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My portfolio to observe

classes in my ED-110
class in Wayne
Community College
Field Journal Observation Pages – Initial Observation Page
Mode of Observation – (Face-to-Face, Video, Live, Live Virtual, Other (Explain))
Name of the School (include the teachers name, class and grade level), Video (include the URL), Virtual
Classroom Site-
Date of Observation and Length of the Time for the Observation-
A. Describe the physical environment of the classroom. (p13) What subject
is being taught? (p159)
B. What is the instructional method? (p171)
C. Is there evidence of the complexity of teaching? (p7) List and explain .
-History (Class Climate)
D. Use of technology and cell phones in the classroom (p13): List and explain
E. Describe the student population (p13):
F. List and give evidence of the teaching/learning theories being used and
applied during the observation time (p15):
G. What state or national standard is being referenced? (p20) Is it obvious in
the lesson? Explain.
H. What are the characteristics of the learners that you are observing? (p94)
Explain and describe these.
I. Are there any culturally appropriate practices used? (p103)
J. Is the information being taught accurate? (p104) Explain.
K. Does the teacher seem to favor one gender of student over another?
(p106) Explain.

L. Did you observe any of the following? Explain. (107)

- Teachers committing to the idea that all students can learn.
- Accommodating learning style differences/altering instruction if
students don’t get it.
- Awareness of their own perspective . What philosophy was evident?

M. What kind of program is evident? Enrichment, Acceleration, Developing

N. Assistive technologies for Special Ed students. (p 118)
O. How did the teacher establish their leadership? (p137)
P. What procedures where put in place for student management? (p143)
Is there evidence of
-Effective lesson presentation? (Lecture)
-Teacher clarity
-Teacher questions to students
- Homework
Q. How do we know the lesson was effective? Was there evidence of
learning? Assessment – (p190)
Amani Altairi

Professor Syrain
ED -110
My Second Field Journal observation
Mode of the observation: Video
Virtual classroom site:
Date of the observation: 11/25/2020
Time of the observation: 01 :15 :00
The type of the class: Middle school
Describe the physical environment of the class room? What subject is being taught?
There were more than 5 desks. There were 20 or more chairs. There were two board.
The desks were equipped with supplies for studying. The subject was density and

What is the instructional method?

Direct instruction.

Is there evidence of the complexity of teaching?

Use of technology and cell phones in the classroom?:List and explain these.
No, the teacher did not need any kind of technology.

Describe the students population?

The students were over 20 students. There were mixed boys and girls.
List and give evidence of the teaching/ learning theories being used and applied during

the observation time?

Constructivism: when the students wrote the definition of the density from their point
of view after they understood the lesson.

What state or national standard is being referenced? Is it obvious in the lesson?

Physical Science. It was obvious, when the teacher talks about density and buoyancy.

What are the characteristics of the learners that you are observing?

Are there any culturally appropriate practices used?

Is there information being taught accurate?

Yes, while the teacher was teaching the students the lesson. The students seems to be
engaged and participate in the lesson.

Does the teacher seem to favor one gender of student over another?

No, the teacher did not distinguish between male and female students

Did you observe any of the following? Explain.

Teachers committing to the idea that all students can learn.

Accommodating learning style differences/altering instruction if students don’t get it.

What kind of program is evident?

Acceleration, Developing potential

Assistive technologies for special Ed students.

It did not occur.

How did the teacher establish their leadership?
The teacher seem to have become accustomed to the teacher’s leadership method, as
he navigates the classroom, observes students, and poses questions to them.
What procedures where put in place for student management?

Is there evidence of
- Effective lesson presentation?
The lesson was effective. Most of the students were participating and interactive.
They also wrote down the information that they have learned.
- Teacher clarity. The teacher was clear. The way the teacher explained the lesson was
clear and understood by the students. Which made the students solve the questions
that she asked during the lesson and the end of the class.
- Teacher questions to students. The teacher asked the students questions and they
answered the questions.

- Homework. The teacher did not give homework.

How do we know the lesson was effective? Was there evidence of learning.

The lesson was effective because the students the students were interactive,
participating in the class. The students also solved the questions.
Amani Altairi

Professor Syrain
ED -110
My Ninth Field Journal observation
Mode of the observation: Video
Virtual classroom site:
Date of the observation: 12/3/2020
Time of the observation: 01 :00 :00
The type of the class: Second Grade
The name of teacher: Ms. Nancy Fetzer

Describe the physical environment of the class room? What subject is being taught?

