Book3 (R&W) VOCAB

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‫‪l‬‬ ‫‪Vocabulary‬‬
‫‪a‬‬ ‫)‪Book (3‬‬

‫مالحظة ‪ :‬هذا الملف جهد شخصي وقد يحتوي على بعض األخطاء‬

Unit Page
Unit1 3
Unit2 7
Unit3 10
Unit4 14
Unit5 17
Unit6 21
Unit7 24
Unit8 28
Click on the page number to go there
Unit (1)
appreciate (verb) /
Definition: to understand how good something or someone is
Example: I really appreciate all your help.
confidence (noun)
Definition: the belief that you are able to do things well or be successful
Example: He's a good student, but he lacks confidence.
demonstrate (verb) / /
Definition: to show someone how to do something
Example: She demonstrated how to use the new software.
effective (adjective)
Definition: successful or achieving the results that you want
Example: What is the most effective way of teaching grammar?
impress (verb) /
Definition: to make someone feel admiration and respect
Example: I was hoping to impress him with my knowledge.
lead to (phrasal verb) /
Definition: to make something happen
Example: A bad diet can lead to health problems.
maintain (verb)
Definition: to make something continue in the same way or at the same standard as
Example: It is important to maintain temperature inside the house.
offensive (adjective) /
Definition: very rude or insulating and likely to upset people
Example: He made some offensive remarks.
select (verb) / /
Definition: to choose something or someone by making careful decisions
Example: I selected the best staff available.
stranger (noun)
Definition: someone that you don't know
Example: Children are taught not to talk to strangers.
accomplishment (noun)
Definition: something good that you have done that was difficult
Example: Her family is proud of all her academic accomplishments.
consider (verb) / /
Definition: to think carefully about something
Example: She refused to consider my request.
exaggerate (verb)
Definition: to make something seem better , larger , worse than it really is
Example: He tends to exaggerate when talking about his accomplishments.
expect (verb)
Definition: to think that something will happen
Example: I expect that she'll be very angry about this clutter.
professional (adjective) /
Definition: relating to a job that needs special training or education
Example: The presentation was very professional.
punctual (adjective) / /
Definition: arriving , happening , or being done at exactly the time that was arranged
Example: We've always been punctual in paying our rent.
research (noun)
Definition: the study of a subject in order to discover new information
Example: Recent research shows that the disease is caused in part by bad nutrition.
responsible (adjective)
Definition: having to do something as your duty
Example: The airline is legally responsible for the safety of its passengers.
slang (noun) /
Definition: informal language
Example: Avoid using slang word when you have a job interview.
weakness (noun) /
Definition: a particular part or quality of someone or something that is not good or
Example: His biggest weakness is impatience.
a new
to be
better than
you were
Unit (2)
balanced (adjective)
Definition: arranged to include things of different kinds in the right amounts
Example: A balanced diet gives you all the vitamins you need.
identify (verb)
Definition: to recognize something or discover exactly what it is
Example: We need to identify the causes of unemployment.
likely (adjective) /
Definition: something that will probably happen or probably true
Example: Young drivers are far more likely to have accidents than older drivers.
be made up of (phrasal verb) /
Definition: consist of; composed of
Example: The building is made up of 14 floors.
recognize (verb) /
Definition: to know someone or something because you have seen them before
Example: I can always recognize him from far away by the way he walks.
at risk (phrase) /
Definition: in danger
Example: Some animals are at risk of extinction due to overfishing.
sensitive (adjective)
Definition: easily affected by something such as a substance
Example: Her skin is sensitive to some types of flowers.
system (noun)
Definition: a group of related parts that work together as a whole for a particular
Example: We need a better system for handling incoming e-mails.
typically (adverb)
Definition: in a way that shows expected and usual things
Example: Schools in the area typically start at 7:00 am.
concept (noun) / /
Definition: an idea or principal
Example: She is familiar with basic concepts of biology.
consume (verb)
Definition: to eat or drink something / to use something
Example: The new lights consume less electricity.
cuisine (noun)
Definition: a particular style of cooking
Example: This restaurant is famous for its spicy cuisine.
influence (verb)
Definition: to change the way that someone thinks or the way that something develops
Example: No one knows how this decision will influence the outcome of the election.
method (noun) / /
Definition: a way of doing something
Example: You can choose whichever method of payment you prefer.
portion (noun) /
Definition: a part of something
Example: She divided the pie into six equal portions.
practice (noun) /
Definition: the act of doing an activity again and again to get better at it
Example: With a little more practice you should be able to pass your tes.
principle (noun) /
Definition: a belief about how you should behave
Example: There are principles that you must follow to be successful.
property (noun) /
Definition: a quality or power that someone has
Example: Before we conduct the experiment, we will study the chemical properties of
the substance.
region (noun)
Definition: a particular area in a country or the world
Example: The bird returns to this region every year.
Unit (3)

