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Spanish Ranch #1 Information

RESIDENT MANAGERS/OFFICE THURSDAY of each month to go out to lunch at

various area restaurants.
Manager: Teresa Cruz,
Rutherford Investment Co. NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH meets the
Office address: 28400 Granada Circle SECOND TUESDAY at 7:00 p.m. in the clubhouse
Phone: 510-783-5535 BINGO is the FIRST and LAST SATURDAY
Office hours: 9-12 and 1:30-4 Monday-Friday. of each month.
Rent may be dropped in mail slot in office door
(next to laundry room). MISCELLANEOUS
Jeffrey Stoops, Assistant Manager
The Clubhouses are available to residents for
On-call for emergencies Sat.-Sun.-Holidays private affairs. Contact the Office, 510-783-5535
In an emergency, call 510-783-5535. SWIMMING POOL / HOT TUB
Call will be directed to a pager. Pool open May-October. Hot Tub open year round.
The POOL ROOM inside Main Clubhouse is available
ORGANIZATIONS for residents to use. See the office for a key.
The Spanish Ranch #1 Association and the Spanish
are to be submitted to Park Management in
Ranch #1 Ladies Club are automatically comprised
WRITING and must be SIGNED.
of park residents. There are no dues.
For any complaints or suggestions concerning
MEETINGS of the residents Association are the FIRST safety, maintenance, replace/repair, notify the
THURSDAY at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Clubhouse. Executive Board as well. This may be done through
LADIES CLUB meets the SECOND THURSDAY of each the website at,
month at 12 NOON in the Main Clubhouse. RESIDENT SUGGESTION/COMPLAINT FORM ON PAGE 14.
The LUNCH BUNCH meets the THIRD Bus transportation information on page 15.

SR-1 Association & Community Contacts

President: Dawn Plaskon — 214-2199 Bingo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ron Gomez, 782-5183
Vice President: Jeanie Schultz — 784-1997 N.E.R.T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dawn Plaskon, 887-2199
Secretary: Patty Little — 783-1534 N’borhood Watch. . . . . . . . . . . . Kevin Kelly, 784-1008
Treasurer:  Ruth Horton—732-6671
Spectrum Meals . . . . . . . . . . . . Denise West, 264-1428
Dave Abreu, Judy Allen-Rogers, Kathi Calvert, e-mail:
Marvin Daley, Jerry Higgins OR
Deadline for all submissions to the El Toro is the
Spanish Ranch I HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 10th of each month for the following month.
meets the FIRST THURSDAY of the month WEBMASTER
at 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouse Rev. Charles Eldred
unless otherwise announced.
The EXECUTIVE BOARD meets on a date announced EL TORO MAGAZINE
at the general meetings (or call one of the officers)
at 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouse. is published monthly by Mobile Home Park Magazines
and distributed by volunteers around the first of the
month. Dates and times of activities are noted
COMMITTEES on the calendar therein. Special activities will be
Dime Bingo . . . . . . . . . . . Lorraine Schmuck, 783-7294 announced in the regular pages.
Extra copies of the magazine (or replacement
HMOA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fran La Torre, 887-1509 copies if you got missed) are available in the Main
Lunch Bunch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Open Clubhouse after distribution is complete.

at the meeting of the 
Spanish Ranch I Association

and a vote on
revisions to the by-laws The El Toro and the Bylaws of the
Spanish Ranch 1 Association are posted here.
THURSDAY, All the latest! Check it out!
April 7, 2011 Voicemail phone number for the associa-
7:00 p.m. tion is: 510-274-1771 (or 510-274-1sr1).

in the main clubhouse

Please Report Vandalism:
Please — call the police and then the office if you
is asked to attend
see anyone vandalizing property in the Park such
(not just the homeowner). as breaking street lights, signs and back gate
key pad, etc. Please report anything suspicious.
Next meeting: Thank you, Teresa Cruz, SR-1 Manager
THURSDAY, May 5, 2011

If changes to the by-laws are approved,
the May 5 meeting and those on the first
Thursday thereafter will be the board
meeting, to which all residents are invited.
By court order, former resident
If changes to the by-laws are approved, a Mary Dimsdale may not come into Spanish
General Membership will be held annually in Ranch 1 under any circumstances.
April. Information of interest to the residents If any resident sees this person anywhere on the
will be published in the El Toro or disseminated property, they are asked to immediately notify
in flyers as needed. Brief association updates the Hayward Police Department and ask that she
will be provided at any event where be arrested. Your call should reference case no.
residents are gathered. 412208 dated December 6, 2010.

The Flea Market held March 12 was a great LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
success! A steady stream of shoppers browsed the Letters to the Editor are welcome
20 vendors through the day and most reported great on any subject. Send to:
sales. Between table sales and the snack bar pro-
ceeds, the Association netted $385.35 after supplies (You MUST sign your name but we
and advertising. Many thanks to all who helped! won’t use it if you don’t want us to.)

