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Department of Education Management

Faculty of Management and Economics
Sultan Idris Education University
Tanjong Malim
Improve students' knowledge related to the concepts and terminology associated with quality
management, specifically based on the dimensions of quality and quality management in the
educational organization which enables students to master, adapt and apply knowledge and
skills of quality management in implementation of operating processes, systems and
organizational structure of education mangement.
The module was design specifically require students to study independently and at the end the
of the study students;
1. Able to master the concepts and terminology of quality management in organization based
on a theoretical approach towarw Edward Deming’s philosophy.
2. Understanding the importance of implementing continuous improvements in strengthening
the competitiveness of the organization to deal with the competition in education service
3. Explaining the method of implementation of 14 steps of improvement in the efforts to
strengthen the effectiveness of educational services.

Implementation Procedures
1. The implementation of the activities of the module should be done by students according to
the instructions set out in any activities that are available in this module. Students have the
freedom to carry out any activity without the sequence number set.
2. If the students needs a confirmation letter and verification from the faculty, students must
inform the lecturer at least one (1) week in advance.
3. Students have to prepare all activities defined within the allocated time to allow all activities
in the module can be carried out without interruption.
4. Students must complete all activities that are available in this module which enable an
evaluation to be more concrete.
5. Students have to rewrite each answer in full. If it is a requirement, students must include all
the references used in accordance with the standard format of the American Psychological
6. Answers and discussion of each activity should be written on a separate sheet of this
module, however, students have to attach all of these modules in the answer sheet sent to
the lecturer.
7. Sheet answer shall be sent in a neat and orderly condition as stated in the module to write
using Arial font, 11 point. Skip 1.5.
Quality Thinking of Edward Deming
a. Please refer to the Orsini, J.N (2013). Leadership principles from the father of quality. New
York: McGraw Hill. You need to thoroughly examine the book, identify the main idea of the
Edward Deming's thinking in the field of quality management.

b. Based on the book Orsini, J.N (2013). Leadership principles from the father of quality. New
York: McGraw Hill, please read critically and analytically pages 37 to 67. Based on your
a. What are the reasons put forward by Edward Deming to strengthen his view that senior
management has an important role in decision-making to the dissemination and
implementation of quality management in the organization.
b. Management must not only transform the system of reward, but must also take
responsibility for the transfomation to the new economic, by reading and understanding,
how this fact can be attributed to the school of management realities of today.
1. Edward Deming has its own views with regard to customer expectations. Please state your
arguments to match the view of Edward Deming management education organization in
connection with efforts to meet customer needs.

4. E d w a r d D e m i n

changes. Based on the books Orsini, J.N (2013). Leadership principles from the father of
quality. New York: McGraw Hill, how this transformation could be realized.
5. Based on your reading through the book Orsini, J.N (2013). Leadership principles from the
father of quality. New York: McGraw Hill, Discuss the idea emphasis by Edward Deming in
determining the effectiveness of the quality of leadership in organizations and describe the
appropriate approach to implement a quality Edward Deming's leadership concepts in the
management of educational organizations.

6. Refer to pages 69 to 103, the Orsini, J.N (2013). Leadership principles from the father of
quality. New York: McGraw Hill, please read critically for the whole page.
a. Describe the main elements that be the core of the development of quality management
in the organization.
7. Please refer to Figure 3.1 on page 87 (Forces of Destruction), based on your analysis of
how the forces that can affect the quality of management of educational organization and
explain what are the aspects that need to be addressed to make the transformation in the
management education organization.

8. Please refer to pages 105 to 149, Orsini, J.N (2013). Leadership principles from the father of
quality. New York: McGraw Hill, read to tha whole chapter;
a. List of all 14 improvement steps proposed by Edward Deming.

1. 8.
b. 2. 9.
3. 10.
4. 11.
5. 12.
6. 13.
7. 14

For each of these steps describe in detail 1) the meaning of the concepts 2) procedures for
the implementation and 3) the implications to the management education organization.
9. Edward Deming in the context of the organization's quality management has explained
conceptually and practically which are related to the flow of operational service. With
reference to page 151 to 191, Orsini, J.N (2013). Leadership principles from the father of
quality. New York: McGraw Hill, please discuss critically;
a. System and management system
b. Human being as part of the system
c. Quality Management principles and cost-effectiveness
d. Leadership and people management

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