Unit (3)
benefit (noun) /
Definition: something good that help you
Example: There are many financial benefits to owning your own home.
data (noun)
Definition: information or facts about something
Example: This computer can store a large amount of data.
limitation (noun) /
Definition: a rule or condition that stops something from increasing
Example: The new law imposes limitations on players' salaries.
manufacturer (noun) /
Definition: a company that produces goods in large numbers
Example: Germany is a major manufacturer of motor cars.
obey (verb) /
Definition: to do what someone tells you to do
Example: The children must obey the rules.
obstacle (noun) / /
Definition: something that makes it difficult to achieve something
Example: Lack of experience is a major obstacle for her opponent.
occur (verb) / /
Definition: to happen , often without being planned
Example: The event is scheduled to occur at noon tomorrow.
respond (verb) /
Definition: to answer something or react to something
Example: The teacher asked a question, but the student didn't respond.
sense (verb) /
Definition: to feel or be aware of something
Example: seismogram can sense earthquakes' waves.
adapt (verb) /
Definition: to change the way that you behave or think to fit a new situation
Example: When children go to a different school, it usually takes them a while to adapt.
digital (adjective) /
Definition: recording or showing information in an electronic form
Example: You can transfer digital images from your camera to your computer.
discover (verb)
Definition: to find out something that you did not know about before
Example: It took her several weeks to discover the solution.
eventually (adverb) /
Definition: after long time , or after a lot of things have happened
Example: Eventually, I had gotten better and returned to work.
experiment (noun)
Definition: a process in which you test a new idea or method to see if it is useful or
Example: Students will carry out simple laboratory experiments.
feedback (noun) /
Definition: advice, criticism etc about how successful or useful something is
Example: The company uses customer feedback to improve its products.
interactive (adjective)
Definition: involving direct communication or reactions between things that work
Example: Our school encourages interactive teaching methods.
monitor (verb) /
Definition: to carefully watch and check a situation in order to see how it changes over a
period of time
Example: Nurses constantly monitored the patient's heart rate.
reliable (adjetive)
Definition: able to be treated, believed or trusted
Example: We can't write a report without reliable data.
revolutionize (verb)
Definition: to completely change the way people do something or think about something
Example: Newton's discoveries revolutionized physics.
Never lose
don’t know
in store
Unit (4)

Unit (4)
anticipation (noun) /
Definition: when you are expecting something to happen
Example: A tennis player shows good anticipation by moving quickly into position.
appealing (adjective) /
Definition: attractive or interesting
Example: That book has an appealing title.
appear (verb)
Definition: how someone or something seems
Example: the meal appears delicious.
claim (verb) /
Definition: to say that something is true
Example: The product claims that it can make you thin without dieting.
come close to (phrasal verb) /
Definition: to be similar to someone or something
Example: the two products have the same price but they don't even come close to each
other in quality.
critic (noun)
Definition: someone who says that they do not approve of someone or something
Example: I didn't think the book was as bad as the critics said it was.
deceptive (adjective) /
Definition: intended to make someone believe something that is not true
Example: Most commercials are deceptive to get people to buy things.
figure out (phrasal verb) /
Definition: to think about a problem or situation until you find the answer
Example: I can't figure out who owns this money.
hire (verb)
Definition: to employ someone to do a particular job
Example: We hired someone to clean the office once a week.
particularly (adverb) / /
Definition: especially, or more than others
Example: Exercise reduces the risk of cancer, particularly colon cancer.
annoying (adjective) /
Definition: causing enraging or annoyance
Example: The interrupting is an annoying habit.
annual (adjective)
Definition: happening once every year (yearly)
Example: The annual meeting is in July.
broadcasting (noun) /
Definition: the business of making television and radio programmes
Example: He is hoping to find a job in radio broadcasting.
donation (noun)
Definition: something such as money that is given to help a person or organization
Example: We are grateful for the donation of whatever you can afford to give.
entertain (verb) / /
Definition: to keep someone interested and help them to have an enjoyable time
Example: Our father's stories entertained us.
exposure (noun) /
Definition: the attention that someone or something gets from newspapers, television
Example: The success of his project has got a lot of exposure recently.
memorable (adjective) / /
Definition: likely to be remembered or worth remembering
Example: The day I graduated from high school was the most memorable day of my life.
support (verb) / /
Definition: to provide enough money for someone to pay for the things they need
Example: The charity supports needy families.
surrounding (adjective)
Definition: around something or someone
Example: The laser removes thin layers of skin without damaging surrounding tissue.
Unit (5)

