Big Data - Driven Innovation in Government Sector

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Republic of the Philippines

Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology

College of Engineering and Technology
A. Bonifacio Avenue, Tibanga, Iligan City
GEC 108
Science, Technology and Society

Big Data – Driven Innovation in Government Sector

Cleff Justeme Butalid1, Cloyd Cabulay2, Desiree Daulong3 and Hidaya Daud4
Cleff Justeme Butalid:
Cloyd Cabulay:
Desiree Daulong:
Hidaya Daud:

Abstract: Big data is changing the way government agencies store, manage and
collect data. The Government sector, Public sector, or State sector, in general needs
to capture data from a variety of sources. But they still face major challenges ranging
regarding Big Data. Big data has the potential despite the high operational and
strategic impacts. So far, many studies have been conducted to comprehend the
application of big data in different fields for various purposes. However, a
comprehensive review is still lacking in Big Data in the Government sector. Big data
is an essential aspect of innovation which already changes the relationship between
citizens and government by empowering citizens to understand political and social
issues in new transparent ways, allowing them to engage with local, regional,
national, and global issues through participation. This paper presents an interpretive
framework that analyses the definitional perspectives and the applications of Big
Data in the Government sector. Thus, this study aims to conduct a literature review
on Big Data in Government sector in order to explore its potentials that provide
benefits in the country. This study provides a guideline for future studies and
highlights new insights and directions for the successful utilization of Big Data in
Government sector.

Key Words: Data; Big Data; Government Sector; Application; Innovation

1. INTRODUCTION sharing, transferring and processing large datasets

across organizations. One reason for the growth of
such huge numbers of datasets is digitalization, the
Driven by Globalization, the use of Big
increased use of electronic devices and the growing
Data as a resource has been acknowledged from
popularity of social media (Hellerstein, 2008; Lohr,
various industries because of its application to data
2012). Big Data is a collection of data that is huge
analytics. The world is changing rapidly due to the
in volume, yet growing exponentially with time. It
emergence of innovative technologies (Chae,
is data with such large size and complexity that
2019). Population is even getting higher and
none of traditional data management tools can
information or data stored are exceeded. Thus, we
store it or process it efficiently. Big data is also
need big data to gather and store large amounts of
data but with huge size. The use of Big Data is
information for eventual analysis. The term “big
becoming common these days by companies to
data” refers to data that is so large, fast or complex
outperform their peers. In most industries, existing
that it’s difficult or impossible to process using
competitors and new entrants alike will use the
traditional methods. The act of accessing and
strategies resulting from the analyzed data to
storing large amounts of information for analytics
compete, innovate and capture value. Big Data
has been around a long time. Currently, a large
helps the organizations to create new growth
number of technological devices are used by
opportunities and entirely new categories of
individuals (Shorfuzzaman, Hossain, Nazir,
companies that can combine and analyze industry
Muhammad, & Alamri, 2019).
The concept of Big Data is emerging as
new challenges appear in analyzing, archiving,
Almost each sector has developed a decisions. The government is fully aware of the
fascination with the ostensibly new discovery of Big underlying value in all their data. By unifying
Data and its extraordinary capabilities to fuel these data, they can make connections across
analytical breakthroughs since 2012 (Reinhalter & agencies to better serve citizens. Government
Wittmann, 2014). The importance of big data does digital archiving rates and data being generated
not revolve around how much data a company has are on the rise. Big data is expanding and becoming
but how a company utilizes the collected data. more complex. With that, this makes information
