Dragon Heist Monsters Stats

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Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Monster Stats

Acolyte 10 +2 1d4 (2) club 1st level Cleric 3/1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +2 +0 Common 2d8
M humanoid 9 12 DC 12, +4 to hit Medicine +4 / Religion +2 (1/4) 50
Allosaurus 13 +6 2d10+4 (15) bite Pounce - charge + successful claw, +4 +1 +3 -4 +1 -3 none 6d10+18
L beast 51 15 1d8+4 (8) claw DC 13 STR or victim prone + bonus bite Perception +5 Speed 60 (2) 450
Animated Armor 18 +4 1d6+2 (5) slam (x2) I - all conditions +2 +0 +1 -5 -4 -5 none 6d8+6
M elemental 33 6 (2 attacks) V - dispel magic I - poison, psychic blindsight 60 (1) 200
Ankheg 14 +5 2d6+3 (10) bite + acid spray 30' (R6) DC13 Dex or 3d6 (10) +3 +0 +1 -5 +1 -2 none 6d10+6
L monstrosity 39 11 1d6 (3) acid +grapple grapple - ADV attack DC13 Dex to escape Darkvision, tremor (2) 450
Ape 12 +5 1d6+3 (6) fist (x2) or +3 +2 +2 -2 +1 -2 none 3d8+6
M beast 19 13 1d6+3 (6) rock Athletics +5 / Perception +3 Climb 30 (1/2) 100
Apprent. Wizard 10 +2 1d4 (2) dagger 1st level Wizard 1(2) fire bolt, mending +0 +0 +0 +2 +0 +0 Common 2d8
M humanoid 9 10 +4 to hit / DC12 burning hands, shield Arcana+4 / History +4 (1/4) 50
Archmage 12/15 +6 1d4+2 (4) dagger 18th level Wizard R - spells, non-magic +0 +2 +1 +5 +2 +3 Common + any 5 18d8+18
M humanoid 78 12 ADV vs spells +9 to hit / DC 17 weapons INT+9/WIS+6/Arcana+13/History+13 (12) 8400
Assassin 15 +6 1d6+3 (6) sword (x2) Sneak - +4d6 w ADV Evasion- on Dex Save +0 +3 +2 +1 +0 +0 Common, Cant, +1 12d8+24
M humanoid 78 13 1d8+3 (7) crossbow Ass. - 1st turn ADV pass=0dmg / fail=1/2 DEX+6/INT+4/Stealth+9/Acrobat+6 (8) 3900
Axe Beak 11 +4 1d8+2 (6) beak +2 +1 +1 -4 +2 -3 none 3d10+3
L beast 19 10 (1/4) 50
Bandit 12 +3 1d6+1 (4) scimitar +0 +1 +1 +0 +0 +0 Common 2d8+2
M humanoid 11 10 1d8+1 (5) crossbow (1/8) 25
Bandit Captain 15 +5 1d6+3 (6) scimitar (x2) Parry-® +2AC to 1 attack it can see +2 +3 +2 +2 +0 +2 Common +1 10d8+20
M humanoid 65 10 & 1d4+3 (5) dagger STR+4/DEX+5/WIS+2/Athletics+4/Deception+4 (2) 450
Bard 15 +4 1d6+2 (5) short sword Taunt (2/day) bonus 4th level bard +4 to hit +0 +2 +1 +0 +1 +2 Common +1 8D8+8
M humanoid 44 15 1d6+2 (5) short bow DC12 CHR or Disadv DC12 / 1st-4, 2nd-3 DEX +4/WIS+3/Acro+4/Percept+5/Perform+6 (2) 450
Beholder 18 +4 4d6 (14) bite see Xanathar below Anti-magic -150' cone +0 +2 +4 +3 +2 +3 Deep, Undercommon 19d10+76
L aberration 180 22 Eye Rays DC16 (x3) Legend - any 1 ray Perception +12 Darkvison 120 / fly 20 (13) 10K
Beholder Zombie 15 +3 4d6 (14) bite Paralyze(C), Fear (W) I - poison, prone +0 -1 +3 -4 -1 -3 Deep, Undercommon 11d10+33
L unead 93 9 Eye Rays DC14 Wound 8d8 (C), Disintegrate10d8 (D) WIS +2 Darkvision 60 5 (1800)
Berserker 13 +5 1d12+3 (9) greataxe Reckless - ADV att. +3 +1 +3 -1 +0 -1 Common 9d8+27
M humanoid 67 10 but opp. have ADV too (2) 450
Black Pudding 7 +5 1d6+3 (6) pseudopod Corrode - 1d8 (4) acid I - acid, cold, slash +3 -3 +3 -5 -2 -5 none 10d10+30
L ooze 85 8 plus 4d8 (18) acid to attackers within 5' I - lighning, all cond Split on lightning/slash dmg Move 20 / Climb 20 (4) 1100
Bugbear 16 +4 2d8+2 (11) maul* *Brute- extra die dmg +2 +2 +1 -1 +0 -1 Common, Goblin 5d8+5
M goblinoid 27 10 1d6+2 (5) javelin Surprise - +2d6 dmg Stealth +6 / Survival +2 Darkvision (1) 200
Carrion Crawler 13 +8 1d4+2 (4) tentacle + 2d4+2 (7) bite spider climb +2 +1 +3 -5 +1 -3 none 6d10+18
L monstrosity 51 13 poisoned DC13 CON ADV - Percept. Smell Perception +3 Darkvision 60 (2) 450
Cat 12 +0 (1) claws ADV - Percept. Smell -4 +2 +0 -4 +1 -2 none 1d4
T beast 2 13 Percection +3 / Stealth +4 move 40 / climb 30 (0) 10
Commoner 10 +2 1d4 (2) club +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 Common 1d8
M humanoid 4 10 (0) 10
Cult Fanatic 13 +4 1d4+2 dagger (x2) +3 to hit / DC 11 ADV vs charm, fear +0 +2 +1 +0 +1 +2 Common 6d8+6
M humanoid 33 11 4th level Wizard spells 4/3 Deception+4/Persuasion+4/Religion+2 2 (450)
Cultist 12 +3 1d6+1 (4) scimitar ADV vs charm, fear +0 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0 Common 2d8
M humanoid 9 10 (1/8) 25
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Monster Stats
Crawling Claw 12 +3 1d4+1 (3) claw Immune to turning I - poison, charm +1 +2 +0 -3 +0 -3 Common (no speak) 1d4
T undead 2 10 exhaustion, poison Move 20 / Climb 20 (0) 10
Death Dog 12 +4 1d6+2 (5) bite (x2) * DC12 CON posion ADV vs charm, fear +2 +2 +2 -4 +1 -2 none 6d8+12
M monstrosity 39 15 & diseased* -5 max hp til cured blind, deaf, stun, unc. Perception +5 / Stealth +4 move 40 (1) 200
Deep Gnome 15 +4 1d8+2 (6) war pick ADV vs spells spell DC11-non-detect +2 +2 +2 +1 +0 -1 Gnome, Terran, UC 3d6+6
S humanoid 16 12 1d4+2 (4) dart + DC12 CON or poisoned blind, blur, disguise Invest+3/Percept+2/Stealth+4 darkvison / move 20 (1/2) 100