Unit (5)
aspect (noun) /
Definition: one part of a situation, problem, or subject
Example: We're focused on the financial, rather than social, aspects of the problem.
challenge (noun)
Definition: something difficult that tests your ability
Example: If he takes on the new project he will face the greatest challenge of his career.
mental (adjective) / /
Definition: relating to the health or state of someone’s mind
Example: Stress has an effect on both your physical and mental health.
notable (adjective) / /
Definition: important, interesting, excellent, or unusual enough to be noticed or
Example: The town is notable for its busy market.
perceive (verb) /
Definition: to understand or think of something or someone in a particular way
Example: Children who do badly in school tests often perceive themselves to be failures.
precaution (noun) / /
Definition: something you do in order to prevent something dangerous or unpleasant
from happening
Example: When driving, she always wears her seatbelt as a precaution.
pursuit (noun) / /
Definition: when someone tries to get, achieve, or find something in a determined way
Example: There were four police cars in pursuit of the escapees.
tolerance (noun) /
Definition: willingness to accept behaviour and beliefs that are different from your own,
although you might not agree with
Example: The plants have a high tolerance for heat.
trait (noun) / / /
Definition: a particular quality in someone’s character
Example: Honesty is one of her defining traits.
vivid (adjective) /
Definition: produce very clear, powerful, and detailed images in the mind
Example: He gave a very vivid description of his time in prison.
bravely (adverb) /
Definition: having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty
Example: He faced his illness bravely and without any fear.
conquer (verb) /
Definition: to gain control over something that is difficult, using a lot of effort
Example: She was determined to conquer her fear of flying
determined (adjective) / /
Definition: having a strong desire to do something, so that you will not let anyone stop
Example: We are making a determined effort to correct our mistakes.
distinctive (adjective)
Definition: having a special quality, character, or appearance that is different and easy to
Example: The store sells only the most distinctive chocolates.
earn (verb) / /
Definition: to be paid money for the work you do
Example: She earn 1000 Rials a week.
goal (noun) / / /
Definition: something that you hope to achieve in the future
Example: Her primary goal is to get a college degree.
role (noun)
Definition: the way in which someone or something is involved in an activity or
situation, and how much influence they have on it
Example: Healthy lifestyle has a significant role to prevent diseases.
significant (adjective) / / /
Definition: having an important effect or influence, especially on what will happen in the
Example: Is there any significant difference in quality between these two items?
ultimate (adjective) /
Definition: most extreme or important because either the original or final
Example: Our ultimate aim is to increase production.
what you
like is
what you
do is
Unit (6)

Unit (6)
according to (phrase) / / /
Definition: as said by someone or as shown by something
Example: She always did everything according to the rules.
apply to (phrasal verb)
Definition: be applicable or relevant
Example: No one will play the game if the rules only apply to one team.
complex (adjective)
Definition: difficult to understand
Example: The situation is more complex than you realize.
end up (phrasal verb)
Definition: to finally be in a particular place or situation especially without planning
Example: She'll end up penniless if she continues to spend like that.
factor (noun) /
Definition: one of the things that has an effect on a particular situation, decision ,event
Example: Poor planning was a major factor in the company's failure.
prove (verb) /
Definition: to show that something is true
Example: You are just giving accusations so far, you should prove it.
responsibility (noun) / /
Definition: something that it is your job or duty to do
Example: She has to deal with a lot of family and work responsibilities.
theory (noun) /
Definition: an idea or set of ideas that explains something that has not yet been proved
Example: Her method is based on the theory that all children want to learn.
witness (noun)
Definition: someone who sees an accident or crime
Example: There must be two witnesses present when she signs the document.
altruistic (adjective)
Definition: willingness to help others even if it results in no advantage for yourself
Example: His donation motives are all altruistic not for fame.
barely (adverb)
Definition: only with great difficulty or effort
Example: There is barely a difference between the twins.
bring about (phrasal verb) / /
Definition: to make something happen
Example: Sitting on a chair for long periods of time can bring about back pain.
compassionate (adjective) / /
Definition: a feeling of sympathy for people who are suffering
Example: The public's response to the crisis appeal was generous and compassionate.
hypothesize (verb)
Definition: to give a possible but not yet proved explanation for something
Example: Scientists hypothesize that the dinosaurs were killed by a giant meteor.
initial (adjective) /
Definition: happening at the beginning; first
Example: You've resolved my initial complaint, but now I have a new question.
rely on (phrasal verb) /
Definition: to need someone or something
Example: People rely more on their cars than before.
subject (noun) /
Definition: a person or animal that is used in a test or experiment
Example: The subjects of this experiment were all men aged 18–35.
Unit (7)

