity Insoluble Salts:
no.of moles of an acid added per lit solution
  Which contain 103 g of solute in 100ml solution.
P H change
Based on amount of dissolved solute in solution,
0.2 mole of an acid is added to 4.lit of a buffer.
solutions are three types
1. lit of a buffer contains how many moles?
Saturated Solution:
1 0.2  The solution which contain exactly the required
  0.05
4 amount of solute for saturation.
P H change=0.5  In this solution equilibrium state is established
between undissolved solute and dissolved solute.
Buffer capacity=  0.1 AB 

 AB 
 A  B 

 0.5  undissolved   Dissolved   Ions 
Common Ion Effect: Unsaturated Solution:
 The decrease in dissociation of an weak electrolyte
 The solution which contains lesser amount of solute
by the addtion of strong electrolyte having ion in
that required for saturation.
common to that of weak electrolyte
Supersaturated Solution:
eg. CH 3COOH  CH 3COO   H   The solution which contains more amount of solute
 The dissociation of CH 3COOH is supressed by that required for saturation.
Solubility Product (KSP):
adding CH 3COONa
 It is the product of the molar concentration of its

is common ion  due to the shift of ions in a saturated solution of electrolyte.
 KSP for a salt changes with temperature
equillibrium to left side.
 Solubility product of a sparingly soluble salt AxBy
Solubility (S): is given by
 The no.of grams of solute is dissolved in 100gm of
solvent is known as solubility. 
Ax By 
 xA y  yB x
Weight of solute
Solubility=  100
Weight of solvent  y  x  x  y
K  A . B
 Solubility depends on the following factors. SP    
a) Nature of the solute b) Nature of the solvent x y
c) temperature d) pressure (for gaseous solute) Ksp   xs   ys 
 Based on Solubility, types of Salts: K sp  x x y y S x  y

Category-I Soluble Solubility 0.1M K sp

S x y 
xx y y
Category-II Slightly Soluble

Category-III Sparingly Solubility K sp

Soluble < 0.01M
S  x y
xx y y
Soluble Salts:  If solubility (S) of different types of salts is given,
 Which contain more than 1g of solute in 100ml KSP can be calculated as
solution.  For AB salt KSP = S2 and S = K SP
eg. NaCl , KCl , BaCl 2 etc.
eg. AgCl, AgBr  % precipitation of ion =
 initial conc  Re maining conc 
K SP   100
AB2 salt KSP = 4S and S =  initial conc 
Common Ion Effect on Solubility of
eg. PbCl2 , Mg  OH 2 , Ag 2CrO4 : Salts
From Lechatliers principle, if the concentration of
AB3 salt K SP = 27S4
any one of the ions is increased it should combine
A3 B2 salt K SP  108S 5 ; with the ion of its opposite charge and some of the
Where S=Solubility salt will be precipitated till K sp  Qsp .
WE-7 The solubility of Ag2CrO4 is 1´10–2 mol/  If the concentration of one of the ions is decreased,
lit.what is its solubility product.? more salt will dissolve to increase the concentration
Sol: Ag2CrO4  2Ag++CrO42- of both the ions till once again K sp  Qsp (Ionic
Ksp = (2S)2S = 4S3 product is equal to solubility product).
= 4( 1 x 10-2)3  This is applicable even to highly soluble salts like
= 4 ´ 10-6M3 NaCl , K 2 SO4 etc.,
WE-8 The solubility of PbSO4 in 0.1M Na2SO4 Applications:
 In predicting the solubility of a sparingly soluble salt.
solution is (K sp of PbSO4 is 1.25 × 10 -9 )
 In purification of common salt
Sol: PbSO4  Pb  SO42 2  In salting out of soap.
S 0.01  In Qualitative Analysis
The separation and identification of various basic
because [SO4-2] = [Na2SO4]
radicals into different groups is based upon
KSP solubility product principle and common ion effect
S   1.25x108 M
0.1 1) Precipitation of first group radicals:
Ionic product (Qsp) : (Pb+2,Ag+,Hg+2) The group reagent is dilute
 The product of molar concentrations of all the ions HCl, [Ag+][Cl-] > Ksp for AgCl
present in the solution at any instant is known as 2) Precipitation of second group radicals:
ionic product (Hg+2,Pb+2,Bi+3,Cu+2,Cd+2,As+3,Sb+3 and Sn+2)
Applications : The group reagent is H2S in presence of dilute HCl,
 The concept of solubility product helps the formation [Pb+2][S-2]> Ksp for PbS
of a precipitate. 3) Precipitation of third group radicals:(Fe+3,Al+3
a) Ionic product  K SP , no ppt is formed and Cr+3)
(unsaturated solution) The group reagent is NH4OH in presence
of NH4Cl,[Fe+3][OH-]3 >Ksp
b) Ionic product  K SP , a ppt is formed (super
saturated solution) 4) Precipitation of IV-group radicals:
[Co+2,Ni+2,Mn+2 and Zn2+]
c) Ionic product  K SP , solution is saturated
The group reagent is H 2 S in presence of
Calculation of remaining concentration NH4OH,[Co+2][S-2]>Ksp
after precipitation:
5) Precipit ation of V-group radicals:
Some times the ion remains after precipitation if it
is in excess remaining concen tration can be
determined The group reagent is Ammonium carbonate
in presence of NH4Cl and NH4OH
K sp [ AB]
Ex:- [A+]left = [Ba+2][CO32-]>Ksp
[ B ]
 It is used in the controlling the H+ ion concentration
Ksp [Ca(OH )2 ] in Buffer solution.
[Ca+2]left =
[OH  ]2
14. The conjugate base of hydrazoic acid is
Conceptual 1) N2H4 2) N2H5+ 3)N3– 4) NH2OH
15. Which of the following is an amphiprotic ion
Arrhenius & Bronsted Theory 1) Chlorate ion 2) Acetate ion
1. NH3 is not a base according to 3) Sulphate ion 4) Bicarbonate ion
1) Bronsted theory 2) Lewis theory 16. The strongest base among the following is
3) Arrhenius theory 4) Lowry theory 1) Chloride ion 2) Cyanide ion
2. HCl gas cannot act as an acid in 3) Formate ion 4) Acetate ion.
1) Polar solvents 2)Highly polar solvents17. Weakest base is
3) NH3 liquid 4)Non-polar solvents. 1) C2H5O– 2) NO3– 3) F– 4) CH3COO–
3. Which of the following is an Arrhenius acid? 18. Strongest Bronsted base is
1) CO2 2) SO2 3) FeCl3 4) HNO3
1) ClO  2) ClO2 3) ClO3 4) ClO4
4. Arrhenius theory is failed to explain the acidic
nature of 19. The following has no conjugate base
1) HCl 2) HCOOH 3) H2SO4 4) CO2 1) H 2 PO4 2) H 2 PO2

5. The conjugate acid of OH is

3) H 2 PO3 4) CH3COOH

1) H3 O 2) H 2 3) OH 4) H 2O
20. The weakest base among the following
6. The strongest base among the following is 1) I– 2) Cl– 3) F– 4) Br–
– –
1) Cl 2) CH3COO 21. The strongest conjugate base results from
3) HSO4– 4) NO3– 1) Formic acid 2) Benzoic acid
7. Which of the following is not a Bronsted acid 3) Acetic Acid 4) Acetylene
1) Bisulphate ion 2) Nitride ion 22. The conjugate acid of O-2 ion is
3) Nitric acid 4) Hydroxide ion
8. Which of the following is used as a 1) OH– 2) OH+ 3) H2O 4) HO 2
differentiating solvent for acids, 23. Identify Bronsted - Lowry acids in the reaction
1) CH3COOH 2) NH3 given.
3) H2O 4) HClO4
9 CH 3 COOH does not act as an acid in 3
 Al ( H 2O)6   HCO3 
presence of
A) HCl B) Na2CO3 C) H2O D) C6H6 A B
1) All are wrong 2) A and D are correct 2
 Al ( H 2O )5 (OH  )   H 2 CO3
3) A and B are correct 4) C and D are correct
10. Which of the following can act as both Bronsted C D
acid and a Bronsted base?
i) HCOO– ii) NH3 iii) O–2 iv) HSO–4 The correct answers
1) i & ii 2) ii & iii 3) ii & iv 4) i & iv 1) A,C 2) B,D 3) A,D 4) B,C
11. Protolysis is transfer of 24. Which anion is weakest base?
1) Hydroxide ions 2) Water molecules 
1) C2H5O– 2) NO3– 3) F 4) CH3COO–
3) Anions 4) Protons
25. The strongest base of the following species is
12. In the reaction NH3  H2O  NH4  OH, the
1) NH2– 2) OH– 3) O–2 4) S2–
conjugate acid-base pair is
26. Which of the following is the conjugate base
1) NH3 and H2O 2) NH3 and OH–
3) H2O and NH4+ 4) NH4+ and NH3 of [C2H5NH3]+ ?
13. H3O+ +OH-  2 H2O is 1) [C2H5NH]– 2) [C6H5NH3]OH
1) Arrhenius neutralisation 3) C2H5NH2 4) C2H5NH2+
2) Bronsted neutralisation
27. HCl does not behave as acid in
3) Lewis neutralisation
4) Both Lewis neutralization and Bronsted 1) Water 2) Ammonia
neutralisation. 3) Benzene 4) Aq NaOH
28. Among the following is only Bronsted Lowry 3)Lewis theory could explain relative strength of
acid but not an Arrhenius acid? acids and bases
1) AlCl3 
2) NH 4 3) BF3 4) CH 3COOH 4) Lewis theory cannot explain relative strength of
acids and bases.
29. Which of the following species acts as
40. Which of the following is not a Lewis base
Bronsted base but not as acid 1) C6H5NH2 2) C2H5OH
1) HSO4– 2) H2CO3– 3) H2PO2– 4)H2PO3– 3) NH3 4) SnCl4
30. The Species which one neither Bronsted acid 41. Which of the following is neither a Lewis acid
nor Bronsted base? nor a Lewis base.
1) HI 2) HSO-4 3) Cl- 4) BF3
31. The substance which is a Bronsted acid but 1) HSO 4 2) ZnCl2 3) NH 4 4) CH3
not Bronsted base? 42. H+ is an acid , according to
1) H 2 O 2) NH 3 3) H 2 S 4) HCO3 1) Arrhenius theory 2) Bronsted theory
32. Which of the following is not a conjugate 3) Lewis theory 4) All theories
acidbase pair 43. The gaseous phase neutralisation reaction can
be explained only on the basis of
1) HSO4 , SO42  2) H 2 PO4 , HPO42  1) Arrhenius theory 2) Lowry -Bronsted theory
3) H 2 PO4 , H 3 PO4 4) H 2 PO4  , PO4 3 3) Lewis theory 4) Bohrs theory
33. In aqueous solution, H2SO4 and HClO4 are 44. The following is a Lewis acid
Equally strong. This is because 1) O2 2) N2 3) F 4) O
1) Their basicities are same 45. The following is neither a Lewis acid nor a
2) Both are oxy acids of non-metals Lewis base.
3) Both have lower molecular weights 1) H2O 2) O 3) H2SO4 4) H3O+
4) Levelling effect of water 46. In complex compounds the central metal atom
34. Glycine exists as the zwitter ion, can act as
 1) A Lewis acid 2) A Lewis base
N H 3CH 2COO  . Its conjugate base is 3) A Bronsted acid 4) AArrhenius acid
1) NH2CH2COOH2+ 2) NH2CH2COO– 47. Which of the following is not Lewis acid
  1) AlCl3 2) BaCl2 3) BCl3 4) SnCl4
3) N H 3CH 2COOH 4) NH 3CH 2 COO H
48. Which of the following is Lewis base
35. Acetic acid in benzene can exist as 1) BCl3 2) CH4 3) NH3 4) HNO3
1) CH3COO– 2) H+ 49. The following statement is not true as far as
3) H3O+ 4) (CH3COOH)2 BF3 is concerned
Lewis theory 1) Electron deficient 2) Lewis acid
36. Which of the following is a Lewis acid but not 3) Ionic compound 4) Covalent compound
a Bronsted acid 50. In the reaction SnCl2 + 2Cl-  SnCl4 +2e- the
1) HSO 4 2) BCl3 3) NH3 4) HNO3 Lewis acid is
37. Formation of dative bond is neutralization 1) SnCl 2) SnCl3 3) SnCl2 4) SnCl4
according to the following acid base theory
1) Arrhenius 2) Lewis 51. Which of the following is not Lewis base?
3) Bronsted - Lowry 4) Lowry theory 1) CH4 2) C2H5OH
 3) Acetone 4) Sec. Amine

38. In the reaction AlCl3  Cl  AlCl4 , AlCl3 is 52. Among the following is strong Lewis base?
1) Lewis acid2) Lewis base 1) NF3 2) NCl3 3) NBr3 4) NI 3
3) Lewis salt 4) Arrhenius acid 53. Which of the following is strong Lewis acid?
39. Which of the following is wrong?
1) Arrhenius theory could explain relative strength 1) K  2) Ca 2  3) Al 3 4) All
of acids and bases. 54. The Lewis acidic strength of SO 3 when
2) Bronsted theory could explain relative strength compared to SO2 is
of acids and bases. 1) Equal 2) Less 3) More
4) Can not be predicted
55. Which of the following acts as Lewis acid?
1) Cu 2 2) AlCl3 3) CO2 4) All
C) PH of water decreases with the addition of
56. Among the following which one acts as Lewis acid
base? D)Degree of dissociation of water is
1) C2 H 2 2) C2 H 4 3) Pyridine 4) All independent of temperature
57. The no. of conjugate acid-base pairs present 1) All are correct 2) A & C are correct
3) B,C & D are correct 4) D is correct
in the aqueous solution of H 3 PO3 is
68. At any temperature for a neutral solution
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5 1) pH > POH 2) pH = POH = 7
Ionisation & Ionic Product 3) pH = POH 4) pH < POH
58. Which of the following is not true for acidic 69. At 500C, pH + pOH is
solutions at room temperature. 1) Less than 14 2) More than 14
1) [H+] > [OH  ] 2) [H+] > 10-7 M 3) Equal to 14 4) Equal to 4
3) [H+] < 10-7 M 4) [OH–] < 10 -7M 70. pH of rain water is approximately
59. If HCl is added to pure water at 25o C the ionic 1) 4 2) 7 3) 10 4) 0
product of water will be 71. The pH of 0.1M ammonium hydroxide is
1) > 10–14 2) < 10–14 3) 10–14 4) >10–10 1) 14 2) <13 3) >13 4) <7
60. The ionic product of water changes when 72. The pH value of pure water at 300K is
1) An acid is added to it 2) A base is added to it 1) exactly 7 2) Slightly > 7
3) Either a base or acid is added to it 3) zero 4) Slightly < 7
4) Temperature is changed. 73. The aqueous solution has PH is zero. What is
61. If NaOH is added to a solution of acetic acid the nature of the solution.
1) H+ ions increases 2) pH decreases 1) Slightly acidic 2) Strongly acidic

3) [CH3COO ] increases 3) Neutral 4) Basic
4) [CH3COOH] increases. 74. If pKa is more than pKb, the pH of the aqueous
62. Which of the following is a strong electrolyte? solution of the salt formed by the above acid
and base is
1) NH 3 2) Ca (OH )2 3) BaCl2 4) H 3 PO4 1) 7 2) >7 3) <7 4) 0
63. Ostwald dilution law is applicable to 75. Which of the following is an acidic salt?
1) Weak electrolytes 2) Non- electrolytes 1) Na2SO4 2) NaHSO3
3) Strong electrolytes 4)All types of electrolytes 3) Na2SO3 4) K2SO4
64. Among the following which one is wrong? 76. The following has lowest pH
1) Degree of dissociation of a weak electrolyte 1) MgSO4 2) MgCO3
increases with dilution. 3) NaCl 4) Sodium oxalate
2) Increase in temperature increases the ionisation 77. Aqueous solution of ammonium sulphate
3) Strong electrolytes are ionised completely even 1) Turns blue litmus to red
at moderate concentrations. 2) Turns red litmus to blue
4) Addition of NH 4Cl to NH 4OH increases the 3) Bleaches litmus
ionisation of the latter. 4) Has no action on litmus
65. The degree of ionisation does not depends on? 78. Salt hydrolysis in water is due to following
1) Temperature 2) Current nature of water
3) Nature of solvent 4) Concentration 1) Neutral nature 2) Acidic nature
66. The highest acidic solution has a pH of 3) Basic nature 4) Amphiprotic nature
1) 14 2) 7 3) 1 4) 0 79. Which of the following is not a salt?
67. The correct statements 1) NaCl 2) Ca (OH )2
A) P of water decreases with increase in
3) PbS 4) Zn( NO3 ) 2
1) KNO3 2) KCN Level- I (C.W)
3)Pot. Succinate 4) pot. Carbonate
81. Aqueous solution of which of the following
Ionic Product and Degree of
shows lower pH? Dissosiation
1) KNO3 2) ZnCl2 1. At 250C, the [H+] of a solution is 2  109 M .
The nature of the solution is
3) CH 3COONa 4) CH 3COONH 4
1) Neutral 2) Acidic 3) Basic
82. Which of the following salts undergo anionic 4) Can not be predicted
hydrolysis? 2. At any temperature, the proton concentration
1) ZnSO4 2) NH 4Cl 3) AlCl3 4) NaHCO3 of water is
83. Which can act as buffer
1) 1014 M 2) Kw 3) > 107 M 4) K w
1) NH4Cl + HCl 2) CH3COOH+H2CO3
3) 40mLof 0.1M NaCN + 20mLof 0.1M HCN 3. The ionic product of water is 10–14. The H+ ion
4) NaCl+NaOH concentration in 0.01M NaOH solution is
84. When CH3COONa is added to an aqueous 1) 10–11M 2) 10–12M 3) 10–1M 4)10–4M
solution of CH3COOH 4. For a strong acid
1) The pH of the solution decreases 1) a is very high 2) Ka is very high
2) The pH of the solution increases 3) P is very low
K a 4) All are correct
3) The pH of the solution remains unaltered 5. For a conjugate acid-base pair the relation
4) An acid salt is produced
85. The mixed solution of pthalic acid potassium b/w K a and K b
hydrogen pthalate is 1) K a .K b  1 2) K a / K b  K w
1) Basic buffer 2) Acid buffer
3) Not buffer 4) An acid 3) Ka  Kb  Kw 4) K a .K b  14
86. When the ionic product of a solution exceeds
6. For a dibasic acid, H 2 A  HA  H  ( K1 )
the solubility product, the solution becomes
1) Saturated 2) Unsaturated HA  A2   H  ( K 2 )
3) A colloid
4) Super saturated and precipitation of salts occurs. H 2 A  2 H   A2 ( K ) then
87. Which pair will show common ion effect? 1) K  K1  K 2 2) K  K1  K 2
1) AgNO3  KNO3 2) NaCl  HCl
3) K  K1 / K 2 4) K  K1 .K 2
3) NH 4OH  NH 4Cl 4) BaCl2  Ba  NO3  2
7. For H3PO4, H 3 PO4  H 2 PO4  H  ( K1 )
Key Conceptual
01) 3 02) 4 03) 4 04) 4 05) 4 06) 2 H2 PO4  HPO42  H  ( K2 )
07) 2 08) 1 09) 2 10) 3 11) 4 12) 4 HPO42   PO43  H  ( K 3 ) then
13) 2 14) 3 15) 4 16) 2 17) 2 18) 1
19) 2 20) 1 21) 4 22) 1 23) 3 24) 2 1) K1  K 2  K 3 2) K1  K 2  K 3
25) 1 26) 3 27) 3 28) 2 29) 3 30) 4 3) K1  K 2  K 3 4) K1.K 2 .K3  K w
31) 3 32) 4 33) 4 34) 2 35) 4 36) 2 8. 0.4g of NaOH is present in one litre of the
37) 2 38) 1 39) 3 40) 4 41) 3 42) 3 solution shows that H+ concentration of the
43) 3 44) 4 45) 4 46) 1 47) 2 48) 3 solution is
49) 3 50) 3 51) 1 52) 4 53) 3 54) 3 1) 10–2 2) 10–4 3) 10–10 4)10–12
55) 4 56) 4 57) 2 58) 3 59) 3 60) 4 9. The strength of acid is highest in
61) 3 62) 3 63) 1 64) 4 65) 2 66) 4 1) pKa = 6 2) pka = 5
67) 2 68) 3 69) 1 70) 2 71) 2 72) 4 3) pka=10 4) Ka = 10–11
73) 2 74) 2 75) 2 76) 1 77) 1 78) 1 10. The Ka of a weak acid is 10-5, pKb value of its
79) 2 80) 1 81) 2 82) 4 83) 3 84) 2 conjugate base is
85) 2 86) 4 87) 3 1) 7 2) 5 3) 9 4) 6
Concept of pH
11. The pH of 0.005 M H2 SO4 is are 10 and 12 respectively. Their normalities
1) 2.5 2) 4.5 3) 2.0 4) 1.0 are related as N NaOH  xN KOH . What is the
12. The pH of a 0.001M aqueous solution of sodium
value of x?
hydroxide will be (1993).
1) 5.0 2) 7.5 3) 9.0 4) 11.0 1) 5/6 2) 6/5 3) 102 4) 102
13. The pH of 0.001 M HCN is 25. 10ml of 0.1 N HCl is added to 990ml solution
1) 3 2) 11 of NaCl the P H of resulting solution
3) Between 3 & 7 4) 7 1) Zero 2) 2 3) 3 4) 7
14. The pH of a solution is 4.0 what should be the 26. At 90 C, pure water has [H3O] = 10-6 mole
0 +
change in the hydrogen ion concentration of the lts-1. Value of Kw at 900 C
solution if its pH is to be increased to 5.0
1) Halved 2) Doubled 1) 10 14 2) 10-8 3) 10-6 4) 10-12
3) Decreases to ½of its original concentration. Salt Hydrolysis
4) Decreased by 10 times. 27. MX is the salt of a weak base and strong acid
15. The P H of HCl is 5. It is diluted by 1000 times then which of the following is correct at 250 C ?
Its P H will be 1) K h .K a  1014 2) K h .K b  1014
1) 5 2) 8 3) 2 4) 6-7
16. The pH of gastric juice is normally 3) K a .K b  10 14 4) All the above
1) Greater than 1.5 and less than 2 28. pH of aqueous K2S solution is
2) Less than 1.5 1) >7 2) 7 3) <7 4) 14
3) Greater than 2 and less than 3 29. The aqueous solution of sodium cyanide is basic
4) Less than 1 and grater than 0 in nature. This is due to the hydrolysis of
17. A solution of pH= 9 is one thousand times as 1) Sodium ion 2) Cyanide ion
basic as a solution of pH. 3) Cyanide ion and sodium ion
1) 4 2)7 3)10 4)6 4) Iso cyanide ion
18. pH of one litre solution containing 40gm of 30. Which of the following has a higher value for
NaOH Kh at 270c
1)2 2)10 3)8 4)14 1) NaF 2) NaCl 3) NaBr 4) NaI
19. The P H of a 1 lit solution is 2. It is diluted with 31. Aqueous solution of the detergents are
1) Neutral 2) Acidic
water till it becomes 4. How many liters of water
3) Basic 4) Amphoteric
is added?
32. Aqueous solution of salt of strong base and
1) 99 2) 9 3) 999 4) 9.9
weak acid
20. If pH of solution of NaOH is 12.0 the pH of
1) Undergoes anionic hydrolysis
H2SO4 solution of same molarity will be
2) Is basic in nature
1) 2.0 2) 12.0
3)1.7 4) 10.0387. 3) Has P H greater than 7
21. pH of 10 M HCl (aq) on Sorenson’s scale is: 4) All the above
1) -1 2) 0 3) 10 4) 5 33. A salt of weak acid and weak base undergoes
22. 100 mL of 0.2 N NaOH is mixed with 100 mL 1) Only cationic hydrolysis
0.1 NHCl and the solution is made 1L. The 2) Only anionic hydrolysis
pH of the solution is: 3) Both cationic and anionic hydrolysis
1) 4 2) 8 3) 10 4) 12 4) Neither cationic nor anionic hydrolysis
23. How many H ions are present in 10 mL of a
 34. 1M NaCl and 1M HCl are present in an
aqueous solution . The solution is
solution having pH = 10?
1) Not a buffer solution with pH <7
1) 1010 2) 10 10 2) Not a buffer solution with pH >7
3) 6.02  10 23 4) 6.02  1011 3) A buffer solution with pH <7
4) A buffer solution with pH >7
35. The hydrolysis constant of CH 3COONa is The solubility of calcium fluoride in saturated
solution, if its solubility product is 3.210–11, is:
given by
1) 2.0  104 M 2) 12.0  103 M
Kw Kw
1) K h  K 2) K h  K 3) 0.2  104 M 4) 2.0  103 M
a b
43. K sp of salt A3 B2 , for solubility x mol L1 , is
3) K h  K .K 4) K h  K a  K b 1) 36x 2) 72x 6 3) 108x 5 4) 108x 6
a b 44. In the third group of qualitative analysis, the
Buffer Solution pr ecipit at ing r eagent is NH4Cl+NH4OH. The
36. One litre of a buffer solution contains 0.01M function of NH4Cl is to
NH4Cl and 0.1M NH4OH. The p of base is 1) Increase the ionization of NH4OH
5. pH value of the solution is 2) Supress the ionization of NH4OH
1) 9 2) 10 3) 4 4) 6 3) Stabilise the hydroxides of group cations
37. The pH of buffer solution prepared by mixing 4) Convert the ions of group third into their
respective chlorides.
50mL of 0.2M CH 3 COOH and 25mL of
CH3COONa is 4.8 what is the concentration 45. Dissociation of CH 3COOH is supressed by
of CH3COONa? PKa of CH3 COOH = 4.8 adding
1) 0.2M 2)0.4M 3) 0.5M 4) 0.8M 1) HNO3 2) HClO4
38. Which of the following mixture in aqueous
solution of equimolar concentration acts as a 3) CH 3COONa 4) Any of the above
buffer solution. 46. For the electrolyte of type, A B, K is given 2 sp
1) HNO3  NaOH 2) H 2 SO4  KOH then its solubility is calculated by
3) NH 4OH (excess)+ HCl K sp K sp
4) CH 3COOH  NaOH (large excess) 1) K sp / 4 2) 3 3) 3 K sp 4)
4 4
39. For an acid buffer solution the P H is 3. the 47. The solubility of the salt M A in water is ‘s’
m n
H can be increased by
P moles per litre.The solubility product of the salt
1) Increasing the concentration of salt is (at constant temperature)
2) Increasing the concentration of acid
3) Decreasing the concentration of salt 1) M m An 2) (m  n) S m n
4) Independent of concentration of acid& salt 3) mm n n s m  n 4) M m An s
40. For the buffer solution containing NH 4OH and 48. The addition of KCl to AgCl decreases the
NH 4Cl , P H of the buffer solution can be solubility of AgCl, because
increased by 1) K sp of AgCl decreases
1) Adding some more H 2 O 2) K of AgCl increases
2) Adding some more NH 4OH 3) Solution becomes unsaturated
3) Removing NH 4Cl 4) Both 2 and 3 4) Ionic product exceeds the K sp value
Solubility Product and Common Ion
49. Out of Ca 2  , Al 3 , Fe3 , Mg 2  and Zn 2 the
41. Solubility product of a sparingly soluble salt reagents NH 4Cl and aqueous NH 3 will
AX 2 is 3.2 1011 . Its solubility in mol/litre is: precipitate
1) 5.6  106 2) 3.1 104 1) Ca 2  , Al 3 2) Al 3 , Fe3

3) 2  104 4) 4  104 3) Fe3 , Mg 2 4) Mg 2  , Zn 2 

Key Level - I (C.W) P H   log(101 )  1
01) 3 02) 4 03) 2 04) 4 05) 3 06) 4
07) 1 08) 4 09) 2 10) 3 11) 3 12) 4 25. P H final  P H initial  log v2
13) 3 14) 4 15) 4 16) 1 17) 4 18) 4 v1
19) 1 20) 3 21) 2 22) 4 23) 4 24) 3 26. P H depends on concentration but not volume
25) 3 26) 4 27) 2 28) 1 29) 2 30) 1
28. S 2  2 H 2 O  H 2 S  2OH  so that p H of aq
31) 3 32) 4 33) 3 34) 1 35) 1 36) 2
37) 2 38) 3 39) 1 40) 4 41) 3 42) 1 H 2 S is greater than 7
43) 3 44) 3 45) 4 46) 2 47) 3 48) 1 29. CN   H 2O  HCN  OH 
49) 2 30. Extent of hydrolysis decreases with increase of size
Hints Level - I (C.W) of anion
1. [ H  ]  107 therefore basic 31. Detergent is a salt of weak acid and strong base
34. It is a neutral solution and its pH  7
2. K w  [ H  ][OH  ] in water [ H  ]  [OH  ]
V  C  salt 
[ H  ]  K w ka
37. pH  P  log V  C acid
20. pH = 12 then pOH = 2
 
[OH–] = 10-2 38. NH 4OH  HCl  NH 4Cl  H 2O .
Molarity of NaOH = 10-2 (excess).So the mixture contains
For H2SO4, molarity = 10-2
[H+] = 2 ´ 10-2 NH 4OH  NH 4Cl
pH = 2-log2 = 1.7  Salt 
H ka

21.  H  of 10 MHCl  10 M 39. p  p  log Acid
 
pH   log101  1  salt 
H kb
On Sorenson’s scale it is taken as zero. 40. P  14  P  log  
 base 
 100  0.2  100  0.01
22. OH   41. AX 2  A  2 X
2 
 102  pOH  2  pH  12 1/ 3 1/ 3
 K sp   3.2  1011 
23. pH  10   H    1010 molL1
K sp  4 s  S        2  104
 4   4 
No. of H  in 10 mL
42. CaF2  Ca 2   2 F 
  6.02  1023  1010  6.02  1011 For solubility ‘S’, K sp   S  2 S   4 S 3
24. pH of KOH = 10; pH of NaOH = 12 4S 3  3.2  1011
So, pOH of NaOH = 14-10 = 4;
pOH of NaOH = 14-12 = 2. S 3  8  10 12
S  2  104 M
N KOH  OH    104 ;
+2 -3

43. A3 B2  3A  2Bfor solubility of 

2 
N NaOH  10 (Because, for strong base, OH 
3x 2x
= normality = pOH) A3 B2 as xM 

As per the question, 3 2 3 2

K sp   A   B    3x    2 x   108x 5
102  x  104
44,45. Common ion effect
102 48. Common ion effect
 x  102
104 49. Low solubility product
Concept of pH
Level - I (H.W)
10. The pH of a mono - acidic base 12.6990. The
molarity of the base is
Ionic Product & Degree of Ionisation 1) 0.02 moles/litre 2) 0.05 moles/litre
1. Which of the following is relatively stronger 3) 0.5 moles/litre 4) 0.2 moles/litre
acid? K a values are given in brackets 11. 0.1 N solution of the following has the
highest pH
1) HA (1.8  103 ) 2) HB (3  105 ) 1) Na2CO3 2) NaHCO3
3) NaOH 4) CH3COOH
3) HC (1 102 ) 4) HD (9.6  1010 ) 12. pH of 0.1M Acetic acid is
2. For a weak acid ( is very small ) 1) Less than 1 2) Greater than 1
3) 1 4) 7
Ka 13. PH and POH of 0.1M aqueous solution of HNO3
1) K a  C. 2 2)   1) 0,14 2) 14,0 3) 1, 13 4) 13, 1
14. Which of the following would not change the
3) [ H  ]  C . 4) All the above pH of 10 c.c. of dil HCI when added?
3. A weak acid is 0.01% ionised in 0.1 M solution. 1) 5 c.c. of pure water 2) 20 c.c. of pure water
Its ionisation constant is: 3) 10 c.c of pure water
4) 20 c.c. of dil HCl of same concentration
1) 105 2) 106 3) 108 4) 109 15. pH of a solution at 25oC is 2. If the pH is to be
4. The dissociation constant of a weak monobasic doubled, then the hydronium ion concentration
acid in 0.01 M solution is 10–8. What is its [OH–] of the solution should be(PMT, Banglore,
concentration? 1992)
1) Halved 2) Increased to 100 times
1) 106 2) 108 3) 109 4) 10 10
3) Doubled 4) Decreased to 100 times
5. Which of the following is the best conductor of 16. When ammonium chloride is added to ammonia
electricity? solution the pH of the resulting solution will be
1) 1M HNO3 2) 1M CH 3COOH 1) Increased 2) Seven
3) Decreased 4) Not changed
3) 1M NH 4OH 4) 1M H 2 SO4 17. The dissociation constant of a weak acid, HA
6. At infinite dilution, the percentage ionisation is 4.9´10–8. Then pH of its decinormal solution
of both strong and weak electrolytes is will be near to (NSTS, 1994)
1) 3.5 2) 4.2 3) 5.3 4) 2.5
1) 25% 2)10% 3) 75% 4) 100%
+ 18. When 50mL of 0.1 M- NaOH and 50mL of 0.1
7. Calculate The[H ] ion of 0.008 M Ca(OH)2 is M- H2SO4 solutions are mixed, the nature of
1) 2  107 M 2) 6.25  1013 M resulting solution is
1) Neutral 2) Acidic
3) 1.4  10 12 M 4) 1.25  10 11 M 3) Basic 4) Amphoteric
8. At some high temperature the value of Kw 19. What will be the pH of a solution formed by
is equal to 10 –12 M 2. Calculate the H + ion mixing 40cm3 of 0.1M HCl with 10cm3 of 0.45
co n c en t rat i o n of w at er a t sa me M NaOH
temperature is 1) 10 2) 8 3) 5 4) 12
20. Among the following
1) 1012 M 2) 10 8 M a) On dilution, the P H of an acid increases
3) 10 7 M 4) 10 6 M b) A solution with P H =6 1000 times more basic
9. At certain temperature, the H  ion than a solution with P H =3
concentration of water is 4  10 7 M then the c) A solution with P H =9 is 1000 times moree
acidic than a solution with P H =12
value of K w at the same temperature is
d) The PH of109 M NaOH is slightly greater
1) 1014 M 2 2) 2.5  1013 M 2 than 7
3) 1.6  1013 M 2 4) 4  107 M 2 1) a,b are correct only 2) a,d are only correct
3) a,b,c are only correct 4) All are correct
Salt Hydrolysis Buffer Solution
21. The hydrolysis constant of 31. A buffer solution is prepared by mixing 10ml
NaX ( K a of HX is 2  10 ) is of 1.0 M acetic acid & 20ml of 0.5 M sodium
acetate and then diluted to 100ml with distilled
1) 5  10 9 2) 2  108 3) 5  10 6 4) 10 7
water. If the pKa of CH3 COOH is 4.76. What
22. Calculate the hydrolysis constant of a salt of is the pH of the buffer solution prepared?
weak acid (Ka = 2 x 10 -6) and of a weak base
1) 3.84 2) 4.76 3) 4.34 4) 5.21
(Kb = 5 x 10-7)
1) 10-4 2) 10-2 3) 10-6 4) 10-8 32. The P Ka weak acid is 4.8 what is the ratio of
23. MX is the salt of weak base, MOH and weak salt to acid , if P H of buffer is 5.8 is to be
acid, HX . Aqueous solution of MX is prepared
1) Acidic, if K a  K b 2) Basic, if K a  K b 1) 1:1 2) 1:10 3) 10:1 4) 2:1
33. In acid buffer solution (pH=4.4), the ratio of
3) Neutral, if K a  K b 4) All the above
concentrations of acid to salt is
24. The P H of an aqueous solution of a salt is 10. 2 : 1. The value of dissociation constant of
the salt is weak acid may be
1) KCl 2) NH 4 NO3 1) 1.8 104 2) 2 107
3) NaCN 4) ( NH 4 ) 2 SO4 3) 4 105 4) 2 105
25. Aqueous solution of potash alum is acidic due 34. A solution contains equimolar concentration
to the hydrolysis of
of a weak acid HA and its conjugate base
1) K  2) Al 3 3) SO42  4) Na  kb 
26. The hydrolysis constant of ammonium acetate A . P of A is 9 . the P H of the solution is
is given by 1) 9 2) 5 3) 7 4) 5.301
35. A solution is 10 M in CH 3 COONa
Kw Kw
1) K 2) K and 1M in CH3COOH. If pK a of CH3COOH
a b
is 4.8, what is the pH of the solution?
Kw K a .K b
3) K .K 4) K 1) 0.48 2) 5.8 3) 4.9 4) 6.8
a b w 36. What is the pH of solution obtained by mixing
27. Aqueous solution of NaCl is neutral because 100 mL of each 5M NH 4Cl and 5M NH4OH,
1) Na  undergoes hydrolysis
if pK b of NH4OH is 4.2?
2) Cl  undergoes hydrolysis
1) 9.8 2) 4.2 3) 7.0 4) 8.4
3) Both Na  and Cl  undergo hydrolysis
37. Choose the correct combination among the
4) Does not undergo hydrolysis
28. The pH of 0.1M solution of the following
compounds increase in the order A) A mixture of weak acid and its salt of strong
base acts as acidic buffer
1) NaCl  NH 4Cl  NaCN  HCl B) As number of moles of acid or base required
2) HCl  NH 4Cl  NaCl  NaCN to change the PH of the buffer by one unit
increases, the quality of buffer increases.
3) NaCN  NaCl  NH 4 Cl  NaCN C) Buffer action is maximum at PH=PKa in case
4) NaCN  NH 4Cl  NaCl  HCl of acidic buffer
1) All are correct 2) A only correct
29. Nature of 0.1M solution of potassium
3) B only correct 4) A only false
bisulphate is
38. Buffer capacity of acid buffer solution is more
1) Acidic 2) Alkaline
3) Neutral 4) Amphoteric A) PKa=PH B) [Salt] = [Acid]
30. The no.of hydroxyl ions produced by one Ka
C) P =7 D) [H+] = PKa
molecule of NaCO3 on hydrolysis is
1) All are correct 2) B, C and D are correct
1) 4 2) 2 3) 3 4) 0
3) A and B are correct 4) C and B are correct
39. Which of the following solution cannot act as
1) Both AgCl and AgI are sparingly soluble
1) NaH2PO4 + H3PO4 2)The K sp of AgI is lower than K sp of AgCl
2) CH3COOH+CH3COONa 3)The K sp of AgI is higher than K sp of AgCl
3) HCl  NH 4Cl 4) Both AgCl and AgI have same solubility
4) H3 PO4  Na 2 HPO 4 product
40. Which of the following salts when added to pure 47. At 25o C , the K sp value of Fe(OH )3 in
water will not alter its PH
aqueous solution is 3.8  1038 . The solubility
1) Ammonium cyanide 2) Ferric chloride
3) Potassium cyanide 4) Borax of Fe3 ions will increase when
41. Which of the following solutions can act as 1) P H is increased 2) P H is 7
buffer ?
3) P H is decreased 4) P H = 14
1) 0.1 molar aq.NaCl
2) 0.1 molar aq.CH3COOH+0.1 molar NaOH 48. In which of the following, the solubility of AgCl
3) 0.1 molar aq. Ammonium acetate will be maximum ?
4) 0.1 molar H3PO4 1) 0.1 M AgNO3 2) Water
Solubility Product and Common Ion
3) 0.1 M NaCl 4) 0.1 M NaBr
42. Among the following has the lowest value of 49. Among the following statements
a) if two salts have equal solubility then their
K sp at 250 C ?
solubility products are equal
1) Mg (OH ) 2 2) Ca (OH ) 2 b) BaSO in more soluble in water than in dil
3) Ba (OH ) 2 4) Be (OH ) 2 H2SO4
43. The molar solubility of PbI 2 in 0.2 M c) When KI is added to PbI 2 , then the [ Pb 2  ]
Pb ( NO3 ) 2 solution in terms of solubility decreases
product, K sp d) In any solution containing AgCl , the value

1) ( K sp / 0.2)1/ 2 2) ( K sp / 0.8)1/ 3 of [ Ag  ] [Cl  ] is constant at constant

3) ( K sp / 0.4)1/ 2 4) ( K sp / 0.8)1/ 2 1) All are correct 2) a,b and d are correct
44. The Ksp of a salt, having the general formula 3) a,c and d are correct 4) b,c and d are correct
MX2, in water is 4´10–12. The concentration of
Key Level - I (H.W)
M2+ ions in the aqueous solution of the salt is
01) 3 02) 4 03) 4 04) 3 05) 4 06) 4
1) 4  1010 M 2) 1.6  104 M
07) 2 08) 4 09) 3 10) 2 11) 3 12) 2
3) 1  104 M 4) 2  106 M
45. One of the following is most soluble? 13) 3 14) 4 15) 4 16) 3 17) 2 18) 2
1) Bi2 S3 ( K sp  11017 ) 19) 4 20) 4 21) 1 22) 2 23) 4 24) 3
2) MnS ( K sp  7  1016 ) 25) 2 26) 3 27) 4 28) 2 29) 1 30) 2
3) CuS ( K sp  8 1037 ) 31) 2 32) 3 33) 4 34) 2 35) 2 36) 1
4) Ag 2 S ( K sp  6 10 51 ) 37) 1 38) 3 39) 3 40) 1 41) 3 42) 4
46. In the following reaction, 43) 4 44) 3 45) 2 46) 2 47) 3 48) 2
AgCl  NaI  NaCl  Ag I . As NaI is added, 49) 4
the equilibrium is shifted towards right giving
more Ag I precipitate , because
base and ka = kb
Hints Level - I (H.W)
41. Salt of weak acid and weak base acts as buffer
1. ka strength of acids
42. from Be(OH ) 2 to Ba (OH )2 solubility product
 0.01 
3. K a  C 2  0.1   increases
 100 
45. higher the KSP value higher will be the solubility
 1 109 48. Water is the weak electrolyte and it has no common
4.  H    KC ions

 10 8 102  105

OH   
 H  

 5  109 M
11. NaOH is a strong base
12. CH 3COOH is weak acid and its pH>1
13. [H+] = 10-1 PH=1 and POH=13
14. Addition of water causes change in p H due to
change in concentration
24. NaCN under go anionic hydrolysis
25. Al 3 is a Cation of weak base
27. NaCl does not under go Hydrolysis
28. Basic nature increases
29. KHSO4 as one replaceable hydrogen atom

30. Na2 CO3  2 H 2 O  H 2CO3  2 NaOH

salt 
35. pH  pK a  log acid
 
salt 
36. pOH  pK b  log base
 
=4.2 + log 1 (because [salt] =[base])
= 4.2
pH = 14-pOH=14-4.2 = 9.8
38. If P H  P ka buffer capacity is maximum
39. Mixture of 1. W.A and its salt of SB & 2. W.B and
its salt of strong acid acts as a buffer
40. CH3COONH4 is a salt of weak acid and weak

Level - II (C.W)
Ionisation of Acids & Bases,
Degree of Ionisation & Kw
1. At 700C the concentration of H+ ion in
aqueous solution of NaCl is 10-6 mole/lit. The
OH- ion concentration is
1) 10-8 moles/lit. 2) 10-6moles/lit.
3) 10 moles/lit. 4) 10-9moles/lit.
2. A weak mono acidic base is 5% ionized in
0.01 M solution. The Hydroxide ion
concentration in the solution is
1) 5 ´ 10–2 2) 5 ´ 10–4
3) 5 ´ 10 4) 2 ´ 10–11
3. A monobasic acid solution has pH value of 5.
Its molarity is 0.005M. The degree of
ionisation of the acid is
1) 5  10–3 2) 2  10–3 3) 5  10–2 4) 210–

4. One litre of water contains 107 moles of H+

ions .Degree of ionisation of water ( in
percentage) is
1) 1.8  107 2) 1.8  109
3) 3.6  107 4) 3.6  109
5. Determine the degree of ionisation of 0.05M
NH3 at 250C in a solution of pH=11
(Kb=1.76  10–5)
1) 0.0173 2) 0.173 3) 1.73 4) 17.3
6. The dissociation constants of two acids HA1
and HA2 are 4.5  10-4 and 1.8  10-
respectively. If both are having equal
concentrations the relative strength of acids
1) 5:2 2) 2:5 3) 5:1 4) 1:5
7. The no. of H 3O  ions present in 10 mL of
water at 250 C is
1) 6.023  1014 2) 6.023  1014
3) 6.023  1019 4) 6.023  1019
PH Problems 20 A 0.01 M ammonia solution is 5 % ionized,
8. Calculate the pH value in 108 M NaOH the concentration of OH– ions is (KCET,93)
solution 1) 0.005 M 2) 0.0001 M
1)7.04 2) 8 3) 6 4) 6.96 3) 0.0005 M 4) 0.05 M
9. The pH of a solution at 250 C is 2. If its pH is 21. +
The number of H ions in 1cc of a solution of
to be changed to 4, then conc.of H+ of the pH=13 is
original has to be 1) 6.023 ´ 107 2) 1 ´ 10-13
1) Doubled 2) Halved
3) Increased by 100 times. 3) 6.023 ´ 1013 4) 1 ´1016
4) Decreased by 100 times. 22. 50mL of H2O is added to 50mL of 110–3M
10. 75mL of 0.2M HCl is mixed with 25mL of 1M barium hydroxide solution. what is the pH of
HCl. To this solution 300mL of distilled water the resulting solution?
is added. What is the pH of the resultant 1) 3 2) 3.3 3) 11 4) 11.7
23. pH of a solution produced when aqueous
1) 1 2) 2 3) 4 4) 0.2
solution of pH 6 is mixed with an equal volume
11. Equal volumes of two solutions with P H =3 and
of an aqueous solution of pH 3 is about
P H =11 are mixed. Then the P H of resulting 1) 4.3 2) 3.3 3) 4.0 4) 4.5
solution is
24. The hydrogen ion concentration in pure water
1) 8 2) 7 3) 6 4) 0
is 10–7g. ions/lit. An aqueous solution will be
12. The P H of a solution is 6. Its H  concentration acidic, if its hydrogen ion concentration in g.
is decreased by 1000 times. Its P H will be ions/ lit. is
1) 9 2) 6.96 3) 7.04 4) 8 1) 10–6 2) 10–7 3) 10–8 4) 10–9
13. At certain temperature the K D2O is 10–16M. Then 25. A solution has 10-2 M hydrogen ions in it. The
the pD of pure D2O at that temperature is solution is diluted by 100 times. The pH of the
1) 7 2) 16 3) 8 4) 6 solution is
14. The ionisation constant of a mono basic acid 1) 2 2) 4 3) 7 4) 3
is 5  10-2. The pH of 0.01 M acid solution is Salt Hydrolysis & Buffers
1) 1.30 2) 3.30 3) 5.0 4) 1.65
26. The Hydrolysis constant of MX is (Given, Kb
15. The pH of a solution obtained by mixing 50mL
of MOH is 210–6 and Ka of HX is 510–7)
of 0.4N HCl and 50mL of 0.2 N NaOH is
1) - log2 2) -log 0.2 3) 1.0 4) 2.0 1) 102 2) 102 3) 103 4) 103
16. pH of a centimolar solution of a mono basic 27. T he hydr olysis const ant K h of a salt of NaOH
acid is 6. The dissociation constant is and a weak acid (HX) if the Ka of the acid is
approximately equal to 210–6 is
1) 10–12 2) 10–8 3) 10–10 4) 10–6
1) 510–8 2) 510–6 3) 510–9 4) 2.510–7
17. Degree of dissociation of CH 3COOH and
NH4OH are the same. If 0.01 M solution of 28. K a for HCN is 510 –10 at 250 0 C. For
CH3COOH has pH=4.0; then pH of 0.01 M maintaining a constant pH of 9, the volume of
NH4OH will be 5 M KCN solution required to be added to 10
1) 4 2) 7 3) 10 4)14 mL of 2M HCN solution is
18. Equal volumes of two solutions containing 3.65g 1) 5 ml 2) 2 ml 3) 6.95 ml 4) 10.2 ml
of HCl and 4.0 g of NaOH respectively are mixed. 29. 100 mL of 0.3 N-Acetic acid solution is mixed
The pH of the mixture is with same volume of 0.2 N sodium hydroxide
1) 7 2) <7 3) >7 4) 0 solution. Ionisation constant of acetic acid is
19. When 1ml of 0.1 N HCI is added to 1 litre of a 210–5 The pH of the mixture is
solution of pH value 4, the pH will be nearly 1) 10 2) 7 3) 5 4) 9.
1) 5 2) 4.477 3) 3 4) 3.699
30. When the following is added to 20ml of 0.1M
1) 0.1MHCl 2) 0.1MNH 4Cl
CH3COOH+20 ml 0.1M of CH3COONa. The
pH of the solution does not change 3) 0.1MH 2 SO4 4) 0.1MCH 3COOH
1) 10mL of 0.1M CH3COOH
40. Solubility product of Ba  OH  2 and Al  OH 3
2) 10mL of 0.1M CH3COONa
3) 10mL of water are 1.8 1010 and 2.4 10 20 respectively. If
4) 20mL of 0.2 M CH3COOH both Al 3 and Ba 2 ions are present in a
31. An acidic buffer contains equal concentrations
of acid and salt. The dissociation constant of solution, which one will be ppt on addition of
acid is 105 . The P H of the buffer solution is Ammonium hydroxide solution
1) 5 2) 9 3) 4.49 4) 5.5 1) Ba  OH  2 2) Al  OH 3
32. 50mL of 0.1M solution of sodium acetate and
3) Both are precipitated at same time
50 mL of 0.01M acetic acid mixed. The pKa of
4) Both are not precipitated
acetic acid is 4.76. The P H of the buffer
solution is 41. The solubility of CaF2 is 2  10 4 mole / litre . Its
1) 3.76 2) 4.76 3) 5.76 4) 9.24 solubility product is
33. The K b of weak base is 10 . the  4
1) 2  8  1012 2) 4.0 108
[ salt ] to [base] ratio to be maintained to keep 3) 4  8.0  1012 4) 3.2  104
the P H of buffer solution as 9 is.
42. The solubility of AgCl in 0.1 M NaCl is
1) 1 : 4 2) 4 : 2 3) 1 : 10 4) 10 : 1
34. The ionisation constant of acetic acid is ( K sp of AgCl  1.2  1010 )
2  10 5 The pH of buffer containing acetic
acid and sodium acetate is 4.7. The ratio of 1) 0.05 M 2) 1.2  10 6
[acid] and [salt] 3) 2  105 4) 1.2  109
1) 1 : 1 2) 10 : 1 3) 1 : 10 4) 2 : 1
35. When 0.1 mole of an acid is added to 2 L of a 43. If the solubility product of MOH is 11010M2
buffer solution, the P H of the buffer decreases
Then the P H of its aqueous solution will be
by 0.5. the buffer capacity of the solution is
1) 0.6 2) 0.4 3) 0.2 4) 0.1 1) 11 2) 9 3) 13 4) 5
36. 5 moles of acid is required to change the pH of 44. What is the minimum concentration of SO42 
1 litre of buffer by 2 units. Find buffer capacity.
1) 5 2) 3.5 3) 2.5 4) 15 required to precipitate BaSO4 in a solution
37. A certain buffer solution contains equal
containing 1  104 mole of Ba 2  ? ( K sp of
concentrations of B+ & BOH. If the Kb of BOH
is 10–10. The pH of buffer is BaSO4 = 4  1010 )
1) 14 2) 4 3) 10 4) 7
1) 2  103 M 2) 2  105 M
38. P H of CH 3COOH and CH 3COONa buffer is
4.8. In which of the following conc.conditions, 3) 4  1010 M 4) 4  106
the buffer capacity will be maximum 45. The P H of saturated aqueous solution of
 CH3COOH & CH3COONa  Ba (OH )2 is 10. If the K sp of Ba (OH )2 is
1) 0.1 M, 02 M 2) 0.2 M, 0.1 M
3) 0.34 M, 0.34 M 4) 0.34 M, 03 M 5  1013 , then the concentration of Ba 2  ions
Solubility Product in the solution is
39. NH 4OH is weak base but it becomes still 1) 1  105 2) 1  103 3) 5  10 5 4) 1  102
weaker in the aqueous solution of
46. Find the change in pH when 0.01 mole 5. Let us consider the ionisation of
CH 3COONa is added to one litre of 0.01 M NH 4OH
CH 3COOH soluton ( pK a  4.74) NH 4 OH NH 4  OH 
1) 3.27 2) 4.74 3) 1.37 4) 2.74 At time t  0 C O O
47. 2 g of NaOH per 250 mL of solution is added
to a buffer solution of buffer capacity 0.2. Then At equilibrium C 1    C C
the change in pH is
C C if   1
1) 0.5 2) 1 3) 1.5 4) 2.0 Kb   C 2 
C 1    1     1
48. The precipitate of CaF2 ( K sp  1.7 1010 ) is
obtained when equal volumes of the following  1.76 105 
Kb  
are mixed?    0.01876
C  0.05 
1) 104 M Ca 2   104 M F 
Under normal condition degree of dissociation will
2) 102 M Ca 2   103 M F 
3) 105 M Ca 2   103 M F  =0.01876
4) 103 M Ca 2  10 5 M F  when pH is i.e ., pOH =14-11=3
Key Level - II (C.W) Then, OH    103
01) 2 02) 2 03) 2 04) 1 05) 1 06) 3
07) 2 08) 1 09) 4 10) 1 11) 2 12) 1 C OH   0.05   10 3 
 Kb  
13) 3 14) 4 15) 3 16) 3 17) 3 18) 1 C 1    0.05 1   
19) 4 20) 3 21) 1 22) 3 23) 2 24) 1
 103
25) 2 26) 2 27) 3 28) 2 29) 3 30) 3 1.76  10 5 
31) 1 32) 3 33) 4 34) 1 35) 4 36) 3 1   
37) 2 38) 3 39) 2 40) 2 41) 3 42) 4 1.76 10 2 1     
43) 2 44) 4 45) 3 46) 3 47) 2 48) 2
1.76  10 2  1.0176
Hints Level - II (C.W)
1. Aqueous NaCl is neutral solution   0.01729
 [H+] = [OH-]
 0.0173
  H    10 6 mole / lit
 OH    106 mole / lit
[OH  ]  K b  C
% 5 K b  C 2
2. [OH-] = c =  0.01 = 5 x 10-4
100 100
[OH  ]  C

H  105
3.   1 K1
C 5  103 
 2  103 2 K2
No.Of ionised ions 100
4. %  4.5 10 4
Total no.of molecules   5 :1
1.8 10 5
18 107  6.023  1023  100 7. In water

1000  6.023  1023 [ H  ]  107  6.023 1023 ions per liter
 1.8  107 in 10ml solution no.of. [ H  ] ions
 H    106
107  6.02310 23 10 /1000

 6.023 1014  H   Ka  C
8. [OH-] from NaOH = 10-8M K a  1010
[OH-] from water = 10-7 17. pH = 4; [H+] = 10-4
Total [OH-] = 10-7 +10-7
[H+ ] = kac
OH    1.1 10 7
10-4 = ka 10 2
OH 
P   log10 OH  ka = 10-6
ka = kb = 10-6
  log10 1.1 10 7  6.96
[OH-] = kb  c = 106 102 = 10-4
P  P  14
pOH = 4
P H  14  6.96  7.04 pH = 14-4= 10
18. No of equavalents of acid and base are same.
9. pH = 2;  [H+] = 10-2 Therefore result and solution is neutral and
pH = 4;  [H+ ] = 10-4 PH =7
Decreased by 100 times
 N1V1  N 2 V2
V1 N1  V2 N 2 19.  H   V1  V2
10. N = Total volume
0.1 1  1000  104

0.2  75  1 25
 0.1
 H   
75  25  300 1000
 0.0002  2 104
P H   log10  H     log10 101
P H   log10 2  10 4
P 1
11. An acid and base having equal volumes and equal  4  0.3010  3.699
strength when mixed to give neutral solution. %
20. [OH-] = C  = C ´
solution  1(acid ) solution  2(base) 100
, H
P 3 P  11(or ) P OH  3 5
= 0.01 ´ = 0.0005
12. If the H ion concentration decreases by 1000
 100
times then P H increses by three units 21. [H+] = 10-13
13. K
P D  POD  P D2O 1000
10-13 = n´
14. [H+] = ka.c  5 102 102
 5 10 4 = 2.2  10 2
Number of moles = = 10-16
P H   log  H   = P H  1.65 Number of H+ = 10–16 ´ 6.023 ´ 1023
= 6.023 ´ 107
Va N a  Vb N b
15. [H+] = V  V 22. V1N1= V2N2
a b 100 ´ N = 50 ´ 10–3 ´ 2
50  0.4  50  0.2 N = 10–3
[H+] = pOH=3;pH = 11
20  10 106 103 103
[H+] = =10-1 23. = [10-3+1]
100 2 2
pH = -log 10-1 ; pH = 1 [H+ ] = 0.5 ´ 10–3 = 5 ´ 10-4
16. P H  6 C=0.01 pH = -log 5 ´ 10–4 = 4-0.6990 = 3.3010
24. If the solution is acidic [H+ ] > 10-7

 S   1:1
25.  H    102
 A
It is diluted by 100 times
35. buffer capacity
  H    104
no.of moles of an acid added per lit solution

P H   log10  H     log10 104 P H change
0.1 mole of an acid is added to 2.lit of a buffer.
 PH  4
1. lit of a buffer contains how many moles?
kw Kw
26. K h  27. Kh  1 0.1
K a  Kb Ka   0.05
H ka N SVS
28. P  P  log P H change=0.5
N aVa
5  VS  Buffer capacity=  0.1
9  9.3  log 0.5
2  10 36. Buffer capacity
 VS  2m l no.of moles of an acid added per lit solution
29. CH3COOH + NaOH  CH3COONa +H2O 
P H change
100 ´ 0.3 100 ´ 0.2
(CH3COOH) = ( 100 ´ 0.3) - ( 100 ´ 0.2) [B  ]
[CH3COONa]=100 ´ 0.2 37. P OH = 10+ log
[ BOH ]
pKa = - log ka
If [B+] = [BOH]
[S ] then P OH = 10 ; P H = 4
30. pH = pka + log
[ A]
[ s]
pH of buffer depends upon the ka ,[Salt] and [Acid] 38. pH = pka + log
[ A]
H [S ]
31. P  Pka  log Buffer capacity is maximum
[ A]
when P H = P ka ;  [s] = [A]
If [salt] = [acid] 39. Due to common ion effect
Then P H  P ka 40. Compound having low ksp precipitated first
 P ka   log ka   log105 =5 ;  P H  5 41. CaF2 is a AB2 t ypes of salt
H [S ] CaF2  Ca 2  2 F 
32. P  Pka  log
[ A] S 2S

[ Salt ] 2
33. P  14  Pkb  log K SP  Ca 2   F  
[ Base]
S  2 S 2
 S   10 :1
K SP  4S 3 ; S  2  104
 B
 s K SP  ? ; K SP  4  2  104   4  8  1012
34. pH = pKa + log A
  42. AgCl  Ag   Cl 
S  S 0.1
4.7  4.7  log10
 A
= 1/2 x 4.74 - 1/2 log 10-2 2.37 + 1 = 3.37
K sp  [ S ][0.1]
 0.011
K SP of AgCl  1.2  1010 pH of buffer = 4.74 + log = 4.74
0.01 1
 K SP  S .S change in pH = 4.74 - 3.37 = 1.37
1.2  10 10  S  0.1 47. n = 0.05 eq

1.2 1010 0.2

S  12  1010 =  S  1.2  109 per liter solution 0.05x4 = 0.2eq;   1
0.1 0.2

43. K SP of MOH  1 1010 M 2 48.  Ksp  IP 

PH  ?
Level - II (H.W)
MOH is AB type of salt Ionisation of Acids & Bases, Degree
 K SP  S 2
of Ionisation & Ionic Product
1. Find out the OH  ion concentration in 100 mL
OH    S
of 0.015 M HCl is
S  K SP  110 1) 2.0  109 M 2) 6.7  1013 M

S  10 5 3) 3  1010 M 4) 5  1012 M

OH    105 2. The [OH  ] of 0.005 M is H 2 SO4

1) 2  1012 M 2) 5  103 M
P OH   log10 OH     log10 105  5
3) 1012 M 4) 1014 M
P P  14
3. The OH  ion concentration of a solution is
 P  14  5  9
44. to get precpitate Ionic product is >Ksp 3.2  104 M . find out the H+ ion concentration
The minimum Conc.of.SO4-2 to get of the same solution is
1) 3  106 M 2) 6  1013 M
K sp
precipitate = 3) 3.125  1011 M 4) 2  104 M
[ Ba 2 ]
4. In 0.1 M- solution, a mono basic acid is 1%
4 1010 ionized. The ionisation constant of the acid is
 4
 4 106
110 1) 1  10–3 2) 1 10–7
3) 1  10–5 4) 1  10–14
45. 5. At 250 C , the hydroxyl ion of a basic solution
Ba(OH ) 2  Ba 2  2OH 
given P H  10 then is 6.75  103 M . then the value of K w is
POH  4 1) 13.5  1012 M 2 2) 1.35  1012 M 2
2S  [OH  ]  104 3) 13.5  108 M 2 4) 1014 M 2
2 2 sp
[ Ba ][2S ]  K
6. At some high temperature , K w of water is
2 5  1013
[ Ba ]  8
 5  105 1013 . Then the P H of the water at the same
temperature is
46. pH = 1/2 pKa - 1/2 logC 1) 8.3 2) 6.5 3) 7.42 4) 6
pH Problems 19. The dissociation constant of a weak acid HA
7. The pH of a solution is 3.7. The concentration is 110-5. Its concentration is 0.1 M. pH of that
of proton is in the order of solution is (1994)
1)10 M –4 –6
2)10 M 3)10 M 4) 10 M –8 1) 1.0 2) 2.0 3) 3.0 4) 5.0
8. The pH of 10 normal NaOH solutions is 20. The P H of 0.01 M solution of acetic acid is
nearest to
1) 10 2) 7 3) 4 4) -10 5.0 What are the values of  H   and Ka
9. 50 litres of 0.1M HCl is thoroughly mixed with respectively?
50 litres of 0.2M NaOH The pOH of the 1) 2 X 104 M , 2 X 108
resulting solution is
1) 1.0 2) 0.0 3) 7.0 4) 1.30 2) 1X 10 5 M ,1X 10 9
10. 1 c.c of 0.1 M HCl is added to 1 litre of 0.1M 3)1X 105 M ,1X 108
NaCl solution.The pH of the resulting solution
will be 4) 1X 10 4 M ,1X 106
1) 7 2) 1 3) 3 4) 4 21. Degree of dissociation of 0.1 N CH 3COOH is
11. 100mL of 0.15M HCl is mixed with 100 mL of
0.005M HCl, what is the pH of the resulting ( K a  1.0  10 5 )
solution approximately 1) 106 2) 107 3) 103 4) 102
1) 2.5 2) 1.5 3) 2 4) 4 22. The pH of 10-3M NH4 OH(Kb=10-5) is
12. The pH of NaOH solution is 12. What is the 1) 3 2) 11 3) 10 4) 4
amount in grams of NaOH present in one litre 23. An aqueous solution twice alkaline as water.
of a solution? The pH of the solution is near to
1) 40 2) 4 3) 0.4 4) 20 1) 7.3 2) 12 3) 10 4) 13
13. The pH of a solution is 5. Its H + ion 24. The pH of an aqueous solution of H O is 6.0.
2 2
concentration is decreased by 100 times, then Some chlorine is bubbled through this solution.
the nature of the solution formed is The pH of the resulting solution will be
1) Acidic 2) Basic 1)6 2)7
3) Neutral 4) Amphoteric 3) Less than 6 4) More than 7
14. The pH of a solution is increased from 3 to 6. 25. The pH of NaOH solution is 13. What is the
Its H+ ion concentration will be amount in grams of NaOH present in one litre
1) Reduced to half 2)Doubled of a solution?
3) Reduced by 1000 times 1) 40 2) 4 3) 0.4 4) 20
4) Increased by 1000 times 26. Equal volumes of solutions pH values 1,3,5,6
15. 0.1M HCl solution is diluted by 100 times The
are mixed with each other , the pH of resultant
pH of the solution formed is
solution is nearly
1) 3 2) 2 3) 4 4) 6
1) 1.3 2) 2.7 3) 1.6 4)3.6
16. The pH of solution is 9. It is......... times more
27. The P of HCl is 3. Then the P H of
basic than a solution with pH= 6
1) 3 2) 100 3) 1000 4) 15 NaOH solution having same molar
17. The concentration of oxalic acid is ‘X’ mol lit –1 concentration is
40ml of this solution reacts with 16 ml of 0.05M 1) 3 2) 6 3) 9 4) 11
acidified KMnO4. What is the pH of ‘X’ M oxalic 28. If pH of A, B, C and D are 9.5, 2.5, 3.5 and 5.5
acid solution? (Assume that oxalic acid respectively, the strongest acid is
dissociates completely) 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D
29. Equal volumes of 0.1 M potassium hydroxide
1) 1.3 2) 1.699 3) 1 4) 2
18. The pH of 0.1M solution of CH3 COOH if it and 0.1 M sulphuric acid are mixed. The P H
ionizes to an extent of 1% is. of resulting solution is
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4 1) 7 2) 0 3) >7 4) <7
30. The pH of solution is 5.0 to a 10 mL of solution 2) 100mL of 0.6 N HCN+100mL of 0.4N NaOH
990 mL of water is add then pH of the resulting 3) 100mL of 0.5N NH4OH + 10 mL of 0.2 N
solution is CH3COOH
1) 7 2) 3 3) 9 4)6.96 4) 100 mL of 0.4 N HCL+100 mL of 0.4N NaOH
31. The correct order of increasing [ H 3O  ] in the 36. The pka of HCN is 9.3.The pH of a solution
aqueous solution is prepared by mixing 2.5 moles of HCN and 0.25
moles of KCN in water and making of the total
1) 0.01 M H 2 S  0.01 M H 2 SO4
volume to 500 ml is
 0.01 M NaCl  0.01 M NaNO2 1) 9.3 2) 7.3 3) 10.3 4) 8.3
2) 0.01 M NaCl  0.01 M NaNO2 37. An acidic buffer contains 0.06 M salt and 0.02
M acid. The dissociation constant of acid is
 0.01 M H 2 S  0.01 M H 2 SO4
104 . The P H of the buffer solution is
3) 0.01 M NaNO2  0.01 M NaCl 1) 4 2) 10 3) 4.48 4) 9.52
 0.01 M H 2 S  0.01 M H 2 SO4 38. 25 mL of 0.4M of a weak base and 75 mL of
4) 0.01 M H S  0.01 M NaNO 0.2M of its salt forms a buffer solution. The
2 2
dissociation constant of base is 2  105 the
 0.01 M NaCl  0.01 M H 2 SO4
Salt Hydrolysis P H of buffer is
32. HA is a weak acid [Ka=10–4] and BOH is a (log 1.5= 0.176)
weak base [Kb=10–5].BA is the salt formed 1) 4.876 2) 9.476
3) 4.524 4) 9.124
from them, In the aqueous solution of BA 39. A solution consists of 0.2 M NH 4OH and 0.2
1) [ H  ]  10 7 2) P H  7 3) K h  105 4) All M NH 4Cl . If K b of NH 4OH is 1.8  105 ,the
33. Kh of salt obtained from strong acid and weak [OH  ] of the resulting solution is
base is 2  105 . The Kb of weak base is
1) 0.9  105 M 2) 1.8  105 M
1) 2  1019 2) 5  1010
3) 3.2  105 M 4) 3.6  105 M
3) 2  1010 4) 5  10 9 40. Concentration of NH4Cl and NH4OH in a
34. Which of the following solution will have P H buffer solution are in the ratio of 1:10, Kb for
closer to 1.0? NH4OH is 10–10. The pH of the buffer is
1) 100 ml of M /10 HCl + (BHU, 1994)
1) 4 2) 5 3) 9 4) 11
45 ml of M /10 NaOH 41. A basic buffer contains equal concentration of
2) 55 ml of M /10 HCl + base and its salt. The dissociation constant of
base is 10–6. Then the PH of the buffer solution is
45 ml of M /10 NaOH
1) 9 2) 8 3) 5 4) 6
3) 10 ml of M /10 HCl  42. When 0.48 moles of base is added to 1L buffer
90 ml of M /10 NaOH solution its P H changed from 4.01 to 4.03.
4) 75 ml of M / 5 HCl  Calculate buffer capacity.
1) 104 2) 0.0096 3) 0.042 4) 24
25 ml of M / 5 NaOH 43. 0.002 mole of an acid is added to a litre of buffer
Buffer Solution solution, decreases the pH of the buffer by 0.02.
35. Which of the following mixture is not a buffer Then the buffer capacity is
solution 1) 0.2 2) 0.1 3) 0.6 4) 0.4
1) 100mL of 0.5 N CH3COOH + 100 mL of
0.05 N NaOH
44. 12 g of CH 3 COOH and 4 g of NaOH are solution is ( K sp of PbSO4 is 1.25  109 )

mixed and diluted to 1 litre solution. If P Ka of 1) 0.1 M 2) 1.25  1010 M

CH 3COOH is 4.8 the P H of the solution is 3) 1.25  107 M 4) 1.25  109 M .
1) 4.8 2) 5
51. The molar solubility of M (OH )3 in 0.4 M
3) 5.6990 4) 5.3010
45. 1 lit of a buffer solution contains 0.1 mole each M  NO3 3 solution interms of solubility
of NH 4 OH and NH 4 Cl . What will be the P H product of M (OH )3
of the solution when 0.01 mole of HCl is added
to it 1) ( K sp /10.8)1/3 2) ( K sp / 3.6)1/ 3
1/ 4
 P Kb of NH 4 OH  4.74 3) ( K sp /10.8) 4) ( K sp / 0.4)1/3

1) 9.26 2) 9.17 3) 4.74 4) 4.65 Key Level - II (H.W)

46. A solution contains 60 mL of 0.1M NH 4OH 01) 2 02) 3 03) 3 04) 3 05) 4 06) 2

and 30 mL of 0.1 M HCl . The P H of the 07) 2 08) 2 09) 4 10) 4 11) 2 12) 3
resulting mixture is 13) 3 14) 3 15) 1 16) 3 17) 3 18) 3
(Given K b of NH 4 OH  1.8  105 , 19) 3 20) 3 21) 4 22) 3 23) 1 24) 3
log 1.8= 0.2553) 25) 2 26) 3 27) 4 28) 2 29) 4 30) 4
1) 4.7447 2) 3.7447 3) 9.2553 4) 12.523
31) 3 32) 4 33) 2 34) 4 35) 4 36) 4
Solubility Product
37) 3 38) 4 39) 2 40) 2 41) 2 42) 4
47. Solubility of AgCl will be minimum in
43) 2 44) 1 45) 2 46) 3 47) 2 48) 1
1) 0.01M Na2 SO4 2) 0.01M CaCl2
49) 3 50) 3 51) 1
3) Pure water 4) 0.001M AgNO3 Hints Level - II (H.W)
48. The solubility of Ag 2 CrO4 is 2  102 mol/lit Kw
1. [OH  ] 
its solubility product is [H  ]
1) 3.2 10 5 2) 32 108
110 14

3) 16 108 4) 3.32 x 10-10 0.015
49. The solubility product of a rare earth metal
 6.7  1013
hydroxide M (OH )3 at room temperature is 2. 2
H 2 SO4  2 H   SO4
4.32  1014 . Its solubility is
2  0.005
10 6
1) 1.25  10 M 2) 2.0  10 M K w   H   OH  
3) 2.0  104 M 4) 1.25  10 7 M
110 14
OH   
50. The solubility of PbSO4 in 0.01 M Na2 SO4 2  0.005
11014 1014 
10  5

 0.05
  2
0.01 10 100 100

 OH    1012  5  10 2

 
P OH   log10 OH  
3. K w   H  OH 
  log10 5  102
 4
OH   3.2  10 M
 2  log10 5
110  2  0.6990  1.3
 H   
3.2 104 10. NaCl is a neutral salt
 0.3125  1010  3.125  1011 V1 N1 = V2N2
4. Ka = C 2 0.1 1
 1 
K a  0.1   V1 N1  V2 N2
 100  11. [H+] = (V1  V2 )
 0.1  0.01
 H    0.0775
 0.00001  1 105
P H  1.5
5. K w is independent on nature of solution
12. P H = 12, P H = 2
H P kw [OH-] = 10-2
6. in water P 
2 w 1000
N 
Gmw v
P H  6.5  K w  1013

 H    106.5 w 1000
102  
40 1000
 P H  6.5
w  40  102  0.4
7. P H   log10  H   13. What ever the volume of water added, the PH of
acid is always <7 at 25o C
log10  H     P H  3.7
14. If pH is increased by 3 units then strength of the
3.7  1  1  4.3 acids decreased by 1000 times

 H    antilog 4.3  1
15.  H   0.1

8. Total [OH-] = 10-10 + 10-7  103

= 10-7 [ 10-3+1]  PH  3
P OH = 7 log 10- log 1.001 16. Conceptual
= 7 ( nearly) 17. for any redox reaction
50  0.2  50  0.1 M 1V1 M 2V2
9. [OH-] = 
(50  50) n1 n2
2 moles KMnO4 completely oxidised by
25. POH  14  P H  14  12  2
0.05  16 x  40

2 5 [OH  ]  N  10  POH  102 N
x=0.05M W 1
‘Normality’ of Oxalic acid = 0.05x2=0.1 N 
EW V (lit )
PH=1 w 1
102  

18.  H   C eq.w v

1 w  102  40  1  0.4
 0.1  10 3
100  101 v  103 v  105 v  10 6 v 101 v
26.  H   =
 PH  3 4v 4v

19. [H+] = ka.c  0 .2 5  1 0  1

5 1
 2.5  10 2
 110 10
P H   log 2.5  102
 1106  103  2  log 2.5
  PH 5
20. [ H ]  10  10 P H  1.6
 Ka  c
27. P H  14  P OH
( C  0 .0 1 M ) 28. Lower the PH greater the acidic strength
[ H  ] 2 1 0  10 29. noramlity of acid > normality of base. so resultant
 Ka    1 0 8
C 1 0 2 solution is acidic in nature

N 2V2  N1V1 V  0.2  0.1

Ka 
21.   V1  V2 2V
1 105   0.05 N
 2
0.1 acid<7
30. on dilution , PH will be increases but never
 104  10 2
exceed ‘7’
22. [OH-] = kb.c 31. Conceptual
P OH =-log [OH ]
- 32. Ka>Kb

P H + P OH = 14 Kw
33. K h  K
P H  14  4  10 b

23. [OH-] = 2 ´ 10-7

NaVa  NbVb
pOH = 7 - log2 34. [ H  ]  (if NaVa  NbVb)
= 7 - 0.3010 Va  Vb
= 6.7 P H   log[ H  ]
pH = 14-6.7
 H    101
= 7.3
24. H2O2+Cl2  2HCl+O2  PH  1
W.A S.A 35. A mixture of strong acid and strong base does not
acts as buffer
P H = 4.8
H ka no.of moles of salt 45. Due to additon of 0.01 mole of HCl
36. P  P  log no of moles of acid NH4OH +HCl  NH4Cl+H2O
[ NH4OH] = 0.1-0.01
 s [NH4Cl] = 0.1+ 0.01
37. pH = pKa + log A
 
46. NH 4OH  HCl  NH 4Cl  H 2O
H [ N S  VS ] [ NH 4OH ]  60  0.1  30  0.1
38. P  14  Pkb  log [ N  V ]
B B [ NH 4Cl ]  30  0.1
75  0.2  P H  14  P kb
 14  4.6  log
25  0.4 47. CaCl2 is strong electrolyte and common ion effect
 14  4.6  log  9.12 48. Ag2CrO4  2Ag++CrO42-
Ksp = (2S)2S = 4S3
 K b [ Base] = 4( 2 x 10-2)3 = 4 x 8 x 10-6
39. [OH ] 
[ Salt ] = 3.2 x 10-5
0.2 49. For AB3 type salt
 1.8  105 
K sp  27 S 4
 1.8 10 5
K sp
1 S 4
40. P OH = 10+ log 27
P OH = 9 (16  1016 )1/ 4
PH = 5  2 x104

H Kb [Salt ] 50. PbSO4  Pb 2  SO4 2

41. P  14  P  log
[ Base] S 0.01
42. Buffer capacity because [SO4 ] = [Na2SO4]
no.of moles of an acid added per lit solution K SP
 S   1.25 x107
P H change 0.01
43. Buffer capacity 51. M (OH ) 3  M 3  3OH 
no.of moles of an acid added per lit solution 0.4 3S

P H change because [ M 3 ]  [ MX 3 ]
44. CH3COOH+ NaOH  CH3COONa + H2O
 0.4 x(3S )3  K sp
[CH3COOH] = ( 0.2-0.1) - 0.1 = 0.1
[CH3COONa] = 0.1 1/ 3
 K sp 
S  
0.1  10.8 
P H = 4.8 + log 0.1
Level-III 9. The mass of acetic acid present in 500 ml of
solution in which it is 1% ionised(Ka of
1 . The specific gravity of H 2 SO4 is 1.8 g / cc and
CH 3COOH = 1.8  105 )
this solution is found to contain 98% H 2 SO4
1) 5.4 2) 12.6 3) 6.4 4) 10.8
by weight. 10 cc of this solution is mixed with
10. Boric acid B(OH )3 is monobasic Lewis acid.
350 cc of pure water. 25 mL of this dil. H 2 SO4
If gives H  ion in aqueous solution as follows
solution neutralises 500 mL of NaOH solution.
Then the P H of NaOH solution is B(OH )3  H 2O  [ B(OH )4 ] + H 
1) 12.398 2) 1.602 3) 12.699 4) 12.301 K a  5.9  10 10 The P H of 0.025M aqueous
2. The first and second dissociation constants of
solution is [log 5.9 =0.771]
an acid H 2 A are 1  10 5 and 5  10 10 1) 5.42 2) 4.52 3) 2.45 4) 4.675
respectively. The overall dissociation constant 11. Find the amount of ( NH ) SO in grams which
4 2 4
of the acid will be
1) 4  1015 2) 5  10 15 must added to 500 ml of 0.2M of NH 4OH to
yield a solution of
3) 0.2  10 5 4) 5  10 5
P H  4.74 ?  P  9.26 
3. K1 & K 2 for oxalic acid are 6.5x10-2 and
1) 5.35 2) 6.6 3) 1.67 4) 10.2
6.1 x 10-5 respectively. What will be the [OH  ]
12. 2 g of NaOH per 250 ml solution is added to
in a 0.01M solution of sodium oxalate
a buffer solution of buffer capacity 0.2 then
1) 9.6 106 2) 1.4 101
the change in P H is
3) 1.2 106 4) 1.3108 . 1) 0.5 2) 1 3) 1.5 4) 2.0
4. The P H of a sample of H 2 SO4 is 1.3979. The 13. A one litre solution contains 0.08 mole of acetic
percentage of the solution is 73.5% acid  K a  1.75105  . To this solution,
( w/w) , the density of the solution is
0.02 mole of NaOH is added. Then the P H
1) 2.66  103 g / cc 2) 5.32  103 g / cc
of resulting solution is [log 1.75  0.243]
3) 1.33  103 g / cc 4) 0.01 g / cc 1) 5.234 2)5.058 3) 4.28 4) 4.456
5. The P H of a sample of KOH solution is 14. The volume of water that must be added to
12.3979. The weight of solid KOH of 70% 100ml of NaOH solution to change its pH value
pure required to prepare 2.5 lit of this solution from 12.6990 to 12 is
is 1) 500mL 2) 400mL 3) 100mL 4) 200mL
1) 3.5 g 2) 5 g 3) 8 g 4) 6 g 15. A certain volume of 0.001 N NaOH solution is
6. 100 ml of a solution of HCl with pH value 3 is diluted with 900mL of water. The decrease in
diluted with 400 ml of water. The new P of H pH of the solution is one unit. The original
the solution is volume of the solution is
1) 3.7 2) 5.3 3) 4.2 4) 5.6 1) 1mL 2) 10mL.
7 Equal volumes of solutions pH values 8,10,12 3) 100mL 4) 1000mL
are mixed with each other , the pH of resultant 16. A basic buffer contains 0.8 mole of NH 4Cl and
solution is nearly 0.2 mole of NH 4OH for litre of a solution the
1) 11.52 2)2.48 3) 11.7 4)12.3
K b of base is 1.8  105 . then the PH of the
8. Urine normally has a pH of 6. If a patient
eliminates 1.3 litres of urine per day how many buffer solution is ( log 1.8 = 0.2553)
moles of H+ ions does he urinate? 1) 8.6532 2) 6.345 3) 2.301 4) 7.635
1) 1.3 ´ 10–3 2) 1.3 ´ 10–6
3) 1.3 ´ 10 4) 1.3 ´ 106
17. From the following table 24. Let the solubilities of AgCl in H 2 O . 0.01M
Buffer Vol.of 0.1M Vol.of 0.1M
CaCl2 , 0.01M NaCl and 0.05M AgNO3 be
solution weak acid sodium salt
(in mL) of weak acid (in mL) S1 , S2 , S3 and S 4 respectively. What is the
I. 4.0 4.0 correct relationship between these quantities?
II. 4.0 40.0 1) S1  S 2  S3  S4 2) S1  S 2  S3  S4
III. 40.0 4.0
IV 0.1 10 3) S1  S3  S2  S4 4) S 4  S2  S3  S1
Which of the two sets of buffer solutions have 25. At 298 K the Ksp of M2SO4 is 3.2´10–5. The
least PH? max.concentration of SO4–2 ion that could be
1) I & II 2) I & III 3) II & III 4) II & IV attain in saturated solution of this solid at
298K is?
18. The P H of a buffer solution is 5. It consists of
1) 2  103 M 2) 7  104 M
a weak acid HA and its conjugate base A–. P Ka
of HA is 4.699. Which of the following is correct 3) 3  10 5 M 4) 2  102 M
combination of solutions present in the buffer 26. When equal volumes of the following solutions
solution? are mixed,precipitation of AgCl (Ksp=1.8´10–10)

1) 100 mL of 0.1M HA and 200 mL of 0.1 MA will only with
2) 200 mL of 0.1M HA and 100 mL of 0.1 MA– 1) 104 M Ag  and104 M Cl 
3) 100 mL of 0.1M HA and 200 mL of 0.2 MA–
4) 100 mL of 0.2M HA and 200 mL of 0.1 MA– 2) 106 M Ag  and106 M Cl 
19. When CO2 is bubbled in excess of water, the 3) 107 M Ag  and107 M Cl 
following equilibrium is established. 4) 105 M Ag  and105 M Cl 
CO2  2 H 2O  H 3O   HCO3 27. A solution contain 0.1 M Zn+2 and 0.01M Cu+2
ions. This solution is saturated by passing H2S
K c  3.8  10 7 , p H  6
gas in the solution. The sulphide ion

What would be the [ HCO3 ] /[CO2 ] concentration is 8.1´10–21M. Ksp for ZnS and
1) 6 2) 0.0038 3) 0.038 4) 0.38 CuS are 3´10–22 and 8´10–36 respectively. Which
20. A solution which is 10–3M each in Mn2+, Fe2+, of the following will occur in solution.
Zn2+ and Hg2+ is treated with 10–6M sulphide 1) CuS gets precipitated.
ion. If Ksp of MnS, FeS, ZnS and HgS are 10–15, 2) Both CuS and ZnS get precipitated.
–23 –20 –54
10 ,10 and 10 respectively. Which of the 3) neither CuS nor ZnS precipitated.
following will be precipitated first? 4) ZnS get precipitated.
1) Zns 2) FeS 3) MnS 4) HgS 28. The dissociation of water at 25oC is 1.910–7%
21. The correct order of increasing solubility of and the density of water is 1g/cm3the ionisation
AgCl in (a) water (b) 0.1 M NaCl (c) 0.1 constant of water is
BaCl2 (d) 0.1M NH3 is 1) 3.42  10–6 2) 3.42 10–8
1) d > a > b > c 2) d > c > b > a 3) 1.00  10 4) 2.00  10–16
3) b > a > d > c 4) a > d > b > c 29. If pKb for fluoride at 250C is 11, the ionisation
22. The pH of a buffer solution is 4.745. When constant of hydrofluoric acid in water at this
0.044 mole of Ba (OH )2 is added to 1 lit. of temperature is
1) 10–3 2) 10–4 3) 10–2 4) 10–5
the buffer, the pH changes to 4.756. Then the
buffer capacity is 30. The solubility of C 6H 5NH 3+Cl – would be
1) 4 2) 0.25 3) 0.5 4) 8 highest among the following solvents in:
1) Acidic buffer of pH = 3
23. The pH of 0.1 M K 2 SO4 is 7. This solution is
2) Basic buffer of pH = 10
diluted by 10 times. Then the pH of resulting
3) Neutral buffer of pH = 7
solution is
4) Pure water
1) 7 2) 6 3) 8 4) 14
31. The ionization constant of aniline and acetic 40. In a saturated solution of the sparingly
acid and water at 25 0C are respectively soluble strong electrolyte AgIO3 (Molecular
3.83´10–10, 1.75´10–5 and 1´10–14. Calculate mass = 283) the equilibrium which sets in is
percentage hydrolysis of aniline acetate in a
decinormal solution AgIO3(s) Ag+(aq)+IO3–(aq)
1) 54.95 2) 9.54 3) 4.6 4) 42.3454 If the solubility product Ksp of AgIO3 at a
32. A weak acid HX has the dissociation constant given temperature is 1.0  10-8, what is the
1´10–5M. It forms a salt NaX on reaction with mass of AgIO3 contained in 100ml of its
alkali. The degree of hydrolysis of 0.1M saturated solution
solution of NaX is 1) 28.3  10–2g 2) 2.83  10–3g
1) 0.0001% 2) 0.01% 3) 0.1% 4) 0.15% 3) 1.0  10–7g 4) 1.0  10–4g

HA+OH– 41. P of Ba  OH  2 solution is 12. Its solubility

33. In the equilibrium A–+H O 2
(Ka= 1.0 ´ 10–5). The degree of hydrolysis of product.
0.001M solution of the salt is 1) 5.0  10 7 M 3 2) 0.6 1012 M 3
1) 10–3 2) 10–4 3) 10–5 4) 10–6
3) 4.0 10 8 M 3 4) 5.0 109 M 3
34. The precipitate of CaF2(K sp=1.7´10–10) is
42. The weight of HCl present in one litre of
obtained when equal volumes of the following
solution if pH of the solution is one
are mixed
1) 3.65g 2) 36.5g
1) 10–4M Ca2++10–4M F–
3) 0.365g 4) 0.0365g
2) 10–2M Ca2++10–3M F–
43. A sample of AgCl was treated with 5.00ml of
3) 10–5M Ca+2+10–3M F–
1.5M Na2CO3 solution to give Ag2CO3. The
4) 10–3M Ca+2+10–5M F–
remaining solution contained 0.0026g of Cl–
35. The pKa of HCN is 9.30. The pH of a solution
per litre. Calculate the solubility product of
prepared by mixing 2.5 moles of KCN and 2.5
moles of HCN in water and making up the total
1) 1.1´10–2 2) 1.71 ´ 10-11
volume to 500mL is
3) 1.71´10–10 4) 1.32 ´ 10-9
1) 9.30 2) 7.30 3) 10.30 4) 8.30
44. The sulphide ion cencentration [S -2] in
36. The K sp for AgCl is 2.810 –10 at a given
saturated H2S solution is 1  10-22. Which of
temparature. The solubility of AgCl in 0.01
the following sulphides should be
molar HCl solution at this temparature will be:
quantitatively precipitated by H2S in the
1) 2.8 10–8molL–1 2) 2.8 10–12molL–1
–8 –1 presence of dil. HCl
3) 5.6  10 molL 4) 2.8 10–4molL–1
Sulphide Solubility Product
37. The molar solubility of AgCl in 1.8M AgNO3
I 1.4 10-16
solution is (Ksp of AgCl =1.8 ´ 10–10)
II 1.2  10-22
1) 105 2) 1010 III 8.2  10-46
3)1.8´10–5 4)1.8´10–10 IV 5.0  10-34
38. 0.1mole of CH3NH2 (Kb = 5 ´ 10–4 ) is mixed 1) I,II 2) III,IV 3) II,III,IV 4) Only I
with 0.08 mole of HCl and diluted to one litre. 45. What is the pH of 0.01M glycinesolution ?
What will be the H+ concentration in the For glycine, Ka1 = 4.5  10-3 and
solution Ka2 = 1.72  10-10 at 298K
1) 8 ´ 10–2M 2) 8 ´ 10–11M 1) 3.0 2) 10.0 3) 6.1 4) 7.1
3) 1.6 ´ 10 M 4) 8 ´ 10–5M 46. The solubility of Mg(OH)2 in pure water is
39. K SP of a salt ZnCl2 is 3.2 10 its P is
8 H 9.5710–3g/L. Its solubility in g/L in 0.02M
1) 2.3980 2) 11.6020 3) 2.6990 Mg( NO3)2 solution is
1) 1.5  10–4 2) 8.69  10-4
4) Do not calculated exactly
3) 0.5  10–3 4) 0.5  10-5
47. The ionisation constant of an acid - base on dilution with water, resultant
indicator ( a weak acid ) is 1.0´10-6. The ionised 10 x36
form of the indicator is red whereas the Normality.of. H 2 SO4   1N
unionised form is blue. The pH change
H 2 SO4  NaOH  Na2 SO4  2 H 2O
required to alter the colour of the indicator
from 80% blue to 80% red is for neutralisation no.of mili equivalents of acid and
1) 1.40 2) 1.20 3) 0.80 4) 2.00 base msut be equal then
48. An aqueous solution of a metal bromide N H 2 SO4 VN 2 SO4  N NaOH VNaOH
MBr2 (0.05M ) is saturated with H2S. What is 1 25  N NaOH  500
the minimum pH at which MS will precipitate. 1
K sp for MS=6.0´10 –21 , concentration of N NaOH   0.05  5 102
saturated H2S=0.1M:K1=10–7 and K2=1.3´10–
for H2S POH  2  log 5  2  0.6990
1) pH=1.6 2) pH=0.67 P H of NaOH 12.6990
3) pH=0.98 4) pH= 0.771
2. K  K1  K 2
49. A solution is saturated with respect to SrCO3
k  1 105  5  1010  5  10 15
and SrF2 . The [CO32  ] was found to be
3. The hydrolysis of C2O4 2  is as follows
1.2 x10 M . The cocentration of F  in the
13 2

solution would be C2O4 2   H 2O  HC2O4   OH 

[ K sp of SrCO3  7.0 1010 M 2 , Kw.C 1014  102

[OH  ]  
K2 6.5  102  6.1 10 5
K sp of SrF2  7.9 1010 M 3 ]
1) 1.3´10–3M2) 3.7´10–2M  1.2  106
3) 5.8´10–7M4) 2.6´10–2M 4. [ H  ]  Normality of H 2 SO4
50. The maximum pH of a solution which is 0.10M
 102  anti log of 0.6021  4  102
is Mg 2+ from which Mg(OH) 2 is not
precipitated is [Kspof Mg(OH)2=1.2´10–11M3] %  d  10
But Normality 
1) 4.96 2) 6.96 3) 7.04 4) 9.04 Eq.Wt
Key Level-III 73.5  d 10
 4 102 
01) 3 02) 2 03) 3 04) 1 05) 2 06) 1 49
07) 1 08) 2 09) 1 10) 1 11) 2 12) 2  d  2.66 x103 gm / cc
13) 3 14) 2 15) 3 16) 1 17) 2 18) 1
5. P OH  14  12.3979  1.6021
19) 4 20) 4 21) 1 22) 4 23) 1 24) 3
25) 4 26) 1 27) 1 28) 4 29) 2 30) 2 N of OH    2.5102 N
31) 1 32) 2 33) 1 34) 2 35) 1 36) 1 w 1000
37) 2 38) 2 39) 1 40) 2 41) 1 42) 1  N  eq.wt  V  ml 
43) 3 44) 2 45) 4 46) 2 47) 2 48) 3
49) 2 50) 2 w 1
2.5 102  
Hints Level–III 56 2.5 l   % 10 w  56  2.5  2.5 102  3.5gr

1. Noramility.of H 2 SO4  70% pure KOH means,
Eq.wt 100g impure sub.  70 g KOH
1.8  98  10 ?  3.5g KOH
=  36 5g
Ka 1.8 105 [CH 3COOH ]  0.08  0.02  0.06
Normality    1.8 101 N
9. 2 (102 )2 [CH 3COONa ]  0.02
1.8  101  60  500 [salt ]
W  5.4 gm P H  P ka  log
1000 [acid ]
H 1 0.02
10. P   [log K a  log C ]   5  0.243  log
2 0.06
  log  5.9  1010   log  0.025    5  0.243   log1  log 3
 5  0.243  0  0.4771
   10  log 5.9    2  log 2.5    5  0.7201
2 = 4.28
1 14. (i) pH = 12.699 ; [OH-] = 5 x 10-2
   10  0.771   2  0.3979  
2 pOH = 1.3010
(ii) pH = 12, pOH = 2, [OH-] = 10-2
   9.229    1.6021  100 x 5 x 10-2 = 10-2 x V
2 V = 500
1 Volume of water added
  9.229  1.6021 = 500-100
= 400 ml
  10.8311  5.4255 V2
2 H H
15. PFinal  PIntial  log V
H kb N SVS
11. P  14  P  log N V V2
b b 1   log
4.74  14  9.26  log
0.2  0.5 1000
  log
4.74  9.26  14  log NsVs  log101 V1
13  14  log NsVs  1 V1  100ml
13  15  log NsVs
18. for an acidic buffer
log NsVs  15  13  2
[salt ]
NsVs  100  P H  P ka  log
[acid ]
wt 1000
  Vs  100
66 Vs 5  4.699  log
salt 
wt  6.6 gr acid 
12. Buffer capacity
0.3010  log
salt 
No.of moles of base added per litre
  acid 
P H change
salt   2
0.2  acid 
P H change= 40  1
0.2 0.2 200  0.1
13. CH 3COOH  NaOH  CH 3COONa  H 2O 100  0.1
19. [weak acid]=[CO2] following formula

w K 
[ HCO 3 ]  = ( K h )   K  K  .......(i)
 P H  P ka  log10  a b 
[CO2 ]
Where Kw = 10-14
 HCO3   Ka = 1.75 x 10-5 ; Kb = 3.83 x 10-10
6   7  log 3.8   log  
Hence from equation (i) we have
CO2 

 1014 
 HCO3  =  5 10  =1.22
6  3.2  log    1.75 10  3.83 10 
 2
Which iso not possible because, degree of
hydrolysis may not be greater than 1.
 HCO3  
log    0.38 Thus, we have to avoid the approximation
CO2   1.22
 ( K h ) =1.22 ;   = 0.5495
24. higher the concentration of common ion lesser will 1 2.22
be the solubility % hydrolysis =  ´ 100
25. at the saturation state = 0.5495 x 100 = 54.95 %
2 2
K SP   M    SO4    2S 2   S  32. X   H 2O  HX  OH 

3.2  105  4S 3 10 14 109

Kh  5 so h  1
 104
3 3.2 105 10 10
S   8  106  2  102 M
4 100  104  102
26. K SP   Ag   Cl   so % of hydrolysis =0.01%
33. K a  1.0  10 5
to get PPt Ionic product > K SP
K h  hydrolysis constant
1.8  1010  104  10 4  108
108  1.8  1010 K w 10 14
Kh   5  109
27. Ksp of CuS <Ksp of ZnS K a 10
so CuS get precipitated first degree of hydrolysis
7 1.9 107 1000 Kh 109
28.   1.9 10 %  ,C   h  
100 18 C 0.001
[ H  ][OH  ]  106  103 ; h  103
Ka   C 2
[ H 2O] 34. When ionc product is greater than
1000 K sp then precipitation occur .
 1.9  10 9  1.9  109   2.0  10 16
K sp  102 M Ca 2  103 M F 
Kw 35. In the Henderson’s equation,
29. Kw=KaxKb ; Ka 
Kb  salt 
 pH  pK a  log
30. The solubility of C6 H 5 N H 3Cl  highest in basic  acid 
buffer with more P H .
 9.3  log
 2.5
31. Aniline acetate is salt of weak acid and weak base;  2.5
its degree of hydrolysis may be calculated using
P H  9.3
 
36. K sp   Ag  Cl 
104  283
 100  283  105
2.8 X 1010   Ag   X 0.01 1000

2.8 10 10  2.83  103 g / 100ml

 Ag    2.8  108 mol L1 41. Solubility expressed in terms of molarity
37. 1.8 M AgNO3 -------- 1.8 ´ 10–10 [OH–] = 10-2
1M AgNO3 ---------- ? [Ba+2] = 0.5 ´ 10-2
1.8  1010 K SP = (0.5 ´ 10–2) (10–2)2
Molar solubility = = 10-10
1.8 K SP = 5 ´ 10-7
38. CH 3 NH 2  HCl  CH 3 NH 3Cl  42.
PH  1
0.1 0.08 0
[ H  ]  10  PH  101 M
0.02 0 0.08
W  N  EW  V (lit )
 Basic buffer solution 
 0.1 36.5 1
Base  3.65
OH    K b 
K sp
0.02 .

43. [ Ag ]   2.34 106 m
 5  104   1.25 104 [CO32 ]

 10 1014 K spAgCl  [ Ag  ][Cl  ]  1.71 1010

  H   
OH   1.25  104 44. Basis radicals of group II & IV are precipi
 8  10 11 M tated by H 2 S in the form of their sulphies.IInd
ZnCl2  Zn 2  2Cl  group in acidic medium & IV
39. group in alkaline medium. They precipitate when
S 2S
ionic poduct increases than solubility product.
K SP  4 S 3
45. K  K a1  K a2  4.5  103  1.7  1010
4S 3  3.2  108
3 8
 7.65  1013
S  0.8  10
3 9  76.5  1014
S  8  10
S  2  103  H    KC  76.5  1014  102

P H  3  2 log 2
 76.5 1016
 3  03010  2
 H    8.7  108
 3  0.602
 2.398 P H   log10 8.7  10 8 
40. AgIO3  s   Ag   aq   IO3  aq 
 8  log 8.7
Let the solubility of AgIO3 be s  8  0.9395

K sp   Ag   IO  
3 P H  7.1

1.0  108  S 2
S  104 mol / lit
46. Solubiliry of Mg(OH)2
9.57  103
= =1.65 ´ 10–4 mol lits-1 1. The ionic product of water at 60 oC is
9.55  1014 mole2 lit 2 . The dissociation
Ksp = 4s3
= 4 ´ (1.65 ´ 10-4)3 constant of water at the same temperature is
=17.96 ´ 10–12 1) 1.09  1015 2) 5.2  1016
But in presence of Mg(NO3)2 3) 1.8  1016 4) 1.72  1015
Ks= (x+c)(2s)2
2. If the ionic product of water is 1.96  1014 at
Ks= 17.96 ´ 10-12=(s+0.02)(2s)2
s= 14.98 ´ 10–6 mollts-1 350 C , What is its value at 100 C
s= 14.98 ´ 10–6 ´ 58 gr lt-1 1) 2.95  10 14 2) 1.96  107
8.69 ´ 10-4 gr lits-1
47. Hln  H++ln– 3) 2.95  10 15 4) 3.9  1012
3. Conjugate base of [Al(H2O)6]3+ is
1) [Al(H2O)5OH]3+ 2) [Al(H2O)6]2+
[ In  ]
pH  pK ln  log 3) [Al(H2O)5OH]2+ 4) [Al(H2O)5OH]+
[ HIn ]
4. Match the following
pH1  pK In  log  pK In  2 log 2 List-I
80 A) Protophilic solvents
pH 2  pK In  2 log 2 B) Aprotic solvents
pH 2  pH 1  pK In  2 log 2  ( pK In  2 log 2) C) Protogenic Solvents
 4 log 2  1.20 D) Amphiprotic Solvents
1) Neither donate nor accept protons
[H  ]2[S 2 ]
48. K  K1K2   107 x1.3x1013 2) Generates protons
[H2S] 3) Either donate (or) accept protons
4) High tendency to accept protons
[H  ]2[S 2 ] [H  ]2 x1.2x1019 5) Do not have solvent properties
  1.3x1020
[H2S 0.1 The correct match:
[H  ]  1.083x102  0.104M pH  0.98
1) 1 3 2 5
Ksp(SrCO3) 7.0x1010M2 2) 4 1 2 3
49. [Sr ]    5.8x107M 3) 4 1 3 2
[CO32] 1.2x103M
4) 2 3 1 5

 K (SrF ) 
 7.9 x1010 M 3  5. SET -1 (Conc) SET-2 (PH)
[ F ]   sp 2 2 

 7  –1
I)10 M HCl A) 0.6990
 [ Sr ]   5.8 x10 M  –1
II) 10 M H2SO4 B) Between 1&2
3.7 x102 M –1
III) 10 M CH3COOH C) Between 6&7
50. For Mg (OH )2 not to be precipitated IV) 10 M HCl solution D)1
The correct match is
1/2 A B C D
 K (Mg(OH)2)
[OH ]   sp

2  1) III II I IV
 [Mg ]  2) II III IV I
1.2x1011M3  3) IV I III II
 5
[OH ]    1.035x10 M 4) I IV II III
 0.10M 
pOH  4.36, pH 14  4.36  9.04
6. SET -1 (Solution) Comprehension-1
I) Aqueous solution of AlCl3 Higher the amount of acid or base used to
II) Aqueous solution of (NH4)2CO3 product a definite change of pH in a buffer
III) Aqueous solutioncationic of NaCl solution, higher will be its buffer capacity.
IV) Aqueous solution of CH3COONa Buffer capacity of solution is maximum under
SET-2 (Hydrolysis type) the following conditions
A) only anionic hydrolysis [Salt] = [Acid] ( in acid buffer)
[Salt] = [Base] ( in base buffer)
B) only cationic hydrolysis
pH of a buffer solution lies in the range given
C) Neither nor anionic hydrolysis below pH = pKa  1
D) both cationic and anionic hydrolysis In other words, any buffer solution can be
Correct the matching is used as buffer up to two pH units only,
I II II II depending upon the value of pKa or pKb. A
1) D C B A buffer is said to be efficient when pH =pKa
2) B D C A or pOH = pKb
3) A B C D 11. Any buffer can be used as a buffer up to:
4) C A B C 1) 10pH units2) 5pH units
3) 2pH units 4) 1pH units
7. The correct order of increasing basicity of the 12. Which among the following solutions will be
given conjugate bases (R=CH3) is [AIEEE-10] the most efficient buffer
1) RCOO  HC  C  R  NH 2 1) 0.1M CH3COONa+0.01M CH3COOH
2) 0.1M NH4Cl+0.1MNH4OH
2) R  HC  C  RCOO  NH 2 3) 0.001M HCOOH + 0.002M HCOONa
3) RCOO  N H 2  HC  C  R 4) All the above
13. The buffer capacity is equal to
4) RCOO  HC  C  N H 2  R
8. Solubility product of silver bromide is n pH
1) 2)
5.0  1013 . The quantity of potassium
pH n
bromide (molar mass taken as 120g of 3)  1pKa 4) None of these
mol-1) to be added to 1 litre of 0.05 M solution 14. A buffer of acetic acid (pKa=4.8) with sodium
of silver nitrate to start the precipitattion of acetate will be, when CH 3COOH and
CH 3 COONa are present in equivalent
AgBr is [AIEEE 2010]
amounts has pH limits equal to
1) 1.2  1010 g 2) 1.2  109 g 1) 0 to 4.8 2) 3.8 to 5.8
3) 6.2 105 g 4) 5.0  10 8 g 3) 4.3 to 5.3 4) 4.8
15. Buffer capacity is maximun when
9. At 250 C the solubility product of Mg  OH  2 1) One mole of NH4Cl is added to two moles of
is 1.0  1011 . At which pH, will Mg 2  ions NH4OH
2) One mole of NH4Cl is added to one mole of
start precipitating in the form of Mg  OH  2 NH4OH
3) One mole of NH4Cl is added to one mole of
from a solution of 0.001 M Mg 2  ions ? NaOH
[AIEEE 2011] 4) One mole of NaCl is added to one mole of
1) 9 2) 10 3) 11 4) 8 NaOH
10. Solid Ba  NO3 2 is gradually dissolved in a Assertion & Reason Questions
1.0  104 M Na2 CO3 solution At what In the questions that follows two statements
concentration of Ba 2  will a precipitate begin are given. Reason is supported to be the ex-
to form? ( K SP for BaCO3  5.1 109 ) planation for Assertion. Study both the state-
[AIEEE 2011] ments and then mark your answers. accord-
1) 4.1 10 M5 2) 5.1 105 M ing to the codes given below. Mark your an-
swer as
3) 8.1 108 M 4) 8.1 107 M
1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the cor- R: Degree of dissociation of water increases with
rect explanation of (A) increase in temperature
30. A: PH of a solution of CH3COOH decreases on
2) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the dilution.
correct explanation of (A) R: On dilution, degree of ionization of CH3COOH
3) (A) is true but (R) is false increases.
4) (A) is false but (R) is true 31. A: Aqueous solution of CH3COONH4 is exactly
16. Assertion (A): According to Bronsted concept neutral.( ka =kb)
H2O is an amphoteric substance. R: CH3COONH4is a salt of weak acid and
Reason (R): H2O molecule can accept as well strong base
as donate a proton. 32. A: PH of a buffer solution does not change on
17. A: HCO3- is a conjugate acid of H2CO3. dilution.
R: HCO3- changes to H2CO3 by accepting a R: On dilution the ratio of concentration of salt
Proton. and acid (or base) remains unchanged.
18. A: ClO4– is the weakest base 32. A: The aqueous solution of CuSO4 is neutral
R: In ClO4- ion chlorine is sp3 hybridized. R: Salt of strong acid and strong base does not
19. A: HNO3 is not a Bronsted acid in CHCl3. undergo hydrolysis
R: CHCl3 is not an example for protophilic
34. A: Blood is an example of basic buffer.
20. A: Ethyl chloride reacts with sodium ethoxide to R: PH of blood is 7.4
from diethyl ether. Here ethoxide ion behaves as 35. A: The P H of a solution changes from 5 to 8
strong base. when the solution is diluted by 1000 times.
R: C2H5OH is weak acid. R: When the conc.of H  ion decreases by 10
21. A: In water, HCl and HI have same strength, times, the P H of the solution increases by one
But their Strengths in acetic acid are different. unit.
R: Acetic acid is stronger acid than water. 36. A: The P H of a buffer solution containing equal
22. A: In the reaction, moles of acetic acid and sodium acetate is 4.8
I2+I-  I3-, I2 acts as Lewis base. ( P ka of acetic acid is 4.8)
R: In this reaction I- donates an electron pair for R: The ionic product of water at 250 c is
sharing with iodine
1014 mol 2 lit 2
23. A: According to Lewis concept, NaCl is a salt.
R: Salt is compound formed by the addition of 37. A: The aqueous solution of CF3COO-Na+ is more
acid to base basic than the aqueous solution of CH3COO-Na+
24. A: SF4 can act as Lewis acid. for same concentration of salt because
R: The compound which contains vacant d- R: The salt derived from weak acid and strong
orbitals can act as Lewis acid. base hydrolyses to generate basic solution
25. A: All Brosted bases are Lewis bases 38. A: Addition of NH4OH to an aqueous solution of
R: A species that accepts a proton necessarily BaCl2 in the presence of excess NH 4 Cl
should donate a lone pair of electrons. precipitates Ba(OH)2 because
26. A: Acids and bases are conductors of electricity R: Ba(OH)2 is soluble in water
in aqueous solutions Key Level–IV
R: Acids and bases ionise in water 01) 4 02) 3 03) 3 04) 2 05) 2 06) 2
27. A: PH of 10-8 HCl is not equal to 8.
R: HCl does not ionize completely in very dilute 07) 4 08) 2 09) 2 10) 2 11) 3 12) 2
aqueous solution 13) 1 14) 2 15) 2 16) 1 17) 4 18) 2
28. A: PH of a solution changes from 6 to 7 when
diluted by 10 times 19) 1 20) 1 21) 1 22) 4 23) 4 24) 1
R: If [H +] decreases 10 times, PH increases by 25) 1 26) 1 27) 3 28) 4 29) 4 30) 1
one unit .
29. A: PH of pure water increases with increase in 31) 3 32) 1 33) 4 34) 4 35) 4 36) 2
temperature. 37) 4 38) 4
 Tertiary Alcohols (30): In these alcohols the –
OH group is attached with tertiary carbon atom
 Alcohols are the hydroxyl derivatives of They posses a general formula R3C-OH
hydrocarbons i.e., obtained by the replacement CH 3
of one or more H atoms R-H  -H
 R-OH
C2 H5 - C - OH
 The compound in which a hydroxyl group is Eg: Tert. amyl alcohol
attached to a saturated carbon atom are called CH 3

Allyl alcohols: In these alcohols the –OH group
Eg:- 1)CH 3OH 2)C2 H 5OH is attached a sp3 hybridized carbon atom next to
 The compounds in which hydroxyl group is the carbon – carbon double bond i.e. to an allylic
attached to an unsaturated carbon atom of a carbon.
double bond are called ‘enols’.Eg;- H 2C=CH-OH
Classification: Alcohols are classified
according to the number of hydroxyl groups Eg: H 2C = CH-CH 2 -OH
present in their molecules. Allyl alcohol But-3-en 2-ol
 Monohydric alcohols contain one –OH group, Benzyl Alcohols: In these alcohols, the –OH
dihydric two and trihydric three, respectively. group is attached to sp3 hybridised carbon next
 Monohydric alcohols are further classified to an aromatic ring.
according to the hybridization of carbon atom
to which the –OH group is attached.
Compounds containing Csp -OH bond:
3 Eg:- CH3 CH3

In these alcohols the –OH group is attached to a Primary Secondary Tertiary

sp3 hybridised carbon atom of an alkyl group.  Hence, allylic and benzylic alcohols may be
These are further subdivided as follows primary, secondary or tertiary.
 Primary Alcohols (10): In these alcohols the Compounds containing Csp2-OH bond:
–OH group is attached with primary carbon atom In these alcohols, the –OH group is attached to
They posses a general formula RCH2OH. R may a carbon atom of the double bond, i.e., vinylic
be H in the first member and alkyl group in the carbon or to an aryl carbon.
rest of the members. Eg: H2C=CH-OH – Vinyl alcohol
Eg: HCH2OH Methyl alcohol CH 3

CH3CH2OH Ethyl alcohol OH

CH3CH2CH2OH n – propyl alcohol

 0
Secondary Alcohols (2 ):In these alcohols the Phenol
–OH group is attached with secondary carbon
atom.They posses a general formula R2CHOH.  When two or more hydroxyl groups are attached
CH 3 - CH - CH 3 CH 3 - CH - CH 2 - CH 3 to the same carbon atom, the compound is
Eg: usually unstable. This unstable compound
OH OH looses a water molecule and gets converted to a
Isopropyl alcohol Secondary butyl alcohol stable compound.
IUPAC system: According to this system
OH  H2O
C 
 C=O alcohols are called alkanols.
OH Eg:- CH3OH Methanol
CH3CH2OH Ethanol
CH3 - CH 2 - CH 2 - CH 2 - OH Butan – 1 - ol
 But inspite of having two hydroxyl groups to the
same carbon atom, chloral hydrate CCl3CH(OH)2 Isomerism: Alcohols may exhibit chain,
is a stable compound. The unusual stability of chloral positional and functional isomerism.
hydrate has been attributed to the –I effect of  Functional isomers of alcohols are ethers.
chlorine and to the formation of intramolecular CH 3 –CH 2 –CH 2 –CH 2 CH 3 –CH–CH 2
Eg: and | |
hydrogen bonds. OH CH 3 OH

are chain isomers

CH 3 –CH 2 –CH 2 –CH 2 CH 3 –CH–CH 2 –CH 3

and OH
are position isomers
 CH3–CH2–OH and CH3–O–CH3 are functional
Nomenclature: There are three systems of isomers.
naming the alcohols.  Unsaturated alcohols and carbonyl compounds
are tautomers.
Common system: In this system alcohols are
named as alkyl alcohols i.e., the word alcohol CH3 –C=CH 2 and CH3 –C–CH 3
are tautomers.
is added to the name of alkyl group.
 In higher members, it is always indicated  Alcohols containing chiral centres can exhibit
whether the –OH group is attached to primary, optical isomerism.
secondary or tertiary carbon atom by prefixing  The simplest monohydric alcohol that can
‘n’ for primary, sec for secondary and tert for exhibit enantiomerism is butan–2–ol.
Eg; CH3OH Methyl alcohol |
CH3CH2OH Ethyl alcohol CH 3  C  OH
CH3CH2CH2OH n-propyl alcohol |
OH C2 H 5

| W.E-1:Identify the most stable conformer of glycol.

Sec.butyl alochol
CH 3  CH 2  CH  CH 3 Sol. Gauche form of glycol is most stable. This is
Carbinol system: The simplest monohydric due to intramolecular hydrogen bonding.
alcohol CH3OH is called carbinol.
 All other members are considered its alkyl O H
derivatives. O–H
 The alkyl groups attached to the carbon atom H
carrying –OH group are named in alphabetical
Carbinol Methyl carbinol

Dimethyl carbinol W.E-2:Glycerol does not contain ....alcoholic group

Sol. Tertiary
Preparation methods of Alcohols: 
R  Mg  X  R1CHO 
H / H 2O
 R  CH  R1
1. From Alkenes: It is an electrophilic addition
reaction .
H 2 C = CH 2 + H 2 O   CH 3 - CH 2 - OH
20 alcohol
 In this reaction there is a possibility of formation R
of carbocation . |

OH R  Mg  X  R1COR11 
H / H 2O
 R1  C  R11
CH 3 - CH - CH = CH 2 
 CH3 - C - CH 2 - CH 3 |
CH 3 CH 3 0
3 alcohol


3 methyl prop 2 ene 2 methyl 2 butanol

Aqueous alkali hydrolysis of alkyl halide:
By hydroboration oxidation of alkenes:It This reaction is a nucleophilic substitution
is used to get primary alcohol from terminal reaction and in the reaction nucleophile HO- ion
becomes hydrated to give the substituted
 Reagent used in this method is diborane
product. R - Br + KOH (aq)  R - OH + KBr
followed by alkaline H2O2.
 The product obtained in this reaction seems to Reduction of Aldehyde and Ketone:
follow anti markownikoff’s addition of water Aldehyde on reduction with LiAlH 4 gives
over alkene. primary alcohol, whereas ketones gives
 Hydroboration is regioselective. secondary alcohols.
 With unsymmetrical alkenes, the boron atom
bonds to the less substituted carbon atom. H H3O R – CH – OH
 R – CH – O 
R – C = O    2

H 3C  CH  CH 2 
 CH 3  CH  CH 2
| | Primary
Aldehyde alcohol
H BH 2
 In this reaction borane serves as electrophile.  H 3O 
R – C = O  R – CH – O   R2 – CH2 – OH
Oxymercuration demercuration of
Alkenes: The addition of H2O over alkene R R
without rearrangement follows Ketone alcohol
markownikoff’s rule. In this reaction reducing agent may be
 Reagent used is mercuric acetate followed by 1) Zn/ HCl 2) Na/C2H5OH
reduction with NaBH4.
3) LiAlH4 4) NaBH4
R  CH  CH 2 
1) Hg ( OAc )2 , H 2O2 , THF
2) NaBH OH 
 R  CH  CH 3 Note:NaBH4 is a selective reducing agent. It

| reduces only aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic

OH acids without affecting C = C, N = N, esters,
(  Ac   C  CH 3 )
nitriles and nitro group.
 LiAlH4 is used to reduce carbonyl compounds,
Note:No carbocation is formed in hydroboration acids, esters, acid chlorides and anhydrides to
oxidation reaction and oxymercuration and
alcohols without normally affecting the double
demercuration reaction.
bond. However, the double bond gets reduced
From Grignard’s reagent: Treatment of when a phenyl group is present at β position.
carbonyl compound with RMgX followed by  

aicidic hydrolysis forms an alcohol with new Eg: C6 H 5  C H  C H  COOH 

LiAlH 4

C6 H 5  CH 2  CH 2  CH 2  OH
carbon – carbon bond.
Hydrolysis of Ester: Esters on hydrolysis Absolute alcohol is 99.6 to 100% pure ethyl
gives acid and alcohol. alcohol.
RCOOR1 + H 2 O H
 R-COOH + R1 - OH
From Starch: A suspension of starch is made
or HO-
by heating with water at 50°C.
 Alcohols being more volatile than acid an hence  Germinated barley called malt is added. Malt
it can easily be separated by distillation. contains diastase, which converts starch to
Ester hydrolysis involves the cleavage of C–O
– C – OR
1 2(C6H10O5)n + nH2O  DIASTASE
 nC12H22O111
bond of  The mixture is cooled to 30°C and yeast is
O added. An enzyme, maltase produced by yeast
By Fermentation:Decomposition of large converts maltose into glucose.
compounds into simple compounds by enzymes C12H22O11 + H2O  MALTASE
 2C6H12O6
derived by mirco organisms like yeast is called
 Zymase converts glucose to ethyl alcohol.
 Enzymes are biocatalysts which are non living C6H12O6  ZYMASE
 2CH3CH2OH + 2CO2
nitrogenous compounds.  Methyl alcohol is prepared from water gas
 They catalyse reactions taking place in living enriched with H 2 in presence of oxides of
organism and act as specific catalysts. Yeast is chromium and zinc. It is also prepared by the
a single cell microorganism. partial oxidation of methane.
From Molasses: Molasses is the mother liquor CO + 2H2 
ZnO, Cr2 O3 , 200atm,600K
left after seperation of sugar from sugar cane
  2CH3OH
2CH4 + O2 Cu, 250 C,100atm
 It is black and viscous and still contains 20-40%  Mineralised methylated spirit : 90%
sucrose. rectified spirit +9% methyl alcohol +1%
 It is diluted with water so that the percentage of petroleum oil and a purple dye.
sugar in it is 10%.  Industrial methylated spirit : 95% rectified
 Then H2SO4 is added to maintain the pH at 4. spirit +5% methanol.
 Ammonium sulphate or phosphate is added  Denatured alcohol is unfit to consume as it
which serves as food for yeast. Then yeast is contains CuSO4, pyidine or methanol. Industrial
added and the mixture is taken and retained in alcohol is also made unfit for drinking by adding
large wooden tank for 2–3 days at 30°C – 40°C. methyl alcohol.
 An enzyme, invertase produced by yeast
converts sucrose into glucose and fructose. W.E-3:How acetylene is converted to ethyl alcohol?
C12H22O11 + H2O  INVERTASE
 C6H12O6 + Sol. Acetylene on hydration gives acetaldehyde,
C6H12O6 which on reduction gives ethanol.
 Another enzyme, zymase converts glucose and HC  CH + H 2 O 
 CH3 - CHO 
LiAlH 4
 C2 H5OH
H 2SO4
fructose into ethyl alcohol.
C6H12O6  ZYMASE
 2CH3CH2OH + 2CO2 W.E-4:How benzyl alcohol is obtained from benzyl
 The fermented solution contains 6–10% ethyl chloride ?
alcohol and is called wash or wort. Sol. Benzyl chloride on base hydrolysis gives benzyl
 This dilute solution on fractional distillation alcohol.
gives rectified spirit containing 93-95% alcohol.
 Generally 95-96% alcohol is called as Rectified CH2Cl CH2OH
spirit (or) industrial alcohol. 

 It is converted to absolute alcohol by drying on
treating with quick lime and then over calcium.
Physical properties of Alcohols: addition compound with CaCl2, it cannot be used
 Alcohols have higher boiling points than for drying ethyl alcohol.
hydrocarbons, ethers, aldehydes and ketones of  Ethyl alcohol is obtained from starchy grains and
comparable molecular masses. Alcohols have so is called as grain alcohol and as it is a constituent
greater intermolecular attractions arising due to of wines, it is called as spirit of wine
intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The tendency
of formation of hydroegn bonds is
Chemical properties: The hydroxyl group
10  20  30 alcohols
present in alcohols is a very reactive group and
the characteristic reactions of alcohols are the
 The boiling points of alcohols increase with an
increase in molecular mass arising due to vander reactions of –OH group
Waals forces.  The reactions of hydroxyl group consists of
 Alcohols and ethers are functional isomers but either cleavage of C – O bond of the cleavage
the boiling point of alcohol is greater than of O – H bond.
corresponding ether due to formation of  ‘C – O bond is weaker in the case of tertiary
intermolecular hydrogen bonds. alcohols due to +I effect of alkyl groups while
Eg. Order of boiling points : Methanol < Ethanol O – H bond is weaker in primary alcohols as
< Propanol < Butanol. electron density increases between O – H bond
 In case of alcohols with same alkyl group, and hydrogen tends to separate as a proton.
boiling point decreases with increasing  Hence in O – H cleavage, the order of
branching. reactivity is Primary > Secondary > Tertiary
Eg. n–Butyl alcohol > Iso butyl alcohol > tert. and in C – O cleavage the order of reactivity
Butyl alcohol. is Tertiary > Secondary > Primary.
 Alcohols are soluble in water due to hydrogen  During O – H cleavage proton is given out
bonding between molecules of alcohol and showing that alcohols are acidic in nature.
water.  However, alcohols are weaker acids than water.
 Solubility in water decreases with an increase This is because the alkyl groups in alcohols have
in the size of non polar hydrophobic alkyl group, +I effect.
which resists dissolution.  Hence the following order is followed in the
Eg. Order of solubility : CH3CH2OH > acidic nature of alcohols.
CH 3OH > Primary alcohol > Secondary
 Among isomeric alcohols, solubility decreases
alcohol > Tertiary alcohol
with increase in surface area.
 In general the reactions of alcohols may be
Eg. tert. Butyl alcohol > Isobutyl alcohol >
divided into following three categories.
n–Butyl alcohol.
(a) Reactions involving the cleavage of O – H
 The boiling point of methanol is 670C.
bond [C – O – H]with substitution or removal
Methanol is highly poisonous in nature.
of hydrogen as proton(i.e., alcohols act as
Ingestion of even small quantities can cause
blindness and large quantities causes even death. nucleophiles)
 Ethanol is a sweet smelling colourless liquid. It (b) Reactions involving the cleavage of carbon
is soluble in water as well as organic solvents. – oxygen bond [C – OH] with substituion or
Its boiling point is 78.1°C removal of –OH group (i.e., aclohols acts as
 Ethyl alcohol has burning taste and burns with electrophiles).
blue flame. A mixture of 95.6% ethyl alcohol (c) Reactions involving both the cleavage of
and 4.4% water forms constant boiling mixture alkyl and the hydroxyl groups of the alcohol
called as azeotropic mixture. Since it forms an molecules.
Reaction with Metals: Alcohols react with W.E-6:Assertion (A): Dehydration of alcohols can be
metal to form metal alkoxide and evolve H2. carried out with Conc H 2SO4 but not with
This reaction is acid – base reaction. conc.HCl.
1 Reason (R) : H2SO4 is dibasic while HCl is
R - OH + M  R - OM + H 2 (M = Na, K etc)
2 monobasic.
1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
Eg: C 2 H 5OH + K  C 2 H 5OK + H 2 explanation to A
2) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct
 Metal hydrides react with alcohol and evolve
explanation to A
H2 gas.
3) A is true but R is false
R-OH + MH  R - OM + H2 (M = Na, K etc) 4) A is false but R is true
Dehydration of Alcohols: Alcohols when Sol. ‘2’
heated in presence of conc. W.E-7:Hydroboration-Oxidation of CH 3CH  CH 2
H2SO4 (170 – 180 C) or H3PO4, Al2O3 or P2O5 produces.
undergoes dehydration to form alkene.
1. CH 3CH 2CH 2OH 2. CH 3CH  OH  CH 3
Eg: CH 3 - CH 2 - OH   H 2 C = CH 2 + H 2O
H SO ,160 C
2 4

 Order of ease of dehydration of alcohols: 3. CH 3CH  OH  CH 2OH 4. CH 3COCH 3

30 > 20 > 10 Sol. ‘1’
 Stability order of alkene: More substituted
W.E-8:The compound which gives the most stable
alkene is more stable (due to hyper conjugation)
carbonium ion on dehydration.
 Ease of dehydration:
CH 3
OH > OH> OH 1.
CH 3
CH 3

 Alcohols when heated with conc. H2SO4 at 383 3. CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2OH
K (110 C) give dialkyl sulphate and at 413 K
(1400C) give ether. At 443 – 453 K (170 – CH 3 CH CH 2CH 3
180 C) they give alkene. 4.
 Alcohols when heated with alumina (Al2O3) at
Sol. ‘2’.
513 – 523 K (240 –2500C) give ether and at 633
K (3800C) give alkene. Note:Primary alcohols undergo dehydration by E2
 No rearrangement takes place in E2 mechanism. mechanism(tertiary or neo carbon is not present
at  poistion) while secondary and tertiary
W.E-5: Predict the major product of dehydration alcohol undergo dehydration by E1 mechanism.
of each of:  Regardless the type of alcohol, however, strong
(A) (CH3)2C(OH)CH2CH3 acid is always needed to protonate the O atom
(B) (CH3)2CHCH(OH)CH3 to form a good leaving group.
(C) (CH3)C(OH)CH(CH3)2  With 10 alcohols, however, loss of the leaving
group and removal of a proton occur at the same
CH3 H3C CH3 time, so that no highly unstable primary
(A) and (B) H3C C CHCH 3 (C) C C carbocation is generated.
Rearrangement in the Alicyclic ring:  Primary alcohols are oxidized to either aldehyde or
In case of cyclic alcohols whenever a to carboxylic acids by replacing either one or two
carbocation is formed outside the next carbon C – H bonds by C – O bonds.
atom of a ring, ring expansion may takes place.
Examples of ring expansion: R - CH 2 -OH 
 R-CHO 
 Secondary
2 alcohols
are oxidized to ketones by
2 + + + one C – H bond by a C – O bond.
H 3 1 1
OH   6
R 2 - CH 5- OH   R2- C = O
 H2O Bond breaks at C1 and C5 [O]
4 5 New bond forms at C5 and C6 4

1° Carbocation
 Tertiary alcohols have no H atom on the carbon
2° Carbocation

with OH group, so they are not oxidized.


2 6
2 + + 3

3 1 1
OH 
 6
Bond breaks at C1 and C5
 H2O
4 5 New bond forms at C5 and C6 4 5 Cyclo hexene
 O 
– 2° Carbocation
R – C – OH  No reaction
1° Carbocation

Carbon bearing –OH

Cyclo hexene group do not have
Reaction with HX: The reaction of alcohols
with HX (X = Cl, Br) is a general method to  Oxidation with Ceric ammonium nitrate (CAN)
prepare primary, secondary and tertiary alkyl is a very selective reagent for the mild oxidation
halide. of primary alcohol. The reagent also oxidise
aromatic methyl group into – CHO.
CH 3 - CH 2 - OH  
 CH 3CH 2 Br + H 2 O
CH 3 - CH 2 - OH 
 CH 3 - CHO
 More substituted alcohols usually react more
CH2 – OH  HCO
rapidly with HX. HCO
3 3 CHO
 Order of reactivity of alcohols with HX is
Tertiary > Secondary > Primary.  Manganese dioxide (MnO2) is selective and
 Primary alcohols form R – X by SN2 reaction mild oxidant. It is specific for allylic and
while secondary and tertiary alcohols form R–X benzylic alcohols.
by SN1 reaction.
Because carbocation is formed in SN1 reaction H 2 C = CH - CH 2 - OH   H 2 C= CH - CHO
MnO 2

of secondary and tertiary alcohols with H X , Oppenauer Oxidation: The reaction involves
carbocation rearrangement is also possible. the oxidation of secondary alcohols with a
ketone and a base to the corresponding ketone
Reaction with PX5: The treatment of PX5 with
of the alcohol.
primary and secondary alcohols forms an alkyl
halide. R 2 - CH - OH 
 3

R- OH + PCl3  R - Cl + H 3PO3 R - CO - R + CH 3 - CH(OH) - CH 3

R- OH + PCl5  R - Cl + POCl3 + HCl Haloform reaction: Compounds having methyl

keto group react rapidly with halogen in presence
Oxidation of Alcohols: Alcohols are of a base to form haloform.
oxidized to carbonyl compounds depending on R - CO - CH 3 + 3X 2 + 4NaOH  CHX 3 + RCOONa
the type of alcohol and reagent.
 Ethyl alcohol gives positive haloform test.
 Oxidation occur by replacing C – H bond on NaOH  Cl2
the carbon bearing OH group by C – O bond. C2 H 5OH  NaOCl   CHCl3  HCOONa
 Secondary alcohols having –CH(OH)-CH3 group CH3
also give haloform test. |
2,2-dimethylpropan-1-ol CH3  C  CH 2 OH Primary
Esterification reaction: Treatment of a CH3
carboxylic acids with an alcohol in presence of
an acid catalyst forms an ester. This reaction is CH3
called a Fischer esterification. 2-methylbutan-2-ol CH3CH 2  C  OH Tertiary
R- COOH+R1 - OH  RCOOR1 + H 2 O
H 2SO 4
 This reaction is an equilibrium. According to
W.E-10:How are the following conversions carried
Lechatilier’s principle, it is driven to the right
out ?
excess of alcohol or by removing the water is it
is formed. (i) Propane   propan-2-ol
Note:Esterification of a carboxylic acids occur in the (ii) Benzyl chloride  Benzyl alcohol
presence of acid but not in the presence of base.
(iii) Ethyl magnesium chloride 
 Propan-1-ol
Base removes a proton from the carboxylic acids
forming a carboxylate anion, which do not react (iv) Methyl magnesium bromide  
with an electron rich nucleophile. 2-Methylpropan-2-ol
Sol. (i) CH 3  CH 2  CH 3   CH – CH – CH Br
Uses of Ethanol: propane  HBr 3 2 2

1. Ethanol is used to prepare alcoholic beverages CH3  CH  CH3

2. Ethanol is used as solvent in perfumes, paints, KOH (alc.)
 CH 3  CH  CH 2 
2  H O |
varnishes, dyes etc. propene
propan  2  ol

3. Ethanol is used as preservative for biological

4. Ethanol is used to prepare acetaldehyde, acetic
acid, chloroform, iodoform, ethyl iodide etc. KOH(aq.)
(ii) + KCl (aq)
5. Ethanol is used as antifreeze in car radiators,
spirit lamps and as antiseptic. Benzyl chloride Benzyl alcohol

6. Ethanol is used to prepare power alcohol and

natalite, a substitute to petrol. |
(iii) C 2 H5 MgCl + H  C  O 

MISCLLANEOUS SOLVED EXAMPLES ethyl magnesium methanal
W.E-9:Draw the structures of all isomeric alcohols
of molecular formula C5H12O and give their OH
H 2O
H – C – OMgCl  H – C – OH + Mg
IUPAC names. Classify them as primary,
secondary and tertiary alcohols. C2H5 C2H5
Sol. The structures, IUPAC names and the propan-l-ol
classification of all isomeric alcohols of
molecular formula C5H12O are : CH3
(iv) CH3  C  O + CH3 MgBr ether

Pentan-1-ol CH3 -CH 2 -CH 2 -CH 2 -CH 2OH Primary propanone methyl magnesium
(acetone) bromide

Pentan-2-ol CH3  CH 2  CH 2  CH  CH3 ; Secondary CH3 CH3

| | OH
OH |
CH3  C  OMgBr 2 O
 CH3  C  OH + Mg
| Br
Pentan-3-ol CH3  CH 2  CH  CH 2  CH3 Secondary CH3 CH3
| 2  methylpropan  2 ol
OH (tert  butyl alcohol)

Test Primary alcohol Secondary alcohol Tertiary alcohol

Lucas reagent Does not form turbidity Turbidity is formed in 5 Turbidity is formed
Testing with a mixture of at room temperature to 10 minutes immediately
conc. HCl and anhyd. (turbidity is obtained
ZnCl2 only upon heating)

Catalytic dehydro- RCH2OH  Cu R R

3000 C 3000 C
genation R–C–CH3 Cu
 R–C=CH2
(vapours of alcohol are An aldehyde is obtained A ketone is obtained OH
passed over hot metal)
An alkene is obtained
Oxidation RCH2OH RCHOHR R3COH (with less
(with acidified    number
permanganate or carbon
dichromate solution)    atoms)
RCOOH Two acids Two acids
(same number of carbon (with less number of (with less number of
atoms in the three carbon atoms) carbon atoms under drastic
compounds) conditions)

Victor Meyer test Nitrolic acid gives red Pseudonitrol gives blue No colour is obained
colour colour
Alkyl iodide
Nitro compounds AgNO2 AgNO2 AgNO2
(ii) NaOH
R–CH–NO2 R2C–NO2 No reaction

R–C–NO2 Blue colour

– +
Red colour
13. Primary,secondary and tertiary alcohols are
LEVEL-I (C.W) distinguished by
1) oxidation method 2) Lucas test
NOMENCLATURE 3) Victor Meyer’s method 4)all the above
1. 2,4-dimethyl -3-pentanol is a 14. The reaction between an alcohol and
1) primary alcohol 2) secondary alcohol carboxylic acid leads to the formation of
3) tertiary alcohol 4) dihydric alcohol 1) Aldehyde 2) Ester 3) Ketone 4) Paraffins
2. Which of the following is a tertiary alcohol 15. Alcoholic is beverages contain
1)  CH 3 2 CHCH 2OH 2) CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2OH 1) Glycerol 2) Ethyl alcohol
3) Methyl alcohol 4) Isopropyl alcohol
3) CH 3CH 2CH 2OH 4)  CH 3 3 COH
16. Ethyl alcohol on oxidation with acidified
3. The enzyme which converts glucose to 1) CH3COCH3 2) HCOOH
ethylalcohol is 3) CH3COOH 4) HCHO
1) zymase 2) invertase 3) maltase 4) diastase Pd  BaSO4 / Quinoline
17. H  C  CH  H 2  A
4. Whichof the following is Lucas reagent
1) ammonical silver nitrate 2) Br2 / CCl4 
B KOHaq
Here the ‘C’ is
3) dry ZnCl2 / con. HCl 4) alk.KMnO4 1) Propane 2) Ethanol 3) Ethyne 4) Ethylene
5. Ethyl alcohol is the hydrolysis product of 18. A compound (X) of molecular formula C3H8O
1) C2H5Cl 2) CH3CHO 3) C2H4 4) C2H5 MgI can be oxidized to a compound of molecular
PROPERTIES formula C3H6O2 (Y), (X) is most likely an
6. 95% ethyl alcohol can be converted to 1) Aldehyde 2) Alcohol
100% ethyl alcohol by the following 3) Ether 4) Both 2 and 3
1) Magnesium chloride 2) Calcium oxide 19. Which of the following gives Iodo form test
3) Magnesium phosphate 4) Magnesium sulphate 1) CH3—CH2—CH2—OH 2) CH3—CH2—OH
7. In wash or wort possess ---- percentage of 3) CH3—CH(OH)—CH3 4) Both 2 and 3
ethyl alcohol 20. There are three alcohols x,y,z which have 2,1
1) 95% 2) 100% 3) 66.9% 4) 6 - 10% and 0 alpha hydrogen atom(s) respectively.
8. CaCl2 + C2H5OH —> CaCl2. xC2H5OH. ‘x’ is Which does not give Lucas Test immediately
1) 3 2) 6 3) 2 4) 1 1) x 2) y 3) z 4) all the three do not give test
9. Ethanol and Methanol are miscible in water
due to LEVEL -I (C.W) - KEY
1) Dissociation of water 2) Their acidic character 1) 2 2) 4 3) 1 4) 2 5) 1 6) 2 7) 4
3) Allyl groups 4) Hydrogen bonding 8) 1 9) 4 10) 4 11) 4 12) 4 13) 4 14) 2
10. To bring about dehydration of alcohols we
can use 15) 2 16) 3 17) 2 18) 2 19) 4 20) 1
1) Conc. H 2 SO4 2) Al2O3 3) ZnO 4) both 1,2 LEVEL -I (C.W) - HINTS
11. The reaction 2 ROH  2 Na  2 RONa  H 2
suggests that alcohols are 1.
1) basic 2) amphoteric
3) neutral 4) acidic 2.  CH 3 3 C  OH
12. Which of the following reaction conditions
are used for the conversion of ethanol to 3. Glu cos e 
 ethyl alcohol
ethylene. 4. Lucas reagent is a mixture of
1) conc. H 2 SO4 / 700 C 2) dil. H 2 SO4 /1400 C Conc.HCl  anh ZnCl2
5. Alkyl halides on hydrolysis gives alcohols
3) dil. H 2 SO4 /1000 C 4) conc. H 2 SO4 /1700 C
6. CaO
7. 6  10% C2 H 5OH 7. Absolute alcohol cannot be obtained by simple
fractional distillation because
8. X=3
9. Ethanol and methanol form hydrogen bond with 1) pure C2 H 5OH is unstable
water 2) C2 H 5OH forms chemical bonding with water
10. Conc.H 2 SO4 and Al2O3 are dehydrating agents 3) Oxidation
11. acidic 4) it forms azeotropic mixture with water.
12. 1700 C , con H 2 SO4 8. The number of 10 , 20 and 30 alcoholic groups
13. any one in Mannitoal or Sorbitol are respectively
14. ROH  RCOOH   1) 2, 4 and 0 2) 1, 4 and 0
 RCOOR  H 2O
3) 2, 2 and 0 4) 2, 1 and 1
15. C2 H 5OH 9. An isomer of ethanol is
16. C2 H 5OH is 10 - alcohol 1) Methanol 2) Dimethyl ether
3) Diethyl ether 4) Ethyl glycol
17. A  C2 H 4 B  C2 H 5Cl C = C2H5OH 10. Which one of the following is a secondary al-
18. X  CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  OH  C3 H 8O  cohol ?
1) 2 - Methyl - 1 - propanol
Y  CH 3  CH 2  COOH  C3 H 6O2  2) 2 - Methyl - 1 - propanol
19. CH 3CO group is present 3) 2 - Butanol 4) 1 - Butanol
11. If the boiling point of ethanol (molecular
20. X= RCH 2OH ; Y= R2CHOH
weitht = 46) is 780 C , the boiling point of di-
ethyl ether (molecular weight = 74) is
1) 1000 C 2) 780 C 3) 86 0 C 4) 34 0 C
1. Which of the following is a tertiary alcohol 12. The percentage of C2 H 5OH in wash is
1) Ethyl alcohol 2) Isopropyl alcohol (approximatly)
3) Neopentyl alcohol 4) 2-methyl 2-propanol 1) 95% 2) 10% 3) 50% 4) 75%
2. Glycerol does not contain ........ alcoholic 13. Which of the following alkenes when passed
1) 10 2) 20 3) 30 4) 10 and 20 through conc. H 2 SO4 followed by hydrolysis
with boiling water would give tert - butyl
3. Which of the following enzyme converts 1) Ethylene 2) Isobutylene
maltose to glucose 3) Propylene 4) 1 - Butene
1) Invertase 2) Zymase 3) Maltase 4) Diastase 14. Which one of the following gases is liberated
4. Absolute alcohol is prepared from rectified when ethyl alcohol is heated with methyl
spirit by magnesium iodide ?
1) Steam distillation 2) Fractional distillation 1) Methane 2) Ethane
3) distillation with CaO &Ca 3) Carbondioxide 4) Propane
4) Simple distillation 15. Identify A and B in the following reaction
5. Reaction, CO  2 H 673 k ,300 atm ,/ Cr2O3  zno
2 g   C2 H 5  Cl A
 C2 H 5OH  B
 C2 H 5Cl
may be used for manufacture of : 1) A = aqueous KOH; B = moist Ag2O
1) HCHO 2) CH3COOH 2) A = alcoholic KOH ; B = aqueous NaOH
3) A = aqueous NaOH ; B = AgNO2
6. When wine is exposed to air it become sour 4) A = AgNO2 ; B = KNO2
due to 16. 23g of sodium will react with methanol to give
1) Oxidation of C2H5OH into CH3COOH 1) One mole of oxygen 2) 1/2 Mole of hydrogen
2) Bacteria 3) Virus 4) Formic acid formation 3) One mole of hydrogen 4) 1/4 Mole of oxygen
17. The correct order of decreasing basicity of 14. Methane
the following species is : 15. aq. KOH and AgOH
H 2O, OH  , CH 3OH , CH 3O  16. As per stoichiometry
17. OH   CH 3O   CH 3OH  H 2O
1) CH 3OH  H 2O  OH   CH 3O 
18. More acidic
2) OH   CH 3O   CH 3OH  H 2O 19. Chloroform
3) H2O  CH3OH  CH3O  OH  20. CH 3COOC2 H 5
4) OH   CH 3O   CH 3OH  H 2O
18. Which of the following alcohols is expected to
have the lowest pK a value ?
1) Ethanol 2) 2-Fluoro ethanol
3) 2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol 4) 2-Chloroethanol
19. Action of bleaching powder on ethyl alcohol
1) Chloroform 2) Dichloromethane
3) Trichloroethane 4) Ethylenechloride
20. Which is formed when ethanol reacts with ace-
tic acid
1) CH 3COOC2 H 5 2) C2 H 5OC2 H 5
3) CH 3OCH 3 4) CH 3CH 2CHO
1) 4 2) 3 3) 3 4) 3 5) 4 6) 1 7) 4
8) 1 9) 2 10) 3 11) 4 12) 2 13) 2 14) 1
15) 1 16) 2 17) 2 18) 3 19) 1 20) 1


1.  CH 3 3 C  OH
2. |
is glycerol

3. Maltose  Maltase

 glu cos e
Rectified spirit CaO  Ca
4.  absolute alcohol.
5. Industrial preparation
6. Oxidation
7. azeotropic mixture.
8. On the basis of structure
9. Alcohols and ethers containing the same number of
carbon atoms are functional isomers
10. -OH group is on the secondary carbon
11. b.p of alcohol is greaterthan ether
12. ‘Wash’ contains about 10% ethyl alcohol
13. Isobutylene
10. Which of the following on oxidation gives
1) CH3—CH2—CH2—OH
2) CH3—CH2—OH

1. Which one of the following pairs of 4) CH 3  CH  CH 2  OH
compounds are functional isomers of each |
1) CH 3CH 2CH 2OH , CH 3CHOHCH 3 11. Compound A reacts with Na metal to give B.
A also reacts with PCl5 to give C. B and C
2) CH 3CH 2CH 2OH ,  CH 3 2 CHCH 2OH reacts with each other to give dimethyl ether.
3) CH 3CH 2 CH 2 OH , CH 3CH 2 CH 2 Cl Then A, B and C respectively are
4) CH 3CH 2CH 2OH , CH 3OCH 2CH 3 1) CH3OH, CH3ONa, CH3COCl
2) CH3OH, CH4, CH3Cl
2. Primary alcoholic group is
3) CH3OH, CH3ONa, CH3Cl
4) CH3Cl, CH4, CH3OH
1) -CH2OH 2)  C  OH 3) >CHOH 4) >C=O 12. Two organic compounds A and B react with
sodium metal and release H2 gas. A and B
PREPARATION react with each other to give ethyl acetate.
3. Ethyl alcohol containing 9.5% methyl alcohol The A and B are
and 0.5% pyridine is called 1) CH3COOH and C2H5OH
1) Spirit 2) Denaturated spirit 2) HCOOH and C2H5OH
3) Rectified spirit 4) Absolute alcohol 2) CH3COOH and CH3OH
4. Breaking of big organic molecules in the 4) CH3COOH and HCOOH
presence of enzymes is called
13. Which one of the following reagents is useful
1) Cracking 2) Pyrolysis
in converting 1-butanol to 1-bromobutane?
3) Fermentation 4) Oxidation
1) CHBr3 2) Br2 3) CH3Br 4) PBr3
PROPERTIES 14. Which of the following are the starting
5. Which alcohol is most reactive towards materials for the Grignard’s synthesis of
HCl in the presence of anhydrous ZnCl2 ? t-butanol?
1) primary 2) secondary 3) tertiary 4) all of these 1) CH3MgBr + CH3COCH3
6. Isopropyl alcohol on oxidation forms 2) CH3CH2MgBr + CH3COCH3
1) Ethylene 2) Acetone 3) CH3MgBr + CH3CHOHCH3
3) Ether 4) Acetaldehyde 4) CH3MgBr + (CH3)3CH
7. When tertiary butyl alcohol is passed over 15. Ethanol when reacted with PCl5 gave A,
reduced copper, the reaction taking place is
POCl3 and HCl . A reacts with silver nitrate
1) oxidation 2) reduction
3) dehydration 4) substitution to form B (major product) and AgCl . A and
8. When ethylalcohol reacts with Br2 in presence B are respectively
of red phosphorus the compound formed is 1) C2 H 5Cl , C2 H 5OC2 H 5 2) C2 H 6 , C2 H 5OC2 H 5
1) C2H6 2) PBr3 3) CH3Br 4) C2H5Br 3) C2 H 5Cl , C2 H 5ONO 4) C2 H 6 , C2 H 5ONO
9. Ethyl alcohol forms X CaCl 2. C2H5OH; Y 16. The order of reactivity of alcohols towards Na
MgCl 2. C2H 5OH and Z CuSO 4. C2H 5OH or K metal is
when C 2 H 5 OH reacts with respective 1. Primary > Secondary > Tertiary
anhydrous salts. Then 2. Primary < Secondary < Tertiary
1) X =3, Y = 3, Z = 2 2) X =3, Y = 6, Z = 3 3. Primary < Secondary > Tertiary
3) X =3, Y = 7, Z = 4 4) X = 4, Y = 4, Z = 4 4. Primary > Secondary < Tertiary
17. The order of reactivity of dehydration of
alcohol is 7.
1. 10  20  30 2. 10  20  30
P 
3. 10  20  30 4. 10  20  30 8. C2 H 5OH  Br2 
4 n
 C2 H 5 Br  HBr
18. The dehydration of 1-butanol gives 9. Addition reactions of C2 H 5OH
1. 1-butene as the main product
2. 2-butene as the main product 10. 20  or  30 alcohols on oxidation give ketone
3. equal amounts of 1-butene and 2-butene
11. A  CH3OH, B  CH3ONa, C  CH3Cl
4. 2- methylpropene
19. In the esterification reaction, the correct 12. A  CH 3COOH , B  C2 H 5OH
order of reactivity of alcohols is 13. Alcohols are converted into haloalkanes with
1. CH 3OH  CH 3CH 2OH   CH 3 2 CHOH Phophorous trihalides
14. Methyl magnesim bromide and acetone
2. CH 3OH   CH 3 2 CHOH  CH 3CH 2OH 15. A  C2 H 5Cl , B  C2 H 5ONO
3. CH 3CH 2OH   CH 3 2 CHOH  CH 3OH 16. The reactivity of alcohols with active metals is
30  20  10
4.  CH 3 2 CHOH  CH 3OH 2OH  CH 3OH
17. The correct decreasing order of dehydration of
20. The alcohol which gives the most stable
the given alcohols with acids like conc. H 2 SO4
carbonium ion on dehydration is:
1) (CH3)2 CHCH2OH 2) (CH3)3 C - OH is 30  20  10
3) CH3 CH2CH2 CH2 OH 4) CH3-CH-CH2CH3 18. The reaction occur with rearrangement as
21. Which of the following reactions will yield 20 carbocation is more stable than 10 carbo
propan-2-ol? cation.

1) CH  CH  CH  HOH  H 19. Correct order or reactivity is
2 3

2) CH 3  CHO 
CH 3OH  CH 3CH 2OH   CH 3 2 CHOH
20. 30 carbonium ion more stable
3) CH 2O 
C 2 H 5 MgI / HOH

21. Acetaldehyde on reaction with Grignard reagent

Neutral KMnO4
4) CH 2  CH  CH 3   to give a secondary alcohol


1) 4 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3 5) 3 6) 2 7) 3
8) 4 9) 2 10) 4 11) 3 12) 1 13) 4 14) 1 1. 2-Methylpentanol-1 is a
15) 3 16) 1 17) 4 18) 2 19) 1 20) 2 21) 2 1) 10 alcohol 2) 20 alcohol
3) 3 alcohol 4) enol
LEVEL -II (C.W) - HINTS 2. Primary alcohol cannot be prepared by the
1. Alcohols and ethers are functional isomers reduction of
whose MF is same 1) aldehyde 2) acid 3) ketone 4) ester
3. The two enzymes present in yeast that are
2. CH 2OH responsible for the formation of ethylalcohol
3. Denaturated spirit from molasses in the fermentation process are
4. Fermentation 1) Invertase, zymase 2) Invertase, diastase
5. Order of reactivity of alcohols towards Lucas 3) Zymase, diastase 4) Invertase, maltase
reagent is 30  20  10 4. An organic compound ‘A’ containing C,H and
O has a pleasant odour with boiling point 780C.
6. On boiling ‘A’ with conc H2SO4,a colourless
gas is released. The organic liquid ‘A’ is:
1) C2H5 Cl 2) C2H5 COOCH3 4) Secondary > Primary > Tertiary
3) C2H5OH 4) C2H6 14. Match the following lists
5. When equal weights of methyl alcohol and List - I List - II
ethyl alcohol react with excess of sodium A) Ethlene 1) Natalite
B) Acetylene 2) Preservative
metal, the volume of H 2 liberated is more in
C) Ethanol 3) Hawker’s lamp
the case of D) Diethyl ether 4) Drug
1) C2 H 5OH 2) CH 3OH 5) Polyethylene
Correct match is :
3) Equal in both 4) H 2 is not liberated
6. Which one of the following gases is liberated 1) 3 2 1 5 2) 5 1 2 3
when ethyl alcohol is heated with methyl 3) 5 3 2 1 4) 5 1 4 2
magnesium iodide ? 15. 3 moles of ethanol react with one mole of
1) Methane 2) Ethane phosphorous tribromide to form 3 moles of
3) Carbondioxide 4) Propane bromo ethane and one mole of X. Which of
7. Which one of the following alcohols is the following is “X”
expected to have the lowest P Ka value ? 1) H 3 PO4 2) H 3 PO2 3) HPO3 4) H 3 PO3
1) Ethanol 2) 2-Fluoro ethanol
16. Which of the following is most suitable
3) 2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol 4) 2-Chloroethanol.
method for removing the traces of water from
8. R  OH  HX  R  X  H 2O . ethanol ?
In this reaction, the reactivity of alcohols is 1) Heating with Na metal
1) Tertiary > Secondary > Primary 2) Passing dry HCl through it
2) Tertiary < Secondary < Primary 3) Distilling it with CaO 4) Reacting with Mg
3) Tertiary > Primary > Secondary 17. Which of the following compound gives
4) Secondary > Primary > Tertiary ethylmethyl ketone on oxidation ?
9. (CH ) CHOH  1) Propan -2-ol 2) Butan -1-ol
3 2
mild oxidation
 X 
(i ) CH3MgBr
Y 3) Butan - 2-ol 4) 2-methylbutan-2-ol
Here ‘Y’ is
18. In CH 3CH 2OH , the bond that undergoes het-
1) Iso butyl alcohol 2) Iso butylene
3) sec.Butyl alcohol 4) tert.Butyl alcohol erolytic cleavage most readily in reaction with
10. Haloform reaction is not given by ‘Na’ is
1) C  C 2) O  H 3) C  H 4) C  O
1) CH 3COCH 3 2) CH 3COC2 H 5
19. What are X and Y in the reaction
3) C6 H 5COC2 H 5 4) CH 3CHOHCH 3 H 2O / 
C2 H 4  H 2 SO4 800 C
 X  Y
11. What is the final product obtained when chlo-
reacts with ethyl
(H.W) alcohol in KOH? 1) C2 H 6 , C2 H 5OH 2) C2 H 2 , C2 H 5 SH
1) CHCl3 2) CCl3CHO 3) CH 3Cl 4) none 3) C2 H 5OSO3 H , C2 H 5OH 4) C2 H2 , CH3CHO

12. C2 H 5OH 
KMnO4 / H
X  Y
 20. Which one of the following contains
H 2 SO4
CSP 2  OH bond ?
CH 3COOC2 H 5 , X and Y respectively aree
1) vinyl alcohol 2) allyl alcohol
1) CH 3OH ; C2 H 5OH 2) CH 3CHO; CH 3OH 3) benzyl alcohol 4) carbolic acid
3) CH 2  CH 2 ; CH 3COOH 4) CH 3COOH ; C2 H 5OH LEVEL -II (H.W) - KEY
13. R  OH  HX  R  X  H 2O . In this reac- 1) 1 2) 3 3) 1 4) 3 5) 2 6) 1 7) 3
tion, the reactivity of alcohols is 8) 1 9) 4 10) 3 11) 1 12) 4 13) 1 14) 3
1) Tertiary > Secondary > Primary
15) 4 16) 3 17) 3 18) 2 19) 3 20) 1
2) Tertiary < Secondary < Primary
3) Tertiary > Primary > Secondary
1. Primary alcohol
2. Ketone 1) Na2Cr2O7 / H 2 SO4 2) Zn
3. Invertase, Zymase
4. Primary alcohol does not give turbidity (X) (Y) (X) (Y)
immediately with Lucas reagent.
5. Methyl alcohol
6. CH 4
7. More acidic 3. Zn 4) Na2Cr2O7 / H 2 SO4
8. 3  2 1
0 0 0

9. tert. butyl alcohol (X) (Y) (X) (Y)


10. does not contain || group PREVIOUS EAMCET - KEY : 1) 2 2) 4

C  CH 3
11. Chloroform
12. CH 3COOH ; C2 H 5OH
13. Tertiary > Secondary > Primary
1. C

OH—CHOH—CH2OH is glycerol.

15. H 3 PO3 It doesn't contain ------------ alcoholic group

16. Distillation 1) 10 2) 20 3) 30 4) both 10 & 20
17. 2-Butanol 2. An example for a polyhydric alcohol is
18. O-H 1) Methyl alcohol 2) Neopentyl alcohol
19. C2 H 5OSO3 H , C2 H 5OH 3) Sec butyl alcohol 4) Mannitol
20. tert-butyl alcohol 3. Which one of the following is a secondary
PREVIOUS EAMCET QUESTIONS 1) 2-methyl-2-propanol 2) 1-propanol
1. Identify the product in the following reaction 3) 1-butanol 4) 2-pentanol
4. Ethyl alcohol is manufactured from ethylene
CHCl3 by
  Product 1) Permanganate 2) Catalytic oxidation
3) Absorption into Conc. H2SO4 followed by
CHO OH hydrolysis 4) Reduction
CHO 5. Which of the following pairs of the compounds
can be used as starting materials in the synthesis
1) 2) of 2-phenyl-2-pentanol?
1) CH 3  CH 2 3 Br and PhCOOH
OH CO2H 2)  CH 3 2 CHCH 2 Br and PhCOCH 3
3) PhBr and CH 3CH 2CH 2COCH 3
3) 4) 4) PhBr and  CH 3 2 CHCH 2COCH 3
6. An enzyme which brings about the
2. X Y
 Benzoquinone . Identify X and Y in conversion of starch into maltose is known
this reaction
1) Diastase 2) Zymase 3) Maltase 4) Invertase
7. Which is the catalyst in the conversion of water
gas and hydrogen into methyl alcohol?
1) MnO 2) raney Ni 3) Fe 4) ZnO-Cr2O3
PROPERTIES ethyl chloride is formed. Mole ratio of PCl3
8. When ethyl alcohol is distilled with bleaching and PCl5 in the mixture is
powder and water then chloroform is
1) 3 :1 2) 1:1 3) 1: 3 4) 2 :1
obtained. The no. of moles of bleaching
powder needed in the preparation of one mole 17. When vapours of an alcohol are passed over
hot reduced copper, it gives an alkene. The
of chloroform is
alcohol is
1) 10 2) 5 3) 4 4) 2
1) Primary 2) Secondary
9. CH3OH + PCl3  A
3) Tertiary 4) None of these
A 
 B  
 C .Then "C" is 18. When ethylhydrogen sulphate is heated with
1) CH3CH2OH 2) CH3CHO excess of alcohol at 410K, the product obtained
3) CH3COOH 4) CH2OH-CH2OH is
10. An organic liquid A containing H and O has 1) Ethane 2) Ethylene
a pleasant odour with a boling point of 780C. 3) Diethyl ether 4) Diethyl sulphate
On boiling A with conc. H2SO4 a colourless 19. How many primary alcoholic isomers are
gas is produced which decolourises bromine possibe for C5 H11OH ?
water and alkaline KMnO4. One mole of this
1) 5 2) 4 3) 2 4) 3
gas also takes one mole of H2. The organic 20. Methanol is industrially prepared by
liquid A is
1) C2H5Cl 2) C2H5CHO 3) C2H6 4) C2H5OH 1) Oxidation of CH 4 by steam at 900 0 C
11. A compound reacts with sodium and liberates 2) Reduction of HCHO using LiAlH 4
hydrogen and on oxidation gives ketone. The 3) Reaction HCHO with a solution of NaOH
formula of the compound could be.
1) CH3CH2OH 2) CH3CHOHCH3 4) Reduction of CO using H 2 and ZnO  Cr2O3
3)CH3CH2CH2OH 4) CH3CH2 CH2CH2OH 21.  CH 3 3 C  OH 
  CH 3 2 C  CH 2 ;

12. Iodoform cannot be prepared from This reaction takes place through
1) CH 3OH 2) C2 H 5OH 1) S N 1 mechanism 2) S N 2 mechanism
3) CH 3CHO 4) CH 3COCH 3 3) E1 mechanism 4) E2 mechanism
13. I2 produced when ozone reacts with moist KI
is used to convert C 2H 5OH to CI 3CHO. LEVEL-III - KEY
Number of moles of ozone required to convert 1) 3 2) 4 3) 4 4) 3 5) 3 6) 1 7) 4
1 mole of C2H5OH into CI3CHO is 8) 3 9) 3 10) 4 11) 2 12) 1 13) 3 14) 2
1) 1 2) 2 3) 4 4) 3 15) 1 16) 2 17) 3 18) 3 19) 2 20) 4 21) 3
14. A compound "X" of the formula C3H8O gives
iodoform test. On oxidation with acidified LEVEL-III - HINTS
K2Cr2O7, X gave Y. Y also gives iodoform 1. HO  CH 2  CH  OH   CH 2  OH is glycerol.
test. Then X and Y are
2. Mannitol is hexahydric alcohol
3. 2-pentanol
4. It is an industrial method of preparation of ethyl
3) CH3CH2CHO, CH3CH2CH2OH alcohol.
4) CH3COCH3, CH3CHOHCH3 5. Bromobenzene
15. In the Victor-Meyer’s test, red colouration is 6. Diastase
shown by ZnO Cr2O3
7. CO  H 2   CH 3OH
1) 10 Alcohol 2) 20 Alcohol
8. Four moles of bleaching power needed in the
3) 30 Alcohol 4) Phenol prepration of one mole of chloroform
16. When a mixture containing PCl3 and PCl5 is
heated with ethyl alcohol, a total of 4 moles of
5. Assertion (A): Ethyl alcohol is soluble in
9. CH 3OH 
 CH 3Cl organic solvents
 A
Reason (R) : Ethyl alcohol is having non polar
 CH 3CN 
 B C  ethyl group.
6. Assertion (A): The boiling point of C2H5OH
10. C2 H 4 decolourises bromine water and alkaline is less than that of H2O though the molecular
KMnO4 weight of C2H5OH is more than that of water.
11. 20  or  30 alcohols on oxidation give ketone
Reason (R) : C 2H 5OH molecules are not
highly associated through hydrogen bonding
12. group gives iodoform test as water is
7. Assertion (A): Dehydration of alcohols can be
13. C2 H 5OH  4 I 2  CI 3CHO  5HI carried out with Conc H2SO4 but not with
4( O3  2 KI  H 2 O  2 KOH  I 2  O2 ) conc.HCl.
14. X= secondary alcohol ; Y= ketone Reason (R) : H2SO4 is dibasic while HCl is
15. Primary alcohol monobasic.
16. 1:1
8. Hydroboration-Oxidation of CH 3CH  CH 2
17. Tertiary alcohol undergoes dehydration
18. Diethyl ether produces.
19. based on the structure 1. CH 3CH 2CH 2OH 2. CH 3CH  OH  CH 3
20. from CO and H2
21. E1 mechanism 3. CH 3CH  OH  CH 2OH 4. CH 3COCH 3
9. The compound which gives the most stable
carbonium ion on dehydration.
1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct CH3
explanation to A CH 3 CH CH2OH CH
2) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct 1) 2) 3 C OH
explanation to A CH 3 CH3
3) A is true but R is false CH3 CH CH2CH3
4) A is false but R is true 3) CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2OH 4)
1. Assertion (A): In the fermentation process of OH
molasses, along with yeast (NH 4 ) 2SO 4 , 10. An alcohol on oxidation gives CH 3COOH and
(NH4)3PO4 is added.
CH 3CH 2COOH . The alcohol is
Reason(R): (NH4)3PO4 and (NH4)2SO4, act as
food and helps the growth of yeast. 1. CH 3CH 2OH
2. Assertion (A): Alcoholic fermentation
involves conversion of sugar into ethanol by 2. CH 3CH  OH  CH 2CH 3
the action of yeast.
3.  CH 3 2 C  OH  CH 2CH 3
Reason(R): Fermentation involves the
liberation of CO2 gas. 4. CH 3CH  OH  CH 2CH 2CH 3
3. Assertion (A): Ethanol is miscible in all
11. An alcohol (A) on heating with concentarated
proportions with water
Reason (R) : Hydrogen bond is formed H 2 SO4 gives alkene (B) which can show the
between water and alcohol molecules. geometrical isomerism. The compound(A) is:
4. Assertion (A): CaCl2 can’t be used for drying 1) (CH3)2 C (OH) CH (CH3)2
ethyl alcohol 2) (CH3)2 C (OH) CH2 Me
Reason (R) : Calcium chloride can form an 3) CH3 CH2 CH (OH) CH3
addition compound with ethyl alcohol 4) All of the above
12. Which of the following compounds on reaction PREVIOUS MAINS QUESTIONS
with CH3 Mg Br Will give a teritiary alcohol? 1. Arrange the following compounds in order of
1) C2H5 CHO 2) HCHO decreasing acidity
3) C2H5 COOH 4) C2H5 COOCH3
13. 0.037g of an alcohol R-OH was added to OH OH OH OH
CH3MgBr and the gas evolved measured
11.2ml at STP.The molecular mass of
R--OH will be
1) 47 2) 79 3) 74 4) 77
1) 1 2) 2 3) 1 4) 1 5) 1 6) 1 7) 2 (1) (2) (3) (4)

8) 1 9) 2 10) 4 11) 3 12) 4 13) 3 1) II > IV > I > III 2) I > II > III > IV
3) III > I > II > IV 4) IV > III > I > II
1. Ammonium phosphate and ammonium sulphate PREVIOUS MAINS KEY : 1) 3
act as food for yeast
2. Both are correct ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS
3. Ethanol is a associated with water through 1. What is the structure of  C4 H10O  which can
hydrogen bond. give positive haloform test and evolves
4. CaCl2 3C2 H 5OH hydrogen gas with LiAlH 4 .
5. Ethyl alcohol is soluble in polar and non polar
1) CH 3  CH 2  O  CH 2  CH 3
6. Both are correct CH 3
7. with HCl R-Cl will form
8. 3CH 3CH  CH 2 
  CH 3CH 2CH 2 3 B 2)
CH 3  CH  CH 2  OH
  CH 3CH 2 CH 2 OH  H 3 BO3
3 H 2 O2
OH 
CH 3
9. 3 carbanium ion is most stable.

CH 3  CH  CH 2  CH 3
CH 3CH  OH  CH 2CH 2CH 3 
  CH 3  C  OH

10. 3) 4)
CH 3
11. A  CH 3CH 2CH  OH  CH 3 2. The relative rates of reaction with
B  CH 3CH  CHCH 3 concentrated H 2 SO4 of the following is
O I)
|| OH OH
CH 3  CH 2  C  OCH 3 
CH 3 MgBr
13. 11.2 ml of CH 4 at STP is formed by 0.037 g of
1) I > II > III 2) II > I > III
22.400 ml CH 4 at STP .......? 3) I > III > II 4) II > III > I
0.037  22, 400 3. Which of the following is the best dehydrating
= = 74g of alcohol agent for 10 alcohols
1) Con H 2 SO4 2) CaO 3) Al2O3 4) POCl3
NBS Ph C C Ph Product is
 8. H2SO4
Product (A) is Ph C C Ph
Ph C C CH3
OH O  Br 1) 2)
1) 2)
CH 3  CH  CH 2  Br CH 3  CH  CH 3 Ph
Ph C C CH3
3) 4)
3) 4) CH 3  CH 2  CH 3 O Ph
CH 3  C  CH 3
9. Which of the following alcohols is the least
5. What is the major of the following reaction? soluble in water?
O 1) Ethanol 2) 1-Propanol 3) 1-Butanol 4) 1-Pentanol
10. 3, 3-Dimethyl-2-butanol on reaction with
HCl yields mainly
4  Products is
1) 2-Chloro-2, 3-dimethylbutane
2) 1-Chloro-2, 3-dimethylbutane
3) 2-Chloro-3, 3-dimethylbutane
OH OH 4) 1-Chloro-3, 3-dimethylbutane
11. Propylene is subjected to hydroboration
oxidation reaction. The product formed
would be
1) 2) 1)Propanal 2)1-Propanol 3)2-Propanol 4)Propanone
12. Ethylene glycol when heated in the presence
of an hydrous ZnCl2 yields.
1) Ethanal 2) Ethylene oxide
3) Dioxane 4) Diethylene glycol
13. Clear orange solution of chromic anhydride
3) 4) in aqueous sulphuric acid turn blue-green on
reaction with
1) 3-Methyl-3-pentanol 2) 2-Butanol
6. Which are not cleaved by HIO4 ? 3) 2-Methyl-2-propanol 4) 2-Methyl-2-butanol
I) glycerol II) glycol 14. An organic compound ‘X; on treatment with
III)1, 3-propenediol acidified K 2Cr2O7 gives a compound ‘Y’ which
IV)methoxy-2-propanol reacts with I 2 and sodium carbonate to form
1) I, II, III, IV 2) I, II
3) II, III 4) III, IV triodomethane. The compound ‘X’ could be
CH3 1) CH 3OH 2) CH 3CHO
NA2Cr2O7 3) CH 3CH  OH  CH 3 4) CH 3COCH 3
7. CH3 C CH3 ? 15. Fusel oil is a mixture of
1) Ethers 2) alcohols
3) Alcohols and ethers 4) Alcohols and ketones
CH3 CH3 16. How many structuaral isomeric compounds
1) 2) are possible for C4 H10O ?
CH3 C CH2 CH3 CH CH3 1) 4 2) 5 3) 6 4) 7
CH3 CH3 i CH3Mgl
17.   X 
Cu /575 K
ii H2O

3) CH 2 C O C CH3
4) No reaction The compound Y in the above sequence is
CH3 CH3 1) 2-Methyl-2-phenyl-1-propanol
2) 2-Phenyl-2-propanol 3) Acetophenone 25. Rate of hydration of
4) 2-Methyl-1-phenyl-2-propanol
18. Which is the best reagent to convert isopropyl I) CH = CH2 II) CH = CHCH3
alcohol to isopropyl bromide?
CH 3 CH 3
CH 3  CH  OH 
 CH 3  CH  Br
will be in order;
1) HBr 2) SOBr2 3) Br2 4) CH 3 MgBr 1) I<II<III 2) I<III<II 3) II<I<III 4) III<II<I
19. Choose the alcohol that is most reactive with 26. Glycerol
 A LiAlH 4
 B , A and B
conc. HCl / ZnCl2 ? are;
1) Methanol 2) Ethanol 1) Acrolein, allyl alcohol
3) 2-propanol 4) 2-methyl-2-propanol 2) Glyceryl sulphate, acrylic acid
20. Treatment of 3-methyl-2-butanol with 3) Allyl alcohol, acrolein
dry HCl gives 4) Only acrolein (B is not formed)
27. 2 5 . In this dioal
1) 2)
1) OH at C2 is more basic than that of at C5
2) OH at C2 is more acidic than at C5 .
3) 4)
Cl 3) both have same basic strength
21. Glycol on treatment with PI 3 mainly gives 4) both have same acidic strength
28. Lucas test is used to make distinction between
1) Ethylene 2) Ethylene iodide
3) Ethyl iodide 4) Ethane 10 , 20 and 30 alcohols. This do not show that
22. Acrolein is formed when glycerol is heated 1) ROH behaves as a base
with 2) greater the value of pK a (alcohol), greater
1) Acidified KMnO4 2) Br2 water the reactivity with conce. HCl and thus sooner
3) KHSO4 4) HNO3 the formation of white turbidity.
3) alcohol which reacts fastest with Na metal,
23. Glycerol on treatment with oxalic acid at will give turbidity at fastest rate
1100 C forms 4) alcohol which gives red colour during Victor
1) Allyl alcohol 2) Formic acid Mayor test, will give turbidity ast slower rate
3) CO2 and CO 4) Glyceric acid then those giving blue or white colour during
24. If the starting material is 1-methyl-1, Victor Mayor test.
2-epoxy cyclopentane, of absolute 29. Match the column:
configuration, decide which one compound Column -I Column - II
correctly represent the product of its reaction A) Oxidation of 10
with sodium methoxide in methanol. alcohols in aldehyde P) KMnO4 / 

CrO3. .HCl
1) 2) B) Q) Collin’s reagent

3) CH3 4) C) R) Jone’s reagent
D) Oxidation of alkene into acid
S) P.C.C
CH 3  CH  CH  CH 2 
Reagent R
 Alcohol
CH 3
Which is true about alcohol and R?
Alcohol Reagent
C H 3  C H  C H 2  C H 2O H

A) B2 H 6 , H 2O2 / NaOH
CH 3
CH 3  CH  CH  CH 3

B) PdCl2 , H 2O, O2 / LAH



C H 3  C  C H 2C H 3
C) Hg  OAc 2 , H 2O / NaBH 4
CH 3

C H 3  C  C H 2C H 3
D) dil. H 2 SO4
CH 3


1) 3 2) 4 3) 4 4) 3 5) 1 6) 4 7) 4
8) 3 9) 4 10) 1 11) 1 12) 4 13) 2 14) 3
15) 2 16) 4 17) 3 18) 2 19) 4 20) 2 21) 1
22) 3 23) 2 24) 2 25) 1 26) 1 27) 1
28) 1, 2, 4
29) (A) Q, R, S (B) S (C) Q (D) P 30) A, B, D
1. 2-hydroxy-2-alcohols responds to haloform
2. Stability of alkene in driving force
3. POCl2 is better leaving group
4. NBS is oxidising agent
5. H  attack on can less hindered side
6. 1,2 diols oxidised by HIO4
7. 30 alcohols do not undergoes oxidation
9. as the Bulkyness increases solubility decreases
10. 1, 2 alkyl shift
11. anti markoniv’s addition of H 2O
13. 10 and 20 alcohols oxidised by K 2Cr2O7 / H 


amino alkanes or alkanamines

CH3  CH 2  NH 2 Ethylamine Ethanamine
CH 3  CH2  CH2  NH2 n-Propylamine Propan-1-amine
Classification CH 3  C H  CH 3
| Isopropylamine Propan-2-amine


Amino compounds are derivatives of NH3 CH 3  N  CH2  CH 3

| Ethylmethylamine N-Methylethanamine

CH 3  N  CH 3
| Trimethylamine N,N-Dimethylmethanamine
1 2 3 4
C 2H 5  N  C H 2  C H 2  C H 2  C H 3 N,N-Diethylbutylamine N,N-Diethylbutan-1-amine
C2 H5

1 2 3 Prop – 2 – en – 1 – amine
NH2  C H 2  C H  CH 2 Allylamine
NH 2   CH 2  6  NH 2 Hexamethylenediamine Hexane - 1, 6 – diamine
NH 2

Anilline Aniline or Benzenamine

NH 2
CH 3
O – Toluidine 2 – Aminotoluene

NH 2

where R = alkyl ( or ) aryl group 4-Bromobenzenamine

p-Bromoaniline or
 The secondary (or) tertiary amines with same alkyl 4-Bromoaniline

groups are simple amines and with a different alkyl Br

N  CH 3 2
groups are mixed amines.
N,N-Dimethylaniline N,N-Dimethylbenzenamine
Simple amines : CH3 - NH - CH3;
C2H5 - NH - C2H5
(CH3)3 N;
Mixed amines : CH3-NH-C2H5;
 Amines shows the following types of isomerism
a. Chain Isomerism
(CH3)2N(C2H5) ;
b. Position Isomerism
c. Metamerism
 In the process of Nitrogen fixation atmospheric
nitrogen is reduced to ammonia and finally is d. Functional Isomerism
converted into organic Nitrogen compounds e. Optical Isomerism
Structure of amines
 Like ammonia, nitrogen atom of amines is Basic nature of Amines
trivalent and carries an unshared pair of electrons (i) Basicity of Aliphatic Amines :
Nitrogen orbitals in amines are in sp 3 Base strength is measured by the position of
hybridisation and the geometry of amines is equilibrium in reaction with water. The further the
pyramidal due to the presence of unshared pair reaction go to the right, the greater the basic
of electrons, the angle C-N-E , (where E is C or
H) is less than 109.50; for instance, it is 1080 in
case of trimethylamine


Ammonium ion
IUPAC Names of alkyl derivatives of NH3 are
thus basicity  stability of ammonium ion Stability
of amine cation depends on two factors : Basicity 
Number of resonanting structures
(1) magnitude of positive charge on nitrogen atom

Structure Number of resonanting structures
Less is the magnitude of positive charge , more
will be the stability
C6 H 5 NH 2 4

 ..
C6 H 5  NH  C6 H 5 7
Basicity   I power of group ..
C6 H 5  N  C6 H 5
1 10
Basicity  I power of group
C6 H 5
Basicity in decrea sin g order

According to this, basicity order will be as follows:

(iii) Basicity of other Nitrogen Containing Copounds:
ter. amine  sec. amine  p  amine  NH 3
Basicity depends on the following factors :
(1) Electronegativity of nitrogen
(2) Degree of Solvation : Solvation always
increases stability of cation Basicity 
Thus basicity  stability of cation  degree of Electronegativity of nitrogen
solvation. Example :
Degree of solvation of ammonia, 10  amine and
20  amine is almost the same but degree of
solvation of 30  amine is very-very less, i.e.,
almost zero. According to this, 30 -amine is least
basic. In solution basicity order of aliphatic amines
is as follows: (II) Is more basic than (I)

Sec.amine > P-amine > Ter.amine > NH3
Basicity of aliphatic amines in decreasing order
R  NH 2
R  CH  NH R   N
Note :
(i) In gas phase tertiary amines are more hasic sp3 sp 2 sp
than secondary amines which are more basic (b)
Electronegativity omcreasomg order
than primary amines.
(ii) In aq. medium basicity of methyl amine is : basicity
Basic ininderea
decreasing order
sin g order
.. .. .. ..
 CH 3 2 NH  CH 3 NH 2   CH 3 3 N  NH 3 sp 3 ..
CH 3  CH 2 CH 2  NH 2
(iii) In aq. medium basicity of ethyl amine is :
C2 H5 2 NH  C2 H5 3 N  C2 H5 NH2  NH3
sp 2
CH 3  CH  CH  NH 2
(ii) Basicity of Aromatic Amines : Basicity of
aromatic amines depends on electric density on
CH 3  C  C  NH 2
nitrogen, more will be basicity. (c)
In aromatic amines, alone pair of electrons present Flectronegativity of carbons
on nitrogen is delocalised. Hence electron density Electronegativity
attached carbons
to a min o gp is in attached
increa sin g to
decreases due to resonance. amino group is a increasing order
order hencebasicity is in decrea sin g order and
hence basicity is in decreasing order
(d) ..
NH 2


Decrease in electron density

on nitrogen by  R and  I
effect and  I effect is max imum
hence I is more basic than II.
(min nimum) electron density
on nitrogen)
(2) Inductive effect:
Basicity   I power of the group on nitrogen ..
NH 2
Basicity 
 I power of the group on nitrogen
Decreasein electron density
Decreasing electron
on nitrogen by  I effectdensity
only on nitrogen by  I
NH 2
Hence amines are more basic than hydroxyl amines

Decrease in electron density
hence (II) more than (I) in nitrogen by  R and  I effect
and  I effect and  I power is min imum
(3) Resonance : Delocalisation of lone pair of
electrons present on nitrogen decreases basicity, Thus order of basicity is as follow :
hence (II) is more basic than (I)
         
aniline > m-derivative > p-derivative > o-derivative
Basicity in decreasing order

Case II : When group is  R and  I group

NH 2

(iv) Basicity of Substitude Anilines :Para

substituted aniline is more basic than ortho
No group, hence electron
substituted aniline due to streic effect and the effect
is known as ortho  R and  I effect density does not change
due to group
.. Case : III When group is  R and -I group.
NH 2 Suppose group is  OCH 3  or  OH  group.
With a methoxy substituent, the inductive effect
CH 3
of the oxygen withdraws electron density form
the nitrogen of the amino group, but the
Increase in electron density resosnance effect involving the nonbonding
electrons on oxygen works in the opposite
on nitrogen by  R and  I group and  1 direction to donate eletron density to amino
power is max imum group. Knowing that methoxy (and hydroxy) are
strong activating groups in electrophilic aromatic
.. substitution, the resonance effect should
NH 2 predominate. A methoxy group has a net effect
of releasing electrons when present at ortho or
para position

CH 3 ..
NH 2
Increasein electron
density on nitrogen OCH 3
by  I group
Increase in electron density
.. on nitrogen by  R effect
NH 2 on nitrogen

NH 2

CH 3
Increase in electron ensity on
nitrogen by  R and  I group and  I
power is min imum Decrease in electron density
on nitrogen by  1effect
Thus among o, m and p derivatives, meta
derivative is least basic. Among o- and p-
derivatives, p is more basic than o-derivatives NH 2
due to ortho effect. Thus basicity order is as
follows :

p  de rivatives  o  derivative  m  derivative  aniline

 Decrea sin g order of basicity
Increase in electron density
Note : p- derivative is more basic than ortho derivative
due to ortho effect. on nitrogen by  R effect on nitrogen
But experimentally it has been found that order
Thus m- derivative is least basic. Among ortho and
of basicity is as follows:
para is more basic due to ortho effect.
p  derivative  aniline  o  derivative
p- derivative > o -derivative > m-derivative
Thus CH 3  N  CH 3
Basicity in decreasing order CH 3
CH 3
Experimentally it has been found that aniline is
less basic than p-derivative but more basic than
o- and m- derivatives. Basicity in increasing order
Why o-derivative is weaker base than
aniline? Basicity of different nitrogen compound in
Sol. Ortho derivative is weaker base than alliline due decreasing order
to steric hindrance. Steric effect and solvation Guanidine > Aliphatic amines > NH 3 >
effect in ortho derivative is less than in 
Aromatic amines > Imine > Amide > Cyanide
Basicity in decrea sin g order

aniline.Thus order is as follows :
p-derivative > aniline > o-derivative > m-derivative
Arrange basicity of given compounds in
(v) Effect of cross conjugation on basicity :
decreasing order.
a) CH 3  CH 2  NH 2
 b) CH 2  CH  NH 2
CH3 C NH3 CH3 C NH2 c) CH  C  NH 2
Due to delocalisation and -I effect of CO group, amides d) C6 H 5  NH 2
are less basic than amines.
1) a  b  c  d
2) d  c  b  a
C6 H 5 C NH 2 3) c  b  a  d
4) a  c  b  d
In this amide there is cross conjugation which Sol. (1)
increases basicity; thus C6 H 5CONH 2 is more
basic than CH 3CONH 2 .  bond of C  O  Aniline was first prepared by Unverborden in
group is in conjugation to benzene rong as well 1826 by the destructive distillation of indigo.
as lp of NH 2 group. ii) The name word aniline is derived from the
spanish word anil, meaning: indigo
(vi) Steric Effect on Basicity : Bulky groups present Reduction of nitro compounds
at ortho position inhibit delocalisation of lone pair  
C6 H 5 NO2  C6 H 5 NH 2  2 H 2O
6 H
of electrons present on nitrogen, hence increase Sn / HCl

basicity, Industrial Method

.. .. C6 H5 NO2 
Fe / H 2O / HCl
 C6 H5 NH 2  2H 2O
CH 3  N  CH 3 CH 3  N  CH 3
From phenol
CH 3 C6 H 5OH 
NH 3 / An hyd . ZnCl2
3000 reduced pressure

 C6 H 5 NH 2  H 2O
From chlorobenzene Li AlH4 or 
R  C  N 
H2 /Ni or NaHg/C2H5OHR  CH2  NH2
C6 H 5Cl 2 NH 3
Cu O ,2000 C
 C6 H 5 NH 2  NH 4Cl
Reduction of amides
Reduction of nitro compounds
R  CONH 2 
 ii  H2O  R  CH 2  NH 2
i LiAlH
Nitroalkanes are reduced to the corresponding
Gabriel phthalimide synthesis
H 2 / Ni  or Pt or Pd 
RNO 2  
Sn  HCl  or Fe+HCl 
 RNH 2 It is used for the synthesis of only aliphatic primary
amine. Aromatic primary amines cannot be
Reduction with iron scrap and HCl is
prepared by this method because aryl halides do
preferred because FeCl2 formed gets hydrolysed
not undergo nucleophilic substitution with the
to release HCl during the reaction thus, only a
anion formed by phthalimide.
small amount of HCl is required to initiate the
reaction O
Ammonolysis of alkyl halides C alc.KOH
 Alkyl (or) benzyl halide on reaction with an C
ethanolic solution of ammonia undergoes O
nucleophilic substitution reaction, in which the Phtha limide
halogen atom is replaced by an amino (-NH2 )
group this process of cleavage of the C - X bond O
by ammonia molecule is known as ammonolysis.
N K 
 The primary amine thus obtained behaves as a O
nucleophile and can further react with alkylhalide potassium phtha lim ide
to form 20 and 30 amines, and finally quaternary
ammonium salt.
  ||
3 3 C  
N  R  
NaOH aq

RNH2  RX RX R N

R4NX C
HX 3 ||

1  2  3 
0 0 0
Quaternary ammoniumsalt
N  Alkylphthalimide
 The free amine can be obtained from the
ammonium salt by treatment with a strong base ||

C ONa   R  NH 2

R N H3X  NaOH  RNH2  NaX  H2O ONa 
10 amine 
 Ammonolysis has the disadvantage of yielding a
mixutre of 10 , 20 , and 30 amines and also a Hofmann bromamide degradation
quarternary ammonium salt. However 10 amine
is obtained as a major product by taking large R C O N H 2  B r2  4 N aO H  aq  
R N H 2  N a 2 C O 3  2 N aB r  2 H 2 O
excess of NH3 .
 The order of reactivity of halides with amines is In this reaction amine so formed contains one
RI > RBr > RCl carbon less than that present in the amide
Reduction of nitriles-Mendius reaction
From Grignard reagent:
O|| O||   

R  C  NH 2 
 OH
 H 2O

 
 C  N 
H 
Br  Br
Br from NaOBr
R Mgx +ClNH 2  RNH 2  Mg

O|| O|| 
OH  
R  C  NHBr 
 
H O

 
 C  N Br 
 Physical properties
2 

   Fresh aniline is odourless, Colourless oily toxic

OH 
O  C  N R  Br    R  N   C||  OH 
 
 liquid, on long standing colour becomes dark
O brown, due to action of air and light.
O||  It is slightly soluble in water and readily soluble
R  NH  C  O  
H 2O
 R  NH 2  CO2  OH  in organic solvents like ether.
 It is steam volatile and it is purified by steam
From carbonyl compounds.  It is a weaker base than NH3
1 2 Amines can be obtained by the reductive  It is Neutral to Litmus
amination of carbonyl compounds.  It is slightly heavier than water
 Lower aliphatic amines are gases with fishy
odour. Primary amines with three or more
 H 2O
H 3C  C  H  NH 3    CH 3  CH  NH 
carbon atoms are liquid and still higher ones are
H 2 Ni
 Lower aliphatic amines are water soluble through
CH 3  CH 2  NH 2 hydrogen bonds. Solubility decreases with
increase in the size of alkyl (or) aryl group
 Higher amines are insoluble in water.
 Among isomeric amines the boiling points are of
the order 1o  2o  3o
It is due to the decreasing ability to form hydrogen
bonds with decrease in hydrogen atoms on
Eg : Order of boiling points is
|  
H 3 C  C  O  N H 3   
H 2O
  H 3C  C  N H  CH3  CH2  CH2  CH2  NH2  (CH3.CH2 )2 NH 
 | 
 CH 3 
C2 H5 N(CH3 )2  (C2 H5 )NHCH(CH3 )2
H 2 Ni

H 3 C  C H  NH 2
 Comparision of bp’s of amines, alcohol and
CH 3 alkanes of similar molecular masses.
Using amination 1 amine con be converted in to n  C4 H9OH  n  C4 H9 NH2  C2 H5 2 NH
2 amine  C2 H 5 N  CH 3  2
 H 2O  Alcohols are more polar than amines and form
H 3  C  O  CH 3 NH 2   H 3C  CH  N  CH 3
H2 H2
stronger intermolecular hydrogen bonding than
H 3C  CH 2  N H
CH 3
Chemical properties
Basic character of amines. Amines, being basic C 2H 5  N  C CH 3
| ||
in nature, react with acids to form C2H5 O

..  
salts. R  N H 2  HX € R  NH3 X  salt  ..
C6 H5  N  H  CH3  C  O  C  CH3 
| || ||
 H
C6 H 5 NH 2  HCl € C6 H 5 N H 3Cl  Benzena min e
Ethanoic anhydride

 Amine salts on treatment with a base like NaOH,

regenerate the parent amine
   .. 
R N H3 X  O H  R N H 2  H 2O  X C6 H5  N  C  CH3  CH3COOH
| ||
 Amine salts are soluble in water but insoluble in H
organic solvents like ether. The reaction is the N  Phenylethanamideor Ace tan ilide

basis for the separation of amines from the non

basic organic compounds insoluble in water. Note : Base such as pyridine which removes the
Alkylation acidic hydrogen and shifts the equlibrium towards
Aromatic amines react with alkylhalides to form products.
secondary amines, tertiary amines and finally Reactivity order of acylation is
forms quaternary salts. In this reaction acid
formed is neutralised by basic carbonates like  CH 3COCl  (CH 3CO ) 2 O  CH 3COOC2 H 5
K 2CO3 . Benzoylation
CH 3 NH 2  C6 H 5COCl  CH 3 NHCOC6 H 5  HCl
C6 H 5 NH 2 
 C6 H 5 NHCH 3 Benzoylchloride N-Methyl benzamide
 N-methyl aniline  C6 H 5 NH 2  C6 H 5COCl  C6 H 5 NHCOC6 H 5  HCl
 C6 H 5 N  CH 3 2 Benzoylchloride N-Phenyl benzamide

N,N- dimethylaniline This reaction is known as Schotten-Baumann

 C6H5 N  CH3 3 I Carbylamine reaction (Isocyanide test)
Only primary amine (Both aliphatic and aromatic)
Phenyl Trimethyl Ammonium Iodide reacts with chloroform and alcoholic KOH to
Quaternary salt  form foul smelling compound isocyanide.
This reaction is used to identify the both primary
Acylation amine and chloroform.
Aliphatic and aromatic primary and secondary
amines react with acid chlorides, anhydrides and R  NH 2  CHCl 3  3KOH   R  NC  3KCl  3H 2 O

esters by nucleophillic substitution reaction. This Mechanism

reaction is known as acylation.
Step 1:

CHCl3  OH   H 2O  CCl3 : CCl2  Cl 
Cl Cl
.. | | |
C 2 H 5  N  H  C  C H 3    C 2 H 5  N   C  C H 3 
B ase Step 2:
| || | |
E th a n a m in e

C 2H 5  N  C  C H 3  H C l
| P

.. | B ase
C2H5  N  H  C  CH3   

| || HCl
C2H 5
N  E th yle th a n a m in e
H Reaction with arylsulphonyl chloride
() (Hinsberg’s reagent)
.. .. ..

R  N H 2  C Cl2  R  N  C C l2 C6 H5 SO2Cl H N  C2 H5 C6 H5SO2 N  C2 H5HCl
| |
H N-Ethylbenzene sulphonamide
(Soluble in alkali)
..  C H SO Cl  H  N ( C H ) 2 
 R  N H  C C l2  R  N H  CHCl 6 5 2 2 5

C H SO  N ( C H ) 2  HCl
6 5 2 2 5
.. 
 R  N  CHCl  R  N  CH
N,N-Diethylbenzenesulphonamide  insoluble in alkali 

 R  N  C ()
Reaction with benzaldehyde
Reaction with nitrous acid
Aniline reacts with benzaldehyde in the presence
Three classes of amines react differently with of concentrated H2SO4 to give imine also known
nitrous acid which is prepared ‘in situ’ from a as schiff’s base.
mineral acid and sodium nitrite .
. Primary aliphatic amines react with nitrous acid C6H5NH2  C6H5CHO 
C6H5  N  CC6H5  H2O
to form aliphatic diazonium salts which being H

unstable, liberate nitrogen gas quantitatively and Benzyledeneaniline

alcohols.Quantitative evolution of nitrogen is used
in estimation of amino acids and proteins
Electrophilic substituion
  R  N C l    Bromination : Aniline reacts with bromine water
 2  ROH  N2  HCl
R  NH2  HNO2
HCl at room temperature to give a white precipitate
of 2,4,6 - tribromoaniline

 20 amine:Yellow coloured oily layered NH2 NH2

nitrosoamines are produced. This test is called
+3Br2 
Br2 / H2O
 Br Br +3HBr
Liberman’s reaction
 30 amine:Nitrite salts are produced, which are
soluble in water Aniline Br

Diazotisation 2, 4, 6  Tribromoaniline

Aromatic amines react with nitrous acid at low (water soluble)

temperatures (273-278 K) to form diazonium
salts, a very important class of compounds used
for synthesis of a variety of aromatic compounds
 
NaNO  2HCl
C 6 H 5  NH 2  2
273 278 K
 C6 H5  N 2 Cl  NaCl  2H 2 O
Aniline Benzenediazonium chloride

Secondary and tertiary amines react with nitrous

acid in a different manner.
nitro derivative can be obtained as the major


 3    

i CH COCl or
 CH 3CO  O


H 2O

90% Paranitroaniline

 Aniline reacts with concentrated sulphuric acid
to form anilinium hydrogensulphate which on
Nitration heating with sulphuric acid at 453- 473 K
 Direct nitration of aniline yields oxidation produces p - aminobenzene sulphonic acid,
products in addition to the nitro derivatives. commonly known as sulphanilic acid, as the major
Moreover, in the strongly acidic medium, aniline product
is protonated to form the anilinium ion which is
meta directing. That is why besides the ortho
and para derivatives, significant amount of meta
derivative is also formed

NH 2 NH 2 NH 2
Aniline does not undergo Friedel - Crafts
HNO3 ,H 2SO4 ,288K
 + + reaction (alkylation and acetylation) due to salt
formation with aluminium chloride, the Lewis acid,
NO2 which is used as a catalyst. Due to this, nitrogen
of aniline acquires positive charge and hence acts
 51%  47%
as a strong deactivating group for further reaction
NH 2 Uses
NO2  In nature, amines occur among proteins,
vitamins, alkaloids and hormones
 Two biologically active compounds, namely
 2%  adrenaline and epherdine, both containing
secondary amino group, are used to increase
blood pressure.
However, by protecting the -NH2 group by
 Novocain, a synthetic amino compound, is used
acetylation reaction with acetic anhydride, the
as an anaesthetic in dentistry
nitration reaction can be controlled and the p -
 Benadryl, a well known antihistaminic drug also
contains tertiary amino group   
  
R.CH 2 .NH 2 H / H2O
 Quaternary ammonium salts are used as
surfactants R  CHO  NH 3
 Aniline is used to prepare schiff’s base which acts R 2CHNH 2 

as an antioxidant in rubber industry.

R 2 C  NH H /  R 2CO  NH3
H 2O
 Aniline is used in the manufacture of benzene
diazonium chloride which is the starting material  20 amine:Tetraalkyl hydrazine is formed
for many Organic compounds especially azodyes. (O)
 The compounds like Acetanilide, Suphanilic R 2 NH 
 R 2 N  NR 2
acid,sulpha drugs are prepared from Aniline.  30 amine:No reaction
Identification of 1o ,2o and 3o amines  Action of caro’s acid (H 2SO 5 )
Hinsberg’s test  10 amine:Aldoxime and hydroxamic acid are
 (Action of benzene sulphonyl chloride) produced
10 amine: N-alkylbenzene sulphonamide is (O) RCH=NOH aldoxime
RCH 2 NH 2 

formed, which is soluble in alkali
RNH 2  ClSO2 . C6 H 5 
RNH.SO 2C6 H 5 + HCl
20 amine: N,N-dialkyl benzene sulphonamide 
is formed,which is insoluble in alkali 20 amine:Dialkyl hydroxyl amine is produced
R 2 NH  Cl.SO 2 .C 6 H 5  R 2 N.SO 2 .C6 H 5 R 2 NH 
 R 2 NOH
 30 amine:Tertiary amine oxide is formed
30 amine: No characteristic change
 R 3 N  R 3 N  O
Hofmann mustard oil reaction (Reaction with O

CS2 followed by HgCl2 ) Carbylamine test

1 amine:Black precipitate is formed due to the
(Amine + CHCl3 + alc.KOH)
formation of HgS
 10 amine:Foul smell is observed due to the
formation of RNC (isocyanide)
RNH 2  CS2  RNH

C =S 
 HgS  RNCS  2HCl RNH 2  CHCl3  3KOH   RNC  3KCl  3H 2 O
HS  20 amine:No reaction
 30 amine:No reaction
 2 amine:No precipitate is observed
 Reaction with nitrous acid ( NaNO2  HCl )
 10 amine:Alcohols are formed with the liberation
of N 2 gas . With CH 3 NH 2 , it produces methyl
nitrite with the liberation of N 2 gas
no precipitate
  20 amine:Yellow coloured oily layered
30 amine:No reaction
nitrosoamines are produced. This test is called
 Oxidation by KMnO4 Liberman’s reaction
 10 amine:Aldehydes and ketones are formed
 30 amine:Nitrite salts are produced, which are insoluble and stable at room temperature.
soluble in water Chemical properties
Diazonium Salts  Reactions involving displacement of N2 .
 As diazonium group is a good leaving group, it
General formula of diazonium salts is R N 2 X  . may be substituted by
Here R is alkyl or aryl group and X  may be
Cl  , Br  , I  , CN  , OH  etc.
  
Cl  , Br , HSO4 , BF4 etc. Sandmeyer’s reaction
Primary aliphatic amines form highly unstable
alkyl diazonium salts.
Primary aromatic amines form arene diazonium
salts which are stable for a short time in solution
at low temperature.
The stability of arene diazonium ion is because
of resonance. Gatterman’s reaction

N 2 group ( N  N) is called diazonium group.
The process of conversion of a primary Aromatic
amine in to its diagonium salt is called diazotisation
all benzen diazonium salte contain benzene
More yield is observed in Sandmeyer’s reaction
diazanium ion which has the following structure.
than in Gatterman’s reaction. In these reactions,

NN nucleophile has been introduced into benzene
the ion is stabilised by resonance. Replacement by iodide ion
(Balz-Schiemann reaction)

NN 
NN 

NN Ar N 2 Cl   KI  ArI  KCl  N2
Replacement by fluoride ion

Ar N 2 Cl   HBF4   ArN2 BF4  ArF  BF3  N2
fluoroboric acid
Preparation of diazonium salts
Replacement by ‘H’
0 50 C
C6 H 5 NH 2  NaNO 2  2HCl  

Ar N 2 Cl   H3 PO2  H 2O   ArH  N2  H3 PO3  HCl
C6 H 5 N 2 Cl  NaCl  2H 2 O
hypophosphorous acid
Properties of benzene diazonium 

chloride Ar N 2 Cl   C2 H 5OH   ArH  N 2  CH 3CHO  HCl
 It is colourless crystalline solid Replacement by OH  group
 It is highly soluble in water.
 It is stable at 0oC, but on warming it reacts with
 In dry state it easily decomposes, but in the form
of benzene diazonium fluoroborate, it is water
 (yellow dye)
Ar N 2 Cl   H 2O  ArOH  N 2  HCl
283 K
The azo products have extended conjugate
Replacement by NO 2 system with aromatic ring and -N=N-.
Therefore, these compounds are coloured and
ArN2 Cl   HBF4  ArN 2 BF4 used as dyes.
NaNO / Cu , 
 2   Ar  NO 2  N 2  NaBF4
Cyanides and Isocyanides
Importance of diazonium salts in Introduction
synthesis of aromatic compounds The general formula for cyanide and Isocymide
 Diazonium salts are intermediates in the are R  C  N or Ar  C  N
 
preparation of variety of aromatic compounds R  N  C or Ar  N  C
including dyes. Cyanides and iso cyanides are functional
 Substituted arenes are easily prepared through isomeric compounds. Both which exists in two
diazonium salts. dyad type of Tauto meric forms
 
Fluorides and iodides can not be prepared by H C  N  H  N  C
direct reaction of halogen. A group having two different sites avaailable
 Cyano group cannot be introduced by for linkage is konwn as ambident group.
nucleophilic substitution of chlorine in
chlorobenzene but cyanobenzene can be easily
obtained from diazonium salt. IUPAC NOMENCLATURE
 Reactions involving retention of diazogroup
Formula Common IUPAC
name name
(Azodyes) coupling reactions CH3 C  N Methyl Ethanenitrile
Coupling is an example for electrophilic cyanide
substitution reaction in which diazonium cation CH3CH2CN Ethylcyanide Propanenitrile

with Ve charge on the terminal nitrogen acts as C6H5 C  N Phenyl Benzene
cyanide coarbo nitrile
a electrophile while the electron rich compounds
(phenol and aniline) act a nucleophiles. CH  N  C
Methyl Methyl
Isocyanide carbylamines

C6H5  N  C Phenyl Phyenyl
 Benzene diazonium chloride reacts with phenol, Isocyanide carbylamine
aniline etc in which these compounds attach to
the diazonium ion through their para positions
giving azo products. These reactions are  METHODS OF PREPARATION
electrophilic substitution reaction. 1. From Grignard Reagent
N 2 Cl OH

+   N=N OH  Cl   H 2 O R  Mg  X  ClCN  R  C  N  Mg

Cyanogen chloride

P-hydroxy azobenzene X
(orange dye)

P-amino azobenzene
X Physical properties
R  Mg  X  NC  CN  R  C  N  Mg
c ya n o g e n
Alkyl Isocyanides have lower dipole
moments than alkyl cyanides have
2. From aldoximes generally pleasant odour but alkyl
isocyanides have very unpleasant adour.
H3C  CH  NOH  CH3  C  N  H2O

Lower alkyl cyanides are soluble in water
where as isocyanides are insoluble in water
P2 O 5 , POC l3 and SOCl2 are also used as
because they do not from hydrogen bonds.
dehydrating agents
Isocyanides generally have low Boiling
points than the corresponding cyanides.
C6 H 5CH  NOH 

 C6 H 5  C  N  H 2 O

Chemical properties
1. Cyanides
3. From N  Alkyl formamides a. complete hydrolysis
O 

POCl3  H3 O
H  C N  R R  N  C  H2O R  C  N  2 H 2O RCOOH  NH 3
|  Pyridine  or  OH

4. Carbyl amine reaction b. Reduction (stephens)

 SnCl4  2  H 
SnCl2  HCl 

R / Ar  NH 2  CHCl3  3 alc . KOH 
 R / Ar  N  C
CH3  C  N  2 H   HCl 
CH3  CH  NH.HCl
 3 KCl  3 H 2 O
This reaction is used for the CH 3  CH  NHHCl 
H 2O

 CH 3CHO  NH 4Cl
identification of 1 amine (both aliphatic
and aromatic) and chloroform. c. Complete Reduction
5. From Alkyl halides. Ni
R  C  N  2H RCH NH
or 
2 2 2
C 2 H 5O H  Pt
R  X  A gC N R  N  C  A gX
 H 2O
d. Catalytic Rediction.
C 2 H 5 OH
R  C  N  KX
Mendius reaction
R  X  KCN
alcoholic  H 2 O LiAlHCl
R  C  N  4 H  CH 3CH 2 N 2 H
C2 H 5OH Na
2 alkyl halides gives both substitution and
elimination products.
3 Alkyl halides give elimination product. RC  N  R 1 MgX 
 R  C  NMgX  
H 2O / H

6. from Ammonium salts of carboxylic acids |
R  C  O  Mg  OH  X
and amides.
CH 3COONH 4 

 CH 3  C  N  2 H 2O Isocyanides

CH 3CONH 2 
P2 O5

 CH 3  C  N  H 2O RNC  H 2O 
H 3O

RNC  4  H  
LiAlH 4
 R  NH  CH 3
CH 3 NC  Cl2 
 CH 3 N  CCl2 3. Iso-Propylamine 4. 20  Pr opyla min e
5. IUPAC name of C6H5-CH2-CH2-NH2
CH 3 NC  2 HgO 
 CH 3 N  C  O  Hg 2O 1) 2-phenyl ethanamide
2) 2-phenyl ethanamine
CH 3 NC  O3 
 CH 3 N  C  O  O2 3) 2-phenyl ethylamine
CH 3  N  C  O 4) 3-phenyl ethanamine

is called Methyl iso cyanate (MIC)

Was respeonsible for bhopal gas tragedy in
december 1984.
6. Carbylamine reaction is given by
1.aliphatic 10 amines only
2. aromatic 10 amines only
3.Both aliphatic and aromatic primary amines
NOMENCLATURE 4. all secondary amines and diazonium salt
7. How many primary amines are possible for
1. Which of the following systematic name & the formula C4H11N
names are correct for 1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
NH 2 8. Which of the following should be most
C2 H5
volatile ?
I) CH 3CH 2CH 2 NH 2 II)  CH 3 3 N
CH 3CH 2
A) 4-Bromo-2-Ethyl aniline NH IV) CH CH CH
B) 4-Bromo-2 Ethyl Benzenamine III) 3 2 3
CH 3
C) 4-Bromo-2-Ethyl Amino benzene
1) II 2) IV 3) I 4) III
D) 3-Bromo-1-Ethyl benzanamine
9. The structure given below represents
1) only D 2) A and B only
CH 3
3) A,B,C, only 4) A,B,C, & D |
CH 3  C  NH 2
CH 3

1. Quarternary ammonium Salt

2. IUPAC name of
2. Primary amine
3. Secondary amine
1) 1,2-Propane diamine 4. Tertiary amine
2) Propanamine 1,2 10. Aniline is more basic than
3) Dipropane 1,2 - amine 1. NH3 2. CH3NH2
4) Diamino 1,2 Propane 3. N-methyl aniline 4. P - nitroaniline
3. The structural formula of N-methyl 11. Which of the following is the strongest base?
Aminomethane is 1. Aniline 2. N - methyl aniline
1.(CH3)2 CHNH2 2. (CH3)3N 3. O-methyl aniline 4. Benzylamine
3.(CH3)2 NH 4. CH3 NH2 12. In the reaction of
4 IUPAC name of CH3  CH2 2 NH2 is C6 H 5OH 
 X; 'X'may be
1. 1 - Propanamine 2.2-Methyl ethanamine
1. C6 H 5 NH 2 2. C 6 H 5 C l CH 3  CH  CH 2  NH 2
3. C6 H 5CHO 4. C6 H 5COOH CH 3
13. During the nitration of aniline, the amino
group is protected by CH 3  CH 2  CH  CH 3
1) converting it to NO2 group NH 2
2) converting it to Carboxylic group
3) Acylation 4) Benzoylation CH 3
14. Aniline when treated with benzoyl chloride, CH3  C  NH 2
gives benzanilide the reaction is known as
1. Perkin 2. Hofmann CH 3
3. Schotten baumann 4. Benzoin
9. R  NH 2 is 10 - amine
15. In phenyl isocyanide the carbons are ____
hybridised. 10. Nitro group is electron with drawing group
1. sp3, sp2 2. sp3, sp 11. C6 H 5  CH 2  NH 2 is an aliphatic amine
3. sp2, sp 4. sp3 12. Preparation method
16. Schiffs base is used as a
13. NHCOCH 3 is less active than NH 2
1. oxidant 2. Hydrolysing agent
14. Schotten baumann reaction.
3. antichlor 4. antioxidant
N  C

KEY 15.
1) 3 2) 1 3) 3 4) 1 5) 2 16. In rubber industry it is used as anti oxidant
6) 3 7) 4 8) 2 9) 2 10) 4
11) 4 11) 2 13) 3 14) 3 15) 3 LEVEL - I
1. Least sum rule 1. Systematic name of H2 N CHO

2. Two ' NH 2 ' groups 1) 4-amino benzene carbaldehyde

2) P-amino benzaldehyde
3. 20 amine
3) 3- amino benzaldehyde
4. CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  NH 2 4) 4- formylamine
2 The IUPAC name of CH3NH2 is
5. C6 H 5 is aryl group 1. methylamine 2. amino ethane
3. methanamine 4. Ethylamine
6. Characteristic property of both aliphatic and
aromatic 10 amine
CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  CH 2  NH 2 ,
7. 3. Aniline can be industrially prepared from
nitro benzene by using
1. LiAlH4
2. Na / C2H5OH
3. Sn/HCl NH 2
4. Fe steam and HCl NH 2
4. In Gabriel synthesis, halide may be
1) Benzyl halide 2) Allyl halide
3. +
3) both 4) 30 alkyl halide
5. Which of the following reagents would not
be a good choice for reducing an aryl nitro Br
compound to an amine ?
1) H2(excess)/Pt 2) LiAlH4 in ether NH 2
3) Fe and HCl 4) Sn and HCl Br Br

6. Arrange the following in the correct order
of their basic character in gaseous phase Br
I) NH3 II) RNH2 III) R2NH IV) R3N 10. For the conversion of Aniline to
1) IV>III>II>I 2) III>IV>II>I N-Methyl aniline, the reagent used is
3) III>II>IV>I 4) I>II>III>IV 1. CH3I 2. C6H5Cl
7. Out of the following compounds, which is the 3. CH4 4. CH3 NH2
most basic ? 11. Activation of benzene by - NH2 group can
1. CH 3 NH 2 2.  CH 3 2 NH be reduced by treating the compound with
1. acetic acid 2. acetyl chloride
3.  CH 3 3 N 4. C6 H 5 NH 2 3. dilute HCl 4. Methyl alcohol
8. Benzene diazonium chloride is the product 12. Aniline when treated with chloroform in
when aniline is treated with presence of basic medium, gives following
1. NaNO2 and HCl at 0-50 C compound
2. HNO3 and HCl at 40 C
3. C6H5NO2 at 40 C 4. NaNO2 at 40 C
9. Aniline is treated with Br2 water at room 1 2.
temperature to give the following product

NH 2
NH 2
3. 4.
1. 2. 13. 2,4,6-tribromo aniline is a product of
1. electrophilic addition on C6H5NH2
Br 2. electrophilic substitution C6H5NH2
3. nucleophilic addition on C6H5NH2
4. nucleophilic substitution on C6H5NH2
14. Aniline undergoes condensation to form
Schiff’s base on reacting with
1. acetyl chloride 2. Ammonia
3. Acetone 4. Benzaldehyde LEVEL - I
15. Primary amines can be distinguished from
1) 1 2) 3 3) 4 4) 3 5) 2
other amines by the following test.
6) 1 7) 2 8) 1 9) 4 10) 1
1. Tollen’s 2. Schifff’s
11) 2 12) 1 13) 2 14) 4 15) 3
3. Carbyl amine 4. Fehling
16) 2 17) 4 18) 1 19) 1 20) 2
21) 3
1 A and R are true and R is the correct
explanation of A HINTS
2. A and R are true and R is not the correct LEVEL - I
explanation of A 1. Order of Priority CHO  NH 2
3. A is true R is false 4. A is false R is true
16 Assertion : Benzylamine is more basic than 2. 10 amine
aniline 3. Conceptual
Reason : NH2group is electron releasing 4.
group 5.
17 Assertion : Acetanilide is more reactive than 6. 30  20  10  NH 3
aniline towards electrophilic substitution
reactions 7. 20  30  10  NH 3  C 6 H 5 NH 2 .
Reason : The activating effect of 05 C
C6 H5 NH2  NaNO2  2HCl  C6 H5 N2Cl  NaCl  2H2O
NHCOCH 3 is less than that of amino group
05 C
C H NH  NaNO  2HCl  C6 H5 N2Cl  NaCl  2H2O

6 5 2 2
18. A : Aniline does not undergo Friedel-Crafts
reactions. NH 2 NH 2
R :  NH 2 group of aniline reacts with AlCl3 Br
 H
B r2

to give acid-base reaction. 9. 2O

0  50 C
19. A: Carbylamine reaction involves the
chemical reaction between primary amine Br
and chloroform in basic medium 10. Alkylation
R : In carbylamine reaction, NH 2 group 11. Acetyl chloride converts - NH2 to - NHCOCH3
changes to -NC group which reduces the activation of benzene ring
12. C6 H 5 NH 2  3KOH  CHCl3  C6 H 5 NC  3KCl  3H 2O
C6 H 5 NH 2  3KOH  CHCl3  C6 H 5 NC  3KCl  3H 2O
20. Which one of the following functional groups
NH 2 NH 2
undergoes hydrolysis with alkali to yield an Br Br
acid group
 H
B r2

(1) CHO (2) CN (3) COCH 3 (4)  Br 13. 0  50 C
21. N-Ethyl formamide on dehydration with Br

POCl3 in presence of pyridine gives

(1) Ethyl amine (2) Ethyl cyanide
(3) Ethy isocyanide (4) Methyl isocyanide

C 6 H 5 N H 2  C 6 H 5 C H O  C  
onc H 2S O 4

caustic potash solution, we get
14. C 6H 5 N  C  C 6H 5  H 2O 1. Phenyl iso cyanide 2. o-Chloro aniline
H 3. Benzoic acid 4. Phenol
7. Aniline dissolves in HCl due to the formation
15. 20 ,30 amines donot give carbylamine test.
16. Benzylamine is aliphatic primary amine 1. Anilinium chloride 2. o-chloroAniline
17. Acetanilide less reactive than aniline 3. Azodye 4. diazonium chloride
18.  NH 2 group reacts with Lewis acid AlCl3 8. Acetanilide can be obtained by the following
19. In carbyl amine reaction, Isocyanides are formed. 1. Benzoylation of aniline
2. Alkylaion of nitro benezene
LEVEL - I 3. Acetylation of aniline
4. reaction between acetaldehyde and aniline
9. Aniline reacts with excess alkyl halide to
1. IUPAC name of aniline 1.amino compound
1. Phenyl amine 2. Amino benzene 2.tertiary compound
3. Benzyl amine 4. Benzenamine 3. azomethane
PREPARATION 4. quaternary ammonium compound
2. The reducing agent used for preparing 10. Which of the following compounds will
aniline from nitro benzene in the laboratory dissolve in an alkali solution after it has
is undergone reaction with Hinsberg
1. LiAlH4 2. Na / C2H5OH reagent?
3. Sn/HCl 4. Fe - steam and HCl 1.  C2 H5 2 NH 2.  CH 3 3 N
3. Gabriel phthalimide reaction is used for the
preparation of 3. CH 3 NH 2 4. C 6 H 5 NHC 6 H 5
1. primary aromatic amines 11. Aniline on heating with fuming sulphuric acid
2. secondary amines gives.
3. primary aliphatic amines 1. Aniline disulphate 2.Sulphanilic acid
4. tertiary amines 3. Aniline sulphate
4. Which of the following pair is correctly 4. Aniline-2, 4-disulphonic acid
matched. 12. Bromine water reacts with aniline to give
1) Curtius reaction, carboxylic acid 1. o-bromoaniline
2) Hoffmann rearrangement-acid azide 2. p-bromoaniline
3) Schmidt reaction-carboxylic acid 3. m-bromoaniline
4) Lossen rearrangement-acid chloride 4. symmetric tribromoaniline
13. N-alkyl aniline is the product of following
PROPERTIES 1. Nitration of benzene
5. Arrange the following in the correct order 2. Alkylation of aniline
of their basic character 3. Acylation of aniline
I) NH3 II) CH3NH2 III) C6H5NH2 4. Benzoylation of aniline
1)III>II>I 2) II>III>I 14. A : Nitration of aniline can only be done by
3) II>I>III 4).I=II=III protecting  NH 2 group through acetylation.
6. When aniline is heated with chloroform and
R : Acetylation of aniline results in the C. Oilof wintergreen 3. yellow
increase of electron density on the benzene D. 2,4,6-tribromo 4. pale yellow to
ring. aniline reddishbrown
1 A and R are true and R is the correct The correct matching is
explanation of A 1. A-2 B-3 C-4 D-1 2. A-4 B-3 C-2 D-1
2. A and R are true and R is not the correct 3. A-1 B-2 C-3 D-4 4. A-3 B-1 C-2 D-4
explanation of A
3. A is true R is false 4. A is false R is true 18. Ethyl isocyanide on reduction with sodium
15 Match the following and alcohol gives.
List - I List - II (1) Ethyl amine (2) Propyl amine
 (3) Dimethylamine (4) Ethyl methyl amine
A. Ar N 2 X  
 1. ArF
HBr 19. Cyanide is an
 (1) Zwitter ion (2) Cation
B Ar N 2 X  
 2. ArH
 (3) Ambident nucleophile (4) Electrophile

C. Ar N 2 X  
C2 H5 OH
 3 .

D. Ar N 2 X  
 4. ArBr 1) 4 2) 3 3) 3 4) 3 5) 3
1. A - 4 B -1 C-2 D-3 6) 1 7) 1 8) 3 9) 4 10) 3
2 A-1 B -2 C-3 D-4 11) 2 12) 4 13) 2 14) 3 15) 1
3. A - 2 B -3 C-4 D-1 16) 2 17) 1 18) 4 19) 3
4. A - 3 B -4 C-1 D-2

16. List-I List-II 1. Aromatic compound.

A. HVZ reaction 1. NaNO2  HCl 2. Sn + HCl gives nascent hydrogens
B. Clemmensen 2. hydrazine + 3. Primary aliphatic amines
KOH (alc)
C. Diazotisation 3. Sn / HCl 5. Aliphatic amine > NH 3 > aromatic amine
D. Wolf-Kishner 4. Zn-Hg/ Conc. 6. C6 H 5 NH 2  3KOH  CHCl3  C6 H 5 NC  3KCl  3H 2O
HCl  
7. C6H NH  H C l  C6H N H Cl
reduction 5 2 5 3

5. Cl2 / red P 8.R.W CH 3COCl + C6H5NH2  C6H5NHCOCH3 +

The correct matching is HCl
 C6 H 5 NR3  X 

1. A-3 B-1 C-4 D-3 2. A-5 B-4 C-1 D- 9. C6 H 5 NH 2 
3 RX

10. 10 amine
3. A-2 B-5 C-1 D-3 4. A-1 B-2 C-4 D-
5 11. Electrophilic substitution
12. Electrophilic substitution reaction
17. List-I List-II 13. Alkylation
A. Indigotin 1. White 14. COCH 3 decrease the electron density of
B. Iodoform 2. blue benzene ring.
15. A- Sandmeyer’s reactor

symmetrical tribromoanline. The amount of

bromine required is
LEVEL - II 1) 3.0 moles 2. 1.5 moles
CLASS WORK 3) 4.5 moles 4. 6.0 moles

PREPARATION 7. C6 H 5Cl NH 3

Cu O ,2000 C
 X;

X 
0 50 C
 Z ; X  Z  A; the no.of
1. Aniline is not the major product in one of
the following reactions. Identify that reaction.  and  bonds in 'A' are

1) C6H5OH+NH3 
 1. 25 , 6 2. 25 , 7
3000 C
3. 27 , 7 4. 27 , 6
2) C6H5NO2+Zn Powder 

Hydrolysis Re d hot
3) C6H5Cl+NH3 
200 C

8. CaC2   A  B
Cu2O Cu tube
4) C6H5NO2+Fe+H2O  
 HNO  H SO
3 2 4 C
50600 c
2. Which of the following amines cannot be
NaNO  HCl , O0c
prepared by Gabriel phthalimide reaction? Fe
  HCl  D  2 E
1. Benzylamine 2. Aniline
Then E is
3. Ethylamine 4. Methalylamine
1. Aniline black
3. In the Hoffmann Bromamide
2. Benzene diazonium Chloride
rearrangement, intermediate species are
3. Phenyl osazone
1) R  CO  NHBr
4. Benzoyl chloride
 
  9. Aniline reacts with HCl and forms 'X' the
2)  R  CO N  Br  Na
  type of bonds in X are
1) ionic, covalent
3) R  N  C  O 4) All
2) ionic, covalent, dative
3). only covalent 4). only ionic
PROPERTIES 10. Which of the following is the strongest base?
4. Acetamide is treated separately with the
following reagents. Which one of these
1. NH 2 2. NHCH3
would give methylamine?
1. PCl5 2. Sodalime
NH 2
3. 4. CH 2NH 2
3. NaOH  Br2 4. Hot concentrated H 2SO 4
CH 3
5. Among the following, the strongest base is
1. C6 H 5 NH 2
2. p  NO 2  C6 H 4 NH 2 11. Among the following incorrect resonance
structure of Benzene diazonium ion is
3. m  NO 2  C6 H 4 NH 2
4. C6 H 5CH 2 NH 2
6. Aniline (1 mole) react with bromine to give

(1) CH 3 N  CCl2 (2) CH 3 NCl  CCl2
 
N N: N N: 
(3) ClCH 2 NC (4) Cl2CHNC

1) 2) 

 
1) 2 2) 2 3) 4 4) 3 5) 3
N  N :

N N: 6) 1 7) 3 8) 2 9) 2 10) 4
11) 4 12) 3 13) 2 14) 1 15) 1
3) 4) 16) 1

12. Which of the following statement is
incorrect? LEVEL - II
1. C6 H 5 N 2 Cl is soluble in water
Zn  KOH
1. C6 H 5 NO 2   C 6 H 5 NH  NHC 6 H 5
2. C6 H 5 N 2 BF4 is water insoluble
3. C6 H 5 N 2 Cl is stable at room temperature 3.
4NaOH  Br2
4. C6 H 5 N 2 Cl is stable at 00 C 4. CH3  CO  NH 2 
13. A positive carbylamine test is given by CH3 NH 2  Na 2 CO3  2NaBr  2H 2O
1. N,N-dimethyl aniline 2. isopropyl amine
SO3 H SO3
3. diethyl amine 4. trimethyl amine
14. Acid hydrolysis of methyl isocyanide gives
(1) CH 3 NH 2  HCOOH
NH 2 NH 3
(2) CH 3 NH 2  CH 3COOH
NH 2 NH 2
(3) C2 H 5 NH 2  HCOOH Br Br
 3Br2   3HBr
(4) CH 3 NH 2  CH 3CH 2COOH 6.
15. Acetaldoxime reacts with phosphorous Br
pentoxide to give
(1) Methyl cyanide (2) Methyl cyanate 7. X  C6 H 5 NH 2 , Z  C6 H 5 N 2Cl ,
(3) Ethyl cyanide (4) Ethyl isocyanide A  C6 H5  N  N  C6 H4 NH2
16. Which of the following product is obtained 8.
when methyl isocyanide reacts which
chlorine 9. C6 H 5 NH 3 Cl 
10. Aliphatic 10 amine
12. At room temperature and it decomposes
13. 10 - amine
1. Which of the following amides will not
undergo Hoffmann bromamide reaction? 3) 4)
1. CH 3CONH 2 2. CH 3CH 2CONH 2
NH 2 NH 2
3. C6 H 5CONH 2 4. CH 3CONHCH 3
2. Amongst the given set of reactants, the most 6. The compound C5 H13 N is optically active
appropriate for preparing 20 amine is ___
and reacts with HONO to give C5 H11OH .
1) 20 R-Br + NH3
The compound is
2) 20 R-Br + NaCN followed by H2/Pt
1. N - methylbutanamine
3) 10 R-NH2 + RCHO followed by H2/Pt
2. 2 - Aminopentane
4) 10 R-Br (2 mol) + Potassium phthalimide
followed by H3O+/heat 3. 1 - Aminopentane
4. N, N - Dimethylpropanamine
7. Which one of the following is the
strongest base in aqueous solution?
3. Zwitter ion can be formed by
1. Trimethylamine 2. Aniline
1) Acetanilide 2) Benzanilide
3. Dimethylamine 4. Methylamine
3) Sulphanilic acid 4) Benzene sulphonamide
8. What is the end product in the following
4. Aniline doesn’t react with sequence of operations ?
1. dil.HCl 2. dil NaOH
C2 H5 NH2   A   B  C
HNO2 5 PCl3 alc. NH
3. CH3COCl 4. Br2 water
5. 1. ethyl cyanide 2. Methyl amine
3. ethyl amine 4. Acetamide
CH 3 9. Which of the following shows optical
1. butanamine-1 2. butanamine-2
 CH CO  O 
3. isopropylamine 4. etyl methyl amine
3 2
A  Br2
 B 
H 2O

NH 2 10. In the reaction ,
C6 H 5 NH 2  2  (A)
C is 05o C

CH 3 CH 3 Cu2  CN 
 (B) H / H O (C) the
KCN  

product (C) is
1. C6 H 5CH 2 NH 2 2. C 6 H 5COOH
1) 2)
Br 3. C6 H 5OH 4. all the above
NH 2 NH 2
11. Which of the following converts Benzene
diazonium chloride to Benzene? 5 4 3 2 1

6. H3C CH2  CH2  CH  CH3

1. H 3 PO3 2. C2 H5OH NH2

3. H 2 O 4. HBF4
12. Which of the following can distinguish the 7. 20 > 30 > 10 > NH3
three amines, viz.., primary, secondary and 8. A  C2 H 5OH , B  C2 H 5Cl ,
C  C2 H 5 NH 2
1. Azo - dye test 2. Hinsberg reagent
3. Carbylamine test 4. Acetyl chloride 9. It contain chiralcarbon
13. Aniline and diphenylamine may be 10. A = C6 H 5 N 2Cl
distinguished by
B = C6 H 5CN
1. Lassaigne’s test 2. Schiff’s test
3. Carbyl amine reaction 4. Solubility test C = C6 H 5COOH
14. The only stable organic functional group in 11. Reduction
which carbon is divalent is 12. 10 amine reacts with Hinsberg reagent and the
1) : CCl2 2) : CH 2 3) : CBr2 4) R  NC product is soluble in alkali, 20 amine reacts with
15. Electrophilic and Nucleophilic reagents give Hinsberg reagent and the product is insoluble in
addition on the same atom of the molecule alkali where as 30 amine does not react with
in Hinsberg reagent
1) Cyanide 2) Isocyanide 13. Diphenyl amine is 20 amine
3) Aldehyde 4) Ketone
1. In the chemical reactions,

1) 4 2) 3 3) 3 4) 2 5) 2 the compounds ‘A’ and ‘B’ respectively are

6) 2 7) 3 8) 3 9) 2 10) 2 1) nitrobenzene and fluorobenzene
11) 2 12) 2 13) 3 14) 4 15) 2 2) phenol and benzene
3) benzene diazonium chloride and fluorobenzene
HINTS 4) nitrobenzene and chlorobenzene
2. An organic compound A upon reacting with
NH3 gives B. On heating, B gives C. C in
presence of KOH reacts with Br2 to give
CH3CH2NH2. A is
SO3 H SO3
2) CH 3CH 2 CH 2 COOH
NH 2 NH 3 CH 3  CH  COOH
4. Weak base |
CH 3

4) CH 3CH 2 COOH
3. On heating an aliphatic primary amine with
3.  NH 
chloroform and ethanolic potassium
hydroxide, the organic compound formed is:
1) an alkyl cyanide 2) an alkyl isocyanide
3) an alkanol 4) an alkanediol
4. Considering the basic strength of amines in 4.  NHCH3
aqueous solution, which one has the smallest
pKb value?
2. Which of the following orders is true
1)  CH 3 3 N 2) C6 H 5 NH 2
regarding the basic nature of NH 2 group?
3)  CH 3 2 NH 4) CH3 NH 2 1. o - Toluidine > Aniline > o - Nitroaniline
2. o - Toluidine < Aniline > o - Nitroaniline
KEY 3. o - Toluidine < Aniline < o - Nitroaniline
1) 3 2) 4 3) 2 4) 3 4. o - Toluidine > Aniline < o - Nitroaniline


3. Hofmann degradation of
m - bromobenzamide gives
1. 1. aniline
2. m - bromoaniline
3. bromobenzene
4. m - bromoethyl benzene
4. An aromatic amine(A) was treated with
2. alcoholic potash and another compound ‘Y’
then a foul smelling gas was formed with
formula C6H5NC, ‘Y’ was formed by reacting
a compound ‘Z’ with Cl 2 in presence of
3. RNH 2  CHCl3  3KOH  RNC  3KCl  3H 2 O slaked lime. The compound ‘Z’ is
4. Aliphatic amines are more basic than aromatic 1. C6H5NH2 2. CH3OH
amines. 3. CH3COCH3 4. CHCl3
(CH3)2NH > CH 3NH2 > (CH 3)3N (among 5. Which of the following would not react with
aliphatic amines in water). benzene sulphonyl chloride in aq. NaOH?
1. aniline 2. methylamine
3. N,N-dimethyl aniline 4. N-methyl aniline
6. Fluorobenzene (C6 H 5F) can be synthesized
in the laboratory
1. by heating phenol with HF and KF
1. Maximum pK b value is of 2. from aniline by diazotisation followed by
1.  CH3 2 NH heating the diazonium salt with HBF4

2.  CH 3CH 2 2 NH
3. by direct fluorination of benzene with F2 gas
4. by reacting bromobenzene with NaF solution
7. CH3CH2Cl 
X 
Ni/ H2
Y 
Z NH 2
Z in the above sequence is
1. CH 3CH 2 CH 2 NHCOCH 3 10.  Br2 
 ?
2. CH 3CH 2 CH 2 NH 2
3. CH 3CH 2 CH 2 CONHCH 3 NH 2
NH 2
 NH 
C6 H 6   X  Y
Conc. HNO3 4 2 x S
8. Conc. H 2 SO4 ,363 K 1) 2)
In the above reaction requence, X and Y are
1. Nitrobenzene, aniline
2. m - Dinitrobenzene, m - Phenylenediamine
NH 2
3. m - Dinitrobenzene, m - Nitroaniline NH 2
4. p- Dinitrobenzene, p- nitroaniline
9. In the given reaction
3) 4)
CH 3
| Br Br
CH 3  CH 2  C  NH 2 
conc . HCl

CH 3
product(s). Product(s) will be
11. In the diazotization of arylamines with
OH sodium nitrite and hydrochloric acid, an
| excess of hydrochloric acid is used
CH 3  CH 2  C  CH 3 primarily to
1) | 1. Supress the concentration of free aniline
CH 3 available for coupling
2. Supress hydrolysis of phenol
CH3  CH  C  CH3 3. Ensure a stoichiometric amount of nitrous acid
4. Neutralise the base liberated
2) 12. The compound which on reaction with
aqueous nitrous acid at low temperature
produces an oily nitrosoamine is
1. methylamine 2. ethylamine
3. diethylamine 4. triethylamine
CH 3  CH 2  C  CH 3
3) 13. Which of the following orders is correct
regarding basicity of indicated
CH 3
4) All 1. N, N - Dimethyltoluidine > p - toluidine >
aniline > p - nitroaniline
2. Aniline > N, N - dimethyl - p - toluidine > p -
toluidine > aniline
3. p - Toluidine > N, N - dimethyl - p - toluidine 1) Aniline 2) N-Methylaniline
> aniline > p - nitroaniline 3) N,N-Dimethylaniline
4. N, N-Dimethyltoluidine > aniline > p - 4) O-, m- or P-Toluidine
toluidine > p - nitroaniline 19. Amine which will not respond to
14. Towards electrophilic substitution, the most Benzoylation reaction is
reactive is
1. anilinium chloride 2. aniline 1) C6 H 5 NH 2 2)
3. N - acetylaniline 4. nitrobenzene
15. 'Z' in the following sequence of reaction is 3) 4) C6 H 5 NHCH 3
C6 H 6 
 W 
HNO3 / H 2SO4

Zn / HCl

X 
HCl, 0 50 C
Y  
H 2 O / H3PO2
1. 2. 1) 3 2) 2 3) 2 4) 3 5) 3
6) 2 7) 1 8) 3 9) 4 10) 3

OH Cl 11) 1 12)3 13) 1 14) 2 15) 2

16) 3 17) 2 18) 2 19) 3
3. 4.
16. The reaction of chloroform with alcoholic LEVEL - III
KOH and p - toluidine forms
1. H3C N2Cl 1. Lone pair of electrons on nitrogen involved in
the resonance
2. H3C NHCHCl2 2. Electron releasing increases the availability of lone
pair of electrons on nitrogen. While electron
3. H3C NC attracting group decreases this availability

4. H3C CN
| |
NaOH  Br2
3.  
TESTS | Br |

17. In the Hofmann’s method for separation of 4. Y  CHCl3

10 , 20 and 30 amines, the reagent used is 5. 30 - amine
1) Acetyl chloride 6. C6 H5 NH 2 
 C6 H5 N 2Cl 
 C6 H 5 F
2) Benzenesulphonyl chloride
3) Diethyl oxalate 4) Nitrous acid 7. x  CH 3CH 2 CN Y=CH 3CH 2CH 2 NH 2
18. Libermann’s nitroso reaction is used for 11. Exess of HCl is used to convert free aniline to
testing aniline hydrochloride. Other wise free aniline
would undergo coupling reaction with benzene 3. Which of the following has maximum pK b
diazonium chloride value ?
12. 20 a min e
13. CH3 group is electron releasing group were as 1) CH 3CH 2 NH 2 2)

NO 2 group is electron withdrawing group

 NH 2 is electron releasing group
3)  CH 3CH 2 2 NH
15. w  C6H5 NO2 x=C6H5 NH2 y  C6H5 N2Cl
16. Similar to carbylamine reaction
An aromatic compound ‘A’ on treatment with
LEVEL-IV aqueous ammonia and heating forms compounds
‘B’ which on heating with Br2 and KOH forms
COMPREHENSION-I a compound ‘C’ of molecular formula C6 H 7 N .
Electron releasing group pushes electrons to ward 4. The conversion of B to C is
nitrogen and hence increases the availability of 1) Hoffmann bromamide degradation reaction
lone pair of electrons and thus increases its 2) Bromoform reaction
basicity on the other hand, electron with drawing 3) Wurtz fitting reaction
group decreases the availability hence makes the
4) Hoffmann mustard oil reaction
amine less basic
5. The compound ‘B’ is
1. Among the following which is more basic
1. CH3O -- -- NH2

2. O 2N - --N H 2 1) 2)

3. --NH2

4. HOOC -- --NH2
2. Which of the following is the strongest base? 3) 4)

| | 6. The compound ‘A’ may be
1. 2.

NH | 1) 2)

3. 4.

3) 4)

1) 1 2) 2 3) 4 4) 1
5) 1 6) 4

1. CH3O group is electron releasing group
2. Aliphatic amines are stronger bases than aromatic
3. C6 H 5 NH 2 is a weak base.
4. The conversion of benzamide to aniline is
Hoffmann degradation reaction.
5. B is amide
6. A is benzoylchloride.
Molecule :
 The smallest particle of an element which has
MATTER: independent existence and chemically inert is called
 Any thing that has mass and occupies molecule.
some space is called matter eg : H 2 , Cl2 , HCl , etc...
Matter Atom :
 The word atom is derived from greek word
Pure substances Mixtures ATOMIO which means indivisible.
 The term atom was proposed by John Dalton.
 Matter is made up of molecules and molecules are
Elements Chemical made up of atoms.
compounds  Atoms are fundamental building blocks of matter.
Dalton’s atomic theory-postulates
Homogeneous Heterogeneous
 The matter is made of small indivisible particles
called atoms, which can take part in chemical re-
Elements: actions.
 The substances which can give same atoms upon  The atoms of the same element are identical in size,
fine division are called elements. mass and in other properties in all respects.
 Elements may contains atoms or molecules  Atoms of different elements differ from each other
eg : He, H 2 , Cl2 , O2 etc..... in their properties and masses.
 Atoms of different elements can combine in simple
Compounds : ratios to form compounds.
 These are formed when two or more different  Atoms can be neither created nor destroyed.
elements combine.
 The properties of compounds are different from
Merits of Dalton’s theory :
 Dalton’s theory is able to explain law of conser-
those of the elements.
vation of mass, law of constant composition and
eg : HCl , NaOH , H 2O . law of multiple proportions.
Mixture: Draw backs of Dalton’s theory :
 A material containing two or more substances in  It failed to explain the internal structure of atoms
any proportions is called mixture.  It could not explain how atoms of different ele-
 The components in the mixture are present with ments differ from one another and combine with
out losing their identity. one another.
 It failed to explain the experiments like when glass
Homogeneous Mixture :
or ebonite rubbed with silk or fur generate elec-
 Mixtures having a constant composition through-
out are said to be homogeneous mixture.
eg : air, sea water, alloys. Sub atomic particles:
 Atom consists of smaller particles like electron,
Heterogeneous mixture:
proton , neutron, neutrino, anti neutrino, positron
 Mixtures having different compositions in differ-
antiproton, pions and measons etc...
ent regions are said to be heterogeneous mixture.
 Electron, Proton and Neutron are considered as
eg : sand+water, dust+air.
fundamental particles of atom.
Electron-discovery:  Greater the magnitude of the charge on the particle
 Electron was discovered by J.J.Thomson. greater is the deflection when electric and mag-
 The name eletctron was proposed by Stoney. netic field is applied.
 The discharge tube is a sealed tube,made of glass  Lighter the mass of the particle greater will be the
containing two thin metal plates called electrodes. deflection.
 During the discharge tube experiment “Crookes”  The deflection of electrons from its original path
observed that rays were found to pass from increases when voltage increases.
negatively charged plate (cathode) to positively  From the above points J.J.Thomson was able to
charged plate (anode). determine the value of charge to mass ratio.
 The electrical discharge through the gases could e
 1.7588  1011 cKg 1 (or )1.7588  108 cg 1
be observed only at very low pressures(0.01mm m
of Hg) and at very high voltages(10000 V).
 The rays emitted from cathode are called cathode
rays. Cathode Anode +
 Cathode rays are stream of electrons. A
Air at very B
low pressure Green glow
tube S
Cathode rays
Cathode Anode
To vaccum pump Magnet screen

+ High voltage generator

 As the velocity of the electron increases, the
specific charge of the electron decreases due to
Properties of Cathode Rays :
the increase of relative mass of the electron.
 The cathode rays move from cathode to anode.
 The mass of a moving electron may be calculated
 These rays are invisible but their behaviour can be
by applying the formula
observed with the help of fluorescent or
phosphorescent materials, which glow when hit by m0
them. 2
 These rays travel in straight lines in the absence of 1  
electric and magnetic field. C 
 In the presence of electric field they are deflected Where m0 = rest mass of electron
towards anode and in magnetic field towards south v = velocity of the electron
pole. C = velocity of light
 Cathode rays contain negatively charged particles  If v = C, mass of the moving electron becomes
called electrons. infinity.
 The nature of cathode rays is found to be  The value of e/m of cathode rays is independent of
independent of nature of the cathode material and the nature of the metal forming the cathode and the
nature of the gas in the tube. gas used in the discharge tube.
 Hence electrons are considered as constituent par-  This shows that electrons are universal
ticles of all atoms. constituents of all matter
Note : e/m value of ions w.r.t. H-atom
Charge to mass ratio of Electron ( ) : magnitude of ch arg e(relative ch arg e)
m 
mass number (relative mass no)
 The charge to mass ratio is known as specific
charge J.J.Thomson measured e/m ratio of the elec-
tron based on following points.
we know that q  ne ,
W.E.1: Find the e/m value of   particle
q 81019
 He  w.r.t. H-atom?
n 
e 1.61019

2 2 W.E.3: In an oil drop experiment, the charges

Sol: e / m value of He   0.5
4 on oil drops were found as 1.5 10 –15 ,
310–15 , 4.510–15 , 6.010–15 .Calculate the
Charge of Electron : magnitude of the charge on the electron.
 The charge of electron is the smallest known Sol: The magnitude of charge should be smallest &
electrical charge. It is taken as unit negative charge. other charges should be integral multiples of that
 Millikan determined the charge of the electron by smallest charge( q  ne ). So in the problem,the
an oil drop experiment. smallest charge 1.510 –15 and is also an
 Charge on the oildrops was always an integral
integral multiple of all other charges.
multiple of 1.60  10 19 C . case 1 : 1.5  1015  1 e
e 1.60  1019 case 2 : 3  1015  2  e
me    9.1094  1031 kg
e / me 1.758820  1011 ckg 1
case 3 : 4.5  10 15  3  e
Millikan’s Oil Drop experiment : case 4 : 6  1015  4  e
 In this , oil droplets which are in the mist form were
so charge on the electrons is same in all cases and
allowed to enter through a tiny hole in the upper
plate of electrical condenser. it will be 1.5 10 15
 The downward motion of these droplets was Discovery of Protons :
viewed through the telescope, equipped with a  Protons are discovered by Gold Stein.
micrometer eye piece.  He used perforated cathode in the discharge tube
 In chamber, the forces acting on oil drop are and repeated J.J.Thomson experiment and ob-
gravitational, electrostatic due to electrical field and served the formation of anode rays.
a viscous drag force when the oil drop is moving.  These rays also termed as positive or Canal rays.
 By measuring the rate of fall of these droplets,  These are simply the positively charged gaseous
Millikan was able to measure the mass of oil ions.
droplets.  The name proton is suggested by Rutherford
 The air inside the chamber was ionized by passing
a beam of X-rays through it. Properties of anode rays :
 The electrical charge on these oil droplets was  Anode rays travel in straight line, and these are
acquired by collisions with gaseous ions. material particles.
 The fall of these charged oil droplets can be  Anode rays are positively charged, and get deflected
retarded, accelerated or made stationary depending by external magnetic field and effect the photo-
upon the charge on the droplets and the polarity graphic plate.
and strength of the voltage applied to the plate. e e
 By carefully measuring the effects of electrical field  value of these rays is smaller than that of
strength on the motion of oil droplets. m m
 Millikan concluded that the magnitude of electrical value of electrons.
charge ‘q’ on the droplets is always an integral e
multiple of the electrical charge ‘e’ that is q  ne ,  value of anode rays depends upon nature of the gas.
where n = 1,2,3......
W.E.2: An oil drop has 8.0  10–19C charge. How  value of anode rays is maximum when the gas
many electrons does this oil drop has?
present in the tube is hydrogen.
Sol: Charge on the oil drop= 8.0  1019 C
( 9.58  107 1 or 9.58  104 Cg 1 )
Charge on the electron=1.6  1019 C
 The protons carry unit positive charge with unit Spherical cloud
mass. of positive charge
 Rutherford obtained protons by bombarding nitro- + +
gen atomic nucleus with   particle . + + +
14 4
7 N 2 He  11 H 17
8 O + +
+ +
Neutron: Electron
Thomson's Plum pudding model
 Neutrons are discovered by James Chadwick.
 When Berilium or Boron nuclides bombarded by Rutherfords Model of Atom :
 -particles, neutrons are formed.  Rutherford proposed atomic model based on
 They have no charge but posses mass almost equal  - ray scattering experiment.
to proton.  A beam of  - particles are passed through a thin
9 4 12 1 gold foil which is enclosed with flouroscent ZnS
4 Be  2 He  6 C  0 n screen capable of producing scintillations.
Beryllium  -particle Carbon Neutron

Subatomic Relative
particle Discoveres Mass Mass Charge e/m
-19 11
Electron Thomson 0.000546 amu 1 -1.602×10 C -1 1.76 × 10 C/Kg
-31 -10
9.18 × 10 Kg 1837 -4.8 × 10 esu
-19 7
Proton Gold Stein 1.00728 amu 1 1.602×10 C 1 9.58 × 10 C/Kg
-27 -10
1.673×10 Kg 4.8×10 esu
Neutron Chadwick 1.008665 amu 1 0 0 0
1.675×10 Kg

Atomic Models : Observations - conclussions :

J.J.Thomson atomic model:  Most of the  - particles passes through the foil
 J.J.Thomson proposed that an atom is in spherical without any deflection which indicates that most of
10 the atom is empty.
shape with radius approximately10 m in which
 A small fraction of  - particles were deflected
the positive charge is uniformly distributed . from its original path which indicates that the posi-
 The electrons are embeded into it in such a manner tive charge is at the centre of the atom and due to
as to give more stable electrostatic arrangment repulsive forces deflections takes places.
 According to J.J.Thomson atom is like water Observation Interpretation
melon. } The atom is mostly
empty space
 The positive charge is distributed like fibrous Gold

material and electrons are embeded like seeds . Detector foil

 An important feature of this model is that the mass
of the atom is assumed to be uniformly distributed Radoactive }
over the atom.
 It can not explain electrical neutrality of the atom. Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment
 This model also called plum pudding, raisin
pudding model of atom.
 A very few  - particles bounced back which Atomic mass number :
indicates that the whole mass is concentrated at the  The sum of protons and neutrons in an atom of an
centre of atom. This heaviest part is named as element is called its mass number(A).
“nucleus” A = no.of neutrons + no.of protons
Number of neutrons = A  Z .
Mass number is always a whole number.
+ Atomic weight :
 One-twelfth the mass of an atom of C612 is called
as atomic mass unit(a.m.u). It is also known as
Rutherford's Alpha-ray Experiment
 The radius of the atom is very small and in the or- W.E.4: What will be the difference in mass number if
the number of neutrons halved and the number of
der of 1010 m , where as for nucleus is 1015 m .
 The electrons revolve around the nucleus like plan- electrons doubled in 12
6 C

ets revolve around the sun hence this model is called Ans: Mass no is the sum of protons and neutrons
planetary model or nuclear model. If 12
6 C  Initial  final
Defects of Rutherford’s Model : protons : 6 - 6
 It is against to law of electrodynamics. Neutrons: 6 - 3
 It was failed to explain stability of atom. mass no : 12 - 9
 According to classical electromagnetic theory, the Hence the decrease in mass no is 25.0%
revolving electron should loss energy continuosly W.E.5: Calculate the no.of protons,neutron and
and travel in a spiral path. Finally it must fall into the 37
electrons in 17 Cl
nucleus. But it does not happen.
Ans: No.of protons = Atomic number(z)=17
 The atomic spectrum should be continuous band
spectrum due to continuous loss of energy but it is mass number(A)=37
a line spectrum. No.of neutrons=A-Z=37-17=20
 It can’t explain the electronic structure of atom and No.of electrons=17
energies of electrons. W.E.6: Calculate the no.of protons, neutron and
Atomic Number : electron in 14 3
7 N ion

 The number of electrons or protons present in an Sol: No.of protons=atomic number(z)=7

atom of an element is called its atomic number(Z). No.of neutrons =(A-z)=14-7=7
 Moseley gives the relation between atomic number No.of electrons in an ion
(Z) and frequency( v ) of the characteristic X-rays = z  magnitude of ch arg e =7+3=10
of the element by the equation W.E.7: The no.of electrons ,protons and neutron
v  a  Z  b in a species are equal to 10,11,12 respectively.
Where ‘a’ and ‘b’ are constants and depends on Assign proper symbol to the species.
nature of the elements. Sol. No.of protons=11, hence atomic no. = 11
 A neutral atom contains equal number of electrons so the element is Na.
and protons. It has one eletron less than the no.of electrons, hence
For Cation : it has a unit +ve charge.
Number of protons = z No.of neutrons =12
Number of electrons  z  no.of electrons lost Mass number = no.of protons + no.of
For Anion : neutrons = 11 + 12 = 13
Number of protons = z therefore the symbol of that species= 11 23
Na 
Number of electrons = z + no.of electrons gained
Isotopes :  The percentage of isotope wit h A.wt
 The nuclides of same element having same atomic 10.01=20%
number but different mass numbers are called The percentage of isotope with A.wt 11.01=80.0%
isotopes. Isobars :
 Isotopes show similar chemical properties but
 The nuclides of different elements having same
different physical and radioactive properties.
mass number but different atomic numbers are
 Fractional atomic masses of elements is due to the
presence of Isotopes.
Avg.atomic mass
 Isobars show similar physical properties but

 % abundance of isotope  atomic weight different chemical properties.
total ratio eg. 1) : 6 C 14 , 7 N 14
eg. 1) Isotopes of hydrogen : 48 20 40
2) : 18 Ar ,19 K ,20 Ca
Protium  1 H  , Deuterium  1 H  or
1 2
D2 130
1 3) : 54 Xe, 130
56 Ba

Tritium  1 H 3  or 1T 3 . Protium (99.985%),

Isotones :
Deuterium (0.015%)  The nuclides of the different elements with different
2) Isotopes of chlorine : 17 Cl 35
and 17 Cl 37 atomic number and mass number but having same
235 238
number of neutrons(A-Z) are called isotones.
3) isotopes of uranium : 92 U and 92U  Isotones show different physical and chemical
W.E.8 The mass number of three isotopes of an properties.
element are 10,12,14 units. Their percentage eg. 1) 30 31 32
14 Si , 15 P , 16 S
abundance is 80,15 and 5units respectively. 14 16
What is the atomic weight of the element? 2) 6 C,8 O
Sol: Percentage abundances of Isotopes=80,15,5 3) 23 24
11 Na , 12 Mg
ratio of percentage abundances of Isotopes=16:3:1
The total ratio = 16+3+1=20 Isodiaphers :
 ratio of % abundance  Atomic weight  The nuclides having same isotopic number(A-2Z)
Avg. Awt 
Total ratio are called isodiaphers. They posses same differ-
ence of neutrons and protons (n-p).
10  16  12  3  14  1
  10.5 eg. F919 , Na1123
The Avg.Awt=10.5. Isosters :
W.E.9: Naturally occuring boron consists of two  The molecules with same atomicity and same
isotopes whose atomic weights are 10.01 and number of electrons are called isosters.
11.01 the atomic weight of natural boron is eg. CO2, N2O
10.81. Calculate the percentage of each C6H6 & B3N3H6
Isotope in natural boron? (Atomicity = total no.of atoms in molecule)
Ans: Let the percentage of isotope with atomic weight
10.01 = x Iso-electronic species :
Let the percentage of isotope with atomic weight  The molecules or ions with same number of
11.01=(100-x) electrons are called iso electronic species
m1 x1  m2 x2 eg 1: N 3 , O 2 , F  , Ne, Na  , Mg 2  , Al 3
Avg. Awt 
x1  x2 eg2 : P 3 , S 2 , Cl  , Ar , K  , Ca 2 , Sc 3
x  10.01  (100  x)11 Nature of light :
10.81 
100  It can be explained by two theories
x=20% a) wave theory of light b) corpuscular theory of
Wave theory : Frequency    :
 It was proposed by Huygens
 The number of waves that pass through a given
 According to Huygens Light and other forms of
point in one second is called frequency.
radiant energy propagate through space in the form
of waves. Units : The SI units are sec 1 , cycles per second
 Maxwell proposed when electrically charged (cps) or Hertz (Hz). 1cps = 1 Hz= sec 1
particle moves under acceleration,alternating Frequency( v ) and wavelength (  ) are related as
electrical and magnetic fields are produced and
transmitted. C
 These are transmitted in the form of wave and are 
associated with electric and magnetic fields are Where C = Velocity of light
called electromagnetic radiation(EMR) or = 3 x 108 m/sec or 3 x 1010 cm/sec
electromagnetic waves.
 Both electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to Wave Number    :
each other and to the direction of the propagation.  The number of wave lengths per unit length
 These electromagnetic waves do not require any (or )
medium and can travel in vaccum.  The reciprocal wave length is called wave number.
Electromagnetic wave Units: cm 1 or m 1
Magnetic Field(B)
Electric Wave number v 
Field(E) 
Propagation  The relation between v and v is v  Cv
Direction Amplitude (a):
 The height of the crest or depth of the trough of a
wave is called amplitude.
Characteristic properties of wave : Units: m, cm, pm
Wave Length (  ):  Amplitude is a measure of the intensity or bright-
 The distance between two similar points in a wave ness of a beam of light.
is known as wave length. Velocity (C):
 The units of wave length are m, cm, A0, nm,  The distance travelled by a wave in one second is
 , m or pm. called its velocity.
Units: m/sec or cm/sec.
1A 0  108 cm  1010 m
 All types of electromagnetic radiations have the same
7 9 0
1nm  10 cm 10 m  1m  10 A velocity which is equal to the velocity of light
1 pm 1010 cm  1012 m (3  108 ms 1 )
Property Formula Units
-8 -10
c 1Å = 10 cm = 10 m
l =
-10 -12
1pm = 10 cm = 10 m
u = or u = cu Hertz
1 u m
u = or u =
l c
W.E.10: The vividh bharati station of All india = 4.00  1014 Hz
Radio, delhi,broadcasts on a frequency of The range of visible spectrum is from
1,368 kHz (kilo hertz). Calculate the
4.0  1014 to 7.5  1014 Hz in terms of frequency
wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation
emitted by transmitter. Which part of the W.E.12: Ca l c u l a t e ( a ) Wa ven u m ber a n d
electromagnetic spectrum does it belong to? (b) frequency of yellow radiation having
wavelength 5800A0.
Sol:   where c = velocity of E.M.R in Sol: a) Calculation of wavenumber ( )

vaccum   5800 A0  5800  108 cm
= 3  108 m sec 1 = 5800  1010 m
  frequency  1368kHz
1 1
= 1368  103 sec 1  
 5800  1010 m
3.00  108 ms 1  1.724  106 m 1
1368  103 s 1  1.724  104 cm 1
= 219.3m
b) Calculation of the frequency ( )
This is a characteristic radiowave wavelength.
W.E11: The wavelength range of the visible c 3 108 ms 1
spectrum extends from violet(400 nm) to    5.172  1014 s 1
 5800  1010 m
red (750 nm). Express these wavelengths
in frequencies (Hz).(1nm=10 –9 m) Electromagnetic spectrum :
Sol: Frequency of violet light  The arrangement of different radiations in the increasing
order ofwavelengths or decreasing order of frequencies
c 3.00 108 ms 1
  with equalvelocities.
 400 109 m  The visible region is a small part of the entire
 7.50  10 Hz spectrum. It ranges from 400 nm to 750 nm
frequncy of red light
c 3.00 108 ms 1
 
 750 109 m
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
UV blue green red near-IR

Visible light
(micromet) -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 10 10 10 10 1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Cosmic Gamma X UV near & micro radio

rays rays rays middle wave and
visible thermal
Corpuscular theory : Where E = Energy of radiation
 According to Newton, light and other form of h = Planck’s constant
radiant energies are propagated in the form of = 6.625 1027 erg  sec
corpuscules(simple invisible particle) .
 After the wave theory of light, the corpuscular = 6.625  10 34 Joule  sec (SI unit)
theory lost significance = 3.99  1013 KJ  sec/ mole
Black body radiation :  Energy is emitted or absorbed in simple integral
 The ideal body which emits and absorbs radiations multiples of quantum, but not fractional values
of all frequencies, is called a black body. E  nhv Where n = 1, 2, 3, 4, ........
 The radiation of black body is called black body
Einstein’s approach :
 According to Einstein the radiant energy is absorbed
 A hollow sphere coated inside with platinum black,
or emitted in the form of small particle is called
which has a small hole in its wall can act as a near
photon.The radiation is propagated in the form of
black body.
eg :1. The reddish glow from the heating element
 The energy of a photon is directly proportional to
in an electric stove
frequency of the radiation.
eg :2 white light emitted by the hot filament in light
 The energy of a photon is
 A graph is obtained by plotting the intensity of hc
E = hv (or) E 
radiation against wave length as shown in fig. 
special radiancy

T2 > 1.3 * T1 12375


T1 Where E = energy in eV
Wavelngth   wavelength in A 0
A Study of the curve reveals that :  The energy of 1mole of photons is
 At a given temperature the intensity of radiation E = Nhv
emitted increases, reaches a maximum value and Where N = Avogadro’s number
then decreases. = 6.023 x 1023
 As the temperature increases the maximum inten-  Plank’s quantum theory was extended by Einstein
sity shifts towards the shortest wave lengths. for all types of electromagnetic radiations.
Planck’s Quantum Theory : Compton Effect:
 The phenomenon of the black body radiation is  The increase in wave length or decrease in energy
given by Max planck. of the X - rays after scattering from an object is
 The absorption or emission of radiation is mainly called the compton effect.
due to the vibrations of charged particles. W.E.13: calcutate energy of one mole of photons
 The radiation is associated with definite amount of of radiation whose f requency is 5 1014 Hz
energy. Ans: Energy (E) of one photons
 The radiant energy is always in discontinuous wave E = hv
form. It is absorbed or emitted discontinuosly in h = 6.626 10–34 Js
the form small packets of energy called quantum. v = 5  1014s–1 (given)
 The energy of a quantum of radiation is directly E = ( 6.626 10–34 Js )  (5  1014s–1)
proportional to the frequency of the radiation. = 3.313  10–19 J
E  E = hv Energy of one mole of photons
= (3.313  10–19 J) (6.022  1023mol–1)
hc = 199.51kJmol–1
E  hc

W.E.14 : A 100watt bulb emits monochromatic light
of wavelength 400nm. Calculate the no.of  
photons emitted per second by the bulb? E
Sol: Power of the bulb =100watt 6.626  1034 Js  3.0  108 ms 1

=100 Js 1 3.84  1019 J
Energy of one photon =517nm this wavelength corresponds to green
colour in visible spectrum.
E  h  W.E.16 : Calculate the energy of photons of
 r adi at i on wh ose wavel en gth i s 5000A 0 ?
6.626  1034 Js  3  108 ms 1 Ans:   5000 A0  5000  1010 m  5  107 m

400  109 m
c  3  108 m / sec; h  6.62  1034 Js
 4.969  1019 J hc 6.62 1034  3 108
 Number of photons emitted E 
 5 107
100 Js 1  3.97 1019 J
  2.012  1020 s 1
4.969  1019 J W.E.17: What is the number of photons of light
W.E.15: When electromagnetic radiation of wave- with a wave length 4000pm that provide 1J
length 300nm falls on the surface of energy?
sodium,electrons are emitted with a kinetic
energy of 1.68  10 5 Jmol –1 . What is the wavelength   4000 pm  4 109 m
minimum energy needed to remove an h  6.625 1034 Js, c  3.0  108 ms 1
electron from sodium? What is the maximum
wavelength that will cause a photoelectron hc
Energy of one photon, E 
to be emitted? 
Sol: The energy(E) of a 300nm photon is given by 6.625 1034 Js  3 108 ms 1
 = 4.969  10 17 J
hc 4 109 J
h  Number of photons providing 1 joule of energy

6.626  1034 Js  3.0  108 ms 1 1
  17
 2.01 1016
300  109 m 4.969  10
The energy of one mole of photons W.E.18: Calculate the energy of one mole of
quanta of radiation whose frequency is
 6.626  1019 J  6.022 10 23 mol 1 5  10 10 sec –1
 3.99  105 Jmol 1 Sol: Energy of 1 mol quantum  Nh
The minimum energy needed to remove one mole
 6.023  1023  6.626  1034  5  1010
of electrons from sodium.
 (3.99  1.68)105 Jmol 1  19.95
 2.31 105 Jmol 1
W.E.19 : Compare the energies of two radiations
The minimum energy for one electron one with  = 600nm and other with 300nm.
2.31 105 Jmol 1 E1 2 300 1
 Sol: E    600  2
6.022  10 23 electrons mol 1 2 1

 3.84  1019 J The relation between two energies is E2  2 E1

This corresponds to the wavelength
Photo electric effect : If V0 is the stopping potential eV0  h(   0 )
 The phenomenon of ejection of electrons from the
surface of metal when light of suitable frequency  If   0 no e  is ejected
strikes is called as photo electric effect.
 The electrons ejected are called photo electrons. = Threshold frequency
 The minimum frequency required to eject the
electrons is called threshold frequency
 The photo electric effect is readily exhibited by
alkali metals like K , Rb and Cs.
 A part of the energy of photon is used to escape
the electron from the attractive forces and the
remaining energy is used in increasing the kinetic If    0 ; K .E  0
energy of electron.
E  W  KE
Where W = Work function or Threshold energy K.E
W = hv0
h  hv 0  KE
hc hc W.E-20 : The threshold frequency v0 for a metal is
K.E  h  h 0  
 0 7.0  1014s–1. Calculate the kinetic energy of
Where v0 = Threshold frequency an electron emitted when radiation of
 In photo electric effect the number of photo elec- frequency v = 1.0  1015s–1 hits the metal.
trons emitted is proportional to intensity of inci- Sol: According to Einstein’s equation
dent light. 1 2
Kinetic energy  me v  h(v  v0 )
Intensity: 2
 It is the power transfered per unit area. Its S.I. units  (6.626  1034 Js)(1.0  1015 s 1  7.0  1014 s 1 )
are (W / m2 ) . It is used mostly for waves.  (6.626  1034 Js)(10.0  1014 s 1  7.0  1014 s 1 )
 The kinetic energy of photo electrons depends only
on the frequency of incident light and not on the  (6.626  1034 Js)  (3.0  1014 s 1 )
intensity of light.  1.988  1019 J
 The minimum energy required for emission of W.E.21: The minimum energy required to overcome
photo electrons is called threshold energy or the attractive forces between an electron and
work function. the surface of Ag metal is 5.52  10–19J. What
 For each metal, there is a characteristic minimum will be the maximum kinetic energy of
frequency v0 (also known as threshold frequency) electron ejected out from Ag which is being
below which photoelectric effect is not observed. exposed to UV-light of   360 A0 ?
 At a frequency v > v0 then photoelectric effect is Sol : Energy of the photons absorbed
hc 6.626  1027  3  1010
Values of work Function (W0) for Few  
 360 108
 5.52  1011 erg
Metal Li Na K Mg Cu Ag  5.52  1018 J
W0/eV 2.42 2.3 2.25 3.7 4.8 4.3 E(photon)= Work function+K.E
K .E  5.52 1018  7.52  1019
Note : Stoping potential : It is the minimum potential
at which the photo electric current becomes zero.  47.68 1019 J
W.E.22 : When light of 470nm falls on the surface or  2  0  2 1  2 0
of potassium metal, electrons are emitted with
or  0  2 1  2
a velocity of 6.4  10 4 ms –1 . What is the
minimum energy required to remove one mole  2(2.0  1016 )  (3.2  1016 )  8.0  1015 Hz
electrons from potassium metal?
W.E-24: Threshold wavelength of a metal is
1 2 230nm. What will be the kinetic energy of
Sol: kinetic energy of photo electrons  mv
2 photoelectrons ejected when the metal is
1 irradiated with wavelength 180nm?
  9.1 1031  (6.4  104 ) 2
2 (h  6.626 1034 J sec)
 1.864  1021 J Ans: Absorbed energy from light = Threshold
we know that, energy+kinetic energy of photoelectrons
Absorbed energy from light = Threshold
hc hc 1 1
energy + kinetic energy of photoelectrons   K .E  K .E  hc[  ]
 0  0
hc 1
 W0  mv 2
 2 1 1
 6.626  10 34  3  108 [ 9
 ]
180  10 230  10  9
6.626  1034  3 108

470 10 9 1 1
 6.626  10 34  3  108 109 [  ]
 W0  1.864  1021 J 180 230
 W0  419.206  1021 J  1.9878  10 16 [5.55  10 3  4.347  103 ]
 2.4  10 19 J
Energy required to eject one mole electrons
 419.211021  6.023 10 23 SPECTRA AND ATOMIC MODELS:
 252.4 103 Jmol 1  252.4kJmol 1  The image recorded when radiant energy is passed
through a prism or grating is called a spectrum.
W.E.23: When a certain metal was irradiated with
light of frequency 3.2  10 16 Hz,the  The splitting of white light into seven colours is
photoelectrons emitted had twice the kinetic known as dispersion.
energy as did photoelectrons emitted when the  The device used to record spectrum is called spec-
same metal was irradiated with light of trograph or spectrometer.
frequency 2.0  1016Hz. Calculate v0 for the Continuous spectrum :
 The spectrum of sun light where one colour merges
Ans : Applyilng photoelectric equation,
into another without any gap is known as continu-
K .E ous spectrum.
K.E  h  h 0 or (   0 ) 
h eg: light emitted from incadescent solid
Given K .E2  2 K .E1 Discontinuous spectrum :
K .E2  The spectrum having distinct and well defined
 2  0      1
h lines wit h gap ( dark areas) is called
K .E1 discontinuous spectrum
And  1  0  2
h Spectra is broadly divided into two types
Dividing equation(1) with (2), a) Absorption spectrum b) Emission spectrum
 2  0 K .E2 2 K .E1
  2
 1  0 K .E1 K .E1
Absorption Emission  This light when passed through prism ,an emerged
Spectrum Spectrum beam of light is collected over photo graphic film.
1. It is spectrum 1. It is spectrum This is called H-atomic spectrum.
produced by produced by  It is a line spectrum and simplest of all atomic
transmitted lighter emission of spectrum
after absorption of radiation. (de  It contains a series of group of lines.
r a d i a t i o n excitation of  They can be classified into various series.
(excitation of electron in a a) Lyman series b) Balmer series
electrons in a substance c) Paschen series d) Bracket series
substance) e) Pfund series
2. It contains dark 2. It contains bright  The only series visible to the naked eye is termed
lines on the bright lines on the dark as the visible region of hydrogen spectrum.
back ground. back ground  It was discovered by Balmer, so it is called Balmer
3. Eg: sodium vapour 3. Eg: Sodium vapour series.
gives two dark gives two bright Different series of spectral lines in
lines at 5890Å and lines at 5890Å and
5896Å in yellow hydrogen emission spectrum.
5896Å in yellow
region. Name of the n1 n2 Spectral Equation for
region. Series region wave number
4. The spectrum is 4. The spectrummay 1 1
discontinuous be discontinuous. Lyman series 1 2,3,4,5,6,7.... Ultraviolet v  R   2  2 
 1 n2 

Emission Spectrum can be further classified into line  1 1

Balmer series 2 3,4,5,6,7.... Visible v  R   2  2 
and band spectrum (atomic and molecular 2 n2 
spectrum). Near 1 1
Paschen series 3 4,5,6,7.... v  R   2  2 
infrared  3 n2 
 1 1
Brackett series 4 5,6,7.... Infrared v  R   2  2 
 4 n2 

1. The line spectrum 1. T h e b a n d Far 1 1

v  R   2  2 
Pfund series 5 6,7....
has sharp, distinct s p e c t r u m h a s Infrared  5 n2 
well defined lines. many closed lines
2. I t i s t h e 2. It is characteristic 0 kJ
characteristic of o f g a s e o u s n=7
gaseous atom and molecules and is
is also called a l s o c a l l e d Pfund
atomic spectrum. m o l e c u l a r n=4 -82 kJ
n=3 -146 kJ
3. I t i s d u e t o 3. I t i s d u e t o Paschen
t r a n s i t i o n o f vibration and n=2 -328 kJ
electrons between rotational changes Balmer
energy level in an of atoms in a
atom. molecule. n=1 -1312 kJ
4. It is given by inert 4. It is given by hot
gases, metal m e t a l s a n d
vapours and atoms. molecules Explanation of line spectrum of Hydrogen:
 The energy gap between the two orbits is given
Hydrogen emission spectrum :
by equation E  E2  E1 -----------(1)
 By applying high potential difference in a discharge
tube containing hydrogen gas a bright light is  The energy of its stationary state is given by the
 1   If n2 is taken as infinity the wavelength of the
expression En   RH  2  ----------(2) limiting line(last line) in the series is obtained.
n 
 Introducing the eq (2) in equation (1)
1 1 1  R
 R   RH     RH  2  2   H2
E    H2  2    n1   n1
 n2   n1 
 The wavelength or wave numbers of all the
(where n1 and n2 stand for initial orbit and final
lines in all the series can be calculated by using
orbits. n1 and n2 may be refered as ni and n f ) Rydberg’s equation.

 1 1   1 1  1 1 1
E  RH  2  2  18
  2.18  10 J  2  2     RH  Z 2[ 2  2 ]
 n1 n2   n1 n2   n1 n2
 The frequency (v) associated with the where RH = Rydberg’s constant for H-atom
absorption and emission of the photon can = 1,09,677 cm 1
be evaluated by using equation
n1 = Lower energy level ( ni )
E RH  1 1 
v    
h h  n12 n22  n2 = Higher energy level ( nf )
 Maximum number of spectral lines produced
On substituting RH and h values
when an electron jumps from n2 to n1 state
 1 1 for a simple atom
 3.29  1015  2  2  Hz
 n1 n2  n  n  1
  or   n 2  n1
 In terms of wavenumbers v 
 Number of spectral line in a series  n2  n1
v R  1 1 W.E.25: What are the frequency and wavelength
v  H  2  2
C hC  n1 n2  of a photon emitted during a transition from
n=5 state to the n=2state in the hydrogen
On substituting RH , h and C values atom?
 1 1  Ans: Since ni  5 and n f  2 , this transition gives rise
  1.09677  10 7  2  2  m 1
 n1 n2  to a special line in the visible region of the Balmer
 Rydberg constant value is not same for all the series.
1 1
For hydrogen like species He+, Li2+, Be3+, E  2.18  1018 J [  ]
R = 1,09,677 x Z2 cm-1 52 22
= RH x Z2  4.58  1019 J
1 The frequency of the photon (taking energy in terms
 Note: R =912 A0 of magnitude) is given by

 The first line in Balmer series is called H  line and E 4.58  10 19 J
 
its wavelength is 6563 A0. h 6.626 1034 Js
 The second line is called H  line and its wavelength  6.91 1014 Hz
is 4861 A0. c 3.0 108 ms 1
 The spectral lines get closer when the n2 value is    434nm
 6.91 1014 Hz
W.E.26: Calculate the shortest and longest
wavelength in hydrogen spectrum of Lyman
3  6 will have same wavelength as that of
series. second line of Balmer series in He  spectrum.
Ans: For Lyman series n1  1 W.E.28: Calculate the possible number of lines in
the spectrum of hydrogen,when electrons
For shortest wavelength in lyman series(i.e,series
return from 7th shell to 2nd shell.
limit), the energy difference in two states showing
transition should be maximum,i.e,
 (n2  n1 )   7  2   5
n2    5  4  3  2  1  15
W.E.29 : Calculate the wave number and wave
1 1 1
 RH [ 2  ]  RH length of H line in Bracket series of H-
 1 ( ) 2
emission spectrum
1 6
  9.117  10 cm Ans : For H line in Bracket series
3 109678
 911.7 A0 n1 = 4 , n 2 = 5
1 1
For longest wavelength in lyman series(i,e. first line) ν = R[ - ]
the energy difference in two states showing transition n1 n 2
should be minimum,i.e., n2  2 1 1
= 109677[ - ]
42 52
1 1 1 3
 RH [ 2  2 ]  RH = 2467.7325cm -1
 1 (2) 4
   4.0 10 4 cm
4 1 4 
 
3 RH 3  109678 Bohr’s atomic model :
 To explain the origin of lines in hydrogen spectrum
 1215.7  108 cm  1215.7 A0 and to overcome the defects in Rutherfords model,
W.E.27 : What transition of Li 2 spectrum will have Neils Bohr proposed his model of atom.
same wavelength as that of second line of Postulates :
 The electron in the hydrogen atom revolves around
Balmer series in He  spectrum?
the nucleus with definite velocity in fixed,closed,
Ans : circular paths, called‘orbits’ or ’shells’.
1 1  These are designed as 1,2,3,4... or K, L, M, N

 He   Li  ..... from the side of the nucleus. [derived from
1 1 1 1 Kepler’s law]
RZ 2 [  ]  RZ 2 [ 2  2 ]  The electron revolves in the orbit whose angular
n12 n 22 n1 n 2
momentum ( I   ) is equal to .
1 1 1 1 2
22 [ 2
 2 ]  32 [ 2  2 ] It is given by the expression
2 4 n1 n2
1 1 1 1 nh
4[  ]  9[ 2  2 ] mvr 
4 16 n1 n2 2
where m = mass of electron
4 3 1 1 v = velocity of electron
 [ 2  2]
9 16 n1 n2 r = radius of orbit
h = plank’s constant
1 1 1 n =1,2,3...
 2
 2   Each orbit is associated with definite amount of
n1 n2 12 energy.So these are also called energy levels or
n1  3, n2  6 energy states.
 The energy of electron does not change as long Expression for energy :
as the electron revolves in the orbit. Hence,
these orbits are called ‘stationary orbits’ or  1 2 Ze 2
Kinetic energy of electron  m V 
‘stationary states’. 2 2r
 The energy of electron changes only when the
Ze 2
electron moves from one orbit to another.  Potential energy of electron 
 If energy is absorbed the electron jumps from lower r
energy state to higher energy state, and if it lose the  Total energy of electron
energy the electron jumps from higher energy state Ze 2 Ze 2  Ze 2
to lower energy state. E  KE  PE   
2r r 2r
 The change in energy is given by the formula
 Expression for the energy of Bohr’s orbit m
E  E2  E1  h (By substituting radius of orbit in the above
 The centripetal force on the electron is balanced expression)
by centrifugal force.
22 m Z2 e 4
Expression for radius: E
n 2 h2
Centrifugal force  As we go to higher orbits, kinetic energy decreases,
potential energy increases and the total energy
 Energy of orbits in hydrogen atom ( Z = 1 )
2.179 1011
E ergs /atom
Centripetal force
2.179 1018
 The centripetal force of attraction between the  Joules /atom
nucleus n2

 Ze2 1312
and the electron  2  KJ / mole
r n2
 The centrifugal force of the electron due to revolv- 13.6
 eV / atom
mV 2 n2
ing around the nucleus 
r 313.6
 / mole
 Expression for the radius of Bohr’s orbit n2
n2h 2 1eV  1.602 1019 J
42 m Ze2
 By substituting all constants, radius of orbit is  The energy of the electron in a hydrogen atom has
a negative sign for all possible orbits, because the
0.529  n 2 0
r A energy of the electron in the atom is lower than the
Z energy of a free electron at rest.
For H-atom, Z = 1, hence  Energy of orbits for H - like species
2 0
r  0.529  n A 2.179 1011
E  Z2 ergs
r  0.529  n 2  108 cm n 2

r  52.9  n 2 pm E1
En 
where En = Energy of nth orbit in hydrogen atom.
E1 = Energy of first orbit in hydrogen atom V1 = Velocity of electron in first orbit
n = 1, 2, 3, 4 ......... n = 1, 2, 3, 4 ........
 Similarly For Hydrogen like species V1
 For H atom like species Vn  Z
E1 n
En  2
 Z2
n  Magnitude of velocity of electron increasesw i t h
increase of positive charge on the
where En = Energy of nth orbit in other H - like
nucleus and decreases with increases of
species. principle Quantum Number.
Z = Atomic number
Number of revolutions :
E1 = Energy of first orbit in hydrogen atom
 Number of revolutions per second (or)
 The ratio of PE, KE and T.E = -2 : 1 : -1 orbital frequency by an electron in a shell
Rydberg’s constant :
Velocity v z2
   6.66  1015  3
2 2m Z 2 e4 Circumference 2 r n
R  = 1, 09, 677 x Z2 cm-1
h3 C
Time period of revolution :
 Difference of energy between two Bohr orbits of  Time period of revolution of electron in nth orbirt
hydrogen atom
2 r n3
 1 1  Tn   1.5  1016  2 sec
 E  Rhc  2  2  vn z
 n1 n 2 
Ionisation potential:
Where n1 = lower orbit, n 2 = higher orbit
 As the value of n 2 increases, the difference  For hydrogen atom, ionization potential  .
of energy becomes smaller.  For H - like species,
 The frequency of radiation absorbed (or) emitted
when transitions occurs between two stationary E1  Z2
Ionisation potential  .
states that differ in energy by E , is given by n2
 E  2  E1  Ionisation potential of an atom or
v 
h h  Z2 
ion  13.6  n 2  eV
This expression is commonly known as  
Bohr’s frequency rule.
W.E.30 : Calculate the radius of Bohr’s 3rd orbit
2  1 1  in Li+2 ion.
 E  Z RhC  2  2 
 n1 n 2  Ans : we know that,
where Z = atomic number. n2
Velocity of the electron : rn   0.529 A0
 Velocity of electron in hydrogen atom when n=3 and Z = 3,
2 Ze 2 2.188 108 32
V  cm / sec r3   0.529 A0
nh n 3
V1  3  0.529A0
For hydrogen atom, Vn 
 1.587 A0
where Vn = Velocity of electron in n orbit
W.E.31: Calculate the velocity (in cm/sec) of Sol: Ionisation energy = -(energy of the 1st orbit)
an electron placed in the third orbit of Energy of the 1st orbit of hydrogen = -13.6eV
the hydrogen atom. Also calculate the Energy of the 1st orbit of He   13.6  Z 2
number of revolutions per second that
this electron makes around the nucleus. (Z for He   2)
Sol: Radius of 3rd orbit = 32  0.529  108  13.6  eV
 4.76110 8 cm  54.4eV
so, Ionisation energy of
h nh
mvr  n or   He   (54.4)  54.4eV
2 2 mr
Energy of 1st orbit of Li 2  13.6  9
3  6.624  10
  122.4eV
2  3.14  (9.108 1028 )(4.76110 8 )
Ionisation energy of Li 2  (122.4)
 0.729  10 cm / sec
 122.4eV
2 r Limitations of Bohr’s Model :
Time taken for one revolution 
  It failed to explain the line spectra of atoms or ions
Number of revolutions per second having more than one electron.
 It fails to account the fine spectra details (doublet,
1  that is two closely spaced lines) of the hydrogen
 
2 r 2 r atom.
  It failed to explain Zeeman effect and Stark effect.
0.729 108  The splitting of spectral lines of an atom into a group
 of fine lines under the influence of magnetic field is
2  3.14  4.76110 8
called Zeeman effect.
 2.4  1014 revolution / sec  The splitting of spectral lines of an atom into group
W.E.32: Calculate the energy associated with the of fine lines under the influence of an electric field is
called Stark effect.
first orbit of H e  . What is the radius of this
 Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, not only ignores
orbit? dual behaviour of matter but also contradicts
Sol: Heisenberg uncertainity principle.
(2.18  1018 J )Z 2 de-Broglie’s wave theory :
En   atom 1
n2  The wave nature of electron was first proposed by
for He  , n  1, Z  2 de-Broglie.
 According to de-Broglie theory all moving particles
(2.18  1018 J )22
E1   have wave properties.
12  Wave properties are important only for particles
 8.72  1018 J of small mass and high velocity.
The radius of the orbit is given by equation From Planck’s quantum theory
(0.0529nm)n2 hc
rn  E=h = ........(1)
Z 
since n=1,Z=2 Einstein’s mass energy relationship is
(0.0529nm)12 E  mC 2 ...(2)
rn   0.02645nm from equation (1) & (2),
W.E.33: The ionisation energy of hydrogen atom hc h h
 mc 2 or  mc or  
is 13.6eV. What will be the ionisation energy   mc
of He+ and Li+2 ions? where ‘c’ is the velocity of light.
 If the velocity of micro particle is ‘v’ then. Velocity of electron
an orbit 
h h circumference
de-Broglie’s equation is λ    Relation between kinetic energy and wave length
mν p
of a moving particle
where λ = wave length h
h = Planck’s constant 
2 KE  m
 6.625  1034 J .sec  Let a charged particle like electron be accelerated
ν = Velocity of the particle with a potential of V, then
mν = p = Momentum of the particle
KE  eV
de-Broglie’s concept and Bohr’s
theory :  
 Two types of waves are possible for an electron 2eVm
moving around the nucleus in the circular path 12.27 0
a)A standing or stationary or non-energy  For an electron   A
radiating wave:
 The de Broglie wavelength for an electron in a given
orbit = 3.33  n A0
W.E.34: What will be the wavelength of a ball of
mass 0.1 kg moving with a velocity of 10ms–1
Sol: According to de-Broglie equation
h 6.626  1034 Js
i.e., 2 r  n  
mv (0.1kg )(10ms 1 )
2 r  6.626  1034 m( J  kgm 2 s 2 )
 ( n= integer or whole number)
n W.E.35: The mass of an electron is 9.1  10–25J, If
h its K.E. is 3.0  10 –25 J, calculate its
we know that,   wavelength.
2 r h 1 2
  Sol : since K.E  mv
n mv 2
2 K .E
nh v( )
 mvr  m
Hence de-Broglie’s theory and Bohr’s theory are 2  3.0  1025 kgm2 s 2 12
( )
in agreement with each other. 9.1 1031
b) Non stationary or energy radiating wave.  812ms 1
h 6.626  10 34 Js
 
mv (9.1  10 31 kg )(812 ms 1 )
 8967  10 10 m  896.7 nm
W.E.36: Calculate the mass of a photon with
wavelength 3.6 A0
Ans:   3.6 A0  3.6  1010 m
In this 2 r  n hence, such an orbit cannot exist. Velocity of photon= velocity of light
de-Broglie’s applications : h 6.626  1034 Js
 Number of waves in an orbit = n m  
 (3.6 10 10 m)(3  108 ms 1 )
 Number of revolutions of an electron per second in
 6.135  1033 kg
W.E.37: Calculate the de- Broglie wavelength of we know,
an electron travelling at 1% of the speed of
light. h
Sol : de-Broglie wavelength can be calculated as, 2 KE.m
h 6.626  1034
 .......(1) 
m 2 1.6  1017  9.1 1031
where, h  6.626  10 34
Js  1.228  1010 m
m  9.1 10 kg W.E.40: The kinetic energy of an electron is
1 4.5510–25J. Calculate the wavelength.
  3  108  3  106 m / sec
100 [h  6.6 1034 Js;
substituting these values in eq(1), we get
mass of electron  9.11031 kg ]
6.626  10 34
 1 2
9.1  1031  3  106 Sol: K .E  mv  4.55  1025
 242.7  1012 m
 242.7 pm or  9.1 1031  v 2
W.E.38 :Two particles A and B are in motion. If
the wavelength associated with particle A is  4.55  10 25
510–8m, calculate the wavelength associated 2  4.55  1025
or v 2 
with particle B if its momentum is half of A. 9.1 1031
Sol: we know ,
v  103 ms 1
h Applying de Broglie equation
h 6.6 1034
A p  
 B      1 mv 9.110 31 103
B pA
 A  5  10  8 m ,  0.72 106 m
1 Heisenberg’s Uncertainity Principle:
p B  p A , i.e , p A  2 p B
2  It is impossible to determine simultaneously, the
exact position and exact momentum (or velocity)
 from eqn(i ) of an electron” It is called Heisenberg’s uncertainity
5 108 p (or)
 B
B 2 pB  It is impossible to determine both the position and
B  107 m momentum of the electron simultaneously and
W.E.39: An electron beam emerges from an  It is given by the expression
accelerator with kinetic energy 100eV. what
is its de- Broglie wavelength?  x . p 

[m  9.11031 kg , h  6.6  1034 Js,
1eV  1.6 1019 J ]   x .m  v 

Sol : Kinetic energy of electron =100eV
 100  1.6  10 19 J  x.v 
4 m
 1.6  1017 J where  x =uncertainity in position
 p = uncertainity in momentum W.E.42: A golf ball has a mass of 40g, and a speed
 v = uncertainity in velocity of 45 m/s. If the speed can be measured within
m = mass of the particle accuracy of 2%, calculate the uncertainty in
h = Planck’s constant the position.
Sol :The uncertainty in the speed is 2%, i,e
 It states that if one is determined with high accuracy
,then the other becomes uncertain. 2
45   0.9ms 1
i.e. If position of the electron is determined 100
( x  0 ), then v   using the equation
similarly If velocity of the electron is determined h
x 
( v  0 ) , then x   4 mv
 The product of the uncertainities is inversely
proportional to mass of the particle. 6.626  10 34 Js

4  3.14  40  10 3 g  0.9 ms 1
x.v   1.46  10 33 m
 The uncertainty principle is mainly applicable for This is nearly 1018 times smaller than the diameter
microscopic particles. of a typical atomic nucleus. As mentioned earlier
If A and B are two particles then for large particles, the uncertainty principle sets no
 x.v  A meaningful limit to the precision of measurments.
 W.E.43. An electron has a speed of 40ms–1 accurate
 x.v  B mA
upto 99.99%. What is the uncertainty in its
Significance of uncertainity principle : location?
 It rules out the existence of definite paths and leads 0.01
to probability which can be given by quantum Sol : Given, v   40  0.004ms 1
mechanical model.
eg. If uncertainty in position is of only 10 8 m , then h
we know, x.v 
the uncertainty velocity would be 4 m

104 m 2 s 1 h
 10 4
ms 1
(a large value) x 
108 m 4 mv
W.E.41: A microscope using suitable photons is 6.625  1034
employed to locate an electron in an atom x 
4  3.14  9.1 1031  0.004
within a distance of 0.1A 0 . What is the
uncertainty involved in the measurement of x  1.45  102 m
its velocity? Quantum Mechanical Model of Atom
h h & Its Important Features :
Sol : xp  (or ) xmv   The fundamental equation of quantum mechanics
4 4
was developed by Schrodinger.
h  It explains three dimensional concept of moving
v 
4xm electron.
 This equation is based on de-Broglie’s wave
6.626 1034 Js equation and Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
v 
4  3.14  0.11010 m  9.1110 31 kg  Schrodinger’s wave equation is written as

 0.579  107 ms 1 (1J  1kgm 2 s 2 )  2   2   2  8π 2 m

   E  V   0
 5.79  106 ms 1 x 2 y 2 z 2 h2
where ψ = Wave function(amplitude of the wave)
m = Mass of electron higher maximum at 2.6A0 radial distance.
h = Planck’s constant
E = Total energy of the electron
Shapes of Atomic Orbitals :
 The space around the nucleus, where the prob-
V = Potential energy of electron
x, y, z are co - ordinates. ability of finding electron ( ψ2 ) is maximum is called
an orbital.
8 2m
  ( E   )  0  The maximum probability of finding an electron in
h2 an orbital is 95 %
2 is the Laplician operator s-orbital :
 Ĥ   E where Ĥ is a mathematical operator  The variation of  2 as function of r for 1s and 2s
called Hamiltonian operator. orbitals is given as follows

h2  2 2 2 
is V    1s 2s
where Ĥ  
8 2 m  x 2 y 2 z 2  (a) 160 50
120 30
 The Schrodinger wave equation gives principal, 80 20
azimuthal and magnetic quantum number but not 10
40 0
the spin quantum number -10
Important features of the Quantum 0 0.4 0.8 0 0.4 0.8
r(nm) r(nm)
Mechanical Model of Atom:
 It states that the energy of electron in an atom is
quantized. 1s 2s
(b) 5000 300
 It explains the probability of finding the electron 4000 240
2 3000 2 180
around the nucleus in three dimensionally. 2000 120
 An atomic orbital is the wave function  for an 1000 60
electron in an atom. 0 0
0 0.4 0.8 0 0.4 0.8
 Significance of ψ : It is a wave function.It r(nm) r(nm)

corresponds to energy state which contains all  It may be noted that (from b-graph) for 1s orbital
information about electron. the probablity density is maximum at the nucleus
and it decreases sharply as move away from it.
 Significance of ψ 2 : It is a probability function. It
 For 2s orbital the probability density first decreases
indicates maximum probability of finding an electron sharply to zero (node) and again starts increasing.
at a certain point in an atom.
The region where probability density   is zero
 The probability of finding an electron at a 
certain distance from the nucleus is called radial called nodes (or) nodal surface.
probability.  For ns-orbital, (n  l ) nodes are present.
 The curves obtained by plotting probability function
eg: for 2s: 2-1 = 1, 3s : 3-1 = 2
D  4π r 2 d r 2 and radial distance (r) are called for 4s : 4-1 = 3, ns : n-1
radial probability distribution curves.  The shape of s orbital ( l = 0,m = 0 ) is spherical.It
 Number of peaks obtained in a curve = n - l is a non directional orbital.
where n = principal quantum number  Size of s- orbital increases with increase in ‘ n’,
l = Azimuthal quantum number that is 4s  3s  2s  1s .
 The nodal surface of 2s orbital exists at a distance  The shapes of s-orbitals are
of 2a 0 from the nucleus. Where a 0 is the Bohr z z Node 3s
z Node
1s 2s
y y
radius  0.529 A 0  x
x x
 The curve for 2s orbital has two peaks the curve
passes through lower maximum at 0.53 A0 and
p-orbital : Nodal planes :
 In a p - sub shell, the three orbitals are represented
 The plane where the probability of finding the
as p x , p y , and p z . These are degenerate orbitals.
 The shape of a p - orbital ( l = 1 ) is dumbell. electrons is zero  ψ 2  0  is called a nodal plane.
 p - orbitals are oriented along the axes. So they  Number of nodal planes (or) angular nodes for an
are directional orbitals.
Orbital: px py pz orbital = l.
m : 1 1 0 Orbital Nodal Plane
 With the increase of principle quantum number size, S Nil
and energy of ‘p’ orbitals increases 4 p  3 p  2 p .
 The shapes of p-orbitals are Px 0 YZ
z z z
Py 1 ZX

x x x Pz 1 XY
y y y dxy 2 YZ, ZX
Px Py Pz
dyz 2 ZX, XY
dxz 2 XY, YZ
dx2 - y2 2 YZ, ZX
 d z 2 orbital has no nodal plane ,because it has torous
 p-sub shell is three fold degenerate. ring.It has two nodal cones above and below the
d-orbital : plane.
 In a d - sub shell, the five orbitals are represented  When the number of nodal planes increases, the
as d xy, d yz, d zx, d X 2 Y 2 and d z . energy of the orbital increases. So the energy or-
 These are degenerate orbitals. der of the orbitals is s  p  d  f
 The shape of a d - orbital ( l = 2 ) is double dumb  Number of radial nodes = n - l - 1
where n = principal quantum number
 d xy, d yz and d zx orbitals are oriented in between the
l = Azimuthal quantum number
axes. d X2  Y2 and d z orbitals are oriented along the Quantum Numbers :
axes.  Four quantum numbers are required for the com-
Orbital : d xy d yz d zx d x 2  y2 dz 2 plete explanation of electrons in an atom.
m :  2 1 1 2 0 1. Principal quantum number
 d-sub shell is five fold degenerate. 2. Azimuthal quantum number
 The shapes of d-orbitals are 3. Magnetic quantum number
z z 4. Spin quantum number
x x
Principal Quantum Numbers (n) :
 It was proposed by NeilsBohr
y y
dxy dyz  The values of n =1, 2, 3, 4 ..... or K, L,M, N .......
x  It indicates the size and energy of the orbit.
z y z  With the increase of ‘n’, size and energy of orbital
dz 2
x x
y y  The maximum number of electrons in an orbit  2n 2
dzx dx2- 2
 Total number of orbitals = n2
(where n = no.of the orbit)  The number of orbitals in an energy level  n 2
 Angular momentum of an electron in an
 The number of orbitals in a sub shell  2l  1
h  Maximum number of electrons in a subshell
orbit  n
 2  2l  l  where l = Azimuthal quantum number..
Azimuthal Quantum Numbers ( l ) :
 It was proposed by Sommerfeld
 The values of l depends on ‘n’ . Value of l 0 1 2 3 4 5
 The values are = 0, 1, 2, .....( n -1 ). Sub-shell s p d f g h
 The values of l represents various sub shells.
No.of ortbitals (2l+1) 1 3 5 7 9 11
When l = 0, 1, 2, 3 ... the orbitals are
s, p, d, f ....... sub shells respectively. No.of electrons 2(2l+1) 2 6 10 14 18 22
 The energies are in the order of s  p  d  f .
Spin Quantum Number (ms):
 It indicates the shape of an orbital and angular
 It was proposed by Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck.
momentum of electron.
 The values of spin quantum number are indepen-
 Total number of sub shells in an energy level = n
 Angular momentum of the electron in an orbital 1 1
dent. The values of s   and 
h 2 2
 l (l +l)  h l  l  1  For each value of ‘m’, there can be two ‘s’ values.

