Assignment: Partitioning

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1. The graph to the right (nodes a-f) can be optimally partitioned using the Kernighan-Lin
algorithm. Perform the first pass of the algorithm. The dotted line represents the initial
partitioning. Assume all nodes have the same weight and all edges have the same priority.
Note: Clearly describe each step of the algorithm. Also, show the resulting partitioning (after one
pass) in graphical form.

Slicing Trees and Constraint Graphs
2. For the given floor-plan (right), generate its slicing tree, vertical constraint graph and horizontal
constraint graph?

Estimating Total Wire-length
3. Consider the five-pin net with pins a-e (right). Each grid edge has unit length.
(a) Draw a rectilinear minimum-length chain, a rectilinear minimum spanning tree (RMST), and a
rectilinear Steiner minimum tree (RSMT) to connect all pins.
(b) Find the weighted total wire-length using each estimation technique from (a) if each grid edge
has weight = 2.

Global Routing in a Connectivity Graph
4. Two nets A and B and the connectivity graph with capacities are given. Determine whether this
placement is routable. If the placement is not routable, explain why. In either case, routable or
unroutable, calculate the remaining capacities after both nets have been routed.

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