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trends Operational de¢nitions of uncertainty



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Vrije Universiteit Brussel


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394 trends in analytical chemistry, vol. 20, no. 8, 2001

Operational de¢nitions of uncertainty
Edelgard Hund, D. Luc Massart, Johanna Smeyers-Verbeke*
ChemoAC, Farmaceutisch Instituut, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Laarbeeklaan 103, B-1090 Brussels, Belgium

Very different approaches for the estimation of the the mean value is included in the expanded uncer-
uncertainty related to measurement results are tainty is about 95%.
found in the literature and in published guidelines. The problem for analytical chemists is how to
This article analyses and compares them. It is clear determine uncertainty in their speci¢c situations
that `uncertainty' is not, and should not be, the and, unfortunately, there is much confusion and
same in all situations. As a consequence, opera- uncertainty ( uncertainties about uncertainty!)
tional de¢nitions of uncertainty are proposed about how to proceed. Very different approaches
that take into account the differences in the ways are found in the literature and in published guide-
in which truth, uncertainty and error are con- lines. There are different reasons for this. The ¢rst
ceived. z2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights lies in the way errors are treated. It is clear that
reserved. uncertainty is related to measurement errors, but
literature reports and guidelines differ in the sour-
Keywords: Measurement uncertainty; Measurement error; ces of error that they take into account or to which
Traceability; Bias they attribute uncertainty. In particular, the treat-
ment of systematic error is a point of discordance.
Errors refer to a divergence from the truth, and a
1. Uncertainties about uncertainty second reason for the confusion in the literature lies
in what is considered to be the truth: is one looking
Analytical chemists accept that a measurement for the absolute truth or for a relative truth? In the
cannot be interpreted properly without knowledge former case, the reference is the true value, W, while
of its uncertainty. EURACHEM [ 1 ] de¢nes uncer- in the latter case the reference is a consensus value,
tainty as ``a parameter associated with the result of e.g., one agreed upon for the purpose of compara-
a measurement, that characterizes the dispersion of tive measurements. A third and very important rea-
the values that could reasonably be attributed to the son is related to the way error is determined in
measurand''. This de¢nition follows the original practice. Analytical chemists are used to determin-
de¢nition of the Guide to the Expression of Uncer- ing error by what they call `method validation', and
tainty in Measurement ( also known as the GUM ) would like to use this for determining uncertainty.
[ 2,3 ]. Metrologists have a different approach, which they
The uncertainty of the result of a set of measure- apply to physical methods and would like to see
ments, e.g., a concentration, x, can be expressed in applied also in analytical chemistry.
the form of a standard deviation, the so-called In this article, we try to analyse and compare the
standard uncertainty, abbreviated as u( x ). The different approaches. We conclude that uncertainty
expanded uncertainty U( x ) de¢nes an interval is not, and should not be, the same to all practi-
around the result of a measurement, x þ U( x ), tioners and that de¢nitions are therefore required
with U( x ) = ku( x ). The constant k is called the cov- that take into account the differences in the ways
erage factor, and for k = 2, the expanded uncer- truth, uncertainty and error are conceived.
tainty is roughly equivalent to half the length of a We only consider here the uncertainty of the
95% con¢dence interval. Thus, the probability that measurement process. In several situations, the
uncertainty related to, for example, sampling,
homogeneity or stability of the samples also plays
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +32 (2) 477 4737;
Fax: +32 (2) 477 4735. an important role, and should be taken into consid-
E-mail: eration.

0165-9936/01/$ ^ see front matter ß 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 5 - 9 9 3 6 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 8 9 - 9

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trends in analytical chemistry, vol. 20, no. 8, 2001 395

2. Measurement errors tion of the systematic error is itself the result of

measurements and is therefore subject to a degree
When an analytical chemist measures the con- of uncertainty. This uncertainty should then be
centration of a substance, the result should be con- taken into account in an uncertainty statement.
sidered an estimate of the true value. The error is When it is concluded that there is no bias, this in
then the difference between a stated result and the fact means in most practical cases that the bias is
true value. There is a single error value for each smaller than a certain limit, below which it may exist
result and part of it, the systematic error, can be but cannot be detected. This, too, is a source of
corrected for. In contrast, the uncertainty derived uncertainty and should be included in an exhaus-
from the errors is a range and no part of the uncer- tive uncertainty statement.
tainty can be corrected for [ 4 ]. For the uncertainties we can write:
The measurement result obtained deviates from Uncertainty = uncertainty associated with the
the true value because of the existence of a number method bias + uncertainty associated with the labo-
of systematic and random errors. The following can ratory bias + uncertainty owing to the run effect +
be distinguished [ 5,6 ]: repeatability uncertainty.
Translated into variances this becomes for a
õ The method bias, a systematic error owing to the single measurement:
method used. q
õ The laboratory bias, which according to one's 2
u x ˆ umeth:bias ‡ c2lab ‡ c2run ‡ c2r …1†
point of view is a systematic error (for an
individual laboratory) or a random error (when Making use of the standard error of the mean
the laboratory is viewed as a part of a population [ 5,11 ], the standard uncertainty for the mean of
of laboratories, as is the case in an inter- qUpUn measurements performed as n replicates
laboratory study). In the latter case it is a ( repeatability conditions ) in each of p runs in each
component of the reproducibility of the method of q laboratories can be then calculated as:
used. q
õ The run error, which is a random error owing to, 2
u x ˆ umeth:bias ‡ c2lab =q ‡ c2run =qp ‡ c2r =qpn
among other factors, time effects, and is included
in the intermediate precision estimate. …2†
õ The repeatability error, which is a random error
occurring between replicate determinations per- 2.1. Traceability and method bias
formed within one run.
One of the most dif¢cult problems in chemical
This list is sometimes called the `ladder of errors' measurement is to determine method bias. It is use-
[ 6 ], because there is a hierarchy involved: the ful to consider two types of method bias, namely
method as such; the method as it is applied by a absolute or constant method bias, and relative or
certain laboratory; the method as it is applied by a proportional method bias. There is a constant
certain laboratory on a certain day; and, ¢nally, the bias if a method leads to measurement results
error within that day for an individual determina- that deviate by a constant value from the corre-
tion. sponding true value. The observation of 110, 210
A measurement result can therefore be de- and 310 instead of 100, 200, 300 would be an
composed as follows: Measurement result = true example of a constant method bias. Often, prob-
value + method bias + laboratory bias + run error + lems with an inappropriate blank correction
repeatability error. result in a constant bias. If the difference between
Each of these steps on the ladder adds its own the measurement result obtained with a certain
uncertainty. This is usually well understood for the method and the corresponding true value is pro-
random errors but less for the method bias. One portional to the concentration of the analyte, a pro-
guideline [ 7 ], for example, states that if systematic portional method bias occurs. With a proportional
error occurs this should be corrected for, and from bias, 110, 220 and 330 might, for example, be
then on assumes that this has been done and the observed in the example mentioned above. A pro-
error does not need to be taken into account in portional bias is often caused by a matrix interfer-
establishing the uncertainty. However, the estima- ence.