There were three boards. Two boards for labels and papers. One board for writing.
There was a printer. The wall had a lot of small boards. The class had desks and chairs.
The desks were equipped with supplies for studying. The class had shelves for the
students’ stuff. The subject was writing a story.

What is the instructional method?

Direct instruction.

Is there evidence of the complexity of teaching?


Use of technology and cell phones in the classroom?:List and explain these.

No, the teacher did not use any kind of technology.

Describe the students population?
The students were more than 20 students. They were mixed boys and girls. Most of the
students were White Americans and the rest of them were Asian and African

List and give evidence of the teaching/ learning theories being used and applied during

the observation time?

Constructivism: the students wrote the story and they draw pictures to express the

What state or national standard is being referenced? Is it obvious in the lesson?

English Language Arts. It was obvious, when the teacher talks about the story and asks
the students to write the story.

What are the characteristics of the learners that you are observing?

It did not occur any of the characteristics that mention in the text book.

Are there any culturally appropriate practices used?

I didn’t notice.

Is there information being taught accurate?

Yes, while the teacher was teaching, the students seem to be engaged and participate in
the lesson. The students were excited while the teacher was telling them the story.

Does the teacher seem to favor one gender of student over another?

No, the teacher did not distinguish between male and female students.

Did you observe any of the following? Explain.

Teachers committing to the idea that all students can learn.

It did not occur.
Accommodating learning style differences/altering instruction if students don’t get it.
It did not occur.

What kind of program is evident?

Acceleration, Developing potential

Assistive technologies for special Ed students.

It did not occur.

How did the teacher establish their leadership?

The teacher seem to have become accustomed to the teacher’s leadership method, as
she navigates the classroom, observes students.

What procedures where put in place for student management?

Is there evidence of
- Effective lesson presentation?
The lesson was effective. Most of the students were participating and interactive.
They also wrote some words about the story and they drew pictures about the story
they have learned.
- Teacher clarity. The teacher was clear. The way the teacher explained the story was
clear and understood by the students. Which made the students drew pictures to
express the story.
- Teacher questions to students. The teacher asked the students questions and they
answered the questions.
- Homework. The teacher did not give homework

How do we know the lesson was effective? Was there evidence of learning?

The lesson was effective because most the students were interactive, participating in
the class. The students also wrote some words about the story after they heard the
story from the teacher.
Amani Altairi
Professor Syrain
ED -110
My Eleventh Field Journal observation
Mode of the observation: Video
Virtual classroom site:
Date of the observation: 12/9/2020
Time of the observation: 01 :07 :00
The type of the class: fourth Grad
The teacher name: Nancy Fetzer
A. Describe the physical environment of the class room? What subject is being taught?
There was a board and a bulletin board . The wall had some posters and chalkboards.
There was an overhead projector board. There were some Desks and chairs were
arranged for all students. The desks were equipped with supplies for studying. The class’
s wall had colorful boards and papers. The subject was writing.
B. What is the instructional method?
Direct instruction.
C. Is there evidence of the complexity of teaching?
No. it did not accrue.
D. Use of technology and cell phones in the classroom?:List and explain these.
Yes, the teacher did not use any kind of technology.
E. Describe the students population?
The students were more than 20 students. They were mixed boys and girls. The students
were White Americans, African Americans, and Asian Americans.
List and give evidence of the teaching/ learning theories being used and applied during
the observation time?
Constructivism: the students gave and repeated some ideas about the topic that they wrote
about it. After the teacher gave the students some keywords about the topic.

F. What state or national standard is being referenced?

English Language Arts. It was obvious, when the teacher talks about the writing.
G. What are the characteristics of the learners that you are observing?
It did not occur any of the characteristics that mention in the text book.
H. Are there any culturally appropriate practices used?
I didn’t notice.
I. Is there information being taught accurate?
Yes, while the teacher was teaching, the students seem to be engaged and participate in
the lesson. The students discussed the topic with each other. The students also were
answering the questions.
J. Does the teacher seem to favor one gender of student over another? No, the teacher
did not distinguish between male and female students.
K. Did you observe any of the following? Explain.
Teachers committing to the idea that all students can learn.
It did not occur.
Accommodating learning style differences/altering instruction if students don’t get it.
It did not occur.
L. What kind of program is evident?
Enrichment and Developing potential
M. Assistive technologies for special Ed students.
It did not occur.
N. Assistive technologies for special Ed students.
It did not occur.
O. How did the teacher establish their leadership?
The teacher seem to have become accustomed to the teacher’s leadership method, as
she observes students, and poses questions to them

P. What procedures where put in place for student management? is there evidence of
Effective lesson presentation?
The lesson was effective. Most of the students were participating and interactive. They
also were repeating the ideas with the teacher. Then they started writing.
-Teacher clarity: The teacher explained the ideas clearly. The students keep repeating
the ideas after the teacher gave some ideas.
-Teacher questions to students: The teacher asked some students some questions to
stablish the answers from the students.
-Homework. The teacher did not give homework.

