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Management of the agitated intensive care unit patient

INTRODUCTION: AGITATION practitioners, agitation in the ICU has no a number of well-designed and well-
ROUNDTABLE MEETING clear and concise definition. executed studies in longer-duration agi-
OVERVIEW The simple definition stated at the be- tation management but, excluding those
ginning of this article is from Funk and in very focused populations (e.g., neuro-
Agitation: 1. Violent motion. 2. Strong Wagnall’s 1982. This explanation of “agi- logic injury), most studies lump patients
or tumultuous emotion. tation” has merit because it encompasses into groups for the purpose of assessing
Management of the agitated patient is fast both physical and emotional distress. Un- differing sedative regimens.
becoming an area of major break- der this characterization, either the non- Comparative pharmaceutical trials
throughs for critical care medicine. To sedated paralyzed patient or the comatose have been extraordinarily important to
illustrate, Figure 1 shows the total num- patient with patient-ventilator asyn- clinicians who deal regularly with agita-
ber of articles found on MEDLINE using a chrony can be considered agitated, even tion. These studies, as well as trials using
combination of search words related to though the two may represent opposite innovative management techniques, are
sedation and critical care. This crude sur- ends of a spectrum. becoming increasingly sophisticated in
vey demonstrates an exponential rise in Accurate diagnosis of the cause of ag- the area of pharmacoeconomic assess-
activity surrounding this topic and helps itation frequently requires a careful anal- ment. There is still, however, a paucity of
support the view that study of agitation in ysis of the patient’s history and physical comprehensive studies evaluating the in-
the critically ill patient is of rapidly ex- examination, review of laboratory and tegration of economic, clinical, and hu-
panding importance. Moreover, manage- other diagnostic data, knowledge of the manistic outcomes of agitated ICU pa-
ment of the agitated patient has devel- effectiveness of concomitant therapies, tients. Existing economic analyses
oped into an economically powerful collaboration among members of the include variables such as drug acquisition
subject, both for pharmaceutical compa- team and family, and a good deal of ex- costs, ventilator duration, and ICU length
nies and for caregivers interested in im-
perience. The cause of agitation is often of stay (LOS) to determine the “cost ef-
proving the efficient use of intensive care
multifactorial (e.g., pain and confusion or fectiveness” of one drug regimen over
unit (ICU) resources. It is increasingly
delirium and withdrawal), and even with another; these are often only partial in
apparent that outcomes are significantly
successful management it is difficult to their scope. Assigning or assuming costs
influenced by the manner in which agi-
be certain about precipitating factors in for time in ICU or on a ventilator is
tation is managed.
any single case. Anecdotes from patients fraught with the problems of evaluating
The quantity of articles being pub-
and clinicians can serve as powerful tools the fixed and variable components. Op-
lished is only part of the picture. Investi-
for the critical care team’s armamentar- portunity costs are usually ignored, as
gations related to agitation in critical
ium and help increase understanding they are exceedingly difficult to deter-
care are yielding a variety of intriguing
observations including post-traumatic from both sympathetic and empathetic mine. And, failure to include post-ICU
stress disorder and post-ICU depression, perspectives. cost and outcome information ignores
diagnosis of delirium, objective monitor- Pharmacologic management strate- the post-ICU morbidity that appears
ing technology, sleep pattern changes, gies for agitation include both prevention linked to ICU sedation usage. These types
process/management strategies to en- and treatment. Prevention commonly of problems with economic analyses are
hance clinical and economic outcomes, guides the hand of the critical care clini- widespread in the critically ill population
scoring systems, tailorability of therapeu- cian when a patient is being stabilized and are not unique to the topic of agita-
tic approaches, and bronchodilatory, an- and drips are ordered for analgesia and tion management. Notwithstanding, it
tioxidant, and immunosuppressive prop- sedation in anticipation of agitation. can be said with a reasonable degree of
erties of sedative agents. Fine-tuning the therapy using agitation confidence that the drug acquisition cost
Rather than simply discussing strate- scales, daily awakening, and other strat- of various regimens is only one— often
gies for sedation, it is the deliberate in- egies take on more of a treatment quality, small—piece of the larger economic puz-
tent of this continuing education pro- as do pro re nata (PRN) agitation orders. zle.
gram to focus on the specific topic of Nonpharmacological approaches include Given the current tide of activity, it is
agitation (in the ICU patient). It is note- a variety of environmental adjustments conceivable that the approach to manag-
worthy that, although it is one of the that are frequently underutilized. ing agitation in the critically ill patient
most common issues facing critical care Yet, as obvious as these concepts for will rise (or is rising) to a new level of
definition, diagnosis, and management sophistication. At this new level, pharma-
may seem, it is difficult to consistently cologic and nonpharmacologic ap-
apply them to the literature (with the proaches will be highly selective and fine-
Copyright © 2002 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins exception of short-term usage). There are tuned to more precisely address the

Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 1 (Suppl.) S97

throughs in agitation management for
critically ill patients.

Agitation frequently occurs in criti-
cally ill adult patients in the ICU and is
associated with potentially dangerous
complications such as self-extubation, re-
moval of arterial and venous catheters,
increased systemic and myocardial oxy-
gen consumption, and failure to partici-
pate in therapeutic interventions (1, 2).
The agitation syndrome may be caused by
Figure 1. Number of articles on sedation in the intensive care unit. many factors, including the underlying
illness itself, discomfort associated with
invasive catheters and tubes, and the
psychophysiologic disturbances found in many stimuli common to the ICU envi-
each critically ill individual. As a result, presented his or her topic in depth followed
by a brief question-and-answer period. At ronment. Agitation develops regardless of
the critically ill population will experi- age, sex, or underlying diseases. The syn-
ence fewer side effects, shorter ICU the end of the formal presentations, a series
of questions was presented and the round- drome complicates management in the
courses, better short-term and long-term ICU, often leading to further morbidity
outcomes, improved cost-effectiveness of table discussion ensued. The questions,
which were prepared in advance but not and complications.
care, and reduced morbidity.
The fishbone/cause-and-effect dia- made available to the authors until the
gram displayed in Figure 2 was designed time of the conference, were meant to cre- Definition, Symptoms, and Signs
to illustrate the challenge of managing ate controversy and offer brainstorming of Agitation
agitation in the ICU patient by demon- ideas outside the structure demanded by
strating schematically the interrelation- scientific writing. Although a simple definition of agita-
ship of many of the points presented in While finalizing their first drafts, the tion in the critically ill patient is difficult
this piece. Each item can be a significant authors were provided a draft of the revised to find, agitation can be described in sev-
factor, and changing just one (e.g., uni- Clinical Practice Guidelines for the sus- eral ways. Agitated patients exhibit con-
laterally starting a protocol) rarely works tained use of sedatives and analgesics, tinual movement, characterized by con-
unless careful thought is given to all the which is also published in this month’s stant fidgeting, moving from side to side,
other variables. The cause-and-effect dia- issue of Critical Care Medicine. It is impor- pulling at dressings and bed sheets, and
gram is a quality improvement tool that tant to stress that this supplement is not attempting to remove catheters or other
assists in identifying those variables. meant to supplant any of the recommenda- tubes. The agitated patient remains dis-
The authors of this supplement are an tions laid out by the Guideline Develop- oriented in one of several spheres. There
experienced, multidisciplinary group of ment Task Force. Opinions expressed in may be a total lack of awareness as to
clinicians who discuss the topic of agita- this program may differ when the grade name, place, or time. Alternatively, pa-
tion from an academic and clinical per- of evidence is lower, however; this tients may know who they are, but have
spective spanning the development of group made no attempt to identify an no idea of their current location. Depend-
modern critical care. The primary inten- evidence-based grade. Moreover, this ing on the degree of agitation and the
tion of this continuing education pro- continuing medical education activity ability of the patient to listen or commu-
gram is to provide a practical framework does not limit its scope with respect to nicate, commands may or may not be
for managing agitation. It is hoped that duration of sedative use. Finally, this successfully followed (4). The more com-
the areas of controversy will be stimulat- work is meant to be more speculative in plicated the request, the less likely the
ing to the reader. Two overriding ques- its span. patient will be able to respond in an ap-
tions should emerge: What kind of evi- Selectively, a number of topics were propriate manner. Patients capable of
dence is needed to advance the not discussed in detail; these include communicating may exhibit intermit-
management of agitation in the ICU? shock and sepsis. Although managing ag- tent, irrational thoughts or sentences.
And, how do we bridge the evidence-care itation in sepsis and shock is an essential Within a long string of rambling conver-
gap and put existing and emerging evi- part of care, it was felt that only general- sation, some statements may make sense
dence into consistent daily practice? ities could be addressed using the funda- but the vast majority of the conversation
mentals provided in the following sec- remains unintelligible (5). Shouting, call-
Program Background tions. Notwithstanding, observations of ing out, or moaning can add to the clin-
differing effects of sedating agents on free ical presentation. The agitated patient
In June 2001, the authors participated radicals and the immune system, for ex- will often exaggerate complaints of pain,
in a tele-roundtable meeting. Each author ample, might lead to interesting break- when, in actuality, other factors such as

S98 Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 1 (Suppl.)

Figure 2. Fishbone diagram of factors that may impact agitation.

the need to urinate or have a bowel move- mand. The agitated patient with a rapid can result in significant and often unpre-
ment are the causes of the complaints. respiratory rate may not be able to synchro- dictable interactions, leading to agitation
It is important to note that none of the nize respirations with the mechanical ven- and confusion. These agents include ben-
above descriptions characterize a patient tilator, resulting in high airway pressures, zodiazepines, opioids, inhalation agents,
undergoing neuromuscular blockade inadequate ventilation, and decreases in anticholinergics, antibiotics, and muscle
who is agitated because of lack of seda- PO2 with either increases or decreases in relaxants; they can interact in unpredict-
tion and analgesia. This condition, which PCO2, all of which further propagate the able ways and may lead to a difficult man-
often results in patients having vivid re- tendency toward agitation. These physio- agement situation, especially in the el-
call while under pharmacologic paralysis, logic changes frequently vary over 24 hrs derly. In addition to drug– drug
is a particularly disturbing occurrence to depending on the chronicity or intermit- interactions, some agents alone, includ-
critical care unit personnel, and may tency of the agitation. Agitated patients ing lorazepam and anticholinergics, have
have long-term negative effects on the generally cannot concentrate or pay atten- been associated with the development of
patient. tion to the caregivers around them, making agitation; once again, the aged are partic-
Vital signs are generally abnormal in the the ability to follow requests or demands ularly at risk (7). Frequently, the effects
agitated patient. Blood pressure may in- exceedingly difficult. of these drugs may not be related to the
crease to dangerously high ranges, respira- agent itself, but rather to multiple me-
tory rate may be elevated, and heart rate Etiological Factors Contributing tabolites that have varying times of deg-
may increase, with potential for ischemia to Agitation radation and excretion (see Table 1).
(6). An elevated metabolic rate results in an A significant factor in the develop-
increase in overall oxygen requirements In the postoperative patient, the mul- ment of agitation in critically ill patients,
and, if left to continue for a protracted tiple pharmacologic agents typically ad- predominantly in the postoperative pe-
period of time, an increase in caloric de- ministered during the perioperative stage riod, is failure to provide adequate pain

Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 1 (Suppl.) S99

Table 1. Medications associated with agitation in patients in the intensive care unit (8) inability to communicate and then evolve
into a cycle of continued agitation. Pa-
Antibiotics Cardiac Drugs
tients frequently become anxious and
Acyclovir Captopril
therefore agitated over the seriousness of
Amphotericin B Clonidine being critically ill. Finally, the ICU itself,
Cephalosporins Digoxin with its high noise levels, lights, and con-
Ciprofloxacin Dopamine tinual other stimuli, can significantly
Imipenen—cilastatin Labetalol contribute to further agitation (7, 11).
Ketoconazole Lidocaine
Metronidazole Nifedipine
Penicillin Nitroprusside Differential Diagnosis of
Rifampin Procainamide
Trimethoprim—sulfamethoxazole Propranolol
Quinidine sulfate
Agitated patients require that the cli-
nician undertake a detailed work-up to
Anticonvulsants Corticosteroids
find and eliminate the various possible
causes. At the top of any list, because of
Phenobarbital Dexamethasone
Phenytoin Methylprednisolone its accompanying danger, should be hy-
poxemia, which can be readily detected
Miscellaneous Drugs Narcotic Analgesics by both arterial blood gas analysis and
measurement of oxygen saturation (12).
Hydroxyzine Codeine Of importance are occasions when a pa-
Ketamine Meperidine tient with a low cardiac output state has
Metoclopramide Morphine sulfate perfusion that is too low to maintain ad-
Theophylline equate oxygenation, resulting in hypox-
Benzodiazepines emia resulting from cardiac dysfunction
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents rather than pulmonary dysfunction.
Metabolic abnormalities can usually
be detected by laboratory analysis, in-
cluding a basic electrolyte panel and de-
control (8). In the United States, inade- aneurysm with resulting subarachnoid termination of specific factors including
quate pain management is often a result hemorrhage. Thrombotic stroke may phosphate, calcium, and glucose levels. It
of opioids being dosed at suboptimal lev- cause agitation as well. Brain abscesses, is often necessary to order additional
els because of concerns of respiratory de- seizures, infections such as meningitis, tests, not routinely performed, such as a
pression and/or the development of de- and air embolism have all been associated thyroid panel and liver function studies.
pendence (9). However, these side effects with persistent and severe degrees of ag- Deficiencies in vitamin B-12, niacin, and
are unlikely over the short term if the itation (4, 7). A common situation in- thiamine should be considered, as well as
medication is properly titrated to patient volves frontal lobe injury following brain heavy metal intoxication with lead, mer-
comfort. Consequently, as clinicians we trauma, in which patients usually display cury, or manganese (4). A combination of
must ensure that patients receive the ap- increasing agitation, particularly as they medical history, physical findings, and
propriate dose necessary to achieve con- begin to awaken. Although difficult to appropriate laboratory testing will usu-
tinual pain relief. control, this increase in agitation can ally identify a metabolic aberration.
Hypoxemia has long been associated paradoxically be taken as a positive sign Neurologic abnormalities often re-
with agitation. ICUs in most hospitals in the patient’s recovery. Withdrawal quire not only a detailed examination but
have documented numerous clinical in- from alcohol or from other agents includ- also a computed tomography (CT) scan
cidences in which hypoxemia had been ing cocaine, opioids, and sedatives such and, in some cases, a magnetic resonance
misdiagnosed as agitation. PO2 levels of as benzodiazepines all contribute to brain imaging (MRI) scan. Undetected blood in
60 mm Hg or less (or oxygen saturations injury and agitation (10). Cigarette smok- the brain after a bleed from an aneurysm
below 90%) can contribute to agitation ers can suffer agitation from a lack of or hypertensive bleed can cause signifi-
secondary to hypoxemia. Hypotension nicotine. In many circumstances, with- cant agitation and an inability to respond
has also been associated with agitation out an adequate patient history, it may be appropriately to stimuli. An electroen-
and is considered a form of brain injury difficult to ascribe a cause for agitation. cephalogram (EEG) study may be useful
resulting from hypoperfusion. Likewise, Agitation can occur in patients who in the determination of diffuse encepha-
hyper- and especially hypoglycemia can develop significant ventilator desynchro- lopathy, but is rarely specifically diagnos-
promote severe agitation. Uremia and the nization. This is frequently caused by a tic. Nevertheless, in instances where pa-
presence of elevated levels of heavy met- poorly performing ventilator, with a delay tients have received significant amounts
als such as lead, mercury, and manganese in responding to the patient’s efforts at of neurodepressant drugs such as barbi-
also have been identified as causes of sig- spontaneous breathing. Patients who re- turates or benzodiazepines, the EEG may
nificant agitation in the critically ill pa- quire short- or long-term intubation may be a valuable diagnostic tool. Drastically
tient (4, 7). also develop agitation, because of the elevated blood pressure in an agitated pa-
Another cause of minor to severe agi- stimulus of the endotracheal tube itself. tient should alert clinicians to a suspicion
tation is brain injury, including closed Some intubated patients who are rela- of hypertensive encephalopathy, a condi-
head trauma and bleeds from a ruptured tively alert become frustrated by their tion requiring immediate control of

S100 Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 1 (Suppl.)