April shower bring May of proper and seemly conduct
Flowers! while using the pool and therapy
With that thought, pool.
We wish all our residents If you require a copy of the
a Happy Spring Time. We
have noticed that many of
pool rules, please feel free to
come by the office and one will
Food Bank
our residents are planting
color in their flower beds,
be provided for you.
Remember, only four (4) guests
trimming their shrubs and
cleaning up their spaces.
per space at anyone time. Guests
must be accompanied by an
for the Alameda
This has not gone unnoticed adult resident at all times while County Food
and is very encouraging. using the pool and therapy pool.
This is subject to the usage of the
Bank Barrels,
pool by residents and the discre- an ongoing community
Please remind your guests that tion of Management.
there is no long term parking service project,
Pool keys are not to given
on the street in the front of your
to guests. Your key is to be in
homes. All guest parking is to
be in your driveways or in Guest the possession of residents at all may be
Parking areas. times. If your key is found in a
non residents possession, it will be dropped off
Resident parking is to be in
your driveway. No resident park-
confiscated and your pool privi-
leges revoked. in the office.
ing is allowed in guest parking,
Guillermo’s Corner (Due to scavenging and theft,
If you notice any resident abus- the barrels are kept in the
ing the guest parking please help Guillermo thanks all the resi- conference room, but staff will
us help you by reporting the vio- dents that have reported graffiti see that all donations are col-
lators to the office. and tagging to the office. lected into them.)
Our streets are pedestrian walk- Guillermo also thanks all the
ways and as such all pedestrians residents that report the dam- PLEASE DONATE!
have the right of way. aged and burned out lights with- Thank you!
Our streets also need to be in the park.
clear for emergency responders. Guillermo continues to attempt
to keep up with the vandalism at
All vehicles parked in the street
are automatically subject to tow- the car wash areas. The hoses are COMPLAINTS/
ing without prior notice or warning
as all our streets are considered
being stolen, cut and otherwise
made unusable to residents. Suggestions or
“RED ZONES”. This includes eve-
nings, weekends and holidays.
These areas continue to be
used as a dumping site during the
day for used oil and the depos- must be submitted to Park
Pool: iting of general refuse. Please Management in WRITING
Our pool is scheduled to open report these activities to the office and must be SIGNED.
the 1st of May this year. as you become aware. Only the person with the prob-
Please review your copy of the Jeff Stoops, Asst Manager lem or concern may file the
pool rules and the expectation complaint. None will be accepted
from third parties on behalf of
someone else. Forms are avail-
Main Clubhouse, Meter Reader able in a bin on the wall next to
Spanish Ranch I utility meters the bulletin board in the main
Small Clubhouse and are read during the middle of clubhouse AND in almost every
the BBQ area each month. The meter reader issue of the El Toro.
in the courtyard is employed by an outside com-
To help your elected SR1 Assn
are available for pany that is responsible only for
monthly meter readings and has leadership help you, please pro-
your events! no responsibility for the amount of vide a copy to the SR-1 Assn.
your utility bills. Fill out the form on the website
Both clubhouses and the BBQ
or leave a copy with Spectrum
area courtyard may be Our meter reader, Ron, is just at the clubhouse T-Th 3:30-5
reserved by residents for private doing his job. You can help him or in the editor’s papertube,
events. Call the office, do that by keeping meters clear 28408 Granada Circle (across
783-5535, for information. of obstructions and by treating from clubhouse laundry room).
him with respect and courtesy.
Ongoing Charity Drives Please help the

instituted at SR1 Hayward Animal Shelter

get ready for the busy spring and summer!
In addition to the ongoing Food Drive for Here’s the wish list:
the Alameda County Food Bank food barrels, Dry & canned dog, cat, puppy & kitten food
residents will be asked to contribute to other (Nutromax and Royal Canin brands)
worthy causes throughout the year. “Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul”
Brand dry or canned kitten food
February-April: Animal shelter.  Spring is (yeah, we never heard of it either, but it’s available at
a busy time for the shelter with an influx of Hayward’s Pet Club and Petfood Express)
puppies and kittens. Gift cards from grocery KMR & Esbilac kitten & puppy formula
or pet supply stores, dry or canned dog and cat Royal Canin “BabyCat34” dry food
food, and various other items are needed by Nutromax “small bites” dog food
the Hayward animal shelter.  See specific list Kitten nursing bottles (new)
in box to the right.
Also: Cat toys: toy mice, pompoms
Coming up May-July: school supplies to
benefit Hayward’s Tools for Schools. Large garbage bags with drawstrings
• Ziplock® bags • storage containers
To make a donation as part of our drive, • elasticized food covers or shower caps
please call 510-274-1771 and leave a mes- (like you pick up in a hotel—to cover food bowls)
sage or email to • Dryer sheets (any brand or fragrance)
request a pickup of your donation.
Donations may also be dropped off at the club-
Donations may also be dropped off at the house on Spectrum days, T or Th, 3:30-5, or at
clubhouse on Spectrum days, T or Th, 3:30-5 the Bingo snack bar on Bingo Saturdays. Alert
or at the Bingo snack bar on Bingo Saturdays. the Spectrum helpers or the snackbar staffers
Just tell the Spectrum helpers or the snack- about what you’ve brought.
bar staffers what it’s for.

