TCW Lesson 1

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What is Globalization?


 Much has changed since time immemorial. Of these

changes, we can say that globalization is a very important
 The internet for example allows us to know what is
happening to the rest of the world.
 Thomas Larsson (2001) saw globalization as “the process
of world shrinkage, of distances getting shorter, things
moving closer. It pertains to the increasing ease with
which somebody on one side of the world can interact, to
mutual benefit with somebody on the other side of the
world” (p 9).
What is Globalization?

 So what is globalization? Many scholars gave and tried to

define it however, the results are different and sometimes
contradicting. Some connotations pertain to progress,
development and integration like Larsson’s. While some
see it as occurring through and with regression,
colonialism, and destabilization.
 Martin Khor regarded globalization as colonialization.
 The reality of globalization makes us see ourselves as part
of what we refer to as the “global age” (Albrow, 1996).
The Task of Defining Globalization

 There are a total of 114 definitions of globalization by the Geneva

Center for Security Policy (GCSP) in 2006.
 The word globalization first appeared in the Webster’s dictionary in
1961 and definitions of this word could be classified as either (1) and
 (1) broad and inclusive definitions
 Ohmae (1992) stated, “…globalization means the onset of the
borderless world…” (p. 14).
 Broad and inclusive definitions include a variety of issues that
deal with overcoming traditional boundaries, however,
implications of globalization is not well defined due to its
The Task of Defining Globalization

 (2) narrow and exclusive

 Robert Cox said that “the characteristics of the globalization trend
include the internationalizing of production, the new international
division of labor, new migratory movements from South to North, the
new competitive environment that accelerates these processes, and
the internationalizing of the state…making states into agencies of the
globalizing world”
 Narrow and exclusive definitions are better justified but can be
limiting because their application adheres only to particular
definitions. No matter how one classifies a definition of globalization,
the concept is complex as the definition deals with either economic,
political and social dimensions.
Why study globalization?

 Globalization is many things to many different people.

 All of us became part and parcel of globalization and vice
 Globalization is changing as human society develops. It
has happened before and is still happening today. We
should expect it to happen in the future.
 Over all the concept of globalization is not easy to define
because in reality globalization has a shifting nature.
Why study globalization?

 The perspective of the person who defines globalization

shapes its definition.
 Arjun Appadurai (1996) said, “globalization is a ‘world
of things’ that have ‘different speeds, axes, points of
origin and termination, and varied relationships to
institutional structures in different regions, nations, or
 In his article, "The Globalization of Nothing,” Ritzer
(2003) said, “attitudes toward globalization depend,
among other things, on whether one gains or loses from
it” (p. 190).
Metaphors of Globalization

 To better understand globalization, we will utilize metaphors.

 Metaphors make use of one term to help us better understand another
 Solidity
 Refers to barriers that prevent or make difficult the movement
of things.
 Barriers that can either be natural or man-made
 Today’s globalization paved way for people, things and
information to harden overtime. Consequently, they have
limited mobility (Ritzer, 2015).
Metaphors of Globalization

 Examples of natural solids are landforms and bodies of water.

Man made includes the Great wall o china and the Berlin Wall
an the imaginary line such as the nine-dash line used by the
People’s Republic of China in their claim of the South China
 These solid barriers still exist, however, solids have the
tendency to melt and are increasingly becoming liquid. Liquid,
as a state of matter takes the shape of its container. Liquids
are not fixed. The movement of the liquid is difficult to stop
(viral videos, internet sensations.).
Metaphors of Globalization

 Liquidity
 Refers to the increasing ease of movement of people, things,
information and places in the contemporary world.
 “Tends to melt whatever stands in its path (specially solids)” (Ritzer,
 Liquids flow. (foods, illegal and legal information, etc).
 Flow
 The movement of people, things, places and information brought by
the growing “porosity” of global limitations (Ritzer, 2015)
 Liquidity and solidity are in constant interaction, however, liquidity is the
one increasing and proliferating today.
Globalization Theories

 Theories on globalization see it as a process that increases

either homogeneity or heterogeneity.
 Homogeneity and heterogeneity both gives us the idea
about the effects of globalization.
 Homogeneity

 Refersto the increasing sameness in the world as

cultural inputs, economic factors and political
orientations of societies expand to create common
practices, same economies and similar forms of
Globalization Theories

 Often linked to cultural imperialism

 Culturalimperialism-a given culture influences
other culture example: Christianity,
Americanization (the import by non-Americans of
products, images, technologies, practices and
behavior that are closely associated with
Globalization Theories

 McDonaldization is the process by which Western

societies are dominated by the principles of fast
food restaurants (Ritzer, 2008).
 Jihadis the alternate of “McWorld” which refers
to the political groups that are engaged in an
“intensification of nationalism and that leads to
greater political heterogeneity throughout the
world” (Ritzer, 2008).
 We are now becoming dominated by small
number of big corporations.
Globalization Theories

 Heterogeneity pertains to the creation of various

cultural practices, new economies, and political
groups because of the interaction of elements from
different societies in the world.
 Heterogeneity that refers to the differences because
of either lasting differences or of the hybrids or
combinations of cultures can be produced through
the different trans planetary processes.
 Culture is associated with cultural hybridization.

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