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Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Republic of Namibia March 2010

here is our 20th independence

anniversary logo!

N amibia’s 20th independence
anniversary logo represents our
national unity in diversity, a vibrant
who stood with us through thick and thin. We
must endeavour to always remind ourselves of
these serious sacrifices and make that our pillar
and independence from the yoke of apartheid

nation forging ahead to achieving our of nurturing real internal peace and peace with Namibia’s 20th independence anniversary logo
national goals as contained in our five our neighbours and the world at large,” Angula consists of an oval shape depicting the Namibia
year National Development Plan 3 as well said. flag with the figure and words 20 years inserted
as in our Vision 2030. on the flag, pointing towards our 20 years as an
According to Angula the long and glorious independent nation. The jubilant figures on top
These were the words of Prime Minister Nahas journey of Namibia’s nationhood will continue of the oval symbolises our people, our stability
Angula when he launched Namibia’s 20th to be told to generation upon generation. This and our unity in diversity as a nation. With their

independence anniversary logo at the UN Plaza year, Namibia will turn twenty years since our hands raised above their heads, the figures
in Katutura on 17 February 2010. birth as a nation on 21st March 1990, when imply our bravery and victory as a nation. The
the flag of an independent Namibian nation figures also symbolises a crown that is pointing
At the launch of the logo, the Prime Minister was hoisted for the first time and the flag that to our success as a nation, while the heads of
said that is was very important for Namibia represented the illegal authority of apartheid the figurines depict our diamonds.
to celebrate the strides we have made in the South African regime over our country was
last twenty years. “We make deep reflections brought down forever. The slogan for our 20th anniversary as a nation
and continue to take stock of where we come is – a visionary nation on the move towards 2030
from, where we are now and where we are On 21st March 2010, the nation will gather – implying that we are working as a nation to
going and how. We must always express our at the Independence Stadium in Windhoek realise our dream of becoming an industrialised
very sincere and heartfelt appreciation to those for the twentieth anniversary of our freedom and knowledge-based society by 2030.
IN ThIs Issue

Trust and confidence The pace of land stanley, the unsung

grew over 20 years: reform in hero of Namibia’s
Angula Namibia independence

Page 4 Page 11 Page 14

Government Information Bulletin March 2010

From the Desk of the Minister Contents

On 21 March this year it will
Here is our 20th independence logo………............................ 1
be 20 years since Namibia rid
itself from the yoke of racism
and colonialist apartheid 2010: Year of success and progress – Pohamba................. 3
oppression to become a
sovereign and independent
republic with our own flag, Trust and confidence grew over 20 years:
coat of arms and national
Namibians have a pre- Prime Minister....................................................................... 4
independence history of having
been denied the basic human
rights of inherent dignity, Democracy needs wisdom to flourish: Speaker.................... 5
equality and self-determination.
Hon. Joël Kaapanda, Minister of A protracted liberation struggle
Information and Communication was waged against the colonial Justice remains a pillar of Namibian democracy:
Technology forces to attain freedom, dignity
and self-determination. In the
process many sons and daughters of Namibia paid the highest price. Chief Justice……………………….......................................…... 7
Indeed the blood of those heroes and heroines of the liberation struggle
waters our freedom.
As we are preparing to celebration 20 years of freedom and independence, Agriculture – backbone of the Namibian economy............... 9
we are obliged to remember the sacrifices of those who suffered or paid
the highest price to allow us to enjoy the fruits of independence.
The 20th anniversary of our independence on 21 March 2010 is indeed Large country, little land – land reform 20 years on............ 11
an achievement to be proud of, especially since Namibia is in the position
to boast that our first 20 years of independence was characterised by
peace, stability and progress – unlike many other African countries Stanley whisked Nujoma away to freedom.......................... 14
that experienced different forms of upheaval after having attained
independence. Thanks to the prevailing peace and security we can look
back after 20 years to the progress that we have made as a nation Education for a new Namibia................................................ 16
– progress which is only possible in a stable and peaceful democratic
dispensation. All Namibians have to be applauded for contributing to
this conducive environment. Fisheries sector made great strides in 20 years................... 18
In this edition of the Government Information Bulletin we are bringing you
news on the progress that we have made in the past two decades. We
have the Prime Minister talking about the value of the policy of national Infrastructure to boost economic growth............................ 20
reconciliation that contributed to our stability. From the legislative arm of
the government the Speaker shares his views of the progress we made,
but he is cautioning that we are lacking tolerance and that we must start Tourists are flocking to Namibia since independence.......... 22
listening to each other since democracy needs wisdom and tolerance to
flourish. Our representative judiciary, in which the population has great
faith, serves as a role model in Africa according to our Chief Justice. Mining – Namibia’s economic backbone............................... 25
In this edition you will also find an overview of the contribution of different
sectors of the economy towards Namibia’s growth. This Bulletin, which
is dedicated to our 20h independence anniversary, brings you news on 20 Years on – fertile ground for Namibian media................. 27
agriculture, education, land reform, fisheries, infrastructure, tourism,
2 mining and many more.
On the centre spread you will find information on the flight of our Namibia telecoms infrastructure impressive........................ 28
Founding Father, Dr. Sam Nujoma, to freedom and the unsung hero who
took him over the border.
Happy reading and a happy 20th independence anniversary
Art development calls for decentralisation........................... 30

Government Information Bulletin: Publicising Government

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Government Information Bulletin March 2010

2010: Year of success and progress -

By Julia Hamhata

W hen addressing the first Cabinet

meeting for 2010, President
Hifikepunye Pohamba urged his Cabinet
executive branch of the state, to implement
policies and programmes that will create
a conducive environment for our country
The Head of State acknowledged the fact that
citizens in different parts of the country are
demanding service delivery and public amenities
Ministers to make 2010 a year of success to prosper and to free our people from the hence, the Government must continue to
and progress in the development of the degrading chains of poverty,” he said. answer their legitimate calls and their pleas
country. by expanding the availability of potable water,
President Pohamba regarded the year 2010 access to quality health care and education by
The Head of State also emphasised on as a significant milestone in the lives of the strengthening its responses to the challenges
consistent continuation in alleviating poverty Namibian nation, as the nation will celebrate of HIV/AIDS, crime and unemployment. He
and improvement of sanitation in rural areas 20 years of nationhood, democracy, freedom also emphasised the need to expand the Green
and informal settlements in all towns and and self-determination. The year will also mark Scheme, urging that it should be intensified
cities. the inauguration of the newly elected members and sustained for the improvement of local
of National Assembly and the formation of the food production. “This is a duty in which we
“Let this be a year for the creation of more jobs new Government, following the November 2009 cannot afford to fail because the well-being of
for our people; for the further strengthening Presidential and National Assembly Elections. our people is at stake and the prosperity of our
of our health and education sectors; for the country is on the line,” Pohamba declared.
continued expansion of the communication “It demands deliberate actions and steps
and physical infrastructure in our country, for to be taken by all those charged with the Pohamba pointed out that the education sector
improving sanitation in rural areas and informal implementation of Government policies so that needs more attention, making specific reference
settlements; for the expanded provision of progress continues to be made and momentum to the 2009 grade 10 examination results. He
portable water in rural areas; for addressing the can be maintained towards the achievement added that the Government must work hard
socio-economic needs of the workers, peasants, of our national development plans and Vision to ensure that substantial financial resources
senior citizens, orphans and vulnerable children, 2030,” Pohamba said. allocated to the sector are effectively leveraged
women, youth and vulnerable members of our to yield the desired results. While appreciating
nation,” Pohamba pleaded. Pohamba emphasised the importance of hard the good rains that have been received so far,
work, dedication and proper planning at all the President cautioned the emergency and
Pohamba further stressed that it is the duty levels, adding that ministers and their deputies disaster management institutions to be on the
of the executive branch of the state to ensure as political principals of different public alert as more rain can still be expected as per
that all policies that have been adopted are institutions, must at all times keep their hands the weather forecasts. He warned all relevant
implemented and that the resources allocated on the wheel to ensure timely implementation institutions to constantly monitor the levels of
to various institutions through the budget are of policies and Cabinet decisions by permanent the rivers and the flood plains, to ensure that
utilised timely and for the purposes they have secretaries and their staff. appropriate actions are taken timeously to
been allocated. “The onus is on us, as the prevent the destruction of property and the
disruption of people’s livelihoods.

“We still recall the destructive floods of 2008

and 2009 which occurred in the north and 3
north-eastern parts of the country. This past
experience must alert all relevant institutions
in our Government to take timely action to
mitigate the effects of the flood,” Pohamba

The President reminded his Cabinet Ministers

that the massive support that the SWAPO Party
received in the 2009 Presidential and National
Assembly elections are from Namibian voters
living in the rural areas and informal settlements
in towns and cities. Hence, they are obliged to
address their concerns and the challenges that
they [voters] are facing. “We must continue to
harness available resources and the capacities
of our public institutions to give effect to and to
President Hifikepunye Pohamba opening the first Cabinet session of 2010 with Secretary to Cabinet, Frans
Kapofi by his side.
achieve our stated objectives,” he urged.
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Trust and confidence grew over 20 years:

Prime Minister
T o appreciate 20 years of nationhood,
Namibians have to retrace their steps
and reflect on how it all started. This is
of that office, located in a building historically
occupied by the promoters of apartheid. I
had expected resistance from the Herero or
“It took time for the people to see my point.
However by 1995, when the Ministry of Education
was split in two, we had laid the foundation for
the view of Prime Minister Nahas Angula. the Coloured administrations, but this time it a unified national education system, thanks to
came from national education, that were lead the policy of national reconciliation.
“We have to go back to 1990. On 21 March by a white section who regarded themselves as
1990 Namibia was born as an independent enlightened. They could not understand that a “Another interesting experience was when we
and free nation. However, at that point in time, Swapo Minister would stoop so low as to sit in embarked on the integration of the schools.
when political party representatives formed that building. They had forgotten that we had There was initial resistance from some formerly
the Constituent Assembly, where consensus adopted the policy of national reconciliation, we privileged white schools. They claimed it was
was reached on the type of Constitution we had decided to turn a new page. a recipe for lowering the standards. I had to
would have, the situation among the general ensure them that with integration the student-
public was one of mistrust, suspicion, not “There were other instances as well. I once called teacher ration would not change and that
knowing where things were going, fear and a meeting at the Windhoek Teacher’s Training we would not withdraw resources from their
apprehension. College, where the University of Namibia is schools. After all the Constitution says that
today where representatives of the education anything that smelled like apartheid would not
“Let me illustrate. I was appointed the first system of the whole country met. This was early be condoned in Namibia, and that they would
Minister of Education, Culture and Sport. I was 1991. At the meeting we wanted to announce have to start admitting black children.
invited by the then director of white schools to the broad education policies we would be
address members of school boards who had following. However most senior officials were “There were however some teachers who were
gathered at Windhoek High School. When I people from the former white administration, doing things to frustrate the efforts. In some
went there I found a community that was shell national education, Coloured, Nama and Herero classes black children were forced to sit in the
shocked. It was as if a bomb shell had been administrations. The colleagues who came back of the class in the last row, behind all the
dropped in their midst. I overheard one official from the northern regions were not prepared other children. In some cases a black child who
trying to sooth the people who were saying: to accept that kind of arrangement. They said wanted to make a contribution in class, was
“Dit is nie die einde van die wêreld nie” (This is Comrade Angula had sold out to Koevoet and ignored.
not the end of the world). the former Broederbonders. They again forgot
that we were building the nation based on the “We were lucky in those days to have a very
People were not sure what the future held. That policy of national reconciliation and from that strong student union, Nansu. Nansu agreed
was the prevailing situation. point of view we had to unify all the education to monitor the implementation of the policy to
departments and bring all of us together. integrate schools. They did a good job. When
We had to start building bridges of mutual
respect and contact. The Swapo government
was wise to adopt the policy of national
reconciliation. Simply put the policy said: ‘let’s
turn a new page. On this new page we can craft
our future. Let bygones be bygones. Let’s reach
out to each other as people with one destiny.’
4 This helped us in dealing with a very difficult
situation, like for instance integrating the 12
different education systems we found here.

“It was not easy to bring people of different

cultural backgrounds together and let them
think along the same frame.

“I remember as new Minister I was looking for

office space. Windhoek had three education
authorities, namely Herero, white and national
education. The white education department
informed me that they had space available
on the ground floor of their head office,
situated in the Nictus building, and I was
welcome to use it. The people at the national
education department decided not to be part
Prime Minister Nahas Angula
Continues on page 5
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Trust and confidence grew over 20 years: Prime Minister Continues from page 4

they noticed something wrong, they went to Many believed that the incoming government poverty reproducing itself. The intellectual
the press. We would then pick up on it and would dismiss and replace the old guard. This development of a child who is malnourished
launch an investigation. did not happen. Those who worked for the is influenced, and they can’t benefit from
colonial authority still continued to work for the education they are offered. In this way
“The process of integration went smoothly the Government of an independent Namibia. poverty reproduces itself.
with the exception of an incident at the Some embraced the new policies and the new
Windhoek Technical High School, where a government, some left of their own accord. “Unemployment further aggravates inequality
black girl was assaulted. This was the only in the society. It is therefore imperative that
major incident in the integration process. “Today that story will sound boring or surprising we develop and implement a comprehensive
to some. Gradually we have started reaching out programme to fight malnutrition and general
The examples I have given from the to one another and the mistrust disappeared, diseases experienced by the population. It
education sector also applies to the whole suspicion faded. It was translated into trust and is important to have a healthy population. A
public service. confidence. In all of this the guiding principle healthy population will be able to be productive
The Constitution required that those people was national reconciliation. in all spheres of society, be it in schools, in the
who were employed in the public service prior economy or any endeavours they undertake.
to independence should continue to perform “Today I believe Namibia is at a different faze The key to fight underdevelopment, poverty,
their duties as per Article 141. as far as human relations and development are unemployment is to promote a healthy nation.
concerned. Namibia is a totally different country Food security is important. We must promote
This article was not favoured by those people than it was in 1990. Surprisingly 20 years is not an improved diet among all our communities.
who felt excluded and was of the opinion that a very long time. 1990 seems like yesterday. The programme to immunise should be
those who worked for the colonial civil service “Of the challenges we face the most important compulsory.
were part of the machinery of oppression. question is how to tackle underdevelopment,
poverty and unemployment. This translates into “Over the next 20 years we must ensure
However in the spirit of national reconciliation unequal distribution of national resources that that we have a healthy, well educated nation
the Constitution states: ‘Subject to the is still visible. and create conditions for the majority of the
provisions of this Constitution, any person population to own productive assets. If we
holding office under any law in force on the “Poverty is the consequence of a lack of implement these three priorities, in another
date of Independence shall continue to hold productive assets among the majority of the 20 years from now, Namibia will be a totally
such office unless and until he or she resigns people. We have big challenges that must different society,” Prime Minister Angula
or is retired, transferred or removed from be addressed. Malnutrition is responsible for concluded.
office in accordance with law.’

