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(Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region)


NAME: Jeremiah T. Se-eng

DATE:September 6,2021

ACTIVITY 2. This will be recorded in your performance task (60% of your grade).Be
guided by the criteria below.

Content ---------------------8pts
Organization of Ideas----8pts
Pictures/Images ----------4pts
TOTAL ---------------------25 PTS

* Answer the FOLLOWING questions and ANSWER them accordingly. Use the
back side of this paper for your answers.

( Read and understand the following instructions.)

Imagine that you are riding a time machine that brings you back to the past – ten years.
You look at yourself, and you notice that you have also turned ten years younger! Now,
you look around and study your surroundings. You find yourself in the center of your
hometown. What do you see aside from people? Walk around and examine the scenery.
Is there a commercial center? A plaza? Are there houses, schools, or churches? What
type of buildings do you see? Are there any monuments or statues around? Drawings
and posters?
Try to recall in detail the sights and sounds in your hometown existing ten years ago. If
you do not have a vivid memory of your hometown, you can interview your parents,
guardians, or other residents of your town about how it was ten years ago. Then, provide
answers to the following.
1. Describe the scenery in your hometown ten years ago. Did it have any works of art
(architecture, visual arts, etc.)? what did they look like?
● As I sight the structures when im 7 years old I saw that my hometown is so
peaceful its full of green example are full grown trees and full of grass mountains.
My hometown is like made of wood and it make me feel like this hometown is like
so peaceful but when I go on a city for my schooling its like something different
before I go on a city and on my hometown its so different. As I saw my hometown
its full of arts like tattoo art on their body and art on the ceiling and arts on the
road sides I think that ten years ago is like the best for me because in this past
days its more fun and as I witnessed today many childrens only depends on
cellphone but when its on the past its like childrens makes arts and they use it to
have a money. My hometown before is like full of arts because im from the Ifugao
tribe so the arts on our hometown are so good it is an tattoo art and natural arts.
1. Describe the present scenery in your hometown.
● I describe the present scenery in my hometown present scenery are full of
mechanics like robots, cellphone and more but when it come on my hometown its
like pure games like games that does not use mechanics or machines. I think
that the present is better but for me its like my hometown is still better because I
am used to before and the arts before are better than the arts today but if we go
on the present yes present is better than the past because present uses many
things for art like you use paintbrush but before you used leaf or anything just to
make an art. Right now is like present scenery is better than my hometown
because of the use of machines.
3. From what have you have envisioned in numbers 1 and 2, make a conclusion on what
has changed and what has remained in the arts in your hometown. Write your answer at
the back of this paper. PROVIDE IMAGES/PICTURES or DRAW (please label them)
and SCREENSHOT and send here.
● From what i have envisioned in number 1 and 2 many has changed like trees are
cut down to use in arts or in anything that wood can do. Many of has change
even in arts like arts before are like finished like 2 hours 3 hours based on what
big your tattoo is and now that we have machines its like 1 hour for any sessions
and its done. But as we go on in the arts many arts styles are remained like the
tattoo art and the weaving art they still use this arts on and many more.

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