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Pertemuan 8

Preventing Shrinkage
 Reading
Bagian 1
1. Why is it important for business to prevent shrinkage?
Answer : Believe it or not, internal theft is one of the biggest problems that
businesses face when it comes to retail shrinkage. Over 33% of theft-related
incidents in retail can be attributed to internal employees. Staff members can take
advantage of having easy access to your cash and merchandise. Internal theft has
negative effects on the profitability of your business while also negatively
affecting employer-employee relationships and the overall workplace

2. What are common strategies businesses use to prevent shrinkage?

Answer :
 Continuously Track Stock.
 Implement Checks And Balances.
 Install Obvious Surveillance And Anti-Theft Signage.
 Use Anti-Shoplifting Devices: Security Tags.
 Implement Thoughtful Store Layouts.
 Monitor Your Cash Management Practices.
 Have An Intelligent Return And Exchange Policy.
 Audit Your Hiring Practices and Training.

Bagian 2
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
Answer : B. How the company deals with internal theft

2. How does the company prevent shrinhge from outside sources?

Answer : C. By using security cameras and security tags to discourage shplifters

3. Which of the following Is NOT a type of internal shrinkage?

Answer : C. A warehouse employee dropping and breaking a product.
Bagian 3
A. a monitoring machine to stop theft = security camera
B. taking items from a business without paying = shoplifting
C. a lowered purchase price = discount
D. to obstruct something from happening = policy
E. an established course of action = prevent
F. reduced gains due to dishonesty or wastefulness = shrinkage
G. to be considered responsible for something = hold accountable
Bagian 4
1. A. Our shrinkage was caused by internal theft.
B. A cashier was caught giving unauthorized Discounts.
2. A. She was punished to the fullest extent Of the law
B. Sometimes accidental waste is more serious than theft
3. A. He did not except the company to prosecute him for stealing.
B. Sometimes employees are tempted to pilfer Supplies.

 Listening
Bagian 1
1.The man withnessed an employee behaving dishonestly. True
2.The employee was caught pilfering office supplies. True
3.The man is unsure if the company null prosecute. False
Bagian 2

Manager: Hi. Marie. I need to tall to you for 1) for moment

Employee: Sure, Mr. Corman.
Manager: I have some 2) bad new. We had to fire Cory.
Employee: Oh no. Why?
Manager: He was stealing from the company.
Employee: Really? I 3) I can’t believe that
Manager: He was going 4) unauthorized discount to a major client and keeping the profits.
Employee: How do you know ?
Manager: Another employee noticed that the records did not seem correct. When we 5)
looking them do it we found out what had been going on.
Employee: Which client was it?
Manager: I can't 6) tell you that until after the court case is settled.
Employee: There's going to be a court case?
Manager: Yes. If: company policy to prosecute thief I wanted to let you know myself. since
you are a friend of Cory‘s.
Employee: Will he go to Jail?
Manager: I'm sorry to say so but I think it is likely. We Will be prosecuting to the fullest
extent of the law. 1 want to make sure you understand the
seriousness of this.
Employee: I understand.

 Writing
To: Corman Paper Employees
From: Wallace Corman
RE: Cody's absence
You've probably noticed that Cody Young is no longer a(n) employee at Corman Paper. Last
week, we discovered that he was offering unauthorized discounts to a major client and
pocketing the extra money . He was terminated immediately upon discovery of this breach of

In light of Cody's behavior, I want to reiterate company policies regarding stealing Corman
Paper will always prosecute theft to the fullest extent of the law.
There are no exceptions to this policy. It Is our goal here to work
together for all of our success, and we cannot do that if employees are causing us to
lose product or profit
If you have questions about this policy, please talk to me or to your floor manager.
Thank you,

Wallace Corman

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