Q. How do we know the lesson was effective? Was there evidence of learning?

The lesson was effective because the students were interactive, participating in

the class. They also were answering the questions.

Amani Altairi

Professor Syrain
ED -110
My twelfth Field Journal observation
Mode of the observation: Video
Virtual classroom site:
Date of the observation: 12/9/2020
Time of the observation: 01 :00 :00
The type of the class: First Grade
The name of the school: Cramer School
The name of the teacher: Judith Licina
Describe the physical environment of the class room? What subject is being taught?
There was a board and a bulletin board . The wall had a lot of posters and chalkboards.
There was an overhead projector. The class had a book case that include books and
supplies . The class had desks and chairs. The subject was English Arts.

What is the instructional method?

Direct instruction.

Is there evidence of the complexity of teaching?

No. it did not accrue.

Use of technology and cell phones in the classroom?:List and explain these.

Yes, the teacher used a projector screen to show the students the video for other

Describe the students population?

The students were around 15 students. They were mixed boys and girls. The students
were White Americans, African Americans, and Asian Americans.

List and give evidence of the teaching/ learning theories being used and applied during
the observation time.
Constructivism: the students noticed the letters th in the words. Then they spelled for
the teacher, after the teacher explained the sound of the letters th.

What state or national standard is being referenced? Is it obvious in the lesson?

English Language Arts, it was obvious when the teacher talks about letters and the

What are the characteristics of the learners that you are observing?

It did not occur any of the characteristics that mention in the text book.

Are there any culturally appropriate practices used?

I didn’t notice.

Is there information being taught accurate?

Yes, while the teacher was teaching, the students seem to be engaged and participate in
the lesson. The students were excited while the they were observing. The students also
were answering the questions.
Does the teacher seem to favor one gender of student over another? No, the teacher
did not distinguish between male and female students.

Did you observe any of the following? Explain.

Teachers committing to the idea that all students can learn.

It did not occur.
Accommodating learning style differences/altering instruction if students don’t get it.
It did not occur.
What kind of program is evident?

Enrichment and Developing potential.

Assistive technologies for special Ed students.

It did not occur.

Assistive technologies for special Ed students.

It did not occur.

How did the teacher establish their leadership?

The teacher seem to have become accustomed to the teacher’s leadership method, as
she observes students, and poses questions to them.
Is there evidence of Effective lesson presentation.
The lesson was effective. Most of the students were participating and interactive. They
respond when they teacher asked them.
-Teacher clarity: The teacher was clear. The way the teacher explained the lesson,
was understood by the students. Which made the students interested.
-Teacher questions to students. The teacher asked the students questions and they
answered the questions quickly.
- Homework. The teacher did not give homework

How do we know the lesson was effective? Was there evidence of learning?

The lesson was effective because the students were interactive, participating in
the class. The students noticed the sound of the letter by themselves.
Amani Altairi

Professor Syrain
ED -110
My 13th to 19th Field Journal observations
Mode of the observation: Zoom
Date of the observation: 12/8/2020-12/9/2020
Time of the observation: 7 :00 :00
The type of the class: , Preschool, First Grade, and Second Grade.
Describe the physical environment of the class room? What subject is being taught? The place
had a book case that include books and supplies . The place had desks and chairs. There was a
laptop. The subject was Foreign Languages.

What is the instructional method?

Direct instruction.

Is there evidence of the complexity of teaching?

The students in the end of the class, they got bored and they turned of the laptop.

Use of technology and cell phones in the classroom?:List and explain these.

Yes, the teacher used a laptop to connect with the students. The teacher explained the
lesson through the laptop.

Describe the students population?

The students were around 10 students. They were mixed boys and girls. The students
were Asian Americans.
List and give evidence of the teaching/ learning theories being used and applied during
the observation time.
Constructivism: the students noticed the letters that the teacher wrote them on the
small board. Then they spelled them for the teacher, after the teacher explained the
sound. The students wrote the letters that the teacher asked them to write.