 It indicates the direction of the spin of the
where h = Planck’s constant
l = Azimuthal quantum number
 The clock wise    direction spin is represented
n value
notation 1
1 0 1s by  and anticlock wise    direction spin is
0 2s
2 1
1 2p represented by 
0 3s  Spin anuglar momentum of the electron
3 1 3p h
= s  s  1 ; where ‘s’ is total spin.
2 3d 2
0 4s  Maximum number of electrons in an
1 4p orbital = 2.
4  The maximum number of electrons present in s, p,
2 4d
d and f shells are 2, 6, 10 and 14 respectively.
3 4f W.E.44: What is the total number of orbitals
Magnetic Quantum number (ml): associated with the principle quantum
 It was proposed by Lande. number n=3?
 The values of m depends on ‘ l ’. Sol: For n=3, the possible values of l are 0,1 and 2.
 The values ranges from = +l ..... 0 ..... -l Thus there is one 3s orbital (n=3, l  1 and
 The total ‘m’ values = 2l + 1 ml  1,0, 1); t here are five 3d orbitals
 The total number of ‘m’ values indicates the total
number of orbitals in the subshell. (n=3, l  2 and ml  2, 1, 0, 1, 2).
 The number of orbitals in s, p,d,f, g and h sub shells The same value can also be obtained by using the
are 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 respectively.
relation; number of orbitals  n 2 , i, e 32  9
 It indicates the orientation of orbitals in space.
W.E.45: Using s, p, d, f notations, describe the
orbital with the following quantum numbers l=0 l=1 l=2 l=3
a) n = 2, l = 1 b) n= 4, l = 0,
c) n = 5, l = 3 d) n = 3, l = 2 n=1 1s
Sol: n l orbital
a) 2 1 2p n=2 2s 2p
b) 4 0 4s
c) 5 3 5f
n=3 3s 3p 3d
d) 3 2 3d
Energy of Orbitals : n=4 4s 4p 4d 4f
 The energy of an electron in a hydrogen atom is
determined by the principal quantum number. Thus
the energy of the orbitals increases as follows: n=5 5s 5p 5d 5f
1s < 2s = 2p < 3s = 3p = 3d < 4s = 4p = 4d = 4f
 The energy of an electron in a multielectron atom n=6 6s 6p 6d
depends not only on its principal quantum number
(shell), but also on its azimuthal quantum number
(subshell). n=7 7s 7p

 The energy of an electron is given by  n  l  value.

n=8 8s
 The lower the value of  n  l  for an orbital, the
lower is its energy. If two orbitals have the same Pauli’s Exclusion Principle:
 It gives the restrictions in filling of various
value of  n  l  , the orbital with lower value of ‘n’
orbitals with electrons.
will have the lower energy.  It states that - No two electrons in an atom can
 Energies of the orbitals in the same subshell have the same set of all four quantum numbers .
decrease with increase in the atomic number (Zeff).  The two electrons in a given orbital may have same
eg. energies of 2s orbital in IA group values of n, l and m, but different ‘s’ value.
E2s  H   E2 s  Li   E2 s  Na   E2 s  K   It says that , an orbital cannot accommodate more
than two electrons.
Aufbau Principle :
 In the ground state of the atoms,the orbitals eg. For 2s orbital,
are filled in order of their increasing energies.
 It means , among the available orbitals, the orbitals 1
of lowest energy are filled first. For 1st electron, n = 2, l = 0, m = 0, s = 
 The energy value of an orbital increases as its
(n + l) value increases. For 2nd electron, n = 2, l = 0, m = 0, s = 
 If two orbitals have the same value for (n + l), the 2
orbital having lower ‘n’ value is first filled.  The maximum number of electrons present in s, p,
 The increasing order of energy’s different orbitals d and f shells are 2, 6, 10 and 14 respectively.
is as follows. Hund’s Rule :
1s < 2s < 2p < 3s < 3p < 4s < 3d < 4p < 5s < 4d  It deals with the filling up of degenerate orbitals
< 5p < 6s < 4f < 5d < 6p < 7s< ....... with electrons (degenerate = orbitals of equal
Moellar diagram of order of filling of orbitals : energy)
 The orbitals having the same values for n and l are
called degenerate orbitals.
 It states that - Pairing up of electrons in degenerate
orbitals takes place after filling each with one 2.Exchange Energy:
electron of parallel spin.  The stabilizing effect arises whenever two or
 The pairing of electrons in the p,d and f orbitals more electrons with the same spin are present in
start with the entry of 4th, 6th and 8th electrons the degenerate orbitals of a subshell.
respectively.  These electrons tend to exchange their positions
Electronic Configuration of Atoms : and the energy released due to this exchange is
 The distribution of electrons into orbitals of an atom called exchange energy.
is called Electronic Configuration.  The number of exchanges that can take place is
 It is represented as nlx notation or moellar maximum when the subshell is either half filled or
diagram completely filled.
 The electrons in the inner shells are called core  As a result the exchange energy will be maximum
electrons. and so is the stability.
 The electrons that are added to the electronic shell no of exchanges =  N  1
with highest principal quantum number are called
valence electrons. N ( N  1)
Eexchange 
 Half filled and completely filled degenerate orbitals 2
give greater stability to atoms. Here N is the number of electrons having parallel
 Chromium (Z = 24) and copper (Z = 29) have spin.
anomalous electronic configuration due to this
eg.Electronic configuration of chromium atom is
Cr (z=24): 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s23p6 3d5 4s1
but not 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d4 4s2.
 Thus p 3 , p 6 , d 5 , d 10 , f 7 , f 14 configurations, 4 exchange by electron 1
which are either half filled or fully filled are more
Other examples are
Nb  41 5s 0 4d 5 2

Mb  42  5s1 4d 5
3 exchange by electron 2
Pd  46  5s 0 4d 10

Ag  47  5s1 4d 10

Gd  64  6 s 2 5d 1 4 f 7 3

Au  79  6 s1 5d 10 4 f 14
Stability of Completely filled and Half 2 exchange by electron 3
filled subshells:
 The completely filled and half filled sub shells are
stable due to the following reasons. 4
1.Symmetrical distribution of electrons:
 It is well known that symmetry leads to stability.
The completely filled or half filled subshells have 2 exchange by electron 4
symmetrical distribution of electrons in them and
are more stable.
Conceptual Atomic Models
Ernest Rutherford’s model of the atom didn’t
Subatomic Particles specifically include the _____.
1. One of the fundamental particles is missing in 1) Proton 2) Electron
one of the isotopes of hydrogen atom. The 3) Nucleus 4) Neutron
particle and isotope are respectively 10. The conclusions of Rutherford scattering
1) Neutron, protium 2) Neutron, tritium experiment does not include:
3) Proton, protium 4) Electron, tritium 1)   particle can come within a distance of the
2. –19
The charge of an electron is 1.6 10 C what order of 1014 m of the nucleus.
will be the value of charge on Na+ ion.
1)1.6  10–19C 2)3.2  10–19C 2) The radius of the nucleus is less than 1014 m
3) 2.4  10–19C 4) 10  1.6  10–19C 3) Scattering follows Coulomb’s law
3. Which of the following is correct for cathode 4) The (+) vely charged particles of an atom move
rays in discharge tube with extremely high velocities.
1) Independent of the nature of the cathode Atomic Number & Mass Number
2) Independent of the nature of the gas 11. A neutral atom, with atomic number greater
3) Deflection is observed in presence of electric than one consists of
and magnetic field 1) Protons only 2) Protons and neutrons
4) All the above 3) Neutrons and electrons
4. The specific charge for a cathode ray. 4) Neutrons, electrons and protons
1) Has the smallest value when the discharge tube 12. The ratio between the neutrons present in
carbon atom and silicon atom with mass
is filled with H2
numbers 12 and 28 is
2) Is constant
1) 7 : 3 2) 3 : 7 3) 1 : 2 4) 2 : 1
3) Varies with the atomic number of gas in the
13. Many elements have non-integral masses.
discharge tube This is because
4) Varies with the atomic number of an element 1) Their isotopes have different atomic number
forming the cathode ray 2) Their isotopes have different masses
5. The specific charge for positive rays is much 3) Their isotopes have non-integral masses
less than the specific charge for cathode rays. 4) Their constituents, protons, electrons and
This is because: neutrons combine to give fractional masses
1) Positive rays are positively charged 14. Among the following which is not isoelectronic
2) Charge on positive rays is less with others
3) Positive rays comprise ionised atoms whose mass 1) HF 2) H2O 3) NH3 4) CO
is much higher 15. Set of iso electronic ions among the following is
4) Experimental method for determination is wrong. 1) Na+, Cl–, O–2 2) K+, Ca+2, F–
6. If S1 be the specific charge (e/m) of cathode – +
3) Cl , K , S –2 4) H+, Be+2, Na+
rays and S2 be that of positive ray then which
is true? Electromagnetic Radiation
1) S1 = S2 2) S1 > S2 16. All types of electromagnetic radiations possess
3) S1 < S2 4) Any one of these same
1) Wave length 2) Frequency 3)Energy
7. The massive particle among the following is
4) Velocity when they passed through vacuum
1)  - particle 2) Deuteron
17. The radiation having maximum wave length is
3) Proton 4)  - particle 1) Ultraviolet rays 2) Radio waves
8. Which of the following statements about the 3) X-rays 4) Infra-red rays
electron is incorrect? 18. Electromagnetic radiation, which of the
1) It is a negatively charged particle. following has greater wavelength than vis-
2) The mass of electron is equal to the mass of ible light
neutron. 1) U.V rays 2) I.R rays
3) It is a basic constituent of all atoms. 3) Gamma rays 4) X-rays
4) It is a constituent of cathode rays.
19. The product of which of the following is equal 27. Transition of electron from M-shell to K-shell
to the velocity of light results in the emission of
1) Wave length and wave number 1) Cosmic rays 2) Infrared rays
2) Wave length and frequency 3) Ultraviolet rays 4) X-rays
3) Frequency and wave number 28. Which of the following transition is associated
4) Wave length and amplitude with coloured spectral line
1) n = 5 to n = 3 2) n = 4 to n = 2
Plank’s Quantum Theory And Photo 3) n = 2 to n = 1 4) n = 3 to n = 1
Electric Effect 29. Values of n1 and n2 for H spectral line in the
20. Which of the following relates to photons both hydrogen emission spectrum
as wave motion and as a stream of particles? 1) 1 and 2 2) 2 and 3 3) 3 and 2 4) 2 and 4
1) Interference 2) E = mc2 30. Rydberg constant is
3) Diffraction 4) E = hv 1) Same for all elements
21. The photoelectric emission from a surface 2) Different for different elements
starts only when the light incident upon the 3) A universal constant
surface has certain minimum 4) Is different for lighter elements but same for
1) Intensity 2) Wavelength heavier elements
3) Frequency 4) Velocity
Bohr’s Atomic Model
22. A surface ejects electrons when hit by green
light but not when hit by yellow light. Will 31. The value of the total energy of an electron in
electrons be ejected if the surface is hit by red the hydrogen atom is given by
light 1) mv2 2) 1/2 mv2 3) –e2/2r 4) - mv/r2
1) Yes 2) No 32. The ratio between potential energy and total
3) Yes, if the red bream is quite intense energy of an electron in H-atom according to
4) Yes, if the red beam continues to fall upon Bohr atom
23. Kinetic energy of photo electrons is 1) 1 : -1 2) 1 : 1 3) 1 : 2 4) 2: 1
independent on --------- of incident radiation. 33. The equation corresponding to the wave
1) Wavelength 2) Wave number number of spectral line in the Bracket series
3) Frequency 4) Intensity
1) R[(1 / 2 2 )  (1 / 42 )] 2) R[(1 / 4 2 )  (1 / 52 )]
Atomic Spectra
24. The best evidence that electrons are arranged 3) R[(1 / 32 )  (1 / 52 )] 4) R[(1 / 6 2 )  (1 / 4 2 )]
in definite orbits or energy levels is based on
34. The wave length of a spectral line for an
the observation that
1) Atomic spectra consist of discrete lines and not electronic transition is inversely related to
continuous bands 1) Velocity of electron undergoing transition
2) Electrons in the beta ray have high kinetic energy 2) Number of elctrons undergoing transaction
3) The penetrating power of cathode ray electrons 3) The difference in energy levels involved in the
depends upon the voltage used to produce them transition
4) Electrons revolve around the nucleus 4) None of these
25. The band spectrum is caused by 35. E value is maximum in
1) Molecules 2) Atoms 1) E2 - E1 = E 2) E3 - E2 = E
3) Any substance in solid state 3) E4 - E3 = E 4) E5 - E4 = E
4) Any substance in liquid state de-Broglie’s And Heisenberg
Hydrogen Spectrum Uncertainity Principle
26. The hydrogen spectrum from an incandescent 36. Diffraction of the electron beam is an evidence
source of hydrogen is: of the fact that
1) An emission band spectrum 1) Electrons repel each other
2) An emission line spectrum 2) Light has wave properties
3) An absorption band spectrum 3) Electron has wave property
4) An absorption line spectrum 4) Electron has momentum
37. Wave properties are only important for magnetic quantum number
particles having 1) + 2 2) + 3 3) - 3 4) - 4
1) High mass and low velocities 48. The 2px, 2py and 2pz orbitals of an atom have
2) Low mass and no velocity identical shapes but differ in their
3) High mass and high velocities 1) Size 2) Shape 3) Orientation 4) Spin
4) Low mass and high velocities 49. The orbital with maximum number of possible
38. Which of the following is responsible to rule orientations
out the existence of definite paths or 1) s 2) p 3) d 4) f
trajectories of electrons? 50. The quantum number which cannot say any
1) Pauli’s exclusion principle. thing about an orbital is
2) Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. 1) n 2) l 3) m 4) s
3) Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity. 51. Which is not an atomic orbital?
4) Aufbau principle. 1) 2d 2) 5p 3) 3p 4) 4d
52. The quantum number in which the valence
Quantum Mechanical Model of Atom electrons of magnesium differs in
39.  2  psi  the wave function represents the 1) m 2) n 3) l 4) s
probability of finding electron. Its value 53. The set of quantum numbers not possible to
depends an electron is
1) Inside the nucleus 2) Far from the nucleus 1) 1,1,1, +1/2 2) 1,0,0, +1/2
3) Near the nucleus 3) 1, 0, 0, - 1/2 4) 2, 0,0, +1/2
4) Upon the type of orbital Electronic Configuration
40. In the Schrodinger wave equation  54. According to (n + l) rule after completing ‘np’
represents level the electron enters into
1) Orbitals 2) Wave function 1) (n – 1) d 2) (n + 1) s
3) Amplitude function 4) Both 2 & 3 3) nd 4) (n + 1) p
41. The electron density of 3dxy orbital in YZ 55. If Pauli’s exclusion principle is not known, the
plane is electronic arrangement of lithium atom is
1) 50 % 2) 95 % 3) 33.33 % 4) Zero 1) 1s2 2s1 2) 1s1 2s2
42. In an orbital, the signs of lobes indicate the 3) 1s3 4) 1s2 2s1 2p1
1) Sign of the wave function 56. Any p - orbital can accommodate upto
2) Sign of the probability distribution 1) Four electrons
3) Presence or absence or electron 2) Two electrons with parallel spins
4) Sign of charge 3) Six electrons
43. The number of radial nodes, nodal planes for 4) Two electrons with opposite spins
an orbital with n = 4 ; l = 1 is
57. Due to which of the following reasons the
1) 3, 1 2) 2, 1 3) 2, 0 4) 4, 0
nitrogen shows three unpaired electrons
Quantum Numbers
1) Hund’s rule 2) Aufbau principle
44. The quantum number which determines the
3) Pauli's principle 4) Heisenberg’s principle
number of sub-energy levels in any main
energy level is 58. Mg+2, Al+3 have identical _____
1) n 2) l 3) m 4) s 1) Configuration 2) Atoms
45. Among the various quantum numbers (n, l, m, 3) Ions 4) Molecules
s)describing an electron which can have the 59. The maximum number of electrons in an atom
largest value which can have (n + l) = 4
1) n 2) l 3) m 4) s 1) 2 2) 6 3) 8 4) 18
46 The angular momentum of an electron in an 60. The valency shell electron configuration of an
atom depends on atom is 4s2 4p5. The maximum no. of electrons
1) m 2) l 3) n 4) All having parallel spin in this configuration are
47. A 3d electron having s = + 1/2 can have a 1) 7 2) 4 3) 3 4) 5
Key – Conceptual (C.W) 47. For 3d orbital l  2 ;m= -2 to+2.
01) 1 02) 1 03) 4 04) 2 05) 3 06) 2 49. f - orbitals has 7 orientations.
07) 1 08) 2 09) 4 10) 4 11) 4 12) 2 51. 2d orbital is not possible
13) 2 14) 4 15) 3 16) 4 17) 2 18) 2 Conceptual (H.W)
19) 2 20) 4 21) 3 22) 2 23) 4 24) 1
25) 1 26) 2 27) 3 28) 2 29) 4 30) 2 Subatomic Particles
31) 3 32) 4 33) 2 34) 3 35) 1 36) 2 1. Which of the following is not a fundamental
37) 4 38) 2 39) 4 40) 4 41) 4 42) 1
1) Proton 2) Neutron
43) 2 44) 1 45) 1 46) 2 47) 1 48) 3
3)   particle 4) Electron
49) 4 50) 4 51) 1 52) 4 53) 1 54) 2
2. Magnitude of deflection of cathode rays
55) 3 56) 4 57) 1 58) 1 59) 3 60) 2 in discharge tube is more when
Hints – Conceptual (C.W) 1) Magnitude of charge of the particle is more
2) Greater interaction with the electric or
1. H11 (Pr otium ) number of neutrons = 1-1=0 magnetic field
6. mass of electron is less 3) Less mass of the particle
11. Electron,proton and neutron are the fundametal 4) All the above
particles 3. The constancy of e/m ratio for electron
12. n = A-Z shows that
14. HF, H2Oand NH3 have 10 electrons 1) Electrons mass is th of the mass of proton
17. X  rays U .V rays I .R Radio 2) Electrons are universal particles of all matter
3) Electrons are produced in discharge tube only
  4) None of these
18.   rays X  rays U .V rays I .R Radio e
4. The value of electron is
  m
1) 1.76  10–11ckg–1 2) 1.76  1011ckg–1
c 3) 1.76  1012kg–1c 4) 1.76  1013kg–1c
19.    c   5. When the speed of the electron increases, the

specific charge
22. Red light has less frequency than green. So, it will
1) Decreases 2) Increases
not cause ejection of electrons
3) Remains same 4) None
27. Lyman series of line are observed in uv-region. 6. The nature of anode rays depends upon
28. n=4 to n=2 falls in visible region 1) Nature of gas filled in the discharge tube
29. For H  , n  n2  n1  2 2) Nature of electrode
3) Nature of metal 4) None of these
e 2 e
P.E 7. The value of proton is
 r 2 m
32. T .E e 2
2r 1) Less than value of electron
33. For bracket series n1  4, n2  5, 6, 7... e
35. On moving away from nucleus energy difference 2) Equal to value of electron
between successive orbit decrease e
43. No of radial nodes  n  l  1 3) Greater than value of electron
No of nodal planes= l 4) All the above.
44. No of sub energy levels=n
Atomic models 17. The radiation with highest wave number
8. In Rutherford's alpha-ray scattering experiment, 1) Micro waves 2) X–rays
the alpha particles are detected using a screen 3) I.R.Radiations 4) Radiowaves
coated with 18. The energy of photon is inversely proportional
1) Carbon black 2) Platinum black to its
3) Zinc sulphide 4) Teflon 1) Wavelength 2) Frequency
9. Rutherford’s alpha-rays scattering experiments 3) Wavenumber 4) Valency
showed for the first time that the atom has Planck’s Quantum Theory & Photo
1) Nucleus 2) Proton 3) Electron 4)Neutron Electric Effect
10. When alpha particles are sent through a thin 19. The value of planck’s constant is
metal foil, most of them go straight through 1) 6.6256  10 27 J s 2) 6.6256  10 34 J s
the foil because 3) 6.023  10 23 J s 4)1.6  1019 J s
1) Alpha particles are much heavier than electron 20. The ratio of energy to frequency of
2) Alpha particles are positively charged electromagnetic radiation is called
3) Alpha particles move with high velocity 1) Bohr’s constant 2) Rydberg’s constant
4) Most part of the atom is empty 3) Planck’s constant 4) Ritz constant
11. For the atomic radius of the order of 10–8 cm 21. The minimum energy required to eject an
and nuclear radius of the order of 10–13 cm. electron from an atom is called
The fraction of atom occupied by the nucleus 1) Kinetic energy 2) Electrical energy
will be 3) Chemical energy 4) Work function
1) 10–13  atomic volume 22. In photoelectric effect the number of
2) 10–14  atomic volume photo-electrons emitted is proportional to
3) 10–15  atomic volume
1) Intensity of incident beam
4) 10–16  atomic volume
2) Frequency of incident beam
Atomic Number and Mass Number 3) Wavelength of incident beam
12. The lightest radioactive isotope in periodic 4) All
table is 23. The kinetic energy of the ejected electrons in
1) Tritium 2) Deuterium photoelectric effect is
3) Protium 4) All the above 1) Directly proportional to the frequency of the
13. Isotopes exhibits similar incident radiation
1) Physical properties 2) Chemical properties
2) Inversely proportional to the frequency of the
3) Physical and chemical
4) Neither physical nor chemical properties. incident radiation
20 21 22
14. Among 10A 11B 11C and 12D the isobar 22 3) Not related to the frequency of the incident
combination is radiation
1) A & B 2) B & C 3) C & D 4) A & D 4) All the above
15. The hydride ion is isoelectronic with 24. Photo electric effected is not observed in
1) H + 2) He + 3) He 4) Be case of
1) Potassium 2) Rubidium
Electromagnetic Radiation
3) Magnesium 4) Cesium
16. Which of the following statements is not correct
regarding electromagnetic spectrum?
Atomic Spectra
1) The velocity of X-rays is more than that of 25. The spectrum with all wavelengths may be
microwaves 1) Absorption spectrum 2) Emission spectrum
2) Infra-red radiations have larger wavelength than 3) Continuous spectrum 4) Discontinuous spectrum
cosmic rays 26. Line spectrum is characteristic of
3) The frequency of microwaves is less than that of 1) Atoms 2) Molecules
ultra - violet rays 3) Any substance in the solid state
4) X-rays have larger wave number than micro 4) Any substance in the liquid state
Hydrogen Spectrum de-Broglie’s And Heisenberg
27. Atoms can not give Uncertainity Principle
1) Absorption spectrum 2) Line spectrum 36. The momentum of electron is
3) Band spectrum 4) Atomic spectrum 1) Directly proportional to wave length
28. The hydrogen line spectrum provides 2) Inversly proportional to wave number
evidence for the 3) Inversly proportional to wave length
1) Heisenberg uncertainty principle 4) Unable to be determined
2) Wave-like properties of light 37. The de Broglie wavelength relates to applied
3) Diatomic nature of H2 voltage as :
4) Quantized nature of atomic energy states. 12.3 0 12.3 0
29. If RH is the Rydberg constant, then the energy 1)   A 2)   A
h V
of an electron in the ground state of Hydrogen
atom is 12.3 0
3)   A 4) Both (2) and (3)
1) RH / C 2) RH h / C 3) 4) RH hc 38. According to de Broglie’s concept, the
RH circumference of each electron of which must
Bohr’s Atomic Model be equal to
30. According to Bohr's theory energy is ..... when 1) Diameter of a electron
an electron moves from a lower to a higher 2) The wave length of an electron
orbit. 3) The integral no of electron wavelength
1) Absorbed 2) Emitted 4) Planck’s constant divided by 2
3) No change 4) Both 1 and 2 Quantum Mechanical Model
31. The basic assumption of Bohrs Model of 39. The quantum no. not obtained from
hydrogen atom is that Schrodinger’s wave equation is
1) The energy of the electron is quantised 1) n 2) l 3) m 4) s
2) The angular momentum of the electron is 40. Which one of the following expressions
quantised represent the electron probability function (D)
3) The radial distance of the electron is quantised 1) 4r dr  2 2) 4r 2 dr 
4) The orbital velocity of the electron is quantised
3) 4r 2 dr  2 4) 4r dr 
32. The radius of an orbit in hydrogen atom is
equal to 41. The probability of finding an electron in an
orbital is approximately?
1) n2h2 / 4  2 m Ze2 2) 2  Ze2 / nh
1) 95% 2) 50% 3) 60% 4) 25%
3) 2  2mZ2e4 / n2h2 4) -2  2mZ2e2 / n2h2
42. Which one of the following atomic orbitals is
33. The total energy of the electron in any orbit
not directed along the axis?
of one electron containing species is given by
the expression 1) Px 2) d x 2  y 2 3) dxy 4) d z 2
1)  e 2 / r 2 2)  n 2 h 2 / 2 2 Z 2 e 4 m Quantum Numbers
3)  2 2 mZ 2 e 4 / n 2 h 2 4) nh / 2  43. Total numebr of orbitals associated with third
shell will be _____.
34. The total energy of the electron revolving
1) 2 2) 4 3) 9 4) 3
round the nucleus is
44. The azimuthal quantum number of a non-
1) zero 2) less than zero directional orbital is
3) More than zero 1) 0 2) 1 3) -1 4) +1/2
4) In some atoms less than zero and in certain atoms 45. The shape of an orbital is decided by
more than zero 1) Radial wave function
35. Bohr’s model of atom can explain the 2) Angular wave function
spectrum of all except 3) Magnetic quantum number
1) H 2) He+ 3) Li+2 4) He 4) Spin quantum number
46. The azimuthal quantum number of an electron 25) 3 26) 1 27) 3 28) 4 29) 4 30) 1
is one. The shape of the orbital is
1) Spherical 2) Dumb bell 31) 2 32) 1 33) 3 34) 2 35) 4 36) 3
3) Double dumb bell 4) Highly complicated 37) 2 38) 3 39) 4 40) 3 41) 1 42) 3
47. The m value not possible for a double 43) 3 44) 1 45) 2 46) 2 47) 3 48) 3
dumbell-shaped orbital is
1) 0 2) -2 3) +3 4) -1 49) 3 50) 1 51) 3 52) 1 53) 1 54) 1
48. The quantum number which determines the 55) 2 56) 3
energy of a sublevel is
1) n 2) l Hints Conceptual (H.W)
3) Both n and l 4) Neither n nor l 1 m0
m ,m
49. The sub-energy level having minimum 5. v 2
energy is  
1  
1) 3d 2) 5p 3) 4s 4) 4p C
50. The quantum number that was proposed to 4
explain the Zeeman effect is 11. volume   r 3
1) m 2) l 3) s 4) n 3
51. Orbital angular momentum depends on X  rays U .V rays I .R Radio
1) l 2) n and l 3) n and m 4) m and s 17.
52. The angular momentum of an electron due to  
its spin is given by hc 1
h h 18. E  h  ;E 
1) s  s  1 2) s  s  1  
2 2 E
h 2 20. E  h ; h 
3) 4) s  s  1 
2 h 24. Highly electropositive metals show photo electric
53. According to aufbau principle the electron has effect.
a tendency to occupy that subshell which R hc
has......... energy. 29. En  H 2
1) Lowest 2) Highest n
3) No energy 4) Both 1 and 2 e2
34. Total energy is negative value ( )
54. The statement “No two electrons in an atom can 2r
have all the four quantum numbers identical” is 35. It can explin the spectra of uni electronic species
known as the............. only.
1) Pauli's exclusion principle 2) Aufbau Principle h h 1
3) Hund's rule 4) Heisenberg’s principle 36.   ;p ;p
p  
55. The electronic configuration of an element Cr
is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d5 4s1. This represents 1 2
its 37. K .E  V .e  mv
1) Excited state 2) Ground state 2V .e 2E h
3) Cationic form 4) Gnionic form v  
56. An atom Cr has one 4s electron and five 3d m m m
electrons. How many unpaired electrons would h h
be in Cr+3? or   
2mVe 2mE
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
h 12.3 1010
Key – Conceptual (H.W) or    m
01) 3 02) 4 03) 2 04) 2 05) 1 06) 1 eV
. .m V
38. 2 r  n
07) 1 08) 3 09) 1 10) 4 11) 3 12) 1
43. Total no.of orbital in a shell = n 2
13) 2 14) 3 15) 3 16) 1 17) 2 18) 1 44. s orbital
19) 2 20) 3 21) 4 22) 1 23) 1 24) 3 46. If l  1 , i.e p-subshell.
47. For d-orbital l  2 ,so m  2, 1, 0, 1, 2 are 8. The electromagnetic radiations are,
possible a) Visible light b) IR light
49. Lower ( n  l ) indicates lower energy c) UV light d) Micro waves
The correct order of increasing energy from
56. Cr  4s1 3d 5 ; Cr   4 s 0 3d 3
lowest to highest is
1) a  b  c  d 2) a  b  c  d
Level-I (C.W) 3) d  b  a  c 4) b  c  d  a
Sub Atomic Particles Planck’s Quantum Theory & Photo
1. The value of charge on the oil droplets Electric Effect
experimentally observed were –1.6  10–19and 9. Energy levels A, B, C of a certain atoms
–4  10–19coulomb. The value of the electronic corresponding to increasing values of energy
charge, indicated by these results is level i.e., E A  EB  EC . If 1 , 2 and 3 are
1) 1.6  10–19 2) –2.4  10–19 the wavelengths of radiations corresponding
3) –4  10 –19 4) –0.8  10–19
to the transitions C to B, B to A and C to A
2. The charge to mass ratio of   particle is respectively which of the following statement
approximately two the charge to mass ratio of is correct?
proton is
1) Half 2) Twice 3) 4 times 4) 6 times 12
3. The increasing order of specific charge of 1) 3  1  2 2) 3 
1  2
electron (e), proton (p), alpha particle (  ) and
neutron (n) is 3) 1  2  3  0 4) 32  12  22
1) e, p, n,  2) n, p, e,  10. Planck’s constant has the same dimensions as
3) n,  , p, e 4) n, p,  , e that of
Atomic Number, Mass Number & EMR 1) Power 2) Work
4. The nitride ion in lithium nitride is composed of 3) Radiant energy 4) Angular momentum.
1) 7 protons + 7 electrons 11. The number of photons of light having wave
2) 10 protons + 7 electrons number x in 1 J of energy source is (Planck’s
3) 7 protons + 10 electrons constant = h, velocity of light = c)
4) 10 protons + 10 electrons x 1
5. The wrong statement among the following is 1) hcx 2) hc/x 3) 4)
1) Nitrogen atom, nitride ion have same atomic hc hcx
number 12. The work function of a photoelectric material
2) Aluminium atom and its ion have same mass is 3.3 eV. It threshold frequency will be
number 1) 4  1 0 1 1 H z 2) 7.96 1010 Hz
3) Iron atom, ferrous ion have same electron 3) 5  1033 Hz 4) 4  1011 Hz
configuration 13. In photo electric effect, the energy photon
4) Nuclear charge is same in both chlorine atom,
chloride ion striking a metallic surface is 5.6  1019 J . The
6. In which of the following species both cation kinetic energy of the ejected electrons is
and Anion have same number of electrons 12.0  1020 J . The work function is
1) CaO 2) KBr 3) NaF 4) MgS 1) 6.4  1019 J 2) 6.8  1019 J
7. An atom contains electrons, protons and
neutrons. If the mass of each neutrons is 3) 4.4  10 19 J 4) 6.4  1020 J
halved, and each electron is doubled, then the 14. The kinetic energy of electrons ejected by
atomic mass of 12Mg24 using light having frequency equal to thresh-
1) Gets doubled old frequency (v0)is :
2) Approximately remain same 1) hv0 2) Almost zero
3) Approximately get reduced by 5% 3) Very large 4) h/v0
4) Approximately get reduced by 25%
Hydrogen Spectrum 25. Each hydrogen atom is excited by giving 10.2
15. Which of the following transitions are not eV. The maximum number of spectral lines in
allowed in the normal electronic emission the emission is equal to
spectrum of an atom? 1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
1) 2s  1s 2) 2 p  1s 26. Consider the following statements
I) Bohr’s theory can also be used to explain
3) 3d  4 p 4) 5 p  3s the spectra of He+ ion
16. In hydrogen spectrum, the spectral line of II) Energy of an electron in the first Bohr or-
Balmer series having lowest wavelength is bit of hydrogen atom is –13.6 eV
III) Bohr’s theory is only applicable to hydro-
1) H  – line 2) H  – line 3) H  – line 4) H  – line gen atom and not to any other species
IV) The energy of an electron in a hydrogen
17. In Hydrogen atom electron is present in the N
atom is quantised
shell. If it loses energy, a spectral line may be The correct statements are
observed in the region
1) I, II, IV 2) II, III 3) II, IV 4) All
1) Infra-red 2) Visible
3) Ultra-violet 4) All the above 27. The ionisation potential of H-atom is 13.6 eV. It is
18. The electron present in 5th orbit in excited exposed to electromagnetic radiation of wavelength
hydrogen atoms returned back to ground state. 1028A0 and gives out induced radiations, then
The no. of lines which appear in Lyman series 1) Longest wavelength of induced is 6568A0
of hydrogen spectrum 2) Lowest wavelength of induced radiation is 102A0
1) 5 2) 10 3) 4 4) 6 3) Longest wavelength of induced radiation is
19. Which of the following gives neither emission 3252A0
spectrum nor absorption spectrum? 4.) Longest wavelength of induced is 1216A0
1) He+ 2) H2 3) H+ 4) He 28. Which of the following curves may represent
20. The following electronic transition corresponds the speed of electron in a H-atom as a function
to the shortest wave length (n = no. of orbit) of principal quantum number (n)
1) n5  n1 2) n5  n3 3) n5  n2 4) n5  n4
21. Which of the following electron transition in
hydrogen atom will require the energy 1) V 2) V
equivalent to its ionization energy ? n n

1) from n = 1 to n = 2 2) from n = 2 to n =3 n n
3) from n = 1 to n = 3 4)from n = 1 to n  
22. If the mass of the electron is reduced to half
the Rydberg constant 3) 4)
Vn Vn
1) Remains unchanged 2) Becomes half
3) Becomes double 4) Becomes one fourth n n
Bohr’s Atomic model 29. The difference in angular momentum
23. According to Bohr's theory, the angular associated with the electron in two successive
momentum for an electron of 5th orbit is; orbits of hydrogen atom is
1) 10h/  2) 5h / 2  3) 25h/  4) 5  /2h 1) h / 2 2) h /  3) h/2 4) (n - 1) h / 2
24. The change in velocity when hydrogen electron 30. Properties of electrons that are quantized in
jumps from K shell to L shell is Bohr’s atomic model are
1) One-half of its original velocity 1) Mass and energy
2) Twice to its original velocity 2) Energy and angular momentum
3) One-quarter of its original velocity 3) Angular momentum and mass
4) Equal to its original velocity 4) Mass and charge
31. When greater number of excited hydrogen 39. The basis of quantum mechanical model of an
atoms reach the ground state, then atom is
1) More number of lines are found in Lyman series 1) Angular momentum of electron
2) The intensity of lines in Balmer series increase 2) Qantum numbers
3) The intensity of lines in Lyman series increase 3) Dual nature of electron
4) Both the intensity and number of lines in Lyman 4) Black body radiation
series increases
40. In the plots of radial distribution function for
32. To which of the following is Bohr’s theory
applicable the hydrogen 3s orbital versus ‘r’, the no. of
I) He+ II) Li+2 III) Tritium IV) Be+2 peaks are
The correct combination is 1) 3 2) 2 3) 1 4) 0
1) III, IV 2) I, II, III, IV 41. Which of the following conditions is
3) I, II 4) I, II, III incorrect for
1)  must be single valued at any particular point
de-Broglie’s & Heisenberg’s
2)  must be positive
33. Which of the following has the largest de
Broglie wavelength provided all have equal 3)  must be a continuous function of its
velocity? coordinates
1) Carbon dioxide molecule 2) Ammonia molecule 4) None of the above
3) Oxygen molecule 4) Nitrogen molecule 42. Consider the following statements :
34. Among the following particles, which will have 1) Electron density in XY plane in 3d x2  y 2
the shortest wavelength when accelerated by
orbital is zero
one million eV?
1) Neutron 2) Tritium atom 2) Electron density in XY plane in 3d z2 orbital
3)  -particle 4) Electron is zero
35. If the wavelength of the electron is 3) 2s orbital has only one spherical node
numerically equal to the distance travelled 4) For 2pz orbital YZ is the nodal plane
by it in 1 sec, then The correct statements are :
h h 1) 2 and 3 2) 1,2,3,4 3) Only 2 4) 1 & 3
1)   2)   43. Which of the following statements is correct?
p m
1) An orbital describes the path of an electron in
h an atom
3)   4)   2) An orbital is a region where the electron is not
m p located
36. When uncertainty in position and momentum 3) An orbital is a function which gives the
are equal, then uncertainty in velocity is : probabilities of finding the electron in a given
h 1 h 1 h h 4) All the above
1) 2) 3) 4) 2m
 2  2m   44. For an electron in a hydrogen atom, the wave
function  is proportional to exp, where a0 is
Quantum Mechanical Model of Atom
the Bohr’s radius. What is the ratio of the
37. The number of angular and radial nodes of 4d probability of finding the electron at the
orbital respectively are (EAM-2014) nucleus to the probability of finding it at a0 ?
1)3,1 2)1,2 3)3,0 4)2,1 1) e 2) e2 3) 1/e2 4) zero
38. The number of radial nodes of 3s and 2p 45. The electron density between 1s and 2s is
orbitals respectively are 1) High 2) Low
1)0,2 2)2,0 3)1,2 4)2,1 3) Zero 4) Abnormal
46. Which of the following statement(s) is/are 3) A subshell in an atom can be designated with
correct about angular nodes two quantum numbers n and l.
1) They are independent from the radial wave 4) The maximum value of l is equal to n - 1 and that
function of m is l .
2) They are directional in nature 55. Which of the following sets of quantum
3) The number of angular nodes of orbital is equal numbers represents the highest energy of
to azimuthal quantum number. an atom?
4) All are correct 1) n = 3, l = 1, m = 1, s = + 1/2
2) n = 3, l = 2, m = 1, s = + 1/2
Quantum Numbers 3) n = 4, l = 0, m = 0, s = + 1/2
47. The quantum number l and the number of 4) n = 3, l = 0, m = 0, s = + 1/2
electrons (n) in the sub level are related by 56. In an atom the order of increasing energy of
1) n = 2l + l 2) l = 2n + l elelctrons with quantum numbers
3) n = 4l + 2 4) n  2 l 2 (EAM- 2014) (AIEEE 2012 )
48. The set of quantum numbers n=3, l=2, m1= 0 i)n=4, l  1 ii)n=4,l =0
1) Describes an electron in a 2s orbital
iii)n=3,l =2 iv)n=3,l =1 is
2) Is not allowed
3) Describes an electron in a 3p orbital 1)iii< i < iv < ii 2)ii < iv <i < iii
4) Describes one of the five orbitals of a similar 3) i < iii < ii < iv 4) iv < ii < iii <i
type 57. The angular wave function depends upon
49. The orbital having minimum ‘m’ value quantum numbers.
1) Spherical in shape 2) Dumbell in shape 1) n and l 2) l and m 3) l and s 4) m and s
3) Double dumbell in shape 4) Tetrahedral 58. The minimum angular momentum of an electron
50. An orbital made of four lobes can have the with the magnetic quantum numbers –1 , 0 , +1
following quantum numbers
1) n = 2, l = 2, m = 0 2) n = 3, l = 1, m = -2 3h h 2h 3h
1) 2) 3) 4)
3) n = 3, l = 2, m = 0 4) n = 3, l = 3, m = -3 2π π π 2π
51. Number of electrons of manganese with 59. The electrons occupying the same orbital have
magnetic quantum number value ‘0’ is the same values for all the quantum number
1) 1 2) 8 3) 12 4) 13 except for
52. The total number of m values for n=4 is 1) n 2) l 3) m 4) s
1) 8 2) 16 3) 12 4) 20 60. In order to designate an orbital in an atom the
53. Choose the incorrect statement : no. of quantum no. required
1) The shape of an atomic orbital depends upon 1) One 2) Two 3) Three 4) Four
the azimuthal quantum number 61. The max. number of electron that can be
2) The orientation of an atomic orbitals depend accomodated in all the orbitals for which l = 3 is
upon the magnetic quantum number 1) 2 2) 6 3) 10 4) 14
3) The energy of an electron in an atomic orbital of 62. During ionisation of copper atom, the quantum
multi-electron atom depends on principal quantum numbers of electron removed maybe
number. 1
1) n  4 l  1 s  
4) The number of degenerate atomic orbitals of one 2
type depends on the value of azimuthal and magnetic
quantum numbers. 2) n  3 l  0 s  
54. Which of the following statements on quantum 2
numbers is not correct? 1
3) n  4 l  0 s  
1) Quantum numbers n, l, m and ms are needed to 2
describe an electron in an atom completely. 1
4) n  4 l  2 s  
2) Quantum numbers n, l, m and s are obtained by 2
solving the Schrodinger wave equation.
Electronic Configurations Key - Level-I (C.W)
63. The rule that explains the reason for chromium 01) 4 02) 2 03) 3 04) 3 05) 3 06) 3
to have [Ar]3d5 4s1 configuration instead of
07) 4 08) 3 09) 2 10) 4 11) 4 12) 1
[Ar] 3d4s2?
1) Pauli's exclusion principle 2) Aufbau Principle 13) 3 14) 2 15) 3 16) 4 17) 4 18) 3
3) Hund's rule 4) Heisenberg principle 19) 3 20) 1 21) 4 22) 2 23) 2 24) 1
64. The orbital diagram in which the aufbau 25) 1 26) 1 27) 1 28) 1 29) 1 30) 2
principle is violated is
31) 3 32) 4 33) 2 34) 3 35) 2 36) 3
2s 2p 2s 2p
37) 4 38) 2 39) 3 40) 1 41) 2 42) 1
1) 2)
43) 3 44) 4 45) 3 46) 4 47) 3 48) 4
2s 2p 2s 2p
49) 3 50) 3 51) 4 52) 2 53) 3 54) 2
3) 4)
55) 2 56) 4 57) 2 58) 2 59) 4 60) 3
65. The electronic configuration of an element with 61) 4 62) 3 63) 3 64) 2 65) 1 66) 1
atomic number 64 is 67) 3 68) 3 69) 4 70) 2
1) 6s 2 5d 1 4 f 7 2) 6s 2 5d 0 4 f 8
Hints - Level-I (C.W)
3) 6s1 5d 0 4 f 7 4) 6s1 5d 2 4 f 7 1. q = ne
66. How many 'd' electrons are present in Cr2+ ion ?
1) 4 2) 5 3) 6 4) 3 magnitudeof ch arg e
2. e/m value of ion  mass number
67. Which of the following statements is
incorrect ?
4. N 3
1) Extra stability of half filled and completely filled
orbitals among s and p block elements is reflected 5. Neutral atom and ions will have different no.of elec-
in trends of IE across a period. trons.
2) Extra stability of half filled and completely filled 6. No.of electrons = atomic no  ch arg e
orbitals among s and p block elements is reflected 7. p n mass
in E.A. trends across a period. Initial 12 12 24
3) Aufbau principle is incorrect for cases where Final 12 6 18
energy difference between ns and (n – 1)d subshell
6  100
is larger  =25% reduced.
4) Extra stability to half filled subshell is due to higher 24
exchange energies. 8.
U .V visible I . R micro
68. The ion that is most stable
1) Fe+ 2) Fe2+ 3) Fe3+ 4) Fe4+ hc E
69. Which has the same number of s-electrons as 9. E 11. E  Nhc ; N 
 hc
the d-electrons in Fe2+ ?
1) Li 2) Na 3) N 4) P W
12. W  h 0 ; 0 
70. Which of the following statements are incorrect h
I) There are five unpaired electrons in 13. h  W  K .E ; W  h  K .E
15. Lower orbit to higher orbit
II) Fe+3, Mn+ and Cr all having 24 electrons
have same value of magnetic moment 1
III) Copper (I) chloride is coloured salt 16.   19. It has no electron
IV) Every coloured ion is paramagnetic
1) I & II 2) II & III 3) III & IV 4) I & IV 1
20.  
2 2 mZ 2 e 4 55. Higher ( n  l ) indicates higher energy
22. R  , Rm 56. The order of increase of energy can be calculated
from (n+l ) rule. If two orbitals have same value of
nh v1
23. mvr  24. V n  (n+l ) , the orbital with lower value of n will be
2 n
filled first.
25. E2  E1  10.2ev ,so electron is excited to second 61. no.of electrons  4l  2
n( n  1) 68. Half filled d-orbital is stable
orbit ,therefore no.of spectral lines 
1 Level-I (H.W)
28. V 
Sub Atomic Particles
29. mvr  , b/n two successive orbits n2  n1 = 1 1. An oil drop has 6.39 1019 charge. What will
be the number of electrons in this drop?
h 1
33.   ;  1) 2 2) 4 3) 8 4) 16
mv m 2. Charge of one mole of alpha particle is
h 1 1) + 2 units 2) +1 units
34.   ;  3) + 2 faraday 4) + 2 coulombs
2meV eV
3. The ratio of e/m of proton and  - particle is
35.   V 1) 2 : 1 2) 1 : 2 3) 1 : 1 4) 1 : 3
h Atomic Number & Mass Number
 
mV 4. Charge of the species with 17 protons, 18
h neutrons and 18 electrons is
 1) + 1 2) - 1 3) - 2 4) None
m 76
5. An isotone of Ge is:
h h
2   77
a) 32 Ge 77
b) 33 As c) 3477 Se d) 3478 Se
m m
1) Only a and b 2) Only b and d
h 3) Only b and c 4) b, c and d.
36. x.p 
4 6. The number of neutrons present in the
h deuterium isotope of hydrogen is
x 2  1) 2 2) 3 3) 5 4) 1
Electromagnetic Radiation
h 7. Identify the incorrectly matched set from the
x 
4 following
h list I list II
v  1) Wavelength Nanometers
4 .m.x
2) Frequency Hertz
1 h 3) Wavenumber m–1
v  4) Velocity ergs
2m 
8. If  1 a n d  2 a re t h e w av e le n g t h o f
37. No.of angular nodes = l =2 characteristic X-rays and gamma rays
No.of radial nodes  n  l  1 = 4  2  1  1 respectively, then the relation between
38. No.of spherical/radial nodes = n-l -1 them is
for s = orbital, l =0.
40. No.of peaks= n l 1) 1  2) 1  2
51. 1s 2 2s 2 2 p 6 3s 2 4 s 2 3d 5 in each sub energy level one
orbital is with m = 0 3) 1  2 4) 1  2
Planck’s Quantum Theory and 17. The electronic transition that emits maximum
Photo Electric Effect energy is [n = represents orbit]
1) n5  n4 2) n4  n3
9. The characteristic not associated with Planck’s
3) n2  n1 4) n3  n2
theory is :
1) Radiations are associated with energy Bohr’s Atomic Model
2) The magnitude of energy associated with a 18. With increasing atomic number of a single
quantum is proportional to frequency electron species, the energy difference
3) Radiation energy is neither emitted nor absorbed between two orbits
1) Increases 2) Decreases
4) Radiation energy is neither emitted nor absorbed
3) Remains constant
4) First increases followed by a decrease
10. Ultraviolet light of 6.2 eV falls on Caesium sur-
19. The ratio of the radius of the Bohr orbit for
face (work function = 1.2 eV). The kinetic en- the electron orbiting the hydrogen nucleus that
ergy (in electron volts) of the fastest electron of the electron orbiting the deuterium nucleus
emitted is approximately is approximately
1) 1:1 2) 1 : 2 3) 2 : 1 4) 1 : 4
1) 5 eV 2) 4 eV 3) 3 eV 4) 2 eV
20. Which of the following curves may represent
11. Visible light photons do not show Compton the radius of orbit (rn) in a H-atoms as a func-
effect because they tion of principal quantum number (n)
1) Move very slowly 2) Have no momentum
slope = 0.53Å slope = 0.53Å
3) Have very less mass 4) Have larger
wavelength 1) r 2) r
n n
12. As the frequency of the light increases, the
momentum of its Photon 2
n n
1) Increases 2) Decreases
3) Remains same 4) Cannot be predicted
H-Spectrum 3) rn 4) None of these
13. The line spectra of two elements are not
identical because : 2
1) The elements do not have the same number of n
neutrons 21. How much energy is required to ionise a H
2) They have different mass numbers atom if the electron occupies n = 5 orbit?
3) Their outermost electrons are at different energy 1) 5.44 ev 2) 10.8 ev
levels 3) 0.544 ev 4) 1.08 ev
4) All of the above. 22. If the speed of electron in the Bohr’s first orbit
14. Among the first lines of Lyman, Balmer, of hydrogen in x, the speed in the third orbit is
Paschen and Brackett series in hydrogen 1) x/9 2) x/3 3) 3x 4) 9x
atomic spectra which has higher energy? de-Broglie’s & Heisenberg’s
1) Lyman 2) Balmer 23. If moving with equal speeds, the longest
3) Paschen 4) Brackett wavelength of the following matter waves is
15. When the atomic electron is at infinite distance that for a (an)
from the nucleus, its energy is 1) Electron 2)  -particle
1) infinity 2) zero 3) negative 4) positive 3) Proton 4) Neutron
16. The wave number of the H- line in Balmer 24. The momentum of radiation of wavelength 0.33
series of hydrogen spectrum is nm is ……. kgm sec–1
1) 5R / 36 2) 3R / 16 1) 2  10–24 2) 2  10–12
3) 21R / 100 4) 3R / 4 3) 2  10–6 4) 2  10–48
Quantum Mechanical Model of Atom Quantum Numbers
25. Which of the following statements is not 31. What is the full degeneracy of the n  3 state
correct? of a H-atom in the absence of a magnetic field?
1) The wave function depicting the dependence on 1) 4 2) 10 3) 8 4) 18
r involves two quantum numbers n and l. 32. For the azimuthal quantum number ‘l’ the
2) The wave function depicting the angular dependence total number of magnetic quantum numbers
involves two quantum numbers l and m. is given by
3) The spin quantum number is not the outcome of ( m  1) m 1
the Schrodinger equation. 1) l  2) l 
2 2
4) The lowest energy state of an atom corresponds
to n = 0 2m  1 2m  1
3) l  4) l 
26. In a main energy level, the orbital with more 2 2
number of nodal planes will be ...... 33. How many sets of four quantum numbers are
1) Higher energy 2) Lower energy possible for electrons present in He2- anion
3) Either 1 or 2 4) Neither 1 nor 2 1) 2 2) 4 3) 5 4) 7
34. The set of quantum numbers n = 2, l = 2,
27. Choose the correct statement among the
m1 = 0
following :
1) Describes an electron in a 2s orbital
1)  2 represents the atomic orbital 2) Describes one of the five orbitals of a similar type
2) The number of peaks in radial distribution is n-1 3) Describes an electron in a 2p orbital
3) A node is a point in space around nucleus where 4) Is not allowed.
the wave function  has zero value 35. The sub-energy level which can accommodate
maximum number of electrons with parallel
4) All of the these
spin values is
28. The maximum probability of finding electron
1) 4p 2) 6s 3) 3d 4) 6p
in the dxy orbital is
36. The azimuthal quantum number and the
1) Along with x - axis 2) Along the y - axis principal quantum number of the 17th
3) At an angle of 45 from the X and Y axis electron are
4) At an angle of 900 from the x and y axis 1) l = 1, n = 3 2) l = 3, n = 2
29. Which of the following statements regarding 3) l = 1, n = 17 4) l = 2, n = 1
an orbital are correct 37. The lowest orbital in which an electron with
1) An orbital is a definite trajectory around the Azimuthal quantum no. value 3 is
nucleus in which electron can move 1) 4 2) 5 3) 1 4) 6
2) An orbital always has spherical trajectory 38. The quantum numbers n = 3, l = 1, m = + 1
3) An orbital is the region around the nucleus where and s = +1/2 represent the unpaired
there is a 90 – 95% probability of finding all the electron present in
electrons of an atom 1) Sodium atom 2) Aluminium atom
4) An orbital is characterized by 3 quantum numbers 3) Fluorine atom 4) Potassium atom
n, l and m 39. The magnetic quantum number m for the
30. Which of the following statements on the outermost electron in the Na atom,is
atomic wave function  is not correct? 1)0 2)2 3)3 4)1
1)  may be a real valued wave function 40. Which of the following quantum numbers
2)  may be in some cases be a complex function is correct for an electron in 4f-orbital
3)  has a mathematical significance only 1) n = 4, l = 3, m = +1, s = +1/2
4)  is proportional to the probability of finding an 2) n = 4, l = 3, m = +4, s = +1/2
electron 3) n = 4, l = 4, m = +1, s = +1/2
4) n = 4, l = 2, m = –2, s = +1/2
Electronic Configurations 3) The principal quantum number (n) indicates
41. Which of the following arrangements of elec- the shape of the orbital
trons is most likely to be stable? 4) The electronic configuration of phosphorous is
given by [Ne] 3s2 3p1x 3p1y 3p1z
3d 4s 50. Which of the following has maximum number
1) of unpaired electrons ?
1) Zn 2) Fe2+ 3) Ni3+ 4) Cu+
2) 51. The successive elements belonging to the
3d-series have the same number of electrons
3) in the d-sub-shell. The elements are
1) Ti & V 2) V & C
4) 3) Cr & Mn 4) Mn & F
52. The electronic configuration in the valence
42. Aufbau principle fails to explain the 3s 3p
configuration of element with atomic number shell of silicon is . The rule
1) 18 2) 21 3) 24 4) 27 violated is
43. Total number of electrons in any energy level 1) Auf-bau principle 2) Pauli’s rule
is 3) Hund’s rule 4) All
l  n 1 l n
53. In potassium, the order of energy levels is
1)  2  2l  1
l 0
2)  2  2l  1
l 0
1) 3s > 3d 2) 4s < 3d
l  n 1 l  n 1
3) 4s > 4p 4) 4s = 3d
3)  2  2l  1 4)  2  2l  1
l 0 l 1
Key-Level–I (H.W)
44. The atomic number at which filling of a g- 01) 2 02) 3 03) 1 04) 2 05) 2 06) 4
orbital is likely to begin is : 07) 4 08) 3 09) 4 10) 1 11) 4 12) 1
1) 121 2) 116 3) 106 4) 124 13) 3 14) 1 15) 2 16) 1 17) 3 18) 1
45. n and l values of an orbital A are 3 and 2 and 19) 1 20) 2 21) 3 22) 2 23) 1 24) 1
another orbital B are 5 and 0. The energy of
25) 4 26) 1 27) 4 28) 3 29) 3 30) 4
1) B is more than A 2) A is more than B
3) A and B are same 4) A is four times than B 31) 4 32) 2 33) 2 34) 4 35) 3 36) 1
46. Number of unpaired electrons of neutral 37) 1 38) 2 39) 1 40) 1 41) 3 42) 3
manganese atom and its divalent ion are in 43) 1 44) 1 45) 1 46) 1 47) 1 48) 1
the ratio (the atomic number of manganese is 49) 4 50) 2 51) 3 52) 3 53) 2
25 and it loses two electrons to form the
divalent ion) Hints - Level–I (H.W)
1) 1 : 1 2) 25 : 23 3) 5 : 3 4) 3 : 5 1. q = ne
47. Which of the following electrons is most tightly 2. 1 mole of positive charge = 1F
bound by the nucleus 3. specific charge = e/m
1) 4p 2) 5s 3) 4d 4) 5d 4. 1 electron is more
2 2 6 2 6 5
48. 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d is not the electron 10. K.E = E-W
configuration of
1) Mn3+ 2) Fe3+ 3) Cr+ 4) Co4+ 2 2 mZ 2e 4
15. En  ; if n   then E  0
49. Which one of the following statements is n2h2
correct? 1 1 1
1) 2's' orbital is spherical with two nodal planes 16.     R[ n 2  n 2 ]
1 2
2) The de Broglie wavelength (  ) of a particle of 17. The energy difference b/n first and second orbits is
mass 'm' and velocity 'V' is equal to mV/h more.
1 1 2
18. E  RhC  n 2  n 2   Z
 1 2 

E  Z 2
n2 n2
19. r  20. r
z z
13.6 2 V1
21.  En  I .E  z 22. Vn 
n2 n
1 h
23.   24. p
m 
25. n=0 is not possible.
26. The orbital with more no.of nodal planes will have
more energy.
32. m  2l  1
33. no.of sets = no.of electrons
35. 3d has 5 parallel spin values.
45. If n  l is same, small n value indicate lower
energy level
8. The energy per quantum associated with light
Level–II (C.W) of wave length 250  10–9 m is
Atomic Models Atomic Number & 1) 7.95  10-19 J 2) 7.95  10 -26 J
Mass Number 3) 3.93  10 -26 J 4) 3.93  10-19 J
1. The e/m ratio of cathode rays is x unit, when 9. What is the energy of photons that corresponds
hydrogen is filled in the discharge tube. What to a wave number of 2.5 ×10-5 cm -1
will be its value when deuterium (D2) is filled
in it? 1) 2.5 1020 erg 2) 5.1 1023 erg
1) x unit 2) x/2 unit 3) 2x unit 4) x/4 unit
3) 4.97 1021 erg 4) 8.5  102 erg
2. –particles are projected towards the
following metals, with the same kinetic Planck’s Quantum Theory & Photo
e n e rg y. To w a rd s w h i c h m e t a l , t h e Electric Effect
distance of closest approach is minimum? 10. Nitrogen laser produces a radiation at a
1) Cu  Z  29  2) Ag  Z  47  wavelength of 337.1 nm. If the number of
photons emitted is 5.6  1024 . Calculate the
3) Au  Z  79  4) Ca  Z  20  power of this laser
3. Which of the following nuclear reactions will 1) 3.33  106 J 2) 3.33  105 J
generate an isotope
3) 1.56  106 J 4) 15.6  108 J
1)Neutron particle emission 2) Positron emission
11. The ratio of energies of photons with
3)   particle emission 4)   particle emission wavelengths 2000A0 and 4000A0 is
4. Chlorine exists in two forms, Cl – 37 and 1) 1/4 2) 4 3) 1/2 4) 2
Cl – 35 but its atomic mass is 35.5. This 12. An Electro magnetic radiation of wavelength
indicates the ratio of Cl – 37 and Cl – 35 242nm is just sufficient to ionise a sodium atom.
is approximately. Calculate the ionisation energy of sodium in
1) 1:2 2) 1:1 3) 1:3 4) 3:1 kJ/mol?
5. The mass numbers of three isotopes of an 1) 494.5 2) 594.5 3) 694.5 4) 794.5
element are 10,12,14 units.Thier percentage
13. When a metal is irradiated with light of
abundance is 80,15, and5 respectively.What is
frequency 4.0 ×1016 s -1 the photo electrons
the atomic weight of the element?
emitted had six times the K.E as the K.E
1)10.5 2)11.5 3)12.5 4)13.5 of photo electron emitted when the metal
6. An ion with mass number 56 contains 3 units was irradiated with light of frequency
of positive charge and 30.4% more neutrons 2.0 ×1016 s -1 . The calculate the critical
than electrons. Assign the symbol to this ion frequency of the metal.
1) 26 Fe3 2) 57
26 Fe3 3) 59
26 Fe
4) 56
26 Fe3 1) 2.0 1016 s 1 2)1.6 1016 s 1
Electromagnetic Radiation 3) 3.0 1016 s 1 4) 4.2 1016 s 1
14. In photo electric effect,if the energy required
7. The frequency of a wave light is 1.0×106 sec–1.
to over come the attractive forces on the
The wave length for this wave is electron(work function) of Li, Na and Rb are
1) 3  10 4 cm 2) 3  104 cm 2.41eV, 2.3eV and 2.09eV respectively, the
work function of “K” could approximately be
3) 6  104 cm 4) 6  106 cm in eV (EAM 2012)
1) 2.52 2) 2.2 3) 2.35 4) 2.01
H-Spectrum 21. Which of the following relationship is correct
15. The ratio of highest possible wavelength 1 1
to lowest possible wavelength of Lyman 1) E1 of H  E2 of He  E3 of
2 3
series is
1) 4/3 2) 9/8 3) 27/5 4) 16/5 1
Li 2  of E4 of Be 3
16. If the wave number of the first line in the Balmer 4
series of hydrogen atom is 15000 cm–1, the 2) E1 of H  E2 of He +  E3 of
wave number of the first line of the Balmer
series of Li2+ is Li +2  E4 of Be +3

1) 1.35 105 cm 1 2) 1.66 109 cm 1 3) E1 of H  2 E2 of He  3E3

of Li 2  4 E4 of Be 3
3) 13.5 105 cm 1 4) 1.43 104 cm 1
17. What is the lowest energy of the spectral 2 4
4) E1 of H  E2 of He   E3
line emitted by the hydrogen atom in the 3 3
Lyman series? (h=Planck’s constant; 5
C=Velocity of light; R=Rydberg constant). of Li 2  E4 of Be 3
5hcR 4hcR 3hcR 7hcR 22. What is the wavelength of a photon emitted
1) 2) 3) 4) during a transition from n = 5 state to the
36 3 4 144
n = 2 state in the hydrogen atom
18. The ionization energy of H atom is x kJ. The
1) 434nm 2) 234nm 3) 476nm 4) 244nm
energy required for the electron to jump from
23. Which one of the following transitions of an
n = 2 to n =3 will be :
electrons in hydrogen atom emits radiation of
1) 5x 2) 36x/5 3) 5x/36 4) 9x/4
the lowest wavelength (EAM 2010)
19. When the electron of 5th orbit jumps into the
first orbit, the number of spectral lines 1) n2   to n1  2 2) n2  4 to n1  3
produced in hydrogen spectrum is 3) n2  2 to n1  1 4) n2  5 to n1  3
1) 5 2) 10 3) 20 4) 1
20. The Ratio of mth to nth wavelength of Lyman
series in H-spectrum is equal to Bohr’s Atomic Model
2 24. The velocity of electron in first orbit of H-atom
m  m  1  n m  n  1  m
2 2 2
as compared to the velocity of light is :
1)   2 2)   m 2 1  n 2
n  n  1   m 2
n   1 1 1
1) th 2) th 3) th 4) Same
2 2 10 100 1000
m  m  1    n  1  1
3)   2 2
25. In a collection of H-atoms, all the electrons
n   
n  1 m  1   1 jump from n = 5 to ground level finally ( directly
2 2
or indirectly), without emitting any line in
m  n  1  m  1  1 Balmer series. The number of possible
4)   2
 2 different radiations is
n  m  1  n  1  1
1) 10 2) 8 3) 7 4) 6
26. What is likely to be principal quantum number 34. Calculate the wavelength (in nm) associated
for a circular orbit of diameter 20.6 nm of the with a proton moving at 1.0×103 m / s . The
hydrogen atom. If we assume Bohr orbit to be
the same as that represented by the principal mass of proton is 1.67 × 10 -27 kg and h is
quantum number? 6.63 × 10 -34 Js (Aieee2009)
1) 10 2) 14 3) 12 4)16 1)0.032 nm 2) 2.5 nm 3) 14.0 nm 4) 0.4 nm
27. If the radius of the first Bohr orbit of Hydrogen 35. The de-Broglie wavelength for a proton with a
atom is ‘x’, then the de-Broglie wavelength of velocity 15% of the speed of light is :
electron in third orbit is nearly.
1) 2x 2) 6x 3) 9x 4) x/3 1) 8.8  1012 m 2) 8.8  1015 cm
28. A single electron in an ion has ionization energy 3) 8.8  1015 m 4) 4.4  10 15 cm
equal to 217.6eV. What is the total number of 36. The velocities of two particles A and B are 0.05
neutrons present in one ion of it? and 0.02m/s respectively. The mass of B is five
1) 2 2) 4 3) 5 4) 9 times the mass of A. The ratio of their
29. The ionisation energy for the Hydrogen atom
de-Broglies wavelength is (EAM 2008)
in the ground state is 2.18 ×10 -18 Jatom -1 . The
energy required for the following process 1) 2 : 1 2) 1 : 4 3) 1 : 1 4) 4 : 1
37. The mass of an electron is m, its charge e and
He   g   He 2  g   e  is
it is accelerated from rest through a potential
1) 8.72  10 Jatom 2) 8.72  10 Jatom
 18 1  19  1
difference V. The velocity of electron will be
3) 4.35  10 Jatom 4) 2.62  10 Jatom
 18  1  19  1 calculated by formula :
30. If the diameter of carbon atom is 0.15nm , the 1) V / m 2) eV / m
number of carbon atoms which can be placed
side by side is a straight line across length of 3)  2eV / m  4) None of these
20 cm is 38. The uncertainity in the positions of an electron
1) 13.3  109 2) 1.33  109 and proton is equal, the ratio of the uncertainities
3) 6.2  109 4) 1.33  107 in the velocity of an electron and proton is
31. An electronic transition in hydrogen atom 1) 103 :1 2) 1:1836 3) 3672:1 4) 1836:1
results in the formation of H line of hydrogen
in lyman series the energies associated with 39. A ball of mass 200 gm is moving with velocity
-1 . If the error in measurement of
the electrons in each of the orbits involved in of 10 m.s
velocity is 0.1%, the uncertainity in its
the transition(in kal/mol) are (EAM 08) position is
1) 313.6, 34.84 2) 313.6, 78.4 1) 3.3.  10-31 m 2) 3.3  10-27 m
3) 78.4, 34.84 4) 78.4, 19.6 3) 5.3  10-25 m 4) 2.64  10-32 m
32. The wavelength of a spectral line emitted by 40. The kinetic energy of an electron accelerated
hydrogen atom in the lyman series is 16/5R from rest through a potential difference of 5V
will be
cm. What is the value of n2
1) 5J 2) 5erg
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4)1
3)5eV 4) 8  1010 eV
de-Broglie’s & Heisenberg’s
33. If Ee , E , and E p represents the kinetic Quantum Mechanics & Numbues
energies of an electron alpha particle and a 41. Which one of the following conditions is
proton respectively, each moving with same incorrect for a well behaved wave function ( )
deBroglie wavelength then :
(EAM 2010)
1) Ee  E  E p 2) Ee  E  E p 1)  must be finite 2)  must be single valued
3) E  EP  Ee 4) Ee  EP  En 3)  must be infinite 4)  must be continuous
42. The spin magnetic momentum of electrons in 52. Which one of the following sets correctly
an ion is 4.84 BM. Its total spin will be represents the in case in the paramagnetic
h property of the ions. (EAM 2008)
1) 1 2) 2 3)  4) 2.5 1) Cu  V  Cr  Mn
 2 2  2  2
43. The maximum number of sub levels,orbitals 2) Cu 2  Cr 2  V 2  Mn 2
and electrons in N shell of an atom are 3) Cu 2  V 2  Cr 2  Mn 2
respectively 4) V 2  Cu 2  Cr 2  Mn 2
1) 4, 12, 32 2) 4, 16, 30
3) 4, 16, 32 4) 4, 32, 64 Key Level–II (C.W)
44. In multi electron atom, which of the following 01) 1 02) 4 03) 1 04) 3 05) 1 06) 4
orbitals described by the three quantum 07) 1 08) 1 09) 3 10) 1 11) 4 12) 1
numbers will have the same energy in the 13) 2 14) 2 15) 1 16) 1 17) 3 18) 3
absence of magnetic and electric fields. 19) 2 20) 2 21) 2 22) 1 23) 3 24) 2
a) n = 1, l = 0, m = 0 b) n = 2, l = 0, m = 0
25) 4 26) 2 27) 2 28) 3 29) 1 30) 2
c) n = 2, l = 1, m = 1 d) n = 3, l = 2, m = 1
e) n = 3, l = 2, m = 0 31) 2 32) 3 33) 3 34) 4 35) 3 36) 1
1) a & c 2) b & c 3) c & d 4) d & e 37) 3 38) 4 39) 4 40) 3 41) 3 42) 2
45. The values of four quantum numbers of valence 43) 3 44) 4 45) 1 46) 1 47) 1 48) 2
electron of an element X is n = 4, l = 0, m = 0, 49) 3 50) 4 51) 3 52) 3
s = 1/2 The element is
1) K 2) Ti 3) Na 4) Sc Hints Level–II (C.W)
K L M N 1. e/m value of cathode rays independent on the nature
46. Given 2 8 11 2 of gas
The number of electrons present in l  2 is 3. Isotopes are species are having same number of
1) 3 2) 6 3) 5 4) 4 protons but different number of neutrons
47. Sum of electronic spins of all electrons with  %abundance  Atomicweight
the configuration 3d7 is 4. 
1) + 3/2 2) + 5/2 3) + 7/2 4) 9/2
48. Which one of the following pairs of ions have  %abundance  Atomicweight
the same electronic configuration? 5. 
1) Cr+3, Fe+3 2) Fe+3, Mn+2
3) Fe , CO +3 4) Sc+3, Cr+3 6. Let the number of electrons in A3  x
49. An impossible set of four quantum number of 56 = x+3+1.304x
an electron is (AIEEE-2009) c hC
7.  8. E
1) n = 4, l = 2, m = -2, s = + 1/2  
2) n = 4, l = 0, m = 0, s = +1/2
3) n = 3, l = 2, m = -3, s = + 1/2 9. E  hc 10. E
4) n = 5, l = 3, m = 0, s = - 1/2 
Electronic Configurations E1 2
11. E  
50. How many electrons are present in the M-shell 2 1
of an atom of the element with atomic number
Z=24? (E-2000) hc
12. E 
1) 5 2) 6 3) 12 4) 13 
51. The atomic numbers of elements X,Y and Z  E  NA
are 19, 21 and 25 respectively. The number
of electrons present in the M shells of these K .E2  2  0
elements follow the order. 13. K .E   
1 1 0
1) Z>X>Y 2) X>Y>Z 3) Z>Y>X 4)Y>Z>X
14. As the size of atom increases, energy required to 28. Ionization energy
over come the attractive forces on the outer most
electron decreases. Z2
217.6  13.6  2 ; Z  4m
hc 1 1 1
15. E   ;   R[ n 2  n 2 ] So, it is 94 Be3 ; no. of neutrons 9 - 4 = 5
1 2

16.    H  z 2 z2
29.  IE  z   IE H 2
1 1
17. E  Rhc  n 2  n 2  30. No. of carbon items that can be placed in a straight
 1 2 
18. Eionisation   E1 line =
E1   x 313.52 2

x 31. En  2
E2   n
1 1 1 15R 1 1
E3  
x 32.   R[ n 2  n 2 ]  16  R[12  n 2 ]
1 2 2
x x h
E   33.  
9 4 2mkE
x x 5x
=  = h h
4 9 36 34.   35. 
mv mv
n  n  1
19. Number of spectral lines = h  A mB .vB
2 36.   ; 
mv B mA .v A
1 1 1 Z2
20.    R [  ] 21. E 
 n12 n22 n2 1 2
37. mv  ev
1 1 1 2
22.     R[ n 2  n 2 ]
1 2 xe .me .ve
23. For any series the first line have lowest wave length 38. 1
x p .m p .vp
and highest energy
24. C  3  1010 cm / sec; ve m p
8 
V  2.18  10 cm / sec; vp me

5 h
39. x.m.v 
4 4
25. 3 h
x 
4 .m.v
diameter 1 2
26. rn  0.529  n2 A0 ; diameter = 2r ; r  40. mv  e.v
2 2
27. rn  n r1; 2eV
V2 
nh m
mvn rn 
2 2eV
h V 
 m
42.   4S  S  1 8. Suppose 10 17 J of energy is needed by the
43. no.of sub shell = n,no.of orbitals  n 2 , interior of human eye to see an object. How
no.of electrons  2n 2 many photons of green light ( =550nm) are
44. Same (n+l) value indicates same energy level. needed to generate this minimum amount of
1  1 1) 14 2) 28 3) 39 4) 42
47. sum of spin quantum no = 5   2    9. The ratio of the energies of two different
2  2
radiations whose frequencies are 3 x 1014 Hz
52. paramagnetic property depends upon the number
of unpaired electrons ,higher the no.of unpaired and 5 x 1014 Hz is
electrons , higher the paramagnetic property. 1) 3 : 5 2) 5 : 3 3) 3 : 1 4) 5 : 1
10. Which one of the following frequency of
Level–II (H.W) radiation(in Hz) has a wavelength of 600nm
(EAM 2011)
Atomic Models & Electromagnetic
1) 2  1013 2) 5  1016 3) 2  1014 4) 5  1014
1. Which has highest specific charge? Plank’s Quantum Theory and Photo
1) Na  (A =23) 2) Mg 2  (A=24) Electric Effect
11. In photoelectric effect, the energy of the photon
3) Al 3 (A =27) 4) Si 4 (A =28) striking a metallic surface is 5.6 × 10–19 J. The
2. -particles are projected towards the following kinetic energy of the ejected electrons is
metals, with the same kinetic energy. Towards 12.0 × 10–20J. The work function is :
which metal, the distance of closest approach is
minimum? 1) 6.4  10 19 J 2) 6.8  1019 J
1) Zn( z  30) 2) Cd ( Z  48) 3) 4.4  10 19 J 4) 6.4  1020 J
12. An Electro magnetic radiation of wavelength
3) Hg (Z  80) 4) Al ( Z  13)
484nm is just sufficient to ionise a sodium
3. The mass numbers of three isotopes of an atom.Calculate the ionisation energy of sodium
element are 11,12,13 units.Thier percentage in kJ/mol approximately?
abundance is 80, 15, and 5 respectively.What 1) 494.5 2) 246.9 3) 989.0 4) 794.5
is the atomic wieght of the element? H-Spectrum
1)10.25 2)11.25 3)12.25 4)13.25 13. Which of the following lines will have a wave
4. Boron has two istopes B10 & B11 whose relative no. equal in magnitude to the value of R in the
abudances are 20% & 80% respectively H - Spectral series
avg.atomic wieght of Boron is? 1) Limiting line of Balmer series
1)10 2)11 3)10.5 4)10.8 2) Limiting line of Lyman series
5. If the wavelength of green light is about 3) First line of Lyman series
5000A0, then the frequency of its wave is 4) First line of Balmer series
1) 16  1014 sec 1 2) 16  1014 sec 1 14. The wave number of first line in Balmer series
3) 6  1014 sec 1 4) 6 1014 sec1 of Hydrogen is 15,200 cm-1 the wave number of
first line in Balmer series of Be 3+
6. The energy of photon of light having frequency
1) 2.43  10 5cm-1 2) 3.43 105cm-1
of 3  1015S–1 is
3) 4.43  10 5cm-1 4) 5.43  10 5cm-1
1) 1.99  10 18 J 2) 1.99  1017 J 15. What transition in the hydrogen spectrum
3) 1.99  1017 ergs 4) 1.99  1018 ergs would have the same wavelength as the
7. What is the energy of photons that corresponds Balmer transition n = 4 to n = 2 of He +
to a wave number of 5  10–5m–1 spectrum ?
1) 99.384  1030 J 2) 993.84  1030 J 1) n1 = 1 ; n2 = 2 2) n1 = 2 , n2 = 3
3) n1 = 3 , n2 = 2 4) n1 = 2 , n2 = 4
3) 9.9384  1030 J 4) 0.99384  1030 J
16. The wave number for the longest wavelength 25. According to Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom
transition in the Balmer series of atomic 1) There is only fixed set of allowed orbitals for the
hydrogen is electron
1) 15.2  106 m 1 2) 13.6  106 m 1 2) The allowed orbitals of the electrons are elliptical
3) 1.5  106 m 1 4) 1.3 106 m 1 . in shape
17. The ionization potential of hydrogen atom is 13.6 3) The moment of an electron from one allowed
eV. The wavelength of the energy radiation toanother allowed orbital is forbidden
required for the ionization of H-atom 4) No light is emitted as long as the electron remains
1) 1911 nm 2) 912 nm 3) 68 nm 4)91.2 nm in an allowed orbital
18. A gas of mono atomic hydrogen is excited by 26. The ratio of radius of 2nd and 3rd Bohr orbit is
an energy of 12.75 eV/atom. Which spectral 1) 3 : 2 2) 9 : 4 3) 2 : 3 4) 4 : 9
lines of the following are formed in Lyman, 27. According to Bohr’s theory, which one of the
Balmer and Paschen series respectively. following values of angular momentum of
1) 3, 2, 1 2) 2, 3, 1 3) 1, 3, 2 4)1, 2, 3 hydrogen atom is not permitted. (EAM-11)
19. The wave length of the radiation emitted by
1.25h h 1.5h 0.5h
Hydrogen when compared to He+ ion is 1) 2) 3) 4)
1) 2 times that of He+ ion    
2) 3 times that of He+ ion de-Broglie’s and Heisenberg’s
3) 4 times that of He+ ion 28. The mass of the electrons 9.8  10–28gram and
4) Same as He+ uncertainty in the velocity equal to 210–3cm/sec.
Bohr’s Atomic Model The uncertainty in the position of an electron is
20. The energy of the second Bohr orbit of (h=6.6210–27ergsec)
hydrogen atom is - 3.41 eV. The energy of the
second orbit of He+ would be 1) 2.9 102 cm 2) 2.9 10 2 cm
1) – 0.85eV 2) –13.6eV 3) 2.9 1012 cm 1 4) 2.9 1012 cm 1
3) –1.70eV 4) -6.82eV
29. The velocity of an electron with de Broglie
21. If the diameter of carbon atom is 0.15nm , the
wavelength of 1.0102 nm is :
number of carbon atoms which can be placed
side by side is a straight line across length of 1) 7.2  105 cm / sec 2) 72  105 cm / sec
10.0 cm is 3) 7.2  104 cm / sec 4) 3.6  105 cm / sec
1) 66.66  107 2) 66.66  108 30. The wave length of a electron with mass
3) 6.2  10 9 4) 1.33  10 7
9.1× 10 -31 kg and kinetic energy 3.0 ×10 -25 J is
22. The ionization energy of the ground state of 1) 89.67nm 2) 8.96nm
hydrogen atom is 2.18 1018 J . The energy of 3) 456.7nm 4) 896.7nm
an electron in its second orbit would be 31. A cricket ball of 0.5 Kg is moving with a
1) 1.09 10 J 18
2) 2.18 10 J 18 velocity of 100m per sec. the wavelength
associated with its motion is
3) 4.36 10 18 J 4) 5.45 1019 J
1) 1/100 m 2) 6.6 1034 m
23. The velocity of an electron in the first Bohr
orbit of hydrogen atom is 2.19 106 ms 1 .Its 3) 1.321035 m 4) 6.6 1028 m
velocity in the second orbit would be 32. A microscope using suitable photons is employed
1) 1.10 106 ms 1 2) 4.38 106 ms 1 to locate an electron in an atom within a distance
of 0.1A0. What is the uncertainty involved in the
5 1 6 1
3) 5.5 10 ms 4) 8.76 10 ms measurement of its velocity?
24. Energy of electron moving in the second orbit
1) 2.69  106 ms 1 2) 5.79  105 ms 1
of He+ion is
1) -13.6ev 2) -3.4 ev 3) 5.79  106 ms 1 4) 4.62  106 ms 1
3) -1.51 ev 4) -0.84 ev
33. The mass of photon with wave length 3.6A0 is 40. Which one of the following set of quantum
1) 6.135  1033 kg 2) 6.135  10 27 kg numbers is not possible for a 4p electron?
1) n =4, l = 1, m = +1, ms =  12
3) 4.126 1029 kg 4) 4.126  1025 kg
34. If the velocity of electron in Bohr’s first orbit is 2) n =4, l = 1, m = 0, ms =  12
2.19 × 10 6 ms -1 . The de-Broglie’s wavelength is 3) n = 4, l = 1, m = 2, ms =  12
1) 332 pm 2) 313 pm 3) 3.32 pm 4)3.13 pm 4) n = 4, l = 1, m = -1, ms =  12
35. Uncertainity in position of a particle of 25 gram
41. The total number of electrons present in all
in space is 10–5 m. Hence uncertainity in
the s orbitals, all the P orbitals and all the d
velocity (m/sec) is ( h = 6.6 ×10 -34 J - sec ) orbitals of cesium ion are respectively.
1) 2.11028 2) 2.11034 1) 6, 26, 10 2) 10,24,20
3) 8, 22, 24 4) 12, 20, 23
3) 0.5 1034 4) 5 1024 42. The quantum numbers + 1/2 and - 1/2 for the
36. An electron, a proton and an alpha particle electron spin represent
have K.E. of 16E, 4E and E respectively. What 1) rotation of electron in clockwise and anti
is the qualitative order of their de-Broglie clockwise direction respectively
wavelengths: 2) rotation of electron in anti-clockwise and
clockwise direction respectively
1) e   p   2)  p    e 3) magnetic moment of the electron pointing up and
down respectively
3)  p  c   4)   e   p 4) two quantum mechanical spin states which have
37. The wavelengths of electron waves in two no classical analogue
orbits is 3 : 5. The ratio of kinetic energy of 43. The correct set of quantum numbers for the
electrons will be (EAM 2009) unpaired electron of Chlorine atom
1) 25:9 2)5:3 3)9:25 4)3:5 1) 2,0,0,+1/2 2) 2,1,-1,+1/2
Quantum Mechanics & Numbers 3) 3,0,0,+1/2 4) 3,1,-1,  1/2
38. The probability density plots of 1s and 2s 44. The quantum number which explain the line
orbitals are given in figure spectra observed as doublets in case of hydrogen
and alkali metals and doublets & triplets in case
of alkaline earth metals is
(EAM 2012)
1) Spin 2) Azimuthal 3) Magnetic 4) Principle
1s 2s Electronic Configurations
The density of dots in region represents the 45. An element has 2 electrons in K shell, 8
probability density of finding electrons in electrons in L shell, 13 electrons in M shell and
the region.On the basis of above diagram one electron in N shell. The element is
which of the following statements is incor- 1) Cr 2) Fe 3) V 4) Ti
rect? 46. A compound Vanadium has a magnetic moment
1) 1s and 2s orbitals are spherical in shape of 1.73BM. The electronic configuration of
2) The probability of finding the electron is Vanadium ion in the compound is______.
maximum near the nucleus. 1) [ Ar ]3d 2 2) [ Ar ]3d1 4s 0
3) The probability of finding the electron at a given
distance is equal in all directions. 3) [ Ar ]3d 3 4) [ Ar ]3d 0 4s1
4) The probability density of electrons for 2s 47. A transition metal 'X' has a configuration [Ar] 3d4
orbitals decreases uniformly as distance from in its +3 oxidation state, its atomic number is
the nucleus increases. 1) 25 2) 26 3) 22 4) 19
39. The maximum number of electrons with spin 48. Which one of the following ions has same
value +1/2 in the orbital with azimuthal quantum number of unpaired electrons as those present
number value l = 2 and magnetic quantum in V+3 ion. (Eam–2014)
number m = +2 is ....... 1) Fe  3 2) Ni  2 3) Mn  2 4) Cr 3
1) 5 2) 6 3) 3 4) 1
21. No. of carbon items that can be placed in a straight
Key Level–II (H.W)
01) 4 02) 4 03) 2 04) 4 05) 3 06) 1 length
line =
07) 3 08) 2 09) 1 10) 4 11) 3 12) 2 diameter
13) 2 14) 1 15) 1 16) 3 17) 4 18) 1  E1 v1
19) 3 20) 2 21) 1 22) 4 23) 1 24) 1 22. En  23. vn 
n2 n
25) 4 26) 4 27) 1 28) 1 29) 1 30) 4
13.6 r1 n12
31) 3 32) 3 33) 1 34) 1 35) 1 36) 1 24. En  Z2 26. 
n2 r2 n22
37) 1 38) 4 39) 4 40) 3 41) 2 42) 4
43) 4 44) 1 45) 1 46) 2 47) 1 48) 2 nh
27. mvr  where n  1, 2,3...
Hints Level–II (H.W) 2
magnitude of ch arg e h h
1. e/m= 28. x.m.v  29. 
mass number 4 mv
h h
3. Avg .at .wt 
 % abundance  Atomicweight 30 &36.   31. 
Totalratio 2mkE mv

4. Avg .at .wt 

 % abundance  Atomicweight h
32. x.m.v  33 & 34.
4 mv
5.  6. E  h h 1 KE2
 35. x.m.v  37. 
4 2 KE1
7. E  hc 8. E
 46. Magnetic moment = n(n  2) BM
E1  1 c
9.  10.  Level – III
E2  2 
Electromagnetic Radiation
11. E  w0  K .E 1. Calculate the wavelength of photon having
hc energy 5 e.V.
12. E 
 1) 2.47  106 cm 2) 2.47  105 cm
 E  NA 3) 24.7  105 cm 4) 24.7  106 cm
2. The energy required to break one mole of
1 1
13.   R[ n 2  n 2 ] 14.   H  Z 2 Cl–Cl bonds in Cl2 is 242 kJmol–1. The longest
1 2 wavelength of light capable of breaking a single
Cl–Cl bond is
2  1 1 1 1 1) 594nm 2) 640nm 3) 700nm 4) 494nm
15. R  Z  n 2  n 2   R  n 2  n 2 
 1 2   1 2  3. A photon of 300 nm is absorbed by a gas and
then reemitted two photons. One of the remitted
1 1 1 hc photon has wavelength 496 nm, then the other
16.     RH  2  2 17. E 
 n1 n2   photon has
18. E  E4  E1  12.75ev / atom ,then the electron 1) 2.625  1019 erg 2) 2.625  1019 J
is excited to fourth orbit. 3) 2.625 J 4) 2.625Cal

E1 Z12 4. The time period of a light is 2.0 × 10 -10 s . The

19.  Z2 20.  wavelength for this wave is
 E2 Z 22
1) 0.06m 2) 6m 3) 0.03m 4) 0.3m
5. A 100 watt bulb emits monochromatic light Planck’s Quantum Theory &Photo
of wavelength 400nm. Calculate the number Electric Effect
of photons emitted per second by the bulb.
13. A gas absorbs photon of 355nm and emits at
1) 20.12  1020 S 1 2) 2.012  1020 S 1 two wavelength if one of the emission is at
3) 4.969  1019 S 1 4) 49.69  1019 S 1 680nm, the order is at
6. Neon gas emits at 616 nm. The distance 1)1035nm 2)325nm 3)743nm 4)518nm
travelled by this radiaton in 30 sec is. 14. The threshold frequency for a metal is
1) 9  107 m 2) 9  109 m
7.0 ×1014 S -1 . What is the kinetic energy of an
3) 4.5  109 m 4) 7  109 m electron emitted when radiation of frequency
7. A quantum of light having energy E has 1.0×1015 S -1 hits the metal
wavelength equal to 7200A0 . The frequency
of light which corresponds to energy equal 1) 1.988 1017 J 2) 1.9881019 J
to 3E, is
3) 3.988 1019 J 4) 1.988 1019 J
1) 1.25 1014 s 1 2) 1.25 1015 s 1
15. Iodine molecule dissociates into atoms after
3) 1.25 1013 s 1 4) 1.25  1014 s 1
absorbing light of 4500 0A. If one quantum
8. Bond dissociation energy of AB molecules is of radiation is absorbed by each molecule,
300 kJ/mole. The number of moles of photons calculate the kinetic energy of Iodine
of wavelength 6625A0 requires to dissociate at oms.(Bond ener gy of I 2 = 240 kJ mol-1 )
3 moles of AB molecules is 1) 2.16  10-20 J 2) 4.1  10-20J
1)1 2) 2 3) 4 4) 5 3) 3.12  10-14 J 4) 2.16  10-22 J
9. A certain dye absorbs light of = 4530A0 and 16. A photon of wavelength 4 ×10 -7 m strikes on
wavelength of fluoroscence light is 5080A0.
metal surface, The work function of the metal
Assuming that under given condition 47% of is 2.13eV . The velocity of the photo electron is
the absorbed energy is reemited out as
1) 5.67  106 ms 1 2) 5.67  105 ms 1
fluoroscence the ratio of quanta emitted out
to the number of quanta absorbed. 3) 5.67  105 ms 1 4) 5.67  106 ms 1
1) 0.527 2) 1.5 3) 52.7 4) 3 17. When electromagnetic radiation of wavelength
10. A 25 watt bulb emits monochromatic yellow 300nm falls on the surface of sodium, electrons
light of wavelength of 0.57  m . Calculate the are emitted with a Kinetic energy of
rate of emission of quanta per second. 1.68 ×105 Jmol -1 . The maximum wave length
that will cause a photo electron to be emitted is
1) 7.16  10 19 2) 7.16  1019
1) 51.7nm 2) 517nm 3) 427nm 4) 62nm
3) 3.5  1015 4) 6.5  1019
18. Photo electric emission is observed from a surface
11. An electromagnetic radiation of wavelength for frequencies v1 and v2 the KE in two cases are
484nm is just sufficient to ionise a sodium atom. in ratio 1 : K, then the threshold frequency v0 is
Calculate the ionisation energy of sodium in
given by
1)246.9 2)594.5 3)694.5 4)794.5 v2  v1 Kv1  v2
12. If the radiation source has the duration of 2 1) 2)
K 1 K 1
nano seconds and the number of photons emit-
ted is 2.5  1015. The energy of the source is Kv2  v2 v2  v2
3) 4)
K 1 K
1) 8.282  1010 J 2) 4.141 10 10 J
3) 6.262  109 J 4) 8.282  10 10 J
19. Light of certain wavelength strikes on a metal spectrum.
surface with intensity x and the metal emits y 1) n2 = 3 to n1 = 2 ; E = 182.8 KJ
electrons per second of average energy, z. 2) n2 = 2 to n1 = 1 ; E = 155.8 KJ
What will happen to y and z if x is doubled? 3) n2 = 3 to n1 = 1 ; E = 180.8 KJ
1) y will be doubled and z will become half 4) n2 = 4 to n1 = 2 ; E = 182.5 KJ
2) y will remian same and z will be doubled 25. In Bohr series of lines of hydrogen spectrum,
3) Both y and z will be doubled the third line from the red end corresponds
4) y will be doubled but z will remain same to which one of the following inter-orbit jumps
20. Threshold frequency of metal is f0.When light of the electron for Bohr orbits is an atom of
of frequency  = 2f 0 is incident on the metal hydrogen. [AIEEE-02]
plate, velocity of electron emitted in V1. When 1) 5  2 2) 4  1 3) 2  5 4) 3  2
a plate frequency of incident radiation is 5f0, 26. The energy difference between the states of
V 2 is velocity of emitted electron , then n = 2 and n = 3 is ‘E’ eV in Hydrogen atom.
V1:V2 is The ionization potential of H atom is
1) 1: 4 2) 1: 2 3) 2 :1 4) 4 :1 1) 3.2 E 2) 7.2 E 3) 5.6 E 4) 13.2 E
21. If  0 is the threshold wavelength for 27. In a certain electronic transition in the
photoelectric emission,  the wavelength of hydrogen atom from an initial state (1) to a
light falling on the surface of a metal and m is final state (2), the difference in the orbital
the mass of the electron, then the velocity of radius (r1 –r2) is 24 times the first Bohr radius.
ejected electron is given by Identify the transition.
1) 5  1 2) 25  1 3) 8  3 4) 1  5
1/ 2 1/ 2
 2h   2hc 28. I.E of He is 19.6  10 –18 J atom –1 . The
1)        2)   0    energy of the Ist stationary state (n=1) of
m   m 
Li +2 is (AIEEE–10)
1/ 2 1/ 2 –16 –1
 2hc  0     2hc  1 1  1) 4.41 10 J atom
3)    4)     2) –4.4110–17 J atom–1
 m  0   m  0   3) –2.2 10–15 J atom–1
22. The ejection of the photo electron from the silver 4) –8.8310–17 J atom–1
metal in the photo electric effect experiment can 29. When a hydrogen atom emits a photon of
be stopped by applying the voltage of 0.35 vol. energy 12.1 eV, the orbital angular momentum
When the radiation 256.7 nm is used. The work changes by
function for silver metal is h 3h h 2h
1) 4.48 ev 2) 3.35 ev 3) 44.8 ev 4) 22.4 ev 1) 2) 3) 4)
2 2  
H-Spectrum Bohr’s Atomic Model
23. 1.8 gm of H-atom sample are excited to 30. Energy of an electron is given by
radiations. The study of spectra indicates that
27% of the atoms are in 3rd energy level, 15% -18 z2
E= -2.178 × 10 J( 2 ) wavelength of light
of atoms in 2nd energy level and rest in ground n
state required to excite an electron in an hydrogen
1) Number of atoms in 2nd energy level is atom from level n=1to n=2 will be
23 atoms
1.626 10 m
2) Number of atoms in 3rd energy level is [h = 6.62×10-34 J s&c = 3×108 ] (Mains-13)
2.9268 1023 atoms 1) 1.214  10 7 m 2) 2.816  107 m
3) Number of at oms in Ground st ate is
3) 6.5  10 7 m 4) 8.5  107 m
6.2872 1023 atoms 31. According to Bohr’s thoery ,the angular
4) All are correct momentum of electron in the fifth Bohr
24. Calculate the energy emitted when electrons orbit is? (AIEE–06)
of 1.0 gram atom of hydrogen undergo
transition giving the spectral line of lowest 25h 1.0h 10h 2.5h
1) 2) 3) 4)
wave energy in the visible region of its atomic    
32. In an atom, two electrons move around the 39. Which of the following sets of quantum
nucleus in circular orbits of radii R and 4R. numbers represents the highest energy of an
The ratio of the time taken by them to atom
complete one revolution is 1) n = 3, l = 1, m = 1, s = +1/2
1) 1:4 2) 4:1 3) 1:8 4) 8:1 2) n = 3, l = 2, m = 1, s = +1/2
33. The ionisation energy of hydrogen atom is 3) n = 4, l = 0, m = 0, s = +1/2
1.312  106 J mol–1. The energy required to 4) n = 3, l = 0, m = 0, s = +1/2
excite the electron in the atom from n1 = 1, 40. The spin only magnetic moment [in BM] of Ni 2
n2 = 2 is (AIEEE 2008) in aqueous solution would be (atomic no of
1)8.51 10 J mol –1 2) 6.56 105 J mol–1 Ni=28)
3) 7.56 105 J mol–1 4) 9.84 105 J mol–1 1) 2.84 2) 4.9 3) 0 4) 1.73
de-Broglie’s and Heisenberg’s Key Level - III
34. In an atom, an electron is moving with a speed 01) 2 02) 4 03) 2 04) 1 05) 2 06) 2
of 600m/s with an accuracy of 0.005% 07) 2 08) 4 09) 1 10) 2 11) 1 12) 4
certainity with which the position of the 13) 3 14) 4 15) 2 16) 2 17) 2 18) 2
electron can be located is (AIEEE-09) 19) 4 20) 2 21) 3 22) 1 23) 4 24) 1
[h = 6.6 × 10 -34 J s,m = 9.1× 10 -31 kg] 25) 1 26) 2 27) 1 28) 2 29) 3 30) 1
1) 1.52  104 m 2) 5.1 103 m 31) 4 32) 1 33) 4 34) 3 35) 2 36) 3
37) 2 38) 1 39) 2 40) 1
3) 1.92  103 m 4) 3.84  103 m Hints Level – III
35. The kinetic energy of electron is 3.0  10 J . 25
12375 0
1.  A
The wave length of the electron is E
1) 7965A0 2) 4625A0 hc
3) 91A0 4) 8967A0 2. E

36. Uncertainity in the position of an electron
(mass = 9.1   10 –31 kg) moving with 1 1
3. E2  hc[  ]
velocity 300m–1 , accurate upto 0.001%,  1
will be (h = 6.6310 –34 JS) c 1
(AIEEE2006) 4.   
-2  t
1) 19.2  10 m 2) 5.76  10-2 m
3) 1.92  10-2 m 4) 3. 83  10-2 m    ct
37. An electron of a velocity ‘x’ is found to have a Nhc E
5. E N 
certain wavelength. The velocity to be  hc
possessed by the neutron to have half the de d
Broglie wavelength possessed by electron is : 6. v  d  v  t [ v  3  108 m / sec]
1) x/1840 2) x/920 3) 3680x 4) x/3680
c c
Quantum Mechanical Model of Atom 7. 1  ; 2 
1 2
38. In  321 the sum of angular momentum,
E1 v1
spherical nodes and angular mode is: 
E2 v2
6h  4 6h
1) 2) 3 Nhc
2 2 8. E

6 h  2 6 h  8 Nhc E1   2
3) 4) E
2 2 9. ; E 1
 2
Nhc 1
10. E  K.E = h(ν - ν0 )Þ mv 2 = h(ν - ν0 )
 2
hc 2h(ν - ν0 ) 2 2h(2f0 - f0 )
20. v2 = ;v1 = - - - - - (1)
11. E  m m

2h(5f0 - f0 )
Energy of one mole= E  N A v2 2 = - - - - - - - -2
1 Nh hc c 1
12. E  Nh (   ); E   h  mv 2
t t 21.  0 2
13. Etotal  E1  E2
1 1  1
hc hc hc 1 1 1 hc     mv 2
       0  2
 1 2  1 2
1 1 1  2hc  0    
  V     
353 680 2  m  0  
14. h  h 0  kE ; K .E  h(   0 ) 22.
h  w  K .E ; w  h  K .E
240 103
15. B.E for 1 molecule = = 40  10 20 J hc 6.625  1034  3  108
6 1023   K .E   0.35
= 4  10 19 J  256.7  109
hc %
Energy of incident light E   4.41 1019 J 23. No.of atoms  n  N 0 
 100
K .E  E  W 24. Balmer series - visible region,for the line of balmer
series energy is maximum
K .E  0.41 1019 25. Balmer series - visible region
= 4.110 20 J for 3rd line n1  2, n2  5
1 2 hC 1 E1 E1
16. h  W  mv ;  W  mv 2  E
2  2 26.
32 22
(1eV  1.6  10 J )
 E
W  2.13  1.6  1019 J 36
hc E1  7.2 E
17. h  W  K .E ;W   K .E
 I .E   E1
hc hc  7.2 E
W  0 
0 W
27. r1  r2  0.529  n12  n22 
18. hv1  hv0  1  h  v1  v0   1 -------------(1)
28. I .E   E1
hv2  hv0  k  h  v2  v0   k ----------- (2) ( E1 ) He ( z He )2
(1) 1 v1  v0 En  2  
n ( E1 ) Li 2 ( z Li 2 )2
= K  v v
(2) 2 0
29. E  E3  E1  12.1eV
v2  v0  Kv1  Kv0 Electron jumps from 3rd orbit to 1st orbit
Kv0  v0  Kv1  v2 3h h
mvr  
v0  K  1  Kv1  v2 2 2
Kv1  v2 hc 18 1 1
v0  30. E    2.178  10 ( n 2  n 2 )
K 1 1 2
19. no. of photo electrons ejected  intensity of radia- 6.6256  10 34  3 108 1 1
tion but KE is independent of intensity of radiation.  2.178 1018 ( 2  2 )
 1 2
nh 1. Assertion(A): The energy of ultraviolet radiation
31. mvr  is greater than the energy of infrared radiation
Reason(R): The velocity of ultraviolet radiation
32. According to Kepler’s law t 2  R 3 is greater than the velocity of infrared radiation.
33. E  E2  E1 [ I .E   E1 ] 2. A : Fe 3 ion is more stable than Fe 2
R : Fe 3 ion has more number of unpaired electrons
1.312  106 1.312  106
 ( ) than Fe 2
22 1
3. A : The kinetic energy of the photo electron ejected
h increases with increase in intensity of incident light.
34. x.m.v 
4 R: Increase in intensity of incident light increases
h the rate of emission.
x  4 A : Threshold frequency is a characteristic for a
4 .m.v
6.6256  1034 R : Threshold frequency is a maximum frequency
x 
600  0.005 required for the ejection of electron from the metal
4  3.14  9.1 1031 
100 surface.
h 5. A : Line spectrum of Li 2 and He  are identical
35.   R : Isoelectronic species produce identical
h 6. A : Hydrogen has only one electron in its orbit but
36. x 
4 m.V produces several spectral lines.
1 mn vn R : There are many excited energy levels available
 2  me  ve in a sample of Hydrogen gas.
37. 1 , Vn  7. A : It is not essential that all the lines available in
2 mn
the emission spectrum will also be available in the
38.  321 : n  3, i  2, m  1 absorption spectrum
R : The spectrum of hydrogen atom is only
absorption spectrum
h 6h
Angular momentum  l  l  1  8. A : In an atom, the velocity of electrons in the higher
2 2 orbits keeps on decreasing
Spherical nodes  3  2  1  0 ; R : Velocity of electron is inversely proportional to
Angular node = 2 the radius of the orbit
6h 6h  4 9. A : The radial probability of 1s electron first
Sum of all the above  2 increases, till it is maximum at 0.53A0 , and then
2 2
40.  B  n(n  2) Ni 2  3d 8 R : Bohr’s radius for the first orbit is 0.53A0
Number of unpaired electrons = 2 10. A : Wavelength of limiting line of lyman series is
less than wavelength of limiting line of Balmer series.
R : Rydberg constant value is same for all elements
In the questions that follows two statements 11. A : The faster a particle moves, the greater its
are given. Reason is supported to be the momentum and the shorter is the wave length that
explanation for Assertion. Study both the is associated with it.
statements and then mark your answers. R : Because  = hp–1 and p = mv
according to the codes given below. Mark 12. A : An electron cannot exist in the nucleus
your answer as R : The deBroglie wavelength of an electron is much
1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct smaller than the diameter of the nucleus
explanation of (A) 13. A : The position of electron can be determined with
2) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the the help of an electronic microscope
correct explanation of (A) R : The product of uncertainty in momentum and
3) (A) is true but (R) is false the uncertainty in the position of an electron cannot
4) (A) is false but (R) is true be less than a finite limit
14. A : It is not possible to predict position and the C) Wave number 3) 3  108m / sec
velocity of an electron exactly and simultaneously D) Photon 4) 6.625  10–34J–sec
R : Electron moving with high speed possesses both 5) cm–1
the particle nature and the wave nature The correct match is
15. A : deBroglie equation has significance for any A B C D A B C D
microscopic or submicroscopic particles 1) 2 3 4 5 2) 1 2 3 4
R : deBroglie wavelength is inversely proportional 3) 2 4 5 1 4) 3 4 5 1
to the mass of the object. 26. List - I List - II
16. A : There are two nodal regions in 3s-orbital. I) hν  W  K.E a) Quantization of
R : There is no nodal plane in 3s-orbital. angular momentum
17. A : A spectral line will be observed for a 2px–2py
II) E  hν b)Wave numbers of
R : The energy of 2px and 2py orbitals is the same Balmer series
18. A : The Px orbital has maximum electron density 1 1
III) ν  R  2  2  c) Quantum theory
along the x axis and its nodal plane is yz plane 2 n 
R : For a given atom, for all values of n, the p- h
orbitals have the same shape, but the overall size IV) m.v.r  d) Photoelectric effect
increase as n increases 2π
19. A : Electrons may be considered as particles and The correct match is
R : An electron in an atom may be described as 1) a b c d 2) c d b a
occupying at atomic orbital or by a wave function 3) d c b a 4) b d a c
ψ , which is a solution to the schrodinger wave 27. List - I List - II
equation I) Wave number a) ms 1
20. A : ψ indicates the amplitude of electron - wave II) Frequency b) nm
R : ψ2 denotes probability of finding an electron in III) Wavelength c) s 1
the space around the nucleus IV) Velocity d) m 1
21. A : The electronic configurations in which all of the The correct match is
orbitals of the same sub shell are either completely I II III IV I II III IV
filled or are exactly half filled are more stable 1) a b c d 2) d c b a
R : The completely filled or exactly half filled shells 3) b c d a 4) c d b a
possess a symmetrical distribution of electrons and 28. List - I List - II
allow their maximum number of exchanges 2πze 2
22. A : An orbital cannot have more than two electrons A) Energy 1)
R : The two electrons in an orbital create opposite nh
magnetic field 2π 2 mz 2 e 4
23. A : P – orbital can accomadate 6 electrons B) Velocity 2)
n 2h2
R : No two electrons in atom can have same set of
four quantum numbers 2π 2 mz 2 e 4
C) Rydberg constant 3)
24. A : Ground state electronic configuration of h 3c
chromium atom is (Ar) 4s 3d 1 5

R : Exchange energy is more wtih(Ar) 4s13d5than n2 h 2

D) Radius 4)
(Ar) 4s23d4 4π 2 mz e 2
Matrix Match Type 4π 2 mz 2 e 4
Following questions contains statements given 5)
in two columns. Which have to be matched. n2 h 2
Statements (A,B,C,D) in column I have to be The correct match is
matched with statements (P,Q,R,S)in column II 1) A = 2 B = 4 C = 5 D = 1
25. List - I List - II 2) A = 2 B = 1 C = 3 D = 4
A) Velocity of light 1) Energy particle 3) A = 3 B = 2 C = 1 D = 4
B) Plank’s constant 2) Energy packet 4) A = 4 B = 3 C = 1 D = 5
29. List - I List - II 33. List - I List - II
I) Radial probability a) 1.1A 0 I) The electrons of same a) Hund’s rule
distribution curve of orbital differ in ‘s’ value
3s orbital II) Order of orbitals is b) Stability of
II) Distance of maximum b)1s orbital 2s,2p,3s,3p,4s completely
probability of 1s electron filled sublevel
III) Radial node for a c) 3 peaks, III) E.C of N is c) Pauli’s principle
2s electron 2 radial nodes 1s22s22px 12py12pz1
IV) E.C of Cu is d) Aufbau principle
IV) No spherical nodes d) 0.53A 0 [Ar] 4s13d10
The correct match is The correct match is
1) a b c d 2) c d a b 1) a b c d 2) d c b a
3) b a d c 4) d a b c 3) c d a b 4) c b d a
30. List - I List - II 34. Column-I Column-II
Ze 2 A) 7s P) Maximum energy
A) nodal plane 1) B) 4d Q) Maximum
number of electrons
h C) 5d R) 3 sub shells
B) p-orbital 2) λ 
mv D) 4p S) Minimum number
C) deBroglie 3) Spherical of orbitals
D) Kinetic energy 4) Probability of e– is zero 35. Column-I Column-II
5) Dumb bell A) Radial function (R) P) n
The correct match is B) Angular function( ) Q) l
1) 4 5 2 1 2) 2 4 3 5 C) Angular function (  ) R) m
3) 1 5 3 2 4) 3 1 4 2 D) Quantised angular momentum S) s
31. List - I List - II Key Level – IV
2 01) 3 02) 2 03) 4 04) 3 05) 1 06) 1
I) ψ depends only a) p–orbitals
07) 3 08) 1 09) 2 10) 3 11) 1 12) 3
upon distance 13) 4 14) 1 15) 1 16) 2 17) 4 18) 2
II) ψ2 depends upon b) d–orbital 19) 2 20) 2 21) 1 22) 3 23) 4 24) 1
distance and on one 25) 4 26) 3 27) 2 28) 2 29) 2 30) 1
direction 31) 3 32) 3 33) 3
34) A-P,S; B-Q; C-Q; D-R
III) ψ2 depends upon c) f –orbital
35) A-P,Q; B-Q,R; C-R; D-Q,S
distance and on two
directions Hints Level – IV
IV) ψ 2 depends upon d) s –orbitals 7. The minimum frequency required to eject an
electron from the surface of metal is called
distance and on three threshold frequency.
directions 8. Due to same electronic configuration.
The correct match is 10. H-spectrum can be both emission and
I II III IV I II III IV absorption
1) d c b a 2) c b a d
3) d a b c 4) d a c b h
15. 
32. List - I List- mv
II 21. 2P orbitals are degenerate.
A) No of electrons present in an orbit 1) 2 22. The two lobes are oriented along x-axis.
B) Number of orbitals in an orbit 2) n 24.  2 is the probability function
C) Number of electrons in an orbital 3) n2  is the wave function.
D) Number of sub shells in an orbit 4) 2n2
The correct match is 34. no. of electrons in an orbit = 2n 2
A B C D A B C D no. of orbitals in an orbit = n 2
1) 4 2 1 3 2) 1 2 3 4 no. of electrons in an orbital = 2
3) 4 3 1 2 4) 2 1 3 4 no. of subshells = n
Oligosaccharides: These undergo
hydrolysis and yield 2 to 10 monosaccharide
Carbohydrates: Initially carbohydrates were units.
considered as hydrates of carbon as most of them Disaccharide: A disaccharide on hydrolysis
gives 2 monosaccharide units of same or
have general formulae Cn  H 2O m different kind.
Eg: Glucose : C6 H12O6 or C6 ( H 2O)6 , Ex:- Sucrose, Maltose and Lactose
Sucrose : C12 H22O11 or C12 ( H 2O)11 . H
C12 H22O11  H2O 
 C6 H12O6  C6 H12O6
But all the compounds with formula Cn ( H 2O) m Sucrose Glucose Fructose
are not necessarily carbohydrates.  A trisaccharide on hydrolysis gives 3
eg: Formaldehyde : HCHO or C ( H 2O) ; Acetic monosaccharide units.
Example: Raffinose on hydrolysis gives
acid : CH 3COOH or C2 ( H 2O) 2 .
Glucose, Fructose and Galactose.
A few carbohydrates may not have the formula
Cn  H 2O m . eg : Rhamnose, C6 H12O5 .
Polysaccharides: These undergo hydrolysis
and give more than 10 monosaccharide units.
 They can be better described as optically active Example: Starch, cellulose, glycogen, dextrin,
polyhydroxy aldehydes (or) ketones (or) the
compounds which yield them on hydrolysis. Gums.General fomula  C 6 H 10 O5  n
 Most of them are similar to sugar in taste, and 
H / 23 atm
 C6 H10O5 n  nH 2O   n C6 H12O6
hence they are also known as Saccharides. 393k ,

( Latin word for sugar is saccharum) Sugars and Non Sugars: Both
Classification of carbohydrates: The monosaccharides and oligosaccharide are
carbohydrates are divided into 3 major classes crystalline solids,soluble in water and sweet in
based on hydrolysis. taste. These are colletively known as sugars.
 Polysaccharides are amorphous,sparingly
Monosaccharides(Simple Sugars): soluble in water and taste less and are known as
These cannot be further hydrolysed to simpler non-sugars.
molecules.  The Carbohydrates are also classified as either
Ex: Erythrose, Threose, Glucose, fructose, reducing or non-reducing sugars.
ribose etc..
 There are about 20 monosaccharides occur in Reducing and Non Reducing Sugars: The
nature. saccharides, that reduce Fehling's reagent,
Tollen's reagent, are called as reducing sugars.
 Their general formula is (CH 2O) n where
 They form silver mirror with Tollens’ reagent
n  37 . and give red precipitate with Fehling’s solution.
 Depending upon the total number of carbon  All monosaccharides, whether aldose(or) ketose,
atoms in monosacharides and on nature of are reducing sugars.
functional groups present (aldehyde or ketone),  All reducing sugars exhibit mutarotation.
the terms for their classification are as follows: ex:- Glucose , fructose, triose, tetroses, pentoses
& Hexoes
3 Triose Aldotriose Keto triose All Disaccharides are Redcing sugars except
4 Tetrose Aldotetrose Keto tetrose sucrose
5 Pentose Aldopentose Keto pentose ex :- maltose, lactose
6 Hexose Aldohexose Keto hexose  The Saccharides, which do not reduce Fehling's
7 Heptose Aldoheptose Keto heptose reagent and Tollen's reagent, are called non-
8 Octose Aldooctose Keto octose reducing sugars.

n 2n
Class Molecular Structural formula No.of No.of Examples Aldose
Chiral Carbons Optional Isomers
Aldotrioses C3H6O3 CH2OH.CHOH.CHO 1 2 Glyceraldehyde
Aldotetroses C4H8O4 CH2OH.(CHOH)2 .CHO 2 4 Erythose, threose
Arabinose, ribose,
Aldopentoses C5H10O5 CH2OH.(CHOH)3 .CHO 3 8 xylose, lyxose
Glucose, mannose,
galactose, glucose,
Aldohexoses C6H12O6 CH2OH.(CHOH)4 .CHO 4 16 talose, idose,
allose, altrose

Ketotrioses C3H6O3 CH2OH.CO.CH2OH - - Dihydroxyacetone
Ketotetroses C4H8O4 CH2OH.CO.CHOH.CH2OH 1 2 Erytrulose
Ketopentoses C5H10O5 CH2OH.CO.(CHOH)2 .CH2OH 2 4 Ribulose, xylulose

Fractiose, sorbose,
Ketohexoses C6H12O6 CH2OH.CO.(CHOH)3 .CH2OH 3 8 tagatose etc.

 All polysaccharides are non redcing sugars  The sugars having the same configuration as
ex:- starch ,celluose , glycogen ,dextrin D  glyceraldehyde at the least prioarity chiral
 Non reducing sugars do not exhibit mutarotation carbon adjacent to primary alcoholic group
and does not form osazone. (CH 2OH ) are called D  sugars and having
 In disaccharides depending upon the position
the configuration as L  glyceraldehyde are
of linkages between monosaccharide units, the
called L  sugars.
resulting disaccharide may be reducing (or) non
reducing.  Practically D  sugars may be D  (+) or D  (  )
The stereo chemistry of all sugars is and L  sugars may be L  (+) L  (  ). The
determined with respect to D- or L- symbol (+) or ‘d’ is used for dextro and (  ) or
Glyceraldehyde. ‘l’ is used for laevo rotatory compound.
Sugars can be classified into D- and L- forms  It is observed that natural glucose, ribose and
basing on their configuration. fructorse are D  form.
 The enantiomer whcih rotates the Monosaccharides
monochromatic light to right is written as (+) Glucose: Glucose is an aldo hexose and is
or ‘d’ and the other which rotates the alsoknown as dextrose because it occurs in
monochromatic light to the left is written as (  ) nature as the optically active dextro rotatory
or ‘l’ isomer.
 The direction of the rotation of monochromatic  It is also called grape sugar as it is found in fruits
light can be denoted by (+) or (  ), but cannot especially grapes contains 20% of Glucose.
indicate the arrangement of  OH and  H
 The human blood normally contains 65 to
around chiral carbon atom.
110mg.of glucose per 100ml.
 Rosanoff proposed a system to designate the
stereo chemistry of carbohydrates by  In combined form, it occurs in cane sugar and
considering the simplest sugar, glyceraldehyde also in polysaccharides such as starch and
as standard. cellulose.
Preparation: Glucose is prepared in the
laboratory by acid hydrolysis of cane sugar in
alcoholic solution.
C12 H 22O11 + H 2O 
 C6 H12O6 + C6 H12O6
Sucrose Glucose Fructose
 It is obtained in large scale by the hydrolysis of Glucose reduces Tollen's reagent to metallic silver
starch with dil. H 2 SO4 (or) H C l at 2-3 atm and also reduces Fehling's solution to reddish
pressure & 393 k temp. brown cuprous oxide and itself gets
oxidised to gluconic acid. These reactions
C6 H10O5 n  nH 2O 

nC6 H12O6 suggest that the carbonyl group is an aldehydic
Properties and Sturcutral elucidation group.
 Molecular formula of glucose is experimentally  Acylation of Glucose with acetic anhydride
found as C6 H12O6 gives glucose penta acetate. Hence Glucose
molecule contains 5 'OH' groups
 CHOH 4 (CHOH)4
(CH O C CH3)4
 Glucose on prolonged heating with HI gives n- O
hexane. It suggests the linear arrangement of all  On oxidation with HNO3 both glucose and
the 6 carbon atoms in glucose. gluconicacid form saccharic acid, a dicarboxylic
CHO acid. It suggests the presence of primary
alcoholic group  CH 2OH 
 CH 3  CH   CH 3
CHOH 4 HI
2 4
| n  Hexane CHO COOH COOH
CH 2OH Oxidation Oxidation
Glucose reacts with NH 2OH and one molecule
of HCN and forms monoxime and cyanohydrin Saccharic Gluconic
respectively.These reactions suggest the acid acid
presence of carbonyl group.  D-Glucose on reaction with excess of phenyl
hydrazine ( 3 moles of phenyl hydrazine per
mole of glucose), forms a dihydrazone known
| |
as osazone.
CHOH 4 NH
2 CHOH 4
Fischer’s mechanism : When glucose warmed
| | with excess of phenyl hydrazine, first forms
CH 2OH  CH 2OH phenylhydrazone by condensation with –
CHO group.
6 6


 On reaction with a mild oxidising agent like

bromine water, glucose converts to gluconic Glucose Glucose Phenyl hydrazone
acid.This indicates that the carbonyl group is The adjacent – CHOH group is then oxidised
present as an aldehydic group by a second molecule of phenyl hydrazine.

6 6 CHO

2 6 6 H OH


The resulting carbonyl compounds reacts with
a third molecule of phenyl hydrazine to yield Glucose is (2R, 3S, 4R, 5R)  2, 3, 4, 5, 6 
glucosazone. pentahydroxyhexanal.
Cyclic structure of Glucose: The open
chain structure of Glucose proposed by Baeyer
explained most of its properties. But it could
not explain the following.
 Glucose does not give schiff's test and does not
react with NaHSO3 and NH 3 , inspite of presence
of -CHO group
Note:All monosaccharides which differ in  Pentacetate of glucose does not react with
configuration only at C1 and C2 give the  NH 2OH group indicating absence of - CHO
same osazone, group.
e.g., D-glucose, D-fructose, D-manose all The aqueous solution of glucose shows
form the same osazone mutarotation.
 With conc. NaOH solution, glucose first turns Mutarotation of glucose: When glucose
yellow, then brown and finally resinifies.
was crystallised from a concentrated solution at
 With dil. NaOH solution, glucose under goes
reversable isomerisation and gives a mixture of 300 C, it gives  - form with melting point 1460 c
D-mannose and D-fructose. This reaction is and  D   1110 .
known as Lobry de Bruyn-Van Ekenstein
 When glucose crystallised from a hot saturated
aqueous solution at a temperature greater than
D-glucose   D-Manose    D-Fructose
980 C , gives  -form with a melting point
It is because of this isomerisation that
1500 C and  D   19.2 .
D  fructose reduces Tollens’ reagent and
Fehling’s solution, though fructose does not  These two forms of glucose differ in the
contain any aldehydic group. stereochemistry at C-1. These two  and 
Same results were obtained if manose (or) forms, when separately dissolved in water and
fructose are treated with alkali. It is concluded allowed to stand, their specific rotation gradually
that fructose with ketone group also reduces change and reach to a specific constant value
tollen's reagent due to this isomerisation
 Epimers are a pair of diasteriomers that 52.50 .
differ only in the configuration about a single  This spontaneous change in specific rotations
carbon atom. of an optically active compound is called
Ex : Glucose and Mannose are C2 epimers mutarotation..
D- Iodose and D- Talose  c-3 Epimers α - D(+)Glucose  eq.mix β - D(+)glucose
D-Allose and D-gulose  c-4 Epimers α D = +111o +52.5o +19.2o
D- Altrose andD-Iode  c-4 epimers  Equilibrium mixture consists of 36%
 Based on the above properties Glucose has been
assigned an open chain D-Glucose by Baeyer. α-D  +  Glucose and 64% β-D  +  Glucose .
 Above anomalies can be explained by cyclic O O
structure of glucose. Glucose forms a stable
cyclic hemiacetal.
 Generally alcoholic groups undergo rapid and
reversible addition to aldehyde group to form
hemiacetals. Pyran Furan
 The alcoholic group bonded to C  5 of glucose  The Haworth horizontal structure of
reacts intramolecularly with CHO forming a glucopyranose is identical to the Fischer vertical
6-membered hemiacetal ring. projection structure.
 The asymmetric carbon now at C  1 gives two  The groups present on the right side in Fischer
optical isomers. They are not mirror images of formula are written below the plane of the ring
each other and hence they are diastereomers. and those on the left side are written above the
They differ in the configuration only at C  1 plane.
and are called anomers.  The cyclic structure of glucose explains the
 The two cyclic forms exist in equilibrium with presence of   and   forms, mutarotation.
Fischer chain structure as shown below. It explains the inability of glucose to form
H OH H O aldehyde ammonia and bisulphite compound.
1 1 In the presence of other carbonyl reagents, the
2 2
ring is opened and free aldehyde group is
CHOH CHOH produced,
3 3
4 4 1
5 5 CH2OH 2
6 6 5 3
4 1   4
-D(+) glucose OH H
3 2
1 CH O
-D(+)-Glucopyranose CH2OH
3 HO H
 CHOH 1
4 6 C
CH O 5 3
6 H OH
CH2OH 4 1   4
D(+)glucose HO 3 2 H
 The  and  forms are confirmed by the H OH CH O
reaction of glucose, with methanol in the -D(+)- Glucopyranose CH2OH
presence of dry HCl to give methyl   D -
Glucoside and methyl  - D- Glucoside. Fructose ( C6 H12O6 )
 Glucose forms a six membered ring pyranose  Fructose is a ketohexose. It is also called
containing 5 carbon atoms and one oxygen atom Laevulose and fruit sugar.
like pyran. The five membered ring formed like  It is laevorotatory compound and belongs to D-
furan is called furanose. Glucose is present in series. D-(-) Fructose.
pyranose form only as shown in figure.  It is found in ripe fruits and honey.
Preparation Cyclic structure of Two anomers of
 C12H22O11  H2O C6H12O6  C6H12O6 fructose(Haworth structures)
Sucrose Glucose Fructose
 Like glucose, fructose also shows mutarotation.
 It is reducing sugar. 6 1 C
Structure of Fructose: Fructose contains HO C H
five hydroxyl groups, out of which two are 5 2  
primary and three are secondary. H OH H C OH O
 Fructose contains a carbonyl group and it was 4 3
found to be ketonic from its oxidation products OH H H C
with a strong oxidising agent.  - D-Fructofuranose CH2OH
 Fructose was found to contain ketonic functional
group at second carbon atom and all the six OH CH2OH
carbon atoms are in unbranched chain as in the
case of glucose. 6 C
 Since fructose and glucose form identical CH2OH OH
osazones when heated with excess of phenyl HO C H
5 2  
hydrazine, it was found that both glucose and H OH
fructose have the same configuration at C  3 ; 4 3 1
C  4 and C  5 . OH H H C
Though fructose does not contain an aldehydic  - D-Fructofuranose CH2OH
group, it behaves as reducing sugar due to Lobry
de Bruyn van Ekenstein rearrangmement. Oligo Saccharides: The disaccharides are
CH2OH composed of 2 molecules of monosaccharides.
 These on hydrolysis with dil acids(or) enzymes
yield two molecules of either the same (or)
HO H different monosaccharides.
H OH H O C6 H12O6  C6 H12O6
 Its structure is C12 H 22O11 3 

H OH Sucrose Glucose Fructose
C12 H 22O11 H O C6 H12O6  C6 H12O6
CH2OH 3 

 Fructose exists two cyclic forms which are Lactose Glucose Galactose
obtained by the addition of -OH at C5 to the 
C12 H 22O11 
H 3O
 C6 H12O6  C6 H12 06
carbonyl group .It is a 5-membered ring and Maltose Glu cos e Glu cos e
named as furanose ring  In disaccharides, the two mono- saccharides are
To explain all of fructose properties it is joined together by glycosidic linkage
suggested with two cyclic structres i.e. (-O-)
  D  ()  fructofuranose  A glycoside bond is formed when hydroxy group
and   D  ()  fructofuranose. of the hemiacetal carbon of one monosaccharide
  and   forms of fructose are anomers at C  2 . condenses with a hydroxy group of another
Anomers: Anomers are steroisomers of a cyclic monosachharide, to give -O-bond, by loss of
monsaccharide that differ in the position of the H 2O .
OH group at the hemiacetal carbon
Anomers can also be defined as “ two sugars Sucrose (Cane Sugar) C12 H 22O11
that differ in configuration only at the carbon  It is the most common disaccharide present in
that was the carbonyl carbon in the chain form” plants.
Ex- 1)   D glucose and   D glucose are anomers  It is obtained mainly from sugarcane (or)
2)   D fructose and   D -fructose are anomers beetroot.
 Naturally available sucrose is a dextrorotatory 6
substance  D   66.50 .
 It is non reducing sugar. H
 It does not show mutarotation. 4 1 
 It is a colorless and odourless crystaline HO 3 2
substance, which is highly soluble in water. OH O
 Even though sucrose is a dextro rotatory, on 6 O
hydrolysis with dil.acids(or)enzyme invertase, HOH2C FRUCTOSE UNIT
it gives equimolar mixture of dextro rotatory 5 2 
glucose and laevo rotatory fructose. H OH
H O 4 3 1
D - S u cro se  2  D - G lu co se + D - F ru cto se
o o
   D = + 5 2 .5
   D = -9 2 .4
   D = + 6 6 .5
The net specific rotation of equimolar mixture
of D-Glucose and D-fructose is Maltose (Malt Sugar) C12 H 22O11 :
52.5  92.4  It is obtained by partial hydrolysis of starch by
 200 . diastase enzyme present in Malt.
2  C6 H10O5 n  nH 2O 

 
nC12 H 22O11
 As the laevo rotation of fructose 92.4 0
Starch Maltose
more than dextrorotation of glucose 52.50 , 

  It is a reducing sugar.
It undergoes mutarotation.
the mixture is laevorotatory.  On hydrolysis one mole of maltose yields
 In the hydrolysis of sucrose there is a change in 2 moles of D-Glucose.
the sign of rotation from 'd' to 'l'. This change is  The two  -D-glucose units in maltose are
known as inversion and the mixture is called linked through a  -Glycosidic linkage between
invert sugar. C-1 of one unit and the C -4 of another.
1.   D Glucose and   D fructose units are  Both the glucose units are in pyranose form.
linked through  ,  - glycosidic linkage between Cyclic structure of Maltose
C-1 of   D - Glucose and C - 2 of   D - 1H
fructose. C
H 2
2. Glucose unit is in pyranose and fructose unit 1 H C OH
is in furanose form. C OH HO C H O
The reducing groups of glucose and fructose are O H C
involved in glycosidic linkage So sucrose is a 3 5
HO C H H C 
non- reducing sugar 4 6
Cyclic structure of sucrose 5
-link -link
2 1
1 3
2 4
3 5
HO C H O H C 
4 6
Lactose (Milk Sugar) C12 H 22O11 : Starch  C6 H10O5 n : Starch is known as
 Lactose occurs in milk and also called as milk amylum.
 Strach is a white amorphous substance.
 Hydrolysis of Lactose with dil acid yields
equimolar mixture of D-Glucose and  It has no taste and smell.
D-Galactose.  Starch is most important dietary source for
 It is a reducing sugar human beings
 The hydrolysis occurs in presence of enzyme  High content of starch is found in cerals , roots,
emulsin. tubers and some vegetables.
  -D-Galactose and  -D-Glucose units are  It is almost insoluble in cold water but soluble
linked through  -glucosidic linkage between relatively more in boiling water.
 Starch solution gives a blue color iodine, which
C-1 of  -D - Galactose and C -4 of  -D -
disappears on heating and reappears on cooling.
 Both Galactose and Glucose are in pyranose  Starch on complete hydrolysis gives D-Glucose
form. units.
Cyclic structure of Lactose (C6 H10 O5 ) n 
n /2 H 2O n
 C12 H 22O11 
H 2O
 C6 H12O6
2 Maltose D  glucose

O HO C H  Starch is a polymer of  - glucose and consists

H C H C OH of two components - Amylose and
O H C OH HO C H Amylopectin
HO C H H C Amylose: Natural starch contain 15-20%
HO C H H C amylose.
C H CH2OH  It is water soluble.
CH2OH  It gives blue colour with iodine solution.
-(D)-Galactose -(D)-Glucose
 Chemically amylose is a long unbranched chain
with 200-1000  -D-(+) -glucose units held by
C-1 to C- 4 glycosidic linkage.
CH2OH  Its molecular mass may be 10000 - 50000u.
6 4 1  CH1OH CH1OH CH1OH
5 O 3 2 OH H OH H OH H
H  H
H H (Reducing half) Repeating
3 2
OH -1,4-Glycoside bonds
GALACTOSE Amylopectin:Natural starch contains about
(Non-reducing half) 80-85% of amylopectin.
Polysaccharides: Polysaccharides contains a  It is water insoluble component
large number of monosaccharide units joined  It does not give blue color with iodine solution.
together by glycosidic linkages  It is a branched chain polymer of  -D- glucose
 Polysaccharides act as structural materials for units in which chain is formed by C1 to C4
higher plants and reserve food for plants as well
glycosidic linkage , where as branching occurs
as animals.
 Polysaccharides are also called glycans. at C1 to C6 with glycosidic linkage
Glycogen  C6 H10O5 n : The carbohydrates are
CH1OH CH1O stored in animal body as glycogen
 It is also known as animal starch because its
OH H OH H structure is similar to amylopectin
 It is heavily branched compared to starch
O  It is present in liver,muscles and brain
monomer bonds  It is also found in yeast and fungi
 when body needs glucose , enzymes break the
O O O glycogen into glucose
OH H OH H OH H Importance of carbohydrates:
Carbohydrates are essential for life in both plants
and animals
-1,6-Glyoside monomer  These are major portion of our food
bonds  Honey is instant source of energy .
 Glucose is used as a food for patients and
Cellulose  C6 H10O5 n : Cellulose occurs children.
 Glucose may be used in the preparation of Jams
exclusively in plant and it is most abundant and Jellies.
organic substance in plant kingdom.  In the treatement of Calcium deficiency calcium
 Higher percentage of Cellulose is present in the glucosate is used as a medicine.
natural plant polymer, cotton. Vitamin-C can be prepared industrially using
 Cotton contain 90% of cellulose. glucose.
 Wood contains 40 - 45% cellulose.  The carbohydrate antibiotic is streptomycine,
 Photosynthesis in the plants is responsible for Kenamycins, neomycins and gentamycins are
the formation of cellulose. used against bacteria which are resistatnt to
 It is a colour less amorphous solid.
 Starch is the most valuable constituent of food
 It is insoluble in cold water. like rice, potatoes, etc. It is also used in the
 Cellulose does not reduce Tollen’s reagent and manufacture of dextrin, adhesives and
Fehling’s solution because no free hemiacetal explosives.
hydroxyl group is present in it.  Cell walls of bacteria and plants are made up of
 It does not form osazone. cellulose. Cotton fibre, paper and wood conain
 It is major constituent of cell wall of plant cells cellulose.
 The molecular mass of cellulose is nearly 50,000  The explosives like gun powder, medicines,
- 5,00,000u. pains, are manufactured using cellulose nitrate.
 It contains 300 to 2500  -D-glucose units .  Cellulose acetate is used in the manufacture of
 Cellulose is a straight chain polysaccharide of  Glycogen is produced from glucose which is
 - D- glycosidic linkage. absorbed from the intestine into the blood,
  -D-glucose units in cellulose are joined by  - transported to liver, muscles etc. and is
polymerised enzymatically. Similarly when the
glycosidic linkage between C1 of one glucose body needs glucose, the enzymes breakdown
glycogen to glucose.
unit and C4 of next glucose unit.
W.E-1: A disaccharide ‘X’ on hydrolysis gives two
C4  epimeric monosaccharides ‘Y’ and ‘Z’.
Then what is ‘X’?
Sol. Glucose and galactose are C4  epimers.
X = Lactose. It undergoes hydrolysis to give
glucose (Y) and galactose (Z).

W.E-2:Though fructose is a keto hexose, it is a  Though there are more than 700 different amino
reducing sugar why? acids that occur naturally, only 20 of them are
Sol. In aqueous basic solution like Fehling’s solution important.
or Tollen’s reagent, fructose undergoes Lobry  When proteins are hydrolysed only   amino
de Bruyn van Ekenstein rearrangement and acids are obtained.
forms a mixture of D-glucose, D-mannose and  The general formula of  -amino acids is
D-fructose. Hence it acts as reducing sugar. R – CH – COOH
W.E-3: There are three disaccharides A, B and C.
The hydrolysis products of ‘A’ are functional
Examples of   amino acids are:
isomers and of ‘B’ are epimers. But the
hydrolysis products of ‘C’ are neither epimers H H
nor functional isomers. Then what are A,B and C C
Sol. Disaccharide ‘A’ is sucrose. It gives glucose and NH2 NH2
fructose upon hydrolysis. Disaccharide ‘B’ is Glycine Alanine
Lactose. It gives glucose and galactose upon
hydrolysis. ‘C ‘ is maltose. It gives two glucose Examples of   amino acids are:
molecules upon hydrolysis.  
W.E-4:Mutarotation is observed maltose and H 2N CH2 CH2 COOH
lactose. Why?  -amino propionic acid
Sol. All reducing sugars exhibit mutarotation. Being
maltose and lactose reducing sugar, they exhibit CH3
W.E-5: The specific rotation of two glucose  
 -amino butyric acid
anomers are   1100 and   19.20 for the
Examples for  -amino acids are
constant equilibrium mixture is 52.7 0 .
Calculate the percentage composition of the   
anomers in the equilibrium mixture. H2N CH2 CH2 CH2 COOH
Sol. Let a and b are mole fractions of the  and   -amino butyric acid
anomers in the equilibrium mixture.
Thus a  b  1 CH3

110a  19.2b  52.7 H 2N CH CH2 CH2 COOH

  
ab 1  -amino pentanoic acid
On solving a  0.36, b  0.64 ;  %  36%,  %  64% Out of numerous amino acids,   amino acids
contain primary amino group except proline
Amino acids and Proteins: Amino acids
which contains secondary amino group.
are organic compounds containing both amino
group (-NH2) and carboxylic acid (-COOH) i.e. COOH
they are bi functional.
Classification of Amino acids:Depending on
the location of the amino group on carbon chain,
that contains the carboxylic acid functional
group, amino acids are classified as  ,  ,  and CH2
 etc.
II. Based on the relative number of NH 2 Amino acids with polar but neutral
side chain are
and COOH groups.
 The amino acids containing equal number of Amino Acids
Characteristic of General One
side chain symbol
 NH 2 and COOH are called neutral amino CH2

acids. 1.Tyrptophan Trp W

ex: Glycine
 If amino groups are more it is basic H
2.Serine CH2OH Ser S
ex: Lysine, Arginine
 If carboxylic groups are more it is acidic in 3.Threonine CH2OH CH3 Thr T

nature. O
4.Glutamine Gln
ex: Asparticacid, Glutamic acid. CH2CH2C NH2
III. Based on the source 5.Aspargine Asn N
 The amino acids, which can not be synthesized,
6.Cysteine CH2SH Cys C
in the body but can only be supplied to the body.
through diet, are called “essential amino 7.Methionine CH2 CH2 SCH3 Met M

acids”. 8.Tyrosine CH2 C6H5 OH(Para) Tyr Y

They are valine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Arginine,
Lysine, Threonine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Amino acids with basic side chain are
Tyrptophan and Histidine. One
 The amino acids, which are synthesized in the Characteristic of General
Amino Acids symbol letter
side chain
body, are known as “non – essential amino code
acids”. CH2

 Nearly all the naturally occurring amino acids NH

1.Histidine His H
are  -amino acids containing amino group on N
the -carbon bonded to the carboxylic group. H
 NOMENCLATURE: Amino acids are known
(CH2)2 NH C NH
by their common names and abbreviated by first 2.Arginine Arg R
three letters or one letter symbol of their
common names. 3.Lysine (CH2)4 NH2 Lys K
Amino acids with non polar side chain
are Amino acids with acidic side chain are
One One
Amino Acids Characteristic of General Characteristic of General
symbol letter Amino Acids letter
side chain side chain symbol
code code
1.Glycine H Gly G
-CH3 2. Glautamic CH  CH COOH Glu
2.Alanine Ala A 2 2 E
3.Valine -CH(CH3)2 Val V
4.Leucine -CH2-CH(CH3)2 Leu L 3. Aspartic CH2COOH Asp D
-CH-CH2-CH3 acid
5.Iso Leucine Ile I
Physical Properties of   amino acids
6.Phenylalanine -CH2-C6H5 Phe F
 The simplest amino acid is glycine. Its IUPAC
COOH name is “2-amino ethanoic acid”.
 They are generally colourless crystalline
Pro P solids.
 These are water soluble, high melting solids and
CH2 behave like salts rather than carboxylic acids or
simple amines.
 Except glycine, all other naturally occurring   At iso electric point, amino acids have least
amino acids are optically active due to solubility. So it is used in the separation of
asymmetry at  – Carbon. different amino acids obtained from the
 Most of the naturally occurring amino acids are hydrolysis of proteins.
with L –Configuration
Peptide bond: The amide bond formed
 They are highly polar and in aqueous solution between the amino group of one amino acid and
they form zwitter ions. the carboxylic group of another amino acid by
H2O H+N CH COO- the loss of water is called a peptide bond.
NH2  CH  COOH  H  NH  CH  COOH 
R R | |
(zwitter ion) R R
d) In acidic solution, they form +ve ion and in O H
|| |
basic solution they form –ve ion. H2N  CH  C  NH  C  COOH
| Amide bond
(Peptide bond) |
H + R R
H3N CH COOH(Cation)
+ -  The product obtained from two amino acid
H3N CH COO R molecule through peptide bond is called
OH -
R H2N CH COO (Anion) dipeptide.
 Based on number of amino acid molecule in
peptide they are called tri, tetra and polypeptides.
e) At a particular PH, the dipolar ion acts as
neutral ion (iso electric point)  No of peptide linkages =
 At a particular PH, the dipolar ion of amino acid [(no of aminoacid residues) -1]
(zwitterion) acts as neutral ion and does not  Shorter peptides (2 - 20 amino acids) are called
migrate to cathode ‘or’ anode in electric field. oligopeptides, longer peptides (more than 20
This pH is known as iso electric point of the amino acids) are polypeptides.
amino acid”  Proteins are polypeptides containing many
The isoelectric point of neutral amino acid is amino acids molecular mass is more than
PK a1  PK a2 10,000. (Polypeptides contains more than 100
calclated by PI  amino acids)
 Polypeptides are amphoteric.
All amino acids do not have same isoelectric
point. Ex: Silk, hair, skin, enzymes, hormone etc
An amino acid having more COOH groups will  In a polypeptide structure free amino group
(NH2) i.e. N- terminal residue is written on the
have PI  7 .
left hand side and the free carboxyl group on
An amino acid having more NH 2 groups will the right hand side of the chain.
have PI  7 . O

+ H 2 N  C H  C  NH  CH 2  C  NH  C H  COOH
H3N CH COO | |

Ex: alanine CH 3 CH 3
CH3 alanine glycine alanine
 2.34 The above structure has the name
NH 3 p K a  9.69
In the above structure -COOH group is C- terminal
2.34  9.69 residue and  NH 2 group is N-terminal residue.
then PI   6.02
2 Most of the toxins in animal and plant venoms
 The iso electric point depends on different are proteins. A dipeptide called aspartame being
groups present in the molecule of the amino acid. 100 times sweeter to sucrose is used as substitute
 In neutral amino acids the PH range is 5.5 to 6.3 for sugar.
Primary structures: For a given polypeptide,
amino acids are linked with each other in a
| |
specific sequence. This is considered as primary
H 2 N  CH  CO  NH  CH  COOCH 3
structure of that poly peptide.
Aspartame  Any change in this sequence produces a different
(aspartyl phenylalanine methyl ester)
 The number of peptides possible for using
 Primary structure indicates the location of
different amino acids  n m . disulphide bridges if present.
Here n is the no.of amino acids, m is 2 for
dipeptide, 3 for tri peptide, 4 for tetra peptide, NH 2 NH 2 NH 2 COOH
etc. CH R R CH
Ex: The number of tripeptides possible with three N H N H
amino acids is 33  27 . H
Ex: If there are 100 aminoacid units in a small CH R CH R CH R R CH
protein, the given 20 different amino acid units O
100 R CH CH R
can combine at one time in (20) different R CH R CH
ways. N
Proteins: Proteins are the most abundant O
biomolecules of the living system. Main sources R CH R CH
are milk, fish,, meat, peanuts, cheese, pulses etc.. Parallel  Pleated Sheet Anti Parallel  Pleated Sheet
 Proteins are occur in every part of the body and
form the fundamental basis of structure and
functions of life.
 Proteins are required for growth and
maintenance of body.
 Proteins are biopolymers having a large number
of amino acids bonded to each other by Peptide
bonds and disulphide bonds and have three
dimensional structures.
 Generally Proteins can be classified into two
types on the basis of their molecular shape
1. Fibrous proteins: In this proteins polyeptide
chains run paralally and are held together by
disulphide and H  bonds produce fibre like
structure. These are insoluble in water Secondary structure: The secondary
Ex:- Keratin ( present in Skin, Hair, Silk, Tissues structure of protein explains the shape of
etc..), myosin ( present in muscles). polypeptide change.
2. Globular proteins: In this proteins  Two different secondary structure of protiens are
polypeptide chains coil around give spherical   helix and   pleated sheet structure.
shape. These are soluble in water (i) -helix :This structure is formed when the
Ex:- Insulin, albumin and haemoglobin. chain of -amino acids coils as a right handed
screw (called -helix) because of the formation
Structure of Proteins: Based on structure of hydrogen bonds between amide groups of
and shape proteins are studied into four different the same peptide chain, i.e., NH group in one
levels unit is linked to carbonyl oxygen of the third
1. Primary 2. Secondary unit by hydrogen bonding.
3. Tertiary and 4.Quarternary structures
 This hydrogen bonding between different units Quarternary structure: Proteins that have
is responsible for holding helix in a position. more than one peptide chain are known as
 The side chains of these units project outward oligomers. The individual chains are called
from the coiled backbone. Such proteins are subunits.
elastic, i.e., they can be stretched. The subunits are held together by hydrogen
 On stretching weak hydrogen bonds break up bonding, electrostatic attractions, hydrophobic
and the peptide chain acts like a spring. The interactions etc.Quarter-nary structure explains
hydrogen bonds are reformed on releasing the the way the sub units are arranged in space.
tension. Wool and hair have -helix structure. i.e. Proteins have four levels of structure
 In each turn of helix, 3.6 amino acid residues
are present on an average. A 13 membered
Denaturation of proteins: The process
chelate ring is formed due to intermolecular which changes the physical and biological
hydrogen bonding. properties of a protein is called denaturation.
The denaturation is caused by changes in PH,
(ii) -pleated sheet : temperature, presence of some salts or certain
 A different type of secondary structure is chemical agents.
possible when polypeptide chains are arranged  Denaturation is carried out by
side by side. a) Change in pH, which breaks down hydrogen
 The chains are held together by a very large bonds and electrostatic attractions.
number of hydrogen bonds between C = O and b) Adding reagents like urea that form stronger
NH of different chains. Thus, the chains are hydrogen bonds with protein groups.
bonded together forming a sheet. c) Adding detergents like sodium dodecyl sulphate
 These sheets can slide over each other to form a (or) organic solvents which associate with non
three dimensional structure called a beta pleated polar groups of protein and interface with
sheet. Silk has a beta pleated structure. hydrophobic interactions.
 Globular proteins possess tertiary structure. In d) Heating or agitation which causes disruption of
general globular proteins are very tightly folded attractive forces.
into a compact spherical form.  Denaturation can be carried out without
Tertiary structure: It indicates the three effecting the primary structure of protein
dimensional arrangement of all the atoms in the Denaturation may be reversible or irreversible.
protein. Ex:1 The coagulation of egg white on boiling
 The tertiary structure is understood from it’s is an irreversible denaturation.
primary structure and further folding of Renaturation is the reverse of denaturation.
secondary structure in fibrous and globular Ex:2 Curdling of milk which is caused due to
shapes. the formation of lactic acid by bacteria present
 The forces that stabilise secondary and tertiary in milk .
structures are H-bonds, disulphide linkages,  Reverse process of denaturation is called
vander Waals forces and electrostatic forces of renaturation which is possibl in DNA.
attraction. Enzymes: Enzymes are biological catalyst
Polypeptide backbone produced by living cells which catalyze the
biochemical reactions.
 Life is possible due to the co-ordination of
C CH 2
Ionic bond
CH 2
various chemical reactions in living organisms
Hydrogen H
bond   Digestion of food, absorption of appropriate
C NH 2 molecules and ultimately production of energy
H 3C
H 3C
CH 3
CH 3
linkage CH 2 etc sequence of reactions occur slowly in the
CH S body under very mild conditions. These occurs
with the help of certain biocatalysts are called
interactions enzymes
 The mechanisim of an enzymes as catalyst will 7. Carbonic H 2 CO3  H 2 O  CO 2
be. E  S  ES  EI  EP  E  P Here anhydrase
E = enzyme, S = substrate,ES = complex, 8. Nuclease DNA, RNA  Nucleotides
EI = intermediate, P = product. 9. Lactase Lactose  Glucose + Glucose
 These are simple or globular conjugated 10.Emulsin Cellulose  n Glucose
proteins. These are highly specific. 11. RNA Ribo nucleotide triphosphates
 If once they are utilised in the reaction, they get
Polymerase  RNA
deactivated such that in the further reaction they
12. DNA Deoxy nucleotide
must be replaced by synthesis in the body.
 Enzymes are needed only in small Polymerase triphosphate  DNA
quantities.Enzymes reduce the magnitude of Some other points in proteins and
activation energy. For Example, activation aminoacids: The lack of the esssential
energy for acid hydrolysis of sucrose is aminoacids in the diet causes diseases like
6.22 KJ / mol , while the activation energy is Kwashiorkor
only 2.15KJ / mol when hydrolysed by the  The rotation about C-N bonds is hindered and
enzyme sucrase. because of this hindered rotation, the peptide
 An enzyme contain a non-protein part called bond can show geometrical isomerism.
prosthetic group.  Biological Membranes mainly consists of
 The prosthetic group covalently bonded with phospholipids and proteins
enzyme component is called co-factor.  The phospholipids are arranged in a double layer
 The prosthetic group attached to the enzyme at with their polar heads pointing outside and non-
the time of reactions are called co-enzymes. polar tails into the interior of the membrane
Ex: 5-Deoxy adenosil group is the coenzyme to  The protein components of the membranes are
the vitamin B12 . either embeded in the bilayer or are attached to
 Almost all the enzymes are globular proteins. either side of the membrane.
 Enzymes are very specific for a particular Vitamins
reaction and for a particular substrate.
 Introduction: Vitamins are naturally occurring
They are generally named after the compound
low molecular weight carbon compounds,which
Ex: The enzyme that catalyse hydrolysis of
are essential dietary factors.
maltose into glucose is named as maltase.
These are required in minute quantities for the
C12 H 22 O11 
 2C6 H12O6 maintenance of normal health of organisms.
Maltose Glu cose
The term “ Vitamin”: for such substances was
 Sometimes enzymes are also named after the introduced by Dr. Funk.
reactions in which they are used.
Their absence in the human body causes
Ex: the enzymes which catalyse the oxidation
deficiency diseases or disorders.
of one substrate with simultaneous reduction of
another substrate are names as oxidoreductase They participate in the production of co –
enzymes. enzymes and also in the regulation of
The important enzymes are: biochemical processes.
Enzymes Reaction catalysed Plants can synthesise all vitamins. Animals can
synthesise few but not all vitamins.
1. Urease Urea  CO 2  NH 3
Human body can synthesise vitamin ‘A’ from
2. Invertase Sucrose  Glucose + Fructose carotene.
3. Maltase Maltose  2 Glucose Some members of vitamin – B – complex and
4. Amylase Starch  n Glucose vitamin K are synthesized by microorganisms
5. Pepsin Proteins  Polypeptides  present in intestinal tract of human beings.
 -Amino acids Vitamins are widely distributed in nature in
6.Trypsin Polypeptides   -Amino acids
plants and animals. All cells in the body can store Functions in bio systems: Vitamins in low
vitamins to some extent. concentrations catalyse biological reactions.
Vitamins have varied chemical structures.  The daily dose of vitamins for an individual
Vitamins are designated by English alphabets depends on his or her age, size and rate of
A, B, C, D, E, K. metabolism.
Excess or low levels of vitamins cause different  Youngesters need higher quantities than elders.
diseases.  The need of vitamins for younger, growing
Classification:Vitamins are classified into two children and pregnant women is higher.
broad groups. These are  A lack of one or more vitamins leads to
(a) Fat soluble vitamins characteristic deficiency symptoms.
(b). Water – soluble vitamins  Mulitple deficiencies caused by deficency of
Fat soluble vitamins: Vitamins A,D,E and K multiple vitamins are also common.
are fat soluble. Liver cells are rich in fat soluble  The condition of vitamin deficency is known as
vitamins (Vitamins A& D) avitaminosis.
Water soluble vitamins: Vitamins C and B-  The sources, structures, physiological
complex are water soluble. These are present funtions and deficency diseases of vitamins are
in much smaller amounts in cells. presented in the table.

Fat Soluble Vitamins Table

Structure and Deficiency Diseases
Vitamin Sources Functions
Milk, butter, Essential for synthesis of
( an alcohol contains Night blindness,
kidney, egg, yolk, visual pigments, growth
A ionone ring and xerophthalmia,
liver, fish oil, rice and division of epithelial
(Retinol) hydro carbon chain) degeneration of
polishing papaya, cells, strength of bones,
C20H30O lacrymal
carrot healthy skin
(a sterol)
Synthesised in
(Four rings and a Regulates absorption of
skin cells in sun Rickets in children
D side chain) calcium and phosphorus
light butter, liver, and osteomalacea in
(Calciferol or three rings are 6- in intestine, mineral
egg, fish oil and adults, brittle ness of
Ergocalciferol) carbon rings and one deposition in bones and
milk bones
ring is cyclopentane teeth
(Sunshine vitamin)
Normal muscle
,, - Trimethyl
E functioning, essential
tocopherol (an Green leafy
(Tocopherol for proper Muscular dystropy
unsatuated alcohol, vegetables, oils,
derivative) spermatogenesis, sterility, necrosis of
chromone ring with wheat, animal
Anti sterility pregnancy, sythesis of heart muscle
3-methyl rings) tissue
Vitamin coenzyme-Q,stores
glycogen in muscle
Green leafy
K vegetables,
(Anti (a naphthaquinone synthesized Essential for blood Excessive bleeding in
Haemorrhagic derivative) bycolon bacteria, clotting (co-agulation of injury, poor
vitamin or C31H46O2 cow milk, blood) coagulation of blood
Phylloquinone) cabbage, liver
and intestinal
Vitamin Structure and Formula Sources Functions Deficiency Diseases
Healthy nervous system,
major component of
Contains pyridine & thiazole Cereals, outer grain coenzyme cocarboxylase,
B1 molecules (dimethyl amino required for carbohydrate Beri- Beri, weak
layers, yeast, milk,
(Thiamine) pyridine) aminoacid metabolism heart beat
C12H18N4SOCl2 green vegetables
pyrophosphates activates
Yeast, vegetables, Combines with H3PO4to form Cheilosis, skin diseases,
B2 (Flavin derivative)
milk, egg, white, FAD, FMN, essential for dark red tongue,
(Riboflavin) C17H20N4O6
liver, kidney. oxidative metabolism swelling around mouth
Dermitatis (Skin
Important component diseases) burning
B3 (a dipeptide)
C9H17O5N All food stuffs of co-enzyme-A required sensation of feet, graying
(Pentothenic acid)
for exidative metabolism of hair, feeling
lot of stress
Active group in coenzyme
(Nicotinic acid or (Nicotinamide or Meat, yeast, milk,
NADP, DPN, required for Pellegra, diarrhea,
niacin pyridine derivative) green leafy
C5H4N COOH oxidative metabolism, dermitatis, dementia
Pellegrapreventing vegetables
Essential for growth
Important coenzyme in
Cereals, grains , Chronic anaemia,
B6 (pyridoxyl phosphate) proteins and amino acid
yeast, egg yolk, dermatitis, convulsions,
(Pyridoxine) C3H11O3N metabolism, synthesis of fats
meat vomiting
from carbohydrates
Heterocyclic S-contraining
B7 Essential for fat synthesis and Skin diseases
monicaboxlic acid. It is Yeast, liver, kidney,
(Biotin or energy production, synthesis (determitasis, increases
called co-enzyme R milk
vitamin-H) of lipids in blood cholesterol)
Contains glutamic acid,
p-amino benzoic acid Essential co-enzyme for Growth retardation,
B9 Spinach leaf,
and pterin synthesis of DNA formation anaemia, gastrointestinal
(Folic acid) intestinal bacteria
C19H19N7O6 of RBC disorders
Pteroglutamtic acid
Permicious anaemia (RBC
(resembles heme. CO is
Synthesis of DNA, RNA and
deficlent in haemoglobin,
B12 essential situated in Liver of ox, pig, fats from carbo – hydrates,
Cyanocobalamine corrin ring) fish, egg and curd metabolism of nervous tissues
degradation of vervous
C63H33O14N14PC0 of nervous system
B-Complex is a mixture of B1,B2,B3,B5,B6,B7,B9, and B12

Essential for formation of Scurvy (bleeding gums),

(acid resembles glucose Green leafy
C collagen, bone, teeth, break down of immunity
glucose) vegetables,
(Ascorbic acid) maintenance of redox defence system, bleeding
C6H8O6 citrus acid fruits
potentials, antioxidant delay in wound healing
Some other points in vitamins: Vitamin Nitrogenous bases:These are heterocyclic
D is also called sunshine vitamin. Since it is organic compound having two or more nitrogen
obtained by sunlight irradiation of ergosterol atoms in ring skeleton. These are called bases
present in oils and fats because the lone pairs of electrons on the
 Vitamin B1 is a derivitive of pyrimidine as well nitrogen atoms make them as Lewis bases.
as such it contains both N and S Their structures are given below
 Vitamin B12 contains both N and P  Pyrimidines and purines are nitrogen containing
 Provitamins are the biologically inactive hetrocyclic bases
compounds which can be easily converted into  Pyrimidine bases are
biologically active vitamins a) Thymine (T): 2,4-dioxo 5-aminopyrimidine
  -carotene is provitamin A (C5N2H6O2 )
Nucleic acids: Nucleic acids are biologically O

significant polymers of nucleotides with CH3

polyphosphate Ester chain . HN
 These are present in all living cells .
 They direct the synthesis of proteins and are Thymine (T) N
responsible for the transfer of genetic O H
information i.e hereditary .
 Nucleoproteins are formed by combining b) Cytosine ( C): 2-oxo 4-aminopyrimidine
Thymine (T)

proteins with nucleic acids . (C4N3H5O )

Nucleoproteins = protein + Nucleic acid NH2
 Proteins have polyamide chains. CH3
 The repeating units of nucleic acids are called N
nucleotides .
 Types of Nucleic acids are Cytosine (C)
a) Ribonucleic acid ( RNA ) O H
b) Deoxyribonucleic acid ( DNA ) Cytosine (C)
c) Uracil ( U ): 2, 4 - di oxo pyrimidine
Chemical Composition of Nucleic (C4N2H4O2 )
acids Hydrolysis O

 DNA  Hydrolysis

 Deoxyribose sugar +
phosphoric acid + purine / pyrimidine base HN
 RNA  Hydrolysis
 ribose sugar + phosphoric acid
+ purine / pyrimidine base Uracil (U) N
The two sugars present in nucleic acids are H
ribose and deoxyribose. These are aldopentose Uracil (U)
sugars and present in furanose form. Ribose is  Purine bases are
present in RNA and deoxy ribose is present in a) Adenine ( A): 6 - amino purine C5N5H5
DNA. Ribose and deoxyribose differ structurally NH2
in terms of one oxygen atom on carbon at
position-2. 6 7
N 8
5 5 1 5
CH2OH O OH CH2OH O OH Adenine (A) 2
4 1 4 1
H H H H b) Guanine ( G ): 2 - amino 6- oxo purine
Adenine (A)
C3 C2 C3 C2 (C5N5H5O)
N 1 7
Ribose Deoxyribose 6 8
 Ribose ( or ) de – oxyribose is a pentose sugar 3 5

a)  – D – ribose present in RNA Guanine (G) H2N 4

b)  – D – deoxyribose present in DNA H
Guanine (G)
 a) Thymine contains two oxo and one methyl  If the phosphate group is at 5 I carbon, then it
b) cytosine contains one amino and one will be adenosine - 5 I -monophosphate etc.
oxogroups  These nucleotides connected by mono , di (or)
c) Uracil contains two oxogroups
tri phosphate groups at 5 I – OH of one
d) Adinine contains one amino group
e) Guanine contains one amino and one nucleotide.
oxogroups.  a) Phosphate diester bonds which links two
 DNA contains A, G,T and C sugar rings present between 3 I and 5 I carbons.
 RNA contains A , G, U and C b)  - Glycoside bond which links Sugar and
 Thymine is not present in RNA.
base .
Phosphoric acid, H3PO4 : Phosphoric acid  a) A nucleotide contains two nucleotide sub-
forms esters to –OH groups of the sugars to bind
units called “dinucleotide”.
nucleotide segments together.
b) A nucleotide contains 3 – 10 subunits is called
Nucleosides: N- Glycosides are called “Oligonucleotide”
Nucleosides c) A nucleotide containing many subunits is
 Nucleoside = Base + pentose sugar called “Polynucleotide”
 The bond present between sugar and base is  DNA and RNA are Polynucleotides .
called N – Glycoside bond.  A nucleic acid chain is abbreviated by one letter
 This bond is formed between first numbered code with 5’ end of the chain .
nitrogen of pyrimidine and first carbon of sugar
. Structure of DNA: The double helix
 This bond is formed between ninth numbered structure of DNA was proposed by Waston and
nitrogen of purine and first carbon of sugar. Crick .
 These are called as adenosine, guanosine ,  They were based on X- ray diffraction studies.
cytidine , thymidine and uridine, when they  It explains base equivalance and duplication of
contain adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine and DNA
uracil respectively.  All species contains
Nucleotides a) A = T b) C  G
Nucleotide = Base + Sugar + phosphate c) no. of purines = no. of pyrimidines (A +G ) =
A simplified version of nucleic acid chain is as
shown below
 The AT / GC ratio varies from species to species
Base Base Base Ex . a) In human being AT / GC = 1.52 / 1
b) In E. coli AT / GC = 0.93 / 1
 It is composed of two right handed helical
SugarPhosphate[SugarPhosphaten Sugar polynucleotide strands .
 The two strands are anti parallel with each other.
 Base is nothing but purine ( or ) pyrimidine
 5’ – 3’ phosphodiester linkages run in opposite
 Base bonded with sugar at 1I carbon . direction .
 Phosphate group bonded with sugar at 3 I or 5 I  The base groups are present inside and
carbons . perpendicular with the axis .
 1 to 3 phosphate groups may attach with sugar .  The two strands are held together by hydrogen
 If one phosphate group is present in adenine unit bonds due to A = T and G  C
it is called adenosine mono phosphate (AMP)  Always A pairs with T and G pairs with C only.
 Similarly if 2 and 3 phosphate groups are present  A forms two hydrogen bonds with T .
in adenine, then they are adenosine diphosphate G forms three hydrogen bonds with C
(ADP) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) A does not form Hydrogen bonds with C
respectively. G forms only one hydrogen bond with T .
 Greater the number of GC pairs greater willbe
Replication Transcription
the melting point of DNA.
 Melting point of E.Coli is less than that of DNA DNA RNA

human beings. Reverse
 The length of all hydrogen bonds are similar Transcription
 DNA strands are twisted but base pairs are planar
and parallel with each other . Protines
 Primary structure of nucleic acids explains order
of bases . Now in double stranded arrangmeent guanine
 Secondary structure gives double helix . pairs with cytosine and adenine with uracil.
 The stability of helix is due to Since RNA molecule is a single strand
1. Hydrogen bond between A = T and G  C complementary to only one of the two strands
2. Hydrophobic interactions between bases. of a gene.
 The diameter of double helix is 2 nm.  Its guanine content does not necessarly equal to
 The length of one complete turn ( 3600 ) is 3.4 its cytocine contents, nor does its adenine
nm. contents to its uracil content.
 The DNA rotates at both sides i.e right hand side
 Therefore, when RNA is hydrolysed there is no
or left hand side.
relationship among the quantities of different
 The right hand helices is more stable and is
bases obtained.
called  – conformation .
 At melting temperature, DNA separates into two  RNA molecules are of three types and they
strands, called as melting. perform different functions. They are named as
 When the melted DNA is cooled, the strands (i) messenger RNA (m-RNA), Linear in
hybridise. This is called Annealing. structure
 In the secondary structure of RNA , helices are (ii) ribosomal RNA (r-RNA), Single Helix
present but only single stranded. structure and
 Some times they fold back on themselves like a
(iii) transfer RNA (t-RNA), Clover leaf
hairpin thus acquiring double helix structure
posessing double stranded characteristics.
 The blue print of DNA is called m RNA .

W.E-6: In E, coli DNA, AT/GC ratio is 0.93. If the



number of moles of adenine in the DNA sample


is 65,000, then how many moles of guanine



Sol. Since the number of moles of adenine (A) must

be equal to that of thymine (T),

therefore, A + T = 930000.


Further since  0.93


Therefore G  C   1000, 000

Further since the number of moles of C =


mumber of moles of G.
Hairpin structure of RNA  Number of moles of guanine (G) = 500,000
DNA Finger Printing: Each human has Hormones: Hormones are molecules that act
unique finger prints at the tips of fingers, useful as inter cellar mesengers
to identify that human.  Hormones are produces by endocrine glands in
 They may be altered due to some surgery the body and are released directly into blood
 Now a days a new technique known as DNA stream which transports them to the site of
Printing is introduced to identify humans. action
 DNA finger printing is based on the facts that a  In terms of chemical nature, some of these are
sequence of bases on DNA is unique for a steroids, like estrogens and androgens. Some are
person. poly peptides like insulin and endorphins and
 It is the same in each and every cell and can not some others are amino acid derivatives such as
be altered by any known means epinephrine and norepinephrine.
 DNA finger printing is used for  Hormones have several functions in the body,
a) Identify the criminals by forensic Labs. they help to maintain the balance of biological
b) Determining the paternity of individual. acitivities in the body.
c) Identifiying the dead bodies by comparing
their DNA with their parents or children DNAs Harmones

d) Identifying racial groups to rewrite biological

evolution. Steroidal
Hydrogen Bonded Base Pairs
Sex Cortico Peptide Amino acid
Harmones Steroids Harmones Harmones

Function of Hormones
1. Steroid hormones
a) sex hormones: These are of 3 types
i) The male sex hormones(androgens)
ii) The female sex hormones(Estrogens)
iii) The pregnancy hormones (Progestines)
Testosterone is the principal male sex hormone
production by testis .This is responsible for the
development of male secondary sexual
characteristics such as deep voice ,facial hari ,
sturdy physical nature.
ii) Estradiol is the main femal sex hormone it is
responsible for the development of secondary
female sex characteristics .These are breast
development ,shril voice andlong hair .This also
takes part in the control of menstrual cycle .
iii) Progesterone is useful for preparing the
Biological Functions of Nucleic Acids uterus for the inplantation of the fertilized
 DNA is the chemical basis of heredity and may egg.These are also useful as birth control agents
be regarded as the reverse of genetic b) Cortico steroids (adrenal cortical
informaiton. hormones): These are of 2 types
 DNA is exclusively responsible for maintaining i) Mineralo corticoids and ii) Gluco corticoids
the identify of different species of organisms i) Mineralo corticoids : These are production
over millions of years. by different cells in the adrenal cortex .These
 A DNA molecule is capable of self duplication are useful for water-salt balance in the body.
during cell division and identical DNA strands These control the NaCl content of the blood
are transferred to daughter cells. (lack of this function cause Addison’s diseases)
ii) Gluco corticoids: These are made by adrenal  Low level of thyroxine leads to hypothyroidism,
cortex .Thes are useful to modify certain which is characterised by lethargyness and
metabolic reaction Glucocorticoids contral the Obesity
carbohydrate metabolism and modulat  Increased level of thyroxin cause
inflammatory reaction etc hyperthyroidism
2. Non -Steroid Hormones:  Low level of Iodine in the diet may lead to
These are mainly of 2 types hypothyroidism and enlargfement of the thyroid
a) Peptide hormones and gland It is controlled by adding NaI to common
b) Amino acid derivative hormones salt.
a) Peptide hormones: the most important Hormone Source Chemical function
amogst these is insulin .It has great influence nature
1 Testosterone Testis Steroid Contrals normal fnction of
on carbohydrate metabolism. male sex organs
It is responsible for the entry of glucose and other
Estrone and Controls normal function of
sugars into the living cells .This helps in the 2 Estradiol Ovary Steroid
female sex orgens
decrease of glucose in the blood .This is
Prepare u terus for prefnanas
commonly called hypoglycemic factor 3 Progesterone Ovary Steroid
controls menstural cycle
Insulin decrease the level of glucose in Peptide
4 Insulin pancreas Decrases glucose level in blood
bloodGlucagon Increase the level of glucose in
bloodThe two Hormones together regulate the 5 Thyroxin Thyroid Aminacid Stimulates Metabolism
glucose level in the blood.
Insulin is isolated from islets tissue of pancreas.
Insulin Structure: C.U.Q
i) Insulin is a dipeptide consisting of two peptide
chains bound by three S-S bonds. CARBOHYDRATES
ii) One chain contained 21 amino acids and the 1. Which of the following carbohydrates is not
other chain contained 30 amino acids. monosaccharide?
iii) Sulphur bridges connect 7th & 19th cysteine 1)Glucose 2)Fructose 3)Galactose 4)Sucrose
amino acids between the two chains. 2. Which of the following is a polysaccharide?
iv) In the shorter chain the S-S bridge is in between 1)Cellulose 2)Sucrose 3)Galactose 4)Maltose
6th and 11th cysteine amino acis. 3. The carbohydrates are classified on the basis
GLY ASN 30 THR I. Sugars and Non sugars
TYR LYS II. Reducing character
III.Optical activity IV. Hydrolysis
10 S
TYR The correct statements is / are
CYS 10
20 PHE
GLY 1) I and II only 2)II and III only
3)I, II and IV only 4)All
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
4. A dextro rotatory sugar present in fruits is
a I I
I s
1) Glucose 2) Fructose 3) Cellulose 4) Starch
y e I u n s s r r e s r u r n u u n r s n
5. A useful derivative employed in the
S S identification of reducing sugar is
P V A G H L C G S H L V G A L T L V C G G A G P P T T R L T 1) Oxime 2) Phenylhydrazone
h a s I I e y I e I e a I I e y e a y I I r I h h y h r y h
e I n n s u s y r s u I u a u r u I s y u g y e e r r o s r 3) Osazone 4) Osone
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
6. If monosaccharide contains an aldehyde
 Epinephrine and norepinephrine mediate group, it is known as
responses to external stimuli. 1) Ketose 2) Aldose 3) Epimer 4) Osazone
b) Amino acid derivative hormones: 7. Glucose and fructose are
Theyroxin production in the thyoid gland is an 1) Optical isomers 2) Tautomers
iodinated derivative of amino acid tyrosine. 3) Functional isomers 4) Chain isomers
8. Which carbohydrate is used in silvering of 23. For the formation of glucasozone how many
mirrors ? phenyl hydrazine molecules react with
1) Cellulose 2) Glucose 3) Sucrose 4) Starch glucose
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
9. The function of glucose is to AMINO ACIDS AND PROTEINS
1) promote growth 2) prevent diseases 24. The building unit of all proteins is
3) provide energy 4)perform all the above 1) monosaccharides 2) lipids
10. Glucose is not 3) amino acids 4) primary amines
1) dextrose 2) Grape sugar 25. Essential amino acid among the following is
3) Aldohexose 4) Ketohexose 1) Glycine 2) Tryptophan 3) Alanine 4) Proline
11. Glucose reacts with 26. The amino acids which cannot be synthsised
1) NaHSO3 2) NH3 in the body but must be supplied through diet
3) Schiff’s reagent 4) NH2OH are:
12. Glucose is also known as 1) Essential amino acids
1) Invert sugar 2) Cane sugar 2) Non-essential amino acids
3) Grape sugar 4) Fruit sugar 3) Amino acids 4) Acidic amino acids
13. For the reduction of glucose to n-hexane, the 27. The basic amino acids are
reagent used is 1. Lysine, arginine 2. Alanine, glutamic acid
1) HBr 2) HCl 3)HF 4)HI 3. Proline, valine 4. Alanine, cystein
14. The letter ‘D’ in carbohydrates signifies 28. The acidic amino acid is:
1) dextro rotatory 2) mode of synthesis 1. Aspartic acid 2. lysine 3. Serine 4. Tyrosine
3) its configuration 4) its diamagnetic nature 29. The protein which controls the amount of
sugar in the blood is:
OLIGO SACCHARIDES 1. Hemoglobin 2. Oxytoxin
15. Which of the following is not a disaccharide? 3. Insulin 4. Ptyalin
1) Cane sugar 2) Raffinose 30. Which of the following contains nitrogen?
3) Lactose 4) Maltose 1. Fats 2. Proteins
16. Maltose is made up of 3. Carbohydrates 4. All the above
1)  -D-Glucose 2)  and  glucose 31. Which of the following is simple protein
3) Glucose and Fructose 4) Fructose only 1. Albumin 2. Globulin 3. Glutinin 4. All
17. Which of the following is a non-reducing 32. Proteins are polymers of amino acids, which
sugar of the following is not a protein
1) Glucose 2) Sucrose 3) Fructose 4) Lactose 1. Wool 2. Nails 3. Hair 4. DNA
18. Lactose on hydrolysis produces a mixture of 33. Cheese is a
1) Glucose only 1) Globular protein 2) Conjugated protein
2) Glucose and Fructose 3) Denatured protein 4) derived protein
3) Glucose and Galactose 34. Which of the following is not an amino acid?
4) Fructose and Galactose 1. Glycine 2. Alanine
19. Hydrolysis of sucrose is called 3. Histidine 4. Benzidine
1)Mutarotation 2)Saphonification 35. Enzymes in the living systems
3)Inversion 4)de esterification 1. provide energy 2. provide immunity
20. “Invert sugar” is 3. transport oxygen
1)Laevo rotatory 2)Dextro rotatory 4. catalyse biological reactions
3)Optically inactive 4)Recimic mixture 36. Enzymes are
21. Raffinose on hydrolysis does not give 1) Carbohydrates 2) Nucleic acids
1) Glucose 2) Ribose 3) Fructose 4) Galactose 3) Globular proteins 4) Fibrous proteins
22. Which disaccharide, is present in milk? 37. Proteins are
1) Maltose 2) Galactose 3) Sucrose 4) Lactose 1) Polyamides 2) Polyesters
3) Polyhydric alcohols 4) Polycarboxylic acids
38. Protein synthesis in living cells is also called, 52. Deficiency of vitamin A leads to a disease
1. Transcription 2. Translation known as
3. Replication 4. Duplication 1. Scurvy 2. Night blindness
39. Proteins are condensation polymers of 3. Beriberi 4. Rickets
1)   Amino acids 2)   Amino acids 53. Vitamin A is known as
1. Thiamine 2. Pyridoxine
3)   Hydroxy acids 4)   Hydroxy acids
3. Retinol 4. Tocopherol
40. The pH value of a solution in which a polar 54. Citrous fruits rich in vitamin
amino acid does not migrate under the 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. K
influence of electric field is called 55. Vitamin D is also known as
1. Iso electronic point 2. Iso electric point 1.Growth vitamin 2.Sunshine vitamine
3. Neutralization point 4. All the above 3.Reproductive vitamin 4.Ascorbic acid
41. Which of the following is a fibrous protein? 56. Pyridoxine is the name given to vitamin
1) haemoglobin 2) albumin 1. B2 2. B6 3. B1 4. B12
3) keratin 4) enzymes 57. With which of the following disease is vitamin
42. Which of the following is a globular protein? K associated?
1) collagen 1. Rickets 2. Coagulating property
2) myoglobin or haemoglobin 3. Scurvy 4. Sore throat
3) myosin 4) fibroin 58. Which of the following compounds in not a
43. The destruction of the biological nature and vitamin?
activity of proteins by heat or chemical agent 1. Niacin 2. Riboflavin
is called, 3. Thiamine 4. Guanine
1. Dehydration 2. Denaturation 59. Ergocalciferol is name of vitamin
3. Denitrogenation 4. Deammination 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D
VITAMINS 60. The disease beriberi is caused by the
44. Which of the following vitamin is known as deficiency of vitamin
Nicotinic acid ? 1. A 2. K 3. B1 4. B12
1) B1 2) B2 3) B3 4) B5 61. The chemical name of vitamin C is
1 citric acid 2. acetic acid
45. Dark red tongue, fissuring at corners of 3. ascorbic acid 4. oxalic acid
mouth and lips are the symptoms of the 62. Degeneration of Lacrymal glands is due to
deficiency of which vitamin the deficiency of
1) C 2) A 3) B2 4) D 1. Vitamin A 2. Vitamin E
46. Riboflavin is vitamin 3. Vitamin D 4. Vitamin C
1. B1 2. B2 3. B12 4. B6 63. The source of Folic acid is
47. The vitamin which contains cobalt is 1. Yeast 2. Spinach leaf
1. Vitamin B6 2. Vitamin A 3. Liver of OX 4. all the above
3. Vitamin B12 4. Vitamin E 64. Ascorbic acid resemble the structure of
48. Disease scurvy is caused by the deficiency of 1) Vitamin A 2) Glucose
vitamin 3) Cellulose 4) Vitamin D
1. A 2. B6 3. C 4. D 65. Which of the following is called vitamin H?
49. Vitamin B1 is known as 1. Biotin 2. Folic acid
1. Ascorbic acid 2. Carotenoids 3. Thiamin 4. Niacin
3. Thiamine 4. Pyridoxine 66. Which of the following vitamins is present in
50. Which of the following vitamin is oil soluble? all food stuffs?
1. A 2. B6 3. B12 4. B1 1. B3 2. B12 3. C 4. A
51. Which of the following vitamin is water 67. Deficiency of Vitamin D gives
soluble? 1. Rickets 2. Night blindness
1. K 2. E 3. D 4. B1 3. Xerosis 4. loss of apetite
68. The best source of vitamin-A is 80. A difference of simple base in the DNA
1) Oranges 2) Beans molecule cause for
3) Carrots 4) Wheat 1. Change in proton sequence
69. The condition of vitamin deficiency is known 2. Change in photon Sequence
as 3. Change in Amino acid sequence
1) Vitaminosis 2) Avitaminosis 4. Change in carboxylic sequence
81. Change in Amino acid sequence leads to
3) Both 1 and 2 4) Anemea
1. mutation 2. Translation
NUCLEIC ACIDS 3. Fermentation 4. Genetic code .
70. Pyrimidine bases present in RNA are 82. Which of the following bases is present in
1. Adenine and guanine 2. Thymine and uracil DNA only ?
3. Uracil and cytosine 1. Adenine 2. Guanine 3. Uracil 4. Thymine
4. Thymine and cytosine 83. Which of the following bases is present in
71. In AMP the sequence is RNA only ?
1. Sugar - base – phosphate 1. Adenine 2. Guanine 3. Uracil 4. Thymine
84. Purine derivative among the bases is
2. Sugar –phosphate –base
1. thymine 2. uracil 3. guanine 4. cytosine
3. Phosphate – sugar – base
85. The pair of bases in DNA are held together
4. Phosphate – base – sugar by
72. Which one of the following is not present in 1. Hydrogen bonds 2. Ionic bonds
RNA? 3. Phosphate groups 4. Oxygen linkages
1. Uracil 2. Thymine 3. Ribose 4. Phosphate
73. Which of the following bases is not present HORMONES
in DNA ? 86. Which of the following substance acts as
1. Thymine 2.Uracil 3. Adenine 4.Guanine
1) Vitamins 2) Enzymes
74. A nucleotide is made up of 3) Hormones 4)Carbohydrates
1. A base and sugar 87. Receptors of hormones are generally
2. A base and phosphate unit 1) Carbohydrates 2)Vitamins
3. A sugar and phosphate unit 3) Lipids 4)Protiens
4. A sugar , a base and a phosphate unit 88. Which of the following is a steroid?
75. In DNA , the complementary bases are 1)Insulin 2)Vitamins
1.Uracil and adenine : cytosine and guanine 3)Cytokinins 4)Estrogen
2.Adenine and thymine : guanine and cytosine 89. Androgens are
3.Adenine and thymine : guanine and uracil 1)Female sex hormone 2)Non steriod
4.Adenine and cytosine : thymine and guanine 3)Plant hormone 4)Male sex hormone
76. Structure of a DNA molecule is 90. Steroid hormones are produced by the
1. Linear 2. Branched a) Adrenal cortex b) Pancreas
3. Single helix 4. Double helix c) Thyroid d)Testis e) Pitutiary
1) a and d 2)a, b and c 3) c,d 4) d ,e
77. Thymine is held by two hydrogen bonds with
91. Which of the following is a derivative of
the base
amino acid?
1. Guanine 2. cytosine 3. thymine 4. adenine 1)Thyroxin 2)estradiol
78. The number of Nucleotide pairs present in 3)estrone 4)Progesterone
one turn of DNA helix 92. Which of the following hormone is
1. 10 2. 9 3. 8 4. 4 produced by testis?
79. In the nucleic acids the phosphate ions 1)Progesterone 2)Estradiol
bonded with sugar at 3)Testosterone 4)Estrone
' '
1. 5 ,3 location ' '
2. 5 , 2 location 93. Sythetic testerone promotes
1)Menstrual cycle 2) Muscle growth
3. 3' ,1' location 4. 5' ,1' location 3)Respiration 4)Birth control agents
94. Phosphorylation of glucose is increased by 14. D indicates configuration
1)Auxins 2) Insulin 15. Raffinose is trisaccharide
3)Ethylene 4)Traumatic acid 16. Maltose cantain’s  - D - Glucose
95. Estradiol is responsible for the 17. Sucrose in non - reducing sugar
development of 18. Lactose can give glucose and galactose on
1)Primary male characters hydroysis
2)Secondary female characters 19. Hydrolysis of sucrose is called inversion
3)primary female characters 20. Invert sugar is Laevo rotatery
4)Secondary male characters 21. Raffinose can give glucose, fructose, galactose
on hydrolysis
C.U.Q - KEY 22. Lactose is present in milk
1) 4 2) 1 3) 3 4) 1 5) 3 6) 2 7) 3 23. Cane sugar can give Glucose and fructose on
8) 2 9) 3 10) 4 11) 4 12) 3 13) 4 14) 3 hydrolysis
70. Pyramidin bases in RNA are uracil and cytosin
15) 2 16) 1 17) 2 18) 3 19) 3 20) 1 21) 2 71. Sequence is phosphate-sugar-base
22) 4 23) 3 24) 3 25) 2 26) 1 27) 1 28) 1 72. Thymine does not present in RNA
29) 3 30) 2 31) 4 32) 4 33) 2 34) 4 35) 4 73. Uracil does not present in DNA
36) 3 37) 1 38)2 39) 1 40) 1 41) 2 42) 3 74. Nucleotide made up of sugar, base and
43) 2 44) 2 45) 4 46) 3 47) 2 48) 3 49) 3 75. In DNA adenine and thymine, gaunine and uracil
50) 1 51) 4 52) 2 53) 3 54) 2 55) 2 56) 2 are complementary
57) 2 58) 4 59) 4 60) 3 61) 3 62) 1 63) 2 76. DNA is double helix
77. Thymine is held with adenine
64) 2 65) 1 66) 1 67) 1 68) 3 69) 2 70) 3
78. Watson and Crick
71) 3 72) 2 73)2 74) 4 75) 2 76) 4 77) 4 79. 5’-3’ location
78) 1 79) 1 80)3 81) 1 82) 4 83) 3 84) 3 80. Change in aminoacid sequence
85) 1 86) 3 87) 4 88) 4 89) 4 90) 1 91) 1 81. Mutation
82. Thymine is present in DNA
92) 3 93) 2 94) 2 95) 2
83. Uracil is present in RNA
84. Guanine is purine
C.U.Q - HINTS 85. Bases are bonded with hydrogen bond
1. Sucrose is disaccharide
2. Cellulose is polysaccharide
3. Carbohydrates are classified on the basis of
3 types
2) Sugars and non - sugars 1. To become a carbohydrate, a compound must
3) Reducing character contain atleast.
4. Glucose is dextrorotatory 1) 2 carbons 2) 3 carbons
6. If mono saccharide contins aldehyde group it is 3) 4 carbons 4) 6 carbons
called Aldose 2. A carbohydrate which can not be hydrolysed
7. Glucose and fructose are functional isomers to simpler compounds is called
8. Glucose is used in Silvering of mirrors 1) Monosaccharide 2) Disaccharide
9.  - D - Glucose &  - D - Glucose are anomers 3) Polysaccharide 4) Oligosaccharide
3. Monosaccharides contain
10. Glucose is not ketohexose
1) Always six carbon atoms
11. Glucose reacts what NH2OH to give monoxime
2) Always five carbon atoms
12. Glucose is also known as grape sugar
3) Always four carbon atoms
13. Glucose reacts with HI to give x - Hexane
4) May contain 3 to 7 carbon atoms
4. Which of the following is an example of 16. Invert sugar is an equimolar mixture of :
Aldotetrose? 1)D-glucose and D- fructose
1) Glyceraldehyde 2) Ribose 2)D-glucose and L-fructose
3) Fructose 4) Erythrose 3)D-glucose and L-glucose
5. Which of the following monosaccharide is 4)D- fructose and L-fructose
pentose ? 17. Total number of Nitrogens present in
glucosazone molecule
1) Glucose 2) Fructose
1)4 2)2 3)6 4)8
3) Arabinose 4) Galactose 18. The major component of sugar present in
6. Which one is a disaccharide honey is:
1) Starch 2) Lactose 1)sucrose 2)glucose
3) Cellulose 4) Fructose 3)invert sugar 4)lactose.
MONOSACCHARIDES 19. Cellulose is a liner polymer of :
7. Which of the following forms osazone with 1)   D -glucose 2)   D -glucose
phenylhydrazene? 3)   D -fructose 4)   L -glucose
1) Glucose 2) Fructose 20. which of the following is the C  2 epimer of
3) Maltose 4) All the three above D-glucose?
8. To convert glucose to saccharic acid the 1)D-Galactose 2)L-Glucose
reagent used is 3)D- Fructose 4) D- Mannose
1) Bromine water 2) Fehling’s solution 21. Which of the following is a nonreducing
3) Nitric acid 4) Alkaline solution of Iodine sugar?
9. Reducing sugar can reduce 1)lactose 2)Fructose 3)cellobiose 4)sucrose
1) Aldehydes to alcohols 22. Fructose reduces Fehling’s solution due to the
2) Ferric salts to Ferrous salts presence of :
1) hydroxy group 2) aldehyde group
3) Chlorates of chlorides
3) ketone group 4)   hydroxyketone group
4) Fehling solution to cuprous oxide
23. The formation of furanose structure of
10. When glucose is reacted with bromine water, fructose involves the interaction of functional
the major product is groups present at:
1) Gluconic acid 2)Saccharic acid 1)C-1 and C-4 2)C-2 and C-6
3) Sorbitol 4)Galactose 3)C-2 and C-5 4)C-1 and C-5
11. The reagent which may be used to distinguish 24. D-glucose reacts with anhydrous methyl
cane sugar and glucose solutions is alcohal in the presence of dry HCl gas to
1) I2 solution 2)Baeyer’s reagent form :
3) Both 1 & 2 4)Fehling’s solution 1)2,3,4,5,6,-penta -O -methyl D- glucose
12. Glucose reacts with CH3OH is presence of 2)   methyl D- glucopyranoside
dry HCl gas to form 3)   methyl D- glucopyranside
1)  -methyl glucoside 2)  -methyl glucoside 4) both (2) and (3)
25. Glucose gives silver mirror with ammonical
3) Both 1 and 2 4) None of these
silver nitrate because it has:
13. Methyl  -D-glucoside is actually a
1) ester group 2) aldehyde group
1) Hemi acetal 2) Carboxylic acid
3) Acetal 4) Amine 3) ketone group 4) alcoholic AgNO3
14. Glycoside linkage is an 26. Which is the correct statement?
1) Amide linkage 2) Ether 1) starch is the polymer of  -glucose
3) Ester linkage 4) None of these 2) Amylose is a component of cellulose
3) Proteins are compounds of only one type of
15. Glucose fails to react with
amino acids
1) Phenyl hydrazine 2) NaHSO3 4) In cycilc structure of fructose ,there are five
3) Tollen’s reagent 4) Fehling solution carbons and one oxygen atom
AMINO ACIDS AND PROTEINS 40. The vitamin essential for synthesis of lipids
27. Number of peptide links in a tripeptide is
1) 3 2) 2 3) 6 4) 4 1) Pantothenic acid 2) Pyridoxine
28. Which of the following amino acids possesses 3) Retinol 4) Biotin
a non-polar side chain ? 41. Hyper glycemia is due to the deficiency of
1) isoleucine 2) serine 1) Vitamin B7 2) Vitamin C
3) cysteine 4) glutamic acid 3) Vitamin B12 4) Vitamin E
29. The amino acid which contains a hydroxy 42. Which of the following is Naphthaquinone
group in the side chain derivative?
1) cysteine 2) glutamine 1) Vitamin K 2) Vitamin D
3) serine 4) leucine 3) Vitamin A 4) Vitamin B5
30. Which of the following molecules is capable 43. The vitamin which maintain the redox
of forming zwitter ion? potentials of cells is
1. NH2CH2COOH 2. CH3COOH 1) Folic acid 2) Ascorbic acid
3. CH3CH2NH2 4. CCl3 NO2 3) Pyridoxine 4) Calciferol
31. The sequence in which the   amino acids 44. The vitamin, which plays a role in
are linked to one another in a protein transportation, of amino acids across the cell
molecule is called its membrane is
1) Primary structure 2) secondary structure 1) B1 2) B2 3) B3 4) B6
3) Tertiary structure 4) quarternary structure NUCLEIC ACIDS
32. Which of the following   amino acids does 45. Structure of mRNA is
not contain a chiral carbon ? 1) Linear 2) Branched
1) Glycine 2) Alanine 3) Singel helix 4) Double helix
3) Phenylalanine 4) valine 46. AT / GC ratio in human being is
33. A sulphur containing amino acid is 1) 0.93:1 2) 1:0.93 3) 1.52:1 4) 0.93 :1
1) Glycine 2) Cysteine 3) Alanine 4) Leucine 47. GC / AT ratio in E. coli is
34. Which of the following is optically inactive 1) 0.93:1 2) 1:0.93 3) 1:1.52 4) 1.52:1
1) Glycine 2) Lysine 48. The two strands in DNA are
3) Aspartic acid 4) Isoleucine 1) Parallel 2) Anti parallel
35. D-Alanine differs from L-Alanine with 3) Perpendicular 4) Any direction
respect to 49. In DNA one strand direction is 5’-3’ the other
1) Configuration 2) Chemical formula stand is
3) Number of -NH2 groups
4) Number of -COOH groups 1) 5'  3' 2) 5'  5' ’ 3) 3'  3' 4) 3'  5'
50. In DNA the base particulars were arranged
36. The helical structure of protien is stabilized
by: with helix is
1)dipeptide bonds 2)hydrogen bonds 1) Parallel 2) Anti parallel
3)ether bonds 4)pepetide bonds 3) Perpendicular 4) Any direction
51. The base pair in helix is
VITAMINS 1. planar and parallel
37. In all green leaves and vegetables, which of 2. Planar and anti parallel
the following vitamin is available? 3. Planar and perpendicular
1) Vitamin A 2) Vitamin D 4. Planar and planer
3) Vitamin K 4) Vitamin B12 52. No. of hydrogen bonds present between G
38. The disease pernicious anaemia is caused by and C
the deficiency of vitamin 1) 2 2) 3 3)1 4) 0
1) A 2) K 3) B1 4) B12 53. The RNA’s which take part in the
39. Nutritional muscular dystrophy is due to the synthesis of proteins
deficiency of vitamin 1) m-RNA 2) r-RNA
1) A 2) D 3) E 4) K 3) t-RNA 4) All the three above
HORMONES 65. Consider the following statements regarding
54. Which of the following Hormones helps in the methyl glucosides obtained by the
the conversion of glucose into Glycogen in reaction of D-glucose with methanol in the
the body? presence of dry HCl gas.
1) Insulin 2) Cortisone i) These are methyl ester of hemiacetal of
3)Thyroxin 4) Oxytocin glucose formed by intramolecular reaction
55. The disease diabetes mellitus is caused by ii)These are enantiomers
the deficiency of iii) These are anomers
1) Iodine 2) Insulin iv) In one of these, all the substituents are
3) Phenyl alanine Hydroxylase 4) Lysine equitorial Which of the above statements are
56. The Hormone used as an oral contraceptive
1) i & iii 2) ii & iii 3) ii, iii & iv 4) i,iii & iv
66. Assertion (A) :-All monosccharides are sweet
1) Aldosterone 2) Cortisone
in taste
3) Progesterone 4) Testosterone
Reason(R) :-All monosaccharides have the
57. The Hormone insulin is a secretion of the
general formula, C6H12O6
1) A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
1) Overy 2) Testis 2) A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A.
3) Adrenal cortex 4) Pancreas 3) A is true but R is false 4) A is false but R is true
58. The chemial messengers produced in 67. Match the following
ductless glands are List - I List - II
1) Vitamins 2) Lipids (Name of the sugar) (Hydrolysis products)
3) Antibiotics 4) Hormones A) Sucrose i) Glucose + fructose +
59. The Muscular physique of a male is due to Galactose
the influecnce of the Hormone called B) Lactose ii) Glucose + fructose
1) Testosterone 2) Estradiol C) Maltose iii) Glucose + Galactose
D) Raffinose iv) Glucose + Glucose
3) Progesterone 4) Estrone
The correct matching is
60. The Hormone that prepares the uterus for A B C D A B C D
the implantation of the embryo is
1) iii ii i iv 2) ii iii i iv
1) Estradiol 2) Progesterone 3) ii iii iv i 4) ii iv iii i
3) Insulin 4) Androgens 68. Match the following
61. The sex hormone which controls the List - I (Sugar) List - II (Type)
development and maintanance of A) Glucose i)Keto hexose
pregnancy is B) Fructose ii)Aldohexose
1) Cortisone 2) thyroxine C) Arabinose iii)Aldotetrose
3) progesterone 4) estrone D) Erythrose iv)Aldopentose
62. Which one is a female sex hormone The correct matching is
1)Estrogen 2) Estradiol A B C D A B C D
3) Progesterone 4) All of the above 1) iii ii i iv 2) ii iii i iv
63. The hormone that plays an important role 3) ii iii iv i 4) ii i iv iii
in the control of ‘menstrual cycle is the 69. Assertion (A) :-  -D-Glucose and
1) Progesterone 2) Estradiol  -D- Glucose are anomers.
3) Testosterone 4) prostaglandins Reason (R) :- These are mirror images and
64. The hormones that have ‘Anti super imposable.
inflammatory’ effect are the 1) A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A.
1) Thyroxin 2) Insulin 2) A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A.
3) Gluco corticoids 4) Auxins 3) A is true but R is false 4)A is false but R is true
70. Match the following 1) A and R are true and R is correct explanation
List - I List - II of A.
A) Aldopentose i) D-Glucose and L-Glucose 2) A and R are true and R is not correct
B) Anomers ii) Ribose explanation of A.
C) Enantiomers iii)  -D-Glucose and 3) A is true but R is false
 -D-Glucose 4) A is false but R is true
D) Functional Isomers iv) Glucose and Fructose 75. Assertion (A):- Maltose is a reducing sugar.
The correct matching is Reason (R) :-Both glucose units are in pyra-
A B C D A B C D nose form.
1) ii iii i iv 2) ii iii iv i 76. Assertion (A) :- Sucrose is a reducing sugar.
Reason (R) :- In sucrose glucose unit has
3) iii ii i iv 4) ii i iii iv
pyranose form and fructose unit has furanose
71. Assertion(A):-D-Glucose is dextro rotatory
where as L-Glucose is laevo rotatory.
77. Assertion (A) :- Sucrose is reducing sugar
Reason(R):-D-Compounds are always dextro
where as maltose is non reducing sugar.
and L-Compounds are always laevo.
Reason(R) :- In disaccharides the reducing
1) A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A.
property depends upon the position of
2) A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A.
linkages between the two monosaccharide
3) A is true but R is false 4)A is false but R is true
72. Assertion(A):-Glucose does not react with
78. Assertion (A) :- Sucrose on hydrolysis gives
glucose and fructose.
Reason(R):-NH3 is a Lewis acid.
Reason (R) :- The formula of sucrose is
1) A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A.
2) A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A.
79. Assertion(A) :-Lactose is also known as milk
3) A is true but R is false 4) A is false but R is true
73. Match the following
Reason (R):- Lactose occurs in milk.
List - I (Reactants) List - II (Products) 80. Match the following
A)Glucose +HI i)gluconic acid List - I List - II (Monomar)
B)Glucose + ii)n-hexane
A) Sucrose i)  -D-Galactose and
C)Glucose+Br2-water iii)Osazone  -D-Glucose
D)Glucose +HNO3 iv)Saccharic acid B) Cellulose ii)  -D-Glucose and
The correct matching is  -D-Fructose
A B C D A B C D C) Starch iii)  -D-Glucose
1) iii ii i iv 2) ii iii i iv
D) Lactose iv)  -D-Glucose
3) i iii ii iv 4) ii iii iv i The correct matching is
74. List - I List - II A B C D A B C D
A)  and  Glucose 1) Muta rotation 1) i ii iii iv 2) ii iii iv i
B) (+) and (-)-Glucose 2) Enantiomers 3) i ii iv iii 4) iv iii i ii
C) D and L notation 3) Anomers 81. Which of the following statements is/are
D)  form  open 4) Configurational incorrect?
I. Glucose is non reducing sugar
chain   form
II. Sucrose is reducing sugar
III. Maltose is non reducing sugar
A B C D A B C D IV. Lactose is non reducing sugar
1) 2 3 4 1 2) 2 3 1 4 1) I and II only 2) I and III only
3) 3 2 4 1 4) 3 2 1 4 3) I and IV only 4) All
82. Which of the following statements is/are 88. Which of the following statements is/are
correct? correct?
I. The formula of cellulose is (C6H10O5)n I. Glucose is present in grapes and honey
II. The formula of sucrose, maltose and II. Sucrose is widely present in the plants
lactose is C12H22O11 III.Lactose occurs in milk
III.The formula of Glucose, Fructose and 1) only I and II 2) only II and III
Ribose is C6H12O6 3) only I and III 4) All
89. Which of the following statment is not
IV.The formula of Fructose of C6H12O6
1) All 2) I, II and IV 1) amino acid can exist as inner salt
3) II, III and IV 4) I, III and IV 2) each polypeptide has one C- terminal and
83. Consider the statements other N-terminal
I. The  D of sucrose is +66.5 0 3) enzymes are naturally occuring simple
II. The  D of  -D-Glucose is +52.5 0
4) the union of two amino acids produces
two peptide linkages
III.The  D of  -D-Fructose is +92.40 90. Choose the correct statement from the
The correct statements is/are following
1) I, II and III 2) only I 1) All amino acids have common isoelectric point
3) only III 4) I and III 2) All naturally occuring -amino acids are optically
active except glycine
84. Consider the statements 3)At pH= 0 all amino acids are present as their anions
I. D-Glucose is dextro rotatory 4) In strongly basic solutions, all amino acids are
II. D-Fructose is laevo rotatory present as their cations
III.Sucrose is dextro rotatory 91. Which statement is incorrect about peptide
The correct statements is/are bond?
1) I, II and III 2)I and II only 1. C – N bond length in proteins is longer than
3) II and III only 4)I and II only usual bond length of C – N bond
85. Consider the statements 2. Spectroscopic analysis shows planar structure
I. Maltose is also known as malt sugar of –CO – NH – group
II. Sucrose is also known as cane sugar 3. C – N bond length in proteins is smaller than
III. Lactose is also known as grape sugar usual bond length of C – N bond
4. All the above
IV. Starch is also known as Amylum
92. Which one of the following statements about
The correct statements is/are
proteins is wrong?
1) I, II and IV 2) I, II and III 1. Protein occur in all living cells
3) II, III and IV 4) All 2. Proteins generally contain nitrogen, carbon
86. Consider the statements and hydrogen
I. Dextrin and Glycogen are polysaccharides 3. Hydrolysis of proteins in acidic aqueous
II. Lactose and Glucose are disaccharides solution results in the formation of amino acids
III.Sucrose and maltose are disaccharides 4. Their solubilities reach minimum value at the
IV.Raffinose is oligosaccharide iso electric points
The incorrect statements is/are 93. Which of the following statements is not
1) only II 2)I and II 3) I, II and III 4)IV only correct?
87. Consider the statements about poly 1. Proteins are poly amides formed from amino
saccharides acids
I. These are amorphous solids 2. Except glycine, all other amino acids show
II. These are sparingly soluble in water optical activity
3. Natural proteins are made up of L – isomers
III.These are sugars
of amino acids
The incorrect statements is/are
4. In amino acids – NH2 and – COOH groups
1) only III 2) II and III 3) I and III 4) All are attached to different carbon atoms
94. Which of the following statements is not 100. Which of the following statements is
correct? incorrect?
1.In nature about 20 amino acids occur in 1) Calciferol contains sterol consisting of 4 rings
proteins and a side chain
2. The human body can synthesis all 20 amino 2) Vitamin E contains chromone ring with
acids occurring in proteins 3- methyl groups
3. The simplest amino acid is glycine
3) Thiamin contains dipeptide structure
4. They are 10 essential amino acids
95. Which of the following statements is not 4) Nicotinic acid is pyridine derivative
correct? 101. Identify the correct statements.
1. The tertiary structure of proteins is three 1) Deficiency of vitamin A causes xerophthalmia
dimensional 2) The function of vitamin C is maintainance of
2. In globular proteins, nearly all the redox potentials of cells
hydrophobic groups are hidden inside and the 3) Vitamin B-12 contain ionone ring
polar groups are present on the surface resulting 4) Folic acid (vitamin B9) consists of corrin ring
into a spheroidal shape the corect statements are
3. Only hydrogen bonds are involved in the 1) 1 only 2) 1 & 2 3) 1,2 & 3 4) all
tertiary structure of proteins 102. Read the following statements and choose the
4. Globular proteins are insoluble in water correct one
96. Which of the following statements is not 1) Vitamin K is Naphthaquinone derivative
2) The condition of vitamin deficiency is known
1. A peptide bond is –CO – NH –
as pellagra
2. Each polypeptide has one C – terminal and
the other N – terminal 3) Pentothenic acid is pyridine derivative
3. The amino acid sequence of a protein 4) The deficiency of vitamin E causes BeriBeri
determines the function of the protein 103. Which of the following is incorrect?
4. The union of two amino acids produces two 1) Vitamin B3 is present in all food stuffs
peptide linkages 2) Liver of OX contains vitamin B12
97. Which of the following is true about 3) Vitamin H present in milk
vitamins? 4) Citrus fruits mostly contain vitamin H
1. Vitamins in the humanbody are needed in 104. The correct statement is / are
large amounts 1) Vitamins in high concentrations catalyse
2. Vitamins are secreted by ductless glands biological reactions
3. Vitamins are synthesized by an organisms 2) Daily dose of vitamins for an individual
4. Vitamins A,D,E and K are fat soluble whereas depend on his or her age, size and rate of
vitamins of the B group and vitamin C are water
98. Which of the following statements about 3) Youngsters need higher quantities of vitamins
vitamin B12 is false? than elders
1. It has a cobalt atom 4) The need of vitamins for younger, growing
2. It also occurs in plants children and pregnant women is lower
3. It is present in rain water 1) 1, 2 2) 2,3 3) 1,4 4) 3, 4
4. It is needed for human body in very small 105. Which of the following statements is not
amounts correct?
99. Which of the following statements is not 1. All enzymes found in cells are invariably
correct? proteins which catalyse biological reactions
1. Vitamin - A is also known as retinol 2. Enzymes act efficiently at a moderate
2. In carrots a red coloured compound (carotene) temperature and pH
in the body breaks into vitamin - C 3. Coenzymes increase the activities of enzymes
3. Vitamine - A is essential for growth and vision
4. Enzymes are not specific in their action on
4. Vitamine - A is a fat - soluble vitamin
106. Assertion (A):  -amino acids are the 111. Assertion(A): Lysine, cysteine and threonine
building blocks of proteins. are highly soluble in water but serine and
Reason(R): Natural amino acids are mostly valine are slightly soluble
 - amino acids. Reason(R): Additional polar groups, such as
1. Both A and R are true and R is the correct – OH, -NH 2 and –COOH increase the
explanation of A solubility in water appreciably
2. Both A and R are true but R is not correct 1.Both A and R are true and R is the correct
explanation of A explanation of A
3. A is true but R is false
2.Both A and R are true but R is not correct
4. A is false but R is true
explanation of A
107. Which of the following is true of A & B
3.A is true but R is false 4.A is false but R is true
A – Globular Protein B – Fibrous Protein
a. These are linear condensation Polymers 112. Match the following
b. Insoluble in water List - I List - II
c. These proteins have three dimensional A) Vitamin A 1) Calciferol
folded structure B) Vitamin D 2) Tocopherol derivative
d. These are cross linked Protein C) Vitamin E 3) Retinol
e. Soluble in water D) Vitamin K 4) Anti haemorrhagic
f. These are held together by intermolecular 5) Thymine
hydrogen bond The correct match is
1. A = a b c B = d e f 2. A = d b c B = a b f 1) A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4 2) A-3, B-1, C-2, D-5
3. A = b c a B = c b f 4. A = a e f B = b c f 3) A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2 4) A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4
108. Regarding secondary structure of a protein, 113. Match the following
correct statements (s) is/are List - I List - II
A) peptide bonds possess regional planarity A) Vitamin - B1 1) Riboflavin
B) C = O and -NH of different peptide chains
B) Vitamin - B2 2) Pantothenic acid
are held by Vanderwaal attractions
C) Vitamin - B3 3) Niacin
C) Closely packed arrangement so as to
minimise repulsion between “R” groups D) Vitamin - B5 4) Thymine
1) only C 2) only B The correct match is
3) A and B only 4) only A 1) A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2 2) A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3
109. Assertion(A): All natural - amino acids are 3) A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1 4) A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2
not constituents of proteins. 114. Match the following
Reason(R): Proline and hydroxyproline are A) Vitamin - B7 1) Ascorbic acid
imino acids, not amino acids. B) Vitamin - B9 2) Cyanocobalamine
1. Both A and R are true and R is the correct C) Vitamin - B12 3) Folic acid
explanation of A D) Vitamin - C 4) Biotin
2. Both A and R are true but R is not correct The correct match is
explanation of A 1) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4 2) A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1
3. A is true but R is false 3) A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4 4) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
4. A is false but R is true 115. Assertion (A): Pyridoxine is water soluble
110. Assertion(A): - amino acids are generally vitamin
obtained by acid or enzyme hydrolysis of
Reason (R) : Pyridoxine contain chromone
proteins but not by alkaline hydrolysis
ring with 3 - methyl groups
Reason(R): An alkali racemises amino acids
1.Both A and R are true and R is the correct 1) A and R are true and R is the correct
explanation of A explanation of A
2.Both A and R are true but R is not correct 2) A and R are true and R is the not correct
explanation of A explanation of A
3.A is true but R is false 4.A is false but R is true 3) A is true and R is false 4) A is false and R is true
116. Assertion (A) : The deficiency of vitamin D 121. Chargaff’s rule states that in a organism
causes sterility 1. Amount of adenine ( A ) is equal to that of
Reason (R) : The function of vitamin D is guanine ( G) and the amount of thymine ( T ) is
normal development of bones and teeth equal to that of cytosine ( C )
1) A and R are true and R is the correct 2. Amount of adenine ( A ) is equal to that of
explanation of A cytosine ( C ) and the amount of thymine ( T) is
2) A and R are true and R is the not correct equal to that of guanine ( G)
explanation of A 3. Amount of all bases are equal
4. Amount of adenine ( A ) is equal to that of
3) A is true and R is false 4) A is false and R is true.
thymine ( T) and the amount of guanine ( G) is
117. Assertion(A) : The deficiency of vitamin B12
equal to that of cytosine .
causes hyper glycemia
122. In a protein, the different types of attractions
Reason (R): The function of vitamin B12 is that exist are
synthesis of lipids from carbohydrates A) H- bonding B) hydrophobic
1) A and R are true and R is the correct C) ionic D) covalent
explanation of A 1) B,C, and D only 2) A, C and D only
2) A and R are true and R is the not correct 3) A, B and C only 4) A, B, C and D
explanation of A
3) A is true and R is false 4) A is false and R is true LEVEL-I (C.W) - KEY
118. Which of the following is the incorrectly 1) 2 2) 1 3) 4 4) 4 5)3 6)2 7)4
matched 8) 3 9)4 10)1 11)4 12)3 13)1 14)2
1) Niacin - Nicotinamide
15) 2 16) 1 17) 1 18) 3 19) 2 20) 4 21) 4
2) Vitamin B3 - Dipeptide
22) 4 23) 3 24) 4 25) 2 26) 1 27) 2 28) 1
3) Vitamin K - Flavin derivative
4) Vitamin B12 - Resembles Heme 29) 3 30) 1 31) 1 32) 1 33) 2 34) 1 35) 1
119. Match the following : 36) 2 37) 3 38) 4 39) 3 40) 4 41) 3 42) 1
Set - A Set - B 43) 2 44) 4 45)1 46)3 47)2 48)2 49)4
A) Replication 1) Formation of 50) 3 51)1 52)2 53)4 54) 1 55) 2 56) 3
RNA from DNA
57) 4 58) 4 59) 1 60) 2 61) 3 62) 4 63) 2
B) Transcription 2) Synthesis of copy of
64) 3 65)1 66)3 67)3 68)4 69)3 70)1
C) Translation 3) Single strand of DNA 71) 3 72)3 73)2 74)3 75)2 76)4 77)4
D) Template 4) Synthesis of proteins 78) 2 79)1 80)2 81)4 82)2 83)2 84)1
by RNA. 85)1 86)1 87)1 88)3 89) 4 90) 2 91) 1
Now, correct match is 92) 4 93) 4 94) 2 95) 3 96) 4 97) 4 98) 2
99) 2 100)3 101)2 102)1 103)4 104)2 105)4
1) 4 3 2 1 2) 1 2 4 3
3) 2 1 4 3 4) 2 1 3 4 106)2 107)2 108)4 109)2 110)1 111)1 112)1
120. The stability of double helix is due to 113)2 114)4 115)3 116)4 117)2 118)3 119)3
1. Presence of hydrogen bonds 120)2 121)4 122)4
2. Presence of hydrophobic interaction
3. Presence of hydrophilic interaction LEVEL-I (C.W) - HINTS
4. vander waal force 1. To become a carbohydrate, a compound must
contain at least 3 carbons.
Find correct statement
2. Monosaccharide cannot be hydrolysis to simple
1. 1 only 2. 1 , 2 only
3. 1,2,3 only 4. 1,2,3 and 4 3. Monosaccharides contains 3-7 carbon atoms
4. Erythrose is aldotertose 78. Sucrose is disaccharide
5. Arabinose is pentose 80. Sucrose contains   D -Galactose +   D -
6. lactose is a disaccharide
Fructose cellulose contains   D  Glucose +
9. Reducing sugar can reduce fehling solution to
cuprous oxide   D  fructose
10. Glucose reacts with Bromine water to give 91. C-N bond length is smaller
Gluconic Acid 92. Proteins solubilities reaches minimum value
11. Fehling’s solution is used to distinguish cane at the Iso eletric points
sugar and glucose 93. In amino acids  NH 2 and -COOH groups are
12. Glucose reacts with CH3OH in presence of HCl
attached to the same carbon atoms
to give  - methyl glucoside ,  -methyl 94. Human body can synthesis 10 amino acids
glucoside 95. Hydrogen bond present in secondary structure
14. Glycoside linkage in an ether. 96. Two amino acids can produces one peptide
15. Glucose does not reacts with NaH SO3 linkage
17.  -D - fructose and  -D- fructose differ in C2 105. Enzymes are specific in their action
22. Sucrose has no free aldehyde and ketonic group 106. Amino acids are end products of digestion of
25. Glucose has free CHO group proteins
27. In a tripeptide 2 peptide links 108. Peptide bonds possess regional planarity
30.  -Amino acid can form Zwitterion 109. Proline is secondary amine
31. Primary structure 110. Amino acids does not formed from protein by
32. Glycine is the only a amino acid which does not alkaline nadium
contain a chiral carbon atom 111. If polar groups are increases solubility also
33. Cysteine contains sulphur increases
34. Glycine is NH 2  CH 2  COOH it is optically 122. In a protein H bonding, hydrophobic, ionic and
inactive also covalent attractions
35. D- and L- compounds are diferent in
configuration LEVEL-I (H.W)
45. Linear
46. AT/GC ratio is 1.52:1
47. 1 : 0.93 CARBOHYDRATES
48. Antiparallel 1. Which of the following is a ketohexose?
49. 3’-5’ 1)Fructose 2)Glucose
50. Perpendicular 3)Ribose 4)Starch
51. Plain or parallel 2. Which of the following is not a sugar?
52. Three 1) Sucrose 2) Glucose
53. All the three RNAs, i.e., m-RNA r-RNA 3) Fructose 4) Starch
and t RNA take part in protein synthesis 3. Which of the following is an example of
69.  - D - Glucose,  - D - Glucose are not mirror,, aldotriose
images 1) Glyceraldehyde 2) Ribose
70. Glucose and fructose are functional isomers 3) Fructose 4) Erythrose
71. D - Compounds are not dextro, L - compounds 4. Which of the following is a disaccharide ?
are not laevo always 1) glucose 2) Fructose
72. NH3 is lewis base 3) Sucrose 4) Starch
74. (+) Glucose, (-) Glucose are enantiomers 5. Which of the following is an example of
75. Maltose is aldehyde aldopentose?
76. Sucrose is non reducing sugar 1) Glyceraldehyde 2) Ribose
77. Sucrose is non reducing sugar 3) Fructose 4) Erythrose
MONOSACCHARIDES 17. Which one of the following is synthesized in
6. Which of the following carbohydrates is the our body by sun rays?
essential constituent of all cell walls? 1) Vitamin D 2) Vitamin B
1) Starch 2) Maltose 3) Cellulose 4) Sucrose 3) Vitamin K 4) Vitamin A
7. The reagent which may be used to distinguish 18. All vitamins are synthesised by
cane sugar and glucose solutions is 1) plants 2) human beings
1) I2 solution 2)Baeyer’s reagent 3) fishes 4) all
3) Both 1 & 2 4)Fehling’s solution
8. Five membered ring structure of glucose is
known as 19. The carbohydrate present in DNA is
1) Aromatic 2) Furanose 1) L - glucose 2) D - ribose
3) Pyranose 4) Baeyer’s structure 3) 2 - Deoxyribose 4) Fructose
9. In the ring structure of fructose , the
anomeric carbon is: LEVEL-I (H.W) - KEY
1) C-1 2)C-2 3)C-5 4)C-6 1) 1 2) 4 3) 1 4) 3 5) 2 6) 3 7) 4
10. Starch consists of two polymeric units , 8) 2 9) 2 10) 3 11) 1 12) 1 13) 3 14) 2
namely 15) 3 16) 2 17) 1 18) 1 19)3
1)cellulose and cellobiose
2)glycogen and collagen LEVEL-I (H.W) - HINTS
3)amylose and amylopectin 1. Fructose is a keto hexose
4)inulin and pectin 2. Sucrose, fructose, glucose are sugars
11. On hydrolysis of starch , we finally get:
3. Glyceraldehyde is an example of aldotriose
1)glucose 2)fructose
4. Sucrose is disaccharide
3) glucose and fructose both 4) sucrose
5. Ribose in aldopentose
12. Which of the following is the most abundant
6. Cellulose is essential constituent.
carbohydrate found in plants?
7. Fehling’s solution is used to distinguish cane
1)Cellulose 2)starch 3) Lipids 4)Fructose
sugar and glucose.
AMINO ACIDS AND PROTEINS 8. Five member ring structure of glucose is called
13. The number of amino acids in insulin is furanose
1. 21 2. 574 3. 51 4. 5733 13. Insulin contains 51 amino acids
14. Which of the following amino acids does not 15. Amino acids are the end products of the
correspond to the general formula given digestion of proteins
below 19. 2-deoxyribose
R - CH(NH2) - COOH
1) Cysteine 2) Proline
3) Argenine 4) Glutamic acid
15. The amino acids are the end products of the
digestion of,
1) Lipids 2) Fats
3) Proteins 4) Enzymes
16. Deficiency of vitamin E causes
1) Night blindness 2) Loss of fertility
3) Scurvy 4) Impaired clotting
4) It undergoes mutarotation
6. Sucrose reacts with acetic anhydride to form
1) Penta - acetate 2) Hexa - acetate
3) Tetra - acetate 4) Octa - acetate
7. All monosaccharides containing five or six
carbon atoms have
LEVEL-II (C.W) 1) Open chain Structures
2) Pyranose structure
CARBOHYDRATES 3) Furanose structures
1. Which of the following statements is true 4) may have pyranose or furanose structures
regarding a carbohydrate having five carbon 8. Configuration of mannose and glucose differ
atoms and an aldehyde group? at C-2 position ,they termed as:
1) It can have 8 stereo isomers 1) epimers 2) anomers
2) It can have 4 stereo isomers 3)racimers 4)mesomers
3) It can have 2 sterero isomers 9. Which of the following disaccharide has
4) All the above different type of linkage?
2. Which of the following is different with refered 1) maltose 2) Galactose 3) Starch 4) Sucrose
to D, L-Configuration? 10. Starch is made up of :
1)  -glucose pyranose 2)  -fructose pyranose
COOH COOH 3)  -fructose furanose 4) both (1) and (3)
11. In alkaline medium fructose is -
1) H OH 2) H OH 1. An aldose 2. A reducing sugar
3. A non reducing sugar 4. A furanose
CH2OH CH 3 12. Glucose will show mutarotation in ___solvent
1. acidic 2. basic 3. neutral 4. amphiprotic
COOH CHO 13. The two forms of D-glucopyranose obtained
from the solution of D-glucose are called
3) OH H 4) H OH 1. isomer 2. anomer 3. epimer 4. enantiomer
14. At which carbon are the following sugars
CH 3
epimers of each other?
3. Which of the following is least related to the HC=O HC=O
other three ?
1) Galactose 2) Glucose H OH OH H
3) Mannose 4) Arabinose
4. The end product (B) formed in the reaction HO H HO H
Glucose   A  B
H 3O  

1) Hexanoic acid 2) Hexane CH2OH CH2OH

3) Heptane 4) Heptanoic acid
5. Which of the following statements about (+) 1. C-1 2. C-2 3. C-3 4 C-4
(-) sucrose is not correct ? AMINO ACIDS AND PROTEINS
1) it does not posses a free aldehydic (or) ketonic
15. The structural feature which distinguishes
group proline from  -amino acids is
2) on hydrolysis, it produce invert sugar 1) It is optically inactive
3) it is an a - D-Glucoside 2) It contains aromatic group
3) It is a dicarboxylic acid
4) It is a secondary amine 2) Aspartic acid and Asparagine
16.  - pleated structure of proteins is 3) Glutamine and Glutamic acid
1) Primary structure 2) Secondary structure 4) Aspartic acid and Lysine
3) Tertiary structure 4) Quaternary structure 26. The forces that stabilize the 20 and 30
17. Number of peptide linkages in the artificial structure of protein are:
sweetener “aspartame” is 1) H-bonds 2) Disulphide linkages
1) 2 2) 21 3) 1 4) 11 3) Both 1 and 2 4) Covalent bonds
18. For a neutral amino acid (X), isoelectric point 27. At pH  4 , glycine exists as:
is 5.8. Now its solubility at this point in water
 
is 1) H 3 N  CH 2  COO  2) H 3 N  CH 2  COOH
1) maximum 2) minimum
3) zero 4) unpredictable 3) H 2 N  CH 2  COOH 4) H 2 N  CH 2  COO 
19. Protein with special three dimensional 28. A nanopeptide contains how many peptide
structure and biological activity is called: linkages?
1) native protein 2) Conjugative protein 1) 10 2)8 3)9 4)18
3) Simple protein 4) Globular protein 29. The bonds in protein structure , that are not
20. A mixture of   amino acids is obtained when broken on denaturation ,are:
proteins are hydrolysed by 1) Hydrogen bonds 2) peptide bonds
1) Acids 2) Bases 3) ionic bonds 4) disulphide bonds
3) Enzymes 4) All 30. Which of the following is an L-amino acid?
21. In aqueous solutions, amino acids mostly  
exist as COO COO
1) NH 2  CHR  COOH 2) NH 2  CHR  COO 
+ +

1) H3N H 2) H3N H
  
3) N 3 H  CHR  COOH 4) H 3 N  CHR  COO
22. The chemical change in a DNA molecule that
leads to the synthesis of proteins with  
different amino acids sequence is called, COO COO
1. Allergy 2. Mutation + +

3) H NH 3 4) H3N R
3. Transcription 4. Metabolism
23. If the amino group of Glycine and R H
carboyxylic acid group of alanine undergo
elimination of water molecule, the name of VITAMINS
the compound thus formed is 31. Formation of RBC is because of
1) Alanylglycide (dipeptide) 1) Mucoprotein 2) Vitamin B12
2) Glycyl alanide (tri peptide) 3) Vitamin C 4) Both 1 & 2
3) Glycyl alanine (dipeptide) 32. The vitamin which is water soluble and
4) Alanylglycine (dipeptide) antioxidant is
24. The secondary structure of a protein refers 1. Vitamin B6 2. Vitamin B12
to 3. Vitamin C 4. Vitamin E
1)  - helical back bone 33. Which of the following vitamin contains
2) hydrophobic interactions ionone ring and hydrocarbon chain?
3) Sequence of  -amino acids 1) Retinol 2) Calciferol
4) fixed configuration of the polypeptide back 3) Thiamin 4) Riboflavin
bone 34. Which vitamins are present in much smaller
25. Nature of aqueous solutions of two different amounts in cells
amino acids X and Y are acidic and basic.Now 1) A 2) D 3) B & C 4) K
X and Y are
1) Alanine and valine
35. In the sequence of changes/processes, bone
X  Y  Z 
 trancription translation 25. X-Aspartic acid (Acidic); Y= Lysine (Basic)
29. No. of peptide bonds = No. of amino acid
Proteins X, Y and Z are
1) DNA, DNA and RNA 2) RNA, RNA and DNA
residues - 1.
3) DNA, RNA and RNA 4) DNA, RNA and DNA 34. Vitamin A has ionone ring
36. RNA and DNA are chiral molecules ,their
chirality is due to : LEV|EL-II (H.W)
1) Chiral Phosphate ester units
2) D-sugar component CARBOHYDRATES
3) L-sugar component 4) chiral bases 1.  -D-Glucose differs from  -D-glucose due
37. If the sequence of bases in DNA is
to difference in one of the carbon atoms with
TGAACCCTT then the swquence of bases
respect to its
in m  RNA 1) number of -OH groups
1) ACUUGGGAA 2) TCUUGGGTT 2) configuration 3) conformation
3) ACUUCCCAA 4) None of the above 4) size of hemiacetal ring
38. The number of hudrogen bonds present in the 2. D- Glucose shows muta rotation because,
sequence of a stretch of a double helical DNA 1) it is dextrarotatory
5' ATGCCTAA 3' is 2) it undergoes inter conversion between it’s
1) 16 2) 19 3) 24 4) 20 pyranose structure and furanose structure
3) it undergoes interconversion between it’s
LEVEL-II (C.W) - KEY  and  (+) Glucopyranose structures
1) 4 2) 3 3) 4 4) 4 5) 4 6) 4 7) 4 4) it undergoes interconversion with D(-)
8) 1 9) 4 10) 1 11) 3 12) 3 13) 2 14) 2 fructose
3. The reactions of glucose with acetic
15) 4 16) 2 17) 1 18) 2 19) 1 20) 4 21) 4 anhydride suggest that, it is
22) 2 23) 4 24) 1 25) 4 26) 3 27) 2 28) 2 1)Penta hydroxy aldehyde 2)Hydrate of carbon
29) 2 30) 2 31) 2 32) 3 33) 1 34) 3 35) 1 3)Polyhydroxy ketone 4)An alcohol
4. Hydrolysis of sucrose with dilute aqueous
36) 2 37) 1 38) 2 sulphuric acid yields
1) 1:1 D (+)-Glucose; D-(-)- fructose
LEVEL-II (C.W) - HINTS 2) 1:2 D -(+)-Glucose; D-(-)- fructose
1. It has three chiral carbons and may have 3) 1:1 D -(-)-Glucose; D-(+)- fructose
symmetry. 4) 1:2 D -(-) Glucose; D-(+)- fructose
3. Arabinose is not related to the glucose, 5. A dextrorotatory sugar present in fruits is
Galactose and mannose 1) Galactose 2) Fructose 3) Cellulose 4) Starch
4. HI + P reduces OH and COOH groups. 6. In lactose, the reducing part is
5. (+)(-) sucrose does not undergoes mutarotation 1)Galactose 2)Glucose
15. Proline is a secondary amino acid 3) Fructose 4) Mannose
16 .  - pleated structure is secondary structure 7. Glucose contains in addition to aldehyde
18. isoelectric point is high solubility is low groups:
20. Proteins are hydrolysed by acids, bases and 1) one secondary -OH-and four primary -OH groups
2)one primary -OH-and four secondary -OH groups
enzymes contain a chiral carbon
3)two primary-OH-and three secondary -OH groups
21. In aqueos solutions the a  -amino acids exists
4)three primary -OH and two secondary -OH groups
H 3 N   CHR  COO  8. Which one of the following polysaccharides
22. The chemical change in a DNA, is called is composed of  - glycosidic link?
mutation 1)Starch 2)Glycogen 3)Dextrin 4) Cellulose
24. Secondary structure indicates   helical back 9. D-Glucose will form same osazone with
1. D-Mannose 2. D-Fructose 16. The vitamin which is neither soluble in water
3. D-Allose 4. Both 1 & 2 nor in fat is
10. Relation between D-Glucose and 1) biotin 2) phylloquinone
D-Fructose is 3) thymine 4) ergocalciferol
1. C2-epimer 2. C3-epimer 17. Which of the following vitamin contian
3. Functional isomer 4. Positional isomer nitrogen
11.  -D-Glucose and  -D-Glucose are : 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D
1. Epimers 2. Anomers 18. Which of the following is provitamin A
3. Enantiomers 4. Acetals 1) Ascorbic acid 2)   caraotene
12. Which of the following pairs of 3) Calciferol 4) Ergosterol
monosaccharides will form the same osazone
when reacted with phenylhydrazine? LEVEL-II (H.W) - KEY
1. D-glucose and L-glucose 1) 2 2) 3 3) 1 4) 1 5) 2 6) 2 7) 2
2. D-glucose and D-galactose 8) 4 9) 4 10) 3 11) 2 12) 3 13) 1 14) 2
3. D-glucose and D-fructose
4. D-glucose and D-allose 15) 4 16) 1 17) 2 18) 2


+ + 1.  - D - Glucose,  - D - Glucose are difference
Z in their configuration
Y 2. Glucose undergoes interconversion between it
COOH  and  structures
X 3. Glucose is a pentahydroxy aldehyde
Arrange in order of increasing acid strength 4. Sucrose can give 1:1 ratio of D(+) -glucose and
1) X  Z  Y 2) Z  X  Y D(-)- fructose
13. COOH is more acidic whose   carbon is
3) X  Y  Z 4) Z  X  Y

bonded to NH 3
NH 3  CH  COOH 14. At higher pH an amino acid exist as anion.
14. An  -amino acid exists as, | PREVIOUS EAMCET QUESTIONS
R 1. Lactose is a disaccharide of (E-2014)
at (pH = 2) and its isoelectric point is 6. The 1)   D-glucose and   D-Fructose
amino acid at pH 10.97 will exist as: 2)   D-glucose and   D-Fructose
 3)   D-glucose and   D-Ribose
NH 3  CH  COO  NH 2  CH  COO 
4)   D-glucose and   D-Galactose
1) | 2) |
2. Which of the following sets of vitamins is fat
R R soluble (M-2014)
1) D,B1, B2, E 2) C, D, B6, B12
NH 2  CH  COOH 4)   3) A, D, E, K 4) A, D, B1, B2
NH 2  C H  COOH 3. The number of hydrogen bonds between
| Guanine and cytosine; and between adenine
and thymine in DNA is (E-2013)
1) 1, 2 2) 3, 2 3) 3, 1 4) 2, 1
15. The deficiency of vitamin K cause X Glucose Y
1) Haemorrhage What are X and Y (M-2013)
2) Lengthening time of blood clotting 1) X-n-hexane, Y-Gluconic acid
3) Inflammation of tunge 2) X-Gluconic acid, Y-Saccharic acid
4) both 1 & 2 3) X-n-hexanol, Y-Saccharic acid
4) X-n-hexane, Y-Saccharic acid
5. The site of action of insulin is (E-2012) projection formula
1) mitochondria 2) nucleus 3) it gives saccharic acid with tollen’s reagent
3) plasma membrane 4) DNA 4) it reacts with hydroxyl amine
6.   D     and   D     glucopyranoses 14. The base present in cytidine is (M-2009)
are known as (M-2012)
1) epimers 2) anomers 3) tautomers 4) enantiomers
7. Match the following 1) 2)
Column - I Column - II
A) Hormones 1) Biocatalysts
B) Lipids 2) Peptide bonds
C) Vitamins 3) Triglycerides
D) Enzymes 4) Message carriers
5) Essential dietary factors
The Correct answer is (M-2012)
3) 4)
1) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-5 2) A-3, B-4, C-5, D-1
3) A-4, B-5, C-3, D-1 4) A-4, B-3, C-5, D-1
8. Scurvy is caused by the deficiency of which
15. Hydrolysis of sucrose with dilute aqueous
vitamin (E-2011)
sulphuric acid yields (E-2008)
1) C 2) B1 3) D 4) B2
1) 1 : 1 D – (+)–glucose; D–(–)– Fructose
9. From the following statements
2) 1 : 2 D – (+)–glucose; D–(–)– Fructose
I) Albumin is a simple protein
3) 1 : 1 D – (–)–glucose; D–(+)– Fructose
II) Amino acid, alanine contains an acidic side
4) 1 : 2 D – (–)–glucose; D–(+)– Fructose
16. In a DNA segment having six coils, there are
III) Insulin is a hormone
22 nitrogen base pairs linked by two
IV) Muscles contain the protein keratin
hydrogen bonds. How many cytosine bases
Choose the wrong statements (M-2011)
are found in that segment
1) I, II 2) III, IV 3) I, III 4) II, IV
1) 22 2) 38 3) 44 4) 76
10. The AT/GC ratio in human beings is
(where A = adenine, T = thymine, PREVIOUS EAMCET - KEY
G = Guanine, C=cytosine) (E-2010)
1) 4 2) 3 3) 2 4) 4 5) 3 6) 2 7) 4
1) 1 2) 1.52 3) 9.3 4) 2
11. Choose the correct statement from the 8) 1 9) 4 10) 2 11) 2 12) 3 13) 3 14) 4
following (M-2010) 15) 1 16) 2
1) all amino acids have a common isoelectric
2) all naturally ocuring  -amino acids are
optically active except glycine CARBOHYDRATES
3) At pH = 0 all amino acids are present as their 1. Consider following reagents:
4) in strongly basic solutions, all amino acids I. Br2 water II.Tollen’s reagent
are present as their cations III. Fehling’s solution which can not be used
12. How many tripeptides can be prepared by to make distinction between an aldose
linking the amino acids glycine, alanine and and a ketose?
phenyl alanine (E-2009) 1) I,II and III 2) II and III 3) I only 4) II only
1) 1 2) 3 3) 6 4) 12 2. Which is a furanose structure of D - glucose?
13. Which one of the following statements is not
true for glucose (M-2009)
1)   D     glucose undergoes mutarotation
2) it has four asymmetric carbons is Fischer

9. Fructose 
1. HCN / H 3O
2. P / HI
 A. Ais:
1) n-heptanoic acid
O 2) 2-methyl hexanoic acid
3) n-heptane 4) 2-methyl hexane
1) 2) 10. Haworth’s projection of   D glucose is:
3) both 4) none
H 5 H H OH
3. Ketones do not reduce Tollen’s reagents, but
fructose with a keto group reduces it. It is 4H 1 OH H
1) OH H 2)
attributed to 3 2 HO H
1) enolisation of keto group of fructose and
then.its transformation into aldehyde group in H OH H OH

presence of OH  which is also present in 3) both 4) none

Tollen’s reagent 11. Chiral C-atoms in glucose and fructose are:
2)  CHOH group which is also oxidised to keto 1) 4 in each 2) 3 in each
3) 4 in glucose and 3 in fructose
4) 3in glucose and 4 in fructose
3) both statements are correct
12. Which gives only glucose by hydrolysis?
4) none of the statement is correct
1) sucrose 2) raffinose 3) maltose 4) galactose
4. If  -D-glucopyranose is reacted with acetic
13. Which of the following compound will show
anhydride at 1000 c , the major product is the mutarotation?
  isomer of the pentaacetate. It is attributed CH2OH
to: HOCH2 OH
1) isomerisation of  -D into   D glucose H

at 1000 c OH H H H H H
A) H
2) opening of glucopyranose ring HO
3) both the statements are correct H OH OH OH
4) none of the statements is correct
5. Out of maltose (I), cellobiose HO HO O HO CH2OH O
(II), sucrose(III) and lactose(IV), reducing C) H D)
sugars are: OH OCH3 OH OCH3
1) I,II & III 2) I,II & IV 3) II,III,IV 4) all
6. Which shows mutarotation? 1. A , B 2. C, D 3. A, C 4. A, D
1) Glucose 2) Fructose 3) Galactose 4) All 14. Which of the following is Non-Reducing
7. Which pair is different for reaction with sugar.
Fehling’s solution? CH2OH
1) glucose, fructose 2) HCHO, CH 3CHO H
3) CH 3COCH 3 , C6 H 5CHO 4) glucose, sucrose H
8. Glucose is said to have CHO group. Which
of the following reactions is not expected with
glucose? H
1) It does not form oxime 2) OH OH H
2) It does not react with CH 3 MgBr
3) It does not reduce Tollen’s reagent
4) It does not form osazones
CH2OH CH2OH 1. It is optically inactive
H H H H 2. It contains aromatic group
3) OH
O OH H 3. It is a di carboxylic acid
H OH H OH 4. It has a secondary amine
4) None 23. A decapeptide (MWt 796) on complete
15. hydrolysis gives glycine (MWt 75). alanine
and phenyl alanine. Glycine contributes
47.0% to the total weight of the hydrolysed
(I) (II) products. The no.of glycine units present in
the decapeptide is
1. 3 2. 5 3. 6 4. 7
24. There are 20 naturally occuring amino acids
(III) (IV) the maxim no.of tripeptides that can be
obtained is
1. 8000 2. 6470 3. 7465 4. 5360
(1) I & II are anomers , III and IV are epimers
25. In an amino acid, the carboxylic group ionises
(2) I & III are epimers , II & IV are anomers
at pKa1 =2.34 and ammonium ion at pKa2 =
(3) I & II are epimers , III & IV are anomers
9.60. The isoelectric point of the amino acid
(4) I & III are anomers , I & II are epimers
is at pH.
16. The optical rotation of  - form of a pyranose
1. 5.97 2. 2.34 3. 9.60 4. 6.97
is + 150.7 0 , that of the  - form is 52.80 . The 26. Which of the following amino acid has lowest
percentage of the  - form in equilibrium isoelectric point?
mixture is 1. Lysine 2. Aspartic acid
(1) 28% (2) 32% (3) 68% (4) 72% 3. Glycine 4. Alanine
17. Number of moles of CH3OH / NaOH react 27. What is the pI of glycine? The structure and
with one mole of glucose. pKa values are shown below
(1) 1 (2) 4 (3) 3 (4) 5 H
18. In aqueous solution glucose exist in how
H COOH pKa=2.34
many isomeric forms?
1. 2 2. 16 3. 3 4.4 NH3


19. The primary structure of a protein tells about
1) 3D arrangement of all atoms pKa=9.60
2) shape of poly peptide chain
3) specific sequence of amino acids 1. 7.26 2. 5.97 3. 3.63 4. 11.94
4) 3D arrangement of oligo petide chains AT
20. Proteins give, 28. A sample of DNA has the ratio of is 0.8.
1. A violet colour with alkaline CuSO4 solution If the no.of moles of adenine in a sample is
2. A purple colour on boiling with dilute 25000. What is the no.of moles of cytosine in
ninhydrin solution it
3. Yellow colour on boiling with HNO3 1. 50000 2. 40000 3. 31250 4. 62500
4. All
21. Proteins give a white precipitate with Milon’s VITAMINS
reagent, which is 29. Deficiency of vitamin 'A' causes
1. Mercurous and mercuric nitrate in HNO3 1) Xerophthalmia
2. Mercurous and mercuric chloride in HCl 2) Degeneration of Lacrimal glands
3. Mercurous and mercuric chloride in HNO3 3) Night blindness 4) All
4. All the above 30. The function of vitamin D is
22. What structural feature distinguishes proline 1. Calcium absorption in the intestine
from other natural  -amino acids? 2. Normal development of bones and teeth
3. Deposition of calcium and phosphate in bones RNA and DNA (EEE-2011)
1) 2nd 2) 3rd 3) 4th 4) 1st
4. All the above 5. Biuret test is not gibven by (EEE-2010)
31. Two vitamins absorbed from intestine along 1) carbohydrates 2) polypeptides
with fats are 3) urea 4) proteins
1) A,D 2) A,B 3) A,C 4) D,B 6. The two functional groups present in a typical
carbohydratres are (EEE-2009)
LEVEL-III - KEY 1) –OH and –COOH 2) –CHO and –COOH
1) 3 2) 1 3) 1 4) 1 5) 2 6) 4 7) 4 3) >C = O and –OH 4) –OH and –CHO
8) 2 9) 4 10) 1 11) 3 12) 3 13) 1 14) 1 7.   D     glucose and   D     glucose
15) 4 16)1 17) 2 18) 3 19) 3 20) 4 21) 1 are (EEE-2008)
1) conformers 2) epimers
22) 4 23) 2 24) 1 25) 1 26) 2 27) 2 28) 3
3) anomers 4) enantiomers
29) 4 30) 4 31) 4
LEVEL-III - HINTS 1) 3 2) 4 3) 2 4) 1 5) 1 6) 3 7) 3
14. Acetals (glycoside) are non-reducing
15. Anomers differ at functional group carbon PREVIOUS JEE-MAIN - HINTS
19. Primary structure of protein tells sequence 2. 12H 2 O  12NADP  18ADP 
Light reaction

arrangement of amino acids
6O2  18ATP  12NADPH
20. Proteins can give voilet colour with CuSO4 ,
6O 2  18ATP  12NADPH 
Dark reaction

yellour colour with HNO3 and purple colour C6 H12 O 6  12NADP  18ADP  6H 2 O
with ninhydrin solution Net Reacton : 6CO 2  6H 2O  C6 H12O6  6O 2
21. Mercurous and Mercuric Nitrate in HNO3 is 3. Molishis Test : This is a general test for
called Millon’s reagent carbohydratres. One or two drops of alcoholic
22. Proline is secondary amine solution of  -napthaol is added to 2ml glucose
796  47 solution. 1ml of conc. H 2SO4 solutionis added
23. Wt of glycine in decapeptide 
100 carefully along the sides of the test tube. The
374.12 formation of a violet ring at the junction of two
Mole of glycine  5
75 liquids confirms the presence of a carbohydrate
25. n m of sugar.
28. nA  nT  25000 ; nC  nG  ? ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS
nA 25000 1. Number of HIO4 molecular required to
 0.8  nC   31250
nT 0.8 complete oxidation one mole of glucose is
1) 4 2) 5 3) 6 4) None
PREVIOUS JEE-MAIN QUESTIONS 2. Glucose upon Ruff’s degradation produces
1. Which of the following bases is not present 1) Mannose 2) Ribose 3) Arabinose 4) Erythrose
in DNA? (EEE-2014)
1) Guanine 2) Thymine 3) Quinoline 4) Adenine C6 H12O6  
  

2. Synthesis of each molecule of glucose in 
conc. HNO3
 Meso Tartaric acid
photosynthesis involves (EEE-2013)
1) Ribose 2) Arabinose 3) Mannose 4) Talose
1) 10 molecules of ATP 2) 8 molecules of ATP
3) 6 molecules of ATP 4) 18 molecules of ATP 4. Number of moles of CH 3  OH in acidic
3. Which of the following compounds can be medium react with one mole of glucose.
detected by Molischis test (EEE-2012) 1) 1 2) 4 3) 3 4) 5
1) Nitro compounds 2) sugars 5. Amino acids on treating with Ninhydrin forms
3) amines 4) primary alcohols 1) Red colour complex 2) Purple colour complex
4. The presence of absence of hydroxyl group 3) Blue colour complex 4) No reaction.
of which carbon atom of sugar differentiates 6. A tripeptide contains glycine, alanine, and
serine. How many different sequences are
1) 27 2) 8 3) 6 4) 9
7. Peptide bond formation from protected
amino acid reactants is often carried out with
which reagent?
1) p-toluenesulphonly chloride
2) Di-t-butyI dicarbonate
3) Diecyclohexy1carbondiimide
4) Benzy1 Chloroformate
1) 2 2) 3 3) 3 4) 1 5) 2 6) 1 7) 3


2. Total isomers 25  32 in which D-isomers
 32   16 
are 16  2    D -isomers are 8  2 
   
4. Compounds having same configuration at
C3 , C4 , C5 forms same osozones
 zx 2.2  4.3 
10.  2   3.25 
 2 
11. (Acidic amino acid has lowest pI )

 It is polar due to high electronegativity of oxygen

  
CO  C O
Aldehydes and Ketones
 General formula of both aldehydes and ketones
is Cn H 2 nO Nomenclature: Aldehydes
Common System
 Aldehydes and ketones are collectively called
carbonyl compounds because both have carbon  Aldehydes names are derived from
corresponding Carboxylic acids to which they
C  O ) called carbonyl are oxidised. The suffix ‘ic acid’ is replaced by
oxygen double bond (
group In IUPAC system aldehydes are named as
 In aldehydes carbonyl group is linked to one Alkanals.
alkyl or aryl group and one H - atom.  The position of the substituents on the parent
chain is indicated by Greek letters
Aldehyde group is monovalent group and chain
 ,  ,  ...........etc. The  - carbon is linked
terminating group.
directly to CHO group and  -carbon is the
 In Ketones, Carbonyl group is joined to two next and so on.
alkyl groups or two aryl groups or one alkyl and Ketones
one aryl group.
In case of simple ketones they are named as
 Ketone group is bivalent and non chain dialkyl ketones.
terminating group. In case of mixed ketones - names of Alkyl groups
 If the two groups attached to carbonyl group are prefixed in alphabetical order.
are same then they are called simple ketones. In IUPAC system Ketones are named as
 If the two groups attached to carbonyl group Alkanones.
are different then they are called mixed ketones. Isomerism: Aldehydes (Mains)
Aldehydes show chain isomerism, funcitonal and
O O O Tautomerism. Ketones exhibit chain, position,
|| || || functional, metamerism and tautomerism.
R C  H R C  R (or) R  C  R1
aldehyde simple ketone mixed ketone Isomerism Minimum No. of carbons
Chain 4 5
 Carbonyl carbon is Sp 2 hybridised Position - 5
 It has 3Sp 2 hybrid orbitals and one unhybridised Functional 2 3
p-orbital. Metamerism - 5
Tautomerism 2 3
 It form 3 bonds .
 Bond angles are approximately 1200 .
 Shape is trigonal planar.
Common and IUPAC names of some aldehydes
Formula Common name IUPAC name
HCHO Formaldehyde Methanal
CH 3CHO Acetaldehyde Ethanal
CH 3CH 2CHO Propionaldehyde Propanal
CH 3 2 CHCHO Isobutyraldehyde 2-Methylpropanal
CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2CHO Valeraldehyde Pentanal
CH 3  CH 2  CH  CH 2  CHO   Methyl valeraldehyde 3-Methyl pentanal
CH 3

CH 2  C H  CHO Acrolein Prop-2-enal

CH 3  CH  CH  CHO Crotonaldehyde 2-Butenal
Benzaldehyde Benzenecarbaldehyde

Cyclohexanecarbaldehyde Cyclohexanecarbaldehyde

p-Nitrobenzaldehyde 4-Nitrobenzenecarbaldehyde

Phthalaldehyde Benzene-1,2-dicarbaldehyde

Br   Bromobutyraldehyde. 3 – bromo butanal

CH 3  CH  CH 2  CHO
  
propane-1,2,3- propane-1,2,3-
tricarbaldehyde. tricarbaldehyde.

 -hydroxy 2-hydroxy cyclopentane

cyclopentane carbaldehyde

  methoxypropional 2 - methoxypropanal

    - hydroxy 2 – hydroxyl butanal

CH 3  CH 2  CH  CHO butyraldehyde
Common and IUPAC names of some ketones
Formula Common name IUPAC name
CH3COCH3 Dimethyl Ketone Propanone
CH3COCH2CH3 Ethyl Methyl Ketone Butanone-2
CH 3  CH  CO  CH  CH3 Di-isopropyl ketone 2,4-
| | Dimethylpentan-3-
CH 3 CH 3 one

CH 3  CO  CH 2  CH 2  CH 3 Methyl n-propyl ketone Pentan-2-one

 ,  ,   Trichlorodiethyl 2,2,4-
| ketone Trichloropentan-3-
CH 3  CH  CO  C  CH 3 one
| |
Cl Cl

 CH 3  2 C  CHCOCH3 Mesityl oxide 4-Methylpent-3-en-

Cl Cl  ,  1  dichlorodiethyl 1, 4 dichloro pent 3
| | – one
CH 3  CH  CO  CH 2  CH 2 ketone
  1 1
  methyl 3-methyl
cyclopentanone cyclopentanone

  oxovaleraldehyde 3-oxopentanal

Methyl phenyl ketone 1-phenyl ethanone

Or Acetophenone

Diphenyl ketone Benzophenone

Ethylbenzyl ketone 1-Phenylbutan-2-

Propiophenone or ethyl 1-Phenyl propan-1-
phenyl ketone one

COCH 3 Ortho fluoro 2 – fluoro

acetophenone acetophenone

Chain Isomerism O
 Aldehydes and ketones exhibit chain isomerism CH 3  C  CH 3  CH 2  C  OH  CH 3
among themselves b.
CH 3
 keto form   enolform 
 Metamerism
CH 3CH 2CH 2CHO | Aldehydes do not exhibit metamerism because
CH 3  CH  CHO it is terminal functional group. Ketones being
2  Methylpropanal bivalent exhibit metamerism.
O C2 H 5COC2 H 5 and C3 H 7COCH 3
CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  C  CH 3 3- pentanone 2-pentanone
2-pentanone Physical properties
 Physical State
CH 3
Formaldehyde is a gas while next 10 members
CH 3  CH  CO  CH 3 of aldehydes are colouless volatile liquids.
Ketones upto eleven carbon atoms are volatile
3-methyl 2-butanone liquids. The higher members are solids.
 Functional Isomerism Solubility
The functional isomers of the compound with  These are misible in organic solvents like benzene
ether, chloroform etc.
general formula Cn H 2 nO are Aldehydes,  The lower members containing upto 4 carbon
ketones, unsaturated alcohols, cyclic alcohol, atoms are soluble in water due to formation of
unsaturated ethers, cyclic ethers. hydrogen bond with water.
 The structural Isomers with the general  As the number of carbon atoms increases,
formula C3 H 6O solubility of aldehydes and ketones decreases.
1. CH 3CH 2CHO  propanal  Lower aldehydes have unpleasant sharp pungent
2. CH 3COCH 3  Acetone odour.
 As the number of carbon atoms increases, the
3. H 2C  CH  CH 2OH  prop 2-en-1-ol odour becomes less pungent and more fragrant,
4. CH 3  CH  CH  OH  -prop1-en-1-ol hence they are used in the blending of perfumes
and flavouring agents.
5. H 3C  C  OH   CH 2  prop-en-2-ol  Acetone is inflammable liquid.
OH Boiling points
 Aldehydes and ketones have higher Boiling points
 cyclopropanol
6. than ethers and alkanes of similar molecular mass
due to more dipole - dipole interactions in
7. O  methoxy ethene carbonyl coumpounds.
 Carbonyl compounds have lower Boiling points
8. O 1,3  Epoxy propane than alcohols of comparable masses due to
absence of intermolecular H - bonding in
O carbonyl compounds.
9. 1,2-epoxy propane
Ex: The B.P. order is
1 - Propanol (370K) > propanone (329K) >
Tautomerism: Aldehydes and ketones having propanal (322K) > methoxyethane (281K) >
 hydrogens exhibit tautomerism with Butane (273K)
unstaturated alcohol. Ex: the B.P. order of
CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  CH 2  OH 
CH 3  C  H  CH 2  CH  OH  CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  CHO 
ethanal  keto form  ethenol  enolform  C2 H 5  O  C 2 H 5 
CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  CH 3
Ex: The boiling point order of
C2 H 5OH  CH 3CHO  CH 3OCH 3  C3 H 8
1) By Partial oxidation of primary alcohols 1) By Partial oxidation of secondary alcohols
RCH RCR(O) RCR
CH2Cl2 CH2Cl2

Note: PCC does not attack double bond present H

in alcohols. Note: PCC is used in non aqueous medium
Primary alcohols on oxidation with PCC / PDC / Secondary alcohols on oxidation with PCC / PDC
Collins reagent gives aldehydes with same gives ketones with same number of carbons
number of carbons If strong oxidizing agents are used then carbonyl
PCC = Pyridiniumchlorochromate, compounds are further oxidized to carboxylic
(C5H5N+HCrO3Cl -) acids.
PDC=Pyridiumdichromate [(C5H5NH)2Cr2O7]
2) By dehydrogenation of 2) By dehydrogenation of 2 alcohols (Industrial
O method) O
Cu/Ag/300C Cu/Ag/300C

Cu/Ag/air Cu/Ag/air
1 alchol RCHH2O 1 alcohol RCRH2O

Note: This method is best for volatile alcohols. Note: In this method there is no risk for further
oxidation of aldehydes and ketones
3) By the dry distillation of calcium salts 3) By the dry distillation of calcium salts
(RCOO)2 Ca(HCOO)2 Ca Drystillation 2RCHO2CaCO3 (RCOO)2 Ca Drystillation RCORCaCO3
CalalkanoateCalformate Aldehyde Cal. alkanoate Ketone
Note: This is method is suitable for the
Note: This method is not suitable for the preparation of only symmetrical ketones.
preparation of aldehydes except formaldehyde Calcium salts of dicarboxylic acids produce 5 – 6
because we get mixture of carbonyl compounds. membered cyclic ketones.
4) By the reduction of Carboxylic acids (ONLY 4) By the reduction of Carboxylic acids (ONLY
MnO2 MnO2

Carboxylic Formic 300C Carboxylic Formic 300C

acid acid acid acid

MnO2 MnO2
acetic acid Formic acid 300C acetaldehyde acetic acid Propanoic acid 300C 2-butatone

Note: The number of carbon atoms in aldehyde Note: Mixture of fatty acid and formic acid
or ketone formed is equal to sum of the carbon vapours forms mixture of aldehydes and ketones.
atoms in two moles of acid
5) By the Hydrolysis of alkenes ( Wacker's 5) By the Hydrolysis of alkenes ( Wacker's
process) (ONLY MAINS) process) (ONLY MAINS)
CuCl2(or) CuCl2(or)
CH2=CH2+PdCl2  H2O CH3CHOPd2HCl Ch3CH=CH2PdCl2 H2O CH3COCH3Pd2HCl
CdCl2 CdCl2

Note: Ethene gives acetaldehyde Note: All alkenes except ethene gives ketones

6) Reductive ozonolysis of alkenes 6) Reductive ozonolysis of dialkyl substituted

i.O3 i.O3
ii.H2O/Zn ii.H2O/Zn
7) By the hydrolysis of alkynes (Kucherovs 7) By the hydrolysis of alkynes (Kucherovs
reaction) OH reaction )
40%H2SO4 tautomerism 40%H2SO4

Note: Only acetylene gives aldehyde Note: All alkynes except acetylene gives ketones.
Formaldehyde cannot be prepared by this Product formed is according to Markonikoff rule.
8) Hydroboration Oxidation of terminal 8) Hydroboration Oxidation of non terminal
alkynes (ONLY MAINS) alkynes (ONLY MAINS)
i.BH3 / THF rearrangement i.BH3 / THF rearrangement
ii.H2O2 / OH  ii.H2O2 / OH


Note: Disiamyl borane is better used in place of Note: product formed is according to Anti
B2H6 to avoid complications due to double markonikoff rule.
addition of diborane. Unsymmetrical nonterminal alkynes give
mixture of ketones.
9)By alkaline Hydrolysis of Terminal Gem 9)By alkaline Hydrolysis of Non terminal Gem
dihalides dihalides
-2KX -H2O -2KX -H2O


Note: This method is not much used because the

aldehydes are affected by alkali and
Gemdihalides are usually prepared from
carbonyl compounds
Relative Reactivity of Carbonyl
Chemical properties Compounds
 Aldehydes and ketones both possess highly polar  Aldehydes are generally more reactive than
carbonyl group so they undergo similar chemical ketones in nucleophilic addition reactions due to
reactions. steric and electronic reasons.

   Bulky groups offer steric hindrance and decrease
C O
the reactivity towards nucleophilic addition.
CO    I effect decreases the positive charge on
carbonyl carbon and decreases the reactivity
 The carbonyl group has two active centres, the towards nucleophilic addition reactions.
positively charged carbon is readily attacked by   I effect increases the positive charge on
electron rich nucleophiles. The negatively charged carbonyl carbon and increases the reactivity
oxygen is attacked by electron defficient towards nucleophilic addition reactions.
electrophiles. However during addition reactions  Due to  R effect of benzene ring, the aromatic
nucleophilic attack produces the anion which is carbonyl group is less electrophilic and hence
more stable than the cation. Attack of nucleophile aromatic aldehydes and ketones are less reactive
on electrophile is rate determining step. Thus than corresponding aliphatic aldehydes and
carbonyl compounds undergo nucleophilic ketones.
addition reactions.  Ex.1. Order of reactivity in carbonyl compounds
 Nucleophilic addition mechanism is
 If the attacking nucleophile is strong, it will readily HCHO  CH 3CHO  C2 H 5CHO 
attack the carbonyl carbon. The resulting addition
product can be readily protonated by the solvent CH 3COCH 3  CH 3CH  CH 3  COCH 3 
(or) by the added acid.
 CH 3 2 CHCOCH  CH 3 2
R  C  H / R1  Z  :   Ex.2- Chloral is more reactive than acetaldehyde.
 Ex.3- Comparitive reactivity of
 A poor nucleophile requires an acid catalyst to
make the nucleophilic reaction occur at a
reasonable rate. The acid protonates the  Ex. 4- Compare the reactivity of
carbonyl oxygen, thus increasing the susceptibility
of the carbonyl carbon to nucleophilic attack.

 H
  
 Z :
H 

 If the attacking atom of the nucleophile has a pair 4 1 2  3

Ex: 5 - Benzaldehyde < Propanal
of nonbonding electrons in the addition product, Ex.6 -Butanone < Propanone < Propanal <
water will be eliminated from the addition Ethanal
product. Hence the reaction is called as
nucleophilic addition - elimination reaction.

R  C  H / R1  H 2O

1. Addition of sodium bisulphite 1. Addition of sodium bisulphite

NaHSO3 | |
 H
CH 3CHO   
 
 
 
  C 
CH 3COCH 3    
 
 
 C  CH 3
dil H  3
| dil H  3 |

Acetaldehyde sodiumbisulphite
Acetonesodium bisulphite
Note: This test is used for the separation and
purification of carbonyl compounds from Note: Among aromatic aldehydes and ketones,
noncarbonyl compounds. benzaldehyde forms a sodium bisulphite adduct
The addition product is white ppt and water but acetophenone does not due to steric reasons.
soluble it can be converted to the original
carbonyl compound by treating with dilute mineral
acids or alkali

2. Addition of hydrogen cyanide 2. Addition of hydrogen cyanide

| |
3  C H
CH 3COCH 3  HCN  3  C  CH 3
CH 3CHO  HCN   
 
 CH
| |

acetaldehyde cyanohydrin acetone cyanohydrin

Note: It is a reversible reaction and forms Note: only unsymmetrical ketones with HCN
Racemic mixture. forms Racemic mixture.
This reaction occurs very slowly so catalysed by Cyanohydrins are important synthetic
base. CN  is a strong nucleophile substances since on hydrolysis they give

 HCN  OH 

carboxylic acids and on reduction forms 10
 H 2O  CN  . amines with same number of carbons.

3. Addition of Grignard Reagent 3. Addition of Grignard Reagent

| |
CH 3  Mg  X / Hydrolysis
CH 3  Mg  X / Hydrolysis
CH 3CHO  CH 3  C  H CH 3COCH 3  CH 3  C  CH 3
| CH 3
CH 3
2- methyl 2 - propanol
Note: Ketones with grignard reagent forms
Note: Formaldehyde reacts with grignard reagent
addition compounds which on hydrolysis forms
and forms addition product which on hydrolysis
gives 10 alcohols. 30 alcohols.
Other aldehydes give 20 alcohols.
4. Addition of alcohols 4. Addition of alcohols
a. Catalysed by acid in 1:1
CH 3CHO  R OH 
 dry HCl
 C H CO 
dry HCl
  
dil . HCl
 3 dil HCl
| CH 2OH
Unstable Hemiacetal ethylene glycol
b. Catalysed by acid in 1:2
O  CH 2
CH 3CHO  2 R OH 
dry HCl


dil . HCl
| R O  CH 2
CH 3  C  H  gem di alkoxyalcohol 
ethylene glycol ketal
stable acetal Note:1) Ketones do not ordinarily react with
1) Acetals and ketals are hydrolysed with monohydric alcohols but react with dihydric
alcohols to form cyclic ketals.
mineral acids to give corresponding aldehydes
and ketones respectively. 2) Dry HCl protonates oxygen of Carbonyl group
and increases the electrophilicity of the carbonyl
carbon thus facilitating nuclophilic attack.
5. Addition of ammonia
5. Addition of ammonia
CH 3  C  O  NH 3 
H CH 3  C  O  NH 3 
NH 2
CH 3
CH 3  C  OH 
H O
 CH 3  CH  NH NH 2
 CH 3  C  CH 3   NH
H CH 3  C  OH 
H O
| 2
acetaldehyde ammonia acetaldehydeimine CH 3

Note: (1) Formaldehyde reacts with ammonia to acetone ammonia acetoneimine

form Hexamethylenetetramine which is used as Note: Ketones give variable products with
urinary antiseptic under the name urotrophine. ammonia.
(2) Benzaldehyde reacts with NH 3 to form

6. Addition of amino alkane  R  NH 2  6. Addition of amino alkane  R  NH 2 

CH 3  C  O  H 2 NR  CH 3  C  NR CH 3  C  O  H 2 NR  CH 3  C  NR
| | | |
H H CH 3 CH 3
substituted acetaldehyde imine substituted acetone imine
7. Addition of hydroxyl amine  NH 2OH  7. Addition of hydroxyl amine  NH 2OH 

CH 3  C  O  H 2 NOH  CH 3  C  NOH CH 3  C  O  H 2 NOH  CH 3  C  NOH

| | | |
H H CH 3 CH 3

acetaldehyde oxime acetone oxime

8. Addition of hydrazine  H 2 N  NH 2  8. Addition of hydrazine  H 2 N  NH 2 

CH 3  C  O  H 2 N  NH 2  CH 3  C  N  NH 2 CH 3  C  O  H 2 N  NH 2  CH 3  C  N  NH 2
| | | |
CH 3 CH 3

acetaldehyde hydrazone acetone hydrazone


9. Addition of phenyl hydrazine 9. Addition of phenyl hydrazine

 H 2 N  NHC6 H 5   H 2 N  NHC6 H 5 

CH 3  C  O  H 2 N  NHC6 H 5 CH 3  C  O  H 2 N  NHC6 H 5
| |
H CH 3

 CH 3  C  N  NHC6 H 5  CH 3  C  N  NHC6 H 5
| |
H CH 3

acetaldehyde phenyl hydrazone acetone phenyl hydrazone

10. Addition of 2, 4 – Di nitro phenyl hydrazine 10. Addition of 2, 4 – Di nitro phenyl hydrazine
(2, 4 DNP test) (2, 4 DNP test)
CH 3  C  O H 2 N  NH CH 3  C  O  H 2 N  NH
H NO2 |
CH 3 NO2


CH3 C  N  NH
|  CH 3  C  N  NH
H NO2 |

acetaldehyde2,4dinitro acetone 2,4dinitro
phenyl hydrazone phenyl hydrazone

Note: 2, 4 – DNP derivatives are yellow, orange Note: 2, 4 DNP is called Brady’s / Borsche’s
or red solids used for identification carbonyl reagent

11. Addition of Semi Carbazide 11. Addition of Semi Carbazide

CH 3  C  O  H 2 N  NHCO N H 2
CH 3  C  O  H 2 N  NHCO N H 2
CH 3
* *
 CH 3  C  N  NHCO N H 2  CH 3  C  N  NHCO N H 2
| |
H CH 3

acetaldehyde semi carbazone acetone semi carbazone

NOTE: The hydrogen of NH group is involved
in resonance so does not undergo condensation.
12. Addition of X 2 and KOH or NaOX 12. Addition of X 2 and KOH or NaOX
(Iodoform reaction) (Iodoform reaction)
CH 3CHO  3I 2  4 KOH RCOCH 3  3I 2  4 KOH
 CHI 3  HCOOK  3KI  3H 2O  CHI 3  RCOOK  3KI  3H 2O
Iodoform pot. formate Iodoform pot.carboxylate
RCOCH 3 

Note:1) Ethyl alcohol only among 10 alcohols,
RCOONa  CHX 3  X  Cl , Br , I 
CH 3 C H  OH  containing 20 alcohols and Note:1) In haloform reaction aldehydes and
ketones are oxidized by sodium hypohalite to
aldehyde and ketones containing CH 3CO group carboxylic acids with one carbon less.
give yellow coloured crystals of iodoform. 2) This test is used to distinguish methyl
2) Haloform reaction does not effect ketones from other ketones.

13. Addition of Cl2 and HCl (Chlorination) 13. Addition of Cl2 and HCl (Chlorination)
CH 3CHO  3Cl2   CCl3CHO  3HCl CH 3COCH 3  3Cl2   CCl3COCH 3  3HCl
chloralor Trichloro acetaldehyde Trichloro acetone
Note: With Br2 / CH 3COOH mono
Note:   Hydrogens are replaced by Chlorine halogenation takes place

14. Addition of PCl5 (ONLY MAINS) 14. Addition of PCl5 (ONLY MAINS)
O Cl
|| |
CH 3  C  H  PCl5  CH 3  C  H  POCl3 O
CH 3  C  CH 3  PCl5  CH 3  C  CH 3  POCl3
ethylidene chloride
propylidene chloride
15. Oxidation 15. Oxidation
a.With strong oxidizing agents a. With strong oxidizing agents
H 
/ KMnO4 or K 2Cr2O7 or HNO3  H 
/ KMnO4 or K 2Cr2O7 or HNO3 
S .O . A.
W .O . A. CH 3COCH 3 
S .O . A.
Note: Aldehydes on oxidation gives carboxylic Ketones on oxidation gives carboxylic acids with
acids with same number of carbon atoms. less number of carbon atoms according to
b. On oxidation with weak oxidizing agents like Popoff’s Rule.
Bromine water, Tollen’s reagent, Fehlings POPOFF’S RULE
solution, Shiff’s reagent, Benedict’s solution, During oxidation of unsymmetrical ketones keto
aldehydes give carboxylic acids with same group will be retained with lower alkyl group.
number of carbon atoms.
These reagents are used to distinguish aldehydes ||
and ketones CH 3  C  CH 2CH 2CH 3 

CH 3  C  OH  CH 3CH 2COOH

c. Oxidation with SeO2 Note: Ketones are not oxidized by weak

oxidizing agents.
CH 3CHO 
 CHO  CHO c. Oxidation with SeO2
Note: SeO2 oxidises alpha position in
CH 3COCH 3 
cabonylcompounds to C  O group.
d. Oxidation with per acids (Baeyer villager Note: In this oxidation reactivity of CH 2 is more
oxidation) than CH 3 group.
RCHO 
 RCOOHper acid
d. Oxidation with per acids (Baeyer villager
Note: Per acids oxidize aldehydes to carboxylic oxidation)
RCOR 
per acid
Note: Per acids oxidize ketones to esters
16. Reductions 16. Reductions
a. with LiAlH 4 / H 2  Ni / NaBH 4 / Al a. with LiAlH 4 / H 2  Ni / NaBH 4 / Al
isopropoxide isopropoxide
|| | || |
CH 3  C  H  CH 3  C  H
LiAlH 4
CH 3  C  CH 3 
LiAlH 4
CH 3  C  CH 3
| |

ethylalcohol Iso propyl alcohol

Note: Aldehydes on reduction with LiAlH 4 gives Note: Ketones on reduction with LiAlH 4 with
primary alcohols gives secondary alcohols
LiAlH 4 can reduced acids, esters, amides and Reduction of ketones with Al isopropoxide is
nitriles called meerwein poundorfverley (MPV)
b. Clemmensons Reduction reduction which is the reverse of oppenauer
Zn  Amalgam
CH 3CHO 
Con. HCl
 CH 3CH 3 b. Clemmensons Reduction
Zn  Amalgam
Ethane CH 3COCH 3 
Con. HCl
 CH 3CH 2CH 3
NOTE: It is used for base sensitive carbonyl
compounds Propane
c. Wolf-Kishner Reduction c. Wolf-Kishner Reduction
H 2 N  NH 2
CH 3CHO  CH 3  CH  NNH
H 2 N  NH 2
CH 3COCH 3  CH 3  C  CH 3   NNH

 KOH
 CH 3CH 3  N 2  KOH
ethylene glycol .
 CH 3CH 2CH 3  N 2
ethylene glycol .
NOTE: It is used for acid sensitive carbonyl
compounds d. with HI and Red phosphorous
d. with HI and Red phosphorous CH 3COCH 3 
HI/Red P
 CH 3CH 2CH 3
CH 3CHO 
HI /Red P
 CH 3CH 3 Propane
NOTE: Carbonyl compounds on reduction with
HI and red P forms alkanes with same number
of carbons.
17. Polymerization (ONLY MAINS) 17. Condensation (ONLY MAINS)
a. with con.H 2 SO4 at 300 C (Trimerization) a. with con.H 2 SO4

3CH 3CHO 

con. H 2 SO4
0   CH 3CHO 3 3CH 3COCH 3 
ConcH 2 SO4
 C6 H 3  CH 3 3
30 C

Paraldehyde  Hypnotic comp. Mesitylene

b. with HCl
b. with con.H 2 SO4 at 00 C (Tetramerization)
2CH 3COCH 3 
  CH 3 2 C  CHCOCH 3
4CH 3CHO   CH 3CHO 4con. H 2 SO4
Mesityl oxide
00 C
  CH 3 2 C  CHCOCH  C  CH 3 2
Metaldehyde  Solid fuel   CH COCH
3 3


Preparations of Benzaldehyde 3. Gatterman - Koch reaction

1. Oxidation of methyl benzene Here benzene is treated with carbon
Strong oxidising agents oxidise toluene and its monoxide and HCl in the presence of
derivatives to benzoic acid. So to stop the anhydrous AlCl3 and Cu2Cl2
oxidation at aldehyde stage suitable reagents are
a) ETARD reaction
With chromyl chloride followed by hydrolysis

+ CrO 2Cl2
 
Toluene Chromium complex Benzaldehyde
CuCl  CO + HCl+AlCl3 CHO  CuCl  AlCl4

 Brown 

Note: Chromyl chloride  CrO2Cl2  oxidises methyl  HC O 

 
  HCl + AlCl3

group to a chromium complex, which on

hydrolysis gives corresponding benzaldehyde. 4. From benzoyl chloride (Rosenmund
b) With chromic oxide CrO3 in acetic anhydride reduction)
C6 H 5COCl  H2
Pd  BaSO4
 C6 H 5CHO
CH3 CH(OCOCH3) 2 CHO Benzoylchloride Benzaldehyde
  CH 3CO 2 O  CrO3
273 283 K  H 3O 

5. Duff Reaction (Mains)
Toluene benzylidene diacetate CHO

  N2 
2. By side chain chlorination followed by (CH ) N2 6 4
Hexamethyl tetraa min e
hydrolysis (Commericial Method)
Benzene Benz aldehyde

6. Gattermann aldehyde synthesis (Mains)

 HCl  HCN 
 An ZnCl2
Friedal Crafts Acylation:

   CH 3 2 C  CHCOCH 3
Mesityl oxide
Generation of nucleophile
 RCOCl 
 An AlCl3
CH 3  CHO  OH   CH 2CHO  H 2O
Attack of nucleophile on carbonyl group
Note: Substituted Benzenes also give this
reaction CH 3  CHO  CH 2CHO 
 Electrophilic substitution reaction CH 3  CH  CH 2  CHO
Aromatic aldehydes and ketones undergo
electrophilic substitution at the ring in which the
carbonyl group acts as a deactivating and meta- O
directing group.
CH 3  CH  CH 2CHO  H 2O 

HNO3 / H 2 SO4
273 283 K
 O
CH 3  CH (OH )  CH 2CHO  OH 
 Crossed aldol condensation If the aldol
condensation is between two different aldehydes
or ketones, it is called crossed aldol
condensation. When both of them have
12. Aldol Condensation
  hydrogen, a mixture of four products are
Acidity of   hydrogens: The acidity of formed.
  hydrogen atoms of carbonyl compounds is due to ) NaOH , ii ) 
Eg : CH 3  CHO  CH 3  CH 2CHO i  
the strong electron with drawing effect of the carbonyl
group and resonance stabilisation of the conjugate base.
Carbonyl compounds with atleast one   hydrogen
undergo aldol / ketol condensation.

2CH 3CHO  CH 3  CH  CH 2  CHO

dil . NaOH /
Na2 CO3

3-Hydroxy Butyraldehyde  Acetone may also be involved in cross


 CH 3CH  CHCHO
H O  OH  , 293K
2 C6 H 5CHO  CH 3  CO  C6 H 5   
Crotonaldehyde C6 H 5  CH  CHCO.C6 H 5
OH 1,3  diphenyl prop  2  en  1  one (benzal
OH  acetophenone)
2CH 3COCH 3   CH 3  C  CH 2COCH 3 Ex :
Ba ( OH )2 |
CH 3

Diacetone alcohol
Eg. 1) HCHO  HCHO  
Eg. 2) C 6 H 5 CHO  C 6 H 5CHO  
 CH 3  CO  CH 3 
 Ba ( OH ) 2

C6 H5CH2 OH  C 6 H5COOK

Mechanistically, Cannizzaro reaction is a

characteristic reaction of aromatic aldehydes and
C H (O H )  C H 2C O C H 3 of aliphatic aldehydes without  -hydrogen. In
the presence of a strong base, such aldehydes
 undergo self-oxidation-reduction
 
(disproportionation or dismutation) yielding salt
of carboxylic acid and an alcohol.

2H3C HO
 H3C  H3C

2C6H5CHO   C6H5CH2OH  C6H5COONa
Benzaldehyde Benzyl Alcohol Sodiumbenzoate

Step – 1: Addition of hydroxide ion to carbonyl
 Claisen Schmidt Reaction group
The base catalysed cross aldol condensation
between an aromatic aldehyde and an aliphatic OH
aldehyde or a ketone is called claisen - schmidt 

condensation C6H5 C  OH
O  

 6H5 C O

C6 H 5CHO  CH 3CHO 

dil NaOH
 H H
Hydroxy alkoxide ion
 H 2O
C6 H 5CHOH  CH 2CHO  
Step – 2: Transfer of hydride ion directly to
C6 H 5CH  CHCHO another aldehyde molecule. This is rate
determining step
C6 H 5CHO  CH 3COCH 3 
 dil NaOH
 H 2O
C6H5 C O  C6H5 C 
 C6H5 C Slow
C6H5 C H
C6 H 5  CH  CH  COCH 3 Benzoic acid
Step – 3: Hydrolysis

 Cannizzaro’s reaction
Aldehydes that have no   hydrogen atom
undergo this reaction involving disproportionation
(self oxidation and reduction) on treating with
strong conc. alkali.
CH 2 OH CH 2

O  O

C6H5 C H  H O  
H3 O
 
conc H 2 SO4

2  C6H5 CH2 OH  OH (B)

H (III) Internal Crossed-Cannizzaro reaction
 Crossed cannizzaro’s reaction.  -Keto aldehydes in which keto group has no
Different aldehydes having no   hydrogen  - hydrogen also give Cannizzaro reaction
atoms undergo disproportionation on heating with known as internal Crossed- Cannizzaro reaction.
concentrated alkali to form alcohol and salt of In this case, aldehyde group undergoes oxidation
carboxylic acid. and keto group undergoes reduction
 O
 OH
   C 6H5CH2OH
 Intermolecular cannizzaro reaction ( i ) conc. NaOH / 
C6 H 5  C  CHO  
( ii ) H 
(I) When both aldehydes are different :
case-I. When both aldehydes are different and C6 H 5  CH (OH )COOH
none is formaldehyde:  Distinction of aldehydes and ketones
C6 H 5  CHO  (CH 3 )3 CCHO 
 ( i ) NaOH / 
 Oxidation
( ii ) HOH / H 
 Tollen’s Reagent Test (Silver mirror test):
C6 H 5  CH 2OH  (CH 3 )3 CCH 2OH + Ammonical silver nitrate is called Tollen’s reagent.
C6 H 5  COOH  (CH 3 )3 CCOOH Aldehydes on heating with Tollen’s reagent
undergo oxidation to form carboxylic acid
Case-II. When both are different and one is
accompanied by the reduction of silver ion to
formaldehyde :
metallic silver.
( i ) conc NaOH / 
C 6 H 5  CHO  HCHO     
Re d
( ii ) HOH / H 
Oxi RCHO  2  Ag  NH 3  2  OH 

C 6 H 5  C H 2O H  H C O O H 2Ag  RCOONH 4  H 2O  NH 3
(II) Intramolecular Cannizzaro reaction Note : It is also given by terminal alkynes and HCOOH
This reaction is given by dialdehydes in which Fehling Solution
 -hydrogen is not present.  Fehling’s solution is an alkaline solution of copper
CHO CH2OH sulphate containing sodium potassium tartrate
(i)conc.NaOH /  (Rochelle salt) as the complexing agent.
 
 Aldehydes on warming with this solution, give a
(ii) H
CHO COOH red precipitate of cuprous oxide.
( i ) conc .NaOH / 
Fehling’s reagent = Fehling’s solution (A) +
CHO  CHO   HOCH 2  COOH Fehling’s soluiton (B).
( ii ) H

CHO Fehling’s solution (A) = aqCuSO4

Fehling’s soluiton (B) = alkaline sodium potassium
Ex : conc
. (A) H

(B) concH
 (C)
tartrate (Rochelle salt)

CH 2 OH RCHO2Cu(OH)2  NaOH
RCOONa  Cu2O 3H2O
Red precipitate

Sol : 
conc. NaOH

Note : Aromatic aldehydes donot give this test
(A) Benedict’s Solution
 Benedict’s solution is alkaline copper sulphate camphor etc., are well knonw for their flavours.
containing citrate ions as complexing agent.  Acetone and ethyl methyl ketone are common
Aldehydes on warming with this solution, give industrial solvents.
brick red precipitates. OTHER REACTIONS FOR ADVANCE
RCHO  Cu (complex) 
 Cu 2 O  RCOOH Tischenko Reaction
Red precipitate All aldehydes (with or without  -hydrogen) can
Note :Benedict’s and Fehling solution oxidised be made to undergo cannizzaro reaction on
only aliphatic aldehydes and have no effect treatment with aluminium ethoxide. However
on any other functional group. under these conditions the alcohol and acid
Schiff’s Reagent produced as result of cannizzaro combine
 Schiff’s reagent is an aqueous solution of magenta together to form ester.
or pink coloured para rosaniline hydrochloride Al(OC2H5 )3
2CH3 CHO   CH3 COOCH2CH3
which has been decolourised by passing SO2. Ethyl acetate

When aldehydes are treated with decolourised Perkin Reaction

solution of Schiff’s reagent, its pink or magenta In Perkin reaction, condensation has been
colour is restored. This reaction is used as a test effected between aromatic aldehydes and
for aldehydes because ketones do not restore aliphatic acid anhydride in the presence of sodium
the pink colour of Schiff’s reagent. or potassium salt of the acid corresponding to
the anhydride, to yield  ,   unsaturated
aromatic acids.
The acid anhydride should have at least two  -H.
C6 H 5 CHO  (CH 3CO) 2 O 
170 180 C, 5h
C6 H 5  CH  CH  COOH

Schmidt Reaction
This is the reaction between a carbonyl
compound and hydrazoic acid in the presence
of a strong acid concentrated sulphuric acid.
Aldehydes give a mixture of cyanide and formyl
derivatives of primary amines, where as ketones
give amides :
RCHO  HN 3 
H 2SO 4
 RCN  RNHCHO  N 2
 Tests for acetone
Uses of Carbonyl compounds:  Legal Test
 The 40% solution of formaldehyde (formalin) is CH3COCH3 +
used as disinfectant, germicide and antiseptic. It Sodium Nitroprusside+NaOH  Wine red
is used for the preservation of biological colour changes to yellow
specimens.  Indigo test
 It is used in making synthetic plastics like bakelite, Ortho nitro benzaldehyde
urea-formaldehyde resin and other polymeric
+2ml. of Acetone
+ diluted with KOH gives blue colour of indigotin
 Many carbonyl compounds like vanillin (from
vanilla beans), salicyladehyde (from meadow OTHER USES
sweet) and cinnamaldehyde (from cinnamon) . Acetaldehyde
 Benzaldehyde, Butyraldehyde, acetophenone,  In the preparation of Acetic acid, Acetic
anhydride ethyl acetate, chloral, 1,3-butadiene
(used in Rubber) dyes and drugs.
 Used as antiseptic inhalent in nose troubles.
 In the preparation of paraldehyde (hypnotic)
Metaldehyde (Solid fuel, for killing slugs & snails)
 Used in spirit lamp.
 In the preparation of acetaldehyde ammonia
(a rubber accelerator) O
Acetone C
 As a solvent for cellulose accetate, cellulose Cl 2  H   
Lindlars Catalyst

nitrate, celluloid, resins etc. 7.
 Used in storing of acetylene. BenzoylChloride

 In the manufacture of Cordite - a smokeless

explosive. 8.  C6 H 5CH 2 2 Cd  2CH 3COCI 
 Used as nail polish remover.
 Used in the preparation of plexiglass ||
(unbreakable glass), Synthetic rubber. CH 2  C  CH 3
 Used in the prep. of chloroform, iodoform and
9. CH 3  CH 2  C  N  C6 H 5 MgBr
1. CH 2  CH  CH 2OH
Allyl alcohol NMgBr
P.C .C
 CH 2  CH  CHO
Propenal 
 CH 3CH 2  C
2. CH 3  CH  CH  CH 3 C6 H 5
O3 / H 2O  Zndust O
 2CH 3CHO

Ethanal 
H 3O
 C2 H 5 C
CH 2 CHO C6 H 5
3. 

1. B2 H 6 /THF
2. H 2O2 / OH 

1-Phenylpropanone 
Hg 2 , H 2 SO4
H 3C  C  C  CH 3 

4. CH 3 MgX  H  C  N  H  C  NMgX
H 3CCH 2COCH 3 |
CH 3

CH 3C  CH 
40% H 2 SO4
 CH 3COCH 3 10. 
H 2O
H  C  O
5. 0 0

1% H g SO4 60  70 C  |
CH 3

C6 H 5 MgX  C2 H 5  C  N  C2 H 5  C  NMgX
6. C6 H 5

11. 
H 2O
 C2 H 5  C  O
C6 H 5
12. CH 3CN   CH 3CHO
Ethane nitrile Ethanal
 i DIBAL  H
CH 3  CH  CH  CH 2  CH 2  CN 
 ii  H O

 i DIBAL  H
14. CH 3COOC2 H 5 
 ii  H O

15. CH 3  CH 2 9 COOC2 H 5  CH 3  CH 2 9 CHO

16. R  CH  CHCH  CHO 
|| 
NH 2  C  NH  NH 2 

R  CH  CH  CH  N  NH  CO  NH 2

17. 
H 2CrO4
 


CHI 3

CH 2  CHCH 2OH 


2 2
Allyl alcohol
CH 2  CH  CHO
19. CH 3CN 

20. CH 3C  N  CH 3 MgBr 

H 2O

CH 3COCH 3  NH 3  MgBr  OH 
9. Alkaline hydrolysis of gemdihalides gives
1) aldehydes only 2) ketones only
CONCEPTUAL 3) carbonyl compounds 4) Ethers
10. The first oxidation product of secondary
1) acid 2) aldehyde
1. Which of the following is not a monovalent 3) ketone 4) ether
functional group. 11. Acetone can not be obtained from
1) Aldehydic 2) Ketonic 1) hydrolysis of isopropylidene chloride
3) Carboxylic 4) Hydroxy 2) hydration of propyne
2. IUPAC name of a
3)dehydrogenation of isopropyl alcohol
 -hydroxybutyraldehyde
1) 1-hydroxy butanal 2) 2-hydroxy butanol 4) hydrolysis of ester
3) 2-hydroxy butanal 12 Catalytic poison in Rosemunds reaction
4) 2-hydroxy butyraldehyde 1) Quinoline 2) H2
3. Vinylalcohol gets converted into 3) CH3COCl 4) CH3CHO
acetaldehyde by 13. Formaldehyde is treated with
1) oxidation 2) reduction methylmagnesium iodide in dry ether and
3) rearrangement 4) polymerization finally with water. The product obtained is
4. Arrange the following compounds in 1) Isopropyl alcohol 2) Ethyl alcohol
increasing order of their reactivity in 3) Methyl alcohol 4) n  propyl alcohol
nucleophilic addition reactions.
Ethyl alcohol  A B
Ethanal (I) Propanal(II) 14. 3000 C
Propanone(III) Butanone(IV) What are A & B
1) III<II<I<IV 2) II<I<III<IV 1) Acetaldehyde, Acetone
3) IV<III<II<I 4) I<II<III<IV 2) Acetone, Water
3) Acetaldehyde, H 2
5. CH 3COCl  H 2 
Lindlar ' s
 CH 3CHO  HCl 4) Acetone, H 2 ,

The above reaction is known as PROPERTIES

1) Aldol condensation OH  CH CH(OH)CH CHO
CH3CHO 
15. 3 2
2) Clemmenson’s reduction
3) Rosenmund’s reduction represents
4) Carbyl amine reaction 1) Cannizaro’s reaction
6. Stephens reaction is used in the preparation 2) Benzoin’s condensation
of 3) Aldol condensation
1) Carboxylic acids 2) Ketones 4) Perkin’s reaction
3) Alcohol 4) Aldehydes
ZnHg / conc.HCl.
7. Isopropyl alcohol on oxidation forms 16. R  CHO  4[ H ]  
1) Acetaldehyde 2) Ethylene
R-CH3+H2O is
3) Ether 4) Acetone
1) Wurtz’s reaction
8. The solvent used in Etard’s reaction during
the formation of benzaldehyde from toluene 2) Clemmenson reduction
is 3) Wolf-Kishner reduction
1) acetic acid 2) water 4) Friedel-Craft’s alkylation
3) liq.NH3 4) CS 2
17. The correct increasing order of boiling points USES
is 25. The percentage of formaldehyde in fomalin
(1) C3 H 7CHO  C4 H 9OH   C2 H 5  2 O  CH 3  CH 2 3 CH 3
1) 40% 2) 10%
(2) CH 3  CH 2 3 CH 3   C2 H 5  2 O  C3 H 7CHO  C4 H 9OH 3) 20% 4) 5%
26. Salicylaldehyde is extracted from
(3) C4 H 9OH   C2 H 5  2 O  C3 H 7CHO  CH 3  CH 2  3 CH 3
1) Meadow sweet 2) Meadow hot
(4) CH 3  CH 2 3 CH 3  C3 H 7CHO   C2 H 5  2 O  C4 H 9OH 3) Vanilla beans 4) Cinnamon
18. The reagent that gives an orange coloured 27. Formaldehyde is used as
ppt. with acetaldehyde 1) Disinfectant 2) germicide
3) Antiseptic 4) All
1) NH2OH 2) NaHSO3
3) Iodine 4) 2,4-DNP
19. Oxime is the product of the following
1) >C=O + hydrazine
2) >C=O + Phenylhydrazine
1) 2 2) 3 3) 3 4) 3 5) 3
3)  C  O H  S O C l 6) 4 7) 4 8) 4 9) 3 10) 3
2 11) 4 12) 1 13) 2 14) 3 15) 3
4) >CO + Hydroxylamine 16) 2 17) 2 18) 4 19) 4 20) 2
20. The molecular formula of acetaldehyde 21) 3 22) 1 23) 3 24) 4 25) 1
semicarbazone is 26) 1 27) 4
3) CH3-CH=N-OH 4) CH3-CH=N-NH2
21. Haloform reaction is not given by CONCEPTUAL
1) CH3COCH3 2) CH3COC 2 H5 OH
3) C6 H5COC 2 H5 4) CH3CHOHCH3 2. |
CH3  CH2  CH  CHO
2-hydroxy butanal (IUPAC)
22. Schiff’s reagnet is
1) P-Rosaniline hydrochloride decolourised by 3.
passing SO2 4. Reactivity decreases as the size and number of
2) P-Rosaniline hydrochloride decolourised by alkyl groups around CO group increases.
chlorine 7. CH 3 .CH(OH).CH 3 + [O] 

3) Acidic solution of phenolphthalein CH3COCH3 + H2O
4) Rochelle salt soltion CuSO4  NaOH 9. 1,1-dihalides produce aldehydes whereas 2,2-
23. Which of the following reagent is used to dihalides produce ketones
identify carbonyl group from other functional 10. 2° alcohols produce ketones on oxidation
1) Schiff’s reagent 2) Fehling solution 11. Esters on hydrolysis produce acid and alcohol
3) 2, 4 dinitro phenyl hydrazine but not carbonyl compound.
4) Tollen’s reagent 12. Quinoline retards the activity of the catalyst ‘Pd’
24. Ethanal and propanone can be distinguished
13. RMgX reacts with formaldehyde and forms
1) Schiff’s reagent 2) Tollen’s reagent primary alcohols.
3) Fehling’s solution 4) All
14. Primary alcohols on dehydrogenation with 5. Addition of water to alkynes occurs in acidic
copper / 3000 C forms aldehydes with same medium and in the presence of Hg 2 ions
number of carbons. as a catalyst. Which of the following
17. Popoff’s rule products will be formed on addition of water
19. Carbonyl compound + NH2OH  oxime to but -1-yne under these conditions.
20. CH 3 - C = O + H 2 N - NH - CO - NH 2  1)
CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  C  H
CH3 - CH = N - NH - CO - NH2
CH 3 - C - group is absent 2)
CH 3  CH 2  C  CH 3

CH 3  CH 2  C  OH  CO2

1. The Alkene which on ozonolysis gives CH 3  C  OH  H  C  H
acetaldehyde and acetone is
6. When propyne is subjected to hydroboration
CH 3 reaction, it is converted to
1. |
CH 3  CH  C  CH 3 1) propanol 2) acetone
3) propanal 4) butanone
2. CH 3  CH  CH  CH 2  CH 3
3. CH 2  CH  CH 3 7. The formation of cyanohydrin from
4.  CH 3 2 C  C  CH 3 2 acetone is which type of reaction?
1) Electrophilic substitution
2. For the following conversion which reagent is 2) Electrophilic addition
used 3) Necleophilic addition
CH 2  CH  CH 2OH 4) Necleophilic substitution
8. The reaction in which >C = O group changes
 CH 2  CH  CHO t o > C H


A) Clemenson’s reduction
1) O 3 / H 3O 2) PCC B) Wolff - Kishner reduction
3) HgSO 4 / H  4) Lucas reagent C) Aldol condensation
D) Rosenmunds reduction
3. Grignard reagents do not give carbonyl 1) A & B only 2) B and C only
compounds with 3) A and D only 4) A, B, C, D
1) CO2 2) RCOCl 3) RCN 4) RCOOR 9. The correct order of reactivity of-
4. The medium in which ethanol is oxidised to I) Acetophenone II) p-Nitrobenzaldehyde.
ethanal using PCC or PDC is III)Benzaldehyde IV) p-Tolylaldehyde
1) any alcohol 2) Nitro benzene 1) I<IV<III<II 2) I<II<III<IV
3) Methylene dichloride 4) ether 3) I>IV>III<II 4) III<I<II<IV
10. Which of the products formed when acetone TESTS
reacts with barium hydroxide solution?
O CH3 15. An organic compound readily forms
|| |

1) CH 3  C  CH 2  C|  CH 3 cannizaro reaction but does not react with

OH Fehling’s solution
|| 1) HCHO 2) CH 3CHO
2) CH3  C  CH
 CH
 CH 3
CH3 OH 3) PhCHO 4) CH 3COCH 3
|| 16. An organic compound give    ve haloform test
3) CH3  C  CH
 CH
 CH 3
but does not react with tollen’s reagent.
1) Acetone 2) 2 - butanol
| |
3) Both 4) 1 - Butanol
4) CH3  C|  C|  CH 3
17. An organic compound gives    ve 2, 4 - DNP
11. Which of the following compounds does not test but does not react with Fehling’s solution.
react with sodium bisulphite
1) PhCHO 2) PhCOCH 3
1) Benzaldehyde 2) Acetone
3) Acetophenone 4) Acetaldehyde 3) CH 3COCH 3 4) All
12. A mixture of Benzaldehyde and
Formaldehyde on heating with aqNaOH
solution gives
1) sodium benzoate and methyl alcohol KEY
2) sodium benzoate and ethyl alcohol LEVEL - I
3) benzyl alcohol and methyl alcohol 1) 1 2) 2 3) 1 4) 3 5) 2
4) benzyl alcohol sodium formate 6) 3 7) 3 8) 1 9) 1 10) 1
11) 3 12) 4 13) 3 14) 3 15) 3
13. Acetaldehyde and Acetone on reaction with 16) 3 17) 4
chlorine respectively gives
1) Mono chloro acetone, methane HINTS
2) Chloral and Dichloro acetone LEVEL - I
3) Chloral and Tri chloro acetone CLASS WORK
4) Tetra chloro Ethanal, Hexa chloro acetone 3. RMgX with CO2 gives carboxylic acid
14. Acetaldehyde forms white crystalline 5. Addition of water to unsymmetrical alkynes
precipitate on mixing with a ..........solution follows Markownikov’s rule
of ........ 6.
C H 3  C  C  H  H 2 O  HOB 
 C H 3  C H 2  C H O
1) Acidic Zn, Hg 2 /OH 

addition follows anti markownikov’s rule

2) Alcoholic Na 2 SO 3 9. Based on steric and electronic reasons
3) Saturated, aqueous NaHSO 3 11. Only acetophenone doesnot form adduct due to
steric effect
4) Aqueous NaCl 12. Crossed cannizzaro reaction
13.   halogenation
15. Aromatic aldehydes and aldehydes without  
Hydrogen atoms.
1) CH 3  CH  CHCH 2CH 2COOH
2) CH 3  CH 2  CH 2CH 2CH 2CHO
3) CH 3  CH 2  CHCH 2CH 2CHO
1. Oxidation of toluence with CrO3 in 5. Methyl cyanide reacts with ethyl
magnesium Bromide and forms an addition
presence of  CH 3CO  2 O gives a product compound which on hydrolysis forms a
(A) which on hydrolysis forms Benzaldehyde compound (A). The functional Isomer of (A)
A is _____ is
1) Chromium complex 1) Butanone 2) Propanone
2) Benzylidene diacetate 3) Butanal 4) Propanal
3) Benzophenone 6. Propanoyl chloride on reduction with
4) Benzal chloride Lindlar’s catalyst forms a compound (A).
Product (A) is
2. Which of the following alkene is most
1) Propanone 2) Propanoic acid
suitable for the preparation of butanone by
3) Propanol 4) Propanal
7. CH 3CHO  NH 2OH  X   H 2O
The number of  bonds,  bonds and lone
pairs of electrons in the compound ‘Y’ are
1. 9, 1, 4 2. 11, 1, 5
3. 9, 2, 2 4. 8, 1, 3
8. A carbonyl compound reacts with hydrogen
cyanide to form cyanohydrin which on
hydrolysis forms a racemic mixture of
3)  -hydroxy acid. The carbonyl compound is
1) formaldehyde 2) acetaldehyde
3) acetone 4) diethyl ketone
9. The increasing order of the rate of HCN
4) addition to compound, A-D is
3. Which of the following on heating with
aq KOH produces butanal dehyde C) PhCOCH 3 D) PhCOPh
1) A<B<C<D 2) D<B<C<A
1) CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2Cl 3) D<C<B<A 4) C<D<B<A
2) CCl3CH 2CH 2CH 3 10. Which of the following is reduced with zinc
and hydrochloric acid to give corresponding
3) CH 3CH 2CH 2CHCl2 hydrocarbon
4) CH 3CCl2CH 2CH 3 1) Ethyl acetate 2) Acetic acid
3) Acetamide 4) Butan-2-one
CH 3  CH  CH  CH 2 11. Iodoform test is not given by
 i DIBAL  H 1) 2-pentanone 2) 3-pentanone
 CH 2  CN 
 ii  H O
 3) ethanal 4) ethanol
4. 2
12. Aldol condensation does not occur between
1) a & b 2) b & c 3) only b 4) All
1) two different aldehydes
2) two different ketones
3) an aldehyde and a ketone KEY
4) an aldehyde and an ester LEVEL - I (H.W)
13. The reagent which gives the same reduction
product with propionaldehyde and acetone 1) 2 2) 1 3) 3 4) 3 5) 3 6) 4
is 7) 4 8) 2 9) 3 10) 4 11) 2 12) 4
1) LiAIH4 2) Na-Hg / H2O 13) 4 14) 4 15) 2 16) 1 17) 3 18) 4
19) 1
3) Ni / H2 4) Zn-Hg/Conc.HCl
14. Which of the following undergoes cannizaro HINTS
reaction? LEVEL - I (H.W)
A) HCHO B) C 6 H5CHO 3) Terminal gemdihalides give aldehydes
D)  CH 3 3 C  CHO
4) Double bond is not affected in stephens
C) Cl 3C  CHO
1) Only A and B 2) Only B and C 5) Aldehydes and ketones are functional isomers
3) Only C and D 4) All A,B,D 8)   hydroxy acid formed must be chiral as it
forms racemic mixture. Only acetaldehyde
15. Which of the following does not undergo cyanohydrin forms acid with chiral carbon on
aldol condensation hydrolysis
1) ClCH 2CHO 2) CCl 3CHO 10) Only aldehydes and ketones
11) There is no CH 3CO group.
3) C 6H 5CH 2CHO 4) CH 3CHO 13) Clemmenson’s (or) Wolf - kishner reduction
16. Which of the following combination of 14) Aldehydes containing no   hydrogen undergo
aldehydes gives orange yellow ppt with 2,4 reaction except CCl3CHO and
 C6 H 5 3 CHO
1) Carbonyl compounds
15) No   hydrogen atoms
2) Carboxylic acids 16) 2, 4 - DNP test is the identification test for
3) only aldehydes carbonyl compounds
4) only ketones
17. Di - Isobutyl alluminium hydride (DIBAL-
H) can be used to carry out which of the
following conversions,
1) Ester to aldehyde 2) Nitriles to imines
3) Both 1 & 2
4) Aldehyde to Carboxylic acids
18. Which of the following Tollen’s test
1) Acetylene and propyne
2) Formic acid
3) Acetaldehyde
4) All
19. Which of the following gives Fehlings test
c) PhCHO d) RCOR


2) Aldol Condenation
3) Clemmenson reduction
4) Etard reaction
LEVEL - II 7. A Substance C4 H10O on oxidation yields
compound C4 H 8O . which gives an oxime
and a positive iodoform test. The original
1. Two isomeric compounds ‘A’ and ‘B’ have substance on treatment with conc. H 2 SO4
the formula C3H6Cl2. With aq KOH solution gives C4 H 8 . The compound is
‘A’ gives propionaldehyde and ‘B’ gives
acetone. Then ‘A’ and ‘B’ are 1. CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2OH
1) CH3-CCl2-CH3 and CH3-CH2-CHCl2 2. CH 3CHOHCH 2CH 3
2) CH3-CHCl-CHCl2 and CH3-CH2- CHCl2
3.  CH 3 3 COH
3) CH3-CH2-CHCl2 and CH3-CCl2-CH3
4) CH3-CHCl-CHCl2 and CH3-CCl2-CH3 4. CH 3CH 2  O  CH 2CH 3
8. Which of the following has the most acidic
PROPERTIES hydrogen?
1) 3 - Hexanone 2) 2, 4 - Hexanedione
2. A new C - C bond formation is possible in 3) 2, 5 - Hexanedione 4) 2, 3 - Hexanedione
9. What are the products of the following
1) Cannizaro reaction
crossed cannizaro reactions
2) Rosenmund’s reduction
3) Clemmenson’s reduction
4) Reimer - Tiemann reaction
3. The enol form of acetone, after treatment
with D 2 O finally gives 1) , CH 3OH

1) CH 3 - C = CH 2 2) CH 3 - C - CH 3
| || 2)
3) CH 3 = C - CH 2D 4) CD3 - C - CD3
| ||
OH O 3)
4. Reactivity of H C H O ( I ). C H 3 C H O ( II ) and
C 6 H 5 C H O (III ) is in order 4)
1) I > III > II 2) III > II > I 10. Identify the product of the following
3) I = II > III 4) I > II > III condensation reaction
5. A 
 CCl3CHO 
 B. In
this reaction A and B are
1) CH3CHO and CHCl3 1) 2)
2) CH3CHO and C2H5Cl
3) CH3CH2OH and CH3Cl
4) CH3OCH3 and CHCl3 3) 4)
 1CrO 2 Cl 2 /CS 2
  A    B

6. C 6 H 5 CH 3  H O
11. By cannizaro reaction A changes to B and C
The Conversion of A to B is called as
1) Cannizaro reaction
as given. Identify ‘A’
A ¾ 5¾0 % ¾N a ¾
¾® C O O N a C H 2O H
| + | 3) 4)
(B ) (C )
CHO CHO 16. A compound ‘A’ has a molecular formula
1) | 2) | C 2 Cl 3 OH . It reduces Fehling solution and on
oxidation produces a mono carboxylic acid
3) | 4) | ‘B’. A can also be obtained by the action of
CHO CH 2 OH Cl 2 on ethanol ‘A’ is
1) Chloral 2) CHCl 3
12. Benzaldehyde and acetone are subjected to
aldol condensation in 2 : 1 molar ratio 3) CH 3 Cl 4) Chloroacetic acid
- 17. The major product obtained in the reaction
2 benzaldehyde +acetone ¾ -¾H ¾®
O 2
¾¾ ® X ¾ HH¾2OSO¾®
Y is
Product is 2 /D

1) C - OH 2) CN
1) 2) ||
3) | 4)
3) 4) C - NH 2

13. In the cannizaro reaction given below

- 18. On vigorous oxidation by permangnate
2Ph.CHO ¾ OH
¾¾ ® Ph.CH 2 OH + PhCO -2
The slowest step is solution (CH 3 )2 C = CH - CH 2 CHO gives
1) The attack of OH- at the carbonyl group.
2) The transfer of hydride to the carbonyl group 1) (CH 3 )2 CO and OHC - CH 2 - CHO
3) The abstraction of proton form the carboxylic 2) (CH 3 )2 - C - CH - CH 2 - CHO
group | |
4) Deprotonation of ph.CH 2 OH OH OH

14. C3 H 8O 
K 2Cr2O7 / H 2 SO4
C3 H 6O 3) (CH 3 )2 CO and OHC - CH 2 - COOH

4) (CH 3 )2 CO and CH 2 (COOH )2

I 2 / alk
 CHI 3
KMnO4 / H  / 
4 - heptanone 
In this reaction the first compound is 19.  A+B. Identify
1) CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 OH 2) CH 3 CH - CH 3 A and B
OH 1) Ethanoic acid pentanoic acid
3) CH 3 - O - CH 2 - CH 3 4) CH 3 CH 2 CHO 2) Ethanal and butanone
3) Butanoic acid and propanoic acid
4) Acetic acid and pentanoic acid
15. product is 20. Which of the following alkenes on reductive
ozonolysis will give a mixture of ketones
1) CH 3 CH = CHCH 3
1) 2) 2) (CH 3 )2 C = CHCH 3

CH 3
identify the product formed
3) (CH 3 )2 C = C \ Ph  CH 2  CH  C  CHO
1) |
C2 H 5 Ph

2) Ph  Ph
4) (CH 3 )2 C = C (CH 3 )2

21. Compounds showing Cannizaro’s reaction Ph  CH 2  CH C  CHO

3) |
4) Ph  CHO
C) (CH 3 )3 C -



25. 
 CH 2 OH
1) A, B, C 2) C, D
3) A, C, D 4) A, B, C, D
X is _____
1) Formic acid 2) Formaldehyde
3) Acetaldehyde 4) Methanol
1) 2) 1) 3 2) 4 3)4 4) 4 5) 1
6) 1 7) 2 8) 2 9)4 10) 3
11) 1 12)3 13) 2 14) 2 15) 1
16) 1 17)1 18) 4 19) 3 20) 3
3) 4) 21) 2 22) 1 23) 3 24) 1 25) 2

23. Identify “C” in the following LEVEL - II

1. Terminal geminal dihalides gives aldehydes and


 A 

B that of other geminal dihalides give ketones with
O Cl

NH  NH / Base
2 2
 C A) B) C  C|  C

2. In Reimer-Tiemann reaction a new C-C bond

O O formation is possible
æCH 3 - C = CH 2 ö÷
1 çç ÷
çç ÷
 2 3. The enolic form of acetone çè
HO contains active hydrogen, replaceable by
 4 Cl2 NaOH
 3 5. CH3CHO  Cl3C  CHO  CHCl3
OH 6. Aldehydes containing no  hydrogen undergo

cannizaro reaction
24. Ph  CH 2  CHO 
 ‘X’  A to C is cannizaro reaction


11.aldehyde with acidic group (hydroxyl) can give 20.

equation of fatty acid and alcohol.

12. C 6 H 5 - CH = O + H 2 CH - C - CH
22. Aldehyde containing no a - hydrogen atom
H 2 + O = CH - C 6 H 5 ¯ - H O / OH - gives cannizaro’s reaction (CH 3 )3 - C - CHO

and C 6 H 5 CHO do not have a - hydrogens


14. CH 3 - CH - CH 3 ¾ K¾Cr¾O[ ¾]
¾ ¾®
2 2 7 + H 2 SO 4
23. 

C3 H 6 O ¾ Iwarm
¾ ¾® CHI3
2 .alk

 
15. HO
16. CCl3CHO+ 2CuO ¾ ¾
® Cu2O+ CCl3COOH
(B) NH 2  NH 2 / Base
  
Chloral Red ppt

CH 3 CH 2 OH ¾ oxidation
¾Cl¾ 2
¾® CH 3 CHO ¾ Chlorination
¾ 3Cl
¾2 ¾®

CCl3CHO 25. Cannizaro reaction.

18. On vigorous oxidation by permangnate solution LEVEL-II
(CH 3 )2 C = CH - CH 2 CHO gives (CH 3 )2 CO HOME WORK
and CH 2 (COOH )2 . The C = C bond is cleared PREPARATIONS
and oxidised to - COOH , - CHO group is also 1. Identify A in the following
oxidised to - COOH .
(CH 3 )2 C = ¾[ nO¾
] 2
CH - CH 2 CHO ¾ KM ®

COOH     A
1 .B2 H 6 /T H F

| 2.H O /O H 
2 2
(CH 3 )2 CO + CH 2 1) cyclo hexane
COOH 2) methyl cyclo hexene
19. Popoff rule 3) cyclo hexane carbaldehyde
4) methyl cyclo hexane carbaldehyde
2.  C 6 H 5C H 2  2 C d  2X 

O 3) NaOH , I 2 / H 
CH 2  C  CH 3 4) Tollen’s reagent
8. (CH 3 )2C  CHCOCH 3 can be oxidised to
(CH 3 )2C  CHCOOH by
1) chromic acid 2) NaOI
Identify X
1) acetyl chloride 2) ethyl chloride 3) Cu at 3000 C 4) KMnO 4
3) vinyl chloride 4) methyl chloride 9. A compound ‘A’ has molecular formula
3. X  C H 3 M g B r  H2 O
 C 2Cl 3OH . It reduces Fehling’s solution
and on oxidation gives a monocarboxylic
CH 3COCH 3  NH 3  MgBr  OH  acid ‘B’. ‘A’ is obtained by the action of
Identify X Cl 2 on ethyl alcohol. ‘A’ is
1) ethyl cyanide 2) ethyl chloride
1) chloral 2) chloroform
3) ethane nitrile 4) methane nitrile
3) chloromethane 4) chloroacetic acid
COC6 H 5 10. The smallest ketone and its next
4 
C6 H 5COCl
 homologue are reacted with NH 2OH to
An AlCl 3
form oxime
Name of above reaction is 1) two different oximes are formed
1) Wurtz reaction 2) three different oximes are formed
2) Clemmenson reduction 3) two oximes are optically active
3) Wolf-Kishner reduction 4) all oximes are optically active
4) Friedel - Craft’s alkylation 11. O-Xylene on oxidation with alkaline
KMnO 4 followed by acidification with
5 A  Z O3
n /H 2O
 2 O
HCl gives
Identify A and name the reaction 1) benzaldehyde 2) benzonitrile
3) benzoic acid 4) phthalic acid
1) , reductive ozonolysis 12. If 3-hexanone is reacted with NaBH4
followed by hydrolysis with D2O, the
2) , reductive ozonolysis product will be
3) , oxidative ozonolysis 2) CH3CH2CD(OH)CH2CH2CH3
4) , oxidative ozonolysis 4) CH3CH2CD(OD)CH2CH2CH3
13. What will be the final product when
6. Which of the following on hydrolysis with cyclohex-2-enone is selectively reduced in
dilute alkali followed by acidification gives MPV reaction?
benzaldehyde. 1) Cyclohexanol 2) Cyclohex-2-enol
1) Benzotrichloride 2) Benzal chloride 3) Cyclohexanone 4) Benzene
3) Benzyl chloride 4) p-chlorotoluene 14. Aldol condensation, between which of the
following compounds followed by
PROPERTIES dehydration gives methyl vinyl ketone?
7. Butan-2-one can be converted to 1) Formaldehyde and acetone
propanoic acid by which of the following: 2) Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde
1) NaOH , Nal / H  3) Two molecules of acetaldehyde
2) Fehling’s solution 4) Two molecules of acetone
H CH 3 O
CH 3
CC  
2) C OK  CH 2OH
15. H 3C C
O        
3) KO C OK  KO OK
H CH 3
C C ONa  Z
   

H 3C C 4) C OK  OK
What is ‘Z’ in a above reaction 20. MATCHING
1) chloral 2) chloroform COLUMN - I
3) iodoform 4) chloro acetone

P) PhMgBr   x  
10 alcohol
C6 H 5  C  CH 3 Can be prepared from 
16. 1 Q) PhMgBr   y  
 20 alcohol
C2 H 5

1) C6 H 5COCH 3 and C2 H 5 MgBr R) PhMgBr   z  
 30 alcohol

2) CH 3CH 2COCH 3 and C6 H 5 MgBr S) PhMgBr   w  
 Benzene
3) C6 H 5COC2 H 5 and CH 3 MgBr COLUMN - II
4) all of these 1) Formaldehyde
2) Propanal dehyde

17. CH3  CH2  OH 
A 
B 3) Acetone
4) Ethylalcohol
Then ‘B’ is
1) CH2 = CH2 1) 1 2 4 3
2) CH3CHO 2) 1 4 2 3
3) 1 3 2 4
3) CH3-CH2-OH 4) 1 2 3 4
4) CH 3  C|  CH 2  CHO
18. CH 3  CHO 
 A 
 B. 1) 3 2) 1 3) 3 4) 4 5) 1
Then ‘B’ is 6) 2 7) 3 8) 2 9) 1 10) 2
1) Ethyl alcohol 2) Acetic acid 11) 4 12) 3 13) 2 14) 1 15) 2
3) Ethyl chloride 4) Acetaldehyde 16) 4 17) 4 18) 3 19) 2 20) 4
19. Which product is formed when the compound
is reated with concentrated
aqueous KOH solution?
 
1) K O CHO
2.  C6 H 5CH 2 2 Cd  2CH 3COCI  O
 2 O ||
5. Zn / H 2O
H 3C  C  N  NH  C  NH 2
13. Reduction with aluminium isopropoxide in 4)
excess of isopropyl alcohol is called |
Meerwein Ponndorff Verley reduction CH 3
(MPV) .
2012 3. Match the following
1. Compound-A  C3 H 6 O  undergoes following A) Acetaidchyde, Vinyalcohol
reactions to form B and C. Identify A, B and C B) Eclipsed and staggered ethane
Zn  Hg / HCl
C   C3 H 6 O 
I 2 / NaOH
B C) (+)2-Butanol, (-) 2-Butanol
A B C D) Methyl-n-propylamine and Dicthylamine
I) Enantiomers
1) ||
CHI3 H3C  CH 2  CH 3 II) Tautomers
H3C  C  CH 3
III) Chain isomers
H 2 C  C  CH 2 OH IV) Conformational isomers
2) | CH 3 I H 3C  CH 2  CH 2  OH V) Metamers
H The correct answer is
1) A-II, B-IV, C-III, D-V
H 3C  CH  CH 3
2) A-II, B-IV, C-I, D-V
3) H 3C  CH 2  CHO CH 3 I |
3) A-V, B-I, C-IV, D-II
OH 4) A-V, B-I, C-III, D-II
H 3C  CH  CH 3 2010
|| | 4. Which one of the following gases yellow
4) CHI3 precipitate with iodine and NaOH solution?
H3C  C  CH 3 OH
2. What is the product obtained in the reaction of 1) CH 3  CHO 2) C6 H 5COC6 H 5
Acetaldehyde with semicarbazide? 3) HCHO 4) CH 3OH
O 2009
|| 5. What are X and Y in the following reaction
1) sequence
H3C  C(H)  N  NH  C NH2
C 2 H 5OH 
X 
2) H 3C  CH  N  NH 2
1) C2 H 5Cl, CH 3CHO
3) H 3C  CH  N  OH
2) CH 3CHO, CH 3CO 2 H
4) C2 H 5Cl, CCl3CHO
6. What areA, B, C in the following reactions?
I)  CH3CO2 2 Ca 


II) CH 3CO 2 H  B

Red P Above conversion can be acheived by :
1. Wolf-Kishner-reduction
III) 2CH 3CO 2 H 
P4 O10
C 2. Clemmensen reduction
A B C 3. , following by Raney
1) C2 H 6 CH 3COCH 3  CH3CO 2 O Ni
4. None of these
2)  CH3CO 2 O C2 H 6 CH 3COCH 3

3) CH 3COCH 3 C 2 H 6  CH3CO 2 O
 Zn Hg
4. 
Hcl 
4) CH 3COCH 3  CH3CO 2 O C2 H 6
7. The synthesis of crotonaldehyde from
acetaldehyde is an example of..........reaction Product of the Clemmensen reduction is;
1) Nucleophilic addition
2) Elimination
3) Electrophilic addition
4) Nucleophilic addition - elimination
1) 1 2) 1 3) 2 4) 1
5) 4 6) 3 7) 4


3. 4.
1. " X " O3  
Zn / H 2 O
X is ___
1) 1-butene 2) Cyclo butene
3) Cyclo butyne 4) cyclo butane

  A ;
5. 
2 4
HO  , 
2. (Wolf  Kishnerreduction )

Above conversion can be acheived by :

1. Wolf-Kishner-reduction
2. Clemmensen reduction
Product  A is ;
3. LiAiH 4 4. NaBH 4


8. 
or N 
aBH 

1. 2. CH2OH
3. 4. Ph
CH 3

9. A  B 
dil OH
Ph  CH  CH  CO  CH 3
Ca OH 
 A 
 B,
HNO  2
6. 
identify A & B in the above reaction
1) Acetophenone, Acetone
2) Acetophenone, Acetaldehyde
Product (B) in this reaction is ; 3) Acetone, Benzaldehyde
4) Acetaldehyde, Benzoic acid
10. OH  B
 O 
 OH
A and B respectively are
1) H 2 / Pt , LiAlH 4 / H 2O
1. 2.
2) H 2 / Pt , H 2 / Pt
3) LiAlH 4 / H 2O, LiAlH 4 / H 2O
4) LiAlH 4 / H 2O, H 2 / Pt

 CH 3 3 CCHO 

11. conc .OH
 X Y
3. 4.
X and Y are
1)  CH 3 3 CCOO  ,  CH 3 3 CCH 2OH
2)  CH 3 2 CHCOOH ,  CH 3 2 CHCH 2OH

CHO 
or N 
7. aBH
3)  CH 3 3 COOH , CH 3CH 2OH
H 3C

identity (A ) in the above reaction 4) C2 H 5COOH , CH 3CH 2OH

1) Butanol 2) 2-butanol
3) But-2-en-1-ol 4) But-2-en-2-ol


1) 2)
Zn  Hg
12.  product
3) 4)

1) 2) 16. In the given reaction sequence

Cl 
CH 3CH 2 C|| CH 2CH 3
O 
Br2 / NaOH
 Y
x,y respectively are
3) 4) 1) CH3CH2COCHBrCH3 & CH 3CH 2COCBr2 CH 3
3) CH3CH 2COCBr2CH3 & CH 3CH 2COCBr2CH 3
17. In the reaction
13. Which statement about the aldol
condensation is correct ? CH 3CHO 
3 HCHO ,
dil . Na2CO3
 X . X is
1) A Lewis acid is commonly used as a catalyst
1) HO CH 2 CH 2 CHO
2) The initial step is probably the formation of a
carbanion 2)  HO CH 2 2 CH  CHO
3) A Lewis base is employed to induce
carbocation formation 3)  HO CH 2 3 C  CHO
4) C  CH 2OH 4
4) The carbon chain is lengthened through the
elimination of 1 mole of water
14. A compound gives a positive test with 18. C2 H 2 
A 
I 2 / NaOH and is extracted from benzene by
C 
saturated NaHSO3 . It may be : Identify A,B,C and D
1) CH 3  CH 2 4 CHO 1) CHCl3 , CHCl2CHO, CCl3 CHO , CCl3 NO2
2) CH 3  CH 2 3 COCH 3 2) Cl2CHCHO, CCl3 CHO , CHCl3 , CCl3 NO2
3) CH 3CH 2COCH 2CH 3 3) CH 3CH Cl2 , CH 3 CO CCl3 , CHCl3 , CCl3 NO2
4) CH 3  CH 2 4 CH 2OH 4) CH Cl3 , CCl3 CHO, CHCl2 CHO, CCl4

15. 
 
Mg / Ether
 
HcN / H 3O
X 19. Identify the product C in the series
CH 3CN Na / C H OH
2 5
 A 
 B 
1) CH 3COOH 2) CH 3CH 2 NH 2
3) CH 3CONH 2 4) CH 3CHO
20. In which of the following product will be

aldehyde CHO O
1) (CH 3 ) 2 C  C (CH 3 ) 2 
( i )03
( ii ) Zn / H 2O
3) 4)
2) CH 3CH  CH 2 
CO / H 2
 C  C  Bu
 , Co  CO 8  C  C  Bu

3) CH 3CH  CH 2 
Pdcl2 , H 2O
 25. CH 2  CHO 
 X 
Identify the final product
4) CH 3  C  CH  
H 2 SO4 / H 2O

21. The product B in the reaction sequence is OH O

| ||
(CH 3COO ) 2 Ca 
A distillation
Ph  CH  C  OK
Zn  Hg  HCl O
 B ||
2) Ph  CH  C  OH
1) (CH3)2CHOH 2)CH3-CH2-CH3 2

|| ||
Ph  C  C  H
22. Select the compounds which can undergo
intramolecular cannizaro reaction in basic
medium 4)
P hC O C H C l2 |
(A ) CHO
(B )

C H 3C O C H O
(C ) C H 2O H 26. In the following sequence
  i     ii 
(D )
1) A, B, D 2) B, C, D 3) A, B, C 4) B, C CH 3CH 2Cl 
NaCN Ni / H 2

  iii 
O anhydride

23. 
dil KoH
  A : Product (A) is 1) CH 3CH 2CH 2 NH 2
O 3) CH 3CH 2CH 2 NHCOCH 3
1) 2)
3) Both 1 & 2 4) None
1)2 2) 2 3) 3 4) 3 5) 2
24) Bu  C  CH  NaNH 2
6) 3 7) 3 8) 2 9) 3 10) 4
H O
 
X 11) 1 12) 1 13) 2 14) 2 15) 4
16)1 17) 3 18) 2 19) 4 20) 2
CHO CHO 21) 2 22) 3 23) 2 24) 2 25) 1
1) C  C  Bu 2)
26) 3
C  C  Bu
13. Enolate ion formed is first step.
LEVEL - III 14. Methyl ketone give positive NaHSO3 test
2. We cannot use Wolf-kishner reduction because 15. NBS - Allylic substitution
in Wolf-Kinshner reduction due to basic medium
19. CH 3CN  4 H 
 CH 3  CH 2  NH 2
elimination take place.
 N , H O  CH 3CH 2  OH 
2 2 CH Cl  CH 3CHO
2 2

20. Oxo process or hydroformylation of alkene.

Alkene with water gas at high T & P in the
presence of cobalt carbonyl forms aldehyde.
21. Distillation of calcium salts forms carbonyl
22. Alcohols cannot involve in intra molecular
cannizaro reaction and terminal gem dihalides on
basic hydrolysis gives aldehydes.
23. Aldol product
24. Bu  C  CNa; Nu  addition to aldehyde
3. Epoxide is unstable in acidic and basic medium group followed by oxidation to form ketone.
5. In basic medium halide undergo elimination
SeO2 oxidises   position in carbonyl
reaction ( E2 elimanation bimolecular)
compounds to  C  O  group.
|| ||
25. followed by cannizaro
X  Ph  C  C  H
6. reaction.
26.  i  CH 3  CH 2  CN
 ii  CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  NH 2
conc.HNO Ca (OH ) 2
3  Adipic acid   iii  CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  NH  CO  CH 3
 
7. NaBH 4 and LiAlH 4 reduces carbonyl 1. In the following sequence of reactions, the alkene
compounds, carboxylic acid without effecting affords the compound ‘B’
C C . CH 3CH  CHCH 3 
 A 
8. NaBH 4 and LiAlH 4 reduces C = C when The compound B is
phenyl group is present at  position. 1) CH 3CH 2 CHO 2) CH 3COCH 3
9. Aldol condensation
11. Cannizaro reaction 3) CH 3CH 2 COCH 3 4) CH 3CHO
12. Clemmensons reduction

2. Which of the following on heating with aqueous
KOH, produces acetaldehyde ?

1) CH3COCl 2) CH 3CH 2 Cl
3) CH 2ClCH 2Cl 4) CH 3CHCl2
3. In Cannizzaro reaction given below

the slowest 1)

step is :
 
1) the attack of OH at the carboxyl group
2) the transfer of hydride to the carbonyl group
3) the abstraction of proton from the carboxylic 3) Hydride transfer is the slowest step
group 
4) 2CCl3CHO 
 CCl3COONa  CCl3CH 2OH
4) the deprotonation of CH 2OH
Cannizaro reaction is a disproportionation
2011 One aldehyde molecule is oxidized to salt of the car-
4. Trichloroacetaldehyde was subjected to boxylic Acid, other one is reduced to
Cannizzaro’s reaction by using NaOH. The
Alcohol. So the compound is CCl3CH 2 OH
mixture of the products contains sodium
trichloroacetate and another compound. The IUPAC Name is 2, 2, 2, - Trichloro ethanol
other compound is : 5) Formaldehyde and Acetaldehyde can be oxi-
1) Trichloromethanol dized by tollen’s reagent to give silver mirror.
2) 2, 2, 2-Trichloropropanol 6) Iodoform is given by
3) Chloroform 1 ) m e t h y l k e t o n e s R - C O - C H

4) 2, 2, 2-Trichloroethanol 2) alcohols of the type R-CH(OH)CH3

5. Silver Mirror test is given by which one of the where R can be hydrogen also
following compounds ?
1) Acetone 2) Formaldehyde
3) Benzophenone 4) Acetaldehyde

6. Iodoform can be prepared from all except :
1) Ethyl methyl ketone
2) Isopropyl alcohol
3) 3–Methyl – 2– butanone
4) Isobutyl alcohol

1) 4 2) 4 3) 2 4) 4
5) 2,4 6) 4


1.Both the statements are true and statement- gives benzyl alcohol and formate ion.
II is the correct explanation of statement-I. Statement- II: Formaldehyde is a better
2. Both statements are true but statement-II hydride donor than benzaldehyde.
is not the correct explanation of statement-I. 10. Statement- I: Carbonyl compounds take part
3. Statement-I is true but statement-II is false in nucleophilic addition reactions.
4. Statement-I is false but statement-II is true. Statement- II: These reactions are initiated
1. Statement- I : HCHO and HCOOH can be by nucelophilic attack at the electron
distinguished by Tollen’s test. deficient carbon atom.
Statement-II: Silver mirror is formed when 11. Statement- I: Secondary alcohols can be
ammonical AgNO3 is reduced. easily oxidised to aldehydes.
2. Statement- I: CH3COCH2COCH3 does not Statement- II: Aldehydes are prone to
respond to the iodoform test with I2/OH-. further oxidation to carboxylic acids.
Statement- II Presence of active methylene
12. Statement- I: The addition of ammonia
group attracts the base.
derivatives on carbonyl compound is carried
3. Statement- I Acrolein containing aldehyde
in weakly acidic medium.
group undergoes aldol condensation with
alkali. Statement- II : In weakly acidic
Statement- II The double bond breaks when medium attacking nuclephile is also
treated with NaOH. protonated.
13. Statement- I: Fehling’s reagent is a test for
H 2 C = CH  CHO 
all aliphatic aldehydes.
4. Statement- I: (CH 3 ) 2 CHCHO mainly Statement- II : Aliphatic aldehydes can be
undergoes Cannizzaro reaction when heated easily oxidised even with mild oxidising
with strong alkali. agents.
Statement- II : Steric hindrance prevents 14. Statement- I: Propanal undergoes
aldol Cannizzaro’s reaction.
condensation. Statement- II: It has an α - hydrogen atom.
5. Statement- I: The acetal formation with
ketones does not respond to base catalysis. PROPERTIES
Statement- II: The dehydration 15. Statement- I: Formaldehyde is a planar
step has to be acid catalysed. molecule.
6. Statement- I: (CH 3)3CCOC(CH 3)3 and
Statement- II: Carbon atom in
acetone can be distinguished by the reaction 2
with NaHSO3. formaldehyde is sp -hybridized.
16. Statement- I: Nitromethane can give aldol
Statement- II: SO32  is the nucleophile in condensation.
bisulphate addition. Statement- II: α - hydrogen of nitromethane
7. Statement- I: 2, 2-Dimethylpropanal is acidic.
undergoes Cannizzaro reaction with conc.
NaOH. 17. Statement- I: Chloral hydrate is stable.
Statement- II: Cannizzaro is a Statement- II: It is stable due to its high
disproportionation molecular weight.
reaction. 18. Statement- I: Acetaldehyde does not show
8. Statement- I: Aldol condensation can be aldol condensation.
catalysed both by acids and bases. Statement- II: Compounds having at least
Statement- II: β - Hydroxyaldehydes or one α - hydrogen give aldol condensation.
19. Statement- I: Lower aldehydes and ketones
ketones readily undergoes acid-catalysed
are soluble in water. The solubility
decreases as the molecular mass increases.
Statement- II: Distinction between
9. Statement- I: Crossed Cannizzaro reaction aldehydes and ketones can made by Tollen’s
between formaldehyde and benzaldehyde reagent.
20. Statement : 1 : CH3CHO on reaction with attack on sterically hindered ketones.
dil NaOH forms Aldol 7. Aldehydes not containing alpha hydrogens
Statement-II : Aldehydes and Ketones undergo cannizaro reaction.
having ‘  ’ hydrogen undergo Aldol
8. Both Carbanion (formed in presence of base)
and enol form (formed in presence of acid) act
21. Statement : 1 :Acetaldehyde on reaction with
as nucleophiles and hence add on the carbonyl
H2SO4 at room temp forms a solidfuel
Statement : II :(CH3CHO)4 acts as a solid carbon.
fuel 11. Primary alcohols should carefully be oxidised to
22. Statement : 1 : Benzaldehyde undergoes aldehydes. Otherwise they oxidise directly to
aldol condensation. carboxylic acids.
Statement : II : It does not contain any 12. In strong acidic medium only protonation takes
 - hydrogen atom. place.
23. Statement : 1 : CH3CHO is more reactive
14. 2-methyl propanal has an ‘ α - hydrogen’. Hence
than CH3COCH3
if does not undergo cannizaro’s reaction.
Statement : II :The >C=0 group in CH3CHO
experiences more steric hinderance 17. Intermolecular hydrogen bond makes chloral
24. Statement : 1 : The solubility of aldehydes hydrate stable
and ketones in water decreases with 18. Acetaldehyde has α - hydrogens. It undergoes
increase of size of the alkyl group aldol condensation.
Statement : II :Alkyl groups are electron
releasing groups LEVEL-IV
25. Statement : 1 : The B.P’s aldehydes and
ketones are higher than those of ethers of
comparable molecular masses. Aldehydes containing no α - hydrogen atom,
Statement : II : Aldehydes and ketones when treated with concentrated alkali
undergo intermolecular association due to (aqueous or alcoholic), undergo self
dipole-dipole interactions. oxidation-reduction to yield a mixture of an
KEY alcohol and a salt of a carboxylic acid. This
01) 4 02) 1 03) 4 04) 1 reaction, known as Cannizzaro reaction, is
05) 1 06) 2 07) 2 08) 2 carried out at room temperature.
09) 1 10) 1 11) 4 12) 3 Cannizzaro reaction may be crossed, e.g.
13) 1 14) 4 15) 1 16) 1
C 6 H 5 CHO + HCHO  conc.
 NaOH
 
17) 3 18) 4 19) 2 20) 1
21) 4 22) 4 23) 3 24) 2 C 6 H 5 CH 2 OH + HCOONa
25) 1 Further, Cannizzaro reaction may be
HINTS internal too.
Aldehydes, having α - hydrogen atom,
1. HCHO and HCOOH respond positively to the
Tollen’s test. undergo reaction in different way.
2. CH 3 COCH 2 COCH 3  OH
 
2CH 3 CHO  OH
  CH 3 CHCH 2 CHO
1. Which of the following statement is correct?
3. H 2 C = CH  CHO  
 OH 
1. Different behaviour of CH3CHO and HCHO
HCHO + CH 3CHO is due to difference in their acidic character.
4. 2.Both reactions (Cannizzaro reaction and

(CH 3 ) 2 CHCHO  OH
  aldol condensation) involve in nucleophilic
(CH 3 ) 2 CHCH 2 OH + (CH 3 ) 2 CHCOO  addition
3.Both 1 & 2 are correct
6. SO32- is a bulky nucleophile, hence, cannot 4.None is correct.
2. Which of the following can undergo
Cannizzaro reaction?
1. C6H5CHO 3. CH 3 - C - CH 3 undergoes nucleophilic
addition, while CH 3 - C - CX 3 undergoes
3. C 6 H 5 CCHO nucleophilic substitution
4. All the above 4. Size of bromine is more than that of H
3. When (CH3)3CCHO and C6H5CHO are 6. Halogen reaction can be used for preparing
treated with aq. NaOH, the possible number -COOH from methyl ketones, which halogen
of products are is best suited for this purpose?
1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4 1.Cl2 2. Br2
PASSAGE - 2 3. either of the two 4. I2
When methyl ketones react with halogens PASSAGE - 3
in the presence of a base, all α - hydrogen A chemist treated a compound X with NaOH
atoms are replaced by halogens, one after in presence of acetone as solvent. However,
the other. it recovered the starting material as such,
and instead isolated a small amount of the
O O product A. the product A was shown to have
X2, OH C, H and O and it had a molecular weight of
CH3 - C - CH3 CH3 - C - CH3
Trihaloketone 116 g/mol. It gave a positive iodoform test
O and was found to be identical with a
compound obtained by the aldol self
X3C - C - CX3 condensation of acetone.
Although the product A did not discharge
The trihaloketone also undergoes
colour of bromine in CCl4, its dehydration
hydrolysis in presence of OH - forming
product B with hot sulphuric acid discharged
bromine dissolved in CCl4.
7. What is the molecular weight of a compound
that undergoes an aldol self condensation
reaction and whose dehydrated product has
4. During formation of trihaloketone, which a molecular weight of 70?
halogen is introduced most easily? 1. 35 2. 44 3. 49 4. 58
1. First 2. Second 8. The aldol self condensation of acetone is in
3. Third 4. All at the same rate equilibrium that favours acetone over its
5. Acetone as well as trihaloacetone, both corresponding product. Which of the
contain C = O group, only the latter is following conditions is most likely to shift
hydrolysed by alkali while the former does the position of equilibrium toward product
not undergo hydrolysis. this is because. A?
1. By using a catalytic amount of NaOH
2. By using only a catalytic amount of acetone
1. CH 3 - C - CH 3 is stable, while 3. By removing product A as soon as it is formed
4.By increasing reaction temperature
9. Which of the following compounds will give
is unstable. a positive iodoform test?
A. C2 H 5OH B. CH 3CHO
2. -CX3 is stable while -CH3 is unstable.

