The Brightening Future of Cloud Security

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session, the virtual layer can be reset and the user’s PC unless the user specifically References
scrubbed to a clean state. solicits them.
It protects the user’s PC from the 1. Krebs, Brian. “Network Solutions
“The latest generation of web- moment of connection. As web-based Hack Compromises 573,000 Credit,
based attacks need a solution attacks can occur the moment the user Debit Accounts,” July 24 2009.
that supplements and goes encounters a web site, the shield approach <
beyond the best of traditional does not passively wait for malware to securityfix/2009/07/network_solu-
endpoint defences, including transfer from the internet to the PC. The tions_hack_comprom.html>
signature-based security, virtualisation layer shields the user imme- 2. Messmer, Ellen. “Nine Ball attack
diately and through the whole session. strikes 40,000 websites”, 16 June
updates to virus and spyware
It’s unobtrusive. No special setup or 2009 <http://www.networkworld.
eradication mechanisms, and maintenance on the part of the enter- com/news/2009/061609-nineball-
firewalls” prise administrator is needed, and all vir- websense-attack.html?hpg1=bn>
Without this approach, user accounts tualisation activity is invisible to the user 3. Broersma, Matthew. “ ‘Gumblar’
often run with administrative privileges, and requires zero maintenance. attacks spreading quickly” 19 May
giving applications freedom to read and The latest generation of web-based 2009 <
write to the operating system and kernel. attacks need a solution that supple- 1009_3-10244529-83.html>
This allows malicious code to directly ments and goes beyond the best of 4. Web Hacking Incidents Database,
access and harm the operating system. traditional endpoint defences, includ- 2 February 2009 <http://www.
ing signature-based security, updates to
The benefits of web virus and spyware eradication mecha- My.BarackObama.com_Infects_
nisms, and firewalls. It needs to shield Visitors_With_Trojan>
shielding the browser – the user’s point of contact 5. Web Hacking Incidents Database, 22
To conclude, placing a virtual shield with the internet – from the endpoint’s February 2009 <http://www.xiom.
around the browser has three core secu- operating system and file system, to com/whid/2009/22/federal_travel_
rity benefits. stop unauthorised changes. booking_site_spreads_malware>
It is signature independent. It’s a After all, if you’re going to put armour on 6. Web Hacking Incidents Database, 16
zero-hour system that employs a simple your endpoints, why not do what our medi- September 2008 <http://www.xiom.
firewall-like rule: reject all changes to eval ancestors did, and use a shield as well? com/whid-2008-35>

The brightening future of

cloud security
Patrick J. Walsh, Chief Technology Officer, eSoft ( agement details, customer details, and so
on, means full trust of the third party to
The overused term ‘cloud computing’ is irrevocably associated with hype, and protect the data from hackers and from
the term ‘cloud security’ is also well on its way to becoming an oxymoron. their own employees.
Data stored by third parties is data put at risk. Just ask people who’ve had Does the third party’s staff have access
their Google accounts suspended and lost access to all of their email and to the data? What about the filenames or
Google Docs.1,2 audit logs? Are you sure their develop-
ers and IT staff don’t have the ability to
The risk of hackers getting at the data programs to firewalls. The trick is to view data for debugging purposes? What
is only the smallest part of the risk know which technologies have the best happens if the provider goes out of busi-
involved in storing data with third par- benefit-to-risk ratio. ness, shuts down the service, increases
ties. Yet not all cloud security requires its rates, suspends certain accounts, or
remote storage of private data, and in When to be wary otherwise imposes new restrictions on
many cases the addition of a cloud secu- the data? These risks can all be mitigated
rity component to an overall network When private data must leave the net- and such services have many benefits,
security strategy is very beneficial. Like it work to be protected, alarm bells should but due diligence is critical.
or not, cloud security elements are being go off. third party storage of documents, Remote storage of documents and
integrated into everything from antivirus emails, instant messages, project man- emails or tickets and issues may have