Democracy needs wisdom to flourish:

N amibia is a Parliamentary democracy. over by the current Speaker, Mr. Theo-Ben
Parliament consists of two houses, Gurirab in 2005.
the National Assembly and the National
Council. Parliament is housed in the “I have to search my mind to think of any 5
historical Parliament buildings in African country that during the first 20 years
Windhoek’s city centre, known in colonial of its independence had not experienced any
times as the Tintenpalast (ink palace – major upheaval or disruption, be it a coup
civil servants working there used a lot of d’état or the assassination of the head of state
ink to do their work). or what ever. Except for Namibia, I can only
think of Botswana. Botswana and Namibia have
The Parliament of the Republic of Namibia is totally different histories. We came from a bitter
one of the three institutions of the State, which military struggle, Botswana on the other hand
are the Legislature (Parliament), the Executive were given their independence by the former
(Cabinet) and the Judiciary (the Courts). colonial power, who just got tired of being
When Namibia became independent in 1990, there. That was of course before diamonds
the ruling party nominated dr. Mosé Tjitendero, were discovered in that country. In our case
as the first Speaker of the National Assembly, the struggle dragged on, firstly because of
a position he held with aplomb for three Namibia’s strategic location and secondly due
consecutive five year terms. to the natural resources. Since 1990 till now, Dr. Theo-Ben Gurirab, Speaker of the National
we have not seen any major disruptions,” Mr.
The reigns of the National Assembly was taken Gurirab said.
Continues on page 6
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Democracy needs wisdom to flourish: Speaker Continues from page 5

He explained that Namibia’s democracy have progressively moved to a point of being embarrassing. Referring to India again, in a
is based on the political party list system, hopeless. “With the beginning of the term of country with 1.48 billion people they have
differing from the constituency based system. the fifth Parliament this year, we see a new elections of one day and the results are
The President is also elected directly by the situation, which can be compared to when the known hours after the polling stations close.
popular vote, and not by the winning party. Congress of Democrats (CoD) first participated We have no excuse and reason to hold our
After being elected the President constitutes in the 1999 election, with a new political party elections over two days.
his or her Cabinet from the elected members (the Rally for Democracy and Progress – RDP)
of the Parliament. entering the fray. “On the political front we face the challenge of
intolerance. It comes in different forms from
A member of the National Assembly is in “All in all we can be satisfied with what our the governing party, the opposition parties
Parliament thanks to the political party he Parliament and Government have achieved in and even from churches. There is a big need
or she belongs to. In a constituency based the last 20 years. However, on the economic for tolerance and that we should listen to
system, a member of Parliament’s main side we could have done better. We have more each other. Democracy needs wisdom and
loyalty would be with his or her constituency mouths to feed, there are more demands from tolerance to flourish,” Mr.Gurirab concluded.
not necessarily to a political party. civil society and we face climate change. The
economy must grow by at least seven or eight By the end of 2009 the National Assembly
“In Namibia the ministers and deputy percent if we hope to meet the goals of Vision passed 510 Bills. 1998 was the busiest
ministers run the show in Parliament, not 2030. We also have a lot to do to empower Parliamentary year when 35 Bills were passed
the backbenchers or the members of the our women politically, economically and as and 2009 the slowest with only seven Bills
opposition. The ministers set the agenda for entrepreneurs. The youth are crying because being adopted in that year.
Government. They translate the manifesto of even with degrees and senior secondary
the ruling party into policies and legislative certificates, they can’t find jobs. We will Looking back at the early years the Bills adopted
programmes, because it was on the strength have to grow our economy to provide more by Parliament tells the story of the birth of
of the manifesto that they convinced the opportunities. a new nation. The first Act that was made
voters to elect a specific party. in Namibia in 1990 was die National Coat of
“I am not really sure whether our citizens Arms of the Republic of Namibia Act, followed
“The leader of government business in the have reached the stage yet where they are by the Public Service Commission Act, the
National Assembly is the Prime Minister. able to differentiate between history, the Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone
He is responsible for the government legacy of personalities, historical figures and of Namibia Act, the Assignment of Powers
business as drawn up by Cabinet. It is the issues of safety, security and social well-being. Act and the Pension Matters of Government
responsibility of ministers and others to assist This requires that they be informed about Institutions Amendment Act.
the Prime Minister in driving policy choices Government policies and laws.
and legislative programmes. It is inevitable Other interesting Acts of 1990 included
that Government policy will correspond with “If I look at countries like China and India, the Ombudsman Act, Bank of Namibia Act,
the manifesto on which a certain party was that in the early 1960’s were so poor, and how Namibian Citizenship Act, Public Holidays Act
elected into office. they managed to focus on their economies and and the Police Act.
transform themselves, be able to feed their
“Throughout our 20 years of independence, people and train their people, I see valuable In 1991 the Namibian Broadcasting Act, the
Swapo has maintained its dominant role lessons. These days their people are able to Namibian Citizenship Special Conferment Act,
in Parliament. This is due to the fact that grow their own food, grab opportunities to Recognition of Certain Marriages Act, the
there is a lack of major complaints for how gain skills and not look to the government National Anthem of the Republic of Namibia
6 Government is run, or anything that could for everything. They have acquired skills and Act and the Racial Discrimination Prohibition
threaten our democracy. The people feel that know-how to market their skills. They have the Act were among those adopted.
this is the best we can do, even though there money to spend on medical care, sending the
are still challenges like our education system, children to the schools of their choice. They The Namibian Parliament also boasts
health, the youth and the aged. Government have developed the means to create their own several standing committees dealing with
has not succeeded fully in addressing these wealth and to take care of their own lives. Constitutional and Legal Affairs; Economics,
issues, but there is still a feeling of ‘so far, Natural Resources and Public Administration;
so good’. “The future holds enormous challenges for us Foreign Affairs, Defence and Security;
in Namibia. Unemployment is now above 40 Human Resources, Social and Community
“Regarding the opposition parties, we have percent. This is too high for our country. Namibia Development; Privileges; Public Accounts and
had quite a mix since independence. In 1990 has the dubious record of having the highest Standing Rules and Orders. The committees
there were people of great stature and of Gini coefficient in the world. This measures are comprised of backbenchers from all
greater weight, who understood the role the income disparity in the population. A small political parties represented in Parliament.
of the opposition. In theory the opposition chunk of the population is very rich and the They play an important part in the business
of today is the government of tomorrow. majority is very poor. This has been the case of Parliament and contribute to the smooth
They played an active role and showed good for 20 years. We can not continue like this. We running of the state. All in all Namibia’s
leadership. “Unfortunately these days, I need to grow our economy. “We must also fix Parliament is in institution all Namibians can
would say we can do better. The opposition our electoral system, because it has become be rightly proud of.
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Justice remains a pillar of Namibia’s

democracy: Chief Justice
“The judicial power shall be vested in the Courts “I often attend conferences and workshops judiciary. Magistrates fell under the Minister
in Namibia which shall consist of: in the Southern African region and I hear of Justice and their service conditions and any
(a) a Supreme Court of Namibia; many issues our colleagues in the region still transfers were determined by the civil service
(b) a High Court of Namibia; grapple with. Issues like the independence of and the Minister. In the late 1990’s plans were
(c) lower courts of Namibia. the judiciary, the relations between the various put in place to change it,” Chief Justice Shivute
organs of state, checks and balances and even said. One magistrate challenged the Minister’s
The Courts shall be independent and subject the question whether the judiciary has any role authority to transfer him. The Magistrates’
only to the Constitution and the law.” to play. These are all non-issues in Namibia. Bill was passed by Parliament and became
Namibia is indeed a role model as far as these the Magistrates’ Act. Magistrates were thus
Thus begins Chapter 9 of the Namibian aspects are concerned,” Chief Justice Shivute removed from the civil service and since then
Constitution. said. fall under the Magistrates’ Commission, chaired
by a Judge of the High Court. Magistrates
This independence the Namibian judiciary has Magistrates Courts are still appointed by the Minister but now
practiced since it’s inception at the time of Since independence Namibia has made great on the recommendation of the Magistrates’
independence. Lady Justice is indeed blind and progress as far as the magistrates courts are Commission.
shows to fear nor favour when applying the concerned.
laws of the land. The Magistry is headed by the Chief Magistrate.
“At the time of independence we had few This is a positive development, according to
Of this, Chief Justice Peter Shivute is magistrates and prosecutors and on this level Chief Justice Shivute.
exceptionally proud. the demographics of the country were not well
reflected. Due to a shortage of magistrates, magistrates
“Men and women on the benches of our were brought in from Zimbabwe to assist.
courts work day and night to ensure that our “Magistrates were still part of the civil service. This brought stablitiy and the Zimbabwean
Constitution is protected. They are all committed This raised the question about the independence magistrates did a good job while steps were
to the rule of law and are strictly nonpartisan. of the judiciary as the magistrates’ court, high taken to employ Namibians who had graduated.
All our judges live up to the oath of office. court and supreme court all form part of the “We now have a fairly good status. We have a

Minister of Justice, Pendukeni Iivula-Ithana looks on while President Hifikepunye Pohamba unveils the plague of the High Court at Oshakati
Continues on page 8
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Justice remains a pillar of Namibia’s democracy: Chief Justice Continues from page 7

system in place for training recent graduates. have five supreme court judges. We still rely have always complied with court orders.
After successfully completing the training on judges from outside on a part time basis. It This is an important development and shows
they can replace the expatriate magistrates. is a vigorous process to appoint a judge to the Government’s commitment to the law and the
By the time the expatriates return to their supreme court and judges can’t just be taken judiciary.
home countries, we trust that sufficient skills from the High Court as it will in turn leave a
transfer will also have taken place. gap there. “If someone is unhappy with what Government
does, he or she can go to court,” Chief Justice
High Court “At present the High Court and Supreme Shivute said.
In 1990 at the time of independence Namibia Court are working effectively. Over the
only had three permanent judges. Today years transformation took place and with With all the success and achievements
there are ten permanent judges of which the appointment of the Ombudsman, the of the last 20 years, Chief Justice Shivute
three are Namibian women. In the past it was Prosecutor General and Judges, the Judicial admits that the judiciary still faces immense
the exclusive domain of men. However the Service Commission made a point to ensure a challenges.
pool from which to choose judges is small and balanced structure, reflective of our population,
therefore Namibia also relies on expatriates all inclusive and totally representative. Firstly there is the issue of a shortage of judges
to act as judges in the High Court. This has to deal with cases. A lack of administrative
its benifits as it improves the judice prudence “I am satisfied that we have a representative support to do the job, as well as an increased
in the country and Namibians can benifit from judiciary in which the population have great case load in the High Court and Supreme
the best in the Southern African region. They faith. Court, are other challenges. The rise in the
also make a significant contribution towards number of civil cases to be heard is a positive
the development of local law. Steps are also On the Constitutional level the High Court and indication that more and more Namibians
being taken to appoint more Namibians to Supreme Court had to interpret many ariticles know their rights and are aware that they can
the Bench, including women. of the Constitution especially pertaining to go to the High Court to get relief.
human rights. The right to legal representation;
“The work of the High Court has increased the differentiation between the powers and Not many people approach the Supreme
tremendously and the number of judges we functions of the Attorney General and the Court probably because of financial reasons.
have are still not enough. Appeals have been Prosecutor General – in which the courts made “The cost of litigation is a concern. The
made to Government to increase the number clear the seperation of powers; the issue of Supreme Court is the last court anyone can
of judges and Government is sympathetic corporal punishment – where the courts ruled approach to get relief, but often the cost is a
towards our plight. They accept the principle that it was degrading and inhumane and even hampering factor.
that this must be done to address crime and the ruling by the Supreme Court that magistrates
prevent the postponement of cases, Chief should not be part of the public service as it “However the good news is that the Court
Justice Shivute added. was not Constitutional, are examples. does not ask money to hear a case. It is only
the lawyers who must be paid.
Supreme Court “In the case of the Caprivi Seperatists trail, the
Namibians have reason to celebrate the court ruled that Govenment should pay for the “At the supreme court the waiting period for a
Supreme Court. In 1990 the Supreme Court legal representation of the accused. case to be heard is also short. Once a case is
existed but did not have its own courthouse. registered and the docket is ready, the court
“It is to the credit of Government that they can proceed.
“Today a prestigious building, prominent in

8 the city centre of Windhoek, representing

justice as one of the pillars of our democratic
“The challenges we face can be overcome.
I am concerned about judgements taking a
state, houses the Supreme Court,” Chief long time to be handed down. The Judicial
Justice Shivute said. Service Commission has, however, now set a
time limit within which judgements must be
He also gave the assurance that the structural handed down.
problems to the outside of the building were
being addressed. Money was made available “Namibians can be very proud of the
and architects are working on a solution. achievements over the last 20 years, not
only as far as the judiciary is concerned but
In 1990 the Supreme Court started its work also on other levels of state. Our population
with three judges, Judge President Hans is small and we have made tremendous
Berker, Judge Ismael Mohammed from progress since independence,” Chief Justice
South Africa and Judge Dubetsheana from Shivute concluded.
Zimbabwe. There was a critical shortage of
personel and Namibia had to rely on judges
Chief Justice Peter Shivute
from outside the country and serve.
“We heavily depended on them and hope to
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Agriculture – backbone of the Namibian