Demon, Barlgura 15 +7 2d6+4 (11) bite + Reckless - ADV att. I - poison +4 +2 +3 -2 +2 -1 Abyssal, telepathy 8d10+24
L fiend 68 15 1d10+4 (9) fists (x2) Innate spells R - cold, fire, lightning DEX+5/CON+6/Perc+5/Steal+5 move 40 / climb 40 (5) 1800
Devil, Barbed 15 +6 1d6+3 (6) claws (x2) or Hurl Flame I - fire, poison +3 +3 +4 +1 +2 +2 Infernal, telepathy 13d8+52
M fiend 110 18 & 2d6+3 (10) tail 3d6 (10) fire (x2) R - cold, non-magicW STR+6/CON+7/WIS+5/CHA+5/Decep+5/Percept+8 (5) 1800
Devil, Bearded 13 +5 1d8+2 (6) beard + DC12 CON or poisoned I - fire, poison +3 +2 +2 -1 +0 +0 Infernal, telepathy 8d8+16
M fiend 52 10 & 1d10+3 (8) glaive ADV saves vs spells R - cold, non-magicW STR+5/CON+4/WIS+2 Darkvision 120 (3) 700
Devil, Chain 16 +8 2d6+4 (11) chains (x2) Fear Mask DC14WIS I - fire, poison +4 +2 +4 +0 +1 +2 Infernal, telepathy 10d8+40
M fiend 85 11 + chain grapple ADV saves vs spells R - cold, non-magicW CON+7/WIS+4/CHR+5 Darkvision 120 (8) 3900
Devil, Lemure 7 +3 1d4 (2) fist Rebirth - if killed, I - fire, poison, fear +0 -3 +0 -5 +0 -4 Infernal (can't speak) 3d8
M fiend 13 10 reborn in 1-10 days I - charm / R - cold Darkvision 120 (0) 10
Devil, Spined 13 +2/+4 2d4 (5) tail & 1d4+2 (4) spikes (x2) I - fire, poison +0 +2 +1 +0 +2 -1 Infernal, telepathy 5d6+5
S fiend 22 12 1d6 (3) fork or ADV saves vs spells R - cold, non-magicW Darkvision 120 (2) 450
Displacer Beast 13 +6 1d6+4 (7) + 1d6 (3) Avoidance - 0 dmg on Displacement- attack +4 +2 +3 -2 +1 -1 none / move 40 10d10+30
L monstrosity 85 11 tentacles (2) save, 1/2 dmg on fail against it at Disadv Darkvision 60 (3) 700
Doppelganger 14 +6 1d6+6 (7) slam (2) Surprise-ADV hit 1st r I - charm +0 +4 +2 +0 +1 +2 Common 8d8+16
M monstrosity 52 11 & 3d6 (10) w surprise Shapechange read thoughts Deception+6 / Insight+3 Darkvision 60 (3) 700
Dragon, Bronze 18 +8 2d6+5 (12) claw (x2) breath (R 5-6) DC15 I - lightning +5 +0 +4 +2 +1 +3 Common, Draconic 15d10+60
L Young dragon 142 17 & 2d10+5 (16) bite 10d10 (55) lightning DEX+3/CON+7/WIS+4/CHA+6/Percept+7/Stealth+6 blind / dark / fly 80 (8) 3900
Dragon, Gold 19 +14 2d6+8 (15) claw (x2) breath (R 5-6) DC21 I - fire (see Aurinax) +8 +2 +7 +3 +2 +7 Common, Draconic 19d12-133
G Adult dragon 256 24 & 2d10+8 (19) bite 12d10 (66) fire DEX+8/CON+13/WIS+8/CHA+13/Perc+14/Stealth+8 blind / dark / fly 80 (17) 18K
Dragon, Faerie 15 +7 (1) bite breath (5-6) DC11 d6 at will Invisibility -4 +5 +1 +2 +1 +3 Draconic, Sylvan 4d4+4
T dragon 14 13 ADV vs spells 1-4 confuse, 5-6 stun 1/day major image Arcana+4/Percep+3/Stealt+7 dark / move10 / fly60 (2) 450
Drow 15 +4 1d6+2 (5) short sword spells DC11 darkness ADV-charm / I-sleep +0 +2 +0 +0 +0 +1 Elvish, Undecommon 3d8
M humanoid 13 12 1d6+2 (5) h crossbow faerie fire, levitate self sunlight disadv attack Perception+2 / Stealth+4 Darkvision 120 (1/4) 50
Drow Elite Warr. 18 +7 1d6+4 (7) sword (x2) spells DC12 darkness ADV-charm / I-sleep +1 +4 +2 +0 +1 +1 Elvish, Undecommon 11d8+22
M humanoid 71 14 1d6+6 (7) h crossbow faerie fire, levitate self ® Parry +3AC to 1 att DEX+7/CON+5/WIS+4/Stealth+10 Darkvision 120 (5) 1800
Drow Gunslinger 18 +6 1d6+4 (7) sword (x2) ADV-charm / I-sleep spells DC12 darkness +1 +4 +2 +0 +1 +2 Elvish,Undercommon 13d8+26
M humaniod 84 13 1d10+4 (9) pistol + 2d10 (11) poison faerie fire, levitate self DEX+6/CON+4/WIS+3/Stealth+8 Darkvision 120 (4) 1100
Drow Mage 12/15 +2 1d6-1 (2) staff 10th level Wizard ADV-charm / I-sleep -1 +2 +0 +3 +1 +1 Elvish, Undecommon 10d8
M humanoid 45 14 sum. Shadow demon +6 to hit / DC 14 spells-see Bregan capt Arc+6/Dec+5/Perc+4/Steal+5 Darkvision 120 (7) 2900
Druid 11/16 +2/+4 1d8 (4) quarterstaff 4th level Druid +4 hit +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +0 Druidic, Common, +1 5d8+5
M humanoid 27 14 1d8+2 (6) shillelagh +4 to hit /DC 12 Spells 1st(4), 2nd(3) Medicine+4/Nature+3/Perception+4 (2) 450
Duergar 16 +4 1d8+2 (6) war pick Enlarge - DMG x2 ADV vs poison, spells +2 +0 +2 +0 +0 -1 Dwarvish, UnderC 4d8+8
M humanoid 26 10 1d6+2 (5) javelin Invisibility (1/day) illusion, charm, para R - poison darkvision (1) 200
Ettercap 13 +4 2d4+2 (7) claw + Web (R5-6) DC11 STRspider climb +2 +2 +1 -1 +1 -1 none / climb 30 8d8+8
M monstrosity 44 13 1d8+2 (6) bite + DC11 CON 1d8 (4) poison darkvision 120 (2) 450
Fire Beetle, Gia. 13 +1 1d6-1 (2) bite emit bright light 10' -1 +0 +1 -5 -2 -4 none 1d6+1
S beast 4 8 blindsight 30 (0) 10
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Monster Stats
Flameskull 13 +5 3d6(10) fire ray (x2) 3/2/1 mage hand, MM I-cold,fire,pois,cond. -5 +3 +2 +3 +0 +0 Common / fly 40 9d4d18
T undead 40 12 Spells +5 to hit DC13 shield, blur, fireball R-lightning,necro,pierc Arcana+5 / Perception+2 Darkvision 60 (4) 1100
