Motivation (Semantic Mapping) : Marketing

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This subject is designed to teach the basic principles of marketing to diverse
audience/students. To provide you the foundations of marketing whether you intend to work in field
of the marketing or not. The reason for this is that marketing, by its nature, should ideally be
understood and practice by everyone in an enterprise, regardless of their expertise, field of discipline
or occupation.

Marketing is part of all of our lives and touches us in some way every day. To be successful
each company that deals with customers on a daily basis must not only be customer-driven, but
customer-obsessed. In this module, we will begin with the basics of marketing. We will define
marketing and understand its set of core principles most of which are summarized by the 4 Ps and
the Traditional and Contemporary Approaches to marketing.

Likewise, in this module we will also discuss some studies that highlight the importance of
customer retention, customer retention has been found to be even more critical to your company's
success than customer acquisition. Along with the concept of relationship marketing, major functions
performed by the marketing are also presented today and we will be discussing the following topics:

 History of Relationship Marketing

 Components of Relationship Marketing
 How to create Relationship Marketing Strategy
 Benefits of Relationship Marketing

II. Objectives
At the end of this module, the learners are expected to:
A. Determine the principles and approaches of marketing;
B. Develop a marketing plan utilizing the marketing mix; and
C. Create a program for customer service.
D. Recognize the value of the customers through analyzing the given situation.

III. Preliminaries
 Motivation (Semantic Mapping)


List down 5 words that you think best describe the marketing.
Write your answer on your answer sheet at the last page of your module.

 Pre-Test
DIRECTION: Read each sentences carefully. Analyze what is being describe in the
statement. Choose your answer from the box.
REMINDER: write your answer on the answer sheet provided at the last page of your

Price Product Contemporary Marketing

Promotion Traditional Marketing Place
Marketing Marketing mix Relationship Marketing
Customer service

1. It is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating,

delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers.
2. It refers to any item that intends to satisfy the needs and wants of a target customer.
3. The factors that can be controlled by a company to influence consumers to purchase
its products.
4. It refers to providing customers access to the product.
5. It is the way of marketers disseminate relevant product information to their target
6. This offer greater support for their client bases with a product range that varies
depending on what the target market desires.
7. A type of approach that include print media, billboard and TV advertising; flyer and
poster campaigns and radio broadcast advertising.
8. Determining ____________ will be a critical factor in revenue for the brand as it will
impact profit, supply, demand, and how much marketers should spend on a promotion
or marketing strategy.
9. It is essential and must form an integral part of both marketing and sales.
10. It focuses on customer loyalty and long-term customer engagement rather than
shorter-term goals like customer acquisition and individual sales.

IV. Content
Introduction to Marketing
There are many definitions of the term “Marketing”. The most common definition of the term
are ones used in business today:

 Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and
delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the
organization and its stakeholders (Marketing Power, 2013).

 Marketing is not only restricted to selling and advertising it also identifies the customer’s needs.

 Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering,
and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large
(American Marketing Association).

From the above-mentioned definition of marketing, a key takeaway we can infer is that,
there is give- and- take relationship that lies at the heart of marketing.
Just like when:
 Marketers seek to provide valuable products and services to customers, in return, they
also benefit from it in the form of revenues.
 A politician offers promises and hope to potential voters, in exchange for their votes.
 Facebook offers its service to its millions of users for free, in return for the users
allowing paid ads to occasionally show up in their feeds.

To learn more about marketing we should know what we call “4 Ps” also known as the
marketing mix. Marketers use the marketing mix to determine the proper strategy for a product

Marketing Mix
Marketing mix are the factors that can be controlled by a company to influence
consumers to purchase its products.

 Product
- A product refers to any item that intends to satisfy the needs and wants of a target customer. It
can be a tangible good, such a clothing item or piece of software, or intangible, like a service or
 Price
- Pricing strategy is an art and a science, it involves both market data and careful calculations, as
well as skillfully balancing between pricing that is too high or too low, and understanding how
skewing either way might damage the brand. Determining this will be a critical factor in revenue
for the brand as it will impact profit, supply, demand, and how much marketers should spend on
a promotion or marketing strategy. This, in and of itself, is why this ‘P’ is one of the most
important. If a product is priced too high or too low, the product – and brand – could fail.
 Place
- The internet age has introduced new challenges when it comes to reaching your customers.
Place refers to providing customers access to the product, and it also calls into play convenience
for the customer. Marketing, through digital means or otherwise, is about putting the right
product, in the right place, at the right price, at the right time, in front of the customer.
 Promotion
- How to make an audience aware of the product? Within the framework of the four Ps, promotion
refers primarily to marketing communications. These communications use channels such as
public relations, advertising, direct marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, or sales
promotions; think of it as any way marketers disseminate relevant product information to their
target customers.