A griculture can rightfully be described
as Namibia’s economic and social
heart beat. If measured in terms of Gross
decades. “At the moment we produce 50% of
all the cereals consumed locally. Furthermore,
the local production and marketing of fruit and
on these farms employ about 70 000 families
in commercial production. The commercial sub-
sector contributes about 65% of the agricultural
Domestic Product (GDP), agriculture’s vegetables and other horticultural produce output of Namibia.
contribution is relatively small compared increased to about 30% of the local demand.
to that of mining and tourism. However, The ultimate aim is to replace most of the Cattle farming are concentrated in central and
when considered that about 70% of imported products with local production,” says northern Namibia, while the southern parts of
Namibia’s population is directly or the PS. the country are used for sheep and goat farming.
indirectly dependent on agriculture for Because Namibia’s cattle are bred and reared
their livelihoods, the real importance of The Green Scheme is an initiative conducted extensively in the country and live entirely off
this sector becomes eminent. by the MAWF to encourage the development of savannah grasses and shrubs, Namibian beef is
irrigation-based agronomic production with the entirely free from harmful residues, hormones
The Namibian Ministry of Agriculture, Water aim of increasing the contribution of agriculture and antibiotics. Namibia is widely regarded as
and Forestry (MAWF) has been tasked over to the country’s GDP and to simultaneously one of the best sources of beef in the world.
the past 20 years to implement agricultural, uplift and develop communities located within
water and forestry policies, strategies and suitable irrigation areas. About 80% of all livestock, meat and meat
programmes which are in line with the country’s products are exported, mostly to South Africa
developmental blueprints, namely Vision 2030 Namibia’s climate is marginally suited to dry- and Europe. According to Ndishishi, Namibia
and the National Development Plans. land crop production, with the exception of also wants to enter markets in the Middle
areas in the north and north-eastern regions. East, China en the United States of America.
Mr. Andrew Ndishishi, Permanent Secretary (PS) Only 2% of the country’s total surface area The livestock sub-sector is the single largest
in the MAWF, says his ministry’s main objective is regarded as arable, whereas about 46% is contributor from agriculture to the GDP
is to create an enabling environment for the seen as suitable for permanent pasture, 22% through the export of beef and mutton – more
development, management en sustainable is forest and the rest arid. Irrigation is possible or less 88% of the 10% that this sector adds
utilisation of agriculture, water and forestry only along the perennial rivers (on the northern to the national income. With the exception of
resources. and southern borders) and where dams feed cattle weaners, more than 95% of cattle and
“In doing so the MAWF applies modern irrigation schemes. Although substantial sheep are slaughtered at the five local export
techniques, science and technology to enhance production in staple food takes place, Namibia abattoirs.
the agro-industry, livestock production, is still dependent on food imports to address its
horticulture as well as the marketing and the food insecurity. The commercial dairy industry operates in
storage of agricultural products. Furthermore accordance with a free-market system. The
the Ministry provides veterinary services As mentioned before, the primary significance Namibian Dairy Producers’ Association (DPA)
to ensure animal and public health and to of the agricultural sector lies in its contribution consists of small groups of farmers located in the
comply with the requirements for national and to the livelihoods of rural communities. Namibia Grootfontein, Gobabis, Mariental and Windhoek
international trade in agricultural commodities,” has dual agricultural farming systems. The areas. Less than twenty producers supply
Ndishishi says. communal farming sector comprises 41% of fresh milk for Namibia, as well as considerable
agricultural arable land, whilst the commercial quantities of cream and yoghurt. Most butter,
As far as plant production is concerned,
Namibia made huge progress over the past two
farming sector occupies about 44% of the
agriculturally usable land. The 4 000 families
cheese and other dairy products, however, are
still imported from South Africa. With Namibia

The super farm at Mariental Irrigation farming takes place at Hardap and at Aussenkehr in the south

Continues on page10
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Agriculture – backbone of the Namibian economy Continues from page 9

Dairies’ new super dairy farm at Mariental A wide selection of vegetables is

now in production, the country’s dependency grown at irrigation sites at amongst
on imports will reduce dramatically. others Etunda, Olushandja, Lake
Oshikoto and Guinas, Omaruru,
White maize is produced mainly under dry- Stampriet, Hardap, Okahandja and
land conditions in the maize triangle situated the Orange River. Namibia’s climate
between Tsumeb, Otavi, and Grootfontein, in is ideally suited for the production
the Summerdown area and in the Omaheke of olives. Today there are about 20
and Caprivi regions. The most important producers, and a total of about 20
irrigation schemes contributing to domestic 000 trees. The biggest producer
white-maize production are the Hardap is Heiser’s Oliven, which produces
Irrigation Project, the Naute Project near green as well as the soft Calamata-
Keetmanshoop, Etunda in the North Central style black olives, and also olive oil
Regions, the flood plains in the Caprivi and and olive paste.
irrigation schemes in the Kavango. According
to Ndishishi 9 000 ha of agricultural land is Dates are currently being produced
under irrigation. “The aim is to increase it to at three locations: Khorixas in
27 000 ha within the next few years.” Kunene South, Aussenkehr on the
Orange River and the Naute Dam
A total of over 7 000 ha of white maize is near Keetmanshoop. The dates
currently planted in the commercial dry-land produced at Naute are sought-
Slaughtered cattle at one of the country’s abattoirs
production areas. About 30% of mahangu after because of their exceptional
(pearl millet) production is officially marketed; quality and because they measure
the rest is consumed at household level or up to strict international marketing Furthermore, the uncertainty of the outcome
kept for household consumption. standards. The most popular export varieties of the current trade negotiations with the
are Medjool and Barhee. European Commission for an Economic
Fruit production has also taken off, especially Partnership Agreement and the inevitable
in southern Namibia at Aussenkehr on When asked about the challenges for the future, affect thereof on agricultural exports,
the northern banks of the Orange River, Ndishishi says: “The rate of reoccurrences of necessitates the development of alternative
primarily for the production of table grapes. floods and prolonged dry spells are adversely markets.
Augmented by exceptionally long hours affecting crop production. The MAWF in
of sunshine, Namibia can produce grapes collaboration with other Ministries and agencies “The marketing opportunities for horticultural
earlier in the season than South Africa, are therefore developing a disaster management and agronomic crops produced at regional
which gives significant price advantages plan. The Ministry also pays attention to level, is still limited. It is important to
in foreign markets. There are a total of pro-active interventions like promoting the encourage more and more smallholder
nine grape-producing companies in the technologies that will address climate change.” farmers to produce for the market. To this
Aussenkehr valley. The Namibia Grape end more agricultural extension technicians
Company (Pty) Ltd was established in 1999 The lack of expertise in critical areas such as need to be deployed, more grain silos need
by an empowerment group to promote the engineering, hydrology, entomology, plant to be erected and marketing strategies for
production and marketing of table grapes pathology, rangeland management and controlled crops like fruit, vegetables, millet
for export purposes. These are supplied to horticulture also need to be addressed by and maize need to be intensified,” Ndishishi
10 northern-hemisphere markets such as the encouraging students through bursary schemes concluded.
UK, while some are shipped to the Far East. to qualify themselves in those fields, he says.

Namibian cattle Drying mahangu

Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Large country, little land - land reform 20

years on
By Catherine Sasman

O ne of the pillars of a new Namibia

was to rectify post-colonial land
distribution that was extremely skewed
under their own laws. After 1900, the German
administration divided Namibia into two sections:
the Police Zone in central and southern Namibia,
These farmers received substantial financial
and logistical support.

in favour of the former colonial rulers. and the northern and northeastern ‘reserves’ In 1922, the administration introduced the
The next 20 years would prove to be a or ‘homelands’. Movement for indigenous Native Administration Proclamation 11. This
trying time to address these inequities. Namibians was restricted, and whites were law provided that blacks who are not in
prohibited to enter these areas. employment may not be permitted to squat on
Twenty years after independence, the land land of owners or lessees without permission of
question remains at the heart of the post- Northern Namibians could only move out of a magistrate. Not more than 10 black families
colonial processes of State consolidation. the reserves if contracted for labour for limited could be employed by one farmer without
periods. permission. Native reserves were formed,
Equally, said the Namibian Government, land and the Native Reserves Commission in 1922
reform is to alleviate poverty and ensure Administration in the ‘homelands’ was done recommended that nine percent - or five million
increased sustained livelihood of resettlement by traditional authorities. Communities in the hectares - form these reserves.
beneficiaries to contribute meaningfully to northern regions were incorporated into the
Namibia’s economy. colonial administration after 1900: Ovamboland This meant that 11 740 indigenous Namibians
and the Caprivi Zipfel were incorporated in 1908 were settled on five million hectares, while 7
Land ownership in pre-independent and 1910 respectively. 481 371 hectares were given to 1106 white
Namibia farmers.
Before the colonial era, customary laws Herero chiefs used customary rights of land
by various language groups determined allocation in central parts of Namibia. In 1876, This proclamation did not affect Ovamboland,
landownership. Land tenure was communal, Chief Samuel Maharero set aside areas as Okavango and a few other areas in the north.
but suggested researchers Professor Sydney reserves for pastoralists. Europeans settled These areas were outside the white settlement
L. Harring and Willem Odendaal in the Legal on the rest. German colonial officials acquired area and under the administration of
Assistance Centre (LAC) publication ‘One day land by providing ‘protection’ to Herero, Nama commissioners. The South Africans continued
we will all be equal: A socio-legal perspective and Baster against warring clans. This landed separating Namibia into the Police Zone and
on the Namibian land reform and resettlement substantial lands to the Germans between 1893 northern regions as the Germans had done.
process’, the term was much more complex. and 1903.
By the mid-1940’s, there was demand to settle
Large tracts of land were held by pastoralists German expansion of land ownership grew after more ‘landless’ whites. In 1950, the Police Zone
- “some of the largest and most prosperous the 1897 rinderpest killed thousands of oxen, was pushed further north, which made available
herding cultures in southern Africa”. Other rendering indigenous people more vulnerable an additional 275 white farms. The Sperrgebied
parts were farmed in plots of different sizes and forced into wage labour while the price diamond area was also shifted for more farming
with a variety of crops. The San hunted and of land fell sharply and used as a bartered units to whites in the Namib Desert.
gathered. commodity.
By 1960, there were 5214 white-owned farms.
Each clan or family had definite rights to use The 1904 Nama and Herero revolt against The total commercial (or white-owned) farming 11
particular lands. Even the nomadic San, said German rule caused further loss of control and area was 39 million hectares, with each farm on
Harring and Odendaal, “regaled communal ownership of traditional land. At the end of the average sized about 7500 hectares.
lands with some possessory interest”. war in 1908, land and livestock of all indigenous
They suggested that both communal and groups in central and southern Namibia were By 1965, there were 8803 commercial farming
customary land rights be viewed as evolutionary confiscated. Only the Rehoboth Basters, some units. Harring and Odendaal suggested that
land tenure systems, changing with new Damaras and Berseba Namas were allowed to this meant some farmers owned more than one
circumstances. retain land and livestock. unit.

During the German colonial period (from 1884 From 1915 to 1920, no legislation existed under For Namibia’s indigenes, the land situation
to 1915) “white beneficiaries” occupied grazing which land settlement could be carried out. In remained bleak, although the Odendaal Plan
areas of the Herero and Nama. White settlers fact, the incoming South African administration in the 1960’s increased available land to black
did not penetrate the more fertile areas of the discouraged settlement. But white South Namibians by 50 percent. Ten reserves (or
north (the former Ovamboland) and northeast African stock farmers nonetheless moved into homelands) were declared in accordance with
(the former Okavangoland and Caprivi Zipfel). southern Namibia where they were issued with the Self-Government for Native Nations in South
grazing or occupation licenses. After 1920, a West Africa Act of 1968. The Act recognised
This left most indigenous inhabitants of the land board was introduced to facilitate land Ovamboland, Hereroland, Kaokoland,
northern regions on their own land, living settlement of white South African farmers. Okavangoland, Damaraland, and Eastern
Continues on page 12
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Large country, little land - land reform 20 years on Continues from page 11

Caprivi as ‘native nations’. But, said Harring In its pre-independence blueprint outlining strongly influenced subsequent legislation of
and Odendaal, the agricultural potential of transformation plans for the new nation, the land.
this added land was limited; it was “the most party declared that the State would become the
marginal of agricultural land”. absolute owner of all agricultural land. Alongside In broad terms, it adopted the willing-seller/
this, there would be a “relative accommodation willing-buyer (WSWB) concept, which means
In 1980, the South African regime introduced of a number of other forms of ownership of that those with land retain full discretion to
Proclamation 8 - or AG 8 - that established the means of agricultural production”, wrote sell land, or not.
second-tier governments over 11 ethnic Kaapama in his paper, ‘Commercial land reforms
groups. Under AG 8, traditional authorities in in postcolonial Namibia: What happened to It further proposed the expropriation of
the homelands became trustees of land there, liberation struggle rhetoric?’ land - against fair and just compensation - if
although the land ownership still resided with necessary of un- and underutilised land, from
the South African Government. The goal of the blueprint was to establish foreign landlords, from commercial farmers
fully-fledged State farms based on the model with excessive land, and from absentee
The representative authorities could allocate, of large-scale socialist farming by the State. landlords.
sell or lease communal land to a specific Further, there were to be cooperatives based on The adoption of the Agricultural (Commercial)
ethnic group only with a declaration from a combination of private ownership of land with Land Act in 1995 reserved Government’s
Cabinet that such land was not required for an emphasis of joint cultivation and/or sharing preferential rights to buy land that comes to
public or official purposes. of farm support services, as well as collective the market.
and communes.
AG 8 was in place until independence in 1990 This provision, said Kaapama, was often
when it was repealed and replaced by the “[These] forms of collective ownership were circumvented by some landowners who
Namibian Constitution. described as more favourable to the reversal converted the farming entity into a business
of the colonial socioeconomic relations based - like closed corporations - and later traded
The post-independence land reform on exploitation, as well as for provision of large them as a corporate concession to preferred
attempt resource bases for accumulation from below,” buyers, including foreigners.
* Legal Reforms said Kaapama. An added proposal was for the
The South West African People’s Organisation provision of individual family farms on land This loophole was addressed in the Second
(SWAPO) clinched the first democratic election units leased from local communities. Commercial Agricultural Land Reform
held in 1989 that heralded in Namibia’s Amendment Act. The 1995 Act was criticised
independence. It has remained in power since But, suggested Kaapama, the negotiated as being expensive while it fails to permit
then. settlement that brought in Independence, the acquisition of land for more efficient
“had major implications for the implementation resettlement.
of the transformation-oriented
socioeconomic development But, countered Government, the Act is an
agenda” of SWAPO. attempt to address the unequal distribution
of commercial land on the one hand, while
The 1989 SWAPO manifesto retaining the confidence of commercial
hence reaffirmed its commitment farmers and potential investors to Namibia.
to redress the land inequities, but
also made provision for private The Act does, however, make provision for
land ownership in addition to the land expropriation, but only after a ‘willing-
12 three forms of land ownership seller/willing-buyer’ process has been
stipulated in the 1985 United explored. The expropriation mechanism was
Nations Institute for Namibia introduced in 2004.
(UNIN) document.
Further, the Act makes provision for advise,
In 1991, the new Namibian surveying and valuation of land offered for
Government convened the sale. But the process is at the discretion of
seminal Land Conference to the lands minister. Any matter under the
iron out the land issue. The Act can be appealed to the Lands Tribunal.
conference was attended by The minister is bound by a decision of the
500 delegates from all over Land Tribunal, which has the effect of a High
the country to reach national Court decision, which can be appealed in
consensus. The land conference the Supreme Court. The 1995 Act was never
adopted 24 recommendations or challenged until the High Court made a ruling
‘consensus resolutions‘, although in favour of Gunther Kessle and two other
these were not legally binding. foreign nationals versus the Ministry of Lands
A resettled Ovahimba boasting with his crops while Deputy Prime The resolutions would, however, and Resettlement (MLR) in 2008.
Minister Dr. Libertina Amathila looks on
Continues on page 13
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Large country, little land - land reform 20 years on Continues from page 12