Flying Snake 14 +6 (1) bite +3d4 (7) pois. Does not provoke -3 +4 +0 -4 +1 -3 none (blindsight10) 2d4
T beast 5 11 opportunity attacks fly 60, swim 30 (1/8) 25
Flying Sword 17 +3 1d8+1 (5) long sword V - dispel magic I -poison, psychic +1 +2 +0 -5 -3 -5 none / fly 50 5d6
S construct 17 7 camo - regular sword CON save or unc 1min all conditions antimagic field - incapacitate blindsight 60 (1/4) 50
Gargoyle 15 +4 1d6+2 (5) bite & indidtinguishable I-exhaus,petrif,pois +2 +0 +3 -2 +0-2 Terran / fly 60 7d8+21
M elemental 52 10 1d6+2 (5) claw from normal statue R-non magic weapon Darkvision 60' (2) 450
Gas Spore 5 +0 (1) spore touch DC10 Death burst all in 20' I - poison, all cond. -3 -5 -4 -5 -5 -5 none / fly 10 1d10-4
L plant 1 5 Con or burst infection DC15 CON or 3d6 (10) poison + disease (death in 1d12 days unless cured) blingsight 30 (1/2) 100
Gazer 13 +5 (1) bite 1-Charm / 2-Fear WIS 4-Frost 3d6 (10) DEX -4 +3 +2 -4 +0 -2 none 3d4+6
T aberration 13 14 Eye rays DC12 save 3-Push opp 30' STR I - prone WIS+2/Percept+4/Stealth+5 darkvision 60 (1/2) 100
Ghast 13 +3 2d8+3 (12) bite DC10 CON or poison I-posion,charm,exh +3 +3 +0 +0 +0 -1 Common 8d8
M undead 36 10 2d6+3 (10) claw + DC10 CON or paralyze R-necro darkvision 60 (2) 450
Ghost 11 +5 4d6+3 (17) touch Possession - (R6) I-cold,nec,pois,cond -2 +1 +0 +0 +1 +3 Common / fly 40 10d8
M undead 45 11 Visage-DC13Wis fear DC13CHR or possess R-acid,fire,lightning,thunder,non-magic weapon darkvision 60 (4) 1100
Gibbering Mouth 9 +2 5d6 (17) bite + DC10 STR or prone I - prone +0 -1 +3 -4 +0 -2 none/dark 60/move10 9d8+27
M aberration 67 10 & spit (R5/6) DC13 DEX or blind / Gibbering- DC10 WIS or Confuse (d8, 1-4 no action, 5-6 random move, 7-8 random att. (2) 450
Goblin 15 +4 1d6+2 (5) scimitar bonus - Disengage -1 +2 +0 +0 -1 -1 Common, Goblin 2d6
S humanoid 7 9 1d6+2 (5) short bow or Hide Syealth+6 darkvision 60 (1/4) 50
Golem, Flesh 9 +7 2d8+4 (13) slam (x2) Lightning absorption - I-lightn,non-magicW +4 -1 +4 -2 +0 -3 Common (no speak) 11d8+44
M construct 93 10 <40hp Berserk on (6) Light Dmg adds to hp poison, all cond. att. W disadv if hit with fire ADV vs spell/ dark60 (5) 1800
Grell 12 +4 1d10+2 (7) tentacle + 2d4+2 (7) bite I - lightning +2 +2 +1 +1 +0 -1 Grell / move10 / fly30 10d8+10
M aberration 55 14 DC11 CON or poison, paralyze, grappled I - blind, prone Perception+4/Stealth+6 blindsight 60 (3) 700
Gray Ooze 8 +3 1d6+1 (4) pseudopod Corrode Metal I - all conditions +1 -2 +3 -5 -2 -4 none 3d8+9
M ooze 22 8 plus 2d6 (7) acid R - acid, cold, fire Stealth +2 move 10 / climb 10 (1/2) 100
Griffon 12 +6 1d8+4 (8) beak + ADV Perc. w sight +4 +2 +3 -4 +1 -1 none 7d10+21
L monstrostity 59 15 2d6+4 (11) claw Perception+5 darkvision 60 (2) 450
Griffon Rider 17 +4 1D12+5 (11) lance 1d8+2 (6) l crossbow +2 +2 +2 +0 +1 +0 Common 9d8+18
M Humanoid 58 13 1d12+2 (8) unmounted ring of feather fall Animal H+3/Athletic+4/Percept+3 (2) 450
Guard 16 +3 1d8+1 (5) spear +1 +1 +1 +0 +0 +0 Common 2d8+2
M Humanoid 11 12 1d6+1 (4) thrown Perception+2 (1/8) (25)
Half-Ogre 12 +5 2d10+3 (14) battleaxe +3 +0 +2 -2 -1 +0 Common, Giant 4d10+8
L giant 30 9 2d6+3 (10) javelin darkvision 60 (1) 200
Hawk 13 +5 (1) talons Adv - Percept. Sight -3 +3 -1 -4 +2 -2 none 1d4-1
T beast 1 14 Perception +4 move 10 / fly 60 (0) 10
Hell Hound 15 +5 1d8+3 (7) bite + Fire Breath-(R5/6) 15' I - fire +3 +1 +2 -2 +1 -2 Infernal (no speak) 7d8+14
M fiend 45 15 2d6 (7) fire 6d6 (21) fire DC12Dex 1/2 pack att. ADV w ally Perception+5 darkvision60 /move50 (3) 700
Helmed Horror 20 +6 1d8+4 (8) sword (x2) I - any 3 spells often I-force,nec,poi,cond +4 +1 +3 +0 +0 +0 Common (no speak) 8d8+24
M construct 60 14 ADV vs spells f ball,l bolt,heat metal R-non magic weapon Perception+4 blindsight 60 / fly 30 (4) 1100
Hippogriff 11 +5 1d10+3 (8) beak & Adv - Percept. Sight +3 +1 +1 -4 +1 -1 none 3d10+3
L monstrosity 19 15 2d6+3 (10) claws Perception+5 move 40 / fly 60 (1) 200
Horse, Draft 10 +6 2d4+4 (9) hooves +4 +0 +1 -4 +0 -2 none 3d10+3
L beast 19 10 (1/4) 50
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Monster Stats
Horse, Riding 10 +5 2d4+3 (8) hooves +3 +0 +1 -4 +0 -2 none 2d10+2
L beast 13 10 (1/4) 50
Imp 13 +5 1d4+3 (5) sting + Invisible/shapechange I - fire poison -2 +3 +1 +0 +1 +2 Infernal, Common 3d4+3
T fiend 10 11 DC11 CON or 3d6 (10) poison / ADV vs spell R-cold, non silver weap Dec+4/Ins+3/Pers+4/Stealt+5 dark120/move20/fly40 (1) 200
Intellect Devour. 12 +4 2d4+2 (7) claw & body thief-INT contest I - blind, prone -2 +2 +1 +1 +0 +0 Deep Speech/move40 6d4+6
T aberration 21 12 devour INT - DC12 INT or (11) & -3d6 INT R-non magic weapon Perception+2 / Stealth+4 blindsight60/telepathy (2) 450
Kenku 13 +5 1d6+3 (6) short sword ADV 1st rnd surprise +0 +3 +0 +0 +0 +0 Auran, Common 3d8