1. Only compound A 2. Only compound B 11. Which one is most reactive for addition of
3. Both A and B 4.Only compound Z alcohol on carbonyl group?
Aldehydes and ketones are polar molecules. 3. H C 4. CH3CH2CHO
3 CH CH 2 3
Nucleophiles usually attack C = O at
carbon (positively charged) and are attacked
by oxygen. The characteristic reaction of O
aldehyde and ketone is nucleophilic addition
12. How many aldol products can be formed
to the carbon of the group.
when 2-butanone and propionaldehyde
δ δ+ δ  O
O +H  A   H
reacts in presence of dilute base?
  A
1. 4 2. 5 3. 6 4. 7
H 13. Match the following
-  
A) Grignard reagent 1) H2 /Pd  BaSO 4
H + HO  R + H 2O
base enola te B) Clemmenson 2) N 2 H 4 /KOH /
reduction CH 2 OH  CH 2 OH

O O OH O C) Rosenmund’s 3) CH3MgX
O   H2O reduction
+   H H
H + R
R R R R D) Wolf-Kishner 4) Zn  Hg/Conc.HCl
R al dol
The reactivity of carbonyl compounds for
5) H 2 /Ni
nucleophilic addition reaction is inversely
proportional to electron releasing effects A B C D
(+I, +M) of the groups attached to the 1. 3 4 2 1
carbonyl carbon. 2. 3 4 1 2
10. Which of the following undergoes aldol 3. 2 1 4 5
condensation? 4. 5 3 2 1
H 14. Match the following
1. H Name of the reaction Reagent used
H 5C 6 1. Rosenmund’s reduction A. Zn-Hg/ConHCl
O 2. Wacker’s Process B.NH2-NH2+KOH
C 6H 5
+ (CH2OH)2
2. 3. Clemensons reduction C.PdCl2+CuCl2/H+
H 4. Wolff- kishner reduction D.Pd-BaSO 4/Qunoline
Cl 1) 1-D, 2-C, 3-A, 4-B
O 2) 1-B, 2-D, 3-C, 4-A
3) 1-A, 2-C, 3-B, 4-D
3. H
4) 1-C, 2-B, 3-A, 4-D
15. Match the reactions given in Column I with the
suitable reagents given in Column II.
4. CH 3 Column I Column II
i) Benzophenone
 Diphenylmethane a) LiAlH 4
ii) Benzaldehyde 
1-Phenylethanol b) DIBAL-H
iii) Cyclohexanone 4.
 Cyclohexanol c) Zn  Hg  / Conc.HCl
iv) Phenyl benzoate
 Benzaldehyde d) CH 3 MgBr 18.
1) i - (c) ii - (d) iii- (a) iv - (b)
  X    Y  (Major) ;
2) i - (d) ii - (c) iii- (a) iv - (b) 
2 2 3 3

3) i - (a) ii - (d) iii- (c) iv - (b) Product (Y) is ;

4) i - (c) ii - (d) iii- (b) iv - (a)

16. In the given reaction 1)

1 1
CH 3 C  C (CH 3 ) 2 
 A B
(A) and (B) respectively are 2)
2) CH 3COCH 3 , CH 3CHO
3) CH 3COCH 3 , CH 3COCH 3 3)
4) CH 3COOH , CH 3COCH 3
19. (CH3)2 C = CHCOCH3  (CH3 )2 CO
 ’X’. Here
‘X’ is
17. 1) Mesityl oxide 2) Phorone
3) Acetic acid 4) Mesitylene
20. 2CH3COCH3 'X'. ‘X’ is
Product (C) of 1) Mesityl oxide 2) Diacetone alcohol
above reaction; 3) Acetic acid 4) Mesitylene
21. Metaldehyde is the product of the following
1) 4CH 3  CHO  
Conc.H 2SO4 , 0 C

2) CH  C  CH 
Conc.H 2SO 4 , roomtemp.

3 3

3) 3CH 3CHO 
Conc.H 2SO 4 , roomtemp.

4) C 6 H 5  CHO  
Conc.H 2SO 4

22. Acetaldehyde when treated with
3. Conc.H 2SO 4 at room temp. undergoes
trimerisation and forms
1) Metaldehyde 2) Aldol
3) Paraldehyde 4) Acetaldoxime
23. Acetone is distilled with concentrated
H2SO4. The resultant product obtained is

Molecular weight of the parent compound
1) 2) =  44
8. Removal of product A will favour the conversion
of acetol to product A to maintain equilibrium.
10. Aldehydes with atleast one α -H atom may
3) 4) undergo aldol condensation.
11. HCHO is highly reactive towards nucleophilic
17. PhCOCH 3 



H O 2
1) 3 2) 4 3) 4 4) 3 5) 2 
6)3 7) 2 8) 3 9)3 10) 1 PhCOCN  H 3O
11)2 12)3 13) 2 14) 1 15)1 18. Bayer villeger oxidation
16) 2 17) 2 18) 2 19) 2 20) 1
21) 1 22) 3 23) 4


1. Aldol condensation is due to acidic behaviour of

α - H of carbonyl Compounds. Since HCHO
has no such ‘H’, it can not undergo aldol
condensation. Both reactions involve the attack
of nucleophile, OH- in Cannizaro reaction and
carbanion in aldol condensation as the Carbonyl
2. All the three undergo Cannizaro reaction because
of absence α - ‘H’
3. Either of the compounds can undergo oxidation
as well as reduction. So, the total number of
Products will be four.
4. Introduction of the first halogen is slowest, while
that of the last, i.e., third is fastest because
introduction of the halogen increases the acidity
of the remaining α - hydrogens.
5. : CX 3 is a better leaving group and stabilised due
to the dispersal of the negative charge by three
6. Since chloroform and bromoform are water
immiscible liquids, they can easily be separated
from the aqueous solution of the carboxylate
7 Molecular weight of dehydrated product = 70
Molecular weight of hydrated compound
(product of aldol self condensation)
= 70 + 18 = 88
1 CH3COOH Acetic acid
Introduction and Nomenclature
 
 Organic compounds containing carboxyl 2. C6 H5 C H  C H  COOH Cinnamic acid
  C O O H  group are called carboxylic acids.  
3 CH3 C H  C HCOOH Crotonic acids
 The general formula of carboxylic acids is
4 CH 2  CHCOOH Acrylic acid
Cn H 2 nO2 .Higher member of carboxylicacids   Amino
5 H2 N  CH2 COOH
 C12  C18  are known as fatty acids. Acetic acid
6 CH 3CH  OH  COOH Lactic acid
 These may be aliphatic, alicyclic or aromatic.
These may be further divided into saturated 7 C6 H5CH 2COOH
Unsaturated and substituted.
eg: hydroxy, amino and halo substituted Note:Carboxylic acid in which carboxylic group is
carboxylic acids. attached to a cyclic compound can be named as:
 The aliphatic mono carboxylic acids are known Cycloalkanecarboxylic acid: Cycloalkenecarboxylic
acid or cycloalkynecarboxylic acid .
as fatty acids, as many of these acids (especially
the higher members) found in fats in the form COOH Carboxylic acid
of their glyceryl esters.
 Trivial names or common names of lower
members were derived from their source of Cycloalkane
occurence. 
Cyclohexane carboxylic acid
1 H C O OH F o r m ic ac id
M e th a n o i c 1
a c id
2 C H 3C O O H A c e tic a ci d E t h a n o i c a ci d 3
P r o p io n ic
3 C H 3C H 2C O O H P r o p a n o i c a ci d
a ci d 3-Bromo-2-hydroxycyclopropane
CH 3  C H 2  2 C OO H n – B u ty r ic
B u ta n o i c aci d carboxylic acid
a ci d

CH 3 CH 2 3 CO O H n – v a le r ic
P e n t an o ic aci d
a ci d
S.No Structure Name
CH 3  C H 2  4 C OO H C a p r o ic ac id H e x an o ic ac id
COOH Cyclohexane
CH  C H 2  6 C OO H 1
7 3
C ap r y li c a ci d O c ta n o i c a ci d carboxylic acid
CH 3 CH 2 8 CO O H C a p r i c a ci d D e ca n o i c a ci d
2 COOH Benzoic acid
CH 3  C H 2 1 0 C O O H L a u r ic a ci d
D o d e c an o i c
a c id

CH 3  C H 2 1 2 C O O H M y r i st ic ac id
T e tr a d e ca n o ic
a c id
3 OH Salicylic acid
CH 3  C H 2 1 4 C O O H P al m i t ic aci d
H e x a d e ca n o ic
a c id

CH  C H 2 1 6 C O O H O ct ad ec an o i c COOH
12 St e ar i c a ci d
a c id
COOH 4 NH2 Anthranilic
Phthalic acid Isophthalic acid Terephthalic acid
Sol. The compound is carboxylic acid. The aldehyde
S.NO Structure Name group and the hydroxyl group are treated as
COOH substituents. The compound is heptenoic acid
1 derivative. The name is
Oxalic acid
  E   4  hydroxy- 7 - formyl - 5 - heptenoic acid

Malonic W.E-2:
acid OH

Succinic a) b)
Sol. a) 2 - hydroxy - 4 carboxyclohexanone
4 CH2COOH b) Cyclopropanecarboxylic acid
acd Nomenclature of Esters
 Esters are named in the following way:
CH2COOH i) The first word of the name is the stem name of
the alkyl group attached to oxygen.
Adipic acid ii) The second word of name is the name of the
parent acid with the suffix - ic acid replaced by
- ate.
6 HO – CH – COOH iii) This nomenclature applies for both common and
Malic acid IUPAC names of esters.

Tartaric acid R – C – O – R'
8 Maleic (cis) 
and fumaric H  C  O  CH 3
Methyl methanoate
CH–COOH (trans) acid Alkyl
9 CH2COOH Alkanoate
Citric acid

CH 3  CH 2  C  O  CH 2  CH 3
CH2COOH Ethyl propanoate

W.E-1:Provide IUPAC name for the compound

given below:
H CH – CH2 – CH2 – C – OH Note-1: Cyclic esters are called lactones. The
IUPAC system names of these compounds as
OH oxacylolkanone.
O  (A) Primary Amides: Primary amides are
named by using the acid name, replacing oic
acid with amide. Thus, the general name is
O O alkanamide, alkenamide and alkynamide.
2-Oxycyclopentanone 2-Oxacyclohexanone 
 OH

CH 3  C  OH 
 CH 3  C  NH 2
 NH 2
Nomenclature of Anhydrides Ethanoic acid Ethanamide

i) Symmetrical anhydrides are named by using the O

acid name and replacing acid with anhydride.
CH3 – CH – CH2 – COOH
 
CH 3  C  O  C  CH 3 CH3 CH3
Ethanoic anhydride 3 - Methylbutanoic acid 3 - Methylbutanamide

O O  (B) Secondary and Tertiary amides: In

 
CH 3  CH 2  C  O  C  CH 2  CH 3 these two amides, the names of the substituents
Propanoic anhydride are indicated first, followed by the name of the
ii) Mixed anhydrides are named by stating the amide. The name of each substituent is proceded
names of both acids in alphabetical order, by a capital N to indicate that the substituent is
followed by “anhydride” bonded to a nitrogen. Substituents present on
O O nitrogen are arranged alphabetically.
 
CH 3  C  O  C  CH 2  CH 3 O
Ethanoic propanoic anhydride
CH3 – CH3 – C – NH
Nomenclature of Acid Chloride
 Acid chloride is named by using the acid name
replacing ic acid with yl chloride, i.e,. alkanoyl
chloride : CH 3
 |
O O CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  C  N  CH 3
 
CH 3  C  Cl CH 3  CH 2  C  Cl N , N  di methylbutanamide
Ethanoyl chloride Propanoyl chloride
Note-1: Cyclic amides are called lactams. The
IUPAC system names of these compounds as
3- Methyl pentanoyl chloride NH
 Nomenclature of Amides: Amides are NH
classified as primary, secondary or tertiary, 2-Azacyclobutanone 2-Azacyclohexanone
depending on the number of alkyl groups bonded
to the nitrogen atom. Primary amides have no
alkyl group bonded to nitrogen, secondary
COOH – CH – C – CH – C – COOH
amides have one and tertiary amides have two
alkyl groups.
 
R  C  NH 2 R  C  NHR R COCl – CH2 – CH – COCl
Primary amide Secondary amide
Tertiary amide 2-Hydroxybutanedinoyl chloride
Isomerism: Carboxylic acids exhibits all From Gem Trihalides

types of structural isomerism except 
R  CX 3   R  COOH
i HOH / OH
metamerism.   ii  H 
 The following compounds are isomeric with 
C6 H 5  CCl3   C6 H 5  COOH
i NaOH / HOH
carboxylic acids.  ii  H 
(1) Esters (2)Hydroxy aldehydes 
H  CCl3 
i NaOH / HOH
 ii  H 
(3) Hydroxy ketones (4)Hydroxy oxiranes
Ex:- C H O  From Primary Alcohols: Primary alcohols
3 6 2
on oxidation give carboxylic acids as end
CH 3CH 2COOH , CH 3COOCH 3 , products.

CH 2  CH 2  CHO 
R  CH 2OH  4 i KMnO / O H / 
 R  COOH
HCOOC2 H 5 , | ,  ii  H 
Ex :
O 2 2 7 
CH 3  CH 2  OH   CH 3CHO
4 K Cr O or KMnO
 H 2 SO4
CH 3  C H  CHO CH  C  C H 
O 
| , 3
Ethyl alcohol Acetaldehyde
2 7
    
K Cr O or KMnO
 H 2 SO 4
and Acetic acid

OH HO  From Aldehydes and Ketones: Carbonyl

Preparation of carboxylic acids compounds on oxidation give carboxylic acids.
 From Alkenes: Alkenes having atleast one R  CHO 
Feling's Solution or
Tollen's reagent,
hydrogen on vinylic carbon give carboxylic Θ
KMnO4 / O H / Δ
acids on oxidation.
O 
 i KMnO / O H / 
KMnO4 / OH  / 
CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  C  CH 3  4
i  H 

R  CH  CH  R      
CH 3  CH 2  COOH  CH 3  COOH
 From Alkynes: Alkynes on ozonolysis and on
oxidation give carboxylic acids.  From methyl Ketones: Such compounds on

treatment with X 2 / O H give carboxylic acids.
 
 2
R  C  CH 3   RCOOH  CHX 3
i X /O H

 From Alkyl Benzene: Alkyl benzene on  ii  H 

oxidation gives carboxylic aicd.  From Nitriles: Nitriles on hydrolysis give

 i KMnO / OH 
carboxylic acids. The reaction is catalysed by
C6 H5  CH 2  R  4
ii  H O / H 
 C6 H5  COOH acids as well as by base. In this reation,

Ex: CN group converts into COOH group.

H3O / OH /  –
R–CN 

H 3O 
H2O / H / 
KMnO4 . KOH
 Carbonylation of Grignard Reagents and
Toluene Pot.Benzoate Benzoic acid Alkyl Lithium: Grignard reagents react with
COOK COOH carbon dioxide to yield magnesium
carboxylates. These, on acidification, produce
 carboxylic acids.
 
H 3O
 O

   

RMgX  C  O 
 R  C  O M gX 
 R  COOH
 
Propylbenzene Benzoic acid
 

 Physical properties: Aliphatic carboxylic
R  Li  O  C  O 
R  C OLi 
R  C OH HOH / H
acids upto nine carbon atoms are colourless
Br MgBr liquids at room temperature with unpleasant
 odour.
CO2  
dry ice
 The higher acids are wax like solids and
odourless due to their low volatility.
 Carboxylic acids have higher boiling liquids
O = C – OMgBr COOH
than aldehydes, ketones and even alcohols of
H O
comparable molecular masses, due to more

extensive association of carboxylic acid
NO2 NO2 molecules through intermolecular hydrogen
 From acylhalides and anhydrides: Acid bonding.
chlorides when hydrolysed with water give  Simple aliphatic carboxylic acids having upto
carboxylic acids or more readily hydrolysed with four carbon atoms are miscible in water due to
aqueous base to give carboxylic ions which on intermolecular hydrogen bonding with water.
acidification gives corresponding carboxylic  The solubility decreases with increasing number
acid. of carbon atoms. Higher carboxylic acids are

insoluble in water due to the increased
OH / H2O H O
hydrophobic interaction of hydrocarbon part.
– –
 RCOOH  Benzoic acid, the simplest aromatic carboxylic
H 2O 
Ex : CH 3COCl  CH 3COOH  Cl acid is nearly insoluble in cold water.
 Anhydrides on hydrolysis gives corresponding  Carboxylic acids are also soluble in less polar
acid organic solvents like benzene, ether, alcohol,
chloroform etc
 C6 H5CO 2 O 
 2C6 H 5COOH2
Chemical properties
Ex : i)
Benzoic anhydride Benzoic acid Acidic nature and acidic strength:
C6 H 5COOCOCH 3 
 C6 H 5COOH  CH 3COOH Carboxylic acids dissociate in water to give
ii) Benzoic ethanoic Benzoicacid Ethanoicacid resonance stabilized carboxylate anions
 From esters +

H2O + R – C – OH H3O + R – C  R – C  R–C

 CH3CH2CH2COONa + C2H5OH


Ethyl butanoate O O O
Butanoic acid  ..
W.E-3:Complete the following. R  C O  H  H2O  R  C O : H3O
 ..

i) CH 3  CH 2  C  CHBr2  i  NaOBr
 ii  H 

 RCOO    H 3O  
ii) C6 H 5  CH 3   A    B  H 2O / OH  Ka 
Cl2 / hv

Sol. i) CH  CH  C  CHBr 
 K a  Dissociation constant of acid
3 2 2

 Effect of substituents on the acidity of
 O
 
CH 3  CH 2  C  CBr3  
OH 
 carboxylic acids: Electron withdrawing
  groups increase the acidity of carboxylic acids
 
 by stabilising the carboxylate ion, the conjugate
CH 3  CH 2  COO   CHBr3 
H CH 3  CH 2  COOH

base through delocalisation of negative charge
ii) C6 H5  CH3 
Cl2 / hv
C6 H5  CCl3 
H2O / OH
C6 H5COO  CHCl3 by inductive effect (or) resonance effects.
 A
 Electron withdrawing group C6H5COOH>C6H5 -CH2COOH >
C stabilises carboxylate ion CF3COOH  CCl3COOH  CHCl2 COOH 
O NO 2  CH 2 COOH  NC  CH 2 COOH 
Ex. F, Cl FCH 2 COOH  ClCH 2 COOH 
 On the otherhand electron donating groups BrCH 2 COOH 
decrease the acidity of carboxylic acids as they
destabilize the conjugate base  HCOOH  ClCH 2 CH 2 C6 H 4 COOH 
Electron donating group C6 H 5CH 2 COOH 

C  Ortho effect: Ortho substituents have an acid

destabilises carboxylate ion
strengthening effect and their effect is unusually
Ex. OCH3 high. Thus ortho substituted Benzoic acids are
 Increase in the number of Cl atoms at  - considerably stronger acids than benzoic acids
position (-I effect) increases the acidic strength no matter whether the substituent is electron
and decreases pKa value releasing group or electron withdrawing group.
CCl3COOH > CHCl2COOH > Ortho effect is believed to be due to the jont
CH2ClCOOH > CH3COOH application of inductive, steric and
 Increase in the distance of Cl atom from - COOH intramolecular Hydrogen bonding wherever
group decreases the acidic strength applicable.
| |
< < <

 Increase in electronegativity of halogen  Carboxylic acids are stronger in acidic character
increases the acidity than phenols and alcohols.
FCH 2COOH  ClCH 2COOH  BrCH 2COOH  ICH 2COOH  Unlike phenols carboxylic acids react with
 If the -COOH group is in bond with unsaturated weaker bases such as carbonates and
carbon acidic strength increases. bicarbonates to liberate CO2
HC  C  COOH  C6 H 5COOH
2RCOOH  Na2CO3 
 2RCOONa  H2O  CO2
2RCOOH  NaHCO3  RCOONa  H2O  CO2
 Electron withdrawing group on C6H5 of aromatic
carboxylic acid increases acidity where as  Though the conjugate base of phenol, that is
electron donating groups decrease acidity phenoxide ion has resonance structures, they are
nonequivalent and negative charge is present on
carbon atom. More number of contributing
resonating structures towards acidic character
< < are present in carboxylate ion. So carboxylic
acids are more acidic than phenol.
OCH3 NO2 Reactions due to - COOH Group:
 Increasing order of acidic strength when the Carboxylic acids give following reactions due
carboxylic acid contains to the presence of carboxylic group:
Ph < I < Br < Cl < F < CN < NO2 < CF3 (A) Reactions due to acidic hydrogen :
 decreasing order of acidic strength Acids react with bases to form salts. Salts of
CF3COOH > CCl3COOH > CHCl2 COOH> carboxylic acids are important compounds for
BrCH2COOH > HCOOH > ClCH2COOH> the preparation of different organic compounds.
Electrolysis (D) Schmidt reaction:Carboxylic acid on
RCOO  Na 
treatment with hydrazoic aicd gives primary
NaOH Sodalime
R–H amine. This reaction is known as schmidt
O reaction or rearrangement. This reaction is very
 R – C – R
Ca(OH)2 Dry
distillation useful for the conversion of COOH group to

 NH 2 group.
ROOOH RCOO NH  R – C – NH2 
 
2 5  R – CN

X2(Cl2 or Br2) ROOH 

N3 H
Conc . H 2 SO4
R  NH 2  N 2  CO2
RCOO  Ag  I2/ CH 3  COOH 
N 3 H / Conc . H 2 SO4
 CH 3  NH 2

C6 H 5  CH  CH  COOH  
O N3 H / conc.CH 2 SO4
R ' Li 
RCOO  Li     R – C – R
C6 H 5  CH  CH  NH 2
(B) Nucleophilic substitution reactions: (E) Borodine - Hunsdiecker reaction :
Carboxylic acids give the following nucleophilic Treatment of silver salt of acid with bromine in
substitution reaction in which - OH group is the presence of carbon tetrachloride to give an
replaced by nucleophiles, i.e., alkyl or aryl bromide is known as Hunsdiecker
R – C – CL
SOCl2 Acid chloride RCOONa 
 RCOO  Ag 
O 
Br2 / CCl4
 R  Br  CO2  AgBr
R ' O H / H  
R – C – O – R + HOH  Silver salt of acid (excess) is treated with
O Ester

R – C – OH
O I 2 leading to the formation of ester. This reaction
|| 
R  C O H is known as Simonini reaction.
R – C – O – C – R + HOH I2 / 
P2O5 /  Anhydride 2 RCOOAg   RCOOR  CO2  2 AgI

 O CH 3COOH 
 CH 3COO  Ag 
R ' N H 2
R – C – NH – R + HOH O
Amide 
I2 / 
 CH 3  C  OCH 3
 All carboxylic acids form acid chlorides except (F) Arndt - Eistert reaction: The reaction is
formic acid because formyl chloride is unstable.
a method for converting an acid RCOOH to a
   O
 homologous acid, R  CH 2  COOH , in which
  H  C  Cl  
H  C  OH   CO  HCl
  the wolff rearrangement is the key step. In this
 
Hence, HCOOH is used for the preparation of
reaction, R  CO  Cl from RCOOH is
mixture of CO and HCl which is used in converted to R  CH 2COOH by diazomethane
Gattermann - Koch aldehyde synthesis. via formation of   diazoketone.
(C) Reduction reaction: Carboxylic acids O O
undergo reduction with the following reagents: 
 i  SOCl2

R  C  OH   ii  CH 2 N 2  R  CH 2  C  OH
 ii  HOH / Ag 2O Carboxylic acid

H2 / Ni / 
 
 i  SOCl2
LiAlH4 (or)
R  C  OH   ii  CH 2 N 2  R  CH 2  C  O  R '
R – C – OH  ii  R ' OH / Ag 2O Carboxylic acid

 
 i  SOCl2
H2 / Ru (or) R  C  OH   ii  CH 2 N 2  R  CH 2  C  NH  R '
 ii  R ' NH 2 / Ag 2O
Hell - Volhard - Zelinsky reaction : Acid derivatives: The main reaction of these
Carboxylic acids having at least one  - compounds is nucleophilic substitution reaction.
The order of reactivity for nucleopilic
hydrogen react with X 2  Cl2 or Br2  in the substitution is :
presence of phosphorus (or phosphorus halide) O



to give  - halo acids. This reaction is known R  C  Cl  R  C  O  C  R 
as Hell - Volhard Zelinsky reaction (HVZ O



reaction) R  C  OR '  R  C  OH  R  C  NH 2
Br  Nucleophilic substitution reaction of acid and
| acid derivatives is called nucleophilic addition
 2
R  CH2  COOH 
ii HOH 
R  C H  COOH
i Br /Red P
 Halo acid elimination reaction or acyl substitution
 If excess of X 2 is used in the reaction, the JEE ADVANCE
products obtained are  ,   dihalo acids or Acid Chloride:
 ,  ,   trihalo acids.  Preparation: It is prepared from carboxylic
Aromatic Carboxylic acids: First member acid.
of this class is benzoic acid. It gives two types
of reactions:
(1) Reactions due to COOH : These reactions are
identical to those of the aliphatic acids.
R – C – OH
(2) Reaction due to the benzene ring : It gives
electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions due
to the presence of benzene ring.
COOH (i) m-directing group and Chemical reactions: Acid chlorides give
(ii) Deactivating group the following chemical reactions:
(1) Nucleophilic substitution reactions:
 The nucleophilic substitution reactions are
given below in the table.

HOH / OH 
R – C – Cl

 O
Cl R ' C  O  Na 

m - chlorobenzoic acid Anhydride

COOH R ' O  Na  or 
COOH R – C – O – R
R ' OH / Base Ester

Fuming HNO3 O
R – C – NH 2
m-Nitrobenzoic acid R – C – Cl R – C – NH – R

Fuming H2SO4
R – C – NH – NH 2
m-Sulphobenzoic acid
R – C – CN
Acid cynide
(2) Reduction reaction:Reduction products of Curtius reaction: Acid chlorides give
acid chlorids with various reducing agents are primary amines when heated with sodium azide
given below in the followed by hydrolysis.
 
R  C  Cl 
 R  C  N3
NaN 3

i 
O 
 ii  H 2O R  NH 2  CO2  N 2
R – C – Cl  This reaction is called Curtius rearrangement.
In this reaction, COCl group converts into
 NH 2 group.

C6 H 5COOH 
 C6 H 5  C  Cl

i NaN / 
 ii  H 2O  C6 H 5  NH 2

 Benzoylchloride is used as benzoyl lating agent

for alcohols and amines. It is less reactive than
acetyl chloride due to the  I effect of phenyl
C6H5 C Cl C Cl

W.E-4:Complete the following : Stronger bond Weaker bond

CH3  Benzoylation can be carried out in aqueous
(below 25C ) as well as in non - aqueous
medium. Benzoylation of amines in aqueous
  A medium is known as Schotten - Baumann
Acid Anhydride: Nucleophilic substitution
 B  C
Zn Hg  reaction.
Conc. HCl
K2Cr2O7 / H
The nucleophilic substitution are given below
in the table.

 O O


  Preparation :
Zn  Hg / HCl
  
K 2 Cr2 O7 / H

(1) From carboxylic acids and alcohols:
 
a R  C  OH  H  O  R ' 
conc. H SO / 
  O  R ' HOH
 
b R  C  OH  H  O  R ' 
 R  C O  R '
(2) From acid chlorides and alcohols: Acid  Product of the reaction is  - ketoester..
chloride reacts with alcohol to give ester: O O
 

 CH 3  C  OC2 H 5  H  CH 2  C  OC2 H 5
R  C  Cl  R ' OH 
 R  C  O  R ' HCl O



 CH 3  C  CH 2  COOC2 H 5  C2 H 5OH
C2 H 5ONa / C2 H 5OH

  keto ester
R  C Cl  R ' O Na 
 R  C OR ' NaCl
(3) From diazomethane and carboxylic acids:
Diazomethane gives methyl ester with LEVEL-I (C.W)
carboxylic acids.


R  C  O H  C  
H 2 N 2 / ether
 R  C  OCH 3 1. The acid present in red ants is
(4) From Tischenko reaction:In this reaction, 1) HCOOH H COOH
6 5
2 ) C

aldehydes convert into ester in the presence of OH

aluminium ethoxide. 3) CH3COOH 4) C H 3  C H  C O O H

R  CHO  RCHO 

 C H O
2 5 3 Al / 
 R  C O  CH2  R

2.   chlorobutyric acid is named in IUPAC
Chemical reactions: 1. 2-chlorobutanoic acid 2. 2-chlorobuteric acid
Nucleophilic substitution reactions: 3. 3-chlorobutanoic acid 4. 3-chlorobuteric acid
Hydrolysis: Esters undergo nucleophilic 3. A compound of general formula C nH2nO2
substitution reaction with water. This reaction could be
is known as hydrolysis which is catalysed by 1) an acid 2) a diketone
acid as well as base. 3) an ether 4) an aldehyde
(i) Catalysed by acid:

H 4. CH3Cl  A;
R  C  O  R ' 
  RCOOH  R ' OH
A  H 3O 
This reaction is a reversible reaction.  B (Final product) In this reaction
(ii) Catalysed by base ‘B’ is


R  C  O  R ' HOH 

  
 C  O  Na   R ' OH 3) HCOOH 4) CH3CONH2
 Alkaline hydrolysis is known as saponification
CH 3 OH   CH 3 COOH. In this
(i ) X
which is irreversible reaction. This is because 5. ( ii ) Rh ; 

carboxylate ion is better stabilised by resonance reaction ‘X’ is

than carboxylic acid. 1) CO2 2) CO 3) MgO 4)C
  |
6. In vinegar the concentration of acetic acid is
R  C  O 
R C  O
Equivalent resonating structures nearly

1) 5% 2) 2% 3) 6-10% 4) 100%
O O 7. Which of the following has highest boiling
 | 
R  C  O  H 
 R  C  O H point?
Non  Equivalent resonating structures 1) C2 H 5OH 2) CH 3COOH
Claisen condensation: This reaction take 3) CH 3COCH 3 4) HCOOCH 3
place between two molecules of esters (same or
different). One ester should have at least one 8. The products formed when PCl5 reacts with
  hydrogen which behaves as a reagent. acetic acid are
 Reaction is catalysed by C2 H 5ONa in the 1) CH 3COCl , H 3 PO3 2) CH 3COCl , H 3 PO4
presence of C2 H 5OH as solvent. 3) CH 3COCl , HCl 4) CH3COCl, POCl3 , HCl
9. Which of the following reduces carboxylic LEVEL-I (C.W) - HINTS
acid directly to primary alcohols 1. Formica means red ant
1) LiAIH4 2) Na + C2H5OH
3) Lindlars Catalyst 4) H2 CH 3  CH  CH 2  COOH
10. Number of hydrogen bonds present between |
two acetic acid molecules when they are 2. Cl
existing as dimer
1) 1 2) 0 3) 3 4) 2 3. Cn H 2 n 1COOH or Cn H 2nOn
11. Which is false about acetic acid
CH3Cl+KCN  CH 3 CN 
1) it is a polar molecule 4. H   or OH 
2) it forms H bonds ( A)

3) it is stronger than mineral acids OH O

4) it has higher boiling point than corresponding | ||
alcohols. CH 3  C  NH   CH 3  C  NH 2 
 CH 3 COOH  NH 3

12. In the following reaction, X and Y are
respectively :
CH3OH+CO   CH3COOH
Cobalt ( or )
CH3COOH+NH3  X 
Rh , high pressure

 Y+H2O
6. 6 - 10% acetic acid is vinegar
2) CH3COONH4,CH3CONH2 7. The high boiling point of acetic acid in
3) CH3CONH2, CH3COOH comparision to alkanes, alkyl halides or alcohols
4) CH3NH2,CH3CONH2 of nearly same molecular masses is due to more
13. Assertion (A) : CH3CN on hydrolysis gives strong hydrogen bonds between acetic acid
Acetic Acid molecules.
Reason (R) : Cyanides on hydrolysis liberates 8. CH3COOH  PCl5  CH3COCl  POCl3  HCl
‘NH3’ gas
1. Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ ae true and ‘R’ is the
correct explanation of A 9. CH3COOH 
LiAlH 4
 C2H5OH
2. Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true and ‘R’ is not O H O
the correct explanation of A
10. H3C – C
3. ‘A’ is true but ‘R’ is false O
4. ‘A’ is false but ‘R’ is true.
11. Acetic acid is less acidic than mineral acids.
14. Match the acids given in Column I with their
correct IUPAC names given in CH 3COOH  NH 3
Column I Column II 
12.  CH 3COO NH 4   CH 3 CO NH 2  H 2O
(Acids) (IUPAC names) (X ) (Y )

i) Phthalic acid a) Hexane-1, 6-dioic acid

13. CH3Cl+KCN  CH3 CN 
ii) Oxalic acid b) Benzene-1, 2-dicarboxylic H   or OH 
iii) Succinic acid c) Pentane-1, 5-dioic acid
iv) Adipic acid d) Butane-1, 4-dioic acid NH 3  CH 3COOH
v) Glutaric acid e) Ethan-1, 2-doic acid
1) i - (b) ii - (e) iii- (d) iv - (a) v-(c)
2) i - (e) ii - (b) iii- (d) iv - (a) v-(c) LEVEL-I (H.W)
3) i - (b) ii - (d) iii- (e) iv - (a) v-(c)
4) i - (b) ii - (e) iii- (a) iv - (d) v-(c) NOMENCLATURE
1. In CH3COOH molecule, the C-C bond is
LEVEL-I (C.W) - KEY formed by
1) 1 2) 3 3) 1 4)2 5) 2 6)3 7)2 1) sp3 - sp3 overlap 2) sp2 - sp2 overlap
8)4 9)1 10) 4 11)3 12)2 13) 1 14) 1 3) sp3 - sp2 overlap 4) sp3 - sp overlap
CH2COOH 8. Which of the following statements is/ are
1) the two carbon-oxygen bond lengths in
2. IUPAC name of molecular formic acid are different
2) the two carbon-oxygen bond lengths in
sodium formate are equal
1) Benzoic acid 3) partial resonance is there in formic acid
2) 2-phenyl ethanoic acid 4) all of the above
3) Benzene 1,2 carboxyllic acid 9. Which of the following will give readily a
4) 1-phenyl ethanoic acid hydrocarbon ?
 2) RCOO Ag 
3. Which of the following is a pair of functional 1) R  COONa electrolysis 2

 4) (CH3)2 CCl2  

isomers ? (2005E) I 2 / hv
3) CH3CH3  C H OH
2 5

1) CH3COCH3, CH3CHO 10. An organic compound reacts (i) with metallic

2) C2H5CO2H, CH3CO2CH3 sodium to liberate hydrogen and (ii) with
3) C2H5CO2H, CH3CO2C2H5 Na 2 CO 3 solution to liberate CO 2 . The
4) CH3CO2H, CH3CHO compound is
1) an alcohol 2) a carboxylic acid
PREPARATION 3) an ether 4) an ester
KMnO4 / KOH / H 3O
11. Acetic acid exists in a dimer state in benzene
4. Toluene   A. What is A? due to
1) Acetic acid 2) Benzene 1) condensation reaction
3) Benzoic acid 4) Benzaldehyde. 2) hydrogen bonding
5. Which of the following can’t form 3) presence of carbonyl group
CH3COOH from C2H5OH 4) presence of  - hydrogen
A) PCC B) PDC 12. Which hydrogen atom of acetic acid is
replaced by Cl2 in presence of Red P ?
C )

Cr2O7 / H+
K D) Micodermaaceti 1)  - hydrogen 2) carboxylic hydrogen
1) A and B only 2) C and D only 3) both 1 & 2 4) oxygen of carboxylic group
3) Only A 4) All A,B,C,D 13. The correct order of increasing acidic
strength is ____.
PROPERTIES 1) Phenol<Ethanol<Chloroacetic acid <
6. Lower carboxylic acids are souble in water Acetic acid
due to 2) Ethanol<Phenol<Chloroacetic acid< Acetic
1) Low molecular weight 2) Hydrogen bonding acid
3) Dissociation into ions 4) Easy hydrolysis 3) Ethanol<Phenol<Acetic acid <Chloroacetic
7. Which of the following graphs represents the acid
correct order of boiling points (B.P) of ethane 4) Chloroacetic acid<Acetic acid <
(1) ethyl alcohol (2) and acetic acid (3)? Phenol<Ethanol
14. Assertion (A): Compounds containing -
CHO group are easily oxidised to
corresponding carboxylic acids
Reason (R) : Carboxylic acids can be reduced
1) B.P 2)
B.P to alcohols by treatment with LiAlH 4
1 2 3 1 2 3 1) A and R both are correct and R is correct
explanation of A
2) A is correct statement but R is wrong
3) A is wrong statement but R is correct
3) 4) statement
4) A and R both are correct statements but R is
1 2 3 1 2 3 not correct explanation of A
1)3 2) 2 3) 2 4) 3 5) 1 6) 2 7) 3
8) 4 9)1 10)2 11)2 12) 1 13) 3 14) 4


H 3 2
sp sp
2 1

2. 2-phenyl ethanoic acid.

3. C 2 H 5 CO 2H, & CH 3 CO 2 CH 3 are a pair of

functional isomers

4. a) KMnO4,KOH H3O

Toluene Benzoic acid

5. C2 H 5OH 
PCC or
9. CH 3COONa  NaOH 
 Soda lim e   CH 4  Na2CO3

10. 2CH3COOH + 2Na  2CH3COONa + H2

11. H3C – C
12. CH3COOH   CH2ClCOOH
Re dP

monochloro acetic acid

Re dP

di-chloro acetic acid

Re dP

tri-chloro acetic acid

in the above reaction  -hydrogens are replaced
by chlorine
CARBOXYLIC ACIDS 9. Which of the following is not a derivative of
carboxylic acids ?
LEVEL-II (H.W) 1) anhydrides 2) esters 3) amines 4) amides
10. Which of the following reactions of acetic acid
involve C-OH bond ?
PROPERTIES I. Action with Na
1. The weaker acid among the following is II. Formation of acid chloride
1) CH 3COOH 2) ClCH 2COOH III. Action with NaHCO3
IV. Formation of an ester
3) Cl3CCOOH 4)  CH 3 2 CHCOOH 1. I, II 2. II, III 3. III, IV 4. II, IV
2. The correct order of decreasing acid strength LEVEL-II (C.W) - KEY
of trichloroacetic acid (A), trifluoro acetic acid 1) 4 2) 3 3) 3 4) 3 5) 1 6) 3 7) 1
(B), acetic acid (C) and formic acid (D) is
1) A  B  C  D 2) A  C  B  D 8) 3 9) 3 10) 4
3) B  A  D  C 4) B  D  C  A LEVEL-II (C.W) - HINTS
3. Which of the following has highest tendency 1. Due to + I effect of CH 3 groups
to ionise in aqueous solution?
2. Follow applications of inductive effect.
1) HCOOH 2) CH 3COOH The negative charge on carboxylate ion is
3) FCH 2COOH 4) BrCH 2COOH dispersed more due to - I.E. of F
( i ) KMnO / OH  F
4. Ethyl benzene  4
( ii ) H  / H 2O

X –
F C C O . The carboxylate ion thus
Predict X in above reaction
1. C6 H 5CH 2COOH 2. C6 H 5CH 2CHO becomes more stable and acid becomes more
3. Benzoic acid 4. Benzaldehyde reactive
5. 
In the anion HCOO the two carbon-oxygen 1
bonds are found to be of equal length. What 7. CH 3COOH  Na CH 3COONa  H 2
is the reason for it ? 1 mole 1 mole 1/2 mole
1. The anion HCOO  has two equivalent 60g 23g 11.2 lit
resonating structures 0.1 mole 0.1 mole =?
2. The anion is obtained by removal of a proton = 6g 2.3 g 1.12 lit.
from the acid molecule
3. Electronic orbitals of carbon atom are
8. C2 H 5Cl 
C2 H 5OH
hybridised C2 H 5OH  CH 3COOH  CH 3COOC2 H 5  H 2O
4. The C=O bond is weaker than the C-O bond 9. Amines are not the derivatives of carboxylic
6. X   Adipic acid; Here X and Y aree acids
1. Cyclohexene, Bayer’s reagent
2. Benzene, hot acidified KMnO4
3. Cyclohexene, hot acidified KMnO4
1. Which of the following orders is true
4. Cyclopentene, hot acidified KMnO4 regarding the acidic nature of COOH?
7. 2.3 gm Na is added to 6 gm of CH3COOH. 1) Formic acid > Acetic acid > Propanoic acid
The Volume of ‘H2’ gas liberated at S.T.P. 2) Formic acid > Acetic acid < Propanoic acid
1) 1.12 L 2) 2.24 L 3) 3.36 L 4) 4.48 L 3) Formic acid < Acetic acid < propanoic acid
8. C2H5Cl  aqKOH

A 4) Formic acid < Acetic acid >Propanoic acid
CH3COOH+A  B. IUPAC name of ‘B’ 2. Which of the following is the strongest acid
1) Ethyl propanoate 2) Ethyl acetate 1) HCOOH (pKa=3.77)
3) Ethyl ethanoate 4) Ethyl methanoate 2) C6H5COOH (pKa=4.22)
3) CH3COOH (pKa=4.71) LEVEL-II (H.W) - HINTS
4) CH3CH2COOH (pKa=4.88) 1 Electron-releasing group weakens the acidic
3. In the manufacture of acetic acid from aerial nature of COOH
oxidation of acetaldehyde, the catalyst used 1
is 2. Acidic strength 
P ka
1) Acidified K2Cr2O7 2) (CH3COO)2 Mn
3) HgSO4 4) Ni 1
3. CH 3CHO  O2  CH 3COOH
4. Which of the following possess highest boiling 2
point 4 due to presence of more number of H-bonds
1) C2 H 5Cl 2) CH 3CHO 3) C2 H 5OH 4) CH 3COOH CH3
5. Which of the following will not undergo Hell CH3 C COOH
Volhard Zelinsky reaction 5. does not contain   H
3) 2,2-dimethyl propionic acid 6. Methanoic acid (i.e. formic acid) reduces
4) 2-methyl propionic acid ammoniacal solution (Tollens reagent) while
6. Which of the following reagent/solution can ethanoic acid does not.
be used to distinguish between methanoic C2 H5OH  CH3COOH  CH3COOC2 H5  H2O
acid and ethanioc acid? 7. RCOOH 
NH 3
 RCOONH 4 

 H 2O
1) Tollens reagent 2) FeCl3 solution
RCONH 2 
 H 2O
3) NaOH solution 4) Na2CO3 solution
7. The product ‘C’ in the following reaction is 8. CH 3CHClCOOH 
NH3 heat P2 O5 ,heat

1) RNH2 2) RCN 3) RNC 4) RCONH2 7. The major product obtained on interaction

8.  - chloropropanoic acid on treatment with of phenol with sodium hydroxide and carbon
alcoholic KOH followed by acidification dioxide is :
gives: 1) benzoic acid 2) salicylaldehyde
3) salicylic acid 4) phthalic acid
1) CH 3  CH  OH   COOH 2. Sodium ethoxide has reacted with ethanoyl
2) CH 2  CH  COOH chloride. The compound that is produced in
the above reaction is :
3) HO  CH 2  CH 2  COOH 1) 2-Butanone 2) Ethyl chloride
4) CH 3  CH 2  COOH 3) Ethyl ethanoate 4) Diethyl ether
3. The strongest acid amongst the following
9. Identify A and B in the following reaction,
compounds is :
CH 3CH 3  B
 CH 3COOH  A
 CH 3CH 2OH 1) HCOOH 2) CH3CH 2CH  Cl  CO2 H
1) HI + Red P LiAlH 4
4. Compound (A), C8 H 9 Br, gives a white
2) Ni /  LiAlH 4
precipitate when warmed with alcoholic
3) LiAlH 4 HI  Re d P AgNO3 .
4) Pd  BaSO4 Zn  HCl Oxidation of (A) gives an acid (B), C H O . 8 6 4
(B) easily forms anhydride on heating.
LEVEL-II (H.W) - KEY Identify the compound (A).
1) 1 2) 1 3) 2 4) 4 5) 3 6) 1 7) 2
8) 2 9) 3
CH2Br C2H5

1) 2)
Br 5.

3) 4) 1. Order of decreasing acidity of

5. In the reaction, 1) IV > III > II > I 2) IV > III > I > II
3) III > IV > II > I 4) I > IV > II > III
CH 3COOH 
 A 
 B 
 C, ,
2. The correct order of increasing acidic strength
the product C is: of the following acids is
1) Ethylene 2) Acetyl chloride
3) Acetaldehyde 4) Acetylene O O
Cl O
1) 3 2) 3 3) 2 4) 4 5) 1 I II III
PREVIOUS YEARS - HINTS 3. The relative order of rate of esterification of
OH ONa OH acids is
 
6 atm ,1400 C

1.  COOH
H 3O
 3)
Salicylic Acid 4)
4. Among ethanol (I), Acetic acid (II), Phenol
(–) + (III) and Benzoic acid (IV), the correct order
C2H5 O Na+CH3–C–Cl CH3 –C–O–C2H5 Ethyl ethanoate
2. of increasing acid strength is
3. Electron releasing groups (Alkyl groups) de
stabilizes conjugate base. 3. I<III<IV<II 4. III<IV<I<II
The +I effect of CH3 is less than - I effect of Cl 5. Which acid has lowest value of pK a ?
K a of HCOOH is 17.9  10 1. p - Methoxybenzoic acid
CH 3CH 2 C H  COOH 2. p - Chlorobenzoic acid
K a of | is 139  10 5 3. p - Aminobenzoic acid
4. p - Toluic acid
CH2–Br COOH C 6. Which of following anion is a strongest base?
O 
 
 O
1. C6 H 5COO  2. HCOO 

(A) (B) C  O
3. CH 3COO  4. CH3 2 CHCOO
7. Which of the following compounds does not
have a carboxyl group? 3) CH 3CHO, CCl3CHO
1) Methanoic acid 2) Ethanoic acid
4) CH 3COCH 3 , CCl3COCH 3
3) Picric acid 4) Benzoic acid 

8. The COOH group in benzene ring is 15. R  COCH 3 

X 2 / OH
 CHX 3  Carboxylate
1) ortho directing 2) para directing ion  carboxylic acid, In the above
3) ortho and para directing 4) meta directing sequence, the carboxylic acid obtained is
9. Which of the following reaction is not the 1) CH 3COOH 2) HCOOH
oxidation ?
1) CH3 - CHO  CH3COOH
3) C2H5OH  CH3 - COOH 1) 2 2) 3 3) 1 4) 2 5) 2 6) 4 7) 3 8) 4
4) CH3COOH  C2H5OH 9) 4 10) 2 11) 4 12)1 13) 4 14) 1 15) 3
10. Compound can be prepared 1. (IV) CF3COOH > (III) Cl2CHCOOH >
Ph  O  C  Ph (I) HCOOH > (II) CH3COOH
by the reaction of ________. O O
1) Phenol and benzoic acid in the presence of Cl O
2 OH >
2) Phenol and benzoyl chloride in the Cl
presence of pyridine 3 The increasing number of R groups makes the
3) Phenol and benzoyl chloride in the esterification more difficult.
presence of ZnCl2 4. Conceptual
4) Phenol and benzaldehyde in the presence of 5. due to -I effect
palladium 6. Weak acid can give strong conjugate base
11. Acetic acid can be used 7. Picric acid is 2,4,6- trinitrophenol
1. For curing meat and fish 8. COOH is electron attracting group. It is
2. As vinegar in cooking
3. In the preparation of perfumes 4. All thus meta director.
12. Hydrolysis of an ester gives a carboxylic acid 9. CH3COOH 
LiAlH 4
 C2H5OH
which on Kolbe’s electrolysis yields ethane.
The ester is
1) methyl ethanoate 2) methyl methanoate
3) ethyl methanoate 4) methyl propanoate
13. Identify C in the following reaction: 1. Which of the following carboxylic acids
C2 H 2 
Chromic acid
 A 
NH 3
 B 
C undergoes decarboxylation easily?
 H 2O
1) C6 H 5  CO  CH 2COOH
1) CH 3CH 2 NH 2 2) CH 3CN
2) C6 H 5  CO  COOH
3) CH 3CH 2 NHCH 3 4)
CH 3  C  NH 2 3)

14. CH 3CN  H 2O 
 A 
Excess Cl2
Re d P
 B . in the
above reaction A and B are respectively. 4)
2) CH 3CH 2OH , CH 3CH 2Cl 2. CH 3CH 2COOH 
 X 
the compound Y is: L iA IH 4 the compound obtained will be
1) CH 3CH 2OH 2) CH 3CH 2CN 1) CH 2  CH  CH 2OH 2) CH 3  CH 2  CH 2OH
3) CH 2  CHCOOH 4) CH 2CHClCOOH 3) CH 3  CH 2  CHO 4) CH 3  CH 2  COOH
8. The correct order of increasing acid strength
3. Carboxylic acids react with diazomethane to
of the compounds.
yield :
1) Amines 2) Alcohols A) CH 3CO2 H B) Me OCH 2 CO2 H
3) Esters 4) Amides Me
4. Acetic acid on warming with hydrazoic acid C) CF3CO2 H D) CO2H
in presence of conc. H 2 SO4 gives: Me
1) D  A  B  C 2) A  D  B  C
1) CH 3CONH 2 2) CH 3 NH 2 3) B  D  A  C 4) D  A  C  B
3) CH 3COONH 4 4) CH 3CH 2 NH 2 9. Both the organic compounds A and B can
release hydrogen with Na. Only compound
CH2OH A can form a salt with NaOH, whereas B
cannot. When A reacts with B in presence of
5 
con.H2SO4, a pleasant smelling compound is
 
 A 
 B 

C formed. The pair of compounds A and B can
LEVEL-IV be respectively
In the above sequence of reactions, C is 1) C2H5OH and C2H2 2) CH3COOH and C2H2
3) CH3COOH and C2H5OH
4) C2H5OH and CH3COOH
1) 2)
COOH CH2COOH In the above series of reaction ‘Z’ is
3) 4) 3) (CH3CO)2O 4) CH3-CH2-OH

11. 
anhy . AlCl3
 A Cl2

 B 
C 
H 2 OlH
In the above sequence of reactions, D is
  A+B (non - aromatic)
(styrene) 1) 2)

, In the above reaction, C is NC

3) 4)

1) HCOOH 2)
12. The order of rate of hydrolysis for the
following is
3) 4)
13. What are A, B, C in the following reactions ?
7. When CH2 CHCOOH is recduced with
I.  CH 3CO  2 Ca 

A presence of phosphorus to give  - halo acids.
The reaction is known as Hell-
II. CH 3CO2 H  B
Red P Volhard-Zelinsky reaction (HVZ reaction),
III. 2CH 3CO2 H 
C R  CH2  COOH 
P / Br2

 R  CH (Br)COOH
A B C The HVZ reaction is limited to the formation
1. C2 H 6 CH 3COCH 3  CH 3CO 2 O of  - chloro and  - bromo acids and it is
sometimes backward to carry out. The
2.  CH 3CO 2 O C2 H 6 CH 3COCH 3
reagents ( X 2 and P) are noxious and the
3. CH 3COCH 3 C2 H 6  CH 3CO 2 O reaction time is often long and the conditions
4. CH 3COCH 3  CH 3CO 2 O C2 H 6
of reaction are harsh .
A. Which of the following carboxylic acids will not
COMPREHENSION - 1 give HVZ reaction ?
14 Dicarboxylic acids have two carboxylic groups, CH 3
1) CH 3  COOH 2) |
HOOC-COOH,- oxalic acid CH 3  CH  COOH

HOOC-CH 2 -COOH,- Malonic acid CH 3

HOOC-(CH 2 )-COOH,- Succinic acid
CH 3  C  COOH
HOOC-(CH 2 )3 -COOH,- Glutaric acid 3) CH 3  CH 2  COOH 4) |
HOOC-(CH 2 )4 -COOH,- Adipic acid CH 3

Acidity of dicarboxylic acid depends upon the B. Whic of the following will be obtained when
stabillity of intermediate ion and upon the acetic acid is subjected to HVZ reaction ?
distance between two carboxylic groups. B r
Shorter the distance between two carboxylic |
groups, greater is the acidic character. B r  C  C O O H
1) BrCH 2COOH 2) |
Melting point of the acids depends on the
symmetry. Greater the symmetry, higher will
be the melting point. Dicarboxylic acids on Br
heating give monocarboxylic acid, alkanes, |
Br  C  COOH
cyclic ketones depending on the conditions. 3) 4) All of these
A. Which of the following is the most acidic? Br
1) Oxalic acid 2) Malonic acid
C. CH  COOH ( A) ( B ) (C )

Br2 / P NaCN HOH / H

3) Succinic acid 4) Adipic acid 3

B. Which of the following dicarboxylic acid is The product (C) will be :

used in the manufacture of nylon-6,6? COOH CH2 COOH
1) Succinic acid 2) Glutaric acid 1) CH2 2)
3) Adipic aicd 4) Oxalic acid COOH CH2 COOH
C. Sodium adipate on electrolysis gives :
1) but-2-ene 2) but-1-ene CH2 CO
3) cyclobutane 4) cyclobutene 3) O 4) CO
15. Carboxylic acids having at least one
 - hydrogen react with Cl2 or Br2 in the LEVEL-IV - KEY
1) 1 2) 3 3) 3 4) 2 5) 2 6) 3 7) 1 CH3 CH2Cl
8) 1 9) 3 10) 3 11) 2 12) 2 13) 3
CH3Cl Cl2
14) A-1;B-3;C-3 15) A-4, B-4, C-1 Sunlight
(A) (B)
1.  -keto acids are readily decarboxylated. NaCN H3O+

KOH alc
 HCl
CH2  CH .COOH KMnO4lH COOH (Adipic acid)
12.  COOH
3. RCOOH  CH 2 N 2  RCOOCH 3  N 2 ;
methyl esters are formed 14. A. due to +I effect
B. Nylon-6,6 is a polymer of adipic acid
4. CH3COOH  N3 H  CH3 NH2  N2  CO2 15. A. Absence of  - hydrogen atoms
CH2OH CH2Br CH2CN CH2COOH B. Presence of  - hydrogen atoms
(A) (B) (C)





7. LiAlH 4 can reduce COOH group and not the

c  c double bond.
CH 2  CH  COOH  CH  CH  CH OH

2 2

8. order of decreasing acid strength

( Me)2 CH .COOH Electron withdrawing
groups increase the acid strength and
electron donating groups decrease the acid
10. CH 3Cl  KCN   CH 3CN  
H 2O
 KCl

CH 3COOH 
  CH 3CO 2 O
Synopsis Valence
 The combining capacity of an atom with number of
 “The attractive force that holds two or more
hydrogen atoms or number of chlorine atoms or
constituent atoms (or) oppositely charged ions
double the number of oxygen atoms.
together in different chemical species is called
Chemical Bond”. eg: In NH 3 the valence of Nitrogen is 3
 In a Chemical Bond both attractive and repulsive In CO2 the valence of carbon is 4
forces exist in equilibrium.
 Atoms are less stable and more energetic hence In Cl2O7 the valence of chlorine is 7
they form molecules by losing some energy by Kossel - Lewis Theory
participating in Chemical Bond.  It is also called “Electronic Theory of Valence or
H + H  H2 + 434.72KJ Chemical bond Theory ” or modern Theory
Cl + Cl  Cl2 + 239.1KJ of Valence.
 This was proposed on the basis of Bohr’s Atomic
+ Repulsion
Potential Energy (KJ / mol)

Potential Envery Vs theory

HH Internuclar Distance  According to this, the outer most energy level in
Between Two Atoms
Bond length
an atom is known as valence shell and the electrons
present in it are called Valence electrons. The
H H electrons present in the inner energy levels are
Bond Energy

known as core electrons.

- Attraction

 Nucleus plus inner electrons are called kernel.

 Elements with eight electrons in their valence
H H shell are more stable than other elements .
Internuclear Distance (pm)  An atom must possess eight electrons in
outermost energy level for its stability (octet
 Formation of bond is accompanied by decrease in rule) Hence all elements try to acquire eight
potential energy. Chemical Bond formation is electrons in their outer most orbit(octet
always Exothermic configuration)
 All Noble gases are very stable chemically due to  Eventhough ‘He’ has only two electrons in the
the completely filled electronic configuration hence valence shell,it is highly stable and chemically
all other elements participate in chemical bond in inert(duplet Configuration)
order to acquire stable configuration.  Atoms attain stable electronic configuration
 Under normal conditions most of the elements do (duplet and octet configuration) either by transfer
not exist as independent atoms.They occur as (or) by sharing of electrons. The Number of
Molecules, because atoms can’t exist independently electrons transferred per atom is called
at ordinary conditions. Electrovalence and resultant bond is called
 “An atom or group of atoms which can exist Electrovalent bond.The number of electrons
independently at normal conditions is called shared per atom is called co-valence and the
Molecule”. resultant bond is called covalent bond.
 The number of atoms present per molecule depends  Nature of the bond formed between two atoms
on the combining capacity of the constituent depends on electropositive and electronegative
elements.”This combining capacity is called valence” character of bonded atoms.
E.P  E.N  Ionic Bond Total No. of Valence
Molecule Electrons in the
E.N  E.N  Covalent Bond or Dative Bond
Central Atom
E.P  E.P  Metallic Bond
CH4 C 8 (Octet)
 Lewis introduced simple notations to represent
NH3 N 8 (Octet)
valence electrons in an atom .They are called Lewis
symbols. H2O O 8 (Octet)
 In these symbols valence electrons are represented CO2 C 8 (Octet)
by dots. C2H6 C (each) 8 (Octet)

eg:  Li  Be   B  etc .. C2H4 C (each) 8 (Octet)
Lewis Structure of Elements C2H2 C (each) 8 (Octet)
BeCl2 Be 4 (Electron deficient)
Lewis BCl3 B 6 (Electron deficient)
Electrons PCl5 P 10 (Expanded Octet)
1 Hydrogen/Group IA H / Li SF6 S 12 (Expanded Octet)
2 Helium/ Group IIA Mg IF7 I 14 (Expanded Octet)

3 Group IIIA B Covalent Bond

 Covalent bond was proposed by G.N. Lewis.
4 Group IVA C  The bond formed between two atoms by the
5 Group VA N mutual sharing of their valence electrons is
known as covalent bond.
6 Group VIA O  Only unpaired electrons present in the atom involve
in covalent bonds.
 They can be used to calculate the group valence  The number of covalent bonds in which an atom
of the element. involves is equal to the number of unpaired electrons
Limitation of Octet Rule present in it.
 Octet rule is quite useful for understanding the  Phosphorus atom has three unpaired electrons in
sturcture of most of the organic compounds and it its ground state. So it can form only three covalent
applies mainly to elements of second period of the bonds in its ground state,
periodic table.  Phosphorus atom has five unpaired electrons in its
 There are three types of exceptions to the Octet excited state. So it can form five covalent bonds in
rule. its excited state.
a) In some compounds, the number of electrons  Single bond is formed by the mutual sharing of one
surrounding the central atom is less than eight. pair of electrons between two atoms.
(incomplete octet of the central atom)
eg: LiCl , BeH 2 , BCl3 etc....
Cl Cl
b) In some compounds, the number of electrons
surrounding the central atom is more than eight (ex-
panded octet (or) super octet of central atom)  Double bond (Dicovalent bond) is formed by the
eg: PF5 , SF6 , H 2 SO4 , IF7 mutual sharing of two pairs of electrons between
two atoms.
c) In molecules with an odd number of electrons
like NO and NO2 , the octet rule is not satisfied for
all the atoms. O C O (or) O = C = O
 Triple bond is formed by mutual sharing of 3 pairs  The maximum covalence of an element actually
of electrons between two atoms. depends on the period of the periodic table to which
it belongs.

N N (or) Period Element Covalency
1 H 2
2 Li to F 4
 Double and triple bonds are called multiple bonds.
 Pure covalent bond or non polar covalent bond is 3 Na to Cl 6
formed by the sharing of electron pairs between 4 K to Br 6
two like atoms. The word like atoms stands for
5 Rb onwards rest
atoms of the same element (or) atoms having same 8
electro negativity value. 6 of the elements
 Pure covalent bond is present in
H 2 , Cl2 , O2 , N 2 , P4 , S8 etc.  This rule explains the formation of PCl5 and SF6.
This also explains why Nitrogen does not form
 Polar covalent bond is formed by the mutual sharing NF5 or NCl5 . Because Nitrogen belongs to
of electron pairs between two dissimilar electro second period and the maximum covalency of
negative atoms. Nitrogen is 4.
 Polar covalent bond is present in
 The atom common in all the bonds is known
HF , HCl , ICl , H 2O, CO2 , SO2 , BeCl2 , SO3 as central atom
BCl3 , NH 3 , CH 4 , PCl5 , SF6 etc. Properties of Covalent Compounds
 Both Pure and polar covalent bonds are present in  Covalent substances exist as solids, liquids and
H 2O2 , N 2 H 4 , H2S2 etc.
eg: I2(s), Br2 (l), Cl2 (g) at room temperature
 The unpaired electrons present in the valence shell
of an atom involve in covalent bonds, the remaining  Covalent substances have low melting and boiling
electron pairs present in its valence shell are called points. Except 3-D network solids like diamond
lone pairs of electrons (or) non bonded pairs of Carborundum (SiC), Silica (SiO2), Boron Nitride
electrons. (BN)n etc.
 The lone pairs of electrons present in the atom  Covalent substances dissolve in non-polar solvents.
involve in co-ordinate covalent bonds.  The solubility of a polar covalent substance is more
Factors Favouring the Formation of in a solvent having high dielectric constant and less
in a solvent having low dielectric constant.
Covalent Bond
 The dielectric constant of a solvent is a measure
1) Small size of cation 2) Large size of anion
of its capacity to break the covalent molecules into
3) Large charge on cation and Anion
4) High ionisation enthalpy:
 Polar solvents have high dielectric constants.
Atoms having high ionisation enthalpies do not have
 Non polar solvents have low dielectric constants.
a tendency to lose electrons to form cations. Such
elements prefer to form covalent bonds.  Dielectric constant is high for solvents like water,
eg: Cl-Cl ammonia, hydrofluoric acid, Methyl alcohol, Ethyl
5) Comparable electro negativity: alcohol etc....
Atoms with equal or nearly equal electro negativities  Dielectric constant is low for solvents like Benzene,
tend to share equally a pair of electrons with opposite Carbon-disulphide, carbon tetrachloride etc.
spins. This leads to a better overlap of their atomic  Generally covalent substances are not electrical
orbitals thus resulting in the formation of a covalent conductors either in molten state or in aqueous
bond. solutions as they do not contain free electrons (or)
Exception: Graphite contains delocalised electrons. Molecule/ Lewis
So it is a good conductor of electricity. Ion Representation
 Covalent compounds exhibit space isomerism
H2 H H* H_H
because covalent bond is a directional bond.
 HCl , HBr , HI , HNO3 and H 2 SO4 etc are polar O2 O O O=O
covalent compounds. The aqueous solutions of + O+
O3 O
these substances are good electrical conductors O O O O
because they contain free ions.
 Covalent reactions are slow as they involve breaking F N F F_N_F
and making of bonds. NF 3
 CCl4 , CHCl3 , CH 2Cl2 etc cannot give white 2- 2-
2- O O
precipitate with AgNO3 in aqueous solutions CO 3
because they do not contain free chloride ions as
they are covalent compounds. +
Guide Lines to write the Lewis DOT HNO 3
 The total number of electrons required for writing *Each hydrogen atom attains duplet
the structure are obtained by adding the valence configuration (He)
electrons of the combining atoms. Formal Charge
eg: CH 4 molecule has 8 valence electrons  Formal charge is a factor based on a pure covalent
(4 electrons from carbon and 4 electrons from 4 bond formed by the sharing of electron pairs
hydrogen atoms) equally by neighbouring atoms .
 For anions  Formal charge may be regarded as the charge that
an atom in a molecule would have if all the atoms
eg: CO32   4   6  3   2   24 had the same electronegativity. It may or may not
 For cations represent the real ionic charge.
 In case of a polyatomic ions, the net charge is
eg: NH 4 5  1  4   1  8 possessed by the ion as a whole and not by a
particular atom. It is, however, feasible to assign a
 Distribute the total number of electrons as
formal charge on an atom in a polyatomic molecule
bond pairs between the atoms. For this the or ion.
skeletal structure of the compound is known or is
 The formal charge of an atom in a polyatomic
molecule (or) ion may be defined as the difference
 In general the least electronegative atom is made
between the number of valence electrons of that
the central atom of the molecule or ion.
atom in an isolated (or) free state and the number
eg: In NF3, nitrogen is the central atom and fluorines of electrons assigned to that atom in the lewis
are bonded atoms. structure.
 Single bonds are constructed first with bond pairs. Qf =  N A - NM  =  N A - NLP - 1 / 2N BP 
Then the remaining electron pairs are
utilized either for multiple bonds or remain as the Q f  Formal charge
lone pairs. The basic requirement being that each
NA  number of electrons in the valence shell
bonded atom gets an octet of electrons except
hydrogen. in the free atom
N M  number of electrons belonging to the atom
in the molecule
 Formal charges represent a tendency to build up
N LP  number of electrons in unshared pairs,
positive (or) negative charges.
i.e. number of electrons in lone pairs  The lowest energy structure is the one with the
N BP  number of electrons in bond pairs, smallest formal charges on the atoms.
respectively.  The most stable structure is the one which has the
eg: The Lewis dot formula of PH3 is smallest formal charge on the atoms or zero formal
H charge on the atom.
_ _ Ionic Bond (Electrovalent Bond)
H P H (or) H P H
“The strong electrostatic forces of attraction
Formal Charge of P between two oppositely charged ions which
Q f  N A  NM   N A  N LP  1 / 2 N BP  are formed due to transfer of electrons from
one atom to another is called Ionic Bond (or)
[5-2-1/2(6)] = (5-5) =0
Electrovalent Bond”.
Formal Charge of H  Generally Ionic Bond is formed between a Metal of
Qf =  N A - NM  =  N A - NLP - 1 / 2N BP  groups 1, 2 and Non metals of groups 16 and 17.
= [1 - 0 - 2/2] = 0  Formation of Ionic bond is a redox process,
 Formal charges on oxygen atoms of ozone because one atom undergoes oxidation and other
one undergoes reduction.
1 Mg  Mg+2+ 2e–2
2F + 2e–  2F –
2 Mg+2+2F –  MgF2 (or)Mg+2 (F –)2
O O  The maximum electrovalency in the formation of
 Formal charge of oxygen (1) = +1 Ionic Bond is 3.
Formal charge of end oxygen atom(2) =0  In Mg F2 Electrovalence of Mg = 2, F=1
Formal charge of end oxygen atom (3)= -1  In Na2O electrovalence of Na = 1,O = 2
 The formal charge on an atom may or may not be Factors Favourable for the formation
same it changes with the structural environment of of Ionic Bond
the atom in the molecule.
(a) Factors favourable for cation
 In resonance structures electronic environment
changes. Hence the formal charge also may change.
 Low ionisation potential
eg: Resonance structures of N 2O Atom having very low ionisation potential forms
the cation very easily. Potassium (IP=495.57 kJ/
eg: 
 mole) forms the cation more readily than
sodium(IP=519.82 kJ/mole)
 Low charge on the ion
1 Formation of cation carrying less positive
Qf1  5  4   4   1
2 charge is easy.( Al 3  Mg 2  Na  )
Qf 2  5  0  8   1  Large atomic size
2 Atoms with large atomic size form cations easily
Qf3  6  4   4   0 Cs   Rb   K   Na   Li 
Formation of cation with Inertgas
Qf 4  5  2   6   0 configuration.
2  Formation of cation having inert gas configuration
1 is very easy.
Qf5  5  0  8  1
2 eg: Of the two cations Zn+2(2, 8, 18) and Ca+2(2,
1 8, 8), Ca+2 is more readily formed and it is more
Qf 6  6  6   2   1
stable than Zn+2and gives compounds with more  Polarisability relates to anion
ionic character. Polarisability  charge
(b) Factors favorable for anion formation  size
 Polarising power increases covalent character
 High Electronegativity and Electron
eg: Incase of NaCl , MgCl2 , AlCl3 the
Atom having very high electron affinity / electro
negativity forms anion very easily. polarisation increases, Na   Mg 2  Al 3
F O N Incase of AlF3, AlCl3, AlBr3, AlI3, the polarisability
of halide ions increases as
 Small atomic size
F   Cl   Br   I 
Small non metal atom forms anion very easily.
 Covalent character increases with increase in size
F   Cl   Br   I  of halide ion
Low charge on the ion.  Cation with 18electrons in outer most shell bring
 Formation of anion carrying less negative charge greater polarisation of the anion than those with in-
is easy. ert gas configuration.
eg: CuCl is more covalent when compared to
F   O2  N3
 Formation of anion having inert gas configuration
Points to Remember
is very easy
 On moving down a group the polarising power of
Changes occuring
Nature of the
cation decreases
Element Element in the valence  In periods polarising power increases from left to
bond formed
A B electrons
Low High Transfer of e Ionic bond  Polarisability of anion decreases from left to right
High High Sharing of e Covalent bond  Polarisability of anion increases from top to bot-
Low Low Sea of e molecular Metallic bond tom
orbital bond  Increase of polarisation brings more covalent char-
 Among NaCl, KCl, RbCl and CsCl , CsCl is acter in an ionic compound
readily formed.  Increase in covalent character is indicated by the
 Among NaF, NaCl and NaBr, NaF is readily decrease in melting point of the ionic compound
formed.  Polarisation increases covalent character increases
 Among NaF, CsF, MgO and CaO, CsF is readily melting point decreases
formed. Fajan’s Rule
 No Bond is 100% ionic in nature. It has some  For a given cation, covalent character
percentage of covalent character which is increases with increase in size of the anion.
explained on the basis of Fajan’s rule. eg: KF is less covalent compared to KI.
 Polarising Power: The ability of cation to polarise  For a given anion, covalent character increases with
the near by anion is called polarising power or a decrease in size of the cation.
polarsing ability. eg: LiF is more covalent compared to KF.
 Polarisability: The tendency of anion to get dis-  Covalent character increases with increasing charge
torted or polarised by the cation is called its either on cation or on anion.
polarisability eg: SnCl4(l) is more covalent compared to SnCl2(S).
 Polarising relates to cation:  Covalent character is higher for compounds with
Polarising power  charge on cation cations with pseudo noble gas electronic
configuration (n–1)d 10 p 6 s 2 compared to
1 the cations with noble gas electronic configuration

size ns2np6
Jr Chemistry E/M
 In a binary compound AB, if the electro negativity Properties of Ionic Compounds
difference between the elements A and B is equal  Ionic compounds exist as solids due to strong
to 1.7, the compound AB is 50% ionic. electrostatic forces of attraction.
 Greater than 1.7, the compound AB is an ionic  They are generally soluble in polar solvents
compound less than 1.7, the compound AB is a (having high value of dielectric constant ). The
covalent compound. (Exceptionally HF is covalent solubility of ionic compounds decreases with
compound even though electronegativity diffrence increase in covalent character of ionic compounds.
is >1.7)  Generally higher lattice energy salts are lesser
Lattice Enthalpy soluble. eg: sulphates and phosphates of Ba and
The amount of energy released when the Sr are insoluble in water due to high lattice energy.
required number of oppositely charged gaseous  More the heat of hydration, more is the solubility.
ions present at infinite distances come close eg: AlCl3 though covalent in nature is soluble in
and form one mole of ionic crystalline solid is water due to high value of heat of hydration
known as the lattice energy of the compound.  Ionic compounds are good electrical conductors
 Lattice energy is directly proportional to the product in molten state (or) in aqueous solutions.
of Z+ and Z– and inversely proportional to the sum
 Ionic compounds undergo chemical reactions
of the radii of cation and anion.
quickly in aqueous solutions.
Z Z 
 NaCl aq  AgNO3 aq   AgCl   NaNO3 aq 
Lattice energy
 rc   ra  where Z  is charge White ppt.

on cation and Z  is charge on anion.  Ionic compounds do not exhibit isomerism

 Born-Haber cycle is used to calculate the lattice because ionic bond is a non directional bond.
energy.  The melting and boiling points of ionic
 Lattice energy increases as cation or anion size compounds are very high.
decreases.  If the anion is common in ionic compounds, the
LiF > NaF > KF more ionic compound with its cations having high
LiF > LiCl > LiBr > LiI atomic weight will have more melting point.
 Greater the charge on ions more is lattice energy eg: Melting point of BaCl2 is very high compared
NaF < MgO < AlN
 Greater the lattice energy more is the strength, with BeCl2 .
stability & melting point but low solubility.  Melting point of CsF is very high compared with
 When a cation or anion in the gaseous state interacts LiF.
with a solvent in the liquid state energy is liberated.  If cation is common in the ionic compounds,
This liberated energy is termed as solvation energy. compound with high lattice energy will have high
 When the solvent is water the liberated energy is melting point and the compound with low lattice
called hydration energy. The value of solvation
energy will have low melting point.
energy depends on size of ions.
eg: Melting point of NaF is more than that of NaI.
 Smaller the ion more is the solvation energy.
WE1.Lattice energy in sodium chloride is y kJ. Isomorphism
Assuming the same interionic distance, what  NaF and MgO are isomorphous due to similar
will be the lattice energy of magnesium electronic structure
Na  F  Mg 2 O 2
Sol: The charge magnitudes of ions in NaCl are 1 and 1
respectively. 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8
The product of q1 and q2 = 1  1 = 1  Similarly K2 S and CaCl2 are isomorphous
The charge magnitudes of ions in magnesium
sulphide are 2 and 2 respectively. K S 2 K Cl  Ca 2 Cl 
The product of q1 and q2 = 2  2 = 4 2,8,8 2,8,8 2,8,8 2,8,8 2,8,8 2,8,8
Hence lattice energy of MgS = 4 y kJ
Bond Parameters HF HCl HBr HI
Bond length : 92pm 127pm 141pm 160pm
Note: It is effected by resonance and
 The equilibrium distance between the nuclei
of two bonded atoms in a molecule is called
bond length. Bond Enthalpy :
 Bond length is measured by spectroscopic,  It is the amount of energy required to break one
x-ray diffraction, and electron -diffraction mole of bonds of a particular type between two
atoms in a gaseous state.
 The unit of bond enthalpy is kJ/mole
 Covalent radius of an atom in a homo diatomic
molecule (A-A type) is equal to half the inter nuclear H 2 g   2 H  g   H 0  435.8 kJ / mole
distance between two identical
atoms that are held together by covalent bond.  As the number of bonds between two atoms
increases the bond enthalpy increases.
d A -A
covalent radius of A = C-C C=C C C
341 610 828 (kJ/mole)
 Covalent radius of an atom in hetero diatomic mol-  As the number of lone pairs on a bonded
ecule (A-B type) when the E.N. difference between atom increases, the bond enthalpy decreases.
two atoms is large is calculated by
   
using pauling empirical equation. C  C    N  N    O O 
 
d A-B = rA + rB + C  X A - X B 
 In the case of H 2O molecule, the enthalpy needed
where X A and X B are E.N. of atoms A and B.
to break the two O-H bonds is not the same due to
The value of C depends on the type of atoms in- changed chemical environment. Therefore mean or
volved in covalent bond average bond enthalpy is used
 For bonds involving atoms of II nd period
H 2 O  g   H  g   OH  g   aH 1  502 kJ .mol  1
C = 0.08
 For bonds between Si, P and S bonded to more OH  g   H  g   O g  aH1  427 kJ .mol 1
E.N atoms not belonging to first period C = 0.06.
 The bond length between a set of atoms in Average bond enthalpy of O-H bond in water
different molecules is always same. 502  427
 464.5 kJ
eg:O-H bond length in H 2O, H 2O2 , C2 H 5OH is 2
0  The magnitude of bond energy depends upon size
same i.e. 0.97A of the bonded atoms.
 As the p-character of hybrid orbital changes the  Bond energy values are less for homolytic fission
bond length changes. when compared to heterolytic fission.
 C-H bond length in C2 H 6 , C2 H 4 and C2 H 2 are Bond Angle :
0 0 0
 Angle between the orbital containing bonding
1.09 A,1.08 A and 1.06 A respectively.. pair of electrons around the central atom in a
 As number of bonds between two atoms molecule (or) complex ion is called bond angle.
increases bond length decreases.  Bond angle is determined by spectroscopic
C C ; C C ; C C  As bond angle increases stability increases.
0 0 0  Bond angle is effected by the presence of lone pair
1.54 A; 1.33A; 1.20 A of electrons on central atom
 As the size of bonded atom increases bond length eg: CH 4  1090 281  0 L.P 
NH 3  1070  1 L.P  C  C bond energy = 680 – (6 x 100)
= 80 k cal mol-1.
H 2O  1040   2 L.P  Ethylene has four  C  H bonds, one  C  C
 Bond angle depends on state of hybridisation bond and one  C  C bond.
 As % s character increases bond angle increases
  C  C bond energy
eg: C2H2 > C2H4 > C2H6 (Decreasing order of
= 540 – [(4 x 100) + 80]
bond angle)
= 60 kcal mol-1
 If the electro negativity of central atom decreases
WE5.The As-Cl bond distance in AsCl3 is 2.20A0.
bond angle decreases
Estimate the single bond covalent radius of
NH3 > PH3 > AsH3 > SbH3
Arsenic, (Covalent radius of Cl is 0.99A0)
 Incase the central atom remains same bond angle
Sol: Internuclear distance -radius of chlorine atom =
increases with the decrease in electro negativity of
radius of arsenic atom
surrounding atoms
2.20 – 0.99 = 1.21 A0
NI3 > NBr3 > NCl3 > NF3
Covalent radius of As = 1.21 A0
Bond order
 Bond order indicates number of bonds between
 Representation of molecule in more than one
two atoms in a molecule.
structure and none of them explains all the
 Greater the bond order more is the strength of the
properties of the molecule singly is called
 With increase in bond order, bond enthalpy
 When ever a single lewis structure cannot describe
increases and bond length decreases.
a molecule accurately, a number of structures with
 Bond order 3 is the highest for a diatomic mol-
similar energy, positions of atomic nuclei, bonding
and non bonding pair of electrons are taken as the
 Iso electronic species have same bond order
canonical structures of the real structures
eg: N 2 , CO, NO  which describes the molecule accurately.
WE2.Mention the shortest and longest diatomic O O
Sol: The shortest diatomic molecule is hydrogen
The bond length in H2 is only 74 pm. O O O O
The longest diatomic molecule is iodine I II
Canonical forms of ozone
The bond length in I2 is 267 pm. O

WE3.Write the increasing order of bond energies



of H2, F2 and HF molecules.

Sol: Bond in F2 is weak due to lone pair repulsions. O O
Bond in H2 is strong because bond length is least. III
Resonance hybrid of ‘O3’ molecule
Bond in HF is strongest single bond because of  Thus for O3, the two structures (I, II) Shown below
high polarity. Increasing order of energies: constitute the canonical structures or
F2 < H2 < HF resonance structures, and the III strucutre
WE4.Dissociation enthalpies of methane, ethane represents the structure of O3 more accurately, and
and ethylene are respectively 400, 680 and 540
it is called resonance hybrid.
k cal mol-1 . Calculate  C  H ,  C  C and
Characteristics of Resonance
 C  C bond energies.  Resonance stabilises the molecule
Sol: Methane has four  C  H bonds.  More the number of resonating structures more will
400 be the stabiltiy of the molecule
 C  H bond energy  4  100 kcal mol-1  Because of resonance all the bond lengths become
Ethane has six  C – H bonds and one eg: All the bond lengths in benzene are identical
 C  C bond.  The canonical forms have no real existence.
 The resonating structures are inseparable.  1D = 3.33564 1030C.m (S.I)
 The molecule as such has a single structure which
where; C = Coulomb and m = meter
is the resonance hybrid of all the canonical forms
and which cannot as such be depicted by a single  1018  CGS 
Lewis structure.
 Dipolemoment is vector quantity and is represented
Bond order = Number of Bonds between two
by crossed arrow . The cross is on positive end
atoms in all resonating structure / Total number
of resonating structures and arrow head is on negative end eg: H F
 In polyatomic molecules the dipolemoment not only
depends upon the individual dipole moments of
C C C bonds known as bond dipoles, but also on the
O O O O O O spatial arrangements of various bonds in the
molecule. In such case, the dipolemoment of a
Resonance Structures of CO32– molecule is the vector sum of the bond dipoles of
WE6.What is the nitrogen-oxygen bond order in various bonds.
NO3– ion? Calculation of resultant bond moment

Sol: The structure of NO ion is :
 Let AB&AC are two polar bonds inclined at angle
O=N_O  , their dipole moments are 1 & 2 . The resultant
. It has four bonds and three dipole moment may be calculated using
canonical structures. Bond order = 1.33
WE7.Write the order of oxygen-oxygen bond A
energies of O2, O3 and H2O2 molecules. C
Sol: Bond order in O2 is 2.
μ R = μ 12 + μ 22 + 2μ 1μ 2cosθ
Bond order in O3 is 1.5
Bond order in H2O2 is 1
Descending order of O – O bond energies: Type of
O2 > O3 > H2O2 Geometry
Polarity of Bonds and Dipolemoment
HF 1.78 Linear
 When a covalent bond is formed between two HCl 1.07 Linear
similar atoms (eg. H 2 , F2 , O2 ) the shared pair of HBr 0.79 Linear
HI 0.38 Linear
electrons situated exactly between two atoms, the H2 0 Linear
bond so formed is called non-polar covalent bond. H2 O
Molecule 1.85 Bent
 If a covalent bond is formed between two dissimilar H 2S 0.95 Bent
(AB 2)
atoms (eg. H-F) the shared pair gets displaced more CO 2 0 Linear
towards Fluorine since Fluorine is more E.N than Trigonal-
Hydrogen. such bond is called polar covalent bond. NH 3 pyramidal
Molecule 1.47 Trigonal-
 Polarity of a polar molecule is expressed in terms NF 3 0.23
(AB 3) pyramidal
of dipolemoment (). BF 3 0 Trigonal-
 Dipolemoment () = charge on the pole (q)  planar
distance between the poles (d). CH 4
Molecule 0 Tetrahedral
 Dipolemoment is usually expressed in Debye CHCl 3 1.04 Tetrahedral
(AB 4)
units(D) CC l 4 0 Tetrahedral
Jr Chemistry E/M
Applications of Dipole Moment   0 , the Bond moments donot cancel each other
 Dipole moment is helpful in predicting the CN OH SH
geometry of the molecule.
 Dipole moment helps in determining the polarity
 Dipole moment can distinguish between symmetrical
and non symmetrical molecules
eg: CO2 has zero dipole moment as it is symmetrical CN OH SH
whereas H2O has a dipole moment of 1.85 D.
O C O  CH 3Cl  CH 2Cl2  CHCl3  CCl4
 105º
H H  Hybridisation can be determined by dipole moment
Net dipole moment of water = 1.85 D i) If a molecule AB2 has  = 0, the  orbitals
= 1.85  3.336  10–30 C.m used by A (z < 21) must be sp hybridised
= 6.17  10–30 C.m eg: BeF2
 NH3 has higher dipole moment than NF3 because F Be F
ii) If a molecule AB 3 has  = 0, the  orbitals
used by A ( z < 21 ) must be sp2 hybridised
> > eg: BF3
H Cl
Cl F
In NH3 the orbital dipole due to lone pair is in the
same direction as the resultant dipole moment of
the N - H bonds, whereas in NF3 the orbital dipole F
is in the direction opposite to the resultant dipole  Dipole moment  electronegativity difference
moment. HF  HCl  HBr  HI
 Cis and trans isomers can be distinguished by  Dipolemoment  No.of lone pair of electrons.
dipole moments, usually cis isomers have higher
dipole moment and hence higher polarity HF  H 2O  NH 3
eg:  For homo atomic molecules and molecules having
H Cl H Cl normal shapes such as linear, trigonal, tetrahedral
C C posses zero dipolemoment
eg: Cl2 , N 2 , O2 , CO2
H Cl Cl H  Molecules having distorted shapes like angular,
pyramidal shows dipolemoment
 Dipole moment is greatest for ortho isomer, zero eg: H 2O, SO2
for para isomer and less than that of ortho or meta
WE8.The dipolemoments of SO2 and CO2 are 5.37
isomer (Similarly substituted)
 10–30 C.m and zero respectively. What can
Cl Cl Cl be said about the shapes of the two molecules?
Cl Sol: Oxygen is considerably more electronegative than
> > either sulphur or carbon. The sulphur-oxygen and
Cl the carbon-oxygen bond should be polar with a
Cl net negative charge residing on the oxygen.
SO2 is angular, as the S = O
Cl bond moments do not cancel.
CO2 is linear. Though C = O bonds are polar, the
bond moments cancel each other.
WE9.Dipolemoment of H2S is 0.95 D, Find the NA - eA and NB - eB.
S – H bond moment. Bond angle in H2S is 960 (ii) Nucleus of one atom and electron of other atom
and cos 480 is 0.66. i.e. NA - eB, NB - eA.
Sol:  H 2 S  2   S  H cos(960 / 2) Repulsive forces arise between
(i) electrons of two atoms like eA – eB.
0.95  2  S  H  0.66 (ii) Nuclei of two atoms NA – NB.
S-H bond moment = 0.72 D  Attractive forces tend to bring the two atoms close
Ionic Character of a Covalent Bond to each other where as repulsive forces tend to push
them apart.
 By dipole moment - % ionic character of a
 A covalent bond formed with its electron cloud
covalent bond can be obtained as follows.
concentrated along the inter nuclear axis and having
observed dipole moment of bond
= ×100 a cylindrical symmetry is known as sigma bond   .
calculated dipole moment of bond
 Linear overlapping of atomic orbitals results in the
WE10.The dipolemoment of HBr is 2.6010–30 C.m
formation of sigma bond   .
and the interatomic spacing is 1.41 A0. What
is the percentage ionic character of HBr ?  A covalent bond formed by the side wise overlap
of atomic orbitals of atoms already bonded through
Sol: cal  q  d a ‘  ’ bond and in which the electron cloud is
= (1.60  10-19 C) (1.41  10-10m) present on either side of the inter nuclear axis is
= 2.26  10-29 C m known as a pi bond ‘’.
The percentage ionic character =  Lateral overlapping of atomic orbitals results in the
formation of pi bond ‘’.
2.60 1030 Cm  ‘  ’ bond is formed only after the formation of ‘  ’
 100  11.5%
2.26 1029 Cm bond.
Valence Bond Theory (V.B.T)  Any type of orbitals can involve in ‘  ’ bond
 V.B.T was proposed by Heitler and London to formation.
explain the shapes of covalent molecules, their bond  Only ‘p’ or ‘d’ - orbitals can involve in ‘’ bond
angles and bond lengths. formation.
 VBT and MO theory based on quantum mechanical  Single bond is equal to one ‘  ’ bond.
principle.  Double bond is a combination of one ‘  ’ bond
 V.B.T was extended by pauling and slater to explain and one ‘’ bond.
the directional nature of covalent bonds.  Triple bond is a combination of one ‘  ’ bond and
 Covalent bond is formed by the overlapping of two two ‘’ bonds.
  bond is stronger than ‘’ bond.
orbitals having unpaired electrons. The two orbitals
 Strength of the bonds follows the order
involving in overlapping must belong to two different
atoms and the electrons present in them must have σ p -p > σ s-p > σ s-s > π
opposite spins.  ‘  ’ bond between ‘1S’ orbitals is exceptionally
 Dative bond is formed by the overlapping of an stronger.
orbital having a pair of electrons and a vacant  Strength of the bonds follows the order
orbital. triple bond > double bond > single bond.
 The greater the extent of overlapping, the stronger   electrons are localised
is the bond formed.  electrons are mobile electrons
 The overlapping of atomic orbitals follows the order.  Shape of molecule is determined by  bonds 
p-p>s-p>s-s bonds do not effect shape of molecule
 If two atoms A and B approaching each other  Reactivity of a multiple bond is always more than
having nuclei NA and NB and electrons present in single bond.
 When orbitals of two atoms come close to form a
them are represented by eA and eB,
bond, their overlap may be positive, negative or
Attractive Forces Arise Between zero depending upon the sign and direction of
(i) Nucleus of one atom and its own electron i.e. orientation.
Positive, Negatie and Zero overlaps of s  Pairs of electrons in the valence shell repel one
and p atomic orbitals: another since their electron clouds are
negatively charged.
Positive or in phase Negative or in phase  These pairs of electrons tend to occupy such
overlap overlap positions in space that minimise repulsion and then
_ _ _ _
maximise separation between them.
+ + z + + z  A lone pair of electrons takes up more space around
the central atom than a bond pair because the lone
_ + + z _ + + z pair is attracted to one nucleus while bond pair is
shared by two nuclei.
++ +
_  The repulsions between electron pairs on
z z central atom follows the order
_ _ _
l.p - l.p > l.p - b.P > b.P - b.P
 In VSEPR theory the number of electron pairs in
++ + _ single bond (or) double bond (or) triple bond (or)
_ z _ z dative bond is counted as only one pair because all
_ the electron pairs in the same bond are oriented in
the same direction.
Zero overlap  The magnitude of repulsions between BP of
(out of phase due to direction of approach) electrons depends on the electronegativity
+ + + difference between the central atom and o t h e r
z z
_ _ _
No.of No.of Molecular Example
WE11.Can Px overlap a Py orbital? Why or why B.Ps L.Ps Shape
not? BeCl2
Sol: No. They cannot overlap because their orientations 2 0 AB2 Linear BeF2
are not same. C2H2
WE12.Considering x-axis as the internuclear axis. Planar BF3
Which out of the following atomic orbitals 3 0 AB3
Triangle BCl3
will form a sigma bond?
a) 1S and 1S b) 1S and 2Px +
c) 2PY and 2Py d) 1S and 2S 4 0 AB4 Tetrahedral NH4
Sol: The sigmabond is formed by axial overlap along CCl4
inter nuclear axis and is present in the following Trigonal
5 0 AB5 PCl5
cases. In the case of a, b & d sigma bond is possible bipyramidal
and ‘c’ cannot form sigma bond. 2Py and 2Py 6 0 AB6 Octahedral SF6
atomic orbitals are involved in the sidewise overlap
leading to the formation of  - bond. 2 1 AB2E Bent
VSEPR Theory Trigonal
It was originally proposed by sidgwick and powell 3 1 AB3E NH3
later it was further developed by Nyholm and
Gilliespie According to VSEPR theory: 2 2 AB2E2 Bent H2O
 The shape of a molecule depends on the 4 1 AB4E See Saw SF4
number of electron pairs in the valence shell
3 2 AB3E2 T-shape ClF3
(bonded or non bonded) of the central atom
 If the central atom is surrounded by only bond pairs 5 1 AB5E
of electrons the molecule has a regular shape. Pyramidal
 In addition to bond pairs if the central atom has Square
4 2 AB4E2 XeF4
one or more lone pairs the molecule has Planar
irregular shape.
A = Central atom in the compound.
B = Atom linked to the central atom.
E = Lone pairs of electron.
Sl. Types of atomic Hybridi- Orientation of
No. orbitals used sation hybrid orbitals
1. one s + one p-orbital sp Linear BeF2,BeCl2,C2H2,HgCl2
2 _ 2-
2. one s + two p-orbitals sp Trigonal planar BF3,C2H4,NO3 ,CO3
3 + 2- _
3. one s + three p-orbitals sp Tetrahedral CH4,CCl4,SiF4,NH4 ,SO4 ,ClO4
4. one s + three p + d sp d Trigonal PF5, PCl5
3 2 3-
5. one s + three p + two d sp d Octahedral SF5,[CrF6] ,IF5
3 3
6. one s + three p+three d sp d Pentagonal IF7
2 2- 2-
7. One d + one s + two p dsp Square planar [Ni(CN)4] , [PtCl4] etc

 The concept of hybridisation was introduced by  The concept of hybridisation was introduced to
Pauling explain the shapes of molecules, bond angles in
the molecules, bond lengths in the molecules.
 The intermixing of atomic orbitals of almost
 A half filled or completely filled or even vacant
same energy and their redistribution into an orbital can participate in Hybridization..
equal number of identical orbitals is known  The hybrid orbitals are more effective in forming
as hybridisation stronger bonds that leads to the formation of more
 The orbitals of one and the same atom only involve stable molecules.
in hybridisation. Note: Same atom can undergo different types of
 In a molecule the central atom only undergo hybridisation under different situations.
hybridisation.  More the directional bond greater is the bond
 The orbitals formed in hybridisation process are strength
called hybrid orbitals. sp - sp 3 > sp 2 - sp 2 > sp - sp > p - p > s - p > s - s

 The orbitals involving in the hybridisation have sp - Hybridisation:

different shapes but almost same energy.  One s- orbital combines with one p- orbital to give
 The hybrid orbitals have same shape and same two identical orbitals called sp - hybrid orbitals.
energy.  The angle between the two sp-hybrid orbitals in an
 The no.of hybrid orbitals formed is numerically equal atom is 1800
to no.of orbitals participating in hybridisation.  sp- hybrid orbital will have 1/2 s- character (or)
50% s- character.1/2 p- character (or) 50% p-
 The hybrid orbitals are symmetrically arranged character.
around the nucleus such that they have maximum  The hybridisation of central atom in a linear molecule
stability. is generally SP.
 The order of repulsions will be in order of sp2 - Hybridisation
lp - lp > lp - bp > bp - bp repulsions.  One s- orbital combines with two-p-orbitals to give
 The angle between any two hybrid orbitals in an three identical orbitals called sp2-hybrid orbitals.
atom is generally same.  The angle between any two sp2-hybrid orbitals in
 Electron filling in hybrid orbitals obeys, Hunds rule, an atom is 1200.
Pauli’s rule. 1
 sp2 hybrid orbital will have rd s- character (or)
 The hybrid orbitals involve only in ' ' bond 3
formation. They donot involve in ‘  ’ bond 2
33.3% s-character. , rd p- character (or) 66.7%
formation. 3
 The hybridisation of central atom in a molecule  Example for sp3d 2 hybridisation is SF
having planar triangle shape is sp2.
sp3 - Hybridisation  dz and d x2  y 2 orbitals are involved in sp3 d2

 One s- orbital combines with three p-orbitals to hybridisation

give four identical orbitals called sp3 hybridisation.  The no.of planar atoms in SF6 are 5
 The angle between any two sp3-hybrid orbitals in WE13.What are the types of bonds present in
an atom is 1090.281. hydrogen cyanide molecule?
 sp3 - hybrid orbital will have 1/4 th s- character Sol: Lewis dot structure of HCN is H : C  N :
(or) 25% s- character. 3/4 th p- character (or)
75% p- character. The bonds in HCN molecule are one single bond
 The hybridisation of central atom in a molecule and one triple bond. Further, HCN molecule has
having tetrahedral shape is sp3. two  and two  bonds.
dsp2-Hybrisdisation Determination of Hybridisation and Shape
The orbitals involved in dsp hybridisation are of Molecule or Ion Having Single Central
d x2  y 2 , s and two p-orbitals, geometry is square Atom
 No. of Electron pairs (EP) = No. of Bond Pairs(BP)
planar bond angle between any two dsp2 orbitals is + No. of Lone pairs(LP)
sp3d - Hybridisation EP = S + G - V + A - C 
 One S-orbital, three P-orbitals and one d-orbital 2
combines and gives five identical orbitals called S = No of shared pair (or) Bond pair of electrons
sp3d-hybrid orbitals. G = Group no (or) No of valency Electrons of the
central atom
 The bond angles possible in sp 3d hybridisation are V = Valency of central atom in the compound
900, 1200. C = Charge of cation
 sp3d hybrid orbital will have A = Charge of Anion
1/5 th s-character (or) 20% s-character.
 If bonded atoms are H , F , Cl then each one
3/5th p-character (or) 60% p-character.
1/5th d-character (or) 20% d-character. contribute one electron for bond formation.If
 The hybridisation of central atom in a molecule bonded atoms are O,S then each one contribute
having trigonal bipyramidal shape is sp3d. two elctrons for bond formation.
 d z2 orbital is involved in sp3d Hybridisation No of electron pairs : 2 3 4 5 6 7
 Example for sp3d hybridisation is PCl5      
 The axial bonds have been found to be longer sp sp sp sp d sp d sp 3 d 3
2 3 3 3 2

than equatorial bonds since axial P-Cl bonds ex-

perience greater repulsion from equatorial eg: CH4 EP = 4 + 1/2 [4 - 4]
P-Cl bonds. SP3, Tetrahedral
NH3 EP = 3 + 1/2 [5 - 3]
 No. of planar atoms in PCl5 are 4.
SP3, pyramidal
 PCl5 is highly reactive and in the solid state
CO2 EP = 2 + 1/2 [4 - 4]
 
exist as  PCl4  and  PCl6  ions SP, Linear
3 2
sp d - Hybridisation XeOF4 EP = 5 + 1/2 [8 - 6]
 One s-orbital , three p-orbitals and two d- orbitals SP3d2, Square pyramidal
combines to give six identical orbitals called sp3d 2 NH +4 EP = 4 + 1/2 [5 - 4 - 1]
hybridisation. SP3, Tetrahedral
 The bond angle possible in sp 3d 2 hybridisation is PCl -6 EP = 6 + 1/2 [5 - 6 + 1]
90 .
SP3d2, Octahedral
 sp3d2 hybrid orbital will have
 1/6th s-character, 1/2 p-character and I -3 EP = 2 + 1/2 [7 - 2 + 1]
1/3 d-character SP3d, Linear
Hybridisation in Carbon Compounds CH 2  C  CH 2
No of  Bonds Hybridisation sol:
per carbon SP 2 SP SP 2
0 sp3 No. of HO = 2 (3) + 2
1 sp2 =8
2 sp No. of PO = 2 (2) + 4
H 2C = CH - C  CH =8
eg: Vinyl acetylene: Ratio between HO and PO = 1
sp2 sp2 sp sp Co-ordinate Covalent Bond (or)
WE14.Discuss the hybridization of carbon atoms Dative Bond
in allene(C 3 H 4 ) and show the  orbital  The bond formed between two atoms by the
overlaps. sharing of an electron pair which is
contributed by only one of the two atoms is
CH 2  C  CH 2
Sol: Allene is : known as the co-ordinate covalent bond.
I II III  Co-ordinate covalent bond is also known as dative
Carbon atoms I and III are sp hybridised while bond or semi polar bond or donor acceptor bond.
carbon II is sp hybridized. The two unhybridised  Co-ordinate covalent bond was proposed by
Sidgewick. The name dative bond was proposed
orbitals of carbon II overlap sidewise with by Langmuir.
unhybridised p orbitals of carbon I and III to form  Co-ordinate covalent bond is represented by an
 bonds.
WE15.Predict the shapes of the following species arrow   the head of which is close to the atom
and the type of hybrid orbitals on the central which accepts the electron pair.
atom.  For all practical purposes, the co-ordinate covalent
a) PbCl4, b) SbF6– and c) PCl3. bond is treated as a single covalent bond.
 The formation of co-ordinate covalent bond occurs
Sol: a) Tetrahedral, hybridization of Pb is sp3
only after the formation of covalent bond.
b) Octahedral, hybridization of Sb is sp3d2  Co-ordinate covalent bond is present in
c) Pyramidal, hybridization of P is sp3 Molecules like: N2O, O3, N2O4, N2O5 CO, F3B -
WE16.Write the decreasing order of (a) carbon – NH3, B3N3H6, Al2Cl6
carbon and (b) carbon – hydrogen bond Ions like: H 3O  , NH 4 , NO3 , BF4 ,
lengths in ethane, ethylene and acetylene
molecules. N 2 H 5 , C6 H 5 NH 3
Sol: Carbon, carbon bond lengths are:  In a hydrated cation the bond between water
C2H6 > C2H4 > C2H2 molecule and cation is dative bond. Every water
154pm 134pm 120pm molecule involves in one dative bond only.
Carbon, hydrogen bond lengths are: eg:  Al  H 2 O 6  ion contains 6 dative bonds.
C2H6 > C2H4 > C2H2 2
110pm 109pm 106pm  Be  H 2O 4  ion contains 4 dative bonds.
Calculation of no. of Hybrid orbitals and Pure  The bond between ligand and metal atom (or) metal
orbitals in carbon compounds ion in complex compounds is dative bond.
Hybridisation No. of Hybrid
Orbitals eg: Cu  NH3 4  SO4 contains 4 dative bonds.
sp3 4
2  Ni  H 2O 6  Cl2 contains 6 dative bonds.
sp 3
sp 2  Earlier to account for the octet of the central atom
there is a practice of writing dative bonds in the
No.of pure orbitals = 2()  No. of Hydrogens
structures of
WE17.Calculate the ratio between hybrid orbitals
SO2 , SO3, Cl2O6, Cl2O7 , H2SO4, H3PO4 ,
and pure orbitals in Allene.
SO42 , PO43 , ClO4 , ClO3 , ClO2 , SO32 etc.
Jr Chemistry E/M
( But as per the modern concepts the dative bonds combination (LCAO) of atomic orbitals of
in the structures of all these examples must be comparable energies and proper symmetry. This
shown as double bonds.) means that 1s orbital can combine with another 1s
 In any anion negative charge is present on more orbital but not with 2s orbital because the energy
electronegative atom.(except in CN  ion) of 2s orbitals is higher than that of 1s orbital. This is
 In any cation positive charge is present on less true only for homo nuclear diatomic molecules

 By convention z-axis is taken as the molecular
electronegative atom (except in N O ) axis, 2pz orbital of one atom can combine with
 The total number of covalent bonds and dative 2pz orbital the other atom but not with the 2px
bonds made by an atom is known as its covalency or 2py orbitals because of their symmetry.
eg : Covalency of Nitrogen in NO3– ion is 4.  Molecular orbital is polycentric ie. an electron in
Covalency of sulphur in SO4 ion is 6. molecular orbital is under the influence of two or
Covalency of Oxygen in H3+O ion is 3. more nuclei.
Properties of Coordinate Covalent  The number of molecular orbitals formed is equal
Compounds to the number of combining atomic
orbitals. When two atomic orbitals combine, two
 Compounds containing coordinate bonds show
molecular orbitals are formed. One is known as
melting and boiling points higher than those of pure
covalent compounds and lower than those of ionic bonding molecular orbital while the other is called
anti bonding orbital.
 Readily soluble in organic solvents and sparingly  It may be noted that the bonding molecular orbital
soluble in water. is stabilized to the same extent as the anti bonding
molecular orbital is destabilised ie. energy lost by
 A coordinate bond acts as a single bond directed
in a specific orientation and hence some compounds BMO is equal to energy gained by ABMO but
with coordinate bonds show isomerism. total energy of two MO equal to sum of energy of
two atomic orbitals.
 Like covalent compounds, they are also poor
conductors.  Order of energies of various orbitals is bonding
orbitals < non bonding orbitals < anti bonding oritals
WE18.What are the bonds present in ammonium
 The molecular orbitals like atomic orbitals are filled
Sol: NH4Cl has ionic, covalent and dative bonds. in accordance with the Aufbau principle obeying
the Paulis exclusion principle and the Hunds rule.
NH 4 and Cl– bond is ionic, NH3 and H+ bond is  The molecular orbitals are named as  ,  ,  .. etc.
dative, N and H, bond is covalent.  Formation of molecular orbitals by LCAO method:
WE19.Find the changes in the hybridization of  According to wave mechanics, the atomic
B and N atoms as a result of the following orbitals can be expressed by wave functions ( ),
reaction. which represent the amplitude of waves.
BF3 + NH3  F3B – NH3  The atomic orbitals of two hydrogen atoms A and B
Sol: In BF3 the hybridization of boron is sp2 and in NH3
the hybridization of nitrogen is sp3 . After the may be represented by wave functions  A and  B .
reaction, the hybridization of boron changes to sp3  Mathematically, formation of molecular orbitals may
but the hybridization of N remains unchanged. be described as
WE20. What is the change in hybridization (if any)
of the Al atom in the following reaction. ψMo = ψ A ± ψB
AlCl3  Cl   AlCl4 σ = ψ A + ψ B (Bonding molecular orbital)
Sol: In AlCl3, the central atom is sp2 hybridised while in
σ* = ψ A - ψ B (Antibonding molecular orbital)
the [AlCl4]–, ‘Al’ atom is sp3 hybridised.
Molecular Orbital Theory  Quantitatively,the formation of molecular
orbitals can be understood in terms of the construc-
 It was proposed by Hund and Mulliken to
tive (or) destructive interference of the
explain para magnetic nature of oxygen molecule.
electron waves of the combining atoms
 The electrons in a molecule are present in
various molecular orbitals as the electrons of at-  During the formation of BMO, the two electron
oms are present inthe various atomic orbitals waves of the bonding atoms reinforce each other
 Molecular orbitals are formed by linear due to constructive interference
 During the formation of ABMO, the electron waves  A positive bond order is Nb>Na means a stable
cancel each other due to destructive interference molecule.
 The electron density in a bonding molecular orbital  While a negative (Nb<Na) or zero (Nb=Na) bond
is located between the nuclei of the bonded atoms. order means an unstable molecule
 The electron density in antibonding molecular orbital Electronic Configuration / Bond
is located away from the space between nuclei Order of Simple Diatomic Molecules
(nodal plane)  The electronic configuration and the bond order in
 The increasing order of relative energies of M.O case of simple diatomic molecules can be obtained
having less than or equal to 14 electrons. by filling the molecular orbitals by applying Aufbau
principle and Hunds rule etc.
 1s   *1s   2s   * 2s  [ 2 px 
Bond Order
 2 py]   2 pz  [ * 2 px   * 2 py ]   * 2 pz  The relative stability of a molecule can be
 For more than 14 electrons determined on the basis of bond order. It is defined
as the number of covalent bonds in a molecule. It is
 1s   *1s   2 s   * 2 s   2 p z
equal to one half of the difference between the
  2 p x   2 p y  number of electrons in the bonding and antibonding
molecular orbitals.
  * 2 p x   * 2 p y    * 2 p z
Bond order = [Number of bonding electrons -
+ + +
Addition (bonding)
+ Number of antibonding electrons]
+ + + + * (anti bonding) N  Na
or = b
_ Addition _
+ +

_ _
 Bond order  , Bond energy 
_ Subtraction _ _ stability of a molecule 

bond length 
+ +

Addition 10  4
_  Bond order of N 2  3
_ _
+ +
N 2 
Subtraction Bond order of  2.5
(anti bonding) 2
_ + _ +
Bond order of N 22    2.0
Difference between  and  MO’s 2
10  5
Bond order of N 2   2.5
1. Formed by the end 1. Formed by the side 10  6
Bond order of N 22   2
on overlap along wise overlap 2
the internuclear perpendicular to  As the bond order increases the stability of molecule
axis. inter nuclear axis. increase. However, some of the bond orders are
2. Overlapped region 2. Overlapped region identical. In such case, a molecule or ion with more
is very large. is small. number of electrons in their antibonding orbitals is
3. Rotation about the 3. Rotation about the less stable.
internuclear axis is inter nuclear axis
symmetrical. is unsymmetrical. N 22   N 22   N 2  N 2  N 2 .
4. Strong bonds are 4. Weak bonds are  The bond orders of 1, 2 or 3 correspond to single,
favoured. favoured. double or triple bond. But bond order may be
Stability of Molecules fractional in some cases.
 If Nb is the number of electrons occupying bonding Nitrogen Species
orbitals and Na the number of electrons occupying  Bond dissociation energy order
antibonding orbitals, then N 2  N 2   N 2   N 2 2
 Bond length order    
2 
N 2  N2  N2  N2   12s  1*2s  22s  2*2s  22Pz  22Px    2*1Px   2*Pz
 22Py    2*1Py 
Magnetic Nature
 The magnetic properties of molecules can also be  Nb  N a  10  6
Bond order =  2
ascertained 2 2
 If all the electrons in the molecule or ion are paired As shown by electronic configuration the O2
it is diamagnetic in nature.If it is unpaired that is molecule contains two unpaired electrons, hence it
paramagnetic. is paramagnetic in nature
Magnetic moment   n  n  2  B.M O2+ Ion
 Total number of electrons (16 - 1) = 15,
 Bonding in some diatomic molecules and ions
Electronic configuration
Hydrogen Molecule (H2)
 Total number of electrons = 2, filling in molecular    
orbitals we have  12s  1*2s  22s  2*2s  22Pz  22Px    2*1Px   2*Pz
 22Py    2*Py 
 12s   1*0s
10  5
 Nb  Na   2  0  1 Bond order=
 2.5
Bond order =
2 2 It is paramagnetic
Hence there is a single bond between two hydrogen
O2– (Super Oxide Ion)
atoms and due to absence of unpaired electrons it
is diamagnetic  Total number of electrons (16 +1) = 17. Electronic
Helium Molecule (He2)
 The total number of electrons = 4 and filling in    *2  *
molecular orbitals we have  12s  1*2s  22s  2*2s  22Pz  22Px   2 Px   2 Pz
 22Py   2*1Py 
 12s   1*2s
 Nb  N a   2  2  0  Nb  Na   10  7  1.5
Bond order = Bond order = It is
2 2 2 2
Hence He2 molecule can not exist
Peroxide Ion -(O22–)
 Boron Molecule (B2)  Total number of electrons (16 + 2) =18. The
no of electrons = 10 electronic configuration is
The electronic configuration is
   *2  *
 1s 2  * 1s 2  2 s 2  * 2 s 2  2 p 1 x   2 p 1 y  12s  1*2s  22s  2*2s  22Pz  22Px   2 Px   2 Pz
it has 2 paired electrons .  22Py   2*2Py 
Hence paramagnetic
10  8
Nitrogen Molecule (N2) Bond order =  1 . It is diamagnetic
 The total number of electrons =14 and filling in 2
molecular orbitals we have Oxygen Species
 Bond dissociation energy order
 2 
 12s  1*2s  22s  2*2s 2
 2 Px   2 Pz O2   O2  O2   O2 2
 2 Py 
 Bond length order
 Nb  N a   10  4  3 O2 2  O2   O2  O2
Bond order =
2 2 Hydrogen Bond
It is diamagnetic  Hydrogen bond is a weak electrostatic force
Oxygen Molecule (O2) present between positively charged hydrogen
 Total number of electrons =16 and electronic atom of a polar molecule and a highly
configuration is electronegative atom carrying negative charge.
 The highly electronegative atom may be present  Associated liquids have higher boiling points than
in the same molecule (or) in a different molecule. normal liquids.
 Hydrogen bond is represented by a dotted line  Liquids having very low boiling points are called
(- - - -). volatile liquids.
 The length of the hydrogen bond depends on the eg: ether, acetone, benzene etc.
substance under investigation. It varies from  The boiling point of an associated liquid depends on
1.79A0 to 2.75A0 strength of hydrogen bond present in it and number
 The energy of hydrogen bond varies from 2 to 10 of hydrogen bonds present in one mole of it.
K.cals/mole or 10-50 kj / mole. eg: 1) The boiling point of water (1000C) is more
 Hydrogen bond is weaker than covalent bond and than that of hydrofluoric acid (19.40C) though the
stronger than vanderwaals force of attraction. hydrogen bond in HF is very strong. This is due to
the presence of more number of hydrogen bonds
 Most electronegative atoms like Fluorine,
in one mole of water than in one mole of HF.
Oxygen, Nitrogen only can involve in
2) The boiling point of water is more than that of
hydrogen bond. Chlorine atom very rarely
ammonia though one mole of ammonia contains
involves in hydrogen bond.
more hydrogen bonds than one mole of water. This
 Hydrogen bond present in the same molecule is is due to the presence of very strong hydrogen
known as intra molecular hydrogen bond. bonds in water than in ammonia.
 Due to intramolecular hydrogen bonding, ring
formation (or) chelation occurs.
Effect of Hydrogen Bonding in p-block
 The intra molecular hydrogen bond is present in Hydrides
substances like o- Chlorophenol,  The order of boiling points of hydrides of p-block
o- Nitro phenol, o- Nitro aniline, elements
o- Hydroxy benzaldehyde (Salicylaldehyde), SnH4 > GeH4 > SiH4 > CH4 (IVA)
o- Hydroxy benzoic acid ( Salicylic acid) SbH3 > NH3 > AsH3 > PH3 (VA)
 Substances having intramolecular hydrogen bonds H2O > H2Te > H2Se > H2S (VIA)
are less water soluble and steam volatile. HF > HI > HBr > HCl (VIIA)
have low boiling points. 100
 Hydrogen bond formed between different polar
Melting points (ºC) increasing

molecules is known as inter molecular

hydrogen bond. 0
 The inter molecular hydrogen bonds are present H2Se VIIIA
in substances like water, ice, ammonia, hydrofluoric NH3
acid, ortho phosphoric acid, ortho boric acid, HCl
-100 HF
p-nitro phenol, p-hydroxy benzaldehyde,
AsH3 SnH
p-hydroxy benzoic acid, Primary alcohols PH3
CH4 SnH4
 CH3OH , C2 H5OH  , fatty acids
Molecular weight increasing
 HCOOH , CH3COOH  primary amines and (a)
secondary amines, carbohydrates, proteins and
nucleic acids 100
 Substances having inter molecular hydrogen bonds
Boiling points (ºC) increasing

exist as associated molecules.
 Liquids having hydrogen bonds between their 0 H2Se
molecules are called associated liquids. NH3
 Water, ammonia, hydrofluoric acid, methyl alcohol HCl

and ethyl alcohol etc., are associated liquids. -100


 Liquids which do not contain hydrogen bonds PH3


between their molecules are called normal liquids. GeH4

 Benzene, carbondisulphide, carbontetrachloride, CH4
acetone, ether, bromine, nitro benzene etc., are Molecular weight increasing
normal liquids. (b)
 The boiling points of NH 3 , H 2O, HF are more than eg:
those of PH 3 , H 2 S and HCl respectively because BeSO4 .4 H 2O ; AlCl3 .6 H 2O
inter molecular hydrogen bonds are present in MgCl2 .6 H 2O ; FeCl3 .6 H 2O
NH 3 , H 2O and HF. Hydrogen bonds are not CaCl2 .6 H 2O ; Fe  NO3 3 .6 H 2O
present in PH3 , H 2 S , HCl  In a hydrated salt having odd number of water
molecules one water molecule is bonded to the anion
 The boiling point gradually increases from CH 4 and the remaining water molecules are bonded to
to SnH 4 with increase in molecular weight and the cation.
magnitude of Vanderwaal’s forces. (CH4 does not  Hydrated salts containing odd number of water
form hydrogen bonds) molecules.
 KHF2 exist but KHCl2 do not exist because in
CuSO4 .5H 2O ; NiSO4 .7 H 2O
HF2 ion there is inter molecular H-bonding.
MgSO4 .7 H 2O ; FeSO4 .7 H 2O
 Hydrofluoric acid exists as H 6 F6 /  HF 6 molecules  In some hydrated salts
in vapour state. Water exists as (Eg: BaCl2 .2 H 2O ; SrCl2 .2 H 2O etc) the water
only H 2O molecules in vapour state so heat of molecules are not bonded either to the cation or to
vaporisation of hydroflouric acid is less than that of the anion.
water.  Most hydrogen bonds are asymmetric i.e. the H-
 The molecular weight of formic acid (or) acetic acid atom is not located exactly between X and Y atoms,
determined by using its solution in a non polar but much closer to X as compared to Y.
solvent like benzene is twice the expected value. X – H ........ Y
This is due to the dimerisation of acid molecules in  Hydrogen bonds are Linear or only slightly bent
the solution. The dimer formation takes place with maximising attraction between H and Y, and
the help of hydrogen bonds. minimising repulsion between X and Y.
O_____H_O  Valence angle    between H and Y-Z bond, varies
 H_C C_H between 1000 to 1400
O_H ____O WE21.Which one in each of the following pairs is
 In ice every water molecule involves in four expected to exhibit hydrogen bonding
hydrogen bonds. The ice is a tetrahedral three together?
dimensional polymer. a) CH3 – CH2 – OH and CH3 – O – CH3
 The two helical strands in the DNA molecule are b) CH3NH2 and CH3SH
joined by Hydrogen bonds. c) CH3OCH3 and (CH3)3N
 Covalent substances like Glucose, Urea, Sugar, Sol: a) CH 3 – CH 2 OH forms H-bonds as H is
Ammonia, ethyl alcohol etc. dissolve freely in water connected to O atoms.
because they form hydrogen bonds with water. b) S does not form hydrogen bonds
 Substances having inter molecular hydrogen bonds c) Both do not form hydrogen bonds because H
are highly water soluble. They have high boiling atom is absent on ‘O’ and on ‘N’
points and they are not steam volatile. WE22.Which is expected to have highest melting
 In a hydrated cation, the bond between water point: PH3, NH3, (CH3­)3­N? Explain.
molecule and cation is dative bond. Sol: NH3 has the strongest intermolecular hydrogen
 In a hydrated anion the bond between water bonding and it is expected to have the highest
molecule and anion is hydrogen bond. melting point. Actual melting points are:
 In a hydrated salt, having even number of water NH3 = 77.70C; PH3 = -1330C and
molecules generally the water molecules are bonded (CH3)3N = -1170C
only to the cation.
 Hydrated salts having even number of water
Level -I (C.W) 1) Sulphur 2) Silicon
3) Phosphorus 4) Chlorine
Valence and Formula Writing 11. The element having highest valency with
1. Chemical bond formation takes place when respect to oxygen is
1) Energy is absorbed 1) Sodium 2) Aluminium
2) Forces of attraction overcome forces of repulsion 3) Chlorine 4) Sulphur
3) Forces of repulsion overcome forces of 12. Metal ‘M’ forms a peroxide of the type
attraction MO2 . Valency of the metal with respect to
4) Forces of attraction are equal to forces of oxygen
repulsion. 1) 0 2) 1 3) 2 4) 4
2. During bond formation, potential energy of 13. Electrovalency of non-metal atom is not
the system equal to that of the metal atom in
1) Increases 2) Decreases 1) Sodium bromide 2) Magnesium oxide
3) Remains the same 4) Cannot be predicted 3) Aluminium nitride 4) Potassium sulphide
3. An atom A has 2K, 8L and 3M electrons. 14. The maximum valence of an element with
Another atom B has 2 K and 6 L electrons. atomic number 7 is
The formula of the compound formed 1) 2 2) 5 3) 4 4) 3
between A and B is 15. Valence of sulphur in sulphuric acid is
1) A B 2) A2 B3 3) A3B2 4) AB2 1) 2 2) 4 3) 6 4) 8
4. Two elements X and Y have following 16. The electrons generally involved in bonding
electronic configurations, X= 1s 22s2 2p6 3s2 1) Are those that lie closest to the nucleus
3p64s2 and Y= 1s22s2 2p63s2 3p5. The formula 2) Are those for which the ionization energies are
of the compound formed by the combination small
of X and Y is 3) Belongs to inner shells
1) X Y2 2) X5 Y2 3) X2 Y5 4) X Y5 4) Are free electrons
5. The Atomic numbers of three elements A,B 17. Most energetic species among the following is
and C are a,a+1 and a+2. C is an alkali metal. 1) H2 2) Ne 3) F 4) F2
In a compound of A and C, the nature of 18. Which of the following covalent molecule is
bonding is an exception to octet rule?
1) Coordinate 2) Covalent 1) BeCl2 2) CO2 3) H2O 4) CH4
3) Ionic 4) Metallic 19. Which of the following contains unpaired
6. An atom with atomic number 20 is most likely electron –
to combine chemically with the atom whose 1) NO2 2) CO2 3) NO2 4) CN –
atomic number is 20. Odd electron bond is present in
1) 11 2) 16 3) 18 4) 10 1) NO 2) NO2 3) ClO2 4) All
7. If stability were attained with 6 electrons Covalent Bond
rather than with 8 electrons, what would be 21. The bond between two identical non-metal
the formula of the stable fluoride ion atoms has a pair of electrons
1) F3+ 2) F+ 3) F– 4) F2– 1) Unequally shared between them
Kossel Lewis Theory and Octet Rule 2) Transfered fully from one atom to the other
8. Duplet configuration is not found in atom
1) Hydride ion 2) Hydrogen molecule 3) With identical spins
3) Lithium cation 4) Be3+ 4) Equally shared between them
9. Which of the following has pseudo inert gas 22. Covalent bond is present in
configuration 1) Na2 S 2) AlCl3 3) NaH 4) K2O
1) Na+ 2) Cu+ 3) K+ 4)S-2 23. Only triple bond is present in
10. The number of valency electrons and the 1) N2O 2) CO2 3) HCN 4) N2
valency with respect to hydrogen are equal for
24. Molecule having maximum number of 34. Which of the following conducts electricity
covalent bonds is 1) Crystalline NaCl 2) Fused NaCl
1) NH4 OH 2) NH4 Cl 3) Molten sulphur 4) Diamond
3) CO(NH2)2 4) CH3 OH 35. Which of the following is not an electrolyte
25. Number of bonded electrons in ethane in molten state
molecule are 1) Cryolite 2) Sylvine
1) 7 2) 12 3) 10 4) 14 3) Urea 4) Rock salt
26. Number of lone pairs of electrons in 9 gms. 36. Melting point is low for
of water are [N = Avogadro Number] 1) Calcium fluoride 2) Calcium iodide
1) 2N 2) N / 2 3) N 4) N / 4 3) Calcium Chloride 4) Calcium bromide
27. The number of electron pairs involved in the 37. Ionic compounds do not exhibit space
formation of hydrogen cyanide molecule are isomerism because
1) 2 2) 8 3) 3 4) 4 1) They are solids
Ionic Bond and Lattice Energy 2) The ionic bond is non-directional
28. The electronegativities of two elements are 3) They are electrolytes 4) they contain ions
0.7 and 3.0. The bond formed between them 38. KCl easily dissolves in water because
would be 1) It is a salt of potassium
1) Ionic 2) Covalent 2) It reacts with water
3) Co-ordinate covalent 4) Metallic 3) It is an electrovalent compound
29. Highly ionic compound is formed by the 4) Its ions are easily solvated
combination of elements belonging to Fajan’s Rules
1) I A group and VII A gruop 39. According to Fajans rule covalent bond is
2) II A group VI A group favoured by
3) III A group and V A group 1) Small cation and large anion
4) ‘O’ group and VII A group 2) Small cation and small anion
30. Which of the following is not an ionic 3) Large cation and large anion
compound 4) Large cation and small anion
1) CaC2 2) NaH 3) BaF2 4) BF3 40. Polarisation is the distortion of the shape of
31. Which of the following is a favourable factor anion by an adjacently placed cation. Which
for cation formation? of the following statement is correct
1) Low ionisation potential 1) Maximum polarisation is brought about by cation
2) High electron affinity of high charge
3) High electronegativity 2) Maximum polarisation is brought about by Cation
4) Small atomic size of Low charge
32. Lattice energy depends on 3) A large cation is likely to bring about a large
1) Only radius of cation degree of polarisation
2) Only radius of anion 4) A small anion is likely undergo a large degree of
3) Cation to anion radius ratio polarisation
4) Sum of the radii of cation and anion 41. Polarization power of a cation increases when
33. Which of the following is not a correct
statement about an ionic compound 1) Charge on the cation increases
1) The higher the temperature, the more the 2) Size of the cation increases
solubility 3) Charge on the cation decreases
2) The higher the dielectric constant of the 4) Has no relation to its size or charge
solvent, the more the solubility 42. Among the following the maximum covalent
3) The higher the dipole moment of the solvent, character is shown by the compound
the more the solubility [MAINS 2011]
4) The higher the lattice energy, the more the
solubility 1) MgCl2 2) FeCl2 3) AlCl3 4) SnCl2
43. Among LiCl, BeCl 2 , BCl 3 and CCl 4 , the 53. The number of sigma and Pi bonds in a
covalent bond character follows the order: molecule of cyanogen are
1) LiCl  BeCl2  BCl3  CCl4 1) 4,3 2) 3,4 3) 5,2 4) 3,5
54. Linear combination of two atomic orbitals
2) LiCl  BeCl2  BCl3  CCl4 belonging to two atoms and each having one
3) LiCl  BeCl2  CCl4  BCl3 electron leads to a
1) Sigma bond 2) Double bond
4) LiCl  BeCl2  BCl3  CCl4 3) Co-ordinate covalent bond 4) –bond
Bond Parameters 55. s - p overlapping is present in
1) Br2 2) H2 3) O2 4) HF
44. The correct order in which the O __ O bond
56. Which one of the following is an incorrect
length increases in the following : statement
1) H 2O2  O2  O3 2) O3  H 2O2  O2 1) A  bond is formed when a sigma already
3) O2  H 2O2  O3 4) O2  O3  H 2O2 exists
2) A  bond may be formed by the overlapping
45. The correct order of bond angles (smallest of ‘p’ or ‘d’ orbitals
first) in H 2 S , NH 3 , BF3 and SiH 4 is 3) A  bond is formed by the overlapping of
1) H 2 S  NH3  SiH 4  BF3 hybrid orbitals
4) A  bond is formed by the lateral overlapping
2) NH 3  H 2 S  SiH 4  BF3 of atomic orbitals
3) H 2 S  SiH 4  NH 3  BF3 57. How many sigma and pi bonds are present in
tetra cyano ethylene ?
4) H 2 S  NH3  BF3  SiH 4
1) 9  and 9  2) 5  and 9 
Polarity and Dipole Moments 3) 9  and 7  4) 8  and 8 
46. Pure covalent double bond is present in VSEPR Theory
1) Acetylene 2) Carbon dioxide 58. The number of electrons in the valence shell
3) Ethylene 4) Ethane of the central atom of a molecule is 8. The
47. Which of the following has least polarity in molecule is [EAMCET 2014]
bond? 1) BeH2 2) SCl2 3) SF6 4) BCl3
1) H - F 2) H - Cl 3) H - O 4) H - S 59. The central atom in IF7 has seven pairs of
48. Which contains both polar and non-polar valence electrons. The shape of the molecule
bonds ? as per VSEPR theory is [MAINS 2011]
1) NH 4Cl 2) HCN 3) H 2O2 4) CH 4 1) Trigonal bipyramid 2) Hexagonal pyramid
49. If the electron pair is not equally shared 3) Pentagonal bipyramid 4) Square bipyramid
between two atoms A and B then the bond is 60. CO2 is not iso-structural with
1) Single bond 2)Polar covalent bond 1) HgCl2 2) SnCl2 3) C2H2 4) ZnCl2
3) Non-polar bond 4) -bond 61. In NO3 –ion, number of bond pairs and lone
50. Which of the following is non-polar pairs of electrons on nitrogen atom are
1) H2S 2) NaCl 3) Cl2 4) H2 SO4 1) 2,2 2) 3,1 3) 1,3 4) 3,0
51. Which of the following unit conversion of 62. In OF2 molecule, the total number of bond
dipole moment is correct? pairs and lone pairs of electrons are
1) 1D = 3.3356 C.m respectively
2) 1D= 3.33561030 C.m 1) 2, 6 2) 2, 8 3) 2, 10 4) 2, 9
3) 1 C m = 3.3356 D 63. The geometry of ClO3 ion according to
4) 1 C m = 3.335610 D Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion
VBT (VSEPR) theory will be
52. The orbital overlapping is maximum in 1) Planar triangular 2) Pyramidal
1) Cl2 2) HI 3) HCl 4) HBr 3) Tetrahedral 4) Square planar
64. The shape of formaldehyde molecule as per
the VSEPR theory is
1) Linear 2) Planar triangle 78. In piperidine , the hybrid state
3) Pyramid 4) Tetrahedron N
65. Which of the following molecule is linear?
1) SO2 2) NO2 3) NO2 4) SCl2 assumed by N is
Hybridisation 1) sp 2) sp2 3) sp3 4) dsp2
66. The s - character in the hybrid orbital of the 79. In which of the following species the
central atom, present in a molecule having underlined carbon is having sp 3 -
the shape of an octahedron is hybridisation ?
1) 25 % 2) 75 % 3) 40 % 4) 16.66 %
1) CH3 COOH 2) CH3 CH2OH
67. Hybrid orbital with least s - character is
1) sp3d 2) sp2 3) sp3 4) sp 3) CH3COCH3 4) CH2 CH CH3
68. The number of hybrid orbitals in a molecule
of decane are 80. Carbon atoms in C2 (CN )4 are :
1) 36 2) 40 3) 38 4) 8 1) sp hybridized
69. The hybridisation of Nitrogen in Nitrate ion is 2) sp2 hybridized
1) sp 2) sp2 3) sp3 4) sp3d 3) sp and sp2 hybridized
70. Hybridisation of iodine in iodine hepta 4) sp, sp2 and sp3 hybridized
fluoride molecule is 81. H  B  H bond angle in BH 4 is :
1) sp3 d3 2) sp3d 3) sp3 d2 4) dsp2
1) 180° 2) 120° 3) 109° 4) 90°
71. The molecule which contains sp 3 d2 and p
82. The hybridization of atomic orbitals of
orbitals overlapping in it is
1) PCl5 2) BrF5 3) ClF3 4) IF7 nitrogen in NO2 , NO2 and NH 4 are
[MAINS 2011]
72. The molecule which contains sp3sp3 and
2 3 2
1) sp , sp and sp respectively
 3 bonds in it is 2) sp, sp 2 and sp 3 respectively
sp  p
1) CH3CH3 2) CH3 CHO 3) sp 2 , sp and sp 3 respectively
3) CH3CH2 Cl 4) CHCl3
4) sp 2 , sp 3 and sp respectively
73. The C-H bond in propane is
Dative Bond
1) sp -s
2)  sp2s 3)  p – s 4)  s p 3  s 83. Co-ordinate covalent bond is formed by
74. Number of hybrid orbitals present in a 1) Transfer of electrons 2) Sharing of electrons
molecule of propene are 3) donation of electrons
1) 12 2) 10 3) 9 4) 8 4) None of these process
75. The mode of hybridisation of carbon in C3O2 is 84. When a cation gets hydrated, normally the
1) sp 2) sp2 3) sp3 4) None bond formed between cation and water
76. The type of hybrid orbitals used by the molecule is
oxygen atom in Cl2 O molecule is 1) Dative bond 2) Ionic bond
1) sp3 2) sp2 3) sp 4) None 3) Covalent bond 4) Hydrogen bond
77. Bond angle between two hybrid orbitals is 85. Molecule having maximum number of dative
107o, s – orbital character of hybrid orbital bonds is
is nearly 1) H2O2 2) NH4 + 3) Al2 Cl6 4) B3 N3 H6
1) 50 % 2) 33.33% 86. NH3 and BF3 form an adduct readily because
3) 16.6 % 4) 25 % they form
1) A co-ordinate covalent bond
2) A covalent bond 3) An ionic bond
4) A hydrogen bond
87. CuSO4 .5 H 2O is represented as : 1) I - B, II - C, III - A, IV - E
2) I - C, II - A, III - D, IV - E
1) Cu  H 2O 4  SO4 3) I - D, II - A, III - E, IV - C
2) Cu  H 2O 3 SO4  .2 H 2O 4) I - C, II - B, III - E, IV - A
98. Number of paired electrons in O2 molecule
3) Cu  H 2O4  SO4 .H 2O according to MOT
4) Cu  H 2O 5  SO4 1) 7 2) 8 3) 16 4) 14
99. Anti- bonding molecular orbital is formed by
88. Dative bond is not present in
1) Addition of wave functions of atomic orbitals
1) NH4+ 2) N2O 3) BCl3 4) B3 N3 H6
2) Substraction of wave functions of atomic
89. NH4 CN contains
1) Ionic bond 2) Covalent bond orbitals
3) Dative bond 4) All 3) Multiplication of wave functions of atomic
4) Finding the arthemetic mean
90. Which of the following cannot be formed?
100.Ground state electronic configuration of
1) He 2 2) He  3) He 4) He2 valence shell electrons in nitrogen molecule
91. Which of the following pairs have identical
bond order? (N 2 ) is written as (2s )2 ( *2s )2 (2 p )4 (2 p )2 .
1) N 2 , O22 2) N 2 , O21 3) N 2 , O2 4) O 2 , N 2 Hence the bond order of nitrogen molecule
92. The number of antibonding electron pairs in is
O22 molecular ion on the basis of molecular 1) 2 2) 3 3) 0 4) 1
orbital theory is Hydrogen Bonding
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5 101.Which of the following is a normal liquid
93. Which of the following has fractional bond 1) NH3 2) H2O 3) HF 4) Br2
order 102.Among the following, the boiling point is
1) O22 2) O22 3) F22 4) H 2 high for
94. The molecular electronic configuration of 1) Ethyl alcohol 2) Dimethyl ether
3) Acetone 4) Chloroform
H 2 ion is
103.Strongest hydrogen bond is present in
2 2
2)  1s   *1s 
1)  1s  1) Ammonia 2) Water
3) Hydrogen fluoride 4) Ethyl alcohol
2 3
3)  1s   *1s  4)  1s  104.Inter molecular hydrogen bond is not
95. Which of the following molecules /ions does present in
not contain unpaired electrons? 1) Ammonia 2) Water
3) Hydrofluoric acid 4) Salicylaldehyde
1) N 2 2) O2 3) O22 4) B2
105.Which of the following is miscible with water
96. In O2 , O2 and O22 molecular species, the 1) CS2 2) C2H5 OH 3) CCl4 4) CHCl3
total number of antibonding electrons 106.The coupling between base units of DNA is
respectively are through
1) 7,6,8 2) 1,0,2 3) 6,6,6 4) 8,6,8 1) Hydrogen bonding 2) Electrostatic bonding
97. Match List I (Molecules) with List II (Bond 3) Covalent bonding 4) Vander Waal’s forces
order) and select the correct answer using 107.Which of the following is steam volatile
the codes. 1) Phenol 2) o - Nitrophenol
List - I List - II 3) m - Nitrophenol 4) p - Nitrophenol
I. Li2 A. 3 108.Which of the following compounds would
II. N2 B. 1.5 show theevidence of the strongest hydrogen
III. Be2 C. 1.0 bonding ?
IV. O2 D. 0 1) Propane-l-ol 2) Propane-2-ol
E. 2 3) Propane-l,2-diol 4) Propane-l,2,3-triol
109.Which of the following exists as a liquid at 35. Cryolite - Na3AlF6, Rock salt - NaCl Sylvine-KCl
room temperature due to the formation of 42. As charge on the ion increases covalent character
associated molecules increases
1) Benzene 2) Water 43. Smaller cation causes more polarization of anion.
3) Bromine 4) Carbon disulphide 44. O–O bond length in O2 is 121 pm, O3 is 127 pm,
110. The compound having hydrogen bonds in it is H2O2 is 147 pm
1) NH3 2) H2S 3) HCl 4) PH3 46. In Ethylene carbon- carbon double bond is present.
111. Intra molecular hydrogen bond is not 47. The electronegativity of S is least among others.
present in Hence H-S bond is least polar in nature.
1) O - Fluoro phenol 2) Salicylaldehyde H
3) O- Nitro phenol 4) P - Nitro phenol
Key Level -I (C.W) O
01) 4 02) 2 03) 2 04) 1 05) 3 06) 2
07) 2 08) 4 09) 2 10) 2 11) 3 12) 3 48. is non-planar and polar..
13) 4 14) 3 15) 3 16) 2 17) 3 18) 1
19) 1 20) 4 21) 4 22) 2 23) 4 24) 3 H
25) 4 26) 3 27) 4 28) 1 29) 1 30) 4 49. In non-polar covalent bond electrons are shared
31) 1 32) 4 33) 4 34) 2 35) 3 36) 2 unequally.
37) 2 38) 4 39) 1 40) 1 41) 1 42) 3 50.  E.N .  0  non-polar..
43) 2 44) 4 45) 1 46) 3 47) 4 48) 3 52. Order of overlapping is
49) 2 50) 3 51) 2 52) 1 53) 2 54) 1  p  p s p s s
55) 4 56) 3 57) 1 58) 2 59) 3 60) 2 53. N  C  C  N - Cyanogen
61) 4 62) 2 63) 2 64) 2 65) 2 66) 4
54. hybrid orbitals form sigma bonds only.
67) 1 68) 2 69) 2 70) 1 71) 2 72) 3
55. s-orbital of hydrogen and p-orbital of fluorine
73) 4 74) 2 75) 1 76) 1 77) 4 78) 3
79) 2 80) 3 81) 3 82) 2 83) 3 84) 1 56. pi bond is formed by the pure orbitals.
85) 4 86) 1 87) 3 88) 3 89) 4 90) 4
91) 1 92) 3 93) 4 94) 3 95) 3 96) 1 57.  N  C 2  C  C   C  N 2
97) 2 98) 4 99) 2 100) 2 101) 4 102) 1 59. 7 bond pairs at the central atom
103) 3 104) 4 105) 2 106) 1 107) 2 108) 4 60. SnCl2 has angular structure
109) 2 110) 1 111) 4
Hints Level -I (C.W) O
5. A - Halogen 61. Structure of NO3 is O N
8. 3
Be  1s 1
9. E.C. of Cu  1s 2 2 s 2 2 p 6 3s 2 3 p 6 4s 0 3d 10 62. OF2 has 2 bond pairs and 8 lone pairs.
10. Excited state, Electronic configuration of Si is O
[Ar] 3s1 3 p3
11. W.r.t.Oxygen valency increases left to right in a
period. 64. In aldehydes hybridisation of carbon = sp 2
12. In peroxide oxygen valency is one. 67. s-character = 20%
13. Electrovalency of K is 1 & S is 2. 68. In decane each sp3 carbon has 4 hybrid orbitals
14. The element belongs to group . It doesnot exceed
69. Hybridisation of nitrogen in nitrate ion is sp 2
group number .
O 70. sp3d 3
71. Hybridisation of Bromine in BrF5 is sp3d 2
15. HO S OH
72. C-C bond is SP 3  SP 3 and C-Cl is SP 3  P
73. In propane carbon undergoes sp3 hybridisation 106. base units in DNA has H,N & O as component
3 + 3 + 4 107. Because o-nitrophenol has intramolecular
74. In propene 10 hybrid orbitals 2 2 3 are H-bonding.
sp sp sp
108. More number of H-bonds
x 109. Ammonia has hydrogen bonds
75. C3O2  O  C  C  C  O  all carbon atoms 110. only O,N,F (because of high EN) can form
undergo sp hybridisation. H-bonding.

76. In Cl2O , E.P  4  sp 3  Level -I (H.W)

77. sp3 hybridization , hence s - character is 25% Valence and Formula Writing
78. EP = (3 BP + 1 LP) 1. An element A is tetravalent and another
79. In CH3CH2OH the underlined carbon is forming element B is divalent. The formula of the
compound formed by the combination of
4 bonds.
these elements is
1) A2 B 2) A B 3) A B2 4) A2 B3
80. C2 (CN ) 4 is 2. Two atoms X and Y have 5 and 7 valence
electrons. The formula of the compound
83. donation of electrons is involved in dative bond.
formed by their combination is
85. B3 N 3 H 6 has 3 dative bonds. 1) X Y 2) X Y2 3) X Y3 4) X3 Y
87. In CuSO 4 only four H 2 O act as ligand or 3. An element A belongs to IIA group and
co-ordination number for cu2+ is four. another element B belongs to VIA group.
88. BCl3 has covalent bond. The compound formed between A and B
90. If B.O. = 0 (or) < 0
1) A+2 , B– ions 2) A+2, B-2 ions
Molecule does not exist. –2 +2
3) A , B ions 4) A+, B–2 ions
91. Isostructural species will have same bond order
4. Cl  Cl  Cl2 , this is an example for
92. O2 2 contains 4 Antibonding and 5 bonding
1) Endothermic reaction
electron pairs. 2) Exothermic reaction
93. Species with odd number of electrons have 3) Either exothermic or endothermic
fractional bond order.
4) Neither exothermic nor endothermic
96. antibonding electrons in
5. Cation is isoelectronic with anion in
 2
O2  7 , O2  6, O2  8 1) Sodium chloride 2) Potassium Bromide
3) Lithium fluoride 4) Rubidium bromide
97. Bond order = ( Nb  N a ) 6. Electronic configuration of an element A is
2 1s22s2 2p6 3s1 and electronic configuration of
Bond order of Li2  1, N 2  3, Be2  0, O2  2 another element B is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4 . The
98. In O2 paired electrons are 14 , and unpaired possible compound that can be formed
electrons are 2 . between A and B is
1) A B 2) A B2 3) A2B 4) A2B3
Nb  N a 8  2
100. Bond order =  3 7. Covalence of nitrogen in Ammonium ion is
2 2 1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5
101. Bromine has no hydrogen bonds. 8. Covalence for central atom is maximum in
102. Ethyl alcohol has hydrogen bonds.
1) BF3 2) SO2 Cl2 3) POCl3 4) BeCl2
103. F has highest EN.
104. O-Salicylaldehyde has intermolecular H-bonding. Kossel Lewis Theory and Octet Rule
9. The maximum valence of sulphur is
105. C2 H 5OH can form intermolecular H-bonding with
1) 4 2) 6 3) 8 4) 7
H2O .
10. Valence of the metal atom with respect to 23. The number of electron pairs present in the
oxygen is maximum in valence shell of central atom in SF6 molecule
1) Mn2O7 2) OsO4 3) MnO2 4) CrO3 are
11. Electrovalence of metal atom is maximum 1) 4 2) 6 3) 8 4) 7
in 24. Molecule having maximum number of lone
1) Sodium hydride 2) Calcium carbide pairs of electrons on central atom is
3) Magnesium oxide 4) Aluminium fluoride 1) PH3 2) H2S 3) CH4 4) BrF5
12. The maximum number of valence electrons 25. A solid substance is soft, has a low melting
possible for atoms in the second period of the point and is a poor conductor of electricity it is
periodic table is 1) An ionic solid 2) A net work solid
1) 2 2) 8 3) 18 4) 32 3) A metallic solid 4) A molecular solid
13. In Covalence Ionic Bond and Lattice Energy
1) Transfer of electrons takes place 26. In a crystal cations and anions are held
2) Sharing of electrons takes place together by
3) Sharing of electrons by one atom only 1) Electrons 2) Electrostatic forces
4) None of these take place. 3) Nuclear forces 4) Covalent bonds
14. Which of the following molecule deviates 27. Most favourable conditions for
from octet rule with respect to central atom electrovalence are
1) PCl3 2) H2S 3) NH3 4) XeF4 1) Low charge on ions, large cation and small
15. Nucleus of an element has nine protons. its anion
valence would be
2) High charge on ions, small cation and large
1) 1 2) 3 3) 2 4) 5
16. Variable valence is a property of
3) High charge on ions, large cation and small
1) Alkali metals 2) Transition metals
3) Alkaline earth metals 4) Inert gases
4) Low charge on ions, small cation and large
17. The molecule that deviates from octet rule is
1) NaCl 2) BeCl2 3) MgO 4) NH3
28. Most ionic bond is present in
18. Expanded octet can be observed in the
1) LiH 2) HF 3) CsH 4) HI
valence shell of the central atom in
29. The electronegativities of F,Cl,Br and I are
1) NH3 2) CH 4 3) PCl5 4) BeCl2 4.0,3.0,2.8,2.5 respectively. The hydrogen
Covalent Bond halide with a high percentage of ionic
19. Which of the following is not a property of character is
covalent compounds 1) HF 2) HCl 3) HBr 4) HI
1) They have low melting points 30. Sodium chloride is an ionic compound where
2) They are not electrical conductors as hydrogen chloride is mainly covalent
3) They exhibit space isomerism because
4) They undergo chemical reactions quickly 1) Sodium is less reactive
20. Triple bond is not present in 2) Hydrogen is non-metal
1) Cyanogen 2) Propyne 3) Hydrogen chloride is a gas
3) Nitrous Oxide 4) Nitrogen dioxide 4) Electronegativity difference in the case of
21. Molecule which contains only bonded pairs Hydrogen and chlorine is more than 2.1.
of electrons on the central atom is 31. Stability of ionic compound is influenced by
1) H2O 2) NH3 3) BeCl2 4) BrF3 1) Electronegativity 2) Lattice energy
22. Compound having maximum number of 3) Sublimation energy 4) Electron affinity
bonded pairs of electrons in its molecule is 32. Which of the following is not an ionic
1) Ethane 2) Ammonia compound
3) Sulphur hexafluoride 1) Sodium hydride 2) Carborundum
4) Bromine Pentafluoride 3) Potassium oxide 4) Calcium carbide
33. Lattice energy of an ionic compound 45. Covalent nature of a compound increases with
depends upon 1) Decrease in cation size
1) Charge on the ion and size of the ion 2) Increase in cation size
2) Packing of ions only
3) Size of the ion only 3) Decrease in anion size
4) Charge on the ion only 4) Decrease in both cation and anion size
34. Least ionic compound among the following is 46. Maximum covalent nature can be seen in
1) NaCl 2) KCl 3) CsI 4) LiI 1) CsCl 2) RbI 3) MgF2 4) LiI
35. The compound with highest lattice energy is 47. The compound having more covalent nature is
1) KBr 2) NaBr 3) LiBr 4) RbBr 1) BaCl2 2) MgCl2 3) SrCl2 4) BeCl2
36. Among the following cations, the one present
in a least ionic halide salt is 48. The correct decreasing order of
1) Calcium ion 2) Barium ion polarisability of ions is
3) Caesium ion 4) Potassium ion 1) Cl  , Br  , I  , F  2) F  , I  , Br  , Cl 
37. For two ionic solids, CaO and Kl. Identify
the wrong statement among the following 3) F  , Cl  , Br , I  4) I  , Br  , Cl  , F 
1) Lattice energy of CaO is much larger than 49. The polarisation power is maximum for which
that of Kl of the following ion
2) KI is soluble in benzene
3) CaO has higher melting point 1) Mg+2 2) K+ 3) Cs+ 4) Al3+
4) KI has lower melting point Bond Parameter
38. Fused ionic compounds 50. The bond length in LiF will be
1) Are insulators
1) Less than that of NaF
2) Are used as semi-conductors
3) Conduct electricity 2) Equal to that of KF
4) Do not conduct electricity 3) More than that of KF
39. Compared with covalent compounds, electro- 4) Equal to that of NaF
valent compounds, generally have 51. Which one of the following compounds has
1) Low melting points and low boiling points
2) Low melting points and high boiling points the smallest bond angle in its molecule?
3) High melting points and low boiling points 1) OH 2 2) SH 2 3) NH 3 4) SO2
4) High melting points and high boiling points
40. Molten sodium chloride conducts electricity Polarity and Dipole Moment
due to the presence of 52. The unit of dipolemoment is
1) Free electrons 2) Free ions 1) Einstein 2) Dalton 3) Debye 4) Curie
3) Free molecules
4) Atoms of sodium and chlorine 53. S.I. unit for dipole moment is
41. Ionic reactions are 1) e.s.u-cm 2) coluomb-cm
1) Fast 2) Slow 3) Very slow 4) medium 3) coluomb-metre 4) e.s.u-metre
42. Melting point is very high for
1) KCl 2) KBr 3) KI 4) KF 54. Which of the following bond has the most
43. Which of the following is not an ionic polar character
compound 1) C - O 2) C - Br 3) C - F 4) C - S
1) BaC2 2) Al2 O3 3) CaH2 4) AlCl3
55. Pure covalent bond is present in
Fajan’s Rules
44. Which of the following factor generally 1) H - Cl 2) Cl - Cl 3) C - Cl 4) Na - Cl
favours electrovalence 56. The electronegativity values of C,H,O,N and
1) Cation with pseudo inert gas configuration S are 2.5, 2.1, 3.5, 3.0 and 2.5 respectively.
2) High charge on ions The most polar bond is
3) Large cation and small anion
1) S - H 2) O - H 3) N - H 4) C - H
4) Small cation and large anion
57. Dipole moment of CO2 is zero which implies 68. The shape of Ammonium ion is
that 1) Tetrahedron 2) Pyramid
1) Carbon and oxygen have equal 3) Square planar 4) Square pyramid
electronegativities 69. Which of the following is not a pyramidal
2) Carbon has no polar bond species
3) CO2 is a linear molecule 1) NH3 2) H3O+ 3) PH3 4) NH+4
4) Carbon has bond moments of zero value. 70. Of the following species, the one having planar
58. The molecule having non-zero dipole moment structure is
is 1) NH4+ 2) BF4- 3) XeF4 4) CCl4
1) H 2O2 2) CH 4 3) C2 H 6 4) BF4 71. Which is not a linear molecule
1) CO2 2) C2H2 3) HCN 4) H2O
59. Dipolemoment is not zero for
72. In CCl4 the four valencies of carbon are
1) PCl5 2) ClF3
directed towards the corners of a
3) XeF4 4) C2 H5C  CC2 H5 1) Cube 2) Hexagon
VBT 3) Prism 4) Tetrahedron
60. Molecule which contains only sigma bonds in 73. Which of the following is non planar molecule?
it is 1) BF3 2) C2 H 4 3) XeF4 4) NH 3
1) Pentene 2) Pentane
3) Pentadiene 4) Pentyne Hybridisation
61.  bond is formed by the overlapping of 74. In which of the following molecule, the central
1) p - p orbitals along their axis atom is not sp3d hybridised
2) s - p orbitals along the axis of p - orbital 1) PCl5 2) ClF3 3) SeF6 4) XeF2
3) p - p orbitals perpendicular to their axis 75. Molecule obtained by sp3d2 hybridisation has
4) s - s orbitals bond angle of
62. Which of the following is not correct 1) 90o 2) 109o281 3) 120o 4) 72o
1) A sigma bond is weaker than pi bond 76. The hybrid orbital having equal amounts of
2) A sigma bond is stronger than pi bond s and p - characters is
3) A double bond is stronger than a single bond 1) sp 2) sp3 3) sp2 4) sp3d
4) A double bond between two atoms is shorter 77. Hybrid orbital having maximum p - character is
than a single bond between the same atoms. 1) sp3d 2) sp3 3) sp 4) sp3d2
63. Strongest bond is formed by the head on 78. Molecule having sp2 hybrid atom in it is
overlapping of : 1) BeCl2 2) CO2 3) HCHO 4) NH3
1) 2s and 2p orbitals 2) 2p and 2p orbitals 79. N-H Bond in Ammonia molecule is
3) 2s and 2s orbitals 4) All of these
VSEPR Theory 1)  s-s
2)  p-s
3)  sp3  s 4)  sp3  p
64. Shape of hydronium ion is 80.  2 bond is present in
1) Tetrahedron 2) Square planar sp  s

3) Planar triangle 4) Pyramidal 1) CH4 2) NH3

65. Which of the following molecule does not have 3) SiCl4 4) CH2 = CHCl
a linear arrangement of atoms 81. The type of overlapping in Br - F bond in BrF3
1) H2S 2) C2H2 3) BeH2 4) CO2 molecule is
66. Shape of phosphorus pentachloride molecule is 1) sp3 - p 2) sp2 - p
1) Octahedron 2) Square pyramid 3) sp3d - p 4) sp3d2 - p
3) Trigonal bipyramid 4) Pyramidal 82. Hybridisation involves
67. Which of the following has distorted 1) Addition of an electron pair
tetrahedron shape 2) Combination and redistribution of atomic orbitals
1) SiH4 2) CCl4 3) H2O 4) CHCl3 3) Removal of an electron pair
4) Separation of orbitals
83. On hybridisation of one ‘s’ and one ‘p’ orbitals 97. The compound which contains both ionic and
we get covalent bonds is
1) Two mutually perpendicular orbitals 1) CH4 2) H2O 3) KCN 4) KCl
2) Two orbitals at 180o 98. In the coordinate covalence
3) Four orbitals directed tetrahedrally 1) Electrons are equally shared by the atoms
4) Three orbitals in a plane 2) Electrons of one atom are shared between the
84. Beryllium atom in beryllium fluoride is two atoms
1) sp3 hybridised 2) sp2 hybridised 3) Hydrogen bond is formed
3) sp hybridised 4) Unhybridised 4) None of the above
85. Hybridisation in SO2 molecule is
99. The compound containing co-ordinate bond is
1) sp 2) sp2 3) sp3 4) sp3d
86. In which of the following the central atom does 1) H 2 SO4 2) O3 3) SO3 4) All
not use sp3 hybrid orbitals in its bonding 100. Which of the following does not contain
1) BeF2 2) OH3+ 3) NH4+ 4) NF3 coordinate bond?
87. Which of the following does not have sp2
hybridisation 1) BH 4 2) NH 4 3) CO32 4) H 3O 
1) C6H6 2) C2H4 3) BCl3 4) C2H2 MOT
88. As the s - character in a hybrid orbital 101. Molecular orbitals are
increases, the bond angle 1) Monocentric 2) Bicentric
1) Increases 2) Decreases 3) Polycentric 4) None
3) Does not change 4) Becomes zero 102. A bonding molecular orbital is produced by
89. For which of the following hybridisation the 1) Destructive interference of wave functions
bond angle is maximum
2) Constructive interference of wave functions
1) sp2 2) sp 3) sp3 4) dsp2
90. Increasing order of sizes of hybrid orbitals is 3) Pairing of electrons with opposite spin
1) sp, sp2, sp3 2) sp3, sp2, sp 4) Combination of +ve and -ve functions
3) sp2, sp3, sp 4) sp2, sp, sp3 103. Oxygen molecule is
91. sp d hybridisation results in 1) diamagnetic with no unpaired electrons
1) A square planar molecule 2) diamagnetic with two unpaired electrons
2) An octahedron molecule 3) paramagnetic with two unpaired electrons
3) A t rigonal bipyramid molecule 4) paramagnetic with no unpaired electrons
4) A t etrahedron molecule 104. Which of the following molecule species has
92. The structural formula of a compound is unpaired electron(s)?
CH3-CH = C = CH2. The type of hybridisation
1) N 2 2) F2 3) O2 4) O22
at the four carbons from left to right are
1) sp3, sp, sp2, sp3 2) sp2, sp3, sp2, sp 105. The bond order of O2 is
3 2 2
3) sp , sp , sp, sp 4) sp3, sp2, sp2, sp2
1) 1 2) 1.5 3) 2.5 4) 3
93. The shape of gaseous SnCl2 is
106. Using MO theory predict which of the following
1) Tetrahedral 2) Linear
3) Angular 4) T - shape species has the shortest bond length?
Dative Bond [MAINS 2009]
94. Dative bond is present in 1) O2 2) O2 3) O22 4) O22
1) Carbon monoxide 2) Carbon dioxide 107.Which one of the following species exhibits
3) Nitric oxide 4) Chlorine monoxide diamagnetic behaviour ?
95. The bonds present in NaNC are 1) NO 2) O22 3) O2 4) O 2
1) Ionic bond 2) covalent bond
3) Co-ordinate covalent bond 4) All 108. The calculated bond order in H 2 ion is
96. In potassium ferrocyanide, the nature of bond 1) 1 2) 1/2 3) -1/2 4) 1
between iron and cyanide ions is
1) Ionic Bond 2) Covalent Bond 109.The bond order of He2 molecule ion is
3) Dative Bond 4) Polar Bond 1) 1 2) 2 3) 1/2 4) 1/4
110. The bond order is not three for 123. The high boiling point of ethanol [78.2 oc]
1) N 2 2) O22 3) N 2 4) NO  compared to dimethyl ether [-23.6oc], though
111. Which of the following species have maximum they have ther same molecular formula
number of unpaired electrons [C2H6O], is due to
1) O2 2) O2 3) O2 4) O22 1) Hydrogen bonding 2) Ionic bonding
3) Co-ordinate covalent bonding
112. The number of electrons that are unpaired in
oxygen molecule is 4) Resonance
1) 16 2) 12 3) 2 4) 8 124. Two ice cubes are pressed over each other
113. The species having bond order different from until they unite to form one block. Which one
that in CO is of the following forces dominate for holding
1) NO 2) NO  3) CN  4) N 2 them together?
1) Dipole - dipole interaction
114. Which of the following species exhibits
diamagentic behaviour? [MAINS 2007] 2) Vander waals forces
3) Hydrogen bond formation
1) O2 2) O2 3) NO 4) O22 4) Covalent attraction
Hydrogen Bond Key Level -I (H.W)
115. Strongest hydrogen bond is present in 01) 3 02) 3 03) 2 04) 2 05) 4 06) 3
1) H2O 2) NH3 3) H2S 4)C2H5OH
116. The weakest hydrogen bond is 07) 3 08) 2 09) 2 10) 2 11) 4 12) 2
1) H - F ....... H - F 2) H - O ....... H - O 13) 2 14) 4 15) 1 16) 2 17) 2 18) 3
3) H - S ..... H - S 4) H - N ....... H - N 19) 4 20) 4 21) 3 22) 1 23) 2 24) 2
117. The types of bonds present in CuSO4. 5H2O 25) 4 26) 2 27) 1 28) 3 29) 1 30) 2
are 31) 2 32) 2 33) 1 34) 4 35) 3 36) 1
1) Electrovalent and covalent 37) 2 38) 3 39) 4 40) 2 41) 1 42) 4
2) Electrovalent and co-ordinate covalent
3) Electrovalent, covalent, co-ordinate covalent 43) 4 44) 3 45) 1 46) 4 47) 4 48) 4
and hydrogen bond 49) 4 50) 1 51) 2 52) 3 53) 3 54) 3
4) Covalent and co-ordinate covalent 55) 2 56) 2 57) 3 58) 1 59) 2 60) 2
118. Ethyl alcohol is highly miscible with water 61) 3 62) 1 63) 2 64) 4 65) 1 66) 3
because it forms the following bond with water 67) 4 68) 1 69) 4 70) 3 71) 4 72) 4
1) Covalent bond 2) Ionic bond 73) 4 74) 3 75) 1 76) 1 77) 2 78) 3
3) Hydrogen bond 4) Dative bond
79) 3 80) 4 81) 3 82) 2 83) 2 84) 3
119. Of the following hydrides the boiling point is
very low for 85) 2 86) 1 87) 4 88) 1 89) 2 90) 1
1) NH3 2) PH3 3) SbH3 4) AsH3 91) 3 92) 3 93) 3 94) 1 95) 4 96) 3
120. In which of the following compound presence 97) 3 98) 2 99) 4 100) 3 101) 3 102) 2
of hydrogen bonding can be observed 103) 3 104) 3 105) 3 106) 4 107) 2 108) 2
1) SiH4 2) LiH 3) SbH3 4) NH3 109) 3 110) 1 111) 1 112) 3 113) 1 114) 4
121. Bond energy of covalent O-H bond in water is
1) Greater than bond energy of hydrogen bond 115) 1 116) 3 117) 3 118) 3 119) 2 120) 4
2) Equal to bond energy of hydrogen bond 121) 1 122) 4 123) 1 124) 3
3) Less than bond energy of hydrogen bond Hints Level -I (H.W)
4) Half of the bond energy of hydrogen bond 4. Formation of a chemical bond in always exothermic
122. Water is a liquid while hydrogen sulphide is a 9. 6e are present in its outermost orbit.
gas because
1) Water has higher molecular weight 10. Valence is double to the number of oxygen atoms
2) Hydrogen sulphide is a weak acid reacting.
3) Sulphur has high electronegativity than oxygen 11. Electro valence of Na=1,Ca=2,Mg=2,Al=3.
4) Water molecules associate through hydrogen 15. The element is F and its valance is 1.
bonding 16. Differentiating electrons enters into (n-1)d electrons
participate in bonding.
17. The central atom of Be contains 4 electrons 77. p-character = 75%
20. oxygen cannot form triple bond. 78. In aldehydes hybridisation of carbonyl carbon is
21. Be belongs to IIA group and has only two electrons sp2
in the outer most orbit and form two bonds with 81. EP = (3 + 2)
two chlorine atoms. 82. In hybridisation combination and re distri bution
23. In SF6 six bond pairs are present. of atomic orbitals takes place.
24. Sulphur has six electrons in outer most shell, two 83 sp hybridisation is formed.
electrons participating bonding and four electrons 22
exist as two lone pairs. 84. E.P.   2  sp 
28. due to large  E.N.
29. Ionic character follows the order HF>HCl> HBr >HI 85. In SO2 E.P.   3  sp 2 
30. Hydrogen is a nonmetal and nonmetal atoms form 2
covalent bonds. 86. In BeF2 ' sp ' hybridisation is present.
31. Lattice energy  stability.. 87. C2 H 2 has ‘sp’ hybridization .
32. EN difference between carbon and silicon is very
less in SiC. 88. bond angle  s- character
90. Size of hybrid orbital  no. of atomic orbitals
34. small cation and large anion.
35. u  r  r 91. sp 3d hybridization gives TBP
c a
92. In carbon atoms TP = no. of sigma bonds
37. KI is insoluble in benzene being ionic compound 93. SnCl2 is angular due to lone pairs of electrons.
38. free ions are present 96. In a complex dative bonds are present between
1 metal and ligand.
42. Lattice energy 
rc  ra 97. KCN has K  & C  N  ions
43. In AlCl3 sharing of six electron pairs takes place. 104. O2  has one unpaired electron.
57. Symmetrical molecules have zero dipole moment
58. H2O2 has open book structure (non linear) 10  5 5
105. B.O    2.5
59. ClF3 is unsymmetrical molecule 2 2
60. In alkanes carbon undergoes sp3 hybridisation 1
61. pi bond is formed by the lateral overlaping 106. Bond order  Bond length
62. sigma bond is stronger than pi bond.
63. P -P overlap gives strongest bond 2 1
108. B.O.   0.5
64. 3 BP , 1LP. 2
65. H 2 S has bent structure. 2 1 1
109. B.O.    0.5
66. sp 3d hybridisation. 2 2
111. No.of unpaired electrons in
67. unsymmetrical molecule   2
68. 4 BP, 0 LP. 02  2, 02  1, O2  1, O2  0
112. ‘O2’ contains 2 unpaired electrons in antibonding
70. sp3d 2 - square planar
orbitals .
71. H 2O has angular structure. 113. NO  has 16 electron system bond order =2
72. sp3 - Tetrahedral. NO  , CN  , N 2 are isoelectronic with CO.
74. sp3d 2  All have same bond order = 3
75. In sp3d2 hybridization, angle between two hybrid 114. O22 is diamagnetic
orbital is 900 115. With increase in stearic repulsions, strength of
76. s-character = 50% ; p-character = 50% hydrogen bonding decreases.
117. in copper sulphate crystal 4 water molecules
bonded to copper ions through dative bonds, one
water molecule is attached to sulphate ion through
hydrogen bonds.
118. H2O form intermolecular H-bonding.
119. NH 3 has high b.p. due to H-bonding.
122. H2O associates with water due to intermolecular
123. Intermolecular H-bonding in ethanol.
10. How many unit cells are present in a cube
4. CHEMICAL BONDING shaped ideal crystal of NaCl of mass 1g
? (atomic masses : Na = 23, Cl = 35.5)
Level-II (C.W) 1) 1.7  10 21 unit cell
2) 2.5710 21 unit cell
Octet rule & Formal Charge 3) 5.14  10 21 unit cell
1. According to octet rule SO3 contains ----- 4) 1.28  10 21 unit cell
number of dative bonds 11. Which of the following has the lowest Lat-
1)1 2)2 3) 3 4) 4 tice energy?
1) LiF 2) LiCl 3) LiBr 4) LiI
2. Example of super octet molecule is :
Bond Parameters
1) ClF3 2) PCl5 3) IF7 4) All 12. The correct order of increasing C-O bond
3. Molecule having an incomplete octet in the
length of CO, CO32 , CO2 is
central atom is
1) PCl5 2) NH3 3) BCl3 4) H2O 1) CO32  CO2  CO 2) CO2  CO32  CO
4. Octet rule is mostly violated in the com-
pounds formed by 3) CO  CO32  CO2 4) CO  CO2  CO32
1) Alkali metals 2) Alkaline earth metals 13. The O-H bond length in H 2 O is xA 0 . The
3) p-block elements 4) transition elements O-H bond length in H 2O 2 is
5. The formal charges on the three oxygen 1)  xA0 2) xA0 3)  xA0 4) 2x
atoms in O 3 molecules are 
14. C2 H 5 Br  Q1  C2 H 5  Br 
1) 0,0,0 2) 0,0,-1 ( )
3) 0,0+1 4) 0, +1, -1 C2 H 5 Br  Q2  C2 H 5  Br (  ) , then relation
Ionic Bond and Lattice Energy between Q 1 and Q 2 is
6. Number of electrons transferred from one 1) Q1  Q2 2) Q1  Q2
atom to another during bond formation in SrS
3) Q1  Q2 4) Q1  Q2  0
(Strontium Sulphide)
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4 Resonance
7. ——HCl is bad conductor of electricity but — 15. Which of the following resonating structures
—HCl is good conductor is not correct for CO2?
1) Solid, aqueous 2) Aqueous, Solid
3) Anhydrous, Solid 4) Anhydrous, aqueous 1) O  C  O 2) O  C  O
8. NaCl does not exhibit space isomerism due to
1) Presence of ions 2) High melting point
3) Strong electrostatic forces between the 3) O  C  O 4) O  C  O
constituent ions
4) Non directional nature of electrovalent bond. 16. In PO43 , the formal charge on each oxygen
2 2
9. If Na+ ion is larger than Mg ion, and S atom and the P-O bond order respectively are
 1) -0.75, 0.6 2) -0.75, 1.0
ion is larger than Cl ion, which of the following
3) -0.75, 1.25 4) -3 , 1.25
will be less soluble in water 
17. In the anion HCOO the two carbon – oxygen
1) NaCl 2) Na2S 3) MgCl2 4) MgS
bonds are found to be of equal length. What is
the reason for it ?
1) Electronic orbitals of carbon atom are
2) The C=O bond is weaker than the C-Obond
3) The anion HCOO  has two resonating
4) The anion is obtained by removal of a proton
from the acid molecule.
Bond Polarity and Dipole Moment 23. For which of the following molecule significant
18. The dipole moment of hydrogen chloride with
  0? [MAINS 2014]
bond distance 127 pm is 1.03 D. The
percentage ionic character of its bond is Cl CN OH SH
1) 15 2) 17 3) 19 4) 21
19. Which bond angle ,  would result in the A) B) C) D)
maximum dipole moment for the triatomic
molecule XY2 shown below: Cl CN OH SH
1) A and B 2) Only C 3) C and D 4) Only A
Y 24. The critical temperature of water is higher
than that of O2 because the H 2O molecule
1) Fewer electrons than O2
X Y 2) Two covalent bonds 3) V - shape
1)   90 2)   120 4) Dipole moment & H- bonding
3)   150 4)   180 25. In which of the following bonds are polar but
20. The electronegativity difference between N molecule is non-polar
and F is greater than N and H, yet the dipole
1) HCO3 OCH3 2) SF6
moment of NH 3 (1.5D) is greater than that of
NF3 (0.2 D). This is because : 3) CHCl3 4) Cl I
1) In NH 3 as well as NF3 , the atomic dipole and
bond dipole are in opposite direction
Valence Bond Theory
26. Which of the foloowing is zero overlap
2) In NH 3 , the atomic dipole and bond dipole
1) _ + + _ z
are in the opposite direction, where as in NF3 these
are in same direction +

3) In NH 3 , as well as in NF3 the atomic dipole 2) z

and bond dipole are in same direction.
4) In NH 3 , the atomic dipole and bond dipole are 3) _ + + z
in same direction where as in NF3 these are in
opposite direction.
4) + z
21. Which of the following hydrocarbons has the _
lower dipolemoment ? S
CH3 CH3 Px
1) C=C 2) CH 3C  CCH 3 27. Valence bond theory of Pauling and Slater
accounts for the following characteristic of
3) CH 3CH 2C  CH covalent bond
4) CH 2  CH  C  CH 1) Directional 2) Ionic
22. Dipole moment is shown by 3) Strength 4) Hybrid
1) 1,4-dichlorobenzene 28. Shape of molecule is decided by
2) Cis 1,2-dichlorobenzene 1) Sigma bonds 2) pi bonds
3) Trans 1,3-dichlorobenzene 3) Both sigma and pi bonds
4) Trans 2,3-dicholoro-2-butene 4) Neither sigma nor pi bonds
29. The strength of bonds by 2s-2s, 2p-2p, 2s-2p, 39. Which one of the following is the correct set
1s-1s overlap has the order with reference to molecular formula,
1) 1s-1s > 2p-2p > 2s-2p > 2s-2s hybridisation of central atom and shape of the
2) 2p-2p > 2s-2p > 2s-2s > 1s-1s molecule?
3) 2s-2s > 1s-1s > 2s-2p > 2p-2p 1) CO2 , sp 2 , bent 2) H 2O, sp 2 , bent
4) 2s-2p > 2s-2s > 2p-2p > 1s-1s
3) BeCl2 , sp , linear 4) H 2O, sp 3 , linear
30. For compounds,
A) Tetracyanoethene B) Carbon dioxide 40. The shape of AB3 E molecule (B = bond pair,,
C) Benzene D) 1,3-Butadiene E = lonepair)
Ratio of  and  -bonds is in order 1)Tetrahedral 2)pyramidal
1) A = B < C < D 2) A = B < D < C 3)Angular 4)T-shape
3) A = B = C = D 4) C < D < A < B Hybridisation
31. According to valence bond theory the 41. What is the hybridisation state of the central
predicted bond angle for H2O
atom in the conjugate base of NH 4 ion?
1) 900 2) 109028 3) 107018 4) 104028
32. According to V.B. theory, the bonds in methane 1) sp 2) sp3 3) sp 2 4) dsp 2
are formed due to the overlapping 42. For which hybridization, there are two unequal
1) 1 s  s, 3 s  p 2) 1 s  p,3 s  s bond angles
1) sp3 2) sp2 3) sp 4) sp3d
3) 2 s  s, 2 s  p 4) 4 sp 3  s 43. –2
The shape of CH4; SO4 ; PO4 is –3

33. The bond between chlorine and bromine 1) Trigonal planar 2) Angular
in BrCl is 3) Tetrahedral 4) Trigonal bipyramidal
1) Ionic 2) Non-polar 44. In which of the following molecules / ions or
3) Polar with negative end on Br all the bonds not equal?
4) Polar with negative end on Cl 1) XeF4 2) BF4 3) SF4 4) SiF4
VSEPR Theory 45. The compound in which carbon uses sp 3
34. In which of the following orientation of electron hybridisation for bond formation
pairs and shape of the ion is similar 1) H-COOH 2) (NH2)2C=O
3) H-CHO 4) CH3CH2 OH
1) ClO4 2) ClO3 3) ClO2 4) ClO  46. On catalytic hydrogenation, ethylene gives
35. Total number of lone pair of electrons on ethane during this reaction
1) Hybridization of carbon atoms changes from sp2
Xe in XeOF4 is :
to sp3
1) 0 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3 2) Bond angle decreases from1200 to 109.50
36. Which of the following is planar ? 3) C-C bond length increases from1.34 A0 to
1) XeO4 2) XeO3 F 3) XeO2 F2 4) XeF4 1.54A0
4) All of these.
37. H2O and Cl2O have different bond angles due to
47. The ration of pure orbitals to hybridized
1) Number of lone pairs on central atom in H2O
orbitals in ethylene is
and Cl2O are different
1) 2 : 3 2) 3 : 1 3) 1 : 1 4) 1 : 3
2) Hybridisation is different
48. Which of the following represents the given
3) Repulsions are more among bulky chlorine atoms
in Cl2O mode of hybridisation sp 2  sp 2  sp  sp
4) EN between central atom and bonded atoms from left to right ?
is different. 1) H 2C  CH  C  N
38. Which one of the following is a correct set? 2) HC  C  C  CH
1) H 2O, sp3 , angular 2) H 2O, sp 2 , linear 3) H 2C  C  C  CH 2
3) NH 4 , dsp 2 , square planar CH2
4) H C
4) CH 4 , dsp 2 , tetrahedral 2
Dative Bond 59. The wavelength of the wave function of a
49. The bond formed between a lewis acid and a bonding molecular orbital formed by LCAO is
lewis base is 1) Equal to the wave function of atomic orbital
1. ionic bond 2. covalent bond 2) Less than the wave function of atomic orbital
3.dative bond4.Hydrogen bond 3) Greater than the wave function of atomic orbital
50. In which of the following dative bond is not 4) Double the wave function of atomic orbital
present 60. Which of the following molecular orbitals has
1) H 3O  2) NH 4  3) Al2Cl6 4) N 2 H 4 two nodal planes ?
Molecular Orbital Theory 1) 2s 2) 2 py 3) *2 py 4) *2 px
51. Which of the following species has lowest 61. N 2 and O2 are converted into monoanions,
ionization potential?
1) O22 2) O2 3) O2 4) O2 N 2 and O2 respectively. Which of the
following statements is wrong?
52. Which one of the following pairs of species
have the same bond order? [MAINS 2008] 1) In N 2 , N  N bond weakens
1) CN  and NO  2) CN  and CN  2) O2 , O  O bond order increases
3) O2 and CN  4) NO  and CN  3) In O2 , O  O bond order decreases
53. What is correct sequence of bond order 4) N 2 becomes paramagnetic
   
1) O  O  O2
2 2
2) O  O2  O 3
2 2
) 62. In which of the following ionization processes,
the bond order has increased and the magnetic
O2  O2  O2 4) O2  O2  O2
behaviour has changed?
54. Which of the following species is
paramagnetic? 1) N 2  N 2  2) C2  C2 
1) CO 2) NO 3) O22 4) CN  3) NO  NO  4) O2  O2

55. Stability of species Li2 , Li2+ , Li2- increases in

Hydrogen Bonding
63. Strength of hydrogen bond is intermediate
the order [MAINS 2013] between
1) Li2  Li2  Li2 2) Li2  Li2  Li2 1) Vander Waal forces and covalent bond
2) Ionic bond and covalent bond
3) Li2  Li2  Li2 4) Li2  Li2  Li2 3) Ionic bond and metallic bonding
4) Resonance
56. Which statement is correct about O2 ? 64. NH3 has a much higher boiling point than PH3
1) Paramagnetic and bond order <O2 because
2) Paramagnetic and bond order >O2 1) NH3 has a larger molecular weight
3) Diamagnetic and bond order <O2 2) NH3 undergoes umbrella inversion
4) Diamagnetic and bond order >O2 3) NH3 contains hydrogen bonds
57. While filling electrons in  2 px and  2 py the 4) NH3 contains ionic bonds where as PH3 contains
covalent bonds
electronic configuration rules that one to be 65. The maximum number of molecules that one
followed is water molecule can hold through hydrogen
1) Pauli’s exclusion principle 2) Aufbau principle bonding is
3) Both Pauli’s and Hund’s 4) All 1) 2 2) 4 3) 6 4) 8
58. In the formation of homo diatomic neutral 66. The high density of water compared to ice is
molecule, if ‘N’ atomic orbitals combine, then due to
the total number of bonding molecular 1) H-bonding interactions
2) Dipole-dipole interactions
orbitals formed is
3) Dipole-induced dipole interactions
1) 2N 2) N 3) N/2 4) N/4 4) Induced dipole-induced dipole interactions
67. The force responsible for the union of two ice 49) 3 50) 4 51) 4 52) 1 53) 2 54) 2
blocks as a single block is 55) 1 56) 2 57) 3 58) 3 59) 1 60) 3
1) Vanderwaals force 2) Hydrogen bonds 61) 2 62) 3 63) 1 64) 3 65) 2 66) 1
3) dipole interaction 4) vanderwaals repulsion 67) 2 68) 3 69) 3 70) 3 71) 3 72) 3
68. Hydrogen bonding is maximum in
73) 2 74) 2
1) Ethyl chloride 2) Triethylamine
3) Ethanol 4) Diethyl ether Hints Level -II (C.W)
69. The Electronegative elements between which 3. BCl3 has 6 electrons in valence shell of ‘B’
the H-bond is formed principally in aqueous 6. Sr 2 S 2 (two electrons are transfered)
7. HCl ionises only in aqueous solution
1) O, O 2) N,N
9. MgS has high lattice energy
3) O, N 4) Both O,O & N,N
70. Ionic; covalent; dative and hydrogen bonds are N
10. 58.5 gm  unit cells
present in 4
1) Ice 2) BeSO4 .4 H 2O 1 gm  ?
3) CuSO4 5H2O 4) BaCl2 .2 H 2O 13. Bond length between a set of two atoms in a
different molecules is similar
71. Which of the following exists?
14. Heterolytic fission required more energy than
1) KHCl2 2) KHBr 2 3) KHF 2 4) KHI2
Homolytic fission
18.  cal = q x d
72. The vapour pressure of  obs
NO2 %  100
 cal
19.   12   22  2 12 cos 
is higher than due to
O2N If   90 ,  is maximum
1) Dipole moment
2) Dipole - dipole interaction
3) Intra molecular hydrogen bonding N N
4) Inter molecular hydrogen bonding
73. Chelation is observed in 20.
1) P-nitrophenol 2) O-nitrophenol
3) Benzaldehyde 4) HF H F
74. Which of the following molecules will form a 21. CH .C  C.CH is symmetrical and linear . Hence
3 3
linear polymeric structure due to hydrogen  =0
22. Cis 1,2 dichloro benzene
1) HCl 2) HF 3) H 2O 4) NH 3 Cl
Key Level -II (C.W) Cl
01) 2 02) 4 03) 3 04) 4 05) 4 06) 2
07) 4 08) 4 09) 4 010) 2 11) 4 12) 4
13) 2 14) 2 15) 3 16) 3 17) 3 18) 2 Will have some value for  .
19) 1 20) 4 21) 2 22) 2 23) 3 24) 4 23. A and B are planar C and D are non planar
25) 2 26) 4 27) 1 28) 1 29) 1 30) 1 24. Dipole moment & hydrogen bonding
31) 1 32) 1 33) 4 34) 1 35) 2 36) 4 27. Overlapping of atomic orbitals determines direction
37) 3 38) 1 39) 3 40) 2 41) 2 42) 4 of the bond.
43) 3 44) 3 45) 4 46) 4 47) 3 48) 1 28. sigma bond is directional .
29. Order of overlapping is 2 2
 p  p   s  p   s  s ,1s-1s bond is 70. Cu SO4 bond ionic
stronger because 1s orbital is close to the nucleus. in SO42 S  O bond is cov alent
31. p y , pz are perpendicular to each other.. H 2O ' s areligands, so they form dativebonds.

38. In H 2O , hybridization is sp3 and the Level-I (H.W)

shape is angular due to 2 bp & 2 lp Octet Rule
39. In BeCl2 , hybridization is sp shape is linear due 1. Among the following, electron deficient
to 2 bp & 0 lp compound is
41. EP = 3 + 1 1) CCl4 2) PCl5 3) S iF 4 4) BCl3
42. sp 3d has bond angles 900 &1200 2. Octet rule is not valid for the following
43. All of them have total four bond pairs with zero lp
1) CO2 2) N2 3) O2 4) BF3
. Hence tetrahedral in shape.
3. Which of the following molecule deviates from
45. CH 3CH 2OH is saturated hence all carbon atoms Octet rule with respect to central atom
are sp3 hybridized. 1) SF6 2) PCl5 3) BrCl5 4) All
46. Ethylene on hydrogenation into ethane : Ionic Bond and Lattice Energy
hybradization , bond angle & C - C bond length 4. When sodium and chlorine react energy is
change 1) Released and ionic bond is formed
49. In dative bond electron pair is donated. 2) Released and covalent bond is formed
3) Absorbed and covalent bond is formed
51.  * 2 Px2 . * 2 Py antibonding molecular orbitals 4) Absorbed and ionic bond is formed
contain 3 electrons in O2 . There energy being 5. Coordination number of Na+ ion in NaCl is 6
and that of Ceasium ion in CsCl is 8. This is
more , ionisation potential is less.
52. CN  and NO  are isoelectronic 1) IP of Cs is less than Na
53. 2) size of Na+ is less than Cs+
B .O .of O2  2 3) Attraction of Na+ is higher than Cs+
4) None
O 2   2.5
6. Among NaF, RbF, CsF more ionic and strong
O 2   1.5
ionic are
54. ‘NO’ has odd no of electrons 1) CsF, CsF 2) CsF, NaF
55.. As the number of antibonding electrons increases 3) NaF, NaF 4) KF, CsF
stability decreases
7. The compound with highest Lattice energy is
56. Both O2 and O2 are paramagnetic bond order 1) LiCl 2) MgO 3) NaCl 4) KF
of O2  2.5 and O2  2 8. Water acts as a powerful ionizing solvent due
63. Ionic bond > covalent bond > Hydrogen bond to its high
> vander waals forces > metallic bond. 1) Polar nature 2) Ionic nature
64. NH 3 has intermolecular H-bonding. 3) Dielectric constant 4) Covalent nature
65. 2 lone pairs of ‘O’ and 2’H’ atoms in H2O molecule 9. Ionic reactions takes place in
involve in H-bonding 1) Liquid state 2) Solid state
66. Ice occupies more volume than water 3) Solution state 4) Gaseous state
67. Intermolecular H-bonding is formed between
Bond Parameters
H 2O molecules.
10. Bond energy is highest in the molecule
69. In aqueous ammonia hydrogen bonding is present
1) F2 2) Br2 3) I2 4) Cl2
between NH 3 & H 2O .
11. Which one of the following has longest covalent
1) 25% of e 2) 29% of e
bond distance? [EAMCET 2014]
3) 19% of e 4) 12 % of e
1) C - H 2) C - N 3) C - O 4) C - C
22. Generally Pi bond is formed from the lateral
12. The Cl - O bond order in perchlorate ion
overlap of
1) 1 2) 2 3) 1.75 4) 2.5
13. Resonance in molecules influences 1) s-s orbitals 2) p-p orbitals
1) Bond length 2) Bond Strength 3) d-d orbitals 4) both 2 and 3
3) Bond polarity 4) All 23. Which is not the characteristic of Pi-bond
14. Which of the following conditions is not correct 1) pi bond is formed when a sigma bond already
for resonating structures? exists
1) Contributing structures should have similar energy 2) pi bonds are formed from hybrid orbitals
2) Position of atomic nuclei is similar in all resonating 3) pi bond may be formed by the overlapping of
structures p-orbitals
3) The number of bonding and non-bonding pairs 4) pi bond results from lateral overlap of atomic
of electrons in canonical structures should be similar orbitals
4) Resonance hybrid has more energy than 24. In Ethyne molecule between two carbon atoms
cononical form has
15. The number of possible resonance structure 1) One  and two  2) One  and one 
for CO32 is 3) Two  and one  4) Two  and no 
1) 2 2) 3 3) 6 4) 9 25. The number of sigma bonds in ethane formed
Bond Polarity and Dipole Moment by the overlap of sp3 and s orbitals is
16. Bond length of HCl is ; 1) 5 2) 6 3) 7 4) 4
26. The carbon -carbon link in acetylene contains
1.275 Ao (e  4.81010 esu).If   1.02 D 1) One sigma ,two pi bonds
then HCl is : [EAMCET 2008] 2) Two sigma,three pi bonds
1) 100% ionic 2) 83% covalent 3) Two sigma ,two pi bonds
3) 50% covalent 4) 40% ionic 4) Three sigma bonds
17. The geometry of H 2 S and its dipole moment VSEPR Theory
are : 27. Molecule which contains 4 bond pairs and 2 lone
1) Angular and non zero pairs of electrons on the central atom is
2) Angular and zero 1) XeF2 2) CO2 3) XeF4 4) SF6
3) Linear and non zero 28. The effect of repulsion between the two lone
4) Linear and zero
pairs of electrons present on oxygen in water
18. Which of the following has the highest
molecule is
1) No Change in H – O – H bond angle
1) AsH 3 2) SbH 3 3) PH 3 4) NH 3 2) Decrease in H – O – H bond angle
19. The dipole moment of HBr is 0.781018 esu 3) Increase in H – O – H bond angle
cm. The bond length of HBr is 1.41A . The % 4) All atoms will be in one plane.
ionic character is 29. BCl3 molecule is planar while NCl3 molecule
1) 7.5 2) 11.52 3) 15 4) 27
is pyramidal because
20. Which of the following has zero dipole
moment? 1) BCl3 does not have lone pair on B but NCl3
1) CIF 2) PCl3 3) SiF4 4) CFCl3 has one lone pair on N.
21. A diatomic molecule has a dipole moment of 2) B-Cl bond is more polar than N-Cl bond
3) N atom is smaller than B
1.2 D, if the bond distance is 1 A . , what 4) N-Cl bond is more covalent than B-Cl bond
percentage of electronic charge exists on each
30. A molecule having 3 bond pairs and 2 lone 2) Number of hybrid orbitals formed should be
pairs will have ? same as the number of atomic orbitals involved in
1) T-shape geometry hybridization
2) Trigonal planar geometry 3) Hybrid orbitals arrange around the center of the
3) Linear geometry atom unsymmetrically
4) Square pyramidal geometry 4) Hybrid orbitals can form  bonds
31. The pair of species having identical shapes 39. The orbitals of same energy level providing
the most efficient overlapping are
1) XeF2 , CO2 2) BF3 , PCl3 1) sp3-sp3 2) sp-sp 3) sp3-sp2 4) All
3) PF5 , IF5 4) CF4 , SF4 40. Hybridisation noticed in CO2 and CO is
32. The shape of IF7 molecule is 1) sp3 2) dsp2 3) sp 4) sp2
1) Pentagonal bipyramidal 2) Trigonal bipyramidal 41. The maximum number of 90° angles between
3) Octagonal 4) T - shape bond pair and bond pair of electrons is
33. The molecular shapes of SF 4 , CF 4 and observed in
XeF 4 are 1) dsp 2 hybridization 2) sp 3d hybridization
1) different with 1,0 and 2 lone pairs of electrons
on the central atom, respectively 3) dsp3 hybridization 4) sp3d 2 hybridization
2) different with 0,1 and 2 lone pairs of electrons 42. The ratio of hybrid and unhybrid orbitals in-
on the central atom, respectively volved in the bonding of benzene molecule is
3) same with 1,1 and 1 lone pair of electrons on 1) 3 : 2 2) 1 : 1 3) 3 : 1 4) 1 : 3
the central atom, respectively
4) same with 2,0 and 1 lone pair of electrons on 43. The AsF5 molecule is trigonal bipyramidal.
the central atom, respectively The atomic orbitals used by the As atoms for
34. Which one of the following is a planar bonding are :
molecule? 2
1) d x 2  y 2 , d z , s, px , p y 2) d xy , s, px , p y , pz

1) NH 3 2) H 3O 3) BCl3 4) PCl3
35. The shape of [OH3]+ is 3) s, px , p y , pz , d z2 4) d x 2  y 2 , s, px , p y
1) Tetrahedral 2) Angular 44. A square planar complex is formed by
3) Pyramidal 4) Trigonal planar hybridisation of which atomic orbitals ?
Hybridization 1) s, px , p y , d yz 2) s, px , p y , dx 2  y 2
36. Which one of the following is the correct set
with respect to molecule, hybridization and 3) s, px , p y , d z 2 4) s, px , pz , d xy
shape? Dative Bond
1) BeCl2 , sp 2 , linear 45. Substances which can donate lone pairs of
2) BeCl2 , sp , triangular planar electrons to form a coordinate covalent bonds
are called
3) BCl3 , sp 2 triangular planar 1) Acids 2) Bases
4) BCl3 , sp3 , tetrahedral 3) Non-polar 4) Amphiprotic
37. Which of the following statement is true? 46. Co-ordinate covalent compounds dissolve
1) Hybridisation of the central atom in NH3 and more in
CH4 is SP2 1) Polar solvents 2) Non polar solvents
2) BeCl2 has “V” shape while SO2 is linear 3) Both 1 and 2 4)water only
3) SF6 is octahedral and F – S – F bond angle is Molecular Orbital Theory
900 47. In which of the following pairs of molecules &
4) CO2 has dipole moment ions both the species are not likely to exist?
38. Which of the following statement is correct?
1) Energy difference should be more between 1) H 2 , He22  2) H 2 , He22 
orbitals which undergo hybridization. 3) H 22  , He2 4) H 2 , He22 
48. Ground state electronic configuration of Hydrogen Bonding
valence shell electrons in nitrogen molecule 55. Hydrogen bond energy is about
 N2  is written as 1) 10 K.Cal 2) 10 Joules 3) 10 ergs 4)10 e.v.
56. The following is soluble in water
2 2 2 2 4 2
  1s               
1s 2s
2s 2p 2p . 1) C2H5OC2H5 2) C2H5OH
Hence the bond order of nitrogen molecule is 3) C2H5 COOC2H5 4) C6H6
1) 2 2) 3 3) 0 4) 1 57. Acetic acid exists as dimer in benzene due to
1) Condensation reaction
49. N 2 and O2 are converted into monoanions,
2) hydrogen bonding
N 2 and O2 respectively. Which of the 3) presence of carboxyl group
following statements is wrong ? 4) presence of hydrogen atom at  carbon
1) In N 2 , N  N bond weakens 58. Even though electronegativity of chlorine is
equal to that of nitrogen, chlorine is unable to
2) In O2 , O  O bond order increases form hydrogen bonds. It is due to
3) In O2 , O  O bond order decreases 1) Cl has three lone pairs on it
2) Atomic size of Chlorine is comparatively large.
4) N 2 becomes paramagnetic 3) Atomic size of nitrogen is comparatively large
50. Which of the following ion has not bond order 4) Electron affinity of chlorine is highest
of 2.5 ? 59. Which of the following does not exhibit
1) O2 2) O2 3) N 2 4) N 2 hydrogen bonding in liquid phase
1) Phenol 2) liq.NH3
51. N 2 and O2 are converted into monocations,
3) water 4) liq.HCl
N 2 and O2 respectively. Which of the 60. In which of the following substance, hydrogen
following is wrong ? bonding is absent?
1) In N 2 , N  N bond weakens 1) HF 2) H2O
3) CCl4 4) Salicylaldehyde
2) In O2 , the O-O bond order increases 61. Which property is not due to Hydrogen
3) In O2 , paramagnetism decreases bonding?
1) High boiling point of water
4) N 2 becomes diamagnetic
2) Solubility of NH3 in H2O
52. Among the following which one is 3) Polar nature of halogen acid
paramagnetic 4) High viscosity of H3PO4
1) He2 2) O 2 3) O22  4) Ne2 62. In which of the following compounds H-
53. If x-axis is the molecular axis of a diatomic bonding is strongest in the liquid phase
molecule, then,  molecular orbital are formed 1) HF 2) CH4 3) HI 4) PH3
by overlap of 63. In which of the following pairs both the
1) s-atomic orbitals compounds do not exhibit hydrogenbonding
2) s and px atomic orbitals 1) CH 3OH , C2 H 5OH
3) py and py - atomic orbitals
4) px and pz - atomic orbitals 2) CH 3COOH , HCOOH
54. The bond order in NO is 2.5 while that in NO+ 3) CH 3 NH 2 , C2 H 5 NH 2
is 3, Which of the following statements is true
for these two species? 4) CH 3OH , CH 3OCH 3
1) Bond length in NO  is equal to that in NO Key Level -II (H.W)
1) 4 2) 4 3) 4 4) 1 5) 2 6) 2
2) Bond length in NO is greater than in NO 
7) 2 8) 3 9) 3 10) 4 11) 4 12) 3
3) Bond length in NO  is greater than in NO 13) 4 14) 4 15) 2 16) 2 17) 1 18) 4
4) Bond length is unpredictable 19) 2 20) 3 21) 1 22) 4 23) 2 24) 1
25) 2 26) 1 27) 3 28) 2 29) 1 30) 1 51.
31) 1 32) 1 33) 1 34) 3 35) 3 36) 3 N 2  diamagnetic  no unpaired electrons 
37) 3 38) 2 39) 1 40) 3 41) 4 42) 1 
N 2  paramagnetic 1unpaired electron 
43) 3 44) 2 45) 2 46) 2 47) 3 48) 2
49) 2 50) 1 51) 4 52) 2 53) 3 54) 2 52. O2 contains one unpaired electron hence it is
55) 1 56) 2 57) 2 58) 2 59) 4 60) 3 paramagnetic
61) 3 62) 1 63) 4 55. Hydrogen bond energy is about 10 Kcal.
Hints Level -II (H.W) 56. C2 H 5OH can form hydrogen bonding with H 2O .
1. BCl3 has 6 electrons in valence shell of B. 57. Intermolecular H-bonding.
3. BrCl5 , SF6 , PCl5 have 10,12,10 electrons in the 58. High EN and small size of atoms can only
participate in H-bonding.
valence shell of central atoms
59. Due to large size of Cl, it cannot involve in
4. Between Na and Cl ionic bond is formed and
bond formation is exothermic.
60. Carbon cannot form H-bond.
8. Dielectric constant is directly proportional to the
61. Polar nature of halogen acids is due to EN
ionising power of solvent.
9. Ions are free to move in its solution state
62. Only HF has H-bonding (due to High EN and small
100  1.02  1010 size of F ).
16.  16.66% ionic (or)
1.275  4.8 10 10
Level -III
83.4% covalent.
17. S in H2S shows sp3 hybridization with angular 1. When NaCl is dissolved in water the sodium
V-Shape due to the presence of two lone pairs ion is
of electrons on S-atom . Also   0 1) Oxidised 2) Reduced
3) Hydrolysed 4) Hydrated
19.   4.81010  1.4110 8 2. Which of the following cation has highest
hydration energy
 6.768 10 18 e.s.u cm 1) Na+ 2) Mg+2 3) Al3+ 4) Ca+2
0.78 1018 3. Which of the following is a highly polar
% ionic character   100
6.768  10 18 molecule
 11.52 1) HCl 2) HF 3) H2S 4) NH3
4. The covalence of central atom is maximum
20. SiF4 symmetrical molecule in
21. Percentage of electronic charge 1) HCN 2) NH4+ 3) PCI5 4) H2O
1.2  1010 esu 5. In correct statement about the structure of
 100  25%
4.8  1010 esu PCl5
45. Lewis bases can donate electron pair. 1) axial P-Cl bonds have more bondlength than
47. Species with zero or negative bond order donot equtorial P-Cl bonds
exist. 2) d 2z orbital is involved in Sp3d hybridization.
10  4 3) The no. of planar atoms in PCl5 is 4
48. B.O.  3
2 4) Phosphorous is in 2nd excited state.
49. B.O. in O2 =2 6. Number of bonded pairs and lone pairs of
electrons present in the central atom of
B.O. in O2  =1.5 ammonia molecule are
50. B.O.of O2   1.5, N 2  2.5, 1) 3,1 2) 2,2 3) 1,3 4) 4,0
 
O2  2.5, N 2  2.5
7. Indicate the nature of bonding in CCl4 and E ( 2s )  E ( * 2s )  E ( 2 p x )  E ( 2 p y )
1) Covalent in CCl4 and electrovalent in CaH2  E ( 2 pz )  E ( *2 px )  E ( *2 p y )  E ( *2 pz )
2) Electrtovalent in both CCl4 and CaH2 15. Which of the following facts regarding change
3) Covalent in both CCl4 and CaH2 in bond length is correct?
4) Electrovalent in CCl4 and covalent in CaH2 1) Increases in going from N 2 to N 2 , decreases
8. A molecule which cannot exist theoretically
is in going from O2 to O2 .
1) SF4 2) OF2 3) OF4 4) O2 F2 2) Decreases in going from N 2 to N 2 , increases
9. The mode of hybridisation of central carbon in going from O2 to O2 .
in C3 O2 is
3) Increases in going from N2to N2+ and O2 to O2+.
1) sp 2) sp3 3) sp2 4) sp3d 4) Decrease in going from
10. The type of hybrid orbitals used by the N 2 to N 2 and O2 to O2
oxygen atom in Cl2 O molecule is 16. Which of the following cannot give a
1) sp3 2) sp2 3) sp 4) sp3d2 precipitate with an aqueous solution of AgNO3
11. A molecule XY2 contains two sigma bonds , 1) KI 2) K2SO4 3) CHCl3 4) KCl
17. Vander waal’s forces of attraction are
two Pi bonds and one lone pair of elecrons in
maximum in
the valence shell of X. The shape of molecule
is 1) Ethane 2) Glucose 3) Urea 4) Methane
1)Linear 2)Angular 18. Volatile compound among the following is
3)Tetrahedral 4)Pyramidal 1) HF 2) HBr 3) HCl 4) HI
12. Which of the following orbitals of a diatomic 19. Which of the following substance is not a
molecule AB will not have positive overlap? covalent polymer
1) 2s(A) and 2s(B) 2)2s(A) and 2Pz(A) 1) Silica 2) Diamond
3) 2pz(A) and 2pz(B) 4) 2Px(A) and 2pz(B) 3) Glucose 4) Silicon carbide
20. Electron deficient compound among the
13. Among the following groupings which
following is
represents the collection of isoelectronic
1) ICl 2) NH3 3) BCl3 4) PCl3
21. Weakest interactions are involved in
1) CO, NO  , CN  , C 22 1) Dative bond 2) Metallic bond
3) Hydrogen bond 4)Vander waals forces
2) N 2 , C 22 , CO, NO 22. Multiple bond is not present in

3) NO, CN , N 2 , O2  1) Nitrogen 2) Oxygen
3) Diamond 4) Carbondioxide
4) NO  , C22 , O2 , CO 23. Which one of the following statement is true
14. Which of the following statements is not for Ammonium ion?
correct from the viewpoint of molecular 1) All bonds are ionic
orbital? 2) All bonds are coordinate covalent
3) H atoms are situated at the corners of a square
1) Be2 is not a stable molecule 4) H atoms are situated at the corners of a
2) He2 is not stable but He2 is expected to exist tetrahedron
24. Which of the following has no multiple bonds
3) Bond strength of N 2 is maximum amongst the
1) HCN 2) C2 H 4 3) C2 H 6 4) C2 H 2
homonuclear diatomic molecules belonging to the
second period. 25. The mol.wt of an Oxide of Hydrogen is 34.
4) The order of energies of molecular orbitals in Therefore the number of covalent bonds in its
molecule are
F2 molecule is 1) 4 2) 5 3) 2 4) 3
26. A polar covalent bond shows 50% ionic 33. Which statement is incorrect for OsF4 ?
character. Then the electronegativity 1) S atom has sp 3d hybridization
difference of the atoms that form the bonds 2) OsF4 have distorted trigonal pyramidal geometry
1) More than 1.7 2) Equal to 1.7 3) O atom at one of the two axial positions
3) Less than 1.7 4) Much greater than 1.7 having S=O bond
27. The ratio of number of lone pairs on central 4) O atom at one of the equatorial position having
atom in ammonia, Water and XeF2 are S=O bond
1) 3:2:1 2) 2:1:3 3) 1:2:3 4) 2:3:1 34. The least stable in the following is :
28. Among the following compounds the one that 1) Li 2) Be 3) B 4) C 
is polar and has the central atom with sp3 35. Which of the following are isoelectronic and
hybridization is : isostructural: NO3 , CO32 , ClO3 , SO3
1) H 2CO3 2) SiF4 3) BF3 4) HClO2
1) NO3 , CO32 2) SO3 , NO3
29. Which formulae does not correctly represents
the bonding capacity of the atom involved : 3) ClO3 , CO32  4) CO32 , SO3
36. In which of the following pairs the two species
H + are not isostructural? [MAINS 2011]
1) PF5 and BrF5 2) PCl4 and SiCl4
1) H P H 2) O
3) CO32  and NO3 4) AlF63 and SF6
H 37. The values of electronegativity of atoms A and
B are 1.20 and 4.0 respectively. The
O O percentage of ionic character of A-B bond is
3) O N 4) H C C 1) 50% 2) 72.24% 3) 55.3% 4) 43%
38. The structure and hybridization of Si (CH 3 ) 4 is
1) Bent, sp 2) Trigonal, sp2
30. CO2 has the same geometry as: 3) Octahedral, sp d 4) Tetrahedral, sp3
39. Which one of the following molecules will have
A) HgCl2 , B) NO2 , C) SnCl2 , D) C2 H 2 unequal M - F bond lengths?
1) A and C 2) B and D 1) NF3 2) BF3 3) PF5 4) SF4
3) A and D 4) C and D
40. KF combines with HF to form KHF2 . The
31. The correct stability order for N 2 and its compound contains the species
given ions is : 1) K  , F  and H  2) K  , F  and HF
1) N 2  N 2  N 2  N 22
3) K  , and [ HF2 ] 4) [ KHF ] and F2
  2
2) N  N  N 2  N
2 2 2 41. Consider the chemical species NO3 , NO2
  2
3) N  N  N 2  N
2 2 2 and NO2 and point out the correct statement
  2
4) N 2  N  N  N
2 2 2
given below.
32. The O __ O bond length in O2 , O2 [ AsF4 ] 1) The hybrid state of N in NO2 is sp 2
2) The hybrid state of N in all the species is the
and K [O2 ] is : same
1) O2 [ AsF4 ]  O2  K [O2 ] 3) The shape of both NO2 and NO2 is bent
2) O2 [ AsF4 ]  K [O2 ]  O2 while NO3 is planar
3) O2  O2 [ AsF4 ]  K [O2 ] 4) The hybrid state of N in
 
4) K [O2 ]  O2  O2 [ AsF4 ] NO and NO is the same.
3 2
42. Anhydrous AlCl3 is covalent but hydrated tetrahedral structure?
AlCl3 .6 H 2O is ionic because 1) BF4 2) SF4 3) XeF4 4)  Ni (CN ) 4 
1) AlCl3 dissolves in CS2 (Atomic no: B= 5 , S = 16 , Ni= 28, Xe = 54)
50. Among the following mixutures, dipole -
2) AlCl3 has planar structure dipole as the major interaction, is present
3) IE of Al is low in
4) Hydration energy of Al compensates the IE 1) KCl and water
43. The charge/size ratio of a cation determines 2) benzene and carbon tetrachloride
its polarizing power. Which one of the following 3) benzene and ethanol
order of the polrizing power of the cationic 4) acetonitrile and acetone
species, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Be2+ ? [MAINS 2007] 51. Which one is most ionic?
1) Be2+ < K+ < Ca2+ < Mg2+ 1) P2O5 2) CrO3 3) MnO 4) Mn2O7
2) K+ < Ca2+ < Mg2+ < Be2+ 52. The correct statement for the molecule
3) Ca2+ < Mg2+ < Be2+ < Ca2+ CsI3 is [MAINS 2014]
4) Mg2+ < Be2+ < K+ < Ca2+ 1) It contains Cs  and I 3 ions
44. An element forms compounds of the formula
2) It contains Cs 3 and I  ions
ACl3 , A2O5 and Mg3 A2 but does not form
3) It contains Cs  , I  and lattice I2 molecule
ACl5 , then A could be
1) Al 2) P 3) B 4) N 4) It is a covalent molecule
45. Which of the following statements is/are true 53. Which of the following has p  d 
1) PH 5 and BiCl5 donot exist bonding?
2) p  d  bond is present in SO2 1) NO3 2) SO32 3) BO33 4) CO32
54. Trimethylamine is a pyramidal molecule
3) I 3 has bent geometry
4) SeF4 and CH 4 have same shape
1) 1, 2, 3 2) 1, 3 H 3C CH3and formamide is a planar
3) 1 and 2 4) 1, 2, 4 CH3
46. In which of the following species the O
interatomic bond angle is 109° 28?

1) NH4 ,(BF4 )1 2)  NH 4  , BF3 C H

3) NH 3 , BF4 4)  NH 2  , BF3 moleculeH N the hybridisation
47. Which of the following pairs of molecules
will have permanent dipole moments for both H
members? of Nitrogen in both is
1) NO2 and CO2 2) NO2 and O3 1) sp 2 , sp 2 2) sp3 , sp 2
3) SiF4 and CO2 4) SiF4 and NO2 3) sp3 , sp 3 4) sp 2 , sp
48. The states of hybridisation of boron and 55. Which statement is correct about HCHO?
oxygen atoms in boric acid ( H 3 BO3 ) are 1) It has sp 2 hybridized carbon
respectively. 2) The bond angles HCH and HCO are
3 2 2 3
1) sp and sp 2) sp and sp 116° and 122° respectively
3) It involves multiple bond pair  Bond pair
3) sp 2 and sp 2 4) sp3 and sp 3
49. Which one of the following has the regular 4) All of these
56. Which of the following molecules is polar 64. The nodal plane in the   bond of ethene is
[MAINS 2013] located in
1) XeF4 2) IF5 3) SbF5 4) CF4 1) The molecular plane
57. Arrange the following compounds in order 2) A plane parallel to the molecular plane
of increasing dipole moment: 3) A plane perpendicular to the molecular plane
I) Toulene II) m-dichlorobenzene which bisects the carbon-carbon sigma bond at
III) o-dichlorobenzene right angle
IV)p-dichlorobenzene 4) A plane perpendicular to the molecular plane
1) I < IV < II < III 2) IV < I < II < III which contains the carbon - carbon   bond.
3) IV < I < III < II 4) IV < II < I < III 65. CaO and NaCl have the same crystal
58. Which species has the maximum number of structure and approximately the same ionic
lone pair of electrons on the central atom? radii. If U is the lattice energy of NaCl, the

1) [ClO3 ] 2) XeF4 4)  I 3 
3) SF4 approximate lattice energy of CaO is
1) U/2 2) U 3) 4U 4) 2U
59. Which of the following molecular orbital has
66. Which of the following overlap is correct?
nodal plane perpendicular to the bonding
axis is
+ + +
1)  2Pz 3)  2Px 4)  1S
2)  1S 1) +
60. Among the following ions, the p  d 
overlap could be present in 2) + + +
 3 2 
1) NO 32) PO 3) CO 4) NO
4 3 2
3) + + + +
61. Among the following species, identify the
isostructural pairs NF3 , NO3 , BF3 , H 3O, HN 3 4) None of the above

1) [ NF3 , NO3 ] and [ BF3 , H 3O ] 67. Which one of the following arrangements of
molecules is correct on the basis of their
2) [ NF3 , HN3 ] and [ NO3 , BF3 ] dipole moments?
3) [ NF3 , H 3O ] and [ NO3 , BF3 ] 1) BF3  NF3  NH 3 2) NF3  BF3  NH3
4) [ NF3 , H 3O ] and [ HN 3 , BF3 ] 3) NH 3  BF3  NF3 4) N H 3  NF3  BF3
62. The correct order of hybridization of the 68. P in PCl5 has sp 3d hybridization which of the
central atom in the following species following statement is wrong about PCl 5
NH 3 ,[ PtCl4 ]2 , PCl5 and BCl3 is structure :
1) Two P  Cl bonds are stronger and three
1) dsp 2 , dsp3 , sp 2 and sp3 P  Cl bonds are weaker
2) sp3 , dsp 2 , sp 3d , sp 2 2) Two P  Cl bonds are axial and longer than
three P  Cl equitorial bonds
3) dsp 2 , sp 2 , sp 3 , dsp 3 3) PCl5 has trigonal bipyramidal geometry with
4) dsp 2 , sp 3 , sp 2 , dsp3 non-polar nature
63. The common features among the species 4) All of these
69. In the dichromate dianion,
CN  , CO and NO are 1) 4 Cr  O bonds are equivalent
1) bond order three and isoelectronic 2) 6 Cr  O bonds are equivalent
2) bond order three and weak field ligands 3) All Cr  O bonds are equivalent
3) bond order two and   acceptors 4) All Cr  O bonds are non equivalent
4) isoelectronic and weak field ligands
70. Specify the coordination geometry around 
and hybridisation of N and B atoms in a 1:1 23. NH 4 is tetrahedral
complex of BF3 and NH 3 24. C 2 H 6 has seven sigma bondss
25. H 2O2 has 3 covalent bond.
1) N : tetrahedral, sp3 ; B : tetrahedral, sp3
26. If  E.N . = 1.7 ionic charecter 50%.
2) N : pyramidal, sp3 ; B : pyramidal, sp3 28. Carbon in H 2 CO 3 and Boron in BF3 are sp2
3) N : pyramidal, sp3 ; B : planar,, sp3 hybridised and are non polar, Si in SiF4 and
4) N : pyramidal, sp3 ;B : tetrahedral, sp3 Cl in HClO 2 are sp hybridised. But HClO 2 is
Cl polar in nature as   0 .
30. Both HgCl2 and C2 H 2 are linear like CO2
71. The dipole moment of chlorobenzene because of sp hybridization.
31. As the bond order increases the stability of
is 1.5 D. The dipole moment of molecule increase. However, some of the bond
orders are identical. In such case, a molecule or
Cl ion with more number of electrons in their
Cl antibonding orbitals is less stable. Hence correct
is order is N 22  N 22  N 2  N 2  N 2
Cl Cl
32. Bond order for O2 , O2 and O2 are 2,2.5 and
1) 2.86 D 2) 2.25 D 3) 1.5 D 4) 0 D 1.5 respectively. Greater is bond order lesser is
Key Level -III (O-O) bond length.
01) 4 02) 3 03) 2 04) 3 05) 4 06) 1 33. O-atom being less electronegative occupies one
07) 1 08) 3 09) 1 10) 1 11) 2 12) 4 of the three equitorial position.
13) 1 14) 4 15) 1 16) 3 17) 2 18) 3 34. Li :1s 2 , 2s 2 ( EA  ve);
19) 3 20) 3 21) 4 22) 3 23) 4 24) 3 Be :1s 2 , 2s 2 2 p1 ( EA2  ve)
25) 4 26) 2 27) 3 28) 4 29) 4 30) 3
35. Both NO3 and CO32 have 32 electrons and
31) 1 32) 1 33) 3 34) 2 35) 1 36) 1
37) 2 38) 4 39) 3 40) 3 41) 4 42) 4 central atom in each is sp 2 hybridization.
43) 2 44) 4 45) 1 46) 1 47) 2 48) 2 37. % of ionic character
= 16 (x A - x B) +3.5 ( xA - xB)2
49) 1 50 )4 51) 3 52) 1 53) 2 54) 2 = 16 (2.8) +3.5 ( 2.8 ) 2
55) 4 56) 2 57) 2 58) 4 59) 4 60) 2 = 44.8 +27.44 = 72.24
61) 3 62) 2 63) 1 64) 1 65) 3 66) 1 38. Hybridization in Si (CH 3 ) 4 is sp3
67) 4 68) 1 69) 2 70) 1 71) 3 41. NO3 and NO2 nitrogen has SP 2
Hints Level -III 42. The hydrated Aluminium chloride trivalent
1. Na ion is hydrated.

complex ion [ Al .6 H 2O]3 , formation of which
2. Smaller cations have more hydration capacity is exothermic process. The energy released is
7. Bond between non-metal and non-metal is sufficient to cause the ionisation of Al.
covalent, between metal and non-metal is ionic. 43. Higher the charge/size ratio higher is the polorising
8. Oxygen cannot expand its octet because of non power.
availability of d - orbitals. 44. Nitrogen can form NCl3 N 2O5 and Mg3 N 2 but
13. CO, NO  , CN  & C2 contain 14 electrons not NCl5 due to non availability of d atomic
each. orbitals.
45. SeF4 has distorted trigonal bypyramidal & CH4
16. CHCl3 is covallent hence does not give Cl  has tetrahedral
17. Vanderwaal’s forces  molecular weight. 47. Both NO2 and O3 have angular shape and hence
18. HCl has lowest B.P. will have net dipole moment.
19. Glucose is not a polymer.
21. Vanderwaal forces are physical forces hence 48. In H 3 BO3 hybridisation of B is
weakest. sp 2 and O is sp3 .
22. Diamond has only C - C bonds.
49. XeF4 ( Sp 3 d 2 square planar ), 68. In PCl5 two axial bonds are larger and weaker
[ Ni ( CN ) 4 ] 2  ( dsp 2 square planar ), and therefore PCl5 dissociates into PCl3 and Cl2.
BF4 ( sp 3 tetrahedral ), 69. The structure of Cr2O72 is
SF4 ( sp 3 d see saw shaped ) O O
50. Hint: Acetonitrile   
 CH 3  C  N  Cr Cr

and acetone both are polar O O
molecules. Hence , dipole-dipole in interaction H3N BF3
exist between them. Between KCl and water ion- 70.
dipole interaction is found and in benzene - EP = (4+0) (4+0)
ethanol and benzene carbon tetra chloride 
dispersion force is present 71.  R  2( Bond moment ) cos
54. In amine the nitrogen is sp3 hybridised and in Cl
amide the nitrogen is sp2 hybridised.
55. The geometry of HCHO is Cl
116º C 2
O Cl Cl
56. Square pyramid structure Level -IV
57. p-dichlorobenzene is non-polar (   0) ,
O-isomer has maximum dipole moment Assertion & Reason Type
minimum angle maximum dipolemoment 1. Assertion (A) : Xe atom in XeF2 assumes
58. In I 3 there are 3 lone pairs of electrons on sp hybrid state
central I . Reason ( R) : XeF2 molecule does not follow
60. Hybridization in octet rule
1 1) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true and ‘R’ is the correct
PO43  [5  0  3  0]  4 i.e, sp 3 . In  bonding explanation to ‘A’.
only d orbital of P, p orbital of O can be involved. 2) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true but ‘R’ is not the
Since hybrid atomic orbitals do not form  correct explanation to ‘A’.
bond. 3) ‘A’ is true but ‘R’ is false.
61. Hybridisation in NF3 and H3 O+ is sp3 and they
have pyramidal shape. Hybridisation in 4) ‘A’ is false but ‘R’ is true.
NO3 and BF3 is sp2 and they have triangular 2. A: H - bonding occurs in H 2O due to high polar-
planar shape. ity of O-H bond
62. Hybridisation in NH 3  Sp 3 ,[ PtCl4 ]2  R: The size of ‘O’ atom is larger than H-atoms
dsp 2 (inner complex) ; 3. A: CCl4 is non polar molecule
PCl5  sp d and BCl3 is sp . 2 R: CCl4 has polar bonds.
4. A: Geometry of ICl3 is tetrahedral
63. CN  , CO and NO  are Isoelectronic  14e 
R: Its shape is T-shape, due to the presence of
and has bond order 3. two lone pairs
64. The molecular plane does not contain  electron
density. Hence nodal plane in the  bond is in 5. A: (CH 3 )3 N geometry is pyramidal but incase of
the molecular plane.
Product of Charges  SiH3 3 N , it is planar..
65. Lattice energy  R: The maximum covalaeney of ‘Si’ is ‘Six’ but
inter ionic distance
In NaCl the product of charges = 1  1; In that of ‘C’ is four.
CaO product of charges = 2  2  4 while the
inter ionic distance is almost same in both. Thus Key Level -IV
lattice energy of CaO is almost four times the 1) 4 2) 2 3) 2 4) 4 5) 2
lattice energy of NaCl.
SYNOPSIS eg: H2(g) + I2(g)  2HI(g)
Introduction PCl5(g)  PCl3(g) + Cl2(g)
 The substance which enters into a chemical reaction 2NO2(g)  N2O4(g)
is called reactant. N 2( g )  3H 2( g )  2 NH 3( g )
 The substance which formed in a chemical reaction
is called product. N 2( g )  O2( g )  2 NO( g )
 A chemical reaction gives every information about 2SO2(g) + O2(g)  2SO3(g)
the reaction except time of completion.
CH3COOH(l)+C2H5OH(l)  CH3COOC2H5(l)+ H2O(l)
 Irreversible Reactions : In these reactions
products cannot be converted into reactants under CaCO3(s)  CaO(s) + CO2(g)
similar set of conditions.  When the reactants in a closed vessel at a particular
These reactions take place only in one direction temperature react to give products, the
(unidirectional reactions) concentration of the reactants decreases, while
eg. 1) Evaporation of water in open vessel. those of products increases. After some time, there
2) Thermal decomposition reactions is no change in the concentrations of either the
2KClO3(s)  2KCl(s) + 3O2(g) reactants or products. This stage of the system is
 called equilibrium state.
CaCO3 ( s )   CaO ( s)  CO2 ( g ) 
 At equilibrium state, the rates of forward reaction
3) Precipitation reactions and backward reaction become equal.
AgNO3( aq )  NaCl ( aq )  AgCl( s )   NaNO 3( aq )  Equilibrium can be attained for both physical
processes and chemical reactions.
H 2 SO4( aq )  BaCl2 ( aq )  BaSO4 ( s )  2 HCl ( aq )  Equilibrium in physical process :
4) Neutralisation reactions : eg. Dissolution of salt, evaporation of water etc.
H Cl  NaOH  
 N a C l  H 2O
Equilibrium in chemical process :
a q 
S .A S .B
a q  a q  l  eg. Decomposition of ammonium chloride,
reaction between hydrogen and iodine etc.
 Chemcial equilibria are important in numerous
5) 2 Mg ( s )  O2 (g )  2 MgO ( s )
biological and environmental processes.
3Mg ( s )  N 2 ( g )  Mg3 N2 ( s ) eg. Equilibria involving haemoglobin
6) H 2  F2   2 HF a) In the transport and delivery of O2
 Reversible reactions : The reactions which can b) For the toxicity of CO.
take place in both forward and backward  The extent of reaction in equilibrium varies with
directions under same conditions are called the experimental conditons such as concentration
reversible reactions. of reactants,temperature, etc.
 Equilibrium involving ions in aqueous solutions is
forward reaction
Reactants 
backward reaction Products called as Ionic equilibrium.
 A reversible reaction does not go to completion.
Equilibrium in Physical Processes
 Most of the reversible reactions are carried in the  physical equilibrium is set up between the two
closed vessels. phases.
 The removal of one of the products of a reversible eg: solid  liquid (melting or fusion)
reaction leads to the completion of the forward solid  vapour (sublimation)
  sulphur    sulphur
A) Solid-liquid Equilibrium Equilibrium Involving dissolution of
 Ice and water kept in a perfectly insulated thermos solids or Gases in Liquids
flask (no exchange of heat between its contents
and the surroundings) at 273K and the atmospheric A) Solids in liquids
pressure are in equilibrium state.  A solution in which no more solute can be dissolved
 Ice-water system : Ice  Water at the same temperature and pressure is called
 The masses of ice and water do not change with saturated solution.
time and the temperature remains constant.  In a saturated solution, a dynamic equilibrium exists
 For any pure substance at atmospheric pressure, between the solute molecules in the solid state and
the temperature at which the solid and liquid phases in the solution:
are at equilibrium is called the normal melting point  sugar (solution)  sugar ( solid ), and the rate
(or) normal freezing point of the substance. The of dissolution of sugar=rate of crystallisation of
system here is said to be in dynamic equilibrium. sugar.
 Forward change is accompanied with absorption  For dissolution of solids in liquids, the solubility is
of heat and increase in pressure because ice constant at a given temperature.
occupies more volume.  NaCl (s)  H 2O  NaCl (aq) ; H  0
B) Liquid - Vapour Equilibrium The solubility of NaCl increases with increase in
 Water and water vapour are in equilibrium position temperature.
at atmospheric pressure (1.013 bar) and at 1000C
 KOH ( s )  H 2O  KOH (aq ) ; H  0
in a closed vessel.
The solubility of KOH decreases with increase in
H 2O  l   H 2O  vap  temperature.
 At equilibrium the pressure exerted by the water B) Gases in Liquids
molecules at a given temperature remains constant  There is an equlibrium between the molecules in
and is called the equilibrium vapour pressure of the gaseous state and the molecules of gas dissolved
water. in the liquid under pressure.
 For any pure liquid at one atmospheric pressure CO2  CO2
the temperature at which the liquid and vapours eg. gas 

in solution 
 

are at equilibrium is called normal boiling point of

the liquid.  This equilibrum is governed by Henry’s law, which
 Vapour pressure of water increases with states that the mass of a gas dissolved in a given
temperature.Different liquids have different mass of a solvent at any temperature is proportional
equilibrium vapour pressures at the same to the pressure of the gas above the solvent.
temperature, and the liquid which has a higher  This amount decreases with increase of
vapour pressure is more volatile and has a lower temperature.
boiling point.  Features of physical equilibria
 Boiling point of the liquid depends on the Process Conclusion
atmospheric pressure. It depends on the altitude Liquid Vapour pH O constant
of the place, at high altitude the boiling point 2

decreases. H 2 O(l)  H 2O(g) at given temperature

C) Solid - Vapour Equilibrium Solid Liquid Melting point is fixed
when a sublimating solid is placed in a closed vessel, H 2O(s)  H 2O(l) at constant pressure
equilibrium is established between its solid and
vapour phases. Solute( S )  Solute Concentration of solute
( Solution )
NH 4Cl ( solid )  NH 4Cl (vapour ) in solutions is constant
Sugar( s )  Sugar at given temperature
( Solution )

camphor ( solid )  camphor (vapour ) [gas(aq)]/[gas(g)]is

Gas( g ) Gas( aq )
I 2 ( solid )  I 2 (vapour ) constant at given
As time proceeds intensity of violet colour of I2 temperature
increases and becomes constant after certain time CO2( g )  CO2( aq ) [CO2(aq)]/[CO2(g)]
due to attainment of equilibrium. is constant at a given
Equilibrium in Chemical Processes  The dynamic nature of chemical equilibrium can be
 For a General Reversible Reaction demonstrated in the synthesis of ammonia by
Haber’s process.
A B  C  D
 Habers process conducted in the following two
ways under similar conditions of temperature,
pressure and concentrations.
C or D
N 2 g   3H 2 g   2 NH 3 g 

N 2 g   3D2 g   2 ND3 g 
These two equilibrium mixtures(having same
A or B
composition) are mixed together. Later when
mixture is analysed, it is found that concentration
of ammonia is same as before. But equilibrium
mixture contains NH3,NH2D,NHD2,ND3,H2,
Time HD and D2. This observation proves that chemical
Attainment of chemical equilibrium equilibrium is dynamic in nature.
 In the begining, the rate of forward reaction is more  Use of isotope (deuterium) in the formation of
since the concentration of reactants is high. As time ammonia clearly indicates that chemical reactions
proceeds, it decreases due to decrease in the reach a state of dynamic equilibrium in which the
concentration of reactants. rates of forward and reverse reactions are equal
 In the begining, the rate of backward reaction is and there is no net change in composition.
zero because the concentration of products are
zero.As time proceeds, it increases due to increase
in the concentration of products . Dihydrogen (Reactant)
Molar concentration

Forward reaction Dinitrogen (Reactant)

Ammonia (Product)

Backward reaction
 The stage (or) state at which the rate of forward Characteristics of chemcial Equilibrium
reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse reaction  The rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate
in a reversible reaction is known as the equilibrium of the backward reaction.
stage or state.  It is dynamic in nature.
 Equilibrium is established in  The properties such as pressure, concentration,
1) a reversible reaction density, colour etc., remain unchanged with time.
2) in a closed vessel  A catalyst does not alter the state of equilibrium. It
3) at constant temperature only speeds up the attainment of equilibrium.
Equilibrium in chemical processes  At equilibrium state G  0
Dynamic Equilibrium  Chemical equilibrium can be established from either
 At equilibrium both the forward reaction and the side of the reversible reaction.
reverse reaction continue to take place with equal  The concentrations of the reactants (or) the products
rates. Hence equilibrium is dynamic in nature. remain unchanged with time. This can be shown as
follows: n
 Active mass = Molar concentration = [ ] = V
[R]0 [R]0

[P]  Active mass of a gas is its partial pressure


P [R]
 Active mass of a solid and pure liquid is taken as
Time Time Time
WE-1. 8.5 grams of ammonia are dissolved to form
Types of Chemical Equilibrium 4L aqueous solution. Calculate the active
 Chemical equilibrium can be homogeneous or mass.
heterogeneous. weight 8.5
Homogeneous equilibrium Sol: n  Gram molecular wieght  17  0.5;
 If the reactants and products are in same phase,
the equilibrium is called homogeneous equilibrium. n 0.5
Active mass=  = 0.125 mol L-1
H2(g) + I2(g)  2HI(g) V 4
N2  g 3H2  g 2NH3  g W.E2. What is the active mass of one litre of
Nitrogen gas at NTP?
2SO2(g) + O2(g)  2SO3(g) Sol: At STP, active mass of Nitrogen = 1 atm
CH3COOH(l) + C2H5OH(l)  At STP,22.4 litres of Nitrogen= 1 mole
CH3COOC2H5(l) + H2O(l) n 1
F e 3   aq   S C N   aq    Fe  S C N  
 aq  Active mass    0.0446 mol L-1
V 22.4
yellow colourless deep red (a) Equilibrium Constant with Respect to
Heterogeneous equilibrium Molar Concentrations
 If the reactants and products are not in same
product of the concentrationsof products at equilibrium
phase, the equilibrium is called heterogeneous  Kc 
equilibrium. product of the concentrationsof react ants at equilibrium
CaCO3(s)  CaO(s) + CO2(g) This representation is known as the equilibrium Law
NH 4 H S s   NH 3 g   H 2 S g  or Law of Chemical Equilibrium.

N i  s   4 C O  g    N i  C O 4   g   Let us consider a reversible reaction

a A + bB  cC + dD, the equilibrium
Ag 2O s   2 HNO3 aq   2 AgNO3 aq   H 2Ol 
Law of Mass Action Equilibrium
kf [C ]c [ D]d
Kc   .
 This law was proposed by C.M. Guldberg and P. kb [ A]a [ B]b
Waage. kf = forward reaction rate constant.
 This law gives the relation between the rate of a kb = backward reaction rate constant.
chemical reaction and the concentrations of the where [A], [B], [C], [D] are equilibrium
reactants. concentrations of A, B, C and D respectively.
 ‘The rate of a chemical reaction at a given n
 Units of K C   moles / lit 
temperature is directly proportional to the product
of the active masses of the reactants at that instant’.  n  nP g   nR g 
 This law is applicable to all reactions occuring in WE-3. The equilibrium constant for the reaction,
the gas phase (or) in the liquid phase.
2x  y  x2 y is 10L2 mol-2. The rate constant
 Active mass or molar concentration is indicated by
square bracket. for the back ward reaction 2.8 s-1. What is the
rate constant of the forward reaction?
Kf Kf
Sol: Equilibrium constant, K c  10  
Kc 
 PCl3 Cl2  , K  pPCl3 . pCl2
Kb 2.8 p
 PCl5  pPCl5
2 -2 –1
Forward rate constant, K f  28 L mol s
Units : K C  moles / lit , K P  atm;  n  1
WE-4. For the cyclic trimerisation of acetylene
eg. 4) N 2 ( g )  3H 2 ( g )  2 NH 3 ( g )
to give one mole of benzene, KC=4 L2mol–2.
If the equilibrium concentration of benzene Units: K C  mole 2 .lit 2 ; K P  atm 2 ;
is 0.5 mol L -1, calculate the equilibrium
 n  2  4  2
concentration of acetylene.
Sol: The equilibrium is, eg. 5) NH 4 HS  s   NH 3  g   H 2 S  g 
3C2 H 2  g   C6 H 6  g  KC   NH 3  H 2 S  , K P  PNH 3 .PH 2 S

Kc 
C6H6   4L2 mol2   NH 4 HS   1  n  2  0  2
3 ;
C2H2  Units : K  mole2 .lit 2 ; K  atm2 ;

3 C6 H 6   1 1 WE-5. KP for the reaction,

 C2 H 2   
Kc 2  4 8 L mol 3 NH 4 HS  s   NH 3  g   H 2 S  g  , at certain
Equilibrium concentration of acetylene, temperature is 4 bar2. Calculate the equilibrium
C2 H 2   0.5 mol L-1 perssure.

(b) Equilibrium Constant with Respect to Sol: Equilibrium constant, K P  PN H PH 3 2S

Partial Pressure =4 bar2

Partial pressures are given as,
 Let us consider a reversible reaction
aA + bB  cC + dD, the equilibrium constant PNH 3  PH 2 S  K p  2 bar

kf pCc . pDd PNH 3  PH 2 S  2 bar  2 bar  4 bar.

Kp  
kb pAa . pBb WE-6. PC15 was taken at 2 atm in a closed vessel at
1540C. Keeping the temperature constant,
 Where PA , PB , PC and PD are the equilibrium
PC15  PC13  C12 equilibrium is established
partial pressures of A, B, C and D respectively.
when 50% of PC15 decomposes. Calculate the
 Units of K P   atm  where Kp for the equilibrium.
 n  nP g   nR g  Sol: PC15  PC13  C12
2 0 0 initial pressure
eg. 1): C aC O 3 (s)  CaO(s) + C O 2 (g) (2-1) 1 1 equ.pressure
K C = [CO2], K P = pCO2 PPC13 PC 12
Units : K C  moles / lit ; K P  atm  n  0 The equilibrium constant, K p  PPC15
 1 atm

eg. 2) H2(g) + I2(g)  2HI(g) WE-7. For the equilibrium,

 HI  , K 
2 2
p HI 2SO3  g   2SO2  g   O2  g  , thepartial
Kc 
 H 2  I 2  p p H 2 . pI 2 pressures of SO3,SO2 and O2 gases, at 650 K
are respectively 0.2 bar, 0.6 bar and 0.4 bar.
Units : K P & K C has no units  n  0 If the moles of both the oxides of sulphur
eg. 3) PCl5(g)  PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) are so adjusted as equal, what will be the
partial pressures of O2.
Sol: The equilibrium given as, Case(ii). if n = +ve, K P  K C
2SO3  g   2SO2  g   O2  g  , eg : PCl5  PCl3 + Cl2
Case(iii). if n = -ve, K P  K C
P s o2 Po2 eg :N2 + 3H2  2NH3
Equilibrium constant, K P  2
P s o3 2SO2  g   O2  g   2 SO3  g 
0.6  0.6  0.4 WE-9. At 500K, K P =2.4 x 10 -2 atm for the
  3.6 bar
0.2  0.2 reaction, 2 NOC1 g   2 NO  g   C12  g  .
Calculate KC at the same temperature.
Upon adjustment,KP does not change. Sol: Equilibrium constants are related as
x 2 Po2 K c  K p /  RT 
n  2  1   2   1 and
3.6 bar = K P 
x2 R=0.0821 L-atm K-1 mol-1
Partial pressure of oxygen=3.6 bar. Equilibrium constant interms of concentration
WE-8 Calculate the ratio of pressures of CO2 gas Kc  2.4 102 /  0.082  500
and CO gas at equilibrium in the reaction,
 5.845104 mol L .
CO2  g   C  s   2CO  g  , if KP is 3 bar at
Characteristics of Equilibrium
900K and initial pressure of CO2is 0.48 bar. Constant
Sol: CO2  g   C  s   2CO  g   Equilibrium constant is applicable only when
concentrations of the reactants and products have
0.48 bar 0 0 at start
attained constant value at equilibrium state.
0.48-x 0 2x at quilibrium  The value of equilibrium constant is independent
2 of initial concentrations of the reactants and
P 2CO  2x products, pressure, Catalyst and the volume of the
KP   3
pCO2  0.48  x  vessel.
 Equilibrium constant depends on
4 x 2  3 x  1.44  0; x  0.33 (or-1.083, but i) Temeperature ii) Mode of writing the equation
negative value is neglected) iii) Stoichiometric coefficients.
pCO 2  0.48  0.33  0.15 bar;  The dependence of equilibrium constant on
temperature is given by van’t Hoff’s equation
pCO  2  0.33  0.66 bar K2 H T2  T1 
log   
pCO2 K1 2.303R  T1 T2 
Ratio of pressures   For exothermic reactions Kc decreases with
increase in temperature.
0.15 15  For endothermic reactions Kc increases with
   0.227.
0.66 16 increase in temperature..
WE-10. At 10650C,Kp= 0.0118atm for the raction
Relationship Between KP & KC
2 H 2 S  g   2 H 2  g   S2  g  The enthalpy
K P  K C ( RT ) n
of the reaction is 177.3 kJ/mol. Calculate the
R = gas constant, T = absolute temperature
equilibrium constant at 1200 0 C Given
n = change in number of moles R=8.314J
= nP - nR (no. of moles of gaseous products
Sol: The effect of temperature over the equilibrium
 no. of moles of gaseous reactants)
constant is given by, van’t Hoff equation:
Case (i). if n = 0, K P  K C
K2 H  T2  T1 
eg: H2 + I2  2HI log   
K1 2.303 R  T1T2 
K1 and K2 are the equilibrium constants at WE-12. Equilibrium constant, KC, for the reaction
temperatures T1 and T2
T1=1065+273=1338 K and K1=0.0118 H 2  g   I 2  g   2 HI  g  ,
T2=1200+273=1473 K and K2=? is 49, What is the value of KC for the reaction
K 177.3 1473  1338  1 1
log 2  H2  g   I2  g   HI  g  and
K1 2.303  8.314  10  1473  1338 
3 
2 2
 0.6342 2 HI  g   H 2  g   I 2  g  ?
 4.307 Sol: H 2  g   I 2  g   2 HI  g  ,
K 2  4.307  K1  4.307  0.0118 atm K
 HI   49
=0.0580 atm  H 2  I 2 
 The equilibrium constant for the reverse reaction is
1 1
equal to the inverse of the equilibrium constant for H 2  g   I 2  g   HI  g  , K1 = ?
the forward reaction. 2 2

For the reaction, A   B K c  K then 1

K1  K 2  K  49  7
1 2HI  g   H 2  g   I 2  g  , K 2  ?
 A K c 
B 
K KC for the reaction
WE-11 Equilibrium constant, Kc for the reaction,
2HI  g   H 2  g   I 2  g  is
N2  g 3H2  g 2NH3  g is 2  10–2 mol–2 lit2.
What is the value of K c for the reaction 1 1
K2    2.04  102
K 49
2NH3  g N2  g 3H2  g ?
 The Kc for the resultant equilibrium reaction
Sol: N2  g 3H2  g 2NH3  g , obtained by adding two equilibrium reactions is the
product of two individual equilibrium constants.

Kc 
 NH3   2102 mol 2lit2  B, Kc  K1
A 
 N2  H2 
 C , K c  K 2 then
B 
2NH3  g N2  g 3H2  g , K 2  ?
 C , K c  K1 K 2
A 
 N2  H2  

 50mol 2lit 2
WE-13. KC values respectively for the reaction,
K2 = 2 2
 NH3  KC 2 10 H2SO3  H  HSO3 and HSO3  H  SO32
 The equilibrium constant Kc for a reaction,whose are 2 102 mol L1and 6  108 mol L1.
equation is obtained by multiplying (or) dividing the Calculate the KC for the reaction,
equation of the original reaction by a small integer
(n) is related to the equilibrium H2 SO3  2H   SO32
constant ,K of the original reaction as Kc= Kn  H    HSO3 
 B , Kc  K then
A Sol: K1   2  10 2 mol L–1
 2 3
 2B, Kc  K 2
 H    SO32  
1 1 8
 B, Kc  K  K K 2   HSO 2   6  10 mol L–1
2 2  3 

For the reaction, H 2 SO3  2 H   SO32 

K  K1.K 2 For the reaction,
2 –2 1 1
 2  10 2  6  10 8  1.2  109 mol L HI  g   H 2  g   I2  g 
2 2
Chemical Equilibrium equilibrium constant,
equation constant
1/ 2 1/ 2

Kc K '  H   I2 
 2
 HI 
K c' = 1/ K c
1 1
K'  1/ 2

K = Kc
1 Applications of equilbrium constant :
K c''' =
K cn a)Predicting the Extent of a Reaction
 The numerical value of the equilibrium constant for
WE-14. The equilibrium constant for the reaction a reaction indicates the extent of the reaction. The
magnitude of K C or KP is directly proportional to
SO2  g   O2  g   SO3  g  is 5 102 atm. the concentrations of products and inversely
proportional to the concentrations of the reactants.
The equilibrium constatn of the reaction  If KC > 103 products predominate over reactants,i.e
2SO3  g   2 SO 2  g   O2  g  [Eamcet 07] if KC is very large, the reaction proceeds nearly to
1  If KC < 10–3 , reactants predominate over products,
Sol: SO2  O2  SO3
2 i.e if KC is very small, the reaction proceeds rarely.
PSO 3  If KC is in the range of 10–3 to 103 appreciable
K1  ....  i  concentrations of both reactants and products are
PSO 2 PO 2 1/ 2
2SO3  2SO2  O2
Negligible Kc Extremely large
PSO2 2 PO2
K2  .....  ii  10-3 1 103
PSO3 2 Reaction hardly Reaction proceeds
proceeds Both reactants and almost to completion
products are present
From Eqa. (i) and (ii) at equilibrium

1 1 1 b) Predicting the Direction of the Reaction

K2  K2  2
 4
K12 ,  5 102  25 10  Equilibrium constant (Kc) and reaction quotient (Q)
values help in predicting the direction of reaction.
100 102  Reaction quotient(Q) is the ratio of product of molar
 ,  4 102 atm
25 concentrations of products to the product of molar
WE-15. If the equilibrium constant for the reaction, concentrations of reactants with each concentration
term raised to a power equal to its stoichiometric
H 2  g   I 2  g   2 HI  g  is K. what is the coefficient at any stage during the progress of the
equilibrium constant of reaction.
1 1 For a general reaction aA  bB  cC  dD
HI  g   H 2  g   I 2  g  ? [Eamcet-10]
2 2 Qc  [C ]c [ D ]d / [ A]a [ B]b
Sol: H 2  g   I 2  g   2 HI  g  ; K  If Qc > Kc, the reaction will proceed in the direction
of reactants [backward reaction]
 HI   If Qc < Kc, the reaction will proceed in the direction
K  ..... 1 of the products [forward reaction]
 H 2  I 2 
 If Qc  K c , the reaction mixture is already at Relationship between Equilibrium
equilibrium. constant (K),Reaction Quotient (Q)
WE-16. The Kc for the equilibrium and Gibbs energy (G)
 Mathematical expression for thermodynamic view
2CO2 g   2CO g   O2 g is 6.4  107 Predict of equilibrium is
whether reaction will take place to the left or G  G o  RTlnQ
to the right to reach equlibrium or remains at where, G o is standard Gibbs energy
 At equilibrium, when G =0 and Q  K, then
a) CO2   5.3 10 ; CO   3.6 10 ; O2   2.4 10
2 4 3

 G  G o  RTlnK  0
b) CO2   1.78 101; CO   2.1102 ; O2   5.7 105
G o   RTlnK or
c) CO2   1.03 101; CO   2.4 102 ; O2   1.18 105
Go 2.303RT logK
 CO 2 O2   3.6 104   2.4 103   1.11107
Qc   If G 0  0, then-  G 0 / RT is positive and
Sol: a) CO2 
5.3  10 2 

As Qc<Kc, the direction of reaction is e G / RT  1 making K>1 ,which implies that a
spontaneous reaction (or) the reaction which
forward, the reaction will take place to the
proceeds in the forward direction to such an extent
right. that the products are present predominantly
 2.1 102  5.7  105   If G 0  0, then - G 0 / RT is negative, and
b) Qc   7.93  107
1 2 0
1.78  10  e  G / RT
 1 that is, K<1, which implies that a
Qc>Kc,the direction of reaction is backward, non-spontaneous reaction (or) a reaction which
the reaction will take place to the left. proceeds in the forward direction to such a small
degree that only a very minute quantity of product
is formed.
 2.4  102  1.18  105  WE-18 The standard free energy of the reaction
c) Qc   6.4  107 at 298 K is-125.52kJ/mole. Calculate the
1 2
1.03  10  equilibrium constant Kp.
Qc=Kc, the reaction will remain at equilibrium Sol: The equilibrium constant Kp and standard
free energy change are related by
c) Calculating Equilibrium Concentrations
G 0   RT 1n K p
WE-17.The reaction was started with 0.1 M each
of CO and H2O at 800K. KC for the reaction, =-2.303 RT log Kp

CO  g   H 2O  g   CO2  g   H 2  g  , a t G 0   125520 

log K p  
800K is 4.24. What is the equilibrium 2.303RT 2.303  8.314  298
concentration of CO2 gas? =21.9985
Kp=9.965 x 1021
Sol: CO  g   H 2O  g   CO2  g   H 2  g 
Relation between Kp,  and equilibrium
at start 0.1 0.1 0 0
pressure (P):
at equi 0.1-x 0.1-x x x
a) For the reaction
The equilibrium constant KC is given as,
X  g   Y g   Z g 
Kc 
CO2  H 2   x2  4.24
CO H 2O   0.1  X 2 eg: PCl5 g   PCl3 g   Cl2 g 
 x  Kp
   2.059 
 0.1  x  Kp  P
 equilibrium concentration of CO2= x Where   degree of dissociation = % of
= 0.067M.
b) For the reaction
(b) Decrease in concentration of reactants
X  g   2Y g  ;  2 HI ( g )
eg: H 2 ( g )  I 2 ( g ) 
eg: N 2O4 g   2 NO2 g   The forward reaction (formation of HI) is favoured
Kp by increase in concentrations of H 2 and I 2 (or)
 decrease in concentration of HI
K p  4P
 The backward reaction (dissociation of HI) is
 For the reaction favoured by increase in concentration of HI (or)
 Dd  Decrease in concentrations of H 2 and I 2 .
A( g )  nB g  ;    
 d  n  1  2
eg: F e 3   aq   S C N   aq    Fe S C N    aq 
Where D = initial vapour density of A
yellow colourless deep red
d = Vapour density of equilibrium mixture
WE-19. Calculate the vapour density of phosphine The equillibrium shifts towards left (as indicated by
at 300K and 2.5 atm, when it shows 40% decrease in the intensity of deep red colour) when
dissociation to attain equilibrium i)Oxalic acid is added, as it removes Fe3+ as
4 PH 3 g   P4 g   6 H 2 g  . ii) HgCl 2 is added, as it removes SCN – as
Sol: Degree of dissociation,   0.40 [Hg(SCN)4]2–
Effect of pressure:
But   d  n  1  If n  0 , Pressure has no effect on the position
of equilibrium.
1 3 eg : H2(g) + I2(g)  2HI(g)
PH 3 g   P4 g   H 2 g 
4 2  If n  0
1 3 1 6 7 a) Increase of external pressure on the reaction at
n     1.75 equilibrium favours the reaction in the direction in
4 2 4 4 which the volume (or) number of moles (or)
34 molecules decrease.
Vapour density of pure PH 3   17
2 b) Decrease of external pressure on the reaction at
17  d 17  d equilibrium favours the reaction in the direction in
 0.40   which the volume (or) number of moles (or)
d 1.75  1 0.75d molecules increase.
0.75  0.40d  17  d If n   ve, increase of pressure favours
1.3 d = 17 backward rection and decrease of pressure favours
d = 17/1.3=13.076. forward reaction.
Factors Effecting the Position of If n  ve, increase of pressure favours forward
Equilibrium and Lechatelier’s reaction and decrease of pressure favours
Principle backward reaction.
 If a system at equilibrium is subjected to a change eg: N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g)
in temperature, pressure (or) concentration the Increase of pressure favours the formation of NH3
equilibrium position is shifted to that side where and decrease of pressure favours
the effect of change is nullified. dissocation of NH3.
 Lechatelier’s principle is applicable to both physical  Pressure does not show any marked effect on
and chemical equilibria. equilibrium reactions taking place in the solution
Effect of Concentration phase (or) in the solid phase.
The forward reaction is favoured by Effect of tempareture:
(Equillibrium shifts towards right)  Increase of temperature of the equilibrium system
(a) Increase in concentration of reactants favours endothermic reaction.
(b) Decrease in concentration of products  Decrease of temperature of the equilibrium system
The backward reaction is favoured by favours exothermic reaction.
(Equillibrium shifts towards left)  The equilibrium constant for an exothermic reaction
(a) Increase in concentration of products decreases as the temperature increases.
 The equilibrium constant for an endothermic reaction Industrial applications of
increases as the temperature increases.
eg.1) lechatelier’s principle:
1)Synthesis of ammonia by Haber’s process:
2 NO2  g   N2O4  g  ; H  57.2kJ / mol
N2(g)+3H2(g)  2NH3(g) ; H   92.0 K.J.
Brown Colourless The formation of NH3 is accompanied by
 At high temperature the brown colour intensifies (a) increase in concentrations of N2 and H2 or
because backward reaction is favoured.
 At low temperature the intensity of brown colour removal of NH3 from time to time
decreases because forward reaction is favoured. (b) High pressure of 200 - 500 atm
eg.2) (c) Optimum temperature of 725 - 775K
3 2 (d) Using finely divided Fe as catalyst, molybdenum
Co  H2O6   4Cl  aq   CoCl4   6 H2Ol  H  ve
 aq  aq  as promoter
Pink Colourless Blue
Manufacture of SO3 by contact process
 At room temperature the above equilibrium mixture
2SO2(g) + O2(g)  2SO3(g) ; H  189KJ
is blue due to CoCl 4 2  The formation of SO3 is accompanied by
 When cooled in freezing mixture the colour of the (a) increase in concentrations of SO2 and O2 or
3 removal of SO3 from time to time
mixture turns pink due to Co  H 2O  6  (b) Optimum pressure of 1 - 2 atm
Effect of Addition of Inert Gas (c) Optimum temperature of 673 - 723K
 Addition of inert gas at constant volume: The (d) Using Vanadium pentoxide ( or ) platinised
total pressure of the system is increased. but the asbestos as catalyst.
partial pressure of each reactant and product  High pressure is not used since towers used in the
remains the same. Hence no effect on the state of manufacture are corroded.
equilibrium.  At low temperature the reaction rate is too slow.
 Addition of inert gas at constant pressure: The Hence optimum temperature is used.
total volume is increased, the number of moles per  The table given below summarises the effect of vari-
unit volume of each reactant and product is ous factiors on the system at equilibrium
decreased. Hence equilibrium will shift to the side aA  bB  cC  dD
where number of moles are increased

Case At constant At constant

volume pressure
n=0 no effect no effect
no effect forward
n<0 no effect backward
Effect of a Catalyst
 A catalyst increases the rate of the chemical reaction
by providing a low activation energy pathway for
the reaction.
 It increases the rate of forward and backward
reactions that pass through the same transition state
and does not affect equilibrium.
 Catalyst lowers the activation energy for the
forward and reverse reactions by exactly the same
 Catalyst does not affect the equilibrium composition
of a reaction mixture. It does not appear in the
balanced chemical equation (or) in the equilibrium
constant expression.
Conceptual 8. Attainment of equilibrium in a gaseous
reversible reaction is detected by the
1. The following is a reversible reaction constancy of
1) KClO3 heated in a sealed tube 1) Colour 2) Density
2) Na2CO3 heated in a closed vessel 3) Pressure 4) All the above
3) CaCO3 heated in a closed vessel 9. The reaction CaCO3(s)  CaO(s) + CO2(g)
4) CH4 heated with excess of O2 in a closed vessel
goes to completion in lime kiln because of the
2. The experimental curve obtained when the
1) High temperature
rate of a reaction is plotted against the
2) CaO is more stable than the CaCO3
concentration of the reactant, appeared
parallel to the concentration axis after 3) CaO is not dissociated
sometime in a reaction. This indicates that 4) CO2 escapes continuously
1) the reaction is stopped 10. Chemical equilibrium is dynamic because
2) equilibrium is established 1) The equilibrium attained quickly
3) concentration of the reactant is negligible 2) The concentration of the reactants and products
4) the reaction is complex become same at equilibrium
3. Which of the following is irreversible reaction? 3) The concentration of reactants and products are
1) PCl5  PCl3 + Cl2 constant but different
2) 2SO2 + O2  2SO3 4) Both forward and backward reactions occur at
3) N2 + 3H2  2NH3 all time with the same speed
4) 2KClO3  2KCl + 3O2 11. Which of the following reactions can be
4. Which of the following behaves as an followed by its colour change
irreversible reaction when conducted in a 1) SO2(g) + 1/2 O2(g)  SO3(g)
closed vessel 2) N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g)
1) synthesis of ammonia 3) 2HI(g)  H2(g) + I2(g)
2) decomposition of PCl5 solid
4) C(graphite) + CO2(g)  2CO(g)
3) formation of SO3 from SO2 & O2
12. A gas bulb is filled with NO2 gas and immersed
4) precipitation of Cl  by AgNO3 in an ice bath at 00C which becomes colourless
5. An example of reversible reaction is after sometime. This colourless gas will be
1) AgNO3(aq) +NaCl(aq)  AgCl(s) + NaNO3(aq) 1) NO2 2) N2O 3) N2O4 4) N2O5
2) 2Na (s) + 2H2O(l )  2NaOH(aq) + H2(g) Law of Mass Action Equilibrium
3) 2KClO 3(s) 
 2KCl(s) + 3O 2 (g)
13. Law of mass action cannot be applied to
4) NH4HS(s)  NH3(g) + H2S(g) 1) Decomposition of gaseous HI
6. Which of the following is a characteristic of a
reversible reaction at equilibrium ? 2) Decomposition of gaseous PCl5
1) Number ofmoles of reactants and products are equal 3) Transition of Rhombic Sulphur to Monoclicnic
2) It can be influenced by a catalyst sulphur
3) It can never proceed to completion 4) Decomposition of Calcium Carbonate
4) It can be attained in open vessel 14. For a given set of experimental conditions with
7. A chemical reaction is said to have attained increase in the concentration of the reactants
equilibrium when the rate of chemical reaction
1) Equalamounts of reactants and products are formed 1) Decreases 2) Increases
2) Reactants are completely converted to products 3) Remains constant
3) The rate of forward reaction is equal to the rate 4) First decreases and increases
of backward reaction
4) The concentration of the reactants and products
is the same
15. The following are some statements about 3) May increase or decrease
active masses 4) Remains constant
A) Active mass of pure liquids and solids are taken 22. If different quantities of ethyl alcohol and
as unity acetic acid are used in the reversible reaction
B) Active mass of electrolytes is taken as molality CH3COOH(aq)+C2H5OH(aq)
C) For dilute solutions of non - electrolytes,  CH 3 COOC 2 H 5(aq) + H 2 O (l) then the
the active mass can be taken as molarity. equilibrium constant at constant temperature
The correct combination is will have the values
1) A and B 2) B and C 3) A and C 4) A,B,C 1) Same in all cases
16. For a reversible reaction, if the concentrations 2) Different in all cases
of the reactants are doubled, then the 3) higher in cases when higher concentration of
equilibrium constant value ethyl alcohol is used
1) Gets doubled 2) Gets halved 4) Higher in cases when higher concentration of
3) Remains the same 4) increases four times acetic acid is used
17. For reactions involving gaseous reactants and 23. The value of K c for the reaction
products the equilibrium constant KP is written N2(g)+ 3H2(g)  2NH3(g) depends on
in terms of
1) Temperature 2) Pressure
1) The pressure of the gases 3) Collision 4) Atomic number
2) The molar volumes of the gases 24. The following statement is incorrect about
3) The partial pressures of the gases chemical equilibrium
4) The mole fraction of the gases 1) There is no change in the concentrations of
18. In the case of gaseous homogeneous reaction reactants and products with time
the active mass of the reactant is obtained by 2) Equilibrium can be attained by starting with either
the expression reactants (or) products
PV P RT n 3) Equilibrium is dynamic
1) 2) 3) 4) RT
RT RT P V 4) Position of equilibrium cannot be disturbed by
changing the concentrations of reactants (or)
19. The molar concentration of 64g of SO2 in a products
four litre flask would be 1) 2 25. When a catalyst is introduced into a reversible
2) 1 3) 5 4) 0.25 reaction
20. The equilibrium constant of a reaction is 1) Increases rate of forward reaction only
1) Which has only numerical value and carries no units 2) Increases rate of backward reaction only
2) With (or) without units depending upon the 3) Equilibrium is not changed
stoichiometric coefficients of the species involved in a 4) Attains equilibrium quickly
chemical equation 26. For a system in equilibrium, G=0 under
3) Whose value always depends upon the units in conditions of constant.
which the concentrations of species involved in 1) Temperature and pressure
chemical reaction 2) Temperature and volume
4) Whose value change if the concentration of all 3) Energy and volume
the species involves in the chemical reaction are
4) Pressure and volume
27. The unit of equilibrium constant (Kc) in general is
21. With increase in temperature, the value of
equilibrium constant 1) (mol / lit) 2) (lit / mol)
1) Increases 2) Decreases 3) (mol / lit) n 4) (lit / mol) n
28. According to van ‘t Hoff equation, K varies 33. An increase in pressure would favour the
with temperature as: forward reaction. Then
K2 H  1 1  1) N2(g) + O2(g)  2NO(g)
1) log K   2.303R T  T  2) 2SO2(g) + O2(g)  2SO3(g)
1  1 2
3) PCl5(g)  PCl3 (g) + Cl2(g)
K1 H  1 1  4) H2(g) + I2(g)  2HI(g)
2) log K   2.303R T  T 
2  2 1 34. When NaNO3 is heated in a closed vessel,
oxygen is liberated and NaNO2 is left behind
K1 H  1 1  at equilibrium. Then
3) log K   2.303R  T  T 
2  1 2 1) Addition of NaNO2 favours forward reaction
2) Addition of NaNO3 favours forward reaction
K2 H  1 1  3) Increasing oftemperature favours forward reaction
4. log K   2.303R  T  T  4) Both addition of NaNO3 and increasing of
1  1 2 

29. A vessel (A) contains 1 mole each of N2 & O2 temperature favour forward reaction
and another vessel (B) contains 2 mole each 35. The dissociation of CaCO3 takes place as per
of N2 & O2 . Both vessels are heated to same the equation
temperature till equilibrium is established in CaCO3(s)  CaO(s) + CO2(g); H = 110 kJ.
both cases. Then, correct statement is If the reaction is carried out in a closed vessel,
1) K C for N 2  O2  2 NO in A and B are in the the pressure of CO2 increases and reaches a
ratio 1 : 2 constant value when
2) K P for N 2  O2  2 NO in A and B are in the 1) Temperature is increased
ratio 1 : 2 2) Temperature is decreased
3) Volume of vessel is increased
3) K C for N 2  O2  2 NO in Aand B are equal
4) Amount of CaCO3 is decreased
4) K P for N 2  O2  2 NO in A and B are in the 36. Lechateliers principle is not applicable to
ratio 2 : 1 which of the following ?
30. In the reaction NH4HS(s)  NH3(g) + H2S(g) on 1) 2SO2(g) + O2(g)  2SO3(g)
doubling the concentration of ammonia the 2) Fe(s) + S(s)  FeS(s)
equilibrium concentration of H2S is
1) Reduced to half its initial value 3) N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g)
2) Increases by two times 4) N2(g) + O2(g)  2NO(g)
3) Remains unchanged 37. The reaction
4) Increases by four times CH3COOH + C2H5OH  CH3COOC2H5 + H2O
Lechatelier’s principle can be made to proceed in the forward direction by
31. In which of the equilibria, the position of the
1) Increasing the temperature
equilibrium shifts towards products, if the total
pressure is increased 2) Sudden cooling of the reaction mixture
1) N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g) 3) Conducting the reaction in presence of a small
quantity of NaOH
2) I 2 (g)  H 2 (g)  2HI(g) 4) Taking excess of C2H5OH and CH3COOH
3) N2(g) + O2(g)  2NO(g) 38. In the equilibrium reaction N2 + 3H2  2NH3, the
4) N2O4(g)  2NO2(g) sign of H accompanying the reaction is
32. The degree of dissociation of PCl5 1) Positive 2) Negative
1) Increases with increasing pressure
3) May be positive or negative
2) Decreases with increasing pressure
3) No effect on change in pressure 4) Cannot be predicted
4) Decreases with decreasing pressure
39. High temperature and high pressure (as per 45. The reaction A + B  C + D + heat, has
Lechatelier principle) favour the forward reaction
reached equilibrium. It is possible to make
1) N2( g)  3H2( g)  2NH3( g) , H  Q1 the reaction to proceed forward
2) CaCO3(s)  CaO( s)  CO2( g ) , H  Q2 1) By adding more of C
2) By adding more of D
3) 3O2( g )  2O3( g) , H  Q3 3) By raising the temperature of the system
4) N2( g)  O2( g) 2NO( g) , H  Q4 4) By lowering the temperature
40. Given the following reaction at equilibrium 46. C( graphite )  C( diamond ) ; H  1.9 kj / moles
1 Favourable conditions for getting good yield
SO2 ( g )  O2 ( g )  SO3 ( g ) the addition of
2 of diamond (densities of graphite and diamond
inert gas at constant pressure would cause are 2.3 g/ml, 3.5 gm/l )
1) The formation of more amount of SO3 1) High temperature, low pressure
2) Low temperature, high pressure
2) The formation of less amount of SO3 3) High temperature, high pressure
3) No effect on the equilibrium concentration of SO3 4) Low temperature, low pressure
4) The system to move to a new equilibrium position 47. In the dissociation of CaCO3 after equilibrium
which cannot be theoritcally predicted. is reached if some more CaCO3 is added to
41. Under what conditions of temperature and the reaction mixture
pressure and formation of atomic hydrogen 1) The equilibrium shifts to the right
from molecular hydrogen will be favoured. 2) The equilibrium shifts to the left
1) High temperature and high pressure 3) The pressure of CO2 increases
2) Low temperature and low pressure 4) The position of equilibrium remains unchanged
3) High temperature and low pressure
48. Cl2 g   3F2 g   2ClF3 g , H  339 KJ .
4) Low temperature and high pressure
42. Change in volume of the gaseous system does which of the following will increase the
not alter the number of moles in which of the quantity of ClF3 in equilibrium mixture ?
following equilibrium 1) Increasing temperature
 2 NO
1) N 2  O2  2) Removing Cl2
3) Increasing volume of vessel
 PCl3  Cl2
2) PCl5 
4) Adding F2.
 2 NH 3
3) N 2  3H 2  49. Acetic acid dissociates as,
 SO2  Cl2 CH 3COOH  CH 3COO  H . If a little
 
4) SO2Cl2 
amount of sodium acetate is added to its aqueous
43. Given the system at equilibrium:
H 3 PO4  3H 2O  3H 3O   PO43 . If water is 1) The acid dissociates further
added, there will be a decrease in the 2) The H+ ion concentration increases
concentration of 3) The acid dissociation is suppressed
1) H 3O  2) PO43 3) H 2 O 4) H 3 PO4 4) The equilibrium is unaffected
44. Increase in temperature favours the forward 50. The catalyst and promoter respectively
reaction in used in the Haber’s process of industrial
1) 2SO2(g) + O2(g)  2SO3(g) synthesis of ammonia are [Eamcet 2012]
2) 2O3 (g)  3O2(g) 1) Mo , V2O5 2) V2O5 , Fe
3) Fe, Mo 4) Mo , Fe
3) C(graphite)  C(diamond)
4) H2(g) + O 2 ( g )  H2O(g)
Key Conceptual 5. The equilibrium constant of the reaction (Kc)
01) 3 02) 2 03) 4 04) 4 05) 4 06) 3 2SO2(g) + O2(g)  2SO3(g) when the reaction
07) 3 08) 4 09) 4 10) 4 11) 3 12) 3 is conducted in a one litre vessel was found to
13) 3 14) 2 15) 3 16) 3 17) 3 18) 2 be 2.5  10–3. If the reaction is conducted at
19) 4 20) 2 21) 3 22) 1 23) 1 24) 4 the same temperature in a 2 litre vessel then
25) 4 26) 1 27) 3 28) 4 29) 3 30) 1 the value of Kc is
31) 1 32) 2 33) 2 34) 3 35) 1 36) 2 1) 6.2510–4 2) 1.2510–3
3) 2.510–3 4) 510–3
37) 4 38) 2 39) 3 40) 2 41) 3 42) 1
6. In the system CaF2(s)  Ca2+(aq) + 2F–(aq),
43) 4 44) 3 45) 4 46) 3 47) 4 48) 4
increasing the concentration of Ca2+ four
49) 3 50) 3
times, the equilibrium concentration of F– will
Hints Conceptual be changed to
18. PV  nRT , P  n RT , P  CRT , C  P 1) One half of its initial value
V RT 2) Twice the initial value
n 3) 1/4th of its initial value
19. Active mass=Molar Concentration = V in litre 4) Thrice of its initial value
44. Conversion of Graphite to diamond is 7. 
In reversible reaction A 
 k
 B , the initial
endothermic.Hence favoured at high temperature.
concentration of A and B are a and b in moles
per litre and the equilibrium concentration are
Level -I (C.W) (a-x) and (b+x) respectively; express x in
Introduction-Characteristics of terms of k1 , k2 , a and b.
k1a  k2 b k1a  k2 b
1. For the reaction :Cu(s) + 2Ag+ (aq)  Cu2+(aq) 1) k  k 2) k  k
+ 2Ag(s), the equilibrium constant is given by 1 2 1 2

[Cu 2 ][ Ag ]2 [Cu 2 ][ Ag ]2 k1a  k2 b k1a  k 2b

1) 2) 3) 4) k  k
[Cu ][ Ag  ]2 [Cu ][ Ag  ]2 k1k2 1 2
[Cu 2 ] [ Ag  ]2 8. If the equilibrium constant for the reaction
3) [ Ag  ]2 4) [Cu 2 ]
2AB  A2 + B2 is 36. What is the equilibrium
2. KP for the reaction CaCO3(s)  CaO(s) +
CO2(g) is correctly expressed as 1 1
constant for AB  A2  B2
2 2
PCaO  PCO 2 PCaCO 3
K  1) 49 2) 24 3) 6 4) 2
1) K P  PCaCO 3 2) P
PCaO . PCO 2
9. 0.5 mole of H 2 ( g ) and 1.0 mole of HI(g) (but no I2)
PCO 2 are added to a 1.0 L vessel and allowed to reach
3) K P  PC O 2
4) K P  P equilibrium according to the following reaction:
CaCO 3

3. The equilibrium constant for the reaction A H 2  I 2  2 HI ( g ) . If x is the equilibrium

 B is K. The equilibrium constant for the concentration of I 2 ( g ) , the correct equilibrium
reaction mA  mB is constant expression is
1) mK 2) K/m 3) Km 4) K m
4. The equilibrium constants of a reaction at 298 x(0.5  x) (2  x)2
1) 2)
K and 308 K are 1.010 –2 and 210 –2 (1  2 x)2 (0.5  x) 2
respectively, the reaction is
1) Exothermic 2) Endothermic x(2  x )2 (1  2 x)2
3) May be endothermic or exothermic 3) 4)
(0.5  x )2 (0.5  x) x
4) Cannot be predicted
10. According to law of mass action, for of Hg. Calculate Kp for the reaction, assuming
CaCO3  CaO  CO2 (Rf=Rate of forward that the volume of the system remains
and Rb = Rate of backward reaction). Which
1) 50 2) 100 3) 166.8 4) 400
of the following is true at equilibrium?
18. For which of the reversible reaction Kp = Kc
1) Rb  K b [CaCO3 ]2 2) R f  K f [CaO3 ]2 1) N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g)
Rf 2) 2SO2(g) + O2(g)  2SO3(g)
3) R f  K b [CO2 ] 4)  [CO2 ]1 3) PCl3(g) + Cl2(g)  PCl3(g)
11. For the homogeneous reaction 4NH3(g) + 4) N2(g) + O2(g)  2NO(g)
5O2(g)  4NO(g) + 6H2O(g) the equilibrium 19. For the reaction H2(g) + I2(g)  2HI(g) at 721K,
constant Kc has the unit of the value of equilibrium constant, Kc is 50. The
1) (Conc)-1 2) Conc value of Kp under the same conditions will be
3) (Conc) +10
4) It is dimensionless 1) 0.02 2) 0.2 3) 50 4) 50/RT
12. When the following reaction come to equilibrium, 20. A reaction S8 ( g )  4S 2 ( g ) is carried out by
N2 (g)  2H 2 (g)  N2H 4 (g) ; taking 2 mol of S8(g) and 0.2 mol of S2(g) is a
K c  7.4  10 26 the equilibriummixture contains. reaction vessel of 1 L and K c  6.30  10 6
1) Mostly products 2) Mostly reactants then
3) It can not be predicted a) Reaction qutient is 8  10  4
4) Some times reactants and sometimes products b) Reaction proceeds in backward direction
13. In Which of the following reactions, the c) Reaction proceeds in forward direction
concentration of reactant is equal to The correct options are
concentration of product at equilibrium 1) a, b 2) b , c 3) a, c 4) All
(K = equilibrium constant) 21. At constant temperature, the equilibrium
1) A  B; K  0.01 2) R  P; K  1 constant (Kp) for the decomposition reaction
3) X  Y; K  10 4) L  J; K  0.025 N 2 O 4(g)  2NO 2(g) is expressed by
14. If the equilibrium concentrations forX2, Y2 and XY
4x 2 p
are 1.2 103 M, 5.83  1012 M and 8.9 10 2 M KP =
(1-x) 2
respectively, What was the initial concentration X2
before the reaction occured to form XY? 1) KP increases with increase of P
2) Kp increases with increase of x
1) 8.83101 M 2) 1.65 103 M
3) Kp increases with decrease of x
3) 1.13 103 M 4) 2.09 103 M 4) Kp remains constant with change in P or x
15 At 500 K, the equilibrium constant for the 22. For the reaction C (s )  CO2 ( g )  2CO( g ) ,
reaction cis C2 H 2Cl2  trans  C2 H 2Cl2 is the partial pressure of CO2 and CO is 2.0 and
0.6 At the same temperature the equilibrium
constant for the reaction. trans 4.0 atm respectively at equilibrium. The K p of
C2 H 2Cl2  cis  C2 H 2Cl2 the reaction is
1) 0.5 2) 5.0 3) 30.0 4) 8.0
1) 0.6 2) 1.66 3)1 4) 16.6
23. 2 mol of N2 is mixed with 6 mol of H2in a closed
16. The active mass of 5.6 litres of O2 at STP is
vessel of one litre capacity. If 50% N2 is
1) 5.6 / 22.4 2) 8 / 5.6
converted into NH3 at equilibriumm, the value
3) 32 / 5.6 4) 0.25 / 5.6
of Kc for the reaction
17. AB 2 dissociates as AB2(g)  AB(g) + B(g).
When the initial pressure of AB2 is 600 mm of N 2 ( g )  3H 2 ( g )  2 NH 3 ( g )
Hg, the total equilibrium pressure is 800 mm 1) 4/27 2) 27/4 3) 2/27 4) 20
24. NH 2 COONH 4 ( s)  2 NH 3 ( g )  CO2 ( g ) . If 3) Will increase the dissociation of PCl5 and step
up the formation of N2O4
equilibrium pressure is 3 atm for the above 4) Will not distrub the equilibrium of the reactions
r eact ion, Kp will be
31. For the reaction N 2(g) +O 2(g)  2NO (g) ;
1) 4 2) 20 3) 25 4) 15
H = 180 kJ mol-1. Which of the following is
25. A  B  C  D If initially the concentration not true?
of A and B are both equal but at equilibrium 1) Change in pressure at constant volume does not
concentration of D will twice that of A, then effect the equilibrium
what will be the equilibrium constant of the 2) n = 0
reaction? 3) The formation of NO is increased at higher
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4 temperature
26. For the reaction 4) The formation of NO is decreased at higher
CO( g )  Cl2 ( g )  COCl2 ( g ), K p / K c is equal temperature
32. In the equilibrium 4H2O(g)+ 3Fe(s)  Fe3O4(s)
to: + 4H2(g) the yield of H2 can be increased by
1) 1/RT RT 4)  RT 
2) RT 3) 1) Increasing the pressure 2) Passing more steam
3) Increasing the mass of iron
27. The equilibrium constant for the reaction
4) Decreasing the pressure
N 2 ( g )  O2 ( g )  2 NO( g ) at temperature T 33. For a given reaction Kp< Kc. Increase of
is 4X10–4 . The value of Kc for the reaction pressure favours
1) The backward reaction 2) No reaction
1 1
NO ( g )  N 2 ( g )  O2 ( g ) at the same 3) The forward reaction
2 2 4) Both forward and backward reaction equally
temperature is [AIEEE-2012]
34. I) H 2O I   H 2O g  II) I 2  s   I 2  vap 
1) 25 X 102 2) 50 3) 4 X 104 4) 10.00
28. For the equilibrium AB(g)  A+B(g) at a given III) H 2O I   H 2O S  IV) CO2 g   CO2 aq 
temperature, the pressure at which one-third ofAB Rise of Temperature shifts equilibrium
is dissociated is numerically equal to towards right in the case of
1) 8 times Kp 2) 16 times Kp 1) I & IV 2) II, III & IV
3) 4 times Kp 4) 9 times Kp 3) I & II 4) I, II & III
35. In the reaction,
Lechatelier’s Principle
2SO2 (s)  O2 ( g )  2SO3 ( g )  X cal , most
29. Manufacture of ammonia by Haber’s process
favourable conditions of temperature and
involves the reaction N2 + 3H2  2NH3;
pressure for greater yield of SO3 are
H = -22.4 k cals. The effect of increase of 1) Low temperature and low pressure
temperature on the equilibrium is 2) High temperature and low pressure
1) Equilibrium is shifted to the right 3) High temperature and high pressure
2) Equilibrium is unaffected 4) Low temperature and high pressure
3) Equilibrium is shifted to the left
4) Equilibrium is shifted first to right then to left Key Level - I C.W
30. Consider the reactions 01) 3 02) 3 03) 3 04) 2 05) 3 06) 1
i) PCI5 ( g)  PCl3 ( g)  Cl2 ( g ) . 07) 1 08) 3 09) 4 10) 3 11) 2 12) 2
ii ) N 2 O4 ( g )  2 NO2 ( g ) 13) 2 14) 2 15) 2 16) 4 17) 2 18) 4
The addition of an inert gas at constant volume: 19) 3 20) 1 21) 4 22) 4 23) 1 24) 1
1) Will incease the dissociation of PCl5 as well as
N2O4 25) 4 26) 1 27) 2 28) 1 29) 3 30) 4
2) will reduce the dissociation of PCl5 as well 31) 4 32) 2 33) 3 34) 3 35) 4
Hints Level-I (C.W) 19. Since n  0, K p  K c
1. Active mass of solid substances are considered as unity
2. For solids, no partial pressure values S 
Q  2 , Q  KC
 B  S8 
3. For A  B, K  A and formA  mB is Km.
  21. KP only changes with temperature
6. K c  Ca 2    F   ...... 1 K 
22. p P
K c   4Ca 2    xF   ......  2  23. N 2  3H 2  2 NH 3
1 eq.mol (2-x) (6-3x) 2x
on solving , x 
2 50
x 2 1
 k
 100
7. A 
B rf  K1  a  x 
2 1
a-x b+x rb  K 2  b  x  at equilibrium, rf  rb 24. PNH3   3  2, PCO2   3  1
3 3
8. When whole equation is divided by 2 the equilibrium 2
K p  PNH  pCO2
constant value is taken as square root 3

9. H 2  I 2  2 HI ( g ) 25. A  B  C  D
Eq.conc. (1-x) (1-x) x x
At equilibrium, [D]=2[A], x=2(1-x)
Initial 0.5 0 1
eq.mol 0.5+x x 1-2x 26. K p  K C  RT  , n  1
11. n  1
 N2 H 4  27. K 2  K 1/ 2
26  1
12. K c  7.4  10  2
 N2  H 2  28. AB  A  B
The very low value of K c shows that the equilibrium 1 1 1 K  PA PB
will be in backward direction, hence the equilibrium 1  , p PAB
3 3 3
mixture contains mostly reactants
14. X 2  Y2  2 XY Level-I (H.W)
Eq.conc. (a-x) (b-x) 2x
Introduction-Characteristics of
2 x  8.9  102 , x  0.445  103 Equilibrium
 a  x   1.2 103 , a  1.645 103 1. What is the equilibrium expression for the
reaction, P4 s   5O2 g   P4O10 s  ?
1 1
15. Kc2  Kc  0.6  1.66
1  P4O10 
1) K c  5
No of moles  P4 O2 
16. Active mass =Volumeinlitres (5.6 lifof O2 = 0.25 moles )
17. AB2  AB  B 2) K c  O 5
 2
Initial 600 0 0
at equilibrium (600-x) x x 3) K c  O2 
18. n
K p  K c  RT  , When n  0, Then K p  K c
 P4O10 
4) K c  5 P O
 4  2 
2. The equilibrium constant Kp for the reaction constant in presence of the catalyst at 2000 K
NH 4 HS s   NH 3 g   H 2 S g  is 1) 40  10–4 2) 4  10–4
3) 4  10 4) 4  10–8
PNH 3  PH 2S PNH 4 HS 10. In a reversible reaction, if the concentration
1) K P  PNH 4 HS 2) K P 
PNH 3  PH 2S of reactants are doubled, the equilibrium
constant K will:
3) K P  PNH 4 HS 4) K P  PNH3  PH2 S 1) Change to 1/4 K 2) Change to 1/2 K
3. In the process N2+3H2  2NH3 , the initial 3) Change to 2 K 4) Remain the same
concentration of Nitrogen and Hydrogen are one 11. The unit for the equilibrium constant of the
mole per litre and 3 moles per litre respectively. reaction N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3 + X K.Cal
The equilibrium constant of the reaction is x. Then 1) [mole / lit]–1 2) [mole / lit]–2
Kc for 2NH3  N2+3H2 is 3) Mole / lit 4) [mole / lit]2
1) x 2) 2x 3) 1/x 4) 3x 12. For the equilibrium N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g)
4. The equilibrium constant of a reaction at 298 at 10000 C the equilibrium constant is very low,
K is 5  10–3 and at 1000 K is 2 x 10-5 . What then which of the following is correct at
equilibrium ?
is the sign of H for the reaction ?
1) [H2] is very high but not [N2] 2) [H2] is low
1) H is + ve 2) H is  ve
3) [NH3] is very low 4) [N2] is low
3) H = 0 4) H is  ve
13. In which of the following reactions, will the
5. N 2  3H 2  2 NH 3 in this equilibrium system equilibrium mixture contain an appreciable
if the pressure is increased at 250 C then the concentration of both reactants and products.
value of Kc will 1) Cl2 ( g )  2Cl ( g ) , K c  6.4  10 39
1) Increases 2) Decreases
3) Remains the same 2) Cl2 ( g )  2 NO ( g )  2 NOCl ( g )
4) Depends on the nature of the reactants
K c  3.7  108
6. A( s )  B( g )  heat  2C( s )  2 D( g ) .
3) Cl2 ( g )  2 NO2 ( g )  2 NO2 Cl ( g ) ; K c  1.8
equilibrium the pressure of B is doubled. By
what factor the cocentration of D should 4) H 2 ( g )  S ( s )  H 2 S ( g ) ; K  7.8  105
change to retain the equilibrium 14. Equilibrium is established in the reaction
1) 2 2) 2 3) 3 4) 3 A  B  C  D with Kc = 10.0 at this point.
K f 5
A g   B g   1)  C  D    A B 
7. For K 15
 2 AB g  , K C for
2)  A   B    C    D   10.0 M
 A g   B g  , is
2 AB g  
3)  A B   0.10  C  D 
1) 3 2) 75 3) 3 4) 4)  A B   10.0  C  D 
8. The equilibrium constant for a reaction 15. Kc for the reaction N 2 + 3H 2  2NH 3 is K
A  2 B  2C is 40. The equilibrium constant then the value of K c for the reaction
1 2NH 3  N 2 + 3H 2 will be
for reaction C  B  A is
2 1) K 2) 2K 3) 1/ K 4) K 2
1/2 2
1) 1/40 2) 1 /  40  3) 1 / 40  4) 40 16. The active mass of 64g of HI in a 2Lit flask
would be
9. The equilibrium constant for the reaction
1) 2 2) 1 3) 5 4) 0.25
N2(g) + O2(g)  2NO(g) is 4  10–4 at 2000K. In
presence of a catalyst the equilibrium is
attained three times faster. The equilibrium
17. AB3(g)is dissociates as 1) 0.8 2) 1.6 3) 2.8 4) 3.2
1 24. In the equilibrium NH4HS(s)  NH3(g) + H2S(g)
AB3 g   AB2 g   B2 g  When the initial If the equilibrium pressure is 2 atm at 800 C.
Kp for the reaction is
pressure of AB3 is 800 torr and the total 1) 0.5 2) 2 3) 1 4) 1.5
pressure developed at equilibrium is 900 25. One mole of A and 2 moles of B are allowed to
torr. What fraction of AB3 g  is dissociated? react in a 0.5 lit flask. What is the value of Kc
if at equilibirum, 0.4 moles of C is formed in
1) 10% 2) 20% 3) 25% 4) 30%
the reaction A + 2B  C + 2D
18. In which of the following equilibrium Kp is less
1) 4/9 2) 9/4 3) 8/27 4) 27/8
than Kc
1) N2O4 (g)  2NO2(g) 2) 2HI(g)  H2 (g)+ I2(g) 26. K p /K c for the reaction
3) 2SO2(g)+ O2(g)  2SO3(g) 1
CO(g) + O2(g)  CO2(g) is
4) N2(g) + O2(g)  2NO(g) 2
19. In the reaction H2(g) + l2(g)  2HI(g) 1/ 2
1) RT 2)  RT 
1) Kp = Kc 2) K p  Kc 3) Kp > Kc 4) Kp < Kc
1 1
20. The equilibrium of the reaction 3) RT 3 4)
N 2 ( g )  3H 2 ( g )  2 NH 3 ( g ) will shift to the
  RT
product side when 27. K1 and K2 are equilibrium constants for reaction (i)
and (ii) N 2 ( g )  O2 ( g )  2 NO ( g ) --- (i)
1) K p  1 2) Q  K p 3) Q  K p 4) Q  K p
21. Consider the following equilibrium NO ( g )  1 / 2 N 2 ( g )  1 / 2O2 ( g ) --- (ii)
PCl5(g)  PCl3(g)+Cl2(g) in a closed container.. Then,
At a fixed temperature, the volume of the 1) K1  (1/ K 2 ) 2 2) K1  K 2 2
reaction container is halved. For this change,
which of the following statements holds true 3) K1  1/ K 2 4) K1  ( K 2 ) o
regarding the equilibrium constant (Kp) and 28. For the reaction N 2O4 ( g )  2 NO2 ( g ) , the
degree of dissociation () ?
degree of dissociation at equilibrium is 0.2 at
1) Neither Kp nor  changes
1 atm pressure. The equilibrium constant Kp
2) Both Kp and  change will be
3) Kp changes, but  does not change 1) 1/2 2) 1/4 3) 1/6 4) 1/8
4) Kp does not change, but  changes
22. 1 mole of A (g) is heated to 3000 C in closed Lechatelier’s Principle
one litre vessel till the following equilibrium is 29. N2 (g)+ 3H2(g)  2NH3(g) + 21.8 K cal. The
reached A(g)  B(g). The equilibrium effect of increase in pressure
constant for the reaction at 3000C is 4. What 1) Increase the rate of forward reaction
is the concentration of B (in mol. lit–1) at 2) Increase the rate of backward reaction
equilibrium? 3) Produces no change in the reaction
1) 0.2 2) 0.6 3) 0.8 4) 0.1 4) Results an increase in the volume
23. Consider the following reaction equilibrium 30. Inert gas has been added to the following
N 2 (g)+ 3H 2 (g)  2NH 3 (g) .Initially, 1 mole equilibrium system at constant volume
of N2 and 3 moles of H2 are taken in a 2 litre SO2 ( g )  1/ 2O2 ( g )  SO3 ( g ) To which
flask. At equilibrium state if the number of direction will the equilibrium shift?
moles of N2 is 0.6 what is the total number 1) Forward 2) Backward
moles of all gases present in the flask 3) No effect 4) Unpredictable
31. For a hypothetical reaction of the kind 2
P2  x.PD 
1 6. K p  D ..... 1 , K p  .....  2 
AB2 ( g )  B2 ( g )  AB3 ( g ); H   xkJ PB 2 PB
More AB3 could be produced at equilibrium by on solving, x  2
1) Using a catalyst 2) Removing some of B2 Kf 1
7. K1  , K2 
3) Increasing the temperature Kb K1
4) Increasing the pressure
32. The equilibrium concentration of C2H4 in the 1
8. K2 =
following reaction can be increased by K11/ 2
C2H4(g) + H2(g)  C2H6(g); H = - 31.7 K.Cal 13. Compare the value (s) of K c too high or too low
1) Removal of C2H6 2) Addition of H2
3) Increase in temperature 4) Increase in pressure value(s) of K c will contain mostly products or
33. Backward reaction is favoured by increase in reactants respectively. Therefore the value of K c
the pressure of the equilibrium
as 1.8 will contain appreciable concentration of both
1) 2SO2 + O2  2SO3 2) N2 + O2  2NO
reactants and products
3) N2 + 3H2  2NH3 4) PCl5  PCl3 + Cl2
34. For the physical equilibrium C  D 
14. K C  A B
H 2O ( s )  H 2O (l )   
which of the following is true 1
1) The pressure changes do not affect the 15. K 2 = K
2) More of ice melts if pressure on the system is 16. n(HI) = 64 /128
increased. Active mass=No of moles per 1L
3) More of liquid freezes if pressure on the system
is increased. 17.  AB2 g  1 B2 g
AB3 g     2  
4) At low pressure, the nature of equilibrium changes
to forward direction At equilibrium 800 - x x
35. In the manufacture of NH 3, which are 2
favourable conditions x
1) High pressure and low temperature 800  x  x   900  x  200
2) High pressure and high temperature
3) Low pressure and low temperature 200
% dissociated =  100  25
4) Low pressure and high temperature 800
Key Level - I (H.W) B 
01) 2 02) 4 03) 3 04) 2 05) 3 06) 1 22. Kc=
A 
07) 1 08) 2 09) 2 10) 4 11) 2 12) 3 23. N 2  3H 2  2 NH 3
13) 3 14) 3 15) 3 16) 4 17) 3 18) 3 Intial: 1 3 0
19) 1 20) 2 21) 4 22) 3 23) 4 24) 3 Reacted & formed:
At equilibrium : 0.6 1.8 0.8
25) 3 26) 4 27) 1 28) 3 29) 1 30) 3 Total moles= 0.6+1.8+0.8=3.2Moles
31) 4 32) 3 33) 4 34) 2 35) 1 24. NH 4 HS( s )  NH3( g )  H 2 S ( g )
Hints Level - I (H.W) at : eq: x x
3. When equation is inverted, equilibrium constant 2x =2atm
1 x=1atm
value is taken as reciprocal K 2 = K K p  PN H 3 . PH 2 S  1  1  1
25. A  2B  C  2D
Intial : 1 2 0 0
At eqlibrium : (1-0.4) (2-2(0.4)) 0.4 2(0.4)
0.6 1.2 0.4 0.8
Concentration :
0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
C   D 
 K c     2
 A   B 

n 1
26. K p  K C  RT  ,  n  
27. K 2 = K 1/ 2

28. N 2 O 4 ( g )  2NO2(g )
1 0
0 .8 0 .4

Level-II (C.W)
Law of Mass Action and 6. If K1 and K2 are the equilibrium constants of
Equilibrium Constants the equilibrium (A) and (B) respectively. What
is the relationship between the two constants
1. Which one of the following has greater active mass A) SO2(g) + 1/2 O2(g)  SO3(g), K1
1) 200 gm of lime stone in 2 lit vessel B) 2SO3(g)  2SO2(g) + O2(g), K2
2) 90 gm of CS 2 liquid in 100 ml vessel 1
1) K1 = K2 2) K1  K
3) 56 gm of N 2 gas in 0.5 lit vessel 2

4) 1 mole of O2 gas at STP 2 1

2. The following one is example to physical 3) K2  K12 4) K1  K
equilibrium 7. For an exothermic reaction, the Equilibrium
1) solid  liquid constant
2) N2(g) + 3H2 (g)  2NH3 (g) 1) Increases with increase of temperature
3) CaCO3(s)  CaO(s) + CO2(g) 2) Decreases with increase of temperature
4) 2SO2 (g) +O2 (g)  2SO3 (g) 3) Dncreases with increase of pressure
3. Law of mass action can not be applied to 4) Decreases with increase of pressure
1) 2HI  H2 + I2 8. Ammonium chloride dissolves in water with the
absorption of heat. Which of the following is
2) PCl5  PCl3 + Cl2 3) Water  Ice
4) CaCO3  CaO + CO2 1) The solubility of ammonium chloride decreases
4. In which of the following reaction goes to more with increase in temperature
completion 2) The solubility of ammonium chloride increases
1) Kc = 1 2) Kc = 1010 3) Kc = 10 10 4) Kc = 10 with increase in temperature
5. For the following reactions, equilibrium 3) At higher temperature, ammonium chloride in
constants are indicated on the arrow solution exists as ammonia and hydrochloric acid
4) At lower temperature ammonium chloride in
H3PO4 1 H+ + H2PO4– solution is present in the molecular form
K 9. Equilibrium constant for the reaction
H2PO4– 2 H+ + HPO4–2
2NO(g)+ Cl2(g)  2NOCl(g) is correctly given
K by the expression
HPO4_2 3 H+ + PO4–3
Then equilibrium constant for the reaction [2 NOCl] [2 NOCl]2
1) K  [2 NO][Cl ] 2) K 
H3PO4  3H+ + PO4-3 will be 2 [ NO]2 [Cl 2 ]
1) K1 + K2 + K3 2) K1 K 2 K 3 [ NOCl]2 [ NOCl ]2
3) K  4) K 
1 [ NO 2 ]2 [Cl 2 ] [ NO ]2 [Cl2 ]
3) K1 x K2 x K3 4) K K K
1 2 3
10. In a chemical equilibrium A+B  C+D when 16. 1 mole of A(g) is heated to 2000 C in a one litre
one mole of each of the two reactants are mixed closed flask, till the following equilibrium is
0.6 mole each of the products are formed. The reached. A(g)  B(g). The rate of forward
equilibrium constant calculated is reaction at equilibrium is 0.02 mol lit–1 min–1.
1) 1 2) 0.30 3) 2.25 4) 4/9 What is the rate ( mol. Lit–1 min–1) of the
11. A vessel contains N 2O4 & NO2 in 2:3 molar backward reaction at equilibrium ?
1) 0.04 2) 0.01 3) 0.02 4) 1
ratio at 10 atm under equlibrium. now K P for 17. The equilibrium constant for the reaction
N 2O4  2 NO2 is H2O(l)+ CO(g)  H2(g) + CO2(g) is 64. If the rate
1) 9atm 1 2) 9atm 3) 4.5atm 2 4)10atm constant for the forward reaction is 160, the
rate constant for the backward reaction is
12. The following reactions occurs at 500 K.
1) 0.4 2) 2.5 3) 6.2 4) 10.24  103
Arrange them in order of increasing tendency
18. At equilibrium the concentrations of
to proceed to completion.
1) 2 NOCl ( g )  2 NO( g )  Cl2 ( g ); N 2  3  103 M , O2  4.2  103 M and
NO  2.8  103 M in a sealed vessel at
K p  1.7 x 102
constant temperature. what will be the KC for
2) N 2O4 ( g )  2 NO2 ( g ); K p  1.5 x 103 the reaction N 2 ( g )  O2 ( g )  2 NO ( g )
3) 2SO3 (g )  SO2 (g )  O2 ( g); K p  1.3 x 105 1) 0.622 2) 6.22 3) 1.244 4) 2.488
19. The equilibrium constant for the reaction
4) 2 N O 2 ( g )  2 NO ( g )  O 2 ( g ); H 2(g) +I 2(g)  2HI (g) is 64, at certain
K p  5.9 x 10 5 temperature. The equilibrium concentrations
1) 2 <1<4<3 2) 3<4<2<1 of H2 and HI are 2 and 16 mol lit-1 respectively.
3) 1<3<4<2 4) 4<3<1<2 The equilibrium concentration (in mol Lit–1) of
13. The equilibrium constant Kc of a reversible I2 is ?
reaction is 10. The rate constant for the 1) 16 2) 4 3) 8 4) 2
reverse reaction is 2.8. What is the rate 20. If K1 and K2 are the respective equilibrium constants
constant for the forward reaction for the two reactions
1) 0.28 2) 28 3) 0.028 4) 280 XeF6(g) + H2O(g)  XeOF4(g) + 2HF(g)
14. Calculate the concentration of H2, I2 I 2 and HI XeO4(g) + XeF6(g)  XeOF4(g) + XeO3 F2(g)
at equilibrium if 0.0400 mole of HI is placed in the equilibrium constant of the reaction
a 1.00 L flask at 4300 C . K c for the reaction: XeO4(g) + 2HF(g)  XeO3F2(g) + H2O(g) will be
1) K1 . K2 2) K2 / K1 3) K1 / (K2)2 4) K1 / K2
H 2 ( g )  I 2 ( g )  2 HI ( g ) is 54.4 at this 21. A mixture of 0.3 mole of H2 and 0.3 mole of I2
temperature. is allowed to react in a 10 lit. evacuated flask
 H 2  M   I 2  M   HI  M  at 5000C. The reaction is H2 + I2  2HI, the
K is found to be 64. The amount of unreacted
1) 0.0200 0.0200 0.0200
I2 at equilibrium is
2) 0.00427 0.00427 0.0315
1) 0.15 mole 2) 0.06 mole
3) 0.0315 0.0315 0.00850
3) 0.03 mole 4) 0.2 mole
4) 0.00478 0.00478 0.0352
22. If the equilibrium constant for the reaction
15. 4.5 moles each of hydrogen and iodine are
heated in a sealed 10 litre vessel. At 2AB  A2 + B2 is 49. What is the value of
equilibrium 3 moles of hydrogen iodide was equilibrium constant for [EAMCET-2011]
found. The equilibrium constant for H2(g)+I2(g) 1 1
 2HI(g) is AB  2 A 2  2 B 2 ?
1) 1 2) 10 3) 5 4) 0.33 1) 49 2) 4 3) 7 4) 0.02
23. At a certain temperature, the following 31. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is involved in the
reactions have the equilibrium constants as formation of smog and acid rain. A reaction
shown below that is important in the formation of NO2 is
 SO2 g  ; KC  5 1052
S s   O2 g   O3  N O  O2  N O2

 2 SO3 g  ; KC  1029

2S s   3O2 g   K c  6 .0 x 1 0 34
If the air over a section of Mumbai contained
What is the equilibrium constant, Kc for the
reaction at the same temperature? 1.0 x106 M O3 ,1.0 X105 M NO,2.5 X 104 M NO2
 2SO3 g
2SO2 s   O2 g   and 8.2 X 10 3 M O2 , what can we conclude?
 
