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Griha Shiksha Digest A weekly E-newsletter dedicated FOR self-learning/ Home-schooling

Edutorial Board: Week-7 Issue-7

Sadiya Saleh, Sushil Sharma, Vijay Simha & Poonam Dhungana February 12-18,2020

Case Studies of Families Exploring

The Edutorial!

Education is a parenting topic that's as divisive as it gets for many reasons, least of all being that there are so
many options now. In addition to public and private schools, there are charter schools, Montessori schools,
Waldorf schools, and of course, there's also homeschooling.

Advocates for public schools have long-voiced their grievances with parents who make the decision to home-
school their children ("they're not professional educators"; "their homes aren't equipped for learning"; "their
children aren't getting the social benefits of a public setting"), but when it comes down to it, there are some
incredibly successful, smart people who were homeschooled -- and who can argue with that?

In this issue we cover a few stories of parents who opted to Home-School their parents. Please do write to us
with your views.

Edutorial Team,
Griha Shiksha Digest

Share your ideas/experiences and get free subscription of the Digest !

Do you have an idea which can help the self-learners? Do you want to share case study of your home?
Share your knowledge with others and promote yourself too, by writing to ‘Griha Shiksha Digest’. Win
prizes in Quiz contests. Form Home-Schooling Communities. Enjoy benefits of discounts etc.
Please note the following points while making your submissions:
Articles must be original, in electronic version, 500 words or less. If you are using material from external
sources, please acknowledge them. Articles should be in MS word, single spaced, with easily readable
font, preferably Arial size 12. Photos should be of high resolution.

Please send your submissions to or on WhatsApp no. 7739802112 There are no
deadlines for submissions. You may submit articles anytime. We reserve the right to edit, rewrite or reject
any article.

1. Creating Self-Learning Path for Our Children

by Sudha and Vishnu ………………… 3-9

2. The story of our lifeSchool by Jeune Lobo …………………………………………….. 10-12
3. Links on stories of Self-Learners– Collection from Internet ….………….. 13
4. Who or what is the best example of self learning in ancient India?……… 14
5. An Invitation to be part of Griha Shiksha Movement ……………………….. 15

Griha Shiksha Digest Page-2 Issue-7, February 12-18,2020

Creating Self-
Self-Learning Path for Our Children
By: Sudha & Vishnu

We, are a couple based out of Hyderabad and parents of two kids: a 3-year-old son Chandramouli and a 3
month old daughter Tripura. We are IT professionals working in Hyderabad.

What I thought of homeschooling:

As most of the people around, I was unaware of the term “homeschooling” until my husband once expressed
his interest to homeschool our son who was just one-year-old then. I thought homeschooling meant just mak-
ing the kid stay at home and teaching him all the subjects that are taught in the school and make him write
examinations from some open school. I strongly opposed his idea. I asked him “How would our kid learn dis-
cipline if he stays at home in a much relaxed environment? How would he mingle with his peers and society?

What made me think homeschooling was the best option as contrary to what I thought?

1. Misconception about homeschooling:

As per my observation, most of the people think that homeschooling is meant for kids who can’t study in reg-
ular schools which is a delusion. The term homeschooling be rather better referred to as “self-learning” or
“learning by doing”.

2. Peoples’ reaction on homeschooling idea:

The first thing that people ask when they see our 3-year-old kid is that which school is he studying in? When
we say we are planning him to homeschool, they just get surprised. One of the couples in our neighborhood
just simply opposed this idea expressing the same concerns that I had earlier. We simply said, we want our
son to learn what he enjoys and enjoy what he learns. After thinking for a while, they confessed that they
should have done the same with their kid who was more interested in music and was forcefully put into regu-
lar schooling which he anyways discontinued to pursue his dream of becoming a guitarist.