M humanoid 13 12 1d6+3 (6) short bow mimic sounds DC14 Insight to ID Decept+4/Percep+2/Stealth+5 only speak as mimic (1/4) 50
Knight 18 +5/+2 2d6+3 (10)sword (x2) Parry-® +2AC to 1 att. Brave - ADV vs fear +3 +0 +2 +0 +0 +0 Common 8d8+16
M Humanoid 52 10 1d10 (5) crossbow Leader - 1minute +1d4 to ally saves CON +4 / WIS +2 (3) 700
Kobold 12 +4 1d4+2 (4) dagger Disadv percep. in sun -2 +2 -1 -1 -2 -1 Common, Draconic 2d6-2
S humanoid 5 8 1d4+2 (4) sling ADV attack w ally darkvison60 (1/8) 25
Kuo-Toa 13 +3 1d4+1 (3) bite net DC11STR escape react - on attack miss +1 +0 +0 +0 +0 -1 Undercommon 4d8
M humanoid 18 14 1d6+1 (6) spear ADV espace grapple DC11 STR or weapon stuck to shield Perception+4 dark 120 / swim 30 (1/4) 50
Kuo-Toa Whip 11 +4 1d4+2 (4) bite & ADV espace grapple spell to hit +4 / DC12 +2 +0 +2 +1 +2 +0 Undercommon 10d8+20
M humanoid 65 16 1d6+2 (5) pincer staff + grapple DC14 sacred flame,bane,shield of faith Percept+6/Relig+4 dark 120 / swim 30 (1) 200
Mage 12/15 +5 1d4+2 (4) dagger +6 to hit / DC 14 -1 +2 +0 +3 +1 +0 Common + any 3 9d8
M humanoid 40 11 9th level Wizard Spells 4/3/3/3/1 INT+6/WIS+4/Arcana+6/History+6 (6) 2300
Manticore 14 +5 1d8+3 (7) bite & 1d8+3 (7) spike (x3) +3 +3 +3 -2 +1 -1 Common 8d10+24
L monsrosity 68 11 1d6+3 (6) claws (x2) darkvision 60 / fly 50 (3) 700
Martial Arts Ad. 16 +5 1d8+3 (7) punch (x3) or 1d4+3 (5) dart (x3) deflect -(1d10+3) dmg +0 +3 +1 +0 +3 +0 Common 11d8+11
M humanoid 60 13 & DC13 save or disarm (STR), prone (DEX), or stun (CON) Acrobat+5/Insight+5/Stealth+5 (3) 700
Mastiff 12 +3 1d6+1 (4) bite + ADV - Perception +1 +2 +1 -4 +1 -2 none 1d8+1
M beast 5 13 DC11 STR or prone with smell or sound Perception +3 (1/8) 25
Merfolk 11 +2 1d8 (4) spear +0 +1 +1 +0 +0 +1 Aquan, Common 2d8+2
M humanoid 11 12 Perception+2 move 10 / swim 40 (1/8) 25
Mimic 12 +5 1d8+3 (7) pseudopod + DC13 grapple I - acid, prone +3 +1 +2 -3 +1 -1 none 9d8+18
M monstrosity 58 11 1d8+3 (7) bite + 1d8 (4) acid ADV vs grapple Stealth+5 darkvision60 /move15 (2) 450
Mind Flayer 15 +7 2d10+4 (15) tentacle vs grappled target Mind Blast-(R5/6) 60' +0 +1 +1 +4 +3 +3 Deep/UC/telepathy 13d8+13
M aberration 71 16 & grapple/stun DC15 10d10 (55) eat brain 4d8+4 (22) DC15 INT INT+7/WIS+6/CHA+6/Perc+6/Steal+4 Darkvision120 (7) 2900
Minotaur 14 +6 2d12+4 (17) greataxe Charge - if move10 Reckless - ADV att. +4 +0 +3 -3 +3 -1 Abyssal 9d10+27
L monstrosity 76 17 2d8+4 (13) gore 4d8+4 (22)gore +prone but ADV for opp. Att. Perception+7 darkvision60/ move40 (3) 700
Minotaur Skele. 12 +6 2d12+4 (17) greataxe Charge - if move10 I- poison,exhaustion +4 +0 +2 -2 -1 -3 Abyssal (no speak) 9d10+18
L undead 67 9 2d8+4 (13) gore 4d8+4 (22)gore +prone V - blunt weapons darkvision60/ move40 (2) 450
Mummy 11 +5 5d6+3 (20) rotting fist & DC11 WIS or fear I-nec,pois,all cond. +3 -1 +2 -2 +0 +1 Common / move 20 9d8+18
M undead 58 10 & DC12CON or curse* V - fire R-non magic weapon *can't heal -10hp/day til cured darkvision 60 (3) 700
Nimblewright 18 +6 1d8+4 (8) rapier (x2) Parry-® +2AC to 1 att. I-fear/petrify/poison +1 +4 +3 -1 +0 -2 Common-can't speak 6d8+18
M construct 45 12 & 1d4+4 (6) dagger ADV vs magic / prone R-non magic weapon DEX+6/Acrobat+8/Percept+2 darkvision / move 60 (4) 1100
Noble 15 +3 1d8+1 (5) scimitar Parry-® +2AC to 1 att. +0 +1 +0 +1 +2 +3 Common, +1 2d8
M humanoid 9 12 Deception+5/Insight+4/Persuasion+5 (1/8) 25
Orog 18 +6 1d12+4 (10) axe (x2) Bonus - move 30 to +4 +1 +4 +1 +0 +1 Common, Orc 5d8+20
M humanoid 42 10 1d6+4 (7) javelin another opponent Intimidation+5/Survival+2 darkvison 60 (2) 450
Owlbear 13 +7 1d10+5 (10) beak + ADV - percept. Sight +5 +1 +3 -4 +1 -2 none 7d10+21
L monstrosity 59 13 2d8+5 (14) claws & Smell Perception+3 darkvision 60 (3) 700
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Monster Stats
Panther 12 +4 1d6+2 (5) bite Pounce - move 20' & ADV - percept. Smell +2 +2 +0 -4 +2 -2 none 3d8
M beast 13 14 1d4+2 (4) claw claw, DC12 STR or prone Perception+4 / Stealth +6 move 50 / climb 40 (1/4) 50
Polar Bear 12 +7 1d8+5 (9) bite + ADV - percept. Smell +5 +0 +3 -4 +1 -2 none 5d10+15
L beast 42 13 2d6+5 (12) claws Perception +3 move 40 / swim 30 (2) 450
Priest 13 +2 1d6 (3) mace 5th lv. Cleric to hit +5 +0 +0 +1 +1 +3 +1 Common, +1 5d8+5
M humanoid 27 13 +3d6 (10) radiant DC 13 Spells 4/3/2 Medicine+7/Persuasion+3/Religion+4 (2) 450
Quipper 13 +5 (1) bite Frenzy - ADV vs any -4 +3 -1 -5 -2 -4 none 1d4-1
T beast 1 8 opp. not at full hp darkvison / swim 40 (0) 10
Rakshasa 16 +7 2d6+2 (9) claws (x2) + Wiz +10 hit / DC 18 I-non magic weapon +2 +3 +4 +1 +3 +5 Common, Infernal 13d8+52
M fiend 110 13 curse no heal on rest I - spells < 6th level V-pierce by good align Deception+10/Insight+8 darkvision60/ move40 (13) 10K
at will - detect thoughts, disguise self, mage hand, minor illusion; 3/day - charm person, detect magic, invisibility, major image, suggestion
