Environmental Pollution and Waste Management: January 2015

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Environmental pollution and waste management

Article · January 2015


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Suad Bećirović Skenderovic Ibro

International University of Novi Pazar International University of Novi Pazar


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Balkan Journal of Health Science

Environmental pollution and waste management

Ibro Skenderovic, Becir Kalac, Suad Becirovic,
International University of Novi Pazar, Novi Pazar, Serbia.

Abstract needs. Contemporary urban, industrial, economic

This paper will discuss the problem of envi- and technological development has provided great
ronmental pollution and waste management. benefits to man, but the industrial air and water pollu-
Everything that surrounds us is directly or indi- tion, uncontrolled deforestation and their conversion
rectly connected to the environment. Not only into agricultural land, destruction of the ozone layer
the man, but also other living beings as well as and global warming of the planet followed by cli-
the nature (volcanic eruptions, earthquakes) have matic changes, the accumulation of various wastes,
effects on environmental pollution. Environmen- including radioactive as well as the eradication of
tal pollution is present from the very beginning of certain plant and animal species, are just some of the
life, but today it is a serious problem that threatens negative consequences of human activities, which,
the survival of mankind. During the preparation of however, seriously endangering his own survival.
scientific research, we noticed a problem: “What At present time, the protection of the environment
is the influence of the waste management on the is of great importance in the prevention and elimi-
environment?” Today, every person living on pla- nation of these contradictions. The right to protect
net Earth is worried about environmental pollution the environment today should be seen as a unique
because the consequences faced every day, through supranational (international), national and local unit.
the air we breathe, the food and water we consume, Therefore, in order for the normative framework to
through pollution and radiation we are exposed to. succeed, actions must be taken at the universal, nati-
Also, the consequences of environmental problems onal, regional and local levels.
are manifested through the lack of natural resour- Today we can say that we live in a world of
ces, extinction of plant and animal species, as well waste, because of population growth and producti-
as the problems in the global ecosystems and bio- on increasing amounts of waste that makes landfill
chemical processes. Based on the research problem are becoming more numerous and increasingly de-
we can hypothesize: Yes, waste management has a grade the environment. Every day a huge amount
great impact on the environment. of waste, equally as in the villages and in agricul-
Key words: environment, waste management, tural areas is produced. Every year, about 10 milli-
environmental pollution, recycling, ecology, natu- on tons of oil products reaches rivers and oceans
ral resources and ecosystems. and has more than 500 billion tons of industrial
waste. Industrial facilities and transport throw into
the atmosphere about a billion tons of aerosols and
1. Introduction
ash. At the landfill waste is collected for years. In
The man, along with all other living beings from the wild landfill reaches up to 70% of total wa-
the beginning of its existence is closely linked with ste. The biochemical processes of decomposition
the entire inanimate and living nature that surrounds of waste adversely affect the environment. As for
it. This interaction is the basis of the whole modern municipal waste that contaminates the soil and
right of environmental protection. Through his own plants, air, groundwater and surface water on them
development, the man developed his interest in the in huge quantities reproduce rats, mice and insects,
way and manner that would harmonize with the na- which contributes to the spread of infection. This
ture that surrounds it, to ensure the conditions ne- new situation poses a threat to human health, for
cessary for their survival. With each new discovery both present and future generations. This imposes
(ranging from tools for tillage and wheel all the way the problem of protecting the environment throu-
to modern computer technology) man makes bigger gh waste management. The composition of waste
part of the eternal desire to reconcile nature and its is very different and includes municipal solid wa-