What state or national standard is being referenced? Is it obvious in the lesson?

Foreign Language, it was obvious when the teacher talks about letters and the words.

What are the characteristics of the learners that you are observing?

It did not occur any of the characteristics that mention in the text book.

Are there any culturally appropriate practices used?

I didn’t notice.

Is there information being taught accurate?

Yes, while the teacher was teaching, the students seem to be engaged and participate in
the lesson. The students also were answering the questions. The students knew what to
do next.

Does the teacher seem to favor one gender of student over another? No, the teacher
did not distinguish between male and female students. Did you observe any of the
following? Explain.

Teachers committing to the idea that all students can learn.

It did not occur.
Accommodating learning style differences/altering instruction if students don’t get it.
It did not occur.
What kind of program is evident?

Enrichment and Developing potential.

Assistive technologies for special Ed students.

It did not occur.

How did the teacher establish their leadership?

The teacher seem to have become accustomed to the teacher’s leadership method, as
she observes students, and poses questions to them.

What procedures where put in place for student management?

Is there evidence of Effective lesson presentation.

The lesson was effective. Most of the students were participating and interactive. They
respond when the teacher asks them.

-Teacher clarity: The teacher was clear. The way the teacher explained the lesson,
was understood by the students although it was by Zoom Which made the students
-Teacher questions to students. The teacher asked the students questions and they
answered the questions quickly.
- Homework. The teacher did not give homework.

How do we know the lesson was effective? Was there evidence of learning?

The lesson was effective because the students were interactive and participating in
the class. The students noticed the sound of the letter by themselves. The students
wrote the words and they did the class work. The students answered the questions that
the teacher gave them.
Amani Altairi
Professor Syrain
ED -110
My third Field Journal observation
Mode of the observation: Video
Virtual classroom site:
Date of the observation: 11/26/2020
Time of the observation: 01 :00:00
The type of the class: Second Grade
Describe the physical environment of the class room? What subject is being taught?

The class very big. There were more than 20 desks. There were 20 or more chairs. There
were two boards. The desks were equipped with supplies for studying. The class’s wall
was colored. The subject was learning vocabulary.

What is the instructional method?

Direct instruction.

Is there evidence of the complexity of teaching?


Use of technology and cell phones in the classroom?:List and explain these.

No, the teacher did not use any kind of technology.

Describe the students population?

The students were about 14 students. There are mixed boys and girls. All the students
were White Americans.

List and give evidence of the teaching/ learning theories being used and applied during

the observation time?

Constructivism: the students gave the vocabulary of the definition, when the teacher
asked them.

What state or national standard is being referenced? Is it obvious in the lesson?

English Language of Arts. It was obvious, when the teacher talks about the vocabulary
and definition of the words.

What are the characteristics of the learners that you are observing?

It did not occur any of the characteristics that mention in the text book.

Are there any culturally appropriate practices used?

I did not notice.

Is there information being taught accurate?

Yes, the students understood the vocabulary.

Does the teacher seem to favor one gender of student over another?

No, the teacher did not distinguish between male and female students.

Did you observe any of the following? Explain.

Teachers committing to the idea that all students can learn.

I did not notice.
Accommodating learning style differences/altering instruction if students don’t get it.
I did not notice.

What kind of program is evident?

Enrichment and Developing potential

Assistive technologies for special Ed students.

It did not occur.

How did the teacher establish their leadership?

The teacher seem to have become accustomed to the teacher’s leadership method, as
she observes students, and poses questions to them.

What procedures where put in place for student management?

Is there evidence of
- Effective lesson presentation?

The lesson was effective. Most of the students were participating and interactive.
They did the three activities that the teacher gave them.
- Teacher clarity. The teacher was clear. The way the teacher explained the
vocabulary was clear and understood by the students. The teacher gave the students
actions to represent the words.
- Teacher questions to students. The teacher asked the students questions and they
answered the questions.
- Homework. The teacher did not give homework

How do we know the lesson was effective? Was there evidence of learning?

The lesson was effective because the students were interactive, participating in the
Amani Altairi
Professor Syrain
ED -110
My eighth Field Journal observation
Mode of the observation: Video
Virtual classroom site:
Date of the observation: 11/30/2020
Time of the observation: 01 :00:00
The type of the class: Four Grade
Describe the physical environment of the class room? What subject is being taught?