Government had attempted to expropriate Agricultural Bank, to assist communal farmers targets: only 90 000 hectares can be acquired
farms owned by the German nationals. But the to obtain farmland in commercial areas. This per year, instead of about 180 000 hectares.
High Court found the minister’s administration scheme was amended in 1996.
of the expropriation process wanting, Also in 2006, of the 18 farms that have been
suggesting that this “mismanaging” of the The AALS does not specifically consider issued with letters of intent for expropriation
process has left the land reform programme affirmative action loans to women, but the purposes, only three have been bought.
in a state of disarray. Bank considered that women could be reached
through loans given to cooperatives. In the now infamous Ongombo West saga,
Due to the slow pace of commercial land According to the Communal Land Reform Act the farm’s legal representatives decided to
acquisition, the 1995 Act was amended twice. of 2002, right holders were required to register have the farm bought through the willing-
The first amendment was in July 2000. This their land rights by March 2009, a date extended seller/willing-buyer arrangement.
amendment provides for the establishment from 2006.
and administration of the Land Acquisition This is while the MLR stated that, contrary to
and Development Fund. The Ministry of Lands and Resettlement (MLR) popular believe, it does not appropriate land
is currently consulting with various communities without due compensation.
The second amendment, in 2001, was brought on a proposed Land Reform Act that aims
about to regulate the appropriation of moneys to merge existing land laws that deal with Some commentators held that farms offered
of the Land Acquisition and Development Fund. commercial and communal land separately. have not been in good condition. These
It further makes provision for a restriction on were reportedly found with dilapidated
the transfers of agricultural land, and makes * Land acquisitions infrastructure, on mountainous terrain and
provision for the imposition and collection of The MLR has only been able to acquire 90 bush encroached landscapes. Or, they said,
land tax. Land was only taxed since 2005. commercial farms in the first ten years since many of these farms are in the desert or arid
independence. areas, like farms in the Karas region offered
The lands ministry also introduced a to potential settlers from northern Namibia.
resettlement policy to help previously It anticipated land acquisition and redistribution No farms - or few - were offered in areas
disadvantaged Namibians have access to land of 9.5 million hectares within a five-year period suitable for crop farming.
with secure tenure. during the second National Development Plan
The beneficiaries of this resettlement policy, period (2000 to 2005). This constitutes 25 As far as communal land is concerned,
according to the ministry are the following: percent of the total commercial land. allocations done by traditional authorities
people without land, income or livestock; before the adoption of the Communal Land
those who have few livestock; and people A recommendation was made that Government Reform Act have not been geographically
with no land but with an income or a livestock raise its target from 9.5 million hectares to 15 described, surveyed, registered or mapped.
who need land to be resettled on with their million hectares by 2020. This would translate This Act requires that all customary rights be
families. into 41 percent of commercial land. recognised and registered.
By 2006, the total area of commercial farmland
Initially, the main beneficiaries for resettlement owned by previously disadvantaged farmers A suggestion was made that Government
were the San, ex-soldiers, returnees from exile, had risen to 16.1 percent [according to data adopt rural development policies that promote
disabled people and displaced agricultural provided by the Namibian Agricultural Union agrarian reforms to benefit the rural poor.
workers. Under this programme, the ministry (NAU)].
allots acquired land to beneficiaries for free, Deputy Minister of Lands and Resettlement,
for a lease period of up to 99 years. There It was, however, noted that new farmers Isak Katali, had stated that the ministry has
were suggestions that the lease agreement received farms with up to 200 percent decrease set a target of freehold land acquisition for 13
be shortened to 50 years, or even as little as in productivity, in other words, the farms hold the year 2020 to be 4 100 000 hectares at
five years. three times less stock than before. a price tag of N$1.025 billion. This means a
In 2006, it was estimated that 240 000 people budget of N$68 333 333 per year.
Another change made to structures influencing are in need of land. What was not made clear
land and land reform, was the disbandment of was whether these people need land for Katali said the ministry has also targeted for 5
the Land Bank, first introduced in 1944. This agricultural purposes or for shelter. million hectares in non-freehold (communal)
body made way for the Agricultural Bank in By that year, Government has acquired 201 land for development at a cost of N$800
1991. At the same time the Agricultural Credit commercial farms, comprising 1 288 238 million, or N$53 333 333 per year.
Act of 1966 was repealed. The aim of the hectares of land, on which 1 561 families have Post-settlement support he set at a total cost
Agricultural Bank is to provide loans at special been resettled. of N$1.402 billion, or N$33 066 667 per year.
low interest rates to previously disadvantaged
persons in the purchase of farmland, and to The verdict remains out: the process of land All in all, said Katali, the ministry wishes to
those who occupy communal land irrespective acquisition under the willing-seller/willing-buyer see that by the year 2020, a total of 26 727
of ownership. arrangement is considered as too slow since families have benefited from land reform on
sellers decide when to sell, in other words, 15 300 000 hectares of agricultural land at a
In 1992, Cabinet introduced the Affirmative when market conditions are favourable. This total cost of N$3.723 billion, which translates
Action Loan Scheme (AALS), managed by the has meant that Government did not reach its into an annual budget of N$248 200 000.
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Stanley whisked Nujoma away to freedom

By Rhingo Mutambo

A s Namibia celebrates its 20 years of a youth, he has witnessed the ill-treatment of people [including Dr. Sam Nujoma] in secret out
independence, Permanent Secretary the black people in Namibia. of the country,” he said.
Mbeuta Ua-Ndjarakana, Chairperson of the
Information and Publicity Sub-Committee He said those days were so difficult that two or The big three: Nujoma, Libertina and
of the National Inter-Ministerial Organising more people were not allowed to caucus. “As a Stanley
Committee for the 20th Independence black person you were not allowed to buy white Sam Nujoma who used to stay at Swakopmund
Anniversary led a team of public media bread and all your shopping would be done then, was being hunted by the apartheid South
to track down the unsung heroes and through the window,” he said. Stanley said his African regime for conducting “illegal meetings”
heroines who played a pivotal role in the church, the then Lutheran Evangelical Church at the time and he escaped to Windhoek.
quest for Namibia’s independence, and was also very discriminatory against blacks. The late Paramount Chief of the Ovaherero
document their stories. communities, Mr. Clemens Mutuurunge Kapuuo,
The church often collected money which it said had already sent the message to Chief Kutako
The ground breaking journey was to start with was going to be given to all the elderly people that “an important person was coming” through
tracking the footprints of the Founding President and vulnerable members of the church, but the Karuaihe family to Gobabis. Chief Kutako
and the Father of the Namibian Nation, Dr. Sam the money was only given to the white elderly arrived in Gobabis from Aminius to bless
Nujoma, and patches together the missing links people. These and more “cruel activities” of Nujoma’s way.
of the unsympathetic road to Namibia’s freedom the then South African colonial regime and
and independence. its people, stirred up his hatred against the At that time the South West Africa Police had an
“merciless” oppression and apartheid. This inkling that Nujoma was spotted in Windhoek and
The expedition led the discovery to a small but discrimination by the church led to the birth of Gobabis and they were looking for him. Stanley
rich farm called Ohauveve in the Ganzi district the present Oruuano or Protestant Unity Church was also being hunted as one of the suspected
of Botswana, about 40 kilometers from the of Bishop Asaria Kamburona. persons who would know the whereabouts of
Trans-Kalahari Border post, where the man who Nujoma.
transported Sam Nujoma into exile on 1 March Stanley’s father also supported the Ovaherero
1960 under the instruction of the late Chief communities by secretly providing them with Stanley says, Nujoma was received by Mr.
Hosea Kutako, still lives. rifles to wage war against the Germans. His Hijakati Katjiuanjo and others in Gobabis, since
great grandfather, the late Chief Kambauruma he was still at work. At that time he had never
A strong and meticulous 82 years old peasant, fought the Germans at the Ohamakari battle in met Nujoma in person but had heard about his
businessman and a father of seven, Mr. August 1904 until his rifle caught fire from the daring activities and that the police were after
Ludwig Kanduketu Stanley, has a very good heat of the ammunition. All these influenced his him. To protect him, Nujoma was hidden in a
recollection of his youth and his contribution to participation in the fight against colonialism. house for three days, where the wife of Reverend
the Namibian liberation struggle. Stanley was Assaria Kamburona, delivered a baby boy, a
born to an English father and Herero mother in Consequently, he opted to follow his father former Member of Parliament Rudolf Hijonganda
Windhoek on 8 January 1928 and grew up in at the age of 15, who had left for the British Kamburona. In the OvaHerero tradition no one
Ombujomumbonde in the Okakarara district. As Bechuanaland protectorate (Botswana) before is allowed to enter the house where a woman is
returning back to Namibia to
join the Chief Hosea Kutako
Council as a messenger or
transport officer. He later went
14 back to settle in Botswana in

While in Namibia, Stanley

contributed to the Namibian
liberation struggle by putting
his Chevrolet at the disposal
of the Chief Council free of
charge. “I met so many people
at night and I dropped them off
at night. Some do remember
me, some don’t, and I was
Mr. Lugwig Kanduketu Stanley flanked by his wife Ms. Claudia Stanley never intercepted in carrying
(Front row: 3rd from left) and their daughter Elizabeth Stanley and
grandchildren, Namibia’s High Commissioner to Botswana. H.E. Hadino out my responsibilities,” he
Hishongwa (3rd from right), Botswana’s High Commissioner to Namibia, recalled while smiling.
H.E. Mr. Duke Lefhoko (center), Information and Communication
“I was a hardworking and
Technology Permanent Secretary, Mbeuta Ua-Ndjarakana (far right),
Charles Hill Traditional Chief, Mr. Mbao Kahiiko (Front row: 2nd from trusted person under the Chief
left), Charles Hill District Commissioner Mr. Leoto Porati (Back row: 2nd and was later assigned with the
from left), standing at the Ounongo river where Stanley alighted Dr. Sam
Nujoma into exile in the early morning hours of 1 March 1960. responsibility of transporting Mr. Lugwig Kanduketu Stanley in his early30s.
Continues on page 15
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Stanley whisked Nujoma away to freedom Continues from page 14

in accouchement or in childbirth. finally reached the USA. Late Loise Opperman pleaded the Namibian High Commissioner to
Kavezeri is the mother to the late PLAN Botswana. H.E. Hadino Hishongwa. He was
Hence, Chief Hosea Kutako has instructed commander Hanganee Katjipuka Kavezeri. part of the delegation that undertook to track
a young Stanley to whisk Nujoma overnight down people who through noble gestures
into Botswana in the early morning hours of 1 Stanley also transported the Deputy Prime contributed to Namibia’s independence.
March 1960, which he wholeheartedly did. Minister Dr. Libertina Amathila, into exile among
others. “Libertina was an attractive little girl with Hishongwa further said now was the time to
They drove up to few kilometres towards the a mini skirt and very long nice hair when she tell the people of Namibia and the world that
former Namibia-Botswana border post, and came to my house,” he said. He kept her at his we did not fight alone. “A hearsay history is
had to switch off the lights and drive without house in Gobabis before transporting her under not a correct history,” he stressed.
them so that the border post personnel would a pretext that her parents had just died in Maun
not see them. [Botswana]. The Botswana High Commissioner to Namibia
He, however, had to cut her hair, to avoid the risk H.E. Duke Lefhoko emphasised that the
Before they reached the border post they of attracting attention and being interrogated. heroic gift of the Chevrolet to the two nations
stopped, hid the car in the bush far from must be reciprocated financially or with other
the road and walked. It was raining and the Stanley had met Nujoma and Libertina for the necessities.
Kalahari sands had soaked enough water. first time after independence in 1994. “It was
a great feeling when we met. He invited all Namibia-Botswana relations
Nujoma was alighted at the Ounongo River Ministers to come and see me,” he said. He The relationship between Namibia and
about five kilometres away from the former is expected to participate in the celebration Botswana dates back beyond the dark days of
Namibia-Botswana border post and had to of Namibia’s 20th Independence Anniversary German-Ovaheroro upraising and when South
find his way through the gloomy dark of the celebration on 21 March 2010 for the first time. Africa wanted to annex Namibia. It was during
rain and a thick acacia forest through Charles these difficult times when the Botswana Chief
Hill town, to the late Mr. Richard Raahua History making Chevy Muremi and Chief Kahimemua Nguvauva
Kanguaiko’s homestead at Otjomatemba with Stanley’s classic Chevrolet pickup, which is a near exchanged a dog and a cow between 1700
a map he has drawn for him. wreck parked under a tree, used to transport the to 1800. Chiefs Tshekedi Khama and others
people who would become high ranking leaders also petitioned the United Nations against
At some point “Nujoma’s shoe got stuck so in Namibia. He bought this vehicle in 1957 at a Namibia’s annexation to South Africa and later
deep in the mud, they had to dig in the mud to cost of 70 Pounds from an English car dealer facilitated Reverend Michael Scott’s contact
locate it,” before they could proceed, recalled called Eschorn in Gobabis. with Chief Hosea Kutako.
Stanley. Since going back to Namibia in the day
light would mean risk for Stanley, he chose to “Hosea Kutako travelled in this Chevrolet, “There is no difference between Batswana and
only escort Nujoma into Botswana. Charles Hill Nujoma travelled in this Chevrolet, Libertina Namibians apart from following procedures
was the first entry for Nujoma into exile. “In and many others travelled in this Chevrolet,” he and laws in place,” said Hishongwa, who
my quiet moments I pat myself on the back proudly spoke of his historical Chevrolet while was part of the expedition that continued to
that Namibia is free and the person I have pointing at the worn-out front left seat where Sehitwa, Maun, Mahalapye, Francistown and
transported in this country would become the Sam Nujoma sat. “This is Nujoma’s seat”, he Gaborone.
first president of an independent Namibia,” he murmured.
bragged. “When we wanted to petition the United
The 57 Chevy pickup as it affectionately used to Nations, it was the Batswana Chiefs who found
The Kanguaiko family then handed him to be called, is not only well kept, painted cream us Reverend Michael Scott to draft our letters.
the late Loise Opperman Kavezeri and Daniel
Munamava in Maun who then helped him to
and stationed on the drums under a big shady
tree, but has now become treasure that the
When Namibia got its independence the first
president to visit Namibia was the former
cross the borders of the British Bechuanaland Namibian government can consider to acquire Botswana President H.E. Ketumire Masire,
protectorate into the then Southern Rhodesia and erect between the Namibia-Botswana border a signal that Botswana was the first country
(Zimbabwe) in 1960 from where he proceeded posts as a national memorial shrine for tourists to recognise Namibia as an independent
to Tanganyika, Kenya, Sudan, Liberia and and future historians to visit in their quest for a sovereign state,” said Hishongwa. Hundreds
deeper understanding of Namibia’s journey to of thousands of Namibians fled the country on
independence. horse back, donkey carts and other modes of
transport through Botswana.
“This is like a memory wall picture for me, and
it was ready all the time” he reluctantly said as There were no refugees at that time in Charles
he admired it once more with a walk around it Hill but one wonders how the Batswana people
showing a rusted pump here and spade there, kept the Namibians. Hishongwa further said
all affixed to the car, in case of emergencies. Botswana and its people are poor, but they
“This vehicle must be recognised for our always shared the little they have, including
history. You are no longer a man of your their assistance during the devastating efundja
own, your vehicle is ours and you owe us (floods) two years back in the northern part of
a very important history. Do not deny the Namibia.
Mr. Stanley next to his 1957 Chevrolet. people of Botswana and Namibia your history,”
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Education for a new Namibia