October 2009 Network Security

tion and using multiple antivirus scan-

ners requires a lot of CPU and memory.
By doing this ahead of time and doing
it once for the benefit of many, the
resource burden has been reduced over-
Figure 1: Google warning on search result. all. Plus, through the power of grid
computing, more antivirus engines can
be employed than an average network
obvious risks, but other technologies are control of the company and so caution gateway or workstation.
integrating cloud security with some less is needed. After all, what is network
obvious risks. For example, most of the security, if not the protection of data and Antivirus is not enough
major antivirus companies now have a resources?
feature built-in to call home and report Where things get interesting, though,
back detected viruses along with infor- When to embrace the is on websites that serve up malware
mation like the MD5 checksum and the that is not yet detected by any or most
source of the file. Generally speaking, new antivirus engines, which a fairly com-
this is no big deal, but do they also selec- There are many benefits that can come mon occurrence;3 on websites that have
tively upload the file if they don’t already from using cloud security and whether been defaced but are not (yet) serving
have that sample? What if that file were you know it or not, you’re probably up malware; or on sites that have been
an infected, confidential MS Word docu- using it already. Nearly all of the major compromised and are being used for
ment? For those moving toward entirely web browsers now have built-in features purposes other than malware distribu-
cloud-based antivirus, all scanned files that check URL blacklists, which are reg- tion such as for embedding secret links
that haven’t already been scanned at the ularly updated. When doing a search on to other websites.
data centre (typically determined by Yahoo, for example, sites that have failed These links, called PageRank bombs,
MD5) will be uploaded to a remote data Google’s antivirus checks receive a “This are hidden by using CSS and other
centre for scanning. site may harm your computer” notice. HTML tricks to move the links outside
If attempting to go on to a site like of the visible page area, or by making the
“Through the power of grid this from within Firefox, the browser will text colour and background match. In
computing, more antivirus display a message warning that the site this way, the site owner and visitors will
engines can be employed than has been blacklisted. not realise that the site is compromised,
an average network gateway or This is one excellent use of cloud but search engines will see the links and
workstation” security. Google visits the site regularly increase the popularity ranking of the
to index it for search, and while it’s there linked sites. According to eSoft’s Threat
These types of services may still make it looks for known exploits and malware Prevention Team, these links are nearly
sense, but data, once it leaves a com- using a variety of antivirus software. always to fraudulent pharmaceutical sites
pany’s network, is not longer under the Antivirus scanning is an expensive opera- or to pornography sites.4
Detecting malicious or compromised
sites that are not already detected by
antivirus is where the power of the
cloud really shines. This sort of detec-
tion requires much more in the way of
in-depth processing capabilities. Ideally,
any given web page (not just the home
page of the site, but every link possible)
would be regularly scanned first with a
series of up-to-date antivirus engines. If
those engines don’t find anything wrong
with the site, then the site would be
checked for any of hundreds of indica-
tors that suggest that the site may be
malicious or otherwise compromised. If
any suspicious indicators are found, then
the site can be checked using the most
resource intensive processes, includ-
Figure 2: Firefox warning on malicious site. ing using actual copies of Firefox and
Internet Explorer to visit the website and

Network Security October 2009

cious website, but is also used by Google

and others to protect their own intel-
lectual property.5 One way of detecting
obfuscated Javascript (or VBScript, for
that matter) is to calculate the entropy of
the script.
Other methods for automatically
detecting these include looking for ‘eval’
and ‘document.write’ methods followed
by numbers, or by using one of several
open source tools that execute the code
and capture the evals and document.
write statements, such as jsunpack and
Didier Stephen’s patched version of spi-

“Since malware authors have

a tendency to check their
creations against antivirus
scanners before releasing them,
the occurrence of malware that
is not detected by antivirus
systems is unfortunately too
In addition to obfuscated scripts,
other good indicators of suspicious sites
include web pages with hidden links,
with iframes before or after the start or
end HTML tags, iframes that are hidden
or have no meaningful size, embed or
object tags that reference non-standard
browser plugins, and websites that have
Figure 3: Cloud-based computing clusters can do far more detailed checking of sites. only been registered for a short time.