There were 3 computers and some iPads for the students. There were shelves for books
and dictionaries. The wall of the class had some boards. The wall also had bulletin
boards. The subject was reading.

What is the instructional method?

Direct instruction.

Is there evidence of the complexity of teaching?


Use of technology and cell phones in the classroom?:List and explain these.

The teacher used the projector screen to read some information from the reading book.
Some students the computers, some students used the I pads, and some used the
cellphones to study the text and to get primary sources that the students going to use it
to prove their points about the book.

Describe the students population?

The students were more than 15 students. They were mixed boys and girls. They were
White Americans, African Americans, and Asian Americans.

List and give evidence of the teaching/ learning theories being used and applied during

the observation time?

Constructivism: the students read the story and they started reflect the character traits
according to what they conclude after they read the books.

What state or national standard is being referenced? Is it obvious in the lesson?

English Language Arts. It was obvious, when the teacher started reading the book.

What are the characteristics of the learners that you are observing?

It did not occur any of the characteristics that mention in the text book.

Are there any culturally appropriate practices used?

I didn’t notice.

Is there information being taught accurate?

Yes, while the teacher was teaching, the students seem to be engaged and participate in
the lesson. The students also were collaborated with each other to do the task that the
teacher gave them.

Does the teacher seem to favor one gender of student over another?

No, the teacher did not distinguish between male and female students.

Did you observe any of the following? Explain.

Teachers committing to the idea that all students can learn.

It did not occur.
Accommodating learning style differences/altering instruction if students don’t get it.
It did not occur.

What kind of program is evident?

Enrichment and Developing potential

Assistive technologies for special Ed students.

It did not occur.

How did the teacher establish their leadership?

The teacher seem to have become accustomed to the teacher’s leadership method, as
she observes students, and poses questions to them.

What procedures where put in place for student management?

Is there evidence of Effective lesson presentation.

The lesson was effective. Most of the students were participating and interactive. They
did the task that the teacher gave them.
-Teacher clarity. The teacher was clear. The way the teacher explained the story was
clear and understood by the students.
-Teacher questions to students. The teacher asked the students questions and they
answered the questions.
- Homework. The teacher did not give homework
Amani Altairi

Professor Syrain
ED -110
My Fifth Field Journal observation
Mode of the observation: Video
Virtual classroom site:
Date of the observation: 11/28/2020
Time of the observation: 01 :00 :00
The type of the class: Kindergarten
The name of teacher: Ms. Amy
Describe the physical environment of the class room? What subject is being taught?

There were more than 5 desks. There were 20 or more chairs. There were two board.
The desks were equipped with supplies for studying. The wall had bulletin boards that
have a lot papers. The class had 4 computers for the students and a projector screen.
The subject was the sound of the letters.

What is the instructional method?

Direct instruction.

Is there evidence of the complexity of teaching?


Use of technology and cell phones in the classroom?:List and explain these.

The teacher used the projector screen when she wrote the sentence for the students.

Describe the students population?

The students were 16 students. They were mixed boys and girls. They were mixed of
African Americans and White Americans.
List and give evidence of the teaching/ learning theories being used and applied during

the observation time?

Constructivism: the students wrote the letters after the teacher gave the students the
sound of the letters.

What state or national standard is being referenced? Is it obvious in the lesson?

English Language Arts. It was obvious, when the teacher talks about the letters and the
sound of them.

What are the characteristics of the learners that you are observing?

It did not occur any of the characteristics that mention in the text book.

Are there any culturally appropriate practices used?

I didn’t notice.

Is there information being taught accurate?

Yes, while the teacher was teaching, the students seem to be engaged and participate in
the lesson.

Does the teacher seem to favor one gender of student over another?

No, the teacher did not distinguish between male and female students.

Did you observe any of the following? Explain.

Teachers committing to the idea that all students can learn.

It did not occur.
Accommodating learning style differences/altering instruction if students don’t get it.
It did not occur.

What kind of program is evident?

Acceleration, Developing potential

Assistive technologies for special Ed students.

It did not occur.

How did the teacher establish their leadership?

The teacher seem to have become accustomed to the teacher’s leadership method, as
she navigates the classroom, observes students, and poses questions to them.

What procedures where put in place for student management?

Is there evidence of Effective lesson presentation.

The lesson was effective. Most of the students were participating and interactive.
They also recognized the sound of the letters that they have learned.
- Teacher clarity. The teacher was clear. The way the teacher explained the lesson was
clear and understood by the students. Which made the students wrote the letters
that the teacher asked them to write.
- Teacher questions to students. The teacher asked the students questions and they
answered the questions quickly.
- Homework. The teacher did not give homework

How do we know the lesson was effective? Was there evidence of learning?