Most exterior changes to available in the
Your Home Require a Permit! Clubhouse daily during
Did you know that a permit is required for regular office hours for
most physical changes to your home? residents of Spanish Ranch 1.
The State Department of Housing & Community
Develop­ment (HCD) requires a permit for exterior
changes, such as:
• awning extensions
• room additions
• air conditioner installations
SR-1 Helping Hand
Are weeds, rubbish, or overgrown plants on your
• storage shed construction lot a cause for concern? Is your home in need of
• porches sprucing up with washing or painting?
• decks We’re here to help!
Park managers are required by HCD to sign (particularly the low income,
off on a permit application for exterior items. elderly or disabled)
You might be surprised to learn that Give Marvin a call, and we’ll
see what our team can do to
HCD requires permits for changing your homes’
extend a helping hand. Call
interior as well, but management does not get us, or park management, to
involved in this area. schedule a lot assessment.
The management office has plot plan forms Call 510-274-1771
required for the permit application. (Association voicemail);
Teresa Cruz, park manager or Marvin at 783-0360.

Come to the Main clubhouse on
the Second Thursday, at noon!

Ladies! Bring your lunch and let’s get
together. Dessert provided.
Costs only a dime a game, winner take all!
+ .25 for the bank which gets raffled back to some-
body at the first gathering in January.

Join us for Congrats to Fannie, winner of the 2010 bank!

For more information call
Lorraine Schmuck 783-7294
Dime Bingo 2011 Dessert Schedule:
April: Fannie • May: Vicki • June: Bridgette
First and Last July: Jeanie August: Lorraine • September: Irene
October: Ruth • November: Lorraine
Saturdays of each month, December: Christmas Party

NOON TO 3:00 P.M.

Snack bar open before play and during breaks LUNCH BUNCH SCHEDULE
serving nachos, hot dogs, sodas, snacks.
The Lunch Bunch meets on the third
Ron Gomez, coordinator 782-5183 THURSDAY (unless otherwise announced) of
Volunteer help is appreciated, call Ron for info. each month at 12 noon. All are welcome to
join us as we visit area restaurants.

NOTICE March 17
April 21
Elephant Bar, Hayward
Hometown Buffet, Hayward
Per state law, no one under the age
May 19 Vaslicki’s, Hayward
of 18 is allowed in the clubhouse June 16 Harry’s Hofbrau, San Leandro
during Bingo July 21 Panera, Hayward
Aug 18 Olive Garden, Hayward

Pet Owners! Join us! Meet at the restaurant a few minutes

before noon and look for our group of ladies.
Keep ’em IN! Informal, separate checks, lotsa gab.
Only indoor pets are allowed
in the park.
Mind your butts
Don’t let your CAT out to be digging
If you smoke, please dis-
in your neighbors' landscaping or flow-
ers! Walk your DOG on a
pose of your butts properly.
leash (it’s the law) and Don’t litter by throwing
it’s your responsibility them in the street, and
to pick up your dog’s especially don’t throw them
waste and properly
dispose of it.
in people’s yards.
SR1 Assn Board Meeting 2/24/11
President Dawn Plaskon called that we need to flyer the park New Business
the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. again as there are still tables to Discussed progress toward a
Pledge of allegiance was said. be sold.
Vendor Fair April 16th. Kathi, Pat-
Roll call: Dawn Plaskon, Patty Dawn talked to PG&E and ty and Judy will call vendors and
Little, Kathi Calvert, Marvin reported that they said there is Kathi will print flyers to distribute to
Daley, Jerry Higgins, Ruth Horton. no law on time to read meters.
the 9 mobile home parks
Excused: Jeanie Schultz, Judy Meters can be read anytime.
Allen-Rodgers, Dave Abreu Since residents are complaining Board decided to meet the 1st
Treasurer Ruth Horton reported about the erratic reading of the Thursday of each month after the
a balance of $570.89 with no meters, with intervals ranging from April elections.
expenditures. 24 to 38 days, the consensus was Meeting ended at 8:00 Pm
that we should continue to see
Old Business: what can be done about this. Respectfully submitted,
Talked about flea market and Patty Little, Secretary