1) 2.5  1076 2) 4 1023 1) There will be a tendency to form more NO and O3.
2) There will be a tendency to form more NO2 and O2
3) 4 1077 4) 2 107
24. The equilibrium constant of a reaction is 300, 3) There wil be a tendency to form more NO2 and O3
if the volume of the reaction flask is tripled, 4) There will be a tendency to form more NO and O2.
the equilibrium constant will be 32. Units of KC for xA(g)  yB(g) is Lit2-mol–2, then
1) 100 2) 300 3) 250 4) 150 the values of x & y cannot be
25. W hen 1 mole of H2(g) is heated with one mole 1) 1,2 2) 3,2 3) 2,3 4) All
of I2(g), it was found that 1.48 moles of HI(g) is
33. For the reaction A  B  3C at 25 o C a 3L
formed at equilibrium. Its Kc is
1) 16 2) 32 3) 8 4) 24 vessel contains 1,2 & 4 mole of A, B and C
26. The Kp of the reaction is respectively. Predict the direction of reaction
if Kc for the reaction is 10
NH4HS(s)  NH3(g) + H2S(g). If the total
1) Backward 2) Forward
pressure at equilibrium is 30 atm
3) Equilibrium 4) Any direction
1) 15 atm2 2) 225atm2 3) 30 atm2 4) 15 atm
34. One mole of SO3 was placed in a 1 lit. reaction
27. The equilibrium constant Kp for the reaction
vessel at a constant temperature. The
2SO2 + O2  2SO3 is 2.5 atm–1. What would be following equilibrium was established
the partial pressure of O2 at equilibrium. If the 2SO3  2SO2 +O2. At equilibrium 0.6 moles
equilibrium pressures of SO2 and SO3 are equal
of SO2 were formed. The equilibrium constant
1) 304 mm 2) 30.4 mm 3) 0.04 mm 4)760 mm
of the reaction will be
28. HI was heated in a closed tube at 4400 C till
1) 0.36 2) 0.45 3) 0.54 4) 0.675
equilibrium is reached. At this temperature
35. 9.2 gm of N2O4(g) is taken in a closed one litre
22% of HI was dissociated. The equilibrium
vessel and heated till the following equilibrium
constant for this dissociation is
is reached N2O4(g)  2NO2(g). At equilibrium
1) 0.282 2) 0.0796 3) 0.0199 4) 1.99
50% of N2O4(g) is dissociated. What is the
29. A(g) + 2Bg  2C(g) + D(g) was studied using
equilibrium constant (in mole lit–1) ? (M.wt. of
an initial concentration of B which was 1.5
N2O4 is 92)
times that of A. But the equilibrium
1) 0.1 2) 0.2 3) 0.4 4) 2
concentration of A and B were found to be
36. An equilibrium mixture for the reaction
equal. Then Kc for the equilibrium is
2H2S(g)  2H2(g) + S2(g) had 1 mole of H2S,
1) 4 2) 8 3) 6 4) 12
30. 1 mole of H2, 2 moles of I2 and 3 moles of HI 0.2 mole of H2 and 0.8 mole of S2 in 2 lit. flask.
were taken in 1 litre flask. The equilibrium The value of KC in mol. lit-1 is
1) 0.004 2) 0.08 3) 0.016 4) 0.16
constant of the reaction H2(g) + I2(g)  2HI(g)
is 50 at 3300C. The concentration of HI at
equilibrium is (moles. lit–1)
1) 0.3 2) 1.3 3) 4.4 4) 2.7
37. When CO2 dissolves in water the following equilibrium will shift to the right on
equilibrium is established, 1) Exposing the system to light
CO2+2H2O  H3O++HCO3– for which the 2) Adding an alkali
equilibrium constant 3.8  10–7 and pH = 6.0. The 3) Adding an acid 4) Adding C2H5Br
46. In a gaseous reaction 2A  3B on doubling
ratio of [HCO3–] [HCO3  ] to [CO2] would be
the volume of container, the equilibrium
1) 3.8  10 1 2) 3.8  10 13 amount of the product
3) 13.4 4) 6.0 1) Increases 2) Decreases
38. At 270C and 1 atmosphere pressure N2O4 is 3) Remains same 4) Data insufficient
20% dissociated into NO2 find Kp 47. In the dissociation of CaCO3 in a closed
1) 0.2 2) 0.166 3) 0.15 4) 0.10 vessel, the forward reaction is favoured by
39. 28g of N2 and 6g of H2 were mixed. At 1) Adding of more CaCO3
equilibrium 17g of NH3 was formed. The 2) Removal of some CaO
weight of N 2 and H 2 at equilibrium are 3) Increasing the pressure
respectively 4) Decreasing the pressure by removing some CO2
1) 11g & zero 2) 19 & 3g from the equilibrium mixture
3) 14g & 3g 4) 11g & 3g 48. At constant pressure, the addition of argon to
40. In the reaction N2(g)+3H2(g)  2NH3(g)
2SO3 ( g )  2SO2 ( g )  O2 ( g ), SO3 ( g ) 1) Reduces the formation of ammonia from
nitrogen and hydrogen
is 50% dissociated at 270C, when the equilibrium
2) Increases the formation of ammonia from
pressure is 0.5 atm. Hence partial pressure of
nitrogen and hydrogen
SO3(g) at equilibrium is
3) Does not effect the equilibrium of the reaction
1) 0.5 atm 2) 0.3 atm 3) 0.2 atm 4)0.1 atm
in which ammonia is formed from nitrogen and
41. The value of G0 for the phosphorylation of
glucose in glycolysis is13.8 kj/mol Find the
4) Reduces the dissociation of ammonia
value of Kc at 298K (antilog 0.5815=3.81)
49. For which one of the following reaction is a
1) 5.8  10 5 2) 5.8  105 combination of high pressure and high
3) 3.8  103 4) 3.8  10 3 temperature helpful in obtaining a high
Relation between Kc and Kp equilibrium yield
42. The value of (Kp / K c) for the reversible 1) 2NF3(g)  N2(g) + 3F2(g) - 54.40 k.cals
reaction SO2(g)+1/2O2(g)  SO3(g) at constant 2) N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g) + 22.08 k.cals
temperature T is 3) Cl2(g) + 2O2(g)  2ClO2(g) - 49.4 k.cals
1) (RT)1/2 2) RT 3) (RT) 1/ 2 4) 1/ RT 4) 2Cl2O7(g)  2Cl2(g) + 7O2(g) - 126.8 k.cals
43. For the equilibrium 50. Given the equation
2 NOCl ( g )  2 NO ( g )  Cl2 ( g ) AgC l ( s )  Ag  ( aq )  Cl  ( aq )
the value of equilibrium constant K C is As NaCl (s) dissolves in the solution,
3.75 10 4 at 1069K. Calculate KP for the temperature remaining constant, the Ag  (aq)
reaction at this temperature concentration will
1) 0.066 2) 3.33 3) 0.33 4) 0.033 1) Decrease as the amount of AgCl(s) decreases
44. At 27 C the Kp value for the reaction 2) Decrease as the amount of AgCl(s) increases
PCl5  PCl3+Cl2 is 0.65. Its Kc is 3) Increase as the amount of AgCl(s) decreases
1) 1 2) 0.65 3) 0.2 4) 0.026
4) Increase as the amount of AgCl(s) increases
Lechatelier’s Principle
45. For the reaction
C2 H 5OH  Br   C2 H 5 Br  OH  ,the
51. If PCl5 is heated in two seperate vessels of volume 2
5 lit and 10 lit respectively at 270C The extent of Kc 
 HI 
dissociation of PCl5 will be  H 2  I 2 
1) More in 5 lit vessel 2) More in 10 lit vessel
3) Equal in both vessels 4) Cannot be said 16. At equilibrium rf  rb
Key Level-II (C.W) Kf
01) 3 02) 1 03) 3 04) 2 05) 3 06) 4 17. K c 
07) 2 08) 2 09) 4 10) 3 11) 2 12) 2
13) 2 14) 2 15) 1 16) 3 17) 2 18) 1 [ NO ]2
19) 4 20) 2 21) 2 22) 3 23) 3 24) 2 18. K C 
[ N 2 ][O2 ]
25) 2 26) 2 27) 1 28) 3 29) 1 30) 3 2
31) 2 32) 4 33) 1 34) 4 35) 2 36) 3  HI 
19. K c 
37) 1 38) 2 39) 3 40) 3 41) 4 42) 3  H 2  I 2 
43) 4 44) 4 45) 3 46) 1 47) 4 48) 1 20. eq (1) ie reversed and added to eq (2).
49) 3 50) 2 51) 2
21. H2  I2  2 HI
Hints Level-II (C.W) Initial 0.3 0.3 0
n R&F x x 2x
1. Active mass = Molar Concentration = V Active at eq (0.3-x) (0.3-x) 2x
mass of pure liquid and solid is taken as unity.
64 
 2x
10. A  BC  D  0.3  x 

t =0 1 1 0 0
x = 0.24
at equi 1-0.6 1-0.6 0.6 0.6
2  unreacted I 2 = 0.3-0.24= 0.06
11. N 2O4  2 NO2 K p  P 22. 2 AB  A2  B2 K1  49

N 2O4
1 1
2 3 AB  A2  B2 K 2  ?
total moles=5 2 2
12. Greater KC value indicates more completion of K 2  K1
kf 23. K  K 2 .K 2
13. K c  1
24. Equilibrium constant doesn’t depend on volume.
14. H 2  I 2  2 HI , K1  54.4 25. H 2  I 2  2 HI
2 HI  H 2  I 2 Initial: 1 1 0
Eq.mol. (0.04-2x) x x Reacted & Formed : 0.74 0.74 1.48
At equilibrium : 0.26 0.26 1.48
1 1 x2
K2  ,   HI 
K1 54.4  0.04  2 x  2 Kc 
on solving , x=0.00427
 H 2  I 2 
15. H 2  I 2  2 HI 26. NH 4 HS( s )  NH 3( g )  H 2 S ( g )
Intial 4.5 4.5 O at equilibrium x x
Reacted & formed 1.5 1.5 3.0 2x=30 atm
3.0 3.0 3.0 x=15 atm
At equilibrium
10 10 10 K p  PNH 3 .PH 2 S  15  15  225 atm 2
1   H3O   106
27. K P  P

 H 3O    HCO3 
1 3.8  10 
PO2 
 760mm CO2 
38. Let the intial moles be 1 ,if 20% of 1 is 0.2
28. 2 HI  H 2  I 2
N 2O4  2 NO2
Initial : 100 0 0
Reacted & formed 22 11 11 2
at equilibrium: 78 11 11 At eq: 1-0.2 0.4 Kp  2

PN 2O4 .
Kc 
 H 2  I 2 
2 39. 17g NH 3 is formed by 14g N 2 and 3g H 2
 HI 
40. 2SO3 g   2SO2 g   O2 g 
29. A  2 B  2C  D
1 1.5 0 0 t =0 1 0 0
at eq 1-2x 2x x
1-X 1.5-2X 2X X
2x = 0.5
given 1-x=1.5-2x
PSO3  P  X SO3
30. H 2  I 2  2 HI
Initial: 1 mole 2 mole 3 moles 41. G 0  2.303RT log KC
At equilibrium : (1-x) (2-x) (3+2x) K c  3.81 10 3

Kc 
 HI  1
42. n   , K P  K C ( RT ) n
 H 2  I 2  2
31. since Q < Kc , So farward reaction takesplace 43. K P  K C ( RT ) n
33. Q  KC 44. K p  K c  RT 

34. 2 SO3  2 SO2  O2

45. Addition of acid causes the decrease of OH  
initial 1 0 0
at eq . 1-2x 2x x and shift towards right side.
given that, 2x = 0.6 x = 0.3 Level-II (H.W)

kc 
 SO2  O2  Law of Mass Action and
 SO3  Equilibrium Constants
9.2 1. Active mass of 56g of N2 contained in 2 ltr.
35. N 2 O4 moles   0.1 moles flask is
1) 16 Mole. lit–1 2) 32 Mole.lit–1
N 2 O4  2 NO2 3) 1.00 mole. lit–1 4) 0.1 Mole.lit–1
Intial : 0.1 0 2.  – sulphur   – sulphur is an example to
Reacted & Formed 0.05 0.1 1) Physical equilibrium 2)chemical equilibrium
At equilibrium : 0.05 0.1 3) Irreversible reaction
2 4) Both physical and chemical equilibrium
Kc 
 NO2  3. Law of mass action is applicable to
 N 2 O4  1) Homogeneous chemical equilibria only
2) Heterogeneous chemical equilibria only
equilibrium moles 3) Physical equilibria
36. equilibrium conc =
volume 4) Both homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical
37. given that PH  6 equilibrium
4. In which of the following cases does the out at 280 C in chloroform. When equilibrium
reaction go farther to completion ? is reached, 0.2 mol of N2O4 and 2 X 10 3 mol
1) K = 104 2) K = 10-2 3) K = 10 4) K = 1 of NO2 are present in a 2L solution. The
5. If the reversible reaction equilibrium constant for the reaction
SO2(g) + NO2(g)  SO3(g) + NO(g) - (1)
takes place in two reversible steps (2 & 3), with N 2O4  2 NO2 is
equilibrium constant values 2.0 and 0.45 1) 1X 102 2) 2 X 103 3) 1X 105 4) 2 X 105
11. For the reaction C S   CO2 g  2CO g  the
1 partial pressures of CO2 and CO are in 1:2
SO2(g) + O 2 (g )  SO 3 (g ) K = 2.0 - (2)
2 ratio at equilibrium. What is the value of Kp
1 for this reaction
NO 2 (g )  NO(g )  O 2 ( g) K = 0.45 - (3) 1) 0.5 2) 3.0 3) 4.0 4) 32
12. In which of the following reactions, the
the equilibrium constant Kc of the reaction (1) is
concentration of product is higher than the
1) 0.9 2) 400 / 9 3) 9 / 400 4) 1/9
concentration of reactant at equilibrium ?
6. The equilibrium constants for the reactions
(K = equilibrium constant)
N2(g) + O2(g)  2NO(g) and
NO(g) + 1/2 O2(g)  NO2(g) are K1 and K2 1) A  B; K  0.001 2) M  N; K  10
respectively. Then the equilibrium constant for 3) X  Y; K  0.005 4) R  P; K  0.01
the reaction N2(g) + 2O2(g)  2NO2(g) is 13. Equilibrium constant for an equilibrium
K1 reaction is 100. Its forward reaction rate
1) K 2) K12  K22 const ant K f = 105. Its backward reaction rate
constant Kb is
3) K1  K2 2 4) K12  K2 1) 102 2) 10 3) 10 3 4) 103
7. For the equilibrium, PCl5  PCl3 + Cl2 14. At equilibrium of the reaction
K c   /(1  ) V , temperature remaining PCl5(g)  PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) the concentrations
of PCl5(g) and PCl3(g) are 0.2 and 0.1 moles/lit.
respectively K c is 0.05.The equilibrium
1) Kc will increase with increase in volume
concentration of Cl2 (moles. lit–1)
2) Kc will increase with decrease in volume
1) 0.5 2) 0.1 3) 1.5 4) 0.75
3) Kc will not change with the change in volume
15. 4 moles of HI is taken in a lit closed vessel
4) Kc may increase or decrease with the change in and heated to equilibrium. At equilibrium, the
volume depending upon its numerical value concentration of H2 is one mol lit–1. The
8. Solubility of a substance which dissolves with equilibrium constant for the equilibrium
a decrease in volume and absorption of heat  H 2  I 2 is
2HI 
will be favoured by 1) 4 2) 0.5 3) 2 4) 0.25
1) High P and high T 2) Low P and low T 16. Which of the following is not a charactersctic prop-
3) High P and low T 4) Low P and high T erty of chemical equilibrium?
9. The equilibrium constant for the reaction 1) Rate of forward reaction is equal to rate of back-
NH4HS(s)  NH3(g) + H2S(g) is correctly ward reaction at equilibrium.
given by 2) After reaching the chemical equilibrium, the
[ NH 3 ][H 2S] [ NH 4 HS] concentrations of reactants and prouducts
1) [ NH HS ] 2) [ NH ][H S] remain unchanged with time.
4 3 2
3)For A  g   B  g  , Kc is 10–2. If this reaction
[ NH 3 ]  [H 2S] is carried out in the presence of catalyst, the value
3) [NH3] [H2S] 4) [ NH 4 HS] of KC decreases
4) After reaching the equilibrium, both forward and
10 The decomposition of N 2 O4 to NO2 is carried backward reactions continue to take place
17. Equilibrium constant for the reaction 1) 23 2) 132 3) 1/132 4) 1/32
H2O(g) + CO(g)  H2(g) + CO2(g) is 81. If the
rate constant of the forward reaction is 162 24. The equilibrium constant K p for the reaction;
lit. mol–1, sec–1, what is the velocity constant PCl5( g )  PCl3( g )  Cl2( g ) is 16. If the volume
(in lit. mole-1 sec–1 ) for the backward reaction?
of the container is reduced to half of its original
1) 131 2) 2 3) 261 4) 243
18. PCl5 , PCl3and Cl2 are at equilibrium at 500K volume, the value of K p for the reaction at the
and having concentration 1.59M PCl3,1.59M same temperature will be
Cl 2 and 1.41M PCl 5.CalculateK cfor the 1) 32 2) 64 3) 16 4) 4
reaction PCl5  PCl3  Cl2 25. In the reaction A + B  C + D, the initial
1)1.79 2) 17.9 3) 3.58 4) 0.895 concentration of reactants is 1 mole / lit each.
19. For the gaseous phase reaction The equilibrium concentration of each product
is 0.9 moles. lit–1. Its Kc is
2A+B  2C+D, initially there are 2 mole each
1) 0.9 2) 0.81 3) 81 4) 8.1
of A & B. If 0.4 mol of D is present at 26. The equilibrium constants for the stepwise
equilibrium at a given T & P, in-correct formation of MCl, MCl2 and MCl3 are a, b
relationship is and c respectively. If the equilibrium contant
1) PA  PB & PD  PC of formation of MCl3 is K,which of the
2) PC  2 PD & PA  3PB / 4 following is correct?
1) logK=log a+log b+logc 2) K=a+b+c
3) PA  PC & PB  PD
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3)    4) K   
4) PA  PD & PA  PC K a b c a b c
20. The Kc for the reaction A + B  C is 4 and Kc 27. The Kp value for 2SO2(g) + O2(g)  2SO3(g) is
for 2A+D  C is 6. The value of K c for 5.0 atm–1. What is the equilibrium pressure of
C+D  2B is O2 if the equilibrium pressures of SO2 and SO3
1) 0.67 2) 0.375 3) 2.7 4) 1.5 are equal
21. In a 7.5 L flask, 0.106 mole hydrogen and 0.106 1) 0.2 atm 2) 0.3 atm 3) 0.4 atm 4) 0.1 atm
mole iodine are combined and heated to a high
28. At a certain temperature PCl5  PCl3  Cl2
temperature. It is found that when equilibrium
only 50% PCl5 is dissociated in a 1litre vessel
is attained, 0.137 mole of hydrogen iodide has
at equilibrium. The equilibrium constant is
been produced. What is the equilibrium
1) 0.25 2) 0.3 3) 0.5 4) 1.0
constant Kc for the following reaction at this
29. For the equilibrium A + B  C + D; A and B
temperature? H 2 ( g )  I 2 ( g )  2 HI ( g ) are mixed in a vessel at T. The initial conc. of
1) 12.2 2) 1.67 3) 732 4) 13.4 A is twice that of B. After equilibrium is
22. At a given temperature the equilibrium constant for reached concentration of C was thrice that of
the reaction PCl5(g)  PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) is B. Then its Kc is
2.4  10-3. At the same temperature the equilibrium 1) 4.5 2) 9 3) 1.8 4) 0.9
constant for the reaction PCl3(g) + Cl2(g)  PCl5(g) 30. At 550 K, the Kc for the following reaction is
1) 2.4  10–3 2) –2.4  10–3 10 –4 mol –1 lit. X(g)  Y(g)  Z(g) . At
3) 4.2  102 4) 4.8  10–2 equilibrium, it was observed that
23. An alkaline solution the following equilibrium
1 1
exists S 2   S  S 22  , K 1  12  X   Y   Z . What is the value of [Z]
2 2
S22  S  S32 , K2  11 (in mol lit 1 ) at equilibrium ?
What is the equilibrium constant for the 1) 2  104 2) 104 3) 2  104 4) 104
equilibrium S 2
3 S 2
 2S
31. The equilibrium constatnt for the given reaction
38. In the dissociation of HI, 20% of HI is
is 100. N 2  g  + 2O 2  g   2NO 2  g  What is dissociated at equilibrium . Calculate Kp for
the equilibrium constatn for the reaction given
1 1
below ? [Eamcet 2009] HI (g)  H 2 ( g )  I2 ( g )
2 2
NO 2  g   N2  g  + O2 g  1) 1.25 2) 0.125 3) 12.5 4) 0.0125
2 39. If 340 g of a mixture of N2 and H2 in the correct
1) 10 2) 1 3) 0.1 4) 0.01 ratio gave 20% yield of NH3, the mass of NH3
32. In the reversible reaction produced would be
2NH3(g)  N2(g) + 3H2(g) when 1 mole of NH3 1) 16 g 2) 17g 3) 20 g 4) 68 g
is taken initially in a litre flask and 0.2 moles of 40. At 6000C, Kp for the following reaction is 1 atm
N2 are formed at equilibrium. Its equilibrium
X(g)  Y(g)  Z(g) . At equilibrium, 50% of
constant Kc is
1) 72 2) 12  102 3) 3 4) 27 X(g) is dissociated. The total pressure of the
equilibrium system is “3” atm. What is the partial
33 The value of Kc for the reaction 2A  B  C
pressure (in atm) of X(g) at equilibrium?
is 2  103 . At a given time, the composition of
1) 1 2) 4 3) 2 4) 0.5
reaction mixture is [A]=[B]=[C]= 3  10 4 M . 41. Hydrolysis of sucrose gives
In which direction the reaction will proceed?
Sucrose + H 2O  Glu cos e  Fructose
1) Forward 2) Backward
3) At equilibrium 4) Forward or Backward Equilibrium constant K c for the reaction is
34. In a 500 ml flask, the degree of dissociation of
2  1013 at 300K. calculate  G 0 at 300 K.
PCl5 at equilibrium is 40% and the initial amount
1) 7.64  104 J Mole 1
is 5 moles. The value of equilibrium constant in
mol.lit–1 for the decomposition of PCl5 is 2) 7.64  104 J Mole 1
[EAMCET-2008] 3) 7.64  104 J Mole1
1) 2.33 2) 2.66 3) 5.32 4) 4.66
35. A mixture of two moles of N2 and 8 moles of 4) 7.64  104 J Mole 1
H2 are heated in a 2 lit vessel. At equilibrium, Relation Between Kc and Kp
0.4 moles of N2 was observed, the equilibrium 42. For NH3(g) + H2S(g)  NH4HS(s) + heat
concentration of H2 is 1) Kp = Kc 2) Kp = Kc x (RT)
1) 3.2 M 2) 4 M 3) 1.6 M 4) 1 M
3) Kp = Kc x (RT) 2 4) Kp = Kc x (RT) 1
36. In a 500 ml capacity vessel CO and Cl2 are
mixed to form COCl2 at equilibrium, it contains 43. For the reversible reaction
0.2 moles of COCl2 and 0.1 mole each of CO N2(g)+3H2(g)  2NH3(g) at 5000 C the value
and Cl2. The equilibrium constant Kc for the of Kp is 1.44  10–5 when partial pressure is
reaction CO + Cl2  COCl2 measured in atmospheres. The corresponding
1) 20 2) 15 3) 10 4) 5 value of Kc with concentration of mole. lit–1 is
37. The following concentrations were obtained for 1) 1.44  10 5 / 0.082  500 2
the formation of NH 3 from N2 and H2 at
2) 1.44  10 5 / 8.314  7732
equilibrium at 500K, [N 2 ]  1.5  102 M ,
2 2
3) 1.44  10 5 / 0.082  7732
[H 2 ]  3.0  10 M and [NH 3 ]  1.2  10 M
find equilibrium constant further reaction 4) 1.44  10 5 / 0.082  7732
 2 NH 3
N 2  3H 2  44. For the reaction PCl3(g) + Cl2(g)  PCl5(g).
The value of Kc at 2500 C is 26. The value of
1) 3.55 102 2) 1.06  103 Kp at the same temperature will be
3) 2.12  103 4) 2.12  103 1) 0.0006 2) 0.57 3) 0.61 4) 0.83
Lechatelier’s Principle dissociation of HI will be
1) More in 5 lit vessel 2) More in 10 lit vessel
45. N 2( g )  3H 2( g )  2 NH 3( g ) . If some HCl gas is 3) Equal in both vessels 4) Cannot be said
passed into the reaction mixture at the Key Level-II (H.W)
equilibrium of this reaction
1) Equilibrium shifts towards left 01) 3 02) 1 03) 4 04) 1 05) 1 06) 3
2) Equilibrium shifts towards right 07) 3 08) 1 09) 3 10) 3 11) 3 12) 2
3) Concentration of H2 increases
13) 4 14) 2 15) 4 16) 3 17) 2 18) 1
4) The equilibrium is not affected
46. When a bottle of cold drink is opened, the gas 19) 3 20) 2 21) 4 22) 3 23) 3 24) 3
comes out with fizzes due to 25) 3 26) 1 27) 1 28) 3 29) 3 30) 3
1) Decreases in temperature
2) Increase in pressure 31) 3 32) 2 33) 2 34) 2 35) 3 36) 3
3) Decrease in pressure suddenly which results in 37) 1 38) 2 39) 4 40) 1 41) 4 42) 3
decrease of solubility of CO2 gas in water
43) 4 44) 3 45) 2 46) 3 47) 3 48) 2
4) None of the above
47. In the equilibrium NH4HS(s)  NH3(g) + H2S(g) 49) 1 50) 4 51) 3
the forward reaction can be favoured by Hints Level-II (H.W)
1) Adding some more NH4HS
NO 2 

2) Adding some more NH3 10. N 2 O4  2 NO2 KC 

N 2O 4 
3) Removing some NH3 from the reaction mixture
4) Adding some more H2S
48. At constant pressure, the presence of inert gases PC2O
1) Reduces the dissociation of PCl5 11. K p 
PC O 2
2) Increase the dissociation of PCl5
3) Does not affect the degree of dissociation of  Pr oducts  Kf
PCl5 12. K c  Re ac tan ts 13. Kc 
4) Steps up the formation of PCl5   Kb
49. In a reaction A 2(g) + 4B 2(g)  2AB 4(g);
K c  PCl5 
H <0, the formation of AB 4(g) will be 14. Cl2  
favoured at  PCl3 
1) Low temperature and high pressure 15. 2HI  H 2  I 2
2) High temperatue and low pressure
Intial: 4 0 0
3) Low temperature and low pressure
At equilibrium : 4-2x x x
4) High temperature and high pressure
50. Note the equation :
Kc 
 H 2  I 2 
3 2
AgCl  2S 2 O32   Ag ( S 2O3 ) 2   Cl  If more  HI 
S 2O32  is added to the system at equilibrium, the 16. There will be no effect on equilibrium constant (KC)
in presence of catalyst. So,statement (3) is wrong.
1) Amount of AgCl ( s ) increases
2) System cannot achieve equilibrium 20. Kc  2
3 K1
3) Concentration of  Ag (S 2O3 )2  ( aq )
decreases 21. H 2 ( g )  I 2 ( g )  2 HI ( g )
0.106 0.106 0
4) Concentration of Cl  (aq) increases
2x=0.137 x=0.0685
51. Two samples of HI each of 5g were taken 0.106-0.0685 0.106-0.0685 0.137
separately in two vessels of volume 5 lit and
10 lit respectively at 270C.The extent of
1 1 as [A]=[B]=[C]= 3  10 4 M
23. K  K . K
1 2
Qc  (3  104 )(3  104 ) / (3  10 4 ) 2  1
24. K p in independent of P or V..
as Qc  K c so the reaction will proceed in the
25. A  B  C  D reverse direction
t =0 1 1 0 0
34. PCl5  PCl3  Cl2
at equilibrium 1-0.9 1-0.9 0.9 0.9
t=0 5 0 0
P 2 so 3 at eq 5-x x x
27. K p  2
P so 2 . PO 2 eq conc 6 4 4
28. PCl5  PCl3  Cl2 35. N 2  3H 2  2 NH 3
initial 1 0 0 Initial: 2 8 0
at eq. 1-0.5 0.5 0.5 RF : 1.6 4.8 3.2
at equilibrium moles 0.4 3.2 3.2
0.5  0.5
KC   0.5
0.5 3.2
 H2    1.6M
29. Let the concentration of A be 2 B be 1. 36. CO  Cl2  COCl2
A  B  C  D eq.mole 0.1 0.1 0.2
Intial : 2 1 0 0
0.1 0.1 0.2
At eqlibrium : (2-x) (1-x) x x eq.conc
0.5 0.5 0.5
Given that, x  3 1  x  2/5
KC   10
3 1/ 5 1/ 5
4 [ NH 3 ]2
37. K C 
 3  3  [ N 2 ][ H 2 ]3
   9
 Kc   4  4    1.8 1 1
 2  3 / 4 1  3 / 4  5 38. HI 
H2  I2
Initial mole 1 0 0
Mole at equilibrium (1-  )  /2  /2
KC 
Z 
where  is degreee of dissociation and volume of
30. 1 
 2 Z   Z  container is V litre
1/ 2 1/ 2
   
    
2V   2V 
K2 
1 K p  Kc   
31. 1 1    2(1   )
K 1 V
32. 2 NH 3  N 2  3H 2 K p  Kc  (   0.2)
2(1  0.2)
Initial 1 0 0
eq: 1-2x x 3x K p  K c  0.125
[ NH 3 ]2 39. 20% of 340 gr. is 68 gr
x=0.2 KC 
[ N 2 ][ H 2 ]3 40. Xg   Y
 Z
g 
33. For the reaction the reaction quotient Qc is given t =0 1 0 0
eq moles 1-0.5 0.5 0.5
by, Qc  [ B ][C ] / [ A]2
 K P  1 ; Ptotal  3  P n 
41. G 0  2.303RT log K c ; 1) 9.8  102 2). 4.9  10 2

G0  7.64104 j mol 1 3) 416 4) 2.40  103

n 5. PCl5 dissociates as follows in a closed reaction
42. n  2 , K P  K C  RT 
vessel PCl5 ( g )  PCl3 ( g )  Cl 2 ( g ) If total
Kc pressure at equilibrium of the reaction mixture is
43. KP  RT 2 P and degree of dissociation of PCl5 is x, the
 
partial pressure of PCl3 will be
44. K P  K C  RT 
 x   2x 
1)  x  1  P 2)  1  x  P
1    
 26   0.0821 523 
45. Decrease in concentration of products favours the  x   x 
3)  P 4)  P
forward reaction  x 1  1 x 
46. As per Henry’s law, m  p
3 1
6. Kc fo rH 2  N2  NH 3 a r e
Level - III 2 2
1. At 30 0 C, the gaseous mixture for the 0.0266 and 0.0129 atm 1 respectively at
equilibrium, N2(g) + O2(g)  2NO(g) contains 350o C and 400o C .Calculate heat of
56 gm of N2, 128 gm of O2 and 120 gm of NO at formation of NH 3 .
equilibrium weights at one atmosphere pressure.
The value of Kp at 300 C is 1) 12.140 2)1.214
1) 1/2 2) 2 3) 1 4) 1/4 3) -12.140 4)-1.214
2. 1 mole of PCl3(g) with 2 moles of Cl2(g) were 7. For the following three reactions a,b and c
placed in 3 lit vessel and heated to 400 K. equilibrium constants are given; (AIEEE-2008)
When equilibrium was established only 0.7 a) CO( g )  H 2O( g )  CO2 ( g )  H 2 ( g ); K1
moles of PCl3 remained. What is the value of
equilibrium constant Kc for the reaction b) CH 4 ( g )  H 2O( g )  CO( g )  3H 2 ( g ); K 2
PCl3 + Cl2  PCl5 c) CH 4 ( g )  2H 2O( g )  CO2 ( g )  4H2 ( g ); K3
1) 0.25 lit / mole 2) 1.31 mole / lit Which of the following relation is correct?
3) 0.76 lit / mole 4) 2.6 mole / lit
1) K 2 K 3  K1 2) K 3  K1 K 2
3. How much PCl5 must be added to a one litre
vessel at 250o C in order to obtain a concentration 3) K 3 .K 2 3  K12 4). K1 K 2  K 3
of 0.1 mole of Cl2 ? 8. For the reaction 2 NO2 ( g )  2 NO( g )  O2 ( g )
K C for P C l5  P C l3  C l2 ( K c  1.8  106 at 184 o C ) ;
is 0.0414 mol/litre .
(R=0.08311kj/mole.K) when Kp and Kc aree
1)3.415 mole 2)34.15 mole
3) 0.03415 mole 4)0.3415 mole compared at 184o C , it is found that
4. The equilibrium constant for the reaction 1) Whether K p is greater than, less than or equal
SO3 ( g )  SO2 ( g )  O2 ( g ) to KC depends upon the total gas pressure
2) K p  K c 3) K p is less than K c
is K c  4.9  102 the value of K c for the reaction
2SO2 ( g )  O2 ( g )  2SO3 ( g ) will be 4) K p is greater than K c
9. An amount of solid NH 4 HS is placed in a flask 14. 50g CaCO3 is allowed to dissociated in 22.4 lit
vessel at 8190C. If 50% of CaCO3 is left at
already containing ammonia gas at a certain
equilibrium, active masses of CaCO3, CaO &
temperature and 0.50 atm pressure.
CO2 respectively are
Ammonium hydrogen sulphide decomposes to
1) 25g, 14g; 1/22.4 mol/lit
yield NH 3 and H 2 S gases in the flask. When
2) 1; 1; 1/89.6 mol/lit
the decomposition reaction reaches
equilibrium, the total pressure in the flask 3) 25; 14; 1/89.6 mol/lit
rises to 0.84 atm. The equilibrium constant 4) 1 ; 1; 1
for NH 4 HS decomposition at this 15. For the reaction 2 HI ( g )  H 2 ( g )  I 2 ( g ) the
temperature is degree of dissociation ( ) of HI(g) is related to the
1) 0.11 2) 0.17 3) 0.18 4) 0.30 equilibrium constant, K p by expression.
10. A mixture of SO3 , SO2 and O2 gases is
1 2 Kp 1  2K p
maintained at equilibrium in 10litre flask at a
1) 2)
temperature at which K c for the reaction, 2 Kp 2

2SO2 ( g )  O2 ( g )  2 SO3 ( g ) is 100 mol 1 2 Kp

2K p
litre at equilibrium. 3) 1  2K 4)
p 1 2 Kp
a) If number of moles of SO3 and SO2 in flask
16. The dissociation of N2O4 takes place as per the
are same, how many moles of O2 are present
equation N2O4(g)  2NO2(g). N2O4 is 20%
b) If number of moles of SO3 in flask are twice dissociated at equilibrium with an initial pressure of
500mm while the equilibrium pressure of mixture is
the number of moles of SO2 , how many moles
600 mm of Hg. Calculate K P assuming the volume
of O2 are present
to be constant
1)0.1 and 0.4 2)0.5 and 0.7 1) 50 2) 100 3) 166.8 4) 600
3) 0.8 and 0.4 4)0.1 and 4 17. In the reaction N2O4  2NO2 the degree of
11. W hat per centage of CO2 in air is just sufficient
dissociation of N2O4 was found to be 0.4 when
to prevent loss in weight when CaCO3 is heated
the reaction is conducted in a 2 litre vessel.
at 1000C
The equilibrium constant Kc of the reaction is
( kp for CaCO 3 (s)  CaO  s   CO 2  g  1) 0.53 2) 1.06 3) 0.265 4) 2
is 0.0095 atm at 1000c) 18. 3 moles of PCl5 kept in a 1L closed vessel was
1) Greater than 0.95% 2) Greater than 0.29% allowed to attain equilibruim at 380K.
3) Greater than 0.71% 4) Greater than 0.05% Calculate the composition of the mixture at
12. For a reaction AB ( g )  A( g )  B ( g ). AB is equilibruim, K C  1.8
33% dissociated at a total pressure of P, then
1) [ PCl5 ]  1.41M , [PCl3 ]  [Cl2 ]  2.59M
1) P  K p 2) P  3K p 3) P  4 K p 4) P  8 K p
2) [ PCl5 ]  1.41M , [ PCl3 ]  [Cl2 ]  1.59M
13. The vapour pressure of water at 270C is 0.0313
atm. the value of K p and K c at 27o C for the 3) [ PCl5 ]  1.41M , [ PCl3 ]  [Cl2 ]  5.59M

following equilibrium is H 2 O (l)  H 2 O (g) 4) [ PCl5 ]  1.41M , [ PCl3 ]  [Cl2 ]  9.59M

1) 1.28  10 3 and 0.0313 atm respectively 19. The equilibrium contant, Kp for the reaction.
A  B  C  D is 10-12 at 600K and 10-7 at
2) 0.0313 and 1.28  10 3 atm respectively
800K. Calculate the heat of reaction.
3) 1.28  103 and 1.28  10 3 atm respectively 1) 230 KJ/mole 2) 460 KJ/mole
4) 0.0313 and 0.0313 atm respectively 3) 23 KJ/mole 4) 200 KJ/mole
Relation between G0 and Kc variation of x with D/d by the graph which is
20. For the reaction the value of D/d at point A
C 2 H 6 ( g )  C 2 H 4 ( g )  H 2 ( g ) the
K p . The value of G o of the
 0 .0 5 a tm

reaction at 627 o C would be

1) 11.19kjmol 1 2) 22.40kjmol 1 D

1 1
3) 33.57kjmol 4) 27.98kjmol
1) 0 2) 0.5 3) 1 4) 1.5
21. In dissociation of N 2O4 into NO2 , 1  x  values 24. 60 grams CH3COOH and 46 grams C2H5OH
react in 5L flask to form 44 grams
D CH3COOC2H5 at equilibrium on taking 120
with vapour densiities a ratio  d  is given by
  grams CH3COOH and 46 grams C2H5OH ,
CH3COOC2H5 formed at equilibrium is
(1+x) (1+x) 1) 44 g 2) 20.33 g 3) 22 g 4)58.66g
25. For a reaction,

1) 2) 2 NOCl  g   2 NO  g   Cl2  g  , K c at
6 1
427 0 C is 3  10 Lmol . The value of K p
is nearly
1) 7.5  105 2) 2.50  105

3) 2.5  104 4) 1.72 104

3) 4) 26. The dissociation equilibrium of a gas AB2 can
be represented as:
2 AB2  g   2 AB  g   B2  g 
D The degree of dissociation ' x ' is very small as
22. In the Dissociation of PCl5 , x varies with
d compared to 1. The expression which relates the
according to degree of dissociation ' x ' with equilibrium
constant(KP) and total pressure (P) is:

1) 2 K p / P  2) K p / P

1) 2) 1/3

3) 2 K p / P 
4) 2 K p / P 
27. If the concentration of OH- ion in the reaction
Fe  OH 3  s   Fe3  aq   3OH   aq  is
decreased by 1/4 times, then equilirbium
concentration of Fe3+ will be increased by
3) 4) 1) 4 times 2) 8 times 3) 16 times 4)64 times
D D 28. In a closed container and at constant
temperature 0.3 mole of SO2 and 0.2 mole of
23. Before equilibrium is set-up for the chemical O2 gas at 750 torr are kept with a catalyst. If
reaction, N 2O4  2 NO2 , vapour density d at equilibrium 0.2 mole of SO3 is formed the
of the gaseous mixture was measured. If D partial pressure of SO2 is ... torr
is the theoretical value of vapour density, 1) 375 2) 187 3) 360 4) 150
29. x mol N2O2 is taken at P1 atm in a closed vessel
 I 2( g )  2 I ( g )  . K P for the equilibrium will be
and heated. When 75% N2O4 dissociated at
equilibrium, total pressure is found to be P2 1) 0.67 2) 1.5
atm. The relation between P1 & P2 is 3) 2.67  104 4) 9.0  104
1) P1 : P2  7 : 4 2) P1 : P2  7 : 2 36. The degree of ionization of 0.10 M lactic
acid is 4.0 %
3) P1 : P2  4 : 7 4) P1 : P2  3 : 4
30. The following equilirbium constants are given
H 3C C COOH  H (aq)
N 2  3H 2  2 NH 3 ; K1
OH (aq)
N 2  O2  2 NO; K 2

H2   O2  H 2O; K 3 + H 3C C COO -
2 OH (aq)
The equilirbium constnat for the oxidation of The value of KC is [Eamcet 2014]
NH 3 by oxygen to give 1) 1.66 105 2) 1.66  104
5 3) 1.66 103 4) 1.66  102
2 NH 3  O2  2 NO  3H 2O , is
2 37. N 2O4 g   2 NO2 g  , 0.1 mole of N 2 O 2 is
K 2 K 32 K 22 K 3 K1K 2 K 2 K 33 taken in a one litre vessel at 400 K.The total
1) 2) 3) 4) pressure at equilibrium is 6 bar. Calculate
K1 K1 K3 K1
partial pressure of N 2 O 4 at equilibrium
31. For the reqction, 2 A  B  3C , equilibrium ?[R=0.083 bar–L K–1mol–1]
constant is K . If the concentration of A is 1) 0.16 bar 2) 0.32 bar 3) 0.48 bar 4) 0.64 bar
increased by 2x times, the new equilirbium 38. A vessel at 1000 K contains CO 2 with a
constant will be pressure of 0.5 atm. Some of the CO2 is
converted into CO on the addition of graphite.
K If the total pressure at equilibrium is 0.8 atm,
1) K 2) 2xK 3) 4) uncertain
2x the value of KP is
32. For the reaction, PCl3 (g)+Cl2(g)  PCl5 (g), 1) 1.8 atm 2) 3 atm 3) 0.3 atm 4) 0.18 atm
at 270 C,K IS 0.41 atm-1.Kc is will be 39. The equilibrium constants KP1 and KP2for the
1) 6 L mol 1 2) 60 L mol 1 reaction X  2Y and Z  P  Q,
respectively are in the ratio of 1:9. If the degree
3) 10.08 L mol 1 4) 1.008  102 L mol 1 of dissociation of X and Z be equal, then the ratio
of total pressure at these equilibria is
33. The active mass of water at 40C is
1) 1:36 2) 1:1 3) 1:3 4) 1:9
1) 5.55 2) 55.5
40. For the reaction equilibrium,
3) 0.55 4) Data in sufficient
34. 10 mol of each of N2 and H2 are made to react N 2O4  g   2 NO2  g  the concentration
in a closed chamber. At equilibrium 40% of H2 of N2O4 and N2 at equilibrium are 4.8  10 2 and
was left. The total moles in the chamber are -1
1.2  102 mol L ,respectively. The value of Kc for
1) 8 2) 12 3) 16 4) 20
the reaction is
35. At a certain temperature and a total pressure
of 105 Pa, iodine vapours contain 40% by 1) 3.3  102 mol L-1 2) 3  101 mol L-1
volume of iodine atoms at equilibrium 3) 3  103 mol L-1 4) 3  103 mol L-1
41. In this dissociation of PCl 5 as 2) 2 N 2O5  g   2 N2  g   5O2  g  ;
PCl5 ( g )  PCl3 ( g )  Cl2 ( g ) if the degree of
K  1.2  1024 mol 5 L5
dissociation is  at equilibrium constant for
the reaction is 3) 2 NO  g   N 2  g   O2  g  ;
2  2 P2 K  2.2  1030
1) K p  2) K p 
1  2 P 1  2 4) 2 N 2O  g   2 N 2  g   O2  g  ;
2 2
P  P K  3.5  1033 mol L1
3) K p  4) K p 
1 2 1 2 47. The preparation of SO3(g)by reaction
42. Rate of diffusion of ozonized oxygen is 0.4 5 1
SO2 g  O2 g  SO3 g  is an exothermic
times that of pure oxygen. What is the percent
reaction. If the preparation follows the following
degree of association of oxygen assuming pure
temperature-pressure relationship forits %yield, then
O2 in the sample initially?
for temperatures T1 ,T2and T3 . The correct option is
1) 20 2) 40 3) 60 4) 80

43. For the reaction SO2  g   1 O2  g   SO3  g  , 50

if KP=KC (RT) where the symbols have usual 40 T1
meanings then, the value of x is (assuming ideality)
[JEE MAINS-2014] 30 T2

1 % yield
1 20 T3
1) -1 2)  3) 4) 1
2 2 10
44. For the reaction N 2 O4 ( g )  2 NO2 ( g ) the
relation connecting the degree of dissociation 1 2 3 4
(  ) of N2O2(g)with the equilibrium constant
Kp is
1) T3  T2  T1 2) T1  T2  T3
Kp / P Kp
1)   4  K / P 2)   4  K 3) T1  T2  T3
p p
4) Nothing could be predicted about temperature
2 through given information
 Kp / P   Kp 
3)     4)     48. For a react ion at equilibri um
 4  Kp / P   4  Kp  PCl 5(g)  PCl 3(g) + Cl 2(g) ,th e degree of
45. If R f  106  Ag    NH 3  lit 2 .mol 2 s 1 disssociation of PCl5at 2 atm is 0.02. Then
the degree of disssociation at 4 atm is

& Rb  2  102  Ag  NH 3  2  ,then 1) 1.41  102 2) 2  102
‘instability constant ‘ for 3) 1.41 104 4) 2  104
 49. For a reaction at equilibrium
Ag   2 NH 3   Ag  NH 3 2  is
PCl 5(g)  PCl 3(g) + Cl 2(g) , theequilibriummoles
1) 10-6 2) 2  102 3) 2  108 4) 2  104 of PCl5, PCl3 and Cl2 are 1,2 and 3 respectively.
46. The most stable oxides of nitrogen will be: Then the number of moles of PCl5 to be added to
1) 2 NO2  g   N 2  g   2O2  g  ; form 3 moles of PCl3 at equilibrium
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
K  6.7  1016 mol L1
Key Level-III  x 
 partial pressure of PCl3   1  x  P
01) 2 02) 3 03) 4 04) 3 05) 1 06) 3  
07) 2 08) 4 09) 1 10) 1 11) 1 12) 4 K p2 H  T2  T1 
13) 2 14) 2 15) 4 16) 2 17) 1 18) 2 6. 2.303log10   
K p1 R  T1T2 
19) 1 20) 2 21) 1 22) 2 23) 3 24) 4
25) 4 26) 4 27) 4 28) 2 29) 3 30) 4 0.0129 H  673  623 
31) 1 32)3 33) 2 34) 3 35) 3 36)2 2.303log10   673  623 
0.0266 2  
37) 4 38) 1 39) 1 40)3 41) 4 42) 3
H  12140cal ; = -12.140kcal
43) 2 44) 3 45) 3 46) 1 47) 2 48) 1
7. When equations a and b are added equation c is
49) 2
obtained  equilibrium constants are multiplied
Hints Level-III
8. K p  Kc ( RT ) n ; n  3  2  1
1 N2 Moles  2 ;
28 K p  Kc (0.0831  457)1 ;  K p  K c
128 120 9. NH 4 HS ( s )  NH 3 ( g )  H 2 S ( g )
O2 Moles   4; NO Moles  4
32 30 Initial pressure 0 0.5 0
N 2  O2  2 NO2
2 4 4 At equilibrium 0 0.5+x x
PN 2  1   0.2; Po2  1   0.4; PNO  1   0.4
10 10 10
total pressure =0.5+2x=0.84 x=0.17atm
0.4  0.4
Kp  2 K p  PNH 3  PH 2 S  0.11atm 2
0.4  0.2
2. PCl3  Cl2  PCl5
Initial : 1 2 0 10. 2SO2 ( g )  O2 ( g )  2 SO3 ( g )
Reacted & formed at equilibrium : 1-x 2-xx (x=0.3) 2

K c  100 
 SO3 
 0.3   3  3 2 .........1
Kc        SO2  O2 
 3   1.7  0.7
3. PCl5  PCl3  CI 2 (a)  SO3    SO2 
initial a 0 0
1 1
eq: (a-0.1) 0.1 0.1 By Eq.(1), 100   O or [O2 ] 
2  100
0.1 0.1
 mole of O2 1
Kc  1 1 or  (V  10litre)
a  0.1 , a=0.3415 mole volume 100
1 1
 Mole of O2   10  0.1
1 1 100
KC2  
4 KC1  4.9102 2
(b) [SO3 ]  2[ SO2 ]

5. PCl5( g )  PCl3( g )  Cl2( g ) 4 4

By Eq.(1), 100   O  or O2  
2 100
at t=0 1 0 0 4
Reacted and formed x x x Mole of O2   10  0.4
At equilibrium 1-x x x
total moles=1– x + x + x = 1 + x
Total Pressure=P
11. CaCO3 (s)  CaO (s)  CO2 ( g ) 16. N 2O4  2 NO2
K p  PCO2 to prevent the loss of weight of t=0 500 0
at equilibrium 500 -x 2x
CaCO3 % wt. of CO2 in air is > K p 2
 0.0095 Kp  2

PN 2O4
12. AB  A  B 17. N 2O4  2 NO2
100 0 0 t =0 1 0
100-33 33 33 at equilibrium 1-x 2x
67 33 33 x=0.4
67 33 33 [ PCl3 ][Cl2 ]
133 133 133 18. K C  [ PCl5 ]
1 1 1
P P P K P2 H  T2  T1 
2 4 4 log   
19. K P1 2.303R  T1T2 
 1  1 
 4 P  4 P 
K p      Kp  P
1 20. G o   RTInK p
1  8 ;
 2 P  (8.314 jk 1mol 1 (900 K )(2.303) log(0.05)
 
=22400 j mol 1
 P  8K p
N 2O4  2 NO2
13. K p  PH 2O ( g ) ; K p  0.0313atm 21. ,
K p  Kc ( RT )1
Dd Dd Dd D D
 ,x ,x , x  11x 
d n1 d 21 d d d
14. For solids active mass is taken as unity
CaCO3  CaO CO2 22. PCl5  PCl3  Cl2
S S   g
Here n  2
given 50gms 22 gms
 Degree of dissociation
50% diss. 25 g 11g
11/ 44   1 x
Active mass of CO2  mol/lit d  2  1
22.4 89.6

HI ( g ) 
1 1
H 2 (g)  I2 (g )
15. x
2 2 d
 
1  D
2 2 x 1
   
  2  PT  D
 
K    If graph between x (along y-axis) and (along
p 2
1    PT 2 d
x-axis) is a straight line with slope, m  1 and
 2 Kp
 2 Kp   intercept on y axis c  1  y  mx  c 
1  1 2 Kp
23. x  1
At A, x  0 x2
K  1
D  0.4  x  0.2  x 
 1
24. Molar mass of CH 3COOH  60 gr / mole x m
Molar mass of C2 H 5OH  46 gr / mole 8
Molar mass of CH 3COOC2 H 5  88 gr / mole  moles of ethyl acetate produced  5
 CH 3COOH Intial mass of ethyl acetate Produced
60   88  58.66
  0.2 m ole / L 3
60  5
25. 2 NOCl  g   2 NO  g   Cl2  g 
C2 H 5OH Initial
K p  K c  RT   3 106 
  0.2 m ole / L
46  5  0.082  700   1.72  10 4
CH 3COOC2 H 5 eqm 26. 2AB2  g   2AB  g   B2  g 
44 At t  0, 2 moles  
  0.1 m ole / L
88  5 At Eqm. 2 1  x   2 2x x
CH 3COOH  C2 H 5OH  Total moles at equilibrium  2  x  2 ,
initial 0.2m 0.2m ( x is very small)
Ateq (0.2-0.1) 0.1m 2
CH 3COOC2 H 5  H 2O  2x   x 
2  P  P
.... .... PAB .PB2  2  2 
Kp   2
0.1m 0.1m 2
PAB 2 
2  P
CH 3COOC2 H 5  H 2O  2 
CH 3COOH C2 H 5OH  x 1/3
x 2 P 2 . P x3 P  2K p 
0.1 0.1  2  ; x 
K 1 P 2
2  P 
0.1  0.1
In second case 3
27. K   Fe3  OH  
  
CH 3COOH initial  0.4m
' 3_ 1 
CH 2 H 5OH initial  0.2m New K   xFe   OH 
4 
If x is the amount of acid and alcohol reacted
1 3
CH 3COOH eqm   0.4  x  m  x  Fe3   OH  
64  
C2 H 5OH eqm   0.2  x  m For K  K ' , x  64
CH 3COOC2 H 5 eqm   H 2Oeqm  xm 28. 2SO2  O2  2 SO3
Eq.mol. (0.3-2x) (0.2-x) 2x
2x=0.2,x=0.1 PSO2   750  187 0.1 0.04  0.04
0.4 
29. N 2O4  2 NO2
1  0.04 
Eq.mol (x-  ) 2 1.6 104
  1.66  104
75 P1 P2 0.96
  x  0.75 x , n  1.75 x, 
100 n1 n2
37. N 2O4  2 NO2
P1 P P 1
 2 , 1  Initial mol. 0.1 -
x 1.75 x P2 1.75
Eq.mol. 0.1-x 2x
31. The value of equilibrium constant will not change by Total no.of moles at equilibrium=(0.1+x)
addition of reactant ' A ' , since the value of equilibrium PV=nRT
constant changes with temperature only. 6x1=(0.1+x)(0.083) (400)
Kp 0.41 x=0.08
32. K c  n
 1

 0.1  0.08  6,  0.64 bar
 RT   0.082  300  PN 2O4 
0.41  0.082  300  10.08L mol
33. 1000 mL water at 40 C  1000 g 38. CO2  g   C  S   2CO  g 
Initial 0.5 atm
1000 -
 mol  55.55 mol
18 At equ (0.5-P) 2p
So, one litre water has 55.55 mol of water. Active atm
This is a case of heterogeneous equilibrium C(s)
mass of water  55.55mol L1
being solid is not considered.
34. N 2  3H 2  2 NH 3 Pco2  Pco  ptotal ,(0.5-p)+2p=0.8,p=0.3 atm
Eq.mol. (10-x) (10-3x) 2x PCO2=0.5-0.3=0.2 atm , PCO=2p=0.6 atm
10  3 x    10  4
100 2
PCO 0.6  0.6
Kp    1.8 atm
2 PCO2 0.2
 40 
2  105 
P 
 I 
100  39. x  2 y z  p Q
35. K P PI2 60
105 1 0 1 0 0
1  x  2x (1-x) x x
36. % dissociation =4%
4  2 x   p1  x 2  p2 
degree of dissociation     0.04 k p1  kp 
100 1  x   1  x  2
1  x   1  x 
For lactic acid
k p1
1 4  p1 1
CH3CH  OH  COOH CH3CH  OH  COO  H Given that k  9  p  9
p2 2
Initial conc C mol L-1 0 0
At. equ. C(1-  ) C C p1 1
 p  36
C .C C 2 2
 Kc  
C 1    1   
2 1

 NO2   1.2 102 

2 2
 Kp / p 
 
40. Kc   4  K p / p 
 N 2O4  4.8 102  

= 3  103 mol L-1 1

45. instability constant = K
41. PCl5  PCl3  Cl2 c

Initial 1 0 0 46. The oxide which has more KC value for its formation
 is more stable
Final 1  47. Formation of SO3 is favoured at low temperature
1   48. K P  2 P ; 12 P1  22 P2
Partial  P P P
1  1  1 
Pressure Level - IV
Total moles = 1     1  Assertion & Reasoning
mix 32 In the questions that follows two statements are
42. r  M  0.4 5 given. Reason is supported to be the explanation
O mix

for Assertion. Study both the statements and then

 M mix  40 g / mol
mark your answers. according to the codes given
 2 O3 ( g )
O2 ( g ) 
below. Mark your answer as
3 1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the
Initial moles 1 0 correct explanation of (A)
2 2) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the
at eqm 1-x x
3 correct explanation of (A)
3) (A) is true but (R) is false
1 x  x 4) (A) is false but (R) is true
32 3

40 1
1. Assertion (A): The melting point of ice decreases
x  0.6 i.e.60% with increase of pressure.
43. K P  K C  RT 
n Reason (R): Ice contract on melting.
2. A: The hydrolysis of an ester in acidic medium does
For the given reaction, not change with pressure.
1 R: Pressure does not show effect on equilibrium
SO2  g   O2  g   SO3  g 
2 reactions taking place in solution
3. A: The reaction quotient, Q has the same form as
the equilibrium constant K eq and is evaluated using
1  3 1
ng  1    1  1      any given concentrations of the species involved in
2  2 2
the reaction, and not necessarily equilibrium
44. N 2 O4 ( g )  2 NO2 ( g ) R: If the numerical value of Q is not the same as
; ntotal  1   the value of equilibrium constant, a reaction will
1  2
1 2 4. A: If the equation for a reaction is reversed, the
PN 2O4  P PNO2  P
1  1  equilibrium constant is inverted and if the equation
is multiplied by 2, the equilibrium constant is
P 2 NO2  2   1   1 
4 2 squared.
Kp   P    2
PN2O4 1   1  P  1 R: The numerical value of equilibrium constant
depends on the way the equation for the reaction
Rearranging, we get
is written.
5. A: The dissociation of CaCO3 can be represented containing solid NH 4Cl ( s ) in equilibrium with its
as, CaCO3 ( s )  CaO( s)  CO2 ( g ) . Some solid dissociation product s NH 3 ( g ) and
CaCO3 is placed in a evacuated vessel enclosed
by a piston and heated so that a portion of it is HCl ( g ) decreases the amount of solid NH 4Cl ( s ) .
decomposed. If the piston is moved so that the Both the flasks are at same temperature.
volume of the vessel is doubled, while the R: K p for t he decomposition process
temperature is held constant, the number of moles
of CO2 in the vessel increases. NH 4 Cl ( s)  NH 3 ( g )  HCl ( g ) decreases in
R: The pressure of CO2 in the vessel will remain the above process.
the same. 14. A: K p can be equal to or less than or even greater
6. A: Le-Chatelier’s principle predicts that an increase
in temperature favours an endothermic process. than the value of K c
R: An endothermic process is one that absorbs R: K p  Kc ( RT ) n Relation between K p and K c
heat and hence tends to minimize the temperature
depends on the change in the number of moles of
gaseous reactants and products.
7. A: A catalyst does not influence the value of
15. A:The equilibrium constant is fixed and
equilibrium constant.
characteristic for any given chemical reaction at a
R: Catalysts influence the rate of both forward and
specified temperature.
backward reactions equally.
R: The composition of the final equilibrium mixture
8. A: The active mass of pure solids and pure liquids
at a particular temperature depends upon the
is taken unity starting amount of reactants.
R: The active mass of pure solids and liquids 16. A: Increase of pressure for a reaction which is in
depends on density and molecular mass. The equilibrium shifts the equilibrium towards direction
density and molecular mass of pure liquids and where less number of moles are present.
solids are constant. R: The change in pressure in an equilibrium reaction
9. A: If some PCl5(g) containing labelled phosphorus changes the position or direction of equilibrium when
P31 is added to a system with following equilibrium, n is not equal to zero.
after sometime the system was found to contain 17. A: For t he physical equilibrium
radioactivePCl3. PCl5 ( g )  PCl3 ( g )  Cl2 ( g )  H 2O l
H 2O s     on increasing the
R: Chemical equilibrium is dynamic in nature. temperature and increasing pressure more water
10. A: As a reversible system approaches equilibrium, will form.
entropy of the system increases. R: Since farward reaction is endothermic in nature
R: The state of equilibrium is the most disordered and volume of water is greater than that of the
state of a reversible system. volume of ice.
 B g   C g  , K p  1
11. A: For the reaction A g   18. A: For Zn( s )  Cu 2( aq )  Zn 2( aq )  Cu( s )
atm. If we start with equal moles of all gases at 9 37
atm of initial pressure, then at equilibrium partial G  0 but K c  10
pressure of A increases. R: For a process under equilibrium G is zero,
R: Reaction quotient Q p  K p hence equilibrium but as this process proceeds more towards right if
K c>1
shifts in backward direction.
12. A: The equilibrium constant of the exothermic 19. A: Adding inert gas to dissociation equilibrium of
reaction at high temperature decreases N 2 O4 at constant pressure and temperature
K 2 H 0  1 1  increases the dissociation.
R: Since ln     R: Molar concentration of the reactants and
K1 R  T1 T2  and for
products decreases.
exothermic reaction, H 0 = -ve and there by ; 20. A: The value of K for a reaction may increase or
decrease with increase in temperature depending
1 upon whether the reaction is exothermic or
K1 endothermic.
13. A: Connecting a flask at vaccum to another flask R: With increase in temperature, the extent of
reaction increases.
21. A: For a reaction at equilibrium, the Gibb’s free 3) a  s; b  r ; c  s , q
energy of reaction is minimum at constant
4) a  r ; b  s; c  q
temperature and pressure.
R: The Gibb’s free energy of both reactants and 27. Column-I
products increases and become equal at equilibrium. a) CaCO3 ( s )  CaO( s )  CO2 ( g )
22. A: For the reaction H 2  I 2  2 HI , K p  K c b) NH 4 Cl ( s )  NH 3 ( g )  HCl ( g )
R: In this reaction, the sum of stoichiometric
coefficient of reactants is equal to the sum of c) H 2 ( g )  I 2 ( g )  2 HI ( g )
stoichiometric coefficients of products. d) N 2 ( g )  3H 2 ( g )  2 NH 3 ( g )
23. A: The value of K increases with increase in
temperature in case of endothermic reaction Column-II
R: The increase in temperature shifts the equilibrium Unit of Kc or Kp
in the backward direction in case of exothermic p) mol L1
reaction. q) Unitless
24. A: Greater the value of K, more is the fraction of r) atm
initial concentration of reactants converted to s) atm 2
products at equilibrium. t) atm2
R: The value of K depends on the initial
concentration of reactants. 1) a  r ; b  t ; c  q ; d  s
2) a  r ; b  q; c  s; d  p
Matrix matching type
3) a  q; b  s; c  p; d  r
25. Column-I Column-II 4) a  s; b  q; c  r ; d  p
a) Q  K p. Reaction is nearer to
28. Column-I Column-II
b) Q  K q. Reaction is not at equilibrium a) Reaction is reversed p) ( K )1/2
c) Q  K r. Reaction is fast in forward b) Reaction is divided by 2 q) K 2
direction c) Reaction is multipled by 2 r) 1/K
d) K  1 s. Reaction at equilibrium 1) a  q; b  p; c  r
t. Reaction proceeds in backward 2) a  r ; b  q; c  p
3) a  r ; b  p; c  q
1) a  s ; b  q, r ; c  q, t ; d  p
4) a  p; b  q; c  r
2) a  p, t ; b  r ; c  p; d  q , r
3) a  q , r ; b  s; c  q , t ; d  q 29. Column-I
4) a  q , t ; b  p; c  r ; d  s a) N 2 ( g )  3H 2 ( g )  2 NH 3 ( g ) H  ve
26. Column-I b) 2 SO2 ( g )  O2 ( g )  2 SO3 ( g ); H  ve
a) N 2O4 ( g )  2 NO2 c) N 2 ( g )  O2 ( g )  2 NO ( g ); H   ve
b) H 2  I 2  2 HI d) PCl3 ( g )  Cl2 ( g )  PCl5 ( g ); H   ve
c) N 2 ( g )  3 H 2 ( g )  2 NH 3 ( g ) Column-II
Column-II p) Farward shift by rise in pressure
q) Unaffected by change in pressure
p) K p  K c r) Forward shift by rise in temperature
q) K increase with in crease in temperature. s) Forward shift by lowering the temperature
r) On increasing pressure reaction favour to 1) a  p, r ; b  p, s; c  q, r ; d  p, q
product side
2) a  p, q; b  q, r ; c  p, s; d  q, r
s) K c  K p
1) a  p; b  q; c  s 3) a  q, r ; b  p, r ; c  p, s; d  p, q
2) a  q; b  p; c  r , s 4) a  p, s; b  p, s; c  q, r ; d  p, r
30. Column-I 33. In the reaction N 2 ( g )  H 2 ( g )  2 NH 3 ( g ) .
a) H 2 ( g )  I 2 ( g )  2 HI ( g ) If we increase the pressure of the system, the
equilibrium is
b) N 2 ( g )  3H 2 ( g )  2 NH 3 ( g )
1) Shifts in the product side
c) PCl5 ( g )  PCl3 ( g )  Cl2 ( g ) 2) Shift in reactant side
3) Remains unchanged
d) NH 4 Cl ( s )  NH 3 ( g )  HCl ( g )
4) Cannot be predicted
p) K p  K c ( RT ) Paragraph for problems 34 and 35
q) K p  K c ( RT ) 2 Consider the chemical reaction
Ni ( aq )  6 NH 3 ( aq )   Ni ( NH 3 ) 6  ( aq )
r) K p  Kc ( RT )2
(Green solution) (Blue solution)
s) K p  K c When H  (aq) is added, the colour green is
1) a  s; b  r ; c  p; d  q favoured. Use one or more of the following
interpre tations to answer the questions:
2) a  q; b  p; c  r ; d  s
i) Some unreacted Ni 2  (aq) is present in the
3) a  r ; b  p; c  s; d  q
solution at equilibrium
4) a  s; b  q; c  p; d  r ii) Some unreacted NH 3 (aq ) is present in the
Paragraph for problems 31 and 33 solution at equilibrium
iii) The colour change indicates new
Physical and chemical equilibrium can respond equilibrium conditions with reduced
to a change in their pressure, temperature, and
concentration of reactants and products. To  Ni ( NH 3 )6 2 (aq)
describe the change in the equilibrium we have a iv) The colour change indicates new
principal named Le Chatelier's principle. equilibrium conditions with increased
According to this principle, even if we make some  Ni ( NH 3 )6 2 (aq)
changes in equilibrium, then also the system even
re-establishes the equilibrium by undoing the 34. The deepening of blue colour on dissolving
effect. more Ni( NO3 ) 2 supports interpretations(s).
31. Consider the following equilibrium: 1) i only 2) i and iv only
2 NO2  O2  2 NO3 ; H  ve, 3) ii and iv only 4) i and ii only
If O2 is added and volume of the reaction 35. The deepening of blue colour on addition of
more NH3(aq)supports interpretation(s).
vessel is reduced, the equilibrium
1) i only 2) i and iv only
1) Shifts in the product side
3) i and ii only 4) ii and iv only
2) Shifts in the reactant side
3) Cannot be predicted Key Level-IV
4) Remains unchanged
01) 1 02) 1 03) 2 04) 1 05) 2 06)1
32. If We add SO42– ion to a saturated solution of
Ag2 SO4, it will result in a/an 07) 1 08) 1 09) 1 10) 1 11) 1 12)1
1) Increase in Ag  concentration. 13) 3 14) 1 15) 2 16) 2 17) 3 18)1

2) Decrease in Ag concentration 19) 1 20) 2 21) 4 22) 1 23) 2 24)3

3) It will shift Ag ions from solid Ag2 SO4 into 25) 1 26) 2 27) 1 28) 3 29) 4 30)1
solution. 31) 1 32) 2 33) 1 34) 2 35) 4
4) It will decrease the SO42  ion concentration in
the solution
c) Very slow reactions : The chemical
reactions which complete in very long time
 Chemical Kinetics is the branch of chemistry are called very slow reactions.
that deals with Ex -1 :-Rusting of Iron in presence of air and
a) Rate of reactions moisture
b) Factors influencing the rate of reaction 4 Fe  3O2  xH 2O  2 Fe2O3 .xH 2O.
c) Reaction mechanism  It is not possible to determine the rates of very
 Thermodynamics tells about only the feasibility fast and very slow reactions by conventional
of a chemical reaction where as chemical methods.But the rates of reactions with moderate
kinetics tells about the velocity of reaction. speed can be determined.
Kinetics studies not only help us to determine
the speed (or) rate of a chemical reaction but Reacton Rate (OR) Rate of Reaction:
also describe the conditions by which the  The decrease in the concentration of the reactant
reaction rates can be altered. per unit time (or) increase in the concentration
Ex:- Thermodynamic data indicates the diamond of the product per unit time is called rate of a
shall convert to graphite but in reality the reaction.
conversion rate is so slow that the change is not  The rate of a reaction measured with respect to
perceptible at all. the decrease in the concentration of the reactants
 Based on the velocity of chemical reactions, the .
reactions are classified into three types.  The rate of the reaction measured with respect
a) Very fast (or) instantaneous reactions: to the increase in the concentration of the
The chemical reactions which are completed products .
within the fraction of seconds are called as very  The rate of a reaction at any particular instant
fast reactions. of time during the course of a reaction is the
Ex:-1) Neutralization between strong acids and rate of change of concentration of a reactant (or)
strong bases. a product at that instant of time.
EX-1) : A  B
NaOH ( aq )  HCl( aq )  NaCl( aq )  H 2O( l )
  A    B d A  d B 
2) Precipitation reactions ravg   or rinst  
t t dt dt
NaCl( aq )  AgNO3( aq )  AgCl( s )   NaNO3( aq )
2) N 2  O 2  2 NO
3) Explosive reactions :
Explosion of T.N.T (Tri nitro toulene)  N2  O2  1  NO
rate =   
b) Moderate reactions : The chemical t t 2 t
reactions which are completed in mesurable time (or)
are called as moderate reactions.   N2   O2    NO
Ex:- 1) Inversion of cane sugar rate=  2  2 
t t t
C12 H 22O11( aq )  H 2O( l )  C6 H12O6 ( aq )  C6 H12O6 ( aq ) 3) pP + qQ  rR + sS
glucose fructose
1 P 1 Q 1 R
2)Combustion of hydrogen (or) coal [under rate =    
normal conditions]. p t q t r t

1 1 S 
H 2 ( g )  O2 ( g )  H 2O( g ) =
2 s t
4) 5 Br

 aq   BrO3  aq   6 H   aq  
d P
3Br2  aq   3H 2O (1) rinst 
 slope
d P 
1   Br    BrO3 

 

Concentration of products
Rate   P2 
5 t t  P 
1   H  1   Br2  1   H 2O  .

P1  t  P P  P1
   rav   2
6 t 3 t 3 t t t2  t1 
5) Hg  l   Cl2  g   HgCl2  s  t1 t2 t time
Rate of reaction =
Fig : Average rate of reaction
  Hg   Cl2    HgCl2 
  
t t t W.E-1:The decomposition of N 2O5 in CCl4 at
6) 2HI  g   H 2  g   I 2  g  318K has been studied by monitoring the
Rate of reaction = concentration of N 2O5 in the solution. Initially
1   HI    H 2    I 2  the concentration of N 2O5 is 2.33 molL1 and
  
2 t t t after 184 minutes, it is reduced to 2.08 molL1 .
 The rate of a reaction varies exponentially with The reaction takes place according to the
time of the reaction.
equation 2 N 2O5  g   4 NO2  g   O2  g  .
 The concentration of the reactants in a reaction
varies exponentially with time. Calculate the average rate of this reaction in
 No reaction takes place with uniform rate terms of minutes? What is the rate of
throughout the course of the reaction. production of NO2 during the period?
 The rates of chemical reactions differ from one Sol: Average rate
another, since the number and the nature of the
1    N 2O5   1   2.08  2.33  molL 
bonds are different in the different substances     
(reactants or products or both) 2 t  2 184 min 
 The units for the rate of the reaction is 
 6.79  10 molL / min
4  1

mol. lit 1. sec 1

 when the concentration of gases is expressed in It may be understand that
terms of their partial pressures, then the units of 1   NO2 
Rate   6.79  10 4 molL1 / min
the rate will be atm s 1
4 t
R 0   NO2 
 4  6.79  10 4 molL1 min 1
 2.72  10 3 molL1 min 1
 R
Concentration of reactants

rav 
R1  t2  t1  WE-2: N 2  3H 2  2 NH 3 the rate of disappearance
 R 
d R of nitrogen is 0.02molL1s 1 . What is the rate
R2 
t of appearance of ammonia?
d R
rinst    slope
dt d  N 2  1 d  NH 3  1 d  NH 3 
Sol:  ; =0.02
dt dt 2 dt 2 dt
d  NH 3 
t1 t2 time  0.04 mol.L1s 1
Fig : Instantaneous rate of reaction The rate of appearance of ammonia = 0.04molL1s1 .
WE-3: A2 B is an ideal gas, which decomposes  Reaction (b) involves breakage of 8 bonds and
formation of eight bonds.
according to the equation A2 B  A2  B2 . At
2 H H
start, the initial pressure is 100mm of Hg and | |
after 5 minutes, the pressure is 120mm of Hg . H  C  H  2 O  O  O  C  O  2O H
What is the average rate of decomposition of
A2 B ? Assume T and V are constant. (4) (4) (4) (4)
Sol: The decomposition reaction of gaseous A2 B is
 Reaction (a) is faster than reaction (b)
given as A2 B  A2  B2 b) Concentration of the reactants:Except
100 0 0 initial reaction zero order reactions, for all other reactions the
100-2x 2x x final reaction rate depends on the concentration of the
100 -2x + 2x + x = 100 + x = 120mm reactants.
x = 20 mm or 2x = 40 mm  rate  (concentration of the reactants) n or
The decrease in pressure of reactant dc dc
  Cn (or)   K Cn
substance A2 B in 5mm is 40mm. dt dt
The rate of decomposition of ‘n’ may be any simple value including zero.
40  For gaseous reactants.
A2 B   8mm min 1  0.133mms 1
5 rate  (pressure of the reactants)n
Factors affecting the Rate of reaction: dP  dP
  P n or  KP n
a) Nature of the reactants: Reactions dt dt
between ionic substances take place much faster  Chemical reactions occur due to the collisions
than the reactions occuring between covalent among the reacting molecules. Hence greater the
substances.Because in ionic reactions there is number of these molecules in unit volume,
no breaking and making of bonds. greater will be the possibility of their collisions
NaCl aq   AgNO3 aq   AgCl s    NaNO3 aq  and higher will be the rate of reaction.
 The reactions between covalent molecules  Eg:- When zinc pieces are added to dilute HCI ,
involve the breaking (cleavage) and the making chemical reaction takes place slowly liberating
(formation) of covalent bonds.
H  H 2 gas. But the same reaction is rapid by taking
Eg : C2 H5OH l   CH3COOH l  
concentrated HCI .
CH3COOC2 H5 l   H 2O l   From the given below graph it is clear that, the
 Reactions which involve lesser bond rate of reaction gradually decreases with time
rearrangements are rapid at room temperature because of the decrease in the concentration of
than those which involve more bond reacting substances with time.
a) 2 NO  O2  2 NO2
b) CH 4  2O2  CO2  2 H 2O
 Reaction (a) involves breaking of 6 bonds and rate
formation of six bonds.
|| time
2  N  O   O  O  2 N O
(4) (2) (6)
c) Effect of temperature on the reaction From equations (2) and (3)
Rate :The rate of a reaction increases with Ea E
increase in the temperature. ln K 2  ln K1   a
 In most cases a rise of 10 0C in temperature
generally doubles the specific rate of the
K 2 Ea  1 1 
reaction. ln    
 Increasing the temperature of the substance K1 R  T1 T2 
increases the fraction of molecues, which collide
with energies greater than activation energy K2 Ea  1 1 
log    
 Ea  Hence increases the rate of reaction. K1 2.303R  T1 T2 
 The ratio of two specific rates measured at Ea E
temperature that differ by 10o C is called the  slope =   a
2.303R 4.576
Temperature co-efficient (R=gas constant)
t C 10
 Temperature co-efficient = K 2
t C

(Normally t o C  25o C; t o C  10  35o C )

For some reactions the ratio approaches the
value of 3
 Hydrogen and oxygen combine very slowly at
ordinary temperature but rapidly at high
 A piece of coal will burn rapidly in air when the H 2 g   I 2 g   2 HI  g 
temperature is raised sufficiently. According to Arrhenius, this reaction can take
 Arrhenius equation for temperature dependence place only when a molecule of hydrogen and a
of a rate constant. molecule of iodine collide to form an unstable
 Ea intermediate. It exists for a very short time and
KA e RT
then break up to form two molecules of
K = Rate constant, hydrogen iodide.
A = Arrhenius frequency constant
Ea = Activation energy, H H I H I
R= Gas constant  
T = absolute temperature H I H I H I
 Ea
K  A.e RT Intermediate
Taking ln on both sides
 Ea
ln K   ln A  1 Activated Complex
at temperature T1 equation 1 is
Potential Energy

 Ea
ln K1   ln A   2 A
RT1 H B
H2  I
at temperature T2 equation 1 is 2HI
Reaction coordinate
 Ea
ln K 2   ln A   3
RT1 Above Graph showing plot of potential energy
( since A is constant for a given reaction) Vs reaction coordinate.
Let k p denote presence of catalyst and ‘ ka ’
denote absence of catalyst.
 E / RT
k p  Ae p ; ka  Ae  Ea / RT
deviding eq.(1) by eq. (2) we get
kp  Ea  E p  / RT
e =  e E / RT
kp  E 
 anti log  
t Energy of ka  2.303 RT 
Fraction of molecules

This area shows

activation fraction of additional
t  10  molecules which
 Catalyst alters
This area react at (t+10) i) rate of reaction ii) path of reaction
shows fraction iii) activation energy iv) threshold energy
of molecules
reacting at t v) rate constant
 Catalyst does not alter
Kinetic energy
i)  G of reaction
d. Effect of Catalyst : ii) energy of reactants and energy of products
 i) Presence of positive catalyst: The function iii)  H iv) S v) Kc
of a positive catalyst is to lower down the  In some reactions, the rate of the reaction is
activation energy. directly proportional to the concentration of the
The grater the decrease in the activation energy catalyst.
higher will be the rate of reaction Ex: Acid catalysed hydrolysis reactions of esters,
In the presence of a catalyst, the reaction follows the rate is proportional to the concentration of
a path of lower activation energy. the acid catalyst.
In this condition, a large number of reacting  Catalyst increases the rate of reaction by making
molecules are able to cross over the energy an alternate path of low activation energy for
barrier and thus the rate of reaction increases. reactant molecules.
Ex:- 2 KClO3   2 KCl  3O2
Reaction path
without catalyst
 Note: Pressure of the gases, volume of the
vessel, state of the substance, p H etc also
influence the rate of some reactions.
Reaction W.E-4:At 27 0 C and 37 0 C , the rates of a reaction
Ea path with
Potential energy Ea catalyst are given 1.6  102 molL1s 1 and
Reactants 3.2  10 2 molL1s 1 . Calculate the energy of
The effect of a
catalyst is to lower activation for the given reaction.
the energy of activation
Sol: The ratio of specific rates at two different
Reaction coordinate temperatures are given as,
A catalyst changes the
reaction path ( Positive catalyst ) k2 Ea  T2  T1 
log   
ii) Presence of negative catalyst: A negative k1 2.303R  T1T2 
catalyst increases the activation energy of Substituting the values k1 , k2 , T1 , T2 and molar
reaction by forming a new intermediate of high
gas constant R
energy, i.e., by changing the reaction
Ea  1000 10
mechanism. Due to increases activation energy,, 0.301  
some active molecules become inactive, 2.303  8.314 300  310
therefore, rate of reaction decreases Energy of activation  Ea  53kJmol 1
i) 2 NO  Cl2  2 NOCl ; r  k  NO  Cl2 
WE-5:The temperature coefficient of a reaction
is 2 and the rate of reaction at 250 C is
ii) SO2Cl2  SO2  Cl2 ; r  k  SO2Cl2 
3molL1 min 1 . Calculate the rate at 750 C
iii) 2 HI  g   H 2 g   I 2 g  ; r  k  HI  and
Sol: According the Arrhenius, for every 100 C rise in
the temperature, the rate of reaction is doubled.
H 2 g   I 2 g   2 HI  g  ; r  k  H 2  I 2 
Rise in temperature = 750 C  250 C  500 C
 5  100 C 1
iv) H 2O2 aq   H 2O l   O2 g  ; r  k  H 2O2 
The increase in the rate of the reaction 2
 25  32 times v) CH3COOC2 H5 aq  NaOH aq 
The rate of reaction
CH3COONa aq  C2 H5OH aq
750 C  3  32  94molL1 min 1
r = K CH 3COOC2 H 5 1 NaOH 1
Rate Law :The equation which relates the rate vi) CHCl3  Cl2  CCl4  HCl
of the reaction and the concentration of the
Rate = k CHCl3 Cl2 
1/ 2
reactants is known as rate equation or rate law.
Rate law is the expression in which reaction rate vii) CH 3COOC2 H 5  H 2O  CH 3COOH  C2 H 5OH
is given in terms of molar concentration of
Rate = k CH 3COOC2 H 5   H 2O 
1 0
reactants with each term raised to some power,
which may (or) may not be same as the  Rate law equation for reversible reaction
stoichiometric coefficient of the reacting species
H 2  I2 
  
in a balanced chemical equation. K 2

 nA + mB  Products
1 d  HI
 k1  H 2  I 2   k 2  HI 

rate r  A n B m Rate =

2 dt

rate = K  A  n  B  m Rate of forward Rate of backward

Rate = reaction   reaction 
 Rate equation is obtained experimentally.    

Rate Constant: The rate constant of reaction  Rate law equation involving side reactions.
becomes equal to the rate of the reaction when k1
the concentration of all the reactants are unity, Ac 227
hence the rate constant is also known as the Fr223
specific reaction rate.
 A + B  Products. Rate of formation of Th 227  k1  Ac 227 
 If the initial concentration of B is taken in large
excess than A, then rate depends on A only. Rate of formation of Fr 223  k 2  Ac 227 
 nA  mB  products Rate   k1  k 2   Ac 227 

rate r  A n B m Characteristics of Rate constant:

rate = K  A n  B  0 (i) Rate constant is a measure of the rate of the
reaction. Greater the value of k, faster is the
 'K' is called rate constant or specific rate or rate reaction. Similarly, smaller the value of k
per unit concentrations of the reactants. indicates slower the reaction.
rate (ii) The value of k depends on the nature of the
 reactants  reactants. It is a characterstic constant for a

particular reaction at a fixed temeperature.

1 n n 1 1
Units of K  mole L sec Different reactions have different values of k.
(iii) The value of the rate constant of a reaction does a
not depend on the concentrations of the (v) Half-life period  t1/ 2   2k   t1/ 2  a 
reactants. Where a = initial concentration
(iv) The value of rate constant for a particular
(vi) Unit of rate constant : mol lit 1s 1
reaction changes with temeperature.
(v) The units of rate constant depend on the order First order reactrions:
1) A  Products r  k1  A1
of reaction.
Order of the reaction :The sum of the powers
of the concentration terms of reactants in the 2) Equation for rate:  k1 a  x 
rate equation is called order of the reaction. dt
 Order of reaction may be zero (or) fraction (or) Equation for rate constant :
negative (or) a whole number (or) integer 2.303 a
k1  log
 Order of the reaction can be determined by t ax
experimental method only. 3) Units for rate constant: sec-1
 For elementary reactions order can be obtained
4) Half life time : t12  a
from stoichiometric equation.
Note: A Chemical reaction which occur in single 0.693
step is called elementary reaction. t 12 
Ex 1:- xA  yB  zC  products
5) Let us consider a typical first order gas phase
R  K  A   B  C 
x y z
reaction A  g   B  g   C  g  .
order  x  y  z Let pi be the initial pressure of A and p t the
total pressure of the reaction mixture at time ‘t’
1 3 2.303 pi
Ex 2:- A  B  products then k  t
 i  pt 
2 2
Examples :
Rate = k  A  B 2
1 3

1 3 a) N2O5 g   N2O4 g   O2 g 
Order =   2
2 2 b) SOCl (g) SO(g) Cl (g)
2 2 2 2

Zero order reactions: 1

(i) The reaction rate is independent of the c) H2O2(aq) H2O(l)  O2(g)
concentration of the reactants d) Acid Hydrolysis of ester.
(ii) Some examples of zero order reactions are 
CH3COOC2H5  H2Oexcess 

eg : (I) H 2  g   Cl2  g  
 2HCl  g 

(II) 2NH3  g  

N 2  g   3H 2  g 
0 CH 3COOH  C2 H 5OH

(III) 2HI Au

 H 2  I2 e) NH4 NO2 (aq)  N2 (g)  2H2O(l)
(iii) A  product f) Hydrogenation of ethene is an example of
Rate = k  A   first order reaction.
C2 H 4  g   H 2  g   C2 H 6  g 
Co  C x
k 
t t Rate = k C2 H 4 
Where C0  Initial concentration of reactant g) Disintegration of radio active elements
C = Concentration of reactant at ‘t’ time Ra  24 He  86
x  Concentration of product at ‘t’ time Rate = k[Ra]
Second order reactions : Rate = k  CHCl3  Cl2 1/ 2 order = 1.5
a) 2A  products r  K 2  A
e. Reaction between H 2 and D2
b) A+B  products r  K 2  A B  Rate = k .PH 2 .PD2
1/ 2

c) Units for rate constant:

order = 1.5
R ate= K [A ]1 [B ] 0
f. Conversion of para hydrogen to ortho
1 1
(or) t 12  k a
hydrogen at high temperature
d) Half life time : t 12
Rate   PH 2 
2 3/ 2
Examples : order = 1.5
1) 2 N 2O  2 N 2  O2 Negative order reactions:
2) 2Cl2O  2Cl2  O2 Conversion of ozone into oxygen.
Rate = K  O 3   O 2 
alkaline hydrolysis of ester 2

3) CH3COOC2H5  NaOH  Order with respect to oxygen is –1

CH 3COONa  C2 H 5OH Total Order is 1
4) 2 NO2  2 NO  O2 For first order Growth Kinetics
5) C 2 H 4  H 2  C 2 H 6 It it used in population growth and bacteria
6) 2 HI  H 2  I 2 multiplication
2.303 ax
Third order reactions: K log
a) 3A  products (or) t a
b) 2A+B  products (or) When ‘a’ is initial population and  a  x  is
c) A+B+C  products
population after time ‘t’
r  k3 A (or)
nth Order Reactions:
r = K3[A]2[B]1 (or) r = K3[A]1[B]1[C]1 Units for rate constant :
Units for rate constant : lit2.mole-2.sec-1.
litn-1.mole1-n.sec-1. or (atm)1-n sec-1
Half life time : t12  When the order of reaction is n
Examples : 1  2n 1  1 
t1/ 2 
a. 2 NO  O2  2 NO2 K (n  1)  a n 1 
b. 2 NO  Cl2  2 NOCl 1
Half life : t12 
c. 2 FeCl3  SnCl2  2 FeCl2  SnCl4 an1
(aq) (aq) (aq) (aq) Pseudo Unimolecular reactions :
Fractional order reactions: The reactions with molecularity greater than or
a. H 2  Br2  2HBr equal to 2 but order is one are called Pseudo
Rate = k  H2   Br2 1/ 2 Order  1.5 unimolecular or Pseudo first order reactions.
b. CO  Cl2  COCl2 Eg : 1. Hydrolysis of ethyl acetate in acid
Rate = k  CO 2  Cl2 1/ 2 order  2.5 2. Inversion of cane sugar
c. COCl2  CO  Cl2 3. Hydrolysis of Acetic anhydride
Rate = k  COCl2 3/ 2 Order  1.5 Note: For any reaction excess amount of reactant
d. CHCl3  Cl2  CCl4  HCl is taken then order w.r.t that reactant is zero.
Molecularity of the reactions: Difference Between Molecularity
 The sequence of the elementary steps of a and order of Reaction :
chemical reaction is known as reaction
 The slowest elementary step of the reaction is
called rate determining step or rate limiting step.
 The number of atoms (or) molecules or ions
participating in the slowest step is called
 Molecularity cannot be zero (or) fraction. It is
always a whole number (or) integer.
 Molecularity is obtained from reaction
Eg : NH 4 NO 2  N 2  2H 2 O Unimolecular
2HI  H 2  I 2 Bimolecular
2NO  O 2  2NO 2 trimolecular
 The probability that more than three molecules
can collide and react simultaneously is very
small. Hence, the molecularity greater than three
is not observed. It is, therefore, evident that
complex reactions involving more than three
molecules in the stoichiometric equation must
take place in more than one step. Methods of Determination of order
KClO3  6 FeSO4  3H 2 SO4  of Reaction
KCl  3Fe2  SO4 3  3H 2O 1) Trail and Error method or Integrated
from of rate equation method
This reaction which apparently seems to be of
tenth order but it is actually a second order
reaction. This shows that the reaction takes
place in several steps. Which step controls the r
rate of the overall reaction. or slow reaction that Zero order RP 0

is called as rate determining step involves just  
two species.
Consider the decomposition of hydrogen x a  a  x
peroxide which is catalysed by iodide ion in an x  kt (or ) K 
t t
alkaline medium.
I 
First order RP
2H 2O2   2H 2O  O2
2.303 a
K log
The rate equation for this reaction is found to
t a  x
 d  H 2O2 
Rate =  k  H 2O2   I  
This reaction is first order with respect to both log
a x
H 2O2 and I  . Evidences suggest that this
reaction takes place in two steps. t
 
4) Ostwald’s Isolation method
This method is useful to determine the order w.r.t
each reactant of a reaction separately by taking
other reactants in excess quantity.
A + B + C  products
Then order with respect to A is n A
Order with respect to B is n B
Order with respect to C is n C
Second order 2R  P overall order of the reaction = n A  n B  n C
1 x
K  WE-6: 75% of a first order reaction is completed
at  a  x 
in 30min. Caluculate (a) half life, (b) rate
constant and (c) time required for 99.9%
completion of the reaction.
x Sol: Time required for 75% completion is 2 half

a  a  x
lifes = 30min.
    =15 min
(a) Half-life t 1

Second order R1  R2  P
0.693 0.693
b a  x (b) Rate Constant  k     0.046min1
2.303 t1 15
K log
t a  b a b  x  2

(c) Time required for 99.9% of the reaction (t)

2.303 a 2.303 100
t log  log  149 min
b a  x  k a  x 0.046 0.1
a b  x
WE-7: A first order reaction is 20% complete in
  10min. How long it takes to complete 80%?
Sol: Applying first order integral rate equation,
2) Half-time  t1/ 2  method rate constant K is given as,
n 1
1  t1/2'   a ' '  2.303 a 2.303 100
t1/ 2  n1 ;  ' '    '  k log  log
a  t1/2   a  t ax 10 100  20
where n = order of reaction  0.0223min 1
3) Van’t Hoff Differential method
 log1.25  0.0969 
 dc
 KC n Time required for 80% completion of the first
For two initial concentrations C1 , C2 we have order reaction, t0.8

 dc1  dc2 2.303 100

 KC1n ;  KC2n t0.8  log
dt dt k 100  80
  dc1    dc2  2.303 100
log    log    log  72.2 min
 dt   dt  0.0223 20
n 
 log c1  log c2 
WE-8:The initial concentration of ethyl acetate is Sol: Let the pressure of N 2O5  g  decreases by 2x
0.85molL1 . Following the acid catalysed atm. As two moles of N 2O5 decompose to give
hydrolysis, the conentration of ester after
30min and 60min of the reaction are two moles of N 2O4  g  and one mole of O2  g  ,
respectively 0.8 and 0.754molL1 . Calculate the the pressure of N 2O4  g  increase by 2x atm
rate constant and pseudo rate constant. and that of O2  g  increases by x atm.
Sol: Acid catalysed ester follows pseudo first order
2 N 2O5  g   2 N 2O4  g   O2  g 
kinetics. The rate constant k is given as
Start t  0 0.5 atm 0atm 0atm
2.303 a
k log At timet  0.5  2x  atm 2x atm x atm
t ax
Pt  PN 2O5  PN 2O4  PO2
2.303 0.85
k log  2.020  10 3 min 1  or 
30 0.05   0.5  2 x   2 x  x  0.5  x

 1.997  10 3 min 1 x  pt  0.5
30 0.046
PN2O5  0.5  2 x
The rate constant (k) is the product of pseudo
 0.5  2  Pt  0.5   1.5  2 Pt
first order rate constant  k '
At t  100 s; Pt  0.512 atm
and concentration of water. (concentration of
water = 55.5molL1 ) PN 2O5  1.5  2  0.512  0.476 atm

k  k '  H 2O  But K 
2.303 P 2.303
log i  log
Substituting the values, t Pf 100 0.476

1.997 103  k ' 55.5 

 0.0216  4.98  104 s 1
Pseudo rate constant = k '
 3.6  10 5 Lmol 1 min 1 Collision Theory of reaction rates or
Kinetic Molecular theory :
WE-9: For a reaction A+2B  products, when B  Collision theory was proposed by Arrhenius and
is taken in excess, then the rate law expression developed by Max Trautz and William Lewis.
and order is  The main postulates of collision theory are
Sol: For the reaction rate law expression is a) Collisions must occur between the molecules
Rate=K[A]1[B]0 of reacting gases for a reaction to occur.
 Order =1 b) All collisions do not lead to the formation of
products. (Only fruitfull collisions leads to
formation of products)
WE-10: The following data were obtained during c) The minimum amount of energy possessed
the first order thermal decomposition of by the colliding molecules to the formation of
N 2O5  g  at constant volume : products or reaction to occur is known as
threshold energy.
2 N 2O5  g   2 N 2O4  g   O2  g  d) The energy possessed by the molecules at
S.NO Time(s) Total Pressure/(atm) STP is known as normal energy or internal
1. 0 0.5 energy.
2. 100 0.512 e) Normal energy possessed by normal
Calculate the rate constant. molecules is always less than threshold energy.
f) The energy to be gained by the normal Concept of Activation Energy: The
molecules during the collision to convert into difference between the energy barrier (i.e.,
products is known as activation energy or energy threshold energy) ET and the energy of normal
of activation.
g) Activation energy = Threshold energy - molecules ER is called activation energy Ea .
energy of normal colliding molecules. Ea  ET  ER
h) Activation energy increases, the rate of the
reaction decreases.
i) No. of binary collisions per unit time (Z) is
Rate  Z AB e  Ea / RT

Z   AB
n A nB ;
 AB  collision diameter ;
  reduced mass
j) Specific rate k  p. Z e  Ea / RT or k  Ae  Ea / RT
Where P= probability factor
 Activation energy of HI decomposition reaction Threshold energy
 For 2NO2  2NO+O2 the activation energy is
111K.J/mole. So decomposition of NO2(g) is
slower than decomposition of HI(g). Potential energy R
 The collisions in which molecules collide with
sufficient kinetic energy (called threshold Energy of colliding H
energy) and proper orientation, so as to facilitate P
breaking of bonds between reacting species and
Reaction coordinate
formation of new bonds to form products are
Exothermic reaction  H is  ve
called as effective collisions. Where as improper
orientation makes them simply bounce back and
no products are formed. Threshold energy
For example, formation of methanol from
Energy of
Potential energy activation P

R H
Energy of colliding molecules

Reaction coordinate
Endothermic Re action H is  ve

 The fraction of activated collisions is smaller If activation energy of forward reaction  Eaf 
than the total number of collisions.
 Actual rate of reaction is much smaller than the is less than that of the backward reaction  Eab  ,
rate of the reaction calculated on the basis of the reaction is exothermic.
the normal collisions.
The heat of the reaction, H  Eaf  Eab The free energy change of a photochemical
reaction may not be negative.
Reactions with lower activation energy are fast
In the synthesis of carbohydrates and formation
and with higher activation energy are slow.
of HCl. G is +ve.
For ionic reactions, the energy of activation is
negligibly small and hence they are Quantum Efficiency OR Quantum yield
instantaneous. Number of molecules participating in
For covalent reactions, the energy of activation photochemical reaction with absorption of
is high and the reactions are time consuming. quanta is called Quantum Efficiency. It is
In the presence of a catalyst alters the path, with expressed as
a new path of low activation energy, the time Number of molecules reacting in a given time
required for a covalent reaction is also low. Number of quanta of light absorbed in the same time
Increasing the concentration of reactants Chemiluminescence: Emission of light in a
increases the rate. This is because of the increase
chemical reaction at ordinary temperatures is
in the collision frequency and increase in
called chemiluminescence.
number of reactant molecules crossing the
Fluorescence: The absorption of energy and
energy barrier.
instantaneous reemitting of the energy is called
Collision Frequency (Z) : Total number fluorescence.
of collisions which occur among the reacting Phosphorescence : The continuous glow of
molecules per second per unit volume is called some substances even after the cutting of source
collision frequency. Its value is given by of light is called phosphorescence
z 2  v 2 n 2 Eg. ZnS
v = average velocity Bioluminescence : The phenomenon of
 = molecular diameter in cm chemiluminescence exhibited by certain living
n = number of molecules per cc. organisms is called Bioluminescence
Eg. light emission by fire flies.
 Rate  k   Ze Ea / RT

Transition State theory: According to this ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

theory, the bimolecular reaction between two Expression for the amount left after n
molecules A 2 and B2 passes through the half lives
formation of activated complex which then
 A0
decomposes to yield the product AB, as shown After one half-life, amount left 
below 2
After two half-lives, amount left
A 2  B2   A 2 B2   2AB
1  A0  A0
Pr oduct
Re ac tan ts  Activated Complex 

The constant ‘A’ has unit of time –1 and is    2

2 2 2
constant for a given reaction
After three half-lives , amount left
At very high temperature rate becomes equal to
frequency factor, i.e., k = A. 1  A   A
  20  30
Photochemical reaction :Reactions which 2 2 2
take place by the absorption of radiations of In general, amount left after n half lives
suitable wavelength  A0
Eg : H 2  g   Cl2  g  
 2HCl  g 
light 
Photosynthesis of carbohydrates in plants takes
place in presence of chlorophyll and sunlight Total time
6CO 2  6H 2 O 
 C 6 H12 O 6  6O 2
No.of half-lives = t1
Average life of a first order reaction Some typical linear plots for the
Average life of a first order reaction is the time reactions of different orders :
in which the concentration of the reactant is (a) Plots of rate vs concentrations
reduced to 1/e of its original concentration i.e.,
Rate  k  conc.

 A   A0  / e . Thus,
1  A0 zero order 1st Order
Tav  log e
k  A0 / e Rate Rate

 log e e 
1 k Conc Conc
k k
But t1

 Tav  2
 1.44t 1 2nd Order 3rd Order
0.693 2


Zero reactions:
Conc  Conc 
2 3
x1 x2 3
(i) t  t (ii) t75%  t50% (iii) t100%  2  t50%
1 2 2 (b) Plots from integrated rate equations
First order reactions: 1st Order
Zero Order
(i) t75%  2t50% (v) t90%  t50%
3 Conc A log A
(ii) t87.5%  3t50% (vi) t99%  2t90%
Time t  Time t 
(iii) t93.75%  4t50% (vii) t99.9%  3t90%
(iv) t99.9%  10t50% (viii) t99.99%  4t90%
Second order reactions 2nd Order 1 3rd Order
(i) t2 / 3  2  t1/ 2 (ii) t3 / 4  3  t1/ 2 A A  2

(iii) t4 / 5  4  t1/ 2 (iv) t99.9%  999  t50%

Time t  Time t 
To determine the order w.r.t . each reactant,
follow the following rules: (c) Plots of half-lives vs concentration
Change done in conc. Of a ( t1/ 2 a1 n )
Order w.r.t
reactant ( Keeping conc. Of Effect on rate
that reactant
other reactants constant )
(i) doubled Doubled 1 zero order 1st Order
(ii) doubled/Trebled/
No effect 0
Quadrupled/ Halved, etc t1/ 2 t1/ 2
(iii) Doubled 4 times 2
(iv) Trebled 9 times 2
(v) Halved Halved 1 Conc Conc
Reduced to ¼
(vi) Halved 2 and so on

2nd Order 3rd Order

t1/ 2 t1/ 2

1/ a 1/ a2
8. A graph is drawn between the concentration
of the reactants (taken on y-axis) and the time
of reaction (taken on x-axis). The slope of the
RATE OF REACTION tangent drawn to the graph at a point
1. Under a given set of experimental conditions corresponding to reaction time t sec. gives
with increase in the concentration of the 1) rate of the reaction
reactants, the rate of chemical reaction 2) rate constant of the reaction
1) decreases 2) increases 3) rate of reaction at time t
3) remains constant 4) half life period of the reaction
4) first decreases and increases 9. In which of the following cases, does the
2. In a chemical reaction, rate of a chemical reaction go farthest to completion
reaction increases with temperature. The 1) K=102 2) K=10-2 3) K=10 4) K=1
reason is due to 10. At 298 K, 1 atm, among
1) number of collisions between molecules
A) 2 H 2  O2  2 H 2O
2) decreases in activation energy B) H 2  Cl2  2 HCl
3) increase in the number of the molecules with
C) N 2  O2  2 NO
activation energy
4) kinetic energy of reactants increases D) H 2 SO4  KOH  products, correct order of
3. Which of the following reaction is a fast reaction rates is
reaction at laboratory temperature 1) D>A>C>B 2) D<A<B<C
1) reaction between KMnO4 and oxalic acid 3) D>B>A>C 4) D>B=C>A
2) reaction between KMnO4 and mohr's salt 11. chemical kinetics is a branch of physical
3) hydrolysis of ethyl acetate chemistry deals with
4) thermal decomposition of N2O5 1) structure of molecules
4. K represents the rate constant of a reaction 2) heat changes in a reaction
when log K is plotted against 1/T 3) physical changes in a reaction
(T=temperature) the graph obtained is a 4) rate of reactions
1) curve 12. The rate of a reaction
2) a straight line with a constant positive slope 1) increase with increase in temperature
3) a straight line with constant negative slope 2) decrease with increase in temperature
4) a straight line with no slope 3) does not depend on temperature
5. Slowest reaction among the following under 4) does not depend on concentration
identical conditions is 13. The rate of chemical reaction would
1) NaOH  HCl  NaCl  H 2O 1) increase as the reaction proceeds
2) decrease as the reaction proceeds
2) H   OH   H 2O 3) may increase or decrease during the reaction
3) 2 NO  O2  2 NO2 4) remains constant as the reaction proceeds
14. The factor which does not influence the rate
4) CH 4  2O2  CO2  2 H 2O of reaction is
6. In reactions involving gaseous reactants and 1) Nature of reactants
gaseous products the units of rate are 2) Concentration of the reactants
1) Atm 2) Atm-sec 3) Temperature
3) Atm.sec-1 4) Atm2 sec2 4) Molecular mass
7. In the sequence of reaction 15. The rate at which a substance reacts depends
k1 k2 k3
A  B  C  D K3>K2>K1 then upon its
the rate determining step of the reaction is 1) Active mass 2) molecular mass
1) A  B 2) C  D 3) B  C 4) A  D 3) atomic mass 4) equivalent mass
16. The term dc/dt in a rate equation refers to 23. A catalyst
1) concentration of reactants 1) Increases the heat of the reaction
2) change in concentration of reactants or 2) Decreases the heat of the reaction
products with time 3) Does not alter the heat of the reaction
3) velocity constant of the reaction 4) Increases the number of collisions
4) concentration of products 24. For the reaction 2NO2  2NO+O2 which of
17. The rate of chemical reaction depends on the the following is false ?
nature of reactants because 1) The decrease in [NO2] and the increase in
1) The number of bonds broken in the reactant [NO] proceed at the same rate
molecules and the number of bonds formed in 2) The rate of formation of NO is twice the rate
product molecules changes of formation of O2
2) Some of the reactants are solids at the room 3) The average rates of increase in the
temperature concentration of NO and O2 are expressed as
3) Some of the reactants are coloured d
4) Some of reactants are liquids at room  NO  and d O 2 
dt dt
d  NO  2 d  O2 
18. The relation between the rate of a simple 4) 
reaction and the concentration 'c' of the dt dt
25. The rate constant is given by the equation
reacting species is given as
1) rate  c K  A.e  Ea / RT which factor should register a
decrease for the reaction to proceed more
1 1 rapidly
2) ra te  3) rate  n
c c 1) T 2) K 3) A 4) Ea
26. Arrhenius equation may be written as
4) rate c n (n=order of reaction)
d ln k Ea d ln k E
19. Dimensions of rate of reaction involves 1)  2)  a2
1) concentration only dT RT dT RT
2) time only d ln k E d ln k E
3)  a 4)   a2
3) both concentration and time dT RT dT RT
4) neither time nor concentration 27. In Arrhenius plot, intercept is equal to
20. Which of the following about the rate
constant k of a reaction wrong ? Ea
1)  2) ln A 3) ln K 4) log10 a
1) it remains unchanged throughout the course R
of reaction
2) it provides a convenient measure of reaction ORDER OF REACTION
rate 28. In the reaction A  B if the concentration of
3 ) i t i s e x p r e
for all
s s e
A is increased by four times, the rate of the
d i n t h e s a m e u n i t ( s e c )

reactions reaction becomes doubled, the order of the

4) the more rapid the reaction, the larger is the reaction is
value of k, the slower the reaction the smaller is 1) Zero 2) 1 3) 1/2 4) 2
its value 29. In the reaction A+B  Products, if B is taken
21. The value of the rate constant of a reaction in excess, then it is an example of
depends on 1) Second order reaction
1) time 2) activation energy 2) Zero order reaction
3) temperature 4) half-life value 3) Fractional order reaction
22. For an irreversible chemical reaction, the 4) First order reaction
concentration of the products with time 30. The unit of rate constant for a second order
1) increases 2) decreases reaction is
3) does not change 1) litre sec. 2) lit.mole sec.
 
3) Moles .Lit.sec 4) moles.sec
1 1
4) some more data required
31. A chemical reaction A+2B  AB2 follows in 39. Units for the rate constant of first order
two steps reaction is
A+B  AB(slow) 1) Sec-1 2) moles.lit-1
AB+B  AB2(fast) 3) lit.mole-1 4) moles3.lit-1.sec-1
Then the order of the reaction is 40. A zero order reaction is one whose rate is
1) 3 2) 2 3) 1 4) 0 independent of
32. The graph drawn between the reaction time 1) temperature of the reaction
and which of the following concentration 2) the concentration of the reactants
term gives a straight line plot passing through 3) the concentration of the products
origin for the first order reaction 4) activation energy
1 41. The dimensions of rate constant of a second
1) log x 2)
a  x  order reaction involves.
1) neither time nor concentration
a 1 2) only time
3) log
a  x 2 3) time and concentration
33. The reaction that obeys the expression 4) time square and concentration
1 42. The decomposition of H2O2 is represented as
t1  H2O2  H2O+O(slow)
ka the order of reaction
(O)+(O)  O2(fast)
1) 0 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3 Then the order of the reaction is
34. The rate equation for the hydrolysis of an 1) 1 2) 2 3) 0 4) 3
ester in presence of NaOH is, rate=k[ester]
[NaOH]. If the concentration of NaOH is d  NH 3 
43. represents
increased by 100 times than that of ester, the dt
order of the reaction will be 1) Rate of formation of Ammonia
1) 1 2) 2 3) 0 4) 3 2) Rate of decomposition of Ammonia
35. When molecules of type A react with
3) Rate of consumption of N 2
molecules of type B in one-step process to give
AB2,the rate law is 4) Rate of consumption of H 2
1) rate =K[A]1 [B]2 2) rate=K[A]2 [B]1 44. Which of the following is not a first order
3) rate=K[2A] [B] 4) rate=K[A] [B] reaction
36. The rate expression for a chemical reaction 1) Hydrolysis of an ester in acidic medium
2NO2F  2NO2+F2 is given by rate =K[NO2F] 2) Decomposition of N2O5
The rate determining step may be
1) 2NOF2  2NO2+F2 2) NO2F +F  NO2+F2 3) Decomposition of H 2O2
3) NO2F  NO2+F 4) NO2+F  NO2F 4) Oxidation of nitric oxide
37. The units of rate of reaction and rate constant 45. The order of a reaction
are identical for a 1) can never be zero
1) fraction-order reaction 2) can never be fraction
2) zero-order reaction 3) must be a whole number
3) first-order reaction 4) can be an integer or a fraction or zero
4) second-order reaction 46. The order of a reaction can be predicted with
38. If a reaction obeys the following equation the help of
2.303 a 1) molecularity of the reaction
k log
t a  x  then the order is 2) activation energy of the reaction
3) rate equation of the reaction
1) 0 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3
4) reaction rate
47. For the reaction A  B the rate law is, 54. The time for half change for a zero order
rate=k[A]. which of the following statement reaction is..................
is incorrect ? 1) proportional to the initial concentration
1) The reaction follows first order kinetics 2) proportional to the square root of the initial
2) The t 1 of reaction depends upon initial concentration
2 3) independent of initial concentration
concentration of reactants 4) inversely proportional to the initial conc.
3) k is constant for the reaction at a constant 55. Rate equation for a second order is
temperature 2.303 a 1 a
4) The rate law provides a simple way of 1) K  log 2) K  log
t ax t ax
predicting the concentration of reactants and
1 X 1 a
products at any time after the start of the reaction 3) K  t a(a  x) 4) K  t 2 (a  x)
48. The decomposition of Cl2O is
56. The hydrolysis of ethyl acetate
1) explosive reactions 2) second order reactions 
3) first order reactions 4) thermal reactions CH 3COOC2 H 5  H 2 O  CH 3COOH C2 H 5OH
49. CO=initial concentration of the reactant is a reaction of
Ct=concentration of the reactant at time t, 1) Pseudo first order 2) Second order
k=rate constant of the reaction. Then the 3) Third order 4) Zero order
equation applicable for a first order reaction 57. Radioactive decay follows which order kinetics?
is 1) zero 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3
1) Ct=C0e -kt
2) Ct=C0e kt 58. A reaction involving two different reactants
C0 can never be
3) C0=Cte -kt
4)  1 1) Second order reaction 2) First order reaction
Ct 3) Unimolecular reaction 4) Bimolecular reaction
50. In a first order reaction fraction of the total 59. What is the order of a reaction which has a
concentration of the reactant varies with time rate expression?
't' is equal to
rate  k  A  B 
3/ 2 1

1) e kt 2) 100.434kt 3) n 4) e kt 3 1
1) 2) 3) zero 4) None
51. For a first order reaction, if ‘a’ is the initial 2 2
concentration of reactant, then the half life
time is
1) independent of a 2)  a 60. The molecularity of a reaction will be
3)  a2 4)  a3 1) fractional 2) zero
52. The rate expression for a reaction is 3) positive whole number 4) negative
61. Which of the following is wrong
dx 1 3
1) order of the reaction is negative, positive or
 K [ A] [ B]
2 2 , the overall order of the
dt fractional
reaction is. 2) molecularity of the reactions is always equal
3 to the sum of stoichiometric co-efficients
1) 2 2) 12 3) 2 4) 1 3) the order of a reactions may be zero
53. Which of the following statements is false? 4) half life is independent of the concentration
1)a fast reaction has a large rate constant and of reactants in first order reaction
short half-life 62. Which statement is correct ?
2) Half life depends on concentration of 1) Molecularity of a reaction is same as the order
reactants for first order reaction. of reaction
3)For a first order reaction,the half-life is 2) In some cases order of reaction may be same
independent of concentration as the molecularity of the reaction
4)The half-life of a reaction is half the time 3) Molecularity may be zero
required for the reaction to go to completion 4) Molecularity may be fractional
63. Which of the following cannot be 72. The excess of energy required for the reactant
determined experimentally. molecules to undergo a reaction is
1) Order 2) Rate 1) Potential energy 2) Kinetic energy
3) Rate constnat 4) Molecularity 3) Thermal energy 4) Activation energy
64. Which of the following statements regarding 73. Threshold energy (TE), internal energy of
molecularity of the reaction is correct? reactants (IE) and energy of activation (AE)
1) Molecularity relates to mechanism of reaction are related as
2) It cannot be negative or fractional 1) AE = TE + IE 2) TE = AE + IE
3) Molecularity of a complex reaction has two 3) IE = AE - TE 4) TE = AE = IE
(or) more steps and each individual step has its 74. The energy to be possessed by the molecule
own molecularity.
participating in the reaction to give the
4) All are correct
COLLISION THEORY 1) < activation energy 2) threshold energy
65. To increase the rate of a chemical reaction, 3) < average energy
catalyst 4) threshold energy + average energy
1) increase the activation energy 75. For a given reaction which one is higher than
2) decrease activation energy the rest among the following
3) reacts with products 1) Average energy 2) Threshold energy
4) do not changes the activation energy 3) activation energy 4) Normal energy
66. The energy of activation of a reaction is 76. The value of energy of activation for radio
dependent on active decay is
1) temperature 2) pressure 1) high 2) low 3)zero 4) moderate
3) concentration 4) nature of reactants
77. In arrhenius equation, the fraction of
67. If the activation energy of both the forward
effective collisions is given by
and the backward reactions are equal , H of
1) K=Ae-Ea/RT 2) A 3) e-Ea/RT 4) RT
the reaction is
78. On increasing the temperature by 100C,
1) zero 2) +Ve 3) -Ve
4)cannot be predicted 1) number of collisions get doubled
68. For the exothermic reaction A+B  C+D. 2) value of rate constant does not change
3) energy of activation increases
H is the heat of reaction and E a is the
activation energy. The activation energy for 4) specific rate of the reaction gets doubled
the formation of A+B will be 79. The threshold energy of a chemical reaction
1) Ea 2) H 3) Ea+ H 4) H - Ea depends upon
69. The rate constant (K1) of one reaction is found 1) nature of reacting species 2) temperature
to be double that of the rate constant of (K2) 3) concentration of species
another reaction. Then the relationship 4) number of collisions
between the corresponding activation 80. Activation energy is _____ to rate of reaction
energies of two reactions (E1 and E2) can be 1) directly proportional 2)inversely proportional
represented. 3) equal 4) not related
1) E1 > E2 2) E1 < E2 3) E1 = E2 4) E1 = 4E2 81. The rate of a reaction can be increased in
70. Collision theory is applicable to general by all the factors except
1) Unimolecular reactions 1) using a catalyst
2) Bimolecular reactions 2) increasing the temperature
3) Trimolecular reactions 3) increasing the activation energy
4) Tetra molecular reactions 4) increasing the concentration of reactants
71. The rate constant is given by the equation 82. The energy of activation of positive catalyzed
K  P.Ze  Ea / RT Which factor should register reaction as compared to that of an
a decrease for the reaction to proceed more uncatalyzed reaction is
rapidly? 1) more 2) less
1) T 2) Z 3) Ea 4) P 3) same 4) may be more or less
83. For producing the effective collisions, the 10. Ionic reactions are faster then covalent reactions
colliding molecules must posses 12. Rate of a reaction increases with increase in
1) a certain minimum amount of energy temperature
2) energy equal to greater than threshold energy 13. As the reaction proceeds, the rate of the reaction
3) proper geometry decreases.
4) threshold energy and proper orientation 14. Molecular mass does not influence the rate of
the reaction where as others influence
15. Rate of the reaction is directly proportional to
the product of active masses of the reactants
1) 2 2) 3 3) 2 4) 3 5) 4 6) 3 7) 1
19. mol1 n .lit n 1.sec 1
8) 3 9) 1 10) 3 11) 4 12) 1 13) 2 14) 4 21. Rate constant does not depend an activation
15) 1 16) 2 17) 1 18) 4 19) 3 20) 3 21) 3 energy
22) 1 23) 3 24) 3 25) 4 26) 4 27) 2 28) 3 22. The concentration of the reactants decreases
while that of products increases with time.
29) 4 30) 3 31) 2 32) 3 33) 3 34) 1 35) 1
1 d  NO2  1 d  NO d O2 
36) 3 37) 2 38) 2 39) 1 40) 2 41) 3 42) 1 24. rate    
2 dt 2 dt dt
43) 2 44) 4 45) 4 46) 3 47) 2 48) 2 49) 1 25. with decrease in the activation energy, the rate
50) 4 51) 1 52) 1 53) 2 54) 1 55) 3 56)1 of the reaction increases
57) 2 58) 3 59) 2 60) 3 61) 2 62) 2 63) 4 26. Another form Arrheniou
64) 4 65) 2 66) 4 67) 1 68) 3 69) 2 70) 2 Ea  1 
27. ln K     ln A ; y  mx  c
71) 3 72) 4 73) 2 74) 2 75) 2 76) 3 77) 3 R T 
78) 4 79) 1 80) 2 81) 3 82) 2 83) 4    
28. r  k A n  (1); 2r  K 4 A n (2)

C.U.Q - HINTS From eq (1) & (2) , we get n  1/ 2

1. With increase in the concentration of the 29. For any reaction excess amount of reactant is
reactants, the rate of the chemical rections taken then order w.r.t that reactant is zero.
increases due to more number of effective 30. mol1nlit n1 sec1 for n = 2 , if becomes
collision. mol 1lit 1 sec 1 .
2. Increasing the temperature of the substance 31. Order of the reaction can be known from the
increases the fraction of molecues, which collide no. of reactants involved in rate determining step
with energies greater than activation energy (slow step)
 Ea  Hence increases the rate of reaction.
3. Due to lesser number of bond rearrangements

log k

T 1
33. t1/2  for n = 2, the expression becomes
5. Due to more number of bond rerrrangements Ka n 1
6. For the gaseous reactants units of rate are
Atm.sec 1 t1/2 
7. Slowest step is the rate determining step for
34. If the concentration of one of the reactants is
which ' K1 ' is least. much higher than the other reactant, the reaction
9. Higher the rate constant. more will be the extent becomes an example of first order.
of completion
35. A  2 B  AB2 51. For first order reaction , t1/2 does not depend as
36. The No. of species involved in rate 0.693
determination step is equal to stoichiometric the initial concentration . t1/2 
coefficient of concentration terms in rate 1 3
equation. 52. order    2
2 2
37. Unit of rate constant for zero order reaction and
unit of rate of the reaction are same 53. For first order reactions, t1/2 is independent of
initial concentration
mol.lit 1.sec 1
1 a
38. Rate expression for first order is K  2.303 log a 54. t1/2  n 1 for n = 0  t1/2 
t ax ka k
1 n n 1 1
39. mol .lit .sec for first order n = 1 56. Water is present in excess. Therefore, the rate
Hence the unit becomes sec 1 of reaction is independent of conc. of H 2O
40. For zero order reactions, the rate of the reaction 3 1
is independent of the concentration of the 59. Order = 2  1  2
reactants. 60. Molecularity of the reaction is always positive
41. Expect for first ofder reactions, the unit of rate whole number but can not be zero, fractional or
constant depends as the dimension negative.
 mol .lit .sec  concentration and time 63. Collision
1 n n 1 1

theory is applicable for bimolecular

42. Decomposition of H 2O2 is example of first 65. A catalyst increases the rate of the reaction by
order reaction. decreasing the activation energy
66. Activation energy depends on the nature of the
43. 2 NH 3  N 2  3H 2 reactants
1 d  NH 3   Ea back wardreaction   Ea  forward reaction
rate of decomposition of ammonia   68. H
2 dt
for exothermic reaction .
44. 2 NO  O2  2 NO2 ia an example of second 69. Higher the rate constant, lesser the activation
order reaction whereas the remaining given are energy
first order reactions. 71. Ea decreases
45. Conceptual.
73. Threshold energy = Activation energy + Internal
46. Order of the reaction can be known by the rate
equation of the reaction 75. Threshold energy = Activation energy + Internal
47. For first order reaction , t1/2 does not depend asenergy
0.693 76. Because H  0
the initial concentration . t1/2  78. For every 100 C rise in temperature, the rate of
the reaction generally gets doubled
48. Decomposition of Cl2O is an example of second 79. Threshold and activation energies depend on the
order reaction. nature of the reactants
c0 78. For every 100 C rise in temperature, the rate of
49. kt  2.303  log c the reaction generally gets doubled
79. Threshold and activation energies depend on the
c0 ct nature of the reactants
kt  ln ,   kt  ln
ct c0 80. Lesser the activation energy, more will be the
rate of the reaction.
 kt ct
e  ,  ct  c0 e  kt
81. Activation energy is inversely proportional to
c0 rate of the reaction.
82. A positive catalyst increases the rate of the
50.  ct  c0 e  kt , ct  e  kt reaction by decreasing the activation energy
6. Observe the following reaction
LEVEL-I (C.W) A g   3B g   2C g 

 d  A 
RATE OF REACTION & FACTORS The rate of this reaction    is
1. The rate of gaseous reaction is given by  dt 
K[A] [B]. If the volume of reaction vessel is
3×10-3 mole lit -1 min -1 . What is the value of
reduced to
of initial volume the reaction d B 
- in mole lit -1 min -1 ?
rate relative to the original rate is dt
1 1 1) 3  103 2) 9  103
1) 2) 3) 8 4) 16
16 8 3) 103 4) 1.5  10 3
2. The rate of reaction for A  products is 10 7. For which of the following reactions K310 / K300
mole.lit -1 .min -1 when t1=2min. The rate of would be maximum
reaction when t2=12min. in the same units is 1) A  B  C ; Ea  50 kJ
1) >10 2) <10 3) 10 4) 12
2) X  Y  Z ; Ea  40 kJ
3. C12 H 22O11  H 2O  C6 H12O6  C6 H12O6
(excess) ( glu cos e) ( fructose) 3) P  Q  R ; Ea  60 kJ
Rate law is expressed as 4) E  F  G ; Ea  100 kJ
1) r  K C12 H 22O11  H 2O 8. The slope in the activation energy curve is
2) r  K  C12 H 22O11  5.42  103 . The value of the activation energy
is approximately
3) r  K  H 2O 
1) 104 J mol1 2) 104 MJ mol1
4) r  K  C12 H 22 O11  H 2 O 
3) 104 KJ mol1 4) 104 J mol1 K 1
4. A chemical reaction was carried at 300K and
9. For the reaction 4NH3  5O 2  4NO  6H 2O,
280K. The rate constants were found to be
K1 and K2 respectively. then the rate of reaction with respect to NH3 is

1) K2  4K1 2) K 2  2 K1 2  103 Ms 1. Then the rate of the reaction

with respect to oxygen in Ms 1
3) K 2  0.25K1 4) K 2  0.5K1
5. The differential rate law for the reaction 1) 2  103 2) 1.5  10 3

H 2  I 2  2 HI is 3) 2.5 103 4) 3  103

10. The rate of formation of SO3 in the reaction
d  H 2  d  I 2   d  HI 
1.   2SO 2  O 2  2SO3 is 100g min 1 . Hence rate
dt dt dt
d H2  d  I2  d  HI  of disappearance of O2 is
2.  
dt dt dt 1) 50g min 1 2) 100g min 1
1 d  H 2  d  I 2  d  HI  3) 20 g min 1 4) 40 g min 1
3.  
2 dt dt dt 11. The rate of the reaction at 400C is 5 units,
then the rate of same reaction at 80 0C is
d H2  d  I2  d  HI 
4. 2  2  (nearly)
dt dt dt 1) 10 units 2) 40 units 3) 20 units 4) 80 units
12. Consider the following reaction 17. Which one of the following statement for
N 2 ( g )  3H 2 ( g )  2 NH 3 ( g ) order of reaction is not correct?
1) Order can be determined experimentally
The rate of this reaction in terms of N2 at T(k)
is 2) Order of reaction is equal to sum of the
powers of concentration terms in differential rate
d  N 2  law
 0.02 m ole .lit  1 .sec  1
dt 3) It is not affected with stoichiometric
 d H 2  coefficient of the reactants
what is the value of (in units of mole 4) Order can not be fractional
18. Which of the following relation is correct for
lit-1 sec-1) at the same temperature.
a first order reaction?
1) 0.02 2) 50 3) 0.06 4) 0.04
13. Rate Equation Units of K (K=rate constant; r=rate of reaction;
I) rate = K[A] a) mole lit-1 sec-1 c = conc. of reactant)
II) rate = K[A] [B] b) lit2 mole-2 sec-1 1) K  r  c2 2) K  r  c
III) rate = K[A] [B] 2
c) sec -1
c r
IV) rate = K d) lit mole-1 sec-1 3) K  4) K 
r c
The correct matching is
1) I - d, II - c, III - a, IV - b 19. The rate cosntant of a reation is
2) I - c, II - d, III - b, IV - a 175 lit 2 mol 2 sec1 . What is the order of
3) I - a, II - b, III - c, IV - d reaction
4) I - b, II - a, III - d, IV - c 1) first 2) second 3) third 4) zero
14.Assertion (A) : Rate of reaction will be 20. If the rate of reaction A  B triples on
doubled, when temperature increased from increasing the concentration of A by 9 times,
298 k to 308 k. then the order of reaction is
Reason (R) : The activation energy of 1) 2 2) 1 3) 1/2 4) 4
reaction decreases with increase in 21. Assertion (A) : For zero order reaction the
temperature. rate of reaction does not decrease with time
1) Both (A) and (R) are true (R) is the correct
Reason (R) : For zero order reaction amount
explanation to (A)
of substance reacted is proportional to time
2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
1) Both (A) and (R) are true (R) is the correct
correct explanation to (A)
explanation to (A)
3) (A)is true but (R) is false
2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
4) Both (A) and (R) are false
correct explanation to (A)
ORDER OF REACTION 3) (A) is true but (R) is false
15. For a reaction 2A+3B  Products, the rate 4) Both (A) and (R) are false
law expression is given by rate = K(A)1  B  . 22. A substance initial concentration (a) reacts

according to zero order kinetics. What will

The order of the reaction with respect to A,B be the time for the reaction to go to
and over all order of reaction are completion
1)1,2,1 2)3,2,1 3)1,2,3 4)2,1,3
16. The rate of a certain reaction at different a K a 2K
1) 2) 3) 4) .
times is as follows K a 2K a
Time 0 10 20 30 23. The conversion of A to B follows second order

Rate 3.2  10 3.18102 3.22 10 3.19 102
2 2
kinetics. Doubling the concentration of A will
The order of the reaction is increase the rate of formation of B by a factor
1) 1 2) zero 3) 2 4) 3 1) 4 2) 2 3) 1/4 4) 1/2
24. The rate constant is numerically same for 31. Assertion (A) : Molecularity of a reaction
three reactions of first, second and third or- cannot be more than three
der respectively. Which one is true for rate Reason (R) : Probability of simultaneous
of three reactions, if concentration of reac- collision between more than three particles
tant is greater than 1 M: is very less
1) r1  r2  r3 2) r1  r2  r3 1) Both (A) and (R) are true (R) is the correct
explanation to (A)
3) r1  r2  r3 4) All of these 2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
25. For the chemical reaction A  products, it correct explanation to (A)
is found that the rate increases by a factor of 3) (A) is true but (R) is false
6.25, when the concentration of A is increased 4) Both (A) and (R) are false
by a factor of 2.5. The order of this reaction 32. Assertion (A) : The molecularity of a reaction
with respect to A is: is a whole number other than zero, but
1) 2.5 2) 2 3) 1 4) 0.5 generally less than 3
26. The initial rates for gaseous reaction Reason (R) : The order of a reaction is always
A  3B  AB3 are given below whole number
1) Both (A) and (R) are true (R) is the correct
 A   M   B  M  Rate  M sec1  explanation to (A)
0.1 0.1 0.002 2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
0.2 0.1 0.002 correct explanation to (A)
0.3 0.2 0.008 3) (A) is true but (R) is false
0.4 0.3 0.018 4) Both (A) and (R) are false
order of the reaction is 33. The molecularity of an elementary reaction
1) zero 2) three 3) one 4) two X  2Y  Products is
27. 3/4 th of first order reaction was completed 1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 0
in 32min,15/16 the part will be completed in HALF - LIFE
1) 24 min 2) 64 min 3) 16 min 4) 32 min 34. Which order reaction obeys the expression
28. Initial concentration of the reactant is 1
t1/ 2  in chemical kinetics
1.0M.The concentration becomes 0.9M, 0.8M K .a
and 0.7M in 2 hours,4hours and 6hours 1
respectively ,then the order of reaction is 1) 0 2) 1 3) 2 4) 1
1) 2 2) 1 3) zero 4) 3 35. Half life of a zero order reaction is 250sec.
MOLECULARITY t 75% , t100% of the reaction respectively in sec.
29. Molecularity of the following elementary are
reaction is 2NO  O 2  2NO 2 1) 500, 375 2) 375, 500
3) 300, 575 4) 575, 300
1) 0.5 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3
36. The half life period of a first order chemical
30. For which of the following reactions the
reaction is 6.93 minutes. The time required
molecularity and order of the reaction are
for the completion of 99% of the chemical
respectively two and two
1) Ester hydrolysis in acid medium reaction will be (log2=0.3010) ( AIE - 2009 )
2) Inversion of cane sugar in acid aqueous 1) 23.03 minutes 2) 46.06 minutes
solution 3) 460.6 minutes 4) 230.3 minutes
3) Hydrolysis of ethyl acetate in caustic soda 37. 75% of a first order reaction is completed in
aqueous solution. 32 minutes. 50% of the reaction would have
4) Decomposition hydrogen peroxide in acid been completed in
solution 1) 24 mins 2) 16 mins 3) 18 mins 4) 23 mins
38. The half life periods of four reactions labelled 43. The energy profile diagrams of two reactions
by A,B,C & D are 30sec,4.8 min,180sec and are shown in the figure. Then
16 min, respectively. The fastest reaction is
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D

39. Half-life periods for a reaction at initial
concentrations of 0.1M and0.01 are 5 and 50
minutes respectively. Then the order of A C
reaction is
Reaction coordinates B D
1) zero 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3
40. Assertion (A) : Half life period is inversely 1) Reaction A  B is faster and more exothermic
proportional to rate constant in second order than reaction C  D
reaction 2) Reaction C  D is faster than reaction A  B
Reason (R) : Half life period is always but less exothermic
independent of initial concentration. 3)Reaction C  D is faster and more exothermic
1) Both (A) and (R) are true (R) is the correct than the reaction A  B.
explanation to (A) 4)Reaction C  D 2 1 2 times faster than reaction
2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
correct explanation to (A) A  B at the same temperature
3) (A) is true but (R) is false 44. For a reversible reaction A  B , which one
4) Both (A) and (R) are false of the following statements is wrong from the
given energy profile diagram
41. In the equilibrium A  B  C  D , the
activation energy for forward reaction is and that of backward reaction
is Which one of the following A
statement is correct
1) It is an exothermic process
Reaction coordinate
2) It is an endothermic process
3) It is reaction for which H  0 1) Activation energy of forward reaction is
4) It is a sublimation process greater than backward reaction
42. For an exothermic chemical process, occuring 2) The forward reaction is endothermic
in two steps as 3) The threshold energy is less than that of
i) A  B  X  slow  ii) X  AB  fast  activation energy
4)The energy of activation of forward reaction
The progress of the reaction can be best is equal to the sum of heat of reaction and the
described by
energy of activation of backward reaction.
x 45. Assertion (A) : A catalyst increases the rate
of the reaction
Reason(R) : A catalysed reaction proceeds
through a new path having higher activation
1) A B 2) A B energy.
AB AB 1) Both (A) and (R) are true (R) is the correct
explanation to (A)
2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
correct explanation to (A)
x 3) (A) is true but (R) is false
4) Both (A) and (R) are false

3) A B 4) All correct
LEVEL -I (C.W) - KEY 13. Unit of K  mole1nlit n 1 sec1
1) 4 2) 2 3) 2 4) 3 5) 4 6) 2 7) 4 14. For every 100 C rising in temperature, rate of
8) 1 9) 1 10) 3 11) 4 12) 3 13) 2 14) 3 reaction becomes double due to double the no.
of effective collisions
15) 3 16) 2 17) 4 18)4 19) 3 20) 3 21) 2
15. Order A = 1
22) 1 23) 1 24)3 25) 2 26) 4 27) 2 28)3
Order B = 2
29) 4 30)3 31) 1 32) 3 33) 3 34) 3 35)2
Over all order = 1 + 2
36)2 37) 2 38) 1 39) 3 40) 3 41) 2 42)2 16. For zero order, rate remains constant with time.
43) 3 44) 3 45) 3 17. Order can be fractional
18. r  K  conc 

19. From units of rate constant, the reaction is third
1. r  K  A B order
 A  B  16K 20. 3  9n
r1  K  A B
1/ 4 1/ 4 n  1/ 2
2. Rate of the reaction decreases with time 21. Both A and R correct only
 from A  products  22. For zero order reaction t completion  a/k
3. Rate does not depends on excess quantity of
23. Rate  K  A 
4. The rate constant becomes double for every
100 C rise in temperature. For 20 C rise, the 24. r1  K  A 

r2  K  A 
rate constant will be 4 times
 K1  4 K 2 or K 2  0.25K1 r3  K  A 

d H2  d  I2  1 d  HI 
5. 

2 dt If  A   1 r3  r2  r1

d  A 1 d  B 25. Rate  K  A 

6.  
dt 3 dt
6.25 r  K  2.5A 

7. Increase in rate of reaction is maximum for the

reaction having the maximum activation energy 26. According to given data  A  is constant
 Ea
8. Slope  w.r.t  B order is 2
9. Rate of reaction w.r.t NH3 =Rate of reaction w.r.t 3
27. th completion = 2t1/ 2
10. According to stoichiometric relation 15
th completion = 93.75%  4t1/2
11. 40  16
 50 
 60 
 70 
 80
28. In zero order the rate of reaction is independent
rate : 5  2 4 = 80
of the concentration of the reactants.
d  N 2  1 d H2  29. Given is elementary reaction, hence
12.  molecularity is 3.
dt 3 dt
30. CH 3COOC2 H 5  NaOH 
CH 3COONa  C2 H 5OH
1. The increase in rate constant of a reaction is
Order = 2 molecularity = 2 more when the temperature increases from
31. Molecularity never exceeds ‘3’ 1) 290 K - 300 K 2) 300 K - 310 K
32. Molecularity is a whole number and never 3) 310 K - 320 K 4) 320 K - 330 K
exceeds 3’ d [ B]
Order may be zero or fractional or whole number 2. For 3 A  xB, is found to be 2/3rd of
or negative.
d [ A]
33. Three molecules are participating in elementary . Then the value of ‘x’ is
reaction. dt
1) 1.5 2) 3 3) 1/2 4) 2
1 1 For a chemical reaction Y2  2Z  Product,
34. t1/ 2  , t1/ 2  3.
n 1
a a
n 1  1 rate controlling step is Y  Z  Q. If then
n2 the concentration of Z is doubled, the rate
3 of reaction will
35.  i  t75%  t50%
1) Remain the same 2) Become four times
3) Become 1.414 times 4) Become double
 ii  t100%  2t50%
4. Observe the following reaction 2A  B  C
10 The rate of formation of C is 2.2  103 mol
36. t 90%  t 50%
L1 min 1 . What is the value of
t 99%  2t 90%
d A
37. t75%  2t50% 
 in mol L
min 1  ?
38. The reaction which is having low half life that 1) 2.2  10 3 2) 1.1 10 3
is fastest reaction. 3) 4.4 103 4) 5.5 103
n 1
t1/' 2  a 2  5. Assertion (A) : The rate of reaction can also
39. "    increase w.r.t its product if one of the
t1/ 2  a1 
products act as catalyst
1 Reason (R) : A catalyst lowers the activation
40. t1/2  energy of reactions.
ka n 1 1) Both (A) and (R) are true (R) is the correct
41. Activation energy forward reaction is greater explanation to (A)
than that of backward reaction .Hence the 2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
reaction is endothermic correct explanation to (A)
42. In graph 2, activation energy for X’ is small. so 3) (A) is true but (R) is false
reaction from X  AB takes place fastly.. 4) Both (A) and (R) are false
43. From C  D , activation energy is lesser than 6. In the reaction 2NO  O 2  2NO 2 , if the rate
that of activation energy from A  B of disappearance of O2 is 16gm.min -1 , then
44. Threshold energy = activation energy + normal
the rate of appearance of NO 2 is
45. Catalyst increases the rate of reaction by 1) 90 gm.min 1 2) 46gm.min 1
decreasing activation energy . 3) 28gm.min 1 4) 32gm.min 1
7. 2A  B  D  E For this reaction proposed 14. Assertion (A) : The order of a reaction may be
defined as the sum of the powers to which the
mechanism A  B  C  D  slow  ,
concentration terms are raised.
A  C  E  fast  . The rate law expression for Reason (R): Order may be zero, positive,
negative and greater than three.
the reaction is
1) Both (A) and (R) are true (R) is the correct
1) r  K  A  B 2) r  K  A B explanation to (A)

2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
3) r  K  A 4) r  K  AC correct explanation to (A)

3) (A) is true but (R) is false

4) Both (A) and (R) are false
15. A reaction which is of first order w.r.t
8. Which of the following represents the
expression for 3/4th life of first order reaction reactant A , has a rate constant is 6 min 1 .If

2.303 2.303 we start with  A  0.5 mol.L1 , when

1) log 3 / 4 2) log 3
K K would  A  reach the value of 0.05 mol.L1.
2.303 K 1) 0.384 min 2) 15 min
3) log 4 4) log 4
K 2.303 3) 20 min 4) 3.84 min
9. For a reaction A+2B  products, when B is 16. For the reaction A  B  products, it is
taken in excess, then the rate law expression found that order of A is 1 and order of B is 1/
can be written as 2.When concentrations of both A & B are
1) Rate=K[A]1[B]0 2) Rate=K[A]1[B]2 increased four times the rate will increase by
3) Rate=K[A][B] 4) Rate=K[A]2[B]1 a factor
10. The unit of rate constant obeying the rate 1) 6 2) 8 3) 4 4) 16
expression r  K  A  B  is
1 2/3
17. A  B  products, the kinetic data of the
reaction is
1) mole -2/3lit 2/3 time-1 2) mole 2/3 lit -2/3 time-1
A  mole lit 1  B  mole lit 1  Rate  mole.lit 1Sec1 
3) mole-2/3lit -2/3 time-1 4) mole 2/3lit 2/3 time -1
11. For a reaction 3A 
1) 0.5 0.5 2  10 4
 Pr oducts . It is found
that the rate of reaction becomes nine times, 2) 0.5 1.0 1.99  104
if concentration of A is increased three times, 3) 1.0 0.5 2.01 10 4
then the order of the reaction is The order of the reaction is
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 1.414 1) one 2) zero 3) two 4) fractional
12. The rate constant for a first order reaction is 18. Type - I Type - II
60s 1. How much time will it take to reduce I) SO2Cl2  SO2  Cl2 a) pseudo unimolecular
the initial concentration of the reactant to its reaction
1 / 10 th value? II) 2NO2  2NO  O2 b)first order reaction

1) 3837 sec 1 2) 0.03837 sec 1 III) 2 NO  O2  2 NO2 c) second order

3) 0.03837 min 1 4) 0.3837 sec 1 
IV) CH 3 COOC 2 H 5  H 2 O  H
13. Units of rate constant of first and zero order
reactions in terms of molarity (M) are respec- CH 3COOH  C2 H 5OH d) third order
tively: The correct matching is
1) I-a, II-b, III-c, IV-d 2) I-b, II-a, III-d, IV-c
1) s 1 , Ms 1 2) s 1 , M 3) Ms 1 ,s 1 4) M,s1
3) I-d, II-c, III-b, IV-a 4) I-b, II-c, III-d, IV-a
MOLECULARITY 27. Sucrose decomposes in acid solution into
19. For an elementary process, glucose and fructose according to the first
1)The order and the molecularity are identical
order rate law, with t1/2  3.00 hours. What
2)The order is greater than the molecularity
3)The order is lesser than the molecularity fraction of sample of sucrose remains after 9
4)The order is always fractional hours?
20. A  B  products is an elementary reaction. 1) 1.250 M 2) 5.00 M 3) 0.125 M 4) 0.250 M
When excess of A is taken in this reaction,then
the molecularity and order are respectively 28. Consider the energy profile, for the reaction
1) 2 and 2 2) 2 and 1 x  y  R  S .Which of the following
3) 1 and 2 4) 1 and 1 deduction about reaction is not correct?
21.. Assertion (A) : The order of reaction is equal
to molecularity of simple reactions.
Reason (R) : Molecularity of the
reaction can not be fractional. RS
1) Both (A) and (R) are true (R) is the correct
explanation to (A) x y
2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
correct explanation to (A)
3) (A) is true but (R) is false 1) The energy of activation for the backward
4) Both (A) and (R) are false reaction is 80 KJ
2) The forward reaction is Endothermic
HALF LIFE 3) H for the forward reaction is 20 kJ
22. The product of half life  t1/2  and the squaree 4) The energy of activation for F.R is 60 kJ
29. The following figure denotes the energy
of initial concentration of the reactant (a) is
diagram for a reaction
constant. Then the order of reaction is
1) 2 2) 3 3) 0 4) 1 
23. 50% completion of a first order reaction
takes place in 16 minutes, then the fraction
that would react in 32 minutes from the Reactants

beginning Products
1) 1/2 2) 1/4 3) 1/8 4) 3/4
24. Out of 300g substance [decomposes as per 1st Reaction coordinate
order]. How much (nearly)will remain after
Then the activation energy of the reverse
18 hr?  t1/2  3hr  reaction is
1) 4.6 gm 2) 5.6 gm 3) 9.2 gm 4) 6.4 gm 1) 2x 2) 2y 3) x  y 4) y  x
25. 75% of a first order process is completed in 30. The energies of activation for forward and
30 min .The time required for 93.75% reverse reactions for A 2  B2  2AB are 180
completion of same process(in hr)? kJ/mol and 200 kJ/mol, respectively. The
1) 1 2) 120 3) 2 4) 0.25 presence of a catalyst lowers the activation
26. The half life of a radio active material is one energy of both (forward and reverse) reac-
hour. What would be the time required for tions by 100 kJ/mol. The enthalpy change of
99.9% completion the reacton A 2  B2  2AB in the presence
1) 5 hours 2) 10hours of a catalyst will be (in kJ/mol)
3) 2 hours 4) 20 hours 1) 300 2) 120 3) 280 4) -20
31. Effective collisions are those in which mol- dx
ecules must: 13. K   A for first order  sec 1
1) Have energy equal to or greater than the
threshold energy dx
K for zero order  M ol. lit  1 .sec  1
2) Have proper orientation dt
3) Acquire the energy of activation 14.Both A and R correct only
4) All of these
2.303 a
15. K  log
LEVEL-I (H.W) - KEY t ax
1)1 2) 4 3) 3 4) 3 5) 1 6) 2 7) 2 16. Rate  K  A  B
8) 3 9) 1 10) 1 11) 2 12) 2 13) 1 14) 2
15) 1 16) 2 17) 2 18) 4 19) 1 20) 2 21) 2 R 1  K 1    1
22) 2 23) 4 24) 1 25) 1 26) 2 27) 3 28) 1
1 
29) 3 30) 4 31) 4 R 2  K  4  1   4   8
2 
LEVEL-I (H.W) - HINTS 17. For zero order reactions rate is independent of
01 Rate constant is inversly proportional to concentrations.
temperature. 18. See examples of different order reactions
19. For elementary process both order and
1 d A 1 d  B
02   molecularity same
3 dt x dt 20. Molecularity is 2 order is 1
03. Rate  K  Y  Z
21. For simple reactions order of reaction is equal
to molecularity
1 d  A  d C
04.   1
2 dt dt 22. t 1  a n 1

05. Catalyst lowers the activation energy of reactions.

23. t 1 is 16 Min.
d O2  1 d  NO 2 

06.    32 Min is equal to two half lifes

dt 2 dt
24. In each half life time the amount becomes half .
07. Rate law depends upon slow step
hence18 hours is equal to 6 half lifes
2.303 a 25. 75% completion equal to 2 half lifes hence
08. K  log
t ax t1/2  15 min .
93.75 % completion equal to 4 half lifes
09. Rate does not depend upon the reactant which is
taken as excess quantity 26. t99.9%  10  t50%
10. Units of K  mole1n .lit n 1.sec1 27. 9 hours = 3t1/2
11. rate  K  Re actant 
28. For backward reaction
activation energy = 80 - 40 = 40kj
2.303 a
12 t  log 29. Activation energy for backward reaction =x+ y
K ax 30. For exothermic reactions
1 H  EA of B.W.R  EA of F.W.R
If a  1 then  a  x  
10 31. According to collision theory
6. The rate of the reaction
is given as rate =K[CH3 COOC2H5] [NaOH].
RATE OF REACTION & FACTORS If three times water is added to the reaction
1. For the elementary reaction 2A  C the mixture, the rate of the reaction compared
concentration of A after 30 minutes was to the original rate will be
found to be 0.01 mole/lit. If the rate constant 1 1 1
lit mole-1 sec-1 the 1) rd 2) th 3) th 4) 16 times
o f t h e r e a c t i o n i s 2 . 5 x 1 0

3 9 16
rate of the reaction at 30 minutes is 7. The concentration of reaction decreases from
1) 2.5x10-4 mole lit-1 sec-1 0.2M to 0.05M in 5 minutes. The rate of
2) 2.5x10-6 mole lit-1 sec-1
3) 2.5x10-2 mole lit-1 sec-1 reaction in mole.lit 1.sec 1 is
4) 2.5x10-8 mole lit-1 sec-1 1) 8.3x10-4 2) 0.05 3) 0.0005 4) 0.15
8. A  B KA = 10 e 15 -2000/T

2. For 2 NH 3  Au
 N 2  3H 2 rate w.r.t N 2 is C  D KC = 1014 e-1000/T
2  10  3 M min  1 , then rate w.r.t N 2 after 20 Temperature T; K at which (KA=KC)
min will be (in M min-1) 1) 1000K 2) 2000K
1) 2  103 2)  2  10 3 3) 104 4)  2  10 32000 1000
K 4) K 3)
3. The specific rate of a reaction is 1.5x10-4 lit 2.303 2.303
mole-1sec-1. If the reaction is commenced with 9.From the following data for the
0.2 mole/lit of the reactant, the initial rate ofdecomposition of N2O5 at 300C, find out the
the reaction in mole lit-1sec-1 is rate constant(in min–1). Volume of O2 after
1) 1.5  10 4 2) 3  1 0  5 10 min. of the reaction=90ml. Volume of O2
after completion of the reaction=100ml
3) 6  1 0  6 4) 6  1 0  5 1) 2.303 2) 0.2303 3) 0.02303 4) 23.03
4. For the process 2A  products, rate of 10. If doubling the concentration of the reactant
reaction w.r.t A at 10th second is A increases the rate by 4 times and tripling
2  10 M s  1 then rates of same process at the concentration of A increases the rate by 9
5th and 15th seconds (order  0) respectively times, the rate is proportional to
are (in M/s) 1) concentration of A
2) square of concentration of A
1) 101 & 4 102 3) under root of conc. of A
2 2
2) 2.7 10 &1.6 10 4) cube of concentration of A

3) 1.6 102 & 2.7 102 11. Consider a system containing NO2 and SO2
in which NO2 is consumed in the following
4) 2 102 & 2 102
two parallel reactions
5. In the process 2 N 2O5( g )  4 NO2( g )  O2( g ) at
2NO2 
N2O4 ; NO2  SO2 
 NO  SO3
t = 10 rate of reaction w.r.t N 2O5 , NO2 & O2 The rate of disappearance of NO2 will be
respectively are equal to
N 2O5 NO2 O2 1) K1[ NO2 ]2  K 2 [ NO2 ]
1) 500mm/min 400mm/min 200mm/min
2) K1[ NO2 ]2  K 2 [ NO2 ][ SO2 ]
2) 1000mm/min 1000mm/min 500mm/min
3) 1000mm/min 2000mm/min 4000mm/min 3) 2 K1[ NO2 ]
4) 400mm/min 400mm/min 400mm/min
4) 2
2 K1[ NO2 ]  K 2 [ NO2 ][ SO2 ]
12. Consider the reaction, 17. Idm 3 2M CH3COOH is mixed with 1dm 3 of
2A  B  Products,When concentration of B
alone was doubled, the rate did not change. 3M ethanol to form ester. The decrease in the
When the concentration of A alone was initial rate if each solution is diluted with an
doubled, the rate increased by two times. The equal volume of water would be
unit of rate constant 1) 2 times 2) 4 times
for this reaction is 3) 0.25 times 4) 0.5 times
1) s 1 2) lit.mol1.s1 18. For a reaction, K  2  1013 e 30000/ RT . When log
1 1
3) Unitless 4) mol. lit .s
K  y  axis  is plotted against 1/T  x  axis  ,
13. For a reaction, the rate constant is expressed
as, K  A.e40000/T slope of line will be.......Cal
The energy of the activation is 30000 30000
1) 2)
1) 40000 cal 2) 88000 cal 4.6 46
3) 80000 cal 4) 8000 cal 30000 30000
14. The reaction 3) 4)
2.303 4.6
CH 3COOC2 H 5  NaOH  19. The rate of a reaction doubles when its
CH 3COONa  C2 H 5OH temperature changes from 300K to 310K.
Activation energy of such a reaction will be
is allowed to take place with initial
(JEE MAINS - 2013)
concentrations of 0.2 mole/lit of each reactant.
If the reaction mixture is diluted with water  R  8.314JK1mol1 and log 2  0.3010
so that the initial concentration of each
1) 48.6kJ mol1 2) 58.5kJ mol1
reactant becomes 0.1 mole/lit. The rate of the
reaction will be 3) 60.5kJ mol1 4) 53.6kJ mol1
1) 1/8 th of the original rate 20. Give the following data for the reaction:
2) 1/4 th of the original rate XYZ
3) 1/2 th of the original rate
4) same as the original rate X  Y  Rate 101 ms 1
15. For the decomposition reaction: 1.0 M 1.0 M 0.25
N 2 O 4 g   2NO 2 g  ; the initial pressure of 2.0 M 1.0 M 0.50
1.0 M 2.0 M 0.25
N 2 O 4 falls from 0.46 atm to 0.28 atm in 30 1.0 M 3.0 M 0.25
minute. What is the rate of appearance of Which one is the rate law equation?
1) Rate  K  X Y 2) Rate  K  X  Y
0 1
NO 2 ?
1) 12  102 atm.min 1 2) 1.2  102 atm.min 1 3) Rate  K  X  Y  4) Rate  K  X  Y 
0 2

3) 1.2  10 2 atm.min 1 4) 1.8  10 1 atm.min 1 21. The activation energy for a reaction is
16. The rate for decomposition of NH3 on 9.0kcal/mol. The increase in the rate constant
when its temperature is increased from 298K
platinum surface is zero order. What are the
to 308 K is:
rate of production of N 2 and H 2 in 1) 10 % 2) 100 % 3) 50 % 4) 63 %
mole.lit 1.sec 1 if K  2.5 104 mole.lit 1.sec 1 22. At 300K rate constant for
1) 3.75 104 ,1.25 104 A  products at t = 50 min is 0.02 s 1 , then
rate constant at t = 75 min and
2) 1.25 104 ,3.75 104 310 K will be (in s 1 )
3) 1.25 104 ,3.75 104
0.04  0.02 
4) 1.25 10 ,3.75 10
4 4 1) 2) 0.04  25 3) 0.04 4)  
25  25 
23. The rate expression for the reaction ORDER OF REACTION
A( g )  B( g )  C( g ) is rate  KC A2 CB1/ 2 . What 28. The decomposition of CH3CHO occurs as
changes in the initial cocentations of A and B CH3CHO(g)  CH4(g)+CO(g), the kinetic
will cause the rate of reaction to increase by data provided is
a factor of eight? [ C H

CHO] Rate(mol.lit-1.sec-1)
1.75 x 10-3 2.06 x 10-11
1) C A  2; CB  2 2) C A  2; CB  4
3.5 x 10-3 8.25 x 10-11
3) C A 1; CB  4 4) C A  4; CB 1 7.0 x 10-3 3.30 x 10-10
24. For the reaction system: The rate expression thus can be given as
1) K[CH3.CHO] 2) K[CH3.CHO]2
2 NO( g )  O2( g )  2 NO2( g ) volume is suddenly
3) K[CH3.CHO]3 4) K[CH3.CHO]1/2
reduced to half of its value by increasing the 29. Obseve the following data regarding
pressure on it. If the reaction is of first order
2 NH 3  W
 N 2  3H 2
with respect to O2 and second order with
Pressure(in atm) : 5 10 20
respect to NO, the rate of reaction will Half life (min) : 3.6 1.8 0.9
1) diminish to one - eight of its initial value The unit of K is
2) increase to eight times of its initial value 1) min 1 2) atm . m in  1
3) increase to four times of its initial value 3) ( atm . min)  1 4) atm  2 . min  1
4) diminish to one fourth of its initial value
30. For a first order reation t 0.75 is 1386 seconds,
25. The rate constant of a first order reaction at
then the specific rate constant in sec 1 is.
3 1
27 C is 10 min .The ‘temperaturee
1) 103 2) 102 3) 109 4) 105
coefficient’ of this reaction is 2.What is the
31. For N 2O5  2 NO2  1/ 2O2 , it is found that
rate constant  in min 1  at 17 0 C for this
d d
reaction? [ N 2O5 ]  K1[ N 2O5 ], [ NO2 ]  K2 [ N2O5 ] ;
dt dt
1) 103 2) 5  104
[O2 ]  K3[ N 2O5 ] then
3) 2  103 4) 102 dt
26. A reaction was found to be second order 1) K1  2K2  3K3 2) 2K1  4K2  K3
with respect to the concentration of carbon 3) 2K1  K2  4K3 4) K1  K2  K3
monoxide. If the concentration of carbon
monoxide is doubled, with everything else 32. For a given reaction of first order, it takes 20
kept as same, the rate of reaction will: min for the cocentration to drop from 1.0 M
to 0.6 M. The time required for the
1) Remain unchanged 2) Tripled cocentration to drop from 0.6 M to 0.36 M
3) Increases by a factor four 4) Doubled will be
27. The initial concentration of cane sugar in 1) more than 20 min 2) less than 20 min
presence of acid was reduced from 0.20 to 3) equal to 20 min 4) infinity
33. The half life of a reaction is 46 minutes when
0.10M in 5 hours and to 0.05M in 10 hours,
the initial concentration of the reactant is 0.4
value of K?  in hr 
mole/lit and 92 minutes when the initial
concentration is 0.2 mole/lit. The order of the
1) 0.693 2) 1.386 reaction is
3) 0.1386 4) 3.465 1) zero 2) 0.5 3) 2 4) 1
34. The rate constant of a reaction at 40. The rates of a reaction at different times are
temperature 200K is 10 times less than the given below
rate constant at 400K. What is the activation Time (in min) Rate
energy  E a  of the reaction? (R= Gas
0 2.8 x 10-2
10 2.8 x 10-2
constant) 20 2.8 x 10-2
1) 1842.4R 2) 921.2 R 30 2.79 x 10-2
3) 460.6 R 4) 230. 3 R The order of the reaction is
35. The decomposition of ozone proceeds as 1) 2nd order 2) zero order
O3  O2  O (fast) 3) 3rd order 4) 1st order
41. The isomerization of cyclopropane to form
O  O3  2O2 (slow)
propene(   CH 3  CH  CH 2 ) is a first
the rate expression should be
order reaction. At 760K, 85% of a sample of
1) Rate  K O3  2) Rate  K O3  O2 
2 2 1
cyclopropane changes to propene in 79 min.
Calculate the value of the rate constant.
3) Rate  K O3 O2  4) Rate  K O3 O2 
1) 2.42 min 1 2) 3.66 102 min1
36. 50% of a reaction is completed in 16min, 3) 2.40 102 min1 4) 1.04 102 min1
under similar conditions 75% of the reaction 42. For a reaction following first-order kinetics,
is completed in 48min. Order of the reaction which of the following statements are
will be correct?
1) 3 2) 1 3) 2 4) 0 1) The time taken for the completion of 75% of
37. For a process, A  B  products, the rate of
the reaction is twice t1/2.
the reaction is second order with respect to A
and zero order with respect to B. When 1.0 2) A plot of the reciprocal of the concentration
mole each of A and B are taken in a one litre of the reactants against time gives a straight line
3) The degree of dissociation is equal to 1ekt
vessel, the initial rate is 1102 mol. lit 1. s1 .
4) A plot of  A0 /  A versus time gives a straight
The rate of the reaction, when 50% of the
reactants have been converted to products line.
would be 43. t 1 / 4 can be taken as the time taken for the
1) 1102 mol.lit 1 . s1 concentration of a reactant to drop to 3/4 of
its initial value. If the rate constant for a first
2) 2.5103 mol. lit 1. s1
order reaction is K, t1/4 can be written as
3) 5.0 102 mol.lit 1.s1 1) 0.75/K 2) 0.69/K 3) 0.29/K 4) 0.10/K
4) 0.5102 mol. lit 1.s1 44. The rate constant is numerically the same for
three reactions of first, second and third
38. SO2 Cl2  SO2  Cl2 is a first order gas order respectively. Which of the following is
reaction with K  2.2 105 sec1 at 3200 C . correct:
The percentage of SO2Cl2 decomposed on 1) if  A   1 then r1  r2  r3
heating for 90 minutes is: 2) if  A   1 then r1  r2  r3
1) 1.118 2) 0.1118 3) 18.11 4) 11.18
39. For the reaction a A  x P when [A] = 2.2 mM 3) if  A   1 then r3  r2  r1 4) All of these
the rate was found to be 2.4 mM s 1 . On 45. 99% of a 1st order reaction completed in
reducing concentration of A to half, the rate 2.303 minutes. What is the rate constant and
changes to 0.6 m M s . The order of reaction half-life of the reaction
with respect to A is 1) 2.303 and 0.3010 2) 2 and 0.3465
1) 1.5 2) 2.0 3) 2.5 4) 3.0 3) 2 and 0.693 4) 0.3010 and 0.693
46. For a first order reation, (A)  products, the 53. An endothermic reaction A  B has an
concentration of A changes from 0.1 M to activation energy 15 K Cal/mole and enthalpy
0.025 M is 40 min. The rate of reaction when change ( H ) of the reaction is 5 KCal/mole.
the concentration of A is 0.01 M is The activation energy of the reaction B  A
( AIE - 2012 ) is
 
1) 3.47  10 M min 2) 3.47  10 M min
4 1  5  1 1) 20 K cal/mole 2) 15 K cal/mole
3) 10 K cal/mole 4) 5 Kcal/mole
3) 1.73  104 M min 1 4) 1.73  105 M min 1
47. The reaction 2A  B is first order in A with LEVEL-II (C.W) - KEY
a rate constant of 2.8  10 2 s 1. How long will 1) 2 2) 1 3) 3 4) 2 5) 4 6) 3 7) 3
it take(nearly) for A to decrease from 8) 4 9) 2 10) 2 11) 4 12) 1 13) 3 14) 2
0.88 M to 0.22M ? 15) 3 16) 2 17) 3 18) 4 19) 4 20) 3 21) 4
1) 60 s 2) 76 s 3) 50 s 4) 44 s 22) 3 23) 2 24) 2 25) 2 26) 3 27) 3 28) 2
HALF - LIFE 29) 2 30) 1 31) 3 32) 3 33) 3 34) 2 35) 2
48. For a first order reaction with half-life of 150 36) 3 37) 2 38) 4 39) 2 40) 2 41) 3 42) 1
seconds, the time taken for the concentration 43) 3 44) 4 45) 2 46) 1 47) 3 48) 3 49) 2
of the reactant to fall from M / 10 to M / 100 50) 3 51) 2 52) 2 53) 3
will be approximately
1) 1500 sec 2) 900 sec LEVEL-II (C.W) - HINTS
3) 500 sec 4) 600 sec
49. In a first order reaction, 50 minutes time is 1. r  K  A

taken for the completion of 93.75% of a 2. Given reaction is Zero order reaction.
reaction. Half life of the reaction is For zero order rate remains constant with time.
1) 25 min 2) 12.5 min 3) 20 min 4)10 min 3. From units of rate constant, it is second
50. In 69.3 min, a first order reaction is 50% order Rate  K  reactant 

complete. How much reactants are left after

161 min? 4. Rate of reaction decreases with time
1) 80% 2) 40% 3) 20% 4) 60% 5. Rate of reaction is same for all the reactents and
51. Type - I Type - II products
1 6. r  K CH 3COOC2 H 5  NaOH  on adding,
I) first order reaction a) 
an1 three times of water the resultant volume
II) zero order reaction b) Radio active decay becomes four times that of initial volume.
III)trimolecular reaction c) Photochemical change in conc.
reactions 7. Rate= time interval
IV)half life period of d) 2CO  O 2  2CO 2
‘n’ th order 1015. e2000/T  1014 e1000/T
1) I - a, II - b, III - c, IV - d 10  e1000/T
2) I - b, II - c, III - d, IV - a
3) I - c, II - d, III - b, IV - a 2.303 a
9. K  log
4) I - d, II - c, III - b, IV - a t ax
COLLISION THEORY 10. 2n  4, 3n  9
52. For A+B  C+D H =-20 kJ mole -1. The rate  K1  NO2      1

activation energy for the forward reaction is 11.

85 kJ. Then the activation energy for the rate  K 2  NO2 SO2       2 
1 d  NO 2  d  NO 2 
backward reaction is ___
  K1  NO 2  ;  K 2  NO 2 SO 2 
1) 65 kJ 2) 105 kJ 3) 85 kJ 4) 40 kJ 2 dt dt
12. r  K  A1  B0 22. For every 100 C temperature rate constant
First order : unit of K = sec1 almost doubled
23. Rate  K A B
2 1/2
13. K  Ae Ea / RT
14. r  K CH 3COOC2 H 5  NaOH  24. Rate  K  NO  O2 

1 d  NO 2   0.28  0.46  25. For every 100 C temperature rate constant

15. 
2 dt 30 almost doubled
1/ 2d  NO 2  26. Rate  K  CO
 6  103
dt 27. Given reaction is first order reaction
d  NO 2  0.693
 1.2  102 atm.min 1  t1/2 
dt K
1 d  NH 3  d  N 2  1 d  H 2  28. From result (1) & (2) , as the concentration
16.    increases by 2 times , rate becomes 4 times. so
2 dt dt 3 dt
it is second order.
Rate  K  NH3 
29. Given reaction is zero order reaction

d  NH 3  30. t75%  2t50%

 2.5  104 mol.ltr 1S1
dt 0.693
t50% 
d  N2  1 K
  2.5  104  1.25  104
dt 2 d d d O 
31. 2   N 2O5    NO2   4 2
d H2  3 dt dt dt
  2.5  104  3.75  104 32. For 0.4M concentration decreasing 20 min time
dt 2
required. for 0.24 M concentration decreasing
CH3COOH  C2H5OH  CH3COOC2H5  H2O lessthan 20 min required
 2 moles 3moles t '1 n 1
a 
rate  K CH3COOHC2 H5OH  2  2
33. From given data t  a1 

18. y  mx  c 1

30000 30000
Slope  m   so the reaction is the second order
2.303 R 2.303 2
K E 1 1
34. log K  2.303R  T  T 
2 a
K 2 Ea  T2  T1   1 2
19. 2.303log   

K1 R  T1T2 
35. O  O3 
 2O2
20. rate  K  X Y 
r  K1 O O3 
K c O3 O3 
K 2 Ea  T2  T1   K1
21. 2.303log    O2 
K1 R  T1T2 
 K O3  O2 
O3  O2  O
K 9  10 
 2.303log 2 
K1 2 103  298  308  O2 O 
Kc 
K2 O3 
  1.63 ; i.e. 63% increase
K1 36. For second order : t 2/3  2t1/2
37. K  1102 lit. mol 1.s1 2.303 a
45. K  log
rate = K[ A]2[B]0 t ax
When 50% of the reactants are converted into 46. Rate = KA  0.003477  0.01
2.303 a
rate = 1102 (0.5)2  2.5 103 mol .lit 1.s1 47. K  log
t ax
2.303 a
38. Use K  log to then with the help 48. t  0.693 , K  2.303 log a
t ax 1/2
K t ax
of this calculate x
49. 93.75% completion 4t1/ 2 are required
39. r  K  A n ......(1)
r A
Total time required is 50 min ;  t1/2 
 K   ......(2) 4
4 2
50. t1/2  69.3min for 2t1/2  138.6 min
 2
 4  2n For 161 min 20% is left
1 51. All radioative disintegration reactions are first
n=2 1
40. For zero order reactions, the rate of the reacion order and t1/2 
a n 1
does not change with time.
52. Activation energy for backward reaction
2.303 a = H  activation energy for forward reaction.
41. K  log
t ax 53. Activation energy for backward reaction
2.303 100 = H  activation energy for forward reaction.
 log
79 100  85
K  2.4 102 min 1
42. For first order t75%  2  t50%
2.303 a
43. K  log 1. For a reaction Ea  0 and K  3.2  104 s 1 at
t ax
300 K. The value of K at 310 K would be
2.303 a 2.303 4 1) 6.4  10 4 s 1 2) 3.2  10 4 s 1
 log  log
t1/2 3a / 4 t1/4 3
3) 3.2  108 s 1 4) 3.2  105 s 1
2.303  0.125 0.29 2. The rate constant, k for the reaction
K 
t1/4 t1/4 1
N 2 O5  g   2NO 2  g   O 2  g 
44. 2
is 2.3  10 2 s 1 . Which equation given below
r1  K  A 
describes the change of  N 2 O5  with time ?
r2  K  A 
 N2 O5 0 and  N2 O5 t correspond to
r3  K  A 
concentration of N 2 O5 initially and at time t
1)  N 2 O5 t   N 2 O5 0  kt 2)  N 2 O5 0   N 2 O5 t ekt
If  A   1 r3  r2  r1
3) log10  N 2 O5 t  log10  N 2 O5 0  kt
If  A   1 r1  r2  r3
N O 
4) ln  N O   kt
2 5 0

If  A   1 r1  r2  r3 2 5 t
3. The rate reaction for the reaction 2A  B  C 9. For 2A  B  C  products, rate law is given
is found to be rate =K[A] [B]. The correct
by rate  K  A  B & rate constant (K) is
statement is relation to this reaction is that
the 2 106 M 2 . S 1 . Then rate of the reaction
1) unit of K must be s
become 2 10 9 M 2 . S 1 only when
2) value of K is independent of the initial
concentration of A and B A  B  C
3) rate of formation of C is twice the rate of
1) 0.3 M 0.2 M 0.2 M
disappearance of A.
2) 0.2 M 0.1 M 0.2 M
4) t1/ 2 is a constant 3) 0.1 M 0.1 M 0.1 M
4. The rate law for a reaction between the 4) 0.2 M 0.2 M 0.1 M
substances A and B is given by Rate= K An Bm
on doubling the concentration of A and halving 10. Rate expression for xA + y B
 products is
the concentration of B, the ratio of the new
rate to the earlier rate of the reaction will be Rate  K[ A]m [ B]n . Units of K w.r.t A and B
as respectively are s 1 and M 1.s 1 when
1 concentrations of A and B are increased by 4
1)  m n  2) (m + n) 3) (n – m) 4) 2 n  m  times, then
5. Hydrogenation of vegetable ghee at 250 C 1) R f  16 Ri 2) Ri  16 R f
reduces pressure of H 2 from 2 atmospheree 3) R f  8 Ri 4) R f  64 Ri
to 1.2 atmosphere in 50 minutes. The rate of 11. A first order reaction was commenced with
reaction in terms of molarity per second is 0.2 M solution of the reactants. If the molarity
1) 1.09  106 2) 1.09  105 of the solution falls to 0.02M after 100
3) 1.09  10  7 4) 1.09  10  8 minutes the rate constant of the reaction is
1) 2 x 10-2 min-1 2) 2.3 x 10-2 min-1
6. For a reaction 2 SO2  O2  2 SO3 rate of
3) 4.6 x 10-2 min-1 4) 2.3 x 10-1 min-1

consumption of SO2 is 6.4  10 kg / sec. the 12. The experimental data for the reaction

rate of formation of SO3 in same units will 2NO g   Cl2 g   2 NOCl g  are given below
Expt Cl2   NO  Initial rate
1) 6.4 103 2) 8 103 3) 4 103 4) 16 103
7. A gaseous reaction 1 0.020 0.010 2.4  10 4
1 2 0.020 0.030 2.16  10 3
A2 ( g )  B ( g )  C (g) shows increase of
2 3 0.040 0.030 4.32  10 3
pressure from 100mm to 120mm in 5 min. What is the order of the reaction ?
The rate of disappearance of A2 is 1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 0
1) 4mm min-1 2) 40mm min-1 13. The reaction, 2A  B  Products, follows the
3) 8mm min-1 4) 20mm min-1 mechanism
8. Concentration of a reactant ‘A’ is changed
2 A  A2
from 0.044M to 0.032M in 25 minutes, the
average rate of the reaction during this A2  B  Products (Slow) The order of the
interval is reaction is
1) 0.0048 mol.lit 1.min 1 2) 0.00048 mol.lit 1.sec1 1
1) 2 2) 1 3) 3 4) 1
3) 4.8 104 mol.lit 1.min 1 4) 0.0048 mol.lit 1.sec 1 2
14. Diazonium salt decomposes as HALF LIFE
C6 H 5 N 2 Cl  C6 H 5 Cl + N 2 18. The half-life for the reaction.
At 0o C , the evolution of nitrogen becomes N 2 O5  2NO 2  O 2 is 24hrs. at 300 C.
two times faster when the initial
concentration of the salt is doubled therefore Starting with 10g of N 2 O5 how much grams
it is. of N 2 O5 will remain after a period of 96
1) a first order reaction. hours?
2) a second order reaction. 1) 1.25 g 2) 0.625 g 3) 1.77 g 4) 0.5 g
3) independent of the initial concentration of the 19. The half life of a first order reaction
salt. A  B  C is 10 minutes. The concentration
4) a zero order reaction of ‘A’ would be reduced to 10% of the original
15. Using the data given below the order and rate concentration in
constant for the reaction : 1) 10 minutes 2) 33 minutes
CH 3CHO  g   CH 4  g   CO  g  would be 3) 90 minutes 4) 70 minutes
Experiment Initial conc. Initial rate 20. A first order reaction is half-completed in 45
No (mol/l) (mol/l) minutes.How long does it need for 99.9% of
a 0.10 0.020 the reaction to be completed?
b 0.20 0.080 1
1) 7 hours 2) 20 hours
c 0.30 0.180 2
3) 10 hours 4) 5 hours
d 0.40 0.320
21. The reaction A  C has activation energy for
1) 2,  K  2.0 l / mol sec 2) 0,  K  2.0 mol / l sec
the forward and the backward reaction has
25KJ and 32KJ respectively. The  H for
3) 2,  K  1.5 l / mol sec 4) 1,  K  1.5 sec 1 
the reaction is
16. For the first order reaction A  product. 1) 57 KJ 2) -57 KJ 3) 7 KJ4) -7 KJ
22. Consider an endothermic reaction X  Y
When the concentration of A is 2.5  10 2 M
with the activation energies E b and E f for the
the activation energy is 20K.Cal/mole. If the
backward and forward reactions
conc. of  A  is doubled, at same temperature, respectively. In general.
the activation energy becomes equal to 1) E b  E f 2) E b  E f 3) E b  E f
4) There is no definite relation because E b and E f
1) 2)

4) 2 RT LEVEL-II (H.W) - KEY
1) 2 2) 4 3) 2 4) 4 5) 2 6) 2 7) 3
17. A g   B g  is a first order reaction. The initial 8) 3 9) 3 10) 4 11) 2 12) 3 13) 3 14) 1
concentration of A is 0.2 mol.lit 1. After 10 15) 1 16) 3 17) 1 18) 2 19) 2 20) 1 21) 4
minutes the concentration of B is found to be 22) 1

0.18 mol.lit 1. The rate constant  in min  for

the reaction is 1. If E a  0 then k = A = constant
2. Decomposition of N 2 O5 is of first order
1) 0.2303 2) 2.303 3) 0.693 4) 0.01
3. Given reaction is second order
4. r  K  A   B    (1)
n m 16. It is first order reaction
2.303 a
1 
17. K  log
r1  K  2A   B    (2) ax
2 
18. 24 hours = 1t1/2
 2  r1 n m
 2 ; r1  2n  m.r
1 r 96 hours = 4t1/ 2
5. P  0.8atm / 50 min 19. For 3t1/2 concentration decreases to 12.5%
n P 20. t 99.9%  10t 50%
PV  nRT ; P  V RT ; M  RT
21. For exothermic reactions
6. According to Stoichiometric relation H  EA of B.W.R  EA of F.W.R
7. A2  B  C 22. For endothermic reaction activation energy of
forward reaction is greater than activation energy
x of backward reaction.
100  x x
100   120 1. In a first order reaction the concentration of
x  40 the reactant decrease from 0.6 M to 0.3 M in
15 minutes. The time taken for the
dx 40 concentration to change 0.1 M to 0.025 M in
Rate =   8mm.min 1
dt 5 minutes is. (2014-E)
1) 1.2 2) 12 3) 30 4) 3
 0.044  0.032 
8. Average rate    2. Which of the following plots is correct for a
 25 first order reaction (2013-E)
9. According to given data C is independent
10. Acc to units w.r.t A is first order w.r.t B is second
2.303 a
11. K 
t ax 1) 2)
12. W.r.t NO order is 2 and w.r.t Cl2 order is 1 Time Time

13. r  K [ A2 ][ B] .............. (i)

[ A2 ]
K (a-x)
[ A]2 Log(a-x)

3) 4)
 [ A2 ]  K [ A] .................. (ii)
Time Time
From (i) and (ii)
r  KK[ A]2 [ B]  K '[ A]2 [ B] 3. Which one of the following statements is
14. r  K  A ; 2 r  K  2 A  n 1 correct for the reaction (E-2012)
n n

CH 3COOC 2 H 5  NaOH 
 CH 3COONa  C 2 H 5OH
15. r  K CH 3CHO   (1)
n (aq) (aq)
 aq   aq 

1) Order is two but molecularity is one

4r  K  2CH 3CHO   (2)
2) Order is one but molecularity is two
1 x
3) Order is one but molecularity is one
n2 K 4) Order is two but molecularity is two
(1) at (a  x)
4. Match the following : (2011-E) 9. For the reaction A  3B  2C  D, which one
LIST-I LIST - II of the following is not correct? (M-2010)
A)Arrhenius equation i)free energy change 1) Rate of disappearance of A= Rate of
B)Slowest step in a ii) conc-1 .time-1 formation of D
reaction mechanism
C)Rate constant of a II order iii) conc t  n .time 1 2) Rate of formation of C   Rate of
D)The possibility of a iv) Rate determining 3
reaction step disappearance of B
v) k = Ae. Ea /RT 3) Rate of formation of D   Rate of
1) A-v, B-i, C-iii, D-iv 2) A-v, B-iv, C-iii, D-ii 3
3) A-v, B-iv, C-ii, D-i 4) A-iii, B-iv, C-ii, D-i disappearance of B
5. The plot of log K vs 1/T yields a straight line. 4) Rate of disappearance of A  2  Rate of
The slope of the line would be equal to formation of C
Ea Ea Ea Ea
1)  2)  3) 4) 1) 3 2) 3 3) 4 4) 3 5) 2 6) 3
R 2.303R R 2.303R
6. For a first order reaction at 27 0 C the ratio 7) 2 8) 3 9) 4
of time required for 75% completion to 25%
completion of reaction is (2009-E)
1) 3.0 2) 2.303 3) 4.8 4) 0.477 t 1  15
7. The rate constant of a first order reaction is 2

0.0693min 1 .What is the time required (in 0.1 

 0.05 15
 0.025
minutes) for reducing an initial concentration Two half life = 30 min
of 20mol lit -1 to 2.5mol lit -1 (2009-M) 1
2. log  a  x  is directly proportionl to for first
1) 40 2) 30 3) 20 4) 10 T
8. For a reversible reaction A  B which one order
of the following statements is wrong from the 3. Saponification of ester is a second order reaction
given energy profile diagram. (2008-E) and molecularity of the reaction is two.
Rate  K  ester   NaOH 
1 1

4. According to arrhenius equation and reaction

E mechanism.
B 5. log K  log A 
y  c  mx
2.303 a
Reaction coordinate 6. K log
t ax
1) Activation energy of forward reaction is 2.303
greater than backward reaction. For 75% completion  t1 log 4
2) The forward reaction is endothermic K
3) The threshold energy is less than that of 2.303 4
For 25% completion  t 2  log
activation energy K 3
4) The energy of activation of forward reaction t1 log 4
is equal to the sum of heat of reaction and the   4.8
t 2 log 4
energy of activation of backward reaction. 3
0.693 0.693 d  A
7. t1/2    10 min 4. For the reaction A  Products,  k
K 0.0693 dt
20  t1/2
10 t1/2
5 
 2.5 and at different time interval, [A] values are
3  t1/2  3 10  30min Time 0 5 min 10 min 15 min
8. An inspection of the energy profile diagram [A] 20 mol 18 mol 16 mol 14 mol
indicates that 1,2 and 4 are correct statements 3 At 20 minute, rate will be:
is wrong statement. 1) 12 mol/min 2) 10 mol/min
d  A  1 d  B 1 d  B d  D  3) 8 mol/min 4) 0.4 mol/min
9.    5. The decomposition of 2N2O5 2N2O4 O2 is at
dt 3 dt 2 dt dt
200C . If the initial pressure is 114 mm and
LEVEL-III after 25 min. of the reaction the total pressure
of gaseous mixture is 133 mm. Calculate the
RATE OF REACTION AND FACTORS average rate of the reaction in

d  A d  B d C 
 a  Atm.m1  b  mol s1 respectively
1. xA  yB  zC. If    1.5 1) 0.002, 8.58 107 2) 0.001,8.58  10 7
dt dt dt
then x,y and z are: 3) 0.002,8.58  104 4) 0.001,8.58  103
1) 1,1,1 2) 3,2,3 3) 3,3,2 4) 2,2,3 6. A  B & C  D are first order reactions,
2. For the complex
ratio of t99.9% values is 4 : 1, then ratio of rate

Ag  2 NH 3   Ag  NH 3 2 

constans K1 to K2 is
1) 4 : 1 2) 2 : 1 3) 1 : 1 4) 1 : 4
 dx 
 dt 

   2  10 L mol s  Ag   NH 3 
7 2 2 1  2
 7. A substance ‘A’ decomposes in solution
following first order kinetics. Flask I contains
 1L of a 1M solution of A and flask II contains
1 102 s 1  Ag  NH 3 2  100 ml of a 0.6 M solution. After 8 hours the
Hence, ratio of rate constants of the forward concentration of A in flask I has become 0.25.
What will be the time taken for concentration
and backward reaction is:
of A in flask II to become 0.3 M?
1) 2  107 L2 mol 2 2) 2  109 L2 mol 2 1) 0.4 h 2) 2.4 h 3) 4.0 h
3) 1102 L2 mol 2 4) 0.5 109 L2 mol 2 4) Can’t be caculated since rate constant is not
3. The following reaction is first order in A and given
first order in B: 8. The energy of activation for a reaction is
50kJ/mol. Presence of a catalyst lowers the
A  B  Product, Rate  kI A B  energy of activation by 25%. What will be
the effect on rate of reaction at 300C . Other
things remains same.
A 1) 142.75 2) 242.75 3) 342.75 4) 442.75
9. For the reaction 2 A  3B  product, A is in
excess and on changing the concentration of
B from 0.1 M to 0.4 M, rate becomes doubled.
I II Thus, rate law is:
dx dx
 k  A  B   k  A B 
2 3
Relative rate of this reaction in vessel I and 1) 2)
II of equal volume is: dt dt
A dx dx 1
1) 1:1 2) 1:2 3) 2:1 4) 1:4  k  A  B   k  B 2
0 2
3) 4)
B dt dt

10. A reaction is catalysed by H+ ion; in 15. For the reactions of I, II and III
3 1
presence of HA rate constant is 2  10 min orders, K1  K 2  K 3 when concentrations aree
and in presence of HB rate constant is expressed in mol litre1 . What will be
3 1
1 10 min . HA and HB (both strong acids) the relation in K1 , K 2 , K 3 ,if concentrations aree
have relative strength as: expressed in mol/mL ?
1) 0.5 2) 0.002 3) 0.001 4) 2
1) K1  K2  K3 2) K1  K2 103  K3 106
3) K1  2K2  K3 4) 2K1  3K2  4K3
16. 900 ml of pure and dry O2 is subjected to
seilent electric discharge, so that after a time
10 min. volume of ozonized oxygen is found
to be 870 ml. Now average rate of reaction in
this interval is (in ml/min)
1) 3 2) 9 3) 90 4) 60
17. At some temperature, the rate constant for
the decomposition of HI on the surface of gold
is 0.08 MS1 2HI  g   H 2  g   I2  g  what is the
Half-life is independent on concentration of order of the reaction. Howlong will it take
A. After 10 minutes volume of N2 gas is 10 L for the concentration of HI to drop from 1.50
and after completion of reaction 50 L. Hence, M to 0.30 M.
rate constant is : 1) zero order, t  7.5Sec
2.303 2.303 2) zero order, t=15 Sec
1) log 5 min 1 2) log1.25 min 1
10 10 3) first order, t=22.5 Sec
2.303 2.303 4) first order, t=7.5 Sec
3) log 2 min 1 4) log 4 min 1 18. For the first order gaseous reaction:
10 10
12. When the initial concentration is changed x ( g )  2 y ( g )  z ( g ) the initial pressure,

from 0.50 to 1.0 mole lit , the time of half Px  90 mm Hg . The pressure after 10

completion for a certain reaction is found to

minutes is 180 mm Hg. The rate constant of
change from 50 sec. to 25 sec. Calculate the
the reaction is:
order of reaction.
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 0 1) 2  10 3 sec 1 2) 2  103 sec 1
13. For SO2Cl2( g )  SO2( g )  Cl2( g ) pressures of 3) 1.15  103 sec 1 4) 1.15  103 sec 1
SO2Cl2 at t = 0 and t = 20 minutes respectively HALF LIFE
are 700 mm and 350 mm. When log ( P0 / P )
is plotted against time (t), slope equals to 19. For the zeroth order reaction, sets I and II
are given, hence x is :
1) 1.505  10 2 s 1 2) 1.202  10 3 min 1
3) 1.505  10 2 min 1 4) 0.3465 min 1 I:
dX n
t=0 t = 2 min
14. For a reaction  K  H   . If pH of reaction
medium changes from two to one, the rate II :
becomes 100 times of the value at pH = 2. t=0 t = x min
The order of reaction is
1) 1 2) 2 3) 0 4) 3 1) 2 min 2) 3 min 3) 4 min 4) 6 min
20. A  B , K1  0.693sec 1 26. The radioactive isotope 32 P decays by first
order kinetics and has a half-life of 14.3 days.
C  D, K 2  0.693min 1 . If t1 & t2 are half
How long does it take for 95.0% of a given
lives of two reactions, then
sample of 32 P to decay?
1) t1  t2 2) t1  60t2 1) 21 days 2) 42 days 3) 62 days 4) 80 days
3) t2  60 t1 4) t2  2.303t1 27. 2 0 % d e c o m p

O2 in presence of
o s i t i o n o f H

an acid requires 5 min. The time required for

21. For 2 NH 3( g )  Pt

 products follows zeroo 50% decomposition in minutes is
order kinetics. If t1/ 2 at p = 4 atm is 25 sec, 1) 15.52 2) 1.552 3) 0.1552 4) 7.76
28. The first order rate constant for the
t1/ 2 at p = 16 atm will be (in sec)
decomposition of N 2 O5 is 6.2 104 s 1 . The
1/ 4
1) 6.25 2) 625 3) 100 4) (25)
half-life period for this decomposition is :
22. DDT on exposure to water decomposes
1) 223.4 s 2) 1177.7s 3) 1117.7 s 4) 160.9 s
according to first order kinetics. Half life =
10 years. How much time it will take for its ARHENIUS EQUATION &
decomposition to 99%? COLLISION THEORY
1) 50 years 2) 66.6 years 29. The rate constant of a reaction at 300 K is
3) 500 years 4) 666 years
1.6x10-3 sec-1 and at 310K it is 3.2x10-3 sec-1
23. The rate of a first order reaction is 0.04 mol
the activation energy of the reaction
litre–1 sec–1 at 10 minute and 0.03 mol litre–1
approximately in kcals is
sec–1 at 20 minute after initiation. Find the
1) 12-13 2) 20-25 3) 30-40 4) 40-50
half life of the reaction.
30. The rate constant, the activation energy and
1) 2.406 min 2) 24.06 min
3) 240.6 min 4) 0.204 min the Arrhenius parameter of a chemical
24. A  B  product. reaction at 25C are 3  104 s 1 , 104.4 KJ / mol
from the following data calculate half life and 6 1014 s1 respectively. The value of the
period. rate constant as T   is
 A0   B0  Rate  R 0  1) 2.0 1018 s 1 2) 6.0 1014 s 1
mol litre–1 mol litre–1 mol litre–1 sec–1 3) Infinity 4) 3.6 1030 s 1
0.1 0.2 0.05 31. For an exothermic chemical process occuring
0.2 0.2 0.10 in two steps as
0.1 0.1 0.05
 i  A  B  X  slow   ii  X  AB  fast 
1) 1.386 sec 1 2) 13.86 sec 1
The progress of the reaction can be best
3) 26.72 sec 1 4) 2.672 sec 1 described by
25. The gas phase decomposition of dimethyl
ether follows first order kinetics:
CH3  O  CH3 ( g)  CH4 ( g)  H2 ( g)  CO( g)
1) 2)
The reaction is carried out in a constant
volume container at 500 0 C and has a half
life is 14.5 minutes. Initially only dimethyl
ether is present at a pressure of 0.40 atm.
What is the total pressure of the system after 3) 4) None
12 minutes? (Assume the ideal gas
1) 0.946 atm 2) 0.785 atm
3) 0.777 atm 4) 0.749 atm
32. Given that the temperature coefficient for the 38
saponification of ethyl acetate by NaOH is Average rate =  0.002 Atm m 1
25  760
1.75. Calculate the activation energy.
Again PV = nRT
1) 1.0207 kcal 2) 10.207 kcal/mol.
3) 1.0207 cal 4) 10.207 cal/mol. n 0.002
 
33. What is the activation energy for the V 0.0821 473  60
decomposition of N 2O5 as, t1 K2
6. 
1 t2 K1 for first order reaction
N 2O5  2 NO2  O2 if the values of the rate
2 7. The concentration of A remains 1/4th in 8 hours.
Therefore 1/  2 , n  2
constants are 3.45  105 and 6.9 103 at
27 0 C and 67 0 C respectively? and E1/ 2 is 8  n  t1/ 2 ; t1/ 2  4; In 4 hours 0.6
1) 112.5 kJ 2) 200 kJ 3) 149.5 kJ 4) 11.25 kJ will become 0.3
8. K  Ae Ea / RT
K1  Ae5010 / RT

1) 3 2) 2 3) 2 4) 4 5) 1 6) 4 7) 3
K2  Ae37.510 / RT
8) 1 9) 4 10) 4 11) 2 12) 2 13) 3 14) 2
15) 2 16) 2 17) 2 18) 3 19) 4 20)3 21)3
e 
 37.5 50 103 / RT
 e12.510 / RT

22) 2 23) 2 24) 1 25) 4 26) 3 27) 1 28) 3 K2

29) 1 30) 2 31) 3 32) 2 33) 1
K 2 12.5 103
2.303log 
LEVEL-III - HINTS K1 8.314  303
1 d  A  1d  B 1 d  C K2 r2 K2
 
1. 3 dt 3dt 2 dt  142.75   142.75
K1 r1 K1
Kf 2  107 9. Rate of reaction does not depends on excess
2. 
K b 1 10 2 quantity
3. When compared to vessell-1, In vessel-II the 2
concentration of A doubled. therefore rate 10. Relative strength = ratio of rate constants = 1
becomes two times. 11. T50 is independent of concentration of A. Hence
4. For every 5 minutes change in concentration is first-order reaction.
2 moles per litre
A  N2  g 
Rate   0.4 At t = 0, a 0
At time t,(a-x) x = 10L
5. 2N 2 O5  2N 2 O 4  O 2 (after 10 minutes)
a x x x /2
At complete
Pressure due to a moles = 114 mm Reaction, (a-a) a = 50 L
Pressure due to a 
moles = 133 mm   a  x   40 L
2.303 50
x k  log
Hence pressure due to moles = 133 - 114 10 40
and due to x moles 19  2  38 mm  log1.25 min 1
 Pressure due to (a – x) moles = 114–76 = 38.
T1  a 2 
n 1 Given, K1  K 2  K3
12.  
T2  a1  K1' K '2 K3'
  
50  1.0 
n 1 103 106 109
2   2 or 21   2 
n 1 n 1
 
25  0.5  or K1'  K '2 103  K 3' 106
 1  n  1 . Hence n = 1 + 1 = 2. Reaction is of 16. 3O2  2O3
second order.
a  3x 2x
2.303 P
13. K  log 0 t  10 min 900  3x 2x
t P total volume after 10 min  900  x
2.303 700 900  x  870
K log  0.03466
20 350 x  30 ml
P0 Kt  volume O2 consumed in 10 min is 3x mean
log  0
P 2.303 90 ml
y  mx  c
dc 90
0.03466    9 ml / min
 m  0.01505 dt 10
2.303 17. From the unit of K, the reaction is of zero order.
14. rb  K  H  
C0  C
pH = 2  H    102
1.5  0.30
0.08 
n t
r0  K 102 
t  15S
 1
at pH  1,  H   10 2.303 a 2.303 90
18. k  log10 = log10
r1 n t a  x 10  60 90  45
 100  10
r1  K 101  r0 (Note that pressure 180mm Hg corresponds for
x(g) unreacted 2y(g) formed and z(g) formed)
n  2
15. rate = K[Reactant]m  Pressure due to unreacted x
 45 mm Hg
Let concentration of reactant be a mol litre–1
 1.15103 sec1 .
then for I order : r1  K1 a  ..... (1) 19. By set I, half-life is 2 min. In set II. Number of
If concentration of reactant be a mol mL–1, then moles have been doubled thus half-life is also
concentration in mol litre1  a 103 doubled, i.el, now it is 4 min. Thus
8 moles change to 4 moles in = 4 min and 4

Thus, r1  K1 a 10 3 moles change to 2 moles in = 2 min Thus,
Total time = 6 min
r1  K1 103 a 
20. t 1 for A  B 
r1  K1' a  ....(2) 2
Similarly for II order : r2  K 2  106  a 2 t1 0.693
for  C  D 
2 2 0.693  60
r2  K '2 a  ....(3)
t 1'
Similarly for III order : r3  K 3 109 a  2

21. For zero order reaction t ''
1 a ''
r3  K 3' a  ....(4) 2
0.693 1 For I order reaction,
22. k  yr when t is 99%
10 0.693 0.693
t1/ 2    1.386sec1
2.303 a 2.303 K 0.5
= log log102
t a  0.99a = t 25. CH3OCH3 g   CH 4  H 2  CO
0.693 2.303 t  0 0.4atm
  log102 or 0 0 0
10 t 99%
t  12 0.4  x x x x
 2.303  2  66.5 total pressure 0.4  x  x  x  0.4  2 x atm
2.303 a
years = 70 years K log
t ax
23. Rate = K   A  2.303 0.4
K log
0.04  K  A 10 and 0.03  K  A 20 12 0.4  x
A 
 10 0.04 4 but K 
  14.5
A  0.03 3
  20
0.693 2.303 0.4
A 
 log
 0.4  x
log  10
2.303 t1 12
Also, t  K A  when t = 10 min 2
  20
x  0.175 atm
2.303 4
10  log
K 3  total pressure= 0.4  2 x  0.4  2  0.175
 0.75 atm
2.303 4
K  log  0.0288min 1 26. Since it is first order reaction, therefore
10 3
0.693 0.693 0.693 0 .6 9 3
t1/ 2    24.06min K
K 0.0288 t1/ 2 = 1 4 . 5
m n
24.  Rate = K  A   B 2.303 a
K log
For case I : 0.05  K 0.1 0.2 .... (1)
n t ax
0.693 2.303 100
For case II : 0.10  K 0.2  0.2  .... (2)
 log
14.3 t 5
For case III : 0.05  K 0.1 0.1 ... (3)
t  61.82days
= 62 days
1 1
By Eqs. (1) and (2), 2   2  0.693
  27. t1/ 2 
0.693 0.693
28. t1/ 2    1117.7 sec
By Eqs. (1) and (3), 1   2  K 6.2  10 4
 
K2 Ea  1 1 
 n=0 29. log K  2.303R  T  T 
1 0 1  1 2
Thus, Rate = K  A   B  O.R.  1  0  1
    30. K  AeEa / RT when T  , then K  A .
1 0
Now 0.05  K 0.1 0.2 31. A dip in the curve shows the formation of X
(eaction taking place in two steps). Since the
K   0.5sec1 reaction is exothermic Ea of X must be less.
K2 4. Consider the reaction,
32. Given, K  1.75 Cl2 aq   H 2 S aq   S s   2 H aq   2Claq 

T1  25C  25  273  298K, The rate equation for this reaction is ,

T2  35C  35  273  308K rate  K Cl2  H 2 S 
(Since temperatur coefficient is ratio of rate which of these mechanisms is/are consistent
constants at 35C and 25C respectively.)
.) with this rate equation ? (AIE - 2010)
K 2 Ea T2  T1  A) Cl2  H 2 S  H   Cl   Cl   HS   slow 
 2.303log10 
K1 R T1T2
Cl   HS   H   Cl   S  fast 
Ea 308  298
 2.303log10 1.75  B) H 2 S  H   HS  ( fast eqilibrium )
1.987 308  298

E a 
2.303  308  298 1.987
 log1.75cal mol1 Cl2  HS   2Cl   H   S  slow 
10 1) (B) only 2) Both (A) and (B)
E a  10.207 kcal mol 1 3) Neither (A) nor (B) 4) (A) only
k E T  T  5. For the non-stoichiometric reaction
33. log k  2.303R  T T 
2 a 2 1

1  1 2  2A  B  C  D , the following kinetic data

were obtained in three separate experiments,
6.9 10 3 Ea  340  300  all at 298 K (AIE-2014 )

2.303  8.31  340  300 
log 5
3.45 10

Ea  112.5 kJ Expt Initial Initial Initial rare of

no Concentration Concentration Formation of
1. The time for half life period of a certain mol lit 1 sec 1
reaction A  products is 1 hour. When the (i) 0.1M 0.1M 1.2  103
initial concentration of the reactant ‘A’ is (ii) 0.1M 0.2M 1.2  103
2.0 mol L1 , how much time does it take for
(ii) 0.2M 0.1M 2.4  103
its concentration to come from 0.50 to
0.25 mol L1 if it is a zero order reaction ?
The rate law for the formation of C is
(AIE - 2010 )
dC dC
 K  A B   K  A  B 
1) 4 h 2) 0.5 h 3) 0.25 h 4) 1h 1) 2)
2. The rate of chemical reaction doubles for dt dt
dC dC
every 100 C rise of temperature. If the  K  A B   K  A
3) 4)
temperature is raised by 50 0 C , the rate of dt dt
the reaction increases by about (AIE - 2011) 1
A  2 B , rate of disappearance
1) 24 times 2) 32 times 3) 64 times 4) 10 times 6. For a reaction
3. A reactant (A) forms two products A  K
B, 1 of ‘A’ is related to the rate of appearance of
Activation energy Ea1 , A  ‘B’ by the expression (AIE-2008 )
 C , Activation

d  A 1 d  B d  A 1 d  B 
energy Ea2 . If Ea2  2 Ea1 , then K1 and K2 aree 1)   2)  
related as ( AIE -2011) dt 2 dt dt 4 dt

1) K1  2 K 2 e Ea2 / RT 2) K1  K 2 e Ea1 / RT d  A d  B d  A d  B
3)   4)  4
dt dt dt dt
3) K 2  K1e Ea2 / RT 4) K1  AK 2 e Ea1 / RT
PREVIOUS JEE MAINS - KEY 2. The acid hydrolysis of ester is:
1) 3 2) 2 3) 2 4) 4 5) 4 6) 2 (i) first order reaction
(ii) bimolecular reaction
PREVIOUS JEE MAINS HINTS (iii) unimolecular reaction
x (iv) second order reaction
1. For a zero order reaction K  .....(1) The true statements are
1) i, ii 2) All are correct
 A0
K 3) ii, iv 4) ii, iii, iv
for zero order reaction 2t 1 .....(2) 3. Which of the following statements are
since  A0 = 2 M, t 1  1 h , K  1 (i) law of mass action and rate law expressions
2 are same for single step reaction
 from equation (1) (ii)the slowest step of a complex reaction gives
0.25 the order of the complex reaction
t  0.25 h
1 (iii) both order and molecularity have
2. For every 100 C temperature raises rate of normally a maximum value of 3
reaction becomes doubled (iv) molecularity of a complex reaction
3. By based on arrhenius equation A+2B  C is 3
4. Slowest step is the rate determining step. Thus 1) i, ii, iii 2) All are correct
in case (A) rate law is given as 3) ii, iv 4) ii, iii, iv
rate  K Cl2  H 2 S  4. Consider the following reactions at 300 K
While for the reaction given in case (B), rate X  Y  uncatalysed reaction 
law is given as rate  K Cl2  H 2 S   H   X 
 Y  catalysed reaction 
Hence, only mechanism (A) is consistent with The energy of activation is lowered by
the given rate law
0.314 K J. m ol  1
for the catalysed reaction.
5. The rate only depends upon  A
The rate of reaction is
6. According to rate equation 1) 28 times 2) 15 times 3) 25 times
4) 22 times that of uncatalysed reaction.
LEVEL-IV 5. A substance undergoes first order
decomposition. The decomposition follows
1. For the reaction A  2 B  C  D  2 E the rate two parallel first order reaction as :
equation is rate = K  A  B 0 C  then the rate
is K1 B
i) Doubled when [A] is doubled keeping B K 1  1.26  10  4 sec  1
and C constant A
and K 2  3.8  105 sec1
ii) Doubled when [C] is doubled keeping A
and B constant K2
iii)The same when [B] is doubled keeping A
and B constant The percentage distribution of B and C are
iv) Doubled when [B] is doubled keeping A 1) 80% B and 20%C
and C constant
2) 76.83% B and 23.17% C
The correct combination is
1) i, ii, iii 2) All are correct 3) 90% B and 10%C
3) ii, iv 4) ii, iii, iv 4) 60% B and 40% C
6. The rate of the reaction between haemoglobin 1
(Hb) and carbon monoxide (CO) was studied 8. Graph between log k and
is a straight line
at 20 0 C . The following data were collected   1
with OX = 5, tan    2.303  . Hence Ea will be
with all concentration units in  mol / L (A  
haemoglobin concentration of 2.21  mol / L
is equal to 2.21 10 6 mol/L )

Determine the orders of this reaction 1) 2.303  2 cal 2) cal
with respect to Hb and CO and rate constant.
3) 2 cal 4) none of these
1)1st order in Hb and Ist order in CO
In a first order reaction the concentration of
0.140 L mol 1 s 1 product 'x' at time 't' is given by the
2) 1st order Hb and 1st order in CO expression (a=initial concentration, k=rate
constant, n=order)
0.280 L  mol 1 s 1
1 1
3) 1st order, 2nd order, 0.35 L mol s 1) x  a 
1  e  kt
 2) x
a  x 
4) 2nd, order, 2nd order, 0.24 L mol 1s 1 1 a
3) x  n 1 4) x 
7. Consider following graphs (1) and (2) 2 a  x 
Passage : 1
A collision between reactant molecules must occur
with a certain minimum energy before it is
effective in yielding product molecules. This
minimum energy is called activation energy Ea .
Larger is the value of activation energy, smaller
is the value of rate constant. Larger is the value
of activation energy, greater is the effect of
temperature rise on rate constant K.

Et I
The order of reaction and the value of rate
Potential energy

constant is: Ef
1) First order, 2.37  10 5 min 1 Eb
2) Second order, 2.37 105 torr 1 min 1 R H
1 1 P
3) Zero order, torr min
4) None of the above Collision number

E f  Activation energy of forward reaction

Eb  Activation energy of backward reaction
H  E f  Eb
Et  Threshold energy
Answer the following questions: Passage : 2
1. If a reaction, A  B  C , is exothermic to The energy profile diagram for the reaction
the extent of 30 kJ/mol and the forward CO  g   NO2  g   CO2  g   NO  g  is
reaction has an activation energy of 249
given below
kJ/ mol, the activation enegy for reverse reaction
in kJ/mol is
1) 324 2) 279 3) 40 4) 100
2. For the following reaction at a particular

temperature, according to the equations,
2 N 2O5  4 NO2  O2
2 NO2  O2  N 2O5 the activation energies Reaction path
are E1 and E2 respectively. Then Answer the following questions:
1) E1  E2 2) E1  E2 1. The activation energy of the forward reaction is
1) x 2) y 3) x  y 4) x  y
3) E1  2E2 4) E1 E22  1 2. The activation energy of the backward reaction
3. In a hypothetical reaction, A  Y , the activation is
energies for the forward and backward reactions 1) x 2) y 3) x  y 4) x  y
3. The heat of the reaction is
are 15 and 9kJ mol 1 respectively. The potential
1) x 2) y 3) x  y 4) x  y
energy of A is 10kJ mol . Which of the 4. The threshold energy of the reaction is
following is wrong ? 1) x  y  z 2) x  y  z
1) Threshold energy of the reaction is 25 kJ
3) x  y  z 4) x  y  z
2) The potential energy of B is 16 kJ
3) Heat of reaction is 6 kJ
4) The reaction is exothermic LEVEL-IV - KEY
1) 1 2) 1 3) 1 4)1 5)2 6) 2 7) 2
4. For two reactions, activation energies are Ea1
8) 3 9) 1
and Ea2 ; rate constants are K1 and K2 at the same Passage - I:
1) 2 2) 1 3) 4 4) 3 5) 4 6) 1
temperature. If K1  K2 , then
Passage - II:
1) Ea1  Ea2 2) Ea1  Ea2 1) 1 2) 3 3) 2 4) 3
3) Ea1  Ea2 4) Ea1  Ea2
5. The rate constant of a certain reaction is given
r  K  A B  C 
by K  Ae Ea / RT ( where A = Arrhenius constant 1.
). Which factor should be lowered so that the 2. In acid hydrolysis of ester. water is taken in
rate of reaction may increase ? excess quantity r  k  Ester 
1) T 2) Z 3) A 4) Ea order = 1
6. The activation energies for forward and molecularity = 2
backward reactions in a chemical reaction are 3. Molecularity is always a whole number
30.5 and 45.4 kJmol 1 respectively. Then 4. K uncat  A e Euncat / RT
reaction is
K Cat  A e Ecat / RT
1) exothermic 2) endothermic
3) neither exothermic nor endothermic
4) independent of temperature
Let the Ea for uncatalysed reaction be A, then
for catalysed reaction it will be  A  8.314  103 
 A 8.314103  / RT
K cat e 
 e8.31410 / RT  e3.3  28
  A / RT
K uncat e
5.. For parallel path reaction
K average  K1  K 2  1.26 104  3.8 105
 1.64 104 sec1
Also, Fractional yield of B
K B 1.26 104
= K   0.7683
av 1.64 104
Fractional yield of A
K A 3.8 105
= K   0.2317
av 1.64 104
6. Compare that 1 and 2 in the table. It is clear
when the concentration of Hb is double, the rate
is also doubled, hence it is first order with
respect to Hb, further an examination of data 2
and 3rd shows that it is also of first order with
Rate of reaction
= [ Hb]1[CO]1  Rate constant
0.619 mol L s 1
= 2.2 mol / L 1.00 mol / L  Rate constant
 Rate constant =
= 2.280 L mol 1s 1
1 1
7.  kt 
p p0
8. log k = log A 

Slope =

2.303R 2.303
 given 
E a  2.303R  slope  R  2cal.
9. According to arrhenius equation.


Based on the Drug action
 The chemicals of low molecular masses ranging Antihistamines Cardio-vascular Sedatives Hypnotics
from 100 to 500u that react with drugs
macromolecular targets to produce a biological (iii) On the basis of chemical structure: The
response are called “Drugs”. drugs with common structural features have
Eg: Antihistamine drugs, Analgesic drugs, similar pharmacological activity.
Antipyretic drugs etc.  Sulphonamides have common structural aspects
 Drug is a chemical substance which also cures and therefore are used for similar problems.
the disease but is habit forming, causes addiction O
and has serious side effects. H2N S NH
 The drugs that produce biological response
therapeutically and that are useful in diagnosis, O
prevention and treatment of diseases are known Based on Chemical structures
as medicines.
Eg: Paracetamol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen etc. Sulphonamide Esters Alcohols
 Medicine is a chemical substance which (iv) On the basis of molecular targets: Drugs
diagnosis ,prevents and treatment of the disease, are interact with biomolecules such as nucleic
is safe to use, has negligible toxicity and does acids, proteins, lipids etc.,
not cause addiction.  These biomolecules are called target molecules
 Use of chemicals for therapeutic effect is called or Drug targets
chemotherapy.  Drugs with similar structure have same
 All drugs are medicines but all medicine are not mechanism of action on biomolecular targets.
drugs.  This is most useful classification for medicinal
Based on Molecular Targets
i) On the basis of pharmacological effect:
 This classification enhances the range of drugs
Targets is Target is Target is Target is
used by doctors for treatment of a particular Nucleic acid carbohydrates Lipids Proteins
 For example, analgesics are used as pain killers  Analgesics are body pain relievers.
 Narcotic drugs are alkaloids, they cause
 Antiseptics are used to kill or prevent the growth
depression on central nervous system. They act
of bacteria.
as strong analgesics.
 Antipyretics are used to control body
 Antipyretics reduce body temperature in fever
temperature during fever.
Based on the Pharmacological Action  Antimalarials are malarial fever reducing
Analgesics Antiseptics Antirhumatics Antibiotics  Antimicrobials kill or stop the growth of
microorganisms that cause diseases.
(ii) On the basis of drug action: Based on the  Antiseptics kill microorganisms or prevent the
action of drug in biochemical processes, drugs growth of microorganisms.
are classified into different categories such as  Antibiotics are microorganism killing
antihistamines, sedatives, hypnotic drugs etc. substances.
Eg: Histamine causes allergy. To prevent allergy,  Tranquilizers are medicines used in the
antihistamines are used. management of psychoses and neuroses.
 Antihistamines interact with natural action of  (ii) Some drugs attach to sites other than active
histamine and prevent acidity. sites, are called allosteric sites.
 Antacids remove the excess acid in stomach  By this attachment, the shapes of active sites
and maintain the normal pH. radically are affected so that the substrate
Drug-target interaction: Biomolecules are molecules cannot recognise the active sites, then
the targets. Biomolecules like proteins, drugs block active sites.
carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids perform  The bond formed between an enzyme and an
their respective functions. inhibitor is a strong covalent bond and cannot
 For example, some proteins play the role of be broken easily, then enzyme is blocked
biological catalysts and they are known as permanently.
enzymes. Some proteins which help in  Latter the body degrades the enzyme-inhibitor
communication system are called receptors. complex.
Active site with
 Carrier proteins carry polar molecules across the Active
changed shape
cell membrane. site
 Nucleic acids have coded genetic information
for the cell.
 Lipids, carbohydrates are structural parts of cell
membrane Enzyme
Allosteric site
Enzyme as Drug Targets Inhibitor Inhibitor occupying
allosteric site
(a) Catalytic action of enzymes
Receptor as Drug Target: Receptors are
proteins that are crucial to body’s communication
+ process.
enzyme substrate E S complex  Receptor proteins are embedded in the cell
 Enzymes provide active sites for holding the
 In the body, message between two neurons and
substrate molecules through a variety of
that between neurons to muscles is
interactions like ionic bonding, hydrogen
communicated through certain chemicals, called
bonding, vander Waal’s forces and dipole-dipole
interactions. Chemical messengers.
 The second function of an enzyme is to provide  Messengers are received at the binding sites of
functional groups that will attack the substrate receptor proteins.
and carry out chemical reaction.  To accommodate a messenger, shape of the
(b) Drug - enzyme interaction receptor site changes.
 Chemical messenger gives message to the cell
 Drugs can block the binding site of the enzyme
and prevent the binding of substrate, (or) without entering into the cell.
Drugs can inhibit the catalytic activity of the  Different receptors in the body that interact with
enzyme are called enzyme inhibitors. different chemical messengers.
 Drugs inhibit the attachment of substrate on  These receptors show selectivity for one
active site of enzymes in two ways chemical messenger over the other because their
 (i) Drugs which act as competitive inhibitors, binding sites have different shape, structure and
preferentially attach to the active sites prior to amino acid composition.
substrate molecules.  Drugs that bind to the receptor site and inhibit
its natural function are called antagonists.
Active Drug
site  These are useful when blocking of message is
 Drugs that mimic the natural messenger by
Drug and substrate
Enzyme substrate switching on the receptor called agonists. These
Drug blocks the active
competing for active site of enzyme are useful when there is lack of natural chemical
site of enzyme
 Drugs which interfere with the natural action of
Chemical Binding site
Binding messenger histamine by competing with histamine for
Induced binding site of receptor where histamine exerts
fit its effect are called antihistamines or anti allergy
of cell
membrane drugs
Cell  These are widely used for treatment of common
Interior membrane
of cell Message cold, conjuctivitis, itching of eyes, motion
sickess, nausea in pregnancy and post operative
Therapeutic Action of different Classes vomiting.
of Drugs  Some important antihistamine drugs are
Antacids: Substances which neutralize the brompheniramine (Dimetapp), terfenadine
(Seldane), diphenylhydramine (Bendrayl),
excess hydrochloric acid and to maintain the p H
pheniramine maleate (avil), centrizine,
to an appropriate level in stomach are called chlorpheniramine (Zeet), promethazine,
antacids. cimetidine (Tegamet), Ranitidine (Zantac) are
 Over production of acid in the stomach causes largely used antihistamine drugs.
irritation and pain (in the epigastrium), stomach  Seldane(terfenadine) and cimetidine (Tegamet)
ulcers, bleeding from the ulcers.  Ranitidine (zantac)is largely used as
 The first antacids used was sodium antihistamine drug.
hydrogencarbonate or a mixture of aluminium  Anti histamines results in release of less amount
and magnesium hydroxides. of acid. So rantidine etc are used as antacids.
 Excessive hydrogencarbonate can make the  Anti allergic and antacid drugs work on different
stomach alkaline and increase the production of receptors. So they don’t effect secretion of acid
more acid  Drowsiness, retarded ability to perform work
 The most commonly used antacids are weak and impaired alertness are the side effects of this
bases such as: sodium bicarbonate, magnesium drugs
hydroxide, magnesium carbonate, magnesium  Certain antacids are drugs that reduce the
trisilicate, aluminium hydroxide gel, aluminium secretion of HCl from the stomach by blocking
phosphate and mixture of aluminium and H 2 receptors.
magnesium hydroxides.
Ex. Rantidine, Cimetidine, Famotidine
 Metal hydroxides are less soluble, does not  Certain antacids are the drugs which are proton-
increase P above neutrality. so they are better pump blockers and they also reduce secretion
antacids of HCl in the stomach.
 The antacids control only the symtoms and but Ex.Lansoperazole, Omeperazole, Pentoperazole
not the cause.
Antihistamines:Histamine is a chemical that
stimulates the secretion of pepsin and
hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
 Histamine is a potent vasodilator. It contracts
the smooth muscles in the bronchi and gut and
relaxes other muscles
 Histamine is also responsible for the nasal
congestion associated with common cold and
allergicresponse to pollen, food product
dustmite, house dust, sheep wool, human hair
 Barbiturates are derivatives of barbituric acid
N (5, 5- disubstituted derivatives). such as Veronal,
Luminal, Seconal, Amytal, Nembutal, etc..
collectively called as barbiturates are also used
N as tranquillizers. They are mainly used as
hypnotics, (sleep inducing agents).
 Barbiturates exert depressant action on
Br cerebrospinal axis
 In small doses, tranquilizers act as sedative
Brompheniramine (don’t induce sleep) and in high doses acts as
 Reserpine, an alkaloid, is a powerful
tranquillizer. It slows down the pulse rate and
lowers the blood pressure.

Terfenadine (Seldane)
Neurologically Active Drugs NH

(1) Tranquilizers :Tranquilizers and analgesics Serotonin

Valium (Diazcpam)
are neurologically active drugs. These affect the
message transfer mechanism from nerve to H
receptor N
 Tranquilizers are chemical compounds used for N=C
treatment of anxiety, stress, irritation,
excitement, mild or even severe mental diseases +
Cl C=N
and induce sense of well-being. | O–
 hey are neurologically active drugs, effect C6H5
message transfer mechanism from nerve to Chlordiazepoxide
 They are essential component of sleeping pills
 Different types of tranquilizers act by different H2N – C – O – CH2 – C – CH2 – O – C – NH2
 Noradrenaline is one of the neurotransmitters
that plays a role in mood changes. It increase
blood pressure and heart beat. O CH3 O
 If the level of noradrenaline is low, then the
H2N – C – O – CH2 – C – CH2 – O – C – NH2
signal-sending activity becomes low, and the
person suffers from depression.
 To decrease depression antidepressant drugs are Equanil
used. Ex: Iproniazid, Phenelzine
 Chlordiazepoxide and meprobamate are mild NHNH2
tranquillizers and are used for relieving
 Equanil, valium and serotonin are other N
Iproniazid Phenalzine (Nadril)
tranquillizers which are used for controlling
depression and hypertension. Derivatives of barbituric aicd

 If it taken empty stomach causes blood bleeding
in stomach and may causes ulcers.
N  These drugs also act as antipyretics (reduce
fever), relieve or reduce skeletal pain due to
arthritis and prevent blood platelet coagulation.
C 2H 5
N  Aspirin due to its anti-blood clotting action, it
C 2H 5
is widely used to prevent heart attacks even
O though it is toxic to liver and sometimes causes
bleeding from the stomach.
(5, 5 - Diethyl barbituric acid)
 Due to its (Asprin) toxic nature other analgesics
like naproxen, ibuprofen, diclofenace sodium
or potassium are currently been used.
N  Compounds of salicylic acid, aniline, phenol,
pyrazole, quinoline etc are used as non-narcotic
N C 2H 5  Some of these act as antiinflammatory and anti
C 6H 5 pyretics also.
O Preparation of Aspirin
Lumial (or) Phenobarbitone
(5-Ethyl-5-phenyl barbituric acid) COOH COOH
NaO O Aspirin
Salicylic acid
 Aspirin is known as acetylsalicylic acid
N CH2 – CH = CH2  IUPAC name of aspirin is 2-Acetoxy benzoic
CH – (CH2)2 – CH3 acid
O Narcotic analgesics: Narcotic analgesics are
Seconal (or) Quinalbarbitonesodium alkaloids.
(Sodium-5-ally-5-(1-methylbutyl)barbiturate)  Narcotic analgesics relieve the pains most
effectively but these are addictive and induce
(2) Analgesics: These are neurologically active sleep.
drugs which reduce or abolish pain without  These are used to reduce severe pains like post
causing impairment of consciousness, mental operative pains, pains terminal cancer, cardiac
confusion, incoordination or paralysis (or) some pains and in child birth.
other disturbances of nervous system  When these are taken in high doses they produce
 These are two types toxic effects like stupor,coma,convulsions and
1. Non-narcotic analgesics sometimes even leads to death.
2. Narcotic analgesics  Morphine, Heroin (morphine diacetate) and
Non-narcotic analgesics: Non-narcotic Codeine etc., are important narcotic analgesics.
analgesics are used to relieve mild pains like  Morphine and many of its homologues, are
headache, back ache etc.,. administered in medicinal doses, relieve pain
 These are non-addictive and generally do not and produce sleep.
produce toxic effects.  In poisonous doses these produce stupor, coma,
 Aspirin and paracetamol are important convulsions and ultimately death.
examples to the class of non-narcotic analgesics NCH3 NCH3 NCH3
 Aspirin inhibits the synthesis of chemicals
known as prostaglandins, which stimulate
inflammation in the tissue and cause pain. HO O AcO O OAc H3CO O OH
 Aspirin should not be taken on empty stomach. Morphine Heroin Codeine
 Morphine controls diarrhoea, cough etc prevent the growth (or) kill the other
 Morphine and its related drugs not only control microorganisms are called antibiotics.
pain but also they modify emotional reaction to  Substance produced wholly or partly by
pain. chemical systhesis,which in low concentrations
 When one of the phenolic groups in morphine prevents the growth (or) kills micro organisims
is methylated, it converts into codeine. by intervening in their metabolic processes are
 Analgesic action of codeine is lesser than called antibiotics.
morphine  Paul Ehrlich a German bacteriologist, developed
a medicine arsphenamine (salvarsan). It is
Antipyretics: Antipyretics are the drugs arsenic based structures in order to produce less
which control body temperature during the fever toxic substances for the treatment of syphilis
conditions.  The bacteria , spirochete causes syphilis.
 Analgin, phenacitin, paracetamol etc., are  The drug arsphenamine (salvarsan) as
important antipyretics.
 As  As  linkage
 Aminophenols are toxic and para aminophenol
 Ehrlich noted that there is similarity in structures
is less toxic.
of salvarsan and azodyes
 Some of antipyretics can also act as analgesics
 The drug prontosil as  N  N  linkage similar
 Paracetamol or acetaminophen is used for
arthritic, rheumatic condition linked with to that of Salvarsan.
musculoskeletal pains.  First effective anti bacterial agent prepared was
prontosil. In the body prontosil is converted to
 It is used to control headache and myalgias.
sulphanilamide, which is real active compound.
 It is particularly used for aspirin sensitive
 Sulpha drugs are derivatives of sulphanilamide.
They have great antibacterial power and have
 On prolonged usage of phenacetin can damage been widely used against diseases such as
kidneys diptheria, dysentery, tuberculosis ( caused by
 IUPAC name of paracetamol is N-(4- cocci infections)
hydroxyphenyl) ethanamide. Ex: sulphanilamide, sulphadiazine,
3 3
sulphapyridine, sulphaguanidine.


OH O C 2H 5
(P a ra c e ta m o l) (P h e n a c itin ) Sulphanilamide
Antimicrobials: Diseases in human beings  The first antibiotic discovered was penicillin by
and animals may be caused by a variety of Sir Alexander Fleming.
microorganisms such as bacteria, virus, fungi,  It was famous by the name of wonder drug
and other pathogens.  It was produced by a fungus called Penicillium
 An antimicrobial tends to destroy or prevent notatum.
development or inhibit the pathogenic action of  The range of micro-organisms against which an
microbes. antibiotic is effective is called spectrum of the
 These includes antibacterial drugs, anti fungal antibiotic.
agents, antiviral agents or other antiparasitic
drugs. Characteristic Properties of Antibiotics:
An antibiotic must be a product of metobolism
 Among antibacterials, sulpha drugs, antibiotics,
 An antibiotic should be effective in low
antiseptics and disinfectants are most important.
 Lysozyme, Lactic acid & Hydrochloric acid are
 An antibiotic should retard the growth or
natural antimicrobials where as Penicillin,
survival of microorganisms.
Chloramphenicol, Sulphadiazine etc., are
 An antibiotic should be synthetic substance
artificial antimicrobials
produced as a structural analogue of naturally
(1) Antibiotics: Chemical substances produced by
occuring antibiotic.
the microorganisms (bacteria, fungi) which
 Antibiotics are two types
1. Bactericidals:They kill bacteria. If R is –CH2 OH it is p-hydroxy benzyl
Eg: Penicillin, Aminoglycosides and Ofloxacin penicillin or penicillin-III or X
etc. If R is CH 2   CH 2 5  CH 3 it is penicillin IV or K
2. Bacteriostatics: They inhibit growth of bacteria.
Eg:Erythromycin,Tetracycline, If R is –CH2 – O it is penicillin V or Y
Chloramphenicol etc.
 Ampicillin and Amoxicillin are synthetic
modifications of Penicillin
 They are used for Penicillin sensitive patients.
 Penicillin, benzyl Penicillin, Para hydroxy
benzyl Penicillin, Chloramphenicol, CH CH
Sulphadiazine etc., are important antibiotics.
 The molecular formula of pencillin is
C9H11O4N2SR Chloramphenicol
 Antibiotics which kill or inhibit a wide range
of bacteria are said to be broad spectrum N
antibiotics. Those effective mainly against H 2N SO 2 NH C
gram-positive or gram-negative bacteria are N
narrow spectrum antibiotics. Sulphadiazine
 Pencillin-G is narrow spectrum antibiotic, which
is most commonly used antibiotic
 Chloramphenicol,Vancomycin,oflaxacin,
H 2N As
amphicillin, amoxycillin are broad As NH 2
spectrum antibiotics.
 Chloramphenicol is rapidly absorbed from the HO
gastrointestinal tract and hence can be given
orally. It is used for typhoid, acute fever, SO2NH2
dysentery, meningitis, pneumonia and few
urinary track infections(UTI), Whooping cough N
 The antibiotic dysidazirine is supposed to be N
toxic towards certain strains of cancer cells.
 Streptomycin is a carbohydrate antibiotic is used Prontosil
for the treatment of tuberculosis, meningitis,
pneumonia. It was discovered by Waksman. OH
 It cannot be taken by oral route.
Another widely used antibiotic is cephalosporin N
are commonly referred to as  -lactum

If R is -CH2CH=CHCH2CH3 it is pent-2-enyl S NH
penicillin (penicillin-I or F)
If R = –CH2 it is benzyl penicillin or
penicillin-II or G
(2) Antiseptics and disinfectants  For example 0.2% phenol acts as antiseptic and
Antiseptics: Antiseptics are the chemical 1% phenol is used as disinfectant.
substances which kill or prevent the growth of  Aqueous solutions of chlorine(0.2 to 0.4ppm),
bacteria. sulphur dioxide in low concentrations can also
 These are safe to be applied on living tissues. be used as disinfectants but these cannot be used
 These are usually applied on the wounds, cuts, as antiseptics.
ulcers and diseased skin surfaces  A low concentration of SO2 is used for
Ex: furacine, soframicine sterilizing squashes for preservation, but high
 These are not injected into the body. concentration of the gas can be used as
 Antiseptics are also added to face powders, disinfectant for living rooms when infected with
breath purifiers to reduce the odour produced bacteria and disease carrying germs.
as a result of bacterial decomposition of organic  4% aq solution of formaldehyde is called
matter on the body or in the mouth. formalin.
 Commonly used antiseptic is dettol.Other  Formalin is one of the best disinfectant which
antiseptics are tincture of iodine, Savlon, is used to preserve biological specimens.
Iodoform, acriflavin. Antifertility drugs: Chemical substances
 Dettol is a mixture of chloroxylenol and
which are used to check pregnancy in women
are called antifertility drugs or birth control pills
 Bithionol or bithional is added to good quality or oral contraceptives.
soaps to reduce odours produced by bacterial  These control the female menstrual cycle and
decomposition of organic matter on skin. ovulation.
 Tincture of iodine (2-3% solution of iodine in  These pills are mixture of synthetic estrogen and
alcohol and water) is applied to wounds as an progesterone derivatives. These are generally
antiseptic agent. steroids.
 Boric acid in dilute aqueous solution is weak  These are more potent than natural hormones.
antiseptic for eyes  Norethindrone is synthetic progesterone drug
 Iodoform  CHI 3  which produces iodine on used as antifertility drug
coming in contact with skin is used as antiseptic  Some of the commonly used pills contain a
powder for wounds mixture of norethindrone (a progesterone
derivative) and novestrol or ethynylestradiol (an
 Boric acid dilute solution is a weak antiseptic
for eyes.
 They can be given in the form of injectable slow
 Derivatives of formaldehyde and chloro
release depot forms.
derivatives of organic compounds can also be
 Progesterone preparations make the cervical
used as antiseptics.
mucus thick to prevent sperm penetration.
Cl OH HO Cl  They also reduce ovum and sperm motility to
avoid feruilization.
S  Combined oral pills block the pituitary gland
Cl H3C
OH Cl Cl secretions of gonadotropin hormones so as to
chloroxylenol terpineol bithional
prevent ovulation , which is the release of the
ovum from the ovary.
dettol  If the ovum is not released fertilization is not
 Disinfectants are antibacterial agents which kill possible.
microorganisms but are not safe to be applied  These drugs are 100% effective if taken
to the living tissues. regularly on the prescription of a physician.
 Disinfectants are applied to inanimate objects  Simultaneous use of certain antibiotics may
like floor, drainages, toilets etc. interfere with the action of these antifertility
 The antiseptics can also be used as disinfectants drugs.
depending on the concentration of the  Side effects include weight gain and prolonged
compound. infertility
 Also there can be abnormal menstruation in  It is primarily used as a sweeting agent by
some cases. diabetic patients.
 Mifepristone, Oral pills, Norethindrone &  Aspartame is the methyl ester of the dipeptide
Novestrol control the female menstrual cycle derived from phenylalanine and aspartic acid
and ovulation.  It is about 100 times as sweet as sucrose.
 It decomposes at backing or cooking
CH3 temperature and hence can only be used in cold
C  CH foods and soft drinks.
H H  Alitame is more stable than aspartame. It is
about 2000 times as sweet as sucrose
H H  Sucralose is a trichloro derivative of sucrose
 It tastes like sucrose and is stable at baking or
cooking temperatures. It is about 600 times
Norethindrone sweeter than sucrose. It neither provides calories
OH nor causes tooth decay, but control of sweetness
CH3 of food is difficult.
C  CH
 L-Glucose like D-sugars, all L-sugars are sweet
in taste but do not provide any energy since our
body does not have enzymes for their
H H metabolism.
 Therefore, they are secreted as such through the
Ethynylestradiol (novestrol)
 Thus all L-Hexoses such as L-glucose, L-
Chemicals in Food: Chemicals are added galactose can be used as potential artificial
to food for (i) their preservation, (ii) enhancing sweeteners.
their appeal, and (iii) adding nutritive value in Sweetness
value in
them. Artificial
Structural formula comparison
 Main type of food additives are sweetener to
cane sugar
(i) Food colours
(ii) Flavours and sweeteners
HO – C – CH2 – CH – C – NH – CH – C – OCH3
(iii) Fat emulsifiers and stabilising agents
(iv) Flour improvers - antistaling agents and Aspartame 100
Aspartic acid part
(v) Antioxidants
Phenylalnine methyl
(vi) Food Preservatives ester part

(vii) Nutritional supplements such as minerals, CO

vitamins and amino acids Saccharin NH 550
 Minerals, vitamins and amino acids additives SO2
have nutritive values Cl
Artificial Sweetening agents: Sucrose and H
Sucralose HO 600
fructose are the most widely used natural H

sweeteners. Since they add to our calorie intake CIH2C O H

and promote tooth decay. therefore, many people H3C CH3

use artificial sweeteners. O O CH3 C

 Important artificial sweeteners are Alitame HO – C – CH2 – CH – C – NH – CH – C – NH – CH

S 2000
Saccharin (Ortho-sulphobenzimide), is about H3C CH3

550 times sweeter than sucrose on mass to mass

basis. It is not biodegradable in the body and Food preservatives: Food preservatives
does not have any calorific value of food prevent spoilage of food due to microbial
 It is excreted as such in urine. growth.
 The most commonly used preservatives are table
salt, sugar, vegetable oils and sodium benzonate
 C11H 23COOH  - Lauric acid
( C6 H 5COONa )  C13 H 27COOH  - Myristic acid
 Sodium benzoate is metabolized to hippuric acid
excreted in urine  C15 H 31COOH  - Palmitic acid
 It is used in soft drinks and acidic foods
 Salts of sorbic acid and propanoic acid, ethylene
 C17 H 35COOH  - Stearic acid
epoxide and p-hydroxybenzoic acid are also  C17 H 33COOH  - Oleic acid
used as food preservatives
 Sodium metabisulphite  Na2 S2O5  is used as
 C17 H 31COOH  - Linoleic acid
preservative for jams, pickels. Its preservative  C17 H 29COOH  - Linolenic acid
action is due to SO2 which dissolves in water to  Soaps are made by saponification (soap
give sulphurous acid. formation) i.e. alkaline (NaOH / KOH)
 Sulphurous acid inhibits the growth of yeasts, hydrolysis of glyceryl esters of higher fatty acids
moulds and baceteria like stearic, oleic and palmitic acids.
Antioxidants in Food: Chemicals which are  Only sodium and potassium soaps are soluble
used to prevent oxidation of fats in processed in water
foods such as potato chips, biscuits, breakfast  Potassiuim salts of higher fatty acids are soft to
cereals, crackers are called antioxidants skin than sodium salts.
 These are more reactive towards oxygen than
the food material which tehy are protecting
 The two most familiar antioxidants are butylated
hydroxy toluene (BHT) and butylated hydroxy CH2 – OH

anisole (BHA).
C H – O – C – C 1 7 H 3 5 + 3 N aO H  3 C 1 7 H 3 5 C O O N a + C H – O H
 The addition of BHA to butter increases its shelf
life from months to years. CH2 – OH

 Sometimes BHT and BHA along with citric acid

are added to produce more effect.
 Sulphur dioxide and sulphite are useful Types of soaps: Toilet soaps are made from
antioxidants for wine and beer, sugar syrups and better grades of fats & oils, squeezing out
cut, peeled or dried fruits and vegetables. unreacted alkali and adding colours and
OH OH perfumes.
(CH3)3C C(CH3)3 C(CH3)3  Floating soaps are made by incorporating tiny
airbubbles into soap during hardening stage of
manufacture of soap.
CH3 OCH3  Transparent soaps are made by first dissolving
BHT BHA the soap in ethanol and then evaporating the
Cleansing agents: Soaps and detergents are excess solvent.
used as cleaning agents.  In medicated soaps,substances of medicinal
 These improve cleansing properties of water and value are added.
help in removal of fats which bind other  Shaving soaps contain glycerol to prevent rapid
materials to the fabric or skin. drying a gum called, rosin is added while making
 There are two types of detergents are used as them. It forms sodium rosinate which lathers
cleansing agents well.
(1) Soaps: Soaps are sodium or potassium salts of  Laundry soaps contains fillers like sodium
higher fatty acids such as rosinate,sodium silicate, borax and Na2CO3 .
 Soap powders / scouring soaps are made by Cationic detergents: These are quaternary
mixing soap with a scouring agent (an abrasive) ammonium salts of amines with acetates,
such as powdered pumice (or) finely divided chlorides or bromides as anions like Cetyl
sand and also builders like Na2CO3 and Na3PO4. trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) , CTAB
Builders make soaps to act more rapidly. is used in hair conditioners.
 The cleaning action of a soap is due to soap +
lather, which reduce the interfacial tension and CH3
solubilises the oily dirt into water by
CH3(CH2)15 – N – CH3 Br–
 Soaps are 100% biodegradable, i.e., CH3
microorganisms present in sewage water
completely oxidise them to CO2 . So soaps do  Other example for cationic detergents are
not create any water pollution Benzalkonium chloride, Trimethyl stearyl
 Soaps cannot be used in hard water since ammonium chloride
calcium and magnesium ions present in hard  The cationic part is involved in cleansing action.
water produce curdy white precipitate of calcium Cationic detergents have germicidal properties
and magnesium salts of fatty acids. and expensive.
 Soaps cannot be used in acidic solutions since
acids precipitate the insolubel free fatty acids Non-ionic detergents: These do not contain
which adhere to the fabrics and thus reduce the any ions. These are Ester of stearic acid and
ability of soaps to clean the cloth by removing polyethylene glycol
oil and grease. CH3(CH2)16COO(CH2CH2O)nCH2.CH2OH.
 Hard water cannot form lather with soap and  The other non-ionic detergents are lauryl alcohol
hence soaps are not functional in hard water. ethoxylate, pentaerthritol monostearate etc...
These are used in dish-washing.
2C17 H 35COONa  CaCl2  2 NaCl   C17 H 35COO 2 Ca
Soap Insoluble calcium CH3(CH2)10CH2OH + 8CH2 – CH2 

stearate (Soap) Lauryl alcohol
(2) Synthetic Detergents:Synthetic detergents
CH3(CH2)10CH2(OCH2CH2)8 OH
are cleaning agents with all properties of soap
but they contain no soap Lauryl alcohol ethoxylate
 Detergents can form lather extensively both with  Branchedchaindetergents are non-biodegradable
hard, soft and even ice cold water.  Straight chain detergents are biodegradable.
 Detergents are of three categories
Anionic detergents: C.U.Q
Ex.: Sodium salts of sulphonated long chain
alcohols or hydrocarbons like CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS
a) Sodium lauryl sulphate 1. Chemicals are used for the treatment of
- +
CH3(CH2)10 CH2OSO3 Na (NaLS) diseases in prehistoric as well as in modern
b) Sodium dodecyl benzene sulphonate times. This branch of science is called.
(sod.4-(1-dodecyl) benzenesulphonate) 1. Physiotherapy 2. Chemotherapy
3. Homeopathy 4.Radiotherapy
2. Drugs used for relieving pain are called.
CH3(CH2)11 SO3– Na+
1. Antibiotics 2. Analgesics
3. Antipyretics 4. Anaesthetics
The anionic part of the molecule is involved in 3. Which of the following biomolecules act as
cleansing action of the detergent. These are used drug targets.
in house-hold cleansing agents and in tooth 1. Carbohydrates 2. Proteins
pastes. 3. Nucleic acids 4. All
4. The most useful classification of drugs form 17. The drugs which inhibit the enzymes which
for medicinal chemists is. catalyse the degradation of noradrenaline are
1. On the basis of chemical structure called.
2. On the basis of drug action 1. Antidepressant drugs 2. Antacids
3. On the basis of molecular targets 3. Antimicrobial 4. Analgesics
4. On the basis of pharmacological effect 18. Which of the following is/are a non-hypnotic
5. The chemical substances used for the
treatement of diseases are called.
1. Chlordiazepoxide 2. Meprobamate
1. Biomolecules 2. Carbohydrates
3. Resins 4. Drugs 3. Equanil 4. All the above


6. Substances which neutralize the excess of 19. Drugs used to lower the body temperature
acid in the stomach are. in high fever are called.
1. Antiboitics 2. Antiseptics 1. Antibiotics 2. Hypnotics
3. Antacids 4. Antipyretics 3. Antipyretics 4. Anaesthetics
7. Which of the following is not used as an 20. Which of the following is an antipyretic?
antacid. 1. Quinine 2.Luminal
1. Magnesium hydroxide 2. Sodium carbonate 3. Paracetamol 4. Piperazine
3. Sodium bicarbonate 4.Aluminium phosphate
21. The correct structure of the drug
8. The most widely used antacid is.
paracetamol is
1. Cetrizine 2. Iproniazid
3. Chlorpheniramine 4. Zantac
9. Which of the following antacids is an 1. HO CONH2
1. Ranitidine 2. Lansoprazole
3. Terfenadine 4. Luminal NHCOCH3
2. HO
10. Which of the following is not an antacid.
1. Histamine 2. Ranitidine
3. Omeperazole 4. All of these
11. Which of the following is an antacid? 3. Cl CONH2
1. Sodium carbonate 2. Magnesium hydroxide
3. Sodium chloride 4. Alum
12 Antiallergy drugs are. 4. Cl NHCONH2
1. Antimicrobials 2. Antihistamines
3. Antivirals 4. Antifungal 22. Among the following, narcotic analgesic is
TRANQUILIZERS 1. Ibuprofen 2. Morphine
13. Drug which is used to reduce anxiety and 3. Aspirin 4. Naproxen
brings calmness is known as. 23. Which of the following is not an antipyretic.
1. Tranquilizer 2. Diuretic 1. Aspirin 2. Paracetamol
3. Analgesic 4. Antacids 3. Barbituric acid 4. Phenacetin
14. Which of the following is not a tranquilizer. 24. Morphine is
1. Luminal 2. Seconal 3. Valium 4. Alitame
1. Antiseptic 2. Analgesic
15. The substances which affect the central
3. Antibiotic 4. Anaesthetic
nervous system and induce sleep are called.
1. Antipyretics 2. Tranquilizers ANTIMICROBIALS, ANTIFERTILITY
3. Analgesics 4. Antibiotics DRUGS & ANTIBIOTICS
16. Which of the following neurotransmitter 25. Chloramphenicol is used as an
plays a significant role in mood changes.
1. Analgesic 2. Antibiotic
1. Acetylcholine 2. Dopamine
3. Anaesthetic 4. Antiseptic
3. Serotonin 4. Noradrenaline
26. Penicillin is a / an 38. Tincture iodine is
1. Hormone 2. Antibiotic 1. Aqueous solution of I2
3. Antipyretic 4. Vitamin
27. Antimicrobial drugs are 2. Solution of I2 in aqueous KI
1. Antibiotics 2. Antiseptics 3. Alcoholic solution of I2
3. Disinfectants 4. All the above
4. Aqueous solution of KI
28. A substance produced wholly or partly by
chemical synthesis, which in low CHEMICALS IN FOOD
concentrations inhibits the growth or 39. Choose the correct statement
destroys micro organisms by intervening in 1. Saccharin is 650 times sweeter than sugar
their metabolic processes is 2. Alitame is 2000 times sweeter than sugar
1. Antiseptic 2. Antibiotics 3. Sucralose is 160 times sweeter than sugar
3. Antipyretics 4. Disinfectants 4. Aspartame is 550 times sweeter than sugar
29. Chemical substances which are used to check 40. Which of the following is not an artificial
pregnancy in women are called sweetener
1. Antibiotics 2. Antimicrobials 1. Sucralose 2. Alitame
3. Antifertility drugs 4. Disinfectants 3. Saccharin 4. Sucrose
30. The bactericidal and bacteriostatic
41. In the following which is 550 times sweeter
antibiotics respectively are
than cane sugar
1. Pencillin, ofloxacin
1. Saccharin 2. Aspartam
2. Erythromycin, tetracycline
3. Alitame 4. Sucrose
3. Penicillin, chloramphenicol
4. Tetracycline and penicillin CO
31. The antibiotic used for the treatment of
typhoid is NH
42. The compound is
1. Penicillin 2. Chloramphenicol
3. Terramycin 4. Sulphadiazine SO2
32. Pencillin was first discovered by 1. Saccharin 2. Aspartame
1. A.Fleming 2. L.Pasteur 3. Alitame 4. Sucrose
3. G.Thompson 4. A.Noble 43. Which of the following food additives is an
33. Which of the following is a broad - spectrum antioxidant.
antibiotic. 1. Butylated hydroxy anisole 2. Cyclamate
1. Streptomycin 2. Penicillin 3. Sodium metabisulphite 4. Amaranth
3. Ampicillin 4. Chloramphenicol
ANTISEPTICS AND DISINFECTANTS 44. Sodium dodecyl benzene sulphonate is used
34. Tincture of iodine contains as
1. 10 - 15% Iodine 2. 2 - 3% Iodine
1. Soap 2. Detergent
3. 25-30% Iodine 4. 0.1 - 0.2 % Iodine
3. Fertilizer 4. Pesticide
35. Dilute solution of boric acid is used as
45. Cetyl trimethyl ammonium chloride is an
1. Antiseptic 2. Disinfectant
example of
3. Antipyretic 4. Analgesic
1. Cationic detergent 2. Anionic detergent
36. Which of the following is commonly used as
disinfectant? 3. Non-ionic detergent 4. Soap
1. Acriflavin 2. Mercurochrome 46. Compound which is added to soap to impart
3. Tincture of iodine 4. Phenol antiseptic properties is.
37. Phenol is used as 1. Sodium lauryl sulphate
1. An antiseptic 2. A disinfectant 2. Sodium dodecylbenzenesulphonate
3. Both (1) and (2) 4. A styptic 3. Rosin 4. Bithional
47. Detergents are known to pollute rivers and ANTACIDS, ANTIHISTAMINES
waterways. However, detergents can be made 3. Which of the following is used as an antacid?
biodegradable and pollution free by taking 1. Ampicillin 2. Omeprazole
1. Cyclic hydrocarbon chain 3. Lansoprazole 4. Both 2 & 3
2. Unbranched hydrocarbon chain 4. Which of the following antacids treat only
3. Hydrocarbon with more branching the symptoms but not the cause.
4. Benzenoid hydrocarbons 1. Zintac 2. Magnesium hydroxide
48. The role of phosphate in detergent powder is 3. Lansopyrazole 4. Cimetidine
1. Control pH level of the detergent water
5. Diazepam (valium) is used as
mixture antibiotic analgesic
2. Removal of Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ ions from the anaesthetic 4.a tranquillizer
water that cause the hardness of water 6. Serotonin has similar structure to that of
3. Provide whiteness to the fabrics 1.Adrenaline 2. Aspirin 3.Luminal 4.Ranitidine
4. Form solid detegents as phosphateless 7. Which of the following is a non-hypnotic
detergents are liquid in nature tranquilizer ?
49. Which of the following is an anionic 1. Luminal 2. Seconal
detergent. 3. Veronal 4. Meprobamate
1. CH3  CH 2 16 CH 2OSO3 Na
8. Which drug is given during hypertension?
1. Equanil 2. Streptomycin
+ 3. Aspirin 4. Chloroxylenol
2. CH3  CH 2  N  CH3  Cl
16 3 9. Which plays an important role in mood
3. CH3  CH2 16 COO  CH2CH2On CH2CH2OH changes.
1. Aspirin 2. Noradrenaline
4. C6 H 5SO3 Na 3. Lansoperazole 4. Zintac.
10. Antidepressant drug among the following is
C.U.Q - KEY 1. Phenelzine 2. Promethazine
1) 2 2) 2 3) 4 4) 3 5) 4 6) 3 7) 2 3. Naproxen 4. Cimetidine
8) 4 9) 1 10) 1 11) 2 12) 2 13) 1 14) 4 11. Most commonly used tranquillizers are
derivatives of
15) 2 16) 4 17) 1 18) 4 19) 3 20) 3 21) 2
1. Acetic acid 2. Salicylic acid
22) 2 23) 3 24) 2 25) 2 26) 2 27) 4 28) 2 3. Barbituric acid 4. Sulphanilamide
29) 3 30) 3 31) 2 32) 1 33) 4 34) 2 35) 1 12. Which of the following alkaloid is used for
36) 4 37) 3 38) 3 39) 2 40) 4 41) 1 42) 1 the treatment of hypertension.
1. Morphine 2. Quinine 3. Reserpine 4. Cocaine
43) 1 44) 2 45) 1 46) 4 47) 2 48) 2 49) 1 13. Which of the following is/are neurologically
active drug/s.
LEVEL-I (C.W) 1. Aspirin 2. Phenelzine
3. Heroin 4. All the three
INTRODUCTION & 14. Veronal, a barbituric drug is used as.
CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS 1. Anaesthetic 2. Sedative
1. Molecular mass of drugs generally in the 3. Antiseptic 4. None of these
1. 500  1000 u 2. 10  100 u 15. Chemically codeine is
3. 100  500 u 4. 50  100 u 1. Monomethylated Morphine
2. Which of the following is an alkaloid? 2. Dimethylated Morphine
1. Morphine 2. Codeine 3. Monobenzoate Morphine
3. Aspirin 4. Both 1 & 2 4. Dibenzoate Morphine
16. Aspirin is administered in the form of a salt CHEMICALS IN FOOD
or in the presence of NaHCO3 . This is to 28. The most commonly used food preservative is
avoid the side effects of a compound X 1.sodium cyclamate 2.sodium benzoate
obtained during hydrolysis. Here X is 3.sodium acetate 4.vanillin
1. Sulphuric acid 2. Acetic acid 29. Which of the following is used to prevent the
3. Phenol 4. 2-hydroxy benzoic acid oxidation of fats in the processed food.
17. A substance which can act both as an 1. Sodium sulphate 2. Sodium sulphite
analgesic and antipyretic is 3. BHT 4. Sodium metabisulphite
1. Quinine 2. Aspirin 3. Penicillin 4. Insulin 30. The artificial sweetener aspartame is the
18. Aspirin is known as (MAIN-2012) methyl ester of the dipeptide.
1. Phenylsalicylate 2. Acetylsalicylate 1. Glycylalanine
3. Methylsalicylic acid 4. Acetylsalicylic acid 2. Aspartylphenylalanine
19. Which of the following is used as antipyretic 3. Phenylalanylaspartic acid
1. Paracetamol 2. Chloroquine 4. Alanylglycine
3. Chloramphenicol 4. LSD CLEANSING AGENTS
ANTIMICROBIALS, ANTIFERTILITY 31. Which of the following enhances lathering
property of soap.
1. Sodium carbonate 2. Sodium rosinate
20. Lactic acid acts as
3. Sodium stearate 4. Trisodium phosphate
1. Analgesic 2. Antihistamine
32. Polyethyleneglycols are used in the
3. Antimicrobial 4. Antifertility
preparation of which type of detergents.
21. The substance used in the birth control pills is
1. Cationic detergents 2. Anionic detergents
1. Tetracycline 2. Sulphadiazine
3. Non-ionic detergents 4. Soaps
3. Novestrol 4. Penicillin
33. Detergents are better than soaps because
22. Among the following which is not a
1. They are less effected by hard water
bacteriostatic antibiotic
2. They can be used in acidic solution
1. Tetracycline 2. Pencillin
3. Both (1) and (2)
3. Erythromycin 4. Chloramphenicol
4. They wash clothes better than soaps.
23. The antibiotic used against typhoid,
pneumonia and bronchitis etc. is ASSERTION & REASON QUESTIONS
1. Penicillin 2. Tetracycline (1) A is true, R is true and R is the correct
3. Ofloxacin 4. Chloramphenicol explanation of A
(2) A is true, R is true and R is not the correct
explanation of A
24. Chloroxylenol is an important component of
(3) A is true, R is false
1. Soap 2. Dettol
(4) A is false, R is true
3. Antibiotics 4. Pain killing ointment
34. A: Morphine and its related drugs are called
25. Which of the following is added to soap to
opium poppy or opiates.
impart antiseptic properties?
R: These are extracted from opium poppy
1.Bithional 2.luminal 3.veronal 4.chloral
35. A: Food preservatives prevent the growth of
26. Antiseptic chloroxylenol is
1. 4-chloro-3, 5-dimethylphenol
R: Food preservatives have nutritive value
2. 3-chloro-4, 5-dimethylphenol
36. A: Chemotherapy is the selective destruction
3. 4-chloro-2, 5 dimethylphenol
of pathogenic organisms with in a host by
4. 5-chloro-3, 4-dimethylphenol
chemical agents
27. Which of the following is not an insecticide
R: No chemotherapeutic agent is known even
1. DDT 2. BHC
today that does not have some toxic effect on
3. Carbaryl (sevin) 4. Aspartame
the host
37. A: Antacids neutralise the excess of acid in LEVEL-I (C.W) - KEY
the stomach and maintain the P H to normal
1) 3 2) 4 3) 4 4) 2 5) 4 6) 1 7) 4
level in the stomach
R: Antacids produce ulcers in the stomach 8) 1 9) 2 10) 1 11) 3 12) 3 13) 4 14) 2
38. (A): - As=As- linkage present in 15) 1 16) 4 17) 2 18) 4 19) 1 20) 3 21) 3
arspenamine resembles - N= N- linkage 22) 2 23) 4 24) 2 25) 1 26) 1 27) 4 28) 2
present in azodyes 29) 3 30) 3 31) 2 32) 3 33) 3 34) 1 35) 3
(R) :- In the body prontosil is converted
to a compound called sulphanilamide. 36) 2 37) 3 38) 2 39) 1 40) 1 41) 2


39. Match the following
1) Morphine a) Antipyretic
2) Aspirin b) Narcotic analgesic INTRODUCTION &
3) Paracetamol c) Tranquillizer CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS
4) Luminal d) Non-narcotic 1. The chemical name of aspirin is
analgesic 1. methyl salicylate 2. ethyl salicylate
e) Antiseptic 3. 2-hydroxybenzoic acid
1. 1-b,2-d,3-a,4-c 2. 1-b,2-c,3-e,4-d 4.2-acetoxybenzoic acid
3. 1-d,2-b,3-a,4-e 4. 1-a,2-e,3-b,4-d 2. The chemical name of paracetamol is
1. N-acetyl Para aminophenol
40. Match the following.
2. Methyl salicylate
1) Antihistamine a) Salvarsan
3. 2-hydroxybenzoic acid
2) Analgesic b) Bithional
4. 2-acetoxybenzoic acid
3) Antibacterial c) Brompheniramine
4) Antiseptic d) Heroin ANTACIDS, ANTIHISTAMINES
1. 1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b 2. 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a 3. Which controls symptoms but not cause .
3. 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d 4. 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c 1. Antifertility drugs 2. Antihistamines
41. Match the following 3. Bactericidals 4. Antacids
COLOUM - I 4. Which of the following is the best antacid of
1) CH 3  CH 2 16 COO  CH 2CH 2O 11 CH 2CH 2OH 1. Magnesium hydroxide 2. Milk
2) C17 H 35 COO  Na  3. Aluminium hydroxide 4. Ranitidine
3) CH 3   CH 2 10 CH 2 SO3 Na  5. Which are essential component of sleeping

 CH 3  1. Antiseptics 2. Antipyretics
  3. Tranquilizers 4. Antacids
 | 
CH 3  CH 2   N  CH 3  Br  6. The compound that causes general
4)  
antidepressant action on the central nervous
 |  system belongs to the class of .
 
 CH 3  1. Analgesics 2. Tranquillizers
3. Narcotic analgesics 4. Antihistamines
COLUMN - II 7. Equanil is.
a) Cationic detergent 1. Artificial sweetener 2. Tranquillizer
b) Anionic detergent 3. Antihistamine 4. Antifertility drug
c) Nonionic detergent 8. Which of the following is used for inducing
d) Soap sleep.
1. 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-d 2. 1-c, 2-d, 3-b, 4-a 1. Paracetamol 2. Chloroquine
3. 1-d, 2-a, 3-c, 4-b 4. 1-a, 2-b, 3-d, 4-c 3. Bithional 4. Barbituric acid derivatives
9. The substances which relieve anxiety, reduce
mental tension and induce sleep are called.
1. Analgesics 2. Antipyretics
3. Tranquilizer 4. Anaesthetics
19. is present in
10. The most widely used antipyretic is.
1. Salicylic acid 2. Phenacitin 1. Dettol 2. Pencillin 3. Dyes 4. Antifertility drugs
3. Paracetamol 4. Aspirin 20. The substances added to deodorants are
11. The drug used to check heart attacks is. 1. Antibiotics 2. Antiseptics
1. Aspirin 2. Valium 3. Antipyretics 4. Analgesics
3. Chloramphenicol 4. Cephalsoporin 21. Various phenol derivatives, tincture of iodine
12. Aspirin inhibits the synthesis of. (2 - 3% I2 in water/alcohol) and some dyes
1. Hydrochloric acid in the stomach like methylene blue are
2. Antihistamines 1. Antiseptics 2. Disinfectants
3. Prostaglandins 4. Neurotransmitters 3. Analgesics 4. Antipyretics
13. Chemically heroin is.
1. Morphine diacetate CHEMICALS IN FOOD
2. Monomethylated Morphine 22. Among the following, which do not provide
3. Dimethylated Morphine any calories and stable even at cooking
4. Monobenzoate Morphine temperature
1. Sodium benzoate 2. Sucralose
DRUGS & ANTIBIOTICS 23. In the following which is the highest
14. Substance produced by the micro organism sweetener
and which can inhibit the growth of other 1. Saccharin 2.Aspartame 3. Alitame 4. Sucrose
micro-organisms is 24. The preservative which is ultimately excreted
1. Antibiotic 2. Anti microbial in urine as hippuric aicd is.
3. Disinfectant 4. Anti septic 1. Sodium benzoate 2. Sodium metabisulphite
15. Which of the following are antimicrobial 3. Sodium propionate 4. Sodium sorbate
drugs 25. Which of the following artificial sweetening
1. Antibiotics 2. Sulpha drugs agents is the least sweet
3. Antiseptics and disinfectants 1. Dulcin 2. Sucralose 3. Aspartame 4. Alitame
4. All the above CLEANSING AGENTS
16. Sulpha drugs are derivatives of 26. Toilet soap is a mixture of
1. Benzenesulphonic aicd 1. Sodium and Calcicum salts of higher fatty
2. Sulphanilic acid 3. Sulphanilamide acids
4. p  aminobenzoic acid 2. Potassium salts of higher fatty acids
17. Arsphenamine (salvarsan is arsenic 3. Sodium salts of higher fatty acids
containing drug) was developed by Paul 4. Potassium palmitate and sodium stearate
Ehrlich for the treatment of the following 27. Glycerol is added to soap. It functions..
disease. 1. As a filler 2. To increase lathering
1. Pneumonia 2. Syphilis 3. To prevent rapid drying 4.To make soap granules
3. Whooping cough 4. Plague ASSERTION & REASON QUESTIONS
ANTISEPTICS AND DISINFECTANTS (1) A is true, R is true and R is the correct
18. Dettol is a mixture of explanation of A
1. Chloroxylenol and terpineol in a suitable (2) A is true, R is true and R is not the correct
solvent explanation of A
2. Formaldehyde and phenol in the solvent water (3) A is true, R is false (4) A is false, R is true
3. Tincture of iodine and chloroform 28. A: Antiseptics are not injected into the body
4. KMnO4 and iodoform R: Antiseptics are intravenus drugs
29. A: Asprin can cause ulcer in the stomach LEVEL-I (H.W) - KEY
R: The ester group in aspirin get hydrolysed
1) 4 2) 1 3) 4 4) 4 5) 3 6) 2 7) 2
to acid group in the stomach where P H is 2
8) 4 9) 3 10) 3 11) 1 12) 3 13) 1 14) 1
30. A: Saccharin is excreated through urine
R: Saccharin is not used for diabetic patients 15) 4 16) 3 17) 2 18) 1 19) 1 20) 2 21) 1
31. A: Chloramphenicol is a broad spectrum 22) 2 23) 3 24) 1 25) 3 26) 2 27) 3 28) 3
antibiotic 29) 1 30) 3 31) 3 32) 3 33) 3 34) 4
R: It kills a wide range of gram positive and
gram negative bacteria
32. Match the following
1) Food preservative a) Aspartame
2) Anti depressant b) Sodium benzoate
3) Artificial Sweetner c) Analgesic
4) Pain reliever d) Iproniazid
1. 1-a,2-b,3-d,4-c 2. 1-c,2-a,3-d,4-b
3. 1-b,2-d,3-a,4-c 4. 1-b,2-a,3-c,4-d
33. Match the following
1) Antacid a) Equanil
2) Antibiotic b) BHT
3) Tranquilizer c) Chloromycetin
4) Antioxidant d) Omeprazole
1. 1-a, 2-b, 3-d, 4-c 2. 1-b, 2-a, 3-c, 4-d
3. 1-d, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b 4. 1-c, 2-d, 3-b, 4-a
34. Match the following

 CH 3 
 
 | 
CH 3  CH 2   N  CH 3  Br 
1)  

 | 
 
 CH 3 

2) CH3 – (CH2)11 SO3 Na 

3) C17 H 35COO  Na   Na2CO3  Rosin

4) CH3 CH2 16 COOCH2CH2On CH2CH2OH
a) Dishwashing podwer
b) Laundry soap
c) Hair conditioners
d) Toothpaste
1. 1-b,2-a,3-d,4-c 2. 1-a,2-b,3-d,4-c
3. 1-d,2-c,3-a,4-b 4. 1-c,2-d,3-b,4-a


DRUG TARGET INTERACTION 1. Equanil 2. Diphenylhydramine
1. Acetylation of the two-OH groups of morphine 3. Seconal 4. Luminal
with acetic anhydride gives 12. The drug given for controlling depression and
1. Codeine 2. Heroin 3. Cocaine 4. Quinine hypertension as.
2. Enzymes are 1. Streptomycin 2. Chloroxylenol
1. Proteins 2. Lipids 3. Equanil 4. Aspirin
3. Carbohydrates 4. Nucleic acids
3. Substrates bind to the active sites of an ANALGESICS & ANTIPYRATICS
enzyme by interactions like 13. Among the following compounds which gives
1. Ionic bonding 2. Hydrogen bonding aspirin on reacting with  CH 3CO 2 O in
3. Vander Waal’s interactions 4. All
4. Drug inhibitor can act presence of conc. H 2 SO4
1. By breaking substrate molecule 1. P-nitrophenol 2. P- amino phenol
2. By changing shape of active site on 3. Salicylic acid 4. Slicylaldehyde
substrate 14. Which of the following statements is not
3. By blocking active site on substrate correct about aspirin.
4. Both 2 amd 3 1. It prevents blood platelet coagulation
ANTACIDS, ANTIHISTAMINES 2. It causes ulcers in the stomach
5. The action of lansoperazole is 3. It is toxic to liver 4. It causes addiction
1. Neutralize the excess of acid in the stomach 15. Which of the following can possibly be used
2. Prevent the formation of acid in the stomach as analgesic without causing addiction and
3. Formation of acid in the stomach modification.
4. Causes ulcers in the stomach 1. Morphine 2. N-Acetyl para aminophenol
6. Which of the following is an antihistamine 3. Diazepam 4. Tetrahydrocatecol
drug? 16. The carboxyl functional group  COOH  is
1. Chlorpheniramine 2. Ciprofloxacin
3. Chloramphenicol 4. Chloroquine present in .
7. Which of the following is employed as 1. Picric acid 2. barbituric acid
antihistamine. 3. Ascorbic acid 4. aspirin
1. Omeperazole 2. Chloramphenicol 17. The compound A given below is.
3. Diphenylhydramine 4. Norethindrone OCOCH3

8. Among the following sets, which contains

only antacids.
1. Cimetidine, prontosil, valium
2. Ranitidine, omeperazole, lansoperazole
3. Lansoperazole, cimetidine, cetrizine
4. Cetrizine, phenelzine, paracetamol A

1. An antiseptic 2. An antibiotic
TRANQUILIZERS 3. An analgesic 4. A pesticide
9. Neuro transmitter among the following is ANTIMICROBIALS, ANTIFERTILITY
1. Serotonine 2. Dopamine DRUGS & ANTIBIOTICS
3. Noradrenaline 4. All the above 18. Bactericidal antibiotic
10. Which one of the following is employed as a
1. Pencillin 2. Tetracycline
tranquillizer drug.
3. Chloramphenicol 4. Erythromycin
1. Mifepristone 2. Promethazine
19. Which among the following the not a
3. Valium 4. Naproxen
pencilline derivative
11. Which of the following is not a constituent of
1. Pencillin- G 2. Ampicillin
3. Amoxicilline 4. Tetracycline
20. Most contraceptive pills contain 4. Antiseptics can be safely applied on living beings
1.norethindrone 2.ethynylestradiol where as disinfectants are not safe to apply on living
3.both 1 & 2 4.Equanil system
21. Prostaglandins stimulate inflammation in the CHEMICALS IN FOOD
tissue and cause pain. which can inhibit the 29. Structure of sucrolose is similar to
growth of prostaglandins 1. Glucose 2. Fructose 3. Sucrose 4. Saccharin
1. Meprobamate 2. Dimetap 30. Pick out the statement which is not true.
3. Acetyl salicylic acid 4. Salvarsan 1. Tetrazine is a harmful edible colour
22. Which of the following antibiotics is not 2. Alitame is an artificial sweetener
effective against infections caused by gram 3. BHT is an antioxidant
negative bacteria. 4. Sodium alkyl sulphate is a cationic detergent
1. Penicillin 2. Amoxillin 31. Hippuric acid has the formula.
3. Ampicillin 4. All the three 1. CH 3CONHCH 2COOH 2. C6 H 5CONHCH 2COOH
23. Which is the correct statement about birth
control pills.
32. Saccharin, an artificial sweetener, is
1. Contain estrogen only
manufactured from.
2. Contain progesterone only
1. Cellulose 2. toluene
3.Contain a mixture of estrogen and 3. Cyclohexane 4. Starch
progesterone derivatives
4. Progesterone enhances ovulation CLEANSING AGENTS
24. Most of the antifertility drugs contain a 33. Detergents are prepared by the action of
mixture of. H 2 SO4 followed by neutralization by starting
1. Oxytocin and alitame with.
2. Norethindrone and ethynylestradiol 1. Cholesterol 2. Lauryl alcohol
3. Noethindrone and alitame 3. Cyclohexanol 4. p  nitrophenol
4. Ethynylestradiol and oxytocin 34. The detergent which is used as a germicide
25. A sulpha drug used for the treatment of is.
pneumonia is. 1. Sodium lauryl sulphate
1. Sulphadiazine 2. Sulphaguanidine 2. Cetyltrimethylammonium chloride
3. Sulphanilamide 4. Sulphapyridine 3. Lauryl alcohol ethoxylate
26. Point out the wrong statement. 4. Sodium-2-dodecylbenzenesulphonate
1. Penicillin was discovered by A. Fleming 35. What chemical is added to washing powders
2. Phenacitin is a very important antibiotic for bleaching action.
3. Chloroquine is an antimalarial drug 1. Sodium perborate 2. Sodium carbonate
4. Ether is an anaesthetic 3. Sodium sulphate 4. Both 1and 2
27. Morphine on ................ changes to codeine 36. What chemical is added to washing powders
1. Acetylation 2. Hydroxylation to keep them dry.
3. Methylation 4. Oxidation 1. Sodium perborate 2. Sodium carbonate
3. Sodium sulphate 4. All of these
28. Which of the following statements is not
correct? 1) 2 2) 1 3) 4 4) 4 5) 2 6) 1 7) 3
1. Antipyretics are substances which are used 8) 2 9) 4 10) 3 11) 2 12) 3 13) 3 14) 4
to reduce the body temperature 15) 2 16) 4 17) 3 18) 1 19) 4 20) 3 21) 3
2. Analgesics are substance which are used to
22) 4 23) 3 24) 2 25) 4 26) 2 27) 3 28) 3
relieve pain
3. Antiseptics and disinfectants can be used for 29) 3 30) 4 31) 2 32) 2 33) 2 34) 2 35) 1
the same purposes
36) 3 4. Tranquizers are chemical compounds that can
relieve pain and fever
10. Paracetamol is
CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS AND 1. Acetyl derivative of salicylic acid
DRUG TARGET INTERACTION 2. Acetyl derivative of P-nitrophenol
1. Which of the following represents analgesics? 3. Acetyl derivative of P-hydroxy benzoic acid
1. Equanil 2. Quinine 3. Novalgin 4. Penicillin 4. Acetyl derivative of P- amino phenol
2. Which of the following acts as biological 11. Which statement about aspirin is not true.
catalysts? 1. ALEVEL-II
spirin belongs (H.W)
to narcotic analgesics
1. Lipids 2. Proteins 2. It is effective in relieving pain
3. Carbohydrates 4. Nucleic acids 3. It has antiblood clotting action
3. Drugs can inhibit the catalytic activity of 4. It is a neurologically active drug
enzymes by binding at
1. Active sites 2. Allosteric sites ANTIMICROBIALS, ANTIFERTILITY
3. Both 1 and 2 4. Core of enzyme DRUGS & ANTIBIOTICS
12. The drug used for the treatment of typhoid,
dysentery and pneumonis is
4. Terfenadine is commonly used as a/an
1. Pencillin-G 2. Chloramphenicol
1. Tranquillizer 2. antihistamine
3. Streptomycin 4. Tetracycline
3. Antimicrobial 4. Antifertility drug
13. Which of the following is antimicrobial
TRANQUILIZERS 1. Rantidine 2. Lysozyme
5. The enzyme which catalyse the degradation 3. Aspirin 4. Equanil
of noradrenaline can be inhibited by 14. Oral pill ( or) birth control pills contains
1. Barbituric acid 2. KBr 1. Synthetic estrogen 2. Synthetic progesterone
3. Iproniazid 4. Ibuprofen 3. Synthetic testosterone 4. Both 1 & 2
6. The drug used as an antidepressant is 15. Among the following statements,which one
1. Luminal 2. Phenalzine is not correct?
3. Mescaline4. Sulphadiazine 1.Aspirin is both an analgesic and an antipyretic.
7. Which of the following acts as a hypnotic and 2.Ampicillin is a natural antibiotic.
sedative? 3.Sulphadiazine is a synthetic antibacterial.
1. Bithional 2. Luminal 4.Some disinfectants can be used as antiseptics
3. Seconal 4. Both 2 & 3 at low concentration.
8. Which is correct 16. Consider the following antibiotics.
1. Low conc of so2 is used as antiseptic and in i) Erythromycin ii) Ofloxacin
high disinfectant iii) Chloramphenicol iv) Penicillin
2. Aspartame is stable at cooking temparature. v) Tetracycline
3. Histamine is responsibe for fever due to cold The pair of bactericidal antibiotics is
4. Weak bases can act as better antacids 1. (i), (iii) 2. (ii), (iv) 3. (iii), (iv) 4. (i), (iv)
9. Which of the following statements is correct. 17. A narrow spectrum antibiotic is active against.
1. Some tranquillisers function by inhibiting the 1. Gram positive or gram negative bacteria
enzymes which catalyse the degradation of 2. Gram negative bacteria only
noradrenaline 3. Single organism or one disease
2. Tranquizers are narcotic drugs 4. Both gram positive and negative bacteria
3. Tranquizers are chemical compounds that do 18. Which of the following is used as a “morning
not affect the message transfer from nerve to after pill”.
receptor 1. Norethindrone 2. Ethynylestradiol
3. Mifepristone 4. Promethazine 1. Sodium stearate
19. A sulpha drug which is used in the treatment 2. Cetyltrimethylammonium chloride
of bacillary dysentery is. 3. Tetraethylammonium chloride
1. Sulphathiazole 2. Sulphaguanidine 4. Sodium lauryl sulphate
3. Sulphadiazine 4. Sulphamethazine 31. Which of the following can disperse benzene
20. Which of the following antibiotic contains in water.
NO2 group attached to aromatic nucleus in
its structure. O– Na+
1. Penicillin 2. Streptomycim O
3. Chloramphenicol 4. All of these 2. Na+–O
21. Which of the following is a food antioxidant? O
1. Salt of sorbic acid 2. Salt of propanoic acid
3. C6H5COONa 4. All
22. Which of the following chemicals can be 3.
added for sweetening of food items at cooking CH3
temperature and does not provide calories.
1. Sucrose 2. Glucose 3. Aspartame 4. Sucrolose 4.
23. Which of the following will not enhance Cl
nutritional value food.
1. Minerals 2. Artificial sweeteners 32. Which of the following is biodegradable.
3. Vitamins 4. Amino acids 1. C17 H 35COO  Na
24. Which of the following is not metabolized in
2. CH 3   CH 2 11  OSO3 Na 
the body.
1. Sucrose 2. D-Glucose 3. CH 3  CH 2 10 CH 2  OCH 2CH 2 8 OSO3 Na 
3. L-Glucose 4. Aspartame 4. All are biodegradable
25. Which of the following is a radical scavenger. 33. Which of the following is an example of
1. Sodium metabisulphite 2.BHA liquid dishwashing detergent.
3. BHT 4. Both (2) and (3) 1. CH 3  CH 2 10  CH 2OSO3 Na 
26. An example for cationic detergent is 2. C H9 19

1. NaLS 2. CTAB
3. Trimethyl phosphate 4. All
3. SO3 Na 
27. An example for anionic detergent is
1. NaLS 2. CTAB 
 CH 3 
3. Trimethyl phosphate 4. All  
 | 
28. Which are used is dish-washers
CH 3  CH 2   N  CH 3  Br 
1. Cationic detergents 2. Anionic detergents 4.  15

3. Soaps 4. Non-ionic detergents  | 
 
29. Which of the following has germicidal  CH 3 
properties LEVEL-II (H.W) - KEY
SO3 Na 
1) 3 2) 2 3) 3 4) 2 5) 3 6) 2 7) 4
1. CH3 – (CH2)11
8) 4 9) 1 10) 4 11) 1 12) 2 13) 2 14) 4
2. [CH 3 (CH 2 )15 N (CH 3 )3 ] Br  15) 2 16) 2 17) 1 18) 3 19) 2 20) 3 21) 4
3. CH 3 (CH 2 )16 COO(CH 2CH 2 0) n CH 2CH 2OH 22) 4 23) 2 24) 3 25) 4 26) 2 27) 1 28) 4
4. C17 H 35COO Na 29) 2 30) 2 31) 1 32) 4 33) 2
30. Which of the following is called invert soap.
1. Match the following. EAM-2008
A) Oxyhemoglobin i) Analgesic
B) Aspirin ii) Oxygen carriers
C) Hemoglobin iii) Photosynthesis 1. 2.
D) Chlorophyll iv) Oil of winter green
v) Fe 2 paramagnetic
1) v i ii iii 2) iv ii i iii
3) iii i ii iv 4) v ii iii i
2. Parkinson’s disease is linked to abnormalities 3. 4.
in the levels of dopamine in the body. The
structure of dopamine is: EAM-2009
CH2NH2 7. What are the substance with mimic the
natural chemical messangers. EAM-2014
1. Agonists 2. Receptors
1. 2. 3. Antibiotics 4. Antagonists
1) 1 2) 3 3) 2 4) 1 5) 4 6) 2 7) 1

3. 4.
OH OH 1. Select the correct statements
OH OH 1. Antacids and antiallergics work on different
3. Identify the non-narcotic analgesic from the receptors
following: EAM-2010 2. All drugs are medicines but all medicines
1. Diazepam 2. Ibuprofen 3. Formalin 4. Terpineol may not be drugs
4. Which one of the following is a food 3. Agonists are drugs that mimic the natural
preservative. EAM-2011 messengers by switching on the receptor
4. Pencilhin-G has narrow spectrum anti
1. 2. 1. All 2. 1,3,4 3. 1,3 4.2,4
2. Which of the following sets of reactants are
used for preparation of paracetamol from
1. HNO3 , H 2 / Pd ,  CH 3CO 2 O
3. 4. 2. H 2 SO4 , H 2 / Pd ,  CH 3CO 2 O
3. C6 H 5 N 2Cl , SnCl2 / HCl ,  CH 3CO 2 O
5. 4-Hydroxy acetanilide belongs to which of the 4. Br2 / H 2O, Zn / HCl ,  CH 3CO 2 O
following. EAM-2012 3. Which of the following is not an alkaloid.
1. Antipyretic 2. Antacid 1. Reserpine 2. Morphine
3. Antiseptic 4. Antihistamine 3. Quinine 4. Phenylbutazone
6. Identify phenacitin from the following. 4. The chemical extracted from the plant
EAM-2013 rauwolfia serpentina is.
1. Aspirin 2. Quinine 3. Bithional 4. Reserpine
5. Ibuprofen tablets sold in the market contain.
1. Only S-enantiomer 2. Only R-enantiomer 2. CH 3   CH 2 14  CH 2 NH 2
3. Racemic mixture of both R&S-enantiomers
4. Both R and S enantiomers are active pain 3. CH 3   CH 2 16 CH 2OSO2 Na 
killers 4. OHC   CH 2 14  CH 2  COO   Na 
6. Which of the following is/are  -lactam 15. Which of the following is an example of
antibiotic/s. non-biodegradable detergent.
1. Penicillin 2. Cephalosporin
3. Both (1) and (2) 4. Tetracycline 1. CH3 – (CH2)11 SO3 Na 
7. The structure given below is known as.
H H S SO 3 Na 
1. Pennicillin F 2. Penicillin G 3. SO3 Na 
3. Penicillin K 4. Ampicillin
8. Streptomycin, a well known antibiotic (used 4. CH 3  CH 2 10 CH 2OSO3 Na
for curing tuberculosis) is a derivative of. 16. Which one is an example of vat dye.
1. Peptides 2. Carbohydrates 1. Congo red 2. Alizarin
3. Purines 4. Alkaloids 3. Malachite green 4. Indigo
9. An ester used in medicine is. 17. A large number of antibiotics have been
1. Ethyl acetate 2. Methyl acetate isolated from.
3. Phenyl salicylate 4. Ethyl benzoate 1. Bacteria actinomycets 2. Bacteria staphylococcus
10. The oxidant which is used as an antiseptic is. 3. Bacteria rhizobium 4. Acids
1. KBrO3 2. KMnO4 3. CrO3 4. KNO3 18. The pupils of eyes are dilated by.
1. Adrenaline 2. Atropine
11. Which of the following dyes does not 3. Equanil 4. Ephedrine
possess antiseptic properties. 19. Which one of the following is a mordant.
1. Aceriflavine
LEVEL-III 2. Gentian violet 1. Tannic acid 2. Metallic hydroxides
3. Methylene blue 4. Phenolphthalein 3. Salts of Al , Cr , Fe, Sn 4. All of these
12. The drug used against AIDS is. 20. Which of the following is an example of basic
1. Enovid E 2. AZT 3. BHA 4. LSD dye.
13. In the following reaction sequence, 1. Alizarin 2. Malachite green
3. Indigo 4. Orange - 1
21. With which of the following cations, alizarin
will impart a violet on the fabrics.
1. Fe3 2. Cr 3 3. Ba 2  4. Al 3
22. Oil of winter green and salol are the esters
where R  C14 H 29 of.
1. Salicyclic acid 2. Lactic acid
The end product is
3. Acetic acid 4. Sulphanilic acid
1. A soap 2. A fertilizer 23. Which one is a protein fibre
3. A preservative 4. A detergent 1. Cotton 2. Rayon 3. Silk and wool 4. Polyester
14. Which one of the following is not a 24. Which of the following is a direct dye
surfactant. 1. Phenolphthalein 2. Congo red
3. Alizarin 4. Indigo
25. Monosodium glutamate, a food additive is a
1. 1. Sweetener 2. Flavouring agent
3. Flavour enhancer 4. Antioxidant
26. Which of the following groups would you
introduce into a dye to make it water soluble
1.  NO2 2. Cl 3.  SO3 H 4. OH
27. LSD (lysergic acid diethyl amide) is
1. Sweetening agent 2. Synthetic fibre
3. Psychedelic drug 4. Antibiotic
28. The compounds used to fix a dye to the fabric
is known as
1. Mordant 2. Bleaching agent
3. Azeotrope 4. Leuco base
29. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid is used as
1. Herbicide 2. Fungicide
3. Moth repellent 4. Insecticide
30. Select the incorrect statement regarding
1. They can be used well in acidic solutions
2. They can be used with hard water without
any problem
3. They can be used on woolen garments too
4. None of these
31. What should be the feature of detergent
molecule structure so as to be biodegradable?
1. It should be saturated
2. It should be unsaturated
3. Branching should be maximum
4. Branching should be minimum
32. Which of the following is used as an
antidepressant drug.
1. Valium 2. Opium 3. Methadrine 4. All of these
33. Antazoline is used as the following.
1. Antihistamine 2. Food preservative
3. Analgesic 4. Anti-cancer drug
34. Propyl gallate is used as the following.
1. Sweetening agent 2. Preservative
3. Detergent 4. Antimalarial
35. Reserpine is
1. Tranquilizer 2. Antibiotic 3. Vitamin 4. Hormone
1) 2 2) 1 3) 4 4) 4 5) 3 6) 3 7) 2
8) 2 9) 3 10) 2 11) 4 12) 2 13) 4 14) 2
15) 3 16) 2 17) 1 18) 2 19) 4 20) 2 21) 1
22) 1 23) 3 24) 2 25) 3 26) 3 27) 3 28) 1
29) 1 30) 4 31) 4 32) 3 33) 1 34) 2 35) 1
Fundamentals De - Chancourtois Classification:
 At present around 114 elements are known. (Telluric Helix)
 Out of these, recently discovered elements are not  In 1862 De-Chancourtois arranged the known
natural but synthetic., elements in order of increasing atomic weights and
made cylindrical table of elements to display the
 Elements coming after 92 atomic number are known
periodic recurrence of properties.
as “Trans Uranic Elements” or
“SyntheticElements” and they are Newland Octaves:
“Radioactive”.  Newland in 1865 presented the law of Octaves “If
Dobereiner Law of Triads the known elements are arranged in the increasing
order of their atomic weights ,then the 8th element
 Doberenier between 1815-1829 gave his law of
had properties similar to those of first element” as
triads .
the eight note of octaves.
 A triad is a certain group of 3 elements with similar
eg : Li Be B C N O F
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl
 According to him in the triads the atomic weight
of the middle element was approximately the K Ca
arithmetic mean of the other two. Note: This law is true only for the elements up to
Also the properties of the middle element were in calcium.
between those of other two members. Lother Meyer
eg-1:  Lother Mayer (Germany) and Mendeleef
Element Li Na K (Russia) quite independently evovled identically and
Atomic wt. 7 23 39 showed the connection between the periodicity of
7  39 properties and atomic masses of elements.
Mean of atomic masses =  23
2  Lother Meyer plotted the physical properties such
eg-2: as atomic volume,melting point and boiling point
Element Cl Br I against atomic weight and obtained a periodically
Atomic wt. 35.5 80 127 repeated pattern.
35.5  127  Lother Meyer calculated the atomic volumes of
Mean of atomic masses =  81.25
2 known elements as the ratio of molecular weight
eg-3: and density.
Element Ca Sr Ba The findings of Lother Meyer curves are :
Atomic wt. 40 88 137  Alkali metals having the largest atomic volumes
40  137 occupy the maxima of the curve.
Mean of atomic masses =  88.5  The alkaline earth metals (Mg ,Ca ,Sr,Ba) occupy
 But in some triad all the three elements possessed the mid point positions on the descending portions
nearly equal atomic masses, hence the law was of curve.
rejected ,  Halogens occupy position on ascending portions
eg: Fe, Co, Ni ; Os, Ir, Pt etc of the curve before inert gases.
According to him the properties of elements have  The transition elements occupy minima of the curve.
some relationship with their atomic masses.

Mendeleev’s Classification of Atomic Wt. = Equivalent Wt. x valency. .

Elements Periodic Law Merits:
 The physical and chemical properties of the  He gave an elaborate and
elements are periodic functions of their atomic comprehensive system of classification ,based on
weights. broad range of physical and chemical properties.
 Mendeleev’s periodic table is also known as short  He broadly left some gaps in discovered elements.It
form of periodic table. led to discovery of some new elements
 While arranging the elements in the periodic table, eg: Ge, Sc etc.
he not only followed the increasing order of atomic Demerits
weights but also considered their properties.  Some elements with higher atomic weight were
 In original Mendeleev periodic table only 63 placed before lower atomic weight elements in order
elements were known. to maintain similar chemical nature of elements and
 The elements which are most widely distributed are called inverted pairs or anamolous pairs.
in nature have small atomic weights and posses Anamalous pairs of Mendeleev’s periodic table
sharply defined properties. are
 Mendeleev observed that elements with similar a) Ar-K b) Co-Ni c) Te-I and d) Th - Pa
properties have  Position of hydrogen was not made clear.
i) Almost same atomic weight.  Position of lanthanides are uncertain.
eg : Fe(56), Co(59), Ni(59)  No place for noble or inert gases .
ii) Atomic weights increasing constantly  Absence of similarity in sub-groups
eg : K(39), Rb(85), Cs(133) eg: alkali metals (IA) and coinage metals IB
 Vertical columns are called groups and there are (Cu,Ag,Au)
nine groups ( 0 to 8th) and horizontal rows are called  Isotopes are not included
periods and there are seven periods.  Cause of periodicity is not known
 The first three periods are short periods and Atomic Number
remaining are long periods. Each long period has 2
 Moseley discovered the atomic numbers from
rows of elements or 2 series of elements
X-ray spectra of elements by bombarding the
 Leaving 0 and VIII ,each group is subdivided into
elements with cathode rays and the elements emitted
subgroups known as A and B group.
respective X-rays of characteristic frequency.
 Group VIII of the Mendeleev’s table consists of
 Atomic number ‘Z’ can be related to frequency of
three triads known as transition triads and
they are the X-rays emitted by using v  a ( Z  b) where
i) Iron, Cobalt and Nickel a and b are constants for an element. As atomic
ii) Ruthenium, Rhodium and Palladium number increases the frequency of characteristics
iii) Osmium, Iridium and Platinium X-rays increases.
 Zero group elements were not known at the time
 A plot of v against Z gives a straight line.
of Mendeleev and later introduced by R a m s a y
and Rayleigh.  Atomic number has provided a better basis for the
 Mendeleev has a fore sight to leave some gaps in periodic arrangement of the elements.
the periodic table for 3 - elements and these
elements are discovered latter and included in the
table. Those three elements are
v Slope =a
1) Eka boron presently known as Scandium
2) Eka silicon presently known as Germanium
3) Eka aluminium presently known as Gallium 0
20 40 60
 Mendeleev corrected the atomic weights of
Atomic number (Z)
Beryllium, Indium and Osmium by using
corrected valency of elements Plot of  and atomic number (z)
Modern periodic law In 6th period, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p orbitals are filled
 Physical and chemical properties of the elements (longest period)
are periodic functions of their atomic numbers and  Elements with 5d configuration from La(Z=57) and
electronic configuration. Hf (Z=72) to Hg (Z=80) are placed in 6th period.
Long Form of Periodic Table (3rd transition series).
 Neil’s Bohr constructed the long form of periodic  Fourteen 4f series elements (Lanthanoids) belongs
table. to 6th period and III B group. Ce (Z=58) to Lu
 Modern periodic table or the long form of periodic (Z=71).
table is based on the electronic configurations of  In 7th period, 7s, 5f, 6d, 7p orbitals are filled
the elements. (incomplete period)
 There are 18 groups and 7 periods in the periodic  Fourteen 5f series elements (Actinoids) belongs to
table. 7th period & III B group. Th (Z=90) to Lr (Z=103).
Periods (Horizontal Rows)  6d-series is incomplete series.
 In periods, elements are arranged in the increasing  If 7th period is also completed, then the final
order of their atomic numbers. element of this period would be with an atomic
 The electron by which an element differs from its number 118.
previous element is called “differentiating Groups (Vertical Columns)
electron”.  Long form of the periodic table comprises of 18-
 In each period, the differentiating electron enters vertical columns which are divided into main groups
into the “s” orbital in the first element and “p” orbital and subgroups as - IA to VIIA, O groups and IIIB,
in the last element. IVB, VB, VIB, VIIB, VIIIB, IB and IIB groups.
 In periods, elements are arranged according to the
 VIIIB groups includes three vertical columns of
“(n+l)” values order (Aufbau-Rule).
Fe Co Ni
 Long form of the periodic table is a Graphical
Ru Rh Pd
Representation of the Aufbau-Rule.
Os Ir Pt
 Generally every period starts with an Alkali Metal
 We adopt the 1-18 numbering scheme
and ends with Noble gas.
 Period number corresponds to the highest principal recommended by IUPAC in 1988.
quantum number (n) of the elements in the period.  Main group division is based on the number of
eg : First period contains 2 elements, the electrons present in outer most orbit like H, Li, Na,
subsequent periods consists of 8, 8, 18, 18 & 32 K, Rb, Cs and Fr have 1 electron in their outer
elements. most orbit, so they are placed in IA group. Be, Mg,
Remember Ca, Sr, Ba and Ra have 2 electrons in their outer
 In first period, 1s orbital is filled (shortest period) most orbit, so they are placed in IIA group.
 In second period, 2s, 2p orbital are filled (I short IUPAC Nomenclature for Elements with
period) Z>100
 In third period, 3s, 3p orbitals are filled (II short  Nomenclature of elements CNIC (commission on
period) nomenclature of inorganic chemistry) appointed by
 In 4th period, 4s, 3d, 4p orbitals are filled (I long IUPAC in 1994, approved a nomenclature
period) scheme as well as also gave official names for
 Elements with 3d configuration from Sc to Zn elements after Z > 100 (upto atomic number 104
(Z= 21 to 30) are placed in 4th period. It is also to 109 discovered by that time).
called first transistional series or 3d series.  This nomenclature is to be followed for naming the
 In 5th period, 5s, 4d, 5p orbitals are filled (II long elements until their names are officially recognised.
period)  The names are derived by using roots for the three
 Elements with 4d configuration [from Y(Z=39) to digits in the atomic number of the element and
Cd(Z=48)] placed in 5th period (2nd Transition adding “ium” at the end. The roots for the numbers
series). are.
Digit Latin word c) d-Block Elements d) f-Block Elements
s - Block Elements :
0 nil n
 Differentiating electrons enter into s- orbital of
1 un u valency shell.
2 bi b  s-sublevel can accomadate 2-electrons, hence s-
3 tri t
block elements are arranged in two groups, IA, IIA
4 quad q
(or) 1, 2 groups
5 pent p
6 hex h  General electronic configuration is ns1 2 .
7 sept s  H, Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr elements (alkali metals)
8 oct o have 1 electron in their outer shell with “ ns1 ”
9 enn e
general outer shell configuration, they belongs to
Nomenclature of Elements with Atomic IA.
Number Above 100  Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba and Ra (Alkaline Earth
elements) have 2-electrons in their outer shell, with
“ ns 2 ” general outer shell configuration, they
belongs to IIA.
 Most of these are active metals and form ionic
substances, except lithium and beryllium.
 These are powerful reducing agents.
 They have low M.P’s and B.P’s.
 They impart characteristic colours in the flame
p - Block Elements
 Differentiating electron enters into p- orbital of
valency shell
 The general outer shell configuration of p-block
elements. ns 2 np 1 6
 p-block elements are arranged in 6-groups they are
from IIIA to VII A and O-group (or) 13 to 18
 B,Al,Ga,In and Tl are called IIIA group (boron
family) these elements have 3-electrons in outershell
with “ ns 2 np1 ” general outer shell configuration.
 C,Si,Ge,Sn and Pb are called IVA group
(Carbon Family) these elements have 4-electrons
in outer shell,with “ ns 2 np 2 ” as general outer shell
 N,P,As,Sb and Bi are called VA group(Nitrogen
Family) (Pnicogens). These elements have 5-
electrons in outer shell, with “ ns 2 np 3 ” as general
Class ification of elements on the basis of outer shell configuration.
their Electronic configuration  O, S, Se, Te, and Po are called VIA group
 Elements are classified into four blocks basing on (Chalcogens) these elements have 6-electrons in
the orbital into which the differentiating electron
outer shell, with “ ns 2 np 4 ” as general outer shell
a) s-Block Elements b) p-Block Elements configuration.
 F, Cl, Br, I and At are called VIIA group covalent compounds.
(Halogens) these elements have 7-electrons in outer 7) They are all solids, except Hg which is a liquid at
shell, configuration with “ns2np5” as general outer room temperature.
shell. 8) They form cations with high charge.
 He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe and Rn - Inert gases (O–group), 9) They form alloys and interstitial compounds.
Except He ( 1S 2 ), remaining inert gases have 8- 10) They mostly form coloured ions and also show
electrons in outer shell with “ ns 2 np 6 ” as general Remember
outer shell configuration.  After completion of 6s, the differentiating electron
 p-block contains all non-metals and metalloids suppose to enter into 4f, but in the case of
and some metals. Lanthanum the differentiating electron is entering into
 Most of the compounds of p-block elements are
5d, instead of 4f ( La  6s 2 4 f 0 5d 1 ). Therefore
i) Most of these are oxidising agents “La” belongs to d-block (IIIB, VI period).
j) All gaseous elements except H and He are p-  Similarly in case of Actinium, the differentiating
block elements. electron is entering into 6d, instead of 5f
Remember ( Ac  7 s 2 5 f o 6d 1 ). Therefore Ac also belongs to
 Keeping its chemical inertness, Helium is placed d-block (IIIB, VII period).
along with other inert gases in 0 - group. f-block Elements:
 Hence He is a p-block element with out  If differentiating electrons enter into f-subshell of
p-electrons. anti penultimate i.e., (n-2) shell, the elements of this
 The first p-block element is Boron [(He) 2S2 2P1] class are called f-block elements.
 The only group with all gaseous elements is “0-  The general electronic configuration
d-Block Elements  n  2  f 114  n  1 d 0  or 1ns 2
 If the differentiating electron enters into the d-orbital (n = outer shell).
of penultimate shell, the elements are called “d-  These f-block elements are placed at the bottom
block elements”. of the periodic table in two rows, they are 4f series
 The general electronic configuration of d-block and 5f series. The properties of 4f-series elements
are similar to Lanthanum they are known as
elements is  n  1 d 110 ns1 2 (n = outer shell). Lanthanides (or) Lanthanons or rare earths.
 d-Block elements are placed between s-block and  4f-series - Lanthanide series - configuration
p-block and they are also called transition elements. 4 f 114 5d 01 6s 2 from Ce(58) to Lu (71) (first
 d-Block elements are further classified into following
inner transitional series)
transition series on the basis of which (n-1)d subshell  4f- series elements belongs to 6th period and IIIB
is being filled. Group.
1) for 1st Transition series( 3d series) electronic  5f - series elements - Actinide series - configuration
configuration is
3d1-10 4s1-2 [Sc (Z=21) to Zn (Z=30)] 5 f 114 6d 01 7 s 2 from Th (90) to Lr (103)(second
2) for 2nd Transition series ( 4d - series) electronic inner transitional series).
configuration is  5f - series elements belongs to 7th period and III B
4d1-10 5s1-2 [Y(Z=39) to Cd (Z=48)]. group.
3) for 3rd Transition series (5d - series) electronic  Most of these elements are radioactive.
configuration is  They have properties similar to d-block elements
5d1-10 6s1-2. [La (Z=57), Hf (Z=72) to Hg (Z=80)] Classification based on chemical
4) 4th Transition series( 6d - series) is an incomplete properties.
series.  All the elements are divided into four types on the
5) Most of these are less active metals. basis of their chemical properties and electronic
6) These elements form ionic and co-ordinate configuration.
Type-1 Inert gases and in ionic states) (Zn, Cd, Hg - are referred as
 He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe and Rn belongs to “0” group in Non-typical Transition Elements) or volatile metals.
the periodic table are called Inert Gas Elements  In the case of Transition elements both
 Except He (1s2), all the other elements have ns2np6 (n-1)d and ns electrons participate in bonding.
outer electronic configuration.  The characteristic properties of transition elements
 All are chemically inert due to the presence of stable are
ns2np6 (octet) configuration in their outer most shell. 1. They are hard and heavy metals
He is inactive due to its completely filled ‘K’ shell. 2. Variable Oxidation states
(1s2) 3. Formation of coloured ions in solution due to
 It is known that heavier elements (Kr, Xe) form d-d- transition
compounds under special controlled conditions with 4. Formation of metal complexes
Oxygen and Fluorine, So they are now called 5. Paramagnetic
Noble gases. 6. Catalytic activity.
 All are monoatomic gases. 7. High M.P., B.P and densities.
 They are also known as Rare gases (or) Aerogens. 8. Good conductors of heat and electricity
As they are present in 1% by volume in atmosphere. 9. Alloy formation.
Type-II Representative elements or  These characteristic properties are due to
a. Small size
normal elements
b. High nuclear charge
 In these elements, the ultimate shell is incompletely
c. Unpaired electrons in d-orbitals.
 Excluding “0” group, remaining s and p block
1. Ni is used as a catalyst in Hydrogenation of oils.
elements (IA, IIA, IIIA, IVA, VA, VIA, VIIA) are
2. Fe used as a catalyst in Haber’s process
called representative elements.
3. Mo used as a promoter in Haber’s process.
 Most of these elements are abundant and active.
 Their general outer electronic configurations Type-IV Inner Transition elements
ns1-2 np1-5.  These elements have three outermost shells
 Metals, non-metals and metalloids are present in incomplete i.e., n, (n-1) and (n-2) (ultimate,
representative elements. penultimate and antipenultimate shells).
 Atoms of these elements enter in chemical  The f-block elements are called inner transition
combination by losing, gaining or sharing of electrons elements.
to attain stable nearest inert gas configuration.  General configuration
 In case of representative elements electrons of outer  n  2  f 114  n  1 d o or 1ns 2
ns and np will take part in bonding.
 Since the last two shells have similar configuration
Type - III Transition elements these elements have similar physical and chemical
 In these elements , the ultimate shell and penultimate properties (eg - these elements shows common
shells are incompletely filled. oxidation state of +3).
 Elements which have incompletely filled or partly  There are two series of inner transition elements.
filled d-orbitals either in elementary state or in any
possible oxidation state are called transition 4f- (Lanthanide) series - 4 f 114 5d o  or 1 6 s 2
elements. 5f - (Actinide) series - 5 f 114 6d 0  or 1 7 s 2
 Their properties are intermediate between s - and
In periodic table, lanthanides are present between
p - block elements.
La & 72Hf and
 The general electronic configuration is 57
Actinides are present between 89Ac & 104Rf.
 n 1 d 110ns02 .  Lanthanides are rare earths and actinides are mostly
 10 2
II B group elements Zn (3d 4s ), Cd (4d 5s ) 10 2 synthetic.
Hg (5d10 6s2) are not transition elements (due to  The elements from Z = 93 onwards are called
the absence of partly filled d-orbitals both in atomic transuranic elements.
Pseudo Inert Electronic Configuration measured from the inter nuclear distance of
Presence of 18 electrons in the outer most shell is combined atoms, using X-ray diffraction and other
called pseudo-octet or psedudo-inert configuration. spectroscopic methods
Palladium, a member of group 10 has such  Atomic radius depends on
configuration. a) Nature of bonding
 ‘La’ belongs to d-block but lanthanides are f-block. b) Number of bonds (multiplicity of bonding)
similarly ‘Ac’ belong to d-block but actinides are c) Oxidation state(s)
f-block d) Co-ordination number of atom
Periodicity - Periodic Properties e) bond character etc.
 When elements are arranged in increasing order of  Three types of atomic radii are considered based
atomic number, elements with similar properties on the nature of bonding they are
reoccur (due to similar outer electronic a) Crystal radius
configuration) at regular intervals of atomic numbers b) Vander waals radius
in the periodic table. This repetition of properties is c) Covalent radius
called periodicity and such properties are called  Atomic radii expressed in angstrom, nanometers,
periodic properties. picometer units.
 Some of the properties which mainly depend on 1A0  101 nm;1A0  102 pm
the electronic configuration of elements such as  Crystal Radius (Atomic Radius) - Half of the
i) Valency ii) Effective nuclear charge internuclear distance between the adjacent atoms
iii) Screening effect iv) Atomic radius of a solid metallic crystal is called crystal radius
v) Ionic radius vi) Ionisation potential or metallic radius.
vii) Electron affinity viii) Electronegativity eg: The distance between two adjacent copper
ix) Metallic nature atoms in solid copper is 256 pm; so metallic radius
x)oxidation and reduction ability of copper is assigned as value of 128 pm.
xi) acidic or basic nature of the oxides, etc....  Van der waals radius - Half of the internuclear
follow the general trend of periodicity. They are distance between two atoms of different molecules
called periodic properties. These properties are which are very close to each other in solid state
especially important in s- and p-block elements. due to vander waals forces is called Van der waals
 Properties like specific heat, refractive index, colour radius.
etc., are not called periodic properties. These  The distance between two adjacent chlorine atoms
properties are not related to the electronic
of different Cl2 molecules is 360 pm, Vander waals
configuration of elements.
radius of Cl is 180 pm.
 Elements coming at intervals of 2, 8, 8, 18, 18, 32
 Vander waals radius is 40% greater than covalent
will have similar properties and thus grouped in one
particular group.
 It is used for molecular substances and inert gases
eg-1 : Elements with atomic number 1, 3, 11, 19,
in the solid state only.
37, 55 & 87.
 Covalent Radius: This term is generally used in
eg-2 : Elements with atomic number 4, 12, 20, 38,
reference to non-metals.
56 & 88 will have similar properties.
 Covalent radius - Half of the inter nuclear distance
Note : Two successive elements in a group generally
of the two atoms held together by a covalent bond
differ by atomic number 2, 8, 8, 18, 18, 32.
is called covalent radius.
Atomic Radius  Note : Single bond covalent radii are additive in
 In atoms, the electron cloud around the nucleus nature.
extends to infinity. eg : a) In Cl2 molecule Cl - Cl bond distance
 The distance between the centre of the nucleus and (Internuclear distance) is 198 pm.
the electron cloud of outer most energy level is called Covalent Radius of Cl = 99 pm.
atomic radius. b) In diamond C-C bond distance is 154pm.
 Atomic radius cannot be determined directly, but Covalent radius of C = 77pm.
 In metals, the crystal radius (atomic radius) is slightly move from left to right in a transition series.
more than the covalent radius.  From Cr to Cu the covalent radii is almost same
 As the number of covalent bonds between two due to
atoms increases, the inter atomic distance between 1) Shielding effect of core electrons
carbon atoms decreases 2) Additional shielding effect of 3d electrons.
C–C > C=C > C C  Covalent radii of Zn is more than Cu due to
0 0
(1.54A ) (1.34A ) (1.20A0) repulsions among 3d electrons.
Order of radii : Variation of Atomic Radius and Ionic
Van der waal radius > crystal radius > covalent Radius in Lanthanides:
 The elements in Lanthanide series are La, Ce, Pr, Nd,
 Compared to theoritical atomic radius, covalent
radius of an atom is about 20% shorter due to Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb & Lu
overlapping of atomic orbitals.  In Lanthanides (Ce-Lu) the atomic and ionic radii
decreases steadily. This steady decrease in atomic
Variation of Atomic Radius in Groups
and ionic radii is known as “Lanthanide Contraction”
and Periods  The contraction is due to the fact that f-orbitals are
 In a period from left to right, atomic radius not capable of providing effective shielding for the
decreases as the effective nuclear charge increases. valence electrons from nuclear attraction due to
 Variation of atomic radius diffused shape.
eg-1 : In second period
Consequences of Lanthanide
Li  Be  B  C  N  O  F
eg-2 : In third period
Na > Mg > Al > Si > P > S > Cl  Atomic sizes of 4d and 5d series of transition
 On moving from left to right across a particular elements become almost equal, due to which their
period, the atomic radius decreases upto Halogens properties are very close.
and increases to Inert gases.  Zr and Hf, Nb and Ta, Mo and W resemble very
 In a given period, alkali metal is the largest and closely.
halogen is the smallest in size.  The crystal structure and other properties of
 However, the radius of an inert gas is larger than lanthanides are very similar.
the halogen of the same period.  Separation of lanthanides is not easy from their
 Note : For atoms of Inert gases, only vanderwaal mixture. Chromatographic techniques can not
radius is applicable because these are mono atomic separate lanthanides from their mixture.
gases.  Super heavy metals of p- block exhibit inert pair
 In groups from top to bottom, the atomic radius effect.
increases gradually due to the increase in the number eg : Tl(III A group), Pb (IV A group),
of orbits and it over weighs the effect of increased Bi (V A group)
nuclear charge. Variation of Atomic Radius and Ionic
 Atomic radius is least for hydrogen and is highest Radius in Actinides :
for Caesium among the available elements.
 The elements in actinide series are Ac, Th, Pa, U,
 Variation of atomic radius
Np, Pu, Am, Cm, Bk, Cf, Es, Fm, Md, No and Lr
In IA group is Li < Na < K < Rb < Cs
 The size of the trivalent ions of these elements
In halogens is F < Cl < Br < I < At
decreases regularly as we move from left to right.
Variation of Atomic Radius in This is because of poor shielding effect of f-electrons,
Transition Elements: more nuclear charge and diffused shape of f-orbitals.
 In case of transition elements, the decrease in size This is called Actinide contraction.
in a period across a particular transition series is Ionic Radius
less than in case of representative elements, this is
Definition : It is defined as the distance between the
due to screening effect of (n-1)d-electrons.
nucleus and the electron in the outer most shell of
 Hence, the atomic radius decreases slightly as we
an ion.
 When a neutral atom loses one (or) more electrons energy required to remove the most loosely bound
a positive ion called cation is formed. electron (i.e, outer - most shell electron) from an
Na  Na   e  isolated neutral gaseous atom is called ionization
 The ionic radius of cation is less than that of neutral 1
potential. M  g   IE1  M  g  + e-
atom. It is because the cation has higher effective
 It is an endothermic process
nuclear charge.  IE is measured in eV/atom or kJ/mole or
eg: Na  Na  mole.
 Among the cations as the positive charge increases, 1 eV / atom = 23.06 K.Cal/mole = 96.45 KJ/mole
the ionic radius decreases. = 1.602  1019 J / atom
eg: Fe 2  Fe 3 ,  Energy required to remove an electron from
2 4
Sn  Sn , Pb  Pb 2 4 unipositive gaseous ion to convert it into dipositive
 When a neutral atom gains one (or) more electrons ion is IE2. M  g   IE2  M  g 2 + e-
a negative ion called anion is formed.  Energy required to remove an electron from
eg: Cl  e   Cl  dipositive ion to convert it into tripositive ion is IE3.
 The radius of anion is more than that of its atom, 2 3
M  g   IE3  M  g  + e-
due to decrease in effective nuclear charge.
eg: Cl   Cl  Ionization energy is determined by spectral studies
or discharge tube experiments.
 Among the anions as the negative charge increases
 Ionization potential depends on :
the ionic radius increases.
1) Atomic size 2) Nuclear charge
eg: O 2  O  3) Screening/shielding effect
 The decreasing order of the radii is 4) Penetrating nature of orbitals
Anion > Atom > Cation 5) Electronic configuration
eg: I   I  I  ; H   H  H   With increase in the atomic size “IP” decreases due
 In a particular group, the ions (cations or anions) to decrease in attractive force of nucleus on outer
increase in size on moving from top to bottom due most orbit electrons.
to increase in number of shells.  With increase in the effective nuclear charge IP
eg: Li   Na   K   Rb   Cs 
 If the number of electrons in the inner shells are
F   Cl   Br   I  more, shielding capacity of the inner electrons on
 H  & Cs  are the smallest and largest cations the nuclear charge will be more. Hence IP decreases.
respectively.  Order of screening power of orbitals
 s>p>d>f
H  & I  are the smallest and largest anions
 As the positive charge on cation increases, IP
 Smallest atom is He & largest atom is Fr.
 As the -ve charge on anion increases, IP decreases.
Iso Electronic Species  If the valency electrons are more penetrated into
 The species (atoms or ions) having the same number inner shells, IP increases.
of electrons are known as iso - electronic species.  Penetration power of different orbitals is in the order
In iso electronic species, the size increases of s > p > d > f
with increase of negative charge and decreases  IP of s-electrons > IP of p-electrons > IP of d-
with increase of positive charge. electrons > IP of f-electrons.
Decreasing order of size. C4- > N3- > O2- >  IP is more for atoms with exactly half filled and
F- > Ne > Na+ > Mg2+ > Al3+ > Si4+ completely filled orbitals.
Ionization Energy (Ionization eg: 1) IE1 of N > IE1 of O 2) IE1 of Be >IE1 of B
Potential) 3) IE1 of P > IE1 of S
 Ionization potential: The minimum amount of 4) IE1 of Mg >IE1 of Al
Ionisation potential curve upto element
 IE order among 2nd period elements.
IE1 Li < Be > B < C < N > O < F < Ne
IE2 Li > Be < B > C < N < O > F < Ne

Ionisation potential

He IE order among 3rd period elements

Ne IE1 - Na < Mg > Al < Si < P > S < Cl < Ar
N F IE2 - Na > Mg < Al > Si < P < S > Cl < Ar
C  Element with Lowest IP - Cs and element with
Be O highest IP is He.
H Na  IE1 of Be greater than B due to
a) Completely filled s -orbital in Be
Atomic number (Z) b) More Penetration of s-orbitals.
 Atoms of inert gases have highest IP values due to  Similarly IE of Mg is greater than Al
the presence of completely filled orbitals.  Variation of First I.P in I A group elements
 In the graph showing relation between IP and Li > Na > K > Rb > Cs
atomic number, the inert gases appear at the maxima  I.E of coinage metals is Cu > Ag < Au.
and alkali metals appear at the minima positions
Ionization Energy Curve WE1.The first ionization enthalpy   t H  values of
the third period elements, Na, Mg and Si are
respectively 496, 737 and 786 kJ mol-1. Predict
First ionisation energy (kj/mol)

3000 He whether the first  H value for Al will be more t

Ne close to 575 or 760 kJ mol-1 ? Justify your
Ar Kr
1500 Xe Rn Sol: It will be more close to 575 kJ mol-1. The value for
H Al should be lower than that of Mg because of
1000 effective shielding of 3p electrons from the nucleus
by 3s-electrons.
500 Li K Rb Cs
Na Knowledge of Successive IE
0  Knowledge of successive IE can be used to find
20 40 60 80
Atomic number (Z) the number of valence electrons
 For alkali metals the IE2 shows sudden jump.
 The ionisation potential is the highest for helium  For alkaline earth metals, the IE3 shows sudden
among all elements. The value is the least for jump.
caesium among the available elements. When  Theoretically, the number of IE possible for an atom
ionisation potential values are plotted against atomic of an element is equal to its atomic number.
numbers, the ionisation potential curve is obtained WE2.The successive ionization enthalpies of an
as shown above. element M are 5.98, 18.82, 28.44, 119.96,
Variation of IP in Groups & Periods 153.77, ….. eV/atom. What is the formula of
 In periods from left to right side IP increases, due chloride of M?
to decrease in atomic size and increase in effective Sol: Observing the I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, …. it is noticed that
nuclear charge. there is a sudden jump form I3 and I4.
 In any period an Alkali metal atom has lowest IP This observation gives the idea that the element has
and Inert gas element has highest IP. 3 electrons in the outer most shell.
 In groups from top to bottom, IP decreases due M3+ state is stable and valency is 3.
to the increase in the atomic size and increase in the Formula of chloride of M is MCl3
screening effect of inner electrons.
WE3.The ionization enthalpy of sodium is 5.14 eV. Be  66 KJ mol 1 
How many k cal of energy is required to ionize
Mg  67 KJ mol 1 
all atoms present in one gram of gaseous Na
atoms? N   31KJ mol 1 
Sol: 1eV atom-1 = 23 k cal mol-1
Variation of EA in Groups & Periods
Energy required to ionize all atoms of 23 grams  In groups, EA decreases from top to bottom as
(one mole) of gaseous Na atoms = 23 x 5.14 k cal the atomic size increases.
Energy required for ionization of all atoms present  In a period from left to right side EA increases
23  5.14 due to decrease in size of atoms and increase in the
in one gram of gaseous Na atoms  nuclear charge.
 EA1 of third period element is greater than
= 5.14 k cal corresponding second period element of each group
Electron Affinity (EA) (or) Electron (or) second element have high EA than first element
gain Enthalpy in a group
 It is an atomic property which gives us an idea of eg: 1) In VII A group EA of Cl > EA of F
the tendency of the element to accept the electron 2) VIA group EA of S > EA of O
to form an anion. 3) VA group EA of P > EA of N
 The amount of energy released when an electron is 4) IV A group EA of Si > EA of C
added to a neutral isolated gaseous atom of an  EA of F (-333 K.J mole-1) < EA of Cl (-348K.J
element is called EA. mole-1). This is due to
 a) Smaller size of F-atom
X  g   e  X  g   EA1 (or) b) Strong inter electronic repulsions
X  g   e  X  g  H   EA1 (Exothermic  Note : EA of a neutral atom = IE of its uninegative

process) EA of X = IE of X-
 When an electron is added to uni-negative ion,  Note : IE of a neutral atom = EA of its unipositive
energy is absorbed to overcome the repulsive ion.
forces. This energy is called second electron affinity. IE of X = EA of X+
EA has positive sign. X g   e   X 2g 
Among all the elements chlorine has the maximum
H   EA2 (Endothermic process).  The metal which has higher EA is Gold.
eg: EA 1 of oxygen O  1e   O(g )  is Electron Gain Enthalpies (kJ/mol) of

Some main Group elements
But EA 2 of oxygen  O(g )  1e   O(2g)  is Group Group Group Group
Endothermic H -73
 EA is measured in eV/atom, Kcal/mole, KJ/mole Li -60 O -141
 EA can be calculated indirectly from Born - Haber Na -53 S -200
Cycle. K -48 Se -195
 EA depends on size, effective nuclear charge,
shielding effect and electronic configuration of an
Rb -47 Te -190
element. Cs -46 Po -174
 Noble gases have most stable ns2np6 configuration. VIIA EA Zero EA
Hence their EA values are positive values. Group Value Group Value
 For N, P - due to half filled orbitals, they have extra He +48
stability hence their EA values are close to zero (very F -328 Ne +116
small values). Cl -349 Ar +96
 First electron affinity (E1) is negative for all elements Br -325 Kr +96
except for Be, Mg, N atoms and zero-group I -295 Xe +77
elements. At -270 Rn +68
 Among halogens the order of EA values is Sol: Average of bond energies of H2 and Cl2 is the
Cl > F > Br > I > At
104  58
 Decreasing order of E.A of various chalcogens is S calculated bond energy of HCl 
> Se > Te > O 2
= 81 k cal mol
WE4.Process (A): F2( g )  2e   2 F(g ) Experimental bond energy of HCl =100 k cal mol–1
Process (B): Cl2( g )  2e   2Cl(g )  = Bond (resonance) stabilization energy
= 100 – 81 = 19 k cal mol–1
Which of these processes is easy? Why?
X 1  X 2  0.208 
Sol: F2( g )  2e   2 F(g ) is easy..
Though electron gain enthalpy of Cl(g) to give Cl-(g)  0.208 19
is more than that of F(g) to give F (g), the bond = 0.208  4.358 = 0.90
dissociation of F2(g) is very less than that of Cl2(g) Since Pauling’s electro negativity of hydrogen is 2.1,
Electro Negativity (EN) that of chlorine = 2.1 + 0.9 = 3.0
 It is property of an atom in a molecule. Mulliken Scale
 The tendency of an atom to attract the shared  According to Mulliken scale,
electron pair towards itself in a molecule is called IE  EA
EN. EN is the average of IE and EA. EN 
 E.N. is a relative property and has no units.
 Pauling Scale : EN of elements are calculated IE in eV  EA in eV
 EN 
from the values of bond energies. 5 .6
 Pauling calculated the EN of other elements by using  IE in kj / mole   EA in kj / mole
the formula  EN 
X A  X B  0.208  .
 IE in kcals / mole    EA in kcals / mole 
[  is in K.Cal./mole.]  EN 
In SI units, X A  X B  0.1017  ,  Mulliken EN values are approximately 2.8 times
[  is in KJ/mole.] greater than Pauling EN values.
where XA and XB are the EN’s of A & B.  Mulliken scale is applicable only to univalent
 is a measure of the polarity of A-B bond. elements.
 = Experimental BE - Theoritical BE  Elements with same EN in pauling’s scale are
  = Actual BE -1/2 [EA-A + EB-B] , BE = Bond N = Cl = 3.0 C = S = I = 2.5
Energy H = P = 2.1 Cs = Fr = 0.7
 Hydrogen (whose EN is 2.1) is used to calculate
WE6.The ionization enthalpy of sulphur is 1014
EN of other elements.
kJ mol -1. If its electronegativity is 2.4, what is
 The reference element taken by pauling for the
its electron gain enthalpy?
determination of E.N. Values of other elements is
Sol: In the common scale, electronegativity (E.N.) is
given in terms of ionization enthalpy (I1) and electron
 Highest E.N. value is for fluorine (4.0).
gain enthalpy (E1) as
 As the oxidation number of an atom increases, the
attraction for the electrons increases and E.N also I1  E1
E .N 
increases 540
 EN concept is not applicable for Inert gas elements. Substituting the values,
WE5.Bond energies of H 2 , Cl 2 and HCl are 1014  E1
respectively 104, 58 and 100 kcal mol –1 . 2.4 
Calculate Pauling’s electronegativivy of Electron affinity = E1 = (540  2.4) – 1014 = 282
chlorine. Electron gain enthalpy of sulphur= -282kJmol–1
WE7.If the electronegativity value of fluorine in eg: 1) In NH3, covalency of ‘N’ is 3
Pauling scale is 4.0, then value in Mulliken 2) In N2O5, covalency of ‘N’ is 4
scale will be? Ionic covalency (or) Electro valency: No.of
Sol: Electronegativity in Mulliken scale is 2.8 times electrons transferred (either gain of electrons (or)
greater than Pauling scale values. loss of electrons).
So the value of Electronegativity = 2.8  4 = 11.2 eg: 1) In NaF (Na+F-), Ionic valency of ‘Na’ is
Variation of EN in Groups & Periods 1 and that of ‘F’ is 1.
 In groups from top to bottom EN decreases. 2) In AlF3 (Al+3, F-); Ionic valency of ‘Al’ is
 eg: In I A group Li > Na > K > Rb > Cs 3 and that of ‘F’ is 1.
In halogens F > Cl > Br > I > At Group 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18
 In periods from left to right EN increases. No of
 eg: In II period valency 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Li < Be < B < C < N < O < F Electrons
 In a period, Halogen has high EN value. valency 1 2 3 4 3,5 2,6 1,71,8
Alkali metal has low EN value.
 Highest EN element is F(4.0)
 Next to F, oxygen has high EN (3.5)  The minimum valency exhibited by an element is
 Least EN element is Cesium (0.7) zero.
 Noble gas elements have zero EN due to octet  Periodic trends in valence of Elements as
configuration. shown by the Formulas of their compound
 EN values are used to know the nature of Group 1 2 13 14 15 16 17
chemical bond. Formula
LiH BH SiH 4 PH3 H2S HCl
i) If EN difference is less than 1.7, the bond is of
hydride KH
NaH 2
A lH
2 6
3 GeH4 AsH3 H2Se HBr
covalent in nature. SnH4 SbH3 H2Te

Li O MgO BO CO N O ,N O - -
ii) equals to 1.7, the bond is 50% ionic in nature. 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 5

Na O CaO Al O SiO P O ,P O SO Cl -O
iii) more than 1.7, the bond is ionic in nature. Formula
of KO

SrO Ga O

3 2 4

As O ,As O SeO

4 10 3 2 7

2 2 3 2 2 3 2 5 3
 E.N. values are useful in writing the formula of a oxide
- BaO In O 2SnO 3Sb O ,Sb O
2 TeO
2 -
3 2 5 3

compound. - - - PbO Bi O _2 - -
2 3

 E.N. values are useful in predicting the nature of

the element (metal / non-metal). WE8.Using the periodic table, predict the formula
Valency of compound formed between an element X of
 Valency of an element is the number of H-atoms group 13 and another element Y of group 16.
(or) double the number of oxygen atoms that can Sol: The Valency of X (group 13) = 3
combine with one atom of that element. The valency of Y (group 16) = 2
 The valency of an element is not always constant. The compound has 2 atoms of X and 3 of Y.
 Exhibition of more than one valency by one element Hence, the formula = X2Y3.
is known as variable valency. Oxidation State
 The maximum valency of a representative element  The possible charge with which an atom appears in
is equal to the number of electrons present in the a compound is called its oxidation state.
outermost orbit of an atom.  s-block elements, oxidation state is equal to group
 Highest valency ever known is 8 shown by Os, Ru number. For alkali metals “ +1 ”.
and Xe For alkaline earth metals “ +2 ”
In OsO4 , the valency of Os is 8  Oxidation state may be positive or negative or zero
In RuO4 the valency of Ru is 8 or fraction.
 p-block elements show multi valency, their
In XeO4 , the valency of Xe is 8
oxidation state change by two numbers.
Covalency: The number of covalent bonds formed  In III A groupthe stable oxidation state of Thallium
by an element
is +1. It is due to inert pair effect.
 In IVA group +2 is more stable than +4 for Lead  Electro positivity decreases across a period.
due to inert pair effect.  In any period the strong electropositive element is
 In VA group, +3 is more stable than +5 for Bismuth alkali metal.
due to inert pair effect.  Most electro positive element is Cs in periodic table.
 Group IV elements show +4 and +2 oxidation  The ions of strong electro positive metal do not
states. undergo hydrolysis.
 Group V elements show +5 and +3 oxidation states. Metallic and Non-Metallic Nature
 The general oxidation state of group VI is -2.  If an element has low electro negativity and high
 Generally oxygen shows -2 oxidation state in its EP, then it will have high metallic nature.
compounds but when it combines with fluorine it  The groups IA and IIA elements have strong metallic
shows +2 (in OF2 ) and +1  in O2 F2  . nature.
 The most electronegative element. Fluorine shows  Group VIA and VIIA elements have strong non-
-1 oxidation state only (in its compounds) metallic nature.
 The common oxidation state of d-block elements  On moving from top to bottom in a group
is +2. All transition elements show variable a) non metallic nature decreases
valencies. b) metallic nature increases
 Ruthenium, Osmium and Xenon exhibit maximum  On moving from left to right in a period
oxidation state +8. a) metallic nature decreases
 In d-block elements , +1 oxidation state is shown b) non metallic nature increases
by Cr, Cu, Ag, Au, Hg.  Order of metallic nature
 The common oxidation state of f-block elements is Alkali metals > Alkaline earth metals > d-block >
+3 due to their outer electron configuration p-block.
ns2(n - 1)d1. eg: 1) The order of increasing metallic character of
 Maximum oxidation state of an element never Si, Be, Mg, Na, P is: P < Si < Be < Mg < Na.
exceeds its group number. 2) Order of Metallic nature of B, Al, Mg and K is:
WE9.What is the valency and oxidation number K > Mg > Al > B
of nitrogen in nitrogen pentoxide? 3) Order of nonmetallic nature of B, C, N, F and Si
Sol: Based on the oxide theory, valency of N in N2O5 is is: F > N > C > B > Si
5 (But the actual valency of N in N2O5 is the number 4) The metallic nature of elements in the carbon
of bonds formed by N = 4). family is: Carbon and silicon are non-metals.
Oxidation number of N in N2O5 = +5 Germanium is a metalloid. Tin and lead are metals.
WE10.Are the oxidation state and covalency of Al  Metals are solids at room temperature except
in [AlCl(H2O)5]2+ same? mercury (Hg).Ga,Cs also have very low melting
Sol: No. The oxidation state of Al is +3 and the points 303K and 302K respectively. so they exists
covalency is 6. as liquids at room temperature.
 Electro Positive Nature (EP)  Non-metals are usually solids or gases at room
 The tendency of an element to lose an electron is temperature with low melting and boiling point
called electro positivity. (boron and carbon are exceptions).
 It is the converse of electro negativity. Some elements in periodic table shows both metallic
 As electropositivity increases, metallic character and non-metallic nature. They are called metalloids
increases. or semi metals
 The smaller the ionisation energy or ionisation eg;Silicon.Germanium,Arsenic,Antimony, Tellurium
potential the greater is the electro positivity. Acidic and Basic Nature of Oxides:
 As electropositive nature increases, capacity to form  Based on the nature, oxides are clasified into 4 types
ionic bond increases. 1) Basic Oxides or Metal Oxides
Variation of EP in groups & periods 2) Acidic Oxides of Non–Metal Oxides
 Electropositive nature increases down the group, 3) Amphoteric Oxides
as the size of the atom increases. 4) Neutral Oxides
 Metal oxides are basic. eg: Na2O, BaO, MgO,  The elements present under diagonal relationship
CaO (Basic anhydrides) have very close properties.
 IA, IIA group metal oxides are strong bases. 1) BeO amphoteric, Al2O3 amphoteric
 Non metal oxides are acidic. eg: SO2, P2O5, CO2, 2) Be2C or Al4C3 produce methane on hydrolysis.
P2O3, NO2 (Acidic anhydrides) Anomalous Properties of Second
 Oxides of halogens are highly acidic. period elements
 Oxides of metalloids are amphoteric. The first element of each of group in ‘s’ and ‘p’
eg: As2O3, Sb2 O3, TeO2, GeO2 block except noble gases differ in many aspects
 Some non-metallic oxides are neutral. They don’t from the other members of their respective group.
form acids or bases in water. eg :1) lithium,beryllium forms covalent compounds
eg: CO, N2O, NO etc., rest of the group members forms ionic compunds.
 Some metallic Oxides are amphoteric. 2) In IIIA group the maximum covalency of boron
eg : ZnO, Al2O3, SnO2 etc., is 4 but remaining elements shows maximum
 Acidic oxides dissolve in water to form acidic covalency of 6.
solutions. 3) The first member of p-block elements displays
greater ability to form P– P multiple bonds itself
eg : SO3 + H 2O  H 2 SO4 (eg: C  C , C  C , N  N , N  N ) and to other
 Basic oxides dissolve in water to form basic second period elements (eg: C  O , C  N ,
solutions, known as hydroxides.
C  N , N  O ) compared to subsequent
eg : Na2O+ H 2O  2NaOH members of the same group.
 In groups from top to bottom The reasons for the above anomalous behaviour is
a) acidic nature of oxides decreases due to their :
b) basic nature of oxides increases (a) Small size
 In periods from left to right (b) Large (charge/radius) ratio
a) basic nature of oxides decreases (c) High electronegativity
b) acidic nature of oxides increases (d) Absence of vacant orbitals.
Diagonal Relationship Oxidation - Reduction Ability
 In the periodic table the first element of a group has  Electropositive elements have lower reduction
similar properties with the second element of the potenital (RP).
next group. This is called diagonal relationship.  They form stable cations in gaseous state as well as
in aqueous state.
I II III IV  Atoms of these elements are potential suppliers of
2nd Period Li Be B C M  Mn+ + ne–
3rd Period Na Mg Al Si  The tendency of an element to supply one or more
electrons is called reduction ability. It is also the
 The diagonal relationship disappears after IVA tendency of an element to oxidise itself.
group.  Alkali metals are strong reducing agents, because
 The diagonal relationship is due to the size of metal atoms is more, ionisation potential
i) Similar sizes of atoms or ions is less and each of the atoms have only one electron
ii) Same electronegativities of the participating in the valency shell.
elements  Alkaline earth metals are also good reducing agents,
iii) Same polarising power. but the reduction ability is less than the
 Valency is different for diagonally related pair of corresponding alkali metal.
elements. Variation of Reduction Ability in
Polarising power of cation  Groups & Periods
ionic ch arg e of cation  In a period, reduction ability gradually decreases.
2 The trend in the reduction ability of third period
 ionic radius of cation  element is: Na > Mg > Al Si.
 In a group reduction ability generally increases. left to right.
Caesium is the best reductant among the available As a consequence, the ionisation enthalpies increase
elements in its elementary state because both and electron gain enthalpies become more negative.
sublimation enthalpy and ionisation enthalpy of  Since ionisation potentials are less, alkali metals are
caesium are less. very reactive.
 Electronegative elements are non-metals. They  Similarly halogens are also very reactive due to high
usually have higher electron gain enthalpy and electron affinity. Thus high chemical activity is
reduction potentials. witnessed at the two exteremes and the lowest in
 They form stable anions in gaseous state as well as the centre of the periodic table.
in aqueous state. Atoms of these elements are  Maximum chemcial reactivity at the extereme left is
potential acceptors of electrons. exhibited by the formation of cation.
A + ne–  An- This is referred to electropositivity and the elements
 The tendency of an element to gain one or more act as good reductants.
electrons is called oxidation ability. It is also the  Maximum chemical reactivity at the extreme right
tendency of an element to reduce itself. (not noble gases) is exhibited by the formation of
 Halogens are strong oxidising agents, because the anion. This is referred to non-metallic nature and
size of atoms is less and have only one vacancy in the elements act as good oxidants.
the valency shell of each atom.
Variation of Oxidation Ability in Periodic trends
Groups & Periods
 In a period oxidation ability gradually increases. The
trend in the oxidation ability of third period elements
is : P < S < Cl. Periodic Variation Variation
property in group in period
 In a group oxidation ability generally decreases. The
top to from left to
order of oxidation ability of halogens is : bottom right
F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2. Atomic size Increases Decreases
 Fluorine is the best oxidant, because dissociation IE Decreases Increases
enthalpy of difluorine is less and hydration energy EA Decreases Increases
is more. EN Decreases Increases
eg: 1) The order of their chemical reactivity in terms EP Increases Decreases
of oxidizing property of F, Cl, O and N is: Metallic Increases Decreases
F > Cl > O > N nature
2) The order of oxidising ability of sulphur and Nonmetallic Decreases Increases
chlorine is : Cl > S
because Cl  Cl   e  ; S  2e   S 2 Acidic nature Decreases Increases
of oxides
Chlorine is better oxidant than sulphur. Electron gain
enthalpy is more for chlorine. Chlorine accepts
Basic nature Increases Decreases
electron easily and becomes stable chloride. of oxides
Periodic Trends and Chemical
 All chemical properties are a manifestation of the
electronic configuration of elements.
 The atomic radii generally decrease in a period from
Level-I (C.W) 1) K 2) Rb 3) Kr 4) Xe
16. Which of these does not reflect the periodicity
Introduction of the elements.
1. Lother Meyer obtained the curve for the 1) Bonding behaviour 2) Electro negativity
known elements by plotting their atomic 3) Ionization potential 4) Neutron/proton ratio
volumes against 17. The atomicity of a noble gas is
1) Atomic numbers 2) Atomic masses 1) 2 2) 1 3) 4 4) 6
3) Densities 4) Ionization energies 18. The element with atomic number 19 is
2. In Lother Meyer plot, the peaks are oc- 1) Halogen 2) Chalcogen
cupied by 3) Noble gas 4) An alkali metal
1) Alkali metal 2) Alkaline earth metals 19. A pair of atomic numbers which belong to
3) Halogens 4) Noble gases s-block are
3. The law of triad is applicable to a group of 1) 7, 15 2) 6, 12 3) 9, 17 4) 3, 12
1) Cl, Br, I 2) C, N, O 20. The element with electron configuration 1s2 2s2
3) Na, K, Rb 4) H, O, N 2p6 3s2 3p63d10 4s2 4p5 belongs to
4. The atomic number of element Unq is : 1) 4th period, VA group
1) 102 2)103 3)104 4)105 2) 5th period, IVA group
5. The basis for the classification of elements in 3) 4th period, VIIA group
the modern periodic table is 4) 7th period, IVA group
1) Electronic configuration 2) Atomic weight 21. The element with ns2 np4 as outer electron
3) Atomic volume 4) Equivalent wieght configuration is a
6. Considering the chemical properties, atomic 1) Alkalimetal 2) Chalcogen
weight of Be was corrected based on 3) Noble gas 4) Halogen
1) Electronic configuration 2) Valency 22. If the differentiating electron enters
3) Atomic number 4) Both 2 and 3 (n-1)d-sublevel. The element is
7. Mendeleef corrected the atomic weight of 1) A representative element 2) A noble gas
1) Be 2) N 3) O 4) Cl 3) An alkali metal 4) A transition element
8. Anamalous pair in Mendeleef’s table is 23. Atoms with three of their outer most orbits
1) Li, Na 2) Mg, Al 3) Co, Ni 4) Be, B incompletely filled with electrons are present in
9. Eka silicon is now called as 1) Lanthanides 2) Representative elements
1) Gallium 2) Scandium 3) s-block elements 4) Transitional elements
3) Germanium 4) Indium 24. The name of the element with atomic number
10. The atomic weights of “Be” and “In” were 100 was adopted in honour of
corrected by Mendeleef using the formula 1) Alfred Noble 2) Enric Fermi
nh 3) Dimitri Mendeleef 4) Albert Einstein
1) v  a ( Z  b) 2) mvr  25. Inner transition elements exhibit different
2 coloured compounds on account of unfilled
3) Atomic weight = Equivalent weight x valency ………. Orbitals
4) Equivalent weight = Atomic weight x valency 1) s 2) f 3) d 4) p
11. The plot of v vs Z is 26. The total numbers of elements in the Group 11 is
1) Straight line 2) Exponential curve 1) 3 2) 5 3) 7 4) 9
3) Hyperbolic 4) Curve with -ve slope 27. The atomic numbers of elements of second
Long form of periodic table transition series lie in the range of
12. The longest and shortest periods are 1) 38 to 47 2) 39 to 48
1) 1 & 6 2) 2 & 6 3) 6 & 1 4) 1 & 7 3) 40 to 49 4) 41to50
13. The number of elements present in the fourth 28. Atomic number of next inert gas to be
period is [EAMCET 2013] discovered will be
1) 32 2) 18 3) 8 4) 2 1) 87 2) 104 3) 118 4) 132
14. The general electronic configuration of 29. The element with atomic number 12 belongs
elements of carbon family to …. Group and …. Period
1) ns2 np4 2) ns2 np3 3) ns2 np1 4)ns2 np2 1) IA, third 2) IIIA, third
15. The starting element of fifth period is 3) IIA, third 4) IIA, second
30. Elements which generally exhibit variable 3) I+ > I– > I 4) I– > I > l+
oxidation states and form coloured ions are 41. Atomic radius is measured by
1) Metalloids 2) Transition elements 1) Rutherford’s  -ray scattering experiment
3) Non-metals 4) Gases 2) X-ray diffraction technique
31. Ce-58 is a member of 3) Mulliken oil drop method
1) s-block 2) p-block 3) d-block 4) f-block 4) Thomson’s water-melon model
32. The outer most orbit of an element “X” is 42. Vander waal’s radius is used for
partially filled with electrons in ‘s’ and ‘p’ 1) Molecular substances in gaseous state only
subshells. Then that element is 2) Molecular substances in liquid state only
1) An inert gas 3) Molecular substances in solid state only
2) A representative element 4) Molecular substances in any state
3) A transition element 43. Separation of lanthanides from their mixture
4) An inner transition element is not easy because of
33. Which is the atomic number of another 1) Shielding effect 2) Pentetrating effect
element present in the same group as the 3) Consequences of lanthanide contraction
element with Z=13 is present 4) Inert pair effect
1) Z=14 2) Z=32 3) Z=49 4) Z=20 44. If atomic radius of F is X A0 then atomic radius
34. Which statement is incorrect for the d-block of Ne could be
elements 1) < X A0 2) > X A0
1) Have atomic radii larger than s and p-block 3) = X A 4) Half of ‘F’
elements 45. If an element ‘X’ is assumed to have the types
2) Have high melting points ,boiling points and of radii, then their order is
tensile strength 1) Crystal radius > Vander waals radius > Covalent
3) Have variable oxidation states radius
4) Exhibit catalytic process 2) Vander waals radius > Crystal radius > Covalent
Atomic Radii radius
35. When a neutral atom is converted to the anion its 3) Covalent radius > Crystal radius > Vander waals
1) Atomic number increases radius
2) Atomic number decreases 4) Vander waals radius > Covalent radius > Crystal
3) Size increases radius
4) Mass number increases 46. Crystal radius of Li is 123 pm. Then Covalent
36. The term periodicity in the properties of radius of Li will be
elements are arranged in the increasing order 1) > 123 pm 2) < 123 pm
of their atomic numbers similar elements 123
1) Reoccur after a fixed interval 3) + 123 pm 4)  pm
2) Reoccur after certain regular interval 47. O2– and Si4+ are isoelectronic ions. If the ionic
3) Form vertical groups radius of O2– is 1A0, the ionic radius of Si4+ will be
4) Form horizontal rows 1) 1.4A0 2) 0.41A0 3) 2.8A0 4) 1.5A0
37. The correct order of variation in the sizes of 48. Which set represents isoelectronic species?
atoms is (AIEEE-2004)
1) Be > C > F > Ne 2) Be < C < F < Ne
3) Be > C > F < Ne 4) F > Ne > Be > C 1) Na , Mg Al , Cl 2) Na , Ca 2 , Sc3 , F 
 2 3  