The lesson was effective because most the students were interactive, participating in
the class. The students also can write the letters after they hear the letters’ sound.
Amani Altairi

Professor Syrain
ED -110
My Fourth Field Journal observation
Mode of the observation: Video
Virtual classroom site:
Date of the observation: 11/26/2020
Time of the observation: 01 :15 :00
The type of the class: First Grade
The name of teacher: Ms. Amy
Describe the physical environment of the class room? What subject is being taught?

There are more than 5 desks. There are 20 or more chairs. There are two board. The
desks are equipped with supplies for studying. The wall has bulletin boards that have a
lot papers. The class has shelfs for the students’ stuff. The subject was the sound of the

What is the instructional method?

Direct instruction.

Is there evidence of the complexity of teaching?


Use of technology and cell phones in the classroom?:List and explain these.

No, the teacher did not need any kind of technology.

Describe the students population?

The students were about 20 students. They were mixed boys and girls. They were mixed
of African Americans and White Americans.
List and give evidence of the teaching/ learning theories being used and applied during

the observation time?

Constructivism: the students wrote the letters after the teacher gave the students the
sound of the letters.

What state or national standard is being referenced? Is it obvious in the lesson?

English Language Arts. It was obvious, when the teacher talks about the letters and the
sound of them.

What are the characteristics of the learners that you are observing?

It did not occur any of the characteristics that mention in the text book.

Are there any culturally appropriate practices used?

I didn’t notice.

Is there information being taught accurate?

Yes, while the teacher was teaching, the students seem to be engaged and participate in
the lesson.

Does the teacher seem to favor one gender of student over another?

No, the teacher did not distinguish between male and female students.

Did you observe any of the following? Explain.

Teachers committing to the idea that all students can learn.

It did not occur.
Accommodating learning style differences/altering instruction if students don’t get it.
It did not occur.

What kind of program is evident?

Acceleration, Developing potential

Assistive technologies for special Ed students.

It did not occur.

How did the teacher establish their leadership?

The teacher seem to have become accustomed to the teacher’s leadership method, as
she navigates the classroom, observes students, and poses questions to them.

What procedures where put in place for student management?

Is there evidence of
- Effective lesson presentation?
The lesson was effective. Most of the students were participating and interactive.
They also wrote down the letters that they have learned.
- Teacher clarity. The teacher was clear. The way the teacher explained the lesson was
clear and understood by the students. Which made the students wrote the letters
that the teacher asked them to write.
- Teacher questions to students. The teacher asked the students questions and they
answered the questions quickly.
- Homework. The teacher did not give homework

How do we know the lesson was effective? Was there evidence of learning?

The lesson was effective because most the students were interactive, participating in
the class. The students also wrote the letters after they hear the letters’ sound.
Amani Altairi
Professor Syrain
ED -110
My First Field Journal observation
Mode of the observation: Video
Virtual classroom site:
Date of the observation: 11/23/2020
Time of the observation: 1 :00 :00
The type of the class: Kindergarten
The name of teacher: Ms. Penny Silver

A. Describe the physical environment of the class room? What subject is being taught?

There were some Desks and chairs were arranged for all students. The desks were equipped
with supplies for studying. The class’s wall had colorful boards and papers. There was a
corner in the class room for reading stories. The subject of the class was establishing
routines and the roles for the class.

B. What is the instructional method?

Direct instruction.
C. Is there evidence of the complexity of teaching?
Unpredictability; when the student insisted on raising his hand, then the teacher did not
respond to him. Which prompted the student to speak.(15:20) to (16:30)
D. Use of technology and cell phones in the classroom?
No, the teacher did not need any kind of technology.
E. Describe the students population?
F. The students were 18 students. There are mixed boys and girls. Some of the students
are White American and some are African American.
G. List and give evidence of the teaching/ learning theories being used and applied during
the observation time ?
Constructivism; when the teacher started to give the students the rules of the class for
Example, ( 29:08 ) the teacher taught the students to raise their hands before the
H. What state or national standard is being referenced? Is it obvious in the lesson? Social
Emotional Development . It was obvious because the teacher was discussing the class
room roles.
I. What are the characteristics of the learners that you are observing?

It did not occur any of the characteristics that in the text book, but most of students were

fast leaners.