Minutes of the SR1 Assn Meeting 3/13/11

VP Jeanie called the meet- again. Jeanie said we will do half enced the exteme jumps in usage
ing to order at 7:00 pm. Pledge page reminder. There are 14 of or cost are asked to go back
of allegiance was said. Present the 20 tables sold. and request that management
were Jeanie Schultz, Patty Little, PG&E bills are still being looked analyze their usage over time to
Kathi Calvert, Marvin Daley, Jerry into. Some residents have very confirm that this increase does
Higgins, Ruth Horton and Judy high bills. A resident attended that not reflect their normal pattern of
Allen- Rodgers. Dawn Plaskon and reported an usually high gas bill consumption. If the usage is deter-
Dave Abreu were excused. despite a very short billing cycle mined to be excessive, manage-
The minutes of the 2/3/11 meet- but several residents have brought ment will take appropriate mea-
ing were approved with one their concerns to the board. sures to replace their meter and
change. The Treasurer amend- have the old one verified.
This matter was brought to the
ed the balance in the bank to attention of the regional manager Nominating committee chair
$801.43. Greg O’Hagan who said an utility Kathi Calvert has received no
usage issues should be referred nominations for new officers yet.
Old Business Elections are in April.
to management. When informed
Flea market flyers to go out that the residents Committe Reports: None
had already
brought the mat- New Business
Are you a new resident? ter to manage-
ment and had
A Home Pro Expo is being
planned for April 16th, 10:00 am
We’d like to been summarily -2:00 pm if we get enough busi-
dismissed, he said
welcome you he’d take the
nesses willing to participate.
Judy will do flyers Kathi will
to our matter up with
copy. Patty, Judy and Kathi will
managers Teresa
community! Cruz and Jeff call vendors.
Our newly reac- Stoops. May will begin the yearly Assn.
tivated WELCOMING Meetings and monthly board
O’Hagan said
meetings. It was decided to move
COMMITTEE has gifts that “during the
the Board meeting into the 1st
and information that can help make your winter months,
Thursday slot people have gotten
introduction to mobile-home living easier and we often have
used to for the regular meeting.
friendlier. requests from resi-
dents to perform Spectum is looking for volun-
And you’ll have some new friends! an analysis of their teers to help when people go on
Our friendly welcomers are anxious to meter usage and, vacation. The phone number on
if need be, will Spectrum monthly menus still lists
hear from you! Call Patty Little, 783-1534 or
send their meter Ruth and needs to be corrected.
Judy Allen-Rodgers, 785-4894.
to weights and Meeting ajorned at 7:55. Next
If you’ve been here awhile and are say- measures to be board meeting March 31st.
ing, “hey! nobody ever welcomed us when checked. “ Respectfully submitted,
we moved in”, give the welcomers a call Residents that Patty Little,
because we all want to meet you too! have experi- Secretary
Help clean up the creek!
On Earth Day, Saturday,
April 23, 2011 • 9-1
gates to creek area.
Gloves, garbage bags, tools provided.
Tuesday, Rain cancels
Rain washed out February’s cleanup and more litter has accumu-
April 12, 2011 lated. A couple of us got most of the graffiti painted out, but couldnt
7:00 p.m. get into the creek bed. Anyone interested in helping out can email
Dawn at, or just show up!
in the
Reported Crime: H Please notify the office
Nothing reported if there is a problem with
Management report: park facilities or lighting.
No report H Call if you need a
—Kevin Kelly tree trimmed or drains are
Meeting Schedule: blocked. STOP
H ALSO, call the office to GRAFFITI
June 14, 2011 report suspicious activity, REWARD
August 2, 2011— solicitors, excess noise, etc.
National Night Out H Report criminal activity

October 9, 2011 the police first, but ALSO to
park management, and
November 13, 2011 Neighborhood Watch!
Sh-h-h. Quiet
please. For information that leads to the
arrest and conviction of graffiti
Please keep in mind that
vandals in Hayward.
in a mobile home, sound car-
ries more so than in a regular Para información que dará lugar
house. Please keep bass on a la detención y a la convicción
stereo as well as volume turned de los delincuentes de graffiti
down, in your house AND car. en Hayward.
Be courteous to your neigh-
bors. Keep your driveway
plates aligned so they don’t
clatter when you drive in, and
don’t run over those in other
driveways. English & Español
We appreciate your efforts More info:
in this area and I’m sure your
neighbors will too. EARTH & RECYCLE! www.hayward-ca-gov
Come and Eat!!
It’s a SNAP!
(Senior Nutrition and Activities Project)

All SR-1 seniors* are eligible and invited to participate in

Senior Dinners
through the Spectrum program
A government-sponsored program for seniors over 55.
Es un programa guvernamental para ancianos mas de 55 años.

