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Assignment # 1: Chapter 1 - Review Questions

Fullname: Jay lloyd F. Martinez

Course, Year, and Section: BSIT, Second year, 2103

Please define the following key terms based on your learning from the chapter. Provide
your answer on the space given for each term. Note that the definitions that you will provide
here must be on the student’s point of view. AVOID copying and pasting your answers as this
document will be verified under a plagiarism check method. Make it sure to answer the terms
truthfully and with honesty. Thank you.


Key Term Definition (Provide your Answer here)

1. Data The Data is plentiful and easily available.

Comprehensive Data on economic growth have been published.

2. Information The communication or reception of knowledge or intelligence.

3. Metadata Data that provides information about other data.

4. Data A data warehouse is a large collection of business data used to help

Warehouse an organization make decisions.

5. Data Data Applications are a big part of where our data driven world is
Application headed. They’re how data science gets operationalized.

6. Constraint A constraint is usually associated with a table and is create constraint

or create assertion statement.

7. Database A usually large collection of data organized especially for rapid and
retrieval as by a computer an online Database.

8. Entity Entity is a thing, person, place, unit, other or any items about which
the data should be captured and stored in the form of properties.

9. Database Refers to the technology solution used to optimize and manage the
Management storage and retrieval of data from databases.

10. Enterprise Planning is the integrated management of main business processes,

Resource often in real time and mediated by software and technology.

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