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There are different aspects and reasons why people tend to be convinced that they are

right, even when they are wrong. The first one is their way of thinking and consciousness. This is
where the discernment of a person and his/her perspective gets in a way because sometimes they
believe something is right because it has always been instilled to them, so even though it is
proven wrong they refuse to accept it. Our capacity to reason has not simply grown to help us
find the facts. Instead, thinking has developed to perform social roles essentially, such as
cooperating and interacting with others in large communities.
Another aspect is our assumptions, it is predictions of a fact's existence from the known
existence of other facts. Although it is useful in creating a framework for action and producing
"what if" scenarios to illustrate different scenarios or possible situations, assumptions are
dangerous without careful analysis when accepted as fact. I think it is also a kind of prejudice
because the assumption is something that is already instilled to us that is why even proven wrong
we refuse to believe it. We need to understand that our assumption about something or someone
is not always right because no matter how you accept something as true or certain to happen, it is
considered subjective because it has no proof.
Our judgment also has a big contribution to this matter because it is a view that you
express after objectively considering something, and it is the capacity to make a rational guess
about a situation or decision. Of course, we have different judgments, that is why there is a
minority and majority set of opinions but when it comes to facts of course there is right and
wrong judgment. So why are some people still convinced even though they are wrong? It is
because of the lack of discernment which is the ability to judge well that is why some people
tend to believe they are right even presented with facts. Sometimes I think it is because of
stubbornness and ego. There is also so-called cognitive bias, which is a systematic error in
perception that happens as people process and perceive information around them in the world
and influences their decisions and judgments.
Memories also have a bearing on this matter because memory is the faculty in which the
information is processed, stored, and retrieved by the brain. It is an information record for
influencing possible decisions. There are different kinds of memory, there is a summary of
different long-term memory styles, where events can be remembered forever, as well as
short-term, procedural, sensory, among others. Long term memories are your stored life
memories. This can be an event that is unusual or something that you experienced at first and
these memories can be explicit and implicit. Implicit memories are the ones you do not really
think about but you suddenly remember subconsciously or involuntarily. On the other hand,
explicit memory is the opposite, because it is something that you actually think about or
remember and it requires conscious thinking. So I, therefore, conclude that some people believe
they are right even though they are actually wrong because of past experiences. Of course, we
have our own memories and we all have a different one, that is why our basis of right is based on
experiences and those rights can be wrong based on the experience of another person.
Lastly, in the event that people believe in and their thoughts about it. Events that
happened before that people believe are also called phenomena. In a scientific sense, a
phenomenon is something that is observed to occur or to exist. In general use, this sense differs
from the understanding of the word, as something special or outstanding. I think it affects the
perception of a person about something because it is being used as a basis. On the other hand, the
events that people believe in but without actual proof or just do not have relation about
something for being right and wrong defeats the purpose of having a fact. The reason why some
still believe something is right even if it is wrong is because of the wrong interpretation about
something, it alters their perception about something so some end up dwelling on their own
perception of something.

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