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396 trends in analytical chemistry, vol. 20, no. 8, 2001

Method bias refers explicitly or implicitly to a 3. Error budgets for determining the
reference or a standard that is considered to repre- uncertainty
sent the truth. In the metrological vocabulary it is
said that the result obtained can then be traced to a In the error budget method which, in analytical
stated reference. `Traceability' is de¢ned as ``the chemistry, seems to be used more in Europe than
property of the result of a measurement or the elsewhere, the variance is estimated of each varia-
value of a standard, whereby it can be related to ble that contributes to the total variance. This is also
stated references, usually national or international referred to as the `bottom-up' approach. A simple
standards, through an unbroken chain of compar- example for an acid^base titration is given in the
isons all having stated uncertainties'' [ 2 ]. The sec- new version of the EURACHEM guideline [ 1 ]. The
ond edition of the EURACHEM guideline [ 1 ] men- example treats the standardisation of a NaOH sol-
tions four types of reference, which are important ution against the titrimetric standard potassium
for chemical measurements. One of them requires hydrogen phthalate ( KHP ). The concentration of
the use of so-called primary methods. The CCQM NaOH is obtained from the following formula,
[ 8 ] has identi¢ed isotope dilution with mass spec- with mKHP the mass of KHP, PKHP the purity of
trometry ( IDMS ), coulometry, gravimetry and KHP, FKHP the formula weight of KHP and VT the
titrimetry as methods that have the potential to be volume of NaOH used for the titration of KHP:
primary methods. Such methods are in principle
traceable to SI units, but it is not evident that this cNaOH ˆ …4†
is also the case when these methods are applied FKHP WVT
under the conditions of routine laboratories. For
most other methods the main possibilities are: Eq. 4 describes a multiplicative relationship.
While the variance of a sum or a difference is the
õ using the method to make measurements on an sum of the variances of its components, the relative
appropriate certified reference material (CRM). variance of a product or division is the sum of the
The method is then traceable to that CRM; relative variances of its components. Eq. 4 is of the
õ making measurements using defined proce- type:
dures. In this case the method is traceable to aWb
the reference method; x ˆk …5†
õ using the analytical procedure to make measure-
ments on a known quantity of pure analyte. In where k is a numerical constant. The relative var-
practice, this usually means that recovery studies iance
or standard addition methods are carried out.  
c…x † 2
Thus, there are always at least two components in x
the uncertainty associated with the method bias.
The ¢rst is the uncertainty of the reference ( which is given by:
we will call here u…traceability† ), the second is the   "     
uncertainty associated with the estimated bias: c…x † 2 c…a† 2 c…b† 2 c…c† 2
ˆ ‡ ‡ ‡
q x a b c
umeth:bias ˆ utraceability 2
‡ uest:bias …3†
2 #
The ultimate reference in the chemical analytical c…d†
world is the value of the mole. A practical example d
would be the use of a pure standard substance as
the reference. The uncertainty in that reference is or
due to the uncertainty of the purity of that standard  2 "    
substance. Very often, the use of such a reference is 2 aWb c…a† 2 c…b† 2
…c…x †† ˆ k W ‡ ‡
not practical and one uses as reference the concen- cWd a b
tration of a certain substance as determined by a
given method in a given material. There is then an 2  #
uncertainty owing to that determination. c…c† c…d † 2
‡ …7†
c d

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trends in analytical chemistry, vol. 20, no. 8, 2001 397

