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Republic of the Philippines


Paterno Street, Tacloban City

The (H)Omo Event: Critique Paper

An Output Submitted As Requirement

For SCI (L) 106 Evolutionary Biology

Love Jade Tupaz

BS- Biology 2 AB 21/MTh 2:30-5:30pm
Based on the article written by Yves Coppens, it clarifies the beginning, rise, and cause of
the advancement of Primates. Long time ago, a major climatic alter the worldwide state. The
coastal climatic more causes tropical places to encounter dry spell whereas cooling the rest of the
humanity. Each flora and fauna have to adjust to fast climate changes. In a certain are or place,
the organism need to harmonize with the modern in order to survive. Changes in the entire
environment have led to terminations, resettlement and also others were able to evacuate or
moved to their new environment and settle their hopes high to continue breathing. Organisms
such as Elephants, Hominids, and Equids, took a tremendous jump for survival. The climatic
changes happened in Africa cleared the brain improvement of the Hominids also during at the
period of the Prehuman.
As we can observed the way the writer or the author explained the article, it seems like it
was based on his job, as an anthropologist. He explained it from simple yet catching and
organized ideas. The article referred to the discoveries occurred in Omo Valley on the Southern
Ethiopia, as we try to analyze the “ H” is parenthesized to highlight the fossil spot where the
research was made and in the same way to take note or list down the discoveries, the formed
ideas, and the knowledge about the Homos. Moreover, the author stated that the common
ancestors of the Pan and the Homo dates back on the appearance. He also added that the human
evolution was divided its lower parts: the Homos, the Prehumans, and the emergence of man, the
evolution and expansion of man.
Certain realizations came up to my mind. Even though we can say that science and
technology advancement, doubts and other things still occurred on the phylogeny. As per
discussion on the article, the common ancestors of the Pan and Homo emerged 10 million years
ago. The divergence where already secured yet there’s still a question to where did they lived. As
remark the chimpanzee and the bonobo are the closest to us, they are primates, tropical and
African which all the ideas and datas gathered, there is a hint that the common ancestor may
lived in the tropics of Africa 1 to 10 million years ago. We humans took the first step around 3
million years ago up to this time. The datas gathered reveals the prehuman coexisted together
with humans long ago. Based on information, there are 17 genera and species recorded to the
prehumans. One of its fossils recovered are came from species Australopithecus afarensis to
where the famous Lucy belong. During this era, the morphological structure of the prehumans
starting to look likely have in common like all the remains found to lined in the tropics and all
Another part in the article discussed the most important from human evolution. A cooling
season occured for some reason while the tropical Africa stats in drought. The environmental
changes that caused dramatic changes in the tropical Africa occurred around 2 to 3 million years
ago. With the help of oxygen isotopes and sediments from the lower Omo river . They set
concrete foundation in molecular level the exact time for the start of drought led for human
evolution. 1 km thick and rich in elephant, hominid, and equid fossils were estimated on the
sediment in lower Omo River.
The author showed that for how many years of studying the sediments, he collected 50
tons of bones and all shows a global coding of the place. He also collected pollen of trees and
grass then the properties of tree pollen dedmi on the same moment they hypothesized the
occurrence of drought in tropical Africa saying that the place are turning more dryer for the tree
to thrive. They never give up observing missing pieces and uncertainties. The effect of drought
causes other ancestor to choose the development of either brain or bones to survive.
The end part of th video discussed about the evolution and human expansion. The genus
of Homo that are said to be both Africans are Homo habilis and Homo rodulfensis. The author
concluded that Homo rodulfensis abandoned Africa and enlarge its population over-time because
the Homo erectus since we all know that in the beginning , we are not alone here on Earth. In
fact there are other human species existed. There are four humanities have been discovered, yet
there is still a big possibility that there are something that aren’t yet found.
The explorer and his company brought a massive contribution to their field, especially to
our history. In addition, people who are into research and other things that needs the appreciation
of knowledge about this will be grateful that the information from the study will help them, assist
them, and lead them through their success.

 Coppens, Y. (2009). The (H)Omo Event.
 National Geographic (n.d.). Human Evolution- the Facts.

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