Tuesdays & Thursdays in the main SR1 Clubhouse

(except holidays)
Martes y Jueves en el Clubhouse (menos dias feriados)

NOTE! Signups are required. You must call before noon the day before.
Tiener que registrarse antes de doce un dia antes. Llamen a Denise West, 264-1428

Call Denise West, 264-1428

for reservations or information.
Meal served 4 - 4:30 p.m. Come early to chat.
Las comidas estaran servidas a las 4 - 4:30 p.m.
Illegue temprano para socialisar.
$3.25 at door • Non-seniors/Guests $4.75 • 10 Dinner Tickets: $30.00
$3.25 en la puerta. • Los invitados pueden atendes por $4.75.
Donations are always accepted.



to fill in when one of the adults is on vacation, or can’t make it for some
other reason. Denise West and Len Tisdale on Tuesdays, Kraig & Alicia Reed on Thurs-
days have been filling in for each other, but they need some backup!
Students from Moreau High School are providing able assistance with the monitoring, dishing up,
serving and cleanup that is required by the program.
Call Denise to schedule a session to familiarize you with the procedures and then you’ll be able to
donate a few hours here and there “on call.” It’s most rewarding!
Changes to the By-Laws proposed by the By-Laws
Committee were discussed at the February 3, 2011 Residents
meeting and will be voted on at the April 7, 2011 meeting. All
residents are encouraged to attend.
Principal changes include:
• One annual general membership meeting per year (but retain monthly Board
of Directors meetings which are open to all residents).
• Cut the board to between 7 and 10 people, 3-4 officers and 4-6 board.
• Provide accountability and transparency in all matters by publishing all
actions and financial transactions.