or This equation is equivalent to Eq. 9. In the exam-

 2  2 ple, the uncertainty of the purity of the standard is
b a obtained from the speci¢cations of the provider;
…c…x ††2 ˆ k c…a† ‡ k c…b† ‡
cWd cWd the other uncertainty sources were evaluated sep-
arately. For the uncertainty of the weight, both the
 2  2 full and the emptied container have to be consid-
aWb aWb
k 2 c…c† ‡ k c…d† …8† ered. The uncertainty of each of the weights is
c Wd cWd 2
derived from a balance repeatability and a contri-
bution from the uncertainty of the balance's linear-
Notice that the coef¢cient for each variance c( yi ) ity. The other two sources of uncertainty require a
is the partial derivative of x with respect to yi , comprehensive evaluation as well. The corre-
sponding values are given in Table 1. The concen-
; tration of the NaOH solution is determined as
Dyi 0.1021 mol l31 . From Eq. 9 or Eq. 11 and using the
data of Table 1, the corresponding standard uncer-
so that: tainty is computed as 0.0001 mol l31 .
" 2 The error budget method as described in the
2 2 PKHP GUM was developed by metrologists and physi-
…c…cNaOH †† ˆ …1000† W c…mKHP † ‡
FKHP WVT cists. It has indeed proved its value for physical
measurements and is probably suitable for primary
 2  2 analytical methods. However, the example of Eq.
c…b† ‡ 2 WV c…FKHP † ‡ 10 shows that, even for a primary method ( titrim-
FKHP WVT FKHP T etry ), the error budget approach becomes quite
2 # complex. To derive a complete uncertainty esti-
mKHP WPKHP mate requires that all relevant parameters be con-
c…VT † …9† sidered. For another primary method ( IDMS ), Dob-
ney et al. [ 9 ] state that this leads to unwieldy
expressions so that strict application of the uncer-
It is more fashionable to write that the error tainty propagation law seems a daunting project.
budget approach models the uncertainty of a meas- For methods with more uncertainty components,
urement result as a ¢rst-order Taylor series: it is hardly feasible to construct an error budget.
v The error budget approach assumes that no impor-
u n  2
uX Dx n31 X
X n
Dx Dx tant error is overlooked, and in many practical ana-
u…x † ˆ t Wu…yi † ‡ 2 u…yi ; yj † lytical situations this is not evident because, in prac-
Dy i iˆ1 j ˆi‡1 i j
Dy Dy
tice, it is impossible to predict, for example, the
…10† effect of unanticipated matrix interferences. To esti-
mate such sources of error requires systematic
with yi the value considered, and u( yi ) the standard method validation.
uncertainty related to this value. The second sum- For more complex analytical methods, it seems
mand under the square root sign refers to the uncer- preferable to use the information obtained from
tainties related to the covariances. The ¢rst-order method validation. Method validation leads to esti-
model is based on the assumption that the uncer- mates of random and of systematic errors that
tainty of the uncertainty itself is negligible. In the encompass many different sources of uncertainty.
example used by EURACHEM, the covariances are From a practical point of view, it requires much less
not taken into account. This yields the following work, because the analytical chemist has to validate
error budget: methods anyway. From method validation to

v" !2 !2 #
u  2  2
u…cNaOH † ˆ 1000Wt Wu…mKHP † ‡ Wu…PKPH † ‡ Wu…FKHP † ‡ Wu…VT †

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398 trends in analytical chemistry, vol. 20, no. 8, 2001

Table 1
Values and uncertainties in the standardization of an NaOH solution

Description Value xi Standard uncertainty Relative standard uncertainty

u( yi ) u( yi )/ yi

mKHP Weight of KHP 0.3888 g 0.00013 g 0.00033

PKHP Purity of KHP 1.0 0.00029 0.00029
VT Volume of NaOH for KHP titration 18.64 ml 0.013 ml 0.00070
FKHP Formula weight of KHP 204.2212 g mol31 0.0038 g mol31 0.000019
cNaOH Concentration of NaOH solution 0.10214 mol l31 0.0001 mol l31 0.00097

uncertainty estimation is not an enormous step, and a relative way. Even though such an approach
should overcome the mixture of scepticism and might seem a little too optimistic, it is acceptable
awe with which the introduction of uncertainty in practice. The uncertainty to be considered is
measurement and its metrological terminology then the uncertainty associated with measurements
has been greeted. Wood et al. [ 10 ] give a compar- performed with the standard method in the ana-
ison of these two approaches, which was initiated lyst's laboratory. This can be evaluated at an
by the UK Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and acceptable expense.
Food. For a variety of examples, such as the deter-
mination of total nitrogen in meat products using
the Kjeldahl method, or the GFAA analysis of lead in 5. Operational de¢nitions of uncertainty
wine, it was shown that both approaches lead to
comparable results. Many years ago, analytical chemists described
The discussion above does not mean that the random errors using the general term `precision'.
error budget approach has no advantages at all. They have now learned that there are different
The fact that one has to consider all sources of kinds of precision, such as reproducibility, repeat-
uncertainty allows the largest contributions to be ability, and intermediate forms, which should be
identi¢ed. These can then be considered particu- used in certain well-de¢ned situations. While the
larly if the uncertainty has to be reduced. Method terms used indicate immediately what sources of
validation, on the other hand, focuses on the errors variance are included in a precision statement,
of the analytical procedure as such, but has a ten- this is unfortunately not the case for uncertainty
dency to underestimate the importance of other statements. The term `uncertainty' can encompass
sources of errors such as those related to sampling different sources of uncertainty according to the
or some pre-treatment steps. situation considered. It is our opinion that different
names should be given, or different quali¢cations
added, to the term `uncertainty' depending on the
4. Should all sources of uncertainty conditions under which an analyst is operating. In
always be included? what follows, we will consider the following opera-
tional de¢nitions of uncertainty ( see also Table 2 ).
In many practical cases the analyst is not trying to Within-laboratory uncertainty only considers
determine the absolute truth. This is the case, for the intermediate precision and therefore accounts
example, when standard methods are being used. for the repeatability and the run effect.
The method has then been validated by a large Reproducibility uncertainty additionally con-
group of laboratories known to be pro¢cient in siders the reproducibility variance and therefore
that method. In such a situation, the analyst can accounts for the within-laboratory uncertainty and
assume that the method bias is reduced to an the laboratory bias.
acceptably small value. If a laboratory considers Bias-included uncertainty as well as absolute
itself a member of the population of pro¢cient lab- uncertainty additionally consider the uncertainty
oratories, it can also regard the uncertainty related owing to the method bias. They also take into
to the bias as negligible. From a metrological point account the uncertainty owing to the estimated
of view, this means that one regards the problem in method bias and to the traceability. The bias-

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trends in analytical chemistry, vol. 20, no. 8, 2001 399