simulate user behaviour (such as pressing mark a website as suspicious, but just Behaviour-based
OK buttons) through them. being suspicious is not sufficient grounds
for blocking access to a website, as many inspection
Identifying a suspicious legitimate websites make use of other- If a website is in some way suspicious,
wise suspicious behaviour for non-mali- then the real work begins, both in terms
website cious purposes. For example, obfuscated of resource requirements and difficulty
There are hundreds of indicators that Javascript is a key indicator of a mali- level. The first and possibly most impor-
tant challenge is to identify otherwise
undetected (whether due to obfuscation
or a zero-day vulnerability) exploits by
directing popular browsers to visit the
site and monitoring any resulting down-
loads, software installs, or user prompts
that may lead to software downloads,
including prompts to install plugins.
Many downloaded files, such as PDF
files, may themselves have a new exploit
so the execution of the downloaded file
and using a system with many browser
Figure 4: Example of obfuscated Javascript highlighted by the Internet Storm Center.6 helper programs (preferably outdated) is
helpful here. The biggest challenge lies

October 2009 Network Security

recognised these fundamental truths and

are pushing cloud-based secure web filter-
ing as a required layer of protection for
modern networks. Best of all, the cloud-
based nature of this protection keeps net-
works protected without risking sensitive
data or local network resources.
1. Lilly, Justin. “Google account sus-
pended: A post mortem.” 8 August
2009 <
2. Boyd, Dana. “a google horror story: what
happens when you are disappeared.” 8
Feb. 2008 <
Figure 5: Bridging the gap between threat release and antivirus signature release. le_horror.html>
3 Graves, Lee. “Fake Blogs Serve Rogue
Malware.” 9 September 2009 <http://
in handling false positives, since many example used in a secure web filtering
downloaded files or browser plugins are system, it means empowering businesses fake-blogs-serve-rogue-malware.html>
innocuous. Making this determination to block malicious websites even when 4. Stiennon, Richard. “Pharma-fraud
requires human antivirus expertise and antivirus programs don’t yet have detection escalates dramatically.” 23 June 2009
systems that are outside of the scope of for the exploits or malware being delivered. <
this article. Since malware authors have a tendency to pharma-fraud-escalates-dramatically/>
Without a team of security experts check their creations against antivirus scan- 5. “Obfuscated code.” Wikipedia.
checking sites and continually adding ners before releasing them, the occurrence 15 September 2009 <http://
heuristics and signatures for identifying of malware that is not detected by antivi-
both suspicious and malicious sites, any rus systems is unfortunately too common. code#Obfuscation_in_malicious_
system is quickly outdated and loses its Luckily, websites hosting malware software>
usefulness. rotate less frequently than the malware 6. Hall, Stephen. “Hosted javascript
itself, so that a website blocking access leading to .cn PDF malware.” ISC
The end result to a website that is detected as malicious Blog. 10 April 2009 <http://isc.sans.
will avoid even brand-new malware org/diary.html?storyid=6178>
Though this sort of process is time- variants that are rotated into position as 7. “JSUnpack” 15 Sep. 2009 <http://
consuming, the result can be shared the older malware variant starts getting>
between many end users, which justifies detected by antivirus software. 8. Stephens, Didier. “SpiderMonkey.” 15
the resources expended to determine a A wide variety of companies including September 2009 http://blog.didierste-
website’s maliciousness. In the case of this Trend Micro, Websense and eSoft have

Securing process control

Dominic Storey, technical director, EMEA, Sourcefire UK For example, power companies trade
information about their generating
It is well known that organisations are becoming increasingly thirsty for data. capacity on a power exchange com-
Having details on the performance of individuals, the company and market modities market. Hospitals network
factors has long been a necessity in the high tech and finance sectors. Now, their critical care monitoring systems to
manufacturing organisations running large process control networks are finding record patient vital statistics for outcome
themselves in the same position. studies. As the author and political

Network Security October 2009

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