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Topic-Should prostitution be legalised in india?

In taday session we get to know about different forms of prostitution..

1.street- clients are  solicited  on the street , park or other public places.
2.Brothel- place where people engage in sexual activity.
3.Escort- client contract sex on phone or via on hotel staff.
4.Private-client contract sex worker by phone.
These are the various forms of prostitution in various countries
Question arise that is this prostitution is good or bad in our country?
I believe that every work get due respect and this prostitution work also get respect.. but the
only think is that this work should be legalised and their should some authority who check on
that, there must be some licensing process and women who are in this profession get some
rights like if they are willing to do sex then only they have to be in this field not against their will.

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