38. Which one of the following has the largest 3) K  , Cl  , Mg 2 , Sc 3 4) K  , Cl  , Ca 2 , Sc 3

radius. 49. Which of the following pairs of ions have the
1) Na+ 2) Mg2+ 3) O2– 4) Al3+ same electronic configuration
39. Atomic radii of fluorine atom and neon atom 1) Cr+3, Fe+3 2) Fe+3, Mn+2
in angstrom units are respectively given by 3) Fe+3, Co+3 4) Sc+3, Cr+3
1) 0.762, 1.60 2) 1.60, 1.60 50. Which of the following grouping represents a
3) 0.72, 0.72 4) 1.60, 0.762 collection of iso-electronic species?
40. Which one is the correct order of the size of (At.Nos: Cs=55, Br=35)
the iodine species? 1) Ca2+, Cs2+, Br 2) Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+
1) I > I+ > I– 2) I > I– > I+ 3– -
3) N , F , Na +
4) Be, Al3+, Cl+
51. In a period, atom with smaller radius is 62. The correct order of second I.P. values of
1) Chalcogen 2) Halogen carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and fluorine is
3) Aerogen 4) Pnicogen 1) C > N > O > F 2) O > N > F > C
52. As number of protons in the nucleus increases, 3) O > F > N > C 4) F > O > N > C
atomic radius gradually ..... in a period 63. The I1 values of Li, Be and C are 5.4 eV/atom,
1) Increases 2) Decreases 9.32 eV/atom and 11.26 eV/atom. The I1 value
3) No change 4) Stable of Boron is
53. The Lanthanide contraction is responsible for 1) 13.6 eV/atom 2) 8.29 eV/atom
the fact that 3) 14.5 eV/atom 4) 21.5 eV/atom
1) Zr and Hf have same radius 64. The ionisation potential of “X+” ion is equal to
2) Zr and Zn have the same oxidation state
1) The electron affinity of “X” atom
3) Zr and Y have same radius
2) The elcetronegativity of “X” atom
4) Zr and Nb have similar oxidation state
54. The increasing order of the atomic radius of 3) The ionisation energy of “X” atom
Si, S, Na, Mg, Al is [EAMCET 2014] 4) The electron affinity of “ X2+ ” ion
1) S < Si < Al < Mg < Na 65. The I1 of potassium is 4.339 eV/atom. The I1
2) Na < Al < Mg < S < Si of sodium
3) Na < Mg < Si < Al < S 1) 4.339 2) 2.21 3) 5.138 4) 1.002
4) Na < Mg < Al < Si < S 66. The first ionization potential of four consecutive
Ionisation Energy elements, present in the second period of the
55. Which of the following process refers to periodic table are 8.3, 11.3, 14.5 and 13.6 eV
ionisation potential? respectively. Which one of the following is the
first ionization potential (in eV) of nitrogen?
1) X ( s )  X (g )  e  1) 13.6 2) 11.3 3) 8.3 4) 14.5
2) X ( g )  aq  X (aq )  e  67. Which of the following transitions involves
maximum amount of energy?
3) X ( g )  X (g )  e  4) X ( g )  e  X (g ) 1) M– (g)  M(g) 2) M (g)  M+ (g)
56. The element with highest ionization potential is 3) M+(g)  M2+ (g) 4) M2+ (g)  M3+ (g)
1) Nitrogen 2) Oxygen 3) Helium 4) Neon 68. The I1, I2, I3, I4 values of an element “M” are 120
57. In the long form of periodic table elements with kJ/mole, 600 kJ/mole, 1000 kJ/mole and 8000 kJ/
low ionisation potential are present in mole. Then the formula of its sulphate is
1) I A group 2) IV A group 1) MSO4 2) M2(SO4)3 3) M2SO4 4) M3(SO4)2
3) VII A group 4) Zero group 69. The electron configuration of elements A, B
58. As atomic number of elements increases, the and C are [He] 2s1 , [Ne]3s1 and [Ar] 4s1
I.P. value of the elements of the same period respectively. Which one of the following order
1) Decreases 2) Increases 3) Remains constant is correct for the first ionization potentials (in
4) First increases and then decreases KJ.mol–1) of A, B and C?
59. The ionization potential values of an element 1) A > B > C 2) C > B > A
are in the following order I1<I2<<<<I3<I4<I5. 3) B > C > A 4) C > A > C
The element is
70. Which of the following species has the highest
1) Alkali metal 2) Chalcogen
3) Halogen 4)Alkaline earth metals ionization potential
60. Which of the following elements has the lowest 1) Li+ 2) Mg+ 3) Al+ 4) Ne
ionization potential? Electron affinity & Electro negativity
1) N 2) O 3) F 4) Ne 71. The low electron affinity value of nitrogen is
61. The ionization energy of nitrogen is more than due to
that of oxygen because 1) Small size 2) High nuclear charge
1) of the extra stability of half-filled p orbitals in 3) Half-filled 2p sublevel 4) High metallic character
nitrogen 72. Energy is released in the process of
2) of the smaller size of nitrogen
1) Na( g )  Na(g )  e 2) O(g )  e  O(g2)
3) The former contains less number of electrons
4) The former is less electronegative 3) O( g )  e  O(g ) 4) N (g2)  e  N (g3)
73. Electron affinity values are obtained 84. Among the following outermost configuration of
indirectly by metals, which shows the highest oxidation state
1) Electric discharge method 1) 3d3 4s2 2) 3d5 4s1 3) 3d5 4s2 4) 3d6 4s2
2) Born-Haber cycle method Electro positivity & Nature of oxides
3) Electron microscopic method 85. The less electropositive element is
4) Mulliken oil drop method 1) Na 2) Be 3) Li 4) Mg
74. Energy is absorbed when a second electron is 86. Electropositivity is very high for
added to oxygen. This is because 1) Al 2) Ge 3) Li 4) Ba
1) O– has stable configuration 87. The most electropositive element is
2) O– has repulsion with electron to be added 1) Cs 2) C 3) Cl 4) K
3) O– has lower nuclear charge than O 88. Which of the following electron configuration
4) O2– has unstable configuration corresponds to the most electropositive
75. The decreasing order of electron affinity of character?
halogen’s is 1) [He]2s1 2) [He]2s2 3)[Xe]6s1 4)[Xe]6s2
1) F > Cl > Br > I 2) F < Cl < Br < I 89. Most metallic element has the following
3) F < Cl > Br < I 4) Cl > F > Br > I electron arrangement in its atom is
76. The electron affinity values (KJmol-1) of three 1) 2, 8, 4 2) 2, 8, 8
halogens X,Y and Z are respectively 3) 2, 8, 8, 1 4) 2, 8, 8, 7
-349, -333 and -325. Then X,Y and Z 90. Among a) Na2O, b) MgO, c) Al2O3, d) P2O5 e)
respectively are Cl 2 O 7 the most basic, most acidic and
1) F2, Cl2 and Br2 2) Cl2, F2 and Br2 amphoteric oxide can be
3) Cl2, Br2 and F2 4) Br2, Cl2 and F2 1) a, b, c 2) b, e, c 3) a, e, c 4) e, c, a
77. For univalent elements, the average value of 91. Which of the following cannot form an
first ionization potential and first electron amphoteric oxide? [EAMCET 2012]
affinity is equal to its 1) Al 2) Sn 3) Sb 4) P
1) Polarising power 2) Covalent radius 92. The elements x, y and z are present in one
3) Electronegativity 4) Dipole moment period of the periodic table. Chemically their
78. The reference element in Paulings scale of oxides are acidic, amphoteric and basic
Electronegativity is respectively. When these elements are
1) H 2) O 3) N 4) Cl arranged in ascending order of atomic number
79. Electronegativity is the property related to they are
1) Isolated atom in gaseous state 1) x, y, z 2) z, y, x 3) y, z, x 4) y, x, z
2) Isolated atom in solid state
3) Inert gas 4) Bonded atoms in a molecule
Diagonal Relationship
80. The values that are useful in writing chemical93. Boron and Silicon resemble chemically. This
is due to the equal value of their
formulae and in calculation of oxidation states
are 1) EA 2) Atomic Volume
1) Ionisation potential 2) Electron affinity 3) Polarizing power of ions 4) Nuclear charge
3) Electronegativity 94. The electronegativity of Be is same as that of
4) Metallic character
81. Let electronegativity, ionisation energy and 1) Al 2) Mg 3) Na 4) Li
electron affinity be represented as EN, IP and95. Beryllium shows diagonal relationship with
EA respectively. Which one of the following aluminium. Which of the following similarity is
equation is correct according to Mulliken? incorrect?
1) EN=IP  EA 2) EN=IP/EA 1) Be2C like Al4C3 yields methane on hydrolysis
3) EN= (IP+EA) / 2 4) EN=IP–EA 2) Be, like Al is rendered passive by HNO3
3) Be (OH)2 like Al(OH)3 is basic
Valency and Oxidation Sates 4) Be forms beryllates and Al forms aluminate
82. In which group all the elements do not have 96. Diagonal relationship is shown by
same number of valence electrons? 1) B - S 2) Li - Mg 3) Mg - Ca 4) S - Se
1) Zero 2) First 3) Second 4) Seventh 97. Diagonal relationship is quite pronounced in
83. Metal exhibiting higher oxidation state is in the elements of
which block? 1) 2nd & 3rd periods 2) 1st & 2nd periods
1) p 2) s 3) d 4) f 3) II & III groups 4) 3rd & 4th periods
98. The pair of elements that have similar chemical 70. Li+ have He configuration
properties are 72. First EA is generally exothermic
1) Lithium and Magnesium 75. Due to small size Fluorine have low EA
2) Beryllium and Boron
3) Aluminium and Magnesium IP  EA
81. EN 
4) Carbon and Nitrogen 2
Key-Level - I (C.W) 82. Except He other elements have ns2np6
01) 2 02) 1 03) 1 04) 3 05) 1 06) 2 83. d-block of Os, Ru show + 8 oxidation state
94. Diagonal relationship
07) 1 08) 3 09) 3 10) 3 11) 1 12) 3
13) 2 14) 4 15) 2 16) 4 17) 2 18) 4 Level - I (H.W)
19) 4 20) 3 21) 2 22) 4 23) 1 24) 2
25) 2 26) 1 27) 2 28) 3 29) 3 30) 2
1. Mendeleeff corrected the atomic weight of:
31) 4 32) 2 33) 3 34) 1 35) 3 36) 2 1) Be 2) In 3) Os 4) All of these
37) 3 38) 3 39) 1 40) 4 41) 2 42) 3 2. Zero group was introduced by
43) 3 44) 2 45) 2 46) 2 47) 2 48) 4 1) Lother Meyer 2) Mendeleef
49) 2 50) 3 51) 2 52) 2 53) 1 54) 1 3) Ramsay 4) Lockyer
55) 3 56) 3 57) 1 58) 2 59) 4 60) 2 3. According to Mendeleef’s periodic law, the
61) 1 62) 3 63) 2 64) 4 65) 3 66) 4 properties of elements are periodic function of
67) 4 68) 2 69) 1 70) 1 71) 3 72) 3 1) Atomic number 2) Atomic weight
73) 2 74) 2 75) 4 76) 2 77) 3 78) 1 3) Number of electrons 4) Density
79) 4 80) 3 81) 3 82) 1 83) 3 84) 3 4. Total number of groups in Mendeleef’s table
85) 2 86) 4 87) 1 88) 3 89) 3 90) 3 1) 18 2) 9 3) 7 4) 10
91) 4 92) 2 93) 3 94) 1 95) 3 96) 2 5. In Mendeleef table, the triad of VIII group is
1) Ru, Rh, Pd 2) Cu, Ag, Au
97) 1 98) 1
3) N, O, F 4) Tl, Pb, Bi
Hints -Level - I (C.W) 6. Number of short periods in Mendeleef table
6. Atomic valency = Equivalent weight x valency 1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 1
13. 4th period consists of 18 elements 7. The properties of the following elements were
25. due to presence of unpaired electrons in f-orbitals predicted by Mendeleeff before their isolation
29. Z  12  [ He]3s 2 are
no of valency electrons = Group no 1) Co and Ni2) I and Te
valency shell number = period no 3) Sc, Ga and Ge 4)Cl, Ar and K
35. Anion is large size than its neutral atom 8. The number of elements known when
37. Inertgases have large size than Halogens Mendeleef presented periodic table is
39. Due to vanderwall’s forces inert gases have large 1) 50 2) 90 3) 63 4) 102
size 9. The element ‘Sc’ is known long back as
43. Due to Lanthanide contraction 1) Eka-aluminium 2) Eka-boron
45. Ions have same no of electrons 3) Eka-silicon 4) Eka-mercury
46. Covalent radius < crystal radies 10. Which of the following is not an anamalous
Z  1) S, Cl 2) Te, I 3) Co, Ni 4) Ar, K
47. depends on   ratio
e Long form of periodic table
48. Ions having same no of e- are iso electronic 11. The number of periods in the long form of
56. Inert gases have higher I.P He > Ne > N > O periodic table is
57. IA group elements are larger size 1) 6 2) 7 3) 8 4) 18
59. IP3 has sudden jump so it belongs to IIA 12. The total number of gaseous elements are
+ 2+ 1) 8 2) 9 3) 10 4) 11
64. IP of X = EA of X
65. Order of size : K > Na 13. Which of the following remains unchanged in
66. due to half filled p-sub shell ‘N’ has higher IP descending in a group in the periodic table?
67. I3 > I2 > I1 1)Valence electrons 2)Atomic size
68. I4 has sudden jump. So valency of M is 3 3)Density 4)Metallic character
14. In a period, elements are arranged in strict 27. Lanthanum belongs to ...... block
sequence of 1) s-block 2) p-block 3) d-block 4) f-block
1) Decreasing charges in the nucleus 28. Which pair of elements of atomic numbers
2) Increasing charges in the nucleus given below will have similar chemical
3) Constant charges in the nucleus properties?
4) Equal charges in the nucleus 1) 13, 22 2) 3, 11 3) 4, 24 4) 2, 4
15. Which of the following is not a representative 29. The period that includes all blocks of elements is
element 1) 1 2) 2 3) 6 4) 7
1) Sodium 2) Boron 3) Calcium 4) Chromium 30. Elements with atomic numbers 9, 17, 35, 53
16. The inert gas present in the second long period is are collectively known as
1) Kr 2) Xe 3) Ar 4) Rn 1) chalcogens 2) halogens
17. Mono atomic element among the following is 3) lanthanides 4) rare gases
1) Phosphorus 2) Oxygen 31. First transitional series is present in
3) Krypton 4) Sulphur 1) Third period 2) Fifth period
18. Which one of the following pairs of atomic 3) Fourth period 4) Sixth period
numbers, represents elements belonging to the 32. In iron atom (z=26), the differentiating electron
same group? enters……..sublevel
1) 11, 20 2) 13, 30 3) 13, 31 4) 14, 33 1) 4d 2) 3d 3) 4p 4) 5p
19. The atomic numbers of elements of second 33. The elements with atomic numbers 39 to 48
inner transition elements lie in the range of belong to
1) 88 to 101 2) 89 to 102 1) Forth period 2) Fifth period
3) 90 to 103 4) 91 to 104 3) Sixth period 4) Third period
20. The atomic number of elements of first tran- 34. The atomic numbers of Lanthanides are from
sition series lie in the range of 1) 58 to 71 2) 90 to 103 3) 21 to 30 4)39 to 48
1) 19 to 28 2) 20 to 29 35. The first lanthanide is
3) 21 to 29 4) 22 to 31 1) La 2) Ce 3) Th 4) Lu
21. In the long form of periodic table all non-metals 36. The 4f level is successively filled up in
are placed in 1) Alkali metals 2) Rare gases
1) s-block 2) p-block 3) d-block 4)f-block 3) Lanthanides 4) Actinides
22. All elements of the same group will have 37. Lanthanides are group of elements in which
1) Same electron configuration the differentiating electron enters into
2) Similar outer electron configuration 1) s-sub level 2) d-sub level
3) Same ionization potential value 3) p-sub level 4) f-sub level
4) Different chemical properties 38. Most of the radio active elements are in
23. The atomic number of an element is always 1) Lanthanides 2) Actinides
equal to 3) Representative elements
1) Number of neutrons in nucleus 4) Second transitional series
2) Half of the atomic weight 39. The elements with atomic numbers 2, 10, 18,
3) Electrical charge of the nucleus 36, 54, and 86 are collectively known as
4) Weight of the nucleus 1) Alkaline earth metals 2) Inert gases
24. Which of the following is not the electronic 3) Halogens 4) Rare earths
configuration of a representative element 40. Which of the following represents the
1) ns2 2) ns2np5 3) ns2np1 4) ns2np6 electronic configuration of d-block elements
25. Which of the following electronic configuration 1) (n-1)s2nd1-10 2) (n-1)d1-10ns1-2
2 6 1
corresponds to an inert gas? 3) (n-1)s p , ns 4) ns2p2 d1
1) 1s12s22p5 2) 1s22s22p6 41. The general electronic configuration (n-1) d3ns2
2 1
3) 1s 2s 4) 1s22s22p63s1 indicates that particular element belongs to
26. Which of the following electronic 1) VB 2) IVB 3) VIB 4) IIIB
configurations in the outermost shell is 42. If the valency shell electronic structure for an
characteristic of alkali metals? element is ns2np5, this element will belong to
1) (n-1)s2p6,ns2p1 2) (n-1)s2p6,d10,ns1 the group of
2 6
3) (n-1)s p ,ns 1
4) ns2 p6d1 1) Alkali metals 2) Inert metals
3) Noble gases 4) Halogens
43. Variable valency is exhibited by 55. Transition metals exhibit variable oxidation
1) Normal elements 2) Metallic elements states. It is because of
3) Transitional elements 4)Non-metallic elements 1) The smaller atomic radius
44. Which one of the following belongs to 2) The higher nuclearcharge
representative group of elements in the 3) High screening effect
periodic table
4) the energy difference between (n-1)d & ns-
1) Lanthanum 2) Argon
3) Chromium 4)Aluminium subshell is very less
45. The element californium belongs to a family of Atomic Radii
1) Actinide series 2) Alkali metal family 56. The following is the reason for the periodicity
3) Alkaline earth family 4) Lanthanide series in the properties of elements
46. Transition metals are often paramagnetic due to 1) Similarity in atomic mass
1) Their high m.p. and b.p. 2) Similarity in atomic numbers
2) The presence of vacant d-orbitals 3) Similarity in outer electronic configuration
3) The presence of one or more unpaired 4) Similarity in atomic radius
d-electrons 57. The largest atom among the following is
4) Their being less electropositive than the elements 1) Sodium 2) Silicon 3) Potassium 4) Calcium
of groups IA and IIA
58. Atom loses electrons and becomes
47. A member of Lanthanide
1) Caesium 2) Lanthanum 1) Only cation 2) Only anion
3) Neoybium 4) Luticium 3) Either cation or anion
48. Which is wrong about transition metals? 4) Neither cation nor anion
1) They are diamagnetic 59. Al3+ has low ionic radius than Mg2+ because
2) They are paramagnetic 1) Al3+ has high nuclear charge than Mg2+
3) They form complexes 2) Mg atom has less no. of neutrons than Al atom
4) They show variable oxidation states 3) Mg and Al differ in electronegativity values
49. The electron configuration of the starting and 4) Al atom has low I1 value than Mg atom
ending elements of fourth period are 60. Largest particle among the following is
1) 4s1 and 3d104s2 4p6 2) 4s1 and 4s2 3d10 1) Cl– 2) K+ 3) Ca++ 4) S2–
3) 4s2 3d1 and 4s2 4p6 4) 4s2 3d1 and 4s2 3d10 61. The increasing order of the ionic radii of the
50. In which of the following period a maximum given isoelectronic species is [AIEEE-2012]
number of 32 elements are present 1) Cl–, Ca2+, K+, S2– 2) S2–, Cl–, Ca2+, K+
1) 4th 2) 6th 3) 3rd 4) 7th + 2– 2+
3) K , S , Ca , Cl –
4) Ca2+, K+, Cl-, S2–
51. The element having 18 electrons in its outer 62. Which of the following is the smallest cation?
most shell is:
1) Na+ 2) Mg2+ 3) Ca2+ 4) Sc3+
1) 28Ni 2) 46Pd 3)29Cu 4) None of these
63. Which of the following is the biggest ion?
52. The maximum number of valency electrons
possible for atoms in the second period of the 1) Al3+ 2) Ba2+ 3) Mg2+ 4) Na+
periodic table is: 64. Na+, Mg2+, Al3+, and Si4+ are isoelectronic ions.
1)18 2)10 3)8 4)2 Their ionic size will follow the order
53. The atomic number of an element ‘X’ is 34. 1) Na+< Mg2+< Al3+< Si4+
Then it is present in _____ period and ______ 2) Na+> Mg2+< Al3+< Si4+
in group. 3) Na+< Mg2+> Al3+> Si4+
1) 4th period and IVA group 4) Na+> Mg2+> Al3+> Si4+
2) 4th period and VIA group 65. Atomic radius depends upon
3) 4th period and VIIA group 1) anionic nature 2) nature of bonding
4) 5th period and VIA group 3) cation nature 4) metalic nature
54. The position of element with Z = 24 in the 66. Among elements with the following electronic
periodic table is configurations, the one with the largest
1) V A group and 4 period radius is
2) VI B group and 4 period 1) [Ne] 3s2 2) [Ne] 3s2 3p1
3) IV A group and 3 period 3) [Ne] 3s2 3p3 4) [Ne] 3s2 3p5
4) III B group and 3 period
67. Lanthanoid contraction is caused due to : 80. Which one of the following is correct order of
[AIEEE-2006] second ionisation potential of Na, Ne, Mg and
1) The imperfect shielding on outer electrons by Al? [EAMCET 2011]
4f-electrons from the nuclear charge 1) Al < Na < Mg < Ne 2) Ne < Al < Na < Mg
2) The appreciable shielding on outer electrons by 3) Na < Mg < Ne < Al 4) Mg < Al < Ne < Na
4f-electrons from the nuclear charge 81. The I1 value of potassium is less than the I1
3) The apperciable shielding on outer electrons by value of sodium. This is due to
5d-electrons from nuclear charge 1) Large size of potassium atom
4) The same effective nuclear charge from Ce to Lu 2) Small size of potassium atom
68. A reduction in atomic size with increase in atomic 3) Low density of potassium
nuber is a characteristic of elements of: 4) Univalent nature of potassium
[AIEEE-2003] 82. The ionization potential of elements in any
1)f-block 2) p-block group decreases from top to bottom. This is
3) High atomic mass 4) d-block due to
69. Identify the correct order in which the ionic 1) Increase in size of atom
radius of the following ions increases 2) Increase in atomic number
I) F– II) Na+ III) N3– 3) Increase in screening effect
1) III, I, II 2) I, II, III 3) II, III, I 4) II, I, III. 4) Both increase in size of atom and increase in
70. The radii of F, F–, O and O2– are in the order screening effect
1) O2– > F– > O > F 2) O2– > F– > F > O 83. The first ionization energy of lithium will be
– 2–
3) F > O > F > O 4) O2– > O > F– > F 1) Greater than Be 2) Less than Be
71. Of the following, the one with largest size is 3) Equal to that of Na 4) Equal to that of F
1) Cl– 2) Ar 3) K+ 4) Ca2+ 84. Which has maximum first ionization potential?
72. The order of decreasing atomic radii for Be, 1) C 2) N 3) B 4) O
Na & Mg is 85. Which has the highest second ionization
1) Na > Mg > Be 2) Mg > Na > Be potential?
3) Be > Na > Mg 4) Be > Mg > Na 1) Nitrogen 2) Carbon 3) Oxygen 4) fluorine
73. Which of the following has highest ionic 86. Which has least ionization potential?
radius? [AIEEE-2004] 1) Li 2) Cs 3) Cl 4) I
1) F– 2) B3+ 3) O2– 4) Li+ 87. The first ionization energy values of an
Ionisation Energy element are 191, 578,872, and 5692 kcals. The
74. The value of 1 eV/atom is number of valence electrons in the element are
1) 23.06 Kcal/mole 2) 96.45 KJ/mole 1) 5 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
3) 1.602  10–19 Joules/atom 4) All of these 88. The peaks in ionisatoin potential curves are
75. For any atom, the order of ionization potential occuiped by
values is 1) Alkali metals 2) Inert gases
1) I1< I2< I3 2) I1 > I2 > I3 3) Transition metals 4) Halogens
3) I1< I2 > I3 4) I1 > I2 < I3 89. Ionisation potential of Boron is less than that
76. The high ionistion potential of magnesium of Beryllium. This is because
compared with aluminium, is due to 1) B has 1s2 2s2 2p1 configuration
1) Filled orbitals in magnesium 2) B has small atomic size
2) High nuclear charge in magnesium 3) B has higher nuclear charge
3) Low radius of magnesium atom 4) B has more number of shells
4) Low effective nuclear charge in magnesium 90. An alkaline earth element has the I1, I2 and I3
77. The correct order of ionization potential values values 9.2 eV/atom, 18.5 eV/atom and x’ eV/
of Be, B, Li, C atom is atom. Then ‘x’ is
1) Be < B < Li < C 2) Li < Be < B <C 1) 3eV/atom 2) 154 eV/atom
3) Li < Be > B < C 4) Li > Be > B < C 3) 20 eV/atom 4) 10 eV/atom
78. The ionisation energy is lowest for 91. The screening effect of d-electrons is
1) Nitrogen 2) Oxygen 3) Fluorine 4) Neon 1) Equal to the p-electrons
79. The element with highest ionisation potential is 2) Much more than the p-electrons
1) Na 2) Ar 3) Cl 4) P 3) Same as f-electrons
4) Less than the p-electrons
92. Which is least for an element 104. The electron affinity of an atom is numerically
1) I1 2) I2 3) I3 4) I4 equal to the
93. Element with lowest and highest I.P. values in 1) ionization potential of its uni negative ion
each period respectively. 2) effective nuclear charge of its uni positive ion
1) Alkali metals, Noble gases 3) ionization potential of its di negative ion
2) Alkali metals, Halogens 4) ionization potential of it uni positive ion
3) Halogens, Alkalimetals
105. X  g   e  X g   E , Here “E” is
4) Noble gases, Alkalimetals
94. Which one of the following relations is correct 1) First electron affinity
with respect to first (I) and second (II) 2) First ionisation energy
ionization potentials of sodium and 3) Second electron affinity
Magnesium? 4) Second ionisation energy
1) INa > IMg 2) IMg > IINa 106. The electron affinity of sulphur is -200 kJ/mole.
3) IIMg > IINa 4) IINa > IIMg Then the electron affinity of oxygen is
95. Among the following elements that has lowest 1) -142 kJ/mole 2) -702 kJ/mole
ionization potential value is 3) -332 kJ/mole 4) -348 kJ/mole
1) Nitrogen 2) Oxygen 3) Fluorine 4) Neon 107. Among the following electronic configurations
96. Which one of the following order is correct for which one will have highest electron affinity
the first ionisation energies of the elements? value
[EAMCET 2009] 1) 1s2 2) 1s2 2s2 3) 1s2 2s2 2p4 4) 1s2 2s2 2p5
1) B < Be < N < O 2) Be < B < N < O 108. The electron affinity of X is equal in magnitude
3) B < Be < O < N 4) B < O < Be < N with the ionisation potential of
Electron Affinity 1) X+ 2) X– 3) X 4) X2–
97. The energy released when a neutral gaseous 109. The magnitude of electron affinity depends upon
atom, takes up an electron and forms a 1) Electron affinity 2) Polarising power
uninegative ion is called its 3) Ionization potential 4) The nuclear charge
1) Effective nuclear charge 2) Polarising power 110. Among the following electronic configurations
3) Electron affinity 4) Ionization potential which one will have low electron affinity value
98. The units of Electron Affinity are 1) 1s2 2) 1s2 2s2
2 2 4
1) k cal/mole 2) erg. sec 3) A0 4) no units 3) 1s 2s 2p 4) 1s2 2s2 2p5
99. Among fluorine and chlorine, the electron 111. The electron affinities of N, O, S and Cl are
affinity of the latter is high. This is due to 1) N < O < S < Cl 2) O < N < Cl < S
1) high electronegativity of fluorine 3) O = Cl < N = S 4) O < S < Cl < N
2) low dissociation energy of fluorine 112. In which of the following process maximum
3) due to small size repulsions between valence energy is released
electrons and added electron 1) O( g )  e   O(g ) 2) S( g )  e  S(g )
4) small size of Chlorine atom
100 Which of the following will have almost 3) O(g )  e   O(g2) 4) S(g )  e  S(g2)
positive EA1
1) Chlorine 2) Oxygen
Electro negativity
3) Magnesium 4) Sulphur 113. Which of the following elements have
101. The element having highest electron affinity is relatively high electronegativities
1) Fluorine 2) Nitrogen 1) Alkali metals 2) Halogens
3) Chlorine 4) Oxygen 3) Alkaline earth metals 4) All the above
102. The energy released when an electron is added 114. The element with high electronegativity is
to a neutral gaseous atom would be highest if 1) Chlorine 2) Sulphur 3) Oxygen 4) Nitrogen
the element belongs to 115. Element with lowest electronegativity is
1) VII A group 2) V A group 1) Nitrogen 2) Chlorine 3) Fluorine 4) Hydrogen
3) VI A group 4) II A group 116. A correct variation in the electronegativity
103. The element with high electron affinity is value of atoms is
1) Nitrogen 2) Oxygen 1) F > N < O > C 2) F > O > N > C
3) Sulphur 4) Phosphorous 3) F < N < O > C 4) F > N > O < C
117. Which of the following is a highly polar bond? Key-Level - I H.W
1) O-H 2) N-H 3) H-Cl 4) H-F 1) 4 2) 3 3) 2 4) 2 5) 1 6) 2
118. Electronegativity is a measure of the capacity 7) 3 8) 3 9) 2 10) 1 11) 2 12) 4
of an atom to 13) 1 14) 2 15) 4 16) 2 17) 3 18) 3
1) Attract electrons 2) Attract protons 19) 3 20) 3 21) 2 22) 2 23) 3 24) 4
3) Repel electrons 4) Repel protons
119. Of the following elements, which one has the 25) 2 26) 3 27) 3 28) 2 29) 3 30) 2
low electronegativity 31) 3 32) 2 33) 2 34) 1 35) 2 36) 3
1) I 2) Br 3) Cl 4) F 37) 4 38) 2 39) 2 40) 2 41) 1 42) 4
Valency and Oxidation sates & 43) 3 44) 4 45) 1 46) 3 47) 4 48) 1
Electro positivity 49) 1 50) 2 51) 2 52) 3 53) 2 54) 2
120. Valency and oxidation number of nitrogen in N2O5 55) 4 56) 3 57) 3 58) 1 59) 1 60) 4
1) 2, 5 2) 4, 5 3) 3, 4 4) 5, 4 61) 4 62) 2 63) 2 64) 4 65) 2 66) 1
121. Two elements A and B have the following 67) 1 68) 1 69) 4 70) 1 71) 1 72) 1
electronic configurations. The formula of the 73) 3 74) 4 75) 1 76) 1 77) 3 78) 2
compound formed between them can be 79) 2 80) 4 81) 1 82) 4 83) 2 84) 2
A  1s 2 2s 2 2 p6 3s 2 3 p1 ; B  1s 2 2s 2 2 p 4 85) 3 86) 2 87) 3 88) 2 89) 1 90) 2
91) 4 92) 1 93) 1 94) 4 95) 2 96) 3
1) AB 2) AB2 3) A2 B3 4) A3 B2
97) 3 98) 1 99) 3 100) 3 101) 3 102) 1
122. A metal forms a chloride with the formula 103) 3 104) 1 105) 1 106) 1 107) 4 108) 2
MCl2.Formula of Phosphoric acid is H3PO4.
109) 4 110) 1 111) 1 112) 2 113) 2 114) 3
Formula of the Phosphate of the metal is
1) M3PO4 2) MPO4 3)M3(PO4)2 4) M2PO4 115) 4 116) 2 117) 4 118) 1 119) 1 120) 2
123. The correct order of electropositive nature of 121) 3 122) 3 123) 4 124) 4 125) 4 126) 1
Li, Na and K is 127) 2
1) Li > Na >K 2) Li > K >Na Hints- Level-I - (H.W)
3) Na > K > Li 4) K > Na > Li 13. In a group valency electrons are same
124. As the alkaline earth metals (except Be) tend 17. Noble gases are monoatomic
to lose their valence electrons readily they act 21. All non metals belongs to p-block
as 28. Similar chemical properties of elements belongs to
1) Weak oxidising agent 2) Weak reducing agent same group
3)Strong oxidising agent 4)Strong reducing agent 53. Z = 34; [Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p4
Nature of oxides no of valency electrons = group no
valency shell number = period no
125. The order in which the following oxides are
arranged according to decreasing basic nature is 64. Depends on  Z  ratio
 e 
1) CuO, Na2O, MgO, Al2O3 67. Due to poor screening effect of 4f-electrons
2) Al2O3 , MgO, CuO, Na2O Z
71. depends on  e  ratio
3) MgO, Al2O3 , CuO, Na2O  
75. I3 > I2 > I1
4) Na2O, MgO, Al2O3 , CuO 77. Due to completely filled s-orbital, Be have higher
126. Chloride of an element A gives neutral solution IP than B.
in water. In the periodic table, the element A 80. Na+ gives a stable electronic configuration hence
belongs to its IE2 is highest among the given speceis and
1) First group 2) Third group therefore the correct order of their IE2 is
3) Fifth group 4) First transition series Mg < Al < Ne < Na
127. The increasing order of acidic nature of the 94. IP2 of Na is greates than IP2 of Mg
following oxides is due to stable inert gas configuratio of Na+
100. Mg have stable electronic configuration
1) SiO2 < P2O5 < Cl2O7 < SO3 106. Due to small size oxygen have low E.A than sulphur
2) SiO2 < P2O5 < SO3 < Cl2O7 108. EA of X = IP of X-
3) Cl2O7 < SO3 < P2O5 < SiO2 113. Halogens have high EN
4) SO3 < Cl2O7 < SiO2 < P2O5 117. More EN diff more is polar
Level - II (C.W) 2) It helps to predict the stable valency states of
the elements
Introduction 3) It reflects trends in physical and chemical
1. The following are some statements about properties of the elements
Mendeleeff’s periodic table 4) It helps to predict the relative ionicity of the bond
i) It is based on increasing order of atomic between any two elements.
numbers. Atomic Radii
ii) Mendeleef corrected the atomic weight of 11. Covalent bond length of chlorine molecule is
some elements like Be, In etc 0
iii) (Ar ; H2 ), (Co; Cl2), (Te; F2) are three 1.98 A . Covalent radius of chlorine is
inverted pairs 0 0 0 0
iv) It is based on increasing order of atomic 1) 1.98 A 2) 1.7 A 3) 2.05 A 4) 0.99 A
weights 12. In which of the following pairs, the first atom
1) only (i) correct 2) (ii) &(iv) correct or ion is not large than the second ?
3) only (iii) correct 4) only (iv) is correct 1) Fe2+, Fe3+ 2) O, S 3) N, O 4) Cl–, Cl
Long form of Periodic Table 13. The covalent radius of hydrogen is 0.37A0. The
2. Which of the following pairs of atoms have same bond length in H2 molecule is
number of electrons in the outermost orbit 1) 0.185A0 2) 0.74A0 3) 1.48A0 4) 0.37 A0
1) N - O 2) Na - Cl 3) Ca - Cl 4) Cl - Br 14. In the isoelectronic species the ionic radii of
3. The electronic configuration of an element is N3–, O2–, F– are respectively given by
1s22s22p63s23p3. The atomic number of the 1) 1.36, 1.40, 1.71 2) 1.36, 1.71, 1.40
element which is just below the above element 3) 1.71, 1.40, 1.36 4) 1.71, 1.36, 1.40
in the periodic table is 15. Chloride ion and chlorine atom have
1) 49 2) 31 3) 34 4) 33 1) Same size 2) same stability
4. The element present in the III A group and 3 3) Same nuclear charge
period in the periodic table is 4) Same electron configuration
1) Carbon 2) Phosphorous 16. The covalent and Van der wall’s radii of
3) Cobalt 4)Aluminium chlorine respectively are
5. The long form of periodic table is nothing but 1) 1.80A0 & 0.99 A0 2) 0.99 A0 & 1.80 A0
0 0
just a graphical representation of _____ 3) 1.80 A & 1.80 A 4) 0.99A0 & 0.99 A0
principle. 17. The atomic radii of two elements “X” and “Y”
1) Aufbau 2) Hunds are 0.72 A0 and 1.6A0. Then the elements “X”
3) Pauli’s Exclusion 4) Wave mechanical & “Y” are
6. In the sixth period, the orbitals being filled are 1) F & Ne 2) Ne & F
1) 5s, 5p, 5d 2) 6s, 6p, 6d, 6f 3) Li & Be 4) Fe & Fe2+ ion
3) 6s, 5f, 6d, 6p 4) 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p 18. Among O, C, F, Cl and Br the increasing order
7. The number of valence electrons that can be of atomic radii is
present in the second element of any period is 1) F < O < C < Cl < Br
1) 1 2) 2 3) 5 4) 7 2) F < C < O < Cl < Br
8. At room temperature liquid metal and liquid 3) F < Cl < Br < O < C
non-metals are 4) C < O < F < Cl < Br
1) Hg & I2 2) Cs & Cl2 3)Hg & Br2 4) Cd & S 19. The ionic size decreses in the order
9. Which of the following contains same number 1) K   S 2  Sc 3  V 5  Mn 7 
of elements 2) S 2  K   Sc 3  V 5  Mn 7 
1) 1st period & O group
2) 6th period & III B group 3) Mn 7  V 5  Sc3  K   S 2
3) 5th period & III B group 4) Mn 7  V 5  Sc3  S 2  K 
4) 3rd period & VII A group Ionisation Energy
10. The statement that is false for the long form 20. The group of elements with highest second
of the periodic table is ionisation energy is
1) It reflects the sequence of filling the electrons in 1) IIA group 2) Zero group
the order of sub-energy levels s, p, d and f 3) VIIA group 4) IA group
21. Which of th following transitition involves 34. Which of the following is not the reason for
maximum amount of energy? the higher EA1 of halogens
1) M (g )  M ( g ) 2) M ( g )  M (g ) I) high nuclear charge II) larger atomic size
III) easy to get octet configuation, ns2 np6
 2 2 3
3) M ( g )  M ( g ) 4) M ( g )  M ( g ) IV) half filled p-orbitals
22. In a period element with larger radius is a The correct answer is
1) Alkali element 2) Alkaline earth element 1) I and IV 2) I, II and III
3) Noble gas element 4) Chalcogen 3) II and IV 4) II and III
23. The first, second, third and fourth, ionization 35. Which of the following are the correct
potential values of an element are 8.3, 25.15, statements
37.92 and 259.3 eV respectively. The element is I) EA of noble gases is endothermic
1) Magnesium 2) Silicon II) EA of Fluorine is less than chlorine
3) Sodium 4)Aluminium III) EA of oxygen is less than sulphur
24. Ionization energy is high for IV) EA of N is more than phosphorous
1) Sulphide ion 2) Phosphide ion The correct answer is
3) Calcium ion 4) Magnesium ion 1) I, II, III and IV 2) I, II and III
25. The removal of an electron is very difficult 3) II and IV 4) I and IV
from 36. The electron affinity of bromine atom is equal
1) Argon atom 2) Chloride ion to the……. of bromide ion
3) Calcium ion 4) Sodium ion 1) ionisation potential 2) electron affinity
26. Which one of the following elements has the 3) effective nuclear charge 4) electro negative
highest ionization energy? 37. EA 1
values of the following element has
1) [Ne]3s23p1 2) [Ne]3s23p2 positive value
3) [Ne]3s 3p2 3
4) [Ar]3s104s24p3 I) Be II) Br III) Mg IV) Cl
27. The ionization potential for hydrogen atom is The corect answer is
13.6eV. The ionization for He+ ion should be 1) I and III 2) II and IV
1) 13.6 eV 2) 54.4 eV 3) 6.8 eV 4) 3.4eV 3) I , II and III 4) I, II and IV
28. The IP1 of O, S, F & Cl are in the order of 38. The process requiring the absorption of energy is
1) F > O > Cl > S 2) S > Cl > O > F 1) F  F  2) Cl  Cl 
3) Cl > S > O > F 4) F > Cl > O > S 3) O   O 2 4) H  H 
29. The I.P.1’s of N, P, O & S are in the order of 39. Arrange S, O and Se in ascending order of
1) S > P < O > N 2) N > O > P > S electron affinity
3) N > O < P > S 4) N < O < P < S 1) Se < S < O 2) O < Se < S
30. The correct order of ionization energies is 3) S < O < Se 4) S < Se < O
1) Zn  Cd  Hg 2) Hg  Cd  Zn 40. The formation of the oxide ion O2–(g) requries
3) Ar  Ne  He 4) Cs  Rb  Na first an exothermic and then an endothermic
Electron Affinity step as shown below: (AIEEE-2004)
31. Configuration that shows the highest energy O g  + e -  O -  g  ; H = -142kjmol -1
released when an electron is added to the
atom is O -  g  + e -  O 2-  g  ; H = 844kjmol -1
1) 1s22s22p3 2) 1s22s22p4 This is because :
2 2 5
3) 1s 2s 2p 4) 1s22s22p6 1) O– ion has comparatively larger size than
32. The electron affinity values of elements A, B, oxygen atom
C and D are respectively - 135, - 60, - 200 and 2) Oxygen has high electron affinity
-348 kJ mol -1 . The outer electronic 3) O– ion will tend to resist the addition of another
configuratioin of element B is electron.
[EAMCET 2010] 4) Oxygen is more electronegative
1) 3s2 3p5 2) 3s2 3p4 3) 3s2 3p3 4) 3s2 3p2 Electro Negativity
33. Energy is released during the formation of 41. With respect of chlorine, hydrogen will be
1) Hydride ion 2) Oxide ion 1) Electropositive 2) Electronegative
3) Ferrous ion 4) Ferric ion 3) Neutral 4) High reactive
42. The experimental bond energy of HY differs 1) +2, +3 2) +2, +4 3) +3, +44) +3, +5
from its calculated value by 1.96 k. cals/mole. 51. Which of the following statements are wrong
The electronegativity of ‘y’ is equal to I) Bi3+ is more stable than Bi5+
1) 1.81 2) 1.78 3) 1.72 4) 1.90 II) Mn shows + 8 oxidation state.
43. Electronegativity is not applicable for the III) The oxidation state of an element is always
element with configuration less than or equal to its group number
1) 1s2 2) 1s1 3)1s22s22p1 4) 1s22s22p5 IV) s-block elements show variable oxidation
44. When the polarity of bond A-B is “” expressed states
in SI units, the relationship between their The answer is
Electronegativity difference is 1) II and IV 2) II and III
1) X A  X B  0.1017  3) I, II and III 4) II, III and IV
Electro positivity , Nature of oxides &
2) X A  X B  0.208 
Diagonal Relationship
3) X A  X B  0.1017  52. The correct order of electropositive nature of
Li, Na and K is
4) X A  X B  0.1017  1) Li > Na >K 2) Li > K >Na
45. Pauling scale of electronegativity of elements 3) Na > K > Li 4) K > Na > Li
helps to determine 53. Which one of the following order represents
1) Covalent nature of an element the correct sequence of the increasing basic
2) Position of an element in EMF series nature of the given oxides?
3) Dipole moment of molecules 1) K2O < Na2O < Al2O3 < MgO
4) Polarity of bond 2) MgO < K2O < Al2O3 < Na2O
46. The electronagetivity difference between two 3) Na2O < K2O < MgO < Al2O3
chlorine atoms of Cl2 molecule is zero. So the 4) Al3O3 < MgO < Na2O < K2O
bond formed is 54. Beryllium resembles Aluminium in properties.
1) 100% pure ionic 2) 100% pure covalent This is mainly due to
3) 50% ionic & 50% covalent 1) Equal electro negativity values of elements
4) 70% covalent, 30% ionic 2) Equal atomic volumes of the elements
47. Regarding electronegativity 3) Equal electron affinity
i) The element with maximum 4) Equal nuclear charges in their atoms
electronegativity: Fluorine 55. The chemical similarity between boron and
ii) In Pauling scale, the reference element is : silicon is mainly due to equal value of their
Silicon 1) electronegativity 2) nuclear charge
iii) Elements with stable configuration have 3) charge to (ionic radius)2 ratio
high electronegativity 4) atomic volume
iv) the element with maximum electro
Key-Level - II (C.W)
positivity: Hydrogen
1) Only (i) correct 2) Only (ii) correct 01) 2 02) 4 03) 4 04) 4 05) 1 06) 4
3) Only (iii) correct 4) Only (iv) is correct 07) 2 08) 3 09) 2 10) 2 11) 4 12) 2
13) 2 14) 3 15) 3 16) 2 17) 1 18) 1
Valency and Oxidation Sates 19) 2 20) 4 21) 4 22) 1 23) 4 24) 4
48. An element with electronic arrangement as 2,
25) 4 26) 3 27) 2 28) 1 29) 2 30) 4
8, 18, 1 will exhibit the following stable
oxidation states 31) 3 32) 3 33) 1 34) 3 35) 2 36) 1
1) +2 and +4 2) +1 and +2 37) 1 38) 3 39) 2 40) 3 41) 1 42) 1
3) +2 to +7 4) +1 only 43) 1 44) 4 45) 4 46) 2 47) 1 48) 2
49. The outer most shell of a representative 49) 4 50) 3 51) 1 52) 4 53) 4 54) 1
element contains ‘a’ electrons and penultimate 55) 3
shell contains ‘b’ electrons. The valency of Hints-Level - II (C.W)
the element will be 1. Inverted pairs are (Ar - K), (Co, Ni), (Te - I) etc.
1) a+b 2) b – a 3) b 4) a or 8 – a 3. Given element with atomic number (z) is 15
50. Most com mon oxidation states of Ce Just below element is 15 + 18 = 33
(cerium) are:
4. IIIA group and 3rd period element phosphorous 5. In a given transition series the elements differ
have 3s23p1 configuration generally in the number of electrons of
11. Covalent radius = 1/2 (Bond length) 1) p 2) d 3) p, d & f 4) p & d
13. Bond length = 2 x covalent radius 6. Transition elements are placed in the periodic
table between the group
Z  1) IA and IIA 2) IIA and IIIA
14. depends on   ratio
e 3) IIIA and IVA 4) VII and zero
16. Vander wall’s radii > covalent radii 7. Regarding transitional elements the wrong
20. Due to inert gas configurations, IA cations have high statement is
I.P 1) They exhibit variable valencies
21. I3 > I2 > I1 2) They possess low M.P.’s
22. Allkali elements are large in size 3) They are good catalysts
23. I4 has sudden jump, so it have 3 valence electrons 4) They form coloured complexes.
24. Mg+2 ion have Ne configuration 8. The electron configuration of an element ‘M’ is
27. IP of He+ > IP of H [Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p3. Then ‘M’ belongs to
28. F > O > Cl > S 1) VB group 2) VIII group
29. VA group have higher IP than VIA 3) VA group 4) 0 group
31. Halogens have high EA Atomic Radii
32. The element with low EA have stable configuratioin 9. Which of the following is the smallest in size?
33. First EA is exothermic. Formation of H- is first EA 1) Br 2) I– 3) I 4) Br –
36. EA of X = IP of X– 10. The correct order of atomic radii is:
37. Be & Mg belongs to IIA and have stable 1) Ce  Sn  Yb  Lu 2) Sn  Ce  Lu  Yb
configuration 3) Lu  Yb  Sn  Ce 4) Sn  Yb  Ce  Lu
38. Second EA is endothermic 11. The element with the following atomic number
39. O < Se < S may be bigger than aluminium atom is
Due to small size oxygen have low EA 1) 12 2) 14 3) 16 4) 17
41. Hydrogen is less EN than chlorine 12. Which among the following group elements are
42. XA - XB = 0.208  smaller in size
1) I A group 2) II A group
43. Noble gaes have zero EN 3) VII A group 4) VI A grop
48. Generally show +1 oxidation state 13. Which of the following is an example of a posi-
In aq solution +2 oxidation state is stable tive ion and negative ion that is isoelectronic
49. Valency = a (or) 8 - a with Argon
51. S-block elements show only + 1 oxidation state. 1) K+ and Cl– or Ca2+ and S2–
Due to inert pair effect Bi+3 is stable. 2) Na+ and F– or Mg2+ and O2–
52. Down the group electro positivity increases 3) K+ and I– or Mg2+ and S2–
4) K+ and I– or Ca2+ and O2–
Level - II (H.W) Ionisation Energy
Long form of Periodic Table 14. The ionization potential (I1) of nitrogen (Z=7)
1. Which of the following pair has both members is more than oxygen (Z=8). This is explained
from the same period of the periodic table? with
1) Na - Ca 2) Na - Cl 3) Ca - Cl 4) Cl - Br 1) Hund’s rule 2) Excitation rule
2. The element having electronic configuration 3) Pauli principle 4) Auf-bau principle
[Kr] 4d104f145s25p65d26s2 belongs to 15. Second ionization potential value is very low for
1) s-block 2) p-block 3) d-block 4) f-block 1) Sodium 2) Magnesium 3) Fluorine 4) Oxygen
3. An atom with atomic number 21 belongs to the 16. I1 of an element X is 899 kJ mole-1 and that of
category of another element Y is 801kJ mole-1. Then X and
1) s-block elements 2) p-block elements Y may be
3) d-block elements 4) f-block elements 1) Li, Be 2) Be, B 3) B, C 4) C, N
4. Which of the following is general electron 17. The first I.P. values in electron volts of nitrogen
and oxygen atoms are respectively given by
configuration of 4d series?
1) 14.6 13.6 2) 13.6, 14.6
1) 4s1 to 2 3d1 to 10 2) 4s1 to 2 4d1 to 10 3) 13.6, 13.6 4) 14.6, 14.6
3) 5s1 to 2 5d1 to 10 4) 5s1 to 2 4d1 to 10
18. The second ioniosation energy of N and O in 1) 4.0 2) 3.5 3) 2.8 4) zero
electron volt are respectively given by: 29. Which of the following does not be considered
1) 29,29 2)34,34 3)29,34 4)34,29 as a fixed quantity
19. The first ionization potential values of Na, Mg, 1) Electronegativity
Al and Si atoms will be in the order of 2) First ionisation potential
1) Na < Mg > Al < Si 2) Na > Mg < Al > Si 3) Electron affinity
3) Na < Mg > Al > Si 4) Na > Mg > Al < Si 4) Second ionisation potential
20. Electrons which have the highest penetrating 30. The electronegativity of K = 0.8 and
power through lower orbits are Cl = 3.0. The type of bond formed between
1) p-electrons 2) s-electrons “K” and “Cl’ is
3) d-electrons 4) f-electrons 1) Pure covalent bond 2) Eydrogen bond
21. A sudden large jump between the values of 3) Metallic bond 4) Electrovalent bond
second and third I.E of an element would be 31. An element “X” has IP = 1681 kJ/mole and
associated with which of the electronic EA = -333 kJ/mole then its electronegativity is
configuration 1) 1681 + 333 / 544 2) 1681 - 333 / 544
1) 1s22s22p63s1 2) 1s22s22p63s23p1
3) 1s22s22p63s2 4) 1s22s22p63s23p3 0.208 1681  333
3) 1681 + 333 / 2 4)
22. The atomic number of vanadium (V), chromium 544
(Cr), manganese (Mn) and iron (Fe) are 32. Which of the following has zero electronegativity
respectively 23,24,25,26. Which out these may 1) Ar 2) Si 3) N 4) F
be expected to have the jump in second 33. Which of the following elements posses zero
ionisation enthalpy: electron affinity (theriotically) and zero
1) Mn 2)Fe 3) V 4)Cr electronegativity values?
Electron Affinity & Electro Negativity 1) Halogens 2) Rlkali metals
3) Chalcogens 4) Rare gases
23. The ionisation potential of X g  is numerically 34. The electronegativities of two elements A and
equal to B are 2.1 and 1.8. Then the type of bond formed
1) E.A. of X(g) 2) EA of X+(g) between them is
1) Ionic bond 2) Pure covalent bond
3) E.A. of X 2g 4) E.A of X 2g
3) Polar covalent bond 4) Hydrogen bond
24. The correct order of electron gain enthalpy with 35. In a compound XY, the electronegativity
negative sing of F, Cl, Brand I, having atomic number difference between X and Y is greater than 1.7,
9, 17, 35 adn 53 respectively, is [AIEEE 2011] then compound XY is soluble in
1) I > Br > Cl > F 2) F > Cl > Br > I 1) Benzene 2) CCl4 3) H2O 4) CS2
3) Cl > F > Br > I 4) Br > Cl > I > F Valency and Oxidation sates
25. Regarding electron affinity, the wrong 36. The stable oxidation state of Thallium, a III A
statement is group element is
1) The E.A. of “Cl” is more than that of “F” 1) +1 2) +3 3) -3 4) +5
2) The E.A. of “S” is more than that of “P” 37. The stable oxidation sate (+8) is exhibited by
3) The E.A. of “Si” is more than that of “C” 1) Co & Ni 2) Ru & Os
4) The E.A. of “Ne” is more than that of “F” 3) Cl & I 4) Te & I
26. Electron affinity of chlorine is -348 kJ/mol. 38. The formula of the compound formed by the
Then the electron affinity of Fluorine is ...... in pair of elements Al & S is :
1) -333 2) -348 3) -384 4) -428 1) Al2 S3 2) Al3 S2 3) Al4 S3 4) AlS3
27. The electronegativity of the elements 39. The oxidation state and valency of Al in
increases in the order 2

1) C, N, Si, P 2) N, Si, C, P  AlCl  H 2O 5  [EAMCET 2014]

3) Si, P, C, N4) P, Si, N, C 1) +6 & 3 2) +3 & 6 3) +6, 6 4) +3 & 3
28. The ionisation potential and electron affinity 40. An element has nine positive charges in its
of an element “X” are 275 and 86 kcal/mole. nucleus its common oxidation state is
Then the electronegativity of “X” according 1) +7 2) +5 3) –1 4) +1
to Mulliken scale is
Electro positivity , Nature of oxides 18. Oxygen have high IP2 due to inert gas configuration
& 20. Order of penetrating nature of orbitals S>P>d>f
Diagonal Relationship 23. IP of X (g ) = EA of X(g)
41. The outermost electronic configuration of most 24. Due to small atomic size of fluorine inter electronic
electropositive element is repulsion are maximum.
1) ns1 2) ns2np2 3) ns2np3 4) ns2np5
42. The tendency of an element to lose an electron 28. EN 
is called 129
1) Electronegativity 30. EN difference grter than 1.7, bond is electrovalent
2) Non-metallic character 33. Rare gases (Noble gases) have zero EA & EN
3) Electropositive character therotically.
4) Electron affinity 35. XY is ionic compound so it is soluble in H2O
43. Oxide that is most acidic 36. Due to inert pair effect Tl show +1 stable oxidation
1) Cl2O7 2) SO3 3) P4O10 4) N2O5 state
44. Three elements, X, Y and Z belong to the same 40. Nine positive charges in nucleus means Z = 9
period. Their oxides are acidic, amphoteric and 44. Acidic nature of oxides increases from left to right
basic respectively. The order of these elements in a period
in the periodic table is 46. Due to digonal relationship
1) X, Y, Z 2) Y, Z, X 3) X, Z, Y 4) Z, Y, X 47. Due to diagonal relationship
45. The elements ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ form oxides
which are acidic, basic and amphoteric
Level - III
respectively. The correct order of their electro 1. The frequency of the characterstic X ray of
negativity is
K line of metal targent ‘M’ is 2500 cm-1 and
1) X>Y>Z 2) Z>Y>X 3) X>Z>Y 4) Y>X>Z
46. Chemical similarity between B and Al is due to the graph between v Vs ‘z’ is as follows, then
1) Diagonal relationship atomic number of M is
2) Both belong to same period Y
3) Similar outer electronic configuration
4) Inert pair effect OA=1
47. Pair of ions with similar polarising power Z
1) Li+, Mg2+ 2) Li+, Na+
3) Mg2+, Ca2+ 4) Mg2+, K+ 0
Key-Level - II (H.W) O
1) 2 2) 3 3) 3 4) 4 5) 2 6) 2 v X
7) 2 8) 3 9) 1 10) 1 11) 1 12) 3 1) 49 2) 50 3) 51 4) 25
13) 1 14) 1 15) 2 16) 2 17) 1 18) 3 2. Which of the following does not represents the
19) 1 20) 2 21) 3 22) 4 23) 1 24) 3 correct order of the property indicated ?
25) 4 26) 1 27) 3 28) 3 29) 1 30) 4
31) 1 32) 1 33) 4 34) 3 35) 3 36) 1 1) Sc3  Cr 3  Fe3  Mn3 ionic radii
37) 2 38) 1 39) 2 40) 3 41) 1 42) 3 2) Sc  Ti  Cr  Mn density
43) 1 44) 4 45) 3 46) 1 47) 1 3) Mn 2  Ni 2  Co 2  Fe 2 ionic radii
Hints-Level - II (H.W) 4) FeO  CaO  MnO  CuO basic nature
2. Differentiating e- is in d-sub level 3. EN of the element (A) is E1 and IP is E2. Then
3. Z = 21 have [Ar]4s2 3d1 belongs to d-block EA will be
7. Transition elements are hard substance. Show high 1) 2E1 - E2 2) E1 - E2 3) E1 - 2E2 4) (E1+E2)/2
M.P 4. The correct order of atomic radii is:
8. For representative elements total valency electrons 1) Yb3  Pm3  Ce3  La 3
is equal to group number 2) Ce3  Yb3  Pm3  La 3
10. Lanthanide contraction
14. Nitrogen has half filled stable configuration 3) Yb3  Pm3  La3  Ce3
15. Na have high IP2 due to inert gas configuration 4)  Pm3  La 3  Ce3  Yb 3
5. In which of the following arrangements , the 1) F < S < P < B 2) P < S < B < F
order is not correct according to the property 3) B < P < S < F 4) B < S < P < F
indicated against it: (AIEEE-2005) 14. Using the data given below, predict the heat
1) Increasing size Al  Mg  Na  F 2   changes for the reaction.
+2 -
2)Increasing IE1 : B  C  N  O Mg g  + 2F g   Mg  g  + 2F  g  , IE1and IE2
3) Increasing EA1 : I  Br  F  Cl of Mg(g)are 737.7 and 1451 KJ mol–1. EA1 for
F(g) is –328KJmol–1
4) Increasing metallic radius : Li  Na  K  Rb
1) 1232.4KJmole 1 2) 1532.7KJmole 1
6. Successive ionisation potentials of an element
M are 8.3, 25.1, 37.9, 259.3 and 340.1 ev. the 3) 1232.4KJmole1 4) 1532.7KJmole 1
formula of its bromide is 15. (IE)1 and (IE)2 of Mg(g) are 740, 1540 kJ mol–1.
1) MBr5 2) MBr4 3) MBr3 4) MBr2 Calculate percentage of Mg+(g) and Mg2+(g) if 1 g of
7. The IP1, IP2, IP3 and IP4 of an element A are Mg(g) absorbs 50.0 kJ of energy.
6.0, 10.0, 16.0 adn 45.0 ev respectively. The 1) %Mg+ = 50 and %Mg+2 = 50
molecular weight of the oxide of the element A
2) %Mg+ = 70.13 and %Mg+2 = 29.87
is (x is atomic weight)
1) x + 48 2) 2x + 48 3) 3x + 48 4) x + 32 3) %Mg+ = 75 and %Mg+2 = 25
8. H-H, X-X and H-X bond energies are 104 Kcal/ 4) %Mg+ = 60 and %Mg+2 = 40
mole 60 Kcal/mole and 101Kcal/mole. 16. How many Cs atoms can be convered to
Assuming the electronegativity of hydrogen to
be 2.1 the electronegativity of unknown Cs  ions by 1 joule energy if IE1 for Cs is 376
KJ mole–1

element X is 19  4.36  1)1.61018 2)1.61010 3)5.81014 4)5.81025
1) 3.5 2) 3 3) 4 4) 2.5 17. The electron affinity of chlorine is 3.7 eV
9. The ionisation energy and electron affinity of how much energy in K cals is released
an element are 13.0ev and 3.8ev respectively. when 2gm of chlorine is co m pletely
Its electronegativity is convered to Cl  ion in a gaseous state
1) 2.8 2) 3.0 3) 3.5 4) 4.0 (1e.v = 23.06kcal mole –1 )
10. The bond energies of H-H, X-X and H-X are 1) 4.8Kcal 2) 2.4Kcal
104 K.Cal, 38 K.Cal and 138 K.Cal 3) 10.2Kcal 4) 14.2Kcal
respectively the electronegativity of ‘X’ is
18. The energy needed for Li g   Li +3 g  + 3e - is
 67  8.18
  1.96  104 KJ mole–1 If the first ionisation
1) 3.0 2) 3.5 3) 3.8 4) 1.7 energy of Li is 520 KJ mole–1calculate second
11. The atomic numbers of elements A, B, C and ionisation energy for Li. Given IE 1 for
D are z-1, z, z+1 and z+2, respectively. If ‘B’ is
a noble gas, choose the correct answers from H = 2.18 × 10 -18 KJ atom -1
the following statements [EAMCET-08] 1) 5270KJmole1 2) 3210KJmole1
a) ‘A’ has higher electron affinity 3) 7270KJmole 1 4) 9290KJmole1
b) ‘C’ exists in +2 oxidation state. 19. Following statements regarding the periodic
c) ‘D’ is an alkaline Earth metal. trends of chemical reactivityof the alkali met-
1) a & b 2) b & c 3) a & c 4) a, b & c als and the halogens are given .which of these
12. M ( g )  M  ( g )  e  , H  100eV statements gives the correct picture :
M ( g )  M 2 ( g )  2e  , H  250eV 1) In alkali metals the reactivity increases but in the
which is incorrect statement? halogens it decreases with increase in atomic
1) I1 of M(g) is 100 eV 2) I1 of M (g) is 150 eV number down the group.
3) I2 of M(g) is 250 eV 4) I2 of M(g) is 150 eV 2) The reactivity decreases in the alkali metals but
13. The increasing order of the first ionization increases in the halogens with increases in atomic
enthalpies of the elementsB,P,S and F (lowest number down the group.
first) is: (AIEEE-2006)
3) In both the alkali metals and the halogen the 2. Sc+3 > Cr+3 > Mn+3 > Fe+3
chemical reactivity decreases with increases in E  EA
atomic number down the group. 3. E1  2
4) Chemical reactivity increases with increases in 2
atomic number down the group in both the 4. Yb+3 < Pm+3 < Ce+3 < La+3 due to lanthanide
alkali metals and halogens. contraction
20. Which of the following represent the correct 5. Increasing IE1 : B < C < O < N
order of increasing first ionisation ethalpy for 6. IP4 has sudden jump. So valency of M is 3
Ca, Ba, S, Se and Ar [MAINS 2013] 7. IP4 has sudden jump. So valency of M is 3
1) Ca < S < Ba < Se < Ar Formula of its oxide is M2O3
2) S < Se < Ca < Ba < Ar 8. X A  X B  0.208  ,
3) Ba < Ca < Se < S < Ar
4) Ca < Ba < S < Se < Ar 1
  101  (104  60)
21. The correct sequence which shows decreasing 2
order of the ionic radii of the elements is
[MAINS 2013] X A  X B  0.208 19
3+ 2+ + – 2– XA - 2.1 = 0.906
1) Al > Mg > Na > F > O
2) Na+ > Mg2+ > Al3+ > O2– > F– IP  EA
9. EN  in e.v
3) Na+ > F– > Mg2+ > O2– > Al3+ 5.6
4) O2- > F– > Na+ > Mg2+ > Al3+ 10. X A  X B  0.208 
22. The set representing the correct order of ionic
X A  X B  0.208 67
radius is [AIEEE 2009]
+ 2+ + 2+ 11. A B C D
1) Li > Be > Na > Mg
Z-1 Z Z+1 Z+2
2) Na+ > Mg2+ > Li+ > Be2+ Halogen Noble gas IA IIA
3) Li2+ > Na+ > Mg2+ > Be2+ 100 ev
M ( g )  150 ev
 M (g )   M 2
4) Mg2+ > Be2+ > Li+ > Na+
23. the charge/size ratio of a cation determines its 12.
polarising power. Which one of the following 250 ev
sequences represents the increasing order of
eh polarising power of the cationic species, K+, 14. (IE1 + IE2 ) + 2 (EA1)
Ca2+, Mg2+, Be2+? 15. Mg  Mg  1540
 Mg 2
[AIEEE 2007] For 24 gm of Mg = 1 mole  24  50
1) Mg2+ < Be2+ < K+ < Ca2+ = 1200 KJ/mole
2) Be2+ < K+ < Ca2+ < Mg2+ 1540 KJ  1 mole
460 KJ  ? = 29.87%
3) K+ < Ca2+ < Mg2+ < Be2+
16. IE1 of Cs = 376 KJ = 3.76  105 J/1 mole
4) Ca2+ < Mg2+ < Be2+ < K+ 37.6  105 J  6.023  1023 atoms
Key-Level - III 1J  ?
17. EA of Cl = 3.7 eV = 3.7  23.06 KCal/mole
01) 3 02) 1 03) 1 04) 1 05) 2 06) 3 35.5 gm  3.7  23.06 KCal
07) 2 08) 2 09) 2 10) 3 11) 3 12) 3 2 gm  ?
13) 3 14) 2 15) 2 16) 1 17) 1 18) 3 18. H  IE1  IE2  IE3
19) 1 20) 3 21) 4 22) 2 23) 3 given IE1 = 520 KJ/mole
Hints- Level - III (IEH like species = IEA  z 2)
1. v  a( Z  b) IE2 of Li+2 = + 2.18  10-18  6  1023  32 KJ/
v  aZ  ab
aZ  v  ab  Z  b  y = mx + c
Level-IV 13. A :The ionic size of Mg2+ is larger than Al3+
R: In isoelectronic species, greater the nuclear
Assertion & Reasoning charge, less is the size
1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the 14. A: The second electron affinity of oxygen is
correct explanation of (A) exothermic.
2) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the R:Oxygen is the second highest electronegative
correct explanation of (A) element
3) (A) is true but (R) is false 15. A: Al2O3 dissolves in both NaOH and HCl
4) (A) is false but (R) is true R: Metallic oxides generally dissolve in both strong
1. Assertion (A): According to Mendeleeff, periodic acids and strong alkalies.
properties of elements is a function of their atomic
masses. 16. A: Cu 2 paramagnatic
Reason (R): Atomic number is equal to number R: All the orbitals present in Cu+2 ion are doubly
of protons occupied
2. A: The transition metal ions are generally 17. A: Zn is not a transition element.
paramagnetic in nature R: Elements with incompletely filled d-orbital are
called transition elements
R: Metal ions with incompletely filled d-orbitals are
18. A: The transition metal ions are generally
paramagnetic in nature
paramagnetic in nature
3. A: Be and Al have similar properties R: Metal ions with incompletely filled d-orbitals are
R: Cations of Be and Al have same polarizing power paramagnetic in nature.
4. A: Li forms covalent compounds 19. A: Electron affinity of chlorine is greater than
R: Li+ ion is small and has high polarizing power Flourine
5. A: The negative ion is always larger than its atom R:Flourine is more electronegative element
R: As the number of electrons increases, the nuclear 20. A: Ionisation potential of ‘N’ is greater than ‘O’
charge per electron is reduced the correct answer is R: Nitrogen has 5 unpaired electrons
6. A: The second ionisation energy of ‘O’ is greater 21. A: The atomic radius of inert gases is higher than
than that of ‘N’ halogens
R: The half filled p-orbitals cause greater stability. R: Van der waall’s radius is less than covalent radius
7. A: Shielding effect increases as we go down the 22. A: In ionisation potential Vs atomic number curve
group peaks are occupied by inert gases
R: With an increase in the number of electrons in R: ns 2 np 6 configuration is stable
the penultimate shell, more is the shielding effect.
23. A: Chemistry of Actinoids is more complicated than
8. A: Electron affinity of Flourine is less than that of
R:Actionid elements are radio active
R: Chlorine can accommodate an electron by
utilising vacant 3d-orbitals 24. A: The size decreases as Pb  Pb 2  Pb 4
9. A: The second electron affinity of oxygen is R: Z/e increases i.e force of attraction towards
endothermic. nucleous increases.
R: Oxygen is the second highest electronegative 25. A: Ionisation potential across a period is
element Li  B  Be  C
10. A:The size decreases in the order O2– > Mg2+ > Al3+ R: Ionisation potential decreases with decrease in
R: In isoelectronic ions, the size decreases with atomic size
increase in atomic number 26. A: F 1 ion is larger in size compared of F
11. A: Each d-block series contains ten elements R: Electron repulsion increases because of addition
R: The max capacity of d-orbitals is of ten electrons of electron which results in decrease effective
as in each series d-orbitals are gradually filled up. nuclear charge
12. A:The first ionisation energy of B is less than that 27. A: Ionisation potential of K is numerically the same
of Be as electron affinity of K 
R: The penetration ability of s- electrons is higher R: Ionisation potential and electron affinity both
than that of p-electrons the correct answer is depends on screening effect
Matrix Matching List-1 List-2
28. Column-I Column-II A) Li 1) Al
(Atomic no. of elements) (IUPAC name) B) Si 2) C
(A)105 (P)Uun C) Be 3) B
(B)107 (Q)Uns 4) Mg
The correct match is
(C)109 (R)Unp
(D)110 (S)Ume
1) 1 3 4 2) 3 1 4
3) 4 1 3 4) 4 3 1
1) R P S Q 2) P R S Q
Comprehensive Questioms
3) R Q S P 4) Q R S P
Ionization energies of five elements in kcal/
29. Match the following
mol are given below :
Type-I Type-II
Atom IP1 IP2 IP3
Series Elements P 300 549 920
A) 3d 1) Sc [21] to Zn (30) Q 99 734 1100
B) 4d 2) La (57), Hf (72) to Hg (80) R 118 1091 1652
C) 5d 3) Ce (58) to Lr (103) S 176 347 1848
D) 6d 4) Y (39) to Cd (48) T 497 947 1500
5) Ac (89), Rf (104) to Mt (109) 33. Which element is a noble gases ?
The correct match is 1) P 2) T 3) R 4) S
A B C D A B C D 34. Which element form stable unipositive ion ?
1) 5 4 2 3 2) 1 4 2 5 1) P 2) Q 3) R 4) S
3) 1 4 3 5 4) 2 5 1 4 35. The element having most stable oxidation state
30. Type-I Type-II +2 is ?
Property Element with the highest value 1) Q 2) R 3) S 4) T
A) IP 1) Cl 36. Which is a non-metal (excluding noble gas) ?
B) EN 2) Cs 1) P 2) Q 3) R 4) S
37. If Q reacts with fluorine and oxygen, the
C) EA 3) He
molecular formula of fluoride and oxide will
D) atomic size 4) F
be respectivelly:
5) H 1) QF3, Q2O3 2) QF, Q2O
A B C D A B C D 3) QF2, QO 4) None of these
1) 1 2 3 4 2) 3 4 1 2 38. Which of the following pair represents
3) 4 3 5 2 4) 5 1 2 3 elements of same group ?
31. Match the following 1) Q,R 2) P,Q 3) P,S 4) Q,S
List-1 List-2
(High value is observed for)
Key Level - IV
A) Ionisation potential 1) Chlorine 01) 2 02) 1 03) 1 04) 1 05) 1 06) 1
B) Electro positivity 2) Caesium 07) 1 08) 2 09) 2 10) 1 11) 1 12) 1
C) Electron affinity 3) Helium 13) 1 14) 4 15) 3 16) 3 17) 1 18) 1
D) Oxidation state 4) Fluorine 19) 2 20) 3 21) 3 22) 1 23) 2 24) 1
5) Osmium 25) 3 26) 1 27) 2 28) 3 29) 2 30) 2
The correct match is 31) 2 32) 4 33) 2 34) 2 35) 3 36) 1
A B C D A B C D 37) 2 38) 1
1) 4 3 2 1 2) 3 2 1 5
3) 1 2 3 4 4) 2 1 4 5
32. Match the following in view of diagonal
Jr Chemistry E/M

 Secondary valency (Non-Ionisable valency)
i) It is satisfied by anions or neutral molecules
Co-ordination Compounds or rarely with cations. The groups satisfying
 Double Salt : secondary valencies are called ligands.
1) Double salts exist only in solid state and ii) The number of secondary valencies is equal
dissociate into ions in water to coordination number.
2) They lose their identity in solution. iii) It is represented by thick lines while writing
3) The properties of double salt are essentially the structure of the complex.
the same as those of the constituent compounds  In some complexes the same groups satisfies
4) In double salts, metal ion exhibit their normal both primary and secondary valencies.
valency.  The ligands are directed in space around the
5) Double salts contain ionic bonds central metal atom in different ways. This leads
to a definite geometry to the molecule.
Ex: i) KCl . MgCl2 .6 H 2O (Carnallite)
ii) K 2 SO4 . Al2 ( SO4 )3 .24 H 2O (Potash alum) Colour Formula
No. of ions
in solution
iii)FeSO4 . (NH4)2 SO4 . 6H2O (Mohr’s salt)
 Coordination compound : Yellow CO NH 3 6  3Cl 
4 ions
1) They exist in the solid state as well as in
solution. Purple COCl NH 3 5  2Cl 
3 ions
2) They donot completely lose their identity in
solution. COCl2 NH 3 4  Cl 

Green 2 ions
3) The properties of coordinate compounds are
different from the constituent compounds. 
Violet COCl2 NH 3 4  Cl  2 ions
4) In coordination compound, metal ion is
surrounded by a number of anions or neutral
molecules. The metal ion exhibits more than Complex
No. of
6 Werner structure
its normal valency. Octahedral
5) Coordinate comounds may have ionic as well –
1. Three Cl ions satisfy primary valency NH3 NH3 NH3
2. Six NH3 species satisfy secondary valency
as coordinate bonds. COCl36NH3 6
3. Ions in solution = 4 Cl– CO

Ex: K4[Fe(CN)6], K3[Fe(CN)6], Na3  Ag  S 2O3 2  4. AgCl molecules precipitated on adding

AgNO3 = 3 AgCl = 3

 The transition metal ions form co-ordinate –
5. Ionisable Cl = 3

compounds because Octahedral

1. Two Cl satisfy primary valency
i) They have small size. COCl35NH3 6

2. One Cl satisfy both primary and NH3 NH3 NH3
ii) They have high nuclear charge secondary valency
– +3 –
3. 5NH3 satisfy secondary valency Cl CO Cl
iii) They have vacant d-orbitals 4. No of ions in solution = 3
iv) They can accept lone pairs of electrons. 5. AgCl molecules precipitated on adding

 Werner’s Theory: According to Werner AgNO3 = 2

6. Ionisable Cl– = 2
(father of Co-ordination chemistry) transition 1. Octahedral NH3 NH3
metals possess two types of valencies. –
2. 2Cl & 4NH3
3. One Cl satisfies
a) Primary valency (Ionisable valency) COCl34NH3 6
4. No of species in
Cl– CO+3 Cl–

b) Secondary valency (non ionisable valency) 5. AgCl molecules

– NH3 NH3

6. Ionisable Cl = 1
Primary Valency (Ionisable Valency)
1. Octahedral NH3 NH3
i) It is referred to as oxidation state. –
2. The three Cl ions and 3NH3 satisfy secondary
ii) It is satisfied by only anions. COCl33NH3 6 valency Cl


3. No. of species in solution = 1

iii) It is represented by dotted lines while writing 4. AgCl molecules precipitated = nil
– NH3
the structure of complex. 5. Ionisable Cl– = 0 Cl
Jr Chemistry E/M
Defects in Werner’s Theory Definitions of Some Important Terms
 This theory does not relate the electronic in co-ordination Compounds
configuration of metal with the formation of the Oxidation number of central atom: The
complex. oxidation number of the central atom in a
 It is known now that the metal tries to acquire complex is defined as the charge it would carry
the nearest inert gas configuration during the if all the ligands are removed along with the
formation of complex electron pairs that are shared with the central
 This theory does not explain the reason for the atom. It is also called primary valency.
colour of the complex  The oxidation number is represented by a
 This theory does not explain the magnetic Roman numerical in parenthesis after the name
behaviour of complexes. of the metal.

W.E-1:When excess of silver nitrate solution is Coordination number: The coordination

added to aqueous solution containing 0.1 number (CN) of a metal ion in a complex can
be defined as the number of ligand directly
molar CoCl3 .xNH 3 . If 43.05 g of silver bonded to metal ion through coordinate bonds
chloride precipitated, then x value is (or)  bonds.
43.05  The co-ordination number is generally 2, 4 (or)
Sol. nAgCl   0.3 6, ocassionally 8 (in Osmium complexes).
 It is equal to the number of monodentate ligands
0.1 mole of CoCl3 .xNH 3 gives 0.3 mole of which are bound to central metal atom or ion
AgCl . through a dative bond. It is also called secondary
1 mole of CoCl3 .xNH 3 gives 3 mole of AgCl  Shape of the complex species depends on its
IV is 3. SV of Co 3 is 6 and PV is 3. co-ordination number.
So, IV = PV, Hence x =6. Co-ordination Shape of the
IV=Ionisable valency, PV=primary valency Number Complexes
2 Linear
W.E-2: The secondary valence of Co  3 is 6. 3 Trigonal planar
Calculate the number of moles of AgCl Tetrahedral (or)
4 square planar
precipitated, when excess of AgNO3 solution
Square pyramidal (or)
is added to 1.5lit of 0.2M. CoCl3 .5 NH 3 5 trigonal bipyramidal
6 Octahedral
Sol. SV of Co  3 is 6 and it will be satisfied by five Pentagonal
NH 3 and one Cl  the remaining 2Cl  ions bi-pyramidal

satisfy IV so fomula is CoCl  NH 3 5  Cl2 .  Co-ordination Entity or Co-ordination

1 mole of this complex gives 2 mole of Cl  sphere: A coordination entity constitutes a
ions central metal atom or ion bonded to a fixed
number of ions or molecules. It is enclosed in
1.5 x 0.2 mole gives how many moles of Cl 
square bracket and is collectively termed as the
ions. coordination sphere. The ionisable groups are
1.5  0.2 written outside the bracket and are called
 2  0.6moles counter ions
Jr Chemistry E/M
 A molecule or ion which donates only one pair
 In CoCl  NH 3 5  Cl2 complex,
of electrons is called monodentate ligand. The
CoCl  NH 3 5  is coordination sphere and monodentate ligand is said to have only one
co-ordinating center.
2Cl  ions are counter ions. Ex: CN  , HO  , NH 3 , H 2O
 Co-ordination entities are mainly two types.  A molecule or ion which donates two lone pairs
They are of electrons is called bidentate ligand. The
a) Mononuclear complexes bidentate ligand will have two co-ordinating
Ex: K 4  Fe  CN 6  , CrCl  H 2O 5  Cl2 Ex: 1) Oxalate ion 2) Glycinate ion
b) Polynuclear complexes 3) Ethylene diamine
 Bidentate ligand: contains two donor atoms
Ex:  Co 2  NH 3  6  OH  3  Cl3 Ex :- oxalate, ethylenediamine, DMG, carbonate,
 
 Mono nuclear complexes are three types.  Tridentate ligand: contains three donor atoms
1) Neutral complexes : Diethylene triamine, iminodiacetate, 2,2’,2’’-
complex donot posses charge terpyride

Ex: Co  NH 3 3 Cl3  ;  Pt  NH 3 2 Cl4 
Tetradentate ligand: contains four donor
atoms. Triethylene tetramine
2) Cationic complexes :  Pentadentate ligand: contains five donor
Complex posses positive charge atoms. Ethylene diamine triacetate (EDTA)-3
Ex : Cu  NH 3 4  SO4 ; Co  NH 3 6  Cl3
3) Anionic complexes :
complex posses negative charge

Ex: K 4  Fe  CN 6  , K 3 CoCl6 
 Hexadentate ligand: contains six donor
Based on ligands types of complexes: atoms. (EDTA)-4 (ethylene diamine tetra acetate)
 Homoleptic complex: The complex in which
the central metal atom (or) ion bound with only
one kind of ligand.
4 3
Ex:  Fe  CN 6  ,  Co  H 2 O  6 
 Heteroleptic complex: The complex in which  Ambidentate Ligand: It contains two donor
the central metal atom (or) ion bound with more atoms but both atoms can’t form dative bond in
than one kind of ligand. single compound.
Ex: CO  NH 3 5 Cl  O
Ligand: An ion or a molecule which can donate M N M O N O
a pair of electrons to a metal atom or a metal O
ion and can form dative bond is called ligand. nitrito-N nitrito-C
They are Lewis acids.
 Ligands are three types M NCS
Negative ligands Eg: Cl-, SO4-2, CN-, C2O4-2; etc., thiocyanato isothiocyanato
Neutral ligands Eg: H2O, NH3 etc., EDTA can acts a penta and hexa dentate ligand.
Positive ligands Eg : NO+, NO2+ So., it is called felxi dentate ligand.
Jr Chemistry E/M
 Chelating ligands: A multi dentate ligand  No characteristics suffix for neutral
simultaneously coordinate to metal ion through ligands.
more than one sigma bond, a ring like structure Ex: NH CH CH NH - Ethylene diammine
2 2 2 2
obtained. which is called Chelate and ligand is
called Chelating ligand. C6 H 5 N - Pyridine
 Chelating effect: Due to this stability of PH 3 - Phosphine
 C6 H 5 3 P
complex increases.
- Triphenylphosphine
Ex : Cu  en 2  is less stable because it forms H 2O - aqua (or) aquo
only two rings.  Fe  EDTA   is more stable
NO - Nitrosyl
NH 3 - ammine
because it forms five rings.
CS - Thiocarbonyl
Chelate contains 6 donor atoms are less stable
due to steric hinderance. CO - Carbonyl
NS - Thionitrosyl
 Importance of Chelates: Chelates used in  Suffix for negative ligand is ‘o’.
(i) softening of hard water
Ex: Cl  - Chloro, OH  - hydroxo
(ii) separation of lanthanides and actinides.
(iii) estimation of Ni +2 , Mg +2 , Cu +2 ions NO2 - Nitrito, CO32 - Carbonato
C2O42 - Oxalato, C6 H 5COO  - Benzoato
 Central atom/ion: In a coordination entity, the
Br  - Bromo, I  - Iodo, F  - Flouro
atom/ion to which a fixed number of ions/groups
are bound in a definite geometrical arrangement SO42 - Sulphato, O22 - Peroxo,
around it, is called the central atom or ion.
H  - Hydrido, NH 2 - amido,
 For example, the central atom/ion in the
coordination entities: [NiCl 2(H 2 O) 4 ], NH 2 - Imido C2O42 - Oxalato etc..
[CoCl(NH 3 ) 5 ] 2+ and [Fe(CN)6 ] 3– are Ni2+ ,  Suffix for positive ligand is ‘ium’.
Co3+ and Fe3+, respectively. These central atoms/
ions are Lewis acids. Ex: NO2 - Nitronium, Cl  - Chloronium

IUPAC nomenclature NO  - Nitrosonium, N 2 H 5 - Hydrazinium
 Order of Naming of Ions: The positive ion  Order of Naming Ligands:If more than one
is named first followed by the negative ion. different kinds of ligands are present in a
compound, their names should be written in
Ex: K 4  Fe  CN 6   4 K    Fe  CN 6  alphabetical order.

Potassium hexacyano Ferrate (II) Ex :  Pt  Br  Cl  NO2  NH 3   is named
 Name of the non ionic (or) neutral complex must as ammine bromo chloro nitro platinate (II) ion.
be written in one word.  Numerical prefixes to indicate number of
Ex :  Ni  CO 4  - tetra carbonyl nickel (O). ligands: If more than one same kind of ligands
are present they are labled as di, tri, tetra, penta
 Naming the Co-ordination Entity: In
etc. Ex : Cr  NH 3 6  Cl3 -
naming the coordination entity, the ligands are
named first and then central metal ion. Hexaamminechromium(III) chloride.
 2
Naming of ligands : ligands are 3 types  Ni  CN 4  - Tetracyanonickelate(II)ion.
Jr Chemistry E/M
 If the same ligand can donate lone pairs from  Point of Attachment: When a ligand can
more than one centre, they are named as coordinate through more than one atom, then
bidentate, tridentate etc, depending on the the point of attachment of the ligand is indicated
number of lone pairs donated. by putting the symbol of the atom through which
Ex: NH 2CH 2CH 2 NH 2 . coordination occurs, after the name of the ligand.
 The number of bidentate, tridentate etc ligands Sometimes, different names are used for
is mentioned with bis, tris, tetrakis, etc. If they alternative modes of attachment.
already contain di, tri, tetra etc. in their names. Ex: NO2 can co-ordinate through -N (or) -O.
Ex:  Pt Br2  NH 2 CH 2 CH 2 NH 2 2  Cl2 is If it co-ordinates through N, it is called nitrito
-N (or simply as nitro). On the other hand, if
named as dibromobis (1, 2-ethane diamine) it co-ordinates through -O, (-ONO-), it is called
Platinum(IV) chloride. nitrito-O.
 Ending Names: When the complex is anionic,
the name of the central metal atom ends with -  NO2 (through N) ONO  (through -O)
ate. For cationic and neutral complexes the Nitrito -N (or) Nitrito-O (or)
name of the metal is written without any Simply nitro Simply nitrito
characteristic ending.  SCN  (through -S)  NCS  - (through -N)
Ex: Cationic complex : thio cyanato (or) isothio cyanato (or)
Co  NH 3 6  Cl3 -Hexamminecobalt(III) thio cyanato-S thio cyanato-N
 
chloride Cationic Complexes
Ex :Neutral complex :  Co  NH 3 6  Cl3
 
 Ni  CO 4  - Tetracarbonylnickel(0) Hexamminecobalt (III) chloride
Ex :Anionic complex :
  Pt  Cl  NH   Cl
K  Pt Cl5  NH 3   -
 3 5
 3
Pentaamminechloroplatinum (IV) chloride
Potassium amminepentachloroplatinate(IV)
 If the complex is anion, the name of the metal  CrCl  NO2  NH 3 4  NO3
should be taken from latin language. Tetraamminechloronitrochromium(III) nitrate
Ex : Cu - Cuprum – Cuprate
  Pt  NH 3 6  Cl4
Sn - Stannum – Stannate  
Fe - Ferrum – Ferrate Hexammineplatinum(IV) chloride.
Pb - Plumbum – Plumbate
 Co  NH3   H 2O  Cl  Cl2
Ag - Argentum – Argentate  4 
Au - Aurum – Aurate Tetraammineaquachlorocobalt(III) chloride.

Cr - Chromium – Chromate
 Cr  H 2O 4 Cl2 
Ni - Nickel – Nickelate
Oxidation State of Central Metal ion:
The oxidation state of the central metal ion is   Ag  NH 3 2  Cl Diamminesilver(I) chloride.
designated by a Roman numerical (such as II,
III, IV) in the brackets at the end of the name of  Ti  H 2O 6  Cl3
 
the metal of the complex. Hexaaquotitanium(III) chloride.
Ex : CoCl  NH 3 5  Cl2 -  Cr  NH 3 6  Cl3
 
Pentaamminechlorocobalt(III) chloride. Hexaamminechromium(III) chloride.
Jr Chemistry E/M
  Cu  en  2  SO4 Neutral Complex
 Co  NH 3 3 Cl3 
Bis(ethylenediamine)copper(II) sulphate.  
 Cu  NH 3 4  SO4 Triamminetrichlorocobalt(III)
  Pt  NH 3  Br2Cl2 
Tetraamminecopper(II) sulphate  2 
  Fe  H 2O 4  C2O4   SO4
 Cr  H 2O 3 Cl3  .3H 2O
Tetraaquaoxalatoiron(III) sulphate.  
  Fe  H 2O  NO   SO4
 5   Fe  CO 5 Pentacarbonyliron(O)
Pentaaquanitrasonium(I) sulphate
 Co  NH 3 3  NO2 3 
Anionic Complexes  
Triamminetrinitrocobalt (III)
 K 4  Fe  CN 6 
Isomerism in Complexes: Substances
Potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) having the same molecular formula but have
 Na2  Zn Cl4  Sodium tetrachlorozincate(II) different structures (or) properties are known as
isomers. The phenomenon of the existence of
 K 3  Fe  CN 5 NO  isomers is known as isomerism. It is two types
1) Structural isomerism 2) Stereo isomerism
Potassium pentacyanonitrosylferrate(II)
 Structural Isomerism: This isomerism arises
 K 3  Fe  CN 6  due to the difference in the structures of
Potassium hexacyanoferrate(III)
 Ionisation Isomerism: Complexes which
 K 3 Cr  C2O4 3  have the same molecular formula but gives
different ions in solution are called Ionisation
Potassium trioxalatochromate(III)
isomers and the phenomenon is called ionisation
 K 3 CoCl2  C2O4 2  isomerism.
Potassium dichlorodioxalatocobaltate(III) Ex: Co  NH 3 5 SO4  Br and Co  NH 3 5 Br  SO4
 K2  HgI4  Potassium tetraIodomercurate(II).  Ionisation isomers are formed by the interchange
K 2  Pt Cl6 
of the position of ligands inside (or) out side
 the coordination sphere.
Potassium hexachloroplatinate(IV)  Ionisation isomerism arises, when the counter
 Na  Ag  CN 2  ions in a complex compound can also function
as ligands.
Sodium dicyanoargentate(I)  In the ionic complex compounds, the ion having
2 an opposite charge to that of the complex ion is
  Ni  CN 4  called counter ion.
Tetracyanonickelate(II) ion. i) K in K 4  Fe  CN 6 
 K 3 Cr  CN 6 
ii) Cl ions in Co  NH 3 6  Cl3
Potassium hexacyanochromate(III)
 The following pairs of compounds give different
 K 3 Co  CN 6  ions in solutions.
Potassium hexacyanocobaltate(III)  Co  NO3  NH 3 5  SO4 gives sulphate ions
 
 Na3  Ag  S 2O3 2  while Co  SO4  NH 3 5   NO3  gives nitrate
Sodium bis(thio sulphato)argentate(I) ions.
Jr Chemistry E/M
 Linkage Isomerism: Complex with
 Co  NO3  NH 3 5  SO4 gives white
  ambidentate ligands shows this type of
precipitate with BaCl2 solution. isomerism. A mono dentate ligand with two (or)
more donar atoms is called ambidentate ligand.
Co  SO4  NH 3 5   NO3  cannot give white Ex: Co( NO )( NH ) 2 &
  
Co(ONO)( NH 3 )5 
2 3 5
precipitate with BaCl2 solution.
 Co-ordination Isomerism: It arises due to
  Pt Cl2  NH 3 4  Br2 gives Br ions. So it
 the mutual exchange of ligands between anionic
and cationic spheres.
can give light yellow precipitate with aqueous
AgNO3 solution. Ex: Co( NH 3 )6 Cr (CN )6  &

  PtBr2  NH 3  4  Cl2 gives Cl  ions. So it Co(CN )6 Cr ( NH 3 )6 

 Ligand Isomerism: This type of isomerism
can give white precipitate with aqueous AgNO3
arises due to the presence of isomers of the
ligands in different isomers of the complex
 Co  SO4  NH 3 5  Br is red coloured and it compound.
 
gives Br  ions, where as Co Br  NH 3 5  SO4 Ex :  Co  H 2 NCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 NH 2  3 
is violet coloured and it gives sulphate ions.
 Hydrate Isomerism: Hydrate isomerism is a  Co  CH 3CH - CH 2  
&   | |  
special type of ionization isomerism. This type
  NH 2 NH 2  3 
of isomerism arises due to the presence of water
molecules in and outside the coordination  Stereo Isomerism: Isomers which have the
sphere. same position of atoms (or) groups but differ in
 This type of isomers differ in number of water the spatial arrangements around the central atom
molecules as ligands and as hydrated molecules. are called stereo isomers and the phenomenon
Ex : CrCl3 .6 H 2O molecular formula has four is called stereo isomerism. It is classified into
possible isomers. They are two types.
(a) Geometrical isomerism
Cr  H 2O 6  Cl3 - violet coloured;
  (b) optical isomerism.
Cr  H 2O 5 Cl  Cl2 .H 2O - light green Geometrical Isomerism: Geometrical
 
isomerism is due to ligands occupying different
positions around the central metal atom (or) ion.
CrCl2  H 2O 4  Cl.2 H 2O - dark green  When two identical ligands occupy adjacent
coloured positions, the isomer is called cis-isomer.
 When two identical ligands occupy opposite
CrCl3  H 2O 3  .3H 2O - brown coloured
  positions, the isomer is called trans-isomer.

In the same manner CoCl3  H 2O 6 complex
Geometrical isomerism is very much common

in coordination number 4 and 6 complexes.
has the isomers  Tetrahedral complexes cannot exhibit
CoCl  H 2O 5  Cl2 .H 2O ; geometrical isomerism.
 Square planar complexes of the type
CoCl2  H 2O 4  Cl.2 H 2O
Ma4 , Ma3b, Mab3 do not exhibit geometrical
and CoCl3  H 2O 3  .3H 2O . isomerism.
Jr Chemistry E/M
 Square planar complexes of the type
Ma2b2 , Ma2bc and Mabcd exhibit CH3 CH3
geometrical isomerism. C – NH2 NH2– C
H H and

Ex :  Pt  NH 3 2 Cl2 
C – NH2 NH2– C

Cl  Cl  C – NH2 NH2– C
C – NH2 NH2– C

Cl  Cl
 Octahedral complexes

L5 L2
L4 L1

L4 L3
L3 L2
Cis Positions : 1,2; 2,3; 3,4; 1.4 Cis Positions : 1,2; 1,3; 1,4; 1,5; 2,3; 2,5;
Trans Positions : 1,3; 2,4 3,4; 4,5; 2,6; 3,6; 4,6; 5,6
Trans Positions: 1,6; 2,4; 3,5
 Mabcd type of complexes will have 3
geometrical isomers i.e. 2cis and 1 trans isomer  octahedral complexes of the type Ma6 , Ma5b ,
 Square planer complex having unsymmetrical Mab5 do not exhibit geometrical isomerism.
bidentate chelating ligands with general  Octahedral complexes of the type
formula  M  AB 2  exhibit geometrical Ma4b2 , Ma4bc and Ma3b3 complexes exhibit
isomerism geometrical isomerism.

Ex : CoCl2  NH 3 4 

NH3 Cl–

Ex: NH3 Cl– H3N NH3

CO3+ CO3+

 Square planer complex having symmetrical

bidentate ligands with general formula NH3 Cl– H3N NH3
 M  AA 2  can also exhibit cis-trans NH3 Cl–
isomerism Cis-isomer Trans-isomer

Ex:  Pt II  NH 2 CH  CH 3  CH  CH 3  NH 2 2 
 Ma3b3 type of complexes exhibits maridian and
facial type of isomers
Jr Chemistry E/M
a b
Pt Pt
a Cl Cl
d-form Mirror l-form
a  A pair of optical isomers which are non super
facial imposable mirror images are called enantiomers
or enantiomorphs.
b  An equimolar mixture of d-forms and l-forms
is called racemic mixture. Racemic mixtures
a a are optically inactive.
 Optical Isomers have almost identical physical
M and chemical properties.
 The optical isomers can be distinguished only
a b by their rotation of the plane polarised light.
 Optical isomers are also generally provided by
the octahedral coordination compounds having
b bidentate (or) polydentate ligands.
 Octahedral complexes with general formula  3
n n Ex: CoCl2  en  2  , Cr  C2O4 3  ,
 M  AA 2 a2  ,  M  AA 2 ab  ,
 2
 M  AA  a2b2  can exhibit geometrical Cr  NH 3  Cl2en  ;  Pt Cl2  en  
 2   2

isomerism. Here ' en ' represents H 2 NCH 2CH 2 NH 2

 Octahedralcomplexexcontaining unsymmetrical  Optical isomerism is shown by the complexes
bidentate chelating ligands with general formula having chiral structures. They rotate the plane
 M  AB 3  can exhibit geometrical of polarised light in opposite directions.
a) Complexes with C.N. = 4
isomerism.  Square planar complexes do not show optical
 Optical Isomerism: The compounds having isomerism.
Tetrahedral complexes with formula M  AB 2
same molecular formula but differ in the rotation

of plane polarised light are called optical isomers
and the phenomenon is called optical isomerism. can exhibit optical isomerism.
 The isomer which rotates the plane polarised  Octahedral complexes with general formula
 Ma2b2c2  ,  Ma2b2 cd  ,  Ma2bcde 
light to the right direction is called dextro (d)- n n n
form while the isomer which rotates the plane
 Mabcdef 
polarised light to left direction is called laevo can exhibit optical isomerism.
( l )-form.  Octahedral complexes containing symmetrical
 Co-ordination number four, tetrahedral bidentate ligands with general formula
complexes of the type ( M abcd ) exhibit optical n n
 M  AA 3  ,  M  AA 2  BB   can exhibit
optical isomerism.
Ex :  Pt  NH 3  H 2O  Cl  NO2  
Jr Chemistry E/M
Type of Geometry of Examples
Py 2+ Py 2+ hybridization complex

Cl Py Py Cl sp Linear or  Ag  NH 3 2  ,
Pt Pt
 4s 4 p 

Cl NH3 Cl diagonal  Ag  CN 2 
NH3 NH3 CN  2
 HgI 3 

sp 2 Trigonal planar
 Octahedral complexes containing  4s 4 p  2

unsymmetrical bidentate ligands with formula

CN  3
 M  AB 3  ( both Cis & Trans ) can exhibit sp3 Tetrahedral  Ni  CO 4 

optical isomerism.
 4s 4 p  3
 Zn  NH 3 4 

 Octahedral complexes containing symmetrical

 ZnCl4 
bidentate and monodentate ligands with CN  4
CuX 4 
general formula Cis   M  AA 2 a2  ,
 MnX 4 
Cis   M  AA 2 ab  ,
 NiX 4 

Cis   M  AA  a2b2  , and X  Cl  , Br  , I 
Cis   M  AA  BB  a2 
are optically active. dsp 2 Square planar  Ni  CN 4 

 Octahedral complexes containing polydentate 3d x2  y 2

4 s 4 pz 4 p y   Ni  NH 3 4 

ligands are optically active. 2

CN  4 Cu  NH 3 4 

Ex: Co III  EDTA   .
CuCl5 
dsp 3 Trigonal

W.E-3: The number of stereo isomers of the given  3d z2

4s 4 p3  bipyramidal  Fe  CO 5 

compound is CN  5

Co  C2O4   NH 3 2  NO2 2  .

sp 3 d  SbF5  , IF5

Sol. Four  4s, 4 p 4d  pyramidal

x2  y 2

CN  5
VBT of Co-ordination Compounds: d 2 sp 3 Inner orbital Cr  NH 3 6 
 The central metal atom or ion makes available
a number of empty s, p and d atomic orbitals 3d x2  y 2 
3d z 2 4s 4 p 3 octahedral  Mn  CN 6 

equal to its coordination number. These vacant CN  6  Fe  CN 6  etc
orbitals hybridise together to form hybrid
 FeF6 
orbitals. These hybrid orbitals are vacant, sp 3d 2 Outer orbital
equivalent in energy and have definite geometry.
The most common hybridizations in complex  4 s 4 p 4d 3
x2  y 2 
4d z 2 octahedral Co  H 2O 6 

are given. 2
CN  6  Ni  NH 3 6 
Jr Chemistry E/M
 Each ligands have atleast one sigma orbital Examples of Complexes
containing alone pair of electrons. 4
1.  Mn  CN 6 
 Vacant hybrid orbitals of the central metal atom
C o m p l e x / i o n :

or ion overlap with the filled (containing lone Electronic configuration and hybridisation of Mn 2 :
pair of electrons) sigma orbitals of the ligands
to form metal-ligand sigma bond. This bond is 3d5 4s 4p
coordinate bond. ×× ×× ×× ×× ×× ××
 If d orbitals are involved in the hybridisation
than that may be either inner (i.e., (n-1) d-orbital) d2sp3-hybridisation
or the outer (i.e., nd-orbital). Geometry : Octahedral
 If (n - 1)d orbitals are used for hybridization No.of unpaired electrons/paramagnetic
along with ns and np orbitals, such complex is character: 1-Paramagnetic.   1.76BM
called inner orbital complex. If nd orbitals are
used for hybridisation along with ns and np 2. Complex/ion :  Fe  CN   Fe3
 6
orbitals then it is called outer orbital complex.
Electronic configuration and hybridisation:
 Some times the unpaired (n-1) d-electrons
undergoes rearrangement and provides more 3d5
number empty orbitals, which is possible in ×× ×× ×× ×× ×× ××
presence of strong ligands such as
CO, CN  , NO2  , en, NH 3 , Py and EDTA. d2sp3-hybridisation
 The non-bonding electrons of central metal atom Geometry : Octahedral
or ion remain unaffected and do not take part in No. of unpaired electrons/paramagnetic
chemical bonding. character: 1-Paramagnetic.   1.76BM
 During complex formation, the Hund’s rule of 3

maximum multipliciy is strictly followed. 3. Complex/ion :  Fe  H 2O 6  Fe3

However, under the influence of strong ligands,
the electrons may be forced to pair up against Electronic configuration and hybridisation:
Hund’s rule (but only for (n-1)d orbits) 3d

 Complex containing unpaired electron (unpaired ×× ×× ×× ×× ×× ×× ××

electron of central metal atom or ion) is 3 2
sp d -hybridisation
paramagnetic in nature. If all the electrons of
metal atom or ion are paired, the complex is Geometry : Octahedral
diamagnetic in nature. No. of unpaired electrons/paramagnetic
Inner orbital complex, low spin complex, spin character: 5-Paramagnetic.   5.86BM
paired complex or covalent complex 4
4. Complex/ion :  Fe  CN 6  Fe 2
Hyperligated complex
Electronic configuration and hybridisation:
Outer orbital complex, high spin complex, spin
free complex, or ionic complex, Hypo ligated 3d6
complex ×× ×× ×× ×× ×× ××
 The spin only magnetic moment of the complex
can be calculated by the formula d2sp3-hybridisation
S  n  n  2  BM Geometry : Octahedral
No. of unpaired electrons/paramagnetic
( n = number of unpaired electrons ) character: 0-Diamagnetic
Jr Chemistry E/M
Complex/ion :  Zn  NH 3 4  Zn 2
5. Complex/ion :  Fe  H 2O 6  Fe2 9.
Electronic configuration and hybridisation: Electronic configuration and hybridisation:
×× ×× ×× ×× ×× ××

3 2
sp d -hybridisation

Geometry : Octahedral Geometry : Tetrahedral

No. of unpaired electrons/paramagnetic No. of unpaired electrons/paramagnetic
character: 4-Paramagnetic.   4.85BM character: 0-Diamagnetic

Complex/ion : Co  NH 3 6 
3 10. Complex/ion :  Ni  CN 4  Ni 2
6. Co
Electronic configuration and hybridisation:
Electronic configuration and hybridisation:

3d6 4s 4p
×× ×× ×× ×× ×× ××

Geometry : Square Planar
Geometry : Octahedral No. of unpaired electrons/paramagnetic
No. of unpaired electrons/paramagnetic character: 0-Diamagnetic
character: 0-Diamagnetic
11. Complex/ion :  NiCl4  Ni 2

7. Complex/ion: CoF6  Co3

Electronic configuration and hybridisation:
Electronic configuration and hybridisation:
×× ×× ×× ×× ×× ××

3 2
sp d -hybridisation
Geometry : Tetrahedral
Geometry : Octahedral No.of unpaired electrons/paramagnetic
No. of unpaired electrons/paramagnetic character:
character: 4-Paramagnetic.   4.85BM 2-Paramagnetic
  2.8BM
8. Complex/ion: CuCl4  Cu 2

12. Complex/ion :  Ni  CO 4  Ni 0
Electronic configuration and hybridisation:
Electronic configuration and hybridisation:

Geometry : Tetrahedral
Geometry : Tetrahedral
No. of unpaired electrons/paramagnetic
No. of unpaired electrons/paramagnetic
character:1-Paramagnetic.   1.75BM character: 0-Diamagnetic
Jr Chemistry E/M
13. Complex/ion :  Pt  CN 4  Pt 2 Hence hybridisation is dsp 2 (square planar). But
Electronic configuration and hybridisation: Cl is weak field ligand. So, rearrangement of
d-electrons is not possible. Hence the

configuration of Ni 2 is
then hybridisation is sp3 (tetrahedral).
Geometry : Square Planar Effective atomic number (EAN)
No. of unpaired electrons/paramagnetic
 Effective atomic number (EAN) concept was
character: 0-Diamagnetic
introduced by Sidgwick to explain the stability
Limitations of VBT of complexes.
 It gives only the qualitative explanations for  The resultant number of electrons with the metal
complexes. atom or ion after gaining electrons from the
 It does not explain the detailed magnetic donar atoms of the ligands in a complex is called
properties of complexes. effective atomic number (OR)
 This thoery does not explain the spectral The total number of electrons present around
properties of coordination compounds. central metal ion in a complex is called effective
 It does not explain the thermodynamic and atomic number.
kinetic stabilities of different coordination  Sidgwick proposed that complex ion is stable.
If EAN is equal to the atomic number of the
 It does not distinguish between weak and strong
nearest noble gas element.
 EAN of a central metal can be calculated by the
 It does not make exact predictions regarding
terahedral or square planar coordinations entities following formula.
with co-ordination number is 4.  EAN  Z  x  n  y
x = charge of metal ions
W.E-3: The spin only magnetic moment of n = co-ordination number ; y =2
 FeBr4 

is 5.92 BM. Predict the geometry of Ex. (1)In K  Fe  CN   complex
4 6
complex ion.
EAN of Fe  26  2  6  2  36 .
Sol. Secondary valence of Fe 3 ion is 4. So,
complex is square planer  dsp  or tetrahedral
2 2)In Co  NH 3 6  complex ion

 sp  .
Br is weak field ligand so,
EAN of Co  27  3  2  6  36
rearrangement of d-electrons is not possible. 3)In  Ni  CO 4  complex
Hence complex is tetrahedral ( sp -3
EAN of Ni  28  0  2  4  36
hybridization). 2
4)In  Ni  CN  4  complex ion
W.E-4:  Ni  CN 4  is inner complex but
EAN of Ni  28  2  2  4  34
 NiCl4 
is outer complex. Give the reason. 3
5)In  Fe  CN 6  complex ion
Sol. CN  is strong field ligand. So. in  Ni  CN 4  EAN of Fe  26  3  2  6  35
6)In K 2  Pt Cl6  complex
ion Ni 2 configuration is
EAN of Pt  78  4  2  6  86  Rn 
Jr Chemistry E/M
 In some complexes, the EAN is not equal to the  In a free metal atom, all five orbitals of d-sub
atomic number of the nearest inert gas. Yet they shell have same energy. They are called
are stable. degenerated orbitals.
2 When ligands approach the central metal atoms,
Ex: K 3  Fe  CN 6  ,  Ni  CN 4  . the electrons of d-orbitals of metal suffer
repulsions by lp of ligands as a result digeneracy
W.E-5: If  AuCl6 
follows EAN rule, then the
is broken and d-orbitals are split into two sets
oxidation state of Au is (At. no. of Au =79 of orbitals.
and At. no. of Rn =86).  a) Three of d-orbitals i.e., d xy , d yz and d zx which
Sol. EAN = Z - x + n x y are oriented in between the co-ordinate axes are
86 = 79 - x + 6 x 2 ; x = +5
called t2 g -orbitals.
W.E-6: If Ni  CO  x follows EAN rule, then x -  b) The other two d-orbitals i.e., d x2  y 2 and d z 2
value is which are oriented along the axes are called
Sol. EAN = Z - x + n x y
eg -orbitals.
36 = 28 - 0 + n x 2 ; n = 4.
 This spliting of d-orbitals of metal ion under
Formula of compound is  Ni  CO  4  . the influence of approaching ligands is called
crystal field spliting. It is designated by  and
Crystal Field Theory (CFT) is called crystal field splitting energy.
 This theory is based on theoretical work of Bethe  The decreasing order of field strength among
& Van Vleck on interaction of ionic crystals. some of the ligands are
 Ligands are either anion or neutral molecule Weak field ligand
containing atleast one lone pair of electron. The
anions are regarded as negative point charges. I   Br   SCN   Cl   S 2  NO3
The neutral ligands are regarded as point dipoles.  F   OH   ox 2  O 2  H 2O
 The neutral ligands are polarised by positive
charges of metal ion. Strong Field ligands
NCS   Edta 4  py  NH 3  en
 dipy  o  phen  NO2   CN   CO
 Central metal ion is surrounded by anions or
neutral ligands. For d 4 ions, two possible patterns of electron
+ 1) If  0  p, the fourth electron enters one of
– – –

the eg orbital giving the configuration t2g
3 1
eg .
– M
– M

– Ligands for which  0  p are known as weak
– – + field ligands and form high spin complexes.
+ –
2) If  0  p , it becomes more energetically
favourable for fourth electron to occupy a t2 g
 The electrostatic attraction between nucleus of
orbital with configuration t2g
4 0
eg . Ligands which
cation and negative charge of ligands.
 Repulsive forces arise between lp of ligands, produce this effect are known as strong field
ligands and form low spin complex.
electrons of d-orbitals of central metal atom.
Jr Chemistry E/M
Crystal Field Splitting in octahedral In this situation, the t2 g set of orbital lie
and tetrahedral complexes relatively nearer to the approaching ligands and
 In octahedral complexes, the six ligands therefore t2 g set of d-orbitals have higher energy
approach the central metal ion along the co-
than eg set of orbitals.
ordinate axes i.e., the axes of d x2  y 2 and d z 2
 Relationship between  t and  0 is given as ;
orbitals. Consequently, the eg set of orbitals has
higher energy than t2 g orbitals. t 
 In tetrahedral complex, four ligands may be
imagined to occupy the alternate corners of the  While entering electrons into d-orbitals after
cube and the metal ion at the centre of the cube. splitting in ligand field, Hunds and pauli’s
principle to be followed.


W.E-7:Arrange the following in the increasing d 10  6  0.4  4  0.6  0 0

order of stabilization energy of following in d 10  d 9  d 2  d 4  d 5
presence of strong field ligands.
Sol. d 2  2  0.4  0  0.6  0.8 0 W.E-8: Give the stabilization energy of d 7
electrons in presence of strong and weak field
d  3  0.4  0  0.6  1.2 0
Sol. Strong field ligands
d 4  4  0.4  0  0.6  1.6 0
SE  6  0.4  1  0.6  1.8 0
d  5  0.4  0  0.6  2 0
Weak field ligands
d 9  6  0.4  3  0.6  0.6 0 SE  5  0.4  2  0.6  0.8 0
Jr Chemistry E/M
Factors Determining the Magnitude of Colouring Coordination Compounds
the Orbital Splitting Energy  : The  most of the transition metal complexes are
following factors influence the magnitude coloured in their solid or solution form. The
of  . transition metals have the property to absorb
Nature of ligand: certain radiations from the visible region of the
spectrum and as a result, the transmitted or
 The  value depends upon the nature of the
reflected light is coloured.
 In the case of transition metal complexes,the
 The CFSE depends on the tendency of ligand to
energy difference between two sets of d-orbitals
interact with the central metal ion.
is very small. When visible light falls on them,
 The ligands which cause only small  value the electron gets raised from lower set of orbitals
are called weak field ligands while those which to higher set of orbitals.
cause a large  value are called strong field  In case of octahedral complexes the electron
goes from set of d xy , d yz , d zx to set of d x2  y 2 and
 The ligands can be arranged in the increasing
field strength in spectrochemical series. d z 2 orbitals.As a result of absorption of some
Oxidation state of the metal ion: selected wavelength of visible light
 Higher the ionic charge on the central metal ion, corresponding to energy difference between
the greater the value of  . these sets of energy levels, the transmitted light
gives colour to complexes,
 The metal ion with higher oxidation state causes
larger  than is done by the ion with lower  3
For example, the complex Ti  H 2O 6  is
oxidation state.
  for the entity [Co(H2O)6] will be more than

 In this complex, the metal ion has d 1

 for the entity [Co(H2O)6]

because oxidation state of cobalt is +3 in the configuration. The electron in t2 g orbital is

first and +2 in the second. excited to one of the eg

Nature of the metal ion:
For the analogous entities within a group, 
d x2  y 2 
or d z 2 orbital by absorbing light equal

values differ. The  value for similar complexes to  0 .

in the same oxidation state increases by 30-50%
This may be expressed as
on going from 3d series (first transition series)
to 4d series (second transition series). This t2 g1eg 0  t2 g 0 eg1
increase is almost of the same amount (30-50%)
 The energy corresponding to this transition
on going from 4d-series (second transition
corresponds to green and yellow lights which
series) to 5d-series (third transition series). As
are absorbed from the white light, while the blue
a consequence of this, coordination entities of
and red portions are emitted. the solution of
second and third transition series have a greater
tendency to form low spin complexes as comlpex Ti  H 2O 6  , therefore, looks
compared to the first transition series.
Geometry of the coordination entity
 In octahedral complexes  vary from one metal
 The  value for tetrahedral coordination entities
ion to another and the nature of the ligands.
is about half the  value for octahedral entities
 Different complexes absorb different amounts
i.e.  t   0 of energies from visible region and exhibit
9 different colours.
Jr Chemistry E/M
 For example, three complexes of Co 3+ as 2 2
 Ni  H2O4 en aq  enaq  Ni  H2O2 en2  aq  2H2O
[Co(H2O)6]3+ ,[Co(NH3)6]3+ and [Co(CN)6]3-.
According to spectrochemical series, the crystal blue / purple
field splitting energies will be in the order of 2 2

Ni  H2O2 en2  aq  enaq  Ni en3  aq  2H2O
ligands as H 2O  NH 3  CN
[CO(H2O)6]3+ [CO(NH3)6]3+ [CO(CN)6]3+
These colour changes are observed due to the
0 value small Intermediate Large presence of different ligands in the complexes.
Excitation Rules for Writing the Formulae of
small Intermediate Large
Absorption Co-ordination Compounds
wavelength large Intermediate small  All mononuclear complex entities contain a
single central metal atom, which is symbolised
Colour Orange first.
Blue Violet
 If more than one ligand of each type is present,
Colour Yellow
Blue Yellow they represented in the following order.
transmitted orange
negative, neutral, positive
Colour of Ex:-
Wave length Colour of
Coordination coordination
of light light
in correct formula :  Fe  NO    CO 3 Cl 
entity entity 2
absorbed(nm) absorbed (transmitted)
[CO(CN)6] 310 Violet Pale yellow 2
Correct formula :  FeCl  CO 3 NO   .
[CO(H2O)6] 475 Blue Yellow orange
 Complete co-ordination entity is enclosed in
Blue green
square brackets. Different species present in the
3+ 500 Red
(NH3)5] formula are written continuously without
510 Blue green Purple leaving space.
 Charge of anionic or cationic complex is
[COCl(NH3)5] Violet
53.5 Yellow indicated outside the square brackets as a right
[Cu(H2O)6]3+ 600 Red Blue
W.E-9:In Ti  H 2O 6  complex Ti 3 has only
 It may be noted that in the absence of ligands,
the crystal field splitting does not occur and one electron in 3d-orbital. Its spectrum shows
hence the substance is colourless. For example, a single absorption peak of 5000 A0 then
removal of water from [Ti(H2O)6]Cl3, on heating corresponding energy is
makes it colourless. Similarly, anhydrous CuSO4
N 0 .hc
is white but CuSO4.5H2O is blue in colour. Sol. E 
 The effect of the ligand on the colour of a 
complex may be illustrated by taking the
6.023 1023  6.63  1034  3  108
example of [Ni(H2O)6]2+. This is formed when =
nickel chloride dissolved in water. The aqueous 5 107
solution of the complex has green colour. If the = 239 kJ / mol
bidentate ligand, ethane-1,2-diamine (en) is
progressively added in the molar ratio of en : Ni Metal Carbonyls
as 1 : 1, 2 : 1 and 3 : 1, the following series of  Class of coordination compound known as metal
reactions occur resulting different colour carbonyls in which carbon monoxide (CO) acts
changes as : as ligand.
2 2  These are also called homoleptic carbonyls
 N i  H 2 O  6   a q   en  a q    N i  H 2 O  4 en   2 H 2 O
P a le b lu e
(compounds containing carbonyl ligands only).
Jr Chemistry E/M
 These compounds contain both (ii) There is a  -overlap involving donation of
 and  character.. electrons from filled metal d-orbitals into vacant
Structure of metal carbonyls anti-bonding  * molecular orbitals of CO. This
 Tetracarbonyl nickel (0) is tetrahedral. results into the formation of M  C  bond.
 Pentacarbonyl iron (0) is trigonal bipyramidal. This is also called back donation or back
 Hexacarbonyl chromium (0) is octahedral. bonding.The metal to ligand bonding creates a
 Some carbonyls have metal-metal bonds. synergic effect which strengthens the bond
 Decacarbonyl dimanganese (0) is made up of between CO and the metal.
two square pyramidal Mn(CO)5 units joined
by Mn-Mn bond. Stability of Coordination
 Octacarbonyl dicobalt (0) has a Co-Co bond  Compounds in Solution: The stability of a
bridged by two CO-CO groups. complex in solution refers to the degree of
association between the two species involved
OC in the state of equilibrium.
 The magnitude of the (stability or formation)
Ni Fe CO
equilibrium constant for the association,
OC CO OC quantitatively expresses the stability.
CO CO  we have a reaction of the type:
Ni(CO)4 Fe(CO)5
Tetrahedral Trigonal bipyramidal M  4 L  ML4 then the larger the stability
constant, the higher the proportion of ML4 that
exists in solution. Free metal ions rarely exist
CO in the solution so that M will usually be
CO CO surrounded by solvent molecules which will
Cr compete with the ligand molecules, L, and be
OC Mn Mn CO successively replaced by them. we generally
CO CO CO ignore these solvent molecules and write four
CO CO stability constants as follows:
Octahedral M + L  ML K1=[ML]/[M][L]

ML+L  ML2 K2=[ML2]/[ML][L]

ML2+L  ML3 K3=[ML3]/[ML2][L]

ML3+L  ML4 K4=[ML4]/[ML3][L]

where K1, K2, etc., are referred to as stepwise
stability constants.
Alternatively, we can write the overall stability
constant thus:
Bonding in Metal Carbonyls: The
bonding in metal carbonyls is described by the
M + 4L  ML4  4 = [ML4]/[M][L]4
following steps:  The stepwise and overall stability constant
(i) There is a donation of lone pair of electrons are therefore related as follows:
of carbon (of CO) into the suitable empty orbital  4 = K1 × K2 × K3 × K4 or more generally,,
of the metal atom. This is a dative overlap and
forms a sigma M  C bond.  n = K1 × K2 × K3 × K4 ....... Kn
Jr Chemistry E/M
W.E-10: Zn 2  2 NH 3   Zn  NH 3 2  ; K1  2 103 K 4  Fe  CN 6   4 K    Fe  CN 6 

 Zn  NH 3 2   2 NH 3  K 2  1.5  103 
Find out the instability constant ? Ex : Fe  6CN 

Sol. K C  K1.K 2  2  10 3  1.5  10 3  3  10 6  feebly dissociated 

Instability constant is inverse of stability
Imperfect or normal complexes: These are
the compounds in which complex ion is less
1 1 stable and is reversibly dissociated to give
  3.3  105
K C 3  106 enough simple ions.
Application of Complexes: CuSO4 K 2 Cd  CN 4   2 K   Cd  CN 4 
solution, when mixed with aqueous ammonia, 
gives a deep blue complex soluble in water. This Ex : Cd 2  4CN 
is used in the identification of Cu 2 ion. It is  appreciably dissociated 
due to the formation of the complex
Based on reactivity complex are two types
Cu  NH 3 4   Labile complexes : Those complexes are
 Ammonium salts are identified by Nessler’s highly reactive, i.e., in which ligands can be
readily replaced by other ligands are called labile
reagent. It is a complex K 2  HgI 4  -a colourless complexes.
solution.  Inert complexes : Those complexes are less
 Fe(III) ion in group III is identified as reactive, i.e., in which the ligands cannot be
[Fe(NCS)6]3- ion which has blood red colour. readily replaced by other ligands are called inert
 In Photography the developing of negative is complexes.
based on complex formation.
AgBr  2 Na2 S 2O3  Na3  Ag  S 2O3  2   NaBr
 The extraction of silver, gold from their ores
1. The following does not give a precipitate
makes use of a complex compound formed by
either with AgNO3 or BaCl2
leaching their ores with NaCN solution.
1) [Co (NH3)5 Cl] SO4 2) [Co (NH3)3 Cl3]
 In the electroplating of Ag, large amounts of
silver are held as the complex, K[Ag(CN)2]. 3) [Co (NH3)4 Cl2]Cl 4) Co NH 3 2 Cl4 Cl
 Haemoglobin is a complex which contains Fe+2 2. Which of the following has highest molar
ions. conductivity?
 Chlorophyll is a complex which contains Mg+2 1) [Co (NH3)6] Cl3 2) [Co (NH3)5Cl] Cl2
ions. 3) [Co (NH3)4 Cl2] Cl 4) [Co (NH3)3 Cl3]
 Vitamin - B12 is a complex which contains Co3+ 3. Transition elements form complexes readily
ions. because
ADDITIONAL TOPICS i) Small size of cation ii) Large ionic Charge
iii) Vacant d orbitals
 Based on stability complexes are two types
The correct statements is / are:
Perfect or penetrating complexes These are
the compounds in which complex ion is fairly 1) i only 2) ii only 3) i & ii 4) i,ii,iii
stable and is either not dissociated or feebly 4. The ionizable valency of Ni in Ni(CO)4 is
dissociated in solution. e.g., 1) 2 2) 4 3) 0 4) 1
Jr Chemistry E/M
5. According to Werner’s theory transition 16. Which of the following is cationic complex
1) K 4  Fe  CN 6  2)  Ni  CO  4 
metals possesses
1) only one type of valency
2) two types of valencies 3)  Co  NH 3 3 Cl3  4)  Cu  NH 3 4  SO 4
3) three types of valencies 17. The no. of moles of AgCl obtained when
4) four types of valencies excess AgNO 3 is added to one mole of
6. The primary valency of the metal ion is [Cr(NH3)4Cl2]Cl
satisfied by 1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
1) neutral molecules 2) positive ions 18. Ligand in a metal carbonyl complex is
3) negative ions 4) all the above 1) NH3 2) CO 3) CN- 4) SCN-
7. No of ionizable & non-ionizable Cl ions in 19. The no. of moles of AgCl precipitated when
excess of AgNO3 is mixed with one mole of
CoCl3 5 NH 3 representively aree [Cr(NH3)3 Cl3] is
1) 3, 0 2) 2, 1 3) 1, 2 4) 0, 3 1) 0 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3
8. Central metal ion in complex compound acts NOMENCLATURE
1) Lewis acid 2) Lewis base 20. IUPAC name of the complex CoCl3 5 NH 3 is
3) Arrhenius acid 4) Arrhenius base 1) Cobalt trichloride penta amonium
9. Which one of the following acts as a Lewis 2) Penta amine carbonyl chloride
base in complexes 3) Trichloro penta amino cobalt
1) CO2 2) BF3 3) NH3 4) BCl3 4) Pentaaminechlorocobalt  III  chloride


CO-ORDINATION COMPOUNDS 21. The property of possessing atleast one atom
that is attached to four non-identical groups
10. Potassium ferrocyanide is an example for
is called
1) Complex salts 2) Normal salts 1. polarisation 2. chirality
3) Double salts 4) Basic salts 3. enantiomerism 4. meridionity
11. Example for a coordination compound is 22. A racemic mixture has a net rotation
1) KCl . Mg Cl2 . 6H2O 1. to right of original plane
2) K2 SO4.Al2(SO3).24 H2O 2. to left of original plane
3) CoCl3 . 6N H3 3. toright or left of original plane
4) Fe SO4 . (NH4)2 SO4 . 6 H2O 4. zero
12. In which of the following transition metal 23. Optical isomer have
complexes does the metal exhibit zero 1) property of chirality
oxidation state 2) almost identical chemical properties
1) [Co (NH3)6] Cl3 2) [Fe (H2O)6] SO4 3) almost identical physical properties
3) [Ni (CO)4] 4) [Fe (H2O)6] Cl3 4) all the above
13. The number of moles of ions produced when EFFECTIVE ATOMIC NUMBER
one mole of Potassium Ferricyanide is 24. The effective atomic number of iron in
dissolved in water is
1) 2 2) 4 3) 5 4) 6  Fe  CN 6  is
 
14. Metal-Isothiocyanato is indicated by
1. 34 2. 36 3. 37 4. 35
1) M-SCN 2)M-NCS 3)M-CNS 4)M-CSN
25. Which doesnot obey EAN rule
15. Number of chlorides satisifying secondary
valency in CoCl3 .4 NH 3 1) Fe  CO 5 2) K 4  Fe  CN 6 
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 1 3) Cu  NH 3  4  SO4 4) Co  NH 3 6  Cl3
Jr Chemistry E/M
26. The effective atomic number of central metal CFT
ion is wrongly calculated in the following 35. Which of the following system has maximum
complex? number of the unpaired electrons in an inner
1. In  Ni  CO 4  the EAN of Ni is 36
octahedral complex ?
1) d 4 2) d 9 3) d 7 4) d 5
2. In K 2  Ni  CN 4  the EAN of Ni is 36 36. In an octahedral crystal field, the correct set
of low energy orbitals are
3. In K 3  Fe  CN 6  the EAN of Fe 35 1) d xy , d xz , d x2  y 2 2) d x2  y 2 , d z 2

4. In Cr  NH 3 6  Cl3 the EAN of Cr is 33 3) d xy , d xz , d yz 4) d xy , d x2  y 2

27. According to Sidgwick’s effective atomic 37. For the same metal, stabilisation energies of
number rule the central metal acquires tetrahedral and octahedral complexes are
1. inert gas configuration related in presence of strong field ligands is
2. octet 3. duplet 4. quartet 1)  t   0 2)  t  4   0  6
VALENCE BOND THEORY AND SHAPES 3)  t  9   0  4 4)  t  6   0  4
OF CO-ORDINATION COMPOUNDS 38. The orbitals having lower energy in
28. The shape of the complex species will be tetrahedral complexes according to CFT are
square planar if its coordination number is
1) d xy , d yz , d z 2 2) d xy , d yz , d x2  y 2
1) 2 2) 6 3) 5 4) 4
29. Which of the following is outer orbital 3) d xy , d yz , d zx 4) d x2  y 2 , d z 2
1) CoF6 
3) [Co( NH 3 ) 6 ]2 4) Both 1 and 2 CARBONYL COMPOUNDS AND STABILITY
30. sp 3d 2 hybridisation is present in 39. The metal which does not form poly nuclear
1)  CoF6  2) [ N i  C O  4 ]
3 carbonyl is
1) Mg 2) Fe 3) Cr 4) Co
3) [Co( NH 3 ) 6 ] 2
4)  Ni  CN 4  40. Nessler’s reagent is
31. The type of hybridisation present in 1) K 2 HgI 4 2) K 2 HgI 2 3) K 2 HgCl4 4) HgI 2
41. Among the following metal carbonyls, the
Cu  NH 3 4  ion is C-O bond order is lowest is
2)  Fe  CO 5 

1) sp3 2) dsp 2 3) sp 3 d 4) sp 3d 2 1) V  CO 6 
32. The shape of  CoF6 
3) Cr  CO 6 
is 
4)  Mn  CO 6 
1) Square Planar 2) Trigonal bipyramidal
3) Octahedral 4) Tetrahedral
33. The hybridisation of metal atom & geometry C.U.Q - KEY

of complex in  Ag  NH 3 2  aree 1) 2 2) 1 3)4 4) 3 5) 2 6) 3 7) 2
8) 1 9) 3 10) 1 11) 3 12) 3 13) 2 14) 2
1) sp, linear 2) sp2, linear
3) sp2, trigonal planar 4) sp, angular 15) 1 16) 4 17) 1 18) 2 19) 1 20) 4 21) 2
2 22) 4 23) 1 24) 4 25) 3 26) 2 27) 1 28) 4
34. The magnetic moment of  Ni  Cl 4  is
29) 4 30) 1 31) 2 32) 3 33) 1 34) 1 35) 1
1) 2.85 BM 2) 1.83 BM
36)3 37) 3 38) 4 39) 1 40) 1 41) 1
3) 4.86 BM 4) 5.95 BM
Jr Chemistry E/M
C.U.Q - HINTS 35. In an inner orbital complexes :

1. Co  NH 3 3 Cl3  cannot ionise. d 4  t24g eg0 , so two unapired electrons

2. Co  NH 3 6  Cl3 gives more number ions. d 9  t26g eg3 , so one unpaired electron
7. 2, 1 d 7  t26g e1g , so one unpaired electron
8. In any complex central metal ion acts as Lewis
acid {electron pair acceptor) and Ligands acts d 5  t25g eg0 , so one unpaired electron
as Lewis base {electron pair donar)
9. NH 3 acts as ligand. 37.  t  0
12. In metal carbonyl compounds the oxidation
number of metal is zero because CO is neutral. 40. Formula of Nessler’s reagent is K 2 HgI 4 .
3 41. As increase of electron density back bonding
13. K 3  Fe  CN 6   3K    Fe  CN 6  tendence of  bond increases, so C-O bond
= 4 moles order decreases.

17. Cr  NH 3 4 Cl2  Cl ionises gives one Cl  ion. LEVEL-I (C.W)

So it gives 1 mole AgCl ppt.
20. Pentaamminechlorocobalt(III) chloride. WERNERS THEORY
21. Chirality property 1. Which of the following is not a draw back of
22. Racemicmixture contains equimolar proportions Werner’s theory
of d and l forms. So net rotation is zero. 1) does not explain the valency of metal ions in
the complex
23. Optical isomers are differ towards rotation of
plane polarised light. 2) does not give any explanation for the colour
of complex compounds
24. EAN=[Z-oxidation number of central ion + 2 x
number of ligands] 3) does not explain the magnetic behaviour of
complex compounds
= 26 - 3 + 2 x 6 = 35
4) does not correlate electronic configuration of
25. EAN = 29 - 2 + 2 x 4 = 35
the metal with the formation of complex
So, it does not obeys EAN rule.
26. EAN = 28 - 2 + 2 x 4 = 34 DEFINITION OF
27. According to Sidgwick’s EAN rule. The central CO-ORDINATION COMPOUND
metal atom acquires inert gas configuration. 2. Which is a coordination compound ?
28. Shape of complex depends on coordination 1) Ferrous ammonium sulphate 2) Carnallite
number. If coordination number = 4, shape is
3) Potassium ferrocyanide 4) Gypsum
tetrahedral (or) square planar.
3. A q u e o u s

O)5 SO4]Cl gives
s o l u t i o n o f [ C o ( H

29. NH 3 strong field ligand,so it forms inner orbital precipitate with

complex. 1) BaCl2 (aq) 2) AgNO3 (aq)
30. F  is weak field ligand so it forms outer 3) both 1 and 2 4) neither 1 nor 2
complex. 4. Silver Chloride dissolves in excess ammonia
32. Coordination number 6. So shape is octahedral. due to the formation of a soluble complex
34. Cl  is weak field ligand so rearrangement of whose formula is
1) [Ag (NH3)] Cl 2) [Ag (NH3)2] Cl
electron is not possible. Hence Ni 2 ion
3) [Ag (NH3)3]Cl 4) [Ag (NH3)4] Cl
contains two unpaired electrons.
Jr Chemistry E/M
5. Zn dissolves in excess of NaOH due to the VBT AND SHAPES OF
1) Soluble Zn (OH)2
2) Soluble Na2 [Zn (OH)4] 13. The hybrdisation of the complex [ NiCl4 ]2 is
3) Soluble Na [Zn (OH)3] 4) ZnO 1) sp3 2) dsp 2 3) sp 3 d 4) sp 3d 2
6. Example of neutral complex compound in the
following is 14. The complex Fe H 2O  5 NO   is formed
 
1) CoCl3 .6 NH 3 2) CoCl3 .5 NH 3
in the brown ring test for nitrates when
3) CoCl3 .4 NH 3 4) CoCl3 .3NH 3 freshly prepared FeSO 4 solution is added to
7. Which of the following releases metal slowly
aqueous solution of NO 3  followed by
which gives uniform coating in electroplating
is addition of con.H 2SO 4 . Select correct
1) metal salts 2) double salts statement about this complex.
3) complex salts 4) alums 1) Colour change is due to charge transfer
NOMENCLATURE 2) it has iron in +1 oxidation sate and
8. IUPAC name for the complex nitrosonium as NO 
 Cu  NH 3 4  SO 4 is 3) it has magnetic of 3.87 BM confirming three
unpaired electrons in Fe
1) cuprammonium sulphate 4) it has iron in +2 oxidation sate and
2) copper sulphate tetraammonia
nitrosonium as NO 
3) tetraamminecopper   sulphate
II 15. Which of the following is paramagnetic ?
4) copper ammonium  IV  sulphate 1) Ni  CO  4
2) Fe  CO  5

ISOMERISM 3) V  C O  6 4) Cr  CO 6
9. Which of the following does not exhibit 16. The number of ions formed when
optical isomer ? cupraammonium sulphate is dissolved in
1) Co  NH 3 3 Cl3  2) Co  en 3  Cl3
    water
1) 1 2) 2 3) 4 4) zero
3) Co  en 2 Cl2  Cl 4) Co  en  NH 3 2 Cl2  Cl
10. Co-ordination compounds  Pt  NH 3 3  NCS   17. Which of the following is correct
arrangement of ligands in terms of field
and  Pt  NH 3 3  SCN   are example of -- strength
1) Cl   F   NCS   NH 3  CN 
1) Co-ordination 2) Ionization
3) Linkage 4) Optical 2) NH 3  F   Cl   NCS   CN 
11. Geometrical isomerism is observed in
1) Tetrahedral complex 3) Cl   F   NCS   CN   NH 3
2) Square planar complex 4) NH 3  CN   NCS   Cl   F 
3) Tined complexes 18. In which of the following octahedral
4) Planar triangle complexes complexes of cobalt (atomic number = 27) will
EFFECTIVE ATOMIC NUMBER the magnitude of  0 be the highest ?
12. Stable complex based on EAN rule
3 3
1) Co  C2O4 3  2) Co  H 2O 6 
1) K 4  Fe  CN 6  2) Co  NH 3 5 Cl  Cl2
3 3
3) Co  NH 3 6  4) Co  CN 6 
3)  Ni  CO 4  4) all the above
Jr Chemistry E/M
19. If 0  P , the correct electronic 8. IUPAC name of complex Cu  NH 3  4  SO4 is
configuration for d 4 system will be tetraamminecopper(II) sulphate.
( P =pairing energy)
12. EAN of  Ni  CO  4  = 28 - 0 + 2 x 4 = 36, So it
1) t24g eg0 2) t23g e1g 3) t20g eg4 4) t22g eg2
is stable
APPLICATION OF COMPLEXES IN 13. It is outer orbital complex. Coordination
QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS AND METAL number is 4. Shape is tetrahedral.
20. Ammonium ions are detected with
1) Nessler’s reagent 2) Borsch reagent 19. Weak field ligand
3) Tollen’s reagent 4) Fehling’s solution 23. K  K1.K 2 .
21.  Ph3 P 3 RhCl  is a familiar catalyst used in
1) hydrogenation of oils LEVEL-I (H.W)
2) hydrogenation of alkenes
3) dehydration of alcohols WERNERS THEORY
4) dehydration of aldehydes 1. The complex formed by the combination of
22. Metals those can be extracted with aqueous calcium ions and ethylene di amine tetra
solution of sodium cyanide as complexes are
acetate.  EDTA  Number of moles of
1) Au and Ag 2) Fe and Ag
3) Au and Hg 4) Hg and Fe calcium ions produced by disulving of one
23. Ag   NH 3  Ag  NH 3  ; K1  3.5  10 3
 mole of that complex in excess of water is

1) one 2) two 3) four 4) five
A g  N H 3   N H 3   A g  N H 3  2  ; K 2  1 .7  1 0  3

Then, the formation constant of DEFINITION OF

 Ag  NH 3 2  from Ag  and NH 3 is
2. Which is a double salt?
1) 1.7  10 3 2) 5.92  10 6 1) Carnallite 2) Potassium ferrocyanide
3) 1.8  103 4) 1.7  107 3) Potasium ferricyanide 4) Nessler’s reagent
3. Bonds present in K4 [Fe (CN)6] are
LEVEL-I (C.W) - KEY 1) Only ionic 2) Only covalent
1) 1 2) 3 3) 2 4) 2 5) 2 6) 4 7) 3 3) Ionic and Covalent
8) 3 9) 1 10) 3 11) 2 12) 4 13) 1 14) 2 4) Ionic, covalent and coordinate covalent
15) 3 16) 2 17) 1 18) 4 19) 2 20) 1 21) 2 4. Copper sulphate solution forms blue
coloured complex with excess of ammonia.
22) 1 23) 2
Its formula is
LEVEL-I (C.W) - HINTS 1) [Cu (NH3)4]+3 2) [Cu (NH3)4]+2
3) [Cu (NH4)3]+2 4) [Cu (NH4)3]+3
3. Co  CN 4 SO4  Cl ionises and gives Cl  ion.
5. Which of the following cannot act as a ligand
Ag   Cl   AgCl  ppt  1) BF3 2) NH3 3) NO  4) CN 

4. AgCl  2 NH 3   Ag  NH 3  2  Cl 6. Alum in aqueous solution gives positive test

5. Zn 2  2 NaOH  Na2 ZnO2  H 2 A) K  B) Al 3 C) SO42 
Na2 ZnO2  2 H 2O  Na2  Zn  OH 4  1) A only 2) B only 3) A and B 4) A, B and C
Jr Chemistry E/M
7. Chelates are used in VBT AND SHAPES OF
1) Analytical chemistry 2) Water softning COORDINATION COMPOUNDS
3) Removal of Pb2 from the blood 14. The following solutions requires three moles
of AgNO3 for the complete precipitation of
4) All of these all the chloride ions present in it
NOMENCLATURE 1) One litre of 1M [Co (NH3)6] Cl3
2) Three litres of 1M [Co (NH3)4 Cl2] Cl
8. Hexaaquotitanium  III  Chloride is 3) One litre of 1.5M [Co (NH3)5 Cl] Cl2
represented as 4) All the above
15. AgCl dissolved in excess of NH 3 , KCN and
1)  Ti  H 2 O 6  Cl3 2)  Ti Cl 3  6H 2 O Na 2S 2O 3 solutions the complex produces
3)  Ti  H 2 O 5 Cl  Cl 2 4) Ti  H 2 O 3 Cl3 
  3
1.  Ag  NH3 2  ,  Ag  CN 2  &  Ag  S2O3 2 
9. IUPAC name of Li[AlH4] is
2 3 2
1) Lithium aluminium hydride 2.  Ag  NH 2  2  ,  Ag  CN  2  &  Ag 4  S 2 O3  5 
2) Lithium tetrahydrido aluminate [III] 2  2
3.  Ag  NH 3  2  ,  Ag  CN  2  &  Ag 2  S 2 O3  2 
3) Tetrahydride aluminium lithionate
 3 2
4) Aluminium lithium hydride 4.  Ag  N H 3  4  ,  Ag  C N  4  &  Ag 2  S 2 O 3  2 
16. The secondary valency of chromium in
10. Dipole moment will be zero in the complexes Cr  en 3  Cl3 is
2 1) 6 2) 3 3) 2 4) 4
1) Ni  CN  
 4
2) Cis  Pt NH 3  2 Cl 2  17. Stabilisation energy of octahedral complex
with d 7 configuration
3) Trans  Pt NH 3  2 Cl 2  4) Both 1 and 3 A) 1.8  0 with one unpaired electron
11. The number of geometrical isomers of B) 1.8  0 with three unpaired electrons
Co  NH 3 3  NO3 3  is
C) 0.8  0 with one unpaired electron
1) 0 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4 D) 0.8  0 with three unpaired electrons

12. For the given comlex CoCl2  en  NH 3 2  , 1) A and D 2) A and B 3) C and D 4) B and C
18. If  0  P , the correct electronic
the number of geometrical iosmers, the
number of optical isomers and total number confuguration for d 4 system will be ( p =
of isomers of all type possible respectively are pairining energy)
1) 2, 2 and 4 2) 2, 2 and 3 1) t24g eg0 2) t23g e1g 3) t20g eg4 4) t22g eg2
3) 2, 0 and 2 4) 0, 2 and 2
13. Which does not obey EAN rule? CARBONYL COMPOUNDS AND STABILITY
1) K 4  Fe  CN 6  2) K 3  Fe  CN 6  19. The ligand used in the identification of cupric
copper in the laboratory
3) Co  NH 3 6  Cl3 4)  Ni  CO 4  1) NH 3 2) I  3) CN  4) S 2O32
Jr Chemistry E/M
20. The cofiguration of an element ‘X’ is 4 s 3d .
The wrong statement regarding the element 1. Type of Pair of examples
‘X’ is isomerism
1) it forms complexes
A)Ionisation (a) Cr  H 2O 6  Cl3 and
2) it exhibits variable velency
3) it forms paramagnetic ions only
Cr  H 2O 5 Cl  Cl2 .H 2O
4) It can form coloured salts  
21. In the qualitative analysis of group 3 cations
Cr  NH 3 6  Co  CN 6 
blood red colouration is a test for B) Linkage (b)   
1) iron using cyanide as ligand & Co  NH 3 6  Cr  CN 6 
2) chromium using cyanide as ligand
3) iron using thiocyanide as ligand Co  NH 3 5  NO2   Cl2
 
C)Coordination (c)
4) chromium using thiocyanide as ligand & Co  NH 3 5  ONO   Cl2

LEVEL-I (H.W) - KEY Co  SO4  NH 3 5  Br

 
1) 2 2) 1 3) 4 4) 2 5) 1 6) 4 7) 4 D)Hydrate (d)
& Co  Br  NH 3 5  SO4
8) 1 9) 2 10) 4 11) 2 12) 2 13) 2 14) 4
15) 1 16) 1 17) 1 18) 1 19) 4 20) 3 21) 3 The correct match is
LEVEL-I (H.W) - HINTS 1. a b c d 2. b a d c
formula of the compound is  Ca2  EDTA 
3. d c b a 4. d b c a
4. CuSO4  4 NH 3  Cu  NH 3 4  SO4 (Complex) (Geometry)
A)  Ni (CN )6 2  p) Tetrahedral
5. BF3 Lewis acid. It can’t donate the lone pair of
electrons. B)  ZnCl4 2  q) Trigonal
8. Hexaaquotitanium(III) chloride is given as
C) Co(en)3 3 r) Sqaure planar
Ti  H 2O 6  Cl3 .
D) Cu ( NO2 ) 4 4  s) square pyramid
13. EAN = Z  x  n  y ; Z=At number of metal ion,
t) Octahedral
x=charge of metal ion, n= secondary valency
14. n = M x V
1) r p t p 2) r p t q,t
15. AgCl  2 NH 3   Ag  NH 3  2  Cl 3) p q r s 4) p t q s
AgCl  2 KCN  K  Ag  CN  2   KCl
(Equivalent (formula)
AgCl  2 Na2 S 2O3  Na3  Ag  S 2O3 2   KCl conductance)
17. For strong field ligands - A) 229 p)  Pt ( NH 3 )5 Cl  Cl3

CFSE   6  0.4  1 0.6   1.8 0 B) 97 q)  Pt ( NH 3 )3 Cl3  Cl

one unpaired electron C) 404 r)  Pt ( NH 3 )4 Cl2  Cl2
For weak field ligands D) 523 s)  Pt ( NH 3 )6  Cl4
CFSE   5  0.4  2  0.6   0.8 0 A B C D A B C D
three unpaired electrons 1) s p q r 2) r q s p
18. Strong field ligand. 3) r q p s 4) s p r q
Jr Chemistry E/M
4. COLUMN-I COLUMN-II 8. Match the lists I and II and pick the correct
(Complex) (  effective) matching from the codes given below
A) K3  MnF6  p) 1.70 List - I List - II
(complex) (Structure and magneticmoment)
B) K3 VF6  q) 2.8 
a)  Ag  CN 2  1) square planar and 1.73 BM
C) K2  Mn(CN )6  r) 3.8
D) K3 TiF6  s) 4.9 b) Cu  CN 4  2) Linear and zero
A B C D A B C D 4
c) Cu  CN 6  3) Octahedral and zero
1) s q r p 2) q s r p
d) Cu  NH 3 4  4) tetrahedral and zero
3) s q p r 4) p q r s
5. Match the following.
Set -I Set -II e)  Fe  CN 6  5) octrahedral and 1.73 BM
A) Co-ordination number 3 1) Pentagonal
bipyramidal 1) a-2,b-4,c-5,d-1,e-3 2) a-5,b-4,c-1,d-3,e-2
B) Co-ordination number 2 2) Trigonal 3) a-1,b-3,c-4,d-2,e-5 4) a-4,b-5,c-2,d-1,e-3
C) Co-ordination number 5 3) Linear Two statements ‘A’ and ‘R’ are given below:
D) Co-ordination number 7 4) Trigonal planar Select your answers to these items using the
The correct matching is codes given below :
A B C D A B C D 1) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct
1) 4 3 2 1 2) 1 2 3 4 explanation of A
3) 4 3 1 2 4) 3 1 2 4 2) Both A and R are correct and R is not a correct
6. COLUMN-I COLUMN-II explanation of A
(Complex Ions) (No. of unpaired 3) A is true but R is false
electrons) 4) A is false but R is true
9. Assertion (A) : Among the cobalt (III)
A) CrF6 4  p)One 3
complexes Co  NH 3 6  is a diamagnetic but
B)  MnF6 4
q) Two
CoF6 
is paramagnetic.
C) Cr (CN )6  4
r) Three

D)  Mn(CN )6  4
s) Four Reason (R) : Hybridisation of Co  NH 3 6  is
t) Five sp 3d 2 where as hybridisation of Co in
CoF6 
is d 2 sp 3 .
1) s t q p 2) q r s t
3) t q s p 4) p q r s 10. Assertion (|A) : The complex ion

7. COLUMN-I COLUMN-II cis  Co  en 2 Cl2  is optically active
(Complex) (O.N. of Co)
Reason (R) : It is an octahedral complex
A) Co( NCS )( NH 3 )5  (SO3 ) p) -1
11. Assertion (A) :  Ni  CO 4  is diamagnetic and
B) Na Co(CO)4  q) 0
tetrahedral in shape
C) Na4 Co( S2O3 )3  r) 1 Reason (R) : Hybridisation of the complex is
D) Co2 (CO)8 s) 2 dsp 2 .
t) 3
1) 3 2) 1 3) 3 4) 1 5) 1 6) 1 7) 1
1) t p s q 2) q t s p
3) p t s q 4) q r s t 8) 1 9) 3 10) 2 11) 3
Jr Chemistry E/M
7. The complexes Co ( NH 3 )6  Cr (C2O4 )3 
DEFINITION OF and Cr ( NH 3 )6  Co (C2O4 )3 
CO-ORDINATION COMPOUND 1) Geometrical isomerism
2) Ionization energy
1. Oxidation number of cobalt in K Co (CO )4  3) Co-ordination isomerism
is 4) Linkage isomerism
1) +1 2) +3 3) -1 4) -3 8. Which of the following complex or the
complex ion will show geometrical
2. is a isomerism?

1) Monodentate ligand 2) Bidentate ligand 1)  Pt ( NH 3 )2 Cl2  2)  Pt ( NH 3 ) Cl5 
3) Quadridentate ligand 4) Hexadentate ligand
3. ‘en’ is an example of a 3)  Pt ( NH 3 )5 Cl  4) Co ( NH 3 )6  Cl3
1) Monodentate ligand 2) Bidentate ligand 9. Which isomerism is exhibited by
3) Tridentate ligand 4) Hexadentate ligand Co ( NH 3 )3 ( H 2O )3  Cl3
NOMENCLATURE 1) Geometrical isomerism
2) Linkage isomerism
4. IUPAC name of K 2 [ PtCl6 ] is 3) Coordination isomerism
1) Potassiumhexachloroplatinum 4) Ionization isomerism
2) Potassiumhexachloroplatinum(IV) 10. Co ( NH 3 )4 ( NO2 )2  Cl exhibits
3) Potassium hexachloroplatinate(IV) 1) Linkage isomerism, ionization isomerism and
4) Dipotassium hexa chloro platinum geometrical isomerism
5. IUPAC name of 2) Ionisation isomerism, geometrical isomerism
and optical isomerism
 Pt ( NH 3 )3 Br ( NO2 ) Cl  Cl is 3) Linkage isomerism, geometrical isomerism
1) Triamminechlorobromonitroplatinum (IV) and optical isomerism
chloride 4) Linkage isomerism, ionization isomerism and
optical isomerism.
2) Triamminebromonitrochloroplatinum (IV)
11. Which one of the following is an example of
coordination isomerism?
3) Triamminebromochloronitroplatinum (IV)
chloride 1) Co ( NH 3 )5 Br  SO4 and
4) Triamminenitrochlorobromoplatinum (IV) Co ( NH 3 )5 SO4  Br
6. Tetrammine diaqua copper (II) hydrox 2) Co ( NH 3 )5 NO2  Cl2 and
ide is given by the formula
 Co ( NH 3 )5 ONO  Cl2
1) Cu ( NH 3 )4  (OH )2 .2 H 2O
3) Cr ( H 2O )6  Cl3 and
2)  Cu ( NH 3 )4 (OH )2  .2 H 2 O
Cr ( H 2O )5 Cl  Cl2 .H 2O
3)  Cu ( NH 3 )4 ( H 2O )2  (OH )2
4) Cr ( NH 3 )6  Co (CN )6  and
4)  Cu ( NH 3 )4 ( H 2O )(OH )2  Co ( NH 3 )6  Cr (CN )6 
Jr Chemistry E/M
20. For an octahedral complex, which of the
[ FeF6 ]
12. has Fe atom .... hybridized with following d electron configuration will give
unpaired ........ electrons. maximum crystal - field stabilisation energy
1) d 2 sp 3 , 4 2) d 2 sp 3 ,5 1) High spin d 6 2) Low - spin d 4
3) sp 3 d 2 ,5 4) sp 3 d 2 ,3 3) Low spin d 5 4) High - spin d 7
13. How many EDTA molecules are required to APPLICATION OF COMPLEXES IN
make an octahedral complex with a Ca +2 QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS AND METAL
1) two 2) six 3) three 4) one OF CO-ORDINATION COMPOUNDS
14. Which of the complexes will exhibit the 21. Chromium compound widely used in tanning
minimum paramagnetic behaviour of leather is
+2 +2 1) Cr2O3 2) Cr2O2Cl2 3) Cr2O3
1)  Fe ( H 2O )6  2)  Mn ( H 2O )6 
4) K2 SO4Cr2 ( SO4 )3 24H 2O
+2 +2
3) Cr ( H 2O )6  4)  Ni ( H 2O )6 
22. Wilkinsons catalyst,  Rh ( Ph3 P )3 Cl  is used
15. The expected spin only magnetic moments for for
 Fe (CN )6  and [ FeF6 ] are
3− 1) Hydrogenation of oils
2) Hydrogenation of alkynes
1) 1.73and1.73 B.M 2) 1.73and 5.93 B.M 3) Hydrogenation of alkenes
3) 0.0 and1.73 B.M 4) 0.0 and 5.92 B.M 4) Polymerisation of alkenes
23. Coordination compounds have great
16. The volume (in mL) of 0.1M AgNO3 required importance in biological systems. In this
for complete precipitation of chloride ions context which of the following statements is
present in 30 mL of 0.01M solution of incorrect?
1) Chlorophylls are green pigments in plants and
Cr ( H 2O )5 Cl  Cl2 as silver chloride is close contain calcium.
to 2) Haemoglobin is the red pigment of blood and
1) 3 2) 4 3) 5 4) 6 contains iron.
17. Among the following ions which one has the 3) Cyanocobalamin is B12 and contains cobalt.
highest paramagnetism: 4) Carboxypeptidase-A is an enzyme and
3+ 2+
1) Cr ( H 2O )6  2)  Fe ( H 2O )6  contains zinc.

2+ 2+ LEVEL-II (C.W) - KEY

3) Cu ( H 2O )6  4)  Zn ( H 2O )2 
1) 3 2) 4 3) 2 4) 3 5) 3 6) 3 7) 3
18. Which of the following complexes is an outer 8) 1 9) 1 10) 1 11) 4 12) 3 13) 4 14) 4
orbital complex?
15) 4 16) 4 17) 2 18) 4 19) 2 20) 3 21) 4
4− 4−
1)  Fe (CN )6  2)  Mn (CN )6  22) 3 23) 1
3+ 2+
3) Co ( NH 3 )6  4)  Ni ( NH 3 )6  LEVEL-II (C.W) - KEY
2. (CH COO )

− N − CH 2 − CH 2 − N −
19. The EAN of cobalt in the complex ion (CH COO )

Co (en )2 Cl2  is 12. F − is weak field ligand so, its forms outer
1) 27 2) 36 3) 33 4) 35 complex.
Jr Chemistry E/M
14. H 2O is weak field ligand so, rearrangement 2. Which of the following is not chelating agent?
electron is possible 1) Thiosulphato 2) Oxalato
3) Glycinato 4) Ethylene diamine
1) n = 4 → µ = 4.85 BM
2) n = 5 → µ = 5.92 BM NOMENCLATURE
3) n = 4 → µ = 4.85 BM 3. IUPAC name of Na3 CoCl ( NO2 )5  is
4) n = 2 → µ = 2.8 BM 1) Sodium chloropentanitrocobaltate(III)
16. 1 - 2 2) Sodium cobaltnitrate
0.3 - ? 3) Trisodium chloropentanitro cobalt
0.3 4) Pentanitrocobalt (III) trisodium complex
× 2 = 0.6
1 4. The IUPAC name of the Wilkinsons catalyst
0.6  RhCl ( P Ph3 )3  is
0.6 = 0.1× X ; X = 0.1 = 6ml
1) Chlorotris (triphenylphopshine) rhodium (I)
17. 1) −n = 3 2) n = 4 3) n = 1 4) n = 0 2) Chlorotris (triphenylphosphine) rhodium (IV)
18. Ni +2 − 4 s 0 3d 8 rearrangement of electron is not 3) Chlorotris (triphenylphosphine) rhodium (0)
possible. So, hybridisation is sp 3 d 2 . 4) Chlotrotris (triphenylphosphine) rhodium (VI)
5. IUPAC name for the compound
20. High spin d 6 : t24g eg2
Co ( NH 3 )5 ( NO2 ) Cl2 is
CFSE = [0.4 × 4 − 0.6 × 2] ∆ 0
1)Nitrito-N-pentaammine cobalt (III)chloride
Low spin d 4 : t24g eg0 2)Nitrito-N-pentaammine cobalt (II) chloride
3) Pentaammine nitrito-N-cobalt (II) chloride
CFSE = [0.4 × 4] = 1.6∆ 0
4) Pentaammine nitrito-N-cobalt (III)chloride
Low spin d 5 : t25g eg0
CFSE = [0.4 × 5] ∆ 0 6. Both geometrical and optical isomerism are
shown by
High spin d 7 : t25g eg2 + 2+
1) Co (en )2 Cl2  2) Co ( NH 3 )5 Cl 
CFSE = [0.4 × 5 − 0.6 × 2] ∆ 0
+ 3−
22. Wilkinson’s catalyst is ( Ph3 P )3 RhCl 3) Co ( NH 3 )4 Cl2  4) Cr (ox )3 
LEVEL-II (H.W) 7. Which of the following is not optically active?
3+ 3−
1) Co (en )3  2) Cr (ox )3 
CO-ORDINATION COMPOUND 3) cis − CoCl2 (en )2 
1. An ambidentate ligand is one which
1) is linked to the metal atom at two points 4) trans − CoCl2 (en )2 
2) has two donor atoms but only one of them
has the capacity to form a coordinate bond. 8. Cis-trans isomerism is found in square planar
3) has two donor atoms but either of the two complexes of the molecular formula: (a and
can form a co-ordinate bond b are monodentate ligands)
4) forms chelate rings 1) Ma4 2) Ma3b 3) Ma2b2 4) Mab3
Jr Chemistry E/M
9. Which of the following isomeric pairs shows 14. A solution containing 2.675g of CoCl . 6NH
3 3
ionization isomerism?

(molar mass = 267.5 g mol ) is passed
1) Co ( NH 3 )6  Cr (CN )6  and
through a cation exchanger. the chloride ions
Cr ( NH 3 )  Co (CN ) 
 6  6 
obtained is solution were treated with excess
of AgNO3 to give 4.78 g of AgCl (molar mass
2) Cr ( H 2O )6  Cl3 and
= 143.5 g mol −1 ). The formula of the complex
Cr ( H 2O )5 Cl  Cl2 .H 2O is
(At. mass of Ag = 108 u)
3)  Pt ( NH 3 )2 Cl 2  and
1) CoCl3 ( NH 3 )3  2) CoCl ( NH 3 )5  Cl2
 Pt ( NH 3 )4  [ PtCl4 ]
3) Co ( NH 3 )6  Cl3 4) CoCl2 ( NH 3 )4  Cl
4) Co ( NH 3 )5 Br  SO4 and
Co ( NH 3 )5 SO4  Br 15. The complex  Pt ( NH 3 )4  has... structure

VBT 1) square planar 2) tetrahedral

10. List - I List - II 3) pyramidal 4) pentagonal
A) Ti +3 1) Charge transfer phenomenon\ CFT
B) MnO4− 2) Impurities 16. Crystal field stabilization energy for high
spin d 4 octahedral complex is
C) F2 3) s-s transition
D) Gems 4) d-d transition 1) 0.6∆ 0 2) 1.8∆ 0 3) 1.6∆ 0 4) 1.2∆ 0
5) Excitation of electron \
The correct match which is responsible for
2) A - 4, B - 1, C - 5, D - 2 OF CO-ORDINATION COMPOUNDS
3) A - 4, B - 5, C - 1, D - 2 17. Which of the following is antidote for lead
4) A - 5, B - 2, C - 3, D - 4 poisoning?
11. Co-ordination number of Cr is 6.A complex
1) CoCl3 2) Cis-platin 3) EDTA 4) DMG
entity with C2O4−2 en, superoxide as ligands
18. EDTA is used for the estimation of
is Cr (C2O4 )x (en ) y (O2 )z  . The ratio of x : y 1) Na + and K + ions 2) Cl − and Br − ions
: z is 3) Cu 2 + and Ag + ions 4) Ca 2 + and Mg 2+ ions
1) 1 : 1 : 2 2) 1 : 1 : 1 3) 1 : 2 : 2 4) 2 : 1 : 1 19. Wilkinson’s catalyst used as a homogeneous
12. The geometries of Ni (CO )4 and catalyst in the hydrogenation of alkenes
Ni ( PPh3 )2 Cl2 are 1) iron 2) aluminium
1) both square planar 3) rhodium 4) cobalt
2) tetrahedral and square planar 20. Ziegler - Natta catalyst is
3) both tetrahedral
4) square planar and tetrahedral 1) Solution of SnCl4 + trialkylaluminium
13. What are the magnetic moment (in BM) for 2) Solution of TiCl4 + trialkylaluminium
Ni(II) ion in square planar and octahedral
geometry, respectively? 3) Solution of TiCl4 + trialkylchromium
1) 0 and 2.83 2) 2.83 and 2.83
4) Solution of SnCl4 + Tollen’s reagent
3) 0 and 1.73 4) 2.83 and 0
Jr Chemistry E/M
LEVEL-II (H.W) - KEY 3. A coordinate complex contains CO +3 , Cl −
1) 3 2) 1 3) 1 4) 1 5) 4 6) 1 7) 4 and NH 3 when dissolved in water, one mole
8) 3 9) 4 10) 2 11) 1 12) 2 13) 1 14) 3 of this complex gave a total of 3 moles of ions.
15) 1 16) 1 17) 3 18) 4 19) 3 20) 2 The complex is [EAM-2012]

LEVEL-II (H.W) - HINTS 1) Co ( NH 3 )6  Cl3 2) Co ( NH 3 )5 Cl  Cl2

11. C2O4−2 and en are bidentate ligands O2− is
3) Co ( NH 3 )4 Cl2  Cl 4) Co ( NH 3 )3 Cl3 
monotente ligand.
4. Identify the correct set [EAM-2013]
12. Hybridisations are sp3 and dsp 2
Molecule Hybridisation Shape
13. For square planar
1) PCl5 dsp 3 square pyramidal
→n=0 −2
2)  Ni (CN )4  sp3 tetrahedral
For octahedral
3) SF6 sp 3 d 2 octahedral
4) IF3 dsp 3 pyramidal
14. Moles of the complex = = 0.01 5. Match the following [EAM-2014]
List-I List-II
moles of AgCl precipitated = = 0.033 3−
143.5 A) sp3 I) Co ( NH 3 )6 
Thus, 1 mole of the complex will precipitate
0.033 B) dsp 2 II)  Ni (CO )4 
AgCl = 3moles
C) sp 3 d 2 III)  Pt ( NH 3 )2 Cl2 
That means 1 molecule of the complex contains
3 ionizable Cl.
IV) (CoF6 )
D) d 2 sp 3
Hence, the formula is Co ( NH 3 )6  Cl3
16. Weak field ligand V)  Fe (CO )5 

d 4 → t 23g , e1g 1) A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I

2) A-II, B-III, C-I, D-V
CFSE = 3 × 0.4 − 1× 0.6 = 0.6∆ 0
3) A-III, B-II, C-IV, D-I
1. CO ( NH 3 )5 SO4  Br and CO ( NH 3 )5 Br  SO4
6. Ti ( H 2O )6  Cl3 has Ti atom ___ hybridized
are a pair of ____ isomers [EAM-2008]
with unpaired ___ electrons. [EAM-2010]
1) Ionization 2) Ligand
3) Coordination 4) Hydrate 1) d 2 sp 3 ,1 2) d 2 sp 3 , 4
2. The solution of X having excess of caustic
potash is used to detect ammonia. Which of 3) sp 3 d 2 ,1 4) sp 3 d 2 ,3
the following is X [EAM-2011]
1) K 2 [ HgI 4 ] 2) CO ( NH 3 )6  Cl3 PREVIOUS EAMCET - KEY

3) K 3  Fe (CNS )6  4) CO ( NH 3 )5 SO4  Br 1) 1 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3 5) 1 6) 3

Jr Chemistry E/M
6. Among the following which are ambidentate
LEVEL-III lignads ?

− 4-

1. One mole of the complex compound d) C O

2 e) SCN

2 2 2 2

Co ( NH 3 )5 Cl3 gives 3 moles of ions on 1) (a) and (b) 2) (c) and (d)
dissolution in water. One mole of the same 3) (a) and (f) 4) (a) and (e)
complex reacts with two moles of AgNO3 7. The number of donor sites in dimethyl
glyoxime, glycinato, diethylene triamine and
solution to yield two moles of AgCl ( s ) . The EDTA are respectively
structure of complex is 1)2,2,3 and 6 2) 2,2,3 and 4
1) Co ( NH 3 )4 Cl  Cl2 .NH 3 3) 2,2,2 and 6 4) 2,3,3 and 6

2) Co ( NH 3 )5 Cl  Cl2
8. The IUPAC name of the coordination
3) Co ( NH 3 )3 Cl3  2.NH 3
compound K 3  Fe (CN )6  is
4) Co ( NH 3 )4 Cl2  Cl.NH 3 1) potassium hexacyanoferrate (II)
2. The primary and secondary valencies of 2) potassium hexacyanoferrate (III)
chromium in the complex ion, 3) potassium hexacyanoiron (II)
dichlorodioxalatochromium (III), are 4) tripotassium hexacyanoiron(II)
1) 3,4 2) 4,3 3) 3,6 4) 6,3 ISOMERISM
3. In the complex with formula MCl3 .4 H 2O the 9. Which one of the following has largest
co-ordination number of the metal M is six number of isomers?
and there is no molecule of hydration in it. + 2+
1)  Ru ( NH 3 )4 Cl2  2) Co ( NH 3 )5 Cl 
The volume of 0.1M AgNO3 solution needed
2+ +
to precipitate the free chloride ions in 200ml 3)  Ir ( Ph3 )2 H (CO ) 4) Co (en )2 Cl2 
of 0.01M soltuion of the complex is
1) 40ml 2) 20 ml 3) 60 ml 4) 80 ml (R=alkyl group, en=ethylenediamine)
4. The molar ionic conductances of octahedral 10. Which of the following compounds shows
complexes. optical isomerism?
I) PtCl4 .5 NH 3 II) PtCl4 .4 NH 3 3− 3−
1) Cr (C2O4 )3  2) Co (CN )6 
III) PtCl4 .3 NH 3 IV) PtCl4 .2 NH 3
3) Cu ( NH 3 )4  4) [ZnCl4 ]
11. In which of the following pairs both the
DEFINITION OF complexes do not show optical isomerism?
5. The coordination number of a central metal 1) cis − Cr (C2O4 )2 Cl2  ,
atom in a complex is determined by
1) the number of ligands around a metal ion trans − Co ( NH 3 )4 Cl2 
bonded by sigma bonds
2) the number of ligands around a metal ion 2) Co (en )3  Cl3 , Cis − Co (en )2 Cl2  Cl
bonded by π -bonds
3)  PtCl2 ( en ) , [ NiCl2 Br2 ]
3) the number of ligands around a metal ion
bounded by sigma and pi bonds both.
4) the number of only anionic ligands bonded 4) Co ( NO3 )3 ( NH 3 )3  , cis −  Pt (en )2 Cl2 
to the metal ion.
Jr Chemistry E/M
12. Of the following configurations, the optical 17. The correct order of magnetic moments (spin
isomers are only values in bohr magneton) among is
1) [MnCl4 ] > [CoCl4 ] >  Fe (CN )6 
2− 2−

2) [MnCl4 ] >  Fe (CN )6  > [CoCl4 ]
2− 2−

3)  Fe (CN )6  > [MnCl4 ] > [CoCl4 ]
2− 2−

4)  Fe (CN )6  > [CoCl4 ] > [MnCl4 ]
2− 2−

(Atomic numbers: Mn = 25, Fe = 26, Co = 27)

18. Which one of the following cyano complexes
would exhibit the lowest value of
paramagnetic behaviour?
3− 3−
1)  Fe (CN )6  2) Co (CN )6 
3− 3−
3) Cr (CN )6  4)  Mn (CN )6 

1) I and II 2) I and III 19. Which of the following statemants is not

3) II and IV 4) II and III correct ?
13. The type of isomerism shown by 1) The complexes [ NiCl ] and  Ni (CN )  4

Co ( NH3 )4 Br2  Cl is differ in their magnetic properties.

2− 2−
1) Optical and ionisaton 2) The complexes Ni (Cl )4  and  Ni (CN )  differ

2) Geometrical and optical in the state of hybridisation of nickel.

3) Geometrical and ionisation 2− 2−
4) Only geometrical 3) the complexes Ni(Cl)  and  Ni (CN )  differ
4 4

14. Which of the following doesn’t have optical in geometry.

isomer? 2− 2−
4) The complexes Ni (Cl )4  and  Ni (CN )  differ
1) Co (en )3  Cl3 2) Co ( NH 3 )3 Cl3 

in primary valancies of nickel.

3) Co (en )2 Cl2  Cl 4) Co (en )( NH 3 )2 Cl2  Cl 20. The species having tetrahedral shape is
2− 2−
1) [PdCl ]  Ni (CN 4 )  Pd (CN 4 ) 4) [ NiCl ]
2− 2−


2) 3) 4


 Ni (CN )4  , [MnBr4 ]
and [FeF ] . Geometry, 6

15. The complex K 3  Fe (CN )6  should have a hybridisation and magnetic moment of the
ions respectively are
spin only magnetic moment of
1) Tetrahedral ,square planar, octahedral :
1) 48BM 2) 2 5BM 3) 35BM 4) 6BM
sp3 , dsp 2 , sp3d 2 :5.9,0,4.9
16. Which one of the following complexes is an
outer orbital complex? 2) Tetrahedral ,square planar, octahedral :
4− 4− dsp 2 , sp3 , sp3d 2 :0,5.9,4.9
1)  Fe (CN )6  2)  Mn (CN )6 
3) Square planar, tetrahedral ,octahedral :
3+ 2+
3) Co ( NH 3 )6  4)  Ni ( NH 3 )6  dsp 2 , sp3 , d 2 sp 3 :5.9,4.9,0
4) Square planar, tetrahedral ,octahedral :
[Atomic numbers: Mn = 25, Fe = 26, Co = 27,
Ni = 28] dsp 2 , sp3 , sp3d 2 :0,5.9,4.9
Jr Chemistry E/M
CFT 27. In Fe (CO )5 the Fe − C bond possess
22. Cr ( H 2O )6  Cl3 has a magnetic moment of 1) π − character only
3.83BM. The correct distribution of 3d 2) σ character only
electrons in chromium present in the complex 3) ionic character only
is 4) Both σ and π character
1) 3 d xy , 3 d 1yz , 3 d zx1 2) 3 d xy , 3 d 1yz , 3 d z12
1 1 1 1 1 1
3) 3d ( x2 − y 2 ) ,3d ,3d
4) 3d ,3d ( x2 − y 2 ) ,3d
z2 xz xy yz 1) 2 2) 3 3) 2 4) 2 5) 1 6) 4 7) 1
23. In which of the following octahedral 8) 2 9) 4 10) 1 11) 3 12) 3 13) 3 14) 2
complexes will the magnitude of ∆ 0 be the 15) 3 16) 4 17) 2 18) 3 19) 4 20) 4 21) 4
highest 22) 1 23) 1 24) 1 25) 1 26) 1 27) 4
3− 3−
1) Co (CN )6  2) Co (C2O4 )3 
3+ 2. 3+ Primary valecy corresponds to oxidation
3) Co ( H 2O )6  4) Co ( NH 3 )6 
state and secondary valecy corresponds to
24. Which of the following is a correct Irving- coordination number primary=3, secondary=6.
Williams order? (Tendency of complex
formation) 3. Formula of complex is  MCl2 ( H 2O )4  Cl .
1) Mn 2 + < Fe 2 + < Co 2 + < Ni 2 + Ionisable Cl − atoms are only one.
2) Ni 2 + < Co 2 + < Fe 2 + < Mn 2 + M1V1 = M 2V2
3) Fe 2 + < Mn 2 + < Ni 2 + < Co 2 + 4. IV of four complexes
4) Co < Mn < Fe < Ni 2+ 2+ 2+
(1) is 3, (2) is 2, (3) is 1, (4) is 0
25. Which order is correct in spectrochemical 6. are ambidentate ligands which
− NO2 − and − SCN
series of ligands? have two donor atoms.
1) Cl − < F − < C2O42− < NO2− < CN −
The complex [Co(en) 2 Cl2 ] shows geometrical
2) CN − < C2O42− < Cl − < NO2− < F − as well as optical isomerism.

3) C2O42− < F − < Cl − < NO2− < CN − 15. µ = n ( n + 2 ) where n =5.

4) F − < Cl − < NO2− < CN − < C2O42− 17. For Mn +2 → n = 5

For Co +2 → n = 3
CARBONYL COMPOUNDS AND STABILITY 18. For Fe +3 and Mn +2 → n = 5
26. Which of the following ligands is called π -
For Co +3 → n = 4
acceptors? For Cr +3 → n = 3
CO, CN − , NO + 19. Cl is weak field ligand and ( N − is strong field
(I ) ( II ) ( III ) ligand so, in [ NiCl4 ]
hybridisation is sp3 in
1) I,II,III 2) I, II only −2
3) I,III only 4) III only  Ni (CN )4  hybridisation is dsp 2 .
Jr Chemistry E/M
PREVIOUS AIEEE QUESTIONS 2. Aqueous solution of Ni contains [ Ni ( H 2 O)6 ]2 +

1. Which one of the following has an optical and its magnetic moment is 2.83 B.M. when
isomer [AIEEE-2010] ammonia is added in it, the predicted change
2+ 2+ in the magnetic moment of solution is :
1)  Zn (en )2 
 (
2)  Zn en ( NH 3 )  )2  1) It will remain same
3+ 3+
2) It increases from 2.83 B.M.
3) Co (en )3  4) Co ( H 2O )4 en  3) It decreases from 2.83 B.M.
4) It can not be predicted theoretically.
2. Which of the following facts about the 3. Which of the following complexes is a
complex Cr ( NH 3 )6  Cl3 is wrong. paramagnetic complex ?
[AIEEE-2011] 1) K 2  Ni (CN )4  2)  Ni ( H 2 O )6  ( NO3 ) 2

1) The complex innvolves d 2 sp3 hybridisation 3) [Co( NH 3 )6 ]Cl3 4) [ Pt ( NH 3 )4 ]Cl2

4. Which of the following are paramagnetic ?
and is octahedral shape
2) The complex is paramagnetic 1) K 4 [ Fe(CN )6 ] 2) K3 [Cr (CN )6 ]
3) The complex is an outer orbital complex 3) K3 [Co(CN )6 ] 4) K 2 [ Ni(CN )4 ]
4) The complex gives white precipitate which 5. Which of the following pairs of d-electron
silver nitrate solution. configuration exhibit both low and high spin
3. The magnetic moment (spin only) of tetrahedral complex
[ NiCl4 ]2− [AIEEE-2011] 1) d 1 , d 2 2) d 3 , d 4 3) d 7 , d 8 4) d 9 , d 10
1) 1.8BM 2) 5.86 BM 6. Assign the hybridisation, shape and magnetic
3) 2.82 BM 4) 3.82 BM moment of K 2 Cu (CN )4 
4. Which among the following will be named
1) sp 3 , tetrahedral, 1.73 BM
as dibromidobis (ethylene diamine)
chromium III bromide [AIEEE - 2012] 2) dsp 2 , square planar, 1.73 BM
+ − −
2) CrBr2 ( en )2 
3) sp 3 , tetrahedral, 2.8 BM
1) CrBr2 (en )2 
 
4) dsp 2 , square planar, 2.8 BM
+ +2
3) CrBr2 ( en ) 4) CrBr2 (en ) 7. Which of the following is most stable.
3+ 3−
5. Which of the following complex species is not 1)  Fe ( H 2O )6  2)  Fe (CN )6 
expected to exhibit optical isomerisim
[MAINS-2013] 3)  Fe (C2O4 )3  4) [ FeCl6 ]3−
1) Co (en )2 Cl2  2) Co ( NH 3 )3 Cl3  COMPREHENSION TYPE QUESTIONS
+ 3+
Comprehension-1: Valence bond theory
3) Co (en ) ( NH 3 )2 Cl2  4) Co (en )3  successfully explains the magnetic behaviour of
complexes. The substances which contains
PREVIOUS AIEEE QUESTIONS - KEY unpaired electrons are paramagnetic and
1) 3 2) 3 3) 3 4) 1 5) 2 paramagnetic character increases as the number
of unpaired electrons increases. Magnetic
moment of a complex can be determined
LEVEL-IV experimentally and by using formula n(n + 2)
and we can determine the number of unpaired
1. Which is low spin complex ? electrons in it. This information is important in
1) [ Fe(CN )6 ]3− 2) [Co( NO2 )6 ]3− writing the electronic structure of complex
which in turn is also useful in deciding the
3) [Mn(CN )6 ]3− 4) All of these geometry of complex.
Jr Chemistry E/M
8. The magnetic moments (spin only) of [ NiCl4 ]2 − Comprehension-3: When degenerate
d -orbitals of an isolated metal atom/ion come
and  Ni (CN )4  are: underinfluence of magnetic field of ligands,
1) 0, 0 2) 2.82 B.M., 2.82 B.M. the degeneracy is lost. Two sets of orbitals
3) 0, 2.82 B.M. 4) 2.82 B.M., 0 are obtained in case of octahedral and
9. There are four complexes of Ni. Select the tetrahedral complexes. The energy difference
complex/es which will be attracted by between these two set of orbitals is known as
magnetic field : crystal field splitting energy.
2− 15. The value of ∆ depends on
(I)  Ni (CN )4  (II) [ NiCl4 ]2 − 1) the nature of the metal cation
(III) Ni (CO )4 (IV)  Ni ( H 2 O )6 
2+ 2) nature of the ligands
3) geometry of the complex 4) all of these
1) I only 2) I and IV 16. The splitting power of the ligands in
3) II, III and IV 4) II and IV decreasing order is as follows :
10. The magnetic moments of complexes given
below are in the order : 1) CN − > NO2− > NH 3 > H 2O

(I) Ni (CO ) (II)  Mn (CN ) 

2) CN − > NH 3 > NO2− > H 2O
4  6 
(III) [Cr ( NH 3 )6 ]
(IV) [CoF6 ] 3− 3) NH 3 > CN − > NO2− > H 2O
1) I > II > III > IV 2) I < II < III < IV 4) H 2O > NH 3 > NO2− > CN −
3) IV > II > I > III 4) IV < II < I < III 17. Which of these species has same number of
11. The magnetic moment of [Cu ( NH 3 ) 4 ] was
unpaired electrons with weak field as well as
found to be 1.73 B.M. The number of with strong field ligands.
unpaired electrons in the complex is : 1) Ti 2+ 2) Cr 3+ 3) Ni 2+ 4) all of these
1) 0 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3
Comprehension - 2: When two or more
simple salts are mixed in storchiometric 1) 4 2) 1 3) 2 4) 2 5) 2 6) 2 7) 3
proportions and allowed to crystallised 8) 4 9) 4 10) 2 11) 2 12) 3 13) 4 14) 4
together, crystals of new compounds are 15) 4 16) 1 17) 4
formed. The new compound is known as
addition compound. LEVEL-IV - HINTS
12. The addition compound is a 5. d 3 and d 4 systems have e 2t12g and e 2t2g2
1) double salt only
2) coordination compound only spin state) configuration. In weak field are e3t2g

3) either double salt or coordination compound

4) mixture of two salts and e 4t2g
(low spin state) configurations.
13. Mohr’s salt on dissociation in water gives 7. Complexes having more rings in structure will
1) positive test for Fe 2 + be more stable.
2) positive test for Fe 2+ and SO42 − 8. On the basis of VBT structure, [ NiCl4 ]2 − and
3) positive test for Fe3+ , SO42 − and NH 4⊕ Ni (CN )4  have two and zero unpaired electrons

4) positive test for Fe 2+ , NH 4+ and SO42 − and magnetic moment is equal to n(n + 2) .
14. Complex compound is made up of 9. II and IV contain unpaired electrons.
1) simple cation and complex anion 10. The number of unpaired electrons in I, II, III &
2) complex cation and simple anion IV are 0, 1, 3 and 4 respectively.
3) complex cation and complex anion 11. The hybridisation is dsp 2 with one unpaired
4) all of these electron.
Jr Chemistry E/M

SYNOPSIS  IIB elements have a d10 configuration both in
elemental form and in their stable oxidation
General Introduction: In the modern states.
periodic table elements are classified on the  d-block elements are present as 3d, 4d, 5d and
basis of their electronic configuration into 6d series in the periodic table.
 3d series starts with Sc [Z = 21] ends with Zn
s, p, d and f block elements. [Z = 30]
 The elements whose differentiating electron  4d series starts with Y [Z = 39] ends with
enters in (n-1) d sub-level are called d-block Cd [Z = 48]
elements.  5d series starts with La [Z = 57], Hf ( Z  72)
 The d-block elements in which the atoms or ions ends with Hg[Z = 80].
have incomplete d-orbitals are called transition  6d series is incomplete
elements.  Technitium is the first man made element.
 A typical transition element shall have an  Elements in VIIIB group
incompletely filled d  sublevel either in its Fe, Co, Ni ; Ru , Rh, Pd ; Os, Ir , Pt ; Hs, Mt , Ds
elemental form or in any of its chemically Lattice Structures of Transition Metals
significant oxidation states.  Sc, Ti, Mn & Fe group elements have hcp
 All d  block elements are not transition structures.
elements.  V & Cr group elements have bcc structures.
Ex: Zn, Cd & Hg are not transitional elements  Co, Ni & Cu group elements have ccp structures.
 The general outer electronic configuration of d- Note: Zn, Cd, Hg & Mn have one or more typical
metallic structures at normal temperatures.
block elements is (n-1)d1-10 ns0 (or) 1 (or) 2
 The transition elements are placed in between Electronic Configurations
the electropositive (or) metallic elements (s-  The elements with exceptional configuration in
block) and the electronegative (or) non-metallic 3d series are Cr (24) [Ar] 3d5 4s1 and Cu (29)
elements (p-block) [Ar] 3d10 4s1
 The properties of these elements are in between  The elements with exceptional configuration in
4d series are
those of highly reactive metallic elements of s-
Nb (41) - [Kr] 4d4 5s1 ; Mo (42) - [Kr] 4d5 5s1
block and those of less reactive non-metallic
Ru (43) - [Kr] 4d7 5s1 ; Rh (45) - [Kr] 4d8 5s1
elements of p-block
Pd (46) - [Kr] 4d10 5s0; Ag (47) - [Kr] 4d10 5s1
 d-block elements are placed in the groups 3 to  The elements with exceptional configuration in
12 (i.e, III B to VIII B and I B & II B ) 5d series are
 The elements of IB group namely Cu, Ag, Au P t (78) [Xe] 4f 14 5d 10 6s 0
are called typical transition elements since in
these elements electrons from completely (or) 4f 14 5d 9 6s1 (or) 4f 14 5d 8 6 s 2
filled inner (n-1)d subshell take part in bond and Au (79) [Xe] 4f 14 5d10 6s1
formation along with outer s-electrons  Atoms of d-block elements having d 5 (half
 IB group elements copper, silver and gold are
filled) and d10 (completely filled) configuration
called coinage elements. In olden days these
metals are used to prepare coins. are more stable because of greater exchange
 The elements of IIB (Zn, Cd and Hg) are not
considered as transition elements as they do not  ns 2 np 6 nd10 configuration for an ion or atom is
show the properties of transition elements known as pseudo inert gas configuration (or)
because of completely filled d-orbitals. nickel group configuration.
 Examples for atoms / ions having ns 2 np 6 nd10 Zinc Calamine ZnCO3
configuration are Pt, Pd  nickel group  Zinc Blende ZnS
Silver Argentite Ag 2 S
Cu  , Ag  , Au  , Zn 2 ,Cd 2 , Hg 2
Horn silver AgCl
Occurrence of Transition Elements  Pt and Au are almost unreactive.
 3d elements are more widely distributed in  Pt, Au and Ag are called noble metals.
nature than 4d and 5d series.
 3d series elements with even atomic numbers
Characteristics of 3d series: Transition
are largely available in nature than those with elements exhibit horizontal similarities also in
odd atomic numbers. addition to usually existing group similarities.
 The transition elements exhibit typical
 Iron is the fourth most abundant among all
characteristic properties. This is due to their
elements in the earth’s crust.
small atomic sizes, large nuclear charges and
Some Important Minerals of 3d-elements the presence of unpaired d - electrons.
Scandium Thortveitite Sc2  Si2O7  a) Variable oxidation states
b) para and ferro magnetic properties
Titanium Ilmenite FeTiO3 c) formation of coloured hydrated ions and salts
d) alloy formation ability
Rutile TiO2 e) catalytic properties
Vanadium Carnotite 2 K UO2 VO4 .3H 2O f)complex forming ability
Trends in M.P, B.P. & densities:
Vanadinite Pb5 VO4 3 Cl
Transition elements have high melting points.
Chromium Chromite FeO.Cr2O3 High melting points, boiling points and heat of
atomisation values of transition elements are due
Manganese Pyrolusite MnO2 to the involvement of (n - 1)d electrons in
Braunite Mn2O3 addition to ns electrons in the interatomic
metallic bonding.
Manganite Mn2O3 .H 2O  In any series melting points increase upto VI B
group and then decrease.
Hausmannite Mn3O4
 M.P of Mn & Tc are lower than neighbouring
Iron Haematite Fe2O3 elements.
 In any series of d-block, last element (IIB group)
Magnetite Fe3O4 has the least melting and boiling points. This is
Siderite FeCO3 probably becuase the d-electrons do not
participate in metallic bonding.
Limonite Fe2O3 .xH 2O  Among all metals tungston has the highest
melting point. Mercury is a liquid at room
Iron Pyrites FeS2
Cobalt Smaltite CoAs2  IIB group elements have very low m.p values
Cobaltite CoAsS due to non involvement of d 10 electrons in
metallic bonding.
Nickel Pentalandite  Ni, Fe, Cu  S  In a period densities increase as the atomic radii
Garnierite  Ni, Mg  SiO3 .xH 2O decrease. Density increases down the group in
transition elements.
Copper Chalcocite Cu2 S  Iridium has the highest density (22.7g cm -3)
among all the elements. Osmium also has a very
Copper Pyrites Cu2 S .Fe2 S3
high density (22.6g cm-3).
Jr Chemistry E/M
 In 3d-series highest density is observed in Cu  nd
In Cr and Cu 2 IP value is almost double the
and least in Sc.
1st IP value due to half filled and completely
filled ‘d’ orbitals in Cr  and Cu  ions
 In a period the increase in IP2 and IP3 values
are predominant than increase in IP1 .
 In IIIB-group ionisation potential decreases from
scandium to lanthanum, but in the remaining
groups trend is not same.
 Atomic radii of Zr = 1.6 A° and Hf =1.59 A°
and their IP values are Zr = 674 kJ/mole and Hf
= 760 kJ/mole. This is due to Lanthanide
 IP values of 4d and 5d series are almost equal
due to lanthanide contraction.
 Chromium and copper have unusally high
Atomic and ionic radii of 3d series second ionization energy when compared with
 The atomic radius decreases in a period in the their neighbouring elements.
begining, with the increase in the atomic  Second ionization energy of the zinc is
number. considerinably low because removal of second
 At the end of series, there are increased electron-
electron from zinc leads to the stable d 10
electron repulstions between the added electrons
in the same orbitals. These repulsions exceed
 Third ionization energy of Mn is higher than
the attractive forces due to increased nuclear
charge. Therefore, electron cloud expands and the neighbours because of stable d 5
the atomic radius increases at the end of any configuration.
series.  Among 3d, 4d and 5d series of d-block elements,
 The radii of 4d and 5d series are almost equal. first ionization energy is least for lanthanum and
This is due to lanthanide contraction. is highest for mercury.
 Atomic and ionic radii of Cr, Mn and Fe are Oxidation States of 3d Series: Transition
equal. Between Ag and Cd bigger atom is Cd. elements exhibit variable oxidation states.
 The slight irregularities in size have been  Both ns and (n-1)d electrons will participate in
described to crystal field effects. bond formation due to small energy difference
 Atomic radii of Zr is 1.6 A° and Hf is1.59 A° between them.
due to Lanthanide contraction.  Sc, Y, La and Ac do not exhibit variable
 The ionic radii of transition metals decrease with
oxidation states. These elements always exist
increase in oxidation state. in + 3 oxidation state as they acquire octet
Ionization Energies of 3d Series configuration in that oxidation state.
 Their IP values are higher than s block elements,  For transition elements the oxidation state
but less than those of p block elements. ranges between 0 and + 8.
 They are less electropositive than s block  Manganese (Mn) in 3d seires, Technitium (Tc)
elements, but more electropositive than p block in 4d series and Rhenium (Re) in 5d series
elements. exhibit stable +7 oxidation state.
 IP values generally increase from left to right in  The maximum stable oxidation state + 8 is
any series but the increase is less than that of S exhibited by Osmium (Os) of 5d- series and
block elements due to increase in nuclear charge Ruthenium (Ru) of 4d series, but it is unstable
is opposed by screening effect. for Ruthenium.
 In transition elements, across a period from left  VX 5 hydrolysed to give oxo halides VOX 3
to right, the +2 state becomes more stable while
+3 state becomes less stable.  Besides the oxides, oxocations stabilize V 5 as
 Cu, Mo, Ag, W, Au and Hg exhibit stable +1
oxidation state.
VO2 and V 6 as VO22 .
 Chromium also exhibits +1 oxidation state but  Cu forms flourides, chlorides, bromides but not
it is unstable. iodides.
 Ferric ion with d5 configuration is more stable  
Cu 2 oxidises I to I 2
than ferrous ion with d6 configuration.
 The variable oxidation states are also referred 2Cu 2  4 I   Cu2 I 2  s   I 2
as variable valencies.  Cu  compounds disproportionate in aqueous
 The minimum oxidation state exhibited by an
element is given by the no. of outer s-electrons
and maximum oxidation state is given by the  Cu 2 compounds are stable due to more
sum of s-electrons of outer most shell and negative enthalpy of hydration.
unpaired d-electrons of penultimate shell.  For example, in group 6, Mo (VI) and W (VI)
 The compounds with lower oxidation state (i.e.,) are found to be more stable than Cr (VI).
+2 exhibit the reducing nature (eg : Cr+2, Fe+2 In Oxides: In oxides of 3d series highest
etc). Their oxides have basic character and also oxidation number in the oxides coincide with
exhibit reducing property. its group number.
 Compounds with lower oxidation states are  In 3d-series after 7th group no higher oxides
ionic and with higher oxidation states are above Fe2O3 are known.
 Due to formation of multiple bonds in oxides,
 The compounds of lower oxidation state are
they are more stable than flourides
known as ‘ous’ compounds and those of higher
oxidation states are ‘ic’ compounds. eg: Fe+2 (+2)  Mn2O7 is stable.
Ferrous. Fe+3 (+3) Ferric. Electrode potentials and chemical
 Most stable oxidation states of transition series reactivity
are: Ti  IV  ; V  V  ; Cr  III & VI  ;  S.R.P of M 2 / M values increases from left to
Mn  II  ; Fe  III  ; Co  II & III  ; right as IP values increases. (except Zn)
 Cu cannot displace H 2 from acids because it
Ni  II  ; Cu  II 
has highest S.R.P value which is +0.34 V.
Trends in Stability of Higher Oxidation  Mn, Ni and Zn have more negative S.R.P values
States than expected.
 In 3d series highest oxidation numbers are Reason: Mn & Zn have d 5 & d 10 stable e.c.
observed in TiX 4 , VF5 , CrF6 . Ni has higher hydration energy.
(  H Hyd Ni 2 = -2121 KJ/mole)
 Manganese show +7 state in MnO3 F and in
 Mn 3 and Co 3 are strong oxidising agents due
other halides it is not observed.
to high S.R.P of M 3 / M 2 values.
 Beyond manganese except FeX 3 and CoF3 are
only known trihalides.  EM0 3 / M 2 show varying trends
 Flourides of highest oxidation state are stabilised
 ESc0 3 / Sc2 is low as it gets noble gas configuration
due to high lattice energy or higher bond
enthalpy  EFe
/ Fe2
is low as Fe 3 has stable d 5
Eg: CoF3 , VF5 , CrF6 configuration
Jr Chemistry E/M
EMn  Paramagnetic substances contain unpaired
 0
/ Mn2
is high as Mn 2 has stable d 5
electron spins or unpaired electrons.
configuration. Ex : K3[Fe(CN)6], Sc2+, Cr3+ etc
 Mn3  d 4  is less stable than Mn 2  d 5   In paramagnetic substances the magnetic field
of the substance (B) is more than the applied
because the latter has half-filled d-subshell magnetic field strength (H).
stable electronic configuration. Thus Mn3  For paramagnetic substances B>H.
 The substances which are repelled by the
easily reduced to Mn 2 and acts as oxidant.
magnetic field when they are kept in higher
 EMn
/ Mn2
is more positive than ECr
/ Cr 2
(or) magnetic field are called diamagnetic substances
(stronger to weaker field.)
/ Fe2
due to high 3rd I.E of Mn.  Diamagnetic substances exhibit decrease in
weight in the presence of magnetic field.
 Ti 2 , V 2 and Cr 2 are strong reducing agents
 It is hard for magnetic lines to pass through a
and liberate H 2 from dilute acids. diamagnetic substance than in vacuum.
 If Magnetic field in the substance (B) is less than
 Cr 2 is a stronger reducing agent than Fe 2
external magnetic field (H), then they are said
because its configuration changes from d 4 to to be diamagnetic.
d 3 (a half filled t2 g level). In aqueous solution
EX : Ti+4, V+5 , Sc3+, Zn, Hg, Cd etc
 Mercurous ion is diamagnetic in nature. It exists
d 3 is more stable as compared to d 5.
as Hg 22 .
 Mn 3 is oxidising agent as its configuration  For diamagnetic substances B<H.
changes to d 5  Diamagnetic substances contain electron pairs
E 0 M 3 / M 2 in the 3d series are observed for some with opposite spins.
metals as  Ferromagnetic substances are considered as a
special case of paramagnetic substances.
Co 3 / Co 2  Mn 3 / Mn 2  Fe 3 / Fe 2   Ferromagnetic substances are those in which
Ti 3 / Ti 2  Sc 3 / Sc 2  V 3 / V 2 there are large no. of electrons with unpaired
 At times oxidizing power depends on the spins and whose magnetic moments are aligned
stability of the species formed from the in the same direction.
 For Ferromagnetic substances B  H
oxidizing agent. Ex: VO2  Cr2O72  MnO4 .
 Iron, Cobalt and Nickel are best examples for
W.E-1: Why is E 0 value for Mn 3 / Mn 2 couple ferromagnetic substances.
 Ferromagnetism disappears in the aqueous
much more positive than that for Cr 3 / Cr 2
solution of the substance
or Fe 3 / Fe 2 ? Explain  Paramagnetism of substances (molecules, atoms
Sol. Mn 2 contains stable d 5 configuration. So or ions) is due to the spins of the unpaired
removal of another electron from exactly half- electrons and also due to angular orbital
filled configuration requires more energy i.e., momentum.
greater third IE of manganese is responsible for  The magnetic moment of transition metal ions
the variation. exhibiting paramagnetism is calculated by the
Magnetic Property of Transition
S  L  4S (S  1)  L( L  1) BM
Metals: The substances which are attracted
into the magnetic field when they are kept in Where S = Sum of the spin quantum numbers
higher magnetic field are called paramagnetic L = Sum of the orbital angular momentum
substances (weaker field to stronger field). quantum numbers.
 For an electron, spin quantum numbers Colours of Transition Metal Ions: Many
s=±½ S= sxn compounds of transition metals are coloured and
Where n = number of unpaired electrons. the compounds of s-block and p-block elements
 The unit of magnetic moment is Bohr Magneton are almost colourless.
eh  The transition metal ions with unpaired
(BM) 1 BM = d-electrons absorb characteristic coloured light
4 mc
from the visible region and transmit its
where e = electron charge; h = Planck’ss
complementary colour in the same region. This
constant, m = mass of electron, c = velocity is responsible for the colour of the ion.
of light. Ex: i) Hydrated Titanium ions (one 3d-electron)
1 BM = 9.273 x 10-24Joule / Tesla . absorbs green light from visible region and
= 9.273 x 10-21 erg / Gauss transmits the purple light.(pink)
ii) Hydrated Cu+2 ions absorb red colour and
Unpaired Magnetic moment transmit blue colour.
Ion Configuration electrons(S)
Calculated Observed iii) Mn2+ ion transmits pink colour
3+ 0
Sc 3d 0 0 0 Colours of visible radiations
3d1 1 1.73 1.7  1.8 Absorbed Wavelength of Complementary
2 2.84 2.7  2.8
colour colour colour
3 3.87 3.7  3.9
Violet 400 - 450 nm Yellow-green
3d 4
4 4.90 8.8  4.9
Blue 450 - 490 nm Yellow
Mn2+ 3d
5 5.92 5.7  6.0
Greenblue 480 - 490 nm Orange
4 4.90 5.3  5.5
3 3.87 4.4  5.2 Absorbed Wavelength of Complementary
Ni 2+
2 2.84 2.9  3.4 colour colour colour
1 1.73 1.8  2.2 Blue green 490 - 500 nm Red
3d 10
0 0 Green 500 - 560 nm Purple
Yellow green 560 - 575 nm Violet
Yellow 575 - 590 nm Blue
 The contribution of orbital angular quantum Orange 590 - 625 nm Green blue
number towards magnetic moment is low and Red 625 - 750 nm Blue green
hence it can be neglected [ L = 0] for 3d series.  According to crystal field theory, the d-orbitals
But in some cases  exp is higher than calc . e.g. of transition metal ions split into two groups
when ligands or counter ions or solvent
Fe 2 , Co 2 , Ni 2 , Cu 2 molecules attack on them. This is known as d-
 Spin-only magnetic moment is given by orbital splitting (or) crystal field splitting.
  4SS  1 BM  In presence of other ions or molecules five d-
orbitals lose their degeneracy and split into two
 In terms of number of unpaired electrons (n),
the magnetic moment is given by the formula. groups namely t2 g  d xy , d yz , d zx  and eg
 s  nn  2 BM (d x2  y 2 & d z 2 ) of slightly different energies.
if n =1 m= 1.73 BM  As the energy difference between two groups
if n =2 m= 2.83 BM
if n =3 m= 3.87 BM eg & t2 g is small, the energy from visible light
 In 2nd and 3rd transition series (4d & 5d) , the is sufficient for the excitation of electrons.
orbital contribution is significant and so L must  The colour of the transition metal ion depends
be included on the number of electrons undergoing the d-d
transition and the energy difference between
S L  4S(S  1)  L(L  1)BM
these d-orbitals.
Jr Chemistry E/M
Colours of some of the first row  Catalysts at a solid surface binds the reactants.
(aquated) Transition metal ions In which metals utilise (n-1)d and ns electrons
for bonding.
ION Outer electron No.of Unpaired Colour
Configuration electrons Ex: Iron (III) catalyses the reaction between
iodide and perdisulphate ions.
Sc3+ 3d0 0 Colouress
Ti3+ 3d1 1 Purple 2 I   S 2O82  I 2  2 SO42
V 3+
3d 2
2 Green Mechanism:
Cr 2+
3d 4
4 Blue 2 Fe 3  2 I   2 Fe 2  I 2
2 Fe 2  S 2O82  2 Fe 3  2 SO42
3+ 3
Cr 3d 3 Violet
3+ 4
Mn 3d 4 Violet
3+ 5  TiCl4 with Al  CH 3 3 forms the basis of
Fe 3d 5 Yellow
Mn2+ 3d5 5 Pink Ziegler Natta catalyst used in the manufacture
6+ 1
of polythene.
Mn 3d 1 Green  In the Wacker process the oxidation of ethyne
2+ 6
Fe 3d 4 Green
to ethanal is catalysed by PdCl2 .
Co2+ 3d7 3 Pink
2+ 8
Ex: i)In the manufacture of sulphuric acid by contact
Ni 3d 2 Green process, the catalyst used is V2O5.
Cu2+ 3d9 1 Blue ii) In the synthesis of Ammonia by Haber’s
Cu +
3d 10
0 Colourless process, the catalyst used is a mixture of Iron
Zn 2+
3d 10
0 Colourless and Molybdenum.
 The transition metal ions with empty d-orbitals iii) In the manufacture of HNO3 by Ostwald’s
(or) completely filled d-orbitals are colourless. process, the catalyst used is Platinum.
iv) The catalyst used in the hydrogenation of
Eg: Sc+3 ; Cu+ ; Zn+2 etc
oils is Nickel.
 The metal ions may exhibit different colours in
different oxidation states. v) Fenton’s reagent  FeSO4  H 2O2  is used as
e.g. Mn 2 - Pink an oxidising agent
Interstitial Compounds: Compound
Mn 3 - Blue
formed when atoms with small atomic size like
Mn 6 - Green H, B, C and N are trapped in the holes of
 Anhydrous CuSO4 is almost colourless. But transition metals are called interstitial
hydrated CuSO4 is blue in colour. This is because compounds. The components are not in definite
of the absence of water molecules (ligands), ratios in them. So such compounds are also
there is no splitting of d-orbitals in anhydrous known as non stoichiometric compounds.
CuSO4.  They have metallic nature, hard and brittle with
 The Cr (+6) and Mn (+7) have empty d-orbitals high MP and B.P.
but their compounds are coloured.  The density of these compounds is less than that
 The colours of oxo-ions like Cr2O72 , CrO42 of metals due to expansion of lattice.
 Ti, Zr, Hf, V, Nb, Ta form such compounds.
and MnO4 can be explained by charge transfer  Hydrogen occupies always smaller tetrahedral
phenomenon. holes while C and N occupy larger octahedral
Catalytic properties of transition
 Oxides and sulphides of T.E with more than one
metals: Transition metals and their compounds oxidation state form these compounds.
act as good catalysts. This is due to the presence
Ex: 1) Fe0.82O , Fe0.94O 2) WO2.88 , WO2.92
of free valencies and also variable oxidation
states. 3) Fe0.89 S , Fe0.96 S
 A stoichiometric compound may become non Physical Properties
stoichiometric compound at high temperature.  It is orange red coloured crystalline solid.
 ZnO is white when cold and yellow when hot,  It is moderately soluble in cold water but freely
because stoichiometric ZnO changes to non- soluble in hot water.
stoichiometric ZnO, when heated.  It’s melting point is 398°C.

Alloy Formation: Alloy is a homogeneous Chemical Properties

 On strong heating it decomposes and gives
mixture of a metal with other metals or
metalloids or nonmetals. Alloys are solid in solid
solutions. 3
2 K 2Cr2O7  2 K 2CrO4  Cr2O3  O2
 Since d-block elements are similar in size, they 2
can easily form alloys.  On heating with alkalies it is converted into
 Alloys are generally prepared to modify the chromate [Yellow colour]
properties like malleability, ductility, toughness, K 2Cr2O7  2 KOH  2 K 2CrO4  H 2O
resistance to corrosion.
 In acid medium K 2CrO4 changes into K 2Cr2O7
Potassium dichromate  K 2Cr2O7  2K 2CrO4  H 2 SO4  K 2 SO4  K 2Cr2O7  H 2O
Preparation: Yellow Orange
 It is manufactured from chromite ore  It reacts with HCl and evolves chlorine.
 FeO.Cr2O3  . K 2Cr2O7  14 HCl 
2 KCl  2CrCl3  7 H 2O  3Cl2
 Chromite ore is roasted with Na2CO3 to convert
 In acid medium
into Na2Cr2O7 . It is mixed with KCl gives
Cr2O72  14 H   6e   2Cr 3  7 H 2O
K 2Cr2O7 .
Mwt of K 2Cr2O7
 Eq.wt of K 2Cr2O7 
O O 6
  It acts as a powerful oxidising agent in acidic
O Cr 126
0 Cr medium (dilute H 2 SO4 )
 It oxidises KI to I 2
K 2Cr2O7  7 H 2 SO4  6 KI 

 Two CrO units are bonded to sp hybrid
4 K 2 SO4  Cr2  SO4 3  3I 2  7 H 2O
oxygen atom.
 Cr atom is surrounded by four oxygen atoms  Both Na2Cr2O7 and K 2Cr2O7 are oxidising
tetrahedrally. agents but K 2Cr2O7 is preferred because it is
 Cr atom is sp hybrid. not hygroscopic and can be used as primary
 It contains two types Cr  O bonds. standard in volumetric analysis.
 It oxidises ferrous ions to ferric ions
 O Cr bond length of sp3 hybrid central K 2Cr2O7  6 FeSO4  7 H 2 SO4 

oxygen atom has single bond length ( 179 pm ). 3Fe2  SO4 3  Cr2  SO4 3  7 H 2O  K 2 SO4
 Other oxygen atom surrounding Cr atoms have  It oxidises sulphites to sulphates
intermediate bond length which lies in between K 2Cr2O7  3Na2 SO3  4 H 2 SO4 
single and double bond length ( 163 pm ) due to
resonance. 3Na2 SO4  K 2 SO4  Cr2  SO4 3  4 H 2O
Jr Chemistry E/M
 It oxidises H 2 S to Sulphur.. Structure of Dichromate Ion
K 2Cr2O7  4 H 2 SO4  3H 2 S   Cr2O72 contains eight Cr-O bonds.

K 2 SO4  Cr2  SO4 3  7 H 2O  3S  Cr2O72 contains six equivalent Cr-O bonds.

 In Cr2O72 Cr atom undergoes ‘ sp3 ’
 It oxidises SO2 to H 2 SO4 .
K 2Cr2O7  H 2 SO4  3SO2  Structure of chromate ion
K 2 SO4  Cr2  SO4 3  H 2O  In chromate ion hybridization of Cr is sp3 .
 Shape of chromate ion is Tetrahedral
 It oxidises C2 H 5OH to acetaldehyde and
Potassium Permanganate Preparation:
CH 3CHO to CH 3COOH Potassium permanganate is prepared by the
 It oxidises thiosulphate to sulphate. fusion of MnO2 with alkali metal hydroxide and
 It oxidises nitrites to nitrate.
an oxidaising agent like KNO3
Chromyl Chloride Test
 This is a test of chloride. When a mixutre of a 2 MnO2  4 KOH  O2  2 K 2 MnO4  2 H 2O

metal chloride and K 2Cr2O7 is heated with conc. K 2 MnO4 can be converted into KMnO4 by

H 2 SO4 , orange red vapours of chromyl chloride bubbling CO2 , Cl2 or ozonized oxygen through
are evolved. the given solution.
3K 2 MnO4  2CO2  2 KMnO4  MnO2  2 K 2CO3
K 2Cr2O7  6 H 2 SO4  4 NaCl 
K 2 MnO4 disproportionates in acidic or neutral
2 KHSO4  4 NaHSO4 
solution to give permanganate.
2CrO2Cl2  3H 2O
3MnO42   4 H   2 MnO4  MnO2  2 H 2O
Chromyl chloride 
In the laboratory permanganate ion is obtained
 When chromyl chloride vapours are passed by oxidising Mn (II) salts with peroxodisulphate
through NaOH solution, yellow colour  S O  ion.

 Na2CrO4  is obtained. 2 Mn 2  5S 2O82   8 H 2O 

 When lead acetate is added to yellow coloured 2 MnO4  10 SO42  16 H 
solution, yellow precipitate is formed.
Structure of Permanganate Ion:
Na2CrO4   CH 3COO 2 Pb O

 PbCrO4  2CH 3COONa

Yellow ppt
Uses: It is used as volumetric reagent in the
estimation of Iodide ions, Fe 2 ions. O O
 It is used as a primary standard solution.
 Permanganate ion is diamagnetic but manganate
 It is used for the preparation of chrome alum, ion is paramagnetic with one unpaired
chrome yellow, chrome red, etc., d-electron.
 It is used in dyeing, chrome tanning, calico  The oxidation state of central atom is 7
printing, photography.
Mn undergoes sp 3 hybridization.
 Chromic acid  H 2CrO4  is used as a cleaning
t2 g set of 3d orbitals involve in hybridization.
agent for glass ware.
Shape of species is tetrahedral.
Physical Properties: Acidic Medium: To acidify the KMnO4
 It is purple coloured crystalline compound. sulphuric acid to be used but not hydrochloric
 It is fairly soluble in water. acid because it oxidises hydrochloric acid to
 Its solubility increases with increase in chlorine.
 2 KMnO4  3H 2 SO4 
Chemical Properties: When heated alone (or)
with alkali gives oxygen. K 2 SO4  2MnSO4  3H 2O  5  O 
2KMnO4  K 2 MnO4  MnO2  O2 (or) Mwt of KMnO4
Eq wt of KMnO4 
4 KMnO4  4 KOH  4 K 2 MnO4  2 H 2O  O2 5
 It oxidises ferrous ion to ferric ions.
 When it treated with conc. H 2 SO4 , it forms
2 KMnO4  10 FeSO4  8 H 2 SO4 
Mn2O7 [explosive compound]
5Fe2  SO4 3  2MnSO4  K 2 SO4  8H 2O
2 KMnO4  2 H 2 SO4  2 KHSO4  Mn2O7  H 2O
 It oxidises KI to I 2 .
 KMnO4 act as an oxidising agent in alkaline,
2 KMnO4  10 KI  8 H 2 SO4 
neutral and acidic solutions.
 In alkaline medium 6 K 2 SO4  2 MnSO4  5 I 2  8 H 2O
Molecular weight of KMnO4  It oxidises sulphite or sulphurous acid to
Eq wt of KMnO4  sulphate or sulphuric acid
 In alkaline medium it is reduced to Potassium 2 KMnO4  5 Na2 SO3  3H 2 SO4 
manganate and then to insoluble MnO2 . K 2 SO4  2 MnSO4  5 Na2 SO4  3H 2O
2 KMnO4  H 2O  2MnO2  2 KOH  3  O   It oxidises H 2 S to Sulphur..
 It oxidises iodide to iodate. 2 KMnO4  3H 2 SO4  5 H 2 S 
2 KMnO4  KI  H 2O  2 KOH  2MnO2  KIO3
K 2 SO4  2 MnSO4  5S  8 H 2O
Neutral Medium  It oxidises SO2 to H 2 SO4 .
 In neutral medium
2 KMnO4  5SO2  2 H 2O 
Mwt of KMnO4
Eq. wt of KMnO4  K 2 SO4  2 MnSO4  2 H 2 SO4
 It oxidises C2 H 2O4 (Oxalic acid) to CO2 .
2 KMnO4  H 2O  2MnO2  2 KOH  3  O 
2 KMnO4  3H 2 SO4  5C2 H 2O4 
 It oxidises H 2 S to Sulphur..
K 2 SO4  2 MnSO4  10CO2  8 H 2O
2 KMnO4  3H 2 S 
 In acidic medium MnO4 oxidises ferrous ion
2 KOH  2 MnO2  2 H 2O  3S
to ferric ion and oxalate ion to CO2 .
 It oxidises MnSO4 to MnO2
6 KMnO4  10 FeC 2 O4  24 H 2 SO4 
2 KMnO4  3MnSO4  2 H 2O 

3 K 2 SO4  6 MnSO4  5 Fe2 SO4   20CO2  24 H 2 O
K 2 SO4  5MnO2  2 H 2 SO4 3

 It oxidises HX  HCl , HBr, HI  to X 2

 It oxidises Na2 S 2O3 to Na2 SO4 and Sulphur..
2 KMnO4  3 Na2 S 2O3  H 2O  2 KMnO4  3H 2 SO4  10 HX 
2 KOH  2 MnO2  3S  3 Na2 SO4 K 2 SO4  2 MnSO4  8 H 2O  5 X 2
Jr Chemistry E/M
Uses: It is used as an oxidising agent in  The halides of higher oxidation states are the
laboratory and industry. fluorides because metals can be oxidised to
 In laboratory it is used as primary standard higher oxidation states with only fluorine which
solution. is most reactive.
 In titrations KMnO4 is used to estimate the  Bonding in fluorides is mainly ionic.
quantity of reducing agents like oxalic acid,  In chlorides, bromides and iodides, the ionic
Mohr’s salt solutions in acid medium. character decreases with atomic mass of
 Dilute H 2 SO4 is used as acidic medium.
 Dilute HCl can not be used as it can be oxidised Sulphides: Transition metals form sulphides
either by direct combination with sulphur or
by KMnO4 to Cl2 .
with H 2 S or Na2 S
 Alkaline KMnO4 is called Bayer’s reagent.  The sulphides are generally coloured or black
 It is used to identify unsaturation in organic and are insoluble in water.
 It is used in the manufacture of saccharine, Additional information
benzoic acid, acetaldehyde etc., Alloys: Alloys are generally prepared by
 It is used for detecting halides, sulphides, a) Melting a mixture of the metals or the
oxalates etc., components taken in proper proportions.
 A mixture of sulphur, charcoal and KMnO4 b) Simultaneous electrolytic deposition of metals
forms explosive powder. under suitable conditions.
Compounds of transition metals Oxides c) Amalgam’s are prepared by grinding the metal
 Transition metal oxides are formed by the action with mercury
of oxygen with transition metals at high Ex: Zn, Na, Cu , Ag (or ) Au
temperature. d) two metallic oxides are reduced at a time.
 General formulae of the oxides are
Ex:- Fe, Cr alloy is prepared by reducing
MO, M 2O3 , M 3O4 , MO2 , M 2O5 and MO3 . chromite ore
 The oxides in which the metal is in lower e) Finally powdered metals are compressed at a
oxidation number are basic in nature. temperature slightly below their melting points
 The oxides in which the metal is in higher
Ex: - Mo, W
oxidation state are acidic in nature.
 The oxides in which the metal exhibits f) Quenching: Fe, C alloy is made by sudden
intermediate oxidation states are amphoteric. immersing in oil or water
 Among the oxides of manganese lower oxides  Alloys are in wide use in nuclear engineering,
are basic higher oxides are acidic intermediate dental fillings, manufacture of strongly magnetic
oxides are amphoteric materials.
MnO - basic  Alloys are usually divided into ferrous and non-
Mn2O3 , Mn3O4 and MnO2 - amphoteric ferrous alloys depending on the presence (or)
absence of iron in the alloy.
Mn2O7 - acidic
Ex: Ferrous alloys : Stainless steel, cast iron
Halides: Transition metals react with halogens Non - ferrous alloys: Brass, German silver
at high temperature to form transition metal  Alloy of a metal with Mercury is called an
halides. Amalgam.
The order of reactivity of halogens is Ex : Zn-Hg, Al-Hg, Na-Hg etc.
F  Cl  Br  I .  Fe and Pt do not form amalgams.
Some Ferrous Alloys
Alloy Composition Uses (in making) LEVEL-I (C.W)
1. Invar steel 64% Fe, for pendulum
35% Ni, rods
Element with atomic number 111 might,
Mn & C belong to the following group
in trace amounts 1) Chromium 2) Scandium
2. Nichrome 60% Ni, in heating 3) Copper 4) Titanium
25%Fe, of fire stoves,
2. The following belongs to d-block but it is not
15%Cr furnaces a transition element
1) Mn 2) Fe 3) Zn 4) Cr
Some non-ferrous alloys
3. Which set of elements is transitional in
Alloy Composition Uses (in making) character
1. German Silver 50-60% Cu, Spoons, i) Fe, Co, Ni ii) Ru, Rh, Pd iii) Os, Ir, Pt
10-30% Ni, forks, utensils The correct statements is / are:
20-30% Zn 1) i,ii 2) iii,i 3) iii,ii 4)i,ii,iii
2. Brass 60-80% Cu; Machine parts 4. Which of the following set of elements does
20-40% Zn not belongs to transitional elements?
3. Bronze 75-90% Cu; Utensils, 1) Fe, Co, Ni 2) Cu, Ag, Au
10-25% Sn Coins, Statues 3) Ti, Zr, Hf 4) Ga, In, Tl
4. Gun metal 88% Cu; 5. In the transition elements the incoming
10% Sn; Guns, Bearings electron occupies [n-1]d sublevel in
2% Zn; preference to
5. Bell metal 80% Cu; Bells 1) np 2) ns 3) [n-1]d 4) [n+1]s
20% Sn 6. Catalytic activity of transition elements and
6. Deverda’s 50% Cu; to reduce nitrites their compounds is due to their
alloy 45% Al; (or) nitrates to 1) Small size 2) Vacant d-orbitals
5% Zn NH3 3) Higher densities 4) Colour
7. Duralumin 95% Al; for stressed 7. Transition metals are good electrical
4% Cu; structures conductors because
0.5% Mn; like aircraft 1) They are metals 2) They are solids
0.5% Mg 3) They have free electrons in outer energy levels
8. Magnalium 85-99%Al; in balance beams, 4) They are hard.
1-15%Mg aircrafts parts and 8. Which of the following is a transition element
motor spares 1) Al 2) As 3) Ni 4) Pb
9. Aluminimum 88-90% Cu; in ornaments, 9. The ground state electronic configuration of
Bronze 10-12% Al photoframes etc
chromium is against
1) Hund’s rule 2) Pauli’s principle
10. Wood metal 50% - Bi Automatic
3) Auf-bau principle 4) Boyle principle
25% - Pb fire alarams,
10. The following has pseudo-inert gas
12.5% - Sn sprinklers system
configuration in the (n-1) shell.
12.5% - Cd
1) Typical transition elements
11. Type metal 60-80%-Pb Sharply defined 2) Zinc group elements 3) Both 4) Neither
13-30% - Sb casting
12. Solder metal 50% - Sn Electrical 11. Which one of the following pairs of ions have
47.5% - Pb appliances the same electronic configuration?
2.5% - Sb 1) Cr 3 , Fe 3 2) Fe 3 , Mn 2
 Steel is an alloy of Iron and Carbon (2%). 3) Fe 3 , Co 3 4) Sc 3 , Cr 3
Jr Chemistry E/M
12. Which one of the following ions has same OXIDATION STATES OF 3D SERIES
number of unpaired electrons as those 19. The following does not show variable valency
present in V 3 ion? (E 2014) 1) Mn 2) Fe 3) Zn 4) Cr
2 2 3
1) Fe 3 2) Ni 3) Mn 4) Cr 20. Element which can show +2, +3, +4 +6 and
+7 oxidation states is
13. In the following pair of d-block elements, 21. Maximum oxidation state exhibited by
the first member is a liquid at room Osmium is
temperature and the second member is 1) +8 2) +7 3) +6 4) +5
mostly available in the earth’s crust. The pair ATOMIC AND IONIC RADII OF 3d SERIES
is 22. Which of the following pairs of elements have
1) Hg, Fe 2) Hg, Tc 3) Hg, Zn 4) Hg, Au same radii ?
14. Match the following 1) Zr,Hf 2) Sc, Y 3) La, Ac 4) Zn, Cd
List-I List-II
A) Rutile i) Mn2O3 23. Which of the following ion is coloured in its
B) Chromite ii) MnO2 aqueous solution?
1) Cd+2 2) Zn+2 3) Sc+3 4) Ti+3
C) Pyrolusite iii) FeO.Cr2O3 24. Transition metals are coloured due to the
D) Braunite iv) TiO2 following electronic transition
1) d - s 2) d - d 3) s - p 4) f - s
1) A-iv, B-iii, C-ii, D-i 2) A-i, B-ii, C-iii, D-iv
25. In which pair, both ions are coloured in
3) A-i, B-iii, C-iv, D-i 4) A-iv, B-i, C-ii, D-ii
aqueous medium
15. Match the following 1) Sc+3, Zn+2 2) Cu+2, Ti+4
List - I List -II +3
3) Ti , Co +3
4) Cd+2, Mn+2
A) FeCO3 I) Calamine
B) Fe2O3 .xH 2O ii) Chalcocite 26. The catalyst used in the oxidation of 1°
alcohol to aldehydes
C) Cu2 S iii) Limonite
1) FeSO4  H 2O2 2) Fe + Mo
D) ZnCO3 iv) Siderite 3) Pt + Ir 4) Raney Ni
Correct match is 27. The catalyst and promoter respectively used
1) A-iv, B-ii, C-iii, D-iv 2) A-ii, B-iv, C-i,D-iii in the Haber’s process of industrial synthesis
3) A-iv, B-iii,C-ii, D-i 4) A-iii, B-i,C-ii, D-iv of ammonia are (E 2012)
16. Which element exhibits highest density in 3d 3) Fe, Mo 4) Mo, Fe
17. The maximum and minimum melting points 28. The ion having maximum magnetic moment
of first and second transition series is
respectively are observed with 1) Co+3 2) Cr+3 3) Ni+2 4) Cu+1
29. The following metal shows ferromagnetic
1) Cr and Zn 2) Cr and Hg
3) Cr and Cd 4) Mo and Cd 1) Co 2) Cr 3) Cu 4) Mn
30. For a paramagnetic substance, the field
strength of substance ( B ) and applied field
18. The IP of Zr is 674 kJ/mole. The IP of Hf is strength ( H ) are related as
1) 656 kJ 2) 760 kJ 3) 616 kJ 4) 631 kJ 1) B = H 2) B < H 3) B > H 4) B >>>H
Note: 1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct ex- POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE
planation of A
2) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct 39. When KMnO4 reacts with acidified FeSO4
explanation of A
1) Only FeSO4 is oxidised
3) A is true but R is false 4) A is false but R is true
31. Assertion (A) : Magnetic moment of 2) Only KMnO4 is oxidised
 Fe( H 2O)6  SO4 is given by 4(4  2) BM 3) FeSO4 is oxidized and KMnO4 is reduced
Reason(R): In the above complex Iron ion has
four unpaired electrons 4) KMnO4 and FeSO4 oxidised
32. Assertion (A) : The “spin-only” magnetic 40. The number of moles of KMnO4 that will be
moment [in units of Bohr magneton,   B  ] needed to react with one mole of sulphite ion
in acidic solution is
of Ni 2  in aqueous solution would be (atomic
1) 2/5 2) 3/5 3) 4/5 4) 1
number Ni = 28) 2.84BM
Reason(R) : The metal ion has 2 unpaired 41. The product of I  with MnO4 in alkali
electrons. medium is
33. Assertion(A) : Magnetic moment of Ni ions
1) I 2 2) IO3 3) IO  4) IO4
can be very close to that of Ti+2 ions
Reason(R) : both metal ions have equal no. 42. Assertion(A) : The compound formed as a
of unpaired electrons. result of oxidation of ethyl benzene by
34. Which of the following elements form Reason(R) : The isomer of ethyl benzene is
interstitial compounds? Xylene i.e dimethylbenzene with KMnO4
1) Alkali metals 2) Transition metals
3) Halogens 4) Noble gases gives phthalic acid.
35. Hydrogen occupies the following holes, C and 1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
N occupy the following holes explanation of A
1) Tetrahedral and octahedral 2) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct
2) Octahedral and tetrahedral explanation of A
3) Octahedral and octahedral 3) A is true but R is false
4) Tetrahedral and tetrahedral 4) A is false but R is true
36. One of the constituents of an amalgam is
1) Fe 2) Hg 3) Au 4) Os 43. The number of moles of K 2Cr2O7 that will
37. The alloy used in the reduction of nitrites to be needed to react one mole of H 2 S in acidic
ammonia is
1) Gun metal 2) Devarda’s alloy
3) Solder metal 4) Bronze 1) 1/6 2) 1/3 3) 2/5 4) 2/3
38. Assertion(A) : Zinc-copper couple that can 44. Chromyl chloride when dissolves in NaOH
be used as a reducing agent solution gives yellow solution. The yellow
Reason(R) : Zinc copper couple can be solution contains
obtained from zinc coated from copper 1) Cr2O72  2) CrO42 3) CrO5 4) Cr2O3
1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
explanation of A 45. When chromite ore is fused with NaOH in
2) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct the presence of air, the product formed is
explanation of A 1) Na2Cr2O7 2) Cr2O3
3) A is true but R is false
4) A is false but R is true 3) Na2CrO4 4) K 2Cr2O7
Jr Chemistry E/M
46. Assertion (A) :When a solution of potassium
chromate is treated with an excess of dilute LEVEL-I (H.W)
nitric acid chromate undergo oxidation
Reason (R): Dichromate ions are produced INTRODUCTION
in above process 1.
The following is not a typical transition
1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
1) Cu 2) Ag 3) Au 4) Hg
explanation of A
Which of the following statement regarding
2) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct transition elements is false
explanation of A 1) Their atoms contain partially filled ‘d’ orbitals
3) A is true but R is false 2) They are capable of showing variable
4) A is false but R is true valencies
3) All of their ions are colourless
COMPOUNDS OF TRANSITION ELEMENTS 4) They form complexes readily
47. Cinnabar is an ore of 3. Which of following is a true transition
1) Hg 2) Cu 3) Pb 4) Zn element
1) Zinc 2) Cadmium 3) Aluminium 4) Iron
48. Calomel is
4. The group numbers of transition elements
1) Hg 2Cl2 and Hg 2) Hg 2Cl2 1) 1 to 10 2) 1 to 9 3) 3 to 11 4) 3 to 12
5. Best conductor of electricity is
3) Hg + Hg 2Cl2 4) HgCl 2 1) Cu 2) Al 3) Au 4) Ag
49. Which of the following metals react with 6. Which of the following set of elements are
chlorine to form their respective chlorides? transition elements ?
1) Cu 2) Ag 3) Au 4) All 1) Po, At, Rn 2) Ga, In, Tl
50. Which of the following is not an amphoteric 3) Cs, Ba, La 4) Ac, Ku, Ha
oxide? 7. General electron configuration of d-block
elements is
1) HgO 2) PbO2 3) ZnO 4) SnO2 1) ns2np6nd1-10 2) (n-1)d1-10 ns0-2 np0-6
51. Which of the following iron salts exists as a 3) (n-1)d1-10 ns1-2 4) nd1-9ns0-2
dimer? 8. ns1 electron configuration is not present in
1) Ferric chloride 2) Ferrous chloride 1) Ag 2) Mn 3) Cr 4) Cu
3) Ferrous sulphate 4) Mohr’s salt 9. Which of the following is the stable electron
52. Which oxide of Mn is acidic in nature? configuration of Fe+3 ion
1) 3d64s0 2) 3d5 4s0 3) 3d6 4s2 4) 3d4 4s2
1) MnO 2) Mn2O7 3) Mn2O3 4) MnO2 10. The general configuration (n-1)d 3 ns 2
indicates that particular element belongs to
LEVEL-I (C.W) - KEY the following group
1) 3 2) 3 3) 4 4) 4 5) 1 6) 2 7) 3 1) II B 2) I B 3) V B 4) III B
11. Which of the following ion has same number
8) 3 9) 3 10) 3 11) 2 12) 2 13) 1 14) 1 of unpaired electrons as that of V3+ ion
15) 3 16) 4 17) 3 18) 2 19) 3 20) 2 21) 1 1) Cr+3 2) Mn+2 3) Ni+2 4) Fe+3
22) 1 23) 4 24) 2 25) 3 26) 1 27) 3 28) 1 12. Platinum, palladium and iridium are called
29) 1 30) 3 31) 1 32) 1 33) 1 34) 2 35) 1 noble metals because
1) Alfred Nobel discovered them
36) 2 37) 2 38) 2 39) 3 40) 1 41) 2 42) 2 2) They are inert towards many common
43) 2 44) 2 45) 3 46) 4 47) 1 48) 2 49) 4 reagents
50) 1 51) 1 52) 2 3) The are shining lustrous pleasing to look at
4) They are found in active state7
ELECTRONIC CONFIGURATION 24. Which of the following element exhibits
13. In which of the following elements, the maximum oxidation state
configuration is against Auf-bau rule ? 1) Mn 2) Co 3) Fe 4) Zn
1) Ni, Pd, Pt 2) Sc, Ti, Zr 25. In which of the following compounds iron has
3) Pd, Pt, Cu 4) Fe, Cr, Mn the lowest oxidation state
14. The configuration of chromium atom in 1) Fe (CO)5 2) Fe2O
ground state is 3) K4 [Fe(CN)6] 4)FeSO4(NH4)2SO4. 6H2O
1) [Ar] 3d4 4s1 2) [Ar] 3d5 4s1 ATOMIC AND IONIC RADII
3) [Ar] 3d6 4s2 4) [Ar] 3d7 4s2 26. The correct order of atomic sizes is
OCCURENCE 1) Sc < Y < La 2) Ti < Zr < Hf
15. The chemical formula of siderite 3) Sc > Y > La 4) Sc>Y<La
1) Fe2O3 2) Fe3O4 3) FeCO3 4) MnO2 COLOUR
16. The mineral of silver is 27. Which of the following cation is colourless in
1) Argentite 2) Horn silver its aqueous solution
3) Sylvine 4) Both 1 and 2 1) Cu+2 2) Sc+3 3) Fe+3 4) Co+3
28. Cuprous ion is colourless while cupric ion is
coloured because,
17. Which of the following group elements
1) Cuprous ion has completed d-orbitals while
exhibits high melting and boiling points Cupric ion has an incomplete d-orbitals
1) IVB 2) VB 3) VIB 4) IIB 2) Cuprous ion has exactly half-filled ‘d’ orbitals
18. Which group elements exhibits highest 3) Cupric ion has completely filled ‘d’ orbitals,
densities while Cuprous ion has incompletely filled ‘d’
1) IIIB 2) IVB 3) VIB 4) VIIIB orbitals
19. Which of the following transition metals has 4) Cupric ion has half - filled d-orbitals
the highest melting point? 29. Which of the following pairs of ions are
1) Cr 2) Mo 3) W 4) Hg colourless
20. Transition element which is volatile Co 2 , Fe 3
1) Ti 3 , Cu 2 2)
1) Zn 2) Cd 3) Hg 4) All
3 2 2 3

21. The second IP of Cr is high due to 30. Colour of ferrous ion is
1) Red 2) Blue
1) 3d 5 2) 3d 0 3) 3d 10 4) 3d 4
3) Pale green 4) Pale yellow
22. Transition metals are less reactive because 31. Colour in transition metal compounds is
of their attributed to
1) High ionization potential and low melting 1) small size metal ions
point 2) absorption of light in UV region
2) High ionization potential and high melting
point 3) complete  ns  subshell
3) Low ionization potential and low melting 4) incomplete  n  1 d subshell
4) Low ionization potential and high melting CATALYTIC PROPERTIES
point 32. Which of the following is used as Catalyst in
OXIDATION STATES the hydrogenation of oils
23. An element M has the electron configuration 1) V2O5 2) Pd 3) Fe 4) Ni
[Ar]3d54s2. Which one of its oxide is unlikely 33. The catalyst used in the polymerisation of
ethylene is
to exist
1) MO 2) M O 3) MO 4) M O 1) R3 Al  TiCl4 2) SnCl4 3) Ni 4) Pt
2 2 3 4 2 7
Jr Chemistry E/M
MAGNETIC PROPERTIES 44. During estimation of oxalic acid with KMnO4
34. Which of the following pair of transition the self indicator is
metal ions, have the same calculated values of
1) KMnO4 2) H 2C2O4 3) K 2 SO4 4) MnSO4
magnetic moment?
2 2 2 2
2 2
3) Cr and Fe 4) Co 2 and Ti 2 45. Number of moles of K 2Cr2O7 reduced by one
35. The following species is repelled by a mole of iodide ions is
magnetic field 1) 3 2) 1/3 3) 6 4) 1/6
1) Hg+2 2) Fe 2 3) Co+3 4) Ni+2 46. Number of moles of K 2Cr2O7 reduced by one
36. The following is not a ferromagnetic mole of Sn 2 ions is
1) Fe 2) Co 3) Y 4) Ni
1) 1/3 2) 3 3) 1/6 4) 6

37. Assertion (A) : Zn is diamagnetic
47. The oxoanion in which oxidation state of the
Reason(R): Two electrons are lost from 4s central atom is same as its group number in
orbital to form Zn 2 periodic table.
1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct 1) SO42 2) VO2 3) MnO42 4) Cr2O72
explanation of A
2) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct COMPOUNDS OF TRANSITION ELEMENTS
explanation of A 48. The substance that sublimes on heating is
3) A is true but R is false 1) MgCl2 2) AgCl 3) HgCl2 4) NaCl
4) A is false but R is true
49. Which of the following oxides is least stable
INTERSTITIAL COMPOUNDS at room temperature?
38. Which is not an interstitial compound?
1) CuO 2) Ag 2O 3) ZnO 4) Hg 2O
1) TiH 2) Fe2O3 3) Mn2C3 4) W2C 50. Which of the following metal oxides is white
ALLOY FORMATION in colour but becomes yellow on heating
39. The common metal present in german silver, 1) Ag 2O 2) ZnO 3) FeO 4) MgO
bell metal and brass is 51. Oxide of metal cation which is not
1) Fe 2) Cu 3) Zn 4) Sn amphoteric?
40. Which of the following is an alloy of a metal
1) Al 3 2) Cr 3 3) Fe 3 4) Zn 2
and a non-metal
1) bronze 2) electron 3) nichrome 4) steel 52. Which of the following oxides of chromium
is amphoteric in nature?
1) CrO 2) Cr2O3 3) CrO3 4) CrO5
41. In permanganate ion MnO4 , manganese has
an oxidation number of +7. Therefore it is LEVEL-I (H.W) - KEY
1) sp d hybridised
3 3
2) sp hybridised
1) 4 2) 3 3) 4 4) 3 5) 4 6) 4 7) 3
3) dsp hybridised
4) d sp hybridised
3 3
8) 2 9) 2 10) 3 11) 3 12) 2 13) 3 14) 2
42. When KMnO4 acts as oxidising agent in 15) 3 16) 4 17) 3 18) 4 19) 3 20) 4 21) 1
acidic medium, the oxidation number of Mn 22) 2 23) 3 24) 1 25) 1 26) 1 27) 2 28) 1
decreases by 29) 3 30) 3 31) 4 32) 4 33) 1 34) 1 35) 1
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 5
36) 3 37) 1 38) 2 39) 2 40) 4 41) 2 42) 4
43. An acidified solution of KMnO4 oxidizes
43) 2 44) 1 45) 4 46) 1 47) 4 48) 3 49) 2
1) sulphates 2) oxalates
3) iodine 4) ferric salts 50) 2 51) 3 52) 2
11. Transition metals are often paramagnetic
LEVEL-II (C.W) owing to
1) high melting point and boiling point
IONIZATION ENERGIES OF 3d SERIES 2) the presence of vacant orbitals
1. Maximum IP value in 3d series is 3) the presence of unpaired electrons
1) Zn 2) Cr 3) Cu 4) V 4) malleability and ductility
2. The second IP of Cu is very high due to the 12. Match the following .
configuration of Cu + is Set -I Set -II
A) Ferromagnetism 1) 9.273 x 10 −24 J .Tesla −1
1) 3d 5 2) 3d 0 3) 3d 10 4) 3d 9
B) Paramagnetism 2) Fe, Co, Ni
OXIDATION STATES OF 3d SERIES C) Diamagnetism 3) Cr 2+ , Fe3+ , Mn 2+
3. Variable valency of transition elements is on
account of D) Bohr Magneton 4) Zn +2 , Cu + , Sc +3
1) incomplete p - orbitals The correct matching is
2) incomplete d - orbitals A B C D A B C D
3) completely filled d - orbitals 1) 4 2 3 1 2) 2 3 4 1
4) incomplete p-orbitals 3) 1 2 3 4 4) 3 1 2 4
4. Transition elements show generally positive 13. Match the following
oxidation state due to Set -I Set -II
1) Large atomic size 2) low ionization energy
A) Sc 3+ 1) 5.92 B.M
3) low electronegativity 4) high electronegativity
5. Which one of the transition metal ions have B) V 2 + 2) 1.73 B.M.
no unpaired electrons C) Fe3+ 3) Zero.
1) Ti+4 2) V+4 3) V+3 4) Cr3+ +
D) Cu 2 4) 3.87 B.M
6. The maximum oxidation state of ruthenium
is The correct matching is
1) +6 2) +7 3) +8 4) +5 A B C D A B C D
1) 3 4 1 2 2) 4 1 2 3
7. Which of the following is a correct statement
1)Aqueous solutions of Cu + and Zn +2 are 14. The mineral from which potassium perman-
ganate is manufactured is
1) Pyrolusite,MnO2 2) Branuite,Mn2O3
2) Aqueous solutions of Cu +2 and Zn +2 are 3) Hausmannite,Mn3O4 4)Manganite,MnO3.H2O
colourless 15. Which of these react with potassium perman-
3) Aqueous solutions of Fe +2 is green in colour ganate to give oxygen quantitavely

4) Aqueous solutions of MnO4 is colourlesss 1) CO2 2) Cl2 3) O3 4) H2O2
16. Which one of the following is not oxidized
8. The metal ion which does not form coloured
by acidified KMnO4
compound is
1) Chromium 2) Iron 3) Zinc 4) Manganese 1) sod.oxalate 2) Pot. iodide
3)Ferrous sulphate 4) Sodium sulphate
9. Mn2+ , Mn+3 , Mn+6 have the colours 17. Which of the following can not reduce
1) pink, blue and green 2) green, blue and yellow
acidified solution of Mn O4− ion
3) blue, yellow and green 4) yellow, blue and green
1. H2C2O4 2. H2 3. H(nascent) 4. Fe2+ions
MAGNETIC PROPERTIES 18. Oxidation of oxalic acid by acidified KMnO4
10. The magnetic moment of an ion in its +3 is an example of autocatalysis, it is due to the
oxidation state is 3.85 BM. The number of presence of
unpaired electrons present in the ion is
1) 1 2) 4 3) 3 4) 5 1. SO42− 2. MnO4− 3. Mn2+ 4. K+
Jr Chemistry E/M
19. K2Cr2O7 is preferred to Na2Cr2O7 for use in 3. Zn and Cd do not show variable valency
volumetric ananlysis as a primary standard because
because 1) They are soft
1. Na2Cr2O7 is hygroscopic while K2Cr2O7 is not 2) Their d subshells are complete
2. K2Cr2O7 is hygroscopic while Na2Cr2O7 is not 3) They have only two electrons in outer most
3. K2Cr2O7 is pure while Na2Cr2O7 is impure subshells
4. None of the above 4) Their d subshells are incomplete
20. The deep blue colour produced on adding 4. Oxidation number of chromium in potassium
H2O2 to acidified K2Cr2O7 solution is due to dichromate is
the formation of 1) +4 2) +5 3) +6 4) +3
1. Cr2O3 2. CrO3 3. CrO5 4.Cr O42− 5. Manganese exhibits maximum oxidation
state in
21. Mixture of K2Cr2O7 and conc, H2SO4 is called 1) K2 MnO4 2) KMnO4 3) MnO2 4) Mn3O4
1.Perchromic acid 2. Chromic acid 6. The number of unpaired electrons in ferrous
3. Chromium sulphate 4.None of these ion is
22. In the redox reaction involving Cr2 O72 − and 1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5
Fe2+ ions the number of electrons absorbed COLOURS OF TRANSITION METAL IONS
per each chromium of dichromate is 7. Which of the following ion is coloured ?
1. 1 2. 3 3. 4 4. 6 1) Zn+2 2) Ca+2 3) Cu+2 4) Sc+3
23. CrO4−2 (yellow) changes to Cr2O7−2 in pH = x 8. Which of the following metal ions is colour
less in water
and vice versa in pH = y hence x,y are 1) V+2 2) Cr+3 3) Fe+2 4) Sc 3+
1) 6,8 2) 6,5 3) 8,6 4) 7,7 9. Which of the following are not coloured ?
LEVEL-II (C.W) - KEY 1) CuSO4 .5 H 2O 2) FeSO4 .7 H 2O
1) 1 2) 3 3) 2 4) 2 5) 1 6) 3 7) 1 3) NiSO4 .7 H 2O 4) ZnSO4 .7 H 2O
8) 3 9) 1 10) 3 11) 3 12) 2 13) 1 14) 1 MAGNETIC PROPERTIES
15) 4 16) 4 17) 2 18) 3 19) 1 20) 3 21) 2 10. Identify the order in which the spin only
22) 3 23) 1 magnetic moment (in BM) increases for the
following four ions (Eamcet - 2011)
I) Fe +2 II) Ti +2 III) Cu +2 IV) V +2
LEVEL-II (H.W) 1) I, II, IV, III 2) IV, I, II, III
3) III, IV, I, II 4) III, II, IV, I
IONIZATION ENERGIES OF 3d SERIES 11. Which one of the following sets correctly
1. Which of the following is ionic in nature? represents the increase in the paramagnetic
property of the ions (E 2009)
1) CuF2 2) CuCl2 3) CuBr2 4) CuI 2 + + + +
1) Cu > V > Cr > Mn
2 2 2 2
2. Metal-Metal bodning is more frequent in 4d
or 5d series than in 3d series due to 2) Cu +2 < Cr +2 < V +2 < Mn +2
1) Their greater enthalpy of atomisation 3) Cu +2 < V +2 < Cr +2 < Mn +2
2) Large size of the orbitals which participate 4) V +2 < Cu +2 < Cr +2 < Mn +2
in bonding
3) their ability to involve both ns and ( n − 1) d 12. The electrolysis of potassium manganate
orbitals in bond formation solution gives
4) The comparable size of 4d and 5d sereis 1) MnO2+KOH 2) KOH+H2
elements 3) KOH+O 2
4) KMnO4+KOH
13. Baeyer’s regent is 22. Which of the following statements is false
1) KMnO4+H2SO4 2) KMnO4+KOH 1. An acidified solution of K2Cr2O7 liberates
3) K2Cr2O7+H2SO4 4) K2Cr2O7+KOH iodine from potassium iodide
14. In dilute alkaline medium, the equivalent 2. In acidic solution, dichromate ions are
mass of KMnO4 is converted to chromate ions
3. Ammonium dichromate on heating under
1. (52.66) 2. (31.60) goes endothermic decomposition to give Cr2O3
3 5
4. Potassium dichromate is used as a titrant for
M Fe2+ ions
3. (26.33) 4. M(158.00)
15. The reaction LEVEL-II (H.W) - KEY
2 MnO42− + Cl2 → 2 MnO4− + 2Cl − takes place in 1) 1 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3 5) 2 6) 3 7) 3
1. Basic medium 2. Acidic medium 8) 4 9) 4 10) 4 11) 3 12) 4 13) 2 14) 1
3.Neutral medium 4. Both a and b 15) 1 16) 2 17) 1 18) 3 19) 1 20) 3 21) 3
16. Potassium manganate is formed when :
22) 2
1. Cl2 is passed into an aqueous solutions of
2. MnO2 is fused with KOH in air
3. formaldehyde reacts with KMnO4 in presence 1. The atomic number of the element having
of strong alkali. magnetic moment equal to 1.7 BM in its + 2
4. KMnO4 reacts with concentrated H 2 SO4 oxidation state is
1) 29 2) 25 3) 24 4) 30
17. The reaction, MnO4− + e− → MnO42− takes place in: 2. Atomic number of a transition metal is 25
1) basic medium then its magnetic moment in its + 3 oxidation
2) acidic medium 3) neutral medium state is
4) both acidic and basic medium 1) 1.73 BM 2) 2.84 BM 3) 4.9 BM 4) 5.9 BM
3. Find the correct statement
18. Ammonium dichromate on heating i) Magnetic moment Mn 2+ ion is 35
decomposes with spark. This reaction is ii) Ti 4+ is exhibit purple color
called iii) 1 Bohr Magneton=9.273 x 10 −24 J. Tesla −1
1. Aphosphorescence 2. Incandescence
iv) Secondary valency of transition metal ion
3. Chemical volcano 4. None of these
is equal to its co-ordination number
19. When acidified solution of K2Cr2O7 is shaken
1) Only i is correct 2) Only ii is correct
with aqueous solution of FeSO4, then
3) i,iii,iv are correct 4) All are correct
1. Cr2 O72 − ion is reduced to Cr3+ ions
2− 2− 4. In the presence of strong eletrical field, the
2. Cr2 O ion is converted to Cr O
7 4
following set of orbitals are not degenerate
3. Cr2 O72 − ion is oxidised to Cr
1) 3d xy and 3d z2 2) 3dxy and 3dyz
4. Cr2 O ion is oxidised to CrO3
3) 3dxy, 3dyz and 3dzx 4) 3d x 2 − y2 and 3d z2
20. One of the products formed when K2Cr2O7
reacts with conc. H2SO4 in cold is GENERAL
1. Cr2(SO4)3 2. Cr2O3 3.CrO3 4. CrO4Cl2 5. Which transition metal is known as stratagic
21. The oxidation state of Cr in K2Cr2O7 is or Wonder metal?
1. +5 2.+3 3.+6 4. +7 1) Tungsten 2) Platinum 3) Iron 4) Titanium
Jr Chemistry E/M
6. Four successive members of the first row 15. The oxioanion which contains all equivalent
transition elements are listed below with their M-O bond is
atomic numbers. Which one of them is
expected to have highest third ionization I) CrO4−2 II) MnO4− III) Cr2O7−2
enthalpy? 1) III only 2) I,II,III 3) I,II 4) I only
1) Vanadium (Z = 23) 2) Chromium (Z = 24) 16. In context with the transition elements, which
3) Manganese (Z = 25) 4) Iron (Z = 26) of the following statements is incorrect?
7. Many transition metals form interstitial [AIE-2009]
compounds. The characteristics of these
interstitial compounds are 1) In addition to the normal oxidation states,
I) They have low melting points the zero oxidation state is also shown by these
II) They are very hard elements in complexes
III) They retain metallic conductivity 2) In the highest oxidation states, the transition
IV) They are chemically more reactive than metal show basic character and form cationic
the pure metals. complexes
1) II, III only correct 2) I, III only correct 3) In the highest oxidation states of the first five
3) II, IV only correct 4) IV only correct transition elements (Sc to Mn), all the 4s and
8. Which of the following oxides are acidic in 3d electrons are used for bonding
4) Once d 5 configuration is exceeded, the
1) V2O5 2) MnO 3) Cr2O3 4) MnO2
tendency to involve all the 3d electrons in
9. The magnetic moment of an ion is close to bonding decreases.
36 × 10 −24 Joule /Tesla. The number of 17. Iron exhibits +2 and +3 oxidation states
unpaired electrons of the ion are which of the following statements about iron
1) 4 2) 2 3) 1 4) 3 is incorrect? [AIE-2012]
10. In Nesslers reagent, the active ion is
1) Ferrous compounds are relatively more ionic
1) Hg + 2) Hg 2+ 3) Hg 22− 4) HgI 42− than the corresponding Ferric compounds
11. Na2CrO4 on treatment with lead acetate gives 2) Ferrous compounds are less volatile than the
a precipitate. This dried precipitate is used corresponding ferric compounds
as a pigment for road signs and markings . 3) Ferrous compounds are more easily
The solid is known as hydrolysed than the corresponding ferric
1) White lead 2) Chrome green compounds
3) Chrome yellow 4) Red lead 4) Ferrous oxide is more basic in nature than
12. Gold dissolves in aqua-regia forming
the ferric oxide.
1) Auric chloride 2) Aurous chloride
3) Chloroauric acid 4) Aurous nitrate 18. The non transition metal present in German
13. Which of the following sulphides is yellow in silver is
colour? 1) Cu 2) Zn 3) Ni 4) Pb
1) ZnS 2) NiS 3) CdS 4) MgS 19. Transition metal present in the alloy Gun
14. Which of the following are correct about metal is
Zn, Cd , Hg 1) Ni 2) Zn 3) Sn 4) Cu
I) They exhibit high enthalpy of atomisation 20. Which one of the following does not contain
as the d-subshell is full zinc ?
II) Zn, Cd do not show variable oxidation 1) Brass 2) German silver
states, Hg can show +1,+2 states 3) Bronze 4) Bell metal
III)compounds of Zn, Cd , Hg are 21. Which of the following is a constituent of
paramagnetic lithopone
IV) They are soft metals 1) ZnSO4 2) ZnS 3) ZnCl2 4) ZnO
1) I,II,III 2) I,III 3) II,IV 4) IV only
22. When H 2 S is passed through HgCl2 , we get 30. Four successive members of the first row
transition elements are listed below with
1) HgS 2) HgS + Hg 2 S atomic numbers. which one of them is
3) Hg 2 S + Hg 4) Hg 2 S expected to have the highest EM0 +3 / M +2 value?
23. Which of the following factors may be (Jee mains 2013)
regarded as the main cause for lanthanoid
contraction ? 1) Cr ( Z = 24 ) 2) Mn ( Z = 25)
1) poor shielding of one of 4f electrons by 3) Fe ( Z = 26 ) 4) Co ( Z = 27 )
another in the subshell
2) effective shielding of one of 4f electrons by LEVEL-III - KEY
another in the subshell
1) 1 2) 3 3) 3 4) 1 5) 4 6) 3 7) 1
3) poor shielding of 5d electrons by 4f electrons
4) poor shielding of 4f electrons by 5d electron 8) 1 9) 4 10) 4 11) 3 12) 3 13) 3 14) 3
24. Calomel on reaction with NH 4OH gives 15) 3 16) 2 17) 3 18) 2 19) 4 20) 4 21) 2
1) HgNH 2Cl 2) NH 2 − Hg − Hg − Cl 22) 1 23) 1 24) 1 25) 2 26) 4 27) 3 28) 3
29) 4 30) 4
3) Hg 2O 4) HgO
25. The correct order of E M2+/M values with LEVEL-III - HINTS
negative sign for the four successive elements 1. µ = 1.7 BM means it contains 1 unpaired
Cr, Mn, Fe and Co is (AIEEE-2010) electron.
1) Cr > Mn > Fe > Co 2) Mn > Cr > Fe > Co 2. Atomic number = 25, Electronic configuration
3) Cr > Fe > Mn > Co 4) Fe > Mn > Cr > Co is 3d 54s 2. In +3 state contains 4 unpaired
26. Which of the following arrangements does
not represent the correct order of the electrons, so µ = 4.9 .
property stated against it ?(jee main-2013) 3. Ti +4 has unpaired d electrons.
1) Ni 2 + < Co 2 + < Fe 2 + < Mn 2 + ionic size 4. In d orbitals the splitting is
2) Co3+ < Fe3+ < Cr 3+ < Sc 3+ stability in a) dxy , dyz , dzx - degenerate orbitals
aqueous solution b) d x2 − y 2 , d z 2 degenerate orbitals
3) Sc < Ti < Cr < Mn number of oxidation
states 6. Mn +2 has d 5 configuration.
4) V 2 + < Cr 2 + < Mn 2 + < Fe 2 + paramagnetic 8. Oxides with highest oxidation state is acidic.
behavior 9. µ = 36 ×10−24 J / T 1BM = 9.273 × 10−24 J / T
27. Percentage of Cu is minimum in 36 ×10−24
1) Brass 2) Bronze no. of unpaired electrons = .
9.273 ×10−24
3) Duralumin 4) Gun mental
28. The number of moles of KMnO4 that will be 11. Na2CrO4 + Pb (CH 3COO )2 →
needed to react completely with one mole of 2CH 3 COONa + PbCrO4
ferrour oxalate Fe (C2O4 ) in acidic solution PbCrO4 is known as chrome yellow.
is 12. HNO3 + 3HCl → 2 H 2O + NOCl + 2 [Cl ]
1) 1 2) 2/5 3) 3/5 4) 4/5
29. Potassium manganate can be converted into Au + 3 [Cl ] → AuCl3
potassium permanganate by oxidation
i) with chlorine ii) with ozone AuCl3 + HCl → HAuCl4
iii) electrolytically 21. ZnS and BaSO4 mixture is called lithopone
The correct statements is / are: 30. ECr0 +3 / Cr +2 = −0.41V ; EMn
/ Mn+2
= +1.57V
1) i only 2) ii only 3) iii only 4)i,ii,iii 0
EFe +3
/ Fe+2
= +0.77V ; 0
ECo +3
/ Co+2
= +1.97V
 Electronic conduction depends on
(i) the nature and structure of the metal
Electrochemistry deals with (ii) the number of valence electrons per atom
I. The use of electrical energy for the dissociation (iii) temperature (it decreases with increase of
of chemical compounds (electrolysis) temperature)
II. The use of chemical reactions for the  Electrolytic conduction depends on
production of electrical energy (Electro- (i) the nature of the electrolyte added
chemical cells) (ii) size of the ions produced and their solvation
III. The use of electrical energy in the study and (iii) the nature of the solvent and its viscosity
preparation of chemical substances. (iv) concentration of the electrolyte
IV. The commercial power generating cells, (v) temperature (it increases with the increase
namely secondary cells (batteries & fuel cells) of temperature)
 The Basis of electro chemistry is thus a process  Non-metals which are electronically conducting
in which electrons are transferred from one Ex: Carbon-black, graphite, organic polymers
system to another like polyaniline, polypyrrole, polythiophene,
 Electric current is considered as flow of polyacetylene when exposed to vapours of
electrons or flow of electrical charges through a iodine.
conducting system.  Metals and their alloys, at very low temperatures
 The Substance which allows the electric current (0 to 15 K) were known to behave as
to pass through it, is called Electrical Conductor. superconductors.
 The electrical conductors are of two types.  Ceramic materials and mixed oxides also show
(a) Electronic Conductors superconductivity at temperatures as high as
(b) Electrolytic conductors 150K.
 Distinction between electronic conductors and  The flow of current in the case of electrolytic
electrolytic conductors: conductors (Eg.Solutions of salts in water ) is
SL. ELECTRONIC ELECTROLYTIC due to the movement of ions in the solution
NO CONDUCTORS CONDUCTORS under the influence of an applied voltage.
Conducts electricity by Conducts Electricity by  The movement of ions under applied voltage is
the flow of E lectrons the movement of ions called electrical migration or mobility or ionic
Electrons flow from Char ged species (ions)
negative end to positive move towardsthe
conductivity of ions.
end oppositely charged Electrolysis
No transfer of matter  Non electrolyte: The substance which does
Transfer of matter takes
takes place place not conduct electricity either in its molten state
No chemical change Chemical change takes
or in aqueous solution is called a non–
takes place place at the electrodes
It decreases with rise of It increases with
temperature  Sugar Solution, glucose solution, urea in water,
increase of temperature
6 Metals, alloys, graphite, organic solvents, non polar covalent substances,
Liquids of molten salts,
solid salts such as CdS, aqueous solution of
are non electrolytes.
CuS, etc., are examples salts, acids ( Eg ;HCl,
of electronic
 Pure water is a poor conductor of electricity.
HNO3 ,H2 SO4 ) and
conductors bases ( NaOH, KOH)  Electrolyte : A substance, that is, in the molten
are examples of state (fused state) or in the dissolved state ( in
electrolytic conductors water or any other solvent) containing ions and
is functioning as an electrically conducting
Note:i. CdS and CuS exhibit electronic conduction
medium is called an electrolyte.
due to crystal defect.
 Fused salts (in the liquid state) : ( NaCl , KCl etc) Anode(+): It is the electrode, which is connected
and fused hydrides, solid halides of Ag, Ba, Pb to the +ve terminal of the battery, and through
which the electrons leave the electrolyte.
and of some other metals.   form of Ag 2 S .
 In an electrolytic cell oxidation of anions take
 Aqueous solutions, of place at anode and reduction of cations take
NaCl , KCl , K 2 SO4 , CuSO4 , etc.; place at cathode.
HCl , H 2 SO4 , HNO3 ; NaOH , KOH etc. in  Electrons flows from anode to cathode, but
current flow from cathode to anode.
water. In general all fused liquid salts (or)
solutions which contain ions are electrolytes.  MA  M+ + A– (Lattice Breaking)
Strong electrolytes :Electrolytes, which ionize M+ + e–  M at cathode (Reduction)
– –
almost completely at moderate dilutions and A — e A at anode (Oxidation )
have high conductivity are called Strong At cathode electronation and at anode
Electrolytes. deelectronation occurs.
 Mineral acids (HCl, H2SO4,HNO3), alkali and  When a solution contains two (or) more anions
alkaline earth metallic hydroxides and most of and cations, the ion with the lower discharge
the salts are strong electrolytes in aqueous potential will deposit first.
 Decreasing order of discharge potentials for
Weak Electrolytes: Electrolytes, which various anions
ionize partially and have low conductivity are
called Weak Electrolytes. F   SO42  NO3  OH   Cl   Br   I   CO32
 Most of the organic acids, bases and salts like  Decreasing order of discharge potentials for
CH3COONH4, HgCl2, BaSO4, NH4OH, H3BO3 various cations
are weak electrolytes. + + 2+ 2+ 3+ 2+
Li   K > Na > Ca > Mg > Al > Mn >
Zn2+> Cr3+ > Fe2+ >H+ >Cu2+ > Hg+ >Ag+ > Pt2+
Mechanism of electrolysis - Its
> Au3+
 The decomposition of an electrolyte at the
electrodes as a result of the passage of electric CO32  I   Br  Cl  OH  NO3  SO42
current is called electrolysis. (or)  ORDER OF DEPOSITION OF CATIONS
The process of decomposition of an electrolyte
by passing electric current is called electrolysis. Au 3  Pt 2  Ag   Hg   Cu 2  H  
 The cell in which electrolysis is carried out is Fe 3  Cr 3  Zn 2  Mn 2  Al 3  Mg 2 
called electrolytic cell.
Ca 2  Na   K   Li 
 In an electrolytic cell, electrical energy is  In some cases, the electrodes also may take part
converted into chemical energy in the electrolysis reaction. Such electrodes are
 In the electrolytic cell, a source of emf like called active electrodes.
battery is used Eg:In the electrolysis of NiCl 2(fused) using
 The medium through which the electrons enters nickel electrodes, the anode nickel dissolves
and leaves the electrolyte is called electrode. electrolytically as nickel ion.
Cathode(–): It is the electrode which is  Electrolysis of Water (to which some sulphuric
connected to the –ve terminal of the battery, and acid is added to make it good conductor)
through which the electrons enter the electrolyte between two platinum electrodes give H2(g) at
cathode and O2(g) at anode.
Electrolysis of some electrolytes  The unit for electrochemical equivalent is
gram/coulomb (g/c)
 Electrochemical equivalent depends only on the
nature of the electrolyte.
 Second Law: When the same quantity of
electricity is passed through different
electrolytes connected in series the weights of
the substances deposited will be in the ratio of
their equivalent weights.
 chemical equivalent weight of an element
atomic weight
= valency

W1 E1

W2 E2
W1 : W2= weights ratio
E1: E2 = equivalent weights ratio
 1Faraday of electric current (or) 96,500
coulombs of electricity (or) one mole of
electrons, when passed through an electrolyte
1G.E.W of a substance will be deposited.
 1 Faraday = 1 gram. eq. wt
Faraday’s Law of Electrolysis:Michel = charge on 1 mole of electrons
Faraday introduced laws of electrolysis to
 1 Faraday will deposit / Liberate (at STP)
explain the quantitative relationship between the
quantity of electricity passed into an eletrolytic a) 1.008 g / 11.2 lit of H 2
cell and the amount of substance electrolysed
b) 35.5 g / 11.2 lit of Cl2
or deposited.
 First Law: The amount of the substance c) 8 g / 5.6 lit of O2 d) 9 g of H 2O
deposited or electrolysed is directly proportional e) 9 g of Al f) 12 g of Mg
to the quantity of electricity passed through the
g) 23 g of Na h) 108 g of Ag
i) 31.75 g of Cu j) 32.75 g of Zn
W Q –– (1)
a) 1 mole of univalent ions  M 

W grams  will be
Q = quantity of electricity in coulombs deposited by passing one Faraday.
Q= c x t —(2) Eg. Na  , Ag 
C= current in amperes
t= time in seconds b) 1 mole of bivalent ions  M 2  will be
w  ct ———(3)
deposited by passing Two Faradays
W  ect OR W  e Q —(4)
Mg 2 , Ca 2 , Fe2
 If c=1 ampere,t=1 second,Q=1 coulomb
 W= e c) 1 mole of trivalent ions  M 3  will be
 The weight of the substance deposited on the deposited by passing Three Faradays
electrode for 1 coulomb of electricity is called
electrochemical equivalent(e) Eg. Al 3 , Fe 3
 1 coulomb deposit W.E-3:
 gram equivalent weight  What is the ratio of weights of Ag and Al
=  96500 
  deposited at the respective cathodes when the
same current is passed for same period through
=  e(electrochemical equivalent )
F aqueous AgNO3 and Al2  SO4 3 solutions.
E E mass of Ag Equivalent weight of Ag
 W=
ct (or) W= Q
F Sol: mass of Al  Equivalent weight of Al

M M 108
 W ct (or) W  Q   12 :1
nF nF 9
W= wt of the substance deposited
Electrolytic solution resistance and
M= atomic weight of the element
n = valency of the element
Aqueous electrolytic solutions also offer
F= 1 Faraday=96,500C resistance like metallic wires to the flow of
 1Faraday=Charge present on 6.023x10 23 current and obey Ohm’s law.
electrons  Ohm’s Law: It states that the current (I)
1 coulomb =6.25x1018 electrons flowing through a conductor at a given
temperature is proportional to the potential
W.E-1: difference (V) and inversely proportional to
resistance (R). Mathematically it can be
BaSO4 is ionic and PCl3 is covalent but a expressed as
saturated solution of BaSO4 is a weak
V  IR
electrolyte, While that of PCl3 is a strong
 Resistance (R) : It is the opposition to the flow
electrolyte. Explain? of current offered by the electrolytic solution.
Sol: BaSO4 has high lattice energy. It is very less Its units are ohm   
soluble in water, even in saturated solutions. The
 S.I base units of ohm =  kg m 2  /  S 3 A2 
ionic concentration is in the order of 105 M .
Hence it is a weak Electrolyte.  The resistance ‘R’ offered by the electrolytic
solution, taken in a conductivity cell, is directly
PCl3 is covalent. It undergoes hydrolysis in proportional to distance of separation ‘ l ’
water to give hydrochloric acid. Which is a between the two parallel electrodes of the cell
strong electrolyte. and inversely proportional to the area of cross-
section (A) of electrode i.e,
l l
Solution of CuSO4 is electrolysed for 10 R or R  .
minutes with a current of 1.5amperes. What is
where  = specific resistance (Resistivity).
the mass of copper deposited at the cathode?
 It can be measured with the help of wheatstone
Sol: CuSO4  Cu 2  SO42 bridge.
 Conductance (G) : It is the reciprocal of the
Ect 31.75 1.5 10  60
m  electrical resistance (R)
96500 96500
= 0.296 grams 1
 It measures the ease with which the current flows Resistance of solution is determined by the
through a conductor equation.
1 1 1 1 l l
G G  k R R
R  l/A l/A A kA
l The quantity l / A is called cell constant denoted
k  G 
A by the symbol, G*. It depends on
Where G = Conductance a) Distance between the electrodes
K  Specific conductance (Conductivity) b) Area of cross sections
l The cell constant is determined by measuring
= Constant known as cell constant G * . the resistance of the cell containing a solution
whose conductivity is already known.
Its units are cm-1 (or) m-1
 S.I unit of conductance = Siemens (S)
 1S = 1 ohm 1 ( or mho )
Specific Resistance (OR) Resistivity (  ) (unknown
l l R2
 We know that R  R R1
(or) R =  x cell constant Detector
Where  = Resistivity P
l = Length and A = area of cross section of the
l R4 R3
= cell constant  G * 
 The resistance in ohm of a conductor having
length of 1cm and area of cross - section 1cm2 is Oscillator
called resistivity (or) “The resistance offered by
1 cm3 solution of an electrolytic solution” is
called resistivity (  ). Unknown resistance R 2  R
1 4

 Its units are ohm – cm 3

 S.I unit : ohm - metre  Instead of AC if DC is used it leads to

 1  m  100  cm a) Electrolysis resulting in the change of
 1  cm  0.01  m
b) polarisation at the electrodes resulting in the
Measurement of conductivity of Ionic change of resistance.
solutions: Unknown resistance can be Specific, Molar and equivalent conductance
calculated using Wheatstone bridge. Resistance
The conductance (or) the current conducting
of ionic solution is measured by using an
capacity of an electrolytic solution can be
alternating current(AC) source of power and
expressed in terms of
specially designed vessel called conductivity
cell. a) Specific conductance (k) Kappa
Conductivity cell consists of two platinum b) Molar conductance (  m ),
electrodes coated with platinum black, whose
area of cross section equal to ‘A’ and are c) Equivalent conductance   
separated by distance ‘ l ’
 Specific conductance (k): It is the electrodes separated by a distance of unit length
reciprocal of specific resistance (  ) of 1 centimeter (in CGS system) or 1 meter (in
1 SI system) is called molar conductance (  m ).
k 
 Relation between specific conductance (k) &
l 1 1 l molar conductance (  m ) of an electrolytic
R  . ;  .
A G k A solutions, is as follows
l k  1000
k  G m 
A Molarity
G = conductance k  S cm1  1000 cm3 / L
m  S cm2mol 1  
l Molarity  mol / L
= cell constant ( G * )
Units of  m :
Since : k  G  , if l = 1cm ; A  1cm2 then ohm-1.cm2 .mol-1 (in CGS system) (or)
mho.cm2 .mol-1 (in CGS system) (or)
k  G thus the conductance of 1cm3 of
electrolytic solution is called specific S. cm2 .mol-1 (in CGS system) (or)
conductance (k) ohm-1.m2 .mol-1 (in SI system)
1 S m 2 mol 1  104 S cm 2 mol 1
Similarly, the conductance of the electrolyte in 
the solution of volume of 1m 3 is known as  Equivalent conductance ( eq ) : It is the
specific conductance (k) Kappa conducting power of all the ions produced by
(or) dissolving 1 gram equivalent of an electrolyte
The conductance of the solution enclosed (or) The conductance of a volume of solution
between two parallel electrodes of unit area of containing 1 gram equivalent of the electrolyte
cross-section separated by a unit distance is placed between two parallel electrodes separated
called specific conductance (k) by unit length of 1 centimeter (in CGS units)
Its units are : (or) 1 meter (in SI units) is called equivalent
ohm-1 ×cm-1 (in CGS system) conductance ( eq ) .
(or) ohm-1m-1 (or)S×m-1 (in SI system) Relation between ‘k’ and  is as follows
 1 Scm 1  100 Sm 1 k  1000
Note:If l / A ( Cell constant ) = 1 then k = G  eq 
 The conductivity of solutions of different
electrolytes in the same solvent and at a given Units of  : - eq

temperature differs due to ohm-1.cm2 .equivalent -1 (or)

( i ) Charge and size of the ions in which they
dissociate. mho.cm2 .equivalent -1 (or)
( ii ) The concentrations of ions (or) ease with S.cm2 .equivalent -1 (in CGS system) (or)
which the ions move under a potential gradient.
 Molar Conductance (  m ): It is the ohm-1.m2 .equivalent -1 (in SI system)
conducting power of all the ions produced by Note:An electrolytic solution whose molarity is
dissolving equal to its normality has the same value for
1 gram mole of an electrolyte (or) molar conductance (  m )& equivalent
The conductance of a volume of solution
containing 1 gram molecular weight of the conductance (  e q )
electrolyte placed between two parallel Eg : KCl solution, NaCl solution
W.E-4: W.E-6:
Resistance of a conductivity cell filled with 0.1 The conductivity of 0.1 m KCl solution is
M KCl solution is 100 ohms. If the resistance
1.29 sm 1 . If the resistance of the cell filled with
of the same cell when filled with 0.02M KCl
solution is 520 ohms. Calculate conducivity 0.1M KCl is 100 ohm. Calculate the cell
and molar conductance of 0.02M KCl solution. constant.
Conductivity of 0.1M KCl is 1.29 Sm . 1
Sol: k  G  G *  k   G
Sol: We know, R
Conductivity = Conductance x Cell constant 1
k = G x Cell constant G  k  R  1.29  100  129 cm .

1 Factors Effecting Molar & Equivalent

1.29   Cell constant
100 conductances:
Cell constant = 1.29 x 100m–1= 1.29 cm–1  Nature of electrolyte i.e, strong (or) weak
For 0.02 M KCl, R = 520 ohm  Nature of the solvent
Conductivity = Conductance x Cell constant  Viscosity of solvent
 Temperature
k  Cell constant  Concentration of electrolyte
R  Size of the ions produced & their solvation
1 Variation of Conductance with
  1.29  2.48  10 3 ohm 1cm 1
520 concentration: Specific conductance of a
solution increases with increase in the ionic
We know,  m  k  concentration of the solution.
Reason :no. of ions per unit volume increases
= 2.48  10  = 124 S cm2 mol–1  But equivalent and molar conductance decrease
0.02 with increase in concentration
W.E-5: Reason:decrease in ionic mobility and
The electrical resistance of a column of 0.05M increase in interionic attractions
NaOH solution of diameter 1 cm and length
 The specific conductance (k) or conductivity at
50 cm is 5.55x103 ohm. Calculate its resistivity,
any specified concentration of an electrolyte
conductivity and molar conductivity.
depends on the nature of the electrolyte.
Sol: Area of cross-section
 Strong electrolytes show high conductance
=  r 2  3.14  (0.5) 2 cm 2 = 0.785 cm2 while weak electrolytes show low conductance
1 at any given concentration
We know, R    The variation of equivalent conductance   
50 (or) molar conductance (  m ) with the
5.55  103   
0.785 concentration of the electrolyte is generally
Resistivity,   87.135 ohm cm expressed graphically, as follows.
1 1
Conductivity, k    0.01148 S cm 1
 87.135
Molar conductivity  m can be calculated as,
m  k 
 0.01148  = 229.6 S cm2 mol–1
 It indicates that the variation of  with W.E-7:
concentration depends to a great extent on the Why does the conductivity of a solution
type of the electrolyte rather than on the actual decreases with dilution?
chemical nature of it. Sol: Conductivity of an electrolyte solution depends
 Thus equivalent conductance    (or) molar on the number of ions present per unit volume.
On dilution, the number of ions present per unit
conductance (  m ) of electrolytic solution volume decreases, therefore, conductivity also
increases with decrease in concentration. decrease.
 For strong uni-univalent electrolytes (Eg. KCl),
Effect of Temperature: The conductivity
the decrease in  with increase in concentration
of all electrolytes increases with increase in
is not very large.
 If electrolyte is not uni-univalent electrolyte then
decrease in  with concentration is more Conductance Ratio   : The ratio of the
marked as the valency of the ions increases. equivalent conductance at any concentration
They behave in an intermediate manner.
 c  to that at infinite dilution   0  is called
Eg : NiSO4 ; K 2 SO4 (Uni-bivalent),
conductance ratio   .
BaCl2 (Bi-Univalent)

 Weak electrolytes  Eg : CH 3COOH , NH 4OH  exhibit c

an apparently different behaviour as they are not o
ionised completely. For weak electrolytes,  = degree of ionisation.
EFFECT OF DILUTION : Note:  is high for 0.01 M CH 3COOH
solution when compared to that of 0.1 M
 With dilution “  ” as well as “  m ” of both
CH 3COOH , because  C is high in case of 0.01
weak/strong electrolytes increases.
 Specific conductivity (k) decreases with dilution M CH 3COOH
because of decrease in no.of ions per cm 3 of Debye - Huckel Onsager Equation
electrolyte.  In the case of weak electrolytes like
 The molar (or) equivalent conductance of an CH 3COOH ,  is known as degree of
electrolyte at infinite dilution (or) zero dissociation (or) degree of ionisation of
concentration is known as limiting molar electrolyte.
conductance (or) limiting equivalent  The equivalent conductance at large dilution (or)
conductance. at very low concentration is known as equivalent
  0 value for any strong electrolyte is calculated conductance at infinite dilution     or Zero
by graphically but for weak electrolyte it is
determined by kohlrausch’s law. concentration   o 
 The magnitude of increase in molar conductance
 The equivalent conductance of an electrolytic
for weak electrolyte is much larger than that for
solution at any concentration (C) is related to
a strong electrolyte because strong electrolytes
are almost completely ionised in all  o for solutions is given by the following
concentration and increase in  eq (or)  m with Debye-Huckel - Onsager equation.
dilution is only due to decrease in interionic  82.4 8.2  10 5 
attractions. C  o     o
 C
  DT   DT 
1/ 2 3/ 2

 
Io n Ionic Ion Ionic
D = Dielectric constant of water conductance conductance
T = Temperature in kelvin scale ( ( 0 )ohm 1 ( 0 )ohm 1
 C = Equivalent conductance at conc ‘c’
H 349.83 Na 50.11
 o = equivalent conductance at almost zero K 73.52 NH 4 73.40
concentration or infinite dilution. Ag  61.92 Cl  76.34
 = viscosity co-efficient of solvent.
Br  78.40 I 76.80
In short form this equation is represented
OH  198.50 NO3 71.44
CH 3COO  40.89
c  0  b C
Where b is constant and depends on the nature Statement of Kohlrausch’s Law :
of the solvent and temperature. “The equivalent conductance at infinite dilution
Variation of Equivalent Conductance with (   ) of an electrolyte is equal to the algebric
sum of equivalent condutances (or) mobilities
CONCENTRATION is as follows
of anion  0  and cation    of the electrolyte
 
 It is a straight line with negative slope. 0

at infinite dilution”
 0  electrolyte    0   0  ions 

1  1 
eq  c   a
n n

e.g. (i) KCl  K    Cl

 This is not applicable for weak electrolytes (ii) CaCl2  Ca    Cl
Kohlrauch’s Law of independent  1  
(iii)  AlCl3   Al3    Cl
migration of ions: Based on  (specific 3
conductance) value, electrolytes are of two ° 1 ° 1 °
types. (iv) ΛFe2 SO4  = 3 λ Fe3+ + 2 λSO2-
3 4
1) weak electrolytes: These have low ‘  ’ value In the above Λ = Equivalent Conductance.
Eg : weak acids, weak bases.
λ = Molar Conductance
2) Strong electrolytes:These have high ‘  ’ value
Eg : strong Acids, strong Bases, Salt solutions. where n and n are charge on each ion
 The conductance of an electrolyte is due to it’s furnished by electrolyte. This law is valid at any
ionisation. dilution but is applied only at infinite dilution.
 The ionisation extent reaches maximum for Whereas “molar conductivity of an electrolyte
weak electrolytes as dilution reaches maximum at infinite dilution is the sum of the ionic
conductivities of the cations and the anions each
Note: Cl. CH 2COOH has higher ‘  ’ value than multiplied by the number of ions present in one
CH 3COOH since Cl.CH 2COOH is stronger formula unit of electrolyte” e.g. A xB y
acid than CH 3COOH  M  x   A y   y   B x 

 Kohlrausch determined the  0 (equivalent   

e.g (i)  BaCl2   Ba   2 Cl
conductance at infinite dilution) for some pairs   
of strong electrolytes having common anion (or) (ii) Fe2 SO4   2Fe3   3SO2
3 4
Note: Ionic conductance is more for hydrated Cs  . speed of the ion
 Ionic mobility  
than hydrated Li 
potential gradient
 Applications: Determination of  0 for weak  Potential gradient
electrolytes. Potential difference between electrodes
Eg : NH 4OH is a weak electrolyte its  0 is Distance between electrodes
calculated as
0  NH4OH   0  NH4Cl   0  NaOH   0  NaCl 
Calculate  0m for CaCl2 and MgSO4 using
 Degree of ionisation of weak electrolyte
following data

   c 0
Ca 2
2  119 S cm mol
 0

 c =equivalent conductivity at given concentration Cl0   76.3 S cm2 mol 1

0 = limiting equivalent conductivity 0 2 1
Mg 2  106 S cm mol

 Dissociation constant of weak electrolyte K=c 2 0 2 1

SO 2  160 S cm mol

m olecular w eight

0 0
  m  eq  Sol: 0m CaCl2  Ca
0 0
2  2 
equivalent w eight Cl
= 119 + 2 x 76.3 = 271.6 S cm2 mol–1
0 0
Expression for K :  m  n   e q u  0m MgSO4  Mg
2  
SO 24

 Calculation of dissociation constant of weak =106+160=266 S cm2 mol–1

  The equivalent conductances of sodium
C C 
C 2  C C2
K K  0  chloride, hydrochloric acid and sodium acetate
1   C  0  0  C  at infinite dilution are 126.45, 426.16 and 91.0
1  
 0  ohm –1 cm 2 equiv –1 , respectively, at 25 0C.
Calculate the equivalent conducatance of
Solubility of sparingly soluble salts : acetic acid at infinite dilution.
ksalt 1000 k 1000  0m (HCl) = 426.16 S cm2 mol–1
0m  (or) Sin moles/lit  salt 0
solubility m
 0m (NaCl) = 126.45 S cm2 mol–1
k salt =specific conductance of sparingly soluble
 0m (CH3COONa)=91 S cm2 mol–1
Sol: According to Kohlraush’s law,
Solubility product of salt can be calculated from
solubility.   CH3COONa  CH COO  Na  91.0 ---(i)

salt  solution  solvent   HCl  H   Cl   426.16 ---- (ii)

solution= Specific conductance of saturated
  NaCl  Na   Cl   126.45 ---- (iii)
Adding eqns. (i) and (ii) and subtracting (iii),
 solvent = Specific conductance of solvent
CH 3COO   Na   H   Cl   Na   Cl 
 Ionic mobility: Ionic mobilities can be
= 91.0 + 426.16 – 126.45
   
calculated as :    ,   F  96,500 CH 3COO   H    CH 3COOH
F 96,500
= 390.7 ohm–1cm2equiv–1
W.E-10: Degree of dissociation ‘  ’ may be calculated as
The conductivity of 0.001028M acetic acid is  m HCOOH 46.1
4.95 ×10-5Scm–1. Calculate its dissociation constant    0.114
 m HCOOH 404.2

if  0m for acetic acid is 390.5Scm2 mol–1.

Sol: We know, Let us consider the ionisation of HCOOH.

1000 HCOOH  HCOO   H 

m  k  -----(i) t=0 C 0 0
teq. C–C  C C
Given : k=4.95 x 10–5 S cm–1 ; M=0.001028
Dissociation constant of formic acid may be
5 1000 calculated as,
 From (i)  m  4.95  10 
 HCOO    H  
= 48.15 ohm cm2 mol–1 K

Degree of dissociation,  HCOOH 

 Cm 48.15 C  C C 2
   0.1233  
 0m 390.5 C  C 1  
CH 3COOH  CH 3COO   H  0.025  (0.114)2 3.249 104
K  =3.667x10–4
t=0 C 0 0 1  0.114 0.886
teq. C–C  C C
Dissociation constant, Electrochemical Cells: The cell in which
CH 3COO   H  
 chemical energy is converted into electric
K energy is called electrochemical cell.
CH 3COOH   First electrochemical cell was constructed by
Volta and Galvani, so it is called as Voltaic (or)
C  C C 2
  Galvanic cell.
C  C 1  
Substituting the values of ‘C’ and ‘  ’ in above e voltmeter
equation, we get,
Anode(-) cathode(+)
0.001028  (0.1233) 2
K  1.78  105

NO 3 K

1  0.1233 ' Zn' rod 'Cu' rod

salt bridge

The molar conductivity of 0.025 mol L –1
methanoic acid is 46.1 S cm2 mol–1. Calculate
cot ton plug
its degree of dissociation and dissociation
constant. ZnSO4 Soln CuSO 4 So ln

Given H0  = 349.6 S cm2 mol–1

Galavanic Cell

= 54.6 S cm2 mol–1  A metal dipped in its ionic solution works as an
Sol: We know,
 Zinc rod is dipped in zinc sulphate solution
HCOOH  H   HCOO  works as anode.
 0m HCOOH  H0   HCOO

 Zinc undergo oxidation, gives electrons, It is
electron rich, so represented by negative sign.
= 349.6 + 54.6
= 404.2 S cm2 mol–1 Zn  Zn   2e 
 Cu rod dipped in CuSO 4 solution acts as Reversible Cell : A voltaic cell may be
cathode. reversible or irreversible.
 Cu+2 present in the solution undergo reduction  The anodic and the cathodic reactions in a
on Cu rod surface. Cu rod is electron poor, so it reversible Galvanic cell are always in a state of
is represented by positive sign. equilibrium.
 A reversible cell shall satisfy the following
Cu 2  2e  Cu
 Electrons flow in the external circuit from Zn a) When the cell is connected to an external
to Cu. source( a battery) , whose emf is exactly equal
 Two portions of the cell are also called half-cells to that of voltaic cell, no current flow in the
(or) redox couples. voltaic cell.
 A salt bridge is used to prevent the accumulation b) If the emf of the external battery is more than
of charges, at the electrodes the emf of the voltaic cell, current flows from
 Saltbridge is an inverted U- shaped tube, filled the battery into the voltaic cell.
with Agar–Agar gel which is saturated with an c) If the emf of the external battery is less than
electrolyte KCl (or) KNO3(or) NH4 NO3 the emf of the voltaic cell the current flows from
 The solution of KCl (or) KNO3(or)NH4NO3 acts the cell to the battery.
as inert electrolyte.
 The reaction taking place in the electrochemical Difference between Electrochemical
cell is a redox reaction. Cell and Electrolytic Cell
Zn  s   CuSO4  aq   ZnSO 4  aq   Cu  s 

 In Daniel cell instead of salt bridge, porous pot

(or) porous diaphragm is used.
e voltmeter

Anode(-) cathode(+)

' Zn' rod 'Cu' rod


ZnSO4 Soln CuSO 4 So ln

 Daniel cell is also an electrochemical cell.

 Daniel cell(Galvanic) is a reversible cell.
 During the working of galvanic cell and with Representation of Galvanic Cells
the passage of time the following changes takes
(IUPAC Convention )
a) spontaneity of the cell reaction decreases  In writing the electrochemical cell, keep anode
(or) oxidation electrode in the left hand side
b) Ecell decreases and reduction electrode or cathode in the right
c) reaction quotient Q increases. hand side.
 Electrode can be represented by semicolon (or) Single Electrodes : A metal rod immersed in
single vertical line. the aqueous solution of its salt or a gaseous non-
 Double vertical line represents salt bridge. metal in contact with the aqueous solution of
Eg: Galvanic cell its anion in the form of salt (or acid or alkali)
Zn  s   CuSO4  aq   ZnSO4  aq   Cu  s  function as single electrodes.
Metal Electrodes :
Zn | Zn 2  c  || Cu 2  c  | Cu
1. Zinc electrode : Zn| ZnSO4 aqueous solution
Zn | ZnSO4  c  || CuSO4  c  | Cu
2. Copper electrode : Cu | CuSO4 aqueous solution
Zn | Zn  c  || Cu
2 2
 c  | Cu 3. Magnesium electrode: Mg | MgSO4 aqueous
 If it is Daniel cell solution
Zn; Zn 2  c  || Cu 2  c  ; Cu 4. Silver electrode: Ag | AgNO3 aqueous solution
 In case of a Galvanic cell with a non-metal 5. Iron electrode : Fe | FeSO4 aqueous solution;etc.
electrode, inert metal like Pt rod (wire) is
introduced in solution which acts as electrode. Non metal electrodes:
A Galvanic cell containing H 2 and Cl2 gases 1. Hydrogen electrode: H+(aq) / H2(g),Pt
as electrodes in an HCl solution is 2. Chlorine electrode : Pt;Cl2(g) / Claq
represented as, 3. Oxygen electrode : Pt;O2(g) / OH
Pt , H 2 g   P1 atm  | HCl aq   C mol / L  | Cl2  P2 atm , Pt 
4. Bromine electrode : Pt;Br2(g) / Br aq 
Electromotive Force of the cell (emf of  Single Electrode Potentials :A metal (or)
the cell):The difference between two electrode non–metal in contact with the solution of its ions
potentials present in the electrochemical cell is tends to develop electric potential at the metal/
called electromotive force of the cell. metal ion (or) non–metal/ non–metal ion
 EMF of the cell = Left hand electrode oxidation interface. It is called single electrode potential.
potential + Right hand electrode reduction  Electrode potential(E): The potential
potential difference developed between the electrode and
= LHE oxidation potential – RHE oxidation the electrolyte is called electrode potential.
 Standard Electrode potential(E 0 ):
= RHE reduction potential – LHE reduction
according to IUPAC convention, standard
reduction potentials are now called standard
= LHE oxidation potential + RHE reduction
electrode potential.
 The magnitude of the potential (E) depends on
= Eright – Eleft a) Chemical nature of the metal or the non–metal
= Ecathode – Eanode b) The number of electrons transferred (n) in
 High reduction potential metal electrode works the half cell reaction namely
as right hand electrode (or) cathode or reduction Mn+ + ne–  M (M=metal)
electrode in the correct electrochemical cell. A+ne–  An– (A=non metal)
 If EMF of the cell is +ve , cell reaction is c) The concentration of the ions(c) (Mn+ or An–)
spontaneous or irreversible. We can draw current in the solution.
from it. d) The temperature of the system(T)
 If EMF of the cell is negative(–ve), cell reaction  250c (or) 298K, 1 atmosphere pressure are called
is non– spontaneous or reversible . We cannot standard conditions.
draw the current from it. The cell does not work.  standard reduction potential (E0) of the metal
 If EMF of the cell is zero, cell reaction is at measured at standard conditions, using (Mn+) as
equilibrium. unit concentration.
 The reduction potential of an electrode is other half cell as cathode gives the reduction
exactly equal in magnitude but opposite in sign potential of the other half cell (concentration of
to its oxidation potential. the oxidised and reduced species taken as unity).
 Measurement of Electrode Potential: 0
Ecell  ER0  EL0 as EL0 for SHE is zero
Single electrode potential cannot be determined
experimentally by taking single electrode. Ecell  E R0  0  E R0
Therefore, this single electrode is combined with Eg. The measured emf of the cell
a second single electrode and the emf of the cell
is determined by using a potentiometer. Pt( s ) H 2(1atm ) / H (1 M ) / /Cu(12M ) / Cu( s ) is
 The second electrode is an electrode of exactly 0.34 V and it is also the value of standard
known potential and is called as reference electrode potential of the half cell corresponding
 The hydrogen electrode is the earliest reference to the reaction. Cu(12M )  2e  Cu( s )
electrode,  The positive value of standard electrode
 Hydrogen electrode consists of H2 gas at 1 potential in the above example indicates that
atmosphere pressure in contact with H+ ions of Cu+2 ions gets reduced more easily than H+ ions
unit activity
 A saturated calomel electrode Hg/Hg2Cl2(S),KCl
 Pt, H 2 (g)/ H + (aq)(C=1). The potential of
(solution) is now used as a secondary reference
hydrogen electrode is assumed as zero volts.
 Hydrogen electrode is also called as Normal
Hydrogen Electrode (NHE) or standard  The potential of saturated calomel electrode is
Hydrogen Electrode (SHE) –0.2422 volts (SRP).
 Hydrogen electrode is a reversible electrode.
Nernst equation is applicable only for reversible
 Reduction Potential of Hydrogen electrode
H2  g = –0.059 x PH
 at1atm   Oxidation Potential of Hydrogen electrode
= +0.059 x PH

Electrochemical Series: In the IUPAC

H3 Oaq.
system of referring the electrode potentials,
1M standard reduction potentials are simply called
Pt black
a standard potentials.
 In the electrochemical series, the metals are
arranged in the increasing order of reduction
 High reduction potential metal ions undergo
reduction first on cathode or it acts as cathode
 A small platinum foil coated with platinum black
in the electrochemical cell.
is used as electrode in Hydrogen electrode.
 The Pt electrode is partially immersed in the  Low reduction potential metal (high negative
solution and is partially exposed to the value) undergo oxidation (or) it acts as anode.
atmosphere of H2 gas. It is more reactive (or) more electro positive.
 At 298K the emf of the cell , standard hydrogen  In the electrochemical series metal placed
electrode || Second half cell constructed by above can displace the below metal ions from
taking SHE as anode (Reference electrode) and their solution.
Electrode E o (V) (SRP) standard
Pt,Cl2 / 2Cl– +1.360
System Reduction potential Au+3 / Au +1.50
Li+ / Li –3.045 MnO 4 / Mn 2  +1.51
Cs+/Cs –2.95
Rb+ / Rb –2.93 H 2O2 / H 2O +1.78
K+ / K –2.925 Co 3 / Co 2 +1.81
Ba+2 / Ba –2.90 Pt,F2 / 2F– +2.87
Sr+2 / Sr –2.89
Ca+2/Ca –2.870 Useful Conclusions:A negative E0 means
Na+ / Na –2.714 that the redox couple is a stronger reducing
Mg+2 / Mg –2.375 agent than the H+/H2 couple.
Al+3 / Al –1.66  A positive E0 means that the redox couple is a
weaker reducing agent than the H+/H2 couple.
Mn+2/Mn –1.18
 The metal with higher negative potential
H 2O / H 2 –0.83 displaces a metal with lower negative potential
Zn+2/Zn –0.762 (or) positive potential (i.e. all metals below it in
Cr+3/Cr –0.74 the series ) from the aqueous salt solution of the
Fe+2/Fe –0.441 metal.
Eg: a).Zn displaces all metals underneath it in
Cd+2 / Cd –0.403
the electrochemical series from their aqueous
Co+2 / Co –0.277
salt solutions.
Ni+2 / Ni –0.250
Sn+2 / Sn –0.140 Zn  CdSO4 aq   ZnSO4 aq   Cd 
Pb+2/Pb –0.126 b) Similarly
H+ / H2, Pt  0.000 Ni  PbSO4 aq   NiSO4 aq   Pb 
AgBr/Ag +0.10
AgCl/Ag +0.22 Cd  CuSO4 aq   CdSO4 aq   Cu 
Cu+2/Cu +0.337  All metals with higher negative potentials are
Cu+/Cu +0.52 stronger reducing agents than the metals with
lower negative potentials or positive potentials.
Pt, O2 / OH  +0.401
Ex: Li  K  Ca  Zn  Fe  Cu
Pt,I2 / 2I– +0.536  The metal ion of the metal with lower negative
 potential or higher positive potential is a better
O 2 , 2H / H 2 O 2 +0.68
oxidising agent than the metal ion of the metal
Fe+3/Fe+2,Pt +0.771 with higher negative potential or less positive
Hg+ / Hg +0.790 potential.
Ag+ / Ag +0.800 Ex. Ag   Cu    Sn    Ni    Fe 3  Zn  
Hg 2  / Hg 22  +0.92  Oxidising power  reduction potential
NO 3 / NO +0.97 
oxidation potential
MnO 2 / Mn 2  +1.23 Reducing power  oxidation potential
O2 / H 2O +1.23 1

reduction potential
Cr2 O 72  / Cr 3 +1.33
 Fluorine with highest reduction potential is the From thermodynamic relation G   nFEcell
best oxidant. Lithium with least reduction
potential the best reductant in aqueous medium and G 0  nFEcell

based on the potentials.  According to the thermodynamic equation

 The more negative the reduction potential, the
more reactive the metal. G  G 0  RTlnQ
 Metals above hydrogen displace hydrogen from 0
 nFEcell   nFEcell  RTlnQ
dilute acids
 M  Na , Mg , Al , Znetc   H 2  .
Cu 
 M Cu , Ag , Au ,etc  aq HCl 
Ecell  Ecell  lnQ
 Cu does not dissolve in HCl. nF
 In nitric acid Cu is oxidised by nitrate ion and 0
Ecell = emf of the cell under standard conditions
not by hydrogen ion.
Ecell = emf of the cell at the given concentration
W.E-12: n = number of electrons involved in the reaction
Can you store copper sulphate solutions in a F = Faraday = 96500 coulombs
zinc pot? T = absolute temperature.
EZn 2
 0.76V , ECu 2  0.34V R = gas constant = 8.314 joule mole–1 K–1
/ Zn / Cu
Sol. Since the standard reduction potential of Zn is Q = reaction quotient
less than that of copper, hence zinc metal will 0 2.303RT
Ecell  Ecell  log Q
reduce Cu2+ ions present in aqueous solution of nF
copper sulphate. Thus, we can not store copper
sulphate solution in a vessel of zinc. 0 0.059  2.303RT 
Ecell  Ecell  log Q   0.059 
Zn( s )  CuSO4 (aq )  ZnSO4 (aq )  Cu
n  96500 
ERedox 0 0 0.059  product 
process  EReducedspecies  EOxidisedspecies
Ecell  Ecell  log
= + 0.34 – (–0.76) = + 1.10 V
n  reactant 
Positive value of E0 confirms that above redox (or)
process is spontaneous and hence we cannot 0.059  oxidised form 
store copper sulphate solution in a vessel of zinc. Ecell  Ecell  log
n  reduced form 
W.E-13: For Cation Electrodes:The Nernst equation
for single electrode potential  EM n / M  at 298
Consult the table of the standard electrode
potentials and suggest three substances that
can oxidise ferrous ion under suitable K is
conditions. M (naq )  ne  M ( s )
/ Fe2
 0.77 V RT 1
E  E0  ln
Sol. Only those species can oxidise ferrous ions nF c
(Fe2+) whose standard reduction potential is
2.303 RT 1
more positive than 0.77 V. Thus, suitable E  E0  log
nF c
oxidising agents will be F2, Cl2, Br2.
0 0.059
 EE  n
log c
EMF of Galvanic Cell-Nernst Equations
 The variation of electrode potential and cell (or)
potentials with concentration of ions in solution 0 0.059
ERP  ERP  log  M n   (c=[Mn+])
is given by NERNST equation. n
For Anion Electrodes :If a non-metal / non- Current Efficiency: % of current efficiency
metal ion is present as electrode, then Nernst mass actually produced
equation for single electrode potential at 298 K
=  100
mass of substance exp ected

is Over voltage : The difference between the

voltage at which a gas is actually evolved and
2.303 RT theoretical value at which it ought to have been
E  E0  log C
nF evolved during electrolysis is called over
E  E0  log C
n For Hydrogen Electrode :
 2H  2e  H2  g
 
 log  A n   (C=[A–]) Patm.  
n 0.059 PH2
ERP  ERP  log
EMF of a cell and free energy: n H 
2 ( E  0.059  P H )
 Relation between EMF of cell and free energy
Concentration cells: An electrochemical
G  nFEcell cell in which EMF produced is due to difference
in concentration of either electrode or
 Ecell is intensive property but G is an electrolyte.
extensive thermodynamic property and the value These are of two types :
depends on ‘n’. 1) Electrolyte concentration cell.
2) Electrode concentration cell.
Eg. Zn( s )  Cu(aq2 )  Zn(aq2 )  Cu( s ) , G  2 FEcell  Electrolyte concentration cell :
In this type of a cell electrodes in both the half
but when we represent equation as
cells are made up of same substance and
2 Zn( s )  2Cu (aq2 )  2 Zn(aq2 )  2Cu ( s ) , electrolyte is the solution of same substance but
with different concentration
G  4 FEcell Eg:1) Zn rods dipped in two half cells containing
 Standard free energy change (Concentration of ZnSO4 solution of two different concentration
reacting species taken as unity) is represented as
  C1  | Zn aq   C2  | Zn s 
 2
Zn s  | Zn2aq
G  nFE
0 0

 The EMF of a chemical cell is positive, when 2) H 2 g  electrode dipped in aqueous solution
the free energy of reaction is less than zero (or) H 2 g   P atm  | HCl aq   C1  || HCl aq   C2  | H 2 g   P atm 
negative. 0.059 C
Ecell  log 2
Free energy and Equilibrium Constant n C1
Go  2.303RT log K (or) Go  RT ln K If C2  C1 , the cell is spontaneous
 Electrode concentration cell : In this type
G 0 is negative for a cell reaction to be of cell two electrodes of same substance but with
spontaneous different concentration are dipped into same
Relation Between EMF and Equilibrium solution.
constant Eg : Two H 2 g  electrodes of two different
 G 0   nFE 0cell pressures are dipped in HCl solution.
The cell is represented as
G o  2.303RT log K Pt , H 2 g   P1 atm  | H  aq   C  || H 2 g  ,  P2 atm  | Pt
0.059 P
Hence E 0cell  0.059 log K Ecell  log 1
n n P2
Thermo dynamic efficiency of the cell W.E-15:
 nFE Calculate the potential of hydrogen electrode
 in contact with a solution whose pH is 10.
Sol: If pH of solutions is 10 then its [H + ] ion
 If two half cell reactions having electrode
concentration will be 10–10M.
0 0
potential E1 and E2 are combined to give a third Let us consider a reduction half cell
half cell reaction having an electrode potential H+ (10–10M) | H2 (1 atm) | Pt
0 Electrode process :
E3 then
2 H  (10 10 M )  2e   H 2 (1 atm) (n  2)
G 03  G10  G 02
PH 2 1
n 3 FE30  n1FE10  n 2 FE02 or Q 2
 2
 1020
 H  
10  10

0n E 0  n 2 E 02
E  1 1
n3 According to Nernst equation
If number of electrons involved are equal then 0.059
EH  / H  EH0  / H  log Q
E03  E10  E02
2 2
 Gibbs Q vs K Cell Spontaneous  0
log1020  0.59 V
Free energy potentials direction 2
G  0 Q<K Ecell  0 Forward
G  0 Q=K Ecell = 0 Equilibrium
Calculate the equilibrium constant for the
G  0 Q>K Ecell > 0 Backward reaction
Cu ( s )  2 Ag  (aq )  Cu 2  (aq )  2 Ag ( s )
Represent the cell in which following reaction Ecell
 0.46 V
Sol. We know
takes place and Calculate Ecell if Ecell
 3.17V
 nE 0 
Mg (s)  2 Ag  (0.0001M )  Mg 2 (0.13M )  2 Ag (s) K=Antilog  
 0.059 
Calculate Ecell if Ecell
 3.17V
Sol. The cell may be represented as  2  0.46 
= Antilog 
 0.059 
= 3.92 x 1015
Mg ( s ) | Mg 2 (0.13M ) || Ag  (0.0001M ) | Ag ( s )
The cell reaction may be given as, W.E-17:
2 
Mg ( s )  Mg (0.13M )  2e The cell in which the following reaction
occurs: 2 Fe3 (aq )  2 I  (aq )  2 Fe 2 (aq )  I 2 ( s )
2 Ag  (104 M )  2e   2 Ag ( s )
has Ecell
 0.236 V at 298K. Calculate the
Mg ( s )  2 Ag  (104 M )  Mg 2 (0.13M )  2 Ag ( s )
standard Gibbs free energy and the equilibrium
 Mg 2   Ag 
0.13  1 constant of the reaction.
Q  4
 0.13  108 Sol: G 0   nFE 0
 Mg   Ag  1 (10 )2
 2

= –2 x 96500 x 0.236 J
According to Nernst equation = –45548 J = -45.548 kJ

E  E0 
log10 Q  nE 0 
n K= Antilog  
 0.059 
0.059 2  0.236
 3.17  log(0.13  108 ) = 2.96V  108
2 = Antilog
W.E-18: Secondary Cells:
In the button cells widely used in watches and  i) Electrical energy from an external source is
other devices the following reaction takes first converted into chemical energy
place: (Electrolysis ) and when the source is removed
Zn( s )  Ag 2O ( s )  H 2O ( I )  Zn 2  (aq )  2 Ag ( s ) then the cell is made to operate in the reverse
2O H  (aq )
ii) Secondary cells are those which can be
Determine G 0 and E 0 for the reaction rechargeable and used again and again.
Zn( s )  Zn 2  2e  E0 = –0.76 V iii) These are designed to convert the energy
from combustion of fuel such as
Ag 2O  H 2O  2e   2 Ag  2OH  E0 = +0.34 V
H 2 , CO, CH 4 , etc., directly into electrical
Sol. Ecell
 Ecathode
 Eanode
= 0.34–(–0.76) = 1.10 V iv) The common examples are hydrogen-
G 0   nFE 0 oxygen fuel cell, Hydrocarbon fuel cell Ni-Cd
= –2 x 96500 x 1.10 = –2.123 x 10–5 J cell, Lead accumulator, Li-ion battery.
v) Acid storage cell is Lead accumulator and
W.E-19: Alkali storage cell is Edison Battery
The standard electrode potential for Daniel cell  Fuel Cells: The cell (or) device that converts
is 1.1 V. Calculate the standard Gibbs free heat of combustion obtained by burning gases
energy for the reaction :
like H 2 , CH 4 , CO etc., directly into electrical
Zn( s )  Cu 2 (aq )  Zn 2 (aq )  Cu ( s )
Sol. We know,
 First fuel cell was developed by Sir William
G 0   nFE 0 ---(i)
Grove using Pt - electrodes and H2 &O2 gases .
n=2 for the given reaction
F=96500C, E0 = +1.1V  Fuel cells are more advantageous than ordinary
 from (i) batteries in the following respects;
G 0  2  96500  1.1 i) High efficiency.
= –212300 J In ' H 2  O2 ' fuel cell 60-70% efficiency has
been attained wheres as in conventional
Some Commercial Cells and Batteries methods, only 40% efficiency is attained.
i) The electrochemical cells can be used to ii) They can be used continuously. There is no
generate electricity. need to replace electrodes.
ii) The word battery is used for two (or) more iii) They don’t cause pollution problems.
galvanic cells generally connected in series.
iii) There are two types of commercial cells: Eg : in ' H 2  O2 ' fuel cell, H 2O is product
Primary Cells: iv) Silent operation.
 i) It is an electrochemical cell which acts as a  Theoretically 100% efficiency.
source of electrical energy without being  General representation of fuel cell :
previously charged up by an electric current from
Fuel/electrode/ electrolyte/ electrode / oxidant
an external source of current.
ii)In which electrode reactions cannot be
reversed by external source. W.E-20:
iii) These are not chargeable. Suggest two materials other than hydrogen
iv) Examples of this type is dry cell (or) that can be used as fuels in fuel cells.
Leclanche cell, voltaic cell. Ans.Methane, Methanol
Hydrogen-Oxygen Fuel Cell: Hydrocarbon-Oxygen Fuel Cell:
 H 2 is bubbled through electrolyte at anode. It  Hydrocarbons are burned in oxygen at high
temperature to get large amount of electrical
undergoes oxidation.
 O2 is bubbled through electrolyte at cathode. It  Air freed from impurities (or) pure oxygen is
undergoes reduction. oxidant.
 Porous graphite rods acts as electrodes. They
 KOH  aq  is used as electrolyte.
are coated with Pt, Ag (or) CoO which acts as
catalyst.  Pt electrodes are used.
 Reaction at anode :  H 3 PO4 is used as electrolyte if hydrocarbon is
2  H 2  g   2OH   aq   2H 2 O l  2e   burned. It is because the obtained CO2 in

Cathode : O2 g   2H 2Ol   4e  4OH  aq  combustion is absorbed by KOH  aq  .