Spanish Ranch 1 Association By-Laws

Spanish Ranch 1 Mobile Home Park
Revised: February 2011
Article I Name Article III Membership
The name of this organization shall be SPANISH SECTION 1: All legal residents of Spanish
RANCH 1 ASSOCIATION, INC. a non-profit organiza- Ranch 1 Mobile Home Park are automatically mem-
tion. Hereafter SPANISH RANCH I ASSOCIATION shall bers of the Association, without levy, upon establish-
be referred to as the ASSOCIATION. ment of residence. Legal residents shall be defined
as those residents who are registered with the man-
Article II Purpose and Goal agement of the park and of legal voting age as
SECTION 1: It shall be the purpose of the defined by the State of California.
Association to foster and promote a safe and harmo- SECTION 2: Minors age 14 and under shall
nious living environment for all the residents through be accompanied by a parent or guardian to all
the sponsorship of cultural, education and social adult social events.
activities of general appeal so that all residents feel
welcomed to participate in the Association. It is also Article IV Elected Officers
our goal to promote a friendly environment within SECTION 1: The elected officers of the
our community for all residents while respecting the Association shall be the President, Vice-President,
privacy of all individuals. We will always consider Secretary and Treasurer. The office of President shall
the fact that we are a family park. Our recommen- be filled by one person but any two of the remaining
dations and decisions will reflect the fact that we three offices may be held concurrently by a single
are a family park. Discrimination of any type will individual.
not be tolerated. Lastly, t The Association shall act
SECTION 2: The term of office shall be for
as the political action body whenever it becomes
one year based upon a fiscal year beginning May 1
necessary to defend the rights of all park residents
and ending April 30. The maximum term of service for
granted under the Hayward Mobile home Rent
any office shall be two consecutive terms.
Stabilization Ordinance, the California State Mobile
home Residency Law (California Civil Code Sections SECTION 3: The Duties of the elected
798 through 799.10), all other California state laws Officers shall be as follows:
and codes, United States laws and codes. a. PRESIDENT: The President shall preside at
SECTION 2: The Association will work with the Association meetings, Board of Directors meet-
and listen to the concerns of residents and discuss with ings, and when the Association feels necessary, meet
Management the decisions made at the Executive with Management to represent the residents of the
Board Meetings and the monthly Association meet- park and their concerns to foster and maintain unity
ings to improve living conditions, safety and well- and cooperation within the park. The President will
being of the residents of our Park. If the park residents only vote as a tiebreaker and will make sure that all
along with the elected officers and the Board of Association by-laws are adhered to.
Directors of the Association feel that the manage- b. VICE-PRESIDENT: The Vice-President shall assume
ment staff is not cooperating with our requests made the duties of the president when the President is
concerning the park residents’ amenities and living unavailable. He/She shall assist the President as
conditions, the Association will take all steps neces- requested by the President. The Vice-President shall
sary to resolve those unsolved issues.
be a de facto member of all committees and shall four and no more than 8 six members of the Board
assist all committees as necessary. of Directors in addition to the elected officers of the
c. SECRETARY: The Secretary shall record and Association.
publish the Minutes of the monthly meetings of SECTION 2: Serving as a member of the
both the Association and the monthly meetings Board of Directors will be for a period of one year,
of the Board of Directors in the El Toro. Should nei- from May 1 through April 30. To serve on the Board
ther the President nor the Vice-President be avail- the following year, a Board member must be re-
able, the Secretary shall assume the duties of the elected by the Association. The maximum number of
President of the Association. The Secretary will also terms that can be served by a member of the Board
receive, file and send correspondence as directed of Directors would be four (4) consecutive terms.
by required (with the approval of the Association). SECTION 3: Any member of the Board of
Recommendations and reports from the Board of Directors who does not attend three (3) consecutive
Directors’ monthly meeting will be included in the meetings (Board or Association) without being for-
published minutes discussed at the Association’s mally excused by the presiding officer or who does
monthly meeting for review by the residents. All per- not fulfill the duties of their positions may be removed
tinent new information will be included in Minutes of from their office by a majority vote at the earliest
the monthly Association meeting. Board or Association meeting possible.
d. TREASURER: The Treasurer shall receive, SECTION 4: Duties of the Members of the
deposit and dispense Association funds as directed Board of Directors (other than Officers) shall be as fol-
by the Association members. The Treasurer will keep lows: (1) Chair or assist in appointing a Chairperson
written records of all transactions and will report the for the committees of the Association; (2) Investigate
status of the Association’s funds at the Association’s concerns of residents as directed by the Board of
Board’s monthly meetings. At any meeting which Directors; (3) Facilitate communication between the
the If the treasurer cannot attend, an Association members of the Board of Directors and the park’s
monthly meeting, a Treasurer’s Report will be sup- residents.
plied to the members and read by the President at
the Association’s monthly meeting. The treasurer will Article VI Committees
provide a monthly accounting for publication in the SECTION 1: Committees for the Association
El Toro detailing income and expenses. The treasurer may consist of the following: Social Activities,
shall also prepare an annual budget and present it Welcoming, Youth, Disaster, Grievance, and any oth-
to the Association for approval May Board meet- ers deemed necessary by the Association members.
ing for approval and then for publication in the El The community positions of Spectrum, Neighborhood
Toro by the deadline for the July issue by the June Watch, HMOA Representative and the El Toro Editor
Association meeting. Residents seeking to question are encouraged to work cooperatively with the
or contest Board expenditures should attend and do Association and give regular reports at the meetings.
so at the monthly Board meeting. Should a community position become vacant, the
SECTION 4: If any Officer vacates their Association will assist in finding a replacement.
position, the office will be filled by a person agreed SECTION 2: The Spanish Ranch 1
upon by a majority of the Board Association at Association is not associated with Los Rancheros
the next Association monthly meeting following the Charities (Bingo).
vacating of the office. This position will be for the bal-
ance of the fiscal year. Article VII Voting
