Physical Education: Part 1: Lesson Plan Overview

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Physical Education

Part 1: Lesson Plan Overview

Class Information
Name: Date: 1/21/20-1/31/20
Unit: Gymnastics

Grade or Developmental Level(s): 2-5

Number of Students: 20 Lesson Number: 1 Lesson Length: 45 minutes
Student Learning Objective(s) NOTE: Should consist of one sentence including ALL 3 parts: Situation, Task, and Criteria
Cognitive: Students will be able to recall the cues for performing the front roll.

Psychomotor: Students will be able to correctly perform the side roll three out of five times.
Affective: Students will encourage each other at least three ways when practicing their skills.

Assessment of Student Learning (indicate where and how you will assess the student learning outcomes)
All Students Any Accommodations or Modifications
Cognitive: Teacher assessed through verbal questioning and answering at the end of the lesson. N/A

Psychomotor: Teacher assessed during the gameplay of the lesson by watching pre-selected N/A
Affective: Teacher assessed by observing students throughout the gameplay of the lesson. N/A

Adaptations (list student with disability by first OR last name only, give diagnosis, list accommodations to be made)
Student Disability (diagnosis) Accommodations or Modifications

iPad, Speaker, 6 gym mats, 1 wedge mat

Physical Education

National Grade Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education
National Outcomes:
Standard 1: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
Standard 2: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
Standard 4: The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
State Standards (SC-PE)
State Standards:
K-1.5 Demonstrate controlled traveling, rolling, and balancing actions with or without equipment.
K-2.2 Identify basic body and space awareness movement concepts (for example, body parts, body shapes, non-locomotor movements such as bend and twist,
personal and general space, high and low levels, directions, and pathways).
K-4.1 Share physical-activity space and equipment willingly with others.
K-4.2 Interact positively with others in physical-activity settings (for example, treating others with respect during physical activity regardless of personal differences,
including gender, skill level, or ethnicity).
K-4.4 Participate appropriately as a member of the class by following directions and classroom rules and using safe physical-activity practices.

2-1.5 Combine balance, weight transfer, and rolling movements into a sequence with a clear beginning and ending (for example, stork-stand balance, to a forward roll,
to a donkey kick, to a knee scale balance finish).
2-2.1 Identify the critical elements/learning cues of fundamental locomotor and manipulative skills (for example, bend knees when landing, steps with opposition
when throwing, reach and give when catching).
2-4.3 Treat others with respect during physical activities.
2-4.4 Play and cooperate with others during physical activities regardless of personal differences such as gender, skill level, race, or ethnicity (for example,
demonstrate a willingness to share equipment with everyone in the group as opposed to a select few).
2-4.5 Apply rules, procedures, and safe practices during physical education class with few or no reminders.

5-1.5 Demonstrate extension and control by supporting body weight on the hands (for example, cartwheels, handstands). 5-1.6 Apply movement concepts to
sequenced gymnastics actions with smooth transitions both alone and with others (for example, perform a routine that includes balance-roll-balance with a change in

Physical Education

5-2.3 Recognize movement concepts that have an effect on the quality of complex movement performance (for example, the absorption and production of force, the
transfer of weight, the relationship between practice and improvement of performance, the importance of warm-up and cool-down).
5-4.4 Participate in the establishment of rules, procedures, and standards of etiquette that are safe and effective for specific activity situations.
5-4.5 Take responsibility for his or her own actions without blaming others.
5-4.6 Participate willingly in physical activities with others who may be different in gender, race, ethnicity, and/or skill level.

Part 2: Lesson Plan Outline


Skills Reviewed/Introduced:
Learning Cues:

Front Roll/Back Roll

Side Roll/Running Side Roll
Pencil Roll
Squat, hands on mat, tuck head, kick over. Palms up, sit in chair, rock over.
On hands and knees, tuck arm, roll through.
Triangle with hands and head, up on toes, knee to elbow, extend legs up.
Hand, Hand, Foot, Foot. Hand, Hand, Feet. Keep arms locked out.
Lay flat, hands stay above head, point toes.
Part 3: Instructional Schedule
Instruction/Practice Activities with Procedures and Organization NOTE: Be sure to indicate where TRANSITIONS will take place.

Physical Education

Teaching Cues/Prompts


3 min.
National Standards: 4

State Standards:

 Do not shout out any answers. Raise your hand and wait until I call on you to answer.
 How many people should be on a mat at a time?
 If you are waiting for your turn, where should you be waiting?
 Should you be doing a skill that I did not tell you to do?
 Students will be sitting in their exercise lines with their eyes on the teacher.
 Students will raise their hand and wait to be called on before answering any of the questions.
 If a student is not in line, answers without raising his/her hand or has not been called on and shouts out an answer, a verbal warning is issued by the teacher. The
second offense results in a child sitting out.
 Raise hand and wait to be called on.
 N/A


5 min.

Physical Education

National Standards: 2

State Standards:
 Our goal is to loosen up our muscles so that we can maximize our flexibility.
 “Attention” “Right Face” “Double Arm” “Attention”
 Right/Left Arm Across, Right/left Arm Back, Legs Spread (Middle, Right, Left)
 Students will be sitting in their exercise lines waiting for “attention” to be called, which tells them to stand up and get ready. Students will spread out once “double
arm” has been called. After the second “attention” is called out, the teacher may begin the exercises.
 After exercises have been completed, students will sit back down and wait for further instructions.
 If any student gets out of line or is not following the rules, a warning is issued. Second offense is a sit out.
 Attention, Double Arm.
 N/A

Focus: (Skill Review/Development)

34 min
National Standards:
1, 2, 4

State Standards:
K-1.5, 2.2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.4

2-1.5, 2.1, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5

5-1.5, 2.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6

 Today will have 5 mats set up. Each mat represents one group.
 At your mat, you will be practicing and learning new gymnastic skills.
 If you do not feel comfortable performing any of the skills, remember that you can always go back to the pencil roll or the side roll.

Physical Education

 Students will sit on the two black lines shown by the teacher. The teacher will review the running side roll and allow the students to practice.
 Students will go to their assigned mats and practice the running side roll.
 Once students have correctly performed the running side roll, the teacher will bring the students back to the two black lines and introduce the next skill (front roll).
 Students will be given ample amount of time to work on their forward rolls. The teacher will pull groups to practice on the wedge mat.
 If students master the front roll, then the teacher will introduce the backward roll.
 Front Roll: Squat and hands on the mat, tuck head, kick over
 Back Roll: Palms up, sit in chair, rock over.
 Side Roll/running Side Roll: Hands and knees on mat, tuck arm, roll through.
 If students are uncomfortable with the progression of the skills, they can continue working on their previous ones.


3 min.
National Standards: 4

State Standards:

 I saw lots of improvement in every one of you today. You all have gotten so much better since our first day.
 By raising your hand, who can tell me one skill that they learned today?
 What has been your favorite skill so far?
 The teacher will stop the music and blow the whistle to have the students sit down and listen.
 Students will then line up to get water and then line up on the wall to hear the closure of the lesson.
 Same as Introduction.
 N/A

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