By Catherine Sasman

The budget for education has escalated from around N$600 million in the first year after independence to a whopping N$5 billion. But are the dividends

B y 1990, the new government was

faced with the mammoth task of
transforming Namibia’s ethnically and
improved and equitable access to education -
with a particular emphasis to increase enrolment
at primary level; to improve the quality in the
Moreover, the unification of the education
system in some circles meant the lowering of
socially fragmented education system. education system; to enhance democratic
participation in the system; to improve the “But we argued that the standard of education
Up until that time, education was characterised efficiency of the system; and to promote life- was determined by the size of the classroom,
by major disparities in terms of the distribution long learning. the availability of classrooms and resources,
of educational opportunities and facilities among and so on,” he added.
different sections of the Namibian community. The first ministry in charge of education had a
The provision of education and training was broad mandate - for education, culture, youth For the first five years, the matriculation system
skewed in racial and regional terms. and sport. was still in place with textbooks remaining the
same. But the new people in charge were
Importantly also, there was a serious deficit Notwithstanding, it brought about organisational anxious for the transformation to take shape.
of professionally trained people to take on change to education with the ministry at the This resulted in a demonstration in Ongwediva
the necessary task to change the country’s apex of the change and the teacher at classroom by teachers who had been teaching in exile.
economic structure. level to give effect to the new impetus.
Under the newly phased-in dispensation, there
Government’s response was to make educational The process was not always smooth sailing, was a radical departure from the old Cape
reform one of its priority areas in a bid to commented architect of the Namibian education Education System to the Cambridge system.
improve the quality and output of learners at sector, Prime Minister Nahas Angula, who was
all levels. the longest standing minister in this portfolio. The method of instruction changed from a
teacher-centered focus to a learner-centered
An initial publication, ‘Towards a unified Resistance came primarily from the erstwhile one, a move away from rote learning to problem
education system’ considered resource white education administrators; the setting was solving.
distribution, equal learning opportunities, new “polluted by apartheid”, according to Angula.
teaching methods, a new language policy, and According to protagonists of this method of
curriculum changes. “It was not that people did not want to accept education, learners become the centre of
the new order; people still did not communicate the educational enterprise; they are active
In the first year of independence, the Ministry with each other,” said Angula. participants in education, critical and analytical
of Education set itself five goals: to provide thinking is promoted, and learners are
encouraged to take responsibility for their
own learning.

Also, the junior secondary level was

introduced with English as the medium of

16 instruction.

In 1995, the education ministry split into

two. This ministry has subsequently been
consolidated again, but Angula claimed
that this split has “caused problems and
created its own dynamics” because the
basic education sector was not reformed
but merely administered during that time.

A review of the education system was done

in 2003, a process triggered by research
findings that suggested that Namibia’s
educational outputs compared badly with
its southern African neighbours.
Namibian learners fared badly particularly
in literacy and Mathematics. A subsequent
study by the World Bank on education
Education is one of Government’s priority areas in Namibia in relation to the economy,
Continues on page 17
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Education for a new Namibia Continues from page 16

employment and technology found a myriad find gainful employment. physical infrastructure for learning and
of problem areas: from insufficient time spent Another area of concern is the large numbers teaching in schools, regional study and
on actual teaching in the classroom, to weak of Grade 10s who fail to continue onto the next resource centres and community based skills
school management, the unavailability of levels, Grade 11 and 12. development centres.
school textbooks and still unequal resourcing
of schools. This remains a political and social conundrum, ETSIP represents the education and training
with a growing clamour from parents and other sector’s response to Vision 2030, that is to
This was despite the escalation in the stakeholders that the Grade 10 fallouts are substantially enhance the sector’s contribution
education budget - from N$600 million in returned to the formal school system until they to the attainment of strategic national
1990 to around the current N$5 billion. have completed their secondary education. development goals and to facilitate the
transition to a knowledge based economy.
From the start, much emphasis was given to But a recent survey of the effects of Grade
increase enrolment at primary level. Learner 10 repeaters last year in the Khomas Region In the immediate future it is envisaged that it
enrolment did increase dramatically. Access to pointed to the fact that these repeaters caused will improve the quality, range and threshold of
both primary and secondary level has grown. a weaker overall performance rate at that level. skilled labour required to improve knowledge-
For example, enrolment has increased from Also, pundits are at one that repeaters put an driven productivity growth, and so contribute
384 445 in 1990 to 497 418 in 1998. This unnecessary strain on already thinly stretched to economic growth.
represents a growth of 2.5 percent annually resources, while there is no guarantee that a
and 30 percent growth rate overall. repeat will lead to improved results. It is reported that ETSIP will contribute
directly to equitable social development by
A worrisome trend emerging, though, was Those who had failed Grade 10 are given the addressing sector weaknesses like low quality
that enrolment at lower levels of educational opportunity to continue their studies through and effectiveness as evidenced in low student
attainment was that about 54 percent of the NAMCOL or to enter vocational training, which learning outcomes; low efficiency in the use
population received only primary education is now strengthened by the Namibian Training of available resources; persisting inequalities
during that period. Authority (NTA). in the distribution of education input and
outcomes; low capacity for knowledge creation
Another concern was that primary education The review process brought in the Education and application; and doubtful development
did not closely link up to the world of work. and Training Sector Improvement Programme and market relevance.
Furthermore, it was estimated that on an (ETSIP) introduced in 2005.
annual basis about 3000 of the 10 000 or The first phase of ETSIP will focus on
12 000 fulltime Grade 12 leavers do not find ETSIP was developed in collaboration strengthening the immediate supply of middle
employment or a place for further study. with a number of bilateral and multilateral to high-level skilled labour.
governments, donors and partners. It aims
An alarming projection was that Namibia this to improve the competency and knowledge ETSIP was developed into three five-year
year - 2010 - would have produced over 200 of learners by supporting new and innovative cycles, with the first cycle spanning 2006/07
000 persons who have completed - or partially methods of learning in addition to the more to 2010/11. This has now expanded to 2013.
completed - secondary education who will not traditional approaches. It also aims to improve
It is considered a comprehensive programme
that covers early childhood development and
pre-primary education, general education,
vocational training, tertiary education,
knowledge and innovation, and adult and 17
lifelong learning.

Similarly, the education system has been

decentralised with regional offices taking on
more control of what happens at schools
under their jurisdiction.

For Angula, changes in the education system

are evidenced from the changing urban-rural/
northern-southern dichotomy.

Now, for the last consecutive years, northern

schools that have usually performed poorly
are increasingly considered as the better
performing schools in the country. Also,
schools in urban areas are now less the schools
Primary school learners listening attentively to their teacher
of choice - because of poorer performances.
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Fisheries sector made great strides in 20

By John Ekongo

I t is a N$4 billion industry, its exports

account for nearly 20% of the
Namibian economy, it employs a 14 000
of marine use conflicts.
The convention is the supreme international law
of the sea, setting the basic principles that guide
building a totally integrated Namibian fisheries
industry through an indigenous programme
titled by the Ministry “the Namibianisation”
strong permanent workforce directly state parties in the development of legislation process - in simple terms a deliberate policy
benefiting countless of households. Since of marine related activities, and a number of adopted by the ministry to rope in previously
independence N$8 billion have been laws being administered by the ministries were disadvantaged and excluded black Namibians
invested in the construction of factories crafted based on this principle. into the industry.
translating into 25 new factories and there
are currently 155 right holders with only Prior to Independence, Namibia’s jurisdiction Human capacity training
2 being owned by non Namibians. But the only extend to a territorial 12 nautical miles. But the control and regulation of this industry
Namibian fisheries and marine resources With the enactment of Territorial Sea and meant that Government had to be proactive
landscape has not always been this rosy. Exclusive Economic Zone, Act no 3 of 1990, this and human capacity was needed. A training
Quite the contrary, the story of success extend Namibia’s territorial taking to a new 200 programme was to be put in place, meaning
of this heavily capital reliant industry is a nautical miles zone. that the Ministry had to embark on a training
fairytale worth telling, one that has made and empowerment programme for scientists,
it into a success story world over, thanks Other important documents, which the marine biologists and other relevant fields
to robust and meticulous planning, ministry designed, based on the basic principle needed to monitor and control the 200 nautical
steadfast conservationism and policy enunciated in the convention are the Namibian miles EEZ.
implementation under the custodianship Marine Resource Policy of 2004, the Marine
of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Act of 2000, and the Marine The Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources
Resources. Resources Regulations of 2001. Together with a is now the leading ministry with its internal
Fisheries Policy adopted in 1992, these guiding training capacity paying dividends, with no
Background documents went on to become the pillar of less than 30 professional with MA degrees, five
Twenty years ago, with Namibia’s independence, regulation of fisheries and marine related Doctorate degree holders, 11 with Bachelor
its then 12 nautical miles was a haven of over activities in the country. of Science degrees, 19 with diplomas and 10
fishing and plundering with no regulations with certificates, making it truly a Government
to control the outpour of valuable marine The Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources department committed to excellence.
resources, leaving the oceans to pirate and is tasked with the overall protection of the
unscrupulous operators to pillage fish stocks fisheries resources, while it is also responsible Namibianisation policy – what is it.
to its extreme. Namibia’s marine resources was for the rebuilding of the fisheries stock and Government’s acknowledgement that the
at an all time low, and drastic measures
needed to be taken to rapidly revitalise the
ailing industry.

For this Government had to move fast and

18 cometh the birth of the Ministry of Fisheries

and Marine Resources in 1990. Soon
after that Government, through an act of
Parliament, established its 200 nautical
miles Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

In terms of legislation, Namibia became a

signatory to the United Nations Convention
on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) on
March 18, 1983, when the United Nations
Council for Namibia signed and ratified the
Convention on behalf of the country. UNCLOS
provides an international legal framework
that enhances the peaceful use of the seas
and oceans, the sustainable utilisation
of their resources, the conservation and
management of living marine resources,
the protection and preservation of the
marine environment, and the minimisation Fishing boats in the Luderitz harbour
Continues on page 19
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Fisheries sector made great strides in 20 years Continues from page 18

fisheries industry was an exclusive haven for the concept, Namibians will resort to eat fish 500 species with export potential although
mostly foreign owned companies or the few more often while discarding the expensive meat only 20 species are commercially exploited
heavily capital induced individuals, forced eating habits, thus in the end living a healthier and out of this eight species are regulated
authorities to roping in indigenous Namibians lifestyle. by means of total allowable catches. For this,
in the fold. This policy was to become the the Ministry says that it is on a regular basis
Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Also, cooperatives that worked at these fish conducting on-shore research with the intent
(BBBEE) of the Ministry of Fisheries and farms in 2008 got N$2 million in dividends paid to increase commercial exploited species in
Marine Resources. out amongst the members of the cooperative. the ocean.
Some of the fish farms in Government
This policy was to be phased in stages, as possession are the Onavivi Aquaculture Centre, Challenges ahead
it should not be to the detriment of the Epalela Fish Farm, Kamutjonga Inland Fisheries The fisheries industry in Namibia has
industry. Although greeted with suspicion and Institute, and the Leonardville Fish Farm. been heavily product oriented since the
ridicule by established players in the industry, Despite only coming to Namibia at the turn of commercialisation process started in earnest.
the policy was viewed as a recipe for disaster. the century, the Fisheries Ministry has made Calls from the Ministry are that they need a
Established players had to engage otherwise great strides in the aquaculture sector. diversification of market to ensure optimal
non- experienced or tested players all in the sales of its product. Namibia relies heavily
name of Namibianisation. The journey so far- twenty years down on Spain who is the main importer of our
the road. products and this puts Namibia in a precarious
Criticism were ill conceived, fears were about Today in the sub-region Namibia ranks second position – as market fluctuations might vary
personal greed and vanity, as some applicants in terms of fisheries product export after form time to time.
argue that Namibians had no experience South Africa and is ranked among the top
to handle the demands of the industry, but ten fisheries product and marine exports in Another problem identified is the lack of
Government was forced to go ahead with the the world. Spain continues to be the biggest value addition, fisheries states are moving
process. importer of Namibian fish products accounting towards this trend as value addition provides
for nearly 73 percent of the 600 000 metric stability and this has significant spin-off to
Namibianisation seeks to pair Namibian tons of fish harvested annually from our ocean. benefit support of sectors such as packaging,
companies with those in the industry for Italy, Netherlands, Germany, France, United ancillary services and other role players in
empowerment purposes. Fourteen years States, Australia and Japan are also importers the marine industry.
later, more than ten companies were in the of Namibian fish stocks.
hands of indigenous Namibians. Says Dr Abraham Iyambo, the Minister of
Only commercially exploited since 1994, Fisheries and Marine Resources, Namibia
Aquaculture and Inland fisheries Namibian fish species are sought after abroad needs to diversify its markets and product
Another key innovation of the Ministry was with, Namibian hake and horse mackerel being development to achieve more flexibility and
the establishment of aquaculture driven the biggest export earners. Other species stability as prices of value added products
projects. Guided by an act, strategic plan are orange roughy, angel fish, monk, tuna, tend to be less variable compared to
and policy, aquaculture searches to develop pilchards, john dory, seaweed anchovy, kob, commodity prices.
the sector in the country. Today aquaculture kabeljou, kingklip, redeye, snoek, sole, jacop
farms are situated in the Kavango, Caprivi, fever and barbell. “There is a need for the industry to be more
Hardap and Omaheke regions. Government’s involved and more market oriented while
resolve for this sector is to ensure income for But scientist says that Namibia rich Benguela getting more engaged in the value chain by
rural communities, as well as the promotion current system fishing, Marine and Fisheries producing value added products.
of the sector. It is hoped that by popularising scientists say that the Namibian shores have over 19

Fish harvesting at Kasovo in the Kavango region A fish farm in the South. Aquaculture has taken Namibia by storm
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Infrastructure to boost economic growth

By Catherine Sasman

Namibia’s Vision 2030 intends economic growth from a lower income country to a high-income country. This is inextricably linked to the state of the
country’s infrastructure.