1/day - dominate person, fly, plane shift, true seeing
Rat 10 +0 (1) bite ADV - percept. Smell -4 +0 -1 -4 +0 -3 none 1d4-1
T beast 1 10 move 20 (0) 10
Rhinoceros 11 +7 2d8+5 (14) gore Charge - if move 20' +5 -1 +2 -4 +1 -2 none 6d10+12
L beast 45 11 & gore , extra 2d8 (9) move 40 (2) 450
Rug, Smothering 12 +5 grapple DC13 STR or V - dispel magic I -poison, psychic +3 +2 +0 -5 -4 -5 none / move 10 6d10
L construct 33 6 2d6+3 (10) smother CON save or unc 1min all conditions antimagic field - incapacitate blindsight 60 (2) 450
Rust Monster 14 +3 1d8+1 (5) bite *DC11 DEX or -1AC any hit with nonmagic +1 +1 +1 -4 +1 -2 none 5d8+5
M monstrosity 27 11 Rust Metal* antennae armor(AC10)shield(+0) weapon, penalty -1 to Dmg til -5 (weapon destroyed) darkvision60/ move40 (1/2) 100
Scarecrow 11 +3 2d4+1 (6) claw (x2) Terror Glare - DC11 I- poison,most cond. +0 +1 +0 +0 +0 +1 Common (no speak) 8d8
M construct 36 10 & DC11 WIS or fear WIS or fear +paralyze R-non magic weapon V - fire darkvision 60 (1) 200
Shadow 12 +4 2d6+2 (9) Str drain + bonus Hide in lowlight I-nec,pois,all cond. -2 +2 +1 -2 +0 -1 none 3d8+3
M undead 16 10 STR -1d4 (die at 0) Disadv in sunlight R-all elem., non-magic W / V-radiant // Stealth+4/+6 darkvision60/ move40 (1/2) 100
Shark, Giant 13 +9 3d10+6 (22) bite Frenzy - ADV vs any +6 +0 +5 -5 +0 -3 none / swim 50 11d12+55
H beast 126 13 opp. not at full hp Perception +3 blindsight 60 (5) 1800
Skeleton 13 +4 1d6+2 (5) short sword I - poison, exhaust +0 +2 +2 -2 -1 -3 Common (no speak) 2d8+4
M undead 13 9 1d6+2 (5) short bow V - blunt weapons darkvision 60 (1/4) 50
Slaad, Red 14 +6 2d4+3 (8) bite + *DC14CON or disease R - all elemental dmg +3 +1 +3 -2 -2 -2 Slaad, telepathy 60 11d10+33
L aberration 93 11 1d8+3 (7) claw (x2)* infect w egg & die in 3 months unless cured Perception+1 darkvision 60 (5) 1800
Spectator 14 +1 1d6-1 (2) bite confusion, fear - WIS spell reflection -1 +2 +2 +1 +2 +0 Deep, Undercommon 6d8+12
M aberration 39 16 Eye Rays - DC13 paralyze, wound (3d10 (16)) - CON Perception +6 darkvision 120/ fly 30 (3) 700
Specter 12 +4 3d6 (10) life drain + Disadv in sunlight I-nec,pois,all cond. -5 +2 +0 +0 +0 +0 Common (no speak) 5d8
M undead 22 10 DC10 CON or -10 max hp (death at 0) R-all elemental dmg, non-magic weapons darkvision 60 / fly 50 (1) 200
Spider, Giant 14 +5 1d8+3 (7) bite + Web - (R 5/6) 1 target +2 +3 +1 -4 +0 -3 none / climb 30 4d10+4
L beast 26 10 2d8 (9) poison DC11 CON for 1/2 dmg DC12 STR or restrain Stealth +7 darkvison 60/blind 10 (1) 200
Spy 12 +4 1d6+2 (5) sword (x2) bonus Dash or Hide +0 +2 +0 +1 +2 +3 Common, +1 6d8
M Humanoid 27 16 1d6+2 (5) crossbow sneak - att w ADV +2d6 (7) damage Decep+5/Insight+4/Invest+5/Perc+6/Stealth+4 (1) 200
Swarm of Bats 12 +4 2d4 (5) bites or ADV - percept. Sound I - most condition -3 +2 +0 -4 +1 -3 none / fly 30 5d8
M swarm 22 11 1d4 (2) if at 1/2 hp R - all weapons blindsight 60 (1/4) 50
Swarm of Bugs 12 +3 4d4 (10) bites or I - most condition -4 +1 +0 -5 -2 -5 none / blindsight 10 5d8
M swarm 22 8 2d4 (5) if at 1/2 hp R - all weapons move 20 / climb 20 (1/2) 100
Swarm of Rats 10 +2 2d6 (7) bites or ADV - percept. Smell I - most condition -1 +0 -1 -4 +0 -4 none 7d8-7
M swarm 24 10 1d6 (3) if at 1/2 hp R - all weapons darkvision 30 (1/4) 50
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Monster Stats
Swashbuckler 17 +6 1d8+4 (8) rapier (x2) bonus dash/disengage +1 +4 +1 +2 +0 +2 Common 12d8+12
M hunamoid 66 10 & 1d4+4 (6) dagger Acrobat+8/Athletic+5/Pers+6 (3) 700
Thug 11 +4/+2 1d6+2 (5) mace (x2) Pack - ADV to hit if +2 +0 +2 +0 +0 +0 Common 5d8+10
M humanoid 32 10 1d10 (5) crossbow within 5' of ally intimidation +2 (1/2) 100
Tiger 12 +5 1d10+3 (8) bite Pounce - move 20' & ADV - percept. Smell +3 +2 +2 -4 +1 -1 none 5d10+10
L beast 37 13 1d8+3 (7) claws claw, DC13 STR or prone Perception +3 / Stealth +6 darkvision 60 (1) 200
Treant 16 +10 3d6+6 (16) slam (x2) Animate Tree - 1/day R - blunt, pierce W +6 -1 +5 +1 +3 +1 Common, Druidic 12d12+60
H plant 138 13 4d10+6 (28) rock turn 2 trees to Treant V - fire Elvish, Sylvan (9) 5000
Troglodyte 11 +4 1d4+2 (4) bite & Stench - all in 5' Adv - Hide +2 +0 +2 -2 +0 -2 Troglodyte 2d8+2
M hunanoid 13 10 1d4+2 (4) claws (x2) DC12 CON or poison Disadv percept in sun Stealth+2 darkvision 60 (1/4) 50
Troll 15 +7 1d6+4 (7) bite & Regenerate 10hp/rnd +4 +1 +5 -2 -1 -2 Giant 8d10+40
L giant 85 12 2d6+4 (11) claws (x2) except fire/acid Dmg Perception+2 darkvision 60 (5) 1800
Veteran 17 +5/+3 1d8+3 (7) l sword (x2) or 1d10+1 (6) c. bow +3 +1 +2 +0 +0 +0 Common 9d8+18
M Humanoid 58 12 & 1d6+3 (6) s sword Athletics +5 / Perception +2 (3) 700
Vulture, Giant 10 +4 2d4+2 (7) beak + Pack - ADV to hit if ADV - percept. Sight +2 +0 +2 -2 +1 -2 none 3d10+6