Unit (7)
adjustment (noun) /
Definition: a small change that you make to something so that it works better
Example: Moving to the city has been a difficult adjustment for us.
attend (verb)
Definition: to exist or go to an event, place, etc.
Example: She attends a school in the city.
commitment (noun) /
Definition: a promise to do something or to behave in a particular way
Example: The boss noticed her strong commitment to her work.
distribute (verb) /
Definition: to give something out to a lot of people or place
Example: Clothes and blankets have been distributed among the refugees.
extremely (adverb) / / /
Definition: to a very great degree
Example: The conference was extremely badly organized.
generosity (noun) / /
Definition: a willingness to give help or support, esp. more than is usual or expected
Example: She is admired for her generosity.
inspire (verb) / /
Definition: to make someone feel that they want to do something
Example: Her courage has inspired us.
owe (verb)
Definition: to know that someone’s help has been important to you in achieving
Example: We owe a lot to our teacher who encourages and inspire us.
proud (adjective) / /
Definition: feeling very pleased about something you own or something you have done
Example: She's too proud to get a high degree.
transition (noun) /
Definition: getting used to from one condition to a new one
Example: youngs get through many changes while the transition to adulthood.
aim (verb) /
Definition: to try or intend to achieve something
Example: Our initiative aim at reducing road accidents.
ambition (noun) /
Definition: a strong feeling that you want to be successful or power
Example: My first ambition as a child was to be a doctor.
approach (noun) / /
Definition: a way of doing something
Example: We try a new approach to pollution control.
assumption (noun) / /
Definition: something that you think is true without having any proof
Example: I made the assumption that he wasn't coming, so I was surprised when he
showed up.
enable (verb)
Definition: to make someone able to do something
Example: The machine enables us to create copies without losing quality.
encourage (verb) / /
Definition: to say good things to someone that will make them confident about doing
Example: My parents encouraged me to go back to college.
expand (verb) /
Definition: to get larger or to make something larger
Example: The coffee shop may expand into a full restaurant.
impact (noun) / /
Definition: the effect that a person , event , or situation has on someone or something
Example: The book had a huge impact on me when I read it.
measurable (adjective) /
Definition: able to be measured or noticed
Example: Pain and suffering are not measurable.
network (noun)
Definition: a group of people, organizations etc that are connected or that work together
Example: He also has a network of contacts who give him help when he needs it.
The first
is to stop
to others
Unit (8)

Unit (8)
assured (adjective) /
Definition: certain to happen or to be achieved
Example: Her election victory seems assured.
dependable (adjective) /
Definition: able to be trusted and very likely to do what you expect
Example: I need someone dependable to take care of the children while I'm at work.
expansion (noun) /
Definition: the action to be lager; growth
Example: This book is an expansion of the author's series.
image (noun) /
Definition: the way that other people think someone or something is
Example: The lawsuit has negatively affected the company's public image.
invest (verb)
Definition: to give money to bank or business or to buy something because you hope to
make a profit
Example: I want to invest the money that my father left me.
logo (noun) /
Definition: a special design that a company uses to sell its products
Example: the company's logo is instantly recognizable all over the world.
market (noun)
Definition: the people who might want to buy something
Example: We estimate the potential market for the new phones to be around one million
people in this country alone.
profits (noun) / /
Definition: money that you get from selling something for more than it cost you to buy or
Example: There was a rise in profits this year.
sponsor (verb) /
Definition: to give money to support an activity , event, etc.
Example: The saudi airlines sponsored AlAhli club.
stability (noun) / /
Definition: a situation in which something is not likely to move or change
Example: There are some questions about the applicant's mental stability.
aggressively (adverb) / /
Definition: in an angry and violent way
Example: The team plays a very aggressive style of defense.
dedication (noun) /
Definition: hard work or effort that someone puts into a particular activity
Example: It took a lot of hard work and dedication, but we managed to finish the project
on time.
demanding (adjective) /
Definition: needing a lot of time , attention or effort
Example: She had a demanding schedule with little free time.
due to (preposition) / /
Definition: because of; as a result of
Example: Evening classes were cancelled due to heavy snow.
exception (noun)
Definition: someone or something not included in a rule , group or list
Example: There will be no exceptions to this rule.
motion (noun)
Definition: a single movemengggt of your head or hand
Example: He made hand motions to get our attention.
recover (verb) / /
Definition: to become healthy again after being sick or hurt
Example: Doctors say she will recover quickly.
sign (noun) /
Definition: something that shows that something is happening
Example: A red morning sky is a sign of an impending storm.
trend (noun) /
Definition: a general development or change in a situation
Example: Digital technology is the latest trend in television.
‫القائمين على الملف ‪:‬‬

‫فاطمة زكي‬
‫جي‬‫جاد الحا ّ‬
‫س ّ‬
‫روان علي‬
‫فاطمة الخويلدي‬
‫فاطمة خالد‬
‫زينب القرين‬
‫يقين فاضل‬
‫شيماء امساعد‬
‫أنوار بن حسين‬

‫لالستفسار التواصل على ‪:‬‬


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