Worksheet - Week 1: Complete Name (Last Name, First Name) : Tungala, Tricia Kate B

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Complete Name (Last Name, First Name): Tungala, Tricia Kate B.

Use this worksheet in answering the activities. Include the sources/references (if any). Any form of
plagiarism and academic dishonesty will incur a demerit.

All situational or application problems will be graded according to the following criteria:


1 2 3 4
Shows originality and Specific, relevant and
Some originality may application of the topic shows insight, originality
No originality and
be presented and is identifiable in and depth. Application of
supporting details are
Originality and application of the connection with the the topic is clearly
limited, general, repetitious
Content topic can be module intended developed in connection
and do not support the
understood but may learning outcome. with the module intended
topic of the course.
not be explicit. learning outcome.
Explanation and
analysis attempt to Clear explanation and Clear and concise
Little to no explanation or
Explanation discuss the analysis that discusses explanation and analysis
analysis of the information
and Analysis information but is most of the information that thoroughly discusses
or opinion presented.
unclear or lacks presented the information presented


INTRODUCTORY “The Handy Guide To Quality - CQI - Quality Management”
1. What is quality according to Mandy?
Quality isn’t only about how good Andy’s orange juice tastes. It is a word that applied to every
system, process, and practice that delivers a product or service to a customer. Quality means
delivering efficient systems and increasing profits. Meeting or even exceeding customer
2. What are the responsibilities of a quality professional?
A quality professional starts by exploring what the customer wants. Whether there is a difference
between what the customer wants and what the customer gets. Aside from this, a quality
professional helps the business by improving the product or management and they make sure that
the business deliver what they are supposed to deliver to the customers.
3. What is the solution proposed by Mandy? And how it solved the problem?
Mandy proposed the juice maker where orange juice can be made smooth or pulpy which
corresponds to the customers’ wants. At first, Andy’s orange juice was made through squeezing
the oranges leaving it to be pulpy, however, not all customers liked the pulpy taste. Some wanted
their orange juice smooth. Thus, Mandy offered the automatic juice maker which not only produces
orange juice faster but gives the option to make the orange juice smooth in taste for those who
likes their orange juice smooth and pulpy for those customers who likes it fresh.
4. How does the businesses like Andy benefit the application of quality management?
Small businesses like Andy’s needs to be continuously improved. May it be the improvement of
the original product or making a new product that is similar or more likely to get the customer’s
For example, in Andy’s Orange Juice business, once the juice becomes a hit among customers,
there is an option to make the business even better. Either to upgrade the orange juice to orange
shake, or to add another fruit juice.
Poll Answers:

 Improvement
 Continuous
 Management
 Development
 Leadership
 Open-minded
 Polished
 Beneficial
 Consistent
 Convenient

5. Base on the introductory video and poll answers, define quality.

In my opinion, Quality is a continuous improvement in the business which can result to produce
better products in consideration to customer’s convenience, wants and needs. All this is acquired
by decisions and advices done in careful consideration and observation in the continuous loop in
development and management of products. Only by continuously developing and improving
products can a company to continue to flourish. A product is not limited to its design and uses
but is a blank canvas waiting to be improved. Not just once, not twice but a continuous loop of
identifying what it currently has, where it can be improved, and how it can benefit people which
is not only for the consumers, but as well as the ones who make them.

INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITY 1.2: My Favorite Restaurant