F ocused attention was given to

the development of Namibia’s
infrastructure, although at independence,
and the Roads Authority and Roads Contractor
Company that started in 2000.
insufficient supply, the challenge is the upkeep
of the existing roads.

the country boasted with a relatively • Roads In 2008, the existing network was in “significant
robust system although it manifested Since independence, substantial developments deterioration” with a huge maintenance
regional imbalances – especially of roads took place in this sector. One major development backlog.
and railway. was the establishment of transport corridors –
the Trans-Caprivi and Trans-Kalahari Highways. This is ascribed to insufficient funding allocated
Government’s objective is to increase citizen’s to maintenance, rehabilitation and upgrading of
access to electricity, water and housing. Also, the construction of new roads into the road network.
Similarly, it wants to expand the provision of previously neglected areas has been engaged
electricity to rural and urban areas, to increase in. Today, Namibia has a road infrastructure “There has never been a year that we got the
access to telecommunications, and to provide spanning 44 000 kilometers, of which 6 000 funding we have requested,” said Mathe.
rural and urban areas with a reliable and highly kilometers are tarred. The rest consist of gravel,
developed transport system. salt and earth roads. And 4 000 kilometers The RA’s budget last year was N$455 million
make up urban roads and streets. instead of the requested N$700 million.
Transport infrastructure
Immediately after 1990 the transport sector was “We are doing much better than we had The RA stated that 73% (then consisting of 4
regulated in terms of the Road Transportation expected,” commented Audrin Mathe, Manager 141 kilometers) of the paved roads were older
Act of 1977. This caused a domination by a few of Corporate Communications of the Roads than 20 years.
large operators, thus stifling competition. Authority (RA).
And although Namibia is renowned for
Similarly, the railway system was suppressed Although the cost of building of new roads maintaining one of the best gravel road
because it had to carry the cost of its is prohibitive – N$4 million for one kilometer, networks in the world, recent assessments
infrastructure. The market share of rail had Namibia has nonetheless exceeded its targets. were that almost 30% could be considered as
significantly declined. poor to very poor.
So, for example, during the Namibia Development
In 1995, the Ministry of Works and Transport Plan 2 period (2001/02 to 2005/6), the target Two years ago, it was estimated that 19% of
and Communication launched its MWTC2000 to complete 240 kilometers of tarred road was the surfaced roads will reach the end of their
project, designed to restructure the transport exceeded by 121 percent. remaining life within a five-year period.
sector. Initially, the project covered road and
civil aviation only, but it was later decided to However, a target to rehabilitate 1500 It was estimated that around N$13.5 billion
include maritime affairs. kilometers of paved road was not: only 36% would be required to replace the top layers and
was completed. bituminous surfacing of tarred roads.
20 This project resulted in the establishment of the
Department of Transport, the Namibia Airports Notwithstanding the development of roads in Mathe said an amount of N$60 million per annum
Company (which started its operations in 1999), areas where there were previously none, or in is required to fix potholes and damages.

Workers busy with the construction of the northern railway extension project This train derailed at Brakwater at the start of January this year. It was established
that the accident occurred due to the antiquated state of much of the country’s rail
Continues on page 21
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Infrastructure to boost economic growth Continues from page 20

According to Konrad Schüllenback, curator Robert Kalomho, Director of Railway Affairs at

Recent unprecedented heavy rainfall and at the TransNamib Museum, this line was a the Ministry of Works and Transport, said 60
flooding have caused considerable damage to narrow gauge line of about 600 millimeters kilometers of the 246 kilometer-long line has
roads especially in the Caprivi, Oshana and wide. This line was used primarily for transport been completed. This project is estimated at
Omusati regions. of goods from Swakopmund, Namibia’s port at N$850 million.
that time, since Walvis Bay was then under the
But there are notable developments. A governance of the British Islands. Another major development since
stretch of 160 kilometers of the road between independence is the railway line between Aus
Rundu and Elundu (of 360 kilometers) has From 1903 to 1906 the Otavi Mining and and Lüderitz. Here, 70% of the 140 kilometers
been completed. A further 200 kilometers will Railway Company built the Swakopmund- have been completed.
be done by 2011. Tsumeb railway to transport copper. This line, said Kalomho, is being rehabilitated
because it was antiquated and often
Another project in the pipeline is the road The line from Lüderitz to Keetmanshoop, submerged under desert sand.
from Gobabis to Grootfontein, linking the two and later Seeheim to Kalkfontein Süd (now
road corridors. Karasburg) was established in 1905. And in The initial costing of this project was N$400
1910 to 1912, the Windhoek-Keetmanshoop million, but Kalomho said it will likely cost in
Upgrades are done on the Rosh Pinah/Aus connection was done. the region of N$700 million. This is largely
road, on the Okahandja/Karibib road, and due to unforeseen difficulties with relatively
the Keetmanshoop/Walvis Bay road, amongst After World War II, the Union of South Africa shallow underground water levels.
others. A future strategy is to increase the took over the administration of the then South
road network by 50 kilometers per year. West Africa. The new administration then built Today, Namibia’s rail system stretches over 2
a rail extension from Prieska in South Africa to 628 kilometers with Kranzberg near Usakos as
• Railway Karasburg, as well as a line along the shoreline the center.
The first railway in Namibia was built in 1895. from Walvis Bay to Swakopmund.
It was a small line at Cape Cross primarily Only TransNamib operates on the national
established for the transport of guano. From 1920 to 1930, the line between Windhoek railways; it is not charged by the ministry, but
and Walvis Bay was built, and from 1958 to it is held responsible for the management and
Until 1897, ox wagons were used as the main 1960, the line from Usakos to Tsumeb was maintenance of the rail network.
mode of transport, but thousands of oxen died rebuilt. TransNamib has now embarked on a project
with the outbreak of rinderpest that year. to replace steel sleepers with concrete ones.
The only major rail development since 1990 A contract is being concluded with an Indian
This propelled the first major State rail was the development of the northern railway company to build a factory in Tsumeb to
development. This was a line between extension project. It links up with the Namib/ manufacture the new sleepers.
Swakopmund and Windhoek established in Walvis Bay corridor, and is envisaged to provide
1897 to 1902. a vital link to strategic centers of production In 2008/09, TransNamib commissioned
and industry in northern Namibia. an ultrasonic testing of the railway line to
determine cracks in the steel. Broken rails
were repaired.

Although the rail system is vital to Namibia’s

transport needs, there has been a marked
decrease in passenger rail travel. And 21
passenger services have been stopped at some
sections because of safety considerations.
The passenger train between Windhoek and
Gobabis has been stopped due to economic

A feasibility study is underway to consider a

rail connection with Zambia. This planned line
will branch into the direction of Cape Angra in
the Kunene region.

Another study is being done that looks at a

connection with Botswana along the Trans-
Kalahari corridor.

“[The availability of] money will dictate if we

An estimated N$13.5 billion would be required to replace the top layers and bituminous surfacing of tarred
roads in Namibia can expand the rail,” commented Kalomho.
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Tourists are flocking to Namibia since

By Maggy Thomas

D ue to Namibia’s unique landscape,

rich cultural diversity and efficient
service providers, the country is
in Namibia mandated by the government to
regulate the tourism industry.
care,” //Noabeb stated further. Tourists who
visited Namibia in 1996 were 461 310, and in
1997, the number amounted to 502 012, while
increasingly becoming the favoured //Naobeb indicated that since Namibia’s in 1998, 614 368 tourists entered the country.
destination for many regional and independence, the tourism industry was not
overseas tourists. separated from the National Accounts except In 2001, the number increased to 670 497,
for hotels and restaurants. Therefore, it was while in 2002, the tourists who visited Namibia
Trends in tourism statistics two decades ago difficult to measure the economic contribution amounted to 757 201, but in 2003, the country
point to a bright future for the tourism industry of the tourism industry to the economy until experienced a decrease of 9 per cent compared
in Namibia. 2006 when they published the Tourism Satellite to 2002.
Account (TSA), which is an extension of the
Chief Executive Officer of the Namibia National Accounts, and it showed that the Only 695 221 tourists visited Namibia in 2003.
Tourism Board (NTB) Digu //Naobeb made tourism industry contributed 14, 2 per cent to “The decrease was registered due to the then
these remarks during a recent interview on the GDP in 2006. political instability in the Kavango region, where
the country’s achievements and challenges three French-speaking tourists were killed by
experienced during the past two decades. In the harsh economic conditions prevailing UNITA bandits,” he added further.
worldwide currently, the industry in 2007
The tourism industry is one of the major registered an impressive growth of 11 per cent In 2005, the number picked up again up to 777
contributing sectors to Namibia’s Gross in tourist arrival statistics. 890, while in 2006, 833 345 foreign tourists
Domestic Product (GDP), the second largest crossed into Namibia.
contributor after mining. “It was forecasted that the contribution
will increase by 9,3% in 2008 and 2009 The number increased in 2007 when 928 912
The number of foreign arrivals in Namibia has respectively,” //Naobeb indicated further. tourists visited Namibia, and an estimated 1,2
quadrupled in the past two decades. million visitors entered Namibia in 2008.
He said the increase in tourist arrival statistics
According to the annual report of the Namibia since 1996 to 2007, with exception of 2003, The statistics for 2008 and 2009 are not yet
Tourism Board, in 2007, international tourist is a good indication that the sector is indeed released, he said, adding that the number is
arrivals grew by 11,4 per cent to reach a growing. also estimated to have decreased between
new record figure of 928,912, a move that five per cent and 10 per cent in 2009, due
is described by the Minister of Environment The priority area to stimulate the influx of to the harsh economic conditions prevailing
and Tourism Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah as an tourists to Namibia is that the industry should worldwide.
astonishing achievement, given that in 1993, put emphasis on quality and efficient delivery
just after independence, total arrivals stood at of service to visitors. That is called “customer //Naobeb said the worldwide economic down
only 254 978.

A total of 1 244 accommodation
establishments were in operation in 2007,
of which 133 were newly opened for
business, and a further 1 220 regulated
businesses were registered, bringing the
total tourism businesses registered with
the NTB by the end of March 2008 to 2

“It is phenomenal that the tourism industry

achieved this growth without many tax or
investment incentives being offered by the
government, as has been done by other
competitor destinations,” Nandi-Ndaitwah
said, while //Naobeb said proudly: “We
are working hard to be the number one
contributor to the GDP.”

The NTB is the only legal tourism authority A view of the amazing Fish River Canyon near Ai-Ais
Continues on page 23
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Tourists are flocking to Namibia since independence Continues from page 22

called a conservancy.

“The conservancy approach has also proven

valuable as a conservation strategy, as can
be seen by the increase in wildlife in many of
the country’s communal areas,” he said.

It has also been effective as a rural

development strategy, generating income for
local communities, bringing new jobs, and
providing new skills and expertise.

By the end of 2008, a total of 53 communal

conservancies had been registered, and
together, these conservancies manage more
than 12,2 million hectares of communal
land and about 224 000 people live in the

Namibia’s lodges are of a high standard An additional 23 emerging conservancies are

in the process of fulfilling requirements to
turn in 2009 was one of the major challenges, kit which differentiates us from the rest of our apply for legal recognition as conservancies.
just like in other sectors, that is why it is competitors, however, naturally we have a blue One of the main lessons from the Namibian
estimated that there is a decrease in the sky, wide open spaces and beautiful scenery on Conservancy Programme is that devolving
arrival of tourists in Namibia in 2009. which we capitalise to position ourselves.” authority over wildlife and tourism to local
communities can work in practice.
“Last year, visitors opted not to go for luxury Meanwhile, the creation of Namibia’s communal
commodities,” he explained. conservancies was also described as one of the The conservancies, ranging from
milestones in the tourism sector. miscellaneous, premium hunting, crafts,
Despite the harsh economic conditions, the shoot and sell, campsites, veld products, own-
number of people employed in the sector, Chief Development
however, increased to 75 000 people this Planner in the Ministry
year, and the industry recorded major capital of Environment and
investments. Tourism, Merrow
Thaniseb said
//Noabeb indicated that Germany still remain since the creation
the country’s tourist market, due to the long of communal
history between the two peoples, the German conservancies, many
historical buildings and architecture in the local communities
coastal towns of the country and the German have used legal

community living in Namibia. provision to manage
their own wildlife and
In addition, he said, Benelux and Scandinavian tourism activities,
countries, Canada and the United States of and communal area
America are the emerging markets. conservancies are
now found in nearly
This year, the tourism sector, especially all regions of the
accommodation establishments are set to country.
benefit from the much-awaited 2010 Soccer
World Cup to take place in South Africa this The Ministry of
year,” he stated. Environment and
Tourism introduced
He added: “We anticipate to benefit either legislation in 1996 to
from South Africans who do not want give conditional use
overcrowding, therefore, looking for space in rights over wildlife
Namibia or some teams which may come to to communities in
train in Namibia.” communal areas
that formed a The quiver-tree is one of the indigenous plants found in southern Namibia
“Namibia has already developed a branding management unit Continues on page 24
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Tourists are flocking to Namibia since independence Continues from page 23

use-game, game meat distribution, trophy towards the turnaround strategy of the NWR. targets of the Third National Development
hunting to joint venture tourism generate Nandi-Ndaitwah said the capital investment Plan, namely sustained economic growth,
more than N$30 million per annum. by the shareholder into the NWR is a clear employment creation, reduced inequalities
testimony of the importance that government in income, gender as well as between the
Another achievement in the tourism industry is attaching to the tourism industry. various regions, reduced poverty and the
was the formation of Namibia Wildlife Resorts promotion of economic empowerment.
(NWR), which was established in 1998 with “The turnaround strategy clearly defined the
the aim to allow the tourism arm of the vision, mission and goals for the company “This is one of the major achievements in
government to function in a semi-independent over the following three years, providing an the tourism sector and for the country in
manner, based on sound business principles, integrated approach to achieve success,” she general, because now the government has
with the aim of becoming competitive within said. a policy to promote domestic as well as
the tourism sector and becoming profitable. international tourism, which will ensure that
“As we stand here today, the NWR has Namibian also enjoy the beauty of their
The NWR manages a total of 23 rest camps already brought a number of its facilities to tourism attractions,” he said.
and campsites throughout Namibia. international tourism standards, both in terms
of infrastructure and service delivery,” she The formation of the Federation of Namibian
These include Okaukuejo, Halali, Namutoni, said, adding that the company has started to Tourism Associations (FENATA), an umbrella
Onkoshi Camp, Waterberg, Sossus Dune diversify its product range to also offer a more organisation that represents the interests
Lodge, Sesriem, Naukluft, Ai-Ais, Hobas, Daan exclusive and natural product. of the private sector in the tourism industry
Viljoen, Terrace Bay, Torra Bay, Jakkalsputz, is also among the country’s tourism
Mile 108, Mile 14, Mile 72, Duwisib, Khorixas, Meanwhile, NWR’s Pauline Lindique said achievements in the past 20 years.
Gross Barmen, Hardap, Popa Falls, Shark dramatic improvements in the facilities that
Island and Von Bach. received financing through the government FENATA aims at conserving Namibia’s
guarantee, such as Okaukuejo, Halali, heritage for its children through for low-
Environment Minister Nandi-Ndaitwah said Namutoni and Waterberg camps now stand volume tourism, especially in vulnerable
the NWR has experienced a roller-coaster ride tall amongst other tourism establishments and areas; provide a high-standard tourism
of failures and successes, ups and downs, make Namibia proud. product at a reasonable but realistic price
with a number of changes in management The redeveloped facilities have been well and to work closely with the Namibian
and its board, and numerous challenges. received in the tourism market. Tourism Board to enhance quality standards
in the industry and to make these applicable
At the time of its creation, the tourism industry The development of two entirely new eco- in all sectors.
was crying out for change, as it perceived the friendly camps was embarked upon and the Member associations of FENATA include the
detrimental impact of the rapidly dilapidating Sossus Dune Lodge in the Namib-Naukluft Hospitality Association of Namibia (HAN),
infrastructure and primarily absent customer Park opened in July 2008, while the Onkoshi the Tour and Safari Association of Namibia
service at prime tourist destinations. Camp in the Etosha National Park also opened (TASA), the Namibian Professional Hunter’s
in 2008. Association (NAPHA), the Tourism Related
Service and infrastructure deteriorated to Namibian Business Association (TRENABA),
such an extent that some of the facilities “Created from scratch in the most and the Namibian Community Based Tourism
failed to meet the minimum standards for environmentally-sensitive manner, both these Association (NACOBTA).
registration with the Namibia Tourism Board, facilities have quickly found their feet and made Whilst these are laudable achievements,
and the NWR received ultimatums from NTB their mark in the Namibian tourism arena,” she Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah said they should
24 to avoid closure of the resorts. emphasised. not shy away from acknowledging that
tourism is not representative of Namibia’s
The company reached an all time low in In addition, the promulgation of the Casino and disadvantaged population, in so far as
September 2005, when it had reached the Gambling Act in 1994 is also recorded as one of participation in main stream tourism
limit of all its credit and overdraft facilities, the Independence achievements. economic activities are concerned.
and was unable to pay salaries on time. As a nation, she said, we have committed to
Tourism’s Director in the MET, Sam Shikongo poverty alleviation and job creation.
Following the appointment of the current said the income from casinos and gambling “This commits us to work hard and to set
Managing Director Tobie Aupindi that took currently contributes N$15 million towards the uncompromising targets, and to smooth
effect at the end of 2006, Cabinet approved country’s annual revenue. critical obstacles in the path of broad-based
the business plan and turnaround strategy participation and skills development,” she
for NWR and the capitalisation of the In 2008, the ministry launched the National added.
company that heralded the beginning of a Policy on Tourism aimed at providing a Therefore, Nandi-Ndaitwah said, the
new phase of rehabilitation, re-engineering framework for the mobilisation of tourism government of Namibia views tourism as
and reconstruction of the NWR. resources to realise long term national goals a sector with great potential for increasing
defined in Vision 2030, and the more specific employment possibilities and, at the same
The government pumped in N$80 million time, improving equality in enterprise
ownership and participation.
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Mining: Namibia’s economic backbone