2 Volume 3 / Number 1 / 2015

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ste, industrial, and agricultural, medical, electro- perspective of environmental effects of pollution
nic and other wastes of mixed composition. are usually described in terms of which we have
A particular problem is hazardous waste (che- already pointed out: degradation, devastation,
mical, biological and nuclear) with a strong pollu- endangering the environment, in different time
ting effect and the many negative consequences periods. It is possible to perceive the effects of
for human health and the environment. In the early pollution in air, water, soil, wildlife, human health,
90s of the 20th century in developing countries, and so on. We can speak of long-termed and short-
there are 100 - 330kg of solid waste per capita in termed effects of pollution. It can be very im-
the European Union, the number was 414, and in portant to understand the concept of the working
North America 720kg. The global problem of all environment, if it is connected with the concept
countries of the world is that there is an increase of environmental protection in the context of dis-
of waste, both in the amount of waste produced, cussions on environmental management. This can
as well as the amount of waste per person. The be done for many reasons. First, because of the
big problem is that this waste is not processed, in- connection of the working environment as part of
stead, it is disposed of in landfills that are huge the environment, there are connections and proce-
and located in the vicinity of cities and represent a sses related to the operation and are of importance
dangerous pollutants to air, water and land. to the issue of the environment. There are several
provisions in the law on safety and health at work
2. Environmental pollution and other regulations governing this area, which
are directly relevant to the understanding of the re-
The result of deteriorating environmental situa- lationship between the working environment and
tion in various countries and regions where envi- the environment. It is necessary to know not only
ronmental pollution is the most intense climate is the notion of working environment but also to bear
warming, ozone layer is depleting, desertification. in mind the definition of a number of other terms
According to the definition adopted by the UN such as “hazardous materials”, “danger”, “dange-
organization, “pollution are exogenous chemical rous phenomenon”, “risk”, “risk assessment”, and
substances encountered on a suitable place, at the so on. According to this law work environment
appropriate time and in inadequate quantities.”1 defines the working environment in which the
According to the analysis (taken in early 20th cen- work is performed under specific operating con-
tury), it is concluded that the most polluted spheres ditions in the workplace, working procedures and
are atmosphere and hydrosphere. Even the state of relationships in the work process. Unfavorable
cosmic space around our planet raises serious con- changes in the environment caused by human ac-
cerns. In order to define the concept of the envi- tivities, causing a change in the inflow of energy,
ronment, we must consider the basic ecological radiation levels physico-chemical and microbiolo-
unit that has its own laws, which is characterized gical composition of environmental pollution can
by complex factors of animate and inanimate na- be defined. The harmful effect of pollution, their
ture. This unit is called an ecosystem. The man effect is manifested in the anatomical and morp-
as a conscious being has a great influence on the hological structure, metabolism, growth process,
environment. According to the methodology of the at all levels of cellular organization, from the mo-
World Health Organization, there are 26 risk factors lecular to the cellular level, through individual and
to health, some dating from the environment that population to biocenosis and ecosystems.
are considered to cause many diseases in the popu-
lation of children aged 0 to 19 years. 3. Waste Management
The impact of economic and other activities
on the environment may be different in character: In the Middle Ages, food waste was dumped on
direct (immediate) and indirect synergy. From the the streets, so the rodents and insects transmitted
many infectious diseases and dangerous epide-
1 Kolomeiceva-Jovanovic L. Chemistry and enviromental mics. Today, because of inadequate treatment of
protection, Belgrade 2010, page 146 waste could be a higher number of infectious dise-