Table 2
Some operational de¢nitions of uncertainty

Type of uncertainty Precision Uncertainty contributions accounted for Uncertainty for the mean of
estimates n measurements performed under
considered repeatability conditions ux
Within-laboratory Intermediate Repeatability, run effect ( e.g., analyst and time ) s2analyst ‡ s2time ‡ s2r =n
uncertainty precision p
Reproducibility Reproducibility Repeatability, run effect ( e.g., analyst and time ), s2BL ‡ s2r =n
uncertainty lab effect pa
Bias-included Intermediate Repeatability, run effect ( e.g., analyst and time ), u2est:bias ‡ s2run ‡ s2r =n
uncertainty precision bias ( lab and method ) pb
e.g., s2d ‡ s2run ‡ s2r =n
s2obs =m1 ‡ s2run ‡ s2r =n
p d
s2obs =m1 ‡ s2native =m2 ‡ s2run ‡ s2r =n
…est:bias=k†2 ‡ u2est:bias ‡ s2run ‡ s2r =ne
Absolute uncertainty Intermediate Repeatability, run effect ( e.g., analyst and time ), u2CRM ‡ s2x ‡ s2run ‡ s2r =n
precision bias ( lab and method ), traceability to CRM
General expression if the bias is not signi¢cant or a signi¢cant bias is corrected for.
Bias estimated from a comparison with the reference method; the uncertainty in the reference method is considered negligible. If a t-test is
used in the evaluation of the bias, the pooled variance of both methods is used in s2d .
Bias estimated from recovery experiments with a blank.
Bias estimated from recovery experiments; the uncertainty of the spiked concentration is considered negligible. If a t-test is used in the
evaluation of the bias, s2obs and s2native are pooled.
General expression if a signi¢cant bias is not corrected for.
Notations used:
s2r , repeatability variance.
n, number of experiments performed under repeatability conditions.
s2time , variance component between days.
s2analyst , variance component between analysts.
s2BL , variance component between laboratories.
s2run , variance component between runs ( e.g., different days and / or analysts ).
s2d , variance of the difference of the mean results of the two methods.
s2est:bias , uncertainty related to an estimated bias.
s2obs , variance observed for the analyses of a spiked sample.
m1 , number of determinations performed on a spiked sample.
s2native , variance observed for the analyses of a native sample.
m2 , number of determinations performed on the native sample.
s2x , variance of the mean concentration observed for the CRM ( e.g., repeatability or intermediate precision conditions ).
u2CRM , uncertainty related to a certi¢ed reference material, speci¢ed on the certi¢cate.
k, coverage factor.

included uncertainty and the absolute uncertainty measurement is traced in each of those cases,
differ in the level of traceability of the measurement what sources of error are considered, and how
results. uncertainty could be determined.
We do not propose that these terms, as such,
should be generally used, but we do propose that 5.1. Within-laboratory uncertainty
an international body of analytical chemists should
consider the situation and de¢ne generally recog- A guideline prepared by the NMKL [ 7 ] states that
nised operational de¢nitions of uncertainty. We it wants to de-dramatise the subject of measure-
shall now consider the references to which the ment uncertainty ( which describes very well how

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400 trends in analytical chemistry, vol. 20, no. 8, 2001

Table 3 q q

ux ˆ 2 ‡ s 2 =n ˆ
srun 2
sanalyst ‡ stime2 ‡ sr2 =n
Results of the inter-laboratory study r

Laboratory xi1 xi2 xi …12†

1 7.9 12.0 9.95 For the mean of n replicate measurements per-
2 9.1 10.4 9.75 formed by a single analyst on each of p days the
3 9.7 10.2 9.95
4 12.0 9.9 10.95 within-laboratory uncertainty would then be:
5 10.6 12.1 11.35 q
u x ˆ sanalyst ‡ stime2 =p ‡ s 2 =pn …13†
6 10.4 8.0 9.2 r
7 9.4 7.7 8.55
8 10.1 10.5 10.30 The NMKL guideline states that if systematic error
9 12.0 13.0 12.50
10 8.1 7.3 7.70 occurs, this should be corrected for, and from then
11 10.3 11.6 10.95 on, it assumes that this has been done. The bias
12 10.9 12.5 11.70 estimate is not considered to constitute a source
13 15.0 14.0 14.50 of uncertainty. However, as explained earlier,
14 10.7 7.1 8.90 even if the bias is determined to be zero ( since it
is lower than a certain limit ) an uncertainty is
related to this factor. Therefore, the NMKL guide-
many analytical chemists react when confronted line is somewhat misleading because a less expert
with the subject ). It tries to do so by using a simple user might consider that the reference level is
procedure based on the determination of a con¢- higher than it is for this guideline. When no uncer-
dence interval with a precision measure. The pre- tainty related to the bias is included in the un-
cision statement is preferably what is called in the certainty estimate, this should be clear, e.g., from
NMKL guideline the within-laboratory reproduci- the term used in identifying the uncertainty esti-
bility. In ISO terms, this is the intermediate preci- mate.
sion. If this precision estimate is not available, then
it is suggested that repeatability can be used as the 5.2. Reproducibility uncertainty
precision statement, but the guideline warns that, in
that way, the uncertainty is underestimated. The In reference [ 11 ] the authors describe an inter-
reference in this guideline is the mean of the comparison experiment for polyunsaturated fatty
laboratory for that determination. Only the lower acids in oil. Each participating laboratory carried
rungs of the ladder of errors are included, namely out duplicate analyses on the sample. The results
those owing to the repeatability and the run errors. of these determinations after removal of outliers are
Laboratory and method bias are not considered, given in Table 3.
and there is no traceability to SI units or at least to The analysis of variance yields two mean
stated references. In our opinion, this is perfectly squares. By dividing them by the appropriate num-
acceptable as long as the limitations in the level of ber of degrees of freedom one obtains sr2 and
reference and sources of uncertainty are recog- (sr2 ‡ 2sBL
) as estimates of c2r and (c2r ‡ 2c2BL ),
nised. from which cr and cBL can be computed. They
A minor remark which could be made about this are respectively the repeatability variance and the
guideline is that it would have been preferable to between-laboratory variance. The reproducibility
separate the intermediate precision into its compo-
nents, i.e., the repeatability and the between-run
( such as between time+between analysts ) compo- Table 4
nents, by using a designed experiment in the same Results of the analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) for the inter-labo-
way as for the repeatability and between-laboratory ratory study
components in Section 5.2. If this is done, it is pos- Variance estimate Variance Corresponding standard
sible to compute the uncertainty when the analyst deviation
afterwards performs n replicate measurements
under repeatability conditions, and uses the mean Within laboratory c2WL 1.9 1.4
of the replicates as the stated result. The within- Between laboratory c2BL 2.1 1.4
Reproducibility c2R 4.0 2.0
laboratory uncertainty on the mean becomes:

