The Evolution of Technology Acceptance Model (Tam) and Recent Progress On Technology Acceptance Research in Elt: State of The Art Article

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I Dewa Gede Rat Dwiyana Putra

The vast development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
improves the integration of technology for the academic purpose. This phenomenon then
raises an issue of technology acceptance, which becomes an interesting field of investigation
for many scholars. In this respect, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) has proven to be a
robust, powerful, and parsimonious framework for predicting user acceptance of
technology integration in various fields (Lai, 2017; Rondan-Cataluna et al., 2015). Although
there is a lot of research studies reported the use of TAM and its developed versions in
investigating the technology acceptance in the educational field, there is no publication that
trying to map current studies which focus on educational technology acceptance research
especially in ELT. Based on the needs of providing such information, this article would
present the state of the art of the current research trends on the application of TAM
framework in investigating ICT integration acceptance in ELT. The main part of this article
would describe the evolution of TAM framework, followed by the discussion of recent
research results concerning the technology acceptance, and the future trends of technology
acceptance research in ELT. This state of the art article is expected to inspire other researchers
to conduct further studies on technology acceptance in ELT and also suggest the ELT
practitioners about the current and future trends in technology integration for academic

Keywords: English Language Teaching (ELT), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).

INTRODUCTION studies use the Technology Acceptance

Technology acceptance research Model (TAM) and its developed versions
has long been practiced in various fields, including TAM1, TAM2, TAM3, Unified
such as economy, business, health, and Theory of Acceptance and Use of
also education that had been reported by Technology (UTAUT1) and UTAUT2 as a
various research reviews synthesis research framework to explore the users’
(Rondan-Cataluña et al., 2015; Venkatesh acceptance behavior. TAM itself was
et al., 2016; Lai, 2017). Most of the studies initially introduced by Fred D. Davis in
reported are the result on the investigation 1986 and continuously developed until
of the users’ acceptance of a new system to the introduction of UTAUT2 in 2012.
be implemented in a working However, although there are a lot of
environment and also the factors that research reports on the use of TAM in the
might contribute to the users’ intention to educational field, there are limited
use the system introduced. Most of those number of studies reported which are

Yavana Bhāshā: Journal of English Language Educatio 25

September 2018, Volume 1, Issue 2
done in ELT context. Therefore, this state There are two specific variables that
of the art article sought to fulfill this were developed and validated in
information gap by providing the constructing TAM, namely ‘perceived
evolution of TAM, recent progress of usefulness’ (PU) and ‘perceived ease of use’
TAM application in ELT context and also (PEOU). PU is defined as “the degree to
the research gap in the field of which a person believes that using a
investigation. The implication for ELT particular system would enhance his or
practitioners and other researchers in ELT her job performance.” This definition was
also is provided at the end of this article. generated from the word ‘useful’: “capable
of being used advantageously” (Davis,
THE EVOLUTION OF TAM 1989: 320). Besides, PEOU is defined as
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) “the degree to which a person believes
The main issue that initiated the that using a particularly system would be
development of TAM is the lack of free of effort.” This definition was rooted
measurement scale that can be used to from the word ‘ease’: “freedom from
predict user acceptance of technology e.g. difficulty or great effort” (Davis, 1989:
computer, at that time. Therefore, Davis 320). These two variables were
(1986) proposed Technology Acceptance hypothesized to be the fundamental
Model (TAM) which was adapted from determinants of user acceptance.
the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) by PU and PEOU have three
Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen in 1975. dimensions each. The dimensions of PU
TAM is specifically developed for variable are job effectiveness, productivity
modeling the user acceptance of & time saving and the importance of the
information systems (Davis et al., 1989). system to one’s job. The final proposed
TAM can be used to predict the scale items to assess perceived usefulness
technology usage and expected to be are related to work more quickly, job
beneficial for vendors who would need to performance, increase productivity,
know the users’ requirement and the effectiveness, makes job easier, and useful
information system manager within the (Davis, 1989: 325). Besides, the dimensions
user organization who need to evaluate of PEOU are physical effort, mental effort
the new technology or system design and perception on how easy the system
offered by vendors (Davis, 1989: 320). can be learned. Then final proposed scale
items to assess perceived ease of use are
relate to easy to learn, controllable, clear
and understandable, flexible, easy to
become skillful and easy to use.