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ases. The general interest of society in our country, the category of combustion, but after you remo-
governed by the Law on Waste Management is the ve it from the packaging and plastics dumped into
management of waste. The objective of this law is the category of ‘small plastic and metal. Japan is a
to provide and ensure the conditions for waste ma- country-specific, because with 127 million people,
nagement in a way that does not endanger human on average, 336 people live in an area of 1 km2.
health and the environment. Logically Japan has to take care of as little use of
Law relating to waste management, is based on land for the purpose of disposal.
the following principles: In the world’s major cities, there are 3.5 kg of
1. The principle of optimal choice of options waste per capita a day. With increased populati-
for the environment on and living standards, the waste also increases.
2. The principle of proximity and regional According to the Basel Convention, the world annu-
approach to waste management ally produces about 4oo.ooo.ooo tons of hazardous
3. The principle of hierarchical waste manage- waste. Military waste and radiochemical industry,
ment which uses various raw materials and products that
4. The principle of accountability have hazardous properties is especially present. The
5. The ‘Polluter Pays’ Principle. production of hazardous waste can occur in combat,
destruction of chemical plants in NHB accidents
Prevention of waste, reuse of waste and (transport, storage, accidents, natural disasters, na-
recycling, separation of recyclable materials from tural disasters) and so on. The harmful and dange-
the waste and the use waste as an energy resour- rous contaminants working environment includes
ce development processes and methods of waste the physical (solid waste, dust, noise, vibrations),
disposal, remediation of unregulated dumps, and chemical (aerosols, gases, vapors, fumes, dust, wa-
developing awareness of waste management in- ste), radiation (ionizing, UV, oils, infrared, radar,
volves waste management. The concept of waste laser , ultrasound, x-ray) and biological (viruses,
management refers to the activities of collecting, bacteria, mold, fungi, parasites, insects, rodents).
transporting, sorting, recycling, disposal, tracking Anthropogenic substances go into the environment
and monitoring of waste. The biggest problem is in different ways. Wastewater is discharged into
the collection of waste for recycling, ie, waste sor- surface and underground waterways and basins.
ting, because some parts of the process must be Solid waste is stored in special landfills, buried and
performed manually, which increases the cost of deposited in abandoned mines. Agriculture uses
recycling. But there are problems with the catego- fertilizers and pesticides (about 70,000 different
rization of garbage, so let’s say PET bottles are not harmful and hazardous substances, and the list is
the same category of waste as PVC containers and supplemented annually with new 900-1000 terms).
cannot be recycled together. As the best solution Synthesized new compounds that are not found in
for the protection of the environment from waste, the working environment and living organisms are
would be not to use products or packaging that able to decompose (PVC materials). It is estimated
is biodegradable and does not release toxins into that close to 40 million plastic bottles and bags, a
the atmosphere. As a consumer, you can choose large number of lost and discarded fishing nets,
the product you are buying. Products with excess nylon and others float on seas and oceans.2
packaging not only pollute the environment, pac-
kaging is included in the price you pay, and the 3.1. Disposal of solid waste in landfills
placing of 30 grams in a package which can hold
60 grams of leads to visual misleading. Japan in- Landfills are sites for solid waste disposal. The-
troduced legislation on recycling in 1997 and cu- re are several types of landfills depending on the
rrently there are 44 categories of waste. Every re- manner in which the waste is thrown and protecti-
sident of Japan has received a 27-page instruction on measures aimed at preventing air pollution and
on the procedure for sorting their waste. There are
categories describe to you in detail, so if you have 2 http://www.scribd.com/doc/46336370/New-Microsoft-
a lipstick that you spent, he throws himself into Word-Document

4 Volume 3 / Number 1 / 2015

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pollution of groundwater. Atmosphere and hydros- passed through the upper cover. This water
phere are contaminated because of garbage dispo- is purified again or returns to the landfill.
sal in open areas without protective measures. In 3. The most modern conception considers
order to prevent the contact of materials from solid landfill as a kind of chemical reactor. The
waste with atmospheric air, sanitary landfills are modern approach consists of keeping the
built. Today, waste is disposed in the bowels of the idea of limiting, but in a controlled manner,
Earth, which represents an alternative to landfill so as to form a controlled chemical reactor.3
sites. In this way the air pollution is avoided and
undesirable propagation of animals. This method 3.2. Industrial waste management
of waste disposal has its disadvantages:
1. If you make a wrong selection of underground A huge number of waste is created by technolo-
landfill, it can contaminate groundwater. gical and technical activities, but several types are
2. When waste is buried and located in the re-used: metal, plastic, paper, glass. A number of
middle of the country, there is no oxygen and issues from environmental protection consider the
its decomposition. Biogas is formed, which re-use of materials: to reduce the need for primary
consists of various hydrocarbons, mostly raw materials, reduce the pollution of water and
methane. Biogas is spread horizontally and soil. Industrial waste is divided into:
can reach the basements of buildings and in - Scrap,
contact with open flames it can ignite and - waste wood,
explode. - waste plastics and other materials,
3. When waste is decomposed, its volume - industrial waste.
decreases, and this causes sagging area,
so that in these places we can not make Ecologically beneficial and comprehensive
buildings and other facilities. technologies that reduce the amount of the pri-
mary production are developing. Non-waste tech-
3.1.1. Strategies for building and controlling nology should provide:
landfill - Development and production of new
products, taking into account the possibility
During the construction of landfills, there are of re-use;
three strategies: - processing of production and everyday
1. The waste is stored on land that has the waste into new products;
required properties and the ability of self- - The use of closed systems of industrial
purification, in order to avoid the spread water supply.
of harmful substances into the surrounding
environment. In this case, land is the only 3.3. Hazardous waste management
barrier to the polluting substance. Therefore,
land should be chosen appropriately to meet As defined by the United States Agency for
specific biological and chemical criteria (eg, Environmental Protection hazardous waste is
clay, grain size distribution). any waste that is flammable, corrosive, reactive
Strategy of limiting i.e. limiting the or toxic. Hazardous waste today can be found at
maximum infiltration of pollutants from every turn. Studies have shown that the main sour-
the landfill to land on one of the following: ce of this type of waste are:
landfill covering material that is impervious - Chemical industry, with about 60% of the
to water, in order to minimize the penetration total industrial hazardous waste;
of atmospheric and surface water and - metal industry, with about 20%;
pollution of soil in that way, by placing - military industry;
insulating layer in the bottom of the landfill
in order to prevent the penetration of water 3 Kolomeiceva-Jovanovic L. Chemistry and enviromental
and drainage system collects water that has protection, Belgrade 2010.