J. Are there any culturally appropriate practices used?

I did not notice.
K. Is there information being taught accurate?
Yes, the teacher explained the roles of the class to the students orally and in practice
with repetition.
L. Does the teacher seem to favor one gender of student over another?
No, the teacher did not distinguish between male and female students.
M. Did you observe any of the following ? Explain?
-Teachers committing to the idea that all students can learn.
I did not observe it in this class.
-Accommodating learning style differences/ altering instruction if students don’t get it.
-I did not observe it in this class.
-Awareness of their own perspective. What philosophy was evident?
The teacher used the philosophies progressivism and behaviorism.
N. What kind of program is evident? Enrichment, Acceleration, Developing potential?
Developing potential.
O. Assistive technologies for special Ed students.
It did not occur.
P. How did the teacher establish their leadership?
The teacher succeeded in leading the class from the beginning of the class. When she
was giving them instructions by changing her tone of the voice.
Q. What procedures where put in place for student management? is there evidence of
Effective lesson presentation? Yes the lesson was very effective because the students
applied behaviors and instructions in the classroom.
-Teacher clarity: The teacher was clear laying out rules and routines.
-Teacher questions to students: The teacher asked some students some questions to
stablish the answers from the students.
-Homework. The teacher did not give homework.

Q. How do we know the lesson was effective? Was there evidence of learning?

The lesson was very effective because the students were very disciplined and quickly and

remarkable applied the rules and routines.

Amani Altairi
Professor Syrain
ED -110
My Seventh Field Journal observation
Mode of the observation: Video
Virtual classroom site:
Date of the observation: 11/28/2020
Time of the observation: 01 :01 :50
The type of the class: Second Grade
Describe the physical environment of the class room? What subject is being taught?

There were a big desk for reading. There were some chairs. The wall of the class had
some boards. The wall also had bulletin boards. The class had shelves for the students’
stuff. The subject was reading.

What is the instructional method?

Direct instruction.

Is there evidence of the complexity of teaching?


Use of technology and cell phones in the classroom?:List and explain these.

No, the teacher did not use any of technology.

Describe the students population?

The students were 12 students. They were mixed boys and girls. They were Asian
Americans and White Americans.

List and give evidence of the teaching/ learning theories being used and applied during

the observation time?

Constructivism: the students read the story, after the teacher discussed with students
the pictures of the story.

What state or national standard is being referenced? Is it obvious in the lesson?

English Language Arts. It was obvious, when the teacher started reading the story with

What are the characteristics of the learners that you are observing?

It did not occur any of the characteristics that mention in the text book.

Are there any culturally appropriate practices used?

I didn’t notice.

Is there information being taught accurate?

Yes, while the teacher was teaching, the students seem to be engaged and participate in
the lesson.

Does the teacher seem to favor one gender of student over another?

No, the teacher did not distinguish between male and female students.

Did you observe any of the following? Explain.

Teachers committing to the idea that all students can learn.

It did not occur.
Accommodating learning style differences/altering instruction if students don’t get it.
It did not occur.

What kind of program is evident?

Enrichment and Developing potential

Assistive technologies for special Ed students.

It did not occur.

How did the teacher establish their leadership?

The teacher seem to have become accustomed to the teacher’s leadership method, as
she observes students, and poses questions to them.

What procedures where put in place for student management?

Is there evidence of Effective lesson presentation.

The lesson was effective. Most of the students were participating and interactive. They
also were reading the story with the teacher.
-Teacher clarity. The teacher was clear. The way the teacher explained the story was
clear and understood by the students. Which made the students interested.
-Teacher questions to students. The teacher asked the students questions and they
answered the questions quickly.
- Homework. The teacher did not give homework

How do we know the lesson was effective? Was there evidence of learning?

The lesson was effective because the students were interactive, participating in
the class. The students read the story by themselves.
Amani Altairi

Professor Syrain
ED -110
My Sixth Field Journal observation
Mode of the observation: Video
Virtual classroom site:
Date of the observation: 11/28/2020
Time of the observation: 01 :00 :00
The type of the class: Kindergarten
Describe the physical environment of the class room? What subject is being taught?

There were more than 5 desks. There were 20 or more chairs. There were two boards.
The desks were equipped with supplies for studying. The wall had colored boards and
bulletin boards The class had shelves for the students’ stuff. The subject was the

What is the instructional method?

Direct instruction.

Is there evidence of the complexity of teaching?


Use of technology and cell phones in the classroom?:List and explain these.