Technology Acceptance Model 1

Figure 1. Technology Acceptance Model
TAM1 was introduced by
(TAM) (Davis et al., 1989: 984)
Venkatesh and Davis (1996) in an article
that investigates the antecedent of
perceived ease of use. TAM1 in figure 2

26 Yavana Bhāshā: Journal of English Language Education

September 2018, Volume 1, Issue 2
shows the omission of ‘Attitude’ (A) which adoption decision to be non-mandatory”
mediate the relationship between PU and (Agarwal & Prasad, 1997; Hartwick &
PEOU on ‘Behavior’ (B) in the previous Barki 1994; Moore & Benbasat 1991in
model. The A variable was omitted Venkatesh & Davis, 2000:188), (3) Social
because it does not fully mediate the effect influence is defined as “influence to accept
of PU and PEOU on B (Davis, 1989:335). information from another as evidence
about reality” (Deutsch & Gerard, 1955:
629 in Venkatesh & Davis, 2000:189), and
(4) Images is defined as “the degree to
which use of an innovation is perceived to
enhance one’s . . . status in one’s social
system” (Moore & Benbasat, 1991:195 in
Venkatesh & Davis, 2000:189).
Figure 2. Technology Acceptance Model 1 (TAM1) The operational definitions of the
(Venkatesh & Davis, 1996:453)
variables constructing ‘social influence
processes’ are; (1) Job relevance is defined as
Technology Acceptance Model 2
“an individual’s perception regarding the
degree to which the target system is
Venkatesh & Davis (2000) develop
applicable to his or her job” (Venkatesh &
and tests a theoretical extension of TAM
Davis, 2000:191), (2) Output quality is
which is called TAM 2. TAM 2 explains
defined as “how well does a system could
PU in terms of two external variables,
perform a task and the degree to which
namely ‘social influence processes’ and
those tasks match the job goal”
‘cognitive instrumental processes’ which has
(Venkatesh & Davis, 2000:191), (3) Result
proven to be significantly influenced user
demonstrability is defined as “tangibility of
acceptance (Venkatesh & Davis,
the results of using the innovation”
2000:186). The social influence processes
(Moore & Benbasat, 1991: 203 in
include subjective norms (as in TRA),
Venkatesh & Davis, 2000:192) and (4)
voluntariness, social influence, images, and
PEOU is still consistent with previous
experience, while the cognitive
definition. Figure 3 illustrates the
instrumental process includes job
relationship among variables in TAM2.
relevance, output quality, result
demonstrability, and PEOU.
The operational definitions of the
variables constructing ‘social influence
processes’ are; (1)‘Subjective norms’ is
defined as “person’s perception that most
people who are important to him think he
should or should not perform the
behavior in question” (Fishbein and Ajzen
1975: 302 in Venkatesh & Davis, 2000:187),
(2) Voluntariness is defined as “the extent
to which potential adopters perceive the

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September 2018, Volume 1, Issue 2
construct of ‘control’ are perceptions of
internal control or computer self-efficacy
and perceptions of external control or
facilitating conditions. The construct of
‘intrinsic motivation’ is computer
playfulness. The construct of ‘emotion’ is
computer anxiety. Besides, ‘adjusting
frame’ is defined as “belief that is shaped
based on direct experience with the target
system” which includes ‘perceived
enjoyment’ and ‘objective usability’
Figure 3. Extended Technology Acceptance Model
(TAM 2) (Vankantesh & Davis, 2000:197) (Venkatesh, 2000:346). Figure 4 illustrates
the relationship among the anchoring
Technology Acceptance Model 3 frame, adjusting frame and PEOU. Then,
(TAM3) in TAM3 as illustrated in Figure 5,
Venkatesh and Bala (2008: 280) combine
the whole determinants of PU and PEOU
in a single model which also shows new
tested moderating effects on the
relationship between ‘computer anxiety’
and PEOU, PEOU and PU, PEOU and BI.

Figure 4. The relationship among the anchoring

frame, adjusting frame and PEOU (Vankantesh &
Davis, 2000:197)
After the introduction of TAM2 by
Venkatesh & Davis (2000), in the same
year, Venkatesh also publish an article
concerning the determinants of PEOU
which was actually already introduced in
Venkatesh and Davis (1996). The
determinants of PEOU include two
frames, namely ‘anchoring’ and
‘adjustment’. ‘Anchoring frame’ is defined
as “user’s initial or general belief about
computer and computer usage,” which
including the constructs of ‘control’,
‘intrinsic motivation’, and ‘emotion.’ The Figure 5. Technology Acceptance Model 3 (TAM3)
(Vankantesh & Bala, 2008:280)