Every company uses data in its own way; the more management, processing, storage, and security
efficiently a company uses its data, the more more complex as well.
potential it has to grow. As a source of economic This study aims to review the potential of
growth and development, big data constitutes an Big Data in the Government sector. The goal of this
infrastructural resource that could be used in study is to completely review the literature
several ways to produce different products and associated with Big Data in the Government sector
services. It also enables creation of knowledge that and to seek contributions of Big Data through its
is vital for controlling natural phenomena, social application and benefits in the Government sector.
systems, or organizational processes and supports This focuses only on Big Data in the
complex decision-making (OECD 2014). Government sector, its application and benefits.
Many white papers, journal articles, and
business reports have proposed ways governments 2. APPLICATIONS OF BIG DATA
can use big data to help them serve their citizens
and overcome national challenges (such as rising
health care costs, job creation, natural disasters, 2.1 EDUCATION
and terrorism). There is also some skepticism as to
whether it can actually improve government Data collected can be analyzed in a
operations, as governments must develop new variety of different ways. Information collected on
capabilities and adopt new technologies (such as students and faculty can lead to new insights that
Hadoop and NoSQL) to transform it into can improve the way schools work. Simply put, Big
information through data organization and Data is changing the way schools educate their
analytics ( GanG-hoon Kim, siLV ana tRimi, anD Ji- students. It has led to different learning models
hYonG chunG 2014). Big data is very useful and and concepts and it is possible using Big Data to
has a big impact on the government sector. Along obtain a much greater understanding of how to
with many other areas, big data in government can ensure students are successful. Big Data in
have an enormous impact from local, national and education helps the government to understand
global. With so many complex issues on the table educational needs in both urban and rural areas
today, governments have their work cut out trying better. This ensures the youth have access to the
to make sense of all the information they receive highest quality of education, which would always
and make vital decisions that affect millions of be of a great benefit to the country in the future.
people. The public sector is aware of the potential (IDC, 2018)
value to be gained from big data. The Government
leaders generate and collect vast quantities of data 2.2 HEALTH CARE
through their everyday activities. Governments
around the world always face a very huge amount According to Durcevic, and Sandra (2020),
of data every single day. The reason behind this is big data in healthcare is a term used to describe
they have to keep track of various records and massive volumes of information created by the
databases regarding the citizens. The proper study adoption of digital technologies that collect
and analysis of this data helps the Governments in patients' records and help in managing hospital
endless ways. performance, otherwise too large and complex for
At every point between the government traditional technologies.
and people, data is created. This data is being The application of big data analytics in
generated and transmitted from a wide variety of healthcare has a lot of positive and also life-saving
sources. Data comes in all shapes and sizes: from outcomes. In essence, big-style data refers to the
citizens, law enforcement communities, businesses, vast quantities of information created by the
other government entities, hospitals, utilities, digitization of everything that gets consolidated
roads, courts and so on. Empowering government and analyzed by specific technologies. Applied to
entities to collect meaningful data and then analyze healthcare, it will use specific health data of a
and understand it in order to make better population (or of a particular individual) and
Republic of the Philippines
Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology
College of Engineering and Technology
A. Bonifacio Avenue, Tibanga, Iligan City
GEC 108
Science, Technology and Society

