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Phonetic and phonology MCQs

1. The sounds of English have been divided into two parts:

A) Vowel sounds and diphthongs. B) Diphthongs and monophthongs.
C) Vowels and consonant sounds. D) Short vowel and long vowels

2. Total number of vowel sounds are :

A) 12 B) 20 C) 08 D) 44

3. Total number of short vowels are :

a) 08 B) 12 C) 07 D) 05

4. Total number of long vowels are:

A) 09 B) 12 C) 24 D) 05

5. Diphthongs are also called:

A) Pure vowel B) Double vowels C) Glide vowels D) Both b & c

6. How many Plosives sounds (Occlusive) are there in English?

A) 09 B) 06 C) 02 D) 03

7. How many voiced consonants sounds are there in English?

A) 09 B) 15 C) 24 D) 12

8. Identify the word in which the end sound is different from the other words.
A) Concept. B) Percept C) Sect D) Conceit

9. Which of the following contains the words beginning with the same consonant
A) Chicago-Chorus B) Cherish- Charisma C) China- Chorme D) Check- Chain

10. Which of the following contains the same vowel sound?

A) hook- brook-luck B) Cat- bat- mat C) Win-we- see D) Lead- leak – break

11. Identify the word in which the end sound is different from the other words.
A) Sleep B) Reap C) Teach D) Deep

12. Phonetic symbols are:

A) 52 B)42 C) 48 D)44
13. Diphthongs are:
A) Pure vowel sounds. B) Pure consonant sounds
C) Semi vowel sounds D) Combination of two pure vowels

14.Which of the Following does not have / ʊ / sound?

A) Put B) Wood C) Boot D) Could

15. Which of the following does not have / ia / sound?

A) Near B) Deer C) Ear D) Pray

16. Pick out the correct phonetic symbol for the underline word national
A) /ʃ/ B) /ʧ/ C) /ai/ D) / ð /

17. Which of the following contains the words beginning with the same consonant
A) charm- choice B) church- chemistry C) Cheap- keep D) Ship- chip

18. Which of the following contains the same vowel sound?

A) Kid- beat- tight B) Deep- keep-sweep
C) Find- seat- kite D) Feed- fine- mean

19. Which of these terms refer to the study of speech process?

A) Phonology b) Phonetic substances c) Phonetics d) Semantics

20.What is the full form of IPA?

A) Indian Phonetic Alphabet b) International Phonetic Alphabet
c) International Phonetic Agreement d) Indian Phonetic Agreement

The answer
1. C) 2. B) 3. C) 4. D) 5. D) 6. B) 7. B) 8. D) 9. D) 10. B)
11.C) 12.D) 13.D) 14.C) 15.D) 16.A) 17.A) 18.B) 19.C) 20.C)

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