LEQA Essay Breakdown-Belief Systems - 2018

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LEQ: Long Essay Question (A) 2018 changes

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________
AP World History, Belief Systems Ms. Buffalino
The Introduction Steps

 Define the theme or topic and includes time frames.

 Explains what happened before the time period referenced in the prompt.
 Explains what happened during the time period referenced in the prompt.
 Explains what happened after the time period referenced in the prompt.
 Relates to argument.
Step 1: Contextualization (4-7 sentences)

Step 2: Use the words many or some in a sentence.

Step 3: Give examples of the theme.  Use an example other than the one you are discussing in
your essay. Demonstrate knowledge of global processes.

Step 4: Use the words advantages/disadvantages or positive/negative in a sentence.

Step 5: Thesis

 Directly address all aspects of the prompt. Use key words from the prompt!
 Stay within the parameters of the question.
 Take an arguable position on the subject.
 Includes a specific time frame.
 Directly addresses the similarities and differences OR causes and/or
effects. (3 in total)

*Comparative Essay Prompt*: Causation Essay Prompt:
(1) Compare the similarities and differences of the (2) Analyzes the causes of patriarchy within belief
development of any two belief systems from systems in the period circa 2000BCE – 1450CE.
2000BCE – 1450CE.
SAMPLE THESIS: patriarchy was evident in the world religions.
From 2000 BCE – 500BCE Hinduism and Buddhism Patriarchy within the world religions was caused
developed. These two faiths differed in their by the Neolithic Revolution, the geographic
geographic development, were similar in religious origins of the faiths and effected by the societal
beliefs, and differed concerning their views on development of the river valley civilizations.
gender relations.

OR From 2000 BCE – 500 BCE Hinduism and Buddhism

developed. These two faiths differed in their geographic
development, yet, were similar in their religious beliefs and
views on gender relations.

HINT: Put in a logical/historical chronological order and in the order you are writing the body paragraphs in.

BEFORE YOU BEGIN: What are the similarities? What are the differences? OR What are the causes?
What are the effects? T-chart and brainstorm your facts.

If the prompt has similarities only: 2 bodies are similarities and 1 is difference
If the prompt has differences only: 2 bodies are differences and 1 is a similarity

If the prompt has causes only: 2 bodies are causes and 1 is an effect
If the prompt has effects only: 2 bodies are effects and 1 is a cause

LEQ B: to come in 10th grade

If the prompt has changes only: 2 bodies are changes and 1 is a continuity
If the prompt has continuities only: 2 bodies are continuities and 1 is a change

Sample Intro

Step 1: Belief systems are a unified set of ideas that promote moral Defined major theme
and addressed task.
behavior and developed approximately 2000 BCE-1450CE. The This should be a
straight definition.
Neolithic Revolution established permanent settlements around 10,000
with dates.
BCE. After the Neolithic complex civilizations developed in which

governments and belief systems formed. Polytheism first developed as

a way to explain unexplainable phenomena in nature. As time went on

additional belief systems like Daoism and Confucianism developed in

China from 600 BCE to 600CE. These belief systems promoted stability

and often supported political rules. Monotheistic belief systems

developed after the early polytheistic faiths in approximately 2,000 BCE.

Syncretic faiths developed out of early faiths. Syncretism is the

blending of faiths. Step 2: There are many belief systems that exist

and have existed. Step 3: Christianity and Islam are examples of belief

systems. Step 4: Belief systems have had both positive and negative
Should be specific to the
contributions to the modern world. topic; you can use the
periodization if you don’t
Step 5: From 2000 BCE – 500 BCE Hinduism and Buddhism developed. know the dates.

Write the similarities and

These two faiths differed in their geographic development, were similar differences
(causes/effects) in the
in religious beliefs, and differed concerning their views on gender order that you are
writing them in your
relations. essay. Place them in
chronological order as
best as you can.
Your turn!
Create your own introductory paragraph!
















Body Paragraph Steps

 Fill out the essay graphic organizer.

 Organize your essay by similarities/differences or causes/effects.

 Remember the rule of 3!

Sample Body Paragraph:

Hinduism and Buddhism differed in geographic development due to the fact The specific
similarity (cause)
Hinduism remained in India and Buddhism spread to China. Hinduism developed on is referenced in
(Any vocab word you use; define) the first sentence.
the subcontinent of India in approximately 2000 BCE. A subcontinent is a land mass that

is large enough to be considered a continent but isn't. Hinduism has no one founder and
Set the stage
was established by the Aryan tribes. The Aryan tribes took over India after the Indus using factual OSI.

River Valley civilization disappeared. Buddhism developed in India in approximately 500

BCE. Buddhism was established by the Buddha or enlightened one; Siddhartha

The significance
Gautama. Buddha was a Hindu prince that did not agree with the strictness of the
should be stated
clearly. Why is
Hindu faith. Contrary to Hinduism, Buddhism denounced the caste system and
this important?
Why do we study
promoted equality. The caste system was the rigid class structure that Hindus were
born into. Castes were determined by birth. Castes could only be changed when
reincarnation or rebirth occurred into a next life. Castes divided society. As a result of consistently.

the disagreement over the caste system Buddhism did not remain strong in India.
Buddhism was spread along overland trade routes such as the Silk Road. Buddhism
reinforced but
appealed to the Chinese people because unlike prior belief systems, it promoted
carried on
throughout body.
equality and that women have soul. It also was able to blend with the belief systems

that were already present in China such as Daoism and Confucianism. Daoism focuses

on nature worship and Confucianism is more of a code of conduct rather than a religious
Reason for
system. As a result Buddhism was more accepted in China. The reason why Hinduism similarity/
developed and remained in India was due to the existence and geographic migrations of You must state
the Aryan tribes in 4000 BCE. Aryans laid the foundation for the Vedas or the holy book

of Hinduism. The peninsula geography of India further isolated the Indian people. This

isolation hindered cultural diffusion and enabled the Hindu faith to remain strong. The

introduction of new beliefs into India was not readily accepted. Buddhism contradicted

Hinduism and could not compete with the stronghold that Hinduism had on India’s social

and political systems for centuries prior. The spread of Buddhism is significant because

Buddhism appealed to areas beyond China. Buddhism spread through cultural diffusion

throughout Asia as well. The largest Buddhist population today is in Thailand. Ninety-

five percent of the population in Thailand is Buddhist. Buddhism has continued to face

difficulties in China during the modern era periodization of 1900 to present. In 1949

China outlawed all religions during the Communist Revolution. Communist regimes do

not promote religion because they believe in a uniform political, non-religious, ideology.

Additionally, Hinduism abolished the caste system in 1947 due to the work of Hindu,

Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi, a promoter of non-violence tried to bring societal equality to

India in the 1930’s and 1940’s. The different geographic development of Buddhism and

Hinduism corroborates why these faiths developed differently.

Note: I didn’t put all of my OSI in this body paragraph. Balance your OSI
from paragraph to paragraph. I outlined for a comparative essay but the
rules are the same for a causation essay.

Your turn!
Create your own for a different body paragraph for the essay prompt provided using
addressing a similarity or difference.






































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