potentially help to prevent epidemics, cure disease, very large, complex data sets. (Matthew Harding
cut down costs, etc. Big data has changed the way and Jonathan Hersh, 2010).
we manage, analyze, and leverage data across
industries. One of the most notable areas where 2.3.1 Agriculture
data analytics is making big changes is healthcare.
In fact, healthcare analytics has the Big data applications in agriculture are a
potential to reduce costs of treatment, predict combination of technology and analytics. It entails
outbreaks of epidemics, avoid preventable diseases, the collection, compilation, and timely processing of
and improve the quality of life in general. The new data to help scientists and farmers make
average human lifespan is increasing across the better and more informed decisions. Farming
world population, which poses new challenges to processes are increasingly becoming data-enabled
today’s treatment delivery methods. Health and data-driven, thanks to smart machines and
professionals, just like business entrepreneurs, are sensors that generate vast amounts of farm data.
capable of collecting massive amounts of data and (Sharma, Rohit 2020).
look for the best strategies to use these numbers.
18 Examples of Big Data Analytics in
Healthcare That Can Save People/applications of 2.3.2 Transportation
data in healthcare
The biggest issue in the transportation
1. Patients Predictions For Improved industry today is the constant lack of time. As
Staffing freight transport demands increase, transportation
2. Electronic Health Records (EHRs) companies need solutions to manage logistics and
3. Real-Time Alerting supply chain operations more effectively. In the
4. Enhancing Patient Engagement process of searching for these solutions an
5. Prevent Opioid Abuse emerging number of companies are embracing the
6. Using Health Data For Informed opportunities that big data provides.
Strategic Planning In transportation the number of data
7. Big Data Might Just Cure Cancer sources is increasing rapidly. The practice of using
8. Predictive Analytics In big data includes collecting relevant electronic
Healthcare information from various sources in a very short
9. Reduce Fraud And Enhance amount of time. This practice brings lots of
Security advantages to the transportation industry. As
10. Telemedicine millions of citizens use public roads every day, it
11. Integrating Big-Style Data With can be both driving and walking. In fact, many
Medical Imaging factors contribute to safety on the road, such as the
12. A Way To Prevent Unnecessary state of the roads, police officers, vehicle safety, and
ER V isits weather conditions. With the said factors, it is
13. Smart Staffing & Personnel almost impossible to control everything that might
Management lead to an accident. This time, through Big Data it
14. Learning & Development allows governments to oversee the transportation
15. Advanced Risk & Disease sector to ensure safer roads, better and new roads.
Management The introduction of big data and smart
16. Suicide & Self-Harm Prevention technologies has resulted in many positive changes
17. Improved Supply Chain for the transportation sector. Operational efficiency
Management and flexibility have increased, fuel consumption
18. Developing New Therapies & has been reduced, and customer experiences have
Innovations drastically improved. Big data also helps with
improving safety in transportation. (Craig Robins,
2.3 ECONOMY 2002). The government agencies can analyze the
data acquired from traffic flow on different roads
whether it is from rural areas or urban areas. The
Big Data allows for better prediction of
analytic tools help in collecting the real-time traffic
economic phenomena and improves causal
data transmitted by road sensors, video cameras,
inference. Machine learning techniques allow
and GPS devices. With this, the information allows
researchers to create simple models that describe
traffic managers to identify potential threats to
road safety. Any identified potential threat to the technologies to capitalize on this and many other
flow of traffic in urban areas is solved by adjusting sources of data to optimize manufacturing and field
public transportation routes in real-time. operations and, in some cases, address key business
needs by integrating the data from and into the
2.3.3 Finance and Insurance products themselves (Schroeck, Michael, Rebecca
Shockley, Dr. Janet Smart, Professor Dolores
The finance and insurance by nature has Romero-Morales and Professor Peter Tufano, 2012).
been an intensively data-driven industry for many Big data will enable the customer needs through
years, with financial institutes having managed accurately targeted products and effective
large quantities of customer data and using data distribution. With that, it will completely create
analytics in areas such as capital market trading. new business models in the area of mass production
With the help of big data technologies not only can through Big Data.
value be more efficiently extracted from such a data In the manufacturing, tools for data
source, but the analysis of this form of acquisition need to be processed with large
unstructured data in conjunction with a wide amounts of sensor data. Appropriate data
variety of datasets to extract faster, targeted visualization tools must be available and integrated
commercial value. (GanG-hoon Kim, siLV ana to support browsing, controlling, and decision-
tRimi, anD Ji-hYonG chunG, 2014). This increases making in the planning and execution process.
the prevalence of data which falls into the domain Those tools need to handle sensor data that may be
of big data, i.e. high volume, high velocity, and high incompatible with other sensor data and thus data
variety of information to the advent of market, new integration challenges need to be tackled, especially
customer, and data which is available in multiple when sensor data is passed through multiple
sources. companies in a value chain.
The finance and insurance sector is known Data processing costs decrease while the
as a data-driven industry. It is based on exploiting storage capacities increase, data can now be
banks and insurance companies ‘own data to create continuously gathered. Manufacturing companies
new business value. Big data represents a unique as well as retailers may monitor channels like
opportunity for most banking and financial services Facebook, Twitter, or news for any mentions and
organizations to leverage their customer data to analyse these data (e.g. customer sentiment
transform their business, realize new revenue analysis). Retailers on the web are also collecting
opportunities, manage risk, and address customer large amounts of data by storing log files and
loyalty. In fact, apart from the technological combining that information with other data sources
aspects, there are organizational, cultural, and such as sales data in order to analyse and predict
legal factors that will play a key role in how the customer behaviour. In the field of manufacturing,
financial services market takes on big data for its all participating devices are nowadays
operations and business development. The interconnected (e.g. sensors, RFID), such that vital
deployment of big data must be aligned with information is constantly gathered in order to
business objectives for a successful adoption of the predict defective parts at an early stage (José
new emerging technology in return to the María Cavanillas, ‎Edward Curry, ‎Wolfgang
maximum business value. Wahlster, 2016).