SECTION 5: If any officer fails to attend any SECTION 1: Each legal resident shall have
three (3) consecutive meetings (Board or Association) One (1) vote in Association matters.
without being formally excused by the presiding offi- SECTION 2: (a) Voting in the election of
cer or if any officer fails to fulfill the duties of their Officers, Board of Directors, or for any motion at an
office as defined in the by-laws, that officer shall be Association meeting will be by count of hands. A sim-
removed from their office by a majority vote at the ple majority shall suffice. If any resident so requests,
earliest Board or Association meeting possible. voting will be by written ballots.
SECTION 6: A quorum of FIVE SIX Board (b) Voting at the Board of Directors’ meeting will be
members of which TWO must be elected officers, by a show of hands of the current Board members.
shall be required to be present before any Board A simple majority shall suffice. The President can only
business can be transacted. vote in the case of a tie.
SECTION 7: The Board shall present to the SECTION 3: Voting on Amendments to the
general membership for prior approval any expendi- By-Laws of the Association, which have been prop-
ture not in the annual budget in excess of 25% of the erly submitted and noticed as provided in Article
current treasury. over $50.00. IX, shall be by written ballots, 2/3 majority of those
Association members attending shall suffice.
Article V Board of Directors SECTION 4: At the February Board
SECTION 1: The members of the Association meeting, the President shall call for a
Association, at the April Association Meeting, will Volunteer Nominating Committee from the general
elect from nominated members of the Association membership of the Association.
to serve on the Board. There will be a minimum of 6
SECTION 5: At the April Association at the Association general meeting or any Special
meeting, recommendations from the Nominating Meeting called under Section 3 of Article VIII of the
Committee Chairperson shall be received along By-Laws for the Spanish Ranch 1 Association.
with nominations from the floor. Elections for the
Association Officers as well as members of the Board Article IX Amendments
of Directors will take place. The new Officers and SECTION 1: Any member/resident of the
Board of Directors members will assume office on Spanish Ranch 1 Association may submit a written rec-
May 1. ommendation for a change in the By-Laws. This infor-
SECTION 6: Rules of Order. The usual par- mation can be brought to the Association monthly
liamentary rules as laid down in “Roberts Rules of Board meeting for discussion. These amendments will
Order” shall govern all deliberation when not in con- be voted on by written ballots at a specially called
flict with the by-laws of the Association. A copy of the next association meeting following a 30-day writ-
the Association By-Laws will be provided to all new ten notice of the proposed Amendments to the By-
registered park residents. A copy of Roberts Rules of Laws. Publication of the Proposed Amendments to
Order will be available for review at all Association the By-laws will constitute the 30-Day Notice.
monthly meetings.
Questions about these proposed revi-
Article VIII Meetings
sions should be directed to the association
SECTION 1: The Board of Directors shall voicemail line, 510-274-1771, where they
meet monthly prior to the Association meeting. will be directed to an officer or member
Recommendations from this meeting will be shared of the By-Laws Committee.
with all Association members in attendance at the
Association meeting and included in the minutes
published in the El Toro. This meeting will be open to
any resident of Spanish Ranch I and the location of
this meeting will be at the clubhouse. and tThe date
will be posted at the clubhouse and on the website.
in the El Toro as part of the monthly calendar of
SECTION 2: The general membership Information about the Hayward
meeting of the Association shall be held on the first
Thursday of each month April at 7:00 p.m. in the main Mobilehome Owners Association, a
clubhouse for the purposes of electing officers and coalition of residents of Hayward's
a report on the state of the Association. Any perma-
nent change in the Association meeting schedule nine mobilehome parks is available
shall be given in writing and with no less than 30 day
notice. Any association event may include a brief at
update to the membership.
HMOA meets the third Saturday of
SECTION 3: Special meetings of the
Association membership may be called by the January, March, May, September
President or by any THREE (3) members of the
Board of Directors, or any THREE (3) members of the and November at one of the nine
Association. The right to make calls for such a meeting Hayward Mobilehome Parks.
and the right to petition and distribute information for
a special meeting is provided to mobile home park Continental • Hayward Mobile Country
residents in the California Mobile Home Residency
Law. This law allows park residents to assemble when Club • Eden Gardens • Eden Roc
necessary to discuss park living. All residents of the • Georgian Manor • New England
park must be notified that such a special meeting
will take place. Notice of such a special meeting
Village • Pueblo Springs • Spanish
shall be given by the convening parties at least one Ranch I • Spanish Ranch II
week prior to the date of the special meeting. Calls HMOA Representa­tive for Spanish Ranch 1:
for any such meeting by any other than the President Fran La Torre, 510-887-1509
shall be presented to the Secretary in writing, includ-
ing the business to be transacted and the signature HMOA MEETING SCHEDULE:
of those requesting the call. A notice of the special All meetings are at 10 a.m.  
meeting shall be placed in the paper tube of each unless otherwise noted.
residence prior to the special meeting.
SECTION 4: To conduct a General or spe- May 21, 2011—Pueblo Springs
cial Meeting and to vote for certain proposals, a Sept. 17, 2011—Georgian Manor
simple show of hands by the majority of Association Nov. 19, 2011—Hayward Mobile Country Club
members in attendance shall suffice. All proposals for
change will be discussed with Association members
OF Going to the Neighbors?
IS We Can’t See You
w ! in the Dark!
tchut! SloDown
W O 15 MPH Wear something WHITE or
REFLECTIVE even if it’s just to
throw a white sweater over your shoulders
or around your waist. This simple precaution
Cat Owners! could prevent a tragedy.
Keep ’em IN!
Only INDOOR pets
are allowed in the park.
“Newspaper Tubes” 
currently fashioned from large PVC pipe if
Keep your cat in the house and s/he
won’t be out burying piles of poop in
your newspaper doesn’t supply one, are
someone’s yard for them to run into used to notify residents of events via flyers
while they’re trying to plant flowers. and the monthly park magazine.
Be a responsible pet owner! Please call the office if you need a tube
installed at your home. 783-5535
Come Get a Book! Clubhouses available for your events!
Bookshelves in the Main Clubhouse are Both the main clubhouse and the small clubhouse
available for the free exchange of books by may be reserved by residents for private events.
park residents. Stop by and browse Call the office, 783-5535, for information.
any time the clubhouse is open.