blood pressure as well as follow-up neu- and triphasic waveforms seen on the reaching decisions with respect to the
rologic and CT examinations to rule out EEG. Similar EEG changes can also be status of the patient, variables causing
an intracranial bleed. present in renal failure; however they are agitation, and intervention. The signs and
Obvious sources of pain, such as oper- not necessarily specific. Although pa- symptoms of agitation are fairly obvious.
ative procedures, are important causative tients with hepatic and renal failure may Descriptive terms commonly used in-
factors in the development of agitation. be agitated, they are usually not appro- clude restlessness; thrashing around in
However, other less overt causes should priately responsive (12). Furthermore, bed; pulling at catheters, tubes, and re-
not be overlooked—pain from chest control of agitation in these patients straints; overbreathing the ventilator;
tubes, bladder spasm (which can develop must be dealt with carefully because of and asynchrony with the current ventila-
from the placement of catheters for uri- altered metabolism and elimination of tor settings. Abnormalities in vital signs
nary drainage), or injuries that may have pharmaceutical agents. include tachycardia, tachypnea, and hy-
occurred at the time of trauma. Last to be mentioned in the enumer- pertension.
Patients with chronic pain syndromes, ation of differential diagnosis of agitation
such as low back pain, may become quite is nonclinical seizure activity, which may Scales and Tools to Monitor
uncomfortable when confined to one po- lead to significant degrees of agitation Agitation
sition in a hospital bed in the ICU. Ob- and may be difficult to differentiate from
taining an adequate history will assist in typical seizures. Usually, an EEG will be Patients in the ICU typically demon-
making this specific diagnosis. necessary to make the diagnosis. In pa- strate complex disease states with a rap-
Consequences of numerous drug in- tients who have suffered an anoxic injury, idly changing hemodynamic status, mak-
terventions— drug reactions, drug inter- a clonic seizure-like activity must also be ing their requirements for treatment of
actions, and drug withdrawal—increase differentiated from that which is second- agitation fluctuate over time. These con-
the incidence of agitation in the ICU (6). ary to hypoxic injury to the brain, and not stantly changing requirements foster the
The occurrence of undesirable drug– actually a seizure. need for bedside clinicians to reassess and
drug interactions should always be con- redefine the goals of therapy frequently.
sidered when multiple drugs are being MONITORING AGITATION AND The ideal scale or tool to monitor agita-
used for pain, anxiety, and other psycho- BEDSIDE DECISION MAKING tion in the ICU should therefore be sim-
biological issues. To diagnose an adverse ple to apply, yet describe clear graded
drug interaction, it is often necessary to Anxiety and agitation are common in changes between levels to allow titration
sequentially eliminate one or more the ICU. Despite the frequency of their of interventions depending on the condi-
agents, or in some cases all agents. Even occurrence in the acutely ill patient, a tion of the patient.
then, it may take several days for the clear definition, assessment strategy, or Numerous scales and tools to monitor
drugs and their metabolites to clear the treatment plan often remain unclear to the degree of agitation in clinical practice
patient’s system before a positive re- the bedside practitioner. Agitation is sub- are described in the literature. Most of
sponse can be seen. ject to interpretation by the individual these instruments attempt to evaluate a
Infections can lead to agitation, but clinician, thereby making it difficult to single item, such as level of conscious-
are more likely to manifest as increased objectify and monitor from caregiver to ness, at a single point in time. Others
lethargy, with the patient becoming less caregiver. Despite the proliferation of lit- combine level of consciousness with de-
responsive to stimuli and commands. erature in recent years, confusion still scriptive responses to interventions, such
One possible cause of infection in the ICU exists among physicians, nurses, and as mechanical ventilation. Unfortunately,
is direct bacterial or viral contamination other ICU staff with regard to a common there is no gold-standard method to eval-
of the cerebrospinal fluid. Endotoxin re- definition of agitation, its incidence and uate ICU patient response to agitation
lease from an ongoing illness may di- causes, the role of environmental factors, therapy (13). Despite the weaknesses of
rectly affect brain function. It has been the relationship to ICU LOS, and the role some of the monitoring tools, applying
demonstrated in patients with sepsis that of drugs and interventions being em- them to protocol-driven intervention
amino acid levels are commonly altered ployed in the ICU. Establishing a multi- plans has been shown to improve patient
both in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid. disciplinary standard of care for assess- outcomes, such as duration of mechani-
Furthermore, normal brain metabolism ing, treating, and monitoring agitation in cal ventilation and ICU LOS (14).
can be impaired in septic patients (7). the ICU is imperative for optimal patient The most commonly used scale in cur-
Because sepsis is frequently associated management and improved outcomes. rent literature is the Ramsay Sedation
with significant vasodilatation caused by Scale (15). The Ramsay scale identifies six
the release of nitric oxide, altered cere- Anxiety/Agitation Continuum levels of sedation ranging from frank ag-
bral perfusion may be an important itation to deep coma (see Table 2). De-
mechanism for abnormal brain metabo- In the critically ill patient, agitation spite its frequent use in research, the
lism. This problem must be viewed seri- can be described along a continuum of Ramsay scale exhibits shortcomings
ously, inasmuch as patients who develop continuously changing physiologic states when applied at the bedside of patients
septic encephalopathy appear to have with varying behaviors and responses, af- with complex problems. The six levels of
twice the mortality rate of other patients. fecting each patient differently within the sedation in the Ramsay scale are not mu-
Renal and hepatic failure may also severity and complexity of their condi- tually exclusive of one another; for exam-
lead to various levels of agitation and tion. For most ICU practitioners, a very ple, the patient may appear to be asleep
even somnolence. Diagnostic features of brief description or assessment by an ex- with a sluggish response to glabellar tap
hepatic failure include neurologic dys- perienced staff member at the bedside (Ramsay 5) yet restless and anxious
function with signs of encephalopathy can provide a wealth of information for (Ramsay 1).

Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 1 (Suppl.) S101

The Riker Sedation-Agitation Scale Table 2. Ramsay scale for assessing level
(SAS) was the first scale formally tested for of sedation
reliability and validity in the ICU (see Table
Level Response
3). The SAS identifies seven symmetrical
levels, ranging from dangerous agitation to 1 Patient awake and anxious, agitated, and/or restless
deep sedation. This scale provides descrip- 2 Patient awake, cooperative, accepting ventilation, oriented, and tranquil
tions of patient behavior in varying levels 3 Patient awake, responds to commands only
that assist the bedside practitioner in dis- 4 Patient asleep; brisk response to light glabellar tap or loud auditory stimulus
5 Patient asleep; sluggish response to light glabellar tap or loud auditory stimulus but does
tinguishing between the levels (2).
respond to painful stimulus
The Motor Activity Assessment Scale 6 Patient asleep, no response to light glabellar tap or loud auditory stimulus
(MAAS), which is similar in structure to
the SAS, uses patient behaviors to de-
scribe the different levels of agitation Table 3. Sedation-Agitation scale (2)
(16). The MAAS identifies seven levels
Score Diagnosis Description
ranging from unresponsive to danger-
ously agitated (see Table 4). 7 Dangerous agitation Pulling at endotracheal tube, trying to remove catheters,
The Confusion Assessment Method for climbing over bed rail, striking at staff, thrashing side to
ICU (CAM-ICU) described recently by Ely side
and colleagues (17) is being validated in 6 Very agitated Does not calm, despite frequent verbal reminding of limits,
critically ill patients with delirium (see Ta- requires physical restraints, bites endotracheal tube
ble 5). This tool for delirium has been 5 Agitated Anxious or mildly agitated, attempting to sit up, calms
tested in combination with a sedation scale down to verbal instructions
4 Calm and cooperative Calm, awakens easily, follows commands
or the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) for chal- 3 Sedated Difficult to arouse, awakens to verbal stimuli or gentle
lenging patients and found to be simple to shaking but drifts off again, follows simple commands
apply at the bedside, with inter-rater reli- 2 Very sedated Arouses to physical stimuli but does not communicate or
ability, sensitivity, and specificity. The ef- follow commands, may move spontaneously
fect on therapeutic intervention using this 1 Unarousable Minimal or no response to noxious stimuli, does not
scale is still being evaluated. communicate or follow commands
The development of noninvasive, ob-
jective monitors of brain function using Table 4. Motor Activity-Assessment scale (16)
EEG signals may lead to a more standard-
ized assessment of agitation and sedation. Score Description Definition
This objective monitor is especially help-
0 Unresponsive Does not move with noxious stimulus
ful in the deeply sedated patient receiving 1 Responsive only to noxious Opens eyes or raises eyebrows or turns head toward
neuromuscular blockade, as subjective stimuli stimulus or moves limbs with noxious stimulus
scales requiring patient input are not 2 Responsive to touch or name Opens eyes or raises eyebrows or turns head toward
valid. The Bispectral Index (BIS) provides stimulus or moves limbs when touched or name is
a discrete value from 100 (completely loudly spoken
awake state) to ⬍60 (deep sedation) and 3 Calm and cooperative No external stimulus is required to elicit movement,
ⱕ40 (deep hypnotic state or barbiturate and the patient is adjusting sheets or clothes
purposefully and follows commands
coma) by incorporating several EEG 4 Restless and cooperative No external stimulus is required to elicit movement,
components (18). Although the tech- and the patient is picking at sheets or clothes or
nique has been shown to be a valid and uncovering self and follows commands
reliable measure in the operating room 5 Agitated No external stimulus is required to elicit movement
(19), it has not been studied to any great and attempting to sit up or moves limbs out of bed
extent in the ICU. In one study designed and does not consistently follow commands
to determine whether BIS correlates with 6 Dangerously agitated, No external stimulus is required to elicit movement,
uncooperative and patient is pulling at tubes or catheters or
responses to commands during sedation
thrashing side to side or striking at staff or trying
and hypnosis induced by propofol, and to to climb out of bed and does not calm down when
compare BIS with targeted and measured asked
concentrations of propofol in predicting
participants’ responses to commands, 20
volunteers were given propofol infusions
and EEGs were recorded for off-line anal- needed for BIS or other objective moni- ture concerning this topic. Weinart et al.
ysis of BIS. The results showed that the toring tools before acceptance into clini- (21) conducted focus group interviews with
BIS is an accurate predictor of response cal practice (18). ICU nurses at two hospitals and described
to verbal commands during sedation and factors affecting nurses’ delivery of sedative
hypnosis with propofol. Accuracy was Bedside Decision-Making therapy. Key factors identified as impacting
maintained when propofol concentra- sedative therapy included nursing attitudes
tions were increased or decreased and Various factors and processes may influ- and beliefs about critical illness, family
when repeated measurements were made ence assessment and treatment practices in members’ perception of agitation, and
over time (20). Additional studies are the ICU. There is little in published litera- nurses’ workload and staffing ratios.

S102 Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 1 (Suppl.)

Table 5. Confusion assessment method for the intensive care unit (17)

Feature 1. Acute onset of mental status changes or fluctuating course

Is there evidence of an acute change in mental status from the baseline?
Did the (abnormal) behavior fluctuate during the past 24 hrs, that is, tend to come and go or increase and decrease in severity?
Did the sedation scale (e.g., Sedation-Agitation scale or Motor Activity-Assessment scale) or coma scale (Glasgow Coma scale) fluctuate in the past
24 hrs?
Feature 2. Inattention
Did the patient have difficulty focusing attention?
Is there a reduced ability to maintain and shift attention?
How does the patient score on the Attention Screening Examination, or ASE (i.e., visual component ASE tests the patient’s ability to pay attention
via recall of ten pictures; auditory component tests attention via having patient squeeze hands or nod whenever the letter “A” is called in a
random letter sequence)?
Feature 3. Disorganized thinking
If the patient is already extubated from the ventilator, determine whether the patient’s thinking is disorganized or incoherent, such as rambling or
irrelevant conversation, unclear or illogical flow of ideas, or unpredictable switching from subject to subject.
For those still on the ventilator, can the patient answer the following four questions correctly?
Will a stone float on water?
Are there fish in the sea?
Does 1 pound weigh more than 2 pounds?
Can you use a hammer to pound a nail?
Was the patient able to follow questions and commands throughout the assessment?
“Are you having any unclear thinking?”
“Hold up this many fingers” (examiner holds two fingers in front of patient).
“Now do the same thing with the other hand” (not repeating the number of fingers).
Feature 4. Altered level of consciousness
Any level of consciousness other than alert (e.g., vigilant, lethargic, stupor, or coma).
Alert: Normal, spontaneously fully aware of environment, interacts appropriately
Vigilant: Hyperalert
Lethargic: Drowsy but easily aroused, unaware of some elements in the environment, or not spontaneously interacting appropriately with
the interviewer; becomes fully aware and appropriately interactive when prodded minimally
Stupor: Difficult to arouse, unaware of some or all elements in the environment, or not spontaneously interacting with the interviewer;
becomes incompletely aware and inappropriately interactive when prodded strongly; can be aroused only by vigorous and
repeated stimuli and as soon as the stimulus ceases, stuporous subject lapses back into the unresponsive state
Coma: Unarousable, unaware of all elements in the environment, with no spontaneous interaction or awareness of the interviewer, so
that the interview is impossible even with maximal prodding

Patients are diagnosed with delirium if they have Features 1 and 2 as well as either Features 3 or 4.

Teaching bedside staff the critical de- mission or abuse of alcohol or illicit with suppression of rapid eye move-
cision-making skills necessary to opti- drugs. After exclusion of obvious causes ment. The exact etiology and patho-
mally manage agitation is an important of agitation, considerations with regard physiology of sleep disruption in the
responsibility of all critical care educa- to the hemodynamic stability of the pa- ICU remains unknown. Regardless of
tors. With respect to assessing the agi- tient will affect speed of bedside staff in- the cause, serious adverse effects are as-
tated patient, there are some simple con- tervention, and the determination of re- sociated with sleep deprivation, including
siderations that need to be made quickly quirements for immediate pharmacologic impaired immunity, impaired protein syn-
and effortlessly by every bedside care- therapy or, alternatively, whether non- thesis, respiratory abnormalities, and dis-
giver. One of the first things to be con- pharmacologic strategies may be appro- rupted thermoregulation. Patients in the
sidered is whether there is an underlying priate to treat agitation (8, 11, 22). ICU often consider sleep disruption to be
physiologic cause for the observed agita- Once the bedside staff has ruled out one of the most unpleasant aspects of their
tion symptoms. For example, disease- obvious causes and identified the severity illness (23).
related pain and hypoxemia are two com- of the agitation, considerations regarding Patient-specific goals for therapy can
mon causes of agitation in the ICU. optimal interventions can be made to en- be defined to ensure desired endpoints.
Interventions focused to correct the med- sure the best patient outcomes. Pharma- These goals are often linked to the in-
ical condition will therefore resolve the cologic agents such as benzodiazepines dications for therapy—for example,
agitation. Another factor to be considered or propofol are frequently administered treatment of anxiety or agitation, abol-
on initial assessment is the possibility of in the ICU to treat agitation; however, ishing discordance with the ventilator,
any ongoing therapy being the cause of most bedside caregivers also employ non- reducing oxygen consumption, or as an
the agitation. For example, the patient pharmacologic interventions. These in- adjunct to neuromuscular blocking
may be exhibiting a medication-related terventions include optimizing commu- agents.
side effect, a malfunctioning nasogastric nication with the patient, coaching the
tube causing feelings of nausea and agi- patient in relaxation techniques, reori- Establishing and Implementing
tation, or a blocked Foley catheter. Other enting the patient to the unit, reducing Sedation Guidelines and
initial considerations must include the environmental stimuli and noise, and Protocols
possibility that agitation may be a result providing psychosocial support (6). Crit-
of withdrawal symptoms from either ically ill patients exhibit severe sleep frag- The successful development and im-
medications administered before ICU ad- mentation and reduced restorative sleep plementation of sedation guidelines and

Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 1 (Suppl.) S103

protocols require multidisciplinary input to ensure that all individuals administer- ICU SEDATIVE PHARMACOLOGY
and additional training for all caregivers; ing sedation be qualified and have appro- UPDATE: A REVIEW OF
physicians and nurses need to agree on priate credentials to manage patients re- COMMONLY USED AND
monitoring scales and tools and then in- ceiving moderate or deep sedation. In EMERGING AGENTS
sure that these scales are used reliably these revised standards, the levels of se-
across disciplines and within units. It is dation have been defined by JCAHO as Analgesics and sedatives are mainstays
essential to determine specific details re- follows: of supportive patient care in the ICU.
garding the frequency of assessment, pre- Critically ill patients are frequently in
defined end points of therapy, and evalu- ● Minimal sedation is a drug-induced pain as a result of their medical condition
ation of patient outcomes. Forms and state during which patients respond or surgery; mechanical ventilation and
flow sheets currently in use at the bedside normally to verbal commands, al- environmental factors cause additional
can be used for developing documenta- though cognitive function and coordi- stresses. Delirium and other adverse ef-
tion systems. Using these documentation fects of the ICU stay necessitate the use of
nation may be impaired; ventilatory
systems to foster communication be- sedation to prevent or alleviate the agita-
and cardiovascular functions are unaf-
tween disciplines (e.g., nurse to physi- tion that commonly results. Analgesia is
cian) and within disciplines (shift to shift) important for the same reason: severe
● Moderate sedation is a drug-induced
assures uniformity of guidelines. Devel- pain is a frequent cause of agitation and
opment of drug administration guide- depression of consciousness during delirium.
lines that foster current pharmacologic/ which patients respond purposefully to It is generally recommended that pa-
pharmacokinetic recommendations and verbal commands, either alone or ac- tients in the ICU receive sufficient anal-
standards for acutely ill patients is en- companied by light tactile stimulation. gesia, usually with opiates, before seda-
couraged. No interventions are required to main- tives are administered. Traditionally,
Brook et al. (14) conducted a ran- tain a patent airway, and spontaneous benzodiazepines such as midazolam,
domized, controlled trial of patients in ventilation is adequate. Cardiovascular lorazepam, and diazepam have been used
a medical ICU that compared protocol- function is usually maintained. for sedation, whereas haloperidol has
directed with nonprotocol-directed se- ● Deep sedation is a drug-induced de- been used to treat delirium. More re-
dation administration. Patients in the pression of consciousness during cently, propofol has become a popular
protocol-directed group had less time which patients cannot be easily drug for ICU sedation; the introduction of
on mechanical ventilation, shorter ICU aroused but respond purposefully fol- emerging sedative agents, such as dexme-
LOS, and shorter hospital LOS, as well lowing repeated or painful stimulation. detomidine and potentially 2% propofol,
as decreased need for tracheostomy The ability to independently maintain will further broaden clinician options.
compared with those in the nonproto- ventilatory function may be impaired. The choice of an appropriate sedative
col-directed group. These results dem- Patients may require assistance in is often difficult, and depends on the in-
onstrate that using a multidisciplinary- maintaining a patent airway, and spon- dividual needs of the patient. For exam-
designed sedation protocol can improve taneous ventilation may be inadequate. ple, if rapid awakening to a state of alert-
patient outcomes and decrease overall Cardiovascular function is usually ness is required, as in the neurologic
cost. Other bedside strategies to opti- maintained. patient who requires frequent monitor-
mize outcomes in patients receiving ing, propofol is the preferred agent. For
therapy for agitation in the ICU include Verification of compliance with the long-term sedation, lorazepam is consid-
instituting daily reassessment and in- standard requires the institution to ered the drug of choice. Haloperidol is
terruptions of sedative infusions (23). provide monitoring standards and as- the preferred agent for delirium. It is
Daily interruption of sedative infusions sessment tools within its policies for essential that practitioners become famil-
was found to decrease duration of me- care. Institution-wide agreement re- iar with the properties and uses of these
chanical ventilation (4.9 days compared agents so that the patient is given the
garding the standard of care for seda-
with 7.3 days), decrease ICU LOS, and opportunity for the best outcome.
tion practice requires ensuring the
improve clinicians’ ability to perform Maintenance of adequate sedation is a
competency of all staff caring for pa-
daily neurologic examinations, there- key component of ICU care. Ventilatory
tients requiring sedation. Evidence of
fore reducing the need for diagnostic support frequently induces anxiety, pain,
studies to evaluate unexplained alter- multidisciplinary teaching strategies and asynchrony. Appropriate sedatives
ations in mental status. including sedation assessment parame- and analgesics can alleviate much of this
ters, documentation tools, and evalua- discomfort, and can lessen stress-induced
tion of patient outcomes is suggested increases in oxygen consumption. In pa-
throughout all areas of the institution tients with respiratory failure, the admin-
Regulatory Issues
in which sedation is administered istration of sedatives at appropriate doses
The Joint Commission on Accredita- (CAMH update, 3 August 2000: Compre- helps increase chest wall compliance, al-
tion of Healthcare Organizations hensive Accreditation Manual for Hos- lows the manipulation of inspiratory to
(JCAHO) reinforces the importance of ap- pitals, effective 1/1/01). Application of expiratory ratio and other variables, im-
propriate sedation in its revised Stan- the current critical care literature, in- proves oxygenation, and reduces desyn-
dards and Intents for Sedation and Anes- cluding the use of protocols, algo- chronized breathing (25, 26).
thesia Care, effective January 1, 2001 rithms, assessment tools, and delivery Alleviation of pain is an equally impor-
(24). Institutional compliance with these strategies, reinforces these regulatory tant component of care in the ICU. An
revised standards requires the institution standards. increased level of pain activates the sym-

S104 Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 1 (Suppl.)

pathetic nervous system, placing addi- updated to include an evaluation of the time and LOS were shorter in the post-
tional demands on the cardiovascular sys- literature published since 1994 compar- guidelines group, without a compromise
tem in critically ill patients. When pain is ing the use of sedatives and analgesics in in quality of care, and drug costs were
prolonged, it contributes to severe anxi- the ICU. Now known as Clinical Practice significantly reduced in the postguide-
ety and even delirium. The hypermeta- Guidelines, the 2001 guidelines recom- lines group. The costs of propofol when
bolic state after injury is exacerbated by mend that sedation of critically ill pa- given for 24 hrs or longer, for example,
pain, potentially leading to diminished tients be started only after provision of were $355.82 to $1,010.85 for the
immune function and impaired wound adequate analgesia and treatment of re- preguidelines group and $123.06 to
healing. Therefore, adequate analgesia is versible physiologic causes. For rapid se- $460.50 for the postguidelines group. To-
of essential importance in the manage- dation of acutely agitated patients, mida- tal sedation costs were reduced from
ment of these patients (27). zolam or diazepam should be used. $4,515 to $1,152 (p ⫽ .081) (33).
The primary goals of sedative therapy, Propofol is the preferred sedative when The Devlin study (34) was designed as
once a pain-free state is achieved, are rapid awakening (as for neurologic as- a before-and-after study in a 15-bed med-
anxiolysis, hypnosis, and amnesia. Not all sessment or extubation) is important ical-surgical ICU. Guidelines were devel-
sedative agents used in the ICU can (29). Midazolam is recommended for oped through a consensus of physicians,
achieve these goals, making the correct short-term use only, as it produces un- nurses, and pharmacists. Fifty patients
choice of a sedative of paramount impor- predictable awakening and/or time to ex- were evaluated before the guidelines were
tance. Similar plasma concentrations of a tubation when infusions continue for developed, and 50 were evaluated after
given sedative can have varied results in more than 48 –72 hrs. For intermittent iv the guidelines were implemented. The
different individuals with respect to drug doses or continuous infusion, the recom- guidelines promoted the use of loraz-
disposition and pharmacodynamic effect. mended drug for sedation in most pa- epam over midazolam, with propofol sug-
The doses of drug required for adequate tients is lorazepam (30, 31). Haloperidol gested for patients not successfully se-
sedation also change during the ICU stay is the preferred agent for the treatment of dated with high-dose lorazepam,
based on the nature and course of the delirium in critically ill patients (32). haloperidol, or morphine. Over the
disease, interaction of the sedative with Guidelines have been implemented to 2-month study period, there was no dif-
other pharmacologic agents, and the re- standardize care and lower costs, and an ference in the median weaning time for
sponse to therapy. No single depth of increasing number of hospitals have the two groups. Total sedation costs,
sedation or single sedative agent is appro- adopted them for use in ICU sedation. however, decreased from $4,515 in the
priate for all patients (27). Mascia et al. (33) and Devlin et al. (34) preguidelines group to $1,152 in the
Sedatives are not used only for seda- examined the impact of guidelines on postguidelines group (p ⫽ .081). The me-
tion in the ICU; other indications include costs and outcomes. dian per-patient sedation drug cost de-
management of drug withdrawal syn- Mascia et al. (33) performed a prospec- creased from $11.27 (range, $0 –1,340) in
dromes and treatment of seizures. Proper tive cost-effectiveness analysis. Tracking the preguidelines group to $3.55 (range,
use of these agents can enhance patient of 72 eligible baseline (preguidelines) pa- $0 –250) in the postguidelines group. The
comfort and safety, but, if inappropriately tients was followed by the development number of postguidelines patients receiv-
chosen or incorrectly administered, the and introduction of guidelines developed ing continuous infusions was signifi-
occurrence of side effects can lead to in- with multidisciplinary input, along with cantly less than preguidelines patients
creased morbidity, mortality, and costs an academic detail process to promote (14% vs. 56%, respectively; p ⬍ .05). Al-
(28) (Table 6). their use. Several months following the though it did not reach significance,
The practice parameters for intrave- introduction of these guidelines, a second there was a trend for fewer postguidelines
nous (iv) sedation in the ICU published in group of 84 follow-up (postguidelines) patients to receive neuromuscular block-
1995 by the American College of Critical patients was tracked. Both groups were ing agents in the ICU (4% vs. 8%). This
Care Medicine (ACCM) and the Society of similar with regard to number of regi- study demonstrated that high compliance
Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) have been mens and days of treatment. Ventilator with ICU sedation guidelines led to a 75%
decrease in sedation drug costs (34).

Table 6. Properties of an ideal sedative (29 –31) Opioids

Easily titratable level of adequate sedation Opioids are the primary agents used
Rapid onset of action for analgesia in the ICU. They are lipid-
Short acting, allowing patient assessment, easy weaning from mechanical ventilation, and early
soluble and bind to opiate receptors in
No adverse effects the central and peripheral nervous sys-
No nausea, vomiting, phlebitis tem. At low doses, opioids provide anal-
No anaphylaxis or allergic reaction gesia but not anxiolysis, whereas at
Minimal metabolism; not dependent on normal hepatic, renal, or pulmonary function higher doses they act as sedatives. All
No active or toxic metabolites
No suppression of cortisol production by the adrenal cortex
opioids share therapeutic properties but
No interactions or incompatibilities with other commonly prescribed intensive care unit drugs vary in potency and pharmacokinetics.
Ease of administration Morphine, but not fentanyl, induces hista-
Lack of accumulation with prolonged administration mine release, which results in hypotension.
Does not promote growth of pathogens Although opioids can be given by several
Cost effective
Easily prepared and long shelf-life routes, the iv method is preferred in the
ICU for reliable drug delivery. When given

Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 1 (Suppl.) S105

in iv therapeutic doses, opioids cause seda- sustained effect because of its short du- tem involve activity at ␥-aminobutyric
tion, in the sense of a clouded sensorium. ration of action (35, 38). acid (GABA) receptors. Potentiation of
They do not, however, possess amnestic Hydromorphone is a highly potent GABA-mediated transmission by benzodi-
properties (9, 35, 36). opioid with no active metabolites. Hydro- azepines is apparently responsible for the
Opioids are stereospecific agonists at en- morphone can be used during shortages somnolent, anxiolytic, and anticonvul-
dorphin receptor sites in the central ner- of fentanyl because it has no active me- sant actions, whereas the amnestic prop-
vous system and other tissues. Mu-1 recep- tabolites and does not cause clinically sig- erty seems to correlate with GABA ago-
tors are believed to mediate the supraspinal nificant histamine release. Remifentanil, nist activity in the limbic cortex (38). The
analgesic action of opioids, whereas ago- an extremely short-acting opioid analge- benzodiazepines currently used in the
nism at mu-2 receptor sites is thought to sic with a rapid onset of action, is rarely ICU setting are diazepam, lorazepam, and
produce side effects including ventilatory used in the ICU setting. Meperidine midazolam. The primary difference be-
depression, bradycardia, and physical addic- should be avoided in the ICU because of tween these agents relates to their phar-
tion. All drugs in this class primarily un- the neuroexcitatory properties of its me- macokinetics.
dergo hepatic metabolism. Aside from an- tabolite that accumulates in renal failure The liver extensively clears benzodiaz-
algesia, an important neurophysiologic (35, 39). epines. The effects of these drugs may be
effect of opioids is respiratory depression. The use of opioids is associated with prolonged in critically ill patients because
The respiratory rate, minute ventilation, undesirable side effects. Because all opi- of decreased metabolism or in the pres-
and the sensitivity of the medullary respi- oids produce respiratory depression, ence of severe liver disease. Because ben-
ratory center to CO2 all decrease after ad- weaning may be difficult in patients re- zodiazepines are sequestered in fat stores,
ministration of opioids (37). ceiving these agents. The incidence of prolonged sedation may occur with
Morphine sulfate is the prototypic opi- hypotension varies with the opioid and its chronic administration (37). The effects
oid and is the preferred opioid analgesic properties with respect to vasodilatation of benzodiazepines can be reversed by
in patients with stable hemodynamics. It and histamine release. Gastrointestinal flumazenil, a competitive antagonist with
has lower lipid solubility than does fen- side effects include slowing of gastroin- a rapid onset and relatively short dura-
tanyl; the result is a delayed onset of testinal motility; this can lead to ileus, tion of action in comparison with the
action. Morphine induces the release of gastric distention, nausea, and vomiting. prolonged effects of benzodiazepines
histamine, which increases the likelihood Naloxone, an opioid antagonist, is much
of hypotension secondary to vasodilata- shorter-acting than most opioids and is
Withdrawal syndromes are known to
tion (9, 39). A metabolite of morphine, the most widely used narcotic antagonist
occur after continued use of benzodiaz-
morphine-6-glucuronide, is excreted in in the ICU for reversal of side effects.
epines, and tachyphylaxis can develop
the urine and may accumulate in renal Dependence and withdrawal can be a
within hours to days. The latter requires
failure. The opiate activity of this metab- problem in patients receiving long-term
either dose escalation or use of another
olite is several times greater than that of opioid therapy in the ICU. Sudden dis-
sedative agent. After several weeks of con-
morphine, and its accumulation in pa- continuation of therapy to prepare a pa-
tinued use, the acute cessation of therapy
tients with renal failure has been re- tient for extubation may result in the
ported to prolong narcosis (37). development of withdrawal symptoms. can give rise to a syndrome that mani-
Fentanyl citrate, a synthetic narcotic Tapering the dose, while monitoring for fests as tremors, diaphoresis, photopho-
analgesic up to 100 times more potent signs of withdrawal, is recommended in bia, insomnia, abdominal discomfort, hy-
than morphine, is highly lipid-soluble all ICU patients who have been on long- pertension, and seizures (37).
and has a rapid onset of action because it term opioid therapy (9, 35). Diazepam is a long-acting lipophilic
quickly crosses the blood-brain barrier. benzodiazepine that rapidly penetrates
This drug has no active metabolites and is the central nervous system, so that seda-
Benzodiazepines tive effects are seen within 2–3 mins.
not associated with histamine release or
venodilating effects. Because of these The class of agents most widely used Although diazepam is no longer recom-
characteristics, fentanyl is the recom- for sedation in the ICU is the benzodiaz- mended for routine use in the ICU, there
mended opioid as second-line therapy in epines (see Table 7) (40). These drugs are reports of its use for long-term seda-
patients with unstable hemodynamics or provide anxiolysis and amnesia, but they tion in selected patients (32). This recom-
those who cannot tolerate the adverse have no analgesic properties. The two mendation is the result of a scheduled
effects of morphine. Fentanyl should be predominant mechanisms of action of intermittent dosing regimen that may
administered by continuous infusion for benzodiazepines within the nervous sys- easily lead to excessive and prolonged
sedation. Also, dilution is needed for con-
tinuous infusion, and this usually re-
Table 7. Pharmacokinetics of diazepam, lorazepam, midazolam, and propofol in healthy volunteers quires large volumes of fluid administra-
tion. Other disadvantages of diazepam are
Diazepam Lorazepam Midazolam Propofol
the common occurrence of pain and
Half-life (␣), min 30–66 3–20 6–15 2–3 thrombophlebitis when the drug is ad-
Half-life (␤), hrs 24–57 14 1.7–2.6a 0.5–1.0 ministered by peripheral vein injection
Volume of distribution, L/kg 0.7–1.7 1.14–1.3 1.1–1.7 5.4–7.8 (39). Diazepam has an active metabolite,
Clearance, mL/kg/min 0.24–0.53 1.05–1.1 6.4–11.1 26–29 dimethyl-diazepam, which is only slightly
Protein binding, % 96–99 86–93 97 98
Active metabolites Yes No Yes No less potent than diazepam and has an
elimination half-life of 96 hrs, longer
Up to 30 hrs in patients in the intensive care unit. Adapted from Young, 2000, Table 3. than that of the parent compound (37).