 

 It is costlier.
Overall reaction : 2 H 2 g   O2 g   2 H 2Ol   Fuel cells may be liquid fuel cells (or) gas fuel
 Electrolyte is concentrated NaOH  aq  / KOH aq . cells.
 In liquid fuel cells
 Fuel cells are even used in space crafts Eg :
CH 3OH , C2 H 5OH , HCHO, N 2 H 4 are used as
Apollo gemini air ships utilised ' H 2  O2 ' fuel
cell. fuels. In gas fuel cells - H 2 , C n H 2 n  2 , CO are
 The heat of combustion is directly converted to used as fuels.
electrical energy.  Fuel cells a)working below 100°C are low
temperature cells.
b)working between 100-250°C are medium
temperature cells .
c) working above 500°C are high temperature
 O2 , air, H 2O2 , HNO3 are used as oxidants.
 Pt, Porous PVC, PTFE coated with Ag are used
as electrodes.
 In biochemical cells organic compounds
disintegrated by micro organisms. These are in
use now a days.
Note:Efficiency of fuel cell =
Corrosion: The natural tendency of
conversion of a metal into its mineral compound
form on interaction with the environment
(Polluted air, water, associated other Metals etc)
is known as corrosion.
Ex : Iron converts itself into its oxide ( Fe2O3 -
Copper converts itself into its carbonate
( CaCO 3 .Cu  OH 2 - Malachite).
Silver converts itself into its sulphide ( Ag 2 S -
horn silver).
 Corrosion of iron by conversion into iron oxide W.E-21.
is known as rusting. Explain how the rusting of iron is envisaged
 Corrosion of silver by conversion into its as setting up of an electrochemical cell.
sulphide is known as tarnishing. Sol. Formation of carbonic acid takes place on the
Mechanism: surface of iron:
H 2O (l )  CO2 ( g )  H 2CO3  2 H   CO32 
In presence of H+ ion, oxidation of iron takes
place Fe( s )  Fe 2 (aq)  2e 
The electrons are used at other spot where
reduction takes place :
O2 ( g )  4 H  ( aq )  4e   2 H 2O (l )
Overall reaction is :
2 Fe( s )  O2 ( g )  4 H  ( aq )  2 Fe 2 ( aq )  2 H 2O (l )
Thus, an electrochemical cell is established on
the surface.
In corrosion, a metal is oxidised by loss of
eletrons to oxygen and formation of oxides. Electrochemical corrosion:
Corrosion of iron (commonly known as rusting)  The process of corrosion may be chemical (or)
occurs in presence of water and air. At a electrochemical in nature
particular spot (figure given above) of an object  The anodic dissolution of a metal under the
made of iron, oxidation takes place and that spot conditions of corrosion is known as
behaves as anode and we can write the reaction. electrochemical corrosion
M  M n   ne 
Anode: 2Fe  s   2Fe  4e E  Fe
2  0
 0.44V
 / Fe  Corrosion occurs if the environmental
Electrons released at anodic spot move through conditions of the metal favour the formation of
the metal and go to another spot on the metal an voltaic cell with the metal acting as anode
and reduce oxygen in presence of H  , which is  Electrochemical corrosion is basically of two
believed to be available from H 2 CO3 formed 1) Hydrogen evolution type
due to dissolution of carbondioxide from air into 2) Differential oxygenation type
water. Hydrogen ion in water may also be
available due to dissolution of other acidic Hydrogen Evolution type :
oxides from the atmosphere. This spot behaves  This type of corrosion is exhibited by metals
as cathode with the reaction. which can displace H 2 gas from aqueous
O 2  g   4H   aq   4e   2H 2 O 1
 This happens if the electrode potential of the
Cathode: E 0  1.23V metal under the conditions of corrosion is more

H /O 2 /H 2 O
negative than that of the hydrogen electode
The overall reaction being : under the given conditions.
2Fe  s   O 2  g   4H   aq   This type of corrosion depends upon
1) P H of the medium
 2Fe 2  aq   2H 2 O 1 E 0cell  1.67 V
2) chemical nature of the metal under going
The ferrous ions are further oxidised by corrosion
atmospheric oxygen to ferric ions which come  Pure zinc does not corrode in salt solutions but
out as rust in the form of hydrated ferric oxide in the presence of Cu as impurity Zn corrodes.
 Zn corrodes in 2M acid but not in neutral salt
 Fe2O3 .x H 2O  . solution
Differential Oxygenation type Passivity: The phenomenon of a metal
 This type of corrosion occurs if O2 reaching a stage of non-reactive state in its
concentration is not uniformly distributed on the reaction with concentrated acids may be called
surface of the metal passivity.
 Corrosion of the metal generally occurs at the  Iron group of metals and some other transition
metals are rendered passive with concentrated
point where O2 concentration is less acids.
 The portion of the metal with access to high  Passivity of a metal can be classified into
concentration of O2 functions as cathode and a) chemical passivity
with access to low concentration of O2 functions b) Mechanical passivity
c) Electro - chemical passivity
as anode.
Hence, the metal with differential oxygenation Chemical Passivity: Non-reactivity of
acts as a galvanic cell metals after initial reaction with conc HNO3 is
Eg : When an iron rod is immersed in NaCl
called chemical passivity
solution the immersed part is corroded due to
less oxygenation of the surface of the metal. Eg : If iron is dipped in conc HNO3 (sp gravity
Factors that promote electrochemical corrosion 1.25) it is attacked for some time and after
 The nature of the impurity metal with which the becomes inactive
metal under consideration is associated  Passive iron don’t dissolve in dil HNO3 and iron
For Ex : Cu favours corrosion of Zn. because
Zn is more anodic than copper don’t displace Ag from AgNO3
Zn disfavours corrosion of ‘Fe’(Galvanization)  Co,Ni, Cr can also become passive
 The concentration of O2 in contact with the  Air can also cause passivity to Fe, Cr, Mo, W&V
surface of the metal Mechanical Passivity: In some cases
 For Ex : Metal rod half immersed in aqueous dissolution of metal stops due to visible oxide
salt solution gets corroded at the surface not film formation. This is mechanical passivity Eg
exposed to O2 , i.e., the immersed part of the : PbO2 on Pb
Metal gets easily corroded Fe, Co, Ni, Mn also exhibit this type of passivity
 Highly conducting solutions favour rapid
corrosion Electrochemical passivity : Metal with
more -ve potential functions as anode in cell.
Prevention of Corrosion: The main  Generally Fe, Ni, Co functions as anode
principle underlying the methods of prevention
 They dissolve as M  M  n  ne 
of corrosion is to separate the metal (or) isolate
the metal from the environment is achieved by  At particular stage anode stops dissolving due
different ways. They are to formation of invisible metal oxide film. This
(a) Painting phenomenon is called electro - chemical
(b) Alloying (galvanisation) passivity.
(c) To prevent as far as possible the contact of
the metal surface with good electrical C.U.Q
conducting media
(d) Covering by some chemicals like bisphenol.
(e) Cover the surface by other metals (Sn, Zn ELECTROLYTIC CONDUCTANCE
etc) that are inert (or) react to save the object. 1. The best conductor of electricity is a 1M
(f) sacrificial electrode of another metal (like solution of
Mg, Zn, etc) which corrodes itself but saves the 1) Boric acid 2) Acetic acid
object. 3) H2SO4 4) Phosphoric acid
2. Which of the following aqueous solutions will 14. Which of the following is correct for the
conduct an electric current quite well? solution of C2 H 5COOH upon dilution
1) Sugar 2) Glycerol
regarding current carrying species?
3) Pure water 4) HCl
1) The number in 1 cm as well as in total volume
3. Pure water does not conduct electricity
because it is increases
1) Neutral 2) Readily decomposed 2) The number in 1 cm 3 decreases whereas that
3) Almost unionised 4) Completely ionised in the total volume remains constant
4. In aqueous solution, strong electrolytes ionize
and yield 3) The number in 1 cm 3 decreases but that in
the total volume increases
1) Ions 2) Electrons 3) Acids 4) Oxides
5. Which of the following is a poor conductor 4) The number in 1 cm 3 as well as in total
of electricity volume decreases.
1) CH3COONa 2) C2H5OH 15. If x is the specific resistance of the solution
3) NaCl 4) KOH and N is the normality of the solution. Then
6. Arrhenius theory is applicable only to equivalent conductivity of the solution is
1) weak electrolyte 2) Strong electrolyte given by
3) both 1 & 2 4) non electrolyte 1000x 1000
7. Which of the following does not conduct 1) 2)
N Nx
current in aqueous solution
1) KNO3 2) CH3COOH 1000N Nx
3) 4)
3) CH3OH 4) NaOH x 1000
8. Which of the following solid is an electronic 16. Which of the following solutions has the
conductor highest equivalent conductance?
1) NaCl 2) Diamond 3) CuS 4) KCl 1) 0.5 M NaCl 2) 0.05 M NaCl
9. The units of conductivity of solution are 3) 0.005 M NaCl 4) 0.02 M NaCl
1) ohm 1 2) ohms 17. Debye-Huckel-Onsager equation is
3) ohm 1cm 1 4) ohm 1eq 1 represented as c  0  b c . ‘b’ is
10. The unit of cell constant is
82.4 8.20 105 82.4 8.20 105
1) ohm 1 2) ohm - cm 1) (DT)1/2   (DT)3/2 ^0 2) (DT)1/2   (DT)1/2 ^0
3) cm 1 4) ohm 1cm 2 eq 1
82.4 8.20 105 8.24 8.20 105
11. The cell constant is the product of resistance 
3) (DT)1/2  (DT)1/2 
4) (DT)1/2 (DT)1/2  ^0
1) conductance 2) molar conductance 18. What happens at infinite dilution in a given
3) specific conductance 4) specific resistance solution ?
12. If the specific conductance and conductance 1) The degree of dissociation is unity for weak
of a solution are same, then its cell constant electrolytes
is equal to: 2) The electrolyte is 100% ionised
1) 1 2) 0 3) 10 4) 100 3) All inter ionic attractions disappear
13. A solution of concentration ‘C’ g equiv/litre 4) All the three
has a specific resistance R. The equivalent
conductance of the solution is 19. The relationship m   0 m  B C will not
1000 C R 1000R hold good for the electrolyte?
1) 2) 3) 4)
RC R C C 1) HCl 2) KCl 3) BaCl2 4) HCN
KOHLRAUSCH’S LAW AND 29. The cathode of an electrolysis and a reducing
APPLICATIONS agent are similar because both
20. The Kohlrausch law is related to 1) are metals 2) supply electrons
1) Conductance of ions at infinite dilution 3) remove electrons 4) absorb electrons
2) Independent migration of ions 30. The cathode reaction in electrolysis of dilute
3) Both 1 and 2 4) Neither 1 and 2 sulphuric acid with Platinum electrode is
21. The expression showing the relationship 1) Oxidation 2) Reduction
between equivalent conductance and molar 3) Both oxidation and reduction
conductance is (z = Total positive (or)
4) Neutralization
negative charge per formula unit of
electrolyte) 31. Schematic diagram of an electrolytic-cell is:
1) m  Z   eq 2)  eq  Z  m
 eq 2
3) m  4) m   eq
22. The equation representing Kohlrausch law
from the following is ( V+ = No. of cations, V– 1) 2)
= No. of anions
1) m  C  V  V  2) m0  v  0  v  .0
 

3) eq  C V 
 V  4) m0  c  a

23. In the plot of  and C , the slope is

2.303 3)
1)  o 2) -b 3) 4) 
24. Electrolysis of salt solution is due to the 4) None is correct presentation
formation of 32. The following are some statements about
1) Electron 2) Ions 3) Oxides 4) Acids electrolytic cell
25. The reactions taking place at anode and
A) In this, chemical energy converted into
cathode of a cell respectively are
electrical energy
1) Reduction, oxidation
2) Oxidation, reduction B) In this cell, electrons flow from cathode to
3) Hydrolysis, oxidation anode
4) Reduction, hydrolysis C) In this cell reduction reduction takes place
26. Electrode at which electrons flow into the at cathode
electrolyte is D) In this, cathode is a +ve electrode
1) Anode 2) Cathode The correct combination is
3) Both anode & cathode 4) +ve electrode 1) only B 2) only C
27. In an electrolytic cell current flows from 3) only C,D 4) only B,C
1) Cathode to anode in outer circuit
33. In the electrolytic cell, flow of electrons is
2) Anode to cathode outside the cell
3) Cathode to anode inside the cell
4) Current does not flow 1) anode to cathode in the solution
28. During electrolysis electrons flow from 2) cathode to anode through external circuit
1) cations to cathode 2) anode to anions 3) anode to cathode through external circuit
3) cathode to anode 4) anions to anode 4) all of these
34. In electrolysis of NaCl when Pt electrode is 41. The number of faradays required to liberate
taken then H2 is liberated at cathode while 1 mole of any element indicates
with Hg cathode, it forms sodium amalgam. 1) weight of the element.
This is because 2) conductance of the electrolyte
1) Hg is more inert than Pt 3) charge on the ion of the element
2) More voltage is required to reduce H at Hg 4) isotopic number
than at Pt 42. 6.24 x 1019 electrons are equal approximately
3) Na is dissolved in Hg while it does not to
dissolve in Pt 1) 10 coulombs 2) 96500 coulombs
4) Conc. of H ions is larger when Pt electrode 3) one electron volt 4) 0.1F
FARADAY’S LAWS AND APPLICATIONS 43. The metal which cannot liberate H2 gas from
35. Faraday’s laws of electrolysis are related to hydrochloric acid
the 1) Zn 2) Cu 3) Mg 4) Al
1) Molecular mass of the electrolyte 44. For which of the following SOP and SRP are
2) Equivalent weight of the cation /anion equal
3) Atomic weight of the electrolyte 1. SHE 2. Mg electrode
3. Ni electrode 4. Copper electrode
4) Atomic number of the cation/anion
45. The electrode potential measures the
36. The unit of electrochemical equivalent is
1) tendency of the electrode to gain or lose
1) Gram 2) Gram / Ampere
3) Gram / Coulomb 4) Coulomb / Gram 2) electron affinity of elements
37. When 1 amp of current is passed through an 3) difference in the ionization potential of
electrolyte for one second, the mass deposited electrode and metal ion
is equal to 4) heat of combustion
1) 1 mole of hydrogen 46. The potential across the metal and the
2) 1 gram equivalent of hydrogen aqueous solution of its ions of unit activity at
3) 1 electro–chemical equivalent 298K is known as
4) 1 gram of any substance 1) Electrode potential
38. On electrolysis 1 mole Al atoms will be 2) Standard electrode potential
deposited by 3) Formal electrode potential
1) 1 mole of electrons 2) 2 moles of electrons 4) Oxidation potential
3) 3 moles of electrons 4) 6 moles of electrons 47. Which one of the following metal will not
39. When the same quantity of electricity is reduce H2O?
passed through the solution of different 1) Ca 2) Fe 3) Cu 4) Li
electrolytes in series, the amount of product 48. Arrange the following in the order of their
obtained is proportional to their decreasing electrode potentials: Mg, K, Ba,Ca
1) Atomic weights 1) K,Ba,Ca,Mg 2) Ba,Ca,K,Mg
2) Chemical Equivalent 3) Ca,Mg,K,Ba 4) Mg,Ca,Ba,K
3) Gram molecular mass 49. For the cell reaction to be spontaneous the
4) Gram atomic ions EMF of the cell should be
40. The electric charge for electrode deposition 1) negative 2) positive 3) zero
of 1gm, equivalent of a substance is 4) some times positive and some times –ve
1) 96,500 coulombs 50. The EMF of a galvanic cell is determined by
2) One ampere per sec using a
3) One ampere for one hour 1) Voltmeter 2) Spectrometer
4) Charge in faradays 3) Coulometer 4) Ammeter
51. Cathodic standard reduction potential minus 56. The relationship between free energy and
anodic standard reduction potential is equal electrode potential is
to 1) G  nFE 2) G  nFE
1) Faraday 2) Coulomb nFE H
3) Cell potential 4) Ampere 3) G  4) G 
52. Consider following sets
57. Which of the following energy changes occur
in galvanic cell?
1) Electrical energy  Chemical Energy
2) Chemical Energy  Electrical Energy
3) Chemical Energy  Internal Energy
4) Internal Energy  Electrical Energy
58. In a galvanic cell electron flow will be from
1) Negative electrode to positive electrode
2) Positive electrode to negative electrode
3) There will be no flow of electrons
Blue colour solution changes to colourless (or 4) Cathode to anode in the external circuit
fades) in: 59. In a galvanic cell, the reactions taking place
1) I, II, III 2) I, II 3) II, III 4) I, III in the anodic half cell and the cathodic half
NERNST EQUATION cell will be
53. The Nernst equation giving dependence of 1) Reduction 2) Oxidation
electrode reduction potential on 3) Oxidation and reduction
concentration is 4) Reduction and oxidation
60. Which of the following is not true for a
0 2.303 RT  M galvanic cell represented in IUPAC system
1) E  E  nF
Mn   1) Right hand electrode is a +ve terminal
2) Right hand electrode acts as cathode
2.303 RT  M  n
2) E  E  log  3) Electrons are given out in the external circuit
nF M from the anode
4) Electrons are given out in the external circuit
2.303 RT  M  n
0 from the cathode.
3) E  E  nF log M
  61. In a galvanic cell, the positive ions of salt
2.303 RT
bridge migrate towards
4) E  E0  log  M n   1) –ve electrode 2) +ve electrode
54. The potential of a single electrode depends 3) Either anode or cathode
upon 4) Neither anode nor cathode
1) the nature of the electrode 62. A half cell reaction is one that
2) temperature 1) Involves only half a mole of electrolyte
3) concentration of the ion with respect to which 2) Goes only half way to completion
it is reversible 3) Takes place at one electrode
4) all the above 4) Consumes half a unit of electricity
55. The relationship between standard reduction 63. The purpose of the salt bridge in a galvanic
potential of a cell and equilibrium constant cell is to
is shown by 1) Prevent accumulation of charges around the
0 n 0.059
1) Ecell  logK c 2) E0cell  logK c 2) Facilitate continuity of the cell reaction
0.059 n
3) To produce current at a constant strength
logK c 4) All the above
3) E0cell  0.059nlogK c 4) E0cell 
64. Agar–Agar is used in salt bridge since it is 75. W.r.t. H 2  O2 fuel cell the correct statement
1) Electrolyte 2) Non–electrolyte
3) Inert electrolyte 4) A solid
65. The chemical used in salt bridge in a galvanic 1) electrolyte used is pure H 2O
cell is 2) heat of combustion is directly converted to
1) Agar–agar 2) Gum Arabic electrical energy
3) Gel 4) Potassium nitrate
66. The thermodynamic efficiency of cell is given 3) O2 gas gets oxidised to O3 in the cell
by 4) overall reaction in the cell is
1) H / G 2) – nFE / G
H   OH   H 2O
3) – nFE / H 4) – nFE
76. Which of the following statements is true for
BATTERIES fuel cells ?
67. Lithium is generally used as an electrode in 1) They are more efficient
high energy density batteries. This is because 2) They are free from pollution
1) Lithium is the lightest element
3) They run till reactants are active
2) Lithium has quite high negative reduction
potential 4) All of the above
3) Lithium is quite reactive CORROSION
4) Lithium does not corrode easily
77. Corrosion is
68. When a lead storage battery is discharged
1) Physical change 2) Neutralisation
1) SO2 is evolved
3) Electrochemical change 4) None is true
2) lead sulphate is consumed
78. Prevention of corrosion of iron by Zn coating
3) sulphuric acid is consumed
is called
4) lead is formed
1) Galvanization 2)Cathodic protection
69. W.r.t. Ni - Cd storage cell, the incorrect
statement is 3) Electrolysis 4) Photoelectrolysis
1) anode is cadmium metal 79. In which of the following the corrosion of iron
2) it is a primary cell will be most rapid
3) cell potential is 1.4V 1) In pure water 2) In pure oxygen
4) electrolyte used is Cd  OH 2 3) In air and moisture
4) In air and saline water
70. In dry cell cathode is
1) Zn 2) Carbon rod 80. Corrosion can be prevented by
1) Painting the metal surface
3) Zn  NH 4Cl 4) C  MnO2
2) Alloying the metal with more anodic
71. Cathode is made of mercury battery
1) Zn 2) ZnO
3) Carbon in contact with HgO 3)To prevent the contact of the metal surface
4) Zn in contact with HgO with good electrical conducting media
72. In Leclanche cell, Zinc rod is placed in 4) All
1) 10% NH 4Cl 2) 20% NH 4Cl 81. Rusting of iron is catalysed by which of the
3) 30% NH 4Cl 4) 40% NH 4Cl 1) Fe 2) Zn 3) O2 4) H+
73. In fuel cell oxidants used are 82. Chemical passivity is possible with
1) O2 2) H2O2 3) HNO3 4) All
74. Theoretical efficiency of fuel cell is 1) Conc HNO3 2) Air
1) Nearly 60% 2) 50% 3) Both 1 and 2 4) Metal oxides
3) 33% 4) Nearly 100%
83. Match the Column -I with Column- II C.U.Q - HINTS
Column-I Column-II 1. Strong acids are strong electrolytes
a) Conductance p) ohm  1.mole 1 2. HCl is a strong acid
b) Specific Conductance q) ohm 1 4. In aqueous solutions strong electrolytes will
undergo complete dissociation into ions.
c) Resistance r) ohm  1 5. Covalent compound.
d) Molar Conductance s) ohm 6. Arrhenious theory is applicable to weak
1)  a  q  b  r  c  s  d  p  electrolytes only.
7. CH3 OH is a covalent compound.
2)  a  r  b  q  c  p  d  s 
8. Salts like CuS and CdS act as electronic
3)  a  r  b  q  c  s  d  p  conductors due to crystal defects.
9. units of conductivity of solution is
4)  a  q  b  r  c  s  d  p 
 ohm 1cm 1 l cm
84. Match the Column -I with Column- II k  c  ohm 1  2
Column-I a cm
a) Specific Conductance,K l cm
10. Cell constant =  2  cm 1
b) Molar Conductance,  m a cm
c) Resistance of electrolyte solution, R 11. Cell constant = resistance X specific
d) Degree of ionization of electrolyte,  conductance.
Column-II 12. K  conductance X cell constant Here K =
C, then cell constant = 1
p)  c m /  0 m
13. Specific conductance is inversly proportional
q) Decreases with dilution specific resistance.
r) Increases with dilution 16. Equivalent conductance Increases with Increase
s) Increases with increase in the distance in dilution
between parallel plates.
 0.005M Nacl solution has highest equivalent
1)  a  r  b  q  c  q, r  d  p, s  conductance
2)  a  q  b  r  c  q, s  d  p, r  82.4 8.20  105
17. b  
3)  a  r  b  q  c  q, s  d  p, r   DT 1 2  DT 3/ 2
19. Not applicable for weak electrolytel
4)  a  r  b  q  c  p, s  d  s, r 
M  Normality
C.U.Q - KEY 21.   Molarity

1)3 2)4 3)3 4)1 5)2 6)1 7)3

23.  c   0  b c
8)3 9)3 10)3 11)3 12)1 13)1 14)3
15)2 16)3 17)1 18)4 19)4 20)3 21)1 26. Electrons flow into the electrolyte from cathode.
27. In electrolylic cell current flows from cathode
22)2 23) 2 24)2 25)2 26)2 27)1 28)4
to anode because flow of currrent is just opposite
29)2 30)2 31)2 32) 2 33) 3 34) 2 35)2 to flow of electrons.
36)3 37)3 38)3 39)2 40)1 41)3 42)1 2H   2e  H 2   cathode 
43)2 44)1 45)1 46)2 47)3 48)4 49)2
40. 1 Faraday deposits 1 gm equivalent of a
50)1 51)3 52)4 53)2 54)4 55)2 56)1 substance.
57)2 58)1 59)3 60)4 61)2 62)3 63)4 42. 6 .
23 –
0 e s = 96,500 coulombs
2 3 x 1 0

64)2 65)4 66)3 67)2 68)1 69)2 70)2 44. For hydrogen SOP = SRP = O
71)3 72)2 73)4 74)4 75)2 76)4 77)3 47. Copper has higher SRP then Hydrogen
78)1 79)3 80)4 81)4 82)3 83)1 84)2 electrode. So it can not reduce water.
48. Mg > Ca > Ba > K This is the order of SRP. FARADAY’S LAWS AND APPLICATIONS
49. For a cell to be spontaneous, EMF should be 5. When one faraday of current is passed, which
positive. of the following would deposit one gram
50. Voltmeter is used to determine EMF. atomic weight of the metal
51. E  Ecathode  E anode  EMF is in SRP  1) BaCl2 2) NaCl 3) AlCl3 4) CuCl2
54. Electrode potential depends on 6. Number of electrons required to deposit one
1. Temperature mole of Mg2+ ions is
2. Concentration of ion 1) 6.023 x 1023 2) 12.046 x 1023
3. Nature of electrodes used. 3) 18.069 x 1023 4) 3.012 x 1023
58. e flow from anode to cathode. 7. The electrochemical equivalent of an element
59. at anode oxidation takes place while at cathode is 0.001118 gm/coulomb. Its equivalent
reduction takes place. weight is
60. At cathode reduction takes place 1) 10.7 2) 53.5 3) 1007 4) 107
nFE 8. The number of electrons needed to reduce
66. Thermodynamic efficiency of cell = –
H 3gm of Mg2+ to Mg are
67. Lithium has lowest SRP value so it acts as strong N N N
reducing agent. 1) N 2) 2
3) 4)
4 8
70. Carbon rod 9. Three Faradays of electricity was passed
through an aqueous solution of Magnesium
bromide. The weight of Magnesium metal
LEVEL-I (C.W) deposited at the cathode in grams is
1) 56 2) 84 3) 36 4) 168
I. In the Electrolysis of fused NaCl the product
A) Electrolysis of aq. Na2 SO4 using Pt
formed at cathode When Pt electrodes are
used is electrodes
1) Cl2 2)Na 3) H 2 4) O2 B) The charge carried by 6.023  10 23
2. If mercury is used as cathode in the electrons is
electrolysis of NaCl solution, the ions C) The amount of electricity required to
discharged at cathode are deposit 27 grams of Aluminium at cathode
1) H+ 2) Na+ 3) OH– 4) Cl– from molten Al2O3 is
D) A gas in contact with an inert electrode.
3. Dilute nitric acid on electrolysis using
List -II
platinum electrodes yields
1) both oxygen & hydrogen at cathode 1) 1 Faraday
2) both oxygen & hydrogen at anode 2) 3 Faradays
3) H2 at cathode and O2 at anode 3) H 2 g  / pt
4) Oxygen at cathode and ‘H2’ at anode
4. Which of the following occurs at cathode 4) O2 at anode H 2 at cathode
 1  A B C D A B C D
1) 2OH  H 2O  O2  2e
2 1) 2 3 4 1 2) 4 1 2 3
2) Ag  Ag   e  3) 3 2 4 1 4) 4 3 2 1
11. During the electorlysis of cryolite, aluminium
3) Fe 2  Fe 3  e  and fluorine are formed in ..... molar ratio
4) Cu 2  2e   Cu 1) 1: 2 2) 2 : 3 3) 1 : 1 4) 1 : 3
12. The electrochemical equivalent of a metal is vessel, then the unit of constant of
“x” g coulomb . The equivalent weight of
–1 proportionality is
metal is 1) S m mol 1 2) S m 2 mol 1
1) x 2) x × 96500
3) x/96500 4) 1.6 × 10–19 × x 3) S 2 m 2 mol 4) S 2 m 2 mol 2
13. The electro chemical equivalent of an element 22. The equivalent conductance at infinite
is 0.0006735 g/C. Its equivalent weight is dilution of a weak acid such as HF
1) 65 2) 67.35 3) 130 4) 32.5 1) Can be determined by extrapolation of
14.Two electrolytic cells, one containing acidified measurements on dilute solutions of HCl, HBr
ferrous sulphate and another acidified ferric and HI
chloride, are in series. The ratio of masses of 2) Can be determined by measurement on very
Iron deposited at the cathode in the two cells dilute HF solutions
will be 3) Can be best determined from measurements
1) 3 : 1 2) 2 : 1 3) 1 : 1 4) 3 : 2 on dilute solutions of NaF, NaCl and HCl
15 1 coulomb of electricity produces m kg of a 4) is an undefined quantity
substance ‘X’. The electrochemical 23. Molar conductance of KCl increases slowly
equivalent of ‘X’ is with decrease in concentration because of
1) m 2) m × 10 3 3) m × 10 4) 0.1 m
1) increase in degree of ionisation
2) increase in total number of current carrying
16. Water is a non–electrolyte but conducts
3) weakning of interionic attractions and
electricity on dissolving a small amount of
increase in ionic mobilities
1) NaCl 2) Sugar 3)Acetone 4)Oxygen
4) increase in hydration of ions.
17. During electric conduction, the composition
24. The correct order of equivalent conductance
of which of the following is changed ?
at infinite dilution of LiCl, NaCl and KCl is
1) Graphite 2) Zinc wire
1) LiCl>NaCl>KCl 2) KCl>NaCl>LiCl
3) Copper wire 4) H2SO4 3) NaCl>KCl>LiCl 4) LiCl>KCl>NaCl
18. List I List II 25. Which of the following solution of KCl has
A) Electronic conductors 1) Acetic acid the lowest value of specific conductance(
B) Electrolytic conductors 2) Solid salts with same molar
C) Non-electrolyte 3) Sucrose conductance)
D) Weak electrolyte 4)Molten salts 1) 1 M 2) 0.1M
The correct match is 3) 0.01M 4) 0.001M
26. The variation of m of acetic acid with
1) 2 1 3 4 2) 2 4 3 1
3) 1 4 3 2 4) 4 3 2 1 concentration is correctly represented by
19. An aqueous solution of which of the following
concentration of CH 3COOH is the best
1) 101M 2) 10–3M 3) 10–1 M 4) 102 M 1) 2)
20. The degree of dissociation of an electrolyte
does not depend on
1) Nature of electrolyte 2) Catalytic action
3) Dilution 4) Temperature
21. Conductance unit Siemen’s (S) is directly
3) 4)
proportional to area of the vessel and the
concentration of the solution in it and is
inversely proportional to the length of the
27. The molar conductance of acetic acid at 32. The standard reduction potentials of Cu+2,
infinite dilution is  . If the conductivity of Ag+, Hg+2 and Mg+2 are 0.34v, +0.80v, +0.79V
0.1M acetic acid is S, the apparent degree of and –2.37V respectively. With increasing
voltage, the sequence of deposition of metals
ionisation is
on the cathode from a molten mixture
10000S 10S containing all those ions is
1)  2)  1) Ag, Hg, Mg, Cu 2) Cu, Hg, Ag, Mg
3) Ag, Hg, Cu, Mg 4) Cu, Hg, Mg, Ag
 100000 33. Which metal pairs when coupled will get
3) 4)  S
100S  maximum emf for a voltaic cell
1) Fe and Cu 2) Pb and Cu
KOHLRAUSCH’S LAW AND 3) Cu and Au 4) Ca and Cu
APPLICATIONS 34. At 298 K, the standard reduction potentials
28. According to Kohlrausch law, the limiting for the following half reactions are given.
value of molar conductance of an electrolyte Which acts as anode with others in
A2 B is electrochemical cell
Zn+2(aq) + 2e–  Zn(s), –0.762
1)   A    B 2)   A    B Cr+3(aq) + 3e–  Cr(s), –0.740
 1  2H+(aq) + 2e–  H2(g), –0.000
3)  A    B  
4) 2 A   B 
Fe+3(aq) + e–  Fe2+(aq), +0.762
29. Equivalent conductance at infinite dilution 1) Zn(s) 2) H2(g) 3) Cr(s) 4) Fe2+(aq)
35. Cu – 2e–  Cu2+ , E0 = –0.347V
of BaCl2 , H 2 SO4 and HCl aqueous Sn – 2e–  Sn2+, E0 = +0.143 V
solutions are x1 , x2 and x3 respectively.. The standard EMF of the cell constructed
with these electrodes is
Equivalent conuctance of BaSO4 solution is
1) +0.066V 2) –0.066V
1) x1  x2  x3 2) x1  x2  x3 3) +0.490V 4) –0.82V
36. The voltage of a cell whose half–cells are
3) x1  x2  2 x3 4) x1  2 x2  x3
given below is
ELECTROCHEMICAL SERIES & EMF Mg2+ + 2e–  Mg(s) ; E0=–2.37V
30. The SRP values of Ag +/Ag and Zn 2+/Zn Cu2+ + 2e–  Cu(s) ; E0 = +0.34V
electrodes are 0.80v and –0.76v. In the cell standard EMF of the cell is
built with these two electrodes 1) –2.03V 2) 1.36V 3) 2.7 v 4) 2.03V
1) Ag electrode acts as anode and Zn electrode 37. The standard reduction potentials of Ag,
acts as cathode Cu,Co and Zn are 0.799,0.337,-0.277, –
2) Ag electrode acts as cathode and Zn electrode 0.762V respectively. Which of the following
acts as anode cells will have maximum cell e.m.f ?
3) both the electrodes act as cathode 1) Zn | Zn 2 1M  || Cu 2 1M  | Cu
4) the cell can’t be built with these two
electrodes 2) Zn | Zn 2 1M  || Ag  1M  | Ag
31. Which of the following is most powerful
oxidizing agent? 3) Cu | Cu 2 1M  || Ag  1M  | Ag
1) Cl2 + 2e–  2Cl– ; E0=1.36V 4) Zn | Zn 2 1M  || Co 2 1M  Co
+ –
2) Na + e  Na; E =–2.71V

3)MnO4–+2H2O+2e-  MnO2+4OH–, E0=0.6v 38. When Zn metal is added to CuSO4 solution

4) H2O2 + 2H+ + 2e–  2H2O; E0=1.78V Cu is precipitated. It is due to
1) Oxidation of Cu2+ 2) Reduction of Cu2+
3) Hydrolysis of CuSO4 4) Ionization of CuSO4
46. KCl solution such
NERNST EQUATION I r o n r o d i s i m m e r s e d i n

that half its length is exposed to air and the

39. Consider the following four electrodes:
other half immersed in KCl solution. The part
A  Cu2  0.0001 M / Cu s corroded is
1) Part of the rod exposed to air
B  Cu2   0.1 M  / Cu s 
2) Part of the rod immerced in KCl solution
C  Cu2  0.01 M / Cu s 3) Both 1 & 2
4) None of the above
D  Cu2  0.001 M / Cu s 47. The factors that promote electrochemical
If the standard reduction potential of Cu+2/ corrosion are
Cu is +0.34V, the reduction potentials (in 1) The nature of the impurity metal with which
volts) of the above electrodes follow the order the metal under consideration is associated
1) A > D > C > B 2) B > C > D > A 2) The concentration of O2 in contact with the
3) C > D > B > A 4) A > B > C > D surface of the metal
40. Which of the following is always true 3) Highly conducting solutions
regarding the spontaneity of reaction 4) All
occuring in a galvanic cell?
1) E 0 cell  0, G 0  0 and Q  K c LEVEL-I (C.W) - KEY
1)2 2)2 3)3 4)4 5) 2 6)2 7)4
2) E 0 cell  0, G 0  0 and Q  K c
8)3 9)3 10)2 11)2 12)2 13) 1 14)4
3) E 0 cell  0, G 0  0 and Q  K c 15)2 16)1 17)4 18)2 19)2 20)2 21)2
4) E 0 cell  0, G  0 and Q  K c 22)3 23)3 24)2 25)4 26)3 27)1 28)4
41. The potential of hydrogen electrode is -118 29)1 30) 2 31)4 32)3 33)4 34) 1 35)3
mV. The H+ concentration of the solution is 36)3 37)2 38)2 39)2 40) 4 41)1 42)1
1) 0.01M 2) 2M 3) 10–4 M 4) 1M 43)1 44)1 45)2 46)2 47) 4
42. E for F2 + 2e  2F is 2.8 V
0 – –

E0 for 1/2 F2 + e–  F– is
1) 2.8 V 2) 1.4 V 3) –2.8 V 4) –1.4 V LEVEL-I (C.W) - HINTS
1. Fused NaCl undergoes electrolysis to deposit
BATTERIES Na at cathod.
43. On electrolysing K 2SO4 solution using inertt 5. For monovalent ion, 1F will deposit 1g atwt.
electrodes, 1.68L(STP) of gases was obtained. 6. No. of moles of electrons (or) No. of faraday
How many moles of MnO 4 could be reduced required to deposit 1 Mole of an element is equal
to Mn 2  by the same quantity of electricity ? to its charge.
1) 0.02 2) 0.15 3) 0.20 4) 0.10 E
7. e=
 E = eF
44. In which of the following cells reactants are
not contained within the cell but are N –
continuously supplied from external source? 8. For 12gm – 1F = Ne–s, 3gm – ¼ F = es
1) Fuel cell 2) Dry cell 9. 1F  1g.eq.wt
3) Lithium battery 4) Lead storage battery
3 

CORROSION & PASSIVITY 11. Al  33eF  1 Al


45. Zinc corrodes in 2 F   F2  2e 

1) 2 M alkaline solution 1 mole 2F

2) 2 M acid solution
3) 2 M Neutral salt solution 12. e 
4) All of the above 96500
13. E  e  96500 28. Ax By  xAn  yBn
2  3 
14. Fe  22eF  Fe Fe  3e  Fe
56 g 3F 56 g
29.  BaSO4   BaCl2   H2SO4  2  HCl
15. Mass of substance produced when 1 columb
 x1  x 2  x 3
of electricity is passed is equal to
electrochemical equivalent there fore m kg or 30. Electrode with more negative SRP (or) least
positive SRP in comparision acts as oxidation
m 103 g
half cell.
16. Because NaCl when dissolved in water produces 31. Easiest to reduce for element with low SRP.
32. Cu cannot displace MgCl2 due to high SRP..
17. Graphite, Zinc wire and Copper wire are
electronic conductors, so composition does not 33. Maximum EMF is produced between electrodes
change by passing current through them. into low SRP and high SRP.
19. Conductance increases with increase in dilution. 34. Lowest SRP act as anode.
20. The Degree of dissociation does not depend on 35. SOP = –SRP, then E  ECSRP  E ASRP
catalyst. 38. Higher SRP will undergo reduction (ion)
39. For Metal electrode
area  conc area  conc
21. C  c  K  const  . 0.059
 length E  E  2
log Cu 
m mol
S  K  const    3 3  40. EMF should be positive
m 10 m
G should be negative
k  s  sm 2 mol1 K c greater than reaction quotient
m 4 mol
22. The equivalent conductance of weak electrolyte 41. 118mv  0.118v
can be determined indirectly with the help of 0.059
E log  H  
kohlrausch’s law n
 HF   NaF   HCl   NaCl 0.059
0.118  log  H  
1 1
24. Extent of hydration  Size of ion smaller the
log  H    2
size of ion, greater is the hydration ability, lesser
will be the ionic mobility, and hence lesser will  H    102
be the conductance. 46. Zinc reacts with acids easily and liberates
25. k  concentration of electrolyte hydrogen gas.
47. Iron undergoes oxidation after some time it
becomes passive.

26. LEVEL-I (H.W)

1. The passage of current through a solution of
v K  1000 certain electrolyte results in the evolution of
27.    ; we know that v  H 2 at cathode and Cl 2 at anode. The
 M
electrolytic solution is
104  S 1) Water 2) H2SO4
  3) Aqueous NaCl 4) Aqueous CuCl2
2. The reaction taking place at the anode when
3) Na+, Cl– ions do not move freely in the fused
a dilute aqueous solution of CuSO 4 is
electrolysed using inert Pt electrodes.
4) Fused NaCl has no ions
1) 2SO 24  S2O 24 + 2e– 10. The extent of ionization of weak electrolyte
2) Cu2+ + 2e–  Cu increases
+ –
3) 2H2O  O2 + 4H + 4e 1) With increase in concentration of the solute
+ –
4) 2H + 2e  H2 2) On addition of excess of water
3. In the electrolysis of NiSO4 using Nickel 3) On decreasing the temperature
4) On stirring the solution vigorously
electrodes the reaction that takes place at
11. The equivalent conductance of a 1 N solution
anode is
of an electrolyte is nearly:
 
 
1) Ni  2e  Ni
2 2) 2 H  2e  H 2 1) 103 times its specific conductance
3) Ni 2  Ni   e  4) Ni  Ni 2 2e  2) 103 times its specific conductance
FARADAY’S LAWS AND APPLICATIONS 3) 100 times its specific conductance
4. The amount of electricity that can deposit 4) The same as its specific conductance
12. Which of the following statements is correct
108gm of silver from AgNO3 solution is
for an electrolytic solution upon dilution
1) Faraday 2) 1 Ampere 1) conductivity increases
3) 1 Coulomb 4) None 2) conductivity decreases
5 The charge required to reduce 1 more Cr2O72 3) molar conductance decreases but equivalent
to Cr 3 ions is conductance increases
4) molar conductance increases while equivalent
1) 3F 2) 3 coulomb
conductance decreases.
3) 6F 4) 2  6.023  1023 e  13. The reason for increase in electrical
6. One ampere of current is passed for 9650 conduction of a weak electrolyte with increase
seconds through molten AlCl3 . What is the in temperature
1) increase in the number of ions
weight in grams of Al deposited at cathode?
2) increase in the speed of ions
(Atomic weight of Al  27 ). 3) increase in the degree of dissociation of
1) 0.9 2) 9.0 3) 0.09 4) 90.0 electrolytes 4) all the three
7. On passing a current through molten 14. The specific conductances of four electrolytes
KCl 19.5g of K is deposited. The amount of in ohm 1cm 1 are given below. Which one
Al deposited by the same quantity of offers higher resistance to passage of electric
electricity if passed through molten AlCl3 is current?
1) 4.5g 2) 9.0g 3) 13.5g 4) 27g 1) 7.0 105 2) 9.2 109
ELECTROLYTIC CONDUCTANCE 3) 6.0 107 4) 4.0 108
8. With increase in temperature the electrical 15. The variation of equivalent conductance of
conduction of metallic conductor a weak electrolyte with (concentration ) 1/ 2 is
1) increases 2) decreases represented as
3) remains the same 4) changes irregularly
9. Fused NaCl has less electrical conductance
than NaCl in the aqueous solution. This is 1)  2) 
due to c c
1) fused NaCl has less number of ions
2) incomplete ionization occurs in the fused state
3)  4) 
c c
16. The variation of equivalent conductance of ELECTROCHEMICAL SERIES & EMF
strong electrolyte with (concentration) 1/ 2 is 21. If a salt bridge is not used between two half
represented by cells, voltage
1) Drops to zero 2) Does not change
3) Increases gradually 4) Increases rapidly
22. The electro chemical cell stops working after
1)  2)  some time because
c c 1) Electrode potentials of both electrodes
become zero
2) Electrode potentials of both electrodes
become equal
3)  4) 
3) Temperature of the cell increases
c c
4) The reaction starts proceeding in opposite
17. Equivalent conductance of 1M direction
CH 3COOH is 10 ohm cm equiv and that
1 2 1 23. Consider a voltaic cell based on these half-
cell reactions
at infinite dilution is 200ohm 1cm 2 equiv 1 .
Ag   aq   e  Ag  s  ; E 0  0.80V
Hence the % ionization of CH 3COOH is
1). 5% 2) 2% 3) 4% 4) 1% Cd 2  aq   2e  Cd  s  ; E 0  0.40V
KOHLRAUSCH’S LAW AND identify the anode and give the voltage of this
APPLICATIONS cell under standard conditions.
1) Ag ; E cell
 0 .40 V 2) Ag ; E cell
 2 .00 V
18. If  c of NH 4OH is 115 1cm 2 mol 1 , its
degree of dissociation would be 3) Cd ; E cell
 1 .20 V 4) Cd ; E cell
 2 .00 V
 1 1 24. The reaction ½ H2(g) + AgCl(s)  H+ (aq) +
(Given. NH 4  73.4 cm mol and

Ag(s) can be represented in the galvanic cell

 1 1
OH   197.6 cm mol )
2 as
1) Ag/AgCl(s) | KCl(sol) || AgNO3 (sol) | Ag
1) 0.157 2) 0.058 3) 0.0424 4) 0.0848
2) Pt, H2(g) | HCl(sol) || AgNO3 (sol) | Ag
19. The values eq for NH 4Cl , NaOH and 3) Pt, H2(g) | HCl(sol) || AgCl(s) | Ag
NaCl respectively 149.74, 248.1 and 4) H2(g) | HCl(sol) || AgCl(s) | Ag
25. A reversible galvanic cell is connected to an
126.4 ohm 1cm 2 equi 1 . external battery . If theEMF of the battery

The value of eq of NH 4OH is less than EMF of the galvanic cell, current
1) Will not pass through the circuit
1) 371.44 2) 271.44 3) 71.44
2) Flows from the battery into the galvanic cell
4) It cannot be calculated from the data given
3) Flows from the galvanic cell into the battery
20. The molar conductances of HCl , NaCl and 4) All the three may take place
CH 3COONa are 426, 126 and 91  1cm 2 mol 1
respectively. The molar conductance for 26. The EMF of the cell Ni | Ni2+ (0.01M)
CH 3COOH is Cl–(0.01M)Cl2 , pt is —— V if the SRP of
nickel and chlorine electrodes are –0.25V and
1) 561  1cm 2 mol 1 2) 391  1cm 2 mol 1
+1.36V respectively
3) 261  1cm 2 mol 1 4) 612 1cm2 mol 1 1) +1.61 2) –1.61 3) +1.79 4) –1.79
27. The potential of hydrogen electrode at
pH = 10 and 25oC is
1) 0.59 V 2) zero volts
3) –0.59 V 4) None 3) Fe, Mn and Pb exhibit mechanical passivity
28. The oxidation potential of 0.05 MH2SO4 is 4) All the above
1) –2 × 0.0591 2) –0.01 × 0.0591 34. The Zn acts as sacrificial or cathodic
3) –2.321 × 0.00591 4) + 1 × 0.0591 protection to prevent rusting of iron because
of Zn  EOP
of Fe
29. Number of Faradays involved in the net 2) EOP
of Zn  EOP
of Fe
reaction of Lead accumulator is
1) 1 2) 0.5 3) 2 4)Cannot be predicted 3) EOP
of Zn  EOP
of Fe
30. Following are some of the facts about dry 4) Zn is cheaper than iron
i) It is also called Leclanche cell
ii) It is also called Daniel cell
iii) Electrolyte is a moist paste of NH4Cl and
ZnCl2 in starch 1)3 2)3 3)4 4)1 5) 3 6)1 7)1
iv) Cathodic reaction is 8)2 9)3 10)2 11)1 12)2 13) 4 14)2
MnO2 (s) + NH4+ (aq) + e– 15)1 16)1 17)1 18)3 19)2 20)2 21)1
 MnO(OH)+NH3 22)1 23)1 24)3 25)3 26)3 27)3 28)4
Select correct facts:
1) i, ii, iii 2) i, iii, iv 3) ii, iii, iv 4) i, iv 29)3 30) 2 31)3 32)4 33)4 34)2


Aqueous NaCl undergoes electrolysis and
31. Iron rod is dipped in concentrated HNO3 .
liberates H 2 at cathode and chlorine at anode.
After some time the iron rod dipped in
9. Ionic mobility is fast in aqueous solution of the
AgNO3 solution. Ag is not displace by Iron. salts.
This is because 10. Degree of Ionization increases with increase in
1) SRP of silver is less than iron dilution (addition of water)
2) Iron and silver have same lattice structure specific conductance (k) 1000
3) Iron becomes passive 11.  eq 
4) All the above
32. In corrosion of iron : 1000  k
1) An electrochemical reaction (galvanic cell)  eq 
is formed in which Fe acts as anode and cathode 13. Increase in temperature Increase the degree of
is where O2 is reduced dissociation. So more no. of ions are formed.
2) Electrons flow from anode to cathode through l 1 
the metal while ions flow through the water 14. S  C  a  S  R  a lower the specific
droplets conductance, more will the resistance.
3) Dissolved O2 oxidises Fe 2 to Fe3 before 15. The equivalent conductance of weak electrolytes
increase with dilution
it is deposited as rust  Fe2O3 .H 2O 
16. The equivalent conductance of strong electrolyte
4) All of the above take place increases with dilution.
33. Which of the following is correct regarding
mechanical passivity 17. eq  200 ohm1cm2eq1 eqv  10 ohm1cm2 eq1
1) Visible metal oxide film is formed  veq 10
2) Visible metal oxide film prevents dissociation degree of Ionisation   =    200  0.05
of metal
 % of ionization = 0.05  100 = 5%.
21. Due to accumulation of charges.
21. EMF becomes zero.
23. SRP of Zn is less than SRP of Hydrogen. Hence
Zn acts as cathode.
24. A cell notation LHS anode RHS cathode.
25. If EMF of the battery less than EMF of electro
chemical cell then current flows from
electrochemical cell to battery .
0.059 2
26. Ecell = E0cell  log  Ni 2  Cl  
27. Ecell = - 0.059 x PH
28. N  M  Basicity
 0.05  2  0.1

log 101 
E  0
= - 0.059
Oxidation potential = + 0.059v.
32. Apply electrochemical process of corrosion of
iron to form hydrated ferric oxide
 Fe2O3 .xH 2O 
33. In mechanical passivity coloured oxide film is
7. The ratio of mass of hydrogen and
LEVEL-II (C.W) magnesium deposited by the same amount of
electricity from H 2 SO 4 and MgSO 4 is
1) 1:8 2) 1:12 3) 1:16 4) 1:32
1. In the process of electrolysis using active
metal electrodes the weight of cathode and 8. In a hydrogen - oxygen fuel cell, 67.2 litre of
anode. H 2 at S.T.P is used in 5 min. What is the
1) Increases, decreases 2) Decreases, decreases average current produced?
3) Increases, increases 4) Decreases, increases. 1) 549.4 amp 2) 643.33 amp
2. The passage of current through a solution of 3) 965 amp 4) 1930 amp
certain electrolyte results in the formation of 9. An electric current is passed through a
hydrogen at anode the solution is
copper voltameter and a water voltameter
1) Aqueous HCl 2) Fused CaH2
connected in series. If the copper of the
3) sulphuric acid in water 4) Aqueous K2SO4
copper voltameter now weights 16mg less,
3. During the electrolysis of aqueous solution
hydrogen liberated at the cathode of the
of sodium chloride,pH of the electrolyte
water voltameter measures at STP about
1) Remains constant 2) Gradually increases
3) Gradually decreases 1) 4.0ml 2) 5.6ml 3) 6.4ml 4) 8.4ml
4) Decreases first and then increases. 10. A quantity of electrcity required to reduce
4. Which of the following statements are 12.3 g of nitrobenzene to aniline arising 50%
correct? current efficiency is
a) The electrolysis of aqueous NaCl produces 1) 115800C 2) 579000C
hydrogen gas at cathode and chlorine gas at 3) 231600C 4) 289500C
anode, 11. 9.65 amp of current was passed for one hour
b) The electrolysis of a CuSO4 solution using through Daniel cell. The loss of mass of zinc
anode is
Pt electrodes causes the liberation of O2 at 1) 11.76g 2) 1.176g 3) 5.88g 4) 2.94g
the anode and the deposition of copper at the 12. The electrochemical equivalent of two
cathode. substances are E1 and E2. The current that
c) Oxygen and hydrogen are produced at the flows to deposit their equal amount at the
anode and cathode during the electrolysis of cathodes in the same time must be in the ratio
dilute aqueous solution of H 2 SO4 of
d) All electrolytic reactions are redox 1) E1 :E2 2) E2 :E1
reactions 3) E1 :E2–E1 4) E1XE2:E1+E2
1) Only a is correct 2) a,b are correct 13. How long will a current of 1 ampere take for
3) a,d are correct 4)a,b,c and d are correct complete deposition of copper from 1 litre of
5. A copper voltameter, a silver voltameter and 1) 96500 sec 2) 2x96500sec
a water voltameter are connected in series  96500   96500 
and current is passed for some time. The 3)  2  sec 4)  4  sec
ratio of the number of moles of copper, silver 14. One faraday of electricity is passed separately
and hydrogen formed at the cathode is through one litre of one molar aqueous
1) 2:1:1 2) 1:1:1 3) 1:2:1 4) 1:2:2 solution of I) AgNO3, ii) SnCl4 and iii) CuSO4.
6. The charge required to reduce 1mole Cr2O 72 The number of moles of Ag, Sn and Cu
to Cr ions is deposited at cathode are respectively
1) 3F 2) 3 coulomb 1) 1.0, 0.25, 0.5 2) 1.0, 0.5, 0.25
3) 6F 4) 2x6.023x1023e– 3) 0.5, 1.0, 0.25 4) 0.25, 0.5, 1.0
15. 0.05M aqueous solution of NaCl is 23. Equivalent conductance  vs concentration
electrolysed. If a current of strength 0.5amp
 
is used for 193sec. The final concentration graphs are given for some electrolytes X, Y
of Na ions in the electrolyte will be(volume and Z. Here X, Y and Z are
of solution will be constant)
1) 0.05M 2) 0.049M 3) 0.051M 4) 0.04M
16. Which one of the following could not be X
liberated from a suitable electrolyte by the
passage of 0.25 faraday of electricity through Y
that electrolyte Z
1) 0.25 mole of Ag 2) 16gm of Cu
3) 2gm of O2 (g) 4) 2.8ltrs of H2at STP
17. What is the time (in sec) required for C
deposition of all the silver present in 125ml
of 1M AgNO3 solution by passing a current 1) NiSO4 , KCl , CH 3COOH
of 241.25 amperes? 2) KCl , NiSO4 , CH 3COOH
1) 10 2) 50 3) 1000 4) 100
18. The charge required for the oxidation of one 3) KCl , CH 3COOH , NiSO4
mole of Mn3O4 to MnO42 in alkaliine medium is 4) CH 3COOH , NiSO4 , KCl
(assume 100% current efficiency): 24. The resistance of 0.5 N solution of an
1) 10/3F 2) 6F 3) 10F 4) 4F electrolyte in a conductivity cell was found
19. The density of copper is 8 gm/cc. Number of to be 45 ohms. If the electrodes in the cell
coulombs required to plate an area of 10 cm are 2.2 cm apart and have an area of 3.8cm 2
x 10 cm on both sides to a thickness of 10-2cm then the equivalent conductance
using CuSO4 solution as electrolyte is  in Scm2 eq 1  of a solution is
1) 48,250 2) 24,125 3) 96,500 4) 10,000 1) 25.73 2) 15.75 3) 30.75 4) 35.75
20. The same quantity of electricity is passed
through 0.1 M H 2 SO4 and 0.1 M HCl. The
amounts of H 2 obtained at the cathodes aree 25. The ionic mobilities of the cation and the
in the ratio anion of a salt A2 B are 140 and 80
1) 1 : 1 2) 2 : 1 3) 1 : 2 4) 3 : 1
ohm 1cm 2 eq 1 respectively. The equivalent
ELECTROLYTIC CONDUCTANCE conductivity of salt at infinite dilution is (in
21. A conductivity cell was filled with a
0.02M KCl solution which has a specific ohm 1cm 2 eq 1 ):
conductance of 2.768  10 3 ohm 1cm 1 . If its 1) 160 2) 220 3) 60 4) 360
26. The mathematical expression for law of
resistance is 82.4 ohm at 250 C , the cell independent migration of ions is given by
constant is
 
1)    0m  BC 1/ 2 2) o  F U U 
1) 0.2182 cm 1 2) 0.2281 cm 1

 1  c
3) 0.2821 cm 1 4) 0.2381 cm 1 0
  m
3) 0m  v+λ+ +v-λ- 4)  m  0m K   0 2
22. The equivalent conductivity of a solution a m

containing 2.54g of CuSO4 per litre is 27. The molar ionic conductance at infinite
dilution of Ag is 61.92104Smol1m2 at 250C the
91.0  1cm 2 eq 1 . Its conductivity would be
ionic mobility of Ag  will be
1) 1.45 103  1cm 1 2) 2.17 103  1cm 1
1) 6.4 108 2) 6.192
3) 2.90 103  1cm 2 4) 2.9 103  1cm 1
3) 6.192 104 4) 3.2 104
28. The specific conductance of saturated 33. The standard reducution potentials of

solution of silver chloride is k ohm cm .

1 Zn2 | Zn, Cu2 | Cu and Ag  | Ag are respectively -0.76,
0.34 and 0.8V. The following cells were
The limiting ionic conductance of Ag and  constructed.
a) Zn | Zn 2 || Cu 2 | Cu
Cl  ions are x and y respectively. The
b) Zn | Zn 2 || Ag  | Ag
solubility of AgCl in gram.litre1 is : ( Molar mass
c) Cu | Cu 2 || Ag  | Ag
of AgCl  143.5 g mol 1 )
What is the correct order E 0 cell of these cells?
1000 k 1) b  c  a 2) b  a  c
1) k  2) 143.5
x y x y 3) a  b  c 4) c  a  b
k 1000  143.5 x  y 1000 34. Zn gives H 2 gas with H 2 SO4 and HCl but
3) 4) 
x y k 143.5 not with HNO3 because
29. At 250 C, the ionic mobility of CH3COO-, H+ 1) Zn acts as oxidizing agent when reacts with
are respectively 4.1  10 , 3.63  10 cm /sec.
-4 -3
The conductivity of 0.001M CH3 COOH is
5  10 -5 -1 . Dissociation constant of 2) HNO3 is weaker acid than H2SO4 and HCI
CH3COOH is 3) In eletrochemical series Zn is above hydrogen
1) 1.64  105 2) 3  104 3) 3  105 4) 3  106 4) NO3 is reduced in preference to hydronium
ELECTRO CHEMICAL SERIES & EMF 35. For the Daniel Cell involving the cell
30. The hydrogen electrode potential depends on reaction 
 Zn 2 ( aq )  Cu
Zn s   Cu 2 ( aq ) 
 s
1) Nature of metal used as anode the standard free energies of formation of
2) The P H of the solution Zn s  , Cu s  , Cu 2( aq ) and Zn 2 ( aq ) are 0, 0,
3) Both nature of the metal used as anode and 64.4 KJ/Mole and -154.0 KJ/Mole,
the P H of the solution respectively. Calculate the standard EMF of
4) Nature of the metal used as cathode and the the cell
1) 2.13 Volts 2) 1.13 Volts
P H of the solution 3) 2.26 Volts 4) 3.42 Volts
31. The following reaction is non–spontaneous 36. The position of some metals in the electro
1) Zn+2H+  Zn+2+H2 chemical series in decreasing electro positive
2) Cu+2H+  Cu+2+H2 character is given Mg>Al>Zn>Cu>Ag. What
will happen if a copper spoon is used to stir a
3) Zn+Cu2+  Zn2+ + Cu solution of aluminium nitrate?
+ 2+
4) Cu+2Ag  Cu +2Ag 1) The spoon will get coated with aluminium
32. For a cell the cell reaction is 2) An alloy of copper and aluminium is formed
3) The solution becomes blue
Mg(s) + Cu2+ (aq)  Cu(s) + Mg2+(aq). 4) There is no reaction
If the S.R.P. values of Mg and Cu are –2.37v 37. In the Daniel cell which change increases the
and +0.34v respectively, the e.m.f. of the cell cell EMF
is 1) Increase in the concentration of ZnSO4
1) +2.03V 2) –2.03V 2) Increase in the dilution of ZnSO4
3) +2.71V 4) –2.71V 3) Decreasing the concentration of CuSO4
4) Increasing the dilution of CuSO4
38. The chemical reaction 43. The e.m.f. of the following Daniell cell at 298
2 AgCl( s )  H 2( g )  2 HCl( aq )  2 Ag ( s ) E1 Zn/ZnSO4(0.01M)//CuSO4(1.0M)/Cu
K i s

taking place in a galvanic cell is represented When the concentration of ZnSO4 is 1.0 M
by the notation and that of CuSO 4 is 0.01 M, the e.m.f.
changed to E 2. What is the relationship
1) Pt( s ) H 2( g ) .1bar 1MKCl( aq ) | AgCl( s ) | Ag ( s ) between E1 and E2 ?
2) Pt( s ) H 2( g ) .1bar 1M HCl( aq ) |1M Ag  (aq ) | Ag ( s ) 1) E1  E2 2) E1  E2 3) E1  E2 4) E2  0  E1

3) Pt( s ) H 2( g ) .1bar 1M HCl( aq ) | AgCl( s ) | Ag ( s ) 44. Given that EH 2O H 2 pt  0 at 298 K . The

pressure of H 2 gas would be
4) Pt( s ) H 2( g ) .1bar 1M HCl( aq ) | Ag ( s ) | AgCl( s )
39. The following are some statements about 1) 107 atm 2) 1014 atm
normal hydrogen electrode
3) 1010 atm 4) 1012 atm
a) when a Zn electrode is in combination of
NHE, Zn electrode acts as cathode 45. Which graph correctly corelates Ecell as
b) when a Cu electrode is in combination with function for the cell
NHE, Cu electrode is the anode
c) When a “Ag” electrode is in combination Zn Zn2aq  Cu2aq  Cu ,
with NHE, Ag electrode is the anode
d) When a chlorine electrode is in
combination with NHE, chlorine electrode is 0
EZn 2
/ Zn
 0.76V , ECu
/ Cu
 0.34V
the anode
1) only a is correct 2) all are correct Y  axis  Ecell ,
3) all are incorrect 4) both b and c correct
X  axis  log  Zn 2  Cu 2 
40. If the solution of the CuSO4 in which copper
rod is immersed is diluted to 10 times, the
electrode potential
1) Increases by 0.295V
2) Decreases by 0.0295V 1) 2)
3) Increases by 0.059V
4) Decreases by 0.059V
41. The standard reduction potentials of
Zn 2 | Zn and Cu 2 | Cu are -0.76V and +0.34
V respectively. What is the cell e.m.f (inV) of
the following cell? 3) 4)
 RT 
  0.059 
 F  46. In the electrochemical cell
Zn / Zn 2 (0.05M)/Cu (0.005M)/Cu
2+ H2(g), 1 atm|H+(1M) || Cu2+(1M) | Cu(s), which
1) 1.1295 2) 1.0705 3) 1.1 4) 1.041 one of the following statements is true?
1) H2 is cathode, Cu is anode
42. E0 Zn 2 / Zn = –0.76V The EMF of the cell Zn/
2) Oxidation occurs at Cu electrode
Zn (21M) || HCl(pH=2) | H2(1atm), Pt is 3) Reduction occurs at H2 electrode
1) 0.878V 2) 0.642V 3) –0.878V 4) 0.701V 4) H2 is anode, Cu is Cathode
47. The potential of the cell containing two 55. Zinc is used to protect corrosion of iron
hydrogen electrodes as represented below Pt, because
H2(g) | H+(10-6M)||H+(10-4M)|H2(g),Pt at 298 K
1) Eoxi of Zn < Eoxi of iron
1) –0.118 V 2) –0.0591 V 2) Ered of Zn < Ered of iron
3) 0.118 V 4) 0V.0591 3) Zn is cheaper than iron
48. The e.m.f. of the cell, Zn / Zn 2+(0.01M) //
4) Zn is abundantly available
Fe2+(0.001M) / Fe at 298 K is 0.2957 then the
value of equilibrium constant for the cell 56. In corrosion of iron
reaction is (I.I.T.) 1) electrons flow from anode to cathode through
the metal while ions flow through the water
0.32 0.32 0.26 0.26
1) 0.0295 2) 0.0295 3) 4) 0.0591 droplets
e 10 100.0295 10 2) an electrochemical cell (galvanic cell) is
49. For a cell reaction formed in which Fe acts as anode and cathode
2 2
Cu (C1 , aq)  Zn( s )  Zn (C2 , aq)  Cu( s ) where O2 is reduced
of an electro chemical cell, the change in 3) dissolved O2 oxidises Fe2 to Fe3+ before it is
standared free energy G 0 at a given deposited as rust (Fe2O3.xH2O)
temperature is 4) all of the above takes place
57. In a hydrogen - oxygen fuel cell, combustion
0.591 C2 of hydrogen occurs to
1) ln C1 2) 2 log C
1 1) generate heat
3) ln C2 4) ln(C1  C2 ) 2) remove absorbed oxygen from electrode
BATTERIES 3) produce high purity water
50. Which of the following reaction occurs at the 4) create potential difference between the two
cathode during the charging of lead storage electrodes
battery ?
2) Pb 2  SO42  PbSO4 1)A and R are correct R is the correct
explanation of A
3) Pb  Pb 2   2e  2) A and R are correct R is not the correct
 2  explanation of A
4) PbSO4(s)  2H2O  PbO2(s)  4H  SO4  2e
51. As lead storage battery is charged 3) A is correct, but R is wrong
1) lead dioxide dissolves 4) A is wrong, but R is correct
2) sulphuric acid is regenerated 58. Assertion(A): The absolute value of the
3) lead electrode becomes coated with lead electrode potential cannot be determined
sulphate experimentally
4) the concentration of sulphuric acid decreases Reason (R): The electrode potentials are
52. Alkali storage cell is commonly called generally determined with respect to
1) lead accumulator 2) Edison battery standard hydrogen electrodes.
3) fuel cell 4) Leclanche cell 59. Assertion A: The molar conductance of weak
CORROSION AND PASSIVITY electrolytes is low as compared to that of
53. Galvanized lron sheets are coated with strong electrolytes at moderate
1) Zn 2) Cr 3) Cu 4) Ni concentrations.
54. Which of the following metals acts as a Reason R: Weak electrolytes at moderate
sacrificial anode for iron articles? concentrations dissociate to a much greater
1) Cu 2) Zn 3) Ag 4) Sn extent as compared to strong electrolytes.
60. Assertion (A): During electrolysis 6. Cr2O7–2  2Cr3+
48250coulombs of electricity will deposit 0.5 Change in O.S. = 6
gramequivalent of silver metal from Ag  ions  Charge required = 6F
Reason (R): One Faraday of electricity will m1 E1
be required to deposit 0.5gram - equivalent 7. 
m2 E2
of any substance
61. Assertion(A): A current of 96.5 amperes is 8. Use Faraday’s first law
passed into aquesous AgNO 3 solution for W1 E1
9. 
100seconds. The weight of silver deposited is W2 E 2
10.8g (At.wt. of Ag=108).
 65.4 / 2 
Reason (R): The mass of a substance 11. m   9.65  1 60  60
deposited during the electrolysis of an 96500
electrolyte is inversely propotional to the 12. E1Q1 = E2Q2
quantity of elctricity passing through the 13. Q= Ct
electrolyte.  4 2 1 1 1
62. Assertion A : Increase in the concentration 14. Ag : Sn : Cu  : :
1 4 2
of copper half cell in Daniel cell increases the
emf of the cell. 15. Aqueous solution of NaCl does not produce ‘Na’
Reason R: According to Nernst equation. cathode. Hence Na+ concentration remains same
16. 0.25F will deposit 0.25 equivalents.
Cu  
Ecell  E

log 125  1 108 /1 108 /1
17.   241.25  t
 Zn  
2 1000 96500
18. Change in O.N per mole of Mn3O4  10
1)1 2)2 3)2 4)4 5)3 6)3 7)2 1 mole of Mn3O4  10 equiv  10 F
8)4 9)2 10)1 11)1 12)2 13)1 14)1 19. V = area  thickness = 1cc
Total volume 2cc
15)1 16)2 17)2 18)3 19)1 20)1 21)2
1cc volume = 1 gms of copper
22)4 23)2 24)1 25)2 26)3 27)1 28)3 wt of copper for 2cc = 16 gms
29)1 30)4 31)2 32)3 33)2 34)4 35)2 96500C = 32 gms of copper
36)4 37)2 38)3 39)3 40)2 41)2 42)2 32 gms of copper = 96500C
43)1 44)2 45)2 46)4 47)3 48)2 49)2 16gms = ?
50)1 51)2 52)2 53)1 54)4 55)2 56)4 20. W E
57)4 58)1 59)3 60)3 61)3 62)1 l
21 . Cell constant =
2.54 K  1000
1. Cathode concentration increases and anode 22. N  
concentration decreases. 254 N
2.. In a CaH2, Hydrogen has the Oxidation state of 23. KCl – strong electrolyte
-1. Hence hydrogen gas is liberated at anode. CH3 COOH – weak electrolyte
 
4. 2H  2e  H 2  , no. of H  ions decreases, so k  1000 1 l
24. eq  k 
basic nature increases. N R a
5. Acc. Faraday’s second law,
26.   A    B
1  1
1F  Cu  mole   Ag 1mole    H 2  27. At infinite dilution each ion makes definite
2  2
contribution towards molar conductance which
1 1
 :1:  2  1: 2 :1 is given by
2 2
 2. Which of the following on electrolysis would,
28.   not evolve oxygen at the anode?
1) Dilute H2SO4 with Pt electrodes
33. Electrode with low SRP is always taken as anode
(LHS). 2)Aqueous silver nitrate using Pt electrodes
35. G  nFE 3) Aqueous Na2SO4 with Pt electrodes
36. Copper can’t displace Al from Al  NO3 3
4) 50% H2SO4 with Pt electrodes
3. In which of the following electrolysis, the
because of low SRP value
composition of electrolyte is expected to
37. Cell EMF can be increased by decreasing the
remain constant under optimum conditions
concentration of cathode electrode dipped
electrolyte. 1) Aq. AgNO3 solution between Ag electrodes
2) Aq. CuSO4 solution between Pt electrodes
40. Decreases by V = 0.0295V 3) Fused NaCl between Pt electrodes
4) Aqueous AgNO 3 solution between Pt
 Zn 2 
41. Ecell   Ecathode  E Anode   log  2 
0 0
n Cu 
4. In the electrolysis of Na2 SO4 solution using
 PH 2 
1/ 2
 RT inert electrodes
44. E  F ln  H   when E =0, then a) the anodic reaction is
2 H 2 0  O2 g   4e   4 H 
P 
1/ 2
H2  H   107

PH2 = 10-14 atm. b) H 2 g  and O2 g  is produced in a molar ratio

of 2:1
0.059  Pr oduct 
47. Ecell  E cell  n log Re ac tan t
c) 23 grams of sodium is produced at the
  cathode
0.059 d) The cathode reaction is Na   e   Na
48. E cell 
log Kc
n 1) a and b are correct 2) c,d are correct
50. Regeneration of H 2 SO4 takes place 3) Only c is correct 4) All are correct
51. When lead accumulator is charging it acts as
electrolytic cell during discharging it acts as FARADAY’S LAWS AND APPLICATIONS
electrochemical cell.
5. How many coulombs of electricity are
53. Fe,Cr,Mo,W,V,Co, Ni etc shows passivity
consumed when a 100mA current is passed
through a solution of AgNO3 for 30 minutes
LEVEL-II (H.W) during electrolysis?
1) 108 2) 180 3) 18000 4) 3000
ELECTROLYSIS 6. A certain quantity of electricity is passed
1. Two platinum electrodes were immersed in through an aqueous solution of AgNO3 and
a solution of CuSO4 and electric current was cupric salt solution connected in series. The
passed through the solution. After sometime amount of silver deposited is 1.08g. The
it was found that colour of CuSO 4 amount of copper deposited is (at.wt. of
disappeared with the evolution of gas at the Cu=63.54; Ag=108)
electrode. The colourless solution contains 1) 0.6454g 2) 6.354g
1) Platinum sulphate 2) Copper sulphate 3) 0.3177g 4) 3.177g
3)Copper hydroxide 4)Sulphuric acid
7. Aluminium oxide may be electrolysed at 13. On passing a current through a molten
aluminium chloride for some time, produced
10000 C to furnish aluminium metal
11.2lit of Cl2 at NTP at anode, the quantity of
(Atomic mass = 27 amu, 1 Faraday = 96,500
aluminium deposited at cathode is
Coulombs). The cathode reaction is
1) 27grams 2) 18gram 3) 9gram 4) 36 gram
Al 3  3e   Al 0 To prepare 5.12 kg of 14. A current of 2A passing for 5 hours deposits
aluminium metal by this method would 22.2g of tin(at.wt. = 119), the oxidation state
require of tin is
1) 5.49×101Cof electricity 1) zero 2) three 3) two 4) four
15. 1 ampere current is passed for 60 seconds into
2) 5.49×104Cof electricity an electrolytic cell. Number of electrons that,
pass through the solution is.
3) 1.83×10 7 C of electricity
1) 6.0x1023 2) 1.2 x 1024
4) 5.49×10 C of electricity 3) 37.5 x 10 4) 7.48x1021
8. In an electrolytic cell one litre of 1M aqueous 16. The number of electrons passing per second
solution of MnO4– is reduced to MnO4–2 at through a cross–section of copper wire
carrying 10–6 ampere current per one second
cathode. How many faradays would be
is found to be
required so that the solution becomes 0.899M
1) 1.6x10–19 2) 6x10–35 3) 6x10–6 4) 6.24x1012
MnO4– 17. Zinc reacts with CuSO 4 according to the
1) 10 Faradays 2) 0.1 Faradays
equation Zn+CuSO4  ZnSO4 +Cu. If excess
3) 1.0 x 10–4 Faraday 4) 1x10–2 Faraday of zinc is added to 100.0 ml of 0.05M CuSO4,
9. If 90g of water is electrolysed completely with the amount of copper formed in moles will be
50% current efficiency 1) 0.05 2)0.5 3) 0.005 4) 50
a) 10 Faraday of electricity will be consumed 18. Total volume of gases evolved at STP when
b) 20 faraday of electricity will be consumed
36g of H 2O are completely electrolysed
c) 168L (STP) of gases will be produced
d) 84L (STP) of gases will be produced. between platinum electrodes
1) 22.4 lit 2) 44.8 lit 3) 33.6 lit 4) 67.2 lit
Correct statements are
19. What is the approximate quantity of
1) b,c 2) a,b,c 3) a,c,d 4) All electricity in coulombs required to deposit all
10. On electrolysis of a sample of acidified water,
22.4ml of hydrogen was obtained. The the silver from 250 ml 1M AgNO3 aqueous
volume of oxygen in ml obtained is solution (At. wt. of Ag = 108)?
1) 22.4 2) 44.8 3) 11.20 4) 2.24 1) 96500 2) 24125 3) 48250 4) 12062.5
11. Three faradays of electricity are passed ELECTROLYTIC CONDUCTANCE
through molten Al2O3,aqueous solution of 20. The specific conductance of a solution is
CuSO 4 and molten NaCl taken in three 0.3568 ohm-1cm-1. When placed in a cell the
different electrolytic cells. The amount of Al, conductance is 0.0268 ohm-1. The cell constant
Cu and Na deposited at the cathodes will be is
in the ratio of 1) 1.331 cm-1 2) 13.31cm-1
1) 1 mole :2 mole :3 mole 3) 0665cm 4) 6.65cm-1
2) 1 mole:1.5 mole :3 mole 21. The value of molar conductance of HCl is
3) 3 mole :2 mole :1 mole greater than that of NaCl at a given
4) 1 mole :1.5 mole :2 mole temperature and concentration because
12. Number of coulombs of current required to 1) Ionic mobility of H  is greater than that of Na 

convert completely 1 mole of MnO 4 ions in 2) the dipolie moment of NaCl is greater than
acid medium to one mole of Mn ions that of HCl
electrolytically is 3) NaCl is more ionic than HCl
1) 96500 2) 5x96500 4) HCl is Bronsted acid and NaCl is a salt of a
3) 96500x2 4) 96500x6 strong acid and strong base
22. Conductance of 0.1 M KCl (conductivity = ELECTRO CHEMICAL SERIES & EMF
X Ohm cm ) filled in a conductivity cell is Y 27. SRP Values of Mg2+ | Mg, Fe2+ | Fe and Zn2+|Zn

Ohm1 . If the conductance of 0.1M are –2.37v, –0.44v and –0.76v respectively.
NaOH filled in the same cell is Z Ohm1 , the The correct statement is
molar conductance of NaOH will be 1) Mg oxidizes Fe 2) Zn oxidizes Fe
XZ XZ XZ XZ 3) Zn reduces Mg 4)Zn reduces Fe2+
1) 103 2) 104 3) 10 4) 0.1
Y Y Y Y 28. The EMF of the Daniel cell is 1.1V . The
KOHILRAUSCH’S LAW ANDPPLICATIONS external EMF to be applied for the following
23. Which of the following represents increasing reaction to take place in it.
order of ionic conductance at infinite 2 2
dilution? Cu(s) +Zn (aq)  Cu (aq) + Zn(s)
1) F   CI   Br   I  2) I   Br   F   Cl  1) 0 1.0V 2) 1.1V 3) 1.2V 4) 0.55V
    
3) F  CI  I  Br 4) F  I  CI  Br   2 
29. Given: Fe s  Fe  2e ; E  0.44V

24. The equivalent conductances of two strong

electrolytes at infinite dilution at 25 0 C aree Pb s  Pb2  2e ; E 0  0.13V
given below :
 0 CH COONa  91.0 S cm 2 / equiv
Ag   e  Ag; E0  0.8V
 HCl  426.2 S cm 2 / equiv
Cu 2  2e  Cu; E0  0.34V
What additional information / quantity one Which of the following metal ion will oxidise
needs to calculate  0 of an aqueous solution iron?
of acetic acid ? 1) Ag+ only 2) Cu2+ only
1)  0 of chloroacetic acid (ClCH 2COOH) 3) Pb+2 only 4) All
2)  of NaCl
3)  of CH 3COOK 30. If a spoon of copper metal is placed in a

4) The limiting equivalent conductance of solution of ferrous sulphate

H  ( 0 H  ) 1) Copper will precipitate out
25. The value of  m for KCl and KNO3 aree 2) Iron will precipitate
3) Cu and Fe will precipitate
149.86 and 154.96  1cm 2 mol 1.
4) No reaction takes place
Also Cl  is 71.44ohm 1cm 2 mol 1. 31. A student made the following observations

The value of NO3 is in the laboratory,
A) Clean copper metal did not react with
1) 76.54 ohm 1cm 2 mol 1
1molar Pb  NO3 2 solution
2) 133.08 ohm 1cm 2 mol 1
B) Clean lead metal dissolved in a 1 molar
3) 37.7 ohm 1cm 2 mol 1 4) Unpredictable.
AgNO3 solution and crystals of Ag metal
26. Specific conductance of 0.1 M CH 3COOH at
25°C is 3.9  10 4 ohm 1cm 1 C) Clean silver metal did not react with
if   H 3O  and   CH 3COO  at 25°C 1molar Cu  NO3  solution.
   
 1
are 349.0 and 41.0 ohm cm mol respectively
2 The order of decreasing reducing character
degree of ionisation of CH 3COOH at the of the three metals is
1) Cu, Pb, Ag 2) Cu, Ag, Pb
given concentration is
1) 1.0% 2) 4.0% 3) 5.0% 4) 2.0% 3) Pb, Cu, Ag 4) Pb, Ag, Cu
39. I 2  s  | I   0.1M  half cell is connected to a
32. Standard reduction potential values for the
electrodes are given below.
Mg2+ + 2e–  Mg is –2.37V H   aq  | H 2 1 bar  | Pt half cell and e.m.f. is
Zn2+ + 2e–  Zn is –0.76V
found to be 0.7714V . If EI 2 |I   0.535V , find
Fe2+ + 2e–  Fe is –0.44 V
Which of the following statement is correct
1) Zinc will reduce Fe2+ the pH of H  | H 2 half-cell
2) Zinc will reduce Mg2+ 1) 1 2) 3 3) 5 4) 7
3) Mg oxidises Fe 40. Which of the following will increase the
4) Zinc oxidises Fe voltage of the cell Sn(s)+2Ag+(aq)  2Ag(s) +
33. The life span of a Daniel cell may increased Sn2+
by 1) Increase in the concentration of Sn2+ ions
1) Large Cu electrode 2) increase in the concentration of Ag+ ions
2) Lowering of CuSO4 concentration 3) increase in the size of silver rod
3) Lowering of ZnSO4 concentration 4) removal of salt bridge
4) Large zinc electrode 41. The standard EMF of the cell reaction
34. To the Daniel cell ZnSO4 is added to the left Zn+Cu2+  Cu+Zn2+ is 1.10V at 250C. The
hand side electrode. Then cell emf
EMF for the cell reaction when 0.1M Cu2+
1) Increases 2) Decreases
and 0.1M Zn2+ solutions are used at 250C, is
3) Doest not change
4) First increases & then decreses 1) 1.10V 2) 0.110V 3) –1.10V 4) –0.110V
35. The reaction 42. The E 0 at 250 C for the following reaction at
1 the indicated concentrations is 1.50 V.
H 2( g )  AgCl( s )  H (aq )  Cl(aq )  Ag ( s ) Calculate the G in kJ at 250 C :
occurs in the galvanic cell Cr  s   3 Ag   aq, 0.1M 
1) Ag | AgCl( s ) | KCl( So1n ) | AgNO3( so1n ) | Ag
 Ag  s   Cr 3  aq, 0.1 M 
2) Pt , H 2( s ) | HClSo1n ) | AgNO3( so1n ) | Ag
1) 140.94 2) 295 3) 212 4) 422.83
3) Pt , H 2( g ) | HCl( So1n ) | AgCl( s ) | Ag 43. The cell, Zn / Zn (1M)//Cu2+(1M) / Cu

(Ecell0 = 1.10 V), was allowed to be completely

4) Pt , H 2( g ) | KCl( So1n ) | AgCl( s ) | Ag
discharged at 298 K. The relative
NERNST EQUATION concentration of Zn2+ to Cu2+ is
36. The e.m.f of the cell 1) 37.3 2) 1037.3
Ni / Ni 2 1M  // Cl  1M  Cl2 , Pt is
3) 9.65 × 104 4) antilog (24.04)
44. Deduce from the following E° values of half
 E Ni / Ni  0.25eV : 
0 2 cells, what combination of two half cells
  would result in a cell with the largest
 E 0 1 Cl / Cl   1.36eV 
 2
 potential?
1) -1.11V 2) 1.11V 3) -1.61V 4) 1.61V I) A  A+ + e ; E° = –0.24V
II) B –
 B+e; E° = –2.1V
37. The reduction potential of a hydrogen
electrode containing a solution of pH=4 is III) C  C2+ + 2e ; E° = –0.38V
IV) D  D + e ;
2– – E° = –0.59V
1) 0.236V 2) 4.059V 3) –0.236V 4) 3.941V
1) I and IV 2) II and III
38. The oxidation potential of a hydrogen
3) III and IV 4) I and II
electrode is related to the pH of the solution
by the equation at 25 C BATTERIES
1) –0.059 x pH 2) 0.059 x pH 45. When lead accumulator is charged, it is
0.059 1) An electrolytic cell 2) A galvanic cell
3) pH 4) 0.059 + pH 3) A Daniel cell 4) None of the above
46. During the discharge of a lead storage 54. Assertion A: Copper does not liberate
battery, density of H 2 SO4 fall from 1.3 to hydrogen from the solution of dilute
hydrochloric acid.
1.14 g/mL. Sulphuric acid of density 1.3g/ml
Reason R : Hydrogen is below copper in the
is 40W % and that of 1.14 g/mL is 20W%. electrochemical series.
The battery holds two litre of the acid and
55. Assertion (A) : E 0 value of single electrode
volume remains practically constant during
is determined experimentally by combining
discharging. The number of ampere-sec used
the electrode with SHE
from the battery is.
Reason (R): SHE is taken as a reference
1) 3 x 96,500 2) 6 x 96,500
3) 9 x 96,500 4) 12 x 96,500
47. Relative efficiency of the following cell is 56. Assertion (A): Equivalent weights of NaCl ,
84% NaOH , KCl , KBr , etc. are equal to their
A S   B2aq   A2aq   B S  H  285kJ
  molecular weights
 ,
Reason (R): Only one electron take part in
then the standard electrode potential of the electrode reaction.
cell will be
1) 1.20V 2) 2.40V 3) 1.10V 4) 1.24V PREVIOUS EAMCET QUESTIONS
57. At 298K the molar conductivities at infinite
48. Zinc is used to protect corrosion of iron  
dilution  0 m of NH 4Cl , KOH and KCl
are 152.8,272.6 and 149.8 Scm2 mol 1
1) Eoxi of Zn< Eoxi of iron
respectively. The  m of NH 4OH in

2) Ered of Zn < Ered of iron

Scm2 mol 1 and % dissociation of 0.01
3) Zn is cheaper than iron
4) Zn is abundantly available M NH 4OH with  m =25.1 Scm2 mol 1 at the
49. The corrosion of iron object is favoured by same temperature are [2014]
1) presence of H  ion 1) 269.6,9.6 2) 30, 84
2) Presence of moisture in air 3) 275.6,0.91 4) 275.6,9.1
3) Presence of impurities in iron object 58. The no.of moles of Electrons required to
4) All of the above deposit 36g of Al from an aqueous solution
50. The composition of rust is of Al  NO3 3 is [2013]
1) Fe2O3. xH2O 2) Fe2O3 . 2H2O
1)4 2)2 3)3 4)1
3) Fe2O3.6H2O 4) Fe2O3
59. The emf (in V) of a Daniel cell containing
51. Assertion (A): In electrolytic conductors the
flow of current is due to the movement of ions 0.1M ZnSO4 and 0.01 M CuSO4 solutions at
towards oppositely charged electrodes their respective electrodes is [2012]
Reason (R): Electrolytes are only salts 1)1.10 2)1.16 3)1.13 4)1.07
52. Assertion (A): The extent of dissociation is 60. At a certain temperature and at infinite
different for different electrolytes dilution,the equivalent conductances of
Reason (R): The extent of dissociation is sodium benzoate, hydrochloric acid and
dependent on nature of electrolyte and sodium chloride are 240,349 and 229
independent of the concentration of ohm 1 cm 2 equiv 1 respectively. The equivalent
electrolyte. conductance of benzoic acid in
53. Assertion (A): ‘Li’ electrode always
acts as anode in voltaic cell ohm 1 cm 2 equiv 1 at the same conduition is:
Reason (R): ‘Li’ electrode has lowest SRP [2011]
among all the electrodes 1)80 2)328 3)360 4)408
61. A solution of concentration ‘C’ g equiv/litre 3. At Anode : Ag  Ag   e 
has a specific resistance R.The equivalent
The composition of Ag in AgNO3 solution
conductance of the solution is: [2010]
1)R/C 2)C/R 3)1000/RC 4)1000R/C between Ag electrodes, the composition of
62. For the following cell reaction electrolyte reamins constant.
5. Q = Ct
Ag Ag  AgCl Cl  Cl2 , Pt
m1 E1
6. 
G 0f  AgCl   109 KJ / mol m2 E2

G 0f  Cl    129kJ / mol
7. 9 g  96500c 5.12 103 g  ?
8. No. of moles of MnO 4 changed to
G 0
f  Ag   78kJ / mol

MnO 42 = 1–0.899 = 0.101

E of the cell is:
For 1 mole = 1F
1) -0.60 V 2) 0.60 V 3) 6.0 V 4) -6.0 V
63. At 250 C the molar conductances at infinite For 0.101 mole = 0.1 F
dilution for the strong electrolytes NaOH, 10. 2.8 lit O2 =4 gm at STP
NaCl and BaCl2 are 248 104 ,126 104 and use W  E
1 1

2 2
280  10 4 s.m .mol respectively
2 -
11. Three faradays will deposit three equivalents of
 Ba  OH 2 in s.m .mol
2 
each electrolyte
1) 52.4  10 4 2) 524  10 4 MnO 4 Mn 2 
12. 7  2
3) 402  104 4) 262 104
Change in O.S. = 5
Current required = 5F
LEVEL-II (H.W) - KEY 13. 11.2 lit Cl2 at STP = 35.5 gm = 1 GEW
1)4 2)4 3)1 4)1 5)2 6)3 7)4  1 GEW of ‘Al’ will be deposited which is
8)2 9)1 10)3 11)2 12)2 13)3 14)3 ‘9’gm
15)3 16)4 17)3 18)4 19)2 20)2 21)1 Mct
14. m= find ‘Z’
22)2 23)1 24)2 25)1 26)1 27)4 28)3 ZF
29)3 30)4 31)3 32)1 33)4 34)2 35)3 15. 96,500C = 6.023 x 1023 e–s
36)2 37)3 38)2 39)2 40)2 41)1 42)4 60C = ?
43)2 44)4 45)1 46)2 47)4 48)2 49)4 100
17. n   0 .0 5
50)1 51)3 52)3 53)1 54)3 55)1 56)1
57)4 58)1 59)4 60)3 61)3 62) 2 63) 2
18. 2 H 2O  2 H 2  O2


19. Weight of silver =  1 108
1. 2Cu 2 
4e 
 2Cu (cathode)
108gms of silver = 96500C
 O2  4H  anode 

2H2 O  27gms = ?
2H  SO42  H2SO4 l
2. On electrolysis of 50% H 2SO4 20. c  k
H 2SO 4  H   HSO 4 21. The greater the ionic mobility, the greater the
2H   2e  H 2   cathode  molar conductance. The ionic mobility of H 
2HSO 4  H 2S2 O8  2e  (anode) is greater than that of Na 
22. Conductivity (x)=conductance (c) x cell constant 40. Increase in conc. of cathode in increases the
x voltage.
Cell constant = 42. G  G 0  RT In Q
x 
  z   1000
Cr 3 
k  1000  y
    nFE  2.303RT log
M 0.1  Ag 3 
= y  10
G  3  96500 1.50  8.314298
23. Depends on hydration  2.303log
 0.1
 0.1

  
24.  eq CH COOH    eqCH COONa    eq  HCl    eq NaCl 
3 3
 422838.3 J or  422.83kJ

25. From  
calculate  
and then  by
Cl  K NO3
0.059  Zn 2 
43. Ecell  E cell  2 log  2 
  
using  KNO3   K    NO3
Cu 
k  1000 / conc.
   46. M1  M2  10 1.3  40  1.14  20 
26. CH COO 
 H O  98
3 3

27. Low SRP metal reduces metal with high SRP. = 3Mole / Litre= 6 Moles Per 2 Litres.
28. For the given reaction to take place, G
47. e  
external EMF > EMF of the cell H
29. Fe 2  2e   Fe ; E 0  0.44 V G  nFE
2 
pb  2e  pb ; E  0.13V 0

Ag   e   Ag ; E 0  0.8V
Cu 2  2e   Cu ; E 0  0.34 V ELECTROLYSIS AND FARADAY’S LAWS
SRP values of pb, Ag, Cu are higher than Fe. 1. The time required (approx) to remove
So, pb, Ag, Cu oxidises Fe electrolytically one half from 0.2 litres of 1M
30. Copper electrode lies below the iron electrode AgNO3 solution by a current of 1 amp is
in electro chemical series. It can not displaces 1) 320min 2) 80min 3) 160min 4) 40min
the ion from FeSO4 2. The pH of 0.5L of 1.0M NaCl after the
32. Low SRP will reduce high SRP ion . electrolysis for 965 s using 5.0A current
33. Life span can be increased by increasing the size (100% efficiency)is:
of anode electrode. 1) 1.00 2) 13.00 3) 12.70 4) 1.30
34. In Daniel cell ZnSO4 is added to LHE, EMF 3. 0.2 faraday charge is passed in 1 litre solution
decreases. containing 0.1 molar Fe+3 ions. How many
36. E  E CSRP   E A SRP  moles of iron get deposited at cathode
assuming only iron is reduced in electrolytic
37. R.P. of hydrogen electrode = –0.059 x PH
38. O.P of hydrogen electrode = 0.059 x PH
process. (EFe3
/ Fe2
 0.77V EFe
/ Fe
 0.44V )
39. The cell reaction is 1) 0.05 moles 2) 0.033 moles
H 2  g   I 2  s   2H 
 aq   2 I  aq 
 3) 0.67 moles 4) 0.1 moles
4. Using electrolytic method, if cost of
2 2
H   I   production of 10L of oxygen at STP is Rs. x,
log    
0.7714  0.535 
2 PH 2 the cost of production of same volume of
hydrogen at STP will be:
pH  3 1) 2x 2) x/16 3) x/32 4) x/2
5. For the electrolytic production of NaClO4 12. During the electrolysis of acidulated water,
the mass of hydrogen obtained is x times that
from NaClO3 according to the equation
of O2 and the volume of H 2 is y times that of
NaClO3  H 2O  NaClO4  H 2 , the number
O2 . The ratio of y and x is
of faradays of electricity required to produce
1) 0.25 2) 8 3) 0.125 4) 16
0.5 mole of NaCIO4 is
13. A 1M solution of H 2 SO4 is electrolyzed.
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 1.5
Select right statement with respect to
6. When 6  1022 electrons are used in the concentration of electrolyte and products at
electrolysis of a metalic salt, 1.9 gm of the anode and cathode respectively. Given:
metal is deposited at the cahode. The atomic
2SO42  S2O82  2e ; E 0  2.01 V
weight of that metal is 57. So oxidation state
of the metal in the salt is 1
H 2O l   2 H aq   O2 g   2e  ; E 0  1.23V
1)+2 2) +3 3) +1 4) +4 2
7. A copper plate of 10cmx10cm and 0.1cm 1) concentration of H 2 SO4 remain constant ;
thickness is to be plated with silver. If the H 2 , O2
density of Ag is 10.8g/cc, the number of
electrons required for this process is 2) concentration of H 2 SO4 increases ; O2 ,H 2
1) 1 mole 2) 2 moles 3) 0.5moles 4) 2.5 3) concentration of H 2 SO4 decreases ; O2 ,H 2
4) concentration of H 2 SO4 remains constant ;
8. A lead storage battery containing 5.0 L of
1N H 2 SO4 solution is operated for 9.65  105 s S2O82 ,H 2
with a steady current of 100 mA. Assuming 14. The standard oxidation Potential of Ni/
volume of the solution remaining constant, Ni electrode is 0.236V. If this is combined
normality of H 2 SO4 will with a hydrogen electrode in acid solution at
what pHof the solution will measured E.M.F.
1) Remain unchanged 2) Increases by 0.20
will be zero at 250C (  Ni   1M )
3) Increase by unity 4) Decrease by 0.40
1) 4 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3
9. On electrolysing K 2 SO4 solution using inertt
15. On electrolysing K 2SO4 solution using inertt
electrodes, 1.68L(STP) of gases were
electrodes, 1.68L(STP) of gases was

obtained. How many moles of M nO 4 could obtained. How many moles of MnO 4 could
be reduced to Mn 2 by the same quantity of be reduced to Mn 2  by the same quantity of
electricity ? electricity ?
1) 0.10 2) 0.20 3) 0.15 4) 0.02 1) 0.02 2) 0.15 3) 0.20 4) 0.10
16. Given the following molar conductivities at
10. In electrolytic reduction of a nitroarene with
50% current efficiency, 20.50g of the 250 C ; HCl ; 426  1 cm 2 mol 1 ; NaCl ,
compound is reduced by 2  96500 C of 126  1cm 2 mol 1 ; NaC (sodium crotonate),
electric charge. The molar mass of the
83 1cm 2 mol 1 . What is the ionization
compound is:
constant of crotonic acid? If the conductivity
1) 20.50g 2) 10.25g 3) 123.00g 4) 61.50g of a 0.001 M crotonic acid solution is
11. The quantity of electricity in faradays
3.83  10 5  1cm 1 ?
required to reduce 1.23 gm of nitro benzene
to aniline is 1) 105 2) 1.11 10 5
1) 0.12 2) 0.03 3) 0.06 4) 0.6 3) 1.11 10 4 4) 0.01
17. The specific conductance at 298 K of AgCl is 23. A Daniel cell constructed in the laboratory.
The voltage observed was 0.9V instead of
1.826×10-6 ohm 1cm 1 . The ionic conductances
1.10V of the standard cell. A possible
of Ag + and Cl  are 61.92 and 76.34 explanation is
respectivley. What is the solubility of AgCl 1) Molar ratio of Zn+2: Cu2+ is 2 : 1
in water? 2) The Zn electrode has thrice the surface of Cu
1) 1.1102 g 1 2) 1.9 103 gL1 electrode
3)  Zn   Cu  4)  Zn   Cu 
2 2 2 2
3) 1.3  10 5 gL1 4) 2.1106 gL1
18. The conductivity of 0.1 N NaOH solution is 24. The standard reduction potentials of Cu2+/
0.022 S cm 1 . When equal volume of 0.1 N Cu and Cu 2+/Cu + are 0.337 and 0.153V
HCl solution is added, the conductivity of respectively. The standard electrode
resultant solution is decreases to potential of Cu+/Cu half cell will be
1) 0.184V 2) 0.827V 3)0.521 V 4) 0.490 V
0.0055 S cm 1 . The equivalent conductivity in 25. Given the cell reactions
S cm 2 equivalent 1 of NaCl solution is MX  s   e   M  S   X   aq  ; E 0  0.207 V
1) 0.0055 2) 0.11 3) 110 4) 55
19. Equivalent conductance of 1 M propanoic and M   aq   e   M  s  ; E 0  0.799 V
acid is 10 ohm 1 cm 2 eq 1 and that at infinite The solubility of MX  s  at 298 K is:
dilution 200 ohm 1 cm 2 eq 1 . pH of the 1) 1.0  1010 mole L1 2) 1.0 109 mole L1
propanoic acid solution is
1) 7 2) 3.3 3) 1.3 4) 6.8 3) 1.0 104 mole L1 4) 1.0 105 mole L1
20. Resistance of a conductivity cell filled with 26. EMF of an H 2  O2 fuel cell
a solution of an electrolyte of concentration
0.1 M is 100  . The conductivity of this 1) Is independent of partial pressures of H 2
solution is 1.29 S m 1 . Resistance of the same and O2
cell when filled with 0.2 M of the same 2) Decreases on increasing PH 2 and PO2
solution is 520  . The molar conductivity of 3) Increases on increasing PH 2 and PO2
0.02 M solution of electrolyte will be
4) Varies with the concentration of OH  ions in
1) 1.24  10 4 S m 2 mol 1 2) 12.4  10 4 S m 2 mol 1
the cathodic and anodic compartments.
3) 124  10 4 S m 2 mol 1 4) 1240  10 4 S m 2 mol 1 27. The EMF of the cell
21. The specific conductance and equivalent
conductance of a saturated solution of Pt , Cl2 g   Patm
1  Cl   aq  1M  Cl2 g   P2 atm  ,
BaSO4 are 8  10 ohm cm and
1 1 Pt will be positive when:
8000 ohm 1cm 2 equi 1 respectively. Hence K sp 1) P1  P2 2) P1  P2 3) P1  P2
4) Cannot be predicted
of BaSO4 is 28. Standard electrode potential for Fe electrode
1) 2.5  1010 M 2 2) 2.5  1011 M 2 are given as
 
3) 2.5  10 M 20 2 4) 2.5  10 M 23 2
Fe   2e   Fe E 0  0.44 V
22. At 250 C the equivalent conductance of Fe3  e   Fe  E 0  0.77V
butanoic acid at infinite dilution is 386.6 Fe  , Fe  and Fe block are kept together
1 2 1
ohm cm eq . If the ionization constant is then
1.4 105 , calculate equivalent conductance 1)  Fe  decreases 2)  Fe  increases
of 0.05 N butanoic acid solution at
1 2 1
3)  Fe .Fe  remains unchanged
250 C (ohm cm eq ) ?
1) 3.87 2) 6.46 3) 6.94 4) 4.38 4)  Fe  decreases
29. At any instant during the reaction 33. The standard reduction potential for
Zn  Cu   Zn   Cu occurring in an open Cu2 / Cu is 0.34V . Calculate the reduction
beaker at temperatue T potential at pH=14 for the above couple,
 Zn   .Cu  K sp of Cu  OH 2 is 1.0  10 19 .
1) G   RT ln
1) –0.2205 V 2) +0.2205V
 Zn . Cu   3) –0.11 V 4) +0.11 V
2) G  work available from the reaction 34. During discharging of lead-storage acid
3) G  0 4) G  0 battery following reaction takes place:
2 2 Pb  S   PbO2  S   2 H 2 SO4
30. Zn  Cu  aq   Cu  Zn  aq  R e a c t i o n
 2 PbSO4  S   2 H 2O
 Zn 2  If 2.5 amp of current is drawn for 965
quotient, Q   2  Variation of Ecell with
Cu  minutes, H 2 SO4 consumed is:
1) 0.75 mol 2) 3.00 mol
log Q is of the type with OA  1.10 V , Ecell will
3) 1.50 mol 4) 4.50 mol
be 1.1591 V When
35. Zn / Zn  C1  / / Zn  C2  / Zn, for this cell
2 2

G is negative if :
1) C1  C2 2) C1  C2
3) C2  C1 4) Both 1 & are correct
36. The oxidation potential of hydrogen
electrode H 2 / H 3O  (aq) will be greater than
zero if,
1) Cu   /  Zn    0.1 2) Cu   /  Zn    0.01 1) Concentration of H 3O  ions is 1M

 Zn   / Cu    0.1 2) Concentration of H 3O  ions is 2M

3)  Zn   / Cu    0.01 4)
31. For the half cell 3) Partial pressure of H 2 gas is 2 atm
4) E(oxidation) can never be +ve
37. The reduction potential of hydrogen
electrode will be positive if
1) p  H 2   1atm,  H   1M

E 0  1.30 V

2) p  H 2   1atm,  H   2 M

At pH  3 electrode potential is 3) p  H 2   2atm,  H    2 M
1) 1.30 V 2) 1.20 V 3) 1.10 V 4) 1.48 V 4) p  H 2   2.5atm,  H   1.5M

32. Find the equilibrium constant for the reaction

38. A galvanic cell is made up to S.H.E and
In 2  Cu 2  In3  Cu  at 298 K another hydrogen electrode. The other
Given, E Cu 2 / Cu   0.15V , E In / In  0.42V
0 0
hydrogen should be immersed in which of

the following solutions to get maximum value

E 0 In2 / In  0.40V of e.m.f. :
1) 1010 2) 1011 3) 1012 4) 1014 1) 0.1M HCl 2) 0.1M CH 3 COOH
3) 0.1M H 2 SO4 4) 0.1M H 3 PO4
39. The following facts have been observed: 45. In a fuel cell methanol is used as fuel and

2X  Y2  2Y  X2  oxygen gas is used as an oxidizer. The reaction
is at 298k standard Gibb’s energies of
2W   Y2  No reaction 2Z   X 2  2 X   Z2 formation of CH3 OH l  , H2O l  and CO2 g  aree
Which of the following sequence is true?
–166.2, –237.2 and –394.4 KJ/Mole
1) E0 w  / w 2  E0 Y / Y2  E0 X / X2  E0 Z / z 2 respectively. If standard enthalpy of
2) E0 w  / w 2  E0 Y / Y2  E0 X / X2  E0 Z / z 2 combustion of Methanol is –726 KJ. Mole-1,
3) E0 w  / w 2  E0 Y / Y2  E0 X / X2  E0 Z / z2 efficiency of the fuel cell will be (AIE-2009)
1) 80% 2) 87% 3) 97% 4) 90%
4) E0 w  / w 2  E0 Y / Y2  E0 X / X2  E0 Z / z 2 46. The Gibbs energy for the decomposition of
40. Two weak acid solutions HA1 and HA2 each Al2O3 at 500C is as follows.
with same concentration and having pka
2 4
values 3 and 5 respectively are placed in Al2 O3  Al  O2 , G  966KJ Mole1
3 3
contact with hydrogen electrode (1 atm at
250C) and are interconnected through a salt The potential difference needed for
bridge. Find the emf of the cell? electrolytic reduction of Al2O3 at 500C is at
Pt,H2(1 atm) / HA2//HA1 / H2(1atm), Pt least (AIEEE – 2010)
1) 0.079 2) 0.059 3) 0.118 4) 0.029 1) 4.5 V 2) 3.0 V 3) 2.5 V 4) 5.0 V
41. The standard reduction potentials for 47.
The following are some statements about
Voltaic cell
Zn/Zn+2 Ni 2 / Ni, and Fe2 / Fe are -
I) Chemical energy converted into electrical
0.76,0.23and -0.44 V respectively. energy
2 
The reaction X  Y  X  Y will be 2  II)Electrons flows from anode to cathode
spontaneous when. III) Oxidation occurs at anode
1) X  Ni, Y  Fe 2) X  Ni, Y  Zn IV) Anode is negative and cathode is positive
The correct answer is
3) X  Fe, Y  Zn 4) X  Zn, Y  Ni 1) Only I & III are correct 2) Only I, II & III are
42. What will be the emf for the given cell correct
Pt H2 P1  H  aq  H2 P2  Pt
 3) Only I, III & IV are correct 4) All are correct
48. In an electro chemical process, a salt bridge
RT P1 RT P1 is used
1) F log P 2) 2 F log P a) to maintain electrical neutrality in each
2 2
RT P2 b) to complete the circuit so that current can
3) F log P 4) none of these flow

43. The negative Zn pole of Daniell cell, sending c) as an oxidising agent

a constant current through a circuit, d) as a colour indicator
decreases in mass by 0.13 g in 30 minutes. If 1) only a is correct 2) a and b are correct
the chemical equivalent of Zn and Cu are 32.5 3) a, b and c are correct 4) all are incorrect
and 31.5 respectively, the increase in the mass 49. During the working of a galvanic cell and
of the positive Cu pole in this time is with the passage of time:
1) 0.180 g 2) 0.141g 3) 0.126 g 4) 0.242 g a) spontaneity of the cell reaction decreases,
44. Given the data at 250 C Ecell decreases

Ag  I    AgI  e E 0  0.152V b) reaction quotient Q decreases, Ecell decreases

Ag  Ag   e  E 0  0.800V c) Reaction quotient Q increases, Ecell decreases
What is the value of log K sp for AgI? d) At equilibrium, Q  K e , Ecell  0
Correct statements are
1) -37.83 2) - 16.13 3) - 8. 12 4) + 8. 612
1) b,c,d 2) a,d 3) a,c,d 4) All
50. Following are some of the facts about a dry 55. Resistance of 0.2M solution of an electrolyte
cell is 50 .The specific conductance of the
I : It is also called Leclanche cell solution is 1.4 Sm1 .The resistance of 0.5 M
II : It is also called Daniel cell
solution of same electrolyte is 280 .The
III : Electrolyte is a moist paste of NH 4Cl molar conductivity of 0.5 M solution of the
and ZnCl2 in starch electrolyte in S m 2 mol 1 is: [2014]
IV : Cathodic reaction is 1) 5 103 2) 5 102 3) 5 104 4) 5 103
2 MnO2  s   2 NH 4  aq   2e  56. Given: [2013]
 Mn2O3  s   2 NH 3  g   H 2O  l   1.51V
E0 Cr3+  0.74V ; E MnO4-
Cr Mn 2+
Select correct facts :
1) I, II, III 2) I, IV 3) I, III, IV 4) II, III, IV E0 Cr2O72- = 1.33 V ; E0 Cl = 1.36 V
Cr 3+ Cl 3
51. The following are some statements about
Based on the data given above,strongest
oxidising agent will be:
I) Involves flow of electrons from anode to
cathode 1) Cl  2) Cr 3 3) Mn 2 4) MnO4
II) Involves no chemical reaction at electrodes 57. The standard reduction potentials for
III) Oxidation occurs at anode and reduction at Zn 2 / Zn, Ni 2 / Ni , and Fe 2  / Fe aree
cathode –0.76, –0.23 and –0.44 V respectively.
IV) Anions migrate towards cathode The reaction X  Y 2  X 2  Y will
The correct combination is
be spontaneous when : [2012]
1) Only I and III are correct
2) Only I and II are correct (1) X = Ni, Y = Fe (2) X = Ni, Y = Zn
3) Only I, II and III are correct (3) X = Fe, Y = Zn (4) X = Zn, Y = Ni
4) All are correct 58) The reduction potential of hydrogen half cell will
52. For the following cell reaction be negative if : [2011]
Ag | Ag  | AgCl | Cl  | Cl2 , Pt (1) p  H 2  = 1 atm and  H  =1.0 M

G 0f  AgCl   109kJ / mol , (2) p  H 2  =2 atm and  H  =1.0 M

G 0f  Cl    129 KJ / mol and (3) p  H 2  = 2 atm and  H  = 2.0 M

G 0 f  Ag    78 KJ / mol . E 0 of the cell is (4) p  H 2  =1 atm and  H  = 2.0 M

1) - 0.60V 2) 0.60V 3) 6.0V 4) None

53. The half cell reactions for the corrosion are, LEVEL-III - KEY
1 1)3 2)3 3)1 4)4 5)1 6)2 7)1
2 H   O2  2e   H 2O; E 0  1.23V
2 8)4 9)4 10)3 11)3 12)4 13)2 14)1
Fe2  2e  Fe( s ) ; E 0  0.44V . Find the 15)1 16)2 17)2 18)3 19)3 20)1 21)2
22)2 23)4 24)3 25)4 26)3 27)3 28)1
G 0 (in KJ) for the overall reaction 29)2 30)3 31)4 32)1 33)1 34)3 35)3
1) -76 2) -322 3) -161 4) -152
36)3 37)2 38)2 39)2 40)2 41)4 42)4
54. The metal that cannot be obtained by
electrolysis of an aqueous solution of its salts 43)3 44)2 45)3 46)3 47)4 48)2 49)3
is: [2014] 50)3 51)1 52)2 53)2 54)4 55)3
1)Cu 2)Cr 3)Ag 4)Ca 56)4 57)4 58)2
LEVEL-III - HINTS 14. E 0 Ni 2 / Ni  0.236V
1. Find the amount of ‘Ag’ in the solution. 0
Ecell  0.236
Then use the formula m = ect and find ‘t’
0.06 [ Ni 2 ]
1 5  965 0  0.236  log  2
2. Mole of OH  formed =  0.05 2 [H ]
15. The molar conductivity of the dissociated form
3. 0
EFe 3
/ Fe
 0.037V as the reduction potential of of crotonic acid is
Fe 3 / Fe 2 is higher inititaly all Fe converts  m  HCl    m  HCl    m  NaC 

into Fe+2, which further gets reduced to metallic

iron.  m  NaCl 
4. Volume of H 2  2 volume of O2   426  83  126   1cm 2 mol 1
5. 1 mole of NaClO4 requires 2F  383 1cm 2 mol 1
6. 1.9g of metal - 6  1022 e  ? The molar conductivity of HC ,
- 6  10 23 e   m  HCl  
7. w  vd
8. SO4 3.83 105  1cm 1
T h e r e a c t i

o n i n d i c a t e s t h a t 2 m o l o f H

  1000  38.3 1cm 2 mol 1

corresponds to 2 x 96500 C and 2 mol H2SO4  0.001
4 equiv. of H2SO4. 2 x 96500 C consumed 4 The degree of dissociation,
equiv. of H2SO4 and
 m  HC   38.3 cm mol 
1 2 1

100 x 10–3 x 9.65 x 105 C consumed    0.1

 m  HC   383 1cm 2 mol 1 
4  100  103  9.65 105
 2 equiv. H 2SO 4
C 2 10   0.1
 3 2
2  96500
Ka    1.11 105
2 1 1  01
 Decrease in normality =  0.40
5 K 1000
16. Solubility  S  
9. Volume of hydrogen  STP   V ml 
  61.92  76.34  138.26
Volume of O2  STP   ml during the 17. Normality of resultant solution
0.1 V
electrolysis of K 2 SO4 (aq)   0.05 N
V V
V   1.68 0.0055
2 Aeq  1  110 S cm 2 eq 1
M 50
10. 20.50   2  96500   c eq 10
96500 100 18.     0.05
 0 eq 200
11. Ar  NO2  6 H   6e   Ar  NH 2  2 H 2O
 H    C  1 0.05  0.05
12. M H2  xO2  x  1/8
pH   log  H     log  5  102 
VH 2  yO2  y  2
 2 log 10  log 5  2  0.6990  1.3
l l  Fe  Fe 2  2e   Anode 
19. x  ; cell constt.  a   1.29  100  129
 
Again conducting of 0.02 M solution and
 Fe 3
 e   Fe 2   2  Cathode 
Fe  2 Fe3  3Fe 2
x  129 Thus if Fe 2 , Fe3 and Fe block are kept
together Fe3 get reduced to Fe  ie.,
x  1000 129 1000
m     1.24  10 4 Sm 2 mol 1 concentration of Fe3 decreases.
M 520 0.02

k  1000 N  k 1000 0.0591  Zn 2 

20.  eq = ,  eq 30. Ecell  E 0
 log
Cu 2 
N 2
Solubility = Molarity = charge of ion 0.0591 Zn 2
1.1591  1.10  log 2
2 Cu
Ba SO4  Ba+2 + SO4-2
Ksp = xx . yy . (s)x+y = 11 . 11 (s)1+1 = s2 31. In this equation E  E 0  0.0591 log  H  

22. Given 0eq  386.6 ohm1 cm2 eq 1
 E 0  0.0591 log  H    E 0  0.0591 pH
C 2 Ka  1.30  0.0591 3  1.48 V
K  1.4  10 As K  5 ; or  
1 C

1.4 105 0.059

  0.0167 32. 0.59  log K C
0.05 1

ceq K sp
33. Cu  
 or ceq   0eq 2
0eq OH  
 0.0167  386.6  6.46 ohm1 cm2 eq1
E RP  E 0RP  log10 Cu 2 
0.059  Zn 2  2
23. Ecell  E 
log 34. Oxidation :
Cu 2 
Pb  s   SO24  aq   PbSO4  s   2e
Ecell decrease indicates  Zn   Cu 
2 2
Reduction :
24. G03  G10  G02 PbO 2  s   4H   aq   SO 42  aq   2e 
 
25. MX  S   M  aq   X  aq   PbSO 4  s   2H 2 O  l 
ECell  0.207  0.799  0.592V During discharging H 2SO 4 consumed
log ksp  10  S  105 W = zit

0.059 Mass of H 2SO 4  2mol  2  98g

26. ECell  Ecell 
log pH 2 . pO1/22
2 mass of H 2SO 4
0.059 p electrons  96500
27. Ecel  2
log 2 Ecell  ve p2  p1
p1 2  98  2.5  965  60
28. Fe 2 / Fe acts as anode; Fe  / Fe acts as 2  96500
cathode.  147 g  1.5 mol
0.059 C 52. Ag  Ag   1e 
35. E cell  0  log 1
2 C2 1 / 2Cl2  1e   Cl 
To obtain E cell +Ve for the sportaneous reaction G 0  GPr0 oduct  GRe
ac tan t

C2  C1 G 0   nFE 0
G 0
 PH 2  E0 
1/ 2
37. EH  / H 2 , Pt  n
 H  
53. E 0 cell  1.67v
0.059 C G 0  2  96.5  1.67
38. Eo = log 1
n C2
0.059 ka Passages Type Question
40. Ecell  0  2
log 2
ka1 Passage 1:
An acidic solution of cu 2 salt containing 0.4 g
41. Zn  Fe2  Zn2  Fe of copper is electrolysed until all the copper is
deposited. The electrolysis is continued for
Fe  Ni  Fe2  Ni
seven more minutes using 1.2 amp current.
Zn  Ni 2  Zn2  Ni 1. Which gas is evolved at anode when copper
is deposited at chathode?
All these are spontaneous
1) H 2 2) O2 3) So2
44.  i  Ag  Ag   e E 0  0.800V
4) Both So2 and O2
 ii  Ag  I 
 AgI  e 
E  0.152V
2. During another seven minutes of electrolysis.
the substances evolved at cathode and anode
(I) - (II) we have AgI  Ag   I  respectively are:
E 0  0.952V 1) H 2 , So2 2) H 2 , O2 3) Cu, O2 4) H 2 , Cu
3. The time required for deposition of 0.4g
0.952  0.059 log  Ag    I   copper at cathode is:
1) 1013 sec 2) 2013 sec
  log K sp 16.13  log K sp 3) 3013 sec 4) 4013 sec
Passage 2:
G At infinite dilution, when the dissociation of
45.   , G  Gf  pr oducts 
H electrolyte is complete. each ion makes a definite
contribution towards the molar conductance of
– Gf  reactants  = –394.4 – 2(237.2) + 166
electrolyte, irrespective of the nature of the ion
= –702 KJ/Mole with which it is associated.
the molar conductance of an electrolyte at
  100  97% infinite dilution can be expressed as the sum of
the contributions from its individual ions.
 G 966  10 3 Ax By  xA y   yB x 
46.  G   nFE , E     2.5V
nF 4  96500
 0m  Ax By   x A0 y  yB0x
where, x and y are the number of cations and STATEMENT-II : Zn is deposited at anode and
anions respectively. Cu is dissolved at cathode.
The degree of ionisation ' ' of weak electrolyte 8. STATEMENT-I : Molar conductivity of a weak
can be calculated as: electrolyte at infinite dilution cannot be
determined experimentally.
 STATEMENT-II : Kohlrausch law helps to find
 0m the molar conductivity of a weak electrolyte at
infinite dilution.
4. The ionic conductance of Al 3 and SO42 ions
at infinite dilution are x and y ohm  cm 2 mol  9. STATEMENT-I : H 2 O2 fuel cell gives a
respectively. If Kohlrausch’s law is valid, then constant voltage throughout its life.
molar conductance of aluminium sulphate at STATEMENT-II : In this fuel cell, H2 reacts
infinite dilution will be: with OH  ions yet the overall concentration of
1) 3 x  2 y 2) 3y + 2x 3) 2x + 2y 4) 3x + 3y 
ions does not change.
5. The molar condutance of 0.001M acetic acid 10. STATEMENT-I : The conductivity of solutions
is 50 ohm  cm 2 mol  The maximum value of of different electrolytes in the same solvent and
molar condutance of acetic acid is at a given temperature is same.
250 ohm  cm 2 mol  . What is the degree of STATEMENT-II : The conductivity depends
dissociation (  ) of acetic acid? on the charge and size of the ions in which they
dissociate, the concentration of ions or ease with
1) 0.5 2) 0.2 3) 0.3 4) 0.4 which the ions move under potential gradient.
6. The unit of molar condutance of an 11. STATEMENT-I : In a dry cell zinc acts as
electrolyte solution will be: cathode and carbon rod as anode.
  2 
1) ohm cm mol2 2) mho cm mol STATEMENT-II : A dry cell has a potential of
nearly 1.5V
3) S cm 2 mol  4) mho 1 cm 1 mol 1
1)2 2) 2 3) 1 4)2 5)2 6) 2 7) 2
are true and STATEMENT-II is the correct 8) 2 9) 1 10) 4 11) 4
explanation of STATEMENT-I.
are true and STATEMENT-II is not the correct
explanation of STATEMENT-I.
3) STATEMENT-I is true and
4) STATEMENT-I is false but
7. STATEMENT-I : For the Danniel cell,

Zn Zn 2 Cu 2 Cu with Ecell  1.1V

application of opposite potential greater than
1.1V result into flow of electron from cathode
to anode.
Synopsis Biosphere :
 All living species including human beings and animals
 Environmental studies deal with the sum of all social, constitute Biosphere.
economical, biological, physical and chemical
interrelations with our surroundings Definition of Terms
 Pollutant : A substance present in nature in
Environment greater amounts than natural abundance due to
 Environment consists of four segments namely human activity, which has harmful effect on living
Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere and organisms and mankind is called pollutant.
eg : CO2
Atmosphere (Air):
 Atmosphere is the protective blanket of gases  These are classified as - On the basis of form
surrounding the earth. a) Primary pollutant - CO2, SO2, NO2.
 This saves life from the hostile environment of outer b) Secondary pollutant - PAN, PBN on the basis
space. of Eco system
 It consists of 4 spheres extending upto 500 km from a) Bio-degradable pollutant- Domestic sewage
the surface of the earth b) Non bio-degradable pollutant- DDT.
 These are Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere  Contaminant: A material which does not occur
and Thermosphere. in nature but is introduced by human activity into
Range the environment and causes adverse effect is called
Region (in km) Composition Importance contaminant.
N 2, O 2, eg: Methyl isocyanate (MIC)
C O 2, H 2O  Receptor : The medium which is effected by a
11-50 O 3, O 2
pollutant is called the receptor.
eg: Eyes in traffic
 Sink : The medium which retains and interacts with
50-85 O 2, NO a long lived pollutant is called the sink.
eg:Trees, oceans are sinks for atmospheric carbon
O 2, NO
 Speciation: The chemical form of pollutant is
called Speciation. It is a method of classifying
 In the region of Troposphere, as the altitude pollutant into inorganic, organic or organo-metallic.
increases temperature and air density decreases. eg: Harmful form of Hg are methyl mercury and
Hydrosphere (Water): dimethyl mercury.
 Hydrosphere includes all water sources like Oceans,  Threshold Limit Value (TLV) : It is the
Seas, Rivers, Lakes, Streams, Reservoirs, Glaciers permissible level of a toxic pollutant in the
and Ground water. atmosphere to which a person is exposed during
Lithosphere (Soil): 7-8 hours to work per day without any harmful
 Lithosphere is the outer mantle of the solid earth effect.
consisting of minerals and the soil.  If threshold limit values of X, Y and Z pollutants
 Rocks,minerals occurs in outer mantle of the earth are 9, 10 and 15 ppm respectively then Z is less
crust and natural gas, oil occurs in deep inner layers toxic.
of earth crust.
 Dissolved Oxygen : A) Gaseous Air Pollutants :
The amount of oxygen present in water in dissolved  Oxides of Sulphur : Oxides of sulphur are
oxygen. produced when sulphur containing fossil fuels are
 For the healthy growth of plants and animals 4-6 burnt.
mg/lit DO is required.  Sulphur dioxide is a gas that is poisonous to both
 Lesser DO indicates greater pollution. animals and plants.
 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD): It is the  Even a low concentration of sulphur dioxide causes
amount of oxygen required to oxidise the organic respiratory diseases like asthma, bronchitis,
substances present in polluted water. emphysema.
 It is an important index for the amount of the organic  High concentration of SO2 leads to stiffness of
substances present in water. flower buds which eventually fall off from plants.
 COD is determined by oxidising the organic matter  The presence of particulate matter in pollutedair
with acidified (50%H2SO4) potassium dichromate catalyses the oxidation of sulphur dioxide to sulphur
solution. trioxide. 2SO2(g) +O2(g)  2SO3(g)
 The reaction can also be promoted by ozone and
 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD): It is
hydrogen peroxide.
the amount of oxygen used by the suitable
SO2(g) +O3(g)  SO3(g) + O2(g)
micro- organisms present in water during five days
at 20°C SO2(g) + H2O2( l )  H2SO4(aq)
The BOD values of different samples of water  Oxides of Nitrogen : Dinitrogen and dioxygen
a) For pure water- 1 ppm. are main constituents of air.
b) Fairly pure water - 3 ppm  These gases do not react with each other at a normal
c) Doubtful purity - 5 ppm temperature. At high altitudes when lightening
d) Municipal sewage - 100-4000 ppm. strikes, they combine to form oxides of nitrogen.
 BOD greater than 17ppm indicates high pollution  NO2 is oxidised to nitrate ion, NO3 which is washed
and is harmful.
into soil, where it serves as a fertilizer.
no.of mg of O2 required
BOD =  When fossil fuels are burnt in an automobile engines,
vol.of H 2O in lit at high temperature forms nitric oxide (NO) and
Environmental Pollution: nitrogen dioxide ( NO2).
 Environmental pollution is the effect of undesirable N 2(g) + O2(g) 
 2NO(g)
changes in our surroundings that have harmful
effects on plants and animals. NO reacts instantly with oxygen to give NO2
2NO(g) + O2(g)  2NO2(g)
Atmospheric Pollution (Air pollution)
The rate of production of NO2 is high when nitric
 Troposphere is the lowest region of atmosphere in
oxide reacts with ozone in the stratosphere.
which the human beings live along with other
NO(g) + O3(g)  NO2(g) + O2(g)
 The irritant red haze in the traffic and congested
Tropospheric Pollution places is due to oxides of nitrogen.
 It occurs due to the presence of undesirable solid  Higher concentrations of NO2 damage the leaves
or gaseous particles in the air. of plants and retard the rate of photosynthesis.
A) Gaseous Air Pollutants: These are oxides  Nitrogen dioxide is a lung irritant that can lead
of sulphur, oxides of nitrogen, oxides of carbon, children.
hydrogen sulphide, hydrocarbons, ozone and other  It is toxic to living tissues.
oxidants.  Nitrogen dioxide is harmful to various textile fibres
B) Particulate Pollutants : These are dust, and metals.
mist, fumes, smoke, smog etc. Hydrocarbons :
 Hydrocarbons are carcinogenic, i.e., they cause
 They harm plants by causing ageing,breakdown of heat emitted by earth and reflect back. By this earth
tissues and shedding of leaves, flowers and twigs. surface gets heated up.
Oxides of Carbon  In addition to CO2, the green house gases are CFC,
Carbon Monoxide: Ozone, Nitric oxide, Methane, Water vapour etc.
 Carbon monoxide is mainly released into the air by  The sources of green house gases - CFC – from
automobile exhaust. air conditioners
 Coal, firewood, petrol, hydro carbons also produce Methane – from paddy fields , coal mines,rotting
CO on combustion garbage dumps, fossil fuels Nitric oxide – burning
 CO binds to haemoglobin to form of fossil fuels.
carboxyhaemoglobin, which is about 300 times  It leads to melting of polar ice caps and flooding of
more stable than the oxyhaemoglobin complex. low lying areas all over the earth
 In blood, when the concentration of carboxy  Increase in the global temperature increase the
incidence of infectious diseases like dengue, malaria,
haemoglobin reaches about 3- 4 % the oxygen
yellow fever, sleeping sickness etc.
carrying capacity of blood is greatly reduced.
Acid Rain
 This oxygen deficiency results into headache, weak
 When the pH of the rain water drops below
eye sight, nervousness and cardiovascular
5.6, it is called acid rain.
disorders.  Normally rain water has a pH of 5.6 due to the
 In pregnant women, the increased CO level in blood reaction of rain water with carbon dioxide
may induce premature delivery, spontaneous present in the atmosphere.
abortions and birth of deformed babies.
 The permissible level of CO in atmosphere is 9ppm. H 2O(1) + CO2 (g)  H 2CO3(aq)
 Microbes in soil act as sink for CO
H 2CO3(aq)  H +(aq) + HCO3(aq)

Level of CO  Acid rain is a byproduct of a variety of

in atmosphere Effects humanactivities that emit the oxides of sulphur and
(ppm) nitrogen in the atmosphere. This causes dry deposits
or rain, fog and smog
10 2 Loss of vision
 SO2 and NO2 after oxidation and reaction with
100 15 Headache, water form acid rain. Particulate matter catalyse this
fatigue oxidation.
250 32 Un
consciousness 2SO2 g  + O2(g) + 2H 2O1  2H 2 SO4  aq 
750 60 Death after 4NO2(g) + O2(g) + 2H 2O1  4HNO3 aq 
few hours
1000 66 Immediate Adverse Effects:
death  Acid rain changes P H of the soil and effects
Carbon dioxide: fertility
 CO2 is liberated largely in to atmosphere byburning  Acid rain is harmful for agriculture, trees and
of fossil fuels, by decomposition of limestone and plants as it dissolves and washes away nutrients
during volcanic eruptions needed for their growth.
 Normally it forms about 0.03% by volume of the  It causes respiratory ailments in human beings
atmosphere. and animals.
 Excess of CO2 in the air is removed by green plants  It affects plants and animal life in aquatic
(photosynthesis) and this maintains an appropriate
 It corrodes water pipes resulting in the leaching
level of CO2 in the atmosphere.
of heavy metals such as iron, lead and copper
Global Warming & Greenhouse Effect into the drinking water.
 It is the progessive heating up of earth surface.  Acid rain damages buildings and other structures
Presence of CO2 in atmosphere block a part of made of stone or metal.
 The Taj Mahal in India has been affected by acid  Ozone is a toxic gas and both NO2 and O3are strong
rain. oxidising agents. They react with the unburnt
 The resulting acid rain reacts with marble, CaCO3 hydrocarbons in the polluted air to produce
of Taj Mahal causing damage to this wonderful formaldehyde, acrolein and peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN).
monument 1) 3CH4 +2O3  3CH 2 = O +3H 2O
B) Particulate Pollutants Formaldehyde
 Particulate pollutants are the minute solid particles 2) Acrolein – CH2= CHCHO
or liquid droplets in air.
3) Peroxyacetyl nitrate – CH3COONO2
 These are two types :
1) The viable particulates are bacteria, fungi, algae.
These are responsible for causing allergy in human O
beings. Effects of photochemical smog:
2) The non viable particulates are  Photochemical smog causes serious health oblems.
a) Smoke particulates- Cigarette smoke, smoke Both ozone and PAN act as powerful eye irritants.
from burning of fossil fuel  Ozone and nitric oxide irritate the nose and throat
and their high concentration causes headache, chest
b) Dust – produced during crushing, grinding.
pain, dryness of the throat, cough and difficulty in
c) Mists – Sulphuric acid mist and herbicides and
insecticides.  Photochemical smog leads to cracking of rubber
d) Fumes – Organic solvents, metals and metallic and extensive damage to plant life
oxides.  It also causes corrosion of metals, stones, building
 The effect of particulate pollutants are largely materials, rubber and painted surfaces.
dependent on the particle size. Control of photochemical smog:
 Particulate pollutants bigger than 5 microns are likely  By controlling the pollutants like NO 2 ,
to lodge in the nasal passage, whereas particles of hydrocarbons, the activity of ozone and PAN will
about 10 micron enter into lungs easily. be automatically reduced.
 Lead used to be a major air pollutant emitted by  Catalytic converters in automobiles, prevent the
vehicles. Lead (> 50 ppb) is carcinogenic release of nitrogen oxide and hydrocarbons
 This problem has now been overcome by using  Planting Pinus, Juniparus, Quercus, Pyrus and Vitis
unleaded petrol in most of the cities in India. can metabolise nitrogen oxide.
Smog: Stratospheric Pollution
 Smog is derived from smoke and fog. There are Formation and Break down of Ozone
two types of smog  Ozone in the stratosphere is a product of UV
a) Classical smog – present in cool humid climate. radiations acting on dioxygen (O2) molecules.
It is a mixture of smoke, fog and sulphur dioxide. O2 g    O g   O g 
Chemically it is a reducing mixture and so it is also
called as reducing smog or London smog. UV
O g  +O2  g    O 
b) Photochemical smog – present in warm, dry and 2N
+O  
3  g

sunny climate. It contains unsaturated hydrocarbons  The main reason of ozone layer depletion is believed
and nitrogen oxides. to be the release of chlorofluorocarbon compounds
 Photochemical smog has high concentration of (CFCs) also known as freons.
oxidising agents called as oxidising smog.  CFCs are released in the atmosphere, they mix with
Formation of photo chemical smog: the normal atmospheric gases and eventually reach
 When fossil fuels are burnt, two pollutants (NO) the stratosphere.
 In stratosphere, they get broken down by powerful
are emitted into atmosphere.
UV radiations, releasing chlorine free radical.
 The formation of photo chemical smog are : sun  
light. oxygen atom. NO2(g) hv
 NO(g) + O(g) with CF2C12 (g)  UV
 C l  g   C F2Cl  g 
the O2 in air to produce O3O(g) + O2(g)  O3(g)  The chlorine free radical then reacts with
d) Regeneration of NO2.NO(g)+O3(g)  NO2(g)+O2(g) stratospheric ozone to form chlorine monoxide
radicals and molecular oxygen.
   Water gets polluted in several ways by human
C l  g   O3  g   Cl O  g   O2  g  activities.
 Reaction of chlorine monoxide radical with atomic eg. municipal and industrial discharge, agricultural
oxygen produces more chlorine radicals. run off acid rain, drainage.
  Pollutant Source
Cl O  g   O  g   C l  g   O2  g 
Micro-organisms Domestic sewage
 The chlorine radicals are continuously regenerated
and cause the breakdown of ozone.
The Ozone Hole: Organic waste
 Depletion of ozone layer commonly known as ozone
hole, which is first observed over the South Pole.
 In winter, special type of clouds called polar
Plant nutrients chemical fertilizers
stratospheric clouds are formed over Antarctica.
 These polar stratospheric clouds provide surface Toxic heavy metals
on which chlorine nitrate formed gets hydrolysed Erosion of soil by
to form hypochlorous acid Sediments agriculture and strip
 It reacts with hydrogen chloride produced to give mining
molecular chlorine. Chemical used for
 Pesticides killing insects,
 Cl O  g   NO2 g   ClONO2 g  fungi and weeds
  Radioactive Mining of uranium
C l g   CH 4 g   C H 3 g   HCl g  substances containing minerals
Water used for
ClONO2 g   H 2O g   HOCl g   HNO3 g  Heat
cooling in industries
ClONO2 g   HCl g   Cl2 g   HNO3 g   Causes of Water Pollution
 When sunlight returns to the Antarctica in the spring, a) Pathogens
the sun’s warmth breaks up the clouds, then HOCl  These are disease causing agents.
and Cl2 are photolysed by sunlight.  They include bacteria and other organisms that enter
  water from domestic sewage and animal excreta.
 HOCl g    O H  g   C l g   Human excreta contain bacteria such as
 Escherichia coli and Streptococcus faecalis which
Cl g    2 C l g  cause gastrointestinal diseases.
 The chlorine radicals thus formed, initiate the chain b) Organic Wastes
reaction for ozone depletion.  The major water pollutant is organic matter such as
Effects of Depletion of the Ozone Layer leaves, grass and trash.
 UV radiations lead to ageing of skin, cataract,  Excessive phytoplankton growth within water is also
sunburn, skin cancer, killing of many a cause of water pollution. These wastes are
phytoplanktons, damage to fish productivity etc. biodegradable.
 Plant proteins get easily affected by UV radiations
which leads to the harmful mutation of cells.  If the concentration of dissolved oxygen of water is
 It increases evaporation through the stomata of the below 6 ppm, the growth of fish gets inhibited.
leaves and decreases the moisture content of the  The anaerobic bacteria (which do not require
soil. oxygen) begin to break down the organic waste
 Increase in UV radiations damage paints and fibres, and produce chemicals that have a foul smell and
causing them to fade faster. are harmful to human health.
Water Pollution  Aerobic (oxygen requiring) bacteria degrade these
 Imbalance in the quality of water so as to cause organic wastes and keep the water depleted in
adverse effect on the living organisms is called dissolved oxygen.
“Water pollution”
c) Chemical Pollutants Rearks
Method Reagent
 Water soluble inorganic metals such as cadmium,
mercury, nickel etc are the important pollutants.
 All these metals are dangerous to humans because
our body cannot excrete them.
 These metals can damage kidneys, central nervous
system, liver etc.
 The organic chemicals are another group of
substances that are found in polluted water.
eg : Petroleum products, major oil spills in oceans.
 Industrial chemicals like polychlorinated biphenyls,
Ion exchange Defluoron-1
(PCBs) which are used as cleansing solvents,
method Defluoron-2
detergents and fertilizers add to the list of water
pollutants. ii) Lead:
 PCBs are suspected to be carcinogenic.  Drinking water gets contaminated with lead when
 Fertilizers contain phosphates as additives. lead pipes are used for transportation of water.
 The addition of phosphates in water enhances algae  The prescribed upper concentration limit of lead in
growth. drinking water is about 50 ppb.
 Profuse growth of algae, covers the water surface  Lead can damage kidney, liver, reproductive system
and reduces the oxygen concentration in water. etc.
 The process in which nutrient enriched water bodies iii) Sulphate:
support a dense plant population, which kills animal  Excessive sulphate (>500 ppm) in drinking water
causes laxative effect. At moderate levels it is
life by depriving it of oxygen and results in
subsequent loss of biodiversity is known as
iv) Nitrate:
 The maximum limit of nitrate in drinking water is 50
i) Fluoride:
 The deficiency of F  in drinking water is harmful  Excess nitrate in drinking water can cause disease
and causes tooth decay. such as methemoglobinemia (‘blue baby’
 Soluble fluoride is often added to drinking water to syndrome).
bring its concentration upto 1 ppm or 1 mg dm-3. v) Other metals:
 F– ion concentration above 2 ppm causes brown  The maximum concentrations of metals can be
mottling of teeth. present in drinking water.
 The F– ions make the enamel on teeth much harder
by converting hydroxyapatite, Metal
[3(Ca3(PO4)2.Ca(OH)2], the enamel on the surface
of the teeth, into much harder fluorapatite, Fe 0.2
[3Ca3(PO4)2.CaF2]. Mn 0.05
Al 0.2
 The addition of F– decreases the colour of zirconium Cu 3
alizarin-S dye solution by removing zirconium from Zn 5
the dye in the form of colourless zirconium fluoride. Cd 0.005
It is used to detect F–. Soil Pollution :
 Excess fluoride (>10 ppm) causes harmful effect  The insecticides, pesticides and herbicides cause
to bones and teeth (Fluorosis) soil pollution.
Defluoridation : i) Pesticides and Herbicides :
 It is the process of removal of excess F– ion from  Prior to World War II, nicotine was used as pest
water. controlling substance.
 DDT was found to be of great use in the control of  Polythene bags, if swallowed by cattle can cost their
malaria insect-borne diseases. It is used in lives also.
agriculture to control the damages caused by b) Green Chemistry :
insects, rodents, weeds and various crop diseases.  Green chemistry is a production process that would
 Pesticides are basically synthetic toxic chemicals bring about minimum pollution or deterioration to
with ecological repercussions. the environment.
eg : Aldrin and Dieldrin  Organic solvents such as benzene, toluene, carbon
 Most of the organic toxins are water insoluble and tetrachloride etc., are highly toxic.
non-biodegradable.  No chemical pollutants will be introduced into the
 The process of transformation of persistent toxins environment, if in a chemical reaction, reactants are
from lower trophic level to higher trophic level fully converted to environmental friendly products.
through food chain is called bio-amplification . Green Chemistry in Every Day Life
 The concentration of toxins in higher animals reach i) Dry Cleaning of Clothes :
a level which causes serious metabolic and
 Tetra chloroethene (C12C=CC12), earlier used as
physiological disorders.
solvent for dry cleaning, is carcinogenic.
 Recently less persistent or more bio-degradable
 Now it is replaced by liquified carbondioxide, with
organo-phosphates and carbamates have been
a suitable detergent which is less harm to ground
 Now a days less harmful herbicides such as sodium
 H2O2 is used for the purpose of bleaching clothes
chlorate (NaC1O3), sodium arsinite (Na3AsO3) and
in the process of laundary, which gives better results
many others are introduced instead of pesticides.
and use lesser amount of water.
 Herbicides are toxic to mammals but are not as
persistent as organo-chlorides. ii) Bleaching of Paper :
 Some herbicides cause birth defects.  Chlorine gas was used earlier for bleaching paper.
 Corn- fields sprayed with herbicides are more prone  Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) with suitable catalyst,
to insect attack and plant disease than fields that promotes the bleaching action now a days.
are weeded manually. iii) Synthesis of Chemicals :
ii) Industrial Waste :  Ethanal (CH3CHO) is now commercially prepared
 Biodegradable wastes are generated by cotton, by one step oxidation of ethene in the presence of
paper, textile and food processing industries. ionic catalyst in aqueous medium with a yield of 90%.
 Non-biodegradable wastes are generated by  ‘Pt’ catalytic converters used to reduce the effect
power, steel, metallurgical plants. of exhaust fumes from vehicles contain the coating
eg: fly ash, slag, mud, tailings and gypsum. of metal over ceramic honey comb.
 Nowadays, fly ash and slag from the steel industry Worked Out Examples
are utilised by the cement industry. W.E.1:Dissolved oxygen values of four water
 Large quantities of toxic wastes are usually samples A, B, C and D are respectively
destroyed by controlled incineration, whereas small 1 ppm, 3 ppm, 5 ppm and 7 ppm. Which is more
quantities are burnt along with factory garbage in polluted?
open bins. Sol: Lesser the DO value, greater the extent of pollution
Strategies to Control Pollution of water. Thus, A is the most polluted water sample.
W.E.2:Biochemical oxygen demand values offour
a) Waste Management :
water samples A, B, C and D are respectively
 Collection and Disposal: Domestic wastes are 50 ppm, 100 ppm, 150 ppm and 40 ppm.
collected in small bins, by private or municipal Arrange them in the descending order of their
workers. purity.
 Biodegradable wastes are deposited in land fills and Sol :More the BOD value, more the extent of pollution
are converted into compost. and less the purity of water.
 Non-biodegradable materials such as plastic, glass, Thus purity of water samples is in the order
metal scraps etc. are sent for recycling. D > A > B > C.
W.E.3:100 ml of a sample of water requires 1.96
mg of potassium dichromate in the presence Level- I (C.W)
of 50% H2SO4 for the oxidation of dissolved Environmental Segments,Definitions &
organic matter in it. Calculate the chemical Terms
oxygen demand. 1. Environment consists of
Sol: One gram equivalent of any oxidant can give, one A) Atmosphere B) Hydrosphere
equivalent weight of oxygen (8g) C) Biosphere
49g K2Cr2O7 8g O2 1) A & B 2) B & C 3) C & A 4) A, B, C
2. Bhopal gas tragedy in 1984 was caused by
1.96 103 gK 2Cr2O7  ? (E - 2007,2011, M-2013)
8  1.96 103 1) CO 2) COCl2
  0.32mg 3) Methyl isocyanide 4) Methyl isocyanate
3. Contaminant is
Chemical oxygen demand of the given 100 ml 1) SO2 2) COCl2 3) Pb 4) Methyl isocyanate
0.32 4. The pollutant is
sample of water   3.2 ppm
1) Leakage of MIC 2) Oil spills from ships
W.E.4:DO value of a water sample is 6 ppm. 3) Carbon monoxide 4) Leakage of Cl2
Calculate the weight of dissolved oxygen 5. A good quality of water will have
present in 100 kg of water sample. A) high DO B) high BOD C) high COD
Sol :DO value 6 ppm means, 106 g of water contains 1) A 2) B & C 3) C & A 4) A, B, C
6g of dissolved oxygen. 6. The sink for dead plants and animals is
1) Seawater 2) River
106 g water  6gO 2 3) Micro organisms 4) Atmosphere
6 105 7. The amount of oxygen required to oxidize
100kg 10 g  water 
 0.6 g organic substance present in water is called
106 1) DO 2) COD 3) BOD 4) TLV
Amount of dissolved oxygen in water = 0.6 g. 8. The amount of oxygen used by micro organisms
W.E.5:The COD value of a water sample is 40 ppm. present in water for five days at 200C is called
Calculate the amount of acidified K 2Cr2O7 1) COD 2) DO 3) TLV 4) BOD
required to oxidise the organic matter present 9. Four samples of waterA, B, C and D have
in 500 ml of that water sample. the DO values 1 mg / litre, 3mg / litre,
Sol :COD value is 40 ppm. It means 106g of water 5 mg / litre and 8mg/litre respectively. The
sample require 40 g of oxygen to oxidise the organic more polluted sample of water is
matter in it. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D
40  500 10. Among the following the region of atmosphere
500 water   2  102 g of O 2
106 -2 containing ozone
500 mL water sample requires 2 x 10 g of O2, to
1) Troposphere 2) Thermosphere
oxidise the organic matter present in it.
3) Mesosphere 4) Stratosphere
49  2 102 11. Organic pollution in water is measured by
2  102 g of O 2  g of K 2Cr2O7
8 1) PH 2) Salinity 3) COD 4) DO
Amount of K2Cr2O7 required to oxidise the organic 12. BOD values of 4 water samples A, B, C, D are
matter present in the water sample is 0.1225g. 60, 80, 100 and 150 mg/lit respectively. Which
W.E.6: Ozone is harmful in the environment segment is more polluted
‘x’ but it is useful in the environment segment 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D
‘y’. What are x and y? 13. Parameter for the true representation of
Sol :‘x’ is troposphere ( In this ozone acts as green house organic pollution is
gas). 1) COD 2) BOD 3) COD+BOD 4) DO
‘y’ is stratosphere (In this ozone absorbs harmful
UV radiation)
14. If BOD of a river is high it means that the 24. The level of CO gas in air that causes
river is immediate death is
1) Not polluted 1) 10 ppm 2) 100 ppm
2) Very much polluted with inorganic chemicals 3) 500 ppm 4) 1000 ppm
3) Very much polluted by organic chemicals which 25. The automobile vehicle pollutant is
are decomposed by microorganisms 1) H2O 2) NO2
4) Polluted by pesticides 3) Particulate 4) Hydrocarbons
15. BOD is connected with 26. Atmosphere of big cities is polluted most by
1) Organic matter 2) Microbes 1)Automobile exhausts 2) Radioactive fall out
3) Microbes and organic matter 3)Household waste 4) Pesticide residue
4) Inorganic matter 27. Incomplete combustion of petrol in
16. Which of the following statements is false? automobile engines can be detected by testing
1) Lower the concentration of D.O the more the fuel gases for the presence of
polluted is the water sample. 1) CO2 , H 2O 2) CO 3) NO2 4) SO2
2) The tolerable limit of lead in drinking water is 50 28. Particulate pollutant is
ppm 1) H 2 S 2) Smog 3) O3 4) SO2
3) Water is considered pure if it has BOD less than 29. Which one of the following is a viable
5 ppm particulate
4) Microbials are not oxidized by oxidizing agents 1) Algae 2) Smoke 3) Mist 4) Fume
ike K2Cr2O7. 30. Which of the following act as sink for CO?
17. Bauxite ore and oil wells belongs to 1) Animals 2) Microbes in soil
1) Atmosphere 2) Biosphere 3) Oceans 4) Plants
3) Lithosphere 4) Hydrosphere 31. The irritant red haze in the traffic and
18. The following that can cause depletion of ozone is congested places is due to oxides of
1) H2S 2) NO 3) Smoke 4) Aqua sols 1) Nitrogen 2) Carbon
19. Hottest region of the atmosphere is 3) Sulphur 4) 1, 2, 3
1) Mesosphere 2) Stratosphere 32. Fly ash is a contaminant in air due to
3) Thermosphere 4) Troposphere 1) Thermal power plants 2) Nuclear power plants
20. The lowest region of atmosphere is 3) Electrolytic refining of metals
1) Mesosphere 2) Troposphere 4) Hydro power plants.
3) Stratosphere 4) Thermosphere 33. The source of CO2 in the atmosphere were
21. The minimum level of a pollutant above which A) Combustion B) Fermentation
a healthy individual worker is adversely C) Respiratory processes of animal life
affected on exposure to it for 8 hrs in a day is 1) A & B 2) B & C 3) C & A 4) A, B, C
called Acid Rains, Smog & Depletion of O3
1) Critical limit value 2) Toxic limit value (TLV) Layer
3) Threshold limit value 4) Dangerous limit value 34. Acid rain are due to
Air Pollution 1) Oxides of Phosphorous 2) Oxides of nitrogen
22. Which of the following is a secondary air 3) Oxides of sulphur 4) Both 2 & 3
pollutant? 35. The pH of the acid rain is approximately
1) CO 2) Hydrocarbons 1) 5.6 2) 2-3 3) 7-9 4) >10
3) PAN 4) NO 36. Classical smog occurs in
23. Man dies in the atmosphere of CO because 1) Cool climate 2) Humid climate
3) Cool and humid climate
1) It combines with the O2 present in the body to
4) Hot and humid climate
form CO2
37. PAN an important constituent of to chemical
2) It combines with the haemoglobin of blood smog, is formed by the action of NO2 and
making it incapable of absorbing O2 O3 on
3) It reduces the organic matter of tissues
1) Unburnt hydrocarbons 2) Aldehydes
4) It dries up the blood
3) Pesticides 4) Herbicides
46. Eutrophication in lakes takes place due to
38. PAN or PBN is formed in photochemical smog by
1) Excess of dissolved O2 2) Increase in soil pH
1) The action of nitrogen oxides on unburnt 3) Large concetrations of phospate nutrients in
hydrocarbons in presence of sunlight water
2) The action of CO2 on unburnt hydrocarbons in 4) Dissolved fluorides
the presence of sunlight 47. Bioamplification is due to
3) The action of H2S on unburnt hydrocarbons in 1) Increase in the concentration of pesticides in water
the presence of sunlight 2) Gradual accumulation of pesticides from lower
4) The action of O2 on hydrocarbons. animals to higher animals
3) Gradual decrease in concentration of pesticides
39. Which one of the following statements regarding
in H2O
photochemical smog is not correct? 4) Increase in space of biosphere
1) CO does not play any role in photochemical smog Soil Pollution
2) Photochemical smog is an oxidising agent in 48. A fertile soil is likely to have a pH of
character 1) 3 2) 9 3) 6-7 4) 14
3) Photochemical smog is formed through 49. Saline soil contains
photochemical reaction involving solar energy and A) High concentration of salt
nitrogen oxides B) Lot of moisture C) Hard rocks
4) Photochemical smog contains low concentration 1) A 2) A & B 3) B & C 4) A, B, C
of oxidising agent. Key Level - I (C.W)
40. In the formation of photochemical smog which 01) 4 02) 4 03) 4 04) 3 05) 1 06) 3
of the following does not take place ? 07) 2 08) 4 09) 1 10) 4 11) 3 12) 4
13) 1 14) 3 15) 3 16) 4 17) 3 18) 2
1) NO 2  g   hv NO g   O g  ; 19) 3 20) 2 21) 3 22) 3 23) 2 24) 4
O g   O 2  g   O3  g  25) 2 26) 1 27) 2 28) 2 29) 1 30) 2
31) 1 32) 1 33) 4 34) 4 35) 1 36) 3
2) NO g   O3 g   NO2  g   O2  g  37) 1 38) 1 39) 4 40) 4 41) 4 42) 2
3) 3CH 4  g   2 O3  NO
  3CH 2  O  3 H 2 O
2 43) 1 44) 4 45) 2 46) 3 47) 2 48) 3
49) 1
4) CH 2  O  H 2  CH 3OH
41. Depletion of ozone layer is not due to Level - I (H.W)
1) Cl2 2) NO 3) CFC’s 4) CO Environmental Segments, Definitions &
Water pollution Terms
42. Surface water contains 1. Lithosphere does not include
1) Suspended impurity 2) Salt + organic matter 1) Earth 2) Mineraloil 3) Mineral 4) Sea water
3) Only salt 4) Organic matter 2. Which of the following oxidants is used in the
43. Which causes death of fish in water bodies determination of COD of a water sample in the
polluted by sewage ? laboratory?
1) Decrease in D.O 2) Increase in D.O 1) KNO3 2)KMnO4
3) Decrease in C.O.D 4) All the above 3) Oxalic acid 4) K2Cr2O7+50% H2SO4
44. Water polluted by toxic metals and their 3. TLV indicates the permissible level of toxic
compounds cause A)Cancer B)Diarrhoea substances that can
C) Skin disease A) be present in a mine
1) A & B 2) B & C 3) C & A 4) A, B, C B) not be present in an industry
45. Untreated domestic sewage has a low C) be tolerated by a worker in his
surrounding atmosphere
1) BOD value 2) % of dissolved O2
3) Amounts of dissolved salts 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) A, B & C
4) % of suspended organic matter
4. BOD value less than 5 ppm indicates awater 13. UV radiation causes
sample to be 1) Melanoma 2) Agening of skin
1) Very clean 3) Cataract 4) All
2) O 2 required to break down of organic 14. To prevent damage of Taj Mahal the required
matter is high measure/s is/ are
3) Not useful for drinking 1) People in Taj Trapezium shall use liquified
4) Not suitable for aquatic life petroleum gas instead of coal or oil
5. The gaseous envelop around the earth is 2) Automobiles on high ways shall use low sulphur
known as atmosphere. The lowest layer of this content diesel.
is extended upto 10 km from sea level, this
3) Prevention of industries which allow SO2 or NO2
layer is called
into atmosphere.
1) Stratosphere 2) Troposphere
4) All
3) Mesosphere 4) Hydrosphere
15. At the traffic signals our eyes get burning
Air Pollution
sensation due to the fumes emitted by vehicles.
6. The chemicals present in mesosphere are
In this case the receptor is
1) O2 , NO  2) NO2, NO 1) Signal 2) Vechicle 3) Eyes 4) Fumes
 16. Melting of ice caps is due to
3) CO, CO2 4) NO2 , O
7. In which of the following region of atmosphere 1) Depletion of ozone layer 2) Global warming
CO gas is present ? 3) Acid rain 4) Eutrophication
1) Mesosphere 2) Stratosphere 17. Global warming can be prevented by
3) Thermosphere 4) Troposphere 1) Deforestation 2) Growing trees
8. High concentrations of gas retards that the rate 3) Agricultural activities
of photosynthesis 4) Preventing use of herbicides
1) COx 2) NOx 3) SOx 4) ClOx 18. Which of the following gases is not a green
9. Catalytic converters used to reduce the effect house gas?
of exhaust fumes from vehicles contain the 1) Water vapour 2) O3 3) CH4 4) CO
coating of metal over ceramic honey comb. 19. Which one is not correct regarding green
1) Zn 2) Pt 3) Cu 4) Al house effect?
10. Pollution is mainly caused by
1) It occurs due to high concentration of CO2 in the
1) Increase in population and decrease in natural
2) Industrialisation 2) It is caused by gases such as CH4, O3 and
3) Urbanization and deforestation 4) All chlorofluorocarbons
11. Which of the following statement is not correct 3) It would result in the warming up of the earth’s
1) O3 is not responsible for green house effect surface
2) O3 can oxidise SO2 present in atmosphere to SO3 4)It would result in lowering the level of oceans
3) O3 hole is the thining of ozone layer present in due to high evaporation of sea water
the stratosphere Acid Rains, Smog & Depletion of O3
4) O3 is produced in upper stratosphere by the layer
action UV rays on oxygen 20. Taj Mahal appearance is affected by pollution
12. The wrong statement in the following is from
1) Acid-rain takes place mostly because of presence 1) Hydrocarbons 2) Oxides of nitrogen
of oxides of nitrogen and sulphur in the atmosphere. 3) Oxides of sulphur 4) Both 2 and 3
2) Chloro fluoro carbons are responsible for O3 21. Photochemical smog occurs in
depletion. 1) Warm climate 2) Warm and wet climate
3) Green house effect is responsible for global
3) Wet and sunny climate
4) Warm, dry sunny climate
4) O3 layer allows UV radiations to reach the earth.
22. Which of the following statements is not true 34. Which of the following metals is/are toxic and
about classical smog? pollutants?
1) The main components are produced by the A) Cadmium B) Lead C) Mercury D) Zinc
action of sunlight on emissions of automobiles and
factories 1) C, D 2) A, B 3) B, C, D 4) A, B, C
2) Occurs in cold and humid climate 35. Domestic waste contains
3) It contains reducing agents 1) Toxicpollutants
4) It contains smoke, fog and SO2 2) Non- biodegradable pollutants
23. Which of the following deplete ozone layer? 3) Biodegradable pollutants
1) SO2 2) CO2 3) CO 4) NO & freons
4) Both biodegradable and non-biodegradable
24. Species formed first in the depletion of ozone pollutants
layer by chloro fluoro carbons
36. DDT as pesticide is introduced by which of the
 
1) O2, F2, Cl 2) Cl & CF2 Cl following
  1) Aldrin 2) Dieldrin
3) OF2, Cl 4) OCl2, Cl
3) Both 1 and 2 4) Na3AsO3
25. Freons are
1) Metal fluorides 2) Poly cyclic fluorides 37. DDT is
3) Chlorofluro carbons 4) Iodo bromo carbon 1) An antibiotic 2) A fertilizer
26. Among the following compounds, which one is 3) A non degradable pollutant
not responsible for depletion of ozone layer? 4) Dichloro difluoro titanium
1) N2 2) CFCl3 3) NO 4) Cl2
38. Sewage containing organic waste when allowed
27. The common component/s of photochemical
smog is/ are into water bodies
1) CH2O 2) NO2 3) Acrolein 4) All 1) Helps in the growth of aquatic life
Water Pollution 2) Increases the amount of dissolved oxygen in water
28. Incorrect statement is 3) Decreases the amount of dissolved oxygen in water
1) SO2, CO, Pb and Hg are pollutants 4) Helps in killing of bacteria
2) Methyl isocyanate and oil spills from ships are 39. Which one is not correct statement regarding
pollutants minimizing environmental pollution?
3) Sea water is receptor for CO 1) Manures and biofertilizers should be used in
4) Microorganism is sink for dead plants and animals place of chemical fertilizers.
29. Increasing the concentration of pollutant by the
2) All nuclear tests to be stopped.
process of food chain is called
1) Eutrophication 2) Bioamplification 3) Green belts in cities should be developed
3) Chemical amplification 4) Biological pollution 4) Domestic garbage must be burnt.
30. Lakes containing excess of bacterial nutrients 40. The acceptable level of lead in drinking water
called in ppm is
1) Polluted lakes 2) Eutrophic lakes 1) 150 2) 250 3) 50 4) 80
3) Fertile lakes 4) Green lakes 41. The maximum prescribed concentration of
31. Beyond which minimum concentration of F- water cadmium in drinking water in ppm is
becomes useless for drinking purpose 1) 0.05 2) 3 3) 2 4) 0.005
1) 10 ppm 2) 5 ppm 3) 2 ppm 4) 20 ppm 42. The maximum allowed concentration in ppm
32. Which of the following is a herbicide? of zinc in drinking water
1) NaClO3 2) Na2SO4 3) Na3AsO4 4) NaC1 1) 5.0 2)0.05 3)3.0 4) 0.2
33. Which of the following is / are proper method 43. F– ions make enamel on teeth harder by
to dispose sludge?
converting hydroxy apatite into
A) Incineration B) Dumping
C) Anaerobic digestion by microbes 1) Ca3(PO4)2 2) Ca3(PO4)2 CaFCl
D) Filtration 3) 3Ca3(PO4)2 CaF2 4) Ca3(PO4)2 CaO F2
1) C, D 2) A, B 3) B, C, D 4) A, B, C
44. Addition of phosphates to water ponds causes
eutrophication due to
1) Reduction in dissolved oxygen concentration in
2) Enhancement of algae growth
3) Inhibition of growth of other living organisms and
subsequent loss of biodiversity
4) All the above three
45. Presence of lead in water causes
1) Damages kidney, liver 2) Causes skin cancer
3) Causes respiratory problems
4) Irritation of eyes
46. DDT can act as
1) Insecticide 2) Weedicide
3) Rodenticide 4) Nerve toxins
47. Carbamates are
A) Nerve toxins B) Biodegradable
C) Pesticides D) Insecticide
1) A & B only 2) B & C only
3) B & D only 4) All of these
48. Major water pollutants are
1) Domestic sewage 2) Chemical fertilizers
3) Erosion of soil by strong mining 4) All
Key Level - I (H.W)
01) 4 02) 4 03) 3 04) 1 05) 2 06) 1
07) 4 08) 3 09) 2 10) 4 11) 1 12) 4
13) 4 14) 4 15) 3 16) 2 17) 2 18) 4
19) 4 20) 4 21) 4 22) 1 23) 4 24) 2
25) 3 26) 1 27) 4 28) 3 29) 2 30) 2
31) 3 32) 1 33) 4 34) 4 35) 4 36) 3
37) 3 38) 3 39) 4 40) 3 41) 4 42) 3
43) 3 44) 4 45) 1 46) 4 47) 4 48) 4
Level-II (C.W) 9. When rain is accompanied by a thunderstorm,
the collected rain water will have a pH value
Environmental Segments, Definitions & 1) Slightly lower than that of rain water without
Terms thunderstorm
1. 500 ml of a sample COD of water required 19 .6 2) Slightly higher than that when the thunderstorm
mg of K2Cr2O7 of water sample is is not there
1) 8 ppm 2) 6.4 ppm 3) 16.8ppm 4) 4.9ppm 3) Not influenced by occurrence of thunderstorm
2. Which environmental segment interacts with 4) Depends upon the amount of dust in air
all the other environmental segments? 10. Lung diseases are four times more in urban
1) Atmosphere 2) Biosphere areas than in rural areas. This is due to the
3) Lithosphere 4) Hydrosphere presence of
3. The temperature in troposphere with altitude 1) SO2 2) CO2 3) N2 4) Water vapour
1) Increases 2) Decreases 11. Diesel vehicles pollute the environment
3) Increases and then decreases largely through
4) Decreases and then increases A) CO B) NOx C) Particulates
4. The chemical entities present in thermosphere of 1) A & B 2) B & C
the atmosphere are (EAM-2009) 3) C & A 4) A, B & C
12. Green house effect is mainly due to increase
1) O2 , O  , NO  2) O 3 in the levels of this substance in the
3) N 2 , O2 , CO2 , H 2O 
4) O3 , O2 , O2 atmosphere
1) O2 2) CO 3) CO2 4) N2
5. Which is the correct statement?
A) Receptor is the medium which is affected 13. The life and appearance of the historic
by the pollutant monuments like Tajmahal are likely to be
B) Sink is the medium which decreases the damaged by the presence of
effect of pollutant 1) Hydrocarbons 2) Excess of SO2
C) COD measures the organic pollution of water 3) CFC 4) Cl2
1) A & B 2) B & C 3) C & A 4) A, B & C 14. If CCl 3
F is present in the stratosphere, it will
6. Identify the correct decreasing order of the react with
following with respect to altitude from A) Ozone B) N2 C) CO2
1) A 2) B 3) A & B 4) C & A
15. Which one of the following statement is false?
I) Trophosphere II) Mesosphere
1) O3 layer is destroyed by CFCs
III) Thermosphere 2) O3 involved in photochemical smog
1) II, III, I 2) III, II, I 3) I, II, III 4) I, III, II 3) A product of photochemical smog is CO2
7. The correct increasing order of the following 4) Smog reduces visibility
with respect to temperature range 16. Peeling of ozone umbrella is due to
I) Troposphere II) Stratosphere I) PAN II) Freons III) CO2 IV) NO
III) Thermosphere The correct answer is
1) II, I, III 2) II, III, I 3) III, I, II 4) I, II, III 1) I,II 2) II,III 3) II,IV 4) III, IV
Air Pollution 17. The proposal to ban supersonic jet planes in
Russia is becasue
8. Very toxic gas which causes headache, visual
A) They travel with very high speed
difficulty, paralysis and even death in the
B) It is dangerous to travel in them
human beings is C) Their exhaust gases react with ozone
A) CO2 B) O3 C) CO 1) A & B 2) B 3) C 4) A
1) A & B 2) A 3) C 4) B
18. Chlorofluro carbons are effective scavengers for 2. Threshold limit values of X, Y, and Z pollutants
ozone due to are 9 ppm, 10 ppm and 15 ppm. The correct
1) Photolytic reaction of O2 producing Cl radicals answer is/are
2) Photolytic decomposition of O2 producing O3 A) X is more toxic than Y
3) Photolytic decomposition of O3 by Cl into O2 B) Y is less toxic than X
4) Photolytic production of oxides of nitrogen C) Z is less toxic than X and Y
19. Water is often treated with chlorine to D) X is more toxic than Y and Z
1) Increase oxygen content 2) Kill germs The correA answer is
3) Remove suspended particles 1) A. B 2) B, C 3) A. C 4) A, D
4) Remove hardness 3. Which of the following indicates high level of
20. Eutrophication causes reduction in pollution of water?
A) Nutrients B) Dissolved salts A) High DO value B) High COD value
C) Dissolved oxygen C) High BOD value D) High TLV
1) A 2) B & C 3) C 4) A, B & C The correct answer is
21. Which of the following is / are weedicides? 1) C, D 2) B, C 3) B, C, D 4) A. D
A) Sodium chlorate B) DDT
C) Sodium arsenate D) BHC
Air Pollution
4. Identify the wrong statement in the following
1) A, C 2) A , B 3) A, D 4) B, D
Key Level - II (C.W) 1) Chlorofluorocarbons are responsible for ozone
01) 2 02) 2 03) 2 04) 1 05) 4 06) 2 layer depletion.
07) 4 08) 3 09) 1 10) 1 11) 4 12) 3 2) Green house effect is responsible for global
13) 2 14) 1 15) 3 16) 3 17) 3 18) 3 warming.
19) 2 20) 3 21) 1 3) Ozone layer permit UV radiation from the sun
to reach the earth
Hints Level-II (C.W)
4) Acid rain is the mostly because of oxides of
1. 19.6 × 10 -3 g K 2Cr2 O 7 ................500 ml of H 2 O nitrogen and sulphur.
5. Important sinks for CO2 are
?............. 106 ml of H 2O A) Oceans B) Plants
49g of K 2 Cr2O7 =8g of O2 C) Microorganisms
39.2g of K 2 Cr2 O7 =? The correct answer is
COD = 6.4 ppm 1) A 2) A, B 3) A, B, C 4) A, C
6. Which of the following statements are correct
Level - II (H.W) A) Carbamates are nerve toxins
Environmental Segments, Definitions & B) diethanol amine is an environment friendly
Terms herbicide
C) Fly ash is a contaminent in air due to thermal
1. Which of the following statements are correct? power plants and steel industry
A) Sink for CO is ocean D) Haemoglobin of the blood forms carboxy
B) Green house effect Causes lowering of haemoglobin with CO
temperature of earth’s surface The correct answer is
C) To control CO emission by automobiles, 1)A, B, C 2) B, C, D 3) A, B, D 4) A, B, C, D
usually catalytic converters fitted into exhaust 7. The acceptable level of carbon monoxide gas
pipes (CO) in the atmosphere in ppm level is
D) H2SO4, herbicides and insecticides form
1) 9 2) 250 3) 49 4) 850
1) A, B 2) C, D 3) B, D 4) A, D
8. The consequences of global warming are 16. Identify the incorrect statement from the
A) Increase in average temperature of the following (M-2011)
earth 1) Oxides of nitrogen in the atmosphere can cause
B) Melting of Himalayan glaciers depletion of ozone layer
C) Increased biochemical oxygen demand of 2) Ozone absorbs the intense ultraviolet radiations
natural water of the sun.
D)Eutrophication of water bodies 3) Depletion of ozone layer is because of its
The correct answer is chemical reactions with chlorofluoro alkanes
1) A, D 2) A, C 3) A, B 4) A, B , C 4) Ozone absorbs infrared radiations.
9. Green house effect is caused by 17. Cataract and skin cancer are caused by
i) A ccumulation of O2 in the atmosphere (EAM-2013)
ii) Depletion of O3 layer 1) Depletion of nitric oxide
iii) Accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere 2) Depletion of ozone layer
1) i & ii 2) i 3) iii 4) iii & i 3) Increase in methane
10. Which of the following is/are polluted? 4) Depletion of nitrous oxide
a) Rain water, with pH 5.6 18. What are X and Y in the following reaction?
b) The atmosphere contains 0.03% CO2 CF2Cl2   X Y (EAM-2014)
c) River water with a COD value 10 ppm 1)  CF2Cl , Cl 2)  C2 F4 , Cl2
d) Pon d wat er wi t h p h en omen on of
eutrophication.The correct answer is 3)  CFCl2 , F 4) CCl2 , F2
1) a, b 2) a, c, d 3) a, d 4) a, b, c, d Water Pollution
11. The acid responsible to make rain water acidic is 19. How many of the following in drinking water
a) H3PO4 b) H2CO3 c) HNO3 d) H2SO4 below 30 ppm do not cause any effect on the
The correct answer is body as per international standards of water?
1) a, b 2) a, c 3) b, c, d 4) a, c, d Pb2+,Hg2+,Mn2+,Cd2+,Cl–,NO3–,SO42,Ca2+,Mg2+
12. The pair of gases responsible for acid rain are
1) 5 2) 2 3) 3 4) 6
(EAM-2012) 20. Agricultural outflows contains phosphate
1) H2, O3 2) CH4, O3 fertilizers leads to
3) NO2, SO2 4) CO, CH4 A) Enhanced growth of algae in rivers
13. The smog is essentially caused by the presence of B) Decrease in the amount of dissolved oxygen
1) O2 and O3 2) O2 and N2 in water
3) Oxides of sulphur and nitrogen C)Increase in fish pollution
4) CO2 and SO3 The correct answer is
1)A,B 2) C 3)A,C 4) A, B, C
14. Which of the following is/are responsible for 21. It is preferred to bleach paper using
photochemical smog formation? 1) H 2 O2 + catalyst 2) NaOCl
A) CO2 B) SO2 C) NO 3) SO2 4) Cl2
D) hydrocarbons. The correct answer is 22. Better medium of chemical reaction according
1) A, B 2) B, C 3) C, D 4) A, D to green chemistry is
15. Formation of London smog takes place in 1) Water 2) Ether 3) Ammonia 4) Benzene
1) Winter during day time Key Level - II (H.W)
2) Summer during day time 01) 2 02) 3 03) 2 04) 3 05) 2 06) 4
3) Summer during morning time 07) 1 08) 3 09) 3 10) 2 11) 3 12) 3
4) Winter during morning time 13) 2 14) 3 15) 4 16) 4 17) 2 18) 1
19) 1 20) 1 21) 1 22) 1
Level - III 13. A: The pH of rain water is less than 5.6.
R: Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere dissolves in
Asseration - Reason Type Questions rain and forms acid solution.
1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct 14. A: Acid rains have been reported in some places
explanation of A. which are far away from the places where industries
2) Both A and R are true but R is not correct are located.
explanation of A. R: Rain clouds move from the industrial areas to
3) A is true and R is false. the other areas due to the blow of wind
4) A is false and R is true. 15. A: Aldehydes are one of the constituents of
1. Assertion(A):Ionosphere contains gases in the photochemical smog.
ionized form which form the basis for wireless R: Aldehydes are produced by photochemical
communication. oxidation of hydrocarbons by ozone.
Reason (R): These ions reflect back the radio 16. A: Photo chemical smog is oxidising in nature.
waves to the earth. R: Photochemical smog contains NO and O3 which
2. A: Smaller particles (size <5 microns) cause fibrosis are formed during sequence of reactions.
of the lung lining.
17. A: Ozone is destroyed by solar radiation in upper
R: They are more likely to penetrate into the lungs. stratosphere.
3. A: The medium which is affected by the pollutant R: Thinning of O3 layer allows UV radiation to reach
is receptor the surface of the earth.
R: The medium which reacts with pollutants is sink. 18. A: Fluorosis results if F– ion concentration exceeds
4. A: The lower the concentration of DO, the more 10 ppm in drinking water.
polluted is the water sample. R: Nalgonda technique is a cheap method for
R: Oxygen is consumed by microbes for the removing F– ions from drinking water.
decomposition of organic matter present in water. 19. A: Excessive use of chlorinated syntheic pesticides
5. A: Atmosphere plays an important role in causes soil and water pollution
maintaining the heat balance on earth. R: Such pesticides are non-biodegradable.
R: At mosphere absorbs a portion of 20. A: If BOD level of water in a reservoir is less than
electromagnetic radiation coming from the sun and 5 ppm, it is highly pollute.
transmits near UV, visible and near IR radiation.
R: High biological oxygen demand means high
6. A : Excess amount of CO, in air is responsible for
green house effect. activity of bacteria in water.
R: CO2 is largely produced in respiratory functions.
Matching Type Questions
21. List-I
7. A: Alkylated mercury is more toxic than mercury.
R:The toxicity of the pollutant depends upon the
nature of speciation. B) COD
8. A: For green house effect, presence of green plants C) DO
is essential.. D) BOD
R: CO 2 and water vapour present in the List-II
atmosphere absorb the re-emitted IR radiation from 1) Oxygen required to oxidiseorganic substance
the earth surface and warm the air.
present in polluted water.
9. A: Countries like Netherlands, Bangladesh and
Maldives face danget of getting submerged. 2) Oxygen used by microoriganisms present in
water for 5 days.
R: Due to global warming, polar ice caps melt,
increasing the level of sea water. 3) Oxygen present in water in dissolved state.
10. A: Acid rain reduces the fertility of the soil. 4) Permissible level of pollutant that can be present
R: Acid rain has a corroding effect on marble buildings. in a mine.
11. A: Rain water normally has a P of  5.6. 5) Oxygen that is present in atmosphere.
R: This is due to the presence of H2SO4 and HNO3 The correct match is
produced form oxides of sulphur and nitrogen. A B C D A B C D
12. A: The oxides of nitrogen and sulphur combine with 1) 2 3 5 1 2) 3 4 2 5
rain water and come down as acid rain. 3) 4 1 3 2 4) 1 2 4 3
R: Acid rains cause depletion of ozone layer.
22. List-I List-II A B C D A B C D
A) Green house gases 1) CO 1) 3 5 2 1 2) 2 3 4 5
B) Silent killer gas 2) CO2 3) 1 2 5 3 4) 4 3 2 1
C) Photo chemical smog 3) CFCs 26. List-I List-II
D) Acid rains 4) O3, NO2 A) Prevents UV 1) Mesosphere
5) N2O5, SO3 radiation
The correct match is B) No propagation of 2) Thermosphere
A B C D A B C D sound waves
1) 2 1 4 5 2)3 2 5 1 C) Maintenance of the 3) Stratosphere
3) 4 3 1 2 4)1 2 4 3 heat balance
23. List-I List-II D) All gases are ionised 4) Troposphere
A) Freons 1) Rise in temperature 5) Lithosphere
of earths surface The correct match is
B) Ozone 2) Forms holes in ozone A B C D A B C D
layer 1) 3 1 4 2 2) 4 2 3 1
C) Carbon dioxide 3) Protects life from UV 3) 2 3 4 5 4) 1 5 2 3
raidation. 27. Match the following
D) Sulphur dioxide 4) Increase in fluoride List I List II
ion concentration A) Herbicide I) Oxidizing nature
5) Acid rain B) Photochemical II) Benzopyrene smog
The correct match is C) London smog III) NaC1O3
A B C D A B C D D) Carcinogenic IV) Reducing nature
1) 2 3 1 5 2) 3 4 5 2 substance
3) 1 3 4 2 4) 4 2 1 3 The correct match is
24. List-I
A) Green house effect
B) Acid rain
28. Match the following
C) Depletion of ozone layer List I
D) Photo chemical smog A) 50% H2SO4 K2Cr2O7
List-II B) Chemical formula of pollutant
1) Cause skincancer, cataract C) Ozone depletion
2) Corrodes marble,painted surfaces. D) Sea water
3) Melting of polar ice caps List II
4) Cause irritation of eyes and mucous I) Skin cancer
membrane. II) Sink of CO2
5) Causes headache and decreased vision. III) Speciation
The correct match is IV) Determination of COD
The correct match is
1) 2 3 4 5 2) 3 2 1 4
3) 1 3 2 5 4) 4 2 3 1 3) I III II IV 4) IV III II I
25. List-I List-II 29. Match the following
A) Atmosphere 1) Living organisms List 1
B) Hydrosphere 2) Rocks, soil etc A) Biodegradable
C) Lithosphere 3) The region of water B) Non-biodegradable
D) Biosphere 4) Gaseous layer C) Viable particulates
5) CO layer D) Non-viable particulates
The correct match is
List II II) pH of rainwater decreases
I) Mist pollutant III) DO content decreases
II) Algae pollutant IV) Eutrophication
III) Domestic sewage The correct match is
IV) Plastic materials A B C D A B C D
The correct match is 1) IV III I II 2) IV II I III
1) III IV II I 2) I II IV III 33. Match the following
3) IV III I II 4) III IV I II List 1
30. Match the following A) Primary pollutant
List I
B) Contaminent in
A) Major constituents of air
B) Minor constituents of air C) Receptor to smoke
C) Trace constituents of air D) Sink to dried
D) Green house gases List II
List II I) Human eyes
I) N2, O2 and water vapour II) SO2 Bhopal tragedy
II) Ne, He, Kr, N2O, H2 are III) Microorganisms of automobiles
III) Ar and CO2 IV) Methyl leaves Isocyanate and garbage
IV) CO2, CH4 The correct match is
The correct match is A B C D A B C D
3) II III I IV 4) III II I IV 34. Match the following
Water Pollution List I List II
31. Match the following A) Green house effectI) Over nutrition
List I B) HNO3 + H2SO4 II) Water pollution
A) NO3– ion in drinking water greater than C) Fluorosis III) Acid rain
50 ppm causes D) Eutrophication IV) Air pollution
B) SO42– ion greater than 500 ppm causes The correct match is
C) Mercury poison causes A B C D A B C D
D) Domestic sewage causes 1) II III I IV 2) IV III II I
List -II 3) I III II IV 4) II III IV I
I) Depletion of dissolved oxygen
II) Minimata disease Key Level-IV
III) Laxative effect 01) 1 02) 1 03) 2 04) 1 05) 1 06) 2
IV) Blue baby syndrome 07) 1 08) 4 09) 1 10) 2 11) 1 12) 3
The correct match is 13) 4 14) 1 15) 1 16) 1 17) 4 18) 2
A B C D A B C D 19) 1 20) 4 21) 3 22) 1 23) 1 24) 2
1) I II III IV 2) IV III I II 25) 4 26) 1 27) 2 28) 2 29) 1 30) 2
3) III IV II I 4) IV III II I 31) 4 32) 3 33) 3 34) 2
32. Match the following
List I
Hints Level – IV
2. Particles < 5 microns cause fibrosis of the lung
A) SO2, NO2 in air
lining because they penerate more into the lungs.
B) Excess of phosphates in water ponds
15. Aldehydes formed by oxidation of hydrocarbons
C) Excess of F- ions in drinking water
by O3 are also the constituents of photochemical
D) Excess of organic pollutants
List II
I) Bones and teeth get effected
Formula name Common name IUPAC
CH 3OCH 3 dimethyl ether methoxy methane
 The substitution of a hydrogen in a hydrocarbon
by an alkoxy or aryloxy group produces ethers. CH 3OC2 H 5 ethylmethylether methoxy ethane
 General formula of ethers Cn H 2n  2O which is C2 H 5OC2 H 5 diethyl ether ethoxy ethane
similar to that of monohydric alcohols.
CH 3OC3 H 7 methylpropylether methoxy propane
 Ethers are alkyl (or) Aryl derivatives of alcohol
(or) phenols, also treated as di alkyl derivatives C2 H5OCH CH3 2 ethyl isopropylether 2-ethoxy propane
of water.
C6 H 5OCH 3 Anisole Anisole
 The general formula of ethers : R  O  R ' .
' Few more examples
 R and R are alkyl, alkenyl or aryl groups. If
Compound IUPAC name
the R and R ' are same it is called simple or
symmetrical ether.
Ex:- CH 3OCH 3 , C2 H 5OC2 H 5 OC2H5 2-Ethoxy-1,
' 1-dimethylcyclohexane
 If R and R are different it is called mixed or
unsymmetrical ether.
C6 H 5OC6 H 5 Phenoxy Benzene
Ex:- CH 3OC2 H 5 , CH 3OC3 H 7
' OCH3
 If R and R are alkyl groups those are known as
aliphatic ethers. 1, 1 - Dimethoxy ethane
CH3  CH  OCH3
Ex:- CH 3OCH 3 , CH 3OC2 H 5
' CH3O  CH 2 3 OC2 H5 1-Ethoxy-3-methoxy propane
 If both R and R are aryl groups those are known
as di aryl ethers.  Cyclic ethers are known as oxiranes, these are
Ex:- C6 H 5OC6 H 5 named as alkyl oxirane (or) epoxy alkane
 If one is alkyl other one is aryl those are known
as phenolic ethers. Ex: Oxirane (or) Epoxy ethane
Ex:- C6 H 5OCH 3
 Ethers are considered to be dialkyl derivatives
of water. 2-methyl oxirane (or)
 Ethers are named in two ways 1,2-epoxy propane
a) common system and b) IUPAC system
 In common system, ethers are named after alkyl 2,3-dimethyl oxirane (or)
groups attached to oxygen atom.
 For simple ethers , the common name is di alkyl 2,3-epoxy butane
ether.For mixed ethers, the common name is
alkyl, alkyl ether.Ethers are named first in the Structure of Functional Group: In
alphabetical order followed by the word ether ethers, the four electron pairs, i.e, the two bond
in common system. pairs and two lone pairs of electrons on oxygen
 In IUPAC system, ethers are named as alkoxy are arranged approximately in a tetrahedral
alkanes. The smaller alkyl group along with arrangment. The bond angle is slightly greater
oxygen atom is taken as alkoxy part while the than the tetrahedral angle due to the repulsive
larger alkyl group as alkane part. interaction between the two bulky alkyl groups.
 The C-O bond length (141 pm) is almost the 
iii) CH3 CH2 O CH2CH3  CH3 CH2 -O-CH2CH3+H+
same as in alcohols. 
 Above method is suitable for the preparation of
ethers having primary alkyl groups only and
110° alkyl group should be un hindered, temperature
be kept low.
Isomerism in Ethers  If alcohol is secondary or tertiary,elimination
 Functional Isomerism : Ethers are functional competes over substitution, which forms alkene
isomeric with monohydric alcohol (ii) Williamson’s Synthesis: By this method
Ex: 1) C2 H5OH and CH 3OCH 3 symmetrical and un symmetrical ethers can be
2) C3H 7 OH and C H 3 O C 2 H 5
 Alkyl halide reacts with sodium or potassium
3) C6 H 5CH 2 OH and C6 H5OCH3 alkoxide to form ether. The reaction involves
 Metamerism: Ethers with minimum four SN2 attack of an alkoxide ion on primary alkyl
carbons can exhibit metamerism halide.
' '
Ex: Compound with molecular formula C 4 H10 O RX  R ONa  RO R  NaX
has three isomers C2H5ONa+IC2 H5  C2 H5OC2 H5  NaI
CH3OC3H 7 , C2 H5OC2 H5 , CH3OCH  CH3 2  For better yield of ethers alkyl halide preferred
is primary and alkoxide preferred is tertiary
Preparation methods of ethers  In case of secondary and tertiary alkyl halides
(i) By dehydration of alcohols: Alcohols elimination competes over substitution hence
undergo dehydration in the presence of protic product will be alkene
acids  H 2SO4 , H3PO4  . The formation of product  Order of reactivity of alkyl halides towards
alkene or ether depends on the reaction Williamson’s synthesis is 10  20  30
conditions.  Phenolic ethers can not be prepared from Aryl
 Ethanol is dehydrated to ethene in the presence halides due to their less reactivity towards
of sulphuric acid at 443K and at 413K nucleophilic substitution reaction.
ethoxyethane is the main product
WE-1: CH 3 Br  NaO  C  CH 3 3
 C2 H 5OH  HOC2 H 5 
conc. H 2 SO4
413 K
C2 H 5OC2 H 5  H 2O

C2 H 5OH 
H 2SO 4
 CH 2  CH 2 CH 3
 The catalytic dehydration of ethanol with  CH 3  O  C  CH 3  NaBr
Al2O3 at 250  260 C also gives diethyl ether |
CH 3
2C2 H 5OH 
2600 C
 C2 H 5OC2 H 5  H 2O
 The formation of ether is a nucleophilic WE-2:  CH 3 3 C  Br  CH 3ONa 
bimolecular substituion reaction (SN2) involving
CH 3  C  CH 2  NaBr
the attack of alcohol molecule on a protonated |
alcohol, as indicated below: CH 3
i) CH3-CH2-O-H + H+  CH3-CH2-O+H2
 Alkoxides are not only nucleophiles but also
ii) CH3CH2-OH + CH3 - CH2 - O+H2 

acts as strong bases.
 
WE-3: CH C  ONa  C H Cl 
3 3 2 5

H  CH3 3 C  O  C2 H5
 Phenols are also converted to ethers by this Test for purity: Before using ether as
anaesthetic, its purity is tested with FeSO4 and
OH KCNS, formation of blood red colour indicates
the presence of peroxide. That sample of ether
 R X
having peroxide can not be used as anaesthetic.
+ NaOH  
Chemical properties: Ethers are less reactive
 Williamson synthesis is not applicable if both than alcohols due to non-availablity of active
groups are phenyl or tertiary or vinyl groups. hydrogen.
 Ethers react with acids, phosporous halides,
WE-4:From chloroethane, 2-chloropropane and oxidising agents and reducing agents at high
chloro ethene, which is more reactive towards temperatures but cannot react with metals like
Williamson’s synthesis. sodium.
Sol. Chloroethane is more reactive, which is 10 R-  Reactions of ether are classified into three types
X. Where as 2-chloropropane is 20 R-X. In  Alkyl groups which undergo substitution
chloro ethene chlorine attached to high EN sp 2  Ethereal oxygen which co-ordinates with
carbon electron deficient molecules like Lewis acids.
(iii) From dry silver oxide  Carbon- oxygen bond which shows some
cleavage reaction.
2R  X  Ag 2O  R  O  R  2AgX
dry Reactions involving cleavage of C–O bond
Exclusive JEE-ADVANCE  Action of sulphuric acid
Ethers also can be prepared from alcohols and C2H5 – O – C2H5 + H2SO4(conc.)  

diazomethane C2H5OH + C2H5HSO4
  Action of HX
R  OH  CH 2 N 2   R  O  CH 3  N 2
BF3 (or)HBF4
R  O  R  HX  RX  ROH
Physical properties: Ethers are polar in ROH  HX  RX  H 2O
nature whose dipole moment(  ) is not equal  In the cold condition
to zero C2H5 – O – C2H5 + HI  C2H5I + C2H5OH
 Boiling point of ethers is less than their isomeric  In the hot condition with excess of HI
alcohols due to presence of hydrogen bond in
alcohols. C2H5 – O – C2H5 + 2HI    2C2H5I + H2O
 Smaller ethers miscible with water due to  Order of reactivity HI > HBr > HCl
hydrogen bond with water molecule Case-1: If both alkyl groups are different, nucleophile
 Dimethyl ether, ethylmethyl ether are gases attacks on smaller alkyl group
 Other ethers are colourless, highly volatile Ex: CH 3OC 2 H 5  HI  
S 2
 CH 3 I  C 2 H 5OH
liquids. Case-2: If one of the alkyl group is tertiary group
 Diethyl ether has characterstic pleasant odour major product is tertiary alkyl halide
and produce temporary unconsciousness when
Ex:  CH3 3 C  O  CH3  HI 
SN 1
vapour is inhaled.
 Ethers are slightly soluble in water and readily
CH 3OH  (CH 3 )3 CI
soluble in organic solvents due to lack of H-
bonding. Boiling point of Diethyl ether is less Case-3: Alkyl aryl ethers are cleaved at the alkyl-
than its functional isomer butyl alcohol oxygen bond due to the more stable aryl-oxygen
(C4H9OH) bond.
 Di ethyl ether and Butanol are alomost soluble OR
in water to same extent due to Hydrogen
 Even both Alkyl groups are same in ether those + HX +R–X
are polar due to bent shape.
Alkyl aryl ethers are cleaved at alkyl-oxygen  Friedel-Crafts reaction
bond due to the more stable aryl oxygen bond OCH3
and partial double bond character hence phenols
are formed. CH 3Cl 
Anhyd . AlCl3
 +

CH 3
WE-5: CH3  CH 2  CH  CH 2  O  CH 2  CH 3  HI 2-Methoxy- 4-Methoxy-
toluene toluene
 (Minor) (Major)

CH3  CH2  CH  CH2  OH  CH3  CH2 I CH 3COl 
Anhyd . AlCl3
 +

WE-6: C6 H 5CH 2  O  C6 H 5  HI  2-Methoxy

(Minor) acetophenone
C6 H 5CH 2 I  C6 H 5OH (Major)

Uses: Ether is used in /as

WE-7: Give an example of an ether which can not  a solvent for oils, fats, waxes, plastics etc.
 the extraction of organic compounds from
be decomposed by HI. Ex: Diphenyl Ether
aqueous solutions.
Electrophilic aromatic substitution on  an inert medium for various reactions (ex.Wurtz
anisole: In aromatic ethers alkoxy group is ring reaction) and preparation of RMgX
 an anaesthesia in surgery without causing any
activating group and increases electron density
damage to heart or lungs. (Recently,
of benzene ring at ortho and para positions
HALOTHANE is widely used for this purpose
 Hence electrophile attacks on ortho & para since it is harmless and quick in action. )
positions only.
Halothane CF3CHC Br (IUPAC name : 2-
 Halogenation: Phenylalkyl ethers undergo
Bromo-2- chloro-1,1,1-trifluroethane)
usual halogenation in the benzene ring. It is due
 NATALITE(mixture of alcohol and ether), a
to the activation of benzene ring by the methoxy
substitute for petrol
group. Para isomer obtained in 90% yield.
 Refrigerant along with dry ice (solid CO2 )
which produces a temperature around 110 C
Br in Estimation of number of alkoxy groups by
ethanoic 
+ Zeisel method
This method is used for the estimation of number
of alkoxy groups in ethers by reaction with HI
Anisole p-Bromoanisole O-Bromoanisole followed by AgNO3 solution. From this weight
(Major) (Minor) of AgI formed is calculated to determine the
 Nitration number of alkoxy groups.
OCH3 R  O  R  2HI  2R  I  H 2O
2RI  2AgNO3  2AgI  2RNO3
H 2 SO4
HNO3 
WE-8: From ether and alcohol which can be dried
over sodium metal.
Sol. Ether, it has no reaction with sodium metal
2-Nitroanisole 4-Nitroanisole where alcohol reacts with sodium metal and
(Minor (Major) liberates hydrogen gass
WE-9: How ethanol is distinguished from ether  Oxidation
Sol. By Iodoform test, sodium metal C2H5O C2H5 + (O) 
acid . K 2Cr2O7
 2CH3 CHO
Exclusive for JEE - ADVANCE 
acid . K 2Cr2O7
 Reactions of alkyl group (Halogenation):  Dehydration
Diethyl ether reacts with chlorine or bromine to
C2H5O C2H5 
form halogen substituted ethers.Hydrogens at
Al2O3 / 360 C
 2CH2 = CH2 + H2O
 carbon atoms are easily substituted in the dark
condition. LEVEL-I (C.W)
CH2OCH2CH3 

  1 1. The compound which is not isomeric with
CH 3 - C H (Cl) - O - C H(Cl) - CH 3 diethyl ether is
(  ,  ' dicholoro diethyl ether) 1) Butanone 2) Methyl propyl ether
3) 2-methyl propane-2-ol 4) Butanol-1
CH3CH2OCH2CH3 
Sunlight 
2. The number of metameric ethers possible
with the formula C4H10O are
C2Cl5 – O – C2Cl5
1) 4 2) 3 3) 2 4) 5
(perchloro diethyl ether)
3. The IUPAC name of C2H5 O C2H5
 Reactions of ethereal oxygen 1) Diethyl ether 2) Ethoxy ethane
C2 H5  O  C2 H5  (O)  C2H5 OC2H5 3) Ethoxy propane 4) Dimethyl ether

(Peroxide) 4. Phenol on heating with NaOH followed by
 Formation of oxonium Salts reaction with alkyl halide gives
  
1) Acetone 2) Ether 3) Ethanol 4) Acetic acid
C2H5–O– C2H5 + HBr  C2 H5  O  C2 H5  Br

5. Ethers are obtained by
 H 
1) Reaction of alkyl halide with dry ZnO
Diethyl oxonium bromide 2) Reaction of alkyl halide with moist ZnO
   3) Reaction of alkyl halide with dry Ag2O
C2H5  O C2H5  H2SO4 C2H5  O C2H5  HSO4 4) Reaction of alkyl halide with moist Ag2O

 H 
Diethyl oxonium hydrogen sulphate PROPERTIES AND USES OF ETHERS
 Hydrolysis 6. Following one is formed when a diethyl ether
is exposed to air for longer period
C2H5 – O – C2H5 + H2O  2C2H5OH
1) Ethyl alcohol 2) Acetaldehyde
(steam) 3) Ethylene 4) Peroxide of diethyl ether
 Action of PCl5 7. The compound which has the lowest boiling
C2H5 – O – C2H5 + PCl5  2C2H5Cl+POCl3 point is
CH 2  CH 2
 Action of acetyl chloride and acetic 1) H2O 2) C2H5OH 3) 4) CH3OCH3
anhydride OH OH
8. Total number of lone pair of electrons around
C2H5 – O – C2H5 + CH3COCl 
 oxygens in diethyl peroxide is / are
C2H5Cl + CH3COOC2H5 1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 0
9. Ethyl chloride reacts with sodium ethoxide
C2H5 – O – C2H5 + (CH3CO)2O 
 to form a compound (A). Which of the fol-
2CH3COOC2H5 lowing reactions also yields (A)?
 Action of carbon monoxide 1) C2 H 5Cl , KOH  alc  , 
C2H5–O–C2H5+ CO 
BF3 /150 C
500 atms
 C2H5COOC2H5 2) 2C2 H 5OH , conc.H 2 SO4 ,1400 C
(ethylpropionate) 3) C2 H 5Cl , Mg  dry ether  4) C2 H 2 , dil.H 2 SO4 , HgSO4
10. The IUPAC name of C2 H 5  O  CH  CH 3 2 15. Among the following compounds, the one
which does not react with sodium is
1) Ethoxy propane 2) 1,1-dimethyl ether
3) 2-Ethoxy isopropane 4) 2-Ethoxy propane 1) CH 3CHOHCH3 2) CH 3OCH 3
11. ‘A’ reacts with C2H5I giving ‘B’ and NaI. Here 3) CH 3COOH 4) C2 H5OH
‘A’ and ‘B’ respectively are 16. Which of the following halogen acids is most
1) CH 3COONa, CH 3OCH 3 reactive towards the given reaction ?
2) C2 H 5OC2 H 5 , C2 H 5COOC2 H 5 R  O  R 

1) HCl 2) HI 3) HBr 4) Equally reactive

3) C2 H 5ONa, C2 H 5OC2 H 5
17. Which of the following compounds is pro-
4) C2 H 5OH , C2 H 5OC2 H 5 duced when this reaction takes place ?
12. Which of the following compounds when CH3
heated with CO at 1500C and 500 atm. pres- |
sure in presence of BF3, forms ethyl propi- H3C  C  O  CH 3 

onate ? |
1) C2 H 5OH 2) CH 3OCH 3
3) C2 H 5OC2 H 5 4) CH 3OC2 H 5 CH 3 H
| |
13. One mole of diethyl ether on heating with 1) H3C  C  OH 2) H  C  OH
conc.HI gives | |
1) 1 Mole of C2 H 5 I and 1 mole of C2 H 5OH CH 3 H
2) 2 Moles of iodoethane 3) Both of these 4) None of these
3) 2 Moles of ethanol 18. Alcohols can be distinguished from ethers by
4) Iodoethane and ethanol but not in a 1:1 mole 1) Sodium metal 2) Ester formation
ratio 3) Iodoform test 4) All the above
14. The major product obtained on the
19. CH 3CH  CH 2  
 X 
Dry Ag 2O
 Y The
monobromination (with Br2 / FeBr3 ) of the
product Y in the above sequence is
following compound is 1) Di isopropyl ether 2) Di n - propyl ether
3) 2 - Propanol 4) 1, 2 - Epoxypropane
20. A mixture of ether and ......... gives tempera-
ture as low as 163 K
1) NaCl 2) Ice 3) Solid CO2 4) C2 H5OH
1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
explanation to A
2) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct
explanation to A
3) A is true but R is false
1) 2) 4) A is false but R is true
21. Assertion (A) : Ethers behave as Lewis base
in the presence of mineral acids.
Reason (R) : Oxygen atom in ether is having
lone pair electrons.
22. Assertion (A) : Diethyl ether is used as general
3) 4) anaesthesia.
Reason (R) : Diethyl ether produces
unconsciousness without effecting lungs.
23. Assertion (A): Ethers are relatively inert 14. Methoxy group is strong ring activating group
when compared to C2 H 5OH the methyl group
Reason (R): The hybridization of C and O in 15. Due to absence of acidic hydrogen ether has no
CH 3  O  CH 3 is SP3 reaction with sodium metal.
24. Assertion(A): Diethyl ether reacts with hot 16. Order of reactivity HI > HBr > HCl
Conc H 2 SO4 and gives ethyl hydrogen 17. Reaction proceeds by SN1 mechanism
sulphate Y  CH 3  CH  O  CH  CH 3
19. X  CH 3  CH  CH 3 ; | |
Reason (R) : The reaction involves cleavage CH 3 CH 3
of C-O bond in diethyl ether. Cl
25. Assertion (A): Ethers behave as base in
presence of mineral acids 20. Acts as freezing mixture
Reason (R): Oxygen atom in ether is having
lonepair LEVEL-I (H.W)
26. Assertion (A): Alkyl aryl ethers on reacton with
HI give alkyl iodide, phenols NOMENCLATURE
Reason (R): Aryl - oxygen bond is weaker than 1. The following represents ether
alkyl oxygen bond. 1) (RCO)2 O 2) RCOOR 3) RCOR 4) ROR
2. The dialkyl derivative of H2O is
LEVEL-I (C.W) - KEY 1) Alcohol 2) Ether 3) Ester 4) Ketone
1) 1 2) 2 3) 2 4) 2 5) 3 6) 4 7) 4 3. Which of the following is a simple ether?
8) 3 9) 2 10) 4 11) 3 12) 3 13) 2 14) 4 1) CH3 OCH3 2) CH3OC2H5
15) 2 16) 2 17) 2 18) 4 19) 1 20) 3 21) 1 3) CH3CH2OCH(CH3)2 4) C2H5OC3H7
4. Ethers are isomeric with
22) 1 23) 2 24) 1 25) 1 26) 1
1) Aldehydes 2) Acids
LEVEL-I (C.W) - HINTS 3) Alcohols 4) Ketones
1. Alcohols and ethers are functional group 5. CnH2n+2O is the general formula of ethers. To
isomers. exhibit the functional group isomerism 'n'
must be minimum
2. CH 2  CH 2  O  CH 2  CH 3 ,
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
CH 3  O  CH 2  CH 2  CH 3 and
CH 3  O  CH  CH 3 2 6. Heating together sodium ethoxide and ethyl
chloride will give
3. CH 3  CH 2  O  CH 2  CH 3 is ethoxy ethane
1) ether 2) ethyl alcohol
4. C6 H 5OH 
C2 H 5Cl
 C6 H 5  O  C2 H 5 3) acetaldehyde 4) acetic acid
7. Williamsons synthesis is used to prepare
5. 2 RX  Ag 2O  ROR  2 AgX 1) Diethyl ether 2) PVC
 
C2 H 5  O  C2 H 5  C2 H 5  O  O  C 2 H 5 3) Bakelite 4) Ethyl alcohol
7. In ethers H-bond is absent 8. Which of the following is not an isomer of di-
.. .. ethyl ether ?
8. C2 H 5  O  O  C 2 H 5 1) 2-methyl - 2- propanol 2) 2-Methoxypropane
.. ..
3) 2-Methyl-1-propanol 4) Ethoxyethane
9. 2C2 H 5OH , conc.H 2 SO4 ,1400 C
10. Nomenclature 9. The compound in which hydrogen bonding
11. C2 H 5ONa, C2 H 5OC2 H 5 is not possible is
12. chemical reactions of ether 1) C6 H 5OCH 3 2) CH3CH2OH
13. C2 H 5  O  C 2 H 5  2HI 2C 2 H 5 I  H 2O 3) H2O 4) CH3COOH
10. Diethyl ether is used as 10. All are uses of diethyl ether.
1) Anaesthetic 2) Solvent 3) Refrigerant 4) All 11. Halothane does not cause side effects.
11. The safest general anaesthesia used at present 12. CF3CHClBr
13. methoxypropane
1) chloroform 2)diethyl ether
14. Dry silver oxide
3) acetylene 4) halothane
12. Formula of halothane is 15. C2 H 5 I and H 2O
1) CF2Cl2 2) CF3Cl
16. C6 H 5ONa  C2 H 5 I  C6 HPhenetole
5OC 2 H 5
3) CF3-CHClBr 4) (C2F4)n
13. The IUPAC name of an unsymmetrical ether 17. Alkoxy group is ortho, para directing group
with the molecular formula C4 H10O
1) Ethoxypropane 2) Methoxyethane
3) Ethoxyethane 4) Methoxypropane
14. Consider the following reaction

C2 H 5 I 
 (Pleasant smelling liquid), X is
1) Sodium 2) Dry silver oxide
3) Ethyl chloride 4) Dry silver powder

15. C2 H 5  O  C2 H 5  excess
HI  hot   X  Y , here
X and Y are
1) C2 H 5 I and C2 H 5OH 2) C2 H 5 I and H 2O
3) C2 H 5OH  H 2O 4) C2 H 4  H 2O
16. Which one of these is formed on heating so-
dium phenoxide with ethyl iodide ?
1) Phenetole 2) Ethyl phenyl alcohol
3) Phenone 4) None of these
17. Anisole with conc. HNO3 and conc. H 2 SO4
1) Phenol 2) Nitrobenzene
3) O- and - P-Nitroanisole 4) O- Nitroanisole
18. Oxygen atom in ether is
1) Very active 2) Replaceable
3) Active 4) Relatively inert
1) 4 2) 2 3) 1 4) 3 5) 2 6) 1 7)1
8) 4 9) 1 10) 4 11) 4 12) 3 13) 4 14) 2
15) 2 16) 1 17) 3 18) 4
1. General formula is R-O-R
2. R-O-R is ether
3. Same type of alkyl groups are attached to
oxygen atom.
4. Alcohols are isomeric with ethers
5. Two
6. C2 H 5Cl  C2 H 5ONa  C2 H 5OC2 H 5  NaCl
7. Ethers
9. In ethers H-bond is absent
ETHERS A  B  CH 3  O  C  CH 3 2 
9. HI
 X Y .
Correct statement among the following is
1) A and B are CH3ONa and (CH3)3CBr
LEVEL-II (C.W) 2) X and Y are CH3I and (CH3)3COH
3) X and Y are CH3OH and (CH3)3CI
1. Which of the following pairs of reagents will
not form ether 10. P  Q  Anisole  HI
 R  S.
1) C2H5Br + C2H5ONa 2) C2H5Br + CH3ONa Correct statement among the following is
1) P and Q are C6H5ONa and C2H5Cl
3) CH3Br + C2H5ONa 4) C2H5Br + HCOONa 2) R and S are C6H5I and CH3OH
2. What is Y in the following reactions 3) R and S are C6H5OH and CH3I
C2 H 5 I  NaOC2 H 5  X  NaI 4) P and Q are C6H5Cl and CH3ONa
X  2 HI  2Y  H 2O 11.  CH 3 3 COCH 3 
 HI
  CH 3 3 CI  CH 3OH
1) C2 H 6 2) C2 H 5 I 3) C2 H 4 4) C2 H 5OC2 H 5 It follows which mechanism ?
3. Which of the following cannot be prepared 1) SN1 2) SN2 3) E1 4) E2
by using Williamson synthesis ? 12. Which of the following reagents can distin-
1) Methoxybenzene 2) Benzyl-p-nitrophenol ether guish ethyl methyl ether from isopropyl al-
3) Methyl tert-butyl ether 4) Ditertiary butyl ether cohol ?
4. Methoxy benzene is called anisole. 1) Br2CCl4 2) AgNO3 / NH 4 OH 
3) I 2 and NaOH 4) CuCl / NH 4OH 
How many more structures can be 13. Which of the following compounds is pro-
drawn for the same formula ? duced with this reaction takes place ?
C6 H5  O  CH 2 C6 H5 
1) 5 2) 4 3) 3 4) 2
5. Which of the following types of ethers can-
not be synthesized by Williamson synthesis?
CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 1) 2)
| | | |
1) H 3C  C  O C  CH 3 2) H 3C  C  O C  H
| | | | 3) Both of these 4) None of these
CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3
14. Which of the following compounds is pro-
3) C6 H5  O  C6 H 5 4) None of these duced when this reaction takes place ?
6. Which alkyl halide would be preferred for CH 3  CH  OCH 3 
the synthesis of the following ether by |
Williamson synthesis ? CH 3
CH 3
CH 3
1) | 2) CH3  OH
H5C2  O  C  H
CH 3  CH  OH
CH 3 3) Both of these 4) None of these
1) n-Propyl chloride 2) Isopropyl chloride LEVEL-II (C.W) - KEY
3) Ethyl chloride 4) Methyl chloride
1) 4 2) 2 3) 4 4) 2 5) 4 6) 3 7) 1
ETHERS 8) 4 9) 3 10) 3 11) 1 12) 3 13) 2 14) 1
7. Which of the following does not react with LEVEL-II (C.W) - HINTS
diethyl ether 1. C2 H 5 Br  HCOONa
1) C2H5ONa 2) AlCl3 3) BF3 4) HCl 
2. (C2 H 5 )2 O  2 HI   2C2 H 5 I  H 2O
8. C O C bond in ethers can be cleaved by
3. Tertiary alkyl halides do not gives ethers.
1) KMnO4 2) LiAlH 4 3) KOH 4) HI 5. Williamson’s synthesis follows SN2 mechanism
6. Williamson’s synthesis follows SN2 mechanism 2)  CH3 3 C  I and CH 3CH 2OH
7. C2 H 5ONa
3)  CH3 3 C  I and CH3CH 2 I
8. HI 4) C  H3C 3  O   CH 2CH3I 
9. X and Y are CH3OH and (CH3)3CI |
10. R and S are C6H5OH and CH3I H
11. S N1
8. CH 3  CH  OCH 3 HI
excess, 

12. Ethers do not gives Iodo form test |
13. Phenoxide ion is stabilized by resonance CH 3
14. Nucleophile attacks on less hindered carbon Which of the following is not formed in the
above reaction ?
1) Methyl iodide 2) Isopropyl iodide
3) Isopropyl alcohol 4) All of these
 which of the fol-
1. The reaction, sodium alkoxide + alkyl halide lowing is not formed in this reaction ?
 ether is called 1) C6 H 5  I 2) C6 H5  OH
1) Wurtz reaction 2) Kolbe’s reaction 3) Both of these 4) None of these
3) Williamson’s synthesis 4) Perkin’s reaction 10. Ethyl LEVEL-II (H.W)
phenyl ether on reaction with excess
2. In which of the following reactions, the HI yields
product is an ether? 1) Ethyl iodide and iodobenzene
2) Ethyl iodide and phenol
1) C6 H 6  CH3COCl / anhydrous AlCl3
3) Ethyl alcohol and phenol
2) C2 H5Cl  aq.KOH 4) Ethyl alcohol and iodobezene
3) C6 H 6  C6 H5COCl / anhydrousAlCl3
4) C2 H5Cl  C2 H5ONa 1) 3 2) 4 3) 4 4) 2 5) 3 6) 3 7) 2
3. Williamson’s synthesis is an example of
8) 3 9) 1 10) 2
1) Nucleophillic addition
2) Electrophillic addition LEVEL-II (H.W) - HINTS
3) Electrophillic substitution 1. Williamson’s synthesis
4) Nucleophillic substitution reaction 2. C2 H 5Cl  C2 H 5ONa  Nacl  (C2 H 5 )2 O
4. Ethoxy benzene is called PHENETOLE. 3. Nucleophillic substitution reaction
5.  C2 H 5 2 O  HI  C2 H 5 I  C2 H 5OH
How many more ethers can be 6. sp3 hybridisation
7. Nucleophile attacks on tertiary carbonium ion
drawn for the same formula ?
which proceeds by SN1 mechanism
1) 5 2) 4 3) 3 4) 2 8. CH 3  CH  O  CH 3   CH 3  I  CH 3  CH  OH
| |
5. Diethyl ether reacts with cold. HI to give HI
1) Ethyl iodide 2) Ethyl alcohol CH 3  CH  I
3) Both 1 and 2 4) Ethylene CH 3
6. Hybridisation of oxygen in diethyl ether is HI
9. C6 H 5  O  C6 H 5   C6 H 5OH  C 2 H 5 I
1) sp 2) sp 2 3) sp3 4) sp 3 d
10. In phenol C - O bond not cleaved by HI
7. In the reaction
 CH3 3 C  O  CH 2CH3  (1HI
 the
1. A compound X of the formula C2H6O, on
product(s) formed is (are) reaction with Na metal gave Y, X also reacts
1)  CH3 3 C  OH and CH3CH 2 I with PCl5 to give Z. The product obtained in
the reaction between Y and Z is
4)  CH 3CH 2 2 O
3) Both (1) & (2)
3) CH3COOC2H5 4) C2H5OC2H5
2. AlCl
CH2=CH2 + Hl  3 A 
Aq . KOH
 B 12. C2 H5  O  C2 H5  HI excess 
conc. H 2 SO4
1400 C
C, 'C' is 1) C2 H5OH and C2 H 5 I 2) 2 moles of C2 H 5 I
1)Ethoxy ethane 2) Ethanol 3) 2 moles of C2 H5OH 4) C2 H 4
3) Ethanal 4)Acetone
13. C6 H5  O  CH3  HI excess  
CH3-CH2 Cl   A   B
Aq . KOH conc. H 2 SO4
3. 1400 C
1) CH 3OH and C6 H 5 I 2) CH 3 I and C6 H5OH
Al2 O3
3600 C
 C. Then ‘C’ is
1) Ethyne 2) Ethene 3) CH 3 I and C6 H 5 I 4) C6 H 6 and CH 4
3) Ethoxy ethane 4) Ethyl alcohol
4. In the sequence of reactions (A) is : LEVEL-III - KEY
(A)  (B) 
Na 2 5
 (C) 
 C2H5I
C H I / heat HI / heat 1) 4 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3 5) 1 6) 1 7) 3
1) Acetic acid 2) Methyl alcohol 8) 1 9) 1 10) 3 11) 1 12) 2 13) 2
3) Ethyl alcohol 4) Propionic acid
5. HBr reacts with CH 2  CH  OCH 3 under
anhydrous conditions at room temperature 1. X  C2 H 5OH , Y  C2 H 5ONa; Z  C2 H 5Cl
to give 2. A  C2 H 5 I , B  C2 H 5OH , C  C2 H 5OC2 H 5
1) H 3C  CHBr  OCH 3 2) CH 3CHO and CH 3 Br 3. A  C2 H 5OH , B  C2 H 5OC2 H 5 , C  C2 H 4
3) BrCH 2 CHO and CH 3OH 4) BrCH 2  CH 2  OCH 3
4. A  C2 H 5OH , B  C2 H 5ONa, C  C2 H 5OC2 H 5
6. The major product obtained when tert-butyl
6. It proceeds by elemination instead of
bromide is heated with sodium ethoxide is
1) 2 - Methyl - 1 - propene 2) Ehene nucleophillic substitution reaction.
3) tert - Butyl methyl ether 4) Diethyl ether CH 3 Br  NaOC  CH 3 3  CH 3  O  C  CH 3 3
7. A  B  CH 3  OC  CH 3 3 

X Y .  HI
Correct statement among the following is 7. CH 3  OH   CH 3 3 C  I
1) A and B are CH 3ONa and  CH 3 3 CBr 11. A  CH 3CH 2CH 2 Br ; B  CH 3CH 2CH 2ONa
2) X and Y are CH 3 I and  CH 3 3 COH C   CH 3CH 2CH 2 2 O
3) X and Y are CH 3 OH and  CH 3 3 CI 12.

4) A and B are CH 3 OH and  CH 3 3 COH C2 H 5  O  C2 H 5  HI  excess 

8. IUPAC name of methyl isopropyl ether is 
1) 2-methoxy propane 2) 3-methoxy propane C2 H 5 I  C2 H 5OH
3) Ethoxy ethane 4) Methoxy ethane
 HI
9.  CH 3 3 COCH 3 
 HI
  CH 3 3 CI  CH 3 OH It
follows which mechanism? C2 H 5 I
1) S N 1 2) S N 2 3) E1 4) E2 C6 H 5OCH 3  HI  CH 3 I  C6 H 5OH
10. Which of the following is strongest Lewis  HI
Base 13.
No reaction
1) H 2 O 2) CH 3OH 3) CH 3OCH 3 4) C6 H5OH
11. CH 3CH 2 CH 2 OH  PBr3  A ,
CH 3CH 2 CH 2 OH  Na  B , A  B  C . 1. Which of the follwoing ether cannot be
Product ‘C’ is prepared by Williamson’s synthesis
1)  CH 3CH 2CH 2 2 O 2) CH 3  CH  CH 2
1) 2)
CH2 = CH CH = CH2

3) 4) All
2. 1.68 mg of an organic compound (A) with
molecular formula  C9 H12O3  on Zeisel
estimation produces an yellow precipitate of
wt 4.7 mg the compound (A) is

1) 2)

3) 4)

 HBr


 Cs 2   B  halogen compound 

A & B respectively are

1) CH 3  Br , CH 3  Br 2) CH 3  Br ,

3) , CH 3  Br 4)

LEVEL-IV - KEY : 1) 3 2) 3 3) 1
4.7 103
2. Number of moles of AgI=  2  105
1.68 103 grams of given compound forms
2  10 moles of AgI
Number of moles of AgI given by 168 grams of
168  2  105
given compound is 2
1.68 103
Number of moles of AgI is equal to number of
moles of alkoxy groups in 1 mole of ether
Jr Chemistry E/M

SYNOPSIS Physical Properties
Density:Lanthanides have densities ranging
Lanthanides: The f'- block consists of the between 6.77 to 9.74g cm-3
two series of inner transition elements
 Generally densities increases with increase in
a) Lanthanides( The fourteen elements following
atomic number.
b) Actinides (The fourteen elements following  Melting points & Boiling points:
Actinium) Lanthanides have fairly high melting points even
 Lanthanides are also called as "rare earth though no definite trend is observed (1000 to
elements" 1200K). Samarium however melts at higher
 Lanthanum closely resembles the Lanthanides, temperature (1623 K). Samarium (Sm) is as hard
Actinium closely resembles Actinides, hence as steel.
these are usually included in any discussion of
 Electropositive Character: Lanthanide
Lanthanides and Actinides
metals are highly electropositive due to their low
 The Lanthanides resemble one another more Ionisation energy.
closely because they exhibit a common stable
oxidation state like transition elements. Ionisation Energy: Lanthanides have fairly
Electronic configuration: The general low Ionisation energies. The IE1 & IE 2 values
electronic configuration of f-block elements is are quite comparable to those of alkaline earth
(n - 2) f 1-14 (n - 1) d0 - 1 ns2 metals particularly calcium. ( IE1 600 KJ/mole,
G.E.C of Lanthanides 4 f 1-14 5 d0-1 6s2
IE 2 1200 KJ/mole).
Elements Symbol At.No Configuration
Lanthanum La 57 [Xe]5d16s2 La, Gd, Lu have low IE3 values due to empty,,
Cerium Ce 58 [Xe]4f1 5d16s2 half filled and completely filled f orbitals
Praseodymium Pr 59 [Xe]4f 36s2 respectively
Neodymium Nd 60 [Xe]4f 46s2  Abnormally low values of the third ionisation
Promethium Pm 61 [Xe]4f 56s2 enthalpies in the case of lanthanum 4 f 0 5 d1
Samarium Sm 62 [Xe]4f 66s2 6s2), gadolinium (4 f 7 5 d1 6s2) and lutetium
Europium Eu 63 [Xe]4f 76s2 (4 f 14 5 d1 6s2).
Gadolinium Gd 64 [Xe]4f7 5d16s2
Magnetic behaviour: Lanthanide
Terbium Tb 65 [Xe]4f 96s2 3+
ions (M ) generally show paramagnetism due
Dysprosium Dy 66 [Xe]4f 106s2
to the unpaired electrons in f-orbitals.
Holmium Ho 67 [Xe]4f 116s2
Erbium Er 68 [Xe]4f 126s2  Lanthanide ions like La 3 , Ce 4
Thulium Tm 69 [Xe]4f 136s2 ( f 0 configuration) & Yb 2 & Lu 3
Ytterbium Yb 70 [Xe]4f 146s2
(f14 configuration) are diamagnetic
Lutetium Lu 71 [Xe]4f 14 5d16s2
 The Lanthanides occur as orthophosphates in  The paramagnetism is maximum in
monazite sand. Neodymium.
 The Monazite sand contains 30% Thorium  Magnetic susceptibility of Actinides is relatively
phosphate, 60% La, Ce, Pr, Nb phosphates and higher than those of Lanthanides of same
10% Y and other heavy lanthanide phosphates. electronic configuration.
Jr Chemistry E/M f- BLOCK ELEMENTS
Colour: Many of the Lanthanide ions are  Reduction potentials and metalic
coloured in solid state as well as in solutions. character: The standared electrode
 The colour is attributed to f-f transitions since (reduction) potentials of the lanthanoid ions
they have partly filled f-orbitals. (Absorption become less negative across the series. Thus,
bands are narrow probably because of the their reducing power decreases in going from
excitation within f-level) Ce to Lu. The highly negative E0 values indicate
 Ions with f 0,f 14 configuration are colourless. these elements to be highly electropositive
Ex :- La+3(4f 0)Lu+3(4f 14) are colourless metals capable to displace hydrogen from water.

Nd 3 , Er 3  Pink : Sm3 , Dy 3  Yellow 2M  6 H 2O  2M  OH 3  3H 2

 The Lanthanide ion with 4 f n configuration and Chemical Reactivity of Lanthanides:

In their chemical behaviour, in general, the
14  n 
4f configuration have same colour.. earlier members of the series are quite reactive
similar to calcium but, with increasing atomic
Ex (1):- Nd 3  4 f 3  and Er 3  4 f 11  have number, they behave more like aluminium.
same colour (pink) Values for E  for the half-reaction:
Ex (2):- Sm3  4 f 5  and Dy 3  4 f 9  have
Ln 3 ( aq )  3e   Ln( s ) are in the range of
2.2 to 2.4V except for Eu for which the value is
same colour (yellow)
2.0V .
 Radioactivity: All Lanthanides except  The carbides, Ln3C , Ln2C3 and LnC3 are formed
promethium and samarium are non-radioactive when the metals are heated with carbon.
Oxidation States: The common oxidation  They liberate hydrogen from dilute acids and
state exhibited by Lanthanides is + 3. burn in halogens to form halides.
 Lanthanides can also exhibit occasionally +2  They form oxides M 2 O3 and hydroxides M (OH )3 .
and +4 ions in solution or in their solid  The lanthanides have very close similarity. The
compounds. separation of lanthanides from one another is
 Irregularities arise mainly from the extra stability very difficult.
of empty, half filled or fully filled f-subshell.  Lanthanides can be separated by ion exchange
 +3 oxidation state in Lanthanum, Gadolinium
 Monazite is the starting material for the prepa-
and Lutetium are especially stable because +3
ration of lanthanides.
ions of these elements have an empty (f 0), a
 The lanthanides are separated from monazite
halffilled [f 7] and completely filled (f 14)] and are converted into chlorides (or) oxides.
configurations.  The lanthanides are obtained by the electrolysis
 Cerium, Terbium also exhibit oxidation state of their molten chlorides.
of +4 because Ce+4 has configuration (4f 0), Tb+4  The lanthanides are obtained by the reduction
has the configuration (4f 7) of their anhydrous halides with electro positive
 Pr, Nd, Dy also exhibit +4 state in their oxides metals like Na, Mg.
with formula MO2.  The lanthanides slowly react with cold water
 Europium, Ytterbium can show +2 oxidation and quickly react with hot water.
state due to 4f 7 , 4f 14 configuration respectively.. 2M  6 H 2O  2M  OH 3  3H 2
 Although the formation of Eu2+ is favoured by  As the size of M+3 ion decreases the covalent
the extra stability of its f7 configurations, but character in M-OH bond and their basic strength
Eu2+ is a strong reducing agent and changes to in their hydroxides decreases gradually from
Eu3+ in its reactions. Samarium (Sm) also shows La  OH 3 to Lu  OH 3 . This is due to
+2 and +3 oxidatoin states.
Lanthanide contraction
Jr Chemistry E/M
 Lanthanides form oxides of the type M 2O3 (or)  Pyrophosphoric alloy is used in ignition devices
such as tracer bullets, shells and flints for
MO2 . These oxdies are ionic in nature. lighters.
 Lanthanide ions cannot easily form co-ordinate  Mixed oxides of lanthanides are used as catalyst
compounds because of their large size. in petroleum cracking.
 Lanthanide ions can form complexes with Actinoids: General outer electronic
chelating ligands. configuration is 5 f 1-14 6 d0-1 7s2
Ln2O3 Elements Symbol At. No Configuration
Actinium Ac 89 [Rn]6d1 7s2


Thorium Th 90 [Rn]6d2 7s2



Protactinium Pa 91 [Rn]5f 26d1 7s2


Uranium U 92 [Rn]5f 36d1 7s2

with halogens Neptunium Np 93 [Rn]5f 46d1 7s2
heated with S Ln LnX3
Ln2S3 Plutonium Pu 94 [Rn]5f 6 7s2
th Americium Am 95 [Rn]5f 7 7s2

with C 2773 K


d Curium Cm 96 [Rn]5f 76d1 7s2



Berkelium Bk 97 [Rn]5f 9 7s2

LnN Californium Cf 98 [Rn]5f 10 7s2
Ln(OH)3 +H2
Einstenium Es 99 [Rn]5f 11 7s2
Fermium Fm 100 [Rn]5f 12 7s2
Lanthanide Contraction: The decrease in Mendelevium Md 101 [Rn]5f 13 7s2
atomic radii (derived from the structures of Nobelium No 102 [Rn]5f 14 7s2
metals) is not quite regular but it is regular in Lawrencium Lr 103 [Rn]5f 14 6d17s2
their M+3 ions.  The elements in which the last electron enters
 As atomic number increases in Lanthanides into 5f-orbital are called Actinides.
series, for every proton added to the nucleus,  The actinoids are radioactive elements and the
the extra electron goes to fill 4f - orbitals. The earlier members have relatively long half-lives,
4f- electrons constitute inner shells and are rather the latter ones have half-life values ranging from
ineffective in screening the nuclear charge. a day to 3 minutes for lawrencium (Z=103).
Gradual increase in the effective nuclear charge  The configurations of Am and Cm are [ Rn]5 f 7 s 2
is responsible for decrease in size of and [ Rn]5 f 7 6d 1 7 s 2 . Although the 5f orbitals
Lanthanides. This phenomenon is called
Lanthanide contraction. resemble the 4 f orbitals in their angular part of
Consequences: The similarities between 4d & the wave-function, they are not as buried as 4 f
5d series elements are more closer than 3d & orbitals and hence 5 f electrons can participate
4d elements. in bonding to a far greater extent.
 The atomic sizes of Zr & Hf, Nb & Ta, Mo &  There is a gradual decrease in the size of atoms
W are almost same. or M 3 ions across the series. This may be
 The separation of lanthanides is very difficult referred to as the actinoid contraction. The
due to closer atomic radii. contraction is, however, greater from element
 Inert pair effect. to element in this series resulting from poor
Uses of Lanthanides shielding by 5 f electrons.
 Lanthanides form alloys easily with Iron.  There is a greater range of oxidation states,
 Misch-metal is an alloy (pyrophoric alloy) which is in part attributed to the fact that the
containing Lanthanide metals, Ce-50%, 5 f , 6d and 7s levels are of comparable
La - 40%, Fe 7% and traces of S, C, Ca, Al.
Jr Chemistry E/M f- BLOCK ELEMENTS
Oxidation States: The actinoids show in  Actinides have high m.p’s and b.p’s
general +3 oxidation state. The elements, in the  Actinides have low I.P. values.
first half of the series frequently exhibit higher  All the actinides are highly electropositive.
oxidation states. For example, the maximum Uses of Actinoids:
oxidation state increases from +4 in Th to +5,  Uranium is used as nuclear fuel.
+6 and +7 respectively in Pa, U and Np but  Uranium salts are used in glass industry, textile
decreases in succeeding elements. industry, in medicines etc...
 Np & Pu also exhibit +7 oxidation states in their  Plutonium is used in atomic reactors.
 U & Am also exhibit +6 oxidation states in their C.U.Q
 Actinide series includes 15 elements. i.e. 89 Ac 1. Which sub shell is filled up progressively in
to 103 Lr . actinoids
1.4f 2. 5f 3. 6d 4. 7s
 All these elements are radioactive.
2. The electronic configuration of f-block
 Except 89 Ac , 90 Th , 91 Pa , 92 U the remaining elements is represented by
elements are synthetic. 1. (n  2) f 114 (n  1)d 01ns 2
 Elements after Uranium are called transuranic 114 0 5 0 2
elements. 2. (n  2) f (n  1)d ns
 The common oxidation number is +3 and they 3. (n  2) f 114 (n  1)d 010 ns1 2
also exhibit +4, +5, +6, oxidation numbers.
 Actinide contraction is due to poor shielding of 4. (n  2) f 114 (n  1)d 0 2 (n  1) s 2
5f electrons. 3. The inner transition elements are the
elements in which the added electrons go to
Properties: Actionoids are all silvery metals. 1. (n-1)d-orbitals 2. (n-2)f-orbitals
 The actionoids are highly reactive metals, 3. (n-1) d-orbitals and (n-1) f-orbitals
especially when finely divided. The action of 4. (n-1)d-orbitals and ns orbitals
boiling water on them, for example, gives a 4. The electronic configuration of cerium is
mixture of oxide and hydride. 1. [ Xe]4 f 0 5d 1 6 s 2 2. [ Xe]4 f 1 5d 1 6 s 2
 Hydrochloric acid attacks all metals but most
are slightly affected by nitric acid owing to the 3. [ Xe]4 f 2 5d 0 6 s 2 4. Both 2 and 3
formation of protective oxide layers; alkalies 5. Which of the following is not the
have no action. configuration of lanthanoid
 The lanthanoid and actinoid contractions, have 1. [ Xe]4 f 10 .6 s 2 2. [ Xe]4 f 1 5d 1.6 s 2
extended effects on the sizes, and therefore, the
3. [ Xe]4 f 14 5d 10 6s1 4. [ Xe]4 f 7 5d 1 6 s 2
properties of the elements succeeding them in
their respective periods. 6. The element with the electronic configuration
 Except Thorium, Americium (Am) all the [ Xe]4 f 14 5d 1 6 s 2 is a
actinides have high densities. 1. Representative element 2. Transition element
 Most of the ions of actinides are coloured. 3. Actinide element 4. Lanthanide element
 Their compounds are basic in nature. 7. Lanthanoids are :
 Actinides have weak tendency of complex 1) 14 elements in the seventh period (At. no.
formation. 90 to 103) that are filling 5f sublevel.
2) 14 elements in the sixth period (At.No. 58 to
 Actinoides form oxocations. Ex: UO22 , PuO2 71) that are filling 4f sublevel.
etc., 3) 14 elements in the seventh period (At.No.58
 The ions of actinides are paramagnetic due to to 71) that are filling 4f sublevel.
unpaired electrons. 4) 14 elements in the sixth period (At.No.90 to 103)
Jr Chemistry E/M
8. Which of the following Lanthanoid is 4. Lanthanoid contraction occurs because
radioactive 1) the 4f electrons, which are gradually added,
1) Cerium 2) Promethium create a strong shielding effect
3) Thulium 4) Lutetium 2) the 4f orbitals are greater in size than the 3d
9. Which of the following are all radioactive and 3f orbitals
elements. 3) the 5f orbitals strongly penetrate into the 4f
1) Transition elements. 2) P block elements orbitals
3) Lathanides. 4) Actinides. 4) the poor shielding effect of 4f electrons is
10. The most common Lanthanoid is coupled with increased attraction between the
1) Lanthanum 2) Cerium nucleus and the added electrons.
3) Samarium4) Plutonium 5. The Lanthanoids contraction is responsible
11. Non-Lanthanoid atom is for the fact that
1) La 2) Lu 3) Pr 4) Pm 1) Zr and Y have about the same radius
12. Which of the following is a Lanthanoid 2) Zr and Nb have similar oxidation state
1) Ta 2) Rh 3) Th 4) Lu 3) Zr and Hf have about the same radius
4) Zr and Zn have the same oxidation state
13. Lanthanides are characterized by the filling
6. Which element among the Lanthanides has
of the
the smallest atomic radius ?
1) penultimate 4f energy level
1) Cerium 2) Lutetium 3) Europium 4) Gadolinium.
2) antepenultimate 4f energy level
Lanthanides are separated best by
3) penultimate 5f energy level
1. Fractional crystallisation
4) antepenultimate 5f energy level 2. Solvent extraction
14. The most common oxidation state of 3. Complex formation using EDTA
Lanthanoids is 4. Ion exchange resins
1) +4 2) +3 3) +6 4) +28. The separation of lanthanides by the ion
C.U.Q - KEY exchange method is based on
1. The solubilty of the nitrates
1) 2 2)1 3) 2 4) 2 5) 3 6) 4 7) 2 2. Size of the hydrated M3+ ions
8) 2 9) 4 10) 2 11) 1 12) 4 13) 2 14) 2 3. Size of the unhydrated M3+ions
4. Basicity of the hydroxides
9. Which of the following is the strongest base
LEVEL-I (C.W) 1. Sc(OH)3 2.La(OH)3 3. Lu(OH)3 4. Yb(OH)
10. KMnO 4 ,and K 2 Cr 2 O 7 are replaced in
PROPERTIES volumetric analysis by
1. The most common oxidation states of cerium 1. La(III) salts 2. Ce (III) salts
are 3. Ce (IV) salts 4. Gd (III) salts
1) +2 and +4 2) +3 and +4 STATEMENT TYPE QUESTIONS
3) +3 and +5 4) +2 and +3 1) Statement I is true, Statement II is true,
2. Which of the following ion is paramagnetic Statement II is a correct explanation of
1. La (Z=57) 3+
2. Lu (Z=71) Statement I.
3. Yb2+(Z=70) 4. Sm3+(Z=62) 2) Statement I is true, Statement II is true,
3. The atomic and ionic radii (M 3+ ions) of Statement II is not the correct explanation of
statement I
Lanthanide elements decrease with increase
3) Statement I is true, Statement II is false.
in atomic number. This effect is called
4) Statement I is false, Statement II is true.
1) Lanthanoid contraction 11. Statement - I:-Ce+4 is used as an oxidising
2)Lanthanoid expansion agent in volumetric analysis
3) Actinoid contraction Statement- II :- Ce +4 has the tendency to
4) Actinoid expansion attain +3 oxidation state
Jr Chemistry E/M
12. Statement - I :- Sm3+, Dy3+ have same colour
Statement - II:-Both ions are having same
number of unpaired electrons
13. Statement - I :-La3+,Lu3+ ions are colourless
Statement - II:-They do not contain unpaired
1) 2 2) 4 3) 1 4) 4 5) 3 6) 2 7) 4
8) 2 9) 2 10) 3 11) 1 12) 1 13) 1

4. Which lanthanoide compounds is used as a
LEVEL-II (C.W) most powerful liquid lasers after dissolving
it in selenium oxychloride
PROPERTIES 1. Cerium oxide 2. Neodymium oxide
3. Promethium sulphate 4. Ceric sulphate
1. The stable +2 ions of lanthanides in aqueous
5. Which one of the following pairs of elements
solution are
is called chemical twins beacause of their very
1. Eu2+ 2.Ce2+ 3. Lu3+ 4. Fe2+ similar chemical properties
2. SRP values of lanthanides lies between 1. Mn and W 2. Mo and Tc
1. -2.2 to -2.4 V 2. 4 to 2 V 3. Fe and Re 4. Hf and Zr
3. 1 to 5 V 4. 0.1 to -0.2 V
3. Ion with maximum number of unpaired LEVEL-II (H.W) - KEY
electrons 1) 4 2) 4 3) 1 4) 2 5) 4
3+ 3+ 3+ 3+
1. Lu 2. Yb 3. Tm 4. Gd
4. What factor make the separation of LEVEL-III
Lanthanides a formidable task
1.Similarity in ionic size PROPERTIES
1. Pair of ions which are having same number
2. Constant charge of +3
of unpaired electrons
3. Small charge radius ratio 4. All of these
1. Eu3+,Tb3+ 2. Eu3+,Ce3+
3. Eu3+,Sm3+ 4. Eu3+,Pr3+
LEVEL-II (C.W) - KEY 2. Pair of ions which are having only one unpair
1)1 2)1 3)4 4)4 electron
1. Ce3+,Yb3+ 2. Eu3+,Tb3+
3. Pm3+,Sm3+ 4. Dy3+,Tb3+
3. Cerium (Z = 58) is an important member of
the Lanthanides. Which of the following
PROPERTIES statements about cerium is incorrect
1. In the coinage metals (IB) group, the I.E 1) The +3 oxidation state of cerium is more
decreases from Cu to Ag and the increases stable than the +4 oxidation state.
from Ag to Au this is attributed to 2) The common oxidation states of cerium are
1. Increased atomic size +3 and +4
2. Increased ionic radius 3) Cerium (IV) acts as an oxidizing agent
3. Increased nuclear density 4) The +4 oxidation state of cerium is not known
in solutions.
4. Lanthanide contraction
4. In which of the following Lanthanoids
2. Ionic radii of zirconium and hafnium become
oxidation state +2 is most stable ?
almost identical because
1) Ce 2) Eu 3) Tb 4) Dy
1. They are ‘d’ block elements
2. They belongs to the same group
3. Of increased nuclear charge
4. Of Lanthanide contraction
3. Lanthanoids used in galss blowers’s goggles
1. Pr and Nd 2. Eu and Gd
3. Tb and Dy 4. Em and Sm
Jr Chemistry E/M
5. Lanthanoid contraction occurs because 2) All the member exhibit +3 oxidation state
1) the 4f electrons, which are gradually added, 3) because of similar properties the separation
create a strong shielding effect of lanthanoids is not easy
2) the 4f orbitals are greater in size than the 3d 4) Availability of 4 f electrons results in the
and 3f orbitals formation of compounds in +4 state for all the
3) the 5f orbitals strongly penetrate into the 4f members of the series.
orbitals 12. The outer electron configuration of Gd
4) the poor shielding effect of 4f electrons is (Atomic no:64) is:
coupled with increased attraction between the
1) 4 f 3 5d 3 6 s 2 2) 4 f 8 5d 0 6s 2
nucleus and the added electrons.
6. The Lanthanoid contraction is responsible 3) 4 f 4 5d 4 6 s 2 4) 4 f 7 5d 1 6 s 2
for the fact that 13. Actinoids exhibit more number of oxidation
1) Zr and Y have about the same radius states in general than lanthanoids. This is
2) Zr and Nb have similar oxidation state because (AIEEE 2007)
3) Zr and Hf have about the same radius 1) the 5f orbitals are more buried than the 4f
4) Zr and Zn have the same oxidation state orbitals
7. The correct order of ionic radii of 2) there is a similarity between 4f and 5f orbitals
3+ 3+ 3+ 3+
Y , La ,Eu and Lu is in their angular part of the wave function
3+ 3+
1) Y < La < Eu < Lu 3+ 3+ 3) actinoids are more reactive than lanthanoids
3+ 3+
2) Y < Lu < Eu < La 3+ 3+ 4) the 5f orbitals extend farther from the nucleus
3+ 3+
3) Lu < Eu < La < Y 3+ 3+ than the 4f orbitals
3+ 3+
4) La < Eu < Lu < Y 3+ 3+ 14. A larger number of oxidation states are
3+ 3+
8. Arrange Ce , La , Pm and Yb in 3+ 3+ exhibited by actinoids than by lanthanoids.
increasing order of their ionic radii. The main reason being (AIEEE 2008)
1) Yb3+ < Pm3+ < Ce3+ < La3+ 1) the 4f orbitals are more diffused than the 5f
3+ 3+
2) Ce < Yb < Pm < La 3+ 3+ orbitals
3+ 3+
3) Yb < Pm < La < Ce 3+ 3+ 2) lesser energy difference between 5f and 6d
4) Pm3+ < La3+ < Ce3+ < Yb3+ than between 4f and 5d orbitals
9. Which of the two have almost similar size 3) more energy diference between 5f and 6d
than between 4f and 5d orbitals
1) 22 Ti and 40 Zr 2) 41 Nb and 73Ta 4) more reactive nature of actinoids than that of
3) 39 Y and 57 La 4) 20 Ca and 31Ir lanthanoids
10. Identify the incorrect statement among the 15. Knowing that the chemistry of lanthanoids
following: [AIEEE-2007] (Ln) is dominated by +3 oxidation state,
which of the following statement is incorrect?
1) d-block element show irregular and erratic
(AIEEE 2009)
chemical properties among themselves
1) because of the large size of Ln (III) ions, the
2) La and Lu have partially filled d-orbitals and
bonding in their compounds is predominantly
no ther partially filled orbitals
ionic in character.
3) The chemistry of various lanthanoids is very
2) the ionic size of Ln (III) decreases in general
with increasing atomic number
4) 4 f − and 5 f − orbitals are equally shielded 3) Ln (III) compounds are generally colourless
11. In context of the lanthanoids, which of the 4) Ln (III) hydroxides are mainly basic in
following statement is not correct? character.
1) There is a gradual decrease in the radii of the
1) 1 2) 1 3) 4 4) 2 5) 4 6) 3 7) 3 8) 1
members with increasing atomic number in the
9) 2 10) 4 11) 4 12) 4 13) 4 14) 2 15) 3
Zinc blende or Sphalerite : ZnS
OCCURRENCE OF METALS: Zincite or Red zinc
 Minerals: The naturally occurring chemical (philosopher’s wool) : ZnO
substances in which metals occur either in native
state or in combined state are called minerals. Calamine or Zinc spar : ZnCO3
 Ores: The minerals from which metal can be Franklinite : ZnO.Fe2O3
conveniently and economically extracted are
Willemite : Zn2 SiO4
called ores.
 All ores are minerals but all minerals are not Aluminium (Al)
ores. Bauxite : Al2O3 .2 H 2O
 For example aluminium occurs in the earth’s Kaolinite ( a form of clay) :  Al2  OH 4 Si2O5 
crust in the form of minerals like bauxite and
Cryolite : Na3 AlF6
clay ( Al2O3 .2SiO2 .2 H 2O )
 Out of these two aluminium can be conveniently Feldspar : KAlSi3O8
and economically extracted from bauxite,while Corundum : Al2O3
it has not been possible to extract aluminium
from clay by some easy and cheap Diaspore : Al2O3 .H 2O
method.Therefore the ore of aluminium is Mica : K 2O.3 Al2O3 .6SiO2 .2 H 2O
bauxite. Manganese (Mn)
Iron (Fe) Limestone (calcite) : CaCO3
Haematite : Fe2 O3 Gypsum : CaSO4 .2 H 2O
Magnetite : Fe3O4 Fluorspar : CaF2
Limonite : Fe2 O3 .3 H 2 O Dolomite : CaCO3 .MgCO3
Iron pyrites or Fool’s gold : FeS2 Magnesium (Mg)
Magnesite : MgCO3
Spathic iron or Siderite : FeCO3
Copper (Cu) Carnallite : KCl.MgCl2 .6 H 2O

Cuprite (Ruby copper) : Cu2O Epsom salt : MgSO4 .7 H 2O

Lead (Pb)
Copper glance (Chalcocite) : Cu2 S
Galena : PbS
Malachite : CuCO3 .Cu  OH 2 Anglesite : PbSO4
Azurite : 2CuCO3.Cu  OH 2 Cerrusite : PbCO3
Mercury (Hg)
Copper pyrites (Chalco pyrites) : CuFeS 2
Cinnabar : HgS

Silver (Ag) 2. Concentration of the Ore:

The process of removal of impurities (gangue
Argentite (Silver glance) : Ag 2 S
or matrix) from the crushed ore is known as
Hornsilver : AgCl concentration or dressing of ore. It is carried
Tin (Sn) out by the following methods.
 Hand picking: Sand and small stones are
Cassiterite : SnO2 removed by hand picking method.
 Gem stones:Many gem stones are impure  Haematite ore occurs as lumps. So it can be very
forms of alumina( Al2O3 ) and contain traces of easily separated from the impurities like sand,
stone pieces present along with it by hand
metal ions as impurities such as Cr 3 (in ruby), picking.
Co3 (sapphire).  Levigation or (Gravity separation): This
method is based on the difference in the
W.E-1:In general which metal do you expect to specific gravities of the ore and gangue particles.
occur in the native state in nature? Give This method is frequently used when the ore
examples. particles are heavier than the gangue particles.
Sol. The metals which are below hydrogen in the  The crushed ore is washed in a stream of
water.The lighter impurities are swept away
electrochemical series, i.e., which are less
while heavier ore particles settle down.
electropositive metals can occur in native state  For example haematite, tin stone and native ores
in nature. These metals are not readily attacked of Au,Ag etc .,which are heavier are usually
by oxygen, moisture, carbondioxide etc., concentrated by this method.
examples are: Ag, Au, Pt , Pd etc.,  The process is carried out in specially designed
tables called wilfley tables. It is generally used
W.E-2:Why do metal sulphides occur mainly in for oxide ores and carbonate ores
rocks and metal halides in lakes and seas?  Magnetic separation: If either ore or the
Sol. Metal sulphides are insoluble in water while gangue ( one of these two ) is attracted by a
metal halides are soluble in water. Thus magnet then ore can be separated from the
impurities with the help of magnetic separation
chlorides get dissolved in rain water and washed
method .
away to lakes and seas.  In this method the powdered ore is placed over
METALLURGY: The process of extraction a leather belt which moves over two rollers one
of which is magnetic.
of pure metal from its ore is called metallurgy.
 As the mass passes over the magnetic roller,the
Some common steps involved in the
magnetic particles are attracted by it and fall
metallurgical operations are
nearer to it while non magnetic particles fall
1. Crushing and grinding of the ore
away from the magnetic roller.
2. Concentration of the ore
3. Extraction of crude metal from concentrated  For example, cassiterite ( SnO2 ,Tin stone) an ore
ore of tin( non-magnetic) is separated from
4. Purification or refining of the metal. impurities of ferrous tungstate
1. Crushing and Grinding of the Ore: ( FeWO4 Wolframite) (magnetic).
 Big lumps of ore obtained from earth’s crust  Similarly chromite( FeCr2O4 ),an ore of
are crushed into smaller pieces with the help of
jaw crushers and grinders. chromium,magnetite( Fe3O4 ) an ore of iron and
 These pieces are then reduced to fine powder pyrolusite( MnO2 )an ore of manganese all being
with the help of a ball mill or stamp mill. This magnetic are separated from non-magnetic
process is called pulverisation. gangue by this process.
 Rutile TiO2 (magnetic) and chlorapatite  In the process, the powdered ore is digested with
a concentrated solution of NaOH at 473-523 K
3Ca3 ( PO4 ) 2 .CaCl2 (non magnetic) are also and 35-36 bar pressure.
separated by this method.  Al2O3 is leached out as sodium aluminate, and
 Froth floatation process: This process is SiO2 as sodium silicate.
commonly used for the concentration of Al2O3.2H2O  2NaOH  H2O  2Na[ Al (OH )4 ]
Sodium aluminate (soluble)
sulphide ores.
 It is based upon the principle of difference in  This alkaline aluminate is neutralised by passing
the wetting properties of the ore and gangue CO2 gas and hydrated Al2O3 is precipitated.
particles with water and oil.  2 Na[ Al (OH ) 4 ]  2CO2  Al2O3 .xH 2O  2 NaHCO3
 Finely powdered ore is mixed with water, pine  The sodium silicate remains in the solution and
oil (frother) and sodium ethyl xanthate or the insoluble hydrated alumina is filtered, dried
potassium ethyl xanthate (collector) in a big and heated to get pure Al2O3.
tank. 1470 K
Al2O3 .xH 2O   Al2O3  xH 2O
 The whole mixture is agitated with air. The ore
particles wetted with oil come in the froth and b) Leaching of Ag and Au:
are taken off, while impurities wetted with water  Gold and silver are extracted from their native
settle at the bottom. ores or silver from argentite ore by leaching .This
 Thus adsorption phenomenon is involved in this is also known as Mac-ArthurForest cyanide
method. process.
 Here, foaming agent is pine oil and froth  In this process the finely powdered argentite ore
stabilizers are cresol and aniline. or the native Ag or Au particles are treated with
 Collectors used are sodium ethyl xanthate and a dilute solution of NaCN or KCN in the
potassium ethyl xanthate (to make the ore presence of air.
water repellant)  Au,Ag dissolve by forming respective complex
 Activator used is CuSO4 or Na2S while
 The impurities remain unaffected, these are
depressant used is KCN or NaCN filtered off.
 For example, Sodium cyanide can be used as a 4 M ( s )  8CN (aq )  2 H 2 O( aq )  O2( g )  4[ M (CN ) 2 ](aq )  4OH (aq )
depressant in the separation of ores of ZnS and [M  Ag or Au ]
PbS.  Ag or Au is recovered from the solution by the
 NaCN forms a layer of zinc complex, addition of electropositive metal like Zn.
Na2 [ Zn(CN ) 4 ] on the surface of ZnS and 2[ M (CN ) 2 ](aq )  Zn( s )  [ Zn(CN ) 4 ](2aq )  2 M ( s )
therefore prevents it from forming the froth.  Electrostatic concentration: It is based on
 However,NaCN doesnot prevent PbS from the principle that when an electrostatic field is
forming the froth. applied,the particles which are good conductors
 Thus the two ores can be separated by the use of electricity become electrically charged and
of a depressant. are consequently repelled by electrode of same
Chemical method (leaching): This is a charge and are thrown away.
chemical method of concentration. In this  This method is used for the concentration of
method,the powdered ore is treated with a PbS and ZnS ores occuring together in nature.
suitable reagent in which the ore is soluble but  The powdered ore is fed up on a roller in a thin
the impurities are not soluble. The impurities layer and subjected to the influence of an
left undissolved are removed by filtration. electrostatic field.
a) Leaching of alumina from bauxite ore:  Lead sulphide being a good conductor,gets
 The principal ore of aluminium usually contains charged immediately and is thrown away from
SiO2, iron oxides and TiO2 as impurities. the roller .
 ZnS being a poor conductor falls vertically from  The ore becomes porous .
the roller. S8  8O2  8SO2
3. Extraction of crude metals:
P4  5O2  P4O10
 Metals are usually extracted by
reduction.Oxides are easier to reduce . 4 As  3O2  2 As2O3
 The extraction of metals involves the following  Sulphide ores are converted in to metallic
two major steps. oxides.
1) Conversion of the ore in to metallic oxide: 2 ZnS  3O2  2 ZnO  2 SO2
The concentrated ore is either a hydrated oxide,
a carbonate or a sulphide. It can be converted in 2 PbS  3O2  2 PbO  2 SO2
to its oxide form by the following two methods. 2Cu2 S  3O2  2Cu2O  2 SO2
a) Calcination:
 The SO2 produced is utilised for the manufacture
 Calcination is the process in which the ore is
heated strongly , below its melting point, either of H 2 SO4 .
in absence of air or in a limited supply of air.  When roasting is done at moderate temperature,
 This process is used for the conversion of the the sulphide ore is partially oxidised in to oxide
carbonates and hydrated oxide ores to their and partially in to sulphate.
respective oxides. For example
 During calcination , the following changes takes (a) 2 PbS  3O2  2 PbO  2 SO2
PbS  2O2  PbSO4
i. Moisture is removed .
ii. The volatile impurities of P, As and S are (b) 2 ZnS  3O2  2 ZnO  2 SO2
removed ZnS  2O2  ZnSO4
iii. The ore becomes porous.
 In some cases chlorinating roasting is down as
iν. Water from hydrated oxides is removed. metal is obtained by reduction of metal chloride.
ν. Carbonates decompose to oxides.  In this roasting the sulphide ore is converted in
For example to a chloride. For example silver ores are heated
ZnCO3   ZnO  CO2 with NaCl.
Ag 2 S  2 NaCl  2O2  2 AgCl  Na2 SO4
CaCO3   CaO  CO2
 Both calcination and roasting are generally
CaCO3 .MgCO3  Heat
  CaO  MgO  2CO 2 carried out in a reverberatory furnace.
 In case of roasting, the air holes are kept open
CuCO3.Cu(OH )2 
 2CuO  H2O  CO2 while in case of calcination, the air holes are
Malachite partially or completely closed.
Heat Note:
Al2O3 .2 H 2O   Al2O3  2 H 2O
 If the calcined or roasted ore still contains non-
fusible impurities (Gangue) of earthly matter,
b) Roasting:
then during reduction, an additional substance
 Roasting is the process in which the ore is heated
called the flux is also added to the ore.
strongly, below its melting point, in presence of
 It combines with impurities to form easily
excess of air.
fusible product known as slag.
 Sulphide ores are generally subjected to
roasting. Gangue  Flux  Fusible product
( present in the ore ) ( slag )
 During this process moisture is removed,  Slag is not soluble in molten metal. Being
impurities of non metals (P, As, S) are removed lighter, it can be easily skimmed off from the
as their volatile oxides. surface of the molten metal.
The choice of flux depends upon the nature of  Reduction by hydrogen: Certain metal
impurities present in the ore. For example, oxides are reduced by hydrogen.
 (a) If the ore contains acidic impurities such as  For example, molybdenum oxide, tungsten
SiO2 , P2O5 , etc., then the basic fluxes like lime oxide etc., are reduced with hydrogen at higher
(CaO ) , limestone (CaCO3 ), magnesite
MoO  3H 2  Mo  3H 2O
( MgCO3 ) haematite ( Fe2O3 ), etc, are used. Molybdenum

SiO  CaO  CaSiO
WO  3H 2  W  3H 2O
2 3
Acidic impurity Basic flux Calcium silicate ( slag ) 3
SiO 2  CaCO3  CaSiO3  CO2 trioxide
Acidic impurity Basic flux Calcium silicate ( slag )
NiO  H 2  Ni  H 2O
SiO2  MgCO3  MgSiO3  CO2 Nickel oxide
Acidic impurity Basic flux 
Magnesium silicate ( slag ) Reduction by Na or Mg or Ca: Certain metal
 (b) If basic impurities are present in the ore such halides are reduced to pure metal by reduction
as CaO, FeO, MgCO3, etc., then acidic fluxes with Na, Mg or Ca in a closed vessel on heating.
like sand (SiO2) or borax  For example Ti, Zr or Vanadium metals are
( Na2 B4O7 .10 H 2O ) are used. obtained by reduction of their halides with Na
or Mg at higher temperature.
FeO  SiO2  FeSiO3
Ferrous silicate TiCl4  4 Na  Ti  4 NaCl
CaO  SiO2  CaSiO 3 VCl4  2 Mg  V  2 MgCl2
Basic impurity Acidic flux Calcium silicate ( slag )

2) Reduction of the metallic oxide to the free TiCl4  2Mg  Ti  2MgCl2 (Kroll’s process)
metal: Oxides of less electro positive metals  Reduction with water gas: NiO is reduced
such as Zn, Fe, Cu, Pb, Sn, Mn, Cr etc., can be to nickel by heating with water gas ( CO  H 2 )
reduced by number of reducing agents such as
carbon(coke), CO or even another metal. 2 NiO  CO  H 2  2 Ni  CO2  H 2O
 The process of extracting the metal by heating  In this case both CO and H 2 present in water
the metal oxide with a suitable reducing agent
gas act as reducing agents.
is called pyro metallurgy.
Some of the methods commonly used to get the Reduction by aluminium (Gold Schmidt
free metal from the roasted or calcinated ore are: alumino thermic process)
Reduction by carbon-(Smelting):  Many oxides like Cr2O3 , Mn3O4 , Fe2O3 etc., are
 The process of extraction of metal by reduction not reduced easily by carbon or CO.These metal
of its oxide with carbon (in the form of charcoal, oxides are reduced by strongly electro positive
coke or CO) is called smelting. metals such as aluminium.
 Generally smelting is carried out in a blast  The process of reduction of a metal oxide to the
furnace. metal with the help of aluminium powder is
M x Oy  yC  xM  yCO called alumino thermic process.
For example: Cr2O3  2 Al  Al2O3  2Cr  heat
PbO  C  Pb  CO 3Mn3O4  8 Al  4 Al2O3  9 Mn  heat
PbO  CO  Pb  CO2
Fe2O3  2 Al  Al2O3  2 Fe  heat
Fe2O3  3C  2 Fe  3CO
 The mixture of metallic oxide such as Fe2O3
Fe2O3  3CO  2 Fe  3CO2
and Al powder in the ratio of 3:1 is known as
SnO2  2C  Sn  2CO thermite.
 A magnesium ribbon( which acts as a fuse) is  Electrolytic reduction: The process of
embedded in a mixture of Mg powder and extraction of metals by electrolysis is called
BaO2 ( called ignition mixture). electro metallurgy.
 The thermite is ignited with Mg ribbon. Iron  Highly electro positive metals like alkali and
oxide is reduced to iron. alkaline earth metals ,aluminium etc., are
 Large amount of heat energy is released during commonly extracted by the electrolysis of their
reduction , as a result the iron metal is obtained fused salts.
in the molten state.  Some times a small amount of some other salt
 The molten iron thus produced is useful for the is added to lower the fusion temperature or to
welding of the broken iron, the process is called increase the conductivity or both.
thermite welding.  The metal is obtained at cathode.
 Self reduction or Auto reduction: The Na is obtained by the electrolysis of fused
sulphide ores of less electro positive metals like mixture of NaCl and CaCl2 (Down’s process)
Hg, Cu, Pb, Sb etc., are heated in air as to convert or by electrolysis of fused NaOH(castner’s
part of the sulphide ore in to oxide which then process).
reacts with the remaining sulphide ore to give
the metal and sulphur dioxide. W.E-3:Why is Zn but not copper used for the
 No external reducing agent is used in this recovery of Ag from its cyanide complex
process. [ Ag (CN ) 2 ] ?
2 HgS  3O2  2 HgO  2 SO2 Sol. Zn is more powerful reducing agent (more
Cinnabar Mercury ( II )
electropositive) in comparison to Cu. Zn is also
2 HgO  HgS  3Hg  SO2 cheaper than Cu.
Mercury (II)
W.E-4:Why Al cannot be reduced by carbon?
2 PbS  3O2  2 PbO  2 SO2 Sol. Al is stronger reducing agent than carbon and
Lead Lead oxide
therefore, cannot be reduced by it.
2 PbO  PbS  3Pb SO2
Lead Lead
sulphide 3) Refining or Purification of Metals: The
 Reduction by precipitation(Hydro metals obtained after reduction may still contain
metallurgy): The process of extraction of some objectionable impurities which are
metals by dissolving the ore in a suitable removed by refining using following methods:
chemical reagent and the precipitation of the
Liquation: This method is used for refining
metal by more electro positive metal is called
the metals such as Sn, Pb, Bi, Hg etc) having
hydro metallurgy.
low melting points as compared to impurities
 Metals like Ag, Au,Cu etc., are extracted by this
(less fusible).
 The impure metal is placed on the sloping hearth
 For example concentrated Ag 2 S is treated with
of a furnace and gently heated.
a dilute solution of NaCN to form the soluble  The metal melts and flows down leaving behind
complex sodium dicyano argentate(I). the less fusible impurities on the hearth.
 Ag is precipitated from this by adding metal like
Zn. Distillation : Distillation is used for the
Ag 2 S  4 NaCN  2 Na[ Ag (CN ) 2 ]  Na2 S refining of metals which have low boiling points
Sodium dicyano arg entate ( I )
such as Zn, Cd, Hg etc.,. i.e., volatile metals.
 The impure metal is heated in a retort and its
 Na2 S is largely oxidised to Na2 SO4
vapours are separately condensed in a receiver.
4 Na2 S  2 H 2O  5O2  2 Na2 SO4  4 NaOH  2S  The non-volatile impurities are left behind in
2 Na[ Ag (CN ) 2 ]  Zn  Na2 [ Zn(CN ) 4 ]  2 Ag the retort.
Zone refining (fractional crystallization):  Mond’s process: Nickel is purified by this
This method is based on the difference in method.
solubility of impurities in molten and solid state  Impure Ni is heated with carbon monoxide,
of the metal. forming a volatile nickel tetra carbonyl.
 Elements such as Si, Ge, Ga etc., which are used  The carbonyl is subjected to higher temperature
as semi conductors, are refined by this method. so that it is decomposed giving the pure metal.
 Boron and Indium are also refined by this 330 350 K
Ni  4CO   Ni (CO ) 4
method. impure
 Highly pure metals are obtained in this process. 450  470 K
Ni (CO) 4   Ni  4CO
 A movable heater is fitted around a rod of the Pure metal
impure metal.
Electrolytic refining: Metals like Cu, Ag, Au,
 The heater is slowly moved across the rod. The
Zn, Al, Pb etc., are purified by this method.
metal melts at the point of heating and as the
 The impure metal is made anode while a thin
heater moves on from one end of the rod to the
sheet of pure metal acts as a cathode.
other end, the pure metal crystallises while the
 The electrolytic solution consists of a soluble
impurities pass on the adjacent melted zone.
salt of the same metal.
Poling: This method is employed when the  On passing the current, the pure metal is
impure metal contains impurities of its own deposited on the cathode and equivalent amount
oxide. of the metal gets dissolved from the anode.
 For example. Cu2O in a blister copper and  The metal is transferred from anode to cathode
through solution.
SnO2 in impure Sn .
 The insoluble impurities settle down below the
 The molten impure metal is stirred with green anode as anode mud or anode sludge.
wood poles. The green poles of wood release
Parke’s process: (exclusive for JEE MAINS)
the hydro carbon gases such as CH 4 which  This process is used for extraction of Ag from
reduces the oxide impurity present in the metal. Pb.
Cupellation: It is useful when the metal  Zn is added to the molten mixture of Pb and
possesses, easily oxidisable impurities of other Ag.
metals.  Zn and Pb are not miscible
 For example: The impurity of lead present in  Ag is more miscible with Zn than Pb.
silver is removed by Cupellation process.  Zn - Ag alloy is lighter than molten lead and
 The impure silver is fused in a Cupel or Oval have a higher melting point.
shaped Crucible made of bone ash and a blast  Zn - Ag alloy forms the upper layer and Zn - Ag
of air is passed over the molten mass. Lead is alloy solidifies earlier than molten Pb.
oxidised to PbO and blown away.  Zn being volatile can be separated from Ag by
distillation. Ag is purified by Cupellation.
Vapour phase refining:
Van Arkel method: This method is generally Types of Furnaces: Furnace is a device in
applied for obtaining ultra pure metals. which high temperature is produced either by
 The impure metal is converted into a volatile burning a fuel (or) by using electricity.
stable compound while the impurities are not  Furnaces are lined with refractory bricks or fire
affected. bricks.
 The volatile compound is then decomposed  The important parts in a furnace are
electrically to get the pure metal. i) Hearth
 Ti and Zr are purified by this method. ii) Fire place (fire box) iii) Chimney
Ti  2 I 2  500 K
 TiI 4  In a furnace the ore is placed on the hearth.
Impure metal Volatile Compound  In a furnace the fuel burns in the fire place
1700 K  In a furnace the blue gases escape through the
TiI 4   Ti  2 I 2 chimney.
Pure metal
 The fire place and the hearth are seperated by a  Blast Furnace is frequently used for the
partition known as fire bridge. extraction of Fe and Cu from their ores.
 The different types of furnaces used are  Slag formation plays an important role in the
i) Reverberatory furnace ii) Retort furnace blast furnace as it covers the melted metal and
iii) Blast furnace iv) Shaft furnace thus protects the metal from being reoxidised.
v) Open hearth furnace vi) Muffle furnace Thermodynamic Principles of
vii) Electrical furnace viii) Arc furnace
ix) Bessemer converter.
metallurgy:  Gibbs energy concept of
thermodynamics help us in understanding the
 The ore along with the substances added to it
theory of metallurgical transformations
(if any) is known as charge.
 The charge is placed on the hearth of a furnace.  The change in Gibbs energy, G for any process
at any specified temperature, is described by the
Reverberatory Furnace: The principle
equation G  H  T S --------- (1)
involved in reverberatory furnace is indirect
heating. H  enthalpy change
 The hot gases and flames produced by the S  entropy change for the process.
burning of fuel in the fire box, reach the top of  For any reaction, this change could also be
the furnace and then reflected on to the hearth. explained through the equation.
The charge gets heated. G 0   RT ln K --------- (2)
 Both roasting and calcination are performed in Where K = Equilibrium constant for “reactant -
a reverberatory furnace. product" system at T.
 The efficiency of the furnace is less because the  If G is negative the equilibrium constant K is
heat content of waste gases cannot be used positive in equation (1) this happens only when
repeatedly. the reaction proceeds towards products.
 This furnace is used in the metallurgy of Cu,
Conclusions: The reaction proceeds forward
Pb, steel etc.,
if the G value is negative.
Blast Furnace: It is a huge Chimney like  If S and H are positive, on increasing the
structure which can be between 25 to 60 metres
temperature (T), the value of T S exceeds H
in height and 5 to 10 metres in diameter.
 The principle involved in blast furnace is direct and G becomes negative (H  T S )
heating.  If two reactions are occuring together in a system
 A conveyor belt called skiphoist carries the and if the sum of G of the two reactions is
charge to the top of the furnace. negative the overall reaction will occur
 The charge is introduced into the furnace from spontaneously.
the top by a special arrangement known as  The net reaction is called coupled reaction.
double cup and cone arrangement.  Such coupling is easily understood through
 Hot air is blown through a series of pipes called
Gibbs energy  G  Vs T plots for formation

tuyeres to heat the charge.

 Smelting process is preferd in blast furnace. of the oxides.
 Molten mass (products) which collects at the Gibbs energy ( ΔG 0 ) vs temperature(T)
bottom of the furnace (i.e. hearth) is called plots (Ellingham diagram)
smelt.  The graphical representation of variation of
 It is provided with two tapholes. Molten metal Gibbs energy change with temperature is called
is tapped from the lower one and molten slag Ellingham diagram as it was first used by H.J.T
from the other. Ellingham.
 The temperature of furnace at the top (near cup  The diagram provides the choice of reducing
and cone) is 300 - 500°C and at tuyere's region agent in the reduction of oxides.
is  1500°C.
 The diagram helps us in predicting the For example Cr2O3 can be reduced by Al metal
feasibility of thermal reduction of an ore. but Al2O3 can’t be reduced by Cr.
 If G is  Ve the thermal reduction of an ore is Cr2O3  2 Al  Al2O3  2Cr .
feasible Ellingham Diagram :
 Ellingham Diagram normally consists of plots
of G  Vs T for formation of oxides of
Elements i.e, for the reaction.
2 xM ( S )  O2 g   2M xO( S )
In the above reaction S  Ve . Thus if
temperature is increased T S becomes more

negative  G 0 becomes less negative, this
results in positive slope of the curve, for most
l 2O 3
of the reactions for formation of M X O( S ) . 2/3 A

i.e., G 0 is likely to increase with rise in

 Each plot is a straight line except when some
change in phase (solid  liq (or) liq  Gas)
taken place.
The temperature at which such change occurs,
is indicated by an increase in the slope on
positive side. Limitations of Ellingham Diagram
Eg: In the Zn, ZnO plot, the melting is indicated
by an abrupt change in the curve.  The graph simply indicates whether a reaction
 There is a point in a curve below which G is is possible or not. It does not say about the
kinetics of the reduction process.
negative, so MxO is stable. Above this point,
MxO will decompose on its own.  The interpretation of G 0 is always based on
 In the case of less reactive metals like Ag and equilibrium constant K (G0  RTlnK ) , thus it
Hg, G 0 becomes positive at high
is presumed that the reactants and products are
temperatures. in equilibrium. But this is not always true
It indicates that both Ag 2 O and HgO aree because the reactant or product may be solid.
unstable and decompose at high temperature.  Alumina can be reduced by magnesium by the
2 Ag 2 O   4 Ag  O2 following conditions The two equations are
2 HgO   2 Hg  O2 a)
Al2 O3  2Mg  2MgO  Al
 In the reaction of formation of CO2 from C 3 3
S 0  0  G 0 remains nearly the same with b) 2Mg + O2  2MgO
 At the point of intersection of the Al2O3 and
rise in temperature. i.e., G 0 is independent of
temperature. MgO curves, the G 0 becomes ZERO for the
 In the curve of CO, G 0 decreases as S 0 reaction:
increases. This is indicated by the downward 2 4
trend. Al2 O3  2Mg  2MgO  Al
3 3
 The metal oxide placed higher in the diagram
can be reduced by the metal involved in the Below that point magnesium can reduce
formation of the oxide placed lower in the alumina.
 At temperatures below the point of intersection W.E-6: Under certain conditions magnesium can
of Al2O3 and MgO curves, magnesium can reduce SiO2 and silicon can reduce MgO. What
reduce alumina. But the process will be are those conditions?
uneconomical, since magnesium is costlier than Sol. Below the melting point of silicon (1693 K) the
G 0 curve for the formation of SiO2 lies above
 The reduction of a metal oxide easier if the metal
the G 0 curve for MgO. Therefore below
formed is in the liquid state at the temperature
of reduction because the entropy is higher if the 1693K, Mg can reduce SiO2 to Si. However
metal is in liquid state than in solid state. above 1693 K, the G 0 curve for MgO lies
above the G 0 curve for SiO2 and therefore, at
Electrochemical principles of metallurgy:
temperatures above 1693 K, Si can reduce MgO
In the reduction of a molten metal salt,
to Mg.
electrolysis is done. Such methods are based on
electrochemical principles which could be METALLURGY OF IRON
understood through the equation G 0   nFE 0 Haematite ore  Fe2O3 
n = no. of electrons
E 0 = electrode potential of the redox couple
Concentration of ore by gravity process followed
formed in the system
by electromagnetic separation
 More reactive metal have large - ve values of
E 0 , then G 0 becomes +ve, so their
reduction is difficult.
 If the difference of two E 0 values corresponds Ore+air 
 Moisture, CO2 , SO2 , As2O3 are
removed and FeO is oxidized into ferric
to a positive E 0 and consequently G 0
becomes negative, then less reactive metal will
come out of the solution and the more reactive S  O2  SO2
metal will go to the solution 4 As  3O2  2 As2O3
Eg:- Cu  Fe  Cu  Fe 2
 aq  s s  aq 
Fe2 O3 .3 H 2 O  Fe2 O3  3 H 2 O
W.E-5:The value of  f G 0 for the formation of FeCO3  FeO  CO2
Cr2O3 is -540 KJ mol-1 and that of Al2O3 is -
827 KJ mol-1. Is reduction of Cr2O3 possible Smelting
with Al? Smelting is done in a blast furnace
Sol. The two equations are (ore+coke + limestone) (8 : 4 : 1 ratio)
Reactions taking place in the blast furnace:
1) 2 Al  O2  Al2O3  f G  827 Kj mol
0 1 1. Combustion Zone: This is the lowest part of
2 the furnace above hearth where the temperature
3 is about 15000-16000C C  O2  CO2
2) 2Cr  O2  Cr2O3  f G 0  540 KJ mol 1
2  CO2 rises upwards.
Subtracting equation (2) from (1) we get 2. Reduction Zone:
 This is the upper most part of the furnace. The
Cr2O3  2 Al  Al2O3  2Cr  r G 0  287 KJ mol 1
temperature varies from 2500-7000C
This combined reaction is feasible since G 0  The oxide ore is reduced to iron in this zone.
has negative value. i.e., 300400 C
3Fe2O3  CO  2Fe3O4  CO2

reduction of Cr2O3 by Al is possible

500  600 C  Wrought Iron (Malleable iron): It is the
Fe3O4  CO   3FeO  CO2

purest form of iron.

7000 C
FeO  CO  Fe  CO2  It contains the lowest percentage of carbon from
The oxide ore which escapes reduction, gets 0.1 to 0.25% and 0.3% other impurities.
completely reduced by carbon above 8500C  It is manufactured from cast iron by puddling
 In the reduction reactions, heat is also evolved process.
which decomposes part of carbon monoxide into  Puddling furnace is a special type of
carbon. 2CO   CO2  C . reverberatory furnace in which wrought iron is
3. Slag formation Zone (Heat absorption  The hearth of the furnace is lined with haematite
zone): This is the central zone where the (Fe2O3).
temperature varies from 800-10000C
 The cast iron is melted on the hearth of the
CO2 is reduced to CO furnace by the hot gases and stirred with long
CO2  C  2CO iron rods.
 Oxides of carbon and sulphur being volatile
1000 C
CaCO3   CaO  CO2
escape while those of Mn, P and Si form slag.
CaO  SiO2 
 CaSiO3 3C  Fe2O3  2 Fe  3CO
( flux ) ( gangue ) ( slag )

 Silicates, phosphates and manganates present as 3Si  2 Fe2O3  3SiO2  4 Fe

impurities in ore are reduced to Si, P and Mn 3Mn  Fe2O3  3MnO  2 Fe
MnO  SiO2  MnSiO3 ( slag )
P4O10  10C 
 4 P  10CO
6 P  5 Fe2O3  3P2O5  10 Fe
SiO2  2C 
 Si  2CO
MnO2  2C   Mn  2CO P2O5  Fe2O3  2 FePO4 ( slag )
These are partly absorbed by iron (spongy) and  With the removal of impurities, the melting point
partly by slag. of the metal rises and it becomes a semi-solid
4. Zone of fusion: This is a zone just above the mass from this almost pure iron (wrought iron)
zone of combustion. The temperature ranges is produced.
between 1200-15000C.  Steel: It is the most important industrial form
 The spongy iron which has absorbed already C, of iron. The percentage of carbon in it is
Si, P, Mn etc. melts at 13000C and collects at 0.25%-2%.
the bottom of the hearth.  Types of steel: Steel is of following types
 The slag which being lighter, floats over the depending upon the amount of carbon.
molten iron and prevents the oxidation of molten  Mild steel: Such steel has a low percentage of
metal. carbon and show elasticity, hardness and some
Molten metal on solidification gives Pig iron other properties of the wrought iron.
(Remelted and cooled)  Hard steel: Such steel is hard and brittle and
Cast iron (Fe = 93%, C = 4% and impurities has a high percentage of carbon.
of Mn, P, Si etc = 3%)  Alloy steel: When steel is mixed with small
Iron and Its Forms amount of Ni, Co, Cr, W, Mo, Mn it acquires
some special properties.This kind of steel is
 White Cast Iron: When the molten pig iron
called alloy steel. It can be manufactured by
is suddenly cooled, the iron is called white cast
following processes:
iron. It has carbon in the form of cementite
1. Bessemer’s process
 Fe3C  2. Siemens Martin process (open hearth process)
 Grey Cast Iron: When molten pig iron is 3. Electric process
cooled down slowly the iron is called grey cast 4. Duplex process
iron. It has carbon in the form of graphite. 5. LD process

The Bessemer’s Process: The process is  Spiegeleisen (an alloy of Fe, Mn and Carbon) is
based on the fact that impurities of pig iron are added to the molten mass to obtain desired steel.
completely oxidised in presence of hot air blast.  The open hearth process has following
i.e., virtually wrought iron is obtained. advantage over the Bessemer’s process:
 This is then mixed with a known amount of 1. The temperature can be controlled as the heating
spiegeleisen, an alloy of iron, manganese and is done externally.
carbon to obtain steel. 2. As it is a slow process, it can be controlled in
 Bessemer converter lined with silica bricks, if better way, the composition and quality can be
the impurities are manganese, silicon. well controlled
Chemical reactions are: 3. The loss of iron in this process is only 4% while
Si  O2  SiO2 ; 2 Mn  O2  2 MnO the loss is about 15% in Bessemer’s process.
4. In this process scrap iron is reused.
MnO  SiO2  MnSiO3 5. Steel manufactured is of better quality
( slag )

 Some iron is also oxidised which converts the Types of iron

carbon into carbon monoxide (CO burns with
blue flame at the mouth of the converter)
4 Fe  3O2  2 Fe2O3 ; Fe2O3  3C  2 Fe  3CO
 When cast iron or pig iron contains phosphorus
as an impurity, a basic lining of CaO or MgO is
used in the Bessemer converter.
 Phosphorus is oxidised to P4O10 which combines
with CaO to form calcium phosphate as slag.
4 P  5O2  P4O10
6CaO  P4O10  2Ca3 ( PO4 ) 2
 This slag is used as a fertilizer and known as
Thomas slag.
Siemens Martin process (open hearth
process):This is the modern process and the
furnace used consists of an open hearth.
 Silica lining is used if the impurities are
manganese, silicon etc. and Calcined dolomite Heat treatment of steels: [Exclusive for
(CaO.MgO) lining is used if much of JEE-MAIN]
phosphorus is present.
a. Annealing: It is a process of heating steel to
 A high temperature of about 15000C is generated
by burning producer gas which works on bright redness and then cooling it very slowly.
regenerative system of heat economy.  This treatment makes the steel soft and ductile.
 The charge consists of pig or cast iron, iron This type of steel is used in fabrication process.
scrap, iron ore (haematite) and lime. b. Quenching: It is a process of heating steel to
 The charge is heated on the hearth of the furnace. bright redness and then cooling it suddenly by
The impurities are oxidised by iron ore. plunging it in water or oil.
MnO  SiO2  MnSiO3  Such a steel is extremely hard and brittle. It has
( slag )
very low elasticity.
6CaO  P4O10  2Ca3 ( PO4 ) 2 c. Tempering: It is a process of heating the
( slag )
quenched steel to a temperature much below
CaO  SiO2  CaSiO3
( slag ) redness and then cooling it slowly.
 Such steel is neither so hard nor so brittle. Silica, Coke, roasted ore are smelted in blast
 In the process of tempering, a thin film of the furnace in presence of air to get matte
oxide is formed on the surface of steel.
Most of the iron sulphide is oxidised to ferrous
d. Case Hardening: The process of producing a oxide
thin coating of hardened steel on the surface of
2 FeS  3O2  2 FeO  2SO2
the mild steel is called case hardening.
 This is done by heating the mild steel with FeO  SiO2  FeSiO3 ,  slag 
charcoal and then plunging into oil.
 Such a steel becomes resistant to wear and tear.
e. Nitriding: The process of producing a hard  
Matte  Cu2 S  FeS 
coating of iron nitride on the surface of steel is  
( more quantity ) ( Small quantity )

called nitriding.
 Steel is headed in the atmosphere of dry
ammonia at 500-6000C Bessemerisation
 A hard coating of iron nitride is produced on Bessemerisation in bessemer converter in
the surface. presence of air.
Remaining ferrous sulphide gets oxidised.
2 FeS  3O2  2 FeO  2SO2
Copper pyrites  CuFeS2 
FeO  SiO2  FeSiO3  slag 
Part of cuprous sulphide is oxidised which
crushed and sieved the ore combines with remaining cuprous sulphide to
form copper metal.

Concentrated by froth floatation method 2Cu2 S  3O2  2Cu2O  2 SO2

Powdered ore + water + pine oil +
2Cu2O  Cu2 S   6Cu  SO2
air  sulphide ore in the froth. Autoreduction

Roasting in reverberatory furnace in Blister Copper (98%Cu+2% Impurities)

presence of air
S  O2  SO2 Electrolytic refining
4As+3O 2  2As2O3 Anode : Impure copper plates,
Cathode: pure copper plates
2CuFeS 2  O2  Cu 2 S  2 FeS  SO2
Electrolyte: CuSO4 solution + H 2 SO4
The sulphides of copper and iron are partially
oxidised Pure copper deposits at cathode
(99.6%-99.9% pure)
2Cu2 S  3O2  2Cu2O  2SO2
The more electropositive impurities like Fe, Zn,
2 FeS  3O2  2 FeO  2 SO2 Ni, Co etc dissolve in the solution and less
electropositive impurities such as Ag, Au and
Pt collect below the anode in the form of anodic
Smelting mud.

METALLURGY OF SILVER Reduction: ZnO  C  Zn  CO (Belgian process)

(exclusive for JEE MAINS) Heating is done by producer gas
Argentite  Ag 2 S 
Zn (spelter) (impurities Pb, Fe, Cd, As etc)
Concentration by froth floatation process
powdered ore + water + pine oil + air  Froth Purification by distillation 9500 C  10000 C .
carrying sulphide ore particles
Only zinc (boiling point 9070C) and Cd (boling
point 7670C) distil over. From this sample Cd is
Cyanidation removed at 8000C
Concentrated ore + aq. NaCN solution (0.4% - or
0.6%) + air Electrolytic refining
2 Na  Ag  CN 2   Na2 S
Anode: Impure metal, Cathode: Pure Al. sheet,
Ag 2 S  4 NaCN 
 
Sodium arg ento cyanide
Electrolyte: Solution of zinc sulphate.
Pure Zn deposits on cathode
4 Na2 S  5O2  2 H 2O  2 Na2 SO4  4 NaOH  2 S
Extraction of Aluminium: Aluminium is
(filtrate) the third most abundant element found in nature
next to oxygen and Silicon.
Precipitation of silver with zinc
 Baeyer's Process: Red bauxite (main impurity
2 N a  Ag  C N  2   Zn  2 Ag  N a 2  Zn  C N  4 
( black ppt ) is Fe2O3) is purified by this process.
 Powdered Bauxite is first roasted to convert
Black precipitate of Ag  KNO3 Fuse
 ferrous oxide impurity present in it into ferric
Compact mass (silver metal) oxide
 The roasted bauxite ore is dissolved in Conc.
Electrolytic refining NaOH solution at 423 K giving sodium meta
Anode: Impure silver aluminate ( NaAlO2 )
Cathode: Pure silver plate  The clear aqueous solution of NaAlO 2 is
Electrolyte: AgNO3 solution + HNO3
diluted with water and pinch of Al  OH 3 is
Pure silver deposits on the cathode.
added to it. The solution is agitated well.
Zinc Blende (ZnS) Al  OH 3 added act as seeding agent. NaAlO 2

undergoes hydrolysis giving Al  OH 3

Concentration by froth floatation process
Powdered ore + water + pine oil + air  froth  The Al  OH 3 is ignited at 12000 C gives pure
carrying sulphide ore particles Al2O3 .
 The pure Al2O3 is known as Alumina.
Roasting in reverberatory furnace
Al2 O3 2H 2 O s   2NaOH  aq  
2 ZnS  3O2  2 ZnO  2 SO2
2NaAlO 2 aq   3H 2 O l 
ZnS  2O2  ZnSO4
2ZnSO4  2ZnO  2SO2  O2 NaAlO2 aq   2H 2O l   NaOH aq   Al  OH 3 

12000 C
2Al  OH 3 
 Al2O3  3H 2O
Hall's Process: Bauxite is fused with  Cryolite increases the conductivity and CaF2
Na 2CO3 to get NaAlO 2 , the fused mass is reduces the fusion temperature of Al2O3 .
extracted with water where Fe 2O3 and SiO2  The fusion temperature is reduced to 9000C and
remain insoluble in the residue. These are
it becomes a good conductor of electricity.
removed by filteration.
 Electrolysis is carried out in an iron tank
 CO 2 gas is passed into the aqueous solution of lined inside with carbon which acts as
NaAlO 2 at 50 to 600C to get Al  OH 3 .
 Anode consists of a number of carbon rods
 The Al  OH 3 on strong heating at 1200 C suspended in the electrolyte from the top of
gives alumina. the cell.
 The fused electrolyte (a mixture containing
Al2 O3  Na 2 CO3  2NaAlO 2  CO 2  alumina, cryolite and fluorspar) is covered with
2NaAlO 2  3H 2O  CO 2  a layer of coke.
 The temperature is maintained at 900 - 9500C
2Al  OH 3   Na 2CO3 at which the following reactions take place at
12000 C
the electodes.
2Al  OH 3 
 Al2O3  3H 2O Dissociation of cryolite
Serpeck's Process: white bauxite (main Na3 AlF6  3 NaF  AlF3
impurity is silica) is purified by this process. Ionisation of aluminium fluoride
 Powdered Bauxite and Coke is heated in N 2 at
AlF3 
  Al 3  3F 
1800o C .  Aluminium ions move towards the cathode and
 Silica is reduced to silicon which volatalises off discharge as aluminium metal. Fluoride ions
at this temperature, alumina is converted to move towards the anode and discharge as
aluminium nitride. fluorine.
18000 C At cathode (reduction) : Al 3  3 e  Al
Al2O3  3C  N 2 
 2AlN  3CO 
SiO 2  2C  Si  2CO  At anode (oxidation) : 2 F   F2  2 e
The liberated fluorine reacts with alumina to
 AlN on hydrolysis gives Al  OH 3 and NH 3
form AlF3 and O2 . The oxygen attacks the
gas( by product)
carbon anode to form CO and CO2. Anodes are
AlN  3H 2O  Al (OH )3  NH 3 replaced frequently.
 Al  OH 3 on ignition gives Al2O3 2 Al2O3  6 F2  4 AlF3  3O2
12000 C 2C  O2  2CO ; C  O2  CO2
2Al  OH 3 
 Al2O3  3H 2O
Aluminium obtained in this process is 99% pure.
 Pure Al2O3 is a bad conductor of electricity and
Hoope's Process
its fusion temperature is very high
(about 20000C) hence it can’t be electrolysed.  Electrolyte: Fused mixture of Fluorides of
sodium, Barium and Aluminium saturated with
Hall-Heroult Process: Al metal is obtained
by the electrolysis of Al2O3 dissolved in molten
 Cathode: Pure Aluminium layer in which
graphite rods are suspended.
 Electrolyte: Al2O3 dissolved in molten  Anode: Impure Aluminium layer having
cryolite to which a small quantity of CaF2 is contact with carbon plate fixed at the bottom of
also added. the electrolytic cell.
 On electrolysis, aluminium is deposited at W.E-7: Why magnesium oxide is used for the lining
cathode from the middle layer and an equivalent in steel making furnace?
amount of aluminium is taken up by the middle Sol. Magnesium oxide acts as a flux to remove
layer from the bottom layer. impurities of Si, P and S through slag formation
 Aluminium is transferred from bottom to the top
layer through middle layer, while the impurities MgO  SiO2  MgSiO3
are left behind 3MgO  P2O5  Mg3 ( PO4 ) 2
 The aluminium metal obtained in Hoope's
process is 99.98% pure. MgO  SO2  MgSO3

Uses of Aluminium, Copper, Zinc and

Iron LEVEL-I (C.W)
 Aluminium foils are used as wrappers for INTRODUCTION
chocolates. 1. Which of the following metal occurs in native
 The fine dust of Al metal is used in paints and state
lacquers 1) Ca 2) Au 3) Zn 4) Al
 Aluminium is also used in the extraction of 2. Which of the following metal cannot occur
chromium and manganese from their oxides. in native state?
 Aluminium wires are used as electricity 1) Cu 2) Zn 3) Ag 4) Fe
conductors. 3. The least electropositive metal among the
 Alloys of aluminium, being light, are very useful following is
in aircraft industry. 1) Au 2) Mg 3) Al 4) Zn
Copper 4. The weakest reducing agent among the
 Copper is used for making electrical wires following is
 Used in water and steam pipes. 1) Hydrogen gas 2) Coke
 Used in several alloys (brass, bronze, coinage 3) Carbon monoxide gas 4) Aluminium metal
alloy) 5. The magnetic oxide of iron is
Zinc 1) Haematite 2) Magnetite
 Zinc is used for galvanising iron 3) Siderite 4) Limonite
 Used in batteries. 6. The formula of calamine ore is
 In alloys Brass (Copper 60% + Zinc 40%) 1) ZnS 2) FeCO3 3) ZnCO3 4) Cu2 S
german silver (Copper 50-60% Zinc 25-30%, 7. Bauxite is an oxide mineral of
Ni 20-30%) 1) Barium 2) Boron 3) Bismuth 4) Aluminium
 Zinc dust is used as a reducing agent in the 8. The chief ore of aluminium is
manufacture of dye-stuffs paints, etc 1) Alunite 2) Bauxite 3) Cryolite 4) Feldspar
Cast iron 9. Which is not a mineral of aluminium
 Cast iron is used for casting stoves, railway 1) Anhydrite 2) Bauxite
sleepers, gutter pipes, toys etc. 3) Corundum 4) Diaspore
 Used in the manufacture of wrought iron and 10. Pyrolusite is the oxide mineral of
steel 1) Iron 2) Selenium
Nickel steel 3) Manganese 4) Magnesium
 Nickel steel for making cables, automobiles and 11. Which one of the following doesnot occur as
aeroplane parts. Chrome steel for cutting tools sulphide ore
and crushing machines. 1) Zn 2) Cr 3) Ag 4) Fe
Stainless steel 12. The most abundant element in the earth crust
 Stainless steel for cycles, automobiles, utensils, is
pens, etc. 1) O 2) Si 3) gold 4) iron
13. Which of the following is the heaviest metal 25. The olive oil used in froth floatation process
1) U 2) Ra 3) Pb 4) Hg is called
14. Essential constituent of amalgam is 1) Frothing agent 2) Lubricating agent
1) Alkali metal 2) Silver 3) Conditioning agent 4) Both 1 and 2
3) Mercury 4) Iron 26. Which one of the following is used as
15. Malachite is an ore of conditioner in froth floatation process
1) Silver 2) Mercury 1) Pine oil 2) Sodium ethyl xanthate
3) Magnesium 4) Copper 3) Sodium carbonate 4) Olive oil
16. Composition of Azurite mineral is 27. The collecting agent in froth floatation
1) CuCO3 .CuO process is
1) Sodium ethyl xanthate 2) CuSO4
2) Cu  HCO3 2 .Cu  OH 2
3) Lime 4) Water
3) 2CuCO3 .Cu  OH 2 28. Leaching is a process of
1) Reduction 2) Concentration
4) CuCO3 .2Cu  OH 2 3) Refining 4) Oxidation
17. The ore having two metal atoms is 29. Which of the following metal is leached by
1) Haematite 2) Galena Cyanide process
3) Magnatite 4) Copper pyrites 1) Ag 2) Na 3) Al 4) Cu
18. Formula of ruby copper is .

