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A non-physical asset is referred to as an intangible asset.

Intangible assets include

goodwill, market awareness, and intellectual property such as patents, trademarks, and
copyrights. A corporation such as ABS CBN wouldn't be nearly as successful if it not for the
money made through brand recognition. Although brand recognition is not a physical asset that
can be seen or touched, it can have a meaningful impact on generating sales.
Intangible Assets of ABS CBN Corporation includes goodwill, program rights, music
rights, movie in-process and filmed entertainment, story and publication, video rights and record
master, trademarks, licenses, customer relationships, cable channels, production and distribution
business – Midle East, business process reengineering, digital platforms and IP block.
Goodwill is an intangible asset correlated with the acquisition of a business by another.
Goodwill is defined as the portion of the purchase price that is greater than the amount of the net
fair value of all assets acquired and liabilities assumed in the transaction. The total value or
amount of goodwill of ABS CBN Corporation on the year 2018 is ₱ 5, 328, 818, on the other
hand, on the year 2019 the total amount of goodwill of ABS CBN Corporation is ₱ 4, 742, 164.
It decreases by ₱ 586, 654. When a corporation agrees to pay more than book value for an asset,
the asset's value drops. This is known as goodwill impairment. So ABS CBN Corporation’s
goodwill decreases they pay more than book value, and then the value of the asset’s drops. Based
on the statement on their goodwill it seems that CTI and ABS-C and sapientis are derecognized
due to lapse of the franchise of the
Program Rights of ABS CBN Corporation on the year 2018 is ₱ 3, 633, 989, however, on
the year 2019 the total program rights of ABS CBN Corporation is ₱ 3, 286, 772. It decreases by
₱ 347, 217. The total value of music rights of ABS CBN Corporation is ₱ 806, but in the 2019 ₱
0 is the total value of music rights. It decreases by ₱ 806.
The total value of movie in-process and filmed entertainment of ABS CBN Corporation
on the year 2018 is ₱ 944, 422, on the other hand, on the year 2019 the total value of movie in-
process and filmed entertainment of ABS CBN Corporation is ₱ 924, 999. It decreases by ₱ 19,
423. The total value of story and publication, video rights and record master of ABS CBN
Corporation on the year 2018 is ₱ 17,281, on the other hand, on the year 2019 the total value of
story and publication, video rights and record master of ABS CBN Corporation is ₱ 116, 835. It
increases by ₱ 99, 554.
A trademark is an intangible asset that prohibits anyone from using a company's name,
logo, or other branding elements without permission. It is a pattern, emblem, or logo associated
with a specific product or company. The total value of trademarks of ABS CBN Corporation on
the year 2018 and 2019 is just the same which is amounted to ₱ 1,111,784.
ABS CBN Corporation apply for a franchise license/permit to the government that
permits the them to use public property in performing its services. The total value of licenses on
the year 2018 is ₱ 990, 237, while ₱ 0 on the year 2019. Well, its because of the government
decision on no reneweing their franchise.
The total value of customer relationships of ABS CBN Corporation on the year 2018 is ₱
619, 475, on the other hand, on the year 2019 the total value of customer relationships of ABS
CBN Corporation is ₱ 563, 636. It decreases by ₱ 55, 839. The total value cable channels of ABS
CBN Corporation on the year 2018 is ₱ 459, 968, on the other hand, on the year 2019 the total
value of cable channels of ABS CBN Corporation is ₱ 367, 974. It decreases by ₱ 91, 994.
The total value of production and distribution business – Midle East of ABS CBN
Corporation on the year 2018 is ₱ 50, 702, on the other hand, on the year 2019 the total value of
production and distribution business – Midle East of ABS CBN Corporation is ₱ 47, 743. It
decreases by ₱ 2, 959. The total value of business process reengineering of ABS CBN
Corporation on the year 2018 is ₱ 101, 384, on the other hand, on the year 2019 the total value of
business process reengineering of ABS CBN Corporation is ₱ 183, 833. It increases by 82, 449.
The total value of digital platforms and IP block of ABS CBN Corporation on the year 2018 is ₱
51, 500, on the other hand, on the year 2019 the total value of digital platforms and IP block of
ABS CBN Corporation is ₱ 38, 957. It decreases by ₱ 12, 543.
The total intangible assets of ABS CBN Corporation on the year 2018 is ₱ 13, 310, 366
and on the year 2019 the total intangible assets of ABS CBN Corporation is amounted to ₱ 11,
384, 697. It decreases by ₱ 1,925,669. Because of the non renewal of their franchise and the
pandemic it is expected to decrease. As intangible assets lose value, they will eventually stop
being useful.

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