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- pharmaceutical industry; of veterinary medicine waste is generated in

- clinical centers; the following facilities:
- household and • veterinary clinics,
- small businesses.4 • research laboratories of the institute,
• veterinary,
3.3.1. Hazardous medical and veterinary • veterinary clinics,
waste • numerous farms for breeding herds and
The waste that is created in the health and ve-
terinary institutions, regardless of its composition 3.4. Biodegradation
and origin, is a medical-veterinary waste. This is
a heterogeneous mixture of municipal garbage, A great potential for the processing of organic
infectious and laboratory waste, packaging, medi- components of municipal waste has biodegradati-
cines and other pharmaceutical and chemical wa- on or composting. “Processing of one ton of orga-
ste. Hazardous medical waste, which accounts for nic waste may give 500 m3 of biogas, containing
14% of the total amount of medical waste consists up to 70% of methane and carbon-dioxide due to
of the following groups of waste: the thermal capacity of up to 24,000 KJ / m3. It is
1. Infectious waste - from microbiology labo- vital for the presence of bacteria and other compo-
ratory equipment, supplies and accessories nents of biota. Bacteria in quantity and diversity
that came into contact with the blood greatly exceed other groups of microorganisms.
or infectious patients used in surgical Bacteria perform the process of nitrogen fixation,
procedures, waste with hemodialysis, which biological activity and soil fertility depend
gloves, trash infected experimental animals. on. A significant portion of municipal solid waste
2. Sharp Objects, needles, syringes, scalpels consists of food scraps. They have a high density
and other objects that can cause a sting or cut. and humidity’’.6 In order to solve the problem of
3. Gross, of black and gray parts of the waste introduces the technique of biodegradation
human body (tissues, organs removed is introduced. In medium-sized cities and rural
during surgery), experimental animals, areas, biodegradation can be realized, especially
anatomical parts of animals. on smaller farms and greenhouses. The final pro-
4. Pharmaceutical Industrial waste drugs and duct of the degradation of the organic fertilizer,
chemicals that have been returned to the biogas (energy) and water that can be used in cor-
departments from where they are taken or porate and household advantage of biodegradation
expired. is ecological purity. Widely used method of biode-
5. Chemical waste- discarded solid, liquid or gradation in economic practice in many countries
gaseous chemicals that are used in medical for energy purposes and obtaining high-quality
or experimental procedures, cleaning or organic fertilizer, as well as reducing landfill sur-
disinfecting. face processing of municipal solid waste in order
6. Radioactive of black and gray contaminated to protect arable land and biodiversity.
materials, equipment, solutions, corpses
experimental animals. 3.4.1. Technology biodegradation of organic
7. Content of heavy metals from the waste waste
present compounds of mercury, lead,
arsenic, as well as thermometers, devices for Thanks to micro-organisms that are an insepa-
measuring blood pressure.5 The institutions rable component of ecological systems of the bi-
osphere and their enormous activity released vast
4 Kolomeiceva-Jovanovic L. Chemistry and enviromental amounts of oxygen, which provides life on Earth.
protection, Belgrade 2010. “Over the centuries, biodegradation of organic wa-
5 Kolomeiceva-Jovanovic L. Chemistry
and enviromental protection, Belgrade 2010. 6 www.ecologija.org.rs/casopis.htm