Marketing Approach
 Traditional marketing
It is an umbrella term that covers the wide array of advertising channels we see daily. These
may include print media, billboard and TV advertising; flyer and poster campaigns and radio
broadcast advertising.

 Contemporary marketing
Refers to the importance of customer orientation versus the traditional market orientation. They
are strategies that, when implemented, offer greater support for their client bases with a product
range that varies depending on what the target market desires. A practical example would be
attracting customers through social media content relevant to their needs or writing article blog posts
that have useful information.

DIRECTION: Analyze and answer the following correctly. Check (✓) if the statement is correct and (x)
if the statement is incorrect. Identify and encircle the word or phrase that makes it incorrect.
REMINDER: Write your answer on the answer sheet provided at the last page of your module.

1. The aim of marketing is to satisfy the needs of producers.

2. The 4p’s stands for product, place, promotion, performance.
3. In promoting the product, the producer is concerned about how much the product cost.
4. Marketing mix are the factors that can be controlled by the producer.
5. In determining the price of the product, the producer must consider the supply and demand as a
critical factor.
6. product refers to any item that intends to satisfy the needs and wants of a target customer.
7. Marketing is not only restricted to selling and advertising it also identifies the customer’s needs.
8. Advertising is personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services.
9. These may include print media, billboard and TV advertising; flyer and poster campaigns and radio
broadcast advertising.
10. It is created to serve the customer and solve their problems.

 Assuming that you are a businessman/ businesswoman, you want to introduce your product or
services to the market. Create your own marketing plan by answering the questions in each table,
utilizing the marketing mix (4P’s).
 Do it on a long sheet of bond paper. Attach it to your answer sheet.
 In this activity you will be graded based on the
 Idea and feasibility of your product /services 20 pts.
 Completeness of the data: 10 pts.
 with the total of 30pts.

 Product  Price

1. What is the product, and what would you 1. What’s your initial price in mind?
call it? 2. Do you think the product that you made is
2. What does it look like? Be as specific as valuable enough to be priced with
possible. what you have in mind?
3. How do you think your customers would 3. Does the product you made suit your target
appreciate this product? demographic, and do you think they’d
4. How would it make their lives better, and be able to pay for it, without any hassle
how would they benefit from it? whatsoever?

 Place  Promotion

1. Where exactly would you sell those 1. What are your plans when it comes to
products, and how are you planning to promoting your products?
put up your space? (Or your website, 2. Do you have any online channels/accounts
if you’re selling online) where you could easily spread the word
2. Describe the place and be as specific as out about your business?
possible. Would it be a store, a stall, or an
aisle in the grocery, or the like? Or, if
you’re planning to sell online, would you
make your own website or other

Relationship Marketing
What is Relationship Marketing?
 Relationship marketing is a facet of customer relationship management (CRM) that focuses on
customer loyalty and long-term customer engagement rather than shorter-term goals like
customer acquisition and individual sales.
 The goal of relationship marketing (or customer relationship marketing) is to create strong,
even emotional, customer connections to a brand that can lead to ongoing business, free word-
of-mouth promotion and information from customers that can generate leads.
 Relationship marketing stands in contrast to the more traditional transactional marketing
approach, which focuses on increasing the number of individual sales. In the transactional
model, the return on customer acquisition cost may be insufficient.

It does not focus on
marketing focuses on
short-term wins or sales
cultivating deeper, more
transactions, rather, it is
meaningful relationships
5|Page focused on delighting an
with customers to ensure
audience and your
long-term satisfaction
customers for the long run.
and brand loyalty.
History of Relationship Marketing
Relationship Marketing was first mentioned in the 1980s by the American marketing professor
Leonard L. Berry and the American marketing guru Barbara Bund Jackson. According to Berry,
Relationship Marketing is a marketing activity that generates, retains, and promotes effective customer
relationships for companies. Jackson subsequently expanded on this idea. She stressed that
Relationship Marketing is about attracting, establishing, and maintaining a close relationship with
(mainly) business customers. Today, Relationship Marketing applies to both the business (business to
business) and consumer market (consumer to consumer).
The American business magazine Forbes summarized Relationship Marketing as follows:
“Relationship Marketing is a strategy designed to promote customer loyalty, interaction, and long-term
relationships. It is about building a strong bond with customers by providing them with information that
matches their needs and interests.”