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trends in analytical chemistry, vol. 20, no. 8, 2001 401

variance can then be obtained as the sum of the repeatability from the Horwitz function [ 12 ]. This
two variance estimates: sR2 ˆ sr2 ‡ sBL
. Notice that function was deduced from a consideration of more
2 2 2
sBL ˆ srun ‡ slab . The experimental set-up does than 7500 method performance studies. It relates
not, however, allow one to separately estimate the relative reproducibility standard deviation to
2 2
srun and slab . The variance estimates obtained for the concentration. The corresponding repeatability
the example are summarised in Table 4. standard deviation is considered to be one-half to
The uncertainty of an individual analysis is then: two-thirds of the reproducibility, and sBL is then
q 2
about 0.5^0.75 of sR . Another possibility, when an
u x ˆ sr2 ‡ sBL 2 …14† inter-laboratory experiment cannot be set up, con-
sists in the consideration of data obtained from
If n replicate determinations under repeatability robustness tests. Since robustness tests simulate
conditions have been carried out, then this uncer- the changes that can be expected when transferring
tainty becomes: an analytical method between laboratories ( or
q instruments, or operators ), the variances observed
u x ˆ sr2 =n ‡ sBL 2 …15† for adequately chosen modi¢cations of the method
parameters should give an indication of the repro-
The within- and between-laboratory compo- ducibility variance.
nents are included in the uncertainty estimate. It
should be noted that the repeatability is the one 5.3. Bias-included uncertainty
computed from the inter-laboratory experiment
and not the repeatability obtained in an individual In the previous sections, only random errors
laboratory, which means that individual laborato- ( intermediate precision and reproducibility ) have
ries should use precision estimates of an inter-lab- been considered in the uncertainty statements. Sys-
oratory study for computing uncertainties only tematic error or bias additionally adds uncertainty
when they are suf¢ciently pro¢cient in the particu- to a measurement result.
lar procedure. This implies, of course, that they We will consider here the uncertainty estimation
have access to the results of the inter-laboratory using information from the in-house validation of
study. The sources of uncertainty included in the the analytical method. This implies ( i ) that usually
uncertainty statement are the repeatability var- no estimate of the reproducibility, but only an esti-
iance, the run effect, and the laboratory bias, but mate of the intermediate precision is available and
not the method bias. If the result is de¢ned by a ( ii ) that the bias estimated is the overall bias, which
standard procedure applied, such as would be the is a combination of the laboratory bias and the
case, for example, for the determination of crude method bias. As mentioned earlier inter-laboratory
¢bre, then the highest level of reference is reached, studies are required to separate the method bias
since in this empirical method there is, by de¢ni- from the laboratory bias.
tion, no method bias. If the standard procedure Eq. 2 can then be written as follows:
determines the concentration of a well-de¢ned sub- q
stance, as was the case for the fatty acids, then it is ux ˆ ubias 2 ‡ srun 2 ‡ s 2 =n …16†
possible in principle to try tracing the result back to
a higher reference level. It should therefore be in which ubias combines the uncertainty in the
understood that the reference in the method of method bias with the uncertainty in the laboratory
determining uncertainty described in the example bias.
is the mean value of the result of a large group of
quali¢ed laboratories, using the standard proce- 5.3.1. Method comparison
dure concerned, for a given matrix and level of con- If the bias for a new routine method is evaluated
centration. by a comparison with a reference method, the
A frequently asked question is how to perform an uncertainty associated with the bias ( see Eq. 3 ) is:
inter-laboratory precision study when there are q
fewer than eight laboratories, the number required 2
ubias ˆ uref:meth 2
‡ uest:bias …17†
by ISO for an inter-laboratory precision experi-
ment. It has been suggested [ 6 ] that in that situation Indeed the traceability uncertainty, utraceability ,
one should estimate the reproducibility and the here is the uncertainty in the reference method. If

