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Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1858 (2016) 2569–2572

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Cell membranes: A subjective perspective☆

Kai Simons
Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Pfotenhauerstr. 108, 01307 Dresden, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Cell membranes have developed a tremendous complexity of lipids and proteins geared to perform the functions
Received 26 November 2015 cells require. The lipids have for long remained in the background and are now regaining their role as important
Received in revised form 19 January 2016 building blocks of cells. Their main function is to form the matrix of our cell membranes where they support a
Accepted 21 January 2016
variety of functions essential for life. This 2-dimensional fluid matrix has evolved unexpected material properties
Available online 29 January 2016
that involve both lipid–lipid and lipid–protein interactions. This perspective is a short summary of the challenges
that this field faces and discusses potential ways and means for coming to grips with the properties of this incred-
Lipids ible fluid. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Biosimulations edited by Ilpo Vattulainen and Tomasz Róg.
Membranes © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Lipid rafts
Lipid–protein interactions
Electrostatic properties
Mass spectrometry

An astounding feature of cell membranes is that although the basic trend continued for years. But now with the introduction of new meth-
bilayer can be self-assembled from only one single glycerophospholipid odologies, lipids are becoming more accessible and their role in mem-
species, the membranes in our cells are made of hundreds of different branes is being increasingly explored. Most lipids have polar head
lipids. Today we are able to analyze this complexity with a new genera- groups and hydrophobic hydrocarbon chains that differ in length, hy-
tion of mass spectrometers that cope with lipid diversity with unprece- droxylation and saturation. So far this chemical diversity has received
dented precision and efficiency. The challenge is now to understand little attention. Most studies focused on lipid classes (PC, PE, PA, PS, PI,
why our cells need to have so many lipids in their membranes. How SM etc.) and not on species and subspecies. We only have a vague un-
do the lipids mingle and interact with the proteins in the membranes? derstanding of which enzymes are responsible for synthesizing differ-
Why does the lipid matrix differ in the various membranes of the cell? ent lipid subspecies and regulating their metabolism. These are now
How do lipids contribute to membrane architecture and cell morpho- tasks that can be tackled by our new lipidomics tools to analyze
genesis? How do membranes shape themselves into protrusions, invag- lipidomes quantitatively and with high coverage [1,2]. Not only tradi-
inations, tubules and vesicles or form cubic membranes? Or how do tional genetics but also CRISPR/Cas9 methodologies can be mobilized
membranes sub-compartmentalize to form dynamic subdomains? to systematically analyze lipid metabolism at this level in different
New methods are being generated such as powerful novel imaging cells and organisms [3]. We know roughly where different lipid classes
methods based on a plethora of fluorescent probes but we are far are made [4]. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the main synthesis site
from understanding how cell membranes can perform all these feats. but many other organelles contribute to the generation of the lipid spec-
This perspective will summarize what we can do to meet this challenge. trum in cells. The newly synthesized lipids are distributed both by
membrane traffic and by direct delivery across contact sites between or-
1. Lipids in the cell membranes: composition and location ganelles, thereby establishing and maintaining the lipid compositions
that are characteristic to each cell type and their variety of membranes.
It is now well established that cell membranes are composed of both We are starting to appreciate that all lipid subspecies are probably as
proteins and lipids. However, the lipids were long neglected because of tightly regulated as sterols are. This implies that lipid metabolism has to
lack of adequate methods to analyze them and probe their role in bio- be stringently controlled. How this is achieved remains poorly under-
chemistry, biophysics and cell biology. When the Gordon Conference stood. Clues are starting to emerge about possible sensing mechanisms
for Molecular Membrane Biology was started over 30 years ago, the pro- that can respond both to the chemical structure [5] and to the physical
gram was focused on the proteins; the lipids had a backstage role. This properties [6,7] of the lipids and of the bilayer. However, this is only a
humble beginning. These studies will occupy the field for years to
☆ This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Biosimulations edited by Ilpo Vattulainen
come. We are lacking methods to isolate organellar membranes in
and Tomasz Róg. high enough purity so that their lipidomes can be measured. Progress
E-mail address: in this area has been dismally slow. The tools to analyze membrane
0005-2736/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2570 K. Simons / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1858 (2016) 2569–2572

lipidomes are available but the methods for organelle purification have is that the electrical charge of the protein can be precisely localized.
to be overhauled. Take the secretory pathway as an example. Newly These exciting developments are bound to stimulate this important
synthesized proteins and lipids are transported from the ER to the cis- area of membrane research.