Please do not flush:
• baby wipes • disposable diapers
From the Editor • feminine supplies • Depends®
Articles that appear in the El Toro are presented or large amounts of rice, potatoes or GREASE!
as an informational service to the residents. Contents
are the option of the editor but do not necessarily
represent the opinion of the editor, the homeowners
association or management.
Reader response is welcome. Your article must SAFETY FIRST
be in my paper tube at 28408 Granada Circle, or
posted to my e-mail address, no later than the 10th
of the month. All submissions must be signed with
your name/phone number included, as any article The following are not allowed in the hot tub enclosure:
must be verified. Your name will not appear, if you so
request. NO Food • NO Glass • NO Floating Devices
Editor has the right to edit for space or libel. NO Toys (including squirt guns) • NO Pets
Articles considered in bad taste will not be printed.
Submissions must meet the Editorial Guidelines as set Approved swimwear only
forth by Mobile Home Park Magazines.
If you are submitting an item someone e-mailed to Use common sense and care when using the
you, COPY IT and PASTE it into a NEW e-mail window hot tub. Minors should always be accompanied
to send to us: by a parent or adult. Shower before entering the
Thanks, hot tub and get out to use the bathroom.
Jeanie Schultz, editor


Route number 68 (which replaced line 77), a 2-direc- – Route 391).
tional circular route, services both the South Hayward BART Busses now leave the Spanish Ranch Clubhouse at
station, as well as the Union Landing Shopping Center. 10:10, 10:55, 11:40am, 12:25, 1:10, and 1:55pm and arrive at
Weekdays, going to South Hayward BART, board the Southland Mall at 10:35, 11:20am, 12:05, 12:50, 1:35, and
bus across the street at Tampa / Folsom (where the park is) 2:20pm. NOTE – The last trip leaving Spanish Ranch at 1:55pm
hourly from 6:32am until 8:32pm, arriving at BART at 6:46am which arrives at Southland Mall at 2:20pm has no direct
until 8:46pm. Weekends / Holidays, service is from 6:32am return trip back to Spanish Ranch.
until 6:32pm. Return trips leave Southland Mall at 10:42, 11:27am,
Weekdays, returning from South Hayward BART, board 12:12, 12:57 and 1:42pm, arriving back at Spanish Ranch at
the “counter-clockwise”, Tampa directional bus hourly 10:55, 11:40am, 12:25, 1:10, and 1:55pm.
from 6:30am until 8:30pm, arriving Spanish Ranch at 6:42am Route 22: For those who wish to walk to/from Tennyson
until 8:42pm. Weekends and Holidays, service is from 6:00am Ave, on weekdays route 22 will go to the South Hayward
until 6:00pm. BART station every 30 minutes from 6:22am until 11:22pm
Weekdays, going to Union Landing, board the bus at weekdays, and hourly on weekends and holidays from
the corner in front of the 2 houses at Tampa / Folsom hourly 6:22am until 11:22pm. From the South Hayward BART sta-
from 6:37am until 8:37pm, arriving at Union Landing at 6:54am tion going down Tennyson will leave every 30 minutes from
until 8:54pm. On Weekends/ Holidays, service is from 6:37am 6:04am until 11:04pm weekdays, and hourly on weekends
until 6:37pm and holidays from 6:17am until 11:17pm.
Weekdays, returning from Union Landing, Board the Route 22 is a circular route, serving Tennyson, Hesperian
“clockwise”, Tampa directional bus hourly from 6:22am (both Chabot College and Southland Mall), Winton, and
until 8:22PM, arriving Spanish Ranch at 6:39am until 8:39pm. both Hayward and South Hayward BART stations along
Weekends / Holidays, service is from 6:22am until 6:22pm. Mission Blvd. Visit AC Transit’s web site at
Additional frequency (now every 45 minutes, as opposed for more information.
to every 1-2 hours) has been added to the “Tuesday & AC TRANSIT FARES — $2.00 ages 18-64, ages 5-17 and
Friday” shopper’s shuttle (Spanish Ranch to Southland 65+ are $1.00. Transfer good for 1.5 hours is an add’l 25¢.
APRIL 2011

MAR 27 MAR 28 MAR 29 MAR 30 MAR 31 1 2


Coming up: DINNER DINNER 12-3
Home Pro 4 p.m. 4 p.m.

April 16 BUS BUS
10:10 a.m. to 10:10 a.m. to
1:55 p.m. 1:55 p.m.
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ash Wednesday
4 p.m. 4 p.m.
Association BUS
BUS Meeting
10:10 a.m. to 10:10 a.m. to
7:00 p.m. 1:55 p.m.
1:55 p.m.

10 11 12 13 14 15 16
El Toro Home
4 p.m. 4 p.m.

BUS noon BUS
10:10 a.m. to 10:10 a.m. to
1:55 p.m. 1:55 p.m.

17 18 19 20 21 22 230
Good Friday
4 p.m. 4 p.m.
10:10 a.m. to 10:10 a.m. to
noon 1:55 p.m.
1:55 p.m.

241 25 26 27 28 29 30
4 p.m. 4 p.m. 12-3

10:10 a.m. to
1:55 p.m.


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