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History of Art

1. Identify when the following arts emerged:

A. Classical Period

B. Medieval Period

C. Renaissance Period

D. Baroque Period

2. Research the significance of each period and some examples of art.

 Cathedral---- B-check
 Samson and Delilah by Peter Paul Robins--- Dcheck
 Zeus---- A-check
 Stained Glass Window Art---- C—wrong B
 Colonade of the Piazza St. Peter’s Rome by Gian Lorenzo Bernini--- A---wrong D
 Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel by MichelAngelo--- C—check
 Venus of Willendorf---D---A wrong
 Madonna and Child--- C---wrong--B
 Supper at Emmaus by MICHELANGELO MERISI--- D--check
 Statue of Habacuc by Donatello--- C--check
 Argonaut Vase Painting--- A---check
 The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci--- C---checkk

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