side of the Golgi complex, moved to the trans-side, and then sorted in
the trans-Golgi network (TGN) into different transport vehicles for de- 3. The structure and dynamic organization of cell membranes
livery to the plasma membrane (PM) and other destinations [8]. Each
of these pathways transports different lipid and protein cargoes [9]. A The most challenging feature that membrane research faces, is the
gradient of cholesterol is established, starting low in the ER where the dynamic organization of cell membranes. It was first in the 1970s that
sterols are synthesized and increasing over the Golgi complex, reaching it became clear that the lipids and the proteins can move laterally in
its peak in the PM. Sphingomyelin glycosphingolipids, and gangliosides the lipid bilayer i.e. that cell membranes are fluids [18]. At that time, it
are produced in the Golgi complex and transported to the PM where was also demonstrated that the lipids are organized asymmetrically in
their concentration is the highest [8]. Also other lipids such as PS are the two leaflets of the bilayer [19]. The lipids are flipped by specific
enriched in the PM. What is lacking are quantitative lipidomes with sub- flippases from one leaflet to the other to maintain the correct asymme-
species coverage to show how the different lipids are distributed over try under considerable energy expenditure [20]. Another intriguing
the different organellar membranes. We now need to follow how the feature was revealed already in the 1960s by Vittorio Luzzati who dem-
whole spectrum of newly synthesized lipid subspecies are distributed onstrated that lipid bilayers can fold into different polymorphisms with
over each cellular membrane and how the cellular lipids add up to specific symmetries [21]. These are highly curved 3-dimensional struc-
give each cell membrane its unique identity. tures that display periodic cubic structures. This remarkable property
Progress towards characterizing temporal and spatial remodeling of showed that lipids have a unique capability to form different architec-
the cellular lipidome has been slow, but emerging observations show tures. Also important is that the transition from a planar bilayer struc-
promise to open new frontiers in understanding cellular processes. So ture into cubic membranes requires little energy and this feature
far only two populations of transport vesicles have been isolated in provides ample opportunity for cells to dynamically organize them-
high enough purity to allow lipid analysis. Brügger et al. [10] isolated selves. The only polymorphism that has entered biology are the cubic
COPI vesicles from the Golgi complex in vitro and demonstrated the membranes [22,23] and my prediction is that we will see more of
enrichment of SM 18:0. Later it was shown that this SM lipid binds to Luzzati's work in years to come. Cell membrane architecture is bound
the p24 protein of the COPI vesicles and regulates the activity of the to be an important feature in generating form and shape in cellular
transport machinery [11]. Klemm at al. [12] purified post-Golgi trans- architecture.
port vesicles from yeast and demonstrated that the glycosphingolipid The focus of membrane research has so far been on local modula-
species were specifically enriched by sorting in the TGN [13]. The data tions of membrane organization. For example, how do membranes
gave direct evidence for the role of the Golgi complex in producing form vesicles and tubules and how do these fuse with the correct target
the gradient of glycosphingolipids, peaking in the PM. membrane? As in so many other areas of biological research, the main
achievement so far has been to identify the proteins – the parts list –
2. Protein–lipid interactions regulating these processes and to characterize these players functional-
ly. The role of the lipids was so far more or less neglected. Obviously,
Understanding the lipid environment where membrane proteins electron crystallography is starting to provide exact information on
carry out their function is a starting point for analyzing how lipids con- the interplay between the proteins and the lipids involved. However,
tribute to modulating protein function in membranes. Understanding this research is still in its infancy.