3) CuCO3 .Cu  OH 2
30. The extraction of metal from the ore is
4) CuFeS2
1) an oxidation process 2) a reduction process
CONCENTRATION OF THE ORE 3) a hydration process
19. Hand picking method is used for the 4) a neutralisation process
concentration of following ore 31. Carbon cannot be used to reduce
1) Cassiterite 2) Haematite 1) ZnO 2) SnO2 3) Fe2O3 4) Al2O3
3) Calamine 4) Galena
32. Hydro metallurgy is used in the extraction
20. The earthy impurities present in the mineral
are called
1) Cu 2) Au 3) Ag 4) All
1) flux 2) slag 3) gangue
33. Silver is displaced when zinc is added to
4) refractory material
aqueous sodium argento cyanide This
21. Method used for the concentration of tinstone
method of extracting silver is an example for
ore is
1) Leaching 2) Hydro metallurgy
1) Hand picking 2) Froth floatation
3) Pyrometallurgy 4) Liquation
3) Magnetic separation 4) Leaching
34. Aluminium is obtained by the electrolysis of
22. The magnetic impurity present in cassiterite
ore is pure Al2O3 dissolved in
1) Silica 2) Wolframite 3) SnO 4) Clay
1) Alumina 2) Bauxite 3) Cryolite 4) Felspar
23. Generally sulphide ores are concentrated by 35. In the metallurgy of Fe, when CaCO3 is
following process [EAMCET (Med) 2014] added to blast furnace, calcium ion appears
1) Hand picking 2) Washing with water as
3) Leaching 4) Froth floatation 1) CaO 2) metallic Ca 3) gangue 4) slag
24. The ore that is concentrated by froth 36. Electrochemical process (electrolysis of fused
floatation process is salt) is employed to extract
1) Chalcopyrites 2) Cryolite 1) Iron 2) Mg 3) Na 4) Both Na and Mg
3) Cuprite 4) Calamine
37. A mixture of haematite, coke and limestone 50. When Bauxite is heated with NaOH solution,
on heating in blast furnace gives molten iron the water soluble compound formed is
metal. This is known as 1) NaAlO 2 2) Na 3AlO3 3) Al  OH 3 4) Al2O3
1) Smelting 2) Calcination
3) Roasting 4) Liquation 51. The first step involved in the purification of
38. In the extraction of iron from haematite, the white bauxite by Serpeck's method is
charge used is haematite, coke and lime stone 1) Treatment of bauxite with concentrated
in the following weight ratio solution of caustic soda under pressure at 423K
1) 1 : 1 : 1 2) 8 : 4 : 1 3) 8 : 1 : 4 4) 1 : 4 : 8 2) Fusion of powdered bauxite with sodium
39. The slag formed in the blast furnace during carbonate.
the extraction of iron from haematite is 3) Heating of powdered bauxite with coke in a
current of nitrogen.
1) Ca3  PO4 2 2) CaSiO3 4) None of the above.
3) FeSiO3 4) MnSiO3 REFINING
40. The iron formed in blast furnace is called 52. Which of the following metal is refined by
1) Pig iron 2) Wrought iron distillation method
3) Steel 4) Cast iron 1) Zinc 2) Iron 3) Tin 4) Copper
41. The most impure form of iron is 53. Zone refining method is used for refining
1) Wrought iron 2) mild steel 1) Al 2) Ge 3) Cu 4) Fe
3) hard steel 4) cast iron 54. Zone refining is a method to obtain
42. The copper metal is extracted from its 1) very high temperature 2) ultra pure Al
1) Carbonate ore 2) Sulphide ore 3) ultra pure metals 4) ultra pure oxides
3) Sulphate ore 4) Chloride ore 55. A metal contains, metal oxide as impurity.
43. In the extraction of copper, the slag formed The method used to refine this metal is
in the blast furnace is 1) Poling 2) Liquation
1) CaSiO3 2) FeSiO3 3) Ca3  PO4 2 4) MnSiO3 3) Cupellation 4) Distillation
44. In the extraction of Cu from its sulphide ore, 56. Metal refined by cupellation process is
1) Ag 2) Fe 3) Zn 4) Sn
the metal is formed by reduction of Cu2O
57. Which of the following pair of metals is
with purified by Van Arkel method
1) FeS 2) CO 3) Cu2 S 4) SO2 1) Ga and In 2) Zr and Ti
45. Blister Cu is about 3) Ag and Au 4) Ni and Fe
1) 60% cu 2) 90% Cu 3) 98% Cu 4) 100% Cu 58. 100% copper is obtained from crude copper
46. The impurity present in Blister copper is by
1) FeS 2) Cu2O 3) Cu2 S 4) FeO 1) Zone refining 2) electrorefining
47. Belgian process is used for the extraction of 3) liquation 4) poling
1) Cu 2) Ag 3) Zn 4) Fe
48. Which of the following method is not used LEVEL-I (C.W) - KEY
for the concentration of bauxite ore 1) 2 2) 2 3) 1 4) 1 5) 2 6) 3 7) 4
1) Serpeck's method 2) Baeyer's method 8) 2 9) 1 10) 3 11) 2 12) 1 13) 1 14) 3
3) Hoope's method 4) Hall's method 15) 4 16) 3 17) 4 18) 1 19) 2 20) 3 21) 3
49. Name the method used for the purification
of red bauxite where the following reaction 22) 2 23) 4 24) 1 25) 1 26) 3 27) 1 28) 2
is involved 29) 1 30) 2 31) 4 32) 4 33) 2 34) 3 35) 4
Al2O3.2 H 2O  Na2CO3  36) 4 37) 1 38) 2 39) 2 40) 1 41) 4 42) 2
2 NaAlO2  CO2  2 H 2O 43) 2 44) 3 45) 3 46) 2 47) 3 48) 3 49) 2
1) Baeyer's method 2) Hall's method 50) 1 51) 3 52) 1 53) 2 54) 3 55) 1 56) 1
3) Serpeck's method 4) Hoope's method 57) 2 58) 2
LEVEL-I (C.W) - HINTS 50. NaAlO 2 is formed
1. Au occurs in native state 51. Heating of powdered bauxite with coke in a
2. Zn - cannot occur in native state current of nitrogen to form AlN.
3. Least electropositive metal is Au. 52. Zn has low M.P. & B.P.
4. H 2 among H 2 , CO,C,Al is weakest reducing 53. Ge - refined by zone refining
agent 55. Poling is used to refine metals having oxide
5. Magnetite - Fe3O4
56. Ag is refined by cupellation
6. Calamine - ZnCO3 58. Electrorefining - purification of crude Cu
7. Bauxite- Al2O3.2H 2O
8. Bauxite - Chief ore of Al LEVEL-I (H.W)
10. Pyrolusite - MnO2.
17. Copper pyrites contain copper and iron metal INTRODUCTION
atoms. 1. The chief constituent and impurity of the
19. Haematite is concentrated by hand picking gemstone ‘Ruby’ respectively are
20. Earthy impurities in minerals are called gangue 1) Al2O3 and Cu 2) Al2O3 and Cr
22. Wolframite is the magnetic impurity 3) CrO3 and Cu 4) Cr2O3 and Al
23. Sulphide ores are concentrated by froth 2. The most abundant ore of iron is
floatation process 1) haematite 2) limonite
25. Olive oil is frothing agent 3) magnetite 4) siderite
26. Na2CO3 is used as conditioner. 3. Malachite and azurite are __ ores of copper
27. Sodium ethyl xanthate acts as collecting agent 1) carbonate 2) oxide 3) sulphide 4) silicate
30. Extraction of metal from its ore is a reduction 4. Which of the following is a sulphide ore?
process 1) Magnetite 2) Haematite
31. Al2O3 cannot be reduced by carbon 3) Calamine 4) Ironpyrites
5. Commercially important ore of lead is
2Na  Ag  CN 2   Zn  1) Siderite 2) Galena
33. 3) Sphalerite 4) Haematite
Na 2  Zn  CN 4   2Ag 6. Which of the following differs from others?
(Hydrometallurgy) 1) Chalcopyrites 2) Fool’s gold
3) Calamine 4) Sphalerite
34. Na 3AlF6 is used along with Al2O3 7. Which of the following is not a hydrated oxide
36. Both Na and Mg are extracted by electrolysis mineral?
process. 1) Bauxite 2) Corundum
39. CaO  SiO 2  CaSiO3 3) Diaspore 4) Gibsite
40. Pig iron is formed in Blast furnace 8. The salt which is least likely to be found in
41. Cast iron contains 4% carbon as impurity mineral is
1) Chloride 2) Sulphate
42. Cu 2S & CuFeS2
3) Nitrate 4) Sulphide
45. Blister copper is 98% pure copper 9. Identify the correct match
46. Cu 2O is the impurity in blister Cu 1) Leaching : Ag and Au
47. Zn is extracted by Belgian process 2) Hydraulic Washing : Sulphide ores
48. Hoope’s process- refining of Al 3) Froth floatation : Oxide and Carbonate
49. Hall's method ores
4) Magnetic separation: Silicates
10. Identify the non-magnetic mineral from the 21. Roasting of copper ore is carried out in which
following. of the following furnace?
1) SnO2 2) TiO2 3) FeWO4 4) FeO.Cr2O3 1) Reverberatory furnace
11. Which of the following is used for the 2) Blast furnace
separation of ZnS and PbS during the froth 3) Either reverberatory furnace or blast furnace
floatation process? 4) Neither 1 nor 2
1) KCl 2) KCN 22. Smelting is usually carried out in
3) NH4NO3 4) None of these 1) Open hearth furnace 2) Blast furnace
12. Mac Arthur process is used for 3) Electric furnace 4) Muffle furnace
1) Ag 2) O2 3) Fe 4) Cl 23. In oxidising roasting of ZnS, products are
13. Identify the incorrect statement from the 1) ZnO + ZnSO4 + SO2 2) ZnCl2
following in froth floatation method 3) ZnO + SO2 4) Zn + SO2
1) Froth carries the mineral particles 24. Ag2S ore is mixed with NaCl and heated in
2) Froth carries the gangue particles the presence of air then products formed are
3) Froth collectors enhance the non-wettability 1) AgCl + Na2SO4 2) AgCl + Na2S
of the mineral particles with water 3) AgCl + SO2 4) Ag + SO2
4) The mineral particles become wet by oils 25. At the point of intersection for any two
while gangue particles become wet by water. reactions in Ellingham diagram, the Gibbs
14. Which of the following is a froth stabilizer in energy ( G ) change becomes
the froth floatation process? 1) > 1 2) 1 3) < 0 4) 0
1) Fatty acids 2) Aniline 26. Which of the following statements is correct?
3) Pine oil 4) Xanthates 1) The rate of reaction cannot be understood
15. Which of the following acts as “activator” in from Ellingham diagram
the froth floatation process? 2) During the formation of metal oxide
1) KCN 2) NaCN
S becomes negative and G becomes positive
3) Sodium ethyl Xanthate 4) Copper sulphate
resulting in positive slope
16. Bauxite ore is made up of Al2O3 + SiO2 + TiO2
3) There is an abrupt change in the slope of
+ Fe2O3. This ore is treated with conc.NaOH
solution at 500 K and 35 bar pressure for few Ellingham line when change in phase ( s  l ) or
hours and filtered hot. In the filtrate, the (l  g ) takes place.
species present are 4) All the above.
1) NaAl(OH)4 only 2) Na2Ti(OH)6 only 27. During the manufacture of cast iron, the slag
3) NaAl(OH)4 and Na2SiO3 both (CaSiO3 ) is formed in. [EAM(Med)2013]
4) Na2SiO3 only
1) Zone of heat absorption
EXTRACTION OF METALS 2) Zone of reduction only
17. To which of the following ores,calcination 3) Zone of fusion only
process is not applicable. 4) Zone of reduction and Zone of fusion
1) ZnS 2) Al2O32H2O 28. Which one of the following forms of iron is
3) CuCO3.Cu(OH)2 4) CaCO3 called Malleable iron?
18. Roasting is carried out in case of 1) Wrought iron 2) Cast iron
1) Iron pyrites 2) Galena 3) Pig iron 4) Spiegel
3) Copper glance 4) All 29. In the metallurgy of copper, blister copper is
19. Which among the following is a basic flux obtained from
1) Borax 2) CaO 3) SiO2 4) P2O5 1) Bessemer converter
20. Which among the following is a acidic flux 2) Reverberatory furnace
1) SiO2 2) MgCO3 3) CaCO3 4) Fe2O3 3) Blast furnace 4) Electrolytic tank
30. When the sample of copper with Zn impurity REFINING
is to be purified by electrolysis, the 37. Tin and lead can be refined by
appropriate electrode are 1) Liquation 2) Cupellation
Cathode Anode 3) Poling 4) Bessemerisation
1) Pure copper Impure sample 38. Silver containing lead as an impurity is
2) Pure Zinc Pure copper purified by
3) Impure sample Pure copper 1) Poling 2) Distillation
4) Impure Zinc Impure sample 3) Cupellation 4) Levigation
31. In Belgian process, for reduction of ZnO to 39. The process used in the refining of aluminium
Zn reductant is
and Zn metals are respectively. [EAM(Med)2010]
1)Water gas 2) Coal or Coke
1) Hoope’s process and fractional distillation
3) Al 4) H2
2) Poling and fractional distillation
32. Which of the following statements with
3) Hoope’s process and Cupellation
respect to electrochemical principles of
4) Cupellation and fractional distillation
metallurgy are not correct?
40. Which of the following methods is useful for
1) In simple electrolysis, the M n  ions are
separating pure forms of low melting metals?
discharged at positive electrodes 1) Liquation 2) Distillation
2) More reactive metals have large negative 3) Poling 4) Vapour phase refining
values of the electrode potential, thus their
41. The metal that is purified by ‘poling’ method
reduction is difficult
3) Positive E 0, results in negative G , the 1) Copper 2) Silver 3) Aluminium 4) Iron
reaction would be spontaneous, thus less 42. Van Arkel method of purification of metals
reactive metal will come out of the solution and involves converting the metal to a
more reactive metal will go into the solution. 1) Volatile stable compound
4) If, for a cell, E0 is negative, the value of 2) Non-volatile stable compound
G for the cell reaction would be +ve and the 3) Volatile unstable compound
reaction would not be feasible. 4) None of the above
33. Which of the following products is not 43. The metal for which, its property of
formed at the anode in the Hall - Heroult formation of volatile complex is taken into
electrolysis process? account for its extraction is
1) CO2 2) O2 3) Cl2 4) F2 1) Nickel 2) Iron 3) Cobalt 4) Vanadium
34. In the extraction of iron in the blast furnace, 44. Zone refining is based on the principle of
the reducing agent for the ore is
1) fractional distillation
1) Carbon monoxide 2) Carbon dioxide
2) fractional crystallisation
3) Carbon 4) Silica
3) partition coefficient
35. The chemical reaction that involves roasting
4) chromatographic separation
process is:
[EAMCET(Eng)2010] LEVEL-I (H.W) - KEY
1) Fe2 O3  3CO  2 Fe  3CO2 1) 2 2) 1 3) 1 4) 4 5) 2 6) 3 7) 2
2) 2 Al  Fe2 O3  2 Fe  Al2 O3 8) 3 9) 1 10) 1 11) 2 12) 1 13) 2 14) 2
3) 2 ZnS  3O2  2 ZnO  3SO2 15) 4 16) 3 17) 1 18) 4 19) 2 20) 1 21) 1
4) FeO  SiO2  FeSiO3 22) 2 23) 3 24) 1 25) 4 26) 4 27) 1 28) 1
36. The common method of extraction of metal 29) 1 30) 1 31) 2 32) 1 33) 3 34) 1 35) 3
from oxide ore is
1) reduction with carbon 2) reduction with Al 36) 1 37) 1 38) 3 39) 1 40) 1 41) 1 42) 1
3) reduction with H2 4) electrolytic method 43) 1 44) 2
3. Malachite: CuCO3 .Cu  OH  2
Azurite : 2CuCO3.Cu  OH 2
(these are carbonate ores)
4. Iron pyrites: FeS2
6. Calamine is a carbonate ore but others are
sulphide ores
7. Corundum : Al2O3
10. SnO2 is a non magnetic mineral
11. KCN can be used as a depressant in the
separation of ores of ZnS and PbS
14. Aniline is a froth stabilizer
15. CuSO4 is an activator in the froth floatation
16. Al2O3.2H2O  2NaOH  H2O  Sodium
2Na[ Al (OH )4 ]
aluminate (soluble)

SiO2  2 NaOH  Na2 SiO3  H 2O

17. ZnS undergoes roasting
19. CaO is a basic flux, while others are acidic flux
20. SiO2 is acidic flux
23. 2 ZnS  3O2  2 ZnO  2 SO2
24. Ag 2 S  2 NaCl  2O2  2 AgCl  Na2 SO4
27. Slag formation zone is a zone of heat absorption
28. Wrought iron is a malleable iron
30. In electrolytic refining, the impure metal is made
anode while a thin sheet of pure metal acts as a
31. ZnO  C  Zn  CO
33. Cl2 is not formed in the Hall-Heroult electrolysis
500 970 K
34. Fe2O3  3CO   2 Fe  3CO2
( Spongyiron )

37. Sn and Pb are refined by liquation

38. Cupellation is useful when the metal
possesses,easily oxidisable impurities of other
metals .Pb is easily oxidisable impurity
40. Liquation is used for refining the metals having
low melting points
41. Cu2O impurity in a blister copper is removed
by poling
330 350 K
43. Ni  4CO   Ni (CO ) 4

450  470 K
Ni (CO) 4   Ni  4CO
Pure metal
8. Which one of the following metals can be
LEVEL-II (C.W) obtained directly during the roasting of its
sulphide ore
INTRODUCTION 1) Cu 2) Zn 3) Fe 4) Ca
1. Which one of the following is the mineral for 9. Which of the following metal is obtained by
Tin? [EAMCET (Eng) 2010] the reduction of metal oxide with Hydrogen
1) Galena 2) Cerussite gas
3) Cassiterite 4) Anglesite 1) Cu 2) Al 3) Mg 4) Fe
2. Which of the following set of elements mostly
10. Galena (PbS) on heating in limited supply of
occur as sulphide ores.
air gives lead metal. This is known as
1) Zn, Cu, Na 2) Zn, Cu, Pb
3) Fe, Al, Ti 4) Cu, Ag, Au 1) Smelting 2) Calcination
3. Which of the following statement is not 3) Self reduction 4) Sulphatizing roasting
correct 11. Which one of the following oxides is reduced
1) Silver glance mainly contains silver sulphide by water gas to obtain the metal during its
2) Gold is found in native state extraction? [EAMCET (MED)-2011]
3) Zinc blende mainly contains ZnCl2 1) Fe2O3 2) NiO 3) ZnO 4) WO3
12. For which one of the following reaction, the
4) Copper pyrites also contains Fe2O3 graph of ∆G against T is almost horizontal
CONCENTRATION OF THE ORE to temperature axis
4. Leaching can be used for the extraction of 1) C(s ) + O2( g ) → CO2( g ) 2) 2C(s ) + O2( g ) → 2CO( g )
which metals?
(i) Pb (ii) Al ( iii ) Ag (iv) Au 3) 2 CO( s ) + O2( g ) → 2CO2( g )
1) ( ii ) ( iii ) and (iv) 2) ( i ) ( ii ) and ( iii ) 4) 2Mg( s ) + O2( g ) → 2MgO( s )
3) ( ii) and (iv) 4) ( iii ) and (iv)
5. Sulphide ores of metals are usually 13. At which one of the following condition, a
concentrated by froth floation process. reducing agent is suitable for reducing a
metal oxide
Which one of the following sulphide ores
offers an exception and is concentrated by 1) Sum of the ∆ G values for oxidation of metal
chemical leaching and oxidation of reductant should be negative
1) sphalerite 2) argentite 2) Sum of the ∆ G values for oxidation of metal
3) galena 4) copper pyrites and oxidation of reductant should be positive
6. The froth floatation process is used for the 3) Sum of the ∆ G values for reduction of metal
concentration of
1) ore having low density oxide and oxidation of reductant should be
2) ore having magnetic nature negative
3) ore having high density 4) Sum of the ∆ G values for oxidation of metal
4) ore having water soluble gangue and reduction of reductant should be negative.
EXTRACTION OF METALS 14. Some statements about Ellingham diagram
7. Mark the wrong statement among the a) Increase in the slope of the line on +ve side
following. The iron ore after washing is indicates the phase transformation
roasted with a little coal in excess of air. b) Metal oxide decomposes on its own at the
During roasting temperature when the ∆G 0 becomes positive
1) Moisture is removed c) Oxide of the upper line can be reduced by
2) As and S are removed in the form of their the element whose oxidation is represented
volatile oxides by the lower line. The correct statement is/
3) Any ferrous oxide is oxidised to ferric oxide.
4) The mass becomes compact and thus makes
1) Only a 2) Only a and b
it suitable for ready reduction to metallic iron.
3) Only b and c 4) a, b and c
15. Consider the following reactions at 10000C 21. Puddling process is used in the manufacture
1 of

A) Zn( s ) + O2( g ) → ZnO( s ) ; ∆G = −360kJ mol
1) Wrought iron 2) Pig iron
3) Steel 4) Cast iron
1 − 22. The calcium phosphate slag is commercially
B) C( s ) + O2( g ) → CO(s ) ; ∆G = −460kJ mol

2 known as
Choose the correct statement at 1000 C 0 1) Thomas slag 2) Baeyer's slag
1) Zinc can be oxidized by CO 3) Wohler's slag 4) Matte
2) Zinc oxide can be reduced by C 23. In the extraction of copper the smelt formed
3) Both statements 1 and 2 are true in the blast furnace contains
4) Both statements 1 and 2 are false 1) Cu2 S + little FeS 2) Cu2 S + little FeO
16. Carbon cannot reduce Fe 2O 3 to Fe at a
temperature below 983 K because: 3) Cu2O + little FeS 4) Cu2O + little FeO
1) Free energy change for the formation of CO24. In Bessemer converter Cu2 S is converted in
is more negative than that of Fe2O3 to blister copper by
2) CO is thermodynamically more stable than 1) self reduction 2) reduction with coke
Fe2O3 3) reduction with coal gas
3) Carbon has higher affinity towards oxygen
4) reduction with H 2 gas
than iron
4) Iron has higher affinity towards oxygen than25. The fuel used in Belgian process is
carbon 1) Water gas 2) Producer gas
17. In the blast furnace the reaction that occurs 3) Coke 4) Coal
in the zone of heat absorption is 26. Spelter is impure form of
1) Zn 2) Ag 3) Cu 4) Fe
1) CO2 + C → 2CO 27. Observe the following statements regarding
2) Fe2O3 + 3CO → 2Fe + 3CO2 purification of bauxite:
I. During Hall's process, silica, is removed as
3) C + O2 → CO2
4) FeO + SiO2 → FeSiO3 II. Bauxite ore contaminated with Fe2O3 is
18. The flux used in the extraction of iron from purified in Baeyer's process.
Haematite in the blast furnace is [EAM(Eng) 2014] III. During Serpeck's process, AlN is formed
1) Lime stone 2) Silica 3) Coke 4) CO
The correct answer is:
19. Cast iron contains phosphorus as impurity.
1) I , II and III are correct
In Bessemerisation of this cast iron, the slag
2) Only I and II are correct
formed is
3) Only I and III are correct
1) FePO4 2) Ca3( PO4 )2 4) Only II and III are correct
28. A mixture of White Bauxite powder and coke
3) MnPO4 4) Zn3 ( PO4 )2 is heated in nitrogen gas very strongly. The
20. Which of the following is not a correct products are
1) Al2O3 , C 2 N 2 2) Al ( NO3 )3 , CO
1) White cast iron contains carbon in the form
of Fe3C 3) A l N, CO,Si vapour 4) Al2 (CO3 )3 , N 2O
2) Grey cast iron contains carbon in the form29. Which of the following technique is used in
of graphite. the manufacture of aluminium from bauxite
3) The quality of steel produced in Bessemer 1) Reduction with magnesium
converter is very high 2) Reduction with coke
4) The quality of steel produced in open hearth 3) Electrolytic reduction
process can be checked from time to time. 4) Reduction with iron
30. In the electrolysis of alumina, cryolite is 37. (A) Au , Pt , Ag etc are found in free state
added to
(R) The metals which are noble and
1) Lower the melting point of alumina
chemically less reactive are found in free state
2) Increase the electrical conductivity
3) Minimise the anode effect 38. (A) Roasting is a process in which the ore is
4) Remove impurities from alumina heated in presence of air
31. The cathode used in the electrolytic cell (R) Concentration of sulphide ore is done by
during aluminium extraction is made of calcination
1) Aluminium 2) Carbon lining
3) Iron 4) Steel 39. (A) Auto reduction of ore is used for the
32. In the electrolysis of alumina using cryolite, extraction of copper
the reaction that takes place at cathode is (R) The sulphide ore of copper reacts with
[EAMCET(Med) 2012] its oxide to give the metal
− −
1) 12 F → 6 F2 + 12e
40. (A): Reduction of Cr2O3 with Aluminium is
− −
2) 4 H 2 O + 4e → 2 H 2 + 4OH possible
3) 6 F2 + 2 Al2 O3 → 4 AlF3 + 3O2
R: ∆G( f ) of Cr2O3 is -540 kj/mole and

4) 4 Al 3+ + 12e − → 4 Al
∆G(0f ) of Al2O3 is -827 kj/mole.
33. Which method of purification is represented 41. (A): The reduction reaction,
by the following equations ? [AIEEE 2012]
Cr2O3 + 2 Al → Al2O3 + 2Cr , ∆G 0 = −421KJ
Ti + 2 I 2 
523 K
→ TiI 4 → Ti + 2 I 2
1700 K
is not possible at room temperature
1) Cupellation 2) Poling
(R): Certain amount of activation energy is
3) Van Arkel 4) Zone refining
essential for the reaction to make it
34. In the electrolytic refining of copper, Ag and
thermodynamically feasible.
Au are found:
1) on cathode 2) on anode 42. (A): At 1200K iron can reduce cuprous oxide
3) in the anodic mud 4) in the cathodic mud
35. Ultrapure elements are obtained in the (R): At 1200K, Fe + Cu2O → FeO + 2Cu
following method of metal refining
∆ G = −300 kj / mole
1) Electrolysis 2) Poling
3) Liquation 4) Distillation 43. (A) Alumina has high conductivity
ASSERTION & REASON QUESTIONS (R) The mixture of alumina and cryolite is
used for electrolytic reduction in order to
The questions given below consist of an
extract aluminium
assertion (A) and reason (R) use the following
key to choose the correct answer 44. (A) Lead,tin and bismuth are purified by
1) If both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the liquation method.
correct explanation of (A) (R) Lead,tin and bismuth have low m.p. as
2)If both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not compared to impurities.
the correct explanation of (A)
3)If (A) is correct but (R) is incorrect 45. (A) Van Arkel method is used to prepare pure
4) If (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct sample of titanium
36. (A) All minerals are ores (R) Mond’s process is used to prepare pure
(R) Ores are minerals from which metal can sample nickel
be extracted conveniently and economically
46. Match the following:[EAMCET(Eng)2009] 26. Spelter - Impure Zn
List I List II 27. Baeyer's process is used for red bauxite and
Serpeck's process for white bauxite.
(A) Feldspar (I) [ Ag3 SbS3 ] 28. A l N, CO,Si vapours are formed
(B) Asbestos (II) Al2O3 .H 2O 29. Electrolytic reduction as Al is highly
(C) Pyrargyrite (III) MgSO4 .H 2O electropositive
30. Cryolite-Increases electrolytic conductivity
(D) Diaspore (IV) KAlSi3O8 31. Carbon lining is cathode
(V) CaMg3 ( SiO3 ) 4 32. The reaction at cathode is Al +3 + 3e − → Al
The correct answer is: 35. Distillation method is used to obtain ultrapure
A B C D A B C D element.
(1) IV V II I (2) IV V I II
1) 3 2) 2 3) 3 4) 1 5) 2 6) 1 7) 4
1. The most electropositive metal among the
8) 1 9) 1 10) 3 11) 2 12) 1 13) 3 14) 4 following is
15) 2 16) 4 17) 1 18) 1 19) 2 20) 3 21) 1 1) Zn 2) Fe 3) Ca 4) Na
22) 1 23) 1 24) 1 25) 2 26) 1 27) 4 28) 3 2. Lodstone used by ancient mariners to find
the direction is
29) 3 30) 2 31) 2 32) 4 33) 3 34) 3 35) 4
1) Fe2O3 2) Fe3O4 3) Fe 4) FeS2
36) 4 37) 1 38) 3 39) 1 40) 1 41) 1 42) 1
3. Which of the following is called philosopher’s
43) 4 44) 1 45) 2 46) 2
LEVEL -II (C.W) - HINTS 1) CuFeS2 2) ZnO 3) ZnS 4) ZnCO3
2. Zn, Cu, Pb occures in ZnS,CuS,PbS forms 4. When ZnS and PbS minerals are present
4. Extraction of Al, Ag and Au involves leaching together, NaCN is added to separate them in
6. Ore has lower density in froth floatation process froth floatation process because:
7. The mass becomes porous
1) Pb(CN ) 2 is precipitated while there is no
8. Cu 2S + 2Cu 2O → 6Cu + SO 2
effect on ZnS
9. Cu lies below hydrogen in electrochemical
2) ZnS forms soluble complex, Na2 [ Zn(CN ) 4 ]
10. PbS + 2PbO → 3Pb + SO 2 3) PbS forms soluble complex, Na2 [ Pb(CN ) 4 ]
4) both ( 1 ) and ( 2 )
18. CaO is flux 5. Chemical leaching is useful in the
19. Slag - Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 concentration of
20. Quality is low for steel produced in Bessemer's 1) copper pyrites 2) bauxite
converter 3) galena 4) cassiterite
21. Wrought Iron is obtained by puddling process 6. Name the metal M which is extracted on the
22. Thomas slag - C a 3 ( P O 4 )2 basis of following reactions:
23. Cu S + little FeS → Matte 4 M + 8 NaCN + 2H 2O + O2 →
24. Blister Cu is produced by selfreduction in 4 NaM (CN ) 2 + 4 NaOH
Bessemer converter
2 NaM (CN ) 2 + Zn → Na2 Zn(CN ) 4 + 2 M
25. In Belgian Process Producer gas is used as fuel
1) Au or Ag 2) Hg 3) Ni 4) Fe
7. Native silver metal forms a water soluble 15. The process of converting hydrated alumina
complex with a dilute aqueous solution of in to anhydrous alumina is called:
NaCN in the presence of : 1) Roasting 2) Smelting 3) Dressing 4) Calcination
1) Nitrogen 2) Oxygen 16. Which of the following processes involves
3) Carbon dioxide 4) Argon smelting ?
→ ZnO + CO2
8. Out of Cu2S, HgS, Ag2S and ZnS roasting
2) 2 PbS + 3O2 Heat → 2 PbO + 2 SO2
will convert the minerals in to metal in case
of 3) Al2O3 .2H 2O  
→ Al2O3 + 2H 2O
1) Cu2S, ZnS 2) HgS, ZnS
4) Fe2O3 + 3C Heat
 → 2 Fe + 3CO
3) Cu2S, Ag2S 4) HgS
9. Which of the following metallurgical 17. In Thermite process,the reducing agent is:
processes does not involve heating? 1) C 2) Zn 3) Na 4) Al
[EAM-2011] 18. To obtain chromium from chromic oxide
1) smelting 2) calcination (Cr2O3 ) , the method used is:
3) roasting 4) levigation 1) Carbon reduction
10. Ellingham Diagram is useful 2) Carbon monoxide reduction
1) To know the temperature where phase 3) Alumino thermic 4) Electrolytic reduction
transformation occurs 19. Near the top of the blast furnace, iron oxides
2) To know the temperature where metal oxide are reduced to spongy iron by
decompose on its own 1) C 2) CO 3) CO2 4) CaCO3
3) To select suitable reducing agent for reduction 20. Which of the following has lowest percentage
of metal oxide of carbon?
4) All of these 1) cast iron 2) wrought iron
11. The metal which can not be extracted by 3) steel 4) all have same percentage
smelting process 21. Which one of the following elements is
1) Zn 2) Al 3) Pb 4) Fe present as a major impurity in pig iron?
12. ∆G vs T plot in Ellingham diagram slopes
0 1) graphite 2) oxygen 3) sulphur 4) silicon
downward for the reaction? 22. Spiegeleisen is an alloy of
1) Fe,Mn,C 2) Fe,Mg,C 3) Mn,C,Zn 4) Fe,Mn,Mg
1 1
1) Mg + O2 → MgO 2) 2 Ag + O2 → Ag 2O 23. Incorrect statement about the manufacture
2 2
of steel from pig iron is
1 1 1) The quality of steel manufactured in open
3) C + O2 → CO 4) CO + O2 → CO2
2 2 hearth process is very high
13. According to Ellingham diagram, the 2) The composition of steel can be controlled
oxidation reaction of carbon and carbon in Bessemer process
monoxide may be used to reduce which one 3) Iron ore, scrap iron and low grade pig iron
of the following oxides at the lowest can not be used in Bessemer process
temperatures? 4) Loss of iron due to slag formation is
1) Al2O3 2) Cu2O 3) MgO 4) ZnO minimised in open hearth process
14. The function of flux during the smelting of 24. Roasting of copper pyrites is done:
the ore is 1) to remove moisture and volatile impurities
1) to make the ore porous 2) to oxidise free sulphur
2) to facilitate reduction 3) to decompose pyrites in to Cu 2 S and FeS
3) to remove gangue 4) for all of the above
4) to facilitate oxidation 25. Heating mixture of Cu2O and Cu2S will give:
1) Cu + SO2 2) Cu + SO3 3) CuO + CuS 4) Cu2SO3
26. The final step for the extraction of copper LEVEL-II (H.W) - HINTS
from copper pyrites in Bessemer converter 1. Na is most electropositive metal
involves the reaction 3. ZnO is philosopher’s wool
1) Cu2 S + 2 FeO → 2Cu + 2 Fe + SO2 5. Bauxite ore contains ferric oxide, silica etc
impurities. When the powdered ore is digested
2) Cu2 S + 2Cu2O → 6Cu + SO2 with an aqueous solution of NaOH the alumina
3) 4Cu2O + FeS → 8Cu + 2 FeSO4 dissolves while impurities are insoluble in
4) 2Cu2O + FeS → 4Cu + Fe + SO2 6. Au and Ag are extracted by this method.
27. Bessemerisation is carried out for 7. 4 Ag + 8NaCN + 2H2O + O2 → 4Na[ Ag(CN)2 ] + 4NaOH
I) Fe II) Cu III) Al IV) Ag 8. The HgS undergoes oxidation with evolution of
1) I, II 2) II ,III 3) III , IV 4) I, III SO 2 . The HgO thus formed decomposes
28. Extraction of zinc from zinc blende is immediately at (3000C) to give mecury vapours
achieved by
2 HgS + 3O2 → 2 HgO + 2 SO2
1) electrolytic reduction
2) roasting followed by reduction with carbon 2 HgO → 2Hg + O2
3) roasting followed by reduction with another metal 15. During calcination water is removed from
4) roasting followed by self reduction hydrated oxide
29. Impurities in the Zinc spelter are 16. Reduction of ore to the molten metal
1) Ag and Au 2) Cd and Pd
3) Cd and Pb 4) Cd ,As and Au 18. Cr2O3 + 2 Al → Al2O3 + 2Cr + heat energy
30. The chief impurity present in red bauxite is (it is alumino thermic process)
1) SiO2 2) Fe2O3 3) K2SO4 4) NaF 19. CO reduce iron oxide to iron
REFINING 25. 2Cu2O + Cu2 S → 6Cu + SO2 (auto reduction)
31. Silver is refined by cupellation process . the 26. Self reduction takes place
process removes the impurity of: 29. Lead, iron , cadmium, arsenic etc are present as
1) Cu 2) Au 3) Pb 4) Pt impurities in Zinc spelter
32. Which method of purification is represented 31. The impurity of lead present in Ag is removed
by the following equation? by Cupellation process.
0 0
N i + 4 C O  7
0 C
→ N i ( C O ) 4  1 → N i + 4 C O
80 C

1) Van Arkel 2) Zone refining
3) Mond 4) Cupellation CONCENTRATION
33. Which one of the following is true in
1. An ore of tin containing FeCrO4 is
electrolytic refining?
concentrated by
1) impure metal is made cathode
1) Magnetic separation
2) impure metal is made anode
2) Froth floatation process
3) impure metal is made cathode and pure metal
3) Electrostatic method 4) Gravity separation
as anode
2. The method used for the enrichment of
4) both electrodes must be of pure metal
sulphide ores of copper is
LEVEL-II (H.W) - KEY 1) Magnetic separation
2) Froth floatation process
1) 4 2) 2 3) 2 4) 2 5) 2 6) 1 7) 2
3) Electro refining 4)Smelting
8) 4 9) 4 10) 4 11) 2 12) 3 13) 2 14) 3 3. Froth floatation process for the concentration
15) 4 16) 4 17) 4 18) 3 19) 2 20) 2 21) 1 of sulphide ore is an illustration of the
22) 1 23) 2 24) 4 25) 1 26) 2 27) 1 28) 2 practical application of
1) adsorption 2) absorption
29) 3 30) 2 31) 3 32) 3 33) 2
3) sedimentation 4) coagulation
4. Froth floatation process used for the 10. The metal X is prepared by the electrolysis
concentration of sulphide ore. Which of the of fused chloride. It reacts with hydrogen to
following statements are correct. form a colourless solid from which hydrogen
a) It is based on the difference in wettability gas is released on treatment with water. The
of different minerals metal is
b) Sodium ethyl xanthate, C2 H 5OCS2 Na is 1) Al 2) Ca 3) Cu 4) Zn
used as collector 11. From Ellingham diagram the correct
c) NaCN is used as depressant in the statements
separation of mixture of ZnS and PbS a) 4Cu + O2 → 2Cu2O
1) (a), (b) only correct 2) (b), (c) only correct
b) 2C + O2 → 2CO c) 2Zn + O2 → 2ZnO
3) (a), (c) only correct 4) (a), (b), (c) are correct
5. Which one of the following statements is
1) During roasting moisture is removed from
the ore
2) The ore is freed from almost all non-metallic
3) Calcination of ore is carried out in absence
of any blast of air
4) The concentrated zinc blende is subjected to
calcination during its extraction by
pyrometallurgy 1) At temperature above t10C “Carbon” can
6. The most electropositive metals are isolated
from their ores by reduce Cu2O
1) High temperature reduction with carbon 2) At temperature below t30C “Carbon” can
2) Self reduction reduce ZnO
3) Thermal decomposition
4) Electrolysis of fused ionic salts 3) Reduction of Cu2O with carbon requires high
7. The oxide of a metal (R). can be reduced by temperature when compared with the reduction
the metal (P) and metal (R) can reduce the of ZnO by carbon
oxide of metal (Q). Then the decreasing order 4) All
of the reactivity of metal (P), (Q) and (R) with 12. Ellingham diagram is given below for the
oxygen is formation of some oxides. Then select the
1) P>Q>R 2) P>R>Q 3) R>P>Q 4) Q>P>R correct combination
8. Following reaction is not involved in
Thermite process
1) 3Mn3O4 + 8 Al → 9Mn + 4 Al2O3
2) Cr2O3 + 2 Al → Al2O3 + 2Cr
3) 2 Fe + Al2O3 → 2 Al + Fe2O3
4) B2O3 + 2 Al → 2 B + Al2O3
9. The mass ratio of Fe2O3 and Al in thermite
1) 1 : 3 2)1 : 2 3) 3 : 1 4) 2 : 1
JEE-MAIN-SR-CHEM-VOL-II 15. Correct statement(s) regarding the graph
1)Below T2 , Al2O3 +3Mg ® 3MgO + 2 Al , DG = - ve
2) Below T3 , MgO +CO ® CO2 + Mg, DG = - ve
3) Above T4 , Al2O3 +3CO ® 2 Al +3CO2 , DG = - ve
4) Below T1, MgO is in liquid state
13. Correct statement(s) regarding the graph

1) Curves involving the formation of ZnO and

CO cross each other at about 1270 K
2) Zinc begins to boil at 1180K, hence sudden
increase in the value of ∆G 0
3) Above 1270 K, ‘C’ can reduce ZnO 4) All
16. Correct statements from the graph

I) Above 983K, Carbon can reduce any metal

oxide at high temperature and itself oxidised to
II) In the first reaction (Formation of CO2 from
‘C’) ∆ S 0 = 0 & ∆ G 0 remains nearly same, i.e
it is independent of temperature
III) In the second reaction, (formation of CO) ,
there is increase in entropy & ∆ S 0 = + ve & ∆ G 0 I) Above 1073K, ∆G 0 for the formation of
becomes more –ve with increase in temperature Fe 2 O 3 is less negative than ∆G 0 for the
IV) In third reaction (formation of CO2 from formation of CO from carbon
CO), there is a decrease in entropy II) Above 1073K, Carbon can reduce Fe2O3
III) Below 1073K, CO can reduce Fe2O3
∆S 0 = −ve & ∆G0 becomes less –ve with IV) In blast furnace, reduction of Fe2O3 occurs
increase in temperature in different temperature ranges with below
1) Only I 2) I, II only 3) I, II, III Only 4) All 1073K by CO (or) above 1073K by carbon
14. From the graph, which is the best reducing 1) Only I 2) I, II only 3) I, II, III Only 4) All
agent to reduce Cu2O at high temperature 17. Refractory metals are used in construction
of furnaces because
1) they can withstand high temperature
2) they are chemically inert
3) their melting point is high
4) their melting point is low.
18. Which series of reactions correctly represents
chemical reactions related to iron and its
compounds? [JEE MAIN 2014]
1) Fe Cl 
2 , Heat
→FeCl3 Heat
 
, air
→FeCl2 Zn
0 0
2) Fe  
O , Heat
→ Fe3O4 CO,
600 C
→ FeO CO,700
C → Fe
3) Fe 
dil .H SO
→ FeSO4 
2 4 H SO .O
2 4
→ Fe2 (SO4 )3 
2 heat

4) Fe  → FeO    → FeSO4 heat

 → Fe
O .heat2 dil . H SO 2 4

1) Coke 2) CO 3) CO2 4) 1 & 2

19. In the Bessemer Converter process, Bessemer 29. Which of the following reaction does not
Converter is lined with ‘X’ when pig iron occur in Bessemer’s converter?
contains phosphorus, while it is lined with 1) 2Cu2 S + 5O2 → 2CuSO4 + 2CuO
‘Y’ when pig iron contains manganese as
impurity. Here substances X and Y are 2) 2Cu2 S + 3O2 → 2Cu2O + 2 SO2 ↑
1) SiO2 and SiO2 2) CaO and CaO 3) 2CuFeS2 + O2 → Cu2 S + 2 FeS + SO2
3) SiO2 and CaO 4) CaO and SiO2 4) FeO + SiO2 → FeSiO3
20. Pig iron has more or less same composition
as that of 30. The most suitable method for extraction of
1) cast iron 2) steel 3) wrought iron 4) all copper from low grade sulphide ore is
21. Wrought iron is resistant to rusting and 1) Smelting process
corrosion due to the presence of 2) Hydrometallurgical process
1) Cementite (Fe3C) 2) Low percentage of carbon 3) Leaching process 4) Electrolytic process
3) CaSiO3 & FePO4 slages 31. Ag 2 S + NaCN → [ A] ; [ A] + Zn → [ B ]
4) MnSiO3 & FePO4 slages [ B ] is a metal.Hence,[A] and [B] are
22. Which form of iron is least ductile?
1) Hard steel 2) Cast iron 1) Na2 [ Zn(CN ) 4 ], Zn 2) Na[ Ag (CN ) 2 ], Ag
3) Mild steel 4) Wrought iron 3) Na2 [ Ag (CN ) 4 ], Ag 4) Na3 [ Ag (CN ) 4 ], Ag
23. If red hot steel is suddenly immersed in 32. In the cyanide extraction process of silver
water, the steel becomes: from argentite ore , the oxidising and
1) soft and malleable 2) hard and brittle reducing agents used are:
3) tough and ductile 4) fibrous 1) O2 and CO respectively
24. Nitriding is a process of heating steel in 2) O2 and Zn dust respectively
atmosphere of 3) HNO and Zn dust respectively
1) ammonia 2) oxygen 3) carbon dioxide 4) air 4) HNO3 and CO respectively
25. Annealing process is 33. Which of the following is not added during the
1) heating the steel bright red and then cooling suddenly extraction of silver by cyanide process? [E-2013]
2) heating the steel bright red and then cooling slowly
1) NaCN 2) Air 3) Zn 4) Na2S2O3
3) heating the rods of iron embedded in charcoal
34. Tarnishing of silver is due to the formation of
4) heating the rods of iron in ammonia
26. Stainless steel does not rust because 1) Ag 2 S 2) Ag 2 O 3) AgCl 4) Ag 2 SO4
1) Chromium and nickel combine with iron 35. Zinc dust is obtained by
2) Chromium forms an oxide layer and protects 1) Crushing zinc metal
iron from rusting 2) Burning zinc metal in air
3) Nickel present in it, does not rust 3) Melting zinc and then atomising it with a blast
4) Iron forms a hard chemical compound with of air 4) Roasting zinc sulphide.
chromium present in it. 36. Galvanization is the
27. Railway wagon axles are made by heating 1) deposition of zinc on Fe 2) deposition of Al on Fe
rods of Iron embeded in charcoal powder. 3) deposition of tin on Fe 4) deposition of Cu on Fe
The process is known as 37. Which one of the following metals has no
1) case hardening 2) sheradising action with dil.H2SO4?
3) annealing 4) tempering 1) Mg 2) Fe 3) Zn 4) Cu
28. When copper pyrites is roasted in excess of 38. In the Bayer's process of purification of red
air, a mixture of CuO + FeO is formed, FeO bauxite leaching agent is
is present as impurity. This can be removed 1) NaOH 2) Na2CO3 3) NaCN 4) KCN
as slag during reduction of CuO. The flux
added to form slag is REFINING
1) SiO2, which is an acidic flux 39. The method of zone refining of metals is
2) Limestone, which is a basic flux based on the principle of
3) SiO2, which is a basic flux 1) Greater mobility of the pure metal than that
4) CaO, which is a basic flux of impurity
2) Higher melting point of the impurity than that 21. Due to the presence of MnSiO3 and FePO4 as
of the pure metal impurities (slag) wrought iron is resistant to
3) Greater noble character of the solid metal than rusting and corrosion.
that of the impurity 22. Cast iron is extremely hard but brittle and thus
4) Greater solubility of the impurity in the is least ductile.
molten state than in the solid 26. In stainless steel, Cr forms an oxide layer and
40. Blister copper is refined by stirring molten protects Fe from rusting.
impure metal with green logs of wood because
27. Heating rods of iron or steel embedded in
such a wood liberates hydrocarbon gases (like
charcoal powder is known as case hardening.
CH 4 ). The process X is called ……… and the 28. FeO (being basic) combines with silica( SiO2)
metal contains impurities of Y is……. an acidic flux to give FeSiO3 slag.
1) X=cupellation, Y= CuO2 2) X=poling, Y= Cu2O FeO + SiO2 → FeSiO3
3) X=poling, Y=CuO 4) X=cupellation, Y=CuO ( Slag )

41. If a metal has low oxygen affinity then the 30. Leaching with H 2SO 4 converts low grade
purification of metal may be carried out by sulphide ore in to CuSO4.
1) liquation 2) distillation
3) zone refining 4) cupellation CuSO4 + Fe → FeSO4 + Cu ↓
42. The silver is extracted by Parke’s process.The XXV
31. Ag 2 S + 4 NaCN WXX 2 Na[ Ag ( C N ) 2 ] + N a 2 S
basis of this method is 2 Na [ A g ( CN ) 2 ] + Zn → Na 2 [ Z n ( CN ) 4 ] + 2 A g
1) Ag is immiscible in molten Zn
2) Ag is miscible in NaCN 32. Ag 2 S + 4 NaCN → 2Na[ Ag (CN ) 2 ] + Na2 S
3) Ag is more miscible in molten Zn than in Na2 S is oxidised by O2
molten Pb
4 Na2 S + 2H 2 O + 5O2 → 2 Na2 SO4 + 4 NaOH + 2 S
4) Ag is more miscible in molten Pb in
comparison to molten Zn 2Na[Ag(CN )2 ] + Zn → Na2[Zn(CN )4 ] + 2Ag
( reducing agent )

43. The method not used in metallurgy to refine 37. Cu doesnot react with dil.H2SO4,but Mg,Fe,Zn
the impure metal is reacts with dil.H2SO4 , by evolving H2 gas.
1) Mond’s process 2) Van-Arkel process Al2O3 + 2NaOH → NaAlO2 + H 2O
3) Amalgamation process 4) Liquation ↓
LEVEL -III - KEY leaching agent
1) 1 2) 2 3) 1 4) 4 5) 4 6) 4 7) 2 43. Amalgamation method is used for the extraction
8) 3 9) 3 10) 2 11) 1 12) 1 13) 4 14) 1 of noble metals like Au, Ag from ores.
15) 4 16) 4 17) 1 18) 2 19) 4 20) 1 21) 4
22) 2 23) 2 24) 1 25) 2 26) 2 27) 1 28) 1 LEVEL-IV
29) 3 30) 2 31) 2 32) 2 33) 4 34) 1 35) 3
36) 1 37) 4 38) 1 39) 4 40) 2 41) 4 42) 3 MATRIX MATCHING QUESTIONS
43) 3 1. Match the ores of List-I with their
composition in List - II
List-I List - II
5. Concentrated ZnS is roasted.
6. They have low SRP values. A) Malachite p) Sulphide of copper
10. Ca is obtained by the electrolysis of CaCl2 fused B) Azurite q) Sulphide of Iron
CaH2 + 2H2O → Ca(OH)2 + 2H2 C) Chalcopyrites r) Oxide of copper
18. In equation (1) FeCl3 cannot be reduced when D) Cuprite s) Ore containing
heated in air. carbonate of copper
In equation (3) Fe2(SO4)3 can not converted to 2. Match list -I with List - II
Fe on heating, instead oxide(s) will be formed. A) Magnesite p) Ore of magnesium
In equation (4) FeSO4 cannot be converted to B) Dolamite q) Ore of Aluminium
Fe on heating, instead oxide(s) will be formed. C) Corundum r) Oxide ore
Hence equation (2) is correct. D) Bauxite s) Carbonate ore
3. Match list -I with List - II
A) PbS → PbO p) roasting
B) CaCO3 → CaO q) calcination
C) ZnS → Zn r) carbon reduction
D) Cu2 S → Cu s) self reduction
4. Match List -I with List - II
List -I List - II
A) Chromium p) Chloroplast
B) Iron q) Haemoglobin
C) Zinc r) Eyes of cats and cows
D) Calcium s) Prown
t) Bones
Copper is the most noble of the first row
transition metals and occurs in small deposits
in several countries. Ores of copper include
chalcanthite (CuSO 4 ,5H 2 O), atacamite
(Cu2Cl(OH)3), cuprite (Cu2O), copper glance
(Cu 2 S) and malachite (Cu 2(OH) 2CO 3 ).
However, 80% of the world copper
production comes from the ore of
chalcopyrite (CuFeS2). The extraction of
copper from chalcopyrite involves partial
roasting, removal of iron and self-reduction.
5. Partial roasting of chalcopyrite produces
1) Cu2S and FeO 2) Cu2O and FeO
3) CuS and Fe2O3 4) Cu2O and Fe2O3
6. Iron is removed from chalcopyrite as
1) FeO 2) FeS 3) Fe2O3 4) FeSiO3
7. In self-reduction, the reducing species is
1) S 2) O2- 3) S2- 4) SO2
1) (A) → (s); (B) → (s); (C) → (p,q) (D) → (r)
2) (A) → (p,s); (B) → (p,s) ; (C) → (q,r) (D) → (q,r)
3) (A) → (p); (B) → (q) ; (C) → (p,r) (D) → (p,s)
4) (A) → (s); (B) → (p,q) ; (C) → (r) (D) → (t)
5) 2 6) 4 7) 3
5. 2CuFeS2 + O2 → Cu2S + 2FeS + SO2. ↑
2Cu2S+3O2 → 2Cu2O + 2SO2 ↑
2FeS + 3O2 → 2FeO + 2SO2 ↑
6. FeO + SiO2 → FeSiO3
7. Cu2S + 2Cu2O → 6Cu + SO2 ↑
(blister copper)
S2- → S4+ is oxidation, i.e., S2- is reducing agent
8. The bond energies (in KJ mole −1 ) of
7. P-BLOCK ELEMENTS P -H , As-H and N-H respectively ?
1) 247 , 318 and 389 2) 247 , 389 and 318
GROUP 15TH ELEMENTS 3) 318 , 389 and 247 4) 318 , 247 and 389
9. What is the order of basic nature of hy-
LEVEL-II (C.W) drides of VA group elements ?
1) AsH 3 > SbH 3 > PH 3 > NH 3
1. The number of covalent bonds made by 3) NH 3 > PH 3 > AsH 3 > SbH 3
phosphorus atom never exceeds
1) 3 2) 6 3) 2 4) 12. 4) PH 3 > NH 3 > SbH 3 > AsH 3
2. Ionic radius ( in A o ) of As3+ ,Sb3+ and Bi3+ 10. White phosphorous reacts with caustic soda
to give phosphine and sodium hypophosphite.
follow the order ...
In this reaction phosphorous undergoes
1) As3+ >Sb 3+ >Bi 3+ 2) Sb3+ >Bi3+ >As 3+ 1) Oxidation 2) Reduction
3) Bi3+ >As 3+ >Sb3+ 4) Bi3+ >Sb 3+ >As 3+ 3) Both 4) None of these
3. The shape and bond angle of white OXIDES
Phosphorous molecule is \ 11. The hybridization of phosphorous atom in
1) Linear and 1800 P4O6 and P4O10 is
2) Trigonal planar and 1200 1) sp 2) sp2 3) sp3 4) sp3d
12. The bonds present in P4O10 are
3) Tetrahedral and 1090 281
1) Ionic and covalent 2) Ionic and dative
4) Tetrahedral and 600 3) Covalent and dative 4) Only covalent bonds
DINITROGEN 13. Which of the following oxides of nitrogen
4. Nitrogen liberated by the thermal is the anhydride of nitrous acid ?
decomposition of only 1) NO 2) N 2O3 3) N 2O4 4) N 2O5
1. NH 4 NO2 2. NaN3 14. The number of oxygen atoms bonded to one
3. ( NH 4 )2 Cr2O7 4.all the three phosphorous atom in P4O10 is
1) 4 2) 3 3) 6 4) 5
5. The CN − ion and N 2 are isoelectronic. But 15. The arrangement of oxygen atoms around
in contrast to CN − , N 2 is chemically inert each phosphorous in P4O10
because of 1) Pyramidal 2) Octahedral
1) low bond energy 3) Tetrahedral 4) Square planar
2) absence of bond polarity 16. When NH 4 NO3 is gently heated, an oxide of
3) unsymmetrical electron distribution
Nitrogen is formed. What is the oxidation
4) presence of more number of electrons in
state of Nitrogen in this oxide ?
bonding orbitals
1) + 4 2) + 2 3) + 3 4) + 1
HYDRIDES 17. The following are some statements about
6. Which of the following has maximum oxides of VA group elements
complex forming ability with a given metal I) N 2O molecule is linear
II) NO2 molecule is angular
1) PH3 2) BiH3 3) NH3 4) SbH3
7. The oxidation number of N in N3H is III) N 2O5 molecule is angular
1) + 1/3 2) 0 3) - 1/3 4) 1 The correct combination is
1) All are correct 2) I & III are correct
3) II & III are correct 4) I & II are correct

Introduction :
 Organic Chemistry is the branch of Chemistry which deals with study of carbon compounds.
 The simplest organic compounds containing carbon and hydrogen only are called hydrocarbons .
 According to the Vital Force theory,organic compounds cannot be prepared in the lab artificially.
 Urea is the first organic compound prepared in the lab by Wohler.

NH 4CNO 
on tautomerisation
 NH 2CONH 2
ammonium Cyanate Urea
 First organic compound prepared from its elements in the lab is CH 3COOH . It was prepared by Kolbe.
 Second organic compound prepared from its elements in the lab is CH 4 . It was prepared by Berthelot.
 The ability of carbon atom to form long chains or rings is known as catenation.
 Carbon compounds are inumerable due to
(a) Maximum catenation capacity of carbon (b) Tetravalency of carbon
(c) Isomerism in organic compound of carbon (d) Carbon has tendency to form multiple Bonds
Structure and Bonding of Carbon in Carbon compounds :
 The ground state electronic configuration of carbon is 1s2 2s2 2px1 2py1 2pz0
 The excited state electronic configuration of carbon is 1s2 2s1 2px1 2py1 2pz1
 Energy of excitation is 501.6 KJ mol-1
 In organic compounds carbon atom undergoes sp, sp2 or sp3 hybridisation.

% of character Bond
Hybridisation Orbitals Nature of Orientation of
of orbitals Angles
involved s p bonds orbitals
sp one s 25 75 109º 28' tetrahedral
three p
sp one s 33.3 66.6 120º planar
two p
sp one s 50 50 180º linear
one p

 Greater the s - character lower the energy and thus near to the nucleus i.e. orbital is smaller.
 The order of size of different orbitals is p > sp3 > sp2 > sp > s
 The change in hybridisation affects the electronegativity of carbon.
 The greater the ‘s’ character of the hybrid orbitals, greater is the electronegativity
E.N of sp carbon > s p 2 carbon > s p 3 carbon
% S character  electronegativity of carbon
No.of C_C C_H C_H
Type of
Atomic Bond Bond Bond
(Pure) length length energy
orbitals (Å) (Å) (KJ/mole)
(4 sp _s) _
3 3
CH4 Methane sp 4 4 0

1.54 (_) 1.09 341.1(_)

C2H6 Ethane sp 8 6 1sp 3  sp 3  0
 
(alkane)  6sp 3  s 
 

C2H4 sp 6 6 1sp 2  sp 2  1 1.34 (=) 1.08 610.7(=)
 
(alkene)  4 sp 2  s 
 

C2H2 sp 4 6 1sp  sp  2 1.06

 
(alkyne)  2 sp  s 
 In  (pi) bond formation, parallel orientation of the Writing Systematic Lewis Structures :
two ‘P’ orbitals on adjacent atoms is necessary
for a proper sidewise overlap  The molecular formula of methyl nitrite is CH3ONO.
 In H2C  CH 2 molecule,both the ‘P’ orbitals are  All hydrogens are connected to C - atom and the
mutually parallel and are perpendicular to the plane order of atomic connections in the above example
of the molecule. is CONO
Rotation about C - C bond in C = C is restricted.  Total valence electrons can be counted as :
W.E-1 Write the hybridised state of carbon in the H  1 3  03
following compounds and shapes of each of the C  4 1  04
O  6  2  12
a) H 2C  O b) CH 3 F c) H  C  N
N  5 1  05
Sol: a) sp2 hybridised carbon, trigonal planar
b) sp3 hybridised carbon, tetrahedral
c) sp hybridised carbon, linear
W.E-2 What is the type of hybridization of each
 Ist Partial Structure
carbon in the following compounds?
6 bonds (shared pairs ) equivalent to 12 electrons
a) CH 3Cl b)  CH 3  2 CO c) CH 3CN
d) HCONH 2 e) CH 3CH  CHCN
Sol: a) sp3 b) sp3, sp2 c) sp, sp3
d) sp2 e) sp, sp2, sp2, sp3 H
W.E-3 How many sigma and pi bonds are present  2nd Partial Structure
in each of the following molecules? provision of an octet for all atoms (except hydrogen
a) CH 3  CH  CH 2 b) CH 3  C  C  CH 3 atom) by using remaining 12 electrons
c) HC  CCH  CHCH 3 H

Sol: a)  C C : 2;  C  H : 6;   1 H C O N O
b)  C C : 3;  C  H : 6;   2 H
c)  C C : 4;  C  H : 6;   3
 Final Structure similarly CH 3CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3
Atom which have fewer electrons than 8 use
unshared pairs on adjacent atoms to form double can be further condensed to CH 3  CH 2 6 CH 3
or triple bond to complete the octet. 4. Example of bond line representation
It is most stable structure for methyl nitrite
becausehydrogen atoms have duplet and all other
atoms have octet
 Calculation of Formal Charge
5. The various ways of representing 2 - bromo butane
Formal charge, Q f = GN - No. of bonds - No. of are:
unshared electrons CH3 CH3
methyl nitrite has two resonance structures Br
H (or) CH CH3
H C O N O Br
Structure - I
H 6. In cyclic compounds, the bond - line formulae may
+ be given as follows
CH2 Cl
H (M) (T)
Structure - II
The structure -I with no formal charges is more CH2 CH2
stable than the structure -II with formal charges. CH2
In the Structure - II (chloro cyclohexane)
The formal charge on oxygen atoms Examples of Bond Line Structures :
T=6 - 1 - 6 = -1, M=6 - 3 - 2 = +1
formal charge on nitrogen atom = 5-3-2=0
2 2 4
Structural Representation of Organic 1) 2)
Molecules : 1 3 1
Propane 3
1. Structures of organic compounds are represented 1,3-butadiene
in several ways. The Lewis structure (or) dot
structure, dash structure, condensed structure and 2
bond line structure.
3) 4
2. Example of complete structural formula
H H H H H 5 3 1
H C C H C C H C O H 4-methylpenta-1,3-diene

H H H H H 6 5
3. Examples of condensed structural formula 4 3 2
CH3 CH 3 H2C  CH 2 HC  CH CH 3OH
(ethane) (ethene) (ethyne) (methanol) 4-methylhex-2-yne
7. 3D-Representation :
In this method carbon atom and two other atoms H
or groups lying in the same plane are represented Dashed wedge
by solid lines. The group projecting away from the Bond in the (Bond away
observer is represented by dashed wedge while the plane of paper C from observer)
group projecting towards the observer is Solid wedge
represented by solid wedge. H H (Bond towards
Classification of Organic Compounds :
Organic compounds

Acyclic or Open Cyclic or Closed chain

chain compounds or Ring compounds

Saturated Un saturated Homocyclic or Heterocyclic

hydrocarbons hydrocarbons Carbocyclic compounds

Alicyclic Aromatic Aromatic Non- Aromatic

compounds compounds compounds compounds

Benzenoid Non-Benzenoid
compounds compounds

Acyclic Compounds :  Other than aromatic cyclic compounds are called

 Non cyclic compounds are called acylic compounds alicyclic compounds
Saturated : For example,

CH 3CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 CH3 CH CH3

Butane Isobutane
Cyclopropane Cyclobutane Cyclohexene
Aromatic compounds :
 All aromatic compounds are cyclic, planar
CH3 CH 2 CH  CH 2 CH3  The atoms involved in the aromatic ring undergo
1  Butene
, sp2 hybridisation.
 Aromatic compounds obey Huckel rule,
Cyclic compounds : (4n  2) e 
 Contains atleast one ring or closed chain of atoms.
Where n  0,1, 2,.....etc
These are of two types.
 Homocyclic compounds have same atoms in ring  Aromatic compounds containing benzene rings are
 Carbocyclic compounds have carbon atoms only in called Benzenoids.
3. Homologues show gradation in their physical
4. Successive members differ by a CH2 group in
molecular formula and molecular weight by 14
Benzene Naphthalene 5. All homologues have the same general formula
General Rules for IUPAC Nomenclature of
Carbon Compounds :
IUPAC names usually consists of three parts (or in
many cases two parts) (1)Root word (2) Suffix (es)
Anthracene Phenanthrene (3) prefix(es)
Root Word :It represents the number of carbon
 Aromatic compounds which do not contain a atoms in the longest chain. General root word is ‘alk’
benzene ring are called non-benzenoids.
For example, No.of carbon atoms Root
O in the chain Word
+ 1 Meth
2 Eth
3 Prop
4 But
Azulene Tropene Cyclohepta- 5 Pent
trienyl cation 6 Hex
 Hetero cyclic compounds contain hetero atom in 7 Hept
ring 8 Oct
9 Non
10 Dec
2) Suffix : The suffix may be
N a) Primary suffix and b) secondary suffix.
H Tetrahydro a) Primary suffix : It indicates saturation or
Oxirane Azirane furan unsaturation
R.W 10-suffix Name
Aromatic Hetero Cyclic Compounds : Saturated
C–C alk -ane alkane
C=C alk -ene alkene
N S O N - C  C- alk -yne alkyne
| Thiophene Furan Pyridine
H . In case of more than one C=C or -C  C -
Pyrole modification of root word takes place
No. of Normal Modified
Homologous Series : carbons root word root word
 A series of organic compounds containing same 4 but- buta-
general formula and same functional group and any 5 pent- penta-
two successive compounds differ by CH2 unit. 6 hex- hexa-
 1. Homologues can be prepared by similar If there are more than one C = C or C  C , the
methods. terms di, tri and tetra etc . are used before the
2. Homologues show similar properties. primary suffix
4 3 2 1 Types of Carbon and Hydrogen
eg: CH2=CH- CH= CH2 Atoms:
IUPAC name : 1, 3- butadiene
There are four types of carbon atoms and
b) Secondary Suffix : It represents the functional three types of hydrogen atoms.
group present in the organic molecule . This is added
i) Primary (1°) carbon : A carbon atom attached to
to a primary suffix . The final 'e' in the primary
suffix is dropped for a secondary suffix beginning one or no other carbon atoms.
with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u ) but it is retained for a ii) Secondary (2°) carbon : A carbon atom attached
secondary suffix beginning with a consonant. to two other carbon atoms.
iii) Tertiary (3°) carbon : A carbon atom attached to
three other carbon atoms.
iv) Quarternary (4°) carbon : A carbon atom attached
Alchol -OH -ol to four other carbon atoms.
Aldehydes -CHO -al Hydrogens attached to primary, secondary and
Ketones >C=O -oic acid tertiary carbon atoms are termed as primary,
Carboxylic acids -COOH -one secondary and tertiary hydrogen atoms respectively.
Esters -COOR -oate
Acid chlorides -COCl -oyl chloride
Acid amides -CONH2 -amide Secondary (2º)
CH3 Primary (1º)
Cyanides -C N -nitrile
Isocyanides -NC -Carbyl amine CH3 C CH CH2 CH3
3) Prefixes : (a) 1o prefix: It tells us about the CH3
nature of carbon chain i.e. whether it is open chain Tertiary (3º)
or cyclic ring.
The commonly used primary prefixes are cyclo, Quaternary (4º)
bicyclo, spiro etc., it is meant for alicyclic
compounds. Total number of 1° hydrogen atoms : 15
Total number of 2° hydrogen atoms : 2
Total number of 3° hydrogen atoms : 1
Examples: Alkanes : Alkanes or paraffins are saturated
hydrocarbons. The general formula : Cn H2n+2.
Cyclopropane Cyclobutane The word 'alk' indicates the chain length while the
b) 2o prefix: These indicate the substitution of other suffix 'ane' indicates saturation.
groups (not regarded as functional groups) in place
of hydrogen atoms in the compound. Molecular formula IUPAC name
CH 4 Methane
Group Prefix C2 H 6 Ethane
-Cl chloro-  Alkyl groups are monovalent groups obtained by
-Br bromo- removing one hydrogen atom of alkanes.
-I iodo-
-F fluoro
-OR alkoxy
-NO2 nitro-
-NO nitroso-
Compound and IUPAC names of alkyl groups:

Parent Formula of alkane Alkyl group Common IUPAC Name as

Alkane (R_H) (R_) Name Substituent
Methane CH4 CH3_ Methyl Methy_
Ethane CH3_CH3 CH3_CH2_ Ethyl Ethyl_
Propane CH3_CH2_CH3 CH3_CH2_CH2_ n-Propyl Propyl_
3 3
Burane CH3 CH2 CH2 CH3 CH3 CH2_CH2_CH2_ n-Butyl
_ _ _ _ Butyl_
CH3_CH2_CH_CH3 sec_Butyl 1_Methylpropyl_
_ _
Isobutane CH3 CH CH3 CH3 CH_CH2_
_ Isobutyl 2-Methylpropyl_
| |

CH3 C_
_ tert-Butyl 1, 1-Dimethylethyl_

Alkenes : Alkynes :
 Unsaturated hydrocarbons with double bond are  Unsaturated hydrocarbons with - C  C - are
called alkenes or olefins. called alkynes.
 General formula of alkenes is CnH2n. Suffix for  General molecular formula of alkynes is CnH2n-2.
alkenes is 'ene'. Longest carbon chain containing  In IUPAC system, they are called alkynes, the suffix
the >C = C < group is chosen. - ane from alkane is replaced by - yne.

CnH2n Olefins alkene CnH2n_2 alkyne

C2H4 Ethylene ethene C2H2 Acetylene ethyne
C3H6 Propylene propene C3H4 Methyl acetylene propyne
Alkenyl Group : The group derived from an alkene Alkynyl Group :
by removing a hydrogen atom is called alkenyl  The hydrocarbon residue derived by removing a
group. hydrogen atom from an alkyne is called alkynyl
group :

CH2=CH_ Vinyl ethenyl

2 2 Allyl propenyl C C Acetylide ethynyl
C4H7 - butenyl C C _ CH2_ Propargyl propynyl
Alkyl Halides : polyhalogen derivatives.
 Alkylhalides are the halogen derivatives of alkanes.  General molecular formula is CnH2n+1X or R- X.
 Depending on the number of halogens in the In IUPAC system they are given the name halo
molecule they are further divided into mono, di, tri, alkane.
Alkyl Halides and IUPAC names:

Formula Common Name IUPAC Name

CH3Br Methyl bromide Bromomethane
CH3CH2Cl Ethyl chloride Chloro ethane
CH3CH2CH2Cl n-propyl chloride 1-Chloropropane
CH3CHClCH3 Isopropyl chloride 2-Chloropropane
CH3CH2CH2CH2I n-butyl iodide 1-Iodobutane

CH3CH2I Isobutyl iodide 1-iodo-2-methylpropane
CH3CH2 C HCH3 sec-butyliodide 2-iodobutane
CH3 C _ CH3
_ tert-butyl iodide 2-iodo2-methyl propane

Alcohols : Ethers :
 In IUPAC system, the alcohols are called alkanols,  IUPAC name of ether is alkoxy alkane.
i.e. by replacing -e from the name of alkane by -ol  The smaller alkyl group plus the oxygen atom is
i.e., (alkane -e+ol=alkanol) called as an alkoxy substituent.
 Aliphatic hydrocarbons with -OH functional groups  The name of the alkane is prefixed by the name of
are called alcohols. the alkoxy group and position number.
 General formula is Cn H2n+1 OH.or R - OH  General formula is (CnH2n+1)2O.


C OH Methyl alcohol Methanol
C_C_OH Ethylalcohol Ethanol CH3OCH3 Dimethyl methoxy-
C_C_C_OH n-propyl alcohol Propanol ether methane
CH3OC2H5 Methyl ethyl methoxy-
C_C_C_C_OH n-butyl alcohol Butanol
_ _ _ ether ethane
C C C OH Isobutyl alcohol 2-Methyl C2H5OC2H5 Diether ether ethoxy-
| propanol
C methane
C2H5OCH(CH3)2 Ethyl 2-ethoxy-
CH3 isopropyl propane
| ether
 CH 3  C  OH t - butyl alcohol
2 - Methyl - 2- Propanol
Aldehydes :
 In IUPAC system, aldehydes are named after the FORMULA IUPAC
corresponding alkanes as alkanal by replacing
suffix-'e' with -‘al’ HCOOH Formic methanoic
When substituents are present ,the carbonyl carbon acid acid
is assigned position 1. CH3COOH Acetic ethanoic
General formula is Cn H2nO acid acid
Aldehydes contain - CHO functional group CH3CH3COOH Propionic propanoic
acid acid
COMMON CH3(CH2)2COOH Butyric butanoic
HCHO methanal Formaldehyde CH3(CH2)3COOH Valeric pentanoic
CH3CHO ethanal Acetaldehyde acid acid
CH3CH2CHO propanal Propionaldehyde
Acid chlorides:
 CH3CH2CH2CHO  IUPAC name is alkanoyl chloride.
butanal n- Butyraldehyde
 It is derived from the corresponding alkane by
CH 3 CH CHO replacing 'e' with 'oyl' halide.
 |
CH3  General formula is RCOCl . Cn H2n+1 COCl
2 - methyl Iso-Butyraldehyde
propanal COMMON
Ketones : NAME
 IUPAC name is alkanone HCOCl Formyl methanoyl
chloride chloride
 In IUPAC system longest chain containing the
CH3COCl Acetyl chloride ethanoyl
ketonic group is taken as the parent chain.
 In ketones >C= O group is present.
CH3CH2COCl Propionyl propanoyl
 In ketones the carbonyl carbon is linked with two
alkyl groups
chloride chloride
In IUPAC system, ketones are named after the
corresponding alkanes suffix 'e' is replaced by the Amines :
suffix - one.  Aliphatic amines are the alkyl derivatives of
 The general formula is (Cn H2n+1)2CO or R 2 CO. ammonia .
 Monoalkyl derivatives of ammonia are called
FORMULA IUPAC primary amines (RNH2).
 Dialkyl derivatives of ammonia are called secondary
CH3COCH3 Acetone Propanone
amines (R2NH).
CH3COCH2CH2CH3 Methyl 2-penta-
 Trialkyl derivatives of ammonia are called tertiary
Propyl none amines (R3N).
 IUPAC name of primary amine is aminoalkane,
secondary amine is N - alkyl aminoalkane and
Carboxylic acids : tertiary amine is N, N-dialkylaminoalkane.
 IUPAC name is alkanoic acids (alkane -oic - acid).
 The name is derived by replacing 'e' of the
corresponding alkane by -oic acid.
 General formula is RCOOH or Cn H2n+1 COOH
COMMON I) Longest Chain Rule :
FORMULA IUPAC  Carbon chain containing more number of carbon
atoms is considered as longest carbon chain
Amines:  root word is given based on the number of carbon
CH3NH2 Methylamine methan- atoms of longest carbon chain
amine 1 2 3
Secondary CH3 CH2 CH CH2 CH3
Amines: 4 5 6
CH3NHCH3 Dimethyl amine N-methyl CH2 CH2 CH3
methan- correct selection (6C atoms)
1 2 3 4 5
Tertiary CH3 CH2 CH CH2 CH3
(CH3)3N Trimethylamine N,N- CH2 CH2 CH3
dimethyl wrong selection (5C atoms)
methan -
amine  If two different chains of equals lengths are possible
, the chain with maximum number of side chains or
Nitro compounds : alkyl groups is selected.
 The functional group is - NO2. If 'N' of -NO2 is For example:
linked to the alkane it is named as nitro alkane.
 If 'O' of - NO2 group is linked to the alkane it is 1 2 3 4
named as alkylnitrite.
5 6 7
CH3NO2 Methylnitrate nitro- correct selection (Longest chain of 7C atoms with
methane three branches)
C2H5NO2 Ethylnitrile nitro -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ethane CH3 CH2 CH CH CH2 CH2 CH3
C3H7NO2 Propylnitrate nitro-
propane CH3 CH CH CH3

Nomenclature of Branched Chain CH3

Alkanes: wrong selection (Longest chain of 7C atom with
 To sum up IUPAC name of an organic two branches)
compound consists of following arragement word- II. Lowest Number or Lowest Sum Rule.
root suffixes and prefixes.  Numbering of the carbons in the parent chain as 1,
For example , 2, 3..... etc. starting from the end which gives the
2 3 least number to the carbon atoms carrying the
1 4 S S
O Br
4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4
5 6 (correct) (wrong)
When several substituents are involved, the lowest
4-Bromo Cyclo Hex an one number means (i) lowest sum of numbers (ii) lowest
2ºprefix 1ºprefix RW P.S S.S
individual numbers (iii) lowest number for the first
named group, in the order of preference. Nomenclature of Organic Com-
pounds Containing Functional Group:
C C C C C C C COOH  SO3 H  COOR 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 COCl  CONH 2  CN  CHO 
2+5+6=13 (wrong numbering) Priority order : CO  OH  SH  NH 2  OR 
S S S N  N  NO2  NO  X

C C C C C C C  Priority Principle: If the compound is poly

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 functional compound, the selection of the principal
2+3+6=11 (correct numbering) functional group follows the sequence.
Acids > acid derivatives except nitriles >
III. Presence of More Than One Substituents : nitriles > aldehydes > ketones > alcohols >
 If the same substituent is repeated in the chain that amines > ether > double bond > triple bond.
is indicated by prefixes such as di, tri, tetra etc.
. The longest parent carbon chain is selected in such
indicate number of such groups or atoms and position
a way that the functional group bearing carbon is
of carbon atom on which they are present are to be
included in it even though it contains lesser number
of carbon atoms.
3 3

(2, dimethyl propane) 5 4 3 2 1
Ex: H3C H2C H2C C = CH2
IV. Alphabetical Order: correct chain
 If two or more substituents are present on the parent 6 CH3
chain , they are named in the alphabetical order
along with their appropriate positions. 5 CH
CH3 CH3 CH3 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 H3C H2C H2C C = CH2
H3C CH CH2 CH CH2 CH2 CH3 wrong chain
4-ethyl-2-methyl heptane
 The numbering of atoms in the parent chain is given
V. Numbering of Carbon Atoms : in such a way that carbon atoms containing
 Alkyl group substituents containing sub branches functional group gets the lowest number.
are named as substituted alkyl groups in which the  If the parent chain is hydrocarbon including both
carbon atom of the branched substituent attached 'ene' and 'yne'. Then the order of preference
directly to longest carbon chain should be always 'ene' > 'yne' in case if lowest sum rule is same.
numbered 1.
 The numbering is done as shown below: HC  C - CH 2 - CH = CH2
5 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 pent -1- en-4 -yne
1 2
CH3 C CH3 eg. .
3 3
5-(2', 2'-dimethylpropyl) nonane
1. CH3 CH2 C = CH CH3
3-ethyl pent-2-ene
CH3 eg: 3  Bromo  2  Methyl pentan  2  ol
a) As per the rootword pent we have
2. 1 2 3 4 5
3,3-dimethylpent-1-en-4-yne OH
1 2 3 4 5
b) As per the name
3. c) To satisfy the tetravalency of each carbon atom
CH3 hydrogen atoms are added to each carbon atom as
per requirement.
4. 2-propynol or prop-2-yne-1-ol
H CH3 Br H H
5. CH3 CH CH CH2 C N
Hence, the structure is complete.
3,4-dimethyl pentane nitrile
Rules for IUPAC Nomenclature of Alicyclic
CH3 C CH2 C CH3 Compounds :
6. O O The following rules are generally followed.
pentane-2, 4-dione  The names of alicyclic compounds are obtained by
CH3 CH2 CH CH2 COCH3 adding the prefix ‘cyclo’ to the name of the
corresponding hydrocarbon (alkane, alkene or
7. NH2 alkyne).
8. CH3
ethyl 2-methyl butanoate
9. CH3 –CH2 – O – CH2 – CH2Cl Cyclobutane Cyclohexene CyclohexYne
2 - chloro -1- ethoxy ethane  If two or more alkyl groups or other substituent
CH3 are present in the ring, their positions are indicated
by arabic numerals, i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4,... etc. While
CH3 O C CH3 numbering the carbon atoms of the ring, the
10. substitutent which comes first in the alphabetical
2-methoxy-2-methylpropane order is given the lowest number provided it does
not violate the lowest locant rule. For example,
Writing the Structure of the Compound Whose
Name is Given : 1 1
 Observe the root word and write the continuous 5 2 6 2
carbon chain.
 Number the carbon atoms in a suitable way and 5 3
attach the functional groups, substituents and 4 3
multiple bonds at their respective carbon atoms. 4
1,2-Dimethyl- 3-Ethyl-1,1-dimethyl
 Carbon has tetravalency. Attach the required cyclopentane cyclohexane
number of hydrogen atoms at each carbon atom to
satisfy its tetra valency. Now the structure is  If the ring contains more or equal number of carbon
completed. atoms, ring is considered as parent compound.
 If the side chain contains more number of carbon CH3 OCH3 Br
atoms than ring, it is considered as parent chain.

(1) (2) (3)
1-(1-methyl Hexyl 2-Cyclo Methyl Methoxy Bromo
butyl) cyclohexane propyl benzene benzene benzene
cyclohexane pentane
Br Cl
 If the side chain contains a multiple bond or a Br Cl
functional group, the alicyclic ring is treated as the
substituent irrespective of the size of the ring.
3 1 (4) (5)
eg: 2 2 1,2-dibromo 1,2-dichloro
1 3 benzene benzene
3-Cyclo 3-Nitrocyclohex Cyclohex-2 Cl CHO COOH
propylprop -1-ene -en-1-ol
 Substituent of the base compound is assigned
number 1 and then the direction of numbering is
chosen such that the next substituents appear in the
name in alphabetical order. NO2
NO2 (6) (7) (8)
Cl 1-chloro-4- Benzene Benzene
nitro benzene carbaldehyde carboxylic
Cl O2N NO2
2-chloro-1-methyl- 1-chloro-2,4-dinitro-
4-nitrobenzene benzene

Nomenclature of Aromatic (9) (10) (11)

1,2-Dimethyl Hydroxy Acetophone
benzene benzene
 When an aromatic compound contains two or more  Substituent of the base compound is assigned
functional groups, it is named as a derivative of the number 1 and then the direction of numbering is
compound with the principal funcitonal group at chosen such that the next substituent gets the lowest
position. number. The substituents appear in the name in
 If all the functional groups present in the benzene alphabetical order.
ring are such which are normally treated as CH2
substituent groups, the various groups are arragned
in alphabetical order with the group named first in
the alphabetical order getting the lowest locant
provided it does not violate the lowest locant rule eg: consider
for all the substitutents.
It is named as 2, 4, 6 - trinitro toluene taking toluene  If benzene ring is named as substituent it is named
as the base name.Similarly as phenyl  C6 H 5  . Similarly an arene is named as
1 aryl.
6 2 CH2CH2OH CH2Cl CH = CH3

5 3 is 4-ethyl - 2 - fluoroanisole.
 When no simple base name other than benzene is 2-phenyl- chloro phenyl Phenyl ethene
possible, the positions are numbered so as to give ethanol methane (styrene)
the lowest locant at the first point of difference. (Benzyl chloride)
C2H5 Isomerism: The phenomenon by which two
or more compounds possess same molecular
formulae but different physical and chemical
properties is known as isomerism
eg: NO2

Constitutional Stereoisomerism
Structural Isomerism
Chain Isomerism
Conformational Configurational
Position Isomerism isomerism isomerism

Functional Isomerism
Metamerism Geometrical Optical isomerism
or or
Ring-Chain Isomerism
Cis-trans isomerism Enantiomerism

Chain Isomerism : eg: 2) Pentane has three chain isomers.

Chain isomerism arises due to differences in the CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 3 n-Pentane pentane
arrangement of carbon chain. It is also known as nuclear CH3 CH3
or skeletal isomersim. Chain isomerism is found in
compounds containing more than three carbon atoms. CH3 CH CH2 CH3 CH3 C CH3
eg: 1) Butane has two chain isomers.
CH3 (methylbutane) CH3
n-Butane(butane) Isobutane
Number of Chain Isomers in Alkanes
Cl Cl Cl
Number of Chain
Formula Cl
C4H10 2
C5H12 3 Cl
o-dichloro m-dichloro
C6H14 5 Cl
Benzene Benzene p-dichloro
C7H16 9 Benzene
C8H18 18 The above are the Examples for position isomers
C9H20 35 Functional Isomerism :
C10H22 75 Functional isomerism arises due to difference in the
Positional Isomerism : functional group.
 Positional isomerism arises due to difference in the ethyl alcohol Dimethyl ether
position of a substituent (or)
C  C  or  C  C bond or functional group.
For open chain compounds with monofunctional CH3CH2CHO & C H 3  C  CH 3
group or substituent minimum of 3 carbon atoms
Propionaldehyde Acetone
are required.
OH Acetic acid Methyl formate
The above pairs are examples for functional
CH3-CH2-CH2- OH CH 3  CH  CH 3 isomers
1-propanol 2- propanol  Functional Isomerism is Shown by Genarally
(n- propyl alcohol) (isopropyl alcohol) 1. Alcohols - Ethers
In case of bisubstituents two carbon atoms are 2. Aldehydes - Ketones-unsaturated alcohols and
sufficient. ethers.
eg: C2 H 4Cl2 can exist in two isomeric forms. 3. Carboxylic acids - Esters
4.Cyanides and Isocyanides
CH 3  CHCl2 ; CH 2Cl  CH 2Cl
1,1 dichloroethane 1,2  dichloroethane CH 3CN - ethane nitrile, CH 3 NC -methane
CH3-CH2-CH=CH2 and CH3-CH = CH-CH3 isonitrile
1- Butene 2- Butene 5. Nitroalkanes and alkyl nitrites :
CH3-CH2-C  CH and CH3-C  C-CH3 CH 3 NO2 - nitro methane, CH 3ONO - methyl
1-Butyne 2-Butyne
The above pairs are examples for position isomers
6.Alkadiene and alkyne:
In case of cyclic compounds to exhibit positional
isomerism minimum of two substituents are CH 2  CH  CH  CH 2 ,
required. 1,3  butadiene

CH3 CH3 CH3 CH 3  C  C  CH 3

2 -B u ty n e
Cl 7. Primary, secondary and tertiary amines
CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  NH 2 1-amino propane
o-chloro m-chloro CH 3  CH 2  NH  CH 3
Toluene Toluene p-chloro N-methyl aminoethane
Cl Cl Cl
 CH3 3 N N, N - dimethyl amino methane
1. CH 3  CH 2  C  CH (1-butyne ) and
8.Glucose and Fructose are functional isomers
C6H12O6 & C6H12O6 CH2 CH
Glucose [Aldehyde] Fructose [Ketone]
Metamerism : (Cyclo butane)
It is shown by compounds having polyvalent
functional groups. 2. CH 2  CH  CH 2OH (prop-2-enol) and
 Isomerism arising due to the difference in nature of CH2 CH
alkyl groups attached to the same functional group
is called metamerism and such isomers are called CH2 O
metamers. Metamerism is exhibited by ethers, (Oxetane)
thioether, ketones, sec,ter-amines, esters, acid
anhydrides, sec,ter-amide. 3. CH 3  CH  CH 2 and propene
1. C5 H10 O (three metamers)
diethyl ketone Cyclopropane
(3-pentanone) 4. Draw bond line formulae of all the cyclic
compounds having molecular formula C5H10 and
give their IUPAC names.
methyl, n-propylketone

Cyclopentane Methylcyclobutane
 C4 H10 O(three metamers)

C2H5  O  C2H5 ; CH3  O  CH2  CH2  CH3 1,1-Dimethyl 1,2-Dimethyl Ethyl

ethoxyethane 1methoxy propane
cyclopropane cyclopropane cyclopropane
Ring chain isomers are always functional isomers
CH 3O  CH  CH 3
| Fundamental concepts in organic
CH 3 reaction mechanism :
2methoxy propane
 Reaction mechanism involves the sequential account
Ring Chain Isomerism : of each step, describing the detailed electron
 If one isomer has open chain structure and the other movement, energy changes during bond breaking
has cyclic structure such isomers are known as ring and bond formation and kinetics of reaction.
chain isomers and the isomerism is Ring chain  In organic reactions the reactant also called as the
isomerism substrate, this reacts with an attacking reagent and
forms one or more intermediates which finally forms
products & byproducts.  Chemical reaction which occurs in the presence of
 To understand clearly the mechanism ofvarious organic heat (  500o C ), electricity,light
reactions, it is essential to have a knowledge of
i) Cleavage (fission ) of covalent bonds, (sunlight, h ), peroxide,radical is known as free
ii)Nature of attacking reagents radical reaction.
iii) Electronic displacements in covalent bonds Characteristics of Free Radicals :
Fission of a Covalent Bond  (i) Free radicals are electrically neutral and are highly
 Depending upon the nature of the given compound, unstable
the nature of attacking reagent & reaction conditions (ii) They are short lived & highly reactive due to
bond cleavage occurs in two different ways, unpaired electrons.
(i) Homolytic cleavage or homolysis (iii) Generally free radicals are planar and the central
(ii) Heterolytic cleavage or heterolysis carbon atom is in sp2 hybridisation (attached to 3
atoms or groups). The unhybridised 2p orbital of the
Homolytic Cleavage
central carbon atom contains the unpaired electron.
 In homolytic bond fission, a covalent bond is
cleaved in such a way that each atom separates
with one electron called free radicals. H

Cl : Cl  Cl.  Cl.

H 3C : H  H 3C.  H.

 Free radicals are highly reactive due to their Methyl free radical
unpaired electron. (iv) They are paramagnetic in nature.
Heterolytic Fission :  Reactions involving free radicals are of three types
 In Heterolytic bond fission, a covalent bond is cleaved (a) Reactions between two free radicals forming
in such a way that both the electrons of shared pair neutral molecule.
are carried away by one of the atoms leading to the
formation of negative and positive ion pair. CH3.  Cl.  CH 3  Cl
 Positively charged carbon is termed as (b) Reaction between free radical & neutral
carbocation and negatively charged carbon is called molecule leading to the formation of another free
 The electron pair is carried away by more E.N.atom radical CH 4  Cl.  CH 3  Cl  H .
A : B  A  B  (A is more E.N.) (c) A free radical after loosing a neutral molecule
 
A : B  A  B (B is more E.N.) forming another free radical
 Heterolytic fission mostly occurs in polar covalent CH 3COO   CH 3  CO2

bonds and is favoured by polar solvents like water,

alcohol and is influenced by the presence of acid  The structure of carbon free radicals may not be
&base catalysts. predicted, they may have from planar to pyramidal
Reaction Intermediates : geometry based on the groups or atoms attached
 Reaction intermediates are short lived fragments. to carbon atom having odd electron.
 The important reaction intermediates are free eg: In fluoro substituted alkyl radical ‘s’ character
radicals, carbocations, carbanions, carbenes, of orbitals increases therefore the shape changes
nitrenes, benzyne. to pyramidal in CF3
Free Radicals :
CH 3  Planar shape
 A free radical is an atom or group of atoms which
contains an unpaired electron. They are formed by CF3  Pyramidal shape
Relative Stability of Free Radicals :  They are highly reactive and react with nucleophilic
reagents to fulfil their octetconfiguration
 Alkyl radicals are classified as primary, secondary
and tertiary radicals based on number of carbon Stability of Carbonium Ions :
atoms attached to radical.  Stability of alkyl carbocations is influenced by
 Stability of alkyl free radicals can be explained by resonance, hyperconjugation and inductive effect.
hyperconjugation and number of resonating  An alkyl group attached to positively charged
structures due to hyperconjugation, The decreasing carbon of a carbocation releases electrons towards
order of stability of alkyl free radicals is 30 > 20 > that carbon ( + I effect). Therefore more the number
 of alkyl groups, greater the dispersal of postive
10 > CH3 charge, more is the stability of
CH3 H H carbocation.
H3C C > H3C C > H3C C > H3C R R H H
 CH3 CH3 H R C >R C >R C >H C
3º-alkyl 2º-alkyl 1º-alkyl methyl
 Examples of Free Radical Reactions
(i) Wurtz reaction giving alkanes,
(ii) Kolbe’s electrolytic reaction,
(iii) substitution reactions of alkanes.  Stability decreases as +I effect decreases
(iv) Anti markownikoff’s addition (or) peroxide /  

Kharasch effect. CH 3CH 2CH 2 C H 2  CH3CH 2 C H 2

 
Carbocations (Carbonium ions) :  CH 3 C H 2  C H 3
 Carbocation may be defined as a group of atoms
that contains a carbon atom bearing postive charge
Reactions Involving Carbonium Ions :
and having only six electrons in its v a l e n c e i) Elimination reactions of alcohols and alkyl halides
shell. These are formed by the heterolytic cleavage to form alkenes
and are also known as carbonium ions. ii) Electrophilic addition reactions of alkenes, alkynes
and alkadienes
C X C+ X iii) S N1 reactions of alkyl halides and diazonium salts
Alkyl carbonium ions are classified as primary, iv) Molecular pinacol - pinacolone rearrangement
secondary and tertitary carbonium ions based on Carbanions :
carbon having positive charge attached to number
 Carbanion may be defined as a group of atoms that
of alkyl or aryl groups.
contains a carbon atom bearing negative charge and
Charateristics of Carbocations : having six bonding and two nonbonding electrons
 The positively charged carbon atom in the in its valence shell. These are formed by the
carbocation is sp hybridised. This part of the heterolytic cleavage in which shared pair remains
carbocation is planar and the vacant p- orbital is with carbon atom.
perpendicular to this plane. The shape of methyl
carbocation is trigonal planar. _ +
C Y C +Y

 Carbanions are classified as10 , 20 and 30 based on
C+ H
H nature of carbon atom bearing the negative charge

Methyl carbonium ion

Characteristics & Structure of Electrophiles :
Carbanion :  Electrophiles means electron seeking species.
 In carbanion, the carbon carrying negative charge Electrophiles are the reagents that attack a point of
is sp3 hybridised. Its shape is pyramidal or high electron density or negative site.
tetrahedral with one lone pair.  Electrophiles are electron deficient species.
 They are either positively charged or neutral.
 They act as lewis acids.
Charged Electrophiles :
H+, Cl+, Br+, I+,
H H H NO2 , R3C+ and other carbocations,
Methyl carbanion
 The carbon carrying the negative charge contains 8 NH 4 , NO+, C6H 5N 2
electrons in the valence shell, i.e.,complete octet Neutral Electrophiles :
 They are highly reactive because in them the carbon
SO3 , BF3 , AlCl3 FeCl3 , ZnCl2 , BeCl2
carrying the negative charge is electron rich and can
donate its non bonding pair of electrons to some Nucleophiles :
other group for sharing. Hence, carbanions behave  Nucleophile means nucleus seeking species.
as nucleophiles and readily attacked by Nucleophiles are the reagents that attack a site of
electrophiles low electron density or positive centres.
 Carbanions are diamagnetic  Nucleophiles are electron donating species.They
Stability of Carbanion : are either negatively charged or neutral molecules
with a free electron pair to donate. They act as Lewis
 The stability of carbanions is influenced by
resonance, inductive effect and s-character of hybrid
orbitals. Charged Nucleophiles :
 The groups having +I effect decreases while groups Cl–, Br–, I–,  NH 2 ,  NHR,  NR2
having -I effect increases the stability of carbanions
OR, RCOO , R 3 C,CH 3 COCH 2 ,OH

H H R R CN  , N 3 ,SH, HSO3
R C >R C >R C >R C Neutral Nucleophiles :
   
H H H H R 3 N , H 2 O,

R O H, R O R

  
H 2 S, R S H, R S R
 Greater the number of alkyl groups on the carbon 

atom carrying the negative charge, greater would Ambident Nucleophiles :

be the intensity of the negative charge on carbon
and hence, less stable would be the carbanion. CN  , NO2
Order of stability of carbanions  Molecules having multiple bonds between similar
atoms like C2H4, C2H2 and C6H6 also act as
1    2    3 
0 0 0
Types of Reagents :
Free Radicals :
 The reagents can be classified into nucleophiles,
 Free radicals are neutral species having an
electrophiles and free radicals.
    
unpaired electron. eg. Cl, Br, OR, R, CH 3
Electron Displacements in Covalent  -I effect decreases with decrease in the
Bond Inductive Effect : electronegativity
i) F > Cl > Br > I
 The electron donating or electron withdrawing effect
of a group or an atom that is transmitted by the ii) - F > - OR > - NR2 > - CH3
polarisation of electrons in  bond is iii) - F > - OH > - NH2  CH3
called Inductive effect. iv) - OR > - SR  SeR
Characteristics of Inductive Effect : v) - O+R2 > - N R 3
 It is denoted by I vi) = O > = NR; = O > - OR
 It is a permanent effect  with a decrease in the percentage of ‘s’ character
 In a covalent single bond between unlike atoms of hybrid orbital, electro negativity of hybrid orbital
the electron pair forming the  bond never shared decreases and hence-I effect decreases.
equally between the two atoms. The more vii)  N  NR
electronegative atom tends to attract the shared pair viii) - C  CR  CR  CR2
more towards itself.
ix) C  CH  CH  CH2
 In CH3 - CH2 - CH2 - Cl, the chlorine atom attract
the shared electron pair towards itself. It is + I Effect
represented as
 Atoms or groups which attract electrons weaker
C Cl or C Cl than H are called as electron releasing groups and
 If the carbon atom bonded to chlorine atom is itself produce +I effect.
attached to other carbon atoms, the effect i s  Alkyl groups are considered as weakly electron
transmitted further, donating.
      O  COO   alkyl.
CH3  CH 2  CH2   Cl
 The decreasing order of +I effect is
 The effect of polarisation of C1 and C2 bond is less
than the effect in C1- Cl bond and it decreases as
C CH3 > CH > CH2CH3 > CH3 > T > D > H
the distance from ‘Cl’ increases. It may be neglected CH3
after C3.
 Inductive effect is denoted by I and represented by W.E-4. Which bond is more polar in the following
a straight arrow (  ),the arrow pointing towards pairs of molecules:
the more electronegative element. (i) H 3C  H , H 3C  Cl
Types of Inductive Effect: (ii) H 3C  OH , H 3C  NH 2
-I Effect (iii) H 3C  SH , H 3C  OH
 Atoms or groups which attract electrons more Sol: (i) C  Cl. Since Cl is more electronegative than H
strongly than hydrogen are called electron (ii) C  O (iii) C  O
withdrawing groups and produce - I effect.
 The decreasing order of electron withdrawing Applications of Inductive Effect
groups in the - I effect. Stability of Carbocations :
   To stabilise a positive charge, electron donating
 N F3   N H 3  CF3   NO2  groups are needed .Therefore more the no of Alkyl
CN   SO3 H  COCl  CHO  groups with +I effect are present, more is the
stability of Carbocation
COR   F  Cl   Br   I  OH  Stability of Carbocation  + I power
CH  CH 2  C6 H 5   H
 Decreasing order of carbocation stability eg 4:
  
CH3 CH3 CH3 CH 3  C H 2  H 2 C  C H  HC  C  Increasing Stability
S%=25% S%=33.3% S%=50%

Electromeric Effect :
> >
 It is defined as the complete transfer of a shared
pair of  electrons to one of the atoms joined by a
 Increasing order of carbocation stability.
multiple bond on the demand of an attacking reagent.
   
 It is denoted by E
C H3  R  C H 2  R  C H  R  R  C  R
|  It is a temporary effect.
 It is observed in organic compounds containing
 Magnitude of positive charge on carbon is increased multiple bonds in the presence of attacking reagent.
by -I groups. Hence more the number of -I groups,  This effect is not observed when the attacking
lesser the stability of carbocation.
reagent is removed from the domain of the reaction.
1  If  electrons of multiple bond shift to that atom to
 I groups 
Stability of Carbocation which the attacking reagent bonded is called
  +E effect.
CH 3 - C H 2 >Cl -CH 2 - C H 2 >
+ +
  C=C +H C C
Cl2 CH- C H 2 >Cl3C- C H 2
decreasing order of stability of carbocations H
     If  electrons of multiple bond shift towards that
O 2 N  C H 2  N  C  C H 2  F  C H 2  Cl  C H 2 atom where the attacking reagent is not forming
bond is called - E effect.
Increasing Stability of Carbanion :
 Magnitude of negative charge is increased by +I C = C + CN

groups, Hence more the number of +I groups, lower

is the stability of carbanion.
1  If both inductive effect and electromeric effect
 I groups 
Stability of Carbanion operate in opposite direction, then electromeric
eg 1: Decreasing stability of carbanions effect predominates.
  
C H 3  CH 3  C H 2  CH 3  C H  CH 3  CH 3  C CH 3

Mesomeric Effect :

CH 3  The electron pair displacement caused by atom or

group along a chain by a conjugative mechanism is
 I groups  stability of carbanoins
called the mesomeric effect of that atom or group.
 It is denoted by M
 Lone pairs and  electrons are involved and
eg 2:
operate through conjugative mechanism of electron
eg 3:  It influence the physical properties, reaction rates
  etc.
F3 N  CH 2  C H 2  N  C  CH 2  C H 2 

Cl3C  CH 2  C H 2  DecreasingStability
+ M Effect :  Halogens have - I effect but with lone pairs they
have +M effect. These two operate in opposite
 Groups which tend to increase the electron density
of rest of the molecule are said to have +M
effect.These groups possess genarally lone pair of
electrons on connecting atom to the conjugated Pi
-M effect in Propenal
 Down the group electron density decreases due to H2C = CH C=O H2C CH = C O
increase in size as result + M effect decreases
-F > - Cl > - Br > - I ; H H
OH  SH  SeH -M effect in Nitrobenzene
- OR > - SR > SeR O O + O +
 With decreasing basic strength, electron releasing N=O N O_ N_O
tendency , as result + M effect decreases.
 NR2  OR  F ,
- NH2 > - OH > - F ;- O > - OR. O O
+ M effect in Vinyl Chloride : N_O N_O

CH2 = CH Cl CH2 CH = Cl +
O +
+M effect in Aniline N_O N=O

+ +
NH2 NH2 NH2 Characterstics of Mesomeric Effect:
1) it is a permanent effect present in the molecule
in the ground state.
2) This effect is distance independent
3) + M and - M groups are always in conjugation
- M Effect in ortho and para positions of the benzene ring.
Thus, +M groups will give electrons to the ring at
 Groups which tend to decrease the electron density
ortho and para position. Similarly -M groups will
of rest of the molecule are said to have - M effect.
withdraw electrons from ortho and para position
 Group exhibiting - M effect possess multiple bond
of the benzene ring. + M and -M groups have no
and -M effect can be compared based on
effect on meta position.
= O > = NR > = CR2 4) Mesomeric effect is dominant over inductive

 NR2   NR 5) in case of halogen -I effect is more effective than
 N   CR . + M effect
NO ,COOH,CHO,HSO & CONH also have
2 3 2
(- M ) effect.
 Differences Between Inductive Effect and 
Mesomeric Effect Sol: (a)Vinyl chloride CH 2  CH  C l:

Inductive Effect Mesomeric Effect (b) Allyl chloride CH2 CH CH2 Cl :

1. It is operative in 1. It is operative in
s a t u r a t e d compounds (c) 3-Butenal CH 2  CH  CH 2  C|  O
compounds. especially having
conjugated In vinyl chloride, lone pair and  bond are in
systems. conjugation Hence  M effect is possible in it. In allyl
2. I t i n v o l v e s 2. I t i n v o l v e s chloride, lone pair is not in conjugation with  bond
electrons of sigma electrons of - and in 3- butenal also conjugation is absent. Thus in
bonds. bonds or lone pairs allyl chloride and 3-butenal mesomeric effect is absent.
of electrons.
3. The electron pair is 3. The electron pair Resonance :
slightly displaced i s c o m p l e t e l y  If a molecule or ion can be shown by two or more
from its position transferred and structures differing only in the distribution of
and thus partial thus full positive electrons, but none of these structures truely explains
c h a r g e s a r e and negative all the properties of that molecule or ion, these
developed. charges are structures are called resonating or canonical
developed. structures and this phenomenon is called resonance.
4. It is transmitted 4. It is transmitted
over a quite short from one end to  Characteristics of Resonance Structures
distance. other end of the 1) It involves only displacement of electrons without
chain provided disturbing the nuclei;
c onj uga t i on i s 2) All atoms in the molecule are in the same plane
present. 3) The total number of paired or unpaired electrons
5. The effect becomes 5. It continues till should be same in any structure;
negligible after c onj uga t i on i s
4) The canonical structures should have as far as
third carbon atom there.
in the chain possible nearly equal energy;
5) More stable resonance structures contributes more
W.E-5. Explain mesomeric and inductive effects to the actual molecule;
present in vinyl chloride. 6) More the delocalisation more is stability;
Sol: The resonance structures of vinyl chloride are: 7) More the covalent bonds, more is the stability.
8) The canonical structure in which negative charge
Cl CH = CH 2 Cl = CH CH2 on more electronegative atom is more stable.
9) Lesser the opposite charge separation, more will
The inductive and mesomeric effects, when
be the stability of canonical structure.
present together, may act in the same direction or
oppose each other. The mesomeric effect is more 10) The resonance structures are hypothetical and
individually do not represent any real molecule. They
powerful then inductive effect. In vinyl chloride,
contribute to the actual structure in proportion to
chlorine atom should develop a negative charge
their stability.
due to – I effect but on account of mesomeric
The bond distance of hybrid structure are
effect, it has positive charge.
intermediate of those of resonating forms.
W.E-6. In which of the following compounds
mesomeric and inductive effects are present? Resonance Energy :
(a) Vinyl chloride  The difference in energy between the actual energy
(b) Allyl chloride and of the molecule and that of the most stable canonical
(c) 3-Butenal forms is called resonance energy.
eg: Resonance energy of benzene is 36 k.Cal/mol 3. It explain why two O  O bond legths in ozone
or 150 kJ/mol
The more the number of important contributing molecule are same (1.28 A)
structures, the more is the resonance energy and 4. It explain why C  C bond lenght in benzene is
more is the stability 1.39A [in between C  C (1.54 A) ]and
Resonance Effect : C  C (1.34 A)
 It is the polarity produced in a molecule by the 5. Due to resonance two C  C bond lengths in
interactions of two  bonds or between a  bond formate ion are same (1.27 A) which are in
and a lone pair of electrons present on adjacent
between C  O (1.27 A) and C  O (1.36 A)
 It is denoted by R 6. It explain the stability of benzyl carbocation free
radicals and carbanions
 If the transfer of electrons are away from the atoms
or substituent group attached to the W.E-8. Explain why each of the following structure
is not a resonance from
conjugated systems then the molecule gets high
electron density at one of the position and it is a) O = O and O = O
denoted by (+R).
eg: X, - OH, -OR, - NH2 , - NHR, -NR2 - b) H2N O H and H2N = O H
NHCOR. sol: c) CH C CH2 and CH3 C CH3
 If the transfer of electrons are towards the atom or
substituent group it is (-R) effect. OH OH
Sol: a) Contributing structures must have the same
eg: COOH,-COOR,CHO,  C  O,  CN,  NO2
number of paired electrons. Singlet and triplet states
 Resonance effect and mesomeric effect both appear cannot be contributing structures
as the same but they are different. b) The second structure cannot exist; N has ten
 Mesomeric effect involves only electrons and electrons
mainly in conjugate system where as c) These isomers differ in the placement of the H
resonance effect involves even ‘  ’ electrons. atom; in this special case they are called tautomers
W.E-7. Write resonance structures of CH 3COO  W.E-9. CH 3  C  CH 3 and CH  C  CH aree
3 2
|| |
and show the movement of electrons by curved
not resonating structures. comment
Sol: First. write the structure and put unshared pairs of
valence electrons on appropriate atoms. then draw CH 3  C  CH 3 CH 3  C  CH 2
Sol: || , |
the arrows one at a time moving the electrons to
get the other structures.
do not constitute resonating structures because they
have different arrangement of atoms. They are
keto – enol tautomers.
O O Hyperconjugation :
 Delocalization of electrons takes place through
Application of Resonance : overlap between  bond orbital of  C  H bond
1. It explains the acidic nature of phenols and and  bond orbital or empty p-orbital.
carboxylic acids as the ion formed after the release  It is also known as    conjugation or no-bond
of proton ( H  ) is more resonance stabilised. resonance. It arises due to partial overlap of a sp 3  s
2. It explains the stability of conjugated dienes over sigma bond orbital with the empty p- orbital or
non-conjugated dienes   bond orbital of an adjacent carbon atom.
 Hyper conjugation is a permanent effect 3)  -carbon should have atleast one hydrogen.
 This occurs when alkyl groups are attached to an
 In CH 3CH 2 ( ethyl cation) the positively charged
unsaturated system like a double bond or a benzene
nucleus carbon atom has empty p - orbital . One of the C -
More substituted alkenes are more stable because H bonds of methyl group can align in the plane of
the number of contributing structures increases with the empty p - orbital and the electrons constituting
increase in number of alkyl substituents. Stability of the C - H bond in the plane with this p - orbital can
substituted alkenes delocalised in to the empty p - orbital.
 This type of overlap stabilises the carbocation
H3C CH3 H3C CH3 because electron density from the adjacent 
C C > C C > bond helps in dispersing the positive charge
H H H+ H H+ H H H
H3C CH3 H3C H H C C+ H C=C H+ C = C H C=C
C C C C > H H H H H H H+ H
H H H3C H  In general, greater the number of  hydrogens
H3C H H H attached to a positively charged carbon atom,
C C > C C greater is the hyperconjugation interaction and
H H H H greater is the stabilisation of cation.
 The relative stability of carbocations is
Hyperconjugative Structures of Toluene
H3C C + > H3C C + >H3C C + >H3C +
+ +
3º-alkyl 2º-alkyl 1º-alkyl methyl
 Hyperconjugation is also possible in alkenes and
H H  There are various ways of looking at the
+ hyperconjugative effect. One of the way is to regard
C -H bond as possessing partial ionic character
due to resonance

Applications of Hyperconjugation : H C C = CH2 H C CH CH2
(1) It explains the relative stabiltiy of alkene H H
(CH 3 )2 C  C (CH 3 )2  CH 3  CH  C (CH 3 ) 2 H H H+ H+ H
> CH 3  CH  CH  CH 3  CH 3  CH  H C=C C H H C=C C H
CH 2  CH 2  CH 2 H H
Condition for Hyperconjugation :  Structure derived from hyperconjugation known
1) Compound should have atleast one sp -hybrid as hyperconjugative structures (HS)
carbon No.of hyperconjugative structures 
2)  -carbon with respect to sp -hybrid carbon 
No.of   Hydrogens  1
should be sp ,
W.E-10. Why toluene is more reactive than benzene  This method is used for purification of solids
towards electrophilic substitution reactions?  Sublimation process is used for separation of
Sol: Three C  H bonds of methyl group are in sublimable volatile compounds from non sublimable
conjugation with aromatic ring and so the electron impurities.
density in benzene ring increases.  Sublimation is generally used for purification of
W.E-11. What is the stability order of various alkyl camphor, napthalene, Anthracene, Benzoic acid,
free radiculs? Why? phthalic anhydride, Anthraquinone, Indigo, Iodine,
Sol: The stability order of alkyl free radicals is: HgCl2, solid SO2.
    Crystallisation :
(CH 3 )3 C  (CH 3 )2 C H  CH 3 C H 2  C H3
3 2 1  It is used for purification of solid organic
More the number of hyper conjugative structures, compounds.
the grater is the stability. Tertiary butyl free radical  Crystallisation is based on the difference in
has 9; isopropyl free radical has 6; ethyl free radical solubilities of the compound and impurities in a
has 3 and methyl free radical has no hyper suitable solvent.
conjugative structures.  The principle involved in this method is impure
W.E-12. Why ethyl carbocation is more stable than compound dissolved in a solvent is sparingly soluble
methyl carbocation? at low temperature, but appreciably soluble at high
+ +
Sol: C H3  C H 2 C H3  Insoluble impurities are removed by filtration in hot
Ethyl Methyl
On the basis of (i) +I effect and (ii) hyperconjugation  On cooling saturated solution, pure compound
effect of the alkyl groups, stability can be explained. crystallises out.
The polarisation of  bond caused by the polarisation  If a compound is highly soluble in one solvent and
of adjacent  bond is called inductive effect. very little soluble in another solvent, then crystallisation
Methods of Purification of Organic is carried out by using mixture of these solvents.
Compounds :  Impurities, which impart colour are removed by
adsorbing over activated charcoal.
Organic compounds obtained either from natural
source (or) synthesized in lab are contaminated with  Repeated crystallisation is required if organic
impurities. compound contains impurities of comparable
Various methods are used for removal of impurities solubilities.
from an organic compound depends on the nature  The process of separation of different components
of compound and type of impurities present in it. of a mixture by repeated crystallisation is called
The following methods are commonly used for fractional crystallisation.
purification  Fractional crystallisation is used for separation of
1) Sublimation 2) Crystallisation two or more soluble substances which have different
3) Distillation solubilities in the same solvent.
4) Solvent extraction (differential extraction)  Most commonly used solvents for crystallisation are
5) Chromatography. water, alcohol, ether, chloroform, carbontetrachloride,
Note: Most of the pure compounds contains sharp acetone, benzene, petroleum ether.
Melting point & Boiling points.  Sugar having an impurity of common salt can be
crystallised from hot ethanol, since sugar dissolves
Sublimation :
in hot ethanol but common salt does not.
“The process of conversion of solid to vapour state  Fractional crystallisation can be used to separate a
directly by heating without passing through liquid mixutre of KClO3 (less soluble) and KCl (more
state is called sublimation”. soluble).
solid  vapour
Distillation :  Mixture of benzene and toluene can be separated
 Distillation in an important method used to separate by fractional distillation.
i) Volatile liquids from non volatile impurities. W.E-13. How is ethyl alcohol purified from
ii) Liquids having sufficient difference in boiling points. methylated spirit.
Simple Distillation : Sol: Methylated spirit is ethyl alcohol contaminated
mainly with methyl alcohol.
This process is used for purification of liquids which Ethyl alcohol is purified by fractional distillation since
does not undergo decomposition at their boiling points. the difference in boiling point is less.
 The vapourisation of a liquid by heating and
subsequent condensation of vapours by cooling is Distillation Under Reduced Pressure
known as distillation. (Vacuum Distillation) :
 Liquid mixture is taken in a round bottom flask and  This method is used to purify liquids having very
heated carefully, the vapour component with lower high boiling points, which decompose at or below
boiling point distills first, the vapour formed is their boiling points.
condensed by using condenser and the liquid is  These liquids are made to boil at a temperature
collected in a receiver. The vapours of component lower than their normal boiling point by reducing
with higher boiling point distills latter. pressure on their surface.
 The liquids that have boiling point difference greater
 The pressure is reduced with the help of vacuum
than 400C can be purified by this method.
 Glycerine is purified by vacuum distillation.
i) Chloroform (B.P. 334 K) & Aniline (B.P. 457 K)
 H2 O2 , formaldehyde are purified by vacuum
ii) Ether (B.P. 308 K)& Toluene (B.P. 384 K)
iii) Benzene (B.P. 353 K)& Aniline(B.P. 475 K)
 Glycerol can be separated from spent-lye in soap
Fractional Distillation : industry by using vacuum distillation.
 Fractional distillation is used if the difference in  Sugar cane juice is concentrated in sugar industry
boiling point of two liquids is less than 400 C . by evaporation under reduced pressure which
saves lot of fuel.
 Vapours of liquid mixture are passed through
fractionating column before condensation,which is Steam Distillation :
fitted over mouth of the round bottom flask.  This method is used for separation and purification
 Vapours of liquid with higher boiling point condense of organic compounds (solids or liquids) which
before the vapours of liquid with lower boiling point, i) are steam volatile
the vapours raising up in the fractionating column is ii) are insoluble in water.
richer in more volatile component. iii) Posess high vapour pressure (10-15 mm of Hg
 Fractionating column provides many surfaces for at 373 K)
heat exchange between ascending vapours and iv) Contains non valatile impurities.
descending condensed liquid.  Steam distillation is based on Dalton’s law of partial
 Each successive condensation and vapourisation unit pressure i.e., P = P1 + P2. where P = Atmospheric
in the fractionating column is called a theoritical plate. pressure
 Liquids forming a constant boiling mixture P1 = Vapour pressure of organic liquid
(azeotropic mixture) can not be separated by this P2 = Vapour pressure due to water.
method.  Compounds which can be purified by steam
 Fractional distillation is used to separate different distillation are aniline, nitrobenzene, bromobenzene,
fractions of crude oil in petroleum industry. o-nitrophenol, o-hydroxy benzaldehyde
 This method is used for separation of mixture of (salicylaldehyde), o-hydroxy acetophenone,
acetone (B.P. 330K) and methyl alcohol (B.P. 338K) turpentine oil, essential oils.
W.E-14. Mention about the purification of (a) eg :
aniline and (b) naphthalene 1) Separation of acidic and basic compounds of
Sol: (a) Aniline can be purified by steam distillation coal-tar.
because it is immiscible with water and steam ammonical dil.
volatile. 2) HC CH CuC CCu HCl HC CH
(impure) Cu2C l 2 (red ppt.) (pure)
(b) Naphthalene can be purified by sublimation
because it changes on heating directly to vapour Ca(OH)
state and on cooling, it changes back into solid form. Ca(OH)2 conc.
3) Pyroligneous Calcium CH3OOH
Acid acetate
Solvent Extraction (Differential (from wood distillation industry)
Extraction) :
4) CH3OH Methyl oxalate NaOH(aq) CH3OH
 Definition: The process of isolating an organic (Impure) (Crystalline) (pure)
compound from its aqueous solution by shaking with
a suitable solvent is called differential extraction. It Chromatography :
is also called solvent extraction  This method is used for separation of mixtures into
 When an organic compound is present in an their components, purification of compounds and
aqueous medium, then it is separated by shaking it also to test the purity of compounds.
with an organic solvent in which it is more soluble  Chromatography is obtaind from the greek word
than in water. “Chroma’’ means colour and “graphy’’ means
 Solvent should be immiscible with water and organic writing.
compound to be separated should be highly soluble  This method was first used for separation of
in it. coloured substances found in plants.
 Organic solvent and aqueous solution are  This method was described by Tswett.
immiscible with each other, so they can form two  This Technique consists of two phases one is
distinct layers which can be separated by separatory stationary phase of large surface area while the
funnel. second is moving phase which is allowed to move
 Organic solvent is distilled or evaporated to get slowly over the stationary phase.
organic compound.  Stationary phase is either liquid or solid, while
 If organic compound is less soluble in organic moving phase may be liquid or gas.
solvent then large quantity of solvent is required to  The technique of chromatography is based on the
extract small quantity of compound, which is said rates at which the components of the mixture moves
to be continuous extraction. through a porous medium (called stationary phase)
 Benzoic acid can be extracted from its aqueous under the influence of some solvent (or) gas (called
solution using benzene as solvent. mobile phase).
 Ether is a better solvent in differential extraction due  Mixture of substances is applied on a stationary
to : phase which may be solid or liquid. A pure solvent,
i) its less polarity a mixture of solvents or a gas is allowed to move
ii) least reactivity slowly over the stationary phase, the components
of the mixture get gradually separated from one
iii) higher solubility of organic compounds
Separation by Chemical Methods :  Recovery of separated substances by using suitable
 It is used for mixture of substances which are solvent is known as elution. The solvent used is
chemically different. known as eluant.
 The mixture to be adsorbed on the adsorbent is
S. Chromatography Stationary Mobile placed at the top of the stationary phase.
No. Process Phase Phase
 An appropriate eluant, which is a liquid or a mixture
1. Column of liquids is allowed to flow down the column slowly.
chromatography Solid Liquid  The most readily adsorbed substances are retained
(Adsorption) near the top and others come down to various
2. Liquid-liquid distances in the column.
partition Liquid Liquid ii) Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)
chromatography  It involves separation of substances of a mixture
3. Paper Liquid Liquid over a thin layer of an adsorbent coated on glass
chromatography plate.
4. Thin layer Liquid(or) Liqid  The glass plate is coated with adsorbent (ex: silica
chromatography solid gel, alumina) as a thin layer (about 0.2mm thick) is
(TLC) called chromatography plate or chroma plate .
5. Gas-liquid Liquid Gas  The solution of mixture to be separated is applied
chromatography as small spot about 2cm above from one end of the
(GLC) TLC plate.
6. Gas-solid  The glass plate is placed in a closed jar containing
chromatography Solid Gas the eluant, as the eluant rises up, the components
(GSC) of the mixture move up along the eluant to different
7. Ionic change Solid Liquid distances depending on their degree of adsorption
chromatography and separation takes place.
 The relative adsorption of each component of the
 Based on the principle involved chromatography is mixture is expressed in terms of its retardation
classified in to
a) Adsorption chromatography and factor i.e, R f value.
b) partition chromatography.
a. Adsorption Chromatography :
 Adsorption chromatography is based on the fact
that different compounds are adsorbed on an
adsorbent to different degrees.
 Commonly used adsorbents are sillica gel, alumina, Y
magnesium oxide, cellulose powder, activated X
animal charcoal.
 When a mobile phase is allowed to move over
stationary phase, the components of the mixture
move by varying distances over stationary phase. (base line)
 There are two main types of chromatographic
techniques based on principle of differential
(i) Column chromatography and Distance moved by the substance from base line (x)
Rf 
(ii) Thin layer chromatography (TLC) Distance moved by the solvent from base line (y)
i) Column Chromatography  The spots of coloured compounds are visible on
 It involves separation of a mixture over a column of TLC plate due to their original colour.
adsorbent packed in a glass tube, which is fitted  The colourless compound which fluroscene are
with stop cock at its lower end. detected with ultraviolet light
 Spots of compounds are even detected by allowing III) Food Industry : Chromatography techniques are
them to adsorb iodine, will show up as brown spots. used for quality control in food industry. It is used
 Some times an appropriate reagent is sprayed on to determine presence and to separate additives,
the plate. flavours etc. It is also used to detect presence of
eg : Amino acids are detected by spraying the plate contaminents like mould, bacteria in food.
with ninhydrin solution. IV) Environment - Testing Lab : Presence and quality
of pollutants in air and drinking water can be
Partition Chromatography : determined by chromatography technique.
 Partition chromatography is based on continuous V) Diagnostic Technique : Presence of certain drugs
differential partitioning of components of a mixture and the marker compounds for medical diagnosis
between stationary and mobile phases. in blood and urine are determined.
 Paper chromatography is a type of partition
Qualitative Analysis of Organic
 In paper chromatography a special quality paper
Compounds ( Detection of Elements) :
known as chromatography paper is used.  The qualitative analysis of an organic compound
involves detection of all elements present in it.
 In Chromatography paper, cellulose helps as inert
support, and water absorbed from air on to Detection of Carbon and Hydrogen :
hydroxyl groups of cellulose acts as stationary phase.  Carbon and hydrogen are detected by heating the
 The chromatography paper spotted with the solution compound with cupric oxide (CuO).
of mixture at the base is suspended in a suitable  Carbon present in the compound is oxidised to
solvent or mixture of solvents, this solvent (s) acts carbondioxide, which turns lime water milky.
as mobile phase.  Hydrogen present in the compound is converted in
 The solvent rises up the paper by capillary action to water, which turns anhydrous copper sulphate
and flows over the spot. into blue.
 The paper selectively retains different components C  2CuO  2Cu  CO2

according to their differing partition in the two
phases. The paper strip so developed is called H 2  CuO  Cu  H 2O

chromatogram.  Carbondioxide turns lime water milky.
 The spots of the separated coloured compounds
Ca(OH )2  CO2  CaCO3  H 2O
are visible at different heights from the position of
initial spot on the chromatogram.
 Water vapours turn anhydrous copper sulphate in
 The spots of the separated colourless compounds
to blue.
may be observed either under ultraviolet light or by
the use of appropriate spraying agent. CuSO  5H 2O  CuSO4 .5H 2O
anhydrous hydrated
 colour less   blue 
Additional Information :
Applications of Chromatography : Detection of Nitrogen, Sulphur
I) i) In Chemical Industry column chromatography Halogens & Phosphorus :
is used for separation of required components  Nitrogen, sulphur, halogens and phosphorus present
obtained after synthesis. in an organic compound are detected by Lassaigne’s
ii) TLC is useful for monitoring large scale column test.
chromatography.  Organic compounds are fused with dry sodium in
II) Pharmaceutical industry : Chromatography is fusion tube and fused mass after extraction with
used for separation of chiral compounds to obtained water is boiled and filtered, the filtrate is called
pharmaceutically active optical isomer. sodium fusion extract.
 During prepartion of sodium fusion extract covalent Test for Sulphur :
compound is converted into ionic compound. a) Sodium fusion extract is acidified with acetic acid
 The following reactions takes place and lead acetate is added to it, a black precipitate

Na  C  N   NaCN of lead sulphide is formed, which indicates presence
of sulphur.

2Na  S   Na2 S
Na2 S  (CH 3COO ) 2 Pb  PbS  2CH 3COONa

 2 NaX (X=Cl,Br or I)
2 Na  X 2  black
b) Sodium fusion extract is treated with freshly
Test for Nitrogen :
prepared sodium nitroprusside, appearance of
Sodiumfusion extract is boiled with freshly prepared violet colour (purple) indicates presence of sulphur.
ferrous sulphate ( FeSO4 )solution and t h e n Na2 S  Na2 [ Fe(CN )5 NO]  Na4 [ Fe(CN )5 NOS ]
acidified with concentrated sulphuric acid. The (sodium nitro prusside) (violet)
formation of prussian blue colour confirms the  In case both nitrogen and sulphur are present in an
presence of nitrogen. organic compound sodium thiocyanate is formed,
2 NaCN  FeSO4  Fe(CN )2  Na2 SO4 which gives blood red colour with neutral FeCl3
Fe(CN )2  4 NaCN  Na4 [ Fe(CN )6 ] solution.
sodium hexacyano ferrate(II) Na  C  N  S  NaSCN
On heating with concentrated sulphuric acid some 3NaSCN  FeCl3  Fe( SCN )3  3NaCl
Iron(II) ions are oxidised to Iron(III)
(blood red)
ion, which reacts with sodium hexacyano ferrate(II)
to produce Iron (III) (or)
hexacyanoferrate(II) (ferric ferrocyanide) which is Fe3  SCN   [ Fe( SCN )]2
prussian blue in colour. (blood red)
3 Na4 [ Fe(CN )6 ]  2 Fe2 ( SO4 )3  If sodium fusion is carried out with excess of sodium,
the thiocyanate decomposes to yield cyanide and
 Fe4 [ Fe(CN )6 ]3  6 Na2 SO4 sulphide, these ions gives their usual tests.
ferricferrocyanide (prussianblue) NaSCN  2 Na  NaCN  Na2 S
 This test fails in case of diazo compounds.
If sodium fusion is carried out with excess of sodium,
 If the amount of nitrogen present is less, then
the thiocyanate decomposes to yield cyanide and
prussian blue is present in collodial form and the
sulphide. These ions give thier usual tests.
solution looks green.
NaSCN  2 Na  Na2 S  NaCN
W.E-15. Hydrazine does not give Lassaigne’s test.
Why ? Test for Halogens :
Sol: In the Lassaigne’s test, nitrogen is converted to  Sodiumfusion extract is acidified with nitric acid and
cyanide by combining with carbon of the then treated with silver nitrate solution.
compound. Hydrazine does not contain carbon and (i) White precipitate, soluble in ammonium
hence cyanide cannot form. hydroxide indicates presence of chlorine.
W.E-16. Why diazonium salts do not show positive NaCl  AgNO3  AgCl   NaNO3
Lassaigne’s test for nitrogen ?
(white ppt)
Sol: Diazonium salts are unstable and lose nitrogen as
AgCl  2 NH 4OH  [ Ag ( NH 3 )2 ]Cl  2 H 2O
N 2 gas on heating. Hence during fusion, no sodium
cyanide is formed in Lassaigne’s extract due to the (soluble complex)
loss of nitrogen.
(ii) Yellowish precipitate, sparingly soluble in  Sodium fusion extract is acidified with dilute H 2 SO4
ammonium hydroxide indicates presence of bromine
(or) HNO3 , to this 1(or) 2ml of chloroform (or)
NaBr  AgNO3  AgBr   NaNO3
Carbon tetrachloride is added and then excess of
yellowish ppt chlorine water is added with constant shaking.
(iii) Yellow precipitate, insoluble in ammonium (i) If chloroform (or) carbon tetrachloride layer
hydroxide indicates presence of Iodine. becomes yellow (or) brown indicates presence of
NaI  AgNO 3  AgI   NaNO3
2 NaBr  Cl2  2 NaCl  Br2
Br2 dissolves in chloroform (or)
carbontetrachloride gives yellow (or) brown colour.
 Nitrogen and sulphur are also present in the (ii) If chloroform (or) carbon tetra chloride layer
compound, the sodiumfusion extract is boiled with becomes violet indicates presence of iodine.
concentrated nitric acid to decompose sodium
2 NaI  Cl2  2 NaCl  I 2
cyanide & sodium sulphide formed during
Lassaigne’s test , otherwise they interfere with silver I 2 dissolves in chloroform (or) carbontetrachloride
nitrate test for halogens. gives violet colour.
NaCN  HNO3  NaNO3  HCN   Presence of NaCN (or) Na2 S in sodium fusion
Na2 S  2 HNO3  2 NaNO3  H 2 S  extract does not interfere in this test.

 If NaCN and Na2 S are not decomposed, then Test for Phosphorus :
The compound is heated with oxidising agent
white and black precipitates of AgCN and Ag 2 S (sodium peroxide) or with fusion mixture (sodium
are formed respectively with silver nitrate solution. carbonate and potassium nitrate) phosphorus
Beilstein’s Test : present in the compound is oxidised to sodium
phosphate. The solution is boiled with nitric acid
A copper wire flattened at one end is heated in an
and then treated with ammonium molybdate, a
oxidising flame of Bunsen burner. The heating is
canary yellow (ammonium phospho molybdate)
continued till it does not impart blue colour flame.
precipitate formation (or) yellow colouration
The hot end of copper wire is now touched with
indicates presence of phosphorus.
the organic substance and is once again kept in
flame, the appearance of green or blue colour 2 P  5 Na2O2  2 Na3 PO4  2 Na2O

indicates the presence of halogens in the organic Na3 PO4  3HNO3  H 3 PO4  3NaNO3
Limitations : H 3 PO4  12( NH 4 )2 MoO4  21HNO3 
(a) Substances such as urea, thiourea do not contain ( NH 4 )3 PO4 .12MoO3  21NH 4 NO3  12 H 2O
halogens but gives this test. (ammonium phospho molybdate)
(b) It does not tells which halogen is present in
organic compound. Test for Oxygen :
 There is no direct test for oxygen.
Chlorine Water Test for Bromine and  If organic compound is heated in a dry test tube in
Iodine : nitrogen atmosphere, if water droplets are formed
 Both AgBr and AgI are yellow precipitates, it is on the walls of the test tube indicates presence of
a littile bit difficult to identify given halogen in oxygen.
bromine or iodine, to confirm it chlorine water test  Presence of oxygen can be known by testing
is used. functional groups containing oxygen.
eg: –OH, –COOH, –CHO, –NO2 etc
Quantitative Analysis :  Carbon and hydrogen present in the compound are
It involves the estimation of percentage composition oxidised to CO2 and H 2O , while N 2 is set free.
of various elements by suitable methods.  Some oxides of nitrogen formed are reduced to
Estimation of Carbon and Hydrogen : free nitrogen by passing over heated copper gauze
 Carbon and hydrogen are estimated by Liebig’s  y
combustion method. C x H y N z   2 x   CuO 
 2
 A known mass of an organic compound is burnt in
the presence of excess of oxygen y z  y
xCO2  H 2 O  N 2   2 x   Cu
(free from CO2) and Cupric oxide (CuO) 2 2  2
 Carbon and hydrogen present in the compound are
oxidised to CO2 and H2O respectively  Oxides of nitrogen + Cu  N 2  CuO
 The mixture of gases produced is collected over
 y y caustic potash solution (KOH solution) which
C x H y   x   O2  
 xCO2  H 2O
 4  2 absorbs CO2.
 CO2 and H2O produced are weighed by absorbing  Nitrogen is collected in the upper part of nitro meter.
in concentrated solution of potassium hydroxide 28 Volume of nitrogen in ml at STP
%N    100
and anhydrous calcium chloride (or) magnesium 22400 Weight of organic compound
perchlorate respectively
W.E-18. 0.25g of an organic compound gave 30cm3
12 weight of CO2 formed
%C    100 of moist dinitrogen at 288 K and 745 mm
44 weight of organic Compound
presure. Calculate the percentage of nitrogen.
2 weight of H 2O formed (Aqueous tension at 288K=12.7mm)
%H    100
18 weight of organic Compound Sol: Mass of the substance = 0.25g
W.E-17. On complete combustion, 0.246g of an Volume of moist dinitrogen = 30cm3
organic compound gave 0.198g of carbon Temperature = 288K
dioxide and 0.1014g of water. Determine the Pressure = 745 -12.7 = 732.3mm
percentage composition of carbon and Volume of dinitrogen at STP :
hydrogen in the compound. PV T 732.3  30  273
V2  1 1  2   27.4cm3
12  0.198  100 T1 P2 288  760
Sol: % of carbon =  21.95
44  0.246 Percentage of nitrogen in organic compound =
2  0.1014  100 28 vol.of N2 at STP
% of hydrogen =  4.58  100
18  0.246 22400 wt.of organiccompound
Estimation of Nitrogen : 28 27.4
Nitrogen present in organic compound is estimated   100  13.6
22400 0.25
(a) Dumas method W.E-19. 0.3g of an organic compound gave 50ml.
(b) Kjeldahl’s method nitrogen at 270 C and 715mm pressure. If the
Dumas Method : aqueous tension at 270 C is 15mm, calculate
 In this method nitrogen present in the organic the percentage compoistion of nitrogen in the
compound is converted in to N2(molecular nitrogen) compound.
 A weighed amount of organic compound is heated Sol: Mass of the substance = 0.3g
wit h cupric oxide in an atmosphere of Volume of the moist dinitrogen=50ml
carbondioxide Temperature = 270 C = 27+273 = 300K
Pressure = 715 - 15 = 700mm Where V = Volume of acid in ml neutralised by
Volume of dintrogen at STP : ammonia
PV T 700  50  273 N = Normality of acid.
1 1
v2   2   41.9ml  This method is simpler and more convenient
T1 P2 760  300
 It is mainly used to find percentage of nitrogen
% of nitrogen =
present in food stuffs, soils, fertilizers and various
28 vol.of N 2 at STP agricultural products.
  100
22400 wt.of organic compound  This method is not applicable to compounds
containing nitro (-NO2), Nitroso (NO), azo group
28 41.9
=   100  17.46 O
22400 0.3   
  N  N  
22400 ml of dinitrogen at STP weigh = 28g   N  N   , azoxy compounds  
 
28  41.9
41.9 ml dinitrogen at STP weight = g
28  41.9 and nitrogen present in the ring (pyridine ,
0.3 g of organic compound contains g
22400 N
of N 2
100 g of organic compound contain
quinoline ) because nitrogen
28  41.9 100
  17.46 N
22400 0.3 present in these compounds is not quantitatively
percentage of nitrogen = 17.46 converted in to ammonium sulphate.
Kjeldahl’s Method :  K2SO4 increases boiling point of H2SO4 and
 In this method nitrogen present in the organic CuSO4 acts as catalyst.
compound is converted in to ammonia (NH3) W.E-20. In Kjeldahl’s estimation of nitrogen, the
 A known mass of organic compound containing ammonia evolved from 0.5g of an organic
nitrogen is heated with concentrated sulphuric acid compound neutralised 10ml of 1M H 2 SO4 .
in presence of K2SO4 and CuSO4 then nitrogen
Calculate the percentage of nitrogen in the
present in the compound is converted in to
ammonium sulphate.
Sol: 10 ml of 1M H 2 SO4 = 20ml of M NH 3
 Organic compound + H 2 SO4   NH 4 2 SO4
1000 ml of 1M ammonia contains 14g nitrogen
 The resulting solution is distilled with excess of
14  20
sodium hydroxide 20 ml of 1M ammonia contains g N2
 NH 4 2 SO4  2 NaOH  Na2 SO4  2 NH 3  2H 2O
14 20100
 Ammonia evolved is absorbed in a known but % of nitrogen =  56.0
excess volume of standard HCl (or) H2SO4solution. 1000  0.5
 The acid left unreacted is estimated by titration W.E-21. In Kjeldahl’s estimation of nitrogen, the
against standard solution of sodium hydroxide. ammonia obtained from 0.5g of an organic
Percentage of Nitrogen = substance was passed into 100cm 3 of
14 VN
  100 M
1000 wt. of organic compound H 2 SO4 . The excess of acid required
1.4  V  N M
%N  154 cm3 of NaOH for neutralisation.
Weight of organic compound 10
calculate the percentage of nitrogen in the 0.2870  35.5  100
compound.   37.8
0.1890  143.5
Sol: m eq. of H 2 SO4 taken = molarity x basicity x
W.E-23. One gram of a bromoalkane on heating
volume (ml)
with excess silver nitrate in Carius tube method
1 gave 0.94g of yellow precipitate. What is the
=  2  100  20
10 percent weight of halogen ?
1 Sol: Weight of subtance = 1g Yellow precipitate is
m.eq of NaOH =  1 154  15.4
10 AgBr ; Weight of AgBr = 0.94g
m. eq of H 2 SO4 unused = 20 - 15.4 = 4.6 0.94  80  100
% of Bromine =  40
% of nitrogen = 1 188
1.4  m.eq. of H 2 SO4 unused 1.4  4.6 W.E-24. In carius method of estimation of halogen.
  12.88
wt.of organic compound 0.5 0.15g of an organic compound gave 0.12g of
AgBr. Find out the percentage of bromine in
Estimation of Halogens Carius Method : the compound.
 A weighed amount of an organic compound is 80  0.12  100
heated with fuming nitric acid in the presence of Sol: % of bromine =  34.04
188  0.15
silver nitrate contained in a hard glass tube known
as carius tube. Estimation of Sulphur Carius method:
 Carbon and hydrogen present in the compound is  A weighed amount of organic compound is heated
converted in to CO2 and H2O. in a carius tube with sodium peroxide or fuming
 Halogen present in the organic compound is nitric acid.
converted in to silver halide.
 Sulphur present in the compound is oxidised in to
 The precipitate is washed, dried and weighed. sulphuric acid, which is treated with BaCl2 solution
Percentage of halogen = gives precipitate of BaSO4.
Atomic weight of ha log en Weight of silver halide formed
 100  It is filtered, the precipitate is washed, dried and
M .wt of silver halide Weight of organic compound
35.5 wt. of AgCl formed
%Cl    100 Atomic wt. of sulphur wt of BaSO4 formed
143.5 Wt. of organic compound %S    100
Mol. wt. of BaSO4 wt . of organic compound

80 wt. of AgBr formed

% Br    100 32 wt of BaSO4 formed
188 Wt. of organic compound %S    100
233 wt. of organic compound
127 Wt. of AgI formed
%I    100 W.E-25. In sulphur estimation, 0.157 g of an organic
235 Wt. of organic compound
compound gave 0.4813 g of barium sulphate.
W.E-22. In Carius method, 0.1890g of an organic What is the percentage of sulphur in the
compound gave 0.2870g of silver chloride. compound ?
Calculate the percentage of chlorine in the Sol. 233g BaSO contain 32g sulphur
Sol: Weight of subtance = 0.1890g 32  0.4813
0.4813g BaSO4 contain g sulphur
Weight of silver chloride = 0.2870g 233
weigh of AgCl  35.5  100 32  0.4813 100
% of chlorine = weight of subtance  143.5 % of suphur =  42.10
233  0.157
W.E-26. On heating 0.2g of an organic compound  The mixture of gaseous products containg oxygen
with a mixture of barium chloirde and nitric is passed over red-hot coke, then all the oxygen is
acid, 0.466g of barium sulphate was obtained. converted in to carbon monoxide.
Calculate the percentage of sulphur. compound   O 2  other gaseous products

Sol: Weight of substance = 0.2g
1373 K
Weight of barium sulphate = 0.466g 2C  O2   2CO
Weight percentage of sulphur =  CO formed is quantitatively converted in to CO2
0.466  32 100 by passing over warm Iodine pentoxide  I 2O5 
 32
0.2  233
5CO  I 2O5  I 2  5CO2
Estimation of Phosphorus Carius
The resulting gaseous mixture  CO2 and I 2  is
Method :
A weighed amount of organic compound is heated passed through potassium iodide solution, which
with fuming nitric acid, then phosphorus present in absorbs iodine, and then passed over KOH to
the compound is oxidised to phosphoric acid. absorb CO2.
 Phosphoric acid is precipitated as magnesium 16 wt. of CO2 formed
% of oxygen    100
ammonium phosphate (Mg NH4 PO4), by addition 44 wt . of organic compound
of magnesia mixture (MgCl2 + NH4OH + NH4Cl) W.E-27. 0.2g of an organic compound on analysis
 Magnesium ammonium phosphate is washed, dried gave 0.147g of carbondioxide, 0.12g of water
and it is heated strongly to get magnesium and 74.6 c.c of nitrogen at S.T.P. Calculate the
weight percentages of constituents.
pyrophosphate  Mg 2 P2O7  .
Sol: Weight of compound = W=0.2g
Magnesia m i x ture
3 4   Mg NH 4 PO4 Weight of CO2  W1  0.147 g
 Phosphoric acid   Magnesium ammonium phosphate 

2MgNH 4 PO4 

 Mg 2 P2O7  2 NH 3  H 2O Weight of H 2O  W2  0.12 g
(Magnesium Pyrophosphate) Volume of N 2 at STP = 74.6 c.c.
62 wt. of Mg 2 P2O7 formed % of carbon =
%P   100
222 wt. of organic compound W1  12  100 0.147  12 100
  20.04%
 Phosphoric acid is precipitated as ammonium W  44 0.2  44
phospho molybdate  NH 4 3 PO4 .12MoO3 by % of Hydrogen =
adding ammonia and ammonium molybdate. W 2  2  100 0.12  2  100
  6.66%
(Molecular mass of (NH4)3PO4.12MoO3 = 1877) W  18 0.2  18
31 wt of  NH 4 3 PO4 .12MoO3 formed % of Nitrogen =
%P   100
1877 wt. of organic compound V2  28  100 7 4 .6
  4 6 .6 3 %
Estimation of Oxygen : W  22400 8  0 .2
 Usually percentage of oxygen in organic compound Remaining is oxygen.
is determined by method of difference % of Oxygen = 100   %C  % H  % N 
% of oxygen = 100 - (sum of the percentages of all
= 100  73.33  26.67%
other elements)
 Oxygen present in the organic compound is Note: Presently estimation of elements (C, H and
estimated by Aluise’s method. N) in organic compound is estimated by using CHN
 A known amount of organic compound is subjected elemental analyser by taking very small amount of
to pyrolysis in a stream of nitrogen. substance (1-3 mg), results are displayed on screen
with in short time.
Chemical Methods Used to Find Calculation of Emperical Formula :
Molecular Mass Silver Salt Method The steps involved are
for Acids :  Divide mass percentage of each element by its
Organic acid form insoluble silver salts, which on atomic mass, gives relative number of atoms.
heating undergoes decomposition to leave a residue  Simplest ratio is obtained when the figures obtained
of metallic silver. is divided by lowest number.
RCOO Ag   Ag  If the simplest ratio obtained is not a whole number

Silver salt Silver  residue  ratio, then multiply all the figures with suitable integer
to get simplest whole number ratio
Equivalent wt of silver salt mass of silver salt
  Write symbols of various elements side by side with
Equivalent wt. of silver Mass of silver
above numbers at the lower right corner ofe ac h,
E  108  1 Mass of silver salt which is emperical formula of compound.

108 Mass of silver Molecular Formula :
The actual number of atoms present in one molecule
 Mass of silver salt  of a substance is called molecular formula.
E 108  107
 Mass of silver  Molecular formula = (Emperical formula)n
Molecular weight of acid = Equivalent weight of where
acid(E) x basicity. Molecular wt. of the compound
Emperical formula weight of the compound
Platinic Chloride Method for Bases :
 Organic bases combines with chloroplatinic acid  If vapour density is given then molecular weight =
2 x vapour density.
 H 2 PtCl6  to form insoluble platinichloride, Determination of Molecular Formula of
which on ignition gives metallic platinum. Gaseous Hydrocarbons (Eudiometry) :
 If ‘B’ is mono acidic base then formula of saltwill  Eudiometry is a direct method used to find
be B2 H 2 Pt Cl6 . molecular formula of gaseous hydrocarbon without
finding percentage composition of elements and its
B2 H 2 Pt Cl6 

 Pt molecular weight.
Molecular mass of platinum salt Mass of platinum salt

 A known volume of gaseous hydrocarbon is mixed
Atomic mass of platinum Mass of platinum with excess of pure and dry oxygen in eudiometer
If E in equivalent weight of base then tube placed inverted in a trough of mercury.
 The mixture is exploded by passing an electric spark
2 E  410 Mass of platinum salt
 between platinum electrodes. As a result carbon
195 Mass of platinum and hydrogen of hydrocarbon are oxidised to CO2
and H2O vapour respectively.
1  Mass of platinum salt 
 The tube is allowed to cool to room temperature,
E  195  410 
2  Mass of platinum  then water vapour is condensed in to liquid water,
Molecular mass of base = Equivalent mass of base whose volume occupied is almost negligible. Thus
x acidity the gaseous mixture left in eudiometer tube is CO2
and O2.
Emperical Formula :  Caustic potash solution is then introduced in to
 The simplest whole number ratio between the atoms eudiometer tube which absorbs CO2 completely.
of various elements present in one molecule of a The gas left is unused O2.
substance is called emperical formula.
2NaOH  CO2  Na2CO3  H 2 O
 Decrease in volume on introducing KOH solution
gives volume of CO2 used. Level–I (C.W)
 Some times volume of O2 left unused is found by Introduction , Tetravalence of
introducing pyrogallol and noting the decrease in
Carbon, Strcutural Representation of
Organic Compounds
 Let molecular formula of gaseous hydrocarbon is
1. Organic compounds can be formed by
Cx H y . 1) Plants only 2) Animals only
 On combustion one volume of it forms ‘x’volumes 3) Plants and Animals
of CO2 & ‘y/2 ’volumes of water vapour. 4) Plants, animals and can be synthesized in
 y y 2. The first carbon compound prepared from its
C x H y   x   O2  xCO2  H 2O
 4  2 elements is
1) Urea 2) Acetic acid
 y
1 vol  x   vol x vol y/2 vol 3) Methane 4) Benzene
 4 3. Generally organic compounds are
 For 1 volume of hydro carbon 1) Amorphous 2) Complexes
3) Covalent 4) Electrovalent
 y 4. Marsh gas mainly contains
Volume of O2 used =  x   vol
 4
1) C2 H 4 2) C2 H 4 3) CH 4 4) C2 H 6
Volume of CO2 produced = x vol. 5. Energy required for the excitation of carbon
y atom is
Contraction on explosion and cooling = 1  1) 501. 6 KJ/ mol 2) 827.0 KJ/ mol
3) 341.0 KJ/ mol 4) 610.0 KJ/ mol
(volume of liquid water is neglected) 6. Hybridisation at 2nd carbon in
Determination of Molecular Mass by CH2 = CH - CH3 is
1) sp 2) sp2 3) sp3 4) sp3d
Victor Meyer’s Method :
7. Which of the following has maximum C – H
 A known mass of the volatile substance is bond length
vapourised in victor meyer’s method. 1) C2H4 2) C2H2 3) C2H6 4)C6H6
 The vapours obtained displaces an equal volume 8. The cylindrical shape of alkynes is due to
of air in to graduated tube. 1)Three  C  C bonds
 The volume of air displaced is calculated at STP 2) Three  C  C bonds
1 1 PV
2 2 3) Two  C  C and two  C  C bonds
condition by using T  T
1 2 4) One  C  C and two  C  C bonds
Mol. mass of volatile substance = 9. Which of the following statement is not
Mass of substance taken
 22400 1) Double bond is shorter than a single bond
Volume of air displaced in ml at STP
2) Sigma bond is weaker than  (Pi) bond
3) Double bond is stronger than hydrogen bond
4) Covalent bond is stronger than hydrogen bond
10. Toluene has
1) 6 - and 3 - bonds 2) 9 - and 3 - bonds
3) 9 - and 6 - bonds 4) 15 - and 3 - bonds
11. In which of the compound given below contains 20. 3 - methyl penta-1,3- diene is
more than one kind of hybridization (sp2, sp3) 1) CH2 = CH (CH2)2CH3
for carbon 2) CH2 = CHCH (CH3)CH2CH3
1) C H 3 C H 2 C H 2 C H 3 3) CH3CH = C(CH3)CH = CH2
4) CH3 = C = CH (CH3)2
2) CH 3  CH  CH  CH 3 21. The IUPAC name of
3) CH2  CH  CH  CH2 OH CH3
4) H  C  C  H is
12. The carbon atoms in the compound (CN)4C2 1) 4-hydroxy -2- methyl pentanal
are 2) 2-hydroxy -4- methyl pentanal
1) sp and sp2 hybridised 2) sp2 hybridised 3) 4-hydroxy-2-methyl pentanol
3) sp hybridised 4) sp, sp2 and sp3 hybridised 4) 2-hydroxy-4- methyl pentanol
13. The ratio of the number of sp, sp2, and sp3 22. The correct IUPAC name of
orbitals in the compound is
CH3 C = C CH3
CH 3  CH  C  CH  C  C  CH 3
1) 1:1:1 2) 2:2:1 3) 3:2:1 4) 3:3:4 CH3 C2H5
1) 1,2 -diethyl butene
Classification of Organic Compounds, 2) 2 - ethyl -3- methyl pentene
IUPAC Nomenclature 3) 3 , 4 - dimethyl hex -3- ene
14. Which is an alicyclic compound 4) 2 , 3 - dimethyl pent -2- ene
1) Benzene 2) cyclohexane 23. The structure of isoprene is
3) pyridine 4) pyrrole 1) CH 3  CH  C  CH 2
15. The IUPAC name of the compound
CH3 CH 3
2) CH 2  C  CH  CH 2
1) 2 - Ethyl - ethyl acetate CH 3
2) Ethyl - 3 - methyl butanoate |
3) Ethyl - 2 - methyl butanoate 3) HC  C  C  CH 2
4) 2 - methyl butanoic acid
16. Functional group present in amides is CH 3
1) - COOH 2) -NH2 CH  C  CH 2  CH  CH 2
4) 2
3) -CONH2 4)- COO -
17. The correct decreasing order of priority for the 24. The IUPAC name of the compound
functional groups of organic compounds in the C2H5 C CH2OH
IUPAC system of nomenclature is CH2
1) 2 - Ethyl prop-2-ene-1-ol
1) -COOH,-SO3 H,-CONH 2 ,-CHO 2) 2- Hydroxymethyl butan-1-ol
2) -SO3 H,-COOH,-CONH 2 ,-CHO 3) 2- Methylene butan-1-ol
3) -CHO,-COOH,-SO3 H,-CONH2 4) 2- Ethyl - 3hydroxyprop-1-ene
4) -CONH 2 ,-CHO,-SO3 H,-COOH 25. IUPAC name of HOOC  CH 2  CHO is
18 The functional group presnt in anisole is 1) Formyl ethanoic acid 2) 2-Carboxyethanal
1) ketone 2) aldehyde 3) amine 4) ether 3) Prop-3-al-1-oic acid 4) Prop-1-al-3-oic acid
19. I.U.P.A.C name of ester is
1) Alkoxy alkane 2) Alkyl alkanoate
3) Alkanoyl halide 4) Alkanoic anhydride
34 Removal of hydride ion from a methane
molecule will give a
26. The IUPAC name of the 1) Methyl radical 2) Carbonium ion
HO 3) Carbanion 4) Methyl group
compound 35 The shape of carbonium ion is
1) 3,3-dimethyl -1- hydroxycyclohexane 1) Planar 2) Linear
2) 1,1- dimethyl-3-cyclohexanol 3) Pyramidal 4) Tetrahedral
3) 3,3- dimethyl-1- cyclohexanol 36 Which of the following contains only three
4) 1,1- dimethyl -3- hydroxycyclohexane pairs of electrons
1) Carbocation 2) Carbanion
Isomerism : 3) Free radical 4) All of these
27. n- Butane and isobutane are a pair of 37. Which of the following species is
1) chain isomers 2) position isomers paramagnetic
3) metamers 4) functional isomers 1) A carbonium ion 2) A free radical
28. Alkanols and Alkoxyalkanes are 3) A carbanion 4) All of these
1) Functional isomers 2) Keto-enol tautomers 38 The reaction intermediate produced by
3) Geometrical isomers4) Not isomers at all homolytic cleavage of bond is called
29. The compound which is not isomeric with 1) carbocations 2) carbanion
diethyl ether is 3) free radical 4) carbenes
1) n-propyl methyl ether
39. Which one of the following statement is not
2) Butan-1-ol 3) 2- Methylpropan-2-ol
correct for electrophile
4) Butanone
1) Electron deficient species are electrophiles
30. Number of possible position isomers for
2) Electrophiles are Lewis acids
Dichlorobenzene is
3)All positively charged species are electrophiles
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5
O O 4) AlCl3 and SO3 are electrophiles
40 Which of the following statements are correct
31. The molecules CH3 C CH2 C O C2H5
for nucleophile
OH O 1) All negatively charged species are nucleophiles
and CH3 C CH C O C2H5 are 2) Nucleophiles are Lewis bases
1) Geometrical isomers 2) Tautomers 3) Alkenes, alkynes, benzene and pyrrole are
3) Diastereomers 4) Metamers nucleophiles
32 The isomerism exhibited due to the difference 4) All are correct
in the size of the alkyl groups attached to the 41 Which statement is correct for inductive effect:
same functional group is 1) It is a permanent effect
1) Tautomerism 2) Stereo isomerism 2) It is the property of single bond
3) Metamerism 4) Optical isomerism 3) It causes permanent polarisation in the molecule
4) All are correct
Fundamental Concepts in Organic 42 The displacement of electrons in a multiple
Reaction Mechanism (Reaction bond in the presence of attacking reagent is
Intermediates and Electronic Effects): called
33 Heterolysis of propane gives 1) inductive effect 2) electromeric effect
1) Methyl and ethyl free radicals 3) resonance 4) Hyper-conjugation
2) Methyl carbocation and ethyl free radicals
3) Methyl anion and ethyl carbocation
4) Methyl free radical and ethylcarbocation
43. Which of the following is not the correct 50. Which of the following method is used for the
condition for resonance? purification of solids
1) The positions of all the atomic nuclei in the 1) Distillation under reduced pressure
resonating structures may be differ 2) Distillation
2) The resonating structures must have the same 3) Steam distillation
number of unpaired or paired electrons 4) Sublimation
3) The molecules exhibiting resonance must be 51. Simple distillation can be used to separate
planar in nature liquids which differ in their boiling points at
4) The resonating structures must have nearly the least by
same energies 1) 5 C 2) 10 C
44 Inductive effect involves
3) 40 C  50C 4) 100C
1) displacement of  - electrons
2) delocalisation of  - electrons 52. Simple distillation of liquids involves
3) delocalisation of  - electrons simultaneously
4) displacement of  - electrons 1) Vapourisation and condensation
45 Hyper conjugation effect is not possible in 2) Condensation and vapourisation
which of the following species 3)Vapourisation and sublimation

4) Sublimation and condensation
1) CH 3  C H 2 53. A mixture of benzene and toluene can be
separated by
2) C H  C H 1) Crystallisation 2) Solubility
6 5 3 3) Separating funnel 4) Distillation
3) CH2  CH2 54. The best and latest technique for isolation,
purification and separation of organic
CH3 compounds is
4) CH3 CH = CH C CH3 1) crystallization 2) distillation
3) sublimation 4) chromatography
CH3 55. Chromatographic technique is used for the
46 Most stable carbocation is separation of
  1) Camphor 2) Alcohol & Water
1) CH 3  C H 2 2) C H 2 CHCl2 3) Acetone and Methanol 4) Plant pigments
  56. Chromatography is a techinique based on
3) C H 2 CH 2 Cl 4) C H 2  CH 2 NO 2 1) Solubilities of solute
47 A carbocation in which no dispersal of charge 2) Adsorption of solute
occurs is 3) Chemical adsorption followed by dispersion
1) R3C 
2) R2CH  3) RCH  2 4) CH 3  4) Differential adsorption of different constituents
of a mixture
Methods of Purification of Organic 57. A very common adsorbent used in coloumn
Compounds : chromatography is
1) Powdered charcoal 2) Alumina
48. A mixture of camphor and KCl can be
3) Chalk 4) Sodium carbonate
separated by
58. In column chromatography, the moving phase
1) Evaporation 2) Sublimation
3) Filtration 4) Decantation
1) A substance which is to be separated
49. Impure Napthalene is purified by
2) Mixture of eluent and substance to be separated
1) Fractional crystallisation
3) eluent
2) Fractional distillation
4) Adsorbent
3) solvent extraction 4) Sublimation
59. The relative adsorption of each component of halogens because
the mixture is expressed in terms of 1) To make the solution alkaline
1) Adsorption factor 2) Retardation factor 2) To convert in to elemental state of nitrogen,
3) Co-factor 4) Sorption factor sulphur and halogens.
60. Paper chromatography is 3) To convert covalent compound in to ionic
1) Adsorption chromatography compound.
2) Partition chromatography 4) To decrease fusion temperature
3) Ion exchange chromatography 4) all of these 68. In Lassaigne’s extract,nitrogen in organic
61. In paper chromatography compound is converted to
1) Moving phase is liquid and stationary phase is 1) N 2 2) NH3 3)NO 4) CN–
2) Moving phase is liquid and stationary phase is 69. The compound not formed in the positive test
liquid for nitrogen with the Lassaigne’s solution of
an organic compound is
3) Moving phase is solid and stationary phase is
a) Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3 b) Na3[Fe(CN)6]
c) Fe(CN)3 d) Na3[Fe(CN)5NOS]
4) Moving phasse is solid and stationary phase is
1) b,c,d 2) a,b 3) a,b,c 4) a only
70. The Lassaigne’s solution when heated with
Qualitative Analysis of Organic ferrous sulphate and acidified with sulphuric
Compounds : acid gave intense blue colour indicating the
presence of nitrogen. The blue colour is due
62. In detection of CO2 , lime water turns milky
to the formation of
due to formation of 1) Na4[Fe(CN)6] 2) Fe3[Fe(CN)6]2
1) CaO 2) CaCl2 3) CaCO3 4) Ca  HCO3  2 3) Fe2[Fe(CN)6] 4) Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3
71. In the Lassaigne’s test the Sulphur present in
63. H 2O vapours on passing through anhydrous the organic compound first changes into
CuSO4 turns it to 1) Na2SO3 2) CS2 3) Na2SO4 4) Na2S
1) Green 2) Blue 3) Violet 4) White 72. When lassaigne’s extract (Na2S) is acidified
64. Lassaigne’s test is used in qualitative analysis with acetic acid and then lead acetate solution
to detect is added to it, the colour of the precipitate is
1) Nitrogen 2) Sulphur 1) Blue 2) Black 3) Red 4) White
3) Chlorine 4) All of these 73. Sodium extract gives blood red colour when
65. Which of the following elements in an organic treated with FeCl3. Formation of blood red
compound cannot be detected by Lassaigne’s colour confirms the presence of
test? 1) Only nitrogen 2) Only sulphur
1) N 2) S 3) Cl 4) H 3) Only halogens 4) Both Nitrogen and Sulphur
66. For which of the following compounds the 74. The presence of halogen in an organic
Lassaigne’s test for the detection of nitrogen compound is detected by
will fail 1) Iodoform test 2) Molisch’s test
3) Layer test 4) Million’s test
1) H 2 N  CO  NH 2
75. ClCH2COOH is heated with fuming HNO3 in
2) C 6 H 5  NH  NH 2 HCl the presence of AgNO3 in carius tube. After
filtration and washing a white precipitate is
3) NH 2  N H 2 . HC l obtained. The precipitate is of
4) H 2 N  CO  NH  NH 2 .HCl 1) Ag 2 SO4 2) ClCH 2COOAg
67. Organic compound is fused with metallic 3) AgCl 4) AgCN
sodium for testing nitrogen, sulphur and
76. The Beilstein’s test is a rapid test used for 85. organic compound   O2  other
organic compounds to detect
1) Phosphorous 2) Sulphur gases 2C  O2  2CO
3) Halogens 4)Nitrogen 5CO  I 2O5  I 2  5CO2 the reactions given
Quantitative Analysis of Organic above form is basis of direct estimation of
Compounds 1) Nitrogen in organic compound
2) Oxygen in organic compound
77. Percentage of carbon in an organic compound
3) Phosphorus in organic compound
is determined by
4) Iodine in organic compound
1) Duma’s method 2) Kjeldahl’s method
86. 1.4 g of hydrocarbon on combustion gave 1.8
3) Carius method 4) Liebig’s method
g water. The empirical formula of hydrocarbon
78. In the Liebig’s method for the estimation is
of C and H, the organic compound is
fused with 1) CH 2) CH 2 3) CH 3 4) CH 4
1) CuO pellets 2) Copper turnings 87. Molecular weight of an organic acid is given
3) Iron fillings 4) Zinc-copper couple by
79. In Duma’s method nitrogen in organic Equivalentweight Basicity
compound is estimated in the form of 1) Basicity
2) Equivalentweight
1) N2 2) NO 3) NH3 4) N2O5 3) (Equivalentweight)(Basicity)
80. In Kjeldahl’s method of estimation of nitrogen, 4) (Equivalentweight)(valency)
copper sulphate act as
1) Oxidizing agent 2) Reducing agent Key Level-I (C.W)
3) Catalytic agent 4) Hydrolysing agent 01) 4 02) 2 03) 3 04) 3 05) 1 06) 2
81. Kjeldahl’s method cannot be used for the
estimation of nitrogen in 07) 3 08) 4 09) 2 10) 4 11) 2 12) 1
13) 4 14) 2 15) 3 16) 3 17) 1 18) 4
1) C6H5 – N = N – C6H5 2) 19) 2 20) 3 21) 1 22) 4 23) 2 24) 1
25) 1 26) 3 27) 1 28) 1 29) 4 30) 2
31) 2 32) 3 33) 3 34) 2 35) 1 36) 1
37) 2 38) 3 39) 3 40) 4 41) 4 42) 2
3) 4) All of these
43) 1 44) 1 45) 3 46) 1 47) 4 48) 2
COOH 49) 4 50) 4 51) 3 52) 1 53) 4 54) 4
82. In Kjeldahl`s method, nitrogen present in the
organic compound is first converted into 55) 4 56) 4 57) 2 58) 2 59) 2 60) 2

1) NH 3 2) ( NH 4 ) 2 SO4 61) 2 62) 3 63) 2 64) 4 65) 4 66) 3

3) N 2 4) NO 67) 3 68) 4 69) 1 70) 4 71) 4 72) 2

83. Halogen can be estimated by 73) 4 74) 3 75) 3 76) 3 77) 4 78) 1
1) Duma’s method 2) Carius method 79) 1 80) 3 81) 4 82) 2 83) 2 84) 1
3) Leibig’s method 4) All of these
84. In organic compounds, Sulphur is estimated as 85) 2 86) 3 87) 3
1) BaSO4 2) BaCl2
3) Ba3  PO4 2 4) H 2 SO4
12. In which of the following compounds, carbon
Level-I (H.W) uses SP3 hybrid orbitals only for bonding?
Introduction , Tetravalence of Carbon, 1) HCOOH 2) CH 3CHO
Strcutural Representation of Organic 3)  C H 3 3 C O H 4)  N H 2  2 CO
Compounds : 13. Which compound given below has sp 3 , sp 2
1. Main source of most of the organic compounds and sp orbitals in the ratio of 6:3:2?
1) CH 3  CH  CH  CH 2  C  C  CH 3
1) Coal tar 2) Petroleum
3) Both 1 & 2 4) Ammonia 2) CH 3  CH  CH  CH 2  C  CH
2. The first organic compound was synthesized
3) CH 3  CH 2  C  C  CH  CH 2
in laboratory by
1) Wohler 2) Kolbe 4) CH 3  CH  CH  C  CH
3) Berzelius 4) Neil Barthlot
3. Organic compounds are numerous since Classification of Organic Compounds,
1) Carbon has high catenation ability IUPAC Nomenclature :
2) Tetravalency of carbon 14. Which of the following is hetero cyclic
3) Isomerism of organic compounds compound?
4) All of these 1) Anthracene 2) Pyrrole
4. Which of the following contains acetic acid? 3) Phenol 4) Isobutylene
1) Vinegar 2) Molasses 3)Coal tar 4) Butter O
5. C – C – C bond angle in benzene is about 15 group is present in
1) 1090 28 ' 2) 1800 3) 1200 4) 1000
1) ketones only 2) aldehydes only
6. CH 2  C  CH 2 . Hybridisation of central 3) Carboxylic acid only 4) All the above
carbon is 16. In IUPAC system of naming of organic
1) sp 2) sp2 3) sp3 4) sp3d compounds. Which of the following functional
7. Which of the following has minimum C - H bond group has more preference than others (in a
length poly functional compound)
1) C2H4 2) C2H2 3) C2H6 4)C6H6 1) –OH 2) –CHO 3) –CO– 4) –CONH2
8. Which of the following is not a cyclic 17. The functional group present in acylchlorides is
compound? O
1) Anthracene 2) Pyrrole 1) Cl 2)  C  Cl
3) Phenol 4) Isobutylene
9. Which of the following bonds is strongest? O
3)  C  OCl 4) CH 2  OCl
1) 2)  C  C 
18. IUPAC name of ethers is
| 1) alkoxy alkane 2) alkanol
3)  C|  C|  4)  C  C  3) alkanal 4) alkyl alkanoate
19. The correct IUPAC name of
10. The no. of  &  bonds present in C2 H 2
respectively are CH3 C = CH
1) 1,2 2) 2, 1 3) 5, 2 4) 3, 2 CH3 C2H5
11. Which hybrid orbitals are involved in the 1) 1,2 -diethyl butene
CH3–CH = CH – CH3 compound 2) 2 - ethyl -3- methyl pentene
1) sp and sp3 2) sp2 and sp3 3) 3 , 4 - dimethyl hex -3- ene
3) sp and sp2 4) only sp3 4) 2 - methyl pent -2- ene
20. The IUPAC name of the compound 27. The IUPAC name of
1) Lactic acid is
2) 2 - Hydroxy propanoic acid CH3 CH CH2 CH CHO
3) 3 - Hydroxy propanoic acid 1) 4-amino -2- methyl pentanal
4) Carboxy propanol 2) 2-hydroxy -4- methyl pentanal
21 The IUPAC name of the following compound 3) 4-hydroxy-2-methyl pentanol
4) 2-hydroxy-4- methyl pentanol
CH 3  C  CH 3  2  CH 2  CH  CH 2 is
1) 2, 2- Dimethyl-4-pentene Isomerism:
2) 4, 4- Dimethyl-1-pentene
28. n-Butanol and 2-methyl propanol are a pair
3) 1, 1, 1-trimethyl-3-butene
of which isomers ?
4) 4, 4, 4-trimethyl-1-butene
1) Position 2) Functional
22. The structure of allylchloride is
3) Metamers 4) Chain
1) CH 2  CH  CH 2Cl 29 neo Pentane and iso pentane are
1) Functional isomers 2) Chain isomers
2) CH 2  C (Cl )  CH 3
3) Geometrical isomers 4) Position isomers
3) CH (Cl )  CH  CH 3 30. Carboxylic acids and esters are
1) Functional isomers 2) Keto-enol tautomers
4) CH (Cl )  C (Cl )  CH 3 3) Geometrical isomers4) Not isomers at all
31. Number of possible monochloro benzenes is
23 The IUPAC name of 1) 1 2) 3 3) 5 4) 6
OH 32. Which of the following pairs of compounds are
CH3 C CH2 CH CH3 is 1) Propanol & propanone
2) Ethanol & vinyl alcohol
3) Ethanol & allyl alcohol
1) 2, 4 -Dimethyl pentanol -2 4) Vinyl alcohol & ethanal
2) 2, 4 - Dimethyl pentanol -4 33. CH3CH2CH2OH is a functional isomer of
3) 2, 2 - Dimethyl butanol - 2
1) C2H5OCH3
4) Butanol -2
2) CH3OC3H7
24. IUPAC name of
CH 3  CHCl  CH 2  CHO is 4) CH3CHOHCH3
1. 2-chloro-4-butanol
Fundamental Concepts in Organic
2. 3-chlorobutanol
3. 2-chloro-4-butanal
Reaction Mechanism (Reaction Inter-
4. 3-chlorobutanal mediates and Electronic effects) :
25. The correct IUPAC name of CH 2  CHOH is 34. Heterolysis of C-Cl bond produces
1) Two free radicals 2) Two carbonium ions
1) ethenol 2) ethanol
3) Two carbanions 4) One cation and one anion
3) ethenal 4) ethanal
35 Cleavage of Grignard reagent results in the
26. 4 – methyl penta–1, 2– diene is
formation of
1) CH 2  CH  CH 2  2 CH 3 1) carbonium ion 2)carbanion
3) free radical 4) carbene
2) CH 2  CHCH  CH 3  CH 2CH 3
36. The geometry of a methyl carbanion is likely
3) CH 3CH  C  CH 3  CH  CH 2 to be
1) Pyramidal 2) Tetrahedral
4) CH 2  C  CH  CH  CH 3  2 3) Planar 4) Linear
37. Due to its sextet (having six electrons), the 48. Which one of the following carbocations is
carbonium ions are most stable?
1) unstable 2) very stable 
3) negatively charged 4) all of these 1) CH 3  CH 2  C H 2
38. Due to the presence of an unpaired electron

free radicals are 2.) CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  C H 2
1) Cations 2) Anions
3) Chemically inactive 4) Chemically reactive 
3) CH 3  C H  CH 3
39. The shape of methyl free radicals is
1) Planar 2) Pyramidal 
4) CH  CH  C H  CH
3) Tetrahedral 4) Linear 3 2 3
40. Electrophiles are
1) Electron loving species Methods of Purification of Organic
2) Electron hating species Compounds :
3) Nucleus loving reagents4) Lewis base 49. A mixture contains four solid organic
41. Methyl carbonium ion is compounds A,B,C and D. On heating only C
1) Nucleophile 2) Lewis base changes from solid state to vapour state
3) Electrophile 4) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’ directly. C can be separated from the rest in
42. Which of the following is an electrophilic the mixture by
reagent ? 1) Distillation 2) Sublimation
1) H 2 O 2) OH  3) Fractional distillation 4) Crystallisation
50. Anthracene is purified by
3) NO 2  4) all of these
1) Filtration 2) Crystallisation
43. The electromeric effect in organic compounds 3) Distillation 4) Sublimation
is a 51. Separation of two substances by fractional
1) Temporary effect 2) Permanent effect crys t a ll i s at i o n d e p e n d s u p on t h e i r
3) Temporary or permanent effect difference in
4) All the above 1) Densities 2) Solubilities
44. Resonance is due to 3) melting point 4) Boiling points
1) delocalisation of sigma electrons 52. Simple distillation can be used to separate
2) migration of H atoms 1) A mixture of benzene (b.p. 80ºC) and thiophene
(b.p. 84ºC)
3) migration of proton
2) A mixture of ethanol (b.p. 78.16C) and water
4) delocalisation of pi electrons
(b.p. 100ºC)
45. Hyperconjugation involves overlap of the 3) A mixture of ether (b.p. 35ºC) and toluene (b.p.
following orbitals 110ºC)
1)    2)   p 4) None of the above
3) p  p 4)    53. Ortho and para nitrophenols can be
46. Hyperconjugation phenomenon is possible in separated by
1) H 2 C  CH 2 2) CH3 CH 2  CH  CH 2 1) crystallization 2) Steam distillation
3) sublimation 4) solvent extraction
3) C6 H 5CH  CH 2 4)  CH 3 3 C  CH  CH 2 54. Two volatile liquids A and B differ in their
47. The most stable carbonium ion is boiling points by 150 C . The process which can
1) Methyl carbonium ion be used to separate them is
2) Primary carbonium ion 1) Fractional distillation 2) Steam distillation
3) Secondary carbonium ion 3) Distillation under reduced pressure
4) Tertiary carbonium ion 4) Simple distillation
55. In steam distillation, the sum of the vapour 65. Fixed melting point of an organic compound
pressure of the volatile compound and that of informs
water is 1) Purity of an organic compound.
1) Equal to atmospheric pressure 2) Conductivity of compound
2) Less than atmospheric pressure 3) Chemical nature of compound
3) More than atmospheric pressure 4) Whether the compound is liquid or gas.
4) Exactly half of the atmospheric pressure
Qualitative Analysis of Organic
56. Turpentine oil can be purified by
1) Steam distillation 2) Vacuum distillation Compounds :
3) Fractional distillation 4) Sublimation 66. The presence of carbon in an organic
57. Elution is the process used for compound is detected by heating it with
1) Crystallization of a compound 1) sodium metal to convert it into NaCN
2) Sublimation of a compound 2) CaO to convert it into CO which burns with a
3) Extraction of a compound blue flame
4) Distillation of a compound
3) CuO to convert it into CO2 which turns lime
58. Chromatographic techniques of purification
can be used for water milky
1) Coloured compounds 2) Liquids 4) Cu wire to give a bluish - green flame
3) Solids 4) All of these 67. In Lassaigne’s method organic compound is
59. Chromatography is a valuable method for the fused with
separation, isolation, purification and 1) Sodium metal 2) Zinc dust
identification of the constituents of a mixture 3) Sodium carbonate and Zinc dust
and it is based on general principle of 4) Calcium metal
1) Rates at which components moves under the 68. Which of the following statements is not
influence of mobile phase applicable to Lassaigne’s test ?
2) Phase distribution 1) The extra elements (N,S and halogens) are tested
3) Interphase separation 4) Phase operation as their inorganic salts.
60. In adsorption chromatography mobile phase 2) During fusion of organic compound with sodium,
will be Na2 S , NaCN and NaX are formed.
1) Only solid 2) Only liquid 3) It can even be used for the detection of hydorgen
3) Only gas 4) Liquid as well as gas in the organic compound.
61. Which of the following can be used as 4) It is possible to differentiate between the different
adsorbent in adsorption chromatography halogens.
1) Silica gel 2) Alumina 69. A compound which does not give a positive
3) Cellulose powder 4) All of these result in the Lassaigne’s test for nitrogen is
62. In column chromatography stationary phase is 1) Urea 2) Hydroxyl amine
1) Only solid 2) Only liquid 3) Glycine 4) Phenylhydrazine
3) Only gas 4) All of these 70. Medium of sodium extract is
63. Components present in the mixture separated in 1) Neutral 2) Basic
the form of strips in an adsorbent column, is called 3) Acidic 4) Depends on organic compound
1) Chromatogram 2) Band spectrum 71. Organic compound containing nitrogen and
3) Line spectrum 4) Distribution sulphur are present in Lassaigne’s extract as
64. Two substances when separated on the basis 1)NaCNS 2)NaSCN
of partition coefficient between two liquid
phase, then the technique is known as 3)Na2 S 4)NaCN
1) column chromatography 72. The compound that does not give a blue colour
2) Paper chromatography in Lassaigne’s test
3) GLC 4) TLC 1) Aniline 2) Glycine 3) Pyridine 4) Urea
73. In lassaigne’s test for nitrogen, the blue colour 1) CaSO4 2)  NH 4 2 SO4
is due to the formation of
1) Sodium cyanide 3) CuSO4 4) P2 O5
2) Sodium ferrocynaide 81. In Kjeldahl`s method, potassiun sulphate acts
3) Ferric Ferrocyanide as
4) Potassium ferrocynaide 1) Catalytic angent 2) Dehydrating agent
74. Lassaigne`s test gives a violet colouration with 3) Boiling Point elevator 4) Reducing agent
sodium nitroprusside, it indicates presence of 82. In Carius method halogens are estimated as
1) N 2) S 3) O 4) Cl 1) X2 2) BaX2
75. For detection of sulphur in an organic 3) PbX2 4) AgX
compound, soldium nitroprusside is added to 83. In organic compounds, phosphorus is finally
the sodium extract. A violet colour is obtained estimated as
which is due to the formation of
1) Mg 2 P2O7 2) H 3 PO4
1) Fe4  Fe  CN  6  3
  2) Fe  SCN 3
3) Mg3  PO4  2 4) P2 O5
3) Na4  Fe  CN 5 NOS  84. An alkane has Carbon and Hydrogen ratio (by
mass) is 5.1428:1 Its molecular formula is
4) Na2  Fe  CN 5 NOS  1) C7H19 2) C5H12 3)C6H14 4) C8H18
76. The function of boiling the sodium extract with 85. If two compounds have the same emperical
conc. HNO3 before testing the halogens is formula but different molecular formulae they
1) To convert Fe into Fe +++ must have
2)To make solution clear 1) Different percentage composition
3) To make solution acidic 2) Different molecular weight
4) To destroy cyanide and sulphide ions 3) same viscosity 4) same vapourdensity

Quantitative Analysis of Organic Key Level-I (H.W)

Compounds 01) 3 02) 1 03) 4 04) 1 05) 3 06)1
77. Liebig’s method is used for the estimation of 07) 2 08) 4 09) 4 10) 4 11) 2 12) 3
1) Nitrogen 2) Sulphur 13) 1 14) 2 15) 4 16) 4 17) 2 18) 1
3) Carbon and hydrogen 4) Halogens
19) 4 20) 2 21) 2 22) 1 23) 1 24) 4
78. Which gas is introduced into the combustion
tube in Liebig’s method? 25) 1 26) 4 27) 1 28) 4 29) 2 30) 1
31) 1 32) 4 33) 1 34) 4 35) 2 36) 1
1) Pure and dry CO2 2) Pure and dry N 2
37) 1 38) 4 39) 1 40) 1 41) 3 42) 3
3) Pure and dry O2 4) Pure and dry He 43) 1 44) 4 45) 2 46) 2 47) 4 48) 4
79. In the Liebig’s method, if ‘w’ is the mass of 49) 2 50) 4 51) 2 52) 3 53) 2 54) 1
compound taken and ’x‘is the amount of CO2 55) 1 56) 1 57) 3 58) 4 59) 1 60) 4
formed then 61) 4 62) 1 63) 2 64) 2 65) 1 66) 3
12  x 12 w 67) 1 68) 3 69) 2 70) 2 71) 2 72) 3
1) %C  16  w 2) %C  44  x  100 73) 3 74) 2 75) 3 76) 4 77) 2 78) 3
79) 3 80) 3 81) 3 82) 3 83) 4 84) 1
12 x 12 x 85) 3
3) %C  44  w  100 4) %C  44  w

80. In kjeldahl’s method to estimate nitrogen,

compound is heated with conc. H 2 SO4 in
presence of
3) H3C CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH3
Level-II (C.W)
Introduction,Tetravalence of Carbon, OH
Structural representation of Organic
Compounds : 4) H3C CH2 CH = CH CH3
The first organic compound synthesised in the 5. Neo-heptyl alcohol is correctly represented as
laboratory from an inorganic compound is CH3
1) NH 4 NCO 2) NH 2  CO  NH 2 1) CH3 C CH CH2 CH3
3) CH 3COOH 4) CH 4 CH3OH
2. Bond length order is
2) CH3 C CH2 CH2 CH2 CH3
1) C C > >C=C< > C C
2) C C > C=C > C C
3) CH3 C CH2 CH2 CH2 OH
3) C C =>C=C<= C C CH3
4) C C > >C=C< = C C 4) C2H5 C OH
3. The ratio of pure and hybrid orbitals
6. Which is an alicyclic compound
H 2C  CH  CH  CH 2 1) benzene 2) cyclo pentene
1) 7 : 12 2) 14 : 13 3) pyridine 4) pyrrole
3) 12 : 10 4) 5 : 6 Classification of Organic
Compounds, IUPAC Nomenclature:
7. According to Huckel’s rule a compound is said
4. structure is to be aromatic if it contains
HO 1) 4n bonds 2) 4n atoms
3) (4n+2)atoms 4)(4n+2)  electrons
CH3 8. The number of  electrons present in
1) H3C CH2 CH CH2 CH CH3 1) 10 2) 14 3) 12 4) 16
9. Which of the following is an aromatic
OH 1) Phenol 2) Naphthalene
OH CH3 3) Pyridine 4) All
2) H3C CH CH2 CH2 CH 10. The IUPAC name of the given compound
or is
3) 1) 2-methyl butane 2) 3-methyl butane
3) Pentane 4) Isopentane
11. I.U.P.A.C name of methyl cyanide is 17. IUPAC name of CH 3CH 2CH 2COCH 3 is
1) Cyano methane 2) Ethanenitrile
1) 2-pentanone 2) Pentan-2-one
3) Methane nitrile 4) Methyl-n-butyl amine
3) pentanone-2 4) all the above
12. The IUPAC name of the compound
18. The systematic name of (CH 3 )2 CH  COOH
1) 2-Propanoic acid
is (AIEEE-2004) 2) Isobutanoic acid
OHC 3) 2-Methylpropanoic acid
1) 3, 3- Dimethyl cyclohexane carbaldehyde 4) 2-Methylbutanoic acid
2) 1, 1-Dimethyl -3- hydroxy cyclohexane
3) 3 , 3- Dimethyl -1- hydroxy cyclohexane Isomerism :
4) 1, 1-Dimethyl -3-cyclohexanol 19. Which isomer of C6H14 has two isopropyl
13. The IUPAC name the compound groups
1) 2-Methylpentane 2) 3-Methylpentane
CH 3  CH  CH  CH 2 3) 2,3-Dimethylbutane 4) 2,2-Dimethylbutane
| | |
OH OH OH is 20. The number of structural alcoholic isomers for
C4H10O is
1) Butane - 2, 3, 4-triol 1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5
2) Butane-1, 2, 3-triol 21. The number of aromatic isomers possible for
3) Pentane -1, 2, 3-triol
C7 H 8O is
4) 2, 3- dihydroxy butanol
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5
14. IUPAC name of CH2 CH CH2 22 The number of isomeric amines possible for
CN CN CN the formula C3 H 9 N
1) 3 - cyanopentane -1, 5- dinitrile 1) 4 2) 3 3) 5 4) 6
2) Propane -1,2,3 - tri nitrile 23. Identify the compound that exhibits tautom-
3) 1,2,3 - tri cyano propane erism
4) Propane - 1,2,3 - tricarbonitri le 1) 2-Pentanol 2) Phenol
15. What is the IUPAC name of the following 3) 2-Butanone 4) Lactic acid
Fundamental Concepts in Organic
Reaction Mechanism (Reaction Inter-
mediates and Electronic effects):
24. Which of the following pairs is / are correctly
1) 6 - hydroxy cyclohex - 2 - ene - 1 - al matched?
2) 4 - hydroxy cyclohex - 1 - ene - 3 - al I. Carbocation : electrophile
3) 2 - hydroxy cyclohex - 5- ene carbaldehyde II. Free radical : paramagnetic
4) 1 - formyl cyclohex - 5 - enal III. Carbene: Incomplete octet
IV. Carbanion: Incomplete octet
16. The IUPAC name of Select the correct answer using the codes given
1) Only I 2) I and II
C = CH CH3 3) I, II, III and IV 4) I, II and III
C 2H 5 25. In carbonium ion the carbon bearing the
1) 3-Cyclopropyl-3-ethyl -2- propene positive charge is
2)1-Cyclopropyl-1-etyhl propene 1) sp hybridized 2) sp 2 hybridized
4)(1-ethyl-1-propenyl)cyclopropane 3) sp 3 hybridized 4) un hybridized
26. In a Friedel - Craft’s reaction, the electrophile Methods of Purification of Organic
is compounds :
1) Cl or X  2) CH 3  or CH 3CO  32. Organic liquid vapourises at a temperature
below its boiling point in steam distillation
3) CH 3Cl 4) CH 3COCl
27. The reaction of HBr with ethene is an ex- 1) Mixture boils when sum of vapour pressure of
ample of reaction water and organic liquid becomes equal to
1) Polymerisation 2) Substitution atmospheric pressure.
3) addition 4) Condensation 2) Steam distillation is actually distillation under
28. Which among the following compounds behave increased pressure.
both as an electrophile as well as a nucleophile 3) Water vapour does not contribute to its boiling
 point.
a) CH 2  CH 2 b) CH 2  CH  C H 2 4) Atmospheric pressure is reduced
33. A liquid which decomposes at or below its
O O boiling point can be purified by
|| || 1) steam distillation
c) CH 3  C  CH 3 d) CH 3  C  Cl 2) simple distillation
3) fractional distillation
4) distillation under reduced pressure
1) Only a 2) a and b 34. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
3) c and d 4) b,c and d 1) Fixed melting point can be used to test the purity
29. Among the following carbocations which is of the solid organic compound
more stable 2) Hydrogen peroxide is purified by steam
3) Impurities cause a decrease in the melting point
1)  C6 H 5 3 C  2) +
of the compound
4) crystallisation is based on sparingly solubility of
compound at low temperature

 Qualitative Analysis of Organic

3) 4) CH 2  C H
35. The covalent compound which does not give
30. Which free radical is the most stable
positive test in Lassaigne’s test is
 
1) C6H5  C H2 2) CH  CH  CH 1)1,3 - Dinitrobenzene 2) Glycine
2 2 3) Urea 4) Hydrazine
  36. Nitric acid is added to sodium extract and
3) CH3  C H  CH3 4) CH 3  C  CH 3 boiled before adding silver nitrate to test
| halogens because
C H3
1)To neutralise alkaline solution of sodium fusion
31 Arrange the following groups in order of extract.
decreasing - R (or - M) power 2) To convert sodiam cyanide and sodium sulphide
a) NO2 b) SO3 H in to HCN and H 2 S which are volatile.
3) To convert sodium cyanide and sodium sulphide
c) CF3 d) CHO
in to sodium thiocyanate .
1) a > c > b > d 2) a > b > c > d 4) To get white precipitate of AgCN and black
3) a > d > c > b 4) d > c > b > a
Quantitative Analysis of Organic 44. 0.4g of an organic compound gave 0.188 g of
silver bromide by a halogen estimation
Compounds :
method. The percentage of bromine in the
37. 0.246g of an organic compound on complete compound is( at. wt. of Ag = 108, Br = 80)
combustion gave 0.198g of carbondioxide and 1) 20 2) 40 3) 46 4) 60
0.1014g of water, then the percentage 45. The molecular formula of an organic compound
composition of carbon and hydrogen in the
is C4 H 9 N . The volume of N 2 that will be given
compound respectively
1) 4.58, 21.95 2) 21.95, 4.58 by 0.2 g of the above compound at STP is ......
3) 45.8, 2.195 4) 2.195, 45.8 (ml)
38. 0.2033g of an organic compound in Dumas 1) 31.5 2) 50 3) 63 4) 93
46. 0.73 g of organic compound on oxidation gave
method gave 31.7 mL of moist N 2 at 14oC and
1.32g of carbondioxide. The percentage of
758 mm pressure. Percentage of N 2 in the carbon in the given compound will be
compound is (Aq. Tension at 1) 49.32 2) 59.32 3) 29.32 4) 98.64
14oC =14mm) 47. An organic compound has C and H percentage
1) 18.44% 2) 16.89% in the ratio 6:1 by mass and C and O
3) 15.60% 4) 16.00% percentage in the ratio 3:4 by mass the
39. 0.5g of an organic compound containing compound is
nitrogen on kjeldahlising required 29 ml of N/ 1) HCHO 2) CH 3OH
5 H 2 SO4 for complete neutralisation of
3) CH3 CH 2 OH 4)  COOH  2
ammonia. The percentage of nitrogen in the
compound is Key Level-II (C.W)
1) 34.34 2) 16.24 3) 21.64 4) 14.84 01) 2 02) 1 03) 4 04) 1 05) 3 06) 2
40. 29.5 mg of an organic compound containing
07) 4 08) 2 09) 4 10) 1 11) 2 12) 1
nitrogen was digested according to Kjeldahl’s
method and the evolved ammonia was 13) 2 14) 4 15) 3 16) 3 17) 4 18) 3
absorbed in 20 mL of 0.1M HCl solution. The 19) 3 20) 3 21) 4 22) 1 23) 3 24) 4
excess of the acid required 15mL of 0.1M 25) 2 26) 2 27) 3 28) 4 29) 1 30) 4
NaOH solution for complete neutralization.
The percentage of nitrogen in the compound 31) 1 32) 1 33) 4 34) 2 35) 4 36) 2
is 37) 2 38) 1 39) 2 40) 1 41) 2 42) 1
1) 23.7 2) 29.5 3) 59.0 4) 47.4 43) 4 44) 1 45) 1 46) 1 47) 1
41. 0.197g of a substance when heated with
strong nitric acid and silver nitrate gave LEVEL-II (C.W) - HINTS
0.3525g of silver iodide. Percentage of iodine
is 7. Aromatic compounds contain  4n  2  e 
1) 95% 2) 96.70% 3) 95.50% 4) 98.05% 8. Naphthalene has 5 bonds
42. If 0.32g of an organic compound containing 3 1
sulphur produces 0.233 g of BaSO4 . Then the
10. 4
percentage of sulphur in it is.
1) 10 2)15 3) 20 4) 25 CH 3  CN
43. If 0.1g of an organic compound containing 11. 2 |
phosphorus gave 0.222g of Mg P O , then the 14. Like functional group like rule
2 2 7

% of phosphorus in the compound is

1) 31 2) 0.2 3) 76 4) 62
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
20. C C C C OH, C C C C, C C C OH 5. The compound which has one isopropyl
group is
C 1) 2,2,3,3-tetramethyl pentane
& C C OH 2) 2,2-dimethyl pentane
3) 2,2,3-trimethyl pentane
22. 10 , 20, 30 amines are functional isomers 4) 2-methyl pentane
6. The structural formula of methyl amino
Level-II (H.W) methane is

Introduction , Tetravalence of carbon, 1)  CH 3 2 CH NH 2 2)  CH 3 3 N

Strcutural Representation of Organic 3)  CH 3  2 NH 4) CH 3 NH 2
Compounds 7. The number & type of carbon atoms present
1. When a mixture of potassium cyanate and in neopentane are
ammonium chloride is heated, it gives 1) four 10 carbons , one 40 carbon
1) Urea 2) Methanmide 2) two 10carbons , two 20 carbons
3) Ethanamide 4) Ethanamine 3) one 10 carbon , one 40 carbon
2. C  C bond length in benzene is 4) one 10 carbon , one 40 carbon
1)1.54A0 2)1.34A0 3)1.39A0 4)1.20A0 Classification of Organic Compounds,
3. Ratio of pure and hybrid orbitals in IUPAC Nomenclature
benzene 8. Which of the following sets contains only
1) 3:2 2) 2:3 3)1:2 4) 2:1 carbocyclic compounds?
1) Thiophene, Oxirane, Pyrrolidine
4. NH2 which of the following explains 2) Piperidine, Cyclohexane, Benzene
3) Naphthalene, Cyclopropane , Bi-phenyl
this structure 4) Pyridine, Thiophene, Oxetane
9. The number of  electrons in anthracene is
1) 6 2) 10 3) 12 4) 14
CH3 10. Which of the following is non aromatic
1) CH3 C NH2 compound
CH3 1) Phenol 2) Naphthalene
3) Pyridine 4) Cyclo octatetraene
11. The IUPAC name of the given structure
2) CH3 CH2 CH NH2
CH3 (or) is
3) NH2 C CH2 CH2
1) 2,2 - Dimethyl butane 2) Isohexane
3) 2,3 - Dimethyl butane 4) Di isohexane
CH3 12. The IUPAC name of the compound
4) NH2 C NH2 CH 3  CH ( NH 2 )CH 2COOCH 3 is
1) Methyl-2- amino butanoate
CH3 2) Methyl-3- amino butanoate
3) Methyl - 4 - amino butanoate
4) 2 - amino pentanoate
13. The IUPAC name of the given compound 1) Ethenyl cyclo pentane 2) cyclopentyl ethene
3) cyclopentyl ethylene 4) vinyl cyclopentane
19. The structure of 3-bromoprop-1-ene is
is Br

1) Octyl cyclopentane 1) CH 3  C  CH 2
2) 3- cyclopentyl octane 2) CH 3  CH  CH  Br
3) Cyclopentane octane
4) 6- cyclopentyl octane 3) CH 3  C  CH  Br
14. The IUPAC name of the following compound Br
4) Br  CH 2  CH  CH 2
is 20. The IUPAC name of the compound shown
O2N NO2 Cl
1) 1-Chloro -2, 4 - dinitro benzene
2) 2 - Chloro -1, 4-dinitro benzene below is
3) 1, 3 - Dinitro - 2 - chloro benzene Br
4) 4 - Chloro -1, 3-dinitro benzene
1) 2-bromo-6-chlorocyclohex-1-ene
15. IUPAC name of
2) 6-bromo-2-chlorocyclohexene
HOOC  CH 2  CH  CH 2  COOH 3) 3-bromo-1-chlorocyclohexene
COOH 4) 1-bromo-3-chlorocyclohexene
1) 3 - Carboxylic pentane - 1, 5 - dioic acid 21. The systematic name of
2) Propane - 1,2,3 - trioic acid (CH 3 )2 CH  COOH
3) 1, 2, 3 - tricarboxylic propane 1) 2-Propanoic acid 2) Isobutanoic acid
4) Propane- 1,2,3 - tricarboxylic acid 3) 2-Methylpropanoic acid
16. IUPAC name of CH 2OH  CH 2OH is 4) 2-Methylbutanoic acid
1) 1, 2 - dihydroxy ethane 2) Ethylene glycol Isomerism :
3) Ethane - 1, 2- diol 4) Ethane - 1, 2 - dial
17. What is the IUPAC name of the following 22 The number of primary alcoholic isomers for
C4H10O is
Cl 1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5
23. Primary, secondary and tertiary amines are
1) Chain isomers 2) Position isomers
3) Functional isomers 4) Tautomers
24. Which of the following compounds is isomeric
1) 3 - chloro cyclo hexa - 1, 5 - diene with trimethyl amine?
2) 5 - chloro cyclo hexa - 1, 3 - diene 1) 1-Propanamine 2) 2-Propanamine
3) 1 - chloro cyclo hexa - 2 , 5 - diene 3) Both 1 and 2 4) 2-Butanamine
4) 2 - chloro cyclo hexa - 1, 4 - diene 25. Which of the following classes of organic
18.What is the IUPAC name of the following compounds show metamerism ?
1) ethers 2) Secondary amines
3) ketones 4) All the three
26. The type of isomerism found in urea molecule
1) Chain 2) Position
3) Tautomerism 4) Geometrical
27 Among the following the pair that is not a 34. Which carbocation is most stable
pair of metamers
+ +
1) CH 3OCH 2 CH 2CH 3 & CH 3CH 2OCH 2 CH 3 CH2 CH2
2) CH 3OCH 2CH 2CH 3 & CH 3OCH (CH 3 ) 2
1) 2)
3) CH 3 NHCH 2CH 2CH 3 & CH 3 NHCH 2CH 3
4) CH 3COCH 2CH 2CH 3 & CH 3CH 2COCH 2CH 3 CH3
 + +
28 The reaction,  CH 3 3 C  Br   CH 3 3 C  Br  is an CH2 CH2
example of
1) Homolytic fission 2) Heterolytic fission 3) 4)
3) Cracking 4) All the above
Fundamental Concepts in Organic NO2
Reaction Mechanism (Reaction
Intermediates and Electtronic Effects): 35. Which is least stable ?
29. The formation of cyanohydrin from a ketone 1) CH 3 2)  CH 2  CH 3
is an example of 
1) Nuclephilic addition 3) CH 3  C H  CH 3 4) (CH 3 )3 C 
2) Electrophilic Substitution 36. Maximum + R power among the given
3) Nucleophilic Substitution groups is
4) Electrophilic addition
1) O  2)  NH 2
30. Among the following the true property
H3C 3) - OH 4)  NHCOCH 3

about C CH3 is Methods of Purification of Organic

H3C Compounds :
1) non - planar 2) C+ is sp2 - hybridised 37 Which of the following statements is not correct
3) Electrophile can attack on C+ regarding purification of liquids by steam
4) Does not undergo hydrolysis distillation?
31 Methyl carbanion is 1) Impurities must be non-volatile
1) Electrophile 2) Lewis acid 2) The liquid must be completely immiscible with
3) Both (1) and (2) 4) Nucleophile water
32. Which one of the compound behaves as an 3) The liquid must possess high boiling point
electrophile as well as nucleophile. 4) The liquid must be miscible in water
1) Acetone 2) Cyanide ion 38. Distillation under reduced pressure method is
3) nitrite ion 4) Sulphite ion used to purity the liquids in which the liquids
33. Which of the following statements is correct about 1) have high boiling points
inductive effect 2) have low boiling points
1) Implies the transfer of lone pair of electrons from 3) do not decompose at their boiling points
more electronegative atom to lesser electronegative 4) highly volatile
atom in a molecule 39. Components of rectified spirit cannot be
2) Implies the transfer of lone pair of electrons from separated by distillation because
lesser electronegative atom to t he more 1) it forms an Azeotropic mixture
electronegative atom in a molecule 2) it has components with same boiling points
3) Increases with increase in distance 3) it contains immiscible liquids
4) Implies the atoms ability to cause bond 4) it has high vapour pressure
Qualitative Analysis : 49. Compound A contains 20% C, 46.66% N and
40. Which of the following compounds will give 6.66% H. It gave NH 3 on heating with NaOH.
blood red colour while doing the Lassaigne`s A can be
test for N?
1) CH 3CONH 2 2) NH 2CONH 2
1) ( NH 2 )2 CO 2) C6 H 5 SO3 H
3) C6 H 5CONH 2 4) CH 3 NHCONH 2
3) ( NH 2 )2 CS 4) CHCl3
41. CC l4 contains four chlorine atoms, when it is Key Level-II (H.W)
heated with silver nitrate solution then the
number of moles of AgCl formed is 01) 1 02) 3 03) 2 04) 1 05) 4 06) 3
1) 4 2) 2 3) 0 4) 3 07) 1 08) 3 09) 4 10) 4 11) 3 12) 2
42. 0.2 g of an organic compound on complete
13) 2 14) 1 15) 4 16) 3 17) 2 18) 3
combustion produces 0.18 g of water, then the
percentage of hydrogen in it is (Aq. tension at 19) 4 20) 3 21) 3 22) 1 23) 3 24) 3
288K = 12.7mm) 25) 4 26) 3 27) 3 28) 2 29) 1 30) 2
1) 5 2) 10 3) 20 4) 15 31) 4 32) 1 33) 4 34) 1 35) 1 36) 1
43. 0.303 g of an organic compound was analysed
for nitrogen by Kjeldhahl’s method. The 37) 4 38) 1 39) 1 40) 3 41) 3 42) 2
ammonia gas evolved was absorbed in 50ml of 43) 1 44) 3 45) 2 46) 4 47) 3 48) 3
0.05M H2SO4. The excess acid required 25ml 49) 2
of 0.1M NaOH for neutralization.The
percentage of nitrogen in the given compound is Hints Level-II (H.W)
1) 11.5 2) 23 3) 12.5 4) 14.5 O
44. 0.50g of an organic compound was Kjeldahlised 1.
and the NH 3 evolved was absorbed in 50ml of KCNO + NH4Cl KCl + NH2 C NH2
4. ter. butyl amine
0.5M H 2 SO4 . The residual acid required C
60cm3 of 0.5M NaOH. The percentage of
7. C C C
nitrogen in the organic compound is
1) 14 2) 28 3) 56 4) 42 C
45. 0.99 g of organic compound containing halogen 1
when heated with furning HNO3 is presence 2
of AgNO3 in a carius tube gave 0.287g of white 11. 3
precipitate. The percentage of halogen is
1) 29.6 2) 71.7 3) 35.4 4) 64.2 2 4 6 8
3 5 7
46. Insulin contains 3.4% sulphur, the minimum 1
molecular weight of insulin is
1) 350 2) 470 3) 560 4) 940
47. 0.12 g of an organic compound gave 0.22g
15. Like functional group like rule
Mg 2 P2O7 by the usual analysis. The
percentage of phosphorus in the compound is 16. 1 2
1) 15.23 2) 38.75 3) 51.20 4) 60.92 22. C-C-C-C-OH, C-C-C-OH
48. In Dumas method 0.5 g of an organic |
compound containing nitrogen gave 112 ml of
nitrogen at S.T.P. The percentage of nitrogen
in the given compound is
1) 28 2) 38 3) 18 4) 48
1) 3 - cyano - 2 - carboxy benzaldehyde
2) 2 - cyano - 6 - formyl benzoic acid
1. The hybridisation of carbon atoms in C  C 3) 6 - cyano - 2 - formyl benzoic acid
4) 2 - formyl - 6 - cyano benzoic acid
single bond is HC  C  CH  CH 2 is
10. The IUPAC name of the given structure
1) Sp3  Sp3 2) Sp 2  Sp3
3) Sp  Sp 2 4) Sp 3  Sp
2. Which of the following order regarding the size
of hybrid orbital of carbon is correct?
1) Sp  Sp 2  Sp 3 2) Sp  Sp 2  Sp 3 Br
3) Sp  Sp 2  Sp 3 4) Sp  Sp 2  Sp 3 1) 6-Bromo-5-chlorocyclohexen-3-yne
2) 5-Bromo-6-chloro-1-cyclohexen-3-yne
3. Which of the following orders regarding the
electronegativity of hybrid orbital of carbon is 3) 6-Bromo-5-chloro-3-cyclohexen-1-yne
correct? 4) 4-Bromo-3-chloro-1-cyclohexen-5-yne
11. The IUPAC names of the following pair of
1) Sp  Sp 2  Sp 3 2) Sp  Sp 2  Sp 3
3) Sp  Sp 2  Sp 3 4) Sp  Sp 2  Sp 3
compounds and are
4. The least priority functional group among
the following is:
1) OH 2) C  C  1) Cis–1,2 dimethyl cyclobutane and trans–1,3
dimethyl cyclo butane
3) C  C 4)  NH 2 2) 2-Butene and methylpropene
5. 18 C–H and 7 C–C sigma bonds are in 3) Trans-2-butene and cis-2-butene
1) cyclohexane 4) Methylpropene and methylpropene
2)3,3-dimethylpentane 12. The correct IUPAC name of
3)2,2,3-trimethylpentane 4)n-heptane
6. The IUPAC name of vinyl acetylene is :
1) Pent-1-en-4-yne 2) Pent-4-yne-1-ene CH3CH2 C CH CH2
3) But-1-en-3-yne 4) But-1-yn-3-ene
7. The IUPAC name of acrolein is: CHCl2
1) But-2-enal 2) Prop-2-enal 1)1-Chloro-2-butylcyclopropane
3) But-3-enal 4) 2-Methyl prop-2-enal 2) 1-Chloro-2-cyclopropylbutane
3)1-Chloro-methyl-1-ethyl cyclo propane
8. The IUPAC name of is 4)3-Chloro metyl-1,2-methylenepentane
OH 13. IUPAC name of the compound
1) but - 2 - ene - 2, 3- diol CH3
2) pent- 2 -ene -2, 3- diol
3) 2 - methyl but- 2 - ene- 2,3-diol CH3 CH2 N(CH3) CH
4) hex -2 - ene -2, 3 -diol
9. The IUPAC name of the following CH3
COOH 1) N-ethyl-N-methyl isopropane
OHC CN 2) N-ethyl-N-methyl amino propane
3) N-ethyl-N-methyl-1-amino propane
4) N-ethyl-N-methyl-2-propanamine
14. IUPAC name of
O C6H5
3) H3C CH2 CH2 C N
1) 2-Methoxy-4-ethoxy-3-pentanone
2) 2-Ethoxy-4-methoxy-3-pentanone 4) H3C CH2 C CH2 N
3) 2,4-Dimethoxy hexanone CH2CH3
4) 2-Ethoxy-3-methoxy-3-pentanone 19. The structure of 2-(chloromethoxy) ethanol
15. IUPAC name of allyl chloride 1) ClCH2OCH2CH2OH
1) 1-chloro - 1 - propene
2) 1-chloro - 2 - propene 2) H3CO CH CH2OH
3) 3-chloro - 2 - propene
4) 3-chloro - 1 - propene
16. The IUPAC name of
3) H3CO CH CH3
N is OH

1) N-ethyl - N,N - di methyl 4- hexanamine 4) Cl H2CO CH CH3

2) N, N-di ethyl-N-dimethyl 4-butanamine
3) N-ethyl - N- methyl 5-methyl- 3- CH2 COOH
4) 3- (ethylmethyl amino) -5-methylhexane 20. The IUPAC name of
1) 2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid
2) 3-hydroxy-1,2,3-pentane trioic acid
17. IUPAC name of the com- 3) 3-carboxy-3-hydroxy-1,5-pentandioic acid
CN 4) 1,2,3-tri carboxy-2-propanol
Br 21. C3 H 9 N cannot present
pound is 1) 10 Amines 2) 20 Amines
1) 4-bromo-3- cyano phenol
2) 2-bromo-5-hydroxybenzonitrile 3). 30 Amines 4) Quaternary salt
3) 2-cyano-4-hydroxy bromobenzene 22. Identify the compound that exhibits tautom-
4) 6-bromo-3-hydroxy benzo nitrile erism: [2011]
18. The structure of N-Ethyl-N-phenyl- 1) 2-Butene 2) Lactic acid
butanamide is 3) 2-Pentanone 4) Phenol
.23. The order of stability of the following
O C6H5 cabocations
1) H3C CH2 C CH2 N CH 2  CH  CH 2 ; CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 C6 H 5CH 
CH 2 CH CH 2 CH 3CH 2 CH 2 C6 H 5 CH 2 is [2013]

2) CH3 CH2 CH2 C N 1) III>II>I 2) II>III>I

C2H5 3) I>II>III 4) III>I>II
24. The correct order of increasing basicity of 30. The correct stability order for the following
the given conjugate bases ( R  CH 3 ) is
1) RCOO  HC  C  N H 2  R [2010]
2) RCOO  HC  C  R  NH 2 (I) (II)

3) R  HC  C  RCOO  N H 2
4) RCOO  N H 2  HC  C  R (III) (IV)
25. In C2 H 5OH , the bond that undergoes het- 1) II > IV > I > III 2) I > II > III > IV
erolytic cleavage most readily is 3) II > I > IV > III 4) I > III > II > IV
1) C-C 2) C-O 3) C-H 4) O-H
26. The compound which gives the most stable 31. The ammonia evolved from the treatment of
carbonium ion on dehydration is 0.3g of an organic compound for the estimation
1) CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  CH 2OH of nitrogen was passed in to 100 ml of 0.1M
sulphuric acid. The excess of acid required 20
2) CH3 CH CH2 CH3 ml of 0.5M sodium hydroxide solution for
OH complete neutralisation. The organic compound
CH3 is
1) Acetamide 2) benzamide
3) CH3 C OH 3) urea 4) thiourea
CH3 32. The non aromatic compound among the
following is: [2011]
1) 2)
27. Reactivity of H-atoms attached to different
atoms in alkanes has the order S
1) 3 0  1 0  2 0 2)10  2 0  3 0
3) 3 0  2 0  1 0 4) None 3) 4)
28. Which one of the following does not exhibit
1) Ethanal 2) Allylene 3) Isobutylene 33. If a compound on anlysis was found to contain
4) Trifluro acetaldehyde C=18.5%, H=1.55%, Cl=55.04% and
29. Which of the following carbocations is most O=24.81%, then its empirical formula is
stable ? [2008] 1) CHClO 2) CH2ClO
NO2 NO2 3)C2H2OCl 4) ClCH2O
34. An organic compound having molecular mass
60 is found to contain C=20%, H=6.67%, and
1) H 2) N=46.67% while rest is oxygen on heating it
X gives NH 3 along with a solid residue. The solid
H X residue gives violet colour with alkaline copper
H X NO2 sulphate solution. The compound is
O2N (AIEEE-2005)
1) CH 3 NCO 2) CH 3CONH 2
3) 4) H
3) ( NH 2 )2 CO 4) CH 3CH 2CONH 2
35. In a compound C,H and N atoms are present 3) renders the ring basic
in 9:1:3.5 by weight. Molecular weight of 4)deactivates the ring towards nucleophilic
compound is 108. Molecular formula of substitution
compound is (AIEEE-2002) 43. The IUPAC name of neopentane is [2010]
1) C2 H 6 N 2 2) C3 H 4 N 1) 2,2 dimethylpropane 2) 2 methylpropane
3) 2,2 dimethylbutane 4) 2- methylbutane
3) C6 H 8 N 2 4) C9 H12 N 3 44. Arrange the carbanions,
36. Certain organic compounds contains carbon
atoms twice the number of nitrogen atoms and
 CH 3 3 C, CCl3 ,  CH 3 2 CH, C6 H5 CH 2
hydrogen atoms are seven times the number of in order of their decreasing stability: [2009]
nitrogen atoms. The compound is mono acidic 1)  CH3 2 CH  CCl3  C6 H5 CH 2   CH3 3 C
base and 0.45g of the compound neutralises
0.01mole of HCl. The compound is 2) CCl3  C 6 H 5 CH 2   CH 3  2 CH   CH 3 3 C
1) (CH 3 )2 NH 2) C2 H 5 NH 2 3)  CH3 3 C   CH 3 2 CH  C6 H5 CH 2  CCl3
3) N2 H 4 4)Both 1 and 2.
4)C6 H5 CH 2  CCl3   CH3 3 C   CH 3  2 CH
37. 0.302 g of organic compound gave 0.268 g of
silver bromide. The percentage of bromine in
the sample is
Key Level -III
1) 20 2) 50 3) 37.75 4) 75 01) 3 02) 2 03) 1 04) 2 05) 3 06)3
38. In an estimation of S by Carius method 0.2175g 07) 2 08) 2 09) 2 10) 2 11) 1 12)2
of the compound gave 0.5825g of BaSO4 . 13) 4 14) 2 15) 4 16) 3 17) 2 18)2
Percentage of S is 19) 1 20) 1 21) 4 22) 3 23) 4 24)1
1) 36.78% 2) 45.50% 25) 4 26) 3 27) 3 28) 4 29) 1 30) 4
3) 39.48% 4) 30.69%
31) 1 32) 4 33) 1 34) 3 35) 3 36) 1
39. If 0.75 g of an organic compound in Kjeldahl’s
37) 3 38) 1 39) 4 40) 2
method neutralized 30 ml of 0.25 N H 2 SO 4 ,
41) 1 42) 1 43) 1 44) 2
the percentage of nitrogen in the compound is
1) 28 2) 50 3) 80 4) 14 Hints Level -III
40. 0.28 g of an organic compound in Dumas
method liberated 24 ml of nitrogen at STP. The 31. number of milli eqivalents of
percentage of nitrogen in the compound is H2SO4  NV  ml   20
1) 20 2) 10.71 3) 80 4) 50 number of milli eqivalents of NaOH used to
neutralise excess of H 2 SO4  10
41. The IUPAC name of milli equivalents of acid used to neutralise ammonia
= 20-10 = 10
% of nitrogen =
1) 3-ethyl-4-4-dimethylheptane 1.4  N V  ml  1.4 10
  46.66
2) 1, 1-diethyl-2,2-dimethylpentane 0.3 0.3
3) 4, 4-dimethyl-5,5-diethylpentane % of nitrogen in urea
4) 5, 5-diethy1-4,4-dimethylpentane.
42. Presence of a nitro group in a benzene ring ( NH2CONH2  100  46.6)
1) deactivates the ring towards electrophilic
34. Element % Relative no. Simplest
2) activates the ring towards electrophilic
composition of atoms ratio 36. 0.45g of base = 0.01 mole of HCl
C 20 1.67 1
H 6.67 6.67 4 0.45
N 46.67 3.33 2
 0.01mole or Molar mass of
O 26.66 1.67 1
Emperical formula (CH 4 N2O) 0.45
compound =  45 gmol 1
molecular weight of organic compound =60 0.01
Now as per given condition , atomic ratio C:H:N
n  60  60
is 2:7:1 Emperical formula is
n 1
Mol.mass 45
 Molecular formula = CH 4 N 2O    1 Thus, both the
Empericalmass 45
formulae are correct
i.e., NH  C  NH
2 2( urea ) Level–IV
|| ||
NH2  C NH2  NH2  C NH2  1. List-I List-II

Compound C-C bond length
|| ||
A) Benzene 1)1.42 A0
NH 2  C  NH  C  NH 2  NH 3
B) Acetylene 2) 1.54 A0
When gently heated, urea loss ammonia to form C) Graphite 3) 3.35 A0
biuret. When an aqueous biuret solution is treated D) Dimond 4) 1.20 A0
with NaOH solution and a drop of CuSO4 5) 1.39 A0
solution, a violet colour is produced. This is known The correct match is
as biuret test, which is characteristic of all A B C D
compounds containing 1) 4 5 1 2
 C  NH 2) 2 3 4 5
. 3) 5 4 1 2
4) 1 4 2 3
35. Element weight Relative no. Simplest
ratio of atoms ratio
2. List-A List-II
9 3 (Molecule) (Pure and hybrid
C 9  3
12 4 orbitals involved)
1 A) C2 H 6 1.12,18
H 1 1 4
1 B) C2 H 4 2. 6,4
3.5 1
N 3.5  1 C) C2 H 2 3. 6,6
14 4
Emperical formula= C3 H 4 N D) C6 H 6 4. 6,8
molecular weight of the compound =108 The correct match is
54n  108 1) 4 2 3 1
n2 2) 2 3 4 1
molecular formula= ( Emperical formula) n 3) 3 4 2 1
4) 4 3 2 1
= (C3 H 4 N )2
= C6 H 8 N 2
3. List-I List-II 7. Match column-I with their characteristic
A) Vinyl 1. C6H5 – reaction in column-II
B) Allyl 2. CH2 = CH – Colum-I
C) Propenyl 3. CH3 – CH2 – CH2 –
D) Phenyl 4. CH3 – CH = CH – a) NH2 NH3Cl
5. CH2 = CH – CH2 –
The correct match is b) HO
1. 2 5 4 1
2. 5 2 3 1 c) HO NH3Cl
3. 2 4 5 1
4. 1 2 3 4
4. LIST-I LIST-2 d) O2N NH NH3Br
A) Benzene 1) Heterocyclic NO2
B) Pyridine 2) Alicyclic
C) Cycloalkane 3) Aliphatic
i) Sodium fusion extract of the compound
D) Alkane 4) Aromatic
gives prussian blue colour with FeSO4
The correct match is
ii) gives yellow precipitate with
AgNO3solution which is sparingly soluble in
1) 4 1 2 3
2) 1 4 2 3
iii) gives white precipitate with AgNO3
3) 2 4 1 3
4) 3 4 1 2
iv) gives yellow precipitate with AgNO3
5. Most often ordinary functional groups
solution which is insoluble in NH4OH
are attached with the following original
1) a-iii; b-i, iv; c-i, iii; d-i,ii
chemical structures
2) a-i; b-iv; c-ii.iii; d-i,ii
3) a-iii; b-i,iv; c-i,ii; d-ii,iii
4) a-iii; b-iv; c-i, ii; d-iii,iv
i) ii) 8. LIST-1
iii) (Chromatographyprocess)
A) Ion exchange chromatography
iv) CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  CH 2  B) GSC
v) CH2  CH  C) GLC
D) Paper chromatography
which of these are coplanar systems :
1. (i) and (v) 2. (ii) and (iii)
(Stationary phase - Mobile phase)
3. (ii),(iii) and (iv) 4. (iv)
1) Liquid - liquid
6. Which among the following carbocations
2) solid - liquid
is most stable:
3) solid -gas
4) liquid -gas
C 5) solid -solidThe correct match is
1) 2) C6H5 CH2 The correct match is
1) 2 3 4 1
3) C6H5 CH C6H5 4) C6H5 C CH3 2) 3 2 4 1
3) 4 3 2 1
4) 1 3 4 2
9. LIST - 1 The correct match is
(Process of purification )
A) Crystallization A B C D
B) Sublimation 1) 4 1 3 2
C) Fractional distillation 2) 3 1 2 4
D) Steam distillation 3) 1 2 3 4
LIST -2 4) 2 1 3 4
(Principle involved the process)
Commprehension :
1) liquids which are immiscible in water
possessing high boiling point, steam volatile. An organic compound was fused with sodium
2) The compound should be soluble in the metal and extracted with distilled water. On adding
solvent at its boiling temperature freshly prepared FeSO 4 solution followed by the
3) The compound should hve high vapour addition of FeCl3 and dil. HCl produced greenish
pressure below its melting point blue solution. 0.30g of the organic compound after
4) liquids which have B.Pt difference less kjeldahlisation evolved a gas (X) which was passed
than 400 C on 100 ml of 0.1 M H 2SO4 . The excess of acid
The correct match is required 20 ml of 0.5 M NaOH for neutralisation
A B C D 12. The blue colour of solution is due to
1) 2 3 4 1 1) K  Fe  CN   2) Na3  Fe  CN 6 
4 6
2) 2 3 1 4
3) 4 2 1 3 3) Na 2  Fe  CN 5 NO  4) Fe4 Fe  CN 6 3
4) 3 2 4 1 13. Dil. HCl is added to the solution in the above
10. LIST-I LIST-2 test to
Colour Element 1) make the solution acidic
A) blood red 1) Cl 2) to dissolve FeSO 4
B) Prussian blue 2) S 3) to dissolve Fe  OH 2

C) Violet 3) N and S 4) to change FeSO4 to FeCl2

D) White 4) P 14. The gas X obtained during kjeldahlisation is
5) N
1) N 2 2) N 2 O 3) NH3 4) N 2 H 4
The correct match is
A B C D 15. The amount of acid left after neutralisation
1) 1 4 2 3 with base is
2) 2 4 3 1 1) 10 ml 2) 90 ml
3) 3 5 2 1 3) 50 ml 4) 80 ml
4) 4 3 2 1 16. The organic compound which suitably fits into
the above data is
11. LIST-1 LIST-2 1) CH 3 CONH 2 2) C6 H 5CONH 2
Color Element S
A) Prussian blue 1)  Fe  CN 5 NOS  3) H 2 N-C-NH 2 4) H 2 N-CO-NH 2
17. One gram of X  N 2Cl on strong heating
B) Violet 2) Fe4  Fe  CN  6  3
heating gave 160ml of N 2 gas of STP what
C) Blood red 3)  Fe  SCN   could be X

D) colourless 4) AgCl 1) C6 H 5 2) CH 3
3) C2 H 5 4) C6 H13
5) Na4  Fe  CN  6 
18. 0.1092g of certain diabasic Organic acid ethylene in the mixture respectively are
neutralised 21ml of decinormal solution of 1) 5ml of CH4 + 5ml of C2H4
NaOH. The molar mass of acid is 2) 6ml of CH4 +4ml of C2H4
1) 75g mol 1 2) 52g mol 1 3) 3ml of CH4 +7ml of C2H4
4) 4ml of CH4 +6ml of C2H4
3) 208 g mol 1 4) 104g mol 1
26. 121g of an amide obtained from a carboxylic
19. Tyrosine, (an amino acid) is one of the acid, RCOOH upon heating with alkali
constituent of certain protein and is present liberated 17g of ammonia. The acid is
to the extent of 0.22% by mass. If molar mass 1) Acetic acid 2) Propanoic acid
of tyrosine id 181g mol 1 . The minimum 3) Benzoic acid 4) Butanoic acid
molecular mass of protein is 27. An organic liquid has atomic ratio C:H:N:S
a) 7  10 U
4 2)82273U as 2 : 3 : 1 : 1. Each mole of this basic liquid
can be neutralised by 2 mole of HCl. Also
3)92200U 4)Above 105 U
1.02g of chloroplatinate of this base, on
20. The Silver Salt of a Monobasic acid on ignition ignition gave 0.4g of platinum. The ratio of
gave 60% of Ag. The molecular mass of the molecular mass to emperical mass of liquid
acid is is (at.wt of Pt is 195)
1) 37 2) 33 3) 73 4) 77 1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
21. Each mole of Haemoglobin contains four 28. Silver salt of certain Organic acid with atomic
moles of iron. If the percentage of iron in ratio C:H:O as 2:3:2 contains 65.06% of
Haemoglobin is 0.35 % by mass. The molar silver. If each molecule of acid has two
mass of Haemoglobin is ionisable H atoms, the formula of the acid
1) 6.4  104 gmol 1 2) 5.6  104 gmol 1 1) C3 H 6 O3 2) C4 H 6 O4
5 1 5 1
3) 6.4  10 gmol 4) 5.6  10 gmol 3) C2 H 3O2 4) C3 H 6 O2
22. In Carius tube, the compound 29. 9.9 g of an amide with molecular formula
ClCH 2COOAg was heated with fuming C4 H 5 N x Oy on heating with alkali liberated
HNO3 & AgNO3 . After filtration and washing, 1.7g of ammonia. If the percentage of oxygen
a white precipitate was formed. The is 32.33%, then the ratio of N & O atoms in
precipitate is the compound is
1) Ag 2 SO4 2) AgNO3 1) 2:1 2) 1:2 3) 2:5 4) 2:3
30. A complex compound of cobalt with the
3) AgCl 4) ClCH 2COOAg composition Co = 22.58%, H = 5.79%, N =
23. In Victor Meyer’s method 0.2g of an organic 32.2%, O = 12.20% and Cl = 27.17% on
substance displaced 56ml of air at STP the heating, loses ammonia to the extent of
molecular weight of the compound is 32.63% of its mass.The number of molecules
1) 56 2) 112 3) 80 4) 28 of ammonia present in one molecule of the
24. 116mg of a compound on vapourisation in a cobalt complex is (At.mass of Co = 58.9)
Victor Meyer’s apparatus displaces 44.8mL 1) 7 2) 5 3) 8 4) 12
of air measured at STP. The molecular mass 31. 5.0g of certain metal, X (atomic mass = 27) is
of the compound is converted into 61.7% crystalline sulphate
1) 58g 2). 48g 3) 116g 4) 44.8g containing 48.6% by mass of water of
25. 10.0ml of a mixture of methane and ethylene crystallization. The simplest formula of the
was exploded with 30ml (excess) of oxygen. compound is
After cooling, the volume was 21.0ml. Further 1) X 2 ( SO4 )318H 2O 2) X 2 ( SO4 )314 H 2O
treatment with caustic potash reduced the
volume to 7.0ml.The amounts of methane and 3) X 2 ( SO4 )316 H 2O 4) X 2 ( SO4 )312 H 2O
Assertion & Reason :
R: Cupric oxide oxidizes carbon and hydrogen
1) If both A and R are true and the R is the
to CO2 and water vapour
correct explanation of the A.
2) If both A and R are true but R is not the
Key Level -IV
correct explanation of the A. 01) 3 02) 4 03) 1 04) 1 05) 1 06) 1
3) If A is true but R is false. 07) 1 08) 1 09) 1 10) 3 11) 4 12) 4
4) If A is false but R is true
13) 1 14) 3 15) 3 16) 4 17) 1 18) 4
32. Assertion (A): A mixture of plant pigments can
19) 2 20) 3 21) 1 22) 3 23) 3 24) 1
be separated by chromatography.
25) 2 26) 3 27) 1 28) 2 29) 2 30) 2
Reason (R): Chromatography is used for the
separation of coloured substances into individual 31) 1 32) 2 33) 4 34) 2 35) 2 36) 2
components. 37) 1 38) 1 39) 3 40) 2
33. A: Moving phase is liquid and stationary phase is Hints Level -IV
solid in paper chromatography.
17. N 2 produced by 1g of XN 2Cl =160ml
R: Paper chromatography is used for analysis of
polar organic compounds. = mole
34. A : During digestion with concentrated H2SO4, 1mole of N 2 will be produced from salt
nitrogen of the orgainic compound is converted
into (NH4)2 SO4 =  140 g
R: (NH4)2 SO4 on heating with alkali liberates Molar mass of XN 2Cl =140g mol 1
Molar mass of X=140-28-35.5=76.5g mol 1
35. A: Thiophene present in commercial benzene as
This pertains to C6 H 5 group.
an impurity can be removed by shaking the mixture
with cold concentrated H2SO4. 18. H 2 X  2 NaOH  Na2 X  2 H 2O
milli moles of NaOH consumed= 21 x 0.1 = 2.1
R: Thipohene is a heterocyclic aromatic 1
compound. milli moles of acid= (milli moles of base)
36. A: Refining of petroleum involves fractional 1
distillation. =  2.1=1.05
R: Fractional distillaiton involves repeated moles of acid=1.05  103
distillation. 0.1092
1.05  103 
37. A: Potassium can be used in lassaigne test. mwt.
R: Potassium reacts vigorously. 0.1092
M  3
 104 gmol 1
38. A: During test for nitrogen with Lassaigne extract 19. 1.05  10
0.22 of tyrosin is present in protein=100g;181g
on adding FeCl3 solution sometimes a red of tyrosin is present in protein
precipitate is obtained. 100 181
=  82272.7 g
R: Sulphur is also present. 0.22
39. A: Oils are purified by steam distillation. 108W
20. Molar mass of an acid = n(  107)
R: The compounds which decompose at their x
boiling points can be purified by steam distillation. 108  100
= 1(  107)
40. A: In Duma’s method when an organic compound =180-107=73u
is heated with cupric oxide, ‘N’ is converted to
N2 gas.
21. No.of iron atoms per molecule = 4 108W
Mass of iron per molecule= 4  56  224u Mol. mass = Basicity (  107)
0.35 parts by mass of iron is present in
haemoglobin = 100parts 108  100
= 2(  107)  118.0
224 parts mass of iron is present in haemoglobin 65.06
100  224 Mol.mass 118
=  64000  2
0.35 Empericalmass 59
(or) 6.4  104 gmol 1 Mol. formula= (C2 H 3O2 ) 2  C4 H 6O4
22. In Carius method, Cl is converted into AgCl. 29. 1 mole of NH 3 (17g) will be obtained from 1mole
24. 44.8mL of air displaced by
116 9.9
g of amide =  17  99 g
= 116mg = 1.7
So, 22400mL of air displaced by Mol.wt of amide = 99
116 22400 12  4
  58 g % of C =  100  48.48
= 99
1000 44.8
25. Let the vol. of CH 4 =xml 5 1
% of H =  100  5.05
vol. of C2 H 4 =(10-x)ml 99
14 x 1400 x
Equations for combustion of CH 4 and % of N =  100 
99 99
C2 H 4 respectively are: 16 y 1600 y
(i) CH 4  2O2  CO2  2H 2O % of O =  100 
99 99
xml 2xml xml But % of O = 32.33 (given)
(ii) C2 H 4  3O2  2CO2  2 H 2O 1600 y 32.33  99
(10-x) 3(10-x) 2(10-x)ml = 32.33 or y = 2
99 1600
Vol. after contraction and cooling i.e., Vol. of CO2 Further % 0f N =100-(48.48+5.05+32.33)
produces+ O2 left unused =21ml; 1400 x
But % N = (as calculated above)
Vol. of CO2 produced =21-7=14ml---(iii) 99
1400 x
But from eq. (i) & (ii), total vol. of CO2 produced = 14.14  x =1 thus
=xml+2(10-x)ml---(iv) 99
Equating (iii) & (iv), x+2(10-x)=14 (or) x=6 x : y that is N : O = 1 : 2
Vol. of CH 4 =6ml and C2 H 4 =10-6=4ml 30. Ratio of Co:H:N:O:Cl: NH 3
26. RCONH 2  NaOH  RCOONa  NH 3 22.58 5.79 32.2 12.26 27.17 32.63
= : : : : :
i.e. one mole of amide on reaction with NaOH 58.9 1 14 16 35.5 17
give one mole of ammonia ( NH 3 ) = 0.383 : 5.74 : 2.3: 0.766 : 0.766 :1.94
= 1:15:6:2:2:5
Molecular mass of RCONH 2 is Thus, the complex contains six N-atoms out of
A + 12 + 16 + 14 + 2 = 121 which 5 are present in form of NH 3 .
A + 44 = 121  A = 77 31. % of M in crystalline sulphate
Hence, R group with mol.Wt.(A) is C6 H 5 5  100
Thus acid is C6 H 5COOH =  8.2%
27. Emp.formula is C2 H 3 NS ,acidity of base = 2, % of water = 48.6%(given)
Molecular mass = % of SO4 2  = 100 - (48.6+8.2) = 43.2%
2 1.02  195 8.2 43.2 48.6
(  410)  87 gmol 1 2
X : SO4 : H 2O : :
2 0.4 27 96 18
Molarmass 87 = 0.3:0.45:2.7 = 1:1.5:9 =2:3:18.
 1
Emp.mass 87
28. Emperical formula is C2 H 3O2
2) Vicinal dihalides: In these, the halogen atoms
are attached to adjacent carbon atoms. These are
ALKYL HALIDES: Compounds derived called as alkylene halides.
from hydrocarbons by the replacement of one eg: CH2Cl–CH2Cl CH3–CHCl–CH2Cl
or more hydrogen atoms by the corresponding Ethylene chloride Propylene chloride
number of halogen atoms are known as Alkyl 3) Terminal dihalides:In these, both the
Halides. halogen atoms are attached to terminal carbon
HALOGEN DERIVATIVES OF ALKANES atoms. These are also called    halides or
(OR) HALOALKANES:- polymethylene halides.
 These are derived from the alkanes by the eg : CH2BrCH2CH2Br Trimethylene bromide
replacement of one or more hydrogen atoms by ClCH2CH2CH2CH2Cl Tetramethylene chloride
halogen atoms.  Terminal halides are also called as Poly
methylene halides.
RH R X  Trihalogen derivatives are also called as


Eg:- CHCl3 (Chloroform)
 Depending on number of halogen atoms present
 The general formula of trihalogen derivatives
in the halogen derivative, they are classified as
mono, di, tri and tetra halogen derivatives is Cn H 2 n 1 X 3 .
Eg:- Halogen derivatives of unsaturated
CH H H H H hydrocarbons: Replacement of some

CH 2 X 2



X X  X  X

hydrogen atoms in alkenes or alkynes by some

CLASSIFICATION OF ALKYL HALIDES:- halogen atoms yields these compounds.
Monohalogen derivatives : Monohalogen Vinyl chloride CH2=CH–Cl
derivatives of alkanes are called alkyl halides. Allyl chloride CH2=CH–CH2Cl
 They have the general formula RX, where R is  In vinyl halides halogen atom is bonded to
an alkyl group and X is a halogen atom. vinylic carbon i.e. one of the carbon atoms C=C
eg : CH3Cl, C2H5Br, C3H7I, etc. Eg:- H 2C  CH  Cl
 Alkyl halides are classified as primary,
secondary and tertiary depending on whether Br
the halogen atom is attached to a primary,
secondary and tertiary carbon atom respectively

Dihalogen derivatives:Dihalogen derivatives

of alkanes are derived by the replacement of two
hydrogen atoms by two halogen atoms.  In vinyl halides halogen atom is bonded to sp2
 The dihalogen derivatives are mainly of three carbon.
types.  In halo alkynes halogen atom is attached to one
1) Geminal dihalides: In these, both the halogen of the carbon atoms of C  C .
atoms are attached to the same carbon atom. Eg;- HC  C  Br Bromo ethyne
These are called alkylidene halides.
Cl H 3C  C  C  Cl 1 - Chloro prop 1 yne
eg : CH3 CH  In Allylic halides halogen atom is bonded to
Cl Br Br allylic carbon i.e. sp3 carbon attached to sp2
Ethylidene chloride Isopropylidene bromide carbon.

In Allylic halides also halogen atom is bonded
to sp3 carbon. H 2C  CH  CH  CH 3

H 2C  CH  CH 2  Cl


IUPAC name: 3 chloro prop -1 - ene

Common name: Allyl chloride
 Allylic halides may be 10, 20 or 30.
NOMENCLATURE: In common system
alkyl part is named first followed by the name
of halogen.
Eg:- CH 3  Cl Methyl chloride
CH 3  CH 2  Br Ethyl bromide


S.No. Structure Common name IUPAC name

1 C

H n-Butyl chloride 1-Chlorobutane
2 (CH3)2CHCH2Cl Iso-butyl chloride 1-Chloro-2-methylpropane
3 CH3CH(Cl) CH2CH3 sec-Butyl chloride 2-Chlorobutane
4 (CH3)3CBr tert-Butyl bromide 2-Bromo-2-methylpropane
5 (CH3)3CCH2Br neo-Pentyl bromide 1-Bromo-2,2-dimethylpropane
6 CH2=CHCH2Cl Allyl chloride 3-Chloropropene
7 CH2Cl–CH2Cl Ethylene di chloride 1,2-Dichloroethane
8 CH3–CHCl2 Ethylidene chloride 1,1–Dichloroethane
9 CHCl3 Chloroform Trichloromethane
10 CCl4 Carbontetrachloride Tetrachloromethane
11 CF3CHClBr Halothane 2-Bromo-2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane
12 ortho-Chlorotoluene 1-Chloro-2-methylbenzene
13 Benzyl chloride Chlorophenylmethane
14 Benzal chloride Dichlorophenylmethane

15 sym-Tribromobenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene
Br Br
Preparation methodS of alkyl halides:  Groove’s reaction is nucleophilic substitution
From alcohols: Alkyl halides are prepared from reaction in which the nucleophile i.e halide ion
alcohols by replacing -OH group of alcohols by attacks the protonated alcohol with the expulsion
halogen atom. of H 2O  a good leaving group by the formation
Cn H 2 n 1OH  HX  Cn H 2 n 1 X  HOH of a protonated alcohol.
Alkylhalide 
R  OH  H   R  OH 2

Eg : R  OH  HX  R  X  H 2O
 Alkyl halides can be prepared by treating

alcohols either by R  OH 2  X   R  X  H 2O
1) Hydrogen Halides (HX)
2) Phosphorous Halides  PCl3 , PCl5 

3) Thionyl Chloride  SOCl2 
 The purpose of anhydrous ZnCl2 in Groove’ss
Preparation of alkyl halides by Hydrogen process is to help the cleavage of C-O bond
because anhydrous ZnCl2 is a Lewis acid
 The order of reactivity of halogen acids is
HI  HBr  HCl (Parallel to their acidity  H
C H 3  C H 2  O H  ZnC
 l2
 CH 3  CH 2  O 
order of nucleophilicity I   Br   Cl  ) ZnCl2

 Order of reactivity of alcohols

Cl 
CH 3  CH 2  Cl

 There can be 1,2 hydride or 1,2 methyl shift to

attain a greater stability of carbocation
 The reaction of conc. HCl and anhydrous
ZnCl2 is known as Groove’s process.
R  OH  HCl 
anhyd . ZnCl2
R  Cl  H 2O
 Conc. HCl and anhydrous ZnCl2 is known as
Lucas reagent
 The reaction rates with Lucas reagent for
different types of alcohols follows the order
3o  2o  1o
1o alcohol   No turbidity appears
Lucas Re agent

2o alcohol   turbidity appears with

Lucas Re agent

in 5 min
3o alcohol 
Lucas Re agent
 turbidity appears
 Conc. HCl does not react with 1o alcohols in
presence anhyd. ZnCl2
W.E-1: Find the products in the following  Bromo alkanes are prepared from HBr and
Conc. H 2 SO4
R  OH  HBr  
Conc . H 2 SO4
 R  Br  H 2O
? CH 3  CH  OH  HBr 
H 2 SO4
 CH 3  CH  Br  H 2O

CH 3 CH 3



 HBr is genarated by the action of conc.
H 2 SO4 on KBr
KBr  H 2 SO4  HBr  KHSO4
CH 3  CH 2  OH  HBr 
Conc . H 2 SO4
CH 3  CH 2  Br  H 2O

Preparation of alkyl halides from

phosphorous halides: Chloro alkanes are
prepared by the action of
either PCl3 or PCl5 on alcohols.
3R  OH  PCl3  3R  Cl  H 3 PO3
[Basicity = 2]
R  OH  PCl5  R  Cl  POCl3  HCl
3 CH 3  CH  CH 3  PCl3  3 CH 3  CH  CH 3  H 3 PO3

 Similary bromo alkanes are prepared by the
action of PBr3 on alcohol
P4  6 Br2  4 PBr3
 Normally free radicals do not undergo 3R  OH  PBr3  3R  Br  H 3 PO3
rearrangement Preparation of alkyl chloride from
 Hence neo pentyl chloride from neo pentane is
alcohols using thioNyl chloride  SOCl2  :
obtained by photo chemical free redical
chlorination R  OH  SOCl2 
R  Cl  SO2   HCl
Cl2 
 2Cl .  This method is known as Darzen’s method.
 This is the best method to get good yield of alkyl
CH 3 CH 3
chlorides because the by products are gases


Alkyl bromides and iodides cannot beobtained


CH 3  C  CH 3 Cl CH 3  C  CH 2

H  Cl
by this method because SOBr2 is unstable while
CH 3

CH 3

SOI 2 do not exist.

CH 3
Halogen exchange method: Iodo alkanes
CH 3
can easily be obtained from corresponding

CH 3  C  CH 2 C l2 C H 3  C  C H 2C l Cl  bromoalkanes or chloro alkanes by heating with
CH 3 CH 3
NaI in acetone.

CH 3  CH 2  Br  NaI 
CH 3  CH 2  I  NaBr
 This reaction is called Finkelstein reaction.  This reaction is known as Swart’s reaction
 It is based on the fact that NaBr being  Allylic and Benzylic compounds are both more
lesssoluble than NaI in acetone gets deposited reactive than saturated compounds in radical
as a result equilibrium shifts towards the forward catalysed halogenation.
direction.  N-Bromo succinimide (NBS) is used for
Halogenation of alkanes: bromination generally at allylic and Benzylic
Cn H 2 n  2 
 HX
 Cn H 2 n 1 X
Alkane Alkylhalide
R  H 
 R  X  HX

W.E-2: Which one of the following is the best

condition for the better yield of CH 3Cl during
the chlorination of methane in presence of
CH 4  Cl2  
a) b) CH 4  Cl2 

CH 4  Cl2 
c) d) CH 4  Cl2 

Sol. ' c ' because chlorine free radicals formed will Borodine-Hunsdiecker Reaction:
 This reaction is used to descend series
colloide with excess of CH 4 molecules again
RCOOAg  Br2 
 R  Br  CO2  AgBr
and again to give CH 3Cl as a main product.
 The yield of alkyl halides follows the order
Iodination: Iodination of alkanes is a slow 10  20  30
and reversible process because of formation of
 Yield of alkyl chloride is less than alky
strong reducing agent HI, as a by product which
reduces iodo alkane back to alkane. bromide
 It follows free radical mechanism.
CH 4  I 2  CH 3 I  HI
 
 Hence Iodination is carried out in presence of RCOOAg  Br2  RCOOBr  AgBr
strong oxidising agent like HIO3 (Iodic acid) or RCOOBr  Br .  RCOO .
HIO4 (per iodic acid) or HNO3 , or HgO which RCOO.  R.  CO2
converts HI to I 2 or destroy HI. R.  Br2  RBr  Br .
5 HI  HIO3  3I 2  3H 2O  Iodine forms esters instead of alkyl halide
2 HI  2 HNO3  I 2  2 H 2O  2 NO2  This reaction is known as Birnbaumsimmonini
2HI  HgO  HgI 2  H 2O reaction.

Fluorination: Fluoro alkanes can be obtained 2 RCOOAg  I 2  RCOOR  CO2  2 AgI

either by carrying out the reaction by dilluting Physical properties of alkyl halides:
fluorine with an inert gas like nitrogen or
argon or more conveniently by halogen 1. For the same alkyl group the order of B.P
exchange method using inorganic fluorides is R  I  R  Br  R  Cl  R  F
such as 2. For the same halogens B.P decrease as the size
SbF3 , AgF , Hg 2 F2 , CoF2 etc. of the alkyl part decreases
2C2 H 5 Br  Hg 2 F2  2C2 H 5 F  HgBr2 CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  X  CH 3  CH 2  X  CH 3  X
3. The decreasing order of B.P among the isomeric
Chemical properties: Alkyl halides
alkyl halides is 1o  2o  3o generally gives two types of reactions. They are
* Nucleophilic substitution reactions
* Elimination reactions
Eg. S N2 mechanism: The type of concerted
substitution reaction in which bond breaking and
bond making occur at same time is known as
4. Decreasing order of density among the alkyl
halides will be SN 2 reaction.
RI  RBr  RCl  RF  The reaction of CH 3 Br with CH 3COO  is an
5. For alkyl iodides decreasing order of density
example of SN 2 reaction.
is CH 3  I  CH 3  CH 2  I  CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  I
6. Bond strength of C-X bond follows the order
CH 3  F  CH 3  Cl  CH 3  Br  CH 3  I
7. Order of dipole moment is
CH 3  Cl  CH 3  F  CH 3  Br  CH 3  I
Substrate Nucleophile product leaving
8. Stability of C-X bond decreases as the strength group Kinetics:
of the C-X bond decreases. Thus stability order
of R-X is R  F  R  Cl  R  Br  R  I Rate  K [CH 3 Br ][CH 3COO  ]
9. It is alkyl iodide only decomposes in the
 An SN2 reaction exhibits second order kinetics.
presence of sunlight. Which iodide on standing
That the reaction is bimolecular and both alkyl
becomes violet or brown. 2 RI 
 R  R  I2 halide and nucleophile appear in the rate
Aliphatic nucleophilic substitution equation.
reactions: Replacement of an atom or group Mechansim: The C-Br bond breaks as the C-
by another atom or group is known as O bond forms
substitution reaction
 If the reaction is carried out by a nucleophilie,
then it is known as nucleophilic substitution
 Generally a nucleophilic substituion reaction
is represented as R  L  Nu   R  Nu  L Stereo chemistry of SN2 reaction:
Where L is a leaving group Nu  is a incoming
 Nucleophiles may be neutral or negatively
charged, where as substrate undergoing
nucleophilic substitution may be neutral or
positively charged
Eg: Nu  replaces Br  from the opposite side
CH 3  Cl  CN   CH 3  CN  Cl 
  All SN2reactions proceed with back side attack
CH 3  O H 2  I   CH 3  I  H 2O of nucleophilie, resulting in inversion of
CH 3  OTS  NH 3  CH 3  NH 2  TsOH configuration at a stereogenic centre.
OTS = Tosylate  Inversion of configuration in an SN2 reaction is
It is the best leaving group. called as Walden inversion
W.E-3:Write the product in the following S N2 4. Polar aprotic solvents are especially good for
reaction SN2 reactions.
5. Presence of hetero atom on   carbon in
halides also increases reactivity of substrate for
SN2 reaction, lone pair of electrons present on
hetero atom stabilize the stability of transition
state by resonance.

Sol: Br  is the leaving group and CN  is the nu

cleophile 6. Presence of carbonyl group at   carbon is
one of the most suitable substrate for SN 2
reaction. Electron with drawing groups always
increases the rate of SN2 reaction.

7. Vinyl and aryl halides do not undergo SN2

W.E-4:Which SN2 reaction is faster in each pair.

 Back side attack converts the starting material

which has two group, cis to each other, to a
poduct with two groups trans to each other
because the nucleophile CN  attacks from
below the plane of the ring.
Factors affecting rate of SN2 reactions:
1. As the no. of ‘R’ groups on carbon with leaving
group increases, the rate of SN2 decreases Sol. (i) A  B (ii) A  B (iii) B  A (iv) A  B

Characteristics of SN2 mechanism:

2. A better leaving group increases the rate of SN2

Eg: CH 3  F  CH 3  Cl  CH 3  Br  CH 3  I
3. Since S N 2 involves the substrate and the
nucleophile the rate of reaction depends largely
on the concentration of nucleophile so strong
nucleophiles present in high concentration
favour SN2 reaction.
SN1 reaction: The reaction of  CH 3 3 CBr  Because there is no preference for nucleophilic
attack from either direction, an equal amount

with CH 3COO is an example of S N 1 of two enantiomers are formed i.e. a Racemic
mechansim. Mixture is formed.
 SN1 reactions proceed with racemization at a
single stereogenic center.
W.E-5: Find the major product in the following.
Kinetics: The SN1 reaction exhibits first order
kinetics. Rate  k  CH 3 3 CBr 
Mechanism: SN1 mechanism invloves two
 In this mechanism bond breaking occurs before
bond making.
Step-1 :
Factors affecting rate of SN1 reactions :
1. As the number of R groups on the carbon with
the leaving group increaes, the rate of SN1
reaction increases.

2. A better leaving group increases rate of SN1

Stereo chemistry of SN1 reaction :

3. Since, SN1 reaction is unimolecular, involving

only alkyl halide, so the identity and
concentration of the nucleophile have no effect
on the reaction rate.
4. Polar protic sovents like H 2O , R  OH ,
HCOOH , CH 3COOH are especially good for
 Loss of the leaving group in Step-1 generates a S N1 reaction, because polar protic solvent
planar carbocation that is now achiral. solvate carbocation by ion dipole interaction
 Attack of the nucleophile in Step-2 can ocur and leaving group is solvated by hydrogen
from either side to afford two products B and bonding.
C. These two products are different compounds 5. SN1 reactions are highly favoured if there is a
containing one stereogenic centre. hetero atom at the   carbon, because it highly
stabilise the carbocation.
 B and C are stereo isomers i.e. enantiomers.
W.E-6:Determine the mechanism of nucleophilic
substitution for each reaction and draw the
(a) CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  Br  : C  CH 

6. Vinyl and aryl halides do not undego S N 1 Sol. (a) The alkyl halide is 10 so it must react by an
reactions beause they form highly destabilised SN2 mechanism

Elimination Reactions: Reactions in which

two atoms or groups are removed from a
7. Because of its rigid structure, bridge head C- compound are known as elimination reactions.
atoms cannot assume planarity, hence
heterolysis leading to formation of carbocation  There are two mechanisms for elimination. They
is also prevented. The bridge head C-atoms are are (i) E2 mechanism (ii) E1 mechanism.
resistant towards SN1 and SN2
Ex:  The E2 and E1 mechanisms differ in the timing
of bond cleavage and bond formation.
E2 Mechanism: The type of elimination
reaction which proceed through strong bae

8. Substrate containing carbonyl group on (alc.KOH, C2 H 5O  , NaNH 2 ,  CH 3 3 C  O 

  carbon does not give SN1 reaction because etc is known as elimination reaction.
carbonyl has strong-I power which destabilise  Such reactions occur in one step.
the carbocation intermediate.  In E2 reaction as the stability of transition state
Ex :
increases, rate of reaction increases.
 The most common mechanism for dehydro
halogenation is the E2 mechanism.

Kinetics: An E2 reaction exahibits second

order kinetics. Hence the reaction is bimolecular
and both the alkyl halide and the base appear in
the rate equation.
Rate  K[(CH3 )3 C  Br] OH  
Mechanism:In E2 mechanism all bonds are  E2 reaction is regeoselective which means that
broken and formed in single step. more of one constitutional isomer is formed
than the other.

 E2 reaction is also stereo selective which means

Characteristics of E2 Mechanism:
that More of one stereo isomer is formed than
Characteristic Result the other.
1. Kinetics Second Order Ex:
2. Mechanism One step
3. Identity of R (i) More substituted
halides react fastest
(ii) Rate :
R3CX  R2CHX  RCH 2 X The E1 mechanism: Type of elimination
4. Base Favoured by strong bases reaction,which proceed in two steps,in which
5. Leaving group Better leaving group  faster first step is slow ionisation to form carbocation,
reaction while the second step is fast attack of base to
produce more substi tuted alkene (Saytzeef
6. Solvent Favoured by polar aprotic alkene).
 The dehydrohalogenation of  CH 3 3 CI with
W.E-7: Predict the major products in the following H 2O to form  CH 3 2 C  CH 2 can be used to
explain E1 Mechanism.
E2 reaction

Kinetics: An E1 reaction exhibits first order

Sol. kinetics. Rate  k  CH 3 3 CI 
Mechanism: E1 mechanism is a two step
Step-1 :
Step-2 : Determining whethera Alkyl Halide
reacts by an S N 1 , S N 2 E1 or E2
 30 Alkyl halide + Strong Base  E2 Product
 The E1 and E2 both mechanisms involve the
same number of bonds broken and formed. The Br
CH 3

only difference is the timing.
CH3  C  CH3 OH  CH 3  C  CH 2

 In an E1 reaction the leaving group comes offf
before the   proton is removed and the



reaction occurs in two steps.
 In an E2 reaction, the leaving group comes offf  30Alkyl halide + weak nucleophiles or bases
as the   proton is removed and the reaction  SN1 product + E1 product
occurs in one step.
Characterisitics of E1 Mechanism :
Characteristic Result

1. Kinetics First Order

2. Mechanism Two step
3. Identity of R (i) More substituted
halides react fastest
(ii) Rate :
 10Alkyl halide + Strong nucleophiles or bases
R3CX  R2CHX  RCH 2 X
 SN2 product
4. Base Favoured by weaker bases
like H 2O and ROH CH 3  CH 2  Br  OH  
SN 2
 CH 3  CH 2  OH
5. Leaving group Better leaving group Strong nucleophile
makes the reaction faster.
 10Alkyl halide + Strong Sterically hindered
6. Solvent Favoured by polar aprotic
bases  E2 product
CH 3  CH 2  Br  K  O  (CH 3 )3 C 
 CH 2  CH 2
W.E-8:Which elimination reaction in each pair is
faster.  20Alkyl halide + Strong bases & nucleophiles
 E2 product + SN2 product

Sol. (i) P (ii) Q (iii) P

 20Alkyl halide + Strong sterically hindered
bases  E2 product

For SN1:

 20Alkyl halide + Weak nucleophiles or bases

For E1
 SN1 product + E1 Product

W.E-9:Write the products of the following reaction.

Sol. In this case alkyl halide is 20 and  CH 3O   is  In this reaction, these products are formed:
a strong base and nucleophile, so products of one from an S N 1 reaction and two from E1
both S N 2 and E2 mechanisms are formed. reactions.
W.E-10: Write the products formed in the
following reaction and include the
mechanism showing how each product is

Sol. In this case alkyl halide is 30 and the reagent

 CH 3OH  is a weak base and nucleophile, so
Chemical properties: The reactions of
products of both S N 1 and E1 mechanisms are haloalkanes may be divided into the
formed. following categories
 Both mechanisms begin with the same first step a) Nucleophilic substitution
i.e. loss of the leaving group to form a b) Elimination reactions
carbocation. c) Reaction with metals
 Action of aqueous KOH:Haloalkanes on C2H5NH2 + ClC2H5 
 (C2H5)2NH
treating with boiling aqueous alkali solution give (Secondary amine)
alcohols. (C2H5)2NH + ClC2H5   (C2H5)3N

C2 H 5Cl  CH Ethyl 3  CH 2OH

aq . KOH / NaOH
(Tertiary amine)

 Action of moist silver oxide: Haloalkanes (C2H5)3N + ClC2H5 
 [(C2H5)4N]+ Cl
are hydrolysed to corresponding alcohols by
 Action of NaBr or KI: Alkyl chlorides react
moist silver oxide.
Ag2O + H2O   2AgOH
with sodium or potassium bromide or iodide to
form alkyl bromide or alkyl iodide. The reaction
C2H5Cl + AgOH   C2H5OH + AgCl is conducted with acetone as solvent.
 Action of alcoholic KCN: Haloalkanes on
C2 H 5Cl  Na Br 
 C2 H 5 Br  NaCl
treatment with alcoholic potassium cyanide
solution give alkane nitriles as the major product C2 H 5Cl  KI 
 C2 H 5 I  KCl
with a small amount of isocyanide. KCN is  Action of Sodium ethoxide ( Williamson’s
predominantly ionic
synthesis): Ethers are formed when
 alcoholic   CH 3  CH 2CN  ethyl cyanide 
C2 H 5Cl  KCN
haloalkanes are treated with alcoholic sodium
 Action of AgCN: Alkyl halides react with or potassium alkoxide. This reaction is known
aqueous ethanolic silver cyanide to form alkyl as “Williamson’s synthesis”.
isocyanide as major product with a small amount CH 3  CH 2  ONa
C2 H 5Cl  C2 H 5  O  C 2 H 5
of alkyl cyanide. Silver cyanide is mainly
covalent.  This reaction can also be carried with dry silver
C2 H 5Cl  CHethyl
3  CH 2 NC

iso cyanide
R–X + Ag–O–Ag + X–R 
 R–O–R + 2AgX
 Action of KNO2: Alkyl halides react with
potassium or sodium nitrite to give nitro ethane C2H5Cl+AgOAg+ClC2H5 

as the major product. Dimethyl formamide C2H5–O–C2H5+2AgCl
(DMF) is used as solvent. About 30%  Action of Benzene:[Friedel-Craft’s
ethylnitrite is formed. alkylation]: Alkyl halides react with benzene
C2 H 5Cl   
potassium Nitrite / DMF
KNO2  aqueous ethanolic 
in the presence of anhydrous aluminium halides
(Lewis acids) to form alkyl benzene.
CH 3  CH 2  O  N  O  CH 3  CH 2  NO2
6 6   3
C H  anhy AlCl
Ethyl nitrite(30%) Nitro ethane (70%) C2 H 5Cl   C6 H 5CH 2  CH 3
ethyl benzene
 Action of AgNO 2: On treating ethanolic
solution of halo alkanes with silver nitrite, the  Action of CH3COOAg:Alkyl halides react
major product formed is alkyl nitrite and the with silver acetate in alcoholic solution to form
minor product is nitroalkane. esters.
C2 H 5Cl 
 CH 3  CH 2  NO2  CH 3  CH 2  O  N  O C2 H 5Cl 
 CH3  COOC2 H5
(Minor) (Major) ethyl acetate
Reaction with ammonia: On heating with Reaction with Metals:
aqueous or alcoholic solution of ammonia in a Action of magnesium: Alkyl halides form
sealed tube at 100°C, alkyl halides yield a Grignard reagents when treated with magnesium
mixture of amines and quaternary ammonium
powder in dry ether.
R–X + NH3   R–NH2 + HX R–X + Mg 
 R–Mg–X
C2H5Cl + NH3   C2H5NH2 dry
HCl C2H5Cl + Mg 
 C2H5MgCl
(Primary amine)
 Action of Sodium (Wurtz reaction ): Alkyl CH3  C  CH 2  H 2  CH3  CH – CH3
halides react with sodium in dry ether to give | |
hydrocarbons containing double the number of
(56) (58)
carbon atoms present in the alkyl halide. This Now 56 g of isobutene gives 58 g of isobutane.
reaction is known as Wurtz reaction. 58  7
 7 g of isobutene gives = 7.25 g of
2C2 H5Cl 
CH3CH2CH2CH3  2NaCl
Sodium/ Dryether
 Reduction:Alkanes are formed when alkyl
halides are reduced with nascent hydrogen W.E-12:Predict the product(s) of the reaction.
obtained by Zn and HCl or sodium and alcohol
- +
or lithium aluminium hydride or hydrogen in Br  S Na  
the presence of Nickel or Palladium.
(a) To what functional group classes do the
C2 H 5Cl   CH 3CH 3
Re duction

reactants belong?
(b) Does either reactant have a leaving group?
Elimination reaction; (c) Are any of the reactants acids, bases, nucleo
 Dehydrohalogenation: Ethyl chloride philes, or electrophiles?
undergoes dehydrohalogenation with alcoholic (d)What is the most likely first step for the
KOH and forms alkenes. Alc.KOH acts as reaction? Most common reactions classified
dehydrohalogenating agent. as either protonation – deprotonation reactions
or reactions of a nucleophile with an
C2 H 5Cl  alc . KOH
 CH 2  CH 2 electrophile.
MISCELLANEOUS SOLVED EXAMPLES (e)What are the properties of the species
present in the reaction mixture after this first
W.E-11: A 10 gm mixture of isobutane and step? Is any further reaction likely to occur?
isobutene requires 20 gm of Br2 (in CCl4) for Sol. (a) One reactant is an alkyl halide, the other is a
complete addition. If 10 gm of the mixture is sulfur anion (remember that sodium ions are
catalytically hydrogenated and the entire usually spectator ions, they are to balance charge
alkane is monobrominated in the presence of but not to participate in the reaction).
light at 127ºC, which exclusive product and (b) Yes, the bromine atom in 1-brompropane is
how much of its would be formed? (At. Wt. of a leaving group.
bromine = 80). (c)The sulfur anion is a nucleophile. The alkyl
Sol. isobutane + isobutene halide contains an electrophilic carbon atom.
ag bg (d) No strong acids (pKa < 1) or bases (pKa of
 a + b = 10 g conjugate acid > ~13) are present this reaction
mixture so a protonation-deprotonation reaction
Br is not probable. Reaction of the nucleophilic
CH3  C  CH 2  Br2  CH 3 – C – CH 2 Br ; sulfur atom with the electrophilic carbon atoms
| | is most likely.
 S
 Br H3C
CH3  CH – CH 3  Br2  No addition H3C

CH3 
(56) (80 × 2) S

160 g of Br2 reacts with 56 g of isobutene

(e) All species formed are stable. No further
56  20
 20 g of Br2 reacts with = 7 g of reaction will occur. The complete equation is:
isobutene (b) Br  -
S Na
 H3C  Na+Br
 amount of isobutane is = a = 10 – 7 = 3 g H3C
W.E-13:Treatment of 2-bromobutane with hot W.E-15:A hydrocarbon (A) of molecular weight
alcoholic KOH gives a mixture of three 54 reacts with excess of Br2 in CCl4 to give a
isomeric butenes (A), (B) and (C). Ozonolysis compound (B) whose molecular weight is
of the minor product (A), gives formaldehyde 593% more than that of (A). However on
and another aldehyde in equimolar amounts. catalytic hydrogenation with excess of
Both (B) and (C) gave the same single product hydrogen (A) forms (C) whose molecular
(D) on ozonolysis. What are the structural weight is only 7.4% more than that of (A). (A)
formula of (A), (B), (C) and (D) ? reacts with CH 3CH2Br in the presence of
NaNH2 to give another hydrocarbon (D) which
Sol. CH 3 – CH – CH 2 – CH 3  on ozonolysis yields diketone (E). (E) on
Br oxidation gives propanoic acid. Give structures
of (A) to (E) with reasons.
Alc. KOH
CH3 —CH2 —CH = CH2 (A)
Compound (A) 
Br2 / CCl4
 Compound (B)
(20%) Molecular weight 54 excess
Molecular weight
(593% more than A)
in NaNH2
(D) Molecular weight 7.4% of (A)
Alc. KOH Sol.
CH3—CH=CH—CH3 (Cis & Trans) Diketone (E)
(B and C) (80%) (Major product) (O)

Diketone (E)
CH3 – CH2 – CH = CH2 Zn / H 2 O CH3CH2CHO
100gm of (A) add Br2 and the new weight is 593gm
  54 gm of (A) add Br2 and the new weight is
+ HCHO (B,C) CH3 – CH = CH – CH3 Zn/H2O
593  54
2CH3CHO = 320.2 gm  No. of moles of
Weight 360.2
Br2=  = 2 mole
W.E-14:Alkyl halide are most often prepared from Molecular weight 160
alcohols, rarely by direct halogenation, supply (i) As two moles of Br2 adds hence compound
structure formulas for the alkyl halides has two p bonds hence general formula should
synthesized in the reactions. (CnH2n–2) CnH2n-2 = 54 ; 12n + 2n – 2 = 54;
NaBr, H 2SO4
n = 4  molecular formula = C4H6
(a) CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2OH  
 (ii) (A) reacts with CH3CH2Br in presence of
NaNH2Compound (A) should be terminal
Conc. HCl
(b) (CH3)3COH   alkyne i.e. 1-butyne
room temp.

(c) CH3CH(OH)CH2CH2CH3 PBr3 CH 

 H3C
  CCl 4
H3C (A) Br
PI3 (form P  I2 )
(d) CH3CH2CH2OH   CH3CH2Br Br
in NaNH2 CH3
(e) Me2CHCH2OH  
C 2H5
 H3C
Sol. (a) CH3CH2CH2CHBrCH3 H3C (D)
(b) (CH3)3 CCl O

(c) CH3 – CH – CH2CH2CH3

| H3C C 2H5
(d) CH3CH2CH2I (O)

(e) Me2CHCH2Cl 2CH3CH 2 COOH

W.E-16:How will you bring about the following (g) 1-Chlorobutane to n-octane
conversions in not more than two steps ? CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  CH 2  CH 2  CH 2  CH 2  CH 3  2NaCl
n  oc tan e
(a) Ethene to bromoethene
(b) Propene to 1-nitropropane (h) Bromoethane to cis-hex-3-ene
(c) Propene to propyne 2C 2 H 5 Br + NaC  CNa   CH3 –
bromoethane 2NaBr
(d) Ethanol to ethyl fluoride ethylide
(e) Bromomethane to propanone
 H 2 , Pd
(f) But-1-ene to but-2-ene CH2 – C  C – CH2 – CH3 

(g) 1-chlorobutane to n-octane H H
(h) Bromoethane to cis-hex-3-ene C=C
(i) Benzyl alcohol to phenylethanenitrile CH3CH2 CH2CH3
(j) Benzene to biphenyl
(k) Cyclopentene to cyclopenta-1, 3-diene (i) Benzyl alcohol to phenylethanenitrile
(l) Aniline to phenyl isocyanide CH2OH CH2Cl
Sol. (a) Ethene to bromoethene KCN (alc.)
+ SOCl2 
 

CH2= CH2+Br2(g)  500ºC BrCH = CH2 + HBr heat
ethene bromoethene Benzyl alcohol
(b) Propene to 1-nitropropane
CH3 – CH = CH2 + HBr  peroxide
 CH3 – CH2
AgNO 2 (ethanol) + KCl
– CH2Br 
 AgBr
3 2 2 2
Phenyl ethanenitrile
(c) Propene to propyne (j) Benzene to biphenyl
CH3  CH  CH 2  Br2 

2 2 Cl , FeCl
Na (dry ether)
Cl 

propene  HCl heat

KOH (alc.)
CH3  CH  CH 2 
 CH 3  C  CH
| |
Br Br biphenyl

(d) Ethanol to ethylfluoride (k) Cyclopentene to cyclopenta-1, 3-diene

C 2 H 5 OH  SOCl 2 
 C 2 H5 Cl
ethanol chloroethane Br
+ Br2   KOH (alc.)

AgF, heat
 C2 H5 F  AgCl room temp. 2HBr
fluoroethane cyclopentene
(ethyl fluoride)
(e) Bromomethane to propanone 2
KCN (ethanolic)
CH3 Br  CH3CN 1
bromomethane  KBr Cyclopenta-1, 3-diene

(l) Aniline to phenyl isocyanide
3 2  CH  C  O  NH  Mg(OH)I
3 3
| NH2
+ CHCl3 + 3KOH (alc.) 

(f) But-1-ene to but-2-ene chloroform

CH3  CH 2  CH  CH 2  HBr 
 Aniline
but 1 ene
CH3  CH 2  CH  CH3 
KOH (alc.)

| + 3KCl + 3H2O
Phenyl isocyanide
CH 3  CH  CH  CH 3 (phenyl carbylamine)
but  2  ene
W.E-17:Which compound in each of the following  The C - X bond in aryl halides is shorter and
pairs will react faster in SN2 reaction with HO–? stronger than the C - X bond of alkyl halides.
(a) CH3Br or CH3I  The strength of the C - X bond causes arylhalides
(b) (CH3)3CCl or CH3Cl to react very slowly in reactions in which
(c) CH2 = CHBr or CH2 = CH – CH2Br cleavage of C - X bond is rate determining i.e.
Sol. (a) CH3I will react faster than CH3Br in SN2 nucleophilic substitution.
reaction with OH– because the leaving group I Preparation Methods of Halo Benzene:
is bigger than Br. 1) Direct Halogenation of Benzene: This reaction
(b) CH3Cl will react faster than (CH3)3CCl in is carried out in absence of sunlight but in
SN2 reaction with OH–, because the CH3– group presence of halogen carrier.
is smaller than the (CH3)3C - group. The smaller  This reaction is an electrophilic substitution
group offers less steric hindrance. reaction.
(c) CH2 = CH – CH2Br will react faster than a) Chlorination:
CH2 = CHBr in SN2 reaction with OH–, because

in vinylic halides (CH2 = CHBr), C – Br bond Cl
develops a partial double bond character due to Cl2  A
lC l

 HCl
resonance. This makes C – Br bond stronger and
less polar, and hence breaking of C – Br bond  In this reaction AlCl3 is halogen carrier which
becomes more difficult.
is an electron deficient species, and hence acts
.. – + as Lewis acid.
.. :
CH2 = CH – Br .. :
CH2 – CH = Br
 It is the tendency of halogen carrier that it will
Primary allylic halides may react by both SN1 polarise chlorine molecule to produce
and S N 2 depending upon the nature of electrophile chloronium ion.
nucleophile and the solvent.
Cl  Cl  AlCl3  Cl   AlCl 4 
 Aryl halides are the compounds having halogen

atom directly attached to the sp 2 carbon of

aromatic ring
 They are represented by the general formula  This electrophile attacks the benzene ring giving
Ar-X, where Ar may be phenyl, substituted an arenium ion which is stabilised by resonance.
phenyl or other aromatic system.



Cl Cl  Cl Cl






 Cl
Cl Cl Cl
 In Benzyl halides, the halogen atom is attached Cl

to sp3 carbon which is attached to aromatic ring

 This step is slow step and hence rate determining
CH 2  Cl step.
 In the second step the carbocation looses a
Eg:- proton to the base AlCl4  to give chlorobenzene.




 In aryl halides, halogen atom is bonded to sp2 AlCl4 
carbon while in benzyl halides, halogen atom is
bonded to sp3 carbon.
 On using excess of chlorine then the products  This benzene diazonium chloride when heated
are ortho, para disubstituted benzene. with CuCl / HCl or CuBr / HBr produces
corresponding aryl halide.
Cl Cl Cl

Cl2   3 
A lC l Cl2 , AlCl3
Cl CuCl


N 2 Cl  HCl

b) Bromination: E


Br2  AlC l 3 HBr

 This reaction is known as Sandmeyer’s

c) Iodination: Iodination of benzene is not reaction.
possible because of formation HI. This being
strong reducing agent reduces alkyl iodide back Gattermann Reaction:
to alkane. 
N 2 Cl  Cl


Cu / HCl

 To get iodo benzene strong oxidising agents like Preparation of Chlorobenzene from
HNO3 , HIO3 , HgO etc are used which destroy Phenol:Chlorobenzene can be prepared by the
HI. action of PCl5 on phenol.
d) Fluorination: Direct fluorination of  The yield in this method is very poor because
benzene is not done as this reaction is highly
of side product POCl3 which readily reacts with
explosive and cannot be easily controlled and
hence it is prepared from benzene diazonium phenol to give triphenyl phosphate.
chloride. Raschig Process (Exclusive for Advance):
2) Decarboxylation of Sodium Salt of


Chloro Benzoic Acid:

O2 
2HCl  2H 2 O


NaOH  C
 Na2CO3 Hunsdiecker Method:
C6 H 5COOAg  Cl2  C6 H 5Cl  CO2  AgCl
 The acid salt may be ortho, meta or para
derivative. Physical properties: On going down the
group M.P. and B.P. increases because of
3) From Benzene Diazonium Chloride: increase in size of atoms. Hence, decrease in
 Benzene diazonium chloride is obtained on B.P. follows the order
diazotisation of aniline.
 With the same halogen atom these properties
NaNO2  HCl , 0  50 C
     increase as size of the aryl group increases.
 B.P. of isomeric dihalo benzenes are nearly the

same. But their M.P’s are quite different.

 Generally the M.P. of para isomer is always  Low reactivity of C - Cl bond in chlorobenzene
higher than that of ortho or meta isomer because as compared to alkyl halide can also be
para isomers are more symmetrical and hence explained on the basis of polarity of C - Cl bond.
its molecules are packed closely in the crystal  It is observed that C - Cl bond in chlorobenzene
lattice. This results an increase in intermolecular is less polar than C - Cl bond in alkyl halide.
attractions and finally increase in melting points  This is because in chlorobenzene carbon atom
than the corresponding isomers. is in sp 2 hybridised which is more
 M.P. for isomeric dichloro benzene is in the electronegative than the sp3 hybridised carbon
order of
atom in case of alkyl chloride.
Cl Cl  Therefore, the sp2 hybrid carbon of C - Cl bond
in aryl halides is less willing to release electrons
Cl to the halogen than a sp3 hybrid carbon in alkyl
Cl Nucleophilic substitution reactions of
Cl chloro benzene: It has been observed that



electron withdrawing groups such as

 NO2 groups present at ortho and para positions
Chemical properties: Chlorine of (not at meta position) with respect to halogen
chlorobenzene is inert nucleophile i.e., far less greatly activates the halogen towards nucleo
reactive than halo alkanes towards nucleophilic philic displacement i.e., these groups withdraw
substitution reactions.
electrons from benzene ring as well as carbon
 This is because of lone pair of electrons present
atom of the C - Cl bond.
at chlorine atom will conjugate with  electrons
of benzene ring, as a result some double bond  Also greater the number of such groups at ortho
character is developed between the C - Cl bond and para positions, more reactive is the halo
and hence this bond becomes shorter and arene.
stronger. Examples:
 This can be explained on the basis of following
resonance structures. Cl OH

Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl

3600 C

 Stronger C - Cl bond in chlorobenzene as Cl OH

compared to alkyl chloride can also be explained
on the basis of hybridisation.

 In chlorobenzene carbon atom bearing chlorine 

1600 C

is sp2 hybridised whereas in alkyl chloride it is x
in sp3 hybridised state.
 Since sp2 hybrid orbital is smaller in size as NO2 NO2
compared to sp3 hybrid orbital, therefore, C-Cl
bond in chlorobenzene should be shorter and
hence stronger than alkyl halide. Cl OH


 NaOH
 
96 0 C


Other reactions of Chloro Benzene:
1. Halogenation

O2 N NO2 O2 N NO2
Cl Cl Cl

FeCl3 dark
NO2 NO2 +Cl2    +

m p
n l




W.E-18:Which of the following does not give white 2. Nitration

precipitate with acidified AgNO3 solution. Cl Cl Cl
H 2SO 4
Cl +HNO3 60

3. Sulphonation NO2
b) CH 2  CH  Cl
Cl Cl Cl
c) CH 2  CH  CH 2  Cl d) both a and b. Δ
+H2SO4  +
Sol. ‘d’. In ‘c’ chlorine containing carbon atom is in
hybridised state and it is more polar and also
s p

it easily gives AgCl precipitate. In case of ‘a’ 4. Friedel Crafts Reactions
and ‘b’ there is double bond character between (a) Alkylation
C - Cl bond and carbon bearing chlorine atom
is in sp2 hybridised state i.e., C-Cl bond is Cl Cl Cl
stronger bond and hence chlorine cannot be anhyd. R
easily replaced. +R – X AlCl
3 +

W.E-19:Arrange the following in decreasing order (b) Acylation R

of their reactivity towards nucleophilic Cl
Cl Cl +CH3COCl or CH 3 C  O  C CH 3 anhyd. AlCl
  3 
Cl Δ
Cl Cl || ||

Cl O Cl
NO2 NO2 NO2 C – CH3
(I ) ( II ) ( III ) +
( IV ) (V )
Sol. V > IV > III > II > I. More electron withdrawing C=O
groups at ortho and para positions, chlorine can CH3
easily be replaced by nucleophile.Resonance
effect is not observed at meta position. (c) Benzoylation
Reaction with NaOH (Dow’s process):
Cl OH + C6H5COCl or C6H5 – C – O – C – C6H5 

2 NaOH  360
   dil
. HCl
Cl O Cl

C – C6H5

 This reaction proceeds by the formation of

benzyne intermediate. C6H5
III. Miscellaneous Reactions  Through inductive effect, chlorine destabilises
the intermediate carbocation formed during the
(a) Fittig Reaction electrophilic substitution.
 Through resonance, halogen tends to stabilise
Cl + 2Na 
dry ether
2 + 2NaCl
the carbocation.
(b) Wurtz-Fittig Reaction Cl Cl
Cl + R–Cl + 2Na 
dry ether
R +2NaCl
+E E

Here side products like R – R and

W.E-21: How will you prepare m-bromo iodo
are also formed. benzene from benzene.
W.E-20:Which one of the following structure of NO 2 NO2
C7 H 7 Cl has weakest C - Cl bond. Sol. 
2 Br
H 2SO4 Fe
Cl Br
CH 2  Cl Cl Cl

NH2 N2Cl


Sn /HCl
 
2 
CH 3 Br Br
CH 3
Cl I
Cl Cl


CH 3
CH 3 W.E-21:Identify the compounds A to D
(A)   p-nitroToluene
Nitric Acid
Sol. ‘a’ Sulphuric Acid
 Just as in chlorobenzene C - Cl bond in ortho, (D)
meta and para chloro toulene has double bond 
Sn / HCl
(B) 
NaNO 2
(C)   p-flouro

HCl, 0 5 C 
character due to resonance. Whereas in benzyl toluene
chloride the C - Cl bond is pure single covalent Sol. A= Toulene, B = p-toluidine, C = p-toluene
bond . diazonium chloride, D = HBF4
 Thus out of four isomers the C - Cl bond is
weakest in benzyl chloride. W.E-22: Which of the following derivatives of
Electrophilic substitution reactions of benzene would undergo hydrolysis most
Halo Benzene: Halo benzene undergoes readily with aq. KOH
Cl Cl
usual electrophilic substitution reactions.
 Halogen atom being deactivating in nature, but O2N NO 2

activates the benzene ring by increasing electron

(A) (B)
density at ortho and para position.
 Therefore, during the electrophilic substitution NO 2 NO 2
reaction, electrophile will occupy ortho and para Cl
 As halogen atom in halo benzene has -I effect NO 2

hence its electrophilic substitution reactions (C) (D)

occur slowly under more drastic conditions as NO 2
compared to benzene. NO 2 H3C CH3
 Chlorine withdraws electrons through inductive Sol. B. – NO group increases reactivity because of
effect and releases electrons through resonance. –R and –I effect.
W.E-23:When all cis isomers of C6H6 Cl6 (1,2,3,4,5,6- 8. In the preparation of alkyl halide from alkene
Hexachlorocyclohexane) is heated with alc. KOH, and halogen which of the following reaction
the most probable product is is involved
1) Electrophilic addition 2) Nucleophilic addition
3) Electrophilic substitution
Cl 4) Nucleophilic substitution
(A) (B) 9. In the preparation of alkyl halide from alkane
and halogen which of the following reaction
Cl Cl Cl is involved
1) Free radical substitution
Cl 2) Nucleophilic addition
3) Electrophilic substitution
4) Nucleophilic substitution
(C) (D) Properties:-
10. Grignard reagent is formed when alkyl halide
reacts with which one of the following
1) Mg in alcohol 2) Mg in acid
Sol. B. It is an example of E2 elimination. 3) Mg in dry ether 4) MgO
11. When alkyl halide reacts with moist Ag 2O
C.U.Q gives
1) alcohol 2) ether 3) alkane 4) alkene
INTRODUCTION 12. Alkyl halide on reduction with Zn + HCl gives
1. Which of the following is 10 alkyl halide 1) alcohol 2) alkene 3) alkane 4) ether
1) R  CH 2  X 2) R2CHX 13. Isocyanide is formed as the major product
of the reaction when alkyl halide is treated
3) R3C  X 4) R – H with one of the following
2. 2o halide among the following 1) AgNO2 2) KNO2 3) AgCN 4) KCN
1) isopropyl chloride 2) isobutyl chloride 14. Which of the reactions are most common in
3) n-propyl chloride 4) n-butyl chloride alkyl halides
3. Ethylidene bromide is 1) Nucleophilic addition
1) CH 3CH 2 Br 2) Br  CH 2  CH 2  Br 2) Electrophilic addition
3) CH 3  CHBr2 4) CH 2  CHBr 3) Nucleophilic substitution
4) Electrophilic substittuion
4. Which of the following is gemdihalide? 15. Treatment of ammonia with excess of ethyl
1) CH3CHBrCH2Br 2) CH3CHBr2 chloride will yield
3) CH3CHBrCH2CH2Br 4) BrCH2CH2Br 1) Diethyl amine 2) Ethane
5. Vicinal dihalide is 3) Tetra ethyl ammonium chloride
1) CH 3CH 2 Br 2) Br  CH 2  CH 2  Br 4) methyl amine
3) CH 3  CHBr2 4) CH 2  CHBr 16. In chloro ethane the carbon bearing halogen
is bonded to -------hydrogens and nature of
ALKYL & ARYL HALIDES alkyl halide is
Preparation:- 1) three, primary 2) two, secondary
6. The reagent used to get alkyl halide from 3) one, tertiary 4) two, primary
alcohol Uses:
1) PCl5 2) SOCl2 3) both 1 & 2 4) Cl2 17. Which of the following alkyl halide is used
7. For the preparation of alkyl halides from as a ethylating agent?
alcohols which among the following cannot 1) CH3I 2) C2H5Cl 3) C2H4Br2 4) C2H5OH
be used 18. Which of the following is used as refrigerant?
1) CH3COCH3 2) CCl4
1) PCl5 2) SOCl2 3) PCl3 4) NaCl 3) C H Cl 4) CF
2 5 4
19. Ethyl chloride is not useful in preparing 29. The raw material for raschig process is
1) PVC 2) TEL 1) chloro benzene 2) phenol
3) Grignard reagent 4) Diethyl ether 3) benzene 4) anisol
30. Chloro benzene on treatment with sodium in
SN1 and SN2 Reactions dry ether gives diphenyl. The name of the
20. SN 1 reaction occurs through the reaction is
intermediate formation of 1) Fittig reaction 2) Wurtz fittig reaction
1) carbocation 2) carbanion 3) Wurtz reaction 4) Sandmeyer reaction
3) free radicals 4) transition 31. An organic compound which produces a
21. The rate of SN 2 reaction is maximum when bluish green coloured flame on heating in the
presence of copper is
the solvent is
1) chloro benzene 2) benzaldehyde
1) Methyl alcohol 2) Water 3) aniline 4) benzoic acid
3) Dimethyl sulphoxide 4) Benzene 32. The raw materials for the commercial
22. The most reactive nucleophile among the manufacture of DDT are
following is 1) chloro benzene and chloroform
1) CH 3O  2) C6 H 5O  2) chloro benzene and chloro methane
3) chloro benzene and chloral
3)  CH 3 2 CHO  4)  CH 3 3 CO  4) chloro benzene and iodoform
23. The correct order of reactivity towards POLY HALOGEN COMPOUNDS
nucleophilic substitution reaction is 33. Iodoform is used as
1) CH 3 F  CH 3Cl  CH 3 Br  CH 3 I 1) anaesthetic 2) antiseptic
3) analgesic 4) anti febrin
2) CH 3 I  CH 3 Br  CH 3Cl  CH 3 F 34. The following is used in paint removing
3) CH 3 I  CH 3Cl  CH 3 Br  CH 3 F 1) CHCl3 2) CH 2Cl2 3) CCl4 4) C H 3 C l
4) CH 3 I  CH 3 Br  CH 3 F  CH 3Cl 35. In fire extinguishers, following is used
1) CHCl3 2) CS 2 3) CCl4 4) CH 2Cl2
24. In SN 2 reactions the order of reactivity of the
36. The following is used for metal cleaning and
halides. CH 3 X , C2 H 5 X , n  C3 H 7 X , n  C4 H 9 X is finishing
1) CH 3 X  C2 H 5 X  n  C3 H 7 X  n  C4 H 9 X 1) CHCl3 2) CHI 3 3) CH 2Cl2 4) C6 H 6
2) C2 H 5 X  n  C3 H 7 X  n  C4 H 9 X  CH 3 X 37. First chlorinated insecticide
3) C2 H 5 X  n  C3 H 7 X  n  C4 H 9 X  CH 3 X 1) DDT 2) Gammaxene 3) Iodoform 4) Freon
4) n  C4 H 9 X  n  C3 H 7 X  C2 H 5 X  CH 3 X 38. The following is used as anaesthetic
25. SN 2 mechanism proceeds through the 1) C2 H 4 2) CHCl3 3) CH 2Cl2 4) DDT
formation of a 39. Freon - 12 is
1) carbocation 2) transition state 1) CF3Cl 2) CHCl2 F 3) CF2Cl2 4) CFCl3
3) free radical 4) carbanion 40. The name of DDT
ALKYL & ARYL HALIDES 1) p, p’- dichloro diphenyl trichloro ethane
2) p, p’- dichloro diphenyl trichloro ethene
26. In Dow’s process the starting raw material 3) p, p’- dichloro diphenyl trichloro benzene
is 4) p, p’- tetra chloro ethane
1) Phenol 2) Chloro benzene 41. Freon R - 22 is
3) Aniline 4) Diazobenzene
27. Chloro benzene is prepared commercially by 1) CHClF2 2) CCl2 F2 3) CH 3Cl 4) CH 2Cl2
1) Dow’s process 2) Decon’s process 42. Molecular formula of DDT has
3) Raschig process 4) Etard’s process 1) 5 Cl atoms 2) 4 Cl atoms
28. Chloro benzene is ........ reactive than benzene 3) 3 Cl atoms 4) 2 Cl atoms
towards electrophilic substitution and directs 43. What is DDT among the following
incoming electrophile to the ....... position. 1) Green house gas 2) A fertilizer
1) more, ortho & para 2) less, ortho & para 3) Bio degradable pollutant
3) more, meta 4) less, meta 4) Non - Bio degradable pollutant
C.U.Q - KEY Physical properties:-
8. Which one of the following has the lowest
1) 1 2) 1 3) 3 4) 2 5) 2 6) 3 7) 4
boiling point ?
8) 1 9) 1 10) 3 11) 1 12) 3 13) 3 14) 3
1) CH 3Cl 2) C2 H 5Cl 3) C2 H 5 Br 4) C2 H 5 I
15) 3 16) 4 17) 2 18) 3 19) 1 20) 1 21) 3
Chemical properties:-
22) 1 23) 2 24) 1 25) 2 26) 2 27) 3 28) 2 9. Chloroethane is reacted with alcoholic
29) 3 30) 1 31) 1 32) 3 33) 2 34) 2 35) 3 potassium hydroxide. The product formed is
36) 3 37) 1 38) 2 39) 3 40) 1 41) 1 42) 1 1) C2H6O 2) C2H6 3) C2H4 4) C2H4O
10. What is X in the following reaction?
43) 4
C2 H 5Cl  X  C2 H 5OH  KCl
LEVEL-I (C.W) 1) KHCO3 2) alc. KOH 3) aq. KOH 4) K 2CO3
11. Which of the following acids will give
INTRODUCTION maximum yield of alkyl chloride in Huns
diecker reaction
1. The IUPAC name of (CH3)2CHCH2Br is
1) 1-bromo-2-methylpropane 1) CH 3CH 2CH 2COOH 2)  CH 3 2 CHCOOH
2) 2-bromo-2-methylpropane 3)  CH 3 3 CCOOH 4) C6 H 5CH  CH 3  COOH
3) 1-bromo-1-methylpropane 12. In the reaction sequence
4) 2-bromo-1-methylpropane
2. IUPAC name of allyl chloride is C 2 H 5 C l  K C N  C 
2 H 5O H
 X
1) 1-chloro ethane 2) 3-chloro-1-propyne what is the molecular formula of X is
3) 3-chloro-1-propene 4) 1-chloropropene 1) C H CN 2) C2H5NC 3) C2 H5OH 4) C2 H 8O
2 5
13. Ethyl chloride on heating with silver cyanide
3. IUPAC name of forms a compound X. The functional isomer
of X is
1) 2-bromo-3-methyl pentane 1) C2H5NC 2) C2H5CN
2) 2-bromo-3,3-dimethyl butane 3) H3C-NH-CH3 4) C2H5NH2
3) 4-bromo-3,3-dimethyl butane 14. With Zn-Cu couple and C 2H5OH, ethyl
4) 2-bromo-3,3-dimethyl pentane Iodide reacts to give
ALKYL & ARYL HALIDES 1) ethers 2) diethyl ether
Preparation:- 3) Iodoform 4) Ethane
15. In the dehydrohalogenation of ethyl chloride
4. C2H5OH  PCl5
 X. In this reaction 'X' is the following change occurs.
1) Ethanol 2) Ethylene chloride 1) sp2 carbon converts to sp3 carbon
3) ethylidene chloride 4) ethyl chloride 2) sp2 carbon converts to sp carbon
5. Thionyl chloride is preferred in the 3) sp3 carbon converts sp carbon
preparation of chloro compound from 4) sp3 carbon converts to sp2 carbon
alcohol since SN1 and SN2 Reactions
1) Both the byproducts are gases and they escape 16. The reaction
out leaving product in pure state
2) It is a chlorinating agent C2 H 5Cl  OH   C2 H 5OH  Cl  is
3) It is a oxidising agent 1) S N 1 2) S N 2 3) S E 1 4) S E 2
4) All other reagent are unstable 17. (R)-2 octyl tosylate is solvolyzed in water
6. The only alkene which gives primary alkyl
halides on hydrohalogenation under ideal S N 1 conditions. The product (s)
1) C2 H 4 2) C3 H 6 3) C4 H 8 4) C5 H10
1) R-2-octanol and S-2-octanol in a 1:1 ratio
7. -OH cannot be replaced by -Cl if we use 2) R-2-octanol and S-2-octanol in 1.5:1 ratio
1) PCl5 2) PCl3 3) S2Cl2 4) SOCl2 3) R-2-octanol only 4) S-2-octanol only
18. The absolute configuration of a molecule 28. The following is an example of Sandmeyer
changes during the reaction reaction
1) S N 1 2) S N 2 1) C6 H 5 N 2  Cl  
CuCl / HCl
 C6 H 5Cl
3) free radical substitution 4) S E 2 H2O/ 
2) C6 H5 N2Cl   C6 H5OH
19. For a nucleophillic substitution reaction the
rate was found in the order RI > RBr > RCl 3) C 6 H 5 N 2  C l   H 
B F4
 C6H 5F
> RF then the reaction could be
1) S N 1 Only 2) S N 2 Only 4) C6 H 5 N 2  Cl  
KI / warm
 C6 H 5 I
3) Either S N 1 or S N 2 4) Neither S N 1 nor S N 2 Properties of haloarenes
20. S N 2 reaction leads to 29. Chlorobenzene on reaction with CH 3Cl in
1) inversion of configuration presence of AlCl3 gives
2) retention of configuration 1) toulene 2) m-chloro toulene
3) partial racemisation 4) no racemisation 3) only o-chloro toulene
21. Which of thefollowing alkyl halide is 4) mixture of o- and p-chlorotoulene
hydrolysed by S N 1 mechanism 30. 2C6 H 5Cl  2 Na  X , X is
1) CH 3Cl 2) CH 3  CH 2  Cl 1) toulene 2) biphenyl
3) CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  Cl 4) CH3 3 C Cl
3) phenyl ethane 4)1-chloro-2-phenyl ethane
31. Chlorobenzene on fusing with solid NaOH
Nomenclature and natureof C-X bond gives
22. C-Cl bond of chlorobenzene in comparision 1) benzene 2) benzoic acid
to C-Cl bond of methyl chloride is 3) phenol 4) benzene chloride
1) Longer and weaker 2) Shorter and weaker 32. Chlorobenzene on nitration gives major
3) Shorter and stronger 4) Longer and stronger product of
1) 1-chloro - 4 - nitro benzene
2) 1- chloro - 3 nitro benzene
23. IUPAC name of is 3) 1, 4 - dinitro benzene
4) 2, 4, 6 - tri nitro benzene
1) 1, 2 - dichloro benzene 2) m-dichloro benzene 33. The reaction
3) 1, 6- dichloro benzene 4) o- dichloro benzene C6 H 5 I  2 Na  CH 3 I  C6 H 5CH 3  2 NaI is
24. In aryl halides carbon atom holding halogen 1) Wurtz reaction 2) Fittig reaction
is 3) Wurtz - Fittig reaction 4) Sandmeyer reaction
1) sp 2 hybridised 2) sp hybridised
3 3
3) sp hybridised 4) sp d hybridised 1) 1 2) 3 3) 4 4) 4 5) 1 6) 1 7) 3
25. The following is aryl alkyl halide
1) o-chloro toulene 2) o-bromo chloro benzene 8) 1 9) 3 10) 3 11) 1 12) 1 13) 2 14) 4
3) 1-chloro - 2-phenyl ethane 4) toulene 15) 4 16) 2 17) 1 18) 2 19) 3 20) 1 21) 4
Preparation of haloarenes 22) 3 23) 1 24) 1 25) 3 26) 2 27) 1 28) 1
26. Chloro benzene can be prepared by reacting 29) 4 30)2 31) 3 32) 1 33) 3
benzene diazonium chloride with
1) HCl 2) Cu2Cl2 / HCl LEVEL-I (C.W) - HINTS
3) Cl2 / AlCl3 4) HNO2 CH 3  CH  CH 2  Br
27. , X is CH 3
1-bromo 2-methyl propane
1) chlorobenzene 2) m-dichloro benzene
2. Allyl chloride is CH 2  CH  CH 2Cl
3) benzene hexachloride 4) p- dichlorobenzene
4. C2 H 5  OH  PCl5 
C2 H 5  Cl  POCl3  HCl Halogen is attached to carbon present on
5. Both byproducts are gases. aromatic ring.
6. C2 H 4  HCl  C2 H 5  Cl 26. C H N Cl

Cu Cl
 C6 H 5Cl  N 2
2 2
6 5 2

7. R  OH  S2Cl2  No reaction 27. C6 H 6  Cl2 

 C6 H 5Cl  HCl

8. Order of B.P.’s : 28. Sandmeyer reaction

 
R - F < R - Cl < R - Br < R - I is C6 H 5 N 2 Cl 
CuCl / HCl or
 C6 H 5Cl  N 2
Cu Cl
If M.wt. increases, molecular attractions also 2 2

increases 29. Cl group on benzene is ortho, para directing

group hence gives mixture of O-and P-chloro
9. C2 H 5Cl alc . KOH
 C2 H 4  HCl toulene
10. C2 H 5  Cl  KOH  C2 H 5  OH  KCl 30. Fittig reaction
aqueous 31. C6 H 5Cl  NaOH  C6 H 5OH  NaCl
C H  OH 32. Cl group on benzene is ortho, para directing
12. C2 H 5  Cl  KCN 
2 5
 C2 H 5  CN  KCl
group and major product is para product.
13. Functional Isomer of - Isocyanide is -cyanide 33. It is Wurtz-Fittig reaction
14. C2H5  I  2H  ZnCu, C2H5 OH
C2H6  HI
C2 H 5  Cl 
 C2 H 4  HCl
alc . KOH

1. The number of structural isomers possible

  with the formula C4H9Cl are
1) 5 2) 4 3) 3 4) 2
SP 3 SP 2 2. Density is highest for
16. rate   CH 3Cl   OH   SN 2

1) CH 3Cl 2) CH 2Cl2 3) CHCl3 4) CCl4
18. In S N 2 mechanism nucleophile attacks from ALKYL & ARYL HALIDES
backside. 3. In the preparation of ethyl chloride from
19. In both SN 1 & SN 2 rate order for different ethyl alcohol with thionyl chloride is carried
in the presence of pyridine, here pyridine is
halides is RI  RBr  RCl  RF used because
20. In S N 2 mechanism nucleophile attacks from 1) Facilitates the reaction
backside. 2) C2H5OH is soluble in pyridine
3) Pyridine absorbs HCl 4) Pyridine absorbs SO2
21. 3o alkyl halide is hydrolysed by S N 1 mechanism
4. In the hydrohalogenation of ethylene for
22. C-Cl bond lenth of chlorobenzene is shorter than adding HCl, the catalyst used is
that in alkyl halide & so bond energy is more in 1) Anhydrous AlCl3 2) Conc. Sulphuric acid
chlorobenzene 3) Dilute Sulphuric acid 4) Anhydrous ZnCl2
5. Ethyl bromide on boiling with alcoholic
solutions of sodium hydroxide forms
1) ethane 2) ethylene
23. 3) ethyl alcohol 4) all of these
6. Following major compound is formed when
24. In aromatic (or) aryl halide, halogen is attached ethyl chloride reacts with silver nitrite
1) Nitro ethane 2) Ethyl nitrite
to sp 2 carbon 3) Ethylene 4) Acetaldehyde
7. Which of the following represents 17. The order of reactivity of various alkyl
Williamson's synthesis halides towards S N 1 reaction is
1) CH3COOH + PCl3  1) 30  20  10 2) 10  20  30 3) 3  20  10 4) 10  30  20
2) CH3-CH2-Cl+CH3COOH  18. ‘Achiral’ molecule among the following is
1) Propan-2-ol 2) butan-2-ol
3) CH3—CH2—ONa+CH3—CH2—Cl  3) 2-chlorobutane 4) 2-bromopropanoic acid
4) CH3—CH2—OH + Na  LEVEL-I (H.W) - KEY
8. What is the product of the following reaction 1) 2 2) 4 3) 3 4) 1 5) 2 6) 2 7) 3
Cl Br
+KCN  ? 8) 1 9) 1 10) 2 11) 2 12) 3 13) 2 14) 2
Cl CN Cl Br 15) 1 16) 3 17) 1 18) 1
1) 2)
3) 4) C
9. The reaction of alkyl halide with benzene in Cl C
C C C
presence of anhydrous AlCl 3 gives alkyl 1. C C C C Cl ; | |
benzene the reaction is known as C C C C C  C  C  Cl
1) Friedel-craft's reaction 2) Carbylamine reaction
3) Gattermann reaction 4) Wurtz reaction 2. As molecular weight increases density increases.
10. Which of the following can give a grignard
reagent when reacted with magnesium in dry
ether ?
1) C2 H 6 2) C2 H 5Cl 3) C2 H 5OH 4) C2 H 5CN 3.
11. A Grignard's reagent reacts with water to
1) ether 2) alkanes 3) amine 4) Alcohol 4. AlCl3 Ionises HCl
 
12. C2H5Cl + Mg —> C2H5 MgCl in this reaction C2 H 5  Br    C2 H 4  HBr
NaOH , alc .
the solvent is
1) C2H5OH 2) Water 3) Dry ether 4) Acetone 6. C2 H5  Cl  KNO2 
C2 H5  NO2  KCl
13. R  X  NaI dry acetone
 R  I  NaX . The re- CH 3  CH 2  ONa  CH 3  CH 2  Cl 
action is known as 7.
C2 H 5  O  C2 H 5  NaCl
1) Swarts reaction 2) Finkelstein reaction
3) Wurtz-Fittig reaction 4) Friedel-Craft’s reaction 8. Order of reactivity C-I>C-Br>C-Cl>C-F

SN1 and SN2 Reactions

14. S N 1 reaction is favoured by
1) Non-polar solvents 9.
2) Bulky group on the carbon atom attached to
the halogen atom
10 & 12. C2 H 5  Cl  Mg   C2 H 5  MgCl
Dry ether
3) Small groups on the carbon atom attached to  Grignard's reagent 
halogen atom 4) All the above 11. RMgX  H 2O  R  H
15. Which of the following is not stereospecific
14. S N 1 reaction is favoured by bulky group
1) S N 1 2) S N 2 3) E2
on the carbon attached to the halogen atom
4) Addition of Br2 to ethylene in CCl4 15. S N 1 is not stereo specific
16. Which of the following factors does not
16. S N 1 mechanism is not favoured by
favour S N 1 mechanism concentration of nucleophile
1) Strong base 2) Polar solvent 17. Order of reactivity of various alkylhalides
3) Low conc. of nucleophile 4) 30 halide towards S N 1 reaction is 3o  2o  1o
LEVEL-II (C.W) 9. + SOCl2  X . X is

1. Isomerism shown by 2,3-dichlorobutane is
1) diastereomerism 2) optical isomerism 1) 2)
3) geometric isomerism 4) structural isomerism
2. The number of possible monochloro Cl
structural isomers formed on 3) 4)
monocholrination of  CH 3 2 CHCH 2CH 3 is
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5 Chemical properties:-
3. Among the isomeric alkanes of molecular 10. Among the following, the compound with
highest density is
formula C5 H12 , which gives four isomeric
1) n  C3 H 7Cl 2) n  C3 H 7 Br
monochlorides on photochemical
chlorination is 3) n  C3 H 7 I 4) CHCl3
1) neo pentane 2) n-pentane 11. C2 H 5Cl  AgOH  A  AgCl .
3) iso pentane 4) 2-methyl propane
4. Secondary alkyl halide among the following A  CH 3COCl  C  HCl. “C” is
is 1) Ethyl acetate 2) Methyl acetate
1) 2-bromo-3-methyl butane 3) butanone - 2 4) propanone
2) 1-bromo-3-methyl butane 12. The compound(B) in the below reaction is:
H 3O 
3) 2-bromo-2-methyl butane C2 H 5Cl KCN
 A  B
4) 1-bromo-2-methyl butane 1) ethylene chloride 2) acetic acid
ALKYL & ARYL HALIDES 3) propionic acid 4) ethyl cyanide
Preperation:- 13. Chloro ethane reacts with X to form diethyl
ether. What is X ?
R  Cl  NaI acetone
 R  I  NaCl 1) NaOH 2) H 2 SO4 3) C2 H 5ONa 4) Na2S2O3
This reaction is
1) Wurtz reaction 2) Fittig reaction 14. 1-chlorobutane on reaction with alcoholic
3) Finkelstein reaction 4) Frankland reaction potash gives
1) 1-butene 2) 1-butanol
6. C2 H 5OH  SOCl2  Pyridine
x  y  z in this 3) 1-butyne 4) 2-butanol
reaction x, y and z respectively are S 1 and S 2 reactions
1) C2 H 4Cl2 , SO2 , HCl 2) C2 H 5Cl , SO2 , HCl 15. Which of the following is correct order of
3) C2 H 5Cl , SOCl , HCl 4) C2 H 4 , SO2 , Cl2
1) Vinyl chloride > Allyl chloride > Propylchloride
7. 2-methyl butane on reaction with Br2 in the 2) Propylchloride > Vinyl chloride > Allyl chloride
3) Allyl chloride > Propylchloride > Vinyl chloride
presence of sunlight gives mainly
4) Allyl chloride < Vinyl chloride > Propylchloride
1) 1-bromo-3-methyl butane
16. Addition of ethanol to the aqueous hydrolysis
2) 2-bromo-3-methyl butane of benzyl chloride does not increase the rate
3) 2-bromo-2methyl-butane of the hydrolysis but changes only the
4) 1-bromo-2methyl butane composition of the final products. This
8. In Hunsdiecker reaction indicates that the reaction is proceeding
1) number of carbon atoms decrease through
2) number of carbon atoms increase
1) S N 1 mechanism 2) S N 2 mechanism
3) number of carbon atoms remains same
4) carboxylic acid is formed 3) S E 1 mechanism 4) S E 2 mechanism
17. The correct order of decreasing S N 2 Properties of haloarenes:-
reactivity (AIEEE-2007) 21. The correct order of increasing boiling points
1) RCH 2 X  R2CHX  R3CX 1) bromomethane < bromoform <
chloromethane < dibromomethane
2) RCH 2 X  R3CX  R2CHX
2) bromoform<dibromomethane<chloroform
3) R2CHX  R3CX  RCH 2 X < chloromethane
3) chloroform < bromoform < chloromethane
4) R3CX  R2CHX  RCH 2 X < dibromomethane
Preparation of haloarenes:- 4) chloromethane < bromomethane <
dibromomethane < bromoform
18. Direct iodination of benzene is not possible
because 22. Aryl halides are less reactive towards
nucleophilic substitution reactions as
1) iodine is oxidising agent compared to alkyl halides due to
2) the product C6 H 5 I is reduced to C6 H 6 by HI 1) the formation of less stable carbonium ion
3) HI is unstable 4) ring is deactivated 2) resonance stabilisation
3) inductive effect
19. On treatment of toulene with Cl2 in presence
4) larger carbon halogen bond
of Fe, dark the product formed is (AIEEE 2007)
23. Replacement of Cl of chloro benzene to give
1) o- and p-chloro toulene phenol requires drastic conditions but Cl of
2) benzyl chloride 2, 4, 6 - trinitro chloro benzene is readily
3) m-chloro toulene 4) only p-chloro toulene replaced because
20. The major mono halo product in the reaction 1) NO2 makes ring electrons rich at ortho and
para positions
is X. 
Br2 , heat or
X . 2) NO2 with draws electrons from meta
Identify the product X.
3) NO2 donates electrons at meta position
4) NO2 withdraws electrons from ortho, para
1) positions
24. Chloro atom in chlorobenzene is ortho para
director because
1) resonance effect predominates over inductive
2) 2) inductive effect predominates over resonance
3) both inductive effect and resonance effect are
evenly matched
3) 4) only resonance effect operates
25. When aryl halides are treated with sodium
in dry ether, it gives a product in which two
aryl groups are joined together. This reaction
is called
4) 1) Wurtz’s reaction 2) Fittig reaction
3) Wurtz-Fittig reaction 4) Swarts reaction
33. Assertion (A) : Ethyl chloride with
26. . aq.ethanolic AgCN gives ethyl iso cyanide
as major product.
Identify ‘B’. Reason (R) : In ethyl cyanide, carbon of CN
group is sp hybridised
1) 34. Assertion (A): n-Butyl cloride has higher
boiling point than tert-butyl chloride.
2) Reason (R): C-Cl bond in n-butyl chloride is
more polar than in tert-butyl chloride.


1) 2 2) 3 3) 3 4) 1 5) 3 6) 2 7) 3
4) 8) 1 9) 3 10) 3 11) 1 12) 3 13) 3 14) 1
15) 3 16) 1 17) 1 18) 2 19) 1 20) 1 21) 4
Poly halogen compounds:-
27. The compound used in the production of 22) 2 23) 4 24) 1 25) 2 26) 1 27) 2 28) 2
Freon refrigerant, R-22 is 29) 1 30) 1 31) 1 32) 2 33) 2 34) 3
1) methylene chloride 2) chloroform
3) iodoform 4) carbon tetra chloride LEVEL-II (C.W) - HINTS
28. The compound used as an anaesthetic during
surgeory is
1) chloroquine 2) halothane 1.
3) chloramphenicol 4) thyroxine
2nd and 3rd carbons are Chiral.
Assertion and Reasoning questions 5. Alkyl iodides are prepared by Finkelstein
1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct reaction.
explanation to A
2) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct 6. C2 H 5  OH  SOCl2 
P yridine

explanation to A C2 H 5  Cl  SO2  HCl
3) A is true but R is false
4) A is false but R is true 7. Reactivity order of hydrogens is 3o  2o  1o
29. Assertion (A) : Isopropyl chloride is a 8. RCOOAg  Br2  R  Br  CO2  AgBr
secondary alkylhalide
Reason (R) : Chlorine is present on secondary 9. The nucleophile Cl  replaces OH of alcohol
carbon 10. density increases with increase of molar mass.
30. Assertion (A) : 1,2- dichloro ethane is a vicinal C2 H 5Cl  AgOH   C2 H 5OH
 AgCl
dihalide 11.
Reason (R) : Two chlorine atoms present on ( A)
adjacent carbon atoms is known as vicinal
 HCl
 CH 3COOC2 H 5
31. Assertion (A) : Alkylhalides are polar in (C )
nature, but they are almost insoluble in water. 

Reason (R) : They can neither form Hydrogen C2 H 5  Cl 

 C2 H 5  CN 
H 3O

12. Acid
bond nor they can break hydrogen bond ( A)
between water molecules.
CH 3  CH 2  COOH  NH 3
32. Assertion (A) : Ethyl chloride gives ethyl
alcohol when treated with Ag2O in boiling ( B)
water. 13. C2 H 5ONa  C2 H 5  Cl 
Dry ether

Reason (R) : On boiling vapour presure of
water increases. C2 H 5  O  C2 H 5  NaCl
14. Alc.KOH is dehydrohalogenating agent.
15. Allyl chloride > vinyl chloride > propyl chloride
16. Rate is depenending only on one reactant. 4. , Y is
17. Iodination of benezene is a reversible reaction.
19. CH 3 group on benzene ring is ortho, para
directing group.
18. Aryl halides are less reactive towards 1) 2)
nucleophilic substitution than alkyl halides due
to partial double bond charecter obtained by
20. NO2 group at ortho and para position with draws 3) 4)
electronsfrom the ring and makes to attack of
nucleophile easy. 5. The correct order of increasing boiling points
21. b.p. increases with increase in molecular mass. is
1) 1-chloropropane < isopropylchloride
29. C H 3  C H  C l
| < 1-chlorobutane
CH 3 2) isopropylchloride < 1-chloropropane
< 1-chlorobutane
30. Cl Cl
3) 1-chlorobutane < isopropylchloride
| |
< 1-chloropropane
CH 2  CH 2 Vic 
4) 1-chlorobutane < 1-chloropropane
< isopropylchloride

LEVEL-II (H.W) SN1 and SN2 reactions

6. Consider the following bromides

1. Propane nitrile may be prepared by heating
1) Propyl alcohol with KCN
2) ethyl alcohol with KCN
3) Propyl chloride with KCN
4) ethyl chloride with KCN
2. C 2 H 5 Cl  dry
 Ag2 O
 A  Al

360 0
  B  S 
2 Cl 2
2 O3

In the above sequence of reactions identify

‘C’ Reactivity order S N 1 will be
1) Chloretone 2) Chloropicrin 1) II > III > I 2) II > I > III
3) Mustard gas 4) Lewisite gas 3) III > II > I 4) I > II > III
3. CH 3CH  CH 2 
 A 
aq KOH
B , 7. Which of the following is likely to give a
precipitate with AgNO3 solution
B is
1) propanol-2 2) propanal - 1 1) CCl4 2) CH 3  CH 2  Cl
3) propanol - 1 4) propanal - 2 3)  CH 3  3 CCl 4) CHCl3
8. Which compound among the following, 16. Reaction Product formed
undergoes faster S N 1 reaction? a) R-X+RCOOAg p) alkene
b) R-X+NaOR q) ester
c) R-X+Aq.NaOH r) ether
1) 2) d) R-X+KOH s) alcohol
t) isonitrile
1) a-r, b-s, c-t, d-t 2) a-s, b-r, c-t, d-q
3) a-q, b-r, c-s, d-p 4) a-s, b-p, c-t, d-q
3) 4)
9. Assertion (A): iso-Butyl bromide is a 1) 4 2) 3 3) 3 4) 3 5) 2 6) 1 7) 3
secondary halide. 8) 1 9) 4 10) 1 11) 1 12) 1 13) 4 14) 1
Reason (R): neo-Pentyl chloride is a primary
15) 1 16) 3
10. Assertion (A): Alkyl halides undergo LEVEL-II (H.W) - HINTS
nucleophilic substitution reactions readily.
1. C2 H 5Cl  KCN  C2 H 5CN
Reason (R): Halide ion is a very weak base
and hence can be easily replaced by the
attacking nucleophilie. 2.
11. Assertion (A): C-X bond in aryl halides is less
polar than the C-X bond in alkyl halides.
Reason (R): sp2 hybridized carbon is more
electronegative than sp3 hybridized carbon
12. Assertion (A): Alkyl chlorides are more 3. Anti Markowinkoff rule
reactive than alkyl bromides.
Reason: C-Cl bond is more polar than C-Br
bond. 4.
13. Assertion (A): 30 butyl bromide reacts with
sodium metal in presence of dry ether to give 7. 3o alkyl halides give white ppt with AgNO3
2, 2, 3, 3 tetra methyl butane solution
Reason (R): 3 0 butyl bromide under go 8. tertiary halide reacts faster.
elimination during the reaction condition to 16. A) C2 H 5Cl - Anaesthetic
give alkene B) Mg + dry ether - Grignard reagent
14. Assertion (A) : H 2 SO4 is not used during C) C2 H 5Cl  C2 H 5ONa -Williamson’ssynthesis
the reaction of alcohols with KI. D) Na + dry ether - Wurtz reaction
Reason (R) : H 2 SO4 oxidises HI to I2 and
will prevent reaction of alcohol with KI. 1. Which of the following is more readily
15. List - I List - II
hydrolised by S N 1 mechanism? (EAM-2014)
A) C2 H 5Cl 1)Williamson synthesis
B) R-X +Mg + dry ether 2) Wurtz reaction 1) C6 H 5CH (CH 3 ) Br 2)  C6 H 5 2 CHBr
C)C2H5Cl + C2H5ONa 3) Anaesthetic 3)  C6 H 5 2 C  CH 3  Br 4) C6 H 5CHCH 2 Br
D) Na + dry ether 4) Antiseptic
5) Grignard reagent 2. With respect to chlorobenzene, which of the
The correct match is following is Not correct? (EAM-2012)
A B C D A B C D 1) Cl is ortho / para directing
1) 3 5 1 2 2) 5 3 1 2 2) Cl exhibits +M effect
3) 3 4 1 2 4) 3 5 1 4 3) Cl is ring deactivating 4) Cl is meta directing
3. Identify A, B and C in the following reactions 4. A + SOCl2  B + SO2 + HCl ,

CH3Cl 
 A 
H O
B 
C2H5OH / H

C A  Na  C  H 2 ,

(EAM-2010) B  C  (C 2 H 5 ) 2 O  NaCl
A B C Then A is
1) CH 3 NC CH 3 NHCH 3 CH 3CO2C2 H 5 1) C2H5Cl 2) C2H5ONa
3) C2H5OH 4) C H3OH
2) CH 3CN CH 3CONH 2 CH 3COOH 5. Correct order of Boiling point for
3) CH 3CN CH 3COOH CH 3CO2C2 H 5 a) 1-chloropropane
b) isopropyl chloride
4) CH 3CN CH 3COOH (CH 3CO) 2 O c) 1-chlorobutane
4. Consider the following reaction 1) a < b < c 2) b > a > c
C2 H 5Cl  AgCN  EtOH / H 2O
 X (major ) 3) b < a < c 4) a > b > c
which one of the following statements is true 6. CH3CH 2COOAg  Br2 
 X 
aq KOH

for X? (EAM-2009) Y 

red P4 / Br2
 Z . Z is
1) It gives propionic acid on hydrolysis
2) It has an estar function 1) CH 3CH 2CH 2 Br 2) CH 3CH 2 Br
3) It has a nitrogen linked to ethyl carbon 3) CH 3 Br 4) CH 3CH 2CH 3
4) It has a cyanide group 7. An alkyl halide on reaction with sodium in
PREVIOUS EAMCET - KEY presence of ether gives 2,2,5,5-
tetramethylhexane. The alkyl halide is
1) 3 2) 4 3) 3 4) 1 1) 1-chloro pentane
2) 1-chloro-2,2-dimethyl propane
LEVEL-III 3) 3-chloro-2,2-dimethyl butane
4) 2-chloro-2-methyl-butane
Preparation & Properties of haloalkanes:
1. When a mixture containing PCl3 and PCl5 is
heated with ethyl alcohol total of 4 moles of 8. 
Br2 ,heat
or uvlight
 X . X is
ethyl chloride is formed. Mole ratio of PCl3
and PCl5 in the mixture is
CH 2 CH 2 Br
1) 3 : 1 2) 1 : 1 3) 1 : 3 4) 2 : 1 CH  CH 3
2. Compound ‘A’ reacts with PCl5 to give ‘B’ |
which on treatment with KCN followed by 1) 2)
hydrolysis gave propionic acid. A & B are NO2 NO2
C H 2C H 3
1) C3H8 & C3H7Cl 2) C2H6 & C2H5Cl C H 2C H 3

3) C2H5Cl & C2H4Cl2 4) C2H5OH & C2H5Cl 3) NO2 4)

3. Electrolysis of aq.CH3COONa gives (B) at Br

anode (B) when heated with Cl2 at 4000C

gives (C).
(C) when reacts with alcoholic NH 3 gives
finally 9.  Mg 
dry ether
 A 
H 2O
 B ; B is
(D) . Then D is
1)  C2 H 5 3 N 2)  C2 H 5 4 N  Cl  1) cyclohexanol 2) cyclohexane
3)  C2 H 5 2 NH 4) C2 H 5 NH 2 3) cyclohexene 4) hexane
10. CH 3  CHBr  CH 3 
alc . KOH
A Properties of haloarenes:-

 B NaI
 C . C is
1) CH 3  CH 2CH 2 I 2)
1) toulene 2) biphenyl
3) 4-chlorotoulene 4) ethyl benzene
3) 4) CH 3  CH  CHI 17. Which of the following compound undergoes
replacement of Cl by OH by merely warming
11. On mixing ethyl acetate with aqueous sodium with aq NaOH
chloride, the composition of resulting solution
1) CH 3COOC2 H 5  NaCl
2) CH 3COONa  C2 H 5OH 1) 2)

3) CH 3COCl  C2 H 5OH  NaOH

4) CH 3Cl  C2 H 5COONa
12. CH 3  CH 3   A 
Br2 / hv
 B
LiAlH 4

3) 4)
Br2 / hv
C  
Na / dry ether
 D . D is
1) CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  CH 3
2) CH 3  CH 2  O  CH 2  CH 3
3) CH 3  CH (CH 3 )  CH (CH 3 )  CH 3
4) CH 3  CH 2  CH 3
13. Identify X,Y,Z in the following series
1) C6 H 4Cl2 2) C6 H 3Cl3
C2 H 5 I   X   Y  Z 3) C6 H 5  C6 H 5 4) C6 H 5  C2 H 5
alc.KOH Br2 Excess of KCN

1) Br—CH2—CH2—CN 2) CH3 — CH2— CN 19. Fluorobenzene ( C6 H 5 F ) can be synthesized

3) NC—CH2—CH2—CN 4) Br—CH2—CH2—Br
in the laboratory
14. The number of possible monochloro
1) by heating phenol with HF and KF
structural isomers formed on free radical 2) from aniline by diazotisation followed by
monochlorination of  CH  CHCH CH
3 2 2 3 heating the diazonium salt with HBF4
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5 3) by direct fluorination of benzene with F gas 2
CH 3 4) by reacting bromobenzene with NaF solution
20. Which of the folloiwng will best convert
15. + HI  X ; X is
nitrobenzene into 3-fluorobromobenzene?

CH 2 I CH 3

1) 2) I

CH 3
CH 3 1) F2 / AlCl3 , Zn / HCl , NaNO2 / HCl  0 0 C , CuBr
2) Br2 / FeBr3 , SnCl2 / HCl, NaNO2 / HBF4  00 C, Heat
3) 4)
3) SnCl2 / HCl, NaNO2 / HBF4  00 C, Heat, Br2 / FeBr3
4) SnCl2 / HCl , Br2 / FeBr3 , NaNO2 / HBF4  00 C , Heat
21. The structure of the major product formed
in the following reaction
26. , Y is

1) 2)

3) CH 3  C (CH 3 )  CH 2 4) CH 3  CH 2CH 2  CH 2 Br
27. Which of the following halides would
1) 2) undergo nucleophillic substitution more
1) 1-Chloro-1-Butene 2) 2-Chloro-1-Butene
3) 3-Chloro-1-Butene 4) 4-Chloro-1-Butene
28. CH 3 Br  Nu  CH 3  Nu  Br the
3) 4)
decreasing order of the rate of above reaction

22. In SN 2 reactions the correct order of the with nucleophiles Nu A to D is

reactivity for the following compounds
 Nu  ( A) PhO , ( B ) AcO , (C ) HO , ( D )CH 3O 
    

CH 3Cl , CH 3CH 2Cl ,  CH 3 2 CHCl and  CH 3 3 CCl 1) D > C > A > B 2) D > C > B >A
1) CH3CH2Cl CH3Cl CH3 2 CHCl CH3 3 CCl 3) A > B>C > D 4) B > D > C > A
29. The correct order of rate of S N 2 reactivity
2) CH3 2 CHCl  CH3CH2Cl  CH3Cl  CH3 3 CCl
of H 2O, OCH 3 , OH , CH 3COO is
3) CH3Cl CH3 2 CHCl  CH3CH2Cl CH3 3 CCl
1) OH  OCH 3  CH 3COO  H 2 O
4) CH3Cl CH3CH2Cl  CH3 2 CHCl CH3 3 CCl 2) H 2 O  O H  OC H 3  C H 3 C O O
23. The alkane that gives one isomeric 3) OCH 3  OH  CH 3COO  H 2 O
alkylhalide on photo chemical chlorination
is 4) H 2 O  C H 3 C O O  O H  O C H 3
1) propane 2) 2-methyl butane 30. Which of the following is most reactive
3) neopentane 4) isopentane towards nucleophillic substitution
24. The alkane which gives two isomeric mono 1) Chlorobenzene
chlorides on photo chemical chlorination is 2) 2, 4, 6 - Trinitrochloro benzene
1) ethane 2) butane 3) pentane 4) propane 3) 2, 4 - Dinitro chlorobenzene
4) 2 - nitro chlorobenzene
31. Which one of the following compounds will
25. , give enantiomeric pair on treatment with
Z is

1) 2)
1) 2)

3) 4) 3) 4)
32. Following is the list of four halides.Select 37. Order of nucleophilicity in polar aprotic
correct sequence of decreasing order of solvent?
reactivity for S N 1 reaction using the codes 1) I   Br   Cl   F 
given below. 2) F   Cl   Br   I 
3) I   Cl   Br   F 
I) II) C6 H 5  CH 2  Br 4) F   I   Br   Cl 
38. Which one of the following compounds will
be most reactive for S N 1 reaction?
III) IV) C6 H 5  CH 2  I

1) III > I > IV > II 2) III > I > II > IV
3) I > III > IV > II 4) I > III > II > IV
33. The correct order of reactivity of following
compounds in SN1 reaction is
a) C6 H 5CH 2 Br
b) C6 H 5CH  C6 H 5  Br
c) C6 H 5CH  CH 3  Br
d) C6 H 5C  CH 3  C6 H 5  Br LEVEL-III - KEY
1) d > b > c > a 2) d > c > b > a
1) 2 2) 4 3) 2 4) 3 5) 3 6) 2 7) 2
3) a > b > c > d 4) a > c > d > b
8) 2 9) 2 10) 1 11) 1 12) 1 13) 3 14) 3
34. Order of rate of reaction with AgNO3 or rate
15) 2 16) 1 17) 4 18) 3 19) 2 20) 2 21) 4
of S N 1
22) 4 23) 3 24) 4 25) 3 26) 1 27) 3 28) 1
29) 3 30) 2 31) 3 32) 1 33) 1 34)3 35) 3
36) 1 37) 2 38) 1

3C2 H 5OH  PCl3  3C2 H 5Cl  H 3 PO3
1) I > III > II 2) II > III > I 1. 1 mole
3) I > II > III 4) III > I > II
35. Which of the following species is most C2 H 5OH  PCl5  C2 H 5Cl  POCl3  HCl
reactive in an S N 2 reaction? 1 mole
1) CH 3CH 2  Cl 2) CH 3CH 2  Br C 2 H 5 O H  PC
 l5
 C 2 H 5 C l  
  C 2 H 5C N

3) CH 3CH 2  I 4) CH 3CH 2  F 2. ( A) (B)  H 2O

36. Order of nucleophilicity in polar protic C 2 H 5C O O H
CH 3COONa 
 CH 3  CH 3
1) I   Br   Cl   F  3.
( B)
2) F   Cl   Br   I 
3) I   Cl   Br   F  
400o C
 C2 H 5Cl 
NH 3
  C2 H 5 4 N Cl 
4) F   I   Br   Cl  (C ) ( D)
C 2 H 5 O H  SO C l 2  C 2 H 5 C l  SO 2  H C l 17. As No. of electron with drawing group increase,
4.  A B replacement of Cl group becomes easy..

C2 H 5OH  Na  C2 H 5ONa  H 2 
 A C  18.

C2 H 5Cl  C2 H 5ONa  C2 H 5  O  C2 H 5  NaCl

 B C  Fittig reaction
5. As branching increases B.P decreases among 21. Alkyl halides undergo substitution more easily
isomers & as mol.wt increases B.P increases. than Aryl halides.
6. CH 3COOAg  Br2 
 CH 3CH 2 Br 
aq KOH

C2 H 5OH 
red P4 / Br2
 C2 H 5 Br
7. Wurtz reaction 23.
8. Free radical substitution & reactivity is
t-H > S-H>P-H
9. R  X  Mg  R  MgX 
H 2O
 RH  MgXOH
10. CH 3  CHBr  CH 3 
alc . KOH
 CH 3  CH  CH 2

 CH 3CH 2CH 2 Br NaI
 CH 3CH 2CH 2 I
11. No reaction 24. Anti Markowinkoff rule
12. CH 3CH 3 
Br / hv
 CH 3CH 2 Br 
2 LiAlH
 CH 3CH 3 4
28. CH 3O   OH   PhO   AcO 
Br2 / hv
 CH 3CH 2 Br 
Na / dry ether
 CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  CH 3
29. OCH 3  OH   CH 3COO   H 2O

C2 H 5 I 
alc . KOH
 C2 H 4 
 Br  CH 2  CH 2  Br
 x Y   KCN
CN  CH 2  CH 2  CN
 z 30.