L beast 22 13 2d6+2 (9) talons within 5' of ally & smell Perception +3 move 10 / fly 60 (1) 200
Walking Statue 17 +16 3d12+10 (29)slam (x2) ADV vs magic I - cold, fire, poison +10 -1 +8 -5 +0 -5 none 17d20+136
G construct 314 10 6d10+10 (43) rock x2 dmg to objects I - all conditions CON+14 / I-non-magic weap truesight 120 (18) 20K
Wererat 12 +4 1d4+2 (4) bite +DC11 1d6+2 (5) short sword I -non silver weapon +0 +2 +1 +0 +0 -1 Common 6d8+6
M humanoid 33 12 CON or curse lycan & 1d6+2 (5) crossbow human/hybrid/G. rat Perception+2/Stealth+4 darkvision60(rat form) (2) 450
Werewolf 11/12 +4 1d8+2 (6) bite +DC12 2d4+2 (7) claws I -non silver weapon +2 +1 +2 +0 +0 +0 Common 9d8+18
M humanoid 58 14 CON or curse lycan & 1d8+2 (6) spear human/hybrid/wolf Perception+4/Stealth+3 (3) 700


Ahmaerrgo 18 +9/+6 1d12+5 (11) axe (x3) 1d10+2 (7) crossbow Reroll 1 save 2/day +5 +2 +2 +2 +2 +1 Common, Dwarf, UC 22d8+44
Male dwarf 143 16 & +2d6 (7) if >1/2hp 2nd wind +20hp 1/day ADV vs poison STR+9/CON+6/Ath+9/Int+5/Perc+6 darkvision60 (9) 5000
Ammalia 12/15 +2 1d8-1 (3) quarterstaff 9th level Wizard I - poison -1 +2 +0 +3 +1 +2 Common, Elf, Infernal 10d8
Cassalanter 45 11 +6 to hit / DC 14 INT+6/WIS+4/arc+6/His+6/Ins+4/Pers+5 Draconic (5) 1800
Female human at will - friends, mage hand, mending, message; 1st(4) charm person, mage armor, magic misssile; 2nd(3) hold person, invisibility, suggestion;
3rd(3) fireball, haste, tongues; 4th(3) confusion, stoneskin; 5th(1) hold monster
Aurinax 19 +14 2d6+8 (15) claw (x2) or 2d8+8 (17) tail I - fire (see below) +8 +2 +7 +3 +2 +7 Common, Draconic 19d12-133
Adult gold dragon 256 24 & 2d10+8 (19) bite & DC21 WIS or fear DEX+8/CON+13/WIS+8/CHA+13/Perc+14/Stealth+8 blind / dark / fly 80 (17) 18K
(dragonstaff) Breath Weapon - (Recharge 5-6) 60' cone 12d10 (66) fire , DC21 DEX 1/2 dmg / or weakness DC21 STR save or DISADV all STR attacks, saves
1d8+8 (12) Shape change / Legend Resist (x3) auto-save / Legend Action (3/turn) Detect , tail attack , or wing attack (10' rad) DC22 DEX or 2d6+8 (15) + prone
Barnibus 10/13 +2 1d4 (2) dagger 7th level Wizard -1 +0 -1 +3 +2 +0 common,dwarf,halfling 7d8-7
Blastwind 24 14 +5 to hit / DC 13 INT+5/WIS+4/Arc+5/Ins+6/Inv+7/Perc+4 Draconic (2) 450
Male human at will - blade ward, light, mage hand, message; 1st(4) comprehend languages, identify, mage armor, shield; 2nd(3) detect thoughts, suggestion
3rd(3) clairvoyance, sending; 4th(1) locate creature, Otiluke's resilient shere
Black Viper 16 +7 1d6+4 (7) rapier (x3) Sneak attack w ADV ® Dodge - 1/2 dmg +0 +4 +2 +0 +0 +1 Common,thieves cant 13d8+26
Female human 84 13 1d6+4 (7) crossbow +4d6 (14) dmg from a seen attack DEX+7/INT+3/Acro+7/Ath+7/Perc+3/SOH+7/Stea+7 (5) 1800
Evasion - on DEX save, pass-0dmg / fail-1/2 (b) Dash, Disengage, Hide
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Monster Stats
Bregan Captain 12/15 +2 1d6-1 (2) staff 10th level Wizard I - sleep -1 +2 +0 +3 +1 +1 Elvish, Undecommon 10d8
Male drow elf 45 14 sum. Shadow demon +6 to hit / DC 14 ADV vs charm Arc+6/Dec+5/Perc+4/Steal+5 Darkvision 120 (7) 2900
at will - dancing lights, mage hand, minor illusion, poison spray, ray of frost; 1/day- darkness, faerie fire, levitate; 1st(4)- mage armor, magic missile
shield, witch bolt; 2nd(3)- alter self, misty step, web; 3rd(3)- fly, lightning bolt; 4th(2)- Evard's tentacles, greater invisibility; 5th(2)- cloudkill
Davil Starsong 15 +5 1d4+2 (4) dagger 12th level Bard I - sleep +0 +2 +1 +3 +1 +3 Com,Drac,Dwarf,Elf 15d8+15
Male elf 82 14 +6 to hit / DC 14 ADV vs charm DEX+5/CHA+6/Arc+6/His+6/Ins+4/Perc+4 Dark60 (6) 2300
mage hand, mending, minor illusion, vicious mockery; 1st(4) cure wounds, disguise self, sleep; 2nd(3) crown of madness, invisibilty, suggestion;
3rd(3) nondetection, sending, tongues; 4th(3) compulsion, free move, polymorph; 5th(2) dominate person, greater restoration; 6th(1) Otto's dance
Durnan 16 +8/+6 2d6+4 (11) Grimvault* ADV vs spells Reroll 1 save 1/day +4 +2 +4 +1 +1 +0 Common, Dwarvish 17d8+68
Male human 144 15 sword of sharpness on Nat 20, spell<7th rebound to caster STR+8/CON+8/Ath+8/Perc+5 (9) 5000
*Grimvault - on Nat 20 extra 14 damage + reroll, on 2nd Nat 20 remove limb; ring of spell turning, elven chain, boots of striding and sprining
Hlam 22 +12 1d10+7 (12) hand (x3) or 1d4+7 (9) dart (x3) I- charm,fear,poison +0 +7 +1 +2 +5 +2 all known languages 25d8+25
Male human 137 15 & bonus effect below 20th level Monk/5th level Cleric +10 hit/DC18 STR+5/DEX+12/Ath+5/Rel+7 move 60 (16) 15K
Unarmed strike - DMG + choose effect 1- DC18STR or opp disarmed, 2- DC18DEX or opp prone, 3- DC18CON or opp stunned 1 round
Quivering Palm (Rechrge 6) +12 to hit, on hit DC18CON or opp reduced to 0hp, or 55 DMG on successful save; // Wellness- 1/day, Heal 60hp
