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Louie A.

Aycardo BS Biology 2C

Learning Tasks


Please fill-out the chart below as we begin our learning journey. In the first column,
write down at least 5 concepts/ideas that you want to know about RA 1425 or the Rizal
Law. In the next column, write down at least 5 concepts/ideas that you already knew
about the Rizal Law.

Republic Act 1425/ The Rizal Law

Activity 1a

What I want to Know What I already Knew

1. I want to acquire substantial I already knew that our constitution

knowledge about this course, more and laws are patriotically abided by
specifically the comprehensive the exemplary diligence and
provisions of the Republic Act 1425 enthusiasm of our national hero who
and to perceive how effective this is committed to giving honor to our
code is to college education. country; hence, it gives
acknowledgement to his works and
literary compositions.
2. I want to have auxiliary I already knew the by-laws of this
apprehension and obtain relevant Republic act specifically regarding the
information to this Republic Act as diversified integral standards of its
well as to know what are the perpetual index to this curriculum
objectives of proposing this mandate because it was a crucial factor in
to our country and how it manages learning the life and works of Rizal.
Louie A. Aycardo BS Biology 2C

to contribute historical development

that is being perpetuated to our
3. I want to know the legal basis of I already know who are the prospects
these provisions in which it would and scope of this widely modified
lead me to deeper understand the legislature to this code, where it
scope and goals of this law that is focuses on the dissemination of
being mandated to all educational significant information regarding the
institutions in the Philippines. life of Rizal to the youth.
4. I want to discover the main I already know the existing reasons for
proponent of the Rizal law in addition this code but not substantial enough
to having a firm foundation on to understand the deeper meaning of
building enough knowledge about it.
these provisions that is relevant for
us youth to comprehend and analyze
how it would guide us to particular
undertakings of this provision.
5. Lastly, I want to know the basic I already knew the importance of this
and standard measures of how they code because it is also beneficial for us
are going to promulgate this kind of to recognize and acknowledge the
provisions and help disseminate this greatness of Rizal’s contribution to the
information to the out of school Philippines.
youths since these provisions are
exclusively available to the
educational institutions in the
Louie A. Aycardo BS Biology 2C

How did Republic Act 1425 become a law? What are the provisions of this law?
We will discover the answers to our queries after going through reading these. (Activity

There are many imperative purposes and rational cognition why Republic Act 1425
or also known as Rizal law became a law in the constitution of the Philippines. The primary
reason is the nation’s freedom to acknowledge and recognize the life and the work of
Rizal specifically by the youth, for them to determine what are the relevant contributions
of Rizal to our country. This bill have gone through a lot of deliberation and provocation
by congresses, there are even senators, churches, and committees of education who
have formed disputes around the legislation, however, it is scrupulously designated
together with the provisions of this constitution to ratify this code and legally proclaim
this bill to become a law. Moreover, Senator Laurel stated that these are designed to
measure the extent of ideals and disseminate the acknowledgement of this great Filipino
patriot to the youth. Section II of this code stated the provision of this law, which is to
compulsorily apply it to all schools, colleges and universities. Any schools, colleges, and
universities who would violate this rule will be punishable by law.


After going through the required readings, your next task is to answer the following
questions. Write your answer in a short bond paper. Please provide a comprehensive
answer as possible. 5 points shall be the highest score for each question. (Activity 1c)

1. How did Republic Act 1425 become a law? This bill have gone through a lot of
deliberation and provocation by congresses, there are even senators and
committees of education who have formed disputes around the legislation,
however, it is scrupulously designated together with the provisions of this
constitution to ratify this code and legally proclaim this bill to become a law.
Louie A. Aycardo BS Biology 2C

There are many imperative purposes and rational cognition why Republic Act
1425 or also known as Rizal law became a law in the constitution of the
Philippines and the primary reason is the nation’s freedom to acknowledge and
recognize the life and the work of Rizal specifically by the youth for them to
determine what are the relevant contributions of Rizal to our country.
2. What are the provisions of this law? Section II of this code stated the provision
of this law, which is to compulsorily apply it to all schools, colleges and
universities. Any schools, colleges, and universities who would violate this rule
will be punishable by law.
3. What are the major arguments of the Nationalists or the Pro-passage of the
bill? The Nationalists' major arguments have provided the positive view of this
code in which they stated that the sole objective of this bill is to foster the
appreciation of our national hero and don’t let his plans and sacrifices go to
waste. Moreover, this is because Rizal aimed for civic consciousness, Filipino
dignity and pride to flow until today’s generation.
4. What are the major arguments of the Conservatives or the Anti-passage of the
bill? Conservatives stated it in their arguments that this Republic Act violates
the Canon Law of 1399 or famously known as the church’s law and strongly
argues that the books of Rizal is anti-Catholic. Furthermore, they have stated
that it disrupts the theological beliefs of Filipinos.
5. Can a student be exempted from taking up Rizal Course? Justify your answer
by citing provision/s of the RA 1425. No, because it was stated in the preceding
section of this code, section 5 stated that “Any public or private college or
university found violating, failing to comply with, or circumventing the
provisions of this Acts shall be punished accordingly.” As one of the academies,
we are entitled to take the course in order for this civil code’s fulfillment.
6. Who do you think won in the passage of the bill, the Nationalists or the
Conservatives? Prove your answer. Legislature’s deliberation to empirical
sessions regarding the Rizal bill has been approved by the congress after
carefully considering every measure of this code. Hence, it was justifiable to
Louie A. Aycardo BS Biology 2C