Components of Relationship Marketing

There are a number of components that form the basis of Relationship Marketing, including
customer service, content marketing, social media, and email marketing. To use these components
effectively, it is recommended that companies work with so-called ‘buyer personas’. These are
predefined customer profiles that closely resemble the actual target group. This provides advanced
insight into customer needs.

Customer Service
Customer service is essential and must form an integral part of both marketing and sales.
Relationship Marketing emphasizes a continuous investment in service departments, created to serve
the customer and solve their problems. Relationship Marketing mainly revolves around improving
internal business operations. Customers are unlikely to return when they are frustrated about
customer service. If a company streamlines its internal activities and meets all customer service
needs, this will result in a long-term relationship.
 Content Marketing
Content refers to all information about product specifications, offers, advertisements, and so
on. This information must be of interest to the target group and provide further help in the customer
journey. This means companies occasionally also give away free solutions through their website or
newsletter. In the long term, these will create the desired customer relationship. Content marketing is
all about companies giving something away for free before they actually try to sell a product or service.
This powerful mechanism ensures visitors will eventually become customers.
 Social Media
Social media are considered effective tools when it comes to Relationship Marketing. The
intention is to provide valuable content to (potential) customers. By communicating with them directly,
companies gain insight into their lifestyles. Platforms such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter
continuously change their algorithms and thereby determine what followers will see on their timeline.
Companies have no control over this.
 Email Marketing
The main advantage of email marketing is that it gives companies a lot of control. It is
therefore a powerful tool for addressing target groups. However, it is important that the correct
information is communicated, at the right time, and to the right person. Just like with social media, the

message must contain valuable information. Only then will customers remain interested in receiving,
for example, their digital newsletters.

How to Create a Relationship Marketing Strategy.

To truly develop the relationship, you need to bond with your customers, create
friendships and feelings that no price change, marketing campaign or discount can compete with.
Relationship Marketing allows you to get inside the customer’s mind (and heart) via 3 ways:
1. an emotional connection,
2. a purpose-driven connection; and
3. leveraging the brand community.
Let’s take a closer look into each area.
1. Create an emotional connection with your customers
How to create a more emotional connection in your marketing campaigns? You need to build
trust, show personality, inspire confidence and deliver a great customer experience.

 Build trust. Trust is an important part of every relationship, so make sure you deliver on your promise
at every stage of the customer journey. Have you won awards for your product? Do your customers
give 5-star reviews of your product? If so, display them on your website. Don’t just tell customers you
are trustworthy, show them you are.

 Show personality. It’s time to knock the barrier between you and your customers down and let them
in to see who you, the people behind your company, are. You can do that by posting photos of your
employees on social media or share stories of how you’re supporting the local community in your
email marketing. Bring your audience along and invite them to share their stories or photos. Including
them in the conversation is a great way to build a deeper connection.

 Inspire confidence. If two people sign up to your free trial offering, are they getting the same brand
experience? They should. How about the communication strategy – does that differ depending on
where a customer is based? It shouldn’t. Whether it’s in your advertising campaigns, sales
presentations or on the website – maintaining a consistent brand throughout your company inspires
confidence with customers.

2. Establish a meaningful reason for being in business

Providing value, whether in the form of content, software features or customer service, will
always help strengthen the relationship you have with your customers.

3. Leverage your community

When you have deep connections with your customers, and your brand is purpose-driven,
communities will naturally form. A brand community, at its core, is a vital group of customers who
support and promote your brand whenever they can.

Benefits of Relationship Marketing

 Higher customer lifetime value (CLV). Relationship marketing creates loyal customers, which leads
to repeat purchases and a higher CLV. In addition, loyal customers are likely to become brand
advocates or ambassadors, recommending products and services to friends, family and business

 Reduction in marketing and advertising spend. Spending on marketing and advertising to acquire
new customers can be expensive. Relationship marketing causes customers to do the marketing for a
brand, in what’s called buzz marketing. Customers tell others about a brand’s products and services,
which can drive sales. Brands with exceptional relationship marketing programs spend little to no
money on marketing or advertising.

 Stronger organizational alignment around the customer. Organizations that emphasize

relationship marketing have a stronger organizational alignment around an exceptional customer
experience. The teams work together to create satisfied and happy customers over the long term.