14. CH3 2 CHCH2CH2Cl, CH3 2 CHCH Cl  CH3

 CH 3 2 C  Cl  CH 2CH 3 , CH 3CH  CH 2Cl  CH 2CH 3
15. Markownikov’s rule

31. It has chiral centre.

16. 32. R-I is more reactive than R-Br and 20 is more
reactive than 10 .
33. The order of reactivity depends on the stability
of the carbocation formed
5. reactions are

1) Stereospecific but not stereoselective
1. Arrange the following compounds in 2) Stereoselective but not stereospecific
increasing order of rate of reaction towards 3) Stereoselective as well as stereospecific
nucleophilic substitution. 4) Neither stereoselective nor stereospecific
Cl 6. Consider the follwong bromides
Cl Cl
a) Me Br
CH 3
a) b) c)
CH 3
1) a < b < c 2) a < c < b Br
3) c < b < a 4) b < c < a
2. Arrange the following compounds in Me Me
increasing order or rate of reaction towards c)
nucleophilic substitution. Br
Cl Cl The correct order of SN1 reactivity is
O2 N 1) a > b > c 2) b > c > a
3) b > a > c 4) c > b > a
a) b) c) Note: In the following questions two or more
options may be correct Consider the
following reaction and answer the questions
1) c < b < a 2) b < c < a no 26-28
3) a < c < b 4) a < b < c
3. Pick up the correct order of reactivity of the H H H
following compounds in SN1 reactions HO -+ C Cl HO C Cl HO C + Cl-
H H (d) (e)
(b) (c)
1) < < <
Br I
7. Whihc of the statements are correct about
above reaction?
CH3 CH3 1) (a) and (e) both are nucleophiles
2) <
< Cl I
2) in (c) carbon atom is sp3 hybridised
3) in (c) carbon atom is sp hybridised
Cl CH3
4) (a) and (e) both are electrophiles
Cl 8. Arrange the following compounds in the
3) >
> >
Br I
increasing order of their densities
Cl CH3
CH3 CH3 Cl
4) >
> >
Br I

a) b)
4. Which of the following will be the least
reactive towards nucleophilic substitution?
Cl Br

1) C2 H 5Cl 2)
c) d)
Cl Cl Cl

3) 4) 1) a < b < c < d 2) a < c < d < b

CH3 3) d < c < b <a 4) b < d < c <a
9. Match the reactions given in Column-I with
the types of reactions given in Column-II + -
Column-I Cu2X2
3) + N2
Cl Cl Cl
Cl Cl
Cl2 / Fe
+ 4) C2 H 5Cl  NaI dry acetone
C2 H 5 I  NaCl
Cl a) Fittig reaction
CH 3  CH  CH 2  HBr  CH 3  CH  CH 3 b) Wurtz fittig reaction
2) c) Finkelstein reaction
d) Sandmeyer reaction
CH 3  CH  I CH 3  CH  OH 1) 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c 2) 1-a, 2-b, 3-d, 4-c
3) OH  3) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d 4) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c, 4-d
11. Assertion (A) : Ary iodides can be prepared
by reaction of arenes with iodine in the
Cl OH presence of an oxidising agent.
Reason (R) : Oxidising agent oxidises I2 into
 NaOH Hl.
NO2 NO2 12. Assertion (A) : it is difficult to replace
chlorine by -OH in chlorobenzene in
CH 3CH 2CH CH 3 
ale. KOH
 CH 3 CH  CH CH 3 comparison to that in chloroehane.
Br Reason (R) : Chlorine-carbon (C-Cl) bond
in chlorobenzene has a partial double bond
Column-II character due to resaonance.
a) Nucleophilic aromatic substitution
13. Asseertion (A) : Nitration of chlorobenzene
b) Electrophilic aromatic substitution
leads to the formation of
c) Saytzeff elimination
d) Electrophilic addition m-nitrochlorobenzene
Reason (R) : NO 2 group is a m-directing
e) Nucleophilic substituion  S N 1 group.
1) 1-b, 2-d, 3-e, 4-a, 5-c
2) 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c, 5-e COMPREHENSION QUESTION
3) 1-b, 2-d, 3-c, 4-a, 5-e  Monohalo derivatives of alkanes are alkyl
4) 1-d, 2-b, 3-a, 4-c, 5-e halides. In alkyl halides, halogen atom is
10. Match the reaction given in Column-I with attached to sp3 carbon. As number of carbons
the names given in Column-II increases, density of alkyl halide increases. Alkyl
Column-I halides undergo substitution reaction
14. Tertiary alkyl halide is
X  RX 

1) R 1) CH 3  CH (CH 3 )  Br

X 2) CH 3  C (CH 3 ) 2  CH 2 Br
3) CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  Br
2) 2 + 2Na Ether + 2NaX
4) CH 3  C (CH 3 ) 2  Br
15. Density is highest for 20. Statement-1 : S N 2 reaction is carried out in
1) CH 3 F 2) CH 3Cl 3) CH 3 Br 4) CH 3 I the presence of polar aprotic solvents
16. Order of reactivity of various alkyl halides Statement-2: Polar aprotic solvents does not
towards nucleophillic substitution follows the contain acidic hydrogen
1) R  I  R  Br  R  Cl  R  F
2) R  I  R  Br  R  Cl  R  F 21. Statement I : reacts faster than
3) R  Br  R  I  R  Cl  R  F
4) R  Cl  R  Br  R  I  R  F by SN1 mechanism.
Statement 2 : 20 alkyl halide is more reactive
 S N reaction is bimolecular reaction which
towards SN1 mechanism than 30.
takes place by formation of transition state.
Velocity of the reaction depends on the 22. Statement-1: S N 1 reaction is carried out in
concentration of substrate as well as nucleophile. the presence of polar protic solvents
The reaction is favorable by strong nucleophile Statement-2: Polar protic solvent increases
in the presence of polar aprotic solvent. stability of carbocation due to the solvation
Optically active halides gives. Walden inversion
by S N 2 mechanism. Presence of hetero atom
. An organic compound with molecular formula
at   carbon, unsaturation at   carbon and
C5 H 9Cl exists in two optically active froms A
carbonyl group at   carbon favours S N 2 and B. A on hydrogenation in presence of a
mechanism. catalyst gives an optically inactive compound
17. Which of the following compound will follow (C). While B gives an optically active compound
S N 2 mechanism D.
1) CH 3  Br 2) CH 2  CH 2  CH 2  Br 23. Which of the following is the correct IUPAC
name of compound D
3) C6 H 5  CH 2  Br 4) all of these 1) 1-chloro-2-methylpentane
18. Which of the following compound will give 2) 2-chloro-2-methylpentane
Walden inversion
3) 1-chloro-3-methylbutane
1) C4 H 9  CHD  Br 2)  C6 H 5 2 CHBr
4) 1-chloro-2.methybutane
3)  CH 3 3 CBr 4) All of these 24. Which of the following is the correct IUPAC
19. Which of the following compounds favours name of compound C.
SN 2 mechanism 1) 1-chloro-2-methylbutane
1) CH 3  CH 2  Br 2) CH 3  O  CH 2 Br 2) 2-chloropentane
3) 3-chloropentane
3) C6 H 5  CO  CH 2 Br 4) CH 3  C  CH 3 2 CH 2 Br
4) 2-chloro-2-methylbutane
IDENTIFY THE CORRECT ANSWER 25. The structure of A is
1) Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct
and Statement 2 is correct explanation for
Statement 1 1) 2)
2) Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct and
Statement 2 is not correct explanation for
Statement 1
3) Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is 3) 4)
4) Statement 1 is wrong and statement 2 is
1) Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct 1) 4 2) 4 3) 1 4) 4 5) 3 6) 2 7) 1
and Statement 2 is correct explanation for
Statement 1 8) 1 9) 1 10) 1 11) 3 12) 1 13) 4 14) 4
2) Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct and 15) 4 16) 1 17) 4 18) 1 19) 3 20) 2 21) 3
Statement 2 is not correct explanation for 22) 1 23) 4 24) 3 25) 1 26) 4 27) 1 28) 4
Statement 1 29) 1 30) 4
3) Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is
4) Statement 1 is wrong and statement 2 is
01. CH 3 group is more donating at ortho position
26. Statement 1 : Aryl halides undergo 03. For SN1, R - Cl < R < Br < R - I and 20 < 30
electrophilic substitution more readily than 04. Aryl halides are less reactive than alkyl halides
benzene for nucleophilic substitution
Statement 2 : Aryl halide gives a mixture of o 06. Stability of carbocation (allyl > 20 > 10)
-, p - products 08. As mol. wt increases, density increases
27. Statement 1 : paradichlorobenzene has 11. Oxidising agent oxidises HI into I2 and prevents
higher melting point and solubility than that the reverse reaction
of ortho meta forms 13. In chlorobenzene, Cl is weakly deactivating but
Statement 2 : para isomer has symmetrical O, P directing
structure and can easily pack closely in 14. Halogen is attached to 3o carbon
crystal structure. 15. As molecular weight increases density increases
16. Reactivity order is
When a monosubstituted benzene undergoes R  I  R  Br  R  Cl  R  F
an electrophilic substitution, the position 17. All compounds are primary.
taken up by the incoming group and the rate 18. Compound is chiral.
of the reaction are determined by the 19. Presence of carbonyl group at   carbon
substituent already present on the benzene favours S N 2 mechanism.
ring. On this basis various substituents can
be divided into three categories: ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS
1) o, p-directing and activating 1. The position of -Br in the compound in
2) m-directing and deactivating CH 3CH  CHC  Br  CH 3 2 can be
3) o, p-directing and deactivating
29. Which of these is o, p-directing and classified as
deactivating group 1) Allyl 2) Aryl 3) Vinyl 4) Secondary
2. What should be the correct IUPAC name for
1)  F 2) Cl 3)  Br 4) all of these
30. Which one of the following compounds is
1) 1-Bromo-1, 1-diethylmethane
most reactive for aromatic electrophilic
substitution reaction 2) 3-Bromopentane
3) 1-Bromo-1-ethylpropane
1) C6 H 5  F 2) C6 H 5  Cl 4) 1-Bromopentane
3) C6 H 5  I 4) C6 H 5  NO2 3. Which reagent will you use for the following
CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 3 
31. . X is
CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2Cl  CH 3CH 2CHClCH 3
1) Cl2 / UV light 2) NaCl  H 2 SO4
1) o-methylchlorobenzene
2) p-methylchlorobenzene 3) Cl2 gas in dark
3) m-methylchlorobenzene 4) Both 1 & 2 4) Cl2 gas in the presence of iron in dark
4. How many chiral compounds are possible on 9. The order of reactivity of following alcohols
momochlorination of 2-methyl butane? with halogen acids is_________
1) 8 2) 2 3) 4 4) 6 a) CH 3CH 2  CH 2  OH
5. Which branched chain isomer of the
hydrocarbon with molecular mass 72u gives CH 3CH 2  CH  OH
only one isomer of mono substituted
alkylhalide b)
CH 3
1) Tertiary butyl chloride 2) Neopentane
3) Isohexane 4) Neohexane
CH 3
6. Arrange the following compounds in
increasing order of their boiling points. CH 3CH 2 C OH
CH 3
a) CH  CH 2 Br CH 3
CH 3
1) a > b > c 2) c > b > a
b) CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2 Br 3) b > a > c 4) a > c > b
10. Which of the following alcohols will yield the
CH 3
corresponding alkyl chloride on reaction with
c) H 3C C CH 3 concentrated HCl and anh. ZnCl2 at room
1) CH 3CH 2  CH 2  OH
1) (b) < (a) < (c) 2) (a) < (b) < (c)
3) (c) < (a) < (b) 4) (c) < (b) < (a) CH 3CH 2  CH  OH
7. Which is the correct increasing order of 2)
CH 3
boiling points of the following compounds?
1- lodobutane, 1-Bromobutane, CH 3CH 2  CH  CH 2OH
1-Chlorobutane, Butane 3)
CH 3
1) Butane < 1-Chlorobutane < 1-Bromobutane
< 1-lodbutane CH 3
2) 1-lodobutane,< 1-Bromobutane< 1-
Chlorobutane< Butane CH 3CH 2 C OH
3) 1-Bromopropane< 1-Bromobutane1- CH 3
Bromobutane< 1-Chlorobutane
4) Butane< 1-Chlorobutane< 1-lodobutane< 11. Which of the following haloalkanes react
1-Bromobutane with aqueous KOH most easily?
8. Which is the correct increasing order of 1) 1-Bromobutane
2) 2-Bromobutane
boiling points of the following compounds?
3) 2-Bromo-2-methylpropane
1-Bromoethane, 1- Bromopropane, 4) 2-Chlorobutane
1-Bromobutane, Bromobenzene 12. Match the compounds given in column-I with
1) Bromobenzene< 1-Bromobutane< 1- the effects given in Column-II
Bromopropane< 1-Bromoethane Colunm-I Column-II
2) Bromobenzene< 1-Bromoethane< 1- 1) Chloramphenicol a) Malaria
Bromopropane< 1-Bromobutane 2) Thyroxine b) Anaesthetia
3) 1-Bromopropane< 1-Bromobutane< 1- 3) Chloroquine c) Typhoid fever
Bromoethane< Bromobenzene 4) Chloroform d) Goiter
4) 1-Bromoethane< 1-Bromopropane< 1- 1) 1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b 2) 1-d, 2-c, 3-a, 4-a
Bromobutane< Bromobenzene 3) 1-c, 2-d, 3-b, 4-a 4) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d
13. Match the items of Column-I and Coumn-II 17. The reaction described is
Colunm-I Column-II CH3(CH2)5
1) SN1 reaction a) vic-dibromides Br OH -
2) Chemicals in fire b) gem-dihalides
3) Bromination of c) Racemisation 1) SE2 2) SN1 3) SN2 4) SN0
alkenes 18. The organic chloro compound, which shows
4) Alkylidene halidesd) Saytzeff rule complete stereo chemcial inversion during
e)Chlorobromocarbons SN2 reaction is
1)  CH 3 3 CCl 2)  CH 3 2 CHCl 3) CH 3Cl 4)  C2 H 5 2 CHCl
5 ) e l i m i n a t i o n o f H X

from alkylhalide
1) 1-c, 2-e, 3-a, 4-b, 5-d 2) 1-c, 2-e, 3-b, 4-d, 5-a 19. Arrange the following compunds in
3) 1-b, 2-d, 3-c, 4-e, 5-a 4) 1-c, 2-e, 3-b, 4-d, 5-a increasing order of rate of reaction towards
14. Match the structures of compounds given in nucleo philic substitution.
Coumn-I with the classes of compounds given Cl
in Column-II NO 2
Colunm-I Column-II a) b) c)
CH 3  CH  CH 3 CH 3

1) a) Aryl halide 1) a < b < c 2) c < b <a 3) b < a < c 4) c < a < b
2) CH 2  CH  CH 2  X b) Alkyl halide
1) 1 2) 2 3) 1 4) 3 5) 2 6) 3 7) 1
8) 4 9) 2 10) 4 11) 3 12) 1 13) 1 14) 1
3) c) Vinyl halide 15) 1 16) 4 17) 3 18) 3 19) 3
4) CH 2  CH  X d) Allyl halide 1. ‘Br’ is attached to carbon atom adjacent to the
double bonded carbon (allyl)
1) 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c 2) 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c 2 Longest carbon chain contains five carbon atoms
2) 1-a, 2-b, 3-d, 4-c 4) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d 3. Free radical substitution
15. Match the structures given in Column-I with * *
the name in Column-II CH 3  CH  CH  CH 3
Colunm-I Column-II 4. | |
Br CH 2Cl
1) a) 4-Bromopent-2-ene 5. A hydrocarbon with molar mass 72 is
neopentane  C5 H12 
6. Among isomeric compounds, as the length of
2) b) 4-Bromo-3-methylpent-2-ene carbon chain increases, boiling point increases
7. As mol. wt increases b.p increases (if length of
carbon chain is same)
3) c) 1-Bromo-2methylbut-2e-ne 8. Based on above two concepts
9. Carbo cation stability order  30  20  10 
4) d)1-Bromo-2methylpent-2-ene 11. aq KOH favours SN1
15. Longest chain is to the considered ; Functional
1) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-d 2) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d group (double bond) should be indicated with
3) 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c 4) 1-d, 2-b, 3-c, 4-a lowest number
16. A dextrorotatory optically active alkyl 16. Inversion in configuration is observed it does
halide undergoes hydrolysis by SN2 not mean that the configuration will change; it
mechanism. The resulting alcohol is depends on the nature of leaving group and the
1) Dextrorotatory 2) Laveorotatory nucleophile which enters
3) Optically inactive due to recemisation 17. Inversion in configuration - SN2
4) may be dextro (or) laevorotatory 19. In aromatic halides, Electron with drawing
groups favour nucleophilic substitution
SYNOPSIS So these are called paraffins. (Latin : Parum = little,
affinis = affinity)
 Most of the fuels are hydrocarbons.  Carbon undergoes sp3 hybridisation and has
Examples: tetrahedral geometry.
LPG - Liquified petroleum gas, a domestic fuel that  H-C-H bond angle in alkane is 109.50.
causes least pollution.  Alkanes contain C – C and C – H sigma bonds.
CNG -Compressed natural gas. Characteristics of single bond
LNG-Liquified natural gas which is used as
automobile fuel obtained by the liquification of C-C C-H
natural gas.
 Natural gas is found in upper region during drilling Bond length 154 pm 111.2 pm
of oil wells. Bond energy 345.8 kj/mol 412.8 kj/mol
 Petrol ,diesel and kerosene oil are obtained by the
fractional distillation of petroleum. Conformational Isomerism:
 Coal gas is obtained by destructive distillation of  Alkanes show chain , optical , conformational
coal etc. isomerism.
Classification of Hydrocarbons :  The condition for the conformational
 Hydrocarbons are classified into aliphatic isomerism is C-C single bond. Due to free
hydrocarbons and aromatic hydrocarbons rotation over the axis it forms various isomers.
Aliphatic hydrocarbons are of two types : These are called conformers (or) rotamers or
i) Saturated hydrocarbons conformations.
ii) Unsaturated hydrocarbons  It has a small energy barrier of 1-20 KJ/mol due to
 i) Saturated hydrocabons : These are the weak repulsive interaction between the adjacent
compounds in which all the four valencies of carbon bonds. This type of repulsive interaction is called
are satisfied by atoms or groups. These are also torsional strain.
called paraffins. Conformations of Ethane :
eg: Alkanes  For a molecule infinite number of conformers are
 ii) Unsaturated hydrocarbons : These are possible. Important are
the compounds in which two carbon atoms are (1) Staggered conformation
linked by double or triple bonds. (2) Eclipsed conformation
eg: Alkenes and Alkynes  The conformations in which hydrogen atoms
Ethylene CH 2  CH 2 ; Acetylene CH  CH attached to two carbons are far apart each other
are called staggered conformation.
 Aromatic hydrocarbons : Compounds
 The conformations in which hydrogen atoms
containing atleast one benzene ring or cyclo
attached to two carbons are as close as possible
compounds which obey Huckel’s rule are aromatic.
are called eclipsed conformation.
eg: Benzene, Toluene.
 All other intermediate conformations are called
Alkanes skew conformations.
 Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons.  In all conformations ,the bond angles and the bond
 General formula of alkanes is Cn H 2 n  2 ,R –H , R lengths remains same.
– CH3 , R– (CH2)n – R  Conformations are represented by
 Methane is the first member of this family and it is (a) Newmann projections
found in coal mines and marshy places. (b) Sawhorse projections
 Alkanes under normal conditions are inert and
cannot react with acids ,bases and other reagents
Newmann projections: W.E1: Draw the newmann’s projection of more and
 The two conformers of ethane are less stable conformers of butane?
HH H Sol: Anti form is more stable and fully eclipsed is less
H H stable.
Eclisped Staggered H H
 In eclipsed form the distance between H-nuclei is
2.29 A0, but in staggered form it is 2.55 A0 . H H H
Sawhorse projections : H H H
W.E2 : Draw the structure of most stable conformer
of Ethylene glycol.
Eclipsed Staggered
Sol: Due to Intramolecular H - bond Gauche form is
Relative stability of conformations more stable
 In staggered conformation bonds are at maximum OH
separation and electronic repulsions are minimum
hence it is more stable. OH
 In eclipsed conformation bonds are close and
repulsions are maximum hence it is less stable.In
eclipsed conformation the destabilisation is due to
torsional strain. H H
 Magnitude of torsional strain depends upon the
angle of rotation about C-C bond. This angle is H
called dihedral angle or torsional angle. Preparations of Alkanes:
 Of all the conformations of ethane, the staggered From Unsaturated hydrocarbons:
form has the least torsional strain and the eclipsed  Alkenes and alkynes on hydrogenation in presence
form has maximum torsional strain. of finely divided catalysts like platinum, palladium,
 The potential energy of staggered form is minimum nickel or PtO 2 form alkanes.
and that of eclipsed form is maximum which differs
by 12.5 KJ mol–1.  PtO 2 is called Adam’s catalyst.
 This small barrier of rotation is called Torsional R  CH  CH  R '  H 2  Ni

Barrier. This energy is not large enough to prevent
the rotation. Hence the conformers keep on R  CH 2  CH 2  R '
changing from one form to another. CH  CH  CH  H  Ni
3 2 2 3000 C 3 2 3
H Propene Propane
 Platinum and palladium can catalyse the reaction at
H HH room temperature but Nickel as a catalyst requires
higher temperature and pressure.
PE  When the catalyst is Ni , the reaction is known as
Sabatier - Senderson’s reaction.
H H H H  Methane cannot be prepared by this method.
From Reduction of Alkyl Halides
H H H H  Alkyl halides undergo reduction with nascent
Staggered Staggered hydrogen to form alkanes.
R - X + 2[H]  R - H + HX Sol: C6 H 5  X  2 Na  X  R  C6 H 5  R
 Common reducing agents used are Zn + HCl; Zn
C6H 5  C6H 5  R  R
+ NaOH, Zn – Cu couple +alcohol,
This reaction is known as Wurtz-fittig reaction
Zn + CH3-COOH, LiAlH 4 , NaBH 4 .
From Carboxylic Acids
Zn  HCl
C2 H 5Cl 
Zn Cu couple
 C2 H 6  HCl (Decarboxylation)
 Reduction is due to electron transfer from metal to  Removal of carbon dioxide from substrate is
alkyl halide decarboxylation . Reagent used is soda lime (NaOH
By Wurtz Reaction & CaO).
 Alkyl halides when treated with sodium metal in RCOONa  NaOH 
 RH  Na2CO3
presence of ether solvent gives alkanes.
This method is used in the preparation of alkanes CH 3COONa  NaOH  CaO
 CH 4  Na2CO3
containing even number of carbons.  Alkane obtained by this method has one carbon
less than the parent acid.
R  X  2 Na R  X  
R  R 2 NaX
 CaO acts as dehydrating agent.
2 CH 3 I 
 CH 3  CH 3  2 NaI
dry ether Kolbe’s Electrolytic Method:
 When a mixture of two different alkyl halides is used,  By the electrolysis of a concentrated aqueous
a mixture of three different alkanes are obtained. solution of an alkali (Na or K) salt of a saturated
This is called crossed Wurtz reaction. monocarboxylic acid using Pt electrodes alkanes
can be prepared.
CH 3  I  2 Na  I  CH 2  CH 3 
  Alkanes with even number of carbons are obtained
CH 3  CH 3  CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  CH 3 at anode.
2RCOONa + 2H 2 O  R  R  2 CO2  2 NaOH  H 2
 CH 3  CH 2  CH 3
 Mechanism
 The seperation of mixture of alkanes is not easy
because their boiling points are very close . Hence, At Cathode :
this is not used for the preparation of alkanes with Na   e  
 Na
odd number of carbon atoms.
 1
Methane cannot be prepared by this method. Na  H 2O 
 NaOH  H2
 Tertiary alkyl halides cannot be converted into 2
alkanes by this method because they convert into At Anode :
alkenes due to elimination. 2e 
Mechanism 2CH3COO  2 CH3CO O  2 e
   
C2 H 5  Br  N a  C2 H 5  NaBr 2 CH 3CO O 
 2 C H 3  2 CO 2
 
C2 H 5  C2 H 5  C2 H 5  C 2 H 5
2 C H 3 
 C2 H 6
  Methane cannot be prepared by this method.
C2 H 5  C2 H 5  C2 H 6  C2 H 4 Reduction :
Alkanes can be prepared by the reduction of
alcohols, aldehydes,ketones and fatty acids with hot
Oxidation HI and red P in a sealed tube.
The above reaction is an example of R  OH  2 HI 
Re d P
 R  H  H 2O  I 2
disproportionation reaction.
In the above reaction a new C-C bond is formed. R  CHO  4 HI 
Re d P
 R  CH 3  H 2O  2 I 2
W.E4: Write the chemcial reaction when halo R  CO  R  4 HI 
Re d P
 R  CH2  R  H2O  2 I2
arenes reacted with ethereal solution of an
alkyl halide in the presence of sodium metal? R  COOH  6 HI 
Re d P
 R  CH 3  2 H 2O  3I 2
W.E5. Predict the Product(s) in the below reaction odd ‘C’ alkanes due to their close packing nature.
R1COONa  R2COONa  Products
Electrolysis  Out of isomeric alkanes , the alkane with more
a) R1– R1 only b) R2– R2only spherical shape has the highest melting point
eg: Pentane - 143.3K
c) R1– R2 only d)All the above
2-methyl butane - 113.1K
Sol: D ( crossed reactions is possible)
2,2 -dimethylpropane - 256.4K
Preparation Methods of Methane:
 The carbides of Aluminium and Beryllium on Solubility :
hydrolysis gives methane gas  These are soluble in organic solvents and their
solubility decreases with increase in their molecular
Al4C3  12 H 2O  3CH 4  4 Al (OH )3 weight.
Be2C  4 H 2O  CH 4  2 Be(OH ) 2 Chemical Properties:
Physical properties:  Alkanes are extremely stable and inert.These are
 Alkanes are nonpolar due to covalent nature of C- inactive towards acids , bases, oxidising and
reducing agents.
C and C-H bonds.
 Under suitable conditions alkanes undergo
 Due to weak vanderwaal’s forces they possess very
substitution reactions.
low boiling points.
 At 298K, C1–C4 are gases ,C5-C17are liquids and  Halogenation:
above C17 are solids In these reactions one or more hydrogen atoms are
 Alkanes are lighter than water.All alkanes are replaced by halogen atoms.Alkanes react with
heavier than air , except methane. halogens (Cl2, Br2)in presence of sun light or UV
light or in dark at high temperature (573K -773K)
Boiling point:
to form the corresponding substituted products.
 Boiling points increases with increase in the
molecular weight of alkanes. CH 4 
 HCl
 CH 3Cl 
 HCl

eg : CH4 111K.
CH 2Cl2 
 HCl
 CHCl3 
 HCl
 CCl4
CH3 – CH3 184.5K.
CH3 – CH2–CH3 230.9K. i.e., during halogenation, mixture of halogen
 In case of chain isomers, the isomer with more derivatives are formed.
branches has less boiling point due to minimum  Order of reactivity of halogen with alkanes is : F2 >
surface area, weak inter molecular forces. Cl2 > Br2 > I2
eg: Among isomers of pentane the order of boiling  Order of reactivity of hydrogen in alkane with
point is halogen is : 30 H  2 0 H  1 0 H
pentane > isopentane > neopentane  Fluorination is accompanied by explosion since F2
W.E6: What is the order of the boiling points of is the most reactive halogen. Hence F2 diluted with
following alkanes -Explain an inert gas is used during the reaction.
I) CH  (CH )  CH  Iodination is very slow and reversible because HI
3 2 4 3
formed in the reaction is a strong reducing agent
II) CH 3  CH 2  CH (CH 3 )  CH 2  CH 3 and reduces alkyl iodide back to alkane.
III) C H 3  C  C H 3  2  C H  CH  Hence iodination requires the presence of oxidising
2 3
a g e HNO3 ,HIO3 which oxidises HI into I2
n t s l i k e

Sol: III > II > I thus equilibrium is brought forward.

2,2 - Dimethyl butane is more branched, more
CH 4  I 2   CH 3 I  HI
spherical and has smallest surface area. n-Hexane
has the longest carbon chain and largest surface 5 HI  HIO3 
 3I 2  3H 2O
area. Larger the surface area, greater is the boiling
2 HNO3  2 HI  I 2  2 NO2  2 H 2O
 Mechanism of Halogenation:
Melting point: Halogenation of methane takes place by “free
 Alkanes with even number of ‘C’ atoms have more radical mechanism”
melting points than their preceeding and succeeding
Chlorination of methane involves three steps over heated molybdenum oxide gets oxidized to
Chain initiation :Chlorine undergoes homolytic methanal
cleavage and forms chlorine free radicals. CH 4  O2  Mo2O3
 HCHO  H 2O
 
h   Ethane when oxidised in the presence of manganese
: Cl : Cl : 2 : Cl : acetate forms acetic acid.
 homolytic cleavage
 
2C2H6  3O2 
(CH3COO)2 Mn

 2CH3COOH  2H2O
 Chain propagation: The chlorine free radicals
 Alkanes are resistant towards oxidising agents
attack methane molecule. (e.g., KMnO4). But alkanes of the type R3CH are
. 
CH 4  Cl  C H 3  HCl
however,attacked by KMnO4 and are oxidised to
corresponding alcohols.
• • CH3 CH3
C H 3 +ClCl  CH 3Cl +Cl KMnO4
 Chain termination: The free radicals combine CH3 C H+[O] CH3 C OH
to form molecules and the chain reaction comes to CH3 CH3
an end.  Isomerization: n-alkanes on heating with
  anhydrous aluminium chloride and hydrogen
C H3  C H3  C2 H 6 chloride, get converted into branched chain
 
C H 3  C l  CH 3Cl alkanes.This process is called isomerisation.
 
C l  C l  Cl 2 CH 3CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 
AlCl3 / HCl

W.E7: Write the monochlorinated products of CH3 CH3
CH 3  CH  CH 3   CH 2  CH 3 ( e x c l u d i n g CH3CHCH2CH3 + CH3 C CH3
stereo isomers).
Sol: four isomers are possible CH3
Cl  CH 2  CH  CH 3   CH 2  CH 3 , eg.
AlCl3  HCl
 CH 3 2 CCl  CH 2  CH 3 CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 3 
2000 C ,35 atm
 Isobutane

 CH 3 2 CH  CH  Cl   CH 3 Aromatisation or Catalytic Reforming:

 The conversion of aliphatic compounds into
 CH 3 2 CH  CH 2  CH 2  Cl aromatic compounds is called aromatisation .
Combustion:  n-alkanes containing minimum of six carbon atoms
 Alkanes when burnt in excess of air or oxygen form when heated at 773K and 10-20 atm pressure in
CO2 , water and release huge amount of heat the presence of vanadium , molybdenum or
energy. Hence these are used as fuels. chromium oxides gets converted into
corresponding aromatic compounds.
 3n  1 
Cn H 2n2    O2  Cr2O3
 2  eg: 1) CH3 (CH2)4 CH3
n CO2  ( n  1) H 2 O  Energy
2) n-heptane   methylbenzene(Toulene)
CH4 + 2O2  CO2 + 2H2O + 890 KJ mole–1 773 K
 Combustion with insufficient amount of air or O2  Reaction with steam:
alkanes form carbon black. Methane reacts with steam at 1000 0 C in the
CH 4  O2   C  2 H 2O presence of a nickel catalyst to form
 Carbon black is used in the manufacture of printer carbonmonoxide and hydrogen.
Ni / 
ink, black pigments and as filters. CH 4  H 2O   CO  3H 2
Controlled oxidation: Pyrolysis :
 On passing methane and oxygen through copper  Decomposition of higher alkanes into smaller
tube at 523K, methane gets oxidized to methanol.
fragments on strong heating in the absence of air is
2 CH 4  O2 
Cu ,523 K ,100 atm
 2CH 3OH called pyrolysis or cracking. Pyrolysis is a free
 A mixture of methane and oxygen when passed radical reaction.
6. The solvent used in Wurtz reaction is
CH 4   C  2H 2
1000 C
1) C2H5OH(aq) 2) CH3COOH
C2 H 6   C2 H 4  H 2
450 C
3) H2O 4) C2H5OC2H5(dry)
C6H12 + H2 7. Isomerisation in alkane can be brought by
eg : C6H14 773K C4H8 +C2H6 1) Al2 O3 2) Fe 2 O3
3) Anh. AlCl3 / HCl at 2000 C 4) Conc.H 2 SO4
C3H6 + C2H6 + CH4 8. Conversion of high molecular weight
hydrocarbons into low molecular weight
 Pyrolysis of alkanes is a free radical reaction. hydrocarbons in the absence of air is known as
 Preparation of oil gas or petrol gas from kerosene 1) Polymerisation 2) Hydrolysis
oil or petrol involves the principle of pyrolysis. 3) Pyrolysis 4) Isomerisation
 Dodecane a constituent of kerosene oil on heating 9. Arrange the following in the decreasing order
to 973K in the presence of platinum or palladium of their boiling points
gives a mixture of heptane and pentene i) n-butane ii) 2-methylbutane
iii) n-pentane iv) 2,2-
C12 H 26 
Pt / Pd at 973 K
 C7 H16 
C5 H10  other products 1) i > ii > iii > iv 2) ii > iii > iv > i
3) iv > iii > ii > i 4) iii > ii > iv > i
W.E8: Why do the C  C bonds rather than the
10. 2–methyl propane on oxidation with KMnO4
C  H bonds break during pyrolysis of
alkanes? gives
Sol: Bond energy of C  C bond is lower than bond 1) 2- methyl propan - 2 - ol
2) 2- methyl propan - 1 - ol
energy of C  H bond.
3) butane 4) butanol - 1
11. In aromatisation of n-hexane, the catalyst
Level-I (C.W) used is
Nomenclature, Isomerism 1) Cr2O3 2)V2O5 3)Mo2O3 4) All
1. The I.U.P.A.C. name of neopentane is 12. Which reagent is suitable for the preparation
(AIEEE 2000) of formaldehyde from Methane
1) 2-methyl butane 2) 2,2- dimethyl propane 1) Mo2O3 / 2) Cu / 523K
3) 2-methyl propane 4) 2,2-dimethyl butane 3) (CH3COO)2Mn 4) All the above
2. The number of sigma bonds formed in ethane 13. Which of the following Halogenation of alkane
by the overlapping of sp3 – sp3 orbitals is reversible reaction
1) 7 2) 5 3) 1 4) 4 1) Fluorination 2) Chlorination
3. The dihedral angle between the hydrogen 3) Bromination 4) Iodination
atoms of 2 methyl groups in staggered 14. Preparation of oil gas or petrol gas from kerosene
conformation of ethane is oil or petrol involves the principle of
1) 00 2) 600 3) 1200 4) 2400 1) Isomerisation 2) Aromatisation
4. Energy barrier between staggered and 3) Pyrolysis 4) All the above
eclipsed form in ethane is Key Level - I (C.W)
1) 0.6 kcal / mole 2) 2.9 kcal / mole 01) 2 02) 3 03) 2 04) 2 05) 2 06) 4
3) 12 kcal / mole 4) 14 cal / mole 07) 3 08) 3 09) 4 10) 1 11) 4 12) 1
5. When sodium acetate is heated with sodalime 13) 4 14) 3
the reaction is called Hints Level - I (C.W)
1) Dehydration 2) Decarboxylation
3. Staggered conformation form at 600,1800 and
3) Dehydrogenation 4)Dehydrohalogenation
4. Energy gap = 2.9 / mole
n - butane converts into isobutane by
5. Sodalime is decarboxylating agent
1) LiAlH4 2) AlCl3 / HCl
7. Anhydrous AlCl3 + HCl
3) NaBH4 4) Zn/HCl
9. As number of carbons increases boiling point
Pyrolysis of Methane and ethane respectively
increases and as branching increases boiling point
1) Exothermic & Endothermic
10. 30 alkane oxidise into alcohol with KMnO4
2) Endothermic & Exothermic
11. Cr2O3 , V2O5, Mo2O3.
3) Both are Endothermic 4) Both are Exothermic
12. CH 4  O2  Mo2 O3

 HCHO 9. The compound with the highest boiling point is
13. Reactivity of halogens towards alkanes 1) n – Hexane 2) n- Pentane
F2  Cl2  Br2  I 2 3) 2, 2 – dimethyl propane 4) 2- methyl butane
10. Final products of complete oxidation of
Level-I (H.W) hydrocarbon is
1) Acid 2) Dihydric alcohol
Nomenclature, Isomerism 3) Aldehyde 4) H2O+CO2
1. The correct IUPAC name of the following 11. Bromination of alkane is initiated by a process
alkane is of
H3C  CH2  CH  CH2  CH2  CH  CH2  CH3 1) Pyrolysis 2) Substitution
| | 3) Homolysis 4) Peroxidation
CH  CH3 CH2 12. 2CH 4  O2 
Cu /523 K
100 atm
 product . Find the
| | number of oxygen atoms in the product
CH3 CH3 1) 4 2) 3 3) 2 4) 1
1) 3,6-diethyl - 2- methyloctane Key Level - I (H.W)
2) 5- isopropyl - 3 - ethyloctane
3) 3 - ethyl - 5 - isopropyloctane 01) 1 02) 4 03) 1 04) 3 05) 2 06) 1
4) 3 - isopropyl - 6 - ethyloctane 07) 2 08) 3 09) 1 10) 4 11) 3 12) 4
2. How many types of carbon atoms are present Hints Level - I (H.W)
in 2,2,3-trimethylpentane
3. In staggered form distance is more and in eclipsed
1) One 2) Two 3) Three 4) Four
form distance is less
3. The distances between the hydrogen nuclei in
4. Only saturated compounds exhibits conformational
staggered and eclipsed form in ethane
respectively are
o o o o 2CH 3 COONa  2 H 2O 
1) 2.55 A & 2.29 A 2) 1.54 A & 1.34 A
5. CH 3  CH 3  2CO2  2 NaOH  H 2
o o o o
3) 3.5 A & 2.5 A 4) 2.29 A & 2.55 A ( Anode) (Cathode)
4. Which of the following may exhibit 6. It is coupling reaction
conformational isomerism 9. As number of carbons increases boiling point
1) CH2 = CH2 2) CH  CH increases and as branching increases boiling point
3) CH3 – CH3 4) CO2 decreases
5. The gases liberated at anode in the electrolysis 10. Combustion is complete oxidation process
of sodium acetate are 11. The Bromination of Alkane in the presence of U.V
1) CO2 & H2 2) C2H6 & CO2 light is an example of Free radical substitution
3) H2 & C2H6 4) H2 & O2 (Homolysis)
6. Which of the following alkane cannot be
prepared from Wurtz reaction. 12. 2CH 4  O2 
Cu /523 K
100 atm
 2CH 3OH
1) CH4 2) C2H6 3) C4H10 4) All
Iodine > Bromine > Chlorine
 Rate of reactivity of alkyl group:
Introduction Tertiary > Secondary > Primary.
 Alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons containing  Reaction is regio selective and Saytzeff product is
atleast one carbon - carbon double bond. major product.
 Alkenes are also known as olefines ( oil forming) According to saytzeff’s (zaitsev) rule, when two
because the first member ethylene forms an oily alkenes are likely to form, highly substituted
product with chlorine. alkene is the predominant product.
 Alkenes have the general formula CnH2n Dehalogenation of vicinal dihalide:
Structure of double bond  Dehalogenation is removal of halogen atoms from
 C  C contains one strong  bond and one weak substrate.
 bond.  Common dehalogenating agents are NaI in
 Alkenes are more reactive than alkanes due to presence of acetone or Zinc in presence of acetic
loosely bonded  electrons. acid or ethanol .
 In alkenes C=C
Hybrid orbitals sp2 - sp2 R  CH  CH 2  Zn  
| | 
Bond length 1.34 A0 or 134 pm
Br Br
Bond energy ( 143.1
Preparations of alkenes: R  CH  CH 2  ZnBr2
By partial reduction of alkynes  It involves anti elimination of halogen atoms
a) By using Lindlar’s catalyst W.E1:Write the IUPAC name of the
 Lindlar’s catalyst is Palladised charcoal partially dehydrohalogenting product (s) of
deactivated by poisoning with sulphur containing 2 - bromo - 3 methyl butane
compounds like quinoline. Sol: 2 - methyl - 2 - butene (Major) and
 Reduction with Lindlar’s catalyst gives cis -alkenes 3 methyl - 1 - butene (Minor)
and it adds two hydrogens on same side (syn Dehydration of alcohols to alkenes:
addition)  Dehydration is removal of water from substrate.
b) Birch reduction:  Commonly used dehydrating agents are
 Reduction with Sodium in liquid ammonia gives
H 2 SO4 at 170  180o C , H 3 PO4 at 198o C ,
trans -alkene and it adds two hydrogens on
opposite sides (anti addition) Al2O3 at 380o C , P2O5 etc
 BaSO 4
R  C  C  R  Pd
   R
 C  C  RH
Quinoline H conc.H 2SO 4
R  CH 2  CH 2OH  
R  C  C  R   Na  LiqNH 3 R
H C C  H

Dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides: R  CH  CH 2  H 2 O
 Dehydrohalogenation is removal of hydrogen and
 Ease of dehydration of alcohols : 30>20>10 alcohol
halogen from substrate.In this reaction ‘H’ atom is
 In this reaction ‘H ‘atom is eliminated from
eliminated from   carbon atom
  carbon atom.Therefore it is known as  
 This elimination is known as   elimination elimination reaction.
reaction  It is regioselective and Saytzeff product is major.
CH3  CH 2  Br   It is stereoselective.

CH 2  CH 2  KBr  H 2O Kolbe’s Electrolysis
 Rate of reactivity of halogen :  Sodium or potassium salts of saturated
dicarboxylic acid on electrolysis in aqueous solution
at high temperature produces alkene as major
R  CH  CH 2
product. | |
Br Br
CH 2COOK 1,2dibromoethane
| + 2H 2O 
  In the above reaction , reddish brown coloured
Potassium succinate Br2 in CCl4 is decolourised . This reaction is used
CH 2  CH 2  2CO2  2 KOH  H 2 as a test for unsaturation.
 Alkenes cannot perform the same reaction with
 Alkene and carbondioxide are formed at anode.
 KOH and hydrogen are formed at cathode.
 Mechanism proceeds by the formation of
Physical Properties intermediate cyclic halonium ion and then the attack
 First three alkenes are gases, next fourteen alkenes of nucleophile by anti addition.
are liquids and higher alkenes are solids
 All are colourless and have no characteristic odour.
Ethene has pleasant smell.
 These are insoluble in water and fairly soluble in R2C = CR2 + X2 R R
nonpolar solvent.
 Melting point and boiling point increases with the R X
increase in molecular weight Addition of Hydrogen Halide :
 For every CH2 group B.P. increases by 20-30K  Alkenes add up a molecule of hydrogen halide to
 Straight chain isomers have higher boiling point than form alkyl halide.
branched chain compounds. Addition of HBr to Symmetrical Alkene:
 Alkenes are weakly polar. The polarity of cis isomer Addition to this type of alkene gives only one
is more than trans. product
 Trans isomer may be non polar or less polar (e.g.
trans - but-2-ene is non polar while trans - pent- CH  CH  HBr  CH  CH  Br
2 2 3 2
2-ene is weakly polar).  Order of reactivity : HI > HBr > HCl > HF
Chemical Properties : Addition of HBr to Unsymmetrical
 Alkenes undergo electrophilic addition reactions Alkenes :
because alkenes contain loosely bounded   Addition of HX to unsymmetrical alkenes gives two
electrons and so can easily attract electrophiles. products.
 Under special conditions alkenes undergo free H
radical substitution reactions. CH3  CH  CH 2  HBr  
Hydrogenation : Br
 Alkenes add hydrogen in presence of finely divided |
CH 3  CH  CH 3  CH 3  CH 2  CH 2 Br
nickel , palladium , platinum or PtO2 to form 2  BromoPr opane 1 BromoPr opane
(major) (min or)
corresponding alkanes.
This electrophilic addition reaction follows
Pt, Pd (or)Ni
R  CH  CH 2  H 2   Markovnikov’s rule.
Markovnikov's Rule
R  CH 2  CH 3 It states that the negative part of the addendum
Addition of Halogens : (attacking molecule) attack the carbon atom which
 Alkenes add one molecule of halogen like bromine contains lesser number of hydrogen atoms
or chlorine in presence of CCl4 to form vicinal (or)
The electrophile attacks the carbon of double bond
in such a way that more stable carbocation is
Br2 / CCl4
Ex : R  CH  CH  formed as intermediate.
2 
Mechanism : Mechanism :In presence of peroxide, addition
It involves following steps of HBr to alkenes follows free radical mechanism
a) Generation of electrophile R  O  O  R  RO OR

HBr   H   Br 
R  O HBr  R  OH  Br 

b) Formation of carbocation
CH 3  CH  CH 2  H  

CH3 CH = CH2+Br (more stable)
 
CH 3  CH  CH 3  CH 3  CH 2  CH 2 H3C CH CH2
2º carbocation 1º carbocation
 20 carbocation is more stable than 10 carbocation. (less stable)
 The carbocation formed is attacked by nucleophile H3C CHCH2 + H Br H3C CHCH2 + Br
(Br-) to form two products out of which
2-bromo propane is major because secondary Br Br
carbocation is more stable.  Order of stability of free radicals : 30>20>10

So major product is obtained by attack of

C H 3C H 2 C H 2  Br
 C H 3 C H 2 C H 2 Br electrophile on secondary free radical.
1-bromopropane  Peroxide effect is not observed in case of addition
of HF , HCl and HI.

Br  Addition of sulphuric acid
CH 3  CH  CH 3 
 CH 3  CH  CH 3
| Alkenes adds a molecule of conc H2SO4 according
Br to Markovnikov’s rule to form alkyl hydrogen
Note: When there is a possibility of formation of CH3  CH  CH2  H2SO4  CH3  CH  CH3
more stable carbocation then 1,2- hydride shift |
or methyl shift takes place to give more stable OSO3H
W.E2 : Find the major product Addition of Water
HBr  Hydration :
H2C CH CH = CH2 A Alkenes adds a molecule of water in presence of
CH3 dil. H 2 SO4 to form alcohols.
Sol: According to markovnikov’s, the OH
Br CH 3  C  CH 2  H 2 O  CH 3  C  CH 3
| |

product H3C C CH2 CH3 H H

Water adds to alkene , giving predominantly
Markovnikov’s product i.e. reaction is
AntiMarkovnikov’s Addition or regioselective
Kharash or Peroxide Effect. Rearrangements are allowed after carbocation is
Addition of HBr to unsymmetrical alkene follows formed.
anti Markovnikov’s rule in presence of peroxide.  Oxidation by Baeyer’s Reagent
Baeyer’s reagent is cold dilute aqueous solution
CH3  CH  CH2  HBr  

of KMnO4 .Alkenes are oxidised by Baeyer’ss
CH3  CH (Br)  CH3  CH3  CH2  CH2 Br
reagent to corresponding diols. It is syn addition of
min or major two OH groups.
cold dil . alk KMnO Sol:
CH 2  CH 2  H 2O (O ) 4

CH 2OH  CH 2OH O3
Ethane1, 2diol Oxidation O
 Alkenes decolourise KMnO4 . Hence above O OH
reaction is used to test unsaturation. Polymerisation
 The above reaction can also be brought about by  Polymerisation is a process in which a large number
using OsO4 . of simple molecules combine to form a gaint
 The above reactions are examples of syn- molecule (polymer). The simple molecules are called
hydroxylation. monomers.
Oxidation by Acidic KMnO4 (or) K2Cr2O7:  Ethylene polymerises to give polythene .
 Alkenes are oxidised to ketones or carboxylic nCH2  CH2 
 CH2  CH2 n
acids by acidic KMnO4 or G K 2 Cr2 O7 depending High pressure Polythene
High temp
on the nature of alkene. n(CH3CH = CH2) ( CH CH2 )n
High pressure
 In this oxidation reaction,
= CH2 part get oxidized to CO2 + H2O CH3
= CHR part get oxidized to RCOOH The polymerisation involving monomers with vinyl
= CR2 part get oxidized to RCOR group is called vinyl polymerisation. some of these
polymers are listed in Table .
KMnO 4 / H 
(CH 3 ) 2 C  CH 2  
(CH 3 ) 2 C  O  CO 2  H 2O
H2C = CHCl Polyvinylchloride
KMnO 4 / H 
CH 3  CH  CH  CH 3   H2C = CHCN Polyvinycyanide
2 Bu t ene
2 CH 3COOH (Polyacrylonitrile)
Ethanoicacid H2C = CHC6H5 Polyvinylbenzene
Ozonolysis (Polystyrene)
 This reaction is used to detect the position of W.E5 :Isoprene is a diene. How are the positions
unsaturation i.e. double and triple bond. of double bonds located?
 Alkenes add a molecule of ozone to form ozonide Sol: Isoprene is an unsaturated hydrocarbon with
and then Zn  H 2O cleaves the ozonide to
molecular formula C5 H 8 . One mole of isoprene
carbonyl compounds.
on ozonolysis gives two moles of methanal and one
CH3 mole of 2-oxopropanal. Hence is isoprene has two
O3 double bonds on terminal carbon atoms and a
CH3 C  CH2 
2Methyl1 propene
Zn H2O CH3COCH3  HCHO branch on one of the doubly bonded carbon atoms.
Arranging the ozonolysis products in a sequence ,
CH3CH  CH 2  O3 
 CH3CHO  HCHO we get,
O3 H C=O+O=C C=O+O=C H
CH3  CH  C  CH3 
2 Methyl2Butene
W.E4 :What are the oxidative ozonolysis
O3, H2O, Zn
H2C = C CH = CH2
products of ?
Hence isoprene is 2-methyl-1,3-butadiene.
Allylic substitution 7. The peroxide effect involves
 Though alkenes readily undergo addition reactions, 1) Ionic mechanism
when these are heated with chlorine or bromine at 2) Free – radical mechanism
a high temperature of about 5000C, the hydrogen 3) Heterolytic fission of double bond
atom at allylic carbon is substituted with halogen 4) All the above
resulting in the formation of alkenyl halides. 8. Anti Markovnikov’s addition of HBr is not
observed in
CH 3  CH  CH 2  Br2  
500 c
1) Propene 2) Butene - 1
CH 2  Br   CH  CH 2  HBr 3) Butene-2 4) Pentene - 2
9. The olefine which on ozonolysis gives
Allylic substitution may also be carried out with N- CH3CH2CHO & CH3CHO is
bromosuccinimide 1) 1 - butene 2) 2- butene
CH 3  CH  CH 2 
 CH 2  Br   CH  CH 2 3) 1 - pentene 4) 2 - pentene
NBS gives allylic bromination 10. Baeyer’s reagent oxidises ethylene to
1) Ethylene chlorohydrin 2) Ethyl alcohol
Level-I (C.W) 3) CO2 & H2O 4) Ethane -1, 2-diol
11. On reductive ozonolysis, ethylene gives
Preparations of Alkenes 1) Aldehyde 2) Ketone
1. CH3CH2CH2CH2 CH2CH3 CH3 3) Carboxylic acid 4) Ether
12. Polythene is obtained by the polymerization of
CH3 CH C = CH CH2 CH CH3 1) Styrene
1) 5 - ethyl -2, 6- dimethyl dec - 4 - ene 2) A mixture of ethylene and styrene
2) 3 - ethyl- 5, 6- dimethyl dec - 4 - ene 3) Acetylene 4) Ethene
3) 2 - ethyl- 5, 6 -dimethyl dec - 4 - ene Key Level-I (C.W)
4) 5 - ethyl- 2, 5- dimethyl dec - 4 - ene
01) 1 02) 3 03) 1 04) 2 05) 3 06) 2
2. The number of structural isomers(open chain)
possible for C5H10are 07) 2 08) 3 09) 4 10) 4 11) 1 12) 4
1) 6 2) 4 3) 5 4) 3 Hints Level-I (C.W)
3. Planar molecule among the following is
1) IUPAC rule
1) CH2=CH2 2) CH3– CH3
3) SP2 hydridisation
3) CH  C  CH 3 4) Cyclohexane
4. When ethanol vapours are passed over 4) CH 3CH 2OH 
3500 C
 C2 H 4  H 2O
alumina heated at 3500C the main product 5) Dehydro halogenation of ethyl chloride gives
obtained is Ethene, KCl and Water.
1) C2H6 2) C2H4 3) C2H2 4) C2H5OC2H5
7) peroxide form free radical
5. Dehydrohalogenation of ethyl chloride in
presence of alc. KOH produces the following 8) Unsymmetrical alkenes with HBr only shows
antiMarkovnikoff’s rule
1) HC  CH  KCl  H 2O
2) CH 4  KCl  H 2O CH 3  CH 2  CH  CH  CH 3 
O3 Zn / H 2O

3) CH 2  CH 2  KCl  H 2O CH 3CH 2CHO  CH 3CHO

4) C 2 H 4  HCl H 2C  CH 2 
dil .alkaline , KMnO4

Properties 10)
HO  CH 2  CH 2  OH
6. The negative part of the addendum adds on to
the carbon atom joined to the least number of 11) H 2C  CH 2 
O3 Zn / H 2O
 2 HCHO
hydrogen atoms. This statement is called
1) Baeyer's strain theory 2) Markovnikov’s rule 12) ethene polymerizes to give polyethene
3) Newmann theory 4)Peroxide effect
Level-I (H.W) 9. Two moles of formaldehyde can be obtained
by the following
Preparations of Alkenes & Properties 1) Ozonolysis of acetylene and followed by
1. The number of sigma    and pi    bonds in hydrolysis
2) Ozonolysis of ethylene and followed by
the following structure are hydrolysis
(CH3)2CH CH = CH CH2 CH = CH CH CH3 3) Ozonolysis of propene and hydrolysis
C2H5 4) Ozonolysis of 2-butene and hydrolysis
1)  bonds -33 and  bonds -2 10. Reagent used for the conversion of propene
2)  bonds -22 and  bonds -2 to propane-1,2-diol
3)  bonds -42 and  bonds -2 1) O3/H2O 2) Dil. KMnO4/ OH–
4)  bonds -40 and  bonds -3
3) KMnO4/ OH+ 4) OH+ /H2O
2. The alkene that exhibits geometrical
11. On reductive ozonalysis, 2-Methyl propene
isomerism is (AIEEE - 2009) gives
1) Propene 2) 2-methyl propene 1) Propan-2-one & Methanal
3) 2-butene 3) 2-methyl-2-butene 2) Propanal & Ethanal
3. Identify the molecule having sp2 hybridised 3) Only propanone 4) Only Ethanal
carbons only 12. Polytetrafluoroethylene is commercially
1) 1-pentene 2) 2-Butene known as
3) Buta-1,3 diene 4) Propene 1) Teflon 2) Freon 3) Lewisite 4) Westron
4. Ethylene is prepared by Key Level-I (H.W)
1) Dehalogenation of chloroform
2) Pyrolysis of ethane at 4500C 01) 1 02) 3 03) 3 04) 2 05) 3 06) 3
3) Dehydration of methanol with Al2O3/3500C 07) 2 08) 3 09) 2 10) 2 11) 1 12) 1
4) Methyl chloride on reduction Hints Level-I (H.W)
5. Identify the IUPAC name of the product formed 3) Conceptual
in dehydro hologenation of 2-chloropropane
C2 H 6   C2 H 4  H 2
1) Propane 2) Hexane 4) 450 C

3) Propene 4) 3-Hexene
6. Anti Markovnikov`s addition takes place in 5) CH3  CHCl  CH3 
CH3  CH  CH2
the presence of
1) HBr 2) HBr / C6 H 5COOH 6) peroxide
7) Unsymmetrical alkenes with HBr only shows
3)  C6 H 5CO 2 O2 / HBr 4) HBr / C6 H 5OH Kharash effect.
7. In which of the following will Kharasch effect
8) According to Antimarkovnikov’s rule
1) CH3-CH2-CH=CH2+HCl 9) H 2C  CH 2 
O3 Zn / H 2O
 2 HCHO
2) CH3-CH2-CH=CH2+HBr
10) Baeyer’s reagent
3) CH3-CH=CH-CH3+HBr
4) CH3-CH2-CH=CH2+HI CH 3
11) CH 3  C  CH 2   
2 2 2 3 O Zn / H O
3 2

Find the X
1) HBr / C6 H 5COOH 2) Br2 / CCl4
3) HBr / peroxide 4) Br2 / H 2O


SYNOPSIS ( NaNH2) which gives acetylene .

 Alkynes are unsaturated hydrocarbons containing  R  CH ( Br )  CH ( Br )  R 
AlC KOH and NaNH 2
or 2 moleof NaNH 2

C  C  R  C  C  R  2 NaBr
 General formula of alkynes is Cn H 2 n  2 Alcoholic KOH
eg: Br  H C  CH  Br  
 First member of the series is ethyne or acetylene. 2 2  KBr ,  H O
 Pure acetylene is called Narcylene
 Acetylene is used for arc welding in the form of NaNH
H 2C  CH  Br 2 CH  CH  NaBr  NH
oxyacetylene flame obtained by mixing acetylene 3
with oxygen Dehalogenation - From Tetra Halo
Structure of Ethyne Alkanes
 Carbon atoms of ethyne are sp hybridised .  Zn dust in alcohol acts as a dehalogenating agent
 Ethyne molecule contains one C-C  bond ,two
C-H  bonds and two C-C  bonds  R  C( X )2  C( X )2  R 
Zndust ,alcohol

 Order of bond energies in KJ mol 1 R  C  C  R  2ZnX 2
C  C  C  C  C C  eg: When 1,1,2,2 - tetrabromoethane is heated
with Zn dust acetylene is obtained.
823 681 348 Zndust / 
CHBr2  CHBr2  CH  CH  ZnBr2
 Order of bond lengths
Kolbe’s Electrolysis
C C  C  C  C C  Potassium salt of malic acid or fumeric acid and its
154 pm 133 pm 120 pm alkyl derivatives gives alkynes on electrolysis.
Preparations of Alkynes :  RCCOOK
Hydrolysis of Calcium Carbide
(Industrial Method)
 Calcium carbide on hydrolysis gives ethyne . R C C R + 2CO2 + 2KOH + H2
CaC2  2 H 2O  H  C  C  H  Ca(OH )2
at anode at cathode
Calciumcarbide Acetylene Mechanism:
 The required calcium carbide is obtained from RC COOK RC COO
Electrolysis +
calcium carbonate as given below + 2K

CaCO3   CaO  CO2  RC COOK RC COO
At Anode :
CaO  3C  CaC2  CO  RC COO
 Magnesium carbide on hydrolysis gives propyne R C C R + 2CO2
Mg2C3  4H2O  CH3  C  CH  2Mg(OH )2
At Cathode : 2K   2 e 
 2K
Dehydrohalogenation- From Vicinal
2K  2H2O 
 2KOH  H2
 First molecule of HX is removed by using From iodoform
alc.KOH which gives alkenyl halide and second Ethyne is prepared by this method

molecule of HX is removed by using sodamide 2 CHI 3  6 Ag   CH  CH  6 AgI
NaNH 2
Δ   A    
Δ   B 
 
W.E1: ClCH 2 - CH 2 Cl Alc.KOH
R  C  C  H   R  C  C N a
NaNH 2
NH 3( l )
Find (A) & (B)
 
R X
Sol: A  H 2C  CHCl R  C  C N a   R  C  C  R'

B  HC  CH
Physical Properties CH -Cº CH + NaLiqNH 3  A
W.E 2: CH 3 CH 2 Cl 3      
 First three alkynes are gases, the next eight are
liquids and the higher alkynes are solids. Find the product (A) and explain, why
 These are weakly polar in nature. product (A) cannot react with sodium metal?
 These are lighter than water ,immiscible in water Sol: ‘A’ is CH 3CH 2C  C  CH 3
but soluble in organic solvents. It is an example of Nucleophilic substitution reaction
 As molecular weight increases melting point , of Alkyl halide.
boiling point and solubility in organic solvents
CH 3  C  C    act as Nucleophile.
 Melting points and boiling points of alkynes are Product (A) is not a terminal Alkyne so,it does not
higher than those of corresponding alkanes and have acidic hydrogen
alkenes because alkynes have linear structure due Reaction with Ammonical Cuprous
to which molecules are more closely packed. Chloride
 Acetylene is a colourless gas with garlic odour due When acetylene is passed through ammonical
to the presence of impurities like phosphine etc
cuprous chloride solution, a red precipitate of
Chemical Properties copper acetylide is formed.
 Alkynes are less reactive than alkenes towards
electrophilic addition reaction because the  R  C  C  H  CuCl2  2 NH 4OH  
electrons in alkynes are more tightly held in alkynes R  C  C  Cu  2 NH 4Cl  2 H 2O
than alkenes.
 Alkynes exhibit characteristic reactions showing Red ppt
a) Acidic nature b) Addition reactions Reaction with Tollen’s Reagent
c) Polymerisation reactions.  When acetylene is passed through Tollen’s reagent
Acidic Nature of Alkyne: ( Ammonical silver nitrate) a white precipitate of
 Hydrogens attached to sp carbons are acidic in silver acetylide is formed.
nature.As the % of s-character in hybrid orbitals R  C  C  H  2 A gN O 3  2 N H 4 O H 
increases ,acidic nature increases.
 Order of acidic nature: R  C  C  Ag  2 NH 4 NO3  2 H 2 O
H 2O  ROH  HC  CH  NH 3  white ppt
CH 2  CH 2  CH 3  CH 3  The above reactions are characteristics of alkynes
 Order of acidic nature in hydrocarbons: and are used in distinguishing alkynes from alkenes
and alkanes .
CH  CH  CH 2  CH 2  CH 3  CH 3
Addition Reactions
% S  50% 33.33% 25%
 As alkynes contain triple bond , these can add two
Reaction with Sodium in Liquid molecules of reagent .
Ammonia  In these reactions ,sp carbon changes to sp2 and
Terminal alkynes react with sodium in liquid further to sp3 .
ammonia or sodamide to form sodium alkynide  Alkenes undergo both electrophilic and nucleophilic
1 addition reactions.
 CH  C  Na 
CH  CH  Na  H2 Addition of Halogens
 Alkynes add two molecules of halogens to form
CH  C Na  Na 
 NaC  C Na  H2 tetrahalogen derivatives.
 This reaction is utilized for the preparation of higher R  C  CH  Br  Br 

alkynes. RBrC  CHBr  
Br2 / CCl4
 RBr2 C  CHBr2
 The order of reactivity of halogens : R  C  CH 
 R  CH  CHBr
Cl2 > Br2 > I2.
 Alkynes decolourise the reddish colour of bromine Addition of Water:
in CCl4  It is Nucleophilic addition
 Alkynes add water in presence of dil. H 2 SO4 and
Cl2 /CCl4
 H  C  C  H 

Acetylene Hg 2 ions to form carbonyl compounds.
 Acetylene is hydrated to acetaldehyde.
 CHCl  CHCl  Cl2 /CCl4
CHCl2  CHCl2  Higher alkynes are hydrated to ketones.
1,1,2,2 2
CH C  CH  HOH 
 CH C (OH )  CH
tetrachloroethane (westron) 3 3 2
Ozonolysis :  Tautomerism
     
CH 
 CH 3
 Alkynes form ozonide with ozone which is
Addition of hydrogen:
decomposed by water to diketones.
 These diketones on oxidation with Hydrogenation
 Alkynes readily react with hydrogen in the presence
H 2O2 , KMnO4 / NaIO4 or peracids give
of finely divided Ni, Pt or Pd as catalysts. The
carboxylic acids while with metal /acid or NaBH 4 reaction is called hydrogenation.
give diols. R  C  CH  H 2 
Pt / Pd / Ni

R  C  C  R '  1) O3
 R  COOH  R '  COOH
2) H 2O R  CH  CH 2  H
R  CH 2  CH 3
 Terminal alkynes on oxidative ozonolysis give formic  Hydrogenation can be controlled at the alkene stage
acid as one of the product which is further oxidised by using a Lindlar’s catalyst which is mixture of
to carbondioxide. palladium and barium sulphate poisoned by
H2O2 B quinoline or by using Na & NH 3 .
W.E3: Me C C Me (A)  Reduction of dialkyl alkyne produces either a cis
Zn + AcOH C alkene or a trans alkene depending upon the
Whart are the product (B) & (C)? choice of reducing agent .
 Na (Metals) in liq. ammonia gives trans- alkene.This
Sol: B  2 Moles of Me COOH
is called Birch reduction.( anti addition)
( it is oxidative product)  Lindlar’s catalyst gives cis - alkene.(syn addition).
OH Combustion:
 Acetylene burns in air or oxygen to form
carbondioxide and water with evolution of large
C= (it is reductive amount of heat.
product)  The oxyacetylene flame is used for welding
purposes and gives a temperature of about 35000C.
Addition of Hydrogen Halides 2C2 H 2  5O2  4CO2  2 H 2O;
 Alkynes add two molecules of hydrogen halides to
H  1300kJmol 1
form gem dihalides.
Oxidation :
 Both additions are regioselective and follow
Markovnikov’s rule  With alkaline potassium permanganate,
acetylene is oxidised to oxalic acid during which
R  C  CH 
R  CBr  CH 2
pink colour is decolourised.
 R  C B r2  C H 3
 Order of reactivity of HX is HI > HBr > HCl CH  CH  4  O  
OH  ,250 C

 In presence of peroxide HBr adds by anti  With chromic acid, acetylene is oxidised to
Markovikov’s addition.Reaction proceeds by free acetic acid .
radical mechanism.
CH  CH  H 2O   O  
K 2Cr2O7
H 2 SO4
Polymerisation W.E6:Based on reductive ozonolysis reaction , how
 Acetylene undergoes both linear and cyclic do you distinguish between an alkene and
polymerisation. alkyne?
Linear Polymerisation Sol: An alkene on reductive ozonolysis, two carbonyl
 Acetylene undergoes linear polymerisation to form compounds are formed.
polyethyne or poly acetylene containing repeating
R  CH  CH  R ' O3
R  CHO  R ' CHO
units of CH  CH  CH  CH  H 2O , Zn

 Thin films of polyacetylene are used as electrodes An alkyne on reductive ozonolysis,

in batteries because these films are good a dicarbonyl compound is formed.
Dimerisation R C C R' R C C R'
 When passed through a solution of cuprous chloride H2O/Zn
in ammonium chloride, acetylene dimerises to give O O
vinyl acetylene W.E7: Arrange benzene, n-hexane and ethyne in
CH  CH  CH  CH  CuCl
 CH  C  CH  CH 2 . decreasing order of acidic behaviour. Give
reason for this behaviour.
vinyl acetylene
Sol: The decreasing order of acidic behaviour is
CH  CH  CuCl
 CH 2  CH  C  C  CH  CH 2 ethyne> benzene>n-hexane.
divinyl acetylene The C-H bonds in ethyne,benzene and hexane is
Cyclic Polymerisation: formed by sp  s, sp 2  s and sp 3  s overlap
Trimerisation respectively. since sp hybridization carbon which
 Acetylene when passed through red hot iron tube
at 873K undergoes cyclic polymerisation forms more electronegative than sp 2 hybridization car-
benzene . bon which in turns is more electronegativity than
3C2 H 2 
Redhot Fe tube
 C6 H 6 sp3 -hybridized carbon, therefore the polarity of
 Similarly, propyne trimerises in the presence of C-H bond
sulphuric acid to form syn-trimethyl benzene or is in the order:
mesitylene Ethyne>benzene>hexane
W.E4: Acetylene is acidic but it does not react with
Consequently, the acidity is in the order:
sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide.
Give reason. Ethyne>benzene>hexane
Sol:Acetylene is very weak acid.The value of W.E.8: Explain the best feasible path for the
dissociation constant, K a is very low 10  .
25 preparation of compound

Thus, it does not react with alkalies like NaOH or CH 3  CO  CH 2  CH 3

KOH , but react with very strong base like from CH 3  CH  Br   CH 2  CH 3 ?

sodamide  NaNH 2  , Active metals like Na,K.
Sol: CH 3  CH  Br   CH 2  CH 3 
alc. KOH

W.E5:How 3-hexyne can be prepared form
acetylene? CH 3  CH  CH  CH 3 

Sol: Acetylene is treated with sodium metal to get

disodium acetylide which on treatment with CH 3  CH  Br   CH  Br   CH 3 
NaNH 2 , 

ethylbromide, 3-hexyne is formed. 2

HC  CH  2 Na  NaC  CNa 

2 C2 H 5 Br
 CH 3  C  C  CH 3 
H O/ H 


CH 3CH 2C  CCH 2CH 3  2 NaBr CH 3  CO  CH 2  CH 3

13. Hydrocarbon which gives oxyacetylene flame
Level-I (C.W) 1) ethane 2) ethene 3) ethyne 4) ethanal
Nomenclature & Methods of reparation Key Level-I (C.W)
1. The number of possible alkynes with molecular 01)1 02) 3 03) 1 04) 2 05) 1 06) 4
formula C5H8 is 07) 1 08) 3 09) 3 10) 2 11) 3 12) 1
1) 3 2) 4 3) 5 4) 6 13) 3
2. The number of open chain structural isomers
Key Level- I (C.W)
possible for C4H6
1) 6 2) 5 3) 4 4) 2 5. Dehydro halogenation
3. The isomer of propyne 6. Alkynes > Alkenes > Alkanes
1) Allene 2) Propene 7. Acidic nature of terminal alkynes
3) Cyclo propane 4) Propane 8. Oxidation
4. The C - C bond length is shortest in 9. Dehydrohalogenation
1) C2 H 6 2) C2 H 2 3) C6 H 6 4) C2 H 4 10. Acidic nature of terminal alkynes
5. Gem dihalides on treatment with alcoholic
KOH give 12. Na / liq.NH 3
1) Alkyne 2) Alkene 13. Uses of ethyne
3) Alkane 4) Cyclo alkanes
6. Which one of the following possess the Level-I (H.W)
minimum boiling point (AIEEE 2004) Nomenclature & Methods of Preparation
1) 1-Pentyne 2) 1-Butyne
1. The number of open chain structural isomers
3) n-Butane 4) Isobutane
C5H8 is
p o s s i b l e w i t h m o l e c u l a r f o r m u l a

1) 7 2) 6 3) 5 4)4
7. 1-pentyne and 2-pentyne can be distinguished by 2. Alkynes exhibit functional isomerism with
1) Silver mirror test 2) Iodoform test
1) Alkanes 2) Alkenes
H2 4) Baeyers test
3) Alkadienes 4) Alcohols
3 ) A d d i t i o n o f

8. Cold and dil.Alk.KMnO4 will oxidise acetylene to

3. Bond angle between C - C in alkyne
1) Ethylene glycol 2) Ethyl alcohol
1) 1090.28 2) 1200 3) 180o 4) 60o
3) Oxalic acid 4) Acetic acid
4. The molecule having linear structure is
9. X + 2KOH Alcohol   H – C  C – H here 1) Methane 2) Ethylene 3) Acetylene 4) Water
"X' is
1) 1, 1–Dibromoethane 2) 1, 2–Dibromoethane
5. X  2 Zn   H  C  C  H here ‘X’ is

3) Both (1) and (2) 1) 1, 1-Dibromoethane 2) 1, 2-Dibromoethane

4) 1, 1, 2, 2 – Tetrabromoethane 3) Di bromo ethane
10. Acetylene gives white precipitate with 4) 1, 1, 2, 2-Tetra bromoethane
ammonical silver nitrate but ethylene cannot 6. Correct order of boiling point of Hydro carbons
give because having same number of carbons
1) Acetylene possess sp2 carbon 1) Alkyne = Alkene = Alkane
2) Acetylene posses acidic hydrogen 2) Alkyne < Alkene < Alkane
3) Acetylene possess low electronegative carbon 3) Alkyne > Alkene > Alkane
4) Acetylene posess C  C  triple bond 4) Alkyne = Alkene > Alkane
11. Which of the following possess acidic Properties
hydrogen 7. Acetylene on reaction with silver nitrate shows
1) C2H6 2) C2H4 3)C2H2 4) CH4 1) Oxidizing property 2) Reducing property
12. The reagent used for obtaining trans alkene 3) Basic nature 4) Acidic nature
from alkyl substituted acetylene with 8. Acetylene on treatment with H 2O in the
hydrogen is presence of HgSO4and H2SO4 give
1) Na in liq.NH3 2) LiAlH4 1) Ethane 2) Ethanal
3) Zn+HCl 4) H2 in presence of Ni 3) Ethanol 4) Ethanoic acid
9. H C  C H  H X  dark
  X  dark
Y . Find
X &Y .
1) CH 2  CH 2 &
CH 2  CH 2
2) CH 2  CHX & CH 3  CHX 2
3) CH 2  CHX &
CH 2  CH 2
4) CH 2  CHX & X 2CH  CHX 2
10. Find the product formed when C2 H 2 reacts with
Tollen’s reagent
1) AgCH=CHAg 2) AgC=CAg
3) H2C=CH2 4) AgCH2=CH2Ag
11. Which of these will not react with acetylene?
(AIEEE 2002)
1) NaOH 2) Na
3) Ammonical AgNO3 4) HCl
12. What is Lindlar`s Catalyst
1) LiAlH 4 2) H 2  Pd / BaSO4
3) Li / liq.NH 3 4) Hg 2  / H  / H 2O
13. Acetylene is stored and Transported in
1) Acetone 2) H 2O
3) Alcohol 3) All the above
Key Level-I (H.W)
01)1 02) 3 03) 3 04) 3 05) 4 06) 3
07) 4 08) 2 09) 2 10) 2 11) 1 12) 2
13) 1
Hints Level-I (H.W)
5. Dehalogenation
6. Polarnature
7. Acidic nature of terminal alkynes
8. Hydration of acetylene
9. According to Markovnikov rule
11. Low K a value

Aromatic Compounds
 The term aromatic has been derived from Greek
word ‘aroma’ meaning pleasant odour. Aromatic
compounds possess a higher percentage of carbon CH3
as compared to aliphatic compounds and burn with 1,4 - dimethyl benenze
sooty flame.
 Aromatic compounds have been given a new name  Position of more than two substituents are always
arenes. Having a general molecular formula indicated by numbers
Cn H 2 n 6 y . (n  6 and y is number of benzene rings).
Br Br
 Most of the aromatic compounds were found to
contain benzene ring. Br
 Compounds having benzene ring in them are
classified as benzenoid compounds. Br
 The homologous of benzene and all aromatic 1,2,3 - tribromo benzene 1,2,4 - tribromo benzene
hydrocarbons are known as arenes. Cl COOH
 Aromatic compounds which do not contain benzene
ring in them are known as non-benzenoid
compounds, which contain other highly unsaturated
3, 5-dinitrobenzoic acid
 Benzenoid compounds include benzene and its de- CH2 CH2 CH2 CH3 OH NO2
rivatives and polynuclear hydrocarbons such as
naphthalene, anthracene, biphenyl, etc.
 IUPAC names of aromatic compounds
Homocyclic aromatic compounds : n-butyl benezene Hydroxy benezene Nitro benzene
 In this system the substituent name is placed as prefix (phenol) (oil of mirbane)

to the word benzene (The names written in brackets are common names
OCH3 CH3 Cl which are frequently used.)
 When two substituents are present, their relative
positions are indicated by the prefixes ortho, meta
or para(o-;m-;p). These prefixes are only for
disubstitued compounds but for more substituted
Methoxy benzene Methyl benzene Chlorobenzene compounds numbers are given
(anisole) (toluene)
The dimethyl benzenes are xylenes Cl
Cl Cl
1,2 - dichloro benzene 1,3 - dichloro benzene
CH3 (ortho dichlorobenzene) (m-dichlorobenzene)
1,2 - dimethyl benenze 1,3 - dimethyl benenze
(o-xylene) (m-xylene)
Cl Resonance Theory
NO2  The phenomenon in which two or more structures
COOH can be written for a molecule but none of them
represents its actual structure is called resonance.
 Various possible alternative structures are known
Cl as resonating structures or Canonical structures.
1,4 - dichlorobenzene 2 - nitrobenzoic acid
(para-dichlorobenzene) (o-nitrobenzoic acid)  In these structures only delocalization of 
electrons takes place.
CH3 C = CH CH3  During this delocalization some energy is released
CH3 C = CH CH3 which is called resonance energy.
(or)  Greater the resonance energy greater will be the
C 6H 5
Cl stability.
2-phenyl-2-butene  More the number of resonating structures or
canonical structures more will be the stability.
CH2  For benzene resonance energy is 36 or
C6H5 CH2 150.48 KJ/mole.
(or)  According to Kekule, Benzene is resonance hybrid
Cl of two structures, which differ in the position of
double bonds.
 C6 H 5  group is known as phenyl ,which is some
times abbreviated as Ph or  .
 Kekule structures are far more stable than the
Dewar’s structures. Thus these two kekule
structures contribute more to resonance hybrid
(80%) than the rest of the structures.
Benzene Benzene
Sulphonic acid diazonium chloride
Polycyclic Aromatic compounds
Dewar's structures (20%)
 These hydrocarbons contain two or more benzene
 Since, the two Kekule’s structures are equivalent
rings .These are further divided into two classes.
the stability of the resulting resonance hybrid is very
a)Those which contain isolated benzene rings . high. Due to resonance each C-C bond in benzene
examples are : has some double bond character and this has been
CH2 confirmed by measuring bond length between two
adjacent carbon atoms in various compounds of
Diphenyl Diphenyl methane benzene.
b) Those in which two or more benzene rings are  The bond length C-C (single bond as in ethane) is
fused or condensed. Examples are 1.54 Ao and C=C (double bond as in ethene) is
1.34Ao. The carbon to carbon bond length in
benzene has been found to be 1.39 Ao , which
indicates C-C bond length in benzene is in between
single and double bond lengths.
Naphthalene Anthracene  Resonance can occur in a molecule if it is planar.
Structure of Benzene Thus, all the C and H are expected to be planar.
 The stability and the structure of benzene have Instead of using two Kekule’s structures, the hybrid
been explained on the basis of two modern is represented for the sake of convenience only, by
theories. one structure as shown below (Actually the hybrid
1) Resonance or valence bond theory form cannot be represented on paper)
2) Molecular orbital theory
 The total number of  and  bonds in benzene
Resonance hybrid of benzene. are 12 & 3
 The Bond angle is 1200 and the bond length is
Determination of Structure of 1.39 Ao. This is due to delocalisation of 'pi'electons
Benzene (or) resonance.
 Experimental results and analytical data reveals the  The C-C bondlength (1.39A) is intermediate
molecular formula of benzene as C6 H 6 . between C-C single bond (1.54 A0) and C = C
 The carbon to hydrogen ratio indicates unsaturation double bond (1.34A0) length.
in the molecule. Aromaticity
 But benzene does not behave like other unsaturated  According to Huckel, cyclic, planar and completely
compounds (alkenes, alkynes.) conjugated systems containing  4n  2   electrons
 It does not decolourise
are stabilised by resonance and show aromatic
a) Br2 water (or) alkaline KMnO4 character.
b) It can't undergo Polymerisation and where n is an integer (n = 0, 1, 2, .......). This is
oxidation under normal conditions o f t e n Huckel’s Rule.
r e f e r r e d t o a s

c) It undergoes electrophilic substitution  Illustrative examples

reactions rather than addition reactions Benzene
and is a stable molecule.
 To explain the stability of benzene let us see the
It has 6  electrons
hydrogenation reactions.
Pt 4n+2=6 and here n=1.
+H2 Naphthalene
Cyclohexene Cyclohexane
; H 28.6k cal mol 1 It has 10  electrons

Pt 4n + 2 = 10 and hence n = 2.
+H2 Anthracene
1,3 - cyclohexadiene
It has 14  electrons
H  55.4k cal mol 1 (just double that of cyclo
hexene) 4n + 2 = 14 and hence n=3
 If benzene was a hexatriene then the energy to be Cyclopentadienyl anion
liberated in hydrogenation is
3  28.6  85.8 k .cal.mole 1 but actually only It has 6  electrons
49.8 k cal is liberated. To the extent of
4n + 2 = 6 and hence n=1.
85.8  49.8  36 k .cal / mole benzene is Cycloheptatrienyl cation
stabilized compared to cyclohexatriene.
Orbital Model of Benzene It has 6  electrons
 Benzene is hexagonal planar. All the six carbon
atoms undergo sp2 hybridisation. 4n + 2 = 6 and hence n=1.
 In Benzene each carbon is surrounded by three sp2 Cyclopropenyl cation
hybridized orbitals and one unhybridized ‘P’ orbital
with unpaired electron.
It has 2  electrons
 The six unhybridised ‘p’ orbitals form three
delocalised  bonds by side wise overlapping 4n + 2 = 2 and hence n=0.
 In Benzene the total number of hybridized orbitals
and pure orbitals are 18 & 12 respectively.
W.E-2: Which of the following compounds is
more acidic ?
According to Huckel, cyclic, planar and completely
conjugated polyenes containing 4n electrons are
destabilised by resonance show Antiaromatic (or)
(a) (b)

Sol: By releasing H in (a), the anion becomes
2  electrons,no conjugation aromatic and hence compound (a) is more
Cyclopropene acidic than (b).
Non aromatic
Preparation of Benzene:
Decarboxylation of Benzoic Acid :
4 e  i.e 4n e   On heating sodium benzoate with soda lime gives
n 1 benzene. It is a laboratory method of preparation.
Cyclobutadiene COONa
+ NaOH + Na2CO3
 4n  2  e 
n 1 Reduction of Phenol
Cyclo butenyl dianion
 Distillation of phenol in the presence of zinc dust
Aromatic gives benzene.
+ OH

4ne   4 + Zn + ZnO
n 1
Cyclo pentadienyl cation From Acetylene (Polymerisation)
 On passing acetylene gas through red hot iron or
Anti aromatic
copper tube, benzene is formed.

3C2H2 600ºC
 4n  2    10 Cu

n2 It can be catalysed by Al4C3 or carbon.

Azulene From Aniline
Aromatic NH2 N2Cl
W.E-1: Explain whether the compound shown
below is aromatic or not ? +HNO2+HCl 273-283 +2H2O

Sol: The compound has one 5 membered and one 3
membered ring. It is aromatic by identifying its +N2+HCl
resonance structure.Five membered ring contains
6 electron and three membered ring contains 2 Benzene
electrons. Hence the compound shown is aromatic Hydrolysis of Benzene Sulphonic Acid
 Hydrolysis of benzene sulphonic acid with super
heated steam gives benzene.
SO 3H Cl2+ FeCl3  Cl+ + FeCl4–
+ H 2O + H 2SO 4  In sulphonation, the electrophile SO3 is obtained
by the reaction :
2H2SO4  SO3 + H3O+ + HSO4–
W.E-3:How would you covert the following  In Friedel Crafts alkylation, the electrophile, R+
compounds into benzene ? is obtained by the reaction :
i) Hexane ii) Ethene
RCl  AlCl3  R  AlCl 4
Sol: i) n-hexane 
 Benzene

2  Br   CH 2  Br 
In Friedel Crafts acylation, the electrophile is
ii) Ethene Br2
 CH
formed by the reaction :

 Alc.KOH RCOCl  AlCl3  R C O  AlCl 4 

 
Ethyne NaNH 2 vinyl bromide
CH 3 COCl  AlCl 3  CH 3 C O  Al Cl 4

 Trimarization  CH 3CO 2 O  AlCl3 

benzene +
Properties of Benzene & Physical CH 3 C O + AlCl3 (CH 3COO)
Properties (2) Formation of carbocation
 Aromatic hydrocarbons are generally colourless 3
sp hybridised
liquids or solids with characteristic aroma. carbon
 Benzene is insoluble in water but soluble in organic H
solvents. Benzene and other aromatic hydrocarbons +E E
are highly inflammable and burn with a sooty flame H
 B.P. of benzene is 800C The carbocation (I) formed in the above step is
 Benzene and its derivatives mainly undergo stabilised due to resonance.
electrophilic substitution reactions. However, under
special conditions, they also undergo addition H H H
reactions. E E E
Mechanism of Electrophilic Substitution
 All electrophilic substitution reactions follow similar
(3)Removal of Proton
mechanism. The reaction was found to take place  In the last step, the carbocation loses a proton
in three steps. from sp3 hybridised carbon to regain its aromatic
1. Generation of electrophile. character.
2. Formation of carbocation intermediate. E E
3. Removal of proton from the carbocation inter H + AlCl + HCl + AlCl3
mediate. H
(1) Generation of electrophile Chemical Properties Halogenation
 In the case of nitration, the electrophile, nitronium  Electrophile is halonium ion (X+)
ion is produced by transfer of proton from sulphuric  Order of reactivity of halogens is F2> Cl2>Br2>I2
acid to nitric acid in the following manner:  Fluorination is not carried out directly as F2 is highly
H reactive. Fluorination is carried out indirectly by
H3SO H + H O NO2 H O NO2 + HSO4 decomposition of benzene diazonium fluoroborate.
+ +
; H O NO2 H2O + NO2
protonated electrophile
nitric acid + BF3 + N2
Thus in nitration mixture, H2SO4 behaves as
an acid and HNO3 as a base. Fluorobenzene
 In Chlorination, chloronium ion (Cl+) formed ,  Chlorination and bromination may be carried out
acts as electrophile. by X2/halogen carrier (Lewis acid, Fe-dust, I2 etc.),
HOCl or HOBr, Br2/(CH3COO)3Ti, Cl2O/H2SO4, Friedel Craft’s Alkylation
N-chloro or N-bromosuccinamide. Benzene reacts with alkylhalide in presence of
 Iodine reacts very slowly and iodination is carried anhydrous AlCl3 and gives alkyl benzene. The
out by I2/oxidising agent (HNO3, HIO3, SO3, H2O reaction is known as Friedel Craft’s alkylation
etc.), I2/Cu may also be used reaction.
 At high temperatue, the directive influence of Cl2 R
and Br 2 is changed, most probably due to
electrophilic substitution mechanism. A lC l3
+ RX + HX
 Benzene when heated with a mixture of (1 : 1 by Alkyl benzene
volume) concentrated nitric acid and concentrated R
sulphuric acid (nitration mixture) below 600 C
gives nitrobenzene. A lC l3
+ CHCl3 + HCl
C6 H6  HNO3 C6 H5 NO2  H2O
Con. H2 SO4
570 C

 On heating the reaction mixture to about CH 3CH 3

90  100C , m-dinitro benzene is obtained A lBr3
+ C 2H 5Br + HBr
 With higher alkyl halides, the product is rearranged
conc.HNO3 + H2SO4
+ H2O due to formation of more stable carocation.
90 - 100ºC
m - dinitro benzene
 If fuming nitric acid is used along with conc. H 2SO 4 AlX3
at above 100°C gives 1, 3, 5 - tri nitro benzene.
 Attacking electrophile is R+
NO2  Alkylating agents are (i) RX/Lewis acid
(ii) alkene/protonic acid (iii) ROH/H+
conc. H2SO4
+ 3HNO3  Two types of catalyst are used:
(fuming) 100ºC
O 2N NO2 a) Lewis acids : Anhydrous AlCl3, AlBr3, BF3 .
Benzene shows no nitration with dil. HNO3 b) Protonic acids : H2SO4, HF etc.
 Reaction is not possible if deactivating groups like
 Other nitrating agents can also be used depending
-NO2, -COCH3 etc. are attached to aromatic ring.
upon nature of reactatnt.
Friedel - Craft’s Acylation
(i) Conc.HNO3 , (ii) HNO3 + CH3COOH or
 The reaction of benzene with an acyl halide (or)
(CH3CO)2O, (iii) N2O5/CCl4, (iv) Acyl nitrate /
acid anhydride in presence of Lewis acid as catalyst
to give acyl benzene is known as Friedel - Craft’s
 The role of H2SO4 in the nitration mixture is to
eliminate water.
 Benzene undergoes sulphonation with the Lewis acid
following reagents
conc.H 2 SO 4
A lC l3
fuming H 2 SO 4 + CH3COCl + HCl
Chloro Sulphonic acid + CCl 4
SO 3 in any org. solvent A lC l3
 The attacking electrophile is SO3 (from fuming

sulphuric acid i.e., H 2 SO4  SO3 )  Electrophile is acylium cation (R C O)
 Acylating agents: (i) RCOX/Lewis acid H H
(ii) RCOOH or (RCO)2O or CH2 = C = O/Lewis Na / Liq. NH3
+ 2[H]
 Product is not rearranged H H
 With (CH3)3C – COCl/AlCl3 alkylation takes place Na / Liq. NH3
but not acylation. Because less stable C2H5OH

(CH3 )3 C CO decomposes to more stable Na / Liq. NH3

[ (CH 3 )3 C ].
Addition Reactions
liq.NH3, E+OH
 Benzene undergoes addition reactions under special
conditions. Methoxy benzene 1- Methoy - 1, 4 -
(anisole) cyclohexadiene (84%)
Hydrogenation Ozonolysis
 At high temperature and pressure, in presence of  One mole of benzene reacts with three moles of
finely divided nickel benzene undergoes ozone to give a triozonide, which on hydrolysis in
hydrogenation to give cyclohexane. presence of zinc gives three moles of glyoxal.
Ni / 150ºC + 3O3 C6H6(O3)3
+ 3H2 25 atm Benzene triamide
Cyclohexane H2O / Zn
 In presence of Pt, reaction occurs at room
temperature CHO CHO + 3H2O2
Addition of Chlorine (3 moles)
 Benzene reacts with chlorine in presence of sunlight  Zn dust destroys H2O2 which may oxidise glyoxal
to give benzene hexachloride (BHC) or  Above addition reactions of benzene prove the
hexachlorocyclohexane or Gammaxene or 666 or presence of three double bonds in benzene but they
Lindane. are different from aliphatic double bonds in following
 Benzene reacts with chlorine or bromine in presence reactions:
of sunlight or ultraviolet light and in absence of i) Benzene does not decolorise Br2/H2O or cold
halogen carrier (such as only FeCl3 & AlCl3 etc) ii) Benzene does not give addition reaction with HX
to produce crystalline hexachlorides and hexa or HOX
bromides respectively. W.E-4:. What are the ozonolysis products of ortho
Cl xylene ?
Cl Cl Sol : 1,2-Dimethylbenzene (o-Xylene) on ozonolysis
gives glyoxal, methyl glyoxal and dimethyl glyoxal
+ 3Cl2
Cl Cl in 3 : 2 : 1 molar ratio.
It proves the existance of two resonance structures
Cl for benzene and its derivatives.
Benzene hexachloride (BHC)
 - isomer is Gamaxene (or) 666 (or) lindane Directing Influence of Functional Groups
 BHC is a powerful insecticide in Monosubstituted benzene
 Birch Reduction  When a group is attached to benzene ring it
produces two effects
a) Activity effects b) Directing effects
 On the basis of activity effects, groups may be
divided into two types
Activating Groups
 Which increases the activity of aromatic ring in
electrophilic substitution reactions
These are of three types positions. Hence they are called ortho and para
a) Strongly activating groups directing groups.
eg: - NH2 , - NHR, - NR2 , -OH, -O- In the para attack of electrophile:
b) Moderately activating groups
:NH2 :NH2 :NH2
eg: - NHCOCH3, -NHCOR, -OCH3, -OR
c) Weakly activating groups
eg: - CH3, -C2H5, -R, -C6H5
Deactivating Groups E E H E H
 Which deactivates the benzene ring towards NH2 :NH2
electrophilic substitution reactions,
These are of three types
a) Strongly deactivating groups E H E H

eg :- NO2, - NR3 , -CF3,  In the meta attack of electrophile
:NH2 :NH2 :NH2 :NH2
b) Moderately deactivating groups
eg :- CN,-SO3H,-CO2H,-CO2R,-CHO,-COR
c) Weakly deactivating groups E E E
eg:- F, -Cl, -Br, -I E H H H
 On the basis of directing properties groups may be Relatively less stable
of two types:  In the ortho attack of electrophile
Ortho, Para - Directing Groups:
-R, -OH, -OR, -SH, -NH2, -SR, -NHR, -NR2, - :NH2 :NH2 :NH2
CH 2 R, -C 6 H 5, -X, -CH 2 OH, -CH 2 Cl, E E E
-CH 2 NH 2 , -CH 2 CN, -CH 2 COOH, H H
-CH = CH – COOH, -CH = CH2
 These groups release electrons to the benzene ring E H
makes the benzing ring more susceptable to the :NH2 NH2
attack of electrophiles. E E
 Hence these groups are called ortho and para H H
directing and ring activating groups
Relatively stable
NO2  Greater the number of possible canonical structures
+ + greater will be the dispersal of charge and greater
will be the stability of arenium ion.
59% NO2
NO2  In ortho or para attack of electrophile, four
37% resonance forms are possible while in the attack of
 Let S be an electron releasing group, intermediate electrophile at meta position, only three canonical
product is relatively more stable forms are possible.
 Hence, ortho, para directing group stabilises the
Reaction ring to greater extent. Ortho and para positions get
is faster more electron density through resonance.
+E  Presence of o- and p - directing groups (activating
groups) facilitate nitration even with dilute HNO3.
Transition state Arenium ion NO2
stabilised stabilised dil.HNO3
 These groups increase electron density specifically +H2SO4
at ortho and para positions. Hence in coming
electrophile specifically attacks at ortho and para NO2
 Presence of m - directing groups (deactivating Uses of Benzene :
groups) slow down nitration e.g. higher  It is used as solvent for fats and resins.
temperatures are required to get di nitro and tri nitro  It is used in drycleaning.
substituted benzenes.  It is used in the synthesis of phenol, styrene, aniline,
Meta Directing Groups: insecticides like BHC.
NO 2 , -SO 3 H, -SOCl, -COR, -COCOOH,  It is used as a motor fuel.
   Carcinogenicity and Toxicity
-CX3,  N H3 ,  N HR 2 ,  N R 3 etc.  Benzene and several polynuclear hydrocarbons like
 These groups withdraw electrons particularly from 1,2-benzanthracene, 3-methyl cholanthrene, 1,2-
ortho and para positions thereby meta position is benzpyrene , 1,2,5,6- Dibenzanthracene are toxic
relatively more electron dense. Hence these groups and said to be carcinogenic
are called meta directing and ring deactivating  Most of these are formed due to incomplete
groups. combusion of tobacco, coal, petroleum etc.
NO2 NO2 NO2 NO2  They undergo various biochemical changes in
NO2 human body and finally damage DNA to cause
+ + cancer.
 Let ‘S’ be an electron withdrawing group. H 3C
1,2-Benzanthracene 3-Methylchloanthrene
is slower

Transition state Arenium ion
destabilised destabilised
-- - - - - -
+ + + +
+ +
+ 9,10-Dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene
 The resulting resonance hybrid, now possessing W.E7. What product is obtained when isobutyl
positive charge in the ortho and para positions re- chloride reacts with benzene in presence of
pels approaching electrophiles increasing the rela- AlCl 3?
tive success of attack in the meta position. sol. The initially formed carbocation rearranges to a more
 So EWG act as meta directing group. stable tertiary carbocation as shown.
Inductive and resonance effects in the +
CH3 CH CH2Cl + AlCl3 CH3 CH CH2 + AlCl4
ortho para orientation :
 Group like halogen which deactivates by –I effect CH3 CH3
+ +
but activates by resonance. But the overall electron CH3 CH CH2
H shift
density increases at ortho and para positions of the
ring due to resonance. The electrophile attacks at (primary) (tertiary)
these positions giving rise to ortho and para
disubstituted compounds.
Cl Cl Cl C CH3
NO2 + (CH3)3C
Nitration CH3
The final product of the reaction is tert.butyl
NO2 benzene.
W.E8.What is the major product obtained by CH3
nitration of m-xylene? NO2
sol. In m-xylene, both methyl groups are o-, p-directing. Cl2.FeCl3
The major product is 1-nitro-2,4-dimethyl benzene.
CH3 CH3 sol. In 2-nitrotoulene, methyl group and nitro group
direct the electrophile into para position of the
methyl group which is meta to nitro group.
CH3 CH3 Hence the major product of the reaction is 4-
NO2 chloro-1-methyl-2-nitrobenzene.
CH 3 CH 3
W.E9.Predict the major product of chlorination of NO 2 NO 2
m-dinitrobenzene. C l2 .FeC l3
sol. In m-dinitrobenzene, both nitro groups are
m-directing. Further substitution occurs at meta
position to each –NO2 group. The major product W.E11. How acetic acid can be converted to
is 1-Chloro-3,5-dintro benzene. benzene?
NO2 NO2 NaOH(aq) Soda lime
Chlorination Cl2 Na/dry ether Cl2
CH3Cl Wurtz reaction C2H6 C2H5Cl
NO2 Cl NO2 alc.KOH Br2 alc.KOH
CH2= CH2 CH2Br CH2Br
W.E10. Write the major product of the following
NaNH2 Red hot iron tube
reaction. CH2= CHBr CH CH C6H6
873 K

Summary of Electrophile Substitution reactions of Benzene

Substrate Source Electrophile Name of the reaction

1) Cl2 + AlCl3 (or) FeCl3 Cl (chloronium ion) chlorination of benzene

2) Br2 + AlBr3 (or) FeBr3 Br (bromium ion) bromination of benzene

3) RCl + AlCl3 R (Alkylium ion) alkylation of benzene

RCOCl + AlCl3 _+ acylation of benzene

4) R C=O
(acyl carbonium ion)
_ _ _+
5) C 6H 5 C C l + A lC l3 C 6H 5 C = O benzolyation of benzene
Benzoylchloride (benzoyl cation)

HNO3 + H2SO4 +
6) NO2 (nitronium ion) nitration of benzene
Nitrating mixture

H2SO4 + SO3
7) SO3 (sulphur trioxide) Sulphonation of benzene
11. What is number of electron delocalising in
Conceptual Benzene molecule
Structure & Aromaticity 1) 3 2) 6 3) Zero 4) 12
1. Aromatic compounds give smoky flame 12. IUPAC_ name of the following compound is
CH 3 CH 2 2 2 2 3

1) Hydrogen percentage is more

2) Carbon percentage is more
3) Delocalisation 4) Saturation 1) Heptyl benzene 2) 2-Benzyl heptane
2. Bond length of C - C in benzene 3) 2-Phenyl heptane 4) 1-heptyl benzene
1) 1.34 Ao 2) 1.39 Ao 3) 1.54Ao 4) 1.20 Ao Preparation & Properties
3. Benzene is an
13. Which of the following cannot form ozonide
1) [8] annulene 2) [6] annulene
1) Benzene 2) Ethene
3) [12] annulene 4) [4] annulene
3) Ethyne 4) Ethane
4. The dipolemoment of benzene is
14. Gammaxene is .......... isomer of benzene hexa
1) Zero
2) Less than p-dichloro benzene
1)  2)  3)  4) 
3) Greater than p-dichloro benzene
15. The empirical formula of benzene and
4) Equal to that of chloro benzene
acetylene is/are
5. The increase in stability and decrease in
energy of aromatic compounds is due to 1) CH 2 ,CH 2) C2 H , CH 2
1) Localisation of pi-electrons 3) CH ,CH 4) CH 3 , CH 3
2) Delocalisation of sigma-electrons 16. Preparation of benzene from phenol is
3) Localisation of sigma-electrons 1) Reduction 2) Oxidation
4) Delocalisation of pi-electrons 3) Addition 4) Dehydrogenation
6. IUPAC name of the following compound is 17. The true statement about benzene is
SO3H 1) Because of unsaturation benzene easily
F undergoes addition reactions
2) There are two types C - C bonds in benzene
F 3) There is a cyclic delocalisation of pi-electrons in
1) 2, 4 -difluoro-1 - sulpho benzene
2) 2, 4 - difluoro benzene sulphonic acid
4) Mono substitution of benzene gives three
3) Benzene -2, 4- difluoro sulphonic acid
isomeric products
4) All the above
18. Which among the following is very strong o-,
7. Benzene is-------------molecule.
p-directing group?
1) Tetrahedral 2) Planar
1) -Cl 2) -OR 3) –NH2 4) –NHR
3) Trigonal 4) Square planar
19. Lindane is also represented as
8. The resonance energy of Benzene is
1) 6,6,6 2) BHC
1) 36 kcal /mol 2) 85.8 kJ/mole
3) Gammaxene 4) all of these
3) 150.48 kJ/mole 4) Both 1 & 3
20. The homologue of toluene is
9. Shape of cyclo octatetraene is
1) Ethyl benzene 2) Methyl benzene
1) Planar 2) Tetrahedral
3) Phenol 4) Nitro benzene
3) Tub shape 4) Hexagonal
21. Benzene is purified by
10. In Huckel’s (4n+2)  rule for aromaticity, ‘n’
1) Distillation 2) Fractional distillation
3) Evaporation 4) Sublimation
1) Number of carbon atoms
22. Chemical name of the insecticide gammaxene is
2) Number of rings 3) Whole number
1) DDT 2) Benzene hexa chloride
4) Fractional number (or) integer (or) zero
3) Chloral 4) Hexa chloro ethane
Directing Influence of functional 2. In the nitration mixture concentrated sulphuric
groups & Chemical Reactivity acid is used
23. -COOH group in electrophilic substitution 1) As a sulphonating agent
directs the incoming group to 2) As dehydrating agent
1) o-position 2) p-position 3) For the formation of nucleophile
3) m-position 4) o-and p-position
4) As a solvent
Key Conceptual 3. Benzene contains double bonds but does not
01) 2 02) 2 03) 2 04) 1 05) 4 06) 2 give addition reactions because
07) 2 08) 4 09) 3 10) 3 11) 2 12) 3 1) Double bonds in benzene ring are strong
13) 4 14) 3 15) 3 16) 1 17) 3 18) 4 2) Double bonds change their position rapidly
19) 4 20)1 21)2 22) 2 23) 3 3) Resonance lowers the energy of benzene
Hints Conceptual molecule and leads to greater stabilization
1. Carbon percentage is more 4) Benzene has cumulative double bonds
2. All bond length are in between single and double 4. How many monosubstituted products can be
bonds derived from benzene
3. Conjugated cyclic polyene with 6 pi electrons 1) One 2) Two 3) Three 4) Four
4. It is symmetrical
Preparation & Properties
5. Resonance
5. In the reaction
7. All carbons are sp2 hybridised
8. Resonance energy is 36kcal + Cl2 Cl + HCl
11. 6 -Electrons
13. Ethane is saturated compound the attacking species is
14.  -Form 1) Cl2 2) Cl  3) Cl  4) FeCl4 
15. E.F of benzene and acetylene is CH 6. Which one among the following gives a
16. C6 H 5OH 
 ZnO  C6 H 6 d i c a r b o n

yfollowed by
l c o m p o u n d w i t h O

reduction with zinc and water
17. Delocalisation of benzene leads to saturation
19. BHC (or) Gammaxene (or) 6,6,6 is called lindane 1) C2 H 4 2) C6 H 6 3) C2 H 2 4) Both 2&3
20. C6H5 – CH2 – CH3 OH
21. impure benzene 
 purebenzene
7. + Zn X Here the product X is
22. Benzene hexa chloride
23. -COOH is meta orienting group used as a
Level-I (C.W) 1) Insecticide 2) For welding purpose
3) For dry cleaning 4) Artificial ripening of fruits
Structure &Aromaticity 8. C6H6 is very good industrial solvent for
1. Benzene is a resonance hybrid of mainly two 1) Oil 2) Fat 3) Rubber 4) All
Kekule structures. Hence
1) Half the molecules correspond to one structure
Directing Influence of functional groups
and half to the second structure & Chemical Reactivity
2) At low temperature benzene can be separated 9. All the common m-directing groups make the
into two structures benzene ring towards electrophilic substitution
3) Two structures make equal contribution to reactions
resonance hybrid 1) Deactivate 2) Activate
4) An individual benzene molecule changes back 3) Both 1 & 2 4) Neutral
and forth between two structures
10. The conversion 4. C6H4(CH3)2 is present in howmany isomeric
CH2CH2CH3 CH2CH2CH3 forms (benzene derivatives)
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
Br Preparation & Properties
Can be effected using 5. With which one of the following reagents
1) Br2 / CCl4 2) Br2 / H 2O benzene do not undergo substitution reaction
1) Fuming sulphuric acid
3) Br2 / Fe 4) Br2 / benzoyl peroxide 2) Nitration mixture
11. Nitration mixture is 3) Chlorine in presence of light
1) 1:1 of conc.HNO3 and conc. HCl 4) Acyl halide in presence of AlCl3
2) 1:1 of conc.HNO3 and conc. H2SO4 6. Which of the following product is not possible
3) 1:1: of conc.HNO2 and conc. H2SO4 in the ozonolysis of methyl benzene.
4) 1:10 of conc.H2SO4 and conc.HNO3 1) CH3– CO – CHO 2) OHC – CHO
12. Benzene reacts with __ to yield acetophenone 3) CH3– CO – CO – CH3 4) All the above
1) CH3COCl + AlCl3 2) C6H5COCl + AlCl3 7. C6 H 5COONa  X
 C6 H 6
3) R-COCl + AlCl3 4) C2H5COCl+AlCl3
13. Which of the following behaves as a saturated Find the suitable reagent (x) for the above
compound ? conversion.
1) C2H4 2) C2H2 3) C3H6 4) C6H6 1) NaOH+Na2+CO3 2) NaOH+CaO
3) Zn 4) Anhy AlCl3
Key Level - I (C.W)
8. Gammaxene is
01) 3 02) 2 03) 3 04) 1 05) 2 06) 4 1) BHC 2) Benzene Hexa Chloride
07) 3 08) 4 09) 1 10) 3 11) 2 12) 1 3) Lindane 4) All the above
13) 4 Directing Influence of functional groups
Hints Level-I (C.W) & Chemical Reactivity
1. Resonance 9. Which among the following is the strongest
2. Conc H2SO4 is a dehydrating agent ortho-para directing group?
3. Resonance 1) –OH 2) –Cl 3) –OCH3 4) –CH3
4. All the carbons are same type 10. Alkyl groups are o-and p-directing mainly due
5. Cl+ is Electrophile to
7. X = C6H6 1) Resonance 2) Inductive effect
8. Benzene is Non Polar Solvent 3) Resonance effect through hyper conjugation
9. EWG 4) All of these
10. In presense of catalyst electrophilic substitution 11. Which of the following statement is not true
occurs for benzene
1) It is planar molecule
Level-I (H.W)
2) All C-C bond lengths are equal
Structure & Aromaticity 3) The resonance energy is 36 kcal/mole
1. Cyclo butadiene is said to be 4) It contains three localised pi bonds
1) Aromatic 2) Aliphatic Key Level - I (H.W)
3) anti aromatic 4) heterocyclic
01) 3 02) 1 03) 2 04) 3 05) 3 06) 3
2. What is the electrophile in the nitration of
benzene 07) 2 08) 4 09) 1 10) 3 11) 4
  * Hints Level - I (H.W)
1) N O2 2) N O 3) NO 4) N O2 1. Cyclic but not following Huckel’s Rule
3. Carbon-carbon bond length is same in 2. Nitronium Ion
1) Butene-1 2)Benzene 3. Due to Resonance
3) Butene-2 4)Propyne-1 4. Ortho, meta, para
5. In presence of sunlight addition occurs
6. It gives Glyaxal, Methy Glyaxal
7. Decarboxylation
Level-II (C.W) 1) Ethyl iodide 2) Methyl iodide
3) Formaldehyde 4) Acetaldehyde
Nomenclature, Isomerism 8. What is the reactivity order of halogens
1. 4-ethyl -3, 3 di methyl hexane is towards substitution in alkanes?
1) F2 < Cl2 < Br2 < I2 2) F2 = Cl2 = Br2 = I2
3) F2 < Cl2 < Br2 = I2 4) F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2
9. The radical halogenation of 2-methyl propane
gives two products (CH3)2CHCH2X(minor) and
1) 3)
(CH 3)3CX (major). Chlorination gives larger
amount of the minor product than the
bromination because
1) Bromine is more reactive than chlorine and is
2) 4) able to attack the less reactive 30 C-H
2) Bromine atoms are less reactive (more selective)
than chlorine and preferentially attack the weaker
2. Select the correct statement 30 C-H bond.
1) Eclipsed and staggered ethanes give different 3) The methyl groups are more hindered to attack
products on reaction with chlorine in presence of by the larger bromine atom
light 4) Bromination is reversible and more stable 30-
2) The conformational isomers can be isolated at alkyl bromide is formed exclusively.
room temperature 10. Which of the following compounds are not
3) Torsional strain is minimum in ethane at dihedral formed in the catalytic cracking of octane
angles 600, 1800 and 3000 1) Pentane 2) Butene 3) Propene 4) Nonane
4) Steric strain is minimum in gauche form of 11. The order of reactivity of hydrogens in
n-butane isopentane is:
3. The number of possible theoretical 1) 1° = 2° > 3° 2) 1° > 2° > 3°
conformations of ethane is 3) 3° > 1° > 2° 4) 3° > 2° > 1°
1) Two 2) Three 3) Four 4) Infinite Key Level - II (C.W)
4. The spatial arrangement of atoms that
01) 1 02) 3 03) 4 04) 1 05) 3 06) 1
characterises a particular stereoisomers is
07) 2 08) 4 09) 2 10) 4 11) 4
1) Configuration 2) Conformation Hints Level - II (H.W)
3) Tautomer 4) Metamer 2) Torsional strain
5. The pair of structures given below represent 3) Infinite number
H Cl H H 4) Configurational Isomerism
5) They are structural isomers
H H H H 6) Wet ether makes RX  ROH
7) Methyl iodide on wurtz reaction gives ethane and
1) Enantiomers 2) Diastereomers
on reduction gives methane
3) Structural isomers
4) Two molecules of the same compound 8. F is more reactive
6. Wet ether is not used as a solvent in Wurtz 9) Chlorine is more reactive, less selective
reaction because the water present in it, Bromine is less reactive, more selective
1) Hydrolyses RX  ROH
2) Reduces RX  RH 10) Nonane is higher carbon chain
3) Oxidise RX  RH 4) Reacts with R-R 11) Tertiary free radical more stable
7. Both methane and ethane may be obtained by
suitable one step reaction from
Level-II (H.W) Key Level - II (H.W)
1) 1 2) 3 3) 4 4) 3 5) 2 6) 2
Nomenclature, Isomerism 7) 4 8) 1
1. IUPAC name of the following compound Hints Level - II (H.W)
CH 3  C H 2  CH  CH 2  CH  CH 2  C H 3 2. Steric strain
| | CaO
4. C3 H7COONa  NaOH 
C3H8  Na2CO3

CH 3 C2H 5
5. In chain propagation step a new free radical and
1) 3- Ethyl- 5-methyl heptane neutral molecule is formed
2) 5- Ethyl- 3-methyl heptane 6. one-chloro propane, 2 chloro propane
3) 2- Ethyl- 5-methyl heptane * *
4) 4- Ethyl- 5-methyl heptane 8. C H 3  C H 3  C2 H 6
2. The fully eclipsed conformation of n-butane is
least stable due to the presence of Level-III
1) Bond opposition strain only 1. How many mono carboxylic acids are posible
2) Steric strain only which on decarboxylation form iso-pentane?
3) Bond opposition strain as well as steric strain 1)6 2) 3 3) 5 4) 4
4) No strain is present in the molecule.
2. The reagents and conditions to convert methyl
3. In which of the following preparation of ethane
iodide to methane are
a new C-C bond is formed
1) Sabatier-Senderson’s reaction 1) Action of dry Ag 2 O
2) Reduction of ethyl iodide 2) KCN followed by refluxing with dil. HCL
3) Decarboxylation 4)Kolbe’s electrolysis 3) aqueous NaOH followed by boiling Al2O3 at
4. In order to get propane gas, which of the 640 K
following should be subjected to sodalime
4) Mg in dry ether followed by boiling with water
1) Sodium formate 3. Propane can be best prepared by the raction:
E2 O
2) Mixture of sodium acetate and sodium ethanoate 1) CH 3CH 2 I  CH 3 I  Na  
3) Sodium butyrate 4) Sodium propionate H O
2) CH 3CH 2COONa  CH 3COONa 

5. Identify the chain propagation of chlorination

of methane 3) CH 3CH 2 Br   CH3 2 CuLi  
* *
1) C H 3  C l  CH 3Cl 4) CH 3CH 2CH 2COONa  CaO.

* *
2) CH 3Cl  C l  C H 2Cl  HCl 4. An alkane cannot be chlorinated by using
which of the following reagents?
* *
3) Cl  Cl 
hom olysis
C l  C l 1) Cl2 / hv 2) HCl
* *
4) C l  C l  Cl2 3) SO2Cl2 4) t  Bu  O  Cl
6. How many products are possible for 5. Ethane cannot be obtained by the following
monochlorination of propane 1) Heating methyl iodide with sodium metal in ether
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
2) Hydrogenation of ethene
7. Which of the following compounds is not
formed in the pyrolysis of Hexane 3) Sodium acetate on Kolbe’s electrolysis
4) Hydrolysis of Al4C3
1) C6 H12 2) C3 H 6 3) C2 H 4 4) C2 H 2
6. Substance which forms isomeric products on
8. What is the by product during chlorination of mono substitution is/are
1) Ethane 2) Methane 1) CH 4 2) C2 H 6 3) C3 H 8 4) All
3) Acetylene 4) All of the above
7. Which statement is not correct in the case of 
ethane 1) CH 4  Cl   C H 3  HCl
1) It can be catalytically hydrogenated
2) Cl  Cl 
 2Cl 
2) When burnt produces CO2 and H2O
3) It is a homologue of propane 3) CH 3  CH 3  CH 3  CH 3
4) It can be chlorinated with chlorine
4) CH 3  Cl  Cl  CH 3  Cl  Cl 
Cu / 2500 C
8. CH 4  O2  X 16. Which of the following can produce a racemic
CH 4  O2   Y  H 2O X and Y aree mixture on monobromination?
350 5000 C

1) 3)
1) Methanol, methanol 2) Methanal, methanol
3) Methanol, methanal 4) Methanal, methanal
9. Which of the following is a controlled oxidation
3) 4) CH3 CH3
A : CH 4( g )  2O2( g )  CO2( g )  2 H 2O(l )
B : CH 4( g )  O2( g )  C( s )  2 H 2O(l ) 17.
Mo2O3 CH 3 CH 2  Br
C : CH 4( g )  O2 ( g )   HCHO  H 2O(l )
Cu / 523 K /100 atm | |
D : CH 4( g )  O2( g )   2CH 3OH (l )
CH 3  C  CH 3  CH 3  CH  CH 3
1) Only D 2) Both A & B
3) B,C,D only 4) Both C & D |
Hydrolysis 0
400  475 C 0 Br
10. Al4C3   A 
HNO3  vapour 
 B . A and B
( A) ( B)
CH 3
1) C2 H 2 & C2 H 3 NO2 2) CH 4 & CH 3 NO2
3) CH 4 & CH 3 NO3 4) C2 H 2 & CH 3CN the percentage yeild
CH 3  CH  CH3 
11. How many chiral compounds are possible on
monochlorination of 2-methyl butane of ‘A’ is (The relative reactivities of 10 , 20 ,30 -
(AIEEE- 2012) hydrogens are 1 : 3.8 : 5)
1) 8 2) 3 3) 4 4) 6 1) 36% 2) 64% 3) 72% 4) 28%
Na NaOH  CaO
X 
1  Y  Z, |
12.  if Z is the first NaOH  CaO
 H2
2 18. X  CH 3  C|  CH 3
homologue of alkane series, then X
1) Methanoic acid 2) Bromo ethane  y ‘y’ is
Kolbe's electrolysis
X 
3) Ethyl alcohol 4) Ethanoic acid
13. The volume of CH4 at NTP is formed when 20.5
g of CH3COONa is treated with soda lime
1) 4.4 l 2) 2.2 l 3) 3.2 l 4) 5.6 l
14. For the given reaction how many products will CH3 CH3
| |
obtain (all isomers on monobromination)?
2) CH 3  C|  CH 2  CH 2  C|  CH 3
Br2/hv CH3 CH3
Products CH3 CH3 CH3
| | |
1) 1 2) 6 3) 4 4) 3 3) CH 3  C|  C|  CH 3 4) CH 3  C|  CH 3
15. Which of the following reactions has zero CH3 CH3 CH3

activation energy?
Pt ,T1K
CH 2  CH 2  H 2   C2 H 6 chlorination of propane if all the hydrogens are
19 Ni ,T2 K
abstracted at equal rates is
CH 2  CH 2  H 2   C2 H 6 1) 50 : 50 2) 25 : 75 3) 75 : 25 4)12.5:87.5
The correct relation among the folowing is 30. Of the five isomeric hexanes, the isomer which
1) T1  T2 2) T2  T1 3) T  T2 4) T1  2T2 can give two monochlorinated compounds is
(AIEEE - 05)
20. 2-Methylbutane on reacting with Br 2 in
1) n - hexane 2) 2,3 - dimethyl butane
presence of sunlight mainly gives:
(AIEEE-2005) 3) 2,2 - dimethyl butane 4) 2 - methyl pentane
1) 1-bromo-2-methylbutane 31. Alkyl halides react with dialkyl copper
2) 2-bromo-2-methylbutane reagents to give (AIEEE -2005)
3) 2-bromo-3-methylbutane 1) Alkenes 2) Alkyl copper halide
4) 1-bromo-3-methylbutane 3) Alkanes 4) Alkenyl halides
21. Which of the following is not obtained when 32. 2.84 g of methyl iodide was completely
propyl chloride and methyl chloride react with converted into methyl magnesium iodide and
sodium in dry ether? was decomposed by excess of ethanol. The
volume of the gaseous hydrocarbon produced
1) C2 H 6 2) C4 H10 3) C3 H 8 4) C6 H14
at NTP will be
22. The volume of methane at N.T.P formed from 1) 22.4 litre 2) 224 mL
8.2g of sodium acetate by fusion with soda 3) 0.448 litre 4) 0.224 litre
lime is 33. Which liberate methane gas on treatment with
1) 10 l 2)11.2 l 3) 5.6 l 4) 2.24 l water?
23. Reaction of ROH with R ' MgX produces 1) Silicon carbide 2) Calcium carbide
' 3) Aluminium carbide 4) Iron carbide
1) RH 2) R H 3) R-R 4) R '  R '
34. As compared to melting points of even carbon
24. In Wurtz reaction, n-hexane is obtained from
chain isomers, the melting points of odd carbon
1) n- propyl chloride 2) n-butyl chloride
chain alkanes are:
3) Ethyl chloride 4) Isopropyl chloride
1) Lower 2) Higher
25. The increasing order of reduction of alkyl
3) Same 4) Not depend upon branching
halides with zinc and dilute HCl is
Key Level-III
1) R  Cl  R  I  R  Br 01) 4 02) 4 03) 3 04) 2 05) 4 06) 3
2) R  Cl  R  Br  R  I 07) 1 08) 3 09) 3 10) 2 11) 3 12) 4
3) R  I  R  Br  R  Cl 13) 4 14) 2 15) 3 16) 3 17) 1 18) 2
4) R  Br  R  I  R  Cl 19)2 20) 2 21) 3 22) 4 23) 2 24) 1
25) 2 26) 3 27) 2 28) 1 29) 3 30) 2
26. Nitroethane can be obtained from ethane by
31) 3 32) 3 33) 3 34) 1
Hints Level- III
1) Action with HNO3 concentrated at 100oC
2) Action with dil HNO3 at 200oC CH 3
3) Action with HNO3 (concentrated) at 4750 C |
4) Action with HNO3(Concentrated at 0oC) CH 3  CH  CH 2  CH 2  COOH ,
27. The following substance reacts with water to CH 3 COOH
give ethane | |
1) CH4 2) C2H5MgBr CH 3  CH  CH  CH 3
3) C2H4OH 4) C2H5OC2H5 COOH
28. (CH3)3C–MgCl on reaction with D2O produces
1) (CH3)3 CD 2) (CH3)3 COD
CH 3  C  CH 2  CH 3 ,
3) (CH3)3 CH 4) (CD3)3 COD
29. The ratio of products, 1-chloropropane to 2- |
chloropropane respectively formed in the CH 3
HOOC  CH 2  CH  CH 2  CH 3 29. CH3  CH2  CH3
| 6 1  6,2 1  2
CH 3 100  6 / 8  75,100  2 / 8  25

2. CH 3 I  Mg  H 2O
 CH 3 MgI   CH 4 30. CH3 2 CH  CH CH3 2
3. Corey house synthesis 31. Corey-House synthesis
5. Al4 C3 on hydrolysis liberate methane 32. CH3I  Mg
CH 3MgI   CH 4

6. Propane has two different types of hydrogen one mole one mole one mole
7. Unsaturated compounds can be hydrogenated 33. Hydrolysis
34. Even number of carbon atom pack closely
9. Complete oxydation gives CO2 , H 2O Level - IV
10. Al4C3 
400  475 C
 CH 4  
 CH 3 NO2 Statement Type Questions
1) S-I & II are correct, S-II is correct explanation
11. It has two chiral carbons of S-I
CH 3COOH  Na  CH 3COONa 2) S-I & II are correct, S-II is not correct
12. NaoH
explanation of S-I
CaO / 
 CH 4  Na2CO3 3) S-I is true but S-II is false
4) S-I is false but S-II is true
CaO 1. Statement-I(S-I) : Iodination of alkane is slow and
CH 3COONa  NaOH 
 reversible in nature.
Statement-II(S-II) : Iodination of alkane is
CH 4  Na2 CO3 performed in presence of strong oxidising agent like
HIO3which consumes the byproduct and recycles
CH 3 CH 3 H into reactants I2 .
| | | 2. S-I: When n-butane is heated in presence of
CH3  C  CH 2  CH 3 
 CH 3  C  C  CH3 AlCl3 / HCl it will be converted to propane
| | | S-II: In presence of AlCl3 / HCl if any alkane
CH 3 CH 3 Br having four carbon is heated, it under goes
isomerisation to give isomer of reactant alkane
18. x  CH3 3 C  CH2  COONa 3. S-I: Branched alkanes have lower boiling point than
their unbranched isomers
19. Platinum is strong RA
S-II: Branched chain alkanes have relatively small
20. Brominations is highly selective
surface area , so less london forces operate in
21. Crossed Wurtz reaction
22. 2CH3COONa    CH 3  CH 3
4. S-I: Alkanes float on surface of water.
S-II: Density of alkanes is in the range of 0.6-0.9
23. ROH  R 'MgX  R 'H  Mg OR  X g/ml which is lower than water.
24. 2C3H7 X  C6 H14 5. S-I: Raney ‘Ni’ is used as catalyst in Sabatier-
Senderen’s reaction.
25. I is good leaving group S-II: Due to large surface area Raney ‘Ni’ has high
26. Nitration occurs at high T catalytic activity.
27. Grignard reagent on decomposition with water or 6. S-I: CH3I and C2H5I with ‘Na’ in presence of dry
other compounds having active hydrogen give ether forms three types of alkanes.
alkane. S-II: In wurtz reaction ‘Na’ is reducing agent.
28. Grignard reagent on decomposition with water or 7. S-I: Chlorination in alkane is more reactive than
other compounds having active hydrogen give selective.
alkane. S-II: Bromination is more selective and less reactive.
8. S-I: Methane is called Marsh gas. Paragraph -3
S-II: Methane is bubbled from marshy places. Zn HCl+CH3OH
9. S-I: During free radical chlorination of butane, some C
ethane is also formed as by product.
S-II: Disproportionation is a characteristic of a free RMgX A B
radical intermediate.
Paragraph Questions Na / ether
If molecular weight of ‘A’ is 30 then
In the study of chlorination of propane, four 16) ‘R’ in RMgX is
1) C3H7 2) CH3 3) C2H5 4) C4H9
products (A,B,C&D) of the formula ( C3 H 6Cl2 ) 17) Difference in the molecular formulae of ‘D’
were isolated. Each was further chlorinated to & ‘C’ is
provide trichloro products ( C3 H 5Cl3 ). It was 1) C2H3 2) C2H4 3) CH2 4) C3H6
found that A provide one trichloro product, B gave 18) Ratio of number of primary hydrogens in ‘C’
two and C&D each gave three. It is found that D is and secondary hydrogens in ‘D’.
optically active. 1) 2 :3 2) 3:2 3) 1:1 4) 3:4
10. Formula of the compound A is Key Level- IV
1) ClCH 2  C (Cl )2  CH 3 01) 2 02) 4 03) 1 04) 1 05) 1 06) 2
07) 2 08) 1 09) 4 10) 2 11) 3 12) 4
2) CH 3  C (Cl ) 2  CH 3
13) 1 14) 4 15) 3 16) 3 17) 2 18) 2
3) CH 3  CH 2  CHCl2 4) CH 3CHClCH 2 Cl
11. Correct formula of the product of chlorination
Hints Level- IV
of B is Cl Cl
1) Cl CHCH CH Cl 2) ClCH CH (Cl )CH Cl | |
2 2 2 2 2
3) Both A and B 4) CH 3  C (Cl ) 2  CH 3 CH 3  C  CH 3   CH 2Cl  C  CH 3
12. Correct formula of the compound D is | |
1) CH 3  C (Cl ) 2  CH 3 2) ClCH 2CH 2CH 2Cl Cl Cl
3) CH 3  CH 2  CHCl2 4) ClCH 2 CH (Cl )CH 3 ClCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 Cl  
Paragraph-2 1)Cl2 CHCH 2CH 2Cl 
2) ClCH 2CH (Cl )CH 2 Cl
H2O (O)
13. A is Al4 C3 , B is CH 4 , C is CH 3OH ,
Mo2O3 D is HCHO E is iso butane
(O) 14. Homologue is member of same family differing by
In the above reaction ‘A’ is carbide of 3rd
period element which forms amphoteric oxide. a group of CH 2
13) IUPAC name of ‘E’ is 15. Zn- Hg reduces aldehydes to alkanes.
1) 2 - methyl propane 2) Iso butane 16. RMgX  CH 3OH
R  H .Molecular weight is 30.
3) n - butane 4) Propane
So alkane should be ethane
14) Homologue of ‘D’ is
1) CH2O 2) CH4O 3) C2H2O 4) C2H4O 17. C is ethane and D is butane
15) ‘D’ can be converted into ‘B’ by using. 18. 3 : 2
1) Ni 2) Na/Ether
3) Zn- Hg / HCl 4) LiAlH4
Level-II (C.W) Level-II (H.W)
Preparations of Alkenes & Properties Preparations of Alkenes
1. In the following reaction, A and B respectively 1. What are X and Y in the reaction
are, A  HBr
 C 2 H 5 Br  B
A 80 C 0
H 2O
C2 H 4  H 2 SO4   X 

1) C2H4 & alcoholic KOH/
1) C2 H 6 , C2 H 5OH 2) C2 H 4 , C2 H 5 SH
2) C2H4Cl & aqueous KOH/
3) C2H5OH and aq KOH/ 4) C2H2 & Br2 3) C2 H 5OSO3 H , C2 H 5OH
2. Which of the following decolourises bromine 4) C2 H 4 , C2 H 5OH
water and does not give white precipitate with
2. 2-methylpent-2-ene on ozonolysis will give
1) Only propanal 2) Propanal and ethanal
1) C6H6 2) C2H2 3) C2H4 4) C2H6
3) Propanone - 2 and ethanal
3. In the following sequence of reactions the
4) Propanone - 2 and propanal
compound A is
y x
3. Z  isomer   2  butyne   E  isomer .
A HBr
B   C 
alc KOH
 
O3 , Zn / H 2O

CH3CHO+HCHO x, y respectively are

1) Ethylene 2) Acetic acid 1) Na / NH 3 liq and Pd / BaSO4  H 2
3) Propene 4) 1-Butene
4. 2-Methyl propene on treatment with acidic 2) Ni /1400 C and Pd / BaSO4  H 2
potassium permanganate gives 3) Ni /1400C and Na / NH 3 liq
1) Propanal,CO2 2) Propanone,CO2
3) Propanoic acid,CO2 4) Butanone,CO2 4) Pd / BaSO4  H 2 and Na / NH 3 aq 
5. Decolourisation of Baeyer’s reagent indicates 4. Acidic potassium dichromate oxidises 2-
the presence of Butene to
1) Saturation of organic compound 1) Butan-2-one 2) Ethanoic acid + CO2
2) Unsaturantion of organic compound 3) Butanoic acid 4) Ethanoic acid only
3) Aromatic nature of organic compound 5. Ozonolysis reaction is useful in detecting the
4) Alicyclic nature of organic compound 1) Presence of carbonyl functional group
Key Level -II (C.W) 2) Presence of carboxylic functional group
3) Position of double bonds in alkenes
1)1 2) 3 3) 3 4) 2 5) 2
4) All the above
Hints Level-II (C.W) Key Level-II (H.W)
1) C2H4  C2H5Br  C2 H4 1) 3 2) 4 3) 1 4) 4 5) 3
2) Unsaturated compounds can decolourise bromine Hints Level -II (H.W)
water. Compounds with acidic hydrogen can react 80 C 0

with silver nitrate 1) C2 H 4  H 2 SO4   C2 H 5 HSO4

H 2O
  C2 H 5OH
CH 3  CH  CH 2  HBr 

CH 3  CHBr  CH 3 
alc KOH CH 3  C (CH 3 )  CH  CH 2  CH 3
O3  Zn / KOH
 
3) CH 3  CH  CH 2 
O3 , Zn / H 2O
 2)
CH 3  CO  CH 3  CH 3  CH 2  CHO
3) X=Na metal Liq ammonia,Y=lindlars catalyst

CH 3  C CH 3   CH 2   
H / KMnO4
CH 3  CH  CH  CH 3   

H / K 2Cr2O7

4) 4)
CH 3COCH 3  CO2  H 2O 2CH 3COOH
5) Unsaturated compounds decolourises baeyers 5) Ozonolysis reaction is used to detect the position
reagent of double bonds
alcoholic KOH Br / CCl Zn / alcohol
Level-III 8. CH3  CH2Cl  A  2
B 

C C is
1) Acetylene 2) Ethylene 3) Ethane 4) Methane
Preparations of Alkenes
H2 / Pd BaSO4 Cl2 / H2O
1 Consider the following reactions 9. CH  CH   A  B. ’B’ is
Anh AlCl3 Aq . KOH
X  HCl   C2 H 5Cl  Y . Y
1) C2H4Cl2 2) C2H4Cl
can be converted to X on heating with
1) Al2O3, 350ºC 2) Cu,300ºC 3) Cl-CH2 CH2 OH 4) CHCl3
3) Ca(OH)2+CaOCl2,60ºC 4) NaOH/I2, 60ºC 10. I.U.P.A.C name of the product formed when
HOCl is added to but-1-ene produces
2. C2H5Cl Alcoholic
  A dil
H  B
2 SO4 / H2O
1) 2-hydroxy 1- chloro butane
Here A and B are 2) 1- chloro butan-2-ol
1) C2H5OH,C2H4 2) C2H4, C2H5OH 3) 2- chloro butan-1-ol
3) C3H8, C2H5OH 4) C2H2+C2H5OH 4) 3-hydroxy 1- chloro butane
Properties of Alkenes 11. CH 2 Br  CH 2 Br 
Zn, H 2 / Ni
 A  
HCl Mg Hydrolysis HNO3 / 450 Co
3. CH 2  CH 2  A   B  C B  C
Dry ether
Here 'C' is
then `C' is 1) CH3NO2 2) C2H5NO2
1) CH3 -CH2-Cl 2) CH3 -CH2-Mg Cl 3) C2H5– O – N = O 4) CH3 – O – N = O
3) CH4 4) CH3-CH3 12. HC  CH 
4. An alkene on vigorous oxidation with
H2 / Pd BaSO4 HCl
A   Na
B  C. H e re
Quinoline AlCl3 Dry ether
KMnO4solution produces only acetic acid. The ‘C’ is
alkene is 1) C2H6 2) C4H10 3) C2H5Cl 4) C3H7Cl
1) CH3 -CH2-CH=CH2 2) CH3 -CH=CH-CH3 13. Which of the following compounds will give in
3) (CH3)2-C=CH2 4) CH3 CH=CH2 the presence of peroxide a product different
 from that obtained in the absence of peroxide?
5. C2H 6 
 0
A S
2 Cl 2
 B . Here ‘B’ is 1) 1-butene 2) 2-butene,HCl
1000 C
1) (C2H5)2S 2) (C2H4Cl)2S 3) 1-butene, HBr 4) 2-butene,HBr
3) (CH3Cl)2S 4) (CH3)3S Ph
Electrolysis  cold Alkaline
14. Cl2 + H2O Major product:
6. CH3COOK  A   B 
C 0
C = CH2
1000 C 4

Here ‘C’ is CH3

1) CH3 COOH 2)CH2OH–CH2 OH Ph OH Ph Cl
3) CHO –CHO 4) CHOOH – CHOOH 1) C 2) C
7. An alkene gives two moles of HCHO, o n e CH3 CH2Cl CH3 CH2 OH
mole of CO2and one mole of CH3 COCHO on
ozonolysis. The structure of alkene is
1) CH 2  C  CH  CH 2  CH 3 Ph CH2 Cl Ph CH2 OH
3) C 4) C
CH 3 CH3 Cl CH3 H
2) | 15. Which of the following shows geometrical
CH 2  CH  CH  CH  CH 2 isomerism
CH 2  C  C  CH 3
1) BrCH=C=C=CHBr 2)
CH 3 3) CH=C=C=C Br2 4) CH2=C=C=C HBr
16. Which of the following alkene on acid catalysed
CH 3 hydration form 2-methyl propan-2 ol
4) | 1) (CH3)2C = CH2 2) CH3CH = CH2
CH 2  C  C  CH  CH 2 3) CH3CH = CH CH3 4) CH3CH2 CH = CH2
17. Which among the following alkenes will be 22. The product of following reaction is
most reactive during hydrogenation reaction CH3
CH3 CH3 (i) Hg(CH3COO)2 ; THF
CH3 C CH = CH2 ?
1) CH 3  CH  CH 2 2) (ii) NaBH4 + NaOH
CH3 C = C CH3
3) H2 C  CH 2 4) C = CH2 CH3 CH3
1) CH3 C CH CH3 2) CH3 C CH2 CH2OH
18. Arrange the following hydrogen halides in
order of their decreasing reactivity with H3C OH H3C
propene. OH CH3 CH3
1) HCl>HBr>HI 2) HBr>HI>HCl
3) CH3 C CH CH3 4) HOCH2 C CH2 CH3
3) HI>HBr>HCl 4) HCl > HI > HBr
19. Ethylene gives epoxy ethane on oxidation with H3C H3C

1) KMnO 4 / OH  2) K 2Cr2O7 / H  23. Propene CH3–CH=CH2can be converted into

1-propanol by oxidation. Which set of reagents
3) Ag2O/2000C 4) H2SO4 / 1700C
among the following are ideal to effect the
20. Additon of HBr on; conversion?
CH  C  CH 2  CH  CH 2 and 1) Alkaline KMnO4 2) B2H6 & alk.H2O2
3) O3/ zinc dust 4) OsO4/CHCl3
CH  C  CH  CH 2 separately gives:
24. 2-methylpropene is isomeric with butene-1.
a) CH  C  CH 2  CHBr  CH 3 and They can be distinguished by:
1) Baeyer’s reagent 2) Ammonical AgNO3
CH2 = C CH = CH2
3) Br2 solution 4) O3,Zn/H2O
25. The reaction of propene with HOCl proceeds
Br via the addition of : (IIT-2001)
CH2 = C CH2 CHBr CH3 +
1) H in the first step 2) Cl+ in the first step
b) and -
3) OH in the first step
Br 4) Cl+and OH-in the single step
CH2 = C CH = CH2 26. The catalytic hydrogenation is more easier in
case of which alkene?
Br R R R
1) C = CH2 2) C=C
c) CH  C  CH 2  CHBr  CH 3 and
Br 3) C=C 4) C=C
d) both 1 and 2 R H R R
27. Reaction of trans-2-phenyl -1-
CH2 bromocyclopentane on reaction with alcoholic
21. KOH produces (major)
1) 4-phenylcyclopentene 2) 2-phenylcyclopentene
on ozonolysis gives 3) 1-phenylcyclopentene 4) 3-phenylcyclopentene
CHO 28. Which of the following reaction will yield
O 2,2-dibromopropane?
1) 2)
+HCHO 1) CH 3  CH  CH 2  HBr 
2) CH 3  C  CH  HBr 
3) 4) all the above 3) CH 3  CH  CHBr  HBr 
4) CH  CH  HBr 
29. One mole of a symmetrical alkene on ozonolysis 8. Steps are dehydrohalogenation ,addition and then
gives two moles of an aldehyde having a molecular dehalogenation
mass of 44u. The alkene is: 9 Lindlar’s catalyst gives alkene and then HOCl adds
1) Ethene 2) Propene to it
3) 1-butene 4) 2-butene
Zn,  H 2 / Ni
30. Ozonolysis of an organic compound gives CH 2 Br  CH 2 Br   C2 H 4  
formaldehydes as one of the products. This 11. o
HNO3 / 450 C
confirms the presence of: C 2 H 6   C 2 H 5 NO 2
1) Two ethylenic double bonds 12. Lindlar’s catalyst , addition reaction and wurtz
2) A vinyl group 3) An isopropyl group reaction
4) An acetylenic triple bond 13. 1-butene is unsymmetrical alkene
31. 3-methyl-2-pentene on reaction with HOCl
gives: 14. Markovnikov rule
Cl OH H3C OH 16. Hydration by Markovnikov’s rule
1) CH3 CH2 C CH CH3 2) CH3 C CH CH3 17. H2C=CH2is least substituted alkene
CH3 CH3 18. hydrogen halides reactivity decreases down the
Cl Cl OH
19. Epoxidation
3) CH3 CH2 C CH CH3 4) CH3 CH2 C CHCH3
20. Conjugated diene is more stable
Key Level-III 21. Ozonolysis
01)1 02)2 03)4 04)2 05)2 06)2 22. Deoxy mercuration
07)4 08)2 09)3 10)2 11)2 12)2 23. Hydro boration and Oxidation
13)3 14)1 15)1 16)1 17)3 18) 3 24. ozonolysis is used to detect the position of double
19) 3 20) 1 21) 1 22) 1 23) 2 24) 4 bonds
25) 2 26) 2 27) 3 28) 2 29) 4 30) 2 25. Electrophilic addition
31) 4 26. Steric hindrance
Hints Level-III 27. Dehydro halogenation
1. X is Ethylene and Y is ethyl alcohol 28. propyne undergo addition with Markovnikov`s rule
2. Alc KOH is dehydrohalogenating agent and then 29. 2-butene on ozonolysis gives 2 moles of
hydrolysis occurs ethanal(44u)
3. CH 2  CH 2  CH 3  CH 2 Cl 30. =CH2 on ozonolysis gives methanal
Mg Hydrolysis
31. HO-, Cl+ markovnikoves rule
 C 2 H5 MgCl   C2 H6
Dry ether Level-IV
4. it must be symmetrical with two carbons on either Statement Type
side of double bond. 1) S-I & II are correct, S-II is correct explanation
5. Pyrolysis gives ethylene and then mustard gas is of S-I
formed by reaction with sulphurmonochloride 2) S-I & II are correct, S-II is not correct
explanation of S-I
6. KMnO4 with ethylene gives glycol 3) S-I is true , but S-II is false
4) S-I is false , but S-II is true
CH 3 1. Statement-I: Alkenes participate in addition
| reactions
O3 / Zn
Statement-II: Alkenes are unsat urat ed
7. CH 2  C  C  CH  CH 2 
 hydrocarbons

2CH 2O  CO2  CH 3COCHO 2. S-I: Alkenes decolourises bromine in CCl4

S-II: Double bond is present in alkenes
3. S-I: In Baeyer’s oxidation of ethene Sp2 carbon is 15. S-I: Propene reacts with HBr in presence of
changed to Sp3 carbon. benzoyl peroxide to yield 2-bromopropane
S-II: Cold dil. alk. KMnO4 is Baeyer’s reagent. S-II: In presence of peroxide, the addition of HBr
4. S-I: Ethene does not show geometrical isomerism. to propene follows free radical mechanism
S-II: Alkenes can not show geometrical isomerism. Key Level - IV
5. S-I: Propene and cyclopropane both give addition 01) 1 02)1 03)2 04)3 05)4 06)1
reactions only 07)2 08)1 09)1 10)1 11)1 12)1
S-II: Propene and cyclopropane are ring chain 13)3 14)1 15)4
isomers. Hints Level-IV
6. S-I: Reduction of but-2-yne by Na/liq. NH3 gives O3
'trans' but-2-ene. 16. CH 3C (CH 3 )  CHCH 3 
Zn / H 2O
S-II: It is an example of anti addition. CH 3COCH 3  CH 3CHO
7. S-I: Addition of bromine to trans-but-2-ene yields
17. General formula of aldehydes and ketones is
meso-2,3-dibromo butane.
S-II: Bromine addition to an alkene is an
18. Double bonds give sp2 hybridisation
electrophilic addition.
8. S-I: The boiling point of cis-1,2-dichloroethene is Level-V
higher than corresponding trans-isomer. 1. Identify the correct match from the following
S-II: The dipole moment of cis-1,2-dichloroethene lists
is higher than trans isomer. List-A List-B
9. S-I: 2-methyl butan-2-ol on heating with H2SO4 I)Dehydrohalogenation a) O2/g catalyst
gives 2-methyl but-2-ene. II)Dehydration b) Alc,KOH
S-II: The dehydration of 30 alcohols occurs III)Unsaturation c) Con, H2SO4/1700C
through carbocation formation followed by d) any HX
elimination of H+. e) Br2 water
10. S-I: Acidic character of ethane, ethene and ethyne 1) I-b,II-d,III-e 2) I-b,II-c,III-e
are in the order 3) I-d,II-a,III-e 4) I-e,II-c,III-e
CH  CH  CH 2  CH 2  CH3  CH 3 2. Column-I
A) Hydroboration- oxidation
S-II: Higher the s-character in hybridization of B) Oxymercuration-demercuration
carbon atom, more is the acidic nature of H atom C) Lindlars catalyst
joined to it. D) Na/liq NH3
11. S-I: Cyclopentadienyl anion is much more stable Column-II
than allyl anion. p) Converts but-1-ene to butan-2-ol
S-II: Cyclopentadienyl anion is aromatic in q) Converts but-1-ene to butan-1-ol
character. r) Converts alkyne to cis alkene
12. S-I: The addition of Br2 to 1-butene gives two s) Converts alkyne to trans- alkene
optical isomers. 1) A  q, B  p, C  r, D  s
S-II: The product contains one asymmetric carbon.
2) A  p, B  q, C  r, D  s
13. S-I: 1-butene on reaction with HBr in the presence
of peroxide produces 1-bromobutane. 3) A  q, B  p, C  s, D  r
S- II: It involves the formation of primary radical. 4) A  p, B  q, C  s, D  r
14. S-I: Dimethyl sulphide is commonly used for the Key Level - V
reduction of an ozonide of an alkene to get the
1) 2 2) 1
carbonyl compound.
S-II: It reduces the ozonide giving water soluble
dimethyl sulphoxide and excess of it evaporates.

Level-II (C.W)
Nomenclature & Methods of Preparation Key Level-II (C.W)
1. Which of the following method is not used in 1) 4 2) 1 3) 2 4) 4 5) 3 6) 1
the preparation of Acetylene 7) 2 8) 3 9) 2
1) Dehydrohalogenation 2) Dehalogenation
3) Hydrolysis 4) Dehydrogenation Hints Level-II (C.W)
2. Kolbes electrolysis
2. Acetylene can be obtained by the electrolysis
3. Enol
of the following compound
5. Gemdiol Unstable
1) Potassium fumerate 2) Potassium succinate
7. Necleophilic susbstitution
3) Potassium acetate 4) Potassium formate
8. Oxidation
3. The intermediate compound formed when
acetylene is hydrated in presence of dil. H2SO4 Level-II (H.W)
and HgSO4is
1) Acetaldehyde 2) Ethenol Nomenclature & Methods of Preparation
3) Vinyl chloride 4) Ethenal 1. Action of zinc on tetrabromoethane gives
4. The acidic nature of hydrogens in acetylene 1) CH3 - OH 2) CH  CH
cannot be explained by the reaction with 3) CH3 - CH3 4) CH2 = CH2
1) Sodium metal 2. Which of the following carbide on Hydrolysis
2) Ammonical cuprous chloride solution gives Acetylene gas
3) Ammonical silver nitrate solution 4) HCN 1) Al4C3 2) Be2 C
5. What is the product formed when acetylene
reacts with hypochlorous acid 3) Be2 C 4) CaC2
1) CH3COCl 2) ClCH2CHO dil.H2SO4
3) Cl2CHCHO 4) ClCH2COOH CH3 C CH 2+
6. Acetylene does not show which of the following OH OH
reactions ?
1) Condensation 2) Polymerization 3. CH3 C = CH2 CH3 C CH3 by what
3) Addition reactions 4) Combustion reaction (X) (Y)
7. The monosodium salt of acetylene on treating phenomenon X converts into Y.
with methyl chloride forms 1) Isomerisation 2) Aromatisation
1) CH  C.COOH 2) CH  C  CH 3 3) Tautomerism 4) Metamerism
3) CH 3C  CCH 3 4) CH  C.CH 2CH 3 Properties
8. 'x' on ozonolysis gives a dial while 'y' reacts 4. The number of acidic hydrogen atoms in 1-
with Baeyer's reagent to give a diol. Then 'x' butyne and 2- butyne respectively are
and 'y' respectively are 1) 1,0 2) 0,1 3) 1,1 4) 1,2
1) C2 H2 & C6 H6 2) C2 H4 & C2 H2 5. Acetylene with excess of Br2 / CCl4 gives
3) C2 H2 & C2 H4 4) C2 H4 & C6 H6
9. Which of the following is true 1) Decolorisation, CHBr2  CH 3
1) Acetylene is more reactive than ethylene to an 2) Decolorisation, CHBr2  CHBr2
electrophilic attack 3) redish brown colour, CHBr2  CH 3
2) Acetylene is less reactive than ethylene towards
electrophilic attack 4) redish brown colour, CHBr2  CHBr2
3) Acetylene may show more reactivity or less
reactivity towards electrophilic reagent.
4) Acetylene and ethylene show identical reactivities
towards an electrophilic attack
6. Acetylene is passed through red hot iron tubes 5. Hydration of ethyne to ethanal takes place
to give through the formation of
1) C6 H 6 2) C2 H 6 3) C2 H 4 d) all 1) CH 3CH  OH  2 2) CH 2  CHOH
7. HC  CH  A NaNH 2 C2 H 5Cl
 B find the B. 3) CH 2  CHO  4) CH  C 
1) C2 H 5  C  C  C2 H 5 2) HC  C  C2 H 5 6. A compound on dehydrohalogenation with
alcoholic K OH gives alkyne but on
3) H 2C  CH  C2 H 5 4) ClHC  CHC2 H 5
dehalogenation with zinc dust gives alkene.
8. Acetylene on ozonolysis with The compound is
 O3  Zn / H 2O  gives 1) C2H5Br 2) CH3 CH Br2
O O O O 3) CH2Br -CH2Br 4) CH Br2 - CHBr2
Hydrolysis HgSO4  dil .H 2 SO4
1) H C C H 2) HO C C OH 7. CaC2  A  B.
B is
HO OH O 1) Acetylene 2) Acetaldehyde
3) H2C CH2 4) CH3 C H 3) Acetone 4) Acetic acid
1mole Na
Key Level-II (H.W) 8. CaC2  H 2O  A  B  
1) 2 2) 4 3) 3 4) 1 5) 2 6) 1 C2 H 5 I
C   D . D is
7) 1 8) 1 1) 1-butene 2) Propene
Level-III 3) 1-pentene 4) 1 - Butyne
1. In the following sequence of reactions the 9. CH2 CH2
1 mole HCl
B, ‘B’ is
product (D) is
CH  CH  HBr
 A  alcKOH
 B  Cl Cl
1) Ethyl chloride 2) 1,2 dichloro ethene
NaNH 2
C   D. D is 3) Vinyl chloride 4) Ethylidine chloride
1) Ethanol 2) Ethyne 3) Ethanal 4) Ethene 10. CH  CH H Cl
 A Po
lymersia tion
 B
2. 1-Butyne on reductive ozonolysis gives The polymer 'B' is
1) CH3CH2CH2COOH 2) 2CH 3COOH 1) orlon 2) PVC 3) nylon 4) teflon
2 mole
3) CH 3CH 2COCHO 11. H  C  C  H  NaNH 2  A CH
  B
Cl 3

then `B` is
4) C H 3 C OO H  C H 3 C HO
1) 1-Butyne 2) 2-Butyne
3. Which of the following compound has the 3) 2-Pentyne 4) Propyne
lowest dipole moment
CH3 CH3 12. When 2-pentyne is treated with dilute H2SO4
and HgSO4 the product formed is
1) C=C 2) CH 3C  CCH 3
H H 1) 1-pentanol 2) 2-pentanol
3) 2-pentanone 4) 3-pentanone
3) CH 3CH 2 C  CH
4) CH 2  CH  C  CH 13. The cyclic polymerisation of methyl acetylene
4. NaNH 2
CH 3 Br
CH  CH  A   B . B is produces
1) CH 2  CH  CH  CH 2 1) Benzene 2) O-xylene
3) 1,3,5 - Trimethyl benzene
2) HC  C  CH 3 4) 1,3,5 - Tri methyl cyclo hexane
3) CH 2  CH  CH 3 4) CH 3  CH 2  CH 3
14. The compounds 1-butyne and 2-butyne can be 24. The final product formed when ethyne and
distinguished by using acetic acid react is
1) Bromine water 2) KMnO4 solution 1) Vinyl acetate 2) Ethyl acetate
3) Tollen’s reagent 4) Chlorine gas 3) Acetylene acetic acid 4) Ethylidene acetate
15. Which of the following orders regarding acidic 25. The compound X (C5H8) reacts with ammonical
strength is correct AgNO3to give a white precipitate and reacts
1) CH 3COOH  CH 3CH 2OH  CH  CH with excess of KMnO4 to give the acid, (CH3)2
CH–COOH Therefore, X is:
2) CH 3COOH  CH  CH  CH 3CH 2 OH
1) CH 2  CH  CH  CH  CH 3
3) CH  CH  CH 3COOH  CH 3CH 2 OH
4) CH  CH  CH 3CH 2OH  CH 3COOH 2) CH3 CH2 C  C CH3
16. An unknown compound ‘A’ has a molecular
formula of C4H6 when ‘A’ is treated with an 3)  CH 3  2 CHC  CH
excess of Br2 a new substance ‘B’ with formula
C4H6Br2 is formed . A forms a white precipitate 4)  CH 3  2 C  C  CH 2
with ammonical silver nitrate solution ‘A’ 26. 1-butyne on reaction with hot alkaline KMnO
may be gives:
1) Butyne-1 2) Butyne-2
3) Butene-2 4) Butene-1 1) CH 3CH 2 CH 2 COOH
17. The reduction of 4-octyne with H2 in the
presence of Pd/BaSO4 quinoline gives 2) CH3COOH  CH3COOH
1) Trans -4 - octene 2) cis - 4 - octene
3) C H 3 C O O H only
3) A mixture of cis and trans-4octene
4) A completely reduced product C8H18 4) CH 3CH 2 COOH  HCOOH
18. The hydrolysis of Mg 2C3 produces
27. Order of acidity of H2O, NH3and acetylene is:
1) Acetylene 2) Propyne 3) Butyne 4) Ethylene
19. Pure acetylene has sweet smell, where as 1) NH 3  CH  CH  H 2O
impure gives garlic odour due to presence of 2) H O  NH  CH  CH
2 3
1) NH3 2) PH3 3) SbH3 4) HCl
3) H 2O  CH  CH  NH 3
20 The stronger base is
1) CH 3CH 2 2) CH 2  CH  4) NH 3  H 2O  CH  CH
3) CH  C  4) Cl  Key Level - III
01) 2 02) 3 03) 2 04) 2 05) 2 06) 3
21. The colour of the precipitate formed when
acetylene is passed through ammonical 07) 2 08) 4 09) 3 10) 2 11) 2 12) 3
cuprous chloride solution is 13) 3 14) 3 15) 1 16) 1 17) 2 18) 2
1) White 2) Red 3) Blue 4) Green 19) 2 20) 1 21) 2 22) 2 23) 2 24) 4
22. What is the product when acetylene reacts with 25) 3 26) 4 27) 3
1) CH 3COCl 2) CH 2  CH  CN
3) Cl2 CHCHO 4) ClCH 2COOH
23. Westron is the solvent obtained by the
reaction of chlorine with
1) Ethylene 2) Ethyne 3) Ethane 4) Methane
Hints Level-III 2. S-I : Heavy metal acetylides can be used to purify
1. CH  CH  HBr
 CH 2  CHBr  HBr
CH3  CHBr2 alkynes
 NaNH2
CH2  CHBr  CH  CH S-II: Terminal alkynes form acetylides which are
soluble in acids
2. CH3 CH2 C  CH O3 Zn
3. S-I: Disubst itut ed acetylene on part ial
3. CH 3  C  C  CH 3 has zero dipole moment hydrogenation may give trans isomer
4. CH  CH  NaNH 2 
 NH 3
 Na  C S-II: Lindlar’s catalyst is used for Partial
CH 3 Br hydrogenation
 C  H   CH 3  C  C  H  NaBr
4. S-I: Alkynes are more reactive than alkene towards
dil .H 2 SO4
5. H  C  C  H 
Hg 2 catalytic hydrogenation
Acetylene 2
S-II: Alkynes are less reactive towards electrophilic
6. alc .KOH
CH 2 Br  CH 2 Br   CH  CH reaction than alkenes
and CH 2 Br  CH 2 Br   CH 2  CH 2 5. S-I : Addition of HBr to HC  CCH 2CH  CH 2
7. CaC2  C2 H 2
give HC  CCH 2CHBr  CH 3 and not
HgSO4  dil . H 2 SO4
  CH 3CHO
H2 O Na
H 2C  CBrCH 2CH  CH 2
8. CaC2   CH  CH   Na  C
S-II : A triple bond is less reactive than a double
C2 H 5 I
 CH   C2 H 5  C  CH bond towards electrophilic
9. A is acetylene and B is vinyl chloride
10. A is vinyl chloride 6. S-I : Reaction of but-2-yne by Na / liqNH 3 gives
    trans But-2-ene
11. CH  CH  2 NaNH 2 
N aC  C N a S-II : It is syn addition
2 CH 3Cl
 CH 3C  CCH 3 Comprehension
14. Butyne-1 has acidic hydrogen Paragraph-1
15. Alkynes are weakly acidic
16. Butyne-1 has acidic hydrogen Red hot Fe
17. LIndlar’s catalyst gives cis- alkene or Cu tube
19. Presence of phosphine C
23. Tetrachloro Ethane. 2NaNH2
25. Terminal alkyne CH3CH2CH(Cl)2 A
26.  CH  HCOOH B
27. Stability of conjugate base diamide

Level - IV 7. A is
1)Propyne2) Propene 3)Propanal 4)Propanone
Statement Type
1) S - I & II are correct, S - II is correct explanation 8. B is
of S - I 1)CH3CH=CH2 2)CH3CH2CH3
2) S - I & II are correct, S - II is not correct 3)CH3COCH3 4)CH3CH3
explanation of S - I
9. C is
3) S - I is true , but S - II is false
4) S - I is false , but S - II is true 1)Mesitylene 2)Benzene
1. Statement-I: Acetylene is formed when ethylene 3)Cyclooctatetraene 4)Benzaldehyde
chloride or ethylidene chloride is heated with
alcoholic KOH
Statement-II: Both gem dihalides and vicinal
dihalides on dehydrohalogenation form alkyne
Paragraph -2 3. Lindlar’s catalyst gives cis alkene
Terminal alkynes have acidic hydrogen/s. Sodium 5. Double bonds are more reactive
salt of terminal alkynes behave as nucleophile as
6. Na in liq.ammonia trans alkene by syn addition
well as strong base. For primary alkyl halides it
7. Dehydrohalogenation
behave as nucleophile. Thus primary alkyl halides
give SN reaction with its salt. Alkynes undergo 8. Hydrogenation
electrophilic as well as nucleophilic addition 9. Polymerisation
reactions. They also undergo hydroboration, 11. Adds 2 molecules
oxidation and ozonolysis. Level - V
10. When 1-pentyne is treated with dil. H2SO4 and
HgSO4, the product formed is 1. List-1 List-2
1) 1-pentanol 2) pentanal (Compound) (IUPAC name)
3) 2-pentanone 4) 3-pentanone. A)Baeyer’s reagent 1)Pd/pd/BaSO4 -
11. CH 3C  CH  HOX  2 equ. 
 Y .Y is
B)Lindlar’s catalyst 2)Ammonical silver
1) CH3COCHX2 2) CH3COCH3 nitrate
3) CH3COCOOH 4) CH3CHXCHO C)Tollen’s reacgent 3)Alkaline potassium
12. Column I Column II Permangante
A) R  CH  CH  R 
cold dil
 P) Meso D)Wurtz reaction 4)Na,dry ehter
5)Br2 in CCl4
The correct match is
 Q) cis-alkene
B) R  CH  CH  R  CCl4
trans 1) 3 1 5 2 2) 2 1 5 4
3) 5 2 1 3 4) 3 1 2 4
C) RC  CR  2
Pd  BaSO4
 R) trans-alkene 2. Compound Ozonolysis products

D) RC  CR 
 S) controlled A) Acetylene 1) HCHO & CH 3CHO
Liq . NH 3

reduction B) Ethylene 2) CH 3CHO

T) Oxidation C) Benzene 3) One mole of (CHO)2
A B C D D) 2-Butene 4) 3 moles of (CHO)2
1) P,T P Q.S R,S 5) CH2O
2) R.S Q,S P,T P,T A B C D A B C D
3) Q,S P P,T R,S 1) 3 2 5 4 2) 4 2 1 3
4) R,S P P,T Q,S 3) 3 5 4 2 4) 5 3 1 4
Key Level - IV Key Level - V
01) 1 02) 1 03) 2 04) 2 05) 1 06) 3 1) 4 2) 3
07) 1 08) 1 09) 1 10) 3 11) 1 12) 1
Hints Level - IV
1. Alc.KOH performs dehydrohalogenation
2. Heavy metal acetylides are precipitates
1) 1 2) 1 3) 3 4) 1 5) 1 6) 2
Level-II (C.W) 7) 3 8) 4 9) 1
Hints Level - II (C.W)
Structure & Aromaticity
1. Which of the following meet the requirements
of the Huckel rule
1) Naphthalene 2) Cyclohexane 1.
3) 1,3,5,7-Cyclooctatetraene
4) 1,3-Cyclobutadiene
2. The ratio of sigma and pi bonds in benzene is
1) 4:1 2) 2:3 3) 6:1 4) 1:1
Preparation & Properties H H
3. Benzene does not undergo polymerisation 2.
due to H H
1) Cyclic Nature 2) Aromatic Nature H
3) Resonance 4) Steric effect 3. Benzene does not polymerise due to resonance
4. Formation of Benzene from Acetylene is red hot C u / F e tube
1) Trimerisation 2) Tetramerisation 4. 3C2H2  500C 0     C H
 polym er is ation 
6 6

3) Dimerisation 4) Condensation 5. Nitration is electrophilic substitution reaction and

electrophile is nitronium ion (–NO2+). It is produced
5. In nitrating mixture HNO3 acts as a
by tansfer of proton from sulphuric acid to nitric
1) Base 2) Acid acid.Hence HNO3 acts as a base
3) Reducing agent 4) Catalyst AlCl3
6. Benzene reacts with ..... to yield benzophenone. 6. C6 H 6  C6 H 5COCl   C6 H 5COCH 3
1) CH3COCl + AlCl3 2) C6H5COCl + AlCl3 7. Benzene undergoes addition reaction with Cl2 in
3) R COCl + AlCl3 4) C2H5COCl + AlCl3 presence of light
7. The end product of the reaction 8. -CCl3 has a maximum electron with drawing power
Sunlight 9. OH  O   OCH 3  OCOCH 3
C6 H 6  Cl2   ? is
1) C6H5Cl 2) O  C6 H 4Cl2 Level-II (H.W)
3) C6 H 6Cl6 4) P  C6 H 4Cl2 Structure & Aromaticity
Directing Influence of functional 1. Identify the Aromatic compound in the
groups & Chemical Reactivity
1) Tetra hydro furan 2) Pyridine
8. Which of the following species is expected to
3) Cyclopenta dienyl anion 4) both 2 & 3
yield maximum percentage of meta
substitution product 2. The ratio of the number of hybrid and pure
orbitals in C6H6 is
1) ArCH 3 2) ArCH 2 Cl 3) ArCHCl2 4) ArCCl3 1) 3 : 2 2) 2 : 3 3) 1 : 1 4) 4 : 3
9. The order of activites of the various Ortho and Preparation & Properties
Para director is
3. Which of the following do not decolourised the
1) O  OH  OCOCH3  COCH3 Baeyer’s reagent
2) OH  O  OCOCH3  COCH3 1) C2 H 4 2) C6 H 6 3) C2 H 2 d) All
 4. Hydrolysis of benzene sulphonic acid with
3) OH  O  COCH3  OCOCH3
super heated steam gives
4) O  COCH3  OCOCH3  OH 1) Phenol 2) Benzene
3) Sulphuric acid 4) Both 2 & 3
5. Benzene on treating with a mixture of conc. 3. Saturated compound
HNO3 and H2SO4 at 1000C gives 4. Preparation of Benzene
1) Nitrobenzene 2) m-dinitrobenzene 5. -NO2 is meta orienting group
3) o-dinitrobenzene 4) p-dinitrobenzene 6. Anhydrous AlCl3 is lewis acid
6. The function of anhydrous AlCl3 in the Friedel- 7. Free Radical addition
Craft’s reaction is to 8. -Cl deactivates due to -I. effect and o, p - director
1) Absorb water 2) Absorb HCl due to + M. effect
3) Produce elctrophile 4) Produce nucleophile Level - III
7. Addition of Cl 2 or Br 2 (in the presence of
sunlight) to the benzene follow Structure and Aromaticity
1) Free radical addition 1. Which of the following is expected to be
2) Electrophilic addition aromatic
3) Nucleophilic addition
4)Electrophilic substitution
Directing Influence of functional 1) 2)
groups & Chemical Reactivity
8. A group which deactivates the benzene ring
towards electrophilic substitution but directs the H
incoming group towards o- and p- positions is 3) 4) +
1)  NH 2 2) Cl 3)  NO2 4) C2 H 5
9. Which of the following is most powerful meta 2. Which of the following carbocation is expected
directing group (Roorkee 1991) to be least stable
1)  NO2 2)  SO3 H CH3 CH3
3) CHO 4) COOH +
Carcinogenicity : 1) 2)
10. Carcinogenic pollutants are formed on
incomplete combustion of H Y H Y
1) Tobaco 2) Coal
3) Pertroleum 4) All the above H
11. Benzene and polynuclear hydrocarbons + Y
3) H 4)
containing more than two benzene rings fused
together are Y
1) Toxic 2) Posses carcinogenic property 3. Which of the following carbocation is expected
3) Causes cancer 4) All the above to be most stable
12. Among the following, carcinogenic pollutant is
1) 1, 2, - benzpyrene NO2 NO2
2) 1,2,5,6 - Dibenzanthracene
3) 3-methyl chlolanthrene +
1) 2)
4) All the above +
Key Level - II (H.W)
01) 4 02) 1 03) 2 04) 4 05) 2 06) 3
07) 1 08) 2 09) 1 10) 4 11) 4 12) 4 H
+ Y
Hints Level - II (H.W) 3) 4)
1.  4n  2  - Huckel Rule + Y
2. Benzene has 18 hybrid orbitals and 12 pure orbitals
4. Which of the following structure will not have 11. X Dil . H 2 SO4 Zn dust
 Y  Q where 1 mole Y
Boil 
4 electrons
on ozonolysis yields three moles of ethane-1,2-
dial, X and Q respectively are
1) 2) 1) Napthalene; Phenol
2) Benzene sulphonic acid; Nitrobenzene
3) Benzene sulphonic acid; Phenol
3) 4) 4) Phenol; Toluene
12. In which of the following reactions, aromatic
character is retained?
H2O Re d tube hot AlCl3 H 2 /Ni
5. CaC2   A 
  B  C 1) C6 H 6  X 2) C6 H 6  Y
CH3Cl Zn/H 2 O

In this sequence B and C are CH 3COCl Cl 2

1) Benzene & acetylene 2) Toluene & Benzene 3) C6 H 6  Q 4) C6 H 6  R
AlCl3 light
3) Benzene & Toluene 4) Toluene & acetylene
6. Re d hot tube fuming .H SO 13. Number of  sp 2 -sp 2 bonds present in
C2 H 2    A  2 4
 B then ' B ' is
amolecule of X in the process
1) Benzene 2) Toluene
H 2 / Ni
3) Chloro benzene 4) Benzene sulphonic acid C6 H 6 
2000 C
 X is
soda lim e
7. A  Cl2 , h
 C6 H 6   B ,In this reaction A 1) 6 2) 3 3) 12 4) Zero
14. What is ‘X’ in the following reaction?
and B are respectively
Hg +2
1) Phenol, chlorobenzene C6 H 5  C  C-H  X
2) Chlorobenzene,lindane dil.H 2SO 4

3) Sodium benzoate, BHC 4) C2 H 2 & BHC 1) C6H5-COCH3 2) C6H5-CH2CHO

3) C6H5-CHO 4) C6H5-CH2OH
A 15. Fluorobenzene ( C6H5F) can be synthesised in
8. + Cl 2 . A & B respectively the lab (AIEEE 2006)
B 1) By heating phenol with HF and KF
are 2) From aniline by diazotisation followed by heating
1) Hexachlorocyclohexane & C6H5Cl the diazonium salt with HBF4
2) Chlorobenzene & Hexachlorocyclohexane 3) By direct fluorination of benzene with F2 gas
3) o- and p- Dichlorobenzene & chlorobenzene 4) By reacting bromo benzene with NaF solution
4) Chlorobenzene & C H Cl 16. The electrophile in Acetylation of Benzene is
6 5 6  
 
9. The descending order of reactivity of C2H6, 1) R 2) R C O 3) C6 H 5 4) N O2
C 2 H 4 , C 2 H 2 and C 6 H 6 towards addition 17. Four structures are given in options (1) to (4).
reaction is Examine them and select the aromatic
1) C2H4 > C2H2 > C6H6 > C2H6 structure.
2) C2H2 > C2H4 > C6H6 > C2H6
3) C6H6 > C2H6 > C2H4 > C2H2 1) 2)
4) C2H6 > C2H4 > C2H2 > C6H6
10. A new carbon - carbon bond is formed in
1) Cannizzaro’s reaction
2) Friedel - craft reaction 3) 4)
3) Clemmenson reduction
4) All the above
18. Which of the following is the correct IUPAC
Key Level - III
01) 4 02) 3 03) 4 04) 4 05) 3 0 6) 4
07) 3 08) 1 09) 1 10) 2 11) 3 12) 3
Name of the copmpound 13) 4 14) 1 15) 2 16) 2 17) 3 18) 3
Cl 19) 3 20) 1 21) 2 22) 1 23) 3
Cl Hints Level - III
1) 1,2-dichloro-4- ( N, N-dimethyl) aniline
2) Dimethyl - ( 3, 4-dichlorophenyl) amine + It has
1. 6 electrons so it obeys Huckel
3) 3, 4-dichloro-N, N-dimethyl aniline
4) N, N-dimethylamino - 3, 4-dichlorobenzene rule.
Preparation & Properties 2. -CH3 group is benzene activator. It is ortho, para
19. Three moles of glyoxal are obtained by the directing
ozonolysis, followed by hydrolysis(in presence 3. -NO2 group is benzene deactivator . It is meta
of Zn) of
4. Cyclohepta-tri-enyl anion has 8 electrons
1) C2 H 2 2) C2 H 4 3) C6 H 6 4) C6 H12 H 2O Cu CH 3Cl
5. CaC 2   C 2 H 2 
5000 C
 C6 H 6 
 C 6 H 5  CH 3
CH3 Cu H 2 SO4
6. C 2 H 2 
5000 C
 C6 H 6 
fumi ng
 C6 H 5 SO3 H
KMnO4 HNO3 / H2SO4 7. NaOH
C 6 H 5COONa  Cl2 / h
 C6 H 6   C6 H 6Cl6
(Major product) 8. A = Free Radical addition
The product B is B = Electrophylic substitution
1) 3-Nitrobenzoic acid 2) 3-Nitrotoluene 9. Alkene > alkyne > benzene>alkane
3) 4-Nitrotoluene 4)4-Nitrobenzoic acid 10. Friedel-crafts
21. Amongst the following, the compound that can 11. Y = Benzene
be most readily sulphonated 12. Acetylation is substitution
1) Benzene 2) Methoxy benzene 13. x = C6H12
3) Toulene 4) Chloro benzene 14. Hydration followed by Tautomerization
15. Aniline on diazotisation gives benzene diazonium
22. Arrange the following set of compounds in the chloride. This on treatment with HBF4 gives
order of their decreasing relative reactivity chlorobenzene
with an electrophile 16. Acyliumion
17.  4n  2  - Huckel rule
18. IUPAC rules
19. Benzene
(I) (II) (III)
20. A = Benzoic acid
1) I > II > III 2)I = II = III B = Metanitro benzoic acid
3) I < II < III 4) I > II < III 21. Ring activating group = Methoxy
23. 22. For EDG more ring activity
23. Resonance Energy = H exp  H cal
+ H2 Pt
Level - IV
Assertion and Reasoning
1) S-I & II are correct, S-II is correct explanation
+3H2 Pt
of S-I
The correct relation among the following is 2) S-I & II are correct, S-II is not correct
1) x = y 2) y = 3x explanation of S-I
3) 3x - y = 36 4) x - 3y = 36 3) S-I is true but S-II is false
4) S-I is false but S-II is true
1. Statement-I(S-I) : The compound
cyclooctatetraene has the following structural 7. is:
formula : 1) Aromatic 2) Anti - aromatic
3) Non- aromatic 4) All the above
It is cyclic and has conjugated 8 - electron system 8. Which of the following structures is not
but it is not an aromatic compound. aromatic?
Statement-II(S-II) :  4n  2   electron rule does
not hold good and ring is not planar.
2. S-I : Toluene on Friedel craft’s methylation gives
o- and p- xylene.
(I) (II) (III) (IV)
S-II : CH 3 -group bonded to benzene ring increase 1) I& II 2) II&IV 3) IV 4) All the four
electron density at o- and p- position. 9. The stability order of the three compounds is
3. S -I : Nitration of benzene with nitric acid requires
the use of concentrated sulphuric acid
S-II : The mixture of concentrated sulphuric acid
and concentrated nitric acid produces the +
electrophile,nitronium ion (I) (II) (III)
4. S-I: Bromo benzene when treated with Br2/Fe gives 1) I> II >III 2) I > III > II
1,4-dibromobenzene as major product 3) I > II = III 4) I = III >II
S-II: In bromobnezene, the inductive effect of the 10. List - A List - B
bromo group is more dominant than the mesomeric (Molecule) (Pure and hybrid
effect in directing the incoming electrophile. orbit als involved)
5. S-I: Both Benzene & ethyne give same product on A) C 2 H 6 a) 12, 18
S-II: Ethyne & benzene possess same emperical B) C2 H4 b) 6, 4
formula. C) C2 H2 c) 6, 6
Comprehension Type
On the basis of molecular orbital treatment D) C6 H 6 d) 6, 8
of various aromatic compounds , it has been The correct match is
observed that an aromatic compound m u s t A B C D A B C D
fulfil the following theoritical requirements 1) a b c d 2) b c d a
I) It must have an uninterrupted cyclic cloud of 3) c d b a 4) d c b a
 - electrons above and below the plane of the Key Level-IV
molecule ( often called as  - cloud). Let us 01) 1 02) 1 03) 1 04) 3 05) 2 06) 4
look what does this mean? 07) 1 08) 4 09) 2 10) 4
i) For the  - cloud to be cyclic, the molecule Hints Level-IV
must be cyclic 1. Does not follows (4n+2) electrons and ring is not
ii) For the  - cloud to be uninterrupted, every planar
atom in the ring must have a p- orbital 2. Methyl group increases the electron density on
iii) For the  -cloud to be formed ,each p- ortho para positions.
orbital must be able to overlap with the p- 
orbitals on either side of it. Therefore, the 3. Nitration mixture produces the electrophile N O 2
molecule must be planar ion.
6. Cyclo- octatetraene is: 4. Bromination of benzene gives 1,4 dibromo benzene.
1) Aromatic 2) Anti - aromatic 5. Benzene and ethyne gives Glyoxal on ozonolysis.
3) Both 1 and 2 4) Non- aromatic 6. Non-aromatic
7. Aromatic
8. According to Huckel’s rule
9. I. Aromatic, II. Anti aromaitc, III. Non-aromatic
aromatic is higly stable.
alkali metals are alkaline.
SYNOPSIS Difference from Halogens:
Hydrogen and its Compounds f) Hydrogen has 1 electron inits valency shell while
 It is the lightest gaseous element. halogens have 7
 It has one electron, one proton and no neutrons. Occurrence
Position of Hydrogen in the Periodic  Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the
Table: universe (70% )and 9th most abundant element in
the earth crust
 Hydrogen is unique in behaviour. Hence its position
 In combined form it constitutes 15.4% of earth’s
is uncertain in the periodic table.
crust and the oceans.
 It resembles halogens as well as alkali metals.
Isotopes of Hydrogen
Resemblance with Alkali Metals
 Isotopes of H are 11 H (protium), 2
H (or) D
a) It has only one electron in the outer shell 1

b) Form uni positive ion. (deuterium) and 13 H (or) T (tritium).

c) Exhibits +1 oxidation state  Deuterium is also known as heavy hydrogen.
d) Forms oxides, halides and sulphides.  one part of tritium is present per 1018 parts of
e) Acts as reducing agent. ordinary hydrogen mostly in the form of HD
Resemblance with Halogens  Of these isotopes, only tritium is radio active and
a) Hydrogen is non metal emit low energy harmless  -particles.
b) Form uni negetive ion (H–)
c) Exists as diatomic molecule (H2)  Halflife ( t1/ 2 ) of Tritium is 12.33 years.
d) Exhibits -1 oxidation state  Tritium is used as tracer in the study of reaction
e) The ionisation potential (13.5 eV) is nearer to mechanism.
the value of Fluorine.  As the mass number of isotopes increases, bond
energy increases and their reactivity also decreases.
f) Hydrogen reacts with non metals to form covalent
compounds. eg: CH4, SiH4, GeH4 Order of reactivity : H 2  D2  T2
 Difference from Alkali Metals:
(i) Ionisaton energy of hydrogen is very high in Property Relative H2 D2 T2
comparison to alkali metals.
Abundance 99.98% 0.016% 10-15%
Element H Li Na K Density(g/L) 0.098 0.18 0.27
Molarmass(g/mol) 2.016 4.028 6.032
IE1(in eV) 13.6 5.37 5.12 4.32
M.P. in K 13.8 18.7 20.63
a) Unlike alkali metals, hydrogen is non-metal
B.P. in K 20.4 23.9 25.0
b) Hydrogen exists as diatomic whereas all the
Latent heat of fusion
alkali metals are monoatomic.
(in kJ/mole) 0.11 70.197 0.250
c) Compounds of alkali metals are ionic while
compounds of hydrogen are predominantly Latent heatof vapourisation
covalent. (in KJ/mole) 0.90 41.22 61.393
eg. NaCl is ionic while HCl is covalent. Bond energy
d) Size of H+ is much smaller than cations of alkali in KJ/mole 436 443.5 446.9
metals. Bond length(inA0 ) 0.741 0.741 40.7414
e) H 2 O is amphoteric in nature while oxides of
Laboratory Preparation of H2 Commercial Manufacture of H2
 (i)By Action of Cold Water: Bosch Process :
Highly reactive metals like alkali metals and  This process is most common, and in this process
some alkaline earth metals (Ca, Ba etc.) first steam is passed over hot coke at 12700C to
obtain water gas or synthesis gas or Syn gas.
reacts with cold water and liberate H 2 .
Ni /1270 C
C s   H 2O g    CO  H 2 ; H  121.3
2 Na  2 H 2 O Ord . temp .
 2 NaOH  H 2    kj
Syn gas
(ii) By Action of Boiling Water : Catalyst/
Less reactive metals(like Zn, Al, Mg) decompose CO  H 2  H 2O g      CO2  2 H 2
  6730 C  Fe2 O3 / Cr2 O3 
Syn gas
boiling water giving metal oxide and H2.
Boil Watergas Shift Reaction :
Mg  H 2O    MgO  H 2
 The production of H 2 can be increased when
2 Al  3H 2O    Al2O3  3H 2 water gas is mixed with more steam and mixture is
(iii) By Action of Steam : passed over heated iron, chromate catalyst. This
Very less reactive metals ( like Fe, Mn, Co, Ni, reaction is called water gas shift reaction.
Cr, Sn etc.) decompose steam when passed over 673 K
CO( g )  H 2O( g ) 
 CO2( g )  H 2( g )
Fe2 O3 / Cr2 O3
hot metal.
 CO2 is removed by scrubbing with sodium Arsenite
3Fe  4H2O  Fe3O4  4H2  (Lane’s process) :
(iv) By Action of Steam on Hydrocarbons: From Hydrocarbons :
A mixture of hydrocarbons (e.g., crude naphtha) is
H 2 gas is formed when hydrocarbons (eg:
mixed with steam and is passed over catalyst
(Heated Ni at 12700C). Naphtha, Natural gas etc.) are mixed with steam
and are passed over heated catalyst ( eg: Ni).
Ni /1270 C
Cn H 2n 2  nH 2O   nCO   2n  1 H 2 Ni /1270 K 0

Naphtha Cn H2n2  nH2O g   nCO   2n  1 H2

Ni /12700 C
CH 4 g   H 2O g   CO g   3H 2 g  Ni /1270 K
CH 4  H 2O g  
 CO  3H 2 
  Natural gas  
Syn gas Syn gas

 From Acids Ni /1270 K 0

CH 4  2 H 2O   CO2  4 H 2 
Metals displace H2 from dil. mineral acid ( like HCl
As by-product :
or H 2 SO4 ).
Large quantities of H 2 are produced as by-product
Zn  H 2 SO4  ZnSO4  H 2  in a number of chemical process.
Laboratory Prepation of Dihydrogen (i) In manufacturing of NaOH and Cl2 by
In the laboratory, H 2 is prepared by action of Zn electrolysis of aqueous NaCl in Castner-Kellner
Cell or Nelson Cell.
on dil. H 2 SO4 .
(ii) In petrochemical plants.
Zn  H 2 SO4 dil .  ZnSO4  H 2  (iii) In coke oven gases.
 From Alkalies
Commercial Preparation of H2
Amphoteric metals [like Zn, Sn, Al, Pb, Si etc.]  Electrolysis of acidulated water using platinum

react with boiling NaOH , liberate H 2 . electrodes liberates H 2 at cathode.

Zn  2 NaOH  Na2 ZnO2  H 2  2 H 2O( l )  2 H 2( g )  O2( g ) 
Sodium zincate
 High purity dihydrogen is obtained by electrolysis
of aq. Ba (OH )2 (Barium Hydroxide) solution,
using Ni electrodes.
 In the Nelson-cell process as a by-product 713 K
H 2  S   H2S
at anode: 2Cl ( aq )  Cl2( g )  2e  Action with Metals
at cathode: 2 H 2O(l )  2e   H 2( g )  2OH (aq ) Dihydrogen combines with metals like sodium,
potassium, calcium etc. upon heating to form ionic
 The mixture of CO and H 2 is called water gas . As hydrides, which are also called salt like hydrides.
this mixture is used for the synthesis of methanol Heat
2 Na  H 2   2 NaH
and number of hydrocarbons, hence it is called
synthesis gas (or) syngas. 2 Li  H 2  2 LiH
From Petroleum Industry  Action with Metal Ions and Metal
 Natural hydrocarbon mixture of high molecular Oxides
weight like naphthalene & fuel oils on cracking
Hydrogen reduces some metal ions (in aq. solutions)
produce H2 as byproduct.
and oxides of metals (less active than iron) in to
 About 77% of industrial dihydrogen is produced
corresponding metals
from petrochemicals. 18% from coal, 4% by the
electrolysis and the remaining 1% from other H 2( g )  Pd 2( aq )  Pd ( s )  2 H  (aq )
yH 2( g )  M xO y ( g )  xM ( g )  yH 2O( g )
Properties of Dihydrogen
Low Reactivity Reaction with CO
 Molecular hydrogen is chemically less reactive, due  Hydrogen mixed with water gas in presence of
to high bond dissociation energy ( ZnO, Cr2O3 ) or Cu/Zn or Co catalyst at 3000 C
 Dissociation of dihydrogen into it’s atoms is only
around 0.081% at 2000K which increases to and 200atm. pressure gives methyl alcohol.
95.5% at 5000K catalyst
H 2  CO  H 2   CH 3OH

 Due to high bond enthalpy dihydrogen is having low watergas Methyl alcohol

reactivity Reducing Properties

H 2  435(KJ / Mol)  H  H  Hydrogen reduces the oxides and halides of noble
The atomic hydrogen is very reactive. metals to corresponding metals.
Chemical Properties: Heat
CuO  H 2   Cu  H 2 O
 Action with Non-Metals 
Dihydrogen combines with many non-metals under 4 H 2  Fe3O4 s    3Fe  4 H 2 O
specific conditions. Reaction with Organic Compounds
 With Halogens Hydrogenation of Vegetable Oils
The reactivity of halogens ( X 2 ) towards  Oils are converted in to solid fats by passing
hydrogen gas in the presence of Ni at 473 K.
dihydrogen -- F2  Cl2  Br2  I 2 .
unsaturated oils change into saturated fats.
H 2  F2   2 HF (Explosive in dark) Ni / 473
Vegetable oil  H 2   Solid fat
H 2  Cl2  2 HCl
CH3  (CH 2 )n  CH  CH  COOH  H 2 
 With Nitrogen
Dihydrogen and dinitrogen (or nitrogen) combine CH 3 .(CH 2 )n CH 2  CH 2 .COOH
in presence of Fe catalyst at 6730K, 200 atm  Hydro formylation of olefines yields aldehydes
pressure to form ammonia.(Haber’s process) which further undergo reduction to give alcohols.
N 2  3H 2  2 NH 3 , H  92.6kJ / mol H2  CO  RCH  CH2  R  CH2  CH2  CHO
Olefin Aldehyde
 With Sulphur H2
R  CH 2  CH 2 CHO 
 R  CH 2  CH 2 CH 2 OH
Hydrogen combines with sulphur at about 713K Aldehyde Alcohol
to form H2S.
Uses of Dihydrogen Ionic Hydrides
 Dihydrogen is used in the synthesis of NH3, HNO3  These are stoichiometric compounds of dihydrgen
and nitrogenous fertilizers. formed with most of the S-block elements.
 For the preparation of Vanaspathi (or) Dalda in  Significant covalent character is found in LiH, BeH2
presence of Raney Ni catalyst. and MgH2.
 For the preperation of methanol.  BeH2 and MgH2 are polymeric in structure.
 As a reducing agent in metallurgy  These are colourless crystalline, non-volatile solids.
They are non-conducting in solid state.
WO3 + 3H 2  W + 3H 2 O  These hydrides conduct electricity in molten state
 Atomic hydrogen and Oxy-hydrogen blow torches and on electrolysis liberate H2 at anode which
used for cutting and welding purpose. confirms the existence of H– ions.
 It is used as rocket fuel 2 H   H 2  2e 
 It is used in fuel cells for generating electrical energy  These hydrides violently react with H2O liberating H2
 It is used for the manufacture of metal hydrides  They have high M.P and B.P.
Fuel Cells (Use of Dihydrogen)  They have high density.
 The cells in which heat produced by burning fuel  Except LiH they generally undergo combustion
gases like H2, CO, CH4 directly converted into when heated strongly in air. This is due to their
electrical energy are called fuel cells. decomposition into highly inflammable H2.
625  675 K
 The electrode reactions in a fuel cell are , at CaH 2   Ca  H 2
at anode: 2[ H  2OH   2 H O  2e  ]  These hidrides are generally prepared by heating
2( g ) ( aq ) 2 (l )
the metal with hydrogen under pressure at
at cathode: O2( g )  2 H 2O(l )  4e   4OH  ( aq ) temperatures between 1500C to 6000C.
600 C
Overall cell reaction: 2H2( g )  O2( g )  2H2O(l ) 2 Li  H 2   2 LiH
fuel cells do not pollute the atmosphere.  The stability of the hydrides decreases as the size
of the cation increases.
Different Forms of Hydrogen:
Atomic Hydrogen: LiH > NaH > KH > RbH > CsH (Stability order)
 The atomic hydrogen is extermely reactive.  LiH is useful in the synthesis of other useful hydrides.
 As the molecules of dihydrogen gas pass through 8 LiH  Al2Cl6  2 LiAlH 4  6 LiCl
the electric arc at 4000–45000C, these absorb
energy and get dissociated into atoms as 2 LiH  B2 H 6  2 LiBH 4
Electric 1  They act as powerful reducing agents
H 2( g ) 
arc  2 H ( g ) : H  435.90 KJ mol
Nascent Hydrogen : eg: 2CO  NaH  HCOONa C
Sodium Formate

 The hydrogen that is just produced in the reaction Covalent Hydrides

is called nascent hydrogen.  Covalent or Molecular hydrides are formed by 13
 It is also called newly born hydrogen. to 17 group elements of p-block.
 It is more reactive than ordinary hydrogen.
eg: NH 3 ; H 2 O; H 2 S
 The general formula of covalent hydrides can be
 H 2 combines with almost all elements except noble written as XH(8–n) (except for group 13)
gases, form binary compounds called hydrides. n = number of outershell electrons of X-atom
 Depending on the nature of bond formed between  Molecular hydrides are convieniently classified into
Hydrogen and other element, the hydrides are three types.
classified in to 3 types.
a) electron precise componds have the required
a) Saline (or) salt like (or) ionic hydrides
number of electrons to write lewis structures:
b) Molecular (or) covalent hydrides
c) Metallic (or) interstitial (or) Non-stoichiometric 14th group elements form this types of Hydrides
hydrides eg: CH 4 , SiH 4
 Electron deficient hydrides have less no. of electrons Water
than required to write Lewis structure. These are  The purest form of natural water is rain water. human
formed by body has about 65% and some plants have as much
13th group elements eg: AlH 3 , B2 H 6 as 95% water (Estimated world water supply)
 These hydrides act as Lewis acids.
 Electron rich hydrides have excess electrons as lone Source % of total water
pairs. Oceans 97.33
 Elements of 15 to 17th group form this type of Saline lakes and inland seas 0.008
Polar ice and glaciers 2.04
eg: NH 3 , H 2O, HF etc.
Ground water 0.61
 These behaves as Lewis bases.
 They are generally soft with low M.P. and B.P. Lakes 0.009
 They are poor conductors of electricity Soil moisture 0.005
 Being covalent in nature they are more soluble in Atmospheric water vapour 0.001
organic solvents.
Rivers 0.0001
 The systamatic name of molecular hydrides are Physical Properties
usually derived from the name of element by  Volumetric composition of water is 2:1.
attaching the suffix-ane  Gravimetric composition of water 1:8.
NH3–Azane PH3–Phosphane  Maximum density of water is 1g/ml. (at 40C)
H2S–Sulphane H2O–Oxidane  Density of ice is less than the density of water. So
SiH4–Silane GeH4–Germane ice floats on water.
Interstitial Hydrides  The unusual properties of water in liquid and solid
 Many d and f-block elements at elevated states are due to the presence of extensive hydrogen
bonding between water molecules.
temperature form metallic hydrides.
 Due to hydrogen bonding, even covalent compunds
 Metals of 7,8 and 9 groups do not form hydrides
like alcohol and carbohydrates dissolve in water.
and it is called hydride gap.
 Ionic product and dieletric constatnt values are low
 In group 6, only chromium form metallic hydride
CrH. for D2O than H 2O .
 These are often non-stoichiometric and their Property H2 O D2O
composition vary with temp and pressure; therefore, Molecular mass 18.0151 20.0276
these violate the law of constant proportion.
Melting point K 273.0 276.8
eg: LaH 2.87 , YbH 2.55 , ZrH1.31.75 Boiling point K 373.0 374.4
 Except hydrides of Ni, Pd, Ce and Ac, other
hydrides have different crystal lattice from parent
 The property of absorption of H2 by transition
metals is used in reduction (or) hydrogenation Viscosity centipoises 0.8903 1.107
 These hydrides conduct heat and electricity but less
efficiently than parent metal.
 Some metals like Pd, Pt can accomidate a very
large volume of H2.This property has high potential
for hydrogen storage and as a source of energy.
Chemical properties hydrogen bonded structure.
 Water acts as an acid as well as base and hence  X–ray studies reveals that each oxygen atom is
known as an amphoteric substance surrounded tetrahydrally by four other oxygen
atoms at a distance of 276 pm.
H 2O(l )  NH 3( aq )  OH (aq )  NH 4( aq )  H-bonding gives ice a open type structure with wide
( acid )
holes. These holes can hold some other molecules
H 2O( l )  H 2 S( aq )  H 3O(aq )  HS(aq ) of appropriate size interstitially
(base ) Hard Water and Soft Water
 The auto protolysis (self Ionisation) of water takes  Hard water doesn’t give lather readily with soap.
place as  Presence of carbonate, bicarbonate, chloride and
sulphate salts of calcium and magnesium causes to
H 2 O( l )  H 2 O(l )  H 3O(aq )  OH (g )
acid 1 base  2 acid  2 base 1
 Water can be easily reduced to dihydrogen by  Permanent hardness is due to the presence of
highly electropositive metals, thus it is a great source chlorides and sulphates of calcium and magnesium.
of dihydrogen.  Temporary hardness is due to presence of
magnesium and calcium hydrogen carbonates.
2 H 2 O(l )  2 Na( s )  2 NaOH ( aq )  H 2( aq )  Temporary hardness is removed by boiling.
 Due to high dielectric constant, it has a very strong During boiling the soluble bicarbonates are
hydrating tendency. It dissolves many ionic converted into insoluble hydroxides or carbonates.
compounds. However, certain covalent and some 
Mg ( HCO3 ) 2   Mg (OH ) 2  2CO2 
ionic compounds are hydrolysed in water.

P4 O10(s) +6H 2 O(l)  4H 3 PO4(aq) Ca( HCO3 ) 2   CaCO3   H 2O  CO2 

SiCl4(l) + 2H 2 O(l)  SiO2(s) + 4HCl(aq)

Clark’s Method
 In this process calculated amount of lime is added
3- -
N (s) +3H 2O(l)  NH 3(g) +3OH (aq) to hard water.
 Water is oxidised to oxygen in photosynthesis  If excess of lime is used, water gets permanent
hv/ chlorophyll hardness in place of temporary hardness.
6CO2 +6H 2 O   C6 H 12 O6 +6O2 .
 From aqueous solutions many salts can be Ca( HCO3 )2  Ca(OH )2  2CaCO3  2 H 2O
crystallised as hydrated salt Mg ( HCO3 )2  2Ca (OH ) 2 
3 
i) co ordinated water [Cr ( H 2 O) 6 ] 3Cl 2CaCO3   Mg (OH ) 2  2 H 2O
ii) Interstitial water BaCl2 , 2H 2O  treatment with washing soda
iii) Hydrogen bonded water
CaCl2  Na2CO3  CaCO3  2 NaCl
[Cu ( H 2 O) 4 ]2 SO42  H 2 O
Calgon’s Method:
 In CuSO4 .5H 2O, four water molecules are
Sodium hexameta phosphate ( Na6 P6 O18 ) or
coordinated and one water molecule is linked by
hydrogen bond. Na2 [ Na4 ( PO3 )6 ] commercially called calgon.
Structure of Water  Calgon when added to hard water the following
 In gas phase water is bent molecule with bond angle reactions takes place
of 104.50 and O  H bond length of 95.7pm. Na6 P6O18  2 Na   Na4 P6O182
Structure of Ice
M 2  Na4 P6O182  [ Na2 MP6O18 ]2  2 Na 
 At atmospheric pressure ice crystallises in haxagonal
form, but at very low temperatures, it condensed M  Ca / Mg
to cubic form.
 Ice was a highly ordered three dimensional
Ion Exchange Method (or) Permutit 108
Process  no. of moles of salt 
wt. of water ( in gms)
 Ion exchange method is also called zeolite (or)
permutit process. WE:1 500 gms of water contains 6 103 gms of
 Hydrated sodium aluminium silicate is zeolite, dissolved MgSO4 in it. Calculate the hardness
NaAlSiO4 ( NaZ ). (or) Na2Al2Si2O8 of water in ppm of CaCO3 ?
2 NaZ ( s )  M (2aq )  MZ 2( s )  2 Na(aq ) 10 6 3
( M  Mg , Ca ) 10 g of water  500  6  10  12 g

(Z  Al 2 Si2O8 2  ) 120 g of MgSO 4  100 g of CaCO 3

 Exhausted permutit is revived by treating with 12 g of M gSO 4  10 g of CaCO 3
aqueous sodium chloride.
Hardness of water  10 ppm of CaCO3
MZ 2( s )  2 NaCl (aq )  2 NaZ ( s )  MCl2( aq )
WE 2: One litre of a sample of hard water contains
Synthetic Resins Method
1 mg of CaCl2 and 1 mg of MgCl2 . Find the
 This method is more efficient than zeolite process.
 Cation exchange resin contains acidic groups like total hardness in terms of parts of CaCO3 per
 SO3 H . 106 parts of water by mass.
 2  Sol :- Mol. mass of CaCl2 = 111,
H  ions exchange with Na , Ca , Mg ions.
Mol. mass of MgCl2 = 95
2 RH ( s )  M (2aq )  MR2( s )  2 H (aq )
 This process results in proton release and this makes 111 grams of CaCl2  100 g of CaCO3
the water acidic.
 Anion exchange resin contains groups like  1 mg of CaCl2   1 mg of CaCO3
 NH 3OH , the anions like Cl  , SO42  , HCO3 etc
= 0.9 mg of CaCO3
are exchanged by OH  ions.
95 g of MgCl2  100 g of CaCO3
RNH 2( s )  H 2O(l )  RNH 3 OH (s )
RNH 3 OH (s )  X (aq )  RNH 3 X (s )  OH (aq )  1 mg of MgCl2   1 mg of CaCO3
 The exhausted cation and anion exchange resins = 1.05 mg of CaCO3
are regenerated with dil.acid and alkali
thus, one litre of hard water contains ( 0.9 + 1.05)
( HCl , NaOH , Na2CO3 ) solutions respectively..
= 1.95 mg of CaCO3
 In this process pure de-mineralised (de-ionized)
water free from all soluble mineral salts is obtained. one litre water = 103 g = 106 mg
Degree of Hardness of Water Degree of hardness = 1.95 ppm
 The number of parts by weight of calcium carbonate Disadvantages of Hard Water
present in million parts by weight of water is known  Hard water, when used in the boilers results in
as the degree of hardness of water. formation of scales in the boilers. This eats away
 The degree of hardness of water is expressed in the metal layers of the boiler and also causes wastage
terms of ppm of CaCO3 . degree of hardness of heat energy.
 When used in laundries results in the wastage of
10 8
wt. of salt (in gms) soap.
 
wt. of water ( in gms) GMW of salt
Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) is expressed as percentage of H 2 O2 in solution,
Preparations: i.e., g/100 ml.
 BaO2 is added to cold dilute acid and remaining 30% (or) 100vol H2O2 is called perhydral
excess of water is removed by evaporation under
Volume %w/v Molarity Normality
reduced pressure gives H 2O2 . strength
BaO2 8 H 2O( s )  H 2 SO4( aq )  10 vol. of 3.036 0.893 M 1.786N
BaSO4( s )  H 2O2( aq )  8 H 2O(l )
(20 - 30% H2O2)
 50% aqueous solution of H 2 SO4 on electrolysis 11.2 vol of 3.4 1M 2N
gives perdisulphuric acid H2 S2O8 (Marshall’s acid)
Volume strength = M  11.2 = N  5.6
 Perdisulphuric acid on hydrolysis yields H 2O2
Physical Properties of H2O2
electrolysis Melting point 272.4K
4( aq )
 HO3 S  O  O  SO3 H (aq )

 2 HSO4(
  2 H ( aq )  H 2O2( aq )
Boiling Point 423 K
aq )
Vapour pressure (298K) 1.9mmHg
 K 2 S 2O8 is now used for the labaratory preparation Density (liquid at 298 K) 1.44/ gm3
of D2O2 Viscosity (290K) 1.25/centripoise
Dielectric constant (298K) 70.7/ C 2 / Nm 2
K 2 S2 O8( s )  2 D2O( l )  2 KDSO4( aq )  D2O2( l )
Electrical conductivity 5.1108 /  1cm 1
 Industrially H 2O2 is prepared by the auto oxidation
 H2O2is miscible with water in all proportions and
of 2-ethyl anthraquinol forms a hydrate H2O2.H2O
2  ethylanthraquinol  O2
  Hydrogen bonds in H2O2are more stronger than in
2  ethyl anthraquinone  H 2O2
 Pure, anhydrous H2O2 is colourless syrupy liquid.
 In this process 1% H 2 O2 is obtained. Thick layer of H2O2 has a bluish tinge.
 The smell of H2O2 resembles that of HNO3.
Concentration of H2O2 solution
 H2O2is soluble in water, alcohol and ether.
Step I: 30% H 2 O2 (by mass) is obtained by  The freezing point of H2O2 is -0.40C
distillation of 1% H 2 O2 under reduced pressure.  H2O2boils at 850C under a pressure of 68 mm of
Step II: 85% H 2 O2 is obtained by careful  H2O2can act only as a weak dibasic acid.
distillation under reduced pressure.  Anhydrous H2O2cannot turn blue litmus to red.
Chemical Properties
Step III: Pure H 2 O2 is obtained by removing  H O acts as oxidising and reducing agent in acidic
2 2
remaing water by freezing. as well as in alkaline media.
Strength of H2O2  It also act as bleaching agent, due to oxidation.
 Strength of hydrogen peroxide is generally  Oxidising action in acidic medium.
expressed in terms of the volume strength. 2 Fe(2aq )  2 H (aq )  H 2 O2( aq )  2 Fe(3aq )  2 H 2 O( g )
 ‘10 volume H2O2’ means that one volume of
hydrogen peroxide gives 10 volume of oxygen at PbS ( s )  4 H 2 O2( aq )  PbSO4( s )  4 H 2O( l )
NTP.  Oxidising action in basic medium.
 Sometimes the concentration of H 2 O2 in a solution 2 Fe2  H 2O2  2Fe3  2OH 
Reducing Properties hence it is stored in wax coated bottles.
 Reducing action in acidic medium  It is kept a way from dust becauase dust can induce
- +
2MnO + 6H + 5H 2 O2  2Mn + 8H 2 O + 5O22+ explosive decomposition of H2O2
 The substances which prevent decompositon of
HOCl  H 2O2  H 3O   Cl   O2 H2O2 are called inhibitors (or) retarders (or)
 Reducing action in basic medium stabilisers (or) -ve catalysts, these are urea
acetanilide, pyrophosphate, sodium stannate.
I 2  H 2O  2OH   2 I   2 H 2O  O2
phosphoric acid etc.
2MnO4- + 3H 2 O2  2MnO2 + 3O2 + 2H 2 O + OH - Uses of H2O2
Structure of H2O2  In daily life as a hair bleach
(H2O2+NH3, Auricome) and as mild disinfectant.
 H 2 O2 molecule has open book structure.
 As an antiseptic it is sold in the market as perhydrol.
 The O  O bond length is 1.48A0  It is used to manufacture of chemicals like
 The bond angles and bond lengths in H 2 O2 sodiumperborate and percarbonate which are used
in high quality detergents.
molecule depends on its physical state.
 It is used in the synthsis of hydroquinone, tartaric
 In Gaseous Phase,
acid and certain food products and pharmaceuticals
The H  O  O bond angle is 940 481 (cephalosporin)
The dihydral angle is 1110 301  It is used as mild bleaching agent for textile,
O - O bond length = 1.48A0 paperpulp, leather, oils, fats etc.
 Nowadays it is also used in environmental (green)
O - H bond length = 0.95A0 chemistry. For example in pollution control treament
 In Crystalline State of domestic and industrial effluents, oxidation of
O  O  H bond angle is 101.50 cyanides, restoration of aerobic conditions to
sewage wastes etc.,
the dihedral angle is 900
Heavy Water (D2O)
O -O bond length =1.458A0
 Deuterium oxide is known as heavy water.
O - H bond length= 0.988A 0
 One part of D2O is present in 6000 parts of ordinary
 The angle between the planes in H 2 O2 molecule is water.
 It is prepared by exhaustive electrolysis of water
known as dihedral angle.
containing little alkali (0.5 M NaOH).
Gas Phase Solid Phase  Finally 1 ml of heavy water is obtained by the
electrolysis of 30 lit of ordinary water.
 Heavy water gives all the reactions of H2O2, but
94 048 H 1.458A the reactions occur slowly.
 Heavy water reacts with metal carbides giving heavy
101 054
hydrocarbons (or) deutero carbons
H H Al4C3  12 D2O  4 Al (OD )3  3CD4
111 0 50 90 0 0.2
Storage CaC2  2 D2 O  Ca (OD )2  C2 D2
 H2O2 is unstable, it decomposes slowly on exposure Deuteroacetylene
 Some non-metal oxides react with heavy water
to light as 2 H 2 O(l )2  2 H(2l )O  O 2
giving deutero acids
 Alkalies, SiO2, MnO2metals like Fe, Mn like SO3  D2O  D2 SO4
catalysts (+)accelarate the decompositon of H2O2 deutero sulphuric acid
 Rough surface may enhance decomposition of H2O2  The anhydride of deuterosulphuric acid is SO3.
 D2O is used as moderator in nuclear reactors.
 Used as a tracer for the study of reaction mechanism 2) It is short of one electron to get inert gas
in exchange reactions. configuration
Hydrogen as a Fuel 3) It is a diatomic gas like halogens
 Hydrogen releases large quantities of heat on 4) It exhibits color like halogens
combustion, hence it is better fuel than petrol. 6. The ionization energy of hydrogen is
 The pollutants in combustion of H2 are less than 1) 1312 KJ mole 1 2) 520 KJ mole 1
that of petrol. The only pollutant will be oxides of
3) 495 KJ mol 1 4) 1681KJ mol 1
Nitrogen as N2 is associated with H2.
 The dinitrogen impurity in H2 can be minimised by 7. The ionization energy of hydrogen is
injecting a small amount of water into the cylinder 1) Greater than inert gases
to lower the temperature so that the reaction 2) Nearer to inert gases
between N2 and O2 may not take place. 3) Nearer to Halogens
4) Nearer to alkaline earth metals
 A cylinder of compressed H2 weighs about 30 times
8. Which one of the following statement is
as much as a tank of petrol containing the same
amount of energy.
1) Hydrogen forms more compounds than any
 H2 gas is converted in to liquid state by cooling it to
other element
20 K. This would require expensive insulated tanks. 2.)H - has one electron short in comparison with
 Tanks made with alloys like octet configuration
NaNi5 , Ti  TiH 2 , Mg  MgH 2 are used for 3) The ionization enthalpy of H is 1312 kJ/mol
storage of dihydrogen. 4) Hydrogen is less reactive when compared with
 The basic principle of hydrogen economy is the halogens
transportation and storage of energy in the form of 9. Which one of the following statement is
liquid or gaseous dihydrogen. incorrect.
1) Dihydrogen is the most abundant element in the
Conceptual universe.
2) Dihydrogen is the principal element in the solar
Hydrogen atmosphere.
1. The lightest element in the periodic table is 3) H2 is much less abundant in the earth crust.
1) Lithium 2) Fluorine 4) H2 does not occur in plant and animal tissues
3) Hydrogen 4) Helium 10. Tritium emits
2. The element which has no suitable position in 1)  - particle 2) Positron
the periodic table is 3)  - particle 4) Neutron
1) Hydrogen 2) Oxygen 11. The radioactive isotope of hydrogen is
3) Carbon 4) Nitrogen 1) Protium 2) Tritium
3. Hydrogen has similarity with alkali metals in 3) Deuterium 4) Proton
1) Nature of oxide 2) Valence electrons 12. The metal that can’t displace hydrogen from
3) Electro negative nature dil. HCl is :
4) Tendency to form anion 1) Al 2) Fe 3) Cu 4) Zn
4. In which property listed below hydrogen does 13. The conversion of atomic hydrogen into
not resemble with alkali metals? ordinary hydrogen is :
1) Tendency to form cation 1) Exothermic change 2) Endothermic change
2) Nature of oxide 3) Nuclear change 4) Photochemical change
3) Combination with halogens 14. Which of the following reactions requires high
4) Reducing character temperature and catalyst ?
5. Hydrogen mainly resembles halogens in the 1) H 2  F2  2 HF 2) H 2  Cl2  2 HCl
1) It contains one electron only in valency shell 3) H 2  Br2  2 HBr 4) H 2  I 2  2 HI
15. H 2+CO+R–CH=CH 2  R–CH 2–CH 2–CHO 27. In which of the following hydrides, the law of
This reaction is known as constant composition does not hold good
1) Hydrogenation 2) Hydroformylation 1) Saline hydrides 2) Interstitial Hydrides
3) Carbonation 4) Decarboxylation 3) Covalent Hydrides 4) Molecular Hydrides
16. The fuel used to produce electrical energy in 28. Hydrides of which of the following Lattices are
the space rocket saturn V Which Neil different from those of parent metals
Armstrong reached the Moon is 1) Ni 2) Pd 3) Ce, Ac 4) All
1) CO+O2 2) F2+O2 29. Which metals are used for storage of hydrogen
3) CH4+O2 4) liquid H2+O2 1) Pd, Pt 2) Na, Li 3) W, Mo 4) Fe, Ru
17. During hydrogenation of oils the catalyst Water
commonly used is
1) Pd on CuCl2 2) Fe 30. Percentage of water present in oceans
3) Ni 4) U2O5 1) 2.04 2) 6.2 3) 94.8 4) 97.3
18. Synthetic petrol is prepared by using a mixture. 31. In ice each oxygen is surrounded by four
1) Coal gas + H 2 gas 2) Water gas + H 2 gas oxygen atoms in —— manner.
3) Semi water gas 4) Carburatted water gas 1) Square planar 2) Tetrahedral
19. Which of the following statements are correct? 3) Trigonal planar 4) Angular
i) The largest single use of dihydrogen is in  H 3O   OH  . In this
32. H 2O  H 2O 
the synthesis of NH3. which is used in the
manufacture of HNO 3 and nitrogenous reaction water acts as
fertilizers. I) Bronsted Acid II) Bronsted Base
ii) It is used to reduce heavy metal oxide III) Amphoteric oxide
iii) It is used as rocket fuel.
iv) Atomic hydrogen and oxy hydrogen torches 1) I only 2) I, II only
find use for cutting and welding purpose. 3) II, III only 4) I, II, III
1) i,iii 2) i, ii 3) i, ii, iv 4) i, ii, iii, iv 33. I) CuSO4+5H2O  CuSO4.5H2O
20. Atomic hydrogen is allowed to combine on the II) PCl3+3H2O  H3PO3+3HCl
surface to be welded to generate the
temperature of The processes I and II are respectively
1) 400K 2) 3000K 3) 4600K 4) 4000K 1) Hydration and dehydration
Hydrides 2) Hydration and Hydrolysis
21. Which ionic hydride is stable up to its M.P.? 3) Hydrolysis and Hydrolysis
1) NaH 2) CaH2 3) LiH 4) BaH2 4) Hydration and hydration.
22. Which is polymeric hydride ? 34. The temporary hardness of water is due to the
1) CaH2 2) MgH2 3) BaH2 4) SrH2
presence of
23. Hydrolith, a source of Hydrogen is
1) Chlorides of Ca and Mg
1)NaH 2)CaH2 3) LiH 4)BaH2
2) Sulphates of Ca and Mg
24. Di-hydrogen reduces CuO to
1) Cu2O 2) CuH2 3) (CuH)2 4) Cu 3) Bicarbonates of Ca and Mg
25. Which of the following hydride have significant 4) Carbonates of Ca and Mg
covalent character 35. The permanent hardness of water is due to the
1) LiH 2) BeH2 3) MgH2 4) All presence of
26. Which of the following statements are correct 1) Sulphates and Chlorides of Ca and Mg
about ionic hydrides. 2) Carbonates of Ca and Mg
i) Crystalline, non-volatile non-conducting in 3) Bicarbonates of Ca and Mg
fused state.
ii) Their melts conduct electricity 4) Phosphates of Ca and Mg
iii) Hydrogen is liberated at anode when their 36. Which of the following substances cause
melt is electrolysed permanent hardness of water
iv) LiH is less reactive at moderate temp. 1) CaCl2 2) Ca(HCO3)2
1) i, iii 2) ii, iv 2) i, iii, iv 4) i, ii, iii, iv 3)CaCO3 4) All of these
37. The formula of Calgon is 50. Crystals of 100% H2O2 is obtained by cooling
1) Na2[Na4(PO3)6] 2) Na4[Na2(PO3)6] 90% H2O2 with.
3) Na4[Na2(PO3)3] 4) Na2[Na4(PO3)4] 1) Solid CO2 and ether 2) dil.H2SO4
38. Temporary hardness of water can be removed 3) Quick lime 4) NaOH+CaO
by adding 51 What is the conc. of H2O2 obtained by auto
1) NaOH 2) Na2CO3 3) Ca(OH)2 4) MgCl2 oxidation process?
39. The chemical formula of Zeolite is ...... 1) 50% 2) 1 % 3) 30 % 4) 85 %
1) K2Al2Si2O8.xH2O 2) CaAl2Si2O8 52. Which one of the following is used for
3) Na2Al2Si2O8.xH2O 4) Na2[Na4(PO3)6] laboratory preparation of D2O2
40. When Zeolite (Hydrated sodium Aluminium 1) K 2 S 2O8 2) H 2 S 2O7 3) H 2 SO4 4) H 2 SO5
silicate) is treated with hard water sodium ions
53. H2O2 is miscible with water in all proportions
are exchanged with
and forms a hydrate having composition __
1) H+ ions 2) Ca+2 ions
3) SO4-2 ions 4) OH– ions
1) H 2O2 .H 2O 2) H 2O2 .2 H 2O
41 The formula of exhausted permutit is
1) CaAl2Si2O8.xH2O 2) Na2Al2Si2O8.xH2O 3) H 2O2 .3H 2O 4) H 2O2 .4 H 2O
3) CaB2Si2O8.xH2O 4) K2Al2Si2O8.xH2O 54. Perhydrol is
42. Permanent hardness of water cannot be 1) 10%(w/v)H2O2 2) 30% (w/v)of H2O2
removed by 3) 3% (w/v)H2O2 4) 100%(w/v)H2O2
1) Washing soda method 2) Permutit method 55. Hydrogen peroxide has a [AFMC 2004]
3) Ion exchange method 4) Boiling 1) Linear structure 2) Closed chain structure
43. Exhausted anion exchange resin is revived by 3) Closed book structure 4) Open book structure
using solution of 56 The angle between the planes of H 2 O 2
1) NaOH 2) Na2CO3 molecule in gaseous phase is
3) H2SO4 4) Both 1& 2 1) 101.50 2) 900 3) 111.50 4)1090 281
44 Exhausted cation exchange resin is 57 In case of H2O2 in solid state the angle between
regenerated by using solution of moderately the planes containing H-atoms is
concentrated. 1) 1000 2) 900 3) 1090 281 4) 1800
1) NaOH 2) Na2CO3 3) H2SO4 4) NaCl 58. In H 2O2 molecule the O-O bond length is (in
45. De-ionized water is prepared by the following gas phase)
method 1) 1.34A0 2) 1.48A0 3) 1.54A0 4)1.20A0
1) Clark’s 2) Ion exchange 59 H2O2 acts as strong oxidising agent in
3) Permutit 4) Calgon 1) Acidic medium 2) In the presence of Glycerol
46 Both temporary and permanent hardness can 3) Alkaline medium 4) Neutral medium
be removed by using 60 The bleaching action of H2O2 is due to the
1) Ca(OH)2 2) Na2CO3 3) NaCl 4) Mg(OH)2 following reaction
H 2O 2 1) PbS + 4H 2O2  PbSO4 + 4H 2O
47. One of the electrolyte used for the
manufacture of H 2O2 by electrolysis method 2) H 2O2  H 2O   O 
1) Con.H2SO4 2) Fused alkali 3) H 2O2   O   H 2O  O2
3) 50% H2SO4 4) 50% aq.NaOH
48. In the preparation of H2O2 by auto oxidation 4) H 2O2  O3  H 2 O  2O2
method the starting substance is 61 When H2O2 is added to acidified ferrous
1) 2-ethyl anthra quinone 2) 2-ethyl anthra quinol sulphate solution
3) p-benzo quinone 4) N-methyl aniline 1) Electrons are gained by Fe2+
49. Eloctrolysis of 50% H2SO4 produces 2) Electrons are lost by Fe2+
1) H2S2O8 at anode 2) H2SO4 at anode 3) No loss (or) gain of electrons
3) H2SO5 at cathode 4) H2O2 at anode 4) Iron hydroxide is precipitated
Which of the following is oxidized by H2O2 in D 2O
the alkaline medium 74. The boiling point of D2O is greater than H2O2.
1) HCHO 2) Mn (II) salts It is because
3) Cr(III) salts 4) All of these 1) D2O has lower Kw value
63. When H2O2 acts as oxidizing agent, one of the
2) D2O has a lower dielectric constant
end product is generally
1) O2 2) H2O 3) Both 1 & 2 4) O3 3) D2O is a associated liquid
64. Which of the following is reduced by H2O2 in 4) Inter molecular H-bonds are stronger in D2O
acid medium than in H2O2
1) KMnO4 2) KI 75. The O – H bond energy in water when
3) FeSO4 4) K4[Fe(CN)6] compared to O – D bond energy in heavy
65. An aqueous solution of H2O2 is water is
1) Neutral 2) Strongly acidic 1) Greater 2) Lesser
3) Weakly acidic 4) Weakly basic 3) Equal 4) two times greater
66. Which of the following statement is incorrect 76. The physical constants which are less for D2O
1) H2O2 is an oxidising agent than H2O are
2) H2O2 is a reducing agent
1) Freezing point and Boiling point
3) H2O2 is a bleaching agent
4) H2O2 is a dehydrating agent 2) Density and viscosity
67. H2O2 changes black lead sulphide to white 3) Solvating ability and dielectric constant
1) Pb 2) PbO2 3) PbO 4) PbSO4 4) Temperature of maximum density
68. H2O2 changes aqueous KI solution to 77. Density of heavy water is maximum at
1) HI 2) I 2 3) KI 3 4) KIO3 1) 3.820C 2) 101.420C 3) 11.60C 4) 40C
69. H2O2 acts as antiseptic due to its 78. Atoms present in a molecule of heavy
1) Reducing property 2) Oxidizing property water are
3) Bleaching property 4) Acidic property 1) 1H1, 8O16 2) 1H2, 8O18
70. Negative catalyst for the decomposition of 3) 1H2, 8O16 4) 1H1, 8O18
H2O2 is 79. Boiling point of heavy water is
1) Silica 2) MnO2 1) 3.820C 2) 11.50C
3) Alumina 4) Acetanilide
3) 1000C 4) 101.420C
71. Positive catalyst for the decomposition of H2O2
among the following is 80. In nuclear reactors, heavy water is used as a
1) Alcohol 2) Iron [BHU 1997, CPMT 1997]
3) Sodium-pyrophosphate 4) Urea 1) Fuel 2) Projectile
72. Which compound is used for the manufacture 3) Moderator 4) Coolent
of chemicals like sodium perborate and per- 81. NaOH + D2O  NaOD + HDO is known as
carbonate which are used in high quality 1) Exchange reaction 2)Deuterolysis reaction
detergents. 3) Hydrolysis reaction 4) Softening reaction
1) H2S 2) H2O2 3) D2O 4) NaOH
82. When SO3 is treated with D2O, the products
73. Which of the following is the use of H2O2
i) hair bleach, disinfectant and antiseptic.
1) D2SO4 2) D2SO3
ii) In the synthesis of hydroquinone, tartaric
acid, cephalosporin. 3) D2 & H2SO4 4) D2SO5
iii) Bleaching agent for textile, paper pulp, 83. When heavy water reacts with calcium carbide,
leather, oils, fats etc. the product formed is
iv) Treatment of domestic and industrial 1) Acetylene 2) Calcium hydroxide
effluents. 3) Deuterium 4) Deutero acetylene
1) i, iii 3) i, ii 3) ii, iv 4) i, ii, iii, iv
Some reasons are given regarding the limited
use of H2 as fuel 3) H 2 S 4O8  H 2O 4) Na2 O2  2 HCl
I) Its calorific value is low
5. Ionic hydrides react with water to give
II) Its availability in free state is less
1) Basic solution 2) Acidic solution
III) It is difficult to store
3) Neutral solution 4) Hydride ion
IV) Its transportation is easy
6. Interstitial hydride is formed by
The correct statements are
1) Be 2) Li 3) Cr 4) K
1) I, II and III 2) II, III and IV
7. Ionic hydrides are formed by
3) All are correct 4) II and III
85. Which metal alloy tanks are used for storage 1) Transition metals 2) Metalloids
of dihydrogen 3) Elements of high electropositivity
1) NaNi5 2) Ti – TiH2 3) Mg – MgH2 4) All 4) Elements of high electronegativity
8. Hardness of water is due to the presence of
Key Conceptual
1) CaCl2 2) Mg SO4
01) 3 02) 1 03) 2 04) 2 05) 2 06) 1 3) Ca(HCO3)2 4) All of these
07) 3 08) 2 09) 4 10) 3 11) 2 12) 3 9. In Clark’s method if excess of Ca(OH)2 is used
13) 1 14) 4 15) 2 16) 4 17) 3 18) 2 for the removal of temporary hardness of
water which is formed
19) 4 20) 4 21) 3 22) 2 23) 2 24) 4
1) NaOH 2) CaCO3
25) 2 26) 4 27) 2 28) 4 29) 1 30) 4 3) Ca(OH)2 4) Ca(HCO3)2
31) 2 32) 4 33) 2 34) 3 35) 1 36) 1 10. During the electrolysis of 50% H2SO4 , the pH
37) 1 38) 3 39) 3 40) 2 41) 1 42) 4 of the solution
1) Increases 2) Decreases
43) 4 44) 3 45) 2 46) 2 47) 3 48) 2
3) Becomes zero 4) Remains constant
49) 1 50) 1 51) 2 52) 1 53) 1 54) 2 H2O2 and D2O
55) 4 56) 3 57) 2 58) 2 59) 1 60) 2 11. Concentration of H2O2 by vacuum distillation
61) 2 62) 4 63) 2 64) 1 65) 3 66) 4 gives hydrogen peroxide
67) 4 68) 2 69) 2 70) 4 71) 2 72) 2 1) About 99% pure 2) About 90% pure
3) 30% pure 4) About 50% pure
73) 4 74) 4 75) 2 76) 3 77) 3 78) 3 12. Hydrogen peroxide is
79) 4 80) 3 81) 1 82) 1 83) 4 84) 4 1) Diamagnetic 2) Paramagnetic
85) 4 3) Ferromagnetic 4) Ferri magnetic
13. The volume strength of 1.5N H2O2 solution is
Level-I (C.W) 1) 8.4 Vol 2)4.2 Vol 3) 16.8 Vol 4) 5.2 Vol
14. H2O2 + O3  H2O + 2O2 in this H2O2 acts as
H2 and H2O 1) Oxidizing agent 2) Reducing agent
1. The most reactive isotope of H is
3) Dehydrating agent 4) Bleaching agent
1) 1H1 2) 1H2 3) 1H3 15. An inorganic compound liberates O2 when
4) All have same reactivity heated, turns an acid solution of KI brown and
2. H2 & D2 do not differ in reduces acidified KMnO4. The substance is
1) Freezing point 2) Boiling point 1) H2O2 2) D2O 3) KNO3 4) Pb(NO3)2
3) Bond length 4) Bond energy 16. H2O2 acts as an oxidising agent in
3. H2 gas is not liberated at both cathode and 1) Neutral medium 2) Acidic medium
anode by electrolysis of which of the following 3) Alkaline medium 4) Acidic and alkaline medium
aqueous solution? 17. H2O2 converts potassium ferrocyanide to
1) NaH 2) HCOONa ferricyanide. The change observed in the
3) NaCl 4) LiH oxidation state of iron is
4. Which of the following reaction produces 1) Fe2+  Fe3+ 2) Fe  Fe2+
hydrogen 3) Fe3+  Fe2+ 4) Fe2+  Fe+
18. The percentage of deuterium in heavy water is
Key Level - I (H.W)
1) 22.2 2) 11.2 3) 44 4) 20
01) 1 02) 3 03) 4 04) 1 05) 3 06) 3
Key Level -I (C.W) 07) 4 08) 3 09) 2 10) 2 11) 2 12) 4
13) 3
01) 1 02) 3 03) 3 04) 1 05) 1 06) 3
07) 3 08) 4 09) 3 10) 1 11) 2 12) 1
13) 1 14) 2 15) 1 16) 4 17) 1 18) 4

Level-I (H.W)
H2 and H2O
1. The total number of fundamental particles in
tritium atom is
1) 4 2) 3 3) 2 4) 1
2. 1H , 12 H and 31 H will have the same
1) Mass number 2) Chemical reactivity
3) Electron configuration 4) Nuclear radius
3. Hydrogen does not combine with
1) Antimony 2) Sodium
3) Bismuth 4) Helium
4. The halogen which has maximum affinity for
1) F2 2) Cl2 3) Br2 4) I2
5. The electron deficient compound is
1) NH3 2) PH3 3) B2H6 4) C2H6
6. IUPAC name of ammonia
1) Nitrogen hydride 2) Ammonia
3) Azane 4) Hydrazine
7. The raw material used for preparing permutit is
1) Soda ash 2) Alumina
3) Silica 4) All the above
8. Compound obtained by passing CO2 through
BaO2 in water is
1) CO 2) Ba(OH)2 3) H2O2 4) O2
9. The volume of oxygen liberated from 15 ml of
20 volume is
1) 250 ml 2) 300 ml 3) 150 ml 4) 200 ml
10. 20 volume H2O2 solution has a strength of
1) 30% 2) 6% 3) 3% 4) 10%
11. H2O2 will oxidise
1) KMnO4 2) PbS 3) MnO2 4) KCl
12. Which substance cannot be reduced by H2O2
1) KMnO4/H2SO4 2) K2Cr2O7/H2SO4
3) Ag2O 4) Fe3+
13. Deutero methane is obtained by the
deuterolysis of
1) Mg3N2 2) CaC2 3) Al4C3 4) Ca3P2
Level-II (C.W) 9. The process used for the removal of hardness
of water is [EAM 2001]
1) Baeyer 2) Calgon 3) Serpeck 4) Hoope
H2 and H2O 10. The ion exchange resin which removes metal
ions from hard water consists of giant organic
1. Which property is lower for deuterium than molecule having
hydrogen 1) –Cl group 2) –COOH group
1) Latent heat of vapourisation 3) –OH group 4) –NH2 group.
2) Latent heat of fusion H 2O 2
3) Reactivity 4) Atomic weight 11. The volume strength of 1N solution of H2O2
2. The ratio of densities of hydrogen, deuterium 1) 11.2 V 2) 22.4 V 3) 1 V 4) 5.6 V
and tritium is 12. 3.4 gm of H2O2 decomposes, the weight of
1) 3 : 2 : 1 2) 1 : 2 : 3 3) 3 : 6 : 1 4) 6 : 2 : 1 oxygen liberated from it is
3. Which combination cannot be used for the 1) 1.6 gm 2) 2.24 gm 3) 1.16 gm 4) 3.2 gm
preparation of hydrogen gas in the laboratory? 13. In which of the following reactions, H O acts
2 2
I) Zn/conc.H2SO4 II) Zn/dil.HNO3 as a reducing reagent ? [EAM 2001]
III) pure Zn/dil. H2SO4
1) PbO2(s)+H2O2(aq)  PbO(s)+H2O(l)+O2(g)
IV) granulated Zn / dil. HCl
1) I and II 2) I, II, III 3) III only 4) I and III 2) Na2SO3(aq)+H2O2(aq)  Na2SO4(aq)+H2O(l)
4. High purity (>99.95%) dihydrogen is obtained by 3) 2KI(aq)+H2O2(aq)  2KOH(aq)+I2(s)
1) Electrolysis of pure water
2) Electrolysis of warm aqueous Barium hydroxide 4) All the above
3) Action of Zn on NaOH 14. How does H2O2 differ from O3 in its chemial
4) Electrolysis of acidulated water action?
5. In aqueous solution H2 does not reduce. 1) In oxidising PbS to PbSO4
1) Fe3+ 2) Cu2+ 3) Zn2+ 4) Ag+ 2) In liberating I2 from KI
6. Which one of the following statement is 3) In reducing acidified KMnO4
incorrect. 4) In oxidising K4[Fe(CN)6]
1) H2 reacts with Cl2 to form HCl, an electron pair Key Level-II (C.W)
shared between H and Cl 01)3 02)2 03)2 04)2 05)3 06)2
2) Hydrogen is reduced by sodium to formN a H . 07)2 08)1 09)2 10)2 11)4 12)1
An electron is transferred from H to Na 13)1 14)3
3) Hydrogen reduces copper (II) oxide to copper
and itself gets oxidized to H2O Level-II (H.W)
4) Hydroformylation of olefins yields aldehyde
1. The most abundant and least abundant
which further undergoes reduction to give alcohol.
isotopes of Hydrogen respectively are
7. What is the nature of aqueous solution of NaH
1) P, T 2) P, D 3) D, P 4) T, P
1) Acidic 2) Basic
2. Which of the following statements are correct
3) Neutral 4) Amphoteric
I) Now-a-days syngas is produced from
8. Water softened by permutitt process contains
sewage, sawdust, scrap wood, news paper etc.
1) Dissolved sodium salts
II) The process of producing syngas from coal
2) Dissolved gases
is called coal gasification.
3) Does not give good lather with soap
III) The production of dihydrogen can be
4) Dissolved calcium salts
increased by treating syngas mixture with
steam in the presence of iron chromate
IV) 77% of the industrial dihydrogen is
produced from petro chemicals
1) I, II 2) III, IV 2. Triple point of water is
3) I, III 4) I, II, III, IV 1) 273.16 K 2) 373.15 K
3. The reaction related to coal gasification
3) 203.12 K 4) 193.16 K
Fe2O3  Cr
1) CO  H 2O   CO2  H 2 3. The correct statement regarding structure of
673 k
2) C  H 2O  CO  H 2
Ni 1) Ice has a highly ordered three dimensional
3) CH 4  H 2O   CO  3H 2
hydrogen bonded structure.
1270 k
4) Cn H 2n  2nH 2O  Ni
 nCO   2n  1 H 2 2) Each oxygen atom in ice is surrounded
4. The gas used in the hydrogenation of oils in tetrahedrally by four other oxygen atoms at a
presence of nickel as a catalyst is distance of 276 pm.
1) Methane 2) Ethane
3) Hydrogen bonding gives ice a rather open
3) Ozone 4) Hydrogen
structure with wide holes. These holes can h o l d
5. Electron-deficient hydride is/are
1) BH3 2) AlH3 3) BeH2 4) All some other molecules of appropriate size
6. Which of the following pair of ions makes the interstitially.
water hard [ AMU 2002] 4) All are correct.
1) Na+,SO4–2 2) Ca2+, HCO3– 4. How many grams of Barium hydride must be
3) Ca2+,NO3– 4) NH4+,Cl– treated with water to obtain 4.36 L of hydrogen
7. The pH of D2O and H2O at 298 K is
at 20oC and 0.975 atm. pressure [Ba = 137]
1) 7.0, 7.0 2) 7.35, 7.0
3) 7.0, 6.85 4) 6.85, 7.35 1) 12.28 g 2) 24.56 g 3) 16.14 g 4) 14.56 g
8. Which of the following will determine whether 5. Limiting compositions of f - block hydrides are
the given colourless liquid is water or not
1) Melting point 2) Taste 1) MH 2 & MH 3 2) MH 3 & MH 5
3) Adding phenolphthalein
3) MH 2 & MH 8 4) MH 2 & MH 6
4) Adding a pinch of anhydrous CuSO4
9. One ml. of H2O2 solution gives 50 ml. of O2 at 6. The volume of perhydrol which on
NTP, so it is decomposition gives 1.5 lit of O2 gas at STP is
1) 10 V 2) 25 V 3) 50 V 4) 100 V
10. H2O2 exists as ............. in alkaline medium. 1) 25 ml 2) 15 ml 3) 10 ml 4) 0 ml
7. Weight of H2O2 present in 560 ml. of 20 vol.
1) HO 2 2) HO2 3) O22  4) Both 1 & 3
H2O2 solution is approximately
Key Level –II (H.W)
1) 69 g 2) 34 g 3) 32 g 4) 3.4 g
01) 1 02) 4 03) 2 04) 4 05) 4 06) 2
8. Whihc one of the following reactions does not
07) 2 08) 2 09) 3 10) 4
correspond to the preparation of “synthetic
Level – III gasoline” during the Fischer-Tropsch process?
[EAM - 2012]
1. Zn gives H2 gas with H2SO4 and HCl but not
1) CO  3H 2  CH 4  H 2O
with HNO3 because
1) Zn acts as an oxidising agent when react with 2) nCO  2nH 2  nCH 3 OH
3) nCO  2nH 2  Cn H 2 n  nH 2O
2) HNO3 is weaker acid than H2SO4 and HCl
3) In electrochemical series Zn is above hydrogen 4) nCO   2n  1 H 2  Cn H 2n 2  nH 2O
4) NO3– is reduced in preference to hydronium ion 9. In a reaction excess of H2O2 is added to 0.1
mole of acidified KMnO4 solution. Then the
4. BaH 2  2H 2O  Ba(OH )2  H 2
S.T.P volume of O2liberated is
Pv = nRT
1) 5.6 lit. 2) 6.6 lit. 3) 11.2 lit 4) 22.4 lit.
10. 25 ml of H2O2 solution were added to excess Pv 0.975  4.36
n 
of acidified KI solution. The iodine so RT 0.0821 293
liberated required 20 ml of 0.1 N Na2S2O3 1 mole H2 is obtained from = 139 gr BaH2
solution. Calculate strength in terms of Hence 0.1767 mole H2 is obtained from
normality and percentage. 1390.1767
1) 0.04 N, 0.136% 2) 0.08 N , 0.136%  24.56 g BaH 2
3) 0.08 N, 0.163 % 4) 0.02 N , 0.163% 6. 100 lit of O2 ________ 1 lit H 2O2
11. 20 ml of H2O2 after acidification with dil H2SO4.
1.5 lit of O2 ________ ?
required 30 ml of N/2 KMnO4 for complete
oxidation. Calculate the % of H2O2 in gr/lit. =15ml
7. 100vol_________ 30%
1) 10.75 g/lit 2) 11.75 g/lit
3) 12.75 g/ lit 4) 13.75 g/lit =6%
12. In which of the following reactions H2O2 acts 100ml_________ 6 gms
as a reducing reagent ? [EAM - 2014] 560ml_________?
H  =33.6 gms
1) PbS s   4 H 2O2 aq   PbSO4 s   H 2O  l 
8. 2 moles of KMnO4  5mole O2 

2) HOCl  H 2O2  H 3O   Cl 1  O2 2 moles KMnO4  5 22.4 L
3) Mn 2  H 2O2 

 Mn 4  2OH  0.1 mole KMnO4  ?
= 5.60L
2 OH  3 
4) 2 Fe  H 2O2 
 2 Fe  2OH 9. O 2  2e  2O 2 ; 2I   I 2  2e 
13. Observe the following statements:
2  S2   S5/2   2e  ; I 2  2e  2I 
1) Heavy water is harmful for the growth of 2 4

animals Meq. of H 2 O 2 = Meq. of I2 = Meq. of

2) Heavy water reacts with Al4C3 and forms
Na 2S2 O3
deuterated acetylene
3) BaCl2.2D2O is an example of interstitial w
1000  20 0.1
deuterate [EAM - 2013] 34 / 2
1) 1 & 3 2) 1 & 2 3)1,2 & 3 4) 2 & 3  WH2 O2  0.034 gr / 25ml
Key Level–III
0.034 1000
01) 4 02) 1 03) 4 04) 2 05) 1 06) 2  N H 2 O2    0.08
34 / 2 25
07) 2 08) 2 09) 2 10) 3 11) 3 12) 2
Vol. strength = 5.6 0.08  0.448
13) 1
% strength =  5.6  0.08  0.136%
10. Meq. of O2 =Meq.of H 2 O 2 = Meq. of KMnO 4
W  1000 1
  30 6. A: Ice cube floats on water
34 / 2 2
R: Density of ice is less than that of water
1 300  17 A: For the concentration of H2O2 slow evaporation
W   0.255 gr/20ml
2 1000 is prefered.
0.255 1000 R: Rapid evaporation of H 2O 2 causes the
N H 2 O2    0.75 decomposition of H2O2 into H2 and O2
17 20
Strength = 0.75 17  12.75 gr/lit 8. A: Reactions of H2O2 are fast in basic medium
R: Bases increases the stability of H2O2
12. HOCl  H 2O2  H 3O   Cl 1  O2
9. A: H2O2 has higher boiling point than water
13. Heavy water is harmful for the growth of animals. R: H 2 O 2 has stronger hydrogen bonding
BaCl2.2D2O is an example of interstitial deuterate. interactions than that shown by water
14. nCO  2nH 2  nCH 3 OH 10. A: H2O2 is more powerful oxidant in alkali medium.
Level–IV R: E00p H 2 O 2 =–1.77V (in acid) and
Assertion & Reason Type E00p H2O2 = –0.87V ( in alkali)
1) Both A & R are correct and ‘R’ is correct
explanation of A 11. A: H2O2 is stored in wax lined plastic (or) glass
2) Both A & R are correct but R’ is not correct
R: Even rough surface may accelerate
explanation of A
decomposition of H2O2
3) A is correct but R is wrong
12. A: Hydrogen is more reactive than deuterium.
4) A is wrong but R is correct
R: Activation energy of hydrogen is more than
1. Assertion(A): The isotopes of hydrogen differ in
their reactivities
13. A: Tritium is used as tracer element in preference
Reason (R) : Bond dissociation enthalpies are
to deuterium
R: Tritium is non-toxic and it emit low energy beta
2. A: Hydrogen shows resemblance with alkali metals
as well as halogens.
14. A: Oxyhydrogen flame produces higher
R: Hydrogen exists in atomic form only at high
temperature than oxy atomic hydrogen flame.
R:The heat generated during burning of these gases
3. A: The isotopes of hydrogen shows much difference
in oxygen is used to melt substances.
in their physical properties than isotopes of other
15. A: A mixture of CO and H2 is also called syngas
(or) synthesis gas
R: The isotopes of hydrogen widely differ in their
R:This mixture is used for synthesis of methanol
mass numbers.
and number of other hydrocarbons.
4. A: The unsaturated fat ( oils) are changed to
16. A: Alkaline earth metals form polymeric hydrides.
saturated fat by H2 in presence of finely divided Ni.
R: Only Be and Mg among alkaline earth metals
R: H2 Shows addition around doubly bonded
forms polymeric hydrides.
carbon atoms.
17. A: Water has a very strong hydrating tendency
5. A: Ionic hydrides on electrolysis liberate hydrogen
at anode R: Due to high dielectric constant
R: Metallic hydrides contains H–-ions. 18. A: In clark’s process excess of lime is not added
to water sample to remove temporary hardness.
HYDROGEN & ITS COMPOUNDS 27. S-I: Hydrogen is used in fuel cells for generating
R: Addition of excess of milk of lime causes electrical energy. It has many advantages over the
permanent hardness
conventional fossil fuels
19. A: H3PO4 is more preferable than H2SO4 to
S-II : It does not produce any pollution and release
prepare H2O2 with BaO2.
greater energy per unit mass of fuel in comparison
R: H3PO4 retards the decomposition of H2O2.
to gasoline and other fuels
20. A: Decomposition of H2O2 is disproportionation
28. S-I : chemical behavior of dihydrogen is determined,
to a large extent by its bond dissociation energy
R: Hydrogen undergoes both oxidation and
reduction simultaneously S-II : H 2 is relatively inert at room temp due to
21. A: H2O2 is not stored in glass bottles the high H-H bond energy.
R: Alkali oxides present in glass catalyse the Matching Type
decomposition of H2O2
29. List – I List – II
22. A:H2O2 should kept away from dust
A) Habers I) Ni catalyst
R: Dust can induce explosive decomposition of
the compound. B) Hydrogenation II) Iron oxide + Co
23. A: Nitrogen impurity in H2 fuel can be minimized Catalyst
by injecting a small amount of water into the C) Fischer – Tropsch III) H2 reductant
cylinder D) Tungsten extraction IV) Fe powder
R: Water lowers the temperature so that the 1) A-IV, B-II, C-I, D-III
reaction between nitrogen and oxygen may not 2) A-II, B-IV, C-I, D-III
takes place
3) A-IV, B-II, C-III, D-I
Statement Type 4) A-IV, B-I, C-II, D-III
1) S-I is True, S-II is True; S-II is a correct
30. Match the following
explanation for S-I.
2) S-I is Ture, S-II is True; S-II is not a correct Molecule Type of Hydride
explanation for S-I. A) SiH4 I) Electron rich
3) S-I is True, S-II is Flase. B) NH3 II) Electron deficient
4) S-I is Flase, S-II is True C) B2H6 III) Electron precise
24. Statement–I(S-I) : The dissociation of dihydrogen
into its atoms is only 0.081% around 2000K which D) ZrH13-1.75 IV) Metallic Hydride
increases to 95.5% at 5000K The correct match is
Statement–II (S-II): The H-H bond dissociation A B C D A B C D
enthalpy is the highest for a single bond between 1) IV II III I 2) III I II IV
two atoms of any element.
25. S-I : B2 H 6 is a lewis acid 31. Match list I with list II and select the correct
S-II : B2 H 6 is a electron deficient covalent hydride answer using the codes given below the lists:
26. S-I : During boiling the soluble Mg  HCO3 2 is List - I
A) Hardness of water
converted into insoluble Mg  OH  2 B) Temporary hardness
S-II : It is because of low solubility productof C) Calgon

Mg  OH  ksp  18  10
2 
as compared to D) Permutit

that of MgCO3 ksp  3.5  10

List - II
34. List – I List – II
I) Removed by simple boiling
A) Azane I) PH3
II) carbonates, chlorides, and sulphates of Ca
B) Stibane II) NH3
& Mg
C) Sulphane III) SbH3
III) Bicarbonates, chlorides and sulphates of
Ca,Mg D) Phosphane IV) H2S
V) SnH3
IV) Na 2 Al2Si 2 O8 .xH 2 O
V) Na 2 [Na 4 (PO3 )6 ] 1) I III IV II 2) II IV III I
1) I II IV V 2) III I V IV 35. Match the following
3) III II I V 4) I IV III II Group No. Type of Hydride
32. Match list I with list II and select the correct A) 1,2 I) Interstitial hydride
answer using the codes given below the lists: B) 13 – 17 II) No hydrides are formed
List I C) 7,8,9 III) Saline hydrides
I) Heavy water D) 3 – 6 IV) Covalent hydrides
II) Temporary hard water A B C D A B C D
III) Soft water 1) III IV II I 2) II III I IV
IV) Permanent hard water 3) I III IV II 4) IV II III I
36. Match the following
A) Bicarbonates of Mg
Set – I Set – II
B) No foreign ions in water
A) Coordinated water I) BaCl2 .2H 2O
C) D2O
D) Sulphates & chlorides of Mg & Ca in B) Interstitial water II) CuSO4 .5H 2O
C) Hydrogen III) Cr  H 2O  6  Cl3
1) IV III I II 2) II I III IV bonded water
33. Match the following 1) III I II 2) I II III
List - I List - II
37. List – I List – II
I) Perhydrol A) Rocket fuel
A) Clark’s I) Zeolite
II) Hyperol B) 100V of H 2 O2 B) Gan’s permutit II) Sodium
III) 3%(w/v)of H2O2 C) (NH2)2CO.H2O2 Hexametaphosphate
C) Calgon III) Ca(OH)2
IV) H2O2 D) 1.786 N H2O2
D) Cation exchange IV) R (NH3)OH
V) Na2HPO4.H2O2
resin V) RCOOH
The correct match is A B C D A B C D
1) V III I II 2) V III IV I 3) II I III V 4) IV I II V
38. The concentration of H2O2 in a solution
containing 34 gr in 500ml is
List - I List - II
I) Molarity A) 6.8
II) Normality B) 22.4
III) % w/v C) 4
IV) Volume strength D) 2
The correct match is
39. List – I List – II
A) acedified I) Orange
B) pertatinic acid II) Blue
C) cromium peroxide III) Blacks
D) PbS IV) Colourless

Key Level-IV
01) 1 02) 2 03) 1 04) 1 05) 1 06) 1
07) 1 08) 3 09) 1 10) 4 11) 1 12) 3
13) 1 14) 2 15) 1 16) 4 17) 1 18) 1
19) 2 20) 3 21) 1 22) 1 23) 1 24) 1
25) 1 26) 1 27) 1 28) 1 29) 4 30) 2
31) 2 32) 4 33) 3 34) 4 35) 1 36) 1
37) 2 38) 2 39) 3
Common IUPAC
Molecule name name
 Aromatic hydroxy compounds in which -OH
group is bonded to benzene ring directly are
called phenols. Monohydroxy benzene is called Phenol Phenol
phenol. Phenol is also known as carbolic acid.
 Phenols are classified as monohydroxy,
dihydroxy and trihydroxy compounds
CH3 2-methyl
OH OH OH o-cresol

monohydric dihydric trihydric CH3
 The simplest hydroxyl derivative of benzene is OH
phenol which is also its accepted IUPAC name.
 The hydroxyl derivatives of toluene are o–, m– p-cresol
and p– cresol.
Catechol Benzene-1,

o-cersol m-cersol p-cersol Resorcinol
 Dihydroxy derivatives of benzene are called OH
benzene diols. OH
OH Hydroquinol Benzene-1,

OH (Benzene 1,2,
Pyrogallol 3-triol)
Catechol Resorcinol Hydroquinol

 In phenols, the –OH group is attached to sp 2 OH

hybridized carbon of an aromatic ring. (Benzene 1,2,
 The bond angle of C–O–H in phenol is 1090. 5-triol)
The carbon-oxygen bond length is 136 pm HO OH
which is slightly less than that in methanol. This
H 3C CH3
is due to partial double bond character on 2,6-dimethyl
account of conjugation of unshared electronpair Phenol
of oxygen with the aromatic ring.
Methods of preparation: Phenol was first Physical properties: Phenol has higher
isolated from coaltar. boiling point than the arenes or haloarenes or
From Haloarenes: ethers of same molecular weight. It is due to the
formation of intermolecular hydrogen bond.
X  Compared relative to pure aromatic
hydrocarbons phenols are more soluble in water
 NaOH 350 C & 300 atm due to their ability to form hydrogen bonding
with water.
O Na OH  As the hydrocarbon part increases in size and
mass, the solubility decreases due to increasing
HCl of hydrophobic nature.
Chemical properties:
Acidic nature of phenol: Alcohols and
From Diazonium salt: phenols react with active metals like Na, K, Al

 etc to liberate hydrogen gas.
2ROH  2 Na  2RONa  H 2
 NaNO2  HCl 05 C 2 C6 H 5OH  2 Na  2C6 H 5ONa  H 2
OH  Phenols also react with aqueous NaOH solution
to produce the salt sodium phenoxide and water.
H2O2 warm N2  HCl
C6 H 5OH  NaOH  C6 H 5ONa  H 2O
 The acidic nature of alcohols is due to the polar
nature of O-H group.
From Benzene Sulphonic acid:  Electron releasing groups like alkyl groups
SO3H increase the electron density on oxygen and
decrease the polarity of O-H bond. This
conc.H2SO4,SO3 moltenNaOH decreases the acidic strength.
 Even though the electron releasing groups like
 CH 3 ,C 2 H 5 etc decrease the acidic strength
 
O Na O

of phenol, Phenol does not liberate CO2 with
 NaCl
Na 2CO 3 or NaHCO3 because phenol is weakly
From cumene:Phenol is manufactured from acidic than carbonic acid and carboxylic acids.
cumene (isopropyl benzene) Note: Acids stronger than carbonic acid, decomposes
Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 solutions liberating
CH(CH3)2 H3CCOOH
CO2 with brisk effervescence.
Relative acid strength: Carboxylic acid >
O2 (oxidation with air) Carbonic acid > Phenol > Methyl alcohol >
Water > Other alcohols
cumene hydroperoxide  The reactions of phenol with metals as well as
OH NaOH indicate that phenol is relatively more
acidic than alcohols and also water.

H / H2O C3COCH3 This is explained on the basis of the structure of
 The hydroxyl group in phenol is directly pKa Values of some Phenols and Ethanol
attached to sp2 carbon of benzene ring. The sp2 Compound Formula pKa
carbon attached to ‘O’ being more
electronegative than sp3 carbon of alcohols, it o - Nitrophenol o  O2 N  C6 H 4  OH 7.2
decreases the electron density on oxygen.
m - Nitrophenol m  O2 N  C6 H 4  OH 8.3
Because of this oxygen develops still more
electron seeking character and releases proton p - Nitrophenol p  O2 N  C6 H 4  OH 7.1
by taking the shared pair of electrons with it.
 The acidic nature of phenol can also be Phenol C6 H 5  OH 10.0
explained on the basis of resonance stabilization
of phenoxide ion. o -Cresol o  CH 3  C6 H 4  OH 10.2
 Electron withdrawing groups present at ortho
m -Cresol m  CH 3C6 H 4  OH 10.1
and para positions (but not at meta) increases
the acidic nature of phenol. Gretaer the number p -Cresol p  CH 3  C6 H 4  OH 10.2
of such groups at ortho and para positions higher
is the acidic nature of phenol. Ethanol C2H5OH 15.9
 Electron releasing group present at ortho and
para positions (but not at meta) decreases the W.E-1: O - Nitro phenol is less acidic than
acidity of phenols. Greater the number of such P - nitro phenol. Give reason
groups at ortho and para positions lesser is the Sol. O - nitro phenol exist in intramolecular hydrogen
acidic nature of that phenol. bonds. So acidic nature is less.
 Acidic strength increases with the decrease of
the pK a values. Esterification of Phenol: Phenols react
 Order of acidic strength of phenols is as follows with carboxylic acids and their derivatives like
acid chlorides and anhydrides to form esters.
This reaction is called Schotten-Baumann
> >
C6 H 5OH  RCOOH 
 C6 H 5  O  CO  R  H 2O
O2N NO2  During esteification H comes from phenol
NO2 and ‘OH’ comes from carboxylic acid.
Picric acid phenol p-nitro
phenol C6 H 5OH  RCOCl 

OH OH OH C6 H 5  O  CO  R  HCl
 Salicylic acid on acetylation gives acetyl
> > salicylic acid known as Aspirin.
o-nitro m-nitro phenol OH OCOCH3
phenol phenol conc.H2SO4
 (CH3CO)2O
CH3 acetyl salicylic
acid (aspirin)
> >
Electrophilic aromatic substitution
CH3 reactions of phenol:In phenol, -OH group
o-cresol CH3 o-cresol is ring activating and ortho and para directing
p-cresol as these positions get more electron density
 The greater the pKa value, the weaker the acid. through resonance.
 Nitration  When the reaction is carried out in solvents of
OH OH OH low polarity such as CHCl3 or CS2 and at low
NO2 temperature, monobromophenols are formed.
  Here no Lewis acids like FeBr3 are required
because highly activating effect of -OH group
O - nitrophenol polarises bromine quickly.
P - nitrophenol  Phenol reacts with bromine water and gives
1) Intramolecular 1) Intramolecular 2,4,6-tribromo phenol (white precipitate)
H bond H bond
2) Steam volatile 2) Less volatile
 In water phenol forms phenoxide ion which
activates the benzene ring.
 Nitration of phenol is gives a poor yield OH OH
because nitric acid also causes oxidation of Br Br
phenol. H 2O
Alternate method of nitration:- 3Br2

Reimer-Tiemann reaction: Phenol when
treated with chloroform in the presence of NaOH
gives salicylaldehyde.
i) CHCl3  OH   H 2O  CCl3 : CCl2  Cl 
Dichloro carbene ( : CCl2 ) is the attacking
electrophile in this reaction :
 Phenol when treated with conc. HNO3 gives
2,4,6-trinitrophenol known as picric acid O O
: CCl2
conc.HNO3 CCl2

O O OH
NO2 ii) 
 The yield in the reaction is poor. Now a days
picric acid is prepared by treating phenol with
conc. H 2SO 4 and then with conc. HNO3 . Salicylaldehyde

 If CCl4 / KOH is used salicylic acid will be

conc.H2SO4 conc.HNO3 formed

SO3H NO2 CCl4, KOH, 
Picric acid

Halogenation:- H / H2O
OH OH OH Salicylic acid
Br2 in CS2 at 0C
Kolbe’s reaction: Phenoxide ion generated
 by treating phenol with sodium hydroxide is
even more reactive than phenol towards
Br electrophilic aromatic substitution.
Uses of Phenol: It is a raw material for the
OH ONa manufacture of important dyes, drugs and
 2,4-dichloro-3,5 dimethyl phenol is used as
powerful antiseptic under the name Dettol.
ONa OH  It is used in the manufacture of drugs like
COO COOH Aspirin, Salol etc.
H  0.2% aqueous Phenol is used as an antiseptic.
 Phenol on reaction with urea and formal dehyde
(major) gives condensation regin (PVF) used as wood
2-hydroxy benzoic acid adhesives.
(Salicylic acid)
Tests of Phenol:
 If KOH is used parahydroxy benzoic acid will i) Phenol in water gives violet colour with a drop
be formed as major product. of FeCl3 .
Action of Zinc dust:Phenol on heating ii) Phenol in water gives white precipitate with
with zinc dust produces benzene. bromine water.
OH iii) Phenol gives blue colour indophenol with
ammonia and sodium hypochlorite.
 Zn  ZnO W.E-2:Give equations of the following reactions:
(i) Reaction of propene with mercuric acetate
Oxidation: Phenol on oxidation with chromic followed by hydrolysis.
acid ( Na 2Cr2O7  H 2SO 4 ) produces benzoquinone, (ii) Oxidation of propan-1-ol with alkaline
which is a conjugate diketone. In the presence KMnO4 solution
of air, phenols are slowly oxidised to dark (iii) Reaction of bromine in CS2 with phenol
coloured mixtures containing quinones. (iv) Action of dilute HNO3 with phenol
OH O Sol. (i) CH3  CH  CH 2 + Hg(OAc)2 + H2O 


 CH3  CH  CH3
NaBH 4
chromic acid CH3  CH  CH 2 
H2CrO4 | | |
O (ii) CH3 – CH2 – CH2OH + 2[O]   CH3
Alk. KMnO 4
benzoquinone 
– CH2 – COOH + H2O
Fries rearrangement:
anhydrous AlCl3 Br4
 (CH3CO)2O  OH OH
(in CS2)
OH OH Br (Major)
COCH3 (Major)
AlCl3 NO
 OH
Rearrangement NO2

O-hydroxy dil.)  H2O

acetophenone COCH3 (iv)
acetophenone NO2

W.E-3:You are given benzene, conc. H2SO4 and 7. Phenol is
NaOH. Write equations for the preparation of 1. a base weaker than ammonia
phenol using these reagents. 2. an acid stronger than carbonic acid
SO 3H 3. an acid weaker than carbonic acid
4. a neutral compound
H 2SO 4 (conc.) 8. Phenol reacts with bromine in carbon
  disulphide at low temperature to give
SO 3Na 1. m-bromophenol
2. o- and p-bromophenol
 
3. p-bromophenol 4. 2,4,6-tribromophenol
9. Phenol is less acidic than
1. p-nitrophenol 2. ethanol
 fusion 3. cresol 4. benzyl alcohol
Sol. Na 2SO 3
 2NaO  10. Phenol on treatment with conc. HNO3 gives
OH 1. picric acid 2. o-and m-nitrophenols
3. cresol 4. resorcinol
dil. HCl
H 2O
1) 3 2) 3 3) 1 4) 4 5) 1 6) 4 7) 3
LEVEL-I (C.W) 8) 2 9) 1 10) 1


1. Phenol is also called 1. Phenol also known as carbolic acid
1. salicylic acid 2. benzyl alcohol
3. carbolic acid 4. salol
2. Benzene diazonium chloride on hydrolysis 2. +
C6H5N2Cl  
2 H O
gives warm + N2 + HCl
1. Benzene 2. Benzyl alcohol
3. Phenol 4. Chlorobenzene 3. Picric acid
3. Which does not have a carboxyl group? Br Br
1. Picric acid 2. Ethanoic acid + 3Br2 
3. Aspirin 4. Benzoic acid 4.
4. When phenol is treated with excess of
bromine water, it gives 5. Sodium bicarbonate
1. m-bromophenol 2. o- and p-bromophenol 6. It is Reimer Tiemann reaction
3. 2,4-dibromophenol 4. 2,4,6-tribromophenol 7. PKa of phenol = 10
5. Phenols does not react with PKa of carbonic acid is less than 10
1. sodium bicarbonate 2. sodium hydroxide
3. potassium hydroxide 4. ferric chloride Br
i ) CHCl / NaOH
   3   Br in CS
6. Phenol ii ) H 
Salicylaldehyde. This 
2 2 +
reaction is known as
1. Gattermann aldehyde synthesis Br
2. Sandmeyer’s reaction 9. PKa of phenol is 10
3. Perkin’s reaction 4. Reimer-Tiemann reaction 10. Picric acid
9. Br2 dissolved in CS2 reacts with phenol at
LEVEL-I (H.W) 273K to give ..... as the major product
1) o - Bromophenol 2) m - Bromophenol
METHODS OF PREPARATION 3) p - Bromophenol 4) 2,4,6-Tribromophenol

1. Cumene  i ) O2
ii ) H O/ H
(X) and (Y) LEVEL-I (H.W) - KEY

(X) and (Y) respectively are 1) 3 2) 3 3) 2 4) 2 5) 2 6) 2 7) 2

1. toluene, propene 2. toluene, propylchloride 8) 4 9) 3
3. phenol, acetone 4. phenol, acetaldehyde
2. NaNO  HCl / O C
In the reaction C6 H 5 NH 2  LEVEL-I (H.W) - HINTS

H2O, warm
Y . ‘Y’ is
H3C – CH H3C – C – O – OH OH
1) C6 H 5Cl 2) C6 H 6 3) C6 H 5OH 4) C 6 H 5CHO

2 
H O

3. Picric acid is a yellow coloured compound. X Y

Its chemical name is phenol acetone
1. m-nitrobenzoic acid 2. 2,4,6-trinitrophenol +

3. trinitrotoluene 4. trinitroaniline
  H O
warm 
2. 0 5C

4 C6 H 5OH  CHCl3  NaOH salicylaldehyde

The electrophile involved in the above
3. 2, 4, 6 - trinitro phenol
reaction is.
 4. H 2O  CCl3  : CCl2  Cl 
1. dichloromethyl cation (C HCl2 )
electrophile (dichloro carbene)
2. dichlorocarbene (: CCl 2 ) 6. phenols are acidic in nature
3. trichloromethyl anion (CCl3 ) 7. cresols are less acidic than phenol

8. Kolbe’s reaction
4. formyl cation (C HO) 9. monobromo phenols are formed
5. The reaction,
C6 H 5ONa  CO2  H 2O  C6 H 5OH  NaHCO3
suggest that
1) Phenol is a stronger acid than carbonic acid
2) Carbonic acid is a stronger acid than phenol
3) Water is stronger acid than phenol
4) None of the above
6. Which of the following compounds when
dissolved in water, gives a solution with pH
less than seven ?
1) CH 3COCH 3 2) C6 H 5OH 3) C6 H 5 NH 2 4) C2 H 5OH
7. Increasing pKa values of o-, m- and p- cresols is
1) o<p<m 2) m<p=o 3) m<o<p 4) p<o< m
8. Identify the product Z in the following
sequence of reactions

phenol 
 X  CO2
4  7 atm ,410 K
 Y 
H 3O
1) Aspirin 2) Salicyladehyde
3) Benzoic acid 4) Salicylic acid
2) 4-Hydroxybenzene-1,3-disulphonic acid,
picric acid
3) 4-Hydroxybenzene-1,3-disulphonic acid,
PHENOLS 2,4-dinitrophenol
4) 3-Hydroxybenzene sulphonic acid, picric acid
LEVEL-II (C.W) 9. Phenol 
 A 
1) CO2
2) H 
 B 
( CH 3CO ) 2 O
Incorrect statement among the following is
1) Preparation of ‘B’ from phenol is called
1. Phenol (1 mole) reacts with bromine water 2) ‘B’ is steam volatile
to give sym.tribromophenol. The amount of 3) ‘C’ has a free -OH group of ‘B’
bromine required is 4) ‘C’ can be used as antiiflammatory, analgesic
1. 3.0 mole 2. 1.5 mole 3. 4.5 mole 4. 6.0 mole and antipyretic.
2. The most acidic compound among the
following is LEVEL-II (C.W) - KEY
1 phenol 2. ethanol 1) 1 2) 3 3) 2 4) 1 5) 4 6) 4 7) 2
3. 3,5-dinitrophenol 4.4-methoxy phenol
8) 2 9) 3
3. Which one of the following compounds would
undergo nitration with greatest ease LEVEL-II (C.W) - HINTS
1. benzene 2. phenol 1. Phenol required 3 moles of bromine
3. nitrobenzene 4. benzoic acid 2. If – NO2 is present on the benzene ring of
4. Phenol on distilling with zinc dust gives phenols acidic strength increases particularly
1. benzene 2. diphenyl ether when that group is at ortho (or) para positions.
3. diphenol 4. zinc phenoxide 3. PKa of phenol is 10
5. Salicylic acid is produced when phenol in
alcoholic KOH is treated with 4. C6 H5OH 

C6 H6  ZnO
1. CH 3Cl 2. CHCl3 3. CH 2Cl2 4. CCl4
6. In the fololwing compounds, the decreasing
order of acidity is  CCl4 



H O
1. I > IV > III > II 2. II > IV > I > II 
3. II > I > III > IV 4. IV > III > I > II
7. Which order is correct about acidity 6. The correct order of acidity IV > III > I > II
1. CH 3COOH  C6 H 5COOH  C6 H 5OH 7. The correct order of acidity
2. C6 H 5COOH  CH 3COOH  C6 H 5OH C6 H 5COOH  CH 3COOH  C6 H 5OH
3. C6 H 5OH  C6 H 5COOH  CH 3COOH
4. C6 H 5OH  CH 3COOH  C6 H 5COOH
8. Phenol 
conc . H SO
2 4
A 
conc . HNO
 B Here A and B 8. A is
are respectively.
1) P-Hydroxy benzenesulphonic acid,
9. ‘B’ is salicyclic acid one that would react fastest with conc. HCl and
anhydrous ZnCl2 is
1) 1-Butanol 2) 2-Butanol
3) 2-Methylpropan-2-ol 4)2-Methylpropanol-1
1. One mole of aniline warmed with the mixture LEVEL-II (H.W) - KEY
of NaNO2  HCl . If we assume 100% yield, 1) 2 2) 4 3) 3 4) 3 5) 2 6) 2 7) 4 8) 4 9) 3
volume of N 2 gas liberated at S.T.P is LEVEL-II (H.W) - HINTS
1) 11.2L 2) 22.4 L 3) 33.6 L 4) 44.8 L 1. 22.4 L
2. Phenol reacts with which one of the following 2. Conjugate diketone is known as benzoquinone.
reagents gives a conjugate diketone will be 3. acetylation
formed ? 4. picric acid
1) Na2Cr2O7 2) conc.HNO3 5. presence of electron with drawing group at o-
and p- positions
3) Zn,  4) Na2Cr2O7  H 2 SO4 6. 22.4 L
3. The reaction, 7. CO2, CO2
C6 H 5OH 
 C6 H 5OCOCH 3 8. tertiary alcohol
1) Reimer-Tiemann reaction 1. The conversion of O -acylated phenol in
2) Schotten-Baumann reaction presence of AlCl3 to P - acylated phenol is an
3) Acetylation 4) Benzoylation example for this type of organic reaction.
4. Which of the following is most acidic ? 1) Addition reaction 2) Substituion reaction
1) Phenol 2) CH 3CH 2OH 3)Molecular rearrangement 4)Elimination reaction
3) Picric acid 4) p-Nitrophenol PREVIOUS EAMCET - KEY: 1) 3
5. The descending order of k b values of the
following compounds is LEVEL-II (H.W)

a) b) c) d) 1. Benzenediazonium chloride on reacting with
phenol in weakly basic medium gives
1. benzene 2. chlorobenzene
1) d > b > c > a 2) a > c > b > d 3. diphenyl ether 4. p-hydroxy azobenzene
3) b > d > c > a 4) a > c > d >b 2. The reaction
6. One mole of aniline warmed with the mixture
of NaNO2  HCl . If we assume 100% yield,
+ ClCOC6H5  is known as
volume of N2 gas liberated at S.T.P is
1) 11.2L 2) 22.4L 3) 33.6L 4) 44.8L
1. Wurtz reaction 2. Kolbe reaction
7. When benzene sulphonic acid and p-
3. Rimer-Tiemann reaction
nitrophenol are treated with NaHCO3, the
4. Schotten-Baumann reaction
gases released respectively are
3. Phenol is
1) SO2 , NO2 2) SO2 , NO 3) SO2 , CO2 4) CO2 , CO2 1. a neutral compound
8. Phenol is heated with a solution of mixture 2. a base weaker than ammonia
of KBr and KBrO 3. The major product 3. an acid stronger than carbonic acid
obtained in the above reaction is : 4. an acid weaker than carbonic acid
1) 2-Bromophenol 2) 3-Bromophenol Phenol  Zn
 A 
 B 
4. distillation conc.H SO at 600C NaOH
3) 4-Bromophenol 4) 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 2 4

9. From amongest the following alcohols, the In the above reaction, compounds (A), (B)
and (C) are respectively
1. benzene, nitrobenzene and hydrazobenzene LEVEL-III
2. benzene, nitrobenzene and aniline
3. benzene, dinitrobenzene and m-nitroaniline
1. When phenol reacts with chloroform and an
4. toulene, m-nitrobenzene and m-toulidine
alkali, the compounds formed is
5. Sodium phenoxide when heated with CO2
salicylaldehyde. If pyrene is used in place of
under pressure at 1250 C gives chloroform, the product obtained is
1. salol 2. salicylaldehyde 1. Salicylic acid 2. Salicylaldehyde
3. sodium benzoate 4. sodium salicylate
3. Phenolphthalein 4. Cyclo hexanol
6. Salol prepared from (internal antiseptic)
1. salicylic acid and methyl alcohol 2. The most suitable method of separation of
2. salicylic acid and phenol equal (1:1) mixture of o-and p-nitrophenols is
3. both 1 and 2 4. asprin and phenol 1. Crystallisation 2. Distillation
3. Sublimation 4. Chromatography
1) 4 2) 4 3) 4 4) 1 5) 4 6) 2 1. Both A and R are correct and R is correct
explanation of A
LEVEL-III - HINTS 2. Both A and R are correct but R is not the

1. C6 H 5 N 2Cl  C6 H 5OH 

C6 H 5  N  N  C6 H 5  OH correct explanation of A
2. Schotten - Baumann reaction 3. A is correct but R is in correct
3. Phenol is a weaker acid then carbonic acid. 4. A is in correct but R is correct
4. A  C6 H 6 , B  C6 H 5 NO2 C=Hydrazobenzene 3. Assertion (A): o-phenol sulphonic acid on
heating at 1000 C changes to p-phenol
sulphonic acid.
5. + CO2
Reson (R): Sulphonation of phenol is a
reversible process.
6. Salol is obtained form salicylic acid and phenol. 4. Assertion (A) : Phenol and benzoic acid can be
1. Sodium phenoxide when heated with CO2 under Reson (R): Benzoic acid is stronger acid than
pressure at 1250 C yields a product which on 5. Asseriton (A): Phenol is more reactive than
acetylation produces C. benzene towards electrophilic substitution.
Reson (R): In the case of Phenol, the
125C  intermediate Carbocation is more resonance
 CO2 
5atm  B 
AC2O  C
H . stabilized.
6. Assertion (A): p-Nitrophenol is stronger acid
The major product C would be than o-nitrophenol
Reson (R) Intramolecular hydrogen bonding
makes ortho - isomer weaker acid than para
1) 2) - isomer.
7. Assertion (A) : Phenol is more reactive than
benzene towards electrophilic reactions.
Reason (R) : The +R effect of OH group
increases the electron density on benzene
3) 4) 8. Assertion ( A) : Phenols are more acidic than
aliphatic alcohols.
Reason (R) : Phenoxides are stabilized by
1) 1 2) 2 3) 2 4) 4 5) 1 6) 1 7) 1 8) 1


1. + CCl2 + 4NaOH

(Final product)
2. o- and p-nitrophenols differ in boiling points.
o-nitrophenol is steam volatile
3 . During sulphanation of phenol at law
temparature ortho isomer is major products
where as at 1000 C , it gives mainly para isomer..
4. Both Benzoic acid, phenol react with NaOH.
5. Conceptual.
6. P-nitro phenol is more acidic than o-nitro
7. –OH group in phenol is ring activating and ortho
para directing
8. Phenoxide ions are stabilised by resonance but
alkoxide ions are not stabilised by resonance

SYNOPSIS  The process of formation of polymers from their
starting materials is called polymerization and
 Polymers are macro-sized molecules of the small molecules that combine with each
relatively high molecular mass.(103-107u) other are termed as monomers.
 The word polymer is coined from two Greek Ex : poly ethene, nylon 6.6
words : Poly means many and mer means unit  A macro molecule is a giant molecule which
or part may (or) may not contain monomer units.
 They are obtained by joining together a large Ex : Chlorophyll (it does not contain monomers)
number of small molecules.  Thus, all polymers are macromolecules but all
macromolecules are not polymers.
Polymerization C=C
Poly isop rene
Polymers H 2C CH 2 n

a. Thermoplastic Polyethylene, PVC CH 2  CH 2 n

Polymers Nylon & Sealing wax R R
 Polystyrene POLYMERS
Si  O Si
Heat n
b. Thermosetting Bakelite , CH 3CH
Nature of
Polymers Polysiloxanes
S.No Common Examples Some simple structure
Polymers Urea C 1H 3
1 2 3 formaldehyde
4 resin 5 n
a. Organic Leather ;
Organic and Polymers Cellulose ethers,
Polyvinyl ; Rayon
7 inorganic a. Cationic Poly isobutene.
substances b. inorganic
Polymerization Glass, silicone
Polymers rubbers (CCH
O 5 )n
Buna type
5 Polariy
synthetic rubbers.
Classification based on growth  Isobutylene undergoes cationic
n polymerization
polymerisation: The addition and easily as it has two electron releasing - CH 3
condensation polymersb. are
now a days also
groups that will stablize
the intermediate cation.
Polymerization C=C
polymers & stepPoly
referred as chain growthPolymers isop rene
growth  The reaction proceeds through
HC CH n three steps as
polymers depending on the type of given below:
2 2

polymerization mechanism they undergoPolyethylene,

a. Thermoplastic during PVC CH 2 step
(i) Chain initiating CH 2: n
their formation. Polymers Nylon & Sealing wax  
Polystyrene H 2O  AlCl3  H  [ AlCl3 (OH )]
6  n ()
treatment: H CH 2  CHR  CH 3  C HR
b. Thermosetting Bakelite , chain
vinyl compound CH CH
Addition Polymerization / Chain growth
Polymers Polysiloxanes
initiator chain carrier

polymerization: When the molecules Urea

of same (ii) chain propogation step :
CH 1 3

monomer or different monomers add together formaldehyde resin () n

to form a polymer, this process is called addition
a. Organic Leather ; CH 3  C HR + CH 2  CHR 
Organic and Polymers
polymerization. Cellulose ; Rayon ()
 The monomersinorganicused here are unsaturated CH 3  CHR  CH 2  C HR
substances b. inorganic Glass, silicone
compounds such as alkenes, alkadienes and
(iii) Chain termination step :
their derivatives. Chain termination(C 6H 10O 5 )n
take’s place by lose of H+
 This process is also called chain growth or addition of base
polymerization because it takes place through () 
CH 3  CHR  CH 2  C HR  n(CH 2  CHR )  [ AlCl ( OH )
 3

stages leading to increase in chain length.

Addition polymers have same empirical formula CH 3  CHR  {CH 2  CHR}n  CH  CHR  H
as their monomers. (b) Anionic Addition Polymerization: An
Ex: Polyethene,PVC,Teflon, Polypropylene. anionic initiator will similarly generate
 This mode of polymerization can take place carbanionic intermediate and the resulting
through the formation of either radicals or ionic polymerization is categorized as anionic
species such as carbanions or carbocations. addition polymerization. Here, the active centre
Ionic polymerizations is two types. of the propagating species is negatively charged.
a) cationic b) anionic  It occurs easily with monomers containing
(a) Cationic Addition Polymerization electron-withdrawing groups such as phenyl,
When the initiator is cationic in nature, on nitrile etc., which are able to stablize the
addition to the double bond, it would generate a propagating species.
cationic intermediate for propagation of chain  Intiation can be brought about by reagents such
process and is termed as cationic addition as n-butyl lithium or potassium amide.
polymerization.  The steps with the vinyl derivative can be written
 The process is initiated by a Lewis acid. as follows:
 The important chain initiators used for the Chain initiation : Na  NH 3  Na  NH 2
cationic polymerisation are 3 BF , AlCl3 or SnCl4
 Cation polymerization is facilitated in NH 2  M  NH 2 M 
monomers containing electron-releasing groups. monomer
Chain propagation : PREPARATION OF SOME
 
NH 2 M  (n  1) M  NH 2 M n
NH 2 M n  NH 3  NH 2 M n H  NH 2 1. Polyethene [CH2  CH2 ]n
eg., RLi  CH 2  CH  C6 H 5  R  CH 2  C H  Li  Monomer : Ethene
| Type : Addition polymer
C6 H 5 Two types : LDPE and HDPE
(chain initiation) LDPE HDPE
 
R  CH 2  C HLi  (n  1)CH 2  C H Low-density polyethene High-density polyethene
| |
C6 H 5 C6 H 5 By heating pure ethene By heating ethene at
at 350 – 570 K in the 333–343Kunder
 R  (CH 2  C| H )n (chain propagation) pressure in the
C6 H 5 presence of traces of presence of
 In anionic polymerisation chain terminating step oxygen (or) peroxide Ziegler Natta catalyst
is absent. initiator. (trialkyl or triethyl
(c) Free radical addition mechanism: Here the aluminium and
chain initiator (Catalyst) may be benzoyl titanium tetrachloride)
peroxide, acetyl peroxide are tert-butyl peroxide. High branching Linear chains
Three main steps are involved Doesn’t pack well Packs tightly
1. Chain initiating step Low density 0.92 g/cc High denisty 0.97 g/cc
2. Chain propagating step Moderate tensile strength High tensile strength
3. Chain terminating step For making plastic bags, For making containers,
Chain initiation : insulating cables, toys, buckets, bottles, etc.
R  O  O  R  2R  O pipes, etc

R  O  H 2 C  C H 2  R  O  C H 2  C H 2
2. Teflon (PTFE)
Chain propagation :

Polytetrafluoroethylene [CF2  CF2 ]n
R  O  CH 2 C H 2  H 2C  C H 2  Monomer : Tetrafluoroethene (CF2  CF2 )
R  O  CH 2  CH 2  CH 2  CH 2 Type : Addition polymer
In this manner the chain continues to grow : Used for making non-stick cookware, gaskets,
insulation material. It is very resistance to high
R  O  [CH 2  CH 2 ]n  CH 2  CH 2is formed ultimately
temperature and attack of chemicals.
Chain termination:
3. PAN : [Polyacrylonitrile (Orlon)]
R  O   CH 2  CH 2 n  CH 2  CH
  RO
2 [C H  CH 2 ]

 CH 2  CH 2 n  CH 2  CH
  CN

Monomer : Vinyl cyanide (acrylonitrile)

R  O   CH 2  CH 2 n  CH 2  CH 2  CH 2  CH 2
  CH 2  CH 2 n  O  R Type : Addition polymer
S.No. Monomer type Polymerisation mechanism Used for making fabric material, blankets,
Free radical anionic cationic carpets, etc.
1. Styrene + + + Condensation Polymerization / Step
2. Dienes + + – growth polymerization: When both the
3. Vinylchloride + – – reactants are bifunctional, they undergo a series
4. Ethylene + – + of condensation reactions in a controlled
5. Isobutylene – – + stepwise manner with the elimination of small
6. Acrylonitrile + + – molecule like H 2O , alcohol to form polymers,
7. Vinyl esters + – – and the process is called condensation
8. Vinyl ethers – – + polymerization.
 This process is also called step-growth
 Condensation polymerisation takes place
between molecules having polyfunctional
Polyamides: Polymers possessing amide
linkages are important synthetic fibres.  The Terylene fibre (Dacron) is grease resistant
 They are made by condensation of diamines with and has low moisture absorption.
dicarboxylic acids and also from amino acids  It has high tensile strength.
or caprolactams, the cyclic amides.  It is mainly used in making wash and wear
Ex1: Nylon 6, 6: It is made by condensation garments, in blending with wool to provide
of hexamethylene diammine and adipic acid, better grease and wrinkle resistance.
each of which possesses six carbon atoms and Phenol-formaldehyde polymer
these numbers are represented in the name of (Bakelite and related polymers)
the product as 6, 6.  These are the oldest synthetic polymers and are
 Acid and amine react to form the amide. still extensively used.
 Here, the polyamide is formed by heating the  Phenol is condensed with formaldehyde in the
reactant mixture under pressure and the process presence of either an acid or a base.
has been developed so that the molecular mass  The reaction starts with the initial formation of
of the polymers is controlled in the range 12000 O and/or P-hydroxymethyl phenol derivatives,
to 20000. which further react with phenol to form
n H2N-(CH2)6-NH2 + n HOOC(CH2)4COOH compounds where rings are joined to each other
O with -CH2 groups.
 The initial product could be a linear product -
 ( - NH(CH2)6 - N C - (CH2)4 CO -)n
 H 2O Novolac used in paints.
nylon-6, 6 CH2OH CH2OH
Ex 2 : Nylon 6 or Perlon L: It is formed by +CH2O
H+ or
 
self-condensation of a large number of OH

molecules of amino caproic acid. CH2OH

 Since caprolactam is more easily available, it is OH
used for polymerization which is carried out in HOH2C CH2OH
the presence of water that first hydrolysis the
lactam to amino acid.
 The amino group of the amino acid can react CH2OH

with the lactam and the process goes on and on

to form the polyamide polymer. -

533 - 577K
NH +H2O ( C (CH2)5  N )n  On further heating with formaldehyde, novolac
Nylon 6 undergoes cross-linking to form an infusible
Caprolactam solid called bakelite.
 Nylons are insoluble in common solvents, have
good strength and absorb little moisture.
Polyesters: Dacron is the best known of the
polyesters and is manufactured from ethylene
glycol and terephthalic acid.
 The reaction is carried out at 420 to 460 K in
the presence of a catalyst mixture of zinc acetate
and antimony trioxide.
 This polymer called bakelite is hard, scratch and nA  nB 
water resistant.
A  B  A  A  A  B  B  A  B  A  A 
 It possess excellent electrical insulating
 Alternating copolymers chains contain the
character and hence, it finds major use in making
monomer units are in alternate positions.
electrical goods.
Ex.3: Ethylene dichloride condenses with nA  nB 
sodium polysulphide to give a polymer called A  B  A  B  A  B  A  B  A 
thiokol or Polysulphide rubber. Ex: Esters formed by diols and dioic acids
 Block copolymers chains contain lengthy two
n  Cl  CH 2  CH 2  Cl   n  Na2 S 4  
or more blocks of monomer units.
Ethylene dichloride polysulphide
nA  nB 
 CH2 .CH2  S  S  S  S n  2nNaCl   A  A  A  A    B  B  B   A  A  A  
Thiokol sodium chloride  Graft copolymers contain mainly a
 Melamine - formaldehyde polymer homopolymer chain which consist of blocks or
Melamine formaldehyde polymer is formed by polymer chains of a different monomer.
the condensation polymerisation of melamine
nA  nB   A  A  A  A  A  A  A  A  A 
and formaldehyde. | |
| |
| |
| |

 It is a natural polymer and possess remarkable
 It is manufactured from rubber latex which is a
colloidal suspension of rubber in water and is
obtained by making incisions in the bark of
rubber trees.
 Latex is an emulsion of polyhydrocarbon
 It is used in the manufacture of unbreakable droplets in an aqueous solution (oil in water
crockery. emulsion). It consists of negatively charged
Copolymerization: If a mixture of more particles of rubber.
than one monomeric species is allowed to  The latex contains about 35% rubber. The rubber
polymerise, a co-polymer is formed and it present in the latex is coagulated by the addition
contains multiple units of each monomer used of CH3COOH or HCOOH
in the same polymeric chain.  This solid is crude rubber : This is refined by
 The co-polymer can be made not only by chain a) Break down i.e, masticating the raw rubber
growth polymerisation, but by step growth and
polymerisation also. b) Compounding i.e, addition of necessary
Ex : a mixture of 1, 3 – butadiene and styrene agents to the rubber.
called Buna -S can form a copolymer. Structure of Rubber: The empirical formula
 Co-polymers are further classified into four
of Natural rubber is C5H8
categories depending on the nature of the
 Natural rubber may be considered as a linear
different monomers in the chain.
1,4- additions polymer of isoprene.
 Random copolymers are formed by the random
 The residual double bonds are located between
arrangement of monomer units in the polymer
C2 and C3 of isoprene units in the polymer..
 the position of double bonds are detected by  The allylic - CH2- group next to double bond is
ozonolysis. also very reactive and S- atoms gets attached at
 All these double bonds have cis configuration allylic sites.
and thus, rubber is cis 1,4 - polyisoprene. Thus, about 5% sulphur is used for making tyre
 X-ray studies carried out by Buna (1942) rubber, a 30% of it for making battery case
established that rubber is composed of long rubber and 40-45% of it for making ebonite.
chains of isoprene units arranged in cis form as
shown below:
 The trans form of rubber is called gutta
percha.The weight average molecular weight of

M 
of rubber varies between 1,30,000 to

Synthetic Rubber: The Polymers are

derived from butadiene derivatives and contain
carbon- carbon double bonds so that they can
also be vulcanized.
 Synthetic rubbers are either homopolymers of
1,3- butadiene derivatives or copolymers, of
which one of the monomers is 1,3-butadiene.
 Commonly used synthetic rubbers are Buna-S,
Vulcanization of Rubber: Natural rubber Buna-N, Neoprene and Butyl rubber.
becomes soft at high temperature (>335 K ) and Ex.1) Neoprene or polychloroprene is formed by the
brittle at low temperatures (<283 K) and shows free radical polymerization of chloroprene
high water absorption capacity. It is soluble in
non-polar solvents and is non-resistant to attack
by oxidising agents.
 Addition of sulphur to hot rubber causes changes
that improve its physical properties. This process Ex.2) Buna - S is obtained by the addition
is called Vulcanization. polymerization from 1, 3 - butadiene and styrene
 It was performed by heating a mixture of raw it is a copolymer
rubber and sulphur at 373 to 415 K. n CH 2  CH  CH  CH 2  
 This process is slow and additives such as zinc n C6 H 5  CH  CH 2  
oxide, zinc stearate etc., are used to accelerate
the rate of vulcanizaiton. CH 2  CH  CH  CH 2  CH  CH 2
 The Vulcanized rubber has excellent elasticity,
low water- absorption tendency, resistance to C6 H5
oxidation and organic solvents.
Ex.3) 1,3-butadiene and acrylonitrile undergo co- C is concentration of polymer solution in gm/litre
polymerization to give Buna-N. This is used in  is Osmatic pressure in cms
making oil seals and tank linings. 
Differences between Natural and value at zero concentration
synthetic polymers  
(infinite dilution) is  c 
 0
 
   value is calculated from the graph plotted
 c 0

between on y-axis and C on X-axis by
extrapolated technique. The graph is a striaght
line with an intercept is on the Y-axis
(b) Weight average molecular mass ( M w )
When the total mass of groups of molecules
having different molecular masses are multiplied
with their respective molecular masses, the
products are added and the sum is divided by
the total mass of all the molecules, the result
obtained is called the mass or weight average
Determination of Molecular Mass of molecular mass.
Polymers: The Molecular mass of a polymers n

can be expressed in two ways. N M i i


N1M12  N2M22  N3M32 ....  Ni Mi2 i 1

Mw  = n
(a) Number average molecular mass ( M n ) N1M1  N2M2  N3M3 ....  Ni Mi N M
i 1
i i

(b) Weight average molecular mass ( M w )

N1 , N 2 , N3 are no. of molecules
(a) Number average molecular mass ( M n ) M1 , M 2 , M 3 are molecular masses
If N1 , N 2 , N3 ,.............. are the number of  Weight average molecular weight is determined
molecules with molecular masses by
1) Light scattering method
M1 , M 2 , M 3 ,.............. respectively, the
2) Ultra centrifuge method
number average molecular mass is 3) Viscosity mesurements
n Ex : In a polymer sample, 30% molecules have
N M i i a molecular mass 20,000, 40% have molecular
N M  N2M2  ....  Ni Mi i 1
Mn  1 1 = n mass 30,000 and rest have 60,000. Calculate
N1  N2  .......  Ni N i 1
i mass average and number average molecular
 M n is determined by  N1M 1
1) End group analysis method Mn =  N1
2) Colligative properties like osmotic pressure
30  20000  40  30000  30  60000
 Mn is related to osmatic pressure by the = = 36000
30  40  30
equation 30  (20000) 2  40  (30000) 2  30 x(60000) 2
MW 
  1 C 30  2000  40  30000  30  60000
   RT . , or Mn    RT
 0
C Mn   0 = 43333
PDI : The ratio of mass average molecular mass
to the number of average molecular mass is

Mw and
called poly dispersity index (PDI) Mn
 The value of PDI for polymers is in between 1 Monomer unit
& 1.5.
 For natural polymers, PDI is usually unity
(Natural polymers are mono dispersed)
M w  M n 
 For synthetic polymers,PDI is greater than one
M w  M n  Polymer Unit
 It also undergoes degradation by bacteria
M n is measured on the basis of colligative
Ex.2: Polyglycolic acid and polylactic acid
properties. ( M n number average molecular
 The mass average molecular mass ‘ M w ’ is (Optically inactive)
measured with the help of ultra centrifugation,
sedimentation etc. OH
W.E-1:A polymer contains 10 molecules with Glycolic acid MF=C2H4O3
molecular mass 10,000 and 10 molecules with O
molecular mass 1,00,000. Calculate number - HO
( Optically active )
average molecular mass.
 Ni M i 10  10000  10  100000
Sol. M n   N = = 55,000 H3C OH
i 10  10
Lactic acid MF = C3H6O3
Biodegradable polymers: These are
polymers which are degraded by micro-
organism with in a suitable period so that the
polymers and their degrade products do not
cause any serious effects on the environment. Poly-Glycolic acid ( PGA ) Poly - lactic acid( PLA )
Biopolymers degrade mainly by enzymatic
They constitute commercially successful
hydrolysis and oxidation.
biodegradable polymers such as sutures (post
 These synthetic polymers mostly have
operative stiches).
functional groups which are normally present
Ex.3: Nylon-2-Nylon-6:· ( step growth polymer) It
in biopolymers and lipids.
is an alternating polyamide copolymer of glycine
Ex.1: Poly-  - Hydroxybutyrate-co-  - and amino caproicacid and is biodegradable.
Hydroxyvalerate (PHBV): NH2 -CH2 - COOH & NH2 - (CH2)5 - COOH
 It is a copolymer of 3-hydroxybutanoic acid and Glycine Aminocaproic acid
3-hydroxypentanoic acid, in which the monomer  A copolymer of polyglycolic acid and polylactic
units are connected by ester linkages. acid commercially know as dextron. It was the
 The properties of PHBV vary according to the first biodegradable polyester used for stiching
ratio of both the acids. 3-hydroxybutanoic acid of wounds after operation.
provides stiffness and 3-Hydroxypentanoic acid  Dynel is copolymer of vinylchloride an
imparts flexibility to the copolymer. It is used acrylonitrile and used for making human hair
in speciality packaging, orthopaeudic devices wigs.
and even in controlled drug release.  Buble gum contains Buna-S


a) HOOC–(CH2)4–COOH In making brushes,

14 Nylon 6, 6 (NH–(CH2)6NHCO(CH2)4CO)n b) H N–(CH ) –NH synthetic fibers, parachutes,
2 2 6 2
ropes and carpets
OH OH a) HCHO For making gears,
15 Bakelite CH 2 CH 2 protective coatings and
b) C6H5OH
n electrical circuits

Urea formaldehyde a) HCHO For making unbreakable

16 (NH–CO–NH–CH2)n b) NH2CONH2
resin cups and laminated sheets

a) H N N
2 NH2
Melamine HN N NH–CH2
N N In making plastic crockery,
17 Formaldehyde N N n unbreakable cups and plates.
resin NH2

a) OH
Poly -- hydroxy
O–CH–CH2–C–O–CH–CH2–C As packing Orthopaedic
butyrate-co -- CH3–CH–CH2–COOH
devices, for making
hydroxy valerate CH3 O C2H5 O b) OH
(PHBV) n

Four different types of

rayons or artificial
a) Pyroxylin Used in packages and
Artificial silk b) viscose rayon
19 Cellulose wrapping industries,
or Rayon c)Acetate rayon photofilms
d) cuprammonium

R R R Surface coating, as
20 Silicone Polymers HO– Si–O –Si– OH Thermally very stable elastomers: in aeroplanes
R R available in liquid, and missiles
solid or gas phases as
waxes or as rubbers

N H2C= CH Life saving substance as
H2C CO blood plasma. As an
21 Polyvinylpyrrolidone N additive to many basic
H2C– CH2 n dye compositions to
H2C CO deepen the colour of
resistant to attack by the dye.
strong chemicals H2C – CH2
12. Which of the following is an example of
LEVEL-I (C.W) addition polymerization?
1) Proteins 2) Teflon 3) Nylon -6,6 4) Glyptal
INTRODUCTION AND 13. Which of the following type of forces are
1. A high molecular weight molecule which does 1) Electro Static forces of attraction
not contain repeating structural units is 2) Hydrogen bonding
called a 3) Three dimensional network of bonds
1) Polymer 2) Macromolecule 4) Metallic bonding
3) Both 1 & 2 4) None of the above 14. In which polymerisation branching of chain
2. Which of the following is not a natural can not be possible?
polymer? 1) Free radical 2) Cationic
1) Proteins 2) Polysaccharides 3) Anionic 4) Anionic and Ziegler-Natta
15. Polymeristion in which two or more chemi-
3) Cotton 4) Phenol- formaldehyde resin
cally different monomers take part is called
3. Which of the following is synthetic polymer 1) Addition polymerization 2) Copolymerization
1) Starch 2) Cellulose 3) RNA 4) Terylene 3) Chain polymerization 4) Homopolymerization
4. Which of the following is an example of fibre 16. Terylene is :
polymer? (1) An addition polymer with a benzene ring in
1) Rubber 2) Nylon-6,6 3) PVC 4) Bakelite every repeating unit
5. Which of the following is an example of (2) A condensation polymer with a benzene ring
thermo plastic polymer? in every repeating unit
1) Bakelite 2) Polysiloxanes 3) PE 4) All (3) An addition polymer with two carbon atoms
6. The natural occurring polymer among the in every repeating unit
following is (4) A condensation polymer with two nitrogen
1) Rayon 2) Nylon -63) Dacron 4) Proteins atmos in every repeating unit
7. Which of the following is an example of 17. Which of the following has an ester linkage?
thermo setting polymer ? 1) Nylon-6,6 2) Dacron 3) PVC 4) Bakelite
1) Sealing Wax 2) Nylon -6,6 18. Which of the following type of linkage
3) PVC 4) Bakelite present in PHBV?
8. Which of the following is natural 1) amide 2) Ester 3) diene 4) nitrile
biopolymer? 19. Which of the following is not a polyamide
1) Bakelite 2) terylene 1) wool 2) leather
3) egg albumin 4) Nylon 3) Nylon 4) Natural rubber
20. Polymerization of iso butene is mostly
9. Which among the following is a chain- 1) a cation 2) an anion
growth Polymer? 3) a free radical 4) a zwitter ion
1) Nylon 2) Bakelite 3) Terylene 4) Teflon 21. In which one of the following type of
10. Which among the following is a step- growth polymerization generally no initiator is
polymer? required
1) PTFE 2) PVC 3) Polyester 4) Polythene 1) Cation polymerization
11. Nylon-6, 6 is obtained by condensation 2) Anionic poymerization
3) Free radical polymerization
polymerization of
4) Condensation polymerization
1) Adipic acid and hexamethylene diamine 22. The catalyst used for the polymerization of
2) Phenol and formaldehyde olefins is
3) Terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol 1) Ziegler natta catalyst 2) Wilkinson’s catalyst
4) Sebacic acid and hexamethylene 3) pd-catalyst 4) Zeise’s salt catalyst
23. Which one of the following types of monomers, 32. The synthetic polymer which resembles
mostly undergo cationic polymerization? natural rubber is
1) Vinyl monomers with electron donating group 1) Neoprene 2) Buna-S 3)Nylon 4) Rayon
2) Vinyl monomers with electron withdrawing 33. Buna-S is a copolymer of
group 1) Styrene and 1,3- butadiene
3) poly functional group monomers 2) Styrene and ethylene
4) Saturated hydrocarbons 3) 1,3- butadiene and ethylene
4) 1, 3 - butadiene and acrylonitrile
24. Which of the following type of forces are DETERMINATION OF MOLELCULAR
present in natural rubber ? WEIGHTS OF POLYMERS
1) Weakest intermolecular forces 34. The number average molecular mass and
2) Hydrogen bonding mass average molecular mass of a polymer
3) Three dimensional network of bonds are respectively 30,000 and 40,000. The PDI
4) Metallic bonding of the polymer is
25. The monomer of natural rubber is 1) < 1 2) >1 3) 1 4) 0
1) Butadiene 2) Chloreprene 35. If polystyrene ( a polymer) has 200 repeating
3) Isoprene 4) Butadiene and Styrene units, Its molecular mass is
26. The process involving heating of rubber with 1) 10000 2) 20800 3) 25000 4) 30600
sulphur is called 36. If N1 , N 2 , N 3 ...... N i are the number of
1) Galvanisation 2) Vulcanization molecules with molecular masses
3) Bessemerisation 4) Sulphonation
M 1 , M 2 , M 3 ......M i respectively then the
27. The tensile strength, elasticity and resistance
to abrasion can be incresed by a process weight average molecular mass ( M w ) is
called expressed as
1) Galvanisation 2) Vulcanization
3) Bessemerisation 4) Sulphonation  N i M i2  Ni M i  M i2  Ni M i
1) 2)  N 3) 4)  M
28. Vulcanization of natural rubber causes cross  Ni M i i  Ni i
linkage of cis 1,4-poly chains through bonds? 37. Number average molecular mass ( M n ) and
1) -s-s- 2) s = 0 weight average molecular mass ( M w ) of
synthetic polymers are related as
H  S  H 1) M n  M w 2) M n  M w
3) | ...... 4) Hydrogen
3) M n  M w 4) M n  M w
29. Ebonite is BIO-POLYMERS &
1) Natural rubber 2) synthetic rubber BIO DEGRADABLE POLYMERS
3) highly vulcanised rubber 4) poly propene 38. The biodegradable polymer, Nylon -2 -
30. The role of zinc stearate in the process of Nylon- 6 is formed by the condensation of
vulcanization is glycine and
1) to accelerate the process 1) acrylonitrile 2) amino caproic acid
2) to slow down the process 3) alanine 4) adipic acid
3) to stop the process 4) to initiate the process 39. Which of the following monomer in excess
31. Empirical formula and molecular formula of makes PHBV more flexible
monomer of natural rubber are respectively 1)   hydroxy butanoic acid
1) C2 H 8 , C5 H 8 2) C5 H 8 ,(C5 H 8 ) n 2)   hydroxy butanoic acid
3) C4 H 8 ,  C4 H 6 n 4) C5 H12 ,  C5 H 8 n 3)   hydroxy pentanoic acid
4)   hydroxy pentanoic acid
40. Which of the following is used as life saving C) Graft 3) -A-B-A-A-A-B-
substance as blood plasma Copolymer B-A-B-A-A-
1) Cellulose 2) Teflon D) Alternating
3) Bakelite 4)Polyvinyl pyrrolidone A A A A A A A A A   
| |
41. The first polymer used as biodegradable B B
material is Copolymer 4) | |
1) Dextrose 2) Dextrin 3) Dextron 4) Dacron
COMMERCIALLY 1) 1 2 3 4 2) 2 4 3 1
IMPORTANT POLYMERS 3) 3 1 4 2 4) 2 4 3 1
42 Methanal and Phenol react in the presence 51. List - I List - II
of base to give : A) Natural Polymer 1) PVC
1) Bakelite 2) Polyethylene B) Synthetic Polymer 2) Nylon - 6,6
3) Dacron 4) Nylon - 6,6 C) Condensation polymer 3) Silk
43. Which of the following is used in making D) Addition polymer 4) Polyethylene
textiles and ropes A B C D A B C D
1) Dacron 2) Perlon - L 1) 2 3 4 1 2) 3 2 1 4
3) Rayon 4) Both 1 & 3 3) 3 4 2 1 4) 3 2 4 1
44. Which of the following is to prepare tyre 52. List - I List - II
cords A) Rayon 1)Cationic Polymerisation
B) Glass 2) Organic Polymers
1) Nylon-6 2)Silicone polymers
C) Polystyrene 3) Inorganic polymers
3) Plexi glass 4) All D) Poly isoprene 4Anionic polymerisation
45. Which of the following is used as a substitute A B C D A B C D
of glass 1) 2 3 4 1 2) 3 2 4 1
1) Glyptal 2) Urea formaldehyde resin 3) 2 1 3 4 4) 2 3 1 4
3) PMMA 4) All 53. List - I List - II
46. Which of the following is poor resistant to A) Rayon 1) CH 2O  C6 H 5OH
1) Polyethene 2) Polystyrene B) Silicone polymers 2) F2C  CF2
3) PVC 4) All
47. Which of the following is resistant to petrol,
lubricating oils and organic solvents HO  Si OH
1) Nitrile rubber 2) Buna - N C) Bakelite 3)
3) GRN 4) Any one R
48. Which of the following is extreme resistance D) Teflon 4) Cellulose
to abrasion A B C D A B C D
1) Nylon-6 2) Perlon - L 1) 4 3 1 2 2) 3 4 2 1
3) Dacron 4) Both 1 & 2 3) 4 2 3 1 4) 2 4 3 1
49. Which of the following is available in liquid, 54. List - I List - II
solid (or) gas phases as waxes (or) as rubbers A) PVC 1) CH 2  CH 2
1) Artificial silk 2) Bakelite
3) Silicone polymers 4) All B) Polyethylene 2) C6 H 5  CH  CH 2
C) Polystyrene 3)
50. List - I List - II Cl
A) Random 1) (A-A-A-A)- D) Neoprene 4) CH 2  CH  Cl
Copolymer (B-B-B-B)-(A-A-A) A B C D A B C D
B) Block 2) -A-B-A-B-A 1) 4 1 3 2 2) 4 1 2 3
Copolymer 3) 4 2 1 3 4) 4 3 2 1
55. Match the following 63. Assertion (A) : The plants yield a milky
List-I List-II suspension of crude rubber called latex.
1) Urea formalde- a) ( NH  (CH 2 )5  CO ) n Reason (R) : The latex contains about 85%
-hyde resin
64. (A) : A mixture of raw rubber and sulphur
2) Neoprene b) ( NH  (CH 2 )6  NH ) n on heating at 373-415 K gives
 CH 2  C  CH  CH 2   vulcanised rubber
c)   (R) : ZnO decreases the rate of vulcanisation
3) PVC Cl 
 n of rubber
 CH 2  CH   65. (A) : M n Value is always greater than M
4) Nylon-6 d)  |
Cl 
 w

 n
value for synthetic polymers
(R): M w = The mass average molecular
e) ( NH  CO  NH  CH 2 ) n
weight of polymer
The correct match is
66. (A) : For natural polymers PDI value is
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
always equal to unity.
1) e d c b 2) e c b d
3) a c d b 4) e c d a (R) : The ratio of M w and M n of a
ASSERTION’( A ) & ‘REASON’( R ) polymer is called PDI.
1) Both A and R are correct, and R is the correct LEVEL-I (C.W) - KEY
explanation of the A
2) Both A and R are correct, but R is not the 1) 2 2) 4 3) 4 4) 2 5) 3 6) 4 7) 4
correct explanation of theA 8) 3 9) 4 10) 3 11) 1 12) 2 13)2 14) 2
3) A is correct , but R is incorrect 15)2 16)2 17)2 18)2 19)4 20)1 21)4
4) A is incorrect, but R is correct
22)1 23)1 24) 1 25) 3 26) 2 27) 2 28) 1
56. A. Styrene is more reactive than propylene
towards cationic polymerization 29) 3 30) 1 31) 2 32) 1 33) 1 34) 2 35) 2
R. The carbocation resulting from styrene is 36) 1 37) 1 38) 3 39) 3 40) 4 41) 3 42) 1
more stable than that resulting from 43) 2 44) 1 45) 3 46) 2 47) 4 48) 4 49) 3
57. A. Natural rubber is all cis-polyisoprene 50) 3 51) 3 52)4 53) 1 54) 2 55) 4 56) 1
R. Trans - polyisoprene cannot be formed 57) 3 58) 2 59) 1 60) 1 61) 3 62) 2 63) 3
58. A. Polyvinyl alcohol is obtained by 64) 3 65) 4 66) 2
polymerization of vinyl alcohol
R. Polyvinyl alcohol is prepared by hydrolysis LEVEL-I (C.W) - KEY
of polyvinyl acetate 1. A macro molecule is a giant molecule which
59. A. PMMA is used for making lenses and light may (or) may not contain monomer units.
covers 2. Phenol formaldehyde polymer is a synthetic
R. It has excellent light transmission polymer.
properties 3. The rest are natural polymers.
60. A. Natural rubber is an elastomer 4. Nylon-6,6 has strong intermolecular forces like
R. The intermolecular forces of attraction hydrogen bonding
between the polymer chains are weak van der 5. Polymers in which intermolecular forces are
Walls’ forces. weak
61. A. Bakelite is a thermosetting polymer 6. Any polymer obtained from natural source
R. It can be melted again and again without 7. On heating in a mould become infusible and
any change form an insoluble hard mass
62. A. Teflon has high thermal stability and 8. The rest are synthetic.
chemical inertness. 9. Addition polymers are also called chain growth
R. Teflon is a thermoplastic polymers.
39. PHBV is a copolymer of   hydroxy butanoic
10. It is obtained by the condensation of bifunctional
monomers with elimination of water. acid and   hydroxy pentanoic acid.   hy-
11. Adipic acid and hexa methylene diamine droxy butanoic acid gives stiffness and   hy-
12. Teflon is an addition polymer of tetra fluoro droxy pentanoic acid gives flexible.
ethylene 40. It is a substitute for blood plasma.
13. Hydrogen bonding is present in between 41. It is the first discovered polymer.
carbonyl and amino group
42. HCHO,C6H5OH are monomers.
16. Dacron
43. Nylon-6 was reffered as perlon-L also.
O 44. It is fibre.
17. Dacron has | linkage
 C O  45. It is a substitute for glass.
46. It is an unsaturated polymer.
O 47. It is very rigid and used to prepare fuel tanks.
18. PHBV has | linkage
 C O  48. They are fibrous.
19. Rubber don’t have amide group 49. Rest are only solids.
20. Alkene derivatives containing +I groups 50. Plexiglass is also called as methylmethacrylate
51. Terylene is condensation polymer
undergoes cationic polymerisation
63. Latex contains about 35% rubber
21. Condensation don’t requires initiation.
22. Ziegler natta catalyst 64. ZnO increases the rate of vulcanization
23. Vinyl monomers contain electron donating 65. For synthetic polymers M w  Mn
24. In the structure of rubber there are no polar LEVEL-I (H.W)
25. |
CH 3
1. Which among the following is a semi
26. Addition of sulphur to rubber to increase its synthetic polymer
elasticity is called vulcanization 1) Cellulose rayon 2) Acrylonitrile
27. Vulcanization 3) Cellulose nitrate 4) Both 1 & 3
28. Vulcanization involves – S – S – linkage 2. Linear polymer among the following is
29. Hage cross linking substance 1) Melamine 2) Starch
30. It is a catalyst for the vulcanization 3) Bakelite 4) Polyvinylchloride
3. Which among the following is a branched
31. 2-methyl 1, 3 buta diene has a formula C5 H 8 chain polymer.
32. Methyl group was replaced by – Cl 1) LDPE 2) Nylon
33. n[CH 2  CH  CH  CH 2 ]  3) Phenol formaldehyde resin 4) Terylene
4. Cross linked polymer among the following is
n[C6 H 5  CH  CH 2 ] 1) Polythene 2) LDPE
34. PDI > 1 when mass average molecule mass 3) Melamine formaldehyde resin 4) Nylon 6,6

 M  is greater than the number average

5. Elastomers among the following are
w 1) Buna-N 2) Buna-S 3) Neoprene 4) All
6. Inorganic polymer among the following is
molecular mass  M n 1) Rayon 2) Starch
35. Molecular weight of vinyl benzene is 104. 3) Silicone rubber 4) Natural rubber
7. Among the following, the weakest
 NiMi 2
interparticle forces of attraction are present
36. M w 
 NiMi in
1) Thermosetting polymers
37. M n  M w 2) Thermoplastic polymers
38. Glycine & amino caproic acids are monomers. 3) Fibres 4) Elastomers
POLYMERIZATION PROCESS 18. Extent of stiffness of vulcanized rubber
8. Which of the following is an example of co- depends upon
polymer ? 1) Temperature of vulcanization
1) PTFE 2) Perlon-L3) Neoprene 4) PET 2) Time of vulcanization
9. Common monomer in melamine 3) Amount of sulphur 4) All of these
formaldehyde and Bakelite 19. Which of the following is a synthetic rubber?
1) Thiokol 2) SBR
1) Formaldehyde 2) Phenol 3) Polyurethane 4) All of these
3) Melamine 4) Ethylene glycol
10. Which one of the following polymer can be
softened and hardened repeatedly on heating WEIGHTS OF POLYMERS
and cooling without change in its property ? 20. Select the incorrect statement :
1) for natural polymers, PDI is generally 1
1) Bakelite 2) Polysiloxane
2) for natural polymers are more homogenous
3) Urea formaldehyde resin 4) PVC than synthetic polymers
11. Low density polythene is prepared by 3) for synthetic polymers PDI is generally 1
1) Free radical polymerization 4) the polymers whose molecules have nearly
2) Cationic polymerization same molecular masses, PDI is 1
3) Anionic polymerization 21. In a polymer sample, 30% of molecules have
4) Ziegler-Natta polymerization a molecular mass of 20,000, 40% have 30,000
and the rest 60,000. What is the weight
12. Which of the following is incorrect
average molecular mass of the polymer?
1) Polyethylene contains double bonds 1) 40,300 2) 30,600 3) 43,333 4) 33,353
2) The monomer used to make teflon is C2F4 22. The abbreviation PDI refers to
3) Condensation polymers are also known as 1) poly density index
step growth polymers 2) poly dispersity index
3) planck’s disposal index
4) A denatured protein could have the same
4) poly diagonal index
primary structure as the active protein
23. PDI for natural polymers is generally close
13. The catalyst used for olefin polymerization to
is 1) zero 2) 100 3) 1 4) 10
1) Ziegler Natta catalyst 2) Wilkinson catalyst BIO-POLYMERS &
3) Raney nickel catalyst 4) Merrified resin
NATURAL & SYNTHETIC RUBBER 24. Drugs which are to be released in a controlled
14. What percentage of sulphur is used in the manner in the body are enclosed in capsules
vulcanization of rubber? made of the following polymer
1) 5% 2) 3% 3) 30% 4) 55% 1) PGA 2) PCL 3) PHBV 4) None of these
25. Which of the following is a polymer
15. The monomer of synthetic rubber is
containing nitrogen
1) Butadiene 2) Chloroprene 1) Terylene2) Polythene 3) PVC 4) Nylon
3) 2-Methyl-1,2-butadiene 26. Polymer used in making capsules
4) 2-Methyl-1,3-butadiene 1) Poly glycolic acid 2) Poly lactic acid
16. Rubber latex is which type of emulsion 3) Nylon-2-Nylon-6 4) PHBV
1) oil in oil 2) water in oil COMMERCIALLY
3) oil in water 4) solid in water
17. Catalytic hydrogenation of natural rubber
27. The monomer of the polymer which is used
as a substitute for wool is
1) syn diotactic product 2) atactic product 1) styrene 2) tetrafluoroethene
3) isotactic product 4) none of these 3) chloroethene 4) prop-2-enenitrile
28. A polymer commonly used for making
nonstick cookware is
1) SBR 2) Teflon 3) PVC
4) Poly ethyl acrylate
29. Nylon threads are made of
1) Polyethylene polymer 2) Polyvinyl polymer
3) Polyester polymer 4) Polyamide polymer
30. Which one of the following cannot be used
as monomer in a polymerization reaction
1) C2 H 4 2) C2 H 2 3) C2 H 6 4) C4 H 6


1) 4 2) 4 3) 1 4) 3 5) 4 6) 3 7) 4
8)4 9)2 10) 4 11)1 12) 1 13) 1 14) 1
15) 2 16) 3 17) 2 18) 3 19) 4 20) 3 21) 3
22) 2 23) 3 24) 3 25) 4 26) 4 27) 4 28) 2
29) 4 30) 3


1 Cellulose acetate, cellophane, and viscos rayon
are all semi synthetic polymers.
3. LDPE is branched chain polymer
4. Melamine, Bakelite
5. Buna-N, Buna-S, Neoprene
6. Silicone rubber, glass
11. Free radical polymerisation
12. (CH 2  CH 2 ) n 
16. Oil in water.
17. Since in natural rubber methyl groups are
randomly oriented, therefore, in the
hydrogenation, they are randomly oriented and
hence atactic polymer results.
18. Amount of sulphur
21. P.D.I = >1

30(20000)2  40(30000)2  30(60000)2

Mw =
(30  20000)  (40  30000)  (30  60000)
22. Poly dispersity index
23. 1 i.e. M n  M w
27. CH 2  CH  CN
29. Polyamide polymer
30. C2 H 6 (ethane)
CH2 CH  CH CH2 n
LEVEL-II (C.W) 6. Which of the following structures represent
Nylon-6,6 ?
 O 
  C  N H  C H 2 5 
1. Which of the following fibre are made of poly 1)  
amides ?  n
(1) Dacron (2) Orlon (3) Nylon (4) Rayon
 O O 
2. Polyethene is a resin obtained by  || || 

polymerisation of 2)   O C H 2  C H 2  O  C  C 6 H 4  C  
 n
1) Butadiene 2) Ethylene
3) Isoprene 4) Propylene 3)   NH   CH 2 6  NH  CO   CH 2 4 CO  n
3. Which of the following statement is correct  
for linear polymers?  
  C H 2  C H  C H  C H 2  C H  C H 
2 
(1) Linear polymers may be condensation as well 4)  | 
 C6 H 5 n
as addition polymers
(2) Structure is well packed in nature 7. Arrange (I) CH 2  CH  CH 3
(3) Linear polymers have higher denisty, higher (II) CH 2  CH  C6 H 5 and
mp and higher tensile strength
(III) CH 2  CH  Cl in increasing order of
(4) All are correct
cationic polymerization is
4. What is not true about polymers?
1) III < II < I 2) I < II < III
(1) Polymers do not carry any charge
3) III < I < II 4) II < I < III
(2) Polymers have high viscosity 8. Free radical polymerization occurs at a
(3) Polymers scatter light highest rate in case of
(4) Polymers have low molecular weight
1) CH 3  CH  CH 2
5. Which of the following structures represents |
terylene 2)
CH 3
 O 
 ||  CH 2  CH
  C  NH   CH 2  5  
1.  
 n 3) |
 O O 
4) C6 H 5  CH  CH 2
 || || 
      
2) 
6 4 C
 n 9. Natural rubber on ozonolysis gives
1) 4-oxopentanal 2) 3-oxopentanal
  3) Hexane-2, 5-diene 4) Pentanedial
  10. Wrong statement about the polymer
CH2  CH  CH  CH2 C CH2 
3)  BuNa-S is
 ||  1) ‘Bu’ stands for 1,3-butadiene
 O n
2) ‘Na’ stands for sodium (catalyst)
3) ‘S’ stands for styrene
4) It is used in manufacture of hoses (Flexible pipe) 1) All 2) Only II 3) Only I, III 4) Only I
11. Natural rubber is a 2. Which of the following polymer is hard?
1) Polydiyne 2) Polyamide 3) Polyester 4) Polydiene 1) Linear 2) Cross-linked
COMMERCIALLY 3) Branched-chain 4) Thermoplastic
3. Thermoplastics are
1) linear polymers
12. Synthetic hair wigs are made from a
2) soften or melt on heating
copolymer of vinyl chloride and acrylonitirile,
3) molten polymer can be moulded in desired
and is called
1) PVC 2) Dynel
4) all the correct
3) Polyacrylonitrile 4) Cellulose
4. Thermosetting polymers are
13. Plexiglass is a polymer of
1) cross-linked polymers
1) Acrylic acid 2) Methylacrylate
2) do not melt or soften on heating
3) Methylmethacrylate 4) Methylpropacrylate
3) cross-linking occurs during heating when it
LEVEL-II (C.W) - KEY hardens irreversibly
1) 3 2) 2 3) 4 4) 4 5) 2 6) 3 7) 3 4) all the correct

8) 4 9) 1 10) 4 11) 4 12) 2 13) 3 POLYMERISATION PROCESS

5. Initiators that can be used in cationic
LEVEL-II (C.W) - HINTS polymerization is /are
1. Nylon contains amide linkages 1) KNH2 2) H2SO4
3) BF3 with little amount of H2O
2. nCH2 CH2  Polym
 
 CH2 CH2 n
 4) t-butyl peroxide
The correct answer is
4. Polymers have high molecular weight
1) All are correct 2) only 1
5. It is from glycol and terephthalic acid.
3) only 2 and 3 4) only 1 and 4
6. It is from hexamethylene diamine and adipic
6. Initiators that can be used in anionic
polymerisation is / are
7. The case of cationic polymerisation follows the
a) Potassium amide b) n-buthyl lithium
stability order of intermediate carbocation.
8. The case of cationic polymerisation follows the c) AlCl3 d) H 2 SO4
stability order of intermediate freeradical 1) only a 2) only a and b
9. 4-oxopentanal 3) only c and d 4) all
10. Is making automobiles tyres and foot wear 7.
Benzoyl peroxide has a role in the following
11. Natural rubber is a polymer of isoprene type of addition polymerization?
12. Dynel is a co-pomer of vinyl chloride and 1) Cationic 2) Anionic
aceylonitrile 3) Free-radical 4) None of these
13. PMMA is substitute for glass 8.
Number of steps in free radical
polymerisation process
LEVEL-II (H.W) 1) four 2) three 3) two 4) one
9. Number of nitrogen atoms present in
INTRODUCTION AND CLASSIFICATION melamine is x. The number of -imine and -
1. Statement I : The order of extent of attractive amine groups is y and z. x, y and z are
forces between monomers is fibres > respectively
thermoplastic polymers > elastomers
1) 3, 1, 2 2) 6, 1, 3 3) 6, 3, 3 4) 6, 3, 1
Statement II : Thermoplastic polymers
10. Which of the following alkenes is most
become soft on heating.
Statement III : Thermosetting polymers reactive towards cationic polymerization?
become hard on heating 1) CH 2  CHCH 3 2) H 2C  CHCl
Correct statement is / are
3) H 2C  CHC6 H 5 4) H 2C  CHCO2CH 3 15) 1 16)2 17) 2
11. Which of the following statements is not true LEVEL-II (H.W) - HINTS
about high density polythene? 3. All are thermoplastics
1) prepared by Ziegler-Natta polymerization 4. All are thermo setting polymers
2) is a thermoplastic 5.
H 2 SO4 & BF3 with little amount of H 2O
3) is a transparent 6.
Amide and N-butyl lithium
4) has linear structure 8.
there 1) chain initiation
12. Given the polymers : A = Nylon ; B = Buna - 2) chain propagation
S ; C = polythene. Arrange these in increasing 3) chain termination
order of their intermolecular forces (lower 9. No. of hydrogen atoms six
to highter) No. of imine groups three
1) A > B > C 2) B > C > A No. of amine groups three
3) B < C < A 4) C < A < B 10. In cationic polymerisation carbocations are
NATURAL & SYNTHETIC RUBBER formed. Stability of carbocation increases
13. Which of the following polymer has the reactivity increases.
emperical formula identical with that of it 11. HDP is a trans lucent polymer
monomer 12. Fibers have the strongest and elastomers have
1) Teflon 2) Nylon - 6, 6 the weakest forces of attraction. Thus option (C)
3) Dacron 4) Bakelite is correct B (Buna-S) < C(poly thene) < A(nylon)
14. Natural rubber is a polymer of
CH 3
1) CH 2  CH  CH  CH 2 14. |
CH 2  CH  C  CH 2
CH 3 15. Chloroprene
CH 2  CH  C  CH 2 CH 2  CH  C  CH 2
CH 3 CH 3 Cl
| |
3) 16. Bakelite
CH 2  C  C  CH 2
4) CH 2  CH  CH 2  CH 2 17. 3C2 H 2 hot tube C6 H 6
15. The monomer used to produce neoprene is
C1 CH3 CN sp sp 2
1) 2) 3) 4)
1. Example of a biodegradable polymer pair is
IMPORTANT POLYMERS 1) Nylon - 6, 6 and terylene
16. The polymer used in the manufacture of 2) PHBV and dextron
electrical goods such as switches, plugs etc is 3) Bakelite and PVC 4) PET and polyethylene
1) Polythene 2) Bakelite 2. Identify the pair of condensation polymers
3) Neoprene 4) PHBV from the following : [M-2013]
17. When acetylene passed through red hot Fe 1) Neoprene and PVP
tube hybridization of C changes from -- to -- 2) Terylene and Nylon-6, 6
1) sp 3 , sp 2 2) sp, sp 2 3) sp, sp 3d 4) sp 2 , sp 3) PVC and polystyrene
4) Polyvinylether and polyisobutene
3. The monomer of neoprene is [E-2012]
LEVEL-II (H.W) - KEY 1) 1, 3-Butadiene
1) 1 2) 2 3) 4 4) 4 5)3 6) 2 7) 3 2) 2-Chloro-1, 3-butadiene
8) 2 9) 3 10) 3 11) 3 12) 3 13) 1 14) 2 3) 2-Methyl-1, 3-butadiene
4) Vinyl chloride CH 3
4. Which one of the following is not a biopolymer? 8. Natural rubber is a polymer of CH |
 CH  C  CH 2
1) DNA 2) Cellulose 3) Nylon-6 4) Insulin LEVEL-III
5. If the number average molecular weight and POLYMERISATION PROCESS
weight average molecular weight of a 1. Formation of polyethylene from calcium
polymer are 40,000 and 60,000 respectively, carbide
the polydispersity index of the polymer will CaC2 + 2H2O  Ca(OH)2 + C2H2
be [E -2010] C2H2 + H2  C2H4 ; nC2H4  ( -CH2-CH2-)n
1) > 1 2) < 1 3) 1 4) zero The amount of polyethylene obtained from
6. 1, 3-Butadiene and styrene on polymerisation 64.1 kg of CaC2 is
give : [M-2010] 1) 7 kg 2) 14 kg 3) 21 kg 4) 28 kg
1) Bakelite 2) Terylene 3) Buna-S 4) Teflon 2. Nylon threads are made of
7. If Mw is the weight - average molecular weight 1) Polyethylene polymer 2) Polyvinyl polymer
and Mn is the number, the poly dispersity index 3) Polyester polymer 4) Polyamide polymer
(PDI) of the polymer is given by [E-2008] 3. The ratio between the number of carbon
atoms and nitrogen atoms in melamine
Mn Mw 1
1) 2) 3) M w  M n 4) molecule is
Mw Mn Mw Mn 1) 1 : 2 2) 2: 1 3) 2 : 3 4) 3 : 2
8. Natural rubber is a polymer of [M-2008] 4. Which of the following alkenes is least
CH 3 reactive towards anionic polymerization?
1) CH 2  CH  CH  CH 2 2) CH  CH  C|  CH
2 2 1) H 2C  CHCH 3 2) H 2C  CF2
CH 3 CH 3 3) H 2C  CHCN 4) H 2C  CHC6 H 5
3) CH  C|  C|  CH 4) CH 2  CH  CH 2  CH 3
9. Identify the copolymer in the following 5. Natural rubber and gutta - percha
CH2 C CH CH2 n   CH 2  CH n respectively are
1) 2) 1) Cis - Polyisoprene and trans - polyisoprene
Cl Cl
2) Both are cis-polyisoprene
 CH 2  CH  CH 2  CH  CH 2 
3) Both are trans - polyisoprene

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