Sarah Demo of Unit 1 Lesson 1 Split Module-Science Grade 10

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BJOUICC Lesson Plan

Name: Sarah Date: Demo of Unit 1 lesson 1

Lesson focus: Split module- Science Level: Grade 10
Main Lesson Aim (By the end of the lesson students will be able to review, use, develop, practise… in the context of………….)
Learning Objectives: By the end of the activity, the students will be able to:
 The cell theory
 Parts/ organelles of a cell
 Plants vs Animal Cell
Subsidiary Lesson Aim (By the end of the lesson students will be able to review, use, develop, learn, practise… in the context of………….)
By the end of this lesson, the student will:
- Be able to name organelles of the cell
- Identify a plan cell from an animal cell
- Give the functions of important organelles
Personal Aims (Teaching skills YOU want to improve on in this lesson; consider feedback from your previous observed lessons)

Assumptions (What your students already know about the knowledge, an activity, or the topic that will help them in this lesson)

Materials (Write what materials you are using, links, page numbers etc. Reference all your handouts here and attach a copy of each to your
lesson plan.)
Materials: PPT about animal and plant cells, Life Science/Biology textbooks, cardboard foam spheres, modelling clay, fruit, vegetables, paper, markers,

Anticipated difficulties and Solutions (Anticipate 1-3 difficulties with classroom management or activities. Provide a specific solution for
each. This is not related to knowledge difficulties.)
Memorizing all the important organelles and their functions can be relatively challenging.
Communication barrier
First class nerves
-A good introduction and ice breaker helps children ease their nerves.
-Encourage students to ask questions by pausing frequently allowing students to ask questions.
-Encourage students to model out such structures using at home appliances, fruits, and other materials to help them visualize and improve their input. -----
--Encourage students to go back and make a similar model that they can reference back to throughout the unit.
Unit 1 – lesson 1

5 minutes
Self Introduction (Teacher and students) Self-introduction and
After the teacher introduces, allow students to introduce themselves as well. simple definitions
Teacher may choose an ice breaker to help with this activity, like passing a stuffed animal or singing out their names in
a funny voice.

20 minutes
SNC2D Lesson 1 The Cell Theory

Materials to be prepared before the class: PPT about animal and plant cells, Life Science/Biology
textbooks, cardboard foam spheres, modelling clay, fruit, vegetables, paper, markers, glue
In-class game
 class activity (build a three-dimensional model of a plant or animal cell)

20 minutes
SNC2D Lesson 1 The Cell Organelles and functions
 differentiate the characteristics of animal and plant cells
 identify and name at least six organelles in the cell
 match effectively the function to the organelle on a cell model In-class discussion

Following are the Important Cell-organelles to be focused on in the class:

Tubes with a smooth surface are called smooth endoplasmic reticula. They secrete lipids.
Tubes with spherical bodies (ribosomes) attached are known as rough endoplasmic reticula.
The functions of the endoplasmic reticulum are to form the skeletal framework of the cell, to provide a
pathway for the distribution of nuclear material from one cell to the other and to synthesize fats, steroids
and cholesterol with the help of enzymes secreted by the cell.
Golgi Apparatus
Also known as Golgi Complex or Golgi Bodies, they consist of tiny, elongated, flattened sacs (cisternae),
which are stacked parallel to one another along with some vacuoles and clusters of vesicles.
The function of the Golgi body is to secrete certain hormones and enzymes. It also forms lysosomes and
peroxisomes. The Golgi body is usually found close to the nucleus.
These are tiny, spherical, sac-like structures scattered all over the cytoplasm. Their main function is
digestion. They contain powerful destructive enzymes capable of digesting all organic material, and hence
called “digestive bags”.
present in white blood cells are capable of digesting bacteria and viruses. During starvation, lysosomes In-class discussion
digest proteins, fats and glycogen in the cytoplasm, and supply energy to the cell. They are also capable of
digesting worn out cell organelles, or even digesting the entire damaged cell containing them. Hence,
“suicide bag” is a sobriquet that is often used for Lysosomes.
These organelles are found in the liver and kidney cells. They are small, membrane-bound sacs, and
contain powerful oxidative enzymes.
Their chief function is to remove toxic substances.
1. memorize the organelles and their functions
2. read page numbers ___ to ___ of text book

Motivation: This is important to build up the excitement amongst students and get them engaged in wanting to learn
more about living things and their components. How our bodies, and that of plants and animals are composed. This will
also encourage students to be imaginative and use visual aids in order to study.
Assessment tools marked with “x” are used in the lesson.
Marking schemes Rubrics
Anecdotal comments Checklists
Rating Scales

Assessment Strategies
Assessment for Learning Assessment as Learning Assessment of Learning
Quizzes Journal Tests
Tests Exit and Entrance Cards Presentations
Presentations KWL Chart Journals
Journals Self/Peer assessment Essays
Essays Logs Models
Models X Projects
Projects Demonstrations X
Demonstrations Conferencing
Conferencing Questioning
Questioning X Independent Study
Independent Study X Art Exhibits
Art Exhibits Researching
Researching X Reading Aloud
Reading Aloud Problem Solving
(process focused)
Problem Solving Debates
(process focused)
Debates Work Sheets
Work Sheets Role Playing
Role Playing Direct Instruction
Direct Instruction X
1. memorize the organelles and their functions
2. read page numbers ___ to ___ of text book
Knowledge Analysis
Clarification of Knowledge
Anticipated problems and
(How to clarify, lecturing or Important points Difficult points
Stage Aim Interaction Time Procedure
(What?) (Why?) (Who) (How?)

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