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September 2018, Volume 1, Issue 2
Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use Based on the illustration above,
of Technology (UTAUT) the four unified determinants of intention
Unified Theory of Acceptance and and usage are ‘performance expectancy’,
Use of Technology (UTAUT) was ‘effort expectancy’, ‘social influence’, and
formulated by Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, ‘facilitating conditions.’ The root construct
& Davis (2003). UTAUT is the fusion of of ‘performance expectancy’ are perceived
eight prominent models that are used to usefulness, extrinsic motivation, job-fit,
predict the user acceptance behavior. relative advantage and outcome
Those models are; (1) Theory of Reasoned expectation. The root construct of ‘effort
Action (TRA), (2) Technology Acceptance expectancy’ are perceived ease of use,
Model (TAM), (3) Motivational Model complexity, and ease of use. The root
(MM), (4) Theory of Planned Behavior construct of ‘social influence’ are
(TBP), (5) Combined of TAM and TBP (C- subjective norms, social factors, and
TAM-TBP), (6) Model of PC Utilization image. The root construct of ‘facilitating
(MPCU), (7) Innovation Diffusion Theory conditions’ are perceived behavioral
(IDT), and Social Cognitive Theory (SCT). control, facilitating condition, and
Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, & Davis compatibility. While the four main
(2003) conducted several steps in relationship moderators are ‘gender’, ‘age’,
formulating UTAUT, those are; (1) ‘experience’, and ‘voluntariness of use’
reviewing user acceptance literature and (Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, & Davis, 2003).
research and discuss the eight prominent
models, (2) comparing the eight models Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use
and their extensions empirically, (3) of Technology 2 (UTAUT2)
formulating a unified model that UTAUT2 is the extension of
integrated elements across the eight UTAUT in a sense that there are three
models, and then (4) validate the unified additional constructs that are
model. The final validated unified model incorporated into the previous Unified
comprises four main determinants of Theory of Acceptance and Use of
intention and usage behavior and four Technology. Those three additional
moderators of the main relationships constructs are ‘hedonic motivation’, ‘price
(Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, & Davis, value’, and ‘habit’. ‘Hedonic motivation’ is
200:425). Figure 6 shows the relationships defined as “the fun or pleasure derived
among the construct and variables in from using a technology.” ‘Price value’ is
UTAUT. defined as “consumers’ cognitive tradeoff
between the perceived benefits of the
applications and the monetary cost for
using them” (Dodds et al. 1991 in
Venkatesh, Thong, Xu, 2012: 161). ‘Habit’
is defined as “the extent to which people
tend to perform behaviors automatically
Figure 6. Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of because of learning” (Limayem et al. 2007
Technology (UTAUT) in Venkatesh, Thong, Xu, 2012: 161).
(Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, & Davis, 2003:447)

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September 2018, Volume 1, Issue 2
In the development of UTAUT2, If we focused on the specified
the investigation also focused on the role technology acceptance investigated along
of ‘gender’, ‘age’, and ‘experience’ in the evolution of technology acceptance
moderating the relationship performed model, there is a gradual shift from
by ‘hedonic motivation’, ‘price value’, ‘habit’, investigating the user acceptance of
and also facilitating condition toward computer-based technology toward the
‘behavioral intention’ and ‘use behavior’. behavioral usage of mobile-based
There are sevaral statement hypothesized technology. In developing the original
based on these investigated moderating TAM, the technologies investigated are
relationship, those are: (1) the effect of file (text) processing and editing software
facilitating conditions on behavioral and electronic mail system (Davis,
intention will be stronger among older Bagozzi, & Warshaw, 1989; Davis, 1989;
women in early stages of experience with Davis, 1993). TAM1 which is introduced
a technology, (2) the effect of hedonic in 1996 also investigates the college
motivation on behavioral intention will be students’ acceptance of word processing
stronger among younger men in early and spreadsheet software (Venkatesh, &
stages of experience with a technology, (3) Davis, 1996). TAM2 which is introduced
the effect of price value on behavioral in 2000, investigated the employee
intention will be stronger among women, acceptance of proprietary software,
particularly older women, (4) the effect of company or operational business system,
habit on behavioral intention will be costumer account management system,
stronger for older men with high levels of financial system, online-help desk system,
experience with the technology, (5) the multimedia system for property
effect of habit on technology use will be management, company payroll
stronger for older men with high levels of application, etc. (Venkatesh & Davis, 2000;
experience with the technoloy, and (6) the Venkatesh, 2000). TAM3 still deals with
effect of behavioral intention on use will the acceptance of IT systems applied in the
be stronger for consumers with less development of TAM2, it is more directed
experience. Figure 7 illustrates the for business use of technology
relationships among variables in (Venkatesh, Bala, 2008). The fusion of
UTAUT2. eight mainframes of user acceptance
framework to develop UTAUT in 2003
was also gone through a validation based
on an investigation of two computer-
based system software; financial system
and user account system (Venkatesh,
Morris, Davis, & Davis, 2003).
A shift of technology focus could
be seen in the development of UTAUT 2
in 2012. UTAUT2 gives emphasis on the
Figure 7. Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of acceptance and use of mobile internet
Technology 2 (UTAUT2) technology in the customer context. The
(Venkatesh, Thong, Xu, 2012: 160)
mobile internet technology investigated