………...Continued on page 4
Griha Shiksha Digest Page-3 Issue-7, February 12-18,2020
3. Observing conventional school going kids:

I could see my niece, who is very playful and cheerful girl, would become a mechanical doll as soon as she
steps in school campus. Her body language, tone to false humbleness is clearly visible. Why such paradigm
shifts in the behavior? I believe she is not going to attend classes that were taught by aliens. I could see her
behavior changes drastically till she is in school. We have given one activity to my son and her and observed
the approach to the activity. My niece did more like a robot with specific step by step instructions than my
son. Even in my community, I could see other kids who always behave differently to their original self.

Why is it a high time to change our education system?

Even though one studies in conventional school of repute, there is no guarantee that kids will learn inter-
personal skills. Whatever is not taught in schools can’t be taught in schools really.

Though, I really can’t debate on this topic, I would like to talk on behalf of my kids. Why my kid has to learn
about complex abstract mathematical problems when he wants to become a singer. Why my kid has to spend
nearly 10 hours in controlled environment when he has the ability and time to explore and learn more about
the surroundings and practical implementation of science concepts.

Another thing I observed is that almost all the kids feel that a burden got removed from their shoulders after
returning from school as if they have achieved something that day.

Advantages of self-learning:

Kids can learn at their own pace without feeling peer pressure and get bullied mercilessly by teachers and
fellow classmates.

If a particular concept is not understood, they can learn that in various ways which is not possible with regular
schooling given their homework and other busy calendar such as exams.

We can teach them business studies/economics/fine arts as one formal subject from childhood itself instead
of by-hearting chemistry formulae which are really not required, at least in my case as IT professional.

You can better manage money which you pay as fees to schools. They really don’t respect the money you
are spending for your kids. That same money can be utilized to on tours and buying books/tools of his inter-

We can spend as a family together and we can see how our children are growing. We will have more family
There are several other advantages of Self-Learning , the only disadvantage is that children need a space
outside home where they can meet other children for outdoor activities and hands-on /practical learning.
This disadvantage is addressed by either having a community of Self-learners or an independent centre like
“Griha Shiksha” Centre at Bhopal. So, we decided to visit their centre.

…………..Continued on page-5
Griha Shiksha Digest Page-4 Issue-7, February 12-18,2020
Visit to Griha Shiksha Kendra (GSK), Bhopal:
After realizing the pressing need of homeschooling, we decid-
ed to visit Griha Shiksha Kendra in Bhopal. We planned to
stay for a week, so that we could understand the concept
thoroughly. The experience was really worth time. We could
do our office work and parallelly see our kid learning by ob-
serving and enjoying what he learns. It was a great experi-
ence spending time with family which would never be possi-
ble with regular schooling.

Activities done at Griha Shiksha Kendra


In Griha Shiksha the philosophy of 5Ps of

sustainable development is propagated. We
got an insight of the concepts.

Gardening, Composting and Bio-enzyme making:

We saw home garden in GSK and got a chance to explain
kids on watering, nurturing the plants, how to harvest the

We should give back to mother earth by way of composting

our waste. There is hardly any wet waste generated in
GSK, all vegetable and fruit peals are directly fed to cows .
There is “Cow Corner” for that purpose where cows come
to eat. Whatever little wet waste is generated that is put in
a pit and covered with soil.

We saw how the citric peals are used to make bio-

enzyme cleaners.

Cleanliness of surroundings and energy savings:

Visited a place near Kaliasot Dam which was very filthy

earlier and how Griha Shiksha team cleaned it and
beautified it by planting trees and flower saplings. The
small place is being maintained by the team with regu-
lar cleaning and watering.
We also got to know about using alternate sources of
energy and how can we use energy efficiently.

…………..Continued on page-6
Griha Shiksha Digest Page-5 Issue-7, February 12-18,2020
Studying of books of his interest in the library - He enjoyed reading variety of books like Panchatantra,
how to make friends, good habits.
Pictorial charts – given a chart with various flags of
countries, we asked the kid to identify the flags with star
symbol, with + sign etc., which he could be able to do at
ease. He enjoyed going through the charts of his interest
and identified many objects from the charts of animals,
shapes, colors, alphabets, numbers, flowers etc.