TRAC 2688 15-8-01

402 trends in analytical chemistry, vol. 20, no. 8, 2001

the latter is a reference method as de¢ned by ISO If the test reveals that the bias of the method
[ 13 ] it has been evaluated in an inter-laboratory under study is not signi¢cant, Eq. 16 therefore
study and therefore the reproducibility variance is becomes:
known. Most often, the reference method will be q
u x ˆ uref:meth ‡ sd2 ‡ srun 2 ‡ s 2 =n …19†
considered to be not biased and the uncertainty in r
the reference method to be negligible. Traceability
to the reference method is achieved by comparing which reduces to:
the results obtained with the routine and reference q
procedure. u x ˆ sd2 ‡ srun 2 ‡ s 2 =n
r …20†
If the bias of the routine method as compared to
the reference method is not signi¢cant, which in if, as mentioned before, the uncertainty in the refer-
fact means that it is smaller than a certain limit, ence method is considered negligible.
this does not mean that there is no uncertainty asso- EURACHEM [ 1 ] recommends the same approach
ciated with the estimated bias. The uncertainty in for the uncertainty statement if the bias is found to
the estimated bias, uest:bias , corresponds to the be signi¢cant and if, as required by ISO, the meas-
uncertainty associated with the measured differ- urement result is corrected for the bias. This
ence between the mean results obtained by using approach is also preferred by IUPAC [ 14 ]. If no
both methods. As speci¢ed by EURACHEM [ 1 ] and correction is applied, the observed bias and its asso-
IUPAC [ 14 ] this corresponds to the standard devia- ciated uncertainty are reported in addition to the
tion term, sd ˆ s…x A 3x B † , that appears in the t-test result [ 1 ]. When a signi¢cant bias is not considered
applied to test whether the difference is statistically relevant, and therefore is not corrected for, the
signi¢cant: approach proposed by IUPAC [ 14 ] for recovery
experiments ( explained in Section 5.3.2 ) could
Mx A 3x B M Mx A 3x B M
tˆ ˆ r …18† also be applied.
sd 1 1 One should note that in the uncertainty
sp ‡
nA nB expressed as in Eq. 20 some terms appear more
than once. Indeed, if in the evaluation of the bias
with the measurements performed with the routine
method are obtained, e.g., under repeatability con-
…nA 31†sA2 ‡ …nB 31†sB2
sp ˆ ditions, sA2 is equal to sr2 . Some documents, such as
nA ‡ nB 32 that by the BCR concerning the application of me-
trology in chemistry and biology [ 16 ], do not then
the pooled standard deviation of both methods, nA additionally include the repeatability uncertainty
and nB , being the number of measurements per- into the uncertainty statement, since it has already
formed with the reference and routine method, been considered in the process of assessing the
respectively. bias. This does not, however, seem to be correct,
x́A and x́B are the mean results obtained in the since the bias is to be considered a source of uncer-
laboratory for the reference and routine method, tainty additional to the random errors.
respectively, and sA2 and sB2 are the variances
observed in the laboratory for the reference and 5.3.2. Recovery
the routine method, respectively. Most often, meas- Another approach to evaluating the bias is by a
urements are performed under repeatability or recovery experiment. The IUPAC report discusses
intermediate precision conditions [ 15 ]. the problems related to recovery estimation and the
This of course implies that sA2 and sB2 are estimates possibilities of corrections [ 14 ]. Barwick and Elli-
of the same c so that they can be pooled. If this is not son [ 17 ] focus on the evaluation of the uncertainties
the case, associated with recovery. Even though recovery is
s usually regarded in a relative way, absolute expres-
sA2 s2 sions are used in the following, since this corre-
sd ˆ ‡ B sponds with the other expressions used. In the
nA nB
recovery experiment, a known amount of analyte
and an appropriate test such as Cochran's test has to is added to the sample matrix. The bias can then be
be used [ 5 ]. estimated as the difference between the concentra-

TRAC 2688 15-8-01

trends in analytical chemistry, vol. 20, no. 8, 2001 403

tion recovered, x́rec , and the known spiked concen- associated with a non-signi¢cant bias should be
tration, cspike : considered in the uncertainty statement. If the
bias is not signi¢cant, or if a signi¢cant bias is cor-
est:bias ˆ x rec 3cspike …21†
rected for, the uncertainty of the mean result of n
replicated measurements is expressed by Eq. 16:
If blank sample material is available, x́rec is the q
u x ˆ ubias2 ‡ srun 2 ‡ s 2 =n
concentration observed for the spiked sample. The r
uncertainty associated with the bias can then be
calculated as: IUPAC [ 14 ] mentions a pragmatic approach for
q the situation when a signi¢cant bias is not consid-
2 =m ‡ u 2
ubias ˆ sobs …22†
spike ered relevant, and therefore is not corrected for. It
consists in adding the absolute value of the uncor-
where sobs represents the variance of the replicate rected bias to the expanded uncertainty, the latter
analyses performed on the spiked sample, and m is being calculated assuming that the bias is zero. This
the number of replicate analyses performed on the approach is also followed by Barwick and Ellison
spiked sample. This means that the uncertainty of [ 17 ], but they include the recovery ( expressed in a
the traceability of Eq. 3 is here the uncertainty of the relative way ) in the standard uncertainty by taking
spiked concentration. However, this uncertainty into account the coverage factor, k, that will be used
will usually be negligible. in the calculation of the expanded uncertainty. With
If no blank material is available the concentration the same approach applied here, Eq. 23, for exam-
recovered is obtained from the measurement of the ple, would become:
sample before and after the addition of the analyte, s 

x́rec = x́obs 3x́native . The bias is estimated according est:bias 2 sobs 2
ubias ˆ ‡ ‡ native …25†
to Eq. 21. In this situation, the uncertainty associ- k m1 m2
ated with the bias contains a contribution from the
repeated measurements of the sample after the However, according to the GUM [ 2 ], corrections
addition of the analyte as well as before the addi- should always be applied. Consequently, the later
tion: IUPAC document [ 6 ] as well as EURACHEM [ 1 ] do
q not recommend this approach.
ubias ˆ sobs 2 =m ‡ s 2 Alternatively, when a signi¢cant bias is not con-
1 native =m2 …23†
sidered relevant and is not corrected for, IUPAC
where sobs again represents the variance of the rep- [ 14 ] proposes that one should increase ubias and
licate analyses performed on the sample after the proceed as if the bias was not signi¢cant. The
addition, and m1 is the number of replicate analyses increased ubias is calculated as Mest.biasM / tcrit with
performed; snative is the variance of the replicate tcrit the tabulated t value used in the signi¢cance
analyses performed before the addition and m2 test. This increased uncertainty, ubias , thus corre-
is the number of replicates. As already mentioned, sponds to the uncertainty that in the signi¢cance
the uncertainty of the spiking is considered negli- test would just lead to the conclusion that the bias
gible. is not signi¢cant. However, according to IUPAC, all
2 2
If sobs and snative are estimates of the same var- these approaches lead to an overstatement of the
iance, they can be pooled. The uncertainty associ- uncertainty. Therefore, as already mentioned ear-
ated with the bias lier, IUPAC [ 6 ] as well as EURACHEM [ 1 ] recom-
  mend that one should always correct for the bias, or
2 2
…m1 31†sobs ‡ …m2 31†snative 1 1 report the observed bias and its uncertainty in addi-
ubias ˆ ‡ tion to the result.
m1 ‡ m2 32 m1 m2
…24† 5.4. Absolute uncertainty

is then again the standard deviation that appears in The way in which bias was assessed in Section
the t-test applied to test whether the spiked concen- 5.3.2 does not always provide full traceability to the
tration has been recovered. SI or to the highest metrological level possible. Pri-
As for the method comparison, the uncertainty mary methods allow for a direct traceability to the SI