30 Yavana Bhāshā: Journal of English Language Education

September 2018, Volume 1, Issue 2
was e-government services system, which 2017; Alzaidiyeen, 2017; Ali &
provides such services including filing tax Arshad, 2016). Besides, there are also
returns, booking public facilities, checking studies that investigate the technology
traffic information, appointment booking acceptance in a bigger educational scope,
for various government services, and such as classroom and school
renewal of driving licenses (Venkatesh, management system (Wei,, 2016;
Thong, Xu, 2012). It shows that, in the Zyad, 2016).
previous development, starting from The applications of UTAUT and
TAM until UTAUT, the investigation UTAUT2 framework in predicting user
focus was in computer-based technology, acceptance of mobile technology in
while in the development of UTAUT 2 the general education field raise various
focus is shifted to mobile-based findings which support the premises
technology. Figure 8 illustrates the offered by those frameworks. Chaka &
evolution of technology acceptance Govender (2017) states that ‘performance
framework and focus of technology expectancy’, ‘effort expectancy’, ‘social
investigated in its initial development and influence’, and ‘mobile learning conditions’
testing. are positively correlated and significantly
predict Nigerian college students’
intention towards m-learning. These
findings are also confirmed by Ahmed &
Kabir (2018) who states that that UTAUT2
model constructs are significant
predictors for the acceptance of
smartphone as m-learning tools among
Figure 8. Technology Acceptance Framework
university students in Bangladesh, where
Evolution Based on Types of Technology
Investigated there is an equal acceptance showed by
man and woman users. He also found
RECENT PROGRESS ON that younger age group students (18-20)
TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE are potential users of mobile technology,
RESEARCH IN ELT so it is suggested m-learning would be
The evolution of technology more effective if it is applied to the
acceptance framework influences the students in those ages.
current trend of technology acceptance While there are many reports on
research in various fields, especially the application of UTAUT and UTAUT2
education. Based on the recent in the education field, research that
development of UTAUT2, research on investigated technology acceptance in the
technology acceptance in general field of ELT is relatively rare. A synthesis
education field all around the world are article made by Venkatesh, Thong, Xu
mostly focused on the acceptance of (2016), which present a summary of the
mobile-based learning technology application of UTAUT from 2007 to 2014,
(Ahmed & Kabir, 2018; Lebzar & Jahidi, does not mention any studies conducted
2017; Chaka & Govender, 2017, Alharbi, in ELT context. There are 4 out of 11 total
application of UTAUT model recorded in

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September 2018, Volume 1, Issue 2
the synthesis which is done in educational acceptance in ELT. The collected research
context, but none of them are especially studies are ranging from the publications
done in English Language Teaching of 2014 to 2017. Table 1 below provides
context (Venkatesh, Thong, Xu, 2016: 333). information about the authors, acceptance
Therefore, to fulfill this information gap, I model used, users, technology
have collected several published studies investigated, language skills, research
on the application of either TAM or its location, and research result.
other developed versions including
UTAUT to investigate the technology

Table 1 Summary of TAM & UTAUT Application in ELT Research

Source Users Tech. Skills Location Result
Chung et TAM College Vocabulary Vocabulary Taiwan Learners’ behavioral
al, 2014 Students Learning intention to use mobile
Resources English vocabulary
learning resources was
significantly determined
by ‘compatibility’ of the
Zyad, TAM2 College Online Writing Morocco Almost all the students
2016 Students Moodle across different degree of
Course engagement perceived
Moodle as a useful tool
for sharing, collaboration
and learning.
Hashim UTAUT College Mobile All skills Malaysia ESL students show a
et al., Students Learning positive attitude towards
2016 mobile learning.
Dizon, TAM College Quizlet Vocabulary Japan Quizlet was found to be
2016 Students a useful approach to
studying L2 vocabulary.
Students would like to
continue using it in the
Al- TAM College Online Reading Worldwide Participants held strong
Seghayer, Level Reading beliefs about the
2016 English Text usefulness of online
Instructor reading in improving the
quality of L2 reading
instruction and
developing learners’
reading skills.