1. What is your most favorite restaurant?
My favorite place to eat in is not actually a restaurant, rather, a fast-food chain since my family
doesn’t really like to eat in restaurants. My favorite place is Dimsum Break.
2. What are the top 2 dishes that you like the most?
My favorite dishes are the Lomi noodles as well as their Quail Egg Siomai.
3. Describe your favorite restaurant in terms of the following criteria:
a. Service: Dimsum Break’s service is actually very good. Waitresses and waiters are very kind
and attend to every need of the customers, as well as observing their sanitary regulations.
b. Response Time: Response time for their customers depends on how many people are dining.
Usually it takes them a little over 5 minutes to respond during their peak hours. But, in cases
where there are limited people, they are actually very responsive.
c. Food preparation: Food preparation usually takes minimum of 15 minutes depending on the
number of people in the place. The longest time we had to wait was more or less 30 minutes
before getting a follow-up on our order. There are times when they are able to tell the customer
ahead of time that they might need time to prepare the food while the customer is placing an
order. This is to make sure if whether the customer is willing to wait for the food or to change to
a different order.
d. Environment or atmosphere: The place is usually filled with people. It sends a Chinese-style
atmosphere in the mall. Chinese-style dining is characterized as fine dining with distinct talks
and laughter which is a normal tradition in the Chinese tradition. Some people doesn’t like to
eat in such places with this kind of atmosphere but then this kind of atmosphere is very homey
to some people who would prefer a natural environment.
e. Price: The price varies from 70 pesos to less than 300 pesos. This includes the appetizer until
the dessert.


VIDEO “Toyota Yaris Total Quality”
1. What concrete TQM-related activities did Toyota implemented in terms of the seven (7) quality
management principles defined in ISO 9001 (2015).
 Intensive Simultaneous Engineering and Supplier Parts Preparation
 Supplier Development Program
2. In your opinion, why do companies need to know and integrate TQM in their practices?
TQM is something that assures customers that they are provided with products that are of
quality. There are times when companies want to make sure that before the products are
distributed into the market, they double check on their products to make sure that the
customers are satisfied. Since there are times where the customers are unsatisfied or if the
product needs improvement, TQM is also essential in this process as well.
Aside from this, TQM is beneficial given that this also allows the company to have lesser
wasters and better or consistent control in the business processes. This also gives the
company a better understanding of customer needs.
Introduction to the History of TQM
INTRODUCTORY “History of Total Quality Management” http://quality-
Base on the video, create an event timeline of the History of TQM.


1931 Dr. Walter Shewhart wrote a text which laid down the
principles of statistical process control; what could be
measured must be measured exactly
1950s W. Edwards Deming taught methods for statistical
analysis and control of quality to Japanese engineers and
executives. Deming’s skills were used to train the
managers who had to run the production lines for the war
Dr. Joseph M. Juran taught the concepts of controlling
quality and managerial breakthrough.
Philip B. Crosby’s Promotion of zero defects paved the
way for quality improvement in many companies.
1981 Ford in partnership with Mazda was building its first front
wheel drive car for America after coming to Dr. Deming
for advice since America was overpowered by the
Japanese in terms of cars. The transmissions of the cars
were made partly by America and partly by Japan.
1985 An American company based in Miami became the first
outside Japan to win the Deming Prize. The Florida Power
and Light Company reasoned that a drive to improve the
quality of its service to its customers would be good for
business and good for its image.
1988 Ford overtook General Motors which was said to be due
to the quality transformation prompted by Dr. Deming.

How did TQM drastically change the world?

Total Quality Management changed how the world sees their business and how to make it better. Total
Quality management helps entrepreneurs, businessmen, managers and even employees how to
identify what is wrong, how to solve the problems, how to make it better and improve it. It was said in
the video that total quality management is a continuous loop of planning, testing, checking and taking
action based on what you have learned.
If the company wants their business to continue running, improving once or twice is not enough. There
are a lot of examples of TQM being used in famous companies. One of which was Apple. We can see
through their history that Steve Jobs went through a lot for his business. Even when no one believed in
him, he still wanted to improve his products.
TQM changed the world drastically. Through the continuous development and improvements in the
technology and products, we can say that if the companies hadn’t used TQM, there wouldn’t be
improvements on our daily lives given that almost everything that surrounds us are products that have
been continuously developed for our conveniences.

This activity will give you an overview of the topics for Week 2.

Do not forget to answer the Learning Digital Journal.

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