protein–lipid interactions will be key to understanding membrane orga- An interesting emerging area is to define how physical parameters
nization and function. Membrane research was long divided into two such as membrane charge density, membrane curvature and lipid pack-
camps that rarely met. The protein camp was the dominating one and ing and thickness are being employed in regulating membrane function
caught most of the excitement. It bears repeating that the lipid camp [24]. Using different surface probes and protein markers as well as by
was isolated and mostly ignored. This dismal situation has changed in analyzing lipid composition, two territories have been defined in the
recent years. It has now finally dawned on the field that proteins and secretory pathway. One is the early secretory pathway (the ER,
lipids need to be studied together. Most importantly, new methods nuclear envelope and the cis-Golgi). This territory is enriched in lipids,
have generated tools that have the capacity of analyzing how lipids having monounsaturated acyl chains. It is also low in cholesterol and
interact with proteins. Sophisticated mass spectrometric methods can sphingolipids. This lipid composition is disordered and leads to voids
now unravel integral membrane proteins in complex with specific and defects in the bilayer, thus constituting a membrane environment
lipid ligands [14]. The binding of peripheral proteins to specific lipids that allows the accommodation of different polypeptide chains in the
can be measured by a number of novel screening methods. Chemically bilayer. These are important properties for translocation and folding in
engineered lipids can be employed to identify specific protein binding the ER and for transport to the next station in the pathway, the Golgi
partners [15]. complex [24–26]. The late secretory pathway (TGN, PM and the
Not only x-ray crystallography but also electron cryo-microscopy is endosomes) forms the second territory. This is characterized by high
entering the field of protein lipid interactions [16,17]. CryoEM is the electrostatics and by lipids that form more tightly packed and ordered
only method that can deliver structures at atomic resolution revealing bilayers. Generally there is gradient of lipids that have more saturated
how proteins interact with lipids in the membrane itself. The data hydrocarbon chains (acyls and sphingosines) in the secretory pathway,
emerging show that lipids form a continuous shell around the trans- peaking towards the PM. Negatively charged PS, phosphoinositides,
membrane domains of the protein. They also mediate contacts between cholesterol and sphingolipids are enriched in this territory [8]. Interest-
protein subunits. The lipid hydrocarbon chains localize to grooves on ingly, PS in the luminal leaflet in the ER and the Golgi complex and is
the protein transmembrane surface to form an electrochemical seal flipped to the cytosolic leaflet in the TGN [27]. PS is maintained exposed
across the membrane; they occupy the holes that proteins make in the cytosolically in the PM and in the endosomes. The negatively charged
bilayer. Interestingly, electron crystallography can also provide a mea- cytosolic membrane surface facilitates binding of many peripheral
sure for how tightly bound the lipids are. The crystallographic B-factor proteins, required for different signal transduction processes and for
represents the statistical disorder of the protein–lipid structure [17]. If regulating membrane shape and traffic [24].
lipids are loosely interacting, representing bulk lipids associating to pro- Another interesting feature is the role of polyunsaturated acyl chains
tein, the B-factor is higher than for those lipids that are specifically such as C20:4 and C22:6 [28]. They are known to be enriched in lipids of
bound to the protein. Another useful feature of electron crystallography the photoreceptor membranes and synaptic vesicles. These fatty acids
K. Simons / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1858 (2016) 2569–2572 2571

have been shown to flexibly adopt different conformations. Thereby, complement, but also the different lipids that these liquids require for
they are able to adapt to rapid structural changes in the bilayer by buck- functionality.
ling up along the protein transmembrane surface to keep the membrane One of the most interesting properties of membranes is that the
sealed. High concentration of lipids with polyunsaturated fatty acyls lipids and proteins behave as collectives [33]. For instance, the collective
such as in photoreceptor membranes also speeds up lateral diffusion properties of the lipids and proteins that form raft assemblies will be
of transmembrane [29] and peripheral proteins bound to the key to understanding their structure and function. What are the detailed
membrane. material properties of membranes of different lipid compositions? Espe-
These differences in lipid composition play an important role in cially intriguing is to understand the properties of the cytosolic surfaces
defining the properties of the cell membranes in different organelles. in different subdomains of the membrane.
They also contribute to endowing these territories with unique sub- Another phase separation phenomenon is emerging as a novel prin-
compartmentalization capabilities. The propensity of forming lipid ciple in cytoplasmic organization. A number of organelles that are not
rafts is a characteristic of the post-Golgi membranes [30]. Lipid rafts membrane-bounded, including P-granules and the nucleolus have
are dynamic assemblies of sterols, sphingolipids, and saturated PC, and been shown to behave like condensed liquid phases [37,38]. They are
they can be formed in the secretory pathway, when the concentration composed of RNA and proteins and form liquid droplets in the cyto-
of these lipids increases towards the trans-side of the Golgi complex plasm. Also pure protein complexes have been shown to form such liq-
[31]. In the TGN they form dynamic platforms in the membrane that uid drops [39,40]. This astounding discovery changes our concepts of
bend into transport vehicles for transport to the cell surface [32]. This cell organization. We now have to introduce new methods to under-
sub-compartmentalization principle is generally operating to provide stand how proteins, RNA and other molecules interact with each
post-Golgi membranes with multitasking capabilities to simultaneously other. What are the structural principles driving and regulating these
create local subdomains, operating in specific signal transduction pro- phase separations? These cellular structures could not be studied by
cesses or in other membrane functions as well as in endocytosis and the conventional methods of biochemistry and therefore little progress
recycling. was possible. Why? Because the RNA and/or the proteins forming the
The basis for membrane sub-compartmentalization lies in the condensed liquids associate like raft lipids and proteins by weak
capability of post-Golgi membranes to undergo liquid–liquid phase interacting forces and dissociated when the cell was homogenized.