Evade - On DEX save, pass= 0 DMG, fail= 1/2 DMG // Deflect Missile - Range weapon Dmg reduced by 1d10+27 (33); if dmg=0, missile is caught
Legendary Action (3 action points) - (1 point) bonus move 60' no opportunity attacks / (2 points) +1 unarmed strike / (3 points) invisibilty 1 turn
Spells - at will - guidance, light, sacred flame, spare the dying; 1st(4) detect evil, healing word, sanctuary, shield of faith;
2nd(3) calm emotions, prayer of healing, silence; 3rd(2) protection from energy, remove curse, sending
Hrabbaz 12 +8 1d8+5 (9) maul (x3) + Endurance- if reduced 2/day - reroll any save +5 +2 +3 +0 +2 +1 Common, Orc 15d8+45
Male half-orc 112 15 1d6 (3) if >1/2 max hp to 0hp, hp=1 instead STR+8/CON+6/Ath+8/Int+4/Perc+5 Darkvison 60 (5) 1800
Istrid Horn 18 +4 2d6+1 (8) maul (x2) 9th level Cleric R-poison /ADV-poison +1 +0 +2 +0 +3 +1 Common, Dwarvish 18d8+36
Female dwarf 117 13 +6 to hit / DC 14 treasure sense 3/day CON+5/WIS+6/Intim+4/Rel+3 Darkvision 60 (8) 3900
at will - light,mending, scared flame, spare the dying; 1st(4) divine favor, guiding bolt, healing word, shield of faith; 2nd(3) lesser restoration,
magic weapon, hold person, silence, spiritual weapon; 3rd(3) beacon of hope, crusader's mantle, dispel magic, revivify, spirit guardian, water walk
4th(3) banishment, fredom of movement, guardian of faith, stoneskin; 5th(1) flame strike, mass cure wounds, hold monster
Jalester Silvermane 18 +4 1d8+2 (6) sword (x2) ® Riposte - if enemy (b) heal 16hp 1/day +2 +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 Common, Elvish 13d8+13
Male human 71 12 1d4+2 (4) dagger (x2) misses, extra attack with +4 dmg STR+4/CON+3/Ath+4/Surv+4 (4) 1100
Jarlaxle Baenre 24 +14/+11 1d8+9 (13) rapier (x3) spells DC17 darkness ADV-charm / I-sleep +1 +6 +2 +5 +3 +4 see below 19d8+38
Male drow elf 123 18 1d4+6 (8) dagger (x2) faerie fire, levitate self 19th level Rogue DEX+11/WIS+8/see below Darkvison 120 (15) 13K
Evade - On DEX save, pass= 0 DMG, fail= 1/2 DMG // Sneak Attack (1/turn) - When attacking with ADV, a hit deals extra 7d6 (24) damage
1/day - Auto Save // Legendary Action (3 points) - (1 point) bonus move 30' no opportunity attacks / (2 points) 1 extra rapier strike or 2 dagger
hat of disguise, bracer of flying daggers, cloak of invisibility, knave's eye patch, ring of truth telling, portable hole, wand of web, feather of diatryma
Skills - Acrobat+11/Athletic+6/Decept+14/Percept+8/SleightofHand+11/Stealth+16 // Lang. Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Dwarish, Elvish, UnderCom
Laeral Silverhand 18 +11/+7 2d6 (7) silverhair (x3) 1d8+1 (5)flametongue I - poison / R - fire +1 +3 +5 +5 +5 +4 see below 24d8+120
Female human 228 21 DC19 CON or paralyze & 2d6 (7) fire (x3) ADV vs spells INT+11/WIS+11/see below truesight 60 (17) 18K
Spellfire (1 action) - silver fire surrounds her, permanent until Laeral wills it to stop or she is incapacitated
Choose 1 constant effect - breathe underwater, survive no food/water, immune to scrying magic, immune to cold
& can cast at will - cure light wounds (1d8+5), revivify, silver fire 60x5' line or 30' cone - DC21 DEX or 4d12 (26) fire dmg, 1/2 dmg on save
19th level Wizard - +13 to hit / DC 21 // at will - light, mage hand, minor illusion, prestidigitation, ray of frost; 1st(at will) detect magic, disguise self,
magic missile, shield; 2nd(at will) detect thoughts, inviibility, misty step; 3rd(3) counterspell, fly, sending, tongues; 4th(3) banishment,
greater invisibility, Otiluke's resilient sphere; 5th(3) cone of cold, geas, Rary's telepathic bond; 6th(2) globe of invulnerability, mass suggestion
7th(1) prismatic spray, teleport; 8th(1) feeblemind, power word stun; 9th(1) time stop
Skills - Arcana+17/History+17/Insight+11/Perception+11/Persuasion+10 // Languages - Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish, Giant, Infernal
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Monster Stats
Manshoon 19 +6/+7 1d4+2 (4) metal fist 1d8+2 (6) staff power 18th level Wizard +0 +2 +1 +6 +2 +3 see below 23d8+23
Male human 126 12 ADV vs Spells +1d6 (3) per charge +15 to hit / DC 21 S+2/D+2/C+3/I+13/W+9/Ch+5 Darkvision 60 (13) 10K
at will - fire bolt, light, mage hand, prestidigitation, shocking grasp; 1st(4) detect magic, mage armor, magic missile, shield
2nd(3) detect thoughts, mirror image, misty step; 3rd(3) counterspell, lightning bolt, sending; 4th(3) fire shield, greater invisibility, polymorph
5th(3) Bigby's hand, scrying, wll of force; 6th(1) flesh to stone, globe of invulnerability; 7th(1) finger of death, similacrum
8th(1) feeblemind, mind blank; 9th(1) imprisonment, power word kill // Languages - Common, Draconic, Goblin, Infernal, Orc, Undercommon
Meloon Wardragon 18 +9 1d12+5(11)sword (x4) 2/day - reroll save mind controlled by +5 +2 +2 +0 +2 +2 Common,DeepSpeech 22d8+44