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ste under the action of microbes took place. Today, away is recycling. Without the introduction of
men have learned to manage this process, synthe- recycling in daily school life it is impossible to
sizing specific groups of microorganisms. In order imagine an integrated waste management system.
to perform microbiological degradation of vege- There are recycling centers in the world who
table and animal waste, it is necessary to know exploit material from old things to make new, but
the chemical structure of its parts. This structure there are no such centers in our country. There are
varies depending on the composition of food pro- few centers such as Paper service where they can
ducts from which the waste is produced. The main take the old paper in exchange for coins. There are
‘suppliers’ of organic food waste are processing not any centers for recycling glass and hundreds
industry, agricultural producers, as well as some of glass bottles are thrown every year.7 “ Through
institutions. “ The remains of food and industrial recycling following strategic objectives are achie-
waste of plant or animal origin are exploited in the ved:
following manner: • Saving raw resources (all materials are sour-
• solid waste from other municipal and indu- ced from nature and have them in limited quanti-
strial waste must be disposed of in the landfill; ties).
• use organic waste as a fertilizer on agricultu- • Energy saving (no energy loss in the primary
ral land; processes, as well as in transport and processes
• bury the carcasses of domestic animals; which follow, and additional energy is obtained by
• discharge of industrial waste into the sewer burning materials that are not recycled).
system of the city; • Environmental protection (waste materi-
• disposal of waste in illegal dumps. als degrade, and the recycling protects the envi-
Municipal waste whose share in the total vo- • Creation of new jobs (processes in the
lume of solid waste is quite high, should be, trou- recycling of materials include investment
gh the method of processing, burning or pressing knowledge and work, which creates the need for
and its disposal in landfills of solid waste, which jobs)”.8
is not justified either environmentally or economi-
cally. There are always environmentally and eco- 3.5.1. Materials for recycling
nomically effective methods of waste treatment.
The solution of these problems is the introducti- “In terms of the Return of exploitation, mate-
on of biodegradation technology. Biodegradation rials can be:
is widely applied in the economic practices of - Recyclable (can be used to recapture the
European countries. Many West European farms production process after recycling),
meet their needs for energy and organic fertilizers - Non-recyclable (can not be returned to the
by using this method. In Norway and Canada, a production process and are used to obtain
method of biodegradation of organic waste in in- energy-burning or in an environmentally
dividual households as well as in industry is wi- safe manner warehouse in landfills)
despread. In China is also widespread. Method of - Hazardous (materials that are harmful to
biodegradation is economically effective, it can be humans and the environment),
concluded. Its application can make a profit by se- - Harmless (materials that are not harmful to
lling fertilizer, which is a valuable product. humans and the environment).

3.5. Recycling By the way of returning the material in the pro-

cess of re-use, recycling can be:
Re-use of materials and its separation from
waste is called recycling. This involves the collec-
7 www.ecologija.org.rs/casopis.htm
tion, separation, processing and manufacture of 8 Jovanovic L. Recycling as an important part of
new products from the used items or materials. sustainable development I – ISO14000, Aranđelovac
Everything that can be reused and not thrown 2000.