separation in the membrane plane. Plasma membrane blebs and Now when we comprehend that not only membranes can phase
balloons—giant PM vesicles(GPMVs) have been shown to separate segregate into different liquid domains, but that also many processes
into two fluid domains at the micrometer length scale, mimicking the in cells employ phase separation to form functionalized states, new
phase separation seen in simple lipid membrane model systems, sepa- vistas open up. One could for instance imagine that epithelial polariza-
rating into liquid-ordered and -disordered phases [33]. In the GPMVs tion would involve the formation of an apical pole [41], driven by a
both raft lipids and proteins are enriching in the more ordered phase, phase separation in the polarizing plasma membrane, linked to a
de-mixing from the other less ordered membrane domain. Thus, plasma concomitant 3-dimensional phase separation of cortical proteins into a
membranes have lipid and protein composition, poised close to a phase cortical liquid. The mature apical membrane of epithelial MDCK cells
transition boundary. In living cells, this tendency to phase separate has been shown to behave like a percolating raft phase [42]. Apical trans-
enables the formation of specific functionalized subdomains with little membrane proteins could bind to peripheral cortical proteins, inducing a
added energy, operating in membrane traffic, signaling and other coordinated phase separation to define the apical pole. The induction of
post-Golgi membrane functions. The activation is usually brought the phase separation in the polarizing plasma membrane could be trig-
about protein ligands that oligomerize raft lipids or proteins. The coales- gered by ligands such as galectin-9 that has been demonstrated to be in-
cence of raft assemblies into large micrometer phase separated domains volved in polarization, binding to the Forsmann glycolipid [43]. This
is possible in GPMVs only because the cortical actin network has disso- glycolipid starts to be synthesized during the onset of epithelial polariza-
ciated from the membrane. In intact cells, cortical actin filaments are hy- tion [44]. Polarization processes could also be initiated from the cortical
pothesized to trap the raft platforms and to prevent further coalescence side by nucleating the cortical condensation process. The most exciting
[34,35]. Veatch et al. have demonstrated that the compositions of quality is that we now can conceive completely new scenarios for gener-
GPMVs are not only close to a phase boundary but seem to be even ating working hypothesis for cellular processes that eluded us until now.
more precisely regulated, looming close to a critical point, perhaps If we examine the methods available to study many of the questions
explaining the fluctuations of the raft nano-assemblies taking place in discussed, it is obvious that the most difficult aspect to get a handle on is
the resting state and their stabilization by clustered platforms [36]. the dynamics of membranes. One method that has access to the time
There are many open issues to be pursued to understand how this and spatial scale needed to analyze membrane functions is molecular
sub-compartmentalization principle works. What makes transmem- (MD) simulation. There is rapid progress in the field, which this issue
brane protein raftophilic? We now have methodology to study this of BBA Biomembranes on “Biosimulations of lipid membranes coupled
question by the use of GPMVs. Most interestingly, electron crystallogra- to experiments” attests to. The MD method can provide information
phy is bound to give exact information on how raft lipids interact with on atomic scale mechanisms that we need to analyze if we want to un-
raft proteins. Attractive starting points would be to study the envelopes derstand how different membrane functions work dynamically. We
of raft viruses such as influenza and HIV at atomic resolution. The big- clearly need high resolution studies to come to grips with how lipids in-
gest challenge in this area of research is to move to functionality. We teract with proteins. With more structural data delivered by electron
need detailed analysis of how rafts support specific membrane func- crystallography, the dynamics of how transmembrane proteins change
tions, employing the full repertoire of biochemical and biophysical conformations e.g. to become raftophilic or activated to perform func-
methods now available. tions, will be interesting and demanding challenges. Also the issue of
lipid asymmetry will demand atomic scale simulations. What are the
chemical principles underlying this property of cell membranes? It
4. Conclusions must be fundamental since so much energy has to be invested in main-
taining the correct asymmetry [20]. Also coarse-grained molecular
This brief survey highlights the astounding capabilities of the models will be important to develop. We need methodology to simulate
2-dimensional liquids that form the cell membrane in our cells. They phase separation and collective behavior. When we understand
contain hundreds of different lipids and proteins that intermingle more about how lipid subspecies are generated by different enzymes
to give the membrane remarkable properties. It is now becoming and how they are regulated, it will be important to simulate how
clear that the functions of membranes not only need their protein lipid subspecies collectively behave in membranes. Obviously, new
2572 K. Simons / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1858 (2016) 2569–2572

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