32 Yavana Bhāshā: Journal of English Language Education

September 2018, Volume 1, Issue 2
Mussa & TAM Post- Flashcard on Vocabulary Malaysia Using flash-cards on
Izkair, Graduate Mobile mobile phones was a
2017 Students Phone more useful tool in
enhancing learners’
vocabulary acquisition
than using flashcards on

Although there are very limited there is 90% of less than high school
publications could be presented on the graduates are smartphone users (Pew
table, yet the information provided still Research Center, 2018). Less than high
shows the recent progress of technology school graduates are including the
acceptance research in ELT. Most of the smartphone users in high school, lower
studies still used TAM framework to secondary and might also be in primary
explain students’ technology acceptance school or lower. Therefore, the third gap
in ELT, although there are already is: Users’ technology acceptance from different
renewed model including TAM2 and ages and education levels is left unexplored.
TAM3. It means that the findings would The third information provided
be not as comprehensive as what is by Table 1 is the technology in a form of
suggested by the last developed TAM. hardware or software/system/platform
Therefore, based on this issue, the first that is investigated for its acceptance in
gap of technology acceptance research in ELT context. However, the hardware and
ELT is; there are a limited number of studies software listed on the table are only a
on technology acceptance in ELT which small number of technologies which are
applied the recent updated TAM3 framework. developed for the academic purpose.
Besides, it was rarely found a research that There might be hundreds of software and
utilizes UTAUT2 framework in applications especially for mobile devices,
predicting technology acceptance in ELT. which are developed for the educational
So, the second gap is; there are a limited purpose and many of them, are created
number of studies on technology acceptance in especially for English language teaching
ELT which applied the recent updated and learning e.g. Duo Lingo, Hello English,
UTAUT2 framework. 50 Languages, all types of Dictionaries
The second information that we application, etc. This phenomenon
can get from the table above is regarding suggests the fourth gap, that is: there are a
the target user of technology in ELT limited number of studies which investigated
context. The table shows that most of the English language learning mobile application
studies that had been conducted recently acceptance in ELT context.
investigate the technology acceptance of The target language component
college-level users, both students and and skill investigated in technology
lecturers. However, the high school level acceptance research in ELT is only limited
smartphone users are also potential target to vocabulary, reading and writing. ELT
investigation of technology acceptance. researchers need to investigate the
American demographic data shows that acceptance of other technologies which

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September 2018, Volume 1, Issue 2
match the language component and skill devices that support mobile or distance
other than vocabulary, reading and learning, or any other developed
writing. Besides, English language technology that supports the 21st-century
learning technology investigated should learning. Lastly, the technology
also follow the development of the view acceptance research will also consider the
of communicative competence which is aspects of communicative competence in
not limited to language component and ELT which probably would still growing
skill only. There are 6 latest developed and developing.
communicative competencies that should
be taken into account in developing and CONCLUSION
researching ELL technology acceptance, The development of technology
those are; linguistic competence, acceptance research, which is indicated by
formulaic competence, sociocultural the evolution of TAM and UTAUT
competence, interactional competence, frameworks, is expected to offer a robust
discourse competence and strategic and powerful tool in predicting the ELT
competence (Celce-Murcia, 2007:45). This practitioner acceptance of English
raises the fifth gap, that is: user acceptance language learning technology. Present
investigation of a technology which matches all progress in the field of technology
of the communicative competence aspects is acceptance research also suggests that the
still rarely found. English language teaching and learning
Based on the five gaps elaborated practices are moving toward the mobile
based on the recent progress of internet learning environment. However,
technology acceptance research in ELT, there are relatively rare studies that report
there would be four main directions of the use of the latest TAM and UTAUT
future research trend in this particular frameworks in ELT context. Therefore,
field of investigation. First, more ELT more studies are expected to contribute to
researchers will explore the application of the development of both the technology
the latest developed TAM and UTAUT acceptance research in ELT and the ELT
frameworks in ELT. There will also be practices itself. Theoretically, there are still
more studies that investigate other a lot more external variables that could
external variables that might be added to explain the technology acceptance
the established TAM3 or UTAUT2 which behavior in ELT which are left
are able to explain the technology unexplored. Practically, the integration of
acceptance in ELT better. Second, there technology in ELT should be preceded by
will be more studies conducted in various an acceptance research, in order to ensure
demographic backgrounds of technology the users’ intention to use at the following
users, especially different education time.
levels, ages, etc. Third, future research This state of the art article which
will move toward mobile technology provides recent progress in the field of
acceptance in ELT context. The technology acceptance research in ELT
technology investigated would be and its research gaps is expected to inspire
including English language learning both ELT practitioner (lecturer, teachers,
mobile application, newly developed student teachers, students,

34 Yavana Bhāshā: Journal of English Language Education

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