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- Primary (recycling which after proper be able to break down under the action of micro-
preparation materials used to obtain the organisms. These are the so-called biodegradable
same product). plastics. Not all plastic products can be replaced
- Secondary (recycling, in which recyclable with biodegradable plastic’’.10 We donot process
materials are conventionally processed the plastic waste in an adequate way, although we
using new technologies to the maximum have great potential. It is the processing of waste
possible efficiency)”.9 of known composition and origin. Capacities that
perform processing are also very modest.
3.5.2. Recycling of plastic waste
3.5.3. Car-battery Recycling
Plastic waste is naturally very difficult to decom-
pose. If you are re-using packaging waste contributes “Huge amounts of unselected waste are depo-
to reducing the amount of waste and environmental sited at the landfills. Old batteries are disposed of
pollution, saving raw materials and energy. The big during the year in landfills without any preparati-
problem is caused by unlimited use of plastic pro- on area. This leads to significant soil contaminati-
ducts and dumping their remains. There are many on with lead, acids and other inorganic substances
ways to recycle plastics, although essentially it all from the battery”.11 In order to recycle old batteries
boils down to the same operation. The technological it is necessary to pre-allocate and recycle certain
process is composed of seven stages: components and safely dispose of the waste that
1. Waste collection, occurs as a residue after recycling. The technology
2. Identification and selection, of remaking old batteries is not particularly popu-
3. Milling, lar, although it has great economic justification and
4. Rinse, significant impact on the environment. Because of
5. Spinning, the difficulty of collecting old batteries from wild
6. Material drying and landfills, which are numerous, settling all kinds of
7. Storage waste materials, it is very difficult to make a selec-
tion, a very small number of companies are doing
The household plastic waste is put in the same this. Statistics show that we cast away ¼ of the to-
basket with other waste and creates another pro- tal number of batteries. One of the most important
blem. In order to solve this problem containers raw from re-cycled batteries is lead.
depending on the type (glass, paper, plastic ...)are
introduced. In most EU countries, this method of 3.5.4. Recycling of vehicles at the end of life
collecting and sorting is already greatly in practi-
ce. “In the first decade of the 21st century in the “The car is a product of high complexity. Parts
United States about 30 million tons of plastic waste of the car are made of different materials but the
is collected. Due to the problem of disposal of this most dominant is cast iron and steel. Approxima-
waste, re-use becomes ever more important. Every tely 80% of the weight of the car. can be recycled
year Americans use 86 kg of plastic of which 27 in the current recycling plants The process of
kg is packaging. Germany recycles about 800 tons recycling the car is complex because of the variety
of plastic, which represents 80% of the annual vo- of materials that are part of the car. Glass, which
lume of plastic waste. UK recycles about 200 tons is 3% of the weight of the car, is not processed
of plastic which is very small compared to the total in factories for the manufacture of glass, because
amount. Since 2000, the processing of plastic wa- of its complex chemical composition, but chipped
ste has increased, with one piece of plastic back to
the landfill. It is a residue that can not be processed. 10 Jovanovic L. Recycling as an important part of
Great attention is paid to creating plastics that will sustainable development I – ISO14000, Aranđelovac
11 Jovanovic L. Recycling as an important part of
9 Jovanovic L. Recycling as an important part of sustainable sustainable development I – ISO14000, Aranđelovac
development I – ISO14000, Aranđelovac 2000. 2000.

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used in construction as a concrete additive. Fluids There are ways to intensify the use of waste, to
in cars (fuel, various types of oil and coolant) con- improve the quality of the processed raw materi-
stitute 2% of the weight of the car. These fluids in als and the number of participants in the recycling
the process of recycling the car significantly com- process which leads to greater environmental pro-
plicate the process itself, because of its chemical tection. Most countries accept the strategy of the
composition and its toxicity. Rubber, which makes European Union relating to:
5% of the total weight of the car, goes further to - Research and development of new
industrial processing and has found application technologies for recycling,
for obtaining different products (flooring, protec- - optimization of the system of collecting and
tive fencing, addition to asphalt).12 “A major threat sorting waste,
to the environment are batteries of old cars, then - reduction of external costs of re-use of waste,
switch on the basis of living and different types of - computerized systems of waste management,
filters. The parts of the car should be treated sepa- - exchange and sale of scrap material. “
rately and with great care. “Right now two tech-
nologies of recycling the cars are applied, which Conclusion
differ in the way of sorting the materials that make
up the car. The first technology is based on optical The environment is changing through deve-
separation, while other technology uses multiple lopment of the industrial revolution and the be-
methods (mulching, gravitational and special met- ginning of the use of fossil fuels. people are thin-
hods of separation)”.13 king about this problem more and more, becau-
se it should not allow the industry to continue to
4. Waste Management Strategy develop and harm the environment. This way of
thinking has led to the emergence of the concept
“The collection, transport, storage and tre- of sustainable development. This concept impli-
atment of waste carry a number of risks to safety es the continued development of the industry in
and health of employees in the waste industry”.14 a way that has minimal environmental impact.
The system activities and activities which inclu- To change the quality of the ecosystem brings
de the prevention of waste by reducing packaging harmful effects of pollutants present in the envi-
materials, waste reduction, developing a habit of ronment and thus to increase the potential nega-
sorting waste in the population represents waste tive impacts on human health in several ways.
management. The survival of man and nature are brought into
“Waste Management Strategy provides us with question trough this industrial mode of production
the following activities: that was supposed to make the man the master of
- The introduction of formal legal mechanisms, nature. Pollution of the basic elements of the envi-
such as the acquisition of knowledge in the ronment (air, water and land) reached alarming re-
field of waste management. sults. Landscapes and spaces that are beyond the
- Acquisition and improvement of education reach of human activities still exist. People reco-
and training of persons who manage waste gnized and legally protected such natural goods.
- Establishment of a national body responsible The life and working life of the man carried out in
for the development of educational the urban areas and industrial zones, and only rare
programs and training in the field of waste moments of rest in an oasis of pure nature. Some
management. types of waste represent a major potential threat to
the environment and human health. The company
12 Jovanovic L. Recycling as an important part of did not immediately and fully understand this dan-
sustainable development I – ISO14000, Aranđelovac ger. In many countries there are still no regulations
2000. on waste management. The amount of hazardous
13 Jovanovic L. Recycling as an important part of
sustainable development I – ISO14000, Aranđelovac
waste has increased dramatically in the last period
2000. due to different types of pesticides that are appli-
14 http://www.cpc-serbia.org ed in agriculture and industrial waste containing

