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AI vs.

Machine Learning: Their Differences and Impacts

Gosselin, S. (2021, June 8). AI vs. Machine Learning: Their Differences and Impacts. CIO


Even though many organizations don't have enough interest in artificial intelligence and machine
learning, artificial intelligence and machine learning investments are growing exponentially
worldwide. IDC forecasts that worldwide artificial intelligence and machine learning will top
$98 billion by 2023, tremendous growth from $18.5 billion in 2019. McKinsey anticipates
humans will lose over 375 million jobs worldwide to robots and algorithms, approximately 14%
of the entire globe's workforce. Nevertheless, Gartner forecasts that there will be 1.8 million new
jobs related to artificial intelligence.

What is the difference between artificial intelligence and machine learning? Artificial
intelligence is a computer system to simulate human intelligence in the computer programmed to
think and act like humans. For example, companies use artificial intelligence to predict
advertising on websites, monitor traffic patterns and answer customers' common questions.
Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence that trains machines how to learn. Most
companies start with machine learning, such as chatbots to direct customers inquires and bots to
mine data. Next, companies use artificial intelligence with cybersecurity software to prevent the
potential threat.


The concept of “artificial intelligence” was first introduced in 1943; the actual phrase came in
1956 when Allen Newell and Herbert Simons demonstrated the first reasoning program, Logic

A study shows that 40% of European startup companies that claim to use artificial intelligence
don’t use the technology. When the public is still confused about what exactly artificial
intelligence is and how to distinguish it from machine learning, this article provides guidance on
defining them. The author describes artificial intelligence enables the machine to think like
humans; machine learning trains machines to recognize data patterns and produce decisions and
results by feeding computer data and using statistical techniques. Companies like Spotify,
YouTube, Amazon, and Netflix provide you with similar songs, products, and movies you like
using machine learning models. In contrast, artificial intelligence utilizes many technologies,
including machine learning to train computers to behave like humans. Human to artificial
intelligence interaction products like Google Home and Alexa are becoming more and more
essential in everyone’s life. A CMU researcher defines artificial intelligence is a moving target
based on those capabilities that humans possess but machines do not, machine learning is only
one of them.

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