M human 143 12 Azuredge can't attune 1/day - heal 20 hp intellect devourer STR+9/CON+6/Ath+9/Surv+6 darkvision60/telepathy (9) 5000
Mirt 16 +9 2d10+5(16)sword (x2) Sneak attack w ADV ® Parry +2AC to 1 att. +4 +4 +4 +2 +1 +2 Common, Dwarvish 18d8+72
M human 153 15 & 2d4+5 (10) dagger +4d6 (14) dmg Evade-see Black Viper DEX+8?WIS+5/Ac+8/At+8/Per+5/Pers+6/Stealth+8 (9) 5000
Remalia 12/15 +6 1d4+2 (4) dagger 13th level Wizard I - sleep / R - charm +0 +2 +1 +4 +2 +3 Com,Drac,Dw,Elf,1/2 12d8+12
Haventree 66 12 +8 to hit / DC 16 Arcane Ward* INT+8/WIS+6/Arc+8/Dec+7/His+8/Pers+7 Dark60 (9) 5000
Female elf Arcane Ward - 30 hit point. Any damage hits ward first. Ward regain hit point equal to level of abjuration spell cast (with *)
at will - dancing lights, mage hand, mending, message, ray of frost; 1st(4) alarm*, mage armor*, magic missile, shield*;
2nd(3) arcane lock*, invisibility; 3rd(3) counterspell*, dispel magic*, fireball; 4th(3) banishment*, stoneskin*; 5th(2) cone of cold, wall of force
6th(1) flesh to stone, globe of invulnerability*; 7th(1) symbol*, teleport // Magic Item - Figurine of Wondrous Power (silver raven)
Skeemo 12/15 +5 1d4+2 (4) dagger 9th level Wizard ADV vs spells -1 +2 +1 +3 +1 +2 Abys,Com,Gnome,UC 16d6+16
Wierdbottle 72 14 +6 to hit / DC 14 INT+6/WIS+4/Arc+6/His+6/Perc+4/Pers+5 Dark60 (6) 2300
Male gnome at will - fire bolt, light, mage hand, prestidigitation; 1st(4) detect magic, mage armor, magic missile, shield; 2nd(3) misty step, suggestion
3rd(3) counterspell, fireball, fly; 4th(1) greater invisibility, ice storm; 5th(1) cone of cold
Tashlyn Yafeera 18 +8/+6 2d6+4 (11) sword (x3) 1d6+2 (5) s bow (x3) 2/day - reroll any save +4 +2 +2 +0 +2 +1 Common 23d8+46
Female human 149 16 & +2d6 (7) if >1/2hp & +2d6 (7) if >1/2hp 1/day - bonus heal 20 STR+8/CON+6/Ath+8/Int+5/Perc+6 (9) 5000
Vajra Safahr 14/17 +7 1d8+2 (6) Blackstaff 18th level Wizard ADV vs spells +0 +2 +1 +5 +0 +3 Com,Dw,Elf,Gi,1/2,U 23d8+23
Female human 126 10 +1d6 (3) per charge +12 to hit / DC 18 S+2/D+4/C+3/I+12/W+7/Ch+5/Arc+10/His+10 (13) 10K
Blackstaff - 20 charges / Staff of Power & at will - Animate Walking Statue, Dispel Magic, Drain Magic (remove target's highest spell slot)
Spell - at will - fire bolt, light, mage hand, message, prestidigitation; 1st(4) detect magic, identify, mage armor, thunderwave; 2nd(3) invisibility,
misty step, web; 3rd(3) counterspell, fly, sending; 4th(3) banishment, fire shield, stoneskin; 5th(3) Bigby's hand, geas, telekinesis;
6th(1) chain lightning, globe of invulnerability; 7th(1) forcecage, prismatic spray; 8th(1) antimagic field, power word stun; 9th(1) imprisonment
Victoro 15 +5 1d8+1 (5) rapier 15th level Warlock I -poison, sleep +1 +1 +2 +3 +3 +4 Com,Drac,Elf,Infernal 15d8+30
Cassalanter 97 13 summon barbed devil +7 to hit / DC 15 2/day - invisible 1 turn CON+6/WIS+7/His+7/Ins+7/Pers+8/Rel+7 Dark60 (10) 5900
Male half-elf at will - guidance, light, mending, spare the dying, thaumaturgy; 1st(4) charm person, command, detect magic, disguise self, pro. from good, sanctuary;
2nd(3) augury, less. restoration, mirror image, pass w/out trace, spiritual weapon; 3rd(3) blink, clairvoyance, dispel magic, magic circle, pro. from energy;
4th(3) banishment, dimension door, divination, freedom of movement, polymorph; 5th(2) dominate person, flame strike, modify memory, insect plague
6th(1) heal; 7th(1) divine word; 8th(1) earthquake
Volothamp "Volo" 11 +3 1d4+1 (3) dagger 1st level Wizard -1 +1 +0 +2 +0 +3 Common, Dwarf, Elf 7d8
Geddarm 31 12 +4 to hit / DC12 CON+2/WIS+2/Anh+4/Arc+4/Dec+5His+4/Ins+2/Inv+4/ (1/4) 50
Male human at will - friends, mending, prestidigitation; 1st(2) comprehend languages, detect magic, disguise self // Skills cont. - Perc+2/Perf+7/SoH+3/Surv+2
Xanathar 18 +4 4d6 (14) bite Legendary Actions Anti-magic -150' cone +0 +2 +4 +3 +2 +3 Deep, Undercommon 19d10+76
Male beholder 180 22 Eye Rays DC16 (x3) any 1 ray (3/round) all ray effect last 1 min. Perception +12 Darkvison 120 / fly 20 (13) 10K
1. WIS or charm 1 min. / 2. CON or paralyzed 1 min. / 3. WIS or fear 1 min. / 4. DEX or slow 1 min. / 5. CON or 8d8 (36) necro - save 1/2 Dmg
6. STR or restrain & move 30' / 7. WIS or sleep 1 min. / 8. DEX or petrify in 2 rnd / 9. DEX or disintegrate 10d8 (45) / 10. DEX or death 10d10 (55) nec.
Ziraj the Hunter 17 +7 1d10+4 (9) glaive (x3) 10th level Ranger 1/day - all in 30' radius +4 +4 +4 +0 +2 +2 Common, Orc 18d8+72
Male half-orc 153 12 2d6+4 (11) L bow (x3) +5 to hit, DC 13 DC13 WIS of fear 1min.W IS+5/CHA+5/Ath+7/Int+5/Stealt+7/Surv+5 // Dark60 (8) 3900
1st(4) command, pro. from good and evil, thunderous smite; 2nd(3) branding smite, find steed; 3rd(2) blinding smite, dispel magic

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