S106 Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 1 (Suppl.)

Lorazepam, an intermediate-acting Guidelines recommend midazolam for Propofol
benzodiazepine, is less lipophilic than di- rapid sedation of acutely agitated pa-
azepam and therefore has less potential tients. It is recommended for short-term Propofol is a sedative-hypnotic with
for accumulation. The drug is usually ad- use only, as it produces unpredictable no analgesic action (37); it has sedative,
ministered by intermittent iv injection, awakening and/or time to extubation hypnotic, and anxiolytic properties (39).
but continuous infusion may be used. when infusions continue for more than Other effects of propofol are bronchodi-
Because there is a slight delay in the 48 –72 hrs (32). lation, seizure suppression, muscle relax-
onset of action of lorazepam, it is accept- Midazolam exhibits dose-related hyp- ation, and possible anti-inflammatory
able to administer a single dose of a more notic, anxiolytic, amnestic, and anticon- and antiplatelet effects. Propofol is highly
rapidly acting benzodiazepine when vulsant actions. The drug also causes fat soluble, and hence is formulated in an
achievement of rapid sedation is neces- dose-related respiratory depression, and intralipid, a 1% emulsion containing
sary. Compared with midazolam, loraz- at large doses can cause hypotension and 10% soya bean oil, 2.25% glycerol, and
epam is longer acting, causes less hypo- vasodilatation. When midazolam is ad- 1.2% purified egg phosphatide (37). A 2%
tension, produces equally effective ministered as a continuous infusion, formulation of propofol is currently un-
anterograde amnesia, and, with pro- however, these effects are minimal (27). der Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
longed administration, produces more The drug is biotransformed to an active evaluation.
rapid awakening (39). The new Clinical metabolite in the liver that is not as po- After a single iv dose, the onset of
Practice Guidelines recommend loraz- tent and is shorter-lasting than the par- action of propofol is rapid (1–2 mins) and
epam for the sedation of most patients by ent compound. Because only small quan- its effect is brief (10 –15 mins) because of
intermittent iv doses or continuous infu- tities are formed during continuous rapid central nervous system penetration
sion (32). The drug has no active metab- infusion of midazolam, this metabolite and subsequent redistribution. Therefore,
olites and its metabolism is less affected does not contribute significantly to the propofol is administered only by contin-
by advanced age or liver dysfunction pharmacologic activity of the drug (ex- uous infusion when used for sedation.
compared with midazolam. Lorazepam is Long-term infusion results in accumula-
cept in patients with severe renal failure)
associated with a stable hemodynamic tion within lipid stores, so that there is a
(27). The metabolism of midazolam is
profile, even when opioids are concur- prolonged elimination phase with a half-
reduced when administered to patients
rently administered (41). It may, how- life of up to 300 –700 mins. However,
receiving cytochrome P-450 3A4 inhibi-
ever, be unstable in solution and can pre- subtherapeutic plasma concentrations of
tors such as erythromycin and flucon-
cipitate in iv catheters and tubing, the drug are maintained after discontin-
azole (43).
particularly if infusions last longer than uation because of rapid clearance, thus
Midazolam infusions for sedation have
12 hrs. This can add to the cost of ther- limiting the clinical significance of this
been compared with other benzodiaz-
apy. Propylene glycol toxicity, marked by half-life value (39). Although the mecha-
epines. In a prospective randomized
acidosis and renal failure, has occurred nism of action of propofol is still not
study, Pohlman et al. (44) compared the
with higher doses of lorazepam or pro- completely understood, the drug appears
efficacy of continuous infusions of mida- to activate the GABA-A receptor within
longed infusion of the drug (27). There
was recently a case report in Pharmaco- zolam (mean dose, 0.24 mg/kg/hr) and the central nervous system. Propofol al-
therapy of propylene glycol toxicity of lorazepam (mean dose, 0.06 mg/kg/hr) ters the sensorium in a dose-dependent
lorazepam in only 3 days in a patient with for sedation of mechanically ventilated manner, from light sedation to general
renal failure (first case in ⬍72 hrs of patients in a medical ICU. For both drugs, anesthesia. The drug is also a potent re-
therapy (42). the time to achieve sedation was often spiratory depressant, causing a reduction
Midazolam is a short-acting, water- prolonged, and higher doses than those in systemic vascular resistance and pos-
soluble benzodiazepine that is trans- reported in the literature were required sibly hypotension, especially when ad-
formed to a lipophilic compound in the to maintain sedation. Time to awakening ministered as a bolus. Parallel with its
blood. The drug rapidly penetrates the was occasionally delayed for more than action on the level of arousal, propofol
central nervous system to produce a 24 hrs after discontinuation of either in- decreases cerebral metabolism, which re-
short onset of sedation of 2–5 mins. Its fusion, and large volumes of fluid were sults in a coupled decline in cerebral
duration of effect is brief because it is needed to deliver the required doses. In blood flow and a decrease in intracranial
rapidly redistributed, a property that fa- addition, patients treated with midazo- pressure. Sedative infusion doses of this
vors continuous infusion for mainte- lam had a tendency to return more slowly agent typically result in minimal hemo-
nance of sedation (39). Use of midazolam to baseline mental status. There was dynamic alteration with no change in
for chronic sedation is limited because, in equally effective sedation and no differ- perfusion pressure as long as adequate
some patients, there is prolonged elimi- ence in other clinical variables. The rela- intravascular volume status is main-
nation half-life of up to 30 hrs and asso- tive potency of lorazepam was two to four tained (37).
ciated variability in the time of return to times greater than that of midazolam. Propofol is considered an ultra short-
consciousness after discontinuation; Despite a standard protocol for sedation acting agent for two reasons. Because it is
however, few adverse hemodynamic and in this study, the mean time to achieve highly lipophilic, the drug redistributes
respiratory effects are seen with the adequate sedation was 115 mins for the to fatty tissues to such an extent that its
short-term use of midazolam. To mini- entire study group, which the investiga- volume of distribution approaches 600 –
mize the incidence of withdrawal phe- tors suggest was the result of patient 800 L. Second, drug clearance is calcu-
nomena after long-term duration infu- dose-effect variability, poorly developed lated to be more than 1.5–2.0 L/min,
sions, the drug should be properly dosing guidelines, and the changing clin- exceeding hepatic blood flow and sug-
tapered (41). The new Clinical Practice ical condition of ICU patients. gesting possible extrahepatic metabo-

Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 1 (Suppl.) S107

lism. These kinetics result in a very rapid group showed a higher rate of therapeu- zolam in all three treatment groups, the
uptake and elimination from plasma with tic failure when cases of hypertriglyceri- longer ICU stay required with midazolam
little accumulation and a low likelihood demia were factored in. Neither differ- resulted in postsedation care costs higher
of delayed recovery from sedation. De- ence reached statistical significance. than the costs for the propofol group.
spite maintenance of propofol sedation Propofol infusion was also associated These findings indicate that propofol is a
for up to several days, recovery to an with an earlier extubation time than mi- sedative agent with equivalent safety yet
awake and responsive state after discon- dazolam, including not only the time to higher clinical effectiveness and better
tinuation of therapy occurs within 10 –15 awakening, but also time from the first cost-effectiveness ratio than midazolam
mins (37). The pharmacokinetics of T-bridge trial to extubation. in the continuous sedation of critically ill
propofol are not altered in patients with The same investigators conducted an- patients (61).
renal or hepatic disease (36). other study comparing propofol 2% and Although these studies indicate that
The use of propofol is not currently propofol 1% with respect to effectiveness the costs of sedation with propofol are
recommended for pediatric patients in and wake-up time required for prolonged lower than those with midazolam in the
the ICU because of reports of metabolic sedation. Results were then compared ICU, more studies of this type are needed
acidosis with accompanying lipemic se- with the results of the earlier study com- to further assess the true cost of these
rum, bradyarrhythmias, and fatal myo- paring propofol 1% and midazolam. Se- agents.
cardial failure; this occurred in patients dation with either propofol formulation A more consistent recovery rate was
being treated with excessively high doses was associated with a more rapid weaning seen with propofol than with midazolam.
(45). In adults, prolonged high-dose infu- time and more predictable wake-up than For infusions of ⬍4 days, propofol recov-
sion may also lead to cardiac failure (31, sedation with midazolam, although the ery time was often related to the duration
46). differences did not reach statistical sig- of sedation, whereas midazolam recovery
Several studies have compared mida- nificance. The cost-effectiveness profile of time was not. After discontinuation of the
zolam with propofol infusions for seda- both propofol concentrations was better drug, most of the patients receiving
tion in medical, surgical, and coronary than that of midazolam. Differences were propofol recovered in 1 hr or less,
ICUs (47–58). Both drugs are generally significant for up to 288 hrs of sedation whereas most of the patients receiving
safe and effective in the early postopera- for the propofol 1% group and up to 312 midazolam took from several hours to 10
tive period. Patients sedated with propo- hrs of sedation for the propofol 2%
days for similar recovery after deep seda-
fol infusions recover more rapidly, with group. The economic benefits of propofol
tion. Propofol has not been compared
less variability in recovery times, com- vs. midazolam were associated with
with lorazepam in a clinical trial. Such a
pared with patients sedated with midazo- shorter weaning time and shorter ICU
study, however, may be difficult to imple-
lam infusions. Furthermore, alterations stays, whereas the economic benefits of
ment inasmuch as propofol is used for
in the level of sedation are controlled propofol 2% were associated with re-
short-term sedation whereas lorazepam
more easily with propofol than with mi- duced frequency of hypertriglyceridemia
is used in the long term. Side effects
dazolam infusions. There is no difference compared with propofol 1% (60).
associated with propofol sedation include
in the quality of sedation. In patients Carrasco et al. (61), in another trial
treated with propofol, especially with a conducted in Spain, compared the effi- hypotension, which is more common
loading dose, there has been observed an cacy, safety, and cost of propofol and mi- with rapid dose escalation or iv bolus
increased incidence of hypotension com- dazolam for short-, medium-, and long- doses, bradycardia, and hypertriglyceride-
pared with midazolam, and therefore a term sedation of critically ill patients. mia, which appears to occur with higher
bolus is not recommended (41). In most The study randomized 88 patients to infusion rates (35).
of these studies, the time from drug dis- short-term (⬍24 hrs), medium-term (24 A new formulation, 2% propofol,
continuation to successful ventilator hrs to 7 days), and prolonged (⬎7 days) which is twice as concentrated as the
weaning was significantly shorter for pa- continuous sedation with propofol (n ⫽ available 1% formulation, is currently
tients receiving propofol. 46) or midazolam (n ⫽ 42). In the short- undergoing end-stage FDA review for use
Barrientos-Vega et al. (59) conducted term sedation subgroups, time to extuba- as a sedative in the ICU. The rationale for
an open-label, randomized, prospective, tion and time elapsed until normalization this new formulation is that, by doubling
phase IV clinical trial to evaluate the im- of the alertness level were significantly the concentration, the fat load will be
pact of prolonged sedation of critically ill shorter in patients treated with propofol reduced by half while maintaining the
patients with midazolam or propofol on (p ⬍ .05). In the medium-term sedation same sedative efficacy, thus lessening the
weaning and ICU costs, using a cost-of- subgroups, the average sedation time was likelihood of increased serum levels of
care approach. This trial, conducted in similar in both groups. Recovery time triglycerides. Ewart et al. (63) conducted
the medical and surgical ICU of a com- until extubation and time elapsed until a feasibility study comparing 2% propofol
munity hospital in Spain, included 108 reaching normal alertness levels were with the 1% formulation in 40 patients
patients requiring mechanical ventilation significantly shorter in patients infused (20 in each treatment group) undergoing
for at least 24 hrs. Although both drugs with propofol (p ⬍ .05). In the long-term mechanical ventilation in an ICU after
provided equivalent sedation, administra- sedation subgroups, the mean sedation coronary artery bypass surgery. No signif-
tion of propofol was associated with a time was similar in both subgroups, but icant differences in the amount of propo-
shorter weaning time than midazolam, recovery time until extubation and time fol used, the rate of infusion, and the
resulting in a more favorable economic elapsed to reach normal levels of alert- numbers of changes in infusion rate, re-
profile. The midazolam group showed a ness were significantly shorter in patients covery time, and time to extubation was
higher rate of patients exhibiting inade- in the propofol group. Although the cost found between the two formulations.
quate sedation, whereas the propofol of propofol was higher than that of mida- However, mean heart rates of patients

S108 Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 1 (Suppl.)

receiving 2% propofol were significantly this compound to bind cations. The Haloperidol
higher throughout the study. EDTA-containing formulation of propofol
A study conducted by McLeod et al. increases excretion of zinc, which can Haloperidol, a butyrophenone neuro-
(64) was designed to determine serum diminish the inflammatory response to leptic drug, is the agent of choice for
concentrations of lipids during infusion stress by decreasing the release of cyto- treatment of delirium in critically ill pa-
of 2% propofol for 50 hrs in 30 ventilated kines involved in inflammation, such as tients. Clinical effects are observed within
surgical, trauma, and medical patients in tumor necrosis factor, and generation of 30 – 60 mins after iv administration and
an ICU. The triglyceride concentration last for as long as 4 – 8 hrs. The usual
free radicals and other oxidants. How-
did not significantly increase over a 50-hr starting dosage is 2–10 mg iv, repeated
ever, the implications of these effects re-
period, and both mean cholesterol and every 2– 4 hrs (14). Most patients being
main to be determined (67, 68).
high-density lipoprotein levels were low. treated for ICU delirium require much
A generic formulation of propofol has
There was a direct correlation between larger doses of the drug than noncriti-
recently become available in the United cally-ill patients (11). Haloperidol does
triglyceride and C-reactive protein con- States. The major differences between the
centration, and an inverse correlation be- not cause major respiratory depression.
products are that the generic formulation The drug blocks dopaminergic transmis-
tween cholesterol and C-reactive protein,
contains a different preservative, sodium sion at postsynaptic receptor sites in the
which suggests that lipid changes in crit-
metabisulfite (0.025%), and has a lower central nervous system. Patients treated
ically ill patients may be in part related to
pH (4.5– 6.4) to maintain antibacterial ac- with haloperidol generally seem to be
the acute-phase response. The investiga-
tors suggest that, to avoid fat overload in tivity of the sulfite than does the EDTA more calm and are better able to make
critically ill patients, administration of formulation (0.005%), pH (7.0 – 8.5). appropriate responses (70).
additional lipids be adjusted to account Tests conducted by Redhead et al. (69) The adverse effects associated with
for the lipid content of propofol. Some compared characteristics of the two for- haloperidol include occasional hypoten-
studies show higher propofol require- mulations of propofol. Overall, important sion resulting from the ␣-blocking prop-
ments in first few days of sedation ther- differences were found between them, erties of the drug. Although rare with iv
apy with use of 2% propofol. The reason both with respect to physicochemical administration, haloperidol may cause
for this remains to be determined. characteristics and antimicrobial effec- extrapyramidal effects such as drowsi-
Within 1 yr of the introduction of tiveness. In one test, samples of each for- ness, lethargy, a fixed stare, rigidity, and
propofol in the United States in 1989, mulation were subjected to excessive akathisia. These symptoms are usually
reports appeared of clusters of infections shaking, a well-known test of emulsion mild and reversible with discontinuation
in surgical patients who had received stability. After 2 hrs of shaking the ge- of the drug (6, 71). High doses of the drug
propofol (65). This resulted in the inclu- neric formulation, the particle-size distri- are associated with QT interval prolonga-
sion of an additive to help retard growth bution of droplets had changed, and fur- tion and development of torsades de
of microorganisms. The additive, ethyl- ther changes were observed after an pointes. The QT interval should be mon-
enediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), at a additional 8 hrs of shaking. In contrast, itored closely, and administration of hal-
concentration of 0.005%, has no effect on propofol with EDTA underwent no operidol should be discontinued if the QT
the physical or chemical stability of the changes with 16 hrs of shaking. In a test interval is prolonged by more than 25%
emulsion components. In the 4 yrs since of stability, the samples were left exposed or is ⬎450 msecs (35). Rarely, a patient
the introduction of this modified propofol may experience neuroleptic malignant
to air for up to 48 hrs. The generic
preparation, clinical experience in more syndrome, a rare complication of halo-
product underwent a pH change of from
than 30 million patients in the United peridol therapy with a mortality rate of
6.3 to 4.2 and turned to a yellow color,
States has demonstrated a reduction in 20% to 30%. Neuroleptic malignant syn-
and degradation products were found
the incidence of fevers and infections drome develops slowly over 24 –72 hrs
by chemical analysis. Propofol with and can last for up to 10 days after dis-
from approximately 20 per year to essen- EDTA maintained a constant pH and
tially zero (66). EDTA is a chelator of continuation of the drug (72).
appearance, and no degradation prod-
various ions, including calcium. In a pro-
ucts were detected. Propofol with EDTA
spective, randomized, multicenter trial, Dexmedetomidine
slows the growth for at least 24 hrs of a
122 surgical ICU patients requiring ven-
wide range of microorganisms, includ-
tilation were treated with either the orig- Dexmedetomidine, a selective ␣-2 ad-
inal formulation of propofol or the mod- ing those most likely to be found in a renergic receptor agonist, exhibits sym-
ified formulation containing EDTA. The hospital. In this study, the effect of the patholytic, sedative, and analgesic effects,
EDTA-containing formulation had no ef- two formulations on killing of a wide and is eight times more potent for ␣-2
fect on calcium or magnesium homeosta- range of microorganisms was tested. receptor than clonidine. The drug has
sis, renal function, or sedation efficacy None of the microorganisms grew by been approved by the FDA as a short-term
compared with the original formulation. more than 1.0 log unit in 24 hrs in the sedative (⬍24 hrs) and analgesic in the
Of interest was the finding that patients EDTA emulsion, whereas, in the ge- critical care setting, specifically for use in
receiving the EDTA formulation had a neric product, one strain each of Esch- the early postoperative period (38).
significantly lower mortality rate at 7 and erichia coli and Candida albicans grew Dexmedetomidine acts at two adren-
28 days than those receiving the original by more than 1.0 log units in the same ergic sites. On the one hand, the drug
formulation, although this study was not time frame. Despite these differences, works by presynaptic activation of the ␣-2
designed to evaluate mortality as a pri- the FDA considers the two formulations adrenoceptor, thereby inhibiting the re-
mary end point (67). Other potential ef- to be bioequivalent and interchangeable lease of norepinephrine and terminating
fects of EDTA also relate to the ability of (i.e., AB rated). the propagation of pain signals. Also, by

Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 1 (Suppl.) S109

postsynaptic activation of these receptors conduction defects or lower cardiac out- renocortical responsivity to adrenocorti-
in the central nervous system, dexme- put (38). Appropriate patient selection is cotropic hormone stimulation. Two early
detomidine inhibits sympathetic activity of the greatest importance, as the hemo- studies by Grounds et al. (50) and
with a resultant decrease in blood pres- dynamic status of a patient may increase McMurray et al. (54) compared sedation
sure and heart rate. Together, these two the likelihood of adverse effects. ICU pa- with propofol and midazolam in 160 pa-
effects can produce sedation, anxiolysis, tients who have hypovolemia, bradycar- tients who had undergone coronary ar-
sympatholysis, and analgesia (73). dia, or low cardiac output should not be tery bypass surgery (CABS). The results
Dexmedetomidine has several advan- treated with dexmedetomidine (37). Al- of the trial indicated that propofol per-
tages for use as a sedative in the ICU. though dexmedetomidine may be initi- mitted a significantly faster time to extu-
Because the drug does not cause respira- ated with a loading infusion over 10 –20 bation than the other sedatives studied
tory depression, a patient can be extu- mins, therapy in some patients may begin (Figs. 1 and 2).
bated without prior discontinuation. Be- with a maintenance infusion that is then In another study by Roekaerts et al.
cause a dexmedetomidine infusion can be titrated to the desired effect. Dexmedeto- (76), continuous infusions of midazolam
continued during the postextubation pe- midine is a promising agent with multi- and propofol were compared after coro-
riod, the drug provides flexibility in the ple actions that reduces analgesic and nary artery surgery in 30 patients who
timing of extubation and may be useful other sedative requirements and pro- underwent deep sedation for a mean of 9
during the weaning process. Another ad- duces a cooperatively sedated patient. to 10 hrs. There was no difference in the
vantage of the drug is easy arousability of Proper patient selection may reduce the quality of sedation between the two treat-
treated patients—i.e., they can be calmly incidence of adverse drug events. ment groups, but patients treated with
and easily awakened (38). The adverse propofol had a faster recovery from deep
effects of dexmedetomidine include hypo- MANAGING SEDATIVE AGENTS sedation and faster weaning from the
tension, hypertension (with the loading IN COMMON ICU SETTINGS ventilator. Ostermann et al. (30) recently
dose), and bradycardia (74). published a systematic review of random-
Two randomized, double-blind, paral- The choice of a sedative for intubation, ized trials comparing sedatives in the ICU
lel, placebo-controlled, multicenter stud- maintenance of ventilation, and extuba- setting. Of eight trials that examined the
ies evaluated the safety and efficacy of tion profoundly influences outcome, both relative effectiveness of propofol and mi-
dexmedetomidine in mechanically venti- in terms of the patient and the economic dazolam for time to extubation in post-
lated patients. The starting dose and impact. Not all patients are candidates for cardiac surgery patients, five found that
maintenance infusion were titrated to a single sedative agent, and clinicians are this time was shorter for propofol than
achieve mild sedation with arousal to ver- faced with numerous choices when decid- for midazolam.
bal commands. In both studies, approxi- ing which sedative is appropriate for an Two large, prospective, randomized
mately 60% of patients in the dexmedeto- individual patient. Older agents, such as studies compared the efficacy and safety
midine group required no additional the benzodiazepines, are often the seda- of early and conventional extubation.
sedation. There were reductions in the tive of choice; but in recent years, many Cheng et al. (77) conducted a prospective,
need for supplemental propofol and mi- new sedatives have become available and randomized, controlled clinical trial,
dazolam of sevenfold and fourfold, re- they need to be thoroughly understood in evaluating morbidity outcomes and safety
spectively, compared with placebo recip- clinical settings. of a modified anesthetic technique to pro-
ients. In addition, dexmedetomidine vide shorter sedation and earlier extuba-
reduced the requirement for morphine by Sedation in Cardiac tion times (1– 6 hrs) than those of a con-
50% in both studies (38). Dexmedetomi- Postsurgical Patients ventional anesthetic protocol used for
dine may lack amnestic properties, how- prolonged sedation and extubation
ever, inasmuch as a small number of pa- The introduction of economic con- (12–22 hrs) in 120 patients after CABS.
tients who received the drug recalled straints has encouraged the minimiza- This trial demonstrated that early tra-
their ICU stay and found the experience tion of postoperative intensive care. This cheal extubation is safe in this patient
very stressful (73). Because elimination is minimization has stimulated interest in population and does not increase periop-
primarily hepatic, doses should be de- early extubation or “fast track” anesthesia erative cardiac, respiratory, hemody-
creased in patients with hepatic dysfunc- after cardiac surgery. Because many crit- namic, or sympathoadrenal morbidity.
tion. Pharmacodynamic responses may ical care nursing standards now require a The postextubation intrapulmonary
be altered in the presence of both hepatic 1:1 nurse-patient ratio for newly venti- shunt fraction was improved, and both
and renal dysfunction, although no dose lated postoperative patients, early extuba- the ICU and hospital LOS were reduced
adjustment is needed in renal dysfunc- tion may reduce nursing requirements or (Fig. 3).
tion (74). allow the patient to be transported to less In the early extubation group, anes-
Although promising as a sedative intensive care areas (75). thesia induction consisted of 15 ␮g/kg
agent with analgesic-sparing properties The choice of a sedative in this patient fentanyl ⫾ 50 mg thiopental. Anesthesia
in the ICU, dexmedetomidine needs to be population is a major determinant of out- was maintained with isoflurane before
studied further with respect to its prop- come. The appropriate agent would have surgery. A propofol infusion at 2– 6 mg/
erties as a sedative and its side-effect pro- rapid onset of action, speed and ease of kg/hr was commenced at the start of sur-
file, including studies longer than 24 hrs. dose titration, rapid recovery from seda- gery and maintained until 1– 4 hrs in the
For example, the amnestic properties of tion with fast weaning and short time to ICU. In the conventional extubation
the drug need to be better elucidated. extubation, hemodynamic stability dur- group, anesthesia induction consisted of
Also, inappropriate use of dexmedetomi- ing maintenance of sedation, and control 50 ␮g/kg fentanyl. A 0.1-mg/kg injection
dine might induce or aggravate cardiac of stress responses while maintaining ad- of midazolam was administered in the

S110 Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 1 (Suppl.)

“ICU psychosis.” This term for uncon-
trolled agitation is, however, inappropri-
ate and nonspecific (35). It was intro-
duced to underline the etiological
significance of psychosocial and psycho-
logical factors in understanding the syn-
drome (5). A more specific definition of
delirium is “an acute, reversible organic
mental syndrome with disorder of atten-
Figure 3. Time to tracheal extubation in 30 pa- Figure 4. Time to tracheal extubation in 50 pa- tion and cognitive function, increased or
tients sedated with propofol and 30 patients tients sedated with propofol and 50 patients decreased psychomotor activity, and a
treated with midazolam who received mechanical treated with midazolam who received mechanical disordered sleep-wake cycle.” The esti-
ventilation in an intensive care unit after cardiac ventilation in an intensive care unit after coro- mated prevalence of delirium in the ICU
surgery. ‡Range 5–7; §range 80 – 610; p ⬍ .001. nary revascularization. ‡Range 2.9 –19.1; §range is 15% to 40% and is escalating as a
73.6 –208.5; p ⬍ .001.
result of increases in the number of el-
prebypass period. Isoflurane was used as derly and more severely ill patients ad-
required during the perisurgical period. mitted to the ICU. In this setting, delir-
In the ICU, routine infusions of morphine established practices, the major modifica- ium contributes to increased morbidity
(2–10 mg/hr) and midazolam (1–3 mg/ tions required for early extubation should and is associated with a poorer prognosis
hr) were adjusted to achieve the same be thoroughly evaluated and should in- and a mortality rate of 10% to 33% (79).
degree of sedation as in the early extuba- clude postoperative intensive care man- Delirium is a consequence of a non-
tion group. Fifty-one of the 60 patients in agement. Through the use of an appro- specific central nervous system reaction
each group (85%) were extubated within priate anesthetic technique and to disruption of the internal environment
the defined time period. Postoperative ex- postoperative management, Silbert et al. that is necessary for normal function.
tubation time and ICU and hospital (75) demonstrated that early extubation Predisposing factors for delirium include
lengths of stay were significantly shorter can be achieved after CABS without ma- advanced age, underlying primary cere-
in the early extubation group. At 48 hrs jor complications. In a prospective, ran- bral illnesses such as dementia and Alz-
after operation, no significant difference domized, controlled trial, 100 patients heimer’s disease, and a history of alcohol
was found between the two groups in undergoing elective CABS were random- or substance abuse. Underlying chronic
postoperative myocardial ischemia inci- ized to early extubation or conventional systemic illness accentuated by metabolic
dence and ischemia burden, creatine ki- extubation. Those in the early extubation and hemodynamic instability, hypoxemia,
nase-MB levels, plasma catecholamine group received a reduced dose of fentanyl acidosis and electrolyte imbalances, se-
(all within the normal clinical range), (15 mg/kg) and an anesthetic compatible vere infections, and intracerebral abnor-
and ventilatory morbidity. Postextuba- with early extubation, whereas those ran- malities, such as brain tumors, can also
tion apnea characteristics and incidences domized to conventional extubation re- precipitate delirium. ICU-related factors
and degree of atelectasis were similar be- ceived fentanyl at a dose of 50 mg/kg. In contributing to the development of delir-
tween the groups. Intrapulmonary shunt the early extubation group, anesthesia ium include sleep deprivation, sensory
fraction improved significantly in the was augmented by administration of overload, lack of meaningful verbal or
early group at 4 hrs after extubation. propofol for induction and maintenance. cognitive stimulation, and immobiliza-
There was a similar incidence of treated The median time to extubation in the tion. Withdrawal of drugs such as opioids,
postoperative complications in the two early extubation group (240 mins) was sedatives, and several other pharmaco-
groups, but three patients in the conven- significantly less than that in the conven- logic agents can also contribute to the
tional extubation group died of stroke or tional extubation group (420 mins) (p ⬍ development of delirium (79). Among the
postoperative myocardial infarction (77). .01). Importantly, early extubation did more common causes of altered mental
In another randomized controlled not result in an increased rate of reintu- status in critically ill patients are adverse
trial conducted by the same investigators, bation, postoperative myocardial infarc- drug reactions and drug– drug interac-
the costs of therapy for early and late tion, or other complications. The authors tions. Numerous drugs, including those
extubation, and the time parameters for noted that, besides demonstrating that with anticholinergic properties, cardio-
ICU and hospital stay, were compared in early extubation is as safe as conventional vascular drugs, H2-receptor antagonists,
patients after CABS. Early extubation sig- extubation, there are several theoretical and antimicrobials all can be responsible
nificantly reduced the cost of coronary advantages of the technique, including for mental disturbances and delirium
ICU stay by 53% (p ⬍ .026) and the total earlier mobilization of the patient, de- (80).
cost of CABS by 25% (p ⬍ .019) when creased risk of nosocomial infection, bet- The differential diagnosis of delirium
compared with late extubation. In each ter pulmonary function and improved he- includes dementia, depression, and
group, 41 of 50 patients (82%) were ex- modynamics. They pointed out, however, schizophrenia. Dementia develops slowly
tubated within the defined period, and that it is not known if these “benefits” and is long lasting, whereas delirium has
both the ICU LOS and the overall hospital will prove significant in practice. an acute onset and recovery is almost
LOS were significantly lower for the early always complete. The hypoactive form of
extubation group (p ⫽ .046 and p ⫽ .015, Delirium in the ICU delirium may be mistaken for depression,
respectively) (78) (Fig. 4). but disorientation, which is common in
Because late extubation and conven- Delirium, a common disorder in ICU delirium, is not a feature of depression.
tional anesthesia for CABS are well- patients, has often been referred to as Acutely schizophrenic patients may seem

Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 1 (Suppl.) S111

confused, but examination reveals that change to a similar drug with less risk of and allow manipulation of inspiratory to
they do not have cognitive deficits. In delirium is advisable. Analgesics should expiratory ratio and other ventilator vari-
addition, schizophrenia is associated with also be given if the patient is experiencing ables to maximize oxygenation (84). If
auditory, rather than visual, hallucina- pain. Patients with delirium related to hypoxia caused by circulatory failure is
tions (79). alcohol or drug withdrawal may continue the indication for mechanical ventilation,
Two distinct clinical presentations of to be delirious even when their with- propofol or midazolam, which can affect
delirium have been observed. In hyperac- drawal symptoms are being adequately systemic vascular resistance, should be
tive delirium, patients are restless and treated. In these situations, neuroleptic carefully and slowly titrated. Respiratory
agitated; conversely, those with the hypo- agents should be added to the medica- failure developing from other causes of
active variant exhibit decreased con- tions specified in a withdrawal protocol hypoxia is not exacerbated in the sedated
sciousness and psychomotor activity. A (81). patient if care is taken to insure proper
mixture of hyperactive and hypoactive de- ventilation with appropriate delivery of
lirium is also seen in some patients (79). Respiratory Failure and Patient- oxygen concentration. In addition to its
An interesting characteristic of delirium Ventilator Asynchrony sedative properties, propofol, in contrast
is that the behavior of the patient can to other agents used for sedation, may be
change dramatically within hours or even Patients undergoing mechanical ven- beneficial to patients with severe air flow
minutes. Drowsiness and lethargy can tilation are likely to breathe out of syn- obstruction; studies have demonstrated
change to alertness and lucidity for a chronization with the ventilator when ag- that this agent reduces pulmonary resis-
time, and then can quickly change to itation resulting from fear and anxiety tance in ventilated chronic obstructive
agitation and aggression (81). causes tachypnea (26). Changes in the lung disease patients (26).
The delirious patient sometimes in- patient’s respiratory status and the devel-
correctly perceives the environment as opment of asynchrony between the pa- Sedation During Weaning from
hostile or threatening. The patient may tient and the ventilator may also repre- Mechanical Ventilation
attempt to escape, necessitating the use sent a possible emergency situation.
of physical or chemical restraints, or may “Fighting” or “bucking” the ventilator de- Managing agitation and pain in me-
try to assault staff and visitors. There is scribes the presence of agitation and re- chanically ventilated patients who are
also an increased risk of self-harm result- spiratory distress in the ventilated pa- ready for weaning requires a thorough
ing from unintentional dislodgment of tient. Because agitation leads to an understanding of the available pharmaco-
critical life-support and monitoring increase in CO2 and lactic acid produc- logic agents, because their manifesta-
equipment. Such a situation often pro- tion, life-threatening respiratory and tions can profoundly influence the out-
longs the length of an ICU stay, necessi- metabolic acidosis may occur. This de- come of weaning. It is now well known
tates further invasive treatment, and synchronization between efforts of inspi- that patients being weaned from mechan-
increases the risk of additional complica- ration and their rhythm with the ventila- ical ventilation require appropriate seda-
tions. Also important to note is that, be- tor can result in ineffective oxygen tion for a successful outcome with re-
cause of the impairment of short-term delivery and CO2 elimination. Some of spect to extubation and release from the
memory associated with delirium, a pa- the signs of respiratory distress are tachy- ICU. The stresses of the ICU environ-
tient may not even remember an episode pnea, diaphoresis, and cardiovascular ab- ment, including bright or flashing lights,
of delirium once it has subsided (79). normalities (82). alarms, hectic pace, and exposure to un-
If a patient exhibits unsafe behavior, There are numerous possible causes of familiar personnel, often lead to anxiety
insomnia, hallucinations, delusions, agi- sudden respiratory distress. Ventilator- and agitation. In addition, sleep disrup-
tation, or psychomotor hyperactivity, related causes include improper setting tion, undergoing numerous tests and
pharmacologic therapy should be consid- of the ventilator and malfunctions of the procedures, immobility for extended time
ered (14). In most ICUs, a neuroleptic equipment. Causes related to the airway periods, and physical restraints all fur-
agent is the recommended medication for include malposition of the endotracheal ther necessitate the need for sedation
treatment of delirium resulting from tube, cuff problems, endotracheal ob- (71).
causes other than withdrawal. Haloperi- struction, and airway trauma from tra- Nonpharmacologic intervention at the
dol is generally the neuroleptic agent of cheostomy tubes. Patient-ventilator asyn- time of weaning may relieve mild anxiety.
choice because, in addition to its efficacy, chrony may be caused by inappropriate Such interventions include changing the
this drug has few anticholinergic and hy- ventilator selection or settings, inade- environment, using relaxation tech-
potensive effects. Other agents that are quate FIO2 or positive end-expiratory niques, reassuring the patient, and pro-
often used to sedate patients and enhance pressure level, and ventilatory rate. Fi- viding adequate rest and psychological
sleep—including benzodiazepines, anti- nally, causes related to the patient in- support. However, for patients who do
histamines, and hypnotics— usually clude abnormalities in the airway, lung not respond to these interventions, phar-
worsen delirium (81). Nevertheless, ben- parenchyma, and pleural space, as well as macologic therapy should be instituted,
zodiazepines are occasionally given in cardiovascular dysfunction and altered and sedatives should be given on a regu-
combination with haloperidol, which al- ventilatory drive (83). larly scheduled basis to promote stable
lows for the use of smaller and safer dos- Appropriate sedation is especially im- blood levels (71).
ages of either agent alone (79). Doses of portant in patients with respiratory fail- Agents that can contribute to signifi-
medications used to treat a patient’s pri- ure. When sufficient doses are adminis- cant respiratory depression should be
mary condition should be reduced or dis- tered, sedatives can diminish patient avoided when a patient is being weaned
continued if they contribute to delirium. struggle against mechanically supported from mechanical ventilation. Opioids and
If the drug cannot be discontinued, a breaths, improve chest wall compliance, benzodiazepines should not be used or, if

S112 Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 1 (Suppl.)

the patient is already being treated with score. Sedation with propofol was associ- USING SEDATIVE AGENTS IN
these agents, they should be discontinued ated with a shorter time to tracheal ex- SPECIAL ICU CIRCUMSTANCES
or reduced during the weaning process. tubation than sedation with midazolam,
However, because patients often become but there was either no difference in the The care of patients in the ICU is
more highly anxious during weaning, time to ICU discharge or a prolonged highly challenging, not least because of
there is a real need for sedation. Haloper- time for the propofol group. The authors differences between patients that can sig-
idol, a neuroleptic, is often employed dur- speculated that this difference with re- nificantly affect the outcome of manage-
ing the weaning process because it does spect to time to discharge from the ICU ment. Age, personal characteristics, un-
not produce respiratory depression. might be accounted for by a delay in derlying disease, and the nature of the
Propofol is another useful drug for seda- patient transfer secondary to systematic insult leading to admission to the ICU all
tion during the weaning process because, handling of the patients or, alternatively, profoundly affect the decision-making
compared with benzodiazepines, it has a patients in the propofol group may have process for patient management. Seda-
quick onset and short duration of action, required more ICU care for other critical tion is a key part of treatment in the ICU;
thereby reducing the time needed for re- illnesses. patients adapt more easily to intubation
covery of spontaneous respiration (85). Walder et al. (86) conducted a system- and mechanical ventilation when they re-
Several studies have attempted cost- atic review of 27 randomized trials to ceive the appropriate sedative and pain
benefit analyses by comparing propofol establish the efficacy and harm of propo- medication. Sedation must be individual-
and midazolam for sedation in patients fol vs. midazolam in mechanically venti- ized to the patient. Benzodiazepines may
receiving mechanical ventilation in the be appropriate for one patient, whereas
lated patients. In 13 trials, mostly post-
ICU. In a study by Carrasco et al. (61), propofol may be preferred for another.
operative, sedation lasted from 4 to 35
critically ill patients were allocated to re- Following is a discussion of some of the
hrs. In nine of these trials, the average
ceive short-term (7 days) continuous se- special groups of patients who require a
weaning time from ventilation was 0.8 –
dation with either midazolam or propo- specific approach to sedation—alcohol
4.3 hrs with propofol and 1.5–7.2 hrs
fol. Propofol was more expensive than and drug abusers experiencing with-
with midazolam. There was a relatively
midazolam, but there was a cost savings drawal symptoms when confined to the
shorter weaning time with propofol in six
of approximately $18 per patient in the ICU, patients with status asthmaticus, pa-
trials and with midazolam in one trial; in
propofol group that was attributable to a tients undergoing end-of-life terminal
one trial, the time was equivalent for the weaning, pregnant women, patients un-
shorter ICU stay. Barrientos-Vega et al.
two drugs. Across all trials, the adequacy dergoing endotracheal intubation, and
(59), in an open-label, randomized, pro-
of sedation with propofol was longer than traumatic head injury patients.
spective trial, compared the effectiveness
with midazolam. The authors suggested Many critically ill patients fall into
of sedation, time required for weaning,
that propofol, because of its rapid redis- special clinical situations that must be
and costs of prolonged sedation of criti-
tribution compared with midazolam, may taken into consideration when instituting
cally ill patients undergoing mechanical
be advantageous when frequent dose ad- sedation. The critical care practitioner is
ventilation for more than 24 hrs with
justments are required, such as in agi- frequently challenged in the ICU by the
midazolam or propofol. Midazolam and
propofol were equally effective as sedative tated patients. There was also strong ev- inability to quickly and easily diagnose
agents. Despite large differences in the idence that weaning times were shorter situations, such as drug or alcohol with-
cost of the two agents for sedation, the after sedation for ⱕ36 hrs with propofol. drawal, that may interfere with the in-
economic profile was more favorable for In an interesting approach to improv- duction of sedation. Withdrawal syn-
propofol than for midazolam because of ing on the sedative effects of both mida- dromes in individuals with a history of
the shorter weaning time for patients re- zolam and propofol, and to take advan- heavy alcohol and benzodiazepine use
ceiving propofol. On average, the mida- tage of the best features of each drug, have historically been associated with
zolam group required ⬎4 days to awaken studies have been conducted to evaluate high rates of morbidity and mortality.
and wean from mechanical ventilatory their combined use. The interaction be-
support once the infusion was termi- tween propofol and midazolam is syner-
Alcohol Withdrawal
nated, whereas the propofol group aver- gistic rather than simply additive, as
aged 35 hrs (p ⬍ .0001). demonstrated in a prospective, con- Delirium tremens is the most serious
In a multicenter, randomized, open- trolled, randomized, double-blind trial manifestation of the alcohol withdrawal
label trial, Hall et al. (51) compared conducted by Carrasco et al (61). The spectrum. It is seen in approximately 5%
propofol and midazolam, given for differ- combination of the two agents was com- of hospitalized patients with a history of
ent durations of time, on extubation time pared with each agent alone in post-CABS alcohol abuse, and has a mortality rate
and LOS in the ICU in 99 evaluable crit- patients. Combined therapy was equally ranging from 1% to 15% (64). With-
ically ill patients (53 in the midazolam as effective as either agent alone and was drawal symptoms can progress over a pe-
group and 46 in the propofol group) in associated with rapid awakening and ex- riod of 24 –72 hrs to delirium tremens, a
four different types of ICUs. After admis- tubation, reduction in overall sedative condition marked by agitation, tremor,
sion to the ICU, physicians assessed dosage, and resultant lower pharmaceu- and an acute state of confusion associated
whether patients would require sedation tical acquisition cost. This study high- with disorientation, hallucinations, and
for short-term (ⱕ24 hrs), medium-term lights an interesting and potentially use- autonomic hyperactivity. Whenever pos-
(⬎24 hrs and ⬍72 hrs), or long-term ful drug interaction between midazolam sible, treatment of alcohol withdrawal
(ⱖ72 hrs) mechanical ventilation. The and propofol and offers a promising area should be initiated before the onset of
dose of each drug was adjusted to achieve of investigation for future studies of ICU agitated delirium. Patients with worsen-
a daily-targeted Ramsay Sedation Scale sedation (27). ing conditions and those with concomi-

Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 1 (Suppl.) S113

tant medical problems require admission limited data available supporting its use compounding the difficulties inherent in
to the ICU. Here, control of seizures, in nonintubated patients (35). managing this patient population (81).
maintenance of hemodynamic stability, With the exception of a few case re- Withdrawal from benzodiazepines in
arrhythmia management, airway protec- ports, there have been limited studies of the ICU includes an abstinence syn-
tion, and correction of nutritional and propofol for treatment of patients with drome, which is marked by anxiety, fear,
metabolic deficiencies are facilitated with delirium tremens in the ICU setting (87, confusion, and agitation. In addition, the
initiation of pharmacologic therapy for 88). There are, however, several proper- possibility of tachycardia and panic at-
withdrawal (37). ties of propofol, including less cross- tacks may occur as the patient emerges
Once heavy alcohol use has been iden- tolerance than traditional benzodiaz- from sedation. Severe withdrawal symp-
tified, proper prophylaxis should be insti- epines, ease of titratability, and a rapid toms, including refractory seizures, may
tuted, both by maintaining optimal elec- metabolic clearance, that make it a prom- be seen when benzodiazepines are dis-
trolyte levels through potassium, ising drug for sedation in patients with continued in critically ill patients who
magnesium and phosphorous replace- severe alcohol withdrawal and delirium had been receiving treatment with these
ment, and by administration of thiamine, tremens. Like alcohol, propofol affects agents before their hospital admission.
vitamin B12, and folate together with an both the GABA-A and glutamate recep- Treatment with a benzodiazepine such as
appropriate sedative. The most important tors (87). oral lorazepam is appropriate for absti-
pharmacologic treatment is use of agents nence or withdrawal symptoms, with
that are cross-tolerant with alcohol, slow tapering of the dose. Intravenous
thereby providing prophylaxis against sei- Other Withdrawal and agents such as lorazepam or midazolam
zures and relieving the frequently intense Intoxication Syndromes can be used in intubated patients.
agitation, hallucinosis, and tremulous- Clonidine and beta-adrenergic blockers
ness. Although treatment with alcohol is Another complicating factor in the can be administered to modify symptoms
effective and can be intravenously ti- management of ICU patients is the pres- and improve tolerance to benzodiazepine
trated, such treatment is not addressed in ence of symptoms related to either the withdrawal (89).
most reviews and has not been well stud- withdrawal of drugs or drug intoxication Narcotic withdrawal is common in pa-
ied in clinical trials. The short duration of resulting from adverse effects, or drug– tients receiving long-term therapy with
action of ethanol requires prolonged ad- drug interactions. These symptoms may opioids for palliative care of cancer or
ministration and does not always elimi- arise with drugs used therapeutically in chronic pain syndromes, as well as in
nate the need for additional therapy. The the ICU, or with licit or illicit drugs that patients with a history of narcotic abuse.
most widely administered pharmacologic the patient used before hospital admis- Replacement of the narcotic with contin-
agents for the treatment of alcohol with- sion. uous infusions of fentanyl or morphine
drawal are benzodiazepines (37). Withdrawal syndromes are a frequent sulfate, or administration of methadone,
Alcohol ingestion affects many regula- occurrence in the ICU, especially in ur- is commonly used in the ICU.
tory systems; among the consequences ban locations, because 36% of intentional Cocaine, a sympathetic-stimulating
are an increase in the release of endoge- injury victims are drug-dependent. With- drug, increases the release of presynaptic
nous opiates, activation of the GABA-A drawal syndromes confuse the clinical norepinephrine and blocks its reuptake.
receptor, inhibition of the N-methyl-D- management of such patients and may be This action causes various cardiopul-
aspartate (NMDA) receptor, and interac- extremely difficult to diagnose. These monary and neuropsychiatric effects in-
tions with serotonin and dopamine recep- syndromes are often lethal, and prophy- cluding tachycardia, hypertension, respi-
tors. Chronic exposure to the inhibitory lactic measures should be taken to pre- ratory depression, anxiety, tremor,
GABA-A and excitatory NMDA receptors vent their emergence in all patients iden- seizures, and hyperthermia (90). When
is believed to play a role in the pathogen- tified at risk. Therefore, it is safe to initiating sedation in patients who are in
esis of alcohol withdrawal. The long-term consider all ICU patients to be at high a hypercatecholaminic state, it is impor-
effects of alcohol on the number and risk for drug or alcohol dependence un- tant to determine both the patient’s his-
function of central nervous system recep- less proven otherwise. Where there is tory of cocaine use and evidence of with-
tors cause excessive central nervous sys- doubt, patients should be tested for evi- drawal symptoms. Benzodiazepines are
tem excitability during periods of absti- dence of drugs and interviewed together commonly used for sedation of patients
nence, resulting in the signs and with family members for the presence of with suspected or known cocaine abuse
symptoms of delirium tremens (87). drug- dependence traits. Appropriate pa- and, although propofol has occasionally
Treating alcohol withdrawal usually tients should be referred for formal eval- been administered, its use for sedation
includes the substitution of an agent with uation and treatment once they have of cocaine abusers is not strongly sup-
effects on the GABA-A receptor. Because been stabilized. Withdrawal syndromes ported in the literature. The hypercat-
benzodiazepines potentiate this neuro- must be promptly recognized, differenti- echolamine state must also be treated in
transmitter, they have been successfully ated from traumatic or metabolic deteri- these patients; both ␣- and ␤-blockers
used to reduce the signs and symptoms of oration, and treated. The mainstay of have been used successfully. In addition,
withdrawal. Barbiturates are not recom- most withdrawal therapy is supportive all patients suspected of a withdrawal
mended because they have a narrow ther- care and treatment with the appropriate syndrome should be rapidly evaluated for
apeutic index, and haloperidol is less ef- sedative (i.e., benzodiazepines or propo- other physiologic causes such as hypox-
fective in preventing delirium and fol). In consideration of the high rate of emia, hypercarbia, or electrolyte abnor-
seizures. Propofol may be an alternative multiple intoxicants present in trauma malities.
to benzodiazepines for controlling alco- patients, withdrawal can occur from mul- Padula and Willey (91) examined the
hol withdrawal symptoms, but there is tiple agents in a single patient, further hypothesis that smokers undergoing

S114 Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 1 (Suppl.)

