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Department of Education


Division of San Pablo City
San Pablo City

San Bartolome Integrated High School

Lesson Plan Using the Reader-Response Strategy

Grade 11 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

EN12Lit-IIh-36: understand literary meanings in context and the use of critical
reading strategies
EN12Lit-IId-25: compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and
their elements, structures, and traditions from across the globe

I Objectives
1. Gather facts related to the literature.
2. Relate similar values learned in solving real life problems.
3. Analyze the decisions made by the characters.
4. Evaluate one’s value system in solving problems.

II Subject Matter
A. Lesson
A Prayer from the Womb by Saju Abraham
A Letter from an Unborn Baby
B. Sources

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World for Senior High

google images
C. Materials
Copies of A Prayer from the Womb by Saju Abraham and A Letter
from an Unborn Baby
Activity Sheets
Response Journal
Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking:
3.1 Attendance
3.2 Uniform
3.3 Classroom/Seating Arrangement
4. Review of the past lesson
III Learning Tasks
Watch the video. (

Ask them the following question:

1. What did you feel after watching the video?

A Prayer from the Womb by Saju Abraham
Why did you tear me off you,
When you knew I’d die without you?
I promised you peaceful sleep,
But you wouldn't hear me.
You were in the midst of planning your future.
I promised I wouldn't pull at your gown,
Nor test my vocal cords when I'm hungry.
But still you didn't let me be.
I promised I would behave when your friends visit,
And when you're on the phone or in the kitchen.
But you still threw me out of your system.
Why mama, why? Am I so unagreeable?
I don't keep it against you mama.
I know that now you know.

A Letter from an Unborn Baby

Hi mom! How are you? I am doing just fine, thanks. Only a few days have gone
by since I was conceived and I am now growing in your tummy. To tell you the
truth, I can’t explain how happy I am to know that you are my mom. It also makes
me proud to know that I was conceived out of love. I’m sure I am going to be the
happiest baby alive.
Mommy, a month has gone past and I have started to notice how my body is
forming. I know I am not much to look at now but just wait and see – I’ll make you so
proud! Even though I am feeling happy, I sense that something is wrong! You seem to
be having strange thoughts that leave me restless and worried; but I am sure everything
is going to be okay! Don’t despair!
Two and a half months have gone by mom, I now have hands that I can use to
play with. Oh, I am so happy! Mommy, please tell me what’s wrong? Why are you
crying so much lately? Why do you and dad argue every time you meet up with one
another? Don’t you guys want me anymore? I’m going to do everything I can to make
you want me…
Three months have now past mom, but you still seem to be so sad. I am not sure what
is going on… I am so confused. Today we went to see the doctor and he booked an
appointment for you tomorrow. I don’t understand why I am feeling so good and you
aren’t mom!
Mommy, where are we going? What’s happening? Mommy, this is not normally the time
that you take your afternoon nap; don’t lie down. Besides, I am not tired! I still want to
play! Uh!!! What is this thing doing inside of my house?! Is it a new toy? Hey! It’s
sucking up my house…
Please… don’t tug at me! No… don’t hit me! You’re hurting me! Can’t you see that
I am still small?! I can’t defend myself! Mommy!!! Stop them – that’s my hand!!!
Mommy, my leg… they are ripping it out!!! Defend me, mom!!! Help me,
mom!!! Tell them to stop, I promise I’ll stop kicking them if they do. How is it possible
that someone can be doing this to me? Oh mommy, I can’t go on anymore… h-he…lp
Seventeen years have gone by since you made that fateful decision. Now you still
suffer over the very thought of it. Please don’t cry… I know you’re still hurting but
you are not alone. Mommy, if you are still sad, you can visit Rachel’s Vineyard. They
give you a chance to get away from all the daily pressures of work and family, and
let you focus on the hurt you’re feeling. They provide a safe and comforting
environment for you to find forgiveness and reconciliation. It is a 3-day retreat and
I know it will take a lot of work and courage to go through. But, mommy, I know you
can do it. When you are ready, just contact They will
take very good care of you.
Remember that I love you and I’ll be waiting for you with open arms.
Love you lots,
Your baby.