TRAC 2688 15-8-01

404 trends in analytical chemistry, vol. 20, no. 8, 2001

[ 16 ]. A direct traceability to the SI is also possible posed [ 16,20,21 ]. The following formula is then
with primary standards [ 18 ]. However, these pri- used as the criterion for acceptance:
mary standards only comprise pure chemicals, q q
and therefore they cannot be used as direct refer- 32 uCRM2 2
‡ c2 9 x 3W 9 2 uCRM ‡ c2 …28†
ence for analyses with complicated matrices. The
reference materials with the highest level in the with c2 being the precision of the measurement
hierarchy that is suitable for matrix analysis are results which correspond to sx2 de¢ned beforehand.
CRMs [ 18 ]. In a method-independent context, Val- The uncertainty in the CRM, uCRM , has to be
caèrcel and Rios [ 19 ] also consider the value of a obtained from the certi¢cate. As pointed out by
CRM as the highest achievable real reference in Jorhem [ 22 ], the uncertainty intervals described in
the metrological hierarchy. The high reliability of the certi¢cates may have different meanings and
these materials stems from the fact that their content are not always easy to understand. Jorhem [ 22 ]
is determined by different laboratories using differ- also shows that the often reported 95% con¢dence
ent methods, so that laboratory and method biases interval calculated on the basis of the mean value
are eliminated to the highest degree possible. If the for each participating laboratory is suitable for the
bias of a certain method is assessed by the analysis characterisation of the CRM but not for the evalua-
of a CRM with a matrix similar to the one under tion of individual laboratory measurements. More
study, the most reliable estimate of the bias is detailed certi¢cation reports including information
obtained. If a precision estimate of the routine on how to use the CRM are required for an accept-
method is available, the uncertainty can be esti- able evaluation of individual results [ 23 ].
mated using Eq. 16. The uncertainty associated For some analytical problems, the highest level of
with the bias again splits up into the uncertainty traceability can also be reached by using a primary
of the estimated bias and the traceability, which method. The EURACHEM guideline [ 1 ] gives a cur-
here is the uncertainty speci¢ed for the CRM by rent de¢nition of a primary method: ``A primary
the certi¢cation organisation: method of measurement is a method having the
q highest metrological qualities, whose operation is
ubias ˆ uCRM 2 2
‡ uest:bias …26† completely described and understood in terms of SI
units and whose results are accepted without refer-
The uncertainty in the estimated bias, uest:bias , ence to a standard of the same quality''.
corresponds to the uncertainty associated with As already mentioned in an earlier section, meth-
the difference between the concentration meas- ods accepted as having these properties are IDMS,
ured for the CRM and the certi¢ed value. This coulometry, gravimetry, and titrimetry [ 8 ]. The
again corresponds to the standard deviation term results of these methods are usually directly trace-
sd = s…x3W† = sx that appears in the t-test often able to the SI and, as a consequence, they should
applied to test whether the difference is statistically provide the smallest uncertainty achievable. How-
signi¢cant: ever, for a large number of analytical problems,
other techniques are used routinely. Nevertheless,
Mx 3WM
tˆ …27† primary methods are used for standardisation pur-
sx poses by National Measurement Institutes. In order
to reduce the uncertainty of the traceability, they
with W being the certi¢ed value, x́ the mean result can be used as reference methods to estimate the
obtained in the laboratory for the CRM and sx2 the bias of a routine method. If primary methods and /
variance of the mean concentration observed for or primary standards are used in the certi¢cation
the CRM. Most often, measurements are performed study for CRMs, the latter are considered secondary
under repeatability or intermediate precision con- standards and have a higher traceability than other
ditions. CRMs [ 18 ].
Notice that in this approach the uncertainty in the
certi¢ed value is considered negligible compared
with the method precision and, therefore, it is not 6. Conclusions
taken into account in the signi¢cance test.
Alternative approaches that take the uncertainty To compute uncertainty statements, it is possible
in the certi¢ed value into account have been pro- and preferable that one should use as much as pos-