forced abstinence from tobacco in a car- prolonged ventilator use, ICU and hospi- required to relieve symptoms because of
diac ICU would be more anxious than tal stays. Other agents with bronchodila- previous drug exposure, level of toler-
nonsmoking patients and exhibit more tor properties such as ketamine and halo- ance, drug metabolism, and degree of
withdrawal symptoms. There were 16 thane have undesirable side effects (93). A awareness. Occasionally, opioid-tolerant
smokers and 17 nonsmokers enrolled in potential problem with the use of propo- patients require higher doses of mor-
the study. The investigators evaluated fol is that high doses are required to elicit phine (94). When choosing a sedative, it
two types of anxiety, state anxiety (a mea- a smooth muscle relaxant effect, raising is necessary to balance the beneficial ef-
sure of situational anxiety) and trait anx- concern about hypotension as an adverse fects in terms of patient comfort with
iety (a measure of general anxiety). The effect. Little is known about whether possible toxic effects that may adversely
presence of withdrawal symptoms was bronchodilation occurs at standard doses affect the respiratory or cardiovascular
based on patient perception of increased of the drug. However, in patients under- state of the patient, thereby increasing
heart rate, degree of calmness, and de- going mechanical ventilation who are the discomfort level and possibly causing
gree of restlessness. The results of the showing high peak pressures and severe premature death.
study indicated that smokers exhibited bronchospasm, the use of propofol in ad- Wilson et al. (95) conducted a study to
significantly higher trait anxiety com- dition to standard therapy for bronchos- determine why and how sedatives and
pared with nonsmokers, but there was no pasm may have additional benefits. analgesics are ordered and administered
difference in state anxiety between the Terminal Weaning. In recent years, during the withholding and withdrawal of
groups. Neither group reported physical there has been a greater awareness of the life support. In a total of 22 critically ill
withdrawal symptoms, but smokers expe- importance of providing maximum com- patients from each of two ICUs, they
rienced more psychological withdrawal fort to terminally ill patients who are found that large doses of sedatives and
symptoms than nonsmokers on the first being weaned from mechanical ventila- analgesics were ordered primarily for re-
day after admission. Reversal of symp- tion. In this context, patient comfort is lief of pain and suffering during the with-
toms can be achieved by using nicotine directly related to the choice of sedative. holding and withdrawal of life support,
patches, which are commonly used in The management of patients undergo- and that the time to death was not de-
patients with multiple traumas. ing end-of-life care in the ICU includes, creased by drug administration. The
in many cases, terminal weaning from study found that, after the initiation of
Status Asthmaticus mechanical ventilation. Of prime impor- the withholding or withdrawal of life sup-
tance is that critical care practitioners port, the median time until death was 3.5
Patients presenting with status asth- provide quality end-of-life care. Once the hrs in patients receiving drugs and 1.3
maticus, or severe asthma that is unre- patient, the family, and the primary-care hrs in those not receiving drugs. The
sponsive to standard therapy, usually re- physician have made the decision, the reasons for drug administration were to
quire mechanical ventilation and attending physicians in the ICU are re- decrease pain (88% of patients), anxiety
sedation until respiratory function im- sponsible for providing the patient a com- (85% of patients), and air hunger (76% of
proves. Benzodiazepines are the most fortable, anxiety-free withdrawal from patients); to comfort families (82% of pa-
commonly used sedative in these pa- mechanical ventilation. tients); and to hasten death (39%), al-
tients. Propofol may be most appropriate When a decision to forgo treatment is though hastening death was never the
for asthmatic patients inasmuch as it has made, the focus should be on specifying only reason cited. Not surprisingly, sig-
recently been shown to have substantial the goals of patient care and assessing nificantly lower amounts of benzodiaz-
bronchodilatory properties at high doses treatments in light of these goals. The epines and opiates were given in the 24
not demonstrated with other sedatives or use of appropriate palliative measures can hrs before withholding and withdrawal of
analgesics (26). These bronchodilatory nearly always control symptoms accom- life support than were given after with-
properties were demonstrated in a study panying withdrawal of life support. After drawal was initiated.
showing that propofol reduces pulmo- ICU interventions are discontinued, pa- In a Canadian retrospective cohort
nary resistance (decreases in airway resis- tient comfort becomes the most impor- study, Hall et al. (96) compared the use of
tance and intrinsic positive end-expira- tant objective. This must be assessed fre- sedation and pain relief to prevent and
tory pressure) in patients with chronic quently, and signs of discomfort should treat discomfort during the dying process
obstructive pulmonary disease who were be treated with adequate doses of seda- in the end-of-life care of ICU patients who
undergoing mechanical ventilation (92). tives and opioids. If terminal weaning is were or were not withdrawn from life
Other clinical studies have shown a sim- chosen, a limited time course should be support. In the final 12 hrs of life, there
ilar effect of propofol in patients with agreed on to prevent prolongation of the was a wide variability (greater than ten-
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease dying process (94). fold) among physicians in the two ICUs
(93). Propofol containing EDTA is com- Dyspnea and anxiety should be antic- studied with respect to prescribed doses
monly used in patients at risk of status ipated when ventilator support is with- of morphine and sedative agents, whether
asthmaticus for its bronchodilatory prop- drawn. Opioids and benzodiazepines or or not life support was withheld or with-
erties and its lack of a trigger in extrinsic propofol have become the drugs of choice drawn. Diazepam and midazolam were
asthma or in patients with sulfite intol- to treat dyspnea and anxiety or agitation, used more frequently than lorazepam or
erance (26). respectively. These agents should be im- propofol. Doses of morphine and loraz-
Benzodiazepines have no intrinsic mediately available and titrated to effect, epam were fivefold higher in patients
bronchodilating properties, and pro- but may also be given before ventilator from whom life support was withdrawn in
longed effects from continuous infusion withdrawal to prevent anticipated symp- comparison with patients for whom life
of these agents have been associated with toms and signs of distress from occur- support was continued. The amount of
an increase in complications as well as ring. There is wide variation in the doses morphine used in patients withdrawn

Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 1 (Suppl.) S115

from life support increased over the 12-hr make the patient comfortable rapidly volume status and hemodynamic re-
period and particularly in the final 4 hrs while managing the airway. When choos- serve of the patient (37).
of life. Similar results were noted for the ing the most appropriate sedative agent It is of critical importance that the
use of lorazepam, midazolam, and propo- for this purpose, the hemodynamic sta- ventilated patient with head trauma be
fol. bility and volume status of the patient easily and quickly awakened on a periodic
must be considered. Propofol is an appro- basis for neurologic evaluation. After
Pregnancy priate agent if the volume status of the physiologic abnormalities have been eval-
patient is acceptable and the patient is uated, the degree of discomfort should be
Although opioids are known to cross not hypovolemic. In patients who are he- addressed, because pain aggravates the
the placenta and have an effect on neo- modynamically unstable, however, eto- stress response, leading to further in-
natal outcome, there is also evidence that midate is commonly used since it has creases in ICP. Opioids relieve pain and
both propofol and the benzodiazepines fewer vasodilatory and myocardial de- alleviate the hyperadrenergic state by
can crossover to the fetus. Therefore, it is pressant effects in critically ill patients providing analgesia and sedation, and
important that these drugs be titrated to than do other sedative agents. Midazo- these agents normally do not perturb in-
appropriate levels when used to sedate lam, thiopental, or methohexital are not tracranial dynamics when ventilation is
the pregnant patient in the ICU. With used because they can cause hypotension. controlled. A disadvantage of the use of
respect to teratogenicity, although it is opioids is that these drugs may cloud the
known that long-term opioid use affects Head Trauma neurologic evaluation. Other limiting ef-
intelligence and other neurologic factors fects of opioid sedation are the potential
in neonates, there is little evidence for Patients with head injuries present a for gastrointestinal hypomotility and the
such effects with propofol. challenge in the ICU that differs from delay of the weaning process and success-
It has been reported that several clin- trauma without central neurologic in- ful extubation (37).
ical trials have evaluated the effect of volvement. The aim of therapy is to ame- The aims of treatment for patients
propofol and other sedatives or anesthet- liorate the effects of the initial injury with head injury are reduction and/or
ics on pregnancy outcome in women un- while preventing secondary injury such maintenance of ICP within acceptable
dergoing an assisted reproductive tech- as edema, infection, and ischemia. Pa- ranges, maintenance of adequate CPP,
nique. In a multicenter retrospective tients with head trauma should always be
and minimization of brain activity. Me-
pilot trial and survey, Beilin et al. (97) monitored by means of neurologic exam-
chanical ventilation and drug therapy are
evaluated the effect of sedatives and an- ination. The confusion and agitation re-
used to accomplish these aims. Adminis-
esthetics on pregnancy outcome after ga- sulting from brain injury often cause the
tration of sedative agents is an integral
mete intrafallopian transfer, a type of as- patient to struggle and resist nursing
part of the management scheme (all sed-
sisted reproductive technique usually care and mechanical ventilation. Because
atives cause cerebral depression to some
performed laparoscopically under general intracranial hypertension is a frequent
extent). The ideal sedative reduces ICP
anesthesia. Participating in the survey occurrence, the effects of sedatives on
while maintaining an adequate CPP. An-
were seven US fertility clinics represent- cerebral metabolism and intracranial
ing 455 procedures. The clinical preg- elastance must be considered before use other property of an ideal sedative for
nancy rate (number of pregnancies/ in this patient population (37). Elevated patients with head injuries is titratability
number of procedures) was 35% and the intracranial pressure (ICP) is the most management with diuretics and antihy-
delivery rate (number of women who de- important pathophysiology resulting pertensive agents that may affect intra-
livered at least one live baby/total number from head injury. An increase in ICP de- vascular volume. Benzodiazepines have
of procedures) was 32%. There was no creases the cerebral perfusion pressure been commonly used in this setting,
statistical difference in either rate be- (CPP), which is the driving force behind with midazolam being the drug of
tween women who received a sedative or cerebral blood flow. Thus, patients with choice because of its short half-life, but
anesthetic (propofol, nitrous oxide, mida- head injury experience reduced cerebral this agent may exhibit a prolonged du-
zolam, or isoflurane) and those who did blood flow (25). ration of sedation in patients receiving
not. Two other clinical studies evaluated Head injury produces multiple sys- continuous infusions for 24 hrs or
the effect of propofol on outcome in temic effects that must be considered in- longer, with emergence delayed for 1–2
women undergoing assisted reproductive patient management. For example, hypo- days or longer (25).
technology. In these studies, as in the tension is common after injury to the Continuous infusions of both propofol
study by Beilen et al., the effect of propo- hypothalamus, brain stem, or spinal cord, and remi-fentanyl are beneficial because
fol on oocytes was evaluated, and no del- so that ablation of the remaining sympa- both are short acting. Propofol is safe in
eterious effect was found. In another thetic drive with pharmacologic sedation patients with severe head injuries, is eas-
study, in which propofol had a negative may lead to sudden and occasionally se- ily titratable, and reduces ICP. In addi-
effect on pregnancy rate, the effect of the vere cardiovascular collapse, which tion, propofol decreases cerebral meta-
drug on embryos, rather than oocytes, leads to further brain ischemia. Alter- bolic rate while having little effect on
was evaluated. natively, a frequently observed hypera- CPP reduction. Because of propofol’s ex-
drenergic state requires that sedation tremely short half-life, it is possible to
Endotracheal Intubation provide protection from additional arouse the patient in order to conduct a
stress, yet not risk the critical care thorough neurologic examination, and
In the ICU, a key aspect of endotra- standard of maintaining organ perfu- consequently decrease both the number
cheal intubation of the patient with fail- sion. Therefore, before treating with of serial CT scans and the associated cost
ing respiratory status is the ability to sedatives, it is essential to evaluate the (25).

S116 Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 1 (Suppl.)

Kelly et al. (98) conducted a multi- QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS the ICU is only beginning to be investi-
center, double-blind trial in 42 intu- FROM AGITATION ROUNDTABLE gated in detail. Important to remember
bated patients with head trauma in MEETING when discussing new equipment or new
which continuous infusion of 2% technology, is our ability to incorporate it
propofol was compared with a regimen into bedside practice in a manner that
of morphine sulfate. Mean daily ICP and assists the staff in caring for the patient
cerebral perfusion pressure were gener- Dr. Cohen: It has been said that if you to improve outcomes.
ally similar between groups until the cannot measure it, you cannot manage it.
third day of therapy, when ICP was sig- An argument could be made that acute Question
nificantly lower in the propofol group respiratory distress syndrome manage-
compared with the morphine group (p ment has improved a great deal because Dr. Cohen: Based on the known evi-
⬍ .05). Patients treated with propofol of the availability of better monitoring dence, what advice do you offer about
required significantly less use of neuro- systems such as pulse oximetry. Along room lighting pattern, visiting hours, and
muscular blocking agents, benzodiaz- this line of reasoning, what should we be timing of nursing activities to prevent or
epines, pentobarbital, and cerebrospi- looking for in the way of future monitor- treat agitation?
nal fluid drainage compared with ing tools to help fine-tune our approach
to handling agitation in the ICU?
patients treated with morphine (p ⬍ Answer
.05). A favorable outcome, defined as
good recovery or moderate disability, Answer Anne Pohlman: Control of environ-
was observed 6 months postinjury in Dr. Gallagher: To date, the BIS moni- mental factors such as noise, lighting,
52% of patients receiving propofol and tor has been used to measure anesthetic room temperature, and around-the-clock
in 47% receiving morphine, whereas depth in the operating room. In the ICU, stimulation from staff is clearly impor-
the mortality rates were 17% and 21%, BIS may only be useful in the paralyzed tant in the treatment of agitated patients,
respectively. The best outcomes were patient— one that requires titration to but to date have not been studied or
achieved in patients receiving the high- some sedation level. In nonparalyzed pa- proven to change outcomes in acutely ill
est doses of propofol for the longest tients, we tend to titrate to a clinical patients. Studies are underway to look at
duration. The authors noted that, de- level—this can result in variable and con- the relationship of these variables in both
spite a higher incidence of poor prog- tinually changing BIS levels— depending the chronic and acute critically ill patient
nostic indicators in the propofol group, on the degree of stimulation. There are in the ICU.
propofol-based sedation, together with others in my group that have not yet Dr. Papadakos: My personal opinion is
an ICP control regimen, is safe, accept- found it very useful, however; we still that sleep becomes extremely important
able, and is possibly a desirable alterna- require better, more objective monitor- in the later stages of an illness. As an
tive to opioid-based sedation regimens ing of patient sedation and anxiety levels. example, when you have a patient that is
Another factor is an easily reproduc- difficult to wean off the ventilator, a reg-
in this patient population.
ible sedation scoring system. For in- ular sleep-wake cycle goes a long way
In another study (99), propofol was
stance, with the Ramsey scale, the termi- toward orienting the patient and facili-
evaluated in 10 patients with severe
nology goes back and forth between an tates weaning.
head injuries who were undergoing me-
exam and patient activity, and can be Dr. Gallagher: The patient who is
chanical ventilation. The rate of infu- sleep-deprived is probably much more
sion of the drug was adjusted to main- easily misinterpreted.
We use a modified, modified Ramsay difficult to wean, but I do not think this
tain the ICP at ⬍10 mm Hg and CPP at association has been well studied. We try
60 mm Hg. Propofol was discontinued scale that everyone in our unit under-
stands and interprets exactly the same to keep patients who are weaning off the
after 24 hrs. There were no significant ventilator comfortable because weaning
way. This has significantly improved se-
differences in mean arterial pressure, requires a large amount of work, and a
dation titration and communication be-
but mean CPP tended to increase dur- rested patient is a better candidate to be
tween staff. Staff consensus regarding se-
ing the study. Overall, the quality of weaned.
dation scale selection or adaptation is
sedation was determined to be good in Prof. Dasta: I think there is some im-
very important.
nine patients. In a study by Pearson et Anne Pohlman: The key to all moni- mune response activity to sleep and
al. of hemodynamically stable head toring devices or assessment tools is the maybe wound healing relative to physio-
trauma patients, propofol and mor- ability for all individuals using the de- logic sleep. So, if there are ways of mim-
phine were compared for their effects vices to communicate the information icking physiologic sleep, that would be a
on ICP and CPP. ICP was similar in gained in a reliable and efficient manner. good attribute.
both treatment groups. In patients Dr. Gallagher: The simpler the scale,
treated with propofol, CPP increased the easier it is to reproduce. This makes it Question
slightly over 48 hrs, whereas there was much more likely to be used and under-
a slight decrease in CPP in patients stood by everybody in the unit. Dr. Cohen: Anne, would you comment
receiving morphine. The observed de- Anne Pohlman: One other piece of on how much literature there is to sup-
crease in ICP and increase in CPP with equipment that is beginning to surface in port this information. What do you be-
propofol is consistent with the majority the ICU by way of our “Sleep” colleagues lieve to be profitable areas for future re-
of reports from other clinical trials and is portable polysomnography equipment. search into the topic of environmental
in the literature. As discussed earlier, the role of sleep in manipulation and its impact on outcome?

Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 1 (Suppl.) S117

Answer line changes during off hours. Poten- Question
tially, these tasks could be “batched” into
Anne Pohlman: There is not much single time periods rather than occurring Dr. Cohen: Translating knowledge
literature available with respect to envi- as continuous stimulation around the into action is a serious concern in health
ronment changes in the ICU. The com- clock. Combining these tasks would de- care. What is our status in the area of
ponents of the environment that have pend of course on patient acuity, staffing using pharmacologic agents for agitation
been studied include excessive noise, ab- patterns, and medical staff availability for management? Is there a problem, and
normal light/dark cycles, and frequent procedures. With multidisciplinary “buy what are its causes?
care-related activities. These studies have in,” it seems a study looking at these
told us what many of us in the critical issues may be possible. Answer
care world already know: it is noisy,
bright, and patients do not get much un- Prof. Dasta: In the Hansen-Flaschen et
interrupted time while in the ICU. The Question al. article in JAMA in 1991 [Hansen-
effectiveness of sleep-promoting strate- Flaschen JH, Brazinsky S, Basile C, et al:
gies needs to be demonstrated, recogniz- Dr. Cohen: Do any of the other panel-
Use of sedating drugs and neuromuscular
ing the difficulty and complexity of doing ists feel that study of environmental man-
blocking agents in patients requiring me-
this type of study in the ICU. There are a agement would be a worthwhile area of
chanical ventilation for respiratory fail-
few studies in the procedure areas ad- investigation?
ure. A national survey. JAMA 1991; 266:
dressing interventions such as music 2870 –2875], head nurses of pulmonary
therapy, massage therapy, and therapeu- Answer ICUs were asked what kinds of drugs were
tic touch. The direct effect of these ma- used in their facilities. They reported that
neuvers on acutely ill patients remains Dr. Papadakos: Yes, obviously, but a wide variety of drugs were being em-
undetermined. Controlling the environ- measuring the impact of those variables ployed, and this awakened us to the prob-
ment in the ICU for noise, light, and is going to be very, very difficult. There lem of polypharmacy in the agitated pa-
temperature is an ongoing challenge, as have been several studies in anesthesia tients. And I am not sure that the current
many older ICUs do not have options for trying to put music headphones on the state of affairs is that much better today,
modifying temperature, light and noise, patients during anesthesia and trying to although I believe that guideline develop-
nor can bedside staff regulate them. measure whether or not that affects how ment with multidisciplinary input does
Newer pumps, bedside monitors, and the patient feels afterward. But I think it add an evidence-based approach to what
ventilators allow bedside clinicians to set makes empirical sense that a very calm, we do—if it is followed.
volume and tone alarms to decrease soft environment is a lot better than a We surveyed this practice in our sur-
noise. Recent ICU room and unit designs noisy, loud, bright environment. You gical ICU and published our results in
allow for natural light from windows, and would also have to look at the color on 1994. On average, our patients received
for artificial lighting to be directed and the walls and the view outside of the two drugs. The range was zero to nine—
controlled from wall dimmer switches. window. My entire surgical ICU overlooks one patient received nine different drugs
Portable unit-specific phones have re- the cemetery. for agitation or pain. Overall we docu-
cently been added to the ICU environ- Anne Pohlman: Other ICU environ- mented 23 different drugs in more than
ment; these phones are tied into the call mental issues such as encouraging family 200 patients.
light system and the pager system set to support and addressing psychosocial We tend to throw things at patients
vibrate rather than ring thus eliminating needs of patients is imperative when deal- without optimizing any single strategy,
the need for unit intercoms. ing with agitated patients. In a recently for instance adding a sedative while the
published paper by Hupcey [Hupcey JE: patient’s pain is not properly controlled.
Question Feeling safe: The psychosocial needs of With respect to our understanding of
ICU patients. J Nurs Scholarsh 2000; 32: the metabolism and excretion of various
Dr. Cohen: Does anyone have any po- 361–367], it was reported that the over- agents, we certainly know more about
lices or rules and regulations governing whelming need of ICU patients was to feel them today than we did 10 yrs ago, but
environmental management for agitation safe. Family and friends, ICU staff, reli- we know about the kinetics and dynamics
in their ICUs? gious beliefs, and feelings of knowing, in isolation, with monotherapy. What I do
regaining control, hoping, and trusting not think we fully understand is the dy-
Answer all influenced the perception of feeling namics and kinetics of lorazepam, for ex-
safe. Altering the ICU environment to fos- ample, in the patient who is also receiv-
Anne Pohlman: I have not seen any ter communication and address individ- ing morphine and haloperidol, and also
hospital policies or rules regulating any ual patient/family needs during curative diphenhydramine. So, the complex phar-
of these specific environmental concerns. interventions or comfort-care strategies macology in the real world is poorly un-
However, in the 15 yrs that I have been an is imperative. derstood.
ICU nurse, we have changed dramatically Dr. Gallagher: Visitors are a two-edged Understanding what the various drugs
the policy regarding visiting hours and sword. We have fairly liberal visiting do and what they do not do remains an
family involvement in care. Unit-specific hours, but I do not think we pay enough issue. It is not unusual to find a patient
environmental changes may include re- attention to who is visiting. Some visitors receiving a neuromuscular blocker by in-
scheduling tasks that interrupt sleep tend to help and others make things fusion and not having a drug that has
such as baths in the middle of the night, worse. This is a very difficult issue to amnestic properties on board. Or to see a
4 a.m. daily chest x-rays, and scheduled grasp. It is a problem. PRN morphine order in a patient receiv-

S118 Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 1 (Suppl.)

ing a neuromuscular blocker. Such over- lirium at an early point with haloperidol body has a favorite or preferred drug to
sights indicate a basic gap in understand- is probably a good idea. use for the agitated patient. Usually the
ing. Dr. Papadakos: I think one of the patient ends up on a variety of agents. As
Anne Pohlman: The ability to change other things that you have to consider is I stated earlier, once you get involved
practice based on research or evidence- withdrawal of opioids. As the associate with multiple drugs, the situation be-
based medicine continues to be an ongo- director of a burn trauma unit, I can tell comes confused and very difficult to sort
ing challenge. Using our own sedation you that we have a big problem trying to out. So, I recommend simplicity in selec-
“wake up” study as an example, when the wean people off long-term, high-dose opi- tion and using only one agent at a time.
study was completed and daily “wake up” oids. We have had some success using
assessments directed by the research methadone. Question
team stopped—within a very short period Dr. Abraham: Yes, and in the same
of time the recent practice change of way I think patients who are on benzodi- Dr. Cohen: One of the principles of
daily “wake up” assessments stopped as azepines often develop tachyphylaxis, and total quality management is that reduc-
well. Fostering the practice change so decreasing those agents contributes to tion of variation leads to improvement in
through a multidisciplinary approach in increased agitation as well. quality. In the past, regulatory standards
which there is “buy in” from all bedside have forbidden the use of standardized
caregivers was required. In our unit, se- Question protocol approaches to the use of re-
dation “wake up” assessments are now a straints. It sounds like the requirements
part of shift-to-shift report and daily Dr. Cohen: What do you recommend for restraining agitated patients are now
rounds. for sleep in the delirious patient for getting more onerous. Is this antiproto-
Prof. Dasta: That is a really good point. whom you are trying to minimize the use col sentiment still the case, and how do
Another issue is the long-term psycho- of sedating agents? we deal with this counter-intuitive pol-
logical effects of sedatives. This is an area icy?
we need to learn more about. In Critical Answer
Care Medicine this past year, a study by Answer
Dr. Papadakos: We have done some
Nelson et al. (100) showed a correlation
work looking at increasing levels of
between the number of days of sedation Anne Pohlman: The regulatory stan-
propofol at night and then titrating it off
and the development of depression as dards regarding the use of restraints have
in patients who are sleep deprived. We
well as post-traumatic stress disorder been revised again in 2001. Institution-
have used drugs such as diphenhydra-
symptoms. specific policies and guidelines required
mine and some of the other commonly
to meet these revised standards can be
prescribed sleep medications in patients
onerous. The bottom line with the use of
Question who are not intubated or on mechanical
restraints remains unchanged; patient
ventilation. We do use some of the sleep
safety is a priority and we, as healthcare
Dr. Cohen: Withdrawing sedatives af- medications that the elderly commonly
providers, need to optimize our treat-
ter prolonged use frequently is an ardu- take, such as diphenhydramine, alprazo-
ment strategies to assure safety without
ous endeavor peppered by PRN sedative lam, and shorter-acting benzodiazepines.
merely turning to restraints and tying
doses and increasing drip rates. Because Many elderly patients have trouble sleep-
patients down. So, in essence, as a bed-
delirium is a likely occurrence in the ing and are on drugs at home. We try to
side practitioner, my goal—like the reg-
awakening amnestic patient, what is the replicate these regimens orally or via the
ulatory standard—is patient safety. The
role for antipsychotic agents/haloperidol feeding tube. I do not know if other peo-
onerous part for us at the bedside is de-
in combination with sedative agents? And ple on the panel use these agents in their
veloping guidelines that describe our
how early should we be starting these intensive care unit.
practice of ensuring safety in the ICU. For
antipsychotic agents? Prof. Dasta: We occasionally use di-
example, (1 standardizing patient assess-
phenhydramine, with caution in the el-
ment tools; (2 instituting patient-specific
derly because of the anticholinergic prop-
Answer interventions that ensure patient safety
erties that it might have. I know I take it
(this may include the use of restraints if
when I am on an airplane and I want to
Dr. Abraham: Yes, and we touched on necessary, however other less restrictive
the use of haloperidol earlier in this dis- measures should be initiated first); (3
cussion. This is actually a very compli- scheduling frequent reassessment prac-
cated question. The sedative agents often Question tices; and, of course, (4 documentation
cause disorientation, particularly the Dr. Cohen: From a pathophysiological strategies that confirm that this practice
benzodiazepines, in critically ill patients, perspective, what do you believe are the is being carried out.
in the elderly patients, or in patients who most common errors made in the preven- Dr. Cohen: It is my impression from
have multiple organ system dysfunction. tion or treatment of agitation? past reading of JCAHO literature that
Haloperidol is probably preferred in this they expressly forbid the use of protocols.
situation and should probably be insti- Answer Anne Pohlman: JCAHO forbids the use
tuted at an earlier point. Ventilator- of protocols if it is a protocol that does
dependent patients, as their respiratory Dr. Gallagher: I think there are two. not take individual patient needs into ac-
status is improving, are prone to having First is failure to recognize pain. Second count. For example, a protocol that states
sleep disorders and confusion, even post- (especially in a training institution where that all mechanically ventilated patients
extubation. Getting a handle on their de- multiple people are writing orders) every- require restraints while in the ICU is not

Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 1 (Suppl.) S119

acceptable. However, a protocol stating longer, obviously, it is going to take. But tients have to make an active decision for
that patients in the ICU requiring me- that works much better than trying to those patients not to be managed by the
chanical ventilation will be reassessed change drugs. NIH protocol. We, like the University of
frequently for level of consciousness and Anne Pohlman: The addition of the Washington and a lot of other people,
tolerance to the current therapies and oral agents, for example, oral lorazepam, were disappointed by voluntary assump-
interventions is acceptable. Other items may help while the infusions are titrated tion of these kinds of new clinical prac-
to consider in the protocol include sug- off slowly. We need to also remember that tice patterns.
gested interventions to reorient the pa- many of these patients may have been I believe that an institutional protocol
tient and optimize safety with regard to taking medications like the benzodiaz- is probably the best approach. As we dis-
invasive catheters and interventions. If epines for anxiety before being hospital- cussed with sedation, whenever one insti-
restraints are required, they are applied ized as well. tutes a protocol and standardizes therapy,
to ensure patient safety, not staff conve- Dr. Papadakos: I think I mentioned there are multiple potential benefits.
nience. that looking at the patient’s home medi- Dr. Cohen: I think that 5% to 8%
Dr. Cohen: Can you use a protocol cations is important. As you pointed out, indicates just how big a problem this
providing that the standard is met with many of the elderly are on either psychi- really is.
adequate documentation? atric medications or sleep medications at Dr. Abraham: Yes, it is tremendous; in
Anne Pohlman: Exactly. What they are home, and trying to replicate those is key. a condition with a clear-cut 25% reduc-
really looking for is an assessment of tion in mortality, and with publication of
what was going on, what you did, and Question a lead article in a major journal. Finally,
what follow-up measures were taken. there has been a lot of talking about it.
They want to ensure that we are not just Dr. Cohen: Would you briefly describe Everybody says that they do manage their
randomly putting patients in restraints. one or two examples (not necessarily patients with low tidal volume ventila-
Dr. Gallagher: We have a protocol that about agitation) of approaches to reduc- tion, but the evidence says otherwise.
works fairly well. An intubated patient in ing the evidence-care gap and minimiz- Dr. Papadakos: I think the availability
the ICU essentially meets the protocol. ing variation that work in your critical of protocol order sheets that eliminate
When the JCAHO came through the last care unit? By evidence-care gap, I mean physician variability is very important.
time they were reasonably happy with something that has been shown to work That is what we’ve instituted at our insti-
that approach. well in the research setting, but its not tution. The sedation protocol is actually
being used well in practice. an order check box in the patient’s chart.
Question In teaching hospitals, this may be more
Answer difficult because of the number of people
Dr. Cohen: About the risk of with- involved.
drawal from analgesics and sedatives, can Dr. Abraham: I think the best example We try to remove original thought
you comment on which agents, if any, of this is probably ventilator therapies for from the process and do the same thing
present significant risk, and on the im- adult respiratory distress syndrome with ventilator management. A low tidal
pact of duration and intensity of therapy? (ARDS). At the American Thoracic Soci- volume protocol has been used at the
ety annual meeting, there was a fascinat- University of Rochester for almost 12 yrs.
Answer ing abstract from Gordon Rubenfeld It is on a standardized order sheet, so
looking at utilization of low tidal volume there are not a lot of choices for the
Prof. Dasta: Opioid and benzodiaz-
ventilation at the University of Washing- residents or other staff members to make.
epine withdrawal after a week or more of
ton (along with our institution, one of I wonder if supporting orders–you
therapy presents particular problems.
ten of the NIH ARDS network centers). know, protocolized orders—are probably
Maybe one way of addressing the problem
Before the results showing a substantial more important than having protocols.
is a progressive tapering or a systematic
benefit were published in the New En- Anne Pohlman: Holding all staff ac-
tapering of therapy during the ICU stay.
gland Journal of Medicine, about 5% of countable to the practice change is im-
The daily awakening approach that Anne
the patients were managed with low tidal portant. Making change a part of patient
has used at her institution may also min-
volume, since the New England Journal management is optimal. For example, in
imize the risk of withdrawal.
paper appeared, about 8% are managed the case of low tidal volume ventilation,
appropriately! the respiratory therapist ensures compli-
Question So, there is the issue about dissemi- ance with ventilator settings during rou-
Dr. Cohen: Does anybody rotate or nation of clinical management criteria tine ventilator checks. This way we have
change drug groups to try to avoid the and utilization of these algorithms. What multiple checks and balances within the
risk of withdrawal? we have done is institute protocols in the system—physician orders, bedside moni-
medical and surgical ICU for patients toring by nurses, and respiratory therapy
Answer with acute lung injury and ensured that vent checks—all making sure that the
the respiratory therapists are aware of right strategy is in place.
Multiple Responses: No. both the protocols and which patients are Dr. Gallagher: I do not know that I
Dr. Abraham: The important thing is at risk, and will actually follow up with necessarily agree with protocols to the
to try to judge when the patient needs to the radiologist to find out if the patients extent that boxes are “checked off,” par-
be off the drug, and start some weaning do, indeed, have acute lung injury. The ticularly in a training institution. This
process in advance of that—maybe sev- directors of the units have signed on to approach can diminish the trainees’ abil-
eral days, because the longer you go, the this plan. The teams managing the pa- ities to think. When they get to a situa-

S120 Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 1 (Suppl.)

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private setting, especially if just a few work is a necessary first step. 15. Hansen-Flashen J, Cowen J, Palomano RC:
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