Coventry University ME3408 - Tutorial11

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Coventry University ME3408/Heat Transfer Tutorial 29th of March 2021

Mr.Stupples, will cover your queries regarding these questions in the surgery hour on 30th of
March, however try to solve them and prepare your answers with CLEAR solution, not messy
scribbles, the better you structure your answer on paper right now, the easier it will be during
may/june exam period.
Good luck,

An internally cooled copper conductor of 5 cm outer diameter and 2 cm inner diameter carries a current
density of 500 amp/cm2 . The internal coolant temperature is 20°C with a convection coefficient of 220
W/m2 K and the external surface is insulated.
1) Determine the equation for the steady-state temperature distribution through the copper.
2) Find the maximum temperature for the copper, the radius at which it occurs.
3) If the current is stopped, use the lumped capacity method to estimate the time for the copper to cool to
a temperature of 30o C.
4) Explain if the lumped capacity method is a valid approach used in part
3). Assume the following for copper: density ρ = 8950 kg/m3 , specific heat capacity cp = 380 J/kg K,
electrical resistivity ρ* = 2x10-8 Ω m, thermal conductivity k = 400 W/m K.

A long horizontal steel pipe with a 5.0-cm ID and 3.2-mm wall thickness passes through a large room
maintained at 20°C and atmospheric pressure; 0.6 kg/s of hot water enters one end of the pipe at 82°C. If
the pipe is 25 m long, calculate the exit water temperature, considering both free convection and radiation
heat loss from the outside of the pipe. Revise the calculations for non-circular pipes, the pipe has an
annular cross section for the water flow; the insulated inner surface has a diameter of 2.0 cm. All other
conditions are kept the same. Thermal-physical properties of the pipe are ρ = 7800 kg/m3 , cp = 440
J/kg⋅K, k = 58 W/m⋅K, α = 18 x 10-6 m2 /s, ε = 0.8, σ = 5.67 x 10-8 W/m2 ⋅K4
Note that you need to make assumptions for any incomplete information.

1) Determine the view factors of the enclosure. The enclosure consists of 3 surfaces, so there are 9 view
A circular ice rink 25 m in diameter is enclosed by a hemispherical dome 35 m in diameter. If the ice and
dome surfaces have emissivities of 0.5 and 0.8 and are at 0 and 15 C, respectively, what is the net rate of
radiative transfer from the dome to the rink?

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