Volume 3 / Number 1 / 2015 9

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toxic and cancerogenicc substances. Worsening si- 6. Jovanovic L. Recycling as an important part of su-
tuation of global environmental - global warming, stainable development ISO14000, Aranđelovac 2000.
ozone layer depletion, acidification of the envi- 7. Kolomeiceva-Jovanovic L. Chemistry and enviromen-
ronment with the occurrence of acid rain and its tal protection, Belgrade 2010,
consequences of global environmental problems:
deforestation, soil degradation, loss of biodiversity 8. Rajovic G. “Environmental awareness as a basis
and stocks of clean drinking water- is the result for sustainable development of rural areas of Mon-
tenegro”, Ecologica, scientific and professional soci-
of deteriorating environmental situation in diffe- ety for Environmental Protection of Serbia, No. 49,
rent countries and regions where environmental Belgrade, 2007.
pollution is most intense. Reducing environmental
pollution is an important goal of sustainable waste 9. Todić D. Environmental management conditions of
globalization, Megatrend University, Belgrade, 2008.
management. Recycling is one of the useful met-
hods aimed at maximum utilization of energy and 10. http://www.forum.ftn.uns.ac.rs/index.php?act=attac
raw materials from waste. Most countries are op- h&type=post&id=5558
ting for recycling because in addition to elimina-
ting waste they see economic solutions. Recycling 11. http://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/odlagaliste_otpada
keeps raw materials and energy. From discarded 12. http://staklenozvono.rs/?p=1254
and useless products obtained raw materials that
would be in a different situation should draw from 13. www.dominomagazin.com
natural resources. The growth of population and
14. http://krize.medijskestudije.org
production of larger quantities of waste to landfill
seems to become increasingly numerous and 15. www.ecologija.org.rs/casopis.htm
increasingly degrade the environment. Landfills
cover large areas of arable land, grow in uncon- 16. http://www.reciklaza.in.rs
trolled dumps with high risk of miraculous situati-
on and require huge costs of eliminating them. In Corresouding Author
order to reduce the amount of generated waste it Ibro Skenderovic
is necessary to improve waste management stra- Clinic for Vascular sugery
tegies starting from minimizing waste at source, International University ogf Novi Pazar
via rebooting the use of secondary raw materials, Novi Pazar, Serbia
E-mail: ibro.skenderovic@os-mpeanin.edu.me
recycling and disposal too.

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2. Heleta M. System management projecting of envi-

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3. Jovanovic L. Ecomanagement in function of envi-

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4. Jovanovic L. Ecomanagement in function of envi-

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Novi Sad, Novi Sad 1999.

5. Jovanovic L. Recycling as an important part of su-

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10 Volume 3 / Number 1 / 2015

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