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Laws, Regulations, and Standards


Health Insurance Company (HIC) Inc.

Emmylou Bice

CSOL 540 Cyber Security Operations Policy

University of San Diego


Laws, Regulations, and Standards Applicable to HIC, Inc.


Health Insurance Company (HIC), Inc., stores, processes, and transmits customer related

personally identifiable information (PII) or electronic personal health information (ePHI).

Organization handling this type of information are required to adhere to specific data and privacy

laws including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Health

Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH), and the Consumer

Privacy Act (CCPA) when in California. This paper details these acts and the security controls

required for HIC, Inc. to be compliant.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

The HIPAA Act of 1996 is a national security standard to protect an individual’s privacy

with respect to health record transactions (Office for Civil Rights (OCR), 2017). This act applies

to covered entities, including health plans, health care clearinghouses, and or any health care

provider that stores, processes, and transmits health records (OCR, 2017). To address individual

identifiable health information protection measures for use and disclosure, HHS published the

Privacy Rule for physical PHI and the Security Rule for ePHI. Safeguards to comply with the

privacy rule and security rule includes a combination of administrative, technical, and physical

measures. For privacy, controls include shredding PHI documents and securing ePHI in cabinets

with a lock or passcode (OCR, 2013). For security, controls include conducting a risk analysis,

workforce security training, system access controls, auditing, and data encryption (OCR, 2013).

Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act

The HITECH Act, passed in 2009, was developed to “promote and expand the adoption

of health information technology” and enhance or clarify language in the HIPAA Act (HIPAA

Journal, n.d.). HITECH has four subtitles (A-D). The last subtitle, D, covers improving the

privacy and security protections of ePHI (HIPAA Journal, n.d.). Security controls to satisfy the

HITECH Act also include administrative and technical measures of implementing methods to

detect breaches and report violations. HITECT Act redefined the HIPAA Breach Notification

Rule in that in the event of a breach, the organization has to prove that ePHI was not disclosed to

unauthorized individuals (HIPAA Journal, n.d.). Non-compliant organizations can face up to a

$1.5 million fine (HIPAA Journal, n.d.).

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

In California, HIC, Inc. must also comply with the CCPA of 2018. The CCPA allows

consumers to have more control over their PII and PHI that businesses collect (Office of the

Attorney General (OAG), n.d.). Consumers have the right to know, delete, or opt-out of the sale

or sharing of their personal information without the fear of being discriminated against (OAG,

n.d.). To comply with this act, HIC, Inc. must establish a privacy policy and provide consumers

with notices explaining the organization privacy practices. Additionally, HIC, Inc. must protect

the data by implementing Role-Based Access Controls (RBAC), archiving stale PHI/ePHI, and

developing a program to monitor threats and assess the overall security risks (Green, 2020).


As a health insurance company that handles sensitive information relating to client’s

personal identity and health, HIC, Inc. is subject to comply with many government and state

laws, regulations, and standards. This report covers a few of these, including the HIPAA,

HITECH and CCPA Acts. HIC, Inc. must do their due diligence and thoroughly research and

implement security safeguards for all applicable laws, regulations, and standards to avoid

detrimental impacts to the organization and business operations.



Green, A. (2020, June 17). California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Compliance Guide From

HIPAA Journal. (n.d.). What is the HITECH Act? From


Office for Civil Rights (OCR). (2013, July 26). Summary of the HIPAA Privacy Rule. From


Office for Civil Rights (OCR). (2013, July 26). Summary of the HIPAA Security Rule. From


Office for Civil Rights (OCR). (2017, June 16). HIPAA for Professionals. From

Office of the Attorney General (OAG). (n.d.). California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). From

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