No , the teacher did not use any of the technology.

Describe the students population?

The students were 17 students. They were mixed boys and girls. They were mixed of
African American and White American.
List and give evidence of the teaching/ learning theories being used and applied during

the observation time?

Constructivism: the students learned the decompose of number 5, after the teacher explained
how to decompose the whole number 5.

What state or national standard is being referenced? Is it obvious in the lesson?

Math Practice. It was obvious, when the teacher talks about decomposing the numbers
and when the students decompose the numbers.

What are the characteristics of the learners that you are observing?

The students were not from any of the characteristics that the text book mention, but
most of the students were fast learners.

Are there any culturally appropriate practices used?

I didn’t notice.

Is there information being taught accurate?

Yes, while the teacher was teaching, the students seem to be engaged and participate in
the lesson.

Does the teacher seem to favor one gender of student over another?

No, the teacher did not distinguish between male and female students.

Did you observe any of the following? Explain.

Teachers committing to the idea that all students can learn.

It did not occur.
Accommodating learning style differences/altering instruction if students don’t get it.
It did not occur.

What kind of program is evident?

Acceleration, Developing potential

Assistive technologies for special Ed students.

It did not occur.

How did the teacher establish their leadership?

The teacher seem to have become accustomed to the teacher’s leadership method, as
she navigates the classroom, observes students, and poses questions to them.

What procedures where put in place for student management?

Is there evidence of Effective lesson presentation.

The lesson was effective. Most of the students were participating and interactive.
They also decomposed the numbers on the papers that the teacher gave them.
- Teacher clarity. The teacher was clear. The way the teacher explained the lesson was
clear and understood by the students. Which helped the students to decompose
the numbers.
- Teacher questions to students. The teacher asked the students questions and they
answered the questions quickly.
- Homework. The teacher did not give homework

How do we know the lesson was effective? Was there evidence of learning?

The lesson was effective because most the students were interactive, participating in
the class. The students also can decompose the numbers.
Amani Altairi

Professor Syrain
ED -110
My Tenth Field Journal observation
Mode of the observation: Video
Virtual classroom site:
Date of the observation: 12/3/2020
Time of the observation: 01 :00 :00
The type of the class: fourth Grad
Describe the physical environment of the class room? What subject is being taught? There
was a board and a bulletin board . The wall had a lot of poster and chalkboards. There was
an overhead projector. board. The class had a book case that include books and supplies .
The class had desks and chairs. The subject was science.

What is the instructional method?

Direct instruction.

Is there evidence of the complexity of teaching?

No. it did not accrue.

Use of technology and cell phones in the classroom?:List and explain these.

Yes, the teacher used a projector screen to show the students the pictures of the

Describe the students population?

The students were more than 20 students. They were mixed boys and girls. The students
were White Americans and African Americans.
List and give evidence of the teaching/ learning theories being used and applied during
the observation time?

Constructivism: the students observed the crickets. Then they wrote their observation

and shared the observation with each other’s.

What state or national standard is being referenced? Is it obvious in the lesson?

Sciences. It was obvious, when the teacher talks about the crickets.

What are the characteristics of the learners that you are observing?

It did not occur any of the characteristics that mention in the text book.

Are there any culturally appropriate practices used?

I didn’t notice.

Is there information being taught accurate?

Yes, while the teacher was teaching, the students seem to be engaged and participate in
the lesson. The students were excited while the they were observing. The students also
were answering the questions.

Does the teacher seem to favor one gender of student over another? No, the teacher did
not distinguish between male and female students.

Did you observe any of the following? Explain.

Teachers committing to the idea that all students can learn.

It did not occur.
Accommodating learning style differences/altering instruction if students don’t get it.
It did not occur.

What kind of program is evident?

Developing potential

Assistive technologies for special Ed students.

It did not occur.

How did the teacher establish their leadership?

The teacher seem to have become accustomed to the teacher’s leadership method, as
she navigates the classroom, observes students.

What procedures where put in place for student management?

Is there evidence of
- Effective lesson presentation?
The lesson was effective. Most of the students were participating and interactive.
They also shared their observation of the crickets with each other.
- Teacher clarity. The teacher was clear when she explained the body of Cricket.
Teacher questions to students. The teacher asked the students questions and they
answered the questions.
- Homework. The teacher told the students to think about the word decomposer.

How do we know the lesson was effective? Was there evidence of learning?

The lesson was effective because most the students were interactive, participating in
the class. The students also answered the questions that the teacher had asked.

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