TRAC 2688 15-8-01

trends in analytical chemistry, vol. 20, no. 8, 2001 405

sible information obtained from method validation Acknowledgements

and other quality assurance procedures. In this
way, the uncertainty expression becomes a natural This work was supported by the Research con-
extension of the validation of methods, which is, for tract No. NM / 03 / 24 of the Belgian Government
analytical chemists, a much better understood con- (The Prime Ministers Service ^ Federal Of¢ce for
cept than the component-by-component approach Scienti¢c Technical and Cultural Affairs, Standar-
and therefore will be adopted much more easily. disation Program ).
The ¢rst edition of the EURACHEM Guide for
`Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical Measure-
ment' [ 24 ] insisted very much on the component-
by-component approach and, in this way, has References
caused unnecessary confusion. The second edition
[ 1 ] EURACHEM / CITAC Guide, Quantifying Uncertainty in
[ 1 ] follows closely a document prepared by IUPAC, Analytical Measurement, 2nd edition, 2000.
AOAC, FAO and IAEA [ 6 ] and stresses to a much [ 2 ] Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measure-
larger extent that ``Measurement uncertainty must ment, ISO, Geneva, 1995.
be integrated with its existing quality assurance [ 3 ] International Vocabulary of Basic and General Terms in
measurements, with these measures themselves Metrology (VIM ), ISO, Geneva, 2nd edition, 1993.
[ 4 ] S. Ellison, W. Wegscheider, A. Williams, Anal. Chem. 69
providing much of the information required to eval- ( 1997 ) 607A.
uate the measurement uncertainty''. In its draft ver- [ 5 ] D.L. Massart, B.G.M. Vandeginste, L.M.C. Buydens, S.
sion [ 25 ], it goes on to say that ``It attempts to correct de Jong, P.J. Lewi, J. Smeyers-Verbeke, Handbook of
the impression gained within the Analytical Com- Chemometrics and Qualimetrics, Part A, Elsevier,
munity that it is only the so-called component-by- Amsterdam, 1997, pp. 56, 97, 395.
[ 6 ] Report on the FAO, IAEA, AOAC Int., IUPAC, Interna-
component approach that is acceptable...''. The tional Workshop on Principles and Practices of Method
¢nal version refers to the ISO guide 17025 [ 26 ], Validation, 4^6 November 1999, Budapest.
which also allows one the use of approaches for [ 7 ] NMKL, Procedure No. 5, Estimation and Expression of
the uncertainty evaluation other than the compo- Measurement Uncertainty in Chemical Analysis, Nordic
nent-by-component approach. The second edition Committee on Food Analysis, 1997.
[ 8 ] R. Kaarls, T.J. Quinn, The Comiteè Consultatif pour la
of the EURACHEM guide is a very useful document Quantiteè de Matieére: a Brief Review of its Origin and
^ much more so than the ¢rst one. It is, however, Present Activities, Metrologia 34 ( 1997 ) 1, cited in BCR
somewhat unfortunate that the examples cited give Report, EUR 18405 EN, Community Bureau of Refer-
much more room to the component-by-component ence, 1998.
approach than to those based on method validation [ 9 ] A. Dobney, H. Klinkenberg, F. Souren, W. Van Borm,
Anal. Chim. Acta 420 ( 2000 ) 89.
data. [ 10 ] R. Wood, A. Nilsson, H. Wallin, Quality in the Food
We ourselves consider that, when presenting the Analysis Laboratory, Royal Society of Chemistry Mono-
subject, it is better to start with equations in which graphs, Cambridge, 1998.
sums of variances or sums of relative variances are [ 11 ] G.T. Wernimont, Use of Statistics to Develop and Eval-
given, rather than with the error propagation uate Analytical Methods, AOAC, Arlington, VA, 1985, p.
approach of Eq. 9. The latter approach certainly [ 12 ] W. Horwitz, L.R. Kamps, K.W. Boyer, J. Assoc. Off.
has its merits and is useful when going further Anal. Chem. 63 ( 1980 ) 1344.
into the subject, but it is preferable, when talking [ 13 ] International Standard, Accuracy (Trueness and Preci-
to analytical chemists, to start with concepts to sion ) of Measurement Methods and Results, ISO 5725-
which they are used. 6-1994, Geneva, 1994, especially paragraph 8.1.
[ 14 ] Harmonised Guidelines for the Use of Recovery Infor-
Although the documents cited above form a good mation in Analytical Measurement, Technical Report
working basis, they suffer from one defect ^ that the Resulting from the Symposium on Harmonization of
term `uncertainty' is used for many very different Quality Assurance systems for Analytical Laboratories,
situations. It is our opinion that operational de¢ni- IUPAC, ISO, AOAC Int. and EURACHEM, Orlando, FL,
tions of uncertainty are required so that a distinction 4^5 September 1996.
[ 15 ] S. Kuttatharmmakul, D.L. Massart, J. Smeyers-Verbeke,
is made according to the reference to which the Anal. Chim. Acta 391 ( 1999 ) 203.
result is traced and the sources of uncertainty that [ 16 ] BCR Report, EUR 18405 EN, Community Bureau of
are included. Reference, 1998.

TRAC 2688 15-8-01

406 trends in analytical chemistry, vol. 20, no. 8, 2001

[ 17 ] V.J. Barwick, S.L.R. Ellison, Analyst 124 ( 1999 ) 981. [ 25 ] EURACHEM / CITAC Guide, Quantifying Uncertainty in
[ 18 ] R. Walker, I. Lumley, Trends Anal. Chem. 18 ( 1999 ) Analytical Measurement, 2nd editionn, Draft, June
594. 1999.
[ 19 ] M. Valcaèrcel, A. Rios, Trends Anal. Chem. 18 ( 1999 ) 68. [ 26 ] ISO / IEC Standard 17025, General Requirements for
[ 20 ] ISO Guide 35:1989 ( E ), Certi¢cation of Reference the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laborato-
Materials ^ General and Statistical Principles, ISO, Ge- ries, ISO, Geneva, 1999.
neva, 1989.
[ 21 ] R. Walker, The selection and use of reference materials: Edelgard Hund graduated in chemistry from the University of
some examples produced by LGC, in: A. Fajelj, M. Par- Regensburg, Germany, in 1997. She is now preparing a Ph.D. thesis
kany ( Editors ), The Use of Matrix Reference Materials in analytical chemistry at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB ),
in Environmental Analytical Processes, Royal Society of Brussels, Belgium, in the laboratory of analytical chemistry of the
Chemistry, Cambridge, 1999, p. 155. Pharmaceutical Institute. Professor Johanna ( An ) Smeyers-
[ 22 ] L. Jorhem, Fresenius' J. Anal. Chem. 360 ( 1998 ) 370. Verbeke obtained her Ph.D. in chemistry in 1977 at the VUB.
[ 23 ] J. Pauwels, How to use matrix certi¢ed reference mate- She is now responsible for parts of the courses in Analytical
rial, in: A. Fajelj, M. Parkany ( Editors ), The Use of Chemistry in the Pharmaceutical Institute of the VUB. Professor
Matrix Reference Materials in Environmental Analytical Deèsireè Luc Massart is Head of Department of the Laboratory of
Processes, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, Analytical Chemistry of the Pharmaceutical Institute of the VUB.
1999, p. 41. He obtained his Ph.D. in chemistry at the University of Ghent, and
[ 24 ] Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical Measurement; in 1968 moved to the University of Brussels where he is mainly
published on behalf of EURACHEM by the LGC, Lon- interested in chemometrics.
don, 1995.

TRAC 2688 15-8-01

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