N amibia’s mining industry is on
course for recovery after suffering
a relatively severe blow from the global
revenue, 7 percent of government
revenue and more than 10 percent
of GDP.
economic crisis, especially the diamond
sector, but news that international Namdeb along with its sister
commodity markets are stabilising would companies, De Beers Marine
put a smile on Namibia’s face. Namibia whose primary focus
is offshore mining, diamond
Namibia ranks among mining giants in Africa cutting subsidiary NamGem and
and, if uranium is singled out, the world. the company’s diamond trading
This is primarily attributed to the country’s arm, Namibia Diamond Trading
natural mineral riches, but Namibia’s friendly Company (NDTC), employ over 3
investment policies are a strong ingredient to 000 people.
keeping the country’s mining industry intact
and hugely profitable. The company, however, was not
Namibian diamonds
spared from the bad economic
Soon after independence, one of government’s climate in the country and world
early achievements was initiating talks with at large and suffered heavily from and leading uranium miners, Rossing Uranium
the De Beers Group, which owned the former such unforeseen downturn in business. Diamond takes much of the credit in this regard. Rossing
Consolidated Diamond Mines (CDM), so that prices dropped sharply in the international has been in operation since 1977and the
the people of Namibia, through government, markets and the company was forced early last company has grown from strength to strength.
have a stake in the company. The talks between year to go for production holidays. The company, of which 69 percent is owned
government and De Beers came to fruition by the Rio Tinto Group, has enjoyed relative
in 1994, when Namibia was allowed to own Namdeb’s decision was fundamentally rooted monopoly for the better part of its existence
half of CDM’s equity, ultimately leading to the in the fact that selling diamonds at the time but recent developments in the uranium sector
renaming of the company to Namdeb, so as to did not make any economic sense, partially seem to suggest that more players are coming
reposition itself and its new-look image. because the company is by law not allowed to on board.
stockpile its diamonds and have to sell them
The joint venture between government and shortly after mining them and therefore, it Rossing is by far the biggest uranium mine in
De Beers in Namdeb opened floodgates for stopped production altogether. These are but Namibia, employing more than 1300 permanent
economic and social welfare in the country some of the challenges that Namdeb and other employees. The company paid N$786.9 million
as the company went on to become on of players in the local diamond industry had to in corporate taxes in 2008 and N$319.4 million
the leading generators of export earnings, in endure. Experts in the mining and economic in wages but still went on to make profits of
addition to providing employment to a pool of fields have, however, predicted that an end to over N$1.2 billion.
Namibians. such miseries is in sight.
The company however faces stiff competition
At the peak of its operations and before Uranium rush from Canadian, Australian, French and soon
the recent global economic slump, Namdeb The past couple of years have seen Namibia Russian companies, who have been consistently
accounted for more than 40 percent of export making strides in the global uranium markets knocking on the doors of the Ministry of Mines
and Energy and some of whom have been
granted green lights to operate in the country. 25
The Australians have so far made inroads after
that country’s publicly listed company, Paladin
Energy Ltd, through its Namibian subsidiary
Langer Heinrich Uranium, entered the country.

The company started production in 2007 and,

together with Rossing, has helped Namibia
becoming the world’s fourth biggest uranium
producer surpassing Russia and trailing just
behind leaders Canada and then Australia and

Namibia accounted for 10 percent of global

uranium supply in 2008, according to a 2009
report by the World Nuclear Association (WNA)
and the country targets to become the third
Diamond sorters at work biggest supplier by 2015.
Continues on page 26
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Mining: Namibia’s economic backbone Continues from page 25

the country anytime soon following the State Namibian mines.

Namibia should not have difficulties reaching visit of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to
that target or surpassing it by 2015, especially Namibia last year. The mining industry is predominantly foreign
if other mines that are currently under owned and Namibia’s benefits so far have been
construction come into production within the Other mining sectors in terms of employment and in corporate and
next five years. Apart from diamond and uranium, Namibia royalty payments that government receives
plays a pivotal role in other mining sectors. from the mining companies.
The next big thing on the block could be The Navachab mine at Karibib is the country’s
French State owned company Areva, which leader in gold production and employs about Namdeb, which is 50 percent Namibian
owns the yet to be commissioned Trekkopje 360 permanent employees. The company, owned has been the only mining company
mine in the Erongo Region. According to which in 2008 paid N$58 million in corporate with a considerable Namibian stake, but the
the Chamber of Mines of Namibia (CM), the taxes and N$14.7 million in royalties, has a rest of the companies are yet to avail equities,
Trekkopje mining project is the largest direct lifespan stretching to 2016. especially in line with the Broad-Based
investment ever made in Namibia. Economic Empowerment (BBEE) initiative
Skorpion Mining and Rosh Pinah Zinc Corporation that government is driving to bring more
Areva said it would inject a whopping US$750 battle it out in the zinc-producing industry and Namibians into local companies.
million (over N$5.8 billion at the current rate) have a combined workforce of 1213 permanent
in its Namibian project, hence its tag of the employees. With regard to copper, UK-owned Rossing continues to be predominantly
country’s biggest direct investment ever. Weatherly Mining Namibia is still owner of the foreign owned, with 68.58 percent belonging
Skorpion Zinc is currently the biggest foreign Tsumeb and Otjihase copper mines, which were to Rio Tinto, while the Government of Iran
investment in the country, standing at N$3,2 abruptly closed due to bad copper business in owns 15 percent of the mine. IDC of South
billion. the international market, but these mines are Africa owns 10.10 percent of the company,
billed for re-opening as prices continue to while Namibia’s overall stake amounts to 6.32
Apart from Rossing, Areva and Langer stabilise. percent only. Navachab, the other big mine
Heinrich, there are also other companies in the country, is wholly-owned by AngloGold
operating in Namibia’s uranium sector, There have been talks of possible sales of Ashanti of South Africa, so is Langer Heinrich
signaling a new episode in the country’s Weatherly’s Namibian assets, with possible new which is 100 percent Australian-owned
version of ‘uranium rush’. owners being mooted. through Paladin Energy.

Such companies include United Kingdom- Other small mines in the country include Walvis Skorpion Mining is also wholly foreign owned,
based Kalahari Minerals Plc, West Australian Bay-based Salt and Chemicals and Okorusu with Anglo American the sole owners of the
Metals, Deep Yellow Ltd, Extract Resources and Fluorspar outside Otjiwarongo, which is owned company and its Namibian assets.
Bannerman Resources all from Australia, and by Belgian pharmaceutical giant, Solvay.
Canadian firms Xemplar Energy Corporation Rosh Pinah Zinc Corporation completed its
and Forsys Metals Corporation, which owns Ownership Namibianisation transaction in July 2008,
the Valencia Uranium mine. Several Russian While Namibia continues to make strides which gave the company a more Namibian
companies have also shown great interest in mining, questions continue to be asked identity and ownership. The Rosh Pinah
in Namibian uranium and could come to regarding equities in and the ownership of Employee Empowerment participation Scheme
Trust, for example owns three percent of the

26 The only other company where Namibia holds

good stakes is Weatherly Mining Namibia where
local institutions such as Bank Windhoek (3.4
percent), Government Institutions Pension
Fund (GIPF) (3.2 percent) and a couple of
individuals own shares.

Government, through the Ministry of Mines

and Energy, has established a mining
company, christened Epangelo Mining, which
would be actively involved in mining activities.
Mines and Energy Minister Erkki Nghimtina,
upon breaking news of the establishment
of the new company, said “Epangelo Mining
will ensure that Namibians through their own
company acquire a meaningful stake in their
mineral wealth.”
The entrance to the Namibian Institute of Mining Technology
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

20 Years on -fertile ground for Namibian

N amibia has one of the smallest
media industries in the world, but
the country is ranked as one of Africa’s
its part, the independent press that existed
was subjected to continuous harassment,” said
media specialist and former Director General
From a policy and regulatory perspective,
Namibia has managed to create and maintain
top countries when it comes to media of the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation one of the most media-friendly regulatory
freedom. (NBC), Dr Ben Mulongeni in his acclaimed piece environments. Even when concerns were raised
on National Information and Communication about the work of the media, authorities have
The Namibian media industry, whether in terms Infrastructure. never made any practical interventions that
of freedom or investment, has recorded positive would otherwise compromise press freedom in
growth in the past 20 years of the country’s According to Mulongeni, it was not until the country.
independence thanks to be media-friendly independence that this situation was to change.
environment implemented after 1990. Under the Constitution of Namibia, hailed as A typical example came in recent years when
revolutionary, freedom of expression and the government proposed the establishment of a
At independence there were only a few media right to information were guaranteed, he said. media council that would oversee and address
outlets in the country, both in print and electronic complaints against the media. The proposal
media, but just like cauliflower during the rainy The NBC was created by an Act of Parliament sparked bitter emotions across the media
season, the local media has since flourished. of 1991 as an autonomous entity with an fraternity, while media rights advocates also
independent editorial and programming policy. criticized the idea.
Media freedom
The Namibian constitution provides for press Although governed by a Board appointed by Government then suggested that the media
freedom, and as opposed to theoretical the Minister of Information and Communication industry itself must come together and
press freedom, government respects such Technology, the Board nor the line Ministry are brainstorm on the establishment if a media
constitutional provisions. directly involved in the day to day operations of council with minimal government input.
the NBC, their activities, particularly the Board, The Editor’s Forum of Namibia, in reaction to
Various international media right groups have are largely limited to policy matters,” Mulongeni talks of a government-instituted media council,
always ranked Namibia among the top nations said, in reference to the freedom that his former moved swiftly to launch the Media Ombudsman
where media freedom is upheld and respected. employers enjoy. portfolio through which the public will air
concerns about the role and activities of the
Before independence was attained in 1990, Unlike in many African and other countries, media as well as facilitate the process through
Namibian media, particularly the electronic media freedom has been the pillar of the which media will keep a finger on their own
sector, was strictly controlled by the State industry in the country such that 20 years pulse.
through stringent laws that served the after independence there is still no notable
oppressive targets of the colonial government. incidence reports of any journalist arrested A major achievement was reached when in
while executing their official duty. August 2009, the media, through the Editors
Strides have since been made and the latest
international press freedom index, released by
France-based Reporters Without Borders (RSF)
organization in October 2009, Namibia has
continued to do well and is currently ranking 27
35th in the world, ahead of historical human
rights model France who stands at 43 in world

Freedom of expression is enshrined as a

fundamental right in the Namibian constitution,
and the head office of the independent Media
Institute of Southern Africa (MISA), founded
in 1992, is based in Windhoek. The media
landscape has been described by international
media right observers as vibrant and includes
small community radio stations.