You are the Marketing Manager of a well-known company, but since we are in the middle of
CoVid -19 pandemic, sales are going down. You have this idea that want to retain your customer to
lessen the cost of advertisements of finding potential ones.

What are the activities or programs you can facilitate utilizing relationship marketing to help the
company normalize the sales, profit and income?

REMINDER: Write your answer on the answer sheet provided at the last page of your module.

V. Integration
A. Interdisciplinary Focus
Marketing delivers value to both consumers and firms. At the broader level, this process
creates jobs and improves the quality of life in a society. Marketing can be costly, so firms need to hire
good people to manage their marketing activities. Being responsible for both making money for your
company and delivering satisfaction to your customers makes marketing a great career.
Promoting goods and services and targeting consumers most likely to become buyers. Higher
sales for a business that employs successful marketing strategies translate into expansion, job
creation, higher tax revenue for governments and, eventually, overall economic growth.
In addition, the marketing industry itself creates jobs and wealth as businesses seek new and
innovative ways to promote themselves and their products.

English (Communication)
Communication bridges the gap between individuals and groups through flow of proper and
correct information and understanding between them.
Communicating properly with your customers will improve customer interactions to foster brand
loyalty at the core of marketing activities and efforts.

B. Values Integration
Marketing is not out to fool customers and to cheat them of their money or to sell them
something that they do not want. Which always happens now a day, a good set of examples is
through online shopping,
Have you tried ordering or purchasing a product online?
Does the picture they showed you, looks exactly the same with the one they sent you?
At some point did you asked yourself, is this worth the money I paid for?
That kind of seller or producer who scam/scammed their customer is not a market-oriented type
of person or company. They will not build a good relationship to their customers. In fact, building

customer relationship is very important in marketing, because this in one way to retain your

Likewise, building trust and loyalty is a must in any kind of relationship. Trust and loyalty are
essential ingredients of family, friends and couples because these two words bind everyone

What will happen if you broke one’s trust or you are not loyal?

A broken trust for not being loyal is like a broken glass that is very difficult to fix. It can leave a
scar to someone’s heart and sometimes leads to a broken relationship.

Same with the business to customers relation, you have to build trust and loyalty. How?

Through making your product worth their money. It’s not just the product that the customers are
into, some customers want to feel the service/s of the company.

VI. Reflection and Generalization

 Reflection
“Marketing is not out to fool others.”

 What does the statement imply? Defend your answer briefly.

REMINDER: Write your answer on the answer sheet provided at the last page of your

 Generalization
1. According to Kotler and Keller: “Marketing is about meeting the needs profitably”.
Why? Because you go into business so that you get to satisfy the needs of your consumer, in return,
you also satisfy your organizations own needs, in the form of revenue or profit.
2. Knowing the basic principles and approaches of marketing can make a huge difference to your
strategy as a future businessman/woman. Why? Because having the knowledge about it, will simply
help you to plan better and make the right the right decisions.
3. Also, Successful companies understand that the key to growth lies with long-term customers. To
achieve this, we have to start thinking more about the way you make your customers feel. As it’s their
feelings that create a strong bond with you.
4. Relationship Marketing is a strategy designed to foster customer loyalty, interaction and long-term
engagement. It is designed to develop strong connections with customers by providing them with
information directly suited to their needs and interests and by promoting open communication."

Ilano, A. (2016) Principles of Marketing, Manila: Philippines Rex Book Store, Inc.

Williamson, W. 2020. “Traditional vs. Contemporary Marketing” Retrieved from:
“Types of Marketing” Retrieved from:

“Principles of Marketing”. Bloghubspot. Retrieved from:

“Principles of Marketing”. Neverbounce. Retrieved from:

“Principles of Marketing”.Searchcustomerexperience. Retrieved from:

 Always use black ball pen.
 Pass and get your module on time.

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.” – Beverly Sills

Prepared by:
Maricris Melendres- Astoveza, LPT
SHS- Teacher

10 | P a g e
Brgy. Pingit, Baler, Aurora
S.Y. 2021–2022
1ST semester


NAME OF LEARNER: ____________________________________ DATE SUBMITTED:

STRAND, GRADE, SECTION: _______________________________ SCORE:



11 | P a g e


- Submit your module’s answer sheet on time.
- Keep your answer sheet clean.
- Always use black ball pen.

I'm rooting for you always!

Good luck!

12 | P a g e

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