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Social inequality is very rampant

and visible due to various reasons

despite some positive signs toward What do we mean by social
reducing inequality in some inequality? How does it affect
dimensions, such as reducing us?
relative income inequality in our
country and preferential trade status
How can we conceive of and talk about social
benefiting lower-income countries,
inequality in ways that are general enough to apply
inequality still persists. Add to that
across the range of relevant phenomena, consistent
the COVID-19 which has deepened
enough to minimize conceptual ambiguities, and
existing inequalities, hitting the
precise enough to be analytically effective?
poorest and most vulnerable
Inequality is ubiquitous. Social inequality occurs
communities the hardest.
when people are unequal in every conceivable way
in endless circumstances, both immediate and
enduring, by both objective criteria and subjective
experience that have the effect of limiting or Social
harming a group's social status, social class, and
social circle.

What we can do to
prevent/reduce social
Social inequality is impossible to be
eradicated but here are the ways we can do
to reduce it.
🔹Closing the gap by treating everyone
impartially regardless their personal status
🔹Initiate pro- poor policies
🔹Revision of legislative framework that
forster inequality
🔹Promote action against inequality
🔹Stop Other Labor Abuses
🔹Reduction of poverty
🔹Empower and to have a better quality of
education for everyone to educate
🔹increase social services such as the
following: •increase food stamps for poor
Types of social inequalities:
•raise the minimum wage
•increase social security for people in the
🔹Political inequality 🔹Income and wealth inequality
poor, working, and middle classes
🔹Inequality of opportunity 🔹Inequality of membership
🔹Make ourselves to be a catalyst of change.
🔹Treatment and responsibility
What causes social inequality?
🔹Environmental degradation 🔹High rate of unemployment 🔹Political instability 🔹 Gender Some other types:
🔹Unequal distribution of wealth 🔹Wealth and Educational status🔹Size and type of family 🔹Disability or ill -health 🔹Gender inequality

🔹Being a member of minority ethnic or immigrant /undocumented migrants 🔹Racial and ethnic inequality
🔹Living in a remote or very disadvantage community 🔹Lack of explicit policy initiatives 🔹Age inequality

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