“The media operated within a legal environment

deliberately aimed at curtailing and controlling
freedom of expression and free access to
gathering and disseminating information. For
The Namibian media are free and safe to do their work in a conducive environment
Continues on page 28
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Namibia telecoms infrastructure

D evelopments in the According to Director of Communications in the In 2008 when the ministry was created, a new
telecommunications sector have set Ministry of Information and Communication body of ICT policies was developed including
Namibia apart as one of the countries Technology Henri Kassen, this achievement policy direction in Information Technology,
in the Southern African Development is attributable to a focused approach to Telecommunications, Postal and Broadcasting.
Community, (SADC) which has a better Information and Communication Technology In addition, the ministry has developed a
developed sector. that the ministry has adopted. new licensing framework that addresses ICT
convergence as well as progressive legislative
While the country stands out as one of the best Apart from the country’s roadmap to reforms. Late last year, the Communications
in terms of infrastructural development due to industrialisation - Vision 2030, which has ICT Act, whose development process started
the fact that it is the only country in the region as one of the most important pillars of the almost 10 years ago, was also passed while
with a 100 percent fibre optic connection, it economy, the National Development Plan 3 further laws pertaining to the recognition of
also has the potential to become one of the also envisions a Namibia that is knowledge electronic transactions, data protection and
best in terms of service delivery. based and technology driven by 2030. cyber security and access to information are
being developed.
Continues on page 29

20 Years on -fertile ground for Namibian media Continues from page 27

Forum of Namibia appointed lawyer Clement in terms of advertising revenue. There are network, for example, makes the distribution
Daniels as the country’s first ever Media however newspapers, magazines and radio and of newspapers and magazines easier. Currently
Ombudsman. Currently a process is underway stations that collapsed as a result of lack of some areas have no access to such media as
to create a self-regulatory framework for the funds to sustain them. a result of the fact that road infrastructures
media as part of the new developments. Namibia’s overall advertising pool on which all are not conducive to drive to such remote
media outlets rely for income is, by international areas. As for electronic media, some parts of
Information and Communication Technology standards, very small hence the competition the country have no frequency receptors that
Minister Joël Kaapanda, upon hearing that the among media houses. would allow both radio and TV broadcasts to
media has finally established a self-regulatory reach such areas. Considerable progress is
body, expressed delight an assured the media Challenges however, being made in this area. Being a
that it is government’s least intent to meddle While the media in Namibia enjoys the benefits relatively newly independent country, Namibia
into private media affairs. offered by a liberal market system, there has a small pool of human resources needed
exists a need for regulations safeguarding fair in the media. A lot of expatriates have come
Also on the regulatory front, Namibia has competition and guaranteeing commitment to to Namibia to work in various capacities of the
made significant strides when the much- social responsibility. country’s media, although Namibians have
awaited Communications Bill was tabled picked up considerably in as far as acquiring
in parliament in 2009. Through this Bill, To face competition the media also need to media skills is concerned.
the Communications Regulatory Authority have flexible access to the commercial market
28 of Namibia (CRAN) the country’s regulator
was created. CRAN replaces the Namibian
in order to generate resources that would Namibian media at a glance:
Households with television 39.22 percent
enable it to invest in the production of quality
Communications Commission (NCC), which content for its target segments.
was established under the NCC Act of 1992. Internet access: 113,500 Internet users as of
The majority of the Namibia media carry Jun 09
The Bill is particularly vital in the sense their contents in English, the country’s official
that it sets out the licensing framework for language, yet there is a big portion of Namibians Radio stations: 20
both telecommunications and broadcasting, who do not understand English.
including class and individual licenses for National dailies newspapers: 4
telecommunications services, and contains This does not only disservice the people in
provisions designed to cover interconnection, terms of information access but also bites a big National weekly newspapers: 5
tariffs, the allocation of broadcasting share of potential income for the media who
frequencies, the promotion of competition could rake in good revenues by reaching such Commercial radio stations: 9
and the establishment of a universal service segments.
agency. Community radio stations: 6
On a commercial front, the Namibian media, Infrastructure development or lack of it thereof,
both print and electronic, has gone against all remains one of the stumbling blocks of media Television Sets per 1,000: 33.4
odds to make the industry a profitable one prosperity in the country. An extended road
Internet Access per 1,000: 16.7
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Namibia telecoms infrastructure impressive Continues from page 28

Recognising that telecommunications In the past 20 years, the government says it has mobile telecommunications services, with a
infrastructure continues to be the lead driver also made great strides in ICT development. penetration rate of 50 percent. The country
upon which ICT development depends, stands at about seven percent on fixed line
Namibia two years ago joined the West “At policy level, government embarked on telecommunications and three percent on
African Submarine Cable System (WACS) to liberalising the ICT sector,” he said, citing the internet penetration. The coming on board of
ensure direct and independent international separation of functions of policy development Leo and Switch mobile providers will enable
connectivity. Namibia has been experiencing from operational responsibilities which Namibia reach the goal of up to 90 percent
limited bandwidth capacity because the were entrusted to Telecom Namibia, Mobile penetration rate by 2012.
country does not have direct access to Telecommunications Corporation (MTC) and
undersea communication cables. This said Nampost, while regulatory responsibilities In the telecommunications policy and
Kassen, has forced Namibia to route it were given to the Namibia Communications regulatory framework adopted in 1999, the
major portion of out communication through Commission. government made commitments to liberalise
South African networks, which has made it the ICT markets, thereby opening it up to
expensive. The short term goal of government policy on competition.
telecommunications is faster liberalisation
Although in 1995, Namibia acquired of the sector to provide telephone access to “The legal framework adopted by Government
bandwidth capacity on the Southern African between 80 and 90 percent of the population, in 1992 provided for a liberalised market
Communications Cable (SAT-3), there is no to ensure that each community of 100 people structure. As a separate statutory body,
submarine cable landing point on the coast. should have one connection. The measurement the Namibia Communications Commission
With Namibia joining WACS, the country will of telecommunications penetration is agreed to could issue telecommunications licenses
not only have adequate bandwidth capacity be one connection per 100 citizens. In terms second fixed line operators, internet service
but also have its own landing point at the of population coverage, MTC statistics indicate providers, international gateway services,”
coastal town of Swakopmund by 2011. that 95 percent of the country is covered by he said adding that no second fixed line


The Namibian delegation, consisting of Deputy Prime Minister Libertina Amathila and former Information and Broadcasting Minister Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah and
officials attended the second leg of the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis, Tunisia in 2006.
Continues on page 30
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Namibia telecoms infrastructure impressive Continues from page 29

telecoms service license and gateway license and beyond to prescribe operators,” the director services.”
was issued up until two years ago. The new added. As a result, last year saw the reduction
law has provided for a new licensing regime, of mobile interconnected rates between mobile This will however be addressed by the
which has not only seen the granting of operators from N$1.20 to N$0.60, with the aim country’s involvement in the WACS project.
two international gateway licenses but also of further reducing the rates to N$0.30 by next Namibia and Botswana are equal partners on
the introduction of a third mobile operator, year. the project on which they feature at second
Switch. tier, which gives them a preferential position
The next stage of implementation entails the among a group of other countries.
The commercialisation of the telecoms operators passing on the lower interconnect
operator started in 1992 with the establishment rates to the consumer and end user, thereby Limited public funds and shortage of human
of mobile services in 1995 through MTC. The ensuring lower telecommunications service resource capacity within the sector have
coming on board of Cell One, now known costs for Namibians. also been a problem. Entrepreneurial
as Leo, “marks a definitive milestone of development and creating a critical mass of
introducing competition in mobile telephony”, Namibia is also one of the few African ICT professionals are two of the ICT policy
said Kassen. He added that the creation of countries that successfully piloted Digital Video objectives that the government will strive to
the NCC, also established the legal basis for Broadcasting via Mobile Phones (DVB-H), achieve through the implementation of ICT
open competition. technology that enables clients to watch policies.
television on their mobile phones.
However, the government will have to give Although Namibia’s industrialisation by the
policy direction as to how many open licenses Although good developments in the sector year 2030, which is 20 years from now,
the regulator can give. abound, the country’s telecommunications rates happens to be a time that many seem
remain high because of lack of an own landing sceptical about, ICT will be the enabler to
This development also introduced competition point and consequently scarce bandwidth. achieving the vision’s goals in all the other
on the market and led to the reduction Namibia has capacity which is dormant until sectors, said he.
of telecommunications costs over all the the 2011 project comes to fruition. With the
networks. A welcome development as a result direct cable, Namibia will not have to depend Namibia has the vision, political will,
of the existing competitive environment is the on South Africa anymore, which at present is development plans and programmes in place
free calls and sms, as well as free internet the country’s gateway to internet connectivity. to overcome the challenges such as limited
connection from the two main mobile human resource capacity. After all, the
operators. Kassen described the undersea cable as biggest problem facing the sector, which is
the “biggest single event that influences limited bandwidth for the country to be able
“Namibia pioneered a standard reduced development in the sector. A major constraint to roll out more and faster e services, will be
interconnect regime between mobile is limited bandwidth to be able to roll out more a thing of the past, when the WACS project
operators based on benchmarks within SADC and faster e services, such as e government becomes operational next year.

Art development calls for

30 decentralisation
“Art and music are basic human functions. Humankind and art cannot function without one another. We have the burning desire to create, whatever it
may be and however tiny or grand.” – Gilbert Galindo, composer

W hy if Gilbert Galindo’s words speak “They went to the drawing board and identified A theatre project that will train 30 Namibians
the truth, does it seem as if the priorities on the cultural front, amongst others from 30 towns will start this year. “Our hope lies
arts enjoy so little attention? What has theatre, performing arts, visual arts, literature, in decentralisation so that communities can run
happend in the Namibian arts industry in and festivals.” their own theatre.”
the last 20 years? And what is the current
state of affairs? Theatre Well-known director and board member of
“Unfortunately not much has happened in the the National Theatre, Ms. Sandy Rudd, says
According to Mr. André Strauss, Deputy Director: last 20 years, and worst still, theatre in schools that everything is not doom and gloom. “With
Culture Programmes of the Ministry of Youth, has disappeared. The situation is dire,” says energy and passion anything can happen!”
National Service, Sport and Culture, the new Mr. Strauss. “Theatre is especially essential in
goverment of 1990 had a dream to move away Namibia where literacy levels are low, since it is She is of the opinion that the previous regime
from an exclusive to an inclusive community. a powerful tool to carry messages across.” killed local theatre to a great extent. “We were
Continues on page 31
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Art development calls for decentralisation Continues from page 30

seen as one of South Africa’s provinces and Thanks to the National Theatre’s Theatre the best art is created in times of strife, but
only their actors graced our stages. This Zone Project (aimed at staging community- in Namibia it seems to be the peace that
created a culture that ‘outside is better’ and based theatre productions), the Golden Pen inspires.”
in so doing suppressed local theatre.” Script Writing Awards and the Youth Theatre
Development Project, there is hope. He says he sometimes has the impression
“But we should keep in mind that the Namibian Performing arts that the older generation relies on the
population is small. According to international “In terms of musicians, we’re experiencing a government for support. “However, the
statistics, 0.1 % of any given population are revolution,” says Mr. Strauss. “Especially local younger generation are go-getters that make
theatre-goers, which means that there are languages, like Oviritje, have made great use of every opportunity.”
essentially about 3 000 theatre-goers in strides and the rest of Africa and Europe love
Windhoek.” our music.” According to the director of the National Art
Gallery and artist, Joseph Madisia, there has
“Of course financing is an issue. The grant we He finds that the younger generation are never been a support structure (medical aid,
receive is just enough to cover salaries and creating their own opportunities. “I believe social security, etc.) for visual artists. “You are
even the smallest play costs about N$250 that within the next five or ten years, we could basically on your own,” he says.
000 to produce.” have international stars. For example, Gazza
has already made One of the things he feels the goverment can
his mark overseas. do, is to become affiliated to the International
Choirs from Unam, Artists Association Federation. For US$7 000
the Polytechnic, the per year, so many more doors would open to
Cantare Audire and artists.
the Mascato Youth
Choir are also He is also of the opinion that there are too few
creating waves.” museums and galleries. “Now everyone must
International tours travel to Windhoek to exhibit and treasures
however are often often remain hidden in rural areas. We need
only made possible to promote the arts in rural areas. The fact is
by the generosity we must aim towards decentralisation. Then
of sponsors and the arts will be on peoples’ doorstep.”
invitations by host
countries, like the A possible solution is cultural villages where
Voices of Namibia the Namibia Tourism Board can come on
that will be board by promoting cultural tourism.
travelling to China
to participate at One support organisation is Visual Artists-
the World Choir Namibia (VA-N) that was launched in 2006
Olympics in July. and currently has more than 100 members.
According to the Through their outreach programme 15 regional
trip organiser, Mr. workshops were held for 216 people in 2007
Rolf Hansen, the and 2008. “As a representative organisation,
40 choir members VA-N would like to ensure that the benefits of
are working hard
to collect enough
being a memer of the art community do not
stop in Windhoek, but also reach Namibians
money to cover across all regions,” says chairperson Mr. Peter
expenses. “Not an Kewowo.
easy task, since
we have to rely on Literature
the support of the According to Mr. Strauss, literature kicked
public.” off well with projects like the Children Book
Forum. “But I’m afraid there’s a lack of writers
Visual arts and and if we as a nation don’t read, we won’t
crafts develop and we’ll be worse off.” He says that
“Visual arts and the Namibian Book Development Council had
crafts are perhaps the objective to develop a writer’s culture, but
doing even better unfortunately the council died a silent death.
than performing “While the government failed to a certain
arts,” says Mr. degree in this sector, there is talent. We’ll
A linocut artwork by acclaimed Namibian artist, John Muafangejo Strauss. “Usually have to go back to the drawing board.”

Continues on page 32
Government Information Bulletin March 2010

Art development calls for decentralisation Continues from page 31

Festivals (N$671 000); theatre (N$93

“A programme of cultural festivals, which 110); craft (N$63 500); literature
receives a grant of between N$5 and N$6 (N$40 000); and media (N$51
million per year, was implemented in 1995 600).
and we have enjoyed great success in this
arena,” says Mr. Strauss. The arts rely heavily on the
support of private companies and
At the moment there are about 1 400 one of the biggest contributors
performers from traditional groups from is Bank Windhoek. In the last
all regions, of which about 10 % perform five years the Bank Windhoek
regularly. Arts Festival (BWAF) has seen
an increase of 400 % in budget
“Through the festivals, winners are chosen allocations, a lengthening of the
to become cultural ambassadors and they festival from three days in 2005
have the opportunity to travel. We’ve made to four months in 2007 and
it possible for groups to travel to and perform since March 2006 monthly mini
in place like Germany, India, China and Cuba. festivals were implemented. In
Because of the successes, we feel the groups February 2010 the bank hosted
have enough critical mass to go ahead on the 44th mini festival with 19
their own steam.” events ranging from exhibitions
to dance, poetry/prose, stand-up
Planning ahead comedy and theatre.
“Firstly we want to identify the most
beautiful place in each region. Once found, An organisiation creating
we would like to create a platform, a Centre opportunities for visual artists,
of Excellence, that showcases everything is berlin-windhoek,
that is unique to the region and from where managed by Namibian artist
Namibian singer Gazza is making waves in Europe.
training can be done. Thirdly, we want to Imke Rust. Through the
teach Namibians to become entrepreneurs of initiative, selected artists have
experiences benefiting the local film industry.
cultural things.” the opportunity to participate in
The Namibian Film Awards, held for the third
an exchange programme in Germany.
time last year, have greatly encouraged local
Through the National Arts Council of Namibia
producers to create outstanding work.
(NACN) about N$1.3 million was awarded to Namibia’s blossoming film industry is supported
artists last year in comparison to the N$760 by the work carried out by the Wild Cinema
Another valuable partner in the capital’s
000 in 2008. In 2009 grants were approved Film Festival which aims to establish a lively
art scene is the Windhoek municipality that
for performing arts (N$323 000); visual arts art cinema culture and to provide cinematic
through the annual /Ae//Gams festival
promotes arts and cultural activities and
provides exposure for local talent to the
Namibian and international community.

The Franco Namibian Cultural Centre,

32 as well as the Goethe Centre also
provide invaluable opportunites for
the arts. Above and beyond financial
constraints, many of the programmes
mentioned in this article are restricted to
the capital. So the development of the
arts essentially boils down to one thing:

Because, in the words of Albert Einstien,

“The most beautiful thing we can
experience is the mysterious. It is the
source of all art and science. He to whom
this emotion is a stranger, who can no
longer pause to wonder and stand rapt
in awe, is as good as dead... his eyes
Namibia’s Maranatha Singers have toured extensively in Europe and recently performed in Algeria. are closed.”

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