Implementation of the Literature Circle

Lesson 1 (Double Period)

15 mins  The teacher explains the  After presenting the
procedure of the literature circle answers to the first few
(i.e. Each student will spend 5 questions as input, the
mins on the presentation of learner can be asked to
answers to the first few lead the group to
questions and another 5 mins discuss the evaluative
leading the group to discuss the and open-ended
last question). question at the end of
the role sheet he/she is
in charge of. This is
designed to stimulate
group interaction and
exchange of ideas
among learners.
 The teacher may
demonstrate the level of
analysis and the
presentation language
expected in the
individual presentation
and group discussion
through modelling if
65 mins  The teacher asks the class to
start the first round with the
different roles:
 Biographer:
*Author to Text 1. What do you think is Saju  I think his reason is to
Abaham’s reason for writing the promote the
poem? sacredness of life.
2. How do you think did his life  He was once a
affect his poetry writing? missionary so this
perhaps led him to
support themes related
to teachings of religion.

 Summarizer

1. What message does each  Each selection

selection express? expresses the hurt and
confusion of an unborn
child on why it was not
allowed to live by their

 Character Investigator
1. What words do the speakers  The speakers call them
*Reader to Text
in both selections use to refer to ‘Mama’ and ‘Mommy.’
their mother? What would the It would lose the sense
effect be if these terms of of innocence if ‘Mother’
endearment were replaced with was used.
a formal term such as ‘Mother’?
2. Describe the persona in the  The persona was
poem. deeply hurt, confused
and angry.

 Plot Analyst
1. In both selections, the  The second one is more
speakers make promises to the positive in tone.
mother. Compare these
promises. Which is more
positive in tone?

 Setting Illustrator
1. What is the theme of the two  The theme is protecting
literary selections? all forms of life
especially the unborn
2. In what ways are they similar  The point of view in
to one another? Which which they were written
is similar.
3. Aside from genre and form of  They differ in the tone of
the two texts, how else do they the speaker. The first
differ? one is negative and the
other is positive

 Literary Luminary
1. Why do you think these texts  They were written in
were written from the such perspective to
perspective of an unborn child? create sympathy
towards the child who is
not allowed to live.
2. Which one is more successful  The second one is
in communicating its message? more successful in
Why? sending the message
because it is more
Lesson 2 (Double Period)
40 mins  The teacher provides feedback  Assessment for learning
on the output of learners’ and peer learning is
discussion with reference to the promoted in the process.
role sheets collected. The teacher and peer
 The teacher displays some feedback and
insightful analysis or flawed suggestions for
ideas and encourages learners improvement help
to comment on the validity of the learners to reflect on
ideas presented, which extends their own understanding
learners’ thinking and guides of the story and refine
them to further develop the the answers on the role
ideas. sheets.
30 mins  The teacher plays the role of  The hot-seating activity
the narrator in the story. is designed to deepen
Learners take turns to express students’ learning
a message for the narrator and experience and
ask the narrator questions. The encourage their
teacher responds to the imaginative expansion
messages and answers the and personal response
questions in the role of the to the story. It also
narrator. offers some room for
the teacher to present
an alternative view to
the story to help
learners analyse and
appreciate the story
from a different
10 mins  The teacher asks learners to
reflect on the experience of the
literature circle and share their
views on this mode of learning
and exploring the text.

*Personal Experiences to Text

1. What values, motivation or reactions of the characters do you agree with? Which
ones do you not agree with? Why is it so?

1. If you have a friend who is thinking about abortion, what would you advise her?

Reflect on the value system you have developed after reading the literature and
this can help you in solving problems. Write your reflections on a journal.

Guide questions:

1. Do you think abortion should be legalized? Why/ Why not?

2. What do you think might happen if it is legalized? How will it affect young people
like you?

IV Closure
“Creating simply to destroy it is wrong.”

Validated by:

SBIHS Subject Coordinator, English

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