conclude the Nationalists have won the passage of the bill and are conventional
in sophisticating the objectives of this Republic Act.


What important/major concepts did you learn from this lesson? Fill out the chart below
of the insights/lessons that you have gained in this lesson. (Activity 1d)

Republic Act 1425/ The Rizal Law

What I Learned/ Discovered

1. I have learnt comprehensive provisions of the Republic Act 1425 and have
perceived how effective this code is to college education.
2. I have learnt more about the objectives of proposing this mandate to our country
and how it manages to contribute historical development that is being perpetuated
to our nation.
3. I have learnt the substantial legal basis of this code as well as its following
4. I tend to gain profound comprehension and analyzation on how it would guide us
to particular undertakings of this Republic Act
5. I have discovered the standard and basic measure on how they would spread this
significant acknowledgement to our national hero in a wider scope of youth.
6. I learnt how diligent our legislature is in extending their acknowledgement to our
national hero.
7. I have learnt the regulations of this Republic act specifically regarding the
diversified integral standards of its perpetual index to this curriculum
Louie A. Aycardo BS Biology 2C

8. I have learnt why this Republic Act is focused on making the youth become more
knowledgeable about the works of Rizal.
9. I have known the diversified objectives and existing reasons for this code.
10. I have studied the importance of this code because it is also beneficial for us to
recognize and acknowledge the greatness of Rizal’s contribution to the Philippines.


(Activity 1e)
Do you think RA 1425 is still a relevant law? What present issues are addressed by the
said law? Write a 2-page reaction/thought paper on RA 1425 or the Rizal Law.
After profoundly reading the Republic Act 1425 also known as Rizal’s law and its
provisions, I can say, this law is relevant until now. It is justifiable and is appropriate
that this law shall provide knowledge to the Filipino youth in today’s generation because
the document is exclusively written to commemorate his accomplishments that are
written here, in the land of his birth. As well as to acknowledge Rizal’s heroic act in
defending Filipino civilization against the cruel invaders by writing relevant books and
expressing his messages that had enlightened the Filipino citizens' knowledge about the
dark regime of Spaniards. The Rizal Law or also known as Republic Act 1425, authorized
the study of Rizal’s life and works in all college universities in the Philippines, as shown
in section 1 of this code where it states “Jose Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo
are hereby declared compulsory reading matter in all public and private schools, colleges
and universities in the Philippines”.
This Republic Act calls for an increased sense of nationalism and patriotism from
the Filipinos during a time of a dwindling Filipino identity. According to the judicial system,
a republic act is a law that has already been passed, implemented, and even raises civic
disputes regarding the ethical violation of Rizal’s books to the church that until now
doesn’t have valid evidence. In contrast to this, a bill is merely a proposed law, in other
words it may or may not be passed by the Congress but has succeeded in providing
Louie A. Aycardo BS Biology 2C

substantial arguments for this law to be approved. This law has provided relevant
knowledge when we talk about the special preservation and diligence of conserving the
historical document of our country where it contributes lots of historical development in
the cultivation of Filipinos. This statement have concluded the relevance of Rizal’s law
even until today where a lot of advances have been incurred in our nation, because at
the end of the day, we Filipinos will realize, we will not be able to enjoy this freedom if
not because Rizal’s bravery to spread his message and fought for the liberty of the
Philippines through his intelligence.
As this bill receives lots of criticisms and is highly discouraged to be approved by
churches, many nationalists have fought for its approval in the legislature and until now
it is considered as one of the present issues addressed in the said law. Many nationalists
provided significant arguments and statements in order for this bill to be enacted and
promulgated by law moreover, the misleading statements of the conservatives didn't
successfully win the debate and intervene to the promulgation of Republic Act 1425.

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