Visit to Bada Talab (Upper Lake)

Bhopal is a city of lakes, gardens, parks and
dams full of greenery. Bada Talab is spread
over 32 Sq.Km. and is one of the largest man
made lake in India.The Boat Club at Bada Talab has great natural ambience. It is really amazing to see how
such a large lake has been maintained quite well.

Interacting with other kids of different

language without any barrier – my kid
doesn’t speak any language other than his
mother tongue (Telugu) yet, however, we
were surprised to see how he mingled with
other kids of his age group and above too.
We wonder how children manage to com-
municate so well when we feel short of
words !

…………...Continued on page-7

Griha Shiksha Digest Page-6 Issue-7-February 12-18,2020

Learning to be a public speaker! – A portable mike set was given to kids and we were surprised to see an-
other aspect of our kid.
Repetition of long sentences in other languages – Got excited by hearing his own voice in speaker, our son
started repetition of long sentences at one go which really surprised us at the grasping aspect of our kid. We
got to know that making kid speak in the mic is a very effective way of teaching a new language, making them
talk for a long time, repeating complex sentences.

Writing alphabets using rangoli. –

Another fun way of teaching alpha-
bets. He enjoyed writing alphabets
using colorful rangoli powder, also
made various patterns using stencils.

Solar Helicopter assembling –

A solar helicopter kit was given to the
kids to assemble and make it work.
They learnt patterns and can identify
the actual parts by looking at the
manual. Though they can’t read the
manual, they are in a position to as-
semble the helicopter by observing
the pictures.

Bhopal Tour:
Visit to Regional Science Center:
Though its way beyond of my son’s age,
it’s worth visiting this center near Griha
Shiksha. He really enjoyed the fun aspect
of science. After all science is fun.
NIOS center: visited regional NIOS cen-
ter to know the process involved with
Open Basic Education of NIOS.

Lakes and Parks – one of the beautiful

and un-explored, underrated cities of India

is Bhopal. It has so much to offer and we
were spell bound with its beauty. There are
many parks and gardens located within
walking distances of GSK

Visit to Kaliasot Dam –We visited the dam

nearby the Griha Shiksha Kendra and made
our kid observe the surroundings and tried
to explain to him why the dams are needed!
…………...Continued on page-8
Griha Shiksha Digest Page-7 Issue-7-February 12-18,2020
Narmada River: We got to see another dam on Narmada river and our kid could relate it to the dam he has
seen earlier in Bhopal.

Manav Sangrahaalay: Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya lies in a prehistoric landscape with evi-
dences of prehistoric human settlement in its premises at Bhopal- the capital city of Madhya Pradesh. Cover-
ing an area of about 200 acres of undulating terrain in the Shamla Hills, it is one of the largest and leading
Anthropological Museums in India. We got to know old and traditional scientific techniques like sugar cane
crusher, oil pressing machine, irrigation. It was a treat to eyes seeing various states’ art and culture.

…………...Continued on page-9

Griha Shiksha Digest Page-8 Issue-7-February 12-18,2020

About Sunil Sood Sir:

After staying in Griha Shiksha Kendra for a week and learning many things,
couldn’t help but write few words about Sunil Sir. He is a very humble and
hospitable person. His enthusiasm and spirit to bring some positive changes
in society is very contagious.
At first we were not sure whether our kid would be much interested in stay-
ing here. But Sunil Sir is so accommodating and caring that within no time
my son bonded with him very well and learnt many things in fun way.

Takeaway from Griha Shiksha Kendra:

Today as we leave Griha Shiksha Kendra with lot of eye-opening experienc-

es, we are more willful than ever to homeschool both of our kids in future.
Also, we would work on making the society aware of how harmful is the present slavery modal schooling sys-
tem and the importance of self-learning so that we have a better generation. We all should strive to develop a
future generation that would be visionary in thoughts rather than following the footsteps of others.

The story so far… Sudha (Dt.18.02.2020)

My Views – Vishnu.