2.3.4 Manufacturing 2.4 SECURITY

Big data presents many promising and Big Data analytics are used to identify
anomalies and suspicious behavior. The acquired
differentiating opportunities and challenges for
industrial manufacturers, including aerospace and information helps in detecting malware and
unauthorized access attempts. Finding solutions to
defense companies, auto manufacturers, heavy
ensure data security and privacy may unlock the
equipment manufacturers, electronics companies,
oil and gas companies, and other organizations that massive potential of big data in the public sector.
Advances in the protection and privacy of data are
produce consumer and capital goods. Like most
commercial enterprises, industrial manufacturers key for the Government sector, as it may allow the
scanning of huge amounts of data owned by the
have operational and business data about their
finances, inventories, products, human resources, Government sector without revealing sensitive
information. From the contributed article of GanG-
distributors and partners. Industrial
hoon Kim, siLV ana tRimi, anD Ji-hYonG chunG,
manufacturers are poised to use big data
2014 claimed that the Government sector
Republic of the Philippines
Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology
College of Engineering and Technology
A. Bonifacio Avenue, Tibanga, Iligan City
GEC 108
Science, Technology and Society

regulations restrict the use of data for different didn’t know the impact and importance of these
purposes for which it was collected. Privacy and attributes for the purpose of sustaining life as a
security issues are also preventing the use of cloud human being. Lastly, big data contributes to safety
infrastructures (e.g. processing, storage) by many and peacefulness in terms of security, because
public agencies that deal with sensitive data. A through big data we know the different
new approach to security in cloud infrastructure technologies just to improve our security and some
may eliminate this barrier. of the examples are CCTV cameras, weapons
against armed personnel, etc. However, in order to
benefit from the value of these big data
applications, the industry requires new
reimbursement models that reward the quality
New technology such as this Big Data
instead of quantity of treatments.
brought a big impact and effectiveness throughout Within all benefits or advantages of big
the different applications used which greatly data as stated above, now, aside from giving and
helped for processing and sourcing of multiple
citing all of these we should also consider the
informational data. From a theoretical and different challenges of big data. All industrial
practical point of view, big data applications
sectors it became clear that it was not the
present a wide or vast of procedures, processes and availability of technology, but the lack of business
benefits. Big data technologies, such as
cases and business models that is hindering the
decentralized networking and distributed
implementation of big data. Here are some
computing for scalable data storage and scalable challenges of big data; The amount of data being
data analytics, semantic technologies and
collected, Collecting meaningful and real-time data,
ontologies, machine learning, natural language V isual representation of data, Data from multiple
processing, and other data mining techniques have
sources, Inaccessible data, Poor quality data,
been the focus of research projects for many years.
Pressure from the top, Lack of support, Confusion
Moreover, big data contributes in many ways in
or anxiety, Budget, Shortage of skills, and Scaling
industrial sectors because it enhances the different data analysis. If these will be neglected, all the
techniques so as to help in addressing the problems data analytics will be extremely invaluable and
that may be encountered in every application.
might cause destruction or bad outcomes. Also,
Analyzing the application in education, it they will not improve decision-making, decrease
brings big insights and overview to the students
accountability, non-benefit of financial health, and
and to the teachers on how they will apply the not help employees to predict losses and monitor
process of learning. Through big data it ensures the
performance. Apparently, the importance of 5V ’s;
youth have access to the highest quality of (volume, velocity, variety, veracity and value) in big
education, which would always be of a great benefit data are very significant; it contributes to
to the country in the future, also to assess students
widespread knowledge on how to use big data in
in terms of their educational needs is either
different applications. These 5V ’s have been of
technological advancements or awareness and
relevance. In addition, government sectors that are
physical way of teaching. In the healthcare domain, already reviewing themselves in the light of the big
big data contributes meaningfully to the
data era add further V s to reflect sector-specific
government, to the hospitals as well as to the aspects and to adapt the big data paradigm to their
medical staff who know the data which can be the
particular needs. Moreover, some various open-
basis for the new innovation of determining any
source platforms/software to store and process this
diseases and curing through medicine exploration. Big Data such as: Hadoop, HPCC, Cassandra, Hive,
Big data technologies can be used to produce new
and Spark are also commonly used in evaluating
insight about the effectiveness of treatments and the process and storing of big data.
this knowledge can be used to increase quality of
care. Moreover, in the field of economy, big data
contributes essentially, because it produces new 4. CONCLUSION
inventions of technologies, ways on how to assess
good income of the people and to the country in Big data plays an important role to
general. Agriculture, transportation, successfully achieve holistic development in a
manufacturing, finance and insurance, and media country. Thriving to gather the data from various
and entertainment were some of the attributes in sectors of the government is vital for an immediate
the economy so as to give an impact in economic action in planning and coming up with a
expansion and businesses. Without big data, people
satisfactory measure that will help its citizens.
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busy, he was able to guide and share his ideas.
To their friends and classmates, for their key-role-in-big-data-security/
positive encouragements;
To their families, for their love, support Kim, et. al. (2014). Big data applications in the
and understanding; and importantly Government Sector: A comparative analysis
To Almighty God, for His unfailing grace among Leading Countries. DOI:
and guidance, for bestowing the wisdom and 10.1145/2500873
knowledge to successfully work on this journal
article. Mills, T. (2018, May 16). Forbes . Retrieved from
Republic of the Philippines
Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology
College of Engineering and Technology
A. Bonifacio Avenue, Tibanga, Iligan City
GEC 108
Science, Technology and Society

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