As a parent, my main intention to go with home schooling is to select the subjects that are of interest to the
child without working on grammar rules of language which we never use. Also, the practical/hands-on expo-
sure in regular schooling is almost nil in most of the schools. From the experience of people around me and
myself, I could conclude that the concepts which are being taught in mother tongue will be more concrete.
rather struggling in to form the sentences in the examination in English.

I observed that the original playful character of the kids will be suppressed for nearly 4-5 hours per day in
school and again for 4-5 hours per day by parents after returning from school. Kids sleep 8-10 hours on aver-
age. So in total out of 24 hours, they are getting manipulated to express themselves. Where are we heading?
Aren’t we destroying their beautiful childhood and bright future? Forceful induction of discipline is not good
and we are already seeing around how the current generation is handling the situations and especially the
failures. We always talk about freedom of expression but never in the case of children. We are actually abus-
ing our children - Not outsiders or strangers.

As a member in interview panel in my organization, I hold interviews for many pass-outs and I’m really sad-
dened to see the lack of communication skills, confidence, and lack of knowledge about simple concepts. I
wonder what has the 16-years long period of formal education taught them.

We should teach them patience, not false aggressiveness.

We should teach them compassion, not negligence (not considering others as human beings)
We should teach them to brace failures, not boasting.
We should teach them helpfulness, not treachery.
Above things are definitely not be taught in schools…

Griha Shiksha Digest Page-9 Issue-7-February 12-18,2020

The story of our lifeSchool

By: Jeune Lobo

Sometimes the road of life takes an unexpected turn

and you have no choice but to follow it to end up in
the place you are supposed to be.

Our unschooling journey began when we were ex-

pecting our first child(ren). Yes, I was pregnant -
with twins. Like any other family, we wanted to make
sure the two new lives we were given as a gift would
get the best of everything.
So everything was now looked at with new wisdom.
How do we want our kids to grow?
Every superstitious belief, every free advice, food
recommendation, medical suggestion and instruc-
tions by elders were questioned.
In this process, we discovered ourselves again.

When the kids were 2 years old, along with ques-

tions about their meal and sleep times, we were
asked, which playschool we have chosen for them.
That in itself was such a shock to us as we had not
even thought about schooling, as our kids had just
started talking. I could not fathom the idea of send-
ing them away with strangers when as a mother, I
still struggled to understand them. So we decided
that there is no hurry, we will let them play and learn
at home.

When they were 4, the society questioned us again.

Which school have you selected? Is it a Montessori,
Waldorf, State board, etc. That's when we started re-
searching schools. Our first criterion was that the
school should be no more than 15 min away from
home, and the second was that kids would go to school
to have fun and learn. Letting the kids enjoy their child-
hood for as long as they could without the fear of ex-
ams and the burden of homework was what we want-

…………...Continued on Page-11
Griha Shiksha Digest Page-10 Issue-7-February 12-18,2020
Our search for the best school inadvertently led us to Facebook. While we asked opinions and reviews, we
came across the term 'Alternative School' and through that, we stumbled across 'Home Schooling'

The concept itself was new, scary yet exciting. Though we got a lot of information from the internet, we did
not yet know anyone who homeschooled their kids. We reached out and found a big, engaging and encourag-
ing homeschooling community in Bangalore. While we got our doubts cleared and concerns addressed, we
saw that our kids were happy. They got enough time and attention from both parents. The things other kids
learned in school, our kids learned at home, while traveling, visiting friends and relatives, etc. Learning was
not limited by time or place.

This whole experience of bonding with a community with similar life goals gave us the confidence and desire
to learn more, do more, not just for our kids, for us as a family. We enjoyed the slow life we had. We wanted
to cherish our children's childhood. The best way we found was to move out of the city.
So we cleared our debts, minimized our possessions, rented out the apartment and moved to a friend's off-
grid farm. No electricity, limited internet, unlimited nature time and lots of books, fresh food, traditional cook-
ing techniques, and an eco-friendly life gave us and our kids a renewed appreciation for a slow, simplistic and
natural life and helped us strengthen our decision to not send our kids to school.
We regularly ask our kids if they want to attend school and they say they enjoy their home school.

…………...Continued on Page-12
Griha Shiksha Digest Page-11 Issue-7-February 12-18,2020
We do not have fixed times/days to study. Nor do we follow any syllabus or set guidelines. Every day is differ-
ent and learning happens according to the mood and curiosity of each child.

While my husband pursues his life goals and me, mine,

we have got a happy balance where the kids learn as they
live. While we travel they learn about the world they see;
nature, its moods, our role in it, the imbalance caused by
us, at home they learn the way families and social struc-
tures work, with friends and strangers they learn the art of
sharing, helping, kindness. They could be doing their
mental math while grocery shopping or learning their al-
phabets and reading while at the post office. Life doesn't
stop for learning, learning is life.
As parents of homeschoolers what we both do is unschool
ourselves every day to understand life better and help us
all live life, not the way someone says we should. Kids are
naturally curious, so we just facilitate their learning by be-
ing there and helping them in every way we can. We at-
tend workshops with them, take them to museums, farms,
offices, markets, etc.

Our kids are now almost seven. Every day we are pleased
with our decision to homeschool them. It has helped us
improve our health, build relationships, travel more, live
slow and enjoy every moment of life.

You can follow our nature-loving and homeschooling life @Avin.Jeune on

Instagram and

Griha Shiksha Digest Page-12 Issue-7-February 12-18,2020

Links on stories of Self-Learners– Collection from Internet


Read more at:

MAUNISHI, 12, brings out a four-page supplement — Maari Tama

Read more at:


Read more at:

How do self-learned people learn by themselves?

How I started home schooling: founding stories of mothers who home school their children

Homeschooling is the smartest way to teach kids in the 21st century

The new faces of homeschooling: 3 families, 3 different approaches

Griha Shiksha Digest Page-13 Issue-7-February 12-18,2020

Who or what is the best example of self learning
in ancient India?
By:Chetan Rattan, a student of history and comparative religion

I can think of four examples they are : Eklavya, Ashtawakr ,Abhimanyu, Nachiketa

Eklavya : his story is known to most as illustrated in Mahabharata that after Guru. Dronacharya refused to
teach him, he created a statue of Dronacharya and tought himself archery and art of Warfare.

Ashtawakr : he is one of the most famous sages and philosopher of ancient India and his philosophy is articu-
lated in a seminal literature known as Astawakr Gita, he is also claimed to teach King Dashrath how to attain
Moksha in such a time it takes him to climb his. Horse.

It is said while he was in the womb of his mother his father used to recite Vedas to his mother, one day he
spoke from womb and admonished his father on wrong pronunciation which enraged his father that he cursed
his unborn child to be born with 8 deformities hence ashta + Vakr = 8+ deformities.

Now if you think you will find absurdity of the story an unborn baby speaking from the womb, a father cursing ,
a curse which gives him 8 deformities the fact would have been he was a special child born with deformities
who most of the sages would have denied to take in as a student so he self learned the philosophy and once
he became renound philosopher this story of his birth was invented.

Abhimanyu : it is said while his mother Subhadra was pregnant with him, Krishna her brother used to teach
her philosophy of war and warfare and one day while he was speaking about how to break out of chakravahyu
she slept hence unborn Abhimanyu could not learn how to break out of chakravahyu hence was killed inside
one created by Dronacharya .

Again the story is absurd a unborn baby learning philosophy of war inside the womb of his mother, I feel he
self-learned war and warfare by watching different General's of Krishna's army but could not get time to learn
how to break out of chakravahyu from the most learned General's IE. Krishna, his father Arjun and Guru.
Dronacharya but once he was killed a story was created to give an Aura to his martyrdom

Nachiketa : in his story it is said once his father was conducting an YAGNA after which he gave cows as
Dakshina( donations ) to the Brahmins but Nachiketa found out that his father was donating cows which were
old, sick and were not giving milk and kept all heathy milk giving cows back , he pointed this to his father and
said such donations will not get you results which you are looking for by doing this YAGNA and donations.
This enraged his father who said that he will do another YAGNA and invoke Yama Lord of death and donate
his son Nachiketa to him. It is said that then Nachiketa consulted different philosophers who suggested that
he study all Ved Vedanga IE philosophy and engage Yama in duscussion/ debate while he is taking Na-
chiketa to Yamlok after accepting him as donation from his father and if he can defeat Yama in this discussion
or debate , Yama will be happy and give him boon so in a boon ask asy Yama to release him from the clutch-
es of death.

It is said the same happened and Yama released him from clutches of death. This is again story of self learn-
ing which is present without camaflouging it ; by inventing stories of learning in Womb or putting a statue etc it
is pure unadulterated story of Self Learning.

Griha Shiksha Digest Page-14 Issue-7-February 12-18,2020

An invitation to be a part of the revolutionary project in the field of education

Griha Shiksha
(Sustainable Education At Home)

The Right to Education or the Right Education ?

The Right to Education is a fundamental right of children and so is the RIGHT EDUCATION. Every Child is
unique and special. Hence, the right education can not be imparted through the present system of
mass/factory schooling. Considering several shortcomings of the present education system, parents and chil-
dren are opting for alternate methods which ensures the Right Education while giving freedom to the children
to pursue their passion.
Alternate education systems are characterized by a non-competitive, multilingual and experiential learning
environment; a broader curriculum that is more locally adapted; a more continuous and qualitative non–
comparative assessment; a pace of learning that is determined by a child's capacity.
Home schooling is one of the ways to provide the right education. Home-schooling is a blanket term used to
include education choices where a child does not go to school. While most of the time this means that parents
assume responsibility for the child’s education in a home environment, it can also mean parents who travel a
lot with children as a source of learning, or special tutors engaged to teach specific subjects or even parent
cooperatives and intentional communities that collectively educate a group of children.

Millions of children are now getting right education through the concepts of Home-schooling and their num-
bers are growing at a much faster rate than before due to technological advancements.

What is “Griha Shiksha” Project?

The project envisions mainstreaming of concepts of Home-schooling and sustainability, hence, the project is
named as Griha Shiksha (“Sustainable Education At Home). LCG Energy Consultants Private Limited is
working as implementing consultants for the project.

The Vision and Perspective of the project is given below:

• To provide Sustainable Education through the concept of Home Schooling.
• To mainstream the concepts of Sustainable Development.
• To promote world citizenship.
• To provide a platform for lifelong learning from Nature.
• To provide education leading to creation of genuine wealth and prosperity within the carrying capacity of
Earth while fostering peace, partnership and social values.

We have developed a unique Curriculum Framework for all age groups based on the concepts of 5Ps of Sus-
tainable Development i.e. Prosperity, People, Planet , Partnership and Peace. This will ensure that the
knowledge is connected to Nature and People. This will also ensure that the learning is child specific and em-
powers them to lead a happy, healthy and purposeful life.
We shall do so by demonstrating practical ways to live sustainable life style and building commitment to dem-
ocratic values of equality, justice, secularism and freedom. To provide for practical and interactive learning
experiences, a demonstration centre named as “Activities & Facilitation Centre for Self-Learners” has been
established at Bhopal.
To start similar centre at your place, Please contact 7739802112

Griha Shiksha Digest Page-15 Issue-7-February 12-18,2020

“Activities and Facilitation Centre
for Self-Learners” Bhopal
Published by: Sunil Sood Filling-up the void and addressing the
concerns of Home-Schoolers/Self-Learners

LCG Energy Consultants Pvt.Ltd.

Kolar Road,Bhopal-462016
Mobile : 7739802112


Sustainable Education
At Home

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Griha Shiksha